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HR meine wi ANI Wig Sample GWi Fundamentals Examiration (Answer Key) a FL e Fav di Fos od F139 oc FI85 a mr 8 FAS rH" ob Flag b FIG6 dd a FS Fag ro 4 Flat b, Fi87 a ; Fa a FS50 b FE ob Fl42 a F188 ¢ FS ob FS1 a FOF c F483 b Fig9 e f Feb FS2 b Fasc Fl44 b F190 -b F7 oc F53 d Fes bb Fl45 c F191 4 Fee F54 c F100 a FI46 b F192" u me £85 ¢ Flal d FIa7 F193 “d FIO ¢ 56 ¢ F102 b FI48 b F194 a .Fllia F57 ¢ F103 c FI49 a FI95: € a FIZ a FSS <¢ Flod a FIs 4 F196 ¢ FIZ ¢ Fao ¢ FIOS c FI5l d F197 b FI4 b F6O c F106 c FIS2 ¢ F983 | FIS b F6L a F107 b F153. a F199 a FI6 ¢ F62 d F108 b F154 d F200 d Fi7 e F63 ¢ F109 b F155 F201 e u , Fa FG ¢ FLUC ¢ rIss F202 FI9 FO5 a Flll d FIS7 b F203 a F20 ¢ F66 b Fu2 b F158 b F204 d a 1 al & G7 © FU a FIS9 c F205 “¢ ' F22 da F68 b Fll4 c¢ F160 a F206 a F23 b F69 a FUS a FI61 b F207 g Fad F70° a FLIG c FI62 ¢ F208 b | F25 F7) b FLU7 ¢ F163 d Fans ed F26 c F72 4 FUS a Fis4 ¢ “210 a Fa? ¢ P73 ¢ rue 4 FI65 b F211 F28 d F74 € FI20 a FI66 c F212 ¢€ F29 F75 b Pia. d F167 c F213 ¢ a FIO ¢ F76 c F122 € F168 ¢ Faia d } F31 ¢ F77 b F123 c F169 a ais F32"¢ P78 d Fiza d F170. b F2I6 ¢ F33 € F79 d F125 b FI7L oc F217 ¢€ F834 b FAO © F126 b FI72 d FUI8 ¢ F35 bs Fel c Fl27 ¢ Fiv3 ¢ F219 b F3G a r82 ¢ F128 a FI74 © F220 b F37 83 c F129 F175 ¢ F221 b \ FOB ¢ P64 a riso d F176 F222 ¢ 39 b Fag d FI3i d FI77 b F223 ¢ 40 F86 ¢ F132 a F173 d 224 Fal F87 ¢ F133 ¢ FI79 a F225 ¢ raz b 188 e FI34 e, e F226 © ¢ Fao b 1138 c b p27 b 4 © 90 FI36 b ¢ F228 b f © Fela ¥137b 229 ¢ © Fo2 FI38 a F230 d t Revision Date: May }, 1997 eon Seam > aye Na “Welding Inspection Technology ‘Sample CMI Fendamentas Examination Which of the following metals eanot be efi a, high-carbon stect ‘b, low-carbon siee! sinless steel A cant ron ie fe. cand d above Hlectrcul eonduetivity ofa pat isthe primary roguizement for which NDT method? a. GT UT © PT RT © none of the above ly cut with OFC? The melting point of carbon stee! is approximately? a T250F b. 23750F © 27S00F 20099 F © 33330 . ‘ciel su orm assoctaxed with WhIGH NDT metliod? » UT b RT coMT 4. Pr ET Which type of GMAW metal transfer results inthe least amount of penetration? t. globular by, shor cit spray pulsed spray c. globular spray Which of the following gases is not commonly jsed as a shielding gas for GTAW? a. argon carbon dioxide Hm ' tangent fe none ofthe above a ‘Welding inspection Technology ‘Sample CW Funéameniats Examiation ca FB Fa FD At Alter u rajected weld fas been repaired, relnspected and found to be ueceplabie, the welding inspector should: change the original inspection report to indicate the pan’s acceptance 1s. tsk dinsetly on the part fill out a second inspection repent a 4 (ell the foreman to have the part moved to its next operation : is of the above ‘When a metal is alloyed, the atoms of the alloy are incorporated into the original metal lattice srructure by? i. ixeltsion 1b substtutionally anterstittally * do avr babove © borcabove A\ shin 1QLis used in which NDT method? a UT b. ET any a. MT © PT Which of the following is not used as a semiautomatic process? a GMAW b BCAW ©. OAW SAW e. cand d above The performance of which of the following test methods is least affected by high part temperatures? a ET bo oRT - PT dur enone of the above werner Wolding inspection Technology ‘Sample CWI Fundamentals Examination F12 —Craterracks Be most often the result of 8. innoper tectique 2, gnproper filler metal cc. Tmproper base metal all of the above .ngne of the above FAS The tal of a welding symbol ean be used for? 4. denoting welding process requirements hy denoting welding procedure requirements © dvoting welling electrode regulrements denoting welding specification requirements | call of the above, FId Daring tempering, as the temperature increases, which of the following are correct? 1. hardness increases hhandness decreases elongation decreases wand c above bande above FS In GMAW, the distance from the end of the contact tube to the are is? a. are length b. electrodgdéntension esti «wand b above fe. bande above LJ F16 Of the following which is nota type of metal tansfer in GMAW? a spray 1. shor circuiting . plobular’ a. pulsed are ©. open circuiting - FIT Utavolel ight is used with which NDT method" aw * , t bor ©, MI and b above © Band ¢ above EEE SERRE ‘Walding inspection Technolony ‘Sampie CWI Fandamentals Examination mB Fg Fd Fa ree ‘The technique which does not aid in reducing residual stress is? 4. pening b. vibratory stress relief c. thermal stress relief @ extemal restrain’ ©. preheating Which of the following may be detected with V1? Tange surface crack b. undercut ©. overlap a undertit © allofithe above - . Part dimensions can be detertiined using which othe following’? 2 MT bur © ET 4. aandc above © Vande above Of the following tests which are used for actual determination of 2 material's toughness?” @ champy test b MT ¢, chemical analysis, 4. all of the above ‘enone of the above OF the following elements, which are alloyed with pure ungaten to produce GTAW electrode a. zirconium thorium . columbjom ® sand b above ©. band ¢ above - For single bevel-groove weld symbols, the ln of te weld symbol rang perpendicular to the reference line is always drawn on which side? aon the right ® oni te ‘on either side, depending on company policy as a onthe cin which the ssh side atuly appears in he in 6. does not matter Welding inspection Technology ‘Sample CWI Fundamentals Examination ‘Whit welding medium carbon ste using the KCAW proces, the heat-afeced zone hardness will inggease when? the Weld is allowed to cool slowiy 4. the base metal fs thin G the weld current is decreased “G._the travel speed is increased © preheat is used OF the following which i no: a caue of underuting when using SMAW? 2 Weld cument too high ‘5. travel speed too slow © welding electrode too large AL improper electrode manipulation © use of electrode in a position other than that for which it was designed b API 1104 ® sxvress : (ASME Section Viti © ASME Section IX Wiel factor sed below ts helena effect onthe asount of residual stress and distortion thar results from welding? heat input ® phase changes ©. welding position 4. tensile strength © coefficient of thermal expansion Capillary action plays « role in which NOT metiod? a ET bur RT : @ rr . «MT {a welder is continually turning out rejectabie work, the welding inspector showld? 4 inspect his work more erteally a nk dha the welder be fred a © require that the welder be requalified «instruct the welder in the proper techniques ask that the welder use another process 5 ‘Sania CM Farallon Fo Ft Fa ‘Wich of he following tees can be oct judge weld soundness, 8, nick break side bend face bend ( a radiography. © all of thebove * ‘Arc blow ean be caused by? magnetic figld distortion > improper ground location ‘welding atthe end of a joint 4. welding in comers © allof the above Shielding guses used for GMAW include? © carbon dioxide c. 4. oxygen .alllof the above. Developing is one of the steps in which NDT method”? aut bo ORT “© Pr d. wand b above ©. bande above ‘Which ditcontinuity below will provide the sharpest MT indication? a. surface porosity ® surface crack subsurface porosity 4. subsurface crack . indications will be identical forall of the above In SMAW, an ingrease in ac length reslis in? a. increased current; increased voltage @® decreased current; incrensed voltage increased curren; deeronsod volage wy 4, decreased current; decreased voltage é none ofthe above ‘Weld inspection reports should always? & ‘be competed in ink , ‘be done in pencil go minaea can-be eaily corrected ¢, be mainuained only if the weld is 4, filled out by a ler so that everything Is readable iz include the welders idenviticnion ‘Ge abil to be eytialy lode without filings related to which ofthe folowing propectes oF meial? 3 hardness toughness © tensile strength (© fatigue sirengin ductility In GMAW, the type of metal transfer requiring a special power supply is? 4. spray : b. globular © pulsed are : ’ WO shor circuiting © none of tie above < Ae \ Which of the following is truly a volumetric test method? a RT ® ur ce eT a. MT ©. none of the above Use of preheat will result in? 4. a faster cooling rate and wider heat-affected zone b. a faster cooling rate and narrower heat-affected zone _-® slower cooling rate and widee heat-uffected zone 4. a slower cooling rate and narrower heat-affecicd zone . © none of the above, ‘Which of the following methods is most likely to use a cathode ray tube forthe presentation of ws? a RT oe b eT 4 “uP wand b above ‘ J inde above é Welding iespecton Tachisiogy ‘eC Feeamonet oan 3 Fag, y or plan caon sana ow. Inceodse hardecds; decrease iatalle stigagth increase hardness; increase tensile streagth a d. aandc above ©. hardiess and strength are not related ~ Jn GMAW, the welding variable controlled by the wie feed speed is? ~ Be we feng . voltage current stickoy, ‘oie ofthe above he weg aes at act nt a? & ‘oltuge and querent a b. eet ell red oer (Ae volage, corent and travel 4 travel speed, probeat tompentiurs and valiige ‘¢. voltage, current and preheat temperature: As temperature increases? 3. tensile suength increases ‘tensile strength decreases ductility increases 4. wand b above &% dand ¢ above ‘Welding inapeetion should be performed’ A. before welding begins during welding ey cc. after welding is completed all of the above ©. only when there is a problem oe 4 ‘Sample 601 Feedermentae F48 [Ifthe weld symbol straidlos tha reforence line, it means? weld bout siden : ‘e b. weld.artow side frat . ' cc. weld ouher side frat SK weld bas ne side significance fe. none of the above F49_—_ Which of the following are considered to be arc welding processes? V2 TCAB, AAW, OAW Ar” BCANW, GTAMY PAW «GSW, LAW, FW 4. PW, CAB, RSW call of the above s F50 An E7016 SMAW electrode exhibits bien of the following characierbsics? a. low hydrogen; AC only; iron powder = _AC low hydrogenAC and DOBP + «. low hydogen: AC and DCEP: iron powder 4. rutile; DCEP. ‘e ruiles OCBP; iron powder P51 Piezoelectricity is a material property used by which NDT method? UT Er Rt ‘aand b above ©. band c above iiss F52 A thermal treatment that follows quenching and restores some of the metat's ductility is referred toast 1 stcess relief 7® tempering hardening @. oempielng . postheat : 53. Which of these methods is most often used to reduce the high residual stress, created by welding? 1 prebending “a b. shot blasting rd ‘quenching rapidly after welding _ SC posted heat eating é jone of the above Welding tapectin Tchaaogy ‘Spl Ct Fanaa rariaton Fe ‘The physidet principle that permits the migratiog of liquid penetrants into very fine’ surface discontinuities ia? magnetic permeability 1. optical fluoresoenou _AB Salary aetton 4 4. emulsification i none of the above tos F55 "The process whereby a large gap is filled. en ‘braze’ matériel without the help of capillary action is? «tore brsing b. are brazing © braze welding S. dip beating low brazing FS8 Which of the following contains ferrous base metal specificalons in their entieiy? «AWS DLE b. ASME Section li, Pan C fe. AWSASL 4. ASME Section 1X AT XSME Section Il, Part A FST Which of the following is not considered to be a itishcrory, method of magnetization when conducting a magnetic particle test to & spaciicatlon? a, ACcoil Hehe db. AC yoke c. DCeoil d. DC prod x residual magnetism F58 Advantages of MT include? a. the detection of surface flaws . both AC and DC methods - . the detection of surface flaws tightly closed by carbon, slag or contaminants 4, the fet that itis faster than PT y all of the-above. ty ” Welding inspection Technaiegy Sample CW! Fundamentals Examination Jn general, an increase in the carbon equivalent of « carbon steel a. duetiity hardness © strength &. a and b above 2% Wand g above ill cesull in an inevease in its? FOU A welding process commonly used to joi anypications is: Jight gage stainless steel tubing. for erticat nnone of the above F61 The (vel gas commonly used for OFW is? [A seztylene propane natural gas methane © all ofthe abuve } ——FE2 Which ofthe following can result when hydrogen is introduced into the molten weld pool? Porosity weld cracking delayed cracking all ofthe above none of the above pakoe G3 —_Entrapped slag can result when using? a. SMAW b, SAW ©. FCAW d. BSW 26 all of the above F64 “The material propery that best describes its ability to withstand a static load is? hardness b. toughness ‘, 2 tensile strength ae a. fatigue strength © none of te above " ARN! = Pad 2 Re cans See ea en Renna acannesittti ete: ‘Welding inspection Technology Sample CW! Fundamentals Examination F65 The presence of paint on the surface ofa part will most greatly affect the results of which NDE method? Le PY RT ©. MT » . d. all of the above ©. none af the above FSS. Wno information appears to the left of a groove weld symbol, this meais? ti do Wold 18 requived any that side Lee the weld is to be full pexerration the weld is to be continuous for the entire length of the joint AL, no Weld joi preparation is required © none of the above F67 Winch of the following is not normally detected using RT? 4 lamination b. porosity ‘incomplete fusion at bevel angle rack - and c above ee F6B.. Dwell time is a term associated with which NDT method? a MT PT ce. RT ce ®. none of the above F60 The matecial property expressed in terms of an eixiurance limit is? _A® fatigue strength 1. toughness ©. tensile strength d, ductility ©. hardness ture toughness results will often be expressed! in terms of? LAE becaking energy 1b. tensile strength percent elongation endurance limit &. none of the above hes 12 FIZ FI FI \ene Welding inspection Technology ‘Sample CWi Fundamentals Examiaation Shielding of the moiten pool in OFW is accomplished by? a. a granular flux - b. achemucal reaction an inert gas 4. vacuum chamber © aiflux paste 7 ‘The welding inspector is usually responsible for which of the following? a, checking for proper electrode storage hy vecification of a welder's qualification 5. witnessing all repairs At aand b ebove baad ¢ above The last digit of an SMAW electrode designation is an indication of the composition of the couting the arc characteristics the recommended type of current the degree of penetration all of the above ET can be used to detect whiich of the following’ a, a material's conductivity ‘b, a material's hardness: ¢. a thin,material’s thickness d. a material's beat treatment - all of the above For an SMAI electrode, the next to the last aurnber in the designation refers to? the tagsile surength of the weld deposit b. the positions in which it ean be used FE the type of conting 4, the recommended type of current €. none of the above ‘The property of a material that best relates to its resistance to impact loading is? a. endurance limit fatigue strength Ae fracture toughness dl. tensile strength ce. ducllity we 0 Walding inspection Technology Sample CW! Fendamentals Examination FIT F78 Fg Feo 62 OF the following discontinuities, which is least like! technique? a porosity lamination undercut ch erack none of the above ly to be the zesult of an improper welding © ean be done very eeanomically _-t and ¢ above none of the above Which of the following is not a welding inspectors responsibility to the public? 8. undertaking only those assignments for which he is qualified |r being objective and factual in the performance of his duties ‘signing only for inspections that ne has personally performed _A®© reporting all nonconformities to the news media ©. none of the above ‘Which of the following cannot be done in the overhead position? a SAW b. ESW c. GTAW d. all of the above 27 wand b above w No information appearing to the right of a groove weld symbol means? 7© the weld isto be full peneteation . no weld is required on that side ¢. Ue Wald {6 (0 be continuous forthe entire joint length 4d. no weld joint preparation is required none of the above ‘The welditig process that typically uses a tubularglectrode is? a. SMAW b. GMAW yv FCAW A SAW «SW aw “ a b e. “ ‘ — Fes ¢ d e. a b ¢ 4 a b 4 a, ZB Aten ea nas snmMee RAR lee ntietotedes on The property relating to a meta!'s resistance to indentation is? Vv Aa. e ‘Welding inspection Technology ‘Sample CWI Fondamentals Examination L tensile strength ductility frandness 2 toughness - fatigue strength a . v) FA4" ET is the abbreviation (or? aC eddy current testing environmental test omrissive testing sand b abo Wade above Filler metal specifications are found in their entivety in which of the following documents? AWS AS.1 through AS.30 A ASME Seetion U1, Part C AWS A3.0 wand b abowe band c above F46 The flux covering on an SMAW electrode provides which of the following? {B85 shielding for the molten pool ‘ue stabilization alloying ~ deoxidation A all oF the above F87 When a weld joint preparation is found to be defective, the inspector should? allow welding to proceed if he feels that the welder can produce & satisfactory weld should instruct the welder in how to overcome the problem _A© report the deficiency to the proper supervisory personnel require that the parts be disassembled and properly assembled none of the above F88 The orientation ofthe probing energy sorce with respect to that ofa law is considered to be significant variable for which NDT method? er ur er mt all of the above 6 ‘Welding inspection Techoology re ‘CW! Fundamentals Exaretealion 'F89 information that appears to the left of the weld symbol refers to? the weld length . the weld throat size the electrode size - the number of passes required e, none of the above F980 Which process uses 2 granular lux? a. SAW bh GTAW < ESW a. and b above FF sasut aoe ‘ FOL CHF thoye microstructural constituents listed below. the hardest is? 2 martensite b, ferrite © bainite 4. austenite e peatlite ’ F92 In radiography, the image on the film of a completely through-cracked weld will? 1. appear as a well-defined, low density, lightly shaded, sharp line JS appear as a well-defined, high density, darkly shaded, sharp line ‘c. appear as a row of low density light spots or dots . appear as a row of high density dark spots or dots ¢, none of the above —— F983 A material's ductility is commonly expressed in terms of? LA percent elongation b. percent reduction of area c. tensile strength wand b above ¢. bandcabove . . Who is responsible for the qualification of welding procedures? i Fos | Zz independent test lab © fabricator ate welding inspector f «i. architect . ¢. engineer 16 ‘Welding inepection Technology ‘Sample SW! Fundamentals Examination 85 What MT technique could be used for the discovery of longitudinal flaws? a. head shot . circular magnetization longitudinal magnetization and b above ©. band © abaye FSG Which code gives prequalitied status to certain weld joint configurations? a APL LL04 XO ANSDIE <.ASME Seetions IN i ANSUBIIL © none of the above FAT tntoemation that appears co the Fight of the Weld syiibol reters tothe? 2. process to be used b. type of electrode to be used Fert wold cequived dsize of weld required & eeguired joint configuration F98 When a clerical mistake is made while completing a inspection report, the inspector should? 8. erase the error and fill in the correct information ‘b. cross out the error and supply the proper information A " (ine out the error with a single line, supply the proper information, and initial and date the “— ogcurrence in ink autach a note to the report explaining the reason for the change none of ihe above = = F99 The rapid quenching of high carbon steel from the austenitizing range will result in the ll formation of? i 2. peat, , XE inurenstte . ‘¢. cementite a d. ferrite austenite & —_—_ | F100 tT | as FAO i; F103 emametrmson: aS dsoNeMARA iA ROERCRRI a ‘Welding inspection Technology ‘Sample CW! Fondementais Examication ‘When an austenitized carton steel is cooled to ‘Toein Lomperature, an increase in the cooling rate will result in? . 7% an inerease in hardness and a decrease in ductility b. an increase in tensile strength and a decrease in hardness €. a decrease in tensile strength and an increase in hardness 4. an inerease in ductility and a decrease in hardness A deerease in tardness and an inetease in ductility The surface finish of the part affects the test results for which of the following? fh teasile strengity fatigue Strength ‘¢.amppact strength all of the above © wand e above Ld * he heat treatment in which @ carbon steals tcniperuture is raised to the wustenitizing vung. held for @ prescribed time and then allowed to coo! io room temperature while remaining in the umace is referred to as? i steess relief b. annealing A wosmuatizing 4. tempering ©. austenitizing An which direction does a rolled plate of carbon steel exhibit its least amount of ductility? ‘parallel to the rolling direction transverse to the rolling direction in the through thickness direction «and b above b and ¢ above peaks ‘When a weld has been rejected by a qualified NDT technician, the welding inspector should? _Z® review the test results and maintain the test record , reinspect to verify the defect ¢. accept the weld if its visual appearance is in compliance with the applicable code or specification ud, require another inspection by a third party ©. necept the weld since itis ina low stress region Welding inspection Technoioy, ‘Sample CWI Fundamentals Examinatic; Equal thicknesses of steel, cast iron, alumiqum, lead and copper are radiographed using the Satne exposure conditions, Which ‘material will result in the darkest radiograph? a. lead © cast iron F106 The welding process hat uses & nonconstit: “ble electrode is? 2. GMAW b SAW AW © SMAW. — F107 The heat treatment in w 4 prescribed time und th & austenitizing wonnalizing ‘2 uhnealing 4. quenching © tempering hich the metal’s empe ature is raised to Un en allowed to cool to room temperature in wstenitizing range, held for still air is referred to as? F108 Ina guided bend test, the bend radius i? a. always 5” _-) sssspecified in the appropriate code or specification © 0.5" 4. 0.65" €. HONEOF the above F109 An EMT-I electrode designation is for which welding process? a. PAW > FCAW « SMAW 4. GMAW © none of the above a FIO The weldin spector must be capable of? a. welding b. performing NDT a's Performing chemical analysis 2 supervising welding, | 0 : ee ee i ona om eusremans qs cuannantiairmesn: —neitsamnesty I yAttsanan aemmmae mane tigate Ta ‘Sample CWI Fundamentals Examioation AML Fz F113 4 FAIS A break in the arrow line has what significance? a Welding must fitst be done on the arrow side >, Welding must first be done on the other side c. Welding niust be done altemately on both the arrow and the other sides Ae The broken arrow line segment points fo tha member which teeives some preparation €. none of the above 1 is discovered that a GMAW mild steel weld was produced with a shickding gas containing excess moisture. To determine the extent of the surface and subsurface porosity that resulted, which NDT method would be most effective’ a MT oe wove PT © ET Which welding process always progresses in the venical direction with welding occurring in the Hat position? ie tS b SAW. <. SMAW d. FCAW e. OFW ‘The heat treatment for carbon steels in which the metal's temperature is raised to just below the lower transformation temperature and held for a prescribed time before illowing it to cool ta room temperature is referred to as? 4 teanpering b. austenitizing stress relieving normalizing €. preheating ‘The position on a metal's stress-strain curve referring to its change in behavior from elsstic 10 plastic is the? BO Yield point b. modulus of elasticity €. endurance limit 4. (ransformation temperature ©, Young's modulus “¢ a » + FIG FUT ITs Fug F120 ral Welding Inspection Technsiogy ‘Sample CW! Fundamentals Examination Low-hydrogen clectrodes can be peoperly stored where? a. in a natural gas oven an an electric oven ©. ima vented electric oven d. ina vented gas oven ©. none of the above {All welding symbol information referring to the arrow side of the joint is found? a.m the tail hi above the reference line _Be below the reference line AL sebete the inspector decides €. none of the above The marking of a rjectable weld should? vt be clear and understandable (0 all involved! b, be made with a stec} impression stamp note the proper repair procedure 4. always be in red always mclude the welder’ identification MT cannot be used effectively to inspect? 2. austenitic stainless steel welds on carbon steel b, austenitic stainless steel welds on stainless sicel . carbon stee! welds on carbon steel a and b above fe. bande above Of the welding processes listed below, the one most commonly having the highest deposition rate ist * Fy : b. FCAW . . SAW Jd. SMAW «. GMAW ‘The use of preheat on a medium carbon steel will? a reduce distortion b. reduce the possibility of hydrogen cracking result in the formation of martensite wand b above e. band © ubove a ‘Welding inspection Techaotogy Sampte CWI Fundamentals Examiaation " F123 Fiza F125 F126 FA27 ‘he tensile test can be used to provide values for which of the folowing a yield point . : b. ultimate tensile strength ©. modulus of elasticity elastic timit $< all of the above Which of the following is not an acceptable mettia for control of taw snaterials? a. color coding, 1 alpttenumieric coding ‘aronological arrangement ah. location segregation © bar coding The welding inspector's duties should include? 3%. the acceptance/ejection of welds , the verification of a weld filler metal type . the development of weld repair procedures 2 cand b above ©. band c above All welding symbols require which of the following basic elements in their construction? a. reference line, arrow and tail PA eberence line and scrow reference line, arrow, weld symbol reference fine, arrow, weld symbol, dimensions and supplementary data reference line only ‘The throat size of the weld represented in Figure 1? a. isnot important ‘SMAW. 2 ‘cutinot be determined directly from the symbol ‘. can be determined from the symbol a all of the above Figure 1 none of the above Welding symbol information provided in Figure | requires? a. field welding b. weld-all-around ws, ise of shielcled metal arc welding Zi of the above 2 FIRS —r123 F130 F131 F132 Welding inspection Technology Sample CW! Fuadamentats Exarnieation A SMAW weld was produced in which the welder failed to property clean between passes in a multipass weld. Which nondestructive test would best reveal the flaws that may be present in the completed weld? RT Vv . & VT 4 emt d PT e ET MAW can be used in which type of application? a semiautomatic b machine manual Ab sot thenbove te. tone of the above SCHON Fats wun What position is depicted in 14 a 6G b. 36 ©. 6 AE 6GR €. none of the above Figure 2 Using the appropnate conversion factor provided in the chart on pages 42-43, determine the approximate diameter in decimals of an inch for an electrode that measures 1.2 mm? a, 0.047244 in b, 4,72 in c c. 0472 in A 0.047 , none of the above . Underbead cracking is primarily caused by? a source of hydrogen 7 restraint . excessive preheat all of the above none of the above os 2 ing te correct. atatements about beading? 8. The base metal is not metied \S The filer ivetal welts ata temperature below 800 degrees F ©. Ican be done in an inert gas atmosphere _® relies on capillary action 4. cand d above '—— F134 Which welding process uses a constant current power source? 77 GMAW b SMAW @ bande above F135 The firs operation required by the symbol in Figure 4 is? Ut ultrasonic inspection of the base metal wr |. visual inspection of joint preparation A welding a V-groove from the other-side of the joint 4. welding a backing weld from the arrow-side of the joint. _ © buck gouging and buck welding from the arow-sile of the joint, Figure F136 Hor Figure 3, ultrasonic inspection is to be performed? 4. on the back weld only fon the entire length of the weld on 10% of the weld length from the arrow side band d above, ceo’ F187 Which ofthe following discontnstes are associated with shrinkage sreses inthe through thickness direction of thick plate? a. crater cracks _d- lamellar tears ©. toe cracks root cracks €. none of the above ¥ % | | | | i 138 F140 | a | wa on Tech > Sungie Ct Fetamenals trammton Which of the welding techuiques below describes a welding process in which the are and fillér metal feeding is machine operated while the joint travel speed and guidance are the responsiblity of the welder? semiautomatic manual e. machine automatic €. none of the above The welding sytabol shown in Figure 4 depicis? a a backing weld other-side followed by a v-groove weld arrow-side -O 1b. a v.gioove weld arrow-side followed by a fuck weld other-side \ LA 2 groove weld arow-side with melthioxgh d. a bgvel groove weld made one-half the Way around the diameter of a Figure 4 ‘pipe © a ve groave weld arcow-sice With the Foot finished ta 4 convex ceuteue ‘Mluicl of the following symbols eorrectly describes the joint configuration shown in Figure 5? a Used TAB IA) PO a. rm € Figure § c 76 (tH) ¢, none of the above ‘The width of the cut produced during a cuiting process is referred to as’? 4, root opening kerf bevel 4. bevel angle e. chamfer a % X ‘Welding inspection Technology ‘Sarmphe CW! Fandamestats Examication Fiaz F143 F146 FAa7 RT fal or For the 2G position in pipe welding? © Ne axis of the pipe is vertical and the plane of the weld is horizontal b. the axis of the pipe is horizontal and the plane of the weld is vertical €. the pipe is not fixed 4Uthe axis of the pipe and the plane of the weld are at 45 degree angles with the vertical plane ©. none of the above During operation, the heat for electroslag welding is provided by? a the are 7 the electrical resistance heating of the grata flox . the consumable guide tube 4. and b above © band ¢ above Using the appropriate conversion factor provided in the chart on pages 42-43, determine the approximate cubic feet per hour (cfh) for a flow rate of 22.0 liters pet minute, 2 466 ch b. ©. 10.38 eth 4. 103.8.¢h AZ sone of the above It is suspected that a GMAW weld was produced in an area where there was an excessive dratt. Which nondestructive test would best reveal tlie internal discontinuities which may have resulted? a PT b MT none of the above ‘The size of the arrow side weld in Figure 6 is? a. 1/4 inch 5/6 inch cc. Lineh d. 2 inches €. none of the above ‘The length of the other side weld in Figure 6 is? a. inch ao b. Ginches 2 inches, 4d. 4 inches ¢. continuows down the length of the joint & 6 ‘Welding inspection Technology ‘Sample CWi Fundamentals Examination FAB ive pact ef tg other side weld ia Figuce 6 is? a. V4 inch : (Po ses ‘ cc. S116 inch Linch & Zheties 4 F149 The process to be used in welding according to Figure © is? the taspector's choice b. the fabricators choice ke. nat stated i at bind ¢ above © and b above F150 Li order 10 Keacn the exact location af a subsurface Maw in thie directions, the best NDE method would be? a RI boMT cs. PT ag FIST The phasé, “that surface of a member included in the groove™ best describes? a. root opening 1b. groove angle c._ weld imerface groove face enone Wf the above ' F152 Crater cracks can be the result of? 1. poor welding technique b. restraint shrinkage d. onderfill of erater PB albof the above =e ee F153 Figure 7 depicts which welding i process? A SAW hb SMAW AW Soins Mate ie at Waal Wel ah Ya a. GMAW ° e FCAW tse To - i Figura 7 a | | Weidisy inspection Techactogy ‘Saraple CW! Fundamentals Examination FIS4 The boundaries indicated by “A in Figure & acc?” a. fusionline * dept of fusion c. weld interface A fusion face 6 wee of te above F185 The dimension "D" in Figure 8 is referred to as? "a huson face + fusion zone depals of fusion WL weld tater face fe. fusion line Figuee 6 F156 The weld interface in Figure § is indicated by’? aA eye “eo 4p © none of the above F187 Using the appropriate conversion factor provided in the chart on pages 42-43, determine the approximate degrees celsius for a preheat temperature of 225 degrees F? a, 225 degrees C Ae 107 degrees C ©. 437 degrees C ad wand b above. €. bande above. FASB Which of the Fal a. V-groove plug ©. edge-flange d. U-groove - ec. groove welds is not considered upplicable for an edie joint? @ mn F162 eee 8 am F164 -_ Welding inspaction Technology Sample CW! Fundamentals Examination The dimension “A” in Figure 9 refers to? 2. root penetration b. weld penetration _&= dept of fusion 4. joint penetration €. none of the above a ‘The dimension “G" in Figure 9 identifies: Figura 9 sosnt penetration and weld size weld size and roo penetration ©. depth of fusion 4. paral joint penetration © ievarplete joint penetration The dimension " a sort penetration b. so9t penetration © sol pemnforcemient sand b above e. band c above mn Higure 9 is referred to as? Which of the followis a lap aT Z Siet d. butt ©. edge is not a type of welded joint? When using SMAW, wet electrodes will most likely cause? a. undercut b. overlap c. underfill porosity allof the Move cs Which of the following is considered (0 be an neceptable way to provide backing for a V-groove ‘weld in a carbon steel butt joint? a. copper backing bar b, nic backing as flux backing backing weld cc. allot thé above a Welding inspection Technology Sainple CW Fundameotals Examination FIGS A welder deposits an average of 12.0 pounds of wld metal pes hour, Using the appropriate conversion factor provided in the chart on pages 42-43, determine the approximate kilograms ‘of weld metal that will be deposited in 6.00 hours of | ‘continuous welding? a SAS ky, De 27 kg c. 5.448 ke 2646 ke © 52.69 ke FUGG A stugle-wine, submerged an: welding machine 1s operating at 32.0 volts, 600 amps and is ‘eaveliog a §.00 inches per minute, Using the formula provided, whit is the heat input for this i ‘Situation? « * Molt X Amperage X 60 a aval Speed CHIE = dfin , oe 00 Sin 52,000 Win 144X 108 4in 110.000 Ii © 14,400 Jin FI6T {an MIU indication is noted a the toe of a fillet weld that exhibits an excessively convex profile, what js the appropriate action? ignore it, since it is a nonrelevant indication h. reject the weld correct the excess convexity and retest ‘d. accept the weld. ¢. none of the above FIBG The pipe welding teat postion in which the pipe is noizontal and rotted so tht welding takes place at or near the top is designated as? a 2G b. 2F oF WG AMG F169 The most efficient NDE method for discovery of undercut on theface of a weld is? vr z= bh ORT «UT MY ert a0 FATO AM i \ | i a i , J | , FI72 FAT3. PITA FITS ‘Welding inspection Technology Sample CW! Fundamentals Examination ‘The design strength of a fillet weld is always based on the throat dimension because? a. it has a columnar microstructure, which is more prone to cracking J* iis the shortest failure path through the weld Lis the location Of ost defects the design calculations cannot be checked ¢. it isa theory of failure that cannot be supported by actual laboratory testing Ate strikes we discontinuities most commonly ussoc ied with? a ESW b. SAW SMAW d. aand b above e. band ¢ above Double-groove joints always require? backgouging bb. spveial welding processes ©. high deposition rate processes 4. weld to be deposited from both sides of the joint ca spucer te hold critical root openings scree coven What welding process is depicted in Figure eee te ‘Svexoma aTupannene a. FCAW b GMAW. sovoneo Ao SMAW wo. d. SAW ce FSW Lightcolored areas within the weld zone in Figura 10 radiograph could represent? a. porosity b. tungsten inclusions c. melt-through 4. aand b above x band c above: A single-groove joint always requires? oa 1. special welding processes b. back gouging cking, bar dno roa apeniny J hone of the sows ay ‘Welding lospection technology ‘Sample CW! Fandameatats Examination FA76 — The substance used in UT to aid in the ttatsmnission of sound from the search unit to the workpiece and back is called? 2 salvent . attenuation couplant « A cable transducer FITT Using the appropriate conversion factor from the chart on pages 42-43, determine the approximate kilogram weight of a 30 pound rol; of welding wire, a 130 kg COky © ike 4. 66.15 kg 136d ky, F178 The junction of the weld face with the exterior surface of the base metal is referred te as te? tuee bro ke a e. edge F179 aternal plate laminations arc best revealed using? Au bE MT PT eT pao F180 Porosity in GMAW can be caused by? a drafts ‘b. contamination ©. (wo lille shielding gas flow 4. 100 much shielding gas flove Po M of the above F181 The overhead fillet position is designated as? Ax a aK eH » ‘Sample CWI pena ‘comet F182 he radbograph in Figure 11 shows? a cracks ». incomplete fusion = sncomplete joint penetration 4. slag inclusions ¢. none of the above F183 The welding process depicted in Figure 2 is? a. GMAW. fuccinee be SAW © SMAW GTAW raw reneCUSUARE Dass vests F184 The radiograph in Figure 13 sho CHS LD a” slag melusions: tungsten inclusions acon. vouren 7 pornsity oa VJ. incomplete fusion Fipure 12 : a © pone of the above Bas How many micrometers are in one meter? 1,000,000 b. 1,000 c. 100 q 1,000,000,000 a AA tones above FIBG In a groove-weld cross section, the “line separating weld meta rom base metal is called? * the fusion face % the depth of fusion the depth of penetration the weld interface - ‘Rone of the above a F187 In the radiograph in Figure 14, the arrows point to? | 4 transverse eracks a crater crack 4 longitudinal crack i: an underbead crack | | ) Figure 14 hone of the above » a b F190 a 4 ‘sample COWL inet ‘Exaniimation FI8S incomplete fusion cai be caused by? re weld pour cout undercut Poor fitup A Vand d above F189 In pipe groove welding, iG 2G 2F 5G 6G Using the appropriate conversion factor approximate feed speed in inches per min 28.3 ipm AT S3ipm 26.44 ipa Provided in the chart on pages 42-43, nute lor a wire fed at a speed of 120 mm/s hy the 45 degree fixed Position is designated as’? determine the 4. 5.076 ipm . &. none of the above meF191 The defect noted in the { Figure 15 is? 4. incomplete penetration b. acrack ©. incomplete fusion Vv AH porosity _A% Hane of the above _tadiogeaph in FI92 the "A" dimension in Figure 16 is referred to as? a. the throat AS the size the leg 4. aand above e. band c above F193 “F* in Figure 16 poinus (0? a. the root pénetration b, the weld penctration AE the weld root © the joint roi Fgura 16 © none of feuboe ' re epaeaaasa &= 8 @ is mension "C” in Fig. 16 shows? she theoreucei throat v the effective throat 3. 2 and b above ont band c above Truicing inspection Technology ‘Semple CWI Fundamemiats Examination Figure 16 FA95 The dimension "0 in Figure 16 is culled? a. the theoretical throat ‘ ‘the effective throat «the actual deat da and b above ~ band c above FI9G ‘The dimension “E” in Figure 10 reters to? the actual throat b. the effective throat €. the theoretical throat A. leg and weld ste 7 comely F197 One common cause of centerline weld cracks is? a. the use of prebieat a highly restrained weld joint c. using the wrong polarity di. stress relief heat treatment ©. the presence of incomplete sidewall fusion F198 Using the appropriate conversion factor from the chart on pages 42-43, determine the approximate pounds per square in (psi) for a tensile strength of 198 MPa, a. 2.87X 103 psi 2.87 X 10 psi c. 4,136 psi - . wand b above band ¢ above Rr rr “MT dou 6 om OF the above Which NDT mgthod will best reveal subsurfa F199 a b, Ice porosity? weiaing jon Te AT HE caniot detect a subsurface flaw none of the above F201 Using the conversion factors provided in the chart on pages 42-43, determine the correct answers for a tensile stecnyth of 65,000 psi a. 448,000 Pa 7% 448 X 108 Pa oS MPa di ccand b above © band c above F202 An MY indication of a subsurface discontinuity 1" below the surface will appear how as compared (© a surface discontinuity? 4 intermirem * b. sharper &. less disunet MT cannot detect subsurlace flaw 1" below the surface €. none of the above F203 Which of the following conditions can cause slag inclusions in a weld? © poor welder technique b. careful interpass cleaning c insufficient preheat d. aand b above ¢. band c above F204 To be most effective, visual inspection must be conducted? a. before welding b, during welding c. after welding all of the above ¢. band c above F205 ‘Whe dimension "B” in Figure 17 is? a. the weld leg bo the weld size point of tangeney and © above: c o and b above Figure 17 au if” BOP Ihe dimension “A” in Figure 17 is the? ‘coMVeNity face reinforcement d. and ¢ above band © above c F207 The dimension *C" in Figure (7 ist a. the actual throat . the effecuve throat 7 the theoretical throat 6. wand b above ©. band ¢ above t~ Figure 17 F208 Thue ditweasion "Ein lagiue (7 is a. the actual throat 2 the effective throat ©. the theoretical throat wand b above & band c above F209 The fetter "E* tn Figure 17 1s? 4. the joint peueteation b. the Weld penetration c. the weld root A the joint root ©. none of the above F210 A discontinuity is? a. always rejectable. 4 b. sometimes rejectable. always a defect. d. sometimes a defect. - band d above F211 What weld discontinuity is shown by the arrow in the radiograph in Figure 187 A crack b. incomplete joint penetration © burn through do hollow bead DF ‘iesten incasion Figure 18 au WE Sample CW! Fundamentals Examination _ i F212 An oxygen regulator is set for 40.0 psi, Using the appropciate conversion facto froin the chart ‘on pages 42-43, determine pascal equivalent? a a 88 ta b O75 R KPa 7 276X108 Pa d. 276 kPa &. cand d aboye F213 Which of the following discontinuities can be caused by poor we 3. incomplete fusion bk povusity © undercut 4. overlap x all of the above Iding technique? F214 Usmig the appropriate conversion factor from the chart on strength corresponds to 80 joules? a. 2.03 ft-lbf pages 42-43, determine which impact b 62 fllbt © 203 (LIbE 62 ft-lb none of the above Which of the following discontinuities is seldom discovered during VT? a. crack incomplete penetration surface porosity tungsten inclusion none of the above » . Which discontinuity occurs in the heat-affected zone and can weld zone? a. throat crack h. crater erack _2® “inderbead erick uL_ porosity © coutertine ernck reese result from excess moisture in the a ‘oauipie wens rangamemals tamination F217 & rregapascal is equal wo? 3. 1,000 Pa £000,000 F's «1000 kPa @ aandb above JX ® and c above F218 Which of the conditions below cunt cause porosity tn w weld’? a. welder technique b, damp electrodes © oily base ietat rainy weather - all of the above F219 Which of the following discontnunties is not associated with GTAW? a lack of fusion ZS inclusions c. tungsten inclusions dL porusity © undercut F220 Using the appropriate conversion factor irom, the ch Con pages 42-43, convert a travel speed of 21 ipa to nas. a 8.883 mm/s 8.9 mm/s ©, 0.08883 nvs dd. 0.889 ms €. none of the above F221 Using the appropriate conversion factor from the chart on pages 42-43, convert the ultimate tensile strength in MPa of a tensile specimen having a cross section of exactly 0.300 square inches which broke at a tensile load of exactly 24,600 poungs 2 Load (pounds kee : Tawar Spocinor areTaa = Tensile Strength (psiy 1" a. 565 Pa a yy 565 MPa c.5,65 Pa A 50839 Mra a f hone of the above 4 Faz ow of the following discontinuities are nox associated with GMAW! fag, ioc husions porosity <= tungsten anchasions AL wand b above PZ bind € above F223 Using the a conversion factor frotii the chart on pages 42-43, convert 2 heat input of exactly 40,000 J/in to Ja, Sim \ 515 Jan e © 1,874,800 Sn do 157.5kim IY VSTSX 10 tim F224 NUL teclumgyany ate certihied an accontanee with a AWS DLT b. API 1104 SNETCIA i 4 ASME’ Section VI t © ASME Section IX F225 _ if a welder is continually turning out rejectable work, the welding inspector should? a inspect his work more critically b. ask that the welder be terminated A require requalification 4d. instruet the welder in proper techniques e. ask that the welder use another process F226 The welding arc may produce toxic breathing conditions when the welding atmosphere contains vapors of? a. chlorinated hydrocarbons b. trichloroethylene c. metal oxides U._ perchloroethylene 2% all of the above F227 ‘The CAWI? is responsible for determination of a weldineat’s vonformanve to acceptable st inspects weldments only under the direction of a CWI pect critical weldments a 4 perfouns inspections the same as a CWL | allot the above wards © cannot i wy 40 F228 F229 F230 The surtace between two pieces to be joined that lie in a. weld interface ZT eg surface c. weld edge 4. groove face €. none of the above Uydroger iu the molten weld metal can exuse’ a. undercut b. cracking © ncomplete penetration porosity Z Pand d above cal . Where should the preheat temperature be nteasured? a in the weld groove b. Ginches from the edge of the weld groove ¢. where the arc will be initiated 27 7 Vinclies fiom the edge of the weld groove ©, preheat temperature should not be measured 4 010409 Inspection Tathnology ‘Sample CWI Fundamentals Examination parallel planes is called & 2 Property” ‘Vo Convert From To ‘Mattply by arte in >. mm 6.451 600 x 10" (one town slit Secs 1880003 4 10 current density : . cee Nm cov eeeee 1,850 003 x 10° (ene Aden cece A cece cee BAST FOOTE depostion rate’... tha HOM cece eee Bt (kgm) ky tw sox tgcen 155. 88" electicat resistivity Ake emt vee MEM eee 1.000 000. 10° (Gem fem eon 1.000 600 x 19" electrode force pound-toree N 4.446 222 ny kelogram-force N 9.806 650 " tot 2-248 089 » 10° Niow rate wm... cesses Umi 4.719 475 x 10° (ie allon per howe Utnin 6.508 020 x 10% gallon per minute Umin 3.785 412 fracture toughness ksis in” Ma «nP 1.098 855 (hat + cn wo MN mn bse 0.910 038 input an, wim 3.937 008 x 10 (ven i sf : 2540 000 x 10 srpact foot pound fore... d 5 1.355 818 finear measurements in. cece mM : sees 2540-000 x 10 Imm) ft : mm : 3.048 000 x 10" HEMT ue vue een scones ee! | eee «+++ 3.937 008 x 10" mm os stilt 3.280 840 x 10? mass . b. we MQ cece ee 0.4507 (GERHIE) cstv eaace een ee Ren vee ewan gga tyosn scons BO" power density Wan? cee Wir. 1.550 003 x 10° (win) < Wimt . Win. - 6.451 600 x 10 PORREINE cee cee nse PEL ws boot coon nous aes eo APH ag 2 - 6.894 757 (gas and liquid) voce te i v0.40 4 MPR wee eee cee» 4788-026 x 10? (kPa) ce NIM ee KPa sees 1.000 000 x 10" presume Ka psi = 1.450.377 x 10-1 (gas ant tiga) kPa war, : +++» 2.088 543 x 10 (Wa) nL) = Nima, yee 11000-000 x 10° pressure torr (mm Hg at OC)... Pa 1.333 220.x 10° (vaca) twicron (qm fig at °C)... Pa ; ~ 1.399 220 x 10° (Pa) Pa ae lO . 7.500 640 x 10” Pa micron 7.500 640 x 10 hav tsi $450 377 x 10° a Progerty* To Convert From Aensile stength 0... psi (MPaj (wt Nimn? ‘MPa MPa MPa thermal concuctivity ......, calfem «s+ (Wain eK). : evel speed, 6... infin wire teed speed _ minis (mms) Preferted units ae given in parenteses ** Apptonimate convarsion Conversion Factors for Common Welding Terms (continued) to MPa MPa MPa psi. ‘oat, Nimm? wam+K... mms inimin Multiply by 6.894 757 x 10 4.188 026 x 10° 1,000 000 1.450 37 x 10° +» 2,088 543 x 10° 1,000 000 - 4.184 000 x 10° 4.283 253 x 10 2.362 205 (CWLEXAM - QUESTIONS BY CATEGORY - May 1, 1957 Eundamentals Exam ____150 Questions Definitions & Tersinology 2B Heat Control & Metallurgy 12 Reports & Records 10 Welding Processes 16 Welding Performance 14 Test Methods-Nondestructive 12 Destructive Tests 10 Weld Examination \4 Duties & Responsibilities 7 Safety 4 Syinbols-Welding & NDT 1s Conversions & Calculations CAWI Cut Score- 15 CWI Cut Score- 108 Pract ications E 46 Questis Procedures & Welder Qual. 1s Mech. Tests & Properties 7 Welding Inspection & Flaws W NonDestructive Tests : 7 CAWI Cut Score- 23 CWI Cul Score- 33 ‘Workmanship (Sec. 3) Staticully Loaded Structures (See. 8) ‘Technique (Sec. 4) ‘Qualification (Sec. 5) Weld Design Dynamic Loaded Sruc/Append (Sec. 9) Inspection Stud Welding (Seg.7) General Provisions CAWI Cut Score- 23 CWI Cut Score 33 a 10, u. 12. 13, 14, 15. 16. 17. Cow Ted V. Wi “The most importan! factor is to have studied and be prepared. Weber & Asst =, Get an good night's sleep the night before, Don’t siay up all night studying; it seldom helps “Take an sccepable calculator. Calculators with built-in metric conversions are not acceptable, nor are programmable calculators, The best bess an inexpensive solar powered type that doesn't have batteries to run down during the test. “Take three sharpened #2 soft lead pencils with erasers. The Best eraser is a separate pink pearl eraser. ‘Tike a small flashlight with new batteries. A best bet is the: small “Maglite” that uses AA batteries, and can be focused. “Tab” your code book by sections for easy reference. LEAVE YOUR “PLANT STANDARDS’ AT HOME, Use the weld quality standards given with, the exam and use THEIR CRITERIA for judging weld quality, not what you use at work, -There ae three part” tothe exam, each istwo hours long. Two hours is plenty of time if you are prepared. Don'trush and make silly mistakes. Read every question very carefully; read ita second time if necessary. Read every answer before selecting one, Select the one “Best” answer. There is only one best answer. Move through the exam quickly; skip the tough ones to answer later, but make sure you keep our answer shee’ in order. Do nt get hung up on one question for 15 minutes. You may find the Correct answers to the tough ones while answering other questions. Check all open book answers by referring to the book; don't rely on your memory and make silly mistakes. you change an answer, erase the wrong answer COMPLETELY. ‘When you think you have finished, remember to go back and finish the ones you may have skipped. a I you do not know the answer, GUESSI! There is no penalty for guessing. Donot leave any blanks on the answer sheet, ‘After you finish completely, check over everything one last time, ‘After you tum in part one ofthe exam, relax and take is easy to bplp you prepare forthe next Par ‘After all parts are completed and turned in, CELEBRATE! BEDE ER ECL eee ee - NOTES on ANSWERING EXERCISE and TEST QUESTIONS 1 Read the question from end to end 2. Read every possible response before deciding on your answer 3. Donot ‘go firm’ on your answer till you have verified it in the code text, 4 With AWS tess and exuminatons, there is ususly plenty of time - DO NOT RUSH. For exercise questions, note the source reference to your answer for verification. API1104 -- EXERCISES L Wor welder qualification, test specimens for tensile strength, nick-break and bend shall be Prepared. If the tensile tests are omitted:- a, ‘The welder is not qualit b, "The weld must be redor ¢ Extra face bends to be tested; AS Tensile specimens shall be nick break tesied, 2. ‘The exposed! surfaces of nick-break specimen shall show ’. Slag inclusions over 1/8"; b. Atleast 3/4" of sound weld; _-t-* Complete penetration and fusion; 4, Tensile strength of the specimen, 3. When destructively testing pipe of diameter < 1 5/16":- 1. Radiography must be used; b. The entire pipe is used for bend testing; 7 _*=" Aull pipe section may be substituted for root bend and nick-break specimens; a Pipes of this diameter not to be'desiructivoly tested, 4, Welding Inspection personnel shall bo qualified by:- a. AWS10QC1; sh” American Society for Nondestructive Testing; i “c, American Petrolcum Institute; None of the above. t { j 5 Any length of internal concavity is accepted provided:- 7% The density of the image on film of 1C does not exceed that of thinnest adjacent bug metal; The radiographic image density mut cxcoed that of ths thlanest adjacent base netal; © lteasonic testing does not reveal any indication; a ‘None of the above, 5. Inthe testing of weld repaits:- 3. Repaired areas need only be reradiographed; b. Repaired areas shall not be ultrasonically tested; Ar Repaired areas reradiographed or inspected by the same means previously used; None of the above, Which of the following may, with prior company approval, be repaired 7 _#® Cracks in the root; & © b. Cracks in the weld cap; ¢ Excessive undercut; “% All repairs require specific approval, 8 For a test on 6" Sch 40 pipe, how many bend test specimens are required (0 be tested ? “4 ar a 8 d. _ frsufficient data given . 9. Inmuliple qualification testing, how many nick-bronk specimens are to be tested ? a 2 a 3 « 8 - 4. Insufficient data given ve 10 What factor determines whether shits are to be used. under sfpenetrameter ? a. Shim/s required if the type of penetrameter used is to Fig, 20 b. Shins required if the type of penetrameter used is to ASTM E142 2° Shinnis required if the penetrameter is weld thickness basod 4. Shinn/s required if the penetrameter is pipo thickness based © Use of shims is at the option of the radiographer

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