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31. (4) 16 men do the whole (100%) work in 10 2 = 20 T3 = 15/20 = 3/4 hour
days T = + 3/2 + = 11/4 hour
10 women do the whole (100%) work in = 20 days Ave speed = ( ) km/hr
16 men + 10 women do the whole work in = 10
41. (5); ; , ;
8 men + 5 women do the whole work in 20 days 42. (2); , ,;
required days = 20( ) = 16 days 43. (3);
44. (2); ; ;
32. (2) Total employees of A = 500 = 2000
45. (4); ; ;
Total employees of B = 252 = 300
46. (5); Combining both the statement together,
Total strength of A and B = 2300 Speed of the train =
33. (3); Let the side of the square be x.
circumference of base of cylinder = x 47. (3); I. weight of B =
radius = x II. weight of B =
ratio = = 7 : 44 48. (3); I. Amount of profit = 20% of 1200 = 240
II. Sp-Cp=240= Amount of profit
34. (5); Distance = = 25 km
49. (4); Cost of fencing per square metre is not
35. (3); Required ratio = = 81 : 187 given. So,
36. (2); R + S = S + M + 15 Even combining both the statement together, total
R M = 15 ..(i) cost of fencing cant be determined.
And, 50. (2); From statement II alone:
Let the sum be P.
Or, 3R + 3S = 2R + 2S + 2M
M= ---------(ii) [ ( ) ]
Putting (ii) in (i) P = 1000.
[ ]
R = 15 51. (4); = 2.24 lakh
R S = 30 52. (2); = 25600
37. (1); Area of the park = 12000m2
53. (3); I1, sold by A = = 1.56 lakh
Area of the park excluding the lawn
= 8700m2 Similarly
Area of the lawn = 12000 8700 = 3300m2 Total I1, = 1.56 + 0.896 + 0.6912 + 1.44 + 0.4096 +
Or, r2 = 3300 0.384
= 5. 3808 lakh
Or , r = m s Arrange = = 89680
38. (2); Speed of 1st train = m/s. 54. (1) I1 = 16, 00, 000
Now, speed of 2nd train = Speed of first train = 64, 000
20 = I2 = = 48,000
Where x = length of 2nd train I1Sold = 64, 000 = 40960
x = 100m
Now total length = 100 + 200 = 300m I2Sold = 48,000
Now, s = 20 m/s Difference = I1 I2 = 14560
Time = = 15 seconds 55. (5); I1 sold by A = 156000
I1 Sold by F = 38400
39. (2); Let CP = Rs. 100
Marked price = Rs. 140 Required % = = 406.25
Now, of 140 = Rs. 20 56. (3); The series is + 13, + 23, 33, + 43..
Hence 28 is wrong, it should be 30.
And 10% of (140 20) = 12
57. (5); The series is 12 + 1, 22 + 2, 32 + 3,
SP = 140 (20 + 12) = Rs. 108
Hence 8510 is wrong. It should be 8505
Percentage profit = = 8% 58. (1); The series is 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2
40. (3) Let total distance is 100 km 59. (4); Here 1st + 2nd = 3rd no, 2nd + 3rd = 4thno ;
T1 = 25/50 = hour 60. (2); The series is ..
T2 = 60/40 = 3/2 hour

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