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Dialectical Journal for ED 335 Teaching Practicum Name: Gita Lama

Date: 2 Feb 2017

Observations/ Account Reflections & Critical Response

(What Happened?) (What do I think of it? What went well? What could be improved? How? What
will I do differently? How does this connect to the theory I have read from class?)
I went for teachers Devotion at6:35am, but some of came late which was not effective
devotion and some of impression. I think teachers must need to give value to time. That devotion
teachers were came so late was about Blessing of God. I was blessed by Gods word. I learned that
for devotion. God always gives us blessing, but sometimes we forget His blessing if we
have problems. Sometimes I also do that, if I have something wrong then I
always blame to God and I doubt on him. I think as a teacher we need to be
responsible because every time students are watching us so that we need to
be example in front of them. If we do not care about time, then our students
will not follow what we tell them to do. So, that I will always follow time
schedule and will teach my students the value of time.

before start class, teacher I think devotion is good way to preach the gospel in front of the students.
did short devotion Because in Universitas Pelita Harapan some of are from other religions, so
that it is good opportunity to tell about Gods word. Even though they are
from different religions. I saw that they were closed their eyes while
praying. May be some of feel lonely because they live in dorm because of
devotion they get encouragements. Sometimes, when I will teach, I will
also do short devotion before class so students get blessed. I want to preach
the gospel through devotion because Jesus came to the earth and died for
us. In International Teachers College teachers are also reminds us about
God which help us to engage with the God.

Teacher did not use white I think to use power point is good, but not all the time because if teacher
board, he only used power always use power point then students will get bored. If teacher also use
point. white board students can also copy from the board for their remembering.
If teacher shows everything in power point, then they do not have enough
time to copy. In my teaching time, I will use both power point and white
board so students can easily copy if I say important things then I will write
on the board. Because sometime teacher speaks fast thus, students do not
catch the word and the meaning. So, that as a teacher I need to understand
important of white board.

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