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Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the

exchange of good practices
Capacity Building in the field of Youth

STEP 1: Registration of organisations

In order to submit an electronic application, applicants and all partner organisations involved in the
project will have to register their organisation in the Education, Audiovisual, Culture, Citizenship
and Volunteering Participant Portal and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC) which will be
requested to generate the application form.

This 9-digit PIC number will be used as a reference by the European Commission in any future
interactions. A single registration is therefore required for each organisation in the system.

The Participant Portal is the tool through which legal information related to organisations will be
managed. Information on how to register can be found in the portal under the following address:

All proposals must comply with the provisions set out in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide. The
Programme Guide has the status of a call for proposals.

All proposals must be submitted before the deadline indicated in following calendar:

Deadline to submit an Eligibility period:

application Projects must start between

8 March 2017 1 July 2017 and 31 December 2017

All projects can last from 9 months to 2 years.

Applications must be submitted before 12.00 p.m. (mid-day Brussels time) on the final date for
applications. After this time the on-line application system will be closed.
The e-form is available in English, French and German but may be completed in any of the official
languages of the European Union except for the Part B.1 where the abstract must be provided in
Technical issues

If you experience a technical problem when submitting your application this must be reported to
the EACEA by an e-mail with written details/confirmation before 12.00 p.m. (mid-day Brussels
time) of the final date for applications.

This allows the EACEA time to respond and resolve technical problems. For details of how to report
technical problems please click here (
Applications with technical problems reported after the deadline will not be accepted.

We strongly advise applicants not to wait until the last moment for submitting their on-line

STEP 2: Creation of the e-form and submission

Once all organisations participating in the project have received their PIC number the applicant can
start the process of creation of the e-form using the following procedure. Please download the E-
Form User Guide 2016 published here:

The applications have to be submitted using only the electronic form (eForm). All data fields of the
eForm have to be completed and all annexes attached.

In addition to the filling of the e-form you have to complete and attach the following annexes:

1. Detailed Description of the Project

2. Declaration on honour: please select according to the grant requested:

1.a Declaration on honour for grants lower than or equal to 60 000

1.b Declaration on honour for grants higher than 60 000:

Once the Declaration on Honour is filled in, please scan and attach it in PDF to the E-form.

3. Budget

Because the Budget Excel table contains a significant number of formulas, you will not be able to
fill in certain fields/sheets (such as Totals). The use of annexes that are different from the
official templates will make the application ineligible.

For Eastern Partnership projects:

If you are applying and you are a private company, please use the following type of organisation in
the e-form

"Non-governmental organisation/association/social enterprise"

And make the distinction in the Detailed description of the project.


It is recommended that you do not validate your eForm until you have finished completing it. Please
save a copy on your computer before submitting the application form. Once you have completed,
validated, and submitted your eForm, a submission number will be automatically added to the
bottom of every page of the eForm.

If the submission number has not been automatically added to your eForm, please contact the
Helpdesk for further advice.
Step 3 Complementary Documents / Annexes to be uploaded in the
Participants Portal

Please DO NOT SEND A PRINTED COPY of the eForm, project description, declaration on honour and
budget by post to the Agency; online submission is sufficient.

At the time of the registration, organisations must also upload the following documents in the
Participant Portal:

the Legal Entity form. This form can be downloaded from the European Commissions website

the Financial Identification form. Please fill in the form relating to the country in which the
bank is located, even if the applicant organisation is officially registered in another country.
This form can be downloaded at:

In case of EU grant requests submitted by other types of organisations and exceeding 60 000 EUR,
the applicant must submit, in addition to the declaration on honour, the following documents
through the Participant Portal:

a Financial Capacity Form, including the applicants profit and loss account and the balance
sheet for the last two financial years for which accounts were closed;

For entities which cannot provide the above documents because they are newly created, a financial
declaration or an insurance declaration stating the applicant's professional risks may replace the
above documents.

Background information

General terms and conditions:

European Voluntary Service Charter:

EU Financial Regulation:

This action is managed by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency

All relevant information can be obtained from:

EACEA - Unit A6 Erasmus+: Sport, Youth and EU Aid Volunteers.

BOUR 04/29
Avenue du Bourget 1
B-1049 Brussels



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