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"Here is the Patience of the Saints : Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the

Faith of Jesus." Rev. 14 :12.

VoL. 72, No. 28. BATTLE CREEK, MICH., JULY 9, 1895. WHOLE No., 2124.

title Zieview attb Ieratcb, Lord will be an earnest, sincere, efficient worker, else. And why ? Because the ministers do
ISSUED WEEKLY BY THE laboring to advance the interests of Christ's king- not open their plans to the people, soliciting
dom. Let no one presume to say to a brother the benefit of their advice and counsel in plan-
who is walking circumspectly, " You are not ning and their help in executing the plans that
to do the work of the Lord ; leave it for the they have had a part in forming.
$2.00 a Year, in Advance. When donated to friends, $1.5o.
SPECIAL TERMS IN CLUBS OF 100 OR MORE. minister." Many members of the church have There are to be no secret societies in our
Address ali communications, and make all Drafts and Money- been deprived of the experience which they churches. " All ye are brethren." The minis-
orders payable to
REVIEW & HERALD, Battle Creek, Mich. should have had, because the sentiment has ter's work is the lay member's work as well.
[ENTERED AT THE POST-OFFICE AT BATTLE CREER.1 prevailed that the minister should do all the Heart should be bound to heart. Let all press
work and bear all the burdens. Either the forward, shoulder to shoulder. Is not every true
CONSOLATION. burdens have been crowded upon the minister, follower of Christ open to receive his teachings ?
or he has assumed those duties that should have And should not all have an opportunity to learn
Tnou art.my Refuge to thine arms been performed by the members of the church. of Christ's methods by practical experience ?
I run for succor, sore distressed; Ministers should take the officers and members Why not put them to work visiting the sick
There, safe from all the world's alarms,
Thou givest rest. of the church into their confidence, and teach and assisting in other ways, and thus keep the
them how to labor for the Master. Thus the church in a workable condition ? All would
Thou art my Rock when billows roll,
Thy power can bid my terrors cease; minister will not have to perform all the labor thus be kept in close touch with the minister's
And 'mid the storm, unto my soul himself, and at the same time the. church will plans, so that he could call for their assistance at
Thou givest peace. receive greater benefit than if he endeavored to any moment, and they would be able to labor in-
Thou art my Star I scarce can see do all the work, and release the members of the telligently with him. All should be laborers
The way, so dark and wild the night; church from acting the part which the Lord together with God, and then the minister can
Yet, when I cry far oil to thee, designed that they should. feel that he has helpers in whom it is safe to
Thou givest light. trust. The minister can hasten this desirable
All through our ranks, individual talent has
Thou art my Hope when, tired, undone,. been sadly neglected. A few persons have end by showing that he If a8 confidence in the
I shrink before the road's dull length; been selected as spiritual burden-bearers, and workers by setting them to work.
'Then to thy weary, wandering one, Who is to blame for the deficiency in the
Thou givest strength.
the talent of other members has remained un-
.11,I,any shave grown: weaker since churches? Who is to be censured because will-
Thou art my mine All L--,sore';'Wertrres their union with the church, because they have ing hands and zealous hearts have not been edu-
I lift my lonely heart. above; cated to labor in a humble way for the Master?
Then for the joys which once I had, been practically prohibited from exercising their
Thou givest love. talents. The burden of church work should be There is much undeveloped talent among us.
Christian Herald. distributed among its individual members, so Many individuals might be laboring in towns
that each one may become an intelligent laborer and cities, visiting from house to house, becom-
for God. There is altogether too much unused ing acquainted with families, entering into their
ur fontrilmiors force in our churches. There are a few who social life, dining at their tables, entering into
conversation by their firesides, dropping the
devise, plan, and work ; but the great mass of
"'then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another:
and-the Lord harkened, and heard it, and a book of remem- the people do not lift their hands to do any- precious seeds of truth all along the line. As
brance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, thing for 'fear of being repulsed, for fear that they exercise their talents, Christ will give them
and that thought upon his name."Mal. 3:16.
Others will regard them as out of their place. wisdom, and many believers will bcfound rejoic-
THE DITTY OF THE MINISTER AND THE Many have willing hands and hearts, but they ing in the knowledge of the truth as a result of
PEOPLE. are discouraged from putting their energies into their labors. Thousands might be getting a
the work. They are criticised if they try to do practical education in the work by this personal
BY MB& E. 0. WHITE. anything, and finally allow their talents to lie labor.
dormant for fear of criticism, when if they were Neither Conference officer nor minister has a
GOD has given to " every man his work." encouraged to use them, the work would be call from God to indulge distrust of God's power
He has not left the spiritual interests of the advanced, and workers would be added to the to use every individual who is considered a
church wholly in the hands of the minister. It force of missionaries. The wisdom to adapt worthy member of the church. This cautious-
is not for the good of the minister, nor for the ourselves to peculiar situations, the strength to ness, so-called, is retarding almost every line of
good of the individual members of the church, act in time of emergency, are acquired by put- the Lord's work. God can and will use those
that the minister should undertake exclusive ting to use the talents the Lord has given us, who have not had a thorough education in the
charge of the Lord's heritage. Each member and by gaining an experience through personal schools of men. A doubt of his power to do
of the church has a part to act in order that the work. A few are selected to hold responsible this is manifest unbelief ; it is limiting the
body may be preserved in a healthful condition. positions, and the work is divided up among Omnipotent power of the One with whom noth-
We are all members of the same body, and each these brethren. Many more who ought to have ing is impossible. 0 for less of this unsane-
member must act a part for the benefit of all the an opportunity to develop into efficient work- tified, distrustful caution ! It leaves so many
others. All members .haye not the same office. ers for the Lord, are left in the shadow. forces of the church unused ; it closes up the
As the members of our natural body are directed Many of those who stand in places of trust, way so that the Holy Spirit cannot use men ; it
by the head, so as members of the spiritual body, cherish a spirit of caution, a fear that some keeps in idleness those who are willing and anx-
we should submit ourselves to the direction of move may be made which is not in perfect ious to labor 4 Christ's lines ; it discourages
Christ, the living head of the church. We are harmony with their own methods of labor. many from 64,Aing the work who would become
as branches of a common vine. Christ speaks of They require that every plan should reflect their efficient laborers together with God if they were
us as branches that have been grafted into him- own personality. They fear to trust another's given a fair chance. Those who would be labor-
self, the True Vine. If we are true believers, Methods. And why are they not to be trusted ? ers, who see the great necessity for consecrated
living in daily, hourly connection with Christ, Because they have not been educated ; be- workers in the church and in the world, should
we shall be sanctified 'through the truth, and cause their leaders have not drilled them as sol- Seek strength in the secret places of prayer.
shall act our part in blessed union with the diers should be drilled. Scores of men should They should go forth to labor,,and God will
other branches of the True Vine.. be prepared to spring into action at a moment's bless them, and make them a blessing to others.
The minister and the church-members are to warning, should an emergency occur which de- Such members would give strength and stability
unite as one person in laboring for the up- manded their help. Instead of this, the people to the church. It is the lack of spiritual exer-
building and prosperity of the church. Every go to church, listen to the sermon, pay their cise that makes church-members so weak and in-
one who is a true, soldier in the army of the tithes, make their offerings, and do very little efficient ; but -again I would ask, Who is to

blame for the state of things that now exists? or for development of efficient methods of labor. THE PARABLE AGAIN.
God has given " to every man his work." They are inclined to let others bear the burdens
Why is it that ministers and Conference officers that the Lord designs all should have a part in 13Y ELDER W. H. LITTLEJOHN.
do not recognize this fact ? Why do they not carrying. Perhaps there may be a number of (Battle Creek, Mich.)
manifest their appreciation of the help that in- good workers, and these take up the work so
dividual members of the church could give ? spiritedly that the weaker ones do not see where SOMETHING over twenty years ago, the author
Let church-members awake. Let them take they can get hold, so they settle down in idle- of this communication published in the REVIEW
hold and help to stay up the hands of the min- ness. It is a mistake for our people to crowd AND HERALD a series of articles on the parable of
isters and the workers, pushing forward the in- together in large numbers. It is not in harmony the rich man and Lazarus. In those articles he
terests of the cause. There must be no measur- with God's plans. It is his will that the knowl- took the position that the parable in question
ing of talent by comparison. If a man exercises edge which we receive of the truth should be was employed by the Saviour as an argumentum
faith, and walks humbly with his God, he may communicated to others ' that the light which ad hominem to the Pharisees, whose peculiar
have little education, he may be accounted a shines upon us should be reflected upon the views respecting the state of the dead were exactly
weak man, yet he can fill his appointed place as pathway of those walking in darkness, so that set forth therein. An mrgumentum ad hominem
well as the man who has the finest education. we may lead others to the Lamb of God that is an argument based ueon the conviction of the
He who yields himself most unreservedly to the taketh away the sin of the world. But where a one to whom it is addressed, and does not neces-
influence of the Holy Spirit is best qualified to large number are congregated together in one sarily express the conviction of the one by whom
do acceptable service for the Master. God will church, this work in a large measure is neglected, it is employed. To be brief, the writer argued
inspire men who do not occupy responsible posi- and the light of truth is often only reflected back that, according to the connection, Christ had
tions to work for him. If ministers and men in and forth upon the church-members ; the world come into collision with the Pharisees, who were
positions of authority will get out of the way, is ,left in darkness, the alarm is not sounded, covetous, on the question of the uses and the
and let the Holy Spirit move upon the minds of the warning message from Heaven is not given. abuses of riches. The Pharisees, as is well known
the lay brethren, God will direct them what to The Lord has given " to every man his work," and as the connection proves, esteemed riches
do for the honor of his -name. Let men have and he must have space to work. If one is very highly. Luke 16 :13-15. They even went
freedom to carry out that which the Holy Spirit ignorant of ways and means of carrying on the so far as to teach that the possession of rich( s
indicates. Do not put the shackles upon hum- work, the Lord has provided a Teacher. Jesus furnished a presumption o f the divine ,favor,
ble men whom God would use. IF those who said, " The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, while poverty was an indication of the divine
now occupy positions of responsibility had been whom the Father will send in my name, he shall wrath.
kept at one class of work year after year, their teach you all things, and bring all things to To disprove the soundness of this theory, the
talents would not have developed, and they your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto Master employed the parable of the rich man and
would not have been qualified for the positions you." There is altogether too little said con- Lazarus, in which the rich man was represented
they hold ; and yet they make no special effort cerning the sufficiency that God has provided for as lifting up his eyes in hell after death, while
to test and develop the talents of those newly every soul that accepts the Lord Jesus Christ. the beggar went direct to the bosom of Abraham,
come into the faith. The Eternal Father, the unchangeable e7 or the place of the blessed. Luke 16 :19-31.
Women who are willing to consecrate some of gave his only begotten Son, tore from his bosom The reader will observe that if the parable which
their time to the service of the Lord should be Him who was made in the express image of his Christ employed was correctly framed, and ex-
appointed to visit the sick, look after the young, person, and sent him down to earth to reveal pressed a condition of things which either had
and minister to the necessities of the poor. how greatly he loved mankind. He is willing been realized in the past or might possibly be
They should be set apart to this work by prayer to do more, " more than we can ask or think." realized in the future, the Pharisaic idea of
and laying on of hands. In some cases they will An inspired writer asks a question which riches must have been unsound ; since, other-
need to counsel with the church officers or the should sink deep into every heart : " He that wise, it would have been impossible for a rich
minister ; but if they are devoted women, main- spared not his own Son, but delivered him up man to be lost or for a beggar to be saved. The
taining a vital connection with God, they will be for us all, how shall he not with him also freely Pharisees evidently saw the point of Christ's
a power for good in the church. This is another give us all things ? " Shall not every believer in argument, and were so completely dumbfounded
means of strengthening and building up the the Lord Jesus Christ say, " Since God has that they made no reply, a fact which proves
church. We need to branch out more in our done so much for us, how shall we not, for -that the parable employed by Christ expressed
methods of labor. Not a hand should be bound, Christ's sake, show our love to him by obedi- nothing which was not in harmony with their
not a soul discouraged, not a voice should be ence to his commandments, by being doers of views of the state of the dead. Had there been
hushed ; let every individual labor, privately or his word, by unreservedly consecrating ourselves anything in the statements of the parable con-
publicly, to help forward this grand work. to his service ?" - 1 trary to their conceptions of the facts, they
Place the burdens upon men and women of the Where is the faith of those who claim to be would immediately have seized upon such a
church, that they may grow by reason of the ex- the people of God? Shall they also be included point, and with it parried the thrusts which Christ
ercise, and thus become effective agents in the among that number of 'whom Christ questioned, had made at their conception of riches. Their
hand of the Lord for the enlightenment of those " When the Son of man cometh, shall he find failure to do so furnished prima facie evidence
who sit in darkness. faith on the earth ?" Jesus died to redeem us that they were completely paralyzed by the logic
There is a world to be warned. Let not hu- from the curse of sin and from sin itself, and of Christ. They believed in Abraham's bosom,
manity presume to stand in the way, but rather shall we render him only a feeble half of those in hell, and in the gulf, and they dared not
let every man stand aside, and let God work by powers which he has paid such an infinite price deny that a rich man could be lost and a beggar
his Holy Spirit for the accomplishment of the to ransom from the hands of the enemy of our be saved, so they were completely silenced.
redemption of his purchased possession. Some souls? In the articles in question, as before indicated,
of these new workers may make mistakes, but " For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus the writer repudiated the theory that the pare
let the older ones counsel with them and instruct Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your ble of the rich man and Lazarus was either true
them how to correct their methods. They should sakes he became poor, that ye through his pov- as a matter of history or that there ever were in
be encouraged to surrender themselves wholly to erty might be rich." He in whom " dwelleth all the bowels of this earth such places as Abra-
the Lord, and go to work in a humble way. the fullness of the Godhead bodily," descended ham's bosom and hell, separated only by a gulf,
Such service is acceptable to the Master, and he to our world, humiliated himself by clothing his one being the abode of the blessed and the other
will supplement their efforts by the power of his divinity with humanity, that through humanity that of the damned spirits. To justify the Sav-
Holy Spirit, and many souls will be converted. he might reach the human family. While he iour in using a parable whose teachings were in
Let every church awake, out of sleep ; let the embraces the human race with his human arm, many respects unsound, the writer argued that
members unite themselves together in the love he grasps the throne of God with his divine such a course on his part was admissible ; since,
of Jesus and in sympathy for perishing souls, arm, thus uniting humanity to divinity. The by the law of parables, it was not required that
and go forth to their neighbors, pointing them Majesty of heaven, the King of glory, descended all of their auxiliary statements should be his-
to the way of salvation. Our Leader has all the path of humiliation step by step until he torically or theoretically correct ; and since, as
power in heaven and in earth. He will use men reached the lowest point possible for humanity the parable of the rich man and Lazarus did ex-
as agents for the accomplishment of his purposes to experience; and why? That he might be actly express the views of the Pharisees, it was
whom some of the brethren would reject as unfit able to reach even the lowest of mankind, sunken perfectly legitimate for Christ to use it against
to engage in the work. Heavenly intelligences in the very depths of degradation though they the latter, showing that they had stultified
are combined with human instrumentalities in be, that he might be able to elevate them to the themselves by holding and teaching certain views
carrying forward the Lord's work. Angels have hights of heaven. He has promised, " To him which 'contradicted each other.
their places assigned them in connection with the that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in Since the appearance in the REVIEW of the
human agents on earth. They will work through my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set articles mentioned, the theory there advocated,
every person who will submit himself to labor in down with my Father in his throne." Wonder though entirely new at that time, has been
Heaven's ways ; therefore, not one human being of wonders! Man, a creature of the earth; dust, slowly but steadily coming into favor. Of its
should be cast aside or left with no part to act. elevated to the throne of the King of the uni- ultimate triumph, there can be but little, if any,
The members of our large churches are not in verse ! Marvelous love ! inexpressible, incom- doubt. The only thing necessary at any time to
the most favorable situation for spiritual growth prehensible love ! make its success assured, has been conclusive evi-
dente that the Pharisees did actually hold to the WITHOUT MONEY, WITHOUT PRICE. the keys of the kingdom." Well, suppose he
views set forth in the parable. On that point, did ? Where is the evidence which proves that
the essay of Josephus on "Hades," it would seem, BY ELIZABETH ROSSER. this constituted him a pope, or that he retained
should satisfy the most fastidious. Fortu- (Fruitland, Ore.) these keys all his life, and then transmitted
nately, however, the writer has recently come into them to a second, and a second to a third, and
possession of facts going to show, not only that THE Syrian leper Naaman heard that he might be well so on, until Joachim Pecci, the present incum-
If he should go to the prophet who dwelt in Israel; bent of the infallible chair, has them ? At one
the Pharisees believed in the doctrines set forth To him came the word of Elisha, " Seven times in Jor-
in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, but dan's flood, time there were three contemporary popes.
also that the parable was one which they had Go, dip thyself for thy healing, and the cleansing of How was it ascertained which of them had the
constructed for themselves, and did not, in any thy blood." keys ? We read nothing in the book of Acts
sense, originate with Christ. The intelligent Then angrily answered Naaman, " How should it make concerning the keys, nor yet in the epistles of
reader needs not to be informed that the Baby- me clean Peter. And it is worthy of remark that while
lonian Talmud contained a collection of wise To dip seven times in Jordan, a river so small and Peter wrote his second epistle to put Christians
sayings, comments, parables, etc., etc., which Are not Pharpar and Abana rivers of greater fame?
in " remembrance" (chapter 3 : 1), he does not
had been handed down for centuries by tradi- Come! let us go back to Syria!" And he turned by remind them that he has the keys, and is able
tion, and which were finally recorded for conven- the way he came. to open and shut heaven at will, or that he was
ience and security in the Talmud mentioned a pope. He took no such title as "Holy Fa-
"My Lord," said Naaman's servant, "had some diffi-
above. cult task been revealed, ther." He simply said, I " am also an elder."
Dr. Daniel Whitby, of England, more than How gladly thou wouldst have done it; much rather 1 Peter 5 : 1.
two hundred years ago, when discussing the nat- wash and be healed." 4. We learn from the record in Matthew that
ure of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, Then Naaman plunged in the Jordan, the river he so the disciples were all present when Jesus said to
made the following remarks : " There was a rich And his flesh, all leprosy-tainted, became as the flesh
Peter, " Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I
man, etc. That this is only a parable, and not of a child. will build my church." But neither Peter nor
a real history of what was actually done, is evi- any of the rest got the idea from this language
dent, (1) Because we find this very parable in My heart was sin-sick and laden, longing to be set that any supremacy was bestowed upon Peter ;
the Gemara Babylonicum, whence it is cited When I heard the gentle summons, " Weary one, come
for up to the very night in which Jesus was be-
by Mr. Sherringham in his Joma." Whitby's unto Me." trayed, we find that there was a " strife among
Commentary on Luke 16: 19. 'T was the voice of the Man of Sorrows, acquainted with them, which of them should be accounted the
Dr. Lightfoot, who is high authority on all grief and woe, greatest." Luke 22:24. We read also that
Despised of all men and rejected, crucified long ago. Peter, with nine other of the disciples, was
questions relating to rabbinical lore, is referred
to on this question by Doddridge in the follow- "Come unto me," said my Saviour, " and I will cleanse "moved with indignation " against James and
ing manner : " Dr. Lightfoot and others have thee from sin; John because they had been, able to present
shown that the Jews in their Gemara have a I was wounded for thy transgression; wash, and thou their request first for the highest places in the
shalt be clean."
parable much to the same purpose." (Dod- But my proud heart was rebellious, for I had hungered kingdom. Matt. 20 :24. Had Peter under-
dridge as quoted in Emphatic Diaglott in note for fame, stood that he was already appointed the cor-
on Luke 16 : 19.) For wealth and for worldly honor could I lose all rector of heretics, and " head of all the holy
It is difficult to see how additional testimony for his name? churches," he would not have been worked up
could be required in support of the proposition " 0 heart!" cried :the waiting Spirit, " come! thou art concerning the matter, seeing it was already
that the parable of the rich man and Lazarus weary of sin; settled in his favor.
was employed by Christ against the Pharisees For some hard task thou art willing; 't is only wash R5. The Romish Church is consistent in recog-
and be clean." nizing that the head of the church must possess
as an argymentum ad hominem. That it was Then I plunged in the flowing fountain, and a voice
so employed must be true for the following came unto my soul
infallibility. This dogma it claims for the
reasons : (1) The parable could not have been Like a strain of heavenly music, " Christ Jesus maketh self-constituted vicegerent of Christ, and, like
true historically speaking ; since, according to thee whole." the papal succession, it must have been handed
the Scriptures, the dead are unconscious (Etc]. down from the days of Peter. But was Peter
9 :5 ; Ps. 146 :3) ; and (2) Since it is ridicu- THE HEAD OF THE CHURCH ; IS IT infallible ? How about the time when he said,
lously absurd to suppose, that, as the parable CHRIST OR PETER ? " If I should die with thee, I will not deny thee
teaches, the spirits of the dead are confined in in any wise" ? Mark 14 : 31. Was he not mis-
the center of this earth ; either in a place of BY ELDER G..B. THONIPSON. taken ? Most assuredly. But infallibility ad-
torment, styled " hell," or in a place of blessed- (East London, South Africa.) mits of no mistakes. And was he infallible
ness known as " Abraham's bosom ; " (3) Inas- when "4 he began to curse and to swear, saying, I
much as the parable did exactly set forth the THE church is represented in the Scriptures as know not this man of whom ye speak " ? And
views of the Pharisees concerning the state of a body. Being a body, it must necessarily have all this, mark you, occurred after the language
the dead, and inasmuch as it was perfectly a head. The same Bible which informs us that recorded in Matt. 16 : 18.
legitimate for Christ to confound his opponents the church is a body, tells us that it is Christ's 6. Then if Peter was infallible, why did he
by turning against them their own weapons, it body ( Eph. 1 : 22, 23), and that he is its head. not speak ex eatltedra and settle the matter in
is fair to presume that on this, as on other " For the husband is the head of the wife, even dispute at the council in Jerusalem (Acts 15),
occasions, he did resort to the argumentum as Christ is the head of the church." Chapter instead of allowing them to debate the question
ad hominem (Matt. 12 : 27 ; Luke 14 : 5) ; (4) 5 : 23. " And he [Christ] is the head of the in the presence of his infallibility? But he did
When, as by the quotations given above, it has body, the church." Col. 1 : 18. He is its not.. He simply related his experience like the
been rendered certain that the parable of the foundation (1 Cor. 3 : 11) and " chief corner- rest. And, furthermore, James seems to have
rich man and Lazarus was current among the stone." Eph. 2 : 20. This is clear and easily been in the chair on this occasion ; for he said,
Pharisees, it is certain that the Saviour quoted understood. Opposed to this is antichrist, " Wherefore my sentence is," etc. Verse 19.
the parable as he did, not for the purpose of that huge system of corruption and darkness, the This would be very unparliamentary, to say the
indorsing these absurd utterances, but for the papal hierarchy ; that power which conducts the least, if Peter was the head. Imagine a priest
purpose of confounding the men, who, while worship of the living God in a dead language ; presiding over a council where " His Holiness
employing such a parable, could at the same that claims that the true head of the church sits the pope " was present !
time be guilty of contradicting its most mani- in the Vatican in Italy, and is called " His Holi- 7. Again : Paul says concerning Peter, "I
fest teachings by placing upon riches an esti- ness Leo XIII." They maintain that this head- withstood him to the face, because he was to be
mation, which, if justifiable, would prove that ship was derived in regular succession from the blamed." Gal. 2 :11. Such conduct on the
the salvation of the beggar was impossible, and apostle Peter, who; they say, was the first pope. part of Paul would have been very unbecoming
the damnation of the rich man out of the ques- This claim we wish to notice, not by investi- had he regarded Peter as infallible ; for this
tion ; inasmuch as the possession of riches on gating the scriptures on which they base this attribute carries with it blamelessness. Should
his part furnished a credential of the divine blasphemous dogma, but by calling attention to any functionary within the pale of the Catholic
favor. a few scriptures concerning Peter, which will dem- Church to-day withstand the so-called successor
Here this article must close. Adopt the view onstrate that he was not an infallible pope :- of Peter " to his face," "His Holiness" would
of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus which 1. Christ being the Scriptural head of the be so infuriated that the offender could never
it advocates, and the use of that parable by the church, should they demonstrate Peter and his obtain absolution for his sin except by kneeling
Saviour in the manner in which he did use it, so-called successors to be another head, it would and kissing the old man's toe, and begging like
is perfectly justifiable. Reject the view herein make the church of God a monstrositya thing a serf for his forgiveness. A failure to do this
advocated, and you make the Lord Jesus respon- having two heads and one body. would cost him his cowl. But Peter, after he
sible for the wild vagaries of a Pharisaic concep- 2. The church being the body of Christ, if was " withstood " to the face, speaks of Paul
tion which was constructed out of the myths and the "4 Immortal Leo XIII." is its present head, as his " beloved brother." 2 Peter 3 : 15.
fogs of a pagan theology, the materials of which we have a divine body with a human head, which rl P8. The apostle Peter did not claim the blas-
had been gathered largely during the time of the is quite a shocking though necessary conclusion. phemous prerogative of being able, to forgive
Babylonian captivity. 3. " But," say they, " Christ gave to Peter sins, When Simon Magus sinned, Peter said,

" Repent therefore of this thy wickedness ; and own righteousness, he will always be vulnerable The more we are like Christ, the mOre, too,
pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart to Satan's darts. How quickly the shafts of we shall know what it is to bear others on our
may be forgiven thee." Acts 8 : 22. The sarcasm, scorn, and accusation will reach the hearts and even to carry them on our shoulders
"Holy Father " would have said, " I absolve heart, and bring the emphatic denial or recrimi- before God. It will not be merely the theory
thee," imposing upon him a penance of some nation. If one is trusting to Christ's righteous- of the truth that we shall present to them. We
extra paternosters, abstinence from flesh meat ness, all these barbed arrows pass harmlessly by. shall not work for them with the head only.
for a time, or something of the kind. Two onyx stones were engraved with the They will know and feel the intense longing of
9. Again : the papal church, directed by its names of the twelve tribes of Israel, six names the divine love in our hearts reaching out to
infallible (?) head, teaches and practices the doc- in each stone. These 4 4 stones of memorial " them. We 'shall even sometimes wish it were
trine of the celibacy of the priests. But why were set in ouches of gold on the shoulders possible for us to have faith for them, and
so if St. Peter was the first pope, and they are of the ephod. The breastplate was set with carry them on our shoulders. This is God's
his successors ? The Scriptures teach us that twelve precious stones, each of a different kind. feeling toward us, and all true Christian expe-
Peter had a wife (Mark 1 : 30) who traveled These settings were also in gold, in four rows, rience is true simply because it tends to make
with him. 1 Cor. 9 : 5. It would seem very three in a row. Each stone was engraved with us one with him, one with him in heart and
peculiar, to say. the least, to see the pope or the name of one of the tribes of the children of mind ; one with him in giving ourselves, as he
any of his cardinals, archbishops, or priests Israel. This breastplate had also set in it two gave himself, for others.
traveling about with their wives. But why not, other stones, the urim and the thummim. By He says : " A book of remembrance was writ-
if the first pope did? means of the light or shadow falling on one or ten before him for them that feared the Lord,
10. Again we ask, If Peter was the first pope, the other of these stones, God signified assent and that thought upon his name. And they
why are his epistles interdicted ? why are they or dissent to any question or proposition brought shall be mine, saitb. the Lord of hosts, in that
forbidden to be read by the people? why are the before him in trusting prayer by the high-priest. day when I make up my jewels." Mal. 3:
people not exhorted to read and study them if Aaron bore this breastplate on his heart. Ex. 16, 17. If we think upon God's name ; i. e.,
they are encyclicals of the first pope? No Catho- 28 : 29. Again it is said, "Aaron shall bear his character, for we have seen the name rep-
lics are forbidden to read the encyclicals of the the judgment of the children of Israel upon his resents the character, he is thinking upon
"4 Immortal (?) Leo." Are not the letters written heart before the Lord continually." Verse 30. ours, not to criticise and condemn it, but to
by the so-called first pope, and addressed to " the The high-priest bears the names of his people purify it, to polish it, even into one of the pre-
strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, for a constant memorial, both upon his shoulder cious jewels for his crown. I read, "Thou shalt
Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia " ( I Peter 1 : 1), and upon his heart before the Lord continually. also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord,
and " to them that have obtained like precious If we mistake not, here is one of the very sweet- and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God."
faith with us through the righteousness of God est of the many sweet truths of the Bible. Isa. 62 :3. Of the righteous it is said, " The
and our Saviour Jesus Christ " (2 Peter 1 : 1), In the Bible the name signifies the person Lord their God shall save them in that day as
of equal importance with an encyclical of Joa- himself. It means the thing named. People the flock of his people ; for they shall be as the
chim Pecci, addressed, "To our venerable breth- were named either prophetically or historically, stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon
ren, the archbishops and bishops of the United from some characteristic experience in their his land." Zech. 9 : 16. How wonderful ! pre-
States of North America " ? And why proscribe lives. This was especially true of Israel. The cious jewels worn on his heart now ; crown jewels,
the one, and sanction the other? How clear it name " Jacob " means " supplanter." Jacob the very insignia of his authority, by and by !
is that Peter was not a pope, On whom was built ,had wrongfully supplanted his brother, and Is it not so? The crown jewels of a monarch
the church. He was only an erring, finite mor- obtained his birthright. Then, fearing his are the insignia of his authority. Wonderful
tal, depending for salvation on faith in Jesus brother's wrath, he fled. But on his return to as this is, it is not hard to understand.
Christ. He was a part of the church which his native land, he met an angel one 'night, and Love is the only thing in this universe that
Jesus " loved " and " gave himself for." He with him he wrestled until the morning, saying, has rights. Hatred and envy and jealousy are
was not the foundation, but was himself built 4 4 I will not let thee go, except thou bless me," tolerated for a time, but their doom is fixed,
upon the foundation, which is Christ. " For and he prevailed. 'Then the angel said, " Thy their history is but for a " little moment " com-
other foundation can no man lay than that is name shall no more be called Jacob [supplanter], pared to eternity. Then love will claim his
laid, which is Jesus Christ." 1 Cor. 3 : 11. but Israel [a prince of God] ; for as a prince own, and reign eternally, and love is God, as
He is both the foundation and the head, and hast thou power with God and with men, and " God is love." The evidences of his love will
we are " rooted and grounded" in him. hast prevailed." Gen. 32 : 28. Even so in the then be the evidences of his right to reign, his
future, Christ will give us each a " new name," crown jewels, the insignia of his authority.
THE GOSPEL IN THE SANCTUARY. " an everlasting name," and former things And we, saved from the depths of sin and sor-
"shall not be remembered [literally commemo- row, by the length and breadth and bight of
The Ephod and the Breastplate. rated], nor come into mind." Our names here that love which passeth knowledge, will be the
represent us ; they become, through our mis- best evidences of that love to all intelligent
BY ELDER G. E. FIFIELD. takes and our failings, by-words and synonyms beings in the universe. We therefore will be
(South Lancaster, Mass.) for our sorrow and our sin. Over there our names his crown jewels, the proof that he is King of
will commemorate our eternal triumph in Christ kings and Lord of lords.
" AND these are the garments which they the crucified. (To be continued.)
shall make ; a breastplate, and an ephod, and a The names of the twelve tribes represent all
robe, and a broidered coat, a miter, and a girdle ; who will be saved at last. There are only BREVITIES.
and they shall make holy garments for Aaron twelve gates to the eternal city, and each of
thy brother and his sons, that he may minis- these gates is named with the name of one of BY JOSEPH CLARKE.
ter unto me in the priest's office." Ex. 28 : 4. the tribes. Rev. 21 : 12. Every one who goes (Lowry City, Mo.)
These garments are said also to be " for glory in will go in as an Israelite, numbered as belong-
and for beauty." They were made of gold, of ing to one of the tribes. (See Revelation 7 and WineN God says, No, to our favorite plan, it is
blue, purple, and scarlet, and of fine linen and Romans 9 and 11.) Christ says, " To him that that he has something better for us.
precious stones. We have seen that all these overcometh will I give . . . a white stone, and Satan plans beforehand to subdue us (see Job
colors and materials were significant of Christ's in the stone a new name written, which no man 1 and 2) ; let us plan beforehand to conquer him.
righteousness, of its source, and of the method knoweth saving he that receiveth it." Rev. 2 :
by which it is wrought out through suffering. 17. Every name that will have a white stone at It is better to pay more than a tithe than to
The ephod was a kind of cloak reaching about last, is represented in the twelve tribal names in pay less than a tithe, and to do this of a ready,
to the knees. It had two shoulder pieces, and the breastplate and on the ephod. The high- willing mind, with offerings.
a curious girdle " fastened to it. The breast- priest bore them for a memorial continually on his To read a little from the Bible in the morning,
plate was of the same materials, gold, blue, shoulder and on his heart. Jesus Christ, the furnishes us with thoughts to meditate upon
purple, and scarlet, and fine-twined linen. It great High-priest, bears us each, even now, ever while about our work during the day.
was foursquare, about nine inches each way. on his shoulder and on his heart before God, on
On it there were four rings of gold, two above his shoulder for strength and help ; on his heart The book of Daniel, studied in connection
and two below, with which it was laced to the for tenderness, sympathy, and love. Is it not with Rollin's Ancient History, becomes much
ephod. Thus shoulder pieces, girdle, ephod, written, 4 He bare them, and carried them all more interesting than without such help.
and breastplate were all joined into one. the days of old'" ? Is it not written also, " In Judas Iscariot had a kind of popularity with
Paul says : " Wherefore take unto you the all their affliction he was afflicted " ? Isa. the Jewish magnates, while his Lord was held
whole armor of God, that ye may be able to with- 63 : 9. " Put thou my tears into thy bottle ; in no esteem by them ; let us be careful in the
stand in the evil day ; and having done all, to are they not in thy book ? " Ps. 56 : 8. Is it like case how we judge.
stand. Stand therefore, baying your loins girt less true today, after, in the incarnation, he has
about with truth, and having on the breastplate carried our flesh, than it was then ? Ah, no ! It is one thing to ask God to lead us in the
of righteousness." Eph. 6 : 13, 14. In war the he bears us as " precious stones," precious paths of wisdom, and another thing to accept his
breastplate, worn upon the heart, was to protect jewels," on his shoulder and on his heart before leading band. To know the voice of the Shep-
that most vital part. If one is trusting to his God " continually." herd, we must be truly of his flock, his sheep.
- jur,v 9, 1895]'' ADVENT REVIEW- AHD SABBATH HERALD. 437
or drinking because some one tempts. them, or to miles taught the writer that fresh, juicy, ripe
err .e2 7) 011ie. please some fastidious company. When con- fruits would supply the needed fluid, and almost
science pleads with them, the reply is, 0, So- - entirely abolish the desire for drink, even in
"That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth;
that our daughters may be as corner-stones, polished after the and So does it, why should not I? The world, passing over dry plains, and during an extended
similitude of a palace."Ps. 144:12. the church, and the home, are full of these jelly- trip of six weeks.
like, tasteless, amount-to-nothings. They need to Eschew all salt foods, pastries, and candies,
have some sansalt. Where would Daniel have and the danger of contracting digestive disor-
IF you have a friend worth loving,
gone had he possessed no more moral back-bone ders when traveling will be greatly diminished,
Love him. Yes, and let him know than nine tenths of us have ? The grace of God and much of the minor discomforts of car sick-
That'you love him, ere life's evening gives strength of character, and it is strength of ness, sick headache, and disordered stomach,
Tinge his brow with sunset glow. character that the world needs. prevented. It pays to know how to avoid the
Why should good words ne'er be said Every Christian home should have the salt of
Of a friend till he is dead?
cause of disease, and skillfully to use an ounce
saving grace. Parents should not permit their of prevention, especially since a pound of cure
If you see the hot tears falling homes to be molded by corrupt and worldly in- is so unreliable. The Household.
Sadly from another's eyes, fluences. Thousands of homes are the wrecks of
Share them. And thus prove by sharing,
Your own kinship with the skies.
what they might have been, but for senseless
desire to pattern after the style of people of THE WIFE AND THE POCKET-BOOR.
Why should any one be glad,
When another's heart is sad? wealth. Children are allowed to grow up lazy
and good for nothing because Miss Aris Tocrat WHAT is the relation of the wife to the family
If a silvery laugh is rippling funds ? We do not ask what it should be, but
Through the sunshine on his face, never soils her hands with work.
Share it. 'T is the wise man's saying Why, it is almost shocking what a want of what is it ? an individual, personal question
For both grief and joy a place. good sense people show in aping the ways of the directed especially to husbands. Is the wife in
There is goodness in the mirth world, which end in death, while the paths of wis- your home a partner, a hired woman, or a beg-
Which no honest laugh gives birth. dom and good sense stand wide open waiting for gar working for board and clothes? Of course
If you hear a prayer that moves you some one to enter. "Both not wisdom cry, and those who do not wish to entertain the question
By its humble, pleading tone, understanding put forth her voice ? "Yes, in- need not do so. And again, of course some
Join it. Do not let the seeker deed. But who will hear ? Only those who wives are neither of the above, they are them-
Bow before.his God alone. selves masters of the situation, exchequer and
Why should not your brother share
have the saving salt of grace in themselves.
Strength of "two or three" in prayer? T. all. But in many cases wives are hard-working,
quiet souls, who take what they can get with
If your work is made more easy DIGESTIVE DISORDERS IN SUMMER. more or less content, according to circumstances.
By a friendly, helping hand, Women are as a class diffident about asking for
Say so. Speak out brave and truly,
Ere the darkness veil the land. THE death-rate from acute disorders of the di- money, not only from an inherent sensitiveness
Should a brother workman dear gestive organs is so markedly increased among born of honorable independence, but because
Falter for a word of cheer? infants and young children during the summer, such requests frequently meet a very cold re-
Scatter thus your seeds of kindness, that it is the imperative duty of all having the ception. Sometimes the ungracious reply is,
All enriching as you go; care of children to become acquainted with the " What have you done with what you had ?"
Leave them. Trust the harvest Giver; causes of these diseases and how to prevent or, " Where's the dollar I gave you last week ? "
He will make each seed to grow. them. said in an impatient spirit.
So until its happy end It is related of an Iowa man who recently
You shall never lack a friend., Every organ is endowed with the power of
Selected. self-protection in proportion to the organic sold his farm for $36,000 that when it came
soundness of its structure, and the perfection of to signing the deed, the wife demurred, saying
HAVE YOU ANY SALT ? its functions. The digestive fluids are all anti- she had worked for the home as well as her
septics ; and, when in health, either destroy or husband. After being persuaded, she remarked,
prevent the multiplication of disease germs. " I think I ought to have some of that money,
Ix one place where our Saviour was telling The saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic fluid, in- for my own.' " How much do you want ?"
that salt is a good thing on account of its sea- testinal juice and bile, all do their best to de- the man, demanded. "I think I ought to
soning and saving qualities, he tells us that stroy the dangerous living organisms entering have $2," she replied. It was handed over,
these qualities are all that make it, good ; and the alimentary canal. But they are liable to be and holding it up; she exclaimed with childish
he also says, '' Have salt in yourselves." In overpowered by the inroads of more enemies pleasure, " That is the first money I ever had
our day popular slang has changed the word to than they can destroy, or, abused and crippled for my very own." A recent paper says :
" sand," which is another word for '' grit." by overwork in digesting food improper in qual- "How many wives there are who do the, work
This in turn means spirit, or gumption. ity and quantity, to become so depraved and of two servants, but never have a dollar for
The words " salt," as Jesus used it, and weakened in their action as partially or entirely their own."
4 sand," as the boys use it, are not synonyms, to lose the power to prevent disease. In warm But we do not plead for salaries for wives.
though so far as spiritual and carnal things weather disease germs grow rapidly, finding in That would be no more consistent than it would
can be related, they stand close by each other. the increased amount of decaying organic matter be in other cases for wives to place their hus-
The latter means the energy, the temper, of a good soil in which to flourish. bands on an allowance. Some have suggested
the natural disposition. The former means the The universal custom of allowing children to a partnership in which each shall have an equal
sweetness and the power of saving grace. They form the habit of eating and drinking at all share. But that does not meet the case. The
both mean individual strength of character. times and in all places, regardless of the kind, Bible idea of the family is unity. Not that
The first is an endowment of the natural- heart. quantity, or quality of food or drink, has cost one party shall represent the unit and absorb
As such it may be an element of good or of evil. many livesjust how many no statistics will the other, but a perfect blending of two imper-
The salt of divine grace is a heavenly gift by ever be able to determine. fect parts into one perfect whole. But this
which we are saved -from corruption. Cherished Were all children and grown people, too, union is not complete while one holds the purse
in the heart, it exerts a purifying, saving influ- taught regular habits of eating and drinking, strings and the other can only obtain an occa-
ence in the life, and becomes a savor of life to and did those caring for children understand the sional dole after long waiting, after a hard
others. importance of clean food and drink, and how to struggle with sensitive feelings and a desperate
Christians without salt in themselves are in- secure them, diarrhea, cholera infantum, cholera resolve to meet the consequences of her temerity.
sipid, characterless, lukewarm individuals, who morbus, dysentery, and the more grave disorders Economy is as much for the wife as the hus-
are ready to absorb every evil taint that passes. of cholera and typhoid fever would soon be, to band, and in five cases out of six she knows
They easily become sour and disaffected from a great extent, stamped out. twice as much about it as he. But those men
surrounding influences. Having no flavor or The precaution of instructing children and who are not willing thus to share their hearts
character of their own, they readily receive bad youth to form the habit of controlling thirst and give their wives an equal access to the
impressions from others. They invariably ex- when the water supply is likely to be infected, pocket-book, should at least be willing to make
cuse themselves in a wrong course, because some or when traveling, is also important. Desire them as hired servants.
one else has set them a wrong example. for drink is much increased or decreased by the We almost shudder to write it, but a serious
People who profess better things and know kind of food eaten. The usual traveler's lunch account at the bar of infinite Justice awaits that
what is right, are led to do wrong just by see- of ham sandwiches, cheese, and cookies are all man who solemnly promises to love and cherish
ing others do so. Christian ladies ape the silly calculated to create a morbid thirst ; and when as his own flesh a trusting wife ; and then sub-
fashions in dressing and mutilating the hair, or this is quenched from the train tank, there is jects her to bondage,to life-long servitude
in wearing enormous sleeves, or in wearing their no telling what germs may be swallowed, or what without other reward than the bare necessities
hats crosswise, just because others do it. Credit disease contracted. From this cause, tourists, of living. And when at last some kind-hearted
and good sense are ignored by poor boys and instead of obtaining the health and recreation neighbor folds her tired hands across her bosom,
girls who purchase a bicycle because it is the sought, often reap disease and death from their his only sigh of regret is, "She. was a good
rage. Others will sacrifice principle in eating summer outing. A trip of some five thousand worker." T.

vegetable foods contain poisons that affect the


STOP me,.good people! Do n't you see

blood. Serious results often follow the use of
such substances.
My temper is running away with me? When an excess of food is taken into the
Help, Master Common Sense! Are you afraid? WILL OUR SCHOOLS FILL THE PLACES P
Good Mistress Prudence, come to my aid!
stomach, much of that which is not required for
Stop me, Conscience; stop me, I pray! the immediate use of the body must be elim- ORNAMENTATION has its value. Beauty and
My temper, my temper, is running away! inated as waste matter. This deteriorates the symmetry are not mere sentiments, but we are
Dear brother Kindness, snatch at the reins! blood and overworks the excretory organs. The living in an age that is looking more and more
Help, or my temper will dash out my brains! free use of meat is one of the most common
Help, or I'll get a terrible fall!
causes of gout and rheumatism. The excessive for the practical. Utility fills a larger place in
Help, Shame, Caution, Love, Wisdom, and all! the wants of a perishing race beset with danger
Amos R. Wells. use of sugar causes catarrh of the stomach, and
clogs the liver, thus not only poisoning the and encompassed with weakness as is ours.
blood, but crippling the blood-cleansing function The real object of earthly life is the encour-
of the hepatic gland. agement, development, and defense of all that
BY DAVID PAULSON, M. D. By eating too rapidly, or too often, or when works for the uplifting of mankind. In work-
(Sanitarium.) the digestive organs are tired, conditions favor- ing for the good we necessarily antagonize the
ing fermentation are created . in the stomach.
WHEN some persons are suddenly overwhelmed
evil, and there is no doubt but this is the most
There are many kinds of fermentative processes
with great grief, it is naturally expected that set up in that much-abused and long-suffering effectual way in which it can be subdued.
the physical health will suffer in consequence to organ, the most common of which are the yeast A proper education is the most powerful ally
a greater or less extent. It should be remem- fermentation, the acetous, the lactic acid, and of the benevolent forces. It develops the pow-
bered that the same principle holds good in the butyric acid fermentations. In yeast fer- ers of soul and body of the student, who, in
minor troubles, even though the effects may not mentation sugar is decomposed into carbon turn, transmits to other dormant or undeveloped
be so readily seen. Disease does not come with- dioxid and alcohol. .The gas distends the energies the same impulses he has received.
out a cause, but persons are frequently sick stomach, and gives rise to various distressing True education consists in arousing and cultivat-
where it is extremely difficult to find any phys- symptoms ; and the alcohol is absorbed into the
ical reason for their illness, though for every blood, and produces the same effect on the ing the abilities of men and women for doing
effect there must be a cause, and mental depres- tissues and organs as would an equal amount good to others. He is best educated, according
sion is a much more fruitful source of disease taken in the form of whisky in a dram-shop. to this definition, who can most successfully lay
than is generally supposed. The burden of sin Acetous fermentation produces a powerful cor- hold of the burdens which oppress humanity, and
and the consequent unrest are wearing away the rosive poison called " acetic acid " (the active lift them. The ability to do this involves a
physical stamina of thousands. principle in vinegar), which is much stronger knowledge of human wants, an acquaintance with
It is a well-established principle that no sys- than alcohol. Lactic acid is formed by the the requirements of those for whom the work is
tem of treatment can be successful in restoring decomposition of lactose, or the sugar of milk.
to health until the cause of the disease is re- to be done. It involves the cultivation of every
It is the characteristic constituent of sour milk.
moved, and it has often been the case that phy- Butyric acid is found in fermenting fat. All of power of the being, physical, mental, and moral.
sicians who have not recognized this factor in the these poisons, besides injuring the delicate coat- But this in turn requires contact with hard work,
ailments of their patients have treated them for ing of the stomach, are absorbed directly into the because these powers are developed only by use.
months without success, only to find them mak- blood, and poison the whole system. The best development of physical power is not
ing a rapid recovery upon falling into the hands The remedy for all of these evils is apparent. found in stupidly pounding a bag of sand or
of some one who knew how to meet and remove Return to the original diet provided for man. rowing a boat, and in the meantime neglecting
the burden that rested upon the mind. Sustain life with the 4 4 fruits of the ground,"
Satan can neither create nor give life, but he the other faculties. A house is not built in the
grains, legumes, fruits, nuts. Eschew con-
can heap upon sin stricken souls such a burden of diments of all sorts. Avoid excesses. " Eat in best manner by running up one wall at a time,
unrest and misery that the physical health will due season ; " or, as the Jewish Version renders but by rearing it all together, in order "that the
gradually be undermined thereby. Then after it, " Eat at proper times." Observe the laws different parts may be bound together. So men-
such a patient has baffled the skill of the physi- of nature with regard to diet ; and let nature tal gymnastics in the shape of Greek and Latin
cian, some other agent succeeds in breaking the do the rest. roots or mathematical problems, studied till the
bonds of Satan ; and as the patient gets well, brain cracks, and the eyes stand out, while
many, even some of the people of God, are led
One day a mother asked her little girl what physical and spiritual life dwindles out, is not
to say that this is the great power of God. In
this way Satan himself often works to deceive, "amen " meant, and she answered : " Do n't education in the best sense.
if it were possible, the very elect. As we shall touch it." An education without a purpose is like a
soon see these things on every hand, it becomes " Where did you learn that ? " potter's vessel made without design ; no one
us as Christians to study this question carefully, " Why, you told me so yourself."
can tell what it is for. We are glad our schools
for everything that can be shaken will be shaken. " 0, no !" said the mother, " I told you, So
let it be.'" are awakening to these things. We are glad to
There are thousands of invalids, such as have see education and practical work brought closer
already been mentioned, who, if they would lose The little girl had often heard, " Let it be,"
used as an equivalent for " Do n't touch it," together. The result will be a better concep-
sight of themselves in doing good to others,
would find that their " health would spring forth therefore her verbal mistake as to the meaning tion of the purposes of education and the mixt-
of '' amen.'' ure of a greater proportion of the useful. Let
speedily." As a general principle, the more we
can surround a patient with the heavenly influ- us get rid of the idea that there is no beauty
ence, the more sure will be his recovery. " A baby carriage stood in front of a small in utility. One of the most beautiful sights
shop. In it slept a pretty, dimpled baby. A in this world is a place in the rent and torn
drowsy puppie lay on a pillow, its black nose fabric of humanity, where wisdom, strength,
close to the baby's cheek.
and faithfulness are required, and a cultured
Food. " By the carriage stood a ragged little waif,
dirty, with scarcely enough clothes for decency. man or woman exactly filling the place. There
BY ELDER W. H. WAREHAM. She stroked in turn the baby and the puppy. are myriads of such places ; will our schools
(Battle Creek, Mich.) " A lady passing by noticed the strange pict- furnish the men and the women ? T.
ure the cunning little dog, the ragged child.
THE blood may be made impure by the use of The baby's mother was in the shop. PASSING EVENTS AND COMMENTS.
food containing poisons ; by an excess of good " ' Are you caring for these ?' said the lady to
food ; by eating at improper times and in an the waif. Has its Troubles. The Sunday cause has
improper manner ; or by almost any of the com- " A wonderful smile lighted up the dirty its grievances as well as its triumphs. Last
mon dietetic errors. Animal substances, flesh- little face. No, please, ma'am, I 'm only lov- Monday's papers announced that a ball-player
meats of all kinds, including fish, unsterilized ing them.' " in Indiana fell dead in the midst of a game on
milk, old cheese, ordinary butter, etc., are us- Sunday. The game had been strongly opposed
ually swarming with germs, and contaminated " If oil-cloths are rubbed well once a week by church people, and the sudden death caused
with germ poisons. The flesh of animals in with a flannel cloth dipped in sweet milk, they
much comment. On the other hand, an item
particular, even when in the best possible con- will retain their freshness and brightness much
dition, abounds in poisonous waste products, longer." just below that stated that lightning struck a
the results of the functional activity of the Baptist church on that same Sunday morning,
animal. Condiments and spices of all kinds are " To test the freshness of eggs, drop them killing one man and a team of horses, and shock-
open to the same objection. They all contain in a dish of water, and if the small end comes to ing the entire congregation.
irritating poisons. All fermenting or decaying the top, they are fresh." On the same day De Witt Talmage, in Iowa,

preached for the C. M. & St. P. Railway Com- ing men to move in a certain groove without Methodist brethren cannot say that the State
pany, at a popular resort, for which it is stated respect to conscience or conviction. has no right to enact laws making certain days
the company paid him $500. He drew 12,000 to be days of devotion ; for do not the States of
passengers from Mason City and other towns, A Florida Outrage. The efforts being made the great American republic so? and are not
so that the railway did as well as the preacher. in the South by Christian teachers from the Methodists cordial supporters of these laws?
But it did not suit the other pastors very well, North to infringe upon the line of demarkation But for fear that the task of finding out
who had to stay at home and speak to empty between the white and colored races, meet with why Protestants are not fairly treated in South
churches. They think that Talmage, " dese- a most bitter and determined resistance on the America will prove rather difficult, and the in-
crated the Sabbath." part of the dominant race of that section. As formation upon this point very slow to be ob-
further evidence of this fact, we have the recent tained, it may be recommended to our Method-
action of the Florida legislature and executive ist brethren to turn their attention to events of
Professor H uxley. The name of Prof.
in passing and indorsing an infamous " Act to a similar character transpiring nearer home, to
T. H. Huxley stands with those of Darwin,
prohibit white and colored youth from being ascertain why, in the States of Tennessee, Geor-
Spencer, and Tyndall, among the great scientists
taught in the same school." The provisions of gia, and Maryland, Protestants are put into jail
of the present age. He was born in Sussex,
this law make it a crime to conduct any school and otherwise unjustly treated by other Protest-
England, in 1825, studied medicine, and en-
where " white persons and Negroes .shall be ants. The Chicago Methodist Ministers' Meet-
tered the navy as surgeon in 1846. His talents
instructed or boarded within the same building ing will not be obliged in doing this to address a
as naturalist, biologist, and comparative anato-
or taught in the same class or at the same letter to Cardinal Gibbons, Satolli, or the pope ;
mist, gave him preferment and brought him
time by the same teacher." Any person pat- they can write to the pastors of the Methodist
marks of distinction. In this line of work his
ronizing or teaching such school may be fined churches in the vicinity where these things
life consisted. His illness extended over three
from $150 to $300, or imprisoned from three to have occurred. These pastors will be able to
months, and he died the 29th of June.
six months. This enactment is worthy of the give an immediate answer ; for in several in-
His name not only stands high in scientific
Dark Ages. It will rest with the government stances they were first and foremost to induce the
circles, but also ranks among the leading agnos-
to decide whether it shall stand. T. civil authorities to prosecute these violators of
tics of the day. This reputation, it is but fair
the church Sunday law ; and so the Chicago
to say, has not been an aim in his work. He AT LAST. ministers may expect prompt responses begin-
has not gone out of his way to attack the Bible,
THE Chicago Methodist Ministers' Meeting, ning something like this : " Your inquiries relate
or to undermine its authority. But Isis way,
which has so persistently interrogated Cardinal to a state of things solely dependent upon the
nevertheless, has led him to regard the whole
Gibbons, Satolli, and the pope on the restric- civil laws of the State of , etc." This answer
question of faith from a standpoint directly oppo-
tions of liberty to the Protestants in South should be perfectly satisfactory to the Methodist
site to that which we believe to be the true one.
America, have at last got a partial and ambigu- Ministers' Meeting, as it probably would be.
He complained; because in pursuing his investi- M. E. KELLOGG.
gations of nature he always brought up against a ous answer from Cardinal Gibbons. The follow-
tall and formidable fence labeled, "No thorough- ing is the letter, which is clipped from the " SUCH REJOICING IS VAIN."
fare. By order of Moses." He was continu- Chicago Inter Ocean of July 2 :
"Rome, June 14, 1895. THE United States has passed one more year
ally running against the statements of the Bible. Mn. JOHN LEE, DEAR SIR: In reply to your favor
The trouble with him, as we view it, is that he of national life, and celebrated the beginning of
of the 20th ult., I beg to say that some days ago I re-
investigated nature as one would follow a trail ferred the matter of the disabilities of Protestants in another with unusual vim and clamor. The
Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia to the cardinal secretary of nerves-of sensitive people have been racked and
in a direction opposite to that taken by the one state. His eminence now writes me as follows :
who made the trail. Instead of studying nat- ' 'The letter written to your eminence by Mr. Lee, shocked into distraction over the senseless din
ure from the standpoint of the great Cause, he of Chicago, has reference to a state of things solely de- that has made two nights and one day hideous.
pendent upon the civil laws in force in the republics But that is what we call patriotism, so it must
sought through nature to limit and define that of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. Nevertheless, as your
eminence has been pleased to communicate to me the be tolerated and encouraged, no matter how
Cause. Standing upon human hypotheses, he
said letter, I have written to the apostolic delegate in many lives are destroyed, limbs torn, and bod-
sought to reach ultimate truth, whereas he should the above-named republics, to obtain precise informa- ies maimed ; no matter how much property is
have accepted fundamental truth as a basis for tion concerning the laws which affect the condition of
Protestants there as regards both the exercise of their burned, and money worse than thrown away.
study. " Canst thou, by searching, find out
religion and the celebration of marriages. In com- People are excusable in getting drunk and rais-
God ? Canst thou find out the Almighty to per- municating this to your eminence and taking it upon
myself to call the attention of the Holy See to the ing Cain on that day, because it is in the name
fection? "Not in that way.. The recognition
information which the aforesaid delegate will send, I of patriotism. Patriotism covers a multitude
of God is the great central truth; from that am, etc.' of debasing and shameful deeds ; it opens wide
all other truths radiate. From any other stand- "Availing myself of the opportunity to tender you
my best wishes for your welfare, I am, dear sir, yours the gates of license, waste, and frivolity on this
point human reason leads to a maze of specula-
sincerely in Christ, J. Cardinal Gibbons. natal day of American independence.
tion that is without God and without hope.
To say that the conditions in the South The spirit of Liberty, too, is supposed to be
American countries referred to by the Method- associated with patriotism in this annual out-
Religio-Political Endeavorers. The Young ist ministers, " are solely dependent upon the burst. It is a mockery l Liberty in America
People's Society of Christian Endeavor has be- civil laws in force in the republics of Peru, is a thing of the past an empty name. In
come a powerful auxiliary of the movement to Ecuador, and Bolivia," is the most transparent the same week in which this boisterous celebra-
place religious usages on a civil legal basis. fraud. If the cardinal secretary of state had tion is making pandemonium on earth, innocent,
They are not all voters, but the members of this said that the civil affairs of these countries were upright Christian citizens, whose lives are above
great organization represent a vast moral force. administered " solely " in the interests of the reproach, are lying in loathsome jails for con-
This force has been completely captured by those Catholic Church, under the especial direction of science' sake and for the word of God. Nearly
who are laboring to control politics in the inter- the Catholic priests, he would have stated a a dozen others are consigned to the same pun-
ests of religion. The impetuous nature of youth truth which would have shown the true in- ishment. In Baltimore a poor, sick man is
does not stop to reason, but in the ardor of its wardness of the persecution of Protestants by most brutally deprived of every right, and cru-
conviction lays hold of the first weapon within Catholics in those countries. But he will in- elly thrust into a cell without the barest comfort.
its reach to enforce its conclusions. In Connecti- vestigate, and the chances are that after years He is torn from his sick children, who are sent
cut the society has pronounced a political boy- of tedious delay, a reply from the " apostolic weeping to their desolate home, all because he
cott against senators and representatives who delegates " will be received at Rome and then keeps the commandments of God. He has
voted for an offensive measure, and the boycott transmitted here, in which it will be repeated injured no one, disturbed no one. He has done
has been indorsed at Boston headquarters. The that the Protestants in those countries have what every Christian ought to do ; but a brutal
word " boycott " stands for one of the most broken the civil laws, and by so doing have policeman glories in his cruel treatment of an
crimnally wicked measures that Satan ever in- made themselves very obnoxious to the majority innocent victim. This "glorious land of free-
troduced. Christian people should be very of the people there. It may even be found that dom " upholds the policeman and condemns
careful about using it. But aside from this they have done common work in their gardens the sufferer. How vain must this self-glorifi-
step we cannot but deplore the use that is being or shops on days when the majority of the peo- cation sound in the ears of Heaven, while such
made of this noble organization of youth to de- ple are idle in honor of some saint, who may or crimes are committed in the name of liberty.
feat the best purposes of the gospel by compell- may not have lived some centuries past. Our T.
440 ADV. 'Hgr 1?ErVIEPTI AND ,S ABBATH HERALD. 8[VoL. 72, No. 28.

evilly and e id. Now if the cessation of tillage during the

seventh year enabled the sacred writers to say,

as they do, that the land kept sabbath that year, THOSE who read the REVIEW about fifteen
would not the cessation of tillage for a shorter years ago will remember that the subject of mut-
period, even for only one day, enable one to say ual obligation received a good deal of attention
that the earth kept sabbath for that day ? -- from the pen of one whose natmory we cherish,
Certainly it would ; and that this was the case, and whose life's work closed soon thereafter.
ALONZO T. JONES, Wm. W. PRESCOTT, AND LOUIS R, CONRADI. we learn from Lev. 26 : 34, 35, where we have The principles which were so clearly set forth
still more definite instruction upon the subject. then. are as forceful to-day as then. The work in
HOW CAN THE LAND WORSHIP Among the judgments threatened against the which we are engaged is so closely related in its
Jewish people, if they should walk contrary to different parts as to be interdependent. " The
OF the two-horned beast we read in Rev. the Lord, one was that they should be scattered eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of
13 :12 : And he "causeth the earth and them among the heathen. " Then," says verse 34, thee ; nor again the head to the feet, I have no
which dwell therein to worship the first beast, " shall the land enjoy her sabbaths, as long as need of you."
whose deadly wound was healed." This wor- it lieth desolate, and ye be in your enemies' What we have to say at this time is not to be
ship is the enforcing of that institution of the land ; even then shall the land rest, and enjoy said in a scolding or fault-finding mood, but
beast which Roman Catholics claim to be the her sabbaths. As long as it lieth desolate, it rather by way of reminder. There is no reason
badge of their power ; namely, the observance shall rest; because it did not rest in your sab- to doubt that our co-laborers in this and other
of the Sunday holiday, which is the great rival baths, when ye dwelt upon it." countries love the cause of Christ, not only the
and antagonist of the Sabbath of the Lord Je- Particular attention is called to this language. particular portion of that cause to which they
hovah. It is promised that the land shall have the privi- are attached, but the cause at large. Each one
The question arises how the earth can perform lege of enjoying her sabbaths as long as it lieth feels the immediate burdens which rest upon
that kind of worship. How can the land keep desolate, and then the reason is given : " Be- him to be all he can very well bear. He sees
the Sunday ? This is the question that has to cause it did not rest in your sabbaths, when no time, and seems to have no strength, to de-
be answered, because the word " earth " evi- ye dwelt upon it." What is meant by the ex- vote to duties that are not imperative ; and nat-
dently refers to the ground. It is to be taken pression " your sabbaths," in this passage ? urally he feels that his first duties are to his own
in its most literal and evident signification and It certainly means all the sabbaths of the Jew- particular work.
not figuratively, meaning the people ; for while ish system ; but among these there was more But if he allows his local duties to engroSs
they are spoken of in -connection with it, they than the sabbath every seventh year. There his entire attention, he makes a mistake. Christ
are distinct from it. It is ' 4 the earth and them were seven sabbaths every year of only one day's said, " Ye are the light," not of your town, or
which dwell therein." duration each ; and on those days they were to your Conference, but, " of the world." Wher-
But the two-horned beast can exercise juris- do no servile work ; that is, they were to allow ever we are, we need the help, the sympathy,
diction only over its own subjects ; and that nothing to be done in the way of tilling the soil ; the prayers, of our people. On the other hand,
fact determines how extensive' is the meaning of and for this reason the land, because it had not they need the help we can give them.
the word 4 ' earth " in this connection ; for he the privilege of resting on those days, piled The REVIEW occupies a very interesting posi-
causeth them that dwell upon the earth, that is, up a claim against the disobedient people, tion as the chief medium through which the
all that dwell therein, to worship ; and as those which they were obliged to pay by going into many constituent parts of our great work are
are only his own subjects, so the earth. here captivity and permitting the land to lie unfilled kept in step and touch with one another. The
spoken of can be only his own territory. It as long as that captivity continued. If they paper is read in every part of the world. There
does not, therefore, mean the whole globe, the had obeyed the restrictions laid upon them by are very few papers on earth so essentially cos-
entire habitable world, which the word is some- the Lord in their system of worship, and had re- mopolitan in scope and interest as our own.
times used to designate, or even any other na- frained from laboring during their seven...annual We are dropping the word " foreign " out of
tion, but only the territory controlled by this sabbaths, as directed, then this charge would our vocabulary, because the REVIEW is not for-
power which is seen "coming up out of the not have been laid upon them, that the land did eign in any part of the world. Week by week
earth." And we can understand by " earth," not rest in their sabbaths, while they dwelt upon the journal goes out bearing to our workers in
in contrast with "people," nothing else but it ; and these sabbaths were sabbaths of only Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, Austral-
the " land," the " soil ; " and this is caused to twenty-four hours each. asia, the Islands, and everywhere, the good news
worship the beast. But the Jews worshiped God also by keep- of the progress of this truth, just as far as the
The question, then, again recurs, How can ing the weekly Sabbath, during which they were editors can learn of it. It is, as we know by
the earth or land thus worship the beast? and, to do no servile work. Now if the land, by not experience, read with anxious interest by those
as we have seen that this worship is the keeping being tilled, was keeping the ceremonial sabbaths who are far away from home, and by our peo-
of the Sunday sabbath, the question, stated in of the Jews, on the same ground it would be ple in all lands who desire to know how the
other words, is, How can the land keep the Sun- keeping the weekly Sabbath of the Lord, and good work is prospering. At this time of the
day ? Upon this 2 Chron. 36 : 21 throws some worshiping the Lord on the Sabbath, by not year the work in this country is quite well repre-
light. Speaking of the seventy years' captivity being tilled upon that day; and doubtless the sented. Still there are here numerous workers,
of the Jews, the record is that it was " to fulfill instruction ha4 more reference to this than to some having grown gray in the work, from whom
the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah any other institution ; for before the captivity, we no longer hear.
the prophet, until the land had enjoyed her the two great sins of the Jewish people were There is an obligation on the other side also.
sabbaths ; for as long as she lay desolate, she Sabbath-breaking and idolatry. And for this Our people in America and elsewhere are called
kept the sabbath to fulfill threescore and ten they went into captivity ; and one object of that upon to support by their means mission work in
years." captivity was. that the land might rest. This various parts of the world. There are our first-
It may be objected to this that reference is shows that Sabbath-keeping has to do with day offerings, our Sabbath-school donations,
here made only to the seventh-year sabbath, the land ; that is, the land is spoken of as Christmas offerings, camp-meeting collections,
wherein the land should lie idle a whole year ; concerned in it. Just so it would be keeping besides miscellaneous gifts. Morning and even-
and that that cannot apply now, for that arrange- the sabbath of the beast, and worshiping the ing we are expected to pray that God will bless
ment of the Jewish system has passed away. beast, by not being tilled on the first day of our laborers in distant parts of the world, and we
In answer, it is sufficient to say that there was a the week, the Sunday holiday, the institution of do it. But those who have the burden in the
principle involved in what was done back there the beast. And it is a singular fact that a matter realize that it is difficult to sustain an in-
which explains the situation of to-day. It great proportion of those of our brethren who terest in our distant work. The Foreign (excuse
shows that the land could " keep sabbath simply have been arrested for Sunday labor have been the word) Mission Secretary tells us that the
by not being tilled during such sabbath ; and prosecuted for tilling the land and cultivating combined offerings the past quarter are over $6,-
that was the point in that seventh-year sabbath. their farms on that day ; that is, for doing that 000 less than one year ago.
Things grew of themselves, and the earth mani- which would prevent the land from worshiping On the whole, times are easier now than then.
fested all its vegetable energy, as usual ; but the beast, which the two horned beast is to Is not one reason for the falling off found in the
men did not till the ground, and that is called endeavor to cause all, both land and people, to fact that our people are gradually losing their
the land keeping sabbath. worship. u. s. active and practical interest in these fields
We do not want to say that they love the:cause greater the,need for systematic arrangements ; sure that all expected to assist in carrying out
of God less ; but even the best of friendsbecome otherwise much valuable time will be lost, and the plans are made conversant with them. In
cold in their attachment unless frequent com- much that should be done will be left undone. a word, all the workers should be made familiar
munication is maintained. If one to whom we In suggesting arrangements we are conscious with their duties, and every possible advantage
. are constantly sending little reminders makes no of the fact that what may be proposed cannot, should be given them, in order that they may
response, and we have no evidence that our on account of varying circumstances, be carried the better co-operate in helping to make the
prayers in his behalf are being answered, after out in detail in every meeting ; but we have camp-meeting a success.
a time interest begins to wane. often noticed that important lines of work have We earnestly urge the importance of minis-
Looking over the file of the REVIEW for the been wholly crowded out at our camp-meetings ters' and workers' meetings, and we trust that
last six months, we have compiled a table show- on account of lack of proper arrangements, pro- they will not be omitted. We cannot but hope
ing the number of reports we have had from ducing the unfortunate results which we hope that those having a leading part to act in con-
fields outside of the' United. States, with the hereby to obviate. nection with the work in our different Confer-
purpose of giving a practical illustration of what Ministers' and workers' meetings are as im- ences will not neglect these arrangements, which
we have been saying. But it is perhaps best portant as are any special meetings held in con- are so vitally connected with the success of
not to publish it, lest it should injure the feel- nection with our camp-meetings ; yet they are our camp-meetings. O. A. O.
ings of some of our beloved and overloaded frequently omitted on account of a failure to
brethren who already have all they can carry. provide for them. We would earnestly recom- OUR FIRST BAPTISM IN HUNGARY.
But stop a moment and think. How many la- mend that definite provision for such special
borers have we in Scandinavia ? How many have meetings be made in connection with every camp- AMONG the different governments of the con-
reported through the RE viEw ? How many in meeting, and that, no ordinary hindrance be per- tinent of Europe, Austro-Hungary plays a very
England ? How many have reported? How mitted to crowd them out. prominent part, being in size the largest except
many in Australia? How many have we heard The following program will be sufficient to Russia, while in population it is excelled only
from ? Silence again. And so we could go on. illustrate a method of providing for ministers' by Russia and Germany, having forty-one mill-
Not a dead silence to be sure, for a very few of and workers' meetings : ion inhabitants in all. It is now five years ago
these have written, the Foreign Mission Secre- Devotional and social meetings in divisions, that the writer, in literary research for the Sab-
tary has furnished us some private letters, and 5: 30 A. M. ; family worship, 8 A. M. ;'minis- bath History, visited Klausenburg, or Kolosvar,
a little information has come to us through dif- ters' meetings, 8 A. M. ; preaching service, the chief city of Transylvania, and at that
ferent crevices, and we faithfully give to our 10 :45 A. M. j workers' meeting, 12 M. time by a special providence made the acquaint-
readers all we get. It will be evident to the reader that we have ance of brother Rottmaier, who was then in
We may be pardoned for mentioning an px- not aimed to present a full program for a camp- charge of the depository of the British Bible
ception or two. Elder Conradi, from Germany, meeting. The change from the usual plan that Society. During his stay at Hamburg this
and Elder noise; from Switzerland, have kept we have suggested is that the early morning brother was converted and baptized in the event-
us quite fully informed in reference to their meeting generally conducted at 5 :30, be held ful year of 1844, and soon after returned as the
fields. The result is that there is an intense in divisions, the number of which would vary first Baptist to his native land. Becoming con-
interest in their work spread throughout our according to the size of the camp. It has been nected with the British Bible Society, he circu-
entire ranks. We commend their wisdom as customary to have the young people meet at lated the word of God far and wide in Hungary,
well as their good-will. They could not better this hour in the tent provided for them, and to and formed many acquaintances. After my visit
employ their time than. to devote an hour or have all the others meet in the large pavilion at their house, the truth gradually took hold of
two each month setting their work before our for a general social meeting ; but experience the family, though no pains was spared on the
people. We pray intelligently when we ask has taught us that in such large meetings only part of the leading Baptists to prejudice him
God to bless them ; we give understandingly so a few can bear an individual part; hence the against us. His wife and daughter united with
far as their portion of the various collections suggestion to hold several division meetings us during their stay at Hamburg. Hungarian
may be concerned. instead of the one general meeting. literature was provided and circulated with the
Is there not an obligation resting upon those A further suggestion is to use the hour German.
who go forth to battle, to report progress to between eight and nine o'clock for family wor- Over a year ago brother Benecke went to
those who stay by the stuff and furnish the ship. The children's meetings are usually held Hungary to engage in Bible work and become
" sinews of war " ? Undoubtedly. No wonder at this hour ; but there need necessarily be no acquainted with the native language, one of the
need be excited if receipts fall off when month interference. It has been quite customary to most difficult on record. The truth extended
after month andalmost years are allowed to go hold district meetings from 8 to 9 A. M. ; to a neighboring village and also among the
by, and no word comes from our distant fields. but having division meetings at 5 :30 A. M., Germans at Kronstadt, a city close to Rumania.
It would be more than human if they did not. the hour between eight and nine o'clock gives A man in charge of a bakery became convinced,
It may be suggested that the REVIEW is plead- an opportunity for every tent company to engage and attended our last general meeting at Ham-
ing its own cause. Perhaps so to some extent, in worship. The early meetings should be in burg. He closed out his business, spent some
for it is hard work to make bricks and have to charge of the ministers, which will add interest five months at the mission school in Hamburg,
gather stubble for straw. The REVIEW earnestly and success to the meetings. With the above being baptized while there, and then started out
desires to be to this precious work all that God arrangement, the way is open for the ministers' to canvass in his native land, obtaining the nec-
would have it be. But the REVIEW cannot, as meeting to be held from eight to nine o'clock essary permission only after trying hard - for
a spider does its web, weave these things out of without difficulty. The remainder of the usual months. Others have since taken a stand ; thus
its own bowels. But on that point we forbear. program need not be interfered with by this the truth extends.
Our plea is wholly on the ground of mutual in- arrangement. We had the privilege of seeing May 20, the writer reached Klausenburg to
terest and mutual obligation, and there we leave the plan suggested above, tried at the recent visit the company there, the meetings being
it. G. C. T. South Dakota camp-meeting, and it worked well. held at the hospitable house of brother Rott-
We now submit it for the benefit of those hav- maier, who, after over twenty-five years of faith-
MINISTERS' AND WORKERS' MEETINGS. ing the charge of our camp-meetings, to use as ful labor for the Bible Society, laid down his
Their Importance at our Camp-meetings.
they may think best. charge in order to be able to observe the Sabbath,
The workers' meetings are for consultation and exchanged his home in the city for a quieter
OUR camp-meetings are very important occa- and planning with reference to the interests of place in the suburbs. Next morning we called
sions, and it is exceedingly essential that all the camp-meeting. Among the special feat- on a Hungarian nobleman of considerable influ-
the arrangements for them be so made that the ures of these meetings are the devotional ence and social position. Last year one of our
most possible good may be accomplished in the exercises, the reports from the workers, and Hungarian pamphlets, containing some thirty
short time allotted for each meeting. While prayer for special eases reported by the work- Bible readings on the present truth, was handed
plans and arrangements cannot, in and of them- ers. Complete arrangements should be the to him, and as he admitted to us, engaged his
selves, effect that which is most desirable, still made for all special work to be done during entire attention during his last summer's vaca-
by careful planning much more can be accom- interval between the meetings. Care should tion. The chief point of interest was the near-
plished than where these are lacking. It will be taken to have well-matured plans ; and the ness of the advent of our Saviour, a doctrine
be found that the larger the camp-meeting, the one in charge of the camp-meeting should be which thus far had not been presented to him.

Consequently he requested brother Rottmaier to struggle between the Catholic and the Liberal European Conference Committee and the board
introduce him to the first Adventist minister party to grant Hungary more religious freedom ; of the publishing house to arrange for the sum-
mer 's work.
who came, that he might learn more. We had and several important points, such as civil mar-
a pleasant call at his office, and arranged for a riage, have been scored by the Liberals. The The Basel authorities continue to search for
some means of causing our publishing house dis-
visit on his part in the evening. Nearly five Catholics tried to hinder the passing of such
tress because of Sunday work. The nature of
hours, till late at night, we spent together in laws, their legate forgetting himself even so far our office work is such that there is no noise,
considering the great fundamental principles of that he used his receptions as occasions to make neither can the workmen be seen from the street ;
the present truth ; and ere we parted, he ordered political speeches. This led to the interference it is also well understood that we meet the ob-
several of our leading works to occupy himself of the Hungarian minister ; the imperial minister ject of the Factory law by resting one day every
with during this present summer vacation. He at Vienna intervened, but the matter went so week, still the authorities do not cease to mo-
carefully noted every text, and felt grateful for far that the imperial minister had to resign, and lest us. They spied about the house till they
the legate leave Hungary. But this has only found evidence against us ; but when we were
the light received from the precious word of
cited before the court, it appeared that, accord-
God. stirred the Catholics to greater activity ; they ing to the terms of the law, the director alone is
Next day our friends came from the country, begin to circulate tracts encouraging their mem- responsible, and he being absent, the law could
and after considering the leading points of our bers to stick faithfully together, and thus pre- lay its hands on no one. But the authorities
faith through an interpreter, four desired to vent the bondage of their church. Naturally, could not await the return of the director ; they
unite, two of these by baptism. After a heavy religious freedom in a Catholic country can only searched the records till they thought that they
thunderstorm, while flashes of lightning occasion- be secured by limiting the power of the intoler- had a clue, and then again cited us before the
ant church by wholesome legal restrictions within court. But they had made a gross blunder,
ally lighted up our path, we repaired to a creek,
taking the Central European Conference for the
and there baptized a Hungarian brother and the its own sphere. This is a very opportune time
owner of the publishing house, when it has no
adopted daughter of brother Rottmaier. Next for the extension of our literature, especially that connection whatever with the house.
day was a holiday, and some twenty-five strangers relating to the fundamental principles of religious This fact was made plain in the hearing,
attended our meetings forenoon and afternoon; liberty. As doors have been opened to plant but the court ignored the fact, and fined the
and in the evening, before celebrating the ordi- the truth, may the Lord provide men of conse- Conference with the heaviest amount the law
nances, the granddaughter of brother Rottmaier, cration and judgment to extend the work in this permits. The court might as well have pro-
important country. L. R. C. nounced sentence against the East Africa Com-
who is a member of the Baptist Church in
pany. It would have been just as logical.
Vienna, arose and asked admission. Thus old This action of the court calls to mind an occur-
age and youth, Hungarian and German, all be-
came united by the sweet influence of the Spirit Nt rogrfss of Ike (Huse. rence in eastern Russia three years ago. A
Lutheran pastor instigated persecution against
of God, which was felt to a large degree at our " He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, our Russian brethren. In one family, the fa-
shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves
first ordinance meeting in Hungary. Eight in all with him."Ps. 126:6. ther was a Lutheran, and the son an Adventist,
took part. The sum of over $120 given this year and when the police called to take the son, he
by this little company is evidence that they truly EUROPE. was absent, and the father being at home, they
took him, for did n't he have the same name ?
love the truths of the last message. There are And in spite of the frenzied protests of the pas-
WHEN returning to this field from the Gen-
other Sabbath-keepers, but we wish to build eral Conference, I stopped a few days in tor that they had one of his sheep, they carried
carefully, and we are sure that the honest will England. On landing at Southampton, breth- off the Lutheran instead of the Adventist into
not long defer to surrender all to their Master. ren Washburn, Hope, and Hansen were at the banishment. Basel has shown itself not far be-
Our good brother at Kronstadt could not at- wharf and brought good news of the work in this hind Russia in the administration of justice.
tend, as he has been called in for military serv- large city. During the past winter remarkable How they will succeed in collecting the fine
ice during four weeks. While in Hamburg he interest was shown in the public meetings held from the Conference remains to be seen.
by these brethren. The largest ball in the city The course of the authorities is such as to in-
received notice, but resolved from the very
proving too small, a second one was rented, and dicate that they may push matters to the bitter
beginning not to serve on the Sabbath. He end. But these things do not dismay or dis-
meetings were held in both at the same hour.
had been trained in the government bakery at Sometimes both halls were filled to overflowing, courage us ; we rejoice in all, knowing that God
Vienna. His experience is best told in his own more than a thousand being present. The whole will make all things work for the good of his
words, being an extract from a letter received city was stirred with the truth, and as a result, cause, in spite of man's evil intentions. We
recently : the number of Sabbath-keepers was increased may not now be able to see how this will be ;
" Praise and thanksgiving be to the Lord for from some twenty-five to one hundred and nine ; but this is not necessary ; it is sufficient for us
still others are in the valley of decision. It is to know that God lives. So we shall not wait
his fatherly guidance ! For some time I had ear-
encouraging to see that the truth is making such till we can look back and see how these things
nestly considered the matter of serving on the were for our good, but we rejoice now, and so
progress here,
Sabbath during my military drill, but it was the From Southampton I came to London, remain- get benefit from these good things as we pass
easier and better. At the very commencement ing from May 16-20. The work is onward here. through them.
of the drill, I gave notice as to the Sabbath, and The attempted enforcement of the Sunday law In view of these repeated attacks upon the
asked to be freed from service every seventh on our publishing house in this city resulted in a house, and the prospect of their uninterrupted
day ; after a hard struggle this was granted. I decided advancement of the work. The author- continuance, it has been decided to close it as a
was asked to which sect I belonged ; they also ities seemed to be taken by surprise, and the factory, and have the work of manufacturing
more they advanced, the more they were sur- books done outside, by publishers in the city
replied that in the army every one must obey, and
prised. They found something entirely differ- and by our own people working in their homes
that each had to perform his respective duty or private workshops.
ent from what they had met before. At every
even on Sunday and holidays. Among other step they were confronted with the truth, and The past year has been the best financially
things I replied, 4 We have to obey God more this embarrassed them ; the more they tried to that the publishing house ever enjoyed. The
than man.' When they saw that I was firm in relieve matters, the more embarrassed they be- publishing work will be carried on from the
my convictions, they granted me each Sabbath came, until it was much relief to them when the house as before, and the prospects for prosperity
free. The promise of the Lord was also ful- affair was finally disposed of. There is prospect in the future are good. H. P. HoLsEu.
filled here ; he gave me al ways the right words of respite for a time.
Besides the general public attention drawn to NEWFOUNDLAND.
at the right time. Afterward I had some op-
the truth, and the many favorable articles that
portunity to speak a few words with my superior appeared in the journals, the circulation of Pres- ST. JOHN'S.-- It has now been about four
officers as to the present truth, and to lend them ent Truth was increased nearly three thousand weeks since we landed on this island. After
some of our books to read. May the Lord open by this occurrence. This is but another illus- spending some time in getting located, we
their eyes and have them see the glorious light." tration of how every effort of the enemy to hin- turned our attention to securing a place for pub-
Thus the Lord has not only brought relief, der will be turned to the advancement of the lic meetings. There were but four places in
but by the steadfastness of our brother, the truth truth ; however, the results may not be so appar- this city that were to be rented for public
has been brought to the knowledge of several ent in every case. Reports from all parts of the gatherings, and usually they were not rented
British field are encouraging. for less than $10 a night. To meet the expense
higher officers. During my stay at Klausenburg From London I came to Switzerland, and for hiring a place at those prices, we felt would
I was also invited to dine with the president of spent a week at Binningen, a village adjoining scarcely be possible. We made the matter a
the Unitarian college, who is a reader of the Basel, while my family, who had accompanied subject of prayer, believing that if it was the
REVIEW, and of ten uses extracts from our peri- me thus far, returned to our former dwelling ,in Lord's will to have a place in the city to call
odicals in their paper. There has been quite a the publishing house. Here I met the Central the people together, the way would be opened.
After making application to one after another in German. As about all these German breth- all over the city, and so far, no decided opposi-
for three of the four halls and failing each time, ren could understand English, brother Hyatt tion has been manifested except among the
we applied for the British hall, which is in a spoke to them three times, and the writer twice Catholics, who are quite strong here. We thank
central portion of the city ; we secured the use in English. At the time of the dedication, on God for what he is doing, and hope to see a
of it for three meetings a week for $3 an even- the 23d, there was a fair attendance of their good work done here in his name, and that souls
ing. The hall will seat about three hundred friends and neighbors, who listened with interest may be saved for his everlasting kingdom.
people and is well lighted and cared for. We to the word spoken. This is the first organized J. W. SCOLES, E. A. CURTIS.
held our first meeting last evening with an German church of Seventh-day Adventists in
attendance of about one hundred and seventy Missouri, and the first church building erected ;
adults, besides children. Our collection more but the Germans are of good cheer, and con-
than paid the rent for the evening, and *those fident that the Lord will prosper their work in
FROM April 24 to May 27 I labored in the
who were present were very much interested. Missouri as he has in other States.
There has been a very strong effort during the From June 24-26 we were with the church in southwestern part of the State. I visited nearly
past two years to turn the minds of the people St. Louis. While with this people we each all the churches and companies and many of
away from the truth in this city, both in public spoke to them twice. They seemed ready to re- the scattered families in this district. I made
and private, but the efforts that have been made ceive instruction in regard to modes of labor, 106 family visits, preached thirty-five sermons,
against the truth have seemed to awaken an and expressed themselves as made glad by this baptized seven persons, sold a few books, and
interest in the minds of many to hear. And visit. Some of the members will take hold of distributed several hundred pages of tracts. I
notwithstanding the fact that our meeting last house-to-house work with the tracts, papers, and received $28.75 in cash donations, and 160 acres
evening was at the regular hour for the services books in that great city. of corn pledged to the Nebraska corn fund.
in the other churches, we had a good congre- From June 25-30 we met with our people in The spring opened early, and the farmers
gation- with some of the best class of people a local camp-meeting at Willow Springs, Howell planted and sowed their fields as usual ; there
in the city. Our next services will be Wed- Co. Brethren Cruzan and H. S. Hoover have was sufficient moisture to sprout and start the
nesday and Thursday evenings of this present been holding a tent meeting for a few weeks in crops, but the early rain did not come, and
week. May the Lord grant that those who this place. As there were a number of scattered soon their hopes and crops seemed blighted.
have hearts to obey the truth may be led into Sabbath-keepers in four surrounding counties Notwithstanding, our brethren generally were of
his fold. Those who have taken hold of the who do not have the privilege of the camp-meet- good courage. Although their fields were swept
message here are very much encouraged that ings, it was thought best to rally them for a by hot winds and dust storms, they turned to
the way has opened for the truth to be publicly local camp-meeting here in the closing up of Hab. 3: 17-19, and read and believed. Since
presented in this city. this tent-meeting. Our people responded nobly that time the Lord has sent the refreshing rain,
Our courage is good in the Lord, and we feel to the call, and about all of them within reach and now there is promise of an abundant har-
quite at home in this new field. This climate of the meeting were here. On the Sabbath vest. For this we thank the Lord and take
is subject to very sudden changes, one day there were over sixty in our Sabbath-school. courage. We now have our tent pitched at
the thermometer may be up in the nineties in The discourses during this meeting have been on Maple Grove, a country place about six miles
the sun, while twenty-four hours later it may the theory and progress of the truth and the from Falls City, in Richardson county. Elder
be down as low as 10 above zero; but as the various modes of labor used for itadvancement. Hoopes and brother Wheeler are with me.
Lord made man to dwell on all the face of the It has been truly a season of rejoicing and encour- There seems to be a good interest. Our con-
earth (Acts 17 : 26), he certainly will sustain agement to the scattered ones in this part of the gregations are made up of farmers, and as it is
those who labor in his cause in Newfoundland. State. This local meeting is said to be about as a very busy time, our meetings are not large
Brethren, remember the work on this island. large as the first State camp-meeting held in during the working days, but our tent is well
Jtun,e 17. S. J. HERSUM. Missouri, and it will tell greatly for the unity filled on Sundays. We have a beautiful place
and advancement of the work in this part of the for our tent, well protected from the storms.
MISSOURI. Conference. On the last day of the meeting The people are kind to us, and we are of good
ten were united to the Willow Springs church ; courage. DANIEL NETTLETON.
SINCE my last report, in company with brother six of these were baptized by brother Cruzan.
W. S. Hyatt, the president of the Conference, So closed this good meeting. From this point I MASSACHUSETTS.
I have spent eleven days in meetings at four go to Arkansas to attend two local camp-meetings
different points in this State. Beginning with in that State. J. N. LOUGHBOROUGH. HYANNIS.- It is now eight months since I
June 20, we were with our brethren at Sedalia, came to this beautiful village situated on the
and in the evening had the privilege of speaking ONTARIO. banks overlooking Vineyard Sound. This is
to a fair-sized audience in their house of wor- ma
the most popular watering-place on Cape Cod.
ship. Brother Wm. Cochran and some of the DARRELL.- We have been holding tent-meet- Our meetings here began under the most unfav-
members are engaged in a house-to-house work ings here for nearly three weeks, with a good in- orable circumstances, some of which have been
with the Signs, Sentinel, and small tracts and terest from the first. Last Sabbath upward of noticed in a previous report. About everything
books, and Bible work. This had already led twenty met with us for Sabbath-school. A large that could be done to hinder our work here has
to invitations for brother Cochran to speak in portion of these were children and young people. been done by the leading minister of the place.
other meeting-houses besides our own. If the Eight men and women expressed themselves as He not only preached against the Sabbath sev-
church continues in this line of work, they will determined to unite with us in the work of sav- eral times when he severely denounced our
surely be revived more and more. ing souls. After the service, we went three work, but went to an adjoining village and
From the 21st to the 23d, we were with our miles to the Thames River, where brother Bur- warned the people against the truth as damnable
German brethren at Senate Grove, some eight rill baptized a colored sister. She has kept the heresy. With all this tirade against us, our
miles out in the country southwest of New Sabbath all alone in the city of Chatham for six- attendance increased, and the interest deepened.
Haven. The cause in that part of the State is teen years. The services of a former pastor of this church
comparatively new. Several of the present There is a good field of labor here, and if were enlisted, and he did much to quiet the
members of the church accepted present truth some good, earnest man and his family would consciences of some who were deeply inter-
within the last two years, under the labors move out of Michigan to this place, he might ested in our work and were about to obey the
of brother Shrock. Brethren Myers and Riffle see many souls saved as a result of his labors. truth. Still our work went forward, error .and
have been laboring in the German work in that We earnestly request the prayers of our brethren superstition gave way before the clear, cutting
part of the State since the camp-meeting last for us and the work in Ontario. rays of the gospel truth, and the little company
year. The Senate Grove church now has forty- P. M. HOWE, WM. SIMPSON. stood as unshaken as the hills. This only exas-
three members in its organization. During our perated the adversary the more, and a still stronger
meeting others applied for baptism, and will ILLINOIS. effort was put forth in the form of a series of
probably be baptized at the next quarterly meet- revival meetings by a noted revivalist of Boston,
ing. About one year since, the few who had MATTOON. We are now in the third week of accompanied by a corps of singers. These meet-
accepted the truth began to talk of erecting a our meetings at this place, having begun here ings continued for several weeks. The truth
meeting-house. The minister of one of the de- June 11. This is a city of some ten thousand had been firmly planted here, and when the
nominations in that section told his people they inhabitants, and although our tent is located in mist cleared away, the little company of com-
" need not fear the Adventists ever building a a beautiful grove on one of the main avenues of mandment-keepers was found bravely holding
meeting-house, for there was only a handful of the town, so many counter attractions were of- the fort, and saying, " By the grace of God we
them anyway." Notwithstanding this minis- fered that our attendance until recently has been 7

ter's declaration, our German brethren have gone quite small. Now, however, this seems to be Last Sabbath we witnessed the largest attend-
steadily forward and completed a neat church changed, and 'for several nights our tent has ance at our Sabbath-school and the deepest
building, 32 ft. x 24 ft. in size, which was dedi- been full, and many have been turned away for interest in the study of the word of any time
cated June 23, free from debt. lack of room. Our regular attendance averages since its organization. This was followed by a
Brother J. W. Westphal was with us during fully 200 during the week. The interest seems social meeting in which nearly all took part.
the Senate Grove meeting, and spoke four times to be deepening among the better class of people A brother publicly confessed Christ for the

first time, and took his stand with the remnant of the truth, and then came the struggle. She in the Spirit of Christ, trying to go right ahead
church. Much credit is due brother D. B. was the main support of a widowed mother and in our work. The Lord is giving us the ears
Snow for his untiring efforts to place the truth three sisters, and if she relinquished her posi- of the people notwithstanding. Tract sales to
before the people of Hyannis. I go from this tion, what should she do? We presented before date amount to $5.61 ; donations, $32.71.
place to South Yarmouth, a distance of about her some of the precious promises of God's W. E. WRITE. W. A. Mc CUTCHEN,
five miles, to engage in tent work. word, and grasping them by faith, she stepped
MINARD WOOD. out. She notified her employer, and by every PENNSYLVANIA CAMP-MEETING.
means he tried to persuade her to give up her
MICHIGAN. new-found religion, but without success. Un- Turs meeting was held according to appoint-
willing to lose so valuable an employee, in his ment at Corry on the same grounds as last year.
HILLMAN. I began meetings in a school- anxiety he sent for me, and tried to persuade me I reached the grounds late, but found an excel-
house five miles southwest of Hillman, June 3. to have her give up what in the providence of lent, spirit prevailing. The business of the
Sister Cohoon has been faithfully living the God we had brought to her, and that was the Conference all passed off harmoniously, there
truth here for a number of years. Last Sabbath truth. Very few words sufficed to show him being perfect unity in every action that was
was our first Sabbath meeting. It was a pre- that his efforts in that direction were futile, and taken. Elder R. A. Underwood was elected
cious season. The good Spirit of the Lord came to add to the matter, the lady herself remarked president, and two other changes were made on
in, and several manifested a desire to obey the to him that even if I did try to persuade her to the committee in harmony with the wish of
Lord, some of them giving their hearts to God give up, she would not do it ; for she was obey- those who had previously served the Conference
for the first time. Last Sunday the Presby- ing God, not fallible man. She expects to lose in these positions.
terian minister from Hillman preached here her position ; but God will open the way, and Elders A. E. Place, H. W. Miller, A. C.
against the Sabbath, and I replied to him in we trust him. Bourdeau, and R. A. Underwood, with the labor-
the evening. There was a large attendance at We close this series Sunday- night, and will ers of the Conference, and the writer, did the
both meetings, and it is needless to add that remove the tent about twelve blocks south and preaching. Professor Taylor, of Mt. Vernon, 0.,
the truth lost nothing by being attacked. start in again. The influence of the meetings took charge of the young people's meetings,
Elder Van Deusen will soon join with me in the has not been confined to the locality in which while sister Mattson conducted the children's
work here. I would ask the prayers of our the tent is pitched ; but we have reports from meetings. Compared with the number encamped,
brethren, that the truth may prosper in this various parts of this large city, asking us to the attendance of yOuth and children was large,
place. M. C. GUILD. come and help them. Our workers are all of and nearly all left the meeting rejoicing in the
good courage, and glad to be associated together hope begotten of an intelligent Christian expe-
in the work of God. Our donations have rience. Quite a goodly number of these are
BIRCH RUN.This place is on the F. & amounted to $31.08, and tract sales to about
P. M. Railroad about half way between Saginaw planning to attend one of our denominational
$6. We d4esire the prayers of God's people schools the coming year.' Many more should
and Flint. There are only about a dozen or fif- as we begin our second effort.
teen families in the village, but it is surrounded be encouraged to do the same.
J. W. COLLIE. On the last Sabbath of the meeting thirty-five
by an excellent community of industrious and
intelligent farmers. We pitched the tent and came forward seeking the Lord. Some were
began meetings the evening of June 6. From COLORADO. starting for the first time in his service, and
the first there has been a good attendance, the others were repenting of backslidings or seeking
congregations averaging from 125 to 150, and FRUITA. We closed our late series of meet- strength to make full surrender of all to God.
at times as high as 300. ings at Fruita, May 20. The Lord blessed It was a good season, and none were disappointed
This week we are presenting the Sabbath the work in this place. As a result of a series of in receiving that for which they sought.
question. Many are convinced, but as there is meetings for four weeks, we had the privilege of Twenty-one were baptized during the meeting.
a Sunday champion living here, they are wait- organizing a church of sixteen members. Eight The outside attendance was very good, and we
ing to hear from him. They refuse to go any of this number were Sabbath-keepers before. feel sure some will soon take their stand with us.
further until they have heard " the other side." This church is truly a live, earnest company, and Collections and pledges were taken for the acad-
We have offered the tent for two or three dis- we left them all rejoicing in the truth. Others emy and Conference work to the amount of
courses to any man whom the people will choose, are interested, whom we expect will be added to $1400 ; Sabbath-school donations and first-day
and whom they will agree to indorse. Probably the church soon ; several were keeping the Sab- offerings for foreign missions, $61.
he will speak the evening after the Sabbath. Of bath aside from those who united with the Thus closed the camp-meeting in Pennsyl-
course we shall review him. We feel the need church. G. W. ANGLEBARGER, vania, and the people returned to their homes
of the power of God to send conviction to the L. F. TRUBEY. with the best of courage to press the work for-
hearts of this people. ward still more vigorously, until the Master
The Blackmar company have transferred their VIRGINIA. comes to call his people home.
Sabbath-school and meetings to the tent, and R. C. PORTER.
the brethren from Arbela, Montrose, and Burt RictimoNo. Since our last report, the inter-
attend more or less. Last Sabbath the Spirit of e4,t here has continued to grow. About half a QUEBEC CAMP-MEETING.
the Lord dame very near, and we had a most dozen new ones (adults) kept last Sabbath with
excellent meeting. One young man who has us, though we had but just begun on that sub- THIS annual gathering was held at Ayer's Flat,
been convinced of the truth for a long time, gave ject. We had, however, from the commence- June 14-24. The laborers were those of the
his heart to the Lord. My wife is with me ment of our meeting, three weeks previous, Quebec Conference, Elder R. C. Porter, the
assisting in the work. Pray for us. been holding up before the people, Christ and district superintendent, and the writer. The
June 27. S. M. BUTLER.
practical godliness, Christ in the prophecies, in attendance was fair considering the numerical
creation, and hence in the Sabbath, Christ the strength of our people in the Province, yet not
KENTUCKY. " all in all ; " and seeing we kept the Sabbath, all were present who needed the instruction which
much inquiry had arisen in regard to it, and was given. It is unfortunate indeed that one
LOUISVILLE. Since my last report, in May, some began to observe it before we reached it in who claims relation with God's blessed truth
shoxtly after our tent-meetings began, we have our preaching. just now, should permit anything to keep him
had favorable weather, and our attendance has Giving our meetings the course we have, real from receiving the food which is essential to his
ranged from 150 to 400. Notwithstanding the good has been done, and a good influence has eternal good. The preaching was nearly all of
fact that our tent was pitched in close proximity gone out from them. We are repeatedly invited a practical character, presented in words of com-
to the Catholic convent walls, with members of to the different churches by some of the leading fort, counsel, and warning.
that denomination on all sides of us, yet with members, and asked to take part in the social The needs of the cause and the attitude which
but very few exceptions, our order has been meetings by the leaders of them, which we do. the brethren and sisters should maintain toward
most excellent. As the truths of God's word Invitations have also come from two different these things, were dwelt upon quite fully, and
have been spoken, and the people warned against manufactories in the city, employing from 500 those who received the lessons returned to their
the worship of the beast and his image, the to 1000 men, to preach to them during their rest homes happy in the Lord. On Sabbath about
Lord has come very near by his power, and souls hour at noon, which we have done with good one half of the entire congregation came forward
have been convicted and turned from the error effect. This has caused some of them to come for prayers, and nearly all the others were moved
of their ways. Eleven have already taken their to our tent who had not been there before. upon by the same Spirit, so that practically the
stand, and others are in the valley of decision. But while we are finding favor with and whole people sought for a deeper experience in
One interesting case is' that of a lady who at- access to the people, some of the ministers are the things of God. Many confessions of un-
tended our meetings, and who held a very re- beginning to speak out against us. Two of the faithfulness were made, and the general testimony
sponsible position in the office of the leading pastors in the vicinity of our tent have already was that this meeting was the most profitable
broker of the city. She was trusted so fully done so, one of them having preached two that had ever been enjoyed in the Conference.
that nearly all the business was transacted by sermons against our position on the Sabbath On Sunday, Elder Goodrich baptized four
her. She attended the meetings, was convinced yesterday. We are simply treating these things believers in a lake near the camp. During
the past year, forty persons have embraced tary, C. L. Ford ; State Agent, Frank Peabody ; tions to foreign missions were $4269.26 ; and
the truth in the Conference. About $200 in Directors, R. S. Donnell, Geo. Davis, J. W. book sales, $6331.50. The value of books in
money and pledges was raised for the enter- Bagby, G. F. Haffner, C. L. Ford. They stock, March 31, was $1685.07, and value of
prises which were presented, demanding dona- were unanimously elected. other property, $1016.32. The corresponding
tions to the cause. One feature of interest con- Resolutions were presented and adopted on secretary presented a brief report of his work
sidered was the school established at Fitch Bay the following points : (1) Gratefully expressing which was very encouraging.
a year ago. The teacher employed, brother Carl our appreciation of the loving watchcase of The officers elected were, President, 0. A.
Drown, of Vermont, is engaged for another year. God ; (2) That we put forth greater efforts to Johnson ' Vice-president, P. H. Cady ; Secre-
The school opened last fall with about twelve reach the foreign element in our Conference ; (3) tary and Treasurer, G. M. Brown ; State Agent,
students, and closed with thirty in attendance. Urging upon our churches the great importance S. D. Hartwell.
This institution gives promise of much help to of weekly missionary meetings ; (4) Recommend- Resolutions relative to the following important
the cause in Quebec if the management contin- ing that canvassers be guaranteed a support for subjects were passed : (1) Recommending that
ues to be blessed with humble, well-directed en- themselves and families'; (5) To make every ef- a systematic canvass for the Signs, the Sentinel,
ergy in educating the youth of out people in fort to.circulate the Signs of the Times and the and Good _Health be carried on by each of our
the Province. The Conference lines were ex- American?, Sentinel throughout the Conference local societies ; (2) Urging upon all, especially
tended so as to include a part of the Province of the coming year ; (6) Recommending that a per- the young, to work for the circulation of the
Ontario. There is one church or company of sonal distribution of these papers and other Youth's Instructor ; (3) Expressing interest and
our people in the territory added. Most of the literature be made from week to week ; (7) To appreciation of the REVIEW AND HERALD, and
officers of the Conference, the Sabbath-school ask unitedly the blessing of God on our work, papers in the German, Danish, and Swedish
association, and the tract society were re-elected and to seek his guiding hand. Resolution 4 was languages, as representatives of the truth in their
to serve for another year. WM. COVERT. laid on the table. The others were adopted after respective fields ; (4) Recommending that local
appropriate discussion. societies encourage proper persons to .prepare
M. E. FORD, Sec. themselves to enter the canvassing work ; (5)
Asking all to assist in increasing the 'circulation
IOWA TRACT SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS. Of the Wisconsin Reporter, also to send in re-
THE thirty-second annual session of the Iowa ports for publication in its columns ; (6) Re-
Conference convened at Ingleside Park, Des questing the Conference to send competent
Moines, May 23 to June 3, with Elder E. G. THE twenty-third annual session of the Iowa
persons to give instruction concerning tract and
Olsen in the chair. One hundred and sixty- Tract Society was held in connection with the missionary work at our general meetings ; (7)
five .delegates were enrolled, representing sev- State camp-meeting at Ingleside Park, Des Recommending local societies to elect a chair-
enty-nine churches. The president's address Moines, Ia., May 23 to June 2. Two meetings man to preside at all meetings of the society.
was one of much interest, and he plainly showed were held. We give a few items of interest G. M. BROWN, Sec.
how in times of adversity the Lord will bless the from the report of last year's work : Number of
efforts of his faithful ones. 0 how the hearts letters written, 2207 ; received, 1126 ; Bible
of his people should be ever filled with thank- readings held, 2706 ; periodicals distributed, A YOUNG MISSIONARY.
fulness for the loadings of the Spirit! Six new 70,510 ; pages of reading-matter distributed,
churches were admitted to the Conference, with 1,554,562. The financial report showed cash THE following is from the Michigan, Demo-
a membership of 113 souls. These, with the receipts as follows : Donations, $647.97 ; peri- crat of Sturgis. The subject of the sketch is,
additional members to the several churches, odicals and sales, $2150.13 ; accounts, $10,- we are told, thirteen years old
make a net gain of 287 for the year, giving a 851.01; endowed bed, $611.67; Haskell Home, " Master Jay Evans, son of C. W. Evans,
total membership in Iowa of '2929. Some six $727.98 ; New York mission boat, $126.70 ; returned from Battle Creek last week, where he
churches are ready to organize in the near future. Foreign missions, $6449.10 ; other funds, $5,- had been liA"ring with his mother and attending
Several important resolutions were adopted. 062.51 ; total, $26,627.10. Total resources of the Adventist college. He has studied dili-
The following officers were elected : President, the society, $14,548.11 ; liabilities, $5040.02 ; gently, and made rapid progress in his school,
E. G. Olsen ; Secretary, Mrs. L. Flora Plum- present worth, $9508.09. more especially in his studies of sacred history.
mer ; Treasurer, C. F. Stevens. Conference com- In the discussion of plans for future work, Since returning he has established a Sabbath-
mittee, E. G. Olsen, C. A. Washburn, a F. much animation was manifested. One of the school, which meets in Dr. Putney's rooms every
Watson, S. M. Jacobs, and D. H. Tanner. resolutions presented was in reference to the Sabbath (Saturday) at 10 : 30 A. M. He ex-
The following persons were granted creden- Signs of the Times ; and an earnest effort will be pects to do some missionary work among the
tials : E. G. Olsen, C. A. Washburn, J. T. made to give this paper a much wider circulation 'misguided' people of Sturgis, who persist in
Mitchell, C. F. Stevens, G. F. Watson, J. S. in our State than ever before. Other lines of desecrating' the holy Sabbath by following the
Hart, W. B. Everhart, H. V. Adams, S. F. work were presented, showing the great pos- heathenish custom ' of working on the seventh
Svenson, and P. A. Hansen. Those granted sibilities before the earnest missionary worker, day of the week instead of keeping it holy as
Ministerial Licenses were, E. E. Gardner, and that it is the privilege of each one to have commanded by the Lord.' Master Evans is
H. M. J. Richards, L. F. Starr, M. J. Vander- a part in this work. very enthusiastic in his work, and will probably
Schuur, S. M. Jacobs, D. H. Tanner, J. W. The Nominating Committee submitted the open the eyes of some of the ' traditionally
Adams, C. W. Neal, Burt Funnier, B. E. following report : For President, E. G. Olsen ; blind' of our city."
Nicola, N. C. Bergersen, N. L. Mc Clintock. Vice-president, C. A. Washburn ; Secretary and
H. R. Habenicht, F. A. Washburn, D. P. Treasurer, Jessie V. Bosworth ; Assistant Secre- ARE WE READING THEM
Gade, F. L. Moody, M. Stuckrath, J-. W. tary, Carl W. Laiion ; State Agent, S. A. Hill.
Kelehner. Missionary Licenses were granted The report was adopted. I MEAN, are we reading the good articles
to thirty-two persons. The treasurer's report E. G. OLSEN, Pres. from the pen of sister White that are appear-
showed a balance on hand at the beginning of JESSIE V. BOSWORTH, See. ing in the REVIEW from week to week ? I have
the year of $3062.44. Tithe received during been deeply impressed, especially by reading
the year, $18,675.39 ; interest on deposits, etc., WISCONSIN TRACT SOCIETY PROCEEDINGS. the last two or three articles. The importance
$153.37 ; paid to laborers, etc., $19,075.81, of personal missionary work is dwelt upon, and
leaving a balance of $947.82. This meeting THE society held its twenty-third annual ses- many rich promises from the word of God are
was pronounced a most profitable one. sion at Stevens Point, Wis., President 0. A. brought to view in such a way that our minds
E. G. OLSEN, Pres. Johnson, presiding. In his annual address the and hearts must be deeply moved, as we read
C. W. SMOUSE, Sec. president exhorted all to more active labor in the the valuable instruction, and ponder the precious
tract and missionary work by using tracts and promises.
UPPER COLUMBIA TRACT SOCIETY periodicals and canvassing for our smaller books. We are exhorted to go into the cities
PROCEEDINGS. He stated that the canvassers had sold over and towns and hold up the standard of light
$5000 worth of books during the year just past, and truth. By faith we may enter upon this
THE fifteenth annual meeting of this society and as arrangements have been made fully to pro- work. We need not wait for the Conference
was held on the camp-ground at Walla Walla, tect the agents from prosecution for canvassing to guarantee us a support, but by exercising
May 20 and 23, 1895, Elder R. S. Donnell without a license, it is expected that this will en- our faculties we may support ourselves, while
presiding. After a timely, pointed, but brief courage others to enter the field who have held at the same time we are by our lives and our
address by the president, the usual committees back in the past. words pointing souls to the Lamb of God, and
were appointed. The secretary reported eighty-one local socie- after we have awakened an interest in this way,
At the second meeting the committee on nomi- ties, and 851,154 pages of reading-matter dis- and carried it as far as we can, we may then
nations reported, recommending the election of tributed by them during the year, besides other call on the Conference for help to carry on the
the following as officers of the society for the missionary work performed. The treasurer's work that God has enabled us to begin.
ensuing year : President, R. S. Donnell ; Vice- report showed the present worth of the society, In the REVIEW of June 25, is one of the
president, F. W. Hiddleson ; Secretary and March 31, 1895, to have been $4876.58 ; and most precious statements of all. After dwelling
Treasurer, M. E. Ford ; Corresponding Secre- the net gain on the year's work, $377.11 ; dons- upon the promise that Christ has greater works
for us to do in saving souls than the mighty banquets ; and the magnanimity of our British cousins THERE will be a general meeting in Lyons, Ionia Co.,
works accomplished in, his own ministry while was further illustrated by providing one of the ban- Mich., July 27-29, beginning Friday evening at 7 : 30.
quets on the Fourth of July. During this meeting their house of worship will be
here upon earth, we are told that " in places dedicated. All the neighboring brethren and sisters
where the standard of truth has never been There is once more earnest talk of war in the East. are cordially invited to attend these meetings.
lifted, more souls will be converted as a result Russia is by no means satisfied with the outcome of I. H. EVANS.
of the same amount of work thadz, ever before." the recent fight and the rank which Japan has suddenly
This is a wonderfully encouraging statement. taken among the nations. Russia not only desires the I WILL meet with the brethren in Nebraska as fol-
humbling of Japan, she also covets Corea. She wants lows:
We see the evidence all about us that Satan is Bloomington, July 12, 13
to extend her eastern border down into warmer lati-
stirring the people to dastardly acts of persecu- tudes. The port of Vladivostock, at Russia's most Alma, " 14, 15
tion, and God here tells us that he will exercise southerly point on the Pacific, is bound in. icy chains Beaver City, " 17, 18
his power through his people to the converting for several months. Corea lies immediately south of Ragan, 20, 21 "
this point, and stretches toward warmer seas. France Curtis, " 23, 24
of souls as never before. Peckham, " 26-,2t
is the close ally of Russia, and is expected to partici-
Again we ask, brethren and sisters, are we pate. Japan professes to be ready to encounter the Shelton, " 30, ',.
reading, and not only reading but studying great Bear, but would like a little rest ; and -England Grand Island, Aug. '
these articles from the pen of sister White? is intensely interested to see Japan upheld and Russia Loup City, 4C

North Loup, ,,
They are crowded full of instruction that we restrained, and should war be declared, will be on
hand with her ironclads. But it is not at all probable Aurora, " 9-11
need right now. Let us study them and prac- E. L. STEWART.
that the present bluster will amount to more than
tice their teachings. A. 0. TA IT. others, though the time hastens when the angels will
no longer hold the winds of war. CAMP-MEETINGS FOR 1895.
ITEMS. THE General Conference Committee has arranged for
camp-meetings the coming season as follows:
ONE State agent, writing in reference to the DISTRICT NUMBER ONE.
prospects for work in his field, says : "All Speaker John Meyers, of the Illinois legislature, Atlantic, Newark, Del., Aug. 1-12
things considered, our field has not been more died in Freeport on the 3d instant. Virginia, 8-19
favorable since the canvassing work was started The Chicago Times-Herald of July 5 gives ac- Vermont, Morrisville, 16-26
count of ten deaths, seventy-seven serious injuries, and Maine, 22 to Sept. 2
than it is at the present time." One canvasser fires costing $200,000 on the "Fourth." Of course New England, Lowell, Mass., " 30 to "ar
of several years' experience says : " If we go that is but a small'fraction of the total. New York, Sept.
out now as we did years ago ; viz., to sell books, According to advices received, Peru has made
West Virginia, Parkersburg, " 12`,413
we can sell them," and his reports show that he ample apology for insulting the British vice-consul, DISTRICT NUMBER THREE,
believes and practices what he says. Doubtless William Fry, in September, when Fry was arrested at Indiana, Anderson, July 30, to Aug. 12
Ohio, Newark, Aug. 9-19
many would be interested to know how " Prophe- Lambayeque, and was compelled to subscribe to a forced Illinois, Plano, 19 to Sept. 2
cies of Jesus " is selling, so we give one week's !oan. Michigan, Lansing, Sept. 11-30
Dr. Buchanan, who for a long time has been under
report from two States. The first one has five sentence for wife-murder in New York State prison,
" (local), Traverse City, Aug. 19-25
workers for this book, and for week ending was executed by electrocution on the first instant. DISTRICT NUMBER FOUR.
June 14, their orders were as follows : One took The details of the execution do not commend electricity *Nebraska, Lincoln,
one order, one four orders, one fifteen, one as a medium of capital punishment. " Cushman Park," Sept. 3-9
The horse canning factory on the Columbia River " (local), Crawford, July 11-21
seventeen, and one twenty-four. Another Con- DISTRICT NUMBER FIVE.
ference for week endinig June 14, has eight is now in full operation. It is said that experts declare
their inability to distinguish between canned horseflesh Texas, Keene, Aug. 8-19
workers for the same book ; they report as fol- and canned beef ; but it is not explained, as might be Arkansas (local), -Prescott, July 12-22
lows : One took three orders, one five, one seven, inferred, that this fact will be.relied on to secure sales " (State), Springdale, Aug. 16-26
one ten, one thirteen, one twenty-one, another for the product. Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, " 22 to Sept. 2
thirty-three, and still another thirty-seven. Mrs. 0' Leary, whose cow kicked over the lamp Colorado, Denver, ", 29 to 04 9
Kansas, Hutchinson, July 29 to Aug. 5
Brother C. N. Perrin, who has lately gone to that ignited the stable that caused the great fire in
Chicago in 1871, died in that city last week. Mrs. " " Oakland Park,"
Jamaica to canvass and also act as State agent, O'Leary was always very sensitive about any allusion Topeka, Sept. 12-23
reports under date of June 23, that in four to the circumstance, and felt that the people held her Missouri, Warrensburg, ' 25 to Oct. 7
weeks he secured $184 worth of orders. responsible for the fire. 'DISTRICT NUMBER EIGTIT.t
F. L. MEAD. June 1, the visible supply of cotton in this country Germany, July 16-28
for 1895 was 9,520,000 bales. This is 2,212,820 bales Switzerland, Aug. 1-11
more than were indicated by the crop last year at this England, 15-25

iEW of tip reit. time. These figures indicate that the crop this season
will not be less than 9,800,000 bales, an amount that
has never heretofore been approached.
*Appointments marked by a star will be preceded by
a workers' meeting.
Perhaps all the meetings in this district cannot be
FOR WEEK ENDING JULY 6, 1895. Advices from Honduras, Nicaragua, and Salvador conducted as camp-meetings.
indicate cordial approval of everything done at the
Amapala Conference, where the presidents of Central

The Catholics have laid the corner-stone of a great

American republics met to consider a union for mutual
protection. General Barrios is reported to have said
that the end of this year would bring a completion of pc dl Notices.
cathedral at Westminster, England. At a luncheon the union.
following the ceremonies, Cardinal Vaughan presented George P. Fuller, of Kalamazoo, Mich., has asked ILLINOIS, NOTICE !
a toast to the pope, and after that one to the queen. the United States Circuit Court tp release him from a
The placing of the sovereign second to the pope creates contract which he entered into because of his un- PROF. F. A. HowE, of Battle Creek College, with
considerable comment, but reveals the real status of bounded faith in a clairvoyant. In November, 1892, he either Elder Scoles or Elder Curtis, will be at Toledo,
Catholic patriotism the world over. They are for the was induced to purchase 1451 acres of land in Missouri, Ill., Sabbath and Sunday, July 13 and 14. All Sabbath-
pope first, and then what little there is left, is for the for $47,550. Fuller consulted a clairvoyant, who pre- keepers within convenient distance, especially young
country. The cardinal in his remarks predicted the re- tended to find that the land in question was rich in people and others interested in education, are urged to
turn of the Catholic faith to power in England ; but it deposits of gold and other valuable minerals. He meet with the church at that time. After this meeting
requires no remarkable sagacity to foretell that which jumped at the chance and bought the land. The pre- Professor Howe will visit the churches of northern Illi-
every sign indicates. cious metals did not materialize, and the land proved nois with Elder S. H. Lane. Special appointments
worth about $15 an acre. Fuller now claims that there later.
The two great characters in the recent Brazilian was a conspiracy to defraud him.
struggle are dead. President Peixoto died after a short ROBY, TEXAS.
illness, and word comes that Admiral Da Gama is dead,
killed by his own hands, it is supposed, on account of
chagrin and fear of torture in prospect of capture. ppoininumis. WANTED. The address of every Sabbath-keeper
within 100 miles of Roby, Fisher Co., Tex. Why?
Since the overthrow of the rebellion in the harbor of I want to write them, and propose that we try to have
Rio de Janeiro, the remnant of the rebels have been "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and
preach the gospel to every creature."Mark 16:15. a camp-meeting at some suitable place in this country.
supporting insurrection in Rio Grande do Sul, a Bra- We need to get acquainted. We need mutual advice
zilian province to the south. The insurgents have and instruction. Above all, we ought to get together
been thoroughly defeated, and it is thought the civil SEVERAL brethren from Battle Creek will meet with
the church in Convis, Mich., next Sabbath, July 13. and worship God and renew our strength. If we will
war which has continued in Brazil for two years will do our part, no doubt the Lord will send us an in-
now soon come to an end. Friends from Marshall invited.
structor. For more than twenty years I was a Baptist
preacher. On Feb. 3, 1894, my wife and I began to
The International Railway Congress was in session THE next annual' session of the Indiana Sabbath- keep the Sabbath of the Lord. On Sabbath before
in London last week. A very large number of practi- school Association will be held in connection with the the third Sunday in June, 1894, we were both excluded
cal railway men of prominence, presidents, managers, camp-meeting which is to convene at Anderson, July 30 from a Baptist church upon a charge of heresy, for
engineers, and so forth, were in attendance, representing to Aug. 12: P. G. STANLEY, Pres. believing and teaching that the seventh day of the
all parts of the world. Several delegates from the week is the Sabbath of the Lord.
United States were there. The Prince of Wales THE sixth annual session of the Atlantic Conference We were fully satisfied before we took our stand,
welcomed the delegates at their first meeting, and was will be held in connection with the camp-meeting at and to-day are more than satisfied that we did right,
particularly complimentary to those from this country. Newark, Del., Aug. 1-12. First meeting of the Con- and are not ashamed now to publish to all the world
Business was not unmixed with pleasure; for there were ference will be called at 10 A. M., Aug. 2. All delegates that we have great joy and peace in living in obedience
numerous excursions, in which the glory of the island are requested to be present. to all the commandments of God, so far as we know
kingdom was fully exhibited. There were magnificent H. E. ROBINSON, Pres. them, J. ETIIEREDGE,
ATLANTIC CONFERENCE. sent out by some unscrupulous publisher with the with the promise that if he was successful in his war
expectation that they would send a bill later on and with the Persians, he would again build the holy city
OUR camp-meeting will be held at Newark, Del., on compel them to pay for it. The law is, if an individual Jerusalem. He would give them their houses back,
the same grounds occupied by us two and three years takes a paper from the office, he must pay for it if the and live among them, and with them worship the great
ago. The first meeting will be Thursday night, Aug. 1, publishers present a bill. But when first sending the God of the world.
and the last one, Sunday night, Aug. 21. Arrange- paper, if our people engaged' in this line of missionary " The zeal of Julian went even beyond his promise,
ments are made for reduced fare, and some trains will correspondence will always write a letter telling them for he began the building of the temple in Jerusalem
stop at Pencador, a few rods from the camp on the line that the paper is sent gratuitously, the individual will before he went to Antioch, and before he marched
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, to take and always feel free- to take it out of the office and read it. against the Persians. He intended that the temple
leave passengers and baggage. Full information will So if we do not want our papers wasted, and if we are should be built most splendidly. He assigned large
be given in our local paper, the Union Record. Those desirous of saving a great deal of annoyance and work sums of money to the building, and appointed Alypius
not having that can write to Elder S. B. Horton, 618 for the publishers of the Signs of the Times, let us be of Antioch, who had formerly been governor over Brit-
French St., Wilmington, Del., for particulars. Orders sure always to send a letter with the first paper we ain, to superintend and hasten the work.
for tents should be sent on by July 15. Usual accom- send to an individual in opening up missionary work " Alypius undertook the work with great diligence,
Modations provided on the grounds. Elder 0. A. Olsen with him. Let our tract society secretaries, our min- and the governor of the province assisted him faith-
id other help from abroad are expected to attend. isters, librarians, and other workers who have to do fully. But terrible balls- of fire came out of the ground
our own people and those in adjacent Conferences with this line of work, join with us in educating our near by the foundation. This happened several times.
`ho can meet with us are urged to come. Special re- people everywhere upon this important point. The workmen were injured and scared by the fire, so
vival services will be held daily, and we trust many A. 0. TAIT. that they dared not venture to approach the place any
conversions may be granted. Bring your children and more. The terrible element in this manner continually
other friends who are without the Christian's hope. driving them away, the undertaking was at last given
NOTICES. up entirely.
Begin now to seek the Lord for an outpouring of his
Spirit. H. E. ROBINSON. " How plainly is the providence of God seen in this,
WANTED.- Housework or nursing. Work among Sab- that this undertaking should succeed no better than the
bath-keepers preferred. Mrs. Mary H. Johnson, 159 previous ones. A miracle would be performed sooner
OHIO CAMP-MEETING. Kalamazoo St., Battle Creek, Mich. than that the prophecy should fail, and this miracle is
ANY Seventh-day Adventist wishing the services of confirmed even by reliable heathen authors.
THE Ohio Conference will hold its annual camp-meet- a broom-maker, will please correspond with S. T. H. " Bishop Newton remarks that the truthfulness of this
ing at Newark, Aug. 9-19, on the same grounds occu- Berry, 39 Carlton St., St. John, New Brunswick. event is confirmed both by Julian himself and by Jew-
pied by the meeting last year. Many of our people ish, Greek, and Latin historians. Among these is Socra-
having once been there will know the way this year. A SISTER having a sick daughter wishes to secure at tes, a friend of the Novatians. He wrote his history in
There is a street-car line from the depot to the grounds. once a competent and experienced person to help her in less than fifty years after this event, while people were
have secured through the Central Traffic Association her home work. Address J. 0. Stow, South Haven, still alive who had been eye-witnesses."
reduction of rates to our camp-meeting and return, on Mich. F. L. MEAD.
all roads in the State that are connected with that asso- ON account of poor health I wish to sell or exchange
ciation. Definite instruction will be given on this point for a small business my farm of eighty acres-twenty
BOOM acres cleared; the balance is heavily timbered. There
We hope to see a large attendance of our people at are good buildings on the place, and a living spring of GENT AL
this important meeting. There will be tents to rent, water. The place is situated in the heart of a Seventh- "The Niagara Falls Route."
and particulars will be given in a few days. Let there day Adventist settlement, but a few rods from church,
be a representation from every church and company in school, post-office, and saw-mill. All the timber can be Corrected June 2, 1895.
the State. Every organized church should send its full sold. For terms and further particulars address John R .A.sm. *Night IDetroit Mail & *N. Y. & Eartern *AD' ntie
quota of delegates. The annual election of officers and Gebauer, Moon, Wis. Express. Aesom. Express. 13os. Spl. Express. Express.
other Conference business will be done at this meeting. STATIONS.
Elder J. H. Morrison, the General Conference super- Chlcago ... . . pm 9.30 am 6.60 am 10.30 pm 3.00 pm 11.30
Michigan City. 11.33 8.50 pm 12.08 4.50
intendent of District No. 3, will be at the meeting and ADDRESSES. Niles am 12.45 10.15 1.02 6.56
am 1.10
Kalamazoo 2.15 am '7.20 11.52 2.16 7.21 4.35
represent the general work of the message. Other effi- Battle Creek
Jackson._ ,.
8.10 pm 12.50
10.00 2.40
'7.58 5.22
THE address of Elder J. W. Westphal is 821 West 9.20 6.60
cient help outside the State will also attend the meeting. Ann Arbor._ 5.40 11.05 3.50 5.00 10.12 7.47
Detroit ..... 7.10 pm 12.20 5.30 6.00 11.15
Prepare, plan, and come to this important meeting to Fifth St., Topeka, Kan. am 12.10 am 6.45
pm 6.30
get good and to do others good. Bring your children Rochester 3.00 9.56 8.40
THE post-office address of Elder H. F. Graf, until glyerwacIt(tosiek 5.00 m12.16 10.45
with you. for special meetings will be held for their spir- July 25, will-be Grindelberg 15a., Hamburg, Germany; Boston .....
pm 1.45
am 7.00
itual good. We are in the perils of the last days, and after that, Caixa do Correio 768, Rio de Janeiro, Bra- vv. Es ,i_ ,. : x5Ipirgehst. Milps: igapiL&. *-Zi2lteodr.o. =7,r:so. III0.
earnest effort should be put forth to save the children. zil, S. A. 010%.. *
The message is going rapidly to all the world. Let STATIONS.
every one take courage and lend a helping hand in Boston .. . .. .'' am 10.80 pm 2.00 pm 3.00 pm 7.15
New York pm 1.00 4.30 6.00 9.16
some way to spread the good news, that every jewel Syracuse
may be found. Let every one come. We want to see
those who feel discouraged at the meeting. We want
epailment, Rochester
Buffalo .....
Detroit ....
Ann Arbor
pm 8.45 am 6.30 am 7.20
11.30 am 2.15
am 1.20
8.30 pm1.00 pm 1.35
am 7.20
pm 3.50
10.25 7.30 8.43 9.25 2.00 6.57 am 12.15
Jackson 11.40 8.35 10.43 10.30 3.02 7.85 1.25
to help every desponding heart to look up and take Battle Creek.- am 1.17 9.48 pm 12,15 11.43 4.18 9.11 2.56
new courage, for the prize is almost in sight. Look " THE APPLES OF GOLD LIBRARY." Kalamazoo 2.10 10.27 1.00 pm 12.22 4.67 10.00 8.36
Niles. 4.00 11.48 3.00 1 40 6.27 6.00
for definite railroad directions soon. Michigan City. 5.09 pm 12.50 4.25 2.45 7.22 6.00
Chicago 7.10 2.40 6.35 4.30 9.05 . 7.50
OHIO CONF. COM. Nos. 22 and 23 of' the Apples of Gold Library have 'Daily. 0DailyexceptSunday
just come out. They bear the titles, " Have Faith in Kalamazoo accommodation train goes west at 8.05 a.m. daily exceptlionday.
Jackson east at 7.27 p. m.
IMPORTANT SPECIAL NOTICE. God," and, " The riches of His Grace," and are written Trains on Battle Creek Division depart at 8.10 a. m. and 4.35 p. nu, and
by Elder M. C. Wilcox. The numbers of this Library arrive at 12.90 p. m. and 6.85 p. m. daily except Sunday.
are printed on thin paper, contain from four to sixteen 0. W. RUGGLES, CEO. J. SADLER,
WE have received several communications from the pages of a size nicely to fit into an ordinary envelope General Pass, & Ticket Agent, Chicago. Ticket Agent, Battle Creek.
publishers of the Signs of the Times, telling us that a without folding, and treat of a variety of interesting
great many cards are received at their office from post- and Kactical subjects. It is a good plan to keep a
masters, stating that the Signs of the Times is being supply on hand, and slip one in when you are writing
sent to individuals in their office who refuse to take to a friend. Many people would read the truth offered CHICAGO & GRAND TRUNK
out the paper, and the publishers are therefore asked to them in this form, who would not think of taking up
discontinue it. A paragraph just received from the and examining an ordinary tract. Thus we can in this R.
publishers of the Signs of the Times reads As follows:- quiet way reach hearts, and win souls for the Master- Time Table, in affect Nov. 18, 1894.
" During the last few weeks we have received notifi- The Library is furnished on the following terms:
cation cards from post-masters in different parts of the Five copies for one year, post-paid, 50 cents, or GOING EAST. GOING WEST.
country, requesting us to stop sending the Signs to cer- twelve copies for $1. Single or assorted numbers of the Read Down. STATIONS.
Read up.
tain individuals, giving various reasons, such as. Library will be mailed in quantities at 50 cents per 10 4 6 42
Mail L't'd Atl. Mixd Pt. H
2 11 1 3 23 5
fused," Not called for,' Not known,' etc. In looking hundred, except Nos. 4, 16, and 19. No. 4 is 25 cents . Mail Day R'd B. C. P'110
Es. Ex. Ex. Tr'n. Pass Ex. Ex. L't'd Pass. Ex.
up this matter we find in nearly every instance the per hundred, and Nos. 16 and 19 are $1 per hundred. am pm pre pm pm Pm am
name is not on our list, and therefore it is not in our 9.00 3.10 8.16 a m .......DChicaga A 6.96 1.50 9.10 7.60
Let us use this Library in spreading a knowledge of 11.25 5.05 10.30 6.00 Valparaiso. 6.05 11.35 7.10 ., 5.45
power to stop the paper. It will be seen that this is the truth. Address your State tract society. pm
1.05 6.30 12.00 10.05 ....... South Bend 3.1010.15 5.44 4.10
not only a waste of papers, but an annoyance to the A. 0. TAIT.
1.16 7.12 1 l .45 12.10
2.33 ..... 01.33 3.42
.... ...Cassopolis 2.15 9.40 6.13 3.28
....... School craft.-- 1.20 . . . .. . .
post-masters as well, and something should be done to 2.44 7.55 1.48 4.20 a m Vicksburg... 1.10 ...,
8.32 ., *p m 2.91
8.30 8.36 2.40 6.20 7.00 .......Battle Creek 12.15 8.15 B.55 9.35 1.60
remedy the difficulty. We suggest that when the Signs 4,33 9.26 3.25 7.47 Charlotte 11.14 7.23 3.07 8.40 12.53
is sent to a friend or a relative, a letter accompany the " PROPHECIES OF JESUS." 5.10 9.55 4.00 8.20 Lansing 10.10 6.55 2.40 8.0012.20
6.30 10.45 5.03 9.30 Durand.... 9.35 6.05 1.65 6.6011.28
first copy, asking them to read it carefully and let you 7.3011.17 5.40 ..... 10.05
8.15 11.50 6.15 10.43Lapeer....
Flint .... ' 8.36 5.35 1.28 6.4710.95
know how they like it, etc., stating also that it is sent Extracts from Pages 97, 98. 8.42 a m 6.35 ..... 11.06 ........Imlay City 7.40 5.02 1.00 5.1010.01
7.28 . . 4.48
9.60 1.00 7.30 12,05 2t 11'n Tunnel 6.50 3.6011.65 3.50 8.46
to them free, and that they will not be called upon to pm am am am pm Pm
pay unless they become regular subscribers, Or, if am pm 05 8.46
they do not wish you to send any more, please to notify "THE laws of Constantine and his son Constantius .. 8 16 6.25 Toronto t 2n0 1 00
1,11111131 am
you at once. By so doing it will save you a great deal were very severe against the Jews in other respects ... -.0' 8.16 7.25
a m p in
Montreal 6 ..... .:
ft 30
of annoyance and result in accomplishing good. We also. But Julian, the apostate, the successor of Con- ..... 8.12 7,16
am pm
Boston 8.30
pm Rh]
would ask our missionary workers to adopt some plan stantius, showed more lenience toward them. This 7.50 4.25 Susp'n Bridge 10.15 7.05 ..... .11t
of this kind immediately." was not so much because he loved the Jews, as because f7" .00 145 l
70 Buffa o .. ..... 11 1
We hope that our missionary workers will take par- he disliked the Christians; and for this reason he pur- pm am am pm
.... 8.63 8.03 .........New York ..... ..... 8.15 6.10 ..... 13.10a0
ticular notice of the foregoing. We have often urged posed to establish the Jewish religion with its cere- am
11.20 Boston q.(71
that it was really important in sending the Signs, the monies.
Sentinel, or other papers to individuals whom we hope " Our Saviour had said that Jerusalem should be Trains No. 1, 3, 4, 6, run daily ;'Nos. 10, 11,2, 23, 42 daily except Sunday.
to interest in the truth, to write them in connection with trodden down by the Gentiles. Julian wanted to show All meals wall be served on through trains in Chicago and Grand Trunk
dining cars.
the first 'paper we send them. If there was no other that this prophecy was a mistake, And to build up the Valparaiso Accommodation daily except Sunday.
reason why a letter should be sent with the first paper Jews. For this purpose he wrote friendly letters to the Way freights leave Nichols eastward 7 :15 a. in.; from Battle Creek
that we send, there is a sufficient reason in the fact whole Jewish nation. He said that he felt very sorry Westward 7 :05 a. m.
t Stop only on signal.
that there are so many people who will not take the for their former cruel treatment, and assured hem of A. R. Mc INTYRE A. S. PARKER,
paper from the office because they think it is being his protection against future oppression. He closed Asst. Supt., Battle Creek Pan, Agent, Battle Creek.

Brother J. G. Lamson, of the Michigan that government, and that there is almost as
-7.1k eview and Conference, has, at the -request of the General much intelligence, freedom, and progress here as
Conference.Committee, removed to Texas, where in that land where the glory of the papacy has
BATTLE CREEK, MICH., JULY 9, 1895. he will labor in Conference work until the open- shed the light of its benign influence for so many
ing of the school in October. At that time centuries!
CONTENTS OF THIS NUMBER. brother Lamson will take the place of principal of
the Keene Academy, with Prof. Cassius Hughes [pr' The correspondent of a Disciple paper
POETRY. Consolation, Christian HeraldWithout Mon-
ey, Without Price, ELIZABETH ROSSERA Sermon in as superintendent. His education and experi- in Grand Rapids, Mich., says : "In many in-
Rhyme, SelectedStop Me, Amu B. Wells
433, 435, 437, 438 ence well fit him for that position. We con- stances the legislature has outdone the pulpits ;
CONTRIBUTORS. The Duty of the Minister and the for it has pronounced against the desecration of
People, Mits. E. G. WHITEThe Parable Again, ELDER gratulate the school upon obtaining such a
W. H. LITTLEJOHNThe Head of the Church; is it the Lord's day, while many pulpits are silent
Christ or Peter? ELDER G. B. TROMPSONThe Gospel competent corps of instructors.
in the Sanctuary.( To be continued), ELDER G. E. FI- . We should be most happy to believe this in
FIELD Brevities, JOSEPH CLARKE 433-436
HOME Have You Any Salt ? m.Digestive Disorders in gard to the pulpits ; for, as the Inter OCE,-?,
Summer, The Household The Wife and the Pocket- (Off' Brother R. M. Kilgore sends us a clip-
book, T.Influence of Mind over Body, DAVID PAULSON, says that the ministers know that Sunday is L.
M. D.How the Blood is Made Impure, ELDER W. H.
WAxna.9.19 ..... .......... ....... ............ ...... 437, 438 ping from the Durant (Miss.) Hews, containing the Sabbath, it would show that they had suit
SPECIAL MENTION.Will Our Schools Fill the Places?
T.Passing Events and Comments, m.At Last, M. E.
several favorable notices of the tent-meetings cient honesty and candor not to try to defend it
KELLOGG" Such Rejoicing is Vain," T 438, 439 now in progress there. Among other notices is
EDITORIAL.How Can the Land Worship? u. s.Mutual
as such. But what object has the legislature t(
Obligations, G. C m.Ministers' and Workers' Meetings, the following : interfere in such matters, unless the pulpits e rt
o. A. o.Our First Baptism in Hungary, L. H. e 440-442
P ROGRESS.Reports from Europe NewfoundlandMis- " They say that Mr. Kilgore's preaching has secretly working behind the throne, and threat
souri OntarioIllinois Nebraska Massachusetts been the means of restoring to a party in town a
Michigan KentuckyColoradoVirginia Pennsyl- ening the politicians with a political boycott uri
vania Camp-meeting Quebec Camp-meeting Iowa silver dollar which he lost some fifteen years ago,
Conference Proceedings Upper Columbia Tract So- less they will prostitute the power of the law tc
ciety ProceedingsIowa Tract Society Proceedings and supposed it had been stolen. He had been
Wisconsin Tract Society ProceedingsA Young Mis-
to the tent, and upon his arrival home took down the behests of religious bigotry ? The pulpit.:
sionary Are We Reading Them?Notes from the
Canvassing Field 492-446 may not wish to reveal their hand to the public ;
from a shelf the family Bible to prove that Mr.
APPOINTMENTS.. 496 Kilgore had made some wrong quotations, and but we venture to say that legislatures know
SPECIAL NOTICES.= Illinois, Notice IRoby, Tex.At- as he opened the book, the money dropped out on what their demands are before they meddle
lantic Conference Ohio Camp-meeting Important the floor. Wonder if he used that Bible for
Special Notice 446, 497 with the illegitimate subject of Sunday legisla-
PUBLISHERS' DEPARTMENT ...... 497 family worship." tion.

itGr- The outlook for the cause of present THE TENNESSEE TRIALS.
A great monument to Martin Luther is truth was never brighter than now. Could
in process of erection at Berlin. A much better those who fell asleep ten years ago now awaken, OUR brethren throughout the entire field will
monument to Luther would be a revival of the we can hardly measure the intensity of their be deeply interested to learn the results of the
spirit of the Reformation throughout Germany, feelings as they would look around upon the trials of our brethren in Rhea county, Tenn., that
and a firm stand against the wily schemes and changes that have taken place, the remarkable were held last week. The trials resulted in find-
crafty machinations of papists against the lib- fulfillment of prophecy, and the thrilling evi- ing nine of the brethren guilty, and the judge
erty of that land. dences of the rapid close of the work which we fixed the fines, ranging from $5 to $15, which,
have in hand. The cause of the third angel's with the costs, will average about $30 in each
11- " Our readers will be interested and en- message has never slackened in its career from case. At the close of the trial the judge told
couraged to learn that, according to a private its inception until the present moment. On the our people, including those found guilty, to go
letter from Elder Holser, there are twelve Sab- contrary it has continued to gather power and home and to appear at 8 A. N. the next day,
bath-keepers in the original home of Abraham, momentum in its progress. The reports which when the guilty ones would receive their sen-
Ur of the Chaldees. This is the result of cor- we publish .from week to week should inspire tences. A very strange way in which to deal
respondence with a brother in Aleppo, Syria, our hearts with new courage and faith. with dangerous characters, certainly. Owing to
whom Elder Holser met last year when there certain technicalities, two of the cases were put
with brother Baharian. over to the next term of court, two of them were
lar'Prof.:E. Hull, in a lecture at the Vic-
toria Institute, London, recently, described that found " not guilty," and one case, which was
/(A' Elder G. E. Fifield, on his return from part of Egypt in which he lately conducted a War that of a very small boy, was thrown out of
the Western camp-meetings, is spending a few Office survey, and through which the route of court. When they came to get the boy be-
days in this city taking treatment for his vocal the Israelites lay, as they departed from Egypt. fore the court, the prosecuting attorney could
organs, which have suffered from use during What particularly arrested his attention was the not have the courage to prosecute him when he
severe colds contracted in traveling. Among effect of a strong wind, owing to the peculiar saw how small he was, and so ordered his case
other pleasing experiences he reports an espe- configuration of the country. When at lake dismissed. The judge in his sentence stated
cially pleasant visit among old friends of the Menzahleh, a gale of wind arose which in a few very clearly that he was sorry that it was necessary
Grinnell, Ia., church, which was brought out hours carried the entire body of water out of the for him to prosecute the brethren, He believed
under the early labors of brethren Fifield and lake, and left the boats resting upon the damp they were good, law-abiding citizens, and that it
L. T. Nicola twelve years ago. bottom. An interesting discussion followed, was too bad that they had to be treated in this
and the conclusion was that at the place where way. But he said that as long as the law stood
nr' Seventh-day Adventists are sometimes the Israelites crossed the sea, the possibility of the way it does, his oath of office placed him
charged with being a very credulous people, be- such a passage as the Bible describes, was dem- under obligation to enforce the law.
cause they believe that the original Sabbath of onstrated. A great many judges will take this view of
Jehovah is still binding. But Whateley says matters, but we expect before we get through
that " to disbelieve is to believe ; " that is, to 10,-- Cardinal Gibbons is visiting the pope. these arrests and trials of all true Seventh-day
disbelieve unreasonable doubts, is to believe the The pope as usual uttered glowing words of eu- Adventists who are now believers, and who will
truth ; " for," he continues, "if one man believes logy for the United States, designed, of course, have become such through the giving of the
there is a God, and another, that there is no to be used in a way which " will do the most message, that we will find some judges who will
God, whoever holds the less reasonable of these good." Among the points given by the cardi- surrender their office rather than to enforce such
two opinions is chargeable with credulity." So nal to the pope, which they both doubtless con- a manifestly unjust law.
with the Sabbath ; if it is more reasonable to sidered particularly good, were tlrat the Presi- The arrests of these brethren are being re-
believe that the Lord made the Sabbath all right dent never issued a proclamation without invok- ported through the papers, and a good deal of
and for good reasons, in the beginning, and ing the blessing of God upon the nation, that discussion is being had because of it. Our lit-
therefore continues it, than it is to believe that an avowed atheist could not be elected to office, erature has been placed in a large number of
he has found himself at fault, and has, there- and that Sunday was observed much better here homes in Tennessee during the last few weeks.
fore, been obliged to change his plan by read- " than even in Italy." Pity save us, if Italy is These reports are creating a healthy interest in
justing or abolishing his Sabbath, then the one to be held up as our model. Didn't he tell him the study of the truth, and some are being led
who believes the latter, is to be charged with how America is following on as rapidly as pos- to take their stand in favor of it.
credulity, not the other. sible after Italy in the other noble features of A. 0. TAIT.

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