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como hacer,rechazar,y aceptar

invitaciones en ingles?
Offering invitations = Hacer invitaciones:
- Would you like to come with me to.... = Te gustara venir conmigo a...?
- I was wondering if maybe you would like going with me to... = Me preguntaba si quiz te
gustara ir conmigo a...
- I would like to invite you to ... = Me gustara invitarte a...
- We're/i'm going tomorrow to.... why don't you come? = Nosotros/yo vamos/voy a..... Por
qu no vienes?
- I heard that (place) is cool/exciting/excelent, would you like going with me there = Escuch
que (lugar) es excelente/espectacular te gustara ir conmigo all?

Accept = Acepatar:
- I'd love to = Me encantara
- Sounds interesting/exciting = suena interesante/emosionante
- Ok = Est bien

Refuse = Rechazar
- Sorry, but i have to.... = Lo lamento pero tengo que...
- It's very nice of you to invite me, but i already have plans = Es muy amable de tu parte que
me invites pero ya tengo planes...
- I'ts a pitty but i can't because.... = Es una pena pero no puedo porque....

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