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I am seeking consultation from Yvon Gurin, Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) membership
number R411407 and Quebec Immigration Consultant Association, number 11067 for the purpose

I am obliged to pay a fee in Indian Rupees of_______________________ as per retainer agreement that forms part
of this contract of engagement.

The law in effect in Quebec and Canada shall govern the terms and conditions of this agreement.

Please be advised that Yvon Gurin is a member of good standing of the Immigration consultants of Canada
Regulatory council (ICCRC) and of the Province of Quebec, and as such, is bound by its By-Laws, code of
professional ethics and associated Regulations.

On this [Date]_____________

Agreement between

Name of the client:_____________________________________________________________________________



Date of birth:__________________________________________________________________________________

Phone: Applicant: (R) ___________________ (O) _____________________ (M) _____________________

Spouse: (O) ________________________________(M) _____________________________________

E-Mail (Self) :____________________________________________

(Spouse) :_______________________________________________


Yvon Gurin

34 Notre-Dame east, suite 303, Montral, Qc, Canada, H2Y 1B9

Phone: 514-583-9839

E-mail :

_________________ _________________

Signature of client Signature of member

Date : Date :



RCIC Membership Number: R411407 Qubec Member Number: 11067

Agreement between

Name of the client:______________________________________________________________________________



Date of birth:___________________________________________

Phone: Applicant: (R) ___________________ (O) _____________________ (M) _______________________

Spouse: (O) ________________________________(M) _____________________________________

E-Mail (Self) :____________________________________________

(Spouse) :_______________________________________________


Yvon Gurin

34 Notre-Dame East, suite 303, Montral, Qc, Canada, H2Y 1B9

Phone: 514-583-9839

E-mail :



307, 3rd Floor, Nehru Place, New Delhi 110019, India

Phone : 91-11-41552515

E-mail :

_________________ _________________

Signature of client Signature of member

Date : Date :

1. RCIC responsibilities and commit ment:

The client asked the RCIC, and the CRIC agreed, to Act for the client in the matter of representing the client about
his application of certificate of selection of Quebec and/or his application for permanent residency in Canada, in
the following immigration category: (example: qualified worker for Quebec or Canada)

In consideration of the fees paid and the matter stated above, The RCIC agrees to do the following:

A- Inform the client about the documents and forms required for the deposit of his immigrations file;
B- Build-up and fill the immigration forms and documents;
C- Guiding the client on processes related to becoming part of the Express entry pool and where eligible,
assist the client in filing application in the pool. If not eligible to file into the pool, then the mandate of RCIC
ends with (B) above;
D- If step is successful, then Submitting clients profile into the Canada Job Bank;
E- If the client does not get an Invite to apply within an year from the lodgement of application in the Express
Entry Pool,then mandate of RCIC member finishes with (D) above;
F- Where the client, gets an Invite to Apply the application with CIO, Nova Scotia, send the file to
Immigration appropriate authorities;
G- Make the follow-up of the file with Immigration department and inform the client
H- If scheduled, prepare the client for his interview, in person or by phone

2. Client responsibilities and commitment:

The client must provide, upon request from the RCIC:

A- All necessary documentation required by the member or immigration authorities within the delay
B- All documentation in French or in English and/or translated in French or English

The members obligations under the retainer agreement are null and void if the client knowingly provides any
inaccurate, misleading or false material information. The client financial obligations remain at all times.

3. Billing method:

The client will be billed based on fees, at each following step:

1. Rupees 50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) an initial retainer. All services from (1) to (4)
above provided against this fee.
2. Rupees 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen thousand only) on receipt of Invite to Apply.
3. Rupees 10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand only) on receipt of acknowledgement and file number
from CIO, Nova Scotia
4. Service Tax Extra as applicable.

4. Payment terms and conditions:

a- Total Professional fees of member: INR 75,000/- (Rupees Seventy five thousand only)
b- Payment for expenses such as Courier/Postage/Copying/Notary: The client should incur all these expenses
at his end. Where the client does not incur such expenses, the member will raise the invoice at actuals and
same will be reimbursed by the client.
c- Canadian Government fees: As per actuals payable directly by the client to the Government agencies.
Current expense heads include Application Processing Fee, medical costs, Right of Landing fee and other
fee that may be asked for by the Government at any time.

5. Special agreement:

Supplementary fees, if the client adds additional applicant to the initial file at a later stage or wants file to
be transferred to another visa post, such an additional service will be provided against an additional fee of
INR 30,000/- (Rupees Thirty thousand Only)

In case of a negative decision by the immigration authorities and if the client wants services of the
member for make an appeal against the negative decision, the supplementary fees will be as per mutual
agreement between the client and member.

6. Refund policy:

The client acknowledges that the granting of a certificate of selection and/or a visa or status or the time
required for processing this application is at the sole discretion of the Government and not the RCIC.

If, however, the application is denied because of an error or omission on the part of the RCIC, the member
will refund all professional fees collected. The client agrees that the fees paid are for services indicated
above, and any refund is strictly limited to the amount of fees paid.

7. Dispute resolution:

Please be advised that Yvon Gurin is a member in good standing of the Immigration Consultants of Canada
Regulatory Council (ICCRC), and as such is bound by its By-laws, Code of professional ethics, and associated
Regulations. In the event of a dispute, the client and RCIC are to make every effort to resolve the matter
between the two parties. In the event a resolution cannot be reached, the client is to present the complaint
in writing to the RCIC and allow the RCIC 60 days to respond to the client. in the event the dispute is still
unresolved, the client may follow the complaint and discipline procedure outlined by ICCRC on their

NOTE: all complaint forms must be signed.ICCRC contact information:

Immigration consultants of Canada regulatory council (ICCRC)

5500 North Service Rd., suite 1002

Burlington, Ontario, L7L 6W6

Toll free: 1-877-836-7543


8. Confidentiality:

All information and documentation reviewed by RCIC, required by CIC and/or Quebec immigration and
used for the preparation of the application will not be divulged to any third party, other than agents,
without prior consent, except as demanded by law. The RCIC and all agents are also bound by the
confidentiality requirements of Article 8.1 and 8.5 of the code of professional Ethics. The client agrees to
the use of electronic communication and storage of confidential information. The RCIC will use his best
efforts to maintain a high degree of security for electronic communication and information storage.

9. Force majeure :

The RCICs failure to perform any term of this retainer agreement, as a result of conditions beyond his
control such as, but not limited to, like sickness of the member, governmental restrictions or subsequent
legislation, war, strikes, or act of God shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement.

10. Change Policy:

The client acknowledge that if the RCIC is asked to act on the client behalf on matters others other than
those outlined above in this Agreement, or because of a material change in the client circumstances, or
because of material facts not disclosed at the outset of the application, or because of a change in
government legislation regarding the processing of immigration-related applications, the Agreement can be
modified accordingly upon mutual agreement.

11. Other:

a- In the event Canadian or Quebec immigration should contact the client directly, the client is instructed
to notify the RCIC immediately.
b- The client is to immediately advise the RCIC of any change in the marital family, or birth of a child, or
civil status or change of physical address or contact information for any person included in the
c- The client understands that they must be accurate and honest in the information they provide and
that any inaccuracies may void this Agreement or seriously affect the outcome of the application or
the retention of any status they may obtain.

12. Termination:

A- This Agreement is considered terminated upon completion of stage-wise tasks identified under
section 2 of this agreement. Fee up to the stage of termination would be earned by RCIC and not
B- This Agreement is considered terminated if material changes occur to the client application or
eligibility or if the client is not picked up from express entry pool, which make it impossible to proceed
with services detailed in section 2 of this Agreement.
C- This agreement may be terminated, upon writing, by the client, at which time any outstanding fees or
disbursement for services not yet delivered will be refund by the RCIC to the client/ any outstanding
fees or disbursement for services already delivered will be remitted by the client to the RCIC.
D- Pursuant to article 14 of the Code of Professional Ethics, this Agreement may be terminated, upon
writing, by the RCIC, provided withdrawal does not cause prejudice to the client.
E- The law in effect in Quebec and Canada shall govern the terms and conditions of this agreement.

F- A full or partial refund is given to the client.

G- The member comes to the opinion that somebody other than the client is making efforts to gain
access to the services for his personal or professional gains.
H- The member forms the views that client has furnished bogus or confusing details/particulars.
I- A time frame of three (3) months comes to an end during which the fail to respond to a
communication, in any form, from the member.
J- Client, on his own or through others, behaves in such a violent and abusive manner with the member
or any of his employees.
K- Where the client (and if married spouse as well) does not apply for, at his costs, and provides
the ECA report within 60 days of signing of the agreement.
L- The client and (and if married spouse as well) does not undergo IELTS test and gets the
desired band which will make place in the merit in express entry pool, within 3 months of
signing this agreement;

13. Validation:

The client acknowledges that he has read this Agreement, understands it, has obtained such independent
legal advice before signing it, as he deems appropriate, and agrees to be bounded by its terms.

The client acknowledges that he has requested that the Agreement be written in the English language.

_________________ _________________

Signature of the client Signature of the member

Date : Date :



The client understands, has been informed and agrees to comply with following duties, terms and

1. Where married, the choice of which of the spouses is to the principal client lies with the
RCIC/AOPL and the decision of the RCIC/AOPL in this context will be final. AOPL stands for Abhinav
Outsourcings Private Limited.
2. The client has been informed about the details of expr ess entry program that is applicable with
effect from 1 st January 2015.The client has been informed and understands that his selection in
the express entry pool is not guaranteed by RCIC/AOPL and that his immigration a pplication
can be filed with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) only if he gets an invite to apply (ITA)
from CIC to proceed with filing his Permanent Residence application.
3. The client has been informed that to be eligible to file application in the express entry pool, he
must meet the CIC selection criteria of 67 points -for federal skilled worker Category, including
points criteria, language, experience, job offer or posting or educational requirements, if any. Onus
to meet requirements leading to getting 67 points lies with the client.
4. The client and if married, even spouse at their costs - will faithfully undergo the process of
Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) with an accredited credential assessment agency, like
WES, at his costs and expenses. The report should confirm that his (and where applicable spousal
as well)current qualifications are recognized equivalent of corresponding Canadian qualifications
and are worthy to be acceptable as per Canadian standards and in claiming the required number of
points under the educational factor of the selection points grid. All costs related to ECA process
are non-refundable under all circumstances and will be paid directly by the client and (if married)
his spouse to WES. The client has clear understanding that in the absence of positive ECA report (s)
that confirms equivalency leading to points credit, it might not be possible for him and (if married)
the spouse to claim points under selection criteria and hence might make him ineligible to put his
application in the express entry pool. The client has been informed that his application will not be
filed in the express entry pool without Credential assessments report(s) and in case married, WES
reports for both the spouses MUST be provided. In addition, post receipt of ITA, the client must
give originals of IELTS and WES reports (where applicable and married, for both self and spouse)
for submission with application.
5. For ECA process, the client and (if married) the spouse, will be required to get sealed transcripts
from all post-secondary institutions at his/her costs and time and forward them to accrediting
agency. Further, the client has also been informed that all assessments done by RCIC/AOPL as
regards points he or (where applicable) his spouse may get are subject to final ECA report on the
matter done by WES or similarly accredited agency and decision in this context of the accredited
agency will be final.

6. The client and (if married) the spouse will faithfully undergo the IELTS test (at their costs)
provide the IELTS test report in general module truthfully, as advised by the AOPL and the
Processing Visa Office and do so within 60 days of signing of this contract of engagement. The
principal client MUST get a MINIMUM score of 6.0 in each of the four skills of IELTS test. In some
instances, where the client is losing points under some other factors, he will be required to claim
more then 6.0 in each of the four skills of the IELTS general module test. The definition of desired
IELTS as applicable to the client and his occupation is identified by Citizenship and Immigration
Canada and by minimum pass-mark criteria under federal skilled worker program and applicable on
the date of filing of his application to CIO. The client has been informed and has clear understanding
that required module for the purposes of FSW program is General and NOT Academic module. IELTS
test reports for both the spouses MUST be provided to ensure that maximum points can be claimed
leading to better chance of being higher in the ladder in the express e ntry pool thereby leading to
improved chances of getting accepted in the express entry pool.
7. Wherever Invitation to apply (ITA) is received , The client will provide to the RCIC/AOPL all
documents and info rmation requested in CIC communication in time for submission within
stipulated 60 days by the Visa Office, allowing sufficient time for the AOPL and/or the RC1C to
forward such information to the Immigration authorities. The client will provide all forms,
information and documents within 40 days of receipt of ITA to RCIC/AOPL so that enough time left
with RCIC/AOPL to meet the 60 days submission deadline.
8. The client will faithfully disclose to the AOPL or the RC1C, all information related to any and all of
the Client's and dependents' current or prior criminal charges and / or convictions.
9. The client will forthwith advise / inform the AOPL or the RCIC of any and all communications
received by the Client from the processing visa office - in writing or telephonic - within 7 days of
receipt of such communication. The client will forthwith advise / inform the AOPL or the RCIC of any
personal contact initiated by him with any the processing visa office - within 7 days of such a contact,
in any manner whatsoever during the processing of their application.
10. The client understands that the processing delays of his / her application for Canadian Resident
Visa are at the discretion and pleasure of Visa Office and the RCIC cannot hasten up the process.
11. The client will faithfully execute application f orms as required and obtain / provide
documents and information that may be necessary for the processing of the case.
12. If scheduled, faithfully attend all interviews when required by the processing Visa office at the
location advised by the Visa Office within or outside the India - and at his cost; promptly advise
the AOPL or the RCIC of all instructions as communicated by the visa office at the interview.
13. Demonstrate possession of sufficient liquid funds prior to visa issuance, or at any time during the
application processing, In accordance with the requirements of the Canadian Government's policy on
settlement funds. The said settlement funds policy has been intimated to the client, who in turn has
confirmed that he/she is capable of meeting the related requirements in liquid form such as savings account,
Fixed deposit receipts etc.

14. Pay the applicable processing fee and Right of Landing fee for self and family to CIC. He understands that his
application for the Permanent Resident Visa cannot be filed without the processing fee at Canada federal
stage and cannot be further processed for visa issuance without payment of Right of landing fee for self
and applicable family members. The amount of the applicable processing fee and Right of Landing fee has
been intimated to the client, who in turn has confirmed that he/she is capable of meeting the related
15. That the application processing fee paid by him to Canadian Visa Office for self / co-dependents is not
refundable by the high commission and the AOPL or the RCIC is not a party to such payment or refund,
irrespective of the decision on the application by CIO, NS or by CHC.
16. All documents / information provided by the Client should be legal, valid and genuine. This includes,
without exclusion to the other documents, educational and experiences certifications. False or misleading
information or documents could lead to the refusal of the application, and being banned from future
Canadian immigration applications. The onus to prove the legality, validity and genuineness of the
submitted documents lies with the client.
17. Intimate to the AOPL all information related to change of residential / mailing address, educational /
professional qualifications, change of marital status / employment or employer, newly born children or
any police / criminal case - subsequent to filing of application and during processing till the issuance of
Permanent Resident Visa.
18. Follow all instructions and guidelines given and provided by the AOPL at the time of filing and during the
processing and till the time the visa offices finally dispose of file.
19. The RCIC/AOPL does not give and has not given assurance for any kind of service for job search or
employment of any kind within India or post landing in Canada or for acceptance of immigration
20. The RCIC/AOPL has not given any guarantee that success of any specific stage of application process under
federal skilled worker program including final visa issuance.
21. This case has been accepted by the RCIC/AOPL based on the information provided by the client prior to
signing of this contract of engagement. The point score the client is subject to decision of Canadian
Government. If the information is incomplete or inaccurate, the RCIC/AOPL bear no responsibility for the
effect of that on the outcome of the Application, or the actions taken by AOPL on clients' behalf.
22. The AOPL and the RCIC have no control over an unfavorable modification to current or future -
selection criteria that occur subsequent to the date of this agreement. Such modification may include but
are not limited to a change in pass mark or a retroactive application of new laws etc.
23. That any charges / fee to be paid towards assessment of the Clients' Language skills, academic or
professional credentials assessment and payable to the Canadian / professional body will be to Clients'
account and are not refundable or reimbursable under any circumstances.
10 | P a g e

24. Client acknowledges that he/she has read the entire contract and retained a true copy of this "Contract of
Engagement" and that he has been advised to obtain independent legal counsel about this Agreement
before signing it. Further the client has agreed that this contract of engagement be signed in English

25. The client must provide employment reference letters, from employers with clear mention of duties and
responsibilities performed by him/her with various employers for the claimed years of experience. Client
has been informed that he can claim points for experience during last 10 years prior to filing of application
only for the employment for which he has provided employment reference letter. The employment
reference letter
Should be on letterhead;
Should be dated;
Should carry full name of the employee (our client)
Should carry full name of the signing executive;
Should carry designation of the signing executive;
Should carry dates of related experience (from when to when);
Should confirm that the employee is working full time;
Should confirm the designation or designations held by the executive while being in employment of
the company;
Should confirm the duties and responsibilities performed by the employee (our client);
Should carry the contact details (phone number and email ID of the signing executive).

26. The client must provide police clearance certificate(s) for self, spouse and children above 18 years for all
countries where he/she has stayed for more than 6 months.

27. The AOPL/RCIC shall not help / assist in any of the following directly or indirectly.

Obtaining Police Clearance Certificate.

In passport work, of any nature.
Any documents / evidence, pertaining to their case and as may be demanded by the Visa Officer.
Proof of settlement funds in support of the application for self and immediate family including
spouse and children.
In paying the federal Processing Fee / Right of Landing Fee / Medical Expenses or any other fee
expense required to be incurred as part of the Immigration Process. Professional fee does not
includeany of these expenses and such expenses are to be exclusively borne by the Client.
In undergoing various language proficiency tests or meeting the requirements of various
Language / academic / professional assessment bodies.

28. Postage, courier (Domestic / International) and communications: Where the client requests the RCIC/AOPL
to provide related services, then he must reimburse the RCIC/AOPL at actuals and in cash or by Creditcard.
This payment must be deposited in advance with the RCIC/AOPL. Examples of such costs include couriers
sent to WES or similar accredited agency for ECA or dispatch of file to CIO, Nova Scotia or subsequently any
updating with CHC, New Delhi or where the file is returned by CIO to RCIC office in Canada and the clients
wishes to get, for his purpose, the file or any documents or enclosures back to India.
11 | P a g e

29. Notary services: The client must ensure to provide all duly notarized copies of all documents to RCIC/AOPL
offices as part of meeting documentation requirements. There may be instances where the client requests
for such services from RCIC/AOPL. In that case, the client must reimburse to RCIC/AOPL related costs at
actual plus an amount of Rupees 1000 per 60 minutes for RCIC/AOPL staff time spent for the purpose

30. Xeroxing costs: The client must get 2 sets of copies of all documents related to his file in duplicate one
notarized and another set which need not be notarized. While the client will submit notarized copy of
documents with the offices of RCIC/AOPL, the client will retain the other set for the purposes of his personal
records. Where the client takes Xerox services at offices of RCIC/AOPL, he/she will reimburse at the cost of
Rupees 2/copy.

31. The AOPL/RCIC shall never be responsible for payment/refund/reimbursement of any expenses / costs
incurred by the client, including those incurred on

Processing fee / application fee/ Right of landing fee paid to the High Commission for self, spouse and
dependents that form part of the Immigration application.
Any fee paid to appear in language proficiency training or tests or for skills/academic credentials
Any expenses incurred towards meeting various documentation formalities including passport, police
clearance certificate, marriage registration or any other document.
Any expense incurred towards assessment fee paid to any educational qualifications / professional
Any expenses incurred on conveyance / transport towards visiting AOPL office or the Visa office or
visiting the interview venue or carrying out of an exploratory visit to the destined country.
Any other expense / cost outside the scope of the fee paid to the AOPL.
Any courier/postage/notary/copying charges.
Any service tax due on fee paid to the RCIC.

32. Abhinav site visitors and clients who are taking on-line website payment facility, offered by the company,
may kindly note that the company or client is required to share customer billing details like name, phone,
address etc. with the bank. It can happen that the bank can use these details for their research or marketing
purposes. Clients or visitors having an objection to such an action from the bank should not take on-line
website payment facility and opt for other forms of payment such as cheque or bank transfer or use credit
card machines installed at our offices.

The parties here to expressly agree that this agreement be written in the English language

_________________ ____________________

Client Signature RCIC Signature

12 | P a g e


It is fully the right of the consultant to alter or amend the allocated process, if required.
Though the consultant is fully dedicated to service the files of every customerwith highest
possible degree of efficiency, and in the shortest possible timeit should be borne in mindthat
the servicing the scope of services mandated by this agreement requires several steps of
corroboration & cross corroborations of information and certificates/papers offered by the
Apart from this, the processing of file at the consultant office would begin from the date when the
customer has offered each and every certificate/paper according to the checklist provided by the
consultant. Even within the firm, several stages are there, and the petition goes through them.
Besides, there is also time involved in the progress of a given file from one bureau to a new one,
and also from India to the global destination.
In case the client has some apprehensions involving processing hold-ups, or shortage or deficiency
of service of his application by the consultant or employees, it would be better if he is given an
advice prior to the on-line submission of documents or otherwise their dispatch to relevant
agencies. No subsequent grievances/objections whatsoever - as regards any claimed processing
hold-ups or deficiency of service at the consultant will be accepted following the presentation of
the on-line filing of the clients application or dispatch of documents to relevant agencies or after
the receipt of decision on his application in any format.
The consultant is just an advisory service-providing consultancy even as it is strictly not legally
responsible or accountable for the provision of anycertificate/paper, arrangement of funds, or is
not any
The client MUST search for completely separate or independent professional guidance/opinion,
particularly on the matters involving foreign exchange payments.

Workers at Consultancy

The personnel working with the consultant are strictly barred from charging the applicant any charges
whatsoever, except the one set down by the firm, and itought to be further maintained by an acceptance
by the firm.
The consultant is, in no way whatsoever, accountable for any wrong or false claim made by any worker as
regards a job, or for thatmatter, ANY other issue, for an extra charge or otherwise. For the consultant, only
certificate/paper that forms the ground of engagement between the customer& the firm is this contract of
engagement, and evaluate it carefully prior to signing and seek answers to any question that strikes your
In case you have any uncertainties or reservations on any guarantee or pledge or comments being made by
any consultant worker, feel free to make clear the same by sending us mail at and
the issue shall be examined at once.

_________________ ____________________

Client Signature RCIC Signature

13 | P a g e


Against the back drop of the fact that cases can be different significantly from one client to
another, any guidance or comments are 100% personal and meant just for the advised customers
& should not be considered applicable to the specific situations of any third party.
Post filing of application in any format, the processing is done by agencies as per merit of each
application. Clients understand and will not demand action of his application against mentions
found on various blogs and speculations available on the net. Consultant is within his right not to
respond to any such query from the client at any stage.
The professional consulting services given by your consultant are communicated on the faith that
these show present rules & laws, policies and directives and are subject to change without notice.
Customer fully concurs and understands that the consultant process team will not start working
on his documents unless a signed Hard Copy of this contract of engagement has been delivered to
In situations of the client being unable to furnish the necessary additional certificates/papers, and
airs his desire to stop the procedure, the same will be treated as with drawal from the procedure
of following his immigration petition for personalreasons.


The customer fully concurs and understands that every certificate/paper furnished to the
consultant for the professional consulting services are all reproductions of the originals, which are
with him. He has to furnish the notarized reproductions of the originals, which he can offer for the
object of corroboration, in case required. The consultant never collects any original
certificates/papers, barring those specified as compulsory for your career abroad.
The customerclearlyunderstands and concursthat the consultant is not to be blamed for the
authenticity of the certificates or papers--education, job or anyotherfurnished by him. In the
backdrop of the fact that the consultant does not carry-out any checks of verification of the
genuineness, or other wise, of the certificates/papers, itishence not to be blamed for the
legitimacy, or other wise, of these proffered by the customer.

_________________ ____________________

Client Signature RCIC Signature

14 | P a g e


After signing of this Contract of Engagement, circumstances may arise, thereby leading to a request for
refund of the fee, paid to the RCIC. Depending on various scenarios, the following conditions will apply
to a client request for refund of his / her RCIC fee
(a) NO refund is due from Installment one paid as retainer under any circumstances.
(b) Where the client has become eligible to file his application under Federal Skilled Worker Program in
the express entry pool and after the application has been logged into the express entry pool, no
refund is due at a later stage if the clients application is not picked up from the express entry pool
and does not get an invite to file an application for permanent residence visa under federal skilled
worker program of CIC.
(c) NO refund is due once the complete file, post invite from CIC, has been dispatched to CIO Nova Scotia,
irrespective of the subsequent decision on the filed application except circumstances described
elsewhere in the agreement.
(d) After signing of contract, where the client application has still not been filed or has been filed but
cannot be processed or is refused on account of following, no refund will be applicable under any of
the following circumstances:
Where the client (and if married spouse as well) does not apply for, at his costs, and
provides the ECA report within 60 days of signing of the agreement.
The client and (and if married spouse as well) does not undergo IELTS test and gets the
desired band which will make place in the merit in express entry pool, within 3 months
of signing this agreement;
The Client decides not to proceed ahead with filing of the application at any of
the application process stages, after signing this contract, for any reason whatsoever;
The client does not follow various duties and terms and conditions and
requirements enumerated in this agreement;
The Client does not undergo the medical formalities as required by the Visa Office;
The Client does not attend the interview at the Visa Office, if and when scheduled.
Where Client attends the visa interview without informing the RCIC.
Where the Client attends the interview as mentioned above and his case is refused.
After filing, the Client decides to withdraw his / her application because of longer
processing delays at the High Commission. The Client has been informed that the
processing delays of an Immigration application are not within the control and
discretion of the RCIC and are determined by the Canadian Government and External
factors, over which the RCIC has no control.
Where after the signing of this Contract of Engagement, the clients' case is not
qualified whether filed or not - due to changed pass mark / changes in the Immigration
Act and Regulations or due to any change in the application Procedures or regulations
announced by the federal Government agencies
15 | P a g e

(e) NO refund is due under ANY o f the fo llo wing circumstances, where the clients case is formally Refused
by immigration office, for following reasons:
Security or medical in admissibility: This may relate to the client or any of the dependents/Co-
Fraudulent documentation, false/fabricated certificatesexperience or educational as also in
case of wrong information/ misrepresentation off acts/information in the application;
Information with held by the client, as maybe relevant to his / her application, during
processing or interview with the visa office (telephonic or otherwise) or AOPL before or
after landing in Canada;
Clients inability to meet the language proficiency and credential assessment
On account of client not meeting the requirements of the NOC description under which the
application is filed.

Under all circumstances, the refund liability of the RCIC will never exceed the amount actually paid to the RCIC as
consulting fee and shall be further subjected to various clauses of all annexure that form part of this contract of
engagement. Refund liability will never include any government fee or any other expenses incurred by the client
towards application processing, Assessment of Academic/professional credentials, Training or language test
expenses, translation of documents, passport preparation, any travels etc. Where refund is due to the clientfor
any reasonwhat so ever and such a request is accepted by the RCIC, the same will be carried out by the RCIC
within 12 months of acceptance of such a request. This time is required to enable the RCIC/AOPL to explore
opportunities to appeal against refusal at various levels or look at possibilities of filing a fresh application under
fresh quota or look at alternate immigration options.

___________________ _________________

Client Signature RCIC Signature

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