The Therapy of Enzyme Yeast Zell in Cancer. 2001 Serge Jurasunas

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The Therapy

of Enzyme Yeast Cells

in Cancer Disease, C.F.S. and
Aging Process.

- New Theories on Cancer Growth and

Defence Mechanisms -

Professor Serge Jurasunas, N.D. M.D. (Hom).


This document is based on over 30 years of clinical practice

and investigation in the disease of cancer, and nearly 30 years
of experience with the preparation zell-oxygen containing the
enzyme yeats cells.

Today Serge Jurasunas, N.D., is one of the world authorities

in the treatment of cancer using alternative/integrative thera-
pies including naturopathy.

Dr. Jurasunas also specializes in anti-aging medicine,

investigatong the biological aging process. He is the author of
many scientific papers, monographs on aging, articles published
in magazines, and books.

The number of recoveries of cancer, including breast, ovarion,

stomach, leukaemia, sarcoma, and other cancers, illustrates his
his wide knowledge of oncological practice.

Some cancer treatment protocols have been published in the

Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients (June 2000= while
a complete monograph on cancer disease and therapies will be
available by the end of 2001.

October 2001

Book Published by:

Natipress - Publicaes e Comunicaes, Lda.
Centro Empresarial Sintra-Estoril VIII, Fraces A e B
Estrada de Albarraque-Linh
2710-297 SINTRA (Portugal)
Phone: 351 21 9108490
Fax: 351 21 9108499
Enzyme Yeast Cells
(Zell-oxygen preparation)

Zell-oxygen is a dietary product that essentially contains young

enzyme yeast cells that provide in a natural concentrated form
most of the bodys need in quality and quantity. This biological
product has been used for over 40 years to correct and treat
organic, chronic degenerative diseases or to prevent dieases.

The nutrients contained in the yeast cells are almost identical

replications of the various biological substances, which natu-
rally occur in cells of the healthy human body.

A balanced combination of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, anti-

oxidants, biocatalisers and nucleic acids. Thus enzyme yeast
cells is a DNA nutrients and as effects on the nucleic acids of
the gene, helping the gene correct errors in its DNA.

The repair DNA mechanisms of yeast is exactly the same re-

pair as in humans. It seems therefore that we are genetically
related to the yeast cells.

Enzyme yeast cells may influence the human cells cycle, ac-
celerate repair damage or even stimulate the P53 pathway to

Life extension in human species is related to the capacity of its

DNA repair mechanism and self recovery and ability to
synthetise nucleic acid (De Novo). These enzyme yeast cells
promote youthfulness and prevent aging.

The Zell oxygen preparation is obtained from a fermentation

exclusively using the the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae

Enzyme yeast cells and the cellular respiration

One of the interesting field of research concerning the blockage

of the ETC is cancer disease and many researchers, including
professor Anthony Linnane ( 4 ) are now looking for a way to
overcome and by pass the metabolic block in those
mitochondria. A number of researchers demonstrate that
enzymes and antioxidants may help to activate the R.C. in the

Magnesium, iron, potassium, iodine, B1, B2, B5, B12 are

necessary to activate the krebs-cycle while the R.C. of the
mitochondria need protective antioxidants, micro-nutrients and
enzymes of the redox system:

Vitamin A, E, K, C carotenoids, zinc, copper, cysteine,

coenzyme A, cytochrome and other small molecules weight
substances. Those enzymes help to by pass blockage in the
R.C. and reactive the cellular respiration.

According to Dr. Paul Seeger, one of the great innovative

scientist thinkers of this past century (unfortunately he died at
the age of 87 years), the inactivation of the respiratory chain,
within the mitochondria, cytochrome oxidase (cytochrome a/
a3-complex IV) the terminal complex of the mitochondrial
respiratory chain, and passes electrons from cytochrome C to
oxygen; could be responsible for cell malignancy.
Cytochrome oxidase is responsible for transferring hydrogen
to the oxygen delivered by haemoglobin. The inhibition of
cytochrome oxidase stops the last transfer of electrons to
oxygen, therefore it completely blocks the chain. As result.
hydrogen accumulates and the cells are forced to switch over
to glycolysis. Accumulation of hydrogen becomes a poison for
the mitochondria and must he expelled through hydrogen
acceptors (propolis, red beet juice, squalene, etc. ).

Some other degenerative diseases and Alzheimer disease is a

feature of decrease of cytochrome oxidase activity. In A.D.
brain patients show a 50% decrease of the cytochrome oxidase
activity, meaning supposed mutation.

Paul Seeger was visionary. Since modern science demonstrates

after 50 years the finding about blockage of the R.C. and
mitochondria DNA mutation responsible for many degenerative
diseases including cancer. Recently it has been proved that
mitochondria are susceptible to genetic defects and responsi-
ble for biological weakness and modem diseases. All these
mitochondrial diseases, show a malfunction of the oxygen
consuming enzymes, Which are involved in energy produc-
tion of the body.

Some research demonstrates that mitochondria DNA mutation

can serve as tumor marker, such mitochondria sample taken
directly from the saliva in case of lung cancer.

First, We realise that oxygen but without the vital enzymes of

the respiratory Chain cannot bum . Hydrogen accumulates
in the cancer cells forcing the cell to cover its energy demands
by switching over to glycosis. The cell respiration is the central
biologic system necessary for life, survival or the recovery from
disease. We can witness the same situation by the death of the
forests or fishes in the rivers from accumulated blazes and

In 1920, Otto Warburg, a scientist in Germany, had invented a

new device that could measure how much oxygen was actually
used by a bit of living tissue, the Warburg apparatus. He
measured the oxygen consumption of leaves, frogs, pieces of
different tissues, embryos, young and old tissues and calculate
their respiration rates. But Warburg measured the respiration
of a tumor and found it hardly used oxygen at all (5). That
respiration was somehow inhibited. After a lifetime of work
Warburg finally concluded that any substance that damaged
respiration would caused tumors. He had proved it many times,
in many animals, with many respiratory inhibitors.

More recently, it was shown in animal experiments that

poisoning of the cells respiration led to inhibition of oxidative
phosphorylation (oxphos) in healthy experimental animals.

This state of poisoned cell respiration results in considerable

loss of respiration centers (mitochondria count) in the cells.
Subsequent generations have a disturbed mitochondrial system
in the cells and suffer a great loss of mitochondria, in the same
way as is evident in tumor tissue.

Modem research shows that chemicals and poisons can binds

to an iron atom of the cytochrome oxidase, blocking its function
(6). The E.C.T. is blocked and each cell asphyxiates bathed in
oxygen but unable to use it.
Therefore, cancer is a disease of the central biological system
and could be combated successfully only if the R.C. is reactive
by cell respiration, activators and hydrogen acceptors to
overcome biochemical lesions. According to Paul Seeger, this
process can reverse the carcinogenesis of the cells. Fermentation
and the ATP energies regenerated through the redox potential
can repair the broken DNA chain. Using vegetable bases
activator of cell respiration and hydrogen acceptors such as
flavonoids, propolis, anthocyanins and squalene, Seeger
demonstrated a decline in cancer virulence by increase of cell
respiration, Which also activates detoxifying effects. The
physical condition of a patient improves step by step through
intensifying cell respiration by activating the regulation systems
and the endogenous synthesis mechanism like hormones
synthesis, enzymes synthesis, proteins synthesis.

Enzyme yeast cells contain the necessary enzymes and other

small molecules of the redox, similar to the ones produced by
the body. Therefore. they can restore the blockage of the R.C.
and reverse the carcinogenesis of the cells with decline in the
virulence of the tumor and as a Whole induce a biological
regeneration of the body. It may depend on a various factors
such as the stage of the disease of how much damage has been
done by chemotherapy, which may interfere with the repair of
the DNA chains.
After taking the enzyme yeast cells (zell-oxygen) the level of
oxidation (free radical activity) decreases, meaning optimum
antioxidant therapy, diminution of inflammatory process and
less damage to the cells DNA. In some difficult cases we may
have to use together some other support such as my new low
molecular antioxidants (Anoxe), since the activity of free
radicals is too high. But I have always decreased and stabilized
high oxidation levels by using enzyme yeast cells and the
compound Anoxe.

I have also proved that enzyme yeast cells taken at least one or
two months (when possible) prior to surgery of breast cancer
either to reduce or eliminate completely the risk of metastasis
or a second tumor at a distance. In some cases I could even say
that after surgery and with no metastic condition, the intake of
enzyme yeast cells make it unnecessary to give radiation therapy.
Many cases suffer local relapse after radiation therapy such as
in cases of colon, rectum or lymphoma.

One of my patients with lymphoma enjoy a complete remission

of one large tumor localized in the bronchial area. However,
the Oncologist. although very impressed, suggested 30
radiotherapies to strength the cure. Unfortunately the treatment
did the opposite than expected and the tumor grew even bigger.

Cancer patients are suffering from nutritional deficiencies:

therefore. they have a poor immune response. After a period
of one year or more with chemotherapy and radiation they even
suffer from malnutrition.

Up to 40% of all cancer patients die from malnutrition. From

20-50% of hospital patients suffer from protein caloric
malnutrition with the increase in mortality and surgical failure
from a reduction in immunity and response to chemotherapy
and radiation therapy. They easily develop infections treated
with antibiotics, which develop more resistant bacterias, and a
decreased immune resistance with additional dysfunction.

Many times, patients die from total collapse of the biological

regulation system, anaemia, heart failure, respiratory disorders
etc.. 40% of the cancer patients die from infections and others
from some organ system failures, but not from the disease itself.

We can realize the failure of the medical system, even if we

recognize some technological progress in the various area of
oncology. Survival rates may be improve, but at what cost?!
Nobody is focusing on the cure of the disease. All those repeated
complications are only the consequence of madness to over
use chemotherapy and radiation therapy in one hand, and
without consideration of nutritional, immune and antioxidative
support in one other hand. With the decrease and collapse of
ATP energy, the body cannot properly synthesize proteins,
hormones and enzymes.

The body loses its vital substances with complete failure of the
regulation systems. Amino acids should be also prescribed as
support of protein loss, especially when patients lose weight.

It is wrong to spend billions of dollars trying lo find new effective

therapy for cancer and ignore some basic elements that could
increase lifespan statistics, the quality of life, improved therapy
performance, and see less relapse and more durable results.

However in many countries, such as in the USA, we assist new

cancer approaches, based on the new theories of alternative
medicine with thousands of cases which have recovered from
cancer, or extend lifespan.

Even the National Cancer Institute (USA) is calling for the

best series of cases of cancer treated with complementary
medicine. Some Universities, such as Columbia is now
investigating those cancer cases. Medical doctors from the
National Foundation of Alternative Medicine come to see me
to review my best series of cancer cases in order to be presented
at Columbia University.

We cannot go on 100 more years with the theory of cancer

tumor localisation as the unique consequence of the disease
and the only approach as T.N.M. (Tumor, nature, metastasis).

How to approach the tumor

There are now some promising avenues that prove angiogenesis

is connected with the inhibition of P53 gene. Some test tube
experiments (7) suggest that normal P53 function can be
restored with small molecules which when attached to a mutant
inactive P53 protein, would reactive it. Therefore we would
expect the malignant cells to stop growing and even die.
However there are other factors that need explanation and we
must keep in mind that cancer is a multiple dysfunction diseases,
which asks for a total-body approach.

For instance the progression of the tumor into the surrounding

tissue depends not only on its own anatomy and nature but
also on adjacent cells and tissue. That may open new possibilities
of therapies in complementary medicine.

According to the German researcher Fisher the peritumoral

tissue (8) activity must be superior to the activity of the tumor,
otherwise the tumor grows faster. Some measurement (Todts
oxygen determination) in various tissue cells has proven that
the metabolic activity in a cancer patients peritumoral tissue is
less than a tumor. On the contrary, the peritumoral tissue activity
must be superior to the activity of the tumor in order to decrease
the virulence and thus may become smaller and can even be

Oedema of the conjunctive tissue (see the figures) may explain

tumor initiation, promotion and progression, since recently
research demonstrates that tumor cells are usually unable to
stimulate angiogenesis when they first arise in a healthy tissue.
Dr. Wolfgang Kstler, president of the Austrian Society of
Oncology stressed that there is reason to believe that
malfunction of the connective tissue could initiate the cancer
and increase the tumor progression and extension.
Chronic toxicity or chronic inflammation, lower 02, free radical
activity in the connective tissue leads to a stiffer and less fluid
consistency of the matrix. It has a negative influence on the
metabolic exchange between blood vessels and structures of
connective tissue and epithelial cells.

If the connective tissue becomes more jelly in consistency as in

the case of low oxidative potential or hyperacidity, caused by
toxic influence, bad foods, chronic or inflammatory process,
oedema will develop in the matrix. The oedema of connective
tissue leads to a blockage of nearly all the exchange procedure
in the matrix between nutrition and detoxification, detoxifying
vessels and epithelial cells. Therefore, oedema of connective
tissue leads to alteration of metabolism of epithelial cells on
the way to gain a stepwise cancerous attitude.

Oedema of connective tissue leads to a decreased oxygen

transport from blood vessels to the epithelial cells, which causes
hypoxia and chronic hypoxia, which increase proangiogenic
factors to favour the formation of blood vessels by the tumor.
On the other hand, chronic hypoxia of epithelial cells and the
jelly consistency of connective tissue lead to a chronic deficiency
of oxygen in the mitochondria, which increase free radicals,
caused by overproduction of electrons in the respiratory chain.

In this situation, the tumor starts to break up and invades the

surrounding tissue through matrix degradation.

The tumor produces an enzyme called heparinase, Which is a

solvent for hyaluronic acid, an important building stone of the
connective tissue, and easily, thereby invasion of foreign tissue.
Metastasis potential correlates with enzymatic degradation of
basement membrane collagen (Nature-284.67.68. 1980).
The membrane surface on most of the aberrant forms have a
rough granular appearance focally all over. The membranes of
these deformatted red cells were rigid and have difficulty to
squeeze when entering blood vessels. The blood circulates
through very small capillaries, which are about 3 microns in
diameter compared to 6-8 micron diameters of the red blood
cell. The biconcave shape of the red blood cells become very
important for it is this shape and the normal elastic properties
of the red blood cells and its cytoskeleton, which permits the
squeezing of the red blood cell through the small diameter of
the capillaries. This is the way that oxygen and nutrients are
supplied to the remotest parts of our body.

In such situations red blood cells slow down their speed by

entering with difficulty into the thin capillaries, pushing the
membrane of the capillaries in order to move on. Therefore
they slow down the circulation and oxygen supply to the body.
In the same time they damage the membrane of capillaries which
lose proteins, that enter in blood circulation and accumulate in
the cellular milieu causing asphyxiation of the cells.

We can understand that if this microcirculation is disrupted,

the cells of the brain, neurons or muscles suddenly suffer from
a lack of fresh oxygen and lack of chemical exchange of most
products leading on to localized lactic acidosis.

There is reason lo believe that if such microcirculatory defects

occur and affect a group of neurons or nerve cells, we may get
what we call neurogenic symptoms. On the other hand if it
affects a group of muscle cells we get muscle fatigue or pains.

Until I read the work of Dr. Mukherjee (17) about the rigidity
of red blood cells I observed in my microscope abnormal
structure of red blood cells, lack of elasticity and some rigidity.
That situation is visible not only in diseases such as cancer but
also when there is some mitochondria dysfunction and blockage
of the R.C. Several studies concerning candida invasion explain
that fungi release chemical substances which produce rigidity
to the membrane of white blood cells and red blood cells. It is
when I read this information that I came to the same conclusion.

Environmental chemicals can also damage any cells structure

since they are fat soluble. Xenobiotics can by the same way
damage lymphocytes or even the inner membrane of the
mitochondria just where the R.C. is located and block the chain.
The majority of C.F.S. patients had been exposed or where
exposed to environmental chemicals or pollution. Increasing
pollution in large cities and exposure to an excess of insecticides
and pesticides is a feature of increasing level of C.F.S. in our
modern society. Never before have people lived in such a toxic

In Australia Dr. Robert Buist discovered indirect evidence for

an association between chemicals and C.F.S. A group of doctors
in Sydney who have routinely analysed the blood of 300 CFS
patients for chemicals during a 12 month period. The test
revealed elevated blood levels of many chemicals including
DDT, DDE, dieldrin, xylenes, styrene, tetrachlorethylene,
isomers of PCBs, etc... No Wonder CFS symptoms are
frequently exacerbated at such times and may indeed result
from the consequences of destructive free-radical-induced
membrane changes affecting mitochondria, erythrocytes and

It may even damage enzymes responsible for xenobiotics

Xenobiotics can damage the P450 cytochrome, lower the redox,
and disturbed Phase I, detoxification, which in turn produces
more free radicals.

However what I leaned from medical research and associate to

my clinical practice is that chemical damage may affect
mitochondrial membranes and associated respiratory DNA
These changes are most likely only found in some of the
muscles fibres causing pains and difficulty to move. Some of
the cases of CFS I have under my care include young women
in wheelchairs and even a 12-year- old-girl with muscle pains
and considerable difficulty to walk It took me several months
before the young woman could leave the wheelchair and
start to walk on her own. And it took one extra year before
she felt healthy.

In those particular cases I preferably to use zanuzella (sport),

which is a biological--energy-activator containing extra
enzymes, and high coenzyme Q10.

We may have to detoxify the blood, kill the candida invasion

and other bacterial forms such mycoplasmas of CFS candidates.
I explain in this document that Sacchromyces cerevisiae (the
zell-oxygen strain of yeast) has an antagonistic effect against
candida albicans.
My clinical experience wilt C.F.S. includes the famous organic
germanium that accelerates the transfer of electrons in the R.C.,
increases oxygen to mitochondria - since the oxygen molecules
of germanium are about 2 microns, capillaries are 3 microns -
Organic germanium deliver easily oxygen, or substitute when
red cells are unable to squeeze. Organic germanium has also
antimicrobial and antiviral activity. Depending on the case and
the age, I would recommend giving between 200 mg - 400mg
per day during a 3-4 months experimentation.

Once, I received a letter from a South African medical doctor

living in Johannesburg, he was suffering from C.F.S. and after
investigating other medicines, he discovered that natural
products, vitamins and enzymes could be very useful to him.
This man was unable to drive his car out of Johannesburg;
driving 40miles was too much for him. Since he discovered my
work on germanium and the results obtained, he asked me to
advice him on the matter.

Therefore I suggested the following treatment:

1 3 x 20 ml ampoule zanuzella per day;
2 300 mg of organic germanium per day;
3 3 tablets of Cal-Mag-Zinc per day to decrease acidity in

Together with an alkaline/acid balanced diet, green potassium

juice, steamed vegetables, fish, no meat for 3 months, sesame
puree, barley, but not wheat cereals or bread.
With C.F.S. patients, it may take some time before they improve
but we surely can reverse the situation as I did with the South
African doctor. After a couple of months taking this therapy he
was at least able to drive his car out of Johannesburg.
Enzyme yeast cells and the Intestine
For 34 years I have looked at the intestine and colon as the
main organs of our biological equilibrium and to be restored
during chronic or degenerative disease. The integrity of the
intestine Which helps to strengthen the immune system needs
great care, specially when the membrane is abused by industrial
foods. The micro flora are destroyed by excessive of antibiotics,
or even during chemotherapy treatment which damages the
tunica membrane.
When I came back to Europe around 1969 I went to Germany
to see what I could find in order to detoxify the body. More
precisely it wanted to detoxify the colon, and restore the
intestinal flora to increase health status, promote immune
resistance, and eliminate the eventual disease.
I leaned about nutrition, the integrity of the intestine, the
micro flora, and about the Arc-reflex-disease coming from
the GUT, with the late world famous Dr. Bernard Jensen of
Escondido, California.
However, only in Germany I found out that the human-
intestinal system has its own immune system located in the
lymphatic tissues of the intestinal mucous membranes. No
wonder the intestinal flora of cancer patients is always
damaged by wrong foods, pharmaceutical drugs and
antibiotics in excess.
While in Germany participating in a congress of natural
medicine, I was acquainted with the work of the Dr. Otto
Warburg (who died shortly after my trip) and the preparation
called Zell-oxygen developed by Dr. S. Wolz.

Enzyme yeast cells initiate a quick and immediate revitalisa-

tion process because the physical functions, regulation growth
system and biological disorders are regulated.

A. Total biological detoxification.

B. Biological regeneration of the mucous intestinal flora
and GUT system.
C. Elimination of chronic latent inflammation through
stimulation of the proteolitic enzymatic process.
D. Support the bodys own antioxidant defence. Detoxi-
fication and regeneration of the skin.
E. Improvement of the colon elimination.
F. Partial or total elimination of intestinal symptoms.
G. Stimulation of the blood.
H. Improvement of oxygen supply and the respiratory
I Stimulation of the immune system.
J. Reduce bad cholesterol level.
K. Increase the energy level.

Enzyme yeast cells have shown positive effect in the treatment

of intestinal disorders including intestinal bowel syndrome. The
antioxidant property of the enzyme yeast cells reduces the high
activity of free radicals in the intestine and lipid peroxidation,
therefore reducing inflammatory process with improvement of
the condition.
Modifications of the red blood cells morphology.

- normal morphology of red blood cells. (size and shape)

- elimination of lipid strands.
- less dying wbcs.
- elimination or diminution of bacterial/fungal invasion.
- elimination of necrotic tissue, toxins, mucous, etc....

Therefore it shows a decrease in oxidative stress and increas-

ing nutritional support.

Stimulation of the circulation, meaning more oxygen available

to cells need.
Meaning also more nutrients, more antioxidants, less cellular
damage, and repair. The body can start protein synthesis again.

Generally speaking yeast cells are activating a strong detoxifi-

cation process in the body, mainly at the liver P450 system and
activate a quick biological regeneration.

- Better Health Status -

Increasing physical and brain performance.

Best results obtained with enzyme yeast cells.

Organic deregulation.
- Gastro-intestinal disorder
- Allergies
- Fatigue
- Circulatory disorder
- Hormonal dysfunction
- Nervous dysfunction
- Cholesterol
Indicated in the following diseases:
Cardio-vascular diseases.
Alzheimer disease.
Parkinson disease

To prevent aging process

Live yeast cells (zell oxygen)

Nutrition supplementation is the most complete natural, or-

ganic foods.


PREVENTION: 1 tablespoon mixed in one large glass of fresh

organic vegetables or fruit juice between the meals, or in water
after each meal.

TREATMENT: Aging symptoms, tumors, C.F.S., etc.

15-20ml mixed in one large glass of fresh organic car-
rots and beet juice. Add one tablespoon of liquid chlorophyll.
3-4 times per day. (increase by 1200 folds the cellular respira-

FOR MORE STRENGHT: Zell oxygen + royal jelly + enzymes

1 vial before the breakfast and in case of extreme weak-
ness 2 vials per day.
Zell Oxygen does not contain synthetic chemical stabilisers,
colours, pesticides or flavour substances.

Vitamin analysis of each 100ml of Zell Oxygen:

Thiamine: 4.45mg
Riboflavine: 1.8mg
Pyrodoxine: 1.85mg
Inositol: 88mg
Cobalamin: 0.27mg
Ascorbic acid: 108mg
Tocopherol: 42mg
Carotinoid: 5.16mg
Nicotinamide: 11.4mg
Biotin: 22mh
Para-amino benzoic acid: 1.94mg
Choline: 77.6mg
Pantothenic acid: 8.47mg

Active organic elements and minerals in each 100ml of zell


Sodium: 476mg
Calcium: 12mg
Phosphate: 631mg
Magnesium: 88mg
Sulphate: 6.8mg
Chloride: 4.5mg
Silicates: 17.7mg
Iron: 1.57mg
Copper: 440mcg
Aluminium: 1.1mg
Chromium: 0.008mg
Zinc: 2.8mg
Selenium: 0.59mg
Manganese: 2mcg
Cobalt: 374mcg

Amino acids in each 100ml of zell oxygen:

Gluthatione: 10mg

Qualitative analysis:

Asparaginic acid
Glutamic acid
a) Hydrolases
- Estearase
- Carbohydrase
- Protease
- Nuclease
- Glioaxilase
b) Transferases
- Transphosphorylase
- Transaminase
- Transacetylase
- Transglucosidase

c) Oxidases
- Desmolase
- Dehydrogenase
- Decarboxylase
- Aldolase

d) Auxiliary enzymes
- Phosphorylase
- Hydrolase
- Ammoniase

Salmonella: Zero

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