Step by Step: Tutorial For Axisvm 11

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Step by Step

Tutorial for AxisVM 11

Author: Somogyi Zsolt

Edited by: Inter-CAD Kft.

2012 Inter-CAD Kft.

All rights reserved
All brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks.
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Step by step tutorial 3


1. BEAM MODEL ....................................................................................................................... 5

2. FRAME MODEL................................................................................................................... 23

3. SLAB MODEL ....................................................................................................................... 53

4. MEMBRANE MODEL ......................................................................................................... 93

4.1. START ............................................................................................................................... 93
4.2. GEOMETRY DEFINITION USING PARAMETRIC MESH ........................................................... 94
4.3. GEOMETRY DEFINITION USING DOMAINS ........................................................................ 100
4.4. DEFINE SUPPORTS AND LOADS ........................................................................................ 105
5. SHELL MODEL .................................................................................................................. 117
4 AxisVM 11

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Step by step tutorial 5

Objective The objective of this design example is to determine the internal forces,
longitudinal reinforcement and shear links of the two-span continuous
reinforced concrete beams illustrated below.
The loads on the beams will be presented subsequently.

Cross-section of both spans is a 600 x 400 mm rectangle and designed

in accordance with Euro Code.

Start Start AxisVM 11 by double-clicking the AxisVM11 icon in the

AxisVM11 folder, found on the Desktop or in the Start - Programs

New Create a new model by clicking on the New icon.

Click on Front View icon for the modeling view. In the dialogue
window that pops up, replace the Model Filename with Beam. Select
the appropriate Design Code: Eurocode.

Click OK to close the dialog window.

Change view The left-bottom corner of the main window shows the symbol of the
global coordinate system. The positive direction is marked by the
corresponding capital letter (X, Y or Z). The default view of a new
model is in X-Z plane.
It is important to note that unless changed the gravity acts along the
Z direction.

Define of Select the Elements tab to bring up the Elements Toolbar.

6 AxisVM 11

Draw objects Clicking on the draw objects directly icon shows following window:

Horizontal beam Click on the Horizontal Beam icon, which is the second from left to
specify the axis of the two beams. The following window shows after

Select Browse cross-section libraries and click on OK.

Cross-section The following window shows after clicking:

Step by step tutorial 7

Rectangular The following window shows after clicking on Rectangular shape

shape icon:

Enter 60 for h (height) then click on place button. Click anywhere in

the window to place the shape.
The following window shows up afterwards:

By clicking on OK shows a dialog box asking for cross-sections name:

Click on OK to close window.

8 AxisVM 11

The following message shows up:

Clicking on OK shows following window:

Roll down in the list of Materials by using vertical sliding bar (or roll
mouse wheel) and click on C25/30, then clik on OK.
Reference By leaving Local z Reference on Auto the beams local x axis will be in
center of the beam and local z axis in vertical plane of the beam.
The following window will be displayed:

Beam polyline Draw the continuous beams centre line!

Press key x on your keyboard x coordinate will highlighted in the
Coordinates window. Type in 0 then press key y and type 0 then press
z and type 0 and press Enter.
Click on left d button on the Coordinates window to switch typing
from relative to global coordinates.
Step by step tutorial 9

Relative Add next 2 nodes by pressing keys:

system x 12 y 0 z 0 [Enter]
x 10 y 0 z 0 [Enter]
Then right-click and select Cancel from the quick menu:

You can change to the global coordinate values by pressing the d la-
beled button on the left of the Coordinate Window. If d button is
down (pressed) it denotes relative coordinates.
(Hint: In the right column of the coordinate window you can specify
points in cylindrical or spherical coordinate systems). The origin of the
relative coordinate system is marked by a thick blue X (cross turned by
45 deg.).

Zoom To bring up the Zoom Icon Bar, move the mouse on the Zoom icon in
the Icon bar (left side of the main window). It contains six icons. Lets
choose the third icon (Zoom to fit) from the Zoom Icon Bar, or press
Ctrl-W (or double-click on mouse wheel), which has the same effect.
An alternative way of zooming is to press the + or keys on your
numerical keypad.

The following will be displayed:

10 AxisVM 11

Geometry Check Click the Geometry Check icon on the top of the desktop,
to check for geometric ambiguities. The program will ask for
the maximum tolerance (distance) for merging points.

After the geometry check a summary of actions appears.

Perspective Chek the models location in space!

Click on the Perspective icon on the Icon bar (left side of the main
window).. If you want to rotate the view , click on the left mouse
button and hold to rotate the view.
You can also hold Alt + mouse wheel and rotate the view anytime.

Closing this palette the view mode is preserved.

Step by step tutorial 11

Display Options Click on Display Options icon for showing our models local coordinate
system, node numbers, graphical symbols, etc. (For quick acces to these
settings click on the same icon in mouse right-click menu.)
On the Symbols tab Local Systems group check Beam box and on
Labels tab check Cross-Section Name in Properties group.
Close the window with OK button. The local system of the beam and
the cross-section is shown on the beam. If mouse is rolled over this
beam further properties show up.

After rolling the mouse over the beam info box shows up with beam
number, length, material type, cross-section name, self-weight and

Select view from perspective to X-Z plane.

Fit in window Click on Fit in window function for best view.

Nodal support Click on Nodal support icon and select central node, then click on OK
button. Window shows up where stiffness of the support in each
direction can be set. Select Global direction and set support stifness.
Rx, Ry, Rz are for translation stifnness in kN/m. Default value for these
stifnessse are 1E+10 kN/m for fixed and 0 kN/m for free to move in
subject direction. Rx is for translation stifness in x direction.
Rxx, Ryy, Rzz are for rotational stifnness in kNm/rad. Default value for
these stifnessse are 1E+10 kNm/rad for fixed and 0 kNm/rad for free to
rotate support about subject direction. Rxx is for rotational stifness
about x direction.
Set rotational stiffnesses to 0 and fix the support only in X and Z
12 AxisVM 11

Click on OK to apply settings.

Select two end nodes and the same way create rolling vertical support
setting values as follow:

If everything is set correctly the translation support is a brown line and

rotational support is a orange line.

Loads To apply loads and movements select Loads tab.

Step by step tutorial 13

Loadcases and Various loads and movements should be separated into load cases.
Load groups Click on Loadcases and Load groups icon.
The following window shows:

Program automatically generates load case ST1 which is shown in top

left coner. Click on ST1and rename it to SELF WEIGHT. Then click on
OK button what closes the window and we can specify the self weight
load into SELF WEIGHT load case. Check if the SELF WEIGHT load
case is selectged in the status window which in top left corner

Display Options Click on Display Options icon. Unselect Object contours in 3D and
Beam box on the Symbols tab in Local Systems group and on Labels
tab unselect Cross-Section Name in Properties group.

Self weight
Click on Self weight icon then select all elements with All ( )
button. After clicking on OK button both beams will have an offseted
blue dashed line indicaing that self weight was added indeed
(considering g=9.81 m/s2 gravity in negative Z direction).

Static load case Open Loadcases and Load groups window again and click on Static
icon in New case top icon row. Create load cases with names LIVE 1,
case then close with OK.
14 AxisVM 11

Load along line After clicking on Load along line elements icon click on beam at left
elements hand side, then click on OK. Following window shows up:

Type in -17.5 into fields pz1 and pz2 then confirm with OK.
Step by step tutorial 15

Loadcases and After clicking on down arrow next to Loadcases and Load groups icon
Load groups following list shows up:

List shows all load cases. The actual load case is highlighted. Select
load case LIVE 2 with mouse or arrow keys.
Same way apply -17,5 kN/m line load on both beams.

Support Change load case to SUPPORT DISPLACEMENT then click on Support

Displacement Displacement icon. Then select central support and click on OK. The
following window shows up:

Type in value 20 into filed ez.

Load Activate Load Combinations function by clicking on its icon. The Table
Combinations Browser shows up:

New Row Create new ULS (ultimate limit state) load combination by clicking on
New Row icon. Load factors foe each load cases must be set.
Set load factors as follow:
SELF WEIGHT 1,35 [Enter];LIVE1 1,5 [Enter];LIVE2 0 [Enter];
Type in all these values, then create another ULS load combination
and type in:
SELF WEIGHT 1,35 [Enter];LIVE1 0 [Enter];LIVE2 1,50 [Enter];
The 3rd load combination is SLS Quasipermanent with following
SELF WEIGHT 1,0 [Enter];LIVE1 0,6 [Enter];LIVE2 0,6 [Enter];
16 AxisVM 11

Click on OK to finish.

Static Click on Static tab for running analysis:

Linear static Click on Linear static analysis icon to run analysis.


Nodal DOF Degrees of freedom must be set before analysis. Program checks nodal
degrees of freedom and offers automatic settings:

Check Save model with these settings and these dialog box will not
appear in the next run. Accept the Beam with multiple support in
plane X-Z option and click on Yes to close.

Statistics The following message shows up after analysis:

Click on Statistics to see more information about the analysis:

Step by step tutorial 17

Click on OK after analysis. Automatically Staic tab is activated with ez

vertical deformations from SELF WEIGHT load case as Isosurface 2D.

Result display The following windows shows up after clicking on Result display
parameters parameters icon:

Select SELF WEIGHT load case. If we leave Display shape on

undeformed the results are drawn to undeformed model. Select eZ
component and Diagram as display mode. Select Lines and Nodes for
Write Values to setting.
After click on OK the following diagram will be displayed:

Check and look through all deformations from all load cases. To do
this, click on list right next to Result display parameters icon. Select the
first load combination Co #1.
18 AxisVM 11

Min, max values To find minimal and maximal values click on Min, Max Values icon.
The following window shows up:

Select eZ and click on OK. After that new window shows up highest
negative deformation then after click on OK the highest positive
deformation. Click again on OK to close.
Click on the second list (next to load case list) and you can select from
several results: internal forces, stresses. Select internal forces My first
for 1st and 2nd load combination. (Co #1, Co #2)
Step by step tutorial 19

Concrete design For RC design click on R.C. Design tab:

Beam Click on Beam reinforcement design icon then on All button and finally
reinforcement OK. The following warning message shows up:

After click on OK window with Beam parameters shows up:

20 AxisVM 11

Beam Select B500B rebar grade for longiutdal rebars and stirrups:

Set Concrete cover to 20mm and top longitudal rebars f to 20 mm:

To consider crack control check Increase reinforcement according to

limiting crack width checkbox:

After click on OK the follwing message shows up:

After click on OK the follwing window with results shows up:

Please note that in addition to My,Ed moment diagram (thin line) also
offseted moment diagram (thick line) which offests in accordance
with national design code.
Step by step tutorial 21

Select Envelope Min, Max in list with load combinations:

Under My,Ed moment diagram there is a As required reinforcement di-

agram on top and bottom, Vz shear diagram and shear link spacing sw
Requred reinforcement in tension is in blue and required
reinforcement in compression in red.

Click on Check in Beam Reinforcement window:

The following window shows up:

This window shows needed number of rebar, actual crack width

considering needed number of rebar and number of rebar rows.
Click on OK to close the window.
22 AxisVM 11

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Step by step tutorial 23

Objective Analyse the following frame and design column A1 and the pad
footing under.

Beams are IPE 400 rolled steel cross-section and columns HE 280 rolled
steel cross-section. Diagonals O 194 x 5 pipe cross-section. Material
grade is S 235 and designed according to Eurocode 2.

Start Start AxisVM 11 by double-clicking the AxisVM11 icon in the

AxisVM11 folder, found on the Desktop or in the Start - Programs

New Create a new model by clicking on the New icon.

Click on Front View icon for the modeling view. In the dialogue
window that pops up, replace the Model Filename with FRAME.
Select the appropriate Design Code: Eurocode.

Click OK to close the dialog window.

Default global Z direction is upward. This is important for gravity
24 AxisVM 11

Define of Select the Elements tab to bring up the Elements Toolbar.


Draw objects Clicking on the draw objects directly icon shows following window:

Click on column icon even if it is already selected.

The following window shows after clicking:

Select Browse cross-section libraries and click on OK. The following

window shows after clicking:

Roll down in the list of Cross-Section Tables by using vertical sliding

bar (or roll mouse wheel) and click on HE European wide flange
beams, and then click on HE 280 A . Close with OK.
Step by step tutorial 25

The following message shows up:

Clicking on OK shows following window:

Roll down in the list of Materials by using vertical sliding bar (or roll
mouse wheel) and click on S235, then clik on OK.
Set Height to 3,5 m in the displayed window:

Change view Change view to top view (X-Y plane)!

Column Click on Column icon below.

Click on these position in the graphical area:
(0,0) - (6,0) (0,5) (6,5) (0,10) (6,10)
26 AxisVM 11

The following window will be displayed:

Change view Change view to perspective! Change the values in window as follow:
H= 15 V= 320 P = 0

Horizontal beam Click on Horizontal beam icon.

Load from Click on Cross-section row in the window, then on Load from
database database icon . Select IPE 400 from IPE European I-beams:
Step by step tutorial 27

Click on OK to close window. The following window shows up:

Beam polyline Click on Beam polyline icon then click on top of columns and draw the
beams. Draw the perimeter beams first then pree Esc to cancel
drawing. Draw central beam the same way. The following will be disp-

Beam Click on beam icon in draw objects directly window.

28 AxisVM 11

Load from Click on Cross-section row in the window, then on Load from
database database icon . Select ROR 193,70*4,5 form ROR European pipes (Pipe

Click on OK to close window. The following window shows up:

Beam polyline Draw polyline from bottom of A1 column to centre of beam in Y


Then draw other one into bottom of next column:

Step by step tutorial 29

Press Esc to cancel and draw two braces on the other end the same

Translate Using function Translate copy the frame in Z direction. Click on

Translate icon then on All icon and OK. The follow window shows

Select Consecutive method then click on OK to confirm. Click on

bottom of column A1 then on top of this column finally press Esc to
30 AxisVM 11

The following will be displayed:

Geometry Check Click the Geometry Check icon which is on Geometry tab:

User can set for the maximum tolerance (distance) for checking points
and show the mesh.

After the geometry check a summary of actions appears.

Fit in window Select Fit in window from zoom functions for best view.
Step by step tutorial 31

Rendered view
Select Rendered view from view options:

The following will be displayed:

Display Options Click on Display Options ,Symbols tab and unselect Object Contours
in 3D:
32 AxisVM 11

Wireframe Change back to Wireframe view:

Nodal support Supports can be definied with nodal supports function on Elements
tab. Click on the icon, select bottom nodes of columns then confirm
with OK. The following window shows up:

Rotational stiffness set to 0 and translational stiffness leave on 1E+10.

Click on OK to confirm settings.

Loads To apply loads and movements select Loads tab.

Loadcases and Various loads and movements should be separated into load cases.
Load groups Click on Loadcases and Load groups icon to add new load case. The
following window shows up:
Step by step tutorial 33

Program automatically generates load case ST1 which is shown in top

left coner. Click on ST1 and rename it to LIVE1. Click on OK to close
and select LIVE1 load case. The following will be displayed in the sta-
tus window:

Load along line Add line loads to all horizontal beams. 50 kN/m to beams at lower level
elements and 25 kN/m to beams at upper level . Activate the Load along line
elements function and select with selection rectangle the upper beams.

Confirm the selection with OK and the following window shows up:
34 AxisVM 11

Set pZ1 and pZ2 to -25, then confirm with OK. The following will be
Step by step tutorial 35

Display Options Click on Display Options icon, the following window shows up:

Select Labels tab and check the Load Value check box in Properties
36 AxisVM 11

Close with OK and the load values will be displayed:

Load along line Activate the Load along line elements function and select with selection
elements rectangle the lower beams, then confirm with OK and set pZ1 and pZ2
to -50.
Step by step tutorial 37

Confirm loads with OK and the following will be displayed:

Loadcases and Click on Loadcases and Load groups icon!

Load groups

New static load Add new load case by clicking on Static icon in New case top icon row.
case Name it as WIND. After confirming with OK all loads will disappear
and Status window is showing load case: WIND.

Load along line Click on Load along line elements icon then select two columns in the
elements corner.
38 AxisVM 11

Then apply 6 kN/m line load in x direction (pX1 and pX2). The same
way apply 12kN/m to the central edge column in x direction.
The following will be displayed:
Step by step tutorial 39

Load Create load combinations from load cases. Using load combinations we
Combinations can define load factors to load cases.

New Row Create new ULS (ultimate limit state) load combination by clicking on
New Row icon.
Define following load factors: LIVE1 1,5 ; WIND 1,5

Type in the factors the click on OK to finish.

We have finished data input for analysis.

Display options Click on Display options icon then on Symbols tab. Uncheck Node,
Cross-section shape and Loads check boxes then on Labels tab
uncheck Load Value checkbox.

Static Click on Static tab for running analysis:

Linear static Click on Linear static analysis icon to run analysis. The following
analysis window shows up:
40 AxisVM 11

Click on Statistics to see more information about the analysis:
The following window shows up after analysis:

Static Click on OK after analysis. Automatically Static tab is activated with ez

vertical deformations for LIVE1 load case as Isosurface 2D view. To see
results of load combinations select combination Co #1 from drop-
down list.

Change results view from Isosurface 2D to Diagram:

Step by step tutorial 41

Change view Change to Z-X view plane!

The following will be displayed:

Parts Clicking on Parts icon shows the following window:

42 AxisVM 11

New Clicking on New icon shows the following window:

Type 1 into Part name data field, then click OK.

Select parts of the frame which will be in part name 1. The following
picture shows how to select beams on a right hand side with selection

After click on OK the following window shows up:

Click on OK to close and confirm. Part with name 1 is created.

Step by step tutorial 43

Change view Change to Z-Y view plane!

Result display Click on Result display parameters icon, then check the Write values to:
parameters Lines checkbox in the window.

Clicking on OK shows following window:

Min, max values To find location of max. deformation use Min, Max values function.
Clicking on icon shows following window:
44 AxisVM 11

Select one of the deformation components. Confirm with OK shows

max. negative value and the location as well:

After click on OK shows the max. positive value and the location of
this value:

Select Beam internal forces Nx from list box in a toolbar:

Step by step tutorial 45

The following Nx axial force diagram will be displayed:

With the same way show moments about local y My:

Show reactions Rz the same way:

46 AxisVM 11

Steel design For check on column A1 click on Steel design tab:

Design For definining design parameters click on design parameters, then

parameters select column A1 and confirm selection with OK.
The following window shoes up:

Define Ky = 1.25 and c2 = 1.0, then confirm with OK.

Axial Force- Select Analysis - Axial Force-Bending-Shear results from list box in
Bending-Shear toolbar:
Step by step tutorial 47

The following diagram will be displayed:

Efficiency Select Efficiency from the same list box. The following diagram will be

Click on column A1 to show all checks on subject column:

48 AxisVM 11

Az OK-ra klikkelve lphetnk ki a funkcibl.

R.C. design Click on R.C. design tab:

Pad footing Pad footing below column can be designed with Pad footing design
design function.
Click on icon then on nodal support and confirm with OK.

Footing design Window with Footing design parameters shows up:


Select rectangular pad footing , C30/37 concrete , soil cover t[cm]=170

and max. pad width bmax[cm]=120.
Step by step tutorial 49

Check on Calculate reinforcement on Reinforcement tab.

Soil database User can read predefined soil characteristics from the soil databes
located on the Soil tab.

Clicking on Soil database icon shows following window:

50 AxisVM 11

Click on Homogenous, coarse and medium sand in dry or damp

column, soild row and soil parameters will be shown in bottom left

Confirm selection with OK button.

Layer thickness Type in layer thickness 4.0 m.

Add new soil Add defined soil layer to the soil profile with this buton.

Soil database Click on soil database icon in Backfill options to define soil type for soil
fill above pads bottom level. Select Mixed Non-silty, sandy gravel in
dry or damp column and solid row. Then confirm with OK. The
following window will be displayed:

After click on OK, type in name for specified soil profile:

Step by step tutorial 51

Type in name : soil1 and save profile with OK. Program calculates
pads required dimensions and reinforcement. The follwing message
shows up:

Close the message with OK, the following window shows up:

Pads required dimensions are shown on plan and in info window.

Close the window with OK.
52 AxisVM 11

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Step by step tutorial 53

Objective Calculate max. deflection, max. moment, and max. reinforcement of
slab shown below.

Define slab thickness to 200 mm using C20/25 concrete from norm

Eurocode 2.

Start Start AxisVM 11 by double-clicking the AxisVM11 icon in the

AxisVM11 folder, found on the Desktop or in the Start - Programs

New Create a new model by clicking on the New icon.

Click on Front View icon for the modeling view. In the dialogue
window that pops up, replace the Model Filename with Slab. Select
the appropriate Design Code: Eurocode.
54 AxisVM 11

Change view The left-bottom corner of the main window shows the symbol of the
global coordinate system. The positive direction is marked by the
corresponding capital letter (X, Y or Z). Global Z direction is always
upwards. It is important to note that unless changed the gravity acts
along the Z direction.
Click on Change view and following row of icons show up:

Change view to top view (X-Y plane)!

Using geometry functions draw the slab.

Elements Select the Elements tab to bring up the Elements Toolbar.

Draw objects Clicking on the draw objects directly icon shows following window:

Slab Select slab element even if it is already selected.

The following window shows up:

Material The following window shows after clicking on OK:


Select C20/25 concrete and confirm with OK.

Step by step tutorial 55

Type and Change type in Draw objects directly window from Shell to Plate and
Thickness thickness to 200 mm.

Complex slab Click on Complex slab icon.

User can draw the slab directly or define the coordinates.
Use the global coordinates (d labeled button is not pressed).

Define coordinates of first point by pressing keys:

x 0 y 0 z 0 [Enter]

Relative coordi- You can change coordinate system by pressing the d labeled button
nate system on the left of the Coordinate Window.
If d button is down (pressed) it denotes relative coordinates. X turns to
dX and so on indicating that we are defining relative ccordinates. The
relative point of origin is shown as thick blue X (cross turned by 45
deg.) Press d again for global coordinates.

Relative coordi- Continue defining next point with relative coordinates.

nate system Press following keys:
x 7.9 y 0 z 0 [Enter]
On computers where , is set as decimal separator type 7,9 instead of
Arc by three Click on Arc by three points under Draw objects directly tool palette:

Press following keys to define next contour points:

x 0.5 y 3.4 z 0 [Enter]
x 0 y 6.8 z 0 [Enter]

Line Click on Line under Draw objects directly tool palette:

Press following keys to define next contour points:

x -7.9 y 0 z 0 [Enter]

Then press [Enter] again to finish (close) contour definition.

Exit from Draw objects directly by pressing Esc.
56 AxisVM 11

The following will be displayed in the main window:

To move the origin of the local coordinate system to the bottom left
corner of the slab. Move cursor over the bottom left corner of the slab
and press Insert.
Geometry Click on Geometry tab:

Create nodes Click on Create nodes icon and type in the following:
x 6.4 y 2.2 [Enter]
x 0 y 2.4 [Enter]

Exit from Create nodes by pressing Esc.

The following will be displayed in the main window:

Step by step tutorial 57

Please note the thin red line which denotes

the domains contour. Moving the cursor
over the contour of the domain shows
domains properties:

Fit in window Click on Fit in window function for best view.

Mesh Click on Mesh tab!

Domain meshing Click on Domain meshing then click on * to select all and confirm with
Then select quad mesh (in centre) and define Average mesh element
size to 0.65 m:

After click on OK the mesh is generated automatically.

Progress bar shows the meshing progress:
58 AxisVM 11

The following will be displayed in the main window:

Moving the cursor over the centre of

finite elements (red dot) shows finite
elements properties:

Refinement Click on Refinement by bisection icon:

Domain Then select following elements:

Step by step tutorial 59

After click on OK the following will be displayed:

Display options Switch on surface elements local coordinate systems!

Click on Symbols tab in the Display options, following window will be

Check the Surface checkbox in the Local Systems group and confirm
with OK.
Surface properties are accesible after definition. When local
coordinates of the surface are shown, the red line denotes x direction,
yellow for y direction and green for z direction.
60 AxisVM 11

Display Options Switch off surface elements local coordinate systems the same way!

Elements Click on Elements tab!

Nodal support Define nodal supports. Click on Nodal support icon then select
column central nodes and confirm with OK. The following window
shows up:

Calculation... Click on Calculation... button and he following window shows up:

Here you can calculate support stiffnes based on columns supports

and dimensions.
Step by step tutorial 61

New cross- Clicking on New cross-section icon shows following window:


Rectangular Clicking on Rectangular shape icon shows following window:


Type in 30 into two top input fields (b[cm]= ;h[cm]= ), then click on
Place button and click anywhere in the window to place the new
The following window will be displayed:
62 AxisVM 11

Click on OK and dialog box shows up whare you can type in new
cross-sections name:

Type 3 into L [m]= input field, then click on OK. Calculated values will
be automatically filled in the Nodal support window.

After click on OK nodal supports will be definied.

The following will be displayed:

Step by step tutorial 63

Line supports To define line supports lick on Line supports icon, then select lines on
slabs perimeter. Select the two paralell edges and the one on left:

Confirm selection with OK and the following will be displayed:

Claculation Click on Calculation... button.

Set these values in the window: L [m]= 3 and d[cm]=30
To set End Releases to pinned, click on both icons:
64 AxisVM 11

Confirm settings with OK and the calculated stiffness values will be

automatically filled in Line support window.
Click on OK to close the window and the following will be displayed:

Loads Next sted is adding loads on slab.Click on Loads tab:

Step by step tutorial 65

Load cases and Various loads and movements should be separated into load cases.
Load groups Click on Loadcases and Load groups icon to add new load case. The
following window shows up:

Program automatically generates load case ST1 which is shown in top

left coner. Click on ST1 and rename it to SELF-WEIGHT, then clicking
on OK selects the SELF-WEIGHT loadcase. The Status window
informs us about the selected loadcase:

Self Weight Click on Self Weight icon then select all

(*) . Confirming with OK applies self on
all selected elements. Thin dotted red
line indicates applied self weight:

Display options Click on Display options then on Symbols tab in the Display options
window then uncheck Mesh and Surface centre in the Graphics
Symbols group. Close with OK.

New loadcase, Open Loadcases and Load groups window and create new static
static loadcase. Name it FINISHES, this loadcase will contain loads from slab
finishes. Close with OK.
66 AxisVM 11

Distributed Load Define load corresponding to 10 cm thick layer of concrete say 2.5
on Domain kN/m2. Click on Distributed Load on Domain icon and the following
window shows up:

Type in -2.5 to pZ [kN/m2] field (negative value denotes opposite

direction to local direction).

Distributed Define load by clicking on Distributed domain load , then click to the
domain load area of domain. Close with close button.

Domain Line To define load from balustrade click on Domain Line Load icon and the
Load following window shows up:

Type -1 into fields pZ1 and pZ2.

Arc by three Select Arc by three points icon from bottom row, then click bottom,
points central and top point of the curved edge. Then again on top point of
edge. Press Esc to exit.
Step by step tutorial 67

Load value Switch on load intensity using

Numbering function in the
bottom right corner.
Click on Numbering icon and the
following window shows up:

Check the Load Value and Units


The following will be displayed:

New Loadcase, Create new loadcase and name it LIVE.

static Specify live load on slab in this loadcase. Define Distributed load on
Domain with pz=-1,5kN/m2 as shown previously.

Load Loadcase are defined, now define two load combinations which we
combinations will use for design and checking.
Click on Load combinations icon.

New Row Create first load combination by clicking on New Row icon. Leave the
name on default Co#1. Select SLS Quasipermanent as type of load
Use following load factors for the new load combinaton:
LIVE 0,3
68 AxisVM 11

New Row Create the second load combination by clicking on New Row icon.
Leave the name on default Co#2. Select ULS as type of load
Use following load factors for the new load combinaton:
LIVE 1,5
Click on OK to close the window.

We have finished with data input for slab design.

Static Click on Static tab for running analysis:

Linear static Click on Linear static analysis icon to run analysis.


Degrees of Set degree of freedom of models nodes. Program checks the model
freedom and offers one type in the dialog box:

Check the Save model with these settings checkbox and degree of
freedom settings will be saved. Click on Yes to confirm and close the
dialog box.
Analysis continus and the following progress bar shows up:
Step by step tutorial 69

Click on Statistics to see more information about the analysis:

The top progres bar shows progress of the actual task. The progress bar
bellow is showing the total pogress.
Estimated Memory Requirement shows size of used virtual memory
for analysis. If the PCs memory size is smaller than this, error message
regarding size of virtual memory will be displayed.
Click on Messages to see the detailed list of analysiss messages.
The following window will be displayed:
70 AxisVM 11

Static After click on OK program automatically activates vertical deforma-

tions ez on Static tab in Isosurface 2D view of SELF-WEIGHT loadcase.
Select load combination Co#1 (SLS) to check service limit states:

Deformation values are negative because they are in opposite direction

of local z.

Min, Max Values To find location of max. deformation use Min, Max values function.
Clicking on icon shows following window:

Select one of the deformation components. Confirm with OK shows

max. negative value and its location as well:
Step by step tutorial 71

After click on OK shows the max. positive value and the location of
this value :

Colour legend The Colour legend window shows boundary values of each colour.
Adjust number of boundary values by moving the bottom edge of this

Find areas with deflections larger than 2.1mm! Boundary values can be
changed by clicking on Colour legend window:
72 AxisVM 11

Click on a bottom value of the table on a left hand side. Change the
deafault value (-2,423) to 2,1.

Press [Enter] and Auto interpolate function calculates other boundary

After click on OK the following will be displayed:

Area with deflection larger than 2,1mm is hatched.

Step by step tutorial 73

Isoline See the results using Isolines. Click on arrow right to Isosurface 2D
title and select Isoline:

After selecting Isoline the following will be displayed:

Change view Change view to perspective! Click on Setting Perspective View:

Change perspective values in window as follow:

Click on X in top right corner to close the window with perspective


Result display To change to deformed shape click on Result display parameters icon.
parameters Click on Deformed Display shape in Display Parameters window and
confirm with OK. The deformed shape will be displayed:
74 AxisVM 11

Change view Change view to top view!

See the internal forces.

Select load combination Co#2 (ULS). Click on arrow next to ez [mm]
title and the following list of components will be displayed:

Select Surface Internal Forces mx. Isolines of mx moments will be

displayed. The mx moments are moments in local x direction which
are used for design reinforcement in x local direction. The similar way
we can select moments in y direction, torsional moments and shear
Select Nodal Support Intenal Forces Rz which shows vertical
reactions of the nodal support.
Step by step tutorial 75

Result display Click on Result display parameters icon and the following window
parameters will be displayed:

Check the Write Values To Nodes checkbox and click on OK. The
following vertical reactions will be displayed:

Select Line Support Intenal Forces Rz [kN/m] which shows vertical

reactions of the line support. Click on Result display parameters icon
and the following window and check the Write Values To Lines
checkbox and click on OK:
76 AxisVM 11

R. C. Design Click on R.C. Design tab. Here you can calculate required area of
reinforcement for surface elements (domains).

Reinforcement Click on Reinforcement

parameters parameters icon then select all
(*) and confirm with OK. The
following message shows up:

Close with OK and the

following window will be
Step by step tutorial 77

Set Exposition classes on Materials tab. Set XC1 for Top and Bottom
surface. Set Primary direction of reinforcement as x for Top and
Bottom surface on Reinforcement tab. Check Apply minimum cover

Close the window with OK.

Change view to Isosurface 2D!

Now you can see axb [mm2/m] results, which is required amount of
reinforcemnt in local x direction at bottom of the slab. See
Reinforcement Values in the list of results where you can also select
required area of reinforcement for other directions.

Change boundary values to cross-sectional areas for specific spacings

(e.g 1005 mm2/m for T16@200)for each colour in the colour legend
window.Select axt [mm2/m] results, which is required amount of
78 AxisVM 11

reinforcemnt in local x direction at top of the slab.

Min, Max Values To find location of max. req. area of reinforcement use Min, Max
values function. Clicking on icon shows following window:

Click on OK shows max. req. area of reinforcement and its location:

Click on OK to exit.
Reinforce with 0,3% using 12 diameter at 180 mm c/c bars
(628mm2/m) double reinforcement locally to 12 at 90 mm c/c (1257
Max. required reinforcement value is (942mm2/m) what is less then
doubled reinforcement (1257 mm2/m).
To find the area which need double reinforcement set number of
isoarea values on Colour legend window to 3.
Click on Colour legend window and change boundary values to these
reinforcement values:
Step by step tutorial 79

Click on OK and isosurfaces will be updated using new boundary


Hatched area denotes that center of the slab doesnt need any top
reinforcement in x direction. On the edge 12 @ 180 c/c reinforcement
is needed while around columns 12 @ 90 c/c reinforcement is
To design reinforcement above columns click on Static tab and select
Surface Internal Forces - mxD+ [kNm/m] results which considers also
mxy forces.
80 AxisVM 11

Section Line Click on Section Line icon.

Click on New section plane button and type in column1:

Aftre click on OK define the section plane. First click on top nodal
support then on bottom nodal support
The following window will be diplayed:

Click on OK to see moments in x direction in plane section column1..

Change view Change to side view (Z-Y plane)

and change results view from Isosurface 2D to Section Line then you
can see section of moment diagra:
Step by step tutorial 81

Turn off sections! Click on Section Liness Planes speed button.

(bottom right corner)

Speed buttons Click on Numbering icon (see Speed Buttons)

and uncheck Write Values to Lines and Units

Change view to Perspective and Section Line

view to Isosurface 3D.

The following will be displayed which shows design moments in x


Change view Change view back to Top View (X-Y plane)!

R.C. Design Click on R.C. Design tab!

Actual Click on Actual Reinforcement icon! The following window shows up:
82 AxisVM 11

Set x direction for Primary direction of reinforcement on top and

bottom surface on Parameters tab and check the Apply minimum
cover checkbox.
Set diameter to 12 for [mm]= and Spacing [mm] to 180 on
Reinforcement tab. Check the Calculate rebar positions checkbox then
select x Direction Top Reinforcement in top left box and click on
Add button.
The following will be displayed:

The same way define Bottom Reinforcement in x and also in y

direction. The following will be displayed:

Reinforcement Click on Reinforcement over an existing domain icon then click

over an existing somewhere inside the domain. Click on Close button to exit.
domain The following will be displayed:
Step by step tutorial 83

Reinforcement Select Reinforcement difference / xb axa results component:


Change view to Isosurface 2D!

Check Write values to Surfaces checkbox in Numbering from Speed
Buttons The following will be displayed:
84 AxisVM 11

Only positive values denotes that bottom actual (defined)

reinforcement is sufficient in x direction for load combination Co #2.
Same applies for ya-aya component.
Change to xt-axt component:

Here you can see that values around nodal supports are negative, this
areas reinforcement has to be increased.

Actual Using Actual Reinforcement function increase reinforcement around

Reinforcement column in 2x2m square area!
Click on Actual Reinforcement icon and select Reinforcement tab.
Set 12 at 180 c/c check Calculate rebar positions then select x
direction / Top reinforcement and click on Add button.

Rectangular Additional reinforcement can be defined using Rectangular

reinforcement reinforcement domain. Click on the icon then move the cursor over
domain lower nodal support
press Ins key to move the origin of the local coordinate system.
Step by step tutorial 85

Type in the following sequence of keys :

x -1 y -1 z 0 [Enter]
x 2 y 2 z 0 [Enter]
Then press Esc twice to exit.
The following will be displayed:

The xt axt results around lower nodal support are positive so actual
(defined) reinforcement is sufficient above lower nodal support.

Translate Click on Translate icon:

Then move the cursor over reinforcement domains contour and click
on it to select. Confirm with OK to finish selection. In the Translate
window select Incremental Method and set N=1:

Close the window with OK and define translation vector by clicking

on lower then on upper nodal support.
86 AxisVM 11

This way you have copied the actual domain reinforcement, the
following will be displayed:

There arent any negative xt axt values so the actual (defined)

reinforcement is sufficient at top in x direction.
Change to results to yt- ayt !
There are still negative values around nodal supports but now at top in
y direction. You need to increase the reinforcement in these areas.

Actual Press and hold SHIFT key then click then click on actual reinforcement
Reinforcement above columns then click on Actual Reinforcement icon.
Set x direction for Primary direction of reinforcement on top and bottom
surface on Parameters tab and check the Apply minimum cover
checkbox. Select Reinforecement tab and the following window shows
Step by step tutorial 87

Click on field under x direction - Top Reinforcement (12 mm / 180

mm) then on y direction - Top Reinforcement and finally on Add
button. The following settings will be displayed:

Click on OK to exit.This way we have defined the same actual

reinforcement in y direction as it is in x direction. The following will
be displayed:

The yt ayt results around nodal supports are now also positive, so
the actual (defined) reinforcement is sufficient for all 4 components.
Ellenrizzk a szerkezet repedstgassgt a hasznlhatsgi hatrl-
88 AxisVM 11

Crack widths Select load combination Co #1 (SLS), then select Cracking wk(b)
result component which is showing crack widths in local x direction at
bottom surface of the domain (slab).

The following will be displayed:

Domain is hatched what denotes that there are no cracks at bottom

surface of domain from load combination Co #1.

Select Cracking wk(t) result component which is showing crack

widths in local x direction at top surface of the domain. Crack widths
above nodal supports is up to 11mm:
Step by step tutorial 89

To determine the deflection of the cracked slab you need to run

Nonlinera static analysis of the load combination Co #1 (SLS).

Static To run the analysis click on the Static tab.

Nonlinera static Click on Nonlinear static analysis icon and the following window
analysis shows up:

Az OK-ra klikkelve megkezddik a szmts s a kvetkez ablak jele-

nik meg:
Check Use reinforcement in calculation checkbox and select Actual
Reinforcement. Click on OK to run analysis.

Messages Click on Messages to see more information about the analysis:

90 AxisVM 11

Iterations Click on Iterations to see how the calculations are converging for each

After click on OK program automatically activates vertical

deformations ez on Static tab in Isosurface 2D view of load
combination Co #1 with nonlinear analysis. The following will be disp-

R. C. Design Click on R.C. Design tab.

Plate punching To check shear punching click on R.C. Design tab and select load
analysis combination Co #2 (ULS). Click on Plate punching analysis icon then
select upper nodal support and click on OK.
The following window will be displayed:
Step by step tutorial 91

Material grades will be selected according to used types and other

values will be set in accordance with used design code.Click on OK to
close the window and the following check results will be displayed:

No punching reinforcement is necessary according to the check.

92 AxisVM 11

Result summary Click on Result summary icon to see detailed results of the check:

Click on Close to exit from Punching analysis results and click on Close
to exit from Plate punching analysis.
Step by step tutorial 93


4.1. Start

Objective The objective of the analysis is to determine the internal forces and
reinforcements of the following wall structure.

Assume wall thickness to be 200 mm, the concrete grade: C20/25, and
the reinforcement grade: B500A and designed in accordance with Eu-
Start Start AxisVM by double-clicking the AxisVM icon in the AxisVM fold-
found on the Desktop, or in the Start, Programs Menu.

New Create a new model by clicking on the New icon.

Click on Front View icon for the modeling view. In the dialogue
window that pops up, replace the Model Filename with Membrane1.
Select the appropriate Design Code: Eurocode:

The first step is to create the geometry of structure.

Change view In the lower left corner of the graphics area is, in blue colour, the
coordinate system beginning point marked with a blue X. The view
can be changed from the Icons Menu with the Views Icon. Move the
cursor over that icon and the following Icon bar is displayed:
Global Z direction is always upwards.
Change view to Front View (X-Z plane)!
94 AxisVM 11

4.2. Geometry definition using parametric mesh

Geometry If not already selected, click on Geometry tab:

Quad/Triangle The geometry of the wall is created with the Quad/Triangle Division
Division icon. Hold down the left mouse button to display the sub-menu. Click
on the first icon on the left.
To create the upper part enter N1=20, N2=8 :

Close the dialog window with Ok. Now you have to specify the cor-
ners of the Quad. They can be specified graphically or by entering the
coordinates. Enter them with coordinates :
To enter the first corner, type in the following sequence of keys:
x 0 y0 z 3 [Enter]
Specify the relative coordinates of the next corners in a similar way.
Type in the following sequence of keys :
x 12 y 0 z 0 [Enter]
x 0 y 0 z 3 [Enter]
x -12 y 0 z 0 [Enter]

Exit from drawing quads by pressing Esc.

The following will be displayed:

Quad/Triangle The haunches are created in a similar way. Click on Quad/Triangle Di-
Division vison icon. Enter the following values: N1=3, N2=6 :

Close the dialog window with Ok. Now you have to specify the corners
of the walls left haunch.
Step by step tutorial 95

Type in the following sequence of keys :

x 0 y 0 z -6 [Enter]
x 1 y 0 z 0 [Enter]
x 0,8 y 0 z 3 [Enter]
x -1,8 y 0 z 0 [Enter]

Exit from drawing quads by pressing Esc.

The following will be displayed:

Mirror Create the other haunch by mirroring the first one with respect to the
centre of structure (X=6). Click on the Mirror icon.

The Selection bar is displayed:

Select with a selection window all nodes of the haunch.

The selected elements will be highlighted:

96 AxisVM 11

Finish the selection with Ok and the following dialog will be displayed:

Set Mirror: Copy, Nodes to connect: None, check Copy elements. Now
you have to specify the mirror plane. First select any central point, then
select any point vertically above or below it.
Step by step tutorial 97

The following will be displayed:

The geometry of the wall has been successfully created.

Zoom Let's zoom to the structure. Move the cursor over the Zoom icon and
the Zoom Icon bar pops up:

Fit in window
Click on the Fit In Window icon.

Geometry In the top Icon bar click on Geometry Check icon to check for possible
Check duplicate entries. The following window will be displayed:

In the dialog window specify the Tolerance for merging the nodes. If
the distance between two nodes is less than this value then these nodes
will be merged. Check Geometry Check checkbox only and set
Tolerance[m] = 0.001.
Click on OK and a check summary is displayed when completed:
98 AxisVM 11

Elements The next step is to create the finite elements. Click on Elements tab.

Surface Click on Surface Elements icon. After selecting All (* button) elements
Elements and confirming with OK the following dialog window is displayed:

Set the type of the element to Membrane (plane stress).

Material Library Click on Material Library Import icon. The following dialog window is
Import displayed:

Select C25/30 from the list, then confirm with Ok.

Thickness Type in the Thickness edit box 200 [mm], then close the dialog win-
dow with Ok.
Step by step tutorial 99

Display To view the local coordinate system of the surface elements click on
Options the Display Options icon on the icons menu on the left side. The fol-
lowing dialog window is displayed:

Check the Surface checkbox in the Local Systems panel group. Accept
the change with Ok.
If the Mesh, Node, Surface Centre is switched on among the Graphics
Symbols in the Display Options, you can see that the program uses 9-
node membrane elements. These 9 nodes are the 4 corners, 4 mid-
points and the centre point of surface element. If you move the cursor
over the surface centre symbol (a filled square), a hint window is dis-
played with the properties of the surface element: its tag, material,
thickness, mass and references, as shown on the next picture:

The red line shows the x axis of the local coordinate system, the yellow
one the y axis and the green one the z axis.
100 AxisVM 11

4.3. Geometry definition using domains

Define of

Elements If not already selected, click on Elements tab. The Geometry toolbar
will be displayed:

Draw objects Clicking on the draw objects directly icon shows following window:

Domain Click on domain icon! The following window shows up:

Material The following window shows after clicking on OK:


Select C25/30 concrete and confirm with OK.

Type Change type in Draw objects directly window from Shell to

Membrane (plane stress) and thickness to 200 mm (20 cm).
Step by step tutorial 101

Complex slab Click on Complex slab icon.

User can draw the slab directly or define the coordinates.
Define coordinates of first point by pressing keys:

x 0 y 0 z 0 [Enter]
You can change to the global coordinate values by pressing the d la-
beled button on the left of the Coordinate Window.
If d button is down (pressed) it denotes relative coordinates. X turns to
dX and so on indicating that we are defining relative ccordinates. The
relative point of origin is shown as thick blue X (cross turned by 45

Continue defining next points of the domain with relative coordinates.

Press following keys:

x 1 y 0 z 0 [Enter]
x 0,8 y 0 z 3 [Enter]
x 8,4 y 0 z 0 [Enter]
x 0,8 y 0 z -3 [Enter]
x 1 y 0 z 0 [Enter]
x 0 y 0 z 6 [Enter]
x -12 y 0 z 0 [Enter]
x 0 y 0 z -6 [Enter]
Exit from Draw objects directly by pressing Esc twice.
102 AxisVM 11

The following will be displayed in the main window:

Translate Click on the Translate icon!

Select the top horizontal line and finish the selection with Ok. Choose
Incremental from the Method panel, N=1, Nodes to Connect: None,
then close the dialog window with Ok. Now specify the translation
vector. Click on any empty place in the Graphics Area, then type in the
following sequence:
x 0 y 0 z -0,75 [Enter]
The following will be displayed in the main window:

It is easy to observe the symbol of the domain - a blue line on the inner
contour of the domain. Moving the cursor over it shows a hint window
with the properties of the domain:
Step by step tutorial 103

Click on Mesh tab for meshing:

Domain Click the Domain Meshing Icon. Select the domain with the All but-
Meshing ton (*) and finish the selection with Ok. The following dialog window
will be displayed:

Type in 0.7 [m] for the Average mesh element size. After closing this
dialog window with Ok the automatic mesh generation is started. The
progress of mesh generation is shown in a window.
104 AxisVM 11

After the mesh generation is completed, the following will be dis-


If you move the cursor on the surface centre symbol (a filled square), a
hint window is displayed with the properties of the surface element:
it's tag, material, thickness, mass and references as shown in the next
Step by step tutorial 105

4.4. Define supports and loads

Line Support To create the supports click on the Line Support icon and select the
bottom lines of the haunch with a selection box.

Finish the selection with Ok.

To define a pinned support use the following settings:

After closing the window with OK you can see this :

You have finished with finite element definition.

106 AxisVM 11

Loads Click the Loads tab:

Surface Edge Assume a 50kN/m vertical distributed load. Click on the Surface Edge
Load Load icon, then select the second line from top (created with the
translate command if defined using domain):

Finish the selection with Ok, and type in: a py [kN/m] = 50 :

Press Ok and the load is applied.

The following drawing is displayed:
Step by step tutorial 107

Static The next step is the analysis and post processing. Click on Static tab:

Linear Static Click on Linear Static Analysis icon. The model will be saved with its
Analysis current name.

Nodal DOF To proceed with the analysis you must set degrees of freedom (DOF).
The program checks the model and offers a DOF setting:

Check the Save model with these settings checkbox and degree of
freedom settings will be saved. Accept the Membrane in plane X-Z
setting and close with Yes button.
Analysis continus and the following progress bar shows up:

Messages, Click on Messages and Statistics to see more information about the
Statistics analysis.
The following window will be displayed after analysis:
108 AxisVM 11

After click on OK program automatically activates vertical

deformations ez on Static tab in Isosurface 2D view .
Display options Switch off Loads in Display options on Symbols tab for clarity.

Fit in window Click on Fit in window function for better view.

The following will be displayed :

Select Surface Internal Forces nx by clicking on arrow next to

eZ[mm] on Static tab:

The nx diagram are the local normal forces in the membrane.

Min, Max Values To find location of max. deformation use Min, Max values function.
Clicking on icon shows following window:
Step by step tutorial 109

Select one of the surface force components. Confirm with OK shows

the max. negative value and its location as well:

After click on OK shows the max. positive value and the location of
this value.

Colour legend The Colour legend window shows boundary values of each colour.
Adjust number of boundary values by moving the bottom edge of this
110 AxisVM 11

Colour legend Find areas with surface forces over -100 kN/m! Boundary values can
be changed by clicking on Colour legend window. Click on a bottom
value of the table on a left hand side. Change the deafault value (-
291,86) to 100:

Press [Enter] and the Auto interpolate function calculates other

boundary values.

After click on OK the following will be displayed:

Areas with surface forces over -100 kN/m are hatched.

Step by step tutorial 111

Isoline See the results using Isolines. Click on arrow right to Isosurface 2D
title and select Isoline:

After selecting Isoline the following will be displayed:

View the internal forces of the supports. Select Line Support Internal
Forces Rz in the Result Component combo box.

Result Display Click on Result Display Parameters icon, and check the Lines check-
Parameters box in the Write Values To panel and set the Display Mode to Dia-

Close the dialog window with Ok and the values of vertical support
forces will be displayed on the screen:
112 AxisVM 11

R.C. Design The next step is to calculate the reinforcement. Click on R.C. Design

Reinforcement Click on Reinforcement Parameters icon, and select all surface ele-
Parameters ments with All (*) button. Complete the selection with OK, and the
following dialog window is displayed:

Close the dialog box with OK and the following will be displayed:

Close the dialog window with OK and the axb diagram is displayed:
Step by step tutorial 113

The area of reinforcement in the x direction is the sum of the axt and
axb values.
114 AxisVM 11

blank page
Step by step tutorial 115

Objective Determine the specific forces and the amount of reinforcement for the
shown reservoir filled with water.

Thickness of the walls and the raft is 250 mm; ribs on the upper edge
are 30x60. The structure is made of C25/30 concrete and B500B rebar.
Use Euro code 2 for design.

Start Start AxisVM 11 by double-clicking the AxisVM11 icon in the

AxisVM11 folder, found on the Desktop or in the Start - Programs

New Create a new model by clicking on the New icon.

Click on Front View icon for the modeling view. In the dialogue
window that pops up, replace the Model Filename with reservoir.
Select the appropriate Design Code: Eurocode:
116 AxisVM 11

Settings Click Settings / Options / Grid & Cursor in the menu.

Replace each value under Cursor Step to 0.2:

This way you made sure that the mouse cursor moves in 0.2 m steps so
you can avoid geometric imperfections while drawing the model.

Define of Now you create the geometry using enhanced editing functions.
Elements Select the Elements tab to bring up the Elements Toolbar.

Draw objects Clicking on the draw objects directly icon shows following window:

Domain Click on domain icon! The following window shows up:

Step by step tutorial 117

Material The following window shows after clicking on OK:


Select C25/30 concrete and confirm with OK.

Thickness Set Thickness mm] to 250
Complex slab Click on Complex slab icon.
User can draw the contour directly or define the coordinates.
Draw the wall of the reservoir in X-Z plane!
Change view Change view to Front View (X-Z plane):

Choose the global origin as the first point of the

polygon. It is at the bottom left where the hori-
zontal and the vertical brown lines (representing
the global X and Z axes) are intersecting. The
blue X shows the current origin of the actual co-

Relative coordi- You can change to the relative coordinate values by pressing the d la-
nate system beled button on the left of the Coordinate Window. If d button is
down (pressed) it denotes relative coordinates.

Move the mouse cursor to the following locations and click once to en-
ter each vertex: 11.0 right and 0.2 down, down 0.4, right 1.0, up 3.6, left
12.0, down 3.0 (or by keyboard: x 11 z 0,2 [Enter] z 0.4 [Enter] x 1
[Enter] z 3.6 [Enter] x 12 [Enter] z 3 [Enter]).
Double-click at the last vertex to quit the drawing function.
The following will be displayed in the main window:
118 AxisVM 11

Change view Change view to Perspective:

After changing values in window as follow:

H= 30 V= 320 P = 0
Click on X at top right corner to close the Perspective window.

Mirror Create the wall on other side by mirroring the first one with respect to
the centre of structure (Y=4). Click on the Mirror icon.
The Selection bar is displayed:

Select the domain with the All button (*) and finish the selection with
Ok. The following dialog window will be displayed:

Select Mirror: Multiple and Nodes to Connect: All

Then close with OK.
Step by step tutorial 119

Define the plane of mirroring. Type in the following sequence of keys :

x 0 y 4 z 0 [Enter]
x 1 y 0 z 0 [Enter]

Press Esc to exit.

The following will be displayed :

Fit in window Click on Fit in window function for better view.

Numbering Click on Numbering icon in the bottom right corner

and the following check boxes will be displayed:

Here you can turn numbering on or off. Turn on the

check box before Node and node numbers appear im-

Translation To shape up the grip slope move the line between Node 3 and 4 down
(move) by 0.2 m.
Paralell move of Drag a selection rectangle around Node 3 and 4:

All elements within the rectangle will be selected (Node 3, Node 4 and
the line between them).
Move the cursor onto the selected line and start dragging it.
120 AxisVM 11

Select the Paralell move of line icon from the Icon bar on the left and
choose the first icon from the fly out toolbar.

Now you have to specify the translation vector.

To specify the exact distance type in the following:
X 0 Y0 Z -0.2 [Enter]

Geometry Select the Geometry tab to bring up the Geometry Toolbar.

Geometry Check Click the Geometry Check icon which is on Geometry tab, the following
window shows up:

User can set for the maximum tolerance (distance) for checking points
and show the mesh.
Check the Select unattached nodes or lines checkbox and click on OK.
After clicking OK a check report message will be displayed:

Elements Clicking the Elements tab you can specify the element types, material
properties, cross-sections and references determining local systems of
the elements:
Step by step tutorial 121

Reference point The local system of finite elements can be set by references. In this ex-
ample a reference point is used to define the orientation of the local Z
direction of the domains and a reference plane to define the in-plane X
and Y axes.
Click the reference point icon then click the centre point of the line be-
tween Node 5 and 11. To locate the centre point move the cursor along
the line and check if the cursor shape changes from / to .
Press Esc to exit from function.

Numbering Move the cursor over the Numbering icon on the speed button toolbar.
Turn on the Reference checkbox. Now an R2 label appears beside the
reference symbol.

Reference plane To set the local system of domains create a reference plane. Click the
Reference plane icon on the Elements toolbar. You need three points to
define the plane.
Click Node 6, then click anywhere on the line between Node 1 and 2
finally click on Node 2.
The following will be displayed :

Press Esc to exit from function.

Domain Define a domain to create structural surface elements.

Click the Domain icon. The Selection palette appears. Click on the fol-
lowing lines to select domain contours:
12 6; 12 8, following 2 lines 8-2 and 6-2 are automatically selected.
8 - 7;1 - 7, following 2 lines 1 - 2;2 8 are automatically selected.
11 - 10;10 - 4 following 2 lines 4 - 5;5 - 11 are automatically selected.
122 AxisVM 11

Click OK on the Selection palette. The Domains dialog will be dis-


Thickness Enter 250 mm(or 25 cm) into the edit field Thickness[mm].

Reference Set the Local x Reference to R3:

Close the window with OK button.

You will see a green contour along the domain boundary showing the
shape of the domain. The colour depends on the element type. Shell
domains always have a green contour.

Local systems A Gyorspalettn a jobb oldalrl 4. ikonra klikkelssel kapcsoljuk be a

Loklis rendszerek szimblumot.
Turn on the display of the local systems by clicking on the Local sys-
tems speed button in the bottom right speed button toolbar.
Step by step tutorial 123

Domain Define a domain to create structural surface elements. Click the Do-
main icon. The Selection palette appears.
Click on the following lines to select domain contours:
7 9 ; 9 3, following 2 lines 3 1and 1 7, are automatically selected.
Click OK on the Selection palette. You get to the Domains dialog.
Choose Shell as element type, 250 mm as Thickness, R3 as Local x Ref-
erence, R2 as Local z Reference and click OK.

Domain Define a domain to create structural surface elements. Click the Do-
main icon. The Selection palette appears. Click on the following lines to
select domain contours:
9-10; 10-4, following 2 lines 4-3and 3-9, are automatically selected.
Click OK on the Selection palette. You get to the Domains dialog.
Set 250 mm as Thickness and leave references on Auto and click on
The following will be displayed:
124 AxisVM 11

Speed buttons Turn off Numbering / Node and Local systems using speed buttons.

Line elements
To define ribs on the upper edges click on Line elements on the Ele-
ments toolbar. The Selection palette appears. Click on the 4 edges. Click
OK on the Selection palette. You get to the Line elements dialog:

New Cross- Click on New Cross-Section icon to define new cross-section. The
Section following window shows up:
Step by step tutorial 125

Rectangular To define a 30 x 60 rectangular shape click on Rectangular shape icon

shape .The following window shows up:

Type 300 into the b[mm] edit field and 600 into h[mm] then click the
Place button. You get back to the main window. Click anywhere to
place the shape. The following will be displayed:

The cross-section 1st and 2nd principal direction, centre of gravity and
other cross-section parameters are displayed within the property info
window. Click More parameters if you want to see all parameters calcu-
lated automatically by a finite element analysis of the cross-section.
Click OK to close the Cross-section change default name of cross-
section if required. Click on OK again to confirm.
126 AxisVM 11

Bottom rib Set the excentricity to Bottom rib then confirm settings with OK. Rib
centrelines are displayed as blue lines and the contour of actual cross-
section is shown in yellow.
Move the cursor over a rib and wait for the tooltip to appear displaying
element properties:

Rendered view A bal oldali ikonsoron fellrl a negyedik ikon az brzolsi md. V-
lasszuk ki a jobboldali Ltvnyterv funkcit!
Move the cursor over the View mode icon on the left Icon bar. A fly out
toolbar appears. Select the third icon to choose Rendered view.
This way you can check element definitions.

Rotate view Click the Rotate view icon on the Zoom toolbar at the bottom left cor-
ner of the main window. Drag the model to rotate it. A special Rotation
toolbar appears. You can control the way view rotation works by se-
lecting from the options.
You can also hold Alt + mouse wheel and rotate the view anytime.
View undo Select View undo from the Zoom toolbar to restore the previous view.

Fit in window Click on Fit in window function for best view.

Wireframe Select Wireframe from the view mode fly out toolbar.
Step by step tutorial 127

Surface support To define supports for the structure click the Surface support icon on
the Elements toolbar. The Selection palette appears. Click on the two
horizontal domains. Click OK on the Selection toolbar. The following
window shows after clicking:

Change Rx and Ry to 1E+3 and click OK.

The following will be displayed in the main window:

Loads To define loads click the Loads tab:

Load cases and To define load cases and load groups click Load cases and load groups
load groups icon on the Loads toolbar. The following window will be displayed:
128 AxisVM 11

Click on the selected load case ST1 to rename it to Self-Weight. Click

OK to close the dialog.

Self weight To define self weight, click on Self weight icon. On the Selection pal-
ette click the Select all (*) icon or press grey * on the keyboard. Click
OK to close the Selection palette.
Dashed lines along the domain contours represent the self weight.
Moving the cursor to a domain you get a tooltip like this:

Static Load Case To create another load case click the Load cases and load groups icon on
the Loads toolbar and click the Static button in the New Case group
Enter Water as the name of the new load case in the tree view.
Click OK to close the dialog.

Fluid loads To define the water load click the Fluid loads icon. On the Selection
palette click the Select all (asterisk) icon or press grey * on the key-
board. Click OK to close the Selection palette. The following window
will be displayed:
Step by step tutorial 129

To define water level 30 cm under the top edge of the reservoir change
Z1 [m]=3.000 to 2.7, and set the bottom pressure value p(Z2) [kN/m2]=
35 (pressure is in the negative local z direction) and click OK.
The following will be displayed:

Load To create load combinations click the Load combinations icon. You get
combinations to the load combinations table in the Table Browser:

New row To create new combinations click the New row icon. Leave the name
on default Co #1 then select (user defined combination) . Then enter
1.35 into the Self Weight column and 1.00 into the Water column. Use
[Tab] or [Enter] to jump to the next cell. Click OK to close the dialog.
130 AxisVM 11

Speed buttons Using the speed button and turn off Supports, Reference and Object
contours in 3D from the Graphic symbols fly out.
Mesh To create finite element mesh click the Mesh tab.

Speed buttons Using the speed button turn off Load display.

Domain Meshing Click on the Domain meshing icon. On the Selection palette click the
Select all (*) icon or press grey * on the keyboard. Click on OK to close
the Selection palette. Select rectangular mesh type (in centre) and set
Average Mesh Element Size to 0.600 m.

Click on OK to close the dialog. You get a visual feedback on the mesh-
ing process:
Step by step tutorial 131

After completing you get the following:

Green points at the centre of surface elements are the symbols of shell
centre points. Moving the mouse over a centre point you get a hint
with the elements properties:

Speed buttons Turn off Nodes, Surface centre and Domains in the Graphic Symbols
then turn off also the Mesh Display.
This way we have finished modelling and model can be analysed.
Static To run the analysis and display the results click the Static tab.

Linear analysis Click on Linear static analysis to run the linear analysis.
You get to the dialog which gives you a feedback on the process of the
analysis. Click Details to know more about it.
The following progress bar shows up:
132 AxisVM 11

Messages and Click on Messages and Statistics to see more information about the
Statistics analysis:

The Estimated Memory Requirement shows the necessary amount of

memory to run the analysis. If this value is higher than the available
physical memory AxisVM uses the hard disk to swap memory blocks
during the calculation. If the system of equations fits into the physical
memory the calculation is considerably faster.
The following window shows up after analysis:

After click on OK the Static tab is activated with ez vertical

deformations for Self Weight load case as Isosurface 2D view.
Numbering Click the Numbering speed button and turn on Write Values to Surfaces
and Min./Max. only.
To see the result for the Water load case click
on the dropdown button of the combo box
displaying Self Weight and select Water:

You can change the result component the

similar way, select eY.
Step by step tutorial 133

Parts To hide the front wall of the reservoir create a part. Click the Parts icon
on the Icon bar on the left. You get to the Parts dialog:

New Define a part containing everything but the front wall click on New
icon and specify the name as 1:

Click on OK then select all (*) on the Selection palette.

After this Remove selection icon (-) will be activated.

Change view Change to Z-X view plane (front view)!

Press and hold wheel of the mouse pan the view so the right part of
model is fully visible. Use the botom slider if your mouse doesnt have
a wheel button.
Using selection rectangle unselect the wall on right hand side from the
134 AxisVM 11

Click on OK on the Selection palette then close the Parts dialog win-
dow with OK.

View Undo Undo the view (or select Perspective view by [Ctrl+4]) and you will
see that the front wall is hidden.
Step by step tutorial 135

Min, max Values To determine the extreme values of the horizontal displacements click
the Min, max Values icon. Clicking on icon shows following window:

Select one of the deformation components. Click on OK to show max.

negative value with its location:

Click on OK to show max. posititive value with its location:

Close the window with OK.

Select the load combination (Co #1) and the eR resultant displacement!
136 AxisVM 11

Display Click on the Display Parameters icon, set Display Shape to Deformed,
Parameters Display Mode to Diagram and Scale By to 2 :

Close the window with OK!

Hidden line re- Go to the bottom of the screen, turn on the Mesh Display speed button
moval and change the display mode on the Icon bar to Hidden line removal :

Rotate view Click the Rotate view icon on the Zoom toolbar at the bottom left cor-
of the main window. Drag the model to rotate it and check the
deformed shape. A special Rotation toolbar appears. You can control
the way view rotation works by selecting from the options.
You can also hold Alt + mouse wheel and rotate the view anytime.
Press Esc to exit.

View undo Select View undo from the Zoom toolbar to restore the previous view.

Result Display Click on Result Display Parameters icon and change Display shape to
Parameters Undeformed , Display Mode to Isosurfaces 2D and Scale to 1.

Using the speed button turn off Mesh display.

Change result component to Surface Internal Forces mxD+

Colour legend The Colour legend window shows boundary values of each colour.
Adjust number of boundary values by moving the bottom edge of this
window, set it to 22:
Step by step tutorial 137

Change result component to Surface Internal Forces myD-

Section Lines To see section of myD- diagram click on Section Lines icon on the Icon
bar. The following window will be diplayed:
138 AxisVM 11

To define a new section plane click the New section plane button in the
dialog. The following message box will be diplayed:

Type in 1 as the name of the section plane and confirm with OK, then
close the window with OK.

Change view Select the X-Z view (Front view) from the fly out toolbar or press

A section plane can be defined by two points in side, front of top view.
in front view click the rib at 6.0 m (e.g. typing: x 6 [Enter]) and enter
the second point somewhere under the first on a vertical line (e.g. typ-
ing: z 3 [Enter]).
You get back to the Section Lines dialog. Click on OK.

Change view Select the Z-Y view (side view) from the fly out toolbar or press
[Ctrl+3]. Change Display Mode to Section Line.

Numbering Click Numbering speed button and turn on Write Values to Lines.
You get the following diagram:

Speed buttons Turn off Section Lines Planes !

Perspective Click on the Perspective icon on the Icon bar (left side of the main
window). Close the perspective settings window.

Change view to Isosurface 2D! Select Surface Support Intenal Forces

Rz which shows vertical reactions of the surface support and the
following will be displayed:
Step by step tutorial 139

R. C. Design Click on R.C. Design tab.:

Reinforcement Click on Reinforcement parameters icon then select all (*) and confirm
parameters with OK. The following message shows up:

Close with OK and the following window will be displayed:

140 AxisVM 11

Set Exposition classes on Materials tab. Set XC2 for Top and Bottom
surface. Set Primary direction of reinforcement as x for Top and
Bottom surface on Reinforcement tab. Check Apply minimum cover

Close the window with OK.

Numbering Click the Numbering speed button and turn off Write Values to Surfaces
and Lines. The following will be displayed:

Check ayb, axt, ayt reinforcement values!

Check crack widths for load combination Co #1 using actual
reinforcement 12 @ 150mm c/c in both direction at top and bottom!
Step by step tutorial 141

Actual Click on Actual Reinforcement icon! The following window shows up:

Set x direction for Primary direction of reinforcement on top and

bottom surface on Parameters tab and check the Apply minimum
cover checkbox.
Click on Reinforcement tab.
Set reinforcement rebar on right hand side and assign it to 4
reinforcement layers on left hand side.
Set diameter to 12 for [mm]= and Spacing [mm] to 150 on
Reinforcement tab. Check the Calculate rebar positions checkbox then
select x Direction Top Reinforcement in top left box and click on
Add button.
The following will be displayed:

The same way define Bottom Reinforcement in x and also in y

Selection Assign defined actual reinforcement to domains. Click Selection icon
then select all domains with the All button (*) and finish the selection
with Ok.
Click on Close button to close the window.
The following will be displayed:
142 AxisVM 11

Crack widths Select Cracking wk(b) result component which is showing crack
widths in local x direction at bottom surface of domains (outter face of

All domains are hatched what denotes that there are no cracks on
outter face of domains.
Check crack widths on the inner face of the reservoir!
Select Cracking wk(t) result component which is showing crack
widths in local x direction at top surface of domains. The following will
be displayed:
Step by step tutorial 143

Here you can see cracks on some inner corners of the domains.
Beam To design reinforcement in the rib, click on Beam reinforcement de-
reinforcement sign icon, then click on the shorter rib on top of the end wall and
design finally click on OK. The following warning message shows up:

After click on OK next warning message shows up:

Beam After click on OK window with Beam parameters shows up.


Select rectangular cross-section beloor Cross-section title (at top). then

select B500B rebar grade for longiutdal rebars and stirrups.
Set Concrete cover to 20mm and top longitudal rebars f to 35 mm. For
crack control check Increase reinforcement according to limiting crack
width checkbox:
144 AxisVM 11

After click on OK the follwing window with results shows up:

Click on Check tab in Beam Reinforcement window and you can see:
needed number of rebar, actual crack width considering needed
number of rebar and number of rebar rows.

Click on OK to close the window.

Step by step tutorial 145

146 AxisVM 11

Step by step tutorial 147


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