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Factual Situation Point of Contact Notes

Beginning of Personality National Law of the Child

Emancipation National Law If applying for naturalization,
the law of the state regarding
emancipation must be the one

but as to the filing of the

petition for naturalization, it is
enough that the person is
emancipated in his own country
Age of Majority National Law
Use of Surnames National Law
Titles of Nobility National Law
Absence National Law But in the Philippines, our law
on absence applies to both aliens
and nationals as our courts have
jurisdiction to declare alien
domiciliary as absent
Presumptions of Death Lex Fori Reason: because there is a
burden of proof
Survivorship Lex Fori Reason: because there is a
burden of proof
Marriage Abroad between Lex Loci Celebrationis It is imperative for the parties
Filipinos to strictly follow the formalities in
the place of celebration and the
marriage must be valid in the place
of celebration

but still void in the Philippines if

bigamous, incestuous, polygamous
Marriage Abroad between Lex Loci Celebrationis Valid here provided it is not
Foreigners highly immoral or universally
considered incestuous
Mixed Marriages Abroad Lex Loci Celebrationis Valid here provided it is not
highly immoral or universally
considered incestuous

Reason: in order to uphold the

validity of the marriage
Marriage between Foreigners National Law provided it is not highly
Celebrated in the Philippines immoral or universally considered

needs certificate of legal

capacity issued by their consular
Mixed Marriages in the National Law of the Filipino Reason: our public policy may
Philippines be militated against
Marriage by Proxy Lex Loci Celebrationis
Personal Rights and National Law of the Husband If both changed their
Obligations between Spouses nationality: the new national law

If only one changed: the last

common national law

If there was no common at all:

The national law of the
husband at the time of the
Property Rights between National Law of the Husband Subject to the rules on real
Spouses property

Subject to the doctrine of

immutability of property regime
(the regime at the start of the
marriage governs notwithstanding
changes in nationality of the
Real Property Lex Situs Subject to the rules on
successional rights and capacity to
succeed (law of the decedent)

Subject to the rules on

contracts involving real property
not dealing with title (lex loci

Subject to the rules on

contracts where real property is
given as security (lex loci
intentionis - the principal contract,
les situs – the accessory contract)
Tangible Personal Property Lex Situs Subject to the rules on
successional rights and capacity to
succeed (law of the decedent)

Subject to the rules on

contracts involving real property
not dealing with title (lex loci

Subject to the rules on

contracts where real property is
given as security (lex loci
intentionis - the principal contract,
les situs – the accessory contract)
Vessels Law of the Flag
Things in Transitu concerning Law of the destination
loss, deterioration, destruction
Validity and effect of the Law of the place where Reason: it is their temporary
seizure of goods in transitu property was seized situs
Disposition of goods in Lex Loci Intentionis
Recovery of Debts or Law of the place where the Usually the domicile of the
Garnishment debtor may be effectively debtor
Voluntary Assignment of Lex Loci Intentionis This is a contract
Negotiability of not of Law of the Right Embodied in Example: a Swedish PN is
Negotiable Instruments the Instrument negotiable if it complied with the
rules on negotiability in Sweden
Validity of the Negotiation Situs of the instrument at the
and Delivery of The Negotiable time of Negotiation or Delivery
Sale of Corporate Shares: Law of Incorporation Reason: the sale or transfer
effect on the corporation must be recorded in the books of
the corporation
Sale of Corporate Shares: Lex Loci Voluntatis This is a contract of sale!
effect between the parties
Extrinsic Validity of Wills National Law or Extrinsic Validity deals with the
made by an alien abroad Domiciliary Law or formalities of the will
Lex Loci Celebrationis or
Philippine Law
Extrinsic Validity of Wills National Law or
made by an alien in the Philippine Law (Lex Loci
Philippines Celebrationis)
Extrinsic Validity of Wills National Law or
made by a Filipino Abroad Lex Loci Celebrationis
Extrinsic Validity of Joint Wills Nationality Rule Applies Joint Wills exist when 2 persons
made by Filipinos Abroad (Hence, Void in the Philippine even execute 1 will
if it is valid in the place of
celebration) Article 819 Civil Code
Extrinsic Validity of Joint Wills Valid in the Philippines if valid The prohibition in the Civil
made by Aliens Abroad lex loci celebrationis, nationality Code applies only to Filipinos
rule, dimiciliary rule
Extrinsic Validity of Joint Wills Lex Loci Celebrationis Void if made in the Philippines
made by Aliens in the Philippines
Reason: public policy may be
militated against
Intrinsic Validity of Wills National Law of the Deceased Intrinsic Validity is concerned
regardless of the location and the with order of succession, amount
nature of the property of successional rights, provisions of
the will per se
Capacity to Succeed National Law of the Deceased
Revocation of Wills in the Lex Loci Actus
Philippine Law (law of the place
of revocation)
Revocation of Wills done Lex Loci Celebrationis (place
abroad by a non-domiciliary where the will was made) or
Domiciliary Rule
Revocation of Wills done Lex Loci Actus (place where the
abroad by a domiciliary will was revoked) or
Philippine Law (Domiciliary
Corporations: Powers and Law of the Place of The Constitution regards
Liabilities Incorporation corporations as domestic if 60% of
the capital is Filipino owned,
Exceptions: otherwise it is foreign and may not
Constitutional Purposes and cannot exploit natural resources
Wartime Purposes and operate public utilities.

During times of war, the we

pierce the veil of corporate identity
and consider the nationality of the
stockholders for the purpose of
determining enemy corporations.
Formation of the Corporation, Law of Place of Incorporation
kinds of stocks, transfer of stocks
as to the effects on the
corporation, powers and duties
Validity of Corporate Acts and Law of the Place of If valid only in one, the validity
Contracts Incorporation AND Law of the will be seriously questioned and
Place of Performance will not be given effect
Right to Sue and Be Sued Lex Fori “Doing Business” – transacts a
substantial part of its business and
is continuous

Manner and Effect of Law of the Place of

Dissolution Incorporation
Domicile of a Corporation Law of the place where its legal
representation is established or
where it exercised its principal
Partnerships: existence or Law of the place where the
non-existence of the legal partnership was created
personality, capacity to contract,
liabilities Exceptions:
Constitutional Purposes and
Wartime Purposes
Creation of Branches in the Philippine Law (Law of the
Philippines, validity of Contracts place where the branches are
and transactions created)
Dissolution, Winding Up, Philippine Law
Termination of Branches in the
Domicile of a Partnership Law of the place where its legal
representation is established or
where it exercised its principal
Extrinsic Validity of Contracts Lex Loci Celebrationis The forms of contracts, wills,
in General and other public instruments are
Except: governed by the law of the place
Alienation and encumbrance where there are executed
which is governed by lex situs
Intrinsic Validity of Contracts Lex Loci Intentionis
in General
Capacity to Contract National Law

If contract was entered into in
the Philippines

If the contract is to be
performed in the Philippines
Grounds for the Annulment of Lex Loci Celebrationis If voidable where celebrated, it
Marriage is also regarded as voidable in the
Article 26 of the Family Code Philippines

Philippine Courts may take the

case only if the parties are
nationals or domiciliaries of the
Grounds for the declaration of Lex Loci Celebrationis If void where celebrated, it is
nullity also regarded as void in the
Article 26 of the Family Code Philippines

Philippine Courts may take the

case only if the parties are
nationals or domiciliaries of the
Grounds for Legal Separation National Law of the Parties Reason: because it is a status by

If the nationality of the 2

spouses are different, the grounds
for legal separation on the national
law of both spouses shall constitute

Foreigners may sue for legal

separation in the Philippines, even
if they did not get married here
(but there is a residence
requirement of 1 year if the cause
occurred outside the Philippines)
Absolute Divorce Sought in Lex Fori Philippine Courts do not have
the Philippines the jurisdiction to grant absolute
Except Moslem Divorces divorces
Absolute Divorce Sought Nationality Rule Void in the Philippines even if
Abroad valid in the place where the divorce
Between Filipinos was obtained
Absolute Divorce Sought Nationality Rule Valid in the Philippines if valid
Abroad by Foreigners in the place where the divorce was
obtained and valid sa national law
of the parties
Absolute Divorce Sought Depends who obtained the Where a marriage between a
Abroad by Mixed Marriages decree Filipino and a foreigner is validly
celebrated and a divorce is
thereafter validly obtained by the
alien spouse, the divorce is valid in
the Philippines

If obtained by the Filipino

spouse, the divorce is not
recognized in the Philippines
Paternity and Filiation If the Child is Legitimate – What law governs the
apply national law of the father determination of the status of the
(legitimacy, legitimation, children: use the nationality of the
rights and obligations of parents If the Child is illegitimate – father
and children, parental authority, apply national law of the mother
support) Doctrine of Immutability of
Status (change of the parent’s
nationality does not affect the
status of the child as legitimate or
Adoption National Law of the Adopter In the Philippines, adoption by
a Filipino does not grant the
adopted Philippine Citizenship
Guardianship over the person Domicile of the Ward
of the ward
Guardianship over the Les Situs
Property of the Ward
Torts, Generally Law of the place where the tort Problem: there arises a
is committed problem if there is a dispute as to
the place where the tort is

Solution: the place should be

that place which has the most
substantial and essential
connection with the tort

Liability for tort committed

outside the Philippines may be
enforced in the Philippines if the
tort is not penal in character
Tort is committed aboard a Law of the Flag This rule applied whether the
public vessel ship is on the high seas or on
territorial waters
Tort committed aboard a If on the high seas, law of the The rules on crimes should not
merchant vessel flag be applied as in tort one is
interested only in the civil liability
If on territorial waters,
suggested that the law of the flag
should also be applied
Maritime Torts Colliding vessel are of the same
flag – law of the place where the
tort was committed

Colliding vessels are not of the

same flag, but same law – that law

Colliding vessels are not of the

same flag, and with different laws
– general maritime law where the
case is tried
Crimes The Philippines follow: Whether the act is a tort or a
crime depends upon the law of the
territorial theory – the state place where the crime was
where the crime was committed committed
has jurisdiction to try the case

protective theory – a state who

might be affected by the act has
jurisdiction to try the offense, even
if committed outside its territory

principle of generality – all

those who live or sojourn in the
Philippines are amenable to
Philippine criminal laws
Maritime Crimes Public Vessels – the law of the the Philippines adheres to the
flag whether on the high seas or English rule
within territorial waters

Merchant vessels – if on the

high seas, apply the law of the flag;
if on territorial waters – apply
either the English or the French

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