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January 2010


TASK 1. Speaking. With your partner(s) discuss these questions.

a)What do you know about Prince Charles? Tell your partner(s)

b)Are you green? Why (not)?
c)Do you think it is important to be green? Why (not)?
d)Do you think governments and companies are green? Why (not)?


TASK 2. Prediction. Before you listen, discuss these questions with your partner(s). What are the
correct answers? If you dont know, guess.
1. How many awards has Prince Charles received in recent years?
a. One b. Two c. More than two

2. How many cars does Prince Charles have?

a. None b. Two c. More than three

3. Are British newspapers critical of Prince Charles?

a. Yes b. No c. Dont know

TASK 3. Listening for General Comprehension. Listen (without reading) to all of the recording
and answer the questions from TASK 2:

Check your answers before the reading TASKS.

TASK 4. Prediction #2. Before you read all of the article, discuss the possible answers to these
questions with your partner(s). Make some notes.

a) Why did British newspapers in the 1970s call Prince Charles insane and eccentric?
b) What did Prince Charles propose at the London G20 summit?
c) Why did Al Gore applaud Prince Charles in 2007?
d) What is special/interesting about Prince Charles cars?
e) What is the subject of Prince Charles new book?

TASK 5: Reading for Specific and Detailed Information: Read all of the text and answer the
questions to TASK 4.

TASK 6. Vocabulary practice. Use words from the glossary to complete these sentences.
a) Every year the music and film industries give a number of _________ to the best artists in
each category.
b) Some people living in cities think that ___________ is a major cause of respiratory problems.
c) If you go into a supermarket and start shouting at everybody, they will think you are
d) Travelling by bicycle or walking are good ways of reducing your ________ _______.
e) The way of life in industrialised countries continues to have a negative effect on the


(Paper 1: Reading and Writing Paper, PART 7)

Complete this short text.
Write ONE word for each space (41 to 50)

Prince Charles (41)________2 sons, William and Harry. (42)

______mother, Princess Diana, died in a car crash (43)________ Paris
more than 10 years (44) ______.
William is older (45)________ Harry and one day he (46) ________
become King of England. William has a (47)______ of admirers (48)
________ he is handsome and reserved. Harry is (49) youngest in his
family and enjoys spending time (50) ____ his friends.

TASK 8. Write a short description of what you do every day to be green.


ANSWERS TO TASK 3: 1) b 2) c 3) a

SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO TASK 5: a) Because he talked to flowers b) compensation payments for

poor nations that stop destroying their rainforests c) Because he helped tell the world about the hole in
the ozone layer in the 1990s d) they dont use typical fuels like petrol or diesel e) it is about people being
part of nature.
SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO TASK 6: a) awards b) pollution c) insane d) carbon footprint e)

SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO TASK 7: (41) has (42) their (43) in (44) ago (45) than (46) will (or may)
(47) lot (48) because (49) the (50) with.

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