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7. P.M.

SDMI/NYI Service

9 AM-12 NMI Convention

2 PM-5 Workshops
*Stewardship & Finance
*Renovating Holiness
*Starting a Recovery Ministry

7pm Opening Assembly

Speaker: Dr. Rick Power

Welcome & Leadership 1

8:30 AM-4:30 District Assembly
District Calendar and Info 2
7pm Ordination Service
Speaker: Dr. David Busic Report of the District Superintendent 3-10
District Auxiliary Reports 11-17
District Assembly Reports 19-38
8:30 AM-12 District Assembly District Church and Pastor Reports 39-81
(optional session)
Sample Ballot 83-84
Welcome to the 63rd Annual Assem- Thank you for giving your valuable Our special thanks to Pastor Art
bly of the Hawaii Pacific District. This time to attend these meetings. Wheth- Perkins, the people and staff of Honolu-
gathering is an expression of who we er you are a delegate or a visitor, your lu First Church for their hospitality to us
are as a family of churches, joined to- participation is vital to the health of our this week. If you have any questions or
gether in Hawaii and also connected district. Together, let us fan the flame of needs this week, please contact a dis-
to our global church in 159 world areas. the Spirit that lives in the heart of trict leader or a member of the First
We are here to worship, to learn, to Christs Church. Church staff.
conduct business, to share fellowship You are loved,
and to seek unity in the mission God Rick Power
has given us. District Superintendent

Dr. David A. Busic was elected Gen- Dr. Rick Power was elected District Superin- Dr. Bob Brower was elected Presi-
eral Superintendent in June 2013. At tendent in April of 2014. He and his wife, Vicki, dent of Point Loma Nazarene Uni-
the time of his election, he had been have pastored churches in Texas, Hawaii and versity in 1997. Before the time of his
president of Nazarene Theological Kansas and served as missionaries on the Asia election, Dr. Brower was president
Seminary. Dr. Busic and his wife, -Pacific Region. They have two married chil- of a publishing company in Kansas
Christi, live in Oklahoma City, Oklaho- dren: David, married to Janae, living in Okla- City. Dr. Brower and his wife, Linda,
ma. They have three grown chil- homa with their son, Elijah; and Rachel, mar- live in Point Loma and are the par-
dren, Megan, Benjamin, and Madi- ried to Will Campbell, living in Kaneohe and ents of a son, Jeff, and a daughter,
son, and a granddaughter, Kennedy. serving on the staff of our Windward Church. Julie and have six grandchildren .

District Advisory Board District Secretary NMI President

Elders Lay Mike Litsey Ivy Paleka
Jerry Appleby Joline Chang District Treasurer NYI President
Kona Hahn Jacob Heaton
RJ Strickland Florence Teruya
Mike Litsey Brad Valenzuela SDMI Chairman Host Pastor
Tim Cruz Art Perkins


Registration will be open for one-half hour following the Tuesday even- Restrooms are in the upper building , first floor.
ing service, and one-half hour prior to the Wednesday morning session. CAFE
CHILDCARE Coffee, tea, and light refreshments will be availa-
Childcare is available for convention and services in the upper building ble during the convention in the back of the sanc-
nursery (ages 0-3 for convention and 0-5 for evening services). Open tuary.
15 minutes prior to each service/session. Join the conversation at




Did you know all pastors are responsible for WWW.HAWAIINAZARENE.COM
20 hours of continuing education each
year? Our district coordinator of lifelong A new look for our district webpage!
learning is Pastor Dan Leibbrand. Contact
Be on the lookout for an updated
Dan to report your hours or to get more in-
formation about learning opportunities. site that will have current events, the district newsletter, the district
calendar, and so much more!

There is still time for your church to get

the free Go Tandem mobile app. This
$1,500 value is being offered free of
charge to Nazarene churches until May
31st. With this app, you can engage
your congregation in daily scripture,
send out audio/video/text content and
even allow online giving to your church.
To learn more about this opportunity,
go to .

Audit Report

Credentials Report

District Nominating Committee

Memorial Report

SDMI Report

The Bridge

Connection Point

Cup of Water

Ewa Beach

Hanapepe Church of the Nazarene

Hilo Church of the Nazarene

Honolulu First Church of the Nazarene

Honolulu First Samoan Church of the Nazarene

Kahului Church of the Nazarene

Kailua English

Kailua Samoan

Kihei Church of the Nazarene

Kona Church of the Nazarene

Living Stone Church of the Nazarene

Living Waters Church of the Nazarene

Pearl City Church of the Nazarene


True Freedom Church of the Nazarene

Wahiawa Community

Wahiawa Filipino Church of the Nazarene

Windward Church of the Nazarene

Church Directory

District Advisory Board
Hawaii Pacific District Church of the Nazarene

Your District Advisory Board consisting of Chairman: Dr.

Richard D. Power (District Superintendent); Elders: Rev. Jerry

Appleby, Rev. RJ Strickland, Rev. Michael H. Litsey; Laypersons:

Joline Chang, Florence Teruya and Brad Valenzuela; submit our

report that follows below.

This past assembly year, we met five (5) times and had

several e-mail votes to conduct the business of the Hawaii

Pacific District Church of the Nazarene. We executed our

responsibilities to the best of our ability under the leadership

of the Holy Spirit, and highlight the actions shown below:

1. Elected Mike Litsey District Secretary

2. Elected Kona Hahn District Treasure

3. Elected Florence Teruya Nazarene Christian Day

Schools Committee chair

4. Approved that The Lighthouse remain listed as


5. Approved the following ministerial transfers:

Anne S. Barcus to South Arkansas, Lawrence C. Dunn

from Florida, Lori Ann Dunn from Florida, William F.

Gritton from Kansas City, Carlton Hamrick Jr. from

Wisconsin, Tyler E. Hull (Dist. Lic.) from South

Texas, Scott A. Kovalcik to Canada West, Gene A.

Perkins from Virginia, Silas Andrew Perkins (Dist.

Lic.) from Virginia, Richard D. Power from Kansas

City, Taylor Puapuaga from Southern California

6. Approved recommendation for District License:

Mark Gudmunson, Sung Soo Lee, Eugene L. Piliati and

Aliieiua Iiga.

7. Approved The Pregnancy Center as Compassionate

Ministry Center for the Kona Church

Respectfully submitted,


AUDIT REPORT Hawaii Pacific District Church of the Nazarene
For Audit Period February 1, 2014 January 31, 2015

Hawaii Pacific District:

The Auditor issues a clean opinion on the Hawaii Pacific

District Books for the audit period covering February 1, 2014
January 31, 2015. Book balances were confirmed and reconciled
monthly to bank statements. Documentation was provided to
support cash receipts & check disbursements. Lastly, proper
internal controls were evident.
As a note, there were some areas on the financials that went
over budget. The Finance Committee and Advisory Board will need
to reevaluate them for next years Budget.

Respectfully submitted,
Dulce Valenzuela
District Auditor

District Board of Ministry Credentials

We recommend the following Elder be recognized from the Wesleyan

Church: Tom Gudmunson

We recommend the following be removed from the role of ministers,

having resigned his order, due to joining another denomination:
Soonkil Park

We recommend the following be granted renewal of district

licenses: William C. Campbell, Jacob T. Heaton, Eric Paul, Tyler Hull,
Jamie Grubert, Mark Andrew Gudmunson, Samuel Sung Soo Lee, Eugene Lee
Gann Piliati, Alii Iiga, Rasela Iiga, Silas Perkins, Tony Mason and
Mel Felipe.

We recommend the following be granted a district license: Andrea

Gritton, Bradley Kinoshita, Kate Johnson and Will Shine.

We recommend the following be granted elders orders: William C.

Campbell, Jacob T. Heaton and Eric Paul

Respectfully Submitted,

Jerry Appleby, Chairman Gordon Wong, Secretary

Nominating Committee

We, your Committee on Nominations, composed of Dr. Richard D. Power,

Rev. Joe Crosby, Rev. Tim Cruz, Latasi Fereti, Mr. Adrian Galvez, Rev.

Lori Leibbrand, Arlene Pack, Kacy Strickland, and Nathan Yoshida,

submits the following report.

Partial Report No. 1

We submit the following nominations for the election

of district officers and Boards:

Members of the District Advisory Board - Ordained

Ministers (vote for three) Joe Crosby, Lauloa Fereti,

Lori Leibbrand, Mike Litsey, Ava Paselio, RJ Strickland;

Laypersons - (vote for three) Joline Chang, Taumanupepe

Faafiti, Laura Koons, Julie Paselio, Robert

Robertson, Florence Teruya, Darlene Wolff

Member of the District Finance Committee - Ministerial (Vote for

one, term to expire in 2019) Jerry Appleby, Daniel Leibbrand

Layperson (vote for one, term to expire in 2019) Steven Hironaka,

Arlene Pack, Sharon Santiago

Member of the District Board of Studies (Vote for one, term to

expire in 2017) Eric Paul, Taylor Puapuaga

Members of the District Nazarene Mission International Council

(That the following nominees be elected to their respective offices by

a yes/no vote:) Vice President Gail Ragle; Secretary Linda

Kinoshita; Treasurer Latasi Fereti

(Council Members - Vote for three) Rachel Campbell, Lori Dunn, Dana

Fort, Andrea Gritton, Rasela Iiga, Lisale Paselio, Kacy Strickland,

Calyndel Valenzuela

We recommend that all elections be by plurality.

Partial Report No. 2

We recommend the following:

That the Auditing Committee be composed of Hazel Leuma (term

to expire in 2018), _____________ (2017) Alfred Monico (2016).

That the District Missional Strategy Team be nominated

annually by the District Superintendent and appointed by the

District Advisory Board. There will be a minimum of five

members plus the District superintendent.

That the Nazarene Christian Day Schools Board be

composed of the district superintendent, the pastor, the

local director, and the local school board chair of each

church that operates a day school; also a district

coordinator of Nazarene Christian Day Schools who, be

nominated by the District Advisory Board and appointed by

the district superintendent, who shall serve as chair.

That the District Finance Committee be composed of the

district superintendent, the district treasurer, district

NMI president, the district NYI president, the district

chair of SDMI, four elected ministers and four elected lay


Respectfully submitted,

Kacy Strickland, Secretary Richard D. Power, Chair

AddendumSDMI Nominations

We, your District Sunday School & Discipleship Ministries Board,

composed of Rick Power, Joe Crosby, Tim Cruz, Rachelle Wong, Sherry

Monico, Jacob Heaton, Lori Leibbrand, Joy Lum Kee, Bob Miller, Sandi

Paselio, Rick Ragle, and Nathan Yoshida, place the following names in


For the office of SDMI Board Member (term to expire in 2018),

(vote for one): Jennifer Ayala, Sandi Paselio, Teroa Paselio,

Nathan Yoshida.

Respectfully submitted,

Tim Cruz, Chair Rachelle Wong, Secretary

Hawaii Pacific District Memorial Report

The names of those who have been transferred to glory:


Dominga Donnie Arellano


Hiroko Matsuoka

Stella Mission


Rev. Solomon Hotch William Lanakila Kekoa


Shegeno Irene Moriwaki


Aiga Joane Rosie Ah Kiong

SDMI Report

Aloha Hawaii Pacific District Ohana,

The word Kingdom can be literally translated to: a domain
that is ruled or a dominion where one is King. I have
strived to lead Hawaii Pacific SDMI with the Biblical heart and
mind set that our worship, our education, our gatherings, our
God-given talent is all for our King (Jesus) and his domain (the
Church, the non-followers of Jesus, and all of HIS Creation).
1. The First Kingdom movement accomplished was to ORGANIZE a
faithful working council. Ps Joe Crosby, Ps Rick Ragle, Ps
Joy Lumke, Ps Robert Miller, Ps Lori Leibbrand, Rachelle
Wong (sec), Sandi Paselio, Sherry Monico (tre$), Jake
Heaton (NYI Pres), and DS Rick Power (boss). Mahalo to
this leadership team for your hard work to build the
2. The Second Kingdom movement is ACCOUNTABILITY $ ACCOUNTING
We count because it is an important (not THE tool) tool to
monitor the growth of the Kingdom.
a. Total Worship (2014)------------------------------1756
i. Total Worship is all combined worship services
and not just Sunday morning.
b. Small Groups & Sunday School (2014)---------------1039
c. Responsibility List (2014)------------------------4221
i. Whats not accounted for is all the outreach
hours and outreach/service events each Church
does outside our walls to build the Kingdom.
3. The Third Kingdom movement was to EQUIP. We partnered with
the District to assist and sponsor financially the Tell
the STORY Conference led by Reverend Ray Neu. This
training event was held September 24th-26th. All District
Pastors, leadership, and teachers were invited. We learned
Biblical story telling and how to facilitate/cultivate
creative questions to bring out Gods Biblical truth. We
were reminded that yes! - God has gifted many to teach, but
all in the group can teach through their God revelation.
4. The Fourth Kingdom movement was to RE$OURCE.
a. Resourcing our Teens for Nazarene Youth Conference
NYC Kentucky 2015. We were able to assist and award
10 teens financially through an essay scholarship
competition. Congratulations to Anika Wong (Bridge
Church OAHU) for winning $500 first place and Shania

Miner (Hanapepe Church KAUAI) for earning $250 in
second place. All other teens that submitted an essay
received $100. Lets pray for our youth that NYC will
be a life changing Kingdom experience.
b. We were also able to help resource the District with
assisting in purchasing a new District Sound System.
We were able to give $2000.
c. I was able to attend MISSION 15 in Kansas City
Missouri in February. This is an every 4 year
training event for Pastors and lay leaders. Thank you
SDMI council and District for sending me to be trained
at the SDMI workshops and plenary worship sessions.
5. The Fifth Kingdom movement is to EDUCATE. It is my passion
and desire to continue to resource and equip our teachers
with books, articles, web-seminars, etc
i. I will strive to grow in this department for
6. The Sixth Kingdom movement is to continue to promote our
a. Our District sponsored 3 major events on Oahu.
i. Fusion Talent Competition February 2014
ii. Childrens Camp March 2014
iii. Mission Sleepover to Puerto Rico June 2014
1. Special thanks to Pastor Joy Lumke (Windward
OAHU) and Rachelle Wong (Bridge Church OAHU)
and District Kids Ministry Team for your
leadership in teaching our keiki about Gods
love and kingdom.
b. Big Island Keiki Ministry Events.
i. Connection Point (Paradise Park) did quarterly
Family and Keiki Outreach events.
c. Kauai Keiki Ministry Events.
i. Hanapepe Naz VBS June 2014
1. Hanapepe placed in the Top 10 in Kids
Reaching Kids Offering for USA/Canada.
d. Maui Keiki Events.
i. Pukalani Naz VBS June 2014
ii. Kahului Naz VBS July 2014
7. For the Seventh Kingdom movement we RESTED.

For HIS KINGDOM, Pastor Tim Cruz (2014 SDMI Report)

Pastor Gordon Wong
The Bridge Church

Aloha Dr. Busic, Dr. Power, fellow pastors, assembly delegates

and friends,

I bring to you my 16th report to the Hawaii Pacific District. I

am thankful and blessed to be the pastor of The Bridge Church
for all 16 years. We have seen and experienced the favor, grace
and blessing of God in the past year.

2014 has been a good year. We continue to enjoy a deep level of

engagement in our congregation. In spite of continually loosing
many members who move away to the mainland, we have seen new
families in our worship service and join our fellowship.

We have been focusing on helping those outside of our community

and created partnerships with other organizations that help us
reach farther. We have been partnering with Nazarene
Compassionate Ministries to sponsor children on Easter Sunday
and help resurrect children from poverty. We continue to
partnered with the Hawaii Blood Bank and hosted 2 Save a Life
Sunday Blood Drives. About 50 pints of blood were donated by
the people of The Bridge which has the potential to save 150
lives. We also held our 15th annual Canned Food Drive and
collected over 5,000 canned foods. All of the food was donated
and given away to families in need in our community and a large
portion was given to the Hawaii Food Bank. We continued to
partnership with River Of Life Mission and served many of
Hawaiis homeless. And in December The Bridge Church partnered
with Samaritans Purse to make Operation Christmas Child boxes.
We were blessed to be able to send about 200 boxes this year.

The start of 2015 brought a new spirit of discipleship to The

Bridge. Our Womens, Men and Youth ministry have all seen
dramatic improvements. We are so thankful to bring Ashley
Kawabata on as our new Youth Pastor and she is doing an amazing

Respectfully submitted,

Gordon Wong

Connection Point Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Joe Crosby

The 2014-2015 church year was filled with exciting events taking
place here on the East Side of the Big Island. Connection Point
continues to focus on three points: Loving God, Living His Word,
and Loving People.

Connection Groups:
God continues to disciple, teach, and equip people in
their walk with God through our different Connection
Groups. Connection groups usually consist of gathering together
for prayer, discussion, and fellowship. We have four groups
that meet each week. In addition, we have short term classes
that cover a special concept.

For the first time in years we have a church board of more than
five people. These developing leaders are committed, excited,
and energized. We are looking forward to what God is going to
do through them in the Puna Community.

We meet corporately each Sunday at 9:30 a.m. to pray for Gods
will. In addition a very active and committed group are
leading prayer ministry via phone, email, text messages, and
social media.

Our worship services are entirely focused on worshiping God and
encouraging the body of Christ. God has been blessing us with
awesome gatherings. Some weeks we run out of parking and room.
Other weeks we have plenty of empty seats. We are looking into
the possibility of adding creative access options in different
locations and times.

Servant Evangelism:
We continue to give away Hotdogs and Handshakes to the community
on various Saturdays throughout the year. This year we gave
away over a thousand hotdogs. The includes a handshake,
conversation, and a connection. We continue to give away
supplemental groceries and clothing two Sundays each month to
those in need.

Mahalo for all the prayers and support from the HIPAC family!
Respectfully Submitted,
Joe Crosby

Cup of Water Outreach
Pastor Eugene L. Piliati

Talofa and aloha to our General Superintendent

Representative and to our local District superintendent Dr. Rick
and Vicki Power and District board members. I Eugene L. Piliati
believe that when you love the Lord with all your heart, mind
and soul he will reward you by moving you from glory to glory.

Feb 15, 2015 me and my wife Lealoa were installed as senior

Pastor of the Cup of water outreach Nazarene church, we are
humbled and very willing to serve God and his people. My mother
and father Vaelua senior pastor and Namulauti Piliati raised me
up in Gods love, and mentored me to be Christ like for many
years; they played a big role in my life. Apostle Paul said in 1
Corinthians 13 vs.11 when I was a child, I spoke like a child, I
thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a
man, I gave up childish ways. The discipline of my fathers
hands and the loving care of my mothers hands lead me to
everlasting life. In Jesus Christ our Lord thank you parents for
your love.

During the five years of service in the Cup of water Outreach

Nazarene Church I have seen the hardships pain we went through
as a church but at the end victory in Jesus was always the end
result. Our vision is to Love the Lord our God with all your
heart and encourage others to do the same. Under the leadership
of senior pastor Vaelua and Namulauti Piliati, we learned to sow
more into Gods kingdom with our time, offering, and prayer. We
also picked up on how to disciple one another and to give every
opportunity for one to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
The past year we as a church worked hand in hand to live out the
vision of our church by God fearing people in our local board.
This year we want to outreach more to the lost, the way and the
truth and the life may the good Lord be Bless.

Ewa Beach Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Mike Litsey

It continues to be a great joy to serve the wonderful people of

Ewa Beach. I believe the church is stronger and better than it
has been in more than several years. We give more, attend more,
pray more, and fellowship more. As with any church there are
areas that need growth but I think we are a church that is
seeking and seeing Gods direction. We wait on and trust Him.

We continue our support of Pastor Ernie and Linda Babas in

Aparri, The Philippines. I was privileged to visit to dedicate
and help paint their new sanctuary. Seventy people were present
for the dedication in a sanctuary that can easily seat one
hundred. God is blessing this church and they are now planting
a second church.

A few years ago in our struggles we had almost no children but

then new families came. This year God sent us a Childrens
Pastor: Andrea Gritton for which we praise God.

We continue to have the joy of sharing our building with Pastor

Lauloa and the good people of First Samoan. We also shared our
building with a Korean congregation for most of the year.

I and the people of the Ewa Beach are in the process of being
conformed to the image of Christ for the sake of others.

Hanapepe Church of the Nazarene
Pastors Dan and Lori Leibbrand

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad
in it. ~Psalm 118:24
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of Gods mercy, to
offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to
Godthis is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any
longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the
renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve
what Gods will is his good, pleasing and perfect will.
~Romans 12:1-2

Living lives surrendered to the Lordship of Christ!

This past year at Hanapepe Church of the Nazarene was a
year where we focused on making sure our spiritual foundation
was strong and firmly planted on Christ and His Word. Our
primary focus throughout the past year was seen in our three
main sermon series that we went through together each Sunday.
The first part of our foundation-building year was the
Alone series. This series consisted of a focus on Christ,
grace, and Gods Word: the Bible. The second series we went
through was the Walking With My Savior series. It consisted of
four areas: the encounter, the instruction, the purpose and the
reason. The encounter simply means that if we are going to walk
with our Savior, we must first encounter him. Once we encounter
our Savior, He is able to instruct us. When we encounter Christ
and then turn to Gods Word that instructs us on how to live, we
find that there is a purpose for our existence. God has a plan
and purpose for each one of us. The reason for having a purpose
is to tell and share with others about the gift of eternity
through Christ Jesus. Our foundation needs to be strong so that
we never lose sight of who we are as Christians and the reason
to all that God has called us to. The final series was a 32-week
study through the major stories of the Bible set in
chronological order. The value in foundation building with The
Story was that it helped us to grasp a fuller understanding of
Gods upper story as we live within our own lower story. When
we can begin to see and understand how God works and moves, we
begin to see him working and moving in our lives today. We are
able to understand that God has a greater purpose and plan and
is working through time to reach the outcome that He desires.
We can begin to know that we can rest in Him.
Our focus in 2015 is to allow the Lordship of Christ to
reign in us. Discipleship is the key to allowing the Lord Jesus
Christ to reign in our life. We long to be a church this year
that takes the foundations that we have and that we focused on

this past year and build on that so that we become full
disciples of Christ. This means that we no longer perform just
motions but instead become fully surrendered to the Lordship of
Christ and all that He desires to do in and through us.
Focusing on discipleship means that as we grow in Christ, as we
fellowship and learn together, we in turn take that and reach
out and share it with someone who needs to know Jesus.
Discipleship is so very important to our Christian walks and is
extremely rewarding to our lives. It is a process of both growth
and sharing: as we are being discipled we can be discipling
others around us! Our goal as we walk this next year focusing
on discipleship will be to make the unbelieving world around us
question their disbelief in God. In other words, may we live a
life that resembles Christ so much that people come to believe
because they have seen Christ authentically in our lives.
We are so very thankful and blessed to be the pastors of
HCN. We are grateful for the love, support, and prayers of our
church ohana on Kauai as well as the District! The future of
Hanapepe Church of the Nazarene is bright because of the ONE who
holds it! We know that our God is in control and is able to do
more than we can ask or imagine. We are looking forward to the
coming year and all that God has planned for HCN!

Hilo Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Rick Ragle

Lately we have been studying 1 John in one of our small group

Bible studies at HiloNaz. 1 John 4:7-9 says, Dear friends, let
us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves
has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does
not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his
love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that
we might live through him. One thing that has identified the
Hilo Church for many years has been the expression of the love
of God. It is that love of God being expressed through His body
the Church that identifies each of us as living through him.
HiloNaz has been expressing that life of love this year through
the ministries in which we are involved on a regular basis. We
meet together early in the morning one day each week for prayer.
We meet to pray for the needs of our church, and our local, as
well as global community. It is through those times of prayer
that the ministry of HiloNaz is empowered to make Christ-like
disciples in our world. We meet to worship with a great worship
team that leads us in song as we begin and close our services.
We pray together and hear the Word of God making life changing
decisions for Christ. It is from those times of worship and
subsequent times of discipleship through Sunday School and small
groups that we are prepared and motivated to continue to make
Christ-like disciples through the ministries of our school, Hale
Aloha Nazarene School, a preschool that teaches and models the
Christian life, and our weekly outreach to the people of the
Life Care Center of Hilo. Both of these ministries reach out to
people, most of whom, will not become members of our church.
And though we are thrilled when some of these families join with
our church in the ministry of love that we have to our
community, we pray that those who receive that ministry will
become members of the Body of Christ. In our school we teach
the Bible every day and bring the children together weekly for
chapel worship. At our Life Care Service we sing the songs of
the church and preach the Word evangelistically encouraging each
of the residents, staff and visitors who make their way into the
service to give their lives to Jesus seeking His forgiveness.
It is that love of God that makes us who we are and that
motivates what we do. One of the most challenging and rewarding
ministries that we have begun are Life Transformation Groups.
It is in these micro-groups that 2 to 4 people meet together for
accountability, discipleship through Gods Word, and challenge
to reach our friends for Christ, all bathed in prayer that we
see great personal growth and renewed life.

Things arent easy at HiloNaz, but God is always loving and
gracious. Thank you for your prayers as we continue to reach
out to our community and our world. It is not enough to merely
get together to sing and teach, but we must reach this world for
Christ, this world that is harassed and helpless, like sheep
without a shepherd.

The Hilo Church of the Nazarene is a fellowship that is Changed

by Christ,
to Reach our World by making Christ-like Disciples in Hilo and

Pastor Art Perkins

It is my privilege to bring to you my first report as Lead

Pastor of Honolulu First Church of the Nazarene.

I would like to take a moment and give thanks to;

- Lori, for her faithfulness and support as my wife and

- Derick, Silas, and Noah, for support and understanding the
call of God.
- H1Naz Staff, Jake Heaton, Silas Perkins, Tyler Hull, Lynn Huma,
Rachelle Wong, Sharon Santiago, Ava & Sandi Paselio, and our
WJNS staff for your faithfulness, perseverance and great love
for the kingdom of God.
- H1Naz Family, for your obedience to the faith and your kindness
to your pastor and his family. You have truly been a blessing
- God, for calling me to do His work and blessing my family
through the Church of the Nazarene.

The past eleven months have truly been exciting ones, we have
witnessed God's power at work within the community of Honolulu
First Church of the Nazarene! We have refocused and realigned
both the School and Church with the purpose, mission, and vision
of the Church of the Nazarene. We have declared that it is Gods
will to establish Centers of Holy Fire all over the great
state we call Hawaii!

If I could share one thing that I believe is a major highlight

of this past year, that one thing would be prayer We have made
prayer a priority, prayer is the beginning of what we do, prayer
is at the center of everything we do, prayer is the end to what
has been done. We have learned over this past year that prayer
is the work, our work. I believe we the people of Honolulu First
Church of the Nazarene are finding our way back to our first
love! We have established that Gods house shall be a House of

As I look into the future, I can only see Gods glory being
manifested in such a way that Centers of Holy Fire will be
established in every great community upon these Islands!

Habakkuk 1:5 states,

"Look at the nations and watch -- and be utterly amazed. For I
am going to do something in your days that you would not
believe, even if you were told.

We the people of Honolulu First Church of the Nazarene believe!

Respectfully submitted,

Pastor Art Perkins

PS: All Budgets paid in Full.

Honolulu First Samoan Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Lauloa Fereti


A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved
you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know
that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John
The year 2014-2015, has been a wonderful year with Gods grace
and peace that guided our path that we are able to finish last
year race with praises to God. The First Samoan Church
families were face with financial and spiritual challenged. The
awesome reminder to our church families is God will meet all our
needs according to his riches. Our families were challenged to
the question that was asked to each of us.
How Can We Work Together As Members of the Body of Christ?
1. Encourage One Another We rejoice with those who rejoice;
mourn with those who mourn. 2. Love One Another As our
Heavenly Father loved us, so we must love one another. 3. Edify
One Another Let us make effort to do what leads to peace and
to mutual improvement.4. Pray for One Another Confess your
sins and pray for each other so that you may be healed.5. Serve
One AnotherDo not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; but
serve one another humbly in love.6. Honor One Another Be
devoted to one another in love and honor one another above
yourselves.7. Belong to One Another We are the body of Christ
and each one of us is a part of it.

I give praises, glory and honor to Our Heavenly Father for His
Word that we are His church. During the year 2014, our families
have been supporting Gods work with the attitude of love. Our
members continue their commitment in serving God, connecting
with the other individuals in or out of the church through the
work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. New members making
choices to serve and walk in Gods Word. Every week our bible
study groups gather with excitement in the church, outdoor or
fast food places to hear and share what God is doing in their
I want to thank my Board Members for their individual gifts to
Gods work. I thank God, we are able to send nine children and
four Junior Leader to attend this year Childrens Camp. Yes!
God will meet all our needs according to his riches. God bless
the First Samoan Church families for all your prayers and
supports. We can work together as members of the body of
Christ. I give God praises for Pastor Rick and Vicki Power for
their leadership, prayers and encouragements. I am looking

forward to the new year for what Gods direction in my life and
our church families.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pastor Lauloa B. Fereti

Kahului Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Tim Cruz
Christian Community / Outreach:
February We voted in our new board. We celebrated 2
people in Baptism.
March We were blessed to have Missionaries Larry and Addy
Garman with us.
April We celebrated Easter with our Harbor Lights Outreach
#1 - 250 keiki and their families. All Maui Church event
at War Memorial Gym. Nick Vujicic was the speaker.
May We held a Dessert Auction to raise funds for our Keiki
Summer VBS raising over $1500. We graduated 9 high school
students with an amazing Grad Party.
June We sent 17 total to District Youth Camp. Our Mens
Mu Alpha Nu rallied together to clean houses in our
community. We headed over to Harbor Lights again (Harbor
Lights Outreach #2) for a Movie Night and dinner.
July Weird Animals VBS (65 kids attendance). We were
blessed by a Work and Witness team from Simi Valley, CA.
We also cleaned houses in our community.
August Ping Pong tournament. Our Womens Ministry enjoyed
a Lahaina day fellowship and the Mens Mu Alpha Nu crew
served at Feed My Sheep.
September We celebrated 7 people in Baptism. We raised
$3700 for water wells for Burkina Faso with a Rugby &
Volleyball tournament. Also, September was the
beginning launch of our Connection Groups ministry.
October The Womens Ministry served at Feed My Sheep.
November We gathered together for our Annual Thanksgiving
Dinner and raised food for Feed My Sheep. We blessed
people in our Kahului community with turkey baskets.
Blessed to have our District NYI Mission Maui.
December We headed over to Harbor Lights once again
(Harbor Lights Outreach #3) for a Christmas Party
Extravaganza with over 300 people. And plenty of Christmas
celebrations Caroling at Convalescent Homes, Christmas
Eve service, etc
PRAYER: Every Saturday morning at 6:45am. First Sunday evening
of the month we have averaged 12 people for our monthly prayer
time. FEED MY SHEEP: We have partnered with FMS for the last
Saturday of every month, feeding and praying over on average,
200 families. Tithe/Finances: This year has been a record high
for giving. All budgets paid in full! Connection Groups: We
launched our CG Ministry. Empowering our people to minister. -
Connecting our people to each other - Connecting the lost to
Jesus through play and learning. CGs launched this year: Heath

& Wellness, Tennis, Soccer, Rugby, Guitar 101, Cycling, and
Quilting. In the near future we be adding a Marriage Series
and Hiking Connection Group. I pray that our Church people
will equally experience God Out There as they do in our
Worship Service. I pray that we will feel the presence of God
as we love and serve our community. May we continue to
experience Jesus in the market place, at work, in our schools,
at the grocery store, in our social gatherings, etc For the
glory of Jesus and love for people! Mahalo Kahului Church of
the Nazarene. You are my Ohana! Pastor Tim Cruz

Kailua Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Bob Miller

What a joy it is to bring to you my 9th report as the pastor of

the Kailua Church of the Nazarene. We are so very excited about
what God has done over this past year! Due to our peoples
faithfulness in service to God we have been enabled to:
Overpay our financial commitment to Nazarene World
Send a W&W mission team of 15 to Peru for 2 weeks where we
paid for and built a Parsonage for the Masusa Church of the
Nazarene in Iquitos, Peru.
Add to our staff: an Associate Pastor in John Stout and
music leader in Jason Waldrep;
Minister to the homeless each week as part of our Wed.
evening Commons meal and our Christmas breakfast outreach.
Support our Summer Family Campout at Waimanalo Beach with a
Camp-meeting style revival. Pastor Gabe Martin was our
special speaker.
Provide $1000. each to the Burkano Water Well Project in
Africa and to our District Compassionate Ministry Center;
and to support the River of Life Mission in Honolulu both
with physical and financial support throughout the year.
We expanded our local Church ministry by creating a Sunday
Evening Worship Service at the Lani Huli Apartment Complex
where we averaged over 15 in attendance each week.
We took 11 new Nazarenes into our Church and saw many in
our congregation renew their commitment to the Lordship of
Repaint the exterior of our church buildings with
installation of new rain gutters;
Completely remodel our property on Hualani St. enabling us
to have duplex with which to house our ministerial staff.
Upgrade our grounds next to the parsonage to include the
construction of a gezebo;

Into each year, there comes unforeseen changes and difficulties.

This year has been no different, but through it all, God has
made His presence felt and together we have borne each others
burdens, and have shown support, love and compassion. Among the
most difficult moments was saying Aloha to Pastor Anne Barkus
who moved to Arkansas to be close to her family due to her
physical needs.
What excites me most about this report is the vision that God
has given to us for the upcoming year as to how we can continue
to extend Gods grace to anyone, at anytime, in any way through
His Spirit at work in us
We will keep prayer a top priority developing a 1st of the
month corporate prayer time and singspiration-style
worship service.
Encourage our people to daily engage in listening to God as
He speaks though his Word.
Emphasize Small Group meetings with opportunities or
encouragement and service.
Enlarge our support in our investment to OTHERS through our
Faith Promise giving.
Preach holiness & Pray for revival as we reach out to our
Build a carport which will provide an Activity Room for
our Youth & Children.
Reach into our community with compassion through an
expanded commons program..
Enhance our discipleship ministry by having our people
mentor one another.

Pastor Bob Miller

Kailua Samoan Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Alii Iiga

Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good his
love endures forever.(Psalm 106:1).

It is my joy to bring to you my fourth report for Kailua Samoan

Church of the Nazarene. Thank you Lord for allowing me to pastor
the wonderful people of the Kailua Samoan Church. Our Church is
doing ok.

This past year we continued to Praise Him, increased our giving

and God always blessed us even though we have had small amount
of people or rough time in attendance. Jesus said in the book of
Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three gather in my name, there
am I with them."

Let's not measure ourselves by our many programs, but rather

than we love God deeply, and that we are faithfully carrying out
our Lords Mighty Name to win the lost for His Kingdom.

My special thanks to Rev. Litsey and his congregation for your

help and support. Thank you for everything. May God Bless you

A big Mahalo to Rev and Mrs Miller and their wonderful

congregation for their love and kindness for allowing us to use
their facilities, and especially sharing God's word.

Thank you all for your prayers for me and my church.

And I'm happy to report to you that all our church budgets are
paid in full.

In Prayers we always meet.

Respectfully submitted

Pastor Aliielua Iiga.

Kihei Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Tom Gudmunson

What an amazing beginning it has been for the work we refer

to as The Kihei Project Reaching the Lost!! God is on the
move and transforming lives through the power of His Holy
When my wife Kerry and I first arrived on Maui after many
month of prayerful preparation, we had many preconceived notions
about how the work would progress and what the Church in Kihei
would look like. Let me just say, all of those preconceived
notions have gone out the window as God is leading us on an
exciting journey!
After serving for nearly 30 years in pastoral ministry in
traditional, established churches, we find ourselves in a very
non-traditional setting. We minister each week in a Church with
no building; a church where the very foundation is being laid on
the Cornerstone of Jesus teachings on love and compassion and
obedience to the His Commission to Go; a church where
compassionate ministry is our means of reaching out to the lost.
And each week I am amazed again and again at the opportunities
God gives us to preach without words, which, in turn opens the
door for us to speak into lives that seemed too far gone to
reach with a message of hope and redemption. Its amazing to me
how a kind word or a simple gesture that says, We care, because
God cares. opens the door for us to be able to pray for and
with people we often have never met before, that moment when
they begin pouring out their fears, guilt, and often sense of
shame in moments of honesty and clarity. And we begin to walk
through life with them, doing the best we can to effectively
bear their burdens or at least attempt to help them to lay
them down at the foot of the cross.
Many have a difficult time understanding how we can only
do what we do and call it Church. To them, I can only refer to
Zechariah 4:10a which states, Do not despise these small
beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin NLT;
or I could refer them to Mitch, a man who grew up in the Church
of the Nazarene in Washington state not too far from my
hometown, whose life had been ravaged by some trauma which drove
him to acute alcoholism and drug abuse, but upon sitting and
talking one day on a picnic table in one of our parks, began to

weep and confess his need to return to Christ, who the very next
day checked himself into rehab and began anew his walk with
Jesus and serves with us each week. Or maybe I could refer them
to Brad, who upon meeting us proclaimed himself an agnostic, as
uninterested in God as he believed God was in him, but after six
months of allowing us to talk and pray with him weekly, thanked
us for teaching him what Jesus and a guppy love was all about,
as he was saying good-by before leaving Maui to return to Nevada
and a new beginning. Or maybe a man we simply know as Turtle
who fell to his knees and asked for prayer and forgiveness after
throwing away 2 years of sobriety for a night of partying with
other residents of the park at Thanksgiving time. And who is
reestablishing that life of sobriety and for several months has
been checking in with us weekly to report on his progress and
request prayer by the way, he is now almost 90 days clean and
sober and we often find him studying Gods Word. And the list
could stretch on and on if I were to share with you all of the
stories of the 50 60 people we regularly minister to each
March 29 we are going to have our first baptismal service
in conjunction with our Parent-affiliate Church, Puk Naz. Mitch
and his friend Steve, who Mitch led to Christ, will be baptized.
I trust it will be a wonderful celebration. Please remember us
in your prayers regularly. Pray with us for Gods continued
leading and blessing. And if sometime you find yourself in Kihei
with time on your hands, come join us!!
Pastor Tom and Kerry Gudmunson

Kona Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Ryan Fasani

Dr. Busic, Dr. Power, and HIPAC ohana,

The Kona church (KCN) has made many strides forward in 2014.
Examples of those strides are numeroushere is a sampling:
The Mason Ohana moved into their mission zone in Waimea and
continue to grow their network of friends and future
The Paul Ohana prepared to teachEric through the Course of
Study, Joy at a local elementary school, and both through
our discipleship curriculum.
5 members have indicated a call to ministry and will enter
the COS training in 2015.

However, the defining stride KCN made was a stride toward

health. I believe 2014 will be remembered as the year KCN took
a firm stance that the Body of Christ must first and foremost be
a unified, healthy Body. Everything from unrealistic
expectations to hidden sin to unreconciled relationships
deteriorates the unity of the Body and its ability to minister.
We identified and confessed that our Body was disjointed and

As a church, we believe that to fulfill our vision of reaching

the Big Island, we must regularly discern the Body, root out
disease, and renew our commitment to wholeness. 2014 is the
year that KCN committed to such a crucial mandate.

In the process of discerning where unhealth was in our Body, we

found that theres an overwhelming and unrealistic demand on our
pastor. While it is bad news that 2014 was the year we
uncovered just how much healing the pastors family needs, it is
great news that our KCN Body is committed to supporting and
making the appropriate investments to a healthier future.

So we strive forward, more clearly seeing our weaknesses, more

fully understanding how essential genuine health and unity is to
effective and sustainable ministry.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pastor Ryan

Living Stone Church
Pastor Samuel Lee

The spiritual condition of our church is going slowly, but going

up a little bit now. I am not happy, but it's okay because it is
moving up. You know we are living in the last days; thats why
it's not easy for them to raise up. But, I can feel God is with
our church. This is very important.

Whenever I preach Words on Sunday, I declare/preach to them to

be HIS witnesses, to be holy and to make disciples. Our church
goal this year is to make our own disciples, because Jesus is
coming much sooner than we think. So, I am sure God, the Father
is leading us to tell people the truth: that only through Jesus,
we can get into the kingdom. In these last days, there are many
famous pastors who have betrayed the church. (2 Thessalonians

My mission (our mission) is to do Community ministry such as

Korean interpretation for hospitals, social workers, and
schools. We help people who are looking for apartment housing
and sometimes provide rides home for people. And for years, God
has given me the personal mission of healing people to give
evidence to them that God is alive.

I have a desire to invove our church in giving to local and

global mission. But we are still so weak. That is why I work
outside the church. But, whenever I have the time to meet with
people (locals, Korean, pastors), I have told them about the
Nazarene denomination and I tell them I am so proud of my
Nazarene family. I am trying to do more for global mission this

The District Superintendent asked me the question: What has God

taught you this year about effective ministry in Hawaii? Very
good question! You know we are all part of the same family, but
we are so very busy taking care of own churches. I believe we
need to meet together for the weak churches to develop.
Activities such as prayer, discussions, sharing of good
information, joint worship services, etc. In order to do this,
larger churches have to stand forth and encourage the smaller


Living Waters Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Robert J Strickland


Loving God, loving our neighbors & helping our neighbors do the


-6 Missionary Speakers (Honduras, Philippines & undercover
Muslims missionaries)
-Sponsored special worship & prayer nights (We even started
a worship small group at AMR)
-SERMON SERIES: Books of the Bible: Romans, James,
Philippians (2013 was Exodus, Hosea & Daniel)
Topical: the Simple Life, Uncaged, The Starting Line, Going
-Living Waters Group Total: Spent 43 hours in group
prayer, 61 hours singing worship together
88 hours serving our community and memorized 228 verses as a


-Youth work days: pulling weeds, gardening & helping our
-Helped planned & sponsor Christafaris 3rd world tour to
Haiti & Africa to work with Nazarene churches
and missionaries. Over 12,000 came to Christ and over 400 were
called to ministry.
-Active Summer Series helping people stay healthy, love
each other and our island!
- Hawaiian cooking lessons, art lessons, spearfishing
lessons, river & river kayaking, keiki fishing,
mens fishing, nature & adventure hikes, Hawaiian fish pond
restoration day & ohana swimming nights
-Sent out our 3rd full-time missionary. She is with World
Gospel Mission and worked in Honduras.
-Joined with a Work & Witness team from Lancaster CA to
lead a VBS in cooperation with Kokua
Compassion Group at the homeless shelter where we averaged 88
-Joined with KCG and several other HIPAC District churches to
carry out family-friendly events at the homeless shelter (where
Gods love was shown through sharing the gospel, distributing
donated goods and fellowshipping with the families) including:
the 3rd Annual Literacy Carnival, Trunk or Treat & Christmas

Small Mall & Family Day-SENT OFF 34 LWC members (military or
civilian moves). These included board members,
small groups leaders, Sunday school teachers, nursery workers,
KCG leaders & volunteers,
treasurers, worship leaders, setup & cleanup crew. While we
miss them dearly, they continue to be a powerful part of the
Living Waters extended ohana now in leadership all over the


-Mentored & helped 4 church plants! (Maili, Haleiwa,
Kapolei & Philippines)
-We took in many new members, 16 of which were by
profession of faith!
-Pastor RJ now meets with and mentors 15 pastors twice a
month (11 Nazarene, 4 other)
-Sent our largest groups ever to kids & teen camp
-Consistently ran 5 small groups - approximately 90% of LWC
members attending a mid-week group.
-100% of church members have signed a discipleship covenant
to disciple someone and to be discipled!
-The Living Waters pastoral staff grew from two to four(!)
as 2 local licenses were given and retired pastor,
Taylor Puapuaga joined our church:
-Pastor RJ (Lead Pastor), Pastor Taylor (Associate & Teaching
Pastor), Pastor Dana (Community Life)
and Pastor Kate (NYI discipleship)
-Started a 2nd service in Pearl City to reach out to Hawaiian and
local people and those struggling with addictions. Each
service celebrates Hawaiian culture and includes a special
teaching on how Hawaiian culture works well with Christian

Pearl City Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Lago Alaga

I want to thank the people of my church for their faithfulness

and adaptability to our physical situation. We meet under a
tarp that is open to all the elements of the weather. For the
last two years no rain has come in during service.

Our ladies group is very strong in the Word and they are of
great encouragement, especially when things are rough. They are
the glue that holds our church together.

Weve been blessed this past year with outstanding Bible studies
and Sunday School classes.

I want to give great thanks to Mrs. June Tupuola for her

faithful work with our youth. She meets with our youth every
Friday evening and has a very good influence on them.
Ive enjoyed visiting the church families and potential new

We are a church that prays for out missionaries around the

world. We are thankful that we are a part of an international

Our vision for this new year is to make sure that we glorify God
in all we do and say.

-SENT OFF 34 LWC members (military or civilian moves). These
included board members,
small groups leaders, Sunday school teachers, nursery workers,
KCG leaders & volunteers,
treasurers, worship leaders, setup & cleanup crew. While we
miss them dearly, they continue to be a powerful part of the
Living Waters extended ohana now in leadership all over the


-Mentored & helped 4 church plants! (Maili, Haleiwa,
Kapolei & Philippines)
-We took in many new members, 16 of which were by
profession of faith!
-Pastor RJ now meets with and mentors 15 pastors twice a
month (11 Nazarene, 4 other)
-Sent our largest groups ever to kids & teen camp
-Consistently ran 5 small groups - approximately 90% of LWC
members attending a mid-week group.
-100% of church members have signed a discipleship covenant
to disciple someone and to be discipled!
-The Living Waters pastoral staff grew from two to four(!)
as 2 local licenses were given and retired pastor,
Taylor Puapuaga joined our church:
-Pastor RJ (Lead Pastor), Pastor Taylor (Associate & Teaching
Pastor), Pastor Dana (Community Life)
and Pastor Kate (NYI discipleship)
-Started a 2nd service in Pearl City to reach out to Hawaiian and
local people and those struggling with addictions. Each
service celebrates Hawaiian culture and includes a special
teaching on how Hawaiian culture works well with Christian

Pukalani Community Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Mark Gudmunson

It is my honor, and with a humble spirit that I present to you

my fourth annual report to the HIPAC District, and what a year
it has been.

God continues to bless us in amazing ways here at Pukalani

Community Church of the Nazarene. We have seen a tremendous
amount of spiritual growth among our members as a great majority
are now involved in small group bible studies, as well as prayer
meetings both at the church, and at individual homes. Through
these small groups we have been able to better support one
another in our daily walks, as well as reach into our
communities in a less intimidating way than a formal church

This past year we have placed a great emphasis on living holy

lives, and the need for entire sanctification to give us freedom
from sin. The transformation of many in our congregation is
extremely encouraging, and is apparent to all through both
spoken and lived testimonies within the body.

Over this past year, we have been very active in both our garden
ministry, which is used to provide food for the less fortunate,
as well as families and friends within our communities, as well
as our Kihei church plant which is reaching into the lives of
the less fortunate, or forgotten here on Maui. We have seen both
of these ministries grow, and have been able to use them to open
dialogue in a new and exciting ways to so many people in need of
a Savior.

Over the past year we have focused on impacting the lives of

single family units or individuals in our neighborhoods through
the sharing of food. We have found that extending a simple gift
of produce, or some sort of food item simply as a gesture of
love, opens the door for us to become involved in the lives of
those in a passive way. Once we are involved, the opportunity to
share the gospel becomes a reality, and people are responding,
to God be the glory.
We are excited for the future, excited to continue to
serve, to go forth, to make new disciples through studying of
the word, as well as sharing our lives with those who need to
know Jesus. Time is short and the fields are ripe. God is
raising us up to answer His call.

True Freedom Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Taofia Piliati

Talofa! Praise the Lord! Viia le alii!

I praise God for this wonderful fellowship. We all participate
in this cimmunity through Christ and for Christ.

This is my fourth report to the Hawaii Pacific District

Assembly. My church is doing okay, and we love to worship God
and His Holy Name. We have a new family that just moved in and
we have baptized two babies. We are still looking for a place
for our church to meet because all of the schools are too
expensive. We cannot afford it. We are still holding our
services in my house. Please pray for me and my Church. We
love you all in Jesus name.

-Taofia Piliati

Wahiawa Community Church of the Nazarene
Pastor John Miller

The spiritual condition of Wahiawa Community Church of the

Nazarene is similar to the spiritual condition that we read
about in the book of Acts, In the last days, God says, I will
pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will
prophesy, your young men will see visions ,your old men will
dream dreams(Acts 2:17). The church is beginning to see a
marked increase in the presence of, The Holy Spirit in the
lives of our people.

God is moving in several ways to transform lives and call

people into discipleship. First, people are repenting of their
sins and being baptized. Next, they are becoming involved in
acts of mercy for the poor and less fortunate in our community.
Finally, people are expressing a desire for organized prayer,
bible study and worship.

The ministries that have been especially fruitful this year are
as follows: 1. Solid Grounds Cafe. A coffee shop in the foyer of
the church that has become a third place gathering space for our
community. We hosted a Christmas party for Harvest Family
Ministries a foster care and adoption agency. They also use the
cafe as a prayer meeting location twice a month. We opened the
cafe for other community events and its becoming an entry point
into the church for those who would not otherwise come into a
church building.

2. NazkineTV, continues to televise messages of hope,

encouragement and victory on Olelo channel 55. Through this
ministry we birthed Nazkine Studios and are now producing
videos and other media for, Daily Disciples, a national
womens ministry founded and led by Bobbye Brooks and Tonilee
Adamson, who, incidentally, became members of our local church
last year.

Wahiawa Community church supports local and global missions

financially by paying its kingdom investments. Furthermore, we
help facilitate missions with our media efforts. We are actively
seeking new and creative ways to share the gospel of Jesus
Christ both locally and globally through all available social
media outlets in Hawaii and around the world.

One of the things that God taught me this year about effective
ministry in Hawaii is to spend more time with people the way

Jesus did. Ministry can become simply organized gatherings. I am
purposely focusing more on people than on programs.

I am becoming more aware of the importance of the daily

fellowship with people of all cultures. I am meeting new people
who dont attend church and who have little or no desire to
attend. I am fostering relationships with people in hopes that
they will come to know God through my love for them and the time
that I spend with them. The hope is that eventually God will
enfold them into our local community of faith so that we can
extend our influence for God throughout our community.

Submitted by Pastor John E. Miller

Wahiawa Filipino Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Jimmy Valenzuela

This is my 8th report to the Hawaii Pacific District Church of

the Nazarene. As always I begin my report by thanking God for
the privilege to partner in ministry with the Wahiawa Filipino

We at WFCN thank God for yet another year of manifold blessings.

We are blessed with continued growth in faith and love for the
Lord and His work. We are blessed with continued cooperation
and unity in the church family. We are blessed to be able to
continue what we do to participate in Gods mission, bearing in
mind, the core values of the Church of the Nazarene.

We thank God for the different ministries of our church where

our members discover and use their gifts and develop servant
hearts for the furtherance of Gods kingdom. We thank God for
all the programs, events and activities under these ministries
that serve as avenues for us to share the gospel to others
especially to those we are intentionally reaching out to.

We thank God that we are also able to continue to give

financially for the Lords work. We thank God for times of
regular worship and fellowship through our regular services,
Sunday School, prayer meetings, bible studies, NMI Sundays and
other events that deepen our relationship with God and with one
another and help us mature as Christians. I always highlight
our church family camps wherein we incorporate reception of new
members and a baptismal service. This past one, we were
privileged to have our DS and his wife, Rev. & Mrs. Rick Power,
join us for a weekend of worship, fellowship, recreation and

I also want to highlight our music ministry having formed

another Praise & Worship Team in our church composed of
children. They lead us in singing every so often in our Sunday
services. We also thank God for district programs and events
that we are able to be part of in the past year.

We cannot cease to praise God for all the things he has done to
and through our church this past year. Our hearts desire at
WFCN is to continue to accomplish the task God has entrusted us
and to continue to shine for Him. As always I want to end my
report by thanking you, our district family and also our global
church for your continued prayers, direction and support.

Windward Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Jerry Appleby

This is my sixth report as pastor of Windward Church of the

Nazarene, having celebrated our fifth anniversary the last
Sunday of January.

God continues to bless our church, school, and community

outreach at Bay View Golf Park. I praise God for a great staff:
Jamie Grubert, Administrative Assistant; Will Shine, Worship and
Connection Pastor, Will Campbell, Youth Pastor, Joy Lum Kee,
Childrens Pastor; Kay Hishinuma, School Administrator; Larry
and Lori Dunn, Bay View Golf Course. These individuals, along
with a host of members, have made it possible for me to also
serve as Executive Director of Bay View Golf Park.

Our church has had a great year, and we are on course to be debt
free in the summer of 2016.

What we will have at that time will be:

Our original campus where we house Windward Nazarene

Academy, our parsonage, and our Saturday evening service.
Over 85 acres between Kaneohe Bay and Kaneohe Bay Drive and
home to Bay View Golf Course, where we also hold our Sunday
morning services, as well as a variety of community
happenings and events.

I am deeply indebted to the churches and individuals that have

sacrificed to loan us money during this acquisition and
subsequent transition. We hope to have all promissory notes paid
by this summer.

Our theme for this year is I Believe. This not only centers
around our theological beliefs, but our faith in a God Who
desires that we dream big, faith-filled plans. We have pledged
to believe Him to guide us throughout this year in fulfilling
these dreams. Certainly WE BELIEVE that 2015-16 will be a banner
year for Windward Church, Academy, and Bay View.


Connection Point (Organized 1985) (018-0056)

Web Address:; E-mail:; 808-982-5177 Location (mail:

HCR 3, Box13519) 15-1839 Uhaloa (32nd Ave.), Keaau, HI 96749

Pastor (8/1/2013) Joe Crosby (Jessica) HC 3 Box 13519, Keaau,

HI 96749 (; 808-982-5177)

Music Dir. Joe Crosby HC 3 Box 13519, Keaau,

HI 96749 (; 808-982-5177)

Childrens Min. Dir. Jessica Crosby, HC 3 Box 13519, Keaau,

HI 96749 (

Vis. Min. Carol Timmons (

Womens Min. Dir. Marti Morishige, (

SDMI Supt. Carol Timmons

NMI Pres. Marti Morishige, (

Church Board Sec. Darlene Wolff, 1202 Oihana St., Hilo, HI

96720 (; 808-959-3402)

Church Treas. Darlene Wolff, 1202 Oihana St., Hilo, HI

96720 (; 808-959-3402)

Cup of Water Outreach (Organized 2004) (018-0047)

808-688-4793 Location Asing Park Recreation Center, Ewa Beach,

HI 96706

Pastor (2/15/15) Eugene L. Piliati (Lealoa), 808 Ahua St. #10,

Honolulu, HI 96819 (808-492-5751)

Assoc. Pastor Malae Williams, (808-492-


Music Director Heavenly Suapilimai 94-152 Awalau St. #2,


96797 HI (808-725-8634)

SDMI Supt. Gene Suapilimai 26B Lakeview Cir. #4, Wahiawa, HI

96786 (808-725-8634)

NYI Min. Dir./Pres. Vailupe Faumui, 94-1248 Hinokea St.,


HI 96797 (808-203-

Mens Min. Dir. Taupati Pomele (808-321-


Womens Min. Dir. Iunise Salanoa, 808 Ahua St., Honolulu


NMI Pres. Bernadine Piliati, 87-2143 Pakeke St., Waianae, HI

96792 (808-723-5526)

Church Treas. Nick Suapilimai 26B Lakeview Cir. #4, Wahiawa,


96786 (808-725-

Church Sec. Heavenly Suapilimai 26B Lakeview Cir. #4, Wahiawa,

HI 96786 (808-725-8634)

Ewa Beach (Organized 1959) (018-0005)

E-mail:; fax: 808-689-5151; 808-689-5151

Location (mail: P.O. Box 2087) 91-913 Papipi Pl., Ewa Beach,

HI 96706

Pastor (10/14/96) Michael H. Litsey, 91-554 Pupu St., Ewa

Beach, HI 96706 (808-292-5831)

Childrens Pastor Andrea Gritton (Bill), 91-1044 Kai Kala St.,

Ewa Beach, HI 96706 (808-888-2517)

SDMI Supt. Joe Stephenson, 91.327 Hoano Pl., Ewa Beach, HI

96706 (808-330-5491)

NMI Pres. Nancy Stephenson, 91.327 Hoano Pl., Ewa Beach, HI

96706 (808-330-5491)

Church Board Sec. Joline Labbe, 91-580 Aikanaka Rd., Ewa

Beach, HI 96706 (808-689-8226)

Church Treas. Arlene Pack, 1711 Nakula St., Wahiawa,

HI 96786 (808-621-6639)

First Samoan (Organized 1959) (018-0001)

E-mail:; 808-744-7195

Location (Mail: 91-717 Kilipoe St.) 91-913 Papipi Pl., Ewa

Beach, HI 96706

Pastor (12/15/95) Lauloa Fereti (Latasi), 91-717 Kilipoe St.,

Ewa Beach, HI 96706 (808-699-0143)

Music Dir. Matt Mamea, 91-717 Kilipoe St., Ewa Beach,

HI 96706 (808-699-5760)

SDMI Supt. Julie Paselio, 94-413 Opeha St., Waipahu, HI

96797 (808-389-7565)

NYI Pres. Tymane Samuseva, 91-717 Kilipoe St.,

Ewa Beach, HI 96706 (808-781-863)

NMI Pres. Julie Paselio, 94-413 Opeha St., Waipahu, HI

96797 (808-389-7565)

Church Board Sec. Peni Faafiti, 91-717 Kilipoe St., Ewa Beach,

HI 96706 (808-781-8263)

Church Treas. Taumanupepe Mamea Faafiti, 91-717 Kilipoe St.,

Ewa Beach, HI 96706 (808-781-8263)

Hanapepe (Organized 1957) (018-0011)

Web Address:; E-mail:; Fax:

808-335-5584; 808-335-5584

Location (mail: P.O. Box 290) 4476 Pepe Rd., Hanapepe,

HI 96716

Co-Pastors (7/1/12) Dan & Lori Leibbrand, P.O. Box 290,

Hanapepe, HI 96716 (; 808-335-5584)

Vis. Min. Dan Leibbrand, P.O. Box 290, Hanapepe, HI 96716

(; 808-335-5584)

SDMI Supt. Susan Hironaka, P.O. Box 819, Kaleheo, HI 96741

(; 808-332-9894)

NYI Pres. Darren Sagucio, P.O. Box 875, Hanapepe, HI 96716

(; 808-635-8171)

NMI Pres. Kerry Hamrick, 1921 Hokulei Pl., Lihue, HI 96766

(; 808-855-5352)

Church Board Sec. Darin Furusho, P.O. Box 129, Kalaheo, HI

96741 (; 808-634-3357)

Church Treas. Steven Hironaka, P.O. Box 819, Kalaheo, HI 96741

(wmsteve808@; 808-332-9894)

Hilo (Organized 1953) (018-0010)

Web Address:; E-mail:;

fax: 808-959-7020; 808-959-4949

Location 595 Kupulau Rd., Hilo, HI 96720

Pastor (11/8/92) Richard A. Ragle (Gail), 267 Liko Lehua

St., Hilo, HI 96720 (;


Day School Dir./Principal Stacia Burton, 257 Olu ST., Hilo, HI

96720 (; cell: 808-557-5445; 808-945-


SDMI Supt. Nancy Snedecor, 11-1855 Alani St., Eden Roc, HI

96778 (; 808-747-0177)

NMI Pres. Gail Ragle, 267 Liko Lehua St., Hilo, HI 96720

(; cell: 808-989-1368)

NYI Pres. Tesla (Anna) Aku, P.O. Box 5257, Hilo, HI 96720

(; 808-345-2490)

Church Board Sec. Iwaloa Chilson, 257 Olu St., Hilo, HI 96720


Church Treas. Kenson Wagner, HCR Box 9612, Keaau, HI 96749

(; 808-894-7760)

Honolulu First (Organized 1947) (018-0030)

E-mail:; fax: 808-531-2282; 808-531-5251

Location 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI 96817

Pastor Gene Art Perkins, (Lori), 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI

96817 (808-531-5251)

Office Secretary Lori Perkins, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI

96817 (808-531-5251)

Assoc. Pastor Ava Paselio, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI 96817


Youth Pastor Jake Heaton, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI 96817


Worship Pastor Silas Pdrkins, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI

96817 (808-531-5251)

Preschool Dir. Sandi Paselio, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI

96817 (808-531-5251)

SDMI Supt. Florence Teruya, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI

96817 (808-531-5251)

Day School Dir./Principal Rachelle Wong, 408 N. Judd St.,

Honolulu, HI 96817 (808-531-5251)

School Teacher Rita Bechtelheimer, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu,

HI 96817 (808-531-5251)

Childrens Pastor Tyler Hull, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI

96817 (808-531-5251)

NYI Pres, - Gina Viernes, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI 96817


Young Adults Lynn Huma, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI 96817


Womens Min. Dir. Rita Bechtelheimer, 408 N. Judd St.,

Honolulu, HI 96817 (808-531-5251)

Church Sec. Harold Takara, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI

96817 (808-531-5251)

Church Trea. Adrian Galvez, 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI

96817 (808-531-5251)

Kahului (Organized 1956) (018-0080)

Web Address:

Nazarene; E-mail:; 808-877-5719

Location (Mail: P.O. Box 1454, Kahului, HI 96733) 192 W.

Kamehameha, Kahului, HI 96732

Pastor (8/2/09) Tim Cruz (Skye), 112 S. Kane, Kahului, HI

96732 (; Cell: 808-255-7056808-871-5719)

SDMI Supt. John Smith, 510 Middle Rd., Kula, HI 96790 (808-


NYI Pres. Jenessa Koons, 170 HoohanaSt., Apt. C205, Kahului,

HI 96732 (808-281-5120)

Youth Pastor Justice Bourne, 112 S. Kane St., Kahului, HI

96732 (808-276-0185)

NMI Pres., - Laura Koons, 200 Hina Ave. A-3, Kahului, HI 96732


Prime Time Dir. Connie Melemai, 645 Kaulu Pl., Kahului, HI

96732 (808-298-1753)

Adult Min. Dir. Lorelei Torino, 792 Alua St., #102, Wailuku,

HI 96793 (808-249-2805)

Womens Min. Dir. Skye Cruz, 112 S. Kane, Kahului, HI 96732


Church Board Sec. Hope Janis, 7 Waipono Ln. #204, Wailuku, HI

96793 (808-344-0226)

Church Treas. Jim Clark, 29 Laukona St., #2003 Kahului, HI

96793 (808-214-5260)

Kailua English (Organized 1951) (018-0050)

Web Address:; E-mail:;

fax: 808-262-4400; 808-262-4400

Location 536 Oneawa St., Kailua, HI 96734

Pastor (7/4/2006) Robert Miller (Judith), 544 Oneawa St.,

Kailua, HI 96734 (; 808-347-2808)

Office Secretary Patti Ferreira, 25 Aulike St. Apt. #216.

Kailua, HI 96734 (; 808-220-4894)

Assoc. Pastor - John Stout, 460C Hualani St., Kailua, HI 96734

(; 717-490-2960)

Music Dir. Jason waldrep, 467 Manono St., Kailua, HI 96734

(; 808-780-1175)

Womens Min. Dir. - Karelin James, 45-663 Apuakea St., Kaneohe,

HI 96744 (; 618-960-9750)

SDMI Chair Esti Gross, 1219 Punana Lp., Kailua, HI 96734 (808-


CLT Dir. - Cary Nederhouser, 1345 Ulupii ST., Kailua, HI 96734

(; 808-265-6733)

Childrens Min. Dir. Ginger Kaopuiki, 41-701 Inoaole St.,

Waimanalo, HI 96795 (gingerkaopuiki; 808-


NYI Pres. John Stout, 460C Hualani St., Kailua, HI 96734

(; 717-490-2960)

NMI Pres. Dee Esias, 41-515 Humupaa Pl., Waimanalo, HI 96795

(; 808-222-3577)

Church Board Sec. Mark James, 467 Manono St., Kailua, HI 96734

(; 808-348-4920)

Church Treas. John Turner, P.O. Box 505, Kailua, HI 96734

(; 808-295-4608)

Kailua Samoan (Organized 1992) (018-0048)


Location 536 Oneawa St., Kailua, HI 96734

Pastor - - Aliielua Iiga (Rasela), 1475 Linapuni St. No.

1505A, Honolulu, HI 96819 (808-845-1750)

Assoc. Pastor - Rasela Iiga, 1475 Linapuni St. No.1505A,

Honolulu, HI 96819 (808-845-1750)

Music Dir. Gogo Ui, 1475 Linapuni St. No.1505A, Honolulu, HI


SDMI Supt. Rasela Iiga, 1475 Linapuni St. No.1505A,

Honolulu, HI 96819 (808-845-1750)

NYI Pres. - Kiki Tiedemann, 1475 Linapuni St. No.1505A,

Honolulu, HI 96819 (808-306-0120)

NMI Pres. Rasela Iiga, 1475 Linapuni St. No.1505A,

Honolulu, HI 96819 (808-845-1750)

Church Board Sec. Malama Teo, 87-131 Kahau St., Waianae, HI

96792 (808-668-2409)

Church Treas. Rasela Iiga, 1475 Linapuni St. No. 1505A,

Honolulu, HI 96819 (808-845-1750)

Kihei (CTM) (PAC) (018-0013)

Pastor (6-22-14) Thomas C. Gudmunson (Kerry), 211 Hiwalani

Loop, Pukalani, HI 96788 (; 808-269-


Kona (Organized 1973) (018-0051)

Web Address: E-mail: 808-


Location 74-5100 Palani Rd. Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

Pastor (9/1/2011) Ryan Fasani (Bohdana), (;


Office Secretary Bohdana Fasani, (; 808-


Missionary Pastors Eric & Joy Paul, (;


Missionary Pastors Tony & Colleen Mason,

(; 815-514-2428)

Church Planter Vaopele Samoa, (; 808-


Church Board Sec. Donna Bishop, (; 206-


Church Treas. Sean Oberg (; 913-207-3858)

Kona Coast Naz Milolii (CTM) (PAC) (018-0008)

Kona Coast Naz Waimea (CTM) (PAC) (018-0009)

E-mail:; 808-264-6552

Location 64-5335 Kipahele St., Kamuela, HI 96743

Pastor (3-1-14) Anthony David Mason (Colleen) 64-5335 Kipahele

St., Kamuela, HI 96743 (808-264-6552)

Kona Samoan (CTM) (PAC) (018-0004)

Living Stone (CTM) (018-0003)

E-mail:; 808-668-3613

Location 408 N. Judd St., Honolulu, HI 96817

Pastor (3/31/09) Sung Soo Lee (Hannah), 1616 Kewalo St. #202,

Honolulu, HI 96822

(E-mail:; (808-688-3613)

Church Treas. Hannah Lee, 1616 Kewalo St. #202, Honolulu, HI

96822 (808-669-3613)

Living Waters (Organized 12-2010)(018-0002)

Web Address:; 808-342-8737; (E-


Location Kapolei Middle School (mail: P. O. Box 700-987,

Kapolei, HI 96707)

Pastor (June 2006) Robert J. Strickland (Kacy), 5000B Iroquois

Ave., Ewa Beach, HI 96706 (;


Office Secretary Deverlyn Baquiring, (LivingWatersChurch

55; 808-723-2738)

Assoc. Pastor Taylor Puapuaga (808-202-3183)

Vis. Min. Paul Thrush (808-857-5859)

Music Dir. - Matt Babas (808-375-8123)

SDMI Supt. Jennifur Thrush (808-857-5859)

Womens Min. Dir. Kate Johnson, (; 906-


Mens Min. Dir. Matt Babas (808-375-8123)

NMI Pres. Melodie Babas (808-429-6804)

NYI Pres. Dana Fort (808-391-8521)

Childrens Min. Dir. Jennifur Thrush (808-857-5859)

Church Board Sec. Craig Furusho, (; 808-741-


Church Treas. Paul Bogner (808-343-0342)

Pearl City (Organized 1991) (018-0006)


Location (Mail: P.O. Box 1416) 96-179 Waiawa Rd., Pearl

City, HI 96782,

Pastor (2/24/02) Lagofaatasi Alaga (Ituau), P.O. Box 1416,

Pearl City, HI 96782 (808-352-0217)

SDMI Supt. Violet Neemia, 87-867C Ehu St., Waianae, HI

96792 (808-548-9951)

NYI Min. Dir./Pres. June Tupuola,

NMI Pres. Itu, Alaga, P.O. Box 1416, Pearl City, HI 96782


Church Board Sec. Matthew Supini,

Church Treas. Sofima Toaititi, 94-152 Avalau St. #2, Waipahu,

HI 96797 (808-678-1301)

Pukalani Community (Organized 1988) (018-0059)

Web Address:; E-mail:;

fax: 808-572-2858; 808-572-5040

Location 211 Hiwalani Lp., Pukalani, HI 96768

Pastor (3/25/12) Mark Gudmunson (Lori) 211 Hiwalani Lp.,

Pukalani, HI 96768 (; 808-572-


NYI Pres. Hauoli Kalama, (; 808-344-3577)

SDMI Chairman Howard Paleka, (; 808-


Work & Witness Coord. - Mark Gudmunson, 211 Hiwalani Lp.,

Pukalani, HI 96768 (; 808-572-5040)

Church Board Sec. Kerry Gudmunson (; 808-


Church Treas. Jamie Fernandez, (;


The Bridge (Organized 2000) (018-0089)

Web Address:; E-mail:; fax: 808-421-0000; 808-421-


Location (mail: P.O. Box 1897, Aiea, HI 96701) Radford High

School, 4361 Salt Lake Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96818

Pastor (11/29/98) Gordon Wong (Rachelle), 4385 Keaka Dr.

Honolulu, HI 96818 (808-422-7978)

Assoc. Pastor Mel Felipe, 3370 Salt Lake Blvd., #202,

Honolulu, HI 96818 (808-291-3047)

Assoc. Pastor Javier Martin-Vinas, 2115 Awikiwiki St., Pearl

City, HI 96782 (919-221-4768)

Office Sec. Tuan Vu, 3045 Ala Napuaa Pl. #1802, Honolulu,

HI 96818 (808-429-1134)

Music Dir. Mendel Wong (Leslie), 313 Puiwa Rd., Honolulu, HI

96817 (808-595-4617)

Vis. Min. Ray Nakanishi, 965 Prospect St., #403, Honolulu, HI

96822 (808-536-4649)

SDMI Supt. Stephanie Wickizer, 1101 Mills Blvd., Honolulu, HI

96818 (808-744-0288)

NYI Pres. Sharon Santiago, 3467 Likini St., Honolulu, HI 96818


Youth Pastor Ashley Kawabata, 437 Kaleimamahu St., Honolulu,

HI 96825 (808-383-7724)

Mens Min. Dir. Sai Toloumu, 4047 Likini St., Honolulu, HI

96818 (808-423-6641)

Womens Min. Dir. Lisa Haley, 161 Justicia Pl., Honolulu, HI

96818 (360-535-4902)

NMI Pres. Kelly Glisson, 437 Kaleimamahu St., Honolulu, HI

96813 (330-703-2243)

Church Board Sec. Gayle Hamanaka 91-1239 Puamaeole St. #28-U,

Ewa Beach, HI 96706 (808-683-6647)

Church Treas. Tuan Vu, 3045 Ala Napuaa Pl. #1802, Honolulu,

HI 96818 (808-429-1134)

The Lighthouse (Inactive) (018-0054)

True Freedom (Organized 2012) (45-1877074)(018-0007)

Location - 881 A Fourth St., Pearl City, HI 96782 Email:; 808-454-0560

Pastor (7/11/11) Taofia Piliati, 881 A Fourth St., Pearl

City, HI 96782 (808-454-0560)

Office Secretary Tufe Tomihara, 41-564 Humuniki St.,

Waimanalo, HI 96795 (808-990-6948)

Music Dir. - Sifagatele Fuga, 41-564 Humuniki St., Waimanalo, HI

96795 (808-494-4608)

NYI Pres. Lemalu Fuga, 41-564 Humuniki St., Waimanalo, HI

96795 (808-494-4608)

MNI Pres. Tovia Ioane, 1699 Ahi Ahi Pl. #6-A, Honolulu, HI

96817 (808-688-4177)

SDMI Chair Televise Piliati, 881 A Fourth St., Pearl

City, HI 96782 (808-454-0560)

Church Bd. Sec. Tufi Tomihara, 41-564 Humuniki St., Waimanalo,

HI 96795 (808-990-6948)

Church Treas. - Tufi Tomihara, 41-564 Humuniki St., Waimanalo,

HI 96795 (808-990-6948)

Wahiawa Community (Organized 1951) (018-0060)

Web Address:; E-mail:; 808-621-


Location 1805 California Ave., Wahiawa, HI 96786

Pastor (1/22/12) John E. Miller (Carla), 16 Kalie St.,

Wahiawa, HI 96786

( ; 808-238-7763; 808-621-6629)

Music Dir. Johnathon Landrum (;


NMI Pres. Carla Miller, 16 Kalie St., Wahiawa, HI 96786


NYI Pres. Heather Jones (808-489-8949)

Church Board Sec. Maria Lanruum (808-352-7215)

Church Treas. Heather Jones (808-489-8949)

Wahiawa Filipino (Organized 1980) (018-0090)

E-mail:; Fax: 808-454-1673;


Location (mail: 9 Kalie St.) 1805 California Ave., Wahiawa,

HI 96786

Pastor (3/11/07) James Valenzuela (Calyndel), 98-1478 Hoomahie

Loop, Pearl City, HI 96782

(; 808-454-1673)

Music Dir. Bradley Valenzuela, 94-634 Mele Pl., Waipahu, HI

96797 (E-mail:; 808-216-4049)

SDMI Supt. Calyndel Valenzuela, 98-1478 Hoomahie Loop, Pearl

City, HI 96782 (808-226-2682)

NYI Min. Dir./Pres. Reynaldo Hufana Jr., 92-565 Pilipono St.,

Kapolie, HI 96707

Chr. Ed. (Dir/Min.) Dannie Calimlim, 1151 Wanaka St.,

Honolulu, HI 96818 (; 808-931-0029)

Adult Min. Dir. Arcelito Tomacder, 3835 Likini St., Honolulu,

HI 96818 (808-429-6973)

Prime Time Dir. Arcelito Tomacder, 3835 Likini St., Honolulu,

HI 96818 (808-429-6973)

NMI Pres. Reynaldo Hufana Sr., 92-565 Pilipono St., Kapolei,

HI 96707 (; 808-218-3149)

Mens Min. Dir. Reynaldo Hufana Sr., 92-565 Pilipono St.,

Kapolei, HI 96707 (808-218-3149)

Womens Min. Dir. Minerva Tomacder, 3835 Likini St., Honolulu,

HI 96818 (808-429-6972)

Church Board Sec. Elizabeth Mae Calimlim-Zambrano, 3641 Puuku

Makai Dr., Honolulu, HI 96818

(; 808-428-6996)

Church Treas. Clarita Calimlim, 1151 Wanaka St., Honolulu, HI

96818 (; (808-931-0028)

Windward (Organized 1959) (018-0081)

Web Address:; E-mail:; 808-235-8787 ext. 309

Location 45-285 Kaneohe Bay Dr.

Pastor (6/25/2010) Jerry Appleby (Polly), 45-135A Mokulele

Dr., Kaneohe, HI 96744 (;

808-235-8787 ext. 307; 808-343-6391)

Worship & Connections Dir. - William Shine, 45-135A, Kaneohe, HI

96744 (, 619-227-


SDMI Supt. Nathan Yoshida, 45-169 Namoku St., Kaneohe, HI


(; 808-389-4589; 808-235-8787

Youth Pastor: Will Campbell (Rachel), 45-520 Pahia Rd. #A1,

Kaneohe, HI 96744 (; 808-235-

8787 ext. 305; cell: 440-319-6428)

NYI Pres. Sarah DePhillips, 45-421 Nakuluai St., Kaneohe, HI

96734 (724-833-3961)

School Principal Kay Hishimuma (Clyde), 45-161 Ekepuu Pl.,

Kaneohe, HI 96744 (;

808-235-8787 ext. 205)

Childrens Pastor Joy Lum Kee (Kahele), 45-153 Popoki St.,

Kaneohe, HI 96744 (; 808-

258-6032; 808-235-8787 ext. 304)

NMI Pres. Denis Hida, 45-228 Pakiko Pl., Kaneohe, HI 96744,

(; 808-469-9784)

Executive Assistant Jamie Grubert, 45-135A Mokulele Dr.,

Kaneohe, HI 96744 (;

808-223-4741; 808-235-8787 ext. 309)

Bay View Golf Course Manager Lawrence Dunn (Lori), 47-691

Waiohia St., Kaneohe, HI 96744 (;


Bay View Golf Course Executive Asst. Lori Dunn (Lawrence), 47-

691 Waiohia St., Kaneohe, HI 96744

(; 808-369-5528)

Church Board Sec. Bill Mickelsen, 45-393 Nakuluai St.,

Kaneohe, HI 96744 (808-221-0225)

Church Treas.


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