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Regd. ofllco : 3-A, Ga6lin Ptace, 3rd Floor, Kotkala . 700001 .

Tet. i 9j 33 2248 3331 ,2230 7A18
Fax. 91 33224875A2 . E.mail : gotschhaStobal@smait.con .
Websile : wwY/.go echhag
cIN : !6519111181991PLC201?4?


Corporate Relfi ions Dcparinent.

Sub: outcomcof Board Meeti"sheld on 11.02.2017

with rcterenccb th. abovc m?.tioned subjct, ol.8c note that thc Boad ofdjEctols in thcir
lu$.on.ludcdBoa ncetinchave

1. Approvod the Un AudiEd FinancjalResults for thc Thnd Qur(erand Nrnc months ended 3r,,

2. Taken Noie of the r,imiEd Review Repod forihcun Audibd FintrnciatResults forThird Quaftcr

Theneeiingcommcnc.dat 11:00AM and.onch'd.n at 11:30AM

rhn isforyourinfomationand rc.ods.

pARr | . srArEMENr oF uN^UotrrDjE!!!E!93 M



PRoFrr lLoss) FoRTHE PER oo (v'vu

sqMsohdh.sobt .m)
V Goval & Associates
CK Chr e,!d A.Latttarts
E na qoyrraokqbryou@q r com


Colechb, Clobol Finatrce Limiled,

we havc revicscd tnc accompanlins sktemcnl ofunaudned fimncial results of Golehho

Globrl ti..n.c Limied lor rhe qusrcr e.d.d 3l( De.nb..,2016. The sirrnnl is thc
responsibiliry of the conpany s moasment and h$ bn appb!d by fie B@rd of DitcloR.
Ourresponsibility isro hsue d repon on thesc llnancial srarenenb bded on our revieu.

we co.dud.d our !!ie{ nr accordd@ wi$ r Sldard on Review Engogenent (sRlil

2400. Ensapruts to Rdri.n FinMial 9dui.,ns issred by lhe lnslitutc of Chanetd
Asoutdb of lndia. Tnis srandard Equies $al *! ple ed prrod rhc rcli\ lo oblain
toodedte lsslnnce as to shether lhe fitucid statedeols & fm lron not.tktl kisstdene
I priew is h ik.l pri atih'to i tt u itils .f dohlpu ! pe\ok aloh.l analrticalpto d t!!
dpplied dhciat data a n thd ptoritks lcs os"run& than @ aulit We h@e at
pu[@hd an dklit a d accotlinslr. *. do ot cln'ess dn! ot ln opihiok.

Baed on our rcview condtrctd .s above, norhin8 has conc ro our alte ion $ caB5 us lo
believe lhat rhc accom! yin8 statementolun-olditd nnanciol Esulrs plePlEd in accordance
wi$ lhe applicable accounling slandards md olhet ncognhed accounlirg praclices dd
policiB ha oor di$losed dre nrfomadon Equitd to be disclosed in lems ofl{eSulalion ll of
rhc sEB(Li$ing Obligrtions dd Di$loM Requiemcnls) Regulalions,2ols including tho
anner in $Iich n is b b di*lo*d. or rhar n con'.ins ey m.tcrial Dislakhenl."

For V.Goyal & Alsocitrres

Chfrered Acmunrurs


rlm R.!b.No.3l2l36E

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