Evaluation Strategy Template

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Learning Activity Learner-Centered

Evaluation Formative or
(Identify focus of Objectives Being Level of Learning
Strategy Summative? Why?
Activity) Measured

Upon completion
of this course, the
student will be
able to:
Summative - Essays
are used to determine Students will be asked to 1) Explain the
what the student has write an essay about how importance of a Cognitive: Remembering,
been able to learn the nursing process is thorough nursing Understanding, Evaluation
over a period of time. beneficial to the overall assessment in
It is intended to care of a patient. They will Psychomotor: Articulation,
Essays patient care.
evaluate how the be required to identify each Manipulation
student is able to step of the process and 2) Identify the five Affective: Responding, Organizing,
explain, compare and give an example of how steps of the nursing Valuing
contrast, and each step is used in the process.
summarize subject assessment of a patient.
matter. 3) Distinguish the
difference between
proper assessment

Upon completion
of this course, the
student will be
able to:
Summative -
Simulations are used Students will work through 1) Analyze patient
lab results to Cognitive: Remembering,
at the end of a simulation scenario of a Understanding, Analyzing,
education to patient in diabetic understand the
diagnosis and care Evaluation
summarize ketoacidosis. If the correct
Simulation information learned. paths are taken, the plan. Psychomotor: Manipulation,
s They are conducted in patient will remain stable
2) Summarize the Articulation
scenario format for and improve. If the correct
pathophysiology of Affective: Responding, Receiving,
students to work paths are not taken, the
diabetic Valuing, Organizing
through real patient will decompensate.
life situations in a
safe environment. 3) Evaluate
changes in patient
stability and act

Posters Upon completion Cognitive:, Understand, Apply,

Summative: Poster Each student will create a of the course, the Analyze, and Create
will be due at the end poster on a specific topic student will be
of the course and will presented during the able to: Affective: Valuing
reflect the knowledge Health Promotion and
gained about a Disease Prevention course; 1) explain the role Psychomotor: Not applicable
specific topic that was smoking cessation, STD of the nurse in
presented throughout prevention, cancer health promotion
the duration of the detection and prevention, and disease
course. immunizations, nutrition, prevention
etc. Students will also be
required to provide 2) Identify the
additional resources that leading causes of
will further benefit the preventable illness,
learner. Students will disease, and death
present their posters at a
showcase event that is 3) assess
available to all college health/illness belief,
peers. A grading rubric will values, attitudes
be provided to explain and practices of
poster requirements. individuals,
communities, and

Formative: A one-
minute paper is a Upon completion
relatively quick and of this lesson, the
simple method of student will be
monitoring student able to:
learning and Towards the end of class,
gathering feedback the instructor will provide 1) Examine the risk
from students to the students with a series factors, etiology
assess their level of of three questions that will and
understanding and prompt the students to pathophysiology of
progress towards reflect on the knowledge type 1 and type 2
diabetes mellitus Cognitive: Understand
One- outcomes or gained during a lecture on
Minute objectives. Ongoing the care of a diabetic Affective: Not applicable
feedback allows for patient. The students will 3) Discuss different
Paper diagnostic tests,
the instructor to help be given 5 minutes to Psychomotor: Not applicable
students identify answer the questions. The screening and
strengths and instructor will read the monitoring methods
weaknesses and areas responses and provide the for diabetic patients
that need work and students with additional
2) Identify nursing
also helps faculty to feedback as needed.
interventions for a
recognize where
students are
experiencing a
struggling in order to
address the problem
and enhance learning.

Formative: Case
Upon completion
studies are a way for
of this
the student to look at
a given scenario and
the student will
based on the
be able to:
diagnosis the student
would be able to 1. Perform
The students will be given
determine what assessments that
a scenario with questions Cognitive: Understand, Apply,
assessments need to are
on what assessments, labs, Analyze, Compare
be done. Which labs pertinent with the
tests, and treatments
Case and/or tests are diagnosis. Affective: Respond, Receive, Value
would be required. They
studies pertinent. What
would need to identify the
treatment would need 2. Identify two labs Psychomotor: Identify, Explain,
two most pertinent labs
to be done to help the that are necessary Respond
and medications related to
patient improve. This for this diagnosis.
diagnosis. This would be
will help the educator
handed in at the beginning 3. Identify two
to determine if the
of class the next day. medications
student has the ability
to look at a situation necessary for
and determine treatment.
if their is an
understanding of the 4. Educate patient
diagnosis and what is on diagnosis.

Concept Summative: Upon completion Cognitive: Understand, Apply,

mapping At the end of the lecture, of this lesson, the Analyze, Compare
The students will be when all material has been student will be
given a diagnosis on presented, the educator able to: Affective: Describes, Reports,
the material to be will collect the concept Compares, Justifies
learned and they maps and determine the 1. Begin to
must fill out their knowledge level of the understand the Psychomotor: Chooses, explains,
concept maps prior students. disease process. Designs
to theory being
taught. 2. Begin to
correlate the
relationships in the
disease process.

3. Engage in lecture
and build on

Formative and
Summative - Testing
can be considered
both formative and
summative. They are
Upon completion
formative in the way
of this course the
that they assess
student will be
information as the
able to:
learning process is
happening. Testing 1) List the 12
A 10 question test will be Cognitive:Remembering, Applying,
can be done cranial nerves in
administered during the Analyzing, Understanding,
as pretesting, to order.
neurological system unit to Evaluation
assess the base
assess the knowledge
knowledge that a 2) Illustrate the
Tests gained to that point. At the Psychomotor: Manipulation,
student has and be location of the
end of the unit, the Imitation, Articulation
able to see what is different parts of
students will be tested
left to be taught. the brain on a Affective: Receiving, Responding,
They can also be done diagram. Valuing
for cumulative assessment
as post testing, to
of the whole unit. 3) Apply learned
determine how well a
student learned. knowledge to
Testing is summative various type of test
when it is used at the questions for
end of a class as in a testing success.
"final exam" to assess
the overall learning of
a class and whether
the learning
objectives were met.

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