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Office of the President



March 15, 2017: We have today, received a report of Human

Rights Watch on the November 2016 Kasese incidences, titled
Uganda: Ensure Independent Investigation into Kasese killings.

Our examination of the report however reveals several

inconsistencies and flaws that do not represent the true facts of the
subject matter. The report lacks depth, especially on the genesis of
the near break down of law and order, which almost plunged the
Rwenzori Sub Region into anarchy. It deliberately omits the
incidents that led to the security forces responding, not only to
defend themselves but also to maintain law and order.
The following need to be noted for those who may have missed out
on the background of this situation:

July 7, 2014; militia groups allied to Obusinga Bwa

Rwenzururu in the Rwenzori region carried out coordinated
attacks against security forces and civilians. Altogether, they
carried out 13 attacks as follows:

o At 3.00pm, they attacked Policemen at a weigh bridge

at Hima, killed a Policeman, injured another and took
away two (02) sub machine guns.

36 Nile Avenue, P.O. Box 2665, Kampala. Tel:256-41-237-141/3 256-312-261-525/6/7 Fax: 256-41-237-057 email:
o At Bigando, a UPDF soldier who was on pass leave
was killed in cold blood and his family burnt in his
o In Bigando, the militia also killed six (06) Basongora
o At Karugutu Police post, these lawless people injured
one Policeman and took away one (01) sub machine
o At Kikyo Police post, they took one sub machine gun.
o At Kirumiya Police Post, they took one sub machine
o At Ntandi, they took 2 sub machine guns from the
Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) personnel.
o At Kibuku, they ambushed UPDF soldiers who were
taking reinforcements to Bundibugyo, killed one of
them and took one SMG, but the attackers were
o In Bundibugyo, they attacked the Police Station, killed
the Officer in Charge of Station and one policeman.
They took his weapon.
o They attacked Stanbic Bank but the attackers were
o These same militias attacked the Camp of 39 Battalion
at Kanyamirima injuring one UPDF Captain and killed
one soldier. They were however repulsed.
o The attack on the Palace of Bamba King saw one gun
being taken and one Policeman injured.
On March 3, 2016, two soldiers who were on pass leave were
kidnapped by Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu militia near the
Kasese palace as they passed by. The two were killed.

On March 10, 2016, six soldiers on patrol were attacked,
hacked with machetes by Obusinga bwa Rwenzururu militia
and left seriously injured by the road side.

On the evening of March 15, 2016, the GISO of

Kyabarungira sub county and his brother were attacked and
stabbed in Kasese town, by suspected OBR Youths leaving
them seriously injured.

On Mar 23, 2016, a gang of criminals associated to OBR

cultural guards, armed with machetes, attacked Kidodo
Police post in Kasese Municipality, leaving 01 police man
killed and 01 gun taken.
On the morning of March 23, 2016, clashes in Ntotoro sub
county of Bundibugyo left 20 people killed, sparking a fresh
wave of IDPs, approximately 5000 who sought refuge in
Bubukwanga Camp.

On November 5, 2016, one soldier on pass leave was killed

in Karangura sub-county, Kabarole district by militias
claiming loyalty to the Bakonjo King.

On November 25, 2016, security forces recovered two

submachine guns and disbanded a militia camp at Karangura
subcounty in Kabarole district.

On November 26, 2016, using their Prime Ministers Office

AS A BASE, the militias carried out simultaneous attacks on
police posts like at Hima, Bwera, Maliba, Mubuku,
Bwesumbu, Buhuhira and Bugoye, killing 16 Police officers
and made off with weapons.

On November 26, 2016, the security forces disbanded the
attackers camp at Ihandiro and recovered submachine gun
and magazines, fuel bombs, Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu
uniforms, machetes, among others.

On November 27, 2016, security forces raided the Obusinga

bwa Rwenzururu palace in Kasese, recovering a number of
petrol bombs, machetes, and Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu
uniforms. Guns recovered from the palace were the same that
had been earlier stolen from the police.

Directives were issued by government to the militias to disband

in accordance with the laws, and in the interest of national
security, but they regrettably decided to ignore all the calls, thus
necessitating government intervention.

Todays HRW report ignores the death and causalities the

militias inflicted on members of security forces and civilians
over the years. It further promotes violence in the region
referring to machetes as agricultural tools as opposed to
Uganda penal code act that defines them as lethal weapons.
History reveals that machetes have been used in the great lakes
region to cause genocide.
As opposed to the HRW report that sixteen children were killed
during the operation, there is no evidence to back this falsehood.
UPDF has a well documented record of protecting children,
women and non combatants wherever it has operated.
Government of Uganda challenges the authors of the report to
mention the families of missing persons and the alleged dead
children. They should also provide evidence of deliberate and
systematic targeting of children and women.

Our record establishes that a total of 103 deaths were registered.
Out of these, 91 were male and 12 female, 16 of whom were
police officers. A total of 51 bodies were unclaimed and were
subsequently buried in a public cemetery in Kasese after
toxicological and DNA samples were taken from each body and
have been stored for any future reference. Therefore, anybody
who claims a missing person can contact the police.
The report recommends independent investigations on a matter
before the courts of law. This is untenable for now because it is
at odds with the subjudice rule. However, Uganda does not lack
independent investigative capability if there is need. And
therefore, the call to suspend some commanders from their
duties or restrain them from conducting government duties is
uncalled for and unacceptable.
The main focus of government has been pursuing criminal
investigation, bringing suspects to prosecution and restore order
which is being achieved.


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