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Name:___________________________ Date:___________________

Post-Test Self-Assessment


The purpose of this is to find the optimal conditions for you that generate the
greatest results on test day.


How many total hours did you study?

When did you study?

How difficult/easy did you find the content in this chapter?

Did you have a lot of questions?

Did you seek any additional help in this chapter?


How much sleep did you get the night before the test?

What time did you wake up the morning of the test?

What kinds of meals did you eat the night before/day of the test?

Any extra-curricular activities?

Place a check in the boxes showing that you understood and were successful on
these sections of the test.
Place an X on the boxes showing that you did not fully understand and were
unsuccessful on these sections on the test.

The difference between a conductor and insulator

Electron affinity and the tendency of objects to gain and lose electrons

How electrons move from charging by friction, induction, contact

How grounding effects the charge of an object

The law of attraction and how it relates to neutral objects

The law of repulsion

Drawing electrostatic diagrams

For Friction

For Contact

For induction and induction with grounding

Applications of electrostatics and how electrostatics effects our daily lives

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