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I dont believe in ghosts, but

By: Juan Camilo Villamizar

A year ago, I was in Florencia with my family. I remember that my parents were
really happy because they were enjoyed time with my sister Fernanda, my brother
Ricardo and me. They achieved something special! We were in family once again
after a long time. Everything was going well. My father had his perfect job, he liked
to be a teacher. My mother worked like an accountant and my sister who lived with
them had good scores at school. On the other hand, my brother and me were
enjoying the vacation. At that moment I never thought that something was
happening at home.
One night, after a soccer game with some Friends I arrived home late. It was
midnight and a light was turned on. I saw my sister was crying while my mother
spoke to her. I didnt understood what was hapenining so I was going to ask but my
mother said to me: Dont worry, she just had nightmares. After that, I went to
Since that night, my sister had nightmares every nights and it started to be a
problem because she thought those things were real so she couldnt sleep or be
alone. We decided to talk to her about that and the description about her night
sound likes a scary story: sometimes she looked a shadow, other times she
listened sights next to her and there was a night where she felt someone on her
bed with red eyes.
Sincerely, at that moment we didnt know what to do
Thereafter, one night I arrived home very late because I was in a party. When I was
walking to my bedroom, I heard my sister crying and shouting: mom, please come
here now!. I was scared and I didnt want to go to her room because maybe there
was something strange. Then, I waited about 2 minutes but my mother didnt wake
up so I decided to go. I went to her room and I turned on the light but there was
nothing. My sister was sitting on the bed and I said to her: - whats up? But she
was stunned. I repeated the question and she answered me: -Camilo, there is
someone next to you, a shadow!. I felt very cold and scared, and my heart almost
explodes. But when I saw, there was nothing. I said: Fernanda, there is nothing.
But she said to me: Camilo that thing is seeing you. After that, I was terrified and I
shouted: Mom!
The next day, all her things were given away and my father bought her a new bed,
new teddies and changed her bedroom. Maybe it was drastic but it worked
because since that day, my sister doesnt have nightmares.

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