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Trng Chinh high schol

Guiding teacher: Trn Minh Nguyt

Training teacher: Nguyn L Kim Chi



Time: 45 minutes
Level: Grade 10
Date: 7/3/2014
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Distinguish the sounds /s/ and /z/.
Pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds
Master the use of To verb to express purpose
Make and use Wh-questions frequently.
II. Skills: Reading, speaking, writing
III. Approaches: CLT, GTM
IV. Teaching aids: lesson plan, textbook, handout, powerpoint
V. Procedure:
Greeting and checking attendance
Todays lesson

Time and Content Teachers Students

stages activities activities

Page 1
Trng Chinh high schol
Guiding teacher: Trn Minh Nguyt
Training teacher: Nguyn L Kim Chi

Warm-up PRONUNCIATION: /s/ - T shows - Sts

- /z/ pictures and follow
asks sts what
Watch some pictures: are these
pictures about
1. zoo
2. zebra
3. roses
4. music
5. star
6. sunday
7. swim
8. christmas - T asks sts to - Sts
distinguish distinguish
- Distinguish the words which
are pronuced /s/ and /z/ - T leads in - Sts
the lesson follow
/s/ star, sunday, swim, sleep
/z/ zoo, zebra, roses, music
Presentation How to make the sound
and practise /s/

Page 2
Trng Chinh high schol
Guiding teacher: Trn Minh Nguyt
Training teacher: Nguyn L Kim Chi

- T teaches sts - Sts listen

- /s/ is a voiceless consonant how to to the T
sound make /s/
- put your tongue forward
behind your top teeth first - T asks sts to - Sts make
make the the sound
- force the air out over the top in chorus
sound in
of your tongue and
chorus and
individual individual
* Practise in words:
- T has some - Sts
- Sue
sts practise the practise the
- sip sound in sound in
words words
- piece
- said
- bus
- price
* Practise in sentences:
- T has sts - Sts
1. Its the worst storm Ive practise the
seen. practise the
sound in sound in

Page 3
Trng Chinh high schol
Guiding teacher: Trn Minh Nguyt
Training teacher: Nguyn L Kim Chi

(/ts wrst strm av sentences. sentences.

2. She still smiles sweetly.
(/ i: stl smalz 'swi:tli/)
3. The Spanish speak Spanish
in Spain.
(/ spn spi:k spn n
How to make the sound

- Sts listen
to the T
- T teaches sts
how to
make /z/
- /z/ is a voice consonant sound - Sts make
sound the sound
- practise the sound /s/ first - T asks sts to in chorus
- use your voice to make /z/ make the and
* Practise in words: sound in individual
- zoo chorus and
individual - Sts
- zip
practise the
- peas
sound in
- please

Page 4
Trng Chinh high schol
Guiding teacher: Trn Minh Nguyt
Training teacher: Nguyn L Kim Chi

- buzz - T has some words

- prize sts practise the
* Practise in sentenes: sound in
1. He loves his new toys. words
/hi lvz hz nju: tz/
2. My favourite music is - Sts
jazz. practise the
/ma fevrt 'mju:zk z sound in
dz/ - T has sts sentences.
3. What time does the zoo practise the
close? sound in
/wts tam dz zu: klz/ sentences.

Practise these sentences.

Follow up 1. Susan loves classical
activities music.
2. I like to listen to jazz - Sts
records. practise
3. My aunt likes to watch the
film The sound of music. - T asks some
4. But my cousin prefers sts to practise
going to concerts.
5. hes won the first prize for
singing folk songs.
6. Id like a piece of bread
and some peas, please.

GRAMMAR: to + inf
* Tell a short story by
-Sts follow
- Yesterday is Womems day

Page 5
Trng Chinh high schol
Guiding teacher: Trn Minh Nguyt
Training teacher: Nguyn L Kim Chi

Presentation - Mary went to the flowers the short

shop and bought a bouquet
- She gave it to her mother. -T shows the -Sts
* Question: short story by answer the
- Why did Mary buy a pictures questions
bouquet? -T asks
Or question -Sts follow
- What did Mary buy a -T writes the
bouquet for? anwer on the
* Answer: board and
Mary bought a bouquet to underlights
give to her mother. the verb form

Grammar point:
1. to + infinitive
2. Wh- questions -Sts follow


Example: -T gives sts

- I study English to the form -Sts follow
communicate with foreigners.
(ask students)
- What do you listen to music -T gives
for? examples -Sts copy
(expected answer) down
- I listen to music to relax.
to + infinitive is used to -T says about
express purpose (to answer the usage and
asks sts to

Page 6
Trng Chinh high schol
Guiding teacher: Trn Minh Nguyt
Training teacher: Nguyn L Kim Chi

Why? or What for?) copy down the


-Sts follow
to + infinitive can be put at
the beginning or at the end of
a sentence -T tells sts the
To pass the exam, I notes
have to study harder.
I study harder to pass
the exam.
-Sts follow
Exercise 1 (p.130): Use
the words in brackets to
answer the questions -T gives
Practise +Answers: intrustions for -Sts do the
1. I phoned her to tell her sts exercise
the good news
2. Im saving money to -T asks sts to
buy a cassette player do exercise in -Five sts
3. She practises singing pairs. go to the
all day to win the board and
singing contest -T calls five give the
4. Im learning French to sts go to the answers
sing French songs board to give -Sts correct
5. The monitor always the answers in their
goes to class on time to book
set a good example for
the class -T corrects the

Page 7
Trng Chinh high schol
Guiding teacher: Trn Minh Nguyt
Training teacher: Nguyn L Kim Chi

2. Wh- questions -Sts follow


Wh- word + aux V + S + V? -T gives sts

the form
-Auxiliary Verb: do, does,
did, be, -Sts follow

*Example :
What do you often do in your
-T gives
free time?
examples -Sts copy
- I listen to music.
Wh-questions are used to -T says about
get infomation the usage and
asks sts to
copy down the
*Exercise 3 (p.131): Ask
questions for the underlined -Sts follow
words/phrases in the
Practise following sentences
+Answers: -T gives
1. What will you do if it intrustions for -Sts do the
rains? sts exercise
2. What sort of music
does your father enjoy -T asks sts to
listening to? do exercise in - Sts go to
3. When did he leave for groups. the board

Page 8
Trng Chinh high schol
Guiding teacher: Trn Minh Nguyt
Training teacher: Nguyn L Kim Chi

Ho Chi Minh city? and give

4. Who wants to talk to -T calls some the
you? sts go to the answers
5. How did you spend the board to give
evening last night? the answers -Sts correct
6. When does the film in their
start? book
7. Who is your favourite -T corrects the
musician? answers
8. Why do you like pop

- Practise 6 sentences in your
book page 130
- Exercise 2 page 131
- Learn by heart the form of
to inf and wh- questions

Page 9
Trng Chinh high schol
Guiding teacher: Trn Minh Nguyt
Training teacher: Nguyn L Kim Chi

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