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The School of Gypsy Arts


WHAT THE HECK ARE THE CHAKRAS? ................................... 3
WHERE ARE THE CHAKRAS LOCATED?................................... 4
HOW DO THE CHAKRAS WORK?............................................. 5
SIGNIFICANCE OF EACH CHAKRA.......................................... 6 - 9
H E A L I N G A F F I R M A T I O N S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 - 11
D I A G N O S I N G Y O U R C H A K R A S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
P E N D U L U M C H A R T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
C H A K R A C A R D S P R E A D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
C R Y S T A L S T O E N E R G I Z E Y O U R C H A K R A S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
B I J A M A N T R A S F O R T H E C H A K R A S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
C H A K R A C I S E S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 - 20
C O L O U R T H E C H A K R A S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 - 27
A B O U T S H A R R O N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
C O N N E C T O N S O C I A L M E D I A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

What the Heck are the Chakras?
The word Chakra is derived from Sanskrit and can literally be translated to
WHEEL or DISK. In ancient India and now globally, the Chakras are a well
accepted thought, especially in the spiritual and yoga communities. The
Chakras are the bases of many modern healing modalities, such as Reiki and
Pranic Healing, to name a few.

Having even basic knowledge of

the Chakras will benefit you
immensely. You will be able to
understand what the heck an
individual means when they say,
My Root Chakra is out of balance
and I need to ground or I am trying
to work through this situation by
connecting to my Heart Chakra.

If you attend yoga sessions, meditations or spiritual workshops, you have

probably already heard the word Chakra in reference to the wheels of energy
in your body that govern certain aspects of your life.


Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Where are the Chakras Located?
The seven major Chakras are not randomly located in the body, but are
strategically positioned in areas that contain major organs and nerves. The
Chakras are not only connected to your physical health, but also to
your spiritual, emotional, and mental well-being.

Crown: Top of YOUR Head

Third Eye: Between YOUR Eye Brows

Throat: Bottom of YOUR Neck

Heart: Center of YOUR Chest

Solar Plexus: Below YOUR Diaphragm

Sacral: Below YOUR Navel

Root: Base of YOUR the Spine

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

How do the Chakras Work?
Gently close your eyes for a moment and visualize a swirling wheel of energy
at each one of your Chakras. The invisible energy that you are visualizing and
tapping into is known as Prana, the vital life force which keeps you and me
alive!!! The Hawaiins call this energy Mana, which sounds similar to Prana.
Many ancient cultures had their own version of the Chakras , therefore,
I believe that our ancestors were all tapping into universal knowledge!

Healthy Chakras are open, aligned, and allow energy to flow through without
any resistance. An out of balance or blocked Chakra doesnt allow energy to
flow through with ease. The perfect analogy would be a kitchen sink. If you
allow grease & food to continuously go down into the drain, eventually your
kitchen sink will back up and you won't be able to wash any more dishes until
you turn on your garborator.

Keeping your Chakras balanced to allow energy to flow through is not an easy
task, as your Chakras are constantly changing depending on what is happening
in your life. Hypothetically speaking, lets say you were going through a divorce
then your Heart Chakra would be dealing with a brunt of the emotional &
mental stress from this challenging situation. Or perhaps, you've lost your voice
and can only squeeze out a squeal, which is the result of your Throat Chakra not
being in alignment. Having awareness of the Chakras can assist you in
recovering and healing faster, as you will know what energy centre the blockage
is in. Therefore, you can focus your time and energy on that specific Chakra.
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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

The significance of each Chakra


Basic Needs: Food, Shelter, Money, Family.

Foundation on which all the other Chakras rest.
Connected to YOUR Skeletal frame, teeth, and large colon.

Balanced: Grounded, stable, abundant, sense of safety & security.

Insufficient: Lack of discipline & boundaries, poor focus, financial difficulties, anxiety.
Excessive: Obsessive, rigid boundaries, greedy, fear of change.


Sweetness of Life: Sensuality, Passion, Creativity.

Encompasses YOUR reproductive organs.

Balanced: Trusting, creative, attuned to feelings, able to experience passion.

Insufficient: Overly sensitive, intimacy issues, feelings of guilt, co-dependent.
Excessive: Sex addiction, sexually manipulative, emotional outbursts, not sensitive.

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Solar Plexus

Power House of the Body: Personal Power, Confidence, Strength, Will.

Connected to YOUR stomach, small intestines, and other digestive organs.

Balanced: Effective will, confidence, responsible, warm personality, playful, sense of humour.
Insufficient: Weak willed, poor instincts, low self-esteem, insecure, need constant reassurance.
Excessive: Aggressive, dominating, controlling, power hungry, workaholic, competitive.


Bridge between the Physical & Ethereal: Soul Connections, Compassion, Love, Healing.
Main domains are the heart, lungs, and circulation.

Balanced: Strong connection to all life, compassionate, loving, grateful, peaceful and generous.
Insufficient: Intolerant, feel rejected, lack empathy, withdrawn.
Excessive: Co-dependent, demanding, jealous, clingy, over-sacrificing.

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Express YOURSELF: Speaking your truth and listening without judgement.
Includes the neck, throat, mouth, ears, and thyroid.

Balanced: Good listener & speaker, inspired by music, have a sense of rhythm (timing).
Insufficient: Fear of speaking, small or weak voice, shy, sore throat.
Excessive: Over-talkative, talking as defense, poor listener, gossipy, dominant voice.

Third Eye
House of Intuition: Trusting your vision & perception.
Governs the eyes and pineal gland.

Balanced: Intuitive, perceptive, imaginative, clear vision, connected to the other realms.
Insufficient: Lack of imagination, difficulty seeing the future, poor or limited vision.
Excessive: Difficulty concentrating, delusional, nightmares, lost in fantasy.

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Universal Connection: Enlightenment & Connection to YOUR Higher-SELF!
Main domains are the brain & pituitary gland.

Balanced: Intelligent, thoughtful & aware, sense of spiritual connection, open-mind.

Insufficient: Spiritual cynicism, fear of death, uncertainty & lack of purpose.
Excessive: Overly intellectual, spiritual addiction, disassociation from the body.

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Healing Affirmations
Affirmations are one of the best ways to bring your Chakras into balance. If a
Chakra seems to be out of balance, simply say the affirmation with intention
and practice your breathe work by taking a deep breath in through your nose,
pausing, and then gently pushing the air out through your mouth. Repeat the
process until you start to feel the energy shifting in the Chakra you are
focusing on!

What are alternative ways to use AFFIRMATIONS?

Meditate on one OR more of the affirmations on the next page
Use an affirmation as a mantra while you meditate (using a mala)
Write about an affirmation you resonate with in your journal
Carry an affirmation or two with you in your wallet or purse as a reminder
Print off affirmations and put them in various places around your space
Add an affirmation to your sacred altar

You can create your own affirmations too . . . just remember to use words like
am, that are in the present tense and avoid ones that are in the future tense,
such as should, would, or could, as an affirmation is a positive statement.

Remember the universe hears everything you say, so affirm what you desire!

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

I am centred & ground by Mother Earth's magnetic energy.
The Earth is my mother and she nourishes my mind, body & soul.
My soul's energy is anchored.

I freely express my Divine creativity through art, music, dance and other pursuits.
I accept and relish in both my Sacred Feminine & Masculine energies.
I can feel passion running through my veins like a wild river.

Solar Plexus
I invoke inner-strength from my past & present experiences.
I depend on my courage and strong instincts to guide me through the haze.
I am powerful, I am strong, and most importantly I am fierce.

My heart is guided by love, compassion and patience for not only others, but also myself!
I forgive myself by showing gratitude for my lessons.
My heart overflows with kindness & generosity.

I speak my truth with compassion & listen with an open heart.
I honour my inner voice by expressing it through carefully crafted words.
I am aware and mindful of my words, as each one creates magic.

Third Eye
My visions are a gateway to my intuitive heart & soul.
I trust that my visions are messages from the Divine and my Higher-SELF.
My intuition is my compass, especially when I am lost & lack clarity.

I am aware of the wisdom that is channelled from my Higher-SELF.
I am a DIVINE being of love and light.
I connect to only high vibrating energies created by the Divine.

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Diagnosing your Chakras
A pendulum is a sacred tool that can be used for dowsing, divination,
connecting with spirits and your Higher-SELF. Pendulums usually have a
chain or thread with a weight suspended on the end. I love using the
pendulum to diagnose the energy of my Chakras, as the process is simple!

How to use a pendulum:

Make sure your legs and hands are not crossed
Feet are firmly planted on the ground
Rest your elbow on the table
Hold the chain between your thumb & first finger
Allow the pendulum to swing in any direction
Play around with the length of the chain

Try using the pendulum with both of your hands to see if the connection is
better in your dominant hand versus your non-dominant one. Be patient, as
connecting with a pendulum can take time, not everyone is a natural.

You can use the pendulum chart on the next page to ask:
1. Which of my Chakras is the most under-stimulated?
2. Which of my Chakras is the most over-stimulated?
3. What Chakra do I need to connect with today?

Place your pendulum in the semi-black circle on the chart then ask your
question and let the pendulum swing to one of the Chakras.

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts
Chakra Card Spread

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

1. How can I connect to the Earth's energy to ground and centre myself?
2. What will help me unleash my passion and creativity?
3. How can I tap into my personal power to exude more confidence?
4. How can I be more compassionate and loving to myself?
5. What can I do to express myself more clearly?
6. How can I receive more clarity?
7. What can I do to connect to my Higher-SELF and the Divine?

You can use a Tarot or Oracle Deck!

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Crystals to Energize your Chakras
Root: "I am"
Red Jasper, garnet, ruby, hematite, black kyanite,
black obsidian, smoky quartz, red calcite

Sacral: "I feel"

Carnelian, dark amber, aragonite, snake skin agate,
moonstone, tangerine quartz, orange calcite

Solar Plexus: "I do"

Citrine, yellow amber, tigers eye, honey or orange calcite,
sunstone, pyrite, lemon quartz, yellow jasper

Heart: "I love"

Malachite, rose quartz, moss agate, jade, emerald,
green aventurine, green fluorite

Throat: "I speak"

Blue lace agate, sodalite, celesite, kyanite, blue apatite,
dumortierite, angelite, aquamarine

Third Eye: "I see"

Amethyst, ameterine, chariote, lapis lazuli, stichtite,
lepitolite, purple flourite, tanzanite

Crown: "I know"

Diamond, clear quartz, selenite, apophyllite, clear calcite,
herkimer diamond, magnesite, azeztulite

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Bija Mantras for the Chakras
Bija mantras are one syllable and traditionally
said aloud to activate the Chakras.

Connect with one or all of the bija mantras to

purify and cleanse each of your energy centres.

Crown: Silence

Third Eye: OM

Throat: HAM

Heart: YAM

Solar Plexus: RAM

Sacral: VAM

Root: LAM

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts


Eat vegetables & fruits that are red to stimulate and green to help with an
over-stimulated Root Chakra.
Wear or carry red crystals to stimulate and use green ones to help with
Go garden! Get your hands dirty.
Try a red energy colour bath or add a few slices of beats to your bath water.
Walk on the grass or soil with bare feet.
Stomp your feet on the ground.

Eat fruits & vegetables that are orange to stimulate & blue to help with an
over-stimulated Sacral Chakra.
Wear or carry orange crystals to stimulate and use blue stones to help with
Hula-hoop or belly dance to stimulate your pelvis area.
Paint, draw, or take photographsdo something creative & artistic.
Connect with your inner child.
Paint a wall in your house orange or use orange decor to brighten up your bedroom.
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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Eat foods that are yellow to stimulate & purple for an over-stimulated Solar
Plexus Chakra.
Wear or carry yellow crystals to stimulate and use purple stones for over-stimulation.
Watch a sunrise or sunset!
Connect with the element of fire by lighting a candle or starting a bonfire.
Lift weights to build your muscles and crunches to work your core.
On a sunny day, feel the warmth of the sun energizing you.
Add salt lamps to welcome more fire energy into your space.

Eat foods that are green to stimulate and red to help with an over-stimulated
Heart Chakra.
Wear or carry green crystals to stimulate and use red stones to help with
Try doing push-ups or running to stimulate your heart.
Take a walk in nature and smell the fresh air.
Light a green candle.
Create a Heart Chakra altar.
Lovingly cut cords to people or situations that are causing you emotional
and mental stress.
Connect with a dog or another pet to help master the art of unconditional love.

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Eat vegetables & fruits that are blue to stimulate & orange ones to calm an
over-stimulated Throat Chakra.
Wear or carry blue crystals to stimulate and use orange stones to help with
Create a crystal grid to encourage self-expression.
Try singing, chanting, humming, or storytelling to stimulate your Throat Chakra.
Write a letter to those you cannot communicate with.
Gargle with salt water to soothe a soar throat.
If you have said too much then acknowledge that silence is needed.

Eat fruits & vegetables that are purple to stimulate & yellow for an over-stimulated
Third Eye Chakra.
Wear or carry purple crystals to stimulate and use yellow stones to help calm.
Contemplate on a starry night and allow your imagination to run wild.
Try a guided visualization meditation. . . there are tons available on YouTube!
Allow yourself to daydream.
Create a vision board.
Start a personal dictionary of signs & symbols based on your visions & dreams.
Let your mind relax by staring at the sky and finding images formed by the clouds.

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Wear or carry violet, gold, white, or clear crystals to stimulate and use yellow-orange
stones to help with over-stimulation.
Connect with the Source through prayer or by setting an intention.
Develop your inner witness (self-awareness) via meditation.
Fast consult your doctor first if you have any health issues or concerns.
Light a violet, purple, gold or white candle.
Stretch your mind by trying something new!
Try a new healing or therapeutic modality, such as EFT or NLP.
Let go of self-criticism, doubts, and minimize your mind chatter.
Create a daily meditation practice.
Don't judge others, instead place yourself in their shoes.

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Root Chakra

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Sacral Chakra

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Solar Plexus Chakra

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Heart Chakra

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Throat Chakra

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Third Eye Chakra

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

Crown Chakra

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

About Sharron Basanti

Sharron weaves together her personal experiences and teachings from

Paganism, Earth Medicine and other traditions to create unique experiential
workshops & events. She is a six sensory intuitive, meditation facilitator,
certified crystal healer, reader of the Tarot & Tea Leaves. Also the creator and
artist of the Seeds of Shakti Oracle deck + guidebook. To learn more visit

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

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Seeds of Shakti Oracle

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Copyright 2017, Sharron Basanti | | The School of Gypsy Arts

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