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Country India Version

(Excise & Service Tax)

T-Code and Table

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Author :
Doc Code : BOOK10080
Description : CIN T-Code Table
Subject : List of T-Code and Table
Book For : SAP MM / FI Consultant
Language : English
Sap Ver : Up to ECC 6.0

Technical Description

No of Page : 11
Format : PDF

Version History

Version : Release

V 1.0 : 4th July 2008

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Transaction Codes

Transaction Action

J1I2 Prepare a sales tax register

J1I3 Create outgoing excise invoices in batches

J1I5 Update the RG 1 and Part I registers

J1IEX Incoming Excise Invoices (central transaction)

J1IEX_C Capture an incoming excise invoice (excise clerk)

J1IEX_P Post an incoming excise invoice (excise supervisor)

J1IF01 Create a subcontracting challan

J1IF11 Change a subcontracting challan

J1IF12 Display a subcontracting challan

J1IF13 Complete, reverse, or recredit a subcontracting challan

J1IFQ Reconcile quantities for subcontracting challans

J1IFR List subcontracting challans

J1IH Make a CENVAT adjustment posting

J1IIN Create an outgoing excise invoice

J1IJ Assign excise invoices to a delivery for sales from depots

J1INJV Adjust withholding tax Item

J1INREP Reprint a withholding tax certificate for a vendor

J1IQ Year-End Income Tax Depreciation Report

J1IR Download register data

J1IS Process an excise invoice (outgoing) for other movements

J1IU Process exemption forms

J1IW Verify and post an incoming excise invoice

J1IX Create an incoming excise invoice (without reference to purchase


J2I8 Transfer excise duty to CENVAT account

J2IU Remit excise duty fortnightly

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J2I9 Monthly CENVAT return

J1IG Excise invoice entry at depot

J1IGA Create additional excise entry at depot

J2I5 Extract data for excise registers

J2I6 Print excise registers

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Some Tables for your reference

J_1IEXCHDR Excise invoice header detail

J_1IADDEXC Additional Excise rate table
J_1IADDRES Excise Related Address Management
J_1IADDRESS Excise Related Address Management
J_1IARE_ATTRB Excise Bonding: Attributes
J_1IASSVAL Assessable value table for excise calculat
J_1IBILDET Billing Type Determination - India
J_1IBOND Excise Bonding: Bonds/UT-/Running Bond mas
J_1ICALOC Allocation of materials to assets
J_1ICERTIF TDS certificate information
J_1ICHIDTX Text Table for Chapter ID
J_1ICHPTER Chapter ID Master
J_1ICOMP Additional company data
J_1ICONDTAX Tax Codes for Excise Duties Using Conditio
J_1ICUS_BILL_TYP Assign Customer Category to Bill Type
J_1IDCLSDET Document class Determination - India
J_1IEICOCU Excise indicator determination for company
J_1IEICOVE Excise indicator determination for company
J_1IEWTCALID Calendar for Payment Due date-EWT India
J_1IEWTCALID_N Calendar for Payment Due date-EWT India: S
J_1IEWTCHLN Table for Internal and external Challan no
J_1IEWTDOCKEY Document Types for Extended Withholding Ta
J_1IEWTDTCHLN Document Type for Remittance Challan - Cla
J_1IEWTDTPRV Document Types for TDS Provisions -EWT In
J_1IEWTECESS Education Cess Codes
J_1IEWTHKONT Table for for TDS provisions Accounts / L
J_1IEWTJV Document Types for Journal Vouchers
J_1IEWTNO No range for certificate Printing-EWT Indi
J_1IEWTNUMGR Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers
J_1IEWTNUMGR_1 Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers
J_1IEWTNUMGR_N Number Groups For Internal Challan Numbers
J_1IEWTPROV Table for TDS provisions
J_1IEWTPROVISACC Maintain entries for accts to be considere
J_1IEWTSURC Surcharge Tax Codes
J_1IEWT_CERT SAPscript Forms/section indicators for E
J_1IEWT_CERTIF Certificate Issued Details-EWT India
J_1IEWT_CERTIF_N Certificate Issued Details-EWT India:SECCO
J_1IEWT_CERTNO Number Ranges for Withholding Tax Certific
J_1IEWT_CERT_N SAPscript Forms/section indicators for EWT
J_1IEWT_COMP Surcharge Calculation Methods
J_1IEWT_CUST Customer certificates ,Challan customizin
J_1IEWT_CUSTV View for Document type for Challan Update-
J_1IEWT_ECESS1 Education Cess Rates
J_1IEWT_ECFLAG Separate Tax code for Ecess
J_1IEWT_HC Health check for migration to EWT status.
J_1IEWT_MAPEXM Assign Exemption Reasons to Withholding Ta
J_1IEWT_MAPEXMPT Table for Vendor type/exemption indicators
J_1IEWT_MIGRATE Map Classic tax code to EWT Tax type - Tax
J_1IEWT_SURC Maintain Surcharge Calculation Methods
J_1IEWT_SURC1 Surcharge Rates
J_1IEWT_VENTYP Assign Types of Company to Withholding Tax

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J_1IEXCACC Excise Account Assignment table
J_1IEXCDEF Tax default informations
J_1IEXCDEFN Default Condition Types
J_1IEXCDEP Excise information of vendor at detail lev
J_1IEXCDTL Excise invoice line item details
J_1IEXCHDR Excise invoice header detail
J_1IEXCREF Delivery document to excise invoice refren
J_1IEXCTAX Tax calc. - Excise tax rates
J_1IEXESTA Excise indicator determination for co / cu
J_1IEXGRPS Excise Groups
J_1IEXMPTCODE VAT Exempted Tax code
J_1IEXSRDET Excise / Series group determination
J_1IEX_CUST_ACT Define Processing Modes Per Transaction
J_1IEX_CUST_FLDS J1IEX: Incoming Invoices field selections
J_1IEX_CUST_REF Define Reference Documents Per Transaction
J_1IFRDTOT Transaction Table for Forms Tracking-Non S
J_1IFRDTPO tranasction Table for Forms Tracking for P
J_1IFRDTSO Transaction table for Forms Tracking for S
J_1IFRMTYP Form Types
J_1IGRXREF Goods Receipt to Excise Invoice Coss Refer
J_1IGRXSUB GR reference to subcontracting challans
J_1IINDCUS Company Code Settings
J_1IITMDTL Item Details - for Capital goods and subco
J_1IKONV Excise recalculated conditions
J_1ILICDTL Excise Bonding: License detail
J_1ILICHDR Excise Bonding: License Header
J_1ILICTYPE Excise Bonding: License type master
J_1IMATEXP Exceptional materials excise rates
J_1IMESG Message Control
J_1IMINBAL Minimum account balances
J_1IMOCOMP Company and Plant - Excise Additional Data
J_1IMOCUST Customer Master Excise Additional Data
J_1IMOCUSTEWT Maintain PAN no for Customers -EWT India
J_1IMODDET Modvat Determination Table (Input Material
J_1IMOVEND Vendor Master Excise Additional Data
J_1IMOVENDEWT Maintain PAN no for Certificates-EWT India
J_1IMTCHID Combination of Material Number and Chapter
J_1IMVMT Movement types versus register relevance
J_1IMVTGRP Movement type Group for Subcontrcting
J_1INEWJCODE VAT Transition Dummy Jurisdiction Code
J_1INEXCGRP excise group for no range
J_1IPART1 Excise part I detials
J_1IPART2 Excise Part II details
J_1IQEXCISE Quantity based AED, NCCD and SED
J_1IREGSET Excise Registrations
J_1IREJMAS Rejection Codes
J_1IRG1 Excise RG1 details
J_1IRG1RNG Group table for RG1 - Number Range Object
J_1IRG23D RG23D register for the depot
J_1IRGSUM RG23 Summary of receipts and issues
J_1IRSNCODEM Exemption Reason Code; e-Filing India Loca
J_1ISERVC Service tax details
J_1ISRGRPS Excise Document Series
J_1ISSIRAT ssi concessional rates
J_1ISTAPPL Tax applicability
J_1ISTATECD State Codes; e-Filing, Localization India
J_1ISTATECDM State Code Mapping; e-Filing India Locali

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J_1ISTATECDT State Code Texts; e-Filing India Localiza
J_1ISTRATE Sales tax set off percentages
J_1ISUBATT Subcontracting Scenario Attributes
J_1ISUBBYP Subcontracting Scrap/ Byproduct
J_1ISUBTYP Subtransaction type text
J_1IT030K India Tax account determination ( T030K +
J_1IT030K_V India Tax Account Determination
J_1IT059A Indicator to mention tax exemption
J_1ITAXDEP Depreciation computation as per Income Ta
J_1ITAXIND Excise Tax Indicator
J_1ITCJCMAP Tax code and Jurisdiction code mapping
J_1ITCJCUPDATE Updatation table for open documents
J_1ITDS Classic TDS - reference table
J_1ITDSDUE TDS Payment due date customization
J_1ITDSTXC TDS - Withholding taxcode and section rel
J_1ITRAN Transaction code
J_1ITRNACC Transaction code vs accounts
J_1IUTILIZE Utilization Determination
J_1IV2ARE_ATTRB Make Settings for ARE-1 Procedure
J_1IVARE_ATTRB Make Settings for ARE-3 Procedure
J_1IVATDATE Maintain Valid from date of VAT legislatio
J_1IVATDATE_V Maintain Valid from date of VAT legislatio
J_1IVATINVOICE Billing type determination for VAT
J_1IVATREGIO States Under VAT regime
J_1IVCHID View of Chapter ID and text
J_1IVEXGRP Help view for Excise groups
J_1IVEXGRPS Excise Group Maintenance
J_1IVFRMTY Help view for Form type
J_1IVFRTYP Maintenance view for Form Types
J_1IVREGID Help View for the register id
J_1IVSRGRP Help view for serial group
J_1IVT001 Document types for TDS JV
J_1IVTDSDU Payment due date in TDS
J_1IVTRAN Help view for the transaction type
J_1IVTTXID Text maintenance
J_1IVTTXOB Text object maintenance
J_1IVTXNOR Excise tax rates - normal
J_1IVTXRAT Tax rate maintenance
J_1IVTXSPL Excise tax rates
J_1IV_INVC Help view for Vendor Excise invoice
J_1IWRKCUS Plant Settings
J_1I_BCKEXCSUS Customizing table for background capture
J_1I_CUST_CERT Data table for clearing doc on customer ta
J_1I_EWT_RETURN Annual returns - Documemnt View
J_1I_SECCODE Section Codes for Extended Withholding Tax

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SAP Easy Access Menu for CIN T-Code J1ILN

J1I0 - CIN Health Check

Indirect Taxes
Master Data
J1ID - Excise Rate Maintenance

Deemed Export License

J1ILIC01 Capture
J1ILIC02 Change
J1ILIC03 Display
J1ILIC04 Cancel
J1ILIC05 - Close
Excise Bond
J1IBN01 Create
J1IBN02 Change
J1IBN03 Display
J1IBN04 Cancel
J1IBN05 - Close

Excise Invoice
Incoming Excise Invoice
Central Processing
J1IEX - Capture / Change / Cancel / Display /
Individual Processing
J1IEX_C - Capture / Display
J1IEX_P - Change / Display / Post / Cancel
For Depot
J1IG - Create/ Change/ Display
J1IGA - A-Certificate entry at depot
J1IGAD - Display of A-Certificates at depot
J2I8 - Balance credit for capital goods
J1IGR - List of GR's without Excise Invoice
Subcontracting Challans
J1IF01 Create
J1IF11 Change
J1IF12 Display
J1IFQ - Reconcile Quantity
J1IF13 - Complete/ Reverse/ Recredit
J1IFR - Challan Listing

Sales/Outbound Movements
Excise Invoice
For Sales Order
J1IIN - Outgoing Excise invoice
J1IP - Print
For Depot
J1IJ - Create/ Change / Display

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J1IDEPOTSTOCK1 - Depot stock with balances
For Other Movements
J1IS - Excise invoice for other movements
J1IV - Post and Print
J2IUN - Fortnightly Payment
J2I9 - New Monthly Returns Report Rule 57AE
J1IIEXCP - Sales excise invoice exceptions
Exports Under Excise Regulations
Central Processing
J1IA101 -
everse ARE-1
Individual Processing
J1IA102 - Create/Change/Post/Cancel/Display
J1IA103 - Update/Display ARE-1
J1IA104 - Reverse/Display ARE-1

Deemed Exports
Central Processing
J1IA301 -
everse ARE-3
Individual Processing
J1IA302 - Create/Change/Post/Cancel/Display
J1IA303 - Update/Display ARE-3
J1IA304 - Reverse/Display ARE-3
J1IANX18 - Pro Forma of Running Bond Account
J1IANX19 - Statement Regarding Export of Excisable
J1IARE_AGE - Ageing Analysis for ARE Documents
J1IBONSUM - Bond Summary Report
J1ILICSUM - Deemed Export License Summary

Excise JV
J1IH - Create

Forms Tracking
J1IUN - Forms tracking

Excise Tax
J2I9 - Cenvat Register
J1I5 - Update RG23A/C Issues and RG1
J2I5 Extract
J2I6 - Print Utility program
Sales Tax
J1I2 - Sales Tax Register

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Tax Deduction at Source
J1INC Post
J1I8 - Challan Update

J1ICREP Reprint
J1ICCAN Cancel
J1ICCERT - Regular Vendors
J1ICOTV - One-time Vendors

Quarterly Return
J1INQEFILE - Quarterly Returns - All IT sections

J1IHBK - Copy House Bank ID

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Extended Witholding Tax
J1INUT Utilize

Vendor Challan
J1INREV Reverse
J1INBANK - Update Bank Challan Number

Vendor Certificate
J1INREP Reprint
J1INCANC - Cancel
J1INJV - Post Vendor JV

Customer Tax
J1INCUST - Clear
Customer Challan
J1INREV Reverse
J1INBANK - Update Bank Challan Number
Customer Certificate
J1INCC - Print
Quarterly Returns
J1INQEFILE - Quarterly Return

Asset Accounting
J1IQ - Year-End Income Tax Depreciation Report

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