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Four students hold a debate entitled, The UKs Best Newspaper.

comment on what it means to be the best newspaper. They explore four
different newspapers use of headlines, mastheads, columns, and general
practice of journalism. The teacher leads the debate.
[Should the teacher really lead the debate, or is this the responsibility of
the students being assessed? -AS]

On a talk show in
the U.S., several
guests are invited
to talk about the
success of the TV
show Americas
Next Top Model
(ANTM). On this
panel is ANTMs
host, Tyra Banks, a
critic, Jennifer [Seems like far too
Romolini, someone many topics to me,
from the fashion and the celebrity
industry and a angle doesnt
former participant necessarily lead to
in ANTM (perhaps a strong
the plus-size model examination of
who won in cycle language I had
10). The students students try to do
explore the use of a celebrity
camera angle, the interview and was
language used on not sure if
the show, the speaking in
unscripted modern teeny-
responses of this bopper slang (and
reality show, and bad grammar, etc.)
the effects the was my student or
show has on young the part they were
women in America. playing. -AS]

[What is the text

type, first of all?
How do mothers
Two students use language to
pretend to be two communicate and
mothers how do I assess
complaining to this? Is this even
each other about important to the
their daughters assessment? Might
use of English, this work
which seems to be depending on the
corrupted by identification of the
chatting on the mothers involved,
computer and e.g., are they from
texting on their a particular culture
phones. or class? -AS]

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