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Lanip, Dan Jerome 21st Century Literature

Grade 11 Florida Ms. Clarissa Ferrer

King Arthur
The different groups in the movie, their description and their goals are first the
knights. Lancelot was the First Knight of the Round Table, and he never failed in
gentleness, courtesy, or courage. Lancelot was also a knight who was very willing to
serve others. Gawain is a friend to young knights, a defender of the poor, and as "the
Maidens' Knight", a defender of women as well. In some works, his strength waxes and
wanes with the sun; in the most common form of this motif, his might triples by noon,
but fades as the sun sets. Galahad was always known as the "Perfect Knight". He was
"perfect" in courage, gentleness, courtesy, and chivalry. For he is renowned for his
gallantry and purity. Sir Bors, is one of the Sarmatian 'knights', and is brash, bold and
violent in a departure from the saintly earlier figure. He is brother to Dagonet; has a
native lover Vanora, and more than ten illegitimate children. Tristan is a cavalry archer,
able to make amazing shots with his Parthian/Eurasian-style reflex composite bow. He
uses a sword and holds true to the style. Dagonet often battered his own shield so that it
appeared that he had been in a fight - telling all that he emerged victorious of course.
Next are Woads in the movie, barbarians to the north of Roman Britannia are termed
Woads. They seem to be based on a historical northern British people called the Picts.
The Picts did paint themselves blue with defined tattoos in ogham script, truly a
depiction of a barbaric physique. The Romans were a more disciplined, less imaginative
people. They more highly valued feats of engineering than verbal images created by the
poet. They built and, more amazingly, maintained a vast empire for centuries. The
Saxons are shown attacking Hadrian's Wall from the north. The Saxons were already
occupying parts of Britain far south of the wall. Later in the film, Cerdic stops a warrior
from raping a woman because it would lead to less-than-pure Saxon blood.
King Arthur had an important impact on civilization, because lots of people
picked up on king Arthur as an ideal, the perfect king. This idea survives to this day, and
the idea of King Arthur has influenced ideas about what it means to be good, to be a
gentleman, and what chivalry is about.

The Knight that I like is Sir Lancelot because he is a man of courage, honor,
dignity, courtesy, and nobleness. He protected ladies and damsels, honored and fought
for kings, and undertook dangerous quests.

This message of story is a good source of inspiration for children and even
builds a childs creativity and intellectual aspects. But there are also some disadvantages
for this type of story especially if the story is said to be historical, many critics may say
that the life story of King Arthur is not real due to it is a mythical one or it is more to be
a fiction. For me King Arthur is one of those Great Leaders that ruled in their countries.
He is one of the great leaders because of his accomplishments done for the sake of his
people and eventually for the best of his Kingdom.

My favorite scene was in the barrow and Lancelot and arthur were arguing
about the order of the supreme romans.

Lancelot: Why do you always talk to God and not to me? Pray to whomever you pray
that we don't cross the Saxons.
Arthur: My faith is what protects me, Lancelot. Why do you challenge this?
Lancelot: I don't like anything that puts a man on his knees.
Arthur: No man fears to kneel before the God he trusts. Without faith, without belief in
something, what are we?

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