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Protecting America’s Environment

Sustaining the Nation’s Health and Environment

ver the last three decades, Ameri­ In the longer term, penalties and tech­
can ingenuity has led to a reduction nological improvements should offset the
in adverse environmental and pub­ impact of these increased emissions. How­
lic health impacts from energy ever, California’s experience demonstrates
development and use. Americans demand a the environmental costs of not building an
reliable energy supply and a clean environ­ adequate supply of clean energy.
ment, and we can achieve both. Spurred by
strong environmental concerns, competi­ Government’s Role
tive forces, and environmental regulations, The federal government has a unique
businesses have developed innovative tech­ role in facilitating energy development
nologies and pollution-prevention tech­ while simultaneously protecting the envi­
niques to protect the environment. How­ ronment and conserving our country’s natu­
ever, more can be done. ral resource legacy. Energy development ini­
As our energy needs continue to grow tiatives will be successful only if they ad­
and our production and distribution system equately address their impacts on natural
is strained to capacity, it is clear that the resource values.
lack of a comprehensive energy policy has Federal, state, tribal, and local govern­
environmental costs. For example, to pre­ ments have the responsibility of protecting
vent blackouts, California officials must tol­ unique natural resources and environmental
erate a large short-term increase in smog­ values. In fact, some environmental protec­
forming nitrogen oxides emissions. In Los tions we enjoy today are often taken for
Angeles, older, dirtier power plants have granted. For example, lead levels in ambient
had to run longer than expected. California air today are 98 percent lower than they
is also rushing to use mid-sized “peaker were in 1970, largely because government
power plants” and diesel-fired emergency regulations required that lead be removed
backup generators to keep the lights on. from gasoline. The reduced number of chil­
The short-term cost in increased pol­ dren with IQs below 70 is attributed to re­
lutant emissions of these emergency mea­ ducing lead in our environment.
sures has been stark. Preliminary figures As U.S. energy needs grow, additional
from California’s South Coast Air Quality innovations will be necessary to continue
Management District indicate emissions improving environmental conditions and to
have doubled in the first three months of meet new environmental challenges. As we
the year compared with last year. In addi­ improve the energy production and distribu­
tion to nitrogen oxides emissions, diesel­ tion system, all levels of government must
fired backup generators also emit toxic ensure that regulatory systems protecting
soot. But with many days of blackouts pre­ public health and the environment are rigor­
dicted in California this summer, these gen­ ous and efficient, and encourage innovation
erators will most likely run for much longer and improvement.
than expected, and could greatly increase


Air Quality (1.1 trillion miles a year).
Roughly 30 percent of Regulatory Programs Despite these and other achievements,
our nation’s electricity Advances in technology and environ­ further air quality improvements can be
supply is now generated mental regulations have decreased aggre­ sought, as well as ways to address new
by nuclear, hydropower, gate emissions of key air pollutants over problems identified by recent scientific find­
and renewable sources, the last three decades, despite a marked in­ ings. EPA has recently adopted new, more
all of which have few air crease in energy consumption (Figure 3-1). stringent standards to further reduce ozone
emissions. Roughly 30 percent of our nation’s electric­ and particulate matter. To meet public
ity supply is now generated by nuclear, hy­ health and environmental challenges, power
dropower, and renewable sources, all of plants, industrial sources, and vehicles will
which have few air emissions. need to produce fewer potentially harmful
Nonetheless, fossil fuel-fired power emissions.
plants, other industrial sources, and ve­
hicles remain significant sources of air pol­
lution (Figure 3-2). These emissions can be
associated with significant health problems, Recommendation:
★ The NEPD Group recommends
including respiratory and cardiopulmonary
disease, cancer, and birth defects. In addi­ that the President direct the Adminis­
tion, they can be harmful to forests, water trator of the Environmental Protec­
tion Agency (EPA) to propose multi­
bodies, and fish, and can decrease visibility
in scenic areas. pollutant legislation. The NEPD
Figure 3-1 Environmental Protection Agency’s Group recommends that the President
Cleaner Air: Energy (EPA) Acid Rain Program, enacted as part direct the EPA Administrator to work
Consumption Has Risen While with Congress to propose legislation
Emissions Have Declined of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, is
that would establish a flexible,
(Percent Change Since 1970) the only program directed primarily at re­
ducing air emissions from electric utilities. market-based program to significantly
150 Gross Domestic
Product +147% Using flexible market-based incen­ reduce and cap emissions of sulfur
dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and mercury
tives instead of technology-forcing stan­
dards, the program has reduced sulfur diox­ from electric power generators. Such
a program (with appropriate mea­
ide (SO2) emissions from utilities faster
than required by law for a fraction of the sures to address local concerns)
initial cost estimates. By 2010, EPA expects would provide significant public
Vehicle Miles U.S. Coal health benefits even as we increase
the program will reduce annual SO2 emis­
Traveled +140% electricity supplies.
+100% sions by 10 million tons from 1980 levels,
• Establish mandatory reduction tar­
50 thus avoiding significant health problems
and the costs associated with those levels. gets for emissions of three main
Federal and state regulatory programs pollutants: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen
U.S.Energy oxides, and mercury.
also limit air pollution directly by restrict­
Consumption +42% • Phase in reductions over a reason­
ing emissions from cars and trucks, and in­
0 able period of time, similar to the
directly by setting criteria for the fuel for
these vehicles. An individual car meeting successful acid rain reduction pro­
2004 federal requirements will emit 95 per­ gram established by the 1990
Key Air Emissions –31% amendments to the Clean Air Act.
-50 cent less carbon monoxide (CO), 94 percent
1970 75 80 85 90 95 99 fewer nitrogen oxides (NOx), and 98 percent • Provide regulatory certainty to al­
Despite a marked increase in U.S. en­ low utilities to make modifications
fewer hydrocarbons than an average car did
ergy consumption, a combination of to their plants without fear of new
environmental regulations and tech­ before laws limiting such vehicle pollution.
nologies has decreased aggregate Although individual cars and trucks are far litigation.
emissions of key air emissions: SO2, • Provide market-based incentives,
cleaner today than they were in 1970, total
NOx, mercury, CO, and volatile organic such as emissions-trading credits
compounds. emissions from the fleet of highway vehicles
________ to help achieve the required reduc­
have remained relatively constant, because
Sources: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy
Americans drive twice as many miles today tions.
Information Administration, and U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. (2.5 trillion miles a year) as they did in 1970


Cleaner, More Efficient Technologies Figure 3-2
Emission control technologies and Sources of Pollutants from
Energy Generation and Use
emission prevention not only decrease pol­ (Percent)
lution but can also contribute to economic Volatile Organic
Emissions Compounds
prosperity. Innovative emission control and
S02 NO2 Mercury CO (VOCs)
prevention technology and increasingly ef­ 100

ficient energy systems have developed at a 90

brisk pace, increasing our ability to provide 80

cleaner, cheaper energy. Besides reducing
pollution, environmental technologies ac­
count for about $21.3 billion in U.S. ex­ 40
ports, and support approximately 136,000 30
U.S. jobs. 20
The need to reduce emissions from 10

cars and trucks has contributed to techno­ 0

Fuel Combustion

logical innovations that have transformed Other Stationary Combustion

Industrial Processes
Technologies for
the domestic and global automotive indus­ Transportation
Reducing SO2
tries. U.S. vehicle emission standards were Miscellaneous

the primary driving force for the original
Many power plants use
development of innovative technologies,
flue-gas desulfurization,
many of which have become standard de­ wind energy systems will continue to im­
or scrubbers, to reduce
sign features of today’s high-tech vehicles: prove with advances in short-term weather
SO2 emissions from
sophisticated three-way catalysts, on-board and climate forecasting. Improved forecast­
burning coal. The most
computers, oxygen sensors, and fuel-injec­ ing can also maximize hydropower effi­
common wet scrubber,
tion systems for cars and advanced fuel ciency.
the limestone forced­
systems for trucks. Technologies such as Technology significantly reduces pol­
oxidation (LSFO)
these have allowed today’s vehicles to be lution from coal-fired power plants, which
process, removes SO2
much cleaner, more efficient, higher per­ generate more electricity in the United
from the flue gas by
forming, more reliable, and more durable States than any other source. For example,
sorption and through
than their counterparts of the 1960s and scrubbers can remove 95 percent of the SO2
chemical reactions with
1970s. Manufacturers are now working on emissions from a coal-fired power plant.
the limestone. LSFO
developing state-of-the-art pollution control With the innovative, market-based SO2 re­
technologies can
technology to further reduce emissions duction requirements of the Clean Air Act
remove up to 98 percent
from motor vehicles. For optimal perfor­ Amendments of 1990, the estimated cost of
of SO2 and significant
mance, this technology requires low-sulfur using a scrubber on a coal-fired power plant
amounts of mercury.
fuel that, consistent with applicable law, to remove one ton of SO2 has dropped ap­
The most common dry
will be required in 2004 for gasoline and proximately 40 percent in four years, from
scrubber, the lime spray­
2006 for diesel fuel. Some vehicles use al­ $474/ton in a 1993 estimate to $282/ton in a
drying process, is used
ternative fuels (e.g., natural gas, propane, 1997 estimate, and continues to decline.
for plants that burn
ethanol, and electricity); others operate Other existing control technologies for coal­
lower-sulfur coals. A
with a hybrid gasoline and electrical motor; fired plants can reduce NOx emissions by
lime slurry mixes with
and others are using fuel cells. more than 90 percent.
the hot flue gas in a
A recently permitted state-of-the-art
spray dryer and reacts
Cleaner Electricity coal-fired unit, for example, at a Kansas City
with SO2 . By recaptur­
The source of energy used for power Power & Light facility, has 88 percent lower
ing sorbent at the
generation significantly affects the amount NOx, 99 percent lower particulate matter,
bottom of the spray
of air emissions. Clean energy can be gen­ and 92 percent lower SO2 emissions than
dryer removed in a
erated from nuclear plants, hydropower fa­ would an uncontrolled facility.
particulate control
cilities, wind farms, and solar energy sys­ Recent research by the Department of
device, dry scrubbers
tems with negligible (if any) air emissions. Energy (DOE), EPA, and private companies
can remove up to 96
These sources today make up about 30 per­ suggests that existing technologies can also
percent of SO2.
cent of our electricity supply. Solar and significantly reduce mercury emissions.

Chapter 3 • Protecting America’s Environment: Sustaining the Nation’s Health and Environment 3-4
Clean Coal Technologies 90 percent mercury. It injects a phosphorus
New clean coal technologies are mixture into the hot flue gas, causing the re­
showing that air pollution can be reduced, lease of ozone. The ozone then oxidizes the
and energy efficiency increased, by using mercury into ionic mercury and the NOx
America’s abundant supply of coal. into N2, both of which are water-soluble and
Most conventional air emission con­ easily removed.
trol technologies installed on coal-fired
electric-generating boilers have been de­ Technologies for Improved Efficiencies
signed to remove a specific pollutant from Two-thirds of the energy used in a con­
the stack flue gas. Because these technolo­ ventional coal-fired power plant is wasted in
gies may not be the most cost effective the production of electricity. These losses
means of reducing multiple pollutants, sev­ can be minimized through a number of inno­
eral companies are developing a single-con­ vations, including installing high efficiency
trol technology to reduce multiple air pol­ steam turbines, reducing steam leaks, and
lutants to levels equivalent to those using software to optimize combustion effi­
achieved by conventional controls. ciency. New coal-burning power plants can
For example, a First Energy plant in achieve efficiencies of over 40 percent using
New Hampshire recently pilot-tested state­ existing technology, and companies are de­
of-the-art technology that has cut NOx veloping even more efficient technologies.
emissions by 76 percent, SO2 by 44 percent, Wasted energy can also be recycled for use
total particulate matter by 99.94 percent, in industrial processes or for heating build­
and mercury by 81 percent. The process ings.
uses electrically charged particles instead A family of technologies known as
of catalysts to oxidize the air pollutants into combined heat and power (CHP) can
products that are easily removed and can achieve efficiencies of 80 percent or more.
be converted to gypsum, fertilizer, and con­ In addition to environmental benefits, CHP
Using flexible market-based
incentives, EPA’s Acid Rain centrated acids. American Electric Power is projects offer efficiency and cost savings in
Program has reduced sulfur installing a wet scrubber system that it ex­ a variety of settings, including industrial
dioxide (SO ) emissions from pects will remove up to 75 percent NOx and

utilities faster than required

boilers, energy systems, and small, building­
by law for a fraction of the scale applications. At industrial facilities
initial cost estimates. alone, there is potential for an additional
124,000 megawatts (MW) of efficient power
from gas-fired CHP, which could result in
annual emission reductions of 614,000 tons
of NOx emissions and 44 million metric tons
of carbon equivalent. CHP is also one of a
group of clean, highly reliable distributed
energy technologies that reduce the amount
of electricity lost in transmission while
eliminating the need to construct expensive
power lines to transmit power from large
central power plants.
The U.S. Department of Energy,
through its Clean Coal Technology Program,
is working with utilities and scientists to de­
velop even cleaner, more efficient electric­
ity-generating systems using coal. One of
the most promising new approaches to us­
ing coal for clean production of electricity is
integrated gasification combined-cycle
(IGCC) technology. IGCC power plants con­
vert coal to a gaseous fuel, from which most


Clean Coal Technologies Up Close
The Wabash River Coal Gasification Project in Terre Haute, Indiana, is one of the
cleanest, most efficient coal-burning facilities in the country. Partly funded by the
Department of Energy (DOE) as part of its Clean Coal Technology Program, the 262-
MW coal gasification facility is owned and operated by PSI Energy and Global Energy,
Inc. Instead of being directly burned, the coal is gasified and then combusted in a
combined-cycle gas turbine. This allows the coal to burn more efficiently—which
means it gets more energy than a traditional plant out of the same amount of coal. The
Wabash River Facility is over 20 percent more efficient than a typical coal-fired power

The gasification process also allows many of the impurities in the coal to be removed
before it is combusted to generate electricity. At the Wabash River project, over 99
percent of the sulfur is removed from the coal and marketed to industrial users of
sulfur. Slag is also removed and is marketed to the construction industry. The plant’s
design allows it to burn other fuels, such as petroleum coke.

DOE is currently working with Global Energy and other industry partners to see if the
plant could also be used to co-produce chemical feedstocks and transportation fuels.
Additionally, DOE and its partners are studying lessons learned from the project to
design a less expensive, more efficient coal gasification facility that would be ready for
commercial deployment by 2005.

of the impurities are removed prior to com­ learned will enable the next plant of this de­
bustion, and then use the gaseous fuel in a sign to achieve 42 percent efficiency, and
combustion turbine to produce electricity. the research goal is to achieve 60 percent
Waste heat from the turbine is used to gen­ efficiency for plants introduced after 2015.
erate steam and drive a steam turbine, to A modern gas-fired power plant has
produce more electricity. virtually no SO2 or mercury emissions and
Coal gasification plants offer the flex­ emits 97 percent less NOx and 50 percent
ibility to burn other fuels, such as petro­ less carbon dioxide (CO2) than a traditional
leum coke, and to make other products in coal-fired plant. Natural gas as a source of
addition to electricity, such as chemical electricity generation is on the rise, in part
feedstocks and transportation fuels. Hydro­ because it can help generators meet in­
gen, which is produced directly in the coal creasingly stringent clean air requirements.
gasifier, can be used in fuel cell-equipped
vehicles. Methane, hydrogen, and other Conservation and Environmental Protection
gasified coal products can be recombined Conserving energy minimizes adverse
into more traditional fuels, such as metha­ environmental effects. Government partner­
nol, gasoline, or diesel fuel. Because these ships with businesses and consumers are
fuels would contain essentially no sulfur, improving the energy efficiency of homes,
they would easily meet EPA’s sulfur stan­ office buildings, transportation sources, and
dards for transportation fuels, and they industrial sites throughout the country.
would be usable in fuel cell-equipped ve­ EPA’s voluntary conservation and energy ef­
hicles designed for these fuels. ficiency programs include Energy Star
Two plants demonstrating coal gasifi­ products labeling; Energy Star Residential
cation technology have already been built programs for both new homes and home
in the United States and have achieved over improvement; Energy Star Buildings, princi­
98 percent SO2 reduction, 90 percent NOx pally for commercial buildings; and new En­
reduction, particulate emissions below de­ ergy Star for Industry, which focuses on
tectable levels, and approximately 38 per­ manufacturers. In 2000, business participa­
cent efficiency. EPA believes that lessons tion in EPA’s voluntary energy efficiency

Chapter 3 • Protecting America’s Environment: Sustaining the Nation’s Health and Environment 3-6
programs reduced NOx emissions by more Water Quality
than 160,000 tons. Oil, gas, and coal extraction processes
Through EPA’s and the Department of can degrade water quality through their dis­
Transportation’s Commuter Choice Leader­ charges. Energy generation and use can also
ship Initiative, private-public employers are degrade water quality by directly discharg­
offering employees a variety of commuting ing pollutants into water bodies; changing
options, which encourage commuting pat­ the temperature, timing, and flow character­
terns that save fuel and energy while reduc­ istics of water bodies; and emitting pollut­
ing emissions. For example, a 10 percent re­ ants into the air that are ultimately depos­
duction in the rate of growth in vehicle ited in water. Leaking storage tanks and
miles traveled can result in annual savings pipelines release petroleum and fuel addi­
Federal and state regulators of 38 million barrels of gasoline (82 million tives that can contaminate surface water
are working with businesses barrels of oil) by 2005, and can remove and ground water, including drinking-water
and communities to mitigate 45,000 metric tons of NOx, 37,000 metric supplies.
adverse environmental tons of hydrocarbons, and 4.8 million met­ Federal and state regulators are work­
impacts by requiring develop­ ric tons of carbon-equivalent emissions. ing with businesses and communities to
ers and operators to choose
Energy efficiency and conservation in mitigate these adverse impacts by requiring
more environmentally
friendly sites, infrastructure the home are also important factors. Ex­ developers and operators to choose more
routes, and operational amples include EPA’s home improvement environmentally friendly sites, infrastruc­
criteria; fostering the use of program, which involves efficient appli­ ture routes, and operational criteria; foster­
technologies that both protect ances, duct work to prevent air condition­ ing the use of technologies that both protect
the environment and still
ers from leaking, efficient windows, pro­ the environment and meet energy produc­
meet energy production goals;
and requiring reclamation grammable thermostats, and efficient resi­ tion goals; and requiring reclamation and
and mitigation of any dential lighting. mitigation of any environmental damage.
environmental damage. For example, as a result of an analysis un­
der the National Environmental Policy Act
of the impacts of a new power plant in Cali­
fornia, the company building the plant
agreed to change the design to use a dry
cooling method. This change reduced
ground-water consumption by 95 percent
and eliminated both cooling tower
“blowdown” water and particulate emis­
sions, while still achieving the desired en­
ergy production. Adverse impacts to aquatic
life from cooling-water intakes, thermal dis­
charges, and hydropower intakes can be
minimized with proper design and environ­
mental controls. A cooperative government,
industry, and community-based approach
during project siting and design will help en­
sure full consideration of the effects upon
fish and aquatic resources.
Programs to reduce air pollution also
help clean up water bodies. For example,
reducing electric utilities’ air emissions of
NOx and SO2 and vehicles’ NOx emissions
reduces eutrophication and acid deposition
in estuaries, both of which can harm fish
populations and threaten commercial and
recreational yields. For example, roughly 25
percent of nitrogen (which contributes to


eutrophication) entering Chesapeake Bay is
from air emissions. And by significantly re­
ducing SO2 air emissions, the Acid Rain Pro­
gram has helped reduce the acidification of
water bodies.
Airborne mercury emitted by coal­
fired power plants has been deposited into
thousands of water bodies, and humans can
be exposed to toxic methyl mercury when
they eat fish from these waters. The Bush
Administration will propose legislation add­
ing mercury to the list of pollutant emis­
sions from power plants that will be subject
to mandatory limits.

responsibilities of facilitating such energy Technological advances and

Fish, Wildlife, and Their Habitat development and conserving our natural re­ a strong commitment to
Ecosystems provide food, shelter, and source legacy. environmental protection
critical breeding and spawning grounds for are enabling the healthy
Special efforts are often necessary to
fish and wildlife, and support commercial coexistence of our nation’s
ensure that proposed energy projects do diverse ecosystems with the
and recreational fishing, tourism, and other not diminish the vitality of these unique re­ development of energy
activities that contribute billions of dollars sources. Working together, the public, busi­ resources.
to the U.S. economy every year. Oil and gas nesses, and federal, state, tribal, and local
exploration and production, hydropower governments can ensure that environmental
dams, power plants, pipelines, and other impacts are carefully evaluated when con­
energy-related projects can potentially af­ sidering energy exploration and production
fect fish, wildlife, and habitat. However, activities. For example, such precautions
technological advances, a strong commit­ have been important for the exploration
ment to environmental protection, and the and production that is already allowed to­
use of appropriate regulatory tools can day in 42 National Wildlife Refuges.
enable proper energy development to go
forward in an environmentally sensitive Hydropower Generation
manner. It is important to recognize and to Hydropower, although a clean energy
continue the progress in this area. source, does present environmental chal­
When energy development is pro­ lenges. Unless properly designed and oper­
posed, the federal government has the dual ated, hydropower dams can injure or kill
fish, such as salmon, by blocking their pas­
sage to upstream spawning pools. Innova­
★ The NEPD Group recommends
tions in fish ladders, screens, and hatcher­ Ecosystems provide food,
that the President direct the Secretary
ies are helping to mitigate these adverse im­ shelter, and critical breeding
of the Interior to work with Congress
pacts. Ongoing dam relicensing efforts are and spawning grounds for
to create the “Royalties Conservation
resulting in community involvement and the fish and wildlife, and
support commercial and
industry’s application of the latest technolo­ recreational fishing,
• This fund will earmark potentially gies to ensure the maintenance of down­ tourism, enhance our
billions of dollars in royalties from stream flows and the upstream passage of quality of life,and other
new oil and gas prodution in fish. These efforts also have been success­ activities that contribute
ANWR to fund land conservation ful in identifying and removing older, billions of dollars to the U.S.
efforts. economy every year.
nonfunctioning dams and other impedi­
• This fund will also be used to ments to fish movements.
eliminate the maintenance and im­
provements backlog on federal

Chapter 3 • Protecting America’s Environment: Sustaining the Nation’s Health and Environment 3-8
An example of such successful col­ frozen and snow-covered, seismic trains can
laboration involves the Wanapum Dam on travel across it to gather geophysical infor­
the Columbia River. In coordination with mation. Furthermore, companies have
the National Marine Fisheries Service, the adopted innovative techniques to reduce the
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 possible impacts of exploration and devel­
installed spillway deflectors that effectively opment. In Alaska’s National Petroleum Re­
reduced concentrations of total dissolved serve, the “footprint” from most exploratory
gas that can harm fish and other aquatic wells on federal lands is short-lived and has
life. Furthermore, through the unique col­ minimal impact due to the use of ice roads
laboration on this project, the cost for the and ice pads that melt with the spring thaw.
spillway deflectors was a fraction of that for Advances in extended-reach drilling tech­
deflectors installed at other hydropower nologies have also served to minimize envi­
projects. ronmental effects during energy production
Coal, Oil, and Gas Exploration and Production A lengthy 1999 Department of Energy
Certain exploration and production study examined the environmental benefits
activities can pose environmental impacts of new exploration and production tech­
to wildlife habitat, unless conducted in a nologies and concluded that “improvements
way that protects the environment. In sensi­ over the past 40 years have dramatically re­
tive areas, these effects can often be duced industry’s footprint on the fragile tun­
avoided or minimized by timing exploration dra, have minimized waste produced, and
and operation activities in light of migra­ have protected the land for resident and mi­
tion, nesting, and other critical time periods grating wildlife.” The same study concluded
for wildlife. In addition, new technologies that “it is important to tell this remarkable
designed to lessen these and other impacts story of environmental progress in E&P [ex­
can be used, such as double-walled pipes to ploration and production] technology.
reduce the risk of oil spills. Greater awareness of the industry’s achieve­
Surface impacts from coal mining and ments in environmental protection will pro­
oil exploration can temporarily damage vide the context for effective policy, and for
habitats during the operation phases until informed decision-making by both the pri­
reclamation is complete. To mitigate im­ vate and public sectors.”
pacts during mining, for example, storm­
Some natural resource areas
are to be protected from any
water runoff and discharge into undis­ Waste Management
exploration. In other areas, turbed environments are controlled. After Vigilant management and careful dis­
energy development can mining is complete, reclamation efforts re­ posal of waste from energy extraction and
proceed using the most quired by the Surface Mining Control and production can prevent the contamination
advanced designs and Reclamation Act restore viable habitats
technologies to ensure that of our air, land, and water. Federal and state
through careful reconstruction of physical authorities are working to ensure that en­
proposed energy projects do
not diminish the vitality and and botanical resources. For instance, in ergy projects maintain sound programs to
diversity of these unique the Powder River Basin, as part of reclama­ safely handle wastes from mining, drilling,
resources. tion, coal companies strategically place generation and transmission.
large boulders and other rock material to Nuclear power plants present waste
create wildlife cover and denning habitat. management challenges unique among en­
Restoration of wildlife habitat on these re­ ergy-generating technologies. They generate
claimed areas has been quite successful. spent fuel, as well as other radioactive
In Alaska’s Arctic—home to such ani­ waste, which must be isolated from ecosys­
mals as polar bears, musk oxen, caribou, tems and human contact for long periods of
wolves, and arctic fox—the bitterly cold time. Currently, spent fuel is stored at reac­
winters have proven to be beneficial for en­ tor sites in a number of states, although ca­
vironmentally responsible energy develop­ pacity is limited. Newer technologies have
ment. For example, when the North Slope is been developed to reduce the volume and


increase the manageability of spent fuel, Radiation exposure from nuclear fa­
but such spent fuel will still require safe cilities is extremely rare. In fact, roughly 82
handling and long-term isolation. percent of human exposure to radiation
While the federal government has the comes from natural sources: radon gas; the
responsibility to address such high-level human body, which contains radioactive el­
wastes, states have the responsibility to ad­ ements; outer space; and rocks and soil. Ra­
dress low-level wastes from nuclear plants, don accounts for about 55 percent of our
such as clothing and equipment. Disposal exposure to natural sources of radiation; ra­
options for this type of radioactive waste dioactive elements in our own bodies ac­
are limited, because siting these facilities count for 11 percent; rocks and soil account
has been controversial. In fact, there are for 11 percent; and outer space, including
only three disposal facilities active in the the sun, accounts for 8 percent. The remain­
United States. ing 18 percent of average human radiation
exposure comes from man-made sources,
Accidental Releases primarily medical and dental X-rays and
Since the passage of the Oil Pollution consumer products.
Act in 1990, which, among other things, re­ The safety of U.S. nuclear energy
quired double-hulled vessels and improved plants has improved sharply in recent years.
industry readiness, oil spilled in coastal A safe nuclear energy plant is one that runs
zone waters has decreased from almost 8 well, experiences few unplanned outages,
million gallons in 1990 to just over 1 million and has a well-disciplined work force that
gallons in 1999. Most energy production fa­ follows procedures and avoids accidents.
cilities implement comprehensive risk-man­ The safety of a U.S. nuclear energy plant is
agement plans, which reduce the potential typically gauged by monitoring indicators of
for accidents and help local officials pre­ its performance in these areas: unplanned
pare for accidents that may arise. automatic reactor shutdowns, the annual
In contrast, inland oil spills do not ap­ percentage of possible power generated,
pear to be decreasing at the same rate as and the industrial safety accident rate for
coastal spills. The federal government re­ plant workers.
ceives many more inland oil spill notifica­ In 2000, for the fourth year in a row,
tions (9,000 notifications a year in the early the number of unscheduled reactor shut­
1990s versus 10,000 to 12,000 a year in the downs was zero. The industry generated
late 1990s), and many very large inland oil 91.1 percent of its potential maximum out­
spills occur each year (over 100,000 gal­ put, breaking its 1999 record of 88.7 per­
lons). The continued problem with inland cent, far better than the typical 80 percent
oil spills may be due to aging pipelines, number of ten years ago.
storage tanks, and other infrastructure Today, U.S. nuclear plants are more ef­
components. ficient and safer than ever. In the increas­
Since the advent of commercial ingly deregulated marketplace, competition
nuclear power generation, there have been has forced improvements in plant opera­
no radiation-related injuries or deaths asso­ tions that have benefited safety perfor­
ciated with the operation of a commercial mance as much as economic performance.
nuclear power plant in the United States.
The most significant incident from a Climate Change
nuclear plant in the United States, at Three Energy-related activities are the pri­
Mile Island in 1979, prompted improved mary sources of U.S. man-made greenhouse
safety regulation of nuclear plants. New gas emissions, representing about 85 per­
nuclear reactor designs promise even cent of the U.S. man-made total carbon­
higher safety levels than the reactors cur­ equivalent emissions in 1998.
rently operating in this country.

Chapter 3 • Protecting America’s Environment: Sustaining the Nation’s Health and Environment 3-10
Scientists continue to learn more GDP grew by more than 4 percent a year,
about global climate change, its causes, while CO2 emissions grew by less than 1.5
potential impacts, and possible solutions. percent a year. In addition, the carbon inten­
The United States recognizes the seri­ sity of the U.S. economy—the amount of
ousness of this global issue as scientists at­ CO2 emitted per unit of GDP—declined by
tempt to learn more about climate change. 15 percent during the 1990s.
The United States is making progress in re­ The United States has reduced green­
Forests can absorb carbon ducing emissions of greenhouse gases. Re­ house gas emissions by promoting energy
dioxide, which accounts for cent data show that the rate of growth in efficiency and the broader use of renewable
the largest share of green­ U.S. greenhouse gas emissions has begun to energy through a wide range of public-pri­
house gas emissions.
decline, even as the U.S. economy has been vate partnership programs. These programs
Working with the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service Re­ growing at an unprecedented rate. For ex­ save energy, cut energy bills, enhance eco­
search, Illinova Generating ample, historically U.S. CO2 emissions have nomic growth, and reduce emissions of con­
Company has voluntarily grown at roughly half the rate of GDP. In re­ ventional air pollutants as well as green­
committed to reforesting cent years, however, very robust growth in house gases.
100,000 acres of bottomland
the nation’s GDP has been accompanied by The U.S. government, businesses, and
hardwood forests on National
Wildlife Refuges in the Lower a slowdown in the growth of greenhouse nongovernmental organizations are seques­
Mississippi River Valley. gas emissions. In both 1998 and 1999, U.S. tering carbon, at home and abroad. For ex­
ample, working with the U.S. Fish and Wild­
life Service Research, Illinova Generating
Company has voluntarily committed to re­
foresting 100,000 acres of bottomland hard­
wood forests on National Wildlife Refuges
in the Lower Mississippi River Valley. It is
projected that this project will sequester ap­
proximately 13.5 million tons of carbon, im­
prove fish and wildlife populations by re­
storing the natural forest wetland habitats,
and enhance the Gulf of Mexico’s near-shore
aquatic environment by restoring natural
forested wetland filters to the Mississippi
River floodplain.
Industry and the federal government
are researching various new technologies
that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions
or sequester those emissions, in geologic
formations, oceans, and elsewhere.


Regulatory Structure technological improvements, and be struc­
The United States has adopted many tured to achieve larger reductions in pollu­
regulatory protections to limit the environ­ tion than would result from traditional regu­
mental damage and public health conse­ lations.
quences of the exploration, extraction, pro­ A good example of a U.S. market­
duction, and use of energy. Most environ­ based program is the Acid Rain Program,
mental controls are implemented through which has reduced SO2 air emissions from
state or federal permitting or review sys­ utilities at a fraction of the initial cost esti­
tems, which often require time for agency mates. Other emerging market-based envi­
review and public participation. Facilities ronmental protection mechanisms include
may need several different permits or re­ effluent trading, wetland mitigation banks,
views from different agencies, and they tradable development rights, easement pur­
may also need to meet local licensing or chases, off-site mitigation, and leasing or
zoning laws. Businesses have an interest in purchasing of water rights. These programs
moving expeditiously to respond to con­ can reduce mitigation or pollution control
sumers’ needs. The public also has an inter­ costs, increase business flexibility, and pro­
est in participating in the system to ensure vide transparency and environmental pro­
that appropriate health and environmental tection for the public.
precautions will be taken.
Regulatory requirements are not
static. New scientific information and new
control technologies result in new regula­
tions and modifications to existing regula­
tions over time. However, some level of
certainty in the regulatory environment is
important for all parties. Businesses can
plan more effectively in such an environ­
ment, and regulators can focus on ensuring
that the desired outcomes are in fact
achieved consistently. For example, studies
have shown that if electricity generators
knew today what their emission require­
ments for several emissions would be for a
defined time period, they would most likely
control emissions more cost effectively and
sooner than if their emission requirements
were decided upon one gas at a time.
Traditional permit and regulatory pro­
grams may not always be the most effective
and efficient way to protect the environ­
ment. Increasingly, regulatory programs are
considering approaches that include mar­
ket-based incentives. These types of incen­
tives offer advantages over traditional
forms of regulation because they set high
performance standards and then allow mar­
ket forces to determine the most effective
way to meet them. While not appropriate
for every situation, market-based incentives
can control pollution at a lower cost to so­
ciety than traditional regulation, stimulate

Chapter 3 • Protecting America’s Environment: Sustaining the Nation’s Health and Environment 3-12
The environmental review process can
also be made more open, understandable,
predictable, and coordinated among federal
agencies and with state and local agencies.
It can be improved by providing greater in­
formation to clarify expectations for energy
developers, facilitating concurrent reviews
by federal agencies by standardizing certain
information needs, sharing information re­
ceived by project applicants, and seeking
opportunities to integrate required environ­
mental processes and reviews.

★ The NEPD Group recommends that the President issue an
Executive Order to rationalize permitting for energy production
in an environmentally sound manner by directing federal
agencies to expedite permits and other federal actions necessary
for energy-related project approvals on a national basis. This
order would establish an interagency task force chaired by the
Council on Environmental Quality to ensure that federal agen­
cies responsible for permitting energy-related facilities are
coordinating their efforts. The task force will ensure that federal
agencies set up appropriate mechanisms to coordinate federal,
state, tribal, and local permitting activity in particular regions
where increased activity is expected.


Summary of Recommendations
Protecting America’s Environment: Sustaining the

Nation’s Health and Environment

★ The NEPD Group recommends that the President direct the Administrator

of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to propose multi-pollutant

legislation. The NEPD Group recommends that the President direct the EPA

Administrator to work with Congress to propose legislation that would

establish a flexible, market-based program to significantly reduce and cap

emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and mercury from electric power

generators. Such a program (with appropriate measures to address local

concerns) would provide significant public health benefits even as we in­

crease electricity supplies.

• Establish mandatory reduction targets for emissions of three main pollut­

ants: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and mercury.
• Phase in reductions over a reasonable period of time, similar to the suc­
cessful acid rain reduction program established by the 1990 amendments to
the Clean Air Act.
• Provide regulatory certainty to allow utilities to make modifications to
their plants without fear of new litigation.
• Provide market-based incentives, such as emissions trading credits to help
achieve the required reductions.

★ The NEPD Group recommends the President direct the Secretary of the
Interior to work with Congress to create the “Royalties Conservation Fund.”
• This fund will earmark potentially billions of dollars in royalties from new
oil and gas production in ANWR to fund land conservation efforts.
• This fund will also be used to eliminate the maintenance and improvements
backlog on federal lands.

★ The NEPD Group recommends the President issue an Executive Order to

rationalize permitting for energy production in an environmentally sound
manner by directing federal agencies to expedite permits and other federal
actions necessary for energy-related project approvals on a national basis.
This order would establish an interagency task force chaired by the Council
on Environmental Quality to ensure that federal agencies responsible for
permitting energy-related facilities are coordinating their efforts. The task
force will ensure that federal agencies set up appropriate mechanisms to
coordinate federal, state, tribal, and local permitting activity in particular
regions where increased activity is expected.

Chapter 3 • Protecting America’s Environment: Sustaining the Nation’s Health and Environment

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