What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?

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Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product

and why?

A company that could distribute my film could be Warner Bros as after researching
similar films such as Dunkirk, American Sniper and Flags of our Fathers, it helped to
show that they help to produce these films.

However as this is a very large company and the film that I am producing is a small
production it would be more appropriate to have the film produced by an
independent company that have also previously produced war films.

I looked into Archers Mark which is a film production company that is based in
East-London which has the mission statement to produce bold, innovative and
strongly authored work with wide international appeal. This means that they like the
films that they produce to be original and new.
My film would fit into this mission statement as it makes a large statement about the
effects of war onto people, showing that everyone has a life outside of it and so
including flashbacks helps to show that it is not only affecting those that experience
the battlefields but it also affects people that they leave behind.
There is no target audience set by this production company which allows me to be
able to use my ideal target audience of 16-40 as this is best suited to this type of film
genre. Other films produced by Archers Mark such as War Book which is of a similar
genre to my film opening was initially shown in the London Film Festival and a year
later was shown on BBC Four which aims to broadcast "a wide variety of
programmes including comedy, documentaries, music, international film, original
programmes, drama and current affairs ... an alternative to programmes on the
mainstream TV channels". This again would relate to my film opening as it is an
alternative version of the mainstream war films that are usually shown on channels
that have a larger and broader target audience.

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