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Syllabus AE596: Turbomachinery: Design and Aero-


Prof. Gustaaf (Guus) Jacobs
Office: E-306
Ph.: 619-594-4046
Email: E-306
When and Where
M-W: 16.00-17.15; PS-140
Office Hours
Tuesday: 15.30-16.30
Course Overview
This senior level course on turbomachinery teaches the principles of energy transfer
to and from rotating machinery. The primary focus of the course is on the teaching
of thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluid dynamics in axial and radial
turbomachines. The course provides information that will enable the engineering
analysis and design of such machinery in industrial compressors, gas turbines and
wind turbines.
Course Objectives
Students successfully completing AE596 should have:
1 A basic understanding of thermodynamic turbomachinery.
2 A basic understanding of the compressible fluid flow in inlets and
compressors and turbines.
3 Understand operation and limit of operation of turbomachinery based on
thermodynamic analysis
4 Link aero-thermodhynamics of axial and radial turbomachinery to performance of
5 Design and improve design of new and existing turbomachines

Course Description
The course relies on the textbook Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of
Turbomachinerys, 7th edition, Dixon, L. and Hall, C., Butterworth-Heinemann. It starts
with an introduction to turbomachines including configurations and general
operation, followed by a basic review of the equations of motion, laws of
thermodynamics, and basic thermodynamic cycles. Then head and efficiency
definitions are discussed to set the stage for a thorough discussion of the operation
of axial turbomachines. After a dimensional analysis, radial flow or centrifugal
pumps, fans and compressors are treated. A treatment of radial gas turbines and
wind turbines complete the course.

Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinerys, 7 th edition, Dixon, L. and
Hall, C., Butterworth-Heinemann; 7 edition (November 13, 2013)
Supplementary Textbooks
Aircraft Propulsion:

Anderson, J.D. Jr.., Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion, 2nd

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1992.Flack, R.D.., Fundamentals of Jet
Propulsion, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Baskharone, E.A., Principles of Turbomachinery in Air-Breathing Engines,
Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Kerrebrock J.L., Aircraft Engines and Gas Turbines, MIT Press, 1992.
Mattingly, J.D., Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1996.

Compressible Flow:

Anderson, J.D., Modern Compressible Flow: With Historical Perspective,

McGrawHill, 2002.
Zuker, R.D., and Biblarz, O.,Fundamentals of Gas Dynamics, John Wiley &
Sons Inc., 2002.
Thompson, P. A. Compressible Fluid Dynamics. Maple Press Company, 1984.
Saad, M.A.,Compressible Fluid Flow, Prentice-Hall, 1993.
Liepmann, H., and A. Roshko. Elements of Gas Dynamics. John Wiley
Publishers, 1957.

Computational Fluid Dynamics:

Anderson, J.D., Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Basics with

Applications, McGrawHill, 1995.

General Fluid Mechanics:

White, F.M., Viscous Fluid Flow, McGrawHill, 1991.

Schlichting, H., Gersten, K., Boundary-Layer Theory, 8th edition, 2004.

Introduction to Aircraft Propulsion Systems, AE430 or similar (discuss with instructor) is a

Homework Problems

A total of approximately six or seven problem sets will be given on Wednesdays. The due date
for submission of assignments is at the beginning of class the Wednesday after the assignment is
given. Late submission of assignments is not accepted. Graduate students will be assigned
additional homework problems and assignments. These problems sets and assignments may
involve some programming with matlab.

There will be one midterm, a quiz and one final written examination. Graduate students will be
given final take-home exam instead of the written exam in which will demonstrate their ability to
perform more detailed analysis of turbomachinery with matlab programs.
Graduate students will be assigned a final project (instead of the written exam) that
requires performing a detailed performance analysis of a chosen turbo-machinery
and submitting a detailed written report. The report will use the template report

Course Grade
The grading will be based on a weighting of 15 % on the homework, 35 % on the midterm exam,
10% on the quiz and 40 % on the final exam.
Performance is assessed based on
1 The skill to solve given problems
2 Clarity of the motivation of the steps involved in solving a problem
3 Clarity of the presentation of the results.
Each of these three point carry equal weight.

Regular and punctual attendance and participation are expected. Absence from tests must be
explained with medical certificates or other valid reasons beyond your control and planning. Ask
anyone for help on homework, but what you submit must be your own work. Cheating and
plagiarism: A student who has committed either offense may be subject to university disciplinary
action according to the university senate policy file.

Student Learning Outcomes:

1: Assess the limits of operation of turbomachinery based on thermodynamic analysis.

2: Link aero-thermodynamics such as momentum transfer and heat tranfser of axial and radial
turbomachinery to performance of turbomachines by applying fundamental equations of motion
and aerodynamics of airfoils.

3: Design and improve design of new and existing turbomachines including the c omputation of the
performance metric such as head and efficiency for axial turbines, radial flow or centrifugal pumps, fans
and compressors, radial gas turbines, and wind turbines

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