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The accomplishment and the success of the success of

the research was made possible through the efforts of the

people who have extended their unending and whole hearted

support in the form of advice, encouragement and help for

the completion of this study.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our

profound gratitude and deep regard to our research adviser,

Ms. Veronica Capote, for her valuable feedback and constant

encouragement throughout the duration of the project. Her

valuable suggestions were of immense help our project work.

To the teachers of the High School Department for

allowing us to conduct this study.

To the 50 high school students of Filamer Christian

University, the respondents, for actively and willingly

helped us by providing the information needed for this


Above all, to our Almighty God, for providing and

improving our self-confidence, patience and strong

determination to finish this study.

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