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Student-Teacher: Zainab Hadi

Date: Wednesday, 1st of March 2017

Course: Practicum

Grade Level: year three

Subject: Science
Learning Outcome: to identify and name bones.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and the Preparation (what do you need to make or check before class?)
students use? Be specific) Prepare the laptop and smart board.
Prepare groups sheets.
Blu tack Key vocabulary
Scissors Skeleton,
Markers Common Skeleton words: skull, rib cage, rib, collarbone, upper
A1 sheets arm bone, hand bones, leg bones (lower), finger bones, shoulder
Glues blade, jaw, wrist, hips, backbone, leg bone (upper), foot bones,
lower arm bones, toe bones, knee cap.

Scientific skeleton words: Cranium, costal, thoracic cage, clavicle,

ankle, talus, humerus, femur, tibia, fibula, phalanges, metacarpals,
scapula, mandible, vertebrae, carpals, pelvis, patella, metatarsals,
radius, ulna, breastbone, sternum.

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)

Teacher will bring students to the carpet center and start with the date and day. T and S will have a few seconds
chatting about their break time (students are coming from break time) and let them be calm throw discussing about
discipline and encouraging them to get in task (Student will discuss with their pears about teachers expectation of their
behaviors). T will read the learning outcome for the students and explain the success criteria of the outcome. T will start
a video of skeleton dancing twice (first time watching- second time students will get involved to make the dance). T will
Time: 15 min

start introducing the main topic (Student discuss in pears about the definition) T ask students to share their definition

with the whole class, and after that teacher will read the definition of skeleton:
The framework of the body, consisting of bones and other connective
tissues, which protects and supports the body tissues and internal organs. T will discuss about the key
vocabularies and explain the difference between common and scientific names. S will touch their bodies to feel their
bones. T will explain the group activity.

*Video: Dancing bones
Guided and Independent Experience (group working with the teacher)

S will work in groups. Each group will have an A1 sheet, a set of bones pictures. From each group, one student will
Time: 25 min

volunteer to lay on the sheet so the other students will draw his shape on the sheet. After that, each member in the

group have to manage sticking the bones picture by sharing and discussing and stick them on the sheet. Then, S will
write the common names of each bone throw looking at the key words that will be displayed on the board. Students
who finish with the common words will be start working with the scientific skeleton names (this names will be laminated

*Students that finish with the whole group activity can start doing the assessment worksheet.
10 min

Sorting the Scientific bones names(Game)

S will be extended by sorting out the Scientific words independently in worksheets.

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