Gonona: Will Will

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Gonona p


Corona phenomenon is the ionization of air surrounding

the power conductor. Free electrons
are normally present in free space because of
radioactivity and cosmic rays. As the potential
between the conductors is increased, the gradient
around the surface ofthe conductor increases.
Assume that the spacing between the conductors
is iarge as compared with the diameter of the
conductors' The free electrons will move with
certain velocity depending upon the field strength.
These electrons will collide with the molecules
of air and in case the speed is large, they will
dislodge electrons from these molecules, thereby
the number of electrons will increase. The
process of ionization is thus cumulative
and ultimateiy forms an electron avalanche.
results in ionization of the air surrounding the This
conductor. In case the ratio of spacing between
conductors to the radius of the conductor
is less than 15, flash over will occur between the
conductors before corona phenomenon occurs.
Usually for overhead lines this ratio is far more
than this number and hence flash-over can be
regarded as impossible.
corona phenomenon is, therefore, defined as
a self-sustained electric discharge in which
the field intensified ionization is localized only
over a portion of the distance between the

When a voltage higher than the critical voltage

is applied between two parallel polished
wires, the glow is quite even. After operation
for a short time, reddish beads or tufts form
along the wire, while around the surface of
the wire there is a bluish white glr;. rth;
are examined through a stroboscope, so ffi;;;;;
that one wire is always ...r, *hun at a given half of
the wave' it is noticed that the reddish tufts
or beads are formecl when the conductor is
and a smoother bluish white glow when negative
the conductor is positive. T;-;... corona, viewed,
through a stroboscope, has the same
appearance as direct current corona. As corona phenomenon
is initiated' a hissing noise is heard and
ozone gas is formed which can be detected
characteristic odour. by-its

Consider a single-phase transmission line (Fig. 6.1).
Let r be the radius of each conductor and d the A B

distance of separation such that d >> r. Since it is a

single-phase transmission line, iet q be the cha.rge
\,-/ 0 -q

per unit length on one of the conductors and hence

-q on the other. If the operating voltage is '[/, the I

potential of conductorA with respect to neutral plane ,

N wi]l beVll and that of B wiil be -Y12" Consider a Fig. 6.1 1-$ transmission line..
point P at a distance r where rve wan+" to find the
electric field intensity. Bring a unit positive charge
at P.
The field due to A will be repulsive and that due to B will be attractive; thereby the
electric field intensity at P due to both the line charges will be addiiive ancl it will be
u u q [r '1 I
E* = ,)- '
a*.'s1r Znt o@ - x) 2neo [x d - * ]
The potential difference between the conductors

v- - Io_,uro* = f-'fr [*
q [,n,-In(d-r,l''
- 2re,
[ ],
Q-.2rnd-'=Q rnd-r
=2neo (6.1)
r TIgo r
Since r is very small as compared to d, d -r- d.
v= ftEolndr (6.2)

Now gradient at any point r from the centre of the conductor A is given by

o [t 1I
-x =_|l-+--;
[x d - *]
=rn% -@--)
Substituting for g from the above equation,

, - nt'6V
2nt.1, x@ - x)

x,(d - xlm4
Here 7 is the ii,e to neutral voltage of the system. In case of 3-phase system

r, Vl'
where Va is the line to line voltage.
From the expression for the gradient it is clear that for a given transmission
system the
gradient increasds as r decreases 1.e., the gradient is
maximum when x = rtthe surface of the
conductor, and this value is given by
v'd fi

- r)ln4
r(d, a)

r il
ei), l*
or V' = rg^*ln ! , (6.4)
Critical disruptive voltage is defined as the voltage at which complete
disruption of
dielectric occurs' This voltage corresponds to the gradient
at the surface equal to the breakdown
strength of air. This dielectric strength is normally denoted
by go urd l, equal to B0 kV/cm
peak at NTP l.e. ,zioc and76 cm of Hg.
At any other temperature and pressure
8[=80.6 (6.5)
where 6 is the air density correction factor and is given
' 6- (6.6t
where 6 is the barometric pressure in cm of Hg oc.
and i the temperature in
Therefore, the critical disruptive voltage is given by ,

v' =rgr D In 4 ou (6.7)

. -l^" {triving the above expression, an assumption is made that the conductor is solid and
the surface is smooth. For higher voltages ACSR conductors
are used. The cross-section of
such a conductor is a series of arcs of circles each
of much smaller diameter than the conductor wI
as a whole' 'The poteqti4l gradient for such a
conductor will, in conqequence, be greater than
&:,'.1: "n1!va]ent.smooth condyctor, so that the breakdown voltage for a ,tru"a.i *ril.*
will'bei somewhat iess than for u .*ooth conductor.
lhe irregularities on the surface of such a
conductor are increased further because of the aepoiJian
oi dust and dirt on its surface and

the Slggkdown -v.pl!,ag-q-1q-$;thgr redugg-d-"{n average value for the ratio of breakdown voltage
for such a conductor and a smooth conductor lies between 0.85 to unity and is denoted by mo.
Sg!g!]_g_u31"_.: o{To are given below:

Polished wires ,
Roughened or weathered wires 0.98 to 0.93
Seven strand cable 0.87 to 0.83
Large cables with more than seven strands 0.g0 approx.
The f;nal expression for the mitical disruptive voltage after taking into account the
atmospheric conditi.ons and the surface of the conductor is grven b;r

\r rl1,
t ', ,' ,: V= rgoLmo h4w (6.8)

'When the voltage applied corresponds to the criticai disruptive voltage, corona
phenomenon starts but it is not visible because the charged ions in the air must receive some
finite energ'y to cause further ionization by collisions. For a radial field, it must reach a gradient
g, at the surface of the conductor to iause a gradient96, a finite clistance away from the surface
of the conductor. The distance between g, and go is caliecl the energy distance. According to
Peek this distance is equal to (r + 0.301.,[r ) for two parallel conductors and (r + 0.308Ji ) for
bo-axial conductors. From this it is clear that,g, is not constant as g, is, ancl is a function of the
size of the conductor. "J ,r,,. 'ui . ', '.
, ,

g, = gn6 I t* # | t VL- for two wires in parallel ', .i (6.9)
I Jr6i
Nso if V, is the critical visual disruptive voltage, then
V, = lrr ln


% = .so6 [r. *-lr,,4 w (6.10)
L Vrd) r
In case the irregularity factor is taken into account,

vu = soffiua. [r n *]* a
L Vrd) r
- 2r.tmua. 4 rv r.m.s. (6.11)
L +-lm
" [r* Jr6"l r
where r is the radius in cms. The irregularity factor m, has the following values:
ffiu = 1.0 for polished wires
= 0.98 to 0.93 for rough conductor exposed to atmospheric severities
= 0.72 for iocal corona on stranded conductors.
I Since the surface of the conductor is irregular, the corona does not start simultaneously
.. i on the whole surface but it takes place at different points of the conductor which are pointed
, and tiris is known as local corona. For this m, = 0,72 and for ctecitled corona or general corona
.,mu = 0.82.
: Example 6.1: Find the critical disruptive voltage and the critical voltages for local and
general corona on a 3-phase overhead transmission line, consisting of three stranded copper
conductors spaced 2.5 m apart at the corners of an equilateral triangle. Air temperature and
pressure are 21"C and 73.6 cni Hg respecLively" The corrductor dia, irreguh,rrity factor anti
sgrface factors are 10.4 rnm, 0.85, 0.7 and 0.8 respectiveiy.
-a{ r't*?f,irffff{rft
critical disruptive voitage is given by
Va = 2l'lnt'6'L' 4
3.92b 3.92 x 73.6 3.92x73.6
6= = 0.9813
273+t 273+27 294
Va=Zl.lx 0.85 x 0.9813 x 0.5j
O- = 56.5 kV

or the critical disruptive line to line voltage = b6.S JI = g?.Bg kV Ans.

The visual critical voltage is given bv

_( os)_ d
= 2l.lm Er j 1+ #: ln :
\ Vrd) I
Here ru = 0.7 for local corona

= 0.8 for decided corona or general corona

Now ".66 = {6i2 x or9g13 = o,T14BB

f for local coron a = 21.1 x 0.7 x 0.9818 x 0.b2(1. + 0.42)ln I

= 10.7 x 6.175
= 66.07 kV
The line to line voltage will be GG.}7ZS.1$ n+,+4 kV.
The visual critical voltage for general corona will be
It4.44" g = 130.78 kV A,ns. volta
Example 6.2: A conductor u,ith 2.5 cm dia is passed centrally through a porcelain bushing
= having internal and external diameters of 3 cm and g cm respectively. The voltage
between the conductor ancl an earthed clamp surrounding the porcelain is 20 kV
Deterrnine whether corona will be present in the air space round the conductor.
Solution: Letgr.,,u* b. the maximum gradient on the surface of the conductor and gz
the maximum gradient on the inner side of the porcelain ** mtl'l!L.ii1ll.:

lil ir; !;+;rtt
81 ,nr" = m:
t*; a ; it ,,
b2 max -
2nt oarr,
91 *ur, 7 = 82.n* trrl
91 *r-" x 1.25 =92 *u* x 4 x 1.5
91 -"* = 4'8gz rr**
b lmax
or Lr = U.Z0iis

Now 20 =gr*u*rln
# -g2*n, x l.b l-
if ::."1


= 1.25Et u* ln - 0,2089,,"u* x 1.5 tn I

= 0.228t*u* + 0.8427gr*u*
= 0,570s.

s,max= 20
6l = 3b kV/cm.
since the gradient exceeds 21.1 kv/cm, corona will be present.
Example 6.3: Deterrnine the critical disruptive voltage and corona loss for a B-phase
Iine operating at 110 kV which has conductor of 1.25 cm dia arranged in
a B.0b rnetre delta.
Assume air density factor of 1.07 and the dielectric strength of air to be 21
Solution: The disruptive critical voltage

V = 2lm6r ln 4
= 2t x 1.07 x 0.625
'" offi gT
= 21 x 1.07 x 0.625 x 6.1g = kV A,ns.
The line to line voltage is 87J5 = 1b0.6 kV.
since the operating voltage is 110 kv, the corona loss will be absent.
Corona loss zero. Ans.
Example 6.4: A single phase overhead line has two conductors of dia 1 cni with
a spacing
of 1 metre between centres. If the dieiectric strength of air is 21 kV/cm,
determine the 1ine
voltage for which cororra will commence on the line.
Solution: The disruptive critical voltage (phase)

r x0.5h9
= 2l x 0.5 x 5.2983 = 55.6 kV. Ans.

ii il ru* r;' ard oa *u+*

The ions produced liir the electric fieid result in space charges wirich rrro\,,e rourili. the conductr-rr.
The en*rgy reqirired icr thli rliurges lu remain in nTotii;n
The space surrounding the conductor is lgqqy, In order to maintain the flow of energy over the
conductbr in the field wherein this additional energy would have been otherwise absent, it is alst
necessary to supply this additional loss from the supply system. This additional power is referred
to as cor-onl]g5
An experimental set up (Fig. 6.2) can be arranged to measure corona loss in case of d.c. inv
in a concentric cylinder case. the
i r"i,i

+l ':
,, \dC
'\. SOUfce
-i. \ the
_l -/ ''. .l) un cylinder
.-, ''

i ,,rc.1
,t_- .,- L I

the ,

Since the phenomenon is resistive, the loss will be VI Watt. Peek made a number of
experiments to study the effect of various parameters on the corona loss and he deduced an
empirical relation. valu
P =241x 1o-5 fP rrr-virkwtirn/phase valu,
E (6.12)
loss .

where f is the frequency of supply, 5 the air density correction factor, the operating voltage
in kV and Vo the critical disruptive voltage. The equation derived is for
weather condition. the r
The approximate loss under foul weather condition is obtained by taking Vo as 0.8 times the
fair weather value. As a matter of f'act, with perfectly smooth and cylindrical conductors no
and I
corona loss occurs until visual criticai voltage is reached when the loss suddenly takes a definite
value as calculated by the above formula. It then follows the quadratic law for higher voltages.
The empirical relation as derived by Peek has certain limitations and gives correct results (6.72
if the supply frequency lies between 25 to 120 Hz, the conductor radius is greater than_0.25 cm thing
and the ratio > 1.8. Also a small error in mo, the irregularity factor, will lead to wrong
resrilts when using this formula. and

o Factors Affecting Corona Loss

The following are the factors that affect corona loss on overhead transmission lines:
the cr
(l) Electrical factors,
(li) Atmospheric factors, and will b
(ill) Factors connected with the conductors. much
The factors are discussed one by one in the sequence. is the
1";r I
Electrical Factors:Frequency and waveform of supply: Referring to the expression (6,12)
for corona loss it is seen that corona loss is a function of frequency. Thus higher the frequency one c(
of supply the higher are corona losses. This shows that d.c. corona loss is less as compared with which
f-r\l , -
a"c. corona. Actualiy because of corona phenornenon in case of a.e . thircl harrironic-q are aiwavs : Ili". :
he present and hence the frequency is not only 50 Hz
is also. Hence the corona Ioss is still large as compared
but it contains Brd harmo.ri. .o*poil
with 50 Hz alone.
ed Field Around the Conductor: The field around the conductor
in addition to being a function
of the voltage, depends upon the configuration of the conductors,
i.e., whether they are placed
in vertical configuration, delta formation etc. Say if the formation is
the middle conductor is large as compared to the outer conductors
horizontuf tfr. n.fa ;;;.
i.e., thecritical aisrrptive rt

voltage is lower for the middle conductors and hence the corona
loss on the middle conductor il'
more as compared with the two outer conductors. The height
of the conductors from the ground
has its effect on eorona loss. The smaller the height, the greater
the corona loss.
When lines are irregularly spaced, the surface gradients of the conductors #
and henee t-
the corona losses if any are unequal. i'
f %'l' Atmospheric Factors:Pressure and temperature effect: From the expression for loss
ib(6'tz) it is clear that it is a function of air density correction
l- factor 6 which appears directly in
the denominator of the expression and indirectiy in the value
of critical disruptive voitage. '

fonJ ; vo=2r.tmo6rln*uu t:+ ;),.

I*- { t,
The lower the value of 5 the higher the loqp; uu.uori*, iL
value of 6, the loy.:
&rv - vo)r,trru rJ*., tt.
of Vo ana hence friJfr.. the value of (y _ V/2 where V is the
operating voltage in kV. This shows that the effect of 6 on corona loss is very serious.
For lower
values the pressure should be low and temperature higher.
l2) It is for this reason that the corona
loss is more on hilly areas than on plain areas.
tge Dust, Rain, Snow and Hail Effect: The particles of dust
clog to the conductor; thereby
0n. the critical voltage for local corona reduces which increases corona
loss. Similarly, the bad '
atmospheric conditions such as rains, snow and hailstorm
reduce the critical disruptive voltage
no and hence increase the corona loss.
Factors connected with the Cond,uctor: Diameter of the
ies. Conductor: From the expression
(6'12) for corona loss it can be seen that
niy the conductor size appears at two places and if other
things are assumed constant,
)ng ioss * -tld
/- -1

\l l.y -.
and nr\f'
loss ". (V -Viz
It appears from the first relation that loss is proportional to the
square root ofthe size of
the conductor, i.e.,larger the dia of the conductor iu.g.,
will be the loss. But from the second
expression as Vo is approximately directly proportional
to the size of the conductor, hence
larger the size of the conductor larger will be the critical
disruptive voltage and hence smaller
will be the factor (V -Viz.It is found in practice that the effect
of the ,..*d proportionality is
much more than the first on the corona losses, and hence
larger the size of the conductor lower
is the corona loss.
Number of Cond,uctors lPhases: For operating voltages 880
,72) kV and above it is found that
one conductor per phase gives large corona loss
ncy and hence large radio interference (fi/) level
which interferes with the communication lines which normally
rith run parallel to the power lines.
This problem of large corona ioss is solved by using two
ays or more than two conductors per phase
which is known as bundling of conductors. By bundling the conductors the self GMD of the
conductors is increased thereby; the critical disruptive voltage is increased and hence corona
Ioss is reduced.
Profitqof the Conductor: By this is meant.the shape of the conductor whether cylindrical,
flat, oval etc.i Because of field uniformity in case of cylindrical conductor the corona ioss is less
in this as compared to any other shape.
Surface Conditions of the Conductors: The conductors are exposed to atmospheric
conditions. The surface would have dirt etc. deposited on it rvliir:}i will lower' tlie disruptive
voltage and increase corona loss.
Heating of the Condwctor by Load Curent:'l'he heating of iire conductor hy the load
current has an indirect reducing effect on the corona loss. Without such heating the conductor
would tend to have a slightly lower temperature than the surrounding air" In the absence of
heating, dew in the fbrm of tiny water drops would form on Lhe conductor in foggy weather or
at times of high humidity, which induces additional corona. The heating effect of the ioad
current is, horvever, large enough to prevent such condensation.
Durilig rains, the heating of the condr-rctcir has no influence on i,he corona loss but, after
the rain it accelerates the drying of the conductor surface. The tinie during which the wa-ter
drops remain on the surface is reduced and the loss is also reduced.
For long transmission lines which pass through routes of varying altitudes, the average
value of corona loss is obtained by frnding out the corona loss per km at a number of point"$dnd'.
then an average is taken out.
Nlethods of Rgducing Co1on,,a Loss
These losses can be reduced by uiing
(l) Iarge dia conductors,
(ll) holtow conductors, and
(ili ) bundted conductors. or

It has already been discussed how large dia and bundled conductors reduce the corona
losses. The idea of using the holiow conductors is again the same i.e.,to have a large diameter
without materially addl.pg.to its weight. In one of the designs one or more iayers of copper tal<
wires are stranded ovef a twisted /-beam core. Another design consists of tongued and grooved
copper segments sptfiiJ-together to form a self-supporting hollow tube. This conductor has a
smooth surface. Expanded steel cored alurninium conductors which incorporate plastic or fibrous
spacing material have also been proposed. Lines using the above types of conductors are more
expensive than those using the conventional type and the economic limit to the conductor
diameter appears to be somewhat hetween 3.75 and 5 cms. These special conductors are more OI

effective in reducing corona. Losses during fair weather conditions and there may not be the or
same degree of improvement during bad weather conditions.
Example 6.5: Determine the corona characteristics of a 3-phase line 160 km long,
conductor diameter 1.036 cm,2.44 m delta spacing, air temperature 26.67', altitude 2440 m,
corresponding to an approximate barometric pressure of 73.15 cm, operating voltage 110 kV at It is
50 Hz. conc
of t,h
Soh.rtion: Radius of conducto, = = 0.518 cm
"a 2

ratio d' 2'44-

The x 100 = 471
[, 0.518
and l;=,i# =oo46ozb
/e o = 273rr= {'92 " 13-r! = 0.952
Assuming a sttrf'ace irregularity {aetor 0.85, the eritical disrupiive voltage
0r Va= 2l.Lx 0.856r h {
of r
or = 21.1 x 0.85 x 0.957 x 0.b18 Ln471
rd = 54.72 kV line to neutral
/ fir, I

The visual critjcai voltage \', = Zl.lm, iir, , - -H

er [ ],r, i
er Assuming a value of nt
r, - 0.72,
V *11 1vfl 10.,notrry ..rttr1r(-r, 0.3
-L.L - A W., a L V.JtJl u.uro
[_r1- v6:s18 x o'gb? Ju,*rr=66kv
The power loss = 241x 10-5 1-jie .i!.
'd kWiphase,&m
I \d -V,)z

t7 tr,

= 241x t0-5 * ;*= x 0.046075(68.5 - 54.72)2

0.957 {

= 0.671 l.,Wphase,&m "'.;,j-a ti

or = 102.36 k\4rr,ptrase i | ",
j..,,," \;- ." ,,i,j l',.,i.,

= J2Z kW for bhree phases.

na iiJ

ber The corona loss under foul weather condition will be when the disruptive
voltage is
)er taken as 0,8 x iair We-ather value, 1.e.,
,.. x 54.72 =
Vd = 0.8 43.7T kY
sa Loss per phase/km will be
)re .;1241x 10-5
n$ 0.046075(6 g.b * 4J.77)2 = 3.3875 kW./km/phase
tor u.95'/
or 542 kWphase :

bhe or Total loss = 1626 kw for all the three phases. Ans.

rat It ils desirable to avoid corona loss on power iir:es under fair weather conditions. Bad weather
conditions such as rain sleet greatly increase the corona Joss and also iower the critical yoltage
of t,he line. On accot-iilt uf the lat,tsr: cficct, rt is riot praeticat to design high voltage line,q whieh

hii r
will without corona even during bad weather.
be corona-free at all times. If ihe lines are designed ry'r

conditions, the size of the towers and the conductors wiII be uneconomical. Since the bad weather
conditions in a particular region prevail only for a very short duration ofthe year, the average
corona loss throughout the year will be very small. A typical transmission line may have a fair
weather loss of 1 kW per S-phase mile and foul weather loss of 20 kW per three phase mile.


(l) There is a definite loss of power even though it is not much during fair weather condition. f !-,.

(ii) When corona is present the effective capacitance of the conductors is increased because the
effective dia of the conductor iq increased. This effect increases the flow of charging current.
Because of corona triple frequehcy- currents flow through the ground in case of a grounded t11

system and they give rise to a voltage of triple frequency in an ungrounded system. These tr:
triple frequency currents and voltages intblfere with the.communication circuits due to l:or
electromagnetic and electrostatic induction effects. ,i , I^
..,= ./ ,: j 1,,, . .,
Lit !
Aduantages of Cororua ! t',' ,,' ,:..
It reduces the magnitude of high voltage steep fronted waves due to lighting or switching
by partially dissipating as a corona ioss. In this way it acts as a safety valve to some extent.

Radio interference is the adverse effect introduced by corona on wireless broadcasting. The
corona discharges emit radiation which may introduce noise signals in the communication
lines, radio and television receivers. It is mainly due to the brush discharges on the surface
irregularities of the conductor during positive half cycles. This leads to corona loss at voltages
lower than the critical voltages. The negative discharges are less troublesome for radio reception.
Radio interference is considered as a field measured in microvolts per metre at any distance
from the transmission line and is significant only at voltages gteater than 200 kV. There is
gradual increase in ft/ level till the voltage is such that measurable corona loss takes place. orr
Above this voltage there is rapid increase in R/ level. The rate of increase is more for smooth
and large diameter conductors. The amplitude of B/ level varies inverseiy as the frequency at
whicir the interference is measured. Thus the services in the higher frequency band e,g.,
television, frequency modulated broadcastirrg, microwave relay, radar etc. are less affected.
Radio interference is one of the very important factors while designing a transmission liner.

J : : ffi

pi**+ * &-J.M#.ffiffi . l-Q,'[$+ [Nffi. ++r +++ W'++;+w6 there

It is a common practice to run communication lines along the same route as the power llnes
since the user of electrical energy is also the user of electrical communication system. The
transmission lines transmit bulk power at relativeiy higher voltages. These lines give risle to
electrornagnetic and electrostatie fields of sufficienb magnitude which induce currents and
voltages respectively in the neighbouring communication lines.
The effects of extraneous currents and voltages on communication
systems include interference with communication service e.g.,
superposition ofextraneous currents on the true speech currents b c
in the communication wires, hazard to person and damage to
apparatus due to extraneous voltages. In extreme cases the effect
o @
of these fields may make it impossibie to transmit any message de
faithfuliy and may raise the potential of the apparatus above \) t-l

the ground to such an extent as to render the handring of the

telephone receiver extremely dangerous.
77 77-i77 7 1 7-7' 7 -ri 7' 7'7 7 "177*/7"

Electromagruetic fficts: Consider Fig. 6.8. a; b and c are

the power conductors'of a 3-phase single circuit line on a EC
d' e'
transmission tower and d and e are the conductors of a neigh-
bouring comrnunication line running on the same transmission rl /^
towers as the power conductors or a (reighbouring separate line. b'
Let the distances between power conductors and communication
conductors be D o6, D D /-\
*, bd, D uo Dra and D *respectively and the
currents through power conductors be Io, ru and respectively
such that Io + Iu + I, = 0. The flux linkage to condu ctor d, due to

. ryr A
vrvQ Q,nl"rann ninal^
u-|",r rqos oil ^i.^,.:r
tvrs UlltJU,t

currentlo in conductor a will b. V,o = 2 x L0-7I powe:' Iine, communication

ol" . Similariy,
the flux linkage to conductor e due to current /o in"Zonductor a
line and their images.

Vor=2x 10-?^n h *Do,

Mutual flux linkage between conductor d and e due to current /, will be
Yoa- Y* = 2 x l}-llo1n 2*

or mutual inductance M Vad - Vre

=2x10-? r"*FVmetre
Similarly Mu and Mrthe mutual inductances between conductor 6 and the loop
d.e and
between conductor c and the loop de respectively are given as

Mu=2x 10-7 fr P

M,=2x 10-? f" 3Dra FVmetre

These mutual inductances are due to fluxes which have a phase displacement of L20";
therefore, the net effect of the magnetic freld will be
where M is the net mutual inductance which is the phasor sum of the three inductances.
I If 1 is the current in the power conductors and f is the supply frequency, the voltage
induced in the communieation conduetors d anet e will be V Znf MI volts per m.
It is to be noted that larger the distance be+,ween the power conductors and the
cornmunication conductors, smaller is the value of mutual inductance and since the current
througir the power conductors is,displaced by 120", there is appreciable amount of cancellation
of the power frequency voltages. But the presence of harmonics and multiples of third harmonics
will not cancel as they are in phase in all the power conductors and, therefore, are dangerous
for the cornmunication circuits. Also, since these harmonics come within audio frequency range,
they are dangerous for the communication circuits.
!){ectrqstgti,e: effer-:ts: Consjder again Fig. 6.3" Let q ile the charge per unit length of the
power li1e. '[']re voita.ge of conductor d due to charge on conductor c&n be obtained by considering %
the charge on conduetor o and its image on the ground. Let conductor o be at a height ft.o from s#dfi*ia

the ground. Therefore, the voitage of conductot d will approximately be 1.

v' (t!t=-3- ['"[1*
2rt, Jn. [r {2h,',- x)
q [k zh,-xfh" = Q.l64nJ*)

I x )0,,, 2neo I Doa ]

Now from the geometry the voltage of conductor o is V"" = #:lnZho where r is the
radius of conductor o.
Substitutin g for q in the expression for Voo above, we get
, Zrt sVn 1_ ln 2hn -
r Dod

w"' D*
,^?ll, lod

- rl Doa

Similarly, we can obtain the potential of conductor d due to conductors 6 and c and
hence the potential of conductor d due to conductors o, b and c will be
Similarly, the potentiai of conductor e due to conductors o, 6 and c can be obtained.

6.1 Determine the corona characteristics of a S-phase, 50 H2,132 kV transmission line 100 km long
running through terrain at an altitude of 600 metres, temp. of 30'C and barometric pressure
74cm. The conductors are 1.5 cm diameter and spaced with equilateral spacingof 2.75 metres.
Assume surface irreg"ularity factor of 0,9 and mu = 0.75.
6.2 A S-phase, 50H2,. i32 kV transmission line consists of conductors of 1.17 cm dia and spaced
equilaterally at a distance of 3 rnetres. The line conductors have smooth surface with value for
rr = li.9$. The l:arouret,ric pressr-ire is 72 cm of FIg anri temperatule ol;10'{-'. De'|ermine ti"le lair
anrl taul weather ccrona loss per kln per phase^
6.3 A 3-phase, 50 Hz, 138 kV transmission line has conductors in equilaterai formation spaced 2.5
metres apart^ The conductor diameber is 1.04 cm and the surface factor is 0.85. The air pressure
and temperature are 7 4 crtof Hg and 21oC respectively. Determine the critical visual voltage for
corona and the corona loss per km per phase of the 1ine, m, = 0.72.
8.4 A single phase transmission line has conductors of diameter 1.25 cm and spaced 2.5 metres
apart. Derive a1 expression for the potential gradient at any point on a line joining the centres of
the concluctors if the operating voltage o1'line is 60 kV. Calculate the voltage at which corona wil1,

:rl!1jry,,$qo.EiiiTq,l-rf,l'lll,rrl{{ ililJll'llli{ffi

1. C. Adamson and I{. G. Hingorani, High Voltage Direct Current Power Transrnission, Garraway
Ltd., 1960.
2, High Voltage Direct Current Converters and Systems, McDonald, London, 1965.
3' E' Y/' Kimbark, Direct current Transmission' vol' tr' wilei'-interscience' 1971'
4, T. S. M. Rao, Principles and Pr"actice of Electric Power Transfer Systems, Khanna Fublisirers,

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