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CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY REVIEWS, Oct. 2008, p. 626638 Vol. 21, No.

0893-8512/08/$08.000 doi:10.1128/CMR.00021-08
Copyright 2008, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

Current World Status of Balantidium coli

Frederick L. Schuster1* and Lynn Ramirez-Avila2
California Department of Health, Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory, Richmond, California,1 and
San Francisco General Hospital, University of California Medical Center, San Francisco, California2

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................626
History ......................................................................................................................................................................627
MORPHOLOGY .........................................................................................................................................................628
TAXONOMY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY.......................................................................................................629
Balantidium spp. Defined .......................................................................................................................................629
Molecular Biology ...................................................................................................................................................629
Balantidium coli versus Balantidium suis..............................................................................................................630
PHYSIOLOGY ............................................................................................................................................................630
CULTIVATION ...........................................................................................................................................................630
Temperature Range for Growth............................................................................................................................631
HOST-PARASITE INTERACTIONS .......................................................................................................................631
Immune Response...................................................................................................................................................631
Immunosuppression ...............................................................................................................................................631
Crossing the Species Barrier: Transfection Attempts .......................................................................................632
DISEASE POTENTIAL..............................................................................................................................................632
Factors Contributing to Disease...........................................................................................................................633
EPIDEMIOLOGY .......................................................................................................................................................633
Outbreaks of Balantidiosis ....................................................................................................................................633
Virulence versus Avirulence in Balantidium ........................................................................................................633
PREVALENCE OF BALANTIDIUM COLI..............................................................................................................633
Infections in Nonhuman Mammals......................................................................................................................633
Simians and apes................................................................................................................................................634
Amphibia ..............................................................................................................................................................634
Infections in Humans.............................................................................................................................................634
Areas of endemicity ............................................................................................................................................635
Other possible pathways for transmission......................................................................................................635
Risk factors..........................................................................................................................................................635
Institutional balantidiosis..................................................................................................................................635
LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS....................................................................................................................................635
Pulmonary Infections .............................................................................................................................................635
Balantidiosis versus Dysentery .........................................................................................................................636
Balantidium and Laboratory Infection .................................................................................................................636
PREVENTION OF INFECTION ..............................................................................................................................636
ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY..................................................................................................................................636
CONCLUSIONS .........................................................................................................................................................636
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...........................................................................................................................................637
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................637

INTRODUCTION vehicle for most cases of balantidiosis. Human-to-human

transmission may also occur. Balantidiums habitats in hu-
Protozoan parasitism covers a broad spectrum of diseases.
mans are the cecum and colon. Humans may remain asymp-
Balantidium coli and balantidiosis, the subjects of this review,
tomatic, as does the pig, or may develop dysentery similar to
barely register among infectious protozoan diseases.
that caused by Entamoeba histolytica. Death is an infrequent
Balantidium is the only ciliated protozoon known to infect
consequence of balantidiosis, but in developing countries
humans and is the largest protozoon infecting humans and
with undernourished and overparasitized populations, it can
nonhuman primates. Balantidiosis is a zoonotic disease and
make the difference between a healthy life and chronic de-
is acquired by humans via the fecal-oral route from the
normal host, the pig, where it is asymptomatic. Water is the
The organism is cosmopolitan and can be found wherever
pigs are found. Disease appears to be a problem mostly of
developing countries, where water sources may be contam-
* Corresponding author. Mailing address: California Department of
Health, Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory, Richmond, CA
inated with porcine or human feces. B. coli can become an
94804. Phone: (510) 307-8651. Fax: (510) 307-8599. E-mail: fred.schuster opportunistic parasite in immunosuppressed hosts living in urban environments, where pigs are not a factor in infection.


FIG. 1. Life cycle of Balantidium infection in humans. The trophozoites and cysts are shed in feces (1), and if the cysts, in particular,
contaminate drinking water or food, the infection can be spread to other humans (2). Fruits and vegetables may also be contaminated by cysts and
serve as a means of transmission. The bottom panel illustrates the pattern of encystment and asexual reproduction in trophic ciliates. (Reprinted
from the CDC-DPDx Parasite Image Library [].)

Balantidium is an often-neglected pathogen. Research on History

Balantidium has been sparse. Zaman (80) published an inclu-
sive review on Balantidium 30 years ago, but recently the or- Malmsten (44) was the first to recognize the organism in two
ganism has come to be regarded as an emerging protozoan humans with dysentery in the year 1857. Malmsten identified it
pathogen and has been reviewed by Garcia (22). as a species of Paramecium and named the organism Parame-
Balantidium has a simple life cycle, as follows: dormant cyst cium coli. Leuckart described a morphologically similar species
to trophozoite and trophozoite to cyst. Transmission is direct, from the pig intestine in 1861 (39). Shortly thereafter, Stein
from a contaminated water or food supply to humans (Fig. 1). equated the two organisms and placed them in the genus
No intermediate host, as occurs with many other parasitic Balantidium (G. balanto-, bag), and because of priority, the
species, is needed. species name (B. coli) was retained (64). Ironically, Malmsten

FIG. 3. View of intestinal lumen with two trophic ciliates. The

prominent macronucleus is seen in this stained section. The upper
ciliate shows the small micronucleus nestled against the macronucleus.
(Reprinted from the CDC-DPDx Parasite Image Library [http://www].)

FIG. 2. Trophic stage of Balantidium. The surface of the organism

is uniformly covered by cilia, and the lighter areas in the cytoplasm occurs as it does in most ciliates. A transverse furrow forms,
represent a contractile vacuole (CV) and the macronucleus (Mn). The dividing the mother cell into two asymmetric daughter cells, an
oral apparatus (OA) is at the apical end of the organism in this
micrograph. (Reprinted from the CDC-DPDx Parasite Image Library anterior (proter) and a posterior (opisthe) cell. The proter
[].) retains the oral apparatus, and the opisthe develops a new
apparatus. An anterior stomatogenic field appears in the opis-
the, leading to formation of the new oral apparatus, but the old
first described balantidiosis, usually regarded as a disease of oral apparatus may also undergo reorganization (37). The
tropic or subtropic regions, from patients in Sweden (44). swimming organism exhibits a rotary-type motion by means of
Morphologically similar organisms have been detected in a its somatic cilia that may facilitate movement through the
variety of mammals, including rats, chimpanzees, orangutans, contents of the colon.
and infrequently, dogs or cats. The species found in pigs, Bal- Sexual reproduction as conjugation has been reported for
antidium suis, is likely identical to B. coli from humans. Other Balantidium, but information is lacking about details of nuclear
species have been isolated from guinea pigs (Balantidium events. Two successive fissions (meiosis) occur preceded by
caviae), cockroaches (Balantidium blattarum), fish, birds, and formation of the conjugants, by either equal or unequal divi-
amphibia. In all, there have been about 50 species described sions (37). The two conjugants attach at the oral apparatus and
(4). Morphology has been the basis for identification to the exchange micronuclear products of meiosis.
species level, and some of the different species that have been Although the organism lives in an anaerobic environment,
created are in reality B. coli showing polymorphism in different Zaman (80) described mitochondrion-like bodies in electron
hosts and under varied growth conditions (41). The taxonomy micrographs of Balantidium; in contrast, Entamoeba histolytica
will ultimately be resolved once these organisms undergo se- and Entamoeba dispar, found in the human colon, are anaer-
quencing of their small subunit rRNAs. obes and lack mitochondria. Cristae or tubuli, however, were
reportedly absent from the mitochondrion-like bodies, raising
the possibility that these organelles are hydrogenosomes (80).
Hydrogenosomes, relict mitochondria, have been identified in
The trophic ciliate measures 30 to 150 m in length by 25 to balantidia as well as in other anaerobic ciliates (25, 27). Other
120 m in width; the cyst, which may be spherical or slightly cytoplasmic components include endoplasmic reticulum, ribo-
ovoid, measures 40 to 60 m in diameter (41). Size, however, somes, and numerous vacuoles filled with food particles. A
varies, with some balantidia being up to 200 m in length. The Golgi apparatus was not seen, but vesicles of endoplasmic
mouth (oral apparatus) is located at the tapering anterior end, reticulum function in lieu of Golgi vesicles (49). Mucocysts are
and the cytopyge (anus) is at the rounded posterior end (Fig. also seen (61). Two contractile vacuoles, functioning as osmo-
2). A sausage-shaped macronucleus and a rounded micronu- regulatory organelles, pulsate at a low rate even though the
cleus are located in the cytoplasm (Fig. 3). Asexual division surrounding environment is isotonic or close to it (79). Undi-

The diet of the ciliate is made up of bacteria and food

particles present or passing through the colon. If extensive
damage has been done to the wall of the colon, red blood cells
may also be seen in trophic organisms, as well as blood in the
stool. The ciliates produce flask-shaped lesions in the submu-
cosa, where they form clusters called nides or nests (4).


Protist taxonomy was recently revised by a committee of the

International Society of Protistologists and allied groups,
based on the wealth of new information that has accumulated
about these organisms since the last official taxonomy pub-
lished in 1980 (1). Since that time, an increased understanding
of ultrastructural morphology, biochemical properties and re-
lationships, studies of nuclear and mitochondrial DNAs, and
protist ecology has developed. The revised taxonomy does not
use the classic categories of phylum, class, order, etc., in order
to maximize taxonomic plasticity as additional information on
FIG. 4. Encysted ciliate. The cytoplasm is protected from environ- phylogenetic relationships, particularly from genomic studies,
mental stress within a double-walled covering. (Reprinted from the
becomes available (1).
CDC-DPDx Parasite Image Library [].)

Balantidium spp. Defined

gested residue from food vacuoles is eliminated through the
cytopyge. The following definition is based on the new taxonomy and
Balantidium jocularum, from the herbivorous surgeonfish, represents a characterization of the genus Balantidium, from
was found to harbor endosymbiotic bacteria in its macronu- the more general ciliate features to those of the genus Balan-
cleus (26). The bacteria were unusually large, measuring up to tidium.
4 m in length, but apparently without pathogenic potential Balantidium spp. are ciliated binucleate protozoa with macro-
for the ciliate. They are probably gram-positive organisms be- and micronuclei (features of Ciliophora) covered by uniform
cause of an endospore-like inclusion within the bacterium. No
rows of monokinetid somatic ciliation, i.e., rows of cilia arising
other reports of endosymbionts from Balantidium have ap-
from single rows of subsurface kinetosomes and their associ-
ated fibrils; a slit-like anteroventral oral cavity depressed below
The cyst of Balantidium is the transmissive stage of the
the surface (a feature of Litostomea); an oral apparatus with
organism. Because of its thickened wall, it is protected from
dense ciliation but lacking specialized oral membranelles, with
desiccation and other environmental stress (Fig. 4). It survives
best in humid surroundings protected from direct sunlight. The features of endosymbiosis in many animals (hairy mouths;
trophic ciliate is reportedly unable to survive passage through features of Trichostomatia); a vestibular groove leading into
the stomach because of the low pH of gastric fluid, but Balan- the oral apparatus (feature of Vestibulifera); a vestibular
tidium trophozoites inoculated into the stomach of guinea pigs groove of less than one-half the body length, with features of
have been found in the colon (56). The process of encystment commensals of vertebrate, amphibian, and insect hosts or, in
begins in the colon and rectum of the host, and cysts are some cases, parasites that may attack the intestinal lining (fea-
generally found in formed feces (56). Cysts, however, were not ture of the family Balantidiidae). Representative species in
produced in cultures of balantidia (32, 80), nor are they pro- mammals are B. coli, B. suis, and B. caviae.
duced in cases of acute dysentery. Attempts to simulate in vitro
the colorectal environment in which cysts form (resorption of
water and increased salt concentrations) were unsuccessful in Molecular Biology
inducing encystations; overfeeding or starvation was also un-
successful (32). Loss of the ability to encyst is seen in some Nucleotide sequences from two studies on Balantidium are
other protozoa (e.g., soil amebae) maintained in culture, due on file at GenBank, one based on small subunit rRNA
in part to less than optimal growth conditions and/or limiting (AF029763) and the second based on internal transcribed
amounts of nutrients essential for encystment. E. histolytica, an spacers 1 and 2 (AF045030) (65, 66, 73). Sequencing was used
agent of amebic dysentery, resembles Balantidium in produc- to construct a phylogenetic tree placing Balantidium coli with
ing cysts in formed stools but trophozoites in dysenteric stools. the trichostome ciliates Isotricha spp. and Dasytricha spp., but
In vitro encystment of E. histolytica depends upon a number of not necessarily in the same subgroup (order Vestibulifera).
factors, including withholding rice starch, the composition of These ciliates have a sunken oral apparatus but lack toxic
the bacterial flora, and the encystment medium, and may re- trichocysts, which aid in subduing prey (51). As yet, a definitive
quire a complex protocol to induce cyst formation (10). taxonomy of the group awaits additional information.

Balantidium coli versus Balantidium suis to possess hyaluronidase activity. Attempts to demonstrate its
presence, however, using E. histolytica extracts, did not support
Are B. coli from humans and B. suis from pigs the same the claim (50). In the case of B. coli, other factors may affect
organism? Persons infected with porcine strains of Balantidium the results, including associated bacteria, waning of virulence
are usually assumed to have B. coli infections (72). The answer (see next paragraph) in long-term cultures, up- and downregu-
awaits further studies of the organisms DNAs. Although pigs lation of presumptive virulence genes, and strain differences.
are the major reservoir for balantidiosis in humans, laboratory Thus, the matter of hyaluronidase production by Balantidium
studies indicate that humans are not readily infected with B. warrants further study. Levine (41) noted that invasion of co-
suis or, for that matter, B. coli. The two organisms appear to be lonic epithelium by Balantidium might be secondary to damage
different from one anotherone is larger (B. coli) and one is caused by intestinal bacteria.
smaller (B. suis)which is evidence enough for some to regard The term virulence is used here as the degree of patho-
them as different species. According to Levine (41), however, genicity of a parasite and involves substances elaborated by a
a clonal isolate of B. coli showed both morphotypes after being pathogen that facilitate infection and disease (e.g., toxins, en-
maintained in culture. The size difference between the two was zymes that promote invasiveness, and adhesive properties).
attributable to growth conditions of the ciliates. Jameson (32)
favored the view that there is a single species of Balantidium
that splits into two size variations. Similarly, B. caviae from the CULTIVATION
guinea pig was described as being indistinguishable in vitro Balantidia are available from fresh pig feces, particularly
from B. suis from swine (56). An agar diffusion study of anti- from animals with evidence of acute balantidiosis, and from
gens of Balantidium spp. found only minor antigenic differ- slaughterhouses. An insulated bottle is used for transport of
ences between B. coli and B. suis (36). porcine intestinal contents to the laboratory. There were a
number of early attempts at maintenance or cultivation in
PHYSIOLOGY vitro. Gastric mucin media were developed for Balantidium
and maintained growth for as long as 30 months. Calf serum
Few studies have examined the energy metabolism of these and rice starch or rice powder were also required. Starch
organisms. Balantidia are equally able to survive under anaer- grains, if present in culture medium, are ingested and serve as
obic as well as aerobic conditions. Carbohydrates are the chief a carbohydrate source (80). The addition of soluble sugars to
source of energy for the ciliates growing in vivo (80). growth media encourages overgrowth of accompanying bacte-
In studies of B. coli combining ultrastructure with cytochem- ria, whereas starch particles are efficiently ingested and di-
istry, peroxisomes were identified in the ciliate. These vesicles gested by the phagotrophic ciliates (10). A defined medium
contain peroxidase, an enzyme affording protection from the with cysteine HCl and i-inositol was used for short-term phys-
destructive effects of highly oxidative compounds, such as hy- iologic experiments with the organisms, but little in the way
drogen peroxide (60). A comparison of the cytoplasm of cili- of results appeared in the literature (35). Trophic ciliates,
ates from asymptomatic swine and those with acute balantid- however, did not survive agitation in attempts at manometric
iosis was made. Peroxisomes were more numerous but smaller studies.
(0.6 to 0.8 m) in balantidia from asymptomatic pigs than in Biphasic media in tubes were often used with an agar, in-
those with acute disease (0.8 m). Likewise, nucleic acid spissated egg yolk, or serum butt overlaid with nutrient me-
contents (particularly RNA, but also DNA) from symptomatic dium. Bacteria present in the sample can overgrow in an en-
and asymptomatic hogs differ, with the former having more riched medium, requiring the addition of antibiotics (e.g.,
content (62). The difference may depend on the degree of penicillin-streptomycin) to suppress bacterial proliferation.
metabolic activity of the ciliates and, in the case of RNA, may When growing in tubes, balantidia favor the bottom of the
be indicative of enhanced protein synthesis. Ciliates with tube, where conditions are microaerophilic or anaerobic. Za-
higher nucleic acid content produced more robust cultures, at man maintained monoxenic cultures of B. coli with Escherichia
least in the initial stages of in vitro growth (62). coli, using antibiotics to control bacterial overgrowth (80). Di-
The enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase was present in small ves- amonds TYSGM medium for Entamoeba and other enteric
icles attached to the endoplasmic reticulum or in the mem- parasites will also support the xenic (with bacteria) growth of
brane itself (61). Alkaline phosphatase was found in the ciliate balantidia (10). The medium contains Trypticase (casein di-
cortex, nuclear and ciliary membranes, and kinetosomes as gest), yeast extract, serum, and porcine gastric mucin. Starch
well as in vesicles of the endoplasmic reticulum (61). Phos- powder is added to tubes at the time of inoculation of medium.
phatase enzymes are important for their role in making glucose Zaman (80) noted that B. suis from the pig is not as readily
available as an energy source. cultured as B. coli from humans. Others apparently encoun-
Balantidia produce no known toxins, but their ability to tered no difficulties with cultivation of B. suis (62). Among the
produce ulceration of the colon wall is attributed to hyaluron- variables involved in cultivation are the growth medium and
idase, an enzyme that digests hyaluronic acid, a component of pH (optimal range, 5.4 to 8.0) (32), associated undefined bac-
the glue holding mucosal epithelial cells together (68). The terial flora, strain differences, and differences in nutritional
dissolution of group C Streptococcus hyaluronic acid-contain- requirements between ciliates from different hosts.
ing capsules and the breakdown of potassium hyaluronate by In the case of many pathogens maintained in vitro, pro-
living B. coli were taken as evidence of hyaluronidase activity. longed cultivation attenuates virulence, and animal passage
Entamoeba histolytica, the classic protozoan dysentery agent, may be required to restore it. The difficulty in infecting labo-
attacks the mucosal surface of the colon and was long claimed ratory animals (e.g., the guinea pig) and the absence of an

animal model of disease are obstacles in attempts to study the chronic diarrhea (57). The study detected a broad array of
pathogenicity of the ciliate. bacterial and protozoan organisms, as well as viruses. A sig-
nificantly larger proportion of animals with chronic diarrhea
harbored pathogenic bacteria (Campylobacter spp., Shigella
Temperature Range for Growth
flexneri, and Yersinia enterocolitica) than those without diar-
Balantidium grows at temperatures between 20C and 40C, rhea. The prevalence of Balantidium was 12% (estimated
a range that is adaptive for mammalian endosymbionts but can from the graph in reference 57). The presence of Balantidium
also allow for survival and growth outside the host (10). Tro- in the colon appeared not to be the cause of disease. Monkeys
phic ciliates did not survive longer than 24 to 48 h in cultures with chronic diarrhea showed a significantly increased produc-
maintained at temperatures over 40C (12). The trophic or- tion of interleukin-1, interleukin-3, and tumor necrosis factor
ganism from pig intestine has been reported to survive room alpha, to a level of 60 to 70% from about 20 to 30% in
temperature and exposure to air for 24 h to as long as 10 days nondiarrheic animals. This was not necessarily due to Balan-
(56). There is no information about the ability of balantidia tidium, however, because of the variety of other intestinal or-
from poikilothermic animals to make the transition to mam- ganisms.
malian body temperature. Experiments to demonstrate an immune response to Balan-
tidium were done by Zaman, who studied an immobilization
reaction to Balantidium (78). Using anti-Balantidium antibod-
ies raised in rabbits, the serum immobilized the ciliates within
In pigs, as in some humans and other mammals, Balantidium less than a minute (titers of 1:4 and 1:8); higher dilutions took
infects but causes no serious disease of the gastrointestinal longer to immobilize. Heat-inactivated rabbit serum did not
tract. It can thrive there in balance with its host without causing immobilize. Ultimately, the treated organisms disintegrated.
dysenteric symptoms, such as severe diarrhea and bloody Demonstrating a humoral response to the ciliates in patients
stools. The problem with this detente is that malnutrition, with balantidiosis by indirect fluorescent-antibody (IFA) stain-
alcoholism, or a compromised immune system (as in human ing would be of interest. Dzebenski (18) tested pigs for anti-
immunodeficiency virus [HIV]/AIDS, etc.) can tip the balance Balantidium antibodies by IFA staining but had difficulty in
in favor of the ciliate, leading to disease (3, 20, 70). In acute detecting any activity in pig sera. He attributed the lack of
disease, explosive diarrhea may occur as often as every 20 min response to the small sample of animals tested and the absence
(38). Perforation of the colon may also occur in acute disease, of evidence of tissue invasion in the animals used.
with life-threatening consequences. Availability of an IFA test would sidestep the labor-intensive
Hosts vary in their susceptibility to Balantidium, and at- examination of stool samples (except for validation) and might
tempts at infecting humans have been disappointing (76). This give a better estimate of Balantidium exposure if applied to
may be due to virulence of the particular strain used for infec- persons living in regions of endemicity and to groups at risk.
tion, the intrinsic health of the host, and/or the dosage of the Populations with constant exposure to Balantidium may de-
ciliate administered to the host. There is no evidence that velop some degree of immunity (19). In areas where contact
other intestinal flora of humans, whether bacteria, protozoa, or with pigs is common, such as the Altiplano region of Bolivia,
viruses, render the host more susceptible to infection. It is most of the schoolchildren examined had asymptomatic infec-
known, however, that the presence of pathogenic bacteria (e.g., tions, but few had diarrheic stools, suggesting resistance to
Salmonella) in the intestine can worsen an infection by invad- fulminant disease (19). In an outbreak of balantidiosis on the
ing colonic lesions caused by balantidia (41, 57, 59, 60). Western Pacific island of Truk (see below), immunity may have
Nonhuman primates, particularly the great apes and Old been a factor in the relatively rapid resolution (estimated at 6
World monkeys, can develop Balantidium infections. This is of weeks) of the outbreak among inhabitants (72).
concern since some of these animals are endangered species or
close to it because of disease, encroachment by humans on Immunosuppression
their natural habitats, and resultant density-dependent changes
in their populations. Orangutans, for example, are less likely to Immunocompromised individuals appear to be less resistant
be infected by Balantidium in their natural setting, while those to balantidiosis. There have been no concerted studies, how-
in rehabilitation centers for injured or orphaned animals ever, to determine the prevalence of balantidia in immunosup-
have a higher prevalence of the ciliate (34). Reasons for this pressed hosts. Reports in the literature are more of an anec-
include overcrowding at the centers, with increased stress on dotal nature. Two reports of balantidiosis in HIV/AIDS
individuals; contacts with humans and other animal species patients point to Balantidium as both a pathogen and an op-
and their associated bacterial, viral, and protozoan organisms; portunist (8, 11).
and water sources contaminated by fecal material in confined There have been several reports in the literature of Balan-
areas (34). In the wild, the orangutan population density is 2 tidium spreading to the lungs, causing a pneumonia-like dis-
individuals km2 (34). ease. Most of these infections have occurred in elderly or
otherwise immunocompromised persons. A 71-year-old woman
(Greece) with anal cancer, diabetes, fever, and intermittent di-
Immune Response
arrhea was found to have Balantidium in her lungs when a
Few intensive studies have been carried out on the hosts bronchial secretion was examined as a wet mount slide prep-
immune response to Balantidium. One study examined a pop- aration (70). Although the patient was treated with metroni-
ulation of captive rhesus macaque monkeys with and without dazole, a drug of choice for treating balantidiosis, and several

other antimicrobials, she died of cardiac arrest. Computerized tended to detect asymptomatic or cryptic infections that were
tomography scans and X-rays showed lung lesions in a 58-year- not readily apparent in stool samples from the volunteers. In
old woman (Greece) with leukemia who also suffered weight another study, a human fecal homogenate containing consid-
loss, weakness, abdominal cramps, and a cough. Since a fungal erably larger numbers of cysts of B. coli (1.2 104 to 4.8 104)
infection was suspected, bronchoalveolar lavage was per- was used to infect piglets and monkeys (74). Severe diarrhea
formed, and balantidia were found in the wash fluid (3). The developed in about half of the piglets (4 of 10) and in monkeys
authors postulated that the ciliates were spread hematog- that had been pretreated with hydrocortisone (2 of 4). Other
enously from the site of colonic ulceration to the lungs. Anti- animals suffered moderate diarrhea (piglets) or were asymp-
microbial treatment with metronidazole was successful in tomatic (monkeys).
resolving the infection. Attempts were also made to infect guinea pigs by using
Nonpulmonary infections have also developed in immuno- porcine balantidia (56). Ciliates harvested from culture, con-
suppressed patients. A 54-year-old alcoholic pork butcher taining starch grains as markers, were injected into the stom-
(France) with acute diarrhea suffered colonic perforation but ach of a guinea pig. Starch-filled ciliates were subsequently
recovered after doxycycline treatment and colectomy (20). Bal- found in its esophagus and cecum. A second attempt trans-
antidia were detected in stools of a 47-year-old female (Tur- ferred ciliates directly from the pig by use of a stomach tube,
key) with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, accompanied by abdom- and trophic ciliates were detected in the ileum, jejunum, and
inal pain and bloody diarrhea; she, too, was treated successfully cecum. Both animals died soon after infection as a result of the
with metronidazole (75). experimental procedure.
Except for the pork butcher in the preceding paragraph, the
other patients had no contact with pigs and lived in urban
areas. The leukemic patient had also received corticosteroids
and chemotherapy, which may have increased vulnerability to Balantidiosis has a range of mild to severe clinical presen-
opportunistic infections by muting the immune response. tations. The following three clinical manifestations of balan-
Other possible sources of infection may have been consump- tidiosis can occur (71): (i) asymptomatic hosts who are carriers
tion of uncooked vegetables and/or food contaminated by rat of disease and serve as reservoirs of infection in the commu-
droppings or mechanically by cockroaches or flies. nity; (ii) chronic infection that presents with nonbloody diar-
A Barbary sheep (Korea) from a zoological park died after rhea, cramping, halitosis, and abdominal pain secondary to
showing signs of emaciation, lethargy, and weakness (9). At trophozoite invasion of the large intestine (71, 75); and (iii)
autopsy, B. coli was found in the gastric lymph ducts and in the patients with fulminating balantidiosis passing mucoid, bloody
submucosa of the abomasum of the animal. The sheep was also stools.
infected with the coccidian Eimeria and with parasitic worms. The most severe presentation of B. coli occurs with weight
Balantidia, however, were not found in the animals stool. It loss, tenesmus, and bloody stools (71). Intestinal hemorrhage
was hypothesized that balantidia initially infected the aboma- and perforation can also occur and are mediated by the pro-
sum, where damage to the mucosal surface by Eimeria facili- duction of B. coli proteolytic enzymes (3). Direct evidence for
tated invasion of the lymphatics. the presence of proteolytic enzymes is lacking, but proteolysis
Among possible pathways by which balantidia in the colon is generally assumed to be a factor in digesting the mucous
wall could colonize the lungs are the circulatory (hepatic portal coating of the colon and facilitating tissue invasion, abscess
circuit) or lymphatic systems (3, 9, 70), perforation of the colon formation, ulceration, and perforation of the intestine (3).
and spread through the peritoneal cavity (70), invasion of the Entamoeba histolytica, which has a similar pattern of pathoge-
lungs across the diaphragm (58), and colonization of the na- nicity, has been shown to possess and secrete cysteine, serine,
sopharynx with spread to the lungs, resulting from aspiration of aspartic, and metallo-proteases, some of which can target the
fluid from the oral cavity (58). It is interesting that there was no mucus layer of the intestinal wall and aid in penetration of the
indication of Balantidium trophic ciliates or cysts in the stool underlying tissue (43, 69).
samples of most of these individuals. Hemorrhage and perforation were reported for fatal cases of
B. coli infections (17). Fulminating balantidiosis has a case
Crossing the Species Barrier: Transfection Attempts fatality rate of 30% (19). Vasquez and Vidal (71) described the
case of a 60-year-old pig farmer with pancolonic damage and
A parasite passing from one species to another faces the microperforation who died despite antiparasitic treatment.
problem of species specificity, both for the host and for the Another fatal case of balantidiosis occurred in a 63-year-old
parasite. Although humans are susceptible hosts for balantidia, pig farmer, who died of dysentery and subsequent hemorrhage
efforts to infect humans have not been successful (76). Balan- after 8 days; an autopsy revealed ulcerative colitis (54). Fatal
tidium has no problem in passing from pigs to humans under cases of balantidiosis have also been associated with sepsis
appropriate conditions (e.g., the outbreak in Truk). For trans- secondary to intestinal disease (51, 58). A malnourished
mission to be successful, it would appear that proximity and 2-year-old girl with an anorectal malformation who was diag-
persistent contact between pigs and humans are factors. nosed with balantidiosis developed septic shock and died de-
Gelatin capsules containing human feces with active ciliates spite antimicrobial treatment with ampicillin and amikacin for
and cysts were given to volunteers (76). The capsules contained sepsis and metronidazole for balantidiosis (7).
250 trophic ciliates and 250 cysts. Volunteers were followed Although the intestine is the most common site of B. coli
over a period of 10 years, but no evidence of infection based on disease, there are extraintestinal sites of infection. These in-
stool examination was found. The study may have been ex- clude the appendix but rarely the liver (16). Dodd (16) re-

ported a case of a 16-year-old who presented with abdominal water from streams and wells that were contaminated with pig
pain, fever, and elevated white blood cell count and who had a and human feces, resulting in balantidiosis in 110 persons on
gangrenous appendix. Pathological examination of the appen- the island, as well as an increase in E. histolytica and Ascaris
dix revealed inflammation, ulceration, necrosis, and B. coli infections (72). Neither age nor gender was a factor in infec-
trophozoites (16). Genitourinary sites of infection, including tion and disease, as it appears to be in normal transmission
uterine infection, vaginitis, and cystitis, are thought to occur via in areas of endemicity. Symptoms of disease appeared an av-
direct spread from the anal area or secondary to rectovaginal erage of 6 days (range, 0 to 27 days) before laboratory diag-
fistulas created from infection with B. coli (58). Lung infections nosis was made by stool examination (72).
with Balantidium are infrequent but noteworthy. A necrotizing In institutional populations (mental hospitals, prisons, and
lung infection was reported for a 42-year-old organic farmer orphan asylums), where pigs are an unlikely source of infec-
who routinely used pig manure to fertilize his vegetables, prob- tion, outbreaks are the result of asymptomatic carriers and the
ably as a result of aerosolizing the manure and inhaling air- difficulties involved in maintaining hygienic control (6). Cases
borne cysts (58). Airborne transmission of cysts is unlikely. developing in urban areas generally occur in immunocompro-
Cysts of Balantidium are large and would not be carried over mised hosts and are self-limiting outbreaks (3, 9, 20, 70, 75).
great distances, either on air currents or in water droplets. The bacterial flora of the host can influence its susceptibility
Thus, infection by inhalation would require direct contact with and course of infection, particularly if pathogenic or poten-
aerosol droplets. tially pathogenic bacteria are found in the gut. This has been
the case for nonhuman primates (57) and supports a secondary
role of Balantidium in causing disease (41, 59, 62).
Factors Contributing to Disease
Nutritional status, intestinal bacterial flora, parasite load,
achlorhydria, alcoholism, or any chronic disease may affect the Virulence versus Avirulence in Balantidium
severity of disease (19). As previously noted, some degree of
immunity may be present in populations that are exposed to Are there virulent and avirulent strains of B. coli and B. suis?
Balantidium on a regular basis (19, 72). What factor(s) triggered the balantidiosis outbreak in Truk
described above? Because the prevalence of Balantidium in the
population was low before the typhoon hit the island, Walzer
EPIDEMIOLOGY et al. (72) postulated that the source of the infection was pigs
B. coli infection is uncommon in humans despite its potential rather than humans.
for worldwide distribution. The organism, though pathogenic, In theory, a virulent strain entering a population, whether
is of low virulence. The worldwide prevalence is estimated at from contaminated water or human or pig contacts, is a likely
0.02 to 1% (19), but it varies widely by geographic location (3). source of disease outbreak. In contrast, avirulent strains are
Areas of high prevalence include regions of Latin America, either ineffectual in causing disease or produce asymptomatic
the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and West Irian, and areas infections. But no evidence for such a dichotomy in balantidia
of the Middle East (63, 75). In New Guinea, the rate of infec- is available. Humans are not easily infected, and the preva-
tion among pig farmers is as high as 28% (53), and in the lence of Balantidium among humans (estimated at 1% world-
Altiplano area of Bolivia, balantidiosis rates range between 6 wide) is lower than that in pigs, which can be as high as 100%
and 29% (19). in surveyed swine populations (31). The distribution of patho-
The major factors leading to human balantidiosis include (i) genic Entamoeba histolytica and its nonpathogenic look-alike
close contact between pigs and humans, (ii) a lack of appro- E. dispar in human populations helps to explain the anomaly of
priate waste disposal such that swine and human excrement persons having entamoebae in stools without symptoms of
contaminate drinking water sources (e.g., wells and streams) invasive disease (15). Many more persons are infected asymp-
and food, and (iii) subtropical and/or tropical climatic condi- tomatically with E. dispar than with the pathogenic organism E.
tions (e.g., warmth and humidity) favoring survival of cysts. histolytica. Among those diagnosed as having Entamoeba in
Balantidia, however, are adaptive to less than ideal conditions, their stools, only 10 to 20% exhibit diarrheic disease. Further-
as evidenced by their ability to infect compromised hosts living more, even the avirulent organism E. dispar may erode the
in urban settings and to survive in hogs in decidedly nontrop- colon wall and cause symptoms such as bloating and cramps
ical locations, such as Denmark (31) and Poland (62). Human- (15).
to-human spread by the fecal-oral route can take place as with
other enteric diseases.

Outbreaks of Balantidiosis Infections in Nonhuman Mammals

What factors are responsible for balantidiosis outbreaks in Although pigs are a major source of balantidiosis, a number
humans? What is regarded as the largest outbreak of balan- of other mammalian species have been found to harbor the
tidiosis occurred following a typhoon that hit the island of Truk ciliate. In a study done in Japan with fecal samples from 56
in the Caroline Islands (Western Pacific), where many of the mammalian species, 6 were found to harbor the ciliate (49).
residents kept pigs. A typhoon destroyed homes and rooftop The species were mainly nonhuman primates but also included
catchment systems for collection of rainwater, leaving people wild boars. Rodents and carnivores (cats and dogs) tested
without a source of uncontaminated water. Instead, they used negative. From the small number of infections found, Nakau-

chi (49) concluded that the disease was not a veterinary con- tions produced milk with a lower fat content than that in
cern in Japan. animals without B. coli. Furthermore, the heavier the infection,
Swine. Studies that have examined the prevalence of Balan- the less fat was in the milk (about 6.5% in clean animals
tidium in pigs in the United States are few. Morris et al. (47) versus 4.2% in animals with heavy infections). The lower fat
studied intestinal parasites of pigs, including B. coli, from concentration, however, did not affect infants weights.
Oklahoma hog farms. Balantidium was detected in 55.1% of Baboons (Papio doguera) captured in the wild in Kenya were
pigs examined, with adult swine having a higher prevalence the basis for a study of intestinal protozoa (48). At the time of
(18.6%) than shoats (14.6%) and nursing pigs (5%). Pigs on capture, 63% of the animals harbored Balantidium, the most
pasture land or dirt lots had a somewhat higher percentage frequently found protozoon. After transfer and captivity in the
(16.4%) of balantidia than pigs kept on wood slats (13.2%) or United States for a year and a half, none of the animals were
on cement surfaces (7.4%) (36). A study of hogs in southern infected, although most other intestinal protozoa (e.g., Ent-
Georgia found a higher prevalence of B. suis in gestating hogs amoeba spp.) did not diminish in numbers.
than in lactating animals, but differences were attributed to A comparative survey of parasites of semicaptive (at a re-
locations (different units) where hogs were confined and to age habilitation center) versus free-ranging orangutans in Sabah,
differences (45). Weaned pigs were negative for balantidia but Malaysia, found that the prevalence of B. coli was 14% in the
soon became infected either from the mother or from caproph- free-ranging group, while it was 42% among semicaptive young
agy of residual fecal material in the holding pens. In general, animals (34).
however, prevalence increased in pigs with age, as also shown Amphibia. A number of species of Balantidium have been
in the Oklahoma survey. described from amphibia (e.g., Rana, Xenopus, and Bufo spe-
In two reports from Europe, the prevalence of Balantidium cies). A recent finding by Li et al. showed that Balantidium
in pigs from a Danish research farm increased from 57% for occurred in the feces of the giant Chinese salamander (42). A
suckling piglets to 100% for most other age groups (31). In a new species, Balantidium andianusis, was described from a
survey of 15 of 20 pig-raising farms (n 514 fecal samples) in single animal; a second species from the salamander, Balan-
Germany, the prevalence of infection was 60% for suckling tidium sinensis, had previously been described from the frog.
pigs (13). The basis of identification to the species level was detailed
Wild boars in rural Western Iran were a reservoir for Bal- measurements of the oral apparatus, length, width, etc.
antidium, and since wild boars scavenge farms, Solaymani-
Mohammadi et al. (63) examined boars to assess the potential Infections in Humans
for spread of ciliates to livestock and humans. Sixty-seven
percent of the animals were infected, with females and older The prevalence of human balantidiosis is higher in popula-
animals carrying a heavier parasite load than males and tions in regions of endemicity having close contact with pigs or
younger boars. Because pork is proscribed for Moslems, rais- pig feces, such as farmers and workers in abattoirs (51, 58).
ing pigs in Iran is not an important factor in zoonotic infec- Contacts between humans and pigs are necessary but not suf-
tions, and cases that occur are assumed to be the result of ficient to cause disease. Other factors must be taken into ac-
human-to-human transmission. A study of fecal material from count, such as (i) host factors, including resistance and/or pos-
292 feral pigs in water catchment areas in southwest Australia sible immunity; and (ii) the etiologic agent itself and its ability
identified 10 positive cases (3%) in genetically distinct popu- to invade host tissues.
lations (29). Infections were not uniformly distributed among Balantidiosis is an uncommon human disease mostly re-
all genetic groups; most of the infected pigs (nine animals) stricted to tropical and subtropical regions because of sanitary
were from a single genetic subpopulation. Balantidium was standards, climatic conditions, and cultural mores. The major
uncommon or absent from other subgroups. It was concluded factors in spread of the disease to humans are the presence of
that feral pigs pose a public health threat to drinking water infected swine and little or no means of disposal of animal and
supplies, as the animals wallow in creeks feeding into reser- human waste. It is a disease of poor, rural areas where people
voirs providing water to local municipalities. are likely to live in close proximity to their livestock, with their
Simians and apes. A study of 910 fecal samples from 222 homes offering protection not only for themselves but also for
nonhuman primates confined in groups was carried out at four their domestic animals. It is the close association of people and
zoological gardens in Belgium (40). Entamoeba spp. and Giar- pigs that leads to infection. Pigs pass Balantidium cysts in their
dia were the most common endocommensals, with infection feces, which can contaminate wells and groundwaters, serving
rates of 44% and 41%, respectively, and Balantidium was de- as a vehicle for transmission of parasites.
tected in 13% of the fecal samples, mostly from Old World In a survey of 325 waterborne diseases in North America and
monkeys (Celebes crested macaques, mandrills, and hamadr- Europe, Balantidium infections accounted for 0.3% (n 1) of
yas baboons); prosimians (e.g., lemurs) and New World mon- the outbreaks (33).
keys were uninfected. Thus, though infection with the ciliate A comprehensive study of stool samples from 2,000 Ay-
was found in some groups, it was not a pervasive problem in mara Indian children from the Altiplano region of Bolivia
zoo populations. Its incidence in Old World monkeys might found widespread infection with balantidia but a low level of
relate to these simians spending more time on the ground than fulminant disease among the children (19). The overall prev-
other animals and being more likely to come into contact with alence of B. coli was 1.2% (range, 1.0 to 5.3%). More than half
feces containing Balantidium cysts (40). of the pigs (n 50) in the same communities were infected
Nursing rhesus macaque monkeys at a research center were with balantidia, as determined by examination of stool sam-
studied for milk production (30). Animals with B. coli infec- ples. One-third of the children in the survey showed stunted

growth as a result of chronic malnutrition. The authors of the residents (24). About 13 different, mostly protozoan parasites,
study concluded that the children were asymptomatic carriers including B. coli, were found in stool samples. B. coli and the
of balantidia but showed the consequences of long-term infec- more common organism Cryptosporidium parvum were de-
tions. tected in 9.2% of the residents. A study done in the United
Areas of endemicity. Areas of endemicity are regions where States found a 5% incidence of B. coli infections at a mental
balantidiosis is a present and constant threat. Included among hospital, and this appeared to increase with length of residence
these are the Philippines, parts of Papua New Guinea and (77). Poor hygiene among residents of the mental institution
West Irian (Irian Jaya) in the western Pacific, and rural areas was associated with spread of parasites on hands, tableware,
of South America. As described above, conditions for spread and dishes and with the practices of pica, coprophagy, and
of disease are close contact with pigs and water contaminated geophagy. The conclusion is that hygienic surveillance and
by human and porcine feces. Tropical temperatures and high antimicrobial therapy are necessary in such facilities to limit
humidity favor survival of excreted Balantidium cysts in pig or the spread of parasites among institutional residents.
human feces. The disease is also in found in highland areas of
Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya, where temperatures are LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS
cooler than in the lowlands. Because of the highland temper-
atures, pigs often seek shelter and warmth in human habitats. Because of their large size and spiraling motility, balantidia
Prevalence studies based on surveys carried out in the 1950s can readily be recognized in wet mount slide preparations,
and onward have put the numbers at 28%, 20%, 11%, and in even at a low magnification (100). This is the case with
more recent times (1970s), 1.7%, in only 3 of a total of 60 freshly collected diarrheic stool samples, which are likely to
villages (53). Other studies found prevalence rates of 1% to contain actively swimming trophic ciliates, as well as bron-
20% among people in the Central Highlands of Papua New choalveolar wash fluid. Stool samples for examination should
Guinea (5). Infections among women were twice as common as be collected over several days because excretion of parasites
those among men because women tend to the pigs. can be erratic. Cyst stages are more common in formed stools.
Other possible pathways for transmission. Balantidiosis is a To search for cysts, a portion of formed stool is broken up in
cosmopolitan disease with potential for developing almost any- phosphate-buffered saline or fixative (10% phosphate-buffered
where. The absence of pigs in strict Moslem societies makes formalin or polyvinyl alcohol) and coarsely filtered through
human-to-human transmission more likely. Rats may be carri- gauze or a sieve to remove large pieces of debris. The resulting
ers of Balantidium, but it is not known if the rat Balantidium fluid can be examined microscopically for cysts in formed
species can infect humans. The cockroach, which has its own stools or for trophozoites in diarrheic stools. A phase-contrast
species of Balantidium, may serve as a mechanical agent of microscope is helpful for viewing internal structures of un-
transmission from feces to food (67). stained living or fixed ciliates. Staining can be done using
Sewage sludge may be another source of infection. Activated Lugols iodine (1:5 to 1:100 dilutions), but the stain concen-
sludge, a by-product of sewage treatment, can contain bacte- trates progressively in the cytoplasm, obscuring details such as
rial, protozoan, and metazoan parasites and is a potential the macronucleus. The same is true for permanent stains, such
threat to health if it is applied as a fertilizer. Such was the case as hematoxylin-eosin, as cells can take up excess stain, obscur-
in Bahrain (Arabian Gulf), where sludge was found to contain ing all internal detail. Heavily stained cysts can be mistaken for
balantidia (range of 66 to 528 ml1, with a mean of 234 ml1). helminth ova, leading to misdiagnosis. Biopsy of the colon, if
The origin of the balantidia remained uncertain, since neither performed, followed by hematoxylin-eosin staining of sections
pigs nor monkeys, both possible sources, are found in the may be useful in evaluating the extent of damage to the wall
country. The occurrence of the ciliate appeared to have been a (Fig. 4). Methods for concentration of parasites from stool
one-time event, since ciliates were not found in subsequent samples, making them easier to find, include sedimentation
sludge samples (2). and flotation (21). Since balantidiosis is a rare disease in de-
Risk factors. The major risk factor for humans is close con- veloped countries, most technicians would not normally be
tact with pigs. This is particularly so in areas of endemicity looking for trophozoites or cysts of Balantidium in examining
(e.g., Papua New Guinea), where swine are kept in dirt lots; pig stool samples. Thus, it is particularly important that balantid-
and human feces are scattered indiscriminately, allowing con- iosis be considered a possibility for patients from areas of
tamination of water sources; and residents may suffer from endemicity and travelers returning from such areas. The num-
chronic malnutrition or other predisposing factors, such as ber of balantidia in a stool sample may be high; 1,230 organ-
parasitic infections. Crowding in dwellings can facilitate the isms g1 feces was reported for the stool of a chimpanzee in
spread of infection. Others at risk are workers in abattoirs Japan (49). A Danish study of pigs at a research farm found an
where pig intestines are handled. Farmers working with pig average of 865 cysts g1 feces from pigs of 28 to 52 weeks of
feces are at risk of contracting the infection. Given the num- age (31).
bers of simians carrying balantidia, zookeepers are another
such group, but at low or containable risk. Likewise, veterinar-
Pulmonary Infections
ians and veterinary students working with sick hogs are at risk
of infection. Diagnosing lung infections with B. coli can present a prob-
Institutional balantidiosis. Both residents and workers in lem because of possible confusion between ciliated epithelial
asylums, orphanages, and prisons are potential candidates for cells (CEC) and trophic balantidia. Bronchoalveolar wash fluid
balantidiosis. A study of four mental institutions in Italy exam- containing Balantidium has been reported (3, 58, 70) but may
ined the prevalence of parasites in stool samples from 238 also contain motile CEC from the trachea that can be mistaken

for ciliates in wet mounts. CEC have relatively few cilia on Balantidium and Laboratory Infection
their surfaces compared to the uniformly ciliated surfaces of
In developed countries, fecal samples containing balantidia
balantidia, and the cilia may be clumped in the case of colum-
are unusual, and the risk of laboratory infections is very low.
nar epithelial cells; CEC are smaller (30 m) than balantidia
No laboratory-acquired infections have ever been reported.
(150 to 200 m), elongated rather than ovoid, and more likely
Because the cysts pose more of a risk than do trophic ciliates,
to swim aimlessly in circles, unlike the pronounced spiraling
precautions should be taken in handling formed porcine or
movements of ciliates (14, 28). The use of a phase-contrast
human fecal matter that might contain cysts. The numbers of
microscope can help to visualize Balantidium features, such as
cysts in stool samples may be such that small amounts of
the oral apparatus, uniform somatic ciliation, and the macro-
material can be highly infective. Cysts may also survive drying
nucleus. During a search for respiratory syncytial virus in the
on bench tops, instruments, and other laboratory surfaces.
nasopharynx of an infant, unusual ciliated cells were seen in
Sodium hypochlorite (1%) is an effective disinfectant (55).
wet mounts and initially thought to be parasites, most likely B.
Procedures that produce aerosols should be avoided. Gloves
coli. Subsequent examination after staining showed ciliary dis-
and a laboratory coat are appropriate protective clothing. Bio-
tribution along one edge of the cell and identified the cells as
safety level 2 precautions are recommended.
ciliocytophthoria, degenerative fragments of epithelial cells
(28). CEC can also be confused with other motile pathogens, in
this case the flagellate stage of the ameboflagellate Naegleria PREVENTION OF INFECTION
fowleri in cerebrospinal fluid samples (14). The best means of protecting human populations from bal-
antidiosis is by providing a source of clean, uncontaminated
Balantidiosis versus Dysentery water for drinking and other purposes. Chlorine, at the con-
centrations normally used for ensuring water safety, is not
Most cases of dysentery, regardless of the causal agent, in- effective against cysts of Balantidium. Pigs should not be al-
cluding balantidial, amebic, and bacterial dysenteries, present lowed to roam in and around feeder streams or rivers that
with similar clinical profiles, including abdominal pain and empty into reservoirs that are used for providing municipal
diarrhea leading to dehydration and bloody stools. Balantidi- water supplies (29). Likewise, spreading of sludge from sewage
osis outside areas of endemicity is relatively rare; amebiosis is processing as fertilizer can lead to contamination of produce or
more likely to be encountered, particularly in travelers from water sources with cysts of balantidia (2). Pigs should not have
developed countries visiting areas of the world with poor san- access to areas where crops are being raised. Judging from the
itation and contaminated drinking water. A travel history of occurrence of balantidiosis in immunosuppressed individuals
the patient can be helpful in making a preliminary diagnosis. living in urban settings, there are additional sources of infec-
Bacillary dysentery is a constant and major public health men- tion besides pig-to-human transmission. Raising Balantidium-
ace in developed and underdeveloped countries, with contam- free pigs is an unrealistic goal. Piglets become infected from
inated water and food and asymptomatic food handlers being their mother or, if not that, through coprophagy.
involved in disease transmission. Diagnosis is made using dif-
ferential or selective agars or manual or automated identifica-
tion systems. Among differential diagnoses of dysenteric dis- ANTIMICROBIAL THERAPY
eases are ulcerative colitis, diverticulosis, and inflammatory Tetracyclines and metronidazole are treatments of choice
bowel disease. for human Balantidium infection. A number of different dos-
The cystic organism E. histolytica, found in formed stools, age regimens and treatment durations exist in the literature (3,
measures 10 to 20 m and has a nucleus with a small central 20, 23, 75). For metronidazole (Flagyl), the treatment is typi-
endosome and peripheral chromatin connected to the endo- cally 5 days (adult dosage, 750 mg three times a day; pediatric
some by a delicate fibrillar network. Four nuclei are typical of dosage, 35 to 50 mg kg of body weight1 day1 in three doses
the mature cyst. RNA-containing club-shaped chromatoid [maximum dosage, 2 g]), in contrast to tetracycline (adult dos-
bodies are seen in newly formed cysts but disappear as the cysts age, 500 mg four times a day; pediatric dosage, 40 mg kg1
age. There may be cysts of other amebae, such as E. dispar and dose1 in four doses) treatment over 10 days. Iodoquinol, for
E. coli, both of which are harmless commensals that can be a 20-day treatment course (adult dosage, 650 mg three times a
mistaken for E. histolytica, in the stool. Balantidium cysts are day; pediatric dosage, 40 mg kg1 dose1 in three doses), and
larger (40 to 60 m) than ameba cysts and are binucleate doxycycline are alternatives (3, 58). There is some evidence
(macro- and micronuclei), and at times the trophic organism that nitazoxanide (Alinia), a broad-spectrum antiparasitic and
can be seen spinning within the cyst wall due to ciliary activity. antihelminthic drug, may be another treatment for balantidi-
The two organisms are found in the trophic state in diarrheic osis (52). The reader may wish to consult The Medical Letter on
stools. Balantidia in wet mounts are active swimmers with Drugs and Therapeutics, Drugs for Parasitic Infections (46). Dos-
uniform ciliation and a spiraling swimming pattern. Trophic ages given here are from the 2004 edition but are unchanged in
Entamoeba can be seen moving on the slide surface by means the latest edition (2007).
of an anterior ectoplasmic pseudopod and is smaller (25 m
in diameter) than Balantidium. Food vacuoles containing
erythrocytes differentiate trophic E. histolytica from other ame-
bae in stools. Both trophic organisms are seen optimally in Balantidium coli is a cosmopolitan parasitic-opportunistic
freshly collected feces that have not been refrigerated or al- pathogen that can be found throughout the world. Its reservoir
lowed to sit on a laboratory bench for hours. host is the pig, and humans become infected through direct or

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