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Gyan Swaroop Tripathi


eXenium Technologies

The origin of PHP
PHP for Web Development & Web Applications
PHP History
Features of PHP
How PHP works with the Web Server
What is SERVER & how it Works
What is ZEND Engine
Work of ZEND Engine
PHP Installation
MySQL Installation
Apache Installation
WAMP Installation
Installing and Configuring PHP on Windows.
How to design PHP applications using Dreamweaver
How to design PHP applications using IDE
Understanding the Preliminaries
PHP syntax and variables
Operators and Expressions
Conditional Branching and Looping Statements
Learning Arrays in PHP
The Core Logics and Techniques
String and Math functions in PHP
Introduction HTML Form Elements and Fields
Accessing PHP, HTTP Data
Query Strings and Hyperlinks
Describing Pre-Defined Variables - Super Global Arrays
Understanding Functions, Important PHP Functions
What are the Scope of variables
Usage of Include and require statements
File Handling. The Plain Repository of Data
Handling files and directories in PHP
Fetching information from files
Uploading and downloading files
PHP and MySQL - The Structured Repository
PHP MySQL Connectivity
Integrating Web Forms and Database
Using PHPs MySQL Extension
Using PHPs PDO Extension
Learn More Advanced Techniques in PHP
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Classes and Objects
Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism
Constructors and Destructors
Overloading, Overriding of functions

Copyright 2016-2017 eXenium Technologies [ a Gyan Labs Company]

ISO 9001-2015 Certified Company PHP|eXenium Technologies

Exception Handling
Regular Expressions
Session Handling
Using Cookies
Working with XML and JSON
Introduction to XML
How to Integrate PHP and XML
Introduction to JSON
Building a Sample Web Application
Content Management Systems
Knowing Content Management System
Sample Web Application Development using Wordpress
Install Wordpress On The Mysql Database
Install, and activate a Theme
Posts, Pages and Menus
Using Widgets and Plugins
Customizing Themes
CodeIgniter Framework
Introduction to PHP Frameworks
Working with CodeIgniter Framework
MVC architecture in CodeIgniter
Controllers,Views and Models
Helpers and Libraries
FetchingData using Input Class

Copyright 2016-2017 eXenium Technologies [ a Gyan Labs Company]

ISO 9001-2015 Certified Company PHP|eXenium Technologies

CAKE PHP (Frame work)

Introduction to CakePHP
Introduction to MVC
Installing CakePHP
Creating Controller, View, Models
URL Routing, Scaffolding
Redirecting control
Configuring with Database
Creating Html forms
Using JavaScript with CakePHP
Integrating Ajax with CakePHP
Creating Validation with CakePHP
Integrating HTML template in CakePHP
CRUD implementation inCakePHP
Working with Session
Developing Plugin with CakePHP
Payment Gateway, E-mail and Social Media Networks
Integration of payment gateway
Integrating emails to web application
Integrating social media networks to web application
FTP Management/Web Hosting
Set up a domain and hosting account
Understanding FTP
Setting up FTP Server (Live)
Uploading and downloading FTP contents
Web Security
Data Validation
SQL Injection
Cross Site Scripting
Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
Onsite Optimization Basics
Coding Best Practices
Title Tag Optimization
Meta Tags Optimization
Headers Optimization SEO Content Writing
Page Speed Optimization Tool
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
OOP in Practice
Working with Files and Directories
Sending Emails
Introduction to AJAX
Understanding XMLHTTPREQUEST object
Working with Ajax functions
Integrating AJAX with HTML
Integrating AJAX with PHP

Copyright 2016-2017 eXenium Technologies [ a Gyan Labs Company]

ISO 9001-2015 Certified Company PHP|eXenium Technologies

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