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For Best Results, Follow Gods Design

February 9, 2014
Vol. 14, No. 6

Suggested Worship Songs:
God is Great, For All Youve Done, Indescribable, Made, Jesus Only Jesus, I Will Sing

Read the Manual. When do you usually read a Manual, before you use a gadget or an appliance, or when
there is troubleshooting? Why is a manual so important?

Genesis 2:18
Then the LORD God said, It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.
God Knows God designed marriage for husband and wife to
enjoy, not just to endure (Proverbs 5:18-19). Sex is
God introduces Himself as LORD or YHWH in this
beautiful and enjoyable in the context of marriage.
passage, which means I Am who I Am. God
People who do not follow the purity principle
progressively reveals Himself to us. He is not only
before marriage are more prone to depression and
our Creator, but He is a personal God who knows
insecurity because it is against Gods design for
and cares for us. He is personally involved in our
them to be engaged in premarital sex.
Following God
For best results in our lives, we must follow Gods
design for us. Until we know God and His design, it You can choose to follow Gods design or to not,
is hard for us to follow Him. but you are not free to escape the consequences of
your choice. For best results in marriage, you must
Gods Design for Marriage choose to follow Gods design.
The LORD God knew that it was not good for Adam GOD
to be alone so He made Eve, a perfect helper for
him. The word helper does not mean domestic
helper as is commonly thought of in our society.
It comes from two Hebrew words ezer kenegdo, HUSBAND WIFE
which means suitable life giver and support, often Gods design for a happy marriage is a triangle
in terms of a military alliance. with God at the top and the husband and wife
God created us for relationships. His design is for below. In this triangle, you are closest to your
marriage to be a permanent, exclusive relationship spouse when you are closest to God. Conversely,
between a man and woman who are to cleave to the farther you are from God, the farther you are
each other and become one flesh (Genesis 2:24- from each other.
25). When you follow Gods design, you will be more
It is not Gods design for husband and wife to intimate with God and consequently you become
separate regardless of their past failures or more intimate with each other.
present feelings. If you are married, your spouse is We are not just physical beings; we are spiritual
the right person for you. Do not entertain thoughts beings in physical human bodies. Only God can
of separation or divorce. Gods design is to use fulfill our deepest longings for intimacy. Even a
your spouse to help transform your character into perfect spouse will never satisfy these innermost
Christ likeness. longings. To follow Gods design is to put Him first.
Satan attacks marriage to destroy society. History You are made for God. Do not use your body for
attests that when marriages crumble, the nation sinful and wrong purposes.
WORD (contd)
For best results in marriage you must also follow give and receive love and encouragement. This is
Gods design for your role as a husband or a wife best experienced in a small group within the
(see WORKS below). church family. That is why it is important to be
part of a small group.
God designed the family. His intention is for it to
be a place in which there are intimate, loving, and Why should we follow Gods design? God is our
supportive relationships. Designer and our Maker. He knows and wants the
best for us, and He has the power to do it. The
Singles, your role in the family is to honor your
more intimate we become with God, the more we
parents. Make an intentional effort to say or do
will want to follow Him.
something to honor them.
When we follow His design, we will have the best
The sad reality is that there is verbal and physical
results in our marriage, in our family and in our
abuse in families because they do not follow Gods
lives. So follow His design without compromise so
design. But the blessing is that we also have a
that you can be blessed and be a blessing!
spiritual family within the church where we can

Discussion Questions:
(Leaders: Please choose questions that are appropriate to the level of spiritual maturity of your members)
1. Gods Best. What is the first human relationship God created according to Genesis 2:18?
2. Go Back to the Designer. Why should you follow Gods design for marriage? Based on your experience
(if any) and personal observation, what happens when people do not follow Gods design?
3. God First. Gods design is for us to put Him first. In what areas of your life would you make intentional
effort to put God first? What action steps are you willing to start doing today?

His and Hers Weekly Prayer Points
For the wife and ladies, what can you do to I. Thanksgiving
remember and practice the following roles to Worship God for who He is, what He has
follow Gods design for your roles so you can be a done, and what He will do in our lives
wow, not a woe, to your husband or future II. Country and the World
husband? Upright and moral governance of Public
H Hope in Christ (Hebrews 6:19) Servants and a God-centered Philippines
E Encourage & cheer him on (Hebrews 3:13) Repentance and Salvation
R Respect (Ephesians 3:55) III. Church
S Submit (1 Peter 3:1-5)
That CCF Members would honor and love God
For the husbands and gentlemen, what do you and make disciples
need to stop doing, keep on doing, or start doing to Elders, Pastors, Leaders, and Families
follow Gods design for you role? Ministries and Churches worldwide
L Lead and Love (No Blame Principle) IV. CCF Facilities
E Example (No Excuse Principle) New Worship and Training Center
A Affirm (No Insecurity Principle) Prayer Mountain
D Disciple (No Negligence Principle)
V. Personal Concerns
Deeper intimate relationship with God
Righteous living
Salvation of family and friends

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