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Accident- undesired event giving rise to death.ill health, injury damage or other loss

INCIDENT- Event that gave rise to an accident or had the potential to lead to an accident

ENVIRONMENT - Surrounding in which an organization operates, including air water, land, natural
resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation

IMS- Integrated management system

INDUSTRIIAL DISABLING INJURY-(IDI) An accident or industrial disease at work resulting in an injury

to person (s) which disables them to the extent that they are not medically fit to resume full duties for
the period of one day or more including any day that would have normally being a rest day

RESTRICTED DUTY INJURY (RDI) - An accident or industrial disease at work resulting in an injury to
person (s) .which disables them to the extent that they can resume work but are unable to carry out
their full duties

FATALITY (FAT) - An accident or industrial disease at work resulting in an injury to person which
cause their death within one year of the injury or reporting of the disease

NEAR MISS - An unplanned event or unexpected event that could have resulted in injury to person,
damaged to plant, equipment or structure, loss of production ,release of hazardous substance or any
other event that could have down graded the safety of plant or persons

FIRST AID CASE (FAC)- An accident or industrial disease at worker resulting in an injury to person
that requires first aid treatment only

MEDICAL CASE (MC) An accident or industrial disease at work resulting in an injury to person that
requires medical treatment only

FIRST AID TREATMENT- Treatment provided by a person who has been trained in first aid other than
qualified physician and /or nurse

MEDICAL TREATMENT- Treatment provided by a qualified physician and or nurse

WHY ACCIDENT NEEDS TO BE REPORT ? To know the reason why the operation went wrong
recommend corrective action to be taken to prevent a re- occurrence of the incident.

JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA)- Is a method that can be used to identify analyze and record the steps
involved in performing a specific job the existing or potential safety and health hazards associated
with each step and the recommended action procedure that will be eliminate or reduce these hazards
and the risk of a workplace injury or illness.

PROACTIVE - Controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than waiting to respond
to it after 1 it happens.

ERGONOMICS- The arrangement of the work area and the job the workstation arrangement should not
involve excessive bending twisting or reaching to do the job .

COMPETENT PERSON DESIGNATION- A competent person who, because of training and experience

Is Capable of identifying existing or potential hazards in the job being performed.

Is capable of identifying working conditions that are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to
the safety and health of the employee, and
Has the authorization to take prompt corrective measure to eliminate the above condition

ANCHOR POINT- A secure point of attachment for lifeline, lanyards, or deceleration device an
anchorage must be capable of supporting a minimum dead weight of five thousand (5000) pounds
(22,68kilograms)for each person. lanyards A rope( nylon or steel cable ) suitable for supporting one

Anchor point may be an existing structure, a pipe, or temporary or permanent engineered device such
as an installed eyebolt, side rail, or cable arrangement these anchor point must be inspected daily
prior to use by a qualified inspector,

Anchor point for lanyards/harnesses and vertical lifelines must meet the following requirements;

Safety support one person falling 1.8 meters (6 feet) ;

Be installed in a manner that prevent accidental disengagement from support structure;
Be inspected by a competent person on a periodic basis;
Be placed where attachment and detachment can be done with out causing loss of balance;
Be placed above shoulder height to reduce fall distance; and
Be free of sharp edge to avoid cutting lanyard.

The following are example of anchor points;

Structural beams 15.16 centimeters (6 inches) or greater in depth for one or more people
Pipe for 10.16 centimeter (4 inches ) or grater for one person
Pipe six 15.24 centimeter (6 inches ) or greater for two person
Fixed permanent platform handrail post below mid rail for one person


Platform or scaffold handrail (except as noted above )

Scaffold ladder
Any part of vale; and
Ladder cages and rungs

LIFE LINE- A vertically suspended rope with one end attached to a stationary object capable of
supporting at least five thousand pounds of dead weight and the other end attached to a lanyard or
safety harness.

SAFETY HARNESS- A safety harness is an approved design of straps which may be secured about the
employee body in a manner to distribute the fall arrest forces over at least the thighs, pelvis, waist,
chest, and shoulders, with a means for attaching it to other components of a personal fall arrest

100% Tie Off safety Harness

When working at an elevation of 1.8 meters( six feet )or more aboveground, grade, floor, or approved
work surface as platforms and scaffolds, or when working in an area where a fall potential of greater
then 1.8 meters exists, employees will utilize a full body harness with two lanyards and shock
absorbing unit and proper means of attachment.


General- This procedure provides the contractor guidance for the protection of personal engaged in
the use of compressed gas and oxygen cylinders all cylinders shall be clearly marked stating its

Cylinders shall not be accepted onsite that are not properly labeled as to contents capped and secure.

TRANSPORTING AND MOVING CYLINDERS- Cylinders may only be hoisted in engineered designed
cages/cradles bearing the safe working load (SWL) Capacity of the cage/cradle. The cradle cages must
be designed to a safety stress factor of at least five of the maximum load . a competent engineer
approved by owner ,must be inspect such cages weekly and certify it safe for use .

At no time cylinder be hoisted with choker slings or magnets. Valve protection caps shall not be used
for hoisting cylinders.
When cylinders are moved, they will be secured in a vertical position.

Unless cylinders are firmly secured on a cylinder truck regulators will be removed and vale protection
caps put in place before cylinders are moved in any fashion by any means.

Whenever cylinder are moved, the valve will be a closed position

PLACING CYLINDERS- Cylinders will be secured in an upright position, except when being hoisted or

Cylinders will be placed where they cannot become part of an electrical circuit and will be kept away
from piping system and layout tables that may be used for grounding electrical circuits.

When cylinders are in use it shall be placed upright position in trolleys and secured by chain to keep
them from being knocked over.

Cylinder will not be placed where they will be exposed to open flame, hot metal, or other sources of

Cylinder containing acetylene, propane, butane, or oxygen will not be placed in confined space area.

Cylinder shall be labeled as to the nature of their contents.

Anti-flashback arrestors and check valves shall be installed on all oxygen and acetylene cutting gear in
use. The anti-flashback arrestor shall be installed at the regulator end the check valve at the cutting
torch end of each hose while in operation.

STORING CYLINDERS- oxygen cylinders in storage will be separated from fuel gas cylinders or
combustible materials(especially-oil, grease)by a minimum distance of 6 meters (20feet) or by a
noncombustible barrier at least (6feet) 2 meter high having afire resistance rating of at least hour.

Valve of empty cylinders will be closed and capped.

Empty cylinders will be marked and separated from full cylinders.

Cylinders if stored on a rack will be stored on a rack with sound flooring No smoking sign will be
posted at storage areas. Sign will be posted at storage areas indicating the contents of the cylinders.

Cylinder and cylinder valves and apparatus will be kept free from oily or greasy substances.

Cylinder will be stored away from sources of heat. Cylinders shall be away from sparks, hot slag and
flames or be adequately protected. Storage compressed gas cylinders shall be secured with chain in an
upright position at all time.

USING CYLINDERS Leaking or defective cylinders shall not be used but reported to supervisor for
safe handling assurance.

CONFINED SPACE Is any area with a limited means of access/egress and subject to oxygen
deficiency, accumulation of flammable vapors, or any airborne contaminant that exceeds established
permissible limits and not subject for human occupancy.

CONFINED SPACE ATTENDANT- Persons authorized as attendants will be trained in and perform
assigned duties as follows-

Remain stationed out side the confined space at all time during entry operations maintain an
accurate count of all persons inside confined spaces.

Ensure that permit specifically required by certain project will be used as required.

Recognize potential permit space hazards and monitor conditions to ensure that a safe atmosphere

Maintain continuous communication authorized entrants.

Authorize evacuation of confined space when hazardous condition or permit violation exist.

Prevent entry of unauthorized personnel.

Contact of advanced rescue personnel if required.

Wear a white reflective vest


ACCEPTABLE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS- Confined space workplace condition in which

uncontrolled hazardous atmospheres are not present and which include an additional environmental
criteria the employer may require for employee entry in to a permit required confined space

ATTENDANT- A n individual stationed outside the permit required confined space who is trained as
required by this standard and who monitors the authorized entrants inside the permit required
confined space.

AUTHORIZED ENTRANT- An employee who is authorized by the employer to enter a permit required
confined pace

BLANKING OR BLINDING- The absolute closure of a pipe, line duct, or pipe by fastening across its
bore a solid plate or cap which completely covers the bore which extends at least to the outer edge of
the flange at which it is attached and which is capable of withstanding the maximum upstream

DOUBLE BLOCK AND BLEED- The closure of a line, duct or pipe by locking and tagging a drain or
vent which is open to the atmosphere in the line between two locked-closed valves

EMERGENCY- Any occurrence (including any failure of hazard control or monitoring equipment) or
event internal or external to the confined space which could endanger entrants.


Area /Volume/Weight/Sling size and capacity

PARTS OF MOBILE CRANE-Jib Gantry/Jib Line/ Boom line(pendants) Boom stopper/Yoke/Tapping

lift /Boom gantry /Cab/Counter weight / Blocking9 timper /steel Radius / Float /Out rigger / Turn
table/Splice/Boom/Jib/Main line/Whip line/Headache ball/Main load block/ main hoist/auxiliary
hoist /boom pendants/ this is crawler crane top to bottom parts name-




From Capacity formula; SWL=8 D X D

Then=d SWL

The tension on sling leg depends on its angle to the load and the weight of the load to be lifted

2000lbs=1000lbs+1000lbs vertical load 90 degree

2000 lbs=1155 lbs+1155 lbs sixty degree

2000 lbs =1414 lbs+1414 lbs 90 degree

2000 lbs =2000 lbs+2000 lbs 120 degree

2000 lbs =11470lbs+11470lbs 170 degree

Volume=area xthickness or height/ rectangle or square w=width,l=length -area =wxl

Circle =x RXR R=1 2 D,D =2R, =3.14

Rectangular plate , A=Area, T =Thickness Volume = A XT

Circular plate, A =Area ,T =Thickness, Volume =AxT

An occurrence (including any failure of hazard control or monitoring equipment )

Or events internal or external to the confined space which could endanger entrants.


The surrounding and effective capture of a person by a liquid or finely divided solid substances.

Entry: The act by which a person intentionally passed through an opening into a permit required
confined space and includes ensuing work activities in that space the entrant is considered to

Entry Permit system:

The employers written procedure for preparing and issuing permit for entry and retuning the permit
space to service following termination of entry and designates by name or title the individuals who
may authorize entry,

Hazardous Atmosphere:

An atmosphere which exposes employees to a risk of death, incapacitation, injury or acute illness
from one or more of the following cause,

Hot work Permit:

The employers written authorization to perform operation which could provide a source of ignition,
such as riveting, welding, cutting burning, or heating.

Immediately Dangerous to life or Health (IDLH)

Any condition which posses an immediate threat of loss of life,may result in eye damage irritation or
other condition which could impair escape from permit space,

Immediate severe Health

Any acute clinical sign of a serious exposure related reaction manifested with 72 hours after exposure

Inerting, Rendering the atmosphere of a permit space nonflammable, nonflammable non explosive or
otherwise chemically non reactive by such means as displacing or diluting the original atmosphere
with steam or gas that is non reactive with respect to that space,

In plant Rescue Team:

A group of two or more employees designated and trained to perform rescues in permit space in their

Isolation ; The separation of a permit space from unwanted forms of energy which could be a
serious hazard to permit space entrants. Isolation is accomplished by such means as blanking or
blinding , removal or misalignment of pipe section or spool pieces double block and bleed, or locked
and or tag out of all energy sources.

Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) : A minimum concentration of a combustible gas vapor or dust in the air
which ignite in the presence of an ignition source
Line Breaking : Means the intentional opening of a pipe line or duct that is or has been carrying
flammable, corrosive, or toxic material, an inert gas or any fluid at a pressure or temperature capable
of causing injury

Low hazard permit space :A permit space where there is an extremely low likelihood that an IDLH or
engulfment hazard could be present and where all other serious hazards have been controlled.

Not permitted condition : Any condition or set of condition whose hazard potential exceeds the limits
stated in the entry permit

Oxygen deficient Atmosphere :An atmosphere containing less than 20 percent oxygen by volume

Oxygen enriched atmosphere :An atmosphere containing more than 23.5 percent oxygen by volume,

Permissible Exposure Limit: The maximum eight hour time weighted average of any air bone
contaminant to which an employee may be exposed however at no time shall the exposure level
exceed the ceiling concentration for that contaminant.

Permit required confined space ( permit space ): An enclosed space which is large and so configured
that an employee can bodily enter and perform assigned work

A safe system of work is a procedure to eliminate the risk involved in an operation. If elimination is not
possible, then, at least, to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.


OSHA Recordable Incident Rate (IR)

The OSHA Recordable Incident Rate (or Incident Rate) is calculated by multiplying the number of
recordable cases by 200,000, and then dividing that number by the number of labor hours at the company.

Number of OSHA Recordable Cases X 200,000

IR = -----------------------------------------------------------
Number of Employee labor hours worked

Lost Time Case Rate (LTC)

The Lost Time Case Rate is a similar calculation, only it uses the number of cases that contained lost work
days. The calculation is made by multiplying the number of incidents that were lost time cases by 200,000
and then dividing that by the employee labor hours at the company.

Number of Lost Time Cases x 200,000

LTC Rate = -----------------------------------------------------
Number of Employee Labor Hours Worked

DART Rate (Days Away/Restricted or Job Transfer Rate)

The DART rate is relatively new to industry. This rate is calculated by adding up the number of incidents
that had one or more Lost Days, one or more Restricted Days or that resulted in an employee transferring to
a different job within the company, and multiplying that number by 200,000, then dividing that number by
the number of employee labor hours at the company.

Total Number of DART incidents x 200,000

DART Rate = -----------------------------------------------------
Number of Employee Labor Hours Worked

Severity Rate (SR)

The severity rate is a calculation that gives a company an average of the number of lost days per recordable
incident. Please note, that very few companies use the severity rate as a calculation, as it only provides an
average. The calculation is made by dividing the total number of lost workdays by the total number of
recordable incidents.

Total number lost workdays

SR = ---------------------------------------------
Total number of recordable incidents

The records and statistics covers the recording and treatment of data necessary for the computation of
incident and injury rates of employees, and forms a general basis for analysis of the reported incident and
injuries. This information will then be utilized to examine the safety and health program, which may assist in
the identification of trends and what measures should be undertaken to improve incident prevention.

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