Science Lesson Plan 2 - Function of Bones

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Student-Teacher: Zainab Hadi

Date: Wednesday, 9th of March 2017

Course: Practicum

Grade Level: year three

Subject: Science
Learning Outcome: Identify and explain the three main functions of a skeleton.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and the Preparation (what do you need to make or check before class?)
students use? Be specific) Prepare the projector
Prepare worksheets
Helmet Prepare the resources
Skwooshi sand
Doll Key vocabulary
Thread Protect, move, movement, support, skeleton, joints, hinge joint,
A3 Posters ball and socket joint, gliding join
A3 sheets
Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)
S will be sitting on the carpet T will ask what is the day and date of today. T will memorize the previous lesson with the
students by asking questions. Who remember the science lesson last week? Do you still remember the names of the
Time: 15 min

bones? T will engage students by showing them different type of skeletons (animals & human). S will discuss with their

partners. T will introduce the 3 main functions of bones which are protection, support and movements. For each
function, T will make a whole class practical activity to find out the purpose of the bones. For the protection, T will use
helmet and skwooshi sand, to find out the important of the skull. For the support, T will have a doll without arms to let
students see how arms can support them to hold themselves when falling down. S will be involved to do the practical
activity. For the movement function student will work in pears during group working.

Guided and Independent Experience (group working with the teacher)

Students will be moved to the groups to make the movements activity. S will work in pears, each two students will have
Time: 25 min

an A3 poster, hand template thread, straws and sticks. S will make a Hand with moving finger joints. After that, students
have to write a sentences about the function that hands joints have.

Extra: S can start doing the assessment sheet after they finish with the activity.

*T will provide a model for the students


Students will come back to the carpet to present their posters and read the sentences they wrote.

Assessment S will be extended by working in a differentiated worksheet about skeleton function.

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