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Complete the e-mail with the best chioce.

Dear Ms Kpke,

I have been 1. ________________ your name by Malle Corbineau in Paris, who has recently
used your agency for the recruitment of three Czech engineers.

We are 2. ________________ to open a new R & D unit in Poland in three months' time, and
we are 3. ________________ in your playing a headhunting role for us in that country.

I would therefore be 4. ________________ if we could meet up some time soon to discuss our
needs in more detail.Please 5. ________________ me know when and where this might be

I look forward to 6. ________________ from you shortly.

Yours sincerely,
Didier Bergougnoux
Trollberg Engineering

1. a) given b) told c) promised

2. a) soon b)planning c) about
3. a) interest b) interested c) interesting
4. a) recognized b)appreciate c) grateful
5. a) inform b)make c) let
6. a) hearing b) reading c) calling

Now its your turn to show what youve learned in this lesson by
writing a short email for each of the situations:
1. You have to contact Taylor Dennis to inquire about the arrival
of the CEO of the company in Rio de Janeiro.
2. You are in New York City, on business, and you need to inform
your director, Mr. Peterson, of this.
3. You are setting up a lecture about The Environmental Issues, and
you must confirm Christopher Faiths presence, ask him to respond
by email.
4. You are analyzing a very important proposal, but you do not
remember some prices, send an email to your assistant, Collis
Martinez, asking him to send you the price table as soon as

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