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News Item

Text 1. The following text is for questions 1 - 2

An Indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being convicted of
killing her employer, the Saudi Interior Minister said.

The woman was beheaded in the Southern Asir province in what was the second
execution in the country.

The maid was earlier found of suffocating her female boss and stealing her jewelry.
Rape, murder and other serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative
desert kingdom.

Last year, Saudi Arabia, which follow a strict interpretation of Syaria, Islamic law
executed more than 130 people.

1. Which statement is true according to the text?

a. Saudi Arabia has executed more than 130 people of Indonesian housemaid

b. The maid was beheaded because of stealing jewelry

c. Not all of the serious crimes can carry the death penalty in the conservative
desert kingdom

d. The maid killed her employer by strangling

e. Saudi Arabia has a soft interpretation of Islamic Law

2. An Indonesian housemaid has been executed in Saudi Arabia after being

convicted (paragraph 1).

The bold word has similar meaning as.

a. Intended
News Item

b. Believed

c. Entitled

d. Suggested

e. Expected

Text 2. The following text is for questions 3 6

Police, military guard Papua village after attack

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Mon, April 11 2011 | 12:14 pm

A team of police and Indonesian Military (TNI) are guarding the vicinity of Wiantre
village in Arso Lima, Papua regency of Keerom, on Saturday after a hinterland tribe attacked
and destroyed houses belonging to newcomers living in the area.

Papua Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Wachyono said the attack happened at around
1:00 p.m. on Friday, leaving 13 houses badly damaged and one burned down.

Security officers are still on guard around the crime scene, Wachyono said on
Saturday as quoted by

The attack, Wachyono said, was triggered after the remains of 17-year-old Erlin
Wenda were found on land that belonged to one of the villagers. Erlins family suspected the
land owner of killing her.

A mass of people from one of the tribes inhabiting Papuas central mountain range
then immediately attacked the area [Wiantre village].

3. What is the text about?

a. A police attacked the surrounding area of Wiantre village

b. A hinterland tribe destroyed police offices in Wiantre village

News Item

c. Papua police Sr. Comr. Wachyono was attacked by local people at around 1:00
pm on Friday

d. Police guard Wiantre village after surrounding people attacked the newcomers

e. The murder of 17-year-old Erlin Wenda on land that belonged to one of the

4. Why did the villager ran a way to their families houses in other places?

a. They were attacked by the police

b. They were attacked by their families

c. They have just killed 17-year-old Erlind Wenda

d. They had just destroyed and burned their houses

e. Their houses were damaged by surrounding tribe.

5. The attack, Wachyono said, was triggered after the remains of 17-year-old Erlin
Wenda were found on land that belonged to one of the villagers. Erlins family
suspected the land owner of killing her. What does the underlined word refer to?

a. Land

b. Villager

c. Wachyono

d. Erlin Wenda

e. Erlins family
News Item

6. The attack, Wachyono said, was triggered after the remains of 17-year-old Erlin
Wenda were found on land that belonged to one of the villagers. Erlins family
suspected the land owner of killing her. The underlined word can be replaced

a. Started

b. Thought

c. Believed

d. Supposed

e. Imagined

Text 3. The following text is for questions 7 9

Russian woman keeps hold of dead husbands body

Associated Press, Moscow . Odd World. Tue, November 20 2012, 3:34 pm

Russian authorities say a woman with five children kept her husband's body in their
apartment for almost three years after his death.

Prosecutors in the central Yaroslavl region said the unidentified woman, described as
a devout Pentecostal Christian with a psychiatric record, was so distraught when her
husband died of natural causes in 2009 that she believed he "was bound to resurrect."

An investigation was opened after the body was found in a dumpster in a plastic bag
in July.

The prosecutors' office said Monday that the woman kept the cadaver in a bed in a
room of her apartment and asked her children to talk to it and feed it.

The office says two children decided to dispose of the body when the family moved to
another apartment.

7. According to the text, how many people did the father have in his family?
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
News Item

d. 7
e. 3

8. When was the news broadcasted?

a. Tuesday
b. At 3.34 pm
c. November 20 2012
d. After three years after his death
e. Thursday

9. ..asked her children to talk to it and feed it. The underlined word refers to..
a. Apartment
b. Cadaver
c. Room of her apartment
d. A dumpster
e. A psychiatric record

Text 4. The following text is for questions 9 11

BAGHDAD (Reuters) Six U.S. soldiers were killed by a blast north of Baghdad on
Monday, the U.S. military said on Tuesday, in one of the single deadliest ground attacks
against American forces in Iraq in months.

Three other soldiers were wounded after an explosion went off near their vehicles in
the province of Salahaddin, the military said in a statement, without giving details.
Salahaddin is a Sunni Arab insurgent stronghold.

More than 3,170 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq since the U.S.-led invasion in March
2003. Iraqi and U.S. forces are in the third week of a security crackdown in Baghdad aimed
at stemming sectarian violence. U.S. military commanders have expressed concerns that
insurgents could step up attacks outside Baghdad.

10. The text talks about .

a. six U.S. soldiers killed by a blast

b. attacking against American

c. a blast north of Baghdad

News Item

d. a Sunni Arab insurgent

e. the U.S. military

11. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the text?

a. Insurgents could increase attacks outside Baghdad.

b. Three soldiers were wounded after an explosion went off.

c. The U.S invasion has caused more than 3,170 of its soldiers died.

d. Six US soldiers died due to a blast north of Baghdad on Monday.

e. Iraqi and U.S. forces are in the second week of a security crackdown in

12. Iraqi and U.S. forces are in the third week of a security crackdown in Baghdad aimed
at stemming sectarian violence. (Paragraph3)

The underlined word means.

a. Line

b. Guard

c. Attack

d. clean-up

e. protection

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