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Ways to Target Audience

A business must identify and understand its target audience if their marketing campaign is to be
successful. It allows the business to craft their products or services to the wants and needs of
customers, in order to maximise sales and therefore revenue. A successful marketing campaign
connects with consumers on a personal level, which will help the business to develop long-term
relationships with customers
To determine the target audience, the business must first identify what problem their product or
service solves, or what need or want it fulfils

The problem must be one that consumers are aware of and thus will be interested in pursuing a

The business must determine what kind of people are facing the problem they identified. This is
based on consumer demographic, psychographic, geographic information and behavior

Demographic Information

Demographic information involves statistical aspects of consumers such as gender, ethnicity,

income, qualification and marital status

Demographic information is important to the business because it gives a basic background of the
customers the business is intending to aim its marketing campaign at. This helps them to judge on a
basic level how to communicate effectively with who they have identified as the target audience

Psychographic Information

Psychographics is the use of sociological, psychological and anthropological factors, as well as

consumer behaviour, style of living and self-concept to determine how different market segment
groups make decisions about a philosophy, person or product

Things like financials, interests, hobbies and lifestyle will all be filtered by the business to create a
target audience that will in theory be open to the product and will connect with the business through
a marketing campaign aimed at them

Behavioural Information

Consumer behaviour is the purchase decision process, what influences their purchase decision,
what purposes they use the purchased good for, and their responses and attitudes to the product

consumers behaviour is affected by messages sent by the business, which in turn affects their
attitudes towards brands and products, and ultimately what products they choose to purchase
(Cheng et al., 2015). When determining their target audience, a business must examine consumer
behaviour trends.

Geographic Information
Geographic information is essentially where the customer is located, and is vital to the business
when they are determining their target audience. This is because customers located in different
geographic areas are going to encounter different things that influence their purchase decisions

Each country has consumers of the same demographic, but due to the cultural influence of the
geographical area, their purchase decisions are different.


The work permit issued to skilled foreign professionals comes under the
Employment for Professionals scheme of the country. There is no limit to the
number of visas and these permits are issued to individuals based on the
assessment of his qualifications and specific skills set that are not possessed by
the Hong Kong local citizens.


Documentation of a clean criminal record.
Exceptional educational background with a relevant degree, excellent
technical qualifications, notable achievements and experience in the chosen
field of work.
Research must be done to identify the job vacancies at a potential
company in Hong Kong.
Employment job offer.
The salary must not exceed the standards set by local professionals
(minimum 20,000 Hong Kong Dollars).
The company offering the employment must prove with sufficient
evidence that the vacancy is being filled by a foreign employee due to
unavailability of the required skills in Hong Kong.
Sufficient proof confirming that the employee will contribute positively
towards improving Hong Kong's economy.


All documents that are not in English or Chinese must be accompanied by
certified translation certificates.

Completed copy of the Employment Visa application form.

Employment offer letter.
Passport with a minimum validity of 6 months.
2-3 recent photographs.
Mark-sheets, certificates and other relevant documents.
Travel and Health insurance.
Application form for the employment of foreign professionals in Hong
Photocopy of the employment contract that lists all the details about the
employee's post, salary, benefits and employment duration.
Photocopy of the company's registration with the Hong Kong
Financial information about the company.
Documents relevant to the company's work background (not applicable
if the employee is being sponsored by the company).

Once all the required documents have been made ready the complete
application package must be submitted to the Hong Kong Immigration
If the visa has been approved it must be collected from the local Hong
Kong consulate in-person.
The work visa is generally valid for a period of 1 year and may be
renewed continuously as long as the employee continues to work for the

Lead Generation Ideas

1) Collect and share success secrets from thought leaders.

Want to provide unique value in your content? Start by reaching out to a thought leader in your
industry. By interviewing an expert to uncover their secrets, you prove to potential customers
that you're dedicated to delivering the best advice out there.

2) Make awesome Help videos to solve an issue for prospects.

Help videos can solve a real problem for potential customers in a format that's both entertaining
and easily digestible.
3) Provide best practices for a challenging tactic.

When you explore a marketing tactic in a blog post or ebook, you want to know what others are
doing to have success with the same method. Compiling those best practices into a list is
incredibly useful to the marketer looking to get started in a particular arena.

4) Create a worksheet that simplifies a process.

There are tasks in every business that are best suited by a worksheet. For example, a software
company might use a worksheet to formulate a marketing strategy. By providing a simple
worksheet for people to fill out -- and trading that worksheet for an opt-in -- you can create a
mutually positive relationship with prospects.

5) Create a list of useful tools.

It's easy to brag about the tools your company offers, but when you take the initiative and
explore other helpful tools your audience could be using, it proves that you prioritize their
success over your own self-promotion.

Economic and Trade Information on Hong Kong

Hong Kongs economy expanded by 1.9% in real terms in 2016, after growing by 2.4% in

2015. For 2017, the economy is forecast to grow by 2-3%.

Amid the visible decline in tourist arrivals, the value of retail sales, in nominal terms, dropped

by 8.1% for 2016, after the decline of 3.7% for 2015.

The labour market conditions remain tight. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was

3.3% for the three-month period ending January 2017, compared with 3.4% for 2016.

Consumer prices grew 1.3% year-on-year in January 2017, after increasing by 2.4% for 2016.

Inflationary pressure should be contained in the near term.

Hong Kongs merchandise exports dropped 1.2% year-on-year in January 2017, after a

marginal decrease of 0.5% in 2016. Zero growth is expected for 2017.

Current Economic Situation
The world's freest economy

The world's most services-oriented economy, with services sectors accounting for more than

90% of GDP

Asias largest recipient of foreign direct investment (FDI)

Asias third largest source of FDI, after Japan and Chinese mainland

1. Latest Developments
In 2016, Hong Kongs economic growth moderated to 1.9% in real terms, from 2.4% for 2015.

The growth of private consumption expenditure slowed visibly to 1.6% for 2016, from 4.8%

for 2015. But the decline in investment expenditure narrowed to 0.5% for 2016, from 3.2%

for 2015. As to the external sector, exports of goods reverted to growth of 1.7% for 2016,

from dropping 1.7% for 2015; while exports of services dropped 3.1% for 2016, after a

marginal growth of 0.3% for 2015. For 2017, the external environment is expected to improve

whereas domestic demand will continue to be supported by the largely stable income and

employment conditions. In the latest round of review in February 2017, the government

forecast Hong Kongs economic growth for 2017 at 2-3%.

2. Budget and Government Initiatives

On 18 January 2017, the Chief Executive, C Y Leung, outlined plans in his 2017 Policy Address to

develop the economy and improve people's livelihood. On economic development, Mr Leung said the

National 13th Five-Year Plan and the Belt and Road Initiative would provide new opportunities for Hong

Kong in areas such as financial and professional services, as well as innovation and technology. The

government invited the Hong Kong Trade Development Council to strengthen overseas promotion of

Hong Kong's financial services industry, and will expand its network of offices on the Chinese mainland

and overseas to promote Hong Kong's strengths and advantages, with preliminary work under way to

set up five new Economic and Trade Offices in India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa and the United Arab


3. Investment Flows
Hong Kong is a highly attractive market for foreign direct investment (FDI). According to the UNCTAD

World Investment Report 2016, global FDI inflows to Hong Kong amounted to US$175 billion in 2015,

behind only the US (US$380 billion). In terms of outflows, Hong Kong ranked third with US$55 billion

in Asia, after Japan (US$129 billion) and the Chinese mainland (US$128 billion).
Latest Trade Performance
The world's 7th largest exporter of merchandise trade

The world's 14th largest exporter of commercial services

Hong Kong as a Regional Centre

A popular venue for hosting regional headquarters or representative offices

A leading telecommunications hub for the Asia-Pacific region

A premier offshore RMB centre

The world's busiest airport for international cargoes

One of the world's busiest container ports

The second largest private equity centre in Asia

The fourth largest stock market in Asia, the eighth largest in the world

The second largest foreign exchange market in Asia, the fourth in the world


Think globally, Work locally marketing mindset should be our stratergy

1.We should adapts strategies according to the local situation in individual markets,
ensuring its promotions are rolled out in the right place, at the right time and for the
right visitor segments.

2.In addition to tempting consumers with virtual delicacies, we should introduce an

award element with a lucky draw

3. Since the cultural precinct is a favourite hangout of young people and families, it
becomes the perfect venue for some promotional events and parties.

4.Being Well aware of celebrities influence in the popular culture-dominated

market, we should plan promotion with programmes hosted by public faces.
5.With support from Japanese celebrities and the Hong Kong travel trade,our
conference will definitely stand out.

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