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San Antonio de Padua desde 1976 los mejores

ENGLISH EXAM 6th Grade Primary

Name: Date: March 30th, 2012

Teacher: Anglica Rosales

I. Complete the dialogue with these words. (4 points)

Where / Hi / country / I am / welcome / are / name / Fine

A: Hi, my is Indira.

B: , Indira. How you?

A: , thanks. are you from?

B: from Scotland.

A: OK. to this !

II. Answer the questions. (6 points)

1. Whats your last name? My last name is .

2. Where are you from? Im from .

3. Whats your phone number? My phone number is .

4. What nationality are you? Im .

III. Write the contractions of: (4 points)

1. I am not

2. She is

3. We are not

4. It is

IV. What do these expressions mean? Write in Spanish. (6 points)

1. Nice to meet you

2. See you later

3. Youre welcome

4. Excuse me

Good luck!

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