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Simulation example:

The students will be involved in a scenario regarding a patient in diabetic ketoacidosis. They will
have the opportunity to work though the disease process with each other and the instructor in order
to better understand the disease and how the patient responds to treatment. The following rubric will
be used to evaluate their ability during the scenario.

Excellent 5 Good 3 Poor 1

Focus Student remains on task Student on task Student was not

during whole scenario and for most on task or hard
contributed of scenario and to be reminded
to patient outcome. helped to remain
contribute involved to
to patient outco contribute.

Knowledge of Exhibited obvious Exhibited Did not come

Disease Process knowledge of disease knowledge of prepared with
process and preparation disease process disease process
for scenario. Patient remai at satisfactory le knowledge
ned stable and safe. vel to keep resulting
patient stable in poor patient
with some outcome.

Participation Worked well with all Worked well with Did not work
participating students. some well with other
participating students or did
students. not participate.

Adapted from:

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