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Gabriela Toyos

LEI 4724
Title: Pick a Box
Source: CTRS, C. C. (n.d.). Therapeutic Recreation Activities & Tx Ideas:
Cognitive Activities. Retrieved March 15, 2017, from
Equipment needed: 18 boxes numbered from 1 - 6 different colors
Trivia questions, 1 dice, Whiteboard to score.

Activity Description:
Residents are divided into two teams A & B.
Flip a coin to see which team goes first
First team rolls dice and the number on the box is turned over. A trivia question is
asked and team is given a point for the correct answer.
The next team rolls the dice and the number on the box is turned over. Play
continues until 12 of the boxes are turned over. The team with the most points gets
to roll for pick a box.
Inserts in the boxes include instructions such as:
Recite the alphabet, Sing a song, You have one a prize.

Leadership Considerations:
One of the participants could have the role of asking questions or the facilitator
could have this role. Individuals with dementia have general loss of memory and
other mental capacities. The facilitator should provide questions about time periods
when they were young. Individuals with traumatic brain injury may experience
deficits in the emotional, physical, cognitive and social domains. These individuals
should be mentally stimulated during the activity. The trivia questions can be
provided on a sheet of paper instead of the facilitator reading them out loud.

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