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Dear Fellow Members:

Our semi-annual Executive Board Elections for Democrats Abroad Portugal is

underway. This email provides the ballot, voting instructions and a link to the
statements each candidate provided about his/her background.

You matter. Overseas Americans have more power to influence US elections than we might realize. An estimated 6 million non-
military, voting-age Americans live abroad; however, 2016 overseas voter turnout was 12% vs. 58% in the US.

DAP matters. An estimated 4,500 non-military Americans live in Portugal. DAP members currently vote in 34 states many of
them critical in the 2018 races. Our 2017 election brings new and experienced resources to our Executive Board. We are
challenging them to unite us, to hear our ideas and to represent us with Democrats Abroad Global and, in turn, to the Democratic
National Committee.

Voting matters. We rely on your vote in selecting a full Executive Board to serve us for the next two years. Only registered
members of Democrats Abroad Portugal, living in Portugal, are eligible to vote. Check your registration details at our website, You can vote in person at the Election Meeting or submit an absentee ballot.

Nominations were called for in an email from the Nominations and Elections Committee and submitted prior to noon, 12 March.
All candidates agreed to stand for election and are confirmed members of DAP and living in Portugal.

CANDIDATE STATEMENTS are posted at our member page under the News tab,

The BALLOT is attached to this email and also available at our member page, Instructions for
voting and returning your ballot are at the top of the ballot.

o Absentee ballots, whether submitted by mail or email, are due no later than 16.00hrs on Friday, 31 March.

o Ballots must be signed, dated and a phone number or email address included.

o This is a secure, confidential process governed by the Nominations and Elections Committee.

The ELECTION MEETING is 1 April at Cowork Central, Praa Duque de Terceira, 24, 3, Lisbon [location details:]. DAPs Annual General Meeting starts at 16.00hrs followed immediately by the
Election Meeting. All positions have a candidate running for office so we cannot accept nominations from the floor. We
will call for any hardcopy ballots at 16.00hrs, before the General Meeting is called to order. Ballots will be counted at
the Election Meeting and results announced in the following order: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Counsel. If
a candidate is running for more than one office and wins an office preceding this second office, s/he is no longer a
candidate for the second office.
Questions or comments should be directed to Charles Buchanan at
Please Vote and Please Attend the Annual General Meeting!
DAP Nominations and Elections Committee:
Charles Buchanan, Chair
Dr. Luis Filipe Loureiro
Susan Stults Korthase

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