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Answers to Section 9.

Absolute and Local Extrema

1. f / x 4, 2. x 35x 1x 5 2 . The critical points are 3 and 1/5. The abs max is
at 3 (which is also a local max) and abs min at 1/5 (which is also a local min).

2. The critical points are now 1/5 and 5. The abs max is now at the right endpoint 7, but 1/5 is
still the abs min (and a local min). The critical point 5, 0 is neither a local max nor a local

3. f / x 3x 10 2 2x 7 3 42x 17. Critical points are at 17/42 (the abs min and a local
min) and at 10/3 (which is neither a local max nor a local min. The abs max is at the right
endpoint 5.

4. f / x 15x 8 . Critical points are at 8/15 (the abs min and a local min) and at
6 3x 5 x 2 3
2 (which is neither a local max nor min). The abs max is at 4.

5. f / x 1 2 sin2x. We must solve sin2x 1/2, which yields x /12 and 5/12, but
only /12 is in the domain. This is the abs max which is also a local max. The abs min is at

6. f / x 3 x 2 sin2x. We must solve sin2x 3 /2, which yields x /6 and

/3 n, so /6 and 2/3 are in the domain. The critical point at /6 is a local max and is
also the abs max, and the critical point at 2/3 is a local min which is also the abs min.

7. f / x 2 sec 2 x. We must solve cosx 1/ 2 , which gives us /4. The point at

/4 is a local max and is also the abs max, and the point at /4 is a local min which is also
the abs min.

8. f / x 2 4 sinx cosx 2 2 sin2x. We must solve sin2x 1/ 2 , which

yields 2x /4 or 3/4 2n, or x /8 or 3/8 n. Within the domain, the critical
points are /8 (local max), 3/8 (local min), and 5/8 (local min and abs min). The abs
max is at 2/3.

9. f / x 4 cosx sinx 3 2 sin2x 3 . Proceeding as above, we get x /3

or /6 n. Within the domain, the critical points are /6 (abs max and local max), 2/3
(local min), and 5/6 (local max). The abs min is at .

Section 9. Absolute and Local Extrema 39

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