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PHYS 2212 Test 3

Spring 2016

Name(print) Lab Section

Darnton (Q), Kim (P)

Day 12-3pm 1-4pm 3-6pm 4-7pm
Monday P01 Q01 P02 Q02
Tuesday P03 Q03 P04 Q04
Wednesday P05 Q05 P06 Q06
Thursday P07 Q07 P08 Q08


Read all problems carefully before attempting to solve them.

Your work must be legible, and the organization must be clear.
You must show all work, including correct vector notation.
Correct answers without adequate explanation will be counted wrong.
Incorrect work or explanations mixed in with correct work will be counted wrong. Cross out anything
you do not want us to grade
Make explanations correct but brief. You do not need to write a lot of prose.
Include diagrams!
ab (8103 )(5106 )
Show what goes into a calculation, not just the final number, e.g.: cd = (2105 )(4104 )
5 104
Give standard SI units with your results.

Unless specifically asked to derive a result, you may start from the formulas given on the
formula sheet, including equations corresponding to the fundamental concepts. If a formula
you need is not given, you must derive it.

If you cannot do some portion of a problem, invent a symbol for the quantity you can not
calculate (explain that you are doing this), and use it to do the rest of the problem.

Honor Pledge

In accordance with the Georgia Tech Honor Code, I have neither given
nor received unauthorized aid on this test.

Sign your name on the line above

Problem 1 Grader: Score: /25

(a 5pts) A 1.5 volt battery is connected to thick conducting nichrome wire as shown in the diagram. Draw
an arrow (at the point marked by the cross on the bottom segment) indicating the direction of the electric
field inside the nichrome wire. Label this E. ~ At this same point, draw two more arrows indicating the
direction of electron current (label this i ) and the direction of conventional current (label this I).

(b 10pts) In the steady state, what is the potential difference VA VB if the wire has a total length of 0.66
meters, i.e. 0.22 meters on each of the three segments? Express your answer in volts and clearly
indicate the sign. Briefly explain your reasoning.
(c 10pts) Now suppose we add a second nichrome wire to the circuit as shown in the diagram. The second
wires has the same cross-sectional area and length (each of its three segments is 0.22 meters long) as the
first wire. In the steady state, calculate VA VB . Express your answer in volts and clearly indicate
the sign. Briefly explain your reasoning.
Problem 2 Grader: Score: /25 /25

A heavy bar of length L and mass m is at-

tached to two rails and a resistor R using
two sliding metal loops. Gravity causes
the bar to fall in the presence of a mag-
netic field B directed into the page. The
bar eventually reaches an unknown ter-
minal velocity.

Hint: There is a way to solve the parts below in the order presented without requiring out-of-order numbers.
Other approaches may yield answers to later parts before earlier parts. Be sure to show your work for full

(a 5pts) How much current flows through the resistor, and in what direction?

(b 5pts) What is the motional EMF created in the bar?

(c 5pts) What is the electric field in the bar? You may assume it constant throughout the bar, as usual.

(d 5pts) What is the terminal velocity of the bar?

(e 5pts) How much power is dissipated in the resistor?

Problem 3 Grader: Score: /25 /25 /25

300 , 10 cm long, 5 mm radius

An uncharged capacitor is connected to a
power supply, in series with a resistor, as
shown in the diagram, and current begins
to run in the circuit. The square plates of plate dimensi
2m x 2m
the capacitor have dimensions 2m x 2m,
2000 V 0.5 mm
and are separated by a gap of 0.5 mm,
filled with air. The resistor has resistance
300 ohms, length 10 cm, and radius 5 mm.
The emf of the power supply is 2000 volts

(a 5pts) When the electric field in the capacitor gap increases to 3e6 N/C, a spark forms in the gap, and
the air becomes a conductor. At the instant just before you see the spark, what is the magnitude of the
potential difference across the capacitor?

(b 10pts) At the instant just before you see the spark, what is the magnitude and direction of the electric
field in the resistor? Indicate the direction in words or by drawing on the diagram.
(c 10pts) At the instant just before you see the spark, what is the conventional current through the resistor?
Problem 4 Grader: Score: /25 /25 /25 /25

A bar (length L = 13 cm, height h = 3.9
cm, and thickness d = 1.5 mm) made of V
a new conducting material is connected +
in series (as shown in the diagram), to d x
a power supply with emf = +135 volts.
The bar is oriented along the x-axis. A B
voltmeter is attached vertically across the
bar, with the leads directly opposite each L
other, as shown and reads +3.7 105 V.
Large coils not shown in the diagram cre- Power
ate a magnetic field of 0.9 tesla in the +z supply
direction, as shown.

Remember, that a voltmeter gives a positive reading if the negative lead (COM) is connected to the lower
potential location, and the positive lead is connected to the higher potential location.
~ k , the electric field inside the bar due to charges on the surface of the
(a 2pts) What is the direction of E
wire, and in and/or on the power supply?

(b 5pts) What is the sign of the mobile charges in the bar?

(c 3pts) What is the direction of the drift velocity of the mobile charges?

~ , the transverse (or perpendicular) electric field due to the magnetic

(d 5pts) What is the direction of E
polarization of the bar?

(e 10pts) There are 3 1023 mobile charges per cubic meter of this material. The absolute value of the
charge of one mobile charge is +e. What is the value of the conventional current in the circuit? Show all
steps in your work.
This page is for extra work, if needed.
Things you must know

Relationship between electric field and electric force Conservation of charge

Electric field of a point charge The Superposition Principle
Relationship between magnetic field and magnetic force
Magnetic field of a moving point charge

Other Fundamental Concepts

d~v d~p d~p
~a = = F~net and m~a if v << c
dt dt Rf dt P
Uel = qV V = i E ~ d~l (Ex x + Ey y + Ez z)
~ n ~ n
el = E dA
P mag = B dA
~ qinside H
~ n
En dA = B dA = 0
~ N C d~l = ~ d~l = 0 P Iinside path
|emf| = E dt
~ ~ P d R ~
B dl = 0 Iinside path + 0 En

Specific Results

1 2qs
1 qs
Edipole,axis (on axis, r  s) Edipole, (on axis, r  s)

40 r 3 40 r3

1 Q ~ applied
Erod = p (r from center) electric dipole moment p = qs, p~ = E
40 r r2 + (L/2)2

1 2Q/L
1 qz
Erod (if r  L) Ering = (z along axis)

40 r 40 (z + R2 )3/2
Q/A  z
 Q/A h z i Q/A
~ ~
Edisk = 1 2 (z > 0 along axis) E 1 (if z  R)

20 (z + R2 )1/2 20 R 20

Q/A Q/A  s 
~ ~
E (+Q and Q disks) f ringe
E just outside capacitor

0 0 2R
B ~ = 0 I` r (short wire) F~ = I~l B ~
4 r2
LI 0 2I
~ 0 ~ ~
Bwire = (r  L) Bwire = B earth tan

4 r r + (L/2) 4 r
2 2

2IR 2 0 2IR2
~ 0
Bloop = (on axis, z  R) = IA = IR2

4 (z 2 + R2 )3/2 4 z 3
~ 0 ~ 0
Bdipole,axis (on axis, r  s) B dipole, (on axis, r  s)

4 r3 4 r3

E ~ rad
~ rad = 1 q~a rad B

E v = E Brad =
40 c2 r c
i = nA
v I = |q| nA
v v = uE
= |q| nu J= = E R=
A   A
Eapplied q 1 1
Edielectric = V = due to a point charge
K 40 rf ri
|V |
I= for an ohmic resistor (R independent of V ); power = IV
Q = C |V | K 21 mv 2 if v  c
mv 2

p |~v |
circular motion: = |~
dt R R

Math Help

~a ~b = hax , ay , az i hbx , by , bz i

= (ay bz az by )
x (ax bz az bx )
y + (ax by ay bx )

dx dx 1 dx 1
= ln (a + x) + c 2
= + c 3
= +c
x+a (x + a) a+x (a + x) 2(a + x)2
a a 1 1 a 2 a
dx = ( ) dx a dx = ax + c ax dx = x + c ax2 dx = x3 + c
x(x + b) b x x+b 2 3

Constant Symbol Approximate Value

Speed of light c 3 108 m/s
Gravitational constant G 6.7 1011 N m2 /kg2
Approx. grav field near Earths surface g 9.8 N/kg
Electron mass me 9 1031 kg
Proton mass mp 1.7 1027 kg
Neutron mass mn 1.7 1027 kg
Electric constant 9 109 N m2 /C2
Epsilon-zero 0 8.85 1012 (N m2 /C2 )1
Magnetic constant 1 107 T m/A
Mu-zero 0 4 107 T m/A
Proton charge e 1.6 1019 C
Electron volt 1 eV 1.6 1019 J
Avogadros number NA 6.02 1023 molecules/mole
Atomic radius Ra 1 1010 m
Proton radius Rp 1 1015 m
E to ionize air Eionize 3 106 V/m
BEarth (horizontal component) BEarth 2 105 T

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