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Unit 2:

Interpretation of Text
LO1: Activity Honey I Love You.
Task: Presenting the same script in different ways.
A: Honey I love you.
B: I love you too, but I just cant smile!
Circle Square Triangle Smiley Face

Attempt to Purposefully Use appropriate Could you deliver

change one change your non-verbal your script using a
thing about your character in an sound effects to singing voice:
walk. imaginative way. clearly establish
your character - Opera
A sense of Change your for the audience. - Rock
character should facial expression - Ballad
emerge for the to suit how you Commit 100% to - Hop-hop
audience. character is the sound - Pop star
feeling. effects.
Interpret the scene to create imaginative context
in groups of four think outside the box!
Circle Square Triangle Smiley Face

Change your voice Change your Use your facial Could you use a non-
to clearly suit your movement to suit expression to verbal sound to
characters mood. your characters clearly react to at communicate your:
mood. least one other Mood
Use one clearly persons line of Reaction
defined gesture to dialogue.
demonstrate your
character's mood.
Task 1, Page 6
Consider the motivation of each of the characters in your
interpretation of the Good Morning script.
Complete the activity below in relation to the context that you
have selected.
The characters should have contrasting moods. However, you
must make sure that the piece makes sense.
Assess LO2: To explore Motivation using
Before-Time Improvisation
Complete Task 2, p8 in your journal

Check your Learning:

At the end of the discussion, tick the box if you believe you
have met Learning Objective 2 (p6).
Assess LO1: To learn the importance
of Concentration in performance

Complete Task 1, p9
LO2: To learn how to use eye contact to
communicate emotion in performance
What? Concentration Exercise Warm Up Eye Contact

How. 1. Sit or stand opposite your partner The most successful people will
2. Make eye contact with them when instructed be able to keep eye contact for
3. Do not laugh. If you do, look to floor to regain focus the entire duration without
4. Repeat aiming to improve your discipline smiling, giggling or laughing.
5. Repeat with different partners. They will maintain eye contact
6. Repeat, applying different emotions allocated by for the entire time without ever
teacher looking away.
7. After each attempt you will grade yourself in your
Journal on p9

Why? As actors, we need to develop concentration skills. - We must not break the illusion.
This ensures our focus is never broken when we
perform on stage.

Conclusion Discussion:
What is the challenge of this activity?
Why is eye contact important in performance?
Does the work change if it is serious or comedy?
Does staying in character and applying emotion to the
eye contact help actors keep their concentration?
Shape Targets
Circle Square Triangle Smiley Face

Perform with Perform with Performed with Could you manage

some dedication good dedication dedication by to influence
looking only at by looking only at looking only at others with your
your partner most your partner all of your partner unwavering focus
of the time. the time. steadily with focus and
and improved concentration?
E.g. E.g. E.g. E.g.
You lose focus and Mostly good Great focus as you Focus is
laugh sometimes. attempt not to manage to never contagious,
laugh. laugh. individuals being
concentrated can
inspire others in
the room!
Assessment Script
1) Read the script opposite A When did you last come to this place?
B Last year.
2) Consider what you think A Where did you come from?
may be the context for the B Somewhere else.
scene. A Why did you come here?
B My feet hurt.
A Why did you stay?
B I had a headache.
A Did you take anything for it?
B Yes.
A What?
B Fruit salts.
A Enos or Andrews.
B En- An-
A Did you stir them properly? Did they fizz?
B Now, now! Wait you -
A Did they fizz or didnt they fizz? You dont know!
Complete Task 3, page 10

Check Your Learning

At the end of the task, tick the
box if you believe you have
met Learning Objective 3
Assessment Task
A When did you last come to this place?
1) Read the script B Last year.
A Where did you come from?
2) In pairs, you will be B Somewhere else.
interpreting the script
A Why did you come here?
opposite into
performance B My feet hurt.
A Why did you stay?
3) You will apply your B I had a headache.
knowledge and A Did you take anything for it?
understanding of B Yes.
Interpretation A What?
Context B Fruit salts.
Motivation A Enos or Andrews.
Concentration B En- An-
A Did you stir them properly? Did they fizz?
B Now, now! Wait you -
A Did they fizz or didnt they fizz? You dont know!
Pair Task: Task 1, page 10
In pairs, you have five minutes to discuss and record final context and
intentions for the audience, as well as initial decisions about the role
you will be playing
Pairs: Task 2 Motivation, Page 10-11
You only have to enter motivations for YOUR OWN character
You have five minutes to complete
Assessment Criteria
Making the Drama, page 16
Assessment Criteria
Performing the Drama, page 17
Assessment Criteria
Evaluating the Drama, page 18
In Addition
Make some notes
on ONE impressive
individual for a
written assessment
which will be taking
place next lesson.
Complete Task 1,
pages 13-14

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