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6+1 Trait Writing Model : Research Paper

Teacher Name: Drake

Student Name:     ________________________________________

CATEGORY 12 11 10
Introduction The introduction is The introduction The introduction
(Organization) inviting, states the clearly states the states the main topic,
main topic and main topic and but does not
previews the previews the adequately preview
structure of the structure of the the structure of the
paper. paper, but is not paper nor is it
particularly inviting to particularly inviting to
Next Paragraph There is one clear, Main idea is clear but
the reader. Main idea is
the reader.
well-focused topic. the supporting somewhat clear but
Main idea stands out information is there is a need for
and is supported by general. more supporting
detailed information. information.

Next Paragraph There is one clear, Main idea is clear but Main idea is
well-focused topic. the supporting somewhat clear but
Main idea stands out information is there is a need for
and is supported by general. more supporting
detailed information. information.

Next Paragraph There is one clear, Main idea is clear but Main idea is
well-focused topic. the supporting somewhat clear but
Main idea stands out information is there is a need for
and is supported by general. more supporting
detailed information. information.

Conclusion The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion is

(Organization) strong and leaves the recognizable and ties recognizable, but
reader with a feeling up almost all the does not tie up
that they understand loose ends. several loose ends.
what the writer is
"getting at."
Grammar & Spelling Writer makes no Writer makes 1-2 Writer makes 3-4
(Conventions) errors in grammar or errors in grammar or errors in grammar or
spelling that distract spelling that distract spelling that distract
the reader from the the reader from the the reader from the
content. content. content.

Capitalization & Writer makes no Writer makes 1 or 2 Writer makes a few

Punctuation errors in errors in errors in
(Conventions) capitalization or capitalization or capitalization and/or
punctuation, so the punctuation, but the punctuation that
paper is exceptionally paper is still easy tocatch the reader's
easy to read. read. attention and
interrupt the flow.
Sources (Content) All sources used for All sources used for Most sources used
quotes and facts are quotes and facts are for quotes and facts
credible and cited credible and most are are credible and cited
correctly. cited correctly. correctly.

Date Created: July 12, 2010


There is no clear
introduction of the
main topic or
structure of the

The main idea is not

clear. There is a
seemingly random
collection of

The main idea is not

clear. There is a
seemingly random
collection of

The main idea is not

clear. There is a
seemingly random
collection of

There is no clear
conclusion, the paper
just ends.
Writer makes more
than 4 errors in
grammar or spelling
that distract the
reader from the
Writer makes several
errors in
capitalization and/or
punctuation that
catch the reader's
attention and greatly
interrupt the flow.
Many sources used
for quotes and facts
are less than credible
(suspect) and/or are
not cited correctly.

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