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1 Thompson

Davis Thompson

Ms. Levesque


15 November 2016


Welcome to The Land Far away, aka Dubai, a fascinating city on the coast of the Persian

Gulf of the United Arab Emirates. Dubai was settled on June 9, 1833, and grew up to a

population of 2.657 million by 2016. Now in 2116, the population has grown to 3.254 million.

Dubai is a very green city with rooftop gardens. There is solar and tidal power in the city which

also makes it very green. Its climate is the desert, which makes it very hot there. One of the

natural features of Dubai was a big problem with water, but we fixed that. Another issue was the

economy in Dubai was built off of oil which we also changed. Dubai is a very wealthy city with

really high tourism because of its beautiful landscape. Most people come to see all the futuristic

buildings and structures. There was also many open spaces, than crowded spaces across the city

which was a problem that we fixed by making architecture design better to make it where theres

more open space for the citizens of the city.

2 Thompson

In Dubai the public transportation consists of electric buses and biking which gives off no

pollution. Many people want to have personal transportation to move around the city too, so

there will be buses that are private which are paid for as well as bikes. Dubai also uses renewable

resources, so there will be no plastic bags and there will be many recycling centers and sewage

sanitizers, so there will be no pollution. Dubai has had much space in brownfield areas, so it was

turned from a big landfill into a huge public space. Also all of the major highways have now

been recreated into only lanes for walking, biking, and electric buses.

In Dubai there are many services that we have all over the city. The education system in

Dubai consists of schools that meet individualized students as they have deep knowledge of their

needs. We have constructed schools which have about 8 to 12 students per class. The school

owns high and advanced technology for students to operate throughout their day. The healthcare

system gives free healthcare to all residents. The health care is not only offered to everyone but it

is given to the community at no extra charge. Our city has many hospitals with ambulances

and rechargable life flight helicopters. There is also police and fire protection with electric

helicopters and cars that protect the city. We have made parks and recreation from landfills and

turned into public spaces.

The city innovations and futuristic elements are all residential districts include public

space and gardens, and the architecture is unique and futuristic with lots of plants and rooftop

gardens. Also all of the highways were turned into walking and biking lanes. The architecture is

stunning with astonishing structures all across the city. There was also an improvement in our

society by creating even more space age elements. There will be many sculptures and art all

across the city.

3 Thompson

There were a number of problems that need to be solved with public spaces in Dubai.

There was too much traffic, so only having buses, walking, and biking lanes for transportation

will imp. Also there were too many abandoned structures, so it was destroyed to build more

residential and commercial. There also needed to be more public spaces all across the city.

There was a brownfield in Dubai that was called the Al Qusais landfill, and made it into

public space, such as making a sports plex, and parks and recreation. One of the other problems

with the public space is there are half built abandoned buildings which took away the open

spaces of Dubai where there could have been buildings and architecture. So, the city has

expanded by constructing public and commercial buildings in the extra space from the wasted

buildings. The city was expanded by using all of the extra space all around it like at the landfills.

Another solution is we are going to turn brownfields into parks, recreation, and a sports plex.

Dubai also had big improvements on infrastructure, healthcare, happiness, and the safety

of all of the citizens. So instead of powering the city from oil, the city will power it from tidal

wave energy from the ocean and solar from panels. Dubai is a really green city after all of our

improvements to the city.

There is an impact of the public spaces on environmental impacts, social, economy, and

tech involved. The electric buses will have charging stations in the city, and the power will be

taken care of by solar and tidal energy.

The citys benefits of having bicycles and walkways is that it will not produce pollution

and it will make people to go out more. The risks of having bicycles and walkways is that people

can not reach the destination at a quick rate as you could in a car or on a bus which might make

the citizens of Dubai not happy with it.

4 Thompson

In Dubai, the engineers were all very helpful and Each engineer had a different

assignment to do that they were taught to keep the city running well. The engineers in our city

helped the city a lot by making the lanes for biking, walking, and bus roads which made the

citizens of Dubai very satisfied. They also helped a lot with improving the empty space in Dubai.

The whole system had different steps to accomplish improving our city. First there were some

engineers who created and drew blueprints of the structures. After that some of the engineers

checked and revised all of the blueprints to make sure it was all right. Then finally all of the

construction of the new roads, and empty space to public space was built.

The solutions to the air pollution was to end polluting transportation and industrial

buildings. The community of Dubai has many almost finished improvements to the abandoned

buildings in the city. Those buildings have been taking up parts of Dubais empty space, so we

decided to either finish the building, or destroy the whole thing and create more public space. We

will try and persuade all citizens of Dubai, to move towards more to the inner part of the city, so

we can do construction on buildings and roads. All of the citizens are very happy living in Dubai,

considering that we advanced the city by adding more public space.

Word Count: 1132 words

Nick Webster. "Significant Steps Taken towards Dubais Renewable Energy Targets | The
National." The National. N.p., 19 Apr. 2015. Web. 28 Nov. 2016.
5 Thompson

Mariam M. Al Serkal, Senior Web Reporter. "Dubai's Air Quality on the Radar." GulfNews.
N.p., 11 May 2016. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.

Andy Sambidge. "Owners Warned over Neglected Buildings in Dubai." Arabian Business. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.

Alderman, Liz. "Dubai Faces Environmental Problems After Growth." The New York Times. The
New York Times, 27 Oct. 2010. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.

Badam, Ramola Talwar. "Dubai Landfill Charges to Encourage Businesses to Recycle | The
National." The National. N.p., 13 Apr. 2016. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.

Fisher, Max. "Why Are Dubai and Abu Dhabi's Roads Some of the World's Most
Dangerous?"The Atlantic. Atlantic Media Company, n.d. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.

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