Triclosan Chemical's Safest Substitute-Chalcones or Quats?

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Q) Triclosan chemicals safest substitute-

Chalcones or Quats?

What is Triclosan-
Triclosan is a chlorinated aromatic compound and is used to help reduce or prevent bacterial
contamination. Triclosan Was First Registered as a Pesticide Used in-
Liquid soaps, detergents, chopping board, childrens toys and carpets
Disinfectant in food and feed production

Other uses-

Adhesives, fabrics, vinyl, plastics (toys, toothbrushes), polyethylene, polyurethane,

polypropylene, floor wax emulsions, textiles (footwear, clothing), caulking
compounds, sealants, rubber etc

Why is it harmful-
The potential for endocrine disruption as a result of Triclosan bioaccumulation in the

The fact that triclosan is no more effective than soap and water

Triclosan impairs muscle function and skeletal muscle contractility

It has been linked to heart disease and heart failure
Triclosan and other antibacterial compounds end up in the oceans where they can kill
microscopic bacteria that form the base of the food chain. We have been pumping this
chemical into the oceans for decades and have observed problems, finding it quite
high up in the food chain, even in dolphins.
FDA states that "animal studies have shown that triclosan alters hormone regulation"
and that "other studies in bacteria have raised the possibility that triclosan contributes
to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics
FDA restricted the use of Triclosan in consumer products by limiting its use in
washing powder and soaps. There is no alternative to triclosan currently in use

Chemical Properties-

Its International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) name is 5-Chloro-2-(2,4-




Chalcones and their derivatives demonstrate wide range of biological activities such as anti-
diabetic, anti-neoplastic, anti-hypertensive, anti-retroviral, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, anti-
histaminic, anti-malarial, anti-oxidant, anti-fungal, anti-obesity, anti-platelet, anti-tubercular,
immunosuppressant, anti-arrhythmic, hypnotic, anti-gout, anxiolytic, anti-spasmodic, anti-
nociceptive, hypolipidemic, anti-filarial, anti-angiogenic, anti-protozoal, anti-bacterial, anti-
steroidal, cardioprotective, etc
Quaternary ammonium compounds, or quats, are common ingredients of cleaners used by
hospitals, restaurants and food processing plants. Quats also are found in some shampoos,
disinfectant wipes and nasal sprays.

. Quaternary ammonium salts or quaternary ammonium compounds (called quaternary

amines in oilfield parlance) are salts of quaternary ammonium cations.

How to test for the best Disinfectant-

Chick Martin test: This test also determines the phenol coefficient of the test
disinfectant. Unlike in Rideal Walker method where the test is carried out in water,
the disinfectants are made to act in the presence of yeast suspension (or 3% dried
human feces) to simulate the presence or organic matter. Time for subculture is fixed
at 30 minutes and the organism used to test efficacy is S.typhi as well as S.aureus.

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