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Name: Jordan Logan School Year: 2017

1. Goal/objective statements:

By the end of PS3 I will challenge my abilities to create better collaborative and
cross-curricular lessons to build upon the diverse elements of my lesson

2. Strategies for goal/objective achievement:

Gain an in depth understanding of the PoS.

Develop meaningful relationships with the other staff in the school for future
collaboration with other grade levels.

Improve the types of technology integration I include in my lessons.

Consider the different ways in which a desired learning outcome could be

connected to other subjects.

3. Indicators and measures of goal/objective achievement:

The initial indicator is when I can combine different PoS from my grade level to
create a more comprehensive learning experience for the students, and a more
diverse teaching approach for myself.

A good mid-point indicator is when I am able to incorporate different grade levels

to collaborate with different teachers and classes to create a more inclusive
learning environment for all students. This will also result in a better relationship
standing with the other staff members in the school.

I know this goal will be achieved when I have been able to apply different
curriculums from multiple grade levels in the collaboration efforts with other
classes in the school.

4. An estimated plan completion time:

This will be an ongoing process that will take place throughout the semester. I
have shown efforts of the first step in my planning already, however the next step
is to collaborate with other grade levels.

5. Person(s) I plan on working with:

I plan on working closely with my teacher mentor, Melanie Nishikawa, the school
administrator Shari Rogerson, and other teachers around the school to acquire
the necessary skill set to help achieve my goal.
6. Resources that I may need:

An important resource for this goal is a form of communication between me and

my colleagues, thus meaning a secure email account would be helpful. In
addition, copies of the different PoS that are easily accessible will make the
planning process much easier.


Date: ____________________________________

6. How student learning has been improved:

7. How my professional practices have improved:

Name: Jordan Logan School Year: 2017

1. Goal/objective statements:

By the end of PS3 I will explore the various strategies that are available to create
a 'go-to' guide for helping students problem solve in both their academic and
social lives.

2. Strategies for goal/objective achievement:

Create an ongoing portfolio to record all problem solving strategies that I will
come across.

Talk to teacher mentor and school administrator on personal strategies for

helping the students problem solve.

Discuss personal strategies that other staff members in the school have and
provide students with when dealing with problem solving.

Review the online resources available for helping students deal with different
academic and social situations.

Talk to university professors on their strategies that they have come across in
their years of experience.

3. Indicators and measures of goal/objective achievement:

First indicator is when I have a solid set of at least 3 different strategies that I can
resort to when necessary.

Indicators after that will be the effectiveness of the strategies provided, the
frequency in which staff and students turn to me for assistance, and the quantity
of strategies I am able to collect for the portfolio.

4. An estimated plan completion time:

This will be an ongoing goal that will vary in degrees of completion throughout
the semester.

5. Person(s) I plan on working with:

I plan on working closely with my teacher mentor, Melanie Nishikawa, the school
administrator Shari Rogerson, and other teachers around the school to acquire
the necessary skill set to help achieve my goal. In addition, I plan to consult
different Professors at the University of Lethbridge for advice on the topic.

6. Resources I will need:

I will need some form of communication amongst all colleagues, so a secure

email account would be preferred.

I will need a place to log/record and save the strategies that I collect throughout
my experience. I plan to record these in a notebook or a word document, however
I will also consider placing them on a website for other educators to access later


Date: ____________________________________

6. How student learning has been improved:

7. How my professional practices have improved:

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