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Encyclopedia of

Revised Edition
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Encyclopedia of
Revised Edition

Volume 1
Hybridization and Introgression

Editor, Revised Edition

Bryan D. Ness, Ph.D.
Pacific Union College
Department of Biology

Editor, First Edition

Jeffrey A. Knight, Ph.D.
Mount Holyoke College
Department of Biological Sciences

Salem Press, Inc.

Pasadena, California
Hackensack, New Jersey
Editor in Chief: Dawn P. Dawson
Managing Editor: Christina J. Moose Acquisitions Editor: Mark Rehn
Developmental Editor: Tracy Irons-Georges Photograph Editor: Philip Bader
Research Supervisor: Jeffry Jensen Page Design: James Hutson
Assistant Editors: Andrea E. Miller, Layout: William Zimmerman
Desire Dreeuws

Copyright 2004, by Salem Press, Inc.

All rights in this book are reserved. No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner
whatsoever or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo-
copy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from
the copyright owner except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
For information address the publisher, Salem Press, Inc., P.O. Box 50062, Pasadena, California
Two essays in this work originally appeared in other Salem publications: Mitosis and Meiosis,
from Magills Encyclopedia of Science: Plant Life (2003), and Aging, from Aging (2000); both have
been updated for this publication.
The paper used in these volumes conforms to the American National Standard for Perma-
nence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, Z39.48-1992 (R1997).

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Encyclopedia of genetics / editor, revised edition, Bryan D. Ness ;

editor, first edition, Jeffrey A. Knight. Rev. ed.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 1-58765-149-1 (set : alk. paper) ISBN 1-58765-150-5 (v.1 : alk. paper)
ISBN 1-58765-151-3 (v.2 : alk. paper)
1. GeneticsEncyclopedias.
[DNLM: 1. GeneticsEncyclopediasEnglish. QH 427 E56 2004] I. Ness, Bryan D.
QH427.E53 2004

First Printing

printed in the united states of america


Publishers Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Cell Culture: Animal Cells. . . . . . . . . 117

Preface to the Revised Edition . . . . . . . ix Cell Culture: Plant Cells . . . . . . . . . . 120
Preface to the First Edition . . . . . . . . xiii The Cell Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Contributor List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Cell Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Alphabetical List of Contents . . . . . . . xix Central Dogma of Molecular
Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Aggression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Chemical Mutagens . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chloroplast Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Albinism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Cholera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Alcoholism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Chromatin Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Allergies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Chromosome Mutation . . . . . . . . . . 144
Altruism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Chromosome Structure . . . . . . . . . . 147
Alzheimers Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Chromosome Theory of Heredity . . . . 152
Amniocentesis and Chorionic Chromosome Walking and
Villus Sampling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Jumping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Ancient DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Classical Transmission Genetics. . . . . . 160
Animal Cloning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Cloning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Anthrax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Cloning: Ethical Issues . . . . . . . . . . 170
Antibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Cloning Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Antisense RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Color Blindness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Archaea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Complementation Testing. . . . . . . . . 181
Artificial Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Complete Dominance . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Autoimmune Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Congenital Defects. . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Consanguinity and Genetic
Bacterial Genetics and Cell Disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Criminality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Bacterial Resistance and Super Cystic Fibrosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Cytokinesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Biochemical Mutations . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Developmental Genetics . . . . . . . . . 201
Bioethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Diabetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Biofertilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Dihybrid Inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Bioinformatics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Diphtheria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Biological Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 DNA Fingerprinting . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Biological Determinism. . . . . . . . . . . 86 DNA Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Biological Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 DNA Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Biopesticides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 DNA Replication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Biopharmaceuticals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 DNA Sequencing Technology. . . . . . . 233
Blotting: Southern, Northern, DNA Structure and Function . . . . . . . 237
and Western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Down Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Breast Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Dwarfism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
Burkitts Lymphoma . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Emerging Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Epistasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
cDNA Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Eugenics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

Encyclopedia of Genetics, Revised Edition

Eugenics: Nazi Germany . . . . . . . . . 264 Genetic Engineering: Social

Evolutionary Biology . . . . . . . . . . . 267 and Ethical Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Extrachromosomal Inheritance. . . . . . 274 Genetic Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
Genetic Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Forensic Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Genetic Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Fragile X Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 Genetic Testing: Ethical and
Economic Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Gel Electrophoresis . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Genetically Modified (GM)
Gender Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Gene Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Genetics, Historical Development
Gene Regulation: Bacteria . . . . . . . . 291 of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes . . . . . . . 295 Genetics in Television and Films . . . . . 376
Gene Regulation: Lac Operon . . . . . . 298 Genome Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
Gene Regulation: Viruses . . . . . . . . . 301 Genomic Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
Gene Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 Genomics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Gene Therapy: Ethical and
Economic Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Hardy-Weinberg Law . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Genetic Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Heart Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Genetic Code, Cracking of . . . . . . . . 319 Hemophilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Genetic Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Hereditary Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Genetic Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Heredity and Environment . . . . . . . . 406
Genetic Engineering: Agricultural Hermaphrodites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 High-Yield Crops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Genetic Engineering: Historical Homeotic Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Homosexuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Genetic Engineering: Industrial Human Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Human Genome Project . . . . . . . . . 428
Genetic Engineering: Medical Human Growth Hormone . . . . . . . . 432
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Huntingtons Disease . . . . . . . . . . . 434
Genetic Engineering: Risks . . . . . . . . 347 Hybridization and Introgression . . . . . 437

Publishers Note
The award-winning Encyclopedia of Genetics of recent discoveries and developments. Basics
was originally created in 1999 to provide the of biologyfrom the molecular and cellular
general reader with a thorough yet accessible levels through the organismal level, from Men-
overview of one of modern sciences most vital delian principles to the latest on DNA sequenc-
and intriguing fields. This 2004 Revised Edition ing technologyconstitute the core coverage.
adds 64 new overview essays on current topics Medical topics comprise a significant number
to the original entries, reflecting the rapid de- of essays, as the genetic predisposition for
velopments in an exciting and often contro- many illnesses and syndromes has increasingly
versial branch of science that is increasingly come to light. Genetic technologies that prom-
shaping our world. ise a world without hunger, disease, and disabil-
Of the 172 original entries (168 overviews ityand promise to rewrite human values
plus 4 appendices), 7 overviews (Biotechnol- are addressed as well. The encyclopedias scope
ogy, Genetic Medicine, Immune Deficiency embraces the key social and ethical questions
Disorders, Lethal Alleles, Meiosis, Meth- raised by these new genetic frontiers: from
ane-Producing Bacteria, and Sheep Clon- cloning to stem cells to genetically modified
ing) have been dropped because they have foods and organisms.
been superseded by other, updated or new, es- Each essay follows a standard format, includ-
says; 26 have been replaced because they were ing ready-reference top matter and the follow-
so out of date as to demand completely new ing standard features:
coverage (two of these, Aging and Mitosis
and Meiosis, are from other Salem publica- Fields of study lists one or more of a dozen
tions, deemed more up to date than the origi- subdisciplines of genetics or biology under
nal entries); and 131 were moderately to which the topic falls.
heavily revised and updated by the editor as Significance provides a definition and sum-
deemed appropriate. mary of the topics importance.
All essays bibliographies are new or are fully
updated. The four appendices have been up- Key terms, concepts central to the topic, are
dated and two new ones, Web Sites and No- next identified and defined.
bel Prizes for Discoveries in Genetics, have Subheads break the main body of each essay
been added. Featured in this new edition are into clearly marked subtopics.
25 new sidebars, or mini-essays (500 words
each). These sidebars, appearing in shaded The contributors byline lists the biologist or
boxes, offer coverage of particularly significant other area expert who wrote the essay.
and current subtopics appended to the over- The See also section lists cross-references to
view essays. A list displaying the status of the es- other essays of interest.
says, designed to assist librarians in comparing
the two editions, appears at the end of this Further Reading lists sources for further
study with annotations; all of these biograph-
ical sections have been fully updated and
The result, in two volumes, is 223 overviews,
reformatted to include the latest relevant
25 sidebars, and 6 appendices: a 30 percent in-
works and full citation data for easy library
crease based on number of overview essays,
and an increase of more than 40 percent in
overall word length. The set surveys this con- Web Sites of Interest, finally, includes anno-
tinually evolving discipline from a variety of tated entries for the most authoritative free
perspectives, offering historical and technical sites on the Internet, including the sponsor-
background along with a balanced discussion ing organization and URL. This section,

Encyclopedia of Genetics, Revised Edition

which appears in more than half the essays, tance of the Internet to bioinformatics and to
was included for topics (such as diseases and general education in genetics is reflected in the
syndromes) for which authoritative govern- new Web Sites appendix.
ment agencies, professional or academic so- The articles in the Encyclopedia of Genetics, Re-
cieties, or support organizations were avail- vised Edition are arranged alphabetically by ti-
able, with only the occasional nod to a tle; an alphabetical list of contents appears at
particularly useful personal URL. All sites the beginning of each volume. To help readers
were accessed by the editors in August, 2003. locate topics of interest by area of study, a Cate-
gory Index, a Personages Index, and a com-
A series of appendices supplements the prehensive Subject Index are included at the
overview essays: An updated Time Line of Ma- end of volume 2. Nearly 100 diagrams, charts,
jor Developments in Genetics offers a chrono- graphs, drawings, and tables elucidate com-
logical overview of the fields development. plex concepts, and more than one hundred
Nobel Prizes for Discoveries in Genetics lists photographs illustrate the text.
Nobel Prize winners (all prizes) whose contri- We wish to thank the many biologists and
butions altered the history of genetics. An up- other scholars who contributed both to the
dated Biographical Dictionary of Important original edition and this revised edition; their
Geneticists has more than doubled in size, now names and academic affiliations appear in the
including all Nobel laureates whose discoveries Contributor List that follows. Special credit is
in genetics garnered them the award, as well as due the editor of the Revised Edition, Dr. Bryan
numerous others. The updated Glossary pro- D. Ness of the Department of Biology, Pacific
vides definitions of more than 500 commonly Union College. Professor Ness paid close at-
used terms and important concepts. The up- tention to the contents of every essay, carefully
dated general Bibliography references impor- updating all of the original text, elucidating
tant works in each field of study, joining with in- complex concepts for the general reader, and
dividual articles Further Reading sections to making valuable contributions to the project
offer plentiful citations to recently published on all levels.
sources for additional reasearch. The impor-

Preface to the Revised Edition
In the five years since publication of the first late and are analyzed, medicine will certainly
edition of Encyclopedia of Genetics, the field of become a more exact science, enabling therapy
genetics has continued to expand, if possible, to be tailored to a persons genotype.
exponentially. The volume of data flowing from As spinoffs of the Human Genome Project,
genetics research is so great that new methods the genomes of many model organisms have
of organizing and analyzing it are still being also been sequenced, a process that has been
devised. As with any expanding field, practical accelerated by the development of technolo-
applications have lagged behind predictions. gies such as the polymerase chain reaction and
The Human Genome Project, now completed, automated sequencers. Only a handful of small
which was predicted to usher in a new era in genomes had been sequenced at the time the
medical genetics, has so far had only minor ef- first edition of Encyclopedia of Genetics was pub-
fects, and the many genetically modified (GM) lished five years ago; today, hundreds of ge-
crops that were supposed to revolutionize agri- nomes have been sequenced, including some
culture have caused more controversy than suc- larger genomes such as those of Arabidopsis thal-
cess. Yet, like most technologies of the past that iana (the model mustard plant), Drosophila me-
took time to gain acceptance, the knowledge lanogaster (the fruit fly), and Caenorhabditis ele-
and technologies flowing from the Human Ge- gans (the model round worm). Many other
nome Project will almost certainly gain influ- genome sequencing projects are under way,
ence and acceptance over the next decades. and as more genomes are sequenced, geneti-
The slow and steady application of these tech- cists will obtain ever clearer insights into how
nologies will eventually have a world-changing our genes make us who we arenot to mention
impact on all aspects of life. how our genomes relate to those of other or-
The current revised edition is an attempt to ganisms (the focus of comparative genomics)
increase the coverage begun in the first edition and hence how such organisms can be manipu-
and to cover as many of the new developments lated genetically to our benefit.
in genetics as possible, a daunting task consid- Since the cloning of Dolly the sheep in 1996,
ering that new discoveries seem to happen a variety of other mammals have been cloned,
weekly. By way of perspective, consider what including mice and, most recently, a horse.
has occurred in the field of genetics in the past This brave new world of cloning has spawned
five years. The Human Genome Project, proba- the imaginations of filmmakers and writers as
bly the most widely publicized genetic project surely as space exploration did in earlier gener-
of the past century, saw the completion of the ationsfueling wild speculations about the pos-
human genome sequence two years ahead of its sibility of reviving ancient life-forms, such as the
original scheduleappropriately, fifty years af- dinosaurs of Michael Crichton and Stephen
ter the discovery by James Watson and Francis Spielbergs Jurassic Park (1993), and, more re-
Crick of the double-helical structure of DNA. cently, claims of human cloning that are plausi-
The field of genomicsthe study of the se- ble if not probable, though fraught with both
quence and structure of the genomes of vari- technical and ethical obstacles. Shortly after
ous organismshas now solidly entered the Dolly was cloned, for example, it was discov-
public consciousness and has spawned the re- ered that her telomeres (the ends of her chro-
lated specialty proteomics, the study of the pro- mosomes) were shorter than normal for a juve-
teins expressed by genomes, which focuses on nile sheep. Telomeres are known to shorten
differences among cell types as well as differ- throughout the life spans of many organisms
ences between gene expression in health and and have been implicated as part of the cause,
disease. Although these studies have not yet or at least one of the effects, of aging. With her
transformed medicine, as more data accumu- shortened telomeres, the big question was, how

Encyclopedia of Genetics, Revised Edition

would it affect her longevity? In February of cell lines and on alternatives such as the less
2003 the answer came when Dolly had to be controversial adult source of stem cells.
euthanized because she was suffering signifi- Regardless of the eventual decisions regard-
cantly from a form of arthritis usually seen only ing human cloning and research using fetal
in older sheep, as well as advanced lung disease. stem cells, the ethical questions raised by both
Her early decline, at six years of age, cast doubt endeavors clearly run parallel. With the end-
on the hoped-for success of cloning mammals. less potential uses of such technologies, where
Of course, the cloning of Dolly fueled in- might they lead? Where does the necessity to
creased speculation about the feasibility of hu- solve human suffering end and the brave new
man cloning. Considering Dollys premature world of self-proliferation, designer traits,
death and other health issues, most geneticists worker and military subclasses, perfect prog-
do not consider the technology ready for hu- eny, and potential ecological disaster begin?
man cloning. Ethically, human cloning, indeed What obligations do we have to fulfill the new
organismal cloning of all types, is extremely promise of genetic science to alleviate human
controversialwith myriad implications eco- suffering, and what obligations do we have to
nomically, socially, politically, and ecologically limit that promise out of concern for greater
(as human manipulation supplants traditional detriment?
methods of natural selection as a force in evolu- This last consideration is now a very real con-
tion)but it is even more so when the high cern. GM crop plants were once considered the
probability of producing a debilitated human Holy Grail of agricultural genetics, seen as a so-
clone is considered. lution to everything from more effectively bat-
Along with the budding debate over cloning tling pests and weeds to correcting Third
is another, related issue that arose simulta- World nutritional deficiencies and utilizing
neously at the beginning of the new millen- marginal habitats such as saline soil. Much of
nium: the use of fetal stem cells in research. the early headiness surrounding the potential
Some geneticists believe that stem cells of high-yield and transgenic crops has dissi-
totipotent cells, capable of differentiating pated and opposition has increased against the
into essentially any other kind of cellmay use of such plants. Objections range from fears
have potential for treating a variety of neuro- over human health and safety to ecological and
logical diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkin- economic concerns. Most Europeans have re-
sons, as well as conditions requiring new or- jected GM foods completely, and even consum-
gans that might be generated by implanting ers in the United States are uncomfortable us-
stem cells with the genetic instructions to de- ing themor at least feel that it is their right to
velop into ears or kidneys that could be grown be informed, through labeling, before making
on animals especially designated for this pur- purchase decisions. If the many concerns ex-
pose. Unfortunately, the best stem cells come pressed by consumers cannot be addressed,
from developing fetuses, and the ethics of har- GM crops may not be embraced widely for
vesting fetal stem cells from aborted fetuses is some time, if ever.
hotly debated. The much-touted potential of With these advances, and many others not
using adult stem cells instead is clouded by mentioned, the general public has become
both political and social agendas and the fact overwhelmed with the implications. Although
that they have not yet proven to be nearly as ver- the terms are casually thrown around in the me-
satile or easy to culture as fetal stem cells. In the dia and strident statements are made, the gen-
United States, research on fetal stem cells has eral public has become increasingly uncomfort-
been limited to a small number of cell lines ex- able with a technology they barely understand.
isting at the time that the federal government As a result, opposition from many directions
addressed the issue in 2001; it was determined continues to build, epitomized by both the fed-
to withhold funding from any research group eral ban on stem cell research mentioned above
that harvests fetal stem cells as a part of their and the Human Cloning Prohibition Act that is
work. Research continues on the limited stem now making its way through Congress.

Preface to the Revised Edition

Especially with regard to GM foods, many ge- general Bibliography; and a select list of genet-
neticists consider the root problem to be lack ics Web sites aimed at students and nonspecial-
of knowledge about genetics on the part of ists. In addition, every essay carries a Further
nonscientists. Although terms such as DNA, Reading section that has been thoroughly re-
cloning, GM food, and gene therapy have viewed, updated, and annotatedto which we
entered the public vocabulary, many people have added more than 400 new books and arti-
gain their understanding of these technologies cles published since the first edition. In recog-
from the science fiction of books, film, and tele- nition of the influence of the Internet on stu-
vision rather than from the science on which dent research, we for the first time include, in
they are founded. Those who are opposed to more than half the essays, a section headed
genetic technology have taken advantage of Web Sites of Interest targeted at the essays
this safety-first attitude and have spread fear topic. Finally, every effort has been made to
about genetic technology, coining inflamma- make the essays user-friendly, easy to read, and
tory terms like Franken foods and citing the clear, with the goal of improving the presenta-
law of unintended consequences. Conse- tion and understandability of all the old, as well
quently, many nonscientists misunderstand the as the new, essays.
issues and mistrust the scientists doing the Even as this edition goes to press, it is already
work, picturing them as ambitious and amoral beginning to go out of date. Genetics is a dy-
rather than as responsible researchers. Part of namic field that deserves close attention as we
the problem lies with geneticists themselves, begin the new millennium. Nevertheless, the
many of whom find it difficult to communicate basic scientific principles presented here will
with nonscientists. Geneticists need to learn to provide science students with insight into the
communicate in a way that the general public topics on which they can build, and that funda-
will understand. Without a broad understand- mental understanding will repay students and
ing by the general public, genetics will con- general readers regardless of their ultimate oc-
tinue to be viewed by many in a negative light. cupations or career interests. Such an under-
It is in this spirit that the current volumes standing behooves all of us: The potential of ge-
were updated and expanded. The articles con- netic principles to completely alter the way we
tained herein are written specifically with the live and interact with the environment is pro-
nonscientist in mindand specifically to ex- found. We will see changes in the way doctors
plain, as simply as possible, some of the science diagnose and treat disease, new GM crops and
behind the technologies and issues described animals, powerful new forensics techniques,
above. All original topics were considered for and unique ways to solve environmental and so-
updating, many were heavily revised, 26 were cietal problems. There are potential dangers as
entirely replaced, and 64 are entirely new. In well, and these must be carefully analyzed and
other cases, recent advances put a spotlight on vetted in the public forum. As we attempt to
topicssuch as Bioinformatics, Biological navigate our genetic future, knowledge will be
Weapons, Smallpox, and Xenotransplants essential if we are to take full advantage of the
that were too minor or obscure to have been in- positive benefits, and prevent the negative con-
cluded in the previous edition. sequences, of genetic technology. It is hoped
Other improvements in this edition include that the information contained here will open
the addition of 25 sidebars, elucidating par- a new world of understanding to the nonspe-
ticularly important and timely subtopics; a new cialist and encourage further exploration of
time line of Nobel laureates whose work in ge- the amazing world of genetics, which offers
netics garnered them the award; a Biographi- frontiers for exploration just as real as those of
cal Dictionary of Important Geneticists that is space or oceanic explorationand in many
twice its original size; more than 100 new defi- ways more personal and tangible.
nitions added to the Glossary; an updated Bryan D. Ness
Time Line of Major Developments in Genet- August, 2003
ics; a heavily expanded and re-categorized

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Preface to the First Edition
The science of genetics, once the purview of transmission genetics, including single and
only of serious students and professionals, has multifactorial inheritance, chromosome map-
in recent decades come of age and entered the ping, linkage and recombination, sex linkage,
mainstream of modern life. An unparalleled ex- mutagenesis, and chromosomal aberrations,
plosion of new discoveries, powerful new mo- were first investigated by Morgan and his stu-
lecular techniques, and practical applications dents.
of theories and research findings has brought The subdisciplines of bacterial and molecu-
genetics and its related disciplines to the fore- lar genetics had their beginnings in the 1940s,
front of public consciousness. The successful when bacteria and their viruses became fa-
cloning of Dolly the sheep has sparked wide- vored genetic systems for research because of
spread public interest and debate and raised their relative simplicity and the ease with which
new questions about the ethics of this and they could be grown and manipulated in the
other genetic technologies. Gene therapy has laboratory. In particular, the common intesti-
made the transition from science fiction to re- nal bacterium Escherichia coli was studied in-
ality and is used to treat serious diseases, and tensely, and today far more is known about
there is increasing demand for the newest the biology of this single-celled organism than
health professionals, genetic counselors, at hos- about any other living system. In 1952, James
pitals and medical centers around the world. As Watson and Francis Crick provided the molec-
we celebrate the new millennium, it is perhaps ular model for the chemical structure of DNA,
worth noting that the young science of genetics the genetic material, and the next twenty years
celebrates its one hundredth birthday. saw great progress in the understanding of the
Among many other events of historical im- molecular nature of essential cellular processes
portance, the year 1900 marked the rediscov- such as DNA replication, protein synthesis, and
ery of the Austrian monk Gregor Mendels ex- the control of bacterial gene expression.
perimental work on the inheritance of traits in The 1970s witnessed the discovery of a
the garden pea. Mendel had published his re- unique class of enzymes known as restriction
sults thirty-four years earlier, but his work at- endonucleases, which set the stage for the de-
tracted little attention and soon faded into ob- velopment of the exciting new technology
scurity. By the close of the nineteenth century, known by various names as cloning, genetic en-
however, much had happened on the scientific gineering, or recombinant DNA technology.
front. Chromosomes had been discovered, and Since that time, research has progressed rap-
the cellular processes of mitosis and meiosis idly on several fronts, with the development of
had been observed under the microscope. The genetic solutions to many practical problems in
physical bases for understanding Mendels prin- the fields of medicine, agriculture, plant and
ciples of inheritance had been established, and animal breeding, and environmental biology.
the great significance of his pioneering work With the help of the new technology, many of
could finally be appreciated. The so-called chro- the essential questions in cell and molecular bi-
mosome theory of heredity was born, and the ology that were first addressed in bacteria and vi-
age of transmission genetics had arrived. ruses in the 1950s and 1960s can now be effec-
The first great geneticist to emerge (and tively studied in practically any organism.
some would still call him the greatest of the And what are the major problems remaining
twentieth century) was Thomas Hunt Morgan, to be solved? No doubt there are many, some of
who established his fly laboratory at Colum- which cannot even be articulated given the
bia University and began studying the princi- present state of scientific understanding. Two
ples of transmission genetics, using the fruit fly important questions, however, are drawing dis-
as a model organism. All the major principles proportionate shares of attention in the cur-

Encyclopedia of Genetics, Revised Edition

rent sphere of basic research. One of these is individual cell cycle or during the developmen-
the problem variously referred to as the sec- tal cycle of an organism? How is gene expres-
ond genetic code or protein folding. Scien- sion controlled differentiallythat is, how are
tists know how a particular molecule of DNA, different sets of genes turned on or off in dif-
with a known sequence of nucleotide subunits, ferent tissues in the same organism at the same
can cause the production of a particular unique time? Many human genetic diseases are now
protein composed of a known sequence of known or suspected to be caused by errors in
amino acid subunits. What is not understood, gene expressionthat is, too much or too little
however, is the process by which that protein of a particular protein is made in the critical tis-
will spontaneously fold into a characteristic sues at the critical developmental timesso
three-dimensional shape in which each amino the answers to these and related questions are
acid interacts with other amino acids to pro- sure to suggest new possibilities for gene ther-
duce a functional protein that has the proper apy or other treatments.
pockets, ridges, holes, protuberances, and other The purpose of these reference volumes is
features that it needs in order to be biologically twofold. First, the editors seek to highlight some
active. If all the rules for protein folding were of the most exciting new advances and applica-
known, it would be possible to program a com- tions of genetic research, particularly in the
puter to create an instant three-dimensional fields of human medical genetics and agricul-
picture of the protein resulting from any given ture. Second, we hope to provide a solid basis
sequence of amino acids. Such knowledge for understanding the fundamental principles
would have great applications, both for under- of genetics as they have been developed over
standing the mechanisms of action of known this first one hundred years, along with an ap-
proteins and for designing new drugs for thera- preciation of the historical context in which
peutic or industrial use. the most important discoveries were made. It is
The second big question at the forefront our hope that such an understanding and ap-
of experimental genetic inquiry relates to the preciation might help to inspire a new genera-
control of gene expression in humans and tion of geneticists who will continue to expand
other higher organisms. In other words, what the boundaries of scientific knowledge well
factors come into play in turning on or turning into the next millennium.
off genes at the proper times, either during an Jeffrey A. Knight

Contributor List
Barbara J. Abraham Fred Buchstein Daniel J. Fairbanks
Hampton University John Carroll University Brigham Young University

Linda R. Adkison Paul R. Cabe Phillip A. Farber

Mercer University School of Washington and Lee University Bloomsburg University of
Medicine Pennsylvania
James J. Campanella
Richard Adler Montclair State University James L. Farmer
University of Michigan, Dearborn Brigham Young University
Rebecca Cann
Oluwatoyin O. Akinwunmi University of Hawaii, Manoa Linda E. Fisher
Muskingum College University of Michigan,
Laurie F. Caslake Dearborn
Michele Arduengo Lafayette College
Independent Scholar Chet S. Fornari
J. Aaron Cassill DePauw University
J. Craig Bailey University of Texas, San Antonio
University of North Carolina, Kimberly Y. Z. Forrest
Wilmington Stephen Cessna Slippery Rock University of
Eastern Mennonite University Pennsylvania
Carl L. Bankston III
Tulane University Robert Chandler Daniel R. Gallie
Union College University of California,
Kenneth D. Belanger Riverside
Colgate University Kerry L. Cheesman
Capital University W. W. Gearheart
D. B. Benner Piedmont Technical College
East Tennessee State University Richard W. Cheney, Jr.
Christopher Newport University John R. Geiser
Alvin K. Benson Western Michigan University
Utah Valley State College Stacie R. Chismark
Heartland Community College Soraya Ghayourmanesh
Gerald K. Bergtrom Independent Scholar
University of Wisconsin, Jaime S. Colom
Milwaukee California Polytechnic State Sibdas Ghosh
University, San Luis Obispo University of Wisconsin,
Massimo D. Bezoari Whitewater
Huntingdon College Joyce A. Corban
Wright State University Sander Gliboff
Barbara Brennessel Indiana University
Wheaton College Stephen S. Daggett
Avila University James S. Godde
Douglas H. Brown Monmouth College
Wellesley College Jennifer Spies Davis
Shorter College D. R. Gossett
Stuart M. Brown Louisiana State University,
New York University School of Patrick J. DeLuca Shreveport
Medicine Mount Saint Mary College
Daniel G. Graetzer
Thomas L. Brown David K. Elliott University of Washington Medical
Wright State University Northern Arizona University Center

Encyclopedia of Genetics, Revised Edition

Dennis W. Grogan Audrey Krumbach Paul Moglia

University of Cincinnati Huntingdon College South Nassau Communities
Anne Grove Steven A. Kuhl
Louisiana State University, Indiana Purdue University Thomas J. Montagno
Baton Rouge Simmons College
William R. Lamberson
Patrick G. Guilfoile University of Missouri, Columbia Beth A. Montelone
Bemidji State University Kansas State University
Kate Lapczynski
Randall K. Harris Motlow State Community College Robin Kamienny Montvilo
William Carey College Rhode Island College
Craig S. Laufer
H. Bradford Hawley Hood College Randy Moore
Wright State University Wright State University
David M. Lawrence
Robert Haynes J. Sargeant Reynolds Community Nancy Morvillo
Albany State University College Florida Southern College

Jane F. Hill Michael R. Lentz Donald J. Nash

Independent Scholar University of North Florida Colorado State University

Carl W. Hoagstrom Doug McElroy Mary A. Nastuk

Ohio Northern University Western Kentucky University Wellesley College

Vicki J. Isola Sarah Lea McGuire Leah C. Nesbitt

Hope College Millsaps College Huntingdon College

Domingo M. Jariel Michael J. Mclachlan Bryan D. Ness

Louisiana State University, University of South Carolina Pacific Union College
Nancy Farm Mnnikk Henry R. Owen
Karen E. Kalumuck Independent Scholar Eastern Illinois University
Sarah Crawford Martinelli Robert J. Paradowski
Manjit S. Kang Southern Connecticut State Rochester Institute of Technology
Louisiana State University University
Massimo Pigliucci
Susan J. Karcher Lee Anne Martnez University of Tennessee,
Purdue University Colorado State University, Knoxville
Armand M. Karow Nancy A. Piotrowski
Xytex Corporation Grace D. Matzen University of California, Berkeley
Molloy College
Roger H. Kennett Frank E. Price
Wheaton College Ulrich Melcher Hamilton College
Oklahoma State University
Stephen T. Kilpatrick Diane C. Rein
University of Pittsburgh, Ralph R. Meyer Purdue University
Johnstown University of Cincinnati
Mary Beth Ridenhour
Samuel V. A. Kisseadoo Randall L. Milstein State University of New York,
Hampton University Oregon State University Potsdam

Jeffrey Knight Eli C. Minkoff Connie Rizzo

Mount Holyoke College Bates College Pace University

Contributor List

James L. Robinson Rose Secrest James N. Thompson, Jr.

University of Illinois at Urbana- Independent Scholar University of Oklahoma
Bonnie L. Seidel-Rogol Leslie V. Tischauser
James N. Robinson Plattsburgh State University Prairie State College
Huntingdon College
Nancy N. Shontz Charles L. Vigue
Charles W. Rogers Grand Valley State University University of New Haven
Southwestern Oklahoma State
University R. Baird Shuman Peter J. Waddell
University of Illinois at Urbana- University of South Carolina
David Wijss Rudge Champaign
Western Michigan University Matthew J. F. Waterman
Sanford S. Singer Eastern Nazarene College
Paul C. St. Amand University of Dayton
Kansas State University Marcia J. Weiss
Robert A. Sinnott Point Park College
Virginia L. Salmon Larreacorp, Ltd.
Northeast State Technical Patricia G. Wheeler
Community College David A. Smith Indiana University School of
Lock Haven University Medicine
Mary K. Sandford
University of North Carolina, Dwight G. Smith Kayla Williams
Greensboro Southern Connecticut State Huntingdon College
Lisa M. Sardinia Steven D. Wilt
Pacific University Roger Smith Kentucky Wesleyan College
Independent Scholar
Cathy Schaeff Michael Windelspecht
American University Lisa Levin Sobczak Appalachian State University
Independent Scholar
Elizabeth D. Schafer James A. Wise
Independent Scholar F. Christopher Sowers Hampton University
Wilkes Community College
Matthew M. Schmidt R. C. Woodruff
State University of New York, Sharon Wallace Stark Bowling Green University
Empire State College Monmouth University
Ming Y. Zheng
Tom E. Scola Joan C. Stevenson Gordon College
University of Wisconsin, Whitewater Western Washington University

Rebecca Lovell Scott Jamalynne Stuck

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy Western Kentucky University
& Health Sciences

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Alphabetical List of Contents

Volume 1
Aggression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Central Dogma of Molecular
Aging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Albinism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Chemical Mutagens . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Alcoholism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Chloroplast Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Allergies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Cholera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Altruism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Chromatin Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Alzheimers Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Chromosome Mutation . . . . . . . . . . 144
Amniocentesis and Chorionic Chromosome Structure . . . . . . . . . . 147
Villus Sampling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Chromosome Theory of Heredity . . . . 152
Ancient DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Chromosome Walking and
Animal Cloning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Jumping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Anthrax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Classical Transmission Genetics. . . . . . 160
Antibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Cloning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Antisense RNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Cloning: Ethical Issues . . . . . . . . . . 170
Archaea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Cloning Vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Artificial Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Color Blindness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Autoimmune Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Complementation Testing. . . . . . . . . 181
Complete Dominance . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Bacterial Genetics and Cell Congenital Defects. . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Consanguinity and Genetic Disease . . . 191
Bacterial Resistance and Super Criminality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Cystic Fibrosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Cytokinesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Biochemical Mutations . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Bioethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Developmental Genetics . . . . . . . . . 201
Biofertilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Diabetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
Bioinformatics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Dihybrid Inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Biological Clocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Diphtheria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Biological Determinism. . . . . . . . . . . 86 DNA Fingerprinting . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
Biological Weapons . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 DNA Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Biopesticides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 DNA Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Biopharmaceuticals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 DNA Replication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Blotting: Southern, Northern, DNA Sequencing Technology. . . . . . . 233
and Western . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 DNA Structure and Function . . . . . . . 237
Breast Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Down Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Burkitts Lymphoma . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Dwarfism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248

Cancer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Emerging Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

cDNA Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Epistasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Cell Culture: Animal Cells. . . . . . . . . 117 Eugenics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Cell Culture: Plant Cells . . . . . . . . . . 120 Eugenics: Nazi Germany . . . . . . . . . 264
The Cell Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Evolutionary Biology . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Cell Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Extrachromosomal Inheritance. . . . . . 274

Encyclopedia of Genetics, Revised Edition

Forensic Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279 Genetic Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354

Fragile X Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 Genetic Screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Genetic Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
Gel Electrophoresis . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Genetic Testing: Ethical and
Gender Identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Economic Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Gene Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Genetically Modified (GM)
Gene Regulation: Bacteria . . . . . . . . 291 Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes . . . . . . . 295 Genetics, Historical Development
Gene Regulation: Lac Operon . . . . . . 298 of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
Gene Regulation: Viruses . . . . . . . . . 301 Genetics in Television and Films . . . . . 376
Gene Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304 Genome Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
Gene Therapy: Ethical and Genomic Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
Economic Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Genomics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Genetic Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
Genetic Code, Cracking of . . . . . . . . 319 Hardy-Weinberg Law . . . . . . . . . . . 389
Genetic Counseling . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Heart Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Genetic Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Hemophilia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
Genetic Engineering: Agricultural Hereditary Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 Heredity and Environment . . . . . . . . 406
Genetic Engineering: Historical Hermaphrodites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 High-Yield Crops. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Genetic Engineering: Industrial Homeotic Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Homosexuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Genetic Engineering: Medical Human Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Human Genome Project . . . . . . . . . 428
Genetic Engineering: Risks . . . . . . . . 347 Human Growth Hormone . . . . . . . . 432
Genetic Engineering: Social Huntingtons Disease . . . . . . . . . . . 434
and Ethical Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 Hybridization and Introgression . . . . . 437

Volume 2
Hybridomas and Monoclonal Lactose Intolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . 484
Antibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 Lamarckianism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
Hypercholesterolemia . . . . . . . . . . . 445 Lateral Gene Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Linkage Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
Icelandic Genetic Database . . . . . . . . 447
Immunogenetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 Mendelian Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Metafemales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Miscegenation and
Inborn Errors of Metabolism . . . . . . . 458 Antimiscegenation Laws . . . . . . . . 501
Inbreeding and Assortative Mating . . . . 461 Mitochondrial Diseases . . . . . . . . . . 503
Incomplete Dominance . . . . . . . . . . 465 Mitochondrial Genes . . . . . . . . . . . 505
Infertility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468 Mitosis and Meiosis . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471 Model Organism:
Intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 Arabidopsis thaliana . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Model Organism:
Klinefelter Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . 479 Caenorhabditis elegans . . . . . . . . . . 516
Knockout Genetics and Knockout Model Organism:
Mice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii . . . . . . . . 520

Alphabetical List of Contents

Model Organism: Pseudogenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646

Drosophila melanogaster . . . . . . . . . 522 Pseudohermaphrodites . . . . . . . . . . 648
Model Organism: Punctuated Equilibrium. . . . . . . . . . 650
Escherichia coli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
Model Organism: Quantitative Inheritance . . . . . . . . . 654
Mus musculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
Model Organism: Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 658
Neurospora crassa. . . . . . . . . . . . . 536 Repetitive DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664
Model Organism: Restriction Enzymes . . . . . . . . . . . . 667
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. . . . . . . . . . 539 Reverse Transcriptase . . . . . . . . . . . 670
Model Organism: RFLP Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
Xenopus laevis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 RNA Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
Model Organisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 RNA Structure and Function . . . . . . . 676
Molecular Clock Hypothesis . . . . . . . 547 RNA Transcription and mRNA
Molecular Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
Monohybrid Inheritance . . . . . . . . . 555 RNA World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686
Multiple Alleles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
Mutation and Mutagenesis . . . . . . . . 561 Shotgun Cloning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
Sickle-Cell Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
Natural Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568 Signal Transduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
Neural Tube Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 Smallpox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
Noncoding RNA Molecules . . . . . . . . 575 Sociobiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 704
Nondisjunction and Speciation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708
Aneuploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579 Stem Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710
Sterilization Laws . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
Oncogenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583 Steroid Hormones . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
One Gene-One Enzyme Swine Flu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 720
Hypothesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586 Synthetic Antibodies. . . . . . . . . . . . 723
Organ Transplants and HLA Synthetic Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 588
Tay-Sachs Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727
Parthenogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592 Telomeres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728
Patents on Life-Forms . . . . . . . . . . . 594 Testicular Feminization
Paternity Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596 Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731
Pedigree Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599 Thalidomide and Other
Penetrance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602 Teratogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Phenylketonuria (PKU) . . . . . . . . . . 604 Totipotency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736
Plasmids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606 Transgenic Organisms. . . . . . . . . . . 739
Polygenic Inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . 609 Transposable Elements . . . . . . . . . . 742
Polymerase Chain Reaction . . . . . . . . 611 Tumor-Suppressor Genes . . . . . . . . . 746
Polyploidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 613 Turner Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . 748
Population Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . 617 Twin Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
Prader-Willi and Angelman
Syndromes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 623 Viral Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754
Prenatal Diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626 Viroids and Virusoids . . . . . . . . . . . 756
Prion Diseases: Kuru and
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome . . . . . . 631 X Chromosome Inactivation . . . . . . . 759
Protein Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634 Xenotransplants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 761
Protein Synthesis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 638 XYY Syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 764
Proteomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643

Encyclopedia of Genetics, Revised Edition

Biographical Dictionary of Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832
Important Geneticists. . . . . . . . . . 767 Web Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
Nobel Prizes for Discoveries in
Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780 Indexes
Time Line of Major Developments Category Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III
in Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784 Personages Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . VII
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 804 Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XI

Encyclopedia of
Revised Edition
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Aggression The earliest evidence for a genetic contribu-
Field of study: Human genetics and social tion to these complex behaviors comes from
issues twin and adoptee studies. Genes also increase
Significance: Aggression refers to behavior directed the liability for many clinical conditions that in-
toward causing harm to others. Aggressive anti- clude aggressive behaviors, such as conduct dis-
social behavior is highly heritable, and antisocial order (physically aggressive acts such as bully-
behavior (ASB) during childhood is a good pre- ing or forced sexual activity) and antisocial
dictor of ASB in adulthood and crime. Physical acts personality disorder (persistent violation of so-
of aggression are sometimes distinguished from the cial norms, including criminal behavior) and
more context-sensitive covert ASBs, including for personality traits that often accompany ag-
theft, truancy, and negative peer interactions. gression, such as impulsivity and irritability.
Differences in measuring ASBs partly account
Key terms for the variability in heritability estimates, which
antisocial behavior (ASB): behavior that vi- range from 7 to 81 percent, but many studies
olates rules or conventions of society and/or indicate a heritability for genetic influences of
personal rights 0.40-0.50, a minor influence of shared environ-
impulsivity: a tendency to act quickly without ment, and a much more significant influence of
planning or a clear goal in mind nonshared environment (environment unique
irritability: a tendency to overreact to minor to the individual).
stimuli; short-temperedness or volatility
liability: the risk of exhibiting a behavior; the Aggression and Human Development
higher ones score for a measure of liability, Aggressive behavior develops in children
the greater is ones the risk of exhibiting the through a complex interaction of many envi-
behavior ronmental and biological factors. Also increas-
serotonin: a neurotransmitter, 5-hydroxytryp- ing liability for aggression and perhaps crimi-
tamine (5-HT), present in blood platelets, nality are such factors as low socioeconomic
the gastrointestinal tract, and certain re- status and parental psychopathology. A consis-
gions of the brain, which plays role in initiat- tent finding is that the measure of the activity of
ing sleep, blood clotting, and stimulating the central nervous systems serotonin corre-
the heartbeat, and levels of which have been lates inversely with levels of lifetime aggression,
correlated with aggressive behavior as well as tendency to physically assault, irritability, and
depression and panic disorder impulsivity. Some of the implicated genes regu-
late serotonin synthesis, release, and reuptake
Aggression and Related Behaviors as well as metabolism and receptor activation,
Aggression or agonistic behavior in animals and vary from individual to individual. Seroto-
is usually an adaptive response to specific envi- nergic dysfunction is also noted in alcoholism
ronmental situations during competition for with aggression and in suicide attempters and
resources, as in establishing dominance and a completers. Brain injuries can also exacerbate
territory or in sexual competition. Rat and mice tendencies to exhibit ASBs.
studies indicate it is partly genetic, because se- Some aggression, however, is a normal part
lective breeding produces strains that differ in of development. Thus, Terrie Moffitt and col-
levels of aggression. Human aggression can leagues distinguish between adolescent-limited
also represent a variety of natural responses to aggressiontimes when most adolescents are
challenging situations. Measures of aggression rebelling against adult authorityand life-
vary, but of greatest concern are antisocial be- course persistent ASB, which likely reflects
haviors (ASBs) such as crime and delinquency neuropsychological deficits and specific tem-
and whether some individuals are more likely peraments that are often exacerbated in un-
to engage in these behaviors than others. supportive family settings. Genetic factors play
2 Aggression

a smaller role in adolescent delinquency and supportive home setting, by medication, or by

are consistent with aggression at this age as a adequate nutrition.
developmental response to social context. Joan C. Stevenson
See also: Aging; Behavior; Biological De-
Sex Differences terminism; Criminality; DNA Fingerprinting;
A significant feature of ASB is a marked dif- Forensic Genetics; Sociobiology; Steroid Hor-
ference between the sexes. Males exhibit higher mones; XYY Syndrome.
levels of physical aggression and violence at ev-
ery age in all situations except in the context of Further Reading
partner violence (where females exceed males). Bock, Gregory R., and Jamie A. Goode. Genetics
More males than females are diagnosed with of Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour. New York:
conduct disorder at every age. More males than John Wiley & Sons, 1996. This symposium
females begin acts of theft and violence at every was held at the Ciba Foundation in London
age. Males also exhibit higher rates of risk fac- in 1995 and includes a representative sam-
tors, such as impaired neurocognitive status, in- ple of the research foci in this arena, fol-
creased hyperactivity, and difficulties with peers. lowed by discussions.
Females are rarely identified with the life-course Fishbein, Diana H., ed. The Science, Treatment,
persistent form of ASB; the male:female sex ra- and Prevention of Antisocial Behaviors: Applica-
tio is 10:1. Antisocial male and female adoles- tion to the Criminal Justice System. Kingston,
cents tend to associate and often marry and N.J.: Civic Research Institute, 2000. An ex-
reproduce at younger ages. The role that hor- cellent set of reviews on aggression and the
mones, particularly testosterone, may play in many associated behaviors and mental disor-
these differences is not clear. ders.
Lesch, Klaus Peter, and Ursula Merschdorf.
Social Significance Impulsivity, Aggression, and Serotonin: A
There is much controversy surrounding the Molecular Psychobiological Perspective. Be-
efforts to identify genes associated with aggres- havioral Sciences and the Law 18, no. 5 (2000):
sion or crime, especially now that genome se- 581-604. A wonderful review of all the inter-
quencing is easier than ever. Many demand acting factors, including all the elements of
that the privacy of individuals be protected be- the serotonin system.
cause the presence of specific genes does not Moffitt, Terrie E., Avshalom Caspi, Michael
dictate behavioral outcomes: Genes do not de- Rutter, and Phil A. Silva. Sex Differences in Anti-
termine socially defined behaviors but only act social Behaviour: Conduct Disorder, Delinquency,
on physiological systems. In addition, what con- and Violence in the Dunedin Longitudinal Study.
stitutes acceptable or unacceptable behavior New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
for individuals is culturally defined. Biological Sex differences are documented as children
and environmental risk factors may increase an grow up.
individuals liability to commit an act of aggres- Roush, Wade. Conflict Marks Crime Confer-
sion or crime, but the behavior must be inter- ence. Science 269, no. 5232 (1995): 1808-
preted within its specific context. Criminal law 1809. An excellent description of the pros
presumes that behavior is a function of free and cons of genetic research on ASB.
will, and most attempts to use genes as a miti-
gating factor in the courtroom have been un- Web Site of Interest
successful. Efforts to prevent crime and vio- National Institutes of Health, National Insti-
lence must include consideration of all factors. tute of Mental Health. http://www.nimh.nih
Family milieu and parental competence are .gov/publicat/violenceresfact.cfm. Provides
just as important as impaired cognitive mecha- information on child and adolescent vio-
nisms such as reduced serotonin activity. An im- lence and antisocial behavior, including re-
balance in brain chemistry leading to impul- search into the possible genetic factors of ag-
sivity or aggression may be ameliorated by a gression.
Aging 3

heimers disease have also improved the under-

Aging standing of aging. From these data, several the-
ories of aging have been proposed.
Field of study: Human genetics and social
issues Genetic Changes Observed in Aging Cells
Significance: In the light of modern science and Most of the changes thus far observed repre-
medicine, it has become apparent that the roots of sent some kind of degeneration or loss of func-
aging lie in genes; therefore, the genetic changes tion. Many comparisons between cells from
that take place during aging are the source of the younger and older individuals have shown that
major theories of aging currently being proposed. more mutations are consistently present in
older cells. In fact, older cells seem to show
Key terms greater genetic instability in general, leading to
antioxidant: a molecule that preferentially chromosome deletions, inversions, and other
reacts with free radicals, thus keeping them defects. As these errors accumulate, the cell cy-
from reacting with other molecules that cle slows down, decreasing the ability of cells to
might cause cellular damage proliferate rapidly. These genetic problems are
free radical: a highly reactive form of oxygen partly a result of a gradual accumulation of mu-
in which a single oxygen atom has a free, un- tations, but the appearance of new mutations
paired electron; free radicals are common seems to accelerate with age due to an apparent
by-products of chemical reactions reduced effectiveness of DNA repair mecha-
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA): the genome nisms.
of the mitochondria, which contain many of Cells that are artificially cultured have been
the genes required for mitochondrial func- shown to undergo a predictable number of cell
tion divisions before finally becoming senescent, a
pleiotropy: a form of genetic expression in state where the cells simply persist and cease di-
which a gene has multiple effects; for exam- viding. This phenomenon was first established
ple, the mutant gene responsible for cystic fi- by Leonard Hayflick in the early 1960s when
brosis causes clogging of the lungs, sterility, he found that human fibroblast cells would di-
and excessive salt in perspiration, among vide up to about fifty times and no more. This
other symptoms phenomenon is now called the Hayflick limit.
The number of divisions possible varies depend-
Why Study Aging? ing on the type of cell, the original age of the
Biologists have long suspected that the mech- cell, and the species of organism from which
anisms of aging would never be understood the original cell was derived. It is particularly
fully until a better understanding of genetics relevant that a fibroblast cell from a fetus will
was obtained. As genetic information has ex- easily approach the fifty-division limit, whereas
ploded, a number of theories of aging have a fibroblast cell from an adult over age fifty may
emerged. Each of these theories has focused be capable of only a few divisions before reach-
on a different aspect of the genetic changes ob- ing senescence.
served in aging cells and organisms. Animal The underlying genetic explanation for the
models, from simple organisms such as Tetra- Hayflick limit appears to involve regions near
hymena (a single-celled, ciliated protozoan) and the ends of chromosomes called telomeres.
Caenorhabditis (a nematode worm) to more com- Telomeres are composed of thousands of cop-
plex organisms like Drosophila (fruit fly) and ies of a repetitive DNA sequence and are a re-
mice, have been used extensively in efforts to quired part of the ends of chromosomes due to
understand the genetics of aging. The study of certain limitations in the process of DNA repli-
mammalian cells in culture and the genetic cation. Each time a cell divides, it must repli-
analysis of human progeroid syndromes (that is, cate all of the chromosomes. The process of
premature aging syndromes) such as Werners replication inevitably leads to loss of a portion
syndrome and diseases of old age such as Alz- of each telomere, so that with each new cell di-
4 Aging

vision the telomeres get shorter. When the Alzheimers disease is located on chromosome
telomeres get to a certain critical length, DNA 21, possibly accounting for the common symp-
replication seems to no longer be possible, and toms.
the cell enters senescence. Although the pro- Werners syndrome is a very rare autosomal
cess discussed above is fairly consistent with recessive disease. The primary symptoms are
most studies, the mechanism whereby a cell severe atherosclerosis and a high incidence of
knows it has reached the limit is unknown. cancer, including some unusual sarcomas and
A result of these genetic changes in aging hu- connective tissue cancers. Other degenerative
mans is that illnesses of all kinds are more com- changes include premature graying, muscle at-
mon, partly because the immune system seems rophy, osteoporosis, cataracts, and calcification
to function more slowly and less efficiently with of heart valves and soft tissues. Death, usually by
age. Other diseases, like cancer, are a direct re- atherosclerosis, often occurs by fifty or sixty
sult of the relentless accumulation of mutations. years of age. The gene responsible for Werners
Cancers generally develop after a series of mu- syndrome has been isolated and encodes a
tations or chromosomal rearrangements have DNA helicase (called WRN DNA helicase), an
occurred that cause the mutation of or inappro- enzyme that is involved in helping DNA strands
priate expression of proto-oncogenes. Proto- to separate during the process of replication.
oncogenes are normal genes that are involved The faulty enzyme is believed to cause the pro-
in regulating the cell cycle and often are respon- cess of replication to stall at the replication
sible for moving the cell forward toward mitosis fork, the place where DNA replication is ac-
(cell division). Mutations in proto-oncogenes tively taking place, which leads to a higher-
transform them into oncogenes (cancer genes), than-normal mutation rate in the DNA, al-
which results in uncontrolled cell division, though more work is needed to be sure of its
along with the other traits displayed by cancer mechanism.
cells. Hutchinson-Gilford progeria shows even
more rapid and pronounced premature aging.
Progeroid Syndromes as Models of Aging Effects begin even in early childhood with bald-
Several progeroid syndromes have been ing, loss of subcutaneous fat, and skin wrin-
studied closely in hopes of finding clues to the kling, especially noticeable in the facial features.
underlying genetic mechanisms of aging. Al- Later, bone loss and atherosclerosis appear,
though such studies are useful, they are limited and most affected individuals die before the
in the sense that they display only some of the age of twenty-five. The genetic inheritance pat-
characteristics of aging. Also, because they are tern for Hutchinson-Gilford progeria is still de-
typically due to a single mutant gene, they rep- bated, but evidence suggests it may be due to a
resent a gross simplification of the aging pro- very rare autosomal dominant gene, which may
cess. Recent genetic analyses have identified represent a defect in a DNA repair system.
the specific genetic defects for some of the Cockayne syndrome, another very rare auto-
progeroid syndromes, but often this has only somal recessive defect, displays loss of subcuta-
led to more questions. neous fat, skin photosensitivity (especially to ul-
Down syndrome is the most common traviolet, or UV, light), and neurodegeneration.
progeroid syndrome and is usually caused by Age of death can vary but seems to center
possession of an extra copy of chromosome 21 around forty years of age. The specific genetic
(also called trisomy 21). Affected individuals defect is known and involves the action of a few
display rapid aging for a number of traits such different proteins. At the molecular level, the
as atherosclerosis and cataracts, although the major problems all relate to some aspect of
severity of the effects varies greatly. The most transcription, the making of messenger RNA
notable progeroid symptom is the development (mRNA) from the DNA template, which can
of Alzheimers disease-like changes in the brain also affect some aspects of DNA repair.
such as senile plaques and neurofibrillary tan- Another, somewhat less rare, autosomal re-
gles. One of the genes sometimes involved in cessive defect is ataxia telangiectasia. It displays
Aging 5

Image not available

In April, 2003, fifteen-year-old John Tacket announced the discovery of a gene that causes the disease he suffers from, progeria, a
syndrome that accelerates aging. (AP/Wide World Photos)

a whole suite of premature aging symptoms, discovered, they will likely also be involved with
including neurodegeneration, immunodefi- DNA or the cell cycle in some way. Based on
ciency, graying, skin wrinkling, and cancers, es- many of the common symptoms of aging, these
pecially leukemias and lymphomas. Death usu- findings are not too surprising.
ally occurs between forty and fifty years of age.
The specific defect is known to be loss of a pro- Genetic Models of Aging
tein kinase, an enzyme that normally adds phos- The increasing understanding of molecular
phate groups to other proteins. In this case, the genetics has prompted biologists to propose a
kinase appears to be involved in regulating the number of models of aging. Each of the models
cell cycle, and its loss causes shortening of is consistent with some aspect of cellular genet-
telomeres and defects in the repair of double- ics, but none of the models, as yet, is consistent
stranded breaks in DNA. One of the proteins with all evidence. Some biologists have sug-
it appears to normally phosphorylate is p53, a gested that a combination of several models
tumor-suppressor gene whose loss is often asso- may be required to adequately explain the pro-
ciated with various forms of cancer. cess of aging. In many ways, understanding of
Although the genes involved in the various the genetic causes of aging is in its infancy, and
progeroid syndromes are varied, they do seem geneticists are still unable to agree on even the
to fall into some common functional types. probable number of genes involved in aging.
Most have something to do with DNA replica- Even the extent to which genes control aging at
tion, transcription, or repair. Other genes are all has been debated. Early studies based on
involved in control of some part of the cell cy- correlations between time of death of parents
cle. Although many other genes remain to be and offspring or on the age of death of twins
6 Aging

suggested that genes accounted for 40 to 70 for cell death at old age. The existence of a cel-
percent of the heritability of longevity. More re- lular clock is consistent with the discovery that
cent research on twins has suggested that genes telomeres shorten as cells age.
may only account for 35 percent or less of the In spite of the consistency of the experimen-
observed variability in longevity, and for twins tal evidence, this model fails on theoretical
reared apart the genetic effects appear to be grounds. Programmed senescence, like any
even less. complex biological process, would be required
Genetic theories of aging can be classified to have evolved by natural selection, but natu-
as either genome-based or mutation-based. Ge- ral selection can only act on traits that are ex-
nome-based theories include the classic idea that pressed during the reproductive years. Because
longevity is programmed, as well as some evolu- senescence happens after the reproductive
tion-based theories such as antagonistic pleio- years, it cannot have developed by natural se-
tropy, first proposed by George C. Williams, lection. In addition, even if natural selection
and the disposable soma theory. Mutation- could have been involved, what advantage
based theories are based on the simple concept would programmed senescence have for a spe-
that genetic systems gradually fall apart from cies?
wear and tear. The differences among muta- Because of the hurdles presented by natural
tion-based theories generally involve the causes selection, the preferred alternative genome-
of the mutations and the particular genetic sys- based theory is called antagonistic pleiotropy.
tems involved. Even though genome-based and Genes that increase the chances of survival be-
mutation-based theories seem to be distinct, fore and during the reproductive years are det-
there is actually some overlap. For example, rimental in the postreproductive years. Because
the antagonistic pleiotropy theory (a genome- natural selection has no effect on genes after
based theory) predicts that selection will weed reproduction, these detrimental effects are not
out lethal mutations whose effects are felt dur- weeded out of the population. There is some
ing the reproductive years, but that later in life physiological support for this in that sex hor-
lethal mutations will accumulate (a mutation- mones, which are required for reproduction
based theory) because selection has no effect earlier in life, cause negative effects later in life,
after the reproductive years. such as osteoporosis in women and increased
cancer risks in both sexes.
Genome-Based Theories of Aging The disposable soma theory is similar but is
The oldest genome-based theory of aging, based on a broader physiological base. It has
sometimes called programmed senescence, sug- been noted that there is a strong negative corre-
gested that life span is genetically determined. lation among a broad range of species between
In other words, cells (and by extrapolation, the metabolic rate and longevity. In general, the
entire organism) live for a genetically predeter- higher the average metabolic rate, the shorter
mined length of time. The passing of time is lived the species. In addition, the need to re-
measured by some kind of cellular clock and produce usually results in a higher metabolic
when the predetermined time is reached, cells rate during the reproductive years than in later
go into a self-destruct sequence that eventually years. The price for this high early metabolic
causes the death of the organism. Evidence for rate is that systems burn out sooner. This the-
this model comes from the discovery that ani- ory is not entirely genome-based, but also has a
mal cells, when grown in culture, are only able mutation-based component. Data on mutation
to divide a limited number of times, the so- rates seem to show a high correlation between
called Hayflick limit discussed above, and then high metabolic rate and high mutation rates.
they senesce and eventually die. Further evi- One of the by-products of metabolism is the
dence comes from developmental studies where production of free oxygen radicals, single oxy-
it has been discovered that some cells die spon- gen atoms with an unpaired electron. These
taneously in a process called apoptosis. A pro- free radicals are highly reactive and not only
cess similar to apoptosis could be responsible cause destruction of proteins and other mole-
Aging 7

cules, but also cause mutations in DNA. So the velop skin cancer very easily, which typically
high metabolic rate during the reproductive leads to death.
years causes a high incidence of damaging DNA The major flaw in this theory is that it pre-
mutations which lead to many of the diseases of dicts that senescence should be a random pro-
old age. After reproduction, natural selection cess, which it is not. A related theory called er-
no longer has use for the body, so it gradually ror catastrophe also predicts that mutations
falls apart as the mutations build up. Unfortu- will build up over time, eventually leading to
nately, all attempts so far to assay the extent of death, but it suffers from the same flaw. Elderly
the mutations produced have led to the conclu- individuals do seem to possess greater amounts
sion that not enough mutations exist to be the of abnormal proteins, but that does not mean
sole cause of the changes observed in aging. that these must be the ultimate cause of death.
The free radical theory of aging is more
Mutation-Based Theories of Aging promising and is probably one of the most fa-
The basic premise of all the mutation-based miliar theories to the general public. This the-
theories of aging is that the buildup of muta- ory has also received much more attention
tions eventually leads to senescence and death, from researchers. The primary culprit in this
the ultimate cause being cancer or the break- theory is free oxygen radicals, which are highly
down of a critical system. The major support for reactive and cause damage to proteins, DNA,
these kinds of theories comes from a number of and RNA. Free radicals are a natural by-product
recent studies that have found a larger number of many cellular reactions and most specifically
of genetic mutations in elderly individuals than of the reactions involved in respiration. In fact,
in younger individuals, the same pattern being the higher the metabolic rate, the more free
observed even when the same individual is as- radicals will likely be produced. Although this
sayed at different ages. The differences among theory also involves a random process, it is a
the various mutation-based theories have to do more consistent and predictable process, and
with what causes the mutations and what kinds through time it can potentially build on itself,
of DNA are primarily affected. As mentioned causing accelerated DNA damage with greater
above, the disposable soma theory also relies, age.
in part, on mutation-based theories. Significant attention has focused on mito-
The most general mutation-based theory is chondrial DNA (mtDNA). Because free radi-
the somatic mutation/DNA damage theory, cals are produced in greater abundance in res-
which relies on background radiation and other piration, which takes place primarily in the
mutagens in the environment as the cause of mitochondria, mtDNA should show more mu-
mutations. Over time, the buildup of these mu- tations than nuclear DNA. In addition, as DNA
tations begins to cause failure of critical bio- damage occurs, the biochemical pathways in-
chemical pathways and eventually causes death. volved in respiration should become less effi-
This theory is consistent with experimental evi- cient, which would theoretically lead to even
dence from the irradiation of laboratory ani- greater numbers of free radicals being pro-
mals. Irradiation causes DNA damage, which, if duced, which would, in turn, cause more dam-
not repaired, leads to mutations. The higher age. This kind of positive feedback cycle would
the dose of radiation, the more mutations re- eventually reach a point where the cells could
sult. It has also been noted that there is some not produce enough energy to meet their needs
correlation between the efficiency of DNA re- and they would senesce. Assays of mtDNA have
pair and life span. Further support comes from shown a greater number of mutations in the el-
observations of individuals with more serious derly, and it is a well-known phenomenon that
DNA repair deficiencies, such as those affected mitochondria are less efficient in the elderly.
by xeroderma pigmentosum. Individuals with Muscle weakness is one of the symptoms of
xeroderma pigmentosum have almost no abil- these changes.
ity to repair the type of DNA damage caused by The free radical theory has some appeal, in
exposure to UV light, and as a result they de- the sense that ingestion of increased amounts
8 Aging

of antioxidants in the diet would be expected Insurance; Mitochondrial Genes; Mutation and
to reduce the number of free radicals and thus Mutagenesis; Oncogenes; Stem Cells; Telo-
potentially delay aging. Although antioxidants meres; Tumor-Suppressor Genes.
have been used in this way for some time, no
significant increase in life span has been ob- Further Reading
served, although it does appear that cancer in- Arking, Robert, ed. Biology of Aging: Observations
cidence may be reduced. and Principles. 2d ed. Sunderland, Mass.:
Sinauer, 2001. A revised edition of a 1990
From Theory to Practice text that examines such topics as defining
Many of the genetic theories of aging are in- and measuring aging, changes in popula-
triguing and even seem to be consistent with tions, genetic determinants of longevity, and
experimental evidence from many sources, but aging as an intracellular process.
none of them adequately addresses longevity Austad, Steven N. Why We Age: What Science Is
at the organismal level. Although telomeres Discovering About the Bodys Journey Throughout
shorten with age in individual cells, cells con- Life. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997. A
tinue to divide into old age, and humans do not review of the latest biological research and
seem to die because all, or most, of their cells theories of aging, including an assessment of
are no longer able to divide. Cells from older the oldest attainable age for humans.
individuals do have more mutations than cells Hekimi, Siegfried, ed. The Molecular Genetics of
from younger individuals, but the number of Aging. New York: Springer, 2000. Part of the
mutations observed does not seem adequate to Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation
account for the large suite of problems present series. Illustrated.
in old age. Mitochondria, on average, do func- Macieira-Coelho, Alvaro. Biology of Aging. New
tion more poorly in older individuals and their York: Springer, 2002. A solid text that in-
mtDNA does display a larger number of mu- cludes many figures, tables, charts, and illus-
tations, but many mitochondria remain high trations.
functioning and appear to be adequate to sus- Manuck, Stephen B., et al., eds. Behavior, Health,
tain life. and Aging. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum,
Essentially, geneticists have opened a crack 2000. Examines a host of health care dilem-
in the door to a better understanding of the mas associated with the elderly. One section
causes of aging, and the theories presented considers the basic tenets of genetic and mo-
here are probably correct in part, but much lecular biology, including some of the meth-
more research is needed to sharpen the under- ods of looking at heritable differences in
standing of this process. The hope of geneti- health and well-being. Illustrated.
cists, and of society in general, is to learn how Medina, John J. The Clock of Ages: Why We Age,
to increase longevity. Presently, it seems all that How We AgeWinding Back the Clock. New
is possible is to help a larger number of peo- York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. A
ple approach the practical limit of 120 years book written especially for the general
through lifestyle modification and medical in- reader. Covers aging on a system-by-system
tervention. Going significantly beyond 120 basis and includes a large section on the ge-
years is probably a genetic problem that will not netics of aging.
be solved for some time. Ricklefs, Robert E., and Caleb E. Finch. Aging:
Bryan Ness A Natural History. New York: W. H. Freeman,
See also: Alzheimers Disease; Autoimmune 1995. A good general introduction to the bi-
Disorders; Biochemical Mutations; Biological ology of aging by two biologists who special-
Clocks; Biological Determinism; Cancer; Chem- ize in aging research.
ical Mutagens; Developmental Genetics; Diabe- Rusting, Ricki L. Why Do We Age? Scientific
tes; DNA Repair; Genetic Engineering: Medical American 267 (December, 1992). Summa-
Applications; Heart Disease; Human Genetics; rizes the changes that occur with aging and
Human Growth Hormone; Immunogenetics; the roles of oxidants and free radicals.
Albinism 9

Timiras, Paola S. Physiological Basis of Aging and humans are susceptible to sunburns and skin can-
Geriatrics. 3d ed. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, cer, while albino animals lack the ability to adjust
2003. Divided into three main sections, this to environments in which nonalbino animals
text addresses the basic processes of bioger- thrive.
ontology, surveys the aging of body systems,
and provides a synopsis of pharmacologic, Key terms
nutritional, and physical exercise guidelines melanism: the opposite of albinism, a condi-
for preserving physical and mental health tion that leads to the overproduction of mel-
into senescence. Illustrated with numerous anin
tables and graphs. photophobia: a condition, often observed in
Toussaint, Olivier, et al., eds. Molecular and Cel- albinos, in which sunlight is painful to the
lular Gerontology. New York: New York Acad- eyes
emy of Sciences, 2000. Elucidates the molec- piebaldism: a condition involving the patchy
ular mechanisms of aging. absence of skin pigment seen in partial albi-
Yu, Byung Pal, ed. Free Radicals in Aging. Boca nos
Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 1993. An in-depth
discussion of the importance of free radicals Occurrence and Symptoms
in aging. Tyrosine, an amino acid, is normally con-
verted by the body to a variety of pigments
Web Sites of Interest called melanins, which give an organism its
Alliance for Aging Research. http://www.aging characteristic colors in areas such as the skin,
research.org. Provides information on ge- hair, and eyes. Albinism results when the body
netics and the aging process, including how is unable to produce melanin because of de-
the Human Genome Project will affect the fects in the metabolism of tyrosine. Those with
future of health and health care. albinism can be divided into two subgroups:
American Geriatrics Society. http://www tyrosinase-negative (those who lack the enzyme
.americangeriatrics.org. The national soci- tyrosinase) and tyrosinase-positive (those in
ety for health care providers for older per- whom tyrosinase is present but inactive). The
sons, posting information on genetic screen- most serious case is that of complete albinism
ing for such disorders as Alzheimers disease. or tyrosinase-negative oculocutaneous albinism,
Centagenetix. http://www.centagenetix.com. in which there is a total absence of pigment.
This groups mission is to support better un- People with this condition have white hair, col-
derstanding of the aging process and asso- orless skin, red irises, and serious vision defects.
ciated diseases; the site offers a scientific The red irises are caused by the lack of pig-
overview, media center, and information on mentation in the retina and subsequent light
related careers. reflection from the blood present in the retina.
National Institue on Aging. http://www.nia.nih These people also display rapid eye movements
.gov. Supports research programs on the bi- (nystagmus) and suffer from photophobia, de-
ology and genetics of aging, as well as infor- creased visual acuity, and, in the long run, func-
mation on aging for the public. tional blindness. People with this disorder sun-
burn easily, since their skin does not tan. Partial
albinos have a condition known as piebaldism,
characterized by the patchy absence of skin pig-
Albinism ment in places such as the hair, the forehead,
the elbows, and the knees.
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes Several complex diseases are associated with
Significance: Albinismthe absence of pigment albinism. Waardenberg syndrome is identified
such as melanin in eyes, skin, hair, scales, or feath- by the presence of a white forelock (a lock of
ersis a direct result of decreased or nonexistent hair that grows on the forehead) or the absence
pigmentation of the skin, hair, and eyes. Albino of pigment in one or both irises, Chediak-
10 Albinism

Higashi syndrome is characterized by a partial Impact and Applications

lack of pigmentation of the skin, and tuberous Albinism appears in various forms and may
sclerosis patients have only small, localized be passed to offspring through autosomal re-
depigmented areas. A more serious case is the cessive, autosomal dominant, or X-linked
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, a disorder that modes of inheritance. In the autosomal reces-
includes bleeding. sive case, both parents of a child with auto-
Ocular albinism is inherited and involves the somal recessive albinism are carriers; that is,
lack of melanin only in the eye while the rest of they each have one copy of the recessive form
the body shows normal or near-normal color- of the gene and are therefore not albino them-
ation. The condition reduces visual acuity from selves. When both parents are carriers, there is
20/60 to 20/400, with African Americans occa- a one-in-four chance that the child will inherit
sionally showing acuity as good as 20/25. Other the condition. On the other hand, X-linked al-
problems include strabismus (crossed eyes or binism occurs almost exclusively in males, and
lazy eye), sensitivity to brightness, and nystag- mothers who carry the gene will pass it on 50
mus. The color of the iris may be any of the nor- percent of the time.
mal colors, but an optician can easily detect the Albinism has not been found to affect ex-
condition by shining a light from the side of the pected life span among humans but can affect
eye. In ocular albinos, the light shines through lifestyle. Treatment of the disease involves re-
the iris because of the absence of the light- duction of the discomfort the sun creates. Thus
absorbing pigment. Children with this condi- photophobia may be relieved by sunglasses that
tion have difficulty reading what is on a black- filter ultraviolet light, while sunburn may be re-
board unless they are very close to it.
Surgery and the application of optical
aids appear to have had positive re-
sults in correcting such problems.
Albinism has long been studied in
humans and captive animals. It has
also been detected in wild animals, but
such animals often have little chance of
survival because they cannot develop
normal camouflage colors, important
for protection from predators. Animals
in which albinism has been recorded
include deer, giraffes, squirrels, frogs,
parrots, robins, turtles, trout, and lob- Image not available
sters. Partial albinism has also been re-
ported in wildlife. In other cases, such
as the black panther of Asia, too much
melanin is formed and the disorder is
called melanism.
Albinism has also been observed in
plants, but their life span rarely goes
beyond seedline state, because with-
out the green pigment chlorophyll,
they cannot obtain energy using pho-
tosynthesis. A few species of plants,
such as Indian pipes (Monotropa), are
normally albino and obtain their en- At the Santa Lucia school in Guatemala City, an albino girl, Maria del
ergy and nutrition from decaying ma- Carmen Quel, eats a snack as she plays on a swing. Albinism is frequently
terial in the soil. associated with blindness. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Alcoholism 11

duced by the use of sun protection factor (SPF) mentary disorders in humans and oculocutan-
sunscreens and by covering the skin with cloth- eous albinism (OCA)-1 in Japan. Piebaldism,
ing. Since albinism is basically an inherited Waardenburg syndrome, Hermansky-Pudlak
condition, genetic counseling is of great value syndrome, and tyrosinase gene-related OCA-1
to individuals with a family history of albinism. are closely examined.
Soraya Ghayourmanesh Witkop, C. J., Jr. Clinical Dermatology 7 (1989).
See also: Biochemical Mutations; Complete Includes an overview of albinism.
Dominance; Dihybrid Inheritance; Inborn Er-
rors of Metabolism; Monohybrid Inheritance. Web Sites of Interest
International Albinism Center, University of
Further Reading Minnesota. http://www.cbc.umn.edu/iac.
Gahl, William A., et al. Genetic Defects and Run by a team of research professionals with
Clinical Characteristics of Patients with a a variety of specialities in human albinism
Form of Oculocutaneous Albinism (Herman- clinical genetics, molecular biology, ophthal-
sky-Pudlak Syndrome). New England Jour- mology, dermatology, and biochemistry
nal of Medicine 338, no. 18 (April 30, 1998): who are attempting to understand the cause
125. Discusses several aspects of Hermansky- and effect of albinism and other forms of
Pudlak syndrome. Details the diagnosis of pigment loss. Papers, fact sheets, glossary,
this syndrome in forty-nine patients of Puerto other resources. Links to the Albinism Data-
Rican descent and patients from the main- base, which lists mutations associated with al-
land United States. Two charts. binism.
Gershoni-Baruch, R., et al. Journal of the Ameri- National Organization for Albinism and Hypo-
can Academy of Dermatology 24 (1991). De- pigmentation. http://www.albinism.org. A
scribes the hair bulb tyrosinase test. volunteer organization for albinos and for
King, R. A., V. J. Hearing, D. J. Creel, and W. S. those who care for people with albinism,
Oetting. Albinism. In The Metabolic and Mo- providing resources for self-help and pro-
lecular Basis of Inherited Disease, edited by C. R. moting research and education.
Scriver et al. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1995. A
solid introduction and overview of albinism.
Pollier, Pascale. Journal of Audiovisual Media in
Medicine 24, no. 3 (September, 2001): 127. Alcoholism
Examines the medical, biological, and ge-
netic causes of albinism and provides notes Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
from the authors attendance at a confer- Significance: Alcohol is one of the most widely con-
ence of the Albinism Fellowship. sumed substances of abuse worldwide. Because al-
Scriver, Charles, et al., eds. The Metabolic and cohol dependence can be life-threatening, its poten-
Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease. 8th ed. tial genetic basis is of great interest, and a variety
4 vols. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. These of genes have been found linked to its physiologic
authoritative volumes on genetic inheri- markers and to the diagnosis of alcohol depen-
tance, by some of the biggest names in the dence.
field, survey all aspects of genetic disease.
The eighth edition has been thoroughly up- Key terms
dated; more than half of the contents are alcohol dependence: a medical diagnosis
new. given when there is repeated use of alcohol
Tomita, Yasuchi. Molecular Bases of Congeni- over the course of at least a year, despite the
tal Hypopigmentary Disorders in Humans presence of negative consequences, such as
and Oculocutaneous Albinism 1 in Japan. tolerance, withdrawal, uncontrolled use, un-
Pigment Cell Research 13, no. 5 (October, successful efforts to quit, considerable time
2000): 130. Presents a study that identified spent getting or using the drug, and a de-
the molecular bases of congenital hypopig- crease in other important activities
12 Alcoholism

cirrhosis: a disease of the liver, marked by the such as depression, may also be linked to how
development of scar tissue that interferes this disorder may be inherited. It may be that
with organ functioning, that can result from the heritability of depression and alcohol have
chronic alcohol consumption something in common, that there are differ-
fetal alcohol syndrome: a medical condi- ences in heritability by gender, or perhaps that
tion resulting from alcohol use by a mother symptom expression by clients or recognition
while pregnant, usually evidenced by facial by professionals varies by gender as a result of
abnormalities and mental impairments in other factors. Stigma, for instance, may be rele-
the child and sometimes resulting in fetal vant; historically, women with alcohol problems
death have often been misdiagnosed with depression.
Symptom expression of alcohol problems
Defining Alcoholism may also differ by culture and ethnicity, be-
Alcoholism is a word that is used to convey cause people of different cultures vary in terms
that a person is experiencing serious problems of how they express physical and mental ail-
related to the use of alcohol. The technical diag- ments. Different ethnic and racial groups may
nosis of alcohol dependence with physiological have different biological responses to thera-
dependence is the diagnosis that corresponds peutic drugs and drugs such as alcohol. Some
to the notion of alcoholism. That diagnosis, groups may even enjoy greater protection
formally explained in the Diagnostic and Statisti- against alcoholism as a result of their genetics.
cal Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-IV-TR, or Asians, for example, tend to be unable to toler-
DSM (rev. 4th ed., 2000), issued by the Ameri- ate alcohol because they generally lack an en-
can Psychiatric Association, refers to physical zyme to process it out of the body. In contrast,
and psychological reliance on alcohol, despite there may be differential vulnerability to al-
the presence of problems associated with its use. coholism itself, as well as differential vulnera-
Alcohol-related problems are typically stud- bilities to certain types of organ damage related
ied and tracked by epidemiologists, physicians, to alcoholism. For instance, vulnerability to
psychologists, public health professionals, and cirrhosis, cardiomyopathy, pancreatitis, and
basic scientists. Basic scientists tend to observe Wernicke-Korsakoffs syndrome also might be
the heritability of problem acquisition and ex- heritable and may vary by ethnicity. Latino
pression in lab animals, while the other profes- men, for example, tend to show greater suscep-
sionals tend to track the problem in humans via tibility to alcohol-related liver damage than do
clinical observations and research involving re- white men.
ports of family histories or the review of medi- There is also the issue of early alcohol expo-
cal records. sure and how such early exposure can interact
Due to changes in how the DSM has devel- with genetics to cause problems in develop-
oped its problem definitions over time, re- ment. Fetal alcohol syndrome, for example,
searchers must use care to examine how defini- can result in a childs having mild to severe fa-
tions of alcoholism have changed over time. cial and dental abnormalities, mental impair-
Also, the social stigma associated with alcohol- ments, or problems related to the skeletal and
ism may have caused over- and underrecog- the cardiovascular systems. Problems with vi-
nition of the problem in some groups. For sion, hearing, and attention are also common.
instance, more men are recognized to have alco- Children of alcoholic fathers also can have dif-
holism than women. Alcoholism is also known ficulties in learning, language, and tempera-
to have its strongest genetic findings for men of ment. Causes of such problems are multiple,
alcoholic fathers. However, only about 50 per- including the contributions made by the indi-
cent of male cases are explained by genetics; viduals genes as well as the environmental ef-
thus, there is also a strong environmental com- fects of growing up in a home that may be un-
ponent to this problem. stable as a result of problems in the father. In
Regarding women, however, recent evidence sum, parents who drink may increase the likeli-
suggests that a family history of mood disorders, hood that their children will develop alcohol-
Allergies 13

ism both through genes and through nonge- thor, 2000. This American professional man-
netic environmental circumstances. ual describes all major psychiatric disorders.
There is a chapter devoted to substance use
Alcohol Research disorders.
To date, some important physiological Plomin, Robert, and Gerald E. McClearn, eds.
markers linked to alcoholism have included Nature, Nurture, and Psychology. Washington,
event-related potentials (ERPs) in electroen- D.C.: American Psychological Association,
cephalographic performance (EEGs), frontal 1993. The topic of alcoholism is discussed,
lobe functioning, enzymes responsible for he- among other topics, with an emphasis on
patic alcohol metabolism (such as alcohol comparing the roles of genetics versus social
dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase), processes and the environment.
and inhibitor y receptors such as gamma-
aminiobutyric acid (GABA) receptors. There Web Site of Interest
are a variety of genes linked to such physiologic National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alco-
markers and to the diagnosis of alcohol depen- holism, ETOH. http://etoh.niaaa.nih.gov.
dence, including ADH2*2, ADH3*1, ALDH2*2, ETOH is the chemical abbreviation for ethyl
CYP 2EI, GABRA6, GABRA1, COMT, DRD4, alcohol. This site includes reports related to
DRD2, and D2. alcohol dependence, including epidemiol-
ogy, etiology, prevention, policy, and treat-
Future Directions ment.
The presence of alcohol in modern life may
have genetic roots. Historically, it helped those
who could tolerate its taste and effects to sur-
vive and be selected for when others who could Allergies
not do so perished as a result of consuming
contaminated water. Alcohol has a complex re- Field of study: Immunogenetics
lationship to human life, and alcoholism will be Significance: In economically developed countries,
studied for some time. Continued study of the allergies are responsible for a large portion of ill-
genes associated with different patterns of alco- nesses and medical expenses. Many allergies have
hol problems, protective genetic effects in pop- genetic components and thus tend to run in
ulations with exceptionally low rates of alcohol- families; the identification of such hereditary fac-
ism, and genetically based interventions (such tors can help in diagnosis and in family plan-
as matching pharmacotherapies to different ning. Moreover, research into the causes of aller-
populations of individuals to forestall the de- gies may lead to a more precise understanding of
velopment of the problem) are assured. The how the immune system functions. This may lead
study of genetics and alcoholism is also likely to ultimately to the development of better drugs to
encourage growth in the field of ethnopharma- treat allergies.
cology, the study of how different therapeutic
drugs differentially affect members of specific Key terms
ethnic groups. antibody: a protein made by the body in re-
Nancy A. Piotrowski sponse to an antigen; antibodies or immu-
See also: Aggression; Behavior; Congenital noglobulins are specific for each antigen
Defects; Criminality; Eugenics; Genetic Testing: antigen: any substance that, when injected
Ethical and Economic Issues; Heriditary Dis- into the body, causes antibody formation
eases; Thalidomide and Other Teratogens. that reacts specifically to that substance; also
known as an allergen or an immunogen
Further Reading hypersensitivity: an exaggerated response
American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and of the immune system to an antigen beyond
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM- what is considered normal; a synonym for
IV-TR. Rev. 4th ed. Washington, D.C.: Au- allergy
14 Allergies

immune system: the defense mechanism of the cal substances (such as histamines, prostaglan-
body against foreign matter (bacteria, vi- dins, and leukotrienes) that are responsible for
ruses, and parasites); it is composed of dif- many of the common allergic symptoms. The
ferent types of cells and chemical substances third and final stage of an allergic reaction is
the prolonged immune activity caused by the
The Basic Information About Allergies chemical substances released by cells of the im-
Sneezing, sniffling, and wheezing are the mune system. This prolonged or late-phase re-
symptoms most often associated with allergies. action can cause the immune system to con-
Allergies, or hypersensitivities, are the human tinue to react and cause tissue damage.
bodys exaggerated response to a foreign sub- Based on varying responses to antigens, re-
stance such as pollen. Hypersensitivity reac- searchers Peter Gell and Robert Coombs have
tions can be immediate (hay fever) or delayed classified allergies into four types: I (anaphy-
(contact dermatitisfor example, a reaction laxis), II (cytotoxic), III (immune complex),
to latex or poison ivy) depending upon the and IV (cell-mediated). Type I hypersensitiv-
bodys immune reaction to the antigen. ityanaphylaxis, from the Greek ana (against)
Essentially, there are three stages of an aller- and phylaxis (protection), or the opposite of
gic reaction. The first stage causes no symp- protectedcan be further divided into either
toms. It is the immune systems initial contact systemic or local response. Systemic anaphylaxis
with the antigen. The cells of the immune sys- is the whole bodys response to an antigen such
tem react to the antigen by producing IgE anti- as a bee sting. Because of the amount of chemi-
bodies that attach to mast cells and eosinophils cal substances released by the cells of the im-
(two cell types of the immune system) that are mune system, the body reacts immediately by a
circulating in the blood. When the same anti- drop in blood pressure (leading to shock), dif-
gen is encountered a second time and attaches ficulty in breathing, and swelling of the airways.
to two adjacent IgE antibodies on a mast cell, If not treated immediately, anaphylactic shock
the mast cell is said to be activated. During can be fatal. Localized anaphylactic reactions
this second stage, the mast cell releases chemi- (atopy) are the most familiar of the hypersensi-

The Bodys Response to Allergens

Magnified view of

(5) T lymphocyte
engulfing antibody-
antigen complex
(4) Antibody-antigen
(1) B lymphocyte (3) Antibodies
(2) Plasma cell

An allergic reaction is caused when foreign materials, or antigens, enter the immune system, which produces B lymphocytes (1) that
cause blood plasma cells to secrete antibodies (2). The antibodies (3) link with antigens to form antibody-antigen complexes (4),
which then are engulfed and destroyed by a T lymphocyte (5). (Hans & Cassidy, Inc.)
Allergies 15

tivities. The symptoms are dependent upon the (drugs that block the release of histamine from
route the antigen uses to enter the body. For mast cells) and anti-inflammatories (steroids),
airborne antigens such as house dust, pollens, and desensitization (allergy shots). Efforts by
and animal dander, symptoms may include hay scientists to learn how the immune system func-
fever (itchy eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and tions and why it overreacts to antigens will lead
coughing) or bronchial asthma (wheezing, to the development of better, less toxic drugs to
coughing, and difficulty breathing). Other combat allergies and their symptoms.
atopic symptoms may include hives, itchy skin, Mary Beth Ridenhour
and diarrhea. Food allergies are also examples See also: Autoimmune Disorders; Genetic
of an atopic reaction. Engineering: Risks; Immunogenetics; Synthetic
Type II (cytotoxic) hypersensitivity reaction Antibodies.
involves the binding of an antigen and anti-
body complex to a cell that destroys the target Further Reading
cell. Examples of this type of hypersensitivity Cutler, Ellen W. Winning the War Against Asthma
are incompatible blood groups (giving type B and Allergies. Albany, N.Y.: Delmar, 1998. This
blood to a person who has type A blood), he- clearly written book provides practical in-
molytic anemia (destruction of red blood formation on all aspects of allergieswhat
cells), and hemolytic disease of a newborn (the they are, their causes, testing, diagnosis, and
mother produces antibodies against the fetus treatment, including nontraditional thera-
based on a protein found in the blood). pies. Preventive measures are covered, as are
Type III (immune complex) hypersensitivity scenarios for various allergy elimination ther-
reaction involves the depositing of immune apies.
complexes (an antigen bound to an antibody) Joneja, Janice M. V., and Leonard Bielory. Un-
on the walls of blood vessels, causing inflamma- derstanding Allergy, Sensitivity, and Immunity.
tion and tissue damage. Glomerulonephritis, New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University
inflammation of the blood vessels in the kid- Press, 1990. The authors provide extensive
neys, is a type III hypersensitivity reaction. This discussion of allergies and the roles played
disease is believed to be a reaction to a particu- by the immune system. They describe the
lar bacterial infection. means by which one can learn to cope with
Contact dermatitis (for example, a reaction allergies and discuss various testing methods
to poison ivy, latex, cosmetics, or jewelry) is a for the identification of allergens.
common example of the last category, type IV Kuby, Janis. Immunology. 4th ed. New York: W. H.
(cell-mediated) hypersensitivity. T cells (a cell Freeman, 2000. The section on hypersensi-
type of the immune system) initially react with tivity in this immunology textbook is well
the antigen; upon a second exposure to the written and includes a mixture of detail and
antigen, clones of the same T cell release chem- overview of the subject. Particularly useful
ical factors that cause a reaction to the antigen. are discussions of the various types of hyper-
This release of chemicals results in a red, itchy sensitivity reactions. Some knowledge of bi-
rash or hives. The reaction to Mycobacterium tu- ology is useful.
berculosis (the bacteria that causes tuberculosis) Lichtenstein, Lawrence. Allergy and the Im-
is a type IV hypersensitivity. The immune sys- mune System. Scientific American 269 (Sep-
tem has also been known to attack itself and tember, 1993). A basic explanation of the
cause disease. These disorders (autoimmune way human allergies work.
disorders), such as multiple sclerosis, juvenile Life, Death, and the Immune System. New York:
diabetes, and systemic lupus erythematosus, W. H. Freeman, 1994. This comprehensive
are only beginning to be understood. collection of articles from Scientific American
provides basic information and research di-
Impact and Applications rections on autoimmune disorders and al-
Treatment of allergies may include avoid- lergies as well as an excellent discussion of
ance of the antigen, use of antihistamines the immune system in general.
16 Altruism

Mak, Tak W., and John J. L. Simard. Handbook of linking to reports and information on immu-
Immune Response Genes. New York: Plenum nology, allergies, gene therapy, HIV/AIDS,
Press, 1998. Contains chapters on such top- and more.
ics as genes of the major histocompatibility
complex and of the antigen-processing path-
ways, autoimmune disorders, cytokines of
the immune system, and leukocyte cluster of
differentiation antigens. Illustrated. Altruism
Steinman, Lawrence. Autoimmune Disease.
Scientific American 269 (September, 1993). Field of study: Population genetics
Describes what happens when the immune Significance: In a strictly Darwinian system, ac-
system develops an autoimmune disorder tions that reduce the success of individual repro-
that causes it to see the body as foreign and duction should be selected against; however, altru-
attack itself. ism, which occurs at a cost to the altruist, is
Theofilopoulos, A. N., ed. Genes and Genetics of observed regularly in natural populations. This
Autoimmunity. New York: Karger, 1999. Ex- paradox may be resolved if the cost of altruism is
amines a broad spectrum of topics related offset by the reproductive success of relatives with
to autoimmunity, including the chapters which altruists share genes. Kin selection results
Immunoglobulin Transgenes in B Lympho- in selection for altruistic behaviors which, if di-
cyte Development, Tolerance, and Autoim- rected at relatives, preserve inclusive reproductive
munity, The Role of Cytokines in Auto- success, and thus Darwinian fitness.
immunity, Genetics of Human Lupus,
and Genetics of Multiple Sclerosis. Illus- Key terms
trated. altruism: behavior that benefits others at the
Tortora, Gerard, et al. Microbiology: An Introduc- evolutionary (reproductive) cost of the al-
tion. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, truist
2000. Provides a general overview of the hu- evolution: a change in the frequency of al-
man immune system and allergies via such leles resulting from the differential repro-
topics as microbial metabolism; microbial duction of individuals
genetics; viruses, viroids, and prions; disor- haplodiploidy: a system of sex determination
ders associated with the immune system; and in which males are haploid (developing from
metabolic pathways. unfertilized eggs) and females are diploid
Walsh, William. The Food Allergy Book. New York: inclusive fitness: an individuals total genetic
J. Wiley, 2000. In this excellent guide to contribution to future generations, compris-
one prevalent form of allergy, the author ing both direct fitness, which results from in-
presents useful background information on dividual reproduction, and indirect fitness,
food allergies and a pragmatic guide to iden- which results from the reproduction of close
tifying and eliminating food allergens from relatives
your diet. kin selection: an evolutionary mechanism
manifest in selection for behaviors that in-
Web Sites of Interest crease the inclusive fitness of altruists
Allergic Diseases Resource Center. http:// maternal altruism: altruism on the part of
www.worldallergy.org/allergicdiseasecenter mothers toward offspring as well as between
.shtml. Part of the World Allergy Organiza- and among members of groups comprising
tion, this site provides scientific and medical closely related females
information on allergic diseases, research natural selection: a process whereby envi-
updates, and more. ronmental factors influence the survival and
National Institue of Allergy and Infectious Dis- reproductive success of individuals; natural
eases. http://www.niaid.nih.gov/default.htm. selection leads to genetic changes in popula-
An arm of the National Institutes of Health, tions over time
Altruism 17

reciprocal altruism: mutual exchange of al- atives. Kin selection is the evolutionary mecha-
truistic acts typically associated with highly nism that selects for behaviors that increase the
cohesive social groups inclusive fitness of altruists. Even though there
are potential costs to altruistic behavior, the
Reproductive Success = Survival evolutionary economy of an altruist operates in
If evolutionary outcomes in a Darwinian the black because actors profit (beyond associ-
world are described as natural economies, then ated costs) by helping others who share their
individual reproduction is the currency of these genes. The bottom line is that altruists increase
economies and of natural selection. Given both their inclusive fitness through the reproduc-
naturally occurring genetic variation among tion of others.
individuals and a certain environmental dy-
namic, it follows that some individuals will be Evidence of Kin Selection
better adapted to locally changing environ- One of the best evidences for kin selection is
ments than others. Such differential adapta- the social structure of certain groups of insects,
tion is expressed as a difference in the fre- including the Hymenoptera (ants, bees, and
quency with which individual genes pass into wasps). A unique system of sex determination
future generations. This simple scenario fulfills (haplodiploidy) in which females are diploid
the genetic definition of evolution change in and males are haploid predisposes some group
allele frequencies in natural populationsby members to behave altruistically. In certain
explaining environmental influences on these bees, for example, the queen is diploid and fer-
changes. Note that this argument emphasizes, tile. Worker bees are female, diploid, and ster-
as its central postulate, the importance of indi- ile. Drones are male, developed from unfertil-
vidual reproduction rather than simple sur- ized eggs, and haploid. Such a situation makes
vival. Survival of the fittest is therefore more for unusual patterns of genetic relationship
properly viewed as the differential propagation among hive members. In diploid systems the
of genes. genetic relation between parents and offspring
A challenge to such a scenario is the paradox and among offspring is symmetrical. Offspring
of altruism. Altruism is defined as any behavior receive half of their genetic complement from
that benefits another at a cost to the altruist. their mother and half from the father; sons and
Charles Darwin himself suggested that this daughters are related to each parent by 1 2 and
problem was a special difficulty . . . which at sibs (siblings) are related to each other by 1 2. In
first appeared . . . insuperable, and actually fa- the haplodiploid system such genetic relation-
tal to [the] whole theory of natural selection. ships are asymmetric. Drones are haploid and
The individual who pushes siblings from the receive half of the queens genome. Workers
track as he himself is killed by the rushing loco- are diploid and share 100 percent of their pa-
motive is an altruist; the colony sentinel that is- ternal genes and, on average, half of their ma-
sues an alarm call to her cohort to take cover, ternal genes with their sisters. Sisters are there-
despite the risk of drawing the attention of an fore related to each other by 3 4. Because sisters
approaching predator, is also acting altruisti- and their brothers share no paternal genes,
cally. These behaviors make no sense in Dar- and on average half of their maternal genes,
wins economy, since they appear to decrease they are related to drones by only 1 4. In this
the likelihood of individual reproduction economy it makes sense that workers should
unless, as W. D. Hamilton suggested, Darwin- act altruistically to assist the queen in the pro-
ian success is not limited to the success of indi- duction of sisters. What would appear to be
vidual bodies harboring particular genes but purely altruistic acts, on the part of workers, re-
may be extended to include the reproductive sult in greater inclusive success than if the
success of relatives who share genes with the al- workers had reproduced themselves. In con-
truist. Hamilton defined inclusive fitness as the trast, drones contribute little to community
sum of an individuals own fitness plus the in- welfare and serve only to fertilize the queen.
fluence that individual has on the fitness of rel- Note that in this system there is no conscious
18 Altruism

Image not available

The altruistic behaviors of honeybees and some other animal species may be a result of selection for behaviors that place the group,
rather than the individual, at a reproductive advantage. (AP/Wide World Photos)

decision on the part of workers not to repro- musculus domesticus, and in some cases individ-
duce; their sterility is an inherent part of this uals can distinguish full sibs from half sibs on
unusual system of sex determination. the basis of their major histocompatibility com-
plexes (glycoproteins important in immune
A Test of Predictions system function). The specific MHC type is
One prediction made by the kind of kin se- fairly unique for each mouse, but related indi-
lection described above is that, assuming the viduals will have similar patterns and share
queen produces male and female offspring in some specific MHC glycoproteins. MHC glyco-
equal proportion, female workers should in- proteins are found in mouse urine, and individ-
vest three times the energy in caring for sisters uals can distinguish these molecules by smell.
that they do for brothers. Because queens are Consistent with the foregoing hypothesis, the
related to both male and female offspring degree of female altruism toward the offspring
equally, one would predict that eggs are equally of close relatives was predicted by the degree of
divided between the sexes. Because workers are relation based on MHC type and type recogni-
related to their sisters by 3 4 and to their broth- tion.
ers by 1 4, one would predict that they should in-
vest three times the energy in care of eggs even- Maternal Altruism
tually yielding sisters that they do in the care of Altruism may be observed in a variety of nat-
eggs eventually yielding brothers. Remarkably, ural systems in which groups comprise individ-
it has been shown that certain worker ants are uals who share a high degree of genetic related-
able to identify and then selectively care for ness. A classic example of this sort occurs with
eggs containing sisters. Kin recognition has Beldings ground squirrels. Males tend to dis-
also been studied in the house mouse, Mus perse from colonies, while females remain to
Alzheimers Disease 19

create highly related maternal groups. Mem- Hill, 2000. Nice analysis of the theoretical
bers of such maternal groups demonstrate al- basis for kin selection including consider-
truistic behaviors such as alarm calling to warn ation of genetic asymmetries associated with
relatives of danger. Although truly altruistic in haplodiploidy.
the sense that alarm callers may incur risk of
personal injury or death, they can be reason-
ably assured of breaking even in this economy
as long as their genes live on in the bodies of Alzheimers Disease
those they have saved by their actions.
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
Reciprocal Altruism Significance: Alzheimers disease (AD) is the most
It would seem that altruism based on Hamil- common cause of irreversible dementia and ac-
tons argument of inclusive fitness would be counts for approximately two-thirds of all demen-
precluded by human social organization. Sci- tia cases in the United States.
entists have predicted, however, that reciprocal
altruism should exist in systems characterized Key terms
by a high frequency of interaction among mem- amyloid plaques: plaques formed by protein
ber individuals and life spans long enough to fragments from amyloid precursor proteins
allow the recipients of altruistic acts to repay al- beta-amyloid peptide: the main constituent
truists. Note that the theoretical basis for the of the neuritic plaques in the brains of Alz-
existence of reciprocal altruism differs from heimers patients
that for kin selection, and that any system in deterministic mutations: gene mutations
which evidence for reciprocity is found must associated with high risk for developing Alz-
necessarily include the development of a com- heimers
plex web of sophisticated social interaction. familial Alzheimers disease (FAD): inher-
Such systems would be expected to foster traits ited Alzheimers disease
expressing the panoply of human emotion and hippocampus: the area in the brain that en-
the development of certain moral architectures codes memory
and group cohesion. neurofibrillary tangles: abnormally
David A. Smith twisted tau protein threads that lead to the
See also: Behavior; Evolutionary Biology; death of brain cells
Homosexuality; Natural Selection; Population tau protein: threads of protein in the cells of
Genetics; Sociobiology. the brain that stabilize the brains support
Further Reading
Freeman, Scott, and Jon C. Herron. Kin Selec- The Extent of AD
tion and Social Behavior. In Evolutionary Alzheimers disease (AD) is a progressive
Analysis. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice neurodegenerative disorder that causes a grad-
Hall, 2001. A well-written and logical analysis ual, irreversible, decline in memory, language,
of altruistic behavior. Arguments are sup- visual-spatial perceptions, and judgment which
ported with data and analysis from the pri- are all the result of amyloid plaques, neuro-
mary literature. fibrillary tangles, and neuronal loss. Approxi-
Gould, Stephen Jay. So Cleverly Kind an Ani- mately four million Americans suffer with AD,
mal. In Ever Since Darwin. New York: W. W. a number that is expected to increase to almost
Norton, 1973. An elegantly expressed de- 6 million by 2020. According to the Alzhei-
scription of altruism and haplodiploidy in mers Association, 14 million Americans will be
social insects. diagnosed with AD by 2050 if a cure is not
Volpe, E. Peter, and Peter A. Rosenbaum. Nat- found. Annually, $33 billion is lost by American
ural Selection and Social Behavior. In Under- businesses as a result of AD. At an annual cost of
standing Evolution. 6th ed. Boston: McGraw- $100 billion, AD is the third most costly disease
20 Alzheimers Disease

in the United States. Worldwide, the World Alzheimer, described plaques and neurofibril-
Health Organization (WHO) estimates that by lary tangles in the brain of a mentally disturbed
2050, more than 22 million individuals world- woman and identified them as a component in
wide will have developed AD, and some esti- a type of acceleration in aging. Today, these
mates are larger. AD currently accounts for be- plaques and tangles in the brain are hallmarks
tween 50 and 75 percent of all dementias. Its of AD that are identified on autopsy and are the
prevalence increases from 1 percent at the age only means to definitively diagnose AD. Early-
of sixty-five years to 20-35 percent by the age of onset AD was originally referred to as presenile
eighty-five years. The average life span for AD dementia because it occurred in individuals
sufferers ranges from eight to twenty years fol- younger than sixty or sixty-five years of age.
lowing diagnosis. As AD progresses, individuals Late-onset AD was referred to as senile demen-
become less and less able to perform activities tia because it occurred in individuals older
of daily living because of progressive cognitive than eighty or eight-five years of age. Until re-
and social declines. AD will reach epidemic cently, AD was considered a normal conse-
proportions as the human life span continues quence of aging.
to increase. Understanding the genetic risks
for developing diagnostics to identify AD and Genes Associated with AD
early intervention to treat AD will positively im- AD is not a normal part of aging. Over the
pact the quality of life of individuals who suffer past several years, scientists have discovered ge-
with the disease. netic links to two main types of AD. In the late
1980s scientists discovered amyloid precursor
Historical Perspectives on AD protein (APP). Alpha-, beta-, and gamma-
Greeks and Romans first described symp- secretase enzymes hang onto APP. The beta
toms of AD in their writings about dementias in and gamma enzymes produce a sticky protein
old age. In 1906, a German physician, Dr. Alois called beta-amyloid (A-beta). A-beta builds up

Image not available

Two images of mouse-brain tissue, one (left) engineered to produce the dark protein deposits that characterize Alzheimers disease, and
the other normal. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Alzheimers Disease 21

in the fluid surrounding the neurons and is the activation of the hippocampus, and de-
responsible for the formation of amyloid creased the interconnection in neurons and
placques in AD. neuron health in humans.
Early-onset AD is caused by mutations in APP
that cause abnormal proteins to form: pre- Risk Factors for AD
senilin 1 and presenilin 2. APP mutations cause Advancing age and heredity are the most im-
amyloid plaque to develop in the hippocam- portant risk factors for the development of AD.
pus. APP mutations on chromosome 21 were While it is known that mutations in APP and
the first gene mutations to be described in as- presenilin 1 and presenilin 2 genes cause early-
sociation with early-onset AD. APP mutations onset AD, causes of late-onset AD are not as
on chromosome 14 also produce presenilin 1. clear-cut. Some scientists hypothesize that late-
APP mutations on chromosome 1 produce pre- onset AD may be initiated by inefficient pro-
senilin 2. Individuals with these deterministic cessing of APP or by enhanced degradation of
mutations will develop early-onset AD. Early- the tau protein. Individuals with ApoE e4 allele
onset AD is rare and usually affects individuals have a two to four times greater risk for devel-
thirty to sixty years of age. Most cases of early- oping AD than those without it. Still, only 30-40
onset AD are inherited and are called familial percent of ApoE e4 allele carriers develop AD.
AD (FAD). Infectious agents, environmental toxins, and
Another type, late-onset AD, is the most metabolic errors that have not yet been identi-
common form of AD, occurring in individuals fied may also be possible causes of late-onset AD.
who are sixty-five years of age and older. Late- Aside from genetic risks involved in the de-
onset AD is caused by mutations in apolipo- velopment of AD, other factors that increase
protein E (ApoE). ApoE is the most common the likelihood for developing AD include trau-
genetic risk factor for developing AD. Scien- matic brain injury and lower socioeconomic
tists believe that these mutations allow longer status, being overweight, lower educational
isoforms of the neurotoxic A-peptide, which level, sedentary lifestyle, depression, elevated
lead to the death of neurons. poE binds to beta- blood cholesterol levels, and vascular diseases
amyloid. The gene that produces ApoE is in the such as hypertension, coronary artery disease,
region of chromosome 19. There are at least atrial fibrillation, and myocardial infarction.
three forms: e2 allele, e3 allele, and e4 allele. Females are also at greater risk for developing
ApoE e2 allele is rare and develops later in life. AD.
It may also protect individuals against AD. ApoE
e3 allelle is the most common allele. According Implications and Interventions
to researchers it appears to be neutral in AD. Early diagnosis of AD is essential to ensure
ApoE e4 allele occurs in approximately 40 per- that proper treatment and early detection of
cent of individuals who develop late-onset AD. other underlying diseases such as depression,
Individuals with ApoE e4 allele may develop AD drug interactions, vitamin deficiencies, or endo-
even if there is no family history of AD. Scien- crinologic problems are ruled out. The Risk
tists believe that protein products from ApoE e4 Evaluation and Education for Alzheimers Dis-
allele bind to APP and form plaques. ease (REVEAL) study investigated the impact
Chromosome 10 has also been identified as of identifying individuals with the ApoE geno-
possibly containing genes that increase the risk type. The ApoE genotype is the most powerful
of developing AD. Though it is still not cer- genetic risk factor for AD and may be instru-
tain whether beta-amyloid plaques cause AD or mental in predicting the chance of developing
are a by-product of AD, the formation of beta- AD. This study offers guidance for using genetic
amyloid from APP is a key process in AD. risk information to screen, evaluate, and edu-
Information has been released by the Na- cate families with relatives suffering from AD.
tional Institutes of Health (NIH) that reported The National Institutes for Health Alzhei-
that an alteration in brain-derived neurotrophic mers Disease Prevention Initiative (NIHADPI)
factor (BDNF) affected memory, influenced was organized to identify factors that will assist
22 Alzheimers Disease

have shown that estrogen decreases the risk for

women to develop AD by 30 to 40 percent. Its
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects en-
hance neuron growth and therefore memory
function. However, results from controlled tri-
als on the effects of hormone replacement
therapy, conducted by the Womens Health Ini-
tiative and reported in 2003, did not yield con-
sistent findings of any beneficial effect of estro-
gen on cognitive function of women with AD,
Image not available and these findings combined with a clearly in-
creased risk for some women taking hormone
replacement therapy cast the benefits of estro-
gen for postmenopausal women in doubt. The
antioxidant effects of vitamin E and selegiline
hydrochloride have been promising in slowing
the rate of progression of AD. Ginkgo biloba
has provided moderate cognitive improvement
with few ill effects. Nonsteroidal anti-inflamm-
atory medications may reduce AD risk by 30 to
60 percent. Finally, a synthetic form of beta-
amyloid protein (AN-1792) vaccine is being in-
vestigated in clinical trials.
Because the ethical, legal, and social dilem-
mas surrounding AD cannot be ignored, issues
of confidentiality are in the forefront for all ge-
Etsuro Uemura, a professor of veterinary science who has been netic testing for AD. Confidentiality in genetic
working on Alzheimers disease since the early 1970s, before testing may be compromised if such testing be-
the disease was named, displays tissue cultures from rat brains comes part of a persons medical records. Once
that he has been using in his research. (AP/Wide World medical records mention a patients diagnosis
Photos) of AD, employers, insurance companies, and
other health care organizations can theoreti-
cally obtain information that could result in
in the early diagnosis of AD and in investigating discriminatory actions such as refusal to hire,
pharmacological interventions that may assist insure, or provide care.
in delaying or abating the development of AD. Genetic counseling allows families to be
NIHADPI investigations include biological and aware of their genetic predisposition for AD.
epidemiological research, instrument develop- Since experts still do not know what benefits
ment to identify high-risk individuals, clinical are gained by knowing that one is at risk for AD,
trials, and alternate strategies to treat behav- there is great controversy about whether the
ioral disturbances in AD patients. benefits outweigh the detrimental impact that
Clinical trials have identified positive effects such knowledge holds.
from anti-inflammatory medications, statin Sharon Wallace Stark
medications, vitamin supplements, and diet in See also: Aging; Alcoholism; Behavior; Bio-
decreasing the risk for developing AD. Phar- logical Clocks; Cancer; Diabetes; Down Syn-
maceutical agents such as acetylcholinesterase drome; Genetic Testing: Ethical and Economic
inhibitors have helped to slow the progression Issues; Heart Disease; Heriditary Diseases; Hy-
of AD by blocking the breakdown of neuro- percholesterolemia; Insurance; Prion Diseases:
transmitters in the brain and to lessen symp- Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome; Pro-
toms of mild to moderate AD. Other studies teomics; Stem Cells; Telomeres.
Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling 23

Further Reading mation about early signs, tests, diagnosis,

Farrer, L., L. Cupples, J. Haines, et al. Effects and treatment for Alzheimers disease.
of Age, Gender, and Ethnicity on the Associ- St. George-Hyslop, Peter H. Piecing Together
ation Between Apolipoprotein E Genotype Alzheimers. Scientific American (December,
and Alzheimer Disease: A Meta-analysis. 2000): 76-83. Good description of AD, in-
JAMA 278 (1997): 1349-1356. Designed for cluding symptoms, support, and ongoing re-
medical professionals, this paper discusses search in the quest for a cure.
the most likely cause of the most common Terry, R., R. Katzman, K. Bick, and S. Sisodia.
form of the disease, late-onset AD. Alzheimer Disease. 2d ed. Philadelphia: Lippin-
Food and Drug Administration. Head Injury cott Williams & Wilkins, 1999. An in-depth
Linked to Increased Risk of Alzheimers Dis- review of hereditary links, signs and symp-
ease. FDA Consumer (January/February, toms, diagnosis, and treatment for Alzhei-
2001): 8. Discusses research that focuses on mers disease.
the link between head injuries and demen-
tias, including AD. Web Sites of Interest
Gauthier, S., ed. Clinical Diagnosis and Manage- Alzheimers Association. http://www.alz.org.
ment of Alzheimers Disease. 2d ed. London: This site provides a two-page genetics fact
Martin Dunitz, 2001. A collection of discus- sheet and information about the Alzheimers
sions concerning symptoms, genetics, diag- Disease Genetics Initiative, a study conducted
nosis, and treatment of AD. by the Alzheimers Association and the Na-
Green, R. Implications of Amyloid Precursor tional Institute of Aging.
Protein and Subsequent Beta-Amyloid Pro- Alzheimers Disease Education and Referral
duction to the Pharmacotherapy of Alzhei- Center, National Institutes of Health. http://
mers Disease. Pharmacotherapy 22 (2002): www.alzheimers.org. A good general start-
1547-1563. Identifies causes, genetic risks, ing place for information and links to stan-
diagnosis and treatment of AD. dard resources. Includes a detailed page on
Hamdy, Ronald, James Turnball, and Joellyn the genetics of AD.
Edwards. Alzheimers Disease: A Handbook for Dolan DNA Learning Center, Your Genes Your
Caregivers. New York: Mosby, 1998. Causes, Health. http://www.ygyh.org. Sponsored by
symptoms, stages, and treatment options for the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this
AD are discussed. site, a component of the DNA Interactive
Leon, J., C. Cheng, and P. Neumann. Alz- Web site, offers information on more than a
heimers Disease Care: Costs and Potential dozen inherited diseases and syndromes, in-
Savings. Health Affiliates (November/ cluding Alzheimers disease.
December, 1998): 206-216. Identifies the eco-
nomic impact for caring for and treating
those with AD and reasons for identifying a
cure. Amniocentesis and Chorionic
Mace, M., and P. Rabins. The Thirty-six Hour
Day: A Family Guide to Caring for Persons with
Villus Sampling
Alzheimer Disease, Related Dementing Illnesses, Field of study: Techniques and
and Memory Loss in Later Life. Baltimore: methodologies
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Dis- Significance: Amniocentesis is a procedure for re-
cusses what dementia is, physical and psy- moving amniotic fluid and fetal cells from a preg-
chological effects on caregivers, financial nant women. Chorionic villus sampling is a proce-
and legal issues, and long-range care plan- dure to obtain fetal cells from placental tissue.
ning for Alzheimers patients. These procedures, which can detect genetic disor-
Powell, L., and K. Courtice. Alzheimers Disease: ders in the fetus, have broadened the possibilities
A Guide for Families and Caregivers. Cam- for effective genetic counseling and for improving
bridge, Mass.: Perseus, 2001. Provides infor- the childs health.
24 Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling

Key terms lizes a fiber-optic instrument to obtain a direct

amniotic fluid: the fluid in which the fetus is image of the fetus), fetal blood sampling (in
immersed during pregnancy which blood cells of the fetus are obtained by
chorionic villi: the fingerlike projections of inserting a needle directly into the umbilical
the placenta that function in oxygen, nutri- cord), and screening for alpha fetoprotein (a
ent, and waste transportation between a fe- fetal protein found in amniotic fluid, high lev-
tus and its mother els of which may indicate the presence of neu-
prenatal testing: testing that is done during ral tube defects).
pregnancy to examine the chromosomes or Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling
genes of a fetus to detect the presence or ab- are not recommended for every pregnancy. Al-
sence of a genetic disorder though the two procedures are relatively safe,
they do not carry a zero risk factor and are not
Goals of Testing likely to be employed unless the risk of the pro-
The goal of prenatal testing is to provide at- cedure is lower than the risk factor for a birth
risk families with information about the defect in a specific pregnancy. The general risk
chances of having a child with a specific genetic for having a child with a significant birth defect
disorder or birth defect. Only a small minority is about 2 to 3 percent. Among the factors that
of such disorders can now be detected, but the indicate an increased risk of having a child with
list continues to grow. a birth defect are maternal age (the incidence
The primary techniques for prenatal testing of chromosomal defects in children increases
include amniocentesis, chorionic villus sam- sharply in pregnant women over age thirty-
pling (CVS), ultrasonography (in which high- five), a previous child with a known chromo-
frequency sound waves are used to view the somal or genetic disorder, previous problems
fetus and obtain information about its position with spontaneous abortions or miscarriages, a
and structure), fetoscopy (a procedure that uti- history of genetic defects in the siblings or
other relatives in one or both of the parents, a
previous child with a neural tube defect, and
Amniocentesis marriage between closely related individuals
such as first or second cousins.
Amniotic fluid
Amniocentesis has been used safely and
widely since 1967 and is used more often than
other methods of prenatal testing. The proce-
dure is usually performed on an outpatient ba-
Amniotic sac
sis between the fourteenth and eighteenth week
of gestation. By this stage in the pregnancy, the
volume of amniotic fluid is large enough to get
Fetus an adequate sample. Also, it allows sufficient
Uterus time for testing to be done in the laboratory,
minimizing complications if it becomes neces-
sary to perform a therapeutic abortion.
The skin of the abdomen is scrubbed, and a
topical anesthetic may be applied. The exact lo-
cation of the placenta and fetus is determined
by ultrasound. A long, thin needle is inserted
Removal and analysis of fluid from the amniotic sac that sur- through the abdominal wall into the amniotic
rounds a fetus during gestation can be used to rule out or con- sac that encloses the fetus. A small amount of
firm the presence of serious birth defects or genetic diseases. amniotic fluid is withdrawn. This fluid contains
(Hans & Cassidy, Inc.) cells that have been sloughed off by the fetus.
Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling 25

The cells must be cultured in the labo-

ratory to produce a sufficient number Chorionic Villus Sampling
for testing. A variety of chromosomal
analyses and biochemical tests can Chorion villus
then be carried out. Any sort of nu- Uterus
merical chromosomal abnormality, Catheter
such as Turner syndrome and Down Syringe
syndrome, can be detected. Structural
abnormalities of chromosomes, such
as missing or extra pieces, also can be
detected. Cri du chat syndrome is one
such genetic disorder. Biochemical
and DNA analyses can be carried out
on the cells, and some specific genetic
disorders can be detected in this man-
ner. The biochemical assays are used
to detect low levels of particular en-
zymes involved in specific biochemi-
cal defects. Although most genetic dis-
orders cannot be diagnosed in this Uterine cavity
manner, the list is rapidly growing. Ex- Vagina Cervix
amples of some inborn errors are ga-
lactosemia, Hurlers syndrome, and Chorionic villus sampling is one method of obtaining embryonic cells from
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. a pregnant woman. Examination of these cells helps physicians determine
It is also possible to analyze DNA di- fetal irregularities or defects, which allows time to assess the problem and
rectly in cells obtained from amnio- make recommendations for treatment. (Hans & Cassidy, Inc.)
centesis. Using specific genetic probes,
it is possible to identify mutant genes
associated with specific genetic diseases such as Like amniocentesis, chorionic villus sam-
sickle-cell disease, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia A, pling can be performed on an outpatient basis.
and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This ap- After cleansing the vagina and cervix with an
proach is not yet possible for many genes since antiseptic, the physician uses ultrasound to
it is necessary to know the DNA sequence of the guide the insertion of a catheter (a small, thin
gene involved. tube) through the cervix into the uterus. The
catheter is placed in contact with the placenta,
Chorionic Villus Sampling where the chorionic villi are located, and gen-
Although amniocentesis has been a success- tle suction is used to remove a small sample. Vil-
ful prenatal testing procedure, it does present lus cells are produced by the fetus and com-
some disadvantages. Perhaps the major disad- prise one of the outer layers of the placenta. Of
vantage involves the need to perform it during major importance is the fact that this small sam-
the sixteenth week of pregnancy, which pro- ple of tissue contains millions of cells that can
vides a fairly narrow window in which cells can be used immediately for testing (recall that
be grown in culture, tests can be carried out, cells obtained during amniocentesis must be
and procedures can be replicated, if necessary. grown for a week or longer before testing can
If procedures run past the nineteenth or twen- be done). This means that chromosomal analy-
tieth week of pregnancy, the physical and psy- ses and some biochemical tests can be per-
chological complications associated with a late formed and results given to the patient before
termination of pregnancy rise considerably. she leaves the physicians office. Chorionic vil-
The technique of chorionic villus sampling ad- lus sampling is usually performed between the
dresses some of these problems. ninth and twelfth weeks of pregnancy so that
26 Amniocentesis and Chorionic Villus Sampling

complete results are likely to be reported one fects; Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndromes;
month earlier than for amniocentesis. A termi- Prenatal Diagnosis; RFLP Analysis; Sickle-Cell
nation of pregnancy after chorionic villus sam- Disease; Tay-Sachs Disease; Thalidomide and
pling is expected to have fewer complications Other Teratogens; Turner Syndrome.
than a termination performed at a later stage
in pregnancy. Further Reading
Cummings, Michael R. Human Heredity: Princi-
Impact and Applications ples and Issues. 5th ed. Pacific Grove, Calif.:
Both amniocentesis and chorionic villus sam- Brooks/Cole, 2000. A good introduction to
pling provide significant information to couples human genetics for nonspecialists.
at risk for having a child with a genetic disorder Heyman, Bob, and Mette Henriksen. Risk, Age,
or other type of birth defect. It is estimated that and Pregnancy: Case Study of Prenatal Genetic
approximately one-half of the women over the Screening and Testing. New York: Palgrave,
age of thirty-five who are pregnant utilize amni- 2001. Offers a detailed case study of a prena-
ocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. Thou- tal genetic screening and testing system in
sands of women undergo some form of prena- one hospital, integrating observational, sur-
tal genetic testing each year. Amniocentesis vey, and qualitative interview methods to
increases the risk of spontaneous abortion only provide insight into the risk management di-
about 0.5 percent above the overall general lemmas faced by those who attempt to con-
risk. Chorionic villus sampling probably carries trol genetic futures.
an increased risk of miscarriage of 1 to 2 per- Parry, Vivienne. Antenatal Testing Handbook: The
cent above the overall general risk. It should be Complete Guide to Testing in Pregnancy.
kept in mind, however, that these two tech- Collingdale, Pa.: DIANE, 1998. Provides a
niques are usually not performed unless there readable yet in-depth discussion of each an-
is some additional risk already present in a spe- tenatal test, including amniocentesis, exam-
cific pregnancy. ining what is available, what the tests are for,
The techniques of amniocentesis and chori- and the risks associated with each. Each test
onic villus sampling may assure parents at risk is explained in detail. An index of genetic
of having a child with a genetic disorder that diseases lists the most common handicap-
their child will be born without the disorder. ping conditions, together with their causes
Results may also be such that parents must be (where known) and their detection rates by
told that their child will definitely have a cer- method and stage of pregnancy.
tain disorder. However, even if a couple elects Rapp, Rayna. Testing Women, Testing the Fetus: The
to continue with a pregnancy, the tests provide Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America. New
useful information about the nature of the dis- York: Routledge, 1999. Examines amniocen-
order and about treatments that might be used tesis from an anthropological/sociological
after birth to prepare for raising a child with a perspective, using dozens of anecdotes from
birth defect. It is to be expected that further de- women who have undergone the procedure.
velopments in techniques will dramatically im- Rothman, Barbara Katz. The Tentative Pregnancy:
prove the convenience and safety of prenatal How Amniocentesis Changes the Experience of
testing. Motherhood. New York: Norton, 1993. Dis-
Donald J. Nash cusses how amniocentesis radically alters the
See also: Alcoholism; Bioethics; Congenital way parents think about childbirth and par-
Defects; Cystic Fibrosis; Down Syndrome; enthood, forcing them to confront an array
Dwarfism; Eugenics; Fragile X Syndrome; Ge- of agonizing dilemmas. Surveys technologi-
netic Counseling; Genetic Engineering: Social cal advances in the procedure and includes
and Ethical Issues; Genetic Screening; Genetic two appendices, Using Earlier Tests (on
Testing; Genetic Testing: Ethical and Economic early amniocentesis and chorionic villus
Issues; Hemophilia; Hereditary Diseases; In- sampling) and Maternal Serum Alpha Pro-
born Errors of Metabolism; Neural Tube De- tein Testing.
Ancient DNA 27

Zallen, Doris Teichler. Does It Run in the Family? Key terms

A Consumers Guide to DNA Testing for Genetic DNA polymerase: the enzyme that produces a
Disorders. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Uni- complementary strand using a DNA tem-
versity Press, 1997. A geneticist and science plate
policy expert describes developments and primer: an oligonucleotide (short strand of
applications, as well as the medical, psycho- nucleotides typically 18-30 bases long) used
logical, and social implications, of genetic as a starting point for Taq polymerase to
testing. Designed to help health care con- make a complementary copy of a DNA tem-
sumers ask the appropriate questions and plate strand; two primers are needed that
determine what answers testing can, and flank the DNA sequence being amplified
cannot, provide. Glossary, lists of Web sites Taq polymerase: DNA polymerase originally
and support organizations. isolated from the hot spring bacteria Ther-
mus aquaticus, which remains stable at tem-
peratures close to boiling (100 degrees Cel-
Web Sites of Interest sius, or 212 degrees Fahrenheit); used as the
American College of Obstetricians and Gyne- DNA polymerase in PCR reactions
cologists. http://www.acog.org. Offers a thermal cycler: a machine that can rapidly
wealth of information on procedures, condi- heat and cool reaction tubes; used for per-
tions, and ethical considerations. Search- forming PCR reactions
able by keyword
Association of Womens Health, Obstetric, and Gene Amplification via Polymerase
Neonatal Nurses. http://www.awhonn.org. Chain Reaction
Offers pages for education and practice re- Anthropologists and taxonomists have long
sources as well as legal policy. wished that they could go back in time, collect a
March of Dimes. http://www.marchofdimes few samples, and return to the present so they
.com. This site is searchable by keyword and could compare past organisms with those alive
includes information on the basics of amnio- today. Until recently, the best samples available
centesis and chorionic villus sampling and were organisms frozen long ago, mummified,
articles on how the two procedures relate to or fossilized. Such samples allowed for super-
genetics. ficial comparisons of morphology (physical
characteristics), but not much else. Compari-
sons among extant organisms, including hu-
mans, using DNA or protein sequences have
Ancient DNA now been done for half a century, but until the
1980s ancient samples typically yielded too lit-
Fields of study: Evolutionary biology; tle material to be useful.
Molecular genetics In 1985, R. K. Saiki and Kary B. Mullis ampli-
Significance: Since the development of the polymer- fied the first gene using the polymerase chain
ase chain reaction (PCR), it has become possible to reaction (PCR). This technique allows pro-
amplify DNA sequences from extremely small sam- duction of billions of copies of a specific DNA
ples and from samples that are greatly degraded, sequence, even with very small amounts of tem-
which has kindled interest in studying ancient plate DNA. PCR caused a revolution in the mo-
DNA samples and comparing their gene sequences lecular genetics laboratory and was soon em-
with those of related modern organisms. Attempts braced by those studying ancient humans and
have been made to study DNA sequences from or- other organisms. So much interest was spawned
ganisms trapped in ice, from mummified individ- by the use of PCR to study ancient DNA sam-
uals, and even from fossils in which some of the ples that in 1993 filmmaker Stephen Spielberg
original tissue remains. Results have so far been directed and produced the movie Jurassic Park,
mixed, and gene sequences from some of the older based on the 1990 book of the same title by
samples have been discredited in many cases. Michael Crichton. Although the science in Ju-
28 Ancient DNA

rassic Park goes well beyond what is possible, the sterile and the work surfaces are commonly ex-
film brought the idea of resurrecting ancient posed to damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays for
DNA samples before the general public. sixty minutes or more in order to destroy any
foreign DNA. Researchers wear sterile gloves
Problems of Isolation and Analysis and face masks, and all laboratory equipment
The two greatest concerns when attempting and containers that come in contact with the
to isolate ancient DNA are the degree to which samples or solutions must be sterile and are of-
it has degraded and potential contamination ten exposed to UV light as well. A further pre-
with more recent DNA. The amount of DNA caution is to analyze ancient and modern DNA
degradation is a function of the age of the sam- samples in completely different laboratories.
ple and the conditions under which it was pre- Finally, after the DNA has been isolated, it must
served. Samples a few thousand years old will still be kept from subsequent opportunities for
typically yield very usable DNA, whereas sam- contamination.
ples exceeding 100,000 years in age may be so The first criticism typically leveled against re-
degraded, regardless of preservation condi- sults of ancient DNA analyses is the potential
tions, that no meaningful data can be obtained. for contamination. Guidelines have been pro-
Environmental conditions at the time the or- posed, but researchers have been slow in imple-
ganism died also play a large part. A woolly menting them, as they are difficult to follow.
mammoth frozen shortly after death will yield There is still considerable debate about the ve-
much more and better-preserved DNA than racity of many of the studies so far published,
will the bones of a turtle weathered for many and some DNA initially believed to be ancient
months or years before being buried. Insects was later found to originate in contamination
trapped in amber would seem to have very well from contemporary sources. In spite of some of
preserved DNA, as they were likely encased the problems with isolating and analyzing an-
while still alive, but the age of such fossils may cient DNA, it has produced some fruitful re-
be so great that the DNA is still degraded be- sults.
yond usefulness.
Of probably greater concern than DNA deg- Archaeological and Anthropological
radation is contamination with modern DNA. Discoveries
All fossils and ancient remains have the poten- Probably the most fruitful area of ancient
tial to be contaminated with all manner of DNA analysis for archaeologists has been in the
more recent molecules of DNA, from pollen or study of the origins of human diseases. Tradi-
bacteria to mold or the skin cells of the person tionally, determining whether an ancient hu-
extracting the DNA. Even minute quantities of man being suffered from a particular disease
DNA contamination can ruin the results of PCR relied on circumstantial evidence: stunted
analysis, which is capable of amplifying a DNA growth, bone scars, and other circumstances
sequence with only a few template molecules subject to interpretation. Recovery of ancient
from which to read. For these reasons, the con- bacterial DNA from Egyptian mummies has
ditions to which the sample was exposed prior helped establish the presence of skeletal tuber-
to collection must be taken into account. If the culosis as long ago as about 3000 b.c.e.
sample was encased in ice or rock, the probabil- Based on historical accounts, the plague,
ity of contamination is minimal, whereas if the caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, has long
sample was exposed to the air, contamination been considered the cause of a repeated series
can almost be assured. Thus, when collecting a of epidemics over the last two millennia. Unfor-
sample, the researcher must immediately place tunately, without any adequate medical records
it into an airtight, sterile container. to confirm plague epidemic accounts, confir-
Once DNA extraction begins, the specimen mation is not possible. In 1998, researchers in
must be completely protected from contamina- France unearthed the skeletons of individuals
tion by DNA from the researcher or anything from the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries
else in the environment. The work area must be that presumably died from the plague. Using
Ancient DNA 29

PCR to amplify a gene from Y. pestis from dental was discovered that the species of fish were not
pulp, they obtained proof that the plague ex- from the study area. Instead, they were fish that
isted at the end of the sixteenth century in had to have come from Egypt or the Levant,
France. Other diseases that have been success- hinting at potential ancient trade routes.
fully identified in this way include leprosy, Dipping more deeply into the past, research-
schistosomiasis, malaria, and Chagas disease. ers have isolated DNA from the bones of an-
In 2003 archaeologists discovered a mummy, cient humans from Australia, Africa, Europe,
accompanied by two others, that might be the and other parts of the world. The goal has been
famous wife of Akhenaton and co-ruler of to analyze mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) se-
Egypt, Nefertiti. Extraction of DNA from all quences and use them to help answer questions
three mummies, to see if they are related, could about human origins. This sort of DNA is pre-
help determine whether the mummy is Nef- ferred because it evolves at an appropriate rate
ertiti. Although DNA evidence would not re- and is more abundant in cells, so it is more
move all doubt, added to circumstantial evi- likely to be present in ancient specimens. Al-
dence presented by some anthropologists and though the results thus far have not settled
historians, it would strengthen their case. some of the long-standing questions about hu-
Archaeologists excavating an ancient Roman man origins, they have shown that a remark-
and early Byzantine site in Turkey found fish re- able similarity exists between ancient and mod-
mains. When DNA was isolated and analyzed, it ern DNA sequences.

Image not available

A salt crystal entrapping a 250-million-year-old bubble containing bacteria, excavated from 1,850 feet below ground near Carlsbad,
New Mexico, offers scientists Russell Vreeland (left) and William Rosenzwieg the opportunity to study ancient DNA. (AP/Wide
World Photos)
30 Ancient DNA

Ancient Dinosaur and Bacterial DNA yses will come only as more samples are ana-
It had long been assumed that obtaining lyzed and DNA is shown to be capable of surviv-
DNA from samples older than a few hundred ing so long, and even then there will still be
thousand years would not be possible. DNA room for skepticism. Working with such an-
millions of years old was assumed to be so de- cient samples and avoiding all possibility of
graded that the fragments would be too small contamination is extremely difficult.
even for PCR to pull out sequences to analyze. Studying rates of evolution in a population
In 1991, however, Edward Golenberg of Wayne over thousands of years has also been accom-
State University isolated DNA from fossil mag- plished using ancient DNA. Adlie penguins
nolia leaves that were approximately 18 million have lived in colonies in the same areas of Ant-
years old. Just a year later, in 1992, researchers arctica for many thousands of years. Excavating
in California isolated DNA from a fossil bee various colony sites, researchers have collected
trapped in amber and researchers at the Ameri- partially fossilized bones covering a range of
can Museum of Natural History (New York ages to almost seven thousand years old. By
City) isolated DNA from a termite trapped in comparing the DNA sequences of a portion of
amber. Although tantalizing, these studies have mtDNA among the different aged samples and
been questioned by those who suspect that the modern samples from live penguins, they have
DNA that was isolated represents contamina- estimated evolutionary rates of change. Be-
tion rather than true ancient DNA. In some cause these samples were only thousands of
cases, reanalysis has shown that the supposed years old, the results are much more reliable
ancient DNA was an artifact or a contaminant. than samples from fossils.
The likelihood that DNA could survive so long,
even in amber, has also been questioned.
In 1994, Ral Cano, at California Polytech- Future Prospects in Ancient DNA Research
nic State University, isolated 25-million-year- Some limitation in the field of ancient DNA
old DNA from bacteria in the gut of a bee research will never be overcome, but as more
trapped in amber. In 1999, Charles L. Green- research is done, methods of extraction and
blatt, at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, re- analysis of ancient DNA should improve. Also,
ported the isolation of DNA of several types as more samples are collected and analyzed,
of bacteria from 120-million-year-old amber. better methods for measuring the extent of
Comparisons of the DNA sequences of ribo- DNA degradation and for determining whether
somal RNA (rRNA) genes with modern bacte- contamination is present should be developed.
ria revealed significant differences, lending However, doubt about the ability of DNA to sur-
support to the claim that Greenblatt and his vive longer than 100,000 years, in the best of
colleagues had actually isolated ancient DNA conditions, has resulted in a drop in studies of
and not contaminants. very ancient DNA. It now appears that the most
A number of researchers have isolated DNA fruitful use of ancient DNA is from samples on
from dinosaur bones, ranging in age from 65 the order of a few thousands to tens of thou-
million to 80 million years old. The same sands of years old, rather than DNA millions of
doubts exist with these studies, particularly be- years old. Archaeologists, anthropologists, and
cause there is no pure, undegraded DNA from biologists studying relatively recent extinct ani-
ancient dinosaurs with which to compare the mals will probably be the primary researchers
extracted DNA. Certainly, if the DNA is com- analyzing ancient DNA.
pared with bacterial or fungal DNA sequences Bryan Ness
and there is a match, then the DNA can be con- See also: DNA Structure and Function;
sidered a contaminant. On the other hand, if Evolutionary Biology; Genetic Code; Molecu-
the DNA resembles modern reptile or bird lar Clock Hypothesis; Mutation and Mutagene-
DNA, it may represent a contaminant as well sis; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Punctuated
but may also be dinosaur DNA, as claimed. Equilibrium; RNA Structure and Function;
Confidence in the results of ancient DNA anal- RNA World.
Animal Cloning 31

Further Reading
Arndt, Allan, et al. Roman Trade Relation- Animal Cloning
ships at Sagalassos (Turkey) Elucidated by
Ancient DNA of Fish Remains. Journal of Ar- Field of study: Genetic engineering and
chaeological Science 30, no. 9 (2003): 1095- biotechnology
1105. Analysis of DNA isolated from ancient Significance: Animal cloning is the process of gen-
fish remains showed that the fish were from erating a genetic duplicate of an animal starting
another location and must have represented with one of its differentiated cells. Sheep, mice, cat-
foreign trade. tle, goats, pigs, and a cat have been cloned. While
Desalle, Robert, and David Lindley. The Science currently an inefficient process that may pose risks
of Jurassic Park and The Lost World. New to the clone, animal cloning offers the benefits of
York: HarperCollins, 1998. A critical look at replicating valuable animals.
the science in the first two films based on Mi-
chael Crichtons novels, especially easy to Key terms
read for nonscientists. asexual reproduction: reproduction not re-
Herrmann, Bernd, and Susanne Hummel, eds. quiring fusion of haploid gametes as a first
Ancient DNA: Recovery and Analysis of Genetic step
Material from Paleographic, Archaeological, Mu- clone: a genetic replica of a biological organ-
seum, Medical, and Forensic Speciments. New ism
York: Springer-Verlag, 1994. Written when differentiated cell: a somatic cell with a spe-
DNA fingerprinting was just coming to the cialized function
fore and films such as Jurrasic Park were in mitochondrial genome: DNA found in mito-
theaters, this collection of papers by first- chondria, coding for forty genes, involved in
generation researchers reflects the broad energy metabolism, and maternally inher-
applications of the technology, including ited
paleontological investigations. nuclear genome: DNA found in the nucleus,
Hummel, Susanne. Fingerprinting the Past: Re- coding for 30,000 genes in higher organ-
search on Highly Degraded DNA and Its Applica- isms, half inherited from each parent
tions. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2002. Man- telomere: a specialized structure at the chro-
ual about typing ancient DNA. mosome end, which shortens in somatic
Jones, Martin. The Molecule Hunt: Archaeology and cells with age
the Search for Ancient DNA. New York: Arcade,
2002. A broad overview of the history of ana- Clones and Cloning
lyzing ancient DNA and other biological mol- Asexual reproduction occurs in numerous
ecules. Includes a nice selection of the win- bacteria, fungi, and plants, as well as some ani-
ners and losers in the hunt for ancient DNA. mals, leading to genetically identical offspring
Pennisi, Elizabeth. A Shaggy Dog History. Sci- or clones. In addition, humans can assist in
ence 298, no. 5598 (2003): 1540-1542. Re- such reproduction. For instance, cuttings from
ports on discoveries using DNA extracted plants generate thousands of replicates. Di-
from ancient dog remains that point to an viding some animals, such as earthworms or
Old World origin for New World dogs. flatworms, allows them to regenerate. How-
Wayne, Robert K., Jennifer A. Leonard, and ever, most vertebrates, including all mammals,
Alan Cooper. Full of Sound and Fury: The reproduce sexually, requiring fertilization of
Recent History of Ancient DNA. Annual Re- an ovum by sperm. In such species, clones oc-
view of Ecology and Systematics 30 (1999): 457- cur, as in the case of identical twins, when an
477. A comprehensive overview of what has embryo splits into two early in development.
happened in this highly controversial field. This process can be instigated artificially using
Includes some excellent examples of cases microsurgical techniques to divide a harvested
in which DNA originally considered ancient early-stage embr yo and reimplanting the
was found to be recent. halves into surrogate dams (mothers). While
32 Animal Cloning

this can be considered animal cloning, the In theory, the process is straightforward. It
term should be reserved for cloning from consists of taking a differentiated cell from an
nonembryonic cells. adult animal, inserting its diploid nucleus into
a donor ovum whose own haploid nucleus has
Cloning Procedure been removed, initiating embryonic develop-
Animal cloning typically refers to mammals ment of this ovum, inserting the resultant em-
or other higher vertebrates and involves creat- bryonic mass into a receptive surrogate dam
ing a duplicate animal starting from a differen- and allowing it to proceed to term. In practice,
tiated cell. Although such a cell only has the the technique is difficult and was thought to be
ability to perform its specialized function, its impossible until 1997. It also appears fraught
nucleus retains all genetic information for the with species specificity. Various differentiated
organisms development. Animal cloning re- cells have been used as the starting source;
quires that such information be reprogrammed mammary cells were used in the first case, while
into an undifferentiated cell that can re-initiate skin fibroblasts and cumulus cells are now of-
the developmental process from embryo to ten used. The preparation of the anucleate
birth and beyond. ovum is an important step. A limitation to clon-

Dolly the Sheep

In 1997, the world was taken aback when a group of fer arthritis, a veterinarian noted that both the loca-
scientists headed by embryologist Ian Wilmut at the tion and the age of onset were uncommon. Then, in
Roslin Institute in Scotland announced the success- February, 2003, she was euthanized after the discov-
ful cloning of a sheep named Dolly. Scientists had al- ery of a progressive lung disease.
ready cloned cows and sheep, but they had used em- Dollys health problems have led to speculations
bryo cells. Dolly was the first vertebrate cloned from about premature aging in clones but are compli-
the cell of an adult vertebrate. cated by her unique experiences as well. As Wilmut
The feat was accomplished by removing cells from noted, in the early years following the announce-
the udder of a six-year-old ewe and placing them in a ment of her cloning, she became something of a ce-
laboratory dish filled with nutrients, where they were lebrity, which led to overfeeding by visitors and in
left to grow for five days. Then the nutrients were re- turn a period of obesity, later corrected. More signifi-
duced to 5 percent of what the cells needed to con- cant were the discovery of her arthritis and then her
tinue growing, which caused the cells to enter a state lung diseaseconditions not uncommon in sheep
resembling suspended animation, making them but that tend to emerge later (sheep typically live to
more receptive to becoming dedifferentiated. When be eleven or twelve years old).
the nuclei of these cells were placed in the ova of host Theories of premature aging are supported by the
sheep, the cytoplasm of each ovum directed the nu- fact that Dollys telomeres were shorter than normal.
cleus it received to enter an undifferentiated state, These cell structures function as caps that prevent
thus causing the cell to develop into an embryo. fraying at the ends of DNA cells. As a cell ages, its
Of an initial 277 adult cells introduced into sheep telomeres become progressively shorter, until finally
ova, thirteen resulted in pregnancy, and only one, they disappear altogether and are no longer able to
Dolly, was carried to full term. Dolly was a genetic protect the cell, which then dies.
replica of the sheep from whose udder the original Was Dolly older genetically than she was chrono-
cells were extracted. Environmental factors would logically? The answer to the question of whether
make Dolly, like any other clone, individual, but ge- Dolly was completely normal or aged prematurely
netically she would never have the individuality that as a result of being a clone must await full investiga-
an organism produced by usual reproductive means tion of her autopsy results, as well as tracking of her
would possess. Over the next six years, she gave birth offsprings lives and monitoring of other vertebrate
to several, apparently healthy, offspring. In 2002, at clones through their life spans.
the age of six, Dolly became lame in her left hind leg, R. Baird Shuman, updated by Christina J. Moose
a victim of arthritis. Although sheep commonly suf-
Animal Cloning 33

influence phenotypic expres-

sion. In addition, the prenatal
environment can affect some
traits. Coat color and color pat-
tern are characteristics that
can be developmentally influ-
enced; the first cloned cat was
Image not available not an exact duplicate of its
progenitor in coloration. Some
behavioral features are also im-
pacted during intrauterine de-

Cloned Animals
The first cloned animal was
a sheep named Dolly. While
she was the only live offspring
generated from 277 attempts,
Dolly, the first animal cloned from an adult vertebrate cell, in 1997. She was her birth showed that animal
euthanized in 2003 after complications from advanced arthritis and lung disease. cloning was possible. Shortly
(AP/Wide World Photos) thereafter, mice and cattle were
cloned. Reproducible cloning
of mice is more difficult than
ing dogs appears to be the difficulty in obtain- imagined, whereas more cattle were cloned in
ing ova suitable for nuclear transfer. The tech- the first five years after Dollys birth than any
nique for inserting the nucleus is crucial, as is other species. Goats, pigs, and a cat were subse-
the conversion to the undifferentiated embry- quently also cloned.
onic state. Transfer of the embryonic cells to a
receptive surrogate dam is generally a well- Problems and Potential Benefits
developed technology, although more than Prominent among the problems with animal
four viable embryos are necessary to maintain cloning is its inefficiency. Although this may
pregnancy in pigs. not be surprising as the technology is still un-
Furthermore, the genetic makeup of a puta- der development, no more than 2 percent of
tive clone must be verified, to ensure that it is embryos generated lead to viable offspring.
indeed a replica of its progenitor and not an Additionally, most cloned animals are larger
unintended offspring of either the donor of than normal at birth, often requiring cesarian
the ovum or the surrogate dam. DNA finger- delivery, and some have increased morbidity
printing via microsatellite analysis at a number and mortality. Some have had smaller telo-
of polymorphic sites is an unambiguous way to meres and shorter lives. Dolly exhibited this
establish its genetic identity. trait and lived for only six years (although she
was euthanized, she clearly would not have
Identicalness lived much longer)half of the average life
Such a clone is not absolutely identical, be- span. Conversely, some cloned mice do not ex-
cause of mitochondrial differences and envi- hibit shortened telomeres or premature aging,
ronmental effects. While the nuclear genome even through six consecutive cloned genera-
must be identical to its progenitor, the mito- tions. Further research will establish whether
chondrial genome of the clone will invariably these problems are inherent to cloning, are
be different, because it comes from the ovum consequences of some aspect of the current
used. While mitochondria make a minor con- procedure or are attributable to the small num-
tribution to the total genetic makeup, they can bers of cloned animals studied.
34 Animal Cloning

Image not available

At a news conference in July, 1998, Dr. Ryuzo Yanagimachi holds in his hands the first cloned mouse and its parent. The cloning
occurred nearly simultaneously with the cloning of Dolly the sheep. (AP/Wide World Photos)

The benefits of animal cloning would in- tion Enzymes; Reverse Transcriptase; Shotgun
volve duplicating particularly valuable animals. Cloning; Telomeres; Transgenic Organisms;
Livestock with highly valued production char- Xenotransplants.
acteristics could be targets for cloning. How-
ever, the technique is likely to be most benefi- Further Reading
cial in connection with transgenesis, to replicate Patterson, Lesley, William Richie, and Ian
animals that yield a therapeutic agent in high Wilmut. Nuclear Transfer Technology in
quantities or organs suitable for transplanta- Cattle, Sheep and Swine. In Transgenic Ani-
tion into humans. If animal cloning can be mal Technology, A Laboratory Handbook, edited
made efficient and trouble-free, its potential by Carl A. Pinkert. 2d ed. London: Academic
benefits could be fully developed. Press, 2002. The detailed protocol needed
James L. Robinson to clone three livestock species, as well as the
See also: Biopharmaceuticals; cDNA Librar- limitations to increased efficiency.
ies; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues; Cloning Pennisi, Elizabeth, and Gretchen Vogel. Ani-
Vectors; DNA Replication; DNA Sequencing mal Cloning: Clones: A Hard Act to Follow.
Technology; Genetic Engineering; Genetic En- Science 288 (2000): 1722-1727. The status of
gineering: Agricultural Applications; Genetic animal cloning, three years after the an-
Engineering: Historical Development; Genetic nouncement of Dolly. The problems, ques-
Engineering: Industrial Applications; Genetic tions, and concerns are presented in a highly
Engineering: Medical Applications; Genetic En- readable text.
gineering: Risks; Genetic Engineering: Social Wilmut, Ian, Keith Campbell, and Colin Tudge.
and Ethical Issues; Knockout Genetics and The Second Creation: The Age of Biological Con-
Knockout Mice; Mitochondrial Genes; Parthe- trol by the Scientists That Cloned Dolly. London:
nogenesis; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Restric- Headline, 2000. The story of the scientific
Anthrax 35

collaboration between an agricultural scien- of Genesis. In Exodus 9, the Lord instructs Mo-
tist and a cell biologist, of their perseverance ses to take handfuls of ashes of the furnace
and the serendipity that led to the first cloned and sprinkle it toward the heaven in the sight
sheep, Dolly. of the Pharaoh. Moses performed the deed
and it became a boil breaking forth with blains
Web Sites of Interest upon man and upon beast. This may repre-
ActionBioScience.org. http://www.actionbio sent the first use of anthrax as a biological
science.org/biotech/pecorino.html. Fea- weapon. Greek peasants tending goats suffered
tures the article Animal Cloning: Old Mac- from anthrax; the Greek word from which an-
Donalds Farm Is Not What It Used To Be thrax derives means coal, referring to the coal-
and several useful links to the animal clon- black center of the skin lesion.
ing debate. Anthrax became the first pathogenic bacil-
Roslin Institute. http://www.roslin.ac.uk. The lus to be seen microscopically when described
site of the oldest cloning group in the world, in infected animal tissue by Aloys-Antoine
founded in 1919, which cloned the first ani- Pollender in 1849. Studies by Robert Koch in
mal, Dolly the sheep. Includes information 1876 resulted in the four postulates that form
on genomics and animal breeding. the basis for the study of infectious disease cau-
sation. In 1881, Louis Pasteur demonstrated
the protective efficacy of a vaccine for sheep
made with his attenuated vaccine strain.
The Disease
Field of study: Bacterial genetics Anthrax is primarily a disease of herbivorous
Significance: Anthrax has plagued humankind animals that can spread to humans through as-
for thousands of years. Naturally occurring an- sociation with domesticated animals and their
thrax spores have caused disease in livestock and products. Herbivorous animals grazing in pas-
wildlife more often than in humans, but with the tures with soil contaminated with anthrax endo-
rise of genetic technologies anthrax has become spores become infected when the spores gain
amenable to manipulation as an agent of bioter- entry through abrasions around the mouth and
rorism and biowarfare. germinate in the surrounding tissues. Omni-
vores and carnivores can become infected by
Key terms ingesting contaminated meat. Human infection
plasmids: extrachromosomal DNA, found is often a result of a close association with herbi-
most commonly in bacteria, which can be vores, particularly goats, sheep, or cattle (in-
transferred between bacterial cells cluding their products of hair, wool, and hides).
polymerase chain reaction (PCR): a process The most common clinical illness in humans
in which a portion of DNA is selected and re- is skin infection (cutaneous anthrax), acquired
peatedly replicated when spores penetrate through cuts or abra-
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP): sions. After an incubation period of three to
the difference in a single nucleotide be- five days, a papule develops, evolves into a vesi-
tween the DNA of individual organisms cle, and ruptures, leaving an ulcer that dries to
variable number tandem repeat (VNTR): form the characteristic black scab. Inhaled
the difference in the number of tandem re- spores reach the alveoli of the lung, where they
peats (short sequences of DNA repeated are engulfed by macrophages and germinate
over and over) between the DNA of individ- into bacilli. Bacilli are carried to lymph nodes,
ual organisms where release and multiplication are followed
by bloodstream invasion and the infections
History spread to other parts of the body, including the
A disease killing cattle in 1491 b.c.e., likely brain, where it causes meningitis. The symp-
to have been anthrax, is recounted in the Book toms of the illness, which begin a few days after
36 Anthrax

inhalation, resemble those of the flu and may positive, and rod-shaped. It produces spores
be associated with substernal discomfort. and exotoxins (toxins that are released from
Cough, fever, chills, and respiratory distress the cells). Spores are ellipsoidal or oval (1-2 mi-
with raspy, labored breathing ensue. The least crons) and located within the bacilli. The
common type of infection is that of the gastro- endospores have no reproductive significance,
intestinal tract. as only one spore is formed by each bacillus
An effective vaccine is available for preven- and a germinated spore yields a single bacillus.
tion, and antibiotics have been used when im- Spores form in soil and dead tissue and with no
mediate protection is needed. Antibiotics can measurable metabolism may remain dormant
also successfully treat the infection. Inhalational for years. They are resistant to drying, heat, and
anthrax is nearly always fatal if untreated, and many disinfectants.
even with treatment the mortality ranges from The genetic composition of B. anthracis dif-
40 to 80 percent. Mortality from treated cuta- fers little from the other Bacillus species, and
neous anthrax is less than 1 percent. studies have demonstrated remarkable similar-
ity within B. anthracis strains. The resting stage
The Anthrax Bacterium of sporulation may have contributed to the ex-
The Bacillus anthracis bacterium is large tremely similar DNA of all strains of B. anthra-
(1-1.2 3-10 microns), encapsulated, gram- cis. The circular chromosomal DNA is com-

Image not available

Anthrax cells invading the spleen of a monkey, in an undated electronmicrograph from the U.S. Department of Defense Web site.
The United States and the Soviet Union developed biological weapons during the Cold War, and many of these lethal organisms
remain housed in facilities around the world. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Anthrax 37

posed of 5.2 million base pairs and codes for tacks, a sensitive and specific three-target (two-
metabolic function, cell repair, and the sequen- plasmid and one-chromosome) assay has been
tial process of sporulation. Comparative ge- developed for rapid detection and identifica-
nome sequencing has uncovered only four dif- tion of B. anthracis, including bioengineered
ferences between the single-copy chromosomal strains, from both patients and the environ-
DNA of two strains. In addition to the single- ment.
copy DNA, comprising the majority of the ge- H. Bradford Hawley
nome, a remaining portion consists of repeti- See also: Bacterial Genetics and Cell Struc-
tive DNA sequences that are either dispersed or ture; Bacterial Resistance and Super Bacteria;
clustered into satellites. The satellite repeats Biological Weapons; Plasmids; Smallpox.
occur in tandem. The number of tandem re-
peats varies among different strains; six chro- Further Reading
mosomal marker loci have been identified by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
multiple-locus variable number tandem repeat Bioterrorism-Related Anthrax: Emerging Infec-
(VNTR) analysis. tious Diseases 8 (October, 2002): 1013-1183.
In addition to its chromosome, B. anthracis Summarizes the investigation following the
has two large plasmids that carry genes neces- 2001 bioterrorism attacks in the United
sary for pathogenesis. The pXO1 plasmid has States.
181,654 base pairs and contains the structural Dixon, Terry C., et al. Anthrax. New England
genes for the anthrax toxins cya (edema fac- Journal of Medicine 341 (September 9, 1999):
tor), lef (lethal factor), and pagA (protective 815-826. Details the disease and its patho-
antigen). The pXO2 plasmid consists of 96,231 genesis.
base pairs and carries three genes required for Miller, Judith, Stephen Engelberg, and William
synthesis of the capsule. These plasmids con- Broad. Germs: Biological Weapons and Amer-
tain a much greater number of single nucleo- icas Secret War. New York: Simon & Schuster,
tide polymorphisms (SNPs) and VNTRs among 2001. This book, written by three New York
strains than the chromosomal genome. There Times reporters, explores the ideas and ac-
are a variety of reference strains, such as Pas- tions of scientists and politicians involved in
teur (which lacks the XO1 plasmid), Sterne the past, present, and future of germ war-
(which lacks the XO2 plasmid), and Ames fare. Forty-two pages of notes and a select
(which has both plasmids and is fully virulent). bibliography.
Read, Timothy D., et al. Comparative Genome
Bioterrorism Sequencing for Discovery of Novel Poly-
Anthrax spores can be easily packaged to act morphisms in Bacillus anthracis. Science 296
as aerosoled (airborne) agents of war, and the (June 14, 2002): 2028-2033. Describes the
genome may be bioengineered to alter the complete sequencing of the anthrax ge-
virulence or effectiveness of current vaccines. nome.
Knowledge of the genetic composition of B. an-
thracis has facilitated the investigation of an- Web Sites of Interest
thrax attacks. In 1993, the Aum Shinrikyo cult Centers for Disease Control, Public Health
aerosoled a suspension of anthrax near Tokyo, Emergency Preparedness and Response.
Japan. Molecular studies of the genome from http://www.bt.cdc.gov. This comprehensive
this strain revealed it to be devoid of the pXO2 site offers information on how to recognize
plasmid (Sterne strain), explaining why only a illness caused by anthrax exposure and
bad odor rather than illness was the fortunate more. Available in Spanish.
consequence. In 2001, analysis of material from Nature. http://www.nature.com. The online
letter-based attacks with anthrax in the United version of the premier science journal Na-
States demonstrated the source to be the Ames ture includes links to research articles on the
strain. Furthermore, as a result of the exten- genetics of anthrax, including Focus on An-
sive laboratory studies associated with these at- thrax.
38 Antibodies

The simplest form of antibody molecule is a

Antibodies Y-shaped structure with two identical, long poly-
peptides (substances made up of many amino
Field of study: Immunogenetics acids joined by chemical bonds) referred to as
Significance: Antibodies provide the main line of heavy chains and two identical, short poly-
defense (immunity) in all vertebrates against in- peptides referred to as light chains. These
fections caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, or other chains are held together by chemical bonds.
foreign agents. Antibodies are used as therapeutic The lower portion of each chain has a constant
agents to prevent specific diseases and to identify region made up of similar amino acids in all an-
the presence of antigens in a wide range of diag- tibody molecules, even among different spe-
nostic procedures. Large quantities of antibodies cies. The remaining upper portion of each
have also been produced in plants for use in hu- chain, known as the variable region, differs in
man and plant immunotherapy. Because of their its amino acid sequence from other antibodies.
importance to human and animal health, anti- The three-dimensional shape of the tips of the
bodies are widely studied by geneticists seeking im- variable region (antigen-binding site) allows
proved methods of antibody production. for the recognition and binding of target mole-
cules (antigens). The high-affinity binding be-
Key terms tween antibody and antigen results from a com-
B cells: a class of white blood cells (lympho- bination of hydrophobic, ionic, and van der
cytes) derived from bone marrow responsi- Waals forces. Antigen-binding sites have spe-
ble for antibody-directed immunity cific points of attachment on the antigen that
B memory cells: descendants of activated B are referred as epitopes or antigenic deter-
cells that are long-lived and that synthesize minants.
large amounts of antibodies in response to a
subsequent exposure to the antigen, thus Antibody Diversity
playing an important role in secondary im- There are five classes of antibodies (IgG,
munity IgM, IgD, IgA, and IgE), each having a distinct
helper T cells: a class of white blood cells structure, size, and function (see the table
(lymphocytes) derived from bone marrow headed Classes, Locations, and Functions of
that prompts the production of antibodies Antibodies). IgG is the principal immuno-
by B cells in the presence of an antigen globulin and constitutes up to 80 percent of all
lymphocytes: types of white blood cells (in- antibodies in the serum.
cluding B cells and T cells) that provide im- The human body can manufacture a limit-
munity less number of antibodies, each of which can
plasma cells: descendants of activated B cells bind to a different antigen; however, human
that synthesize and secrete a single antibody genomes have a limited number of genes that
type in large quantities and also play an im- code for antibodies. It has been proposed that
portant role in primary immunity random recombination of DNA segments is re-
sponsible for antibody variability. For example,
Antibody Structure one class of genes (encoding light chain) con-
Antibodies are made up of a class of proteins tains three regions: the L-V (leader-variable)
called immunoglobulins (Igs) produced by region (in which each variable region is sepa-
plasma cells (descendants of activated B cells) rated by a leader sequence), the J (joining) re-
in response to a specific foreign molecule gion, and the C (constant) region. In the em-
known as an antigen. Most antigens are also bryonic B cells, each gene consists of from one
proteins or proteins combined with sugars. hundred to three hundred L-V regions, ap-
Antibodies recognize, bind to, and inactivate proximately six J regions, and one C region.
antigens that have been introduced into an or- These segments are widely separated on the
ganism by various pathogens such as bacteria, chromosome. As the B cells mature, one of the
fungi, and viruses. L-V regions is randomly joined to one of the J
Antibodies 39

regions and the adjacent C region by a recom- the blood, and become associated with lymph
bination event. The remaining segments are nodes and the spleen; and B cells, which are
cut from the chromosome and subsequently formed in bone marrow and move directly to
destroyed, resulting in a fusion gene encoding the circulatory and the lymph systems. B cells
a specific light chain of an antibody. In mature are genetically programmed to produce anti-
B cells, this gene is then transcribed and trans- bodies. Each B cell synthesizes and secretes
lated into polypeptides that form a light chain only one type of antibody, which has the ability
of an antibody molecule. Genes for the other to recognize with high affinity a discrete region
class of light chains as well as heavy chains are (epitope or antigenic determinant) of an anti-
also made up of regions that undergo recombi- gen. Generally, an antigen has several different
nation during B-cell maturation. These ran- epitopes, and each B cell produces a set of
dom recombination events in each B cell dur- different antibodies corresponding to one of
ing maturation lead to the production of the many epitopes of the same antigen. All of
billions of different antibody molecules. Each the antibodies in this set, referred to as poly-
B cell has, however, been genetically pro- clonal antibodies, react with the same antigen.
grammed to produce only one of the many pos- The immune system is more effective at con-
sible variants of the same antibody. trolling infections than the nonspecific defense
response (bodily defenses against infection
Production of Antibodies: Immune such as skin, fever, inflammation, phagocytes,
Response natural killer cells, and some other antimicro-
Immunity is a state of bodily resistance bial substancesthat are not part of the im-
brought about by the production of antibodies mune system proper). The immune system has
against an invasion by an antigen. The immune three characteristic responses to antigens: di-
response is mediated by white blood cells verse, which effectively neutralizes or destroys
known as lymphocytes that are made in the various foreign invaders, whether they are mi-
bone marrow. There are two types of lympho- crobes, chemicals, dust, or pollen; specific,
cytes: T cells, which are formed when lympho- which effectively differentiates between harm-
cytes migrate to the thymus gland, circulate in ful and harmless antigens; and anamnestic,

Classes, Locations, and Functions of Antibodies

Class Location Functions

IgG Blood plasma, tissue fluid, fetuses Produces primary and secondary immune responses; protects
against bacteria, viruses, and toxins; passes through the
placenta and enters fetal bloodstream, thus providing
protection to fetuses.
IgM Blood plasma Acts as a B-cell surface receptor for antigens; fights bacteria in
primary immune response; powerful agglutinating agent;
includes anti-A and anti-B antibodies.
IgD Surface of B cells Prompts B cells to make antibodies (especially in infants).
IgA Saliva, milk, urine, tears, Protects surface linings of epithelial cells, digestive,
respiratory and digestive systems respiratory, and urinary systems.
IgE In secretion with IgA, skin, tonsils, Acts as receptor for antigens causing mast cells (often found
respiratory and digestive systems in connective tissues surrounding blood vessels), to secrete
allergy mediators; excessive production causes allergic
reactions (including hay fever and asthma).
40 Antibodies

which has a memory component that remem- antibodies is released in response to an inva-
bers and responds faster to a subsequent en- sion by a foreign agent. Each member of this
counter with an antigen. The primary immune group of polyclonal antibodies will launch the
response involves the first combat with anti- assault against the foreign agent by recognizing
gens, while the secondary immune response in- different epitopes of the same antigen. The
cludes the memory component of a first as- polyclonal nature of antibodies has been well
sault. As a result, humans typically get some recognized in the medical field.
diseases (such as chicken pox) only once; other In the case of multiple myeloma (a type of
infections (such as cold and influenza) often cancer), one B cell out of billions in the body
recur because the causative viruses mutate, proliferates in an uncontrolled manner. Even-
thus presenting a different antigenic face to tually, this event compromises the total popula-
the immune system each season. tion of B cells of the body. The immune system
An antibody-mediated immune response in- will produce huge amounts of IgG originating
volves several stages: detection of antigens, acti- from the same B cell, which recognizes only
vation of helper T cells, and antibody produc- one specific epitope of an antigen; therefore,
tion by B cells. White blood cells known as this persons immune system produces a set of
macrophages continuously wander through antibodies referred to as monoclonal anti-
the circulatory system and the interstitial bodies. Monoclonal antibodies form a popula-
spaces between cells searching for antigen mol- tion of identical antibodies that all recognize
ecules. Once an antigen is encountered, the in- and are specific for one epitope on an antigen.
vading molecule is engulfed and ingested by a Thus, someone with this condition may suffer
macrophage. Helper T cells become activated frequent bacterial infections because of a lack
by coming in contact with the antigen on the of antibody diversity. Indeed, a bacterium whose
macrophage. In turn, an activated helper T cell antigens do not match the antibodies manufac-
identifies and activates a B cell. The activated T tured by the overabundant monoclonal B cells
cells release cytokines (a class of biochemical has a selective advantage.
signal molecules) that prompt the activated B The high-affinity binding capacity of anti-
cell to divide. Immediately, the activated B cell bodies with antigens has been employed in
generates two types of daughter cells: plasma both therapeutic and diagnostic procedures. It
cells (each of which synthesizes and releases ap- is, however, unfortunate that the effectiveness
proximately two thousand to twenty thousand of commercial preparations of polyclonal anti-
antibody molecules per second into the blood- bodies varies widely from batch to batch. In
stream during its life span of four to five days) some instances of immunization, certain epi-
and B memory cells (which have a life span of a topes of a particular antigen are strong stimula-
few months to a year). The B memory cells are tors of antibody-producing cells, whereas at
the component of the immune memory system other times, the immune system responds more
that, in response to a second exposure to the vigorously to different epitopes of the same
same type of antigen, produces antibodies in antigen. Thus one batch of polyclonal antibod-
larger quantities and at faster rates over a lon- ies may have a low level of antibody molecules
ger time frame than the primary immune re- directed against a major epitope and not be as
sponse. A similar cascade of events occurs when effective as the previous batch. Consequently, it
a macrophage presents an antigen directly to a is desirable to produce a cell line that will pro-
B cell. duce monoclonal antibodies with a high affin-
ity for a specific epitope on the antigen for
Polyclonal and Monoclonal Antibodies commercial use. Such a cell line would provide
Plasma cells originating from different B a consistent and continual supply of identical
cells manufacture distinct antibody molecules (monoclonal) antibodies. Monoclonal antibod-
because each B cell was presented with a spe- ies can be produced by hybridoma cells, which
cific portion of the same antigen by a helper T are generated by the fusion of cancerous B cells
cell or macrophage. Thus a set of polyclonal and normal spleen cells obtained from mice
Antibodies 41

immunized with a specific antigen. After initial and cost-effective manner. It has been demon-
selection of hybridoma clones, monoclonal an- strated that a hybrid IgA-IgG molecule pro-
tibody production is maintained in culture. In duced by transgenic plants prevented coloniza-
addition, the hybridoma cells can be injected tion of S. mutans in culture, which appears to
into mice to induce tumors that, in turn, will re- be how the antibody prevents colonization of
lease large quantities of fluid containing the this bacterium in vivo.
antibody. This fluid containing monoclonal It has been estimated that antibodies ex-
antibodies can be collected periodically and pressed in soybeans at a level of 1 percent of to-
may be used immediately or stored for future tal protein may cost approximately one hun-
use. Various systems used to produce mono- dred dollars per kilogram of antibody, which is
clonal antibodies include cultured lymphoid relatively inexpensive in comparison with the
cell lines, yeast cells, Trichoderma reese (ascomy- cost of traditional antibiotics. Transgenic
cetes), insect cells, Escherichia coli, and monkey plants have also been used as bioreactors for
and Chinese hamster ovary cells. Transgenic the large-scale production of antibodies with
plants and plant cell cultures have been ex- no extensive purification schemes. In fact, anti-
plored as potential systems for antibody expres- bodies have been expressed in transgenic to-
sion. bacco roots and then accumulated in tobacco
seeds. If this technology could be employed to
Impact and Applications obtain stable accumulation of antibodies in
The high-affinity binding capacity of anti- more edible plant organs such as potato tubers,
bodies may be used to inactivate antigens in it could potentially allow for long-term storage
vivo (within a living organism). The binding as well as a safe and easy delivery of specific anti-
property of antibodies may also be employed in bodies for immunotherapeutic applications. In
many therapeutic and diagnostic applications. addition, plant-produced antibodies may be
In addition, it is a very effective tool in both im- more desirable for human use than microbial-
munological isolation and detection methods. produced antibodies, because plant-produced
Monoclonal antibodies may outnumber all antibodies undergo eukaryotic rather than the
other products being explored by various bio- prokaryotic (bacterial) post-translational mod-
technology-oriented companies for the treat- ifications. Human glycosylation (a biochemical
ment and prevention of disease. For example, process whereby sugars are attached onto the
many strategies for the treatment of cancerous protein) is more closely related to that of plants
tumors as well as for the inhibition of human than that of bacteria.
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication are The potential use of antibody expression in
based on the use of monoclonal antibodies. plants for altering existing biochemical path-
HIV is a retrovirus (a virus whose genetic mate- ways has also been demonstrated. For example,
rial is ribonucleic acid, or RNA) that causes ac- germination mediated by phytochrome (a bio-
quired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). chemical produced by plants) has been altered
Advances in plant biotechnology have made it by utilizing plant-produced antibodies. In addi-
possible to use transgenic plants to produce tion, antibodies expressed in plants have been
monoclonal antibodies on a large scale for ther- successfully used to immunize host plants
apeutic or diagnostic use. Indeed, one of the against pathogenic infection; for example, to-
most promising applications of plant-produced bacco plants have already been immunized
antibodies in immunotherapy is in passive im- with antibodies against viral attack. This ap-
munization (for example, against Streptococcus proach has great potential to replace the tradi-
mutans, the most common cause of tooth de- tional methods (use of chemicals) in control-
cay). Large doses of the antibody are required ling pathogens.
in multiple applications for passive immuno- Sibdas Ghosh and Tom E. Scola
therapy to be effective. Transgenic antibody- See also: Allergies; Autoimmune Disor-
producing plants may be one source that can ders; Biopharmaceuticals; Blotting: Southern,
supply huge quantities of antibodies in a safe Northern, and Western; Diabetes; Diphtheria;
42 Antisense RNA

Hybridomas and Monoclonal Antibodies; Raz, E. Immunostimulatory DNA Sequences. New

Immunogenetics; Molecular Genetics; Multi- York: Springer, 2001. Provides chapters on
ple Alleles; Oncogenes; Organ Transplants such topics as the introduction and discov-
and HLA Genes; Synthetic Antibodies. ery of immunostimulatory DNA sequences,
mechanisms of immune stimulation by bac-
Further Reading terial DNA, and multiple effects of immuno-
Browne, M. J., and P. L. Thurlby, eds. Genomes, stimulatory DNA on T cells and the role of
Molecular Biology, and Drug Discovery. San type I interferons.
Diego: Academic Press, 1996. Focuses on Smith, Mathew D. Antibody Production in
how the continuing advances in modern ge- Plants. Biotechnology Advances 14 (1996).
nome research and molecular biology, com- Summarizes production and applications of
bined with new pharmacological and chemi- plant-produced antibodies.
cal strategies, help realize the achievement Wang, Henry Y., and Tadayuki Imanaka, eds.
of practical therapeutic endpoint. Antibody Expression and Engineering. Washing-
Glick, Bernard R., and Jack J. Pasternak, eds. ton, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 1995.
Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applica- Among other topics, examines antibody pro-
tions of Recombinant DNA. Washington, D.C.: duction and expression in insect cells,
ASM Press, 1998. Discusses the structure and plants, myeloma and hybridoma cells, and
function of antibodies as well as the role of proteins.
biotechnology in the use of antibodies.
Covers both the underlying scientific princi-
ples and the wide-ranging industrial, agri-
cultural, pharmaceutical, and biomedical Antisense RNA
applications of recombinant DNA technol-
ogy. Numerous illustrations and figures in Field of study: Molecular genetics
black and white and color. Significance: Antisense RNA and RNA interfer-
Harlow, Ed, and David Lane, eds. Using Antibod- ence are powerful modifiers of gene expression that
ies: A Laborator y Manual. Rev. ed. Cold act through RNA-RNA binding through comple-
Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor mentary base pairing. This provides a flexible
Laboratory Press, 1999. Provides a detailed mechanism for specific gene regulation and has
account of different methods involved in the great potential for experimental studies and thera-
production and application of antibodies. A peutic action. RNA interference, a specialized form
standard manual. of antisense RNA, even mimics an immune sys-
Kontermann, Roland, and Stefan Dbel, eds. tem, for example, targeting RNA viruses within a
Antibody Engineering. New York: Springer, cell. Processes involving antisense RNA appear in
2001. Serves as a lab manual for antibody en- eukaryotes, eubacteria, and archaea.
gineers, demonstrating the state of the art
and covering all essential technologies in Key terms
the field. Designed both to lead beginners in antisense: a term referring to any strand of
this technology and to keep experienced en- DNA or RNA that is complementary to a
gineers current with the most detailed pro- coding or regulatory sequence; for example,
tocols. Includes color and halftone illustra- the strand opposite the coding strand (the
tions. sense strand) in DNA is called the antisense
Mayforth, Ruth D. Designing Antibodies. San strand
Diego: Academic Press, 1993. Acts as a prac- down-regulation: a process of gene expres-
tical introduction to designing antibodies sion in which the amount that a gene is tran-
for use in medicine or science. Explains such scribed and/or translated is reduced
aspects as making monoclonal antibodies, gene silencing: any form of genetic regula-
designing them for human therapy, target- tion in which the expression of a gene is
ing, idiotypes, and catalytic antibodies. completely repressed, either by preventing
Antisense RNA 43

transcription (pre-transcriptional gene si- form the mature primer needed for DNA repli-
lencing) or after a messenger RNA (mRNA) cation. Antisense RNA I can bind to RNA II,
has been transcribed (post-transcriptional preventing the formation of the necessary struc-
gene silencing ture. In the R1 plasmid, the CopA antisense
RNA interference (RNAi): Sequence-specific RNA can bind and prevent the translation of
degradation of messenger RNA (mRNA) the RNA transcript for replication initiation
caused by complementary double-stranded protein RepA. Thus, change in plasmid num-
RNA ber is controlled by changing levels of antisense
up-regulation: a process of gene expression RNA, modifying the ability of plasmids to repli-
in which the amount that a gene is tran- cate.
scribed and/or translated is increased Many plasmids use antisense RNA to ensure
their maintenance within bacteria. The R1 plas-
Discovery mid transcribes Hok toxin mRNA, but interac-
In addition to the three main types of tion with antisense Sok RNA prevents its trans-
RNAmessenger RNA (mRNA), transfer RNA lation. Sok RNA is less stable than Hok RNA, so
(tRNA), and ribosomal RNA (rRNA)there plasmid loss leads to Sok degradation but leaves
are numerous other types of RNA molecules. some Hok transcripts, which are translated into
Some have an effect, through complementary a toxin that kills the cell. This is an ingenious
binding, on mRNA molecules. When this kind way of selecting for plasmid propagation. Anti-
of RNA binds to an mRNA, it effectively blocks sense regulation has also been found in some
translation of the mRNA and can therefore be transposons and bacteriophages.
described as having an antisense action (that is, Bacteria use antisense RNA to regulate par-
it blocks the expression of the message in the ticular genes. Such RNA is often encoded in a
mRNA). Antisense RNA was first discovered in region different from that of the target and
1981 as a mechanism regulating copy number may affect multiple genes. For example, the
of bacterial plasmids. Other RNAs, such as OxyS RNA, induced by oxidative stress, inhibits
small nuclear and small nucleolar RNAs translation of fhlA mRNA (involved in formate
(snRNA and snoRNA), act in RNA splicing and metabolism). In conjunction with the protein
editing, with a catalytic effect guided by com- Hfq, OxyS RNA binds near the ribosome-bind-
plementary base pairing. ing site in fhlA mRNA, preventing translation.
Various forms of gene down-regulation were MicF RNA is induced under cellular stress and
discovered throughout the 1990s, including binds to the mRNA of membrane pore protein
plant post-transcriptional gene silencing (that ompF to prevent its translation.
is, preventing the mRNA from being trans- One of the first examples of antisense regu-
lated), gene silencing in fungi (that is, prevent- latory mechanisms in eukaryotes came from
ing transcription of a gene), and RNA interfer- the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Small anti-
ence in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. sense RNA molecules lin-4 and let-7 show im-
The importance of noncoding RNA molecules, perfect base-pairing to the 3 untranslated re-
including antisense RNA, is becoming clear. gion of their target gene mRNAs. This results in
They add a previously unknown level of genetic translational inhibition and is important for
complexity, and the extent of their influence is normal development. These small antisense
yet to be determined fully. RNAs are members of the microRNA (miRNA)
class of molecules, which are single-stranded
Natural Function RNA molecules, about 21 nucleotides long,
Antisense RNA is utilized in a number of found throughout eukaryotes. They are pro-
ways by bacterial plasmids. Replication of duced by cleavage of longer molecules (about
ColE1 plasmids requires an RNA preprimer, 60-100 nucleotides) which contain partial self-
called RNA II, that interacts with the origin of complementarity that produces a hairpin struc-
replication and forms a particular secondary ture. The function of most miRNAs is unknown.
structure. This allows an enzyme to cut and Antisense RNA has been implicated in other
44 Antisense RNA

Image not available

Dr. Phillip A. Sharp, who with Richard J. Roberts won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Sharp acknowledges that the
discovery of antisense RNA and RNA interference has changed his cancer research. The process could theoretically offer ways of si-
lencing the genes associated with cancer. (AP/Wide World Photos)

processes. Imprinted genes are often associ- mans), and the steps involved are likely to be
ated with antisense transcripts from the same similar. RNAi begins by the recognition of long
locus, although their role is unclear. Double- double-stranded RNA molecules by the con-
stranded RNA may be capable of affecting served protein Dicer, which cuts these long
DNA chromatin structure through methyla- RNAs to produce small interfering RNAs
tion of homologous sequence. (siRNA, double-stranded RNA about 21-23 nu-
cleotides long with overhanging 3 ends). These
RNA Interference become part of the RNA-induced silencing com-
RNA interference (RNAi) causes sequence- plex (RISC), which uses the antisense strand of
specific gene silencing in response to the pres- the siRNA to recognize complementary RNA
ence of double-stranded RNA. The process is sequences. These sequences are then cut and
proposed to have evolved as a mechanism of degraded. Some organisms show amplification,
avoiding viral infection and limiting transpos- where siRNA stimulates production of more
able element replication, since both can in- double-stranded RNA to be processed by Dicer.
volve double-stranded RNA. Caenorhabditis elegans and plants show evidence
The process is present in a wide variety of eu- of a systemic response, whereby initial silencing
karyotes (including mice and probably hu- in one cell spreads to other cells.
Archaea 45

Therapeutic Applications
Many disease states are caused by abnormal Archaea
gene expression and are therefore potential
targets for gene therapy. One approach is to Field of study: Cellular biology
use antisense RNA or RNAi. For example, can- Significance: Archaea are diverse prokaryotic or-
cer cells often show overexpression of genes in- ganisms distinct from the historically familiar bac-
volved in growth and proliferation. These teria. Archaea have certain molecular properties
genes could be targeted by antisense RNA to previously thought to occur only in eukaryotes.
decrease the amount of gene product pro- Many archaea require severe conditions for
duced, in hopes of preventing tumor growth. growth, and their genetic processes have adapted to
RNAi could be used to target specific muta- these extreme conditions in ways that are not fully
tions. The mRNA from a mutant allele could be understood.
targeted for degradation in a heterozygous pa-
tient, allowing production of the correct pro- Key terms
tein from the wild-type allele alone. Antisense conjugation: the process by which one bacte-
techniques could be used to target viruses and rial cell transfers DNA directly to another
prevent their replication, or could be used to domain: the highest-level division of life, some-
correct aberrant splicing. Many of the pro- times called a superkingdom
cesses described above have been successfully extreme halophiles: microorganisms that re-
demonstrated in experimental systems such as quire extremely high salt concentrations for
cell culture or mouse models. optimal growth
Many issues need to be addressed before insertion sequence: a small, independently
antisense RNA therapeutics become feasible. A transposable genetic element
delivery system is needed to produce a long- methanogens: microorganisms that derive en-
lasting effect in the correct cell type. The fact ergy from the production of methane
that RNA interference appears to spread sys- prokaryotes: unicellular organisms with sim-
temically in some organisms may facilitate its ple ultrastructures lacking nuclei and other
application. The safety and effectiveness of intracellular organelles
such approaches also need to be tested. Never- small subunit ribosomal RNA (ssu rRNA):
theless, the approach is promising and poten- the RNA molecule found in the small sub-
tially very useful. unit of the ribosome; also called 16S rRNA
Peter J. Waddell and Michael J. Mclachlan (in prokaryotes) or 18S rRNA (in eukary-
See also: Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes; otes)
Human Genetics; Model Organism: Caenorhab-
ditis elegans; Noncoding RNA Molecules; RNA Gene Sequences Measure the Diversity of
Structure and Function; RNA Transcription Prokaryotes
and mRNA Processing; RNA World; Viral Ge- Prokaryotic microorganisms have been on
netics. earth for as many as 3.8 billion years and have
diverged tremendously in genetic and meta-
Further Reading bolic terms. Unfortunately, the magnitude of
Brantl, S. Antisense-RNA Regulation and RNA this divergence has made it difficult to measure
Interference. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta the relatedness of prokaryotes to one another.
1575 (2002): 15-25. A detailed survey of the In the 1970s, Carl R. Woese addressed this
wide variety of ways in which antisense RNAs problem using a method of reading short se-
operate. quences of ribonucleotides from a highly con-
Shuey, D. J., D. E. McCallus, and T. Giordano. served RNA molecule, the small subunit ribo-
RNAi: Gene Silencing in Therapeutic In- somal RNA (ssu rRNA). Because this RNA is
tervention. Drug Discovery Today 7 (2002): present in all organisms and has evolved very
1040-1046. A look at challenges ahead for us- slowly, any two organisms have at least a few of
ing RNAi in a medical setting. these short nucleotide sequences in common.
46 Archaea

The proportion of shared se-

quences thus provided a A Prokaryotic Cell
quantitative index of similar-
ity by which all cellular or- Cytoplasmic
ganisms could, in principle, membrane
be compared.
When the nucleotide se-
quence data were used to Cytoplasm
construct an evolutionary
tree, eukaryotes (plants, ani-
Cell wall
mals, fungi, and protozoa)
formed a cluster clearly sepa-
rated from the common bac-
Nucleoid (region
teria. Unexpectedly, how- containing DNA)
ever, a third cluster emerged
that was equally distinct from
both eukaryotes and com- Photosynthetic
mon bacteria. This cluster membranes
consisted of prokaryotes that
(1) lacked biochemical fea-
Archaea and bacteria are the simplest and oldest forms of life, consisting of prokaryotic
tures of most bacteria (such
cells, which differ from the cells that form higher organisms (fungi, algae, protozoa,
as a cell wall composed of plants, and animals), called eukaryotic cells. Based on an electron microscope image
peptidoglycan), (2) possessed of one cell in a string forming a cyanobacterium, this depiction shows the basic features
other features not found in of a prokaryote. Note the lack of a defined nucleus and organelles (there are no plastids
any other organisms (such or mitochondria)the components that house genetic information in eukaryotes. In-
as membranes composed of stead, genetic material in prokaryotes is located in an unbound region called the nu-
isoprenoid ether lipids), and cleoid. (Kimberly L. Dawson Kurnizki)
(3) occurred in unusual, typ-
ically harsh, environments.
Woese and his co-workers eventually designated 221 degrees Fahrenheit). Many derive energy
the three divisions of life represented by these from the oxidation or reduction of sulfur com-
clusters domains, naming the nonbacterial pounds. Sequencing of DNA fragments re-
prokaryotes the domain Archaea. covered from moderate environments, such
as ocean water or soil, has revealed many ad-
Biology of the Domain Archaea ditional archaeal species that presumably do
Archaea tend to require unusual conditions not require unusual environmental conditions
for growth, which has made it challenging to but have never been cultured in the labora-
determine their genetic properties. The tory.
methanogens, for example, live by converting
hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) or The Genetic Machinery of Archaea
other simple carbon compounds into methane Because bacteria and eukaryotes differ
and are killed by even trace amounts of oxygen. greatly with respect to gene and chromosome
The extreme halophiles, in contrast, normally structure and the details of gene expression,
live in brine lakes and utilize oxygen for molecular biologists have examined the same
growth. However, they require extremely high properties in archaea and have found a mix-
concentrations of salt to maintain their cellu- ture of bacterial and eukaryotic features.
lar structure. A third class of archaea, the ex- The organization of DNA within archaeal cells
treme thermophiles, occur naturally in geo- is bacterial, in the sense that archaeal chromo-
thermal springs and grow best at temperatures somes are circular DNAs of between 2 million
ranging from 60 to 105 degrees Celsius (140- and 4 million base pairs having single origins
Archaea 47

of replication. As in bacteria, the genes are genes for the DNA mismatch repair proteins
densely packed and often grouped into clusters found in all other organisms.
of related genes transcribed from a common
promoter. The promoters themselves, however, Unique Genetic Properties?
resemble the TATA box/BRE element combi- This last observation raises an important
nation of eukaryotic DNA polymerase II (Pol II) question: Has an evolutionary history distinct
promoters, and the RNA polymerases have the from all conventional genetic systems, com-
complex subunit composition of eukaryotes bined with the special demands of life in un-
rather than the simple composition found in usual environments, resulted in unique genetic
bacteria. Furthermore, archaea initiate tran- properties in archaea? Although basic genetic
scription by a simplified version of the process assays can be performed in only a few species,
seen in eukaryotic cells: Transcription factors the results help identify which genetic proper-
(TATA-binding protein and a TFIIB) first bind ties of cellular organisms are truly universal
to regions ahead of the promoter, then recruit and which ones may have unusual features in
RNA polymerase to attach and begin transcrip- archaea.
tion. Introns are rare in archaea, however, and The methanogen Methanococcus voltae trans-
do not interrupt protein-encoding genes. Also, fers short pieces of chromosome from one cell
the regulation of transcription in archaea seems to another, using particles that resemble bacte-
to depend heavily on the types of repressor and rial viruses (bacteriophages). This means of
activator proteins found in bacteria. gene transfer has been seen in only a few bacte-
ria. In other methanogens, researchers have
Genomes of Archaea used more conventional genetic phenomena,
The availability of complete DNA sequences such as antibiotic-resistance genes, plasmids,
now enables archaeal genomes to be compared and transposable elements, to develop tools for
to the genomes of bacteria and eukaryotes. cloning or inactivating genes. As a result, new
One pattern that emerges from these compari- details about the regulation of gene expression
sons is that most of the archaeal genes responsi- in archaea and the genetics of methane forma-
ble for the processing of information (synthesis tion are now coming to light.
of DNA, RNA, and proteins) resemble their The extreme halophile Halobacterium salin-
eukaryotic counterparts, whereas most of the arum exhibits extremely high rates of spontane-
archaeal genes for metabolic functions (biosyn- ous mutation of the genes for its photosyn-
thetic pathways, for example) resemble their thetic pigments and gas vacuoles. This genetic
bacterial counterparts. The genomes of archaea instability reflects the fact that insertion se-
also reveal probable cases of gene acquisition quences transpose very frequently into these
from distant relatives, a process called lateral and other genes. A distantly related species,
gene transfer. Haloferax volcanii, has the ability to transfer
A third pattern to emerge from genome chromosomal genes by means of conjugation.
comparisons is that some archaea are missing Although many bacteria engage in conjuga-
genes thought to be important or essential. For tion, the mechanism used by H. volcanii does
example, the genomes of at least two methano- not resemble the typical bacterial system, since
genic archaea do not encode an enzyme that no plasmid seems to be involved, and there is
charges transfer RNA (tRNA) with cysteine. no apparent distinction between donor strain
These archaea instead use a novel strategy for and recipient strain in the transfer of DNA.
making cysteinyl-tRNA: Some of the seryl tRNA Genetic tools for the archaea from geother-
made by these cells is converted to cysteinyl mal environments are less well developed, but
tRNA by a specialized enzyme. Even more in- certain selections have made it possible to
triguing is the much longer list of archaeaall study spontaneous mutation and homologous
of which happen to be hyperthermophiles, recombination in some species of Sulfolobus. At
which grow optimally at 80 degrees Celsius the normal growth temperatures of these aero-
(176 degrees Fahrenheit) or abovethat lack bic archaea, 75-80 degrees Celsius (167-176 de-
48 Artificial Selection

grees Fahrenheit), spontaneous chemical de- biology text provides an accurate and well-
composition of DNA is calculated to be about illustrated overview of the biological diver-
one thousand times more frequent than in the sity of the archaea.
organisms previously studied by geneticists. In Olsen, Gary, and Carl R. Woese. Archaeal
spite of this, Sulfolobus acidocaldarius exhibits Genomics: An Overview. Cell 89 (1997):
the same frequency of spontaneous mutation 991-994. This mini-review article, along with
as Escherichia coli and significantly lower pro- several accompanying articles, summarizes
portions of base-pair substitutions and dele- for specialists numerous molecular differ-
tions. This indicates especially effective mecha- ences and similarities between archaea and
nisms for avoiding or accurately repairing DNA bacteria or eukaryotes, based on the first
damage, including mismatched bases, despite archaeal genomes to be sequenced.
the fact that no mismatch repair genes have Woese, Carl. R. Archaebacteria. Scientific
been found in Sulfolobus species. Also, S. acido- American 244 (1981): 98-122. A clear, though
caldarius, like H. volcanii, has a mechanism of somewhat dated, description of the archaea
conjugation that does not require a plasmid and the various lines of evidence for their
or distinct donor and recipient genotypes. The status as a third form of life.
transferred DNA recombines efficiently into
the resident chromosome, as indicated by fre-
quent recombination between mutations
spaced only a few base pairs apart.
Finding two similar and unusual mechanisms
of conjugation in two dissimilar and distantly Artificial Selection
related archaea (H. volcanii and S. acidocal- Fields of study: Evolutionary biology;
darius) raises questions regarding the possible Population genetics
advantages of this capability. Population ge- Significance: Artificial selection is the process
netic theory predicts that organisms that re- through which humans have domesticated and
produce clonally (as bacteria and archaea do) improved plants and animals. It continues to be
would benefit from occasional exchange and the primary means whereby agriculturally impor-
recombination of genes, because this acceler- tant plants and animals are modified to improve
ates the production of beneficial combinations their desirability. However, artificial selection is
of alleles. Such recombination may be particu- also a threat to genetic diversity of agricultural or-
larly important for archaea such as Haloferax ganisms as uniform and productive strains re-
and Sulfolobus species, whose extreme environ- place the many diverse, locally produced varieties
ments are like islands separated by vast areas that once existed around the globe.
that cannot support growth. For these organ-
isms, frequent DNA transfer between cells of
the same species may provide an efficient way Key terms
to enhance genetic diversity within small, iso- genetic merit: a measure of the ability of a
lated populations. parent to contribute favorable characteris-
Dennis W. Grogan tics to its progeny
See also: Antisense RNA; Bacterial Genet- genetic variation: a measure of the availabil-
ics and Cell Structure; Gene Regulation: Bacte- ity of genetic differences within a popula-
ria; Lateral Gene Transfer; Noncoding RNA tion upon which artificial selection has po-
Molecules. tential to act
heritability: a proportional measure of the
Further Reading extent to which differences among organ-
Madigan, Michael T., John M. Martinko, and isms within a population for a particular
Jack Parker. Brock Biology of Micro-organisms. character result from genetic rather than en-
10th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice vironmental causes (a measure of nature
Hall, 2003. Chapter 13 of this popular micro- versus nurture)
Artificial Selection 49

Natural vs. Artificial Selection tightly in the head of a grass such as wheat is an
Selection is a process through which organ- advantage to the farmer, as it makes harvesting
isms with particular genetic characteristics leave easier. That same characteristic would be a dis-
more offspring than do organisms with alterna- advantage to wild wheat because it would limit
tive genetic forms. The process may occur be- seed dispersal.
cause the genetic characteristics confer upon
the organism a better ability to survive and ulti- Early Applications
mately produce more offspring than individu- Artificial selection was probably conducted
als with other characteristics (natural selec- first by early farmers who identified forms of
tion), or it may be caused by selective breeding crop plants that had characteristics that fa-
of individuals with characteristics valuable to vored cultivation. Seeds from favored plants
humans (artificial selection). Natural and arti- were preferentially kept for replanting. Any
ficial selection may act in concert, as when a ge- characteristics that were to some degree herita-
netic characteristic confers a disadvantage di- ble would have had the tendency to be passed
rectly to the organism. Dwarfism in cattle, for on to the progeny through the selected seeds.
example, not only directly reduces the survival Some favored characteristics may have been
of the affected individuals but also reduces the controlled by a single gene and were therefore
value of the animal to the breeder. Conversely, quickly established, whereas other favored
natural selection may act in opposition to artifi- characteristics may have been controlled by a
cial selection. For example, a genetic charac- large number of genes with individually small
teristic that results in the seed being held effects, making them more difficult to estab-

Image not available

The beefalo is created by breeding a cow and a bison, and then breeding the offspring again to a cow. Such hybridization, in both
plants and animals, is a form of artificial selection that has been practiced by humans for thousands of years to meet agricultural
needs. (AP/Wide World Photos)
50 Artificial Selection

lish. Nevertheless, seeds selected from the best gene sequences promised to allow researchers
plants would tend to produce offspring that to bypass the time-consuming data-recording
were better than average, resulting in gradual programs upon which genetic progress of the
improvement in the population. It would not 1990s relied.
have been necessary to have knowledge of the
mechanisms of genetics to realize the favorable Diversity vs. Uniformity
effects of selection. Likewise, individuals who The ultimate limit to what can be achieved
domesticated the first animals for their own use by selection is the exhaustion of genetic vari-
would have made use of selection to capture ants. One example of the extremes that can be
desirable characteristics within their herds and accomplished by selection is evident in dog
flocks. The first of those characteristics was breeding: The heaviest breeds weigh nearly
probably docile behavior, a trait known to be one hundred times as much as the lightest
heritable in contemporary livestock popula- breeds. Experimental selection for body weight
tions. in insects and for oil content in corn has re-
sulted in variations of similar magnitudes.
From Pedigrees to Genome Maps However, most modern breeding programs
Technology to improve organisms through for agricultural crops and livestock seek to de-
selective breeding preceded an understanding crease variability while increasing productivity.
of its genetic basis. Recording of pedigrees and Uniformity of the products enhances the effi-
performance records began with the formal ciency with which they can be handled me-
development of livestock breeds in the 1700s. chanically for commercial purposes. As indige-
Some breeders, notably Robert Bakewell, be- nous crop and livestock varieties are replaced
gan recording pedigrees and using progeny by high-producing varieties, the genetic varia-
testing to determine which sires had superior tion that provides the source of potential fu-
genetic merit. Understanding of the principles ture improvements is lost. Widespread use of
of genetics through the work of Gregor Mendel uniform varieties may also increase the suscep-
enhanced but did not revolutionize applica- tibility to catastrophic losses or even extinction
tions to agricultural plant and animal improve- from an outbreak of disease or environmental
ment. condition. The lack of biodiversity in the wake
Development of reliable methods for testing of such species loss could threaten entire eco-
the efficiency of artificial selection dominated systems and human beings themselves.
advances in the fields of plant and animal ge- William R. Lamberson
netics during the first two-thirds of the twenti- See also: Eugenics; Eugenics: Nazi Ger-
eth century. Genetic merit of progeny was ex- many; Evolutionary Biology; Gene Therapy;
pected to be equal to the average genetic merit Genetic Engineering: Agricultural Applica-
of the parents. More effective breeding pro- tions; Genetic Engineering: Historical Devel-
grams are dependent on identifying potential opment; Genomes; Genome Libraries; Hardy-
parents with superior genetic merit. Com- Weinberg Law; High-Yield Crops; Inbreeding
puters and large-scale databases have greatly and Assortative Mating; Natural Selection;
improved selection programs for crops and Polyploidy; Population Genetics; Pedigree
livestock. Genetic change on the order of 2 per- Analysis; Punctuated Equilibrium; Quantita-
cent per generation became possible. How- tive Inheritance; Sociobiology; Speciation.
ever, selection to improve horticultural species
and companion animals continued to rely Further Reading
largely on the subjective judgment of the Lurquin, Paul F. The Green Phoenix: A History of
breeder to identify superior stock. Plant and Genetically Modified Plants. New York: Colum-
animal genome-mapping programs would fa- bia University Press, 2001. Gives equal
cilitate the next leap forward in genetic im- weight to the science behind developing im-
provement of agricultural organisms. Selec- proved crop strains and the multinational
tion among organisms based directly on their corporations marketing the results.
Autoimmune Disorders 51

Rissler, Jane, and Margaret Mellon. The Ecologi- antigens: foreign substances recognized by
cal Risks of Engineered Crops. Cambridge, the immune system that result in the pro-
Mass.: MIT Press, 1996. A scientific and pol- duction of antibodies and lymphocytes di-
icy assessment of the dangers. The authors rected specifically against them
both of whom work for the Union of Con- immune system: the system that normally re-
cerned Scientistsnot only outline the risks sponds to foreign agents by producing anti-
but also make suggestions for ways to mini- bodies and stimulating antigen-specific lym-
mize them. phocytes, leading to destruction of these
Tudge, Colin. The Engineer in the Garden: Genes agents
and Genetics, from the Idea of Heredity to the Cre- lymphocytes: sensitized cells of the immune
ation of Life. New York: Hill and Wang, 1995. system that recognize and destroy harmful
A British science journalist follows the his- agents via antibody and cell-mediated re-
tory of human manipulation of genetics to sponses that include B lymphocytes from the
explore the social ramifications of artificial bone marrow and T lymphocytes from the
selection, which has resulted in genetic ad- thymus
vances that have not been adequately ex- major histocompatibility complex (MHC):
posed to ethical and policy considerations. a system of protein markers on a cells outer
Library Journal praised the book as a good membrane following infection with a virus,
balance between overall breadth of coverage malignant cell, or foreign cell that signals
and the intelligent, readable synthesis of the the immune system to destroy the cell
myriad issues of genetic research.
Zohary, Daniel, and Maria Hopf. Domestication Autoimmune Disorders and Immune
of Plants in the Old World: The Origin and System Dysfunction
Spread of Cultivated Plants in West Asia, Europe, Autoimmune disorders involve a large group
and the Nile Valley. 3d ed. New York: Oxford of chronic and potentially life-threatening dis-
University Press, 2001. A thorough review of eases that are initiated by an individuals own
information on the beginnings of agricul- immune system attacking the organs or tissues
ture, particularly utilizing new molecular bi- of the individuals own body. The main func-
ology findings on the genetic relations be- tion of the immune system is to defend against
tween wild and domesticated plant species. invading microorganisms such as bacteria,
fungi, viruses, protozoa, and parasites by pro-
ducing antibodies or lymphocytes that recog-
nize and destroy the harmful agent. The ability
Autoimmune Disorders to distinguish normal body constituents (self)
from foreign substances (nonself) is crucial to
Fields of study: Diseases and syndromes; appropriate immune functioning. Loss of this
Immunogenetics ability to distinguish between self and nonself
Significance: Autoimmune disorders are chronic can lead to serious damage to the affected or-
diseases that arise from a breakdown of the im- gans and tissues.
mune systems ability to distinguish between the Autoimmunitythe inaccurate recognition
bodys own cells and foreign substances. Autoim- of a normal body component as foreign, fol-
mune disorders can be caused by both genetic and lowed by the mounting of an autoimmune re-
environmental factors and cause an individuals sponseresults when normal autoantigens on
immune system to react against the organs or tis- body cells stimulate the development of auto-
sues of the individuals own body. antibodies. These autoantibodies are most of-
ten the result of a genetic defect during viral
Key terms and bacterial infections or from environmental
antibodies: molecules in blood plasma re- or chemical factors; they may also, according to
sponsible for recognizing and binding to some researchers, be a natural consequence of
antigens the aging process.
52 Autoimmune Disorders

History and Classification of Autoimmune mune disorders often requires both a genetic
Disorders susceptibility and additional stimuli such as ex-
The concept of autoimmune disorders was posure to a toxin. Of the numerous theories
first proposed in 1901, but it was not until the proposed for the cause of autoimmunity devel-
1950s that autoimmunity was experimentally opment, three models have received the most
created in animals via immunization. By the consideration by clinical researchers. The
1960s, it was recognized that autoimmunity clonal deletion theory suggests that autoimmu-
was a direct or indirect cause of numerous hu- nity develops if autoreactive T or B cell clones
man ailments. Many diseases formerly classi- are not eliminated during the fetal period or
fied as collagen-vascular diseases (collagenoses) very soon after birth. The body normally does
were later classified as autoimmune disorders. not react to its own fetal or neonatal antigens,
Autoimmune disorders are generally catego- which are recognized because the correspond-
rized as organ-specific diseases and non-organ- ing T and B cell clones are eliminated from the
specific (also called systemic) diseases. Organ- immune system. In the unfortunate event that
specific autoimmune diseases involve an attack forbidden clones of autoreactive cells remain
directed against one main organ and have been active, antibodies are produced that are di-
documented for essentially every organ in the rected against its own antigens, and autoimmu-
body. Common examples include multiple scle- nity develops, frequently involving the loss of
rosis (brain), insulin-dependent diabetes mel- the helper T cells ability to regulate B-cell
litus (pancreas), Graves disease (thyroid), Ad- function. A second theory suggests that some
disons disease (adrenal glands), pernicious antigens that are normally nonimmunogenic
anemia (stomach), myasthenia gravis (mus- (hidden antigens) somehow become autoim-
cles), autoimmune hemolytic anemia (blood), munogenic and stimulate the immune system
primary biliary cirrhosis (liver), pemphigus to react against itself. A third theory suggests
vulgaris (skin), and glomerulonephritis (kid- that autoimmunity can be initiated by an exog-
neys). Non-organ-specific autoimmune diseases enous antigen, assuming that the antibodies
involve an attack by the immune system on sev- produced to fight it cross-react with a similar
eral body areas, potentially causing diseases determinant on the bodys own cells.
such as systemic lupus erythematosus, rheuma-
toid arthritis, polyarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, Diagnosis and Treatment
ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatic fever. Diagnosis of autoimmune disorders gener-
Some evidence suggests that other condi- ally begins with the often difficult task of docu-
tions (such as certain types of eye inflammation menting autoantibodies and autoreactive T
and male and female infertility) may be auto- cells. A condition suspected to be caused by
immune related. Allergies involve hypersensi- autoimmunity can also be confirmed by a num-
tivity reactions that result in immune reactions ber of other direct and indirect methods, such
that can lead to inflammation and tissue dam- as a favorable response to immunosuppressive,
age. Environmental antigens such as pollen, corticosteroid, or anti-inflammator y drug
dust mites, food proteins, and bee venom may treatment along with several other immuno-
cause allergic reactions such as hay fever, logic techniques.
asthma, and food intolerance in sensitive indi- Treatment strategies lag behind the ability
viduals via the antibody class known as immu- to diagnose autoimmune disorders. Initial man-
noglobulin E (IgE). Medications such as anti- agement involves the control and reduction of
biotics may also be recognized as chemical both pain and loss of function. Correction of
antigens, causing adverse allergic reactions. deficiencies in hormones such as insulin or thy-
Immunologists do not know the precise ori- roxin caused by autoimmune damage to glands
gin of most autoimmune diseases. What re- is often performed first. Replacing blood com-
searchers have shown is that most autoimmune ponents by transfusion is also considered, but
diseases occur more frequently in females than treatment effectiveness is often limited by the
in males and that the development of autoim- lack of knowledge of the precise disease mecha-
Autoimmune Disorders 53

nisms. Suppression of the immune system is treatment of such conditions as hemolytic

also often attempted, but achieving a delicate anemia, diabetes, Graves disease, Addisons
balance between controlling the autoimmune disease, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory
disorder and maintaining the bodys ability to bowel disease, and autoimmune hepatitis.
fight disease in general is critical. Fernandes, Gabriel, and Christopher A. Jolly.
Medication therapy commonly includes Nutrition and Autoimmune Diseases. Nu-
corticosteroid drugs, with more powerful im- trition Reviews 56 (January, 1998). Summa-
munosuppressant drugs such as cyclophospha- rizes several topics from a conference on nu-
mide, methotrexate, azathioprine, chloroquine trition and immunity and relates striking
derivatives, and small doses of antimetabolic or benefits of fish oil and antioxidant supple-
anticancer drugs often required. A majority of mentation on gene and T-cell subsets.
these medications can rapidly damage dividing Lachmann P. J., et al., eds. Clinical Aspects of Im-
tissues such as the bone marrow and thus must munology. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 1993.
be used with caution. Plasmapheresis (removal Provides an excellent overview of immunol-
of toxic antibodies) is often helpful in diseases ogy for the clinician, covering new areas of
such as myasthenia gravis, while other treat- immunologic diagnosis, mechanisms, and
ments involve drugs that target immune system techniques.
cells such as the cyclosporines. Fish oil and anti- Theofilopoulos, A. N., ed. Genes and Genetics of
oxidant supplementation have been shown to Autoimmunity. New York: Karger, 1999. Ex-
be an effective anti-inflammatory intervention amines a broad spectrum of topics related to
and may help suppress autoimmune diseases autoimmunity, including the chapters Im-
such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus munoglobulin Transgenes in B Lymphocyte
erythematosus. Development, Tolerance, and Autoimmu-
Daniel G. Graetzer, updated by Bryan Ness nity, The Role of Cytokines in Autoim-
See also: Aging; Allergies; Antibodies; De- munity, Genetics of Human Lupus, and
velopmental Genetics; Diabetes; Hybridomas Genetics of Multiple Sclerosis. Illustrated.
and Monoclonal Antibodies; Immunogenetics; Vyse, Timothy J., and John A. Todd. Genetic
Organ Transplants and HLA Genes; Stem Analysis of Autoimmune Disease. Cell 85
Cells; Steroid Hormones. (May, 1996). Describes how ongoing study
of the entire human genetic code will assist
Further Reading in the isolation and correction of aberrant
Abbas, Abul K., and Richard A. Flavell, eds. Ge- genes that cause immunological disease and
netic Models of Immune and Inflammatory Dis- presents evidence that environmental fac-
eases. New York: Springer, 1996. Individual tors have only minor effects on immune sys-
chapters provide descriptions of research re- tem abnormalities.
sults or mini-reviews of transgenic and tar-
geted gene disruption models used to study Web Site of Interest
autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Il- American Autoimmune Related Diseases Asso-
lustrations. ciation. http://www.aarda.org. Site of the
Bona, Constantin A., et al., eds. The Molecular only national organization devoted specifi-
Pathology of Autoimmune Diseases. 2d ed. New cally to autoimmune disorders and chronic
York: Taylor and Francis, 2002. A review of illness. Includes a medical glossary, research
the latest research carried out in immunol- articles, information on the science of auto-
ogy, particularly at the molecular level. Ex- immune-related diseases, and links to re-
amines developments in the diagnosis and lated resources.
Bacterial Genetics and Cell
Structure They are also capable of changing atmospheric
Fields of study: Cellular biology; Bacterial nitrogen to a form that is usable by plants and
genetics animals.
Significance: The study of bacterial structure and It has long been known that some bacteria
genetics has made tremendous contributions to the are pathogens, or causers of disease. Scientists
fields of genetics and medicine, leading to the de- have expended tremendous effort in describ-
velopment of drugs for the treatment of disease, ing the role bacteria play in disease and in cre-
the discovery of DNA as the master chemical of ating agents that could kill them. Other bacte-
heredity, and knowledge about the regulation of ria, such as Escherichia coli, may be part of a
gene expression in other organisms, including hu- mutualistic relationship with another organ-
mans. ism, such as humans. Bacteria have been used
extensively in genetics research because of their
Key terms small size and because they reproduce rapidly;
cloning: the generation of many copies of some bacteria produce a new generation every
DNA by replication in a suitable host twenty minutes. Since they have been so thor-
eukaryote: an organism made up of cells hav- oughly studied, a great deal is known about
ing a membrane-bound nucleus that con- their structure and genetics.
tains chromosomes Most bacteria are less than one micron (one-
mutation: the process by which a DNA base- millionth of a meter) in length. They do not
pair change or a change in a chromosome is contain mitochondria (organelles that produce
produced; the term is also used to describe the energy molecule adenosine triphosphate,
the change itself or ATP), chloroplasts (plant organelles in which
prokaryote: an organism lacking a membrane- the reactions of photosynthesis take place), ly-
bound nucleus sosomes (organelles that contain digestive en-
recombinant DNA: a DNA sequence that has zymes), or interior membrane systems such as
been constructed or engineered from two or the endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi bodies.
more distinct DNA sequences They do, however, contain RNA, ribosomes
(organelles that serve as the sites of protein syn-
Bacteria and Their Structure thesis), and DNA, which is organized as part of
The old kingdom Monera contained what a single, circular chromosome. The circular
has now been classified into the domains Bacte- chromosome is centrally located within the cell
ria and Archaea. Organisms in these domains in a region called the nucleoid region and is
are unicellular (one-celled) and prokaryotic capable of supercoiling. Bacteria often have ad-
(lacking a membrane-bound nucleus). Bacte- ditional genes carried on small circular DNA
ria are among the simplest, smallest, and most molecules called plasmids, which have been
ancient of organisms, found in nearly every en- used extensively in genetic research. Some plas-
vironment on earth. While some bacteria are mids carry genes that impart antibiotic resis-
autotrophic (capable of making their own tance to the cells that contain them.
food), most are heterotrophic (forced to draw Bacteria have three basic morphologies, or
nutrients from their environment or from cell shapes. Bacteria that are spherical are
other organisms). For most of human history, called cocci. Some coccus bacteria form clus-
the existence of bacteria was unknown. It was ters (staphylococcus), while others may form
not until the late 1800s that bacteria were first chains (streptococcus). Bacteria that have a
identified. Their role in nature is that of de- rodlike appearance are called bacilli. Spiral or
composers: They break down organic mole- helical bacteria are called spirilla (sometimes
cules into their component parts. Along with called spirochetes).
fungi, they are the major recyclers in nature.
Bacterial Genetics and Cell Structure 55

Classification of Bacteria By contrast with bacteria, members of Ar-

Bacteria fall into three basic types: those that chaea have cell walls that do not contain pep-
lack cell walls, those with thin cell walls, and tidoglycan. Members of Archaea are usually
those with thick cell walls. Mycoplasmas lack found in extreme environments, such as hot
cell walls entirely. The bacteria that cause tu- springs, extremely saline environments, and
berculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, do have hydrothermal vents. Methanogens are the most
cell walls and, unlike Archaea, their cell walls common and are strict anaerobes, which means
are composed of peptidoglycan, a complex or- that they are killed by oxygen. They live in
ganic molecule made of two unusual sugars oxygen-free environments, such as sewers and
held together by short polypeptides (short swamps, and produce methane gas as a waste
chains of amino acids). In 1884, Hans Christian product of their metabolism. Halobacteria live
Gram, a Danish physician, found that certain in only those environments that have a high
bacterial cells absorbed a stain called crystal vi- concentration of salt, such as salt ponds. Ther-
olet, while others did not. Those cells that ab- moacidophiles grow in very hot or very acidic
sorb the stain are called gram-positive, and environments.
those that do not are called gram-negative. It Bacteria can be further differentiated by the
has since been found that gram-positive bacte- presence or absence of certain surface struc-
ria have thick walls of peptidoglycan, while tures. Some strains produce an outer slime
gram-negative bacteria have thin peptidogly- layer called a capsule. The capsule permits
can walls covered by a thick outer membrane. It the bacterium to adhere to surfaces (such as
is this thick outer membrane that prevents crys- human teeth, for example, where the build-up
tal violet from entering the bacterial cell. Dis- of such bacteria causes dental plaque) and pro-
tinguishing between gram-positive and gram- vides some protection against other microor-
negative bacteria is an important step in the ganisms. Some strains display pili, which are
treatment of disease since some antibiotics are fine, hairlike appendages that also allow the
more effective against one class than the other. bacterium to adhere to surfaces. Some pili,

Image not available

Helicobacter pylori, which causes stomach ulcers, is only one example of one of the many forms of bacteria. The inset shows a single
bacterim. (AP/Wide World Photos)
56 Bacterial Genetics and Cell Structure

such as F pili in E. coli, are involved in the ex- bacteria can be induced to engage in a unidi-
change of genetic material from one bacterium rectional (one-way) exchange of genetic mate-
to another in a process called conjugation. rial via conjugation, first observed in 1946 by
Some bacterial strains have one or more biochemists Joshua Lederberg and Edward
flagella, which allow them to be motile (capa- Tatum. The unidirectional nature of the gene
ble of movement). Any bacterium may have transfer was discovered by William Hayes in
one or more of these surface structures. 1953. He found that one bacterial cell was a
Research in molecular genetics is continu- donor cell while the other was the recipient.
ing to expand insight into bacterial classifica- In the 1950s, molecular biologists Franois Ja-
tion and gene function. Many researchers have cob and Elie Wollman used conjugation and a
been actively sequencing the genomes of bacte- technique called interrupted mating to map
ria from a broad spectrum. The number of spe- genes onto the bacterial chromosome. By break-
cies that have been sequenced is now in the ing apart the conjugation pairs at intervals and
hundreds and includes many human patho- analyzing the times at which donor genes en-
gens, such as those that cause tuberculosis, bac- tered the recipient cells, they were able to de-
terial pneumonia, ulcers, bacterial influenza, termine a correlation between time and the
leprosy, and Lyme disease. The genomes of a distance between genes on a chromosome. The
wide range of nonpathogenic bacteria have use of this technique led to a complete map of
also been sequenced. Comparisons among the the sequence of genes contained in the chro-
genomes that have been sequenced is begin- mosome. It also led to a surprise: It was use of
ning to show extensive evidence that bacteria interrupted mating with E. coli that first dem-
of different species have transferred genes onstrated the circularity of the bacterial chro-
back and forth many times in the past, thus mosome. The circular structure of the chromo-
making it difficult to trace their evolutionary some was in striking contrast to eukaryotic
lineages. chromosomes, which are linear.

Bacterial Reproduction Transformation and Transduction

Bacteria reproduce in nature by means of bi- The bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae was
nary fission, wherein one cell divides to pro- used in one of the early studies that eventually
duce two daughter cells that are genetically led to the identification of DNA as the master
identical. As bacteria reproduce, they form clus- chemical of heredity. Two strains of S. pneu-
tered associations of cells called colonies. All moniae were used in a study conducted by mi-
members of a colony are genetically identical to crobiologist Frederick Griffith in 1928. One
one another, unless a mutagen (any substance strain (S) produces a smooth colony that is vir-
that can cause a mutation) has changed the ulent (infectious) and causes pneumonia. The
DNA sequence in one of the bacteria. Changes other strain (R) produces a rough colony that is
in the DNA sequence of the chromosome often avirulent (noninfectious). When Griffith in-
lead to changes in the physical appearance or jected mice with living type R bacteria, the mice
nutritional requirements of the colony. While a survived and no bacteria were recovered from
bacterium is microscopic, bacterial colonies their blood. When he injected mice with living
can be seen with the naked eye; changes in the type S, the mice died, and type S bacteria were
colonies are relatively easy to perceive. This is recovered from their blood. However, if type S
one of the reasons bacteria have been favored was heat-killed before the mice were injected,
organisms for genetic research. the mice did not die, and no bacteria were
For the most part, there is very little genetic recovered from their blood. This confirmed
variation between one bacterial generation and what Griffith already knew: Only living type S
the next. Unlike higher organisms, bacteria do S. pneumoniae caused lethal infections. Some-
not engage in sexual reproduction, which is thing interesting happened when Griffith
the major source of genetic variation within a mixed living type R with heat-killed type S, how-
population. In laboratory settings, however, ever: Mice injected with this mixture died, and
Bacterial Genetics and Cell Structure 57

virulent type S bacteria were recovered from manufacture viral proteins. Bacteriophages, or
their blood. An unknown agent apparently phages, infect bacteria by attaching themselves
transformed avirulent type R into virulent type to a bacterium and injecting their genetic ma-
S. Griffith called the agent the transforming terial into the cell. Sometimes, during the as-
principle. It was his belief that the transform- sembly of new viral particles, a piece of the host
ing principle was a protein. cells DNA may be enclosed in the viral capsid.
Sixteen years later, in 1944, bacteriologists When the virus leaves the host cell and infects a
Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn second cell, that piece of bacterial DNA enters
McCarty designed an experiment that showed the second cell, thus changing its genetic
conclusively that the transforming principle makeup. Generalized transduction (the trans-
was DNA rather than protein. They showed fer of a gene from one bacterium to another)
that R bacteria could be transformed to S bacte- was discovered by Joshua and Esther Lederberg
ria in a test tube. They then progressively puri- and Norton Zinder in 1952. Using E. coli and a
fied their extract until only proteins and the bacteriophage called P1, the Lederbergs and
two nucleic acids, RNA and DNA, remained. Zinder were able to show that transduction
They placed some of the mixture onto agar could be used to map genes to the bacterial
plates (glass dishes containing a gelatin growth chromosome.
medium). At this point, transformation still
occurred; therefore, it was clear that one of Hershey-Chase Bacteriophage
these three molecules was the transforming Experiments
agent. They treated their extract with protein- The use of bacteriophages has been instru-
degrading enzymes, which denatured (de- mental in confirming DNA as the genetic mate-
stroyed) all the proteins in the extract. Despite rial of living cells. Alfred Hershey and Martha
the denaturing of the proteins, transformation Chase devised a series of experiments using E.
still occurred when some of the extract was coli and the bacteriophage T2 that conclusively
plated; had protein been the transforming established DNA as genetic material in 1953.
agent, no transformation could have occurred. Bacteria are capable of manufacturing all es-
Protein was eliminated as the transforming sential macromolecules by utilizing material
agent. The next step was to determine which of from their environment. Hershey and Chase
two nucleic acids was responsible for the trans- grew cultures of E. coli in a growth medium en-
formation of the R strain into the S strain. They riched with a radioactive isotope of phospho-
introduced RNase, an enzyme that degrades rus, phosphorus 32. DNA contains phospho-
RNA, to the extract. The RNA was destroyed, rus; as the succeeding generations of bacteria
yet transformation took place. RNA was thus pulled phosphorus from the growth medium
eliminated. At this point, it was fairly obvious to manufacture DNA, each DNA strand also
that DNA was the transforming agent. To con- carried a radioactive label. T2 phages were
clusively confirm this, they introduced DNase used to infect the cultures of E. coli. When the
to the extract. When the DNA was degraded by new T2 viruses were assembled in the bacte-
the enzyme, transformation did not take place, rial cells, they too carried the radioactive label
showing that DNA was the transforming agent. phosphorus 32 on their DNA. A second culture
Another way that genetic material can be ex- of E. coli was grown in a medium enriched with
changed between bacteria is by transduction. radioactive sulfur 35. Proteins contain sulfur
Transduction requires the presence of a bacter- (but no phosphorus). T2 viruses were used to
iophage (a virus that infects bacteria). A virus is infect this culture. New viruses contained the
a simple structure consisting of a protein coat sulfur 35 label on their protein coats.
called a capsid that contains either RNA or Since the T2 phage consists of only protein
DNA. Viruses are acellular, nonliving, and ex- and DNA, one of these two molecules had to be
tremely small. To reproduce, they must infect the genetic material. Hershey and Chase in-
living cells and use the host cells internal struc- fected unlabeled E. coli with both types of radio-
tures to replicate their genetic material and active T2 phages. Analysis has shown that the
58 Bacterial Genetics and Cell Structure

Image not available

An example of a bacterial colony formed by a pathogenic strain of Escherichia coli, displayed by microbiologist Jay Lewis shortly
after an outbreak of food poisoning in Washington state in 1996. (AP/Wide World Photos)

phosphorus 32 label passed into the bacterial rial DNA. In nature, only bacteria contain spe-
cells, while the sulfur 35 label was found only in cialized enzymes called restriction enzymes. Re-
the protein coats that did not enter the cells. striction enzymes are capable of cutting DNA at
Since the protein coat did not enter the bacte- specific sites called restriction sites. The func-
rial cell, it could not influence protein synthe- tion of restriction enzymes in bacteria is to pro-
sis. Therefore, protein could not be the genetic tect against invading viruses. Bacterial restric-
material. The Hershey-Chase experiment con- tion enzymes are designed to destroy viral DNA
firmed DNA as the genetic material. without harming the host DNA. Hundreds of
different restriction enzymes have been iso-
Restriction Enzymes and Gene Expression lated from bacteria, and each is named for the
Using the aforementioned methods, it has bacterium from which it comes. The discovery
been possible to construct a complete genetic and isolation of restriction enzymes led to a
map showing the order in which genes occur new field of biological endeavor: genetic engi-
on the chromosome of E. coli and other bacte- neering.
ria. Certain genes are common to all bacteria. Use of these enzymes has made gene cloning
There are also several genes that are shared by possible. Cloning is important to researchers
bacteria and higher life-forms, including hu- because it permits the detailed study of individ-
mans. Further research showed that genes can ual genes. Restriction enzymes have also been
be either inserted into or deleted from bacte- used in the formation of genomic libraries (a
Bacterial Genetics and Cell Structure 59

collection of clones that contains at least one produced. From these populations, human
copy of every DNA sequence in the genome). proteins, such as insulin, can be recovered.
Genomic libraries are valuable because they Many proteins used against disease are man-
can be searched to identify a single DNA re- ufactured in this manner. Some examples of re-
combinant molecule that contains a particular combinant DNA pharmaceutical products that
gene or DNA sequence. are already available or in clinical testing in-
Bacterial studies have been instrumental in clude atrial natriuretic factor, which is used to
understanding the regulation of gene expres- combat heart failure and high blood pressure;
sion, or the translation of a DNA sequence first epidermal growth factor, which is used in burns
to a molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA) and and skin transplantation; factor VIII, which is
then to a protein. Bacteria live in environments used to treat hemophilia; human growth hor-
that change rapidly. To survive, they have mone, which is used to treat dwarfism; and
evolved systems of gene regulation that can ei- several types of interferons and interleukins,
ther turn on or turn off a gene in response which are proteins that have anticancer prop-
to environmental conditions. Franois Jacob erties.
and Jacques Monod discovered the lac operon, Bacterial hosts produce what are called the
a regulatory system that permits E. coli to re- first generation of recombinant DNA prod-
spond rapidly to changes in the availability of ucts. There are limits to what can be produced
lactose, a simple sugar. Other operons, such as in and recovered from bacterial cells. Since
the tryptophan operon, were soon discovered bacterial cells are different from eukaryotic
as well. An operon is a cluster of genes whose cells in a number of ways, they cannot process
expression is regulated together and involves or modify most eukaryotic proteins, nor can
the interaction of regions of DNA with regula- they add sugar groups or phosphate groups,
tory proteins. The discovery of operons in bac- additions that are often required if the protein
teria led to searches for them in eukaryotic is to be biologically active. In some cases, hu-
cells. While none has been found, several other man proteins produced in prokaryotic cells
methods of regulating the expression of genes do not fold into the proper three-dimensional
in eukaryotes have been described. shape; since shape determines function in pro-
teins, these proteins are nonfunctional. For
Impact and Applications this reason, it may never be possible to use bac-
Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by the teria to manufacture all human proteins. Other
inability of the pancreas to produce insulin, a organisms are used to produce what are called
protein hormone that is part of the critical sys- the second generation of recombinant DNA
tem that controls the bodys metabolism of products.
sugar. Prior to 1982, people who suffered from The impact of the study of bacterial struc-
diabetes controlled their disease with injec- tures and genetics and the use of bacteria in
tions of insulin that had been isolated from biotechnology, cannot be underestimated. Bac-
other animals, such as cows. In 1982, human in- terial research has led to the development of an
sulin became the first human gene product to entirely new branch of science, that of molecu-
be manufactured using recombinant DNA. lar biology. Much of what is currently known
The technique is based on the knowledge that about molecular genetics, the expression of
genes can be inserted into the bacterial chro- genes, and recombination comes from research
mosome; that once inserted, the gene product, involving the use of bacteria. Moreover, bacte-
or protein, will be produced; and that once ria have had and will continue to have applica-
produced, the protein can be purified from tions in the production of pharmaceuticals and
bacterial extracts. Human proteins are usually the treatment of disease. The recombinant DNA
produced by inserting a human gene into a technologies developed with bacteria are now
plasmid vector, which is then inserted into a being used with other organisms to produce
bacterial cell. The bacterial cell is cloned until medicines and vaccines.
large quantities of transformed bacteria are Kate Lapczynski, updated by Bryan Ness
60 Bacterial Genetics and Cell Structure

See also: Archaea; Bacterial Resistance and genetics and then presenting the molecu-
Super Bacteria; Biopharmaceuticals; Cholera; lar genetics of mycobacteria in sections on
Chromosome Walking and Jumping; Cloning; genomes and genetic exchange, gene ex-
Diabetes; Diphtheria; Gene Regulation: Bac- pression, metabolism, and genetic strate-
teria; Gene Regulation: Lac Operon; Gene Reg- gies.
ulation: Viruses; Genetic Code, Cracking of; Russell, Peter J. Fundamentals of Genetics. 2d ed.
Lateral Gene Transfer; Model Organism: Es- San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2000.
cherichia coli; Molecular Genetics; Plasmids; Re- Introduces the three main areas of genetics:
striction Enzymes; Transposable Elements. transmission genetics, molecular genetics,
and population and quantitative genetics.
Further Reading Reflects advances in the field, such as the
Birge, Edward A. Bacterial and Bacteriophage Ge- structure of eukaryotic chromosomes, alter-
netics. 4th ed. New York: Springer, 2000. Ex- native splicing in the production of mRNAs,
amines how genetic investigations and ma- and molecular screens for the isolation of
nipulations of bacteria and bacteriophages mutants.
have made vital contributions to the basic Schumann, Wolfgang, S. Dusko Ehrlich, and
understanding of living cells and to the de- Naotake Ogasawara, eds. Functional Analysis
velopment of genetic engineering and bio- of Bacterial Genes: A Practical Manual. New
technology. York: Wiley, 2001. Follows two teams of labo-
Drlica, Karl. Understanding DNA and Gene Clon- ratories that analyze thousands of newly dis-
ing: A Guide for the Curious. New York: John covered bacterial genes to try to discover
Wiley & Sons, 2003. A basic overview de- their functions. Addresses the biology of Ba-
signed to help lay readers understand mo- cillus subtilis.
lecular biology and recombinant DNA tech- Thomas, Christopher M., ed. The Horizontal
nology. Good illustrations and graphics. Gene Pool: Bacterial Plasmids and Gene Spread.
Goldberg, Joanna B., ed. Genetics of Bacterial Amsterdam: Harwood Academic, 2000. In-
Polysaccharides. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, ternational geneticists, biologists, and bio-
1999. Gives background on the fields his- chemists discuss the various contributions
tory, polysaccharide diversity, research gaps, plasmids make to horizontal gene pools:
and nomenclature issues. Nine chapters by replication, stable inheritance, and transfer
international researchers present the ge- modules; the phototypic markers they carry;
netic analysis of polysaccharides from vari- how they evolve; how they contribute to
ous bacteria pathogens to humans and one their host population; and approaches for
symbiotic with legumes. studying and classifying them.
Hacker, J., and J. B. Kaper, eds. Pathogenicity Is- Watson, James D., et al. Recombinant DNA: A
lands and the Evolution of Pathogenic Microbes. Short Course. New York: Scientific American
2 vols. New York: Springer, 2002. Explores Books, 1983. A classic account by one of
pathogenicity islands, plasmids, and bacte- three men who shared a Nobel Prize in Phys-
riophages, which are able to carry genes iology or Medicine for describing the molec-
whose products are involved in pathogenic ular structure of DNA.
processes. Shows how such elements and
their products play an important role in
pathogenesis due to the intestinal E. coli as Web Site of Interest
well to Shigellae. E. coli Genome Project, University of Wiscon-
Hatfull, Graham F., and William R. Jacobs, Jr., sin. http://www.genome.wisc.edu. The ge-
eds. Molecular Genetics of Mycobacteria. Wash- nome research center that sequenced the
ington, D.C.: ASM Press, 2000. Surveys all organisms complete K-12 genome now
aspects of mycobacterial genetics in the maintains and updates that sequence as well
context of new genomic information, start- as those of other strains and other patho-
ing with the development of mycobacterial genic Enterobacteriaceae.
Bacterial Resistance and Super Bacteria 61

biotic. In 1928, Scottish bacteriologist Alexan-

Bacterial Resistance and der Fleming grew Staphylococcus aureus in petri
Super Bacteria dishes, and the plates became contaminated
with a mold. Before Fleming threw out the
Field of study: Bacterial genetics plates, he noticed that there was no bacterial
Significance: Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have be- growth around the mold. The mold, Penicillium
come a significant worldwide health concern. notatum, produced a substance that was later
Some strains of bacteria (called super bacteria) are called penicillin, which was instrumental in sav-
now resistant to most, if not all, of the available ing the lives of countless soldiers during World
antibiotics and threaten to return health care to a War II. From the 1950s until the 1980s, antibi-
preantibiotic era. Understanding how and why otics were dispensed with great regularity for
bacteria become resistant to antibiotics may aid most bacterial infections, for earaches, for
treatment, the design of future drugs, and efforts colds, and as a preventive measure.
to prevent other bacterial strains from becoming re- As the twentieth century progressed, how-
sistant to antibiotics. ever, it became apparent that the initial prom-
ise of antibiotics was mitigated by the ability of
Key terms microorganisms to evolve quickly, given their
antimicrobial drugs: chemicals that destroy relatively short life spans. Emerging infectious
disease-causing organisms without damag- diseases such as multidrug-resistant tubercu-
ing body tissues; chemicals made naturally losis, vancomycin-resistant enterococci, and
by bacteria and fungi are also known as anti- penicillin-resistant gonorrhea became serious
biotics global health care concerns. The problem was
plasmids: small, circular pieces of DNA that exacerbated by the seemingly haphazard dis-
can exist separately from the bacterial chro- pensing of antibiotics for viral infections
mosome; plasmids can be transferred among (against which antibiotics are ineffective, al-
bacteria, and they may carry more than one though often prescribed as a hedge against
R factor secondary infections or simply to palliate pa-
resistance factor (R factor): a piece of tients).
DNA that carries a gene encoding for resis-
tance to an antibiotic The Rise of Bacterial Resistance
transposons: also known as jumping genes, On average, bacteria can replicate every
transposons are pieces of DNA that carry R twenty minutes. Several generations of bacteria
factors and can integrate into a bacterial can reproduce in a twenty-four-hour period.
chromosome; they are also responsible for This quick generation time leads to a rapid ad-
the spread of drug resistance in bacteria and aptation to changes in the environment. En-
fungi, and, like plasmids, each transposon glish naturalist Charles Darwins On the Origin
may carry more than one R factor of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859) first
explained the theory of natural selection, the
History of Antibiotics process whereby this adaptation occurs. If an
Throughout history, illnesses such as chol- organism has an advantage over other organ-
era, pneumonia, and sexually transmitted dis- isms (such as the ability to grow in the presence
eases have plagued humans. However, it was of a potentially harmful substance), that organ-
not until the early twentieth century that anti- ism will survive to pass that characteristic on to
biotics were discovered. Until then, diseases its offspring while the other organisms die. The
such as diphtheria, cholera, and influenza were emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is an
serious and sometimes deadly. With the advent excellent example of Darwins theory of natu-
of the antibiotic era, it appeared that common ral selection at work.
infectious diseases would no longer be a seri- In the early twentieth century, German mi-
ous health concern. A laboratory accident led crobiologist Paul Ehrlich coined the term
to the discovery of the first mass-produced anti- magic bullet in reference to chemotherapy
62 Bacterial Resistance and Super Bacteria

(the treatment of disease with chemical com- drug out of the cell after it has entered. Such
pounds). For a drug such as an antibiotic to be systems are found in pathogenic Escherichia coli,
a magic bullet, it must have a specific target Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus
that is unique to the disease-causing agent and aureus. These pumps are usually nonspecific
cannot harm the host in the process of curing and can cause bacteria to become resistant to
the disease. In 1910, Ehrlich discovered that more than one antibiotic at a time. Another
arsphenamine (Salvarsan), a derivative of ar- method of resistance is through chemical mod-
senic, could be used to treat syphilis, a common ification of the drug. Penicillin is inactivated by
sexually transmitted disease in the early twenti- breaking a chemical bond found in its ring
eth century. Until that time syphilis had no structure. Other drugs are inactivated by the
known cure. The use of Salvarsan did cure some addition of other chemical groups. Finally, the
patients of syphilis, but, since it was a rat poi- target of the drug can be altered in such a man-
son, it killed other patients. Generally speak- ner that it is no longer affected by the drug.
ing, antimicrobials have specific targets (or For example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which
modes of action) within bacteria. They target causes tuberculosis, became resistant to the
the following structures or processes: synthesis drug rifampin by altering the three-dimensional
of the bacterial cell wall, injury to the plasma structure of a specific protein.
membrane, and inhibition of synthesis of pro-
teins, DNA, RNA, and other essential metabo- Antibiotic Misuse and Drug Resistance
lites (all of these substances are building blocks The misuse of antibiotics over several de-
for the bacteria). A good antibiotic will have a cades has caused many strains of bacteria to be-
target that is unique to the bacteria so the host come resistant. For some bacterial infections,
(the patient) will not be harmed by the drug. only one or no effective drugs are available for
Bacteria and fungi are, of course, resistant to treatment. Many different factors of misuse,
the antibiotics they naturally produce. Other overuse, and abuse of antibiotics have led to
bacteria have the ability to acquire resistances drug-resistant diseases. Perhaps one of the
to antimicrobials, and this drug resistance oc- most important factors in the emergence of
curs either through a mutation in the DNA or drug-resistant bacteria is the overprescription
resistance genes on plasmids or transposons. or inappropriate use of antibiotics. Another
Plasmids are small, circular pieces of DNA that major factor is misuse by the patient. After sev-
can exist within or independently of the bacte- eral days of taking an antibiotic, a patient may
rial chromosome. Transposons, or jumping begin to feel better and decide not to finish all
genes, are pieces of DNA that can jump from of the prescription. By not completing the full
one bacterial species to another and be inte- course of treatment, the patient merely kills the
grated into the bacterial chromosome. The bacteria that are sensitive to the antibiotic, leav-
spread of plasmids and transposons that carry ing the resistant bacteria to grow, multiply, pass
antibiotic resistance genes has led bacteria to on their resistant genes, and cause the same in-
become resistant to many, if not all, currently fection. This time, another antibiotic (if there
available antibiotics. is one available that is effective) must be used.
Several antimicrobial resistance mechanisms Another contributing factor is the ease with
allow bacteria to become drug resistant. The which the newest and best antibiotics may be
first mechanism does not allow the drug to en- obtained in many countries. In several coun-
ter the bacterial cell. A decrease in the perme- tries in Central America, for example, one can
ability of the cell wall will inhibit the antimicro- walk into the local pharmacy and receive any
bial drug from reaching its target. An alteration antibiotic without a prescription. Another fac-
in a penicillin-binding protein (pbp), a protein tor in the worldwide spread of drug-resistant in-
found in the bacterial cell wall, will allow the fectious diseases is the ease of travel. Infected
cell to tie up the penicillin. Also, the pores in people can carry bacteria from one continent
the cell wall can be altered so the drug cannot to another in a matter of hours and infect any-
pass through. A second strategy is to pump the one with whom they come in contact.
Bacterial Resistance and Super Bacteria 63

The use of antibiotics is not limited to hu- Emerging Resistant Infections and Super
mans. They also play an important role in agri- Bacteria
culture. Antibiotics are added to animal feed The misuse of antibiotics over the decades
on farms to help keep herds healthy, and they has led to more infectious diseases becoming
are also used on fish farms for the production resistant to the current arsenal of drugs. Some
of fish for market. Antibiotics are used to treat diseases that could be treated effectively in the
domestic animals such as cats, dogs, birds, and 1970s and 1980s can no longer be controlled
fish and are readily available in pet stores to with the same drugs. Two very serious prob-
clear up fish aquariums. This widespread use of lems have emerged: vancomycin-resistant en-
antibiotics allows bacteria in all environmental terococci and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
niches the possibility of becoming resistant to The enterococcus is naturally resistant to many
potentially useful drugs. types of antibiotics, and the only effective treat-

Multiple-Resistant Bacteria

They lurk in schools, nursing homes, and hospitals Triclosan is a good example of the potent antibac-
perhaps even in your home. Often, you cannot see terial and antifungal agents that are increasingly
them to avoid them. Increasingly, they are a global used to produce germ-free consumer products.
health problem. What are these unseen purveyors of Until recently, triclosan was considered a broad-
disease? Antibacterial soaps. spectrum antiseptic rather than a true antibiotic. As
Antibacterial soaps contain antibacterials, a sub- a general biocide, triclosan was not expected to have
class of antimicrobials, which kill or inhibit the a specific target in the bacterial cell. However, Stuart
growth of bacteria and other microorganisms. Anti- Levy and his colleagues at Tufts University School of
septics are antimicrobial agents that are sufficiently Medicine determined that triclosan specifically in-
nontoxic to be applied to human tissue. Antibiotics terferes with an enzyme important in the synthesis of
are chemicals that inhibit a specific pathway or en- plasma membrane lipids. As triclosan kills off nor-
zyme in a bacterium and are critical to the treatment mal bacteria, it could make way for the growth of
of a bacterial infection. When bacteria are exposed strains with triclosan-insensitive enzymes. More trou-
to sublethal concentrations of an antibiotic, resis- bling, one of the front-line antibiotics commonly
tance can develop through the elimination of nor- used to treat tuberculosis, isoniazid, targets the same
mal bacteria, allowing the resistant ones to survive enzyme, raising the possibility that the use of tri-
and reproduce. The question has been whether ex- closan will lead to new drug-resistant strains of Myco-
posure to antibacterial products can promote antibi- bacterium tuberculosis.
otic resistance. The answer is that the use of antibac- Consumers are convinced that use of products
terial products may actually increase the prevalence with antimicrobial chemicals will lower their risk of
of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. infection. While this has not been demonstrated
Antibiotic resistance is irreversible and unavoid- scientifically, effective handwashing has been dem-
able, due to the selective pressure on bacteria to be- onstrated to prevent illness. However, the key to
come resistant. This selection is in large part a re- effective handwashing is the length of time (15-30
sult of the widespread use of antibiotics to increase seconds) spent scrubbing, not the inclusion of anti-
growth rates in livestock, as well as unnecessary and bacterials in the soap. Regular soap, combined with
improper use of antibiotics to restore and maintain scrubbing action, physically dislodges and removes
human health. The indiscriminate use or overuse of microorganisms. The constant exposure of bacteria
antibiotics has been widely blamed for the appear- to sublethal concentrations of triclosan promotes
ance of so-called super bacteriabacteria that are development of resistance; the substitution of anti-
unaffected by more than one antibiotic. In addition, bacterial soap for proper handwashing techniques
a widely used antibacterial agent found in tooth- will eventually render triclosan ineffective. In the
paste, kitchen utensils and appliances, clothing, cat battle of the soaps, plain wins.
litter, and toys could cause resistant strains of bacte- Laurie F. Caslake
ria to develop.
64 Bacterial Resistance and Super Bacteria

ment has been vancomycin. With the appear- Impact and Applications
ance of vancomycin-resistant enterococci, There is little encouraging news about the
however, there are no reliable alternative treat- availability of new antibiotics. The crisis of
ments. The fear that vancomycin resistance will super bacteria has altered the view that few new
spread to other bacteria such as staphylococci antibiotics would be needed. Pharmaceutical
seems well founded: A report from Japan in companies are scrambling to discover new anti-
1997 indicated the existence of a strain of microbial compounds and modify existing
staphylococcus that had become partially resis- antibiotics. Policy decisions of the 1970s and
tant to vancomycin. If a strain of methicillin- 1980s requiring more and larger clinical trials
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) also be- for antibiotics before they are approved for use
comes resistant to vancomycin, there will be no by the Food and Drug Administration have in-
effective treatment available against this super creased the price of antibiotics and the amount
bacterium. of time it takes to market them. It may take up
A second problem is the appearance of to ten years from the time of discovery for an
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Mycobacterium antibiotic to be approved for use. The scientific
tuberculosis is a slow-growing bacterium that re- community has therefore had to meet the in-
quires a relatively long course of antibiotic crease of drug-resistant bacterial strains with
therapy. Tuberculosis (TB) is spread easily, and fewer and fewer new antibiotics.
it is a deadly disease. In the United States in The emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacte-
1900, tuberculosis was the number-one cause of ria and super bacteria is a serious global health
death. In the 1990s, it was still a leading cause concern that will lead to a more prudent use of
of death worldwide. Treatment of multidrug- available antibiotics. It has also prompted phar-
resistant tuberculosis requires several antibiot- maceutical companies to search for potentially
ics taken over a period of at least six months, new and novel antibiotics in the ocean depths,
with a success rate of approximately 50 percent; outer space, and other niches. Rational drug
on the other hand, susceptible strains of TB designor RDD, drug design based on knowl-
have a cure rate of nearly 100 percent. edge of how bacteria become drug resistant
Another contributing factor to the emer- will also be important. Exactly how scientists
gence of drug-resistant infectious diseases is and physicians will be able to combat super bac-
the lack of basic knowledge about some bacte- teria is a question that remains to be answered.
ria. Funding for basic genetic research on tu- Until a more viable solution is found, prudent
berculosis was reduced dramatically in the use of antibiotics, surveillance of drug-resistant
mid-twentieth century when it appeared that infections, and well-orchestrated worldwide
TB would be eradicated just as smallpox had monitoring and containment of emerging dis-
been. The appearance of multidrug-resistant eases appear to be the answers.
tuberculosis caught scientists and physicians Mary Beth Ridenhour
unprepared. Little was known about the genet- See also: Archaea; Bacterial Genetics and
ics of tuberculosis or how drug resistance oc- Cell Structure; Chromosome Walking and
curred. Jumping; DNA Replication; Emerging Dis-
Another concern about drug-resistant in- eases; Gene Regulation: Bacteria; Gene Regu-
fections is how to control them. Hospitals are lation: Lac Operon; Lateral Gene Transfer;
vigilant, and, in some cases, very proactive in Mutation and Mutagenesis; Model Organism:
screening for drug-resistant infections. People Escherichia coli; Natural Selection; Plasmids;
can be asymptomatic carriers (that is, they Transposable Elements.
carry the disease-causing organism but are
still healthy) of a disease such as methicillin- Further Reading
resistant Staphylococcus aureus and could infect Franklin, T. J., and G. A. Snow. Biochemistry of
other people without knowing it. The role of Antimicrobial Action. New York: Chapman and
the infection-control personnel is to find the Hall, 2001. Provides an explanation of the
source of the infection and remove it. chemistry of antimicrobials and how bacte-
Behavior 65

ria may become resistant to their effects. positive genetic traits are encouraged, by
Levy, Stuart. The Antibiotic Paradox: How the Mis- controlling, in some manner, who is allowed
use of Antibiotics Destroys Their Curative Powers. to reproduce
Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus, 2002. Provides an genome: the entire set of genes required by an
overview of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. organism; a set of chromosomes
Levy also discusses mechanisms of resistance, heritability: the probability that a specific
reasons for the spread of antimicrobial resis- gene or trait will be passed from parent to
tance, and ways to combat this spread. offspring, rendered as a number between
Murray, Patrick, ed. Manual of Clinical Microbi- zero and 100 percent, with zero percent be-
ology. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press, 2003. ing not heritable and 100 percent being
Presents a direct approach to organizing in- completely heritable
formation with thorough but concise treat- linkage: a relation of gene loci on the same
ments of all the major areas of microbiology, chromosome; the more closely linked two
including new microbial discoveries, chang- loci are, the more often the specific traits
ing diagnostic methods, and emerging ther- controlled by these loci are expressed to-
apeutic challenges facing clinicians. gether
Tortora, Gerard. Microbiology: An Introduction. neurotransmitter: a chemical messenger
7th ed. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, that transmits a nerve impulse between neu-
2001. An accessible introduction to the basic rons
principles of microbiology, the interaction
between microbe and host, and human dis- Brain Biology
eases caused by microorganisms. Provides As the first organ system to begin develop-
an overview of antibiotics and how bacterial ment and the last to be completed, the verte-
resistances to antibiotics occur. brate nervous systembrain, spinal cord, and
nerveswith the brain at the control, remains
Web Site of Interest something of an enigma to biologists. It is based
National Center for Infectious Diseases. http:// on neurons, special cells that generate and
www.cdc.gov/ncidod. Searchable on antibi- transmit bioelectrical impulses. The vertebrate
otic resistance and other keywords to pro- brain consists of as many as three major areas:
vide access to research articles. the brain stem, the cerebellum, and the cere-
brum. A reptilian brain consists of only the
brain stem, while the mammalian brain has all
three, including a well-developed cerebrum
Behavior (the two large hemispheres on top). The brain
stem controls basic body functions such as
Field of study: Population genetics breathing and heart rate, while the cerebrum
Significance: One of the long-standing questions is the ultimate control center. Consisting of
pondered by biologists is, to what extent do genes billions of neurons (commonly called brain
control the way we behave? By the mid-1990s, re- cells), the cerebrum controls functions such as
searchers had identified human genes that had memory, speech, hearing, vision, and analyti-
been linked to such behavioral characteristics as cal skills.
depression, homosexuality, schizophrenia, and al- The brain is an exceedingly complex net-
coholism; however, such findings were complicated work of billions of neurons. As messages enter
by methodological questions and by the problem of the brain stem from the spinal cord, groups of
distinguishing between the effects of genetic and neurons either respond directly or transfer in-
environmental factors. formation to higher levels. In order to commu-
nicate with other neurons, each individual neu-
Key terms ron generates impulses much like the impulse
eugenics: a process in which negative genetic that carries a voice over a telephone line, and
traits are removed from the population and this message travels from the beginning to the
66 Behavior

end of each neuron. At the end of one neuron of daylight hours is not reached, the genes will
and the beginning of the next in line, a small not be activated, and sexual behavior will not
open space occurs. This space is filled with flu- increase.
ids, and the message is carried across to the Each neuron making up the intricate net-
next neuron by a chemical known as a neuro- works and circuits throughout the cerebrum
transmitter. Neurotransmitters may be of sev- (80 percent of the human brain) has protein
eral biochemical classifications, including ace- receptors (chemoreceptors) that respond to
tylcholines, amines, amino acids, and peptides. specific signaling molecules. The production
An individual neuron and an entire neuronal of the receptors and signaling molecules used
circuit may fire or not fire an impulse based on for any type of brain activity is directly tied to
the messages carried by these neurotransmit- genes. A slightly different gene may lead to a
ters. For example, the signal for pain is trans- slightly different signaling molecule or recep-
mitted from neuron to neuron by a peptide- tor and thus a slightly different cell (neuron)
based neurotransmitter known as substance response. A larger difference among genes
P, while another peptide transmitter (endor- may lead to a larger difference among signal-
phin) acts as a natural painkiller. Thought, ing molecules or receptors and thus a larger
memory, and behavior, then, are produced by variation in cell response. Since human behav-
the activity along neuronal circuits. A genetic ior involves the response of neurons and neu-
link occurs here, since neurotransmitters are ron networks in the brain to specific signals,
expressed either directly or indirectly based on and since the response of neurons occurs be-
information in genes. cause of the interaction between a signaler and
By birth, the collection of approximately a receptor built by specific genes, the genetic
21,200 genes in humans has directed the devel- link seems straightforward: input, signal, re-
opment of the nervous system. At birth, the sponse, behavior. However, when the slight
brain consists of approximately 100 billion neu- variations between genes are added to the con-
rons and trillions of supporting glial cells to siderable variation among noncoding or regu-
protect and nourish neurons. However, the in- latory sequences of DNA, the genetic connec-
tricate wiring between these neurons is yet to tion to behavior becomes much less direct.
be determined. Studies from the 1980s and Since a gene is under the control of one or sev-
1990s suggested that the critical networking eral regulatory sequences that in turn may be
and circuit formation between these billions of under the control of various environmental in-
neurons that control later brain function are puts, the amount of genetic variation among
determined not from genes but from environ- individuals is compounded by two other criti-
mental input and experiences from birth until cal factors: the environmental variations under
the brain is fully developed around age seven. which the brain develops and the daily environ-
mental variations to which the individual is ex-
Genes and Behavior posed. A convenient way to think of genetics
Genes make proteins, and proteins cause and behavior is to consider that genes simply al-
biochemical responses in cells. The behavior of low humans to respond to a specific stimulus by
an animal takes place under the combined in- building the pathway required for a response,
fluences of its genes, expressed through the ac- while behavior is defined by the degree and the
tions of proteins, and its environment. A good manner of human response.
example is the phenomenon of mating seasons
in many animals. As day length gradually in- Eugenics
creases toward spring and summer, a critical The concept of eugenics was born during
length is reached that signals the release of hor- the evolution and study of basic genetics in the
mones that result in increased sexual activity, early twentieth century. Eugenics is the catego-
with the ultimate goal of seasonal mating. The rization of a specific human behavior to an un-
production and activity of hormones involve derlying genetic cause. Human characteristics
genes or gene products. If the critical number such as alcoholism and laziness were thought
Behavior 67

to be caused entirely by inherited genes. Since marker. Thus, geneticists are not directly iden-
then, research has provided a much clearer pic- tifying the genes involved, but are identifying
ture of a genetic-behavior link. People inherit the approximate locations of the genes. Unfor-
specific genes to build specific pathways that al- tunately, the more genes control a trait, the
low them to respond in certain ways to environ- harder it is to identify QTLs. Environmental ef-
mental input. With variations possiblefrom fects can also mask the existence of QTLs, caus-
the gene to gene regulators to the final cellular ing some people to have the trait that lack a
responseit is virtually impossible to discon- QTL and others to lack the trait but have a
nect the nature vs. nurture tie that ultimately QTL. In spite of these difficulties, QTLs have
controls human behavior. Genes are simply the been identified for a number of behavioral
tools by which the environment shapes and re- traits, such as aggression, depression, and a
shapes human behavior. There is a direct cor- number of other mental disorders.
relation between gene and protein: Change
the gene, change the protein. However, there Single-Gene Behavioral Traits
is no direct correlation between gene and be- Although behavioral traits controlled by a
havior: Changing the gene does not necessar- single gene have been identified, they probably
ily change the behavior. Behavior is a multi- require interaction with other genes in order
faceted, complex response to environmental to produce the specific characteristics of the
influences that is only partially related to ge- behavior. On top of this are laid environmental
netic makeup. Most studies conducted on hu- effects. The most dramatic case of a single gene
mans based on twin and other relative data sug- that controls a complex behavior was the dis-
gest that most behavioral characteristics have covery in 2002 of the gene that controls honey-
between a 30 and 70 percent genetic basis, leav- bee social status. This same gene is found in
ing considerable room for environmental in- fruit flies and affects how actively fruit flies seek
fluence. For example, studies of twins indicate food. Bees with a more actively expressed form
that homosexuality may be as much as 50 per- of the gene (called the for gene) were much
cent genetic, leaving 50 percent under environ- more likely to forage than bees with a less ac-
mental control. tive for gene. Not surprisingly, the for gene pro-
Another important fact is that almost no be- duces a protein that acts as a cell-signaling mol-
haviors are controlled by a single gene locus, ecule.
and the more complex the behavior, the more In humans, only a few behavioral traits are
likely that it is controlled by several to many clearly controlled by a single gene. The best ex-
genes. Hence, not only do environmental ef- amples include Huntingtons disease (a rare,
fects cloud the picture; each gene involved in autosomal dominant gene), early-onset Alzhei-
more complex behavioral traits represents just mers disease (also a rare, autosomal dominant
a small part of the genetic basis for the trait. gene), and fragile X syndrome (actually involves
The study of the genetic basis for complex two genes). The remaining traits, discussed be-
traits, therefore, involves the search for quanti- low, actually represent multigene traits where
tative trait loci (QTLs), rather than for single one primary QTL has been identified as pri-
genes. Searching for QTLs requires that a large marily responsible.
number of genetic markers be identified in the Several genes were identified during the late
human genome, and the Human Genome Pro- 1980s and early to mid-1990s with possible
ject has provided numerous such markers. A direct behavioral links. A gene has been identi-
QTL is identified by looking for linkage be- fied that seems to be involved in neurotic be-
tween a specific genetic marker and the trait haviors associated with anxiety, depression, hos-
being studied. Linkage occurs when a marker is tility, and impulsiveness. This gene produces a
close to one of the genes that control the trait. protein that transports a chemical called sero-
Practically speaking, this means that individu- tonin, across neuronal membranes. Serotonin
als with the behavioral trait have the marker, is a neurotransmitter and is the chemical that is
and those who do not have the trait lack the affected by the antidepressant drug Prozac and
68 Behavior

other serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Multiple-Gene Behavioral Traits

Scientists have also identified a gene that may Most geneticists concede that for many be-
be related to schizophrenia and a gene that havioral traits it may never be possible to sort
may determine how well alcohol is cleared out the details of the underlying genetic causes.
from the brain after overindulgence. Some genes may play such a minor role that
One of the more recent, and in some ways the search for some QTLs will be fruitless. Nev-
controversial, discoveries involved a gene for ertheless, geneticists have been able to dis-
antisocial behavior (ASB). The study, started in cover QTLs for some important behavioral
1972, followed the lives of 1,037 boys from traits, and the heritability of a number of traits
birth. Children who grew up in abusive envi- has been determined. The better data avail-
ronments were more likely to display antisocial able from the Human Genome Project has
behavior later, which is not a surprise. However, spawned a new field of study called behavioral
about half of the boys were found to have lower genomics.
levels of an enzyme called monoamine oxidase Some traits, such as IQ, may never be fully
A (MAOA), which is involved in the metabo- understood from a genetic perspective. Herita-
lism of several neurotransmitters. The boys with bility of IQ is high, but environment also plays
the lower MAOA activity were twice as likely to an important role, and numerous genes are
have been diagnosed with conduct disorder likely involved. More success has come from fo-
and were three times more likely to have been cusing on specific disorders. For example, four
convicted of a violent crime by age twenty-six. genes have been identified so far that are in-
It should be noted that lower MAOA activity volved in attention deficit hyperactivity disor-
alone was not enough; the boys also had to be der. Other QTLs have been identified in some
exposed to abusive upbringings. Although the studies but have not been found in others. This
link seems strong, it has not been proved, and shows one of the frustrating aspects of studying
further study is being conducted. the genetics of behavior. QTLs identified using
A better understanding of single-gene be- one set of data will not be supported by another
havioral traits could open the way to better set of data. This may be true because such
treatment and more accurate diagnoses, but it QTLs play such a small part in developing the
also opens the potential for discrimination. trait that they are undetectable under certain
This is especially the case for traits like antiso- environmental conditions. Genes and QTLs
cial behavior. Those who test for low MAOA ac- for dyslexia, schizophrenia, and homosexuality
tivity might be incarcerated more readily by so- have also been discovered. The study on homo-
ciety or be punished differently if they are sexuality has been controversial, because the
considered beyond rehabilitation. To avoid QTLs discovered by one set of researchers have
such dangers, society needs to be educated never been successfully identified by anyone
better about the interplay between genes and else.
environment. Instead of punishing offenders For the most complex human traits QTLs
more severely, earlier intervention, as early as still await discovery, but twin studies have given
childhood, might prevent later problems. It some insights. Twin studies involve comparing
may also be possible to stabilize MAOA activity the traits of identical twins that were separated
to near-normal levels in those who have inher- from birth. The assumption is that, because
ently low activity levels. For most behavioral they have been raised in different environ-
traits, though, such concerns are probably un- ments, any traits they share will be primarily
warranted. Because most behavioral traits are due to genetics rather than environment. A
controlled by many genes, all interacting with study of Swedish men showed that heritability
the environment, diagnosis will probably never of cognitive (thinking) ability was 62 percent,
be possible. Yet, when genetic details of the while spatial ability was 32 percent. Heritability
QTLs that have been discovered are learned, of other personality traits fell somewhere be-
therapies might be developed to offset their tween these values. Although these kinds of
potential harm. studies are interesting, they may be misleading.
Behavior 69

Consequently, a number of geneticists criticize Further Reading

such research, especially twin studies, which Avital, Eytan, and Eva Jablonka. Animal Tradi-
have some inherent statistical problems. Such tions: Behavioural Inheritance in Evolution. New
studies can also lead to misunderstandings, es- York: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Broad-
pecially by nonscientists, who often interpret ens the evolutionary approach to behavior
the numbers incorrectly. Saying that cognitive by arguing that the transfer of learned infor-
ability has a 62 percent heritability does not mation across generations is indispensable.
mean that a child has a 62 percent chance of be- Badcock, C. R. Evolutionary Psychology: A Critical
ing as intelligent as his or her parents, but Introduction. Malden, Mass.: Polity Press in
rather that, of the factors involved in determin- association with Blackwell, 2000. An intro-
ing a persons intelligence, genetics accounts ductory text that addresses such topics as se-
for approximately 62 percent of the observed lection and adaptation, survival of the fittest,
variation in the population. the benefits and costs of brain evolution, psy-
chological conflict between parent and child,
language, and development and conflict.
The Future of Behavioral Genetics Benjamin, Jonathan, Richard P. Ebstein, and
Researchers are actively seeking additional Robert H. Belmaker, eds. Molecular Genetics
and stronger links between behavior and ge- and the Human Personality. Washington, D.C.:
netics, but even when such links are found, the American Psychiatric Association, 2002. Pro-
degree to which a particular gene is involved vides a comprehensive overview of the ge-
and the amount of variation among humans netic basis for human personality. Eighteen
may be hard to uncover. The Human Genome chapters, each of which ends with a refer-
Project has greatly accelerated the search for ence section. Index.
the genetic bases of behavior, but with these Briley, Mike, and Fridolin Sulser, eds. Molecular
new data has come an even clearer realization Genetics of Mental Disorders: The Place of Molec-
of the complexity of the connections between ular Genetics in Basic Mechanisms and Clinical
genes and human behavior. If nothing else, the Applications in Mental Disorders. Malden,
future should hold more precise answers to the Mass.: Blackwell, 2001. Explores the role of
long-standing questions about what makes hu- molecular genetics in the understanding of
man beings who they are. The current under- mental disorders and how molecular genet-
standing makes it clear that behavior is deter- ics might help in the development of new
mined neither solely by genes nor solely by the drugs for mental illness. Illustrations.
environment. Continuing studies should make Burnham, Terry, and Jay Phelan. Mean Genes:
the relative contributions of genes and envi- From Sex to Money to FoodTaming Our Primal
ronment more understandable. Instincts. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus, 2000.
W. W. Gearheart, updated by Bryan Ness In examining the issues that most affect peo-
See also: Aggression; Alcoholism; Altruism; ples livesbody image, money, addiction,
Biological Clocks; Biological Determinism; violence, and relationships, friendship, love,
Criminality; Developmental Genetics; Eugen- and fidelityBurnham argues that strug-
ics; Gender Identity; Genetic Engineering: Med- gles for self-improvement are, in fact, battles
ical Applications; Genetic Engineering: Social against ones own genes.
and Ethical Issues; Genetic Screening; Genetic Carson, Ronald A., and Mark A. Rothstein. Be-
Testing; Genetic Testing: Ethical and Economic havioral Genetics: The Clash of Culture and Biol-
Issues; Heredity and Environment; Homosexu- ogy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
ality; Human Genetics; Inbreeding and Assor- Press, 1999. Experts from a range of disci-
tative Mating; Intelligence; Klinefelter Syn- plinesgenetics, ethics, neurosciences, psy-
drome; Knockout Genetics and Knockout Mice; chiatry, sociology, and lawaddress the cul-
Miscegenation and Antimiscegenation Laws; tural, legal, and biological underpinnings of
Natural Selection; Sociobiology; Steroid Hor- behavioral genetics.
mones; Twin Studies; XYY Syndrome. Cartwright, John. Evolution and Human Behav-
70 Biochemical Mutations

ior: Darwinian Perspectives on Human Nature. Web Sites of Interest

Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000. Offers American Association for the Advancement of
an overview of the key theoretical principles Science, Behaviorial Genetics Project. http://
of human sociobiology and evolutionary www.aaas.org/spp/bgenes/meetings.shtml.
psychology and shows how they illuminate Human Genome Project Information, Behav-
the ways humans think and behave. Argues ioral Genetics. http://www.ornl.gov/tech
that humans think, feel, and act in ways that resources/human_genome/elsi/behavior
once enhanced the reproductive success of .html. This site includes information on the
our ancestors. basics of behavioral genetics and links to re-
Clark, William R., and Michael Grunstein. Are lated resources.
We Hardwired? The Role of Genes in Human Be- National Institute of Mental Health, Center for
havior. New York: Oxford University Press, Genetic Studies. http://zork.wustl.edu/
2000. Explores the nexus of modern genet- nimh. A technical site on the collecting of
ics and behavioral science, revealing that few clinical data to help determine the possible
elements of behavior depend upon a single genetic bases of certain mental disorders.
gene; instead, complexes of genes, often
across chromosomes, drive most of human
heredity-based actions. Asserts that genes
and environment are not opposing forces
but work in conjunction.
DeMoss, Robert T. Brain Waves Through Time: Biochemical Mutations
Twelve Principles for Understanding the Evolu- Fields of study: Human genetics and social
tion of the Human Brain and Mans Behavior. issues; Molecular genetics
New York: Plenum Trade, 1999. Provides an Significance: The study of the biochemistry behind
accessible examination on what makes hu- a particular phenotype is often necessary to under-
mans unique and delineates twelve princi- stand the modes of inheritance of mutant genes.
ples that can explain the rise of humankind Knowledge of the biochemistry of mutant individ-
and the evolution of human behavior. uals is especially useful in determining treatments
Plomin, Robert, et al. Behavioral Genetics. 4th ed. for genetic diseases.
New York: Worth, 2001. Introductory text
that explores the basic rules of heredity, its
DNA basis, and the methods used to find ge- Key terms
netic influence and to identify specific genes. allele: a form of a gene at a specific gene lo-
Rosen, David H., and Michael C. Luebbert, eds. cus; a locus in an individual organism typi-
Evolution of the Psyche. Westport, Conn.: cally has two alleles
Praeger, 1999. Surveys a range of scientific biochemical pathway: the steps in the pro-
and theoretical approaches to understand- duction or breakdown of biological chemi-
ing some of the most important markers cals in cells; each step usually requires a par-
connected with the evolution of the psyche, ticular enzyme
including sex and mating, evolution and cre- genotype: the genetic characteristics of a cell
ativity and humor, the survival value of for- or organism, expressed as a set of symbols
giveness, and the evolutionary significance representing the alleles present
of archetypal dreams. heterozygous: a genotype in which a locus
Wright, William. Born That Way: Genes, Behavior, has two alleles that are different
Personality. New York: Knopf, 1998. Uses twin homozygous: a genotype in which a locus has
and adoption studies to trace the evolution two alleles that are the same
of behavioral genetics and discusses the cor- phenotype: expressed or visible characteristics
roborating research in molecular biology of a genotype; different genotypes often are
that underlines the links between genes and expressed as different phenotypes but may
personality. have the same phenotype
Biochemical Mutations 71

Proteins and Simple Dominant and homozygous state, c chc ch. This occurs because
Recessive Alleles the c ch allele codes for a pigment enzyme that is
In order to understand how certain geno- partially defective. The partially defective en-
types are expressed as phenotypes, knowledge zyme works much more slowly than the normal
of the biochemistry behind gene expression is enzyme, and the smaller amount of pigment
essential. It is known that the various sequences produced leads to the gray phenotype. When
of nitrogenous bases in the DNA of genes code this allele is heterozygous with the fully defec-
for the amino acid sequences of proteins. How tive c allele, c chc, there is only half as much of an
the proteins act and interact in an organism de- enzyme that works very slowly. As one might ex-
termines that organisms phenotype. pect, there is less pigment produced, and the
Simple dominant and recessive alleles are phenotype is an even lighter shade of gray
the easiest to understand. For example, in the called light chinchilla. The enzyme concentra-
genetic disease phenylketonuria (PKU), two al- tion does affect the rate of the reaction and, ul-
leles of the PKU locus exist: p+, which codes for timately, the amount of product made. This
phenylalanine hydroxylase, an enzyme that phenomenon is known as incomplete, or par-
converts phenylalanine (a common amino tial, dominance. Genes for the red pigments in
acid in proteins) to tyrosine (another common such flowers as four-oclocks and snapdragons
amino acid); and p, which is unable to code for show incomplete dominance, as do the hair,
the functional form of the enzyme. Individuals skin, and eye pigment genes of humans and the
with two normal alleles, p+p+, have the enzyme purple pigment genes of corn kernels.
and are able to perform this conversion. How- Sometimes a mutation occurs that creates an
ever, individuals with two abnormal alleles, pp, enzyme with a different function instead of cre-
do not have any of this enzyme and are unable ating a defective enzyme. The B allele in the
to make this conversion. Since phenylalanine is ABO blood-group gene codes for an enzyme
not converted to tyrosine, the phenylalanine that adds galactose to a short sugar chain that
accumulates in the organism and eventually exists on the blood cells surface forming the B
forms phenylketones, which are toxic to the antigen. The A allele codes for an enzyme that
nervous system and lead to mental retardation. adds N-acetylgalactosamine to the same previ-
The heterozygote, p+p, has one normal and one ously existing sugar chain, forming the A anti-
abnormal allele. These individuals have phe- gen. Anyone with two B alleles, I BI B, makes only
nylalanine and tyrosine levels within the nor- the B antigen and is type B. Those with two A al-
mal range, since the enzyme can be used over leles, I AI A, make only the A antigen and are type
and over again in the conversion. In other A. Heterozygotes, I AI B, have the enzymes to
words, even when there is only one normal al- make both antigens, and they do. Since they
lele present, there is enough enzyme produced have both antigens on their blood cells, they
for the conversion to proceed at the maximum are classified as type AB. This phenomenon is
rate. known as codominance and is also seen in
Many other inborn errors of metabolism fol- other blood-type genes.
low this same pattern. In the case of albinism, Biochemistry can also explain other single-
for example, afflicted individuals are missing gene phenomena such as the pigmentation
the enzyme necessary to produce the brown- pattern seen in Siamese cats and Himalayan
black melanin pigments. Galactosemics are rabbits. The Siamese-Himalayan allele codes
missing an essential enzyme for the breakdown for an enzyme that is so unstable that it falls
of galactose. apart and is completely nonfunctional at the
normal body temperature of most mammals.
Other Single-Gene Phenomena Only at cooler temperatures can the enzyme re-
Many other genetic phenomena can be ex- tain its stability and function. Since mammals
plained by looking at the biochemistry behind have lower temperatures at their extremities, it
them. For example, the chinchilla coat muta- is there that the enzyme produces pigment; at
tion in rabbits causes a gray appearance in the more centrally located body areas, it cannot
72 Biochemical Mutations

brown pigment, a b+b+rr fly would

have red eyes. When mated, the
resulting progeny would be b+br+r.
They would make both brown and
red pigments and have the normal
brick-colored eyes. Interbreeding
these flies would produce some off-
spring that were bbrr. Since these
offspring make neither brown nor
red pigments, they would be white-
Another multigene phenome-
Image not available non that is seen when looking at the
genes of enzymes that are in the
same biochemical pathway is epista-
sis. Consider the following pathway
in dogs:

colorless brown black

The a+ allele codes for the enzyme

that converts colorless to brown,
but the a allele cannot, and the b+ al-
lele codes for the enzyme that con-
verts brown to black, but the b allele
cannot. The phenotype of an or-
Many genetic phenomena can be explained by looking at the biochemistry be-
ganism that is aab+b+ depends only
hind them. For example, the chinchilla coat in rabbits such as this one at the on the aa genotype, since an aa in-
Dallas Zoo is caused by a mutant allele that, in the homozygous state, codes for dividual produces no brown and
+ +
a pigment enzyme that is partially defective. This partially defective enzyme the b b enzyme can make black
works much more slowly than the normal enzyme, and the smaller amount of only by converting brown to black.
pigment produced leads to the gray phenotype. (AP/Wide World Photos) The cross a+ab+b a+ab+b would be
expected to produce the normal
9a+_b+_ (black) : 3a+_bb (brown) :
function. This leaves a pattern of dark pigmen- 3aab+_ (white) : 1aabb (white) phe-
tation on the tail, ears, nose, feet, and scrotum, notypic ratio of the classic dihybrid cross, but
with no pigmentation at other areas. this is more appropriately expressed as 9 black :
3 brown : 4 white ratio. (The symbol _ is used
Multiple-Gene Phenomena to indicate that the second gene can be either
Few genes act completely independently, dominant or recessive; for example, A_ means
and biochemistry can be used to explain gene that both AA and Aa will result in the same phe-
interactions. One simple interaction can be notype.) Other pathways give different epistatic
seen in fruit-fly eye pigmentation. There are ratios such as the following pathway in peas:
two separate biochemical pathways to make
pigment. One produces the red pteridines, and white white purple
the other produces the brown omochromes. If
b is an allele that cannot code for an enzyme If A codes for the first enzyme, B codes for the
necessary to make red pigments, a bbr +r + fly second enzyme, and a and b are the nonfunc-
would have brown eyes. If r is an allele that can- tional alleles, both AAbb and aabb are white.
not code for an enzyme necessary to make Their progeny when they are crossed, AaBb, is
Bioethics 73

purple because it has both of the enzymes in bridization. Surveys the structure, evolution,
the pathway. Interbreeding the AaBb progeny and mutational instability of the human ge-
gives a ratio of 9 purple to 7 white. nome and human genes, and examines map-
Human pigmentation is another case in ping of the human genome, study of genetic
which many genes are involved. In this case, the diseases, and dissection and manipulation
various genes determine how much pigment is of genes.
produced by nonalbino individuals. Several
gene loci are involved, and the contributions of
each allele of these loci is additive. In other
words, the more functional alleles one has, the Bioethics
darker the pigmentation; the fewer one has,
the lighter. Since many of the genes involved Field of study: Bioethics; Human genetics
for skin, eye, and hair color are independent, and social issues
ranges of color in all three areas are seen that Significance: Bioethics is the practice of helping so-
may or may not be the same. In addition, there ciety and, more specifically, families, patients, and
are genes that code for enzymes that produce medical teams, make tough health care decisions.
chemicals that modify the expression of the This branch of philosophy focuses on helping indi-
pigment genes (for example, to change blue viduals decide what is right for them while ad-
eyes to gray, convert hazel eyes to green, or dressing the needs of families, health care provid-
change brown hair to auburn). This gives rise ers, and society.
to the great diversity of pigmentation seen in
humans today. Add to these many possible ex- Key terms
pression patterns at the biochemical level the genetic testing: the use of the techniques of
effect of the environment, and it is clear why genetics research to determine a persons
such great variation in phenotypic expression risk of developing, or status as a carrier of, a
is possible. disease or other disorder
Richard W. Cheney, Jr. informed consent: the right of patients to
See also: Chemical Mutagens; Chromo- know the risks of medical treatment and to
some Mutation; Classical Transmission Genet- determine what is done to their bodies
ics; Complete Dominance; Dihybrid Inheri-
tance; Epistasis; Inborn Errors of Metabolism; The Emergence of Bioethics
Incomplete Dominance; Monohybrid Inheri- As early as the mid-1960s, advances in genet-
tance; Mutation and Mutagenesis; Oncogenes; ics and reproduction, life support, and trans-
Phenylketonuria (PKU); Tumor-Suppressor plantation technologies spurred an increased
Genes. focus on ethical issues in medicine and scien-
tific research. From the late 1960s through the
Further Reading mid-1970s, bioethicists were preoccupied with
Neumann, David, et al. Human Variability in Re- the moral difficulties of obtaining voluntary,
sponse to Chemical Exposures: Measures, informed consent from human subjects in sci-
Modeling, and Risk Assessment. Boca Raton, entific research. They concentrated on the de-
Fla.: CRC Press, 1998. Addresses genetic evi- velopment of ethical guidelines in research
dence for variability in the human response that would ensure the protection of individuals
to chemicals associated with reproductive vulnerable to exploitation, including mentally
and developmental effects, the nervous sys- or physically handicapped individuals, prison-
tem and lungs, and cancer. ers, and children. Beginning in the mid-1970s
Strachan, Tom, and Andrew Read. Human Mo- and continuing through the mid-1980s, bio-
lecular Genetics. 2d ed. New York: Wiley, 1999. ethicists became increasingly involved in dis-
Provides introductory material on DNA and cussions of the definitions of life, death, and
chromosomes and describes principles and what it means to be human. In the mid-1980s,
applications of cloning and molecular hy- practitioners began to focus on cost contain-
74 Bioethics

Presidents Council on Bioethics

President George W. Bush established the Presi- way to advance research while guarding against
dents Council on Bioethics by executive order on abuse. The minority favored regulating cloned em-
November 28, 2001. Its mission was to advise the bryos used in biomedical research, including federal
chief executive on bioethical issues emerging from licensing, oversight, and time limits on the length of
advances in biomedical science and technology. Spe- time for development of cloned embryos.
cifically mentioned in the councils mission were President Bush stated his strong opposition to hu-
embryo and stem cell research, assisted reproduc- man cloning in a speech in August, 2001. The Hu-
tion, cloning, and end-of-life issues. Other ethical man Cloning Prohibition Act of 2003, which banned
and social issues identified for discussion included all forms of human cloning, including cloning to
the protection of human research subjects and the create a pregnancy and cloning for medical re-
appropriate use of biomedical technologies. The search, passed the House of Representatives in Feb-
council, chaired by Leon Kass, consisted of eighteen ruary of 2003 by a vote of 241 to 155. It also made it a
members appointed by the president, who were eligi- crime to receive or import a cloned human embryo
ble for reappointment. Included in that group were or any product derived from a cloned human em-
scientists, physicians, ethicists, social scientists, law- bryo, punishable by $1 million in fines and ten
yers, and theologians. The council was scheduled years imprisonment. This part of the law essentially
to terminate two years after its creation unless ex- made it illegal to harvest embryonic stem cells for
tended. medical research.
Deeply controversial issues constituted the sub- Stem cellsundifferentiated cells that have the
ject matter of the inquiries undertaken by the coun- potential to grow into any type of tissueare created
cil. Debate among its members as well as discussions in the first days of pregnancy. Scientists hope to di-
on the floors of the Senate and House of Representa- rect stem cells to grow a variety of tissues for use in
tives were strongly divisive, producing heated argu- transplantation to treat serious illnesses such as can-
ment and disagreement. The councils members cer, heart disease, and diabetes. Embryos have been
were particularly divided on the issue of human clon- valued in research for their ability to produce these
ing, producing two recommendations for national stem cells, but the harvesting process requires the
policy. Both recommendations would ban cloning to destruction of days-old embryos (a procedure con-
produce children, and ten of the eighteen council demned by the Catholic Church, President Bush,
members recommended a four-year moratorium on anti-abortion activists, and womens rights organiza-
human cloning for biomedical research while the is- tions). Other research, however, points to similar
sue continued to be studied. Declining to call for an promise using stem cells harvested from adults, so
outright ban on cloning, the divided council stated that no embryos are destroyed.
that prudent and sensible regulation was the best Marcia J. Weiss

ment in health care and the allocation of scarce reproductive materialstheir eggs or sperm
medical resources. to create embryos or fetuses without their ex-
Bioethicists worry about such matters as the plicit consent.
guarantee of privacy, especially when compul- Beginning in 1992, the Joint Commission on
sory testing for genetic disorders is involved, Accreditation of Health Care Organizations,
and about the limits of a persons right to the U.S. agency that accredits hospitals and
threaten the health of others versus the per- health care institutions, required these organi-
sonal right to freedom of choice. For example, zations to establish committees to formulate
the dissemination of information about ge- ethics policies and address ethical conflicts and
netic predispositions to chronic, costly, or inca- issues. Centers for the study of biomedical eth-
pacitating conditions can result in the denial of ics such as the Society for Health and Human
insurance coverage, job opportunities, and ad- Values and the Park Ridge Center for the Study
mittance to educational programs. Bioethicists of Health, Faith, and Ethics became important
also debate such matters as the use of peoples forums for public debate and research.
Bioethics 75

The overriding principle of bioethics and tors typically considered before a person un-
U.S. law is to respect each persons right to de- dergoes genetic testing include the nature of
cide, free of coercion, what treatments or pro- the test, the timing of the test, and the options
cedures he or she will undergo, except when that having the test results will bring. Testing
the person making the decision is not compe- can be done prenatally to detect disorders in fe-
tent because of youth, mental retardation, or tuses; it can also be done before conception to
medical deterioration. Other important rights determine whether a prospective parent is a
discussed by bioethicists include a patients carrier of a gene for a particular disorder or dis-
right to know that medical practitioners are ease. Tests can also provide information about
telling the truth and the right to know the risks whether an adult is susceptible to or even in a
of proposed medical treatment. presymptomatic state for a genetic disorder.
Practicing bioethicists help patients to focus
Impact and Applications on whether genetic testing will help them with
Advances in genetics and genetic testing have the nature and severity of any disorders they or
created a host of dilemmas for bioethicists, pa- their children may have, the degree of disabil-
tients, and the health care establishment. For ity or discomfort they may face, the costs and
example, as the ability to forecast and under- rigors of treatment, and the options that might
stand the genetic code progresses, people will be opened or closed as a result of testing. The
have to decide whether knowing the future, key for consumers of genetic testing is whether
even if it cannot be altered or changed, is a the information obtained can be provided in
good thing for them or their children. time and at a time when it can help to guide
Bioethicists help people to decide whether treatments or family planning. Some affected
genetic testing can be valuable for them. Fac- persons need only to make lifestyle changes or

Image not available

Leon Kass of the University of Chicago was appointed head of the Presidents Council on Bioethics in November, 2001. Professor
Kass and a panel of scientists, doctors, lawyers, and ethicists advised the Bush administration on policy issues surrounding stem
cell and other research in biology, medicine, and genetics. (AP/Wide World Photos)
76 Bioethics

take medications to help prevent or manage a and insurance justificationsand the way in
disease; others learn that they or their off- which this interaction profoundly affects
spring are at risk for, or even likely to develop, decision making, patient health, and treat-
serious and often untreatable disorders. Know- ment.
ing ones genetic fate may be more of a burden Comstock, Gary L., ed. Life Science Ethics. Ames:
than a person wants, particularly if there is Iowa State Press, 2002. Introduces ethical
nothing that can be done to change or alter the reasoning in the area of humankinds rela-
risks the person faces. Bioethicists act as guides tionship with nature and presents twelve fic-
through the complicated and often wrenching tional case studies as a means to show the ap-
decision process. plication of ethical reasoning.
Fred Buchstein Danis, Marion, Carolyn Clancy, and Larry R.
See also: Bioinformatics; Biological Deter- Churchill, eds. Ethical Dimensions of Health
minism; Cloning: Ethical Issues; Criminality; Policy. New York: Oxford University Press,
DNA Fingerprinting; Eugenics; Eugenics: Nazi 2002. The three authors, from varied profes-
Germany; Forensic Genetics; Gene Therapy; sions within the medical field, attempt to
Gene Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues; identify the goals of health care, examine
Genetic Counseling; Genetic Engineering: So- how to connect ethical considerations with
cial and Ethical Issues; Genetic Screening; Ge- the making of health policy, and discuss spe-
netic Testing; Genetic Testing: Ethical and cific areas of ethical controversy such as re-
Economic Issues; Human Genetics; In Vitro source allocation, accountability, the needs
Fertilization and Embryo Transfer; Insurance; of vulnerable populations, and the conduct
Miscegenation and Antimiscegenation Laws; of health services research.
Patents on Life-Forms; Paternity Tests; Prena- Evans, John Hyde. Playing God? Human Genetic
tal Diagnosis; Race; Stem Cells; Sterilization Engineering and the Rationalization of Public
Laws. Bioethical Debate. Chicago: University of Chi-
cago Press, 2002. Provides a framework for
Further Reading understanding the public debate, and de-
Bulger, Ruth Ellen, Elizabeth Heitman, and tails the various positions of the debates
Stanley Joel Reiser, eds. The Ethical Dimen- players, including eugenicists, theologians,
sions of the Biological and Health Sciences. 2d ed. and bioethicists.
New York: Cambridge University Press, Kass, Leon R. Life, Liberty, and the Defense of Dig-
2002. Designed for graduate students who nity: The Challenge for Bioethics. San Francisco:
will be conducting research in the medical Encounter Books, 2002. Examines genetic
and biological sciences. Provides essays, research, cloning, and active euthanasia,
readings, and questions to stimulate think- and argues that biotechnology has left hu-
ing about ethical issues and implications. manity out of its equation, often debasing
Caplan, Arthur. Due Consideration: Controversy in human dignity rather than celebrating it.
the Age of Medical Miracles. New York: Wiley, Kristol, William, and Eric Cohen, eds. The Fu-
1997. A leading bioethicist analyzes the ture Is Now: America Confronts the New Genetics.
moral questions regarding scientific ad- Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2002.
vancements, among them cloning, assisted Brings together classic writings (George Or-
suicide, genetic engineering, and treating well, Aldous Huxley) as well as more recent
illnesses during fetal development. essays and congressional testimony about
Charon, Rita, and Martha Montello, eds. Stories human cloning, genetic engineering, stem
Matter: The Role of Narrative in Medical Ethics. cell research, biotechnology, human nature,
New York: Routledge, 2002. Explores the and American democracy.
narrative interaction of the medical field May, Thomas. Bioethics in a Liberal Society: The Po-
the written and verbal communication in- litical Framework of Bioethics Decision Making.
volved in doctors notes, patients stories, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,
the recommendations of ethics committees, 2002. Takes the debate about biomedical
Biofertilizers 77

ethics into the political realm, analyzing how ganization specializes in bioethics, and its
the political context of liberal constitutional site contains news postings, articles on bio-
democracy shapes the rights and obligations ethics and different aspects of genetic sci-
of both patients and health care profession- ence, and announcements of events and
als. publications.
ONeill, Onora. Autonomy and Trust in Bioethics.
New York: Cambridge University Press,
2002. Examines issues surrounding repro-
ductive and principled autonomy, trust, con- Biofertilizers
sent, and the media and bioethics.
Singer, Peter. Unsanctifying Human Life: Essays Field of study: Genetic engineering and
on Ethics. Edited by Helga Kuhse. Malden, biotechnology
Mass.: Blackwell, 2002. Singer is one of to- Significance: Biofertilizers were used in agricul-
days major bioethicists. Here he examines ture long before chemical fertilizers became preva-
the role of philosophers and philosophy in lent during and after the Industrial Revolution.
such questions as the moral status of the em- The depleted soil fertility and contamination of
bryo, animal rights, and how we should live. ecosystems caused by the extensive use of chemical
Veatch, Robert M. The Basics of Bioethics. 2d ed. fertilizers, however, has prompted the redevelop-
Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, ment of biofertilizers, which are designed to work
2003. In a textbook designed for students, according to basic principles at work in nature,
Veatch presents an overview of the main the- taking advantage of plants and other organisms
ories and policy questions in biomedical eth- to maintain healthy soil.
ics. Includes diagrams, case studies, and defi-
nitions of key concepts. Key terms
algae: minute plants that live in fresh water;
Web Sites of Interest they are used as biofertilizers because of
American Journal of Bioethics Online. http:// their high productivity and ability to fix at-
www.bioethics.net. Provides sections on mospheric nitrogen
cloning basics, animal cloning, stem cells, nodule: a symbiotic relationship between bac-
U.S. federal and state laws, the cloning de- teria and plant roots that causes the conver-
bate, news, and more. sion of nitrogen gas into a form readily ac-
Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown Univer- cessible by plants
sity. http://www.georgetown.edu/research/ symbiosis: a mutually beneficial association
kie. Links to many resources on bioethics as between two living organisms
well as a bioethics library that in turn leads
to resources on human genetics and ethics. Overview
National Information Resource on Ethics and Biofertilizers are living microorganisms that
Human Genetics. http://www.georgetown work either alone or in association with matter
.edu/research/nrcbl/nirehg. Supports links and other organisms to enhance the fertility of
to databases, annotated bibliographies, and soil. For many centuries, biofertilizers were
articles about the ethics of genetic testing used in organic farming in countries such as
and human genetics. China, India, and Egypt until modernization
Presidents Council on Bioethics. http:// resulted in a move toward the use of environ-
bioethics.gov. Government arm that advises mentally destructive chemical fertilizers. Or-
on ethical issues surrounding biomedical ganic agriculture integrates livestock, aquatic
science and technology. Includes links to organisms, plants, and the scientific enhance-
bioethics literature and other resources on ment of natural processes to maintain ecologi-
ethics and human genetics. cal equilibrium, thus maximizing the produc-
The Hastings Center. http://www.thehastings tion of foods and goods through complete
center.org. This independent nonprofit or- recycling of all resources. Biofertilizers may in-
78 Biofertilizers

clude microorganisms, nitrogen-fixing algae, mal, but if they are grown too densely, they may
green manure, plant residues, and sewer sludge. become weeds and suffocate aquatic animals.
Biofertilizers not only provide an alternative
method of farming but may also provide the Green Manure, Plant Residues, and
only way to reduce environmental contamina- Treated Sewer Sludge
tion and soil fertility depletion caused by chem- Some crops, particularly legumes, are grown
ical fertilizers. and harvested to be used as green manure to
restore the soils fertility. They may be used di-
Microorganisms and Algae rectly or mixed with microorganisms. Green
Microorganisms must be applied to the soil manure releases nutrients slowly and provides
or mixed with seeds and other ingredients be- long-term fertility for soil. After grains are har-
fore they can establish a symbiotic relationship vested for food, plant residues are processed
with a plants root system. They have been into fertilizer in one of two ways. They may be
shown to stabilize manure, increase the amount burned to extract energy, after which the ashes
of nitrogen in the soil, increase root surface are applied to the soil. Alternatively, they may
area for absorption, and control the leaking of be fermented in a sealed underground tank to
nitrogen into the groundwater. Another type of make methane to be used as natural gas or
association between plant roots (particularly ethanol, which may become an increasingly im-
legumes) and nitrogen-fixing bacteria is a sym- portant fuel source. Genetically engineered
biotic relationship called a nodule. Nodules microbes convert fiber-rich crop residues such
are natural factories that produce ample fer- as wheat straw and corn stalks into ethanol.
tilizers by converting nitrogen into ammonium, Solid residue left over after fermentation is
a form of nitrogen that may be used directly by used as a biofertilizer. The fermentation ap-
plants or deposited slowly into the soil, thus en- proach is promising because it is environmen-
hancing its fertility. While continuous applica- tally friendly and also creates alternative en-
tion of chemical fertilizers depletes the soils ergy sources, additional income, and market
natural fertility and destroys beneficial micro- opportunities for farmers.
organisms, natural fertilizers produced by nod- Even though sewer sludge has been used as a
ules alleviate the contamination to the ecosys- fertilizer in developing countries for some
tem. Unfortunately, nodules are formed only time, people are more resistant to it because of
between legumes and bacteria, thus limiting the animal and human wastes present in the
their use. Genetically engineered bacteria are sludge. Proper treatments must be in place to
being used to improve the efficiency of nitro- get rid of possible heavy metals or pathogens.
gen fixation, and some researchers have at- More research is needed on sewer sludge be-
tempted to transfer genes responsible for form- fore it is considered for wide use as a fertilizer.
ing such symbiotic relationships from legumes Ming Y. Zheng
to other plant species. See also: Biopesticides; Genetic Engi-
Algae are minute plants that are almost en- neering; Genetic Engineering: Agricultural
tirely aquatic. They grow and reproduce very Applications; Genetically Modified (GM)
rapidly during the growing season but die off Foods; High-Yield Crops; Quantitative Inheri-
during the nongrowing season. Such a boom tance; Transgenic Organisms.
and bust life cycle provides the soil with sub-
stantial amounts of nutrients through the deg- Further Reading
radation of dead algae and the deposit of the Bethlenfalvay, G. J., and R. G. Linderman.
nitrogen fixed by algae during the growing sea- Mycorrhizae in Sustainable Agriculture. Madi-
son. Two types of algae, azospirillum and azoto- son, Wis.: American Society of Agronomy,
bacter, have been used as biofertilizers in rice 1992. Provides excellent discussions on the
fields for centuries in Southeast Asia. Algae are knowledge and importance of mycorrhizae
the only plants that are able to fix nitrogen by to plants and the soil.
themselves. The cost of raising algae is mini- Chrispeels, M. J., and D. E. Sadava. Plants, Genes,
Bioinformatics 79

and Crop Biotechnology. Boston: Jones and Key terms

Bartlett, 2003. Offers a discussion on the po- algorithm: a mathematical rule or procedure
tential genetic modifications necessary to in- for solving a specific problem; in bioinfor-
crease the use of microorganisms to supply matics, a computer program is built to im-
nitrogen fertilizer. plement an algorithm, but different algo-
Legocki, Andrezej, Hermann Bothe, and Al- rithms may be used to achieve the same
fred Phler, eds. Biological Fixation of Nitrogen resultthat is, to align two sequences
for Ecology and Sustainable Agriculture. New database: an organized collection of informa-
York: Springer, 1997. From the proceedings tion within a computer system that can be
of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop used for storage and retrieval as well as for
held in Pozna, Poland, in 1996. Includes complex searches and analyses
bibliographical references. GenBank: a comprehensive, annotated collec-
Lynch, J. M. Soil Biotechnology: Microbiological tion of publicly available DNA sequences
Factors in Crop Productivity. Boston: Blackwell maintained by the National Center for Bio-
Scientific, 1983. Contains some excellent in- technology Information and available
formation on the potential for genetically through its Web site
engineered microorganisms to improve genomics: the use of high-throughput tech-
crop production. nology to analyze molecular events within
Matson, P. A., et al. Agricultural Intensifica- cells at the whole genome scale (for exam-
tion and Ecosystem Properties. Science 277 ple, all of the genes, all of the messenger
(July 25, 1997): 504-509. Provides useful in- RNA, or all of the proteins)
formation on agriculture intensification Human Genome Project: a publicly funded
and its sustainability, a strategy that can help international project to determine the com-
reduce negative consequences. plete DNA sequence of human genomic
Salisbury, F. B., and C. W. Ross. Plant Physiology. (chromosomal) DNA and to map all of the
4th ed. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1992. genes, which produced a final sequence in
Contains excellent chapters on plant nutri- April, 2003
tion and nitrogen metabolism. microarray: a technology to measure gene ex-
pression using nucleic acid hybridization of
Web Site of Interest messenger RNA to a miniature array of DNA
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Biotechnol- probes for many genes
ogy: An Information Resource. http:// proteomics: a collection of technologies that
www.nal.usda.gov/bic. A government site examine proteins within a cell in a holistic
that offers dozens of links to information on fashion, identifying or quantitating a large
applications of genetic engineering to agri- number of proteins within a single sample,
culture. identifying many protein-protein or protein-
DNA interactions, and so on

The Need for Bioinformatics

Bioinformatics The sequencing of cloned DNA molecules
has become a routine, automated task in the
Fields of study: Bioinformatics; Molecular modern molecular genetics laboratory, and
genetics; Techniques and methodologies large, publicly funded genome projects have
Significance: Bioinformatics is the application of determined the complete genomic sequences
information technology to the management of bio- for humans, mice, fruit flies, dozens of bacte-
logical information to organize data and extract ria, and many other species of interest to ge-
meaning. It is a hybrid discipline that combines neticists. All of this information is now freely
elements of computer science, information tech- available in online databases. Computational
nology, mathematics, statistics, and molecular ge- molecular biology tools allow for the design of
netics. polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers, re-
80 Bioinformatics

striction enzyme cloning strategies, and even tive information, such as the organism from
entire in silico experiments. This greatly accel- which it comes, its location on the genome, the
erates the work of researchers but also changes person or organization that produced the se-
the daily lives of many biologists so that they quence, and a unique identification number
spend more time working with computers and (accession number) so that it can be refer-
less time working with test tubes and pipettors. enced in scientific literature. This additional
The rapid accumulation of enormous amounts annotation information can also be stored as
of molecular sequence data and their cryptic texteven in the same file with the sequence
and subtle patterns have created a need for informationbut there must be a consistent
computerized databases and analysis tools. format, a standard.
Bioinformatics provides essential support In addition to maintaining basic flat-file
services to modern molecular genetics for or- structures for text data, it is useful to maintain
ganizing, analyzing, and distributing data. As sequence data in relational databases, which al-
DNA sequencing and other molecular genetic low for much faster searching across multiple
technologies become more automated, data query terms and the linkage of sequence data
are generated ever more rapidly, and comput- files with other relevant information. The most
ing systems must be designed to store the data sophisticated and widely used relational data-
and make them available to scientists in a use- base system for bioinformatics is the Entrez sys-
ful fashion. The use of these vast quantities of tem at the National Center for Biotechnology
data for the discovery of new genes and genetic Information (NCBI). Entrez is a relational data-
principles relies on the development of sophis- base that includes cross-links between all of
ticated new data-mining tools. The challenge the DNA sequences in GenBank. GenBank ex-
of bioinformatics is in finding new approaches changes data with the DNA DataBank of Japan
to deal with the volume and complexity of the and the European Molecular Biology Labora-
data, and in providing researchers with access tory on a daily basis to ensure that all three cen-
both to the raw data and to sophisticated and ters maintain the same set of data, and all peer-
flexible analysis tools in order to advance re- reviewed journals require the submission of
searchers understanding of genetics and its sequence data to GenBank prior to publication
role in health and disease. of research articles; publicly funded sequencing
projects, such as the Human Genome Project,
Database Design submit new sequence data to GenBank as it is
The DNA sequence data collected by auto- collected, so that the scientific community can
mated sequencing equipment can be repre- have immediate access to it. Entrez also includes
sented as a simple sequence of letters: G, A, T, all of the derived protein sequences (transla-
and Cwhich stand for the four nucleotide tions from cDNAs and predicted coding se-
bases on one strand of the DNA molecule (gua- quences in genomic DNA), the scientific litera-
nine, adenine, thymine, and cytosine). These ture in MedLine/PubMed, three-dimensonal
letters can easily be stored as plain text files on a protein structures from the Protein Data Base
computer. Similarly, protein sequences can also (PDB), and human genetic information from
be stored as text files using the twenty single- the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
letter abbreviations for the amino acids. (OMIM) database. Relational databases are
There is a significant advantage to storing even more important for more complex types
DNA and protein sequence as plain text files, of genomic data, such as gene expression micro-
also known as flat files. Text files take up mini- arrays and genetic variation and genotyping
mal amounts of hard-drive space, can be used data sets.
on any type of computer and operating system,
and can easily be moved across the Internet. Key Algorithms
However, a text file with a bunch of letters rep- Some of the key algorithms used in bio-
resenting a DNA or protein sequence is essen- informatics include sequence alignment (dy-
tially meaningless without some basic descrip- namic programming), sequence similarity
Bioinformatics 81

Image not available

Steven Brenner, of the University of California at Berkeley, next to a computer running bioinformatics software in November, 2001.
He advocates distributing information freely as open source code, claiming that this is the best way to debug bioinformatics software
and advance research. (AP/Wide World Photos)

(word matching from hash tables), assembly of New Types of Data

overlapping fragments, clustering (hierarchi- In addition to DNA and protein sequences,
cal, self-organizing maps, principal compo- bioinformatics is being called upon to organize
nents, and the like), pattern recognition, and many other types of biological information that
protein three-dimensonal structure prediction. are being collected in ever greater amounts.
Bioinformatics is both eclectic and pragmatic: Gene expression microarrays collect informa-
Algorithms are adopted from many different tion on the amounts of mRNA produced from
disciplines, including linguistics, statistics, artifi- tens of thousands of different genes in a sin-
cial intelligence and machine learning, remote gle tissue sample. Proteomics technologies are
sensing, and information theory. There is no automating the process of mass spectroscopy,
consistent set of theoretical rules at the core of which allows investigators to identify and mea-
bioinformatics; it is simply a collection of what- sure thousands of proteins in a single cell ex-
ever algorithms and data structures have been tract sample. Genes and proteins can also be or-
found to work for the current data-management ganized into gene families based on sequence
problems being faced by biologists. As new similarity, homology across organisms (com-
types of data become important in the work of parative genomics), and function in metabolic
molecular geneticists, new algorithms for bio- or regulatory pathways. Many new technolo-
informatics will be invented or adopted. gies are being developed to measure genetic
82 Bioinformatics

variation: genetic tests either for alleles of well- entries in GenBank; however, these links are
studied genes or for anonymous single nucleo- not reciprocal. Someone looking at a GenBank
tide polymorphisms (SNPs) identified from cDNA sequence in the Entrez browser would
genome sequence data. As these genotyping have no way of knowing that a corresponding
technologies are improved, it is becoming pos- protein entry is present in a database dedicated
sible to collect data in an automated fashion for to Drosophila genetics or to G-protein coupled
many genetic loci from a single DNA sample, or receptor mutants. It is never possible for scien-
to test a single genetic locus on many thou- tists to be certain that they have collected all of
sands of DNA samples in parallel. These new the relevant information about a molecule of
data types require new database designs and interest from all online databases.
the inclusion of new types of algorithms (from Stuart M. Brown
statistics, population genetics, and other disci- See also: cDNA Libraries; DNA Finger-
plines) in bioinformatics data-management so- printing; DNA Sequencing Technology; For-
lutions. ensic Genetics; Genetic Testing: Ethical and
Economic Issues; Genetics, Historical Develop-
Integration ment of; Genomic Libraries; Genomics; Hu-
The biggest challenge facing bioinformatics man Genome Project; Icelandic Genetic Data-
is the integration of various types of data in a base; Linkage Maps; Proteomics.
form that allows scientists to extract meaning-
ful insights into biology from the masses of Further Reading
information in molecular genetic databases. Baxevanis, Andreas D., and B. F. Francis
Genome browsers are one example of this chal- Ouellette. Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to
lenge. It is extremely difficult to provide a dis- the Analysis of Genes and Proteins. 2d ed. Ho-
play that allows someone to view all of the boken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2003. This
relevant information about a gene or a chro- book provides a sound foundation of basic
mosomal region, including the identity of en- concepts of bioinformatics, with practical
coded proteins, protein structure and func- discussions and comparisons of both com-
tional information, involvement in metabolic putational tools and databases relevant to
and regulatory pathways, developmental and biological research. The standard text for
tissue-specific gene expression, evolutionary most graduate-level bioinformatics courses.
relationships to proteins in other organisms, Claverie, Jean-Michel, and Cedric Notredame.
DNA motifs bound by regulatory proteins, ge- Bioinformatics for Dummies. Hoboken, N.J.:
netic synteny with other species (that is, having John Wiley & Sons, 2003. A practical intro-
genes with loci on the same chromosome), duction to bioinformatics: computer tech-
phenotypes of mutations, and known alleles nologies that biochemical and pharmaceuti-
and SNPs and their frequency in various popu- cal researchers use to analyze genetic and
lations. biological data. This reference addresses
Another, much more modest, goal would be common biological questions, problems,
simply to alert a person viewing a DNA or pro- and projects while providing a UNIX/Linux
tein sequence in one database of the existence overview and tips on tweaking bioinformatic
of additional information about that entity in applications using Perl.
other databases. At the present time, such cross- Krawetz, Stephen A., and David D. Womble. In-
database links are inconsistent and unreliable. troduction to Bioinformatics: A Theoretical and
The NCBI cross-references its own databases Practical Approach. Totowa, N.J.: Humana
from DNA to proteins to three-dimensional Press, 2003. Aimed at undergraduates, grad-
structures to PubMed articles to genomes. Most uate students, and researchers. Four sec-
special subject databases, such as those that fo- tions: Biochemistry: Cell and Molecular
cus on a particular species or on a particular Biology, Molecular Genetics, Unix Oper-
type of molecule, link DNA and protein se- ating System, and Computer Applica-
quences back to the corresponding reference tions.
Biological Clocks 83

Mount, David W. Bioinformatics: Sequence and Ge- personality changes, and deterioration of
nome Analysis. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: higher mental functions
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2001. circadian rhythm: a cycle of behavior, ap-
A textbook written for the biologist who proximately twenty-four hours long, that is
wants to acquire a thorough understanding expressed independent of environmental
of popular bioinformatics programs and changes
molecular databases. It does not teach pro- free-running cycle: the rhythmic activity of
gramming but does explain the theory be- an individual that operates in a constant en-
hind each of the algorithms. vironment
Nucleic Acids Research 31, no. 1 (2003). This Huntingtons disease: an autosomal domi-
widely respected journal produces a special nant genetic disorder characterized by loss
issue in January of each year devoted en- of mental and motor functions in which
tirely to online bioinformatics databases. symptoms typically do not appear until after
The articles represent the definitive state- age thirty
ment by the directors of each of the major suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN): a cluster of
public databases of molecular biology data several thousand nerve cells that contains a
regarding the types of information and anal- central clock mechanism that is active in the
ysis tools in their databases and plans for de- maintenance of circadian rhythms
velopment in the immediate future.
Types of Cycles
Web Sites of Interest Biological clocks control a number of physi-
Bioinformatics Organization. http://www.bio ological functions, including sexual behavior
informatics.org. Provides a helpful tutorial and reproduction, hormonal levels, periods of
on bioinformatics. activity and rest, body temperature, and other
European Bioinformatics Institute. http://www activities. In humans, phenomena such as jet
.ebi.ac.uk. Maintains databases concerning lag and shift-work disorders are thought to re-
nucleic acids, protein sequences, and macro- sult from disturbances to the innate biological
molecular structures, as well as postings of clock.
news and events and descriptions of ongoing The most widely studied cycles are circadian
scientific projects. rhythms. These rhythms have been observed in
a variety of animals, plants, and microorgan-
isms and are involved in regulating both com-
plex and simple behaviors. Typically, circadian
Biological Clocks rhythms are innate, self-sustaining, and have a
cyclicity of nearly, but not quite, twenty-four
Field of study: Human genetics and social hours. Normal temperature ranges do not alter
issues them, but bursts of light or temperature can
Significance: Biological clocks control those peri- change the rhythms to periods of more or less
odic behaviors of living systems that are a part of than twenty-four hours. Circadian rhythms are
their normal function. The rhythms may be of a apparent in the activities of many species, in-
daily, monthly, yearly, or even longer periodicity. cluding humans, flying squirrels, and rattle-
In some cases, the clocks may be programmed to snakes. They are also seen to control feeding
regulate processes that may occur at some point behavior in honeybees, song calling in crickets,
in the lifetime of the individual, such as those and hatching of lizard eggs.
processes related to aging. Altered or disturbed What is known about the nature of the biolog-
rhythms may result in disease. ical clock? The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
consists of a few thousand neurons or special-
Key terms ized nerve cells that are found at the base of the
Alzheimers disease: a disorder characterized hypothalamus, the part of the brain that con-
by brain lesions leading to loss of memory, trols the nervous and endocrine systems. The
84 Biological Clocks

SCN appears to play a major role in the regula- A semidominant autosomal mutation,
tion of circadian rhythms in mammals and af- CLOCK, in the mouse produces a circadian
fects cycles of sleep, activity, and reproduction. rhythm one hour longer than normal. Mice
The seasonal rhythm in the SCN appears to be that are homozygous (have two copies) for
related to the development of seasonal depres- the CLOCK mutation develop twenty-seven- to
sion and bulimia nervosa. Light therapy is ef- twenty-eight-hour rhythms when initially placed
fective in these disorders. Blind people, whose in darkness and lose circadian rhythmicity com-
biological clocks may lack the entraining ef- pletely after being in darkness for two weeks.
fects of light, often show free-running rhythms. No anatomical defects have been seen in associ-
Genetic control of circadian rhythms is indi- ation with the CLOCK mutation.
cated by the findings of single-gene mutations
that alter or abolish circadian rhythms in sev- Biological Clocks and Aging
eral organisms, including the fruit fly (Drosoph- Genes present in the fertilized egg direct
ila) and the mouse. A mutation in Drosophila and organize life processes from conception
affects the normal twenty-four-hour activity until death. There are genes whose first effects
pattern so that there is no activity pattern at all. may not be evident until middle age or later.
Other mutations produce shortened (nineteen- Huntingtons disease (also known as Hunting-
hour) or lengthened (twenty-nine-hour) cy- tons chorea) is such a disorder. An individual
cles. The molecular genetics of each of these who inherits this autosomal dominant gene is
mutations is known. programmed around midlife to develop in-

Image not available

A squirrel hibernates in the hands of University of Minnesota biochemist Matt Andrews. Because the ground squirrel possesses the
ability to put its body into this form of stasis, it is nearly immune to strokes. The genetics of such biological clocks may one day lead to
better treatments for strokes in humans. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Biological Clocks 85

voluntary muscle movement and signs of men- review of research on organisms from algae
tal deterioration. Progressive deterioration of to primates, expanding traditional geronto-
body functions leads to death, usually within fif- logical and geriatric issues to intersect with
teen years. It is possible to test individuals early behavioral, developmental, evolutionary,
in life before symptoms appear, but such tests, and molecular biology. Illustrated.
when no treatment for the disease is available, Hamer, Dean, and Peter Copeland. Living with
are controversial. Our Genes: Why They Matter More than You
Alzheimers disease (AD) is another disor- Think. New York: Doubleday, 1998. Links
der in which genes seem to program processes DNA and behavior and contains a good
to occur after middle age. AD is a progressive, chapter on biological clocks and aging.
degenerative disease that results in a loss of in- Medina, John J. The Clock of Ages: Why We Age,
tellectual function. Symptoms worsen until a How We AgeWinding Back the Clock. New
person is no longer able to care for himself or York: Cambridge University Press, 1996. A
herself, and death occurs on an average of book written especially for the general
eight years after the onset of symptoms. AD reader. Covers aging on a system-by-system
may appear as early as forty years of age, al- basis and includes a large section on the ge-
though most people are sixty-five or older netics of aging.
when they are diagnosed. Age and a family his- Nelson, James Lindemann, and Hilde Linde-
tory of AD are clear risk factors. Gene muta- mann Nelson. Alzheimers: Answers to Hard
tions associated with AD have been found on Questions for Families. New York: Main Street
human chromosomes 1, 14, 19, and 21. Al- Books, 1996. Reviews Alzheimers disease
though these genes, especially the apolipopro- for the lay reader, guides caregivers through
tein e4 gene, increase the likelihood of a person the difficult moral and ethical problems as-
getting AD, the complex nature of the disorder sociated with the disease, and discusses sup-
is underscored when it is seen that the muta- port services.
tions account for less than half of the cases of Zallen, Doris Teichler. Does It Run in the Family?
AD and that some individuals with the muta- A Consumers Guide to DNA Testing for Genetic
tion never get AD. Disorders. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Uni-
versity Press, 1997. Focuses on the practical
Impact and Applications aspects of obtaining genetic information,
Evidence has accumulated that human activ- clearly explaining how genetic disorders are
ities are regulated by biological clocks. It has passed along in families. Provides useful in-
also become evident that many disorders and formation on genetic disorders, including
diseases, and even processes that are associ- Huntingtons disease and Alzheimers dis-
ated with aging, may be affected by abnormal ease.
clocks. As understanding of how genes control
biological clocks develops, possibilities for im-
proved therapy and prevention should emerge. Web Sites of Interest
It may even become possible to slow some of National Institute of Mental Health, How Bio-
the harmful processes associated with normal logical Clocks Work. http://www.nimh.nih
aging. .gov/publicat/bioclock.cfm. An introductory
Donald J. Nash site that focuses on the molecular basis of
See also: Aging; Alzheimers Disease; Bio- the biological clock. Includes references for
logical Determinism; Cancer; Developmental further study.
Genetics; Huntingtons Disease; Telomeres. National Science Foundation, Center for Bio-
logical Timing. http://www.cbt.virginia .edu/
Further Reading cbtdocs. This site covers the science of bio-
Finch, Caleb Ellicott. Longevity, Senescence, and logical clocks and provides a biological tim-
the Genome. Reprint. Chicago: University of ing tutorial.
Chicago Press, 1994. Provides a comparative
86 Biological Determinism

rior (peasantry). Such views served to preserve

Biological Determinism the social order. According to evolutionary bi-
ologist Stephen Jay Gould, Plato himself circu-
Field of study: Human genetics and social lated a myth that certain citizens were framed
issues differently by God, with the ranking of groups
Significance: Biological determinists argue that in society based on their inborn worth.
there is a direct causal relationship between the bio- As science began to take a more prominent
logical properties of human beings and their be- role in society, scientists began to look for evi-
havior. From this perspective, social and economic dence that would justify the social order. Since
differences between human groups can be seen as a mental ability is often considered to be the
reflection of inherited and immutable genetic dif- most distinctive feature of the human species,
ferences. This contention has been used by groups the quantification of intelligence was one of
in power to claim that stratification in human so- the main tactics used to demonstrate the inferi-
ciety is based on innate biological differences. In ority of certain groups. In the mid-1800s, mea-
particular, biological determinism has been used surements of the size, shape, and anatomy of
to assert that certain ethnic groups are biologically the skull, brain, and other body features were
defective and thus intellectually, socially, and mor- compiled by physician Samuel George Morton
ally inferior to others. and surgeon Paul Broca, among others. These
measurements were used to depict races as sep-
Key terms arate species, to rank them by their mental and
determinism: the doctrine that everything, in- moral worth, and to document the subordinate
cluding ones choice of action, is deter- status of various groups, including women. In
mined by a sequence of causes rather than the first decades of the twentieth century, such
by free will measurements were replaced by the intelli-
intelligence quotient (IQ): performance gence quotient (IQ) test. Although its inventor,
on a standardized test, often assumed to be Alfred Binet, never intended it to be used in
indicative of an individuals level of intelli- this way, psychologists such as Lewis M. Terman
gence and Robert M. Yerkes promoted IQ as a single
reductionism: the explanation of a complex number that captured the complex, multifac-
system or phenomenon as merely the sum of eted, inborn intelligence of a person. IQ was
its parts soon used to restrict immigration, determine
reification: the oversimplification of an ab- occupation, and limit access to higher educa-
stract concept such that it is treated as a con- tion. Arthur Jensen, in 1979, and Richard
crete entity Herrnstein and Charles Murray, in 1994, reas-
serted the claim that IQ is an inherited trait
The Use of Inheritance to Promote that differs among races and classes.
Social Order
The principle of biological determinism lies Problems with the Principle of Biological
at the interface between biology and society. A Determinism
philosophical extension of the use of deter- Geneticists and sociobiologists (who study
minism in other sciences, such as physics, bio- the biological basis of social behavior) have un-
logical determinists view human beings as a re- covered a variety of animal behaviors that are
flection of their biological makeup and hence influenced by biology. However, the genetic
simple extensions of the genes that code for makeup of an organism (nature) is expressed
these biological processes. Long before scien- only within the specific context of its environ-
tists had any knowledge of genetics and the ment (nurture). Thus genes that are corre-
mechanisms of inheritance, human societies lated with behavior usually code for predisposi-
considered certain groups to be innately supe- tions rather than inevitabilities. For such traits,
rior by virtue of their family or bloodlines (no- the variation that occurs within a group is usu-
bility) while others were viewed as innately infe- ally greater than the differences that occur be-
Biological Determinism 87

tween groups. In addition, the correlation be- tional genes that influence behavior, society
tween two entities (such as genes and behavior) must guard against using this information as
does not necessarily imply a causal relationship justification for the mistreatment or elimina-
(for example, the incidences of ice cream con- tion of groups that are perceived as inferior
sumption and drowning are correlated only or undesirable by the majority.
because both increase during the summer). Lee Anne Martnez
Complex, multifaceted behaviors such as intel- See also: Aggression; Aging; Alcoholism;
ligence and violence are often reified, or treated Altruism; Behavior; Bioethics; Biological
as discrete concrete entities (as IQ and impulse Clocks; Cloning: Ethical Issues; Criminality;
control, respectively), in order to make claims Developmental Genetics; Eugenics; Eugenics:
about their genetic basis. Combined with the Nazi Germany; Gender Identity; Genetic Engi-
cultural and social bias of scientific researchers, neering: Social and Ethical Issues; Genetic
reification has led to many misleading claims Screening; Genetic Testing: Ethical and Eco-
regarding the biological basis of social structure. nomic Issues; Heredity and Environment; Hu-
Biological and cultural evolution are gov- man Genetics; Intelligence; Miscegenation
erned by different mechanisms. Biological and Antimiscegenation Laws; Natural Selec-
evolution occurs only between parents and off- tion; Race; Sociobiology; Twin Studies; XYY
spring (vertically), while cultural evolution oc- Syndrome.
curs through communication without regard
to relationship (horizontally) and thus can oc- Further Reading
cur quickly and without underlying genetic Begley, Sharon. Gray Matters. Newsweek,
change. Moreover, the socially fit (those who March 27, 1995. Discusses the differences
are inclined to reproduce wealth) are not nec- between the brains of males and females.
essarily biologically fit (inclined to reproduce Gould, Stephen Jay. The Mismeasure of Man.
themselves). The reductionist attempt to gain New York: Norton, 1996. Refutes Richard
an understanding of human culture through Herrnstein and Charles Murrays argument
its biological components does not work well and presents an engaging historical over-
in a system (society) shaped by properties that view of how pseudoscience has been used to
emerge only when the parts (humans) are put support racism and bigotry.
together. Cultures cannot be understood as Herrnstein, Richard, and Charles Murray. The
biological behaviors any more than biological Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in
behaviors can be understood as atomic interac- American Life. New York: Simon and Schus-
tions. ter, 1994. Asserts that IQ plays a statistically
important role in the shaping of society by
Impact and Applications examining such sociological issues as school
Throughout history, biological determin- dropout rates, unemployment, work-related
ism has been used to justify or reinforce racism, injury, births out of wedlock, and crime.
genocide, and oppression, often in the name of Moore, David S. Dependent Gene: The Fallacy of
achieving the genetic improvement of the hu- Nature vs. Nurture. New York: W. H. Freeman,
man species (for example, the racial health 2001. Few books examine the ways the genes
of Nazi Germany). Gould has noted that claims and the environment interact to produce ev-
of biological determinism tend to be revived erything from eye color to behavioral ten-
during periods when it is politically expedient dencies. This book lays to rest the popular
to do so. In times of economic hardship, many myth that some traits are purely genetic and
find it is useful to adopt an us against them at- others purely a function of environment;
titude to find a group to blame for social and rather, all traits are the result of complex, de-
economic woes or to free themselves from the pendent interactions of bothinteractions
responsibility of caring for the biologically in- that occur at all stages of biological and psy-
ferior underprivileged. As advances in molec- chological development. An informed argu-
ular genetics lead to the identification of addi- ment against simplistic determinism.
88 Biological Weapons

Rose, Steven. The Rise of Neurogenetic Deter- recombinant DNA: DNA prepared by trans-
minism. Nature 373 (February, 1995). Dis- planting and splicing genes from one spe-
cusses how advances in neuroscience have cies into the cells of another species
led to a resurgence of the belief that genes smallpox: an acute, highly infectious, often fa-
are largely responsible for deviant human tal disease characterized by fever followed by
behavior. the eruption of pustules
Sussman, Robert, ed. The Biological Basis of Hu-
man Behavior: A Critical Review. 2d ed. New Early History
York: Simon and Schuster, 1998. Fifty-nine Biological warfare antedates by several cen-
essays examine genetics, the various inter- turies the discovery of the gene. Just as the his-
pretations of the early evolution of human tory of genetics did not begin with Gregor Men-
behavior, new attempts to link human physi- del, whose pea-plant experiments eventually
cal variation to behavioral differences be- helped found modern genetics, the history of
tween people, modern evolutionary psy- biological warfare began long before the Japa-
chology, and the influences of hormones nese dropped germ-filled bombs on several
and the brain on behavior. Chinese cities during World War II. For exam-
ple, the Assyrians, six centuries before the com-
mon era, knew enough about rye ergot, a fun-
gus disease, to poison their enemies wells. The
Biological Weapons ancient Greeks also used disease as a military
weapon, and the Romans catapulted diseased
Fields of study: Genetic engineering and animals into enemy camps. A famous medieval
biotechnology; Human genetics use of biological weapons occurred during the
Significance: Just as twentieth century discoveries Tatar siege of Kaffa, a fortified Black Sea port,
in chemistry and physics led to such devastating then held by Christian Genoans. When Tatars
weapons as poison gases and nuclear bombs, so started dying of the bubonic plague, the survi-
humanity in the twenty-first century faces the pros- vors catapulted cadavers into the walled city.
pect that the biotechnological revolution will lead Many Genoans consequently died of the plague,
to the development and use of extremely deadly bio- and the remnant who sailed back to Italy con-
logical weapons. tributed to the spread of the Black Death into
Key terms Once smallpox was recognized as a highly
anthrax: an acute bacterial disease that af- contagious disease, military men made use of
fects animals and humans and that is espe- it in war. For example, the conquistador Fran-
cially deadly in its pulmonary form cisco Pizarro presented South American na-
biological weapon (BW): the military or ter- tives with smallpox-contaminated clothing, and,
rorist use of such organisms as bacteria and in an early case of ethnic cleansing, the British
viruses to cause disease and death in people, and Americans used deliberately induced small-
animals, or plants pox epidemics to eliminate native tribes from
bioterrorist: an individual or group that co- desirable land.
ercively threatens or uses biological weap- As scientists in the nineteenth and twentieth
ons, often for ideological reasons centuries learned more about the nature and
ethnic weapons: genetic weapons that target modes of reproduction of such diseases as an-
certain racial groups thrax and smallpox, germ warfare began to
genetic engineering: the use of recombinant become part of such discussions as the First In-
DNA to alter the genetic material in an or- ternational Peace Conference in The Hague
ganism (1899). The worldwide revulsion against the
immune system: the biological defense mecha- chemical weapons used in World War I, along
nism that protects the body from disease- with a concern that biological weapons would
causing microorganisms be more horrendous, led to the Geneva Proto-
Biological Weapons 89

Image not available

Anthrax colonies grow on culture in a petri dish in Mexico City, where in 2001 two germ banks housed dozens of these cultures vir-
tually unguarded. (AP/Wide World Photos)

col (1925), which prohibited the first use of nities as San Francisco. When news of these
germ weapons, but not their development. secret tests was made public, many questioned
their morality. Extensive criticism of the re-
From Germ Warfare to Genetic Weapons search and development of these weapons, to-
With the accelerating knowledge about the gether with the realization that these weapons
genetics of various disease-causing microorgan- posed a threat to the attackers as well as the at-
isms, several countries became concerned with tacked, led President Richard Nixon to end the
the threat to their security posed by the weap- American biological weapons program formally
onizing of these pathogens. Although several in 1969.
states signed the Geneva Protocol in the late Abhorrence of biological weapons extended
1920s, others signed only after assurances of to the world community, and in 1972 the Biolog-
their right to retaliate. The United States, ical and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)
which did not ratify the treaty until 1975, did a treaty that prohibited the development, pro-
extensive research on germ weapons during duction, and stockpiling of bacteriological
the 1950s and 1960s. American scientists were weaponswas signed in Washington, D.C., Lon-
able to make dry infectious agents that could don, and Moscow and was put into force in
be packed into shells and bombs, and estimates 1975. Although it was eventually signed by most
were made that ten airplanes with such bombs members of the United Nations, the nations
could kill or seriously disable tens of millions of that signed the pact failed to reach agreement
people. Unknown to Congress and the Ameri- on an inspection system that would control the
can people, tests using apparently harmless mi- proliferation of these weapons. A pivotal irony
crobes were performed on such large commu- of the BTWC is that while most of the world was
90 Biological Weapons

renouncing germ warfare, biologists were learn- and botulinum bacteria to Iraq, whose scien-
ing how to manipulate DNA, the molecule that tists later acknowledged that they had used
carries genetic information, in powerful new these microbes to make tons of biological
ways. This knowledge made possible the cre- weapons during the 1980s.
ation of superbugs, infectious agents for With the demise of the Soviet Union and in-
which there are no cures. creasing violence in the Balkans and Middle
Some scientists warned the public and inter- East, politicians became fearful that experts
national agencies about these new germ weap- who had dedicated their careers to making bio-
ons. Other investigators discovered that Ameri- logical weapons would now sell their knowl-
can researchers were creating infectious agents edge to rogue nations or terrorist groups. In-
that would confuse diagnosticians and defeat deed, deadly pathogens were part of world
vaccines. Similarly, Soviet researchers on an is- trade, since the line separating legitimate and
land in the Aral Sea, described as the worlds illegitimate research, defensive and offensive
largest BW test site, were producing germ BWs, was fuzzy. In the 1980s members of a reli-
weapons that could be loaded on missiles. gious cult spread salmonella, a disease-causing
When Boris Yeltsin became president of Russia, bacterium, in an Oregon town, causing more
he discovered that the secret police and mili- than seven hundred people to become very ill.
tary officials had misinformed him about BW The same company that sold salmonella to this
programs, in which deadly accidents had oc- religious cult also sold pathogens to the Univer-
curred. Also troubling was the spread of biolog- sity of Baghdad. Bioterrorism had become
ical agents to such countries as Iraq. American both a reality and a threat.
and French companies legally shipped anthrax

Image not available

In 1996, U.N. inspectors supervise the destruction of growth media for biological weapons in Iraq. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Biological Weapons 91

The Future of Genetic Weapons Further Reading

Some scientists and politicians believe that a Alibeck, Ken, with Stephen Handelman. Bio-
nations best defense against bioterrorism is hazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Co-
advanced genetic knowledge, so that vaccines vert Biological Weapons Program in the World,
can be tailored to respond to traditional and Told from the Inside by the Man Who Ran It. New
new BWs. For example, the Human Genome York: Random House, 1999. Alibeck was a
Project, which succeeded in mapping the hu- Kazakh physician who helped create the So-
man genetic material, has the potential for re- viet Unions advanced biological warfare pro-
vealing both the vulnerabilities and defenses of gram. For some, this autobiographical ac-
the immune system. (The human genome se- count is the best and most comprehensive
quence contains 3.2 billion bases and approxi- overview of the BW controversy; for others,
mately 34,000 genes. These data freely are Alibecks treatment is tarnished by his long
available on the Internet in a variety of forms, association with the Soviet system.
including text files and graphical genome British Medical Association. Biotechnology,
browsers.) On the other hand, such knowl- Weapons, and Humanity. Amsterdam, Nether-
edge could prove dangerous if the genetic vul- lands: Harwood Academic, 1999. Concerned
nerabilities of certain ethnic groups could be that genetic engineering and biotechnology
targeted by bioengineered microbes. Some sci- will be used to produce germ weapons, the
entists find these speculations about genocidal physicians of the British Medical Association
BWs unevidenced and unsubstantial. Genetic produced this helpful guide to facilitate pub-
similarities between different ethnic groups are lic debate. Contains a glossary of technical
more significant than their differences. Other terms and an excellent set of references.
scientists point out that dramatic genetic differ- Cole, Leonard A. The Eleventh Plague: The Poli-
ences between ethnic groups are a reality. For tics of Biological and Chemical Warfare. New
example, milk is a poison for certain Southeast York: W. H. Freeman, 1996. Cole, who has
Asian populations. Other genetic differences published other books on chemical and bio-
could therefore be exploited to create BWs to logical weapons, examines various programs
attack group-specific gene clusters. Believers in in the United States and Iraq, while empha-
ethnic BWs point to existing techniques for se- sizing that morality is important in respond-
lectively killing certain cells and for inactivat- ing to the challenges posed by these weap-
ing certain DNA sequences. These techniques, ons.
developed with the hope of curing genetic dis- Miller, Judith, Stephen Engelberg, and William
eases, could also be used to cause harm. Knowl- Broad. Germs: Biological Weapons and Amer-
edge of the structure of the human genome icas Secret War. New York: Simon & Schuster,
will increasingly lead to knowledge of its func- 2001. This book, written by three New York
tion, and this knowledge will make it possible to Times reporters, explores the ideas and ac-
manipulate, in both benign and malign ways, tions of scientists and politicians involved in
these information-laden molecules. Modern the past, present, and future of germ war-
biotechnology thus presents humanity with fare. Forty-two pages of notes and a select
both a great promise, to better health and life bibliography.
in peace, and a great peril, to multiply sickness Piller, Charles, and Keith R. Yamamoto. Gene
and death in war. The hope of many scientists, Wars: Military Control over the New Genetic Tech-
politicians, and ordinary people is that human- nologies. New York: William Morrow, 1988. A
ity will choose the path of promise. journalist teamed with a molecular biologist
Robert J. Paradowski to write this book in order to demystify new
See also: Anthrax; Bioethics; Biopesticides; biological technologies for the nonscientist
Biopharmaceuticals; Emerging Diseases; Eu- and to alert scientists of their special respon-
genics; Eugenics: Nazi Germany; Genetic Engi- sibility to enlighten public debates about BW
neering: Risks; Genetic Engineering: Social research. Appendices on recombinant DNA
and Ethical Issues; Smallpox. and BW treaties. Selected bibliography.
92 Biopesticides

Web Site of Interest safety, agricultural biologists have turned to na-

Federation of American Scientists, Chemical ture to solve pest problems. Biopesticides are
and Biological Arms Control Program. insecticides taken from nature. They are de-
http://www.fas.org/bwc. An organization signed not in a laboratory but through evolu-
dedicated to educating the public about bio- tion, making them very specific and effective. A
logical weapons. The site posts position pa- biopesticide may be sprayed directly on crops
pers, information on bioterrorism, and links or may be genetically engineered to be pro-
to related documents, including the Joint duced by a crop itself.
Concept for Non-Lethal Weapons statement Since the 1950s, the bacterial pesticide Ba-
from the U.S. Marine Corps Non-Lethal cillus thuringiensis (Bt) has been used on crops
Weapons Program. susceptible to destruction by insect larvae.
Upon sporulation, Bt produces a crystallized
protein that is toxic to many forms of larvae.
The protein is synthesized by the bacteria as an
Field of study: Genetic engineering and
Significance: As an alternative to chemical pesti-
cides, agricultural scientists have begun using eco-
logically safer methods such as biopesticides to pro-
tect plants from insects.

Key terms
Agrobacterium tumefaciens: a species of bacteria
that is able to transfer genetic information
into plant cells
Bacillus thuringiensis: a species of bacteria that
produces a toxin deadly to caterpillars,
moths, beetles, and certain flies Image not available
baculovirus: a strain of virus that is capable of
causing disease in a variety of insects
transformation: the process of transferring a
foreign gene into an organism
transgenic organism: an organism synthesiz-
ing a foreign protein; the gene of which was
obtained from a different species of organ-

Bacillus thuringiensis
Hungry insects are the bane of gardeners.
This problem is worsened for farmers, whose
livelihoods depend on keeping fields free of
destructive insects. Although effective, chemi-
Although the biopesticide Bt has been genetically integrated
cal pesticides have a variety of drawbacks. The into crops to make them resistant to insects and other pests,
increasing popularity of organically grown pro- there is evidence that new pests are emerging and old pests,
duce that is untreated by chemicals suggests such as the bollwormagainst which the Bt crops were engi-
that consumers are wary that human-made pes- neered to protectare evolving their own resistance to the Bt
ticides may hold hidden dangers. In response toxin. Here a farmer in India displays the bollworm damage to
to consumers worries over chemical-pesticide his Bt cotton. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Biopesticides 93

Biopesticides and Nontarget Species

Researchers have long had a concern as to the effect Since then, additional studies indicate a less sig-
of chemical insecticides on nontarget species. Tar- nificant effect of Bt toxins on nontarget species. The
get species frequently display resistance to chemical dispersal of Bt pollen is not believed to occur more
controls due to large effective population sizes and than a few meters from the edges of the treatment
prior histories of exposure to chemical agents which area, and even at these distances the levels have been
favors the increase in resistance alleles in a popula- shown to be sublethal. Research involving monarchs
tion. The exact opposite is typically true for non- and swallowtail butterflies (Papilio species) has indi-
target species that occupy the treatment area. When cated that lethality is not elevated at low-level Bt
biopesticides such as the Cry1ab endotoxins, de- exposure, although there is evidence of reduced
rived from the soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis growth rates. Furthermore, only a fraction of the
(Bt), were first proposed as control agents, many sci- nontarget organisms population would be exposed
entists believed that the collateral effects on non- at a given time, and frequently the larval periods of
target species would be significantly limited. the target and nontarget organisms do not overlap.
Initially these toxins were sprayed on crops, thus This evidence suggests that biopesticides are not pro-
potentially increasing the exposure of nontarget spe- ducing the observed decrease in nontarget popula-
cies. Even with the development of transgenic crops tions.
such as corn, it was possible for Bt to move from the It is likely that there may be a limited effect of bio-
treatment area to the feeding grounds of nontarget pesticides on nontarget species, and most research-
species through pollen dispersal. One of the first ers agree that additional research needs to be con-
documented accounts of Bt-induced mortality in a ducted. The genetics of Bt resistance have been
nontarget species was provided in 1999 by research- determined for a number of insects, although for
ers at Cornell University. They demonstrated that others the exact mechanism has remained elusive.
the pollen from Bt-treated corn increased mortality However, the greatest threat to the nontarget organ-
among monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) when isms rests with habitat destruction. A decrease in the
applied to the surfaces of milkweed plants, the but- population size due to reduced resources may serve
terflys primary food source. In this study, monarchs to weaken the population and enhance the sublethal
exposed to Bt had a slower rate of growth and in- effects of biopesticide production. The physiological
creased mortality. It was suggested that field mon- effect and population genetics of Bt susceptibility
archs could also be exposed to corn pollen con- in nontarget species will need to be examined in
taining Bt endotoxins. Given the popularity of the some detail to prove to the public the value of bio-
monarch and the noticeable decline in North Amer- pesticides.
ican populations during the 1990s, it appeared that Michael Windelspecht
the future of biopesticides was dim.

inactive proenzyme. After it is digested, en- cotton plants that generated their own Bt toxin.
zymes in the insects gut cleave the protein into The toxin gene was first isolated from Bt cells
an active, toxic fragment. The active toxin binds and ligated (enzymatically attached) into a Ti
to receptors in the insects midgut cells and plasmid. A Ti plasmid is a circular string of
blocks those cells from functioning. Only cater- double-stranded DNA that originates in the
pillars (tobacco hornworms and cotton boll- Agrobacterium tumefaciens bacteria. The A. tume-
worms), beetles, and certain flies have the gut faciens has the ability to take a portion of that Ti
biochemistry to activate the toxin. The toxin plasmid, called the T-DNA, and transfer it and
does not kill insects that are not susceptible, whatever foreign gene is attached to it into a
nor does it harm vertebrates in any way. plant cell. Cotton plants were exposed to the A.
The drawbacks of Bt are its expense and its tumefaciens carrying the toxin gene and were
short-lived effect. In the early 1990s, scientists transformed. The transgenic plants synthesized
overcame these two drawbacks through applied the Bt toxin and became resistant to many
genetic engineering. They produced transgenic forms of larvae.
94 Biopesticides

Image not available

At the University of Floridas Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Dov Borovsky has developed a diet pill for mosquitoes
that causes them to starve to death. It may help eradicate mosquitoes and the diseases they transmit. (AP/Wide World Photos)

Many crystal toxins have been isolated from tage is their strong specificity against moths,
various strains of Bt. These toxins make up a sawflies, and beetles but not against beneficial
large collection of proteins active against pests insects. Also, viruses, unlike bacteria, tend to
from nematodes to aphids. Researchers are in persist in the environment for a longer period.
the process of reengineering the toxin genes to Finally, baculoviruses are ideal for use in devel-
improve upon their characteristics and to de- oping countries because they can be produced
sign better methods of transporting genes cheaply and in great quantity with no health
from one Bt strain to another. risks to workers. One limitation of baculovirus
is that it must be administered in a precise tem-
Other Biopesticides poral and spatial framework to be effective.
Several species of fungi have been found to Knowledge of insect behavior after hatching,
be toxic to insects, including Verticillium lecanii the insect populations distribution within the
and Metarhizium anisopliae. Scientists have just crop canopy, and the volume of foliage in-
begun to study these fungi, which are not yet gested by each larva is essential. For example,
commercially available to farmers. moths usually do the most damage at the late
In the mid-1990s, a viral biopesticide called larval stage. To minimize crop damage from
baculovirus became widely popular. Baculo- moths, one must spray baculovirus as early as
viruses are sprayed onto high-density pest possible before the insects reach that late stage.
populations just like chemical pesticides. Bacu- One final biopesticide approach has been to
loviruses have several advantages over conven- make transgenic plants that manufacture pro-
tional pesticides. The most important advan- teins isolated from insect-resistant plant spe-
Biopesticides 95

cies. Tomatoes naturally make an enzyme in- crops as well as an overview of new technolo-
hibitor that deters insects by keeping their gies for future genetic engineering.
digestive enzymes (trypsin and chymotrypsin) Cory, Jenny, and David Bishop. Use of Baculo-
from functioning. These inhibitors were iso- viruses as Biological Insecticides. Molecular
lated by Clarence Ryan at the University of Biotechnology, March, 1997. Presents a com-
Washington. Ryan transformed tobacco plants plete discussion of baculoviruses.
with two different forms of inhibitor (inhibi- Deacon, J. W. Microbial Control of Plant Pests and
tors I and II from tomato). The tomato pro- Diseases. Washington, D.C.: American Soci-
teins were effectively produced in tobacco and ety for Microbiology, 1983. Good if brief
made the transgenic plants resistant to tobacco monograph for a broad perspective on bio-
hornworm larvae. control agents.
Entwhistle, Philip F., Jenny S. Cory, Mark J.
Biopesticide Resistance Bailey, and Steven R. Higgs. Bacillus Thur-
As with chemical pesticides, over time insect ingiensis, an Environmental Biopesticide: Theory
populations grow resistant to biopesticides. Bt- and Practice. New York: Wiley, 1994. Addresses
resistant moths can now be found around the the use of one of the oldest and best-known
world. Resistance arises when pesticides are too biopesticides, including its manufacture and
effective and destroy more than 90 percent of a use in developing nations.
pest population. The few insects left are often Gibbons, Anne. Moths Take the Field Against
very resistant to the pesticide, breed among Biopesticides. Science, November 1, 1991.
themselves, and create large, resistant popula- Discusses resistance to biopesticides and its
tions. implications.
Entomologists have suggested strategies for Hall, Franklin R., and Julius J. Menn, eds. Biopes-
avoiding pesticide-resistant insect populations. ticides: Use and Delivery. Totowa, N.J.: Humana
One strategy suggests mixing biopesticide-- Press, 1999. A guide to development, appli-
producing and nonproducing plants in the same cation, and use of biopesticides as a comple-
field, thereby giving the pesticide-susceptible mentary or alternative treatment to chemi-
part of the insect population places of refuge. cal pesticides. Reviews their development,
These refuges would allow resistant and nonre- mode of action, production, delivery systems,
sistant insects to interbreed, making the overall and market prospects and discusses current
species less resistant. Other strategies include registration requirements for biopesticides
synthesizing multiple types of Bt toxin in a sin- as compared with conventional pesticides.
gle plant to increase the toxicity range and re- Koul, Opender, and G. S. Dhaliwal, eds. Micro-
duce resistance, making other biological toxins bial Biopesticides. New York: Taylor & Francis,
besides Bt in a single plant, and reducing the 2002. International experts on biopesticides
overall exposure time of insects to the biopesti- explore developments in using those based
cides. on bacteria, fungus, viruses, and nematodes,
James J. Campanella discussing their advantages and disadvan-
See also: Biofertilizers; Genetic Engineer- tages and their role in genetic engineering.
ing: Agricultural Applications; Genetic Engi- _______. Phytochemical Biopesticides. Amsterdam,
neering: Risks; Genetic Engineering: Social and Netherlands: Harwood Academic, 2001. Ad-
Ethical Issues; Genetically Modified (GM) dresses advances made on phytochemical
Foods; High-Yield Crops; Population Genetics. biopesticides, covering behavioral, chemical,
biochemical, and molecular aspects. Topics
Further Reading include the role of phytochemical biopesti-
Carozzi, Nadine, and Michael Koziel, eds. Ad- cides in integrated pest management (IPM),
vances in Insect Control: The Role of Transgenic the potential uses of phytochemical pesti-
Plants. Bristol, Pa.: Taylor & Francis, 1997. cides in deciduous temperate fruit crops, and
Presents technologies that have proved suc- prospects and problems with phytochemical
cessful for engineering of insect-tolerant biopesticides.
96 Biopharmaceuticals

Web Site of Interest particular disease. Since there was no real un-
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. http:// derstanding of the underlying problem, a ratio-
www.epa.gov/pesticides. Government site nal approach to drug selection and design was
with a link to information on biopesticides, difficult if not impossible. One philosophy of
including the Federal Insecticide, Fungi- medicine that developed to address this prob-
cide, and Rodenticide Act, enacted to moni- lem was called the doctrine of similitudes, in
tor the harmful effects of toxic pesticides on which treatments were based on similarities of
humans and the environment and ensure in- structure with disease manifestation. For exam-
dustry compliance. ple, the leaves of St Johns wort look similar to
damaged skin, so it was thought that extracts
from this plant would be beneficial for treating
cuts and burns.
Biopharmaceuticals It was not until the twentieth century that
the underlying genetic basis for disease was dis-
Fields of study: Diseases and syndromes; covered. The discovery that DNA is the genetic
Genetic engineering and biotechnology material and provides the instructions to make
Significance: Biopharmaceuticals encompass a proteins was revolutionary. In the mid-1900s it
class of drugs that are designed by combining ge- was demonstrated that sickle-cell disease was
netics with biotechnology. Biopharmaceutical caused by a single nucleotide change from an A
products are typically derived from proteins, such (adenine) to a T (thymine) in the hemoglobin
as enzymes or antibodies, and are genetically engi- beta-chain gene. This small change alters the
neered in an attempt to treat a specific disease. shape of a red blood cell from a biconcave disc
They differ from traditional pharmaceuticals, to a sharply pointed crescent. Even though this
which are usually simpler compounds that are pro- finding showed it was possible to identify ge-
duced by chemical synthesis. netic mutations, there was still no way to manip-
ulate or make changes to the genetic informa-
Key terms tion itself.
clinical trial: an experimental research The advent of recombinant DNA technol-
study used to determine the safety and effec- ogy in the 1970s provided the first chance to
tiveness of a medical treatment or drug engineer, or manipulate, genes. Restriction en-
humanized antibody: a human antibody that zymes became an important tool of this tech-
has been engineered to contain a portion of nology. Restriction enzymes were first found in
a nonhuman variable region with known bacteria, where they function to protect the cell
therapeutic activity from foreign DNA by cutting it up. Restriction
pharmacogenomics: the field of science that enzymes cut DNA at specific sequences, which
examines how variations in genes alter the are usually palindromes of the letters that sig-
metabolism and effectiveness of drugs nify the four nucleotides that make up DNA:
guanine (G), adenine (A), thymine (T), and
History of Biopharmaceuticals cytosine (C). Most restriction enzymes cut the
Drugs have been used by humans for thou- DNA in such a way that an overhang, called a
sands of years. The Sumerians are the first peo- sticky end, is created. Since DNA readily recom-
ple known to have compiled medical informa- bines with complementary strands, these sticky
tion in a written form that outlined symptoms ends can be used to splice different pieces of
and treatments for different diseases more DNA together. The resulting sequence is called
than three thousand years ago. Most ancient recombinant DNA.
cultures used medicines derived from plants With the ability to engineer DNA now possi-
and animals. These drugs are different from ble, scientists looked again to bacteria to pro-
modern biopharmaceuticals in many ways, but vide a way to convert that DNA into protein.
the most significant difference is that there was Bacteria are ideal for protein production be-
no engineering used to shape the drugs for a cause they reproduce quickly, are easy to ma-
Biopharmaceuticals 97

nipulate, and can be grown in large quantities. protein. All of these approaches can provide
Many bacteria contain circular pieces of DNA clues as to what may be important targets for
apart from their genome, called plasmids. treatment of the disease.
These plasmids can be readily transferred be- A better understanding of the disease at the
tween bacteria and are also inherited by the genetic and molecular levels facilitates an at-
daughter cells when a bacterium divides. With tempt at designing a biopharmaceutical to
the use of restriction enzymes, plasmids can be treat the disease. Once a disease is understood,
taken from bacteria and engineered to contain it becomes possible to target a key pathway or
a foreign gene. The resulting recombinant plas- protein involved in the disease. The resultant
mid can be put back in bacteria, transforming drug and the way that it is used clinically will
them into protein factories that work nonstop vary from disease to disease. For example,
transcribing and translating the recombinant type I diabetes is caused by a deficiency in the
gene. The first biopharmaceutical produced in hormone insulin. Without insulin, the body
bacteria was recombinant human insulin, which is not able to regulate the level of glucose in
was marketed in 1982. the blood. Lack of insulin is easily corrected
The future for biopharmaceuticals looks by a simple injection of recombinant human
bright. In 1991, there were only fourteen bio- insulin, the first biopharmaceutical. Another
pharmaceuticals approved for use by the U.S. example of a biopharmaceutical that is cur-
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). By 2001, rently in use is the enzyme tissue plasminogen
nearly three hundred had been approved for activator (tPA). Most heart attacks are caused
use, with an additional fifty in phase III clinical by a blood clot blocking the flow of blood
trials, and by 2003 more than 330 major compa- through a coronary artery. Formation and re-
nies in the United States were working to pro- moval of blood clots is a highly regulated and
duce and develop biopharmaceuticals. well-understood process. The enzyme tPA is
known to be one of the key players in blood clot
Design of Biopharmaceuticals removal. This knowledge led to the develop-
A popular method for identifying disease- ment of recombinant tPA, which can be pro-
related genes is called genomics. This method vided by injection or infusion to heart attack
uses gene chip analysis to screen thousands of patients. Once in the bloodstream, the tPA
genes in a single experiment. This approach is breaks up the coronary artery clots and re-
dramatically faster and more efficient than tra- stores blood flow to the heart, preventing any
ditional methods and can be used for any dis- further muscle damage.
ease, even those that are not hereditary.
Once the genomic information is obtained, Clinical Trials
it is used to build a broad understanding of Before a biopharmaceutical can be used to
how a disease gene functions and what role it treat disease, it must undergo a clinical trial to
plays in the cell. This information is gathered test its safety and effectiveness. There are four
through the use of experimental models, ge- phases to a clinical trial. Phase I trials involve
netic analysis, biochemical analysis, and struc- studies on a small number of patients (fewer
tural analysis. Experimental models can range than one hundred) to determine drug safety
from cell culture to transgenic mice and pro- and dosage. Phase II trials involve more pa-
vide physiological information about the dis- tients (up to five hundred) to determine ef-
ease. Genetic analysis provides information fectiveness and additional safety information,
about where and when the gene is expressed. such as potential side effects. Phase III trials are
At the molecular level, biochemical analysis the most extensive and involve large numbers
provides information about protein-protein in- of people (between one thousand and three
teractions, post-translational modifications, and thousand) to establish risk-benefit information
enzymatic activity. Structural analysis yields ex- and comparisons with other currently used
tremely detailed information about the physi- treatments. Phase IV trials determine the drugs
cal arrangement of the atoms that make up the optimal use in a clinical setting. In 2003, the en-
98 Blotting: Southern, Northern, and Western

tire process of drug designfrom discovery to Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetic Engi-
clinical trialscost approximately $802 mil- neering; Genetic Engineering: Medical Appli-
lion and took an average of twelve years. Many cations; Genetic Engineering: Risks; Genetic
years of research and millions of dollars are Engineering: Social and Ethical Issues; Geneti-
wasted, because only one in five thousand po- cally Modified (GM) Foods; Molecular Genet-
tential drugs actually makes it to market. ics; Synthetic Genes; Transgenic Organisms;
Biopharmaceuticals Today
Two examples of approved biopharmaceuti- Further Reading
cals are Aralast and Campath. Aralast is mar- Collins, F., and V. McKusick. Implications of
keted by Baxter and was approved for use by the Human Genome Project for Medical Sci-
the FDA in 2003. Aralast is the trade name for ence. JAMA 285, no. 5 (2001): 540-541.
the recombinant human protein known as Overviews the significant impact of the Hu-
alpha-1 proteinase inhibitor (A1PI). A1PI defi- man Genome Project on medical research,
ciency results in the destruction of lung tissue, including specific examples of drug design.
which can lead to emphysema. Aralast is given Wu-Pong, S., and Y. Rojanasakul. Biopharmaceu-
to patients intravenously each week and helps tical Drug Design and Development. Totowa,
protect them against future lung damage. The N.J.: Humana Press, 1999. Outlines the pro-
second drug, Campath, is marketed by Millen- cess of biopharmaceutical design, including
nium Pharmaceuticals and was approved by basic molecular biology, major classes of bio-
the FDA in 2001. Campath is the trade name pharmaceuticals, and clinical trials.
for a humanized antibody against the CD52
antigen found on lymphocytes. The antibody is Web Site of Interest
used to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia American Chemical Society, The Pharmaceuti-
and works by destroying lymphocytes through cal Century. http://pubs.acs.org/journals/
agglutination and complement activation. pharmcent. Posts articles about the science
The current trend in pharmaceutical re- of biopharmaceuticals, including the role
search is the production of designer drugs played by genetics and the Human Genome
through the new field of pharmacogenomics. Project in the development of new drugs.
Instead of giving a patient a drug that works for
the average person with the average form of a
disease, a patient will be given a drug that is spe-
cifically matched to his or her genetic profile Blotting: Southern,
and to his or her particular form of the disease. Northern, and Western
Currently 100,000 people die each year be-
cause of adverse drug reactions. With the use of Field of study: Techniques and
pharmacogenomics it will be possible to deter- methodologies
mine a patients genetic profile prior to treat- Significance: Blotting is a technique that allows
ment and avoid adverse drug reactions. Re- identification of a specific nucleic acid or amino
search in pharmacogenomics will also increase acid sequence even when it is mixed in with all of
the pool of drugs available to treat disease. Cur- the other material from a cell. This allows the rapid
rently, many drugs never make it to market be- identification of the changes associated with mu-
cause they work for only a small subset of pa- tant alleles.
tients. Pharmacogenomic research will allow
these specific patients to be identified and en- Key terms
able previously abandoned drugs to be used to blotting: the transfer of nucleic acids or pro-
treat disease. teins separated by gel electrophoresis onto a
Matthew J. F. Waterman filter paper, which allows access by mole-
See also: Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues; cules that will interact with only one specific
Cloning Vectors; Gene Therapy; Gene Therapy: sequence
Blotting: Southern, Northern, and Western 99

hybridization: incubation of a target se- a way to label it specifically so that it could be

quence with an identifying probe, which al- differentiated from the general background.
lows the formation of annealed hybrids
Northern blot: a blot designed to detect Basic Blotting Techniques
messenger RNA In 1975, Ed Southern developed a method
probe: a nucleic acid sequence or antibody that allowed the detection of specific DNA se-
that can attach to a specific DNA or RNA se- quences after they had been separated by aga-
quence or protein; the probes are often la- rose gel electrophoresis. What makes a piece of
beled with radioactive compounds or en- DNA unique is the sequence of the nucleo-
zymes so their position can be determined tides. This is most efficiently detected by the
Southern blot: a blot designed to detect spe- hybridization of the antiparallel strand. This
cific DNA fragments can only occur if the two strands are separated
Western blot: a blot that uses antibodies to into single strands. Therefore, the first step is
detect specific proteins to soak the agarose gel in a strong base, such as
1 molar sodium hydroxide, and high salt, which
Limitations of Gel Electrophoresis stabilizes the single-stranded form. The base is
Using gel electrophoresis to separate pro- then neutralized with a strong buffer, such as
teins and nucleic acids has been an invaluable tris-hydrochloride, again in high salt. The DNA
tool in analyzing living systems. Changes in can now be analyzed by its ability to hybridize to
these moleculessuch as a mobility shift in a a radioactive piece of single-stranded DNA.
mutant protein or the change in the size of a Since this radioactive DNA can explore the
plasmid that has received a DNA insertcan different sequences to find the one matching
be easily detected using this technique. How- sequence, it is also known as a probe (an instru-
ever, the ability to differentiate between types ment or device that can be used to explore and
of molecules is quite limited. An extract of red send back information).
blood cell proteins run through an acrylamide Although the agarose is porous, it would be
gel might show one major band for hemoglo- very slow and inefficient to try to perfuse the
bin which can be discerned from the many gel with radioactive probe and then remove the
other proteins in the cell. However, the hun- pieces that did not hybridize. Southern real-
dreds of different proteins that might be pro- ized that he needed to move the DNA to a thin
duced in a liver extract will produce a tight lad- material to be able to probe it efficiently. The
der of bands that are impossible to tell apart. material chosen was nitrocellulose, consisting
The situation can be even worse with DNA. A of a variant of paper (cellulose) with reactive
restriction enzyme digest of a plasmid or sim- nitro groups attached. The treated gel is placed
ple virus might yield fewer than six pieces of on a sponge soaked with a high-salt solution.
DNA that could be easily separated on an The nitrocellulose sheet is placed onto the gel
agarose gel. If one were to digest the total ge- and then a stack of dry paper towels is laid on
nomic DNA of even a simple organism, such as top. The salt solution is drawn through the gel
Escherichia coli, with a typical restriction enzyme to the dry towels and carries the DNA from the
such as EcoRI, the result would be a thousand gel up into the paper. The positively charged
bands of numerous sizes (4 106 base pairs of nitro groups on the nitrocellulose stick to the
DNA, since EcoRI recognizes a six-base-pair site, negatively charged DNA, thereby holding the
which should occur, on average, every 46 or DNA in a pattern matching the band locations
4,096 bp). After separation on a gel, the result in the gel. The nitrocellulose is removed from
would be a smear with no individual bands visi- the gel and baked at 80 degrees Celsius (176 de-
ble. Working with an even more complex ge- grees Fahrenheit) or treated with ultraviolet
nome, such as the human genome, would re- light, both of which covalently cross-link the
sult in millions of bands. The only way to study a DNA to the paper, locking it in its position. The
specific protein or nucleic acid sequence using filter is soaked in a solution that promotes
gel electrophoresis, therefore, would be to find reassociation of single-stranded DNA, and ra-
100 Blotting: Southern, Northern, and Western

dioactive, single-stranded DNA is added. Since proteins, he named the system Western blot-
the added DNA could stick nonspecifically to ting. This system of naming has been expanded:
the nitrocellulose, the paper is pretreated with A technique for detecting viral DNA in tree
unrelated DNA, such as sheared salmon DNA, leaves was named the Midwestern blot and a
which will bind the available nitro groups but variant of the Northern blot developed in Is-
not react with the probe. rael was named the Middle Eastern blot.
A large molar excess of probe must be used Since proteins are generally smaller than
to drive the hybridization reaction (reforming DNA fragments, they are usually separated on
the hybrid of two matching antiparallel polyacrylamide gels, which have a much smaller
strands together), which means that it is neces- pore size than agarose gels. It is therefore nec-
sary to make sure that enough probe is avail- essary to use electrical current to pull the pro-
able in the solution to randomly run into the teins out of the gel. The nitrocellulose is pressed
correct sequence on the paper and reanneal to onto the gel with a porous plastic pad. The gel
it. The hybridization is done at an elevated tem- is then placed in a buffer tank and electrodes
peratureoften 50-65 degrees Celsius (122- are placed on either side. When a voltage is ap-
149 degrees Fahrenheit), so that only strands plied, the current that flows through the gel
that match exactly will stay together and those carries the proteins onto the nitrocellulose.
with short, random matches will come apart. Af- The reactive side chains of the nitrocellulose
ter overnight hybridization, the paper is washed also bind proteins very effectively, so they are
multiple times with a detergent-salt solution, all retained on the paper. The specific probe
which removes the DNA that did not hybridize. used to detect a protein is an antibody that ei-
The paper is placed against a piece of X-ray ther can be radioactively labeled or can have an
film, and the radioactive emissions from the enzymatic side chain attached, which will pro-
probe darken the film next to them. When the duce light or a colored dye when the appropri-
film is developed, a pattern of bands appears ate chemicals are added. Since the antibody is a
that corresponds to the position in the original protein, it could also stick nonspecifically to
gel of the DNA piece for which the researcher the paper, so the blot is pretreated with a gen-
was probing. eral protein such as serum albumin before the
antibody is added.
Expanded Techniques to Study RNA
and Proteins Blotting in Genetic Analysis
The basic method of blotting has been ex- The ability to detect individual molecules in
panded to include the study of RNA and pro- a large background has been very important
teins. James Alwine developed a very similar for genetic analyses. For instance, restriction
method to transfer messenger RNA (mRNA) fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analy-
that had been separated on an agarose gel. sis is a method that uses the change in the size
Since the mRNA started as single-stranded, of a DNA fragment in the genome, generated
there was no need to treat the gel with dena- by restriction enzyme digestion as a genetic
turant. However, to block the formation of in- marker. The isolation of many disease genes,
ternal double-stranded regions, which could including the one causing Huntingtons dis-
alter the migration during electrophoresis, the ease, depended on RFLP mapping to localize
gel contained an organic solvent. Other than the gene. It would not be possible to detect the
that, the two methods are very similar. Although changes in a single DNA fragment out of the
the DNA transfer system was named the South- millions generated by digesting the human ge-
ern blot in honor of Ed Southern, Alwine de- nome without having the Southern blot to pick
cided to defer the credit and called his system out the correct piece. Many other mutations
the Northern blot to indicate that it was related that change a specific region of DNAsuch as
but in a different direction. deletions, inversions, and duplicationsare of-
Similarly, when W. N. Burnette developed a ten detected by changes in a Southern blot pat-
system for transferring and detecting specific tern. The sensitivity of hybridization can be
Breast Cancer 101

tuned to a level where probes that differ by only See also: Antibodies; DNA Sequencing
a single nucleotide will not attach efficiently. Technology; Gel Electrophoresis; Genetic Test-
This allows the rapid identification of the posi- ing; Huntingtons Disease; Immunogenetics;
tions of point mutations. When polymerase Model Organisms; Polymerase Chain Reaction;
chain reaction (PCR) is used to amplify DNA Repetitive DNA; RFLP Analysis.
from a crime scene or to detect human immu-
nodeficiency virus (HIV) in the bloodstream, Further Reading
the presence of DNA pieces on a gel is not suffi- Alwine, J. C., D. J. Kemp, and G. R. Stark.
cient proof that the correct DNA has been Method for Detection of Specific RNAs in
found. The DNA must be blotted and probed Agarose Gels by Transfer to Diazobenyloxy-
with the expected sequence to confirm that it is methyl-Paper and Hybridization with DNA
the correct piece. Probes. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Northern blot analysis allows scientists to see Sciences 74 (1977): 5350. The original de-
how mRNA is altered in different mutants. scription of Northern blotting.
Northern blots can indicate if a mutant allele is Southern, E. M. Detection of Specific Se-
no longer transcribed or if the level of mRNA quences Among DNA Fragments Separated
produced has been dramatically decreased or by Gel Electrophoresis. Journal of Molecular
increased. Deletions or insertions will also show Biology 98, no. 3 (1975): 503-517. The origi-
up as shortened or lengthened messages. Alter- nal description of Southern blotting and of
native splicing can be seen as multiple bands blotting in general. This is one of the most
on a Northern blot which hybridize to the same often cited articles in biology research.
probe. Point mutations that do not detectably
alter the mRNA can still dramatically alter the
protein product. Changes of a single amino
acid can alter the electrophoretic mobility and
the difference in apparent molecular weight Breast Cancer
can often only be detected by Western blot.
These changes can also alter protein stability, Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
which can be detected as decreased protein lev- Significance: While the majority of breast cancers
els showing up on the Western. The ability to are caused by acquired mutations, about 5 percent
detect changes at the DNA, RNA, and protein of all breast cancers are caused by inherited muta-
level through blotting techniques has greatly tions that greatly increase the chances of devel-
increased the ability of scientists to study ge- oping the disease. Germ-line mutations in the
netic alterations. BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are associated with
most of these inherited breast cancers.
Future Directions
Blotting techniques are the most generally Key terms
efficient methods for detecting specific pro- BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes: the genes associ-
teins or nucleic acids. Most improvements in ated with most inherited breast cancers
the past years have been aimed at speeding up cell cycle: the sequence of events of a divid-
the transfer process using vacuums or pressure ing cell
or the hybridization process by changing the exon: the coding sequence (part of a messen-
conditions. The next step will be developing ger RNA, or mRNA) that specifies the amino
silicon chips that can interact with specific nu- acid sequence of the protein produced dur-
cleic acid or amino acid sequences and produce ing translation
an electrical output when they hybridize with germ-line mutation: a heritable change in
the correct sequence. This will diminish the the genes of an individuals reproductive
time required to confirm a sequence from sev- cells, often linked to hereditary diseases
eral hours to minutes. p53 gene: a tumor-suppressor gene, the first
J. Aaron Cassill gene identified in an inherited breast cancer
102 Breast Cancer

tumor-suppressor gene: a gene that produces are termed sporadic. It is estimated that about
a protein product that limits cell division 5 to 10 percent of all breast cancers are familial.
and therefore acts to inhibit the uncontrolled Approximately 80 to 85 percent of these can be
cell growth of cancers attributed to mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2
Genes Associated with Breast Cancer The first gene identified in an inherited
Approximately one in eight women develops breast cancer was p53, which is mutated in Li-
breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Fraumeni syndrome. It is a tumor-suppressor
In the United States there are approximately gene that encodes a protein transcription fac-
180,000 new cases of breast cancer yearly. By tor that stops the cell cycle until DNA repair has
2002, more than forty different genes had been occurred; a defective p53 gene no longer stops
found to be altered in breast cancers. Those cell division, and unrepaired DNA can be repli-
breast cancers that are not familial (inherited) cated, resulting in accumulated mutations in
the cell. About 1 percent of women who de-
velop breast cancer before the age of thirty
have germ-line mutations in p53. Families with
Breast Cancer Sites this syndrome have extremely high rates of
brain tumors and other cancers in both chil-
dren and adults.
Some gene mutations may predispose an in-
dividual to develop breast cancer. For example,
there is an increased incidence of breast cancer
41% 14% associated with the ataxia telangiectasia (AT)
34% gene and the HRAS1 gene. A mutated form of
6% the AT gene is found in the rare recessive he-
5% reditary disorder ataxia telangiectasia, which
has a very wide range of symptoms, including
Breast cancer sites cerebellar degeneration, immunodeficiency,
and incidence of balance disorder, high risk of blood cancers,
occurence extreme sensitivity to ionizing radiation, and
an increased risk of breast cancer. Individuals
Pectoral with one mutated copy of the AT gene have an
muscle increased risk of cancer. The AT gene was iden-
Fat lobules tified as a phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (an en-
Breast zyme that adds a phosphate group to a lipid
glandular molecule) that transmits growth signals and
tissue other signals from the cell membrane to the
cell interior. The AT gene was found to be simi-
lar in sequence to other genes that are known
Nipple to have a role in blocking the cell cycle in cells
whose DNA is damaged by ultraviolet light or X
rays. It is possible that the mutated AT gene
does not stop the cell from dividing, and the
damaged DNA may lead to cancers. It is dis-
turbing to note that individuals with a mutated
AT gene may be more sensitive to ionizing radi-
Milk ducts ation. It must be determined if these individu-
als should then avoid low X-ray doses, such as
those received from a mammogram used to de-
(Hans & Cassidy, Inc.) tect the early stages of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer 103

Discoveries of Breast Cancer Genes

Prior to the discoveries of BRCA1 and BRCA2, there were many hints that susceptibility to at least some breast
cancers was inherited. The time line below shows some of the discoveries leading up to the discoveries of
BRCA1 and BRCA2 as well as later discoveries about breast cancer genes.
1966 Henry Lynch began the first studies on inher- 1994 Yoshio Miki et al. announce the cloning of
ited cancers. BRCA1 on chromosome 17.
1970 The first cancer-causing gene (oncogene) 1995 Richard Wooster et al. announce the dis-
was reported in chickens by Peter Vogt. covery and cloning of BRCA2 on chromo-
some 13.
1976 J. Michael Bishop and Harold Varmus re-
ported the discovery of oncogenes in the 1996 Prasanna Athma et al. report that heterozy-
DNA of normal chromosomes. gotes for the recessive allele ATM are more
susceptible to breast cancer.
1978 M. H. Bronstein et al. see a link between
Cowden disease, an inherited tumorogenic 1997 Danny Liaw et al. find that germ-line muta-
syndrome, and breast cancer. tions in the PTEN gene lead to Cowden dis-
ease and associated breast cancer.
1979 Arnold Levine and David Baltimore discover
p53, a gene mutated in approximately half of 1998 Dennis Slamon tests Herceptin, a mono-
all known cancers, including breast cancer. clonal antibody that targets the product of
HER-2/neu, against aggressive breast cancers.
1985 The mutant p53 gene is cloned by Arnold
Levine. 1999 Franois Ugolini et al. implicate FGFR1
(fibroblast growth factor receptor gene 1) in
1987 Michael Swift et al. report a hereditary link
some breast cancers.
between ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)
and many cancers, including breast cancer. 2000 Tommi Kainu et al. propose a BRCA3 gene to
explain non-BRCA1/BRCA2 hereditary breast
1988 Dennis Slamon reports that the HER-2/neu
cancers in several families.
growth factor gene is overexpressed in 30
percent of the most aggressive breast cancers. 2001 Paul Yaswen reports that multiple copies of
the gene ZNF217 are seen in 40 percent of
1990 Mary Claire King and coworkers report the
breast cancers.
discovery of BRCA1 in Ashkenazi Jewish
women and locate it on chromosome 17. 2001 Minna Allinen et al. find a mutation in
CHEK2 gene that leads to hereditary breast
1990 David Malkin et al. report a link between the
cancers. This is proposed as BRCA3.
p53 gene product and breast cancer.
2002 Alan DAndrea et al. report that the same in-
1991 Elizabeth Claus et al. do a statistical analysis
herited mutations in the six genes that cause
of familial breast cancer and predict a domi-
Fanconi anemia also increase the susceptibil-
nant breast cancer gene will be found.
ity to breast cancer.
1993 Theodore Krontiris et al. report an associa-
tion between HRAS1 (Harvey rat sarcoma on- Richard W. Cheney, Jr.
cogene 1) and breast cancer.

Possible Functions of Breast Cancer Genes cer. The BRCA2 gene is on chromosome 13q12-
The BRCA1 gene is on chromosome 17 and 13 and encodes a protein of 3,418 amino acids.
encodes a protein that is 1,863 amino acids Germ-line mutations of BRCA2 are thought to
long. Germ-line mutations of BRCA1 are associ- account for approximately 35 percent of fami-
ated with 50 percent of hereditary breast can- lies with multiple-case, early-onset female breast
cers and with an increased risk of ovarian can- cancer. Mutations of BRCA2 are also associated
104 Breast Cancer

with an increased risk of male breast cancer, normally function to control cell growth. The
ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, and pancreatic 1997 work suggests that the breast cancer gene
cancer. mutations act indirectly to disrupt DNA repair
Although BRCA1 was cloned in 1994 and and allow cells to accumulate mutations, includ-
BRCA2 in 1995, the function of these genes has ing mutations that allow cancer development.
been difficult to identify. Part of the difficulty In 2002 the detailed structure of the BRCA2
has been that the proteins coded by these genes protein was determined. It has structural mo-
do not resemble any proteins of known func- tifs that show it to be capable of binding to
tion. In 1997, David Livingston and coworkers DNA. Although the specific role of the BRCA2
of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute found that protein is uncertain, it is now clear that it does
the BRCA1 gene product associates with repair play a role in repairing double-stranded breaks
protein RAD51. A few months later, Allan Brad- in DNA. The understanding of the function of
ley of Baylor College of Medicine and Paul BRCA1 and BRCA2 is incomplete, but what is
Hasty of Lexicon Genetics reported that the known will encourage additional studies.
BRCA2 protein binds to the RAD51 repair pro-
tein. This work suggests that both genes may be Social Implications of Genetic Screening
in the same DNA-repair pathway. Bradley and With the cloning of the BRCA1 and BRCA2
Hasty also showed that embryonic mouse cells genes, it became possible to test them for muta-
with inactivated mouse BRCA2 genes are un- tions. Such testing has been controversial, rais-
able to survive radiation damage, again suggest- ing a number of social and psychological issues.
ing that the BRCA genes are DNA-repair genes. There is a concern that the technical ability to
Initially, it was thought that the breast cancer test for genetic conditions is ahead of the abil-
genes were typical tumor-suppressor genes that ity to predict outcomes or risks, prescribe the

Image not available

Myriad Genetic Laboratories president Gregory Critchfield in 2002, posing in front of walls lined with the DNA data on BRCA1
and BRCA2 genes from just one woman. A mutation on either of these genes increases the risk of developing breast cancer signifi-
cantly, but the ability to identify the mutation in individuals may also dramatically increase the chances for early detection and sur-
vival. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Breast Cancer 105

most effective treatment, or counsel individu- Genes, Oncogenes, and Hormones: Advances in
als. Part of the dilemma about testing is the un- Cellular and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer.
certainty about the meaning of the test results. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1992. Contains
If a test confirms the presence of a mutation in papers on the genetics and molecular biol-
a breast cancer gene in a woman with a family ogy of breast cancer, including the role of
history of breast cancer, there is a high risk, but suppressor genes, the role of the retinoblas-
not a certainty, that the woman will develop toma gene, oncogenes and stimulatory
breast cancer. Even if a test is negative, it does growth factors, and much more. Index.
not mean the woman is not at risk for breast Kemeny, Mary Margaret, and Paula Dranov.
cancer, because the large majority of breast Beating the Odds Against Breast and Ovarian
cancers are not inherited. If a test is positive, it Cancer: Reducing Your Hereditary Risk. Read-
is not clear what the best course for the woman ing, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1992. Designed
would be. Increased monitoring with mam- for women with a family history of breast or
mography and even removal of both breasts ovarian cancer who are motivated to evalu-
as a preventive measure should reduce the ate risk factors, nutrition, warning signs, and
chances of developing cancer but do not guar- options for treatment.
antee a cancer-free life. Even if a woman does Love, Susan M., with Karen Lindsey. Dr. Susan
not yet have cancer, she may feel the additional Loves Breast Book. Illustrations by Marcia Wil-
psychological stress of knowing she has a high liams. 3d ed. New York: Perseus, 2000. Per-
risk of developing cancer. haps the most comprehensive book on breast
There is also concern that test results may be health, including breast cancer. One chapter
misused by employers or insurers. A number of discusses the genetic risks for breast cancer.
states have passed laws that prevent health in- Lynch, Henry T. Genetics and Breast Cancer. New
surance companies from using genetic test re- York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981. One of
sults to discriminate against patients. In 1996, the seminal works on genetic breast cancer,
the National Cancer Institute established the by a pioneer in the investigation of heredi-
Cancer Genetics Network as a means for indi- tary breast-ovarian cancer syndrome.
viduals with a family history of cancer to enroll National Cancer Institute. Genetic Testing for
in research studies and learn of their genetic Breast Cancer: Its Your Choice. Bethesda, Md.:
status while receiving counseling. Author, 1997. One of the National Cancer
Susan J. Karcher, updated by Bryan Ness Institutes large number of pamphlets and
See also: Aging; Cancer; Cell Cycle, The; monographs on various cancers, including
DNA Repair; Genetic Counseling; Genetic genetic risks for cancer, designed to provide
Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetic Testing: responsible and detailed information to the
Ethical and Economic Issues; Hereditary Dis- public.
eases; Human Genome Project; Model Organ- Yang, Haijuan, et al. BRCA2 Function in DNA
ism: Mus musculus; Mutation and Mutagenesis; Binding and Recombination from a BRCA2-
Oncogenes; Tumor-Suppressor Genes. DSS1-ssDNA Structure. Science 297 (Sep-
tember 13, 2002): 1837-1848. This study pre-
Further Reading sents evidence that the failure of BRCA2 in
Bowcock, Anne M., ed. Breast Cancer: Molecular DNA repair through homologous recombi-
Genetics, Pathogenesis, and Therapeutics. nation may account for unsuppressed tumor
Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 1999. Detailed growth.
information geared toward researchers and
health professionals. The chapter Heredi- Web Sites of Interest
tary Breast Cancer Genes discusses BRCA1 American Cancer Society, All About Breast
and BRCA2 mutations among Ashkenazi Cancer. http://www.cancer.org. Searchable
women. Also addresses surgery, chemother- information on breast cancer, including an
apy, drug resistance, and the MDR gene. overview, a detailed guide, and practical re-
Dickson, Robert B., and Marc E. Lipman, eds. sources.
106 Burkitts Lymphoma

National Cancer Institute, National Institutes particularly common in cases associated with
of Health. http://www.nci.nih.gov/breast. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
Provides information on the genetics of Burkitts lymphoma grows very rapidly, with a
breast cancer and useful links. doubling time of approximately twenty-four
National Institutes of Health, National Library hours, and thus prompt diagnosis is essential. A
of Medicine. Genetics Home Reference. healthy child may become critically ill in about
http://www.nlm.nih.gov. This site includes four to six weeks. These children often exhibit
information on breast cancer genetics. a head or neck mass or a large abdominal mass
with fluid (ascites) accumulation. Other symp-
toms include vomiting, pain, anemia, and in-
creased bleeding.

Burkitts Lymphoma Diagnosis

The diagnosis of Burkitts lymphoma is usu-
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes ally made by a needle biopsy from a suspected
Significance: Burkitts lymphoma, a cancer of B disease site such as the bone marrow, ascites, or
lymphocytes, is the most common tumor among a lymph node. Microscopic analysis is used to
children and young adults in Central Africa and determine if the disease is present and, if so,
New Guinea. It is one of the most aggressive malig- its stage of development. Early clinical and lab-
nancies known. However, early clinical and labo- oratory diagnosis spares the child any life-
ratory diagnosis usually leads to effective treat- threatening complications from the rapid tu-
ment and survival. mor growth. Other common diagnostic tests
may include a complete blood count (CBC), a
Key terms platelet count, a bone marrow aspiration, a bi-
B lymphocyte: an antibody-producing lym- opsy, and a lumbar puncture. Further tests may
phocyte include specialized radiographic exams such as
oncogene: a mutated or improperly expressed a computer-assisted tomography (CAT) scan to
gene that can cause cancer; the normal form look for hidden tumor masses. The National
of an oncogene, called a proto-oncogene, is Cancer Institute (NCI) stages Burkitts lym-
involved in regulating the cell cycle phoma according to the amount of the disease
reciprocal translocation: a chromosomal present. The less disease, the better the out-
abnormality in which there is an exchange look for improvement after treatment. Patients
of chromosome segments between nonho- who remain free of disease for more than one
mologous chromosomes year from the time of diagnosis are considered
sarcoma: a cancer arising from cells of meso- to be cured.
dermal origin
Culprit or Consort?
The Discovery of Burkitts Lymphoma As with many other cancers, the exact cause
Burkitts lymphoma was first described by of Burkitts lymphoma is not known. In pa-
Denis Burkitt, a surgeon working in Uganda in tients from equatorial Africa, however, there is
the 1950s, as a sarcoma of the jaw in African a close correlation with the Epstein-Barr virus
children. Males are affected more commonly (EBV). More than 97 percent of lymphomas
than females. The mean age for affected chil- from equatorial Africa carry the EBV genome.
dren in Africa is seven years, whereas the mean By contrast, only 15 to 20 percent of sporadic
age in the United States is eleven years. Tumor cases of Burkitts lymphoma in Europe and
infiltration usually occurs in abdominal sites North America are positive for EBV. EBV has a
such as bowels, kidneys, ovaries, or other or- single, linear, double-stranded DNA genome
gans. Rare cases occur as acute leukemia with and was the first herpesvirus to be completely
circulating Burkitt tumor cells. The acute sequenced. EBV infection is not limited to ar-
lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) presentation is eas where Burkitts lymphoma is found. It in-
Burkitts Lymphoma 107

fects people worldwide without producing and reunite, resulting in a reciprocal transloca-
symptoms. EBV is also the causative agent of in- tion. The rearrangement of genes in this kind
fectious mononucleosis, a common disease in of translocation causes the c-myc gene to be-
which B cells are infected. come an oncogene by forming an abnormal fu-
At least two EBV subtypes have been identi- sion protein that triggers the onset of cancer.
fied in human populations: EBV-1 is detected More than sixty human proto-oncogenes have
more commonly in Western societies, whereas now been localized to a specific chromosome
EBV-1 and EBV-2 subtypes seem to be equally or chromosome region. The new location of
distributed in Africa. Although EBV is identi- the c-myc gene results in deregulation and sub-
fied as a possible causative agent of African Bur- sequent overexpression. A normal-acting proto-
kitts lymphoma, it appears that non-African oncogene is transformed into an abnormally
Burkitts lymphoma EBV may be just one factor active oncogene.
in a multistep process of development. Bur- Ninety percent of Burkitts tumors are asso-
kitts lymphoma is a monoclonal proliferation ciated with a reciprocal translocation involving
of B lymphocytes. The lymphocytes have mem-
brane receptors for EBV. African children who
develop Burkitts lymphoma are thought to be
unable to mount an appropriate immune re- The Lymphatic System
sponse to primary EBV infection, possibly be- and Lymphoma
cause of coexistent malaria, which is immuno-
suppressive. As time passes, excessive B-cell pro-
liferation occurs. The precise role of EBV in the
development of Burkitts lymphoma remains
unclear, but much research in this area contin-
ues to be done.

Good Genes and Bad Genes

The cells of Burkitts lymphoma are charac-
terized by a specific chromosomal defect
known as a balanced reciprocal translocation. Enlarged cervical nodes
Observation of fresh Burkitts lymphomas and affected by lymphoma
cultured cells has revealed an additional DNA
fragment at the end of the long arm of chromo-
some 14, while the end of one chromosome, 8, Spleen
was consistently absent. Researchers suggested
that the missing part of chromosome 8 was Bone marrow
translocated to chromosome 14. This 8/14
translocation has also been observed in spo-
radic Burkitts tumors from America, Japan,
and Europe and has been observed in Burkitts
tumors with or without EBV markers.
The part of chromosome 8 involved in the
translocation is known as the c-myc proto-onco-
gene. Proto-oncogenes normally help control
the cell cycle by regulating the number of cell
divisions. They are especially active when high
rates of cell division are needed, as in embry- Anatomy of the lymphatic system, showing major lymph nodes.
onic development, wound healing, or regener- Enlarged lymph nodes may occur for a wide variety of reasons,
ation. The proto-oncogene is transformed into including but not limited to lymphoma (cancer). (Hans &
an oncogene when the chromosomes break Cassidy, Inc.)
108 Burkitts Lymphoma

chromosomes 8 and 14. As additional tumors Heim, S., and Felix Mitelman. Cancer Cytogenet-
have been examined, two other related trans- ics. 2d ed. New York: J. Wiley, 1995. Provides
locations involving chromosome 8 have been excellent correlation of molecular and chro-
observed. The variant translocations involved mosomal findings in Burkitts lymphoma.
chromosomes 2 or 22. However, no unified the- Lenoir, G. M., G. T. OConor, and C. L. M.
ory exists to explain the role of chromosome Olweny, eds. Burkitts Lymphoma: A Human
abnormalities in the activation of oncogenes. Cancer Model. New York: Oxford University
The Epstein-Barr virus has been implicated in Press, 1985. Proceedings of a symposium or-
Burkitts lymphoma and is known to be a B-cell ganized by the International Agency for Re-
mitogen (a substance that stimulates cell divi- search on Cancer and co-sponsored by the
sion). As a mitogen, it stimulates inactive cells WHO Regional Office for Africa, the Gen-
to transform into actively dividing cells. Per- eral Motors Cancer Research Foundation,
haps EBV plays a role in the origin of 8/14 and the Association Pour le Dveloppement
translocation abnormalities simply by increas- de la Recherche sur le Cancer.
ing the number of B cells undergoing DNA rep- Weinberg, R. A. How Cancer Arises. Scientific
lication. This could increase the chances for American (September, 1996). A general dis-
developing a chromosome abnormality with cussion for the layperson, which applies to
the potential to become cancerous. Burkitts as well as other cancers. Provides
Phillip A. Farber excellent illustrations, tables, and discussions
See also: Cancer; Oncogenes; Tumor-Sup- of important research.
pressor Genes.
Web Sites of Interest
Further Reading American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer
Burkitt, Denis Parsons, and D. H. Wright. Bur- .org. Comprehensive and searchable site cov-
kitts Lymphoma. Foreword by Sir Harold ering all aspects of cancer.
Himsworth. Edinburgh: Livingstone, 1970. Lymphoma Research Foundation, Getting the
The classic description by the discoverer of Facts on Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. http://
this type of sarcoma. Illustrations (some www.lymphoma.org. Site has searchable in-
color), maps. formation on Burkitts lymphoma (non-
Cotran, R. S., et al. Robbins Pathologic Basis of Dis- Hodgkins lymphoma), including online
ease. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1999. A guides and information on obtaining guides
leading textbook that presents comprehen- by mail.
sive information accompanied by more than The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. http://
170 newly created computer-generated dia- www.leukemia-lymphoma.org. Searchable
grams, including schematics, flow charts, site that includes a free, sixty-four-page down-
and diagrammatic representations of the loadable guide on all types of lymphomas, in-
disease. cluding Burkitts.
Cancer mor is called the primary site. Most types of
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes cancer begin in one place (the breast, lung, or
Significance: At its root cancer is a genetic disease. bowel, for example) from which the cells in-
It is characterized by unrestrained growth and re- vade neighboring areas and form secondary tu-
production of cells, loss of contact inhibition, and, mors. To make matters more complicated, some
eventually, metastasis (the wandering of cancer types of cancer, such as leukemia, lymphoma,
cells from a primary tumor to other parts of the and myeloma, begin in several places at the
body). All of these changes represent underlying same time, usually in the bone marrow or lym-
mutations or inappropriate expression of genes in- ph nodes. Primary tumors begin with one ab-
volved in the control of the cell cycle and related normal cell. This cell, as is true of all cells, is
processes. extremely small, no more than 0.002 or 0.003
millimeter across (about one-twentieth the
Key terms width of a human hair). Therefore early cancer
carcinogen: a substance or other environmen- is very difficult to locate. Even if there are more
tal factor that produces or encourages cancer than 100,000 cancer cells in a tumor, it is barely
oncogenes: genes that cause cancer but that, in visible except under a microscope.
their normal form, called proto-oncogenes, Cancer cells divide and reproduce about ev-
are important in controlling the cell cycle ery two to six weeks. If they divide on the aver-
and related processes age of once per month, a single cell will multi-
tumor: a mass formed by the uncontrolled ply into approximately four thousand cells by
growth of cells, which may be malignant the end of a year. After twenty months, there
(considered cancerous) or benign (nonma- will be one million cells, which would form a tu-
lignant) mor about the size of a pinhead and would still
tumor-suppressor genes: genes involved in be undetectable. A tumor can be discovered
regulating the cell cycle and preventing cell only when a lump of approximately one billion
division until an appropriate time; when mu- cells is present. This would be about the size of
tated, these genes can cause cancer a small grape. It would take about two and one-
half years for a single cancer cell to reach this
The Problem of Cancer size. Within seven months, the one billion cells
Cancer is characterized by abnormal cell would grow to more than 100 billion cells, and
growth that leads to the invasion and destruc- the tumor would weigh about four ounces. By
tion of healthy tissue by cells that meet certain the fortieth month of growth, the lump of can-
criteria. Normal cells in the human body are cer cells would weigh about two pounds. By the
continuously growing but are under normal time a tumor has reached this size, death often
cell control mechanisms. Cancer cells begin as occurs. Death normally occurs about three and
normal cells that, due to genetic mutations, one-half years after the first cancer cell begins
start to grow uncontrollably, escaping from the to grow. It takes about forty-two cell doublings
normal rules regulating cell growth and behav- to reach the lethal stage. The problem is that,
ior. Contact inhibition, in which cells contact- in most cases, tumors are detectable only after
ing other cells prevent unrestrained growth, is thirty doublings. By this time, cancer cells may
lost in cancer cells. Normal cells also remain in have invaded many other areas of the body be-
one location, or at least in the same tissue, but yond the primary site.
malignant tumors, in their later stages, metas-
tasize, allowing their cells to wander freely in How Cancer Cells Grow and Invade
the body, leading to the development of tu- Cancer cells are able to break down the bar-
mors in other organs. A final common feature riers that normally keep cells from invading
is that cancer cells lose their normal cell shape. other groups of cells. With the aid of a micro-
The area where cancer begins to form a tu- scope, cancer cells can be observed breaking
110 Cancer

through the boundary between cells, called the have invaded, forming numerous secondary
basement membrane. Cancer cells can make tumors along the way. Because cancer cells are
substances that break down the intercellular not considered foreign substances, such as bac-
matrix, the glue that holds cells together. The teria or viruses, they are able to evade the
intercellular matrix is a complex mixture of bodys immune system. Because of their overall
substances, including collagen, a strong, fi- resemblance to normal cells, cancer cells fool
brous protein that gives strength to tissues. the body into thinking they are normal and
Cancer cells produce collagenase, an enzyme therefore not dangerous.
that breaks down collagen. Cancer cells also Cancer cells eventually enter narrow blood
produce hyaluronidase, which further breaks vessels called capillaries and stay there for a brief
down the intercellular matrix. This causes can- period before they enter tissues such as lungs,
cer cells to lose their normal shape and allows bones, skin, and muscle. The secondary tumors
them to push through normal boundaries and then capture their own territory. As a tumor es-
establish themselves in surrounding tissues. tablishes itself, its cells often secrete signal pro-
Cancer cells have jagged edges, are irregular in teins that stimulate new blood vessels to form (a
shape, and have hard-to-detect borders, mak- process called angiogenesis) to increase blood
ing them relatively easy to identify microscopi- supply to the growing tumor. The body thus not
cally. Normal cells, on the other hand, have a only fails to destroy developing tumors, but un-
regular, smooth edge and shape. wittingly helps establish them as well.
There are many steps involved in the process
of metastasizing, not all of which are under- The Genetics of Cancer
stood by researchers. First is the entry into a Cancer has been known since antiquity, but
blood vessel or lymph channel. Lymph chan- it was not until the twentieth century that the
nels, or lymphatics, comprise a network of ves- underlying causes of cancer began to be ex-
sels that carry lymph from the tissues to the plored. In 1910, Peyton Rous discovered a type
bloodstream. Lymph is a colorless liquid that of cancer in chickens called a sarcoma (a can-
drains from spaces between cells. It consists cer of connective tissue) that could be passed
mainly of water, salts, and proteins and eventu- on to other chickens. He demonstrated this by
ally enters the bloodstream near the heart. The removing tumors from affected chickens, grind-
function of lymph is to filter out bacteria and ing the tumors up, filtering the grindate, and
other foreign particles that might enter the then injecting the filtrate into healthy chickens.
blood and cause infections. A mass of lymph Injected chickens invariably developed sarcoma
vessels is called a lymph node. In the human tumors, suggesting that something smaller than
body, lymph nodes are found in the neck, un- the tumor cells was being passed on and was
der the arms, and in several other places. Every stimulating cancer development in otherwise
body tissue has a network of lymph and blood normal cells. It is now known that the filtrate
vessels running through it. contained a cancer-causing virus, now called
Once a malignant tumor develops and metas- the Rous sarcoma virus. Similar types of viruses
tasizes, the cells often travel through the body were discovered to be responsible for cancers
using the lymphatic system, a network of ves- in a variety of animals, but none was discovered
sels that filter pathogens and transport lymph, in humans initially.
a fluid similar to blood plasma. Cancer cells As the genetic material of some of the tumor
may gain entry into a nearby lymph vessel by viruses was later analyzed, all of them were dis-
breaking down defensive enzymes. Once in the covered to contain genes called oncogenes,
lymph system, they can travel to nodes (gland- because they promoted oncogenesis (tumor
like masses of cells that produce white blood development). Even more surprising was the
cells) and eventually into the bloodstream. discovery that humans have genes in their ge-
Whatever route they take, groups of cancer nome that are homologous (having a high de-
cells can break away from the primary site of gree of similarity) to viral oncogenes. The hu-
the tumor and float along whatever vessel they man genes did not seem to cause cancer under
Cancer 111

normal circumstances and were called proto- checked. Retinoblastoma occurs in children
oncogenes. In cancer cells, some of these proto- when they inherit one faulty copy from a par-
oncogenes were discovered to have mutations ent. If the other copy experiences a mutation,
or, in some cases, were simply overexpressed. which frequently occurs, then retinoblastoma
In recognition of their abnormal state, these develops.
genes were called cellular oncogenes, to distin-
guish them from viral oncogenes. It is now How Cancer Develops
known that proto-oncogenes are important in The development of cancer is typically more
controlling the cell cycle by stimulating cell di- complicated than implied above. It generally
vision only at the appropriate time. When they requires mutations in more than a single proto-
are transformed into oncogenes, uncontrolled oncogene or tumor-suppressor gene. Any fac-
cell growth and division occurs, two of the hall- tors that increase mutation rates or decrease a
marks of cancer. cells ability to repair mutations will increase
A second type of cancer-causing gene, called the likelihood that cancer will develop. Inheri-
a tumor-suppressor gene, was discovered to be tance of already mutated genes can also greatly
the cause of retinoblastoma, a cancer of the ret- increase a persons chance of developing can-
ina, most often occurring in children. Tumor- cer, which accounts for the above-normal oc-
suppressor genes have an effect opposite to currence of cancer in some families.
that of proto-oncogenes; they suppress cell divi- One of the best-studied cases of oncogenesis
sion and thus prevent unrestrained cell prolif- involves colorectal cancer, which takes years to
eration. If both alleles of a tumor-suppressor develop from a small cluster of abnormal cells
gene have a mutation that makes them non- into life-threatening cancer. It involves the loss
functional, then cell division can occur un- or mutation of three tumor-suppressor genes

Image not available

Leland H. Hartwell, co-winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with R. Timothy Hunt and Paul M. Nurse, at the
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington, shortly after the Nobel Foundations announcement. The three
men won for their work on cell division and its implications for cancer research. (AP/Wide World Photos)
112 Cancer

and one proto-oncogene. Often colorectal can- cur in proto-oncogenes or tumor-suppressor

cer runs in families, because the loss of the first genes, so that the only way to prevent cancer is
gene, the APC tumor-suppressor gene, is often to control exposure to as many environmen-
inherited, resulting in an increased chance of tal carcinogens as possible and to aggressively
developing colorectal cancer. Loss of this gene screen for tumors.
causes increased cell growth and some other
genetic changes. In the next step, the ras onco- Cancer Treatment
gene is mutated, causing even more cell Cancers vary in their severity and rate of
growth. Two more tumor-suppressor genes are growth, which means that proper treatment de-
lost, DCC and p53, at which point a tumor pends on correctly diagnosing the type of can-
called a carcinoma has developed. Additional cer. For example, some forms of prostate can-
gene loss, which occurs much more easily in tu- cer grow extremely slowly, and metastasis is rare
mor cells, leads to metastasis, and the cancer until very late stages in the disease, sometimes
then spreads to other organs and tissues. many years after initial diagnosis. Treatment
Inheritance of a gene loss or mutation does may comprise simply monitoring the tumor,
not mean a person will get cancer; it simply avoiding carcinogenic exposure as much as
means they have a higher chance of developing possible, and possibly changing lifestyle. On
cancer. Although development of cancer is ulti- the other hand, some types of skin cancer prog-
mately genetically based, environmental factors ress so rapidly that aggressive treatment may
also play a part. In the case of colorectal cancer, be required, unless it is caught very early. Al-
a diet low in roughage is often considered to in- though survival rates for many types of cancer
crease colorectal cancer rates. Exposure to car- have risen, treatment for most cancers is still
cinogens, chemicals, or other factors, such as only partially successful, and the later a tumor
radiation, can also increase the likelihood of is detected, the greater chance that it will be un-
cancer. Exposure can occur in the diet, as a re- treatable.
sult of skin exposure, or inhalation. For exam- New therapies are constantly being devel-
ple, smoking cigarettes is known to increase the oped, but most cancers are still treated using
occurrence of lung cancer, as well as a variety of surgery (removal of tumors), chemotherapy,
other cancers. Excess exposure to damaging and radiation therapy, either singly or, more of-
UV rays in sunlight or other sources is known to ten, in combination. More important than the
significantly increase the occurrence of skin specific treatment used is detecting tumors in
cancer. Carcinogens promote cancer because their earliest stages, before they have exten-
they cause damage to DNA, and if the damage sively invaded surrounding tissues or metas-
happens to occur to a tumor-suppressor gene tasized. Survival rates are high for most cancers
or oncogene, then cancer may occur. when treated very early.
Inheritance of some mutations is particu- The very nature of cancer makes treatment
larly potent in increasing the chances of devel- difficult. Because the cells involved are difficult
oping cancer. One example is the genetic dis- for the immune system to recognize as danger-
ease xeroderma pigmentosa. Individuals with ous, the body is typically inefficient at destroy-
this disease develop skin cancer in response to ing them. Many of the treatments, other than
even relatively brief exposure to UV radiation surgical removal, rely on the fact that cancer
and must therefore avoid exposure to sunlight. cells divide much faster and more frequently
A small percentage of breast cancers are also than normal cells. Therefore, any agent that
highly heritable and are now known to involve can cause higher mortality in rapidly divid-
mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. In ing cells has potential as a cancer treatment.
these types of highly heritable cancers, it ap- Chemotherapeutic agents are essentially toxic
pears that the mutations cause some kind of de- chemicals that are most toxic to dividing cells.
ficiency in the cellular DNA repair systems. As a Thus, they kill cancer cells much more readily
result of a decreased ability to repair mutations, than most other body cells, but any other body
it is just a matter of time before mutations oc- cells undergoing cell division are susceptible,
Cancer 113

so chemotherapy also kills some normal cells. Angiogenesis inhibitors are also at the ex-
Cancer patients often feel very ill during che- perimental stage. As noted above, many cancer
motherapy because of this. cells secrete agents that encourage angiogenesis
Radiation therapy works similarly, being (the formation of blood vessels) in the region
more damaging to dividing cells. An added ad- of the tumor to increase blood supply to the
vantage of radiation therapy, if the tumor has rapidly dividing cells. It is hoped that angio-
not yet metastasized, is that it can be focused genesis inhibitors might counteract this activity
more intensely in the vicinity of the tumor, pre- and essentially starve the cancer cells. Shrink-
venting damage to other tissues. If the tumor age of tumors in laboratory animals has been
has metastasized, then more widespread expo- observed using this approach.
sure to radiation may be used, with the obvious Photodynamic therapy also shows promise.
drawback that many other normal cells will also It is based on the observation that certain chem-
be damaged. Radiation therapy is often used to icals, when ingested by single-celled organisms,
treat leukemia. Radiation is used to kill the pa- release damaging oxygen radicals when exposed
tients bone marrow, and then new bone mar- to light, thus killing the organisms. It has been
row is transplanted from a compatible donor. observed that cancer cells retain these chemi-
The new bone marrow can then restore normal cals longer than normal cells. Treatment in-
function to production of blood cells. volves administering the chemical by injection,
Genetics has played a part in improving che- then waiting for a specified period for it to be
motherapy. It has long been known that some retained by cancer cells and flushed out of nor-
people will respond better than others to cer- mal cells. Then the tissue in which the cancer
tain chemotherapeutic drugs. It is now known cells are located is exposed to laser light. This
that some of these differences are genetic, and method works on any tissues that can be ex-
the underlying genetic differences have been posed to laser light, which includes any part of
uncovered in some cases. Therefore, as part of the body accessible to endoscopy.
cancer treatment for some kinds of cancer, a The ultimate treatment for cancer would be
person may be tested genetically to make more replacement or repair of the mutated genes re-
intelligent choices about which drugs to use. sponsible. Currently such treatment is not pos-
As more genetic data become available, it is an- sible. There are many hurdles to overcome, in-
ticipated that more effective and personalized cluding designing safe methods for inserting
treatments will be developed. corrected gene copies. There is danger that im-
proper gene therapy methods could actually
Innovations and Future Treatments make things worse, causing additional tumors
Although the immune system cannot nor- or other diseases. A much better understand-
mally identify cancer cells accurately, there has ing of the genetics of cancer and future im-
been some success in immunological ap- provements in gene therapy techniques hold
proaches. A recent new treatment involves Her- promise of someday being able to cure or pre-
ceptin, a specially designed monoclonal an- vent most kinds of cancer.
tibody that attacks cells that overproduce a Leslie V. Tischauser, updated by Bryan Ness
protein called HER-2. It has shown some prom- See also: Aging; Breast Cancer; Burkitts
ise in treating breast cancer and is being stud- Lymphoma; Cell Culture: Animal Cells; Cell
ied as an agent for treating other forms of can- Cycle, The; Cell Division; Chemical Mutagens;
cer. Unfortunately, some of the possible side Chromosome Mutation; Developmental Genet-
effects include damage to the heart and lungs ics; DNA Repair; Gene Therapy; Genetic Engi-
and serious allergic reactions. Careful moni- neering: Medical Applications; Genetic Test-
toring is required to prevent life-threatening ing: Ethical and Economic Issues; Hereditary
damage. Research is also progressing on devel- Diseases; Homeotic Genes; Human Genome
opment of vaccines against cancer, but so far Project; Huntingtons Disease; Hybridomas and
this approach is still in its early experimental Monoclonal Antibodies; Hypercholesterol-
stages. emia; Insurance; Model Organism: Caenorhab-
114 Cancer

ditis elegans; Model Organism: Mus musculus; search into the genetic causes of breast can-
Mutation and Mutagenesis; Nondisjunction cer and other types of cancer.
and Aneuploidy; Oncogenes; Proteomics; Re- Ehrlich, Melanie, ed. DNA Alterations in Cancer:
verse Transcriptase; RNA Transcription and Genetic and Epigenetic Changes. Natick, Mass.:
mRNA Processing; Signal Transduction; Stem Eaton, 2000. A comprehensive overview of
Cells; Steroid Hormones; Telomeres; Tumor- the numerous and varied genetic alterations
Suppressor Genes. leading to the development and progression
of cancer. Topics include oncogenes, tumor-
Further Reading suppressor genes, cancer predisposition,
Bowcock, Anne M., ed. Breast Cancer: Molecular DNA repair, and epigenetic alteration such
Genetics, Pathogenesis, and Therapeutics. as methylation.
Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 1999. Detailed Fitzgerald, Patrick J. From Demons and Evil Spirits
information geared toward researchers and to Cancer Genes: The Development of Concepts
health professionals. The chapter Heredi- Concerning the Causes of Cancer and Carcino-
tary Breast Cancer Genes discusses BRCA1 genesis. Washington, D.C.: American Regis-
and BRCA2 mutations among Ashkenazi try of Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of
women. Also addresses surgery, chemother- Pathology, 2000. Traces the history, epide-
apy, drug resistance, and the MDR gene. miology, and genetics of neoplasms, cancer,
Bradlow, H. Leon, Jack Fishman, and Michael and medical oncology.
P. Osborne, eds. Cancer Prevention: Novel Nu- Greaves, Mel F. Cancer: The Evolutionary Legacy.
trient and Pharmaceutical Developments. New New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1999. Presents a Darwinian explanation for cancer
Examines several classes of nutrients and that includes historical anecdotes and scien-
pharmaceutical agents believed to be im- tific findings.
portant for tumor inhibition. Reviews novel Habib, Nagy A., ed. Cancer Gene Therapy: Past
preclinical models that facilitate analysis of Achievements and Future Challenges. New York:
chemopreventive agent efficacy and mecha- Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2000. Reviews
nisms of gene-nutrient interaction and pro- forty-one preclinical and clinical studies in
vides information on clinical trials studying cancer gene therapy, organized into sections
chemopreventive regimens. on the vectors available to carry genes into
Coleman, William B., and Gregory J. Tsongalis, tumors, cell cycle control, apoptosis, tumor-
eds. The Molecular Basis of Human Cancer. suppressor genes, antisense and ribozymes,
Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 2002. Surveys immuno-modulation, suicidal genes, an-
the known molecular mechanisms govern- giogenesis control, and matrix metallo pro-
ing neoplastic transformation in the breast, teinase.
prostate, lung, liver, colon, skin, leukemias, Hanski, C., H. Scherbl, and B. Mann, eds.
and lymphomas. Illuminates both recent de- Colorectal Cancer: New Aspects of Molecular Biol-
velopments and established concepts in epi- ogy and Immunology and Their Clinical Applica-
demiology, molecular techniques, oncogen- tions. New York: New York Academy of Sci-
esis, and mutation mechanisms. ences, 2000. Explores the immunological
Cowell, J. K., ed. Molecular Genetics of Cancer. 2d and molecular aspects of colon and rectal
ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 2001. Fo- cancer.
cuses on tumors of tissues such as liver, lung, Hodgson, Shirley V., and Eamonn R. Maher. A
bladder, and brain and surveys research in Practical Guide to Human Cancer Genetics. 2d
the cloning and analysis of genes central to ed. New York: Cambridge University Press,
the development and progression of human 1999. Gives a general overview of the underly-
cancers. ing molecular genetic basis of cancer, the ge-
Davies, Kevin, and Michael White. Breakthrough: netics of human cancers by site of origin, and
The Race to Find the Breast Cancer Gene. New a review of inherited cancer-predisposing
York: John Wiley, 1996. A history of the re- syndromes.
cDNA Libraries 115

Liotta, L. A. Cancer Cell Invasion and Metasta- National Cancer Institute. http://www.cancer
sis. Scientific American (1992). Provides a ba- .gov. Site links to comprehensive information
sic description of cancer genetics. on genetics and cancer, including a cancer-
Maruta, Hiroshi, ed. Tumor-Suppressing Viruses, basics tutorial.
Genes, and Drugs: Innovative Cancer Therapy
Approaches. San Diego, Calif.: Academic,
2002. An international field of experts ad-
dress a number of innovative approaches to cDNA Libraries
treating cancer, such as viral therapy using
specific viral mutants, gene therapy using a Fields of study: Bioinformatics; Techniques
variety of tumor-suppressor genes, and drug and methodologies
therapy targeted to block oncogenic signal Significance: A cDNA library is a set of cloned
pathways. DNA copies of the RNAs found in a specific cell
Mendelsohn, John, et al. The Molecular Basis of type at a specific time. This library can be used to
Cancer. 2d ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 2001. construct probes for mapping these genes, to study
Surveys the principles that constitute the sci- the changing expression of genes over time (during
entific basis for understanding the patho- development, for example), or to clone genes into
genesis of cancer and emphasizes clinical organisms for further study or production of pro-
implications for treatment. Covers recent teins.
advances and current research, with descrip-
tions of the basic mechanisms of malignant Key terms
cells and molecular abnormalities, as well as complementary DNA (cDNA): also known as
new approaches to therapy. copy DNA, a form of DNA synthesized by re-
Schneider, Katherine A. Counseling About Can- verse transcribing RNAs (usually messenger
cer: Strategies for Genetic Counseling. 2d ed. RNAs) into DNA
New York: Wiley-Liss, 2002. A reference DNA library: a collection of DNA fragments
guide to assist genetic counselors and other cloned from a single source, such as a ge-
health care providers help patients and fam- nome, chromosome, or set of mRNAs
ilies through the emotional difficulties of in situ hybridization: a technique that uses a
managing hereditary cancer. molecular probe to determine the chromo-
Vogelstein, Bert, and Kenneth W. Kinzler, eds. somal location of a gene
The Genetic Basis of Human Cancer. 2d ed. introns: noncoding segments of DNA within a
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Introduces gene that are removed from mRNA copies of
the fundamentals of genetics and human the gene before polypeptide translation
phenotypes, gene mutation, the Human Ge- reverse transcriptase: an enzyme, isolated
nome Project, and gene imprinting and cov- from retroviruses, that synthesizes a DNA
ers advances in the field. strand from an RNA template
Wilson, Samuel, et al. Cancer and the Environ-
ment: Gene-Environment Interaction. Washing- Gene Cloning and DNA Libraries
ton, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2002. In- In order to study and map genes, research-
cludes The Links Between Environmental ers need to take potentially very large sections
Factors, Genetics, and the Development of of DNA (such as a chromosome or whole ge-
Cancer, Gene-Environment Interaction in nome), break them into smaller, manageable
Special Populations, and Gene-Environ- fragments, and clone these fragments to con-
ment Interaction in Site-Specific Cancers. struct a DNA library. A genomic or chromo-
some library may contain many thousands of
Web Sites of Interest cloned fragments, many of which will represent
American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer stretches of noncoding DNA between genes.
.org. Comprehensive and searchable site cov- If the researcher is interested is studying the
ering all aspects of cancer. protein-coding regions, or genes, of the DNA,
116 cDNA Libraries

it is better to start with the messenger RNAs search, because the developmental pattern of
(mRNAs) of the cell, which represent the genes an organism can be correlated with the activity
being actively transcribed in the cell at that of specific genes.
time. By constructing and cloning complemen- Cloned cDNAs can also be used to find the
tary DNA (cDNA) copies of these mRNAs, re- chromosomal location of an expressed gene.
searchers can create a library that contains cop- One strand of the cDNA clone is labeled with a
ies of only the active genes. fluorescent tag and used as a molecular probe.
In the technique of in situ hybridization, the
cDNA Library Construction probe will base pair, or hybridize, to the com-
DNA copies of mRNAs are synthesized using plementary sequence in a preparation of par-
the enzyme reverse transcriptase. This enzyme tially denatured chromosomes, and the chro-
was independently discovered by Howard mosomal location of the original gene will be
Temin and David Baltimore in 1970 in retrovi- visible because of the fluorescent label. Such a
ruses, which reverse transcribe their RNA ge- probe can also be used to screen a chromo-
nomes into DNA after infecting their host cells. some or genomic library for the cloned frag-
In the late 1970s, researchers began using the ment containing the target gene. Using the
enzyme to make DNA copies of mRNAs, and entire cDNA library to probe a genome will
later to construct cDNA libraries. generate a cDNA map that suggests the most bi-
To create a cDNA library from a sample of ologically and medically important parts of the
cells, mRNAs from the cells are isolated and pu- genome, aiding researchers in the search for
rified. Reverse transcriptase is used to synthe- disease genes.
size a complementary DNA strand using each Genes of eukaryotes (nonbacterial organ-
mRNA strand as a template, resulting in a col- isms) usually contain introns, noncoding seg-
lection of double-stranded RNA-DNA hybrids. ments that are transcribed but removed from
To obtain double-stranded cDNAs suitable for mRNAs before translation, but bacterial genes
cloning, the enzyme RNase H is used to digest do not. Often, a eukaryotic gene put into a bac-
the RNA strand, and DNA polymerase I is used terial cell will not produce a functional poly-
to synthesize the second DNA strand using the peptide because the cell does not have the bio-
first as a template. If desired, sticky ends can chemical machinery for removing introns. If
be added to the cDNAs for cloning into a vec- the goal of the research is to have a bacterium
tor. The set of recombinant vectors are inserted make the protein product of a gene, it may be
into bacterial cells in the process of transforma- necessary to clone a cDNA version of the gene,
tion, resulting in a cloned cDNA library. The li- which lacks introns, using a special expression
brary is maintained as a collection of bacterial vector that allows the cell to transcribe the in-
colonies, each colony containing a different serted gene and translate it to the proper poly-
cloned DNA fragment. peptide.

Applications Advantages and Disadvantages

A cDNA library represents the coding se- Because cDNA libraries contain only DNA of
quences of genes that were actively expressed expressed genes, they are much smaller and
in the original cell sample at the time the sam- more easily managed and studied than chro-
ple was taken. In effect, it can represent a snap- mosome or genomic libraries that have all cod-
shot of active genes in the cells at that time. ing and noncoding regions. The cDNA ver-
Comparing the cDNAs of different tissues from sions of genes have only the protein-coding
the same organism can reveal the differences sequence, without introns, so that cloning
in gene expression of these tissues. Also, com- them in bacteria allows expression of the pro-
paring cDNAs of cells in the same tissue over tein products of the genes. In contrast to other
time can show how gene expression changes in DNA libraries, cDNA libraries can be used to
the same cells. This approach has been espe- study variable patterns of gene expression
cially fruitful in developmental genetic re- among cell types or over time. In eukaryotes,
Cell Culture: Animal Cells 117

cDNA copies of genes are not identical to the micropropagation: removal of small pieces of
original sequences of the genes and also lack plant tissue for growth in culture
the promoter region necessary for proper tran- primary cells: explants removed from an ani-
scription of the gene. However, using cDNA as mal
a molecular probe can lead to the identifica- transformation: any physical change to a
tion of the original gene. cell, but generally the change of a normal
Stephen T. Kilpatrick cell into a cancer cell
See also: Bioinformatics; DNA Finger-
printing; DNA Sequencing Technology; For- Early History
ensic Genetics; Genetic Testing: Ethical and Methodology for maintaining tissues in vitro
Economic Issues; Genetics, Historical Develop- (in laboratory vessels) began in 1907 with Ross
ment of; Genomic Libraries; Genomics; Human Harrison at Yale College. Harrison placed tis-
Genome Project; Icelandic Genetic Database; sue extracts from frog embryos on microscope
Linkage Maps; Proteomics; Reverse Transcrip- slides in physiological fluids such as clotted
tase. frog lymph. The material was sealed with paraf-
fin and observed; specimens could be main-
Further Reading tained for several weeks. In 1912, Alexis Carrel
Sambrook, Joseph, and David Russell. Molecu- began the maintenance of cardiac tissues from
lar Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 3d ed. Cold a warm-blooded organism, a chicken, in a simi-
Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor lar manner. The term tissue culture was origi-
Laboratory Press, 2001. Contains detailed nally applied to the cells maintained in the lab-
protocols for mRNA isolation, cDNA synthe- oratory in this manner, reflecting the origin of
sis, and library construction. the technique. More appropriate to modern
Watson, James D., John Tooze, and David T. techniques, the proper terminology is cell cul-
Kurtz. Recombinant DNA: A Short Course. New ture, since it is actually individual cells which
York: W. H. Freeman, 1983. An introduction are grown, developing as explants from tissue.
to techniques for cloning genes, including Nevertheless, the terms tend to be used inter-
construction of cDNA libraries. changeably for convenience.

Types of Cell Culture

The most common form of mammalian cell
culture is that of the primary explant. Cells are
Cell Culture: Animal Cells removed from the organism, preferably at the
embryonic stage, treated with an enzyme such
Fields of study: Cellular biology; Techniques as trypsin, which serves to disperse the cells,
and methodologies and placed in a laboratory growth vessel. Most
Significance: The ability to grow and maintain vessels used today are composed of polystyrene
cells or tissues in laboratory vessels has provided or similar forms of plastic.
researchers with a means to study cell genetics and Most forms of cells are anchorage-dependent,
has contributed to the understanding of what dif- meaning they will attach and spread over a flat
ferentiates normal cells from cancer cells. The surface. Given sufficient time, such cells will
technology involved in growing viruses in cell cul- cover the surface in a layer one cell thick,
ture has proved vital both to understanding virus known as a monolayer.
replication and for development of viral vaccines. A few forms of cells, mainly hematopoietic
(blood-forming) or transformed (cancer) cells,
Key terms are anchorage-independent and will grow in
cell lines: cells maintained for an indetermi- suspension as long as proper nutrients are sup-
nate time in culture plied.
HeLa cells: the first human tumor cells shown Similar procedures are used in preparation
to form a continuous cell line of nonmammalian cell lines such as those from
118 Cell Culture: Animal Cells

poikilotherms (cold-blooded organisms such Johns Hopkins Hospital, demonstrated that

as fish) or insects. Insect lines have become par- human cells could also be grown continuously
ticularly important as techniques were devel- in culture. Using cervical carcinoma explants
oped for cloning genes in insect pathogens from a woman named Henrietta Lacks, Gey
known as baculoviruses. Such cells can often be prepared a continuous line from these cells.
maintained at room temperature in suspension. Known as HeLa cells, these cultures became
standard in most laboratories studying the
Development of Cell Lines growth of animal viruses. Ironically, growth of
A characteristic of primary cells is that of a fi- HeLa cells was so convenient and routine that
nite life span; normal cells will replicate ap- the cells frequently contaminated other cul-
proximately fifty times, exhibit symptoms of tures found in the same laboratories.
aging, and die. When primary cells are re-
moved from a culture and cultured separately, Nutrient Requirements
they become known as a cell strain. Particular cells may have more stringent re-
A few rare cells may enter crisis and begin quirements for growth than other types of cells;
to exhibit characteristics of abnormal cells such in addition, primary cells have greater require-
as anchorage-independence or unusual chro- ments than cell lines. However, certain general-
mosome numbers. If these cells survive, they ities apply to the growth requirements for all
represent what is called a cell line. Cell lines cells. All cells must be maintained in a physio-
express characteristics of cancer cells and are logical salt solution. Required vitamins and
often immortal. amino acids are included in the mixture. Anti-
During the first half century of work in cell biotics such as penicillin and streptomycin are
culture, only nonhuman cells were grown in routinely added to suppress the growth of un-
culture. In 1952, George Gey, a physician at wanted microorganisms. Nevertheless, sterility

Eukaryotic Animal Cell

reticulum Nucleolus
Centriole Lysosome
Endosome Cytoplasm

Golgi apparatus

Secretion granule

Cell membrane
Nuclear envelope

Mitochondrion Ribosomes


All animal cells are eukaryotic cells, which differ from more primitive prokaryotic cells in having a nucleus that houses the primary
genetic material. This drawing depicts the basic features of a eukaryotic animal cell. (Electronic Illustrators Group)
Cell Culture: Animal Cells 119

is of utmost importance since some organisms During the same period, Howard Temin at
are unaffected by these antibiotics. Depending the University of Wisconsin, while studying the
upon the type of cell, the particular pH, or acid growth of RNA tumor viruses in cultured cells,
content, of the culture may be variable. Most reported the apparent requirement for DNA
mammalian cells grow best at a pH of 7-7.2. For production by these viruses in transforming
this reason, cells are generally grown in special normal cells into cancer cells. Temins and
incubators which utilize a relatively high CO2 Hayflicks investigations contributed signifi-
atmosphere. cantly to the question of how cancer cells differ
Replication of animal cells requires the pres- from normal cells, and the understanding of
ence of certain growth factors to be present in genes involved in such changes. Eventually, this
the medium. Historically, the source of such led to the discovery of oncogenes.
factors has been serum, usually obtained from The term oncogene is somewhat mislead-
fetal bovines. Genetic engineering techniques ing. Its definition was originally based on the
have resulted in production of commercially fact that mutations in such genes may contrib-
available growth factors, eliminating the re- ute to transformation of cells from normal to
quirement for expensive serum for growth of cancerous. The study of these genes in cultured
some forms of cells in culture. cells clarified their role: Most oncogene prod-
ucts can be classified as growth factors, which
Genetics of Cells in Culture stimulate cell growth; receptors, which respond
Study of cultured animal cells has resulted to such stimulation; or intracellular molecules,
in significant advancement in understanding which transfer such signals to the cell DNA. In
many areas of cell regulation. For example, the other words, the normal function of the onco-
role played by cell receptors in response to the gene is to regulate replication of normal cells;
presence of extracellular ligands such as hor- only when these proteins are inappropriately
mones and other metabolites was clarified by expressed do they result in transformation of
studying the response of cells to such stimula- the cell.
tion. Intracellular events, including the role of
enzymes in cell activities, was clarified and re- Application of Cell Culture to Virology
mains a primary area of research. The use of mammalian cells for the study of
The ability to transform mammalian cells us- viruses represented among the earliest, and ar-
ing isolated DNA has allowed for significant ap- guably among the most important, applica-
plications in genome analysis. Such genetic ma- tions of the technique of cell culture. Prior to
nipulation has led to a greater understanding the 1940s, study of most animal viruses, includ-
in the role specific genes play in cell regulation. ing those that cause disease in humans, was
In particular, use of cultured cells was instru- confined to in vivo studies in animals. For ex-
mental in clarifying the role played by specific ample, the study of poliovirus required inocu-
gene products in intracellular trafficking, the lation of the virus directly into the brains of
movement of molecules to specific sites within suitable monkeys.
the cell. Similar techniques continue to be used In 1949, John Enders and his co-workers
to further understand the regulatory process. demonstrated the growth of poliovirus in hu-
man embryonic cells, eliminating the require-
Mammalian Cells and Oncogenesis ment for monkeys. Their work played a critical
During the 1960s, Leonard Hayflick at the role in the later development of poliovirus vac-
Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, cines by Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin. The abil-
observed that primary cells in culture exhibit a ity to grow viruses in cells maintained in the
finite life span; normal cells generally divide no laboratory opened the field to nearly all virolo-
more than approximately fifty times (a phe- gists and biochemists, rather than restricting
nomenon now called the Hayflick limit). Any such studies to those with access to animal facil-
cells that survive generally take on the charac- ities.
teristics of cancer cells. Richard Adler
120 Cell Culture: Plant Cells

See also: Cancer; Cell Culture: Plant Cells; plant growth regulators: hormonelike sub-
Cell Cycle, The; Cell Division; Gene Regulation: stances that profoundly affect plant growth
Eukaryotes; Gene Regulation: Viruses; Mitosis and development
and Meiosis; Oncogenes; Stem Cells; Totipo- somatic embryos: asexual embryoid structures
tency; Tumor-Suppressor Genes; Viral Genetics. derived from somatic cells
totipotency: the ability of a plant cell or part
Further Reading to regenerate into a whole plant
Freshney, R. Ian. Culture of Animal Cells. New
York: Wiley-Liss, 2000. Basically a how-to text Culturing Plant Cells
on the science and art of tissue culture. Use- Plant cell cultures are typically initiated by
ful as a source of recipes and techniques, as taking explantssuch as root, stem, leaf, or
well as an extensive bibliography. flower tissuefrom an intact plant. These
Gold, Michael. A Conspiracy of Cells. Albany: explants are surface-sterilized and then placed
State University of New York Press, 1986. A in vitro on a formulated, artificial growth me-
full account of the history behind develop- dium containing various inorganic salts, a car-
ment of the HeLa cell line. Much of the ac- bon source (such as sucrose), vitamins, and var-
count deals with the (literal) spread of these ious plant growth regulators, depending on the
cells throughout the field of cell culture. desired outcome. There are many commer-
Hayflick, L., and P. Moorhead. The Serial Cul- cially available media formulations; the two
tivation of Human Diploid Cell Strains. Ex- most common include MS (murashige and
perimental Cell Research 25 (1961): 585-621. skoog) and WPM (woody plant media). Alter-
The classic work that first reported the lim- natively, customized formulations may be nec-
ited life span of human cells in culture. essary for culturing certain plant species. One
Pollack, Robert, ed. Readings in Mammalian Cell of the most important uses of plant tissue cul-
Culture. 2d ed. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: ture has been for the mass propagation of eco-
Cold Spring Harbor Press, 1981. A collec- nomically important agricultural and horticul-
tion of reprints consisting of nearly all classi- tural crops. Since the 1980s, however, plant
cal papers in the field of cell culture. cell culture has become an important tool al-
lowing for direct genetic manipulations of sev-
eral important agricultural crops, including
corn, soybeans, potatoes, cotton, and canola,
Cell Culture: Plant Cells to name only a few.

Fields of study: Cellular biology; Techniques Appearance in Culture

and methodologies The underlying basis for the prevalent and
Significance: Plant cell culture is the establishment continued use of plant cell culture is the re-
and subsequent growth of various plant cells, tis- markable totipotent ability of plant cells and
sues, or organs in vitro, using an artificial nutri- tissues. They are able to dedifferentiate in cul-
tional medium usually supplemented by various ture, essentially becoming a nondifferentiated
plant growth regulators. It has become a tool that clump of meristematic, loosely connected cells
plant geneticists use for purposes ranging from the termed callus. Callus tissue can be systemati-
basic study of plant development to the genetic im- cally subcultured and then, depending on ex-
provement of economically important agricultural posure to various plant growth regulators in-
plant species. corporated in the growth media, induced to
undergo morphogenesis. Morphogenesis re-
Key terms fers to the redifferentiation of callus tissue to
callus: a group of undifferentiated plant cells form specific plant organs, such as roots, shoots,
growing in a clump or subsequent whole plants. Many plant species
morphogenesis: the induction and formation can also be manipulated in culture to form so-
of organized plant parts or organs matic embryos, which are asexual embryoid
Cell Culture: Plant Cells 121

Eukaryotic Plant Cell

Endoplasmic Nucleolus
reticulum Golgi apparatus
Cell membrane

Cell wall

Nuclear envelope





All plant cells, like animal cells, are eukaryotic cells. However, plant cells contain chloroplasts, the factories that produce chloro-
phyll during photosynthesis.This drawing depicts the basic features of a eukaryotic plant cell. (Electronic Illustrators Group)

structures that can then develop into plantlets. exert hormonelike activity in plant cell cul-
The totipotency of plant cells thus allows for a tures. While each class has a demonstrative and
single cell, such as a plant protoplast, to be able unique effect on overall whole plant growth
to regenerate into a complete, whole plant. An and development, auxins and cytokinins con-
analogous comparison of the totipotency of tinue to be the most widely used in manipulat-
plant cells would be that of stem cells in ani- ing plant growth in vitro. Auxins (such as IAA,
mals. Genetic manipulation of individual plant NAA, and 2,4-D) and cytokinins (such as zeatin,
cells coupled with their totipotency makes plant kinetin, and BAP) are frequently used in com-
cell culture a powerful tool for the plant geneti- bination in plant tissue culture. Generally, a
cist. high auxin-to-cytokinin ratio results in the in-
duction of root tissue from callus, while a high
Role of Plant Growth Regulators cytokinin-to-auxin ratio results in the induc-
Hormones or plant growth regulators tion of shoot formation. For many plant spe-
(PGRs) are naturally occurring or synthetic cies, an intermediate ratio of auxin to cytokinin
compounds that, in small concentrations, have results in continued callus formation.
tremendous regulatory influence on the physi- There are also specific uses of certain PGRs
ological and morphological growth and devel- in plant cell culture. For example, 2,4-D is typi-
opment of plants. There are several established cally used to induce somatic embroygenesis
classes of PGRs, including auxins, cytokinins, in cultures but then must be removed for sub-
gibberellins, abscisic acid (ABA), and ethylene. sequent embryoid development. Gibberellins,
Additionally, several other compounds, such such as GA4 and GA7, can be inhibitory to mor-
as polyamines, oligosaccharides, and sterols, phogenesis. Some PGRs may even elicit oppo-
122 The Cell Cycle

site morphogenic effects in two different plant ricultural Applications; Genetically Modified
species. Nevertheless, the use of PGRs remains (GM) Foods; High-Yield Crops; Mitosis and
essential in plant cell culture to direct morpho- Meiosis; Oncogenes; Shotgun Cloning; Stem
logical development. Cells; Totipotency.

Applications and Potential

Further Reading
Plant cell culture as a tool has greatly en-
George, Edwin F. Plant Propagation by Tissue Cul-
hanced the ability of the plant geneticist in the
ture. 2d ed. 2 vols. Edington, Wiltshire, En-
area of crop improvement. Haploid cell cul-
gland: Exegetics, 1993. An exhaustive pre-
tures initiated from pollen can result in homo-
sentation of nutritional media components
zygous whole plants, which are very useful as
and discussion of PGR effects in culture.
pure lines in breeding programs. In such
Also contains specifics on the culture of sev-
plants, recessive mutations are easily identified.
eral hundred species. Illustrations, photo-
The enzymatic removal of the plant cell wall
yields naked plant protoplasts, which are more
Trigiano, Robert, and Dennis Gray, eds. Plant
amenable to genetic manipulation. Protoplasts
Tissue Culture Concepts and Laboratory Exer-
of different species can be chemically or elec-
cises. 2d ed. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press,
trically fused to give somatic hybrids that may
2000. A concise historical presentation of
not be obtained through traditional sexual
plant cell culture along with current trends.
crossing due to various types of sexual incom-
Also includes detailed student experiments
patibility. As they divide and regenerate cell
and procedures. Illustrations, photographs.
walls, these somatic hybrids can then be se-
lected for desired agriculture characteristics,
such as insect or disease resistance.
The isolation of plant protoplasts from
leaves results in millions of individual cells. As The Cell Cycle
they divide, grow, and differentiate into whole
Field of study: Cellular biology
plants, some may contain spontaneous muta-
Significance: During the phases of the cell cycle,
tions or other changes which can be selected
cells divide (mitosis and cytokinesis), grow (G1),
for. Screening for such characteristics, such as
replicate their DNA (S), and prepare for another
salt tolerance or disease resistance, can be
cell division (G2). Protein signals regulate prog-
done in vitro, thereby saving time and space.
ress through these phases of the cell cycle. Muta-
A relatively recent use of plant cell culture in
tions that alter signal structure, time of synthesis,
crop improvement involves directed genetic
or how it is received can cause cancer.
transformation. Genes from other species, in-
cluding bacteria, animals, and other plants,
have been introduced into cell cultures, result- Key terms
ing in genetically modified (GM) plants. The checkpoint: the time in the cell cycle when
most common technique used to transfer de- molecular signals control entry to the next
sired genes uses the bacterium Agrobacterium phase
tumefaciens. Other techniques include electro- cyclins: proteins whose levels rise and fall dur-
poration, microinjection, and particle bom- ing the cell cycle
bardment with gene guns. As genetic engi- kinase: an enzyme that catalyzes phosphate ad-
neering of plants proceeds and is refined, plant dition to molecules
cell culture will continue to play a vital role as a oncogene: a gene whose products stimulate
tool in this effort. inappropriate cell division, causing cancer
Thomas J. Montagno tumor suppressor: a gene whose product nor-
See also: Cancer; Cell Culture: Animal mally prevents or slows cell division; when
Cells; Cell Cycle, The; Cell Division; Gene Reg- mutated, these genes can lead to uncon-
ulation: Eukaryotes; Genetic Engineering: Ag- trolled cell division
The Cell Cycle 123

term chase refers to the second part of what is

Life Cycle of a Cell
called a radioactive pulse-chase experiment.)
Autoradiography showed that after the pulse
period, 40 percent of cells were labeled, but
only interphase nuclei were radioactive. This
established that DNA is not actually synthesized
during mitosis. Labeled mitotic chromosomes
were seen only in cells chased for 4 to 14 hours.
After longer chase times, label was again con-
fined to interphase nuclei. From this kind of
study, the cell cycle could be divided into five
major phases (times listed are typical of a cell in
an adult organism):
(1) mitosis (M), one hour
(2) cytokinesis (C), thirty minutes
(3) gap 1 (G1), a time of cell growth, which
lasts the generation time minus the times
of the other phases
(4) synthesis (S), nine hours of DNA synthesis
(5) gap 2 (G2), four to five hours of prepara-
(Electronic Illustrators Group)
tion for the next mitosis

Defining Cell Cycle Phases Identification of Cell Cycle Switches

The eukaryotic cell cycle is defined by five Cells reproduce at different rates. Embry-
phases. Two of these, mitosis and cytokinesis, onic cells divide hourly or more often, while
do not last long. Mitosis itself has five phases: neurons stop dividing altogether shortly after
birth. Cells divide, or stop dividing, in response
(1) prophase, when duplicated attached chro-
to chemical signals. When mitotic cells are fused
matids with replicated DNA condense and
with G1, S, or G2 cells, fused cells at first contain
become visible as chromosomes, each
the chromosomes of the mitotic cell alongside
composed of two sister chromatids
the intact nucleus of the other cell. After a few
(2) metaphase, when the chromasomes attach
minutes, the intact nucleus disintegrates and
to spindle fibers and move to the middle of
its chromosomes also condense, suggesting that
the cell
some chemical signal is causing the intact nu-
(3) anaphase, when sister chromatids separate
cleus to respond as if it were undergoing mito-
(4) telophase, when the separated sister chro-
sis. This suggests that cells in mitosis contain a
matids, now chromosomes, move to oppo-
substance that induces nondividing cells to be-
site poles of the cell, during which cytoki-
come mitotic.
nesis often starts
The first chemical signal controlling the cell
(5) interphase, a time between successive mi-
cycle was discovered in studies of amphibian
toses when cells approximately double in
oogenesis. Oocyte maturation begins with the
first meiotic division, when the germinal vesi-
An early experiment showed that DNA repli- cle (the oocyte nucleus) breaks down and chro-
cates long before mitosis. After a short expo- mosomes and spindle fibers first appear at one
sure (pulse) of cells to radioactive thymidine to pole of the oocyte. In a key experiment, cy-
allow synthesis of radioactive DNA, the hot toplasm taken from oocytes during germinal
nucleotide was removed and cells were allowed vesicle breakdown was injected into immature
to grow for different chase times in a medium oocytes. Condensed chromosomes quickly ap-
containing nonradioactive nucleotides. (The peared in the injected oocytes. A protein called
124 The Cell Cycle

MPF (maturation promoting factor) was puri- Yeast MPF made by joining late G2 cyclin and
fied from the older oocytes. MPF was later cdk is not active until it is itself phosphorylated.
found in developing frog embryos, where its MPF first receives two phosphates. Then the ad-
levels fluctuated, peaking just before the em- dition of a third phosphate causes the first two
bryonic cells began mitosis. Thus, MPF also to come off in a peculiar MPF activation path-
controls mitosis as well as meiosis and is often way. In fact, MPF remains unphosphorylated
called mitosis-promoting factor. MPF consists and inactive in cells experimentally prevented
of cyclin and cyclin-dependent protein kinase from replicating. In normal cells, blocking pre-
(cdk). Cyclin-bound cdk catalyzes phosphory- mature activation of MPF could prevent con-
lation of other cellular proteins. Levels of cdk densing chromosomes from damaging DNA
were shown to be constant in the cell, while cy- that is still replicating. When properly acti-
clin levels rose and peaked late in G2, explain- vated, MPF phosphorylates (a) proteins that
ing why MPF activity is highest during mitosis break down the nuclear membrane, (b) his-
and why mitotic cells induce nuclear break- tones and other chromatin proteins thought
down and chromosome condensation when to start chromosome condensation, and (c)
fused to nonmitotic cells. microtubule-associated proteins associated with
To study cell cycle regulation further, re- mitotic spindle formation.
searchers turned to yeast, a model single-cell G1 cyclin and cdk production occur when
eukaryote easily subject to genetic manipu- cells reach a suitable size during G1 and when
lation. Mutagenized yeast was screened for they are stimulated by a growth factors. For ex-
temperature-sensitive mutations that repro- ample, EGF (epidermal growth factor) stimu-
duced at lower temperatures but were blocked lates embryonic cell growth by binding to cell
at one or another point in the cell cycle when membrane receptors. EGF-receptor binding
grown at higher temperatures. One such tem- converts the intracellular domain of the recep-
perature-sensitive mutant was arrested in G2 at tor into an active protein kinase that catalyzes
the higher temperature. These cells had a de- self-phosphorylation. The auto-phosphorylated
fective cell-division-cycle-2 (cdc2) gene encod- receptor activates a G-protein encoded by the
ing a yeast version of the frog cdk in MPF. Cellu- ras gene, which binds GTP. Then, ras-GTP acti-
lar cdc2 levels are stable, but its kinase activity vates the first in a series of protein kinases, set-
depends on a yeast cyclin whose levels peak at ting off an intracellular kinase cascade. Sequen-
the end of G2. The active yeast MPF triggers pas- tial phosphorylations finally stimulate synthesis
sage through the G2 checkpoint, committing of G1 cyclin and G1 cdk. Active cyclin-bound
the cell to mitosis. Other mutants were found G1 cdk then phosphorylates the Rb protein,
encoding separate G1 cyclin and G1 cdk pro- causing it to detach from protein EF2, which
teins that together form an active kinase that becomes an active transcription factor that stim-
triggers passage through a G1 checkpoint into ulates synthesis of proteins needed for replica-
the S phase of the cell cycle. Among higher eu- tion in the S phase.
karyotes, different combinations of cyclins and To summarize, MPF is activated by a phos-
cdks act at still other checkpoints in the cell cy- phorylation pathway in which the kinase itself
cle. becomes phosphorylated, while G1 cdk is made
in response to growth factors like EGF that initi-
ate phosphorylation cascades, resulting in the
How MPF and G1 cdks Work eventual synthesis of cyclin and cdk. MPF phos-
The proteins phosphorylated by yeast MPF phorylates other proteins, permitting transi-
and G1 cyclin-cdk catalysis function in pathways tion across the G2 checkpoint, while the G1 cdk
that promote mitosis and cytokinesis, on one allows progress through the G1 checkpoint.
hand, and DNA replication, on the other. How
are cdks activated, what proteins do they phos- The Cell Cycle and Cancer
phorylate, and what do these phosphorylated With the discovery of the first MPF, scientists
proteins do? had already begun to suspect that mutations in
Cell Division 125

genes encoding proteins involved in cell cy- Mitosis and Meiosis; Mutation and Mutagene-
cling might cause the uncontrollable cell divi- sis; Oncogenes; Stem Cells; Telomeres; Totipo-
sions associated with cancer. Many cancers are tency; Tumor-Suppressor Genes.
associated with oncogenes (called proto-onco-
genes when they function and are expressed Further Reading
correctly) encoding proteins involved in cell Becker, W. M., L. J. Kleinsmith, and J. Hardin.
cycle control. Some oncogenes are carried by The World of the Cell. 5th ed. San Fransisco, Ca-
viruses, but most arise by mutation of their nor- lif.: Benjamin Cummings, 2003. Provides an
mal counterparts, resulting in inappropriate excellent overview of cell components regu-
activity of the protein encoded by the gene. lating the cell cycle and how their dysfunc-
Representative human oncogenes include neu tion can cause cancer.
(a growth-factor-receptor oncogene associated Campbell, N., and J. B. Reece. Biology. 6th ed.
with breast and ovarian cancers), trk (a recep- San Fransisco, Calif.: Benjamin Cummings,
tor oncogene associated with colon cancer), ras 2002. A standard, periodically updated in-
(a G-protein oncogene), L-myc (a transcription- troductory biology textbook for undergrad-
factor oncogene causing small-cell lung can- uate majors that includes a detailed account
cer), cdk-4 (a cyclin-dependent kinase onco- of meiosis.
gene causing a muscle sarcoma), and CYCD1 (a McCormick, F. Signaling Networks That Cause
cyclin oncogene associated with lymphoma). Cancer. Trends in Cell Biology 9 (1999): M53-
Each of these oncogenes produces proteins M56. A review of signaling pathway compo-
that promote unrestricted passage through the nents whose inappropriate activity causes
cell cycle. In contrast, retinoblastoma is a rare cancer.
eye cancer in which the Rb oncogene product Murray, A. W., and Tim Hunt. The Cell Cycle: An
is not made, so that EF2 transcription factor is Introduction. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1993.
always active and genes involved in replica- An informative overview for both students
tion are continuously on. Because Rb restrains and general readers, without too much sci-
unwanted cell divisions, it is called a tumor- entific jargon. Bibliographical references,
supressor gene. Unfortunately, the Rb onco- index.
gene is also associated with more common hu- Orr-Weaver, T. L., and R. A. Weinberg. A
man adult lung, breast, and bladder cancers. Checkpoint on the Road to Cancer. Nature
Another tumor-suppressor gene, p53, is also 392 (1998): 223-224. Describes a mutation in
implicated in several human cancers; a defec- a gene regulating the cell cycle in cancer
tive p53 gene allows cells with damaged DNA to cells.
replicate, increasing the chances of cancer de-
In the brief history of cell cycle studies, the
discovery of an oncogene identifies the cause Cell Division
of a cancer while the newfound actor in a phos-
phorylation cascade is a candidate for an onco- Field of study: Cellular biology
gene. The study of the cell cycle is an excellent Significance: Eukaryotic cell division (mitosis and
example of the synergy between basic and ap- cytokinesis) are a short part of the cell cycle. In the
plied science: The fundamental drive to know longer time between successive cell divisions cells
how cells grow and divide has merged with a grow and replicate their DNA. Molecular signals
fervent desire to conquer a group of human tell cells when to enter each stage of the cycle.
diseases increasingly prevalent in our aging
population. Key terms
Gerald K. Bergtrom asexual reproduction: a form of reproduc-
See also: Cancer; Cell Division; Chemical tion wherein an organisms cell DNA dou-
Mutagens; Chromosome Mutation; Cytokine- bles and is distributed equally to progeny
sis; DNA Repair; Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes; cells
126 Cell Division

binary fission: cell division in prokaryotes in Reproduction of this blueprint is an essential

which the plasma membrane and cell wall property of life. Prokaryotes (cells without nu-
grow inward and divide the cell in two clei) contain a single chromosome in the form
chromatid: one-half of a replicated chromo- of a circular double helix. They replicate their
some DNA and reproduce asexually by binary fis-
chromatin: the material that makes up chro- sion. Eukaryotic cells, with two or more pairs of
mosomes; a complex of fibers composed of linear, homologous chromosomes in a nucleus,
DNA, histone proteins, and nonhistone pro- replicate their DNA and reproduce asexually
teins by mitosis. In sexual reproduction in higher or-
chromosome: a self-replicating structure, con- ganisms, special cells called germ cells are set
sisting of DNA and protein, that contains aside to form gametes by meiosis. During meio-
part of the nuclear genome of a eukaryote; sis, the germ cells duplicate their chromosomes
also used to describe the DNA molecules and separate the homologs into gametes. After
comprising the prokaryotic genome mitosis, new cells have a copy of all of the chro-
cyclins: proteins whose levels rise and fall dur- mosomes originally present in the parent cell;
ing the cell cycle after meiosis, gametes (sperm or egg) contain
cyclin-dependent protein kinases (cdks): only one of each homologous chromosome
proteins that regulate progress through the originally present in the parent cell. Though
eukaryotic cell cycle their chromosomal outcomes are quite differ-
cytokinesis: movements of and in a cell result- ent, the cellular events of mitosis and meiosis
ing in the division of one eukaryotic cell into share many similar features, discussed below
two mostly in the context of mitosis. The focus here
DNA replication: synthesis of new DNA is on when cells replicate their DNA, when they
strands complementary to parental DNA physically divide, and how they partition dupli-
genome: the species-specific, total DNA con- cate sets of genetic information into progeny
tent of a single cell cells.
meiosis: a type of cell division that leads to pro-
duction of gametes (sperm and egg) during Binary Fission vs. Meiosis, Mitosis, and
sexual reproduction Cytokinesis
mitosis: nuclear division, a process of allotting During binary fission, which occurs in pro-
a complete set of chromosomes to two karyotic cells (cells that have no nucleus
daughter nuclei primary bacteria), these small cells grow larger,
phases of mitosis and meiosis: periods become pinched in the middle, and eventu-
including prophase, metaphase, anaphase, ally produce two new cells. A specific base se-
telophasecharacterized by specific chro- quence in the circular bacterial DNA molecule
mosomal events during cell division attaches to the cell membrane. When this se-
phases of the cell cycle: mitosis, cytokinesis, quence replicates during DNA synthesis it also
G1 (gap 1), S (DNA synthesis), and G2 (gap 2) attaches to the cell membrane, but on the op-
phosphorylation: a chemical reaction in posite side of the cell. As the bacterial cell grows
which a phosphate is added to a molecule, and divides, the two DNA attachment points
common in the control of cell activity, in- become separated into the progeny cells, en-
cluding the regulation of passage through suring that each gets a copy of the original cir-
different stages of the cell cycle cular DNA molecule. DNA replication and cell
division in prokaryotes are therefore simulta-
Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction neous processes.
A cells genetic blueprint is encoded in Mitosis (and meiosis) and cytokinesis, by
genes written in the four-letter alphabet of contrast, are processes well separated in time
DNA, which stands for the four nucleotides from DNA replication. When first observed in
that make up the strands of DNA: guanine (G), the microscope in the 1880s, mitosis seemed
adenine (A), thymine (T), and cytosine (C). to be a busy time in the life of a cell. During
Cell Division 127

prophase (the initial phase of mitosis), nuclei between mitoses, but it was only in the middle of
seem to disintegrate in a matter of minutes at the twentieth century that the cell cycle was fully
the same time that chromosomes take shape characterized, showing interphase to be a long
from nondescript nuclear substance. Spindle and very productive time in the life of a cell.
fibers form at opposite poles and grow toward In an elegant experiment, cultured cells
the center of the cell. After about thirty min- were exposed to radioactive thymidine, a DNA
utes, cells are in metaphase. The spindle fibers precursor. After a few minutes, radioactive
extend across the cell, attaching to fully formed DNA was detected in the nuclei of some cells.
chromosomes lined up at the metaphase plate However, no cells actually in mitosis were radio-
in the middle of the cell. Each chromosome is active. This meant that DNA is not synthesized
actually composed of two attached strands, or during mitosis. Radioactive condensed mitotic
chromatids. chromosomes were detected only four to five
During anaphase the chromatids of each hours after cells had been exposed to the radio-
chromosome pull apart and move toward op- active DNA precursor, suggesting that replica-
posite poles of the cell. Telophase is character- tion had ended four to five hours before the be-
ized by the re-formation of nuclei around the ginning of mitosis. Studies like this eventually
chromosomes and the de-condensation of the revealed the five major intervals of the cell cy-
chromosomes back to the shapeless substance cle: mitosis, cytokinesis, gap 1 (the G1 phase, a
now called chromatin. time of cell growth), DNA synthesis (the S
Cytokinesis, meaning cell movement, be- phase of DNA synthesis), and gap 2 (the G2
gins during telophase, lasts about thirty min- phase, during which a cell continues growing
utes, and is the actual division of the parent cell and prepares for the next mitosis).
into two cells, each of which gets one of the The overall length of the cell cycle differs for
newly forming nuclei. The processes of mitosis different cell types. Human neurons stopped
and cytokinesis, which together typically last dividing shortly after birth, never to be re-
about 1.5 hours, ensures that duplicated pairs placed. Many other differentiated cells do not
of chromosomes are partitioned correctly into divide but are replaced periodically by stem
progeny cells. cells that have the capacity to continue to di-
Meiosis actually consists of two cell divisions, vide and differentiate. Clearly, human genes
each progressing through prophase, meta- must issue instructions telling cells when and
phase, anaphase, and telophase. In the first di- when not to reproduce.
vision, homologous chromosomes with their
chromatids are separated into progeny cells; in Controlling the Cell Cycle
the second, chromatids are pulled apart into Sometimes cells receive faulty instructions
the cells that will become gametes. The result is (for example, from environmental carcino-
to produce haploid eggs or sperm, rather than gens) or respond inappropriately to otherwise
the diploid progeny with paired homologous normal commands from other cells. Cancer is a
chromosomes that result from mitosis. group of diseases in which normal regulation
of the cell cycle has been lost and cells divide
The Cell Cycle out of control. In research published in the
Early histologists studying mitosis noted that 1970s, cells synchronized in mitosis were mixed
it often took cells about twenty hours to double, with others synchronized in other phases of the
implying a long period between successive cell cell cycle in the presence of polyethylene glycol
divisions. This period was called interphase, (the main ingredient in automobile antifreeze).
meaning simply between the mitotic phases. The antifreeze caused cells to fuse. Right after
An interphase also separates the first meiotic mixing, chromosomes and a mitotic spindle
division from a prior mitosis, though there is could be seen alongside an intact nucleus in
not always an interphase between the first and the fused cells. Later, the intact nucleus broke
second meiotic divisions. One might have sus- down and chromosomes condensed. The con-
pected that cells were not just biding their time clusion from studies like this is that mitosing
128 Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

cells contain a substance that causes nuclear changes in cyclin concentrations regulate
breakdown and chromosome condensation in the cell cycle.
nonmitosing cells. Similar results were seen Campbell, N., and J. B. Reece. Biology. 6th ed.
when cells in meiosis were fused with non- San Fransisco, Calif.: Benjamin Cummings,
meiotic cells. When purified, the substances 2002. Includes a detailed account of meiosis
from meiotic and mitotic cells could be injected (pp. 239-243) in a standard, periodically up-
into nonmitosing cells, where they caused nu- dated textbook for undergraduate majors.
clear breakdown and the appearance of chro- Karp, Gerald. Cell and Molecular Biology. 3d
mosomes from chromatin. The substance was ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
called maturation (or mitosis) promoting fac- Detailed accounts of mitosis and events and
tor (MPF). MPF contains one polypetide called regulation of the cell by cyclins and kinases
cyclin and another called cyclin-dependent pro- (pp. 580-608) in a standard, periodically up-
tein kinase (cdk). The kinase enzyme catalyzes dated textbook for professionals and under-
transfer of a phosphate to other proteins; it is graduate majors.
active only when bound to cyclinhence the Murray, A. W., and Tim Hunt. The Cell Cycle:
name. The kinase is always present in cells, An Introduction. New York: W. H. Freeman,
while cyclin concentrations peak at mitosis and 1993. An informative overview for both stu-
then fall. This explains why MPF activity is high- dents and general readers, without too much
est during mitosis and why mitotic cells fused to scientific jargon. Bibliographical references,
G1 cells, for example, can cause the G1 cell nu- index.
cleus to disappear and chromosomes to emerge Orr-Weaver, T. L., and R. A. Weinberg. A
from chromatin. Checkpoint on the Road to Cancer. Nature,
Since the initial discovery of MPF, studies of March 9, 1998. Describes a mutation in a
eukaryotic cells, from yeast cells to human cells, gene regulating the cell cycle in cancer cells.
have revealed many different cyclin-dependent
kinases and other regulatory proteins that ex-
ert control at different checkpoints on the cell
cycle, determining whether or not cells prog- Central Dogma of Molecular
ress from one stage to another. Scientists re- Biology
main ignorant of the exact causes of most can-
cers, but because of the compelling need to Field of study: Molecular genetics
know, researchers are beginning to understand Significance: The central dogma states precisely
the normal controls on cellular reproduction. how DNA is processed to produce proteins. Ori-
A final word on the cyclin-dependent pro- ginally thought to be a unidirectional process pro-
tein kinase: This enzyme is one of a large num- ceeding from DNA to RNA and then to protein, it
ber of kinases that participate in regulating cell is now known to include reverse transcription and
chemistry and behavior in response to many the enzymatic activity of certain RNA molecules.
extracellular signals (such as hormones). The The central dogma lies at the core of molecular ge-
phosphor ylation of cellular proteins has netics, and understanding it, and particularly re-
emerged as a major theme in the regulation of verse transcription, is key to comprehending both
many cellular activities, including cell division. the way viruses cause disease and methods that
Gerald K. Bergtrom have revolutionized biology.
See also: Cell Culture: Animal Cells; Cell
Culture: Plant Cells; Cell Cycle, The; Cytokine- Key terms
sis; Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes; Mitosis and codon: three nucleotides in DNA or RNA that
Meiosis; Polyploidy; Totipotency. correspond with a particular amino acid or
stop signal
Further Reading colinearity: the exact correspondence be-
Baringa, M. A New Twist to the Cell Cycle. Sci- tween DNA or RNA codons and a protein
ence, August 4, 1995. Addresses how periodic amino acid sequence
Central Dogma of Molecular Biology 129

complementary bases: the nucleic acid bases

in different strands of nucleic acid in RNA
and DNA that pair together through hydro-
gen bonds: guanine-cytosine and adenine-
thymine (in DNA and RNA) and adenine-
uracil (in RNA)
exon: the part of the coding sequence of mRNA
that specifies the amino acid sequence of a
hydrogen bond: a weak chemical bond that
forms between atoms of hydrogen and at- Image not available
oms of other elements, including oxygen
and nitrogen
intron: a noncoding intervening sequence
present in many eukaryotic genes that is
transcribed but removed before translation
retrovirus: a virus that carries reverse tran-
scriptase that converts its RNA genome into
a DNA copy that integrates into the host
reverse transcription: the conversion of
RNA into DNA catalyzed by the enzyme re-
verse transcriptase
ribozyme: catalytic RNA
subunit: a polypeptide chain of a protein Francis Crick in 2003, who with James Watson won the 1962
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of the
Original Central Dogma double helix structure of DNA. Crick articulated the central
Nobel Prize winner Francis Crick, who was dogma of molecular biology and coined the term. (AP/Wide
co-discoverer with James Watson of the double World Photos)
helical structure of DNA, coined the term cen-
tral dogma in 1958 to describe the fact that the
processing of genetic information contained hydrogen bonds, attaching new complemen-
in DNA proceeded unidirectionally by its con- tary bases, and reforming the hydrogen bonds,
version first to an RNA copy, called messenger precise copies identical to the original DNA
RNA (mRNA), in a molecular process called would result. In an analogous manner, RNA
transcription. Then the genetic information was produced by using one DNA strand as a
contained in the sequence of bases in the mRNA template and adding the correct complemen-
was read in the ribosome, and the appropriate tary bases according to what came to be called
amino acids carried by transfer RNAs (tRNAs) Watson Crick base pairing. Thus the original
were assembled into protein according to the dogma stated that transfer of genetic informa-
genetic code in a process called translation. tion proceeded unidirectionally, that is, only
The basis of these reactions stemmed from the from DNA to RNA to protein. The only excep-
properties of DNA, particularly its double heli- tion was the duplication of DNA in a process
cal structure. The fact that the two strands of called replication.
DNA were held together by hydrogen bonds
between specific nucleic acid bases (guanine- Modified Central Dogma
cytosine, adenine-thymine) on the two strands Several discoveries made it necessary to
clearly suggested how the molecule could be change the central dogma. The first and most
duplicated. Watson and Crick postulated that if heretical information came from the study of
they split the double-stranded structure at the retroviruses, including the human immunode-
130 Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

ficiency virus (HIV). Howard Temin reported cessing has taken place. Therefore, the corre-
that viruses of this group contained an enzyme spondence of the codons in the original DNA
called reverse transcriptase, which was capable sequence containing the introns does not cor-
of converting RNA to DNA and thus challeng- respond to the order of amino acids in the pro-
ing the whole basis of molecular reactions and tein product.
the central dogma. Temin and David Baltimore Numerous examples also exist of DNA rear-
were subsequently awarded Nobel Prizes for rangements occurring before final gene expres-
their work describing this new enzyme. They sion takes place. Examples include the forma-
were able to show that it synthesizes a DNA tion of antibodies, the expression of different
strand complementary to the RNA template, mating types in yeast, and the expression of dif-
and then the DNA-RNA hybrid is converted to ferent surface antigens in parasites, such as the
a DNA-DNA molecule, which inserts into the trypanosome protozoan parasite, which causes
host chromosome. Only then can transcription sleeping sickness. All of these gene products
and translation take place. are produced as a result of gene rearrange-
The second significant change was finding ments, and the original DNA sequences are not
that RNA can act as a template for its own syn- colinear with the amino acid sequences in the
thesis. This situation occurs in RNA bacterio- protein.
phages such as MS2 and QB. These phages are
very simple, with genomes specifying only three
proteins, a coat and attachment proteins and Importance and Applications
an RNA replicase subunit. This subunit com- The theoretical importance of the central
bines with three host proteins to form the ma- dogma is unquestioned. For example, one
ture RNA replicase that catalyzes the replication modern-day scourge, the human immunodefi-
of the single-stranded RNA. Thus translation to ciency virus (HIV), replicates its genetic mate-
form the protein subunit of RNA replicase oc- rial by reverse transcription (central dogma
curs using the RNA genome as mRNA upon vi- modification), and one of the drugs shown to
ral infection without transcription taking place. contain this virus, azidothymidine (AZT), tar-
Only then is the RNA template successfully rep- gets the reverse transcriptase enzyme. Perhaps
licated. even more important is the use of the reverse
The third natural modification of the origi- transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-
nal dogma also concerned the properties of PCR), one application of the polymerase chain
RNA. Thomas Cech in 1982 discovered that in- reaction originally devised in 1983 by Kary B.
trons could be spliced out of eukaryotic genes Mullis, formerly of Cetus Corporation. RT-PCR
without proteins catalyzing the process. For the employs reverse transcriptase to form a double-
discovery and characterization of catalytic RNA, stranded molecule from RNA, resulting in a
Cech and Sidney Altman were awarded Nobel revolutionary technique that can generate us-
Prizes for their work in 1989. Their experi- able amounts of DNA from extremely small
ments demonstrated that RNA introns, also quantities of DNA or from poor-quality DNA.
called ribozymes, had enzymatic activity that Also of practical importance is the laboratory
could produce a functional mRNA. This pro- modification of hammerhead ribozymes (cen-
cess occurred by excising the introns and com- tral dogma modification), found naturally in
bining the exons, thus restoring colinearity of plant pathogens, for clinical uses, such as to tar-
DNA and amino acid sequence. RNA process- get RNA viruses infecting patients, including
ing thus demonstrates another needed modifi- HIV and papillomavirus.
cation of the central dogma: The colinearity of Steven A. Kuhl
gene and protein in prokaryotes predicts that See also: DNA Structure and Function;
gene expression results directly from the se- Gene Regulation: Viruses; Genetic Code; Ge-
quence of bases in its DNA. In the case of eu- netic Code, Cracking of; Molecular Genetics;
karyotic genes with multiple introns, however, Protein Synthesis; Reverse Transcriptase; RNA
colinearity does not result until the RNA pro- Structure and Function; RNA World.
Chemical Mutagens 131

Further Reading The Discovery of Chemical Mutagens

Cech, T. R. RNA as an Enzyme. Scientific Amer- The first report of mutagenic action of a
ican, November, 1986, pp. 64-75. A Nobel chemical occurred in 1946, when Charlotte Au-
Prize winner describes his revolutionary dis- erbach showed that nitrogen mustard (a com-
covery that RNA can catalyze reactions. In- ponent of the poisonous mustard gas widely
cludes both charts and color illustrations. used in World War I) could cause mutations in
Crick, F. Central Dogma of Molecular Biol- fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster). Since that
ogy. Nature 227 (1970): 561-563. The semi- time, it has been discovered that many other
nal paper in which Nobel laureate Crick, co- chemicals are also able to induce mutations in
discoverer of DNAs double helical struc- a variety of organisms. This led to the birth of
ture, proposed his theory of how molecular genetic toxicology during the last half of the
reactions occur. twentieth century, dedicated to identifying po-
OConnell, Joe, ed. RT-PCR Protocols. Totowa, tentially mutagenic chemicals in food, water,
N.J.: Humana Press, 2002. Collects several air, and consumer products. Continued re-
papers on the use of reverse transcription search has identified two modes by which muta-
polymerase chain reaction in analysis of gens cause mutations in DNA: (1) by interact-
mRNA, quantitative methodologies, detec- ing directly with DNA, and (2) indirectly, by
tion of RNA viruses, genetic analysis, and im- tricking the cell into mutating its own DNA.
munology. Tables, charts, index.
Varmus, H. Retroviruses. Science 240 (1988): Chemical Mutagens with Direct Action
1427-1435. Describes properties of different on DNA
retroviruses, including the mechanism of re- Base analogs are chemicals that structurally
verse transcription. resemble the organic bases purine and pyrimi-
Watson, James D., et al. Molecular Biology of the dine and may be incorporated into DNA in
Gene. 5th ed. 2 vols. Menlo Park, Calif.: place of the normal bases during DNA replica-
Benjamin Cummings, 2003. An eminently tion. An example is bromouracil, an artificially
readable discussion of the subject, by the created compound extensively used in re-
other co-discoverer of DNAs double helical search. It resembles the normal base thymine
structure. Contains numerous illustrations. and differs only by having a bromine atom in-
stead of a methyl (CH3) group. Bromouracil is
incorporated into DNA by DNA polymerase,
which pairs it with an adenine base just as it
would thymine. However, bromouracil is more
Chemical Mutagens unstable than thymine and is more likely to
Field of study: Molecular genetics change its structure slightly in a process called
Significance: Mutagens are naturally occurring or tautomerization. After the tautomerization pro-
human-made chemicals that can directly or indi- cess, the new form of bromouracil pairs better
rectly create mutations or changes in the informa- with guanine rather than adenine. If this hap-
tion carried by the DNA. Mutations may cause pens to a DNA molecule being replicated, DNA
birth defects or lead to the development of cancer. polymerase will insert guanine opposite bro-
mouracil, thus changing an adenine-thymine
pair to guanine-cytosine by way of the two inter-
Key terms mediates involving bromouracil. This type of
deamination: the removal of an amino group mutation is referred to as a transition, in which
from an organic molecule a purine is replaced by another purine and a py-
tautomerization: a spontaneous internal re- rimidine is replaced by another pyrimidine.
arrangement of atoms in a complex biologi- Another class of chemical mutagens are
cal molecule which often causes the mole- those that alter the structure and the pairing
cule to change its shape or its chemical properties of bases by reacting chemically with
properties them. An example is nitrous acid, which is
132 Chemical Mutagens

formed by digestion of nitrite preservatives amines are relatively inactive on DNA until they
found in some foods. Nitrous acid removes an react with certain cellular enzymes, after which
amino (NH3) group from the bases cytosine they react readily with guanine. Mutagens of
and adenine. When cytosine is deaminated, it this type and all others with indirect action
becomes the base uracil, which is not a normal work by triggering cells to induce mutagenic
component of DNA but is found in RNA. It is DNA repair pathways, which results in a loss of
able to pair with adenine. Therefore, the action accuracy in DNA replication.
of nitrous acid on DNA will convert what was a One of the oldest known environmental car-
cytosine-guanine base pair to uracil-guanine, cinogens is the chemical benzo()pyrene, a hy-
which, if replicated, will give rise to a thymine- drocarbon found in coal tar, cigarette smoke,
adenine pair. This is also a transition type of and automobile exhaust. An English surgeon,
mutation. Percivall Pott, observed that chimney sweeps
Alkylating agents are a large class of chemi- had a high incidence of cancer of the scrotum.
cal mutagens that act by causing an alkyl group The reason for this was later found to be their
(which may be methyl, ethyl, or a larger hydro- exposure to benzo()pyrene in the coal tar
carbon group) to be added to the bases of and soot of the chimneys. Like the aromatic
DNA. Some types of alkylation cause the base to amines, benzo()pyrene is activated by cellular
become unstable, resulting in a single-strand enzymes and causes mutations indirectly.
break in the DNA; this type of event can cause a Another important class of chemical muta-
mutation if the DNA is replicated with no base gens with indirect action are agents causing
present or can lead to more serious breaks in cross-links between the strands of DNA. Such
the DNA strand. Other alkylation products will cross-links prevent DNA from being separated
change the pairing specificity of the base and into individual strands as is needed during
create mutations when the DNA is replicated. DNA replication and transcription. Examples
Intercalating agents such as acridine orange, of cross-linking agents are psoralens (com-
proflavin, and ethidium bromide (which are pounds found in some vegetables and used in
used in labs as dyes and mutagens) have a treatments of skin conditions such as psoriasis)
unique mode of action. These are flat, multiple- and cis-platinum (a chemotherapeutic agent
ring molecules that interact with bases of DNA used to fight cancer).
and insert themselves between them. This in- Another important class of chemical muta-
sertion causes a stretching of the DNA du- gens are those that result in the formation of
plex, and the DNA polymerase is fooled into active species of oxygen (oxidizing agents).
inserting an extra base opposite an interca- Some of these are actually created in the body
lated molecule. The result is that intercalating by oxidative respiration (endogenous muta-
agents cause frame-shift mutations in which gens), while others are the result of the action
the sense of the DNA message is lost, just as if of chemicals such as peroxides and radiation.
an extra letter were inserted into the phrase Reactive oxygen species cause a wide variety
the fat cat ate the hat to make it the ffa tca tat of damage to the bases and the backbone of
eth eha t. This occurs because genes are read DNA and may have both direct and indirect ef-
in groups of three bases during the process of fects.
translation. This type of mutation always results
in production of a nonfunctional protein. Detection of Chemical Mutagens
The Ames test, developed by biochemistry
Chemical Mutagens with Indirect Action professor Bruce Ames and his colleagues, is
Aromatic amines are large molecules that one of the most widely used screening methods
bind to bases in DNA and cause them to be for chemical mutagens. It employs particular
unrecognizable to DNA polymerase or RNA strains of the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium
polymerase. An example is N-2-acetyl-2-amino- that require the amino acid histidine because
fluorine (AAF), which was originally used as an of mutations in one of the genes controlling
insecticide. This compound and other aromatic histidine production. The bacteria are exposed
Chloroplast Genes 133

to the potential mutagen and then spread on Hollaender, Alexander, and Frederick J. De
an agar medium lacking histidine. The strains Serres, eds. Chemical Mutagens: Principles and
can grow only if they develop a mutation restor- Methods for Their Detection. 10 vols. New York:
ing function to the mutated gene required for Kluwer Academic, 1971-1986. This illus-
histidine synthesis. The degree of growth indi- trated, multivolume work is the most com-
cates the strength of the mutagen; mutagens of prehensive set of volumes on chemical muta-
different types are detected by using bacterial genesis.
strains with different mutations. Mutagens re- Kuroda, Yukioki, et al., eds. Antimutagenesis and
quiring metabolic activation are detected by Anticarcinogenesis Mechanisms II. New York:
adding extracts of rat liver cells (capable of mu- Plenum Press, 1990. Part of the proceedings
tagen activation) to the tested substance prior of the Second International Conference on
to exposure of the bacteria. The Ames test and Mechanisms of Antimutagenesis and Anticar-
others like it involving microorganisms are cinogenesis, held December, 1988, in Ohito,
rapid, safe, and relatively inexpensive ways to Japan. Addresses topics such as antimutagens
detect mutagenic chemicals, but it is not always in food, environmental toxicology, free radi-
clear how the results of the Ames test should be cals, aspects of mammalian and human ge-
interpreted when determining the degree of netics, and molecular aspects of mutagene-
mutagenicity predicted in humans. sis and antimutageneis.
Neumann, David, et al. Human Variability in Re-
Impact and Applications sponse to Chemical Exposures: Measures, Model-
Mutations can have serious consequences ing, and Risk Assessment. Boca Raton, Fla.:
for cells of all types. If they occur in gametes, CRC Press, 1998. Addresses genetic evidence
they can cause genetic diseases or birth defects. for variability in the human response to
If they occur in somatic (body) cells of multi- chemicals associated with reproductive and
cellular organisms, they may alter a growth- developmental effects, the nervous system
controlling gene in such a way that the mutated and lungs, and cancer.
cell begins to grow out of control and forms a
cancer. DNA is subject to a variety of types of
damage by interaction with a wide array of
chemical agents, some of which are ubiquitous Chloroplast Genes
in the environment, while others are the result
of human intervention. Methods of detection Field of study: Molecular genetics
of chemicals with mutagenic ability have made Significance: Plants are unique among higher
it possible to reduce the exposure of humans to organisms in that they meet their energy needs
some of these mutagenic and potentially carci- through photosynthesis. The specific location for
nogenic chemicals. photosynthesis in plant cells is the chloroplast,
Beth A. Montelone which also contains a single, circular chromosome
See also: Biochemical Mutations; Cancer; composed of DNA. Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA)
DNA Repair; DNA Replication; Mutation and contains many of the genes necessary for proper
Mutagenesis; Oncogenes; Repetitive DNA; chloroplast functioning. A better understanding
Tumor-Suppressor Genes. of the genes in cpDNA has improved the under-
standing of photosynthesis, and analysis of the
Further Reading DNA sequence of these genes has also been useful
Ahern, Holly. How Bacteria Cope with Oxida- in studying the evolutionary history of plants.
tively Damaged DNA. ASM News (March,
1993). Discusses oxidative damage to DNA. Key terms
Friedberg, Errol C., et al. DNA Repair and Muta- chloroplast: the cell structure in plants re-
genesis. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press, 1995. sponsible for photosynthesis
Provides extensive descriptions of the mech- genome: all of the DNA in the nucleus or in
anisms of chemical mutagenesis. one of the organelles such as a chloroplast
134 Chloroplast Genes

open reading frames: DNA sequences that tion always resulted in offspring whose leaves
contain all the components found in active resembled those on the branch containing the
genes, but whose functions have not yet been flower that received the pollenthat is, the ma-
identified ternal parent. These results could not be ex-
photosynthesis: the process in which sun- plained by Mendelian genetics.
light is used to take carbon dioxide from the Since Correnss discovery, many other such
air and convert it into sugar traits have been discovered. It is now known
that the reason these traits do not follow Men-
The Discovery of Chloroplast Genes delian inheritance patterns is that their genes
The work of nineteenth century Austrian are not on the chromosomes in the nucleus of
botanist Gregor Mendel showed that the inher- the cell where most genes are located. Instead,
itance of genetic traits follows a predictable pat- the gene for the four-oclock leaf color trait is
tern and that the traits of offspring are deter- located on the single, circular chromosome
mined by the traits of the parents. For example, found in chloroplasts. Because chloroplasts are
if the pollen from a tall pea plant is used to pol- specialized for photosynthesis, many of the
linate the flowers of a short pea plant, all the genes on the single chromosome produce pro-
offspring are tall. If one of these tall offspring is teins or RNA that either directly or indirectly
allowed to self-pollinate, it produces a mixture affect synthesis of chlorophyll, the pigment pri-
of tall and short offspring, three-quarters of marily responsible for trapping energy from
them tall and one-quarter of them short. Simi- light. Because chlorophyll is green and because
lar patterns are observed for large numbers of mutations in many chloroplast genes cause
traits from pea plants to oak trees. Because of chloroplasts to be unable to make chlorophyll,
the widespread application of Mendels work, most mutations result in partially or completely
the study of genetic traits by controlled mating white or yellow leaves.
is often referred to as Mendelian
In 1909, German botanist Carl
Erich Correns discovered a trait in
four-oclock plants (Mirabilis ja-
lapa) that appeared to be inconsis-
tent with Mendelian inheritance
patterns. He discovered four-
oclock plants that had a mixture
of leaf colors on the same plant:
Some were all green, many were
partly green and partly white (var-
iegated), and some were all white.
If he took pollen from a flower on
a branch with all-green leaves and
used it to pollinate a flower on a
branch with all-white leaves, all
the resulting seeds developed into
plants with white leaves. Likewise,
if he took pollen from a flower on
a branch with all-white leaves and
used it to pollinate a flower on a
branch with all-green leaves, all
the resulting seeds developed into
plants with green leaves. Repeated Carl Erich Correns, whose experiments with four-oclock plants led to the discov-
pollen transfers in any combina- ery of chloroplast genes. (National Library of Medicine)
Chloroplast Genes 135

Chloroplasts and Other Parts of a Plant Cell


Peroxisome Intercellular space

Primary pit field

with plasmodesmata
Cell wall Vacuole Golgi body
Middle lamella

Cytoplasmic strands

Plasma membrane Ribosomes


(Kimberly L. Dawson Kurnizki)

Identity of Chloroplast Genes lowed scientists to estimate the total number of

Advances in molecular genetics have al- genes. In terms of genome size, chloroplast ge-
lowed scientists to take a much closer look at nomes are relatively small and contain a little
the chloroplast genome. The size of the ge- more than one hundred genes.
nome has been determined for a number of Roughly half of the chloroplast genes pro-
plants and algae and ranges from 85 to 292 duce either RNA molecules or polypeptides
kilobase pairs (kb, or one thousand base pairs), that are important for protein synthesis. Some
with most being between 120 kb and 160 kb. of the RNA genes occur twice in the chloroplast
The complete DNA sequence for many differ- genomes of almost all land plants and some
ent chloroplast genomes of plants and algae groups of algae. The products of these genes
have been determined. Although a simple se- represent all the ingredients needed for chlo-
quence does not necessarily identify the role of roplasts to carry out transcription and transla-
each gene, it has allowed the identity of a num- tion of their own genes. Half of the remaining
ber of genes to be determined, and it has al- genes produce polypeptides directly required
136 Chloroplast Genes

for the biochemical reactions of photosynthe- did they transfer some of their genes into the
sis. What is unusual about these genes is that nuclei of the cells in which they are now found?
their products represent only a portion of the Of greater importance has been the discov-
polypeptides required for photosynthesis. For ery that the DNA sequences of many chloro-
example, the very important enzyme ATPase plast genes are highly conservedthat is, they
the enzyme that uses proton gradient energy to have changed very little during their evolution-
produce the important energy molecule ade- ary history. This fact has led to the use of chlo-
nosine triphosphate (ATP)comprises nine roplast gene DNA sequences for reconstruct-
different polypeptides. Six of these polypep- ing the evolutionary history of various groups
tides are products of chloroplast genes, but the of plants. Traditionally, plant systematists (sci-
other three are products of nuclear genes that entists who study the classification and evolu-
must be transported into the chloroplast to tionary history of plants) have used structural
join with the other six polypeptides to make ac- traits of plants such as leaf shape and flower
tive ATPase. Another notable example is the anatomy to try to trace the evolutionary history
enzyme ribulose biphosphate carboxylase of plants. Unfortunately, there are a limited
(RuBP carboxylase, or Rubisco), which is com- number of structural traits, and many of them
posed of two polypeptides. The larger polypep- are uninformative or even misleading when
tide, called rbcL, is a product of a chloroplast used in evolutionary studies. These limitations
gene, whereas the smaller polypeptide is the are overcome when gene DNA sequences are
product of a nuclear gene. used.
The last thirty or so genes remain unidenti- A DNA sequence several hundred base pairs
fied. Their presence is inferred because they in length provides the equivalent of several
have DNA sequences that contain all the com- hundred traits, many more than the limited
ponents found in active genes. These kinds of number of structural traits available (typically
genes are often called open reading frames much fewer than one hundred). One of the
(ORFs) until the functions of their polypeptide most widely used sequences is the rbcL gene. It
products are identified. is one of the most conserved genes in the chlo-
roplast genome, which in evolutionary terms
Impact and Applications means that even distantly related plants will
The discovery that chloroplasts have their have a similar base sequence. Therefore, rbcL
own DNA and the further elucidation of their can be used to retrace the evolutionary history
genes have had some impact on horticulture of groups of plants that are very divergent from
and agriculture. Several unusual, variegated one another. The rbcL gene, along with a few
leaf patterns and certain mysterious genetic other very conservative chloroplast genes, has
diseases of plants are now better understood. already been used in attempts to answer some
The discovery of some of the genes that code basic questions about the origins and evolution
for polypeptides required for photosynthesis of some of the major flowering plant groups.
has helped increase understanding of the bio- Less conservative genes and ORFs show too
chemistry of photosynthesis. The discovery that much evolutionary change to be used at higher
certain key chloroplast proteins such as ATPase classification levels but are extremely useful in
and Rubisco carboxylase are composed of a answering questions about the origins of closely
combination of polypeptides coded by chloro- related species, genera, or even families. As an-
plast and nuclear genes also raises some as yet alytical techniques are improved, chloroplast
unanswered questions. For example, why would genes show promise of providing even better
an important plant structure like the chloro- insights into plant evolution.
plast have only part of the genes it needs to Bryan Ness
function? Moreover, if chloroplasts, as evolu- See also: Cell Culture: Plant Cells; DNA Iso-
tionary theory suggests, were once free-living lation; Extrachromosomal Inheritance; Geno-
bacteria-like cells, which must have had all the mics; Hybridization and Introgression; Model
genes needed for photosynthesis, why and how Organism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Cholera 137

Further Reading ing epidemics that resulted in countless deaths.

Doyle, Jeff J. DNA, Phylogeny, and the Flower- By the early twentieth century, cholera had
ing of Plant Systematics. Bioscience 43 (June, been confined mostly to Asia. In 1961, however,
1993). Introduces the reader to the basics of a cholera pandemic beginning in Indonesia
using DNA to construct plant phylogenies spread to Africa, the Mediterranean nations,
and discusses the future of using DNA in evo- and North America. In the poorer nations of
lutionary studies in plants. the world, cholera is still widespread and oc-
Palevitz, Barry A. Deep Gene and Deep curs where sanitation is inadequate. In indus-
Time: Evolving Collaborations Parse the trialized nations, where sanitation is generally
Plant Family Tree. The Scientist 15, no. 5 good, only a few cases occur each year. These
(2001). Describes the Deep Green Project, usually result from the return of afflicted travel-
an attempt to use DNA sequence data to ers from regions where cholera is endemic. Be-
trace the evolutionary history of all plants. cause cholera has a 50 to 60 percent fatality rate
Palmer, Jeffry D. Comparative Organization when its symptoms are not treated quickly, oc-
of Chloroplast Genomes. Annual Review of casional cases cannot be ignored; both the con-
Genetics 19 (1985). One of the best overviews sequences to afflicted people and the potential
of chloroplast genome structure, from algae for the outbreak of epidemics are great.
to flowering plants. Cholera is an infection of the small intestine
Svetlik, John. The Power of Green. Arizona caused by the comma-shaped bacterium Vibrio
State University Research Magazine (Winter, cholerae. Infection is almost always caused by
1997). Provides a review of research at the consumption of food or water contaminated
Arizona State University Photosynthesis with the bacterium. It is followed in one to five
Center and provides good background for days by watery diarrhea that may be accompa-
understanding the genetics of chloroplasts. nied by vomiting. The diarrhea and vomiting
may cause the loss of as much as a pint of body
water per hour. This fluid loss depletes the
blood water and other tissues so severely that if
left unchecked it can cause death within a day.
Cholera Treatment of cholera combines oral or intrave-
nous rehydration of afflicted individuals with
Fields of study: Bacterial genetics; Diseases saline-nutrient solutions and chemotherapy
and Syndromes; with antibiotics, especially tetracycline. The
Significance: Cholera is an extremely dangerous two-pronged therapy replaces lost body water
intestinal disease that has the potential to kill mil- and destroys all V. cholerae in infected individu-
lions of people. Understanding of its genetic basis als. Antibiotic prophylaxis, which destroys the
simplifies treatment and may lead to its eradica- bacteria, leads to the cessation of production of
tion. cholera toxin, the substance that causes diar-
rhea, vomiting, and death.
Key terms
endemic: prevalent and recurring in a particu- Genetics and Cholera
lar geographic region, specific to a particu- The disease occurs when cholera toxin binds
lar region to intestinal cells and stimulates the passage of
pandemic: an epidemic that occurs over a large water from the blood into the intestine. This
area water depletion and resultant cardiovascular
prophylaxis: prevention or cure of a disease collapse are major causes of cholera mortality.
Study of the genetics and the biochemistry of
Cholera, I ts Symptoms, and I ts Cure cholera has shown that the toxin is a protein
Cholera arose centuries ago in India and was composed of portions called A and B subunits,
disseminated throughout Asia and Europe by each produced by a separate gene. When a bac-
trade and pilgrimage. It was devastating, caus- terium secretes a molecule of cholera toxin, it
138 Cholera

binds to a cell of the intestinal lining (an intesti- these travels. Unfortunately, the vaccines are
nal mucosa cell) via B subunits. Then the A sub- only effective for about six months.
units cause the mucosal cell to stimulate the se- The basis for the operation of cholera toxin
cretion of water and salts from the blood to is production of a hormone substance called
produce diarrhea. Lesser amounts of the wa- cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). The
tery mix are vomited and exacerbate dehydra- presence of excess cAMP in intestinal mucosa
tion. cells causes movement of water and other tissue
The use of bacterial genetics to compare vir- components into the intestine and then out of
ulent V. cholerae and strains that did not cause the body. The accumulation of cAMP is caused
the disease helped in the discovery of the na- by the ability of the cholera toxin to modify an
ture of the cholera toxin and enabled produc- enzyme protein, adenyl cyclase, to make it pro-
tion of vaccines against the protein. These vac- duce excess cAMP via modification of a control
cines are useful to those individuals who visit substance called a G-protein. This modification,
areas where cholera is endemic, ensuring that called adenine ribosylation, is a mechanism
they do not become infected with it during similar to that causing diphtheria, another dan-

Cholera in Marine Plankton

Outbreaks of cholera can occur in nonendemic ar- to explain the 1991 cholera epidemic in Peru, when
eas when an infected person travels to another coun- the oceanic oscillation known as El Nio caused a
try or when infected water is carried in the ballast of warming of ocean temperature.
ships to another country. These two processes alone, Because of the association of V. cholerae with plank-
however, could not explain all of the outbreaks of ton, scientists believe they may be able to track or
cholera observed worldwide. In the late 1960s, Vibrio identify future epidemics by the use of satellite imag-
cholerae was found in the ocean associated with ma- ery. Increases in phytoplankton turn the ocean color
rine plankton. This association, along with climate from blue to green. Thus, changes in green areas in
change, helps to explain the spread of cholera. the ocean on satellite pictures show where the phyto-
Plankton are the small organisms suspended in plankton and, by association, zooplankton and chol-
the oceans upper layers. Plankton can be divided era bacteria, are relocating or increasing in number.
into two groups, phytoplankton (small plants) and The association of cholera with zooplankton has
zooplankton (small animals). Vibrio cholerae is found also helped reveal a new way to prevent the disease.
associated with the surface and gut of copepods, People get cholera by ingesting several thousand
which are members of the zooplankton group. cholera bacteria at one time. A single copepod can
These small crustaceans act as a reservoir for the harbor ten thousand bacteria; therefore, the inges-
cholera bacteria, allowing them to survive in the tion of one infected copepod can cause disease in a
ocean for long periods of time. Then, a change in person. Researchers have found a simple and inex-
weather that causes the ocean temperature to rise pensive way to reduce this risk from copepods dra-
could also cause currents that stir up nutrients from matically. Filtering water through four layers of fab-
lower layers of the ocean to the upper layers. Num- ric used to make saris, which are commonly worn
bers of phytoplankton, which live in the upper layers in regions plagued by cholera, removes 99 percent
of ocean waters, increase in these periods as a result of copepods from water containing high levels of
of the warmer temperatures and greater availability plankton.
of nutrients. Zooplankton numbers increase as well, Now that the entire genetic sequence of V. cholerae
because of the increase in main food source, the has been determined, scientists are armed with addi-
phytoplankton. Consequently, the number of chol- tional genetic data to elucidate the relationship of
era bacteria increase to a level that can cause the dis- the bacterium with copepods, which may help them
ease. Thus, climate change can result in an outbreak find more ways of controlling the spread of the dis-
of cholera in a region where cholera is endemic, or, if ease.
currents move the plankton to other coastal areas, in Vicki J. Isola
a new, nonendemic region. This scenario is believed
Cholera 139

gerous disease that can be fatal, although in (1998). Describes a promising new approach
diphtheria other tissues and processes are af- to more safely and quickly immunizing peo-
fected. ple against cholera.
Heidelberg, John F., et al. DNA Sequence of
Impact and Applications Both Chromosomes of the Cholera Patho-
Cholera has, for centuries, been a serious gen Vibrio cholerae. Nature 406 (2000). Publi-
threat to humans throughout the world. Dur- cation of the complete genome sequence of
ing the twentieth century, its consequences the bacteria responsible for cholera.
to industrialized nations diminished signifi- Holmgren, John. Action of Cholera Toxin and
cantly with the advent of sound sanitation prac- Prevention and Treatment of Cholera. Na-
tices that almost entirely prevented the entry of ture 292 (1981). Clearly describes both the
V. cholerae into the food and water supply. In composition and bioaction of cholera toxin.
poorer nations with less adequate sanitation, Keusch, Gerald, and Masanobu Kawakami, eds.
the disease flourishes and is still a severe threat. Cytokines, Cholera, and the Gut. Amsterdam:
It must be remembered that handling chol- IOS Press, 1997. Surveys the role of peptide
era occurs at three levels. The isolation and mediators in the intestinal responses to in-
identification of cholera toxin, as well as devel- fectious and inflammatory challenges pre-
opment of current short-term cholera vaccines, sented by diverse disease states, including
were highly dependent on genetic methodol- inflammatory bowel disease and infectious
ogy. Vaccine protects most travelers from the diarrheas and dysenteries, and the epidemi-
disease. However, wherever the disease afflicts ology and pathogenesis of cholera and re-
individuals, its treatment depends solely upon lated diarrheal diseases.
rehydration and use of antibiotics. Finally, mod- Kudlick, Katherine. Cholera in Post-revolutionary
ern cholera prevention focuses solely on ade- Paris: A Cultural History. Berkeley: University
quate sanitation. It is thus essential to produce of California Press, 1996. Explores the dy-
a long-lasting vaccine for treatment of cholera namics of class relations through an investi-
to enable prolonged immunization at least at gation of the responses to two cholera epi-
the ten-year level of tetanus shots. Efforts aimed demics in Paris during 1832 and 1849.
at this goal are ongoing and utilize molecular Pennisi, Elizabeth. Cholera Strengthened by
genetics to define more clearly why long-term Trip Through Gut. Science 296 (2002). Ex-
vaccination has so far been unsuccessful. Par- amines the effect that passing through a
ticularly useful will be fine genetic sequence hosts gut has on cholera bacteria.
analysis and the use of gene amplification fol- Rakel, Robert E., ed. Conns Current Therapy:
lowed by DNA fingerprinting. Latest Approved Methods of Treatment for the
Sanford S. Singer Practicing Physician. Philadelphia: W. B.
See also: Anthrax; Archaea; Bacterial Ge- Saunders, 2003. Provides for general readers
netics and Cell Structure; Bacterial Resistance a succinct overview of cholera and its treat-
and Super Bacteria; Diphtheria; Emerging Dis- ment.
eases; Gene Regulation: Bacteria; Gene Regu- Wachsmuth, Kate, et al., eds. Vibrio Cholerae and
lation: Lac Operon; Transgenic Organisms. Cholera: Molecular to Global Perspectives. Wash-
ington, D.C.: ASM Press, 1994. A compre-
Further Reading hensive guide to the disease and its genetics.
Colwell, Rita R. Global Climate and Infectious
Disease: The Cholera Paradigm. Science 274 Web Site of Interest
(1996). An analysis of the role climate change Food and Drug Administration. http://vm
might have on the spread of cholera. In- .cfsan.fda.gov. The FDAs Bad Bug Book pro-
cludes a good overview of the history of chol- vides information on Vibrio cholerae, the bac-
era as well. terium that causes cholera. Links to the Cen-
Glenn, Gregory M., et al. Skin Immunization ters for Disease Control and Preventions
Made Possible by Cholera Toxin. Nature 391 food illness fact sheet on the disease.
140 Chromatin Packaging

consisting of a certain number of these nucleo-

Chromatin Packaging tide base pairs. The entire human genome con-
sists of more than six billion base pairs of DNA,
Field of study: Molecular genetics which, if completely unraveled, would extend
Significance: The huge quantity of DNA present in for more than 2 meters (6.5 feet). It is a remark-
each cell must be organized and highly condensed able feat of engineering that in each human
in order to fit into the discrete units of genetic mate- cell this much DNA is condensed, compacted,
rial known as chromosomes. Gene expression can and tightly packaged into chromosomes within
be regulated by the nature and extent of this DNA a nucleus that is less than 105 meters in diame-
packaging in the chromosome, and errors in the ter. What is even more astounding is the fre-
packaging process can lead to genetic disease. quency and fidelity with which this DNA must
be condensed and relaxed, packaged and un-
Key terms packaged, for replication and expression in
chromatin: the material that makes up chro- each individual cell at the appropriate time
mosomes; a complex of fibers composed of and place during both development and adult
DNA, histone proteins, and nonhistone pro- life. The essential processes of DNA replication
teins or gene expression (transcription) cannot oc-
histone proteins: small, basic proteins that cur unless the DNA is in a more open or re-
are complexed with DNA in chromosomes laxed configuration.
and that are essential for chromosomal struc- Chemical analysis of mammalian chromo-
ture and chromatin packaging somes reveals that they consist of DNA and two
nonhistone proteins: a heterogeneous group distinct classes of proteins, known as histone
of acidic or neutral proteins found in chro- and nonhistone proteins. This nucleoprotein
matin that may be involved with chromo- complex is called chromatin, and each chromo-
some structure, chromatin packaging, or the some consists of one linear, unbroken, double-
control of gene expression stranded DNA molecule that is surrounded in
nucleosome: the basic structural unit of chro- predictable ways by these histone and nonhis-
mosomes, consisting of 146 base pairs of tone proteins. The histones are relatively small,
DNA wrapped around a core of eight his- basic proteins (having a net positive charge),
tone proteins and their function is to bind directly to the
negatively charged DNA molecule in the chro-
Chromosomes and Chromatin mosome. Five major varieties of histone pro-
Scientists have known for many years that an teins are found in chromosomes, and these are
organisms hereditar y information is en- known as H1, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. Chroma-
crypted in molecules of DNA that are them- tin contains about equal amounts of histones
selves organized into discrete hereditary units and DNA, and the amount and proportion of
called genes and that these genes are orga- histone proteins are constant from cell to cell
nized into larger subcellular structures called in all higher organisms. In fact, the histones as
chromosomes. James Watson and Francis Crick a class are among the most highly conserved of
elucidated the basic chemical structure of the all known proteins. For example, for histone
DNA molecule in 1953, and much has been H3, which is a protein consisting of 135 amino
learned since that time concerning its replica- acid building blocks, there is only a single
tion and expression. At the molecular level, amino acid difference in the protein found in
DNA is composed of two parallel chains of sea urchins as compared with the one found in
building blocks called nucleotides, and these cattle. This is compelling evidence that his-
chains are coiled around a central axis to form tones play the same essential role in chromatin
the well-known double helix. Each nucleo- packaging in all higher organisms and that evo-
tide on each chain attracts and pairs with a lution has been quite intolerant of even minor
complementary nucleotide on the opposite sequence variations between vastly different
chain, so a DNA molecule can be described as species.
Chromatin Packaging 141

Nonhistones as a class of proteins are much nucleosomes. Each turn of the chromatin fiber
more heterogeneous than the histones. They contains about 1,200 base pairs (six nucleo-
are usually acidic (carrying a net negative somes), and the DNA has now been compacted
charge), so they will most readily attract and by about a factor of fifty. The coiled solenoid
bind with the positively charged histones fiber is organized into large domains of 40,000
rather than the negatively charged DNA. Each to 100,000 base pairs, and these domains are
cell has many different kinds of nonhistone separated by attached nonhistone proteins that
proteins, some of which play a structural role in serve to both organize and to control their
chromosome organization and some of which packaging and unpackaging.
are more directly involved with the regulation
of gene expression. Weight for weight, there is Long DNA Loops and the Chromosome
often as much nonhistone protein present in Scaffold
chromatin as histone protein and DNA com- Physical studies using the techniques of X-ray
bined. crystallography and neutron diffraction have
suggested that solenoid fibers may be further
Nucleosomes and Solenoids organized into giant supercoiled loops. The ex-
The fundamental structural subunit of chro- tent of this additional looping, coiling, and
matin is an association of DNA and histone pro- stacking of solenoid fibers varies, depending
teins called a nucleosome. First discovered in on the cell cycle. The most relaxed and ex-
the 1970s by Ada and Donald Olins and Chris tended chromosomes are found at interphase,
Woodcock, each nucleosome consists of a core the period of time between cell divisions. Inter-
of eight histone proteins: two each
of the histones H2A, H2B, H3, and
H4. Around this histone octamer is
wound 146 base pairs of DNA in
one and three-quarter turns (ap-
proximately eighty base pairs per
turn). The overall shape of each
nucleosome is similar to that of a
lemon or a football. Each nucleo-
some is separated from its adjacent
neighbor by about 55 base pairs of
linker DNA, so that in its most un-
raveled state they appear under the
electron microscope to be like tiny
beads on a string. Portions of each
core histone protein protrude out-
side of the wound DNA and interact
with the DNA that links adjacent
The next level of chromatin pack-
aging involves a coiling and stack-
ing of nucleosomes into a ribbon-
like arrangement, which is twisted
to form a chromatin fiber about 30
nanometers (nm) in diameter com- This image, captured through neutron crystallography, shows the molecular
monly called a solenoid. Forma- structure of the fundamental repeating unit of the chromosome, the nucleo-
tion of solenoid fibers requires the some core complex: 146 base pairs of DNA wrapped around a core of eight his-
interaction of histone H1, which tone proteins. (U.S. Department of Energy Genomes to Life Program,
binds to the linker DNA between http://doegenomestolife.org)
142 Chromatin Packaging

phase chromosomes typically have a diameter lenoid fibers, may contain several genes, or the
of about 300 nm. Chromosomes that are getting boundary of a domain can lie within a gene.
ready to divide (metaphase chromosomes) have These domains have the capacity to influence
the most highly condensed chromatin, and gene expression, and this property is mediated
these structures may have a diameter of up to by specific DNA sequences known as locus con-
700 nm. One major study on the structure of trol regions (LCRs). An LCR is like a powerful
metaphase chromosomes has shown that a skel- enhancer that activates transcription, thereby
eton of nonhistone proteins in the shape of the turning on gene expression. The existence of
metaphase chromosome remains even after all such sequences was first recognized from a
of the histone proteins and the DNA have been study of patients with beta-thalassemia and a re-
removed by enzymatic digestion. If the DNA is lated condition known as hereditary persis-
not digested, it remains in long loops (10 to tence of fetal hemoglobin. In these disorders,
90 kilobase pairs) anchored to this nonhistone there is an error in the expression of a cluster of
protein scaffolding. genes, known as the beta-globin genes, that
In the purest preparations of metaphase prevents the appearance of adult type hemo-
chromosomes, only two scaffold proteins are globin. The beta-globin genes are linearly ar-
found. One of these forms the latticework of rayed over a 50-kilobase-pair chromatin do-
the scaffold, while the other has been identi- main, and the LCR is found upstream from this
fied as toposiomerase II, an enzyme that is criti- cluster. Affected patients were found to have
cal in DNA replication. This enzyme cleaves normal beta-globin genes, but there was a dele-
double-stranded DNA and then rapidly reseals tion of the upstream LCR that led to failure to
the cut after some of the supercoiling has been activate the genes appropriately. Further inves-
relaxed, thus relieving torsional stress and pre- tigation led to the conclusion that the variation
venting tangles in the DNA. Apparently this in expression of these genes observed in differ-
same enzyme activity is necessary for the coil- ent patients was caused by differences in the as-
ing and looping of solenoid fibers along the sembly of the genes into higher-order chroma-
chromosome scaffold that occurs during the tin structures. In some cases, gene expression
transition between interphase and metaphase was repressed, while in others it was facilitated.
chromosome structure. In the most highly con- Under normal circumstances, a nonhistone
densed metaphase chromosomes, the DNA has protein complex was found to bind to the LCR,
been further compacted by an additional fac- causing the chromatin domain to unravel and
tor of one hundred. making the DNA more accessible to transcrip-
tion factors, thus enhancing gene expression.
Impact and Applications DNA sequencing studies have demonstrated
Studies of chromatin packaging continue to a common feature in several genes whose al-
reveal the details of the precise chromosomal tered expression leads to severe human genetic
architecture that results from the progressive disease. For example, the gene that causes myo-
coiling of the single DNA molecule into in- tonic dystrophy has a large number of repeat-
creasingly compact structures. Evidence sug- ing nucleotide triplets in the DNA region im-
gests that the regulation of this coiling and mediately adjacent to the protein-encoding
packaging within the chromosome has a signif- segment. Physical studies have shown that this
icant effect on the properties of the genes results in the formation of unusually stable
themselves. In fact, errors in DNA packaging nucleosomes, since these repeated sequences
can lead to inappropriate gene expression and create the strongest naturally occurring sites
developmental abnormalities. In humans, the for association with the core histones. It has
blood disease thalassemia, several neuromus- been suggested that these highly stable nucleo-
cular diseases, and even male sex determina- somes are unusually resistant to the unwinding
tion can all be explained by the altered assem- and denaturation of the DNA that must occur
bly of chromosomal structures. in order for gene expression to begin. RNA
Chromatin domains, composed of coiled so- polymerase is the enzyme that makes an RNA
Chromatin Packaging 143

transcript of the gene, and its movement idence has left no doubt that the packaging
through the protein-coding portion of the gene process is an essential component of regulated
is inhibited if the DNA is unable to dissociate gene expression.
from the nucleosomes. Thus, although the nec- Jeffrey Knight
essary protein product would be normal and See also: Cell Division; Central Dogma of
functional if it could be made, it is a problem Molecular Biology; Chromosome Structure;
with chromatin unpackaging that leads to re- Developmental Genetics; Fragile X Syndrome;
duced gene expression that ultimately leads to Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes; Huntingtons
clinical symptoms of the disease. Both mild and Disease; Mitosis and Meiosis; Molecular Genet-
severe forms of myotonic dystrophy are known, ics.
and an increase in the clinical severity correlates
exactly with an increased number of nucleotide Further Reading
triplet repeats in the gene. Similar triplet re- Becker, Peter B. Chromatin Protocols. Totowa,
peats have been found in the genes responsible N.J.: Humana Press, 1999. Western scientists
for Kennedys disease, Huntingtons disease provide step-by-step instructions for analyz-
(Huntingtons chorea), spinocerebellar ataxia ing the relationship between chromatin
type I, fragile X syndrome, and dentatorubral- structure and function and for elucidating
pallidoluysian atrophy. the molecular mechanisms that control such
Fascinating and unexpected recent research vital cellular functions as transcription, rep-
results have suggested that a central event in lication, recombination, and DNA repair.
the determination of gender in mammals de- Elgin, Sarah C. R., and Jerry L. Workman, eds.
pends on local folding of DNA within the chro- Chromatin Structure and Gene Expression. 2d
mosome. Molecular biologists Peter Good- ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
fellow and Robin Lovell-Badge successfully Examines numerous facets of chromatin
cloned a human gene from the Y chromosome structure, including its histones, nucleo-
that determines maleness. This SRY gene somes, and fiber elements, its relationship to
(named from the sex-determining region of DNA structure, its replication and assembly,
the Y chromosome) encodes a protein that se- and its initiation of expression.
lectively recognizes a specific DNA sequence Kornberg, Roger, and Anthony Klug. The
and helps assemble a chromatin complex that Nucleosome. Scientific American 244 (1981).
activates other male-specific genes. More spe- Provides a somewhat dated but highly read-
cifically, binding of the SRY protein causes the able summary of the primary association of
DNA to bend at a specific angle and causes con- DNA with histone proteins.
formation that facilitates the assembly of a pro- Lodish, Harvey, et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 4th
tein complex to initiate the cascade of gene ac- ed. New York: W. H. Freeman, 2000. Covers
tivation leading to male development. If the chromatin structure from a cellular and bio-
bend is too tight or too wide, gene expression chemical perspective.
will not occur, and the embryo will develop as a Russell, Peter. Genetics. 5th ed. Menlo Park, Ca-
female. lif.: Benjamin Cummings, 1998. A college-
The unifying lesson to be learned from these level textbook with an excellent discussion
examples of DNA packaging and disease is that of chromatin structure and organization.
DNA sequencing studies and the construction Turner, Bryan. Chromatin and Gene Regulation:
of human genetic maps will not by themselves Mechanisms in Epigenetics. Malden, Mass.:
provide all the answers to questions concerning Blackwell, 2001. Explores the relationship
human variation and genetic disease. An un- between gene expression and DNA packag-
derstanding of human genetics at the molecu- ing by explaining the chromatin-based con-
lar level depends not only on the primary DNA trol mechanisms. An overview of transcrip-
sequence but also on the three-dimensional or- tion in bacteria, refined structures and the
ganization of that DNA within the chromo- control mechanisms, and dosage compensa-
some. Compelling genetic and biochemical ev- tion are covered.
144 Chromosome Mutation

Van Holde, Kensal. Chromatin. New York: in the early years of the twentieth century, ge-
Springer, 1988. Contemporary views on neticists who worked with it were the first to dis-
chromatins functions and structure, ad- cover chromosome mutations. Calvin Bridges
dressing structures of DNA, proteins of proposed deletions in 1917, duplications in
chromatin (both histone and nonhistone), 1919, and translocations in 1923 as explana-
the nucleosome, higher-order structures, tions of phenomena he had observed in ge-
transcription, and replication. Bibliography. netic experiments. Alfred Sturtevant proposed
Wolffe, Alan P. Genetic Effects of DNA Pack- inversions in 1926 to explain experimental
aging. Scientific American, November/De- genetic data. Their proposals were directly con-
cember, 1995: 68-77. Excellent summary for firmed as chromosome mutations when meth-
the general reader of the relationship be- ods for microscopic examination of chromo-
tween gene expression and DNA packaging. somes were developed in the 1920s and 1930s.

A deletion results when a chromosomal seg-
Chromosome Mutation ment is lost. A deletion creates an imbalance in
the genetic material because a relatively large
Fields of study: Cellular biology; Molecular segment of it is missing. Most deletions are le-
genetics thal, even when heterozygous. Some small de-
Significance: Unlike gene mutations, which alter letions persist in the heterozygous state but are
individual genes, chromosome mutations delete, usually lethal when homozygous. These small
duplicate, or rearrange chromosome segments. deletions are usually characterized by deleted
Chromosome mutations may create gene muta- portions of only one or two genes and behave
tions if they delete genes or if the breakpoints of re- genetically as recessive alleles when paired with
arranged segments disrupt gene structure or alter a typical recessive allele of the affected gene.
gene expression. Even when they do not create gene
mutations, chromosome mutations may reduce fer- Duplications
tility and are an important cause of inherited in- A duplication arises when a chromosomal
fertility in humans. They also play important roles segment is duplicated and inserted either into
in the evolution of species. the same chromosome, as its parent segment,
or into another chromosome. Duplications are
Key terms present in most genomes. Genome projects
deletion: a missing chromosome segment (including the Human Genome Project) have
duplication: a chromosome segment re- revealed large duplicated segments containing
peated in the same or in a different chromo- multiple genes dispersed throughout the chro-
some mosomes in most species. Some duplications
fission: separation of a single chromosome are repeated in tandem in the same chromo-
into two chromosomes some and are subject to unequal crossing over,
fusion: joining of two chromosomes to be- a process in which duplicated segments mispair
come a single chromosome with one another and a crossover takes place
inversion: a chromosome segment with re- within the mispaired segment. Unequal cross-
versed orientation when compared to the ing over increases the number of tandem dupli-
original chromosome structure cations in one chromosome and decreases that
translocation: a chromosome segment trans- number in the other.
ferred from one chromosome to a nonho-
mologous chromosome Inversions
Two breaks within the same chromosome
Discovery may liberate a chromosome segment. If the
As the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster be- segment is reinserted into the same chromo-
came a premier organism for genetic research some, but in reverse orientation, an inversion
Chromosome Mutation 145

results. Also, rare crossing over between dupli- location heterozygote, the two chromosomes
cated segments in the same chromosome may with translocated segments pair with two other
produce an inversion. If a breakpoint of the in- chromosomes without translocations. The pair-
version lies within a gene, it disrupts the gene, ing of these four chromosomes forms an X-
causing a gene mutation. Additionally, an in- shaped structure called a quadrivalent, so
version may place a gene in another location in named because it contains four chromosomes
the chromosome, removing the gene from its paired with one another, instead of the usual
regulatory elements and altering its expres- two. Depending on the orientation of the quad-
sion, a phenomenon known as the position ef- rivalent during meiosis, some gametes may re-
fect. ceive a balanced complement of chromosomes
When one chromosome carries an inversion and others an unbalanced complement with
and its homologous partner does not, the indi- large duplications and deletions. Typically,
vidual carrying these two chromosomes is said about half of all gametes in a reciprocal trans-
to be an inversion heterozygote. The two ho- location heterozygote carry an unbalanced
mologous chromosomes in an inversion heter- chromosome complement, a situation that sig-
ozygote cannot pair properly in meiosis; one of nificantly reduces the individuals fertility. How-
them must form a loop in the inverted region. ever, translocation homozygotes suffer no loss
A crossover within the inversion loop results in of fertility, because the chromosomes pair nor-
chromosomes that carry large deletions and mally with no quadrivalent.
duplications. Because of the imbalance of
chromosomal material created by the deletions Fusions
and duplications, progeny resulting from such Very rarely, two chromosomes may fuse with
crossovers usually do not survive. In genetic ex- one another to form a single chromosome.
periments, crossing over appears to be sup- Chromosomes with centromeres at or very
pressed within an inversion, whereas, in reality, near the ends of the chromosomes may un-
crossing over does take place within the inver- dergo breakage at the centromeres and fuse
sion but crossover-type progeny fail to survive. with each other in the centromeric region, re-
For this reason, inversion heterozygotes may sulting in a single chromosome with the long
suffer a reduction in fertility that is propor- arms of the original chromosomes on either
tional to the size of the inversion. An individual side of the fused centromere. Such a chromo-
who is homozygous for an inversion, however, some fusion is called a Robertsonian translo-
suffers no loss of fertility, because the chromo- cation. In other cases, two chromosomes may
somes pair normally. fuse with one another producing a dicentric
chromosome (a chromosome with two centro-
Translocations meres). For the fused chromosome to persist,
A break in a chromosome may liberate a one of the centromeres ceases to function, leav-
chromosome fragment, which if reattached to ing the other centromere as a single, functional
a different chromosome is called a transloca- centromere for the fused chromosome.
tion. Most translocations are reciprocal: Two
chromosome breaks, each in a different chro- Fissions
mosome, liberate two fragments, and each frag- A chromosome break produces two frag-
ment reattaches to the site where the other ments, which may function as individual chro-
fragment was originally attached; in other mosomes if each has telomeres on both ends
words, the two fragments exchange places. If and a functional centromere. Typically, chro-
the breakpoint of a translocation is within a mosome breakage produces one fragment with
gene, a gene mutation may result. Also, a gene a telomere on one end and a centromere, and
at or near the breakpoint may undergo a change another fragment with a telomere on one end
in its expression because of position effect. and no centromere. For both fragments to
Translocations alter chromosome pairing in function as chromosomes, one must acquire a
meiosis. During meiosis in a reciprocal trans- telomere and the other a centromere and a
146 Chromosome Mutation

telomere. These events are highly unlikely, so such a degree that the isolated populations di-
fissions are rarer than fusions. However, com- verge into separate species. Their members can
plex translocations with other chromosomes no longer produce fertile offspring when hy-
may rarely produce functional chromosomes bridized with members of another population
from a fission event, and cases of functional because the chromosomes cannot properly pair
chromosomes arising from fissions have been with one another. Indeed, accumulated chro-
documented. mosome mutations are often evident when ge-
neticists compare the chromosomes of closely
Impact on Human Genetics and Medicine related species. For example, the chromosomes
Chromosome mutations are responsible for of different Drosophila species are differenti-
several human genetic disorders. For example, ated mostly by translocations and fusions. Com-
about 20 percent of hemophilia A cases result parison of human, chimpanzee, gorilla, and
from a gene mutation caused by an inversion orangutan chromosomes reveals numerous in-
with a breakpoint in the F8C gene, which en- versions that distinguish the chromosomes of
codes blood clotting factor VIII. Cri du chat these species. One of the most striking cases of
syndrome, a severe disorder characterized by chromosome evolution is the origin of human
severe mental retardation and distinctive physi- chromosome 2. This chromosome matches two
cal features, is usually caused by deletion of a separate chromosomes in the great apes and
small chromosomal region near the end of apparently arose from a fusion of these two
chromosome 5. A few cases of this syndrome chromosomes after the divergence of the hu-
are associated with deletions that result from a man and chimpanzee lineages. The presence
translocation with a breakpoint near the end of in human chromosome 2 of DNA sequences
chromosome 5 or crossovers within a small in- corresponding to a nonfunctional centromere
version in that chromosome region. Robert- and telomere at sites corresponding to these
sonian translocations that fuse the long arm of structures in the great ape chromosomes is
chromosome 21 with the long arm of another strong evidence of a chromosome fusion dur-
chromosome (usually chromosome 14) are re- ing evolution of the human lineage.
sponsible for some inherited cases of Down syn- Daniel J. Fairbanks
drome. A reciprocal translocation between See also: Cell Cycle, The; Cell Division;
chromosomes 9 and 22, called the Philadel- Central Dogma of Molecular Biology; Chemi-
phia chromosome, causes increased suscepti- cal Mutagens; Chromosome Structure; Chro-
bility to certain types of cancer by altering the mosome Theory of Heredity; Congenital Dis-
expression of a gene located at the breakpoint orders; Cystic Fibrosis; Down Syndrome;
of the translocation. Other translocations are Epistasis; Evolutionary Biology; Hemophilia;
likewise associated with certain cancers. Chro- Hereditary Diseases; Huntingtons Disease; In-
mosome mutations may also cause infertility in born Errors of Metabolism; Infertility; Mitosis
humans. Reciprocal translocations are espe- and Meiosis; Molecular Genetics; Mutation
cially notorious, although certain inversions and Mutagenesis; Punctuated Equilibrium.
are also associated with infertility.
Further Reading
Implications for Evolution Burnham, Charles R. Discussions in Cytogenetics.
Heterozygous carriers of inversions, translo- Minneapolis, Minn.: Burgess, 1962. A classic
cations, fusions, and fissions often suffer losses book on chromosome mutations written by
of fertility, but homozogotes do not. Thus, nat- one of the pioneers in the field. Though out
ural selection may disfavor heterozygotes while of print, this book remains available in many
favoring homozygotes either for the original libraries.
chromosome structure or for the mutation. Calos, Michele. Molecular Evolution of Chromo-
Accumulation of different chromosome muta- somes. New York: Oxford University Press,
tions in isolated populations of a species may 2003. Describes the role of chromosome mu-
eventually differentiate the chromosomes to tations in evolution.
Chromosome Structure 147

Miller, Orlando J., and Eeva Therman. Human structures called chromosomes (color bod-
Chromosomes. 4th ed. New York: Springer ies) within the nucleus that became visible
Verlag, 2001. A good textbook on human when they condensed as the cell prepared to di-
chromosomes, including common chromo- vide.
some mutations. The association of the condensed, visible
state of chromosomes with cell division caused
investigators to speculate that the chromosomes
played a role in the transmission of informa-
Chromosome Structure tion. Chromosome counts made before and af-
ter cell division showed that the chromosome
Fields of study: Cellular biology; Classical number remained constant from generation to
transmission genetics generation. When it was observed that the nu-
Significance: The separation of the alleles in the clei of two cells (the egg and the sperm) fused
production of the reproductive cells is a central fea- during sexual reproduction, the association be-
ture of the model of inheritance. The realization tween information transport and chromosome
that the genes are located on chromosomes and that composition was further strengthened. Ger-
chromosomes occur as pairs that separate during man biologist August Weismann, noting that
meiosis provides the physical explanation for the the chromosome number remained constant
basic model of inheritance. When chromosome from generation to generation despite the fus-
structure is modified, changes in information ing of cells, predicted that there must be a cell
transmission produce abnormal developmental division that reduced the chromosome num-
conditions, most of which contribute to early mis- ber in the egg and sperm cells. The reductional
carriages and spontaneous abortions. division, meiosis, was described in 1900.
Following the rediscovery of Gregor Men-
Key terms dels rules of inheritance in 1900, the work of
histones: a class of proteins associated with Theodor Boveri and Walter Sutton led to the
DNA 1903 proposal that the character-determining
homologous chromosomes: chromosomes factors (genes) proposed by Mendel were lo-
that have identical physical structure and cated on the chromosomes and that the factor
contain the same genes; humans have twenty- segregation that was a central part of the model
two pairs of homologous chromosomes and occurred because the like chromosomes of
a pair of sex chromosomes that are only par- each pair separated during the reductional di-
tially homologous vision that occurs in meiosis. This hypothesis,
karyotyping: an analysis or physical descrip- the chromosome theory of heredity, was con-
tion of all the chromosomes found in an or- firmed in 1916 by the observations of the un-
ganisms cells; often includes either a draw- usual behavior of chromosomes and the de-
ing or photograph of the chromosomes termining factors located on them by Calvin
spindle fibers: minute fibers composed of the Bridges.
protein tubulin that are involved in distrib-
uting the chromosomes during cell division Chromosome Structure and Relation to
Discovery of Chromosomes Role in With the discovery of the nucleic acids came
Inheritance speculation about the roles of DNA and the as-
The development of the microscope made it sociated proteins. During the early 1900s, it
possible to study what became recognized as was generally accepted that DNA formed a
the central unit of living organisms, the cell. structural support system to hold critical infor-
One of the most obvious structures within the mation-carrying proteins on the chromosomes.
cell is the nucleus. As study continued, dyes The identification of the structure of DNA in
were used to stain cell structures to make them 1953 by American biologist James Watson and
more visible. It became possible to see colored English physicist Francis Crick and the recogni-
148 Chromosome Structure

A major feature of the visible, copied

External Structure of a Chromosome
chromosomes is the centromere. This
constriction may be located anywhere
along the chromosome, so its position is
useful for identifying chromosomes. In
karyotyping, the standard system used to
Sister identify human chromosomes, the num-
bering begins with the longest chromo-
Centromere some with the constriction nearest the
center (chromosome 1) and are referred
to as having a metacentric centromere
placement. Chromosomes with nearly
the same length but with the centromere
constriction removed from the center
position have higher numbers (chromo-
Kinetochores somes 2 and 3) and are referred to as
microtubules acrocentric. Shorter chromosomes with
a centromere near the middle are next,
and the numbering proceeds based on
the distance the centromere is removed
from the central position. Short chro-
mosomes with a centromere near one
end have the highest numbers and are
referred to as telocentric.
Most of the chromosomes have a cen-
(Kimberly L. Dawson Kurnizki) tromere that is not centrally located,
which results in arms of unequal length.
The short arm is referred to as petite
tion that DNA, not the proteins, contained the and is designated the p arm. The long arm is
genetic information led to study of chromo- designated the q arm. This nomenclature is
some structure and the relationships of the useful for referring to features of the chromo-
DNA and protein components. some. For example, when a portion of the long
It is now recognized that each chromosome arm of chromosome 15 has been lost, the arm
contains one DNA molecule. Each plant and is shorter than normal. The loss, a deletion, is
animal species has a specific number of chro- designated 15q (chromosome 15, long arm,
mosomes. Humans have twenty-three kinds of deletion). Prader-Willi syndrome, in which an
chromosomes, present as twenty-three pairs. infant has poor sucking ability and poor
Each chromosome can be recognized by its growth, and later becomes a compulsive eater,
overall length and the position of constrictions, results from this deletion. Cri du chat (cry of
called centromeres, that are visible only when the cat) syndrome results from 5p , a deletion
the cell is reproducing. At all other stages of the of a portion of the short arm of chromosome 5.
cells life, the chromosome material is diffuse The cry of these individuals is like that of a cat,
and is seen only as a general color within the and they are severely mentally retarded and
nucleus. When the cell prepares for division, have numerous physical defects.
the fibrous DNA molecule tightly coils and con- Some chromosomes have additional con-
denses into the visible structures. Since there strictions referred to as secondary constric-
must be information for the two cells that result tions. The primary centromere constrictions
from the process of division, the chromosomes are located where the spindle fibers attach to
are present in a duplicated condition when the chromosomes to move them to the appro-
they first become visible. priate poles during cell division. The second-
Chromosome Structure 149

ary constrictions are sites of specific gene activ- evidence that these loops represent replication
ity. Both of these regions contain DNA base units along the chromosome, but how the DNA
sequence information that is specific to their molecule is freed from the histone proteins to
functions. be replicated is a major unsolved puzzle.
The condensation of the chromatin is not
Histones uniform over the entire chromosome. In the
The DNA of the chromosomes is wound regions immediately adjacent to the centro-
around special proteins called histones. This mere, the chromatin is tightly condensed and
results in an orderly structure that condenses remains that way throughout the visible cycle.
the DNA mass so that the bulky DNA does not All of the available evidence indicates that this
require as much storage space. The wrapped chromatin does not contain actively expressed
DNA units then fold into additional levels of genes. It also replicates later than the remain-
compaction, by means of a process called con- ing DNA. This more highly condensed chro-
densation. The exact processes involved in these matin is called heterochromatin (the other
higher levels of folding are not fully under- chromatin). The remaining chromatin is re-
stood, but the overall condensation reduces ferred to as euchromatin (true chromatin)
the bulk of the DNA nearly one thousandfold. because it contains actively expressed genes
If the DNA is removed from a condensed chro- and it replicates as a unit.
mosome, the proteins remain and have nearly
the same shape as the chromosome, indicating Giemsa Stain and Chromosome Painting
that it is the proteins that form the chromo- When chromosomes are treated with a dye
some shape. The presence of these proteins called Giemsa stain, regular banding patterns
and the fact that the DNA is wrapped around appear. The bands vary in width, but their posi-
them raises many questions about how the DNA tions on the individual chromosomes are con-
is copied in preparation for cell division and sistent. This makes the bands useful in identi-
how the DNA information is read for gene ac- fying specific chromosome regions. When a
tivity. These are areas of active research. chromosome has a structural modification,
The histone proteins form a structure called such as an inversionwhich results when two
a nucleosome (nuclear body). There are breaks occur and the region is reversed when
four kinds of histones, and two of each kind the fragments are rejoinedthe change in the
join together to form a cylinder-shaped nucleo- banding pattern makes it possible to recognize
some structure. The fibrous DNA molecule where it has occurred. When a loss of a chromo-
wraps around each nucleosome approximately somal region produces a deficiency disorder,
two and one-half times with a sequence of un- changes in the banding patterns of a chromo-
wound DNA between each nucleosome along some can identify the missing region. Karyo-
the entire length of the DNA molecule. The type analysis is a useful tool in genetic counsel-
structure, called chromatin, looks like a string ing because disorders caused by chromosome
of beads when isolated sections are viewed with structure modifications can be identified. Asso-
an electron microscope. When the chromatin is ciations between disorders and missing chro-
digested with enzymes that break the DNA back- mosome regions are useful in identifying which
bone in the unwound regions, repeated lengths functions are associated with specific regions.
of chromatin are recovered, showing that the Other stains produce different banding pat-
nucleosome wrapping is very regular. These terns and, when used in combination with the
nucleosome regions join together to form the Giemsa banding patterns, allow diagnosis of
additional folding as the chromosome con- structure modifications that can be quite com-
denses when the cell prepares for division. plex.
In addition to the histone proteins, nonhis- It is also possible to use fluorescent dyes, in a
tone proteins attach to the chromatin. With an process called chromosome painting, to iden-
electron microscope, chromatin loops can be tify the DNA of individual chromosomes,
seen extending from a protein matrix. There is which allows the recognition of small regions
Internal Structure of a Chromosome

Protein-coated DNA strand

Chromosome segment

DNA molecule


(Electronic Illustrators Group)

Chromosome Structure 151

that have been exchanged between chromo- transmitted. Extreme changes in chromosome
somes that are too small to be recognized oth- structure that result in the moving of informa-
erwise. Color differences within chromosomes tion to another chromosome may have conse-
or at their tips clearly show which chromo- quences for how specific information is ex-
somes have exchanged DNA, how much DNA pressed; a change in position might result in
each has been exchanged, and where on the different regulation or in changes in how the
chromosomes the exchanges have taken place. information is transmitted during meiosis.
Many cancer cells, for example, have multiple Each chromosome has a specific arrange-
chromosome modifications, with DNA from ment of genes. Although homologous chromo-
two or three chromosomes associated in one somes exchange DNA during meiosis, as long
highly modified chromosome structure. as this process occurs normally, the gene ar-
rangement on the chromosomes remains un-
Chromosome Disorders changed. Position affects result when genes are
At the ends of the chromosomes are struc- moved to different regions of the same chro-
tures called telomeres, which are composed of mosome or to another chromosome. A normal
specific repetitive DNA sequences that help allele may show a mutant phenotype expres-
protect the ends of chromosomes from dam- sion in a new position in the chromosome set.
age and prevent DNA molecules from stick- The best-known case occurs when a gene is
ing together. Research that began in the early placed adjacent to a heterochromatic region.
1990s led to the discovery that the telomere re- The relocated DNA is condensed like the
gions of the chromosomes are shortened at heterochromatic-region DNA and normally ac-
each DNA replication. When the telomeres tive genes now remain inactive. Ninety percent
have been reduced to some critical point, the of patients with the disorder chronic myeloge-
cell is no longer able to divide and often dies nous leukemia have an exchange of material
not long after, a phenomenon called apoptosis. called a translocation, between chromosomes
Other observations indicate that the telomere 9 and 22. Chromosome 22 is shorter than nor-
is returned to its normal length in tumor cells, mal and is called the Philadelphia chromo-
suggesting that this might contribute to the some, after the city in which it was discovered.
long life of tumor cells, possibly making them The placing of a specific gene from chromo-
immortal. The relationship of cell age to telo- some 9 within the broken region adjacent to a
mere length and the mechanisms that lead to gene on chromosome 22 causes the uncon-
telomere shortening are not understood clearly, trolled expression of both of the genes and un-
but this is an area of active research because it controlled cell reproduction, the hallmark of
has implications for aging and cancer treat- leukemia.
ment. The separation of like chromosomes during
The DNA of each chromosome carries a meiosis occurs because the two chromosome
unique part of the information code in the se- arms are attached to a specific centromere.
quence of the bases. The specific sequences are When the centromere is moved to one of the
in linear order along the chromosome and poles, the arms are pulled along, ensuring
form linked sequences of genes called linkage movement of all of the material of the paired
groups. When the like chromosomes pair and chromosomes to the opposite poles and inclu-
separate during meiosis, one copy of each chro- sion in the newly formed cells. Translocations
mosome is transmitted to the offspring. During occur when chromosomes are broken and ma-
meiosis, there may be an exchange of material terial is placed in the wrong position by the re-
between the paired chromosomes, but this pair system, causing a chromosome region to
does not change the information content be- become attached to a different centromere.
cause the information is basically the same for This leads to an inability to properly separate
both chromosomes in any region. There may the regions of the arm, which can result in du-
be differences in the coding sequences, but plication of some of the chromosomal regions
functionally the same informational content is (when two copies of the same arm move to one
152 Chromosome Theory of Heredity

cell) or deficiencies (when none of the mate- Campbell, Neil. Biology. 6th ed. San Francisco:
rial from a chromosome arm moves into a cell). Benjamin Cummings, 2001. A college-level
This is a common outcome with translocation biology textbook that provides introductory
heterozygotes (individuals with both normal explanations of chromosomes.
chromosomes and translocated chromosomes Greider, Carol, and Elizabeth Blackburn.
in the same cells). Pairing of like chromosome Telomeres, Telomerase, and Cancer. Scien-
regions occurs, but rather than two chromo- tific American 274 (February, 1996). Contains
somes paired along their entire lengths, the a review of the nature of telomeres and their
arms of the two translocated chromosomes are importance in the lives of cells.
paired with the arms of their normal pairing Russell, Peter. Genetics. 5th ed. Menlo Park, Ca-
partners. The separation of the chromosomes lif.: Benjamin Cummings, 1998. A college-
produces duplications of material from one level textbook with an excellent discussion
chromosome arm or a deficiency of that mate- of chromosome structure and function.
rial 50 percent of the time. If these cells are in- Sharma, Archana, and Sumitra Sen. Chromo-
volved in fertilization, the offspring will show some Botany. Enfield, N.H.: Science Pub-
duplication or deficiency disorders. lishers, 2002. Focuses on the chromosome as
D. B. Benner, updated by Bryan Ness a vehicle of hereditary transmission, cover-
See also: Chromatin Packaging; Cell Cycle, ing topics such as structural details, identifi-
The; Cell Division; Central Dogma of Molecular cation of gene sequences at the chromo-
Biology; Chromosome Mutation; Chromosome some level, specific and genetic diversity in
Theory of Heredity; Chromosome Walking and evolution, and the genome as affected by en-
Jumping; Classical Transmission Genetics; Dihy- vironmental agents.
brid Inheritance; DNA Replication; DNA Struc-
ture and Function; Epistasis; Extrachromo-
somal Inheritance; Incomplete Dominance;
Mendelian Genetics; Mitosis and Meiosis; Mo-
lecular Genetics; Monohybrid Inheritance; Mul- Chromosome Theory of
tiple Alleles; Mutation and Mutagenesis; Non- Heredity
disjunction and Aneuploidy; Parthenogenesis;
Penetrance; Polygenic Inheritance; RNA Struc- Field of study: Classical transmission
ture and Function; Transposable Elements. genetics; History of genetics
Significance: The chromosome theory of heredity
Further Reading originated with American geneticist Walter Sut-
Adolph, Kenneth W., ed. Gene and Chromosome ton, who first suggested that genes were located on
Analysis. 3 vols. San Diego: Academic Press, chromosomes. This theory guided much of genetic
1993-1994. Covers a range of topics, includ- research in the early twentieth century, including
ing cDNA cloning methods, mammalian development of the earliest genetic maps based on
embryogenesis, microcell hybrids, tumor- linkage. In 1931, several experiments confirmed
suppressor genes, prenatal cytogenetics, the chromosome theory by demonstrating that cer-
and the polymerase chain reaction. tain rearrangements of the heritable traits (or
Bickmore, Wendy A. Chromosome Structural genes) were always accompanied by corresponding
Analysis: A Practical Approach. New York: Ox- rearrangements of the microscopically observable
ford University Press, 1999. Describes re- chromosomes.
search on chromatin and chromosome
structure, specifically examining the map- Key terms
ping of protein, a study of whole chromo- crossing over: the breakage of chromosomes
some structure and biochemical techniques followed by the interchange of the resulting
for analyzing the substructure of mamma- fragments; also, the recombination of genes
lian nuclei, and the experimental manipula- that results from the chromosomal rear-
tion of chromosome structure. rangement
Chromosome Theory of Heredity 153

genetic mapping: the locating of gene posi- in pairs? Why do different genes assort inde-
tions along chromosomes pendently? Where are the genes located? An-
independent assortment: the inheritance of swers to these questions were first suggested in
genes independently of one another when 1903 by a young American scientist, Walter
they are located on separate chromosomes Sutton, who had read about the rediscovery of
linkage: the frequent inheritance of two or Mendels work. By this time, it was already well
more genes together as a unit if they are lo- known that all animal and plant cells contain a
cated close together on the same chromo- central portion called the nucleus and a sur-
some rounding portion called the cytoplasm. Divi-
linkage mapping: a form of genetic mapping sion of the cytoplasm is a very simple affair: The
that uses recombination frequencies to esti- cytoplasm simply squeezes in two. The nucleus,
mate the relative distances between linked however, undergoes mitosis, a complex rear-
genes rangement of the rod-shaped bodies called
physical mapping: a form of genetic mapping chromosomes, which exist in pairs. Sex cells
that associates a gene with a microscopically (eggs or sperm) are haploid, with one chro-
observable chromosome location mosome from each pair. All other body cells,
called somatic cells, have a diploid chromo-
Mendels Law of Independent Assortment some number in which all chromosomes are
In a series of experiments first reported in paired. During mitosis, each chromosome be-
1865, Austrian botanist Gregor Mendel estab- comes duplicated; then the two strands (or
lished the first principles of genetics. Mendel chromatids) split apart and separate. One re-
showed that the units of heredity were inher- sult of mitosis is that the chromosome number
ited as particles that maintained their identity of each cell is always preserved. Sutton also no-
across the generations; these units of heredity ticed that eggs in most species are many times
are now known as genes. These genes exist as larger than sperm because of a great difference
pairs in all the bodys cells except for the egg in the amount of cytoplasm. The nuclei of egg
and sperm cells. When Mendel studied two and sperm are approximately equal in size, and
traits at a time (dihybrid inheritance), he dis- these nuclei fuse during fertilization, a process
covered that different genes were inherited in- in which two haploid sets of chromosomes
dependently of one another, a principle that combine to make a complete diploid set. From
came to be called the law of independent as- these facts, Sutton concluded that the genes
sortment. For example, if an individual inherits are probably in the nucleus, not the cytoplasm,
genes A and B from one parent and genes a and because the nucleus divides carefully and ex-
b from the other parent, in subsequent gen- actly while the cytoplasm divides inexactly. Also,
erations the combinations AB, Ab, aB, and ab if genes were in the cytoplasm, one would ex-
would all occur with equal frequency. Gene A pect the mothers contribution to be much
would go together with B just as often as with b, greater than the fathers, contrary to the re-
and gene B would go with A just as often as with peated observation that the parental contribu-
a. Mendels results were ignored for many years tions to heredity are usually equal.
after he published his findings, but his princi- Of all the parts of diploid cells, only the chro-
ples were rediscovered in 1900 by Erich Tscher- mosomes were known to exist in pairs. If genes
mak von Seysenegg in Vienna, Austria, Carl were located on the chromosomes, it would ex-
Erich Correns in Tbingen, Germany, and Hugo plain why they existed in pairs (except singly in
de Vries in Amsterdam, Holland. Organized re- eggs and sperm cells). In fact, the known be-
search in genetics soon began in various coun- havior of chromosomes exactly paralleled the
tries in Europe and also in the United States. postulated behavior of Mendels genes. Sut-
tons hypothesis that genes were located on
Suttons Hypothesis chromosomes came to be called the chromo-
Mendels findings had left certain important some theory of heredity. According to Suttons
questions unanswered: Why do the genes exist hypothesis, Mendels genes assorted indepen-
154 Chromosome Theory of Heredity

dently because they were located on different Crossing-Over

chromosomes. However, there were only a lim-
ited number of chromosomes (eight in fruit
flies, fourteen in garden peas, and forty-six in
humans), while there were hundreds or thou-
sands of genes. Sutton therefore predicted that
Mendels law of independent assortment would
only apply to genes located on different chro-
mosomes. Genes located on the same chromo-
some would be inherited together as a unit, a
phenomenon now known as linkage.
In 1903, Sutton outlined his chromosomal
theory of heredity in a paper entitled The
Chromosomes in Heredity. Many aspects of
this theory were independently proposed by
Theodor Boveri, a German researcher who had
worked with sea urchin embryos at the Naples
Marine Station in Italy. In the crossing-over process, chromosomes meet (left) and re-
combine (right). (Electronic Illustrators Group)

Linkage and Crossing Over

Sutton had predicted the existence of linked Genetic Mapping
genes before other investigators had adequately Sutton had been a student of Thomas Hunt
described the phenomenon. The subsequent Morgan at Columbia University in New York
discovery of linked genes lent strong support to City. When Morgan began his experiments with
Suttons hypothesis. English geneticists William fruit flies around 1909, he quickly became con-
Bateson and Reginald C. Punnett described vinced that Suttons chromosome theory would
crosses involving linked genes in both poultry lead to a fruitful line of research. Morgan and
and garden peas, while American geneticist his students soon discovered many new muta-
Thomas Hunt Morgan made similar discover- tions in fruit flies, representing many new genes.
ies in the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). In- Some of these mutations were linked to one an-
stead of assorting independently, linked genes other, and the linked genes fell into four link-
most often remain in the same combinations in age groups corresponding to the four chromo-
which they were transmitted from prior gener- some pairs of fruit flies. In fruit flies as well as
ations: If two genes on the same chromosome other species, the number of linkage groups al-
both come from one parent, they tend to stay ways corresponds to the number of chromo-
together through several generations and to be some pairs.
inherited as a unit. On occasion, these combi- One of Morgans students, Alfred H. Stur-
nations of linked genes do break apart, and tevant, reasoned that the frequency of recom-
these rearrangements were attributed to cross- bination of linked genes should be small for
ing over of the chromosomes, a phenomenon genes located close together and higher for
in which chromosomes were thought to break genes located far apart. In fact, the frequency
apart and then recombine. Some microscopists of crossing over between linked genes could
thought they had observed X-shaped arrange- serve as a rough measure of the distance be-
ments of the chromosomes that looked like the tween them along the chromosome. Sturtevant
result of crossing over, but many other scien- assumed that the frequency of recombination
tists were skeptical about this claim because would be roughly proportional to the distance
there was no proof of breakage and recombina- along the chromosome; recombination be-
tion of the chromosomes in these X-shaped ar- tween closely linked genes would be a rare
rangements. event, while recombination between genes fur-
Chromosome Theory of Heredity 155

ther apart would be more common. Sturtevant (Neurospora crassa). In bacteria such as Escheri-
first used this technique in 1913 to determine chia coli, other methods of genetic mapping
the relative positions of six genes on one of the were developed based on the order in which
chromosomes of Drosophila. For example, the genes were transferred during bacterial conju-
genes for white eyes and vermilion eyes recom- gation. These mapping techniques reveal that
bined about 30 percent of the time, and the the genes in bacteria are arranged in a circle or,
genes for vermilion eyes and miniature wings more precisely, in a closed loop resembling a
recombined about 3 percent of the time. Re- necklace. This loop can break at any of several
combination between white eyes and minia- locations, after which the genes are transferred
ture wings took place 34 percent of the time, from one individual to another in the order of
close to the sum of the two previously men- their location along the chromosome. The or-
tioned frequencies (30 percent plus 3 per- der can be determined by interrupting the pro-
cent). Therefore, the order of arrangement of cess and testing to see which genes had been
the genes was: transferred before the interruption.

white 30 units vermilion 3 units miniature Confirmation of the Chromosome Theory

The first confirmation of the chromosome
Since the distances were approximately addi- theory was published in 1916 by Bridges, who
tive (the smaller distances added up to the studied the results of a type of abnormal cell di-
larger distances), Sturtevant concluded that vision. When egg or sperm cells are produced
the genes were arranged along each chromo- by meiosis, only one chromosome of each chro-
some in a straight line like beads on a string. mosome pair is normally included in each of
In all, Sturtevant was able to determine such a the resultant cells. In a very small proportion of
linear arrangement among six genes in his cases, one pair of chromosomes fails to sepa-
initial study (an outgrowth of his doctoral the- rate (or disjoin), so that one of the resultant
sis) and many more genes subsequently. Calvin cells has an extra chromosome while the other
Bridges, another one of Morgans students, cell is missing that chromosome. This abnor-
worked closely with Sturtevant. Over the next mal type of meiosis is called nondisjunction. In
several years, Sturtevant and Bridges conducted fruit flies, as in humans and many other spe-
numerous genetic crosses involving linked cies, females normally have two X chromo-
genes. They used recombination frequencies somes (XX) and males have two unequal chro-
to determine the arrangement of genes along mosomes (XY). Bridges discovered some
chromosomes and the approximate distances female fruit flies that had the unusual chromo-
between these genes, thus producing increas- some formula XXY; he suspected that these un-
ingly detailed genetic maps of several Drosoph- usual females had originated from nondisjunc-
ila species. tion, in which two X chromosomes had failed
The use of Sturtevants technique of making to separate during meiosis. Bridges studied one
linkage maps was widely copied. As each new cross using a white-eyed XXY female mated to a
gene was discovered, geneticists were able to normal, red-eyed male. (The gene for white
find another gene to which it was linked, and eyes was known to be sex-linked; it was carried
the new gene was then fitted into a genetic map on the X chromosome.) Bridges was able to
based on its linkage distance to other genes. In predict both the genetic and chromosomal
this way, geneticists began to make linkage maps anomalies that would occur as a result of this
of genes along the chromosomes of many dif- cross. Among the unusual predictions that
ferent species. There are now more than one were verified experimentally was the existence
thousand genes in Drosophila whose locations of a chromosome configuration (XYY) that
have been mapped using linkage mapping. Ex- had never been observed before. Using the as-
tensive linkage maps have also been developed sumption that the gene for white eyes was car-
for mice (Mus musculus), humans (Homo sapi- ried on the X chromosome in this and other
ens), corn or maize (Zea mays), and bread mold crosses, Bridges was able to make unusual pre-
156 Chromosome Theory of Heredity

dictions of both genetic and chromosomal re- the color of the seed coat while the other pro-
sults. These studies greatly strengthened the duced either a starchy or waxy kernel. The pa-
case for the chromosomal theory. rental gene combinations (C with wx on the ab-
In 1931, Harriet Creighton and Barbara Mc- normal chromosome and c with Wx on the
Clintock were able to confirm the chromo- other chromosome) were always preserved in
somal theory of inheritance much more di- noncrossovers. However, a crossover between
rectly. Creighton and McClintock used corn the two genes produced two new gene combi-
plants whose chromosomes had structural ab- nations: C with Wx and c with wx.
normalities on either end, enabling them to In this cross, Creighton and McClintock ob-
recognize the chromosomes under the micro- served that the chromosomal appearance in
scope. One chromosome, for example, had a the offspring could always be predicted from
knob at one end and an attached portion of an- the phenotypic appearance: Seeds with color-
other chromosome at the other end, as shown less seed coats and starchy kernels had normal
in the figure headed Creighton and McClin- chromosomes, seeds with colored seed coats
tocks Cross. Creighton and McClintock then and waxy kernels had chromosomes with the
crossed plants differing in two genes located knob at one end and the extra interchanged
along this chromosome. One gene controlled chromosome segment at the other end, seeds

Creighton and McClintocks Cross

(Electronic Illustrators Group)

Chromosome Theory of Heredity 157

with colorless seed coats and waxy kernels had related to a genetic map based on linkage.
the interchanged segment but no knob, and Larger chromosome abnormalities included
seeds with colored coats and starchy kernels had inversions, in which a segment of a chromo-
the knob but not the interchanged segment. In some was turned end-to-end, and transloca-
other words, whenever the two genes showed tions, in which a piece of one chromosome be-
rearrangement of the parental combinations, came attached to another. There were also
a corresponding switch of the chromosomes abnormalities in which entire chromosomes
could be observed under the microscope. The were missing or extra chromosomes were pres-
interchange of chromosome segments was al- ent. Each of these chromosomal abnormalities
ways accompanied by the recombination of was accompanied by corresponding changes in
genes, or, in the words of the original paper, the genetic maps based on the frequency of re-
combination between linked genes. In cases in
cytological crossing-over . . . is accompanied by which the location of a chromosomal abnor-
the expected types of genetic crossing-over. . . . mality could be identified microscopically, this
Chromosomes . . . have been shown to exchange permitted an anchoring of the genetic map to a
parts at the same time they exchange genes as- physical location along the chromosome. The
signed to these regions.
correspondence between genetic maps and
chromosomal abnormalities provided impor-
In short, genetic recombination (the rearrang- tant additional evidence in support of the chro-
ing of genes) was always accompanied by mosomal theory. Other forms of physical map-
crossing-over (the rearranging of chromo- ping were developed decades later in mammals
somes). This historic finding established firm and bacteria. The increasingly precise map-
evidence for the chromosomal theory of he- ping of gene locations led the way to the devel-
redity. Later that same year, Curt Stern pub- opment of modern molecular genetics, includ-
lished a paper describing a very similar experi- ing techniques for isolating and sequencing
ment using fruit flies. individual genes.
The discovery of restriction endonuclease
Physical Mapping and Further enzymes during the 1970s allowed geneticists
Confirmation to cut DNA molecules into small fragments. In
Other evidence that helped confirm the 1980, a team headed by David Botstein mea-
chromosome theory came from the study of sured the sizes of these restriction fragments
rare chromosome abnormalities. In 1933, and found many cases in which the length of
Thomas S. Painter called attention to the large the fragment varied from person to person be-
salivary gland chromosomes of Drosophila. Ex- cause of changes in the DNA sequence. This
amination of these large chromosomes made type of variation is generally called a poly-
structural abnormalities in the chromosomes morphism. In this case, it was a polymorphism
easier to identify. When small segments of a in the length of the restriction fragments
chromosome were missing, a gene was often (known as a restriction fragment length poly-
found to be missing also. These abnormalities, morphism, or RFLP). The use of the RFLP
called chromosomal deletions, allowed the first technique has allowed rapid discovery of the
physical maps of genes to be drawn. In all cases, location of many human genes. The Human
the physical maps were found to be consistent Genome Project (an effort by scientists world-
with the earlier genetic maps (or linkage maps) wide to determine the location and sequence
based on the frequency of crossing over. of every human gene) would never have been
When Bridges turned his attention to the proposed had it not been for the existence of
bar eyes trait in fruit flies, he discovered that this mapping technique.
the gene for this trait was actually another kind Eli C. Minkoff
of chromosome abnormality called a duplica- See also: Cell Division; Chromosome Muta-
tion. Again, a chromosome abnormality that tion; Chromosome Structure; Classical Trans-
could be seen under the microscope could be mission Genetics; Genetic Code; Genetic Code,
158 Chromosome Walking and Jumping

Cracking of; Linkage Maps; Mendelian Genet- Scriver, Charles, et al., eds. The Metabolic and
ics; Mitosis and Meiosis; Model Organism: Dro- Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease. 8th ed. 4
sophila melanogaster; Restriction Enzymes; RFLP vols. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. An au-
Analysis; Transposable Elements. thority on heredity of disease and genetic in-
heritance, covering genetic perspectives, ba-
Further Reading sic concepts, how inherited diseases occur,
Botstein D., R. L. White, M. Skolnick, and R. W. diagnostic approaches, and the effects of
Davis. Construction of a Genetic Linkage hormones.
Map in Man Using Restriction Fragment Suzuki, D. T., et al. An Introduction to Genetic
Length Polymorphisms. American Journal of Analysis. 7th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman,
Human Genetics 32, no. 3 (1980): 314-331. 2000. A classic text updated to include dis-
Botsteins initial paper on the RFLP tech- cussions of the latest advances in genetics re-
nique. search.
Carlson, E. A. The Gene: A Critical History. 1966.
Reprint. Ames: Iowa State University Press,
1989. A classic text that examines the major
theories from the early to mid-twentieth cen-
tury concerning the structure of the gene. Chromosome Walking and
Cummings, Michael J. Human Heredity: Princi- Jumping
ples and Issues. 5th ed. Pacific Grove, Calif.:
Brooks/Cole, 2000. College text that surveys Fields of study: Genetic engineering and
topics such as genetics as a human endeavor; biotechnology; Techniques and
cells, chromosomes, and cell division; trans- methodologies
mission of genes from generation to genera- Significance: Chromosome walking and jumping
tion; cytogenics; the source of genetic varia- are mapping methods used to find defective genes
tion; cloning and recombinant DNA; genes that cause hereditary diseases. Walking is a much
and cancer; genetics of behavior; and genes slower process, whereas jumping has cut down the
in populations. time it takes to locate defective genes sometimes by
Lewin, B. Genes VII. New York: Oxford Univer- years. These techniques assist in curing diseases,
sity Press, 2001. Provides an integrated ac- seeking preventive measures, and detecting genetic
count of the structure and function of genes carriers.
and incorporates all the latest research in
the field, including topics such as accessory Key terms
proteins (chaperones), the role of the genomic library: a group of cloned DNA frag-
proteasome, reverse translocation, and the ments representative of an organisms ge-
process of X chromosome inactivation. nome
More than eight hundred full color illustra- kilobase pairs (kb): a measurement of 1,000
tions. base pairs in DNA
Peters, James A., ed. Classic Papers in Genetics. marker: a unique DNA sequence with a known
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1959. location with respect to other markers or
Includes many of the classic papers that con- genes
tributed to chromosomal theory, including
those in which Mendel established the prin- Gene Hunting
ciples of genetics, Sutton first proposed the Several geneticists autonomously recog-
chromosomal theory of heredity, Sturtevant nized the possibilities of chromosome walking
produced the first genetic map based on and jumping to locate genes. Hans Lehrach
linkage, and Creighton and McClintock suggested such techniques at the European
confirmed that the recombination of linked Molecular Biology Laboratory, and Sherman
genes always took place by a process that also Weissman posed similar methods at Yale Uni-
rearranged the chromosomes. versity. Weissmans student Francis S. Collins
Chromosome Walking and Jumping 159

elaborated his mentors chromosome-jumping time, because chromosome jumping uses much
concepts. Interested in identifying disease- larger fragments. Chromosome jumping is
causing genes, Collins sought to examine siz- achieved by selecting a large DNA segment
able areas of genetic material for unknown from the area where geneticists believe the de-
genes believed to be responsible for triggering sired gene is located and joining the ends to
erratic biochemical behavior. His novel explor- form a circle. This moves DNA sequences to-
atory method enabled researchers to span gether that naturally would occur at distances
chromosomes expeditiously and bypass repeti- of several kilobases. Researchers cut out and
tive or insignificant genetic information. clone these junctions to form libraries. They
Investigators have adopted the chromosome- use probes from the DNA sample to seek clones
jumping procedure as a reliable, efficient mo- with matching start and end sequences and
lecular biology tool. Gene searching became jump along the chromosome. After each jump,
less time-consuming and resulted in the identi- bidirectional walking is often done in the new
fication of defective genes that code for abnor- region. A combination of chromosome jump-
mal proteins and cause such diseases as cystic ing and walking can be done until the gene is
fibrosis. Understanding the nature of such mu- found.
tations makes the development of treatments
and cures more likely and can lead to the ability Gene Discovery
to detect the presence of the mutated gene in Chromosome walking to find the gene for
carriers. cystic fibrosis, CF, would have required eigh-
teen years, while chromosome jumping re-
Procedure duced that time to four years. Collaborating
Geneticists initiate chromosome walking and with Lap-Chee Tsui and researchers at To-
jumping by collecting genetic samples from rontos Hospital for Sick Children, Collins ex-
people who have a specific disease and from amined DNA from patients suffering from cys-
their close relatives. For walking, researchers tic fibrosis. Tsui realized that the CF gene was
select a cloned DNA fragment from a genomic located on chromosome 7. That chromosome
library that contains the marker closest to the consists of 150 million DNA base pairs. Using
gene being sought. A small part of the cloned markers Tsui made from chromosome 7 library
DNA fragment that is on the end nearest the fragments, researchers, applying chromosome
gene being sought is subcloned. The subcloned jumping, scanned the genetic material to tar-
fragment is then used to screen the genomic li- get where they should use chromosome walk-
brary for a clone with a fragment closer to the ing to find the CF gene.
gene. Then a small part of this new cloned frag- They discovered the CF gene in 1989. Analy-
ment is subcloned to be used to screen for the sis revealed that mutation is a deletion of DNA
next closer fragment. This series of steps is re- base pairs. This gene codes the cystic fibrosis
peated as many times as needed, until a frag- transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)
ment is found that appears to contain a gene. protein. Tsui determined that the shape of
This fragment is carefully analyzed, and if it CFTR and how it functions are affected by the
does contain the gene of interest, the process is mutated genes coding. The abnormal CFTR is
halted; if not, chromosome walking is contin- unable to create a release channel to remove
ued. Chromosome walking is slow, and repeti- chloride and sodium from cells. Mucus builds
tive DNA sequences or regions that do not ap- up, adhering to lungs and organs, and bacteria
pear in the library can halt the process. proliferate. Cystic fibrosis is the most frequent
Geneticists choose chromosome jumping to fatal hereditary disease in Caucasians. Geneti-
maneuver to genes more quickly and to bypass cists estimate that one in twenty-five white Amer-
troublesome regions of DNA. Using chromo- icans has a recessive CF gene, and one in two
some jumping, researchers can travel the same thousand white babies are born with cystic fi-
distance they can using chromosome walk- brosis. Internationally, researchers associated
ingand fartherin one step requiring less with Tsuis Toronto-based consortium continue
160 Classical Transmission Genetics

to study DNA fragments for additional CF gene Further Reading

mutations and have detected at least one thou- Gelehrter, Thomas D., Francis S. Collins, and
sand distinct mutations. David Ginsburg. Principles of Medical Genetics.
2d ed. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1998.
Collins and his University of Michigan col-
Applications leagues explore basic concepts and advances
Chromosome walking and jumping have in genetics, including positional cloning,
been utilized to find other disease-causing molecular genetics, genome mapping, and
genes. Collins and his team identified the ethics, in a text comprehensible by readers
tumor-producing neurofibromatosis gene in unfamiliar with genetics. Glossary and illus-
1990. Three years later, they located the gene trations.
for Huntingtons disease (Huntingtons cho- Rommens, Johanna M., Michael C. Iannuzzi,
rea), an extreme neurological disorder. This et al. Identification of the Cystic Fibrosis
method also detected the location on the X Gene: Chromosome Walking and Jumping.
chromosome of the choroideremia gene, which Science 245, no. 4922 (September 8, 1989):
causes gradual blindness, mostly in males, as 1059-1065. This issues cover story, cowritten
the retina and choroid coat degenerate. Inves- by Francis S. Collins and his research team,
tigating Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Louis announced one of chromosome jumpings
Kunkel at the Harvard Medical School used first major discoveries.
chromosome walking to detect the absence of a Tsui, Lap-Chee, et al., eds. The Identification of
gene on the X chromosome that codes the the CF (Cystic Fibrosis) Gene: Recent Progress and
dystrophin protein for muscles. Not all genes New Research Strategies. New York: Plenum
found by these methods are linked to diseases. Press, 1991. This collection of technical pa-
Andrew Sinclair and his team in London ap- pers represents the work of notable re-
plied chromosome walking to seek the gene searchers on chromosome jumping who at-
that signals development of testes in many em- tended an international workshop seven
bryonic mammals. months after the CF gene was identified.
Although these techniques are useful, they
raise ethical concerns. As soon as genes with
disease-causing mutations are identified, peo-
ple can undergo testing to determine whether Classical Transmission
they carry the mutations. This information can Genetics
affect reproductive choices, particularly if both
partners have a recessive allele for a potentially Field of study: Classical transmission
lethal disease. Fetal material can be genetically genetics; History of genetics
analyzed, resulting in complex decisions to con- Significance: In sexual reproduction, parents pro-
tinue or terminate a pregnancy if the fetus has duce specialized cells (eggs and sperm) that fuse to
the mutation. produce a new individual. Each of these cells con-
Once the mapping of the human genome tains one copy of each of the required units of infor-
was completed in 2003, however, geneticists ar- mation, or genes, which provide the blueprint nec-
rived at a time when they no longer needed to essary for the offspring to develop into individual,
depend on chromosome walking and jumping functioning organisms. Transmission genetics re-
as tools to seek human genes. However, investi- fers to the passing of the information needed for the
gators continue to use walking and jumping to proper function of an organism from parents to
locate genes of other organisms, particularly their offspring as a result of reproduction.
such agricultural plants as rice and wheat.
Elizabeth D. Schafer Key terms
See also: Cystic Fibrosis; Genetic Screening; chromosomes: structures in haploid cells (eggs
Genetic Testing; Genomic Libraries; Linkage and sperm) that carry genetic information
Maps. from each parent
Classical Transmission Genetics 161

cross: the mating of parents to produce off- the same number and kinds of chromosomes,
spring during sexual reproduction and since each parent transmits one complete
gene: a sequence of base pairs that specifies a set of the chromosomes, it was thought that
product (either RNA or protein); the aver- there must be a process of cell division that re-
age gene in bacteria is one thousand base duces the parent number from two sets of chro-
pairs long mosomes to one set in the production of the
linkage: a relation of gene loci on the same egg or sperm cells. The parents would each
chromosome; the more closely linked two have twenty-three pairs (forty-six) chromo-
loci are, the more often the specific traits somes, but their reproductive cells would each
controlled by these loci are expressed to- contain only one of each chromosome (twenty-
gether three).
meiosis: the process of nuclear division during In the 1860s, the Austrian botanist Gregor
sexual reproduction that produces cells that Mendel repeated studies of inheritance in the
contain half the number of chromosomes as garden pea and, using the results, developed a
the original cell model of genetic transmission. The signifi-
sexual reproduction: reproduction that re- cance of Mendels work was not recognized
quires fusion of haploid gametes, each of during his lifetime, but it was rediscovered in
which contains one copy of the respective 1900. In that same year, the predicted reduc-
parents genes, as a first step tional cell division during reproduction was
fully described, and the science of genetics was
Discovery of Transmission Genetics born.
The desire to improve plant and animal pro-
duction is as old as agriculture. For centuries, A Study of Variation
humans have been using selective breeding In many respects, genetics is the study of
programs that have resulted in the production variation. It is recognized that a particular fea-
of thousands of varieties of plants and breeds of ture of an animal or plant is inherited because
animals. The Greek philosopher-scientist Hip- there is variation in the expression of that fea-
pocrates suggested that small bits of the body of ture, and variation in expression follows a rec-
the parent were passed to the offspring during ognizable inheritance pattern. For example, it
reproduction. These small bits of arms, heads, is known that blood types are inherited, both
stomachs, and livers were thought to develop because there is variation (blood types A, B,
into a new individual. Following the develop- and O) and because examination of family his-
ment of the microscope, it became possible to tories reveals patterns that show transmission
see the cells, the small building blocks of living of blood-type information from parents to chil-
organisms. Study of the cell during the 1800s dren.
showed that sexual reproduction was the result Variation in character expression may have
of the fusion of specialized cells from two par- one of two sources: environmental conditions
ents (eggs and sperm). It was also observed that or inherited factors. If a plant is grown on poor
these cells contained chromosomes (color soil, it might be short. The same plant grown on
bodies visible when the cells reproduced) and good soil might be tall. A plant that is short be-
that the number and kind of these chromo- cause of an inherited factor cannot grow tall
somes was the same in both the parents and the even if it is placed on richer soil. From this ex-
offspring. This suggested that the chromo- ample, it can be seen that there may be two dif-
somes carried the genetic information and that ferent ways to determine whether a specific
each parent transmitted the same number and character expression is environmentally or ge-
kinds of chromosomes. For example, humans netically determined: testing for environmen-
have twenty-three kinds of chromosomes. The tal influences and testing for inherited factors.
offspring receives one of each kind from each Many conditions are not so easily resolved as
parent and so has twenty-three chromosome this example; there may be many complex envi-
pairs. Since the parents and the offspring have ronmental factors involved in producing a con-
162 Classical Transmission Genetics

dition, and it would be impossible to test them ents in a cross have two different versions of the
all. Knowledge of inheritance patterns can, gene for the same characteristic. If, for exam-
however, help in determining whether inher- ple, one parent has the height genes tall/short
ited factors play a role in a condition. Cancer- and the other has the genes short/short, the
associated genes have been located using fam- cells produced by the tall/short parent will be
ily studies that show patterns consistent with a of two kinds: 1 2 carry the tall gene and 1 2 carry
genetic contribution to the disease. There are the short gene. The other parent has only one
certainly environmental factors that influence kind of gene for height (short), so all of its re-
cancer production, but those factors are not as productive cells will contain that gene. The off-
easily recognized. spring will be of two kinds: 1 2 will have both
The patterns of transmission genetics were genes (tall/short), and 1 2 will have only one
discovered because the experimenters focused kind of gene (short/short). Had it been known
their attention on single, easily recognized that the one parent had one copy for each ver-
characteristics. Mendel carefully selected seven sion of the gene, it could have been predicted
simple characteristics of the pea plant, such as that the offspring would have been of two kinds
height of the plant, color of the flower, and and that each would have an equal chance of
color of the seeds. The second reason for suc- appearing. Had it not been known that one of
cess was the use of carefully controlled crosses. the parents had the two versions of the gene,
The original parents were selected from variet- the appearance of two kinds of offspring would
ies that did not show variations in the charac- have revealed the presence of both genes. The
teristic of interest. For example, plants from a patterns are repeatable and are therefore use-
pure tall variety were crossed with plants from a ful in predicting what might happen or reveal-
pure short variety. Control of the information ing what did happen in a particular cross. For
passed by the parents allowed the experi- example, blood-type patterns or DNA variation
menter to follow the variation of expression patterns can be used to identify the children
from parents to offspring through a number of that belong to parents in kidnapping cases or
generations. in cases in which children are mixed up in a
Transmission Patterns In a second example, the pattern is more
The classic genetic transmission pattern is complex, because both parents carry both ver-
the passing of information for each character- sions of the gene: a tall/short to tall/short
istic from each parent to each offspring. The cross. Each parent will produce 1 2 tall-gene-
offspring receives two copies of each gene. carrying cells and 1 2 short-gene-carrying cells.
(The term gene is used to refer to a character- Any cell from one parent may randomly join
determining factor; Mendels original termi- with any cell from the other parent, which
nology was factor.) Each parent also had two leads to the following patterns: 1 2 tall 1 2 tall =
copies of each gene, so in the production of the 4 tall/tall; 2 tall 2 short = 4 tall/short;
1 1 1 1

specialized reproductive cells, the number 1 short 1 tall = 1 short/tall; 1 short 1

2 2 4 2 2
must be reduced. Consider the following exam- short = 1 4 short/short. Tall/short and short/
ple. A tall pea plant has two copies of the infor- tall are the same, yielding totals of 1 4 tall/
mation for height, and both copies are for tall tall; 1 2 tall/short; and 1 4 short/short, or a 1:2:1
height (tall/tall). This plant is crossed with a ratio.
plant with two genes for short height (short/ This was the ratio that Mendel recognized
short). The information content of each plant and used to develop his model of transmission
is reduced to one copy: The tall plant transmits genetics. Mendel used pure parents (selected
one tall gene, and the short plant transmits one to breed true for the one characteristic), so he
short gene. The offspring receive both genes knew when he had a generation in which all of
and have the information content tall/short. the individuals had one of each gene.
The situation becomes more complex and As in the previous example, if it had been
more interesting when one or both of the par- known that each of the parents had one of each
Classical Transmission Genetics 163

gene, the ratio could have been predicted; con- somes come together. This joining (pairing)
versely, by using the observed ratio, the informa- appears to specify that each chromosome in
tion content of the parents could be deduced. the pair will become attached to a motor unit
Using a blood-type example, if one parent has from an opposite side of the cell that will move
blood-type genes AO and the other parent has the chromosomes to opposite sides of the cell
the genes BO, the possible combinations ob- during cell division. The result is two new cells,
served in their offspring would be AB, AO, BO, each with only one of the chromosomes of the
and OO, each with the same probability of oc- original pair. This process is repeated for each
currence (1 2 A gene-bearing and 1 2 O gene- pair of chromosomes in the set.
bearing cells in one parent 1 2 B gene-bearing
and 1 2 O gene-bearing cells in the other par- Independent Genes
ent). Humans have practiced selective breeding
of plants and animals for centuries, but it was
Reductional Division only during the nineteenth and twentieth cen-
Transmission genetics allows researchers to turies that the patterns of transmission of in-
make predictions about specific crosses and ex- herited characters were understood. This
plains the occurrence of characteristic expres- change occurred because the experimenters
sions in the offspring. In genetic counseling, focused on a single characteristic and could un-
probabilities of the appearance of a genetic dis- derstand the pattern for that characteristic.
ease can be made when there is an affected Previous attempts had been unsuccessful be-
child in the family or a family history of the con- cause the observers attempted to explain a
dition. This is possible because, for most inher- large number of character patterns at the same
ited characteristics, the pattern is established time. Mendel expanded his model of transmis-
by the reduction of chromosome numbers that sion to show how observations become more
occurs when the reproductive cells are pro- complex as the number of characteristics ex-
duced and by the random union of reproduc- amined is expanded. Consider a plant with
tive cells from the two parents. The recognition three chromosomes and one simple character
that the genes are located on the chromosomes gene located on each chromosome. In the first
and the description of the reductional division parent, chromosome 1 contains the gene for
in which the like chromosomes separate, carry- tall expression, chromosome 2 contains the
ing the two copies of each gene into different gene for expression of yellow seed color, and
cells during the reductional division of meiosis, chromosome 3 contains the gene for purple
provide the basis of the regularity of the trans- flower color. In the other parent, chromosome
mission pattern. It is this regularity that allows 1 contains a gene for short height, chromo-
the application of mathematical treatments to some 2 contains a gene for green seed color,
genetics. Two genes are present for each char- and chromosome 3 contains a gene for white
acter in each individual, but only one is passed flower color. Each parent will transmit these
to each offspring by each parent; therefore, the genes to their offspring, who will have the
50 percent (or 1 2) probability becomes the basis genes tall/short, yellow/green, and purple/
for making predictions about the outcome of a white. In the production of reproductive cells,
cross for any single character. the reductional division of meiosis will pass on
The classical pattern of transmission genet- one of the character expression genes for each
ics occurs because specialized reproductive of the three characters. (It is important to re-
cells, eggs and sperm, are produced by a special member that the products of the reductional
cell reproduction process (meiosis) in which cell division have one of each chromosome. If
the chromosome number is reduced from two this did not occur, information would be lost,
complete sets to one set in each of the cells that and the offspring would not develop normally.)
result from the process. This reduction results The characteristics are located on different
because each member of a pair of chromo- chromosomes, and during the division process,
somes recognizes its partner, and the chromo- these chromosome pairs act independently.
164 Classical Transmission Genetics

This means that the genes that came from any which genes for thousands of different charac-
one parent (for example, the tall height, yellow ters are being transmitted.
seed, and purple flower expression genes from
the one parent) do not have to go together dur- Continuous Variation
ing the division process. Since chromosome The principles of transmission genetics were
pairs act independently, different segregation established by studying characters with discrete
patterns occur in different cells. The results expressionsplants were tall or dwarf, seeds
from one meiosis may be a cell with the tall, were yellow or green. In 1903, Danish geneti-
green, and purple genes and one with the cist Wilhelm Johannsen observed that charac-
short, yellow, and white genes. In the same teristics that showed continuous variation,
plant, another meiosis might produce a cell such as weight of plant seeds, fell into recog-
with the short, yellow, and purple genes, and nizable groups that formed a normal distri-
the second cell would have the tall, green, and bution. These patterns could also be explained
white genes. by applying the principles of transmission ge-
Since these genes are independent, height netics.
does not influence seed color or flower color, Assume a plant has two genes that influence
nor does flower color influence seed color or its height and that these genes are on two dif-
height. The determining gene for each charac- ferent chromosomes (for example, 1 and 3).
teristic is located on a different chromosome, Each gene has two versions. A tall gene stimu-
so the basic transmission model can be applied lates growth (increases the height), but a short
to each gene independently, and then the inde- gene makes no contribution to growth. A plant
pendent patterns can be combined. The tall/ with the composition tall-1/tall-1, tall-3/tall-3
short height genes will segregate so that 1 2 of would have a maximum height because four
the cells will contain the tall gene and 1 2 will genes would be adding to the plants height. A
contain the short gene. Likewise, the yellow/ short-1/short-1, short-3/short-3 plant would
green seed color genes will separate so that 1 2 of have minimum height because there would be
the cells will contain the yellow gene and 1 2 will no contribution to its height by these genes.
contain a green gene. Finally, 1 2 of the cells will Plants could have two contributing genes (tall-
contain a purple flower gene and 1 2 will contain 1/short-1, tall-3/short-3) or three contributing
a white gene. These independent probabilities genes (tall-1/short-1, tall-3/tall-3). The num-
can be combined because the probability of ber of offspring with each pattern would be de-
any combination is the product of the indepen- termined by the composition of the parents
dent probabilities. For example, the combina- and would be the result of gene segregation
tion tall, purple, white will occur with a proba- and transmission patterns. Many genes con-
bility of 1 2 1 2 1 2 = 1 8. This means that one tributing to a single character expression apply
should expect eight different combinations of to many interesting human characteristics,
these characters. The possible number of com- such as height, intelligence, amount of skin
binations for n chromosome pairs is 2n. For hu- pigmentation, hair color, and eye color.
mans, this means that any individual may pro-
duce 223 different chromosome combinations. Linkage Groups
This is the same idea as tossing three coins si- Mendels model of the transmission of genes
multaneously. Each coin may land with a head was supported by the observations of chromo-
or a tail up, but how each coin lands is indepen- some pair separation during the reductional
dent of how the other coins land. Knowledge of division, but early in the twentieth century, it
transmission patterns based on chromosome was recognized that some genes did not sepa-
separation during meiosis allows researchers to rate independently. Work in American geneti-
explain the basic pattern for a single genetic cist Thomas Hunt Morgans laboratory, espe-
character, but it also allows researchers to ex- cially by an undergraduate student, Alfred
plain the great variation that is observed Sturtevant, showed that each chromosome
among individuals within a population in contained determining genes for more than
Classical Transmission Genetics 165

one characteristic and established that genes markers have now been identified, which, in
located close together on the same chromo- theory, should greatly enhance the techniques
some stayed together during the separation of used to locate a faulty gene.
the paired chromosomes during meiosis. If a D. B. Benner
pea plant had a chromosome with the tall See also: Cell Division; Chromosome Muta-
height gene and, immediately adjacent to it, a tion; Chromosome Structure; Chromosome
gene for high sugar production, and if the Theory of Heredity; Dihybrid Inheritance; Epi-
other version of this chromosome had a gene stasis; Extrachromosomal Inheritance; Genetic
for short height and a gene that limited the Code; Genetic Code: Cracking of; Hybridiza-
sugar production, the most likely products tion and Introgression; Incomplete Dominance;
from meiosis would be two kinds of cells: one Lamarckianism; Linkage Maps; Mendelian Ge-
with the genes for tall height and high sugar netics; Mitochondrial Genes; Mitosis and Meio-
production and one with the genes for short sis; Monohybrid Inheritance; Multiple Alleles;
height and limited sugar production. These Nondisjunction and Aneuploidy; Parthenogen-
genes are said to be linked, or closely associ- esis; Penetrance; Polygenic Inheritance.
ated on the same chromosome, because they
go together as the chromosomes in the pair Further Reading
separate. It is generally accepted that humans Cummings, Michael J. Human Heredity: Princi-
contain approximately 21,000 genes, but there ples and Issues. 5th ed. Pacific Grove, Calif.:
are only twenty-three kinds of chromosomes. Brooks/Cole, 2000. College text that surveys
This means that each chromosome contains topics such as genetics as a human endeavor;
many different genes. Each chromosome is cells, chromosomes, and cell division; trans-
considered a linkage group, and one of the mission of genes from generation to genera-
goals of genetic study is to locate the gene re- tion; cytogenics; the source of genetic varia-
sponsible for each known characteristic to its tion; cloning and recombinant DNA; genes
proper chromosome. and cancer; genetics of behavior; and genes
A common problem in medical genetics is in populations.
locating the gene for a specific genetic disease. Gonick, Larry, and Mark Wheelis. The Cartoon
Family studies may show that the disease is Guide to Genetics. New York: Harper Peren-
transmitted in a pattern consistent with the nial, 1991. An easy-to-read presentation of
gene being on one of the chromosomes, but the basic concepts of transmission genetics.
there is no way of knowing its location. Varia- Lewis, Ricki. Human Genetics: Concepts and Appli-
tions in DNA structure are also inherited in the cations. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
classic pattern, and these DNA pattern modifi- 2003. An introductory text for undergradu-
cations can be determined using modern mo- ates with sections on fundamentals, trans-
lecular procedures. DNA variation patterns are mission genetics, DNA and chromosomes,
analyzed for linkage to the disease condition. If population genetics, immunity and cancer,
a specific DNA pattern always occurs in individ- and the latest genetic technology.
uals with the disease condition, it indicates that Moore, John A. Science as a Way of Knowing. Re-
the DNA variation is on the same chromosome print. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
and close to the gene of interest because it is Press, 1999. Traces the development of sci-
transmitted along with the disease-producing entific thinking with an emphasis on under-
gene. This information locates the chromo- standing hereditary mechanisms.
some position of the gene, allowing further Stansfield, William D. Schaums Outline of Theory
work to be done to study its structure. With the and Problems of Genetics. 3d ed. New York:
completion of the Human Genome Project, it McGraw-Hill, 1991. Provides explanations of
is predicted that tracking down the genes re- basic genetics concepts and an introduction
sponsible for genetic defects will be a much to problem solving.
faster process than before. Many more genetic
166 Cloning

Types of Cloning
Cloning There are three different definitions of a
clone. One is a group of genetically identical
Field of study: Genetic engineering and cells descended from a single common ances-
biotechnology tor. This type of clone is often made by plant
Significance: Cloning includes both gene cloning cell tissue culture in which a whole line of cells
and organismal cloning. Gene cloning, an impor- is made from a single cell ancestor. A second
tant technique for understanding how cells work, type of clone is a gene clone, or recombinant
has produced a multitude of useful products, in- DNA clone, in which copies of a DNA sequence
cluding human medicines. Organismal cloning are made by genetic engineering. A third type
includes reproductive cloning and therapeutic clon- of clone is an organism that is descended asex-
ing. Ethical and safety concerns have led to a con- ually from a single ancestor. A much-celebrated
sensus that human cloning should be banned, but example of an organismal clone is the sheep
therapeutic cloning is more controversial, since it Dolly (1997-2003), produced by placing the
could lead to treatments for many human diseases. nucleus of a cell from an ewes udder, with its
genetic material (DNA), into an unfertilized
Key terms egg from which the nucleus had been re-
cloning vector: a plasmid or virus into which moved.
foreign DNA can be inserted to amplify the
number of copies of the foreign DNA in the
host cell or organism DNA Cloning
DNA: dexoyribonucleic acid, a long-chain mac- DNA is cloned to obtain specific pieces of
romolecule, made of units called nucleo- DNA that are free from other DNA fragments.
tides and structured as a double helix joined Clones of specific pieces of DNA are important
by weak hydrogen bonds, that forms genetic for basic research. Once a piece of DNA is
material for most organisms cloned, it can be sequenced (to determine the
DNA hybridization: formation of a double- order of the four repeating nucleotides) to
stranded nucleic acid molecule from single- learn the details of genes within that DNA.
stranded nucleic acid molecules that have Where does the gene begin and end? What
complementary base sequences type of control regions does the gene have?
ligase: an enzyme that joins recombinant Cloned DNAs can be used as hybridization
DNA molecules together probes, where sequences that are complemen-
plasmid: a DNA molecule that replicates inde- tary to the cloned DNA can be detected. Such
pendently of chromosomes DNA hybridization is useful to detect similari-
recombinant DNA technology: methods ties between genes from different organisms,
used to splice a DNA fragment from one or- to detect the presence of specific disease genes,
ganism into DNA from another organism and to determine in what tissues that gene is ex-
and then clone the new recombinant DNA pressed. The gene is expressed when a messen-
molecule ger RNA (mRNA) is made from the gene and
reproductive cloning: cloning to produce the mRNA is translated into a protein product.
individual organisms A DNA clone is also used to produce the pro-
restriction enzyme: a protein (an enzyme) tein product for which that gene codes. When a
that recognizes a specific nucleotide se- clone is expressed, the protein made by that
quence in a piece of DNA and causes a gene can be studied or an antibody against that
sequence-specific cleavage of the DNA protein can be made. An antibody is used to
stem cells: cells that are able to divide indefi- show in which tissues of an organism that pro-
nitely in culture and to give rise to special- tein is found. Also, a DNA clone may be ex-
ized cells pressed because the gene codes for a useful
theraputic cloning: cloning to produce a product. This is a way to obtain large amounts
treatment for a disease of the specific protein.
Cloning 167

Products of Recombinant DNA The advantages of the cloned products are

Technology their high purity, greater consistency from batch
Recombinant DNA technology has pro- to batch, and the steady supply they offer.
duced clones put to use for a wide variety of
human purposes. For example, rennin and How to Clone DNA
chymosin are used in cheese making. One of DNA is cloned by first isolating it from its or-
the most important applications, however, is in ganism. Vector DNA must also be isolated from
medicine. Numerous recombinant DNA prod- bacteria. (A vector is a plasmid or virus into
ucts are useful in treating human diseases, in- which DNA is inserted.) Both the DNA to be
cluding the production of human insulin cloned and the vector DNA are cut with a re-
(Humalin) for diabetics. Other human phar- striction enzyme that makes sequence-specific
maceuticals produced by gene cloning include cuts in the DNAs. The ends of DNA molecules
clotting factor VIII to treat hemophilia A, clot- cut with restriction enzymes are then joined to-
ting factor IX to treat hemophilia B, human gether with an enzyme called ligase. In this way
growth hormone, erythropoietin to treat cer- the DNA to be cloned is inserted into the vec-
tain anemias, interferon to treat certain can- tor. These recombinant DNA molecules (vector
cers and hepatitis, tissue plasminogen activator plus random pieces of the DNA to be cloned)
to dissolve blood clots after a heart attack or are then introduced into a host, such as bacteria
stroke, prolastin to treat genetic emphysemas, or yeast, where the vector can replicate. The re-
thrombate III to correct a genetic antithrom- combinant molecules are analyzed to find the
bin III deficiency, and parathyroid hormone. ones that contain the cloned DNA of interest.

Image not available

These five cows on an Iowa farm in April, 2000, were cloned by Robert Lanza and colleagues of Advanced Cell Technologies in
Worcester, Massachusetts. The cows cellsunlike those of the first cloned vertebrate, Dolly the sheepappeared to have a prolonged
youth. (AP/Wide World Photos)
168 Cloning

Regulation of DNA Cloning ified, variety of a crop plant is cultivated. There

In the 1970s the tools to permit cloning of are also ethical concerns surrounding whether
specific pieces of DNA were developed. There certain GMOs might be made available only in
was great concern among scientists about the rich countries, and there are concerns about
potential hazards of some combinations of careful labeling of GMOs so that consumers
DNA from different sources. Concerns in- will be aware when they are using products
cluded creating new bacterial plasmids with from GMOs. All of these questions remain in
new drug resistances and putting DNA from flux as the marketing of GMOs proceeds.
cancer-causing viruses into plasmids. In Febru-
ary, 1975, scientists met at a conference center Organismal Cloning
in Asilomar, California, to discuss the need to A goal of organismal cloning is to develop
regulate recombinant DNA research. The re- ways of efficiently altering animals genetically
sult of this conference was the formation of the in order to reproduce certain animals that are
Recombinant DNA Molecule Program Advi- economically valuable. Animals have been al-
sory Committee at the National Institutes of tered by the introduction of specific genes,
Health, and guidelines for recombinant DNA such as human proteins that will create drug-
work were established. producing animals. Some genes have been in-
activated in organisms to create animal models
Genetically Modified Organisms of human diseases. For example, knockout
Numerous cloned genes have been intro- mice are used as models for diabetes research.
duced into different organisms to produce ge- Another goal is to conduct research that might
netically modified organisms (GMOs). Genes lead to the development of human organs for
for resistance to herbicides and insects have transplant produced from single cells. Similarly,
been introduced into soybean, corn, cotton, animals might be genetically engineered to
and canola, and these genetically engineered make their organs better suited for transplanta-
plants are in cultivation in fields in the United tion to humans. Finally, the cloning of a human
States and other countries. Fish and fruit and might be a solution to human infertility.
nut trees that mature more rapidly have been
created by genetic engineering. Edible vaccines Are Organismal Clones Normal?
have been madefor example, a vaccine for There is, however, a concern about the health
hepatitis B in bananas. A tomato called the of cloned animals. First of all, when inserting a
Flavr Savr is genetically engineered to delay new nucleus into an egg from which the nu-
softening. Plants that aid in bioremediation by cleus has been removed, and then implanting
taking up heavy metals such as cadmium and such eggs into surrogate mothers, only very few
lead are possible. of the eggs develop properly. There are sugges-
Concerns about genetically modified organ- tions of other abnormalities in cloned animals
isms include safety issuesfor example, con- that might be due to the cloning process. The
cerns that foreign genes introduced into food first vertebrate to be successfully cloned, Dolly
plants may contain allergens and that the anti- (1997-2003), developed first arthritis and then
biotic resistance markers used in creating the a lung disease when six years old; although nei-
GMOs might be transferred to other organisms. ther condition was unusual in sheep, both ap-
There are concerns about the environmental peared years earlier than normal, and Dolly
impact of GMOs; for example, if these foreign was euthanized. Was she genetically older than
genes are transferred to other plants by unin- her chronological age?
tended crossing of a GMO with a weed plant,
weeds may become difficult or impossible to Stem Cells
eradicate and jeopardize crop growth. There is Stem cells are unspecialized cells that are
a concern about the use of genetically modified able to divide continuously and with the proper
organisms as food. There is a concern about conditions be induced to give rise to special-
loss of biodiversity if only one, genetically mod- ized cell types. In the developing embryo they
Cloning 169

give rise to the hundreds of types of specialized bills that approve of embryonic stem cell re-
cells that comprise the adult body. Embryonic search. Such research might lead to treatments
stem cells can be isolated from three- to five- for diseases such as Parkinsons, diabetes, and
day-old embryos. Some tissues in the adult, Alzheimers. The research is controversial be-
such as bone marrow, brain, and muscle, con- cause embryos must be destroyed to obtain the
tain adult stem cells that can give rise to cell stem cells, and some groups believe that consti-
types of the tissue in which they reside. tutes taking a human life. The embryos used
A goal of research on stem cells is to learn are generally extra embryos left over from in vi-
how stem cells become specialized cells. Hu- tro fertilizations. In December, 2002, and Janu-
man stem cells could be used to generate tis- ary, 2003, a company called Clonaid announced
sues or organs for transplantation and to gen- the births of several babies they claimed were
erate specific cells to replace those damaged as the result of human cloning but then failed to
a result of spinal cord injury, stroke, burns, to produce any scientific evidence that the ba-
heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, rheuma- bies were clones. February, 2003, the U.S. Con-
toid arthritis, and other conditions. gress considered a ban on both reproductive
and therapeutic cloning. In late February, the
Regulation of Organismal Cloning House passed the Human Prohibition Cloning
Until the cloning of the sheep Dolly in 1997, Act of 2003, banning the cloning of human be-
it was thought that adult specialized cells could ings but allowing limited research on some ex-
not be made to revert to nonspecialized cells isting stem cell lines.
that can give rise to any type of cell. However, The tension between scientific possibility,
Dolly was created from a specialized adult cell public policy, and societal values continues in
from a ewes udder. After the publicity about the arena of cloning. Through therapeutic
Dolly, U.S. president Bill Clinton asked the Na- cloning there is great potential for the treat-
tional Bioethics Advisory Commission to form ment of human diseases, but the ethical con-
recommendations about the ethical, religious, cerns about such procedures must be carefully
and legal implications of human cloning. In considered as well.
June, 1997, that commission concluded that at- Susan J. Karcher
tempts to clone humans are morally unaccept- See also: Animal Cloning; Biopharmaceuti-
able for safety and ethical reasons. There was a cals; Cloning: Ethical Issues; Cloning Vectors;
moratorium on using federal funds for human DNA Replication; DNA Sequencing Technol-
cloning. In January, 1998, the U.S. Food and ogy; Gene Therapy; Gene Therapy: Ethical and
Drug Administration (FDA) declared that it Economic Issues; Genetic Engineering; Ge-
had the authority to regulate human cloning netic Engineering: Agricultural Applications;
and that any human cloning must have FDA ap- Genetic Engineering: Historical Development;
proval. Genetic Engineering: Industrial Applications;
While there is general agreement in the Genetic Engineering: Medical Applications; Ge-
United States and in many other countries that netic Engineering: Risks; Genetic Engineering:
reproductive human cloning should be banned Social and Ethical Issues; Genetically Modified
because of ethical and safety concerns, there is (GM) Foods; Knockout Genetics and Knockout
ongoing debate about whether or not to allow Mice; Plasmids; Polymerase Chain Reaction;
therapeutic cloning to treat human disease or Restriction Enzymes; Reverse Transcriptase;
research cloning to study how stem cells de- Shotgun Cloning; Stem Cells; Synthetic Genes;
velop. The Human Cloning Prohibition Act of Transgenic Organisms; Xenotransplants.
2001 to ban both reproductive and therapeutic
cloning passed in the U.S. House of Represen- Further Reading
tatives, but the Senate did not support the ban. Boylan, Michael. Genetic Engineering. Chap-
The ban was again considered by the lawmak- ter 6 in Medical Ethics, edited by Michael
ers in 2002. In the meantime, individual states Boylan. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice
such as California and New Jersey have passed Hall, 2000. Considers the ethical concerns
170 Cloning: Ethical Issues

of gene therapy and organismal cloning. Ta-

bles, list for further reading. Cloning: Ethical Issues
Cibelli, Jose B., Robert P. Lanza, Michael D.
West, and Carol Ezzell. The First Human Fields of study: Bioethics; Genetic
Cloned Embryo. Scientific American 286, no. engineering and biotechnology; Human
1 (2002): 44-48. Describes the production of genetics
cloned early-stage human embryos and em- Significance: Although cloning of plants has been
bryos generated only from eggs, not em- performed for hundreds of years and cloning from
bryos. embryonic mammalian cells became commonplace
Espejo, Roman, ed. Biomedical Ethics: Opposing in the early 1990s, the cloning of the sheep Dolly
Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, from adult cells in 1996 raised concerns that clon-
2003. Presents debates about many aspects ing might be used in a dangerous or unethical
of organismal cloning. Illustrations, bibliog- manner.
raphy, index.
Fredrickson, Donald S. The Recombinant DNA Key terms
Controversy, a Memoir: Science, Politics, and the bioethics: the study of human actions and
Public Interest, 1974-1981. Washington, D.C.: goals in a framework of moral standards re-
ASM Press, 2001. An overview of the initial lating to use and abuse of biological systems
concerns about potential hazards of recom- clone: an identical genetic twin of any organ-
binant DNA cloning. ism or DNA sequence; clones can occur nat-
Klotzko, Arlene Judith, ed. The Cloning Source- urally or experimentally
book. New York: Oxford University Press, cloning: the process of producing a genetic
2001. twin in the laboratory by experimental means
Kreuzer, Helen, and Adrianne Massey. Recom-
binant DNA and Biotechnology: A Guide for Bioethics and Cloning
Teachers. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press, 2001. Bioethics was founded as a discipline by ethi-
Descriptions of recombinant DNA cloning cist Van Rensselaer Potter (1911-2001) in the
methods and applications. Illustrations, in- early 1970s as the formal study and application
dex. of ethics to biology and biotechnology. The dis-
Lauritzen, Paul, ed. Cloning and the Future of Hu- cipline was initially created as an ethical values
man Embryo Research. New York: Oxford Uni- system to help guide scientists and others in
versity Press, 2001. Discusses cloning from making decisions that could affect the environ-
the perspective of human embryo research ment. The world has become even more com-
and reproductive technology, seeing it as an plex since Potters original vision of a planet
extension of work that began with in vitro challenged by ecological catastrophe. Humans
fertilization. have developed the ability to take genes from
Schatten, G., R. Prather, and I. Wilmut. Clon- one organism and transfer them to another,
ing Claim Is Science Fiction, Not Science. creating something entirely new to nature, with
Science 299 (2003): 344. Letter to the editor unknown consequences. Moreover, humans
written by prominent scientists expressing have the ability to make endless genetic copies
concern that evidence to support the claims of these organisms by cloning. Bioethics now
of cloned humans has not been produced. includes asking hard ethical questions about
biotechnology, and, as Potter suggests, pro-
Web Site of Interest mot[ing] the evolution of a better world for fu-
Human Genome Project Information, Cloning ture generations.
Fact Sheet. http://www. doegenomes.org. Cloning involves making a genetic twin of an
Site links to information on cloning types organism or of a DNA sequence. The focus of
including DNA, reproductive, and therapeu- this article is on the cloning of whole organ-
tic cloningcloning organs for transplants, isms. The process of cloning has actually been
cloning risks, and more. performed with plants for centuries.
Cloning: Ethical Issues 171

Cuttings can be removed from many species vast quantities of protein-based therapeutic
and induced to make roots. These cuttings are drugs. Commercial animals that are top pro-
then grown into full-size, genetically identical ducers, such as cows with high milk yields,
copies of the parent plant. The emergence of could also be cloned. Human replacement or-
crops that cannot be propagated in the stan- gans could be grown in precisely controlled en-
dard fashion, such as seedless navel oranges, vironments.
has led to whole groves of cloned siblings. Few However, cloning, if misapplied, has fright-
would suggest that such cloning is inherently ening possibilities in the minds of many. Al-
wrong or unethical. Animal cloning has been though only science fiction now, it is possible to
quietly occurring since the early 1990s. Eggs envision a future world of human clones de-
fertilized in vitro are allowed to develop to the signed to fill certain roles, as genetically pro-
eight-cell stage, at which point the cells are sep- grammed soldiers, workers, or even an elite so-
arated. Each individual cell then develops into ciety of perfect cloned individuals. Others
an embryo that is implanted in a female. Thus, have envisioned the possibility of cloning an ex-
a single zygote can be used to make eight iden- tra copy of themselves as donors of perfectly
tical individuals. This type of cloning has been matched organs during old age. Even the possi-
used routinely in animal husbandry to propa- bility that individuals might be cloned without
gate desirable genetic traits. their knowledge or permission has been antici-
In 1996, a team of scientists in Scotland pated.
headed by Ian Wilmut cloned a mammala
sheep named Dollyfrom adult cells for the Human Cloning
first time. While bioethicists had seen no wrong Something about human cloning chafes at
in cloning orange trees and embryonic mam- the human conscience. Bioethicist Karen Roth-
mals, they were troubled by the cloning of a enberg, in statements delivered to the U.S. Sen-
sheep. It is important to realize that the cloning ates Public Health and Safety Subcommittee
of Dolly was not the key bioethical issue. of the Labor and Human Resources Commit-
Rather, the issue that worried the ethicists was tee in the 1990s, suggested why society is made
the implication of the clones existence: that uneasy by the potential implications of human
scientists were only a small step away from clon- cloning. She broke her argument down into
ing a human. If bioethics is concerned with three Is. The first I is interdependence. Clon-
protecting the evolution of future generations ing makes humans uneasy because it requires
of humans, did the cloning of Dolly represent a only one parent. People are humbled because
potential threat? Could the natural progress of it takes two humans to produce a baby. If part of
humans toward an unknown evolutionary fu- the definition of humanity is the interdepen-
ture be sidetracked or derailed by the interven- dence upon one another to reproduce, then a
tion and effects of cloning? What would be the cloned human begs the question of just what is
social ramifications of human cloning? Would human. Rothenbergs second I is indetermi-
it have the potential to change humanity as it is nateness. Cloning removes all randomness
now known forever? Was cloning simply from human reproduction. With cloning, peo-
wrong? Christian bioethicists, for example, ple predetermine whether they want to repro-
were troubled by the implications of humans duce any physical or mental type available.
being able to manipulate themselves in this They can control all possible genetic variables
way, many considering it morally wrong. in cloning with a predicted outcome. However,
Many scientists, including Wilmut, were does the same genetic variability that decides
quick to point out that they would never sup- ones hereditary fate at conception also define
port human cloning but did not believe that some part of humanity? The last I is individual-
cloning itself was unethical. Most ethicists ity. It is disconcerting for people to imagine
agreed that cloning animals could help human ten or one hundred copies of themselves walk-
society in many ways. Genetically engineered ing around. Twins and triplets are common
animals had the potential to be used to create now, but what would such a vast change mean
172 Cloning: Ethical Issues

Image not available

Chief executive of Clonaid Brigitte Boisselier (left) and the founder of the Raelian movement, Claude Vorilhon, announced in Janu-
ary, 2003, the birth of a human clone, as well as imminent births of other cloned children. Physical evidence and independent confir-
mation of the cloning were never offered and the announcement was concluded to be a hoax, but in the wake of media attention the is-
sue of human cloning became the focus of renewed public debate. (AP/Wide World Photos)

to individuality and the concept of the human worry. Many nonscientists miss the point that a
soul? In closing, Rothenberg asked whether clone is simply a genetically identical copy, not
the potential benefits of any scientific innova- a copy in every aspect. If someone were to have
tion [are] outweighed by its potential injury to cloned Albert Einstein, the cloned Einstein
our very concept of what it means to be hu- would not be identical behaviorally or in other
man. ways to the original. What made Einstein who
Andrew Scott of the Urban Institute takes a he was involved not merely his genes but also
different view. He believes that bioethics does his many life experiences, which are impossible
not apply to cloning but only to what happens to duplicate in a clone. The same would be true
after cloning. Cloning does not present a moral of a cloned child brought to life by grieving par-
dilemma to Scott, assuming that the process ents who have lost their original child in an ac-
does not purposely create abnormalities. cident. The clone would be like a twin, not the
Scott states that the clone [would] simply be same child.
another, autonomous human being . . . carry- Perhaps the right questions are not being
ing the same genes as the donor, and [living] asked. Better questions may be: Can humans be
life in a normal, functional way. He suggests trusted not to abuse the technology of cloning?
that as long as clones are not programmed to Can those in positions of power be trusted not
be human drones and are not used in an un- to use cloning to their advantage and the en-
ethical way, cloning should not be a bioethical dangerment of humanity? Probably the most
Cloning: Ethical Issues 173

basic question is, What compelling reason is makes each cell the potential equivalent of a
there to clone a human in the first place? Carl fertilized egg. While respect for life is renewed
B. Feldbaum, the president of the Biotechnol- from this insight, life is simultaneously cheap-
ogy Industry Organization, believes that peo- ened. If each cell contains all the genetic infor-
ple should be wary of anyone who asks them to mation needed to create a new individual, then
allow human cloning and states: what is a single cell worth among millions of
copies? The answer may be very little. When
In the future, society may determine that there one million or one hundred million potential
are sound reasons to clone certain animals to im-
copies exist, then one copy is worth almost
prove the food supply, produce biopharmaceuti-
cals, provide organs for transplantation and aid
nothing. Therefore, the two contrary feelings
in research. I can think of no ethical reason to ap- of reverence and irreverence linger side by
ply this technique to human beings, if in fact it side. The question one must ask is, Which will
can be applied. win out in the end?
James J. Campanella, updated by Bryan Ness
The ethical issues are even more compli- See also: Animal Cloning; Bioethics; Bio-
cated than they first appear. Is the actual pro- logical Weapons; Cloning; Cloning Vectors; Eu-
cess of cloning, as performed by Wilmut, ethi- genics; Eugenics: Nazi Germany; Gene Ther-
cal if applied to humans? Wilmuts cloning apy; Gene Therapy: Ethical and Economic
process produced many failures before Dolly Issues; Genetic Engineering: Medical Applica-
was conceived; only she survived of her 277 tions; Genetic Engineering: Risks; Genetic En-
cloned sisters. Her early death at the age of six gineering: Social and Ethical Issues; Genetics
was also potentially precipitated by the cloning in Television and Films; Knockout Genetics
process. Bioethicists question whether manipu- and Knockout Mice; Polymerase Chain Reac-
lating human embryos to produce clones with tion; Restriction Enzymes; Reverse Transcrip-
only a 0.4 percent success rate is moral; to tase; Shotgun Cloning; Stem Cells; Synthetic
someone who believes that human life begins Genes; Transgenic Organisms; Xenotrans-
at conception, the cloning procedure as per- plants.
formed by Wilmut would almost certainly be
unacceptable. Further Reading
Of course, these questions remain irrelevant Andrews, Lori B. The Clone Age: Adventures in the
in most of the world. As of 2003, many devel- New World of Reproductive Technology. New
oped nations had banned human cloning, in- York: Henry Holt, 1999. A lawyer specializ-
cluding the United States. There is also some ing in reproductive technology, Andrews ex-
question as to whether the technology has pro- amines the legal ramifications of human
gressed enough to make human cloning possi- cloning, from privacy to property rights.
ble. Some believe the technology has reached Baudrillard, Jean. The Vital Illusion. Edited by
this point and that cloning has been attempted Julia Witwer. New York: Columbia University
secretly, at least somewhere in the world. A few Press, 2000. A sociological perspective on
even speculate that somewhere it might have al- what human cloning means to the idea of
ready succeeded. Geneticists in several labora- what it means to be human.
tories have carried out human cloning through Bonnicksen, Andrea L. Crafting a Cloning Policy:
the very early stages of embryogenesis, but From Dolly to Stem Cells. Washington, D.C.:
there is no official case where it has been ac- Georgetown University Press, 2002. Political
complished to the point of a healthy child be- and policy issues surrounding human clon-
ing born. ing.
Cloning offers a new and perhaps frighten- Brannigan, Michael C., ed. Ethical Issues in Hu-
ing view of life and the biological universe and man Cloning: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives.
brings with it a renewed respect for life. If al- New York: Seven Bridges Press, 2001. A col-
most any cell in the body can be used as the ba- lection of writings from a broad variety of
sis to clone an entirely new organism, this Western and non-Western traditions and per-
174 Cloning Vectors

spectivesphilosophical, religious, scien-

tific, and legalgood for sparking debate. Cloning Vectors
Klotzko, Arlene Judith, ed. The Cloning Source-
book. New York: Oxford University Press, Field of study: Genetic engineering and
2001. The editor, from the Center for Bio- biotechnology
ethics, University of Pennsylvania, and the Significance: Cloning vectors are one of the key
Institute of Medical Ethics, Universtiy of Ed- tools required for propagating (cloning) foreign
inburgh, collects twenty-seven essays on the DNA sequences in cells. Cloning vectors are vehi-
science, context, ethics, and policy issues cles for the replication of DNA sequences that can-
surrounding cloning. not otherwise replicate. Expression vectors are
Lauritzen, Paul, ed. Cloning and the Future of Hu- cloning vectors that provide not only the means for
man Embryo Research. New York: Oxford Uni- replication but also the regulatory signals for pro-
versity Press, 2001. Places the ethical debate tein synthesis.
on human cloning in the larger context of
reproductive technology. Key terms
MacKinnon, Barbara, ed. Human Cloning: Sci- bacteriophage: a virus that infects bacterial
ence, Ethics, and Public Policy. Urbana: Univer- cells, often simply called a phage
sity of Illinois Press, 2000. Experts from a foreign DNA: DNA taken from a source other
variety of perspectives argue both for and than the host cell that is joined to the DNA of
against human cloning. the cloning vector; also known as insert DNA
Rantala, M. L., and Arthur J. Milgram, eds. plasmid: a small, circular DNA molecule that
Cloning: For and Against. Chicago: Open replicates independently of the host cell
Court, 1999. Scientists, journalists, ethicists, chromosome
religious leaders, and legal experts repre- recombinant DNA molecule: a molecule of
sent all viewpoints, presenting all sides of the DNA created by joining DNA molecules
human cloning debate. from different sources, most often vector
Shostak, Stanley. Becoming Immortal: Combining DNA joined to insert DNA
Cloning and Stem-Cell Therapy. Albany: State restriction enzyme: an enzyme capable of
University of New York Press, 2002. Exam- cutting DNA at specific base pair sequences,
ines the question of whether human beings produced by a variety of bacteria as a protec-
are equipped for potential immortality. tion against bacteriophage infection
Yount, Lisa, ed. The Ethics of Genetic Engineering.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Essays The Basic Properties of a Cloning Vector
written by scientists, science writers, ethi- Cloning vectors were developed in the early
cists, and consumer advocates present the 1970s from naturally occurring DNA mole-
growing controversy over genetically modi- cules found in some cells of the bacteria Escheri-
fying plants and animals, altering human chia coli (E. coli). These replicating molecules,
genes, and cloning humans. called plasmids, were first used by the American
scientists Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer as
vehicles, or vectors, to replicate other pieces of
Web Sites of Interest DNA (insert DNA) that were joined to them.
ActionBioScience.org. http://www.actionbio Thus the first two essential features of cloning
science.org/biotech/mcgee.html. A site vectors are their ability to replicate in an ap-
that includes a primer on the ethics of propriate host cell and their ability to join to
cloning and useful links. foreign DNA sequences to make recombinant
The Presidents Council on Bioethics. http:// molecules. Plasmid replication requires host-
bioethics.gov. Government council that ad- cell-specified enzymes, such as DNA polymer-
vises on ethical issues surrounding biomedi- ases that act at a plasmid sequence called the
cal science and technology, including clon- origin of replication. Insert DNA is joined (li-
ing. Includes links to bioethics literature. gated) to plasmid DNA through the use of two
Cloning Vectors 175

kinds of enzymes: restriction enzymes and DNA kind is the lacZ gene, which encodes the en-
ligases. The plasmid DNA sequence must have zyme beta-galactosidase. This enzyme breaks
unique sites for restriction enzymes to cut. Cut- the disaccharide lactose into two monosaccha-
ting the double-stranded circular DNA at more rides. The pUC plasmid vector has a copy of the
than one site would cut the plasmid into pieces lacZ gene which has been carefully engineered
and would separate important functional parts to contain a multiple cloning site within it,
from one another. However, when a
restriction enzyme cuts the circular
plasmid at one unique site, it converts
it to a linear molecule. Linear, insert Cut DNA
DNA molecules, produced by cutting with restriction
DNA with the same restriction en- enzyme to Chromosomal DNA
zyme as was used to cut the plasmid generate Fragment
complementary to Be Cloned
vector, can be joined to cut plasmid sequences on
molecules using the enzyme DNA Vector DNA the vector and
ligase. This catalyzes the covalent join- the fragment
ing of the insert DNA and plasmid
DNA ends to create a circular, recom-
binant plasmid molecule. Most clon-
ing vectors have been designed to
Join vector and chromosomal
have many unique restriction enzyme DNA fragment, using
cutting sites all in one stretch of the the enzyme DNA ligase
vector sequence. This part of the vec-
tor is referred to as the multiple clon-
ing site.
In addition to an origin of replica-
tion and a multiple cloning site, most
vectors have a third element: a selec-
tive marker. In order for the vector to
replicate, it must be present inside
an appropriate host cell. Introducing
Recombinant DNA Molecule
the vector into cells is often a very in-
efficient process. Therefore, it is very Introduce into bacterium
useful to be able to select, from a
large population of host cells, those
rare cells that have taken up a vec-
tor. This is the role of the selectable
marker. The selectable marker is usu-
ally a gene that encodes resistance to Recombinant
DNA Molecule
an antibiotic to which the host is nor-
mally sensitive. For example, if a plas-
mid vector has a gene that encodes re- Chromosome
sistance to the antibiotic ampicillin,
only those E. coli cells that harbor a
Segments of DNA from any organism can be cloned by inserting the DNA
plasmid will be able to grow on media segment into a plasmida small, self-replicating circular molecule of DNA
containing ampicillin. separate from chromosomal DNA. The plasmid can then act as a cloning
Many vectors have an additional se- vector when it is introduced into bacterial cells, which replicate the plasmid
lective marker that is rendered inac- and its foreign DNA. This diagram from the Deparment of Energys Hu-
tive when a plasmid is recombinant. A man Genome Program site illustrates the process. (U.S. Department of
commonly used marker gene of this Energy Human Genome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis.)
176 Cloning Vectors

while maintaining the functionality of the ex- proteins needed to make a completed phage
pressed enzyme. When a DNA fragment is in- particle. In many cases, the final step of viral in-
serted into the multiple cloning site, the lacZ fection is the lysis of the host cell. This releases
gene is no longer capable of making functional the mature phage particles to infect nearby
beta-galactosidase. This loss of function can be host cells. Phage vectors have two advantages
detected by putting X-gal into the growth me- relative to plasmid vectors: First, viral delivery
dia. X-gal has a structure similar to lactose but of recombinant DNA to host cells is much more
cannot be broken down by beta-galactosidase. efficient than the transformation or electro-
Rather, beta-galactosidase modifies X-gal and poration procedures used to introduce plas-
produces a blue color. Thus, colonies of the mid DNA into host cells, and second, phage
bacterium E. coli containing recombinant plas- vectors can be used to clone larger fragments of
mids will be normal colored, whereas those insert DNA.
that have normal, nonrecombinant plasmids Viruses that infect cells other than bacteria
will be blue. Typical selection media then con- have been modified to serve as cloning vectors.
tain ampicillin and X-gal. The ampicillin only This permits cloning experiments using many
allows E. coli which contain a plasmid to grow, different kinds of host cells, including human
and the X-gal identifies which colonies have re- cells. Viral vectors, just like the natural viruses
combinant plasmids. from which they are derived, have specific host
There are a number of procedures for intro- and tissue ranges. A particular viral vector will
ducing the plasmid vector into the host cell. be limited for use in specific species and cell
Transformation is a procedure in which the types. The fundamental practice of all virally
host cells are chemically treated so that they based cloning vectors involves the covalent join-
will allow small DNA molecules to pass through ing of the insert DNA to the viral DNA to make
the cell membrane. Electroporation is a proce- a recombinant DNA molecule, introduction of
dure that uses an electric field to create pores the recombinant DNA into the appropriate
in the host cell membrane to let small DNA host cell, and then propagation of the vector
molecules pass through. through the natural mechanism of viral repli-
cation. There are two fundamentally different
Viruses and Cloning Vectors ways that viruses propagate in cells. Many vi-
In addition to plasmid cloning vectors, some ruses, such as the phages already described, en-
bacteriophages (or phages) have been modi- ter the host cell and subvert the cells biosyn-
fied to serve as cloning vectors. Bacteriophages, thetic machinery to its own reproduction, which
like other viruses, are infectious agents that are ultimately leads to lysis and thereby kills the
made of a genome, either DNA or RNA, that is host cell as the progeny viruses are released.
surrounded by a protective protein coat. Phage The second viral life strategy is to enter the host
vectors are used similarly to the way plasmid cell and integrate the viral DNA into the host
vectors are used. The vector and insert DNAs cell chromosome so that the virus replicates
are cut by restriction enzymes so that they sub- along with the host DNA. Such integrating vi-
sequently can be joined by DNA ligase. The ruses can be stably maintained in the host cell
newly formed recombinant DNA molecules for long periods. The retroviruses, of which
must enter an appropriate host cell to repli- the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is
cate. In order to introduce the phage DNA into an example, are a group of integrating viruses
cells, a whole phage particle must be built. This that are potentially useful vectors for certain
is referred to as packaging the DNA. The pro- gene therapy applications. Using cloning vec-
tein elements of the phage are mixed with the tors and host cells other than bacteria allows
recombinant phage DNA and packaging en- scientists to produce some proteins that bacte-
zymes to create an infectious phage particle. ria cannot properly make, permits experiments
Appropriate host cells are then infected with it. to determine the function of cloned genes,
The infected cells then make many copies of and is important for the development of gene
each recombinant molecule, along with the therapy.
Cloning Vectors 177

The Ti Plasmid of Agrobacterium

Two species of naturally occurring plant pathogenic of plant hormones and other compounds that cause
bacteria, Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium the plant cells to grow abnormally near the infection
rhizogenes, infect many plant species and have been site, producing characteristic tumors.
harnessed through biotechnology to effect per- Purposeful genetic transformation of plants re-
manent genetic transformation of plants. Virulent quires a tool that can be used to insert new genes into
(disease-causing) Agrobacterium species can infect a plant. This tool, regardless of its derivation, is
plants and transfer a small portion of their own bac- called a vector. To date, the most common means for
terial DNA, called T-DNA (transferred DNA), into stable genetic transformation of plants involves the
the plant. The T-DNA is actually a small fragment of use of vectors derived from bacteria of the genus Ag-
a large (approximately 200-kilobase-pair) plasmid robacterium. Biotechnologists have harnessed Agro-
called the Ti (tumor-inducing) plasmid in A. tume- bacterium to insert new genes of interest into plants by
faciens and the Ri (root-inducing) plasmid in A. rhizo- modifying the T-DNA segment of the bacterial DNA
genes. using standard recombinant methods. By deleting
The T-DNA fragment of the Ti plasmid is defined the genes on the T-DNA that cause tumors and then
on both ends by 24-base-pair direct repeat sequences inserting desirable genes in their place, a wide vari-
called the left-hand and right-hand border se- ety of vectors can be produced to transfer desirable
quences. The T-DNA fragment is released from the genes into plants. The genes transferred by way of
plasmid by the action of endonucleases, which cut Agrobacterium vectors become a permanent part of
the DNA at specific points within the right-hand and the plants genome. DNA from plants, animals, bac-
left-hand border sequences. The endonucleases are teria, and viruses can be introduced into plants in
two of the Vir (virulence) genes encoded on the Ti this way.
plasmid adjacent to the T-DNA. Several other Vir One major drawback of Agrobacterium transforma-
genes are produced when Agrobacterium cells are in- tion is that insertion of T-DNA into the plant genome
troduced into plant tissue, usually through a wound. is essentially random. The genes on the T-DNA seg-
Following infection of a plant, Agrobacterium cells ment may not be efficiently transcribed at their loca-
sense the presence of phenolic wound compounds tion or the insertion of T-DNA may knock out an im-
and the acidic environment within wounded plant portant plant gene by inserting in the middle of it.
tissues. These conditions trigger a series of several Therefore, a plant genetically transformed using an
Vir genes to produce Vir proteins that direct exci- Agrobacterium vector is not necessarily guaranteed to
sion of the T-DNA and facilitate transport and incor- perform as desired. A final drawback is that the vec-
poration of the T-DNA segment into the plants ge- tor works only with dicots, while many of the worlds
nome. Once the T-DNA is incorporated into the most important crops are monocots, such as wheat,
plant genome, expression of the T-DNA-encoded rice, corn, and many other grain crops.
genes causes the plant to produce unusual quantities Robert A. Sinnott

Expression Vectors duce proteins encoded by eukaryotic genes

Expression vectors are cloning vectors de- (that is, genes from higher organisms) in bacte-
signed to express the gene contained in the re- rial cells. Furthermore, producing proteins in
combinant vector. In order to accomplish this, this way often results in higher production
they must also provide the appropriate regula- rates than in the cells from which the gene was
tory signals for the transcription and transla- obtained. This technology not only is of im-
tion of the foreign gene. Regulatory sequences, mense benefit to scientists who study proteins
which direct the cellular transcription machin- but also is used by industry (particularly the
ery, are very different in bacteria and higher or- pharmaceutical industry) to make valuable pro-
ganisms. Thus, unless the vector provides the teins. Proteins such as human insulin, growth
appropriate host regulatory sequences, foreign hormone, and clotting factors that are difficult
genes will not normally be expressed. and extremely expensive to isolate from their
Expression vectors make it possible to pro- natural sources are readily available because
178 Cloning Vectors

they can be produced much more cheaply in natural chromosomes are. YAC cloning tech-
bacteria. An added benefit of expression vec- nology allows very large chromosomes to be
tors is that actual human proteins are pro- subdivided into a manageable number of
duced by bacteria and therefore do not pro- pieces that can be organized (mapped) and
voke allergic reactions as frequently as insulin studied. YACs also provide the opportunity to
that is isolated from other species. study DNA sequences that interact over very
long distances. Since the development of YACs,
Artificial Chromosomes artificial chromosome vectors for a number of
In 1987, a new type of cloning vector was de- different host cells have been created.
veloped by David Burke, Maynard Olson, and
their colleagues. These new vectors, artificial Impact and Applications
chromosomes, filled the need created by the Cloning vectors are one of the key tools of re-
Human Genome Project (HGP) to clone very combinant DNA technology. Cloning vectors
large insert DNAs (hundreds of thousands to make it possible to isolate particular DNA se-
millions of base pairs in length). One of the quences from an organism and make many
goals of the HGPto map and ultimately se- identical copies of this one sequence in order
quence all the chromosomes of humans, as well to study the structure and function of that se-
as a number of other model organisms ge- quence apart from all other DNA sequences.
nomic sequencesrequired a vector capable Until the development of the polymerase chain
of propagating much larger DNA fragments reaction (PCR), cloning vectors and their host
than plasmid or phage vectors could propa- cells were the only means to collect many cop-
gate. The first artificial chromosome vector was ies of one particular DNA sequence. For long
developed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. DNA sequences (those over approximately ten
All the critical DNA sequence elements of a thousand base pairs), cloning vectors are still
yeast chromosome were identified and iso- the only means to do this.
lated, and these were put together to create a Gene therapy is a new approach to treating
yeast artificial chromosome (YAC). The ele- and perhaps curing genetic disease. Many com-
ments of a YAC vector are an origin of replica- mon diseases are the result of defective genes.
tion, a centromere, telomeres, and a selectable Gene therapy aims to replace or supplement
marker suitable for yeast cells. A yeast origin of the defective gene with a normal, therapeutic
replication (similar to the origin of replication gene. One of the difficulties faced in gene ther-
of bacterial plasmids) is a short DNA sequence apy is the delivery of the therapeutic gene to
that the hosts replicative enzymes, such as the appropriate cells. Viruses have evolved to
DNA polymerase, recognize as a site to initiate enter cells, sometimes only a very specific sub-
DNA replication. In addition to replicating, the set of cells, and deliver their DNA or RNA ge-
new copies of a chromosome must be faithfully nome into the cell for expression. Thus viruses
partitioned into daughter cells during mitosis. make attractive vectors for gene therapy. An
The centromere sequence mediates the parti- ideal vector for gene therapy would replace vi-
tioning of the chromosomes during cell divi- ral genes associated with pathogenesis with
sion because it serves as the site of attachment therapeutic genes; the viral vector would then
for the spindle fibers in mitosis. Telomeres are target the therapeutic genes to just the right
the DNA sequences at the ends of chromo- cells. One of the concerns related to the use of
somes. They are required to prevent degrada- viral vectors for gene therapy is the random na-
tion of the chromosome and for accurate repli- ture of the viral insertion into the target cells
cation of DNA at the ends of chromosomes. chromosomes. Insertion of the vector DNA
YACs are used much as plasmid vectors are. into or near certain genes associated with in-
Very large insert DNAs are joined to the YAC creased risk of cancer could theoretically alter
vector, and the recombinant molecules are in- their normal expression and induce tumor for-
troduced into host yeast cells in which the artifi- mation.
cial chromosome is replicated just as the hosts Plasmid DNA vectors encoding immuno-
Color Blindness 179

genic proteins from pathogenic organisms are Cohen, Philip. Creators of the Forty-seventh
being tested for use as vaccines. DNA immuni- Chromosome. New Scientist 34 (November
zation offers several potential advantages over 11, 1995). Describes the efforts to develop
traditional vaccine strategies in terms of safety, human artificial chromosomes.
stability, and effectiveness. Genes from disease- Friedmann, Theodore. Overcoming the Ob-
causing organisms are cloned into plasmid ex- stacles. Scientific American 96 (June, 1997).
pression vectors that provide the regulatory Elaborates on the relative merits of different
signals for efficient protein production in hu- delivery systems for gene therapy.
mans. The plasmid DNA is inoculated intra- Hassett, Daniel E., and J. Lindsay Whitton.
muscularly or intradermally, and the muscle or DNA Immunization. Trends in Microbiology
skin cells take up some of the plasmid DNA and 307 (August, 1996). Reviews the process of
express the immunogenic proteins. The im- DNA immunization and compares it to tradi-
mune system then generates a protective im- tional vaccination strategies.
mune response. There are two traditional vac- Jones, P., and D. Ramji. Vectors: Cloning Appli-
cination strategies: One uses live, attenuated cations and Essential Techniques. New York:
pathogenic organisms, and the other uses killed J. Wiley, 1998. A laboratory manual that al-
organisms. The disadvantage of the former is lows quick and easy access to the key proto-
that, in rare cases, the live vaccine can cause dis- cols required by those working with vectors.
ease. The disadvantage of the latter strategy is Lu, Quinn, and Michael P. Weiner, eds. Cloning
that the killed organism does not enter the pa- and Expression Vectors for Gene Function Analy-
tients cells and make proteins like the normal sis. Natick, Mass.: Eaton, 2001. Reprints forty-
pathogen. Therefore, one part of the immune three articles from the journal BioTechnique
response, the cell-mediated response, is usually to provide an overview of topics such as clon-
not activated, and the protection is not as good. ing vectors and strategies, protein expression
In DNA immunization, the plasmids enter the and purification, gene tagging and epitope
patients cells, and the immunogenic proteins tagging strategies, and special purpose vec-
produced there result in a complete immune tors.
response. At the same time, there is no chance Watson, James, et al. Recombinant DNA. New
that DNA immunization will cause disease, be- York: W. H. Freeman, 1992. Nobel laureate
cause the plasmid vector does not carry all of Watson uses accessible language and dia-
the disease-causing organisms genes. grams to address the methods, underlying
Craig S. Laufer, updated by Bryan Ness concepts, and far-reaching applications of
See also: Animal Cloning; Biopharmaceuti- recombinant DNA technology. An excellent
cals; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues; DNA reference for details on how the different
Replication; DNA Sequencing Technology; cloning vectors work and to what purposes
Gene Therapy; Genetic Engineering; Genetic each is particularly suited.
Engineering: Medical Applications; Genetic
Engineering: Risks; Genomic Libraries; Knock-
out Genetics and Knockout Mice; Plasmids;
Polymerase Chain Reaction; Protein Synthesis;
Restriction Enzymes; Reverse Transcriptase;
Color Blindness
Shotgun Cloning; Stem Cells; Synthetic Genes; Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
Telomeres; Transgenic Organisms; Xenotrans- Significance: Color blindness is a condition in peo-
plants. ple whose eyes lack one or more of the three color re-
ceptors present in most human eyes. It is an impor-
Further Reading tant condition to understand because so many
Anderson, W. French. Gene Therapy. Scien- people experience it to some degree. It is also a win-
tific American 124 (September, 1995). Pro- dow into the inner workings of the eye and a mar-
vides a good review of the promises and velous example of the workings of Mendelian ge-
problems of gene therapy. netics.
180 Color Blindness

Key terms the three types of cones. Approximately 1.2

cones: the light-sensitive structures in the ret- percent of males and 0.02 percent of females
ina that function as color receptors and are are protanopes (lack L cones); 1.5 percent of
the basis for color vision males and 0.01 percent of females are deutera-
deuteranopes: people who lack the second nopes (lack M cones); but only 0.001 percent of
kind of color receptor, the M cone, and thus males and females are tritanopes (lack S cones).
are more sensitive to green Dichromats can match all of the colors they
dichromats: people whose eyes have only two see in the rainbow by mixing only two primary
of the three cones colors of light, but they see fewer (and differ-
protanopes: people who lack the first kind of ent) hues in the rainbow than a person with
color receptor, the L cone, and thus are normal vision. Protanopes and deuteranopes
more sensitive to red cannot distinguish between red and green.
trichromats: people whose eyes have all More exactly, protanopes tend to confuse reds,
three color receptors, or cones grays, and bluish blue-greens, while deuter-
tritanopes: people who lack the third kind of anopes tend to confuse purples, grays, and
color receptor, the S cone, and thus are greenish blue-greens.
more sensitive to blue
S Pigment Genes
Color Vision Tritanopes cannot distinguish between blue
Light-sensitive structures in the retina called (especially greenish shades) and yellow. The
cones are the basis for color vision. A person genetic code for the S pigment lies on chromo-
with normal vision can distinguish seven pure some 7. The fact that the S pigment gene lies on
hues (colors) in the rainbow: violet, blue, cyan, an autosome explains why yellow-blue color
green, yellow, orange, and red. People with blindness is manifested equally in males and fe-
normal vision are trichromats, meaning that males. The inheritance pattern is that of an
they have three types of cones: L, M, and S, autosomal dominant trait: Only one arm of the
named for particular sensitivities to light of two arms of chromosome 7 has the defective al-
long, medium, and short wavelengths. The hu- lele in the affected parent, and since there is a
man vision system detects color by comparing 50 percent chance a child will receive the defec-
the relative rates at which the L, M, and S cones tive arm, 50 percent of the children will inherit
react to light. For example, yellow light causes the defect. In fact, the trait is often incom-
the M and L cones to signal at about the same pletely expressed, so that the majority of af-
rate, and the person sees yellow. Strangely, fected individuals retain some reduced S-cone
the right amounts of green and red stimulate function.
these cones in the same fashion, and the per-
son will again see the color yellow even though L and M Pigment Genes
there is no yellow light present. Since people Anomalous trichromats are more common
have only three types of color receptors, it takes than dichromats. They need three primary col-
the proper mix of intensities of only three pri- ors to match the hues of the rainbow, but they
mary colors to cause a person to see all the match them with different intensities than nor-
colors of the rainbow. A tiny droplet of water on mal trichromats do because the peak sensitivi-
the screen of a color television or computer ties of their cones occur at wavelengths slightly
monitor will act like a magnifying lens and re- different from normal. Their color confusion
veal that the myriad colors that are displayed is similar to that of the dichromats, but less se-
are formed from tiny dots of only blue, green, vere. About 1 percent of males and 0.03 per-
and red. cent of females have anomalous L cones, while
4.5 percent of males and 0.4 percent of females
Dichromats have anomalous M cones. The fact that far
People are referred to as color blind if they more males than females have some degree of
are dichromats, that is, if they have only two of red-green color blindness implies that the ge-
Complementation Testing 181

netic information for the pigments in L and M Nathans, Jeremy. The Genes for Color Vi-
cones lies on the X chromosome. sion. In The Science of Color. Vol. 2 in Readings
The gene structures for M-cone and L-cone on Color, edited by Alex Byrne and David R.
pigments are 96 percent the same, so it is likely Hilbert. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997.
that one began as a mutation of the other. An account of how the genes for color blind-
Small mutations in either gene can slightly shift ness were discovered, for students with a
the color of peak absorption in the cones and good science background. Includes a series
produce an anomalous trichromat. Generally of color plates.
these mutations make M and L cones more Rosenthal, Odeda, and Robert H. Phillips.
alike. The similarity between the genes and the Coping with Color Blindness. Garden City Park,
fact that they are adjacent to each other on the N.Y.: Avery, 1997. A description of color
X chromosome can lead to a variety of copying blindness aimed at nonspecialists and cover-
errors during meiosis. People with normal color ing causes, testing, and coping strategies.
vision have one L-cone gene and one to three Wagner, Robert P. Understanding Inheri-
M-cone genes. The complete omission of ei- tance: An Introduction to Classical and Mo-
ther type of gene will result in severe red-green lecular Genetics. In The Human Genome Pro-
color blindness: protanopia or deuteranopia. ject: Deciphering the Blueprint of Heredity, edited
Hybrid genes that are a combination of L-cone by Necia Grant Cooper. Mill Valley, Calif.:
and M-cone genes lead to less severe types of University Science Books, 1994. A superb,
red-green color blindness, especially if there is well-illustrated discussion of Mendelian ge-
also a normal copy of the gene present. netics and disorders.
Red-green color blindness follows an X-gene
recessive inheritance pattern. Suppose that Web Sites of Interest
Grandfather has a defective X gene (and is Causes of Color. http://webexhibits.org/causes
therefore color blind) and Grandmother is ofcolor. A good introduction to light and
normal. Their male children are normal be- color, including the genetics of color blind-
cause they inherited their X genes from their ness. Includes demonstrations of how a scene
mother, but their female children will be carri- looks to people with different types of color
ers because they had to inherit one X gene blindness and how color blindness tests are
from their father. If the daughters married nor- constructed.
mal men, 50 percent of the grandsons got the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Seeing,
defective gene from their mothers and were Hearing, and Smelling the World. http://
color blind, and 50 percent of the grandsons www.hhmi.org/senses. Site that includes the
were normal. Likewise, 50 percent of the articles Color Blindness: More Prevalent
granddaughters were normal and 50 percent Among Males and How Do We See Colors?
inherited the defective gene from their moth-
ers and became carriers.
Charles W. Rogers
See also: Classical Transmission Genetics; Complementation Testing
Congenital Defects; Dihybrid Inheritance; He-
reditary Diseases; Monohybrid Inheritance. Field of study: Techniques and
Further Reading Significance: Complementation testing is used to
Hsia, Yun, and C. H. Graham. Color Blind- determine whether or not two mutations occur
ness. In The Science of Color. Vol. 2 in Readings within the same gene.
on Color, edited by Alex Byrne and David R.
Hilbert. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1997. Key terms
A description of the genetics of color blind- allele: a form of a gene; each gene (locus) in
ness for students with a good science back- most organisms occurs as two copies called
ground. Includes a series of color plates. alleles
182 Complementation Testing

cistron: a unit of DNA that is equivalent to a several genes. Mutations at any one of these
gene; it encodes a single polypeptide genes may produce the same mutant pheno-
inborn errors of metabolism: conditions type. If the same mutant phenotype is observed
that result from defective activity of an en- in two different strains of an organism, there is
zyme or enzymes involved in the synthesis, no way, using simple observation, to determine
conversion, or breakdown of important mol- whether this shared mutant phenotype repre-
ecules within cells sents a mutation in the same or different genes,
locus (pl. loci): the location of a gene, often or loci. One way of solving this problem is
used as a more precise way to refer to a gene; through complementation testing. If the muta-
each locus occurs as two copies called alleles tions are alleles of the same locus, then a cross
between mutant individuals from the two strains
Finding Mutations will only produce offspring with the mutant
Most traits are the result of products from phenotype. In genetic terms, they fail to com-



Two genes (boxes) reside on one chromosome. Each parent has two copies of every
chromosome. The male parent is homozygous for a mutation in gene a (white box);
the female is homozygous for a mutation in gene b (gray box).

The offspring has one non-mutated copy of each gene and as a consequence has a
wildtype phenotype. The mutations therefore are said to complement each other.
Complementation Testing 183

plement each other and are therefore mem- genes required for a particular pathway. These
bers of the same complementation group. If studies formed the basis for the one gene-one
from the same cross, all the offspring are nor- enzyme hypothesis: Each gene encodes a sin-
mal; the two mutations are at the same locus gle enzyme required for a single step in a meta-
and they are said to complement each other. bolic pathway. This hypothesis has since been
Researchers often want to define multiple al- renamed the one gene-one polypeptide hy-
leles of a single gene in order to understand the pothesis because some enzymes consist of
genes function better. multiple polypeptides, each of which is en-
Often a researcher is interested in the ge- coded by a single gene.
netic control of a particular biological process,
such as the biochemistry of eye color in fruit The Biochemical Basis for
flies. As a first step, researchers often screen Complementation Testing
large numbers of individuals to find abnormal Complementation testing is useful for locat-
phenotypes involving the process in which they ing and identifying the genes affected by reces-
are interested. For instance, researchers study- sive or loss-of-function alleles. A researcher
ing eye color in fruit flies may screen hundreds crosses two organisms that are each homozy-
of thousands of fruit flies for abnormal eye col- gous for a recessive mutation. If these two al-
ors. Complementation testing is then used to leles affect the same gene, they will not comple-
organize the mutations into complementation ment each other, because the first-generation
groups. (F1) offspring will inherit one mutant copy of
the gene from one parent and a second mutant
Complementation Testing and Inborn copy of the gene from the other parent, thus
Errors of Metabolism having no normal copies of the gene. If the mu-
Human genetic diseases that affect the func- tations are alleles of two different genes, genes
tion of cellular enzymes are known as inborn A and B, the F1 offspring will receive a normal
errors of metabolism and were defined by Sir copy of A and a mutant copy of B from one par-
Archibald Garrod long before DNA was deter- ent and a mutant copy of A and a normal copy
mined to be the hereditary material. Garrod of B from the other, thus having one normal
studied families with alkaptonuria, a disease that copy of each of the two genes and having a wild-
causes urine to turn dark upon exposure to air. type (normal) phenotype. The mutations are
He determined that this biochemical defect said to complement each other.
was inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion. If a scientist is interested in a particular
George Beadle and Edward Tatum studied gene, obtaining as many alleles of that gene as
mutant strains of Neurospora and expanded on possible will lead to a better understanding of
Garrods work. They used radiation to gener- how the gene works and what parts of the gene
ate random mutations that resulted in strains are essential for function. One way to identify
of Neurospora that could not grow without spe- new alleles of a gene is through an F1 noncom-
cific nutritional supplements (essentially creat- plementation screen. In this type of screen, the
ing yeast with inborn errors of metabolism). researcher treats the model organism with radi-
Some of the mutant strains required the addi- ation or chemicals to increase the rate of muta-
tion of a specific amino acid to the media. Each tion. Any individuals from the screen that seg-
mutant strain had its own specific require- regate the desired phenotype (white eyes, for
ments for growth, and each strain was shown to example) in a Mendelian fashion are crossed
have a single defective step in a metabolic path- with individuals carrying a known mutation in
way. When strains that had different defects the gene of interest. If the progeny of this cross
were grown together, they were able to correct have white eyes (the mutant phenotype), then
each others metabolic defect. This correction the two mutations have failed to complement
was termed metabolic complementation. each other and are most likely alleles of the
Using complementation tests, Beadle and same gene. Such noncomplementation screens
Tatum were able to establish the number of have been used to identify genes involved in a
184 Complete Dominance

wide variety of processes ranging from embryo locus (pl. loci): a gene, located at a specific lo-
development in fruit flies to spermatogeneis in cation on a chromosome, which in humans
Caenorhabditis elegans. and many other organisms occurs in the
Michele Arduengo and Bryan Ness same location on homologous chromo-
See also: Biochemical Mutations; Chemical somes
Mutagens; Chromosome Mutation; Inborn Er- phenotype: the observed expression of a gene
rors of Metabolism; Linkage Maps; Mutation locus in an individual
and Mutagenesis; Model Organism: Caenorhab-
ditis elegans; Model Organism: Neurospora crassa. The Discovery and Definition of
Further Reading Early theories of inheritance were based on
Hartl, D. L. Genetics: Analysis of Genes and Ge- the idea that fluids carrying materials for the
nomes. 5th ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, production of a new individual were transmit-
2001. An excellent introductory genetics ted to offspring from the parents. It was as-
textbook. sumed that substances in these fluids from the
Lewin, Benjamin. Genes VII. New York: Oxford two parents mixed and that the children would
University Press, 2001. Includes a summary therefore show a blend of the parents charac-
of complementation and a discussion of com- teristics. For instance, individuals with dark hair
plementation in bacterial systems as well. mated to individuals with very light hair were
expected to produce offspring with medium-
colored hair. The carefully controlled breeding
studies carried out in the 1700s and 1800s did
Complete Dominance not produce the expected blended phenotypes,
but no other explanation was suggested until
Field of study: Classical transmission Gregor Mendel proposed his model of inheri-
genetics tance. In the 1860s, Mendel repeated studies
Significance: Complete dominance represents one using the garden pea and obtained the same re-
of the classic Mendelian forms of inheritance. In sults seen by other investigators, but he counted
an individual that is heterozygous for a trait, the the numbers of each type produced from each
allele that displays complete dominance will deter- mating and developed his theory based on
mine the phenotype of the individual. Knowing those observations.
whether the pattern of expression of a trait is domi- One of the first observations Mendel dealt
nant or recessive helps in making predictions con- with was the appearance of only one of the pa-
cerning the inheritance of a particular genetic con- rental traits in the first generation of offspring
dition or disorder in a familys history. (the first filial, or F1, generation). For example,
a cross of tall plants and dwarf plants resulted
Key terms in offspring that were all tall. Mendel proposed
alleles: different forms of a gene at a specific that the character expression (in this case
locus; for each genetic trait there are typi- height) was controlled by a determining fac-
cally two alleles in most organisms, includ- tor, later called the gene. He then proposed
ing humans that there were different forms of this control-
genotype: a description of the alleles at a gene ling factor corresponding to the different ex-
locus pressions of the characteristic and termed these
heterozygote: an individual with two differ- alleles. In the case of plant height, one allele
ent alleles at a gene locus produced tall individuals and the other pro-
homozygote: an individual with two like al- duced dwarf individuals. He further proposed
leles at a gene locus that in the cross of a tall (D) plant and a dwarf
incomplete dominance: the expression of a (d) plant, each parent contributed one factor
trait that results when one allele can only for height, so the offspring were Dd. (Upper-
partly dominate or mask the other case letters denote dominant alleles, while low-
Complete Dominance 185

ercase letters denote recessive alleles.) These variations in phenotype expression and to ex-
plants contained a factor for both the tall ex- plain why a dominant allele behaves the way it
pression and the dwarf expression, but the does at the functional level. An enzymes func-
plants were all tall, so tall was designated the tion is determined by its structure, and that
dominant phenotype for the height trait. structure is coded for in the genetic informa-
Mendel recognized from his studies that the tion. The simplest situation is one in which the
determining factors occurred in pairseach gene product is an enzyme that acts on a spe-
sexually reproducing individual contains two cific chemical reaction that results in a specific
alleles for each inherited characteristic. When chemical product, the phenotype. If that en-
he made his crosses, he carefully selected pure zyme is not present or if its structure is modified
breeding parents that would have two copies of so that it cannot properly perform its function,
the same allele. In Mendels terminology, the then the chemical action will not be carried
parents would be homozygous: A pure tall par- out. The result will be an absence of the normal
ent would be designated DD, while a dwarf par- product and a phenotype expression that var-
ent would be designated dd. His model also ies from the normal expression. For example,
proposed that each parent would contribute melanin is a brown pigment produced by most
one factor for each characteristic to each off- animals. It is the product of a number of chemi-
spring, so the offspring of such a mating should cal reactions, but one enzyme early in the pro-
be Dd (heterozygous). The tall appearance of cess is known to be defective in albino animals.
the heterozygote defines the character expres- Lacking normal enzyme activity, these animals
sion (the phenotype) as dominant. Domi- cannot produce melanin, so there is no color in
nance of expression for any characteristic can- the skin, eyes, or hair. When an animal has the
not be guessed but must be determined by genetic composition cc (c designates colorless,
observation. When variation is observed in the or albino), it has two alleles that are the same,
phenotype, heterozygous individuals must be and neither can produce a copy of the normal
examined to determine which expression is ob- enzyme. Animals with the genetic composition
served. For phenotypes that are not visible, CC (C designates colored, or normal) have two
such as blood types or enzyme activity varia- copies of the allele that produces normal en-
tions, a test of some kind must be used to deter- zymes and are therefore pigmented. When ho-
mine which phenotype expression is present in mozygous normal (CC) and albino (cc) animals
any individual. are crossed, heterozygous (Cc) animals are pro-
Mendels model and the appearance of the duced. The c allele codes for production of an
dominant phenotype also explains the classic inactive enzyme, while the C allele codes for
3:1 ratio observed in the second (F2) genera- production of the normal, active enzyme. The
tion. The crossing of two heterozygous individ- presence of the normal enzyme promotes pig-
uals (Dd Dd) produces a progeny that is 1 4 DD, ment production, and the animal displays the
1 Dd, and 1 dd. Because there is a dominant pigmented phenotype. The presence of pig-
2 4
phenotype expression, the 1 4 DD and the 1 2 Dd ment in the heterozygote leads to the designa-
progeny all have the same phenotype, so 3 4 of tion that the pigmented phenotype is domi-
the individuals are tall. It was this numerical re- nant to albinism or, conversely, that albinism is
lation that Mendel used to establish his model a recessive phenotype because it is seen only in
of inheritance. the homozygous (cc) state.
The same absence or presence of an active
The Functional Basis of Dominance copy of an enzyme explains why blood types A
The development of knowledge about the and B are both dominant to blood type O.
molecular activity of genes through the 1950s When an A allele or a B allele is present, an ac-
and 1960s provided information on the nature tive enzyme promotes the production of a sub-
of the synthesis of proteins using the genetic stance that is identified in a blood test; the
code passed on in the DNA molecules. This blood type A expression or the blood type B ex-
knowledge has allowed researchers to explain pression is seen. When neither of these alleles
186 Complete Dominance

is present, the individual is homozygous OO. therefore, show dominance; rather, its enzyme
There is no detectable product present, and expression does.
the blood test is negative; therefore, the indi-
vidual has blood type O. When the A allele and Dominant Mutant Alleles
the B allele are both present in a heterozygous Dominance of a normal phenotype is fairly
individual, each produces an active enzyme, so easy to explain at the level of the functioning
both the A and the B product are detected in protein because the action of the normal prod-
blood tests; such an individual has blood type uct is seen, but dominance of mutant pheno-
AB. The two phenotypes are both expressed in types is more difficult. Polydactyly, the pres-
the heterozygote, a mode of gene expression ence of extra fingers on one hand or extra toes
called codominance. on one foot, is a dominant phenotype. The
When there are a number of alleles present mechanism that leads to this expression and
for the expression of a characteristic, a domi- numerous other developmental abnormalities
nance relation among the phenotype expres- is not yet understood. One insight comes from
sions can be established. In some animal coats, the genetic expression of enzymes that are
very light colors result from enzymes produced composed of two identical polypeptide sub-
by a specific allele that is capable of producing units. In this situation, the gene locus codes for
melanin but at a much less efficient rate than one polypeptide, but it takes two polypeptide
the normal version of the enzyme. In the rab- molecules joined together to form a functional
bit, chinchilla (c ch) is such an allele. In the Cc ch enzyme molecule. In order to function nor-
heterozygote, the normal allele (C) produces a mally, both of the polypeptide subunits must be
normal, rapidly acting enzyme, and the animal normal. A heterozygote can have one allele
has normal levels of melanin. The normal pig- coding for a normal polypeptide and the other
ment phenotype expression is observed be- allele coding for a mutant, nonfunctional poly-
cause the animals are dark in color, so this peptide. These polypeptides will join together
expression is dominant to the chinchilla pheno- at random to form the enzyme. The possible
type expression. In the heterozygote c chc, the combinations will be defective-defective, which
slow-acting enzyme produced by the c ch allele is results in a nonfunctional enzyme; defective-
present and produces pigment, in a reduced normal, which also results in a nonfunctional
amount, so the chinchilla phenotype expres- enzyme; and normal-normal, which is a nor-
sion is observed and is dominant to the albino mal, functional enzyme. The majority of the en-
phenotype expression. The result is a domi- zyme molecules will be nonfunctional, and their
nance hierarchy in which the normal pigment presence will interfere with the action of the
phenotype is dominant to both the chinchilla few normal units. The normal function will be,
and the albino phenotypes, and the chinchilla at best, greatly reduced, and the overall pheno-
expression is dominant to the albino expres- type will be abnormal. One form of hereditary
sion. blindness is dominant because the presence of
It is important to note that the dominant abnormal proteins interferes with the trans-
phenotype is the result of the protein pro- port of both protein types across a membrane
duced by each allele. In the previous examples, to their proper location in the cells that react to
both the albino allele and the chinchilla allele light. The abnormal phenotype appears in the
produce a producta version of the encoded heterozygote, so the abnormal phenotype is
enzymebut the normal allele produces a ver- dominant. A number of human disease condi-
sion of the enzyme that produces more pig- tions, including some forms of cancer, display a
ment. The relative ability of the enzymes to dominant mode of inheritance.
carry out the function determines the observed Sometimes a trait that appears to be domi-
phenotype expression and therefore the domi- nant is actually more complex. The Manx trait
nance association. The C allele does not inhibit in cats, which results in a very short, stubby tail,
the activity of either of the other two alleles or occurs only in heterozygous individuals. On
their enzyme products, and the allele does not, the surface, this would appear to be a simple
Congenital Defects 187

case of dominance, where the Manx allele, T, Further Reading

is dominant to the normal tail allele, t. Recall Campbell, Neil. Biology. 6th ed. San Francisco:
that when two heterozygotes are mated, the Benjamin Cummings, 2001. A college-level
expected phenotype ratio in the offspring is biology text that provides an introduction to
3:1, dominant:recessive. If two Manx cats are many topics relating to genetics.
mated, the phenotype ratio in the offspring is Russell, Peter J. Fundamentals of Genetics. 2d ed.
2:1, Manx:normal, because kittens that are ho- San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2000.
mozygous for the Manx allele (TT) die very Introduces the three main areas of genetics:
early in development and are reabsorbed by transmission genetics, molecular genetics,
the mother cat. Therefore, the Manx allele and population and quantitative genetics.
does not display complete dominance, but Reflects advances in the field, such as the
rather incomplete dominance. The Manx al- structure of eukaryotic chromosomes, alter-
lele is lethal in the homozygous state and native splicing in the production of mRNAs,
causes a short, stubby tail in the heterozygous and molecular screens for the isolation of
state. This occurs because the Manx allele mutants.
causes a developmental defect that affects spi- Strachan, Tom, and Andrew Read. Human Mo-
nal development. If one normal allele is pres- lecular Genetics. 2d ed. New York: Wiley, 1999.
ent, the spine develops enough for the cat to Provides introductory material on DNA and
survive, although it will display the Manx trait. chromosomes and describes principles and
In mutant homozygotes (TT) the spine is un- applications of cloning and molecular hy-
able to develop, which proves lethal to the de- bridization. Surveys the structure, evolution,
veloping fetus. and mutational instability of the human ge-
nome and human genes, and examines map-
Impact and Applications ping of the human genome, study of genetic
One of the aims of human genetic research diseases, and dissection and manipulation
is to find cures for inherited conditions. When of genes.
a condition shows the recessive phenotype ex-
pression, treatment may be effective. The indi-
vidual lacks a normal gene product, so supply-
ing that product can have a beneficial effect.
This is the reason for the successful treatment Congenital Defects
of diabetes using insulin. There are many tech- Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
nical issues to be considered in such treat- Significance: Congenital defects are malforma-
ments, but current successes give hope for the tions caused by abnormalities in embryonic or fetal
treatment of other recessive genetic conditions. development that may interfere with normal life
Dominant disorders, on the other hand, will functions or cause a less severe health problem. The
be much more difficult to treat. An affected defect may be morphological or biochemical in na-
heterozygous individual has a normal allele ture. Understanding the causes of birth defects has
that produces normal gene product. The na- led to improved means of detection and treatment.
ture of the interactions between the products
results in the defective phenotype. Supplying
more normal product may not improve the sit- Key terms
uation. A great deal more knowledge about the sensitive period: a critical time during devel-
nature of the underlying mechanisms will be opment when organs are most susceptible to
needed to make treatment effective. teratogens
D. B. Benner, updated by Bryan Ness teratogen: any agent that is capable of caus-
See also: Biochemical Mutations; Dihybrid ing an increase in the incidence of birth de-
Inheritance; Epistasis; Incomplete Dominance; fects
Mendelian Genetics; Monohybrid Inheritance; teratology: the science or study of birth de-
Multiple Alleles. fects
188 Congenital Defects

Normal Development beginning of the third week through the end of

In order to understand the causes of birth the eighth week. There is tremendous growth
defects, it is necessary to have some under- and specialization of cells during this period, as
standing of the stages of normal development. all of the bodys organs are formed. The embry-
If the time and sequence of development of onic stage is the time during which most birth
each organ are not correct, an abnormality defects are initiated.
may result. It has been useful to divide human The fetal stage runs from the beginning of
pregnancy into three major periods: the pre- the ninth week to birth. Most organs continue
embryonic stage, the embryonic stage, and the their rapid growth and development during
fetal stage. this final period of gestation leading up to
The preembryonic stage is the first two birth. By the end of the eighth week, the em-
weeks after fertilization. During this stage, the bryo, although it has features of a human be-
fertilized egg undergoes cell division, passes ing, is only about 1 inch (2.54 centimeters)
down the Fallopian tube, and implants in the long. Its growth is amazing during this period,
uterine wall, making a physical connection reaching 12 inches (30 centimeters) by the end
with the mother. It is of interest to note that per- of the fifth month and somewhere around 20
haps as many as one-half of the fertilized eggs inches (50 centimenters) by birth. It is evident
fail to implant, while the half, which do im- from the description of normal development
plant, do not survive the second week. The sec- that the changes the embryo and fetus un-
ond stage, the embryonic stage, runs from the dergo are very rapid and complicated. It is not

Image not available

Writer Firdaus Kanga of Bombay was born with the disease osteogenesis imperfecta. A film based on his autobiographical novel
Try to Grow was produced in the mid-1990s. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Congenital Defects 189

Forms of Cleft Palate

Unilateral cleft lip Bilateral cleft lip

Partial cleft palate Complete cleft palates

(Hans & Cassidy, Inc.)

unexpected that mistakes can happen, leading warnings. Frequently, ancient people sacri-
to congenital disorders. ficed such babies. It was thought that such
pregnancies resulted from women mating with
Causes of Birth Defects animals or evil spirits. Maternal impression has
Throughout history, examples of birth de- long been invoked as an explanation for birth
fects have been described by all cultures and defects, and from early Greek times until even
ethnic groups. Although the incidence of spe- relatively recent times, stories and superstitions
cific malformations may vary from group to abounded.
group, the overall incidence of birth defects Of the birth defects in which a specific cause
is probably similar in all people on earth. It is has been identified, it has been found that
estimated that three out of every hundred new- some are caused by genetic abnormalities, in-
borns have some sort of major or minor disor- cluding gene mutations and chromosomal
der. An additional 2 to 3 percent have malfor- changes, while others are caused by exposure
mations that fully develop sometime after birth. of the pregnant woman and her embryo or fe-
When it is also realized that perhaps another tus to some sort of environmental toxin such as
5 percent of all fertilized eggs have severe radiation, viruses, drugs, or chemicals.
enough malformations to lead to an early, spon-
taneous abortion, the overall impact of birth Examples of Birth Defects
defects is considerable. Many birth defects are caused by changes in
Humans have long sought an explanation the number or structure of chromosomes. The
for why some couples have babies afflicted with best-known chromosomal disorder is Down
serious birth defects. Such children were long syndrome, which results from individuals hav-
regarded as omens or warnings of a bad event ing an extra chromosome 21, giving them forty-
to come. The word teratology (Greek for seven chromosomes rather than the normal
monster causing) was coined by scientists to forty-six. A person with Down syndrome char-
reflect the connection of monster births with acteristically has a flattened face, square-shaped
190 Congenital Defects

ears, epicanthal folds of the eye, a short neck, identified. Because of this rather large gap in
poor muscle tone, slow development, and sub- knowledge, nonscientific explanations about
normal intelligence. Cystic fibrosis is an exam- the causes of birth defects flourish. What is
ple of a defect caused by a single gene. Affected known is that most congenital defects, whether
people inherit a recessive gene from each par- caused by a genetic factor or an environmental
ent. The disorder is physiological in nature and factor, are initiated during the embryonic peri-
results in a lack of digestive juices and the pro- od. It is also known that some disorders, such as
duction of thick and sticky mucus that tends to learning disorders, frequently result from dam-
clog the lungs, pancreas, and liver. Respiratory age to the fetus during the last three months of
infections are common, and death typically oc- pregnancy. Knowledge about what can be done
curs by the age of thirty. Cleft lip, or cleft palate, by parents to avoid toxic exposure and activity
is multifactorial in inheritance (some cases are that could cause birth defects is critical.
caused by chromosomal abnormalities or by Donald J. Nash
single-gene mutations). Multifactorial traits are See also: Albinism; Color Blindness; Con-
caused by many pairs of genes, each having a sanguinity and Genetic Disease; Cystic Fibrosis;
small effect, and are usually influenced by fac- Developmental Genetics; Down Syndrome;
tors in the environment. The result is that such Dwarfism; Fragile X Syndrome; Hemophilia;
traits do not follow precise, predictable pat- Hereditary Diseases; Hermaphrodites; Hun-
terns in a family. tingtons Disease; Inborn Errors of Metabo-
Genetic factors account for the great major- lism; Klinefelter Syndrome; Metafemales; Mi-
ity (perhaps 85 to 90 percent) of the birth de- tochondrial Diseases; Neural Tube Defects;
fects in which there is a known cause. The re- Phenylketonuria (PKU); Prader-Willi and An-
maining cases of known cause are attributed to gelman Syndromes; Prion Diseases: Kuru and
maternal illness; congenital infections; expo- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome; Pseudohermaph-
sure to chemicals, drugs, and medicines; and rodites; Sickle-Cell Disease; Tay-Sachs Disease;
physical factors such as X rays, carbon dioxide, Testicular Feminization Syndrome; Thalido-
and low temperature. The government warn- mide and Other Teratogens; Turner Syndrome;
ing on liquor bottles informs pregnant women XYY Syndrome.
that if they drink alcohol during a sensitive
period of prenatal development, they run the Further Reading
risk of having children with fetal alcohol syn- Berul, Charles I., and Jeffrey A. Towbin, eds.
drome. There is a wide variation in the effects Molecular Genetics of Cardiac Electrophysiology.
of alcohol on a developing fetus. Alcohol expo- Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2000. Reviews re-
sure can lead to an increased frequency of search regarding single-cell electrophysiol-
spontaneous abortion, and it depresses growth ogy, animal models, and hereditary diseases,
rates, both before and after birth. Facial fea- including structural anomalies.
tures of a child exposed to alcohol may include Edwards, Jesse E. Jesse E. Edwards Synopsis of
eye folds, a short nose, small mid-face, a thin Congenital Heart Disease. Edited by Brooks S.
upper lip, a flat face, and a small head. These Edwards. Armonk, N.Y.: Futura, 2000. A
characteristics are likely to be associated with comprehensive review of more than thirty-
mental retardation. Frequently, however, oth- five categories of congenital cardiac lesions.
erwise normal children have learning disor- Aimed at students, clinicians, and health
ders and only a mild growth deficiency. Varia- care providers.
tion in the symptoms of prenatal alcohol Harvey, Richard P., and Nadia Rosenthal, eds.
exposure has made it difficult to estimate the Heart Development. San Diego: Academic
true incidence of the fetal alcohol syndrome. Press, 1999. A broad discussion of the molec-
Estimates for the United States range from 1 to ular basis of cardiovascular development, in-
3 per 1,000 newborns. cluding the lineage origins and morphogen-
In 50 to 60 percent of babies born with a ma- esis of the developing cardiovascular system,
jor birth disorder, no specific cause can be the genetic dissection of cardiovascular de-
Consanguinity and Genetic Disease 191

velopment in a variety of model organisms, More than 600 cross-referenced entries are
and the molecular basis of congenital heart alphabetically arranged and cover genetic
defects. anomalies, diagnostic procedures, causes of
Kramer, Gerri Freid, and Shari Maurer. The Par- mutations, and high risk groups.
ents Guide to Childrens Congenital Heart De-
fects: What They Are, How to Treat Them, How Web Sites of Interest
to Cope with Them. Foreword by Sylvester March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation.
Stallone and Jennifer Flavin-Stallone. New http://www.marchofdimes.com. Includes
York: Three Rivers Press, 2001. Collects the fact sheets and links to resources on birth de-
expertise of more than thirty leading ex- fects.
perts in pediatric cardiologycardiologists, Medline Plus. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/med
surgeons, nurses, nutritionists, counselors, lineplus. Medline, sponsored by the National
and social workersto give detailed answers Institudes of Health, is one of the first stops
to parents concerns of managing a childs for any medical question, and it offers infor-
heart defect. mation and references on most genetic dis-
Riccitiello, Robina, and Jerry Adler. Your Baby eases, birth defects, and disorders.
Has a Problem. Newsweek, Spring/Summer, National Birth Defects Network. http://
1997. Discusses how advances in medicine www.nbdpn.org. National support group
have reduced the number of birth defects with information, resources, links.
and how surgeries have been designed to National Institutes of Health, National Library
correct some birth defects before babies are of Medicine. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/
born. medlineplus/birthdefects.html. Govern-
Rossen, Anne E. Understanding Congenital ment site that includes dozens of links to re-
Disorders. Current Health 18 (May, 1992). A sources on birth defects, with information
useful article describing some congenital on genetics, treatments, statistics, and more.
disorders, including some that are not ap-
parent early in life, such as Huntingtons dis-
ease. Some of the environmental factors
causing congenital defects are also covered.
Tis the Season. Psychology Today 28 (1995). Consanguinity and Genetic
Describes how certain birth defects may be Disease
related to different seasons of the year and
also discusses some of the biological and en- Fields of study: Diseases and syndromes;
vironmental conditions that cause birth de- Population genetics
fects. Significance: The late onset of sexual maturity and
Tomanek, Robert J., and Raymond B. Runyan, the random mating habits of most humans make
eds. Formation of the Heart and Its Regulation. studying rare mutations in human populations
Foreword by Edward B. Clark. Boston: Birk- especially difficult. Small, isolated communities in
hauser, 2001. Details the major events in which mates are chosen only from within the popu-
heart development and their control via lation lead to consanguineous populations that
genes, cell-cell interactions, growth factors, can serve as natural laboratories for the study of
and other contributing elements. human genetics, especially in the area of human
Wynbrandt, James, and Mark D. Ludman. The disease.
Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders and Birth De-
fects. 2d ed. New York: Facts On File, 2000. Key terms
Written for the general public, a guidebook alleles: genetic variants of a particular gene
to clinical and research information on he- consanguineous: literally, of the same
reditary conditions and birth defects. In- blood, or sharing a common genetic ances-
cludes a general essay on the basics of ge- try; members of the same family are consan-
netic science and its medical applications. guineous to varying degrees
192 Consanguinity and Genetic Disease

isolate: a community in which mates are cho- Among the Druse, a small Islamic sect, first-
sen from within the local population rather cousin marriages approach 50 percent of all
than from outside populations marriages. The Amish, Hutterites, and Dunkers
in the United States are each descended from
The Importance of Isolates small groups of original settlers who immi-
When studying the genetics of the fruit fly grated in the eighteenth and nineteenth centu-
or any other organism commonly used in the ries and rarely mated with people from outside
laboratory, a researcher can choose the geno- their religions.
types of the flies that will be mated and can ob-
serve the next few generations in a reasonable The Amish
amount of time. Experimenters can also choose There are many reasons the Amish serve as a
to mate offspring flies with their siblings or with good example of an isolate. The original immi-
their parents. As one might expect, this is not gration of Amish to America consisted of ap-
possible when studying the inheritance of hu- proximately two hundred settlers. In subse-
man characteristics. Thus, progress in human quent generations, the available mates came
genetics most often relies on the observation of from the descendants of the original settlers.
the phenotypes of progeny that already exist With mate choice this limited, it is inevitable
and matings that have already occurred. Many that some of the marriages will be consanguin-
genetic diseases only appear when a person is eous. Consanguinity increases as further mar-
homozygous for two recessive alleles; thus a riages take place between the offspring of con-
person must inherit the same recessive allele sanguineous marriages. Current estimates are
from both parents. Since most recessive alleles that the average degree of consanguinity of
are rare in the general population, the chance Amish marriages in Lancaster County, Pennsyl-
that both parents carry the same recessive al- vania, is at the level of marriages between sec-
lele is small. This makes the study of these dis- ond cousins.
eases very difficult. The chance that both par- Other factors that make the Amish good sub-
ents carry the same recessive allele is increased jects for genetic research are their high fertility
whenever mating occurs between individuals and their high level of marital fidelity. Thus, if
who share some of the same genetic back- both parents happen to be heterozygous for a
ground. These consanguineous matings pro- particular genetic disease, the chance that at
duce measurably higher numbers of offspring least one of the offspring will show the disease
with genetic diseases, especially when the de- is high. In families of two children, there is a 44
gree of consanguinity is at the level of second percent chance that at least one child will show
cousin or closer. the trait. This increases to 70 percent of the
In small religious communities in which families with four children and to more than 91
marriage outside the religion is forbidden, and percent of the families with eight children, a
in small, geographically isolated populations in common number among the Amish. Because
which migration into the population from the of the high marital fidelity, researchers do not
outside is at or near zero, marriages often oc- have to worry about illegitimacy when making
cur between two people who share some com- these estimates.
mon ancestry; therefore, the level of consan- Many genetic diseases that are nearly non-
guinity can be quite high. These communities existent in the general population are found
thus serve as natural laboratories in which to among the Amish. The allele for a type of
study genetic diseases. Geographically isolated dwarfism known as the Ellis-van Creveld syn-
mountain and island communities are found drome is found in less than 0.1 percent of the
in many areas of the world, including the Cau- general population; among the Lancaster
casus Mountains of Eurasia, the Appalachian Amish, however, the allele exists in approxi-
Mountains of North America, and many areas mately 7 percent of the population. Other ge-
in the South Pacific. Culturally isolated com- netic diseases at higher levels among the Amish
munities are also of worldwide distribution. include cystic fibrosis, limb-girdle muscular
Criminality 193

dystrophy, pyruvate kinase-deficient hemolytic Key terms

anemia, and several inherited psychological metabolic pathway: a biochemical process
disorders. Having more families and individu- that converts certain chemicals in the body
als with these diseases to study helps geneticists to other, often more useful, chemicals with
and physicians discover ways to treat the prob- the help of proteins called enzymes
lems and even prevent them from occurring. neurotransmitter: a chemical that carries
Richard W. Cheney, Jr. messages between nerve cells
See also: Cystic Fibrosis; Dwarfism; Genetic
Load; Hardy-Weinberg Law; Hereditary Dis- Biochemical Abnormalities
eases; Heredity and Environment; Inbreeding Early attempts to identify the root of the ten-
and Assortative Mating; Lateral Gene Transfer; dency for criminal behavior fell under the aus-
Mendelian Genetics; Natural Selection; Poly- pices of biological determinism, which sought
ploidy; Population Genetics; Punctuated Equi- to explain and justify human society as a reflec-
librium; Quantitative Inheritance; Sociobiol- tion of inborn human traits. For example, Ital-
ogy; Tay-Sachs Disease. ian physician Cesare Lombroso reported in
Luomo delinquente (1876; criminal man) that
certain inferior groups, by virtue of their apish
Further Reading appearance, were evolutionary throwbacks with
Cross, Harold. Population Studies of the Old criminal tendencies. Since that time, more so-
Order Amish. Nature 262 (July, 1976). De- phisticated scientific methods have been em-
scribes the advantages of isolates and some ployed to seek the root causes of criminality.
of the genetic characteristics seen in Amish Among the most prominent findings are those
populations. that indicate that certain biochemical imbal-
McKusick, Victor, et al. Medical Genetic ances, particularly in neurotransmitters, may
Studies of the Amish with Comparison to lead to a range of abnormal behaviors. For
Other Populations. In Population Structure example, levels of the neurotransmitter seroto-
and Genetic Disorders, edited by A. W. Eriksson nin have been found to be low in many people
et al. New York: Academic Press, 1981. De- who have attempted suicide and in people with
scribes many of the inherited conditions poor impulse control, such as children who tor-
seen among the Amish. ture animals and impulsive arsonists. However,
the environment itself may lower or raise sero-
tonin levels, calling into question the impor-
tance of genetic influence. The psychological
Criminality effects of serotonin are also far-reaching, with
antidepressant drugs such as Prozac function-
Field of study: Human genetics and social ing by increasing the amount of time serotonin
issues remains in the system after its release (latency).
Significance: The pursuit of genetic links to crimi- Abnormalities in dopamine levels (the pri-
nality is a controversial field of study that has pro- mary neurotransmitter in the brains pleasure
duced several intriguing examples of the apparent center) have also been implicated in aggres-
contribution of genetic defects to criminal behav- sive, antisocial behavior. In 1995, researchers
ior. However, most of these defects involve major al- reported that increased latency of dopamine
terations in metabolic pathways that, in turn, af- might be associated with a tendency toward vio-
fect numerous characteristics. Experts disagree on lence among alcoholics. A genetic abnormality
the validity and significance of these data. These on the X chromosome that causes a defect in
research efforts have also come under strong criti- the enzyme monoamine oxidase A was reported
cism by opponents who fear that such discoveries by researchers in 1993. This enzyme is responsi-
will be used to charge that certain ethnic or racial ble for degrading certain neurotransmitters,
groups are genetically predisposed to deviant be- including dopamine and epinephrine. This de-
haviors such as criminality. fect was linked to a heritable history of low in-
194 Criminality

telligence quotient (IQ) and violent acts in one tion of Genetic Factors in Crime, a federally
Dutch family. Males who possess an extra Y chro- funded conference organized by philosopher
mosome (XYY syndrome males) also demon- David Wasserman. A similar symposium, Ge-
strate a variety of behavioral difficulties and are netics of Criminal and Antisocial Behaviour,
overrepresented in prisons and mental institu- was held in London in 1995. However, the pub-
tions. However, no link to criminal behavior lic remains highly suspicious of the motivation
has been established. for such research.
In all cases, such genetic abnormalities af- In an era in which genes have been impli-
fect numerous characteristics (often including cated in everything from manic depression to
mental capabilities) and manifest themselves the propensity to change jobs, the belief that
as any number of unassociated antisocial be- genes are responsible for criminal behavior is
haviors ranging from exhibitionism to arson. very enticing. However, such a belief may have
Since criminality simply refers to a violation of severe ramifications. To the extent that society
the law and since there are numerous types of accepts the view that crime is the result of
crimes and motivations for them (such as an- pathological and biologically deviant behavior,
ger, revenge, and financial gain), it is difficult it is possible to ignore the necessity to change
to make claims of definitive, nonenvironmen- social conditions such as poverty and oppres-
tal links between biochemical disorders and sion that are also linked to criminal behavior.
criminal behavior. Poorly defined, multifaceted Moreover, this view may promote the claim by
social descriptors (for example, violence, ag- criminals themselves that their genes made
gression, and intelligence) are usually used to them do it. While biochemical diagnosis and
represent such behaviors and, as such, cannot treatment with drugs may be simpler and there-
be considered true characters. As child psy- fore more appealing than social intervention,
chiatrist Michael Rutter has said, to claim that it is reminiscent of the days when frontal lobot-
there is a gene for crime is like saying theres a omy (surgery of the brain) was the preferred
gene for Roman Catholicism. method of biological intervention for aggres-
sive mental patients. In the future, pharmaco-
Impact and Applications logical solutions to social problems may be
Genetic links to criminality entered the pub- viewed as similarly inhumane.
lic spotlight in the early 1990s as part of the Lee Anne Martnez
U.S. governments Violence Initiative, champi- See also: Aggression; Alcoholism; Altruism;
oned by Secretary of Health and Human Ser- Behavior; Biological Determinism; Develop-
vices Louis Sullivan. The uproar began in 1992 mental Genetics; DNA Fingerprinting; Eugen-
when Frederick Goodwin, then director of the ics; Eugenics: Nazi Germany; Forensic Genetics;
Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Ad- Hardy-Weinberg Law; Heredity and Environ-
ministration, made comments comparing ur- ment; RFLP Analysis; Sociobiology; Steriliza-
ban youth to aggressive jungle primates. The tion Laws; XYY Syndrome.
public feared that research on genetic links to
criminality would be used to justify the dispro- Further Reading
portionate numbers of African Americans and Andreasen, Nancy C. Brave New Brain: Con-
Hispanics in the penal system. Psychiatrist Pe- quering Mental Illness in the Era of the Genome.
ter Breggin also warned that unproved genetic New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.
links would be used as an excuse to screen mi- Surveys the way in which advances in the un-
nority children and give them sedating drugs derstanding of the human brain and the hu-
to intervene in their impending aggression man genome are coming together in an am-
and criminality. After all, forced sterilization bitious effort to conquer mental illness.
laws had been enacted in thirty U.S. states in Faraone, Stephen V., Ming T. Tsuang, and
the 1920s to prevent reproduction by the fee- Debby W. Tsuang. Genetics of Mental Disorders:
bleminded and moral degenerate. In 1993, A Guide for Students, Clinicians, and Re-
public protest led to the temporary cancella- searchers. New York: Guilford Press, 1999. In-
Cystic Fibrosis 195

troduces the investigative methods of hu- ments funding of research on genetic links
man genetics as applied to mental disorders, to violence and crime.
their clinical applications, and some of the Wright, Robert. The Biology of Violence. The
biological, ethical, and legal implications of New Yorker 71 (March 15, 1995). Discusses
the investigative processes and conclusions. evolutionary psychologys view that violent
Fukuyama, Francis. Is It All in the Genes? Com- responses to oppressive environments may
mentary 104 (September, 1997). Compares be adaptive rather than genetically inflexi-
the philosophies of cultural versus biologi- ble.
cal effects on behavior.
Gilbert, Paul, and Kent G. Bailey Hove, eds. Web Sites of Interest
Genes on the Couch: Explorations in Evolution- Bioethics and Genetics at Bioethics.net. http://
ary Psychotherapy. Philadelphia: Brunner- bioethics.net/genetics. Site links to an arti-
Routledge, 2000. Examines models and in- cle exploring the debate about genetics and
terventions in psychotherapy based on evo- criminal behavior, entitled Not Guilty, by
lutionary findings and includes topics such Reason of Genetic Determinism, which in-
as psychotherapy in the context of Darwin- cludes a bibliography for further study.
ian psychiatry, Jungian analysis, gender, and
the syndrome of rejection sensitivity.
Rose, Steven. The Rise of Neurogenetic Deter-
minism. Nature 373 (February, 1995). Com- Cystic Fibrosis
ments on how technological advances have
revived genetic explanations for behavior. Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
Sapolsky, Robert. A Gene for Nothing. Dis- Significance: Cystic fibrosis, although a rare dis-
cover 18 (October, 1997). An entertaining ac- ease, is the most common lethal inherited disease
count of the complex interaction between among Caucasians in the United States and the
genes and the environment. United Kingdom. Advances in genetic screening
Wasserman, David, and Robert Wachbroit, eds. and treatment may someday result in the preven-
Genetics and Criminal Behavior. New York: tion or elimination of this disease.
Cambridge University Press, 2001. Explores
issues surrounding causation and responsi- Key terms
bility in the debate over genetic research epithelial cells: cells responsible for trans-
into criminal behavior. Chapters include porting salt and water
Understanding the Genetics of Violence recessive gene: a gene that in diploid organ-
Controversy, Separating Nature and Nur- isms gets expressed only when it represents
ture, Genetic Explanations of Behavior, both copies at a gene locus
On the Explanatory Limits of Behavioral
Genetics, Degeneracy, Criminal Behavior, Causes and Symptoms
and Looping, Genetic Plans, Genetic Dif- Cystic fibrosis is caused by an abnormal re-
ferences, and Violence, Crime, Genes, and cessive gene that must be inherited from both
Responsibility, Genes, Statistics, and parents. If both parents carry the gene, their
Desert, Genes, Electrotransmitters, and child has a 25 percent chance of inheriting the
Free Will, Moral Responsibility Without abnormal gene from both parents and thus
Free Will, Strong Genetic Influence and having the disease. The child has a 50 percent
the New Optimism, and Genetic Predis- chance of having one normal and one abnor-
positions to Violent and Antisocial Behav- mal gene, thus becoming a carrier of the dis-
ior. ease.
Williams, Juan. Violence, Genes, and Preju- Cystic fibrosis is chronic and has no known
dice. Discover 15 (November, 1994). Gives cure. Generally, symptoms are apparent shortly
an excellent account of the controversy and after birth and become progressively more seri-
debate that accompanied the U.S. govern- ous. Abnormally thick mucus blocks the ducts
196 Cystic Fibrosis

tions known as cilia and is

then expelled from the re-
spiratory tract. Lungs also
produce a natural antibiotic
called defensin, which de-
stroys germs.
For people with cystic fi-
brosis, the defense mecha-
Image not available nisms are crippled. The
lungs produce mucin that
is too thick and sticky to be
flushed away by the cilia.
The mucus stays in the
lungs and provides an ideal
breeding ground for bacte-
ria. The person suffers from
repeated respiratory infec-
tions such as bronchitis and
pneumonia. In addition,
cystic fibrosis prevents the
At the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute in Bethesda, Maryland, Dr. Ronald body from properly absorb-
Crystal works on a nasal spray of proteins that have been genetically engineered to break ing salt into the epithelial
down mucus in the lungs of individuals with cystic fibrosis. (AP/Wide World Photos) cells. The lungs cannot ab-
sorb the salt, causing a
buildup of salt outside the
in sweat glands and glands in the lungs and cells. This buildup disables the natural antibi-
pancreas. Diagnosis usually involves a simple otic defensin, which in turn leads to bacterial
test that measures excessive sodium and chlo- infections that cause the increased production
ride (salt) in the persons sweat. Ten percent of of mucus. The damage from infections and the
newborns with cystic fibrosis cannot excrete buildup of mucus in the airways eventually
undigested material in their intestines and so makes breathing impossible.
develop a blocked intestine. Symptoms of this
condition include a swollen abdomen, vomit- Treatment and Outlook
ing, constipation, and dehydration. The child Approximately thirty thousand Americans
may become severely undernourished because have cystic fibrosis, and one in twenty-five Cau-
the digestive system is not functioning prop- casians are carriers of the disease. In the 1950s,
erly. In turn, the malnutrition causes poor an infant with cystic fibrosis seldom survived
weight gain, impaired blood clotting, slow past the first year or two. With aggressive medi-
bone growth, and poor overall growth. Diges- cal treatment and therapy to relieve the severe
tive problems usually increase as the child ages. symptoms, the average life span of a person
Although cystic fibrosis can damage other with cystic fibrosis had increased to twenty-nine
organs, the most serious complications from years by the early 1990s, and a person with the
the disease involve the lungs. Respiratory prob- disorder may live as long as forty years.
lems develop as the affected person ages. The Treatment depends on the organs involved.
lungs may appear normal in early life but will People with cystic fibrosis follow special diets
later malfunction. Normal lungs fight off infec- and take dietary supplements so that they have
tion by secreting mucin, the primary compo- proper nutrition and receive the necessary di-
nent of mucus. The mucin helps trap germs gestive enzymes, salts, and vitamins that cannot
and foreign particles in the lungs. The mucus pass through the blocked ducts. The disease
is swept toward the throat by hairlike projec- makes the digestion and absorption of fats and
Cystic Fibrosis 197

proteins difficult because certain enzymes are Research continues in an effort to deter-
depleted as a result of blocked ducts in the pan- mine the nature of the genetic defect that
creas. causes cystic fibrosis so that the normal func-
The affected person also undergoes daily tion of the defective gene can be replaced by
backslapping designed to break up the mucus specially designed therapies. Recent and ongo-
in the lungs. Antibiotics can reduce infections ing attempts at gene therapy have not yet been
of the lungs. In the 1990s, therapy involving successful. A corrected form of the gene has
the inhalation of a special enzyme began. This been engineered and recombinant adenovi-
enzyme helps break down the thick mucus so ruses have been used to try to deliver the cor-
that it is easier to cough out. In late 1997, a po- rected gene to epithelial cells in the lungs. The
tent antibiotic was recommended to the Food recombinant viruses can easily be inhaled by at-
and Drug Administration. This antibiotic, omizing a solution containing the viruses. Un-
called Tobi (tobramycin for inhalation), was fortunately, patients in clinical trials have often
the first inhaled antibiotic and appeared to in- developed immune responses to the adenovi-
crease the lung function of some cystic fibrosis ruses and the transfer efficiency of the adenovi-
patients. ruses was too low to cause much lasting im-

Gene Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis

Once scientists discovered the cystic fibrosis gene, tory epithelium with a detergent-like substance
CF, and its protein product, cystic fibrosis trans- found in normal lungs as a way of increasing virus up-
membrane regulator (CFTR), attempts at gene ther- take by the epithelium. This system has had success
apy were quickly initiated. Since most of the life- in mice and has led to longer-term improvements of
threatening complications of this disease are seen in lung function. These researchers speculate that
the respiratory system, that system became the main long-tem improvement occurs when some epithelial
target for gene replacement therapy. stem cells have had defective DNA replaced by the
Early attempts at gene therapy involved the at- DNA for functional CFTR. In Cleveland, researchers
tachment of a functional CF gene to a virus that acts have tried to insert the CF gene directly into cells
as a vector and the subsequent introduction of this vi- without a viral vector. They have accomplished this
rus to the respiratory epithelium in an aerosol. Sev- by compacting the DNA into a particle small enough
eral problems arose. Although a cystic fibrosis pa- to enter the cell.
tients immune system does not function properly, Another novel gene therapy has been labeled
especially in the respiratory system, the immune sys- SMaRT by its proponents. This therapy takes advan-
tem is active enough to prevent many of the viruses tage of the need to remove introns (noncoding in-
from entering the target cells. Those that did pene- tervening sequences) from pre-messenger RNA
trate and inserted the normal CF gene induced only (pre-mRNA) in eukaryotes and then to splice the
a transient benefit. This most likely occurred be- exons (coding sequences) together to form func-
cause of the high turnover rate of surface epithelial tional mRNA. In this procedure, multiple copies of
cells. The epithelial cells could incorporate the gene a minigene that contain a good copy of the exon
that codes for normal CFTR, but cells that had not that normally contains the defect in the CF gene are
been repaired would soon replace the repaired cells. introduced to the epithelial cells. When the pre-
Continued aerosol applications were also not help- mRNA is processed, there are so many more copies
ful, because the body began producing antibodies to of the corrected exon that it is usually spliced into
the viral vector, which further reduced the viruss the CFTR mRNA. This technique has the advantage
ability to enter cells and introduce an active CF gene. of not disrupting the cells normal regulation of
Another problem was the inflammation caused by the CFTR protein. However, the viruses involved
the virus itself. in the transfer of the minigenes face the same barri-
To surmount some of these difficulties, other ap- ers that all viral vectors face in cystic fibrosis gene
proaches have been tried. A team of Australian re- therapy.
searchers has looked at preconditioning the respira- Richard W. Cheney, Jr.
198 Cytokinesis

provement. Researchers still hope to improve tems affected, transplantation (lung and
gene therapy methods and eventually find ways liver), hospitalization, terminal care, special
either to cure cystic fibrosis fully or at least to re- populations, and laboratory testing.
duce some of the more serious symptoms. Shale, Dennis. Cystic Fibrosis. London: British
Genetic testing for cystic fibrosis can locate Medical Association, 2002. Topics include
the defect responsible for the disease in about clinical management, genetic disorders and
75 percent of afflicted people. Since cystic fi- developments, lung injury, transplantation,
brosis can cause more than one hundred other and nutrition.
genetic mutations, however, a simple test to de- Sternberg, S. Cystic Fibrosis Puzzle Coming
tect the variations may be very difficult to de- Together. Science News 151 (February 8,
velop. In addition, the symptoms of the disease 1997). An informative overview of the lung
can vary from severe to extremely mild. Re- symptoms.
search focuses on the development of inex- Travis, John. Cystic Fibrosis Controversy. Sci-
pensive and accurate diagnosis as well as sound ence News 151 (May 10, 1997). Discussion of a
genetic counseling in order to reduce the oc- controversial treatment for cystic fibrosis.
currence of the disease. In early 1997, the Na- Yankaskas, James R., and Michael R. Knowles,
tional Institutes of Health (NIH) recommended eds. Cystic Fibrosis in Adults. Philadelphia:
that all couples planning to have children Lippincott-Raven, 1999. Advances in medi-
should be offered the option of testing for the cine have meant longer survival for cystic fi-
cystic fibrosis gene mutations. brosis patients and thus a gradual evolution
Virginia L. Salmon, updated by Bryan Ness of the clinical manifestations of the disorder.
See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil- Details the typical pulmonary and gastroin-
lus Sampling; Biochemical Mutations; Chro- testinal/nutritional problems of patients, as
mosome Mutation; Chromosome Walking and well as the challenges of adult patients, like
Jumping; Congenital Defects; Gene Therapy; diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, and preg-
Gene Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues; nancy, that were once relatively uncommon.
Genetic Counseling; Genetic Engineering; Ge-
netic Screening; Genetic Testing: Ethical and Web Sites of Interest
Economic Issues; Hereditary Diseases; Human Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. http://www.cff.org.
Genetics; Inborn Errors of Metabolism; Multi- This national organizations site includes in-
ple Alleles. formation on the genetics of cystic fibrosis.
Dolan DNA Learning Center, Your Genes Your
Further Reading Health. http://www.ygyh.org. Sponsored by
Hodson, Margaret E., and Duncan M. Geddes, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this site,
eds. Cystic Fibrosis. 2d ed. New York: Oxford a component of the DNA Interactive Web
University Press, 2000. Focuses on the diag- site, offers information on more than a dozen
nosis and management of cystic fibrosis and inherited diseases and syndromes, including
its complications, also giving an extensive re- cystic fibrosis.
view of cystic fibrosis, including chapters on
both clinical and basic science.
Oliwenstien, Lori. How Salt Can Kill. Discover
18 (January, 1997). Discusses the link be-
tween salt and the lungs.
Orenstein, David M., Beryl J. Rosenstein, and Field of study: Cellular biology
Robert C. Stern. Cystic Fibrosis: Medical Care. Significance: Cytokinesis is a process, usually oc-
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, curring concurrent with mitosis, in which the cyto-
2000. Examines the principles and practices plasm and organelles are divided into two new
of cystic fibrosis care, providing chapters on cells. In eukaryotes, mitosis and meiosis involve
the molecular and cellular bases of the dis- division of the nucleus, while cytokinesis is the di-
ease and its diagnosis, the major organ sys- vision of the cytoplasm.
Cytokinesis 199

Key terms of shortening, condensing, and packing with

binary fission: cell division in prokaryotes in proteins that make them visible using a light
which the plasma membrane and cell wall microscope. Chromosomes then migrate and
grow inward and divide the cell in two line up at the equator of the parent cell. Then
cell cycle: a regular and repeated sequence the sister chromatids are separated and pulled
of events during the life of a cell; it ends to opposite poles. These multiple steps include
when a cell completes dividing interphase (cell growth and DNA replication),
daughter cells: cells that result from cell divi- prophase (disintegration of nuclear envelope,
sion formation of spindle fibers, condensation of
interphase: the phase that precedes mitosis in chromosomes), metaphase (lining up of chro-
the cell cycle, a period of intense cellular ac- mosomes at equator plate), anaphase (split of
tivities that include DNA replication two sister chromatids), and telophase (comple-
meiosis: a type of cell division that leads to pro- tion of migration of chromatids to opposite
duction of gametes (sperm and egg) during poles). Although animal and plant cells share
sexual reproduction many common features in DNA replication
mitosis: nuclear division, a process of allotting and mitosis, some noticeable differences in in-
a complete set of chromosomes to two daugh- terphase and cytokinesis exist. Even within the
ter nuclei animal kingdom, cytokinesis may vary with the
type of cell division. Particularly during oogen-
Events Leading to Cytokinesis esis (the process of forming egg), both meiosis
Cytokinesis is the division or partitioning of I and meiosis II engage in unequal partitioning
the cytoplasm during the equal division of ge- of cytoplasm that is distinct from normal mito-
netic material into the daughter cells. Before a sis of animal and plant cells. In some cases, a
cell can divide, its genetic material, DNA, has to cell will complete mitosis without cytokinesis,
be duplicated through DNA replication. The resulting in a multinucleate cell.
identical copies of DNA are then separated
into one of the two daughter cells through a Cytokinesis in Animals
multistep process, which varies among prokar- In animal cells, cytokinesis normally begins
yotes, plants, and animals. With a single chro- during anaphase or telophase and is completed
mosome and no nucleus, prokaryotes (such as following the completion of chromosome seg-
bacteria) utilize a simple method of cell divi- regation. First, microfilaments attached to the
sion called binary fission (meaning splitting in plasma membrane and form a ring around the
two). The single circular DNA molecule is rep- equator of the cell. This ring then contracts
licated rapidly and split into two. Each of the and constricts the cells equator, forming a
two circular DNAs then migrates to the oppo- cleavage furrow, much like pulling the draw-
site pole of bacterial cell. Eventually, one bacte- string around the waist of a pair of sweatpants.
rial cell splits into two through binary fission. Eventually the waist is pinched through and
On average, a bacterial cell can go through the contracts down to nothing, partitioning the cy-
whole process of cell division within twenty toplasm equally into two daughter cells. Parti-
minutes. tioning the cytoplasm includes distributing cel-
In eukaryotes, cell division is a more com- lular organelles so each daughter cell has what
plex process given the presence of a nucleus is needed for cellular processes.
and multiple DNA molecules (chromosomes).
Each chromosome needs to be replicated in Cytokinesis in Plants
preparation for the division. The replication Cytokinesis in plant cells is different from
process is completed during the interphase. that in animal cells. The presence of a tough
Once replicated, the copies of each chromo- cell wall (made up of cellulose and other mate-
some, called sister chromatids, are connected rials) makes it nearly impossible to divide plant
together in a region called the centromere. cells in the same manner as animals cells. In-
The chromosomes then go through a process stead, it begins with formation of a cell plate. In
200 Cytokinesis

early telophase, an initially barrel-shaped sys- will eventually grow and differentiate into a ma-
tem of microtubules called a phragmoplast ture ovum, or egg. Another daughter cell, the
forms between the two daughter nuclei. The secondary polar body, receives almost no cyto-
cell plate is then initiated as a disk suspended in plasm. This concentration of cytoplasm is nec-
the phragmoplast. essary for the success of sexual reproduction
The cell plate is formed by fusion of secre- because a major function of the mature ovum is
tory vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus. to nourish the developing embryo following
Apparently, the carbohydrate-filled vesicles are fertilization.
directed to the division plane by the phragmo- Ming Y. Zheng
plast microtubules, possibly with the help of See also: Cell Cycle, The; Cell Division; Mi-
motor proteins. The vesicles contain matrix tosis and Meiosis; Polyploidy; Totipotency.
molecules, hemicelluloses, and/or pectins. As
the vesicles fuse, their membranes contribute Further Reading
to the formation of the plasma membrane on Grant, M. C. The Trembling Giant. Discover,
either side of the cell plate. When enough vesi- October, 1993. Excellent illustrations on
cles have fused, the edges of the cell plate asexual reproduction (by reference to the
merge with the original plasma membrane aspen tree) through mitosis of plant cells
around the circumference of the cell, complet- and tissues.
ing the separation of the two daughter cells. Murray, A. W., and Tim Hunt. The Cell Cycle: An
In between the two plasma membranes is the Introduction. New York: W. H. Freeman,
middle lamella. Each of the two daughter cells 1993. An informative overview for both stu-
then deposits a primary wall next to the middle dents and general readers, without too
lamella and a new layer of primary wall around much scientific jargon. Bibliographical ref-
the entire protoplast. This new wall is continu- erences, index.
ous with the wall at the cell plate. The original Murray, A. W., and M. W. Kirschner. What
wall of the parent cell stretches and ruptures as Controls the Cell Cycle. Scientific American,
the daughter cells grow and expand. March, 1991. An illuminating description of
a group of proteins that are involved in cell
Cytokinesis in Sexual Reproduction cycle control. The synthesis, processing, and
In animal oogenesis, the formation of ova, degradation of these proteins seems to regu-
or eggs, occurs in the ovaries. Although the late the progression of a cell through various
daughter cells resulting from the two meiotic stages of the cell cycle.
divisions receive equal amounts of genetic ma- Shaul, Orit, Marc van Montagu, and Dirk Inze.
terial, they do not receive equal amounts of cy- Regulation of Cell Divisions in Arabidopsis.
toplasm. Instead, during each division, almost Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 15 (1996): 97-
all the cytoplasm is concentrated in one of the 112. A review of what is known about plant
two daughter cells. In meiosis I, unequal parti- cell cycle regulation and cell divisions. For
tioning of cytoplasm during cytokinesis pro- serious students.
duces the first polar body almost void of cyto- Staiger, Chris, and John Doonan. Cell Divi-
plasm, and the secondary oocyte with almost all sions in Plants. Current Opinion in Cell Biol-
cytoplasm from the mother cell. During meio- ogy 5 (1993): 226-231. A condensed version
sis II, cytokinesis again partitions almost all cy- on plant cell divisions. Provides a quick over-
toplasm to one of the two daughter cells, which view.
Developmental Genetics In the seventeenth century, the preforma-
Field of study: Developmental genetics tionism hypothesis was advanced to answer
Significance: The discovery of the genes responsible these questions by asserting that a miniature
for the conversion of a single egg cell into a fully organism existed in the sperm or eggs. After
formed organism has greatly increased our under- fertilization, this miniature creature simply grew
standing of development. Common developmental into the fully formed adult. Some microscopists
mechanisms exist for diverse organisms and exper- of the time claimed to see a homunculus, or
imental manipulation of particular genes could little man, inside each sperm cell. That the
potentially lead to treatments or cures for cancers preformationism hypothesis was ill-conceived
and developmental abnormalities in humans. became apparent when others noted that de-
velopmental abnormalities could not be ex-
Key terms plained satisfactorily, and it became clear that
differentiation: the process by which a cell another, more explanatory hypothesis was
changes its phenotype, or outward appear- needed to account for these inconsistencies.
ance, and becomes different from its parent In 1767, Kaspar Friedrich Wolff published
cell, usually by altering its gene expression his epigenesis hypothesis, in which he stated
epigenesis: the formation of differentiated that the complex structures of chickens devel-
cell types and specialized organs from a sin- oped from initially homogeneous, structure-
gle, homogeneous fertilized egg cell without less areas of the embryo. Many questions re-
any preexisting structural elements mained before this new hypothesis could be
gene expression: the combined biochemical validated, and it became clear that the chick
processes, called transcription and transla- embryo was not the best experimental system
tion, that convert the linearly encoded infor- for answering them. Other investigators focused
mation in the bases of DNA into the three- their efforts on the sea squirt, a simpler organ-
dimensional structures of proteins ism with fewer differentiated tissues.
induction: an easily observed event in which a Work with the sea squirt, a tiny sessile marine
cell or group of cells signals an adjacent cell animal often seen stuck to submerged rocks, led
to pursue a different developmental path- to the notion that development followed a mo-
way and so become differentiated from its saic pattern. The key property of mosaic devel-
neighboring cells opment was that any cell of the early embryo,
morphogen: a chemical compound or protein once removed from its surroundings, grew only
made by cells in an egg that creates a concen- into the structure for which it was destined or
tration gradient affecting the developmen- determined. Thus the early embryo consisted
tal fate of surrounding cells by altering their of a mosaic of cell types, each determined to be-
gene expression or their ability to respond come a particular body part. The determinants
to other morphogens for each embryonic cell were found in the cells
cytoplasm, the membrane-bound fluid sur-
Early Hypotheses of Development in rounding the nucleus. Other scientists, most no-
Diverse Organisms tably Hans Driesch in 1892 and Theodor Boveri
From the earliest times, people noted that a (working with sea urchin embryos) in 1907,
particular organism produced offspring very noted that a two-cell-stage embryo could be
much like itself in structure and function, and teased apart into separate cells, each of which
the fully formed adult consisted of numerous grew into a fully formed sea urchin. These re-
cell types and other highly specialized organs sults appeared to disagree with the mosaic devel-
and structures, yet it came from one simple egg opmental mechanism. Working from an earlier
cell. How could such simplicity, observed in the theory, the germ-plasm theory of August Weis-
egg cell, give rise to such complexity in the adult mann (1883), Driesch and Boveri proposed a
and always reproduce the same structures? new mechanism called regulative development.
202 Developmental Genetics

The key property of regulative development from one organism to another. Soon after fer-
was that any cell separated from its embryo tilization, during the very start of embryogen-
could regulate its own development into a com- esis, specific zones with defining, yet structure-
plete organism. In contrast to mosaic develop- less, characteristics were observed. These zones
ment, the determinants for regulative develop- consisted of gradients of different biochemical
ment were found in the nuclei of embryonic compounds, some of which were morphogens,
cells, and Boveri hypothesized that gradients of and they seemed to function by an induction
these determinants, or morphogens, controlled process. Some of these morphogen gradients
the expression of certain genes. Chromosomes existed in the egg before fertilization; thus it
were assumed to play a major role in controlling became evident that the egg was not an entirely
development; however, how they accomplished amorphous, homogeneous cell but one with
this was not known, and Weismann mistakenly some amount of preformation. This preforma-
implied that genes were lost from differenti- tion took the form of specific morphogen gra-
ated cells as more and more specific structures dients.
formed. After these early embryonic events and
In spite of the inconsistencies among the more cell divisions, in which loosely structured
several hypotheses, a grand synthesis was soon patterns of morphogen gradients were estab-
formed. Working with roundworm, mollusc, sea lished to form the embryos polar axes, the
urchin, and frog embryos, investigators realized cells aggregated into a structure called a blas-
that both mosaic and regulative mechanisms tula, a hollow sphere of cells. The next stage
operate during development, with some organ- involved the migration of cells from the surface
isms favoring one mechanism over the other. of the blastula to its interior, a process called
The most important conclusion coming from gastrulation. This stage is important because it
these early experiments suggested that certain forms three tissue types: the ectoderm (for skin
genes on the chromosomes interacted with and nerves), the mesoderm (for muscle and
both the cytoplasmic and nuclear morphoge- heart), and the endoderm (for other internal
netic determinants to control the proliferation organs). Continued morphogenesis generates
and differentiation of embryonic cells. What a neurula, an embryo with a developing ner-
exactly were these morphogens, where did they vous system and backbone. During axis forma-
originate, and how did they form gradients in tion and cell migrations, the embryonic cells
the embryo? How did they interact with genes? are continually dividing to form more cells that
are undergoing differentiation into specialized
The Morphology of Development tissue types such as skin or muscle. Eventually,
Before the how and why mechanistic ques- processes referred to as organogenesis trans-
tions of morphogens could be answered, more form a highly differentiated embryo into one
answers to the what happens when questions with distinct body structures that will grow into
were needed. Using new, powerful microscopes a fully formed adult.
in conjunction with cell-specific stains, many
biologists were able to precisely map the move- Experimental Systems for Studying
ments of cells during embryogenesis and to Developmental Genes
create fate maps of such cell migrations. Fate In order to understand the details of devel-
maps were constructed for sea squirt, round- opment, biologists normally study organisms
worm, mollusc, sea urchin, and frog embryos, with the simplest developmental program,
which showed that specific, undifferentiated ones with the fewest differentiated cell types
cells in the early embryo gave rise to complex that will still allow them to answer fundamental
body structures in the adult. questions about the underlying processes. Sea
In addition, biologists observed an entire squirts and roundworms have been valuable,
stepwise progression of intervening cell types but they exhibit a predominantly mosaic form
and structures that could be grouped into vari- of development and are not the best systems
ous stages and that were more or less consistent for studying morphogen-dependent induction.
Developmental Genetics 203

Image not available

Bahri Karacay, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Iowa, studies the development of the nervous system in a mouse embryo as
part of a project that seeks to treat brain tumors in humans. (AP/Wide World Photos)

Frog embryogenesis, with both mosaic and reg- tive genetic system already existed in Drosophila,
ulative processes, was well described and con- making it easier to create and analyze mutants.
tributed greatly to answering the what and The person who best used the fruit fly sys-
when questions of sequential events, but no ef- tem and greatly contributed to the understand-
fective genetic system existed for examining ing of developmental genetics was Christiane
the role of genes in differentiation necessary Nsslein-Volhard, who shared a 1995 Nobel
for answering the why and how questions. Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Edward B.
The issue was finally resolved by focusing Lewis and Eric Wieschaus.
once again on the morphogens. These media-
tors of cellular differentiation were found only The Genes of Development
in trace amounts in developing embryos and The first important developmental genes
thus were difficult if not impossible to isolate in discovered in Drosophila were the latest acting
pure form for experimental investigation. An in morphogenesis, which led to the isolation of
alternative to direct isolation of morphogens the gene for one of the morphogens control-
was to isolate the genes that make the morpho- ling the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo,
gens. The organism deemed most suitable for the bicoid gene. The study of mutants, such as
such an approach was the fruit fly Drosophila me- those with legs in place of antennae, allowed
lanogaster, even though its development was the discovery of many other developmental
more complex than that of the roundworm. genes, referred to generally as homeotic
Fruit flies could be easily grown in large num- genes.
bers in the laboratory, and many mutants could The bicoid genes discovery validated the gra-
be generated quickly; most important, an effec- dient hypothesis originally proposed by Boveri
204 Developmental Genetics

because its gene product functioned as a typi- the segment identity of previously differenti-
cal morphogen. It was a protein that existed in ated cell groups.
the highest concentration at the eggs anterior
pole and diffused to lower concentrations to- Pattern Formation
ward the posterior pole, thus forming a gradi- Through the use of highly specific stains to
ent. Through the use of more fruit fly mutants, track the morphogens in normal and mutant
geneticists showed that the BICOID protein embryos, a fascinating picture of the interac-
stimulated the gene expression of another tions among developmental genes has
early gene, called hunchback, which in turn af- emerged. Even before fertilization, shallow,
fected the expression of other genes: Krppel poorly defined gradients are established by
and knirps. The BICOID protein controls the genes of the mother, such as the bicoid gene
hunchback gene by binding to the genes con- and related genes. These morphogen gradients
trol region. establish the anterior-to-posterior and dorsal-
Since these initial discoveries, a plethora of to-ventral axes. After fertilization, these mor-
new developmental genes have been discov- phogens bind to the control regions of gap
ered. It is now clear that some fifty genes are in- genes, whose protein products direct the for-
volved in development of a fruit fly larva from mation of broadly defined zones which will
an egg, with yet more genes responsible for de- later develop into several specific segments.
velopment of the larva into an adult fly. These The gap proteins then bind to the control re-
genes are grouped into three major categories: gions of pair-rule genes, whose protein prod-
maternal effect genes, segmentation genes, ucts direct further refinements in the segmen-
and homeotic genes. Maternal effect genes in- tation process. The last group of segmentation
clude the bicoid gene. These genes, located in genes, the segment polarity genes, direct the
special nurse cells of the mother, make pro- completion of the segmentation patterns ob-
teins that contribute to the initial morphogen servable in the embryo and adult fly, includ-
gradients along the eggs axes before fertiliza- ing definition of the anterior-posterior orienta-
tion. Segmentation genes comprise three sub- tion of each segment. Homeotic genes then
groups: gap, pair-rule, and segment polarity define the specific functions of the segments,
genes. Each of these types of segmentation including what appendages will develop from
genes determines a different aspect of the seg- each one. Mutations in any of these develop-
ments that make up a developing fruit fly. The mental genes cause distinct and easily observed
hunchback, Krppel, and knirps genes are all gap changes in the developing segment patterns.
genes. Homeotic genes ultimately determine Genes such as hunchback, giant, gooseberry, and

Development of Human Embryo

Head Forebrain Eye
Heart bulge Nose and
Notochord Umbilical mouth
Lower spine cord Limb buds
Tail Umbilical cord

Three weeks Four weeks Six weeks Eight weeks

(Hans & Cassidy, Inc.)

Developmental Genetics 205

Caenorhabditis Studies Tracing Cell Fates

Caenorhabditis elegans, a free-living soil nematode (a then used to track the fates of cells in animals that
type of worm) 1 millimeter in length, has proved in- had been experimentally manipulated. Using a fine
valuable as a model organism for studying develop- laser beam, scientists could kill a single cell at some
ment. In addition to its small size, it has a rapid life cy- point in development of the animal, then determine
cle, going from egg to sexual maturity in three and a what changes, if any, awaited the remaining cells.
half days and living only two to three weeks. The pres- These studies proved that the C. elegans cell lineage is
ence of rudimentary physiological systems, includ- invariant; that is, every worm underwent exactly the
ing digestive, nervous, muscular, and reproductive same sequence of cell divisions and differentiation.
systems, enables comparative studies between Cae- Studies on cell fate and lineage mapping also led
norhabditis and higher organisms, such as mice and to the discovery that specific cells in the lineage al-
humans. Because the animal is transparent, the for- ways die through programmed cell death. Robert
mation of every cell in the 959-celled adult can be ob- Horvitz, another of Brenners students, discovered
served microscopically and manipulated to illumi- two death genes in C. elegans as well as genes that
nate its developmental program. protect against cell death and direct the elimination
In 1963 Sydney Brenner set out to learn every- of the dead cell. He also identified the first counter-
thing there was to know about Caenorhabditis elegans. parts of the death gene in humans.
In a 1974 publication he demonstrated how spe- The characterization of the invariant cell lineage
cific mutations could be induced in the C. elegans ge- of C. elegans and the genetic linkages have been of
nome through chemical mutagenesis and showed great value to understanding basic principles of de-
how these mutations could be linked to specific velopment, including signaling pathways in multicel-
genes and specific effects on organ development. lular organisms and pathways controlling cell death.
Proving the utility of the organism as a genetic model This knowledge has been invaluable to medicine,
encouraged a cadre of researchers to pursue re- where it has helped researchers to understand mech-
search with C. elegans. anisms by which bacteria and viruses invade cells and
One of Brenners students, John Sulston, devel- has provided insights into the cellular mechanisms
oped techniques to track and study cell divisions in involved in neurodegenerative diseases, autoim-
the nematode, from fertilized egg through adult. Mi- mune disorders, and cancer. For their pioneering
croscopic examination of individual cell nuclei of work in the genetic regulation of organ develop-
the animal as it developed, along with electron mi- ment and programmed cell death Brenner, Sulston,
croscopy of serial sections of the animal, enabled sci- and Horvitz were awarded the 2002 Nobel Prize in
entists to trace each of the adult worms 959 cells Physiology or Medicine.
back to a single fertilized egg. This lineage map was Karen E. Kalumuck

hedgehog were all named with reference to the mental processes in all organisms has emerged
specific phenotypic changes that result from from the elegant work with Drosophila mutants:
improper control of segmentation. Finer and finer patterns of differentiated cells
Homeotic genes are often called the mas- are progressively formed in the embryo along
ter genes because they control large numbers its major axes by morphogens acting on genes
of other genes required to make a whole wing in a cascading manner, in which one gene set
or leg. Several clusters of homeotic genes have controls the next in the sequence until a highly
been discovered in Drosophila. Mutations in a complex pattern of differentiated cells results.
certain group of genes of the bithorax complex Each cell within its own patterned zone then re-
result in adult fruit flies with two sets of wings. sponds to the homeotic gene products and
Similarly, mutations in some of the genes in the contributes to the formation of distinct, identi-
antennapedia complex can result in adult fruit fiable body parts.
flies with legs, rather than antennae, on the Another important corollary principle was
head. substantiated by the genetic analysis of devel-
A general principle applying to develop- opment in Drosophila and other organisms.
206 Developmental Genetics

In direct contrast to Weismanns implication test his human gene isolates. He and his re-
about gene loss during differentiation, con- search group made great progress in under-
vincing evidence showed that genes were not standing the role of the MSX2 gene as inducer
systematically lost as egg cells divided and ac- of surrounding cells in the developing em-
quired distinguishing features. Even though a bryo. When this induction process fails because
muscle cell was highly differentiated from a of defective MSX2 genes, the fate of cells des-
skin cell or a blood cell, each cell type retained tined to participate in skull and bone forma-
the same numbers of chromosomes and genes tion and fusion changes, and craniosynostosis
as the original, undifferentiated, but fertilized occurs.
egg cell. What changed in each cell was the pat- A clear indication of the powerful cloning
tern of gene expression, so that different pro- methods developed in the late 1980s was the
teins were made by specific genes while other discovery and isolation in 1990 of an important
genes were turned off. The morphogens, work- mouse developmental gene called brachyury
ing in complex combinatorial patterns during (short tails). The genes existence in mutant
the course of development, determined which mice had been inferred from classical genetic
genes would stay on and which would be studies sixty years prior to its isolation. In 1997,
turned off. Craig Basson, Quan Yi Li, and a team of co-
workers isolated a similar gene from humans
Impact and Applications and named it T-box brachyury (TBX5). Dis-
The discovery and identification of the de- covered first in mice, the T-box is one of those
velopmental genes in Drosophila and other highly conserved subregions of a gene, and it
lower organisms led to the discovery of simi- allowed Basson and Li to find the human gene.
larly functioning genes in higher organisms, in- When mutated or defective in humans, TBX5
cluding humans. The base-pair sequences of causes a variety of heart and upper limb malfor-
many of the developmental genes, especially mations referred to as Holt-Oram syndrome.
shorter subregions coding for sections of the TBX5 codes for an important morphogen af-
morphogen that bind to the control regions fecting the differentiation of embryonic cells
of target genes, are conserved, or remain the into mesoderm, beginning in the gastrulation
same, across diverse organisms. This conserva- phase of embryonic development. These dif-
tion of gene sequences has allowed researchers ferentiated mesodermal cells are destined to
to find similar genes in humans. For example, form the heart and upper limbs.
some forty homeobox genes have been found One of the important realizations emerging
in mice and humans, even though only eight from the explosive research into developmen-
were initially discovered in Drosophila. Some of tal genetics in the 1990s was the connection
the late-acting human homeobox genes are re- between genes that function normally in the
sponsible for such developmental abnormali- developing embryo but abnormally in an adult,
ties as fused fingers and extra digits on the causing cancer. Cancer cells often display prop-
hands and feet. One of the most interesting ab- erties of embryonic cells, suggesting that can-
normalities is craniosynostosis, a premature fu- cer cells are reverting to a state of uncontrolled
sion of an infants skull bones that can cause division. Some evidence indicates that mutated
mental retardation. In 1993, developmental bi- developmental genes participate in causing can-
ologist Robert Maxson and his research group cer. Taken together, the collected data from
at the University of Southern Californias many isolated human developmental genes,
Norris Cancer Center were the first to demon- along with powerful reproductive and cloning
strate that a mutation in a human homeobox technologies, promise to lead to cures and pre-
gene MSX2 was directly responsible for cranio- ventions for a variety of human developmental
synostosis and other bone/limb abnormalities abnormalities and cancers.
requiring corrective surgeries. Maxson made Chet S. Fornari, updated by Bryan Ness
extensive use of knockout mice, genetically See also: Aging; Animal cloning; Cell Cycle,
engineered mice lacking particular genes, to The; Cell Division; Congenital Defects; Cytoki-
Diabetes 207

nesis; DNA Structure and Function; Evolution- 2000. Designed for researchers, a consider-
ary Biology; Genetic Engineering; Hereditary ation of the next phase of biology following
Diseases; Homeotic Genes; In Vitro Fertiliza- the sequencing of several large genomes (ac-
tion and Embryo Transfer; Model Organism: complished at the turn of the millennium):
Caenorhabditis elegans; Model Organism: Dro- determining the functions of genes and the
sophila melanogaster; Model Organism: Mus interplay between them and their protein
musculus; RNA Structure and Function; Stem products.
Cells; Telomeres; Totipotency; X Chromosome
Inactivation. Web Sites of Interest
Institute for Developmental Genetics. http://
Further Reading www.gsf.de/idg. Based in Germany, main-
Beurton, Peter, Raphael Falk, and Hans-Jorg tains data on mouse and zebra fish genetics
Rheinberger, eds. The Concept of the Gene in to unravel the molecular genetic networks
Development and Evolution: Historical and controlling neuronal pattern formation,
Epistemological Perspectives. New York: Cam- neuronal specification and differentiation
bridge University Press, 2000. A collection of during development.
essays that examines the question of what Society for Developmental Biology. http://
genes actually are, for philosophers and his- sdb.bio.purdue.edu. Professional society for
torians of science. biologists and geneticists interested in prob-
Bier, Ethan. The Coiled Spring: How Life Begins. lems of development and growth of organ-
Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Har- isms. Site links to developmental biology
bor Laboratory Press, 2000. A basic over- sites and features the Developmental Biol-
view of the development of embryos in both ogy Cinema, which links to video sequences
plants and animals. of developing organisms.
Cronk, Quentin C. B., Richard M. Bateman, Virtual Library of Developmental Biology, So-
and Julie A. Hawkins, eds. Developmental Ge- ciety for Developmental Biology. http://
netics and Plant Evolution. New York: Taylor & sdb.bio.purdue.edu. Primarily a collection
Francis, 2002. Developmental genetics for of annotated links to laboratories by subject
botanists. or organism, useful for its lists of depart-
DePamphilis, Melvin L., ed. Gene Expression at ments, programs, and organizations.
the Beginning of Animal Development. New York:
Elsevier, 2002. Developmental genetics for
Gilbert, Scott F. Developmental Biology. Sunder-
land, Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 2003. Pres- Diabetes
ents a detailed description of all aspects of
development. Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
Lewin, Benjamin. Genes VII. New York: Oxford Significance: Diabetes mellitus is a syndrome in
University Press, 2001. Includes a compre- which the body cannot metabolized glucose appro-
hensive, clear discussion of genes and devel- priately. The subsequent elevated levels cause sig-
opment, with excellent illustrations. nificant damage to the eyes, heart, kidneys, and
Nsslein-Volhard, Christiane. Gradients That other organs. Diabetes is a significant public
Organize Embryo Development. Scientific health problem with more than 17 million persons
American (August, 1996). The Nobel laure- affected in the United States alone, of whom more
ate reports on findings from the Drosophila than 90 percent have adult-onset (Type II) dia-
studies. betes.
Nsslein-Volhard, Christiane, and J. Kratzsch-
mar, eds. Of Fish, Fly, Worm, and Man: Lessons Key terms
from Developmental Biology for Human Gene autoimmune response: an immune response
Function and Disease. New York: Springer, of an organism against its own cells
208 Diabetes

locus (pl. loci): the physical location of a however, some kind of trigger in the environ-
gene, which in most organisms occurs as two ment must be present. The environmental trig-
copies called alleles, one copy on each of the ger, possibly a viral infection like measles or
chromosomes in a homologous pair mumps, triggers an autoimmune response; that
is, the persons own immune system aids in the
Types of Diabetes destruction of the beta cells, those responsible
Diabetes mellitus actually comprises a num- for the secretion of insulin, in the pancreas.
ber of different diseases, broadly categorized Typically, autoantibodies appear a few years
into Type I and Type II diabetes. In both forms, ahead of the actual disease. The first recogniz-
the bodys ability to process sugars is impaired, able symptom is a condition called pre-diabetes
with consequences that can lead to death if un- in which the usual insulin release in response
treated. Genetics plays a role in both types of di- to elevated blood sugar levels in the blood is di-
abetes, although both are thought to be the re- minished. At a certain point, most commonly
sult of the interaction between genetics and the between the ages of ten and fourteen, the per-
environment. son develops full-blown diabetes, with exces-
Glucose is a simple sugar that is required by sive thirst and urination, as well as weight loss
all cells for normal functioning. Most of the despite adequate or increased caloric intake. If
bodys glucose initially comes from carbohy- untreated, the person can become comatose or
drates broken down during digestion. Normally, even die. Regular treatment with insulin (by in-
the glucose level in a persons blood rises when jection or by an insulin pump) is required for
carbohydrates are ingested. When the blood the rest of the persons life. There is also evi-
glucose reaches a certain level, it triggers the dence that weight reduction and exercise can
pancreas to release insulin, which causes the alleviate symptoms to some extent.
glucose level in the blood to drop by increasing The earliest evidence for a genetic basis for
its uptake in muscle, fat, the liver, and the gut. Type I diabetes was the observation by epi-
One theory is that as the glucose level drops, demiologists that it often occurs in families. In
the person becomes hungry. Eating begins a white Americans, the risk of diabetes is 0.12 per-
new cycle of blood sugar elevation and insulin cent overall, but in children of persons with dia-
response. betes the risk is much greater, 1-15 percent.
Patients with either type of diabetes have dif- Worldwide, the incidence of Type I diabetes is
ficulty metabolizing glucose, with a subsequent highest in Scandinavia, Northern Europe, and
rise in fasting and postprandial blood sugar lev- areas of the United States where Scandinavian
els. In Type I diabetes, also called juvenile- immigrants settled. The lowest incidence of this
onset or insulin-dependent diabetes, this is due type of diabetes is in China and parts of South
to destruction of the insulin-secreting cells in America.
the pancreas. In Type II, also called adult-onset, The genetic basis for developing Type I dia-
maturity-onset, or non-insulin-dependent dia- betes appears not so much to involve mutant
betes, cells become resistant to the effects of in- genes per se, but rather a bad combination of
sulin even though the pancreas is still produc- particular alleles. Most of the genes implicated
ing some insulin. Both types lead to increased so far are found in the major histocompatibility
risk of heart and vascular disease, kidney prob- complex, known as the HLA (human leuko-
lems, blindness, neurological problems, and cyte antigen) complex. Certain combinations
other serious medical consequences. of alleles at these loci seem to confer a much
higher susceptibility than normal. Some of the
Type I Diabetes autoantigens themselves have also been identi-
Type I diabetes mellitus is a chronic autoim- fied, insulin being one of them, which should
mune disease that results from a combination be no surprise. In addition, a rare type of auto-
of genetic and environmental factors. Certain immune diabetes, resembling Type I, occurs
persons are born with a genetic susceptibility to as part of a syndrome called autoimmune
the disease. Before the disease can develop, polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal
Diabetes 209

dystrophy (APECED), which is caused by muta- ing important components of the insulin secre-
tion in Aire, an autoimmune regulator gene. Al- tion pathways, and other genes involved in glu-
though the function of Aire is not known, ex- cose homeostasis. Mutations are very diverse
pression of the gene has been detected in the and can include mutation not only in the genes
thymus, pancreas, and adrenal cortex, and de- themselves but also in transcription factors and
velopmental studies suggest that mutations in control sequences. As more genes and their
Aire might cause the thymus (which is integral mutant alleles are discovered, better treatment
to proper immune system function) to develop options should become available, possibly even
incorrectly. some that are tailored to specific types of muta-
Type II Diabetes Treatments for Type II diabetes available at
Diabetes mellitus Type II is by far the more the beginning of the twenty-first century in-
common type of diabetes. For example, about clude such lifestyle changes as increased activ-
90 percent of diabetics in the United States ity and weight loss, as well as oral drugs that in-
have Type II. It is a disease that occurs primarily crease tissue sensitivity to circulating insulin,
in older adults, although the incidence in stimulate increased insulin secretion, or alter
younger people is increasing as the incidence insulin action. Some patients may ultimately
of obesity increases and as more children lead have to add insulin to their treatment regimen.
sedentary lives. The children at greatest risk in Once the genetic factors have been completely
the United States are those from ethnic minor- elucidated for both types of diabetes, treat-
ity backgrounds. ments to modify the genes may become a real-
Type II diabetes appears to be a group of dis- ity.
eases, rather than a single disease, in which Rebecca Lovell Scott and Bryan Ness
there are two defects: (1) beta-cell dysfunction, See also: Autoimmune Disorders; Bacterial
leading to somewhat decreased production of Genetics and Cell Structure; Biopharmaceuti-
insulin (although elevated levels of insulin also cals; Cloning; Gene Therapy: Ethical and Eco-
occur), and (2) tissue resistance to insulin. As nomic Issues; Genetic Engineering; Heart Dis-
with Type I, it appears that people who develop ease; Hereditary Diseases.
Type II are born with a genetic susceptibility
but the development of actual disease is de- Further Reading
pendent upon an environmental trigger. Some American Diabetes Association. American Diabe-
possible triggers include aging, sedentary life- tes Association Complete Guide to Diabetes: The
style, and abdominal obesity. Obesity plays a Ultimate Home Reference from the Diabetes Ex-
particularly significant role in the development perts. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Written
of Type II diabetes. Among North Americans, for the consumer, this book includes every-
Europeans, and Africans with Type II diabetes, thing a person with diabetes or a caregiver
between 60 and 70 percent are obese. needs to know, including information on
As with Type I, epidemiologic evidence sug- symptoms, complications, exercise and nu-
gests a strong genetic component to Type II di- trition, blood sugar control, sexual issues,
abetes. In identical twins over forty years of age, drug therapies, insulin regimes, and day-
for example, the likelihood is about 70 percent care.
that the second twin will develop Type II diabe- _______. Type II Diabetes. 3d ed. New York:
tes once the first twin has developed the dis- McGraw-Hill, 2000. Includes a broad range
ease. Diabetes Type II is also found in nearly of information, from who gets Type II diabe-
100 percent of obese Pima Indians and some tes and warning signs to diet plans and self-
Pacific Islanders. care guides.
Mutant alleles for a number of genes have Becker, Gretchen. The First Year: Type 2 Diabetes,
been implicated in susceptibility and develop- An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed. New
ment of Type II diabetes. The first genes to be York: Marlowe, 2001. The author suffers
implicated were the insulin gene, genes encod- from Type II diabetes and provides firsthand
210 Dihybrid Inheritance

advice for coping with the disease, begin-

ning with the day of diagnosis, day by day Dihybrid Inheritance
through the first week, and beyond.
Froguel, Philippe, and Gilberto Velho. Ge- Field of study: Classical transmission
netic Determinants of Type 2 Diabetes. Re- genetics
cent Progress in Hormone Research 56 (2001): Significance: The simultaneous analysis of two
91-106. An in-depth review article discussing different hereditary traits may produce more infor-
many of the genes involved in the develop- mation than the analysis of each trait separately.
ment of Type II diabetes. In addition, many important hereditary traits are
Kahn, C. R., Gordon C. Weir, George L. King, controlled by more than one gene. Traits controlled
Alan C. Moses, Robert J. Smith, and Alan M. by two genes serve as an introduction to the more
Jacobson. Joslins Diabetes Mellitus. 14th ed. complex topic of traits controlled by many genes.
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wil-
kins, 2003. A classic medical book, this bible Key terms
of diabetes was first published in 1916 and is alleles: different forms of the same gene; any
periodically updated and reissued. This vol- gene may exist in several forms having very
ume reviews the dramatic advances in diabe- similar but not identical DNA sequences
tes in addition to sections on origin, treat- dihybrid: an organism that is heterozygous for
ment, complications, and other aspects of both of two different genes
the disease. heterozygous: a condition in which the two
Lowe, William L., Jr., ed. Genetics of Diabetes Mel- copies of a gene in an individual (one inher-
litus. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2001. An in- ited from each parent) are different alleles
depth, scientifically based book written by homozygous: a condition in which the two
multiple experts in the field of diabetes re- copies of a gene in an individual are the
search. same allele; synonymous with purebred
Milchovich, Sue K., and Barbara Dunn-Long.
Diabetes Mellitus: A Practical Handbook. 8th ed. Mendels Discovery of Dihybrid
Boulder, Colo.: Bull, 2003. A basic reference Inheritance
book that contains comprehensive informa- Austrian botanist Johann Gregor Mendel
tion on living with diabetes. was the first person to describe both mono-
Notkins, Abner Louis. Immunologic and Ge- hybrid and dihybrid inheritance. When he
netic Factors in Type I Diabetes. The Journal crossed purebred round-seed garden peas with
of Biological Chemistry 277, no. 46 (2002): purebred wrinkled-seed plants, they produced
43,545-43,548. An overview of the major lines only monohybrid round seeds. He planted the
of evidence used to consider Type I diabetes monohybrid round seeds and allowed them
primarily an autoimmune disease. Also pro- to fertilize themselves; they subsequently pro-
vides specifics about the gene defects in- duced 3 4 round and 1 4 wrinkled seeds. He con-
volved in Type I diabetes. cluded correctly that the monohybrid gen-
eration was heterozygous for an allele that
Web Sites of Interest produces round seeds and another allele that
American Diabetes Association. http://www produces wrinkled seeds. Since the monohy-
.diabetes.org. Site includes information on brid seeds were round, the round allele must
genetics and diabetes. be dominant to the wrinkled allele. He was able
National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & to explain the 3:1 ratio in the second genera-
Kidney Diseases. http://www.niddk.nih.gov. tion by assuming that each parent contributes
This arm of the National Institues of Health only one copy of a gene to its progeny. If W rep-
offers resources and links to research on resents the round allele and w the wrinkled al-
lactost intolerance. lele, then the original true-breeding parents
are WW and ww. When eggs and pollen are pro-
duced, they each contain only one copy of the
Dihybrid Inheritance 211

gene. Therefore the monohybrid seeds are het- the segregation of W and w was independent of
erozygous Ww. Since these two alleles will sepa- the segregation of G and g. Mendel called this
rate during meiosis when pollen and eggs are independent assortment. Thus, of the 3 4 of
produced, 1 2 of the eggs and pollen will be W the seeds that are round, 3 4 should be yellow
and 1 2 will be w. Mendel called this segrega- and 1 4 should be green, so that 3 4 3 4 = 9 16 should
tion. When the eggs and pollen combine ran- be round and yellow, and 3 4 1 4 = 3 16 should be
domly during fertilization, 1 4 will produce WW round and green. Of the 1 4 of the seeds that are
seeds, 1 2 will produce Ww seeds, and 1 4 will pro- wrinkled, 3 4 should be yellow and 1 4 green, so
duce ww seeds. Since W is dominant to w, both that 1 4 3 4 = 3 16 should be wrinkled and yellow,
the WW and Ww seeds will be round, producing and 1 4 1 4 = 1 16 should be wrinkled and green.
3 round and 1 wrinkled seeds. When Mendel This relationship can be seen in the table
4 4
crossed a purebred yellow-seed plant with a headed Dihybrid Inheritance and Sex Link-
purebred green-seed plant, he observed an en- age.
tirely analogous result in which the yellow al-
lele (G) was dominant to the green allele (g). Sex Chromosomes
Once Mendel was certain about the nature Humans and many other species have sex
of monohybrid inheritance, he began to exper- chromosomes. In humans, normal females have
iment with two traits at a time. He crossed pure- two X chromosomes and normal males have
bred round, yellow pea plants with purebred one X and one Y chromosome. Therefore, sex-
wrinkled, green plants. As expected, the dihy- linked traits, which are controlled by genes on
brid seeds that were produced were all round the X or Y chromosome, are inherited in a dif-
and yellow, the dominant form of each trait. He ferent pattern than the genes that have already
planted the dihybrid seeds and allowed them to been described. Since there are few genes on
fertilize themselves. They produced 9 16 round, the Y chromosome, most sex-linked traits are
yellow seeds; 3 16 round, green seeds; 3 16 wrin- controlled by genes on the X chromosome.
kled, yellow seeds; and 1 16 wrinkled, green Every daughter gets an X chromosome from
seeds. Mendel was able to explain this dihybrid each parent, and every son gets an X from his
ratio by assuming that in the dihybrid flowers, mother and a Y from his father. Human red-

Dihybrid Inheritance and Sex Linkage

W;G W;g w;G w;g

W W;G G W W;G g W w;G G W w;G g

round, yellow round, yellow round, yellow round, yellow

W W;G g W W;g g W w;G g W w;g g

round, yellow round, green round, yellow round, green

W w;G G W w;G g w w;G G w w;G g

round, yellow round, yellow wrinkled, yellow wrinkled, yellow

W w;G g W w;g g w w;G g w w;g g

round, yellow round, green wrinkled, yellow wrinkled, green

Note: Semicolons indicate that the two genes are on different chromosomes.
212 Dihybrid Inheritance

green color blindness is controlled by the re- color-blind male, 1 16 albino male, and 1 16 albino,
cessive allele (r) of an X-linked gene. A red- red-green color-blind male. Note that the prob-
green color-blind woman (rr) and a normal ability of normal coloring is 1 4 and the probabil-
man (R Y) will have normal daughters (all het- ity of albinism is 1 4 in both sexes. There is no
erozygous Rr) and red-green color-blind sons change in the inheritance pattern for the gene
(r Y). Conversely, a homozygous normal that is not sex linked.
woman (RR) and a red-green color-blind man
(r Y) will have only normal children, since their Other Examples of Dihybrid Inheritance
sons will get a normal X from the mother (RY) A hereditary trait may be controlled by more
and the daughters will all be heterozygous (Rr). than one gene. To one degree or another, al-
A heterozygous woman (Rr) and a red-green most every hereditary trait is controlled by
color-blind man (r Y) will have red-green color- many different genes, but often one or two
blind sons (r Y) and daughters (rr), and normal genes have a major effect compared with all the
sons (RY) and daughters (Rr) in equal num- others, so they are called single-gene or two-
bers. gene traits. Dihybrid inheritance can produce
A dihybrid woman who is heterozygous for traits in various ratios, depending on what the
red-green color blindness and albinism (a re- gene products do. A number of examples will
cessive trait that is not sex linked) can make be presented, but they do not exhaust all of the
four kinds of eggs with equal probability: R;A, possibilities.
R;a, r;A, and r;a. A normal, monohybrid man The comb of a chicken is the fleshy protu-
who is heterozygous for albinism can make berance that lies on top of the head. There are
four kinds of sperm with equal probability: R;A, four forms of the comb, each controlled by a
R;a, Y;A, and Y;a. By looking at the table headed different combination of the two genes that
Mixed Sex-Linked and Autosomal Traits, it is control this trait. The first gene exists in two
easy to predict the probability of each possible forms (R and r), as does the second (P and p).
kind of child from this mating. In each case, the form represented by the up-
The probabilities are 6 16 normal female, 2 16 percase letter is dominant to the other form.
albino female, 3 16 normal male, 3 16 red-green Since there are two copies of each gene (with

Mixed Sex-Linked and Autosomal Traits

A;R a;R A;Y a;Y

A A;R R A a;R R A A;R Y A a;R Y

normal female normal female normal male normal male

A A;r Y A a;r Y
A A;R r A a;R r
A;r red-green red-green
normal female normal female

color-blind male color-blind male

A a;R R a a;R R A a;R Y a a;R Y

normal female albino female normal male albino male

A a;r Y a a;r Y
A a;R r a a;r r
a;r red-green albino, red-green
normal female albino female
color-blind male color-blind male

Note: Semicolons indicate that the two genes are on different chromosomes.
Dihybrid Inheritance 213

Partial Dominance

A;B A;b a;B a;b

A A;B B A A;B b A a;B B A a;B b

red medium red medium red light red

A A;B b A A;b b A a;B b A a;b b

medium red light red light red very light red

A a;B B A a;B b a a;B B a a;B b

medium red light red light red very light red

A a;B b A a;b b a a;B b a a;b b

light red very light red very light red white

Note: Semicolons indicate that the two genes are on different chromosomes. Dihybrid ratios may change if both genes
are on the same chromosome.

the exception of genes on sex chromosomes), B are dominant to a and b, respectively. The bit-
the first gene can be present in three possible ter dihybrid would have the gene combination
combinations: RR, Rr, and rr. Since R is domi- Aa;Bb. When it fertilizes itself, it would produce
nant, the first two combinations produce the 9 A_;B_, which would be bitter, and 3 A_;bb, 3
16 16 16
same trait, so the symbols R_ and P_ can be aa;B_, and 1 16 aa;bb, all of which would be sweet.
used to represent either of the two combina- Clearly, both the A allele and the B allele are
tions. Chickens with R_;P_ genes have what is needed in order to synthesize cyanide. If either
called a walnut comb, which looks very much is missing, the clover will be sweet.
like the meat of a walnut. The gene combina-
tions R_;pp, rr;P_, and rr;pp produce combs that Absence of Dominance
are called rose, pea, and single, respectively. If In all of the previous examples, there was
two chickens that both have the gene combina- one dominant allele and one recessive allele.
tion Rr;Pp mate, they will produce progeny that Not all genes have dominant and recessive al-
are 9 16 walnut, 3 16 rose, 3 16 pea, and 1 16 single (see leles. If a purebred snapdragon with red flow-
Table 1 for an explanation of these numbers). ers (RR) is crossed with a purebred snapdragon
White clover synthesizes small amounts of with white flowers (rr), all the monohybrid
cyanide, which gives clover a bitter taste. There progeny plants will have pink flowers (Rr). The
are some varieties that produce very little cya- color depends on the number of R alleles pres-
nide (sweet clover). When purebred bitter clo- ent: two Rs will produce a red flower, one R will
ver is crossed with some varieties of purebred produce a pink flower, and no Rs will produce a
sweet clover, the progeny are all bitter. How- white flower. This is an example of partial dom-
ever, when the hybrid progeny is allowed to inance or additive inheritance.
fertilize itself, the next generation is 9 16 bitter Consider a purebred red wheat kernel
and 7 16 sweet. This is easy to explain if it is as- (AA;BB) and a purebred white wheat kernel
sumed that bitter/sweet is a dihybrid trait. The (aa;bb)(see the table headed Partial Domi-
bitter parent would have the gene combination nance). If the two kernels are planted and the
AA;BB and the sweet parent aa;bb, where A and resulting plants are crossed with each other,
214 Diphtheria

the progeny dihybrid kernels will be light red Wolf, Jason B., et al. Epistasis and the Evolution-
(Aa;Bb). If the dihybrid plants grown from the ary Process. New York: Oxford University
dihybrid kernels are allowed to self-fertilize, Press, 2000. Primary focus is on the role of
they will produce 1 16 red (AA;BB), 4 16 medium gene interactions (epistasis) in evolution.
red (AA;Bb and Aa;BB), 6 16 light red (AA;bb, Leading researchers examine how epistasis
Aa;Bb, and aa;BB), 4 16 very light red (Aa;bb and impacts the evolutionary processes in over-
aa;Bb), and 1 16 white (aa;bb). The amount of red view, theoretical, and empirical chapters.
pigment depends on the number of alleles (A
and B) that control pigment production. Al-
though it may appear that this is very different
than the example in the first table, they are in Diphtheria
fact very similar.
All of the inheritance patterns that have Fields of study: Bacterial genetics; Diseases
been discussed are examples of independent and syndromes
assortment, in which the segregation of the al- Significance: Diphtheria is an acute bacterial dis-
leles of one gene is independent of the segrega- ease known best for damaging the respiratory sys-
tion of the alleles of the other gene. That is ex- tem. Afflicted individuals die from this as well as
actly what would be expected from meiosis if from damage to the heart, nerves, and kidney. Ge-
the two genes are not on the same chromo- netic research has led to better understanding of
some. If two genes are on the same chromo- diphtherias cause, action, and treatment.
some and sufficiently close together, they will
not assort independently and the progeny ra- Key terms
tios will not be like any of those described. In anaphylaxis: a severe, sometimes fatal aller-
that case, the genes are referred to as linked gic reaction
genes. antibodies: proteins that help identify and de-
James L. Farmer stroy foreign pathogens and other mole-
See also: Chromosome Theory of Heredity; cules in the body
Classical Transmission Genetics; Complete antitoxin: a vaccine containing antibodies
Dominance; Dihybrid Inheritance; Epistasis; against a specific toxin
Incomplete Dominance; Linkage Maps; Men- cutaneous: related to or affecting skin
delian Genetics; Monohybrid Inheritance;
Multiple Alleles. Diphtheria Symptoms and Cure
The acute bacterial disease diphtheria is
Further Reading caused by rod-shaped Corynebacterium diph-
Madigan, Michael M., et al., eds. Brock Biology of theriae (C. diphtheriae), discovered in 1883 by
Microorganisms. 10th ed. Englewood Cliffs, Edwin Klebs and Friedrich Lffler. Diphtheria
N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2002. A college-level text involves the respiratory tract, nerves, and heart
organized into six units on the principles of in ways that can be lethal. After 1950, the dis-
microbiology, evolutionary microbiology and ease became uncommon in industrialized na-
microbial diversity, immunology and patho- tions because of immunization by vaccination
genicity, microbial diseases, and microor- with antitoxin originally isolated from horses
ganisms as tools for industry and research. by Emil Adolf von Behring in the 1880s. In
Tortora, Gerard. Microbiology: An Introduction. such nations, diphtheria is contracted by con-
7th ed. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, tact with travelers coming from developing na-
2001. An accessible introduction to the basic tions, where it is much more common, who
principles of microbiology, the interaction may be asymptomatic carriers or have active
between microbe and host, and human dis- diphtheria.
eases caused by microorganisms. Gives a C. diphtheriae usually enters the body through
general overview of antibiotics and how bac- mucous membranes of the mouth or nose,
terial resistances to antibiotics occur. though it can also enter via breaks in the skin
Diphtheria 215

(cutaneous route). After infection and a two- to nature of diphtheria, all people positive for C.
five-day incubation period, diphtherias first diphtheriae must be kept in bed, isolated, and
symptoms are localized inflammation that kills treated until symptoms and bacteria are absent
cells in the respiratory tract or skin. Respira- after antibiotic therapy stops. This may require
tory diphtheria initially appears as a sore throat four to six weeks.
in which a dirty gray membrane (diphtheria
pseudomembrane) forms and spreads through Genetics and Diphtheria
the respiratory system. The pseudomembrane Diphtheria symptoms are caused by diph-
(made mostly of dead cells, bacteria, and white theria toxin, a protein so lethal that 6 micro-
blood cells) causes a husky voice and is accom- grams will kill a 150-pound human. Most often,
panied by swollen lymph glands. In severe cases, the toxin first localizes in respiratory mucosa
diphtheria kills by heart failure or throat paral- cells or cutaneous sites, where it causes diph-
ysis as little as one day after the initial symp- theria pseudomembrane or skin lesions by in-
toms appear. Fortunately, such lethality occurs teracting with the protein translocase. Translo-
mostly in unimmunized individuals. Cutane- case is essential to synthesis of proteins needed
ous C. diphtheriae infections most often pro- for body cell growth, survival, and reproduc-
duce only skin lesions, though they can cause tion. Diphtheria toxin and translocase interact
death if the bacteria spreads widely through through a process called adenine ribosylation,
the blood and damages the heart, nerves, and similar to that in cholera. Diphtherial adenine
kidneys. Damage depends upon the bacterial ribosylation inactivates translocase, preventing
entry site, individual immunization status, and its action and killing affected cells. Dead respi-
the amount of toxin made. ratory cells form diphtheria pseudomembrane,
Although most people in industrialized na- which closes off the throat. In skin, toxin-killed
tions are immunized, the consequences of cells cause skin lesions. Destruction of nerve,
diphtheria can be so severe that therapy by heart, and kidney cells leads to damage in those
diphtheria antitoxin should begin as soon as tissues.
symptoms suggest the disease. Cure of diphthe- The diphtheria pseudomembrane may cut
ria requires, in addition to the antitoxin, de- off breathing. In such cases, suffocation is pre-
struction of all C. diphtheriae in afflicted individ- vented by a tracheotomy (a surgical incision in
uals. Immunization is the first line of defense, the neck that creates an airway). Major causes
so it is crucial to ensure that the suspected of quick diphtheria fatality are damage to
diphtheria sufferer is not sensitive to antitoxin nerves and the heart. The toxin is a protein
because incautious antitoxin administration made by genes that are present only in certain
may cause lethal anaphylaxis in sensitive peo- strains, and C. diphtheriae strains that do not
ple. Individual sensitivity is identified by produce the toxin are harmless. In addition,
scratch tests with diluted antitoxin. In sensitive genetic studies have identified interaction of
people, desensitization is achieved through the the toxin with respiratory mucosa cell translo-
sequential administration of increasing doses case as well as similar action in many other tis-
of antitoxin in an intensive care unit until effec- sues. Use of bacterial genetics has also enabled
tive doses are safely reached. more scientific production of diphtheria anti-
Diphtheria is so dangerous that all patient toxin. The antitoxin is useful to visitors of re-
contacts are tested for C. diphtheriae. Afflicted gions where the disease is common. Its univer-
individuals are given penicillin, erythromycin, sal use has led to a worldwide decrease in diph-
and/or antitoxin, depending on the presence, theria fatalities to fewer than five deaths per
absence, and severity of diphtheria symptoms. million people. The immunization is effective
Though adequate universal immunization is a for ten years.
sure diphtheria control, booster shotslike
those for tetanus prophylaxisshould be given Impact and Applications
every ten years in addition to childhood shots. Diphtheria has long been a serious, world-
Because of the extremely infectious and fatal wide threat. During the twentieth century, its
216 DNA Fingerprinting

danger greatly diminished in industrialized na- fifteen countries describe their preferred
tions with the advent of antitoxin and the wide techniques for managing hundreds of com-
use of antibiotics to kill C. diphtheriae. In poorer mon disorders affecting every organ system.
nations, diphtheria still flourishes and is a se- Stratton, Kathleen R., Cynthia J. Howe, and
vere threat, partly because of less advanced Richard B. Johnston, Jr., eds. DPT Vaccine
medical practices and the publics fear of im- and Chronic Nervous System Dysfunction: A New
munization. Analysis. Washington, D.C.: National Acad-
Prevention of diphtheria relies mostly on im- emy Press, 1994. Examines nervous system
munization via antitoxin. The isolation and diseases in infancy and childhood, their etiol-
identification of diphtheria toxin and the de- ogy, and the adverse effects of the vaccines.
velopment of antitoxin have depended on ge-
netic methods that now protect most people Web Site of Interest
from the disease. Wherever it afflicts people, Diphtheria Hub. http://www.healthubs.com/
diphtheria treatment also requires the use of diptheria. Provides dozens of links to infor-
antibiotics. Hence, advanced diphtheria pre- mation on diphtheria, including overviews,
vention and treatment will be best effected by diagnosis, and treatment.
using genetic, immunologic, and biochemical
methods to produce vaccines effective for more
than ten years and to produce more potent
antibiotics. Efforts toward these ends will most DNA Fingerprinting
likely utilize molecular genetics to clearly de-
fine why diphtheria is intractable to lifelong Field of study: Human genetics and social
vaccination. Especially valuable will be DNA se- issues
quence analysis, when a genome sequence be- Significance: DNA fingerprinting includes a va-
comes available. riety of techniques in which individuals are
Sanford S. Singer uniquely identified through examination of spe-
See also: Cholera; Emerging Diseases; He- cific DNA sequences that are expected to vary
reditary Diseases; Smallpox. widely among individuals. Uses for these technolo-
gies include not only practical applications in fo-
Further Reading rensic analysis and paternity tests but also basic
Beers, Mark H., and Robert Berkow, eds. The research in paternity, breeding systems, and ecolog-
Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy. 17th ical genetics for many nonhuman species.
ed. Whitehouse Station, N.J.: Merck Re-
search Laboratories, 1999. Contains medi- Key terms
cal details on epidemiology, symptoms, diag- microsatellite: a type of VNTR in which the
nosis, treatment, outbreak management, and repeated motif is 1 to 6 base pairs; synonyms
antitoxin sensitivity. include simple sequence repeat (SSR) and
Parker, James N., ed. Diphtheria: The Official Pa- short tandem repeat (STR)
tients Sourcebook: A Revised and Updated Direc- minisatellite: a type of VNTR in which the re-
tory for the Internet Age. San Diego: ICON peated motif is 12 to 500 base pairs in length
Health, 2002. Tells patients how to look for polymerase chain reaction (PCR): a labora-
information covering virtually all topics re- tory procedure for making millions of iden-
lated to diphtheria, from the essentials to tical copies of a short DNA sequence
the most advanced areas of research. variable number tandem repeat (VNTR): a
Rakel, Robert E., et al., eds. Conns Current Ther- type of DNA sequence in which a short se-
apy. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 2003. De- quence is repeated over and over; chromo-
scribes the latest advances in therapeutics, in- somes from different individuals frequently
cluding a succinct overview of diphtheria and have different numbers of the basic repeat,
its treatment for general readers. More than and if many of these variants are known, the
three hundred leading practitioners from sequence is termed a hypervariable
DNA Fingerprinting 217

Genetic Differences Among Individuals Imagine a simple DNA base sequence, such
All individuals, with the exception of twins AAC (adenine-adenine-cytosine), which is re-
and other clones, are genetically unique. Theo- peated at a particular place (or locus) on a
retically it is therefore possible to use these ge- human chromosome. One chromosome may
netic differences, in the form of DNA se- have eleven of these AAC repeats, while an-
quences, to identify individuals or link samples other might have twelve or thirteen, and so on.
of blood, hair, and other features to a single in- If one could count the number of repeats on
dividual. In practice, individuals of the same each chromosome, it would be possible to spec-
species typically share the vast majority of their ify a diploid genotype for this chromosomal lo-
DNA sequences; in humans, for example, well cus: An individual might have one chromo-
over 99 percent of all of the DNA is identical. some with twelve repeats, and the other with
For individual identification, this poses a prob- fifteen. If there are many different chromo-
lem: Most of the sequences that might be exam- somal variants in the population, most individ-
ined are identical (or nearly so) among ran- uals will have different genotypes. This is the
domly selected individuals. The solution to this conceptual basis for most DNA fingerprinting.
problem is to focus only on the small regions of DNA fingerprint data allow researchers or
the DNA that are known to vary widely among investigators to exclude certain individuals: If,
individuals. These regions, termed hypervari- for instance, a blood sample does not match an
able, are typically based on repeat sequences in individual, that individual is excluded from fur-
the DNA. ther consideration. However, if a sample and

Image not available

A criminalist at the Phoenix Police Department prepares samples of DNA taken from a crime scene for comparison to the DNA finger-
prints of suspects. (AP/Wide World Photos)
218 DNA Fingerprinting

an individual match, this is not proof that the by a DNA sequence which is repeated, one copy
sample came from that individual; other indi- right after another, at a particular locus on a
viduals might have the same genoytpe. If a sec- chromosome. Chromosomes vary in the num-
ond locus is examined, it becomes less likely ber of repeats present.
that two individuals will share the same geno- VNTRs are often subcategorized based on
type. In practice, investigators use enough in- the length of the repeated sequence. Minisatel-
dependent loci that it is extremely unlikely that lites, like the Jeffreys repeat, include repeat
two individuals will have the same genotypes units ranging from about twelve to several hun-
over all of the loci, making it possible to identify dred bases in length. The total length of the
individuals within a degree of probability ex- tandemly repeated sequences may be several
pressed as a percentage, and very high percent- hundred to several thousand bases. Many dif-
ages are possible. ferent examples have since been discovered,
and they occur in virtually all eukaryotes. In
The First DNA Fingerprints fact, the Jeffreys repeat first discovered in hu-
Alec Jeffreys, at the University of Leicester in mans was found to occur in a wide variety of
England, produced the first DNA fingerprints other species.
in the mid-1980s. His method examined a Shorter repeat sequences, typically 1 to 6
twelve-base sequence that was repeated one bases in length, were subsequently termed mi-
right after another, at many different loci in crosatellites. In humans, AC (adenine-cytosine)
the human genome. Once collected from an and AT (adenine-thymine) repeats are most
individual, the DNA was cut using restriction common; an estimate for the number of AC re-
enzymes to create DNA fragments that con- peat loci derived from the Human Genome
tained the repeat sequences. If the twelve-base Project suggests between eighty thousand and
sequence was represented by more repeats, the ninety thousand different AC repeat loci spread
fragment containing it was that much longer. across the genome. Every eukaryote studied to
Jeffreys used agarose gel electrophoresis to sep- date has had large numbers of microsatellite
arate his fragments by size, and he then used a loci, but they are much less common in prokar-
specialized staining technique to view only the yotes.
fragments containing the twelve-base repeat.
For two samples from the same individual, each The Polymerase Chain Reaction
fragment, appearing as a band on the gel, The development of the polymerase chain
should match. This method was used success- reaction (PCR) in the mid-1980s, and its wide-
fully in a highly publicized rape and murder spread use and optimization in DNA labs a
case in England, both to exonerate one suspect few years later offered an alternative approach
and to incriminate the perpetrator. to DNA fingerprinting. The PCR technique
While very successful, this method had cer- makes millions of copies of short segments of
tain drawbacks. First, a relatively large quantity DNA, with the chromosomal location of the
of DNA was required for each sample, and re- fragments produced under the precise control
sults were most reliable when each sample com- of the investigator. PCR is extremely powerful
pared was run on the same gel. This meant that and can be used with extremely small amounts
small samples, such as individual hairs or tiny of DNA. Because the fragments amplified are
blood stains, could not be used, and also that it small, PCR can also be used on partially de-
was difficult to store DNA fingerprints for use graded samples. The size and chromosomal lo-
in future investigations. cation of the fragments produced depends on
the DNA primers used in the reaction. These
Variable Number Tandem Repeat Loci are short, single-stranded DNA molecules that
The type of sequence Jeffreys exploited is are complementary to sequences that flank the
now included in the category of variable num- region to be amplified.
ber tandem repeats (VNTRs). This type of DNA With this approach, an investigator must
sequence is characterized, as the name implies, find and determine the DNA sequence of a re-
DNA Fingerprinting 219

Image not available

Co-founder of the San Diego DNA laboratory Annette Peer testifies about DNA evidence at the David Westerfield murder trial on
June 20, 2002. (AP/Wide World Photos)

gion containing a VNTR. Primers are designed colors. The fragments are then loaded in
to amplify the VTNR region, together with polyacrylamide DNA gels of the type used for
some flanking DNA sequences on both ends. DNA sequencing and separated by size. The
The fragments produced in the reaction are fluorescent colors and sizes of the fragments
then separated by length using gel electrophor- are determined automatically, using the same
esis so that differences in length, attributable to automated machines typically used for DNA se-
different numbers of the repeat, become ap- quencing.
parent. For a dinucleotide repeat like AC, frag- DNA fingerprint data generated in this way
ments representing different numbers of re- are easily stored and saved for future compari-
peats, and hence different alleles, differ by a sons. Since each allelic variant is represented
multiple of two. For instance, a researcher by a specific DNA fragment length, and be-
might survey a number of individuals and find cause these are measured very precisely, the ini-
fragments of 120, 122, 124, 128, and 130 base tial constraint of running samples for compari-
pairs in length. son on the same gel is avoided.

Current Approaches Human Forensic and Paternity Testing

Most current approaches to DNA finger- Although several different systems have
printing use data collected simultaneously been developed and used, a widely employed
from a number of different VNTR loci, most current standard comprises the Federal Bu-
commonly microsatellites. Preferably, the loci reau of Investigations Combined DNA Index
are PCR amplified using primers with fluores- System (CODIS), with thirteen core loci. These
cent dyes attached, so that fragments from dif- thirteen are tetranucleotide (TCTA) microsat-
ferent loci are uniquely tagged with different ellite repeat loci, located on autosomes. Each
220 DNA Isolation

locus has many known alleles, in some cases seum, Medical, and Forensic Speciments. New
more than forty; the genetic variation is well York: Springer-Verlag, 1994. Written when
characterized, and databases of variation within DNA fingerprinting was just coming to the
a variety of ethnic groups are available. fore and films such as Jurrasic Park were in
In addition to its role in criminal cases, this theaters, this collection of papers by first-
technique has seen widespread use to establish generation researchers reflects the broad
or exclude paternity, in immigration law to applications of the technology, including
prove relatedness, and to identify the remains paleontological investigations.
of casualties resulting from military combat Hummel, Susanne. Fingerprinting the Past: Re-
and large disasters. search on Highly Degraded DNA and Its Applica-
tions. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2002. Man-
Other Uses for VNTR Genotyping ual about typing ancient DNA.
Soon after VNTRs were discovered in hu- Rudin, Norah, and Keith Inman. An Introduc-
mans and used for DNA fingerprinting, re- tion to Forensic DNA Analysis. Boca Raton,
searchers demonstrated that the same or simi- Fla.: CRC Press, 2002. An overview of many
lar types of sequences were found in all animals, DNA typing techniques, along with numer-
plants, and other eukaryotes. The method pio- ous examples and a discussion of legal impli-
neered by Jeffreys was, only a few years later, cations.
used for studies of paternity in wild bird popu- Wambaugh, Joseph. The Blooding. New York:
lations. Since then, microsatellite analysis has Bantam Books, 1989. The policeman-turned-
come to dominate studies of relatedness, pater- writer offers a fascinating account of the
nity, breeding systems, and other questions of British rape and murder case in which DNA
individual identification in wild species of all fingerprinting was first used.
kinds, including plants, insects, fungi, and ver-
tebrates. Researchers now know, for example, Web Sites of Interest
that among the majority of birds which appear Earls Forensic Page. http://members.aol.com/
monogamous, between 10 and 15 percent of all EarlNMeyer/DNA.html. Summarizes how
progeny are fathered by males other than the DNA fingerprinting works and its use in
recognized mate. crime investigations and in determining pa-
Paul R. Cabe ternity.
See also: Criminality; Forensic Genetics; Iowa State University Extension and Office of
Genetic Testing; Genetics, Historical Develop- Biotechnology, DNA Fingerprinting in Agri-
ment of; Human Genetics; Paternity Tests; Re- cultural Genetics Programs. http://www
petitive DNA. .biotech.iastate.edu/biotech_info_series.
Site links to a comprehensive and illustrative
Further Reading article on the role of DNA fingerprinting in
Burke, Terry, R., Wolf, G. Dolf, and A. Jeffreys, agriculture.
eds. DNA Fingerprinting: Approaches and Appli-
cations. Boston: Birkhauser, 2001. Describes
repetitive DNA and the broad variety of prac-
tical applications to law, medicine, politics,
policy, and more. Aimed at the layperson.
Fridell, Ron. DNA Fingerprinting: The Ultimate
DNA Isolation
Identity. New York: Scholastic, 2001. The his- Fields of study: Genetic engineering and
tory of the technique, from its discovery to biotechnology; Molecular genetics
early uses. Aimed at younger readers and Significance: Before it can be manipulated and
nonspecialists. studied, DNA must be isolated from other sub-
Herrmann, Bernd, and Susanne Hummel, eds. stances such as complex carbohydrates, proteins,
Ancient DNA: Recovery and Analysis of Genetic and RNA. The isolation process is central to bio-
Material from Paleographic, Archaeological, Mu- technology and genetic engineering.
DNA Isolation 221

Key terms break down cell walls or with strong detergents,

chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (CIA): a mix- such as sodium lauryl sarcosine, that disrupt
ture of two chemicals used in DNA isolation and dissolve both cell walls and cell mem-
to rid the extract of the contaminating com- branes. Animal cells, such as white blood cells,
pound phenol do not have cell walls and can generally be
lysis: the breaking open of a cell opened by osmotic shock, the lysing of cells by
osmotic shock: the lysing of cells by moving moving them from a liquid environment with a
them from a liquid environment with a high high solute concentration to an environment
solute concentration to an environment with a very low solute concentration.
with a very low solute concentration
phenol: a simple chemical used in DNA extrac- Isolation and Purification
tion to precipitate proteins and aid in their Although lysis methods differ according to
removal cell type, the process of DNA isolation and puri-
fication is more standardized. The isolation
DNA Discovery and Extraction process may be imagined as a series of steps
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was discov- designed to remove either naturally occurring
ered in 1869 by the Swiss physician Friedrich biological contaminants from the DNA or con-
Miescher, who studied white blood cells in pus taminants added by the scientist during the ex-
obtained from a surgical clinic. Miescher found traction process. The biological contaminants
that when bandages that had been removed already present in cells are proteins and ribo-
from the postoperative wounds of injured sol- nucleic acid (RNA); additionally, plant cells
diers were washed in a saline solution, the cells have high levels of complex carbohydrates. Con-
on the bandages swelled into a gelatinous mass taminants intentionally added by scientists may
that consisted largely of DNA. Miescher had include salts and various chemicals.
isolated a denatured form of DNAthat is, After cells are lysed, a high-speed centrifuga-
DNA not in the normal double-stranded con- tion is performed to form large-scale, insoluble
formation. After a series of experiments, Mie- cellular debris, such as membranes and organ-
scher concluded that the substance he had iso- elles, into a pellet. The liquid extract remain-
lated originated in the nuclei of the blood cells; ing still contains dissolved proteins, RNA, and
he first called the substance nuclein and later DNA. If salts are not already present in the ex-
nucleic acid. tract, they are added; salt must be present later
The first problem when extracting DNA is for the DNA to precipitate efficiently. Proteins
lysing, or breaking open, the cell. Bacteria, must be removed from the extract since some
yeast, and plant cells usually have a thick cell not only degrade DNA but also inhibit enzy-
wall protecting their plasma membrane, which matic reactions with DNA. Proteins are precipi-
makes lysis more difficult. Bacteria, such as Es- tated by mixing the extract with a chemical
cherichia coli, are the easiest of these cells to called phenol. When phenol and the extract
open by a process called alkaline lysis, in which are mixed in a test tube, they separate into two
cells are treated with a solution of sodium hy- parts like oil and water. If these fluids are centri-
droxide and detergent that degrades both the fuged, precipitated proteins will actually col-
cell wall and the cell membrane. Yeast cells are lect between the two liquids at a spot called the
often broken open with enzymes such as interphase. The liquid layer containing the dis-
lysozyme that degrade cell walls or by using a solved DNA is then drawn up and away from
French press, a piston in an enclosed cham- the precipitated protein.
ber that forces cells open under high pressure. The protein-free solution still contains DNA,
Plant tissue is usually mechanically broken into RNA, salts, and traces of phenol dissolved into
a fine cell suspension before extraction by the extract. To remove the contaminating phe-
grinding frozen tissue in a mortar and pestle. nol, the extract is mixed with a chloroform/
Once the suspension of cells is obtained, the tis- isoamyl alcohol solution (CIA). Again like oil
sue may be treated with a variety of enzymes to and water, the DNA extract and CIA separate
222 DNA Isolation

Differential Isolation of Organelle DNA

Discussions of DNA isolation usually concern isola- pending on the nature of the cell membrane and
tion of DNA from the nucleus. While the nucleus is whether there is a cell wall) are employed to break
the location of most of the genetic information in open the cells and release the cytoplasmic contents.
the cell, DNA molecules also exist in other organ- The lysis of the cells is usually done in an osmotically
elles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. Chro- stabilized buffer. The solutes in this buffer match the
mosomes of these organelles, referred to as nonnu- concentration of the solutes inside the mitochon-
clear or cytoplasmic DNA, contain a small subset of dria, which prevents the mitochondria from burst-
genes, mostly encoding proteins needed by these ing when the cells are lysed.
organelles. Once the cells are lysed, the lysate is centrifuged
Most standard DNA isolation techniques isolate at low speed (usually between one thousand and
both nuclear and nonnuclear DNA together. For a three thousand times the force of gravity) to remove
person working with nuclear DNA, this is usually not nuclei, membrane fragments, and other debris. The
a concern because the amount of nuclear DNA is resulting supernatant contains the mitochondria in
much greater than the amount of nonnuclear DNA. suspension. To concentrate the mitochondria, the
In working with nonnuclear DNA however, the pres- supernatant is centrifuged at high speed (twelve
ence of nuclear DNA can often cause problems. thousand times the force of gravity). The pellet
Some techniques used to examine nonnuclear DNA, formed by this centrifugation will contain mitochon-
such as the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), are dria and can be suspended in a small volume of liq-
not affected by the presence of nuclear DNA, but for uid to create a concentrated suspension of mito-
other techniques, pure nonnuclear DNA is required. chondria. This suspension may be treated with the
Isolation strategies for nonnuclear DNA usually enzyme DNase, which will degrade any nuclear DNA
involve two steps. The first step is the isolation of in- that remains without crossing the intact mitochon-
tact mitochondria or chloroplasts from the cells, fol- drial membrane. The enzyme will then be deacti-
lowed by the lysing of the mitochondria or chloro- vated, and the mitochondria will be lysed. Lysis of the
plasts to release the DNA so it can be purified. The mitochondria is achieved by adding a strong deter-
process is the same for isolation of both mitochon- gent to the suspension of the mitochondria. Once
drial and chloroplast DNA. Isolation of intact mito- the mitochondria have been lysed, the free mito-
chondria (for example) requires that the mem- chondrial DNA can be purified just as nuclear DNA
branes of the cells be lysed in a way that does not would be, using phenol extraction and ethanol pre-
rupture the mitochondria. To achieve this goal, gen- cipitation.
tle mechanical, chemical, or enzymatic methods (de- Douglas H. Brown

into two layers. If the two layers are mixed vigor- solve the DNA but forces salts present to go into
ously and separated by centrifugation, the phe- solution. The DNA is then reisolated by spool-
nol will move from the DNA extract into the ing or centrifugation and dried to remove all
CIA layer. At this point the extractremoved traces of ethanol. At this point, only DNA and
to a new test tubecontains RNA, DNA, and RNA are left; this mixture can be dissolved in a
salt. low-salt buffer containing the enzyme RNase,
The extract is next mixed with 100 percent which degrades any RNA present, leaving pure
ethanol, inducing the DNA to precipitate out DNA.
in long strands. The DNA strands may be iso- Technological advances have allowed depro-
lated by either spooling the sticky DNA around teinization by the use of spin columns with-
a glass rod or by centrifugation. If spooled, the out the employment of toxic phenol. The raw
DNA is placed in a new test tube; if centrifuged, DNA extract is placed on top of a column con-
the liquid is decanted from the pellet of DNA. taining a chemical matrix that binds proteins
The precipitated DNA, with salt and RNA pres- but not DNA; the column is then centrifuged in
ent, is still not pure. It is washed for a final time a test tube. The raw extract passes through the
with 70 percent ethanol, which does not dis- chemical matrix and exits protein-free into the
DNA Repair 223

collection tube. These newer methods not only lying concepts, and far-reaching applica-
increase safety and reduce the production of tions of recombinant DNA technology.
toxic waste; they are also much faster. Weissman, Sherman M., ed. cDNA Preparation
James J. Campanella and Characterization. San Diego: Academic
See also: Ancient DNA; DNA Replication; Press, 1999. Examines the analysis and map-
DNA Sequencing Technology; DNA Structure ping of messenger RNA, gene mapping
and Function; RFLP Analysis; RNA Isolation; DNA, complementary isolation and purifi-
RNA Structure and Function. cation DNA, and chromosome-mapping
methods. Includes six pages of plates, illus-
Further Reading trations.
Gjerde, Douglas T., Christopher P. Hanna, and
David Hornby. DNA Chromatography. Wein-
heim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2002. In chap-
ters about instrumentation and operation,
chromatographic principles, size-based sep- DNA Repair
arations, purification of nucleic acids, RNA
chromatography, and special techniques, Field of study: Molecular genetics
among others, this book bridges the chasm Significance: To protect the integrity of their genetic
between the work of analytic chemists and material, cells are able to correct damage to DNA.
molecular biologists. Illustrated. Many of these mechanisms are found in organ-
Mirsky, Alfred. The Discovery of DNA. Scien- isms ranging from bacteria to humans, indicating
tific American, June, 1968. The fascinating that they evolved early in the history of life. Disrup-
story of Friedrich Mieschers work. tion of DNA repair mechanisms in humans has
Roe, Bruce A., Judy S. Crabtree, and Akbar S. been associated with the development of cancers.
Khan, eds. DNA Isolation and Sequencing. New
York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996. Focus is on Key terms
protocol, describing the most commonly base: the component of a nucleotide that gives
used methods for DNA isolation, DNA se- it its identity and special properties
quencing, sequence analysis, and allied mo- nucleotide: the basic unit of DNA, consisting
lecular biology techniques. Illustrated. of a five-carbon sugar, a nitrogen-containing
Sambrook, Joseph, and David W. Russell, eds. base, and a phosphate group
Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 3d
ed. 3 vols. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold DNA Structure and DNA Damage
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2001. A All living things are continually exposed to
standard for researchers, covering plasmids, agents such as radiation or chemicals that can
bacteriophage, high-capacity vectors, gel damage their genetic material. In addition,
electrophoresis, eukaryotic genomic DNA damage to DNA can occur spontaneously, or as
preparation and analysis, eukaryotic mRNA, a by-product of other cellular processes. Be-
polymerase chain reaction techniques, and cause DNA is the blueprint for directing the
more. Bibliographical references and index. functions of the cell; it must be accurately
Trevors, J. T., and J. D. van Elsas, eds. Nucleic maintained. The integrity of DNA also assures
Acids in the Environment. New York: Springer, that all daughter cells receive the same genetic
1995. A laboratory manual that details mo- information. DNA damage can include a
lecular biological techniques such as DNA/ change in the meaning of a gene (a mutation),
RNA extraction and purification, and poly- a break in a DNA molecule, or the abnormal
merase chain reaction methods. Illustrated. joining of two DNA molecules. To a bacterial
Watson, James, et al. Recombinant DNA. New cell, DNA damage may mean death. To a multi-
York: W. H. Freeman, 1992. Uses accessible cellular organism, damaged DNA in some of its
language and exceptional diagrams to give a cells may mean loss of function of organs or tis-
concise background on the methods, under- sues or it may lead to cancer.
224 DNA Repair

A brief overview of the structure of DNA will in the backbone of one or both strands of the
clarify how it can be damaged. DNA is assem- double helix. Breaks can block DNA replica-
bled from nucleotides, of which there are four tion, create problems during cell division, or
types, each defined by the base it contains. If cause rearrangements of the chromosomes.
the DNA double helix is pictured as a twisted DNA replication itself can cause problems by
ladder, the outside supports (sometimes re- inserting an incorrect base or an additional or
ferred to as the backbone of the DNA) are al- too few bases in a new strand. While DNA repli-
ternating units of sugar and phosphate, and cation errors are not DNA damage as such, they
the rungs of the ladder are bases. There are can also lead to mutations and are subject to re-
four types of bases found in DNA: the double- pair.
ring purines, adenine and guanine, and the
single-ring pyrimidines, cytosine and thymine. DNA Repair Systems
The structure of each base allows it to pair with DNA repair systems are found in most or-
only one other base: adenine pairs with thy- ganisms. Even some viruses, such as bacterio-
mine, and cytosine pairs with guanine. Base phages (which infect bacteria) and herpes-
pairing holds the two strands of the double he- viruses (which infect animals), are capable of
lix together and is essential for the synthesis of repairing some damage to their genetic mate-
new DNA molecules (DNA replication) and for rial. The DNA repair systems of single-celled or-
the transfer of information from DNA to RNA ganisms, including bacteria and yeasts, have
in the process of transcription. DNA replica- been extensively studied for many years. In the
tion is carried out by an enzyme called DNA 1980s and 1990s, techniques including the
polymerase, which reads the information (the use of recombinant DNA methods revealed
sequence of bases) on a single strand of DNA, that DNA repair systems of multicellular organ-
brings the appropriate nucleotide to pair with isms such as humans, animals, and plants are
the existing strand one nucleotide at a time, quite similar to those of microorganisms.
and joins it to the end of a growing chain. In ad- Scientists generally classify DNA repair sys-
dition to copying entire long strands of DNA tems into three categories on the basis of com-
every time a cell divides, DNA polymerases are plexity, mechanism, and the fate of the dam-
also responsible for repairing short, damaged aged DNA. Damage reversal systems are the
regions of DNA. Transcription occurs through simplest: They usually require only a single en-
a process similar to DNA replication, except zyme to directly act on the damage and restore
that an RNA polymerase copies only a portion it to normal, usually in a single step. Damage
of one of the strands of DNA (a gene), making removal systems are somewhat more compli-
an RNA copy. The RNA can then direct the pro- cated: These involve cutting out and replacing
duction of a particular protein, which is the ul- a damaged or inappropriate base or section of
timate product of the most genes. nucleotides and require several proteins to act
One of the most frequent forms of DNA together in a series of steps. Damage toler-
damage is loss of a base. Purines are particu- ance systems are those that respond to and act
larly unstable, and many are lost each day in hu- on damaged DNA but do not actually repair
man cells. If a base is absent, the DNA cannot the original damage. Instead, they are ways for
be copied correctly during DNA replication. cells to cope with DNA damage in order to con-
Another common type of DNA damage is a py- tinue growth and division.
rimidine dimer, an abnormal linkage between
two cytosines, two thymines, or a cytosine and a Damage Reversal Systems
thymine next to each other in a DNA strand. Photoreactivation is one of the simplest and
These are caused by the action of ultraviolet perhaps oldest known repair systems: It consists
light on DNA. A pyrimidine dimer creates a dis- of a single enzyme that can split pyrimidine
tortion in the double helix that interferes with dimers in the presence of light. An enzyme
the processes of DNA replication and transcrip- called photolyase catalyzes this reaction; it is
tion. Another form of DNA damage is a break found in many bacteria, lower eukaryotes, in-
DNA Repair 225

sects, and plants but seems to be absent in with the damaged bases (around twenty-seven
mammals (including humans). A similar gene nucleotides in humans) is removed from the
is present in mammals but may code for a pro- double helix, leaving a short gap that can be
tein that functions in another type of repair. filled by DNA polymerase using the intact nu-
X rays and some chemicals such as peroxides cleotides in the other DNA strand as a guide. In
can cause breaks in the backbone of DNA. Sim- the last step, DNA ligase rejoins the strand. Mu-
ple breaks in one strand are rapidly repaired by tants that are defective in nucleotide excision
the enzyme DNA ligase. Mutant strains of mi- repair have been isolated in many organisms
croorganisms with reduced DNA ligase activity and are extremely sensitive to mutation induc-
tend to have high levels of recombination since tion by ultraviolet light and similar-acting
DNA ends are very sticky and readily join with chemical mutagens. Humans with the heredi-
any other fragment of DNA. While recombina- tary disease xeroderma pigmentosum are sun-
tion is important in generating genetic diver- light-sensitive and have a very high risk of skin
sity during sexual reproduction, it can also be cancers on sun-exposed areas of their bodies.
dangerous if DNA molecules are joined inap- These individuals have defective copies of
propriately. The result can be aberrant chro- genes that code for proteins involved in nucle-
mosomes that do not function properly. otide excision repair. A comparison of the
genes defective in xeroderma pigmentosum
Damage Removal Systems patients and those involved in nucleotide exci-
Damage removal systems are accurate and sion repair in simpler organisms reveals a great
efficient but require the action of several en- deal of similarity, indicating that this repair sys-
zymes and are more energetically expensive tem evolved early in the history of life.
to the cell. There are three types of damage re- Mismatch repair occurs during DNA repli-
moval systems that work in the same general cation as a last spell check on its accuracy. By
way but act on different forms of DNA dam- comparing mutation rates in Escherichia coli
age. In base excision repair, an enzyme called bacteria that either have or lack mismatch re-
a DNA glycosylase recognizes a specific dam- pair systems, scientists have estimated that this
aged or inappropriate base and cuts the base- process adds between one hundred and one
sugar linkage to remove the base. Next, the thousand times more accuracy to the replica-
backbone is cut by another protein that re- tion process. It is carried out by a group of pro-
moves the baseless sugar; then a new nucleo- teins that can scan DNA and look for incor-
tide is inserted to replace the damaged one by a rectly paired bases (or unpaired bases). The
DNA polymerase enzyme. Finally, the break in incorrect nucleotide is removed as part of a
the backbone is sealed by DNA ligase. There short stretch, and then the DNA polymerase
are a number of specific glycosylases for partic- gets a second try to insert the correct sequence.
ular types of DNA damage caused by radiation In 1993, Richard Fishel, Bert Vogelstein, and
and chemicals. their colleagues isolated the first genes for hu-
The nucleotide excision repair system man mismatch repair proteins and showed that
works on DNA damage that is bulky and that they are very similar to those of the bacterium
creates a block to DNA replication and tran- Escherichia coli and the simple eukaryote bakers
scription, such as ultraviolet-induced pyrimi- yeast. Further studies in the 1990s revealed
dine dimers and some kinds of DNA damage that mismatch repair genes are defective in
created by chemicals. It probably does not rec- people with hereditary forms of colon cancer.
ognize a specific abnormal structure but sees a
distortion in the double helix. Several proteins Damage Tolerance Systems
joined in a complex scan the DNA for helix dis- Not all DNA damage is or can be removed
tortions. When one is found, the complex immediately; some of it may persist for a while.
binds to the damage and creates two cuts in the If a DNA replication complex encounters DNA
DNA strand containing the damaged bases on damage such as a pyrimidine dimer, it will nor-
either side of the damage. The short segment mally act as a block to further replication of
226 DNA Repair

that DNA molecule. In eukaryotes, however, sometimes referred to as error-prone or muta-

DNA replication initiates at multiple sites and genic repair systems.
may be able to resume downstream of a dam-
age site, leaving a gap of single-stranded, Impact and Applications
unreplicated DNA in one of the two daughter DNA repair systems are an important com-
molecules. The daughter-strand gap is poten- ponent of the metabolism of cells. Studies in
tially just as dangerous as the original damage microorganisms have shown that as little as
site, if not more so. The reason for this is that if one unrepaired site of DNA damage per cell
the cell divides with a gap in a DNA molecule, can be lethal or lead to permanent changes in
there will be no way accurately to repair that the genetic material. The integrity of DNA is
gap or the damage in one of its two daughter normally maintained by an elaborate series of
cells. To avoid this problem, cells have devel- interrelated checks and surveillance systems.
oped a way to repair daughter-strand gaps by re- The greatly increased risk of cancer suffered
combination with an intact molecule of identi- by humans with hereditary defects in DNA re-
cal or similar sequence. The recombinational pair shows how important these systems are in
repair process, which requires a number of pro- avoiding genetic changes. As the relationship
teins, yields two intact daughter molecules, one between mutations in DNA repair genes and
of which still contains the original DNA dam- cancer susceptibility becomes clearer, this in-
age. In addition to dealing with daughter- formation may be used in directing the course
strand gaps, recombinational repair systems of cancer therapy and possibly in providing
can also repair single- and double-strand gene therapy to individuals with cancer.
breaks caused by the action of X rays and cer- Beth A. Montelone
tain chemicals on DNA. Many of the proteins See also: Aging; Biochemical Mutations;
required for recombinational repair are also Breast Cancer; Cancer; Chemical Mutagens;
involved in the genetic recombination that oc- DNA Structure and Function; Human Genet-
curs in meiosis, the sexual division process of ics; Immunogenetics; Model Organism: Escheri-
higher cells. In 1997, it was shown that the chia coli; Mutation and Mutagenesis; Onco-
products of the breast cancer susceptibility genes; Protein Structure; Protein Synthesis;
genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 participate in both RNA Structure and Function; RNA Transcrip-
recombinational repair and meiotic recombi- tion and mRNA Processing; Telomeres; Tumor-
nation. Suppressor Genes.
An alternative choice for a DNA polymerase
blocked at a DNA damage site is to change its Further Reading
specificity so that it can insert any nucleotide Dizdaroglu, Miral, and Ali Esat Karakaya, eds.
opposite the normally nonreadable damage Advances in DNA Damage and Repair: Oxygen
and continue DNA replication. This type of Radical Effects, Cellular Protection, and Biologi-
damage bypass is very likely to cause a muta- cal Consequences. New York: Plenum Press,
tion, but if the cell cannot replicate its DNA, it 1999. Covers advances in research and con-
will not be able to divide. In Escherichia coli bac- tains contributions from scientists working
teria, there is a set of genes that are turned on in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biol-
when the bacteria have received a large amount ogy, enzymology, biomedical science, and ra-
of DNA damage. Some of these gene products diation biology.
alter the DNA polymerase and allow damage Gilchrest, Barbara A., and Vilhelm A. Bohr,
bypass. This system has been termed the SOS eds. The Role of DNA Damage and Repair in Cell
response to indicate that it is a system of last Aging. New York: Elsevier, 2001. Topics in-
resort. Other organisms, including humans, clude aging in mitotic and post-mitotic cells,
seem to have similar damage bypass mecha- age-associated changes in DNA repair and
nisms that allow a cell to continue growth de- mutation rates, human premature aging syn-
spite DNA damage at the price of mutations. dromes as model systems, and gene action at
For this reason, damage bypass systems are the Werner helicase locus. Illustrated.
DNA Replication 227

Henderson, Daryl S., ed. DNA Repair Protocols:

Eukaryotic Systems. Totowa, N.J.: Humana DNA Replication
Press, 1999. Fifty-two chapters cover all as-
pects of the cellular response to DNA dam- Field of study: Genetic engineering and
age, including nucleotide and base excision biotechnology
repair, DNA strand break repair, mismatch Significance: Cells and organisms pass hereditary
repair, and tolerance mechanisms. information from generation to generation. To as-
Mills, Kevin D. Silencing, Heterochromatin, and sure that offspring contain the same genetic infor-
DNA Double Strand Break Repair. Boston: mation as their parents, the genetic material must
Kluwer Academic, 2001. Presents new direc- be accurately reproduced. DNA replication is the
tions in research regarding the involvement molecular basis of heredity and is one of the most
of chromatin in the repair of broken DNA, fundamental processes of all living cells.
concentrating on the study of the budding
yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae conducted in Key terms
the laboratory of Leonard Guarente at the replication: the process by which one DNA
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. molecule is converted to two DNA mole-
Science. December 23, 1994. The magazine de- cules identical to the first
clared the DNA repair enzyme Molecule of transcription: the process of forming an
the Year in 1994 and published three short RNA according to instructions contained in
reviews in this special issue that discuss three DNA
repair processes: Mechanisms of DNA Exci- translation: the process of forming proteins
sion Repair, by Aziz Sancar; Transcription- according to instructions contained in an
Coupled Repair and Human Disease, by RNA molecule
Philip C. Hanawalt; and Mismatch Repair, X-ray diffraction: a method for determining
Genetic Stability, and Cancer, by Paul Mod- the structure of molecules which infers
rich. structure by the way crystals of molecules
Smith, Paul J., and Christopher J. Jones, eds. scatter X rays as they pass through
DNA Recombination and Repair. New York:
Oxford University Press, 1999. Explores the DNA Structure and Function
cellular processes involved in DNA recombi- The importance of chromosomes in hered-
nation and repair by highlighting current re- ity has been known since early in the twentieth
search, including strategies for dealing with century. Chromosomes consist of both DNA
DNA mismatches or lesions, the enzymology and protein, and in the early twentieth century
of excision repair, and the integration of there was considerable controversy concerning
DNA repair into cellular pathways. which component was the hereditary mole-
Vaughan, Pat, ed. DNA Repair Protocols: Prokary- cule. Early evidence favored the proteins. In
otic Systems. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 1944, however, a series of classic experiments
2000. Divided into two sections, the book ex- by Oswald Avery, Maclyn McCarty, and Colin
amines the classic identification, purifica- MacLeod lent strong support to the propo-
tion, and characterization of DNA repair en- nents favoring DNA as the genetic material.
zymes and provides several protocols for the They showed that a genetic transforming agent
applied use of DNA repair proteins in the lat- of bacteria was DNA and not protein. In experi-
est molecular biology techniques, including ments reported in 1952, Alfred Hershey and
mutation detection, cloning, and genome Martha Chase provided evidence that DNA was
diversification. the genetic material of bacteriophages (viruses
Weinberg, Robert A. How Cancer Arises. Sci- that infect bacteria). Combined with additional
entific American 197 (September, 1996). Dis- circumstantial evidence from many sources,
cusses cancer and the roles of DNA repair DNA became favored as the hereditary mole-
genes. cule, and a heated race began to determine its
molecular structure.
228 DNA Replication

In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick enormous diversity necessary to encode the
published a model for the atomic structure of blueprint of every organism. A key feature of
DNA. Their model was based on known chemi- the double-stranded DNA molecule is that
cal properties of DNA and X-ray diffraction bases have strict pairing restrictions: A can only
data obtained from Rosalind Franklin and pair with T; G can only pair with C. Thus if a par-
Maurice Wilkins. The structure itself made it ticular base is known on one strand, the corre-
clear that DNA was indeed the molecule of he- sponding base is automatically known on the
redity and provided evidence for how it might other. Each strand can serve as a template, or
be copied. The molecule resembles a ladder. mold, dictating the precise sequence of bases
The rails are composed of repeating units on the other. This feature is fundamental to the
of sugar and phosphate, forming a backbone process of DNA replication.
for the molecule. Each rung consists of a pair The genome (the complete DNA content of
of nitrogenous bases, one attached to each of an organism) stores all the genetic information
the two rails and held together in the middle that determines the features of that organism.
through weak bonds called hydrogen bonds. The features are expressed when the DNA is
Since there are thousands to hundreds of mil- transcribed to a messenger molecule, mRNA,
lions of units on a DNA molecule, the hydro- which is used to construct a protein. The pro-
gen bonds between each pair of bases add up to teins encoded by the organisms genes in its
a strong force that holds the two strands to- DNA carry out all of the activities of the cell.
gether. DNA, then, consists
of two strands, each con-
sisting of a repeating sugar-
phosphate backbone and
nitrogenous bases with the Chromosomes
two strands held together
by base-pair interactions.
The two strands are ori-
ented in opposite direc-
tions. The ends of a linear
DNA molecule can be dis- Separating
strands of
tinguished by which part parent DNA Daughter
of the backbone sugar is helix
exposed and are referred A
to as the 5 (five prime) C
end and the 3 end, named C
for a particular carbon G
atom on the ribose sugar. If T A
one DNA strand is oriented Thymine T
5 to 3, its complementary
partner is oriented 3 to 5. Deoxyribose Daughter
This organization has im- helix
portant implications for Hydrogen
the mechanism of DNA Phosphate
replication. Oxygen
There are four different A single nucleotide
bases: adenine (A), gua- This illustration from the Human Genome Program of the Department of Energy shows
nine (G), cytidine (C), and the basic context of DNA replication from the cellular nucleus, which contains the chromo-
thymine (T). They can be somes, to the separation of DNA strands and their replication at the molecular and atomic
arranged in any order on a levels into daughter helixes. (U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Pro-
DNA strand, allowing the gram, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis.)
DNA Replication 229

The Cell Cycle genome can be copied in a matter of hours.

In eukaryotic organisms (most organisms The structure of replication origins has been
other than bacteria), cells progress through a difficult to identify in all but a few organisms,
series of four stages between cell divisions. The most notably yeast. Origins consist of several
stages begin with a period of growth (G1 phase), hundred base pairs of DNA comprising se-
followed by replication of the DNA (S phase). A quences that attract and bind a set of proteins
second period of growth (G2 phase) is followed called the origin recognition complex (ORC).
by division of the cell (M phase). The two cells The exact mechanism by which the origin is ac-
resulting from the cell division each go through tivated is still under investigation, but a favored
their own cell cycle or may enter a dormant model is supported by all of the available evi-
stage (G0 phase). The passage from one stage dence.
to the next is tightly regulated and directed by The ORC proteins are believed to be bound
internal and external signals to the cell. to the origin DNA throughout the cell cycle
The transition from G1 into S phase marks but become activated at the G1/S boundary
the beginning of DNA replication. In order to through the action of kinases. Kinases add
enter S phase, the cell must pass through a phosphate groups to one or more of the six
checkpoint or restriction point in which the ORC proteins, activating them to initiate DNA
cell determines the quality of its DNA: If there replication. Different replicons are initiated at
is any damage to the DNA, entry into S phase different times throughout S phase. It is un-
will be delayed. This prevents the potentially le- clear how the proposed regulatory system dis-
thal process of beginning replication of a DNA tinguishes between replicons that have been
molecule that has damage that would prevent replicated in a particular S phase and those
completion of replication. If conditions are de- that have not, since each must be used once
termined to be acceptable, a molecular and only once during each cell division cycle.
switch is thrown, triggering the initiation of A number of different enzymatic activities
DNA replication. What is the nature of this mo- are required for the initiation process. The two
lecular switch? There are many different pro- strands of DNA must be unwound or separated,
teins that participate in the process of DNA rep- exposing each of the parent strands so they can
lication, and they can have their activity turned be used as templates for the synthesis of new,
off and on by other proteins. Addition or re- complementary strands. This unwinding is me-
moval of a chemical group called a phosphate diated by an enzyme called a helicase. Once un-
is a common mechanism of chemical switch- wound, the single strands are stabilized by the
ing. This reaction is catalyzed by a class of en- binding of proteins called single-strand bind-
zymes called kinases. Certain key proteins are ing proteins (SSBs). The resulting structure re-
phosphorylated at the boundary of the G1 and sembles a bubble or eye in the DNA strand.
S phases of the cell cycle by kinases, switching This structure is recognized by the DNA repli-
on DNA replication. cation machinery that is recruited to the site,
and DNA replication begins. As replication pro-
Origins and Initiation ceeds, the DNA continues to unwind through
If the human genome were replicated from the action of helicase. The site at which un-
one end to the other, it would take several years winding and DNA synthesis are occurring is at
to complete the process. The DNA molecule is either end of the expanding eye or bubble,
simply too large to be copied end to end. In- called a replication fork.
stead, replication is initiated at many different
sites called origins of replication, and DNA syn- DNA Synthesis
thesis proceeds from each site in both direc- The DNA synthesis machinery is not able to
tions until regions of copied DNA merge. The synthesize a strand of DNA from scratch;
region of DNA copied from a particular origin rather, a short stretch of RNA is used to begin
is called a replicon. Using hundreds to tens of the new strands. The synthesis of the RNA is
thousands of initiation sites and replicons, the catalyzed by an enzyme called primase. This
230 DNA Replication

Stages in DNA Replication

a b

At left, a double-stranded DNA molecule, with its sides formed by sugar-phosphate molecules and its rungs formed by base pairs.
Replication begins at point (a), with the separation of a base pair as a result of the action of a special initiator protein (b). The mole-
cule splits, or unzips, in opposite directions (c) as each parental strand is used as a template for the daughter strand, which is
formed when bases form hydrogen bonds with their appropriate mate bases to form new ladder rungs. Finally (right), one paren-
tal strand and its newly synthesized daughter strand form a new double helix, while the other parental strand and its daughter
strand form the second double helix. (Kimberly L. Dawson Kurnizki)

short piece of RNA, or primer, is extended us- strand is synthesized away from the direction of
ing DNA nucleotides by the enzymes of DNA fork movement. Since the lagging-strand DNA
synthesis, called DNA polymerases. The RNA synthesis and fork movement are in opposite
primer is later removed and replaced by DNA. directions, this strand of DNA must be made in
Nucleotide monomers align with the exposed short pieces that are later joined. Lagging-
template DNA strand one at a time and are strand synthesis is therefore said to be discon-
joined by the DNA polymerase. The joining of tinuous. These short intermediates are called
nucleotides into a growing DNA chain requires Okazaki fragments, named for their discoverer,
energy. This energy is supplied by the nucleo- Reiji Okazaki. Overall, DNA replication is said
tide monomers themselves. A high-energy to be semidiscontinuous.
phosphate bond in the nucleotide is split, and The DNA synthesis machine operating at
the breakage of this high-energy bond provides the replication fork is a complex assembly of
the energy to drive the polymerase reaction. proteins. Many different activities are neces-
The two strands of DNA are not synthesized sary to carry out the process of DNA replication
in the same way. The two strands are oriented efficiently. Several proteins are necessary to
opposite one another, but DNA synthesis only recognize the unwound origin and assemble
occurs in one direction: 5 to 3. Therefore, one the rest of the complex. Primase must function
strand, called the leading strand, is synthesized to begin both new strands and is then required
continuously in the same direction that the periodically throughout synthesis of the lag-
replication fork is moving, while the lagging ging strand. A doughnut-shaped clamp called
DNA Replication 231

PCNA functions as a processivity factor to the DNA ahead of the replication fork. This
keep the entire complex attached to the DNA strain is alleviated through the action of topo-
until the job is completed. Helicase is continu- isomerase enzymes. Single-strand binding pro-
ously required to unwind the template DNA teins are needed to stabilize the regions of
and move the fork along the parent molecule. unwound DNA that exist before the DNA is ac-
As the DNA is unwound, strain is created on tually copied. Finally, an enzyme called ligase is

The Replication Process

A detailed schematic of DNA replication, in which a double-standard parent helix splits apart and reassembles into two identical
daughter helixes. The amino acid base pairs are reproduced exactly, because cytosine (C) pairs only with guanine (G), and adenine
(A) pairs only with thymine (T). (Electronic Illustrators Group)
232 DNA Replication

necessary to join the regions replicated from the biology and ethics of manipulating mam-
different origins and to attach all of the Oka- malian genomes. The technology now exists to
zaki fragments of the lagging strand. All of clone human beings, although such experi-
these proteins are part of a well-orchestrated, ments are not likely to be carried out. More rel-
efficient machine ideally suited to its task of evant is the potential impact on agriculture. It
copying the genetic material. is now possible to select for animals that have
DNA polymerases are not perfect. At a rela- the most desirable traits, such as lower fat con-
tively low frequency, they can add an incorrect tent or disease resistance, and create herds of
nucleotide to a growing chain, one that does genetically identical animals. Of direct rele-
not match the template strand as dictated by vance to humans is the potential impact on the
the base-pairing rules. However, because the understanding of fertility and possible new
DNA molecules are so extremely large, novel treatments for infertility.
mechanisms for proofreading have evolved to A new class of genetic diseases was discov-
ensure that the genetic material is copied accu- ered in the 1980s called triplet repeat diseases.
rately. DNA polymerases can detect the misin- Regions of DNA consist of copies of three nu-
corporation of a nucleotide and use an addi- cleotides (such as CGG) that are repeated up to
tional enzymatic activity to correct the mistake. fifty times. Through unknown mechanisms re-
Specifically, the polymerase can back up and lated to DNA replication, the number of re-
cut out the last nucleotide added, then try peats may increase from generation to genera-
again. With this and other mechanisms to cor- tion, at some point reaching a threshold level at
rect errors, the observed error rate for DNA which disease symptoms appear. Diseases
synthesis is a remarkable one error in every bil- found to conform to this pattern include frag-
lion nucleotides added. ile X syndrome, Huntingtons disease (Hun-
tingtons chorea), and Duchenne muscular
Impact and Applications dystrophy.
DNA replication is a fundamental cellular The process of aging is closely related to
process: Proper cell growth cannot occur with- DNA replication. Unlike bacteria, eukaryotic
out it. It must be carefully regulated and tightly organisms have linear chromosomes. This poses
controlled. Despite its basic importance, the problems for the cell, both in maintaining in-
details of the mechanisms that regulate DNA tact chromosomes (ends are unstable) and in
replication are poorly understood. Even with replicating the DNA. The replication machin-
all of the checks and balances that have evolved ery cannot copy the extreme ends of a linear
to ensure a properly replicated genome, occa- DNA molecule, so organisms have evolved al-
sional mistakes do occur. Attempting to repli- ternate mechanisms. The ends of linear chro-
cate a genome damaged by chemical or other mosomes consist of telomeres (short, repeated
means may simply lead to death of a single cell. DNA sequences that are bound and stabilized
Far more ominous are genetic errors that lead by specific proteins), which are replicated by a
to loss of regulating mechanisms. Without reg- separate mechanism using an enzyme called
ulation, cell growth and division can proceed telomerase. Telomerase is inactivated in ma-
without normal limits, resulting in cancer. ture cells, and there may be a slow, progressive
Much of the focus for the study of cell growth loss of the telomeres that ultimately leads to the
and regulation is to set a foundation for the un- loss of important genes, resulting in symptoms
derstanding of how cancer cells develop. This of aging. Cancer cells appear to have reacti-
knowledge may lead to new techniques for se- vated their telomerase, so potential anticancer
lective inhibition or destruction of cancer cells. therapies are being developed based on this in-
Manipulation of DNA replication and cell formation.
cycle control are the newest tools for progress Michael R. Lentz
in genetic engineering. In early 1997, the first See also: Animal Cloning; Cancer; Cell Cy-
successful cloning of an adult mammal, Dolly cle, The; Cell Division; Cloning; DNA Sequenc-
the sheep, raised important new issues about ing Technology; DNA Structure and Function;
DNA Sequencing Technology 233

Genetic Code; Genetic Engineering; Molecular Holmes, Frederic Lawrence. Meselson, Stahl,
Genetics; Mutation and Mutagenesis; Protein and the Replication of DNA: A History of the
Structure; Protein Synthesis; Restriction En- Most Beautiful Experiment in Biology. New Ha-
zymes; RNA Structure and Function; RNA Tran- ven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 2001.
scription and mRNA Processing; Telomeres. Traces the evolution of Matthew Meselson
and Frank Stahls 1957 landmark experi-
Further Reading ment, which confirmed that DNA replicates
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2001 Meeting on as predicted by the double helix structure
Eukaryotic DNA Replication: September 5-Septem- Watson and Crick had recently proposed. Il-
ber 9, 2001. Arranged by Thomas Kelly and lustrations.
Bruce Stillman. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Kornberg, Arthur. For the Love of Enzymes: The
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2001. This Odyssey of a Biochemist. Reprint. Cambridge,
annual meeting results in similar publica- Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991. Korn-
tions yearly. berg discovered the enzymes that replicate
Cann, Alan J. DNA Virus Replication. New York: DNA and was awarded the Nobel Prize for
Oxford University Press, 2000. Gives an anal- his work. This autobiography is a rich history
ysis of protein-protein interactions in DNA of the process of science and discovery.
virus replication, covering all major DNA vi- Watson, James. The Double Helix. New York: Si-
rus groups: hepatitis B virus, papillomavirus, mon and Schuster, 2001. Watsons account
herpes simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus, of the race to solve the structure of the DNA
Kaposis sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV), hu- molecule.
man cytomegalovirus, and adenoviruses. Il-
Cotterill, Sue, ed. Eukaryotic DNA Replication: A
Practical Approach. New York: Oxford Univer- DNA Sequencing Technology
sity Press, 1999. Serves as a comprehensive
lab manual that describes key aspects of cur- Field of study: Genetic engineering and
rent techniques for investigating DNA repli- biotechnology
cation in eukaryotes. More than one hun- Significance: The genetic code is contained in the
dred reliable protocols, including methods ordered, linear arrangement of the four DNA nu-
for studying the origin of replication, repli- cleotides: adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thy-
cation proteins, and the synthesis of telo- mine. Determining this sequence is called DNA
meres. sequencing. Advances in DNA sequencing tech-
DePamphilis, Melvin L., ed. Concepts in Eukary- nology have increased speed and accuracy of se-
otic DNA Replication. Cold Spring Harbor, quencing by several orders of magnitude.
N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,
1999. A broad account of the basic princi- Key terms
ples of DNA replication and related func- automated fluorescent sequencing: a mod-
tions such as DNA repair and protein phos- ification of dideoxy termination sequencing
phorylation. One chapter surveys the most which uses fluorescent markers to identify
recent advances in the field. the terminal nucleotides, allowing the auto-
Drlica, Karl. Understanding DNA and Gene Clon- mation of sequencing in which robots can
ing: A Guide for the Curious. Rev. ed. New York: carry out large scale projects
Wiley, 2003. An excellent introduction to base pair (bp): often used as a measure of the
the basic properties of DNA and its modern size of a DNA fragment or the distance along
applications. Consists of four sections: basic a DNA molecule between markers; both the
molecular biology, manipulation of DNA, singular and plural are abbreviated bp
insights gained through the use of gene Maxam-Gilbert sequencing: A method of
cloning (including a chapter on retrovi- base-specific chemical degradation to deter-
ruses), and human genetics. mine DNA sequence
234 DNA Sequencing Technology

primer: A short piece of single-stranded DNA sisted of triplet codons in 1961. However, there
that can hybridize to denatured DNA and was no system to read the sequence and un-
provide a start point for extension by a DNA cover the actual words that spelled out the code
polymerase of life.
Sanger sequencing: Also known as dideoxy The discovery of rapid sequencing methods
termination sequencing, a method using in the 1970s created a flood of new discoveries
nucleotides that are missing the 3 hydroxyl in biology. The coding region and control ele-
group in order to terminate the polymeriza- ments could be identified and compared. The
tion of new DNA at a specific nucleotide sequence changes in different alleles of the
same gene could be identified, homologous
The Need for Sequencing genes could be identified in divergent species,
DNA was first discovered in the 1869 as a vis- and evolutionary changes could be studied.
cous material in pus, and its basic chemical Today, an entire genome can be sequenced,
composition was well established by the 1930s. meaning the identification of every nucleotide
By 1950, the critical role of DNA as the heredi- in the correct order along every chromosome,
tary material was clearly determined. In the in a matter of months. This ability to sequence
1950s, the classic papers by James Watson and the genomes of entire organisms has created a
Francis Crick and Matthew Meselson and whole new field called genomics, the study and
Frank Stahl gave scientists a clear picture of the comparison of whole genomes of different or-
structure and mode of replication of DNA. ganisms. Sequencing is now at the core of many
Crick demonstrated that the genetic code con- of the new discoveries in biology.

Principles of DNA Sequencing

Molecular biologists cannot observe DNA
molecules directly, even through a microscope,
so they must devise controlled chemical reac-
tions whose outcomes are indicative of what oc-
curs at the submicroscopic level. In DNA se-
quencing, the key is to use a chemical method
that allows analysis of the base sequence one
base at a time. Such a method needs to produce
a collection of DNA fragments whose lengths
can be used to detect the identity of the base lo-
cated at the end of each different-sized frag-
ment. For example, if fragments of the short
DNA sequence ACGTCCGATCG can be pre-
dictably produced, then the size of each frag-
ment could be used to determine the locations
of each base. If the fragment is cut to the right
of each of the thymine bases, two fragments of
4 and 9 base pairs (bp) will be produced. Doing
the same for the other three nucleotides could
identifiy their positions. Reading from smallest
to largest fragment and seeing which reaction
generates each piece provides the DNA se-
quence. Although this is a very simple exam-
ple, the principles apply to all current sequenc-
Frederick Sanger developed one of the first methods for sequenc- ing methods. Electrophoresis in denaturing
ing DNA and published the first genome sequence. ( The polyacrylamide gels (to keep the DNA single-
Nobel Foundation) stranded) is used to separate fragments that are
DNA Sequencing Technology 235

Image not available

A DNA sequencing program at work, displaying the bar-code-like DNA sequence on a computer screen. (AP/Wide World Photos)

hundreds of base pairs in length but differ by essary to denature the DNA to separate the
only a single nucleotide. The DNA is labeled strands before separating them by size so that
with either radioactive or fluorescent markers the fragments will correspond in length to the
so that the bands can be detected. distance from the terminal phosphate label to
the cleavage point. The method requires dan-
Maxam-Gilbert Sequencing gerous chemicals and does not easily lend itself
Organic chemists working with DNA have to automation, so it is rarely used today.
identified many chemicals that react with spe-
cific bases and cleave the backbone of the Sanger Sequencing
strand at that location. To sequence DNA with This method requires that the sequence of a
this method, the DNA fragment to be se- short stretch of DNA adjacent to the region to
quenced is isolated and the 5 end of only one be sequenced is known so that a short synthetic
of the strands is labeled by the placement in the oligonucleotide can be made which can hy-
terminal phosphate of the radioactive atom bridize onto the region to act as a primer for
phosphorus 32. This creates the endpoint. In DNA synthesis in the direction of the DNA to
separate tubes, the DNA is reacted with chemi- be sequenced. This is usually not a problem,
cals that will cleave at one of the four nucleo- since the DNA to be sequenced is often cloned
tides. Since only one strand is broken, it is nec- into a plasmid vector whose sequence is known.
236 DNA Sequencing Technology

The DNA is denatured and the primer is al- properties when they bind. Currently, the tech-
lowed to anneal. A DNA polymerase is added nology allows interaction only with specific se-
and extends the DNA for a short distance in the quences. However, the goal is to develop new
presence of radioactive nucleotides, which la- systems that will generate electrical outputs in-
bels the new DNA. The reaction is then divided dicative of the sequence of the DNA with which
into four equal parts and added into four sepa- the chip interacts. This would allow the genera-
rate reaction tubes. Each tube contains all four tion of new data at phenomenal rates, would
DNA nucleotides, but a small percentage of allow field scientists to sequence the genomes
one nucleotide is missing the 3 hydroxyl of new organisms instantly, and would allow po-
group. Without the hydroxyl group, no more lice investigators to generate sequence evidence
bases can be added and the reaction termi- right at the crime scene. While such develop-
nates. Since the dideoxy nucleotide constitutes ments would be very exciting from a scientific
only a small percentage of the available nucleo- perspective, they would also open many new
tides, the reactions will terminate at random questions about personal privacy as prospective
places along the DNA strand. Since the termi- employers (and mates) could easily scan a per-
nated fragment is attached to the larger tem- sons genome for undesirable sequences.
plate strand, the DNA must be denatured be- J. Aaron Cassill
fore gel electrophoresis so that the size will See also: Cloning; Cloning Vectors; DNA
correspond accurately to the position of the Replication; Genetic Code; Genetic Engi-
terminated base. neering; Genome Libraries; Genome Size;
Genomics; Human Genome Project; Knockout
Automated Sequencing Genetics and Knockout Mice; Model Organ-
Automated sequencing is a variant of Sanger ism: Escherichia coli; Molecular Clock Hypothe-
sequencing. Each of the four dideoxy bases has sis; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Population
a different fluorescent dye attached. When the Genetics; Pseudogenes; Repetitive DNA; Re-
elongation is blocked, the fragment will also be striction Enzymes; Reverse Transcriptase; RFLP
labeled with a specific color indicating which Analysis; Shotgun Cloning; Synthetic Genes;
nucleotide is in the terminal position. As a re- Transposable Elements.
sult, four separate reactions (one for each nu-
cleotide) are not needed. Also, the polymerase Further Reading
chain reaction (PCR), which requires much Maxam, Allan M., and Walter Gilbert. A New
smaller amounts of DNA, is often used in auto- Method for Sequencing DNA. Proceedings of
mated sequencers. The reaction products are the National Academy of Sciences 74 (1977):
electrophoresed through a narrow tube of 560. The original description of sequencing
polyacrylamide with a laser and fluorescence by chemical cleavages.
detector at the bottom. As the different-sized Reilly, Philip R. Abraham Lincolns DNA and
fragments reach the bottom, the detector will Other Adventures in Genetics. Cold Spring Har-
register the colors as they pass. The data are bor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
logged on a computer, which outputs the DNA Press, 2000. A series of brief articles about
sequence. This system has been automated the social and moral implications of uncov-
with robot arms moving the samples into reac- ering DNA information in humans.
tion tubes and loading them into the tube gels Sanger, F., S. Nicklen, and A. R. Coulson. DNA
and computers compiling and comparing the Sequencing with Chain-Terminating Inhibi-
sequence data. An automated sequencer may tors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sci-
cost more than $250,000 but can generate ences 74 (1977): 5463. The original descrip-
10,000 bp of new sequence data per day. tion of dideoxy termination sequencing.
Smith, Lloyd M., et al. Fluorescence Detection
Future Directions in Automated DNA Sequence Analysis. Na-
Scientists have developed silicon chips that ture 321 (1986): 674. The original descrip-
can bind to DNA and change their electrical tion of automated sequencing techniques.
DNA Structure and Function 237

sugar phosphate sugar phosphate sugar phosphate sugar

DNA Structure and Function base base base base

Field of study: Molecular genetics

Significance: Structurally, DNA is a relatively sim- Any one of the four DNA nucleotides (A, C, G,
ple molecule; functionally, however, it has wide- or T) can be used at any position in the mole-
ranging roles in the cell. It functions primarily as cule; it is therefore the specific sequence of
a stable repository of genetic information in the cell nucleotides in a DNA molecule that makes
and as a source of genetic information for the pro- it unique and able to carry genetic informa-
duction of proteins. Greater knowledge of the char- tion. The genetic information is the sequence
acteristics of DNA has led to advances in the fields itself.
of genetic engineering, gene therapy, and molecu- In the cell, DNA exists as a double-stranded
lar biology in general. molecule; this means that it consists of two
chains of nucleotides side by side. The double-
stranded form of DNA can most easily be visual-
Key terms ized as a ladder, with the sugar-phosphate back-
double helix: the molecular shape of DNA bones being the sides of the ladder and the ni-
molecules, which resembles a ladder that trogenous bases being the rungs of the ladder,
twists, or spirals as shown in the following diagram:
gene expression: the processes (transcription
and translation) by which the genetic infor- sugar phosphate sugar phosphate sugar phosphate sugar
mation in DNA is converted into protein
base base base base
transcription: the process by which genetic

information in DNA is converted into mes- base base base base
senger RNA (mRNA)
sugar phosphate sugar phosphate sugar phosphate sugar
translation: the process by which the genetic
information in an mRNA molecule is con-
verted into protein This ladder is then twisted into a spiral shape.
Any spiral-shaped molecule is called a helix,
and since each strand of DNA is wound into a
Chemical and Physical Structure of DNA
spiral, the complete DNA molecule is often
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is the genetic
called a double helix. This molecule is ex-
material found in all cells. Chemically, it is clas-
tremely flexible and can be compacted to a
sified as a nucleic acid, a relatively simple mole-
great degree, thus allowing the cell to contain
cule composed of nucleotides. A nucleotide
large amounts of genetic material.
consists of a sugar (deoxyribose), a phosphate
group, and one of the nitrogenous bases: ade-
nine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or thy- The Discovery of DNA as the Genetic
mine (T). In fact, nucleotides differ only in the Material
particular nitrogenous base that they contain. Nucleic acids were discovered in 1869 by the
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is the other type of nu- physician Friedrich Miescher. He isolated
cleic acid found in the cell; however, it contains these molecules, which he called nuclein, from
ribose as its sugar instead of deoxyribose and the nuclei of white blood cells. This was the first
has the nitrogenous base uracil (U) instead of association of nucleic acids with the nucleus of
thymine. Nucleotides can be assembled into the cell. In the 1920s, experiments performed
long chains of nucleic acid via connections be- by other scientists showed that DNA could be
tween the sugar on one nucleotide and the located on the chromosomes within the nu-
phosphate group on the next, thereby creating cleus. This was strong evidence for the role of
a sugar-phosphate backbone in the mole- DNA in heredity, since at that time there was al-
cule. The nitrogenous base on each nucleotide ready a link between the activities of chromo-
is positioned such that it is perpendicular to the somes during cell division and the inheritance
backbone, as shown in the following diagram: of particular traits, largely because of the work
238 DNA Structure and Function

The Four Nucleotides That Compose DNA

Cytosine Guanine O
O- O-

O- O-

Adenine Thymine
H O-

O- O-


of the geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan about common cause of lung infections. He was work-
ten years earlier. ing primarily with two different strains of this
However, it was not immediately apparent, bacterium: a strain that was highly virulent
based on this evidence alone, that DNA was the (able to cause disease) and a strain that was
genetic material. In addition to DNA, proteins nonvirulent (not able to cause disease). Grif-
are present in the nucleus of the cell and are an fith noticed that if he heat-killed the virulent
integral part of chromosomes as well. Proteins strain and then mixed its cellular debris with
are also much more complex molecules than the living, nonvirulent strain, the nonvirulent
nucleic acids, having a greater number of strain would be transformed into a virulent
building blocks; there are twenty amino acids strain. He did not know what part of the heat-
that can be used to build proteins, as opposed killed virulent cells was responsible for the
to only four nucleotides for DNA. Moreover, transformation, so he simply called it the
proteins tend to be much more complex than transforming factor to denote its activity in
DNA in terms of their three-dimensional struc- his experiment. Unfortunately, Griffith never
ture as well. Therefore, it was not at all clear in took the next step necessary to reveal the mo-
the minds of many scientists of the time that lecular identity of this transforming factor.
DNA had to be the genetic material, since pro- That critical step was taken by another mi-
teins could not specifically be ruled out. crobiologist, Oswald Avery, and his colleagues
In 1928, the microbiologist Frederick Grif- in 1944. Avery essentially repeated Griffiths
fith supplied some of the first evidence that experiments with two important differences:
eventually led to the identification of DNA as Avery partially purified the heat-killed virulent
the genetic material. Griffiths research in- strain preparation and selectively treated this
volved the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae, a preparation with a variety of enzymes to see if
DNA Structure and Function 239

the transforming factor could be eliminated, millimeter, which is one-thousandth of a me-

thereby eliminating the transformation itself. ter.) There are 3.4 angstroms from one nucleo-
Avery showed that transformation was pre- tide to the next, and the entire double helix
vented only when the preparation was treated makes one turn for every ten nucleotides, a dis-
with deoxyribonuclease, an enzyme that specif- tance of about 34 angstroms. These measure-
ically attacks and destroys DNA. Other enzymes ments were determined by the physicists
that specifically destroy RNA or proteins could Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin around
not prevent transformation from occurring. 1951 using a process called X-ray diffraction,
This was extremely strong evidence that the ge- in which crystals of DNA are bombarded with
netic material was DNA. X rays; the resulting patterns captured on film
Experiments performed in 1952 by
molecular biologists Alfred Hershey and
Martha Chase using the bacterial virus
T2 finally demonstrated conclusively Phosphate Molecule
that DNA was indeed the genetic mate-
rial. Hershey and Chase studied how T2
Sugar Molecule
infects bacterial cells to determine what
part of the virus, DNA or protein, was Nitrogenous
responsible for causing the infection, Bases
thinking that whatever molecule di-
rected the infection would have to be
the genetic material of the virus. They T
found that DNA did directly participate
in infection of the cells by entering them,
while the protein molecules of the vi-
ruses stayed outside the cells. Most strik- C
ingly, they found that the original DNA G
of the parent viruses showed up in the
offspring viruses produced by the in-
fection, directly demonstrating inheri-
tance of DNA from one generation to G C
another. This was an important element
of the argument for DNA as the genetic
The Watson-Crick Double-Helix
Model of DNA
With DNA conclusively identified as
the genetic material, the next step was to
determine the structure of the mole- Weak Bonds
cule. This was finally accomplished when
the double-helix model of DNA was pro-
posed by molecular biologists James
Watson and Francis Crick in 1953. This Sugar-Phosphate
model has a number of well-defined and Backbone
experimentally determined characteris- A schematic showing the major components of a DNA molecule, includ-
tics. For example, the diameter of the ing the four bases that compose DNAadenine (A) and thymine (T),
molecule, from one sugar-phosphate cytosine (C) and guanine (G)and how they form the rungs of the
backbone to the other, is 20 angstroms. DNA ladder by forming hydrogen bonds. (U.S. Department of En-
(There are 10 million angstroms in one ergy Human Genome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis)
240 DNA Structure and Function

gave Wilkins and Franklin, and later Watson tions in the laboratory, hydrogen bonds in the
and Crick, important clues about the physical double helix can easily be broken just by heat-
structure of DNA. ing a solution of DNA to high temperatures
Another important aspect of Watson and (close to the boiling point).
Cricks double-helix model is the interaction
between the nitrogenous bases in the interior Other Features of the Watson-Crick Model
of the molecule. Important information about Watson and Crick were careful to point out
the nature of this interaction was provided by that their double-helix model of DNA was the
molecular biologist Erwin Chargaff in 1950. first model to immediately suggest a mecha-
Chargaff studied the amounts of each nitroge- nism by which the molecule could be repli-
nous base present in double-stranded DNA cated. They knew that this replication, which
from organisms as diverse as bacteria and hu- must occur before the cell can divide, would be
mans. He found that no matter what the source a necessary characteristic of the genetic mate-
of the DNA, the amount of adenine it contains rial of the cell and that an adequate model of
is always roughly equal to the amount of thy- DNA must help explain how this duplication
mine; there are also equal amounts of guanine could occur. Watson and Crick realized that the
and cytosine in DNA. This information led mechanism of complementary base pairing
Watson and Crick to propose an interaction, or that was an integral part of their model was a
base pairing, between these sets of bases such potential answer to this problem. If the double
that A always base pairs with T (and vice versa) helix is separated into its component single-
and G always base pairs with C. Another name strand molecules, each strand will be able to di-
for this phenomenon is complementary base rect the replacement of the opposite, or com-
pairing: A is said to be the complement of T, plementary, strand by base pairing properly
and so on. with only the correct nucleotides. For example,
The force that holds complementary bases, if a single-strand DNA molecule has the se-
and therefore the two strands of DNA, together quence TTAGTCA, the opposite complemen-
is a weak chemical interaction called a hydro- tary strand will always be AATCAGT; it is as if
gen bond, which is created whenever a hydro- the correct double-stranded structure is built
gen atom in one molecule has an affinity for ni- in to each single strand. Additionally, as each
trogen or oxygen atoms in another molecule. of the single strands in a double-strand DNA
The affinity of the atoms for each other draws molecule goes through this addition of com-
the molecules together in the hydrogen bond. plementary nucleotides, two new DNA double
A-T pairs have two hydrogen bonds between helices are produced where there was only one
them because of the chemical structure of the before. Further, these new DNA molecules are
bases, whereas G-C pairs are connected by three completely identical to each other, barring any
hydrogen bonds, making them slightly stron- mistakes that might have been made in the rep-
ger and more stable than A-T pairs. The entire lication process.
DNA double helix, although it is founded upon A strand of DNA also has a certain direction
the hydrogen bond, one of the weakest bonds built into it; the DNA double helix is often
in nature, is nonetheless an extraordinarily sta- called antiparallel in reference to this aspect
ble structure because of the combined force of of its structure. Antiparallel means that al-
the millions of hydrogen bonds holding most though the two strands of the DNA molecule
DNA molecules together. However, these hy- are essentially side by side, they are oriented in
drogen bonds can be broken under certain different directions relative to the position of
conditions in the cell. This usually occurs as the deoxyribose molecules on the backbone of
part of the process of the replication of the the molecule. To help keep track of the orien-
double helix, in which the two strands of DNA tation of the DNA molecule, scientists often re-
must come apart in order to be duplicated. In fer to a 5 to 3 direction. This designation co-
the cell, the hydrogen bonds are broken with mes from numbering the carbon atoms on the
the help of enzymes. Under artificial condi- deoxyribose molecule (from 1 to 5) and takes
DNA Structure and Function 241

Cell Nucleus




DNA double helix

side chain



note of the fact that the deoxyribose molecules one would encounter a 5 carbon atom on a
on the DNA strand are all oriented in the same sugar, then the 3 carbon, and so on all the way
direction in a head-to-tail fashion. If it were pos- down the backbone. If one were walking on the
sible to stand on a DNA molecule and walk other strand, the 3 carbon atom would always
down one of the sugar-phosphate backbones, be encountered before the 5 carbon. The con-
242 DNA Structure and Function

cept of an antiparallel double helix has impor- mechanism by which genetic information can
tant implications for the ways that DNA is pro- be transferred easily from one generation of
duced and used in the cell. Generally, the cells (or organisms) to another.
cellular enzymes that are involved in processes The second role of DNA is to serve as a blue-
concerning DNA are restricted to recognizing print for the ultimate production of proteins in
just one direction. For example, DNA polymer- the cell. This process occurs in two steps. The
ase, the enzyme that is responsible for making first step is the conversion of the genetic infor-
DNA in the cell, can only make DNA in a 5 to 3 mation in a small portion of the DNA molecule,
direction, never the reverse. called a gene, into messenger RNA (mRNA).
Watson and Crick postulated a right-handed This process is called transcription, and here
helix as part of their double-helix model; this the primary role of the DNA molecule is to
means that the strands of DNA turn to the serve as a template for synthesis of the mRNA
right, or in a counterclockwise fashion. This is molecule. The second step, translation, does
now regarded as the biological (B) form of not involve DNA directly; rather, the mRNA
DNA because it is the form present inside the produced during transcription is in turn used
nucleus of the cell and in solutions of DNA. as genetic information to produce a molecule
However, it is not the only possible form of of protein. However, it is important to note that
DNA. In 1979, an additional form of DNA was genetic information originally present in the
discovered by molecular biologist Alexander DNA molecule indirectly guides the synthesis
Rich that exhibited a zigzag, left-handed dou- and final amino acid sequence of the finished
ble helix; he called this form of DNA Z-DNA. protein. Both of these steps, transcription and
Stretches of alternating G and C nucleotides translation, are often called gene expression. A
most commonly give rise to this conformation single DNA molecule in the form of a chromo-
of DNA, and scientists think that this alterna- some may contain thousands of different genes,
tive form of the double helix is important for each providing the information necessary to
certain processes in the cell in which various produce a particular protein. Each one of these
molecules bind to the double helix and affect proteins will then fulfill a particular function
its function. inside or outside the cell.

The Function of DNA in the Cell Impact and Applications

DNA plays two major roles in the cell. The Knowledge of the physical and chemical
first is to serve as a storehouse of the cells ge- structure of DNA and its function in the cell has
netic information. Normally, cells have only undoubtedly had far-reaching effects on the
one complete copy of their DNA molecules, science of biology. However, one of the biggest
and this copy is, accordingly, highly protected. effects has been the creation of a new scientific
DNA is a chemically stable molecule; it resists discipline: molecular biology. With the advent
damage or destruction under normal condi- of Watson and Cricks double-helix model of
tions, and, if it is damaged, the cell has a variety DNA, it became clear to many scientists that,
of mechanisms to ensure the molecule is rap- perhaps for the first time, many of the impor-
idly repaired. Furthermore, when the DNA in tant molecules in the cell could be studied in
the cell is duplicated in a process called DNA detail and that the structure and function of
replication, this duplication occurs in a regu- these molecules could also be elucidated.
lated and precise fashion so that a perfect copy Within fifteen years of Watson and Cricks dis-
of DNA is produced. Once the genetic material covery, a number of basic genetic processes in
of the cell has been completely duplicated, the the cell had been either partially or completely
cell is ready to divide in two in a process called detailed, including DNA replication, transcrip-
mitosis. After cell division, each new cell of the tion, and translation. Certainly the seeds of
pair will have a perfect copy of the genetic this revolution in biology were being planted in
material; thus these cells will be genetically the decades before Watson and Cricks 1953
identical to each other. DNA thus provides a model, but it was the double helix that al-
DNA Structure and Function 243

lowed scientists to investigate the important is- separate disciplines. It may be that this research
sues of genetics on the cellular and molecular will prove to be the seed of another biological
levels. revolution with DNA at its center.
An increased understanding of the role Randall K. Harris
DNA plays in the cell has also provided scien- See also: Ancient DNA; Antisense RNA;
tists with tools and techniques for changing Chromosome Structure; DNA Isolation; DNA
some of the genetic characteristics of cells. This Repair; DNA Replication; Genetic Code; Ge-
is demonstrated by the rapidly expanding field netic Code, Cracking of; Molecular Genetics;
of genetic engineering, in which scientists can Noncoding RNA Molecules; One Gene-One
precisely manipulate DNA and cells on the mo- Enzyme Hypothesis; Protein Structure; Protein
lecular level to achieve a desired result. Addi- Synthesis; Repetitive DNA; RNA Isolation;
tionally, more complete knowledge of how the RNA Structure and Function; RNA Transcrip-
cell uses DNA has opened windows of under- tion and mRNA Processing.
standing into abnormal cellular processes such
as cancer, which is fundamentally a defect in- Further Reading
volving the cells genetic information or the ex- Banaszak, Leonard. Foundations of Structural
pression of that information. Biology. San Diego: Academic Press, 2000.
Through the tools of molecular genetics, Provides visualization skills with three-
many scientists hope to be able to correct al- dimensional imaging to assist students in un-
most any genetic defect that a cell or an organ- derstanding the implications of the three-
ism might have, including cancer or inherited dimensional coordinates for a molecule
genetic defects. The area of molecular biology with several thousand atoms.
that is concerned with using DNA as a way to Bradbury, E. Morton, and Sandor Pongor, eds.
correct cellular defects is called gene therapy. Structural Biology and Functional Genomics.
This is commonly done by inserting a normal Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1999. Topics in-
copy of a gene into cells that have a defective clude DNA repeats in the human genome,
copy of the same gene in the hope that the nor- modeling DNA stretching for physics and bi-
mal copy will take over and eliminate the ef- ology, chromatin control of HIV-1 gene ex-
fects of the defective gene. It is hoped that this pression, and exploring structure space.
sort of technology will eventually be used to Frank-Kamenetskii, Maxim D. Unraveling DNA.
overcome even complex problems such as Alz- Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1997.
heimers disease and acquired immunodefi- Melds history, biographical details, and sci-
ciency syndrome (AIDS). ence to provide a general discussion of DNA
One of the most unusual and potentially re- and its basic structure and function.
warding applications of DNA structure was in- McCarty, Maclyn. The Transforming Principle:
troduced by computer scientist Leonard Adle- Discovering That Genes Are Made of DNA. New
man in 1994. Adleman devised a way to use York: W. W. Norton, 1994. Gives an insiders
short pieces of single-stranded DNA in solution view of the circumstances surrounding
as a rudimentary computer to solve a rela- Oswald Averys pivotal experiments.
tively complicated mathematical problem. By Maddox, Brenda. Rosalind Franklin: The Dark
devising a code in which each piece of DNA Lady of DNA. New York: HarperCollins, 2002.
stood for a specific variable in his problem and Tells the other side of the story in the discov-
then allowing these single-stranded DNA ery and structure of DNA, focusing on the
pieces to base pair with each other randomly in often neglected role of Franklin. Illustra-
solution, Adleman obtained an answer to his tions, bibliography, index.
problem in a short amount of time. Soon there- Rosenfield, Israel, et al. DNA for Beginners. New
after, other computer scientists and molecular York: W. W. Norton, 1983. Provides an enter-
biologists began to experiment with other ap- taining, yet factual, cartoon account of basic
plications of this fledgling technology, which DNA structure and function as well as more
represents an exciting synthesis of two formerly advanced topics in molecular biology.
244 Down Syndrome

Smith, Paul J., and Christopher J. Jones, eds. Key terms

DNA Recombination and Repair. New York: aneuploid: a cell or individual with one a few
Oxford University Press, 1999. Explores the missing or extra chromosomes
cellular processes involved in DNA recombi- meiosis: a process of nuclear division that pro-
nation and repair by highlighting current re- duces cells containing half the number of
search, including strategies for dealing with chromosomes as the original cell
DNA mismatches or lesions, the enzymology nondisjunction: the failure of homologous
of excision repair, and the integration of chromosomes to separate correctly during
DNA repair into other cellular pathways. cell division
Watson, James. The Double Helix. New York: Si- trisomy: the condition of having an extra
mon and Schuster, 2001. Watsons account chromosome in a set present, such as having
of the race to solve the structure of the DNA three copies of chromosome 21, as in Down
molecule. syndrome
Watson, James, et al. Recombinant DNA. New
York: W. H. Freeman, 1992. Uses accessible Discovery and Cause
language and exceptional diagrams to give a Down syndrome is one of the most common
concise background on the methods, under- chromosomal defects in human beings. Ac-
lying concepts, and far-reaching applica- cording to some studies, it occurs in one in
tions of recombinant DNA technology. seven hundred live births; other studies place
the number at one in nine hundred. Further, it
Web Sites of Interest occurs in about one in every two hundred con-
Deakin University, Australia. http://agrippina ceptions. This syndrome (a pattern of charac-
.bcs.deakin.edu.au/bcs_courses/forensic/ teristic abnormalities) was first described in
chemical%20detective/dna_type.htm. A 1866 by the English physician John Langdon
richly illustrated guide to the molecular Down. While in charge of an institution hous-
structure and function of DNA. ing the profoundly mentally retarded, he no-
Left-Handed DNA Hall of Fame. http://www ticed that almost one in ten of his patients had a
.lecb.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/lefthanded.DNA flat face and slanted eyes causing Down to use
.html. Molecular information theorist Tom the term mongolism to describe the syn-
Schneider created this site to document me- drome; this term, however, is misleading. Males
dia and book illustrations in which DNA is and females of every race and ethnicity can and
shown incorrectly twisting to the left. do have this syndrome. To eliminate the unin-
University of Massachusetts. DNA Structure. tentionally racist implications of the term
http://molvis.sdsc.edu/dna/index.htm. mongolism, Lionel Penrose and his col-
An interactive, animated, downloadable tu- leagues changed the name to Down syndrome.
torial on the molecular composition and Although Down syndrome was observed and
structure of DNA for high school students reported in the 1860s, it was almost one hun-
and college freshmen. Available in Spanish, dred years before the cause was discovered. In
German, and Portuguese. 1959, the French physician Jrme Lejeune
and his associates realized that the presence of
an extra chromosome 21 was the apparent
cause. This fact places Down syndrome in the
Down Syndrome broader category of aneuploid conditions. All
human cells have forty-six chromosomes or
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes strands made up of the chemical called deoxy-
Significance: Down syndrome is one of the most ribonucleic acid (DNA). The sections or subdi-
thoroughly studied genetic diseases. The discovery visions along these forty-six strands, called
that the syndrome is usually caused by the presence genes, are responsible for producing all the
of an extra chromosome was a landmark in the un- proteins that determine our specific human
derstanding of the causes of genetic defects. characteristics. An aneuploid is a cell with forty-
Down Syndrome 245

somes. If the pair that has failed to separate is

The Cause of Down Syndrome chromosome 21, then the potential exists for
twenty-three chromosomes in a normal gamete
to combine with a gamete containing twenty-
four, creating a trisomic individual with forty-
seven chromosomes.

Symptoms of Down Syndrome

The slanted appearance of the eyes first re-
ported by Down is caused by a prominent fold
of skin called an epicanthic fold (a fold in the
upper eyelid near the corner of the eye). This
fold of skin is accompanied by excess skin on
the back of the neck and abnormal creases in
the skin of the palm. In addition, the skull is
wide, with a flat back and a flat face. The hair on
the skull is sparse and straight. The rather be-
Down syndrome, or trisomy 21, is caused by the presence of an nign physical abnormalities are minor com-
abnormal third chromosome in pair 21. (Electronic Illustra- pared to the defects in internal organ systems.
tors Group) Almost 40 percent of Down syndrome patients
suffer from serious heart defects. They are very
prone to cancer of the white blood cells (acute
five or forty-seven or more chromosomes, with leukemia), the formation of cataracts, and seri-
the missing or extra strands of DNA leaving the ous recurring respiratory infections. Short of
individual with too few or too many genes. This stature with poorly formed joints, they often
aneuploid condition then results in significant have poor reflexes, weak muscle tone, and an
alterations in ones traits and a great number of unstable gait. The furrowed, protruding
potential abnormalities. tongue that often holds the mouth partially
In a normal individual, the forty-six strands open is an external sign of the serious internal
are actually twenty-three pairs of chromosomes digestive blockages frequently present. These
that are referred to as homologous because blockages must often be surgically repaired
each pair is the same size and contains the same before the individuals first birthday. Many
genes. In most cases of Down syndrome, there suffer from major kidney defects that are of-
are three copies of chromosome 21. An aneu- ten irreparable. Furthermore, a suppressed im-
ploid with three of a particular chromosome is mune system can easily lead to death from an
called trisomic; thus Down syndrome is often infectious disease such as influenza or pneu-
called trisomy 21. The extra chromosome is monia.
gained because either the egg or sperm that With all these potential physical problems, it
came together at fertilization contained an ex- is not surprising that nearly 50 percent of Down
tra one. This error in gamete (egg or sperm) syndrome patients die before the age of one.
production is called nondisjunction and oc- For those who live, there are enormous physi-
curs during the process of meiosis. When meio- cal, behavioral, and mental challenges. The
sis proceeds normally, the homologous chro- mental retardation that always accompanies
mosome pairs are separated from each other, Down syndrome ranges from quite mild to pro-
forming gametes with twenty-three chromo- found. This mental retardation makes all learn-
somes, one from each pair. If nondisjunction ing difficult and speech acquisition in particular
occurs, a pair fails to separate, producing a ga- very slow. Yet most Down syndrome individuals
mete type with twenty-two chromosomes and a have warm, loving personalities and enjoy art
second gamete type with twenty-four chromo- and music very much.
246 Down Syndrome

Modern Understanding of Down which was soon followed by the discovery that
Syndrome the extra chromosome present was a third copy
Although this syndrome was recognized by of chromosome 21.
Down in 1866, true understanding of it dates The modern development of more sophisti-
from the work that Lejeune began in 1953. The cated methods of identifying individual parts
seemingly innocuous characteristic of abnor- of chromosomes has shed much light on the
mal palm prints and fingerprints fostered an possible mechanisms by which the symptoms
important insight for him. Since those prints are caused. Some affected individuals do not
are laid down very early in the childs prenatal have a whole extra chromosome 21; rather,
development, they suggest a profoundly al- they possess a third copy of some part of that
tered embryological course of events. His intu- chromosome. A very tiny strand of DNA, chro-
ition told him that not one or two altered genes mosome 21 contains only about fifteen hun-
but rather a whole chromosomes genes must dred genes. Of these fifteen hundred, only a
be at fault. In 1957, he discovered, by the cul- few hundred are consistently present in those
turing of cells from Down syndrome children who suffer from Down syndrome, namely the
in dishes in the laboratory, that those cells con- genes in the bottom one-third of the chromo-
tained forty-seven chromosomes. This work some. Among those genes are several that
eventually resulted in his 1959 publication, could very likely cause certain symptoms associ-
ated with Down syndrome. A leukemia-
causing gene and a gene for a protein in
the lens of the eye that could trigger cata-
ract formation have both been identi-
fied. A gene for the production of the
chemicals called purines has been lo-
cated. The overabundance of purines
produced when three copies of this gene
are present has been linked to the mental
retardation usually seen. Even the fact
that Down syndrome individuals have a
greatly reduced life expectancy is vali-
Image not available dated by the presence of an extra gene
for the enzyme superoxide dismutase,
which seems involved in the normal ag-
ing process. Like Alzheimers disease pa-
tients, Down syndrome patients who live
past forty years of age have gummy tan-
gles of protein strands called amyloid fi-
bers in their brains. Since one form of in-
herited Alzheimers is caused by a gene
on chromosome 21, scientists continue
to search for links between the impaired
mental functioning characteristic of
both diseases.
Down syndrome is characterized by impaired mental ability and a com-
Other modern research has shed light
plex of physical traits that may include short stature, stubby fingers
and toes, protruding tongue, a single transverse palm crease, slanting
on the long-recognized relationship be-
of the eyes, small nose and ears, abnormal finger orientation, congeni- tween the age of the mother and an in-
tal heart defects, and other traits that vary from individual to individ- creased risk of having a Down syndrome
ual. Despite some or all of these traits, many Down syndrome children, child. Using more and more elaborate
supported by parents and organizations such as the Special Olympics methods of chromosome banding, genet-
and Boy Scouts, engage fully in life. (AP/Wide World Photos) icists can determine whether the extra
Down Syndrome 247

Familial Down Syndrome

Down syndrome always involves either an extra por- drome do couples discover that one of them is a
tion of or a complete extra copy of chromosome 21. translocation carrier. Carriers can produce (1) non-
There are three mechanisms by which this can occur. carrier, chromosomally normal, children (which usu-
Between 92 and 95 percent of cases result from non- ally happens); (2) carrier children, just like the car-
disjunction during meiosis, in which two copies of rier parent, who are translocation heterozygotes; or
chromosome 21 migrate to the same pole and end (3) children with Down syndrome. Carrier mothers
up in the same daughter cell. This most often hap- produce children with Down syndrome about 12 per-
pens in women, and if an egg with two copies of chro- cent of the time. Carrier fathers produce children
mosome 21 is fertilized, the zygote will have three with Down syndrome about 3 percent of the time.
copies and all cells throughout the developing fetus Why greater risk exists for mothers is not clear.
will have an extra chromosome 21. Though maternal age is the most frequent predis-
The second mechanism, mosaic trisomy 21, in- posing factor for Down syndrome, it is uncorrelated
volves an error in cell division shortly after concep- with familial Down syndrome; translocation trisomy
tion. This error produces two populations or lines of 21 occurs with equal frequency in younger and older
cells, some with 46 chromosomes and some with women. Rarely, a carrier parent will have a transloca-
47the ones that have the additional chromosome tion between both twenty-first chromosomes, a trans-
21. This mechanism occurs in 2 to 4 percent of Down location carrier homozygote. This parent has a 100
syndrome live births. Covert mosaicism in parents percent chance for producing children with Down
used to be suspected as causing familial Down syn- syndrome.
drome but is no longer indicated. Ever since the genes on chromosome 21 were
Between 1 and 4 percent of children with Down fully mapped, pedigree research (family recurrence
syndrome have translocation trisomy 21, which oc- studies) and epidemiological research (studies of
curs when extra genetic material from chromosome chance occurrence among populations) have sup-
21 has been translocated to another chromosome. A ported that these chromosomal abnormalities and
family history of Down syndrome is an indication uneven distributions of genetic material are inher-
that this may be the cause of the defect. The occur- ited, and most often through mothers. Though cryp-
rence of more than one case of Down syndrome in tic parental mosaicism is no longer suspected and
a family is relatively rare, but when it does occur, there is promising research investigating mitochon-
translocation trisomy is often suspected. Carrier par- drial DNA in the form of cytoplasmic inheritance,
ents usually do not display any genetic abnormali- the specific genetic mechanism of familial Down syn-
ties. Not until there is miscarriage of a fetus with drome remains elusive.
Down syndrome or birth of a child with Down syn- Paul Moglia

chromosome 21 came from the mother or the See also: Aging; Amniocentesis and Chori-
father. In 94 percent of children, the egg brings onic Villus Sampling; Congenital Defects; Frag-
the extra chromosome. Since the first steps of ile X Syndrome; Genetic Counseling; Genetic
meiosis to produce her future eggs occur be- Testing; Genetics, Historical Development of;
fore the mothers own birth, the older the Intelligence; Mutation and Mutagenesis; Non-
mother, the longer these egg cells have been disjunction and Aneuploidy; Prenatal Diagno-
exposed to potentially harmful chemicals or ra- sis; Proteomics.
diation. On the other hand, paternal age is not
a factor because all the steps of meiosis in males Further Reading
occur in cells produced in the few weeks before Beighton, Peter. The Person Behind the Syndrome.
conception. The continued study of the age Rev. ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1997.
factor as well as new insights from genomics are Biographical details about John Langdon
leading to a greater understanding for all those Down.
affected by Down syndrome. Cohen, William I., Lynn Nadel, and Myra E.
Grace D. Matzen Madnick, eds. Down Syndrome: Visions for the
248 Dwarfism

Twenty-first Century. New York: Wiley-Liss, mental retardation, its causes, and preven-
2002. Reviews findings from a 2000 confer- tion strategies. Topics include parenting is-
ence, providing a comprehensive treatment sues, educational implications, health care
of the current issues of self-determination, needs, employment and economic matters,
education, and advocacy, as well as the most and legal issues. Glossary.
recent research developments.
Hogenboom, Marga. Living with Genetic
Web Sites of Interest
Syndromes Associated with Intellectual Disability.
Dolan DNA Learning Center, Your Genes Your
Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley, 2001. Ad-
Health. http://www.ygyh.org. Sponsored by
dresses not only Down syndrome but also
the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this site,
Williams, Angelman, and and Prader-Willi
a component of the DNA Interactive Web
syndromes from both a psychological and a
site, offers information on more than a dozen
practical standpoint. Valuable to the genet-
inherited diseases and syndromes, including
ics student for its introductory material on
Down syndrome.
the genetics of these syndromes.
National Down Syndrome Society. http://www
Lubec, G. The Molecular Biology of Down Syn-
.ndss.org. A comprehensive site that includes
drome. New York: Springer, 1999. Twenty-five
information on research into the genetics of
chapters examine different aspects of Down
the syndrome and links to related resources.
syndrome, including neuropathology, mo-
lecular pathology, mechanisms of neuronal
death, oxidative stress, and apoptosis.
_______. Protein Expression in Down Syndrome
Brain. New York: Springer, 2001. Both origi-
nal research and current opinions on Down Dwarfism
syndrome, with an emphasis on the molecu-
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
lar biology at the protein (rather than the
Significance: Dwarfism in humans is a term used
nucleic acid) level, from studies using fetal
to describe adults who are less than 50 inches (127
brains with Down syndrome.
centimeters) in height. Dwarfism can be caused by
Newton, Richard. The Downs Syndrome Hand-
genetic factors, endocrine malfunction, acquired
book: A Practical Guide for Parents and Care-
conditions, or growth hormone deficiency. Indi-
givers. New York: Arrow Books, 1997. Helpful
viduals with dwarfism usually have normal intel-
advice about the capabilities of affected peo-
ligence and have an average life span. Dwarfism
ple. Combines medical knowledge with sym-
may result in multiple medical problems that can
pathetic common sense, to provide help and
lead to death. Dwarfs who have normal body pro-
advice to caregivers of young Down syn-
portions are referred to as midgets. Dispropor-
drome patients.
tioned human dwarfs are referred to as dwarfs.
Selikowitz, Mark. Down Syndrome: The Facts. 2d
Both scientific terms are socially unacceptable; hu-
ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
man dwarfs prefer to be referred to as little people.
Covers the entire life span of patients, from
infancy to adulthood, and deals with the de-
velopmental, educational, and social-sexual Key terms
needs of individuals with Down syndrome as allele: one of the different forms of a particu-
well as their medical needs. lar gene (locus)
Shannon, Joyce Brennfleck. Mental Retardation autosomal dominant allele: an allele of a
Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Information gene (locus) on one of the nonsex chromo-
About Mental Retardation and Its Causes, In- somes that is always expressed, even if the
cluding Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, other allele is normal
Fragile X Syndrome, Genetic Conditions, Injury. autosomal recessive allele: an allele of a
Detroit, Mich.: Omnigraphics, 2000. Provides gene which will be expressed only if there
basic consumer health information about are two identical copies
Dwarfism 249

Types and Symptoms of Dwarfism chance of inheriting achondroplasia, a 25 per-

Dwarfism, of which there are several hun- cent chance of being normal, and a 25 percent
dred forms, occurs in approximately one in ev- chance of inheriting the abnormal allele from
ery ten thousand births. Most dwarfs are born each parent and suffering often fatal skeletal
to parents of average height. The most com- abnormalities. Children who do not inherit the
mon type of dwarfism, achondroplasia, is an defective gene will never have achondroplasia,
autosomal dominant trait, but in 80 percent of and cannot pass it on their offspring, unless a
cases it appears in children born to normal par- mutation occurs in the sperm or egg of the par-
ents as a result of mutations in the sperm or ents. Geneticists have observed that fathers
egg. who are 40 years of age or older are more likely
Dwarfisms in which body proportions are to have children with achondroplasia due to
normal usually result from metabolic or hor- mutations in their sperm.
monal disorders in infancy or childhood. Chro- Diastrophic dysplasia is a relatively common
mosomal abnormalities, pituitary gland disor- form of short-limb dwarfism that occurs in ap-
ders, problems with absorption, malnutrition, proximately one in 100,000 births and is identi-
kidney disease, and extreme emotional distress fied by the presence of short arms and calves,
can also interfere with normal growth. When clubfeet, and short, broad fingers with a thumb
body parts are disproportioned, the dwarfism that has a hitchhiker type appearance. Infant
is usually due to a genetic defect. mortality can be high as a result of respiratory
Skeletal dysplasias are the most common complications, but if they survive infancy,
causes of dwarfism and are the major cause of short-limbed dwarfs have a normal life span.
disproportionate types of dwarfism. More than Orthopedic dislocations of joints are common.
five hundred skeletal dysplasias have been Scoliosis is seen especially in the early teens,
identified. Chondrodystrophic dwarfism oc- and progressive cervical kyphosis and partial
curs when cartilage cells do not grow and di- dislocation of the cervical spine eventually cause
vide as they should and cause defective carti- compression of the spinal cord. Diastrophic
lage cells. Most chondrodystrophic dwarfs have dysplasia is an inherited autosomal recessive
abnormal body proportions. The defective condition linked to chromosome 5. Parents
cells occur only in the spine or only in the arms have a 25 percent chance that each additional
and legs. child will get diastrophic dysplasia.
Short-limb dwarfism includes individuals Short-trunk dwarfism includes individuals
with achondroplasia, diastropic dysplasia, and with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, which re-
Hunter-Thompson chondrodysplasia. Achon- sults from abnormal growth in the spine and
droplasia is the most common skeletal dyspla- long bones that leads to a shortened trunk. In
sia and affects more than 50 percent of all spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda, the lack of
dwarfs. Achondroplasia is caused by an auto- growth may not be recognized until five to ten
somal dominant allele and is identified by a dis- years of age. Those affected have progressive
proportionate short stature consisting of long joint and back pain and eventually develop os-
trunk and short upper arms and legs. Eighty teoarthritis. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia con-
percent of all cases of achondroplasia result genita is caused by autosomal dominant gene
from a mutation on chromosome 4 in a gene mutations and is evidenced by a short neck and
that codes for a fibroblast growth factor recep- trunk, and barrel chest at birth. It is not uncom-
tor. Achondroplasia is seen in both males and mon for cleft palate, hearing loss, myopia, and
females, occurs in all races, and affects approxi- retinal detachment to be present. Morquio syn-
mately one in every twenty thousand births. If drome, which was first described in 1929, is
one parent has achondroplasia and the other classified as a mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS)
does not, a child born to them would have a 50 disease caused by the bodys inability to pro-
percent chance of inheriting achondroplasia. duce enzymes that help to breakdown and recy-
On the other hand, if both parents have achon- cle dead cells. Consequently, wastes are stored
droplasia, their offspring have a 50 percent in the bodys cells.
250 Dwarfism

chromosomes in most of the cells

in the body. Short stature and the
failure to develop sexually are
hallmarks of Turner syndrome.
Learning difficulties, skeletal ab-
normalities, heart and kidney
problems, infertility, and thyroid
dysfunction may also occur. Tur-
ner syndrome can be treated with
human growth hormones and by
replacing sex hormones.
Image not available
Treatments for Dwarfism
Some forms of dwarfism can be
treated through surgical and med-
ical interventions such as bone-
lengthening procedures, recon-
structive surgery, and growth and
sex hormone replacement. The
Human Genome Project contin-
ues to investigate genetic links to
dwarfism. Prenatal counseling
and screening for traits of dwarf-
ism, along with genetic counseling
and support groups, are avenues
to pursue for family and individ-
ual physical, psychological, and
Fred (left) and Toby Gill, in a photograph taken September 6, 1996. The twins social well-being and to make in-
were born with a form of short-limb dwarfism known as diastropic dysplasia, formed choices. Family and pub-
which occurs in approximately one in 100,000 births and is identified by the lic education regarding dwarfism
presence of short arms and calves, clubfeet, and short, broad fingers with a and growth problems offers a
thumb that has a hitchhiker-type appearance. (AP/Wide World Photos) means to bring greater awareness
of dwarfism to communities.
Sharon Wallace Stark
Hunter-Thompson chondrodysplasia is a See also: Congenital Defects; Consanguin-
form of dwarfism caused by a mutation in ity and Genetic Disease; Hereditary Diseases;
growth factor genes. Affected individuals have Human Growth Hormone; Pedigree Analysis.
shortened and misshapened bones in the lower
arms, the legs, and the joints of the hands and Further Reading
feet. Fingers are shortened and toes are ball- Ablon, J. Living with Difference: Families with
shaped. Dwarf Children. Westport, Conn.: Green-
Growth hormone, a protein that is pro- wood, 1988. Exploration of developmental
duced by the pituitary (master) gland, is vital and medical problems, school experiences,
for normal growth. Hypopituitarism results in a social world of the dwarf children, and how
deficiency of growth hormone and afflicts be- dwarf children fit into family systems.
tween ten thousand and fifteen thousand chil- Apajasalo, M., et al. Health-Related Quality of
dren in the United States. Life of Patients with Genetic Skeletal Dyspla-
Turner syndrome affects one in every two sias. European Journal of Pediatrics 157 (1998):
thousand female infants and is characterized 114-121. Presents tools for assessing the well-
by the absence of or damage to one of the X being of individuals with dwarfism and dis-
Dwarfism 251

cusses results of a survey conducted by the Ulijaszek, J. S., Francis E. Johnston, and Mi-
authors. chael A. Preece. Cambridge Encyclopedia of
Krakow, D., et al. Use of Three-Dimensional Human Growth and Development. New York:
Ultrasound Imaging in the Diagnosis of Pre- Cambridge University Press, 1998. Broadly
natal-Onset Skeletal Dysplasias. Ultrasound discusses genetic growth anomalies in rela-
in Obstetrics and Gynecology 21 (2003): 4676- tion to environmental, physiological, social,
4678. Describes in detail the newest ap- economic, and nutritional influences on hu-
proach to prenatal detection of dysplasias. man growth.
Page, Nick. Lord Minimus: The Extraordinary Life Vajo, Zoltan, Clair A. Francomano, and Doug-
of Britains Smallest Man. New York: St. Mar- las J. Wilkin. The Molecular and Genetic
tins Press, 2002. Relates the exciting life led Basis of Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 3
by Jeffrey Hudson, a dwarf, in the court of Disorders: The Achondroplasia Family of
King Charles I and Queen Henrietta Maria. Skeletal Dysplasias, Muenke Craniosynosto-
Ranke, M., and G. Gilli. Growth Standards, Bone sis, and Crouzon Syndrome with Acanthosis
Maturation, and Idiopathic Short Stature. Nigricans. Endocrine Reviews 21, no. 1 (2000):
Farmington, Conn.: S. Karger, 1996. KABI 23-39. Aimed at researchers.
International Growth Study to establish Zelzer, Elazar, and Bjorn R. Olsen. The Ge-
global guidelines and standards for diagno- netic Basis for Skeletal Diseases. Nature 423
sis and treatment of growth disorders and (2003): 343-348. Aimed at researchers but
definition of idiopathic short stature (ISS). understandable by a wider audience.
Richardson, John H. In the Little World: A True
Story of Dwarfs, Love, and Trouble. San Fran-
cisco: HarperCollins, 2001. A wide-ranging Web Sites of Interest
look at the world of the little people, as Centralized Dwarfism Resources. http://
many people with dwarfism prefer to be www.dwarfism.org. Offers information on
called. types of dwarfism and links to other informa-
Thorner, M., and R. Smith. Human Growth Hor- tive sites.
mone: Research and Clinical Practice. Vol. 19. National Center for Biotechnology Informa-
Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 1999. Exam- tion. Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man.
ines the use of human growth hormone http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Omim. A
therapies in the treatment of short stature catalog on genes and genetic disorders, in-
and various diseases. cluding dwarfism, searchable by keyword.
Emerging Diseases Epidemiological Background
Fields of study: Diseases and syndromes; Emerging diseases are new illnesses or old
Viral genetics ailments whose incidence in humans or other
Significance: Pandemics caused by emerging dis- target organisms, such as economically impor-
eases have the potential to sweep the globe and kill tant plants or animals, have increased. The key
millions of persons. These diseases typically arise to an emergent or reemergent disease is that
by evolutionary processesnatural selection or ar- the change in its status is sudden and unex-
tificial selection via the misuse of antibioticsby pected. For example, acquired immunodefi-
swapping of plasmids or other genetic elements, or ciency syndrome (AIDS)caused by the hu-
else they represent pathogens normally found in man immunodeficiency virus (HIV)is an
animals that make the jump into humans. example of a new disease that emerged from an
isolated, mysterious wasting syndrome to a pan-
Key term demic that has killed millions. Tuberculosis,
drug resistance: a phenomenon in which caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is an exam-
pathogens no longer respond to drug thera- ple of an old, more or less controlled condition
pies that used to control them; resistance that has reemerged in an age when many peo-
can arise by recombination, by mutation or ple have compromised immune systems and
by several methods of gene transfer, or by when antibiotic misuse has promoted the de-
misuse of existing drugs velopment of drug-resistant strains.
emerging disease: a disease whose incidence In many cases, emerging diseases are not the
in humans or other target organisms has in- result of genetic changes. They instead gain a
creased foothold in a new species by transmission from
interspecific transmission: when a patho- another host. The probability of interspecific
gen infecting one host infects another host transmission rises as contacts increase between
of a different species species that formerly had few opportunities to
interact. For example, the Ebola virus may have
A Global Scare made the leap into humans as humans en-
Early in 2003, a new virus appeared. The ill- croached upon the forests of central Africa and
ness it caused, severe acute respiratory syn- came into greater contact with the natural hosts
drome (SARS), began with flu-like symptoms of the disease. HIV may have made a similar
fever, chills, headache followed by a dr y leap. Influenza viruses infect humans, swine,
coughbut appeared to be quite deadly. By horses, poultry, and waterfowl. New strains of
mid-April of the year, more than 3,500 persons the virus often emerge in regions, such as south-
around the globe had been diagnosed with ern China, where an agricultural mode of life
SARS. Of those, more than 150 had died. As prevails and humans live in close proximity to
the illness spread from its apparent source in farm animals. The close proximity of several sus-
Guangdong Province, China, individuals in- ceptible hosts makes it easy for mutant strains
fected with or exposed to it were quarantined. to develop in one species and spread to others.
International travel was restricted, damping an
already sluggish global economy. Also by mid- The Mutants
April of that year, the World Heath Organi- In 1997, a new strain of influenza emerged
zation announced that an international team in Hong Kong. The strain (H5N1) leapt from
of researchers had determined that a corona- chickens to humans and was armed with a mu-
virusa type of virus related to those that cause tation that allowed it to disable a part of the
the common coldwas the cause of the syn- immune system. H5N1 killed only six people
drome. However, it was of a type never before but that small number was one-third of the per-
seen. SARS is a prime example of the potential sons infected, a very large proportion. Nor-
threat posed by emerging infectious diseases. mally, the flu virus would be contained within
Emerging Diseases 253

the lungs or intestines of the chicken, but this humans. Other parts resembled those of
particular strain spread to other tissues and strains that normally infected swine. Such
had the potential to kill victims quickly. Subse- swapping of similar genetic sequences is called
quent research traced the change to one gene, recombination. The new combinations may
PB2. The mutation in PB2 gave H5N1 the abil- have arisen as the swine strain infected hu-
ity to infect people. Because of the dangers mans, or as the human strain infected swine
posed by the 1997 strain, Hong Kong authori- or they may have arisen through many infec-
ties ordered the destruction of more than a mil- tions back and forth. While no one is sure how
lion fowl. The mass killing was repeated during the combination of human and swine charac-
another outbreak in 2001 and 2002, during teristics proved so deadlyor how it aroseno
which 4 million fowl were destroyed. one can dispute its lethal effectiveness.
A mutation can affect as little as a single
base pair in a strand of DNA or RNA, or it
can involve much longer segments. The
classes of mutations include substitutions,
deletions, and insertions. Substitutions oc-
cur when a nitrogenous base or a sequence
of bases in a nucleic acid is replaced by an-
other sequence of identical length. Substi-
tutions can be silentthat is, they can have
no effect because the changed sequence
calls for the same amino acid as the origi-
nal. However, substitutions can cause mis-
sense mutations, in which a different
amino acid is called for, or nonsense muta-
tions, which signals the end of a polypep-
tide chain. Deletions occur when a portion
of a gene is cut out and lost. Insertions oc- Image not available
cur when more nucleotides are inserted
into the sequence of an existing gene.

Reshuffling the Genome

Some of the worlds most lethal pan-
demics arise through recombination in
the genome of the pathogen. Influenza is
a prime example. The flu viruses are noto-
rious for their ability to changeone rea-
son flu vaccinations are given annually.
The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, caused
by a strain that actually originated in
North America, spread quickly, infecting
about half of the human population at
the time and killed tens of millions before
In the spring and early summer of 2003, a new pandemic, severe
running its course.
acute respiratory syndrome or SARS, emerged from Chinas Guang-
Genetic analysis of the Spanish flu virus dong Province and was quickly spread across the globe by world travel-
revealed changes in the gene that codes ers. After it was recognized as a new and highly infectious coronavirus,
for a protein, hemagglutinin, that helps the World Health Organization issued guidelines for its containment,
the virus attach to host cells. Parts of the which seemed to occur as the summer drew to a close. Here a woman
Spanish flu hemagglutinin gene resem- stands in front of a poster in Taipei, Taiwan, that urges anti-SARS
bled that of strains that typically infected practices on the part of the public. (AP/Wide World Photos)
254 Emerging Diseases

Mix and Match and Mix New Threats

One of the types of recombination seen in Influenza is an ancient scourge of human-
influenza viruses is a called reassortment. It oc- kind, but because of its ability to change, re-
curs in viruses, like influenza viruses, with seg- mains a significant pandemic threat. HIV and
mented genomestheir genetic material does severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are
not come in one piece, like a chromosome much more recent emergent viral diseases.
does, but in separate units. If two or more Others include Ebola, described in 1976; hepa-
strains of a virus infect a host, they can ex- titis C, identified in 1989; Sin nombre virus, iso-
change those units via reassortment and give lated in 1993; the H5N1 strain of the flu virus;
rise to a new strain with characteristics of the and West Nile virus, which emerged in 2002 in
parental strains. The rotaviruses are another the United States.
group of viruses that recombine their genomes Several bacterial diseases have likewise
via reassortment. A human rotavirus is one of emerged in recent decades. They include Le-
the most common causes of gastroenteritis in gionnaires disease, caused by Legionella pneu-
small children around the world and kills hun- mophilia; Escherichia coli strain O157, a virulent
dreds of thousands of children each year. form of a bacterium that normally lives in the
Viruses are capable of classical recombina- human gut; and Lyme disease, caused by Bor-
tion, in which homologous segments of DNA relia burgdorferi. Antibiotic resistance itself is on
or RNA break away and reattach to related the rise and poses an increasing danger to hu-
strands of genetic material. Another type of re- mans. Bacteria for which resistance has been
combination requires DNA or double-stranded documented include Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
RNA. It is called copy-choice recombination Neisseria gonorrhoea, Staphylococcus aureus, and
and occurs when the polymerase enzyme used Streptococcus.
to make a copy of a nucleic acid strand switches
strands in the middle of the process.
Public health agencies have recognized the
Bacterial Gene Swapping importance of surveillance in any attempt to
Bacteria swap via plasmidstiny rings of contain emerging or reemerging diseases. Dis-
DNA that can be transferred directly from bac- ease monitoring has been going on for some
terial cell to bacterial cell via conjugation. Plas- time: The U.S. Congress in 1878 authorized
mids can also be transferred indirectly as some the U.S. Marine Hospital Service to collect data
cells release them and others take them up. on four diseasescholera, smallpox, plague,
Plasmids can also be transferred via bacterio- and yellow feverfrom U.S. consuls around
phagesviruses that infect bacteria. Viruses the world. The Centers for Disease Control
also stash their own genetic material inside the and Prevention now administer disease surveil-
bacterial genome. lance activities within the United States. The
Such gene swapping is the primary mecha- World Health Organization (WHO) in 2001
nism by which bacteria acquire new character- established a Department of Communicable
istics such as antibiotic resistancewhich is Disease Surveillance and Response in order
now a serious threat in some circumstances. to improve monitoring activities globally. Re-
The resistance itself may arise through a muta- ports of new diseases, such as SARS, are for-
tion but spreads among other microbes via warded to the WHO headquarters in Geneva,
gene exchange. Jim Henson, the renowned Switzerland, which coordinates a global re-
puppeteer who created the Muppets, died in sponse.
1990 at a young and typically healthy age from David M. Lawrence
an infection of drug-resistant Streptococcus, a See also: Bacterial Resistance and Super
bacterium that normally gives humans only a Bacteria; Biological Weapons; Diphtheria; Mu-
sore throat and that normally responds quickly tation and Mutagenesis; Smallpox; Swine Flu;
to antibiotic treatment. Viral Genetics; Viroids and Virusoids.
Epistasis 255

Further Reading http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod. This search-

DeSalle, Rob, ed. Epidemic! The World of Infec- able government site includes information
tious Disease. New York: The New Press, 1999. on emerging diseases such as Severe Acute
An accessible discussion of infectious dis- Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and others.
eases caused by viruses, bacteria, and para- The DNA Files, Genetics of Infectious Disease.
sites. Topics include ecology and evolution, http://www.dnafiles.org/resources. Site in-
modes of transmission, infectious processes, cludes articles on emerging diseases, a link
outbreaks, and public health policies. to the site of the CDCs 2002 international
Drexler, Madeline. Secret Agents: The Menace of conference on emerging diseases, and a use-
Emerging Infections. Washington, D.C.: Jo- ful bibliography for further study.
seph Henry Press, 2002. Drexler discusses World Health Organization. http://www.who
the ever-changing rules of engagement in .int/en. This U.N. agency monitors disease
the war between humans and microbes, re- outbreaks and emerging diseases worldwide,
counts the history of past microbial killers, working with government health agencies to
and makes a case for increasing the ability of coordinate scientific and clinical efforts.
the public health system to respond to
emerging diseases.
Garrett, Laurie. The Coming Plague: Newly Emerg-
ing Diseases in a World Out of Balance. New
York: Penguin, 1995. The author, a reporter Epistasis
for Newsday, explains in plain language the
reasons infectious diseases remain a threat to Field of study: Classical transmission
humanity. Well researched and documented, genetics
the book provides a readable introduction Significance: Epistasis is the interaction of genes
to the topic of infectious disease. such that the alleles at one locus can modify or
Kolata, Gina. Flu: The Story of the Great Influenza mask the expression of alleles at another locus. Di-
Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus hybrid crosses involving epistasis produce progeny
That Caused It. New York: Simon and Schu- ratios that are non-Mendelian, that is, different
ster, 2001. The discovery of pieces of this flu from the kinds of ratios discovered by Gregor Men-
virus in Arctic remains, as well as govern- del.
ment laboratories, prompted this history of
the pandemic. Describes the science sur- Key terms
rounding the possible recurrence of one of allele: an alternate form of a gene at a particu-
the deadliest plagues to attack humankind. lar locus; a single locus can possess two al-
Levy, Stuart B. The Antibiotic Paradox: How Mira- leles
cle Drugs Are Destroying the Miracle. New York: dihybrid cross: a cross between parents that
Plenum Press, 1992. Levy presents a fright- involve two specified genes, or loci
ening and authoritative indictment of how F1: first filial generation, or the progeny result-
misuse of antibiotics is leading to the emer- ing from the first cross in a series
gence of drug-resistant microbes against F2: second filial generation, or the progeny re-
which humanity has no defense. This classic sulting from cross of the F1 generation
and accessible account is still timely. locus (pl. loci): a more precise word for gene;
McNeill, William H. Plagues and Peoples. New in diploid organisms, each locus has two al-
York: Anchor Books, 1998. An updated edi- leles
tion of a classic work on the effect of disease
outbreaks on humans throughout history. Definition and History
The term epistasis is of Greek and Latin or-
Web Sites of Interest igin, meaning to stand upon or stoppage.
National Center for Infectious Diseases, The term was originally used by geneticist Wil-
Emerging Infectious Diseases Resources. liam Bateson at the beginning of the twentieth
256 Epistasis

century to define genes that mask the expres- derstanding of the influence of genotype on
sion of other genes. The gene at the initial loca- phenotype.
tion (locus) is termed the epistatic gene. The A gene can influence the expression of
genes at the other loci are hypostatic to the other genes in many different ways. One result
initial gene. In its strictest sense, it describes a of multiple genes is that more phenotypic
nonreciprocal interaction between two or classes can result than can be explained by the
more genes, such that one gene modifies, sup- action of a single pair of alleles. The initial evi-
presses, or otherwise influences the expression dence for this phenomenon came out of the
of another gene affecting the same phenotypic work of Bateson and British geneticist Reginald
(physical) character or process. By this defini- C. Punnett during their investigations on the
tion, simple additive effects of genes affecting a inheritance of comb shape in domesticated
single phenotypic character or process would chickens. The leghorn breed has a single
not be considered an epistatic interaction. Sim- comb, brahmas have pea combs, and wyan-
ilarly, interactions between alternative forms dottes have rose combs. Crosses between brah-
(alleles) of a single gene are governed by domi- mas and wyandottes have walnut combs. Inter-
nance effects and are not epistatic. Epistatic ef- crosses among walnut types show four different
fects are interlocus interactions. Therefore, in types of F2 (second-generation) progeny, in the
terms of the total genetic contribution to phe- ratio 9 walnut: 3 rose: 3 pea: 1 single. This ratio
notype, three factors are involved: dominance of phenotypes is consistent with the classical
effects, additive effects, and epistatic effects. F2 ratio for dihybrid inheritance. The corre-
The analysis of epistatic effects can suggest ways sponding ratio of genotypes, therefore, would
in which the action of genes can control a phe- be 9 A_ B_:3 A_ bb:3 aa B_:1 aa bb, respectively.
notype and thus supply a more complete un- (The underscore is used to indicate that the

A Punnett Square Showing Flower Pigmentation

White White
CCpp ccPP
F1 CcPp

CP Cp cP cp


purple purple purple purple

CCPp CCpp CcPp Ccpp

purple white purple white
CcPP CcPp ccPP ccPp
purple p22urple white white

CcPp Ccpp ccPp ccpp

purple white white white

When white-flowered sweet pea plants were crossed, the first-generation progeny (F1 ) all had purple flowers. When these plants were
self-fertilized, the second-generation progeny (F2 ) revealed a ratio of nine purple to seven white. This result can be explained by the
presence of two genes for flower pigmentation, P (dominant) and p (recessive) and C or c. Both dominant forms, P and C, must be
present in order to produce purple flowers.
Epistasis 257

second gene can be either dominant or reces- Modifying Gene Action

sive; for example, A_ means that both AA and The term modifying gene action is used to
Aa will result in the same phenotype.) In this describe a situation whereby one gene pro-
example, one can recognize that two indepen- duces an effect only in the presence of a domi-
dently assorting genes can affect a single trait. nant allele of a second gene at another locus.
If two gene pairs are acting epistatically, how- An example of this type of epistasis is aleurone
ever, the expected 9:3:3:1 ratio of phenotypes is color in corn. The aleurone is the outer cell
altered in some fashion. Thus, although the layer of the endosperm (food storage tissue) of
preceding example involves interactions be- the grain. In this system, a dominant gene (P_)
tween two loci, it is not considered a case of epi- produces a purple aleurone layer only in the
stasis, because the phenotype ratio is a classic presence of a gene for red aleurone (R_) but
Mendelian ratio for a dihybrid cross. Five basic expresses no effect in the absence of the sec-
examples of two-gene epistatic interactions can ond gene in its dominant form. Thus, the cor-
be described: complementary, modifying, in- responding F2 phenotypic ratio is 9 purple:3
hibiting, masking, and duplicate gene action. red:4 colorless. The individuals without aleu-
rone pigmentation would, therefore, be of the
Complementary Gene Action genotype P_ rr (3 16) or pp rr (1 16). Again, a two-
For complementary gene action, a domi- step biochemical pathway for pigmentation can
nant allele of two genes is required to produce be used to explain this ratio; however, in this ex-
a single effect. An example of this form of epi- ample, the product of the second gene (R) acts
stasis again comes from the observations of first in the biochemical pathway and allows for
Bateson and Punnett of flower color in crosses the production of red pigmentation and any
between two white-flowered varieties of sweet further modifications to that pigmentation.
peas. In their investigation, crosses between Thus, the phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation
these two varieties produced an unexpected re- would be 9:3:4.
sult: All of the F1 (first-generation) progeny
had purple flowers. When the F1 individuals Inhibiting Gene Action
were allowed to self-fertilize and produce the F2 Inhibiting action occurs when one gene acts
generation, a phenotypic ratio of nine purple- as an inhibitor of the expression of another
flowered to seven white-flowered individuals gene. In this example, the first gene allows the
resulted. Their hypothesis for this ratio was that phenotypic expression of a gene, while the
a homozygous recessive genotype for either other gene inhibits it. Using a previous exam-
gene (or both) resulted in the lack of flower ple (the gene R for red aleurone color in corn
pigmentation. A simple model to explain the seeds), the dominant form of the first gene R
biochemical basis for this type of flower pig- does not produce its effect in the presence of
mentation is a two-step process, each step con- the dominant form of the inhibitor gene I. In
trolled by a separate gene and each gene hav- other words, the genotype R_ i_ results in a phe-
ing a recessive allele that eliminates pigment notype of red aleurone (3 16), while all other ge-
formation. Given this explanation, each parent notypes result in the colorless phenotype (12 16).
must have had complementary genotypes (AA Thus gene R is inhibited in its expression by the
bb and aa BB), and thus both had white flowers. expression of gene I. The F2 phenotypic ratio
Crosses between these two parents would pro- would be 13:3. This ratio, unlike the previous
duce double heterozygotes (Aa Bb) with purple two examples, includes only two phenotypic
flowers. In the F2 generation, 9 19 would have the classes and highlights a complicating factor in
genotype A_ B_ and would have purple flowers. determining whether one or two genes may be
The remaining 7 16 would be homozygous reces- influencing a given trait. A 13:3 ratio is close to
sive for at least one of the two genes and, there- a 3:1 ratio (the ratio expected for the F2 genera-
fore, would have white flowers. In summary, the tion of a monohybrid cross). Thus it empha-
phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation would sizes the need to look at an F2 population of suf-
be 9:7. ficient size to discount the possibility of a single
258 Epistasis

gene phenomenon over an inhibiting epistatic mines the final fitness of an individual, not only
gene interaction. as a sum total of individual genes (additive ef-
fects) or by the interaction between different
Masking Gene Action forms of a gene (dominance effects) but also by
Masking gene action, a form of modifying the interaction between different genes (intra-
gene action, results when one gene is the pri- genomic or epistatic effects). This situation is
mary determinant of the phenotype of the off- something akin to a chorus: Great choruses not
spring. An example of this phenomenon is only have singularly fine voices, but they also
fruit color in summer squash. In this example, perform magnificently as finely tuned and co-
the F2 ratio is 12:3:1, indicating that the first ordinated units. Knowledge of what contrib-
gene in its dominant form results in the first utes to a superior genome would, therefore,
phenotype (white fruit); thus this gene is the lead to a fuller understanding of the inheri-
primary determinant of the phenotype. If the tance of quantitative characters and more di-
first gene is in its recessive form and the second rected approaches to genetic improvement.
gene is in its dominant form, the fruit will be For example, most economically important
yellow. The fruit will be green at maturity only characteristics of agricultural species (such as
when both genes are in their recessive form (1 16 yield, pest and disease resistance, and stress tol-
of the F2 population). erance) are quantitatively inherited, the net re-
sult of many genes and their interactions. Thus
Duplicate Gene Interaction an understanding of the combining ability of
Duplicate gene interaction occurs when two genes and their influence on the final appear-
different genes have the same final result in ance of domesticated breeds and crop varieties
terms of their observable influence on pheno- should lead to more efficient genetic improve-
type. This situation is different from additive ment schemes. In addition, it is thought that
gene action in that either gene may substitute many important human diseases are inherited
for the other in the expression of the final phe- as a complex interplay among many genes.
notype of the individual. It may be argued that Similarly, an understanding of genomic func-
duplicate gene action is not a form of epistasis, tioning should lead to improved screening or
since there may be no interaction between therapies.
genes (if the two genes code for the same pro- Henry R. Owen
tein product), but this situation may be an ex- See also: Chromosome Structure; Chromo-
ample of gene interaction when two genes some Theory of Heredity; Classical Transmis-
code for similar protein products involved in sion Genetics; Complete Dominance; Dihybrid
the same biochemical pathway and their com- Inheritance; Extrachromosomal Inheritance;
bined interaction determines the final pheno- Hybridization and Introgression; Incomplete
type of the individual. An example of this type Dominance; Lamarckianism; Mendelian Ge-
of epistasis is illustrated by seed capsule shape netics; Monohybrid Inheritance; Multiple Al-
in the herb shepherds purse. In this example, leles; Nondisjunction and Aneuploidy; Parthe-
either gene in its dominant form will contrib- nogenesis; Penetrance; Polygenic Inheritance;
ute to the final phenotype of the individual (tri- Quantitative Inheritance.
angular shape). If both genes are in their reces-
sive form, the seed capsule has an ovoid shape. Further Reading
Thus, the phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation Frankel, Wayne N., and Nicholas J. Schork.
is 15:1. Whos Afraid of Epistasis? Nature Genetics
14 (December, 1996). A reexamination of
Impact and Applications the whole concept of epistasis, with statistical
Nonallelic gene interactions have consider- implications.
able influence on the overall functioning of an Russell, Peter J. Fundamentals of Genetics. 2d ed.
individual. In other words, the genome (the San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2000.
entire genetic makeup of an organism) deter- Introduces the three main areas of genetics:
Eugenics 259

transmission genetics, molecular genetics, seeing class stratification in industrial societies,

and population and quantitative genetics. including the existence of a permanently poor
Wolf, Jason B., Edmund D. Brodie III, and Mi- underclass, as a reflection of the underlying, in-
chael J. Wade. Epistasis and the Evolutionary nate differences between classes.
Process. New York: Oxford University Press, During this era there was also a rush to legiti-
2000. Primary focus is on the role of gene in- mize all sciences by using careful measurement
teractions (epistasis) in evolution. Leading and quantification. There was a blind belief
researchers examine how epistasis impacts that attaching numbers to a study would ensure
the evolutionary processes in overview, theo- its objectivity.
retical, and empirical chapters. Illustrations, Francis Galton, an aristocratic inventor, stat-
index. istician, and cousin of Darwin, became one of
the primary promoters of such quantification.
Obsessed with mathematical analysis, Galton
measured everything from physiology and re-
Eugenics action times to boredom, the efficacy of prayer,
and the beauty of women. He was particularly
Field of study: Human genetics and social interested in the differences between human
issues races. Galton eventually founded the field of
Significance: The eugenics movement sought to biometry by applying statistics to biological
speed up the process of natural selection through problems.
the use of selective breeding and led to the enact- A hereditarian, Galton assumed that talent
ment of numerous laws requiring the sterilization in humans was subject to the laws of heredity.
of genetically inferior individuals and limiting Although Galton did not coin the term eugen-
the immigration of supposedly defective groups. ics until 1883, he published the first discussion
Such flawed policies were based on an inadequate of his ideas in 1865, in which he recognized the
understanding of the complexity of human genet- apparent evolutionary paradox that those of
ics, an underestimation of the role of the environ- talent often have few, if any, children and that
ment in gene expression, and the desire of certain civilization itself diminishes the effects of natu-
groups to claim genetic superiority and the right to ral selection on human populations. Fearing
control the reproduction of others. that medicine and social aid would lead to the
propagation of weak individuals, Galton advo-
Key terms cated increased breeding by better elements
biometry: the measurement of biological and in the population (positive eugenics), while at
psychological variables the same time discouraging breeding of the
negative eugenics: improving human stocks poorer elements (negative eugenics).
through the restriction of reproduction Like most in his time, Galton believed in
positive eugenics: improving human stocks blending inheritance, whereby hereditary
by encouraging the naturally superior to material would mix together like different col-
breed extensively with other superior hu- ors of paint. Trying to reconcile how superior
mans traits would avoid being swamped by such
blending, he came up with the statistical con-
The Founding of the Eugenics Movement cept of the correlation coefficient, and in the
With the publication of Charles Darwins On process connected Darwinian evolution to the
the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection probability revolution. His work focused on
(1859), the concept of evolution began to revo- the bell-shaped curve or normal distribution
lutionize the way people thought about the hu- demonstrated by many traits and the possibility
man condition. Herbert Spencer and other of shifting the mean by selection pressure at ei-
proponents of what came to be known as social ther extreme. His statistical framework deep-
Darwinism adhered to the belief that social ened the theory of natural selection. Unfor-
class structure arose through natural selection, tunately, the mathematical predictability he
260 Eugenics

studied has often been misinterpreted as inevi- eugenics and the power of good-making traits
tability. In 1907, Galton founded the Eugenics to shape society. Like Galton, he believed that
Education Society of London. He also carefully those in the higher social strata should be pro-
cataloged eminent families in his Hereditary Ge- vided with financial subsidies to counteract the
nius (1869), wherein the Victorian world was resultant sterility caused when upper class in-
assumed to be the ultimate level that society dividuals opt to have fewer children for their
could attain and the cultural transmission of own social advantage.
status, knowledge, and social connections were British embryologist William Bateson, who
discounted. coined the terms genes and genetics, cham-
pioned the Mendelian genetics that finally un-
Early Eugenics in Britain seated the popularity of Galtons ideas in En-
Statistician and social theorist Karl Pearson gland. In a debate that lasted thirty years, those
was Galtons disciple and first Galton Professor that believed in Austrian monk Gregor Men-
of Eugenics at the Galton Laboratory at the dels particulate inheritance argued against
University of London. His Grammar of Science the selection touted by the biometricians, and
(1892) outlined his belief that eugenic man- vice versa. Bateson, who had a deep distrust of
agement of society could prevent genetic dete- eugenics, successfully replicated Mendels ex-
rioration and ensure the existence of intelli- periments. Not recognizing that the two argu-
gent rulers, in part by transferring resources ments were not mutually exclusive, Pearson
from inferior races back into the society. Ac- and Weldon rejected genetics, thus setting up
cording to philosopher David J. Depew and the standoff between the two camps.
biochemist Bruce H. Weber, even attorney Fisher, on the other hand, tried to model the
Thomas Henry Huxley, champion of Darwin- trajectory of genes in a population as if they
ism, balked at this pruning of the human gar- were gas molecules governed by the laws of
den by the administrators of eugenics. For the thermodynamics, with the aim of converting
most part, though, British eugenicists focused natural selection into a universal law. He used
on improving the superior rather than elimi- such genetic atomism to propose that contin-
nating the inferior. uous variation, natural selection, and Mendel-
Another of Galtons followers, comparative ian genetics could all coexist. Fisher also math-
anatomist Walter Frank Weldon, like Galton ematically derived Galtons bell-shaped curves
before him, set out to measure all manner of based on Mendelian principles. Unfortunately,
things, showing that the distribution of many by emulating physics, Fisher underestimated
human traits formed a bell-shaped curve. In a the degree to which environment dictates which
study on crabs, he showed that natural selec- traits are adaptive.
tion can cause the mean of such a curve to shift,
adding fuel to the eugenicists conviction that Early Eugenics in the United States
they could better the human race through arti- While Mendelians and statisticians were de-
ficial selection. bating in Britain, in the United States, Harvard
Population geneticist Ronald A. Fisher was embryologist Charles Davenport and others
Pearsons successor as the Galton Professor of embarked on a mission of meshing early genet-
Eugenics. Fisher cofounded the Cambridge ics with the eugenics movement. In his effort,
Eugenics Society and became close to Charles Davenport created the Laboratory for Experi-
Darwins sons, Leonard and Horace Darwin. In mental Evolution at Cold Springs Harbor, New
a speech made to the Eugenics Education Soci- York. The laboratory was closely linked to his
ety, Fisher called eugenicists the agents of a Eugenics Record Office (ERO), which he es-
new phase of evolution and the new natural tablished in 1910. Davenport raised much of
nobility, with the view that humans were be- the money for these facilities by appealing to
coming responsible for their own evolution. wealthy American families who feared unre-
The second half of his book The Genetical Theory stricted immigration and race degeneration.
of Natural Selection (1930) deals expressly with Though their wealth depended on the availabil-
Eugenics 261

Image not available

In the first half of the twentieth century, thousands of people in the United States, many of them teenagers thought to be weak or ab-
normal, were sterilized to prevent their genes from passing on to the next generation. Here Sarah Jane Wiley revisits the Virginia
Colony of the Epileptic and Feebleminded in Lynchburg, Virginia, where she and her brother were both sterilized in 1959. (AP/
Wide World Photos)

ity of cheap labor guaranteed by immigration, off. By the late 1920s and early 1930s, eugen-
these American aristocrats feared the cultural ics was a topic in high school biology texts and
impact of a flood of inferior immigrants. college courses across the United States.
Unlike the British, U.S. eugenicists thought Among eugenics supporters was psychologist
of selection as a purifying force and thus fo- Lewis M. Terman, developer of the Stanford-
cused on how to stop the defective from repro- Binet intelligence quotient (IQ) test, and Har-
ducing. Davenport wrongly felt that Mendelian vard psychologist Robert M. Yerkes, developer
genetics supported eugenics by reinforcing the of the Army IQ test, who both believed that IQ
effects of inheritance over the environment. test performance (and hence intelligence) was
He launched a hunt to identify human defects hereditary. The administration of such tests to
and link specific genes (as yet poorly under- immigrants by eugenicist Henry Goddard rep-
stood entities) to specific traits. His primary resented a supposedly objective and quantita-
tool was the family pedigree chart. Unfortu- tive tool for screening immigrants for entry
nately, these charts were usually based on into the United States. Biologist Garland Allen
highly subjective data, such as questionnaires reports that Goddard, in fact, determined that
given to schoolchildren to determine the com- more than 80 percent of the Jewish, Hungar-
parative social traits of various races. ian, Polish, Italian, and Russian immigrants
The Eugenics Research Association was were mentally defective.
founded in 1913 to report the latest findings. Fear that immigrants would take jobs away
In 1918, the Galton Society began meeting reg- from hardworking Americans, supported by
ularly at the American Museum of Natural His- testimony from EROs superintendent, Harry
tory in New York, and in 1923 the American Eu- Laughlin, and the findings of Goddards IQ
genics Society was formed. These efforts paid tests, resulted in the Johnson Act of 1924, which
262 Eugenics

severely restricted immigration. In the end, le- regard to political or ideological lines. Swe-
gal sterilization and immigration restrictions dens Social Democrats forcibly sterilized some
became more widespread in the United States sixty thousand Swedes under a program that
than in any country other than Nazi Germany. lasted from 1935 to 1976 organized by the state-
By 1940, more than thirty states in the United financed Institute for Racial Biology. Grounds
States had enacted compulsory sterilization for sterilization included not only feeblemind-
laws. Most were not repealed until after the edness but also gypsy features, criminality,
1960s. and poor racial quality. The low class or men-
tally slow were institutionalized in the Institutes
Eugenics and the Progressive Era for Misled and Morally Neglected Children
During the Progressive Era, the eugenics and released only if they would agree to be ster-
movement became a common ground for such ilized. Involuntary sterilization policies were
diverse groups as biologists, sociologists, psy- also adopted in countries ranging from Swit-
chologists, militarists, pacifists, socialists, com- zerland and Austria to Belgium and Canada,
munists, liberals, and conservatives. The pro- not to be repealed until the 1970s.
gressive ideology, exemplified by Theodore Hermann Mller, a eugenicist who emi-
Roosevelts Progressive Party, sought the scien- grated to the Soviet Union (and later returned
tific management of all parts of society. Eugen- to the United States), attacked Davenports
ics attracted the same crowd as preventative style of eugenics at the International Eugenics
medicine, since both were seen as methods of Congress in 1932. Mller, a geneticist who won
harnessing science to reduce suffering and the 1946 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medi-
misfortune. For example, cereal entrepreneur cine for his discovery of the mutagenic power
John Harvey Kellogg founded the Race Better- of X rays, instead favored the style of eugenics
ment Foundation, mixing eugenics with hy- envisioned by English novelist Aldous Huxleys
giene, diet, and exercise. During this period, Brave New World (1932), with state nurseries, ar-
intellectuals of all stripes were attracted by the tificial insemination, and the use of other scien-
promise of the improvement of the human tific techniques to produce a genetically engi-
race by better breeding. The genetics research neered socialist society.
of this time focused on improving agriculture, According to journalist Jonathan Freedland,
and eugenics was seen as the logical counter- the British left, including a large number of so-
part to plant and animal husbandry. cialist intellectuals such as playwright George
Davenport did not hesitate to play on their Bernard Shaw and philosopher Bertrand Rus-
sympathies by making wild claims about the in- sell, was convinced that it knew what was best
heritance of nomadism, shiftlessness, love for society. Concerned with the preservation of
of the sea, and other traits as if they were their higher intellectual capacities, they joined
single Mendelian characteristics. Alcoholism, the fashionable and elitist Eugenics Society in
pauperism, prostitution, rebelliousness, crimi- the 1930s, where they advocated the control of
nality, feeblemindedness, chess expertise, and reproduction, particularly favoring the idea of
industrial sabotage were all claimed to be de- impregnating working-class women with sperm
termined by one or two pairs of Mendelian of men with high IQs.
genes. In particular, the progressives were lured
by the idea of sterilizing the weak minded, es- The American Movement Spreads to
pecially after the publication of articles about Nazi Germany
families in Appalachia and New Jersey that sup- The eugenics movement eventually led to
posedly documented genetic lines cursed by a grave consequences in Nazi Germany. Negative
preponderance of habitual criminal behavior eugenics reached its peak there, with forced
and mental weakness. sterilization, euthanasia or mercy killing, ex-
Having the allure of a social vaccination, perimentation, and ultimately genocide being
the enthusiasm to sterilize the defective used in the name of racial hygiene. Eugeni-
spread rapidly among intellectuals, without cists in the United States and Germany formed
Eugenics 263

close and direct alliances, especially after the himself died childless. This inverse relation-
Nazis came to power in 1933. The EROs Laugh- ship between fertility and social status, coupled
lin gave permission for his article Eugenical with the apparent predatory nature of the up-
Sterilization to be reprinted in German in per class, seemed to doom eugenics to failure.
1928. It soon became the basis of Nazi steriliza- Evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould
tion policy. Davenport even arranged for a claimed that the demise of the eugenics move-
group of German eugenicists to participate in ment in the United States was more a matter of
the three hundredth anniversary of Harvards Adolf Hitlers use of eugenic arguments for
founding in 1936. sterilization and racial purification than it was
Inspired by the U.S. eugenics movement of advances in genetic knowledge. Once the
and spurred by economic hardship that fol- Holocaust and other Nazi atrocities became
lowed World War I, the Nazi Physicians League known, eugenicists distanced themselves from
took a stand that those suffering from incur- the movement. Depew and Weber have written
able disease caused useless waste of medica- that Catholic conservatives opposed to human
tions and, along with the crippled, the feeble- intervention in reproduction and progressives,
minded, the elderly, and the chronic poor, who began to abandon eugenics in favor of be-
posed an economic drain on society. Heredi- haviorism (nurture rather than nature), were
tary defects were considered to be the cause of political forces that began to close down the
such maladies, and these people were dubbed eugenics movement, while Allen points out
lives not worth living. In 1933, the German that the movement had outlived its political
Law on Preventing Hereditarily Diseased Prog- usefulness. Russian geneticist Theodosius Dob-
eny made involuntary sterilization of such peo- zhansky had by this time recognized the prime
ple, including the blind, deaf, epileptic, and importance of context in genetics and conse-
poor, legal. The Nazis set up eugenics courts quently rejected the premise of eugenics, help-
to decide cases of involuntary sterilization. Fred- ing to push it into the realm of phony genetics.
erick Osborn, secretary of the American Eugen-
ics Society, wrote a 1937 report summarizing Implications
the German sterilization programs, indicative The term euphenics is used to describe hu-
of the fascination American eugenicists had for man genetic research that is aimed at improv-
the Nazi agenda and the Nazis ability to move ing the human condition, replacing the tainted
this experiment to a scale never possible in the term eugenics. Euphenics deals primarily with
United States. medical or genetic intervention that is designed
to reduce the impact of defective genotypes on
The Demise of Eugenics individuals (such as gene therapy for those with
With the Great Depression in 1929, the U.S. cystic fibrosis). However, in this age of increas-
eugenics movement lost much of its momen- ing information about human genetics, it is
tum. Geneticist and evolutionary biologist necessary to keep in mind the important role
Sewall Wright, although himself a member of played by environment and the malleability of
the American Eugenics Society, found fault human traits.
with the genetics and the ideology of the move- Allen argues that the eugenics movement
ment: Positive eugenics seems to require . . . may reappear (although probably under a dif-
the setting up of an ideal of society to aim at, ferent name) if economic problems again
and this is just what people do not agree on. make it attractive to eliminate unproductive
He also wrote several articles in the 1930s chal- people. His hope is that a better understanding
lenging the assumptions of Fishers genetic at- of genetics, combined with the lessons of Nazi
omism model. In a speech to the Eugenics Soci- Germany, will deter humans from ever again
ety in New York in 1932, Mller pointed out the going down that path that journalist Jonathan
economic disincentive for middle and upper Freedland calls the foulest idea of the 20th
classes to reproduce, epitomized by the failure century.
of many eugenicists to have children. Galton Lee Anne Martnez
264 Eugenics: Nazi Germany

See also: Artificial Selection; Bioethics; genics movement and the Nazi program of
Bioinformatics; Biological Determinism; Clon- racial hygiene.
ing: Ethical Issues; Eugenics: Nazi Germany; Mazumdar, Pauline Margaret. Eugenics, Human
Evolutionary Biology; Gene Therapy: Ethical Genetics, and Human Failings. London: Rout-
and Economic Issues; Genetic Counseling; Ge- ledge, 1991. A thorough historical approach
netic Engineering: Social and Ethical Issues; that examines the eugenics movement from
Genetic Screening; Genetic Testing: Ethical its origin to its heyday as the source of a sci-
and Economic Issues; Heredity and Environ- ence of human genetics.
ment; Human Genetics; Insurance; Intelli- Pernick, Martin S. Science Misapplied: The
gence; Miscegenation and Antimiscegenation Eugenics Age Revisited. American Journal of
Laws; Natural Selection; Patents on Life- Public Health 87 (November, 1997). A fasci-
Forms; Paternity Tests; Race; Sociobiology; nating exploration of the overlap between
Stem Cells; Sterilization Laws. the goals, values, and concepts of public
health and the eugenics movements in the
Further Reading early twentieth century.
Allen, Garland E. Eugenics and Public Health
in American History. Technology Review 99 Web Sites of Interest
(August/September, 1996). Discusses the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Image Ar-
connection between the eugenics movement chive on the American Eugenics Movement.
and periods of economic or social hardship. http://www.eugenicsarchive.org/eugenics.
Depew, David, and Bruce Weber. Darwinism Comprehensive and extensively illustrated
Evolving: Systems Dynamics and the Genealogy of site that covers the eugenics movement in
Natural Selection. Boston: MIT Press, 1995. the United States, including its scientific his-
Discusses the relationship between eugenics tory and origins, research methods and
and Darwinian evolution and the role played flaws, sterilization laws, and more.
by statistics in the origin of this movement. National Reference Center for Bioethics Lit-
Gillham, Nicholas Wright. A Life of Sir Francis erature. http://www.georgetown.edu/
Galton: From African Exploration to the Birth of research/nrcbl/scopenotes/sn28.html. An
Eugenics. New York: Oxford University Press, introduction to eugenics and a comprehen-
2001. A biography of the founder of the eu- sive annotated bibliography of sources for
genics movement. further study.
Herbert, Wray. The Politics of Biology. U.S.
News and World Report (April, 1997). Con-
siders the fluctuating viewpoint on the valid-
ity and social remedy for the genetics of hu- Eugenics: Nazi Germany
man behavior.
Kevles, Daniel J. In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics Field of study: History of genetics; Human
and the Uses of Human Heredity. Cambridge, genetics and social issues;
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995. Traces Significance: Fueled by economic hardship and ra-
the history of eugenics, mainly in the United cial prejudice, the largest-scale application of eu-
States and Britain, from the nineteenth cen- genics occurred in Nazi Germany, where numer-
tury to the late twentieth century. Individ- ous atrocities, including genocide, were committed
uals such as Karl Pearson, C. B. Davenport, in the name of the genetic improvement of the hu-
R. A. Fisher, and J. B. S. Haldane, who have man species. The German example raised world-
been associated with eugenics in various ways, wide awareness of the dangers of eugenics and did
are discussed. much to discredit eugenic theory.
Khl, Stefan. The Nazi Connection: Eugenics,
American Racism, and German National Social- Key terms
ism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Aryan: a race believed by Nazis to have estab-
Exposes the ties between the American eu- lished the civilizations of Europe and India
Eugenics: Nazi Germany 265

euthanasia: the killing of suffering people, law. Between 1934 and 1945, an estimated
sometimes referred to as mercy killing 360,000 people (about 1 percent of the Ger-
Nordic: the northernmost of the Aryan groups man population) who were believed to have he-
of Europe, believed by the Nazis to be the reditary ailments were sterilized. Despite this
highest and purest racial group law, the Nazis did not see eugenics primarily as
a matter of discouraging the reproduction of
Origins of Nazi Eugenic Thought unhealthy individuals and encouraging the re-
Nazi eugenic theory and practice grew out production of healthy individuals. Following
of two traditions: the eugenics movement, the theories of Chamberlain, Adolf Hitler and
founded by British scientist Francis Galton, his followers saw race, not individual health or
and racial theories of human nature. Most his- abilities, as the distinguishing characteristic of
torians trace the origin of modern racial theo- human beings.
ries to French diplomat and writer Joseph- The Schutzstaffel (SS) organization was a
Arthur de Gobineau, who maintained that all key part of Nazi eugenic activities. In January,
great civilizations had been products of the 1929, Heinrich Himmler was put in charge of
Aryan, or Indo-Germanic, race. Through the the SS, a police force aimed at establishing or-
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, der among the street fighters who formed a
German thinkers applied Galtons ideas to the large part of the early Nazi Party. In addition
problem of German national progress. The to disciplining rowdy Nazis, the SS quickly
progress of the nation, argued scientists and so- emerged as a racial elite, the spearhead of an
cial thinkers, could be best promoted by improv- intended German eugenic movement. Himm-
ing the German people through government- ler recruited physicians and biologists to help
directed control of human reproduction. This ensure that only those of the purest Nordic her-
type of eugenic thinking became known as itage could serve in his organization. In 1931,
racial hygiene; in 1904, eugenicists and bi- the agriculturalist R. Walther Darre helped
ologists formed the Racial Hygiene Society in Himmler draw up a marriage code for SS men,
Berlin. and Himmler appointed Darre head of an SS
The Aryan mythology of Gobineau also grew Racial Office. Himmler hoped to create the
in popularity. In 1899, an English admirer of seeds of a German super race by directing the
Germany, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, pub- marriages and reproduction of the racially
lished a widely read book entitled The Foun- pure members of the SS.
dations of the Nineteenth Century. Chamberlain, Since the Nazis saw Germans as a master
heavily influenced by Gobineau, maintained race, a race of inherently superior people,
that Europes accomplishments had been the they attempted to improve the human stock by
work of ethnic Germans, members of a healthy encouraging the birth of as many Germans as
and imaginative race. Opposed to the Germans possible and by encouraging those seen as ra-
were the Jews, who were, according to Cham- cially pure to reproduce. The Nazis declared
berlain, impure products of crossbreeding that women should devote themselves to bear-
among the peoples of the Middle East. ing and caring for children. Hitlers mothers
birthday was declared the Day of the German
Basics of Nazi Eugenics Mother. On this day, public ceremonies
The Law to Prevent Hereditarily Sick Off- awarded medals to women with large numbers
spring, requiring sterilization of people with of children. The SS set up and maintained an
hereditary diseases and disabilities, was drafted organization of maternity homes for unmar-
and decreed in Germany in 1933. Before the ried mothers of acceptable racial background
Nazis came to power, many segments of Ger- and orphanages for their children; these insti-
man society had supported sterilization as a tutions were known as the Lebensborn (foun-
way to improve future generations, and Adolf tain of life). There is some evidence that
Hitlers emergence as a national leader pro- young women with desired racial characteris-
vided the pressure to ensure the passage of the tics who were not pregnant were brought to the
266 Eugenics: Nazi Germany

On Wehrmacht Day, 1935, in Nazi Germany (from left): German chancellor Adolf Hitler, head of the air force Hermann Gring,
army commander Wernher von Fritsch, minister of war Werner Eduard Fritz von Blomberg, commander of the navy Erich Raeder,
and other Nazi officials. During the late 1930s and early 1940s, the Nazi government conducted the extreme and brutal form of
eugenics that culminated in the Holocaust and the murder of millions of innocent Jews and other undesirables. (Library of

Lebensborn to have children by the SS men to mass murder of the Jews during the Holocaust.
create superior Nordic children. German racial hygienists had long advocated
controlling marriages of non-Jewish Germans
Impact with Jews in order to avoid contaminating the
In addition to encouraging the reproduc- German race. In July, 1941, Nazi leader Her-
tion of those seen as racially pure, the Nazis mann Gring appointed SS officer Reinhard
sought to eliminate the unhealthy and the Heydrich to carry out the final solution of the
racially undesirable. In August, 1939, a com- perceived Jewish problem. At the Wannsee Con-
mittee of physicians and government officials, ference in January, 1942, Hitler and his close
operating under Hitlers authority, issued a associates agreed on a program of extermina-
secret decree under which all doctors and tion. According to conservative estimates, be-
midwives would have to register births of mal- tween four million and five million European
formed or handicapped children. By October Jews died in Nazi extermination camps. When
of that year, Hitler had issued orders for the the murderous activities of the Nazis were re-
mercy killing of these children and all those vealed to the world after the war, eugenics the-
with incurable diseases. This euthanasia move- ory and practice fell into disrepute.
ment expanded from sick and handicapped Carl L. Bankston III
children to those believed to belong to sick See also: Bioethics; Bioinformatics; Biolog-
races. The T4 euthanasia organization, de- ical Determinism; Eugenics; Evolutionary Biol-
signed for efficient and secret killing, experi- ogy; Gene Therapy: Ethical and Economic Is-
mented with lethal injections and killing by in- sues; Genetic Counseling; Genetic Engineering:
jection and became a pilot program for the Social and Ethical Issues; Genetic Screening;
Evolutionary Biology 267

Genetic Testing: Ethical and Economic Issues;

Heredity and Environment; Human Genetics; Evolutionary Biology
Insurance; Intelligence; Miscegenation and
Antimiscegenation Laws; Patents on Life- Fields of study: Evolutionary biology;
Forms; Paternity Tests; Race; Sociobiology; Population genetics
Stem Cells; Sterilization Laws. Significance: While the existence of evolutionary
change is firmly established, many questions re-
Further Reading main about its causes in particular groups of or-
Goldhagen, Daniel J. Hitlers Willing Execu- ganisms. The science of evolutionary biology fo-
tioners: Ordinary Germans and the Holocaust. cuses on reconstructing the actual history of life
New York: Random House, 1996. Argues and on understanding how evolutionary mecha-
that the German people participated in the nisms operate in nature.
mass murder of Jews because Germans had
come to see Jews as a racial disease. Key terms
Henry, Clarissa, and Marc Hillel. Of Pure Blood: adaptation: a genetically based characteristic
An Investigation into the Creation of a Super that increases the ability of an organism to
Race. Video, produced by Maryse Addison survive and reproduce under prevailing en-
and Peter Bate. Maljack Productions, 1976. vironmental conditions
Oak Forest, Ill.: MPI Home Video, 1985. In- evolution: the process of change in the ge-
vestigates the Lebensborn organization, a netic structure of a population over time; de-
Nazi plan to breed and distill the German scent with modification
children into a pure Aryan race. fitness: the relative reproductive contribution
Khl, Stefan. The Nazi Connection: Eugenics, Amer- of one individual to the next generation as
ican Racism, and German National Socialism. compared to that of others in the population
New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Ex- genetic drift: chance fluctuations in allele
poses the ties between the American eugen- frequencies within a population, resulting
ics movement and the Nazi program of ra- from random variation in the number and
cial hygiene. genotypes of offspring produced by differ-
Laffin, John. Hitler Warned Us: The Nazis Master ent individuals
Plan for a Master Race. Totowa, N.J.: Barnes genotype: the genetic makeup of an individ-
and Noble, 1998. Using photographs and ual or group
propagandist ephemera, Laffin, a military natural selection: the phenomenon of dif-
historian, questions why Hitler was allowed fering sur vival and reproduction rates
by other leaders and nations to engage in his among various genotypes; the frequency of
destructive drive for power and domination. the favored genotypes increases in succeed-
Weindling, Paul. Health, Race, and German Poli- ing generations
tics Between National Unification and Nazism, phylogeny: the history of descent of a group
1870-1945. 1989. Reprint. Cambridge, Mass.: of species from a common ancestor
Cambridge University Press, 1993. Offers a
definitive history of the origins, social com- An Evolutionary Context
position, and impact of eugenics in the con- Life is self-perpetuating, with each genera-
text of the social and political tension of the tion connected to previous ones by the thread
rapidly industrializing Nazi empire. of DNA passed from ancestors to descendants.
Life on earth thus has a single history much
Web Site of Interest like the genealogy of a family, the shape and
National Information Resource on Ethics and characteristics of which have been determined
Human Genetics. http://www.georgetown by internal and external forces. The effort to
.edu/research/nrcbl/nirehg/quickbibs.htm. uncover that history and describe the forces
Searchable quick bib on resources about that shape it constitutes the field of evolution-
eugenics and Nazi Germany. ary biology.
268 Evolutionary Biology

As an example of the need for this perspec- between two species indicates that they are re-
tive, consider three vertebrates of different spe- lated to each other, just as familial similarity
cies, two aquatic (a whale and a fish) and one can be used to identify siblings in a crowd of
terrestrial (a deer). The two aquatic species people. In reality, all traits are somewhere along
share a torpedolike shape and oarlike append- a continuum between these two extremes, but
ages. These two species differ, however, in that this distinction highlights the importance of
one lays eggs and obtains oxygen from the understanding the evolutionary history of or-
water using gills, while the other produces live ganisms and traits. The value of an evolution-
young and must breathe air at the surface. The ary perspective comes from its comparative
terrestrial species has a different, less stream- and historical basis, which allows biologists to
lined, shape and appendages for walking, but it place their snapshot-in-time observations within
too breathes air using lungs and produces live the broader context of the continuous history
young. All three species are the same in having of life.
a bony skeleton typical of vertebrates. In order
to understand why the various organisms display Early Evolutionary Thought
the features they do, it is necessary to consider Underlying evolutionary theory is Mendel-
what forces or historical constraints influence ian genetics, which provides a mechanism
their genotypes and subsequent phenotypes. whereby advantageous traits can be passed on
It is logical to hypothesize that a streamlined to offspring. Both Mendelian genetics and the
shape is beneficial to swimming creatures, as is theory of evolution are at first glance (and in
the structure of their appendages. This state- retrospect) remarkably simple. The theory of
ment is itself an evolutionary hypothesis; it im- evolution, however, is paradoxical in that it
plies that streamlined individuals will be more leads to extremely complex predictions and
successful than less streamlined ones and so thus is often misunderstood, misinterpreted,
will become prevalent. It may initially be diffi- and misapplied.
cult to reconcile the differences between the It is important to distinguish between the
two aquatic forms swimming side-by-side with phenomenon of evolution and the various pro-
the similarities between one of them and the cesses or mechanisms that may lead to evolu-
terrestrial species walking around on dry land. tion. The idea that species might be mutable, or
However, if it is understood that the whale is subject to change over generations, dates back
more closely related to the terrestrial deer than to at least the mid-eighteenth century, when
it is to the fish, much of the confusion disap- the French naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc,
pears. Using this comparative approach, it is comte de Buffon, the Swiss naturalist Charles
unnecessary, and scientifically unjustified, to Bonnet, and even the Swedish botanist Carolus
construct an elaborate scenario whereby breath- Linnaeus suggested that species (or at least
ing air at the surface is more advantageous to a varieties) might be modified over time by in-
whale than gills would be; the simpler explana- trinsic biological or extrinsic environmental
tion is that the whale breathes air because it factors. Other biologists after that time also
(like the deer) is a mammal, and both species promoted the idea that populations and spe-
inherited this trait from a common ancestor cies could evolve. Nevertheless, with the publi-
sometime in the past. cation of On the Origin of Species by Means of Natu-
Organisms are thus a mixture of two kinds of ral Selection in 1859, Charles Darwin became
traits. Ecological traits are those the particular the first to propose that all species had de-
form of which reflects long-term adaptation to scended from a common ancestor and that
the species habitat. Two species living in the there was a single tree of life. These claims re-
same habitat might then be expected to be sim- garding the history of evolution, however, are
ilar in such features and different from species distinct from the problem of how, or through
in other habitats. Evolutionary characteristics, what mechanisms, evolution occurs.
on the other hand, indicate common ancestry In the first decade of the nineteenth cen-
rather than common ecology. Here, similarity tury, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck promoted the the-
Evolutionary Biology 269

(presented here in standard genetics terminol-

ogy, although Darwin and Wallace used differ-
ent terms).
First, variation exists in the phenotypes of
different individuals in a population. Second,
some portion of that variation is heritable, or
capable of being passed from parents to off-
spring. Third, more individuals are produced
in a population than will survive. Fourth, some
individuals are, because of their particular phe-
notype, better able to survive and reproduce
than others. From this, Darwin and Wallace de-
duced that those individuals whose phenotypes
conferred on them greater fitness for survival
would produce more offspring (genetically
and phenotypically similar to themselves) than
would less fit individuals; therefore, the fre-
quency of individuals with the favored geno-
type would increase in the next generation,
though each individual would be unchanged
throughout its lifetime. This process would
Charles Darwin is credited as the father of the theory of natural continue as long as new genetic variants contin-
selection, on which modern evolutionary biology is based. (Li- ued to arise and selection favored some over
brary of Congress) others. The theory of natural selection pro-
vided a workable and independently testable
natural mechanism by which evolution of com-
ory of inheritance of acquired characteristics plex and sometimes very different adaptations
to explain how species could adapt over time to could occur within and among species.
their environments. His famous giraffe exam-
ple illustrates the Lamarckian view: Individual Evolutionary Biology After Darwin
giraffes acquire longer necks as a result of Despite their theoretical insight, Darwin and
reaching for leaves high on trees, then pass that Wallace had no knowledge of the genetic basis
modified characteristic to their offspring. Ac- of inheritance. Mendel published his work de-
cording to Lamarcks theories, as a result of scribing the particulate theory of inheritance
such adaptation, the speciesand, in fact, each in 1866 (he had reported the results before the
individual member of the speciesis modified Natural Sciences Society earlier, in February
over time. While completely in line with early and March of 1865), but Darwin and Wallace
nineteenth century views of inheritance, this appear to have been unaware throughout their
view of the mechanism of evolution has since lives that this vexing problem had been solved.
been shown to be incorrect. In fact, Mendels work went unnoticed by the
entire scientific community for nearly fifty years;
Darwinian Evolution: Natural Selection it was rediscovered, and its significance appre-
In the mid-nineteenth century, Darwin and ciated, in the first decade of the twentieth cen-
Alfred Russel Wallace independently developed tury. Over the next three decades, theoreti-
the theory of evolution via natural selection, a cians integrated Darwins theory of natural
theory that is consistent with the genetics of in- selection with the principles of Mendelian ge-
heritance as first described by Gregor Mendel. netics. Simultaneously, Ernst Mayr, G. Ledyard
Both Darwins and Wallaces arguments center Stebbins, George Gaylord Simpson, and Julian
on four observations of nature and a logical Huxley demonstrated that evolution of species
conclusion derived from those observations and the patterns in the fossil record could be
270 Evolutionary Biology

readily explained using Darwinian principles. a population. For example, natural selection
This effort culminated in the 1930s and 1940s may eliminate some individuals while others
in the modern synthesis, a fusion of thought survive and produce a large number of off-
that resulted in the development of the field of spring similar to themselves. As a result, evolu-
population genetics, a discipline in which biol- tion occurs within those populations. A key
ogists seek to describe and predict, quantita- tenet of Darwinian evolution (which distin-
tively, evolutionary changes in populations and guishes it from Lamarckian evolution) is that
higher groups of organisms. populations evolve, but the individual organ-
Since the modern synthesis (also called the isms that constitute that population do not.
neo-Darwinian synthesis), biologists have con- While evolution of populations is certainly the
centrated their efforts on applying the theories most familiar scenario, this is not the only level
of population genetics to understanding the at which evolution occurs.
evolutionary dynamics of particular groups of Richard Dawkins energized the scientific dis-
organisms. More recently, techniques of phylo- cussion of evolution with his book The Selfish
genetic systematics have been developed to Gene, first published in 1976. Dawkins argued
provide a means of reconstructing phylogen- that natural selection could operate on any
etic relationships among species. This effort type of replicator, or unit of biological organi-
has emphasized the need for a comparative zation that displayed a faithful but imperfect
and evolutionary approach to biology, which is mechanism of copying itself and that had dif-
essential to correct interpretation of data. fering rates of survival and reproduction among
In the 1960s, Motoo Kimura proposed the the variant copies. Under this definition, it is
neutral theory of evolution, which challenged possible to view individual genes or strands of
the selectionist view that patterns of genetic DNA as focal points for evolutionary mecha-
and phenotypic variation in most traits are de- nisms such as selection. Dawkins used this
termined by natural selection. The neutralist
view maintains that much genetic variation, es-
pecially that seen in the numerous alleles of
enzyme-coding genes, has little effect on fitness
and therefore must be controlled by mecha-
nisms other than selection. The last remaining
frontier in the quest for a unified model of evo-
lution is the integration of evolutionary theory
with the understanding of the processes of de-

Evolutionary Mechanisms
Natural selection as described by Darwin
and Wallace leads to the evolution of adapta-
tions. However, many traits (perhaps the major-
ity) are not adaptations; that is, differences in
the particular form of those traits from one
member of the species to the next do not lead
to differences in fitness among those individu-
als. Such traits cannot evolve through natural
selection, yet they can and do evolve. Thus,
there must be additional mechanisms that lead
to changes in the genetic structure of biologi-
cal systems over time. Alfred Russel Wallace is now considered the co-author of mod-
Evolutionary mechanisms are usually envi- ern evolutionary theory along with Darwin. (National Li-
sioned to act on individual organisms within brary of Medicine)
Evolutionary Biology 271

framework to consider how the existence of ing evolutionary changes when coupled with
DNA selected to maximize its chances of repli- processes of selection or genetic drift that can
cation (or selfish DNA) would influence the quickly change allele frequencies. Recombina-
evolution of social behavior, communication, tion, development, migration, and hybridiza-
and even multicellularity. tion introduce new patterns of genetic variation
Recognizing that biological systems are ar- (initially derived from mutation of individual
ranged in a hierarchical fashion from genes to genes) at the genome, multicellular-organism,
genomes (or cells) to individuals through pop- population, and species levels, respectively.
ulations, species, and communities, Elisabeth
Vrba and Niles Eldredge in 1984 proposed that The Reality of Evolution
evolutionary changes could occur in any col- It is impossible to prove that descent with
lection of entities (such as populations) as a modification from a common ancestor is re-
result of mechanisms acting on the entities sponsible for the diversity of life on earth. In
that make up that collection (individuals). Be- fact, this dilemma of absolute proof exists for
cause each level in the biological hierarchy (at all scientific theories; as a result, science pro-
least above that of genes) has as its building ceeds by constructing and testing potential ex-
blocks the elements of the preceding one, evo- planations, gradually accepting those best sup-
lution may occur within any of them. Vrba and ported by new observations until they are either
Eldredge further argued that evolution could clearly disproved or replaced by another the-
be viewed as resulting from two general kinds ory even more consistent with the data.
of mechanisms: those that introduce genetic Darwins concept of a single tree of life is
variation and those that sort whatever variation supported by vast amounts of scientific evi-
is available. At each level, there are processes dence. In fact, the theory of evolution is among
that introduce and sort variation, though they the most thoroughly tested and best-supported
may have different names depending on the theories in all of science. The view that evolu-
level being discussed. tion has and continues to occur is not debated
Natural selection is a sorting process. Other by biologists; there is simply too much evidence
mechanisms that sort genetic variation include to support its existence, across every biological
sexual selection, whereby certain variants are discipline.
favored based on their ability to enhance repro- On a small scale, it is possible to demon-
ductive success (though not necessarily sur- strate evolutionary changes experimentally or
vival), and genetic drift, which is especially through observation. Spontaneous mutations
important in small populations. While these that introduce genetic variation are well docu-
forces are potentially strong engines for driving mented; the origination and spread of drug-
changes in genetic structure, their action resistant forms of viruses and other pathogens
and therefore the direction and magnitude of is clear evidence of this potential. Agricultural
evolutionary changes that they can causeis breeding programs and other types of artificial
constrained by the types of variation available selection illustrate that the genetic structure of
and the extent to which that variation is geneti- lineages containing heritable variation can be
cally controlled. changed over time. For example, work by John
Processes such as mutation, recombination, Doebley begun in the late 1980s suggested that
development, migration, and hybridization in- the evolution of corn from its wild ancestor teo-
troduce variation at one or more levels in the sinte may have involved changes in as few as five
biological hierarchy. Of these, mutation is ulti- major genes and that this transition likely oc-
mately the most important, as changes in DNA curred as a result of domestication processes
sequences constitute the raw material for evolu- established in Mexico between seven thousand
tion at all levels. Without mutation, there would and ten thousand years ago. The effects of nat-
be no variation and thus no evolution. Never- ural selection can likewise be observed in oper-
theless, mutation alone is a relatively weak evo- ation: Peter Grant and his colleagues demon-
lutionary force, only really significant in driv- strated that during drought periods, when seed
272 Evolutionary Biology

is limited, deep-billed individuals of the Gal- splits, such as reptiles to birds or nonflowering
pagos Island finch Geospiza fortis increase in plants to flowering plants; and (2) paleontolo-
proportion to the general population of the gists have long emphasized that gradualism
species, as only the deep-billed birds can crack that is, evolution by gradual changes, eventually
the large seeds remaining after the supply of producing major changesis not supported by
smaller seeds is exhausted. These and similar the fossil record. The fossil record more often
examples demonstrate that the evolutionary shows a pattern of almost no change over mil-
mechanisms put forward by Darwin and others lions of years, followed by much shorter pe-
do occur and lead to microevolution, or evolu- riods of rapid change. Stephen Jay Gould and
tionary change within single species. Niles Eldredge, both paleontologists, proposed
Attempts to account for larger-scale macro- a new theory called punctuated equilibrium to
evolutionary patterns, such as speciation and explain this discrepancy.
the origin of major groups of organisms, rely Gould and Eldredges theory accepts the
on indirect tests using morphological and ge- fact that the fossil record shows long periods of
netic comparisons among different species, ob- stasis (no change) followed by periods of rapid
served geographic distributions of species, and change and consider this the primary mode for
the fossil record. Such comparative studies rely evolution. Instead of the strict neo-Darwinian
on the concept of homology, the presence of view of gradual changes leading to large
corresponding and similarly constructed fea- changes over time, Gould and Eldredge sug-
tures among species. gest that large changes are the result of a series
At the most basic level, organization of the of larger steps over a much shorter period of
genetic code is remarkably similar across spe- time. Some of the discoveries in developmen-
cies; only minor variations exist among organ- tal biologyof genes that, when mutated, can
isms as diverse as archaea (bacteria found in ex- cause fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) to grow
treme environments such as hot springs, salt legs on their heads instead of antennae, or that
lakes, and habitats lacking in oxygen), bacteria, can cause every other body segment to be miss-
and eukaryotes (organisms whose cells contain inghave helped provide some plausible mech-
a true nucleus, including plants, animals, fungi, anisms for rapid change. If genes like those in
and their unicellular counterparts). This ge- the fruit fly, which are master control genes,
netic homology extends as well to the presence undergo mutation, the result could be large
of shared and similarly functioning gene se- changes in a very short time. When first pro-
quences across biological taxa, such as homeo- posed, the punctuated equilibrium theory was
tic genes, common among all eukaryotes. Mor- not readily accepted, but it has gained more ac-
phological homologies are also widespread; the ceptance over time.
limbs of mammals, birds, amphibians, and rep-
tiles, for example, are all built out of the same The Practice of Evolutionary Biology
arrangement of bones (although the particular Contemporary evolutionary biology builds
shapes of these bones can vary greatly among upon the theoretical foundations established
groups). The conclusion that emerges from by Darwin, Wallace, the framers of the modern
this weight of independent evidence is that synthesis, and now Gould and Eldredge. While
structural homologies reflect an underlying evo- the reality of evolution is no longer in doubt,
lutionary homology, or descent from a com- considerable debate remains about the impor-
mon ancestor. tance of the various mechanisms in the history
of particular groups of organisms. Much effort
Punctuated Equilibrium continues to be directed at reconstructing the
Although the order of appearance of organ- particular historical path that life on earth has
isms in the fossil record is consistent with evolu- taken and that has led to the enormous diver-
tionary theory in general, it has been troubling sity of species. Likewise, scientists seek a fuller
in two major ways: (1) there are no unequivocal understanding of how new species arise, as the
transition fossils for the major evolutionary process of splitting lineages represents a water-
Evolutionary Biology 273

shed event separating microevolution and Further Reading

macroevolution. Darwin, Charles. On the Origin of Species by
Unlike many other fields of biology, evolu- Means of Natural Selection. 1859. Reprint. New
tionary biology is not amenable to tests of sim- York: Modern Library, 1998. While difficult
ple cause-and-effect hypotheses. Much of what (partly as a result of its nineteenth century
evolutionary biologists are interested in under- language and style), Darwins seminal work
standing occurred in the past and over vast pe- is an enormously thorough and visionary
riods of time. In addition, the evolutionary out- treatise on evolution and natural selection.
comes observed in nature depend on such a Dawkins, Richard. The Blind Watchmaker: Why
large number of environmental, biological, and the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe
random factors that re-creating and studying Without Design. New York: W. W. Norton,
the circumstances that could have led to a par- 1996. Argues the case for Darwinian evolu-
ticular outcome is virtually impossible. Finally, tion, criticizing the prominent punctuation-
organisms are complex creatures exposed to ist school and taking issue with the views of
conflicting evolutionary pressures, such as the creationists and others who believe that life
need to attract mates while simultaneously at- arose by design of a deity.
tempting to remain hidden from predators; _______. Climbing Mount Improbable. New York:
such compromise-type situations are hard to W. W. Norton, 1997. Using Mount Improb-
simulate under experimental conditions. able as a metaphor, discusses genetics, natu-
Many evolutionary studies rely on making ral selection, and embryology for hundreds
predictions about the patterns one would ex- of species spanning millions of years in a fas-
pect to observe in nature if evolution in one cinating, instructive way.
form or another were to have occurred, and _______. The Selfish Gene. 2d ed. New York: Ox-
such studies often involve synthesis of data de- ford University Press, 1990. This pathbreak-
rived from fieldwork, theoretical modeling, ing book reformulated the notion of natural
and laboratory analysis. While such indirect selection by positing the existence of true al-
tests of evolutionary hypotheses are not based truism in a genetically selfish world. This
on the sort of controlled data that are used in edition contains two new chapters.
direct experiments, if employed appropriately Eldredge, Niles, and Stephen Jay Gould. Punc-
the indirect tests can be equally valid and pow- tuated Equilibria: An Alternative to Phyletic
erful. Their strength comes from the ability to Gradualism. In Models in Paleobiology, edited
formulate predictions based on one species or by Thomas J. M. Schopf. San Francisco: Free-
type of data that may then be supported or re- man, Cooper, 1972. The 1972 paper that
futed by examining additional species or data introduced the theory of punctuated equi-
from another area of biology. In this way, evolu- librium to the scientific community. Illustra-
tionary biologists are able to use the history of tions, bibliography.
life on earth as a natural experiment, and, like Freeman, Scott, and Jon C. Herron. Evolution-
forensic scientists, to piece together clues to ary Analysis. 2d ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J.:
solve the greatest biological mystery of all. Prentice Hall, 2000. An excellent textbook
Doug McElroy, updated by Bryan Ness that presents evolutionary biology as a dy-
See also: Ancient DNA; Artificial Selection; namic field of scientific inquiry.
Classical Transmission Genetics; Genetic Gould, Stephen Jay. Eight Little Piggies. New York:
Code; Genetic Code, Cracking of; Genetics, W. W. Norton, 1994. In this collection of es-
Historical Development of; Hardy-Weinberg says originally published by Gould in the Nat-
Law; Human Genetics; Lamarckianism; Men- ural History, the author of the theory of punc-
delian Genetics; Molecular Clock Hypothesis; tuated equilibrium considers the potential
Mutation and Mutagenesis; Natural Selection; for mass extinctions of species in the face of
Population Genetics; Punctuated Equilibrium; ongoing degradation of the environment.
Repetitive DNA; RNA World; Sociobiology; Quammen, David. Song of the Dodo. New York:
Speciation; Transposable Elements. Simon & Schuster, 1997. Chronicles the rich
274 Extrachromosomal Inheritance

experiences of the unsung theorist of evolu- ents, but the site of non-nuclear DNA, the cyto-
tion Alfred Russel Wallace, whose research plasm, is almost always contributed by the female
paralleled that of Charles Darwin. parent. The understanding of this extrachromo-
Singh, Rama S., and Costas B. Krimbas, eds. somal inheritance is crucial, since many impor-
Evolutionary Genetics: From Molecules to Mor- tant traits in plants and animalsas well as mu-
phology. New York: Cambridge University tations implicated in disease and agingdisplay
Press, 2000. Focuses on the necessary role of this type of transmission.
evolutionary genetics in evolutionary biol-
ogy. Published in recognition of Richard Key terms
Lewontins work in evolutionary biology. Il- genome: hereditary material in the nucleus or
lustrations, bibliography, tables, diagrams, organelle of a cell
and index. plasmagene: a self-replicating gene in a cyto-
Weiner, Jonathan. The Beak of the Finch: A Story of plasmic organelle
Evolution in Our Time. New York: Random plasmon: the entire complement of genetic
House, 1995. Describes the work of Peter factors in the cytoplasm of a cell (plasma-
and Rosemary Grant on the evolution of genes or cytogenes); a plastid plasmon is re-
Charles Darwins finches in the Galpagos ferred to as a plastome
Islands. plastid: organelles, including chloroplasts, lo-
cated in the cytoplasm of plant cells which
Web Sites of Interest form the site for metabolic processes such as
Evolutionary Genetics Group, Grningen Uni- photosynthesis
versity. http://www.rug.nl/biologie/onder mitochondria: small structures enclosed by
zoek/onderzoekGroepen/evolutionar y double membranes found in the cytoplasm
Genetics/index. Concerned with how ge- of all higher cells, which produce chemical
netic structure and variation affect evolu- power for the cells and harbor their own
tionary and ecological processes. DNA
Harvard University, Department of Organismic
and Evolutionay Biology. http://www.oeb Discovery of Extrachromosomal
.harvard.edu. Site has a time line of signifi- Inheritance
cant figures in the history of evolutionary bi- Carl Correns, one of the three geneticists
ology and a survey of its foundations. who rediscovered Austrian botanist Gregor
Society for the Study of Evolution. http://www Mendels laws of inheritance in 1900, and
.evolutionandsociety.org. This site offers an Erwin Baur first described, independently, ex-
illustrative guide, Evolution, Science, and trachromosomal inheritance of plastid color
Society and the National Research Agenda, in 1909. However, they did not know then that
which includes discussion of the founda- they were observing the transmission patterns
tions, social effects, and future of evolution- of organelle genes. Correns studied the inheri-
ary biology. tance of plastid color in the albomaculata strain
of four-oclock plants (Mirabilis jalapa), whereas
Baur investigated garden geraniums (Pelargo-
nium zonate). Correns observed that seedlings
Extrachromosomal resembled the maternal parent regardless of the
Inheritance color of the male parent (uniparental-maternal
inheritance). Seeds obtained from plants with
Field of study: Cellular biology three types of brancheswith green leaves,
Significance: Extrachromosomal inheritance refers white leaves, and variegated (a mixture of green
to the transmission of traits that are controlled by and white) leavesprovided interesting results.
genes located in non-nuclear organelles such as Seeds from green-leaved branches produced
chloroplasts and mitochondria. Nuclear or chro- only green-leaved seedlings, and seeds from
mosomal traits are determined equally by both par- white-leaved branches produced only white-
Extrachromosomal Inheritance 275

leaved seedlings. However, seeds from branches (plasmons) can be called nonnuclear or cyto-
with variegated leaves resulted in varying ratios plasmic. The cytoplasm contains, among other
of green-leaved, white-leaved, and variegated- organelles, mitochondria in all higher organ-
leaved offspring. The explanation is that plas- isms and mitochondria and chloroplasts in
tids in egg cells of the green-leaved branches plants. Because cytoplasm is almost always to-
and white-leaved branches were only of one type tally contributed by the female parent, this type
(homoplasmic or homoplastidic)that is, nor- of transmission may also be called maternal or
mal chloroplasts in the green-leaved cells and uniparental inheritance.
white plastids (leukoplasts) in the white-leaved Most chromosomally inherited traits obey
cells. The cells of the variegated branches, on Mendels law of segregation, which states that a
the other hand, contained both chloroplasts and pair of alleles or different forms of a gene sepa-
leukoplasts (heteroplasmic or heteroplastidic) rate from each other during meiosis (the pro-
in varying proportions. Some descendants of cess that halves the chromosome number in ga-
the heteroplastidic cells received only chloro- mete formation). They also follow the law of
plasts, some received only leukoplasts, and some independent assortment, in which two alleles
received a mixture of the two types of plastids in of a gene assort and combine independently
varying proportions in the next generation, with two alleles of another gene. Such traits
hence variegation. may be called Mendelian traits. Extrachromo-
Baur observed similar progeny from recip- somal inheritance is one of the exceptions to
rocal crosses between normal green and white Mendelian inheritance. Thus, it can be called
Pelargonium plants. Progeny in both cases were non-Mendelian inheritance. (Mendel only stud-
of three types: green, white, and variegated, in ied and reported on traits controlled by nuclear
varying ratios. This indicated that cytoplasm genes.) Mendelian heredity is characterized by
was inherited from the male as well as the female regular ratios in segregating generations for
parent; however, the transmission of plastids qualitative trait differences and identical re-
was cytoplasmic. Male transmission of plastids sults from reciprocal crosses. On the contrary,
has also been observed in oenothera, snap- non-Mendelian inheritance is characterized by
dragons, beans (Phaseolus), potatoes, and rye. a lack of regular segregation ratio and non-
Rye is the only member of the grass family that identical results from reciprocal crosses.
exhibits both maternal and paternal inheri- The mitochondria are the sites of aerobic
tance of plastids. respiration (the breaking down of organic sub-
The investigations on plastid inheritance stances to release energy in the presence of oxy-
also clearly established that in plants exhibiting gen) in both plants and animals. They are, like
uniparental-maternal inheritance, a variegated plastids, self-replicating entities and exhibit ge-
maternal parent always produces green, white, netic continuity. The mitochondrial genes do
and variegated progeny in varying proportions not exhibit the Mendelian segregation pattern
because of its heteroplastidic nature. Crosses either. Mitochondrial genetics began around
between green and white plants always yield 1950 with the discovery of petite mutations
green or white progeny, depending upon the in bakers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Re-
maternal parent, when the parental plants are searchers observed that one or two out of every
homoplasmic for plastids. one thousand colonies grown on culture me-
dium were smaller than normal colonies. The
Extrachromosomal Inheritance vs. petite colonies bred true (produced only petite
Nuclear Inheritance colonies). The petite mutants were respiration
Extrachromosomal inheritance has been deficient under aerobic conditions. The slow
found in many plants, including barley, maize, growth of the petite colonies was related to the
and rice. Traits are inherited through chloro- loss of a number of respiratory (cytochrome)
plasts, mitochondria, or plasmids (small, self- enzymes that occur in mitochondria. These
replicating structures). Inheritance of traits mitochondrial mutants, termed vegetative pe-
that are controlled by organelle genomes tites, can be induced with acriflavine and re-
276 Extrachromosomal Inheritance

lated dyes. Another type of mutation, called a ilar to that for plastids in the albomaculata vari-
suppressive petite, was found to be caused ety of four oclock plants.
by defective, rapidly replicating mitochondrial The chm mutator gene causes plastid muta-
DNA (mtDNA). Petite mutants that are strictly tions in the plant Arabidopsis, and mutator
under nuclear gene control have also been re- striata in barley causes mutations in both
ported and are called segregational petite mu- plastids and mitochondria. Cases of mutator-
tants. Most respiratory enzymes are under both induced mutations in the plastome have also
nuclear and mitochondrial control, which is in- been reported in rice and catnip.
dicative of collaboration between the two ge-
netic systems. Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA
In the fungus Neurospora, mitochondrial in- Plastids contain DNA, have their own DNA
heritance has been demonstrated for mutants polymerase (the enzyme responsible for DNA
referred to as poky (a slow-growth character- replication), and undergo mutation. The chloro-
istic). The mutation resulted from an impaired plast DNA (cpDNA) is a circular, self-replicating
mitochondrial function related to cytochromes system that carries genetic information that is
involved in electron transport. The mating be- transcribed (from DNA to RNA) and translated
tween poky female and normal male yields only (from RNA to protein) in the plastid. It repli-
poky progeny, but when the cross is reversed, cates in a semiconservative mannerthat is, an
the progeny are all normal, confirming mater- original strand of DNA is conserved and serves
nal inheritance for this mutation. as the template for a new strand in a manner
According to a 1970 study, cytoplasmic male similar to replication.
sterility is found in about eighty plant species. The soluble enzyme ribulose biphosphate
The molecular basis of cytoplasmic male steril- carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) is involved
ity in maize through electrophoretic separa- in photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation. In
tion of restriction-endonuclease-created frag- land plants and green algae, its large subunit is
ments of DNA was traced to mitochondrial a cpDNA product, while its small subunit is con-
DNA. Cytoplasmic male sterility can be over- trolled by a nuclear gene family. Thus, the
come by nuclear genes. The plasmids that reside Rubisco protein is, as are chloroplast ribo-
in mitochondria are also important extrachro- somes, a product of the cooperation between
mosomal DNA molecules that are especially im- the nuclear and chloroplast genes. In all other
portant in antibiotic resistance. Plasmids have algae, both the large and small subunits of
been found to be extremely useful in genetic Rubisco are encoded in cpDNA.
engineering. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules
are also circular and self-replicating. Human,
Mutator Genes yeast, and higher plant mtDNAs are the major
Plastome mutations can be induced by nu- systems that have been studied. The human
clear genes. A gene that increases the mutation mtDNA has a total of 16,569 base pairs. The
rate of another gene is called a mutator. One yeast mtDNA is five times larger than that (84
such gene is the recessive, nuclear iojap (ij) kilobases), and maize mtDNA is much larger
mutation in maize. In the homozygous (ij ij) than the yeast mtDNA. Every base pair of hu-
condition, it induces a plastid mutation. The man mtDNA may be involved in coding for a
name iojap has been derived from Iowa mitochondrial messenger RNA (mRNA) for a
(the maize strain in which the mutation is protein, a mitochondrial ribosomal RNA
found) and japonica (a type of striped variety (rRNA), or a mitochondrial transfer RNA
that the mutation resembles). Once the plastid (tRNA). It is compact, showing no intervening,
gene mutation caused by the ij gene has been noncoding base sequences between genes. It
initiated, the inheritance is non-Mendelian, has only one major promoter (a DNA region to
and it no longer depends on the nuclear ij which an RNA polymerase binds and initiates
gene. As long as the iojap plants are used as fe- transcription) on each strand. Most codons
male parents, the inheritance of the trait is sim- triplets of nucleotides (bases) in messenger
Extrachromosomal Inheritance 277

RNA carrying specific instruc-

Parts of a Eukaryotic Plant Cell
tions from DNAhave the
same meaning as in the uni-
versal genetic code, except the Cell wall
following differences: UGA rep- Cytosol
resents a stop signal (univer- Plasma membrane
sal), but represents tryptophan
in yeast and human mtDNA;
Nuclear envelope
AUA represents isoleucine (uni-
versal), but methionine in hu- Nucleus
man mtDNA; CUA represents Nucleolus
leucine (universal), but thre-
onine in yeast mtDNA; and
CGG represents arginine (uni- Mitochondrion
versal), but tryptophan in plant Vacuole
Starch grain
The mtDNA carries the ge-
netic code (plasmagene names
in parentheses) for proteins,
such as cytochrome oxidase
subunits I (coxl), II (cox2), This depiction of a eukaryotic plant cell shows the organelles where extrachromo-
and III (cox3); cytochrome B somal DNA is found: mitochondria, and in plants chloroplasts and other plastids.
(cytb); and ATPase subunits 6 (Kimberly L. Dawson Kurnizki)
(atp6), 8 (atp8), and 9 (atp9).
It also contains the genetic
codes for several ribosomal RNAs, such as studies, since there is only one large plastid per
mtrRNA 16s and 12s in the mouse; mtrRNA 9s, cell. In higher plants, study of genetic recombi-
15s, and 21s in yeast; and mtrRNA 5s, 18s, and nation is difficult because of a large number of
26s in maize. In addition, twenty-two transfer plastids in cells and a lack of genetic markers.
RNAs in mice, twenty-four in yeast, and three in Mutations in mitochondria of C. reinhardtii
maize are encoded in mtDNA. can be induced with acriflavine or ethidium
bromide dyes. Point mutations for myxothiazol
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii resistance mapping in the cytb gene have been
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a unicellular isolated. The mitochondrial genome of this
green algaa in which chloroplast and mito- species of algae has been completely sequenced.
chondrial genes show uniparental transmis- It encodes five of more than twenty-five sub-
sion. In 1954, Ruth Sager discovered the chlo- units of the reduced nicotinamide-adenine di-
roplast genetic system. Resistance to high levels nucleotide (NADH) dehydrogenase of com-
of streptomycin (a trait controlled by chloro- plex I (nad1, nad2, nad4, nad5, and nad6), the
plast genes) has been shown to be transmitted COX I subunit of cytochrome oxidase (cox1),
uniparentally by the mt+ mating type parent. and the apocytochrome b (cob) subunit of
The mt mating type transmits the mitochon- complex III. All of these proteins have a respi-
drial genes uniparentally. Mutants in chloro- ratory function.
plasts have been identified for antibiotic and
herbicide resistance. Genetic recombination is Origin of Plastid and Mitochondrial DNA
common in C. reinhardtii, which occurs in zy- According to the endosymbiont theory, plas-
gotes (the fused gametes of opposite sexes) tids and mitochondria in eukaryotes are the de-
when biparental cytogenes are in a heterozy- scendants of prokaryotic organisms that in-
gous (union of unlike genes) state. This is an vaded primitive eukaryotes. Subsequently, they
ideal system among plants for recombination developed a symbiotic relationship and became
278 Extrachromosomal Inheritance

dependent upon each other. There is much sion of mtDNA in animals can be studied. Nu-
support for this theory. Researchers in 1972 merous deleterious point mutations of mtDNA
showed homology (genetic similarity) between are associated with various types of human dis-
ribosomal RNA from cyanobacteria and DNA orders involving deficiencies in the mitochon-
from the chloroplasts of Euglena gracilis. This drial oxidative phosphorylation (respiration)
provided support for chloroplasts as the de- apparatus. Leigh disease is caused by a point
scendants of cyanobacteria. Mitochondria are mutation in mtDNA. Deletions of mtDNA have
believed to have come from primitive bacteria been associated with diseases such as isolated
and plastids from blue-green algae. Molecular ocular myopathy, chronic progressive external
evidence strongly supports the endosymbiotic ophthalmoplegia, Kearn-Sayre syndrome, and
origin of mitochondria from alpha purple bac- Pearsons syndrome.
teria. The influence of the mitochondrial genome
In 1981, Lynn Margulis summarized evi- and mitochondrial function on nuclear gene
dence for this theory. There are many similari- expression is poorly understood, but progress
ties between prokaryotes and organelles: Both is being made toward understanding why a few
have circular DNA and the same size ribo- genes are still sequestered in the mitochondria
somes, both lack histones and a nuclear mem- and toward developing new tools to manipu-
brane, and both show similar response to anti- late mitochondrial genes.
biotics that inhibit protein synthesis. Both also Manjit S. Kang
show a primitive mode of translation that be- See also: Ancient DNA; Chloroplast Genes;
gins with formulated methionine. The discov- Genetic Code; Human Genetics; Mitochon-
ery of promiscuous DNA (DNA segments that drial Diseases; Mitochondrial Genes; Model
have been transferred between organelles or Organism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; RNA
from a mitochondrial genome to the nuclear World.
genome) in eukaryotic cells also lends support
to this theory.
Further Reading
Impact and Applications Attardi, Giuseppe M., and Anne Chomyn, eds.
Genetic investigations have helped tremen- Methods in Enzymology: Mitochondrial Biogenesis
dously in constructing a genetic map of maize and Genetics. Vols. 260, 264. San Diego: Aca-
cpDNA. Important features of the map, includ- demic Press, 1995. One hundred authors
ing two large, inverted, repeat segments con- contribute to thirty-six chapters, presenting
taining several rRNA and tRNA genes, are now a wealth of new methods and data and cover-
known. Detection and quantification of mu- ing the significant developments that have
tant mtDNA are essential for the diagnosis of expanded the scope of enzyme chemistry.
diseases and for providing insights into the mo- Cummings, Michael J. Human Heredity: Princi-
lecular basis of pathogenesis, etiology, and ulti- ples and Issues. 5th ed. Pacific Grove, Calif.:
mately the treatment of diseases. This should Brooks/Cole, 2000. College text that surveys
help enhance the knowledge of mitochondrial topics such as genetics as a human endeavor;
biogenesis. Mitochondrial dysfunction, result- cells, chromosomes, and cell division; trans-
ing partly from mutations in mtDNA, may play mission of genes from generation to genera-
a central role in organismal aging. tion; cytogenics; the source of genetic varia-
A number of human diseases associated with tion; cloning and recombinant DNA; genes
defects in mitochondrial function have been and cancer; genetics of behavior; and genes
identified. Large-scale deletions and tRNA in populations.
point mutations (base changes) in mtDNA are Gillham, Nicholas W. Organelle Genes and Ge-
associated with clinical mitochondrial encepha- nomes. London: Oxford University Press,
lomyopathies. Heteroplasmy (the coexistence 1997. Contains a comprehensive review of
of more than two types of mtDNA) has provided the genetic-molecular aspects of chloroplasts
experimental systems in which the transmis- and mitochondria.
Forensic Genetics and criminal law, especially in court pro-
Field of study: Human genetics and social ceedings
Significance: Forensic genetics uses DNA or the in- Forensic Science and DNA Analysis
herited traits derived from DNA to identify indi- Forensic scientists use genetics for two major
viduals involved in criminal cases. Blood tests legal applications: identifying the source of a
and DNA testing are used to determine the source sample of blood, semen, or other tissue, and es-
of evidence, such as blood stains or semen, left at a tablishing the biological relationship between
crime scene. two people in paternity or maternity suits. Fo-
rensic scientists are frequently called upon to
Key terms testify as expert witnesses in criminal trials.
alleles: alternative versions of genes at a ge- One of the most useful sources of inherited
netic locus that determine an individuals traits for forensic science purposes is blood.
traits Such traits include blood type, proteins found
DNA fingerprinting: a DNA test used by fo- in the plasma, and enzymes found in blood
rensic scientists to aid in the identification of cells. The genes in people that determine such
criminals or to resolve paternity disputes inherited traits have many different forms (al-
forensic science: the application of scientific leles), and the specific combination of alleles
knowledge to analyze evidence used in civil for many of the inherited blood traits can be

Image not available

A serologist at the Massachusetts State Police Crime Lab displays forms used to collect and identify bloods samples for the states DNA
database of people convicted of certain crimes. In 1998, a group of prisoners brought a suit against the state to overturn a law requir-
ing blood samples from anyone convicted of any of thirty-three different crimes. (AP/Wide World Photos)
280 Forensic Genetics

Image not available

O. J. Simpson and attorneys discuss strategy for cross-examining a forensic scientist during Simpsons 1995 murder trial. Despite
DNA evidence that blood found near Simpsons home and in his car matched that of the murder victims, Simpson was acquitted by a
jury upon testimony that the evidence might have been contaminated. (AP/Wide World Photos)

used to identify an individual. The number of of criminal cases in which biological materials
useful blood group systems is small, however, are the primary evidence. The likelihood of
which means that a number of individuals false matches ranges from one per million to
might have blood groups identical to those of one per billion. These numbers, however, do
the subject being tested. not include the possibility of mishandling of ev-
The ultimate source of genetic information idence, laboratory errors, or planting of evi-
for identification of individuals is the DNA dence.
found in the chromosomes. Using a class of en-
zymes known as restriction enzymes, techni- Criminal Cases Involving DNA Evidence
cians can cut strands of DNA into segments, On November 6, 1987, serial rapist Tommy
forming bands similar to a supermarket bar Lee Andrews became the first American ever
code that vary with individuals family lines. convicted in a case involving DNA evidence.
The pattern, termed a DNA fingerprint or Samples of semen left at the crime scene by the
profile, is inherited much as are the alleles for rapist and blood taken from Andrews were sent
blood traits. DNA fingerprinting can be used to a New York laboratory for testing. Using the
to establish biological relationships (including techniques of DNA fingerprinting, the labora-
paternity) with great reliability, because a child tory isolated DNA from each sample, com-
cannot have a variation that is not present in pared the patterns, and found a DNA match
one of the parents. Since DNA is stable and can between the semen and the blood. Andrews
be reliably tested in dried blood or semen even was sentenced to twenty-two years in prison for
years after a crime has been committed, DNA rape, aggravated battery, and burglary.
fingerprinting has revolutionized the solution The 1990-1991 United States v. Yee homicide
Forensic Genetics 281

trial in Cincinnati, Ohio, was the first major Further Reading

case that challenged the soundness of DNA Burke, Terry, R., Wolf, G. Dolf, and A. Jeffreys,
testing methods. DNA analysis by the Federal eds. DNA Fingerprinting: Approaches and Appli-
Bureau of Investigation (FBI) showed a match cations. Boston: Birkhauser, 2001. Describes
between blood from the victims van and from repetitive DNA and the broad variety of prac-
Steven Yees car. The defense claimed that the tical applications to law, medicine, politics,
matching DNA data were ambiguous or incon- policy, and more. Aimed at the layperson.
sistent, citing what they claimed to be errors, Coleman, Howard, and Eric Swenson. DNA in
omissions, lack of controls, and faulty analysis. the Courtroom: A Trial Watchers Guide. Seattle,
However, after a fifteen-week hearing, the Wash.: GeneLex Press, 1994. Gives a good
judge accepted the DNA testing as valid. overview of DNA fingerprinting, expert evi-
In 1994, former football star O. J. Simpson dence in court, and applications of forensic
was arrested and charged with the murders of genetics.
his ex-wife, Nicole Brown, and her friend, Ron- Connors, Edward, et al. Convicted by Juries, Exon-
ald Goldman. Blood with DNA that matched erated by Science: Case Studies in the Use of DNA
Simpsons was found at Browns home, and Evidence to Establish Innocence After Trial.
blood spots in Simpsons car contained DNA Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Jus-
matching Browns, Goldmans, and Simpsons. tice, Office of Justice Programs, National In-
Furthermore, blood at Simpsons home con- stitute of Justice, 1996. Provides case studies
tained DNA that matched Browns and Gold- in the use of DNA evidence to establish inno-
mans. For the most part, the defense admitted cence after conviction in a trial.
the accuracy of the DNA tests and did not scien- Fridell, Ron. DNA Fingerprinting: The Ultimate
tifically challenge the results of the DNA finger- Identity. New York: Scholastic, 2001. The his-
printing. Instead, they argued that the biologi- tory of the technique, from its discovery to
cal evidence had been contaminated by shoddy early uses. Aimed at younger readers and
laboratory work and by planting of evidence; nonspecialists.
the jury found Simpson not guilty of the charges Herrmann, Bernd, and Susanne Hummel, eds.
against him. Ancient DNA: Recovery and Analysis of Genetic
Material from Paleographic, Archaeological, Mu-
seum, Medical, and Forensic Speciments. New
Impact and Applications York: Springer-Verlag, 1994. Written when
DNA evidence is used in thousands of crimi- DNA fingerprinting was just coming to the
nal investigations and tens of thousands of pa- fore and films such as Jurrasic Park were in
ternity tests annually in the United States. In theaters, this collection of papers by first-
addition, in numerous cases forensic DNA test- generation researchers reflects the broad
ing has been used to free previously convicted applications of the technology, including
and incarcerated individuals, some of whom paleontological investigations.
have been in prison for more than a decade. Hummel, Susanne. Fingerprinting the Past: Re-
Most states now have data banks containing search on Highly Degraded DNA and Its Applica-
DNA profiles of people already convicted of tions. New York: Springer-Verlag, 2002. Man-
sexual or related offenses; when law enforce- ual about typing ancient DNA.
ment officials investigate a crime, they are now Jarman, Keith, and Norah Rudin. An Introduc-
able to test DNA collected at the scene to see if tion to Forensic DNA Analysis. 2d ed. Boca
it matches that of anyone in the data bank with Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 2001. Emphasizes
a history of a similar offense. the advantages and limitations of various
Alvin K. Benson DNA techniques used in the analysis of fo-
See also: Biological Determinism; Criminal- rensic evidence.
ity; DNA Fingerprinting; Eugenics; Eugenics: Lincoln, Patrick J., and Jim Thompson, eds. Fo-
Nazi Germany; Human Genetics; Insurance; rensic DNA Profiling Protocols. Vol. 98. Totowa,
Paternity Tests; Sociobiology; Sterilization Laws. N.J.: Humana Press, 1998. Presents tech-
282 Fragile X Syndrome

niques of DNA identity-testing, noting ex-

actly what chemicals and procedures are to The Cause of Fragile X Syndrome
be used for a variety of situations.
United States National Research Council. The
Evaluation of Forensic DNA Evidence. Rev. ed.
Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press,
1996. Evaluates how DNA is interpreted in
the courts, includes developments in popu-
lation genetics and statistics, and comments
on statements made in the original volume
that proved controversial or that have been
misapplied in the courts.

Web Sites of Interest

Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of In-
vestigation, Handbook of Forensic Services,
DNA Examinations. http://www.fbi.gov/
hq/lab/handbook/examsdna.htm. The
FBIs step-by-step guide to the collecting, se-
curing, and submitting of DNA evidence Fragile X syndrome in a female chromosome pair (left) and in
from crime scenes. a male pair (right). Note the apparently detached tips of the
Earls Forensic Page. http://members.aol X chromosomes, the defect that gives the syndrome its name.
.com/EarlNMeyer/DNA.html. Summarizes (Electronic Illustrators Group)
how DNA fingerprinting works and its use in
crime investigations and in determining pa-
ternity. sex-linked trait: Any characteristic con-
trolled by genes on the X or Y chromosome

History of Fragile X Syndrome

In 1969, geneticists studied a family of four
Fragile X Syndrome mentally retarded brothers who had X chromo-
somes whose tips appeared to be detached
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes from the rest of the chromosome. It is now rec-
Significance: There are more than fifty mental re- ognized that this fragile site occurs in the vicin-
tardation disorders associated with the X chromo- ity of the FMR1 gene. Males affected with frag-
some, but their frequencies are rare. Fragile X syn- ile X syndrome have moderate to severe mental
drome is the most common inherited form of mental retardation and show distinctive facial features,
retardation, affecting an estimated one in fifteen including a long and narrow face, large and
hundred males and one in twenty-five hundred fe- protruding ears, and a prominent jaw. Addi-
males. tional features include velvet-like skin, hyper-
extensible finger joints, and double-jointed
Key terms thumbs. These features are generally not ob-
sex chromosomes: the chromosomes, X and served until maturity. Prior to puberty, the only
Y, that determine sex; the presence of two X symptoms a child may have are delayed devel-
chromosomes codes for females and an X opmental milestones, such as sitting, walking,
chromosome paired with a Y chromosome and talking. Fragile X children may also display
codes for males; these chromosomes are re- an abnormal temperament marked by tan-
ceived from an individuals parents, each of trums, hyperactivity, or autism. A striking fea-
whom contributes one sex chromosome to ture of most adult fragile X males is an enlarged
their offspring testicular volume (macroorchidism). This en-
Fragile X Syndrome 283

largement is not a result of testosterone levels, The pattern of inheritance for fragile X is
which are normal. Fragile X men are fertile, unusual. Fragile X syndrome increases in sever-
and offspring have been documented, but those ity through successive generations. This is ex-
with significant mental retardation rarely re- plained by a worsening of the defect in the
produce. FMR1 gene as it is passed from mothers to sons.
The intelligence quotient (IQ) of the major- Since males contribute the Y chromosome to
ity of affected males is in the moderate to se- their sons, fathers do not pass the fragile X gene
verely retarded range. Only a few affected males to their sons. They will, however, contribute
have IQs above seventy-five. Fragile X males fre- their X chromosome to their daughters. Be-
quently show delayed speech development and cause these daughters also receive an X chro-
language difficulties. Repetitive speech patterns mosome from their mothers, they generally ap-
may also be present. pear normal or only mildly affected. It is only
when these daughters have a son that the con-
Mode of Inheritance dition is expressed.
In males, any abnormal gene on the X chro- An explanation for this increasing severity
mosome is expressed because males have only through generations was discovered by analyz-
one X chromosome. In females, two copies of ing the DNA sequence of the FMR1 gene. The
the fragile X chromosome must be present for molecules composing DNA are adenine (A),
them to be affected. This is the classic pattern thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G)
for X-linked, or sex-linked, traits (traits whose and are referred to collectively as bases. In
genes are located on the X chromosome.) fragile X syndrome, a sequence in which the

Image not available

Seventeen-year-old Jake Porter (wearing Mohawks jersey 45) suffers from fragile X syndrome. Here he is being honored by teammates
during halftime at Motor City Bowl in Detroit on December 26, 2002, for scoring a touchdown during an earlier game in
McDermott, Ohio. (AP/Wide World Photos)
284 Fragile X Syndrome

three bases CGG are repeated over and over extent to which their behavior is determined,
was found. The repetitive sequence is found in the difficulties they face, and the ways in
normal copies of the FMR1 gene, but in individ- which they can achieve independence and
uals with fragile X syndrome there are many fulfillment.
times more copies of the CGG triplet. The lon- Parker, James N., and Philip M. Parker, eds. The
ger repetitive sequence in the FMR1 gene pre- 2002 Official Parents Sourcebook on Fragile X
vents it from being expressed. Individuals not Syndrome. San Diego: ICON Health, 2002.
having the fragile X syndrome have a working Draws from public, academic, government,
FMR1 gene. and peer-reviewed research to guide parents
Linda R. Adkison, updated by Bryan Ness where and how to look for information cov-
See also: Behavior; Chromatin Packaging; ering virtually all topics related to fragile X
Classical Transmission Genetics; Congenital syndrome.
Defects; DNA Replication; Down Syndrome; Schmidt, Michael A. Fragile X Syndrome: Di-
Intelligence; Repetitive DNA. agnosis, Treatment, and Research. Journal
of the American Medical Association 277 (April
Further Reading 9, 1997). Provides a detailed discussion of
Dykens, Elisabeth M., Robert M. Hodapp, and fragile X syndrome.
Brenda M. Finucane. Genetics and Mental Re- Shannon, Joyce Brennfleck, ed. Mental Retarda-
tardation Syndromes: A New Look at Behavior tion Sourcebook: Basic Consumer Health Informa-
and Interventions. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes, tion About Mental Retardation and Its Causes,
2000. Reviews the genetic and behavioral Including Down Syndrome, Fetal Alcohol Syn-
characteristics of nine mental retardation drome, Fragile X Syndrome, Genetic Conditions,
syndromes, giving in-depth information on Injury, and Environmental Sources. Detroit,
genetic causes, prevalence, and physical and Mich.: Omnigraphics, 2000. Reviews causes,
medical features of Down, Williams, fragile prevention, family life, education, specific
X, and Prader-Willi syndromes, as well as five health care issues, and legal and economic
other less frequently diagnosed syndromes. concerns for health care consumers.
Hagerman, Paul J. Fragile X Syndrome: Diagnosis, Warren, Stephen T. Trinucleotide Repetition
Treatment, and Research. 3d ed. Baltimore: and Fragile X Syndrome. Hospital Practice 32
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. Dis- (April 15, 1997). Provides detail about CGG
cusses the clinical approach to diagnosing repeats in fragile X syndrome.
fragile X; the latest research in epidemiol-
ogy, molecular biology, and genetics; and in-
formation on genetic counseling, pharma- Web Sites of Interest
cotherapy, intervention, and gene therapy. Dolan DNA Learning Center, Your Genes Your
Hirsch, David. Fragile X Syndrome. The Ex- Health. http://www.ygyh.org. Sponsored by
ceptional Parent 25 (June, 1995). Answers pa- the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this site,
rental concerns about fragile X syndrome a component of the DNA Interactive Web
genetic testing. site, offers information on more than a dozen
_______. Fragile X Syndrome: Medications for inherited diseases and syndromes, including
Aggressive Behavior? The Exceptional Parent Fragile X syndrome.
26 (October, 1996). Addresses parental con- FRAXA Research Foundation. http://www
cerns about medications for males display- .fraxa.org. The foundation supports research
ing aggressive behavior. aimed at treatment, and this site offers infor-
Hogenboom, Marga. Living with Genetic Syn- mation on managing the syndrome.
dromes Associated with Intellectual Disability. National Fragile X Foundation. Xtraordinary
Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley, 2001. Gives Accomplishments. http://www.nfxf.org.
an accessible introduction to genetics be- General information about the disorder,
fore detailing the ways in which young peo- with advice for caregivers on testing, medical
ple are affected by genetic conditions: the treatment, education, and life planning.
Gel Electrophoresis the molecule will allow an approximation of its
Field of study: Techniques and relative molecular weight.
methodologies As an analogy, imagine a family with two chil-
Significance: Gel electrophoresis is a laboratory dren picnicking by a thick, brushy forest. Their
technique involving the movement of charged mol- small dog runs into the brush, and the whole
ecules in a buffer solution when an electric field is family runs in after it. The dog, being the small-
applied to the solution. The technique allows scien- est, penetrates into the center of the forest. The
tists to separate DNA, RNA, and proteins accord- six-year-old can duck through many of the
ing to their size. The method is the most widely used branches and manages to get two-thirds of the
way to determine the molecular weight of these mol- way in; the twelve-year-old makes it halfway; the
ecules and can be used to determine the approxi- mother gets tangled up and must stop after
mate size of most DNA molecules and proteins. only a short distance; the father, too large to fit
in anywhere, cannot enter at all. This is what
Key terms happens to molecules moving through a gel:
denaturing: a method of disrupting the nor- Some travel through unimpeded, others are
mal three-dimensional structure of a pro- separated into easily visualized size groups, and
tein or nucleic acid so that it stretches out others cannot even enter the matrix.
more or less linearly
gel: a support matrix formed by interconnect- The Electrophoresis Setup
ing long polymers into a porous, solid mate- The gel is typically composed of a buffer so-
rial that retards the movement of molecules lution containing agarose or acrylamide, two
entrapped in it polymers that easily form a gel-like material at
staining dye: a chemical with a high affinity room temperature. At first the buffer/polymer
for DNA, RNA, or proteins that causes a visi- solution is liquid and is poured into a casting
ble color to develop that allows the detection chamber composed of a special tray or of two
of these molecules in the gel plates of glass with a narrow space between
them. A piece of plastic with alternating inden-
Basic Theory of Electrophoresis tations like an oversized comb is pushed into
Biologists often need to determine the ap- one end of the gel while it is still liquid. When
proximate size of DNA fragments, RNA, or pro- the gel has solidified, the comb is removed,
teins. All of these molecules are much too small leaving small depressions in the matrix (wells)
to visualize using conventional methods. The into which the DNA, RNA, or protein sample is
size of a piece of DNA capable of carrying all applied. The gel is then attached to an appara-
the information needed for a single gene may tus that exposes the ends of the gel to a buffer,
be only 2 microns long and 20 angstroms wide, each chamber of which is attached to an elec-
while the protein encoded by this gene might tric power supply. The buffer allows an even ap-
form into a globular ball only 2.5 to 10 nano- plication of the electric field.
meters in diameter. Therefore, some indirect Since the molecules of interest are so small,
method of seeing the length of these mole- matrices with small pore size must be created. It
cules must be used. The easiest and by far most is important to find a matrix that will properly
common way to do this is by gel electrophoresis. separate the molecules being studied. The key
Electrophoresis is based on the theory that if is to find a material that creates pores large
molecules can be induced to move in the same enough to let DNA or proteins enter but small
direction through a tangled web of material, enough to impede larger molecules. By using
smaller molecules will move farther through different concentrations of agarose or acryla-
the matrix than larger molecules. Thus, the dis- mide, anything from very short pieces of DNA
tance a molecule moves will be related to its that differ only by a single nucleotide to whole
size, and knowing the basic chemical nature of chromosomes can be separated.
286 Gel Electrophoresis

Agarose is composed of long, linear chains The charge on different amino acids varies
of multiple monosaccharides (sugars). At high considerably, and the proportions of the vari-
temperatures, 95 degrees Celsius (203 degrees ous amino acids vary widely from protein to
Fahrenheit), the agarose will melt in a buffer protein. Therefore, the charge on a protein has
solution. As the gel cools to around 50 degrees nothing to do with its length. To correct for
Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), the long this, proteins are mixed with the detergent so-
chains begin to wrap around each other and so- dium dodecyl sulfate, or SDS (the same mate-
lidify into a gel. The concentration of agarose rial that gives most shampoos their suds), be-
determines the pore size, since a larger concen- fore being loaded onto the gel. The detergent
tration will create more of a tangle. Agarose is coats the protein evenly. This has two impor-
usually used with large DNA or RNA molecules. tant effects. The first is that the protein be-
Acrylamide is a short molecule made up of a comes denatured, and the polypeptide chain
core of two carbons connected through a dou- will largely exist as a long strand (rather than
ble bond with a short side-chain with a carboxyl being compactly bunched, as it normally is).
and amino group. When the reactive chemicals This is important because a tightly balled pro-
ammonium persulfate and TEMED are added, tein would more easily pass through the
the carbon ends fuse together to create long polyacrylamide matrix than a linear molecule,
chains of polyacrylamide. If this were the only and proteins with the same molecular weight
reaction, the end result would be much like might appear to be different sizes. More impor-
agarose. However, a small number (usually 5 tant, each SDS molecule has a slight negative
percent or less) of the acrylamides are the re- charge, so the even coating of the protein re-
lated molecule called bis-acrylamide, a two- sults in a negative charge that is directly pro-
headed version of the acrylamide molecule. portional to the size of the protein.
This allows the formation of interconnecting Once the molecules have been subjected to
branch points every twenty to fifty acrylamide the electric field long enough to separate them
residues on the chain, which creates a pattern in the gel, they must be visualized. This is done
more like a net than the tangled strands of by soaking the gel in a solution that contains a
agarose. This results in a narrower pore size dye that stains the molecules. For DNA and
than agarose, which allows the separation of RNA, this dye is usually ethidium bromide, a
much smaller fragments. Acrylamide is used to molecule that has an affinity for nucleic acids
separate proteins and small DNA fragments and slips between the strands or intercalates
and for sequencing gels in which DNA frag- into the helix. The dye, when exposed to ultra-
ments differing in size by only a single nucleo- violet light, glows orange, revealing the loca-
tide must be clearly separated. tion of the nucleic acid in the gel. For pro-
teins, the dye Coomassie blue is usually used, a
Why Nucleic Acids and Proteins stain that readily binds to proteins of most
Move in a Gel types.
DNA and RNA will migrate in an electric J. Aaron Cassill, updated by Bryan Ness
field since every base has a net negative charge. See also: Blotting: Southern, Northern, and
This means that DNA molecules are negatively Western; DNA Fingerprinting; Genetic Testing;
charged and will migrate toward the positive Proteomics; RFLP Analysis; Shotgun Cloning.
pole if placed in an electric field. In fact, since
each base contributes the same charge, the Further Reading
amount of negative charge is directly propor- Dunn, Michael J., ed. From Genome to Proteome:
tional to the length of the DNA. This means Advances in the Practice and Application of Pro-
that the electromotive force on any piece of teomics. New York: Wiley-VCH, 2000. Reviews
DNA or RNA is directly proportional to its advances in proteomics and covers topics
length (and therefore its mass) and that the such as sample preparation and solubiliza-
rate of movement of DNA or RNA molecules of tion, developments in electrophoresis, detec-
the same length should be the same. tion and quantification, mass spectrometry,
Gender Identity 287

and proteome data analysis and manage-

ment. Gender Identity
Hames, B. D., and D. Rickwood, eds. Gel Electro-
phoresis of Nucleic Acids: A Practical Approach. Field of study: Human genetics and social
2d ed. New York: Oxford University Press, issues
1990. Updated edition of this standard text Significance: Researchers have long sought an un-
reviews the advances made in refining estab- derstanding of the basis of human gender identity.
lished techniques and details many new Discoveries in the field of human genetics have
techniques, including pulse field electro- opened the way to examine how genes affect sexual
phoresis, gel retardation analysis, and DNA behavior and sexual identity.
Jolles, P., and H. Jornvall, eds. Proteomics in Key terms
Functional Genomics: Protein Structure Analysis. hermaphrodite: an individual who has both
Boston: Birkhauser, 2000. Discusses a range male and female sex organs
of topics, including sample preparation, restriction fragment length polymorph-
measurement and sequencing techniques, ism (RFLP): a technique involving the cut-
bioinformatics, and equipment issues. Illus- ting of DNA with restriction endonucleases
trated. (restriction enzymes) that allows research-
Lai, Eric, and Bruce W. Birren, eds. Electrophore- ers to compare genetic sequences from vari-
sis of Large DNA Molecules: Theory and Applica- ous sources
tions. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring sex determination: the chromosomal sex of
Harbor Laboratory, 1990. Surveys the tech- an individual; normal human females have
niques biochemical and biophysical foun- two X chromosomes; normal human males
dations and its application to the separation have one X and one Y chromosome
of DNA fragments in a variety of experimen- sexual orientation: the actual sexual behav-
tal settings. ior exhibited by an individual
Link, Andrew J., ed. 2-D Proteome Analysis Proto-
cols. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 1999. Pro- Boy or Girl?
vides detailed descriptions and helpful illus- The question of what is male and what is
trations of the techniques that are widely female can have a variety of answers, depend-
used for the analysis of total cellular pro- ing on whether one is thinking of chromo-
teins. somal (genetic) sex, gonadal sex, phenotypic
Pennington, S. R., and M. J. Dunn, eds. Pro- sex, or self-identified gender. Chromosomal
teomics: From Protein Sequence to Function. New sex is determined at the time of conception.
York: Springer, 2001. An introductory, illus- The fertilized human egg has a total of forty-six
trated text designed for undergraduates in chromosomes, including one pair of sex chro-
biochemistry, molecular biology, and genet- mosomes. If the fertilized egg has a pair of X
ics that details the study of genomics and chromosomes, its chromosomal, or genetic,
proteomics. sex is female. If it has one X chromosome and
Rabilloud, Thierry, ed. Proteome Research: Two- one Y chromosome, its genetic sex is male. To-
Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis and Identifica- ward the end of the second month of prenatal
tion Methods. New York: Springer, 2000. Fo- development, processes are initiated that lead
cuses on the first two phases of proteomics: to the development of the gonadal sex of the
separation by two-dimensional electrophor- individual; the embryo develops testes if male,
esis and microcharacterization of the sepa- ovaries if female. Although the chromosomal
rated proteins. Illustrated. sex may be XX, the sexual phenotype will not
always be female; likewise, if the chromosomal
sex is XY, the sexual phenotype does not always
turn out to be male. Naturally occurring chro-
mosomal variations or single-gene mutations
288 Gender Identity

may interfere with normal development and physical contact between two individuals of the
differentiation, leading to sexual phenotypes same gender which both recognize as being
that do not correspond to the chromosomal sexual in nature and which ordinarily results in
sex. sexual arousal. Other researchers have under-
One such case is that of hermaphrodites, in- scored the difficulty in defining and measuring
dividuals who possess both ovaries and testes. sexual orientation. Whatever measure is used,
They usually carry both male and female tissue. homosexuality is far more common than trans-
Some of their cells may be of the female chro- sexualism.
mosomal sex (XX), and some may be of the
male chromosomal sex (XY). Such individuals Impact and Applications
are called sex chromosome mosaics, and their Biological and genetic links to gender iden-
resulting phenotype may be related to the tity have been sought for more than a century.
number and location of cells that are XX and Studies on twins indicate a strong genetic com-
those that are XY. Another example is testicular ponent to sexual orientation. There appears to
feminization syndrome, in which a single gene be a greater chance for an identical twin of a
affects sexual differentiation. Individuals with gay person to be gay than for a fraternal twin.
this syndrome have the chromosomal sex of a Heritability averages about 50 percent in the
normal male but have a female phenotype. XY combined twin studies. The fact that heritabil-
males with this gene, located on the X chromo- ity is 50 percent rather than 100 percent, how-
some, exhibit initial development of the testes ever, may indicate that other biological and
and normal production of male hormones. environmental factors play a role. One study us-
However, the mutant gene prevents the hor- ing restriction fragment length polymorphisms
mones from binding to receptor cells; as a re- (RFLPs) to locate a gene on the X chromo-
sult, female characteristics develop. some associated with male homosexual behav-
ior showed a trend of maternal inheritance.
Gender Identity Disorder However, not all homosexual brothers had the
Gender identity disorder, or transsexualism, gene, and some heterosexual brothers shared
is defined by researchers as a persistent feeling the gene, indicating that other factors, whether
of discomfort or inappropriateness concern- genetic or nongenetic, influence sexual orien-
ing ones anatomic sex. The disorder typically tation.
begins in childhood and is manifested in ado- Although some genetic factors have been
lescence or adulthood as cross-dressing. About found to influence sexual orientation, most re-
one in eleven thousand men and one in thirty searchers believe that no single gene causes ho-
thousand women are estimated to display mosexuality. It is also apparent that gender
transsexual behavior. Hormonal and surgical identity and homosexuality are influenced by
sex reassignment are two forms of available complexes of factors dictated by biology, envi-
treatment for those wanting to take on the ronment, and culture. Geneticists and social
physical characteristics of their self-identified scientists alike continue to design studies to de-
gender. Little is known about the causes of gen- fine how the many factors are interrelated.
der identity disorder. In some cases, research Donald J. Nash
shows a strong correlation between children See also: Behavior; Biological Clocks; Her-
who exhibit cross-gender behavior and adult maphrodites; Homosexuality; Human Genet-
homosexual orientation. Adults with gender ics; Metafemales; Pseudohermaphrodites; Ste-
identity disorder and adult homosexuals often roid Hormones; Testicular Feminization
recall feelings of alienation beginning as early Syndrome; X Chromosome Inactivation; XYY
as preschool. Syndrome.
Although some clinical aspects are shared,
however, gender identity disorder is different Further Reading
from homosexuality. One definition for homo- Diamant, L., and R. McAnuity, eds. The Psychol-
sexuality proposed by Paul Gebhard is the ogy of Sexual Orientation, Behavior, and Identity:
Gene Families 289

A Handbook. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood which works to create a world free of shame,
Press, 1995. Draws from biological and psy- secrecy, and unwanted surgery for intersex
chological research to provide a compre- people (individuals born with anatomy or
hensive overview of the major theories about physiology which differs from cultural ideals
sexual orientation; to summarize recent de- of male and female). Includes or links to
velopments in genetic and neuroanatomic information on such conditions as clitoro-
research; to consider the role of social insti- megaly, micropenis, hypospadias, ambigu-
tutions in shaping current beliefs; and to dis- ous genitals, early genital surgery, adrenal
cuss the social construction of gender, sexu- hyperplasia, Klinefelter syndrome, androgen
ality, and sexual identity. insensitivity, and testicular feminization.
Ettore, Elizabeth. Reproductive Genetics, Gender, Johns Hopkins University, Division of Pediatric
and the Body. New York: Routledge, 2002. Fo- Endocrinology, Syndromes of Abnormal
cuses on prenatal screening to explore how Sex Differentiation. http://www.hopkins
the key concepts of gender and the body are medicine.org/pediatricendocrinology. Site
intertwined with the whole process of build- provides a guide to the science and genetics
ing genetic knowledge. of sex differentiation, including a glossary.
Haynes, Felicity, and Tarquam McKenna. Un- Click on patient resources.
seen Genders: Beyond the Binaries. New York:
Peter Lang, 2001. Explores the effects of bi-
nary stereotypes of sex and gender on trans-
sexuals, homosexuals, cross-dressers, and
transgender and intersex people. Gene Families
Money, John. Sex Errors of the Body and Related
Syndromes: A Guide to Counseling Children, Ad- Field of study: Molecular genetics
olescents, and Their Families. 2d ed. Baltimore: Significance: Gene families contain multiple cop-
P. H. Brookes, 1994. Describes numerous ies of structurally and functionally related genes,
gender variations in order to provide a basis derived from duplications of an original gene.
for understanding sexual development Some gene families represent multiple identical
anomalies and to enable appropriate coun- copies of an important gene, while others contain
seling. different versions of a gene with related functions.
Zucker, Kenneth J. Intersexuality and Gender Evolution of gene families can lead some genes to
Identity Differentiation. Annual Review of take on completely new functions, allowing greater
Sex Research 10 (1999). An extensive over- complexity of the genome and perhaps the organ-
view of intersexuality, gender identity forma- ism.
tion, psychosexual differentiation, concerns
about pediatric gender reassignment, her- Key terms
maphroditism and pseudohermaphrodit- concerted evolution: a process in which the
ism, gender socialization, childrearing, and members of a gene family evolve together
more. Includes a discussion of terminology, pseudogenes: nonfunctional segments of DNA
a summary, tables, and a bibliography. that resemble functional genes
repetitive DNA: a DNA sequence that is re-
Web Sites of Interest peated two or more times in a DNA mole-
About Gender. http://www.gender.org.uk. A cule or genome
site that looks at the nature versus nurture
debate in research on gender roles, identity, Evolutionary Origin of Gene Families
and variance, with special emphasis on ge- Gene families are a class of low or moder-
netics. ately repetitive DNA, consisting of structurally
Intersex Society of North America. http:// and functionally related genes resulting from
www.isna.org. The society is a public aware- gene duplication events. Usually, members of
ness, education, and advocacy organization gene families are clustered together on a chro-
290 Gene Families

mosome, but members of a family can be lo- the rate of transcription of many genes, are an-
cated on more than one chromosome. Several other example of clustered repeats of the same
mechanisms can generate tandem copies of set of genes. In this case, there are five histone
genes: chromosome duplication, unequal genes, separated by short, unrelated noncod-
crossing over, and replication slippage. Dupli- ing sequences, repeated several hundred times.
cation of chromosomal segments is often a The repeats are found in tandem in many in-
result of crossing over in inversion heterozy- vertebrate animal genomes but are dispersed
gotes and creates tandem repeated segments. in mammalian genomes.
Unequal crossing over occurs when homolo-
gous segments do not line up correctly dur- Nonidentical Gene Families
ing meiosis and one of the crossover products The human beta-globin gene family is an ex-
has a duplicated segment. Replication slippage ample of a nonidentical gene family, which has
occurs when the DNA polymerase slips dur- functional member genes that serve different,
ing DNA replication and copies part of the but usually related, functions. In this case, the
template strand again. Once there are two cop- different protein products are alternate forms
ies of a gene in tandem, the latter two mecha- of the same type of protein, perhaps expressed
nisms are more likely to generate additional at different times in the organisms develop-
copies. ment. There are five functional genes and one
A member of a gene family may be func- pseudogene clustered together on chromo-
tional or functionless. If the gene was not cop- some 11. One gene is expressed in the human
ied completely or further mutations render it embryo stage, two in the fetus, and two in the
nonfunctional, it is called a pseudogene. Fur- adult. The related alpha-globin gene family,
ther sequence changes in a functional copy with three genes and four pseudogenes, is a
may result in a gene with an altered function, cluster on chromosome 16.
such as producing a similar but different form
of a protein that can serve some biochemical Evolutionary Role of Gene Families
need or a protein that has a much different Gene families serve as an example of how
function than the original. genes may be accidentally duplicated by several
possible processes, and then by mutation and
Identical Gene Families further duplication the various copies can di-
Identical gene families contain functional verge in function. It is known that long-term ge-
member genes that produce proteins that are nomic evolution (with the exceptions of symbi-
identical or very nearly so. These gene families otic and parasitic genomes) usually involves
usually contain genes for protein products that increases in the number of genes. Although
need to be found in abundance in the cell be- there are a number of mechanisms for this, in-
cause of a crucial function. Multiple copies of cluding polyploidization, it is believed that the
the genes allow greater transcription and pro- formation of gene families can be a first step to-
tein production. ward the evolution of new genes. Mutations
For example, in eukaryotes, ribosomal RNA in different members of the gene family cause
(rRNA) genes are repeated in tandem several them to diverge independently, and some may
hundred times. In contrast, there are only evolve to produce completely different pro-
seven copies of rRNA genes in the prokaryote teins. The presence of gene copies still coding
Escherichia coli, and they are dispersed through- for the original protein allows redundant cop-
out its single chromosome. The rRNA products ies to evolve freely without detrimental changes
of these genes make up part of the structure of to cellular physiology.
the ribosome, the organelle responsible for the Although gene family members can evolve
important process of protein synthesis. to be more different, they may also undergo
The genes for eukaryotic histone proteins, concerted evolution, in which the various cop-
which are important in maintaining the struc- ies evolve together. Unequal crossing over not
ture of DNA in chromosomes and in regulating only changes the number of copies of members
Gene Regulation: Bacteria 291

of a gene family but also does so by actual dupli-

cation, so that some copies are identical. Re- Gene Regulation: Bacteria
peated events of this type can result in all of the
genes in the family being identical. In fact, nat- Fields of study: Bacterial genetics; Cellular
ural selection will sometimes favor this process biology; Molecular genetics
if it is to the organisms advantage to have mul- Significance: Gene regulation is the process by
tiple identical copies, as with the rRNA and his- which the synthesis of gene products is controlled.
tone identical gene familes. The study of gene regulation in bacteria has led to
Stephen T. Kilpatrick an understanding of how cells respond to their ex-
See also: DNA Replication; Evolutionary ternal and internal environments.
Biology; Genomics; Multiple Alleles; Mutations
and Mutagenesis; Pseudogenes; Repetitive Key terms
DNA. allele: an alternative form of a gene; for ex-
ample, lacI +, lacI , and lacI S are alleles of the
Further Reading lacI gene
Graur, Dan, and Wen-Hsiung Li. Fundamentals controlling site: a sequence of base pairs to
of Molecular Evolution. 2d ed. Sunderland, which regulatory proteins bind to affect the
Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 1999. A detailed expression of neighboring genes
review of the origin of gene families, with nu- gene: a sequence of base pairs that specifies a
merous examples. product (either RNA or protein); the aver-
Holmes, Roger S., and Hwa A. Lim, eds. Gene age gene in bacteria is one thousand base
Families: Structure, Function, Genetics and Evo- pairs long
lution. River Edge, N.J.: World Scientific, operon: one or more genes plus one or more
1996. Contains papers presented at the controlling sites that regulate the expression
Eighth International Congress on Isozymes of the genes
in 1995 in Brisbane, Australia, including mo- transcription: the use of DNA as the tem-
lecular evolution, regulation, and develop- plate in the synthesis of RNA
mental roles of gene families in various spe- translation: the use of an RNA molecule as
cies. the guide in the synthesis of a protein
Rubin, Gerald F., et al. Comparative Genomics
of the Eukaryotes. Science 287 (March 24, The Discovery of Gene Regulation
2000): 2204-2215. This review article com- In 1961, a landmark paper by French re-
pares the genomes of several model organ- searchers Franois Jacob and Jacques Monod
isms, including yeast, the fruit fly Drosophila, outlined what was known about genes involved
and the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans. in the breakdown of sugars, the synthesis of
Based on complete genome sequences, the amino acids, and the reproduction of a bacte-
analysis shows that these species particularly rial virus called lambda phage ( phage). Jacob
differ in the number and distribution of and Monod described in detail the induction
gene families. of enzymes that break down the sugar lactose.
Xue, Gouxiong, and Yongbiao Xue, eds. Gene These enzymes were induced by adding the
Families: Studies of DNA, RNA, Enzymes and sugar or, in some cases, structurally related
Proteins. Collects key articles by experts in molecules to the media. If these inducer mole-
the fields of gene families, DNA, RNA, and cules were removed, the enzymes altering lac-
proteins, in memory of Clement L. Markert tose were no longer synthesized. Bacteria with-
(1917-1999), who developed the concept of out the lacI gene (lacI ) produced the enzymes
isozymes. for metabolizing lactose whether or not the in-
ducer was present.
Although bacteria normally have only one
copy of each gene locus, they can be given extra
copies of selected genes by transforming them
292 Gene Regulation: Bacteria

with a plasmid containing the genes of interest. (lacPI) and a single structural gene (lacI). The
Thus, bacteria that are heterozygous at a locus order of the controlling sites and structural
can be produced. When Jacob and Monod pro- genes in the bacterial chromosome is lacPI, lacI,
duced bacteria heterozygous for the lacI gene lacCRP, lacPZYA, lacO, lacZ, lacY, lacA. Transcrip-
(lacI /lacI +), they functioned like normal bac- tion of the regulatory operon proceeds to the
teria (lacI +), indicating that the lacI + allele was right from the promoter site, lacPI. Similarly,
dominant to the lacI  allele. Certain alleles of transcription of the L-arabinose operon oc-
the operator site, lacO C, result in the synthesis curs rightward from lacPZYA. A cyclic-adenosine
of lactose-altering enzymes whether or not the monophosphate receptor (CRP) bound by
inducer was present and even when lacI + was cyclic-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), re-
present. These observations suggested that the ferred to as a CRP-cAMP complex, attaches to
lacI + gene specified a repressor that might bind the lacCRP site.
to lacO + and block transcription of the genes in- The lacI gene specifies the protein subunit
volved in lactose metabolism. Jacob and Monod of the lactose repressor, a tetrameric protein
concluded that inducers interfered with the that binds to the operator site, lacO, and blocks
repressors ability to bind to lacO +. This allowed transcription of the operon. The lacZ gene
transcription and translation of the lactose op- codes for beta-galactosidase, the enzyme that
eron. In their model, the repressor protein is cleaves lactose into galactose plus glucose. This
unable to bind to the altered operator site, enzyme also converts lactose into the effector
lacO C. This explained how certain mutations in molecule allolactose, which actually binds to
the operator caused the enzymes for lactose the repressor inactivating it. The lacY gene
metabolism to be continuously expressed. specifies the enzyme, known as the lactose
Seeing a similarity between the expression permease, that transports lactose across the
of the genes for lactose metabolism, the genes plasma membrane and concentrates it within
for amino acid synthesis, and the genes for the cell. The lacA gene codes for an enzyme
lambda phage proliferation, Jacob and Monod called transacetylase, which adds acetyl groups
proposed that all genes might be under the to lactose.
control of operator sites that are bound by In the absence of lactose, the repressor occa-
repressor proteins. An operon consists of the sionally diffuses from the operator, allowing
genes that the operator controls. Although the RNA polymerase to attach to lacPZYA and make a
vast majority of operons have operators and single RNA transcript. This results in extremely
are regulated by a repressor, there are some low levels of enzymes called the basal level.
operons without operator sites that are not con- With the addition of lactose, a small amount of
trolled by a repressor. Generally, these operons allolactose binding to the repressor induces a
are regulated by an inefficient promoter or conformational change in the repressor so that
by transposition of the promoter site, whereas it no longer binds to lacO. The levels of per-
some are inhibited by attenuation, a more com- mease and beta-galactosidase quickly increase,
plex interaction occurring during transcrip- and within an hour the enzyme levels may be
tion and translation. The only controlling site one thousand times greater than they were be-
absolutely necessary for gene expression is the fore lactose was added.
promoter site, where RNA polymerase binds. Normally, cells do not produce levels of lac-
tose messenger RNA (mRNA) or enzymes that
Lactose Operon: Negatively Controlled are more than one thousand times greater than
Genes basal level because the lactose operon is regu-
The lactose operon (lacZYA) consists of lated by catabolite repression. As cells synthe-
three controlling sites (lacCRP, lacPZYA, and size cellular material at a high rate, lactose
lacO) and three structural genes (lacZ, lacY, and entrance and cAMP synthesis are inhibited,
lacA). The lactose operon is controlled by a whereas cAMP secretion into the environment
neighboring operon, the lactose regulatory is increased. This causes most of the CRP-cAMP
operon, consisting of a single controlling site complex to become CRP. CRP is unable to bind
Gene Regulation: Bacteria 293

to lacCRP and promote transcription from In the absence of L-arabinose, bacteria will
lacPBAD. synthesize only basal levels of the lactose regu-
If lactose is removed from the fully induced latory protein and the enzymes involved in the
operon, repressor quickly binds again to lacO breakdown of L-arabinose. The repressor bind-
and blocks transcription. Within a few hours, ing to araO2 prevents araC transcription begin-
lactose mRNA and proteins return to their ning at araPC from being completed, whereas
basal levels. Since the lactose operon is in- repressor binding to araI1 prevents araBAD
duced and negatively regulated by a repressor transcription beginning at araPBAD.
protein, the operon is classified as an induc- The addition of L-arabinose causes repres-
ible, negatively controlled operon. sor to be converted into activator. Activator
binds to araI1 and araI2 and stimulates araBAD
Arabinose Operon: Positively transcription. Activator is absolutely required
Controlled Genes for the metabolism of L-arabinose since bacte-
The L-arabinose operon (araBAD) has been rial cells with a defective or missing L-arabinose
extensively characterized since the early 1960s regulatory protein, araC , only produce basal
by American researchers Ellis Englesberg, levels of the L-arabinose enzymes. This is in con-
Nancy Lee, and Robert Schleif. This operon trast to what happens to the lactose enzymes
is under the control of a linked regulatory when there is a missing lactose regulatory pro-
operon consisting of (araC, araO2) and (araPC, tein, lacI . Because of the absolute require-
araO1). The parentheses indicate that the re- ment for an activator, the L-arabinose operon
gions overlap: araO2 is an operator site in the is considered an example of a positively con-
middle of araC, whereas araPC and araO1 repre- trolled, inducible operon.
sent a promoter site and an operator site respec- Transcription of the araBAD operon is also
tively, which overlap. The order of the control- dependent upon the cyclic-adenosine mono-
ling sites and genes for the regulatory operon phosphate receptor protein (CRP), which ex-
and the L-arabinose operon is as follows: (araC, ists in two conformations. When excessive ade-
araO2) (araPC, araO1), araCRP, araI1, araI2, nosine triphosphate (ATP) and cellular
araPBAD, araB, araA, araD. RNA polymerase constituents are being synthesized from L-
binding to araPC transcribes araC leftward, arabinose, cAMP levels drop very low in the
whereas RNA polymerase binding to araPBAD cell. This results in CRP-cAMP acquiring the
transcribes araBAD rightward. CRP conformation and dissociating from
The araA gene specifies an isomerase that araCRP. When this occurs, the araBAD operon
converts L-arabinose to L-ribulose, the araB is no longer transcribed. The L-arabinose
gene codes for a kinase that changes L-ribulose operon is controlled by catabolite repression
to L-ribulose-5-phosphate, and the araD gene very much like the lactose operon.
contains the information for an epimerase that
turns L-ribulose-5-phosphate into D-xylulose-5- Tryptophan Operon: Genes Controlled by
phosphate. Further metabolism of D-xylulose- Attenuation
5-phosphate is carried out by enzymes speci- The tryptophan operon (trpLEDCBA) con-
fied by genes in other operons. sists of the controlling sites and the genes that
The araC product is in equilibrium between are involved in the synthesis of the amino acid
two conformations, one having repressor activ- tryptophan. The order of the controlling sites
ity and the other having activator activity. The and genes in the tryptophan operon is as fol-
conformation that functions as an activator is lows: (trpP, trpO), trpL, trpE, trpD, trpC, trpB, trpA.
stabilized by the binding of L-arabinose or by RNA polymerase binds to trpP and initiates
certain mutations (araCC). In the absence of L- transcription at the beginning of trpL.
arabinose, almost all the araC product is in the An inactive protein is specified by an un-
repressor conformation; however, in the pres- linked regulatory gene (trpR). The regulatory
ence of L-arabinose, nearly all the araC product protein is in equilibrium between its inactive
is in the activator conformation. and its repressor conformation, which is stabi-
294 Gene Regulation: Bacteria

lized by tryptophan. Thus, if there is a high con- known as phase variation. The genes for fla-
centration of tryptophan, the repressor binds gellin are in different operons. The first op-
to trpO and shuts off the tryptophan operon. eron consists of a promoter site, an operator
This operon is an example of an operon that is site, and the structural gene for the first flagel-
repressible and negatively regulated. lin (flgPH1, flgO1, flgH1). The first operon is un-
The tryptophan operon is also controlled by der the negative control of a repressor speci-
a process called attenuation, which involves the fied by the second operon. The second operon
mRNA transcribed from the leader region, also specifies the second flagellin and a trans-
trpL. The significance of leader region mRNA posase that causes part of the second operon to
is that it hydrogen-bonds with itself to form a reverse itself. This portion of the operon that
number of hairpinlike structures. Hairpin-III flips is called a transposon. The promoter
interacts with the RNA polymerase, causing it sites for the transposase gene (flgT2), flagellin
to fall off the DNA. Any one of several hairpins gene (flgH2), and repressor gene (flgR2) are lo-
can form, depending upon the level of cated on either side of the transposase gene in
tryptophan in the environment and the cell. sequences called inverted repeats. Transcrip-
When there is no tryptophan in the environ- tion from both promoters in the second op-
ment, the operon is fully expressed so that eron occurs from left to right: flgPT2, flgT2,
tryptophan is synthesized. This is accom- flgPH2R2, flgH2, flgR2.
plished by translation of the leader region right When the second operon is active, the re-
behind the RNA polymerase up to a couple of pressor binds to flgO1, blocking the synthesis of
tryptophan codons, where the ribosomes stall. the first flagellin (flgH1). Consequently, all bac-
The stalled ribosomes cover the beginning of terial flagella will be made of the second fla-
the leader mRNA in such a way that only hair- gellin (flgH2). Occasionally, the transposase
pin-II forms. This hairpin does not interfere will catalyze a recombination event between
with transcription of the rest of the operon and the inverted repeats, which leads to the trans-
so the entire operon is transcribed. poson being reversed. When this occurs, nei-
When there is too much tryptophan, the ther flgH2 nor flgR2 is transcribed. Conse-
operon is turned off to prevent further syn- quently, the first operon is no longer repressed
thesis of tryptophan. This is accomplished by by flgR2, and flgH1 is synthesized. All the new
translation of the leader region up to the end of flagella will consist of flgH1 rather than flgH2.
the leader peptide. Ribosomes synthesizing the
leader peptide cover the leader mRNA in such Impact and Applications
a way that only hairpin-III forms. This hairpin Many of the genetic procedures developed
causes attenuation of transcription. to study gene regulation in bacteria have con-
In some cases, the lack of amino acids other tributed to the development of genetic engi-
than tryptophan can result in attenuation of neering and the production of biosynthetic
the tryptophan operon. In fact, cells starved for consumer goods. One of the first products to
the first four amino acids (N-formylmethionine, be manufactured in bacteria was human insu-
lysine, alanine, and isoleucine) of the leader lin. The genes for the two insulin subunits were
peptide result in attenuation. When these amino spliced to the lactose operon in different popu-
acids are missing, hairpins-I and III both form, lations of bacteria. When induced, each popu-
resulting in attenuation because of hairpin-III. lation produced one of the subunits. The cells
were cracked open, and the subunits were puri-
Flagellin Operons: Operons Controlled by fied and mixed together to produce functional
Transposition human insulin. Many other products have
Some pathogenic bacteria change their fla- been made in bacteria, yeast, and even plants
gella to avoid being recognized and destroyed and animals.
by the hosts immune system. This change in Considerable progress has been made to-
flagella occurs by switching to the synthesis of ward introducing genes into plants and ani-
another flagellar protein. The phenomenon is mals to change them permanently. In most
Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes 295

cases, this is difficult to do because the control- Soisson, Stephen M., et al. Structural Basis of
ling sites and gene regulation are much more Ligand-Regulated Oligomerization of
complicated in higher organisms than in bacte- AraC. Science 276 (April 18, 1997). Explains
ria. Nevertheless, many different species of how two molecules of AraC protein interact
plants have been altered to make them resis- with the inducer, with each other, and with
tant to desiccation, herbicides, insects, and var- controlling sites to regulate the expression
ious plant pathogens. Although curing genetic of the L-arabinose operon.
defects by introducing good genes into animals
and humans has not been very successful, ani-
mals have been transformed so that they pro-
duce a number of medically important pro-
teins in their milk. Goats have been genetically Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes
engineered to release tissue plasminogen acti-
vator, a valuable enzyme used in the treatment Fields of study: Cellular biology; Molecular
of heart attack and stroke victims, into their genetics
milk. Similarly, sheep have been engineered to Significance: Gene regulation refers to the processes
secrete human alpha-1 antitrypsin, useful in whereby the information encoded within a DNA se-
treating emphysema. Cattle that produce more quence is expressed at the required level. For eukar-
than ten times the milk that sheep or goats pro- yotes, this primarily pertains to the selective expres-
duce may potentially function as factories for sion of particular proteins during development or
the synthesis of all types of valuable proteins in specific tissues.
specified by artfully regulated genes.
Jaime S. Colom Key terms
See also: Bacterial Genetics and Cell Struc- antisense technology: use of antisense
ture; Central Dogma of Molecular Biology; oligonucleotides that base pair with mRNA
Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes; Gene Regula- to prevent translation
tion: Lac Operon; Gene Regulation: Viruses; basal transcription factor: protein that is
Model Organism: Escherichia coli; Molecular required for initiation of transcription at all
Genetics; Transposable Elements. promoters
chromatin remodeling: any event that
Further Reading changes the nuclease sensitivity (DNA acces-
Inada, Toshifumi, et al. Mechanism Responsi- sibility) of chromatin
ble for Glucose-Lactose Diauxie in Escheri- core promoters: DNA elements that direct
chia coli: Challenge to the cAMP Model. initiation of transcription by the basal RNA
Genes to Cells 1 (March, 1996). Provides an polymerase machinery
understandable discussion of catabolite re- enhancer: a DNA element that serves to en-
pression with numerous diagrams. hance transcriptional activity above basal
Mller-Hill, Benno. The Lac Operon: A Short His- levels
tory of a Genetic Paradigm. New York: Walter insulator: a DNA element that, when placed
de Gruyter, 1996. Using a unique combina- between an enhancer and a promoter, pre-
tion of personal anecdotes and present-day vents activation of that particular gene
science, describes the history and present RNA interference (RNAi): small, interfering
knowledge of a paradigmatic system, the lac RNAs that cause gene silencing
operon of Escherichia coli. Illustrated. transcription factor: a protein that is in-
Rasooly, Avraham, and Rebekah Sarah Rasooly. volved in initiation of transcription but is not
How Rolling Circle Plasmids Control Their part of the RNA polymerase
Copy Number. Trends in Microbiology 5 (No-
vember, 1997). Illustrates how regulatory Nuclear RNA Polymerases
genes control the rate of synthesis of plas- Three nuclear RNA polymerases share the
mids in bacteria. responsibility of transcribing eukaryotic genes.
296 Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes

RNA polymerase I transcribes genes encoding include the TATA-box, an AT-rich sequence
ribosomal RNA (rRNA), RNA polymerase II that is located about 25 base pairs upstream of
transcribes protein-coding genes and some the transcriptional start, and the region imme-
small nuclear RNA genes, and RNA polymerase diately surrounding the start site, known as the
III transcribes genes encoding transfer RNA initiator. The downstream promoter element,
(tRNA), the 5S rRNA, and some small nuclear DPE, is typically found about 30 base pairs
RNA. DNA elements known as promoters serve downstream of the transcriptional start, and it
to recruit the RNA polymerases to their tran- is mainly found in genes that do not have a
scriptional start sites. The RNA polymerases do TATA-box. The strength of a given promoter, as
not bind their promoters directly. Instead, tran- defined by the level of basal transcription, de-
scription factors bind to the promoter, and the pends on which combination of promoter ele-
RNA polymerases are recruited by binding their ments is present and on their respective se-
cognate transcription factors. Promoters for quences.
RNA polymerases I and III have limited vari- The core promoter elements are recognized
ability and are recognized by a finite set of tran- by basal transcription factors that for RNA poly-
scription factors. In contrast, promoters for merase II are named TFIIX, where X is a letter
RNA polymerase II show significant diversity, that identifies the individual factor. For ex-
and the number of transcription factors in- ample, the TATA-box is bound by the TATA-
volved in recruiting the polymerase is huge. binding protein, which is a subunit of the tran-
For each polymerase, the core promoter ele- scription factor known as TFIID. A subset of
ments are recognized by a set of basal transcrip- TATA-boxes feature a sequence immediately
tion factors which are required for initiation of upstream that serves as a recognition site for
transcription at all promoters. RNA polymerase, TFIIB. TFIIB, in turn, recruits the polymerase.
together with its basal transcription factors, Ultimately, the core promoter is also the target
constitutes the basal transcription apparatus. for the factors that regulate transcriptional ac-
Activated or repressed transcription is mea- tivity.
sured with respect to basal levels.
Transcription can be divided into three Activated Transcription
phases: Initiation, elongation, and termination. Transcription is the key step at which gene
Most regulation occurs at the level of initiation. expression is controlled. Transcriptional initia-
For RNA polymerases I and III, regulation is tion is regulated by enhancers, which are DNA
generally global and involves a repression of elements that function to increase levels of
transcription. For RNA polymerase II, regula- transcription above basal levels. Enhancers may
tion is gene-specific, allowing specific regula- be located on either side of the gene, up to sev-
tion of each of thousands of protein-coding eral thousand base pairs from the transcrip-
genes. RNA polymerase II promoters function tional start. Enhancers are recognized by tran-
only at very low efficiency with the basal tran- scriptional activators that mediate an increase
scription factors, and activation is the common in transcriptional activity. Transcriptional acti-
mode of regulation. This overview will focus on vators show great variability in terms of cell type
regulation of protein-coding genes. and gene specificity, thus allowing unique regu-
lation of individual genes. Activator proteins
Basal Transcription by RNA Polymerase II are modular, containing both a DNA-binding
RNA polymerase II promoters are modular. domain and an activation domain. Some activa-
The core promoter, which directs transcription tors function by directly interacting with com-
by the basal transcription apparatus, typically ponents of the transcription apparatus to stim-
extends about 35 base pairs upstream or down- ulate transcription.
stream of the transcriptional start site. Core Cellular DNA is not naked but packaged into
promoters can vary considerably from gene to highly organized and compacted nucleopro-
gene, and there are no universal core promoter tein structures known as chromatin. Packaging
elements. Common core promoter elements of DNA into chromatin can occlude protein-
Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes 297

binding sitesfor example, interfering with region downstream of the stop codon that ex-
binding of basal transcription factors. Accord- plicitly recruit nuclease complexes that degrade
ingly, activation of transcription may be accom- the RNA. In general, genes that encode house-
plished by relieving the repression caused by keeping proteins produce mRNAs with long
chromatin formation. Indeed, many activators half-lives, whereas genes whose expression must
function by recruiting protein complexes whose be rapidly controlled tend to generate mRNAs
function is to remodel chromatin to increase with short half-lives.
DNA accessibility. Decompaction of chromatin Additional protein diversity may be gener-
at promoters is not always sufficient, as RNA ated by alternative splicing, a process whereby
polymerase II may need to transcribe thousands different combinations of coding sequences,
of base pairs. Efficient transcription, therefore, or exons, are incorporated into the final
may also depend on specific elongation factors spliced mRNA product. In this fashion, multi-
that travel with the RNA polymerase to destabi- ple versions of a protein may be made from a
lize chromatin structure. single gene.
Since enhancers may activate genes that are Finally, the mRNA sequence affects the effi-
located at some distance, mechanisms exist to ciency with which it is translated. For instance,
specify that a certain gene not be the target of a folding of the mRNA region upstream of the
given enhancer. A DNA insulator serves this start codon can interfere with binding of the ri-
function: When placed between the enhancer bosome, and the sequence adjacent to the start
and the promoter, it prevents activation of that codon affects the efficiency of translation initi-
particular gene. Unlike enhancers, insulators ation. Nucleotide sequences in the untrans-
must therefore be located at a specific positions lated regions of mRNA are also recognized by
to work. Recruitment of DNA-binding proteins specific proteins that may anchor the mRNA
to these insulator elements prevents activation to specific cellular structures to ensure their
of a specific gene. translation and accumulation at the appropri-
ate locations.
Post-transcriptional Control
The pre-messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) tran- Changing Gene Expression
script is subject to several types of post-tran- Several techniques exist for modification of
scriptional processing: Intervening sequences gene expression. The principle behind anti-
(introns) are removed by splicing, a cap struc- sense technology is the base pairing of a com-
ture is added to the 5 end, and a polyadenosine plementary oligonucleotide to a target mRNA
(poly-A) tail is added to the 3 end, following that results in the prevention of translation. As
cleavage of the transcript. Although histori- natural oligonucleotides (RNA and DNA) are
cally referred to as post-transcriptional events, rapidly degraded in the cell, more stable, artifi-
this processing occurs during, not after, tran- cial oligonucleotides with modified backbones
scription; the largest RNA polymerase II sub- are typically used. This strategy has great poten-
unit has a carboxy-terminal domain which tial to reduce expression of genes involved in
serves to recruit proteins involved in mRNA disease states.
splicing, polyadenylation, and capping, thus se- RNA interference, or RNAi, also results in
curing a tight association between these pro- sequence-specific gene silencing. The expo-
cesses. sure to double-stranded RNA that matches the
Capping and polyadenylation affect both sta- sequence of coding regions results in loss of the
bility of the mRNA and the efficiency of transla- corresponding mRNA. The double-stranded
tion. Since most intracellular RNA degradation RNA triggers the assembly of a nuclease com-
is in the form of nuclease-mediated degrada- plex that targets the homologous mRNA for
tion from either end, protecting the ends by degradation. In plants, for example, RNAi has
cap-binding proteins and polyA-binding pro- been suggested to play an important role in re-
teins, respectively, prevents degradation. Short- sistance to pathogens. RNAi has also evolved
lived mRNAs often contain elements within the into a powerful tool for probing gene activity
298 Gene Regulation: Lac Operon

and for developing gene-silencing therapeu-

tics. Gene Regulation: Lac Operon
Hundreds of different cell types exist that
are specialized to perform unique roles. Since Fields of study: Bacterial genetics; Cellular
each of these cells contains the same tens of biology; Molecular biology
thousands of genes, their specialization requires Significance: Studies of the regulation of the lactose
tightly controlled gene regulation. As summa- (lac) operon in Escherichia coli have led to an
rized above, gene regulation occurs at multiple understanding of how the expression of a gene is
levels, with DNA sequences from the promoter turned on and off through the binding of regula-
region to the untranslated mRNA sequences tor proteins to the DNA. This has served as the
dictating the rates of transcription, pre-mRNA groundwork for understanding not only how bac-
processing, and translation. Although the ex- terial genes work but also how genes of higher or-
act mechanisms are only beginning to be eluci- ganisms are regulated.
dated, knowing the DNA sequence therefore
has the potential to reveal which exact modes Key terms
of regulation are in effect. Understanding nor- activator: a protein that binds to DNA to en-
mal gene regulation will in turn lead to an un- hance a genes conversion into a product
derstanding of how misregulation may lead to that can function within the cell
disease. operator: a sequence of DNA adjacent to (and
Anne Grove usually overlapping) the promoter of an op-
See also: Antisense RNA; Bacterial Genet- eron; binding of a repressor to this DNA pre-
ics and Cell Structure; Central Dogma of Mo- vents transcription of the genes that are con-
lecular Biology; Gene Regulation: Bacteria; trolled by the operator
Gene Regulation: Lac Operon; Gene Regula- operon: a group of genes that all work together
tion: Viruses; Model Organism: Escherichia coli; to carry out a single function for a cell
Molecular Genetics; Transposable Elements. promoter: a sequence of DNA to which the
gene expression enzyme (RNA polymerase)
attaches to begin transcription of the genes
Further Reading of an operon
Carey, M., and S. T. Smale. Transcriptional Regu- repressor: a protein that prevents a gene from
lation in Eukaryotes: Concepts Strategies and being made into a functional product when
Techniques. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold it binds to the operator
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2000. Pro-
vides strategies for a step-by-step analysis of Inducible Genes and Repressible Genes
eukaryotic gene expression. Targeted to stu- In order for genes or genetic information
dents who are just entering the field. stored in DNA to be used, the information
Kadonaga, J. T. The DPE: A Core Promoter El- must first be transcribed into messenger RNA
ement for Transcription by RNA Polymerase (mRNA); mRNA is synthesized by an enzyme,
II. Experimental and Molecular Medicine 34 RNA polymerase, which uses the DNA as a tem-
(2002): 259-264. Reviews core promoter ele- plate for making a single strand of RNA that
ments and how they participate in gene reg- can be translated into proteins. The proteins
ulation. are the functional gene products that act as en-
Orphanides, G., and D. Reinberg. A Unified zymes or structural elements for the cell. The
Theor y of Gene Expression. Cell 108 process by which DNA is transcribed and then
(2002): 439-451. This review summarizes the translated is referred to as expression of the
different levels of gene regulation and fo- genes.
cuses on how the different steps are con- Some genes are always expressed in bacterial
nected. This entire issue of Cell is dedicated cells; that is, they are continually being tran-
to reviews covering various aspects of gene scribed into mRNA, which is translated into
regulation. functional proteins (gene products) of the cell.
Gene Regulation: Lac Operon 299

The genes involved in using glucose as an en- vented from binding to the promoter when the
ergy source are included in this group. Other repressor is in place. This occurs because the
genes are inducible (expressed only under cer- promoter and operator sequences are overlap-
tain circumstances). The genes for using lac- ping. The lactose (lac) operon is, therefore, un-
tose as an energy source are included in this der negative control. When lactose is present,
group. beta-galactosidase, the enzyme that con- an altered form of the lactose attaches to the
verts lactose into glucose and galactose so that repressor in such a way that the repressor can
the sugar can be easily metabolized by a cell, is no longer bind to the operator. With the opera-
only made in cells when lactose is present. Syn- tor sequence vacant, it is possible for the RNA
thesizing proteins uses a large amount of en- polymerase to begin transcription of the
ergy. In order for the cell to conserve energy, it operon genes at the promoter. Lactose (or its
produces proteins only when they are needed. metabolite) serves as an inducer for transcrip-
There is no need to make beta-galactosidase if tion. Only if it is present are the lactose operon
there is no lactose in the cell, so it is synthesized genes expressed. The lactose operon is, there-
only when lactose is present. fore, an inducible operon under negative con-
As early as the 1940s Franois Jacob, Jacques trol. In 1965, Jacob and Monod were awarded
Monod, and their associates were studying the the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in
mechanisms by which beta-galactosidase was recognition of their discoveries concerning the
induced in Escherichia coli. They discovered that genetic control of enzyme synthesis.
when there is no lactose in a cell, a repressor
protein binds to the DNA of the operon at the Lac Operon Expression in the Presence
operator site. Under these conditions, tran- of Glucose
scription of genes in the operon cannot occur When a culture of E. coli is given equal
since the RNA polymerase is physically pre- amounts of glucose and lactose for growth and

The Lac Operon

rnap RP
i p o z y a



i p o z y a

i = regulatory gene z = gene encoding -galactosidase enzyme RP = repressor protein

p = promoter site y = gene encoding permease enzyme rnap = RNA polymerase
o = operator sequence a = gene encoding transacetylase enzyme L = lactose

1. In the absence of lactose, the repressor protein binds to the operator, blocking the movement of RNA polymerase. The genes are
turned off. 2. When lactose is present, it preferentially binds the repressor protein, freeing up the operator and allowing RNA polymer-
ase to move through the operon. The genes are turned on.
300 Gene Regulation: Lac Operon

is compared with cultures given either glucose sion in bacteria. What they learned from study-
alone or lactose alone, the cells given two sug- ing the lac operon has led to a more general un-
ars do not grow twice as fast, but rather show derstanding of gene transcription and the use
two distinct growth cycles. Beta-galactosidase is of mRNA as an information-bearing intermedi-
not synthesized initially; therefore, lactose is ate in the process of gene expression. The
not used until all the glucose has been metabo- operon concept has proven to be a universal
lized. Laboratory observations show that the mechanism by which bacteria organize their
presence of lactose is necessary but not a suffi- genes. Although genes of higher cells (eukary-
cient condition for the lactose (lac) operon to otes) are not usually organized in operons and
be expressed. An activator protein must bind at although negative control of expression is rare
the promoter in order to unravel the DNA dou- in them, similar positive control mechanisms
ble helix so that the RNA polymerase can bind occur in both bacterial and eukaryotic cells.
more efficiently. The activator protein binds Studies of the lac operon have made possible
only when there is little or no glucose in the cell. the understanding of how DNA-binding pro-
If glucose is available, it is preferred over other teins can attach to a promoter to enhance tran-
sugars because it is most easily metabolized to scription.
make energy in the form of adenosine triphos- Linda E. Fisher
phate (ATP). ATP is made through a series of See also: Bacterial Genetics and Cell Struc-
reactions from an intermediate molecule, cyclic ture; Gene Regulation: Bacteria; Gene Regula-
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). The cAMP tion: Eukaryotes; Gene Regulation: Viruses;
concentration decreases when ATP is being Model Organism: Escherichia coli.
made but builds up when no ATP synthesis oc-
curs. When the glucose has been used, the con-
centration of cAMP rises. The cAMP binds to Further Reading
the activator protein to enable it to bind at the Judson, Horace Freeland. The Eighth Day of Cre-
operons promoter. With the activator bound, ation: Makers of the Revolution in Biology. Rev.
transcription of the genes, including the beta- ed. New York: Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.:
galactosidase, occurs. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1996.
The activation of a DNA-binding protein A noted text that provides an interesting ac-
by cAMP is a global control mechanism. The count of the personalities behind the discov-
lactose operon is only one of many that are eries that form the basis of modern molecu-
controlled in this way. Global control allows lar biology.
bacteria to prevent or turn on transcription Mller-Hill, Benno. The Lac Operon: A Short His-
of a group of genes in response to a single sig- tory of a Genetic Paradigm. New York: Walter
nal. It ensures that the bacteria always utilize de Gruyter, 1996. Using a unique combina-
the most efficient energy source if more than tion of personal anecdotes and present-day
one is available. This type of global control science, describes the history and present
only occurs, however, when the operon is also knowledge of a paradigmatic system, the lac
under the control of another DNA-binding operon of Escherichia coli. Illustrated.
protein (the lac repressor in the case of the lac Ptashne, Mark, and Walter Gilbert. Genetic
operon), which makes the operon inducible Repressors. Scientific American 222 (June,
or repressible or both. Control of transcrip- 1970). Summarizes repression mechanisms
tion through the binding of an activator pro- that turn genes on and off, using the lac
tein is an example of positive control, since operon and the lambda bacterial virus as
binding of the activator turns on gene expres- models.
sion. Tijan, Robert. Molecular Machines That Con-
trol Genes. Scientific American 271 (Febru-
Impact and Applications ary, 1995). Discusses regulatory proteins
Jacob and Monod developed the concept of that direct transcription of DNA and what
an operon as a functional unit of gene expres- happens when they malfunction.
Gene Regulation: Viruses 301

moter, or they increase or decrease the strength

Gene Regulation: Viruses of RNA polymerase binding. These secondary
control sequences, therefore, act as switches
Fields of study: Cellular biology; Molecular for turning on or off their associated genes.
biology; Viral genetics Some may also act like a dimmer switch, in-
Significance: Gene regulation in viruses typically creasing or decreasing the rate at which a gene
resembles that of the hosts they infect. Because is expressed.
viruses are not alive and are incapable of self- Viruses are incapable of self-replication and
replication, gene regulation at the time of initial must rely on the host cells they infect. In order
infection depends on its hosts control systems. to replicate successfully, a virus must be com-
Once infection is established, regulation is gener- patible with the hosts cell biochemistry and
ally mediated by gene products of the viruss own gene-regulation systems. When a virus first en-
DNA or RNA. ters a host cell, its genes are regulated by the
host. Thus, viral promoters and other control
Key terms elements must be compatible with those of its
bacteriophage: general term for a virus that host. The control elements associated with pro-
infects bacteria moters in prokaryotes are called operators. An
lambda () phage: a virus that infects bacteria operator represents a site where a regulatory
and then makes multiple copies of itself by protein (a product of yet another gene) can
taking over the infected bacteriums cellular bind and either increase or decrease the ability
machinery of RNA polymerase to bind to the promoter of
lysogeny: a process whereby a virus integrates its associated gene or group of genes.
into a host chromosome as a result of non- Eukaryotic systems (cells of plants and ani-
lytic, nonproductive, infection mals) are more complex and involve a number
operator: a sequence of DNA adjacent to (and of proteins called transcription factors, which
usually overlapping) the promoter site, bind to or near the promoter and assist RNA
where a regulatory protein can bind and ei- polymerase binding. There are also enhancer
ther increase or decrease the ability of RNA proteins, which bind to other control sequences
polymerase to bind to the promoter somewhere upstream from the gene they influ-
promoter: a sequence of DNA to which the ence. Because of this greater complexity, vi-
gene expression enzyme (RNA polymerase) ruses that infect eukaryotic cells are also more
attaches to begin transcription of the genes genetically complex than are viruses infecting
of an operon prokaryotes.

General Aspects of Regulation Viral Genomes

Regardless of the type of organism, DNA is All cells, including bacteria, are subject to in-
the genetic material that allows species to sur- fection by parasitic elements such as viruses. Vi-
vive and pass their traits to the next generation. ruses which specifically infect bacteria are
Genes are encoded, along with control se- known as bacteriophages, from the Greek
quences that the cell uses to control expression phagos, to eat. The genetic information in vi-
of their associated genes. Although details of ruses may consist of either RNA or DNA. All
these control sequences vary between prokary- forms of viruses contain one or the other, but
otes and eukaryotes, they still function in simi- never both. Regardless of the type of genetic
lar ways. One element common to all genes is a material, gene regulation does have certain
promoter, a sequence that acts as the binding features in common.
site for RNA polymerase, the enzyme that tran- The size of the viral genome determines the
scribes the gene into RNA so it can be trans- number of potential genes that can be en-
lated into a protein product. Other control se- coded. Among the smallest of the animal vi-
quences, if present, simply help control whether ruses are the hepadnaviruses, including hepa-
or not RNA polymerase can bind to the pro- titis B virus, the DNA of which consists of some
302 Gene Regulation: Viruses

3 kilobase pairs (3 kbp, or 3,000 base pairs), fection: following infection, the viral genome
enough to encode approximately seven pro- integrates into the host chromosome, becom-
teins. The largest known viruses are the poxvi- ing a prophage in a process known as lysogeny.
ruses, consisting of 200-300 kbp, enough to en- Such phages are known as temperate viruses.
code several hundred proteins. Lambda is Most viruses, including lambda, exhibit a
approximately average in size, with a DNA ge- temporal control of regulation: Gene expres-
nome of 48 kbp, enough to encode approxi- sion is sequential. Three classes of proteins are
mately fifty genes. produced, classified based on when after infec-
tion they are expressed. Immediate early
Lambda as a Model System: The Lytic genes are expressed immediately after infec-
Cycle tion, generally using host machinery and en-
Following infection of the bacterial host, zymes. Early genes are expressed at a later
most bacteriophages replicate, releasing prog- time and generally require proteins expressed
eny as the cell falls apart, or lyses. Lambda phage from early genes. Late genes are expressed
is unusual in that, while it can complete a lytic following genome replication of the virus. The
cycle, it is also capable of a nonproductive in- various temporal classes of gene products may
also be referred to as lambda, beta, and gamma
The lytic cycle of lambda represents a proto-
Bacteriophage Structure type of temporal control. Lambda immediate
early gene expression begins following infec-
tion of the host cell, Escherichia coli. Host cell en-
zymes catalyze the process. Transcription of
lambda DNA begins at a site called a promoter,
a region recognized by the host RNA polymer-
ase, which catalyzes transcription. Lambda
DNA is circular after entering the cell, and two
promoters are recognized: One regulates tran-
scription in a leftward direction (PL), while the
other regulates transcription from the oppo-
site strand in a rightward transcription (PR).
Among the immediate early genes ex-
pressed is one encoding the N protein, expres-
sion of which is under the control of PL. Gen-
erally, transcription occurs through a set of
genes and is terminated at a specific point. The
N protein is an example of an antiterminator, a
protein that allows read-through of the stop
signal for transcription and expression of addi-
tional genes. A second protein is encoded by
the cro gene, the product of which plays a vital
role in determining whether the infection is
lytic or becomes lysogenic. Cro gene expression
is controlled through PR, as are several early
Bacteriophages, or phages, are viruses that attach them-
selves to bacteria and inject their genetic material into the cell.
class genes which regulate viral DNA replica-
Sometimes, during the assembly of new viral particles, a piece tion (O and P genes), repressor synthesis (cII),
of the host cells DNA may be enclosed in the viral capsid. When and early gene expression (Q gene).
the virus leaves the host cell and infects a second cell, that piece Both the cro and Q proteins are involved in
of bacterial DNA enters the second cell, thus changing its ge- regulating late genes, those expressed follow-
netic makeup. (Electronic Illustrators Group) ing DNA replication. Like the N protein, the Q
Gene Regulation: Viruses 303

protein is an antitermina-
tor. Late gene products in-
clude those that become the
structural proteins of the vi-
ral capsid. Other late pro-
teins cause cell lysis, releas-
ing progeny phage particles
from the cell. The entire
process is completed in ap-
proximately thirty minutes.

Lambda: The Lysogenic

Lambda is among those
bacterial viruses that can
also carry out lysogeny, a
nonlytic infection in which
the virus integrates within
the host chromosome. Ly-
sogeny is dependent on the
interaction between two
The pathway kinetics model of gene regulation in the bacterial virus lambda shows the
gene products: the repres- decision circuit that determines the phages life cycle: either lytic, in which the virus rep-
sor, a product of the cI gene, licates and destroys its host cell, or lysogenic, in which the viral DNA is incorporated into
and the cro protein. the host cells genome and lies dormant. The model, adapted from A. Arkin et al. (Genet-
The cII protein, an early ics 149, 163348, 1998), was generated using a supercomputer and is consistent with
gene product, activates the experimental observations. (U.S. Department of Energy Genomes to Life Pro-
expression of cI, the gene gram, http://doegenomestolife.org)
that encodes the repressor.
At this point in the cycle, it
becomes a race (literally) between the activity lytic phase allows lambda to reproduce and
of the repressor and the cro protein. Each has leave its host before it is potentially destroyed
affinity for the operator regions (OL and OR) with the host.
which control access to the respective promot-
ers, PL and PR. If the repressor binds the opera- Regulation in Other Viral Systems
tor regions before the cro protein, access to While lambda is unusual among the com-
these sites by RNA polymerase is blocked, and plex bacteriophages in carrying out both lytic
the virus enters a lysogenic state. If the cro and lysogenic cycles, regulation among other
product binds first, repressor action is blocked, viruses, including those which infect animals,
and the virus continues in a lytic cycle. has certain features in common. Most viruses
Lambda can remain in lysogeny for an indef- exhibit a form of temporal control. Regulation
inite length of time. Because it is integrated in Teven bacteriophage infection (T2, T4, or T6)
with the hosts genome, every time the host re- is accomplished by altering the specificity of
produces, lambda is also reproduced. Lambda the RNA polymerase , resulting in the recog-
typically remains in the lysogenic phase, unless nition of alternate promoters at different times
its host gets into difficulty. For example, if the after infection. Bacteriophage T7 accomplishes
host is heat shocked, it produces heat shock the same task by encoding an entirely new poly-
proteins that inadvertently destroy the lambda merase among its own genes.
repressor protein. Without the repressor pro- The complexity of animal viruses varies sig-
tein to block expression of the early genes, nificantly; the greater the coding capacity, the
lambda enters the lytic phase. This switch to the more variability in regulation. Some animal vi-
304 Gene Therapy

ruses, such as the influenza viruses, encode dif-

ferent proteins on unique segments of genetic Gene Therapy
material, in this case RNA. DNA viruses such as
the human herpesviruses (HHV) or poxviruses Fields of study: Genetic engineering and
utilize the same form of temporal control as de- biotechnology; Human genetics and social
scribed above. In place of antiterminators, issues
products of each time frame regulate subse- Significance: Gene therapy is the result of a compi-
quent gene expression. In some cases, unique lation of recombinant DNA technologies, which al-
polymerase enzymes encoded by the virus lows the replacement or supplementation of defec-
carry out transcription of these genes. tive or undesirable genes within a persons genome
Despite their apparent complexity, viruses with functional copies of that gene and/or comple-
make useful models in understanding gene ex- mentary genes. The primary goal of gene therapy is
pression in general. Control elements resem- to reverse the effects of a genetic disease.
bling operators and promoters are universal
among living cells. In addition, an understand- Key terms
ing of regulation unique to certain classes of vi- expression cassette: a synthetic genetic con-
ruses, such as expression of new enzymes, pro- struct that contains the target gene and
vides a potential target for novel treatments. other DNA elements, which allow the gene
Richard Adler to be moved about easily and properly ex-
See also: Bacterial Genetics and Cell Struc- pressed in cells
ture; Gene Regulation: Bacteria; Gene Regu- oncoretrovirus: an RNA-containing viruses
lation: Eukar yotes; Gene Regulation: Lac that may cause cancerous mutations
Operon; Genomic Libraries; Viral Genetics; vector: a tool for packaging and transferring a
Viroids and Virusoids. gene into a cell

Further Reading A Brief Background

Hendrix, Roger, et al., eds. Lambda II. Cold Gene therapy can be defined quite simply as
Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor the use of recombinant DNA technologies to
Press, 1983. Description of lambda, growth, effect a treatment or cure for an inherited (ge-
and regulation, state of the art for the time. netic) disease. The term gene therapy evokes
Later work refined the molecular biology, mixed emotions in scientists and the popula-
but this volume remains the book on the sub- tion at large. In the 1990s, the first positive re-
ject. sults using gene therapy to cure genetic dis-
Ptashne, Mark. A Genetic Switch: Phage Lambda eases in humans began to appear in the
and Higher Organisms. 2d ed. Malden, Mass.: medical literature. The topic of gene therapy is
Blackwell, 1996. Covers lambda phage as it alive with scientific, legal, and ethical contro-
operates in animals and other eukaryotic or- versy. By any measure, gene therapy is a very ac-
ganisms. tive area of research with tremendous potential
Ptashne, Mark, and Alexander Gann. Genes and to help human beings control previously incur-
Signals. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold able diseases. However, before the full poten-
Spring Harbor Press, 2002. Summarizes reg- tial of gene therapy is realized, new scientific
ulation in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic technologies will need to be developed, legal
systems, using Escherichia coli, lambda phage, and ethical considerations will need to be ad-
and yeast as prototypes. dressed, and potential risks, many of which are
Ptashne, Mark, et al. How the Lambda Re- still unforeseen, will need to be minimized to
pressor and Cro Work. Cell 19 (1980): 1-11. achieve an acceptable risk-benefit ratio.
Reviews factors that determine whether lysis In many ways, gene therapy is a logical exten-
or lysogeny results from infection. sion of the human desire to improve our sur-
roundings by manipulating evolution, which is
a genetically controlled process. People first
Gene Therapy 305

started altering the process of natural selection vancements in routinely available materials
many thousands of years ago, when farmers be- and equipmentincluding fast, efficient, and
gan selectively breeding certain forms of plants affordable laboratory equipment, an explosive
and animals found desirable in a process called proliferation of available biochemicals, and
artificial selection. Artificial selection has been streamlined laboratory procedures. Many key
refined over many thousands of years of suc- laboratory procedures, which once were very
cessful use. In the twentieth century, with the expensive and time-consuming, are now avail-
discovery of DNA as the molecule of inheri- able in reasonably priced and easy-to-use kits,
tance and rapid evolution of laboratory meth- which has greatly increased the speed of bio-
ods to isolate and manipulate DNA, it became medical research. The Human Genome Pro-
possible to change the genetic composition of ject, completed in April, 2003, offers an abun-
living organisms. The lengthy processes of tra- dance of information about the sequence and
ditional breeding could theoretically be by- location of genes within the human genome
passed, and a major barrier of traditional breed- and will be a tremendous boost to future gene
ing, generally limited to breeding only within therapy research.
members of the same phylogenetic family, The simplest and most logical targets for
broke down. gene therapy are hereditary single-gene de-
In the broadest sense, gene therapy offers fects. In these cases, a single faulty gene causes
the potential of replacing defective genes a genetic disease. There are many examples of
within the human genome, be it one or many these single-gene disorders, including certain
genes, with new genetic patches that can types of hemophilia, muscular dystrophy, cystic
counteract the effect of the defective genes. fibrosis, and an immune disorder known as
Additionally, new, beneficial genes that impart severe combined immunodefiency disorder
desirable characteristicssuch as enhanced (SCID). Theoretically, getting a good copy of
life span, cancer resistance, or resistance to the defective gene into people with these disor-
other diseasescan theoretically be inserted ders might cure these types of diseases. In real-
into the human genome even in the absence of ity, however, controlling factorssuch as gene
defective genes. Finally, what makes gene ther- insertion, gene expression, gene targeting, and
apy especially exciting, and simultaneously immune responsepose tremendous techni-
alarming, is the fact that genes from any living cal challenges that researchers are currently
organism, including all animals, bacteria, working to overcome. Gene therapy may also
plants, and even viruses, could potentially be target complex diseases, such as cancer, cardio-
used for gene therapy in humans. No evolu- vascular disease, neurological diseases, and in-
tionary boundaries apply in gene therapy. fectious diseases. It is possible that even these
complex diseases may one day be treated rou-
The Theory of Gene Therapy tinely with gene therapies.
The primary goal of gene therapy is to cor-
rect a genetic disease by replacing defective Key Technologies
genes with functional or supplemental genes Although gene therapy and cloning may be
that will alleviate the disorder. The driving employed together in certain scientific and
forces behind gene therapy are recombinant medical research projects, gene therapy is very
DNA technologies. Recombinant technologies different from cloning. In the process of clon-
allow the extraction, manipulation, and rein- ing, the entire genome of an organism is dupli-
sertion of cellular DNA within and between liv- cated to produce a genetically identical organ-
ing organisms. The development of recombi- ism. In gene therapy, only portions of a
nant DNA technologies began in the 1970s, genome, usually only one or a few genes, are
rapidly evolved through the 1980s and the manipulated at a time, with the goal of correct-
1990s, and is currently at a level where gene ing a specific genetic disorder. Many of the
therapy, at least for some conditions, is techni- same legal and ethical questions do apply to
cally feasible. There have been tremendous ad- both cloning and gene therapy, and both tech-
306 Gene Therapy

nologies do result in the production of a genet- gene therapy, depending on the specific cells
ically modified organism (GMO). or tissues in the body that are being targeted.
Genetic diseases have been studied for many For example, herpesvirus vectors have been
centuries. In many single-gene-defect diseases, used for gene therapy research in cells of the
the faulty gene has been identified, located, nervous system, while oncoretroviruses and
and sequenced. In many cases, the structure lentiviruses have been used for transforming
and function of the gene product is known in cells of the circulatory system and stem cells.
great detail. Through routine molecular biol- In addition to being able to transfer good
ogy techniques, functional copies of the gene, genes into the body, vectors must be genetically
suitable for gene therapy, can be isolated from stable, able to be propagated in cell culture,
normal human tissues in the laboratory. This and able to be purified to a high concentration.
functional gene itself may be altered or put to- After the vector is built, propagated, and puri-
gether with other genes to create an expres- fied, the job is still not complete. A growing
sion cassette. An expression cassette is a syn- number of techniques are used to deliver the
thetic genetic construct that contains the vector to the correct cells and tissues in the
target gene and other DNA elements, which al- body. In most cases, the cells, tissues, or organs
low the gene to be moved about easily and to receive the gene are specifically targeted for
properly expressed in cells. delivery. Targeting can be accomplished either
Once the functional gene is isolated and by exposing certain cells to the vector outside
placed into an expression cassette, the gene is the body (ex vivo), such as in a culture tube, or
still not ready for use in gene therapy. Because by introducing the vector in a targeted way in-
of physical barriers within the human body and side the body (in vivo), such as introducing the
the efficiency of the immune system in defend- vector into an organ through a specific blood
ing the body from pathogens (disease causing vessel. Both in vitro and in vivo targeted deliv-
organisms), delivery and expression of foreign ery methods have been used for human gene
gene constructs in the human body are not easy therapy trials. Targeted delivery appears to be a
to accomplish. To deliver therapeutic genes critical aspect of human gene therapy, in order
into the body, scientists most often harness the to increase efficacy and reduce potential risks.
power of viruses, since they are very adept at The use of potentially dangerous viruses to
getting around the physical and immune de- transfer genes into the human body is one of
fenses of the body. For safety purposes, most the major concerns that surround gene ther-
potentially harmful viral genes that might trig- apy. Even with proper precautions in the de-
ger disease or elicit a severe immune response sign and building of the vector, research and
are removed to produce what is called a dis- human trials are conducted according to strict
armed viral vector. biohazard containment procedures in an at-
tempt to prevent the unintentional spread of
Viral Vectors the gene therapy vector to laboratory and med-
Currently, several classes of virus are used to ical personnel.
produce viral vectors for human gene therapy
trials. These include oncoretroviruses, such as Clinical Trials
the Moloney murine leukemia virus (MLV), a In 1990, the first clinical trial of human gene
virus that causes leukemia in mice; lentiviruses therapy was conducted in children who were af-
(retroviruses), such as human immunodefi- flicted with severe combined immunodefi-
ciency virus (HIV), the virus that causes AIDS ciency disorder (SCID). A single defective gene
in humans; adenoviruses, which are extremely for an enzyme, adenosine deaminase (ADA),
infectious viruses that cause cold or flulike had been linked with this fatal disorder, which
symptoms in humans; and herpesviruses, the prevents the immune system from maturing
family of viruses that cause cold sores, genital and functioning properly, and so it appeared to
herpes, and chickenpox in humans. All of these be an attractive target for human gene therapy.
viruses have different applications in human It was thought that introducing a functional
Gene Therapy 307

copy of the ADA gene into

some cells of the immune sys-
tem would result in a cure for
this genetic disease. Since the
ADA gene had already been
cloned in 1984 and an early
gene therapy vector, derived
from a mouse retrovirus, was
available, the stage was set for Image not available
the first test of human gene
therapy. Hematopoietic stem
cells (very young blood cells)
were isolated from young pa-
tients with SCID. In laboratory
flasks, the stem cells from each
patient were exposed to the vi-
ral vector containing the good
copy of the ADA gene. The
goal was to cause genetic trans- Patient Donovan Decker, who has suffered from muscular dystrophy much of his life,
formation of some of the stem prepares to be injected by Dr. Jerry Mendell with genes to help correct the condition.
cells. The stem cells were then Donovan was the first person to receive gene therapy for muscular dystrophy, in Sep-
transferred back into the young tember, 1999. (AP/Wide World Photos)
patients. The good news was
that the functional ADA gene
did appear in some blood cells of the partici- derscored the unforeseen risks associated with
pants. The bad news was that this genetic modi- human gene therapy trials but also alerted re-
fication did not correct the young patients searchers to the need to assess the immune sta-
SCID. As it turned out, ADA production alone tus of gene therapy candidates, especially re-
was not enough to reverse the SCID disease garding prior exposure to pathogenic viruses.
condition. Overall, this early and heroic at- In April, 2000, the first successful report of
tempt at gene therapydespite the fact that it human gene therapy to correct a human ge-
was not successful in curing the targeted disor- netic disease was published in the journal Sci-
derresulted in useful data and led to tremen- ence. The report contained the details sur-
dous advances in future attempts and eventu- rounding children afflicted with lethal X-
ally to success almost a decade later. linked severe combined immunodeficiency
In September, 1999, the first human death syndrome (SCID-X). These children were suc-
attributable to a human gene therapy clinical cessfully treated at the Necker Hospital for Sick
trial was reported. An eighteen-year-old partici- Children in Paris using gene therapy. Even-
pant in a human gene therapy trial for heredi- tually, nine of the eleven patients included in
tary ornithine transcarbamylase (OTC) defi- this clinical study were cured of their genetic
ciency died of multiorgan failure caused by a disorder. The techniques used were evolved
severe immunological reaction to the dis- from the earlier, unsuccessful SCID clinical tri-
armed adenovirus vector used in the trail. It ap- als using the ADA gene. In this case, the gene
pears that this patients immune system may that was introduced into the hematopoietic
have been sensitized by a previous infection stem cells was a cytokine receptor gene rather
with a wild-type adenovirus and, when exposed than the ADA gene, and the results were greatly
to the adenovirus vector, even though it was a improved.
disarmed vector, his immune system overre- However, as might be expected in pioneer-
acted, resulting in severe complications and ing medical research, unforeseen adverse
eventually death. This tragic death not only un- events soon marred what had been celebrated
308 Gene Therapy

as an unqualified success. In September, 2002, tion from environmental toxins, and function as
a three-year-old participant in the SCID-X permanent vaccines against infectious disease.
human gene therapy trials began exhibiting This notion of desirable genes raises the pros-
a leukemia-type lymphoproliferative disorder pect of creating designer humanshumans
(an inappropriate proliferation of white blood with beneficial or targeted genetic traits, even
cells). Subsequently another child from the aesthetic genetic modificationsand all the at-
same SCID-X trial showed signs of the same dis- tendant legal, political, and ethical ramifica-
order. It was determined that this disorder was tions.
most probably due to the nature of the retrovi- Robert A. Sinnott
rus vector used. The vector had apparently in- See also: Bioethics; Bioinformatics; Clon-
serted the therapeutic gene construct into the ing Vectors; Cystic Fibrosis; DNA Structure and
genome of at least one of the stem cells at a Function; Gene Therapy: Ethical and Eco-
place where it inadvertently activated an onco- nomic Issues; Genetic Counseling; Genetic En-
gene (a cancer-causing gene). These cells with gineering: Historical Development; Genetic
an activated oncogene went on to multiply in Engineering: Medical Applications; Genetic
the children and cause their leukemia-type dis- Engineering: Risks; Genetic Engineering: So-
ease. Subsequently, another child in the SCID- cial and Ethical Issues; Genetic Screening; Ge-
X trial tested positive for the same oncogene netic Testing; Genetic Testing: Ethical and
activation, although he did not exhibit the Economic Issues; Human Genetics; Human
leukemia-type disorder. The combination of Genome Project; Inborn Errors of Metabolism;
successes and unforeseen adverse events un- Insurance; Knockout Genetics and Knockout
derscored the fact that human gene therapy is Mice; RNA World; Stem Cells; Transgenic Or-
currently operating in uncharted areas and un- ganisms; Tumor-Suppressor Genes.
doubtedly involves very complex biological fac-
tors, some of which are probably still unknown. Further Reading
Fischer, Alain, Salima Hacein-Bey, and Marina
Future Prospects: Benefits and Risks Cavazzana-Calvo. Gene Therapy of Severe
Future prospects are really limited only by Combined Immunodeficiencies. Nature Re-
imagination and the constraints of currently views (Immunology) 2 (August, 2002): 615-621.
available technology. The Human Genome Review of human gene therapy for severe im-
Project, which maps all the gene sequences as munological disorders, such as severe com-
well as their location in the human genome, bined immunodeficiency disorder (SCID),
will revolutionize the development of human written by the scientists involved in the first
gene therapy. Using these data, scientists will human gene therapy trial in 1990 and the
discover targets for gene therapy that can be ex- first successful human gene therapy inter-
amined in their native context within the hu- ventions, published in 2002.
man genome, which should result in the pro- Habib, Nagy A., ed. Cancer Gene Therapy: Past
duction of much better expression cassettes Achievements and Future Challenges. New York:
and allow targeted insertion of therapeutic Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2000. Reviews
genes, which in turn should greatly decrease forty-one preclinical and clinical studies in
undesirable side effects such as those seen in cancer gene therapy, organized into sections
the SCID-X trial. Gene therapy may within a on the vectors available to carry genes into
few decades provide physicians with tools to tumors, cell cycle control, apoptosis, tumor-
treat or prevent all sorts of genetic diseases, suppressor genes, antisense and ribozymes,
both simple and complex. immuno-modulation, suicidal genes, angio-
The same technologies developed to correct genesis control, and matrix metallo protein-
defective genes may also give scientists the ase.
power to insert desirable genes, possibly from Thomas, Clare T., Anja Ehrhardt, and Mark A.
other types of living organisms, to increase life Kay. Progress and Problems with the Use of
span, impart cancer resistance, provide protec- Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy. Nature Re-
Gene Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues 309

views (Genetics) 4 (May, 2003): 346-358. An recombinant DNA: genetically engineered

excellent review of human gene therapy tools DNA prepared by cutting up DNA mole-
and an update of recent successes and fail- cules and splicing together specific DNA
ures of human gene therapy trials. fragments, often from more than one spe-
cies of organism
Web Sites of Interest somatic cell therapy: treatment of specific
American Cancer Society, Gene Therapy: Ques- tissue with therapeutic genes
tions and Answers. http://www.cancer.org.
Site has searchable information on gene Gene Therapy
therapy. Topics covered include What Is Advances in molecular biology and genetics
Gene Therapy? and How Does Gene Ther- near the end of the last century have presented
apy Work? tantalizing possibilities for new treatment for
Genethon. Gene Therapies Research and Ap- medical conditions once viewed as incurable.
plications Center. http://www.genethon Gene therapy for the treatment of human ge-
.fr/php/index_us.php. Supported by the netic diseases can take two forms: somatic cell
French Muscular Dystrophy Association, therapy and germ-line therapy. Somatic cell
Genethon sponsors research in genetic and therapy is less controversial, because it only
cellular therapies for rare diseases. This site modifies nonreproductive cells, and therefore
offers a section accompanied by computer the changes cannot be passed on to a persons
graphics on the theory of gene therapy. children. Still, caution is needed, as with any
new technology, to be sure the benefits out-
weigh the risks. Germ-line therapy is more per-
manent in that the changes include modifica-
tion of reproductive cells, and thus the changes
Gene Therapy: Ethical and can be passed on to a persons children. This
Economic Issues has led to much greater controversy, because
all the same cautions apply to this approach as
Fields of study: Bioethics; Genetic to somatic cell therapy, with the added prob-
engineering and biotechnology; Human lem that any defects introduced by the technol-
genetics and social issues ogy could become permanent features of the
Significance: Gene therapy has the potential to cure human population. Because of this, germ-line
many diseases once viewed as untreatable, such as gene therapy is currently banned in the United
cystic fibrosis. At the same time, gene therapy pres- States and in much of the rest of the world.
ents ethical dilemmas ranging from who decides
who will benefit from new therapies to questions of Somatic Cell Therapy
ethics and social policy, such as whether humans Somatic cell therapy could provide some
should attempt to manipulate natural evolution- clear benefits. For example, it could potentially
ary processes. Although there are strong economic free insulin-dependent diabetics from reliance
incentives for developing new therapies, ethical on external sources of insulin by restoring the
concerns must be addressed. ability of the patients own body to manufac-
ture it. Scientists have already succeeded in ge-
Key terms netically engineering bacteria to grow recom-
germ cells: reproductive cells such as eggs binant insulin, eliminating the need to harvest
and sperm it from animal pancreatic tissue obtained from
germ-line therapy: alteration of germ cells slaughterhouses. The next step would seem to
resulting in a permanent genetic change in be the use of somatic cell therapy to treat indi-
the organism and succeeding generations vidual diabetics.
insulin: a pancreatic hormone that is essential The primary ethical concerns about treating
to metabolize carbohydrates, used in the a disease like diabetes using somatic cell ther-
control of diabetes mellitus apy primarily relate to cost and technological
310 Gene Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues

even adequately assess po-

tential risks? Caution has
been advised by many, in
light of these concerns.
Assuming that the techno-
logical hurdles can be over-
come, somatic cell therapy
to cure diabetes mellitus ap-
Image not available pears to offer a fairly clear-
cut case for treatment. What
about less threatening condi-
tions, such as the insufficient
production of growth hor-
mone? A shortage of human
growth hormone can result
in dwarfism. The use of so-
matic cell therapy to correct
the condition clearly would
be beneficial, but growth hor-
Three-year-old Wilco Conradi at the zoo in Amsterdam on August 18, 2002. After liv-
mone deficiencies vary, and
ing isolated in a plastic-enclosed space for most of his life, he received gene therapy for
the fatal bubble boy syndrome, severe combined immunodeficiency disorder (SCID).
even otherwise normal chil-
The results of this treatment appeared promising until it was noted that several chil- dren can be shorter than av-
dren so treated were developing a leukemia-type disorder, likely caused when an onco- erage. In a society in which
gene was activated by the vector used to insert the therapeutic gene. Although for chil- height is associated with suc-
dren afflicted with SCID, the alternative to no therapy was much worse, such mixed cess, wealthy parents have
results nevertheless raise ethical concerns. (AP/Wide World Photos) been known to pressure doc-
tors to prescribe human
growth hormone to their
proficiency. Currently, the potential costs of children who are only slightly smaller than av-
gene therapy put it out of reach for most peo- erage and not truly suffering from a pituitary
ple. Is it ethical to develop a technological solu- gland disorder. If somatic cell gene therapy be-
tion to a problem that will be available to only a came widely available for human growth, how
few? Of course, this same concern could be di- many parents would succumb to the tempta-
rected at many other expensive medical proce- tion to give their children a boost in height?
dures, such as organ transplants, which are of- The same potential for abuse is present for any
ten out of reach for most people yet are now number of perceived defects that might be
well entrenched in medical practice. cured by gene therapy, with only those who are
A more serious ethical concern, at present, is rich being able to afford the technology. When
whether the technology is safe enough to use the defect is not life threatening, or even partic-
on humans. Clinical trials of some somatic cell ularly debilitating, do parents have the right to
therapies have been halted due to unforeseen decide that their children receive these treat-
complications, including deaths and the devel- ments?
opment of cancer in some cases. These events
have led some ethicists to question whether Germ-Line Therapy
gene therapy trials should be considered at all. Germ-line gene therapy faces all the same
Is it fair to expect individuals who are manag- ethical objections as somatic cell therapy, and
ing their diabetes with conventional methods introduces what some consider more serious
to accept the unknown risks inherent in such a ethical concerns. Germ-line therapy changes
complex and poorly understood technology? the characteristics an organism passes on to its
Do we know so little at this point that we cannot offspring. Humans suffer from a variety of in-
Gene Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues 311

herited diseases, including hemophilia, Hun- to their offspring. Eventually, at least in theory,
tingtons disease (Huntingtons chorea), and the genes that cause the disease could be elimi-
cystic fibrosis, and physicians have long recog- nated from the general population.
nized that certain conditions, such as coronary Tempting though it is to see this as a good
artery disease and diabetes, seem to run in thing, ethicists believe that such an approach
some families. It is tempting to consider the could be extremely susceptible to abuse. They
possibility of eliminating these medical condi- view discussions of human germ-line therapy as
tions through germ-line therapies: Not only an attempt to resurrect the failed agenda of the
would the person suffering from the disease be eugenics movement of the 1920s and 1930s. If
cured, but his or her descendants would never scientists are allowed to manipulate human he-
have to worry about passing the condition on redity to eliminate certain characteristics, what

FDA Limits Gene Therapy Trials

Because of an adverse reactiona leukemia-like dis- cells and then manipulating these cells to develop
order reported in two patients who had undergone into specific tissues or organs would allow the quint-
successful SCID-X gene therapyhuman gene ther- essential degree of targeted gene therapy. While
apy trails are proceeding with caution. The available there is currently no comprehensive ban on the use
data suggest that the retrovirus vector used for the of embryonic stem cells in gene therapy research,
SCID-X gene therapy trials, derived from a cancer- only certain exempted cell lines can be used in feder-
causing mouse virus, may be largely responsible. Ret- ally funded research projects.
rovirus vectors have the ability to insert genes perma- The economics of gene therapy may also affect its
nently into the human genome, which is desirable to actual impact on human health care. The technolo-
obtain long-term results in gene therapy. A problem gies involved in gene therapy are currently very ex-
occurs, however, if a retrovirus inserts the therapeu- pensive and probably will remain so for the foresee-
tic gene near, or in, certain genes called oncogenes able future. Most gene therapy trails are considered
or tumor-suppressor genes: Cancerous mutations experimental procedures and are therefore not cov-
can develop in the transformed cells. When cells ered by health insurance. These and other real eco-
with cancerous mutations replicate over time, can- nomic conditions, particularly in countries with no
cers can develop. That appears to have happened in national health care policy, may make gene therapy
at least two of the patients who participated in the affordable to some and not to others. In this way,
SCID-X trials. In response, an advisory committee gene therapy may increase the disparity in health
that monitors data from gene-therapy trials for the care services available to people of different socio-
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recom- economic groups.
mended that gene therapy for SCID-X be moved to a Finally, since the terrorist attacks on the United
second-line treatment, meaning that it should be States of September 11, 2001, any discussion of gene
used only in the absence of other medical treatment therapy must include the possibility that some of the
options, such as a bone marrow transplant from a technologies developed to correct genetic diseases
matched donor. could also be used by people with no moral or legal
These results from the SCID-X trials reinvigo- restraints to cause tremendous human suffering. By
rated the ethical and legal questions surrounding using infectious viral vectors developed for gene
gene therapy. Moral questions originally arose when therapy and incorporating expression cassettes con-
scientists became able to alter the human genome taining harmful or lethal genes, terrorists and others
and were complicated with the rise of research into could develop biological weapons with relative ease
embryonic stem cells (cells obtained from human compared to traditional threats such as nuclear
embryos). Embryonic stem cells are an attractive tar- weapons. The deliberate spread of these malicious
get for researchers in the area of gene therapy be- constructs, especially in densely populated areas,
cause these very young, undifferentiated cells are could have catastrophic results.
the progenitors of all the other cells in the human Robert A. Sinnott
body. Performing gene therapy on embryonic stem
312 Gene Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues

is to prevent those same scientists from manip- Metabolism; Insurance; Knockout Genetics
ulating the human genome to enhance other and Knockout Mice; RNA World; Stem Cells;
characteristics? Would parents be able to re- Transgenic Organisms; Tumor-Suppressor
quest custom-tailored offspring, children who Genes.
would be tall with predetermined hair color
and eyes? Questions concerning class divisions Further Reading
and racial biases have also been raised. Would Anees, Munawar A. Islam and Biological Futures:
therapies be equally available to all people who Ethics, Gender, and Technology. New York: Con-
requested them, or would such technology tinuum International, 1989. Provides insight
lead to a future in which the wealthy custom- into reproductive biotechnologies from the
tailor their offspring while the poor must rely Islamic perspective.
on conventional biology? Would those poor Becker, Gerhold K., and James P. Buchanan,
people whose parents had been unable to af- eds. Changing Natures Course: The Ethical
ford germ-line therapy then find themselves Challenge of Biotechnology. Hong Kong: Hong
denied access to medical care or employment Kong University Press, 1996. Brings together
based on their inferior or unhealthy ge- articles based on the November, 1993, sym-
netic profiles? posium, Biotechnology and Ethics: Scien-
In addition, many ethicists and scientists raise tific Liberty and Moral Responsibility.
cautionary notes about putting too much faith Topics include environmental and ethical
in new genetic engineering technologies too considerations of genetically engineered
soon. Most scientists concede that not enough plants and foods, clinical and ethical chal-
is known about the interdependency of various lenges of genetic markers for severe human
genes and the roles they play in overall health hereditary disorders, and embryo transfer.
and human evolution to begin a program to Doherty, Peter, and Agneta Sutton, eds. Man-
eliminate so-called bad genes. Genes that in Made Man: Ethical and Legal Issues in Genetics.
one combination may result in a disabling or Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1997. Provides an
life-threatening illness may in another have introduction to advances in the field, with
beneficial effects that are not yet known. Germ- topics that include pre-implantation and pre-
line therapy could eliminate one problem natal testing; carrier testing with a view to re-
while opening the door to a new and possibly productive choice; and somatic gene therapy,
worse condition. Thus, while the economic germ-line gene therapy, and nontherapeutic
benefits of genetic engineering and gene ther- genetic interventions.
apies can be quite tempting, ethicists remind Harpignies, J. P. Double Helix Hubris: Against
us that many questions remain unanswered. Designer Genes. Brooklyn, N.Y.: Cool Grove
Some areas of genetic research, particularly Press, 1996. Examines the moral and ethi-
germ-line therapy, may simply be best left un- cal aspects of genetic engineering and bio-
explored until a clearer understanding of engineering, arguing that these sciences
both the potential social and biological cost will produce shocking changes to sentient
emerges. life.
Nancy Farm Mnnikk, updated by Bryan Ness Resnik, David B., Holly B. Steinkraus, and
See also: Bioethics; Bioinformatics; Clon- Pamela J. Langer. Human Germline Gene Ther-
ing Vectors; Cystic Fibrosis; DNA Structure and apy: Scientific, Moral, and Political Issues. Aus-
Function; Gene Therapy; Genetic Counseling; tin, Tex.: R. G. Landes, 1999. Examines the
Genetic Engineering: Historical Development; medical, ethical, and social aspects of hu-
Genetic Engineering: Medical Applications; man reproductive technology.
Genetic Engineering: Risks; Genetic Engi- Rifkin, Jeremy. The Biotech Century: Harnessing
neering: Social and Ethical Issues; Genetic the Gene and Remaking the World. New York:
Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetic Testing: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1998. Argues
Ethical and Economic Issues; Human Genet- that the information and life sciences are
ics; Human Genome Project; Inborn Errors of fusing into a single powerful technological
Genetic Code 313

and economic force that is laying the foun-

dation for the Biotech Century, during Genetic Code
which the world is likely to be transformed
more fundamentally than in the previous Field of study: Molecular genetics
thousand years. Significance: The molecules of life are made directly
United States. Advisory Committee on Human or indirectly from instructions contained in DNA.
Radiation Experiments. Final Report of the Ad- The instructions are interpreted according to the
visory Committee on Human Radiation Experi- genetic code, which describes the relationship used
ments. New York: Oxford University Press, in the synthesis of proteins from nucleic acid infor-
1996. Describes a variety of experiments mation.
sponsored by the U.S. government in which
people were exposed to radiation, often Key terms
without their knowledge or consent. codon: a three-nucleotide unit of nucleic acids
Walters, LeRoy, and Julie Gage Palmer. The Eth- (DNA and RNA) that determines the amino
ics of Human Gene Therapy. Illustrated by acid sequence of the protein encoded by a
Natalie C. Johnson. New York: Oxford Uni- gene
versity Press, 1997. Surveys the structure and nucleotides: long nucleic acid molecules that
functions of DNA, genes, and cells, and dis- form DNA and RNA, linked end to end; the
cusses three major types of potential genetic sequences of these nucleotides in the DNA
intervention: somatic cell gene therapy, chain provides the genetic information
germ-line gene therapy, and genetic en- reading frame: the phasing of reading co-
hancements. dons, determined by which base the first
Zallen, Doris Teichler. Does It Run in the Family? codon begins with; certain mutations can
A Consumers Guide to DNA Testing for Genetic also change the reading frame
Disorders. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Uni- RNA: ribonucleic acid, a molecule similar to
versity Press, 1997. Focuses on the practical DNA but single-stranded and with a ribose
aspects of obtaining genetic information, rather than a deoxyribose sugar; RNA mole-
clearly explaining how genetic disorders are cules are formed using DNA as a template
passed along in families. and then use their complementary genetic
information to conduct cellular processes or
form proteins
Web Sites of Interest transfer RNA (tRNA): molecules that carry
American Medical Association. http://www.ama- amino acids to messenger RNA (mRNA)
assn.org/ama/pub/printcat/2827.html. The codons, allowing amino acid polymerization
AMAs page on gene therapy, with links to into proteins
news stories. translation: the process of forming proteins
Genethon. Gene Therapies Research and Ap- according to instructions contained in an
plications Center. http://www.genethon.fr/ mRNA molecule
php/index_us.php. Supported by the
French Muscular Dystrophy Association, Elements of the Genetic Code
Genethon sponsors research in genetic and Every time a cell divides, each daughter cell
cellular therapies for rare diseases. This site receives a full set of instructions that allows it to
offers a section accompanied by computer grow and divide. The instructions are con-
graphics on the theory of gene therapy. tained within DNA. These long nucleic acid
National Information Resource on Ethics and molecules are made of nucleotides linked end
Human Genetics. http://www.georgetown to end. Four kinds of nucleotides are com-
.edu/research/nrcbl/nirehg. Site supports monly found in the DNA of all organisms.
links to databases, annotated bibliographies, These are designated A, G, T, and C for the vari-
and articles about the ethics of gene therapy able component of the nucleotide (adenine,
and human genetics in general. guanine, thymine, and cytosine, respectively).
314 Genetic Code

The Genetic Code

second position third

T C A G position
first position
Phenylalanine Serine Tyrosine Cysteine T
Phenylalanine Serine Tyrosine Cysteine C
Leucine Serine END CHAIN Tryptophan G
Leucine Proline Histidine Arginine T
Leucine Proline Histidine Arginine C
C Leucine Proline Glutamine Arginine A
Leucine Proline Glutamine Arginine G
Isoleucine Threonine Asparagine Serine T
Isoleucine Threonine Asparagine Serine C
A Isoleucine Threonine Lysine Arginine A
Methionine Threonine Lysine Arginine G
Valine Alanine Aspartic Acid Glycine T
Valine Alanine Aspartic Acid Glycine C
G Valine Alanine Glutamic Acid Glycine A
Valine Alanine Glutamic Acid Glycine G

The amino acid specified by any codon can be found by looking for the wide row designated by the first base letter of the codon shown
on the left, then the column designated by the second base letter along the top, and finally the narrow row marked on the right, in the
appropriate wide row, by the third letter of the codon. Many amino acids are represented by more than one codon. The codons TAA,
TAG, and TGA do not specify an amino acid but instead signal where a protein chain ends.

The sequence of the nucleotides in the DNA some machinery scans the RNA nucleotide se-
chain provides the information necessary for quence to find signals to start the synthesis of
manufacturing all the proteins required for polypeptides, the molecules of which proteins
survival, but information must be decoded. are made. When the start signals are found, the
DNA contains a variety of codes. For exam- machinery reads the code in the RNA to con-
ple, there are codes for identifying where to vert it into a sequence of amino acids in the
start and where to stop transcribing an RNA polypeptide, a process called translation.
molecule. RNA molecules are nearly identical Translation stops at termination signals. The
in structure to the single strands of DNA mole- term genetic code is sometimes reserved for
cules. In RNA, the nucleotide uracil (U) is used the rules for converting a sequence of nucleo-
in place of T and each nucleotide of RNA con- tides into a sequence of amino acids.
tains a ribose sugar rather than a deoxyribose
sugar. RNA molecules are made using DNA as a The Protein Genetic Code: General
template by a process called transcription. The Characteristics
resulting RNA molecule contains the same in- Experiments in the laboratories of Har
formation as the DNA from which it was made, Gobind Khorana, Heinrich Matthaei, Marshall
but in a complementary form. Some RNAs Nirenberg, and others led to the deciphering
function directly in the structure and activity of of the protein genetic code. They knew that the
cells, but most are used to produce proteins code was more complicated than a simple one-
with the help of ribosomes. This latter type is to-one correspondence between nucleotides
known as messenger RNA (mRNA). The ribo- and amino acids, since there were about twenty
Genetic Code 315

different amino acids in proteins and only four arginine, and serine) are unusual in that each
nucleotides in RNA. They found that three ad- can be specified by any one of six codons.
jacent nucleotides code for each amino acid.
Since each of the three nucleotide positions Punctuation
can be occupied by any one of four different The protein genetic code is often said to be
nucleotides, sixty-four different sets are possi- commaless. The bond connecting two co-
ble. Each set of three nucleotides is called a dons cannot be distinguished from bonds con-
codon. Each codon leads to the insertion of necting nucleotides within codons. There are
one kind of amino acid in the growing polypep- no spaces or commas to identify which three
tide chain. nucleotides constitute a codon. As a result, the
Two of the twenty amino acids (tryptophan choice of which three nucleotides are to be
and methionine) have only a single codon. read as the first codon during translation is very
Nine amino acids are each represented by a important. For example, if EMA is chosen as
pair of codons, differing only at the third posi- the first set of meaningful letters in the follow-
tion. Because of this difference, the third posi- ing string of letters, the result is gibberish:
tion in the codons for these amino acids is of-
ten called the wobble position. For six amino TH EMA NHI TTH EBA TAN DTH EBA TBI
acids, any one of the four nucleotides occupies THI M.
the wobble position. The three codons for iso-
leucine can be considered as belonging to this On the other hand, if THE is chosen as the
class, with the exception that AUG is reserved first set of three letters, the message becomes
for methionine. Three amino acids (leucine, clear:

This figure from the Genome Image Gallery of the Department of Energy makes clear the concept of the reading frame and how the ge-
netic code translates into amino acids and hence proteins. (U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program, http://
316 Genetic Code

THE MAN HIT THE BAT AND THE BAT BIT ple, the UGA universal stop codon codes for
HIM. tryptophan in some bacteria and in fungal, in-
sect, and vertebrate mitochondrial DNA
The commaless nature of the code means that (mtDNA). Ciliated protozoans use UAA and
one sequence of nucleotides can be read three UAG, reserved as stop codons in all other or-
different ways, starting at the first, second, or ganisms, for the insertion of glutamine resi-
third letter. Still, the genetic code does have dues. Methionine, which has only one codon in
punctuation. The beginning of each coding the universal genetic code (AUG), is also en-
sequence has a start codon, which is always the coded by AUA in vertebrate and insect mtDNA
AUG. Each coding sequence also has a stop and in some, but not all, fungal mitochondria.
codon, which acts like a period at the end of a Vertebrate mtDNA also uses the universal ar-
sentence, denoting the end of the coding se- ginine codons AGA and AGG as stop codons.
quence. AGA and AGG are serine rather than arginine
These ways of reading are called reading codons in insect mtDNA.
frames. A frame is said to be open if there are
no stop codons for a reasonable distance. In Interpreting the Code
most mRNAs, only one reading frame is open How is the code interpreted? The mRNA
for any appreciable length. However, in some codons organize small RNA molecules called
mRNAs, more than one reading frame is open. transfer RNA (tRNA). There is at least one
Some mRNAs can produce two, rarely three, tRNA for each of the twenty amino acids. They
different polypeptide sequences. are L-shaped molecules. At one end tRNAs
have a set of three nucleotides (the anticodon)
The Near Universality of the Code that can pair with the three nucleotides of
The universal genetic code was discovered themRNA codon. They do not pair with co-
primarily through experiments with extracts dons for other amino acids. At the other end
from the bacterium Escherichia coli and from tRNAs have a site for the attachment of an
rabbit cells. Further work suggested that the amino acid.
code was the same in other organisms. It came Special enzymes called aminoacyl tRNA syn-
to be known as the universal genetic code. The thetases (RS enzymes) attach the correct amino
code was deciphered before scientists knew acids to the correct tRNAs. There is one RS en-
how to determine the sequence of nucleotides zyme for each of the twenty amino acids. Inter-
in DNA efficiently. After nucleotide sequences pretation is possible because each RS enzyme
began to be determined, scientists could, using can bind only one kind of amino acid and only
the universal genetic code, predict the sequence to tRNA that pairs with the codons for that
of amino acids. Comparison with the actual amino acid. The key to this specificity is a spe-
amino acid sequence revealed excellent overall cial code in each tRNA located near where the
agreement. amino acid gets attached. This code is some-
Nevertheless, the universal genetic code as- times referred to as the second genetic code.
signments of codons to amino acids had appar- After binding the correct amino acid and tRNA,
ent exceptions. Some turned out to be caused the RS enzyme attaches the two molecules with
by programmed changes in the mRNA infor- a covalent bond. These charged tRNAs, called
mation. In selected codons of some mRNA, a C aminoacyl-tRNAs, are ready to participate in
is changed to a U. In others, an A is changed so protein synthesis directed by the codons of the
that it acts like a G. Editing of mRNA does not mRNA. Information is stored in RNA in forms
change the code used by the ribosomal ma- other than the triplet code. A special tRNA for
chinery, but it does mean that the use of DNA methionine exists to initiate all peptide chains.
sequences to predict protein sequences has pit- It responds to AUG. However, proteins also
falls. have methionines in the main part of the poly-
Some exceptions to the universal genetic peptide chain. Those methionines are carried
code are true variations in the code. For exam- by a different tRNA that also responds to AUG.
Genetic Code 317

The Second Genetic Code

The fidelity of translating codons of messenger RNA near the amino acid attachment site are important.
(mRNA) into amino acids of the protein product re- This is the case for alanine tRNA, where the primary
quires that each transfer RNA (tRNA) be attached to recognition is a G3-U70 base pair. Incorporating this
the proper amino acid. Twenty distinct aminoacyl element into a cysteine tRNA will cause it to accept
tRNA synthetases (RS enzymes) are found in cells; alanine despite the fact that the anticodon remains
each is specific for a particular amino acid which it at- that for cysteine. In other cases, structures in the
taches to an appropriate tRNA. Because some amino middle of the tRNA molecule are important, such as
acids (such as isoleucine and valine) are similar in the variable loop or the D-loop. Usually multiple ele-
structure, some RS enzymes have an editing feature, ments contribute to the recognition and ensure that
which allows them to cleave a mistakenly attached the correct tRNA is recognized by its respective RS
amino acid. The site at which the attachment reac- enzyme.
tion occurs is distinct from the editing site. The end A mutation in the anticodon of a tRNA will usually
result is that fewer than one in ten thousand amino not restrict its being attached to its designated amino
acids is attached to the wrong tRNA. acid. Such a mutation is referred to as a suppressor
Each RS enzyme must also recognize an appropri- mutation if it overrides another mutation that leads
ate tRNA. One might imagine that the anticodon to a chain termination mutation. For example, a
found in the tRNA would be the recognition site. point mutation in the CAG glutamine codon in a
However, only in a few cases is it the major or sole de- gene can convert it to a UAG chain termination
terminant. Because the anticodon is at one end of codon. This would usually be deleterious because
the L-shaped tRNA and the amino acid is attached at the resultant protein would be shorter than normal.
the other end, this is perhaps not surprising. While However, if the normal GUA anticodon on tyrosine
tRNA molecules have the same general shape, they tRNA is mutated to CUA, it would pair with the UAG
typically consist of seventy-six nucleotides, which in the messenger RNA (mRNA) during protein syn-
provide numerous opportunities to distinguish thesis; it would suppress the chain termination mu-
themselves from one another. tation by inserting tyrosine for the original gluta-
The second genetic code is sometimes used to mine in the protein, which may retain its function.
refer to the sequence of the tRNA that ensures that This mutated tRNA would, however, insert a tyrosine
the correct one is recognized by its corresponding for the normal UAG chain termination for other
RS enzyme. Surprisingly, different elements are used genes.
by the various RS enzymes. In some cases, elements James L. Robinson

The ribosome and associated factors must dis- quences additional to UGA are needed for
tinguish an initiating AUG from one for an in- selenocysteine incorporation. Surrounding nu-
ternal methionine. cleotide residues also allow certain termination
Distinction occurs differently in eukaryotes codons to be bypassed. For example, the mRNA
and bacteria. In bacteria, AUG serves as a start from tobacco mosaic virus encodes two poly-
codon only if it is near a sequence that can pair peptides, both starting at the same place; how-
with a section of the RNA in the ribosome. Two ever, one is longer than the other. The exten-
things are required of eukaryotic start (AUG) sion is caused by the reading of a UAG stop
codons: First, they must be in a proper context codon by tRNA charged with tyrosine.
of surrounding nucleotides; second, they must The production of two proteins with identi-
be the first AUG from the mRNA beginning cal beginnings but different ends can also occur
that is in such a context. Context is also impor- by frame shifting. In this mechanism, signals in
tant for the incorporation of the unusual amino the mRNA direct the ribosome machinery to
acid selenocysteine into several proteins. In a advance or backtrack one nucleotide in its read-
limited number of genes, a special UGA stop ing of the mRNA codons. Frame shifting occurs
codon is used as a codon for selenocysteine. Se- at a specific sequence in the RNA. Often the
318 Genetic Code

code for a frame shift includes a string of seven Theory of Heredity; DNA Replication; DNA
or more identical nucleotides and a complex Structure and Function; Evolutionary Biology;
RNA structure (a pseudoknot). Genetic Code, Cracking of; Genetics, Histori-
Further codes are embedded in DNA. The cal Development of; Mendelian Genetics; Mo-
linear sequence of amino acids, derived from lecular Genetics; One Gene-One Enzyme Hy-
DNA, has a code for folding in three-dimen- pothesis; Protein Structure; Protein Synthesis;
sional space, a code for its delivery to the RNA Structure and Function; RNA Transcrip-
proper location, a code for its modification by tion and mRNA Processing; RNA World.
the addition of other chemical groups, and a
code for its degradation. The production of
mRNA requires nucleotide codes for begin- Further Reading
ning RNA synthesis, for stopping its synthesis, Clark, Brian F. C. The Genetic Code and Protein
and for stitching together codon-containing Biosynthesis. 2d ed. Baltimore: E. Arnold,
regions (exons) should these be separated by 1984. Consists of a brief description of the
noncoding regions (introns). RNA also con- genetic code.
tains signals that can tag them for rapid degra- Clark, David, and Lonnie Russell. Molecular Bi-
dation. DNA has a code recognized by protein ology: Made Simple and Fun. 2d ed. Vienna,
complexes for the initiation of DNA replica- Ill.: Cache River Press, 2000. A detailed and
tion and signals recognized by enzymes that accessible account of molecular biology.
catalyze DNA rearrangements. Judson, Horace Freeland. The Eighth Day of Cre-
ation. Rev. ed. Cold Harbor Spring, N.Y.:
Impact and Applications Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1997.
A major consequence of the near universal- A noted and fascinating history of molecular
ity of the genetic code is that biotechnologists biology that details the deciphering of the
can move genes from one species into another genetic code.
and they are still expressed correctly. Since the Kay, Lily E. Who Wrote the Book of Life? A History of
code is the same in both organisms, the same the Genetic Code. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford
protein is produced. This has resulted in the University Press, 2000. Brings myriad sources
large-scale production of specific proteins in together to describe research on the genetic
bacteria, yeast, plants, and domestic animals. code between 1953 and 1970, the rise of
These proteins are of immense pharmaceuti- communication technosciences, the inter-
cal, industrial, and research value. section of molecular biology with crypta-
Scientists developed rapid methods for se- nalysis and linguistics, and the social history
quencing nucleotides in DNA in the 1970s. of postwar Europe and the United States.
Since the genetic code was known, it suddenly Trainor, Lynn E. H. The Triplet Genetic Code: The
became easier to predict the amino acid se- Key to Molecular Biology. River Edge, N.J.:
quence of a protein from the nucleotide se- World Scientific, 2001. Intended for nonspe-
quence of its gene than it did to determine the cialists and professionals, surveys the funda-
amino acid sequence of the protein by chemi- mentals of the genetic code and how it has
cal methods. The instant knowledge of the come to revolutionize thinking about living
amino acid sequence of a particular protein systems as a whole, especially regarding the
greatly simplified predictions regarding pro- connection between structure and function.
tein function. This has resulted in the molecu-
lar understanding of many inherited human
diseases and the potential development of Web Site of Interest
rational therapies based on this new knowl- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, The Genetic
edge. Code. http://www.ornl.gov/techresources/
Ulrich Melcher, updated by Bryan Ness human_genome/graphics/slides/images1
See also: Central Dogma of Molecular Biol- .html. Site has link to an image of the genetic
ogy; Chromosome Structure; Chromosome code, with discussion.
Genetic Code, Cracking of 319

would be possible to produce sixty-four combi-

Genetic Code, Cracking of nations, more than enough to specify the twenty
amino acids. Crick also proposed that since
Field of study: History of genetics; there would be more than twenty possible trip-
Molecular genetics lets, some of the amino acids might have more
Significance: The deciphering of the genetic code than one code word. The eventual assignment
was a significant accomplishment for molecular of multiple code words for individual amino ac-
biologists. The identification of the words used ids was termed degeneracy. The triplet code
in the code explained how the information carried words came to be known as codons.
in DNA can be interpreted, via an RNA intermedi-
ate, to direct the specific sequence of amino acids Identifying the Molecules Involved
found in proteins. Since DNA is found in the nuclei of most
cells, there was much speculation as to how the
Key terms codons of DNA could direct the synthesis of
anticodon: a sequence of three nucleotide proteins, a process that was known to take place
bases on the transfer RNA (tRNA) that rec- in another cellular compartment, the cytosol.
ognizes a codon A class of molecules related to DNA known as
codon: a sequence of three nucleotide bases ribonucleic acids (RNAs) were shown to be in-
on the messenger RNA (mRNA) that speci- volved in this process. These molecules consist
fies a particular amino acid of ribonucleotides containing the bases A, C,
and G (as in DNA) but uracil (U) rather than
The Nature of the Puzzle thymine (T). One type of RNA, ribosomal RNA
Soon after DNA was discovered to be the (rRNA), was found to be contained in structures
genetic material, scientists began to examine known as ribosomes, the sites where protein
the relationship between DNA and the proteins synthesis occurs. Messenger RNA (mRNA) was
that are specified by the DNA. DNA is com- shown to be another important intermediate.
posed of four deoxyribonucleotides containing It is synthesized in the nucleus from a DNA tem-
the bases adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine plate in a process known as transcription, and it
(G), and cytosine (C). Proteins are composed carries an imprint of the information contained
of twenty different building blocks known as in DNA. For every A found in DNA, the mRNA
amino acids. The dilemma that confronted sci- carries the base U. For every T in DNA, the
entists was to explain the mechanism by which mRNA carries an A. The Gs in DNA become Cs
the four bases in DNA could be responsible for in mRNA, and the Cs in DNA become Gs in
the specific arrangement of the twenty amino mRNA. The information in mRNA is found in a
acids during the synthesis of proteins. form that is complementary to the nucleotide
The solution to the problem arose as a result sequence in DNA. The mRNA is transported to
of both theoretical considerations and labora- the ribosomes and takes the place of DNA in di-
tory evidence. Experiments done in the labora- recting the synthesis of a protein.
tories of Charles Yanofsky and Sydney Brenner
provided evidence that the order, or sequence, Deciphering the Code
of the bases in DNA was important in determin- The actual assignment of codons to specific
ing the sequence of amino acids in proteins. amino acids resulted from a series of elegant
Francis Crick proposed that the bases formed experiments that began with the work of Mar-
triplet code words. He reasoned that if a sin- shall Nirenberg and Heinrich Matthaei in
gle base specified a single amino acid, it would 1961. They obtained a synthetic mRNA consist-
only be possible to have a protein made up of ing of polyuridylic acid, or poly (U), made up
four amino acids. If two bases at a time speci- of a string of Us. They added poly (U) to a cell-
fied amino acids, it would only be possible to free system that contained ribosomes and all
code for sixteen amino acids. If the four bases other ingredients necessary to make proteins
were used three at a time, Crick proposed, it in vitro. When the twenty amino acids were
320 Genetic Code, Cracking of

added to the system, the protein that was pro-

duced contained a string of a single amino
acid, phenylalanine. Since the only base in the
synthetic mRNA was U, Nirenberg and Mat-
thaei had discovered the code for phenylala-
nine: UUU. Because UUU in mRNA is comple-
mentary to AAA in DNA, the actual DNA bases
that direct the synthesis of phenylalanine are
AAA. By convention, the term codon is used
to designate the mRNA bases that code for spe-
cific amino acids. Therefore UUU, the first Image not available
code word to be discovered, was the codon for
Using cell-free systems, other codons were
soon discovered by employing other synthetic
mRNAs. AAA was shown to code for lysine, and
CCC was shown to code for proline. Scientists
working in the laboratory of Severo Ochoa be-
gan to synthesize artificial mRNAs using more
than one base. These artificial messengers pro-
duced proteins with various proportions of
amino acids. Using this technique, it was shown
that a synthetic codon with twice as many Us as The assignment of codons to specific amino acids resulted from
Gs specified valine. It was not clear, however, if a series of elegant experiments that began with the work of Mar-
the codon was UUG, UGU, or GUU. Har shall Nirenberg (above) and Heinrich Matthaei in 1961.
Gobind Khorana and his colleagues began to (Jim Willier-Stokes Imaging)
synthesize artificial mRNA with predictable nu-
cleotide sequences, and the use of this type of
mRNA contributed to the assignment of addi- molecule known as transfer RNA (tRNA). Spe-
tional codons to specific amino acids. cific enzymes connect the amino acids to their
In 1964, Philip Leder and Nirenberg devel- corresponding tRNA; the tRNA then carries
oped a cell-free protein-synthesizing system in the amino acid to the appropriate protein as-
which they could add triplet codons of known sembly location specified by the codon. The
sequence. Using this new system, as well as tRNA molecules contain recognition triplets
Khoranas synthetic messengers, scientists known as anticodons, which are complemen-
could assign GUU to valine and eventually were tary to the codons on the mRNA. Thus, the
able to assign all but three of the possible tRNA that carries phenylalanine and recog-
codons to specific amino acids. These three nizes UUU contains an AAA anticodon.
codons, UAA, UAG, and UGA, were referred to By 1966, all the codons had been discovered.
as nonsense codons because they did not Since some codons had been identified as stop
code for any of the twenty amino acids. The codons, scientists had begun searching for one
nonsense codons were later found to be a type or more possible start codons. Since all pro-
of genetic punctuation mark; they act as stop teins were shown to begin with the amino acid
signals to specify the end of a protein. methionine or a modified form of methionine
There is no direct interaction between the (which is later removed), the methionine co-
mRNA codon and the amino acid for which it don, AUG, was identified as the start codon for
codes. Yet another type of RNA molecule was most proteins. It is interesting that AUG also
found to act as a bridge or, in Cricks terminol- codes for methionine when this amino acid oc-
ogy, an adaptor between the mRNA codon curs at other sites within the protein.
and the amino acid. This type of RNA is a small The cracking of the genetic code gave scien-
Genetic Counseling 321

tists a valuable genetic tool. Once the amino entific discovery; three chapters are devoted
acid sequence was known for a protein, or for to the genetic code.
even a small portion of a protein, knowledge of Judson, Horace Freeland. The Eighth Day of Cre-
the genetic code allowed scientists to search for ation. Rev. ed. Cold Harbor Spring, N.Y.:
the gene that codes for the protein or, in some Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1997.
cases, to design and construct the gene itself. It A noted and fascinating history of molecular
also became possible to predict the sequence of biology that details the deciphering of the
amino acids in a protein if the sequence of nu- genetic code.
cleotide bases in a gene were known. Knowl- Kay, Lily E. Who Wrote the Book of Life? A History of
edge of the genetic code became invaluable in the Genetic Code. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford
understanding the genetic basis of mutation University Press, 2000. Kay brings myriad
and in attempts to correct these mutations by sources together to describe research on the
gene therapy. The discovery of the genetic code genetic code between 1953 and 1970, the
was therefore key to the development of genet- rise of communication technosciences, the
ics in the late twentieth century, perhaps out- intersection of molecular biology with crypta-
shined only by the discovery of DNAs double- nalysis and linguistics, and the social history
helical structure in 1953 and the completion of of postwar Europe and the United States.
the Human Genome Project in 2003. Portugal, Franklin H., and Jack S. Cohn. A Cen-
Barbara Brennessel tury of DNA: A History of the Discovery of the
See also: Central Dogma of Molecular Biol- Structure and Function of the Genetic Substance.
ogy; Chromosome Structure; Chromosome Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1977. Pro-
Theory of Heredity; DNA Replication; DNA vides a comprehensive historical back-
Structure and Function; Evolutionary Biology; ground and identifies many of the scientists
Genetic Code; Genetics, Historical Develop- who worked to solve the genetic code.
ment of; Human Genome Project; Mendelian Trainor, Lynn E. H. The Triplet Genetic Code: The
Genetics; Molecular Genetics; One Gene-One Key to Molecular Biology. River Edge, N.J.:
Enzyme Hypothesis; Protein Structure; Protein World Scientific, 2001. Intended for nonspe-
Synthesis; RNA Structure and Function; RNA cialists as well as professionals, surveys the
Transcription and mRNA Processing; RNA fundamentals of the genetic code and how it
World. has come to revolutionize thinking about liv-
ing systems as a whole.
Further Reading
Crick, Francis H. C. The Genetic Code III. Sci- Web Site of Interest
entific American 215 (October, 1966). Re- Cracking the Code of Life. http://www.pbs.org/
printed in The Chemical Basis of Life: An Intro- wgbh/nova/genome. The companion Web
duction to Molecular and Cell Biology. San site to the 2001 PBS broadcast of the same
Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1973. The co- name. Discusses heredity, gene manipula-
discoverer of DNAs double helical structure tion, DNA sequencing, a journey into DNA,
summarizes the story of the genetic code. and more.
_______. The Genetic Code: Yesterday, Today,
and Tomorrow. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia
on Quantitative Biology 31 (1966). Summarizes
how the genetic code was solved and serves
as an introduction to papers presented dur-
Genetic Counseling
ing a symposium on the genetic code. Field of study: Human genetics and social
Edey, Maitland A., and Donald C. Johnson. issues
Blueprints: Solving the Mystery of Evolution. Re- Significance: Genetic counseling involves helping
print. New York: Viking, 1990. Focuses on individuals or families cope with genetic syn-
evolution from the molecular genetic per- dromes or diseases that exist, or could potentially
spective and emphasizes the process of sci- occur, in a family setting. Genetic counselors pro-
322 Genetic Counseling

vide information regarding the occurrence or risk discovered the double-helix structure of DNA,
of occurrence of genetic disorders, discuss avail- the molecule that carries the genetic informa-
able options for dealing with those risks, and help tion in the cells of most living organisms. Three
families determine their best course of action. years later, human cells were found to contain
forty-six chromosomes each.
Key terms These discoveries, along with other develop-
genetic screening: the process of investigat- ments in genetics, periodically generated ef-
ing a specific population of people to detect forts (often misguided) to control the exis-
the presence of genetic defects tence of inferior genes, a concept known as
nondirective counseling: a practice that val- eugenics. Charles F. Dight, a physician influ-
ues patient autonomy and encourages pa- enced by the eugenics movement, left his estate
tients to reach a decision that is right for in 1927 To Promote Biological Race Better-
them based upon their personal beliefs and mentbetterment in Human Brain Structure
values and Mental Endowment and therefor[e] in Be-
pedigree analysis: analysis of a familys his- havior. In 1941 the Dight Institute for Human
tory by listing characteristics such as age, Genetics began to shift their emphasis from eu-
sex, and state of health of family members, genics to genetic studies of individual families.
used to determine the characteristics of a ge- In 1947, Sheldon Reed began working at the
netic disease and the risk of passing it on to Dight Institute as a genetic consultant to indi-
offspring vidual families. Reed believed that his profes-
prenatal diagnosis: the process of detecting sion should put the clients needs before all
a variety of birth defects and inherited disor- other considerations and that it should be sepa-
ders before a baby is born by various imaging rated from the concept of eugenics. He re-
technologies, genetic tests and biochemical jected the older names for his work, such as
assays genetic hygiene, and substituted genetic
counseling to describe the type of social work
The Establishment of Genetic Counseling contributing to the benefit of the family. As a
Historically, people have long understood result, the field of genetic counseling was born
that some physical characteristics are heredi- and separated itself from the direct concern of
tary and that particular defects are often com- its effect upon the state or politics. In fact, Reed
mon among relatives. This concept was widely predicted that genetic counseling would have
accepted by expectant parents and influenced been rejected had it been presented as a form
the thinking of many scientists who experi- of eugenics.
mented with heredity in plants and animals. Genetic counseling developed as a preven-
Many efforts were made to understand, pre- tive tool and became more diagnostic in nature
dict, and control the outcome of reproduction as it moved from academic centers to the major
in humans and other organisms. Gregor Men- medical centers. In 1951, there were ten ge-
dels experiments with garden peas in the mid- netic counseling centers in the United States
1800s led to the understanding of the relation- employing academically affiliated geneticists.
ship between traits in parents and their off- Melissa Richter and Joan Marks were instru-
spring. During the early twentieth century, mental in the development of the first graduate
Walter Sutton proposed that newly discovered program in genetic counseling at Sarah Law-
hereditary factors were physically located on rence College in New York in 1969. By the early
complex structures within the cells of living or- 1970s, there were nearly nine hundred genetic
ganisms. This led to the chromosome theory of counseling centers worldwide. By 2002 there
inheritance, which explains mechanically how were approximately two thousand genetic
genetic information is transmitted from parent counselors in the United States not only work-
to offspring in a regular, orderly manner. In ing with individual families concerning genetic
1953, James Watson and Francis Crick (along conditions but also involved in teaching, re-
with Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin) search, screening programs, public health, and
Genetic Counseling 323

the coordination of support groups. In 1990, sulted with patients or physicians about specific
the Human Genome Project began as a fifteen- risks of occurrence of genetic diseases. It was
year effort coordinated by the U.S. Depart- not until 1959, when French geneticist Jrme
ment of Energy and the National Institutes of Lejeune discovered that children with Down
Health to map and sequence the entire human syndrome have an extra chromosome 21, that
genome, prepare a model of the mouse ge- human genetics was finally brought to the at-
nome, expand medical technologies, and study tention of ordinary physicians. Rapid growth in
the ethical, legal, and social implications of ge- knowledge of inheritance patterns, improve-
netic research. ments in the ability to detect chromosomal
abnormalities, and the advent of screening pro-
The Training of the Genetic Counselor grams for certain diseases in high-risk popula-
Most genetic counseling students have un- tions all contributed to the increased interest
dergraduate degrees in genetics, nursing, psy- in genetic counseling. Development of the tech-
chology, biology, social work, or public health. nique of amniocentesis, which detects both
Training programs for genetic counselors are chromosomal and biochemical defects in fetal
typically two-year masters-level programs and cells, led to the increased specialization of ge-
include field training in medical genetics and netic counseling. By the 1970s, training of
counseling in addition to a variety of courses fo- genetic counselors focused on addressing pa-
cusing on genetics, psychosocial theory, and tients psychosocial as well as medical needs.
counseling techniques. During the two-year Genetic counseling thus became a voluntary
program, students obtain an in-depth back- social service intended exclusively for the ben-
ground in human genetics and counseling efit of the particular family involved.
through coursework and field training at ge- Genetic counselors provide information
netic centers. Coursework incorporates infor- and support to families who have members
mation on specific aspects of diseases, includ- with genetic disorders, individuals who them-
ing the prognoses, consequences, treatments, selves are affected with a genetic condition,
risks of occurrence, and prevention as they re- and families who may be at risk for a variety of
late to individuals or families. Field training at inherited genetic conditions, including Hun-
genetic centers enables students to develop re- tingtons disease (Huntingtons chorea), cystic
search, analytical, and communication skills fibrosis, and Tay-Sachs disease. The counselor
necessary to meet the needs of individuals at obtains the family medical history and medical
risk for a genetic disease. records in order to interpret information
Many genetic counselors work with M.D. or about the inherited genetic abnormality. Ge-
Ph.D. geneticists and may also be a part of a netic counselors analyze inheritance patterns,
health-care team that may include pediatri- review risks of recurrence, and offer available
cians, cardiologists, psychologists, endocrinol- options for the genetic condition. Other func-
ogists, cytologists, nurses, and social workers. tions of genetic counselors include discussing
Other genetic counselors are in private prac- genetic risks with blood-related couples consid-
tice or are engaged in research activities re- ering marriage, contacting parents during the
lated to the field of medical genetics and ge- crisis following fetal or neonatal death, prepar-
netic counseling. Genetic counseling most ing a community for a genetic population
commonly takes place in medical centers, screening program, and informing couples
where specialists work together in clinical ge- about genetically related causes of their infer-
netics units and have access to diagnostic facili- tility. A pregnant patient is most commonly re-
ties, including genetic laboratories and equip- ferred to a genetic counselor by an obstetrician
ment for prenatal screening. because of her advanced age (thirty-five years
or older).
The Role of the Genetic Counselor In addition to obtaining accurate diagnosis
Prior to the 1960s, most genetic counselors of the genetic abnormality, genetic counselors
were individuals with genetic training who con- strive to explain the genetic information as
324 Genetic Counseling

clearly as possible, making sure that the individ- performed earlier in the pregnancy (during
ual or family understands the information fully the tenth to twelfth weeks of gestation). Fetal
and accurately. The genetic counselor must blood sampling can be performed safely only
evaluate the reliability of the diagnosis and the after eighteen weeks of pregnancy. An ultra-
risk of occurrence of the genetic disease. Be- sound, offered to all pregnant women, uses
cause the reliability of various tests will affect a high-frequency sound waves to create a visual
patients decision about genetic testing and image of the fetus and detects anatomical de-
abortion, the counselor must give the patient a fects such as spina bifida, cleft lip, or certain
realistic understanding of the meaning and in- heart malformations. Pedigree analysis may
herent ambiguity of test results. Most genetic also be used for diagnostic purposes and to de-
counselors practice the principle of nondirec- termine the risk of passing a genetic abnormal-
tiveness and value patient autonomy. They pre- ity on to future generations. A pedigree of the
sent information on the benefits, limitations, family history is constructed, listing the sex,
and risks of diagnostic procedures without rec- age, and state of health of the patients close
ommending a course of action, encouraging relatives; from that, recurrent miscarriages,
patients to reach their own decisions based on stillbirths, and infant deaths are explored.
their personal beliefs and values. This attitude Prenatal diagnostic techniques are used to
reflects the historical shift of genetic counseling identify many structural birth defects, chromo-
away from eugenics toward a focus on the indi- somal abnormalities, and more than five hun-
vidual family. The code of ethics of the National dred specific disorders. Genetic counselors
Society of Genetic Counselors states that its who believe that their client is at risk for passing
members strive to respect their clients beliefs, on a particular disease may suggest several ge-
cultural traditions, inclinations, circumstances, netic tests, depending on the risk the patient
and feelings as well as provide the means for may face. Screening of populations with high
their clients to make informed independent frequencies of certain hereditary conditions,
decisions, free of coercion, by providing or illu- such as Tay-Sachs disease among Ashkenazi
minating the necessary facts and clarifying the Jews, is encouraged so that high-risk couples
alternatives and anticipated consequences. can be identified and their pregnancies moni-
tored for affected fetuses. Pregnant women
Diagnosis of Genetic Abnormalities may also be advised to undergo testing if an ab-
In the latter half of the twentieth century, normality has been found by the doctor, the
discoveries in genetics and developments in re- mother will be thirty-five years of age or older at
productive technology contributed to the ad- the time of delivery, the couple has a family his-
vancements in prenatal diagnosis and genetic tory of a particular genetic abnormality, the
counseling. Prenatal diagnostic procedures mother has a history of stillbirths or miscar-
eventually became an established part of ob- riages, or the mother is a carrier of metabolic
stetrical practice with the development of am- disorders (for example, hemophilia) that can
niocentesis in the 1960s, followed by ultra- be passed from mothers to their sons.
sound, chorionic villus sampling (CVS), and The Human Genome Project is expected to
fetal blood sampling. Amniocentesis, CVS, and have a dramatic impact on presymptomatic
fetal blood sampling are ways to obtain fetal diagnosis of individuals carrying specific dis-
cells for analysis and detection of various types eases, multigene defects involved in common
of diseases. Amniocentesis, a cytogenetic analy- diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, and
sis of the cells within the fluid surrounding the individual susceptibility to environmental fac-
fetus, is performed between the fifteenth and tors that interact with genes to produce dis-
twentieth weeks of gestation and detects possi- eases. The isolation and sequencing of genes
ble chromosomal abnormalities such as Down associated with genetic abnormalities such as
syndrome and trisomy 18. The information ob- cystic fibrosis, kidney disease, Alzheimers dis-
tained from CVS is similar to that obtained ease, and Huntingtons disease (Huntingtons
from amniocentesis, except the testing can be chorea) allow for individuals to be tested for
Genetic Counseling 325

those specific conditions. Many genetic tests the birth of children with genetic defects. Since
have been developed so that the detection of most genetic conditions can be neither treated
genetic conditions can be made earlier and nor modified in pregnancy, abortion is often
with more precision. the preventive measure used. Thus, ethical is-
sues concerning the respect for autonomy of
Ethical Aspects of Genetic Counseling the unborn child must also be considered.
With advancements in human genetics and Jamalynne Stuck and Doug McElroy
reproductive technology, fundamental moral See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil-
and ethical questions may arise during difficult lus Sampling; Bioethics; Gene Therapy; Gene
decision-making processes involving genetic Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetic
abnormalities for which families may be unpre- Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetic Testing:
pared. Diagnosis of a particular genetic disease Ethical and Economic Issues; Hereditary Dis-
may allow individuals or families to make future eases; Human Genetics; In Vitro Fertilization
plans and financial arrangements. However, and Embryo Transfer; Insurance; Linkage
improvements in the capability to diagnose nu- Maps; Pedigree Analysis; Prenatal Diagnosis.
merous hereditary diseases often exceed the
ability to treat such diseases. The awareness Further Reading
that an unborn child is genetically predisposed Leroy, Bonnie, Dianne M. Bartels, and Arthur
toward a disease with no known cure may lead L. Caplan, eds. Prescribing Our Future: Ethical
to traumatic anxiety and depression. The psy- Challenges in Genetic Counseling. New York: Al-
chological aspects of genetic counseling and dine de Gruyter, 1993. Offers ethical insights
genetic centers must therefore continue to be into the implications of genetic counseling,
explored in genetic centers throughout the including the issue of neutrality, the poten-
world. tial impact of the Human Genome Project,
Questions about who should have access to workplace ideology of counselors, and the
the data containing patients genetic makeup role of public policy.
must also be considered as the ability to screen Resta, Robert G., ed. Psyche and Helix: Psychologi-
for genetic diseases increases. Violating pa- cal Aspects of Genetic Counseling. New York:
tients privacy could have devastating conse- Wiley-Liss, 2000. Articles reprinted from
quences, such as genetic discrimination in job myriad sources cover topics pertaining to
hiring and availability of health coverage. Em- the medical, social, psychological, and emo-
ployers and insurance companies have already tional effects of genetic diseases, including
denied individuals such opportunities based the management of guilt and shame, patient
on information found through genetic testing. care, and a detailed analysis of a genetic
Disclosure of genetic information not only con- counseling session.
tributes to acts of discrimination but also may Rothman, Barbara Katz. The Tentative Pregnancy:
result in physical and psychological harm to in- How Amniocentesis Changes the Experience of
dividuals. Motherhood. Rev. ed. New York: Norton, 1993.
With data derived from the Human Genome Provides a discussion of decisions faced by
Project increasing rapidly, problems arising patients who seek genetic counseling.
from the application of new genetic knowledge Schneider, Katherine A. Counseling About Can-
in clinical practice must be addressed. The cer: Strategies for Genetic Counseling. 2d ed.
norm of nondirective counseling will be chal- New York: Wiley-Liss, 2002. A thorough re-
lenged, raising questions of who provides and source to help genetic counselors and other
who receives information and how it is given. health care providers effectively assist pa-
Many believe that genetic counseling is benefi- tients and families in managing hereditary
cial to those faced with genetic abnormalities, cancer. Gives clinical features of thirty can-
while others fear that genetic counseling is a cer syndromes, tables listing major cancer
form of negative eugenics, an attempt to im- syndromes by cancer type, and many case
prove humanity as a whole by discouraging studies.
326 Genetic Engineering

Weil, Jon. Psychosocial Genetic Counseling. New nostic, and therapeutic applications that promise
York: Oxford University Press, 2000. Exam- to help prevent and treat a wide range of genetic
ines the psychosocial components of coun- diseases.
seling interactions, including the role of
emotions such as anxiety and guilt, and the Key terms
complex process of decision making. Illus- biotechnology: the application of recombi-
trated. nant DNA technology to the development of
Wexler, Alice. Mapping Fate: A Memoir of Family, specific products and procedures
Risk, and Genetic Research. Berkeley: Univer- cloning: the process by which large amounts
sity of California Press, 1996. Describes Wex- of a single gene or genome (the entire ge-
lers personal quest to discover the genetic netic content of a cell) are reproduced
basis for Huntingtons disease. complementary base pairing: hydrogen bond
Young, Ian D. Introduction to Risk Calculation in formation that only occurs between adenine
Genetic Counseling. 2d ed. New York: Oxford and thymine or cytosine and guanine
University Press, 1999. Designed for profes- DNA sequence analysis: chemical methods
sionals, but useful to consumers in under- that permit the determination of the order
standing the different types of quantitative of nucleotide bases in a DNA molecule
risk assessment. Illustrated. genomic library: a collection of clones that
includes the entire genome of a single spe-
Web Sites of Interest cies as fragments ligated to vector DNA
American Board of Genetic Counseling. http: probe hybridization: a method that permits
//www.faseb.org/genetics/abgc/abgcmenu the identification of a unique sequence of
.htm. A professional organization that edu- DNA bases using a single-stranded DNA
cates, administers examinations, and certi- segment complementary to the unique se-
fies genetic counselors. quence and carrying a molecular tag allow-
Human Genome Project Information, Genetic ing identification
Counseling. http://www.doegenomes.org. transgenic organism: a species in which the
Site links to genetic counseling information genome has been modified by the insertion
and related resources. of genes obtained from another species
National Society of Genetic Counselors. http:// vector: a segment of DNA, usually derived
www.nsgc.org. Offers a search engine for from viruses, bacteria, or yeast, that contains
locating genetic counselors in the United regulatory sequences that permit the ampli-
States and a newsroom with press releases fication of single genes or genetic segments
and fact sheets about the counseling ser-
vices. Restriction Enzymes
Many of the methods used in genetic engi-
neering represent adaptations of naturally oc-
curring genetic processes. One of the earliest
Genetic Engineering and most significant discoveries was the identi-
fication of a family of DNA enzymes called re-
Field of study: Genetic engineering and striction endonucleases, more commonly
biotechnology called restriction enzymes. Restriction enzymes
Significance: The development of the tools of recom- are DNA-modifying enzymes produced by mi-
binant DNA technology used in genetic engineer- croorganisms as a protection against viral infec-
ing has generated unprecedented inquiry into the tion; their uniqueness and utility in recombi-
nature of the living system and has revolutionized nant DNA technology reside in their ability to
the study of genetics. The implications of this re- cleave DNA at precise recognition sites based
search are far-reaching, ranging from a better on DNA sequence specificity. Several hundred
understanding of basic biological principles and restriction enzymes have been isolated, and
molecular mechanisms to pharmacological, diag- many recognize unique DNA segments and ini-
Genetic Engineering 327

tiate DNA cleavage only at these sites. The site- the host cell, the recombinant plasmid will be
specific cleavages generated by restriction en- replicated by the host cell, along with the hosts
zymes can be used to produce a unique set of own genome. Bacterial cells reproduce rapidly
DNA segments that can be used to map indi- and generate large colonies of cells, each cell
vidual genes and distinguish them from all containing a copy of the recombinant plasmid.
other genes. This type of genetic analysis, based By this process the fragment of DNA in the re-
on differences in the sizes of DNA segments combinant vector is cloned.
from different genes or different individuals The cloned DNA can then be isolated from
when cleaved with restriction enzymes, is re- the bacterial cells and used for other applica-
ferred to as restriction fragment length poly- tions or studies. Plasmids are useful for cloning
morphism (RFLP) analysis. small genes or DNA fragments; larger frag-
If genes or DNA segments from different ments can be cloned using viral vectors such
sources or species are cleaved with the same re- as the bacterial virus (bacteriophage) lambda
striction enzyme, the DNA segments produced, (phage ). This virus can infect bacterial cells
though genetically unrelated, can be mixed to- and reproduce to high copy number. If nones-
gether to produce recombinant DNA. This oc- sential viral genes are removed, recombinant
curs because most restriction enzymes produce viruses containing genes of interest can be pro-
complementary, linear, single-stranded DNA duced. Synthetic recombinant vectors incorpo-
ends that can join together. An additional en- rating bacterial and viral components, called
zyme called DNA ligase is used to seal the link cosmids, have also been developed. In addi-
between the DNA molecules with covalent tion, synthetic minichromosomes called yeast
bonds. This procedure, developed in the 1970s, artificial chromosomes (YACs), which incorpo-
is at the core of recombinant DNA technology rate large segments of chromosomal DNA and
and can be used to analyze the structure and which are capable of replication in bacterial or
function of the genome at the molecular level. eukaryotic systems, have been developed.
Another key development has been the use
of vectors to amplify DNA fragments. Vectors
are specially designed DNA molecules derived DNA Sequence Analysis
from viruses, bacteria, or other microorgan- A further key discovery in genetic engineer-
isms, such as yeast, that contain regulatory se- ing has been the development of chemical
quences permitting the amplification or ex- methods of DNA sequence analysis. These
pression of a DNA fragment or gene. Vectors methods permit a determination of the linear
are available for numerous applications. sequence of nucleotide bases in DNA. DNA se-
quence analysis permits a direct determination
Vectors of gene structure with respect to regulatory
Plasmids are small, circular DNAs that have and protein-coding regions and can be used to
been isolated from many species of bacteria. predict the structure and function of proteins
These naturally occurring molecules often en- encoded by specific genes.
code antibiotic resistance genes that can be There are many important applications of
transferred from one bacterial cell to another the basic principles of genetic engineering. No-
in a process called transformation. In the labo- table examples include the Human Genome
ratory, plasmids can be used as vectors in the Project, the identification and characterization
amplification of genes inserted by restriction of human disease genes, the production of
enzyme treatment of both vector and insert large amounts of proteins for therapeutic or in-
DNA, followed by DNA ligation to produce re- dustrial purposes, the creation of genetically
combinant plasmids. The recombinant DNA is engineered plants that are disease-resistant
then inserted into host bacterial cells by trans- and show higher productivity, the creation of
formation, a routine process in which bacterial genetically engineered microorganisms that
cells are made competent, that is, able to take can help clean up pollution, and the treatment
up DNA from their surroundings. Once inside of genetic disorders using gene therapy.
328 Genetic Engineering

Gene Cloning for the chloride channel conductance pro-

The ability to clone DNA fragments has di- tein). The identification of these disease genes
rectly facilitated DNA sequence analysis. In ad- has permitted the design of diagnostic tests
dition to allowing the better understanding of and in some cases therapeutic strategies, in-
specific genes, cloning was an integral tool in cluding attempts to replace defective genes.
the Human Genome Project, an international The analysis of gene function has been made
effort to elucidate the structure of the entire possible by a process called site-directed muta-
human genome. The Human Genome Project genesis, in which specific mutations can be in-
offers the promise of greatly increasing the un- troduced into cloned genes. These mutant
derstanding of the genes responsible for in- genes can then be inserted into expression vec-
herited single-gene disorders as well as the in- tors, where the faulty protein can be produced
volvement of specific genes in multifactorial and studied. Alternatively, the mutant genes
disorders such as coronary heart disease. can be introduced into animals, such as mice,
The underlying genetic defects for a num- to explore the effects of specific mutations on
ber of disease-causing genes have been identi- development and cell function.
fied, including sickle-cell disease (which results
from a single nucleotide base substitution in Transgenic Organisms
one of the globin genes), Duchenne muscular One of the earliest successes in producing
dystrophy (caused by deletions in the muscle transgenic organisms was when Escherichia coli
protein gene for dystrophin), and cystic fibro- bacteria were engineered to produce human
sis (caused by a variety of mutations in the gene insulin for the treatment of diabetes. The tech-

Image not available

Among less well known genetic engineering projects is the work of Oregon State University professor Steve Strauss and his colleagues,
who are genetically modifying poplar trees to grow larger leaves in order to find genes that affect growth. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Genetic Engineering 329

nology involved the cloning of the human gene guns. This method is particularly useful
insulin gene and its insertion into bacterial ex- for inserting genes into plant cells that are re-
pression vectors. Subsequently, many gene sistant to DNA uptake because of thick cell
products have been produced by genetically walls.
engineered microorganisms, including clotting Genetically engineered transgenic species
factors (used in the treatment of hemophilia), have many biological uses. Transgenic animals
growth factors such as epidermal growth factor have been used to analyze the functions of spe-
(used to accelerate wound healing) and colony- cific genes in development and to generate ani-
stimulating factors (used to stimulate blood mal models of human diseases. For example, a
cell formation in the bone marrow), and inter- transgenic mouse strain incorporating a hu-
ferons (used in the treatment of immune sys- man breast cancer gene has been developed to
tem disorders and certain types of cancer). The explore the mechanisms by which this disease
advantages of using genetically engineered occurs. In addition, transgenic mice have been
products are enormous: Therapeutic proteins used to analyze the normal functions of spe-
or hormones can be produced in much larger cific genes by producing knockout mice,
amounts than could be obtained from tissue whose genomes contain mutated, nonfunc-
isolation, and the genetically engineered prod- tional copies of the genes of interest. This tech-
ucts are free of viruses and other contaminants. nology, developed by Mario Capecchi, uses
Introduction of foreign genes into the fertil- homologous recombination, in which only
ized eggs of host animals is called germ-line complementary nucleotide base pairs carry
transformation and involves the insertion of in- out the genetic exchange within the host chro-
dividual genes into fertilized eggs. After the mosome. Thus, the effects of the inserted gene,
eggs are implanted in foster mothers, the re- or transgene, on development and physiology
sulting transgenic offspring will have the mu- can be examined. Knockout mice lacking a
tated gene in all their cells and will be able to functional adenosine deaminase (ADA) gene,
pass the gene on to their future offspring. for example, show disease characteristics com-
Many of the methods for introducing for- parable to those of humans with severe com-
eign genes into host cells take advantage of the bined immunodeficiency disorder (SCID).
naturally occurring processes facilitated by vi- These mice have been very useful for determin-
ruses. Genetically engineered retroviruses, for ing the efficacy of novel treatments, including
example, can be used to insert a foreign gene the replacement of the faulty gene by gene
into a recipient cell following viral infection. therapy.
Foreign genes may also be incorporated into Transgenic animals have also been devel-
lipid membranes to form liposomes, which oped to produce therapeutic gene products
then can bind to the target cell and insert the in large quantities. For example, transgenic
gene. Chemical methods of gene transfer in- sheep have been developed that secrete the hu-
clude the use of calcium phosphate or dextran man protein alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) in their
sulfate to generate pores in the recipient cell milk. AAT is used to treat an inherited form of
membrane through which the foreign DNA en- emphysema. The process involves the microin-
ters the cell. Microinjection involves the use of jection of fertilized sheep eggs with the human
microscopic needles to insert foreign DNA di- AAT gene linked to regulatory sequences that
rectly into the nucleus of the target cell and is allow the gene to be actively expressed in the
often used to insert genetic material into fertil- mammary tissue. Although the process of gen-
ized eggs. Electroporation involves the use of erating transgenic animals is inefficient, indi-
an electric current to open pores in the cell vidual transgenic animals can produce tremen-
membrane, permitting DNA uptake by the re- dous amounts of gene products that can be
cipient cell. Finally, particle bombardment rep- readily purified from the milk. Additional trans-
resents a method of gene transfer in which genic livestock have been engineered to pro-
metal pellets coated with DNA are transferred duce tissue plasminogen activator (used in the
into target cells under high pressure using treatment of blood clots), hemoglobin (used as
330 Genetic Engineering

a blood substitute), erythropoietin (used to killed or attenuated (weakened) live viral vac-
stimulate red blood cell formation in kidney di- cine because of the risk of developing the dis-
alysis patients), human growth hormone (used ease from the vaccination. Genetically engi-
to treat pituitary dwarfism), and factor VIII neered viruses may also be useful in the
(used to treat hemophilia). treatment of diseases such as cancer since they
Transgenic plants have also been produced, could be designed to target specific cells with
using the Ti (tumor-inducing) plasmid. This abnormal cell surface receptors. Recombinant
plasmid is found naturally in the bacterium adenoviruses containing a single gene muta-
Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The Ti plasmid has tion have been engineered that are capable of
been used to transfer a toxin gene from the lethal infection in cancer cells but not in nor-
bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis that kills insect mal tissues of the body.
pests, thereby avoiding the use of pesticides.
Impact and Applications
Genetically Engineered Viruses The methods of recombinant DNA technol-
An additional medical application involves ogy have revolutionized our understanding of
the use of genetically engineered viruses in the the molecular basis of life and have led to a vari-
treatment of genetic diseases. Retroviruses are ety of useful applications. Some of the most im-
the most important group of viruses used for portant discoveries have involved an increased
these purposes, since the life cycle of the virus understanding of the molecular basis of dis-
involves the incorporation of the viral genome ease processes, which has led to new methods
into host chromosomes. Removal of most of of diagnosis and treatment. Genetically engi-
the viruss own structural genes removes its neered animals can be used to produce unlim-
ability to cause disease, while the regulatory ited amounts of therapeutic gene products and
genes are retained and ligated to the therapeu- can also serve as genetic models to enhance un-
tic gene. The recombinant retrovirus then be- derstanding of the physiological basis of dis-
comes harmless; however, it can still enter a cell ease. Plants can be genetically engineered for
and become integrated into the host cell ge- increased productivity and disease resistance.
nome, where it can direct the expression of the Genetically engineered viruses have been de-
therapeutic gene. The first successful clinical veloped as vaccines against infectious disease.
application was the use of genetically engi- The methods of recombinant DNA technology
neered retroviruses in the treatment of severe were originally developed from natural prod-
combined immunodeficiency disorder (SCID). ucts and processes that occur within the living
Viruses with a functional copy of the ADA gene system. The ultimate goals of this research
were able to reverse SCID. However, in 2002 re- must involve applications that preserve the in-
searchers in France and the United States dis- tegrity and continuity of the living system.
covered that this treatment appears to lead to a Sarah Crawford Martinelli,
greatly increased risk of developing leukemia, updated by Bryan Ness
and clinical trials were suspended. See also: Animal Cloning; Biopharmaceuti-
Similar methods have been used to develop cals; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues; Cloning
recombinant vaccines. For example, a recom- Vectors; DNA Replication; DNA Sequencing
binant vaccinia virus has been produced by the Technology; Gene Therapy; Gene Therapy:
insertion of genes from other viruses. During Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetic Engi-
the process of infection, the recombinant vac- neering: Agricultural Applications; Genetic
cinia virus produces proteins from the foreign Engineering: Historical Development; Ge-
genes, which act as antigens which lead to im- netic Engineering: Industrial Applications;
munity following vaccination. This strategy is Genetic Engineering: Medical Applications; Ge-
particularly useful in the development of vac- netic Engineering: Risks; Genetic Engineering:
cines against viruses that are highly pathogenic Social and Ethical Issues; Genetically Modified
such as the human immunodeficiency virus (GM) Foods; High-Yield Crops; Knockout Ge-
(HIV), in which it is not possible to use a whole netics and Knockout Mice; Polymerase Chain
Genetic Engineering 331

Reaction; Restriction Enzymes; Reverse Tran- manipulate genes, and modern applications
scriptase; Shotgun Cloning; Synthetic Genes; of genetic engineering. Illustrated.
Transgenic Organisms; Xenotransplants. Steinberg, Mark, and Sharon D. Cosloy, eds.
The Facts On File Dictionary of Biotechnology and
Further Reading Genetic Engineering. New ed. New York: Check-
Altieri, Miguel A. Genetic Engineering in Agricul- mark Books, 2001. Collects sixteen hundred
ture. Chicago: LPC Group, 2001. Raises seri- medical, chemical, and engineering terms
ous questions about the drive toward geneti- relating to plant and animal biology and mo-
cally engineered crops. lecular genetics and genetic engineering.
Anderson, Luke. Genetic Engineering, Food, and Four appendices cover acronyms and abbre-
Our Environment. White River Junction, Vt.: viations, the genetic code, purine and pyrim-
Chelsea Green, 1999. Introduces issues sur- idine bases, and amino acid side chains.
rounding genetic engineering, including Walker, Mark, and David McKay. Unravelling
the social, environmental, and health impli- Genes: A Laypersons Guide to Genetic Engineer-
cations arising from the commercial use of ing. St. Leonards, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin,
this technology in food and farming. 2000. Explains the core concepts of genetic
Boylan, Michael, and Kevin E. Brown. Genetic engineering, including the scientific princi-
Engineering: Science and Ethics on the New Fron- ples and technological advances that have
tier. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, made gene therapy, cloning, and genetically
2001. Written by a biologist and philoso- modified food products available. Special fo-
pher, this text includes discussions on the cus is given to gene therapy treatments for
professional and practical principles of con- Alzheimers disease, cystic fibrosis, and he-
duct, the biology of genetic therapy, the lim- mophilia.
its of science, somatic gene therapy, en- Williams, J. G., A. Ceccarelli, and A. Wallace.
hancement, cloning, and germ line therapy. Genetic Engineering. 2d ed. New York:
Illustrated. Springer, 2001. Surveys some of the tech-
Drlica, Karl. Understanding DNA and Gene Clon- niques which have made recent advances in
ing: A Guide for the Curious. Rev. ed. New York: genetic engineering possible and shows how
Wiley, 2003. An excellent introduction to they are being applied to clinical problems.
the basic properties of DNA and its modern Yount, Lisa. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineer-
applications. Consists of four sections: basic ing. New York: Facts On File, 2000. Gives
molecular biology, manipulation of DNA, in- background on controversial genetic engi-
sights gained through the use of gene clon- neering technologies and the social, political,
ing (including a chapter on retroviruses), ethical, and legal issues they raise. Includes a
and human genetics. chronology from the birth of agriculture to
Hill, Walter E. Genetic Engineering: A Primer. recent findings.
Newark, N.J.: Harwood Academic, 2000.
Written to help those with little scientific Web Sites of Interest
background become conversant with the Centers for Disease Control, Office of Ge-
area generally called genetic engineering. nomics and Disease Prevention. http://
Illustrations, glossary, index. www.cdc.gov/genomics/default.htm. Of-
Le Vine, Harry, III. Genetic Engineering: A Refer- fers information on the genetic discoveries
ence Handbook. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC- and prevention of diseases in humans. In-
CLIO, 1999. Part of the series Contempo- cludes links to related resources.
rary World Issues, covers the basics of ge- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Biotechnol-
netic engineering. Illustrated. ogy: An Information Resource. http://www
Nicholl, Desmond S. T. An Introduction to Ge- .nal.usda.gov/bic. A government site that of-
netic Engineering. 2d ed. New York: Cambridge fers dozens of links to information on ge-
University Press, 2002. Three sections detail netic engineering (biotechnology). glossary,
basic molecular biology, methods used to and an annotated bibliography.
332 Genetic Engineering: Agricultural Applications

develop on the tips of the plants. Botanists use

Genetic Engineering: the infection process to introduce exogenous
Agricultural Applications genes of interest into host plant cells in order to
generate entire crop plants that express the
Field of study: Genetic engineering and novel gene.
biotechnology Unfortunately, it was discovered that A.
Significance: Genetic engineering is the deliberate tumefaciens could infect only dicotyledons such
manipulation of an organisms DNA by introduc- as potatoes, apples, pears, roses, tobacco, and
ing beneficial or eliminating specific genes in the soybeans. Monocotyledons like rice, wheat,
cell. For agricultural applications, the technology corn, barley, and oats could not be infected
enables scientists to isolate, modify, and insert with the bacterium. Three primary methods
genes into the same or different crop, clone an are used to overcome this problem: particle
adult plant from a single cell of a parent plant, bombardment, microinjection, and electropor-
and create genetically modified (GM) foods. ation. Particle bombardment is a process in
which microscopic DNA-coated pellets are shot
Key terms through the cell wall using a gene gun. Micro-
cloning: regeneration of full-grown adult injection involves the direct injection of DNA
group of organisms from some form of asex- material into a host cell using a finely drawn
ual reproductionfor example, from proto- micropipette needle. In electroporation, the
plasts recipient plant cell walls are removed with hy-
exogenous gene: a gene produced or origi- drolyzing enzymes to make protoplasts, and a
nating from outside an organism few pulses of electricity are used to produce
genome: the collection of all the DNA in an or- membrane holes through which some DNA
ganism can randomly enter.
plasmid: a small, circular DNA molecule that
occurs naturally in some bacteria and yeasts Reducing Damage from Pests, Predators,
protoplasts: plant cells whose cell walls have and Disease
been removed by enzymatic digestion Geneticists have identified many of the
recombinant DNA: a molecule of DNA formed genes for resistance to insect predation and
by the joining of DNA segments from differ- damage caused by viral, bacterial, and fungal
ent sources diseases in agricultural plants. For instance,
transgenic crop plant: a crop plant that con- seeds of common beans produce a protein that
tains a gene or genes that have been artifi- blocks the digestion of starch by two insect
cially inserted into its genome pests, cowpea weevil and Azuki bean weevil.
vector: a carrier organism, or a DNA mole- The gene for this protein has now been trans-
cule used to transmit genes in a transforma- ferred to the garden pea to protect stored pea
tion procedure seeds from pest infestation.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a common soil bac-
Producing Transgenic Crop Plants terium, produces an endotoxin called the Bt
To produce a transgenic crop, a desirable toxin. The Bt toxin, considered an environ-
gene from another organism, of the same or a mentally safe insecticide, is toxic to a number
different species, must first be spliced into a of caterpillars, including the tobacco horn-
vector such as a virus or a plasmid. In some worm and gypsy moth. An indirect approach to
cases additional modification of the gene may pest management completely bypasses the
be attempted in the laboratory. The most com- problem of plant transformation. This involves
mon vector used for producing transgenic inserting the Bt gene into the genome of a bac-
plants is the Ti plasmid, or tumor-inducing terium that colonizes the leaf, synthesizes, and
plasmid, found in the cells of the bacterium secrets the pesticide on the leaf surface. Trans-
called Agrobacterium tumefaciens. A. tumefaciens genic corn and cotton have also been modified
infection causes galls or tumorlike growths to with the Bt gene, enabling the plants to manu-
Genetic Engineering: Agricultural Applications 333

facture their own pesticide, which is nontoxic sight. It is estimated in 2003 that about 124 mil-
to humans. lion children in the world lack vitamin A, which
Glyphosate, the most widely used nonselec- puts them at risk of permanent blindness and
tive herbicide, and other broad-spectrum her- other serious diseases. Golden rice could help
bicides are often toxic to crop plants, as well as alleviate the serious problem of vitamin A defi-
the weeds they are intended to kill. A major ciency. Iron deficiency is the worlds worst nu-
thrust is to identify and transfer herbicide resis- trition disorder, causing anemia that affects
tance genes into crop plants. Cotton plants, for 2 billion people worldwide. The scientists have
example, have been genetically engineered to also managed to insert genes into rice to make
be resistant to certain herbicides. it iron-rich.
For improved quality of fruit after harvest,
Improving Crop Yield and Food Quality genetic engineers are inserting genes to slow
Genetic engineering is now being used to the rate of senescence (aging) and thus slow
modify crops, to improve the quality of food spoilage of harvested crops, especially fruits.
taste, fatty acid profile, protein content, sugar For example, scientists at Calgene (Davis, Cali-
composition, and resistance to spoilage. New, fornia) have inserted a gene into tomato plants
useful or attractive horticultural varieties are that blocks the synthesis of the enzyme poly-
also produced, by transforming plants with galacturonase, which causes tomato softening,
new or altered genes. For example, plants have thereby delaying aging (hence rotting) of the
been engineered that have additional genes for fruit.
enzymes that produce anthocyanins, which has Improved tolerance to environmental stress
resulted in flowers with unusual colors and pat- for agricultural plants is also being explored by
terns. biotechnology, especially for drought, saline
Cereals are the staple food and major source conditions, chilling temperatures, high light
of protein for a large percentage of the earths intensities, and extreme heat. Some plants have
population, and contain 10 percent protein in genes that enable them to adapt naturally to
the dry weight. Grains unfortunately lack one harsh environments, and genetic engineers are
or more essential amino acids and
therefore provide incomplete nutri-
tion. There are efforts to engineer
missing amino acids into cereal pro-
tein and to insert genes for higher
yields. The development of a high-
yielding dwarf rice plant so dramati-
cally helped the nutritional status of
millions of people in Southeast Asia
that it has been called the miracle
rice. Image not available
Researchers based at the Swiss Fed-
eral Institute of technology in Zurich
have genetically engineered a more
nutritious type of rice by inserting
three genes into rice that make the
plant produce beta-carotene or pro-
vitamin A. The color that is imparted
to the rice by the vitamin gives it the
name golden rice. Mammals, in-
cluding humans use beta-carotene,
from their food to produce vitamin Tobacco engineered to have no nicotine became economically important to
A, which is necessary for good eye- this Amish farmer during the drought of 2002. (AP/Wide World Photos)
334 Genetic Engineering: Agricultural Applications

Image not available

A demonstration in Seattle against Starbucks usage of genetically engineered ingredients, dubbed frankenfoods by protesters. Al-
though many in the developed nations of Europe and North American are concerned over unintended consequences, genetic engi-
neering in agriculture has made it possible to breed varieties of desirable crop plants with a wider range of tolerance for climatic and
soil conditions, as well as pests. Such crops offer hope that poorer nations will be able to feed their growing populations. (AP/Wide
World Photos)

using these genes to produce similar effects in terest to everyone because it impacts every as-
crop plants. pect of our daily living, and calls for ideas to be
Biotechnology has produced a marked in- tapped from all sectors of our communities. It
crease in crop productivity worldwide. In 1999, is a modern innovative trend that has become a
about 50 percent of the soybean, 33 percent of major thrust in agriculture by production of ge-
the corn, and 35 percent of the cotton crops in netically modified (GM) foods that are more
the United States and 62 percent of the canola nutritious and better preserved, but raises con-
crop in Canada were planted with genetically cerns as well because of potential dangers of
modified seed. In 1996, genetically engineered microbial infections and chemical hazards.
corn and soybeans were first grown commer- Many nonscientists, and some scientists, are
cially on 1.7 million hectares (4.2 million leery of GM foods, feeling that too little is un-
acres). The land planted in these crops had derstood about the environmental effects of
swelled to 39.9 million hectares (98.8 million growing GM plants and the potential health
acres) by 2003. dangers of eating GM foods. Resistance to GM
foods is widespread in Europe and parts of
Impact and Implications Asia, and a number of environmental groups
The various applications of genetic engi- strongly oppose all GM crops. Some have gone
neering to agriculture have made it possible to so far as to call them frankenfoods. So far
alter genes and modify crops for the benefit of they appear to be safe and successful, holding
humankind, in addition to industrial and med- out great promise to solve the problem of world
ical applications. This should be a subject of in- hunger. They make it possible to breed variet-
Genetic Engineering: Historical Development 335

ies of desirable crop plants with a wider range Wadsworth, 1998. Vital botanical informa-
of tolerance for different climatic and soil con- tion on all aspects of plant biology plus genet-
ditions, offering hope for the promotion of ics. Excellent photographs and illustrations,
global agriculture to feed poorer nations. Ge- summaries, questions, further readings, glos-
netic engineering must be seen as an indispens- sary, and index.
able component of modern scientific advance- Simpson, Beryl Brintnall, and Molly Conner
ment and social development for every nation, Ogorzaly. Economic Botany. 3d ed. Boston,
if handled wisely without exposing living or- New York: McGraw Hill, 2001. Good account
ganisms to harmful microorganisms and toxic of the most important crop plants of the
chemicals in the process. world especially their genetic and agricul-
Samuel V. A. Kisseadoo tural diversities. Useful illustrations, photo-
See also: Animal Cloning; Biofertilizers; Bi- graphs, glossary, additional readings, and in-
ological Weapons; Biopesticides; Biopharma- dex.
ceuticals; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues; Starr, Cecie. Biology: Concepts and Applications.
Cloning Vectors; DNA Replication; DNA Se- 5th ed. United States, Canada: Brooks/Cole,
quencing Technology; Gene Therapy; Gene 2003. Current detailed biological informa-
Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetic tion including genetics and evolution. Con-
Engineering; Genetic Engineering: Historical tains excellent photos, illustrations, quizzes,
Development; Genetic Engineering: Industrial appendix, glossary, and index.
Applications; Genetic Engineering: Medical
Applications; Genetic Engineering: Risks; Ge- Web Sites of Interest
netic Engineering: Social and Ethical Issues; Food and Agriculture Organization of the
Genetically Modified (GM) Foods; High-Yield United Nations. Biotechnology in Food and
Crops; Knockout Genetics and Knockout Mice; Agriculture. http://www.fao.org. Addresses
Polymerase Chain Reaction; Restriction En- the role of biotechnology in worldwide food
zymes; Reverse Transcriptase; Shotgun Clon- production.
ing; Synthetic Genes; Transgenic Organisms; National Academic of Sciences. Transgenic
Xenotransplants. Plants and World Agriculture. http://www
.nap.edu/html/transgenic. An online, down-
Further Reading loadable pamphlet, published in July of 2000
Borlaug, Norman E. Ending World Hunger: by a consortium of leading research societies
The Promise of Biotechnology and the around the world, assesses the need to mod-
Threat of Antiscience Zealotry. Plant Physiol- ify crops genetically in order to feed the in-
ogy 124 (2000): 487-490. The father of Green creasing world population and then discusses
Revolution and Nobel Peace Prize winner examples of the technology, safety, effect on
speaks of his unwavering support for GMOs. the environment, funding sources, and in-
Potrykus, Ingo. Golden Rice and Beyond. tellectual property issues.
Plant Physiology 125 (2001): 1157-1161. The
originator of the wonder rice presents scien-
tific, ethical, intellectual, and social chal-
lenges of developing and using the GMOs. Genetic Engineering:
Illuminating and insightful.
Raven, Peter H., et al. Biology of Plants. 6th ed.
Historical Development
New York: W. H. Freeman/Worth, 1999. In- Field of study: Genetic engineering and
cludes discussion of all the essential features biotechnology; History of genetics
and processes in plants, genetic engineer- Significance: Genetic engineering, or biotechnol-
ing, adaptations, and plant uses. Excellent il- ogy, is the use of biology, genetics, and biochemistry
lustrations, colored photos, appendix, glos- to manipulate genes and genetic materials in a
sary, and index. highly controlled fashion. It has led to major ad-
Rost, Thomas L., et al. Plant Biology. New York: vancements in the understanding of the molecular
336 Genetic Engineering: Historical Development

organization, function, and manipulation of rower field of molecular genetics, involving the
genes. The methods have been used to identify manipulation, modification, synthesis, and ar-
causes and solutions to many different human ge- tificial replication of DNA in order to modify
netic diseases and have led to the development of the characteristics of an individual organism or
many new medicines, vaccines, plants, foods, ani- a population of organisms.
mals, and environmental cleanup techniques.
The Development of Genetic Engineering
Key terms Molecular genetics originated during the
clone: a group of genetically identical cells late 1960s and early 1970s in experiments
plasmids: small rings of DNA found naturally with bacteria, viruses, and free-floating rings of
in bacteria and some other organisms DNA found in bacteria known as plasmids. In
recombinant DNA: a DNA molecule made up 1967, the enzyme DNA ligase was isolated. This
of two or more sequences derived from dif- enzyme can join two strands of DNA together,
ferent sources acting like a molecular glue. It is the prerequi-
site for the construction of recombinant DNA
Foundations of Genetic Engineering molecules, which are DNA molecules that are
Microbial genetics, which emerged in the made up of sequences not normally joined to-
mid-1940s, was based upon the principles of gether in nature.
heredity that were originally discovered by The next major step in the development of
Gregor Mendel in the middle of the nine- genetic engineering came in 1970, when re-
teenth century and the resulting elucidation of searchers discovered that bacteria make spe-
the principles of inheritance and genetic map- cial enzymes called restriction endonucleases,
ping during the first forty years of the twentieth more commonly known as restriction enzymes.
century. Between the mid-1940s and the early Restriction enzymes recognize particular se-
1950s, the role of DNA as genetic material be- quences of nucleotides arranged in a specific
came firmly established, and great advances oc- order and cut the DNA only at those specific
curred in understanding the mechanisms of sites, like a pair of molecular scissors. When-
gene transfer between bacteria. A broad base of ever a particular restriction enzyme or set of re-
knowledge accumulated from which later devel- striction enzymes is used on DNA from the
opments in genetic engineering would emerge. same source, the DNA is cut into the same num-
The discovery of the structure of DNA by James ber of pieces of the same length and composi-
Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 provided tion. With a molecular tool kit that included
the stimulus for the development of genetics at isolated enzymes of molecular glue (ligase)
the molecular level, and, for the next few years, and molecular scissors (restriction enzymes), it
a period of intense activity and excitement became possible to remove a piece of DNA
evolved as the main features of the gene and its from one organisms chromosome and insert it
expression were determined. This work culmi- into another organisms chromosome in order
nated with the establishment of the complete to produce new combinations of genes (recom-
genetic code in 1966, which set the stage for ad- binant DNA) that may not exist in nature. For
vancements in genetic engineering. example, a bacterial gene could be inserted
Initially, the term genetic engineering in- into a plant, or a human gene could be inserted
cluded any of a wide range of techniques for into a bacterium.
the manipulation or artificial modification of The first recombinant DNA molecules were
organisms through the processes of heredity generated by Paul Berg at Stanford University
and reproduction, including artificial selec- in 1971, and the methodology was extended in
tion, control of sex type through sperm selec- 1973 when DNA fragments were joined to Es-
tion, extrauterine development of an embryo, cherichia coli (E. coli) plasmids. These recombi-
and development of whole organisms from cul- nant molecules could replicate when intro-
tured cells. However, during the early 1970s, duced into E. coli cells, and a colony of identical
the term came to be used to denote the nar- cells, or clones, could be grown on agar plates.
Genetic Engineering: Historical Development 337

This development marked the beginning of ogists called for a moratorium on recombinant
the technology that has come to be known as DNA experiments in 1974, and the National In-
gene cloning, and the discoveries of 1972 and stitutes of Health (NIH) issued safety guide-
1973 triggered what became known as the lines in 1976 to control laboratory procedures
new genetics. The use of the new technology for gene manipulation.
spread very quickly, and a sense of urgency and In 1977, the pioneer genetic engineering
excitement prevailed. However, because of ris- company Genentech produced the human
ing concerns about the morality of manipulat- brain hormone somatostatin, and, in 1978,
ing the genetic material of living organisms, as Genentech produced human insulin in E. coli
well as the fear that potentially harmful organ- by the plasmid method of recombinant DNA.
isms might accidentally be produced, U.S. biol- Human insulin was the first genetically engi-

The Asilomar Conference

Rising concerns related to safety and ethical issues ments. Appropriate safeguards on both physical and
surrounding experiments involving recombinant biological contaminant procedures would have to be
DNA technology led the National Institutes of in effect before recombinant DNA experiments con-
Health (NIH) and the National Institute of Medi- tinued. Within a year, the NIH had developed guide-
cine (NIM) to appoint the Recombinant DNA Advi- lines based upon the recommendations made at the
sory Committee (RAC) to study the matter in 1973. Asilomar Conference.
RAC consisted of twelve experts from the areas of Many positive outcomes resulted from the
molecular biology, genetics, virology, and microbiol- Asilomar Conference. Scientists demonstrated to
ogy. Not only was there adverse public opinion in re- the public their genuine concern for the develop-
action to recombinant DNA (recombinant DNA) ex- ment of safe scientific technology. It marked the first
periments, but many specialists in the field of genetic time in history that scientists themselves halted sci-
engineering were beginning to doubt their own abil- entific research until the potential hazards could be
ity to make important decisions that could impact so- properly assessed. It also became clear that for future
ciety. meetings on recombinant DNA technology it would
In February, 1975, the Asilomar Conference was be wise to include scientists with training in infec-
convened under the direction of the NIH in Pacific tious diseases, epidemiology, and public health, as
Grove, California, to address the relevant issues. A to- well as people from other disciplines, in order to es-
tal of 140 prominent international researchers and tablish a more complete picture of the potential
academicians, including Dr. Phillip Sharp, Nobel problems and solutions. As a result, a variety of scien-
Laureate Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of tists and nonscientists became part of national and
Technologys Center for Cancer Research, met to local review boards on biotechnology.
discuss their opinions about recombinant DNA ex- Conferences that followed focused on worst case
periments. scenarios of recombinant DNA experiments. For
Some of the issues debated at the Asilomar Con- the first time, debate of scientific issues spread be-
ference included whether or not genetically altered yond the scientific community to include the general
microorganisms that posed a health hazard to hu- public. Broad social, ethical, environmental, and
mans and other living things might escape from lab ecological issues became part of conference agendas
facilities, how different genetically tailored recombi- and discussions. The RAC membership was changed
nant DNA organisms should be classified, and what to include experts in epidemiology, infectious dis-
guidelines should be established to regulate recom- eases, botany, tissue culture, and plant pathology, as
binant DNA technology. The scientists concluded well as nonscientists. NIH guidelines for federally
that only safe bacteria and plasmids that could not funded research involving recombinant DNA mole-
escape from the laboratory should be developed. cules were published on June 23, 1976. As recombi-
They called for a moratorium on recombinant DNA nant DNA research continued to progress, appropri-
experiments and demanded that the federal govern- ate modifications to the NIH guidelines were made.
ment establish guidelines regulating these experi- Alvin K. Benson
338 Genetic Engineering: Historical Development

neered product to be approved for human use. organisms, and this action was followed in 1988
By 1979, small quantities of human somato- by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issu-
statin, insulin, and interferon were being pro- ing its first patent for a genetically engineered
duced from bacteria by using recombinant higher animal, a mouse that was developed for
DNA methods. Because such research was use in cancer research.
proven to be safe, the NIH gradually relaxed
the guidelines on gene splicing between 1978 Impact and Applications
and 1982. The 1978 Nobel Prize in Physiology The application of genetic engineering to
or Medicine was shared by Hamilton O. Smith, gene therapy (the science of replacing defec-
the discoverer of restriction enzymes, and Dan- tive genes with sound genes to prevent disease)
iel Nathans and Werner Arber, the first people took off in 1990. On September 14 of that year,
to use these enzymes to analyze the genetic ma- genetically engineered cells were infused into
terial of a virus. a four-year-old girl to treat her adenosine de-
By the early 1980s, genetic engineering aminase (ADA) deficiency, an inherited, life-
techniques could be used to produce some threatening immune deficiency called severe
biomolecules on a large scale. In December, combined immunodeficiency disorder (SCID).
1980, the first genetically engineered product In January, 1991, gene therapy was used to treat
was used in medical practice when a diabetic skin cancer in two patients. In 1992, small plants
patient was injected with human insulin gener- were genetically engineered to produce small
ated in bacteria; in 1982, the Food and Drug amounts of a biodegradable plastic, and other
Administration (FDA) approved the general plants were manufactured to produce antibod-
use of insulin produced from bacteria by re- ies for use in medicines.
combinant DNA procedures for the treatment By the end of 1995, mutant genes responsi-
of people with diabetes. During the same time ble for common diseases, including forms of
period, genetically engineered interferon was schizophrenia, Alzheimers disease, breast can-
tested against more than ten different cancers. cer, and prostate cancer, were mapped, and ex-
Methods for adding genes to higher organisms perimental treatments were developed for ei-
were also developed in the early 1980s, and ge- ther replacing the defective genes with working
netic researchers succeeded in inserting a hu- copies or adding genes that allow the cells to
man growth hormone gene into mice, which fight the disease. In February, 1997, a lamb
resulted in the mice growing to twice their nor- named Dolly was cloned from the DNA of an
mal size. By 1982, geneticists had proven that adult sheeps mammary gland cell; it was the
genes can be transferred between plant species first time scientists successfully cloned a fully
to improve nutritional quality, growth, and re- developed mammal. By the end of 1997, ap-
sistance to disease. proximately fifty genetically engineered prod-
In 1985, experimental guidelines were ap- ucts were being sold commercially, including
proved by the NIH for treating hereditary de- human insulin, human growth hormone, al-
fects in humans by using transplanted genes; pha interferon, hepatitis B vaccine, and tissue
the more efficient polymerase chain reaction plasminogen activators for treating heart at-
(PCR) cloning procedure for genes, which pro- tacks. In 1998, strong emphasis was placed on
duces two double helixes in vitro that are iden- research involving gene therapy solutions for
tical in composition to the original DNA sam- specific defects that cause cancer, as well as on a
ple, was also developed. The following year, the genetically engineered hormone that can help
first patent for a plant produced by genetic en- people with damaged hearts grow their own by-
gineering, a variety of corn with increased nu- pass vessels to carry blood around blockages.
tritional value, was granted by the U.S. Patent In spite of the many successes and optimism
and Trademark Office. In 1987, a committee of that prevailed for many years, there have also
the National Academy of Sciences concluded been some serious setbacks. In 1999 a healthy
that no serious environmental hazards were eighteen-year-old participating in a gene ther-
posed by transferring genes between species of apy clinical trial at the University of Pennsylva-
Genetic Engineering: Industrial Applications 339

nia died unexpectedly, casting doubt on the Portugal, Franklin H., and Jack S. Cohn. A Cen-
safety of some types of gene therapy. In another tury of DNA: A History of the Discovery of the
set of clinical trials in France in 2002, involving Structure and Function of the Genetic Substance.
the treatment of children with SCID, two of the Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1977. Pro-
children developed leukemia, raising doubts vides a comprehensive historical back-
about the safety of yet another gene therapy ground and identifies many of the scientists
protocol. As a result of these events, gene ther- who worked to solve the genetic code.
apy trials of many types were put on hold and Shannon, Thomas A., ed. Genetic Engineering:
extensive discussions and investigations en- A Documentary History. Westport, Conn.:
sued. Still, scientists are hopeful that these Greenwood Press, 1999. A variety of scien-
kinds of obstacles can be overcome, leading to tific, social, and ethical perspectives on ge-
much greater availability of cures for genetic netic engineering.
Alvin K. Benson Web Site of Interest
See also: Animal Cloning; Biofertilizers; Bi- National Health Museum, Biotech Chronicles.
ological Weapons; Biopesticides; Biopharma- http://www.accessexcellence.org/ab/bc.
ceuticals; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues; Site discusses the history of biotechnology
Cloning Vectors; DNA Replication; DNA Se- and includes a time line, from 6000 b.c.e. to
quencing Technology; Gene Therapy; Gene the present, with key figures and links.
Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetic
Engineering; Genetic Engineering: Agricul-
tural Applications; Genetic Engineering: In-
dustrial Applications; Genetic Engineering:
Medical Applications; Genetic Engineering: Genetic Engineering:
Risks; Genetic Engineering: Social and Ethical Industrial Applications
Issues; Genetically Modified (GM) Foods; High-
Yield Crops; Knockout Genetics and Knockout Field of study: Genetic engineering and
Mice; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Restriction biotechnology
Enzymes; Reverse Transcriptase; Shotgun Clon- Significance: Industrial applications of genetic en-
ing; Synthetic Genes; Transgenic Organisms; gineering include the production of new and better
Xenotransplants. fuels, medicines, products to clean up existing pol-
lution, and tools for recovering natural resources.
Further Reading Associated processes may maximize the use and
Fredrickson, Donald S. The Recombinant DNA production of renewable resources and biodegrad-
Controversy, a Memoir: Science, Politics, and the able materials, while minimizing the generation of
Public Interest, 1974-1981. Washington, D.C.: pollutants during product manufacture and use.
ASM Press, 2001. An overview of the initial
concerns about potential hazards of recom- Key terms
binant DNA cloning. biomass: any material formed either directly
Grace, Eric S. Biotechnology Unzipped: Promises or indirectly by photosynthesis, including
and Reality. Washington, D.C.: National plants, trees, crops, garbage, crop residue,
Academy Press, 1997. Provides a nontechni- and animal waste
cal history and explanation of biotechnol- bioremediation: biologic treatment methods
ogy for general readers. to clean up contaminated water and soils
Judson, Horace Freeland. The Eighth Day of Cre- cloning vector: a DNA molecule that main-
ation. Rev. ed. Cold Harbor Spring, N.Y.: tains and replicates a foreign piece of DNA
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1997. in a cell type of choice, typically the bacte-
A noted and fascinating history of molecular rium Escherichia coli
biology that details the deciphering of the genetic transformation: the transfer of ex-
genetic code. tracellular DNA among and between species
340 Genetic Engineering: Industrial Applications

nanotechnology: development and use of the medical industry include the production of
devices that have a size of only a few bil- new vaccines for use in fighting a variety of dis-
lionths of a meter eases. One approach is to use genetically al-
plasmids: small rings of DNA found naturally tered viruses to insert manufactured vaccines
in bacteria and some other organisms, used directly into the cells of diseased animals and
as cloning vectors humans. In other cases, antigens that invoke
recombinant DNA: a DNA molecule made up immunity to certain diseases are being pro-
of sequences that are not normally joined to- duced from genetically modified viruses, bacte-
gether ria, fungi, and other disease-causing microor-
Foundations in Medical Advancements
Since the 1970s, numerous industrial pro- Cleaning up Waste
cesses have involved applications of genetic Genetic engineering methods are being em-
engineering and biotechnology, ranging from ployed in myriad applications to help clean up
the production of new medicines and foods to waste and pollution worldwide. The idea had
the manufacture of new materials for cleaning its beginning in 1972, when Ananda Chakra-
up the environment and enhancing natural re- barty, a researcher at General Electric (who
source recovery. With these applications, a pri- would later join the college of medicine at the
mary focus has been the development of indus- University of Illinois at Chicago), applied for a
trial processes that reduce or eliminate the patent on a genetically modified bacterium
production of waste products and consume that could partially degrade crude oil. Other
low amounts of energy and nonrenewable re- scientists quickly recognized that toxic wastes
sources. The chemical, plastic, paper, textile, might be cleaned up by pollution-eating micro-
food, farming, and pharmaceutical industries organisms. After a financial downturn for a
are positively impacted by biotechnology. number of years, a resurgence in bioremedia-
The dawn of the age of genetic engineering tion technology occurred in the late 1980s and
was 1971, when Herbert Boyer and Stanley Co- early 1990s, when genetically engineered bac-
hen successfully spliced a toad gene between teria were produced that could accelerate the
two recombined ends of bacterial DNA. After breakdown of oil, as well as a diversity of unnat-
further experimentation and resulting suc- ural and synthetic compounds, such as plastics,
cesses, Boyer and Robert Swanson in 1976 chlorinated insecticides, herbicides, and fungi-
formed Genentech, a company devoted to the cides. In 1987 and 1988, bacterial plasmid trans-
development and promotion of biotechnology fer was used to degrade a variety of hydrocar-
and genetic engineering applications. In 1978, bons found in crude oil. In the 1990s, naturally
Boyer discovered a synthetic version of the hu- occurring and genetically altered bacteria were
man insulin gene and inserted it into Escheri- employed to degrade crude oil spills, such as
chia coli (E. coli) bacteria. The E. coli served as the major spill that occurred in Alaskas Prince
cloning vectors to maintain and replicate large William Sound after the Exxon Valdez accident.
amounts of human insulin. This application of Some genetically altered bacteria have been
recombinant DNA technology to produce hu- designed to concentrate or transform toxic
man insulin for diabetics was a foundation for metals into less toxic or nontoxic forms. In
the future of industrial applications of genetic 1998, a gene from E. coli was successfully trans-
engineering and biotechnology. The Eli Lilly ferred into the bacterium D. radiodurans, allow-
company began manufacturing large quanti- ing this microbe to resist high levels of radioac-
ties of human insulin by vector cloning in 1982. tivity and convert toxic mercury II into less
Growth hormones for children and antibodies toxic elemental mercury. Other altered micro-
for cancer patients were soon being similarly bial genes have been added to this bacterium,
cloned in bacteria. The pharmaceutical indus- allowing it to metabolize the toxic organic
try was revolutionized. chemical toluene, a carcinogenic constituent
Later applications of genetic engineering to of gasoline. Genetically altered plants have
Genetic Engineering: Industrial Applications 341

Image not available

A genetically engineering enzyme developed from a hybrid poplar tree, shown here by researchers Arun Goyal (left) and Neil Nelson,
could reduce the cost of manufacturing paper by replacing chlorine used for pulp bleaching, and might also become a component of
animal feed and a means of decomposing harmful toxic pollution. (AP/Wide World Photos)

been produced that absorb toxic metals, in- cobs), food industry by-products (cartilage,
cluding lead, arsenic, and mercury, from pol- bones, whey), and products of biomass, such as
luted soils and water. At Michigan State Univer- sugars, starch, and cellulose, into useful prod-
sity, naturally occurring bacteria have been ucts like ethanol, hydrogen gas, and methane.
combined with genetically modified bacteria to Commercial amounts of methane are being
degrade polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). A generated from animal manure at cattle, poul-
genetically altered fungus that helps clean up try, and swine feed lots, sewage treatment
toxic substances discharged when paper is plants, and landfills. Biofuels will be cleaner
manufactured also produces methane as a by- and generate less waste than fossil fuels. In a
product, which can be used as a fuel. different application involving fuel technol-
ogy, genetically modified microbes are being
Biomass and Materials Science used to reduce the pollution associated with
Genetically altered microorganisms can fossil fuels by eating the sulfur content from
transform animal and plant wastes into materi- these fuels.
als usable by humans. Bioengineered bacteria In applications involving the generation of
and fungi are being developed to convert bio- new materials, a gene generated in genetically
mass wastes, such as sewage solid wastes (paper, modified cotton can produce a polyester-like
garbage), agricultural wastes (seeds, hulls, corn substance that has the texture of cotton, is even
342 Genetic Engineering: Industrial Applications

warmer, and is biodegradable. Other geneti- metals from seawater. Iron and sulfur-oxidizing
cally engineered biopolymers are being pro- bacteria can also concentrate and release pre-
duced to replace synthetic fibers and fabrics. cious metals from seawater. Genetically modi-
Polyhydroxybutyrate, a feedstock used in pro- fied thermophilic bacteria are being produced
ducing biodegradable plastics, is being manu- to extract precious metals from sands. Some ge-
factured from genetically modified plants and netically altered microorganisms can withstand
microbes. Natural protein polymers, very simi- extreme environments of high salinity, acidity,
lar to spider silk and the adhesives generated by heavy metals, temperature, and/or pressure,
barnacles, are being produced from the fer- like those that exist around hydrothermal vents
mentation of genetically engineered microbes. where precious minerals are present near the
Sugars produced by genetically altered field bottom of the ocean.
corn are being converted into a biodegradable Genetically engineered strains of the bacte-
polyester-type material for use in manufactur- ria Pseudomonas and Bacillus are being pro-
ing packaging materials, clothing, and bed- duced that can extract oil from untapped reser-
ding products. Genetically tailored yeasts can voirs and store it rather than digest it. These
produce a variety of plastics. Such biotechno- bacteria can be extracted and processed to re-
logical advancements will help eliminate the cover the oil. Other strains are being devel-
prevalent use of petroleum-based chemicals oped to absorb oil from the vast supplies of oil
that has been necessary in the creation of plas- shale in North America. The process would in-
tics and polyesters. volve drilling into the oil shale and breaking it
The fields of biotechnology and nanotech- into pieces with chemical explosives. A solution
nology are being merged in some materials sci- of the bioengineered microbes would then be
ence applications. Genetic codes discovered in injected through a well into the rock frag-
microorganisms can be used as codes for nano- ments, where they would grow and absorb the
structures, such as task-specific silicon chips oil. The solution would be pumped back to the
and microtransistors. Nanotech production of surface through another well and the bacteria
bioactive ceramics may provide new ways to pu- processed to remove the oil. Since this process
rify water, since bacteria and viruses stick to would eliminate the need for large, open-pit oil
these ceramic fibers. Recombinant DNA tech- shale mines, as well as the need to store oil shale
nology combined with nanotechnology pro- at the surface, the negative environmental im-
vides the promise for the production of a vari- pact of oil recovery from shale would be greatly
ety of commercially useful polymers. Carbon reduced.
nanotubes possessing great tensile strength may Alvin K. Benson
be used as computer switches and hydrogen en- See also: Animal Cloning; Biofertilizers; Bi-
ergy storage devices for vehicles. When these ological Weapons; Biopesticides; Biopharma-
nanotubes are coated with reaction specific ceuticals; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues;
biocatalysts, many other specialized applica- Cloning Vectors; DNA Replication; DNA Se-
tions are apparent. In the future, DNA frag- quencing Technology; Gene Therapy; Gene
ments themselves may be used as electronic Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetic
switching devices. Engineering; Genetic Engineering: Agricul-
tural Applications; Genetic Engineering: His-
Natural Resource Recovery torical Development; Genetic Engineering:
Bioengineered microbes are being devel- Medical Applications; Genetic Engineering:
oped to extract and purify metals from mined Risks; Genetic Engineering: Social and Ethical
ores and from seawater. The microbes obtain Issues; Genetically Modified (GM) Foods;
energy by oxidizing metals, which then come High-Yield Crops; Knockout Genetics and
out of solution. Chemolithotrophic bacteria, Knockout Mice; Polymerase Chain Reaction;
such as Bacillus cereuss, are energized when they Restriction Enzymes; Reverse Transcriptase;
oxidize nickel, cobalt, and gold. They may be Shotgun Cloning; Synthetic Genes; Transgenic
used to filter out and concentrate precious Organisms; Xenotransplants.
Genetic Engineering: Medical Applications 343

Further Reading gene targeting: the process of introducing a

Evans, Gareth M. Environmental Biotechnology: gene that replaces a resident gene in the ge-
Theory and Application. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley, nome
2003. Describes basic principles and methods gene therapy: any procedure to alleviate or
involved in the remediation of contaminated treat the symptoms of a disease or condition
soils and groundwater through applications by genetically altering the cells of the patient
of biotechnology and natural processes. germ-line gene therapy: a genetic change in
Krimsky, Sheldon. Biotechnics and Society: The Rise gametes or fertilized ova so all cells in the or-
of Industrial Genetics. New York: Praeger, 1991. ganism will have the change and the change
Includes an overview of applied biotechnol- will be passed on to offspring
ogy to industrial processes and a description knockout: the inactivation of a specific gene
of some industrial products produced by ap- within a cell (or whole organism, as in the
plications of genetic engineering; also ad- case of knockout mice), to determine the ef-
dresses concerns over the environmental re- fects of loss of function of that gene
lease of genetically engineered organisms. somatic gene therapy: a genetic change in a
Nicholl, Desmond S. T. An Introduction to Ge- specific somatic tissue of an organism, which
netic Engineering. 2d ed. New York: Cambridge will not be passed on to offspring
University Press, 2002. A basic introduction stem cell: a an undifferentiated cell that re-
to the ideas of genetic engineering, includ- tains the ability to give rise to other, more
ing a description of many of the technologi- specialized cells
cal applications. transgenic animal: an animal in which intro-
Sofer, William. Introduction to Genetic Engineer- duced foreign DNA is stably incorporated
ing. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991. into the germ line
Contains the general principles of molecu-
lar biology and molecular cloning and how Multiple Applications: Drug Production
genetic engineering pieces together genes Genetic engineering, the manipulation of
from different organisms to produce new DNA to obtain a large amount of a specific
products. gene, has produced numerous medical appli-
cations. As a result of the completion in 2003 of
the Human Genome Projectthe determina-
tion of the DNA sequences of all the chromo-
Genetic Engineering: Medical somes in humansgenetic engineering will
Applications continue at an accelerated pace and result in
even more important medical applications.
Fields of study: Genetic engineering and Recombinant DNA technology can be used
biotechnology; Human genetics and social to mass-produce protein-based drugs. The
issues gene for the protein of interest is cloned and
Significance: Genetic engineering has produced a expressed in bacteria. For example, insulin
wide range of medical applications, including re- needed for people with Type I diabetes melli-
combinant DNA drugs, transgenic animals that tus was isolated from the pancreases of cattle
produce pharmaceutically useful proteins, meth- or pigs in slaughterhouses, an expensive and
ods for the diagnosis of disease, and gene therapy far from ideal process. There are some small
to introduce a functional gene to replace a defective chemical differences between human and cow
one. and pig insulin. About 5 percent of those re-
ceiving cow insulin have an allergic reaction to
Key terms it and therefore need insulin from other ani-
clone: in recombinant DNA technology, a mals or human cadavers. In 1982, the human
piece of DNA into which a gene of interest gene for insulin was isolated, and a transgenic
has been inserted to obtain large amounts of form called Humulin was successfully produced
that gene using Escherichia coli bacteria grown in a con-
344 Genetic Engineering: Medical Applications

trolled environment by phar-

maceutical companies. Genetically Engineered Insulin
Many other protein-based Bacterium Gene
drugs are produced in bacteria for insulin is
using recombinant DNA tech- synthesized
nology. Among these are hu-
man growth hormone, to treat Synthetic gene
is inserted into
those deficient in the hor- DNA strand bacterial DNA
mone; factor VIII, to promote
blood clotting in hemophiliacs;
tissue plasminogen activator, to
dissolve blood clots in heart at-
tack and stroke victims; renin
inhibitor, to lower blood pres-
sure; fertility hormones, to Bacterium produces
treat infertility; epidermal insulin and multiplies
growth factor, to increase the
rate of healing in burn victims;
interleukin-2, to treat kidney
cancer; and interferons, to
treat certain leukemias and
Insulin is
Transgenic Pharming
Sometimes a protein from a
higher organism that is ex- Genetic engineering is being used to synthesize large quantities of drugs and hor-
pressed in bacteria does not mones such as insulin for therapeutic use. (Hans & Cassidy, Inc.)
function properly because bac-
teria cannot perform certain
protein modifications. In such cases, the pro- gene can be bred to each other to produce a
tein can be produced in a higher organism. In whole flock of sheep making ATTan easier
transgenic pharming, a gene that codes for a way to obtain ATT than isolating it from do-
pharmaceutically useful protein is introduced nated human blood.
into an animal such as a cow, pig, or sheep. For
example, a transcriptional promoter from a Vaccines
sheep gene that is expressed in sheeps milk is Recombinant DNA methods can be used to
spliced to the gene of interest, such as for al- produce DNA vaccines that are safer than vac-
pha-1-antitrypsin, ATT, a glycoprotein (a pro- cines made from live viruses. Edible vaccines
tein modified with sugar groups) in blood se- have also been created by introducing into
rum that helps the microscopic air sacs of the plants genes that will cause a specific immune
lungs function properly. People who lack ATT response. For example, a vaccine for hepatitis
are at risk for developing emphysema. This has been made in bananas. The idea is that by
sheep promoter and ATT gene are injected eating the fruit, individuals will be vaccinated.
into the nuclei of fertilized sheep ova that are
implanted in surrogate mother sheep. The off- Diagnosis
spring are examined, and if the procedure is Recombinant DNA methods are used in the
successful, a few of the female lambs will pro- diagnosis, as well as treatment, of diseases. Oli-
duce the ATT protein in their milk. Once a gonucleotide DNA sequences specific for, and
transgenic animal is created that expresses the which will only bind to, a particular mutation
ATT gene, transgenic animals expressing the are used to show if that particular mutation is
Genetic Engineering: Medical Applications 345

present. Also, DNA microarrays are important Gene Therapy

for gene expression profiling, to aid in cancer In gene therapy, a cloned functional copy
diagnosis. For example, oligonucleotides rep- of a gene is introduced into a person to com-
resenting portions of many different human pensate for the persons defective copy. Due
genes can be fixed to special chips in an array. to ethical concerns, germ-line gene therapy is
Messenger RNAs from a cancer patient are not being conducted. Many geneticists and bio-
bound to the array to show which genes are ex- ethicists oppose germ-line therapy because any
pressed in that cancer. A certain subtype of can- negative consequences of the therapy would be
cers express a certain group of genes. This passed on to future generations. Therefore,
knowledge can be used to design specific treat- germ-line therapy must wait until scientists,
ment regimens for each subtype of cancer. policymakers, and legislators are more confi-
Mice and other animals are used as models dent of consistently positive outcomes. In gen-
for human diseases. Through recombinant eral, there is support for somatic gene therapy,
DNA technology, a specific gene is knocked where the somatic tissue of an individual is
out (inactivated) to study the effect of the loss modified to produce the correct gene product.
of that gene. Mice models are particularly use- Gene therapy has been attempted for a num-
ful in the study of diseases such as diabetes, Par- ber of diseases, including SCID and hemo-
kinsons disease, and severe combined immu- philia. Gene therapy trials have been under
nodeficiency disorder (SCID). close scrutiny, however, during clinical trials

DNA microarrays such as the one above can show which genes are expressed in a cancer, knowledge that can be used to design specific
treatment regimens for each subtype of cancer. (Mitch Doktycz, Life Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; U.S.
Department of Energy Human Genome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis)
346 Genetic Engineering: Medical Applications

for gene therapy, one young man died in 1999 and Disease. Cambridge, England: Cambridge
and two cases of leukemia in children were de- University Press, 2003. Focuses on molecular
tected. These trials used inactivated viruses as biology and clinical information about hu-
vectors, which may have played a role in the man diseases. Includes chapters on genetic
death and leukemia cases. Efforts are therefore engineering, gene knockouts, and gene ther-
focusing on the development of DNA delivery apy. Illustrations, color photographs.
systems that do not use viruses. Langer, Robert. Delivering Genes. Scientific
American 288 (April, 2003): 56. Discusses al-
Future Prospects ternatives to viruses for introducing genes
In the future, stem cells may be used to gen- into cells.
erate tissues to replace defective tissues. Cata- Langridge, William H. R. Edible Vaccines.
lytic RNAs (ribozymes) may be used to repair Scientific American 283 (September, 2000):
genetically defective messenger RNAs. RNA- 66-71. Describes the making of vaccines in
mediated interference may be used to partially plants.
inactivate, rather than knock out, genes to de- Lewis, Ricki. Human Genetics: Concepts and Appli-
termine the genes functions in the cell. With cations. 5th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003. A
the completion of the DNA sequence of the hu- well-written introductory text. Includes
man genome, more genes will inevitably be chapters on genetically modified organisms,
identified and their functions determined, gene therapy, and the Human Genome Pro-
leading to many more applications to medical ject. Illustrations, color photos, problems,
diagnosis and therapy. glossary, index. Lists links to Web sites.
Susan J. Karcher Service, Robert F. Recruiting Genes, Proteins
See also: Animal Cloning; Biofertilizers; Bi- for a Revolution in Diagnostics. Science 300
ological Weapons; Biopesticides; Biopharma- (April 11, 2003): 236-239. Overview of the
ceuticals; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues; use of DNA microarrays to diagnose diseases.
Cloning Vectors; DNA Replication; DNA Se- Strachan, Tom, and Andrew P. Read. Human
quencing Technology; Gene Therapy; Gene Molecular Genetics. New York: Wiley-Liss,
Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetic 1999. An advanced text with a chapter on
Engineering; Genetic Engineering: Agricul- gene therapy and genetic-based therapeutic
tural Applications; Genetic Engineering: His- approaches to treating diseases. Illustra-
torical Development; Genetic Engineering: In- tions, photos, glossary, index.
dustrial Applications; Genetic Engineering:
Risks; Genetic Engineering: Social and Ethical Web Sites of Interest
Issues; Genetically Modified (GM) Foods; American Medical Association. http://ama-
High-Yield Crops; Knockout Genetics and assn.org. The AMA includes information on
Knockout Mice; Polymerase Chain Reaction; genetic diseases and disorders as well as links
Restriction Enzymes; Reverse Transcriptase; to affiliated professional organizations and
Shotgun Cloning; Synthetic Genes; Transgenic other resources.
Organisms; Xenotransplants. Centers for Disease Control, Office of
Genomics and Disease Prevention. http://
Further Reading www.cdc.gov/genomics/default.htm. Of-
Botstein, David, and Neil Risch. Discovering fers information on the genetic discoveries
Genotypes Underlying Human Phenotypes: and prevention of diseases in humans. In-
Past Successes for Mendelian Disease, Future cludes links to related resources.
Approaches for Complex Disease. Nature Ge- Dolan DNA Learning Center, Your Genes Your
netics, supp. 33 (March 2003): 228-237. Dis- Health. http://www.ygyh.org. Sponsored by
cusses how human genome sequence analy- the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this
sis is helping to identify complex diseases. site, a component of the DNA Interactive
Epstein, Richard J. Human Molecular Biology; Web site, offers information on more than a
An Introduction to the Molecular Basis of Health dozen inherited diseases and syndromes.
Genetic Engineering: Risks 347

National Center for Biotechnology Informa- changes in the behavior, ecology, or fitness of
tion. Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man. transgenic organisms. It is not the process of re-
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Omim. A moving, recombining, or inserting DNA that
catalog of human genes and genetic disor- usually causes problems. Genetically modifying
ders for scientists, offering maps of genes an organism using laboratory techniques cre-
and diseases, statistical summaries, and links ates a plant, animal, or microbe that has DNA
to similar sites devoted to medical literature and RNA that is fundamentally the same as that
and biotechnology. found in nature.

Risks to Human Health and Safety

The problem most likely to result from in-
Genetic Engineering: Risks gesting genetically modified (GM) foods is un-
expected allergenicity. Certain foods such as
Fields of study: Bioethics; Genetic milk or Brazil nuts contain allergenic proteins
engineering and biotechnology that, if placed into other foods using recombi-
Significance: The application of biotechnology, nant DNA technology, could cause the same al-
specifically genetic engineering, creates real and lergic reactions as the food from which the al-
foreseeable risks to humans and to the environ- lergenic protein originally came. Scientists and
ment. Furthermore, like any new technology, it policymakers will, no doubt, guard against or
may cause unforeseen problems. Predicting the oc- severely restrict the movement of known aller-
currence and severity of both anticipated and un- gens into the food supply. New or unknown al-
expected problems resulting from biotechnology is a lergens, however, could necessitate extensive
subject of much debate in the scientific community. testing of each GM food product prior to gen-
eral public consumption. Safety testing will be
Key terms especially important for proteins that have no
fitness: the probability of a particular geno- known history of human consumption.
type surviving to maturity and reproducing Unknown, nonfunctional genes that pro-
genome: the genetic content of a single set of duce compounds harmful or toxic to humans
chromosomes and animals could become functional as a re-
genotype: the genetic makeup of an individ- sult of the random insertion of transgenes into
ual, referring to some or all of its specific ge- an organism. Unlike traditional breeding
netic traits methods, recombinant DNA technology pro-
selection: a natural or artificial process that vides scientists with the ability to introduce spe-
removes genotypes of lower fitness from the cific genes without extra genetic material.
population and results in the inheritance of These methods, however, usually cannot con-
traits from surviving individuals trol where the gene is inserted within the target
transgenic organism: an organism that has genome. As a result, transgenes are randomly
had its genome deliberately modified using placed among all the genes that an organism
genetic engineering techniques and that is possesses, and sometimes insertional muta-
usually capable of transmitting those changes genesis occurs. This is the disruption of a pre-
to offspring viously functional gene by the newly inserted
gene. This same process may also activate previ-
The Nature of Biotechnological Risks ously inactive genes residing in the target ge-
Most of the potential risks of biotechnology nome. Early testing of transgenic organisms
center on the use of transgenic organisms. Po- would easily reveal those with acute toxicity
tential hazards can result from the specific pro- problems; however, testing for problems
tein products of newly inserted or modified caused by the long-term intake of new proteins
genes; interactions between existing, altered, is difficult.
and new protein products; the movement of Many human and animal disease organisms
transgenes into unintended organisms; or are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Some
348 Genetic Engineering: Risks

urally occurring antibiotic resistance genes that

are already commonly found in native bacterial
populations, there is little reason to believe
that plants with these genes will affect the rate
of bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics.
Another possible problem associated with
antibiotic resistance genes is the reduction or
loss of antibiotic activity in individuals who are
taking antibiotic medication while eating foods
containing antibiotic resistance proteins. Would
the antibiotic be rendered useless if transgenic
foods were consumed? Scientists have found
that this is not the case for the most commonly
Image not available used resistance gene, NPTII (neomycin phos-
photransferase II), which inactivates and pro-
vides resistance to kanamycin and neomycin.
Studies have shown this protein to be com-
pletely safe to humans, to be broken down in
the human gut, and to be present in the cur-
rent food supply. Each person consumes, on
average, more than one million kanamycin-
resistant bacteria daily through the ingestion of
fresh fruit and vegetables. These results are
probably similar for other naturally occurring
resistance genes of bacterial origin.

Risks to the Environment

If environmentally advantageous genes are
added to transgenic crops, then those crops, or
Greenpeace has been active in protesting genetically engineered
organisms, especially for use as food. Near Live Oak, Califor-
crop-weed hybrids, may become weeds, or their
nia, one protester warns passersby of a rice pharm crop that weediness may increase. For example, toler-
has been engineered to produce human proteins for drug pro- ance to high-salt environments is a useful and
duction. Environmentalists fear the effects such experimenta- highly desirable trait for many food crops. The
tion might have on the food supply and wild-type species. addition of transgenes for salt tolerance may
(AP/Wide World Photos) allow crop-weed hybrids to displace naturally
occurring salt-tolerant species in high-salt envi-
ronments. Most crop plants are poor competi-
scientists worry that biotechnology may accel- tors in natural ecosystems and probably would
erate that process. Recombinant DNA technol- not become weeds even with the addition of
ogies usually require the use of antibiotic resis- one or a few genes conferring some competi-
tance genes as reporter genes in order to tive advantage. Hybrids between crops and re-
identify cells that have been genetically modi- lated weed species, however, can show increased
fied. Consequently, most transgenic plants con- weediness, and certain transgenes may also con-
tain antibiotic resistance genes that are actively tribute to increased weediness.
expressed. Although unlikely, it is possible that Biotechnology may accelerate the develop-
resistance genes could be transferred from ment of difficult-to-control pests. Crops and
plants to bacteria or that the existence of plants domesticated animals are usually protected
carrying active antibiotic resistance genes could from important diseases and insect pests by spe-
encourage the selection of antibiotic-resistant cific host resistance genes. Genetic resistance is
bacteria. As long as scientists continue using nat- the most efficient, effective, and environmen-
Genetic Engineering: Risks 349

tally friendly means for controlling and pre- ticated species historically has led to adaptation
venting agricultural losses caused by pests. Such in the pest population eventually making the
genes are bred into plants and animals by mat- resistance gene ineffective. Recombinant meth-
ing desirable genotypes to those that carry ods will likely accelerate the loss of resistance
genes for resistance. This method is limited to genes as compared with traditional methods
those species that can interbreed. Biotechnol- because one resistance gene can be expressed
ogy provides breeders with methods for mov- simultaneously in many species, is often contin-
ing resistance genes across species barriers, uously expressed at high levels within the host,
which was not possible prior to the 1980s. Bac- and will more likely be used over large areas be-
teria and viruses, however, have been moving cause of the immediate economic benefits such
bits of DNA in a horizontal fashion (that is, a gene will bring to a grower or producer.
across species and kingdom barriers) since the Hybrid plants carrying genes that increase
beginning of life. The widespread use of an ef- fitness (through, for example, disease resis-
fective, specific host resistance gene in domes- tance or drought tolerance) may decrease the

Gene Flow from Crop Plants to Wild Relatives

Crop plants commonly exchange genes with related cally important native plants. For example, in Mex-
wild plants that are growing nearby, in a process ico, which is located in the evolutionary cradle of
known as gene flow. Pollen seems to be the most ef- corn, concerns about the spread of transgenes to an-
fective agent for gene flow, introducing genes of the cient, native corn varieties, which conventional corn
parent plant to the recipient plant through fertiliza- breeders value as genetic reservoirs, led the Mexican
tion of egg cells. Concern has arisen that genes engi- government to outlaw the planting of bioengineered
neered into crop plants, called transgenes, might corn in 1998.
spread to their nondomesticated relatives. As bioen- In addition, wild plants that acquire transgenes
gineered varieties continue to be developed and as for insecticidal properties could harm insects that
farmers grow the resulting transgenic plants on a the crop bioengineers had not targeted. For exam-
commercial scale, the chances of transgenes escap- ple, moth and butterfly species, whose larvae de-
ing both to other crop plants and to nondomesti- pend for food primarily on these wild plants, might
cated, wild relatives will increase. be vulnerable if acquired transgenes endow their
Agriculturally useful traits engineered into crop food plants with insect-killing abilities.
plants include resistance to herbicides, insects, and The potential for transgene flow from crops to
pathogens, and tolerance of harsh environmental wild relatives varies with the crop and the geographic
conditions such as cold, drought, and high salinity. location. Most cultivated plants spontaneously mate
These traits not only give the crops a survival edge with one or more wild cousins somewhere in their ag-
under appropriate conditions but also might do the ricultural distributions. In the United States, some of
same for nearby wild relatives that acquire the trans- the major genetically engineered crops, including
genes. As a result, farmers face the possibility that corn and soybeans, generally have no nearby, wild
wild plants invigorated by transgenes coding for her- relatives. About twenty other U.S. crops (some al-
bicide resistance could turn into superweeds, re- ready having transgenic varieties), however, are
quiring more expensive or more environmentally grown near nondomesticated kin. These crops in-
harmful herbicides. clude rice, sorghum, canola, strawberries, and turf
Further, if transgenes permit a crop to be grown grasses. The hazards from transgene flow to wild rel-
closer to locally rare, wild relatives because it can tol- atives, though, could prove lower than the risks of
erate an environmental stress that it could not toler- crop-to-crop gene flow, because of the prospect that
ate before, the previously isolated species might hy- transgenes for production of pharmaceuticals or
bridize. If hybridization occurs repeatedly, the risk of other industrial chemicals could make their way into
extinction for the wild population increases. food crops.
Another fear is that the spread of transgenes Jane F. Hill
could diminish the genetic diversity of agronomi-
350 Genetic Engineering: Risks

native genetic diversity of a wild population Medical Applications; Genetic Engineering:

through competitive or selection advantage. As Social and Ethical Issues; Genetically Modified
new genes or genes from unrelated species are (GM) Foods; High-Yield Crops; Knockout Ge-
developed and put into domesticated species, netics and Knockout Mice; Polymerase Chain
engineered genes may move, by sexual out- Reaction; Restriction Enzymes; Reverse Tran-
crossing, into related wild populations. Gene scriptase; Shotgun Cloning; Synthetic Genes;
flow from nontransgenic species into wild spe- Transgenic Organisms; Xenotransplants.
cies has been taking place ever since crops were
first domesticated, and there is little evidence
that such gene flow has decreased genetic di- Further Reading
versity. In most situations, transgene flow will Engel, Karl-Heinz, et al. Genetically Modified
likewise have little or no detrimental effects on Foods: Safety Aspects. Washington, D.C.: Amer-
the genetic diversity of wild populations; how- ican Chemical Society, 1995. Details the pol-
ever, frequent migration of transgenes for icy and safety issues regarding food biotech-
greatly increased fitness could have a signifi- nology.
cant impact on rare native genes in the worlds Krimsky, Sheldon, et al., eds. Agricultural Bio-
centers of diversity. A center of diversity har- technology and the Environment: Science, Policy,
bors most of the natural genetic resources for a and Social Issues. Urbana: University of Illi-
given crop and is a region in which wild rela- nois Press, 1996. Covers biotechnology risks
tives of a crop exist in nature. These centers are related to agriculture.
vital resources for plant breeders seeking to Nottingham, Stephen. Genescapes: The Ecology of
improve crop plants. The impact of new trans- Genetic Engineering. New York: Zed Books,
genes on such centers should be fully investi- 2002. Provides a framework for assessing the
gated before transgenic crops are grown near environmental impacts of genetically modi-
their own center of diversity. fied organisms and warns about the risks.
Topics include microorganisms, transgenic
Impact and Applications crops, invasion, genetic pollution, impact on
The risks associated with genetically modi- nontarget species, and the possibilities for
fied organisms have been both overstated and engineered solutions.
understated. Proponents of biotechnology have Thomas, John, et al., eds. Biotechnology and
downplayed likely problems while opponents Safety Assessment. 2d ed. Philadelphia: Taylor
have exaggerated the risks of the unknown. As & Francis, 1999. Covers a wide range of top-
with any new technology, there will be unfore- ics related to safety in biotechnology.
seen problems; however, as long as transgenic
organisms are scientifically and objectively eval-
uated on a case-by-case basis prior to release or Web Sites of Interest
use, society should be able to avoid the obvious Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Appli-
or most likely problems associated with bio- cation of Science and Technology. http://
technology and benefit from its application. www.psrast.org. Developed for the general
Paul C. St. Amand reader, this site discusses the risks of geneti-
See also: Animal Cloning; Biofertilizers; Bi- cally modified foods. Topics include a gen-
ological Weapons; Biopesticides; Biopharma- eral introduction to the topic, articles about
ceuticals; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues; environmental and health risks, global im-
Cloning Vectors; DNA Replication; DNA Se- plications, and suggested alternatives.
quencing Technology; Gene Therapy; Gene The Edmonds Institute. http://www.edmonds-
Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetic institute.org. A site that offers A Brief His-
Engineering; Genetic Engineering: Agricul- tory of Biotechnology Risk Debates and Pol-
tural Applications; Genetic Engineering: His- icies in the United States and Manual for
torical Development; Genetic Engineering: In- Assessing Ecological and Human Health Ef-
dustrial Applications; Genetic Engineering: fects of Genetically Engineered Organisms.
Genetic Engineering: Social and Ethical Issues 351

blueprint when Hamilton Smith and Daniel

Genetic Engineering: Social Nathans of The Johns Hopkins University dis-
and Ethical Issues covered a class of restriction enzymes that
could be used as scissors to cut DNA strands at
Fields of study: Bioethics; Genetic specific locations. In 1973, two researchers in
engineering and biotechnology; Human California, Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer,
genetics and social issues spliced recombinant DNA strands into bacteria
Significance: New technologies for manipulating that reproduced copies of the foreign DNA.
the genetic makeup of living organisms raise seri- This meant that it would be possible to com-
ous questions about the social desirability of con- bine genetic characteristics of different organ-
trolling genes and the moral right of humans to re- isms. In 1976, Genentech in San Francisco, Cal-
design living beings. ifornia, became the first corporation formed to
develop genetic engineering techniques for
Key terms commercial purposes.
biodiversity: the presence of a wide variety of By the 1990s, genetic engineering was be-
forms of life in an environment ing used on plants, animals, and humans. The
biotechnology: the technological manipula- Flavr Savr tomato, the first genetically modified
tion of living organisms; genetic engineer- (GM) food to be approved by the U.S. govern-
ing is the most common form of biotechnol- ment, was developed when biotechnologists in-
ogy serted a gene that delayed rotting in tomatoes.
recombinant DNA: a new combination of Transgenic animals (containing genes from hu-
genes spliced together on a single piece of mans and other animals) became common-
DNA; recombinant DNA is the basis of ge- place in laboratories by the middle of the 1990s.
netic engineering technology The year 1990 saw the first successful use of ge-
transgenic organism: a organism into which netic engineering on humans, when doctors
the DNA of another species has been in- used gene therapy to treat two girls suffering
serted from an immunodeficiency disease. The long-
felt discomfort over scientific manipulation of
Genetic Engineering as a Social and life, the suddenness of the development of the
Ethical Problem new technology, and the application of the
English author Mary Shelleys 1818 horror technology to humans all combined to make
novel Frankenstein, about a scientist who suc- many people worry about the social and ethical
ceeds in bringing a creature to life, expressed implications of genetic engineering. The most
anxiety about the possibility of human control serious concerns were over genetic manipula-
over the basic mysteries of existence. The novels tion of humans, but some critics also pointed
continuing popularity and the many films and out possible problems with the genetic engi-
other works based on it attest to deep-seated neering of plants and animals.
feelings that unrestrained science may violate
essential principles of nature and religion and Engineering of Plants and Animals
that human powers may grow to exceed human According to a Harris Poll survey conducted
wisdom. With the rise of genetic engineering in for the U.S. Office of Technology in the fall of
the 1970s, many serious philosophers and so- 1968, a majority of Americans were not op-
cial critics feared that the Frankenstein story posed to using recombinant DNA techniques
was moving from the realm of science fiction to produce hybrid agricultural plants. Some so-
into reality. cial critics, such as Jeremy Rifkin, have argued
The basic blueprint of all living beings was that such ready acceptance of the genetic engi-
found in 1953, when Francis Crick and James neering of plants is shortsighted. These critics
Watson discovered the structure of DNA. A lit- question the wisdom of intervening in the eco-
tle less than two decades later, in 1970, it be- logical balance of nature. More specifically,
came possible to conceive of redesigning this they maintain that manipulating the genetic
352 Genetic Engineering: Social and Ethical Issues

structure of plants tends to lead to a reduction quire more fertilizer and greater amounts of
in the diversity of plant life, making plants less irrigated water than ordinary plants. The tech-
resistant to disease. It could also lead to the nology would therefore serve the interests of
spread of diseases from one plant species to corporate agribusiness at the expense of small-
another, as genes of one species are implanted scale, low-income farmers.
in another. Furthermore, new and unnatural Many of the concerns about the genetic en-
varieties of food plants could have unforeseen gineering of animals are similar to those about
health risks for human beings. the engineering of plants. Loss of biodiversity,
Since genetic engineering is a highly techni- vulnerability to disease, and business control
cal procedure, those who control technology over livestock are all frequently mentioned ob-
have great power over the food supply. Thus, jections to the genetic manipulation of ani-
both corporate power over consumers and the mals. Moral issues tend to become more im-
power of more technologically advanced na- portant, though, when opponents of genetic
tions over less technologically advanced na- engineering discuss its use with animals. Many
tions could be increased as GM foods fill the religious beliefs hold that the order of the
marketplace. In addition, plants that are genet- world, including its division into different types
ically engineered to produce more often re- of creatures, is divinely ordained. From the per-
spective of such beliefs, the relatively common
experimental practice of injecting human
growth genes into mice could be seen as the
sacrilegious creation of monsters. Opponents
of the genetic alteration of animals argue, fur-
ther, that animals will suffer. They point out
that selective breeding, a slow process, has led
to about two hundred diseases of genetic origin
in purebred dogs. Genetic engineering brings
about change much faster than breeding, in-
creasing the probability of genetic diseases.

Engineering of Humans
Some of the greatest ethical and social prob-
Image not available lems with genetic engineering involve its use
on humans. Gene therapy seeks to cure inher-
ited diseases by altering the defective genes
that cause them. Those who favor gene therapy
maintain that it can be a powerful tool to over-
come human misery. Those who oppose this
type of medical procedure usually focus on
three major ethical issues. First, critics main-
tain that this technology raises the problem of
ownership of human life. In the early 1990s,
the National Institutes of Health (NIH) began
filing for patents on human genes, meaning
that the blueprints for human life could actu-
In Battle Creek, Michigan, a demonstration outside the head-
quarters of Kellogg highlights the companys use of genetically
ally be owned. Because all human DNA comes
altered crops without labeling. Those in favor of labeling the from human tissue, the question arises of
use of genetically altered ingredients maintain that the public whether participants in genetic experiments
has a right to know about the use of such ingredients so they own their own DNA or it belongs to the re-
can make informed purchase decisions. (AP/Wide World searchers who have extracted it.
Photos) The second problem involves eugenic impli-
Genetic Engineering: Social and Ethical Issues 353

cations. Eugenics is the practice of trying to See also: Animal Cloning; Biological
produce better humans. If scientists can alter Weapons; Biopharmaceuticals; Cloning: Ethi-
genes to produce humans with more desirable cal Issues; Eugenics; Cloning Vectors; Gene
health characteristics, then scientists can also Therapy; Gene Therapy: Ethical and Eco-
alter genes to produce humans with more de- nomic Issues; Genetic Engineering; Genetic
sirable characteristics of personality or physical Engineering: Agricultural Applications; Ge-
appearance. In this way, genetic engineering netic Engineering: Historical Development;
poses the risk of becoming an extreme and Genetic Engineering: Industrial Applications;
highly technological form of discrimination. Genetic Engineering: Medical Applications;
The third problem is related to both of the first Genetic Engineering: Risks; Genetically Mod-
two: the reduction of humans to objects. When ified (GM) Foods; High-Yield Crops; Knockout
human life becomes something that can be Genetics and Knockout Mice; Organ Trans-
owned and redesigned at will, some ethicists plants and HLA Genes; Paternity Tests; Patents
claim, it will cease to be seen as a sacred mystery on Life-Forms; Shotgun Cloning; Synthetic
and will become simply another piece of bio- Genes; Transgenic Organisms; Xenotrans-
logical machinery. As objects, people will grad- plants.
ually lose the philosophical justification for
their political and moral rights. Further Reading
Boylan, Michael, and Kevin E. Brown. Genetic
Impact and Applications Engineering: Science and Ethics on the New Fron-
Concerns about the social and ethical impli- tier. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall,
cations of genetic engineering have led to a 2001. Written by a biologist and philoso-
number of attempts to limit or control the tech- pher, text includes discussions on the profes-
nology. The environmental group Greenpeace sional and practical principles of conduct,
has campaigned against GM agricultural prod- the biology of genetic therapy, the limits of
ucts and called for the clear labeling of all foods science, somatic gene therapy, enhance-
produced by genetic manipulation. In Septem- ment, cloning, and germ line therapy. Illus-
ber, 1997, Greenpeace filed a legal petition trated.
against the U.S. Environmental Protection Evans, John Hyde. Playing God? Human Genetic
Agency (EPA), objecting to the EPAs approval Engineering and the Rationalization of Public
of GM plants. Bioethical Debate. Chicago: University of Chi-
Activist Jeremy Rifkin became one of the cago Press, 2002. Chapters include Frame-
most outspoken opponents of all forms of ge- work for Understanding the Thinning of a
netic engineering. Rifkin and his associates Public Debate, The Eugenicists and the
called on the U.S. NIH to stop government- Challenge from the Theologians, Gene
funded transgenic animal research. A num- Therapy, Advisory Commissions, and the
ber of organizations, such as the Boston-based Birth of the Bioethics Profession, and The
Council for Responsible Genetics (CRG), lob- Presidents Commission: The Neutral Tri-
bied to increase the legal regulation of genetic umph of Formal Rationality.
engineering. In 1990, in response to pressure Gonder, Janet C., Ernest D. Prentice, and Lilly-
from critics of genetic engineering, the Federal Marlene Russow, eds. Genetic Engineering and
Republic of Germany enacted a gene law to Animal Welfare: Preparing for the Twenty-first
govern the use of biotechnology. In the United Century. Greenbelt, Md.: Scientists Center
States, the federal government and many state for Animal Welfare, 1999. Covers ethics and
governments considered laws regarding genetic the well-being of animals used in genetic en-
manipulation. A 1995 Oregon law, for example, gineering and xenotransplantation. Illus-
granted ownership of human tissue and ge- trated.
netic information taken from human tissue to Hubbell, Sue. Shrinking the Cat: Genetic Engi-
the person from whom the tissue was taken. neering Before We Knew About Genes. Illustra-
Carl L. Bankston III tions by Liddy Hubbell. Boston: Houghton
354 Genetic Load

Mifflin, 2001. Discusses the way genes have fying plants and animals, altering human
been altered by humans for centuries by fo- genes, and cloning humans.
cusing on corn, silkworms, domestic cats, Veatch, Robert M. The Basics of Bioethics. 2d ed.
and apples and notes some of the mistakes Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2003.
that were made in the quest for improve- In a textbook designed for students, Veatch
ments. presents an overview of the main theories
Kass, Leon R. Life, Liberty, and the Defense of Dig- and policy questions in biomedical ethics.
nity: The Challenge for Bioethics. San Francisco: Includes diagrams, case studies, and defini-
Encounter Books, 2002. Examines genetic tions of key concepts.
research, cloning, and active euthanasia,
and argues that biotechnology has left hu- Web Sites of Interest
manity out of its equation, often debasing American Medical Association. http://ama-
human dignity rather than celebrating it. assn.org. The AMA has posted it guidelines
Lambrecht, Bill. Dinner at the New Gene Cafe: on the ethics of genetic engineering.
How Genetic Engineering Is Changing What We Council for Responsible Genetics. http://
Eat, How We Live, and the Global Politics of Food. www.gene-watch.org. An organization that
New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2001. encourages debate on issues concerning ge-
Chronicles the growing debate over geneti- netic technologies.
cally altered food in the United States be- National Information Resource on Ethics and
tween corporate profiteers and consumers, Human Genetics. http://www.georgetown
farmers, and environmentalists. Illustrated. .edu/research/nrcbl/nirehg. Site supports
Long, Clarisa, ed. Genetic Testing and the Use of links to databases, annotated bibliographies,
Information. Washington, D.C.: AEI Press, and articles about the ethics of genetic engi-
1999. Chapters include Genetic Privacy, neering and human genetics.
Medical Information Privacy, and the Use of
Human Tissue Specimens in Research,
The Social Implications of the Use of
Stored Tissue Samples: Context, Control, Genetic Load
and Community, and Genetic Discrimina-
tion. Field of study: Population genetics
Reiss, Michael J., and Roger Straughan, eds. Im- Significance: Genetic load is a measure of the num-
proving Nature? The Science and Ethics of Ge- ber of recessive deleterious (lethal or sublethal) al-
netic Engineering. New York: Cambridge Uni- leles in a population. These alleles are maintained
versity Press, 2001. Elucidates the ethical in populations at equilibrium frequencies by mu-
issues surrounding genetic engineering for tation (which introduces new alleles into the gene
the nonbiologist. Chapters examine genetic pool) and selection (which eliminates unfavorable
engineering in microorganisms, plants, ani- alleles from the gene pool). Genetic load is one of
mals, and humans. the causes of inbreeding depression, the reduced
Rifkin, Jeremy. The Biotech Century: Harnessing viability of offspring from closely related individu-
the Gene and Remaking the World. New York: als. For this reason, genetic load is a primary con-
Putnam, 1998. One of the best-known critics cern in the fields of agriculture, animal hus-
of biotechnology warns that procedures bandry, conservation biology, and human health.
such as cloning and genetic engineering
could be disastrous for the gene pool and for Key terms
the natural environment. deleterious alleles: alternative forms of a
Yount, Lisa, ed. The Ethics of Genetic Engineering. gene that, when expressed in the homozy-
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Essays gous condition in diploid organisms, may be
written by scientists, science writers, ethi- lethal or sublethalin the latter case typi-
cists, and consumer advocates present the cally resulting in an aberrant phenotype
growing controversy over genetically modi- with low fitness
Genetic Load 355

inbreeding depression: reduced fit-

ness of an individual or population
arising as the result of decreased
heterozygosity across loci

Genetic Load in Diploid

Genetic diversity is a measure of
the total number of alleles within a
population and it is mutation, the ul-
timate source of all genetic variation, Image not available
that gives rise to new alleles. Favor-
able mutations are rare and are greatly
outnumbered by mutations that are
selectively neutral or deleterious (that
is, lethal or sublethal). In diploid or-
ganisms most mutant (deleterious)
alleles are hidden from view because
they are masked by a second, normal,
or wild-type, allele; that is they are typ-
ically (but not always) recessive. On
the other hand, in haploid organisms
lethal and deleterious genes are im- The April 25, 1986, accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the
mediately exposed to differential se- Ukraine released 5 percent of the radioactive reactor core into the atmo-
lection. sphere, contaminating large areas of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia and
Genetic load is defined as an esti- quite possibly increasing genetic loads in affected populations. (AP/Wide
mate of the number of deleterious al- World Photos)
leles in a population. Total genetic
load is therefore the sum of two major
components, the lethal load (L) and the detri- in sufficient number to be detected. Second, in
mental, but nonlethal load (D). Empirical and some situations recessive alleles that are dele-
theoretical studies suggest detrimental alleles terious or lethal in the homozygous state are
rather than lethals constitute the greater ma- advantageous in heterozygotes. Third, new del-
jority of the genetic load in natural popula- eterious alleles are constantly introduced into
tions. When expressed in the homozygous con- the population by mutation or are reintroduced
dition, the primary effect of deleterious alleles by back mutation. Finally, the rate at which del-
within the gene pool on individuals is straight- eterious genes are purged from the population
forward: death or disability accompanied by critically depends upon the cost of selection
lower fitness. However, the impact of lethal and against them, and selection coefficients may
sublethal alleles on the mean fitness of popula- vary considerably depending upon the allele
tions, as opposed to individuals, is dependent and intra- or extracellular environments. In
upon many factors, such as their frequency large randomly mating diploid populations,
within the gene pool, the number of individu- genetic load theoretically reaches an equilib-
als in the population, and whether or not those rium value maintained by a balance between
individuals are randomly mating. the mutation rate and the strength of selection.
How and why are recessive alleles maintained Finally, it should be borne in mind that non-
within a population at all? Why are they not lethal alleles that are not advantageous under
eliminated by natural selection? First, recessive present circumstances nevertheless constitute
deleterious alleles must obtain a sufficient fre- a pool of alleles that may be advantageous in a
quency before homozygous individuals occur different (or changing) environment or in a
356 Genetic Load

different genetic background. In other words, tion rates may also increase genetic load. For
some neutral and nonlethal mutations may example, the rate of nucleotide substitution in
have unpredictable remote consequences. mammalian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is
nearly ten times that of nuclear DNA. The ten-
Population Size, Inbreeding, and fold mutation rate difference is postulated to
Genetic Load be due to highly toxic, mutagenic reactive oxy-
As it is used among population geneticists, gen species produced by the mitochondrial
genetic load is most appropriately defined as electron transport chain and/or relatively inef-
the proportionate decrease in the average fit- ficient DNA repair mechanisms. Thus, mito-
ness of a population relative to that of the opti- chondrial genomes accumulate fixed nucleo-
mal genotype. The proportionate decrease in tide changes rapidly via Mllers ratchet.
the average fitness is, of course, due to the Mutation rates and genetic load may also be in-
presence of lethal and deleterious nonlethal al- creased by exposure to harmful environments.
leles that are maintained in equilibrium by mu- For example, an accident on April 25, 1986,
tation and selection. Genetic load within popu- at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in the
lations may be substantially increased under Ukraine released 5 percent of the radioactive
certain circumstances. Small populations, spe- reactor core into the atmosphere, contaminat-
cies whose mating system involves complete or ing large areas of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia.
partial inbreeding, and populations with in- Radiation exposure of this kind and toxic
creased mutation rates all are expected to accu- chemicals (such as heavy metals) in watersheds
mulate load at values exceeding that of large pose significant human health risks that, over
outbreeding populations. Small populations time, may be associated with increased genetic
face multiple genetic hazards, including in- loads in affected populations.
breeding depression. J. Craig Bailey
Inbreeding decreases heterozygosity across See also: Consanguinity and Genetic Dis-
loci and, relative to randomly mating popu- ease; Hardy-Weinberg Law; Heredity and Envi-
lations, the fitness of inbred individuals is ronment; Inbreeding and Assortative Mating;
typically depressed. Inbreeding causes rare re- Lateral Gene Transfer; Natural Selection; Pedi-
cessive alleles to occur more frequently in the gree Analysis; Polyploidy; Population Genetics;
homozygous condition, increasing the frequency Punctuated Equilibrium; Quantitative Inheri-
of aberrant phenotypes that are observed. Com- tance; Sociobiology; Speciation.
plete or partial inbreeding (or, in plants, self-
fertilization) leads to the accumulation of dele- Further Reading
terious mutations that increase genetic load. Charlesworth, D., and B. Charlesworth. In-
Paradoxically, continued inbreeding results in breeding Depression and Its Evolutionary
lower equilibrium frequencies of deleterious Consequences. Annual Review of Ecology and
alleles because they are expressed with greater Systematics 18 (1987): 237-268. A review of
frequency in the homozygous state. Thus, in- empirical studies of genetic load and its
breeding populations may eliminate, or purge, short- and long-term affects on the evolu-
some proportion of their genetic load via selec- tionary potentialities of inbred populations.
tion against deleterious recessive alleles. Never- Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen, ed. The Natural His-
theless it is true that, compared to large ge- tory of Inbreeding and Outbreeding: Theoretical
netically diverse populations, small inbred and Empirical Perspectives. Chicago: Univer-
populations with reduced genetic diversity are sity of Chicago Press, 1993. Several articles in
more likely to go extinct. For these reasons, this book expertly consider the complex re-
population sizes, inbreeding, and genetic load lationship between the costs and benefits as-
are among the primary concerns of conserva- sociated with many different mating systems
tion biologists working to ensure the survival of (totally outbreeding, inbreeding, partial
rare or endangered species. selfing, and haplodiploidy) in relation to to-
As previously mentioned, increased muta- tal genetic load.
Genetic Screening 357

Wallace, Bruce. Genetic Load: Its Biological and lism. The purpose of this kind of screening is to
Conceptual Aspects. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: provide immediate treatment after birth if a de-
Prentice-Hall, 1970. This 116-page treatise fect is detected, so that the newborn has a
provides an introduction to the concept of chance of having a normal life. A classic exam-
genetic load in individuals and populations ple of neonatal screening in the United States
and discusses how genetic load is calculated. and many countries is the mandatory mass
It also provides a discussion of how the inter- screening of newborn babies for phenylketon-
play among mutation rates, selection, and uria (PKU), a disorder that causes irreversible
inbreeding influences the dynamics of ge- brain damage when not treated. Individuals
netic load within populations. with PKU lack the enzyme phenylalanine hy-
droxylase, which converts the essential amino
acid phenylalanine into the amino acid tyrosine.
PKU results in accumulation of phenylalanine
Genetic Screening in the body, which causes the brain damage.
Newborn babies are screened for PKU using
Field of study: Human genetics and social the Guthrie test, named after its inventor, Rob-
issues ert Guthrie. The Guthrie test detects high lev-
Significance: Genetic screening is a preventive els of phenylalanine in the blood of newborns.
health measure that involves the mandatory or Blood samples are taken from the heels of new-
voluntary testing of certain individuals for the born babies in the hospital nursery, placed on
purpose of detecting genetic disorders or identify-
ing defective genes that can be transmitted to off-
spring. The primary goals of genetic screening in-
clude the prevention and/or treatment of genetic
disorders and the option to make informed and ra-
tional decisions about conception and birth.It has
raised concerns about confidentiality, discrimina-
tion, and the right to privacy.

Key terms
allele: a form of a gene at a locus; each locus
in an individuals chromosomes has two al-
leles, which may be the same or different
carrier: a healthy individual who has one nor- Image not available
mal allele and one defective allele at the
same gene locus
genetic disorder: a disorder caused by a
change in a gene or chromosome
inborn error of metabolism: an inherited
disease caused by a mutation in a gene that
codes for an enzyme important in a meta-
bolic pathway
locus (pl. loci): the actual location of a gene
on a chromosome

Neonatal Screening
The most widespread use of genetic screen- Many states mandate that newborns be screened for phenylke-
ing is the testing of newborn babies, called neo- tonuria (PKU), hypothyroidism, and, in some cases, other in-
natal screening. Every year, millions of newborn born errors of metabolism such as galactosemia. (AP/Wide
babies are tested for inborn errors of metabo- World Photos)
358 Genetic Screening

filter papers as dried spots, and sent off to ap- uals were tested for the presence of distorted or
propriate laboratories for analysis. Newborns sicked-shaped red blood cells caused by the
with positive results can be effectively treated production of abnormal hemoglobin, the mol-
with a diet low in phenylalanine (low-protein ecule that transports oxygen in the body. The
foods). The level of phenylalanine in the blood laws mandating screening were later repealed
is regularly monitored. If treatment is not initi- amid charges of racial discrimination.
ated within the first two months of life, irrevers- After successful identification of the cystic fi-
ible brain damage will occur. brosis gene in 1989, the scientific and medical
In the United States, only one other neona- community began debating the costs and bene-
tal tests is performed routinely in all states: for fits of screening millions of carriers of the gene
hypothyroidism. There is no federal mandate in the United States. Cystic fibrosis is a com-
for which tests must be provided to everyone, mon inherited disorder characterized by accu-
so each state decides independently. Many states mulation of mucus in the lungs and pancreas; it
also screen for galactosemia, an inherited dis- affects Caucasian children and young adults.
order characterized by seizures, mental retar- The proportion of carriers in the population
dation, vomiting, and liver disease, caused by varies by ethnicity. Northern Europeans have
the accumulation of galactose in the blood. the highest proportion of carriers (1 in 22),
Many states also screen for maple syrup urine while African Americans have a much lower pro-
disease, homocystinuria, and biotinidase defi- portion (1 in 65). Some companies have begun
ciency. A majority of states also screen for voluntary screening for the cystic fibrosis gene
sickle-cell disease, an inherited blood disorder in couples with a family history of the disorder.
characterized by anemia, pain in the abdomen
and joints, and damage to organs. Impact and Applications
The benefits of genetic screening include
Carrier Screening early intervention and treatment, detection of
Carrier screening is the voluntary testing of new mutations by researchers, and the educa-
healthy individuals of reproductive age who tion of people about genetic disorders so that
may be carriers of heritable, defective genes, they are able to make informed and responsi-
the purpose being to inform couples of their ble decisions about reproductive issues. How-
risk of having a child with a genetic disorder. In ever, screening for genetic defects has raised
the United States, screening has been limited ethical and social issues over confidentiality,
to some ethnic groups known to have a high in- discrimination, and the right to privacy.
cidence of a specific genetic disorder. In the One example is the sickle-cell screening pro-
1970s, for example, Tay-Sachs screening of gram of the early 1970s. Screening results were
Ashkenazi Jews of reproductive age was success- not kept in strictest confidence; consequently,
fully implemented. Tay-Sachs disease is an in- many healthy African Americans who were car-
herited, progressive disease in infants charac- riers of the sickle-cell gene were stigmatized
terized by a startle response to noise, blindness, and discriminated against in terms of employ-
seizures, paralysis, and death in infancy caused ment and insurance coverage. There were also
by the absence of an enzyme called hexosamini- charges of racial discrimination because carri-
dase A. Tay-Sachs screening measures the level ers were advised against bearing children.
of hexosaminidase A in the blood. People with Although the sickle-cell disease screening
Tay-Sachs disease have no detectable level of programs were unsuccessful, there were some
the enzyme, while carriers have a below-normal successes in other screening programs. For ex-
level of the enzyme. ample, the number of newborns with Tay-Sachs
In the early 1970s, mandatory, large-scale disease has dropped dramatically as a result of
screening of African American couples and carrier screening programs. The screening pro-
some schoolchildren was implemented in an grams succeeded because of the tremendous
effort to identify carriers of the gene for sickle- effort put forth to educate Ashkenazi Jewish
cell disease. Blood samples taken from individ- communities about the disorder and the conse-
Genetic Screening 359

quent acceptance of the programs by these screening in the Ashkenazi Jewish popula-
communities. tion, cystic fibrosis, identifying and manag-
Genetic screening may be even more useful ing hereditary risk of breast and ovarian can-
in the future, when genetic disorders that are cer, and genetic implications for newborn
currently incurable might be treated by gene screening for phenylketonuria.
therapy (the replacement of a defective or miss- Heyman, Bob, and Mette Henriksen. Risk, Age,
ing gene with a normal, functional copy of the and Pregnancy: A Case Study of Prenatal Genetic
gene). The first clinical trials of gene therapy Screening and Testing. New York: Palgrave,
began in 1990 for severe combined immunode- 2001. Provides a detailed case study of a pre-
ficiency disorder (SCID), a lethal genetic disor- natal genetic screening and testing system in
der in which a person has no functional immu- a British hospital, giving perspectives of
nity. Much attention has been focused on gene pregnant women, hospital doctors, and mid-
therapy as a significant treatment option for pa- wives, and elucidating the communication
tients with disorders such as cystic fibrosis. So between women and the hospital doctors
far, gene therapy has garnered mixed results, who advise them.
and much progress will be needed before it be- Pierce, Benjamin A. The Family Genetic Source-
comes possible, much less routinely feasible. book. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990. An
However, although it may well be decades or introduction to the principles of heredity
more before that occurs, future generations and a catalog of more than one hundred hu-
may well enjoy the results of todays research. man traits. Topics include heredity, inheri-
Oluwatoyin O. Akinwunmi tance patterns, chromosomes and chromo-
See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil- somal abnormalities, genetic risks, genetic
lus Sampling; Bioethics; Cystic Fibrosis; Down counseling, and family history. Written for
Syndrome; Gene Therapy; Gene Therapy: Eth- the general reader, with short descriptions,
ical and Economic Issues; Genetic Counseling; and includes suggested readings, appendi-
Genetic Testing; Genetic Testing: Ethical and ces, glossary, and index.
Economic Issues; Hereditary Diseases; Human Roberts, Leslie. To Test or Not to Test? Science
Genetics; In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo 247 (January, 1990). Although a bit dated,
Transfer; Inborn Errors of Metabolism; Insur- outlines well the basic issues surrounding
ance; Linkage Maps; Phenylketonuria (PKU); cystic fibrosis screening.
Prenatal Diagnosis; Sickle-Cell Disease; Tay- Shannon, Joyce Brennfleck, ed. Medical Tests
Sachs Disease. Sourcebook. Detroit, Mich.: Omnigraphics,
1999. As the lengthy subtitle puts it, a guide
Further Reading to basic consumer health information about
Anderson, W. French. Gene Therapy. Scien- medical tests, including periodic health ex-
tific American 273 (September, 1995). Pro- ams, general screening tests, tests you can do
vides an overview for the general reader. at home, findings of the U.S. Preventive Ser-
Chadwick, Ruth, et al., eds. The Ethics of Genetic vices Task Force, X-ray and radiology tests,
Screening. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1999. electrical tests, tests of blood and other body
Covers three aspects of the topic: ethical fluids and tissues, scope tests, lung tests, ge-
principles that guide genetic screening and netic tests, pregnancy tests, newborn screen-
testing programs, descriptions of genetic ing tests, sexually transmitted disease tests,
screening programs in European nations, and computer aided diagnoses, along with a
and analysis of social and historical condi- section on paying for medical tests, a glos-
tions that influence national programs. sary, and resource listings. Illustrated.
Evans, Mark I., ed. Metabolic and Genetic
Screening. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, Web Sites of Interest
2001. Covers principles of screening, screen- American Medical Association. http://ama-
ing for neural tube defects, second-trimester assn.org. The AMAs guidelines on the eth-
biochemical screening, prenatal genetic ics of genetic screening.
360 Genetic Testing

Centers for Disease Control, Genomics and The technique most commonly used for pre-
Disease Prevention. http://www.cdc.gov/ natal diagnosis is amniocentesis. It is per-
genomics/info/reports/program/popula- formed between the sixteenth and eighteenth
tion.htm. A journal article on genetic week of pregnancy. Amniocentesis involves the
screening, entitled Population Screening insertion of a hypodermic needle through the
in the Age of Genomic Medicine. abdomen into the uterus of a pregnant woman.
The insertion of the needle is guided by ultra-
sound, a technique that uses high-frequency
sound waves to locate a developing fetus or in-
Genetic Testing ternal organs and presents a visual image on a
video monitor. A small amount of amniotic
Field of study: Human genetics and social fluid, which surrounds and protects the fetus, is
issues withdrawn. The amniotic fluid contains fetal
Significance: Genetic testing comprises any proce- secretions and cells sloughed off the fetus that
dure used to detect the presence of a genetic disorder are analyzed for genetic abnormalities. Chro-
or a defective gene in a fetus, newborn, or adult. mosomal disorders such as Down syndrome,
The results of genetic tests can be useful in family Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18), and Patau
planning, treatment decisions and medical re- syndrome (trisomy 13) can be detected by ex-
search. Genetic testing has significant implica- amining the chromosome number of the fetal
tions with respect to reproductive choices, privacy, cells. Certain biochemical disorders such as
insurance coverage, and employment. Tay-Sachs disease, a progressive disorder char-
acterized by a startle response to sound, blind-
Key terms ness, paralysis, and death in infancy, can be
genetic disorder: a disorder caused by a mu- determined by testing for the presence or ab-
tation in a gene or chromosome sence of a specific enzyme activity in the amni-
genetic marker: a distinctive DNA sequence otic fluid. Amniocentesis can also determine
that shows variation in the population and the sex of a fetus and detect common birth
can therefore potentially be used for identi- defects such as spina bifida (an open or ex-
fication of individuals and for discovery of posed spinal cord) and anencephaly (partial or
disease genes complete absence of the brain) by measur-
ing levels of alpha fetoprotein in the amni-
Prenatal Diagnosis otic fluid. The limitations of amniocentesis in-
Prenatal diagnosis is the testing of a develop- clude inability to detect most genetic disorders,
ing fetus in the womb, or uterus, for the pres- possible fetal injury or death, infection, and
ence of a genetic disorder. The purpose of this bleeding.
type of genetic testing is to inform a pregnant Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is another
woman of the chances of having a baby with a technique used for prenatal diagnosis. It is per-
genetic disorder. Prenatal diagnosis is limited formed earlier than amniocentesis (between
to high-risk individuals and is usually recom- the eighth and twelfth week of pregnancy). Un-
mended only if a woman is thirty-five years of der the guidance of ultrasound, a catheter is in-
age or older, if she has had two or more sponta- serted into the uterus via the cervix to obtain a
neous abortions, or if there is a family history of sample of the chorionic villi. The chorionic villi
a genetic disorder. Hundreds of genetic disor- are part of the fetal portion of the placenta, the
ders can be tested in a fetus. One of the most organ that nourishes the fetus. The chorionic
common genetic disorders screened for is villi can be analyzed for chromosomal and bio-
Down syndrome, or trisomy 21, a form of men- chemical disorders but not for congenital birth
tal retardation caused by having an extra copy defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly.
of chromosome 21. The incidence of Down The limitations of this technique are inaccu-
syndrome increases sharply in children born to rate diagnosis and a slightly higher chance of
women over the age of forty. fetal loss than in amniocentesis.
Genetic Testing 361

Neonatal Testing formed if there is a family history of the genetic

The most widespread genetic testing is the disease or some other reason to suspect its pres-
mandatory testing of every newborn infant for ence.
the inborn error of metabolism (a biochemical
disorder caused by mutations in the genes that Carrier Testing
code for the synthesis of enzymes) phenyl- A healthy couple contemplating having chil-
ketonuria (PKU), a disorder in which the en- dren can be tested voluntarily to determine if
zyme for converting phenylalanine to tyrosine they carry a defective gene for a disorder that
is nonfunctional. The purpose of this type of runs in the family. This type of testing is known
testing is to initiate early treatment of infants. as carrier testing because it is designed for car-
Without treatment, PKU leads to brain dam- riers (individuals who have a normal gene
age and mental retardation. A blood sample is paired with a defective form of the same gene
taken by heel prick from a newborn in the hos- but have no symptoms of a genetic disorder).
pital nursery, placed on filter papers as dried Carriers of the genes responsible for Tay-Sachs
spots, and subsequently tested, using the disease, cystic fibrosis (accumulation of mucus
Guthrie test, for abnormally high levels of phe- in the lungs and pancreas), Duchenne muscu-
nylalanine. In infants who test positive for PKU, lar dystrophy (wasting away of muscles), and
a diet low in phenylalanine is initiated within hemophilia (uncontrolled bleeding caused by
the first two months of life. Newborns can be lack of blood clotting factor) can be detected
tested for many other disorders such as sickle- by DNA analysis.
cell disease and galactosemia (accumulation of When the gene responsible for a specific ge-
galactose in the blood), but the cost benefit ra- netic disorder is unknown, the location of the
tio is only acceptable in the more common ge- gene on a chromosome can be detected indi-
netic diseases, and most tests are only per- rectly by linkage analysis. Linkage analysis is a

Image not available

DNA samples from patients are removed by an eight-needle apparatus and deposited into a tray for genetic testing at Myriad Genetics
in Salt Lake City. (AP/Wide World Photos)
362 Genetic Testing

technique in which geneticists look for consis- like tests for many of the inborn errors of
tent patterns in large families where the mu- metabolism, predictive testing can only give a
tated gene and a genetic marker always appear rough idea of how likely an individual may be to
together in affected individuals and those develop a particular genetic disease. It is not al-
known to be carriers. If a genetic marker lies ways clear how such information should be
close to the defective gene, it is possible to locate used, but at least in some cases lifestyle or thera-
the defective gene by looking for the genetic peutic changes can be instituted to lessen the
marker. The genetic markers used commonly likelihood of developing the disease.
for linkage analysis are restriction fragment
length polymorphisms (RFLPs). When human Impact and Applications
DNA is isolated from a blood sample and di- Genetic testing has had a significant impact
gested at specific sites with special enzymes on families and society at large. It provides ob-
called restriction endonucleases, RFLPs are pro- jective information to families about genetic
duced. RFLPs are found scattered randomly in disorders or birth defects and provides an anal-
human DNA and are of different lengths in dif- ysis of the risks for genetic disorders through
ferent people, except in identical twins. They genetic counseling. Consequently, many pro-
are caused by mutations or the presence of spective parents are able to make informed and
varying numbers of repeated copies of a DNA responsible decisions about conception and
sequence and are inherited. RFLPs are sepa- birth. Some choose not to bear children, some
rated by gel electrophoresis, a technique in terminate pregnancy after prenatal diagnosis,
which DNA fragments of varying lengths are and some take a genetic gamble and hope for a
separated in an electric field according to their normal child. Genetic testing can have a pro-
sizes. The separated DNA fragments are blot- found psychological impact on an individual or
ted onto a nylon membrane, a process known family. A positive genetic test could cause a per-
as Southern blotting. The membrane is probed son to experience depression, while a negative
and then visualized on X-ray film. The charac- test result may eliminate anxiety and distress.
teristic pattern of DNA bands visible on the Questions have been raised in the scientific
film is similar in appearance to the bar codes and medical community about the reliability
on grocery items. and high costs of tests. There is concern about
An early successful example of linkage analy- whether genetic tests are stringent enough to
sis involved the search for the gene that causes ensure that errors are not made. DNA-based di-
Huntingtons disease, an always fatal neurolog- agnosis can lead to errors if DNA samples are
ical disease that typically shows onset after 35 or contaminated. Such errors can be devastating
40 years of age. In 1983, James Gusella, Nancy to families. People at risk for late-onset disor-
Wexler, and Michael Conneally reported a cor- ders such as Huntingtons disease can be tested
relation between one specific RFLP they to determine if they are predisposed to devel-
named G8 and Huntingtons disease (Hunting- oping the disease. There is, however, contro-
tons chorea). After studying numerous RFLPs versy over whether it is ethical to test for dis-
of generations of an extended Venezuelan fam- eases for which there are no known cures or
ily with a history of Huntingtons disease, they preventive therapies. The question of testing
discovered that G8 was present in members af- also creates a dilemma in many families. Unlike
flicted with the genetic disorder and was absent other medical tests, predictive testing involves
in unaffected members. the participation of many members of a family.
High-risk individuals or families can be Some members of a family may wish to know
tested voluntarily for the presence of a mutated their genetic status, while others may not.
gene that may indicate a predisposition to a While there has been great enthusiasm over
late-onset genetic disorder such as Alzheimers genetic testing, there are also social, legal, and
disease or to other conditions such as heredi- ethical issues such as discrimination, confiden-
tary breast, ovarian, and colon cancers. This tiality, reproductive choice, and abuse of ge-
type of testing is called predictive testing. Un- netic information. Insurance companies and
Genetic Testing 363

employers may require prospective customers See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil-
and employees to submit to genetic testing or lus Sampling; Bioethics; Breast Cancer; Cystic
may inquire about a persons genetic status. In- Fibrosis; DNA Fingerprinting; Down Syn-
dividuals may be denied life and health insur- drome; Gene Therapy; Gene Therapy: Ethical
ance coverage because of their genetic status, and Economic Issues; Genetic Counseling; Ge-
or a prospective customer may be forced to pay netic Screening; Genetic Testing: Ethical and
exorbitant insurance premiums. The potential Economic Issues; Hemophilia; Hereditary Dis-
for discrimination with respect to employment eases; Human Genetics; Huntingtons Disease;
and promotions also exists. For example, as a In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer; In-
result of the sickle-cell screening programs of born Errors of Metabolism; Insurance; Link-
the early 1970s, many African Americans with age Maps; Paternity Tests; Phenylketonuria
sickle-cell disease were denied employment (PKU); Prenatal Diagnosis; RFLP Analysis;
and insurance coverage and some were denied Sickle-Cell Disease; Tay-Sachs Disease.
entry into the U.S. Air Force. The Americans
with Disabilities Act, signed into federal law in Further Reading
1990, contained provisions safeguarding em- Anderson, W. French. Gene Therapy. Scien-
ployees from genetic discrimination by em- tific American 273 (September, 1995). Pro-
ployers. By 1994, companies with fifteen or vides an overview for the general reader.
more employees had to comply with the law, Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer Risk: Its Your
which prohibits employment discrimination Choice. NIH Publication 99-4252 4008061621.
because of genetic status and also prohibits ge- DHHS Publication 99-4252 4008061622.
netic testing by employers. Washington, D.C.: National Action Plan on
As genetic testing becomes standard prac- Breast Cancer, Public Health Services Office
tice, the potential for misuse of genetic tests on Womens Health, Department of Health
and genetic information will become greater. and Human Services, 1999. Examines the di-
Prospective parents may potentially use prena- agnosis of human chromosome abnormali-
tal diagnosis as a means to ensure the birth of a ties and the genetic aspects of breast and
perfect child. Restriction fragment length ovarian cancer. Illustrated.
polymorphism analysis, used in genetic testing, Heller, Linda. Genetic Testing. Parents 70 (No-
has applications in DNA fingerprinting or DNA vember, 1995). Explores the risks of some
typing. DNA fingerprinting is a powerful tool tests.
for identification of individuals used to gener- Heyman, Bob, and Mette Henriksen. Risk, Age,
ate patterns of DNA fragments unique to each and Pregnancy: A Case Study of Prenatal Genetic
individual based on differences in the sizes of Screening and Testing. New York: Palgrave,
repeated DNA regions in humans. It is used to 2001. Provides a detailed case study of a pre-
establish identity or nonidentity in immigra- natal genetic screening and testing system
tion cases and paternity and maternity dis- in a British hospital, giving perspectives of
putes; it is also used to exonerate the innocent pregnant women, hospital doctors, and mid-
accused of violent crimes and to link a sus- wives, and elucidating the communication
pects DNA to body fluids or hair left at a crime between women and the hospital doctors
scene. Several states in the United States have who advise them.
been collecting blood samples from a variety of Jackson, J. F., H. F. Linskens, and R. B. Inman,
sources, including newborn infants during neo- eds. Testing for Genetic Manipulation in Plants.
natal testing and individuals convicted of vio- New York: Springer, 2002. Surveys the devel-
lent crimes, and have been storing genetic in- oping methods for detecting and character-
formation derived from them in DNA databases izing genetic manipulation in plants and
for future reference. Such information could plant products such as seeds and foods. Fig-
be misused by unauthorized people. ures, tables.
Oluwatoyin O. Akinwunmi, Shannon, Joyce Brennfleck, ed. Medical Tests
updated by Bryan Ness Sourcebook. Detroit, Mich.: Omnigraphics,
364 Genetic Testing: Ethical and Economic Issues

1999. Gives lay readers insight into basic con- more can be determined through genetic test-
sumer health information about a range of ing. Although there are obvious advantages to
medical tests. Topics covered include gen- acquiring this kind of information, there are
eral screening tests, medical imaging tests, also potential ethical problems. For example, if
genetic testing, newborn screenings, and two married people are both found to be carri-
sexually transmitted disease tests, as well as ers of cystic fibrosis, each child born to them
Medicare, Medicaid, and other information will have a 25 percent chance of having cystic
on paying for medical tests. fibrosis. Using this information, they could
choose not to have any children, or, under an
Web Site of Interest oppressive government desiring to improve
National Institutes of Health, National Library the genetics of the population, they could be
of Medicine. http://www.nlm.nih.gov. This forcibly sterilized. Alternatively, they could
site links to comprehensive information on choose to have each child tested prenatally and
genetic testing, research, and more. Also abort any child that tests positive for cystic fi-
available in Spanish. brosis. Ethical dilemmas similar to these are
destined to become increasingly common as
scientists develop tests for more genetic dis-
Genetic Testing: Ethical and Another dilemma arises in the case of dis-
Economic Issues eases such as Huntingtons disease (Hunting-
tons chorea), which is caused by a single domi-
Field of study: Bioethics; Human genetics nant gene and is always lethal but which does
and social issues not generally cause physical symptoms until
Significance: Using a suite of molecular, biochemi- middle age or later. A parent with such a dis-
cal, and medical techniques, it is now possible to ease has a 50 percent chance of passing it on to
identify carriers of a number of genetic diseases each child. Now that people can be tested, it is
and to diagnose some genetic diseases even before possible for a child to know whether he or she
they display physical symptoms. In addition, nu- has inherited the deadly gene. If a person tests
merous genes that predispose people to particular positive for the disease, he or she can then
diseases such as cancer, alcoholism, and heart dis- choose to remain childless or opt for prenatal
ease have been identified. These technologies raise testing to guard against the possibility of bring-
important ethical questions about who should be ing a child into the world under a death sen-
tested, how the results of tests should be used, who tence.
should have access to the test results, and what Tests for deadly, untreatable genetic diseases
constitutes normality. in offspring have an even darker side. If the test
is negative, the person may be greatly relieved;
Key terms if it is positive, however, doctors can offer no
dominant trait: a genetically determined hope. Is it right to let someone know that they
trait that is expressed when a person receives will die sometime around middle age or shortly
the gene for that trait from either or both thereafter if there is nothing the medical com-
parents munity can do to help them? The psychological
recessive trait: a genetically determined trait trauma associated with such disclosures can
that is expressed only if a person receives the sometimes be severe enough to result in sui-
gene for the trait from both parents cide. Additionally, who should receive informa-
tion about the test, especially if it shows positive
The Dilemmas of Genetic Testing for the disease? If the information is kept confi-
Historically, it was impossible to determine dential, a person with the disease could buy
whether a person was a carrier of a genetic dis- large amounts of life insurance, to the financial
ease or whether a fetus was affected by a genetic advantage of beneficiaries, at the same price as
disease. Now both of these things and much an unaffected person. On the other hand, if
Genetic Testing: Ethical and Economic Issues 365

health and life insurance companies were al- testing information available to employers and
lowed to know the results of such tests, they insurance companies would open the door to
might use the information to refuse insurance discrimination based on the probability that a
coverage of any kind. Finally, none of the ge- prospective employee or client will become a
netic tests is 100 percent accurate. There will be future financial burden. A number of states
occasional false positives and false negatives. have banned insurance companies from using
With so much at stake, how can doctors and ge- genetic testing data for this very reason.
netic counselors help patients understand the
uncertainties? Impact and Applications
The long track record and accuracy of some
How Should Genetic Testing Information tests, such as the tests for cystic fibrosis and Tay-
Be Used? Sachs disease, has led to the suggestion that
Scientists are now able to test for more than they could be used to screen the general popu-
just specific, prominent genetic defects. Ge- lation. Although this would seem to provide
netic tests are now available for determining positive benefits to the population at large,
potential risks for such things as cancer, alco- there is a concern about the cost of testing on
holism, Alzheimers disease, and obesity. A pos- such a broad scale. Would the costs of testing
itive result for the alcoholism gene does not outweigh the benefits? What other medical
mean that a person is doomed to be an alco- needs might not receive funding if such a pro-
holic but rather that they have a genetic ten- gram were started? The medical community
dency toward behavior patterns that lead to al- will have to consider the options carefully be-
coholism or other addictions. Knowing this, a fore more widespread testing takes place.
person can then seek counseling, as needed, to As more genetic tests become available, it
prevent alcoholism and make lifestyle deci- will eventually be possible to develop a fairly
sions to help prevent alcohol abuse. comprehensive genetic profile for each per-
Unfortunately, a positive test for genes that son. Such profiles could be stored on CD-ROMs
predispose people to diseases such as cancer or other storage devices and be used by individ-
may be more ominous. It is believed that people uals, in consultation with their personal physi-
showing a predisposition can largely prevent cians, to make lifestyle decisions that would
the eventual development of cancer with aggres- counteract the effects of some of the defects in
sive early screening (for example, breast exams their genetic profiles. The information could
and colonoscopies) and lifestyle changes. Some also be used to determine a couples genetic
pre-emptive strategies, however, have come un- compatibility before they get married. When a
der fire. For example, some women at risk for woman becomes pregnant, a prenatal genetic
breast cancer have chosen prophylactic mas- profile of the fetus could be produced; if it does
tectomies. In some cases, however, cancer still not match certain minimum standards, it could
develops after a mastectomy, and some studies be aborted. The same genetic profile could be
have shown lumpectomy and other less radical used to shape the childs life and help deter-
treatments to be as effective as mastectomy. mine the childs profession. Although such
Another concern centers on who should comprehensive testing is now prohibitively ex-
have access to the test results. Should employ- pensive, the costs should drop as the tests are
ers be allowed to require genetic testing as a perfected and made more widely available.
screening tool for hiring decisions? Should in- Access to genetic profiles by employers, in-
surance companies have access to the records surance companies, advertisers, and law en-
when making policy decisions? These are espe- forcement agencies could result in consider-
cially disturbing questions considering the fact able economic savings to society, allowing many
that a test for one of the breast cancer genes, decisions to be made with greater accuracy, but
for example, only predicts a significantly higher at what other costs? How should the informa-
probability of developing breast cancer than is tion be used? How should access be limited?
typical for the general population. Making such How much privacy should individuals have with
366 Genetically Modified (GM) Foods

regard to their own genetic profiles? As genetic versity Press, 1997. Focuses on the practical
testing becomes more widespread, these ques- aspects of obtaining genetic information,
tions will need to be answered. Ultimately, the clearly explaining how genetic disorders are
relationship between the good of society and passed along in families.
the rights of the individual will need to be rede-
fined. Web Sites of Interest
Bryan Ness American Medical Association. http://ama-
See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil- assn.org. The AMAs guidelines on the eth-
lus Sampling; Bioethics; Breast Cancer; Cystic ics of genetic testing and screening of adults
Fibrosis; DNA Fingerprinting; Down Syn- and children and of multiplex testing.
drome; Gene Therapy; Gene Therapy: Ethical National Information Resource on Ethics and
and Economic Issues; Genetic Counseling; Ge- Human Genetics. http://www.georgetown
netic Screening; Genetic Testing; Hemophilia; .edu/research/nrcbl/nirehg. Site supports
Hereditary Diseases; Human Genetics; Hun- links to databases, annotated bibliographies,
tingtons Disease; In Vitro Fertilization and and articles about the ethics of genetic test-
Embryo Transfer; Inborn Errors of Metabo- ing and human genetics.
lism; Insurance; Linkage Maps; Paternity Tests;
Phenylketonuria (PKU); Prenatal Diagnosis;
RFLP Analysis; Sickle-Cell Disease; Tay-Sachs
Disease. Genetically Modified (GM)
Further Reading
Finger, Anne L. How Would You Handle Field of study: Genetic engineering and
These Ethical Dilemmas? Medical Economics, biotechnology
October 27, 1997. Presents results of a sur- Significance: Genetically modified foods are pro-
vey in which readers were asked to settle two duced through the application of recombinant
ethical dilemmas involving genetic testing. DNA technology to crop breeding, whereby genes
Marteau, Theresa, and Martin Richards, eds. from the same or different species are transferred
The Troubled Helix: Social and Psychological Im- and expressed in crops that do not naturally har-
plications of the New Human Genetics. New bor those genes. While GM crops offer great poten-
York: Cambridge University Press, 1999. Of- tial for food production in agriculture, their re-
fers brief personal narratives of some of the lease has spurred various concerns among the
psychosocial affects of genetic testing for dis- general public.
eases. Illustrations, bibliography, index.
Rennie, John. Grading the Gene Tests. Scien- Key terms
tific American 273 (June, 1994). Not only fo- Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin: a toxic com-
cuses on the accuracy and implementation pound naturally synthesized by bacterium
of genetic tests but also considers the prob- Bacillus thuringiensis, which kills insects
lems of privacy, discrimination, and eugen- genetic engineering: the manipulation of ge-
ics inherent in genetic testing. netic material for practical purposes; also re-
Rothenberg, Karen, et al. Genetic Informa- ferred to as recombinant DNA technology,
tion and the Workplace: Legislative Ap- gene splicing, or biotechnology
proaches and Policy Challenges. Science 275 genetically modified organisms (GMOs):
(March 21, 1997). Summarizes government genetically modified organisms, created
action designed to protect the privacy of ge- through the use of genetic engineering or
netic test results and outlines suggested biotechnology
guidelines for future legislation. herbicide resistance: a trait acquired by crop
Zallen, Doris Teichler. Does It Run in the Family? plants through recombinant DNA technol-
A Consumers Guide to DNA Testing for Genetic ogy that enables plants to resist chemicals
Disorders. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Uni- designed to control weeds
Genetically Modified (GM) Foods 367

Image not available

In 1991, chief executive officer of CalGene Roger Salquist examines genetically modified tomatoes that are able to ripen on the vine be-
fore shipping, instead of having to be picked green. (AP/Wide World Photos)

The Technology and competition (herbicide resistance). Some

Genetically modified (GM) foods are food have improved nutritional quality and longer
products derived from genetically modified or- shelf life. Yet others under development will lift
ganisms (GMOs). GMOs may have genes de- yield caps previously not possible to overcome
leted, added, or replaced for a particular trait; by conventional means. Because of the direct
they constitute one of the most important access to and recombination of genetic mate-
means by which crop plants will be improved in rial from any source, the normal reproductive
the future. The advantage of using genetic en- barrier among different species can now be cir-
gineering is quite obvious: It allows individual cumvented. All these modifications offer great
genes to be inserted into organisms in a way potential for creating transgenic animals and
that is both precise and simple. Using molecu- plants useful to humankind, but GMOs also
lar tools available, DNA molecules from en- pose the possibility of misuse and unintended
tirely different species can now be spliced to- outcomes.
gether to form a recombinant DNA molecule.
The recombinant DNA molecule can then Conceivable Benefits of GM Foods
be introduced into a cell or tissue through ge- The potential benefits of using genetic engi-
netic transformation. When a particular gene neering to develop new cultivars are evident.
that codes for a trait is successfully introduced Crop yields can be increased by introducing
to an organism and expressed, that organism is genes that increase the crops resistance to vari-
defined as a transgenic or GM organism. ous pathogens or herbicides and enhance its
Most of the GM crops in production thus far tolerance to various stresses. The increased food
have modified crop protection characteristics, supply is vital to support a growing population
mainly improving protection against insects with shrinking land. One well-known example
368 Genetically Modified (GM) Foods

is the introduction of Bt gene from the bacte- higher vitamin A precursors. This GM rice plays
rium Bacillus thuringiensis to several crops, in- an important role in alleviating vision loss and
cluding corn, cotton, and soybeans. When the blindness caused by vitamin A deficiency among
Bt gene is transferred to plants, the plant cells those who consume rice as their main staple
produce a protein toxic to some insects and food. Attempts are being made to increase ni-
hence become resistant to these insects. The trogen availability, a limiting factor in crop pro-
grains of Bt maize were also found to contain duction, by transferring genes responsible for
low mycotoxin, thus exhibiting better food nitrogen fixation into crops such as wheat and
safety than non-GM corns. Another example is maize. In addition, the reduction in the use of
the successful insertion of a gene resistant to fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides for GM
the herbicide glyphosate, reducing production crops not only saves billions of dollars in costs
costs and increasing grain purity. but also alleviates the damage to wild organ-
Food quality can be improved in other ways. isms and ecosystems.
Soybeans and canola with reduced saturated
fats (healthier oil) have been developed. Alter- Concerns About GM Foods
ations in the starch content of potatoes and the Like any other technological innovation, ge-
nutritional quality of protein in maize kernels netic engineering in crop breeding and pro-
are being developed. More precise gene trans- duction does not come without risk or contro-
fer is also being used to produce desirable versy. Some of the common questions raised by
products that the plant does not normally consumers include concerns over what plant
make. The potential products include pharma- and animal organisms they are now putting into
ceutical proteins (for example, vaccines), vita- their bodies, whether these are safe, whether
mins, and plastic compounds. Golden rice they have been tested, why they are not labeled
has been engineered to produce significantly as GM foods, and whether GM foods might not

Image not available

Demonstrators in front of the San Diego Convention Center in 2001, dressed as killer tomatoes, protest the annual conference of the
Biotechnology Industry Organization. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Genetically Modified (GM) Foods 369

contain toxins or allergens not present in their Broader Issues in Biotechnology

natural counterparts. Although most of these Although some concerns are genuine
questions are understandable, the public up- particularly ecological concerns regarding
roar concerning the GM crops and other foods, gene flow from GM plants to wild relatives
particularly in Great Britain and Europe, are, one should not ignore the fact that safety is a
from a scientific standpoint, an overreaction. relative concept. Agriculture and animal hus-
Most of the general public does not understand bandry have inherent dangers, as do the con-
much about the genetic engineering technol- sumption of their products, regardless of GM
ogy, and scientists need to increase their efforts or non-GM foods. In response to the demands
to educate the public. of activist groups, the European Union (EU)
Second, most people are not aware of the and its member states adopted strict regula-
strict regulations imposed on GM research and tions over the import and release of GMOs. GM
active safeguards by most governments. In the crops and foods are being subjected to more
United States, research and chemical analyses safety checks and tighter regulation than their
by many scientists working with the Food and non-GM counterparts. Through extensive stud-
Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Depart- ies and analyses, both the USDA and the EU
ment of Agriculture (USDA), or independently have found no perceptible difference between
have concluded that biotechnology is a safe conventional and GM foods. Of course, one
means of producing foods. Thousands of tests cannot ensure consumers of absolute, zero risk
over fifteen years in the United States, along with regard to any drug or food product, re-
with the consumption of GM foods in the gardless of how they are produced. The de-
United States for four years, have revealed no mand for zero risk is more of an emotional re-
evidence of harmful effects related to GM action than realistically possible. Mandatory
foods. Most food safety problems arise from labeling on all GM foods is both impractical
handling (for example, microbial contamina- and technically difficult and would drive food
tion), for GM and non-GM foods alike. prices to much higher levels than consumers
A third reason for the societal concern is are willing to pay. Farmers and the food indus-
rooted in negative media opinion, opposition try would have to sort every GMO and store and
by activists, and mistrust of the industry. Most process them separately. Realizing the com-
current complaints about GM foods can be cat- plexity, federal agencies like the FDA and USDA
egorized into three major areas: the possible have recommended a voluntary labeling sys-
detrimental health effects, the potential envi- tem by which the organic and non-GM food
ronmental threats such as superweeds, and products can be marked for consumers who
the social, economic, and ethical implications are willing to pay the premium.
of genetic engineering. Some activists have
taken extreme measures, such as destroying Where Do We Go from Here?
field plots and even firebombing a research lab- Development of new crops is vital for the fu-
oratory. Although the majority of the public do ture of the world. Since conventional breeding
not agree with the extreme measures taken by cannot keep up with the population explosion,
some activists, some continue to push for man- biotechnology may be the best tool available to
datory labeling of all foods whose components produce a greater diversity and high quality of
have derived from GMOs. Activist groups and safe food on less land, while conserving soil,
media also continue to create myths and re- water, and genetic diversity. To ensure the
lease misinformation regarding GM foods: safety and success of GM crops, scientists and
GMOs have no benefit to the consumer, they regulators will need to have open and honest
may harm the environment, they are unsafe to communications with the public, building trust
eat, the only beneficiary of GM foods is big cor- through better education and more effective
porations, GM crops do not benefit small farm- regulatory oversights. In the meantime, the
ers, or they will will drive organic farmers out of media will also need to convey more credible,
business. balanced information to the public.
370 Genetics, Historical Development of

As Nobel laureate Norman Borlaug, father subject category, this site offers quality in-
of the Green Revolution, stated, I now say that formation on topics including transgenic
the world has the technology that is either avail- crops.
able or well advanced in the research pipeline Transgenic Crops. http://www.colostate.edu/
to feed a population of 10 billion people. The programs/lifesciences/transgeniccrops.
more pertinent question today is: Will farmers This richly illustrated site provides informa-
and ranchers be permitted to use this new tech- tion on genetically modified (GM) foods, in-
nology? cluding news updates, the history of plant
Ming Y. Zheng breeding, the making of transgenic plants,
See also: Biofertilizers; Biopesticides; Cell government regulations, and risks and con-
Culture: Plant Cells; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical cerns. This site is also available in Spanish.
Issues; Cloning Vectors; Genetic Engineering;
Genetic Engineering: Agricultural Applica-
tions; Genetic Engineering: Historical Devel-
opment; Genetic Engineering: Industrial Ap-
plications; Genetic Engineering: Risks; Genetic Genetics, Historical
Engineering: Social and Ethical Issues; High- Development of
Yield Crops; Hybridization and Introgression;
Lateral Gene Transfer; Transgenic Organisms. Fields of study: Evolutionary biology;
Genetic engineering and biotechnology;
Further Reading History of genetics
Borlaug, Norman E. Ending World Hunger: Significance: Genetics is a relatively new branch of
The Promise of Biotechnology and the biology that explores the mechanisms of heredity. It
Threat of Antiscience Zealotry. Plant Physi- impacts all branches of biology as well as agricul-
ology 124 (2000): 487-490. The father of ture, pharmacology, and medicine. Advances in
Green Revolution and Nobel Peace Prize genetics may one day eliminate a wide variety of
winner speaks of his unwavering support for diseases and disorders and change the way that life
GMOs. is defined.
Fresco, Louise O. Genetically Modified Or-
ganisms in Food and Agriculture: Where Key terms
Are We? Where Are We Going? Keynote Ad- chromosome theory of heredity: the the-
dress, Conference on Crop and Forest Bio- ory put forth by Walter Sutton that genes are
technology for the Future, September, 2001. carried on cellular structures called chro-
Falkenberg, Sweden: Royal Swedish Acad- mosomes
emy of Agriculture and Forestry, 2001. Fasci- Mendelian genetics: genetic theory that
nating and informative perspectives on GM arose from experiments conducted by
foods by an EU scientist. Gregor Mendel in the 1860s, from which he
Potrykus, Ingo. Golden Rice and Beyond. deduced the principles of dominant traits,
Plant Physiology 125 (2001): 1157-1161. The recessive traits, segregation, and indepen-
originator of the wonder rice presents scien- dent assortment
tific, ethical, intellectual, and social chal- model organisms: organisms, from unicellu-
lenges of developing and using the GMOs. lar to mammals, that are suitable for genetic
Illuminating and insightful. research because they are small and easy to
keep alive in a laboratory, reproduce a great
Web Sites of Interest number of offspring, and can produce many
AgBioWorld.org. http://www.agbioworld.org. generations in a relatively short period of
This site advocates the use of biotechnology time
and GM foods. one gene-one enzyme hypothesis: the no-
Agriculture Network Information Center. http: tion that a region of DNA that carries the in-
//www.agnic.org. Searchable by keyword or formation for a gene product codes for a
Genetics, Historical Development of 371

particular enzyme, later refined to the one found himself under attack from religious lead-
gene-one protein hypothesis and then to ers and other prominent scientists. In his subse-
one gene-one polypeptide principle quent works, he further delineated his propos-
als on the emergence of species, including
Charles Darwin man, but was never able to answer the pivotal
The prevailing public attitude of the mid- question that dogged him until his death in
nineteenth century was that all species were the 1882: If species are in fact mutable (capable of
result of a special creation and were immuta- change over long periods of time), by what
ble; that is, they remained unchanged over mechanism is this change possible?
time. The work of Charles Darwin challenged
that attitude. As a young man, Darwin served as Gregor Mendel
a naturalist on the HMS Beagle, a British ship Ironically, it was only six years later that this
that mapped the coastline of South America question was answered, and nobody noticed.
from 1831 to 1836. Darwins observations of Today, Gregor Mendel is considered the fa-
life-forms and their adaptations, especially ther of genetics, but, in 1865, he was an Augus-
those he encountered on the Galpagos Is- tinian monk in a monastery in Brunn, Austria
lands, led him to postulate that living species (now Brno, Czech Republic). From 1856 to
shared common ancestors with extinct species 1863, he conducted a series of experiments us-
and that the pressures of naturethe availabil- ing the sweet pea (Pisum sativum), in which he
ity of food and water, the ratio of predators to cultivated more than twenty-eight thousand
prey, and competitionexerted a strong influ- plants and analyzed seven different physical
ence over which species were best able to ex- traits. These traits included the height of the
ploit a given habitat. Those best able to take plant, the color of the seed pods and flowers,
advantage of an environment would survive, re- and the physical appearance of the seeds. He
produce, and, by reproducing, pass their traits cross-pollinated tall plants with short plants, ex-
on to the next generation. He called this re- pecting the next generation of plants to be of
sponse to the pressures of nature natural se- medium height. Instead, all the plants pro-
lection: Nature selected which species would duced from this cross, which he called the F1
be capable of surviving in any given environ- (first filial) generation, were tall. When he
ment and, by so doing, directed the develop- crossed plants of the F1 generation, the next
ment of species over time. generation of plants (F2) were both tall and
When Darwin returned to England, he short at a 3:1 ratio; that is, 75 percent of the F2
shared his ideas with other eminent scientists generation of plants were tall, while 25 percent
but had no intention of publishing his note- were short. This ratio held true whether he
books, since he knew that his ideas would bring looked at one trait or multiple traits at the same
him into direct conflict with the society in time. He coined two phrases still used in genet-
which he lived. However, in 1858, he received a ics to describe this phenomenon: He called the
letter from a young naturalist named Alfred trait that appeared in the F1 generation domi-
Russel Wallace. Wallace had done the same nant and the trait that vanished in the F1 gen-
type of collecting in Malaysia that Darwin had eration recessive. While he knew absolutely
done in South America, had observed the same nothing about chromosomes or genes, he pos-
phenomena, and had drawn the same conclu- tulated that each visible physical trait, or phe-
sions. Wallaces letter forced Darwin to publish notype, was the result of two factors and that
his findings, and in 1858, a joint paper by both each parent contributed one factor for a given
men on the topic of evolution was presented at trait to its offspring. His research led him to for-
the London meeting of the Linnean Society. In mulate several statements that are now called
1859, Darwin reluctantly published On the Ori- the Mendelian principles of genetics.
gin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. The re- Mendels first principle is called the princi-
sponse was immediate and largely negative. ple of segregation. While all body cells contain
While the book became a best-seller, Darwin two copies of a factor (what are now called
372 Genetics, Historical Development of

genes), gametes contain only one copy. The type. In fact, 1901 was an exciting year in the
factors are segregated into gametes by meiosis, history of genetics: The ABO blood group was
a specialized type of cell division that produces discovered by Karl Landsteiner; the role of the
gametes. The principle of independent assort- X chromosome in determining gender was de-
ment states that this segregation is a random scribed by Clarence McClung; Reginald Pun-
event. One factor will segregate into a gamete nett and William Bateson discovered genetic
independently of other factors contained linkage; and De Vries introduced the term mu-
within the dividing cell. (It is now known that tation to describe spontaneous changes in the
there are exceptions to this rule: Two genes genetic material. Walter Sutton suggested a re-
carried on the same chromosome will not as- lationship between genes and chromosomes in
sort independently.) 1903. Five years later, Archibald Garrod, study-
To make sense of the data he collected from ing a strange clinical condition in some of his
twenty-eight thousand plants, Mendel kept de- patients, determined that their disorder, called
tailed numerical records and subjected his alkaptonuria, was caused by an enzyme defi-
numbers to statistical analysis. In 1865, he pre- ciency. He introduced the concept of inborn
sented his work before the Natural Sciences errors of metabolism as a cause of certain dis-
Society. He received polite but indifferent ap- eases. That same year, two researchers named
plause. Until Mendel, scientists rarely quanti- Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg pub-
fied their findings; as a result, the scientists ei- lished their extrapolations on the principles of
ther did not understand Mendels math or population genetics.
were bored by it. In either case, the scientists From 1910 to 1920, Thomas Hunt Morgan,
completely overlooked the significance of his with his graduate students Alfred Sturtevant,
findings. Mendel published his work in 1866. Calvin Bridges, and Hermann Mller, con-
Unlike Darwins work, it was not a best-seller. ducted a series of experiments with the fruit
Darwin himself died unaware of Mendels work, fly Drosophila melanogaster that confirmed Men-
in spite of the fact that he had an unopened dels principles of heredity and also confirmed
copy of Mendels paper in his possession. Men- the link between genes and chromosomes. The
del died in 1884, two years after Darwin, with mapping of genes to the fruit fly chromosomes
no way of knowing the eventual impact his work was complete by 1920. The use of research or-
was to have on the scientific community. That ganisms such as the fruit fly became standard
impact began in 1900, when three botanists, practice. For an organism to be suitable for this
working in different countries with different type of research, it must be small and easy to
plants, discovered the same principles as had keep alive in a laboratory and must produce a
Mendel. Hugo De Vries, Carl Correns, and great number of offspring. For this reason, bac-
Erich Tschermak von Seysenegg rediscovered teria (such as Escherichia coli), viruses (particu-
Mendels paper, and all three cited it in their larly those that infect bacteria, called bacterio-
work. Sixteen years after his death, Mendels re- phages), certain fungi (such as Neurospora),and
search was given the respect it deserved, and the fruit fly have been used extensively in ge-
the science of genetics was born. netic research.
During the 1920s, Mller found that the
Pivotal Research in Genetics rate at which mutations occur is increased by
In 1877, Walter Fleming identified struc- exposure to X-ray radiation. Frederick Griffith
tures in the nuclei of cells that he called chro- described transformation, a process by which
mosomes; he later described the material of genetic alterations occur in pneumonococci
which chromosomes are composed as chro- bacteria. In the 1940s, Oswald Avery, Maclyn
matin. In 1900, William Bateson introduced McCarty, and Colin MacLeod conducted a se-
the term genetics to the scientific vocabulary. ries of experiments that showed that the trans-
Wilhelm Johannsen expanded the terminol- forming agent Griffith had not been able to
ogy the following year with the introduction identify was, in fact, DNA. George Beadle and
of the terms gene, genotype, and pheno- Edward Tatum proposed the concept of one
Genetics, Historical Development of 373

gene, one enzyme; that is, a gene or a region of tary material in bacteriophages. From that
DNA that carries the information for a gene point, the race was on to discover the structure
product codes for a particular enzyme. This of DNA.
concept was further refined to the one gene, For DNA or any other substance to be able
one protein hypothesis and then to one gene, to carry genetic information, it must be a sta-
one polypeptide. (A polypeptide is a string of ble molecule capable of self-replication. It was
amino acids, which is the primary structure of known that along with a five-carbon sugar and a
all proteins.) phosphate group, DNA contains four different
During the 1940s, it was thought that pro- nitrogenous bases (adenine, thymine, cytosine,
teins were the genetic material. Chromosomes and guanine). Erwin Chargaff described the
are made of chromatin; chromatin is 65 per- ratios of the four nitrogenous bases in what is
cent protein, 30 percent DNA, and 5 percent now called Chargaffs rule: adenine in equal
RNA. It was a logical conclusion that if the chro- concentrations to thymine, and cytosine in
mosomes were the carriers of genetic material, equal concentrations to guanine. What was not
that material would make up the bulk of the known was the manner in which these con-
chromosome structure. By the 1950s, however, stituents bonded to each other and the three-
it was fairly clear that DNA was the genetic ma- dimensional shape of the molecule. Groups of
terial. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase were scientists all over the world were working on
able to prove in 1952 that DNA is the heredi- the DNA puzzle. A group in Cambridge, En-

Image not available

James Watson (left) and Francis Crick pose with a model of the double-helical structure of DNA. They won the 1962 Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine, along with Maurice Wilkins. (Hulton Archive)
374 Genetics, Historical Development of

Jacques Monod in 1961; and

the deciphering of the genetic
code by Har Gobind Khorana,
Marshall Nirenberg, and Se-
vero Ochoa in 1966.
The discovery of restriction
endonucleases (enzymes capa-
Image not available ble of splicing DNA at certain
sites) led to an entirely new
field within genetics called
biotechnology. Mutations,
such as the sickle-cell muta-
tion, could be identified us-
ing restriction endonucleases.
Use of these enzymes and
DNA banding techniques led
to the development of DNA
Maurice Wilkins poses with a model of a DNA molecule at a London celebration of the fingerprinting. In 1979, hu-
fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of the double helix. Wilkins, with Rosalind Frank- man insulin and human
lin, was able to elucidate the molecules physical structure using X-ray crystallogra- growth hormone were syn-
phy. (AP/Wide World Photos) thesized in Escherichia coli. In
1981, the first cloning experi-
ments were successful when
gland, was the first to solve it. James Watson the nucleus from one mouse cell was trans-
and Francis Crick, supported by the work of planted into an enucleated mouse cell. By 1990,
Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, de- cancer-causing genes called oncogenes had
scribed the structure of DNA in a landmark pa- been identified, and the first attempts at hu-
per in Nature in 1953. They described the mole- man gene therapy had taken place. In 1997,
cule as a double helix, a kind of spiral ladder researchers in England successfully cloned a
in which alternating sugars and phosphate living sheep. As the result of a series of confer-
groups make up the backbone and paired ni- ences between 1985 and 1987, an international
trogenous bases make up the rungs. Arthur collaboration to map the entire human ge-
Kornberg created the first synthetic DNA in nome began in 1990. A comprehensive, high-
1956. The structure of the molecule suggested density genetic map was published in 1994, and
ways in which it could self-replicate. In 1958, in 2003 the human genome was completed.
Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl proved
that DNA replication is semiconservative; that Impact and Applications
is, each new DNA molecule consists of one tem- The impact of genetics is immeasurable. In
plate strand and one newly synthesized strand. less than one hundred years, humans went
from complete ignorance about the existence
The Information Explosion of genes to the development of gene therapies
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, genetic for certain diseases. Genes have been manipu-
information grew exponentially. This period lated in certain organisms for the production
saw the description of the role of the Y chromo- of drugs, pesticides, and fungicides. Genetic
some in sex determination; the description of analysis has identified the causes of many he-
birth defects caused by chromosomal aberra- reditary disorders, and genetic counseling has
tions such as trisomy 21 (Down syndrome), tri- aided innumerable couples in making diffi-
somy 18 (Edwards syndrome), and trisomy 13 cult decisions about their reproductive lives.
(Patau syndrome); the description of operon DNA analysis has led to clearer understand-
and gene regulation by Franois Jacob and ing of the manner in which all species are
Genetics, Historical Development of 375

linked. Techniques such as DNA fingerprint- Darwin, Charles. The Variation of Animals and
ing have had a tremendous impact on law en- Plants Under Domestication. Rev. 2d ed. Lon-
forcement. don: J. Murray, 1875. Anticipating discovery
Advances in genetics have also given rise to a of the genetic basis for phenotypic variation,
wide range of ethical questions with which hu- Darwin describes the remarkable variability
mans will be struggling for some time to come. of domesticated plants and animals. Bibliog-
Termination of pregnancies, in vitro fertiliza- raphy, index.
tion, and cloning are just some of the technolo- Edelson, Edward. Gregor Mendel and the Roots of
gies that carry with them serious philosophical Genetics. New York: Oxford University Press,
and ethical problems. There are fears that bio- 1999. Story of Mendels research into the in-
technology will make it possible for humans to heritance of traits in the garden pea. Illustra-
play God and that the use of biotechnology to tions (including botanical drawings), bibli-
manipulate human genes may have unfore- ography, index.
seen consequences for humankind. For all the Fujimura, Joan H. Crafting Science: A Sociohistory
hope that biotechnology offers, it carries with it of the Quest for the Genetics of Cancer. Cam-
possible societal changes that are unpredict- bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
able and potentially limitless. Humans may be 1996. Provides a medical history of how can-
able to direct their own evolution; no other spe- cer research shifted in the 1970s from view-
cies has ever had that capability. How genetic ing cancer as a set of heterogeneous diseases
technology is used and the motives behind its to a disease of human genes.
use will be some of the critical issues of the fu- King, Robert C., and William D. Stansfield. A
ture. Dictionary of Genetics. 6th ed. New York: Ox-
Kate Lapczynski ford University Press, 2001. Organized to
See also: Central Dogma of Molecular Biol- provide a quick understanding to students
ogy; Chromosome Theory of Heredity; Classi- and nonspecialists, including more than
cal Transmission Genetics; DNA Structure and sixty-five hundred definitions of terms and
Function; Evolutionary Biology; Genetic Code, species names relevant to the study of genet-
Cracking of; Genetic Engineering: Historical ics, as well as a chronology that spans four
Development; Genetics in Television and Films; hundred years of genetic study. Extensive
Genomics; Human Genome Project; Lamarck- bibliography.
ianism; Mendelian Genetics; Sociobiology; Bio- Sturtevant, A. H. A History of Genetics. 1965. Re-
graphical Dictionary of Important Geneticists print. Introduction by Edward B. Lewis.
(appendix); Nobel Prizes for Significant Dis- Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Har-
coveries in Genetics (appendix); Time Line of bor Laboratory Press, 2001. Details Thomas
Major Developments in Genetics (appendix). Morgans research, which laid the founda-
tions for modern, chromosomal genetics.
Further Reading Tudge, Colin. The Engineer in the Garden: Genes
Ayala, Francisco J., and Walter M. Fitch, eds. Ge- and Genetics, From the Idea of Heredity to the Cre-
netics and the Origin of Species: From Darwin to ation of Life. New York: Hill and Wang, 1995.
Molecular Biology Sixty Years After Dobzhansky. Provides a historical overview of genetics
Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, and explores the potential ramifications of
1997. Papers presented on Theodosius Dob- past, present, and future genetic advances.
zhanskys theory of evolution, which argued Illustrations, bibliography, index.
for a genetics perspective on Darwins the- _______. In Mendels Footnotes: An Introduction to
ory of evolution. Illustrations, maps. the Science and Technologies of Genes and Genet-
Corcos, A., and F. Monaghan. Mendels Experi- ics from the Nineteenth Century to the Twenty-
ments on Plant Hybrids: A Guided Study. New Second. London: Jonathan Cape, 2000. In-
Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, vestigates the world of biotechnologies,
1993. Covers the seminal work of Gregor including cloning, genomics, and genetic
Mendel, along with a biography. engineering. Bibliography, index.
376 Genetics in Television and Films

Watson, James. The Double Helix. 1968. Reprint. popularized genetics and how it can be applied
New York: Simon and Schuster, 2001. Dis- to transform, extend, and enrich lives. With the
cusses the race to solve the structure of the exception of documentaries such as The DNA
DNA molecule. Revolution (1998), few films and programs fea-
turing genetics are realistic and accurate.
Web Sites of Interest Science-fiction films and television programs
Dolan DNA Learning Center, DNA from the usually depict genetics as a wondrous endeavor
Beginning. http://www.dnaftb.org. Spon- that can abruptly go awry. Genetics is often ap-
sored by the Cold Spring Harbor Labora- propriated to provoke rather than to resolve
tory, an animated site aimed at those looking dilemmas. In film and television, genetic engi-
for a general introduction to DNA, genes, neering is usually equated with powerpower
genetics, and heredity, and their scientific that genetically superior characters occasion-
histories. Organized by key concepts. ally abuse. Plots frequently contrast extremes,
Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project, Classic such as good and evil scientists pitted against
Genetics: Foundations. http://www.esp.org. each other or combating corrupt administra-
A collection of classic papers marking the tors and greedy entrepreneurs. Many depic-
development of genetics. Includes a time tions of genetics perpetuate stereotypes such as
line. mad scientists isolated in laboratories and un-
accountable to humankind for their research
and creations. A host of biotechnological mon-
sters and mutants populate films.
Genetics in Television and
DNA and Identity
Field of study: History of Genetics; Human CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, a television se-
genetics and social issues ries that first aired in 2000, is representative of
Significance: Popular culture expresses attitudes crime-based television shows that became pop-
regarding genetics. Films and television programs ular in the late 1990s, in part because of pub-
present biotechnology in extremes of either pro- lic fascination with the O. J. Simpson murder
moting genetics as a valuable investigative and trial and other high-profile cases in which DNA
reproductive tool or demeaning it as a dangerous evidence was showcased in the media. Both
science which is hazardous to people and environ- episodic drama programming and true-crime
ments. Most genetic depictions in these media are shows such as Cold Case Files rely on sets that are
more entertaining than accurate. filled with genetic tools. Scenes depict charac-
ters collecting DNA samples from crime scenes
Key terms and evaluating the tissues in laboratories to
eugenics: the selective application of genetics identify victims, prove criminals guilt, or exon-
to produce superior offspring erate the falsely accused.
genetic determinism: how genes might influ- Soap-opera writers often appropriate genet-
ence behavioral characteristics ics as a plot device. Characters test DNA to con-
firm paternity, establish identity, or prove a per-
Science Fiction sons presence at a crime scene. These daytime
In the 1950s, science-fiction films and televi- serials usually restrict access to DNA knowledge
sion programming gradually incorporated ref- to medical and police personnel. Some charac-
erences to genetics. The expansion of biotech- ters manipulate DNA evidence by switching
nology research in the 1970s inspired fictional samples or tampering with laboratory records.
plots that focused on genetics to amuse audi- In 2002, Days of Our Lives introduced a story
ences more than educate them. Box-office suc- line involving the genetically engineered Gem-
cesses such as Jurassic Park (1993) and hit televi- ini Twins, who displayed previously undocu-
sion series, including The X-Files (1993-2002), mented DNA patterns.
Genetics in Television and Films 377

Cloning Characters ety over normal characters who have not bene-
Clones are often depicted as evil creatures fited from biotechnology and are relegated to
that prey on humans. The feature film The Boys an underclass because of their imperfections.
from Brazil (1978) reveals the potential horrific Vincent, a frustrated janitor who aspires to be-
results if Nazi sympathizers successfully cloned come an astronaut, uses DNA to adopt the ap-
Adolf Hitler. Clones are sometimes shown to be pearance of the elite. His genetic transforma-
dutiful, almost robotic, helpers. In Star Wars Ep- tion enables him to achieve his professional
isode II: Attack of the Clones (2002), thousands of ambition. Vincents emotional traits are shown
clonetroopers are created as soldiers during to be superior to the physical beauty of the ge-
the clone wars. In these movies, cloning con- netically engineered people.
cepts are more futuristic than realistic. Beginning in 2002, MTV aired Clone High, a
Jurassic Park and its two sequels captured controversial cartoon featuring clones of sig-
worldwide attention for cloning. Those movies nificant historical leaders. These characters are
are based on the concept that scientists cloned presented as angst-ridden teenagers whom the
dinosaurs from DNA preserved in amber. Sci- scripts hint represent genetic determinism. For
entists criticize this movies premise of cloning example, Joan of Arc is an atheist, suggesting
a dinosaur from fragments of ancient genetic that she might have been genetically prone to
material as improbable, stating that locating an that behavior if she had not been influenced by
egg and host animal capable of transforming cultural factors.
the DNA into a dinosaur would be difficult if
not impossible. More important, DNA of the Reactions
age required for dinosaurs (more than 65 mil- Genetic-based movie and television pro-
lion years old), even if recovered, would almost gramming impacts audiences by influencing
certainly be far too degraded to make
cloning possible.
The Brazilian soap opera O clone (2001-
2002; the clone) chronicles Dr. Albieri se-
cretly creating the clone Leo. Albieri is
concerned for Leos health, referring to
cloned sheep Dollys premature aging,
and addresses ethical issues related to
cloning. Leo suffers identity problems,
questions his potential life span, and re-
sents unwanted public attention.

Designer Plots Image not available

Hollywood is intrigued with the idea of
human genetic modification. Films and
programs explore the possibilities of ma-
nipulating genes to give characters un-
natural advantages. Often these genetic
changes create designer bodies in an al-
most eugenic effort to attain physical per-
fection and perceived superiority. These
presentations usually simultaneously ad-
dress determinism and how genes might
control both positive and negative behav- The film Jurassic Park (1993) posited that dinosaurs could be cloned
iors unrelated to appearance. from ancient DNAtheoretically plausible, but practically impossible
In Gattaca (1997), genetically altered due to the extreme degradation of DNA the age of dinosaurs. (AP/
characters have power in a futuristic soci- Wide World Photos)
378 Genome Size

how people perceive and accept or reject bio- principles and whether the results could be
technology. Although these media expand duplicated off film.
awareness of genetics, they usually are not re- Simon, Anne. The Real Science Behind the X-Files:
liable educational resources and perpetuate Microbes, Meteorites, and Mutants. New York:
misunderstandings. Advertisements for the fic- Simon & Schuster, 1999. The official science
tional O clone, designed as news broadcasts, adviser to the television series discusses the
were so realistic that many viewers thought an authenticity of many of the genetic plots.
actual person had been cloned. Turney, Jon. Frankensteins Footsteps: Science, Ge-
Errors detract from programs being credi- netics, and Popular Culture. New Haven,
ble cinema. Movies and series offer simplified Conn.: Yale University Press, 1998. Science
depictions of complex scientific processes, sug- communication expert analyses how people
gesting they require minimal time and effort perceive genetics as presented in films.
and consistently produce positive results. View-
ers develop unrealistic expectations that genet- Web Site of Interest
ics can quickly solve mysteries because of the The Science Behind the X-Files. http://huah
immediacy of DNA testing in brief episodes. .net/scixf/xeve.html. Describes the genetics-
Dr. J. Craig Venter criticizes popular cul- related science presented in each episode of
tures concentration on genetic determinism this television series, and provides relevant
because such emphasis and negative cinematic links to scientific experts and research insti-
portrayals might cause people to reject bio- tutes.
technology instead of recognizing its merits.
Experts worry about cinema geneticists acting
irresponsibly and unprofessionally. In an effort
to improve depictions, some scientists have Genome Size
served as genetics advisers for film and televi-
sion productions. Field of study: Molecular genetics
Elizabeth D. Schafer Significance: Genome size, the total amount of ge-
See also: Ancient DNA; Biological Deter- netic material within a cell of an organism, varies
minism; Chromosome Theory of Heredity; 200,000-fold among species. Since the 1950s it
Classical Transmission Genetics; Cloning; Clon- has been clear that there is no obvious link between
ing: Ethical Issues; Criminality; DNA Finger- an organisms complexity and the size of its ge-
printing; Eugenics; Eugenics: Nazi Germany; nome, although numerous hypotheses to explain
Evolutionary Biology; Forensic Genetics; Ge- this paradox exist.
netic Code, Cracking of; Genetic Engineering:
Historical Development; Genetic Engineering: Key terms
Social and Ethical Issues; Human Genetics; Hu- C-value: the characteristic genome size for a
man Genome Project; Lamarckianism; Men- species
delian Genetics; Patents on Life-Forms; Pater- chromosome: a self-replicating structure, con-
nity Tests; Race; Sociobiology. sisting of DNA and protein, that contains
part of the nuclear genome of a eukaryote;
Further Reading also used to describe the DNA molecules
DeSalle, Robert, and David Lindley. The Science comprising the prokaryotic genome
of Jurassic Park and The Lost World. New genome: the entire genetic complement of an
York: BasicBooks, 1997. Authors reveal how organism
the cloning of dinosaurs would be impossi- junk DNA: a disparaging (and now known to
ble to achieve. be inaccurate) characterization of the non-
Glassy, Mark C. The Biology of Science Fiction Cin- coding DNA content of a genome
ema. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2001. Can- reassociation kinetics: a technique that uses
cer researcher critiques films for plausibility hybridization of denatured DNA to reveal
of biotechnology and explains scientific DNA classes differing in repetition frequency
Genome Size 379

repetitive DNA: a DNA sequence that is re- will renature more rapidly than unique DNA
peated two or more times in a DNA mole- sequences. Unique DNA sequences usually rep-
cule or genome resent protein-coding regions, whereas repeti-
tive DNA generally does not encode traits. In
Genome Sizes in Prokaryotes vs. many genomes, three types of DNA can be
Eukaryotes identified by reassociation kinetics: highly re-
Wide variation in genome size exists among petitive DNA, middle repetitive DNA, and
species, from 580,000 bases in the bacterium unique DNA. Prokaryotes have little or no re-
Mycoplasma genitalium to 670 billion bases in petitive DNA. Among eukaryotes, the amounts
the protist Amoeba dubia. In general, prokary- of the three types of DNA varies. The share of
otic genomes are smaller than the genomes of the genome dedicated to genes is relatively
eukaryotes, although a few prokaryotes have constant, whereas the amount of repetitive
genomes that are larger than those of some DNA, 10-70 percent of the total, varies widely
eukaryotes. The largest known prokaryotic ge- even within families of organisms. The exis-
nome (10 million bases in the cyanobacte- tence of noncoding DNA appears to account
rium Nostoc punctiforme) is several times larger for the lack of correlation between genome size
than the genomes of parasitic eukaryotic micro- and complexity because complexity may be
sporidia, with genome sizes of approximately more directly related to number of genes, a
3 million bases. Within the prokaryotes, the number which does appear to have more corre-
archaea have a relatively small range of ge- lation to organismal complexity.
nome sizes, with the majority of species in the The variation in the amount of repetitive
1- to 3-million-base range, while bacterial spe- DNA, even within families, may be related to
cies have been found with genomes differing the spontaneous rate of DNA loss. Small ge-
by twentyfold. nomes may be small because they throw away
Contrary to expectations, there is no obvi- junk DNA very efficiently, whereas large ge-
ous correlation between genome size and nomes may be less able to weed out unneces-
organismal complexity in eukaryotes. For ex- sary DNA. Studies on several invertebrates sup-
ample, the genome of a human is tenfold port this hypothesis: Species within a family
smaller than the genome of a lily, twenty-five- with large genomes have substantially lower
fold smaller than the genome of a newt, and spontaneous DNA losses.
two-hundred-fold smaller than the genome of Genome size does have a positive correla-
an amoeba. The characteristic genome size of tion with cell size and a negative correlation
a species is called the C-value; the lack of rela- with cell division rate in a number of taxa. Be-
tionship between genome size, number of cause of these correlations, genome size is asso-
genes, and organismal complexity has been ciated with developmental rate in numerous
termed the C-value paradox. species. This correlation is not exact, however.
For some organisms (particularly plants) with
Reasons for Size Differences relatively simple developmental complexity,
The majority of DNA in most eukaryotes is developmental rate is constrained by external
noncoding. Previously known as junk DNA, factors such as seasonal changes, while for oth-
this DNA (comprising up to 98.5 percent of ers (amphibians with time-limited morphogen-
some genomes) does not contain the coding esis) developmental complexity overwhelms
sequences for proteins. The complexity of the effects of developmental rate.
DNA can be characterized using a technique
called reassociation kinetics. DNA is sheared Differences in Chromosome Number
into pieces of a few hundred bases, heated to The genomes of eukaryotes are organized
denature into single strands, then allowed to into sets of two or more linear DNA molecules,
renature during cooling. The rate of renatur- each contained in a chromosome. The number
ation is related to the sequence complexity: of chromosomes varies from 2 in females of the
DNA sequences present in numerous copies ant species Myrmecia pilosula to 46 in humans to
380 Genomic Libraries

94 in goldfish. These numbers represent the of the clones together contain most or all of the ge-
diploid number of chromosomes. A genome nome. To find a specific gene, scientists can screen
that contains three or more full copies of the the library using labeled probes of various kinds.
haploid chromosome number is polyploid. As
a general rule polyploids can be tolerated in Key terms
plants but are rarely found in animals. One rea- genome: all the genetic material carried by a
son is that the sex balance is important in ani- cell
mals and variation from the diploid number re- lambda () phage: a virus that infects bacteria
sults in sterility. Chromosome number appears and then makes multiple copies of itself by
to be unrelated to genome size or to most other taking over the infected bacteriums cellular
biological features of the organism. machinery
For most of the prokaryotes studied, the pro- ligation: the joining together of two pieces of
karyotic genome is contained in a single, circu- DNA using the enzyme ligase
lar DNA molecular, with the possible addition
of small, circular, extrachromosomal DNA mol- What Is a Genomic Library?
ecules called plasmids. However, some prokar- Scientists often need to search through all
yotes have multiple chromosomes, some of the genetic information present in an organ-
which are linear; and some prokaryotes have ism to find a specific gene. It is thus convenient
several very large plasmids, nearly the size of to have collections of genetic sequences stored
the bacterial chromosome. so that such information is readily available.
Lisa M. Sardinia These collections are known as genomic li-
See also: Ancient DNA; Evolutionary Biol- braries.
ogy; Gene Families; Genomics; Human Genet- The library metaphor is useful in explain-
ics; Molecular Clock Hypothesis; Noncoding ing both the structure and function of these
RNA Molecules; Plasmids; Pseudogenes; Re- information-storage centers. If one were inter-
petitive DNA; Transposable Elements. ested in finding a specific literary phrase, one
could go to a conventional library and search
Further Reading through the collected works. In such a library,
Petrov, Dmitri A. Evolution of Genome Size: the information is made up of letters organized
New Approaches to an Old Problem. Trends in a linear fashion to form words, sentences,
in Genetics 17, no. 1 (2001): 23-28. Petrov, a and chapters. It would not be useful to store
longtime researcher on genome complexity, this information as individual words or letters
reviews current theories of genome com- or as words collected in a random, jumbled
plexity and offers new explanations for the fashion, as the informations meaning could
lack of relationship between genome size not then be determined. The more books a li-
and organismal complexity. brary has, the closer it can come to having the
Petsko, Gregory A. Size Doesnt Matter. Ge- complete literary collection, although no col-
nome Biology 2, no. 3 (2001): comment 1003.1- lection can guarantee that it has every piece of
1003.2. Expands the discussion of genome written word. The same is true of a genomic li-
size to proteome, or functional, size. brary. The stored pieces of genetic information
cannot be individual bits but must be ordered
sequences that are long enough to define a
gene. The longer the string of information, the
Genomic Libraries easier it is to make sense of the gene they make
up, or encode. The more pieces of genetic in-
Fields of Study: Bioinformatics; Techniques formation a library has, the more likely it is to
and methodologies contain all the information present in a cell.
Significance: A genomic library is a collection of Even a large collection of sequences, however,
clones of DNA sequences, each containing a rela- cannot guarantee that it contains every piece of
tively short piece of the genome of an organism. All genetic information.
Genomic Libraries 381

How Is a Genomic Library Created? the form of chromosomes composed of mil-

In order for a genomic library to be practi- lions of units known as base pairs. If the infor-
cal, some method must be developed to put mation were fragmented in a regular fashion
an entire genome into discrete units, each of for example, if it were cut every ten thousand
which contains sufficiently large amounts of in- base pairsthere would be no way to identify
formation to be useful but which are also easily each fragments immediate neighbors. It would
replicated and studied. The method must also be like owning a huge, multivolume novel with-
generate fragments that overlap one another out any numbering system: It would be almost
for short stretches. The information exists in impossible to determine with which book to

Overlapping Genomic Libraries

Restriction Enzyme Cutting Sites

Chromosomal DNA

Partially cut chromosomal DNA with a frequent-cutter

restriction enzyme (controlling the conditions so that
not all possible sites are cut on every copy of a specific
sequence) to generate a series of overlapping fragments
representing every cutting site in the original sample


Cut vector DNA

with a restriction
enzyme Join chromosomal fragments
to vector, using the enzyme
DNA ligase

Vector DNA

Chromosomal DNA
Library of
Genomic Clones

Vector DNA

Genomic libraries are collections of clones of chromosomal DNA segments. These must be constructed in such a way that the order of
the segments can be determined. To accomplish this, regions of each cloned segment overlap with other segments. (U.S. Department
of Energy Human Genome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis)
382 Genomic Libraries

Image not available

DNA samples are stored in the Big Bertha freezer at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Gaithersburg, Maryland. (AP/
Wide World Photos)

start and which to proceed to next. Similarly, cleases, enzymes that recognize specific short
without some way of tracking the order of the stretches of DNA and cleave the DNA at spe-
genetic information, it would be impossible to cific positions. To create a library, scientists em-
assemble the sequence of each subfragment ploy restriction enzymes that recognize four-
into the big continuum of the entire chromo- base-pair sequences for cutting. Normally, the
some. The fragments are thus cut so that their result of cleavage with such an enzyme would
ends overlap. With even a few hundred base be fragments with an average size of 256 base
pairs of overlap, the shared sequences at the pairs. If the amount of enzyme in the reaction is
end of the fragments can be used to determine limited, however, only a limited number of sites
the relative position of the different fragments. will be cut, and much longer fragments can be
The different pieces can then be connected generated. The ends created by this cleavage
into one long unit, or sequence. are usable for direct ligation into vectors, but
There are two common ways to fragment the distribution of cleavage sites is not as ran-
DNA, the basic unit of genetic information, to dom as that produced by shearing.
generate a library. The first is to disrupt the In a conventional library, information is im-
long strands of DNA by forcing them rapidly printed on paper pages that can be easily repli-
through a narrow hypodermic needle, creating cated by a printing press and easily bound into
forces that tear, or shear, the strands into short a complete unit such as a book. Genetic infor-
fragments. The advantage of this method is mation is stored in the form of DNA. How can
that the fragment ends are completely random. the pieces of a genome be stored in such a way
The disadvantage is that the sheared ends must that they can be easily replicated and main-
be modified for easy joining, or ligation. The tained in identical units? The answer is to take
other method is to use restriction endonu- the DNA fragments and attach, or ligate, them
Genomic Libraries 383

into lambda phage DNA. When the phage in- incubated in a salt buffer containing radio-
fects bacteria, it makes copies of itself. If the active single-stranded DNA. The radioactive
genomic fragment is inserted into the phage DNA, or probe, is a short stretch of sequence
DNA, then it will be replicated also, making from the gene to be isolated. If the full gene is
multiple exact copies (or clones) of itself. present on the filter, the probe will hybridize
To make an actual library, DNA is isolated with it and become attached to the filter. The
from an organism and fragmented as described. filter is washed, removing all the radioactivity
Each fragment is then randomly ligated into a except where the probe has hybridized. The fil-
lambda phage. The pool of lambda phage con- ters are exposed to film, and a dark spot devel-
taining the inserts is then spread onto an agar ops over the location of the positive plaque.
plate coated with a lawn or confluent layer of The ink spots on the filter can then be used to
bacteria. Wherever a phage lands, it begins to align the spot on the filter with the positive
infect and kill bacteria, leaving a clear spot, or plaque on the plate. The plaque can be puri-
plaque, in the lawn. Each plaque contains fied, and the genomic DNA can then be iso-
millions of phages with millions of identical lated for further study.
copies of one fragment from the original ge- It may turn out that the entire gene is not
nome. If enough plaques are generated on the contained in the fragment isolated from one
plate, each one containing some random piece phage. Since the library was designed so that
of the genome, then the entire genome may be the ends of one fragment overlap with the adja-
represented in the summation of the DNA cent fragment, the ends can be used as a probe
present in all the plaques. Since the fragment to isolate neighboring fragments that contain
generation is random, however, the complete- the rest of the gene. This process of increasing
ness of the genomic library can only be esti- the amount of the genome isolated is called ge-
mated. It takes 800,000 plaques containing an nomic walking.
average genomic fragment of 17,000 base pairs J. Aaron Cassill
to give a 99 percent probability that the total See also: Bioinformatics; cDNA Libraries;
will contain a specific human gene. While this DNA Fingerprinting; DNA Sequencing Tech-
may sound like a large number, it takes only fif- nology; Forensic Genetics; Genetic Testing:
teen teacup-sized agar plates to produce this Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetics, Histori-
many plaques. A genetic library pool of phage cal Development of; Genomics; Human Ge-
can be stored in a refrigerator and plated out nome Project; Icelandic Genetic Database;
onto agar petri dishes whenever needed. Linkage Maps; Proteomics; Restriction En-
zymes; Reverse Transcriptase.
How Can a Specific Gene Be Pulled out of
a Library? Further Reading
Once the entire genome is spread out as a Bird, R. Curtis, and Bruce F. Smith, eds. Genetic
collection of plaques, it is necessary to isolate Library Construction and Screening: Advanced
the one plaque containing the specific se- Techniques and Applications. New York:
quences desired from the large collection. To Springer, 2002. A laboratory manual.
accomplish this, a dry filter paper is laid onto Bishop, Martin J., ed. Guide to Human Genome
the agar dish covered with plaques. As the mois- Computing. 2d ed. San Diego: Academic Press,
ture from the plate wicks into the paper, it car- 1998. Guides researchers with organizing, an-
ries with it some of the phage. An ink-dipped alyzing, storing, and retrieving information
needle is pushed through the filter at several about genome organization, DNA sequence
spots on the edge, marking the same spot on information, and macromolecular function.
the filter and the agar. These will serve as com- Cooper, Necia Grant, ed. The Human Genome
mon reference points. The filter is treated with Project: Deciphering the Blueprint of Heredity.
a strong base that releases the DNA from the Foreword by Paul Berg. Mill Valley, Calif.:
phage and denatures it into single-stranded University Science Books, 1994. Chapters in-
form. The base is neutralized, and the filter is clude Understanding Inheritance: An In-
384 Genomics

troduction to Classical and Molecular Ge- categories: regions, maps, and variations of
netics, Mapping the Genome: The Vision, the human genome.
the Science, the Implementation, DNA Li- National Center for Biotechnology Informa-
braries: Recombinant Clones for Mapping tion. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. A cen-
and Sequencing, and Computation and tral repository for biological information,
the Genome Project: A Shotgun Wedding. including links to genome projects and ge-
Hoogenboom, H. R. Designing and Opti- nomic science. Maintains GenBank, a com-
mizing Library Selection Strategies for Gen- prehensive, annotated collection of publicly
erating High-Affinity Antibodies. Trends in available DNA sequences.
Biotechnology 15 (1997). Contains detailed in-
formation about laboratory techniques used
to engineer monoclonal antibodies.
Sambrook, Joseph, et al. Molecular Cloning: A
Laboratory Manual. 3d ed. Cold Spring Har- Genomics
bor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Press, 1989. A standard manual for more Field of study: Molecular genetics
than twenty years, provides complete descrip- Significance: Genomics involves studying the en-
tions of 250 laboratory protocols in DNA sci- tire complement of genes that an organism pos-
ence, including techniques for isolating, an- sesses. A genomic approach to biology uses modern
alyzing and cloning both large and small molecular and computational techniques in con-
DNA molecules; cDNA cloning and exon junction with large-scale experimental approaches
trapping, amplification of DNA, mutagene- to sequence, identify, map, and determine the
sis, and DNA sequencing; and methods to function of genes. It is also concerned with the
screen expression libraries, analyze tran- structure and evolution of the genome as a whole.
scripts and proteins, and detect protein-
protein interactions. Key terms
Sandor, Suhai, ed. Theoretical and Computational bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs):
Methods in Genome Research. New York: Ple- cloning vectors that hold inserts of 100-200
num Press, 1997. Covers topics such as math- kilobase pairs of foreign DNA
ematical modeling, three-dimensional mod- expressed sequence tags (EST) library: a
eling of proteins, and applications, such as survey of expressed sequence tags, which
drug design, construction and use of data- are partial sequences from messenger RNA
bases, techniques of sequence analysis and (mRNA)
functional domains, and approaches to link-
age analysis. Definition
Watson, James, et al. Recombinant DNA. New A genome comprises all of the DNA that oc-
York: W. H. Freeman, 1992. Uses accessible curs in each cell of an organism. For prokary-
language and exceptional diagrams to give a otes, which are always single-celled, it com-
concise background on the methods, under- prises all of the DNA within the bacterial cell
lying concepts, and far-reaching applica- that is specific to that species. Other DNA mole-
tions of recombinant DNA technology. cules may also reside in a bacterial cell, such as
plasmids (small extra pieces of circular DNA)
Web Sites of Interest and bacteriophage DNA (bacterial virus DNA).
Johns Hopkins University. The Genome Data- These extra pieces are not considered a part
base. http://gdbwww.gdb.org. The official of the genome. In eukaryotes, the genome
central storage center for gene mapping typically includes just the DNA in the nucleus,
data compiled in the Human Genome Initia- which is composed of linear chromosomes.
tive, an international effort to decode and All eukaryotic cells also have DNA in their mi-
analyze human DNA. Intended for scien- tochondria, the organelle that carries out a
tists, the site presents information in three portion of cellular respiration. It is a circular
Genomics 385

molecule and is sometimes referred to as the chondria, another type of organelle called a
mitochondrial genome or simply mitochon- chloroplast, which also has a circular DNA mol-
drial DNA (mtDNA). Plants and some single- ecule. This DNA is called the chloroplast ge-
celled organisms have, in addition to mito- nome, or simply chloroplast DNA (cpDNA).

Sequenced Organisms

Many genomesfrom vertebrate mitochondria at portant. For example, the small size of the Fugu
about 16,000 base pairs (bp) to mammals at more genome or the intermediate size of the marsupial ge-
than 3 billion bphave been completed, and al- nome makes these valuable because of their unique-
though there still is no one repository for all these ness, while at the same time they possess copies of
data, the National Center for Biotechnology Infor- different variants of many of the same genes. Such
mation maintains GenBank, which keeps track of comparisons may provide insights into gene function
many. Prokaryotic genomes (both Euacteria, or sim- and interactions among genes and their products.
ply Bacteria, and Archaea) are now relatively minor Nonvertebrate animal genomes have been se-
projects on the order of 0.6-8 megabase pairs (Mbp), quenced for Ciona intestinalis (the sea-squirt), Anoph-
and the number completed is now in the hundreds, eles gambiae (the malaria mosquito), Drosophila melan-
because large sequencing centers are capable of ogaster (the fruit or vinegar fly), and Caenorhabditis
completing thirty or more per month. briggsae and C. elegans (nematode worms). Projects
Compared to the prokaryotes, eukaryotic ge- soon to be completed include Apis mellifera ligustica
nomes generally involve much more work. Verte- (the honeybee), Culex and Aedes (mosquitoes),
brate genomes that have either been completed or Glossina morsitans (the tsetese fly), and Brugia malayi
mostly sequenced and are awaiting assembly include (the nematode that causes elephantiasis). For com-
Homo sapiens (humans) at about 3.3 billion bp, Mus parative reasons a cnidarian and a mollusk would be
musculus (the mouse) at about 3 billion bp, Rattus valuable.
norvegicus (the rat) at about 2.8 billion bp, Danio rerio Fungi projects include Aspergillus species, Candida
(the zebra fish) at about 1.7 bp, Fugu rubripes (the albicans (which causes thrush infections), Cryptococcus
pufferfish) at about 3.6 million bp, and Tetraodon neoformans, Neurospora crassa (orange bread mold),
nigroviridis (another form of pufferfish) at 3.8 mil- Phanerochaete chrysosporium (white wood rot), Saccha-
lion bp. Projects for which more than 90 percent of romyces cerevisiae (bakers and brewers yeast), Schizo-
sequencing may be complete by 2010 (if not sooner) saccharomyces pombe (fission yeast), and Pneumocystis
include Pan paniscus (the chimpanzee) at about 3.3 carinii (which causes pneumonia). Many more are
billion bp, Macaca mulatta (the rhesus monkey), soon to start.
Papio cynocephalus (the yellow baboon), Bos taurus Plants often have very large genomes because of
(the cow), Sus scrofa (the pig), Canis familiaris (the duplication events (tetraploidy). Arabidopsis thaliana
dog), Felis catus (the cat), Equus caballus (the horse), (thale cress) at about 115 Mbp and Oryza sativa
Oryctolagus cuniculus (the rabbit), Gallus gallus (the (rice) at about 430 Mbp have been completed, and
chicken), Xenopus tropicalis (a frog), and Xenopus large-scale EST sequencing projects are under way
laevis (another species of frog). These include most for wheat, potato, cotton, tomato, barley and corn,
of the well-known experimental vertebrates as well which all have much larger genomes.
as others of commercial importance. As in the Hu- A wide variety of parasites are also being se-
man Genome Project, annotation, closing gaps, and quenced: Cryptosporidium parvum, which causes diar-
checking assemblies may require additional years. rhea; Plasmodium falciparum, which causes malaria;
Beyond the next few years, there is strong advocacy Toxoplasma gondii, a microsporidian; Encephalitozoon
for genomic sequences of less well-known experimen- cuniculi, kinetoplastids; Leishmania major, which
tal animals, including Peromyscus (the deer mouse) causes leishmaniasis; Trypanosoma brucei, which causes
and Tupaia (the tree shrew), as well as representatives sleeping sickness; Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes
of distinct evolutionary lineages such as elephants. Se- Chagas disease; Thalassiosira pseudonana, a diatom;
quencing the genomes of such animals is important, Dictyostelium discoideum, a slime mold; and Entamoeba
since the best animals for comparative genomics are histolytica, which causes amebic dysentery.
not necessarily experimentally or commercially im- Peter J. Waddell and Michael J. Mclachlan
386 Genomics

Because the genome includes all of the on bacterial genomes because of their small
genes that are expressed in an organism, know- size and lack of repetitive DNA. However, the
ing its nucleotide sequence is considered the amount of repetitive sequence in eukaryotes
first step in a complete understanding of the can lead to difficulties for sequence assembly
genetics of an organism. It must be emphasized and gap filling. Therefore, a mapped, clone-
that much more work follows this first step, be- based approach may be needed to finish such
cause just knowing the nucleotide sequence of sequences. A genomic sequencing project may
all the genes does not necessarily identify their use a combination of the mapped clone method
function or how they interact with other genes. and whole genome shotgun sequencing to pro-
One important side benefit of having the com- duce a completed genomic sequence.
plete genome sequence is that it can greatly An important adjunct to the genomic se-
speed the discovery of mutant genes. The hu- quence is an extensive catalog of expressed se-
man genome sequence, completed by the Hu- quence tags (ESTs), or full-length mRNAs from
man Genome Project in 2003, has already en- many different tissue types. This is achieved by
abled medical geneticists to find a number of reverse transcribing mRNA to complementary
genes for genetic defects. DNA (cDNA) and then sequencing. If a ge-
nome is impractically large to sequence at pres-
Sequencing Whole Genomes ent (due to large amounts of noncoding DNA),
A number of complementary strategies are this stage alone can yield much useful informa-
involved in sequencing a genome. One ap- tion.
proach is the shotgun sequencing of mapped
clones. Large sections of DNA are cloned into Annotation
vectors such as bacterial artificial chromo- The annotation process involves gathering
somes (BACs). A physical map of each BAC is and presenting information about the location
made using techniques such as restriction map- of genes, regulatory elements, structural ele-
ping or the assignment of previously known se- ments, repetitive DNA, and other factors. It is
quence elements. The BAC maps are com- important to integrate any previously known
pared to identify overlapping clones, forming a information regarding the genome, such as lo-
map of long contiguous regions of the genome. cation of ESTs, at this stage. A powerful ap-
BACs are selected from this map and the inserts proach to identifying genes is to map ESTs
are randomly fragmented into short pieces, 1-2 and mRNAs to the genome. This will identify
kilobase pairs (kb), and subcloned into vec- many of the protein-coding genes and can re-
tors. Subclones are selected at random and se- veal the intron-exon structure plus possible al-
quenced. Many subclones are sequenced (of- ternative splicing of the gene. It will not iden-
ten enough to provide sevenfold coverage of tify most functional RNA genes, and how to
the clone) and then assembled to yield the con- do so effectively is an open question. Indeed,
tiguous sequence of the original BAC insert. how many functional RNA genes there may be
The sequences from overlapping BACs are in eukaryotic genomes is unclear. For example,
then assembled. In the finishing stage, addi- in humans approximately thirty-five thousand
tional bridging sequences are obtained to close protein-coding genes have been identified, but
gaps where there were no overlapping clones. there is evidence of many more transcribed
Whole genome shotgun sequencing involves sequences, and exactly what these are is un-
randomly fragmenting the whole genome and known.
sequencing clones without an initial map. Small Some genes can be identified in the genomic
clones (up to around 2 kb) are sequenced and sequence by the comparative approachthat
assembled into contiguous regions with the is, by showing significant sequence similarity
help of sequences from larger (10-50 kb) clones (for example, via BLAST algorithm) with anno-
that form a scaffold. The sequence is then tated genes from other organisms. Such an ap-
linked to a physical map of the organisms proach becomes more powerful as the genomes
chromosomes. This method works effectively of more organisms are published.
Genomics 387

Computational methods can also be used to

predict regions of the sequence that may repre-
sent genes. These rely on identifying patterns
in the genomic sequence that resemble known
properties of protein-coding genes, such as the
presence of an open reading frame or sequence
elements associated with promoters, intron-
exon boundaries, and the 3 tail.

Functional Genomics
The availability of information identifying
the majority of genes in an organism allows new
kinds of experiments to be devised, and on a Image not available
larger scale than ever before. Functional ge-
nomics, for example, aims to assign a func-
tional role to each gene and identify the tissue
type and developmental stage at which it is
expressed. Identifying all genes in a genome
makes it possible to determine the effect of al-
tering the expression of each gene, through
the use of knockouts, gene silencing, or trans-
genic experiments. Technologies such as mi-
croarray analysis allow mRNA expression levels
to be measured for tens of thousands of genes
simultaneously, while proteomic methods such
as mass spectroscopy are beginning to allow
high-throughput measurements of proteins. In
these areas genomics overlaps with transcrip- A researcher examines DNA samples at the W. M. Keck Center
tomics, proteomics, and specialties such as gly- for Comparative and Functional Genomics at the University of
comics. Illinois, Urbana. (AP/Wide World Photos)

Structural Genomics
Structural genomics touches upon pro- structures are experimentally determined us-
teomics in the need to consider structural ing methods such as X-ray crystallography and
changes when there are post-translational nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectros-
changes or binding with other molecules. copy. Computational methods of structural
Structural genomics aims to define the three- prediction, either ab initio (from the begin-
dimensional folding of all protein products ning) or alternatively by computational predic-
that an organism produces. The structure of a tion, aided by the known structure of a related
protein can provide insights into its function protein, are generally inferior to direct experi-
and mode of action. Identifying all the genes in mental approaches, but these fields are rapidly
a genome allows the amino acid sequence of advancing and are the key to the future.
each protein to be inferred from the DNA, and
comparisons between them allow proteins (or Comparative Genomics
characteristic sections of a protein, called folds Comparative genomics expands knowledge
or domains) to be identified and classified into through the comparison of different organ-
families. isms genomes. This is essential to the annota-
Structural prediction typically proceeds via tion of genomic sequences. For example, both
each gene being cloned and then expressed. otherwise unknown genes and particularly reg-
The protein product is then purified, and its ulatory elements in humans and mice were first
388 Genomics

revealed by identifying conserved regions of ect. The whole journal issue contains many
their genomic sequences. This can identify other papers considering the structure,
genes homologous to those in other species or function, and evolution of the human ge-
identify a new member of a gene family. Com- nome.
paring genomes can give insights into evolu- Venter, J. C., et al. The Sequence of the Hu-
tionary questions about a particular gene or man Genome. Science 291, no. 5507 (2001):
the organisms themselves. Important informa- 1304-1351. Report on the Celera Genomics
tion can also be discovered about the regula- human genome project.
tion of different genes, the effects of different
gene expression patterns between different Web Sites of Interest
species, and how the genome of each species Department of Energy. Joint Genome Institute.
came to be the way it is. Comparative genomics http://www.jgi.doe.gov. A collaboration be-
essentially rests upon phylogenetic methodol- tween the Department of Energys Lawrence
ogy to describe the pattern and process of mo- Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore, and Los
lecular evolution (phylogenomics). Alamos National Laboratories. Includes an
Peter J. Waddell and Michael J. Mclachlan introduction to genomics, a research time
See also: Bioinformatics; cDNA Libraries; line that starts with Darwins work in 1859,
Chromosome Walking and Jumping; DNA Se- and links.
quencing Technology; Gene Families; Genetic Human Genome Sequencing Center. http://
Engineering; Genome Size; Genomic Libraries; www.hgsc.bcm.tmc.edu. Baylor College of
Human Genome Project; Molecular Clock Hy- Medicine. Posts an ongoing counter of hu-
pothesis; Protein Structure; Protein Synthesis; man genome sequencing completed world-
Proteomics; Reverse Transcription; RNA World. wide.
National Center for Biotechnology Informa-
Further Reading tion. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. A cen-
International Human Genome Sequencing tral repository for biological information,
Consortium. Initial Sequencing and Analy- including links to genome projects and ge-
sis of the Human Genome. Nature 409, no. nomic science. Maintains GenBank, a com-
6822 (2001): 860-921. The publication of prehensive, annotated collection of publicly
the first draft of the Human Genome Proj- available DNA sequences.
Hardy-Weinberg Law counteract that belief, pointing out that by
Field of study: Population genetics themselves, sexual reproduction and Mendel-
Significance: The Hardy-Weinberg law is the foun- ian inheritance have no effect on an alleles
dation for theories about evolution in local popu- commonness. Implicit in Hardys paper was the
lations, often called microevolution. First formu- idea that populations could be viewed as con-
lated in 1908, it continues to be the basis of glomerations of independent alleles, what has
practical methods for investigations in fields from come to be called a gene pool. Alleles ran-
plant breeding and anthropology to law and pub- domly combine in pairs to make up the next
lic health. generation. This simplification is similar to New-
tons view of objects as simple points with mass.
Key terms Hardy, an English mathematician, wrote only
allele frequency: the proportion of all the one paper in biology. Several months earlier,
genes at one chromosome location (locus) Wilhelm Weinberg, a German physician, inde-
within a breeding population pendently and in more detail had proposed the
gene flow: movement of alleles from one pop- law that now bears both their names. In a series
ulation to another by the movement of indi- of papers, he made other contributions, in-
viduals or gametes cluding demonstrating Mendelian heredity in
gene pool: the total set of all the genes in all in- human families and developing methods for
dividuals in an interbreeding population distinguishing environmental from genetic vari-
genetic drift: random changes in allele fre- ation. Weinberg can justifiably be regarded as
quencies caused by chance events the father of human genetics, but his work, like
Mendels, was neglected for many years. The
Introduction fact that his law was known as Hardys law until
The Hardy-Weinberg law can be phrased in the 1940s is an indictment of scientific paro-
many ways, but its essence is that the genetic chialism.
makeup of a population, which meets certain
assumptions, will not change over time. More The Hardy-Weinberg Paradigm
important, it allows quantitative predictions The Hardy-Weinberg law is actually a para-
about the distribution of genes and genotypes digm, a theoretical framework for studying na-
within and among generations. It may seem ture. Hardy and Weinberg envisioned popula-
strange that theories about fundamental mech- tions as collections of gametes (eggs and sperm)
anisms of evolution are based on a definition of that each contain one copy of each gene. Most
conditions under which evolution will not oc- populations consist of diploid organisms that
cur. It is the nature of science that scientists have two copies of each gene. Each generation
must make predictions about the phenomena of individuals can be regarded as a random
being studied. Without something with which sample of pairs of gametes from the previous
to compare the results of experiments or obser- generations gamete pool. The proportion of
vations, science is impossible. Sir Isaac New- gametes that contain a particular allele is the
tons law of inertia plays a similar role in phys- frequency of that allele.
ics, stating that an objects motion will not Imagine a population of one hundred indi-
change unless it is affected by an outside force. viduals having a gene with two alleles, A and a.
After the rediscovery of Mendelian genetics There are three genotypes (combinations of
in 1900, some scientists initially thought domi- alleles) in the population: AA and aa (homo-
nant alleles would become more common than zygotes), and Aa (heterozygotes). If the popu-
recessive alleles, an error repeated in each gen- lation has the numbers of each genotype listed
eration of students. In 1908, Godfrey Hardy in the table Genome Frequencies, then the ge-
published his paper Mendelian Proportions notype frequencies can be computed as shown.
in a Mixed Population in the journal Science to The individuals of each genotype can be
390 Hardy-Weinberg Law

Genome Frequencies (adding the frequencies of Aa and aA). These

are the same as the previous generation.
Genotype Number Genotype frequency Hardy pointed out that if the frequency of
AA 36 36/100 = 0.36 A = p and the frequency of a = q, then p + q = 1.
Random mating can be modeled by the equa-
AB 48 48/100 = 0.48
tion (p + q) (p + q) = 1, or more compactly (p +
BB 16 16/100 = 0.16 q)2 = 1. This can be expanded to provide the ge-
Total 100 1.00 notype frequencies: p 2 + 2pq + q 2 = 1. In other
words, the ratio of AA:Aa:aa = p 2:2pq:q 2. Sub-
stituting 0.6 for p and 0.4 for q produces the
viewed as contributing one of each of their al- figures shown in the preceding table, but more
leles to the gene pool, which has the composi- compactly and easily. The Hardy-Weinberg con-
tion shown in the table headed Gene Pool cept may also be extended to genes with more
Composition. than two alleles. Therefore, three predictions
may be made for a Hardy-
Weinberg population: Fre-
Gene Pool Composition quencies of alleles p and q
sum to 1.0 and will not
Genotype A gametes B gametes Genotype contributions
change; the frequencies of
AA 36 + 36 = 72 72 genotypes AA, Aa, and aa
AB 48 48 96 will be p 2:2pq:q 2 respec-
BB 16 + 16 = 32 32
tively, will sum to 1.0, and
will not change (that is,
Total 120 80 200 they are in equilibrium);
Allele Frequency 120/200 = 0.6 80/200 = 0.4 200/200 = 1.0 and if the genotype fre-
quencies are not initially at
equilibrium ratios, they
This population can be described by the ge- will eventually reach equilibrium.
notype ratio AA:Aa:aa = 0.36:0.38:0.16 and the There are within-generation and between-
allele frequencies A:a = 0.6:0.4. Note that allele generation predictions. Within any one gen-
frequencies must total 1.0, as must genotype eration, the ratios of the genotypes are pre-
frequencies. dictable if allele frequencies are known; if the
frequency of a genotype is known, allele fre-
The Hardy-Weinberg Law and Evolution quencies can be estimated. Between genera-
Allele and genotype frequencies would be of tions, allele and genotype frequencies will not
little use if they only described populations. By change, as long as the following assumptions
making a Punnett square of the gametes in the are met: (1) there are no mutations, (2) there is
population and using allele frequencies, the ta- no gene flow with other populations, (3) mat-
ble showing predicted genotype frequencies in ing is totally random, (4) the population is of
the next generation will be obtained. infinite size, and (5) there is no natural selec-
The predicted frequencies of homozygotes tion. Violations of these assumptions define
are 0.36 and 0.16; the frequency of Aa is 0.48 the five major evolutionary forces: mutation,

Predicted Genotype Frequencies

Sperm Eggs
A (frequency = 0.6) B (frequency = 0.4)
A (frequency = 0.6) AA (frequency = 0.6 0.6 = 0.36) BA (frequency = 0.6 0.4 = 0.24)
B (frequency = 0.4) AB (frequency = 0.6 0.4 = 0.24) BB (frequency = 0.4 0.4 = 0.16)
Hardy-Weinberg Law 391

gene flow, nonrandom mating, genetic drift, 2pq is the frequency of heterozygotes (8 per-
and natural selection, respectively. cent of adult African Americans). Since p + q =
Despite its seeming limitations, the Hardy- 1, q = 1 - 0p and 2p(1 - p) = 0.08. From this he
Weinberg law has been crucially useful in three computed p = 0.042 (about 4 percent). From
major ways. First, its predictions of allele and the medical literature, Neel knew the frequency
genotype frequencies in the absence of evolu- of the sickle trait in several African populations
tion provide what statisticians call the null hy- and computed the sickle allele frequency to be
pothesis, which is essential for statistically rig- as high as 0.10 (since then the frequency has
orous hypothesis tests. If measured frequencies been found to be as high as 0.20). These are ex-
do not match predictions, then evolution is oc- traordinarily high frequencies for a lethal re-
curring. This redefines evolution from a vague cessive allele and begged the question: Why was
change in species over time to a more useful, it so common?
quantitative change in allele or genotype fre- The Hardy-Weinberg assumptions provided
quencies. However, it is a definition that can- a list of possibilities, including nonrandom
not be used in the domain of macroevolution mating (mathematical models based on Hardy-
and paleontology above the level of biological Weinberg showed nonrandom mating distorts
species. Similarly, Newtons definition of a mov- genotype frequencies but cannot change allele
ing object does not apply in quantum physics. frequencies), mutation (for the loss of sickle al-
Second, Hardy-Weinberg provides a concep- leles via death of homozygotes to be balanced
tual framework for investigation. If evolution is by new mutations, scientists estimated the mu-
happening, a checklist of potential causes of tation rate from normal to sickle allele would
evolution can be examined in turn. Finally, the have to be about three thousand times higher
Hardy-Weinberg paradigm provides the foun- than any known human mutation rate, which
dation for mathematical models of each evolu- seemed unlikely), and gene flow (models
tionary force. These models help biologists de- showed gene flow reduces differences between
termine whether a specific evolutionary force local populations caused by other evolution-
could produce observed changes. ary forces; gene flow from African populations
caused by slavery explained the appearance of
Using the Hardy-Weinberg Law the sickle allele in North America but not high
Sickle-cell disease is a severe disease of chil- frequencies in Africa).
dren characterized by reduced red blood cell Another possibility was genetic drift. Models
number, bouts of pain, fever, gradual failure of had shown deleterious alleles could rise to high
major organs, and early death. In 1910, physi- frequencies in very small populations (smaller
cians noticed the disease and associated it with than one thousand). It was possible the sickle
distortion (sickling) of red blood cells. They allele drifted to a high frequency in a hu-
realized that victims of the disease were almost man population reduced to small numbers by
entirely of African descent. Studies showed that some catastrophe (population bottleneck)
the blood of about 8 percent of adult American or started by a small number of founders (the
blacks exhibited sickling, although few actually founder effect). If so, the population had
had the disease. By the 1940s, they knew sick- since grown far above the size at which drift
ling was even more common in some popula- is significant. Moreover, drift was random; if
tions in Africa, India, Greece, and Italy. there had been several small populations, some
In 1949, James Neel proved the disease was would have drifted high and some low. It was
caused by a recessive gene: Children homozy- unlikely that drift would maintain high fre-
gous for the sickle allele developed the disease quencies of a deleterious allele in so many large
and died. Heterozygotes showed the sickle trait populations in different locations. Therefore,
but did not develop the disease. Using the the remaining possibility, natural selection, was
Hardy-Weinberg law, Neel computed the allele the most reasonable possibility: The heterozy-
frequency among American blacks as follows: gotes must have some selective advantage over
Letting p = the frequency of the sickle allele, the normal homozygotes.
392 Heart Disease

A few years later, A. C. Allison was doing field over, it is premature to celebrate the end of
work in Africa and noted that the incidence of the disturbing questions raised by eugenics.
the sickle-cell trait was high in areas where ma- Progress in molecular biology makes it possible
laria was prevalent. A search of the literature to detect deleterious alleles in heterozygotes,
showed this was also true in Italy and Greece. making eugenics more practical. Questions of
In 1954, Allison published his hypothesis: In whether genes play a major role in criminality
heterozygotes, sickle-cell alleles significantly im- and mental illness are still undecided. Debate
proved resistance to malaria. It has been re- about such medical and social issues may be in-
peatedly confirmed. Scientists have found al- formed by knowledge of the Hardy-Weinberg
leles for several other blood disorders that also law, but decisions about what to do lie outside
provide resistance to malaria in heterozygotes. the domain of science.
Frank E. Price
Impact and Applications See also: Consanguinity and Genetic Dis-
The Hardy-Weinberg law has provided sci- ease; Eugenics; Eugenics: Nazi Germany; Evo-
entists with a more precise definition of evolu- lutionary Biology; Genetic Load; Genome Size;
tion: change in allele or genotype frequencies. Heredity and Environment; Inbreeding and
It allows them to measure evolution, provides a Assortative Mating; Natural Selection; Poly-
conceptual framework for investigation, and ploidy; Population Genetics; Punctuated Equi-
continues to serve as the foundation for the librium; Quantitative Inheritance; Sickle-Cell
theory of microevolution. Beyond population Disease; Sociobiology; Speciation.
genetics and evolution, the Hardy-Weinberg
paradigm is used in such fields as law (analysis Further Reading
of DNA fingerprints), anthropology (human Provine, William. The Origins of Theoretical Pop-
migration), plant and animal breeding (main- ulation Genetics. 1971. 2d ed. Chicago: Uni-
taining endangered species), medicine (genetic versity of Chicago Press, 2001. Provides a
counseling), and public health (implementing comprehensive overview of the history of
screening programs). In these and other disci- population genetics, including the Hardy-
plines, the Hardy-Weinberg law and its deriva- Weinberg law.
tives continue to be useful.
The Hardy-Weinberg law also has implica-
tions for social issues. In the early twentieth
century, growing knowledge of genetics fueled
a eugenics movement that sought to improve Heart Disease
society genetically. Eugenicists in the 1910s
and 1920s promoted laws to restrict immigra- Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
tion and promote sterilization of mental de- Significance: Individual susceptibility to cardio-
fectives, criminals, and other bad stock. The vascular (heart) disease involves the interaction of
Hardy-Weinberg law is often credited with the complex genetic traits, as well as factors loosely de-
decline of eugenics. The ratio 2pq/q 2 = 1 makes fined as environmental. Only in rare circum-
it clear that if a recessive trait is rare (as most stances do specific mutations result in disease;
deleterious alleles are), most copies of a reces- more often, quantitative differences in gene prod-
sive allele are hidden in apparently normal het- ucts reflect a minimum threshold necessary for
erozygotes. Selecting against affected individu- overt disease.
als will be inefficient at best. However, a host of
respected scientists championed eugenics into Key terms
the 1920s and 1930s, long after the implica- angina pectoris: chest pain that can be indic-
tions of Hardy-Weinberg were understood. It ative of heart disease
was really the reaction to the horrors of Nazi angiotensin-cleaving enzyme (ACE): a pro-
leader Adolf Hitlers eugenics program that tein indirectly involved in regulation of blood
made eugenics socially unacceptable. More- pressure
Heart Disease 393

apolipoprotein A1 (APO A1): a molecule only a limited role. The form or quantity of the
that binds cholesterol in the bloodstream, gene product may define susceptibility to dis-
facilitating its removal by the liver ease; often, however, the environment may play
atherosclerosis: narrowing of coronary ar- a major role in determining the significance
teries that results from plaque formation in played by that product.
the vessel
cholesterol: a steroid derivative that is a nor-
mal constituent of cell membranes, but Cholesterol
which plays a role in plaque formation in ar- Cholesterol was the first component in blood
teries in which the concentration could be correlated
integrin B3 (ITGB3): a glycoprotein found in with risk for heart disease. While other mole-
platelet membranes that plays a role in ad- cules found in the bloodstream are now known
herence to capillary surfaces to also play undefined roles in CHD, elevated
low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR): cholesterol concentration remains one of the
a protein on surface of liver cells that re- more important risk factors.
moves cholesterol and other lipids from the The concentration of cholesterol is respon-
bloodstream sive to a variety of processes under genetic con-
quantitative trait locus (QTL) (pl. quan- trol. These take the form of either cholesterol
titative trait loci): a group of genes that packaging or removal. Once in the blood-
interact in defining physical or biochemical stream, cholesterol becomes linked with any of
characteristics such as development of dis- a variety of proteins or other molecules. Low-
ease density lipoprotein (LDL) is often referred to
as bad cholesterol, while high-density lipo-
Forms and Genetic Basis protein (HDL) is called the good cholesterol.
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is arguably The apo A1 protein, product of the APOA1
the leading cause of death among older adults. gene, binds with cholesterol in forming HDLs.
While CHD may take a variety of forms, most At least certain forms of CHD are associated
commonly it is associated with a narrowing of with variants of the gene product apo A1, which
the coronary arteries that supply oxygen and form lower concentrations of HDL. Likewise,
other nutrients to heart tissue. Eventually, the the APOA1 gene can express variants that in-
artery may be completely blocked. While cho- crease the concentration of LDLs, with a con-
lesterol or other lipids certainly play a role in cordant increase in risk of CHD.
the process, other factors or systems are also in- The concentration of packaged cholesterol
volved. Most of these involve genetically en- is also reflected by its rate of removal from the
coded proteins or protein-utilizing systems. bloodstream. In part, this is a function played
Since heart disease often runs in families, by the liver. Liver cells have LDL receptors, the
there is clearly a genetic element in its develop- function of which is to bind and remove LDLs.
ment. Generally, development of disease in At least 350 genetic variants have been de-
populations can be described as a continuum, scribed for the LDLR gene, resulting in sig-
with the quantitative level and rate of CHD de- nificant quantitative differences among per-
velopment varying among individuals; even ac- sons in their efficiency of LDL removal. Persons
counting for the role of the environment, some with those receptor variants that function in-
individuals are more susceptible than others. efficiently often are at increased risk of heart
The genes that are involved can be mapped, in disease. For example, hypercholesterolemia, a
some cases to specific sites on chromosomes, condition in which cholesterol may be three to
and until the genes are actually identified they four times the normal level, is often the result
are referred to as quantitative trait loci (QTLs). of reduced numbers of LDL receptors. Persons
At least 250 genes or QTLs have now been with this condition are at extremely high risk
linked in some manner with CHD develop- for development of atherosclerosis and may
ment. This is not to say that environment plays suffer heart attacks even as young adults.
394 Heart Disease

Defects in the Blood-Clotting System ing from CHD have been shown to express an
While the buildup of plaque in coronary ar- unusual variant of this gene, resulting in an in-
teries is a major factor in heart disease, a heart creased capacity of platelets to initiate clot for-
attack is often triggered by clot formation at the mation.
site of narrowing. The uneven nature or struc- A second gene in the blood-clotting category
ture of the plaque may itself be sufficient for encodes the protein thrombospondin (TSP),
clot formation. Nevertheless, the discovery that one of a family of proteins that regulate adhe-
persons with variants of certain clot-associated sion of cells to capillary surfaces. Epidemiolog-
or inflammatory factors may show increased ical studies of persons with coronary artery dis-
risk of clot formation suggests genetic factors ease have shown that certain variations of this
may also play a role. gene are found in a large proportion of patients,
Clot formation begins when blood platelets while other variants seem associated with a de-
attach to the surface at the site of an injury. creased risk of disease.
Among the molecules found in the cell mem-
brane of platelets is a glycoprotein encoded by Quantitative Trait Loci
the ITGB3 gene. The normal function of this Quantitative traits are those expressed at
molecule is to enable the platelet to attach to varying levels in the population. To date, most
the surface of the blood capillary. However, a QTL studies have involved genetic crosses of
large proportion of middle-aged adults suffer- rats or mice; mice in particular are simple to in-
breed and share some genetic
similarities with humans. Other
genes have been found as a
result of the Human Genome
Approximately thirty QTLs
have been defined in humans.
Individual genes that make up
QTLs are themselves heteroge-
neous, existing as multiple vari-
ants or alleles. Clearly, CHD is
a complex disorder involving
the interaction of many gene
products of numerous alleles,
Image not available and the specific role played by
such loci in most forms of CHD
remains to be explained. The
association of one type of QTL
linked to a risk factor for CHD,
that of left ventricular hyper-
trophy (LVH), provides a pro-
totype for understanding the
interaction of gene products in
development of disease.
LVH represents a condition
in which the mass of the lower
portion of the heart increases,
raising the level of blood pres-
At the Nebraska Heart Institute in August, 2002, Dr. Vish Bhoopalam discusses sure and increasing the strain
gene therapy used to stimulate growth of new capillaries near the heart. (AP/Wide on the heart. Since LVH is a
World Photos) significant risk factor in devel-
Heart Disease 395

opment of coronary disease, an understand- cleaving enzyme, converts the inactive precur-
ing of the process is important in its preven- sor to the active form. Inactivation of angioten-
tion. sin II is carried out by the product of the ACE2
Using crosses among inbred strains of rats, gene, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2.
researchers have found that genetic markers It is known that high blood pressure in some
for LVH can be mapped to certain QTLs. The individuals may be aggravated by diets high in
quantitative expression of a protein, atrial natri- salt. Animals that exhibit similar characteris-
uretic factor (ANF), appeared to correlate with tics are often found to express decreased con-
the extent of LVH in rats: The higher the con- centrations of the ACE2 enzyme, resulting in
centration of ANF, the lower was the ventricu- greater salt retention as well as higher blood
lar mass. A specific gene, natriuretic peptide pressure. Whether a similar situation exists in
precursor A (Nppa), was found in the region, humans is unclear, though there is evidence
and it encoded the ANF precursor protein. that reduced levels of ACE2 production may
The relationship between QTLs and CHD play an analogous role in humans.
remains more elusive. Human populations ob-
viously do not lend themselves to similar forms Nature vs. Nurture
of crosses, so identification of candidate QTLs For most populations, the risk of CHD repre-
has generally been limited to studies between sents a continuum, with some individuals at low
twins, or at least siblings. These studies have risk and others at increasingly elevated risk. Ex-
demonstrated that both genetics and the envi- cluding those situations in which specific ge-
ronment play roles of indeterminate impor- netic variation is directly the cause of CHD, as
tance in CHD. If one sibling develops disease, in the situation of hypercholesterolemia, in
the other is at significantly higher risk for the most persons the genetic pattern merely re-
same. At the same time, certain behavioral risk lates to the ability of environmental factors to
factors such as smoking or obesity also increase trigger disease. For example, while elevated
the incidence of cardiovascular disease. blood pressure is a significant factor in long-
Most candidate QTLs have been limited to term cardiovascular injury, environmental fac-
an association with hypertension; mutations in tors such as obesity, diet, level of stress, and
certain such genes have been observed in hy- level of exercise may themselves determine the
pertensive cases responsive to reduced levels of extent of hypertension.
salt intake. The actual function of the gene The single most important environmental
products has not been determined. Since there factor associated with CHD that can be con-
exists a clear relationship between elevated trolled is that of tobacco use. While genetic
blood pressure and development of heart dis- variation may play a role in susceptibility to the
ease, these would qualify as candidate loci. effects of tobacco smoke, there is no question
that a cause-and-effect relationship between
Blood Pressure the extent of smoking and increased risk for
The regulation of blood pressure by the disease exists.
body involves a number of complementary sys- As the role played by specific genes in devel-
tems. One of these mechanisms involves the opment of CHD becomes more apparent, not
molecule angiotensin II. Produced within the only is there the potential for improved treat-
liver, angiotensin II constricts small arteries, in- ments, but methods both for screening and
creasing blood pressure, and regulates salt up- prevention become possible. Persons at greater
take by the kidney. risk may be identified on the basis of possessing
Angiotensin II is first synthesized as an in- certain genetic variants, and methods of treat-
active precursor molecule, angiotensinogen; ment may be determined as a result of knowing
subsequent cleavage is required for activation. a specific cause.
Regulation of angiotensin concentration is in Richard Adler
part a function of two different gene products. See also: Congenital Defects; Diabetes; Ge-
The product of the ACE gene, an angiotensin- netic Testing; Hereditary Diseases; Heredity
396 Hemophilia

and Environment; Human Genetics; Human Web Sites of Interest

Genome Project; Hypercholesterolemia; Or- American Heart Association. http://www
gan Transplants and HLA Genes; Prenatal Di- .americanheart.org. The AHAs Web site of-
agnosis. fers education regarding the different forms
of heart disease, symptoms, and treatments.
A page devoted to congenital disorders as
Further Reading well as a search on gene and similar words
Braunwald, Eugene, Douglas P. Zipes, Peter offer information and articles on specific
Libby, and Douglas D. Zipes. Heart Disease: A hereditary defects and conditions.
Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 6th ed. National Institutes of Health, National Library
Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 2001. Con- of Medicine. http://www.nlm.nih.gov. This
tains a large section on the role of genetics site offers comprehensive information on
and cardiovascular disease as well as a thor- heart disease, including genetics and re-
ough discussion of heart disease in general. search.
Crackower, M. A., et al. Angiotensin-Converting
Enzyme Is an Essential Regulator of Heart
Function. Nature 417 (2002): 822-828. The
authors mapped the ACE2 gene to a particu- Hemophilia
lar QTL, demonstrating a role for the gene
in regulation. Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
Danielli, Gian Antonia, and Gina Antonia Significance: Hemophilia is a sex-linked inherited
Danielli. Genetics and Genomics for the Cardiolo- genetic disorder in which the blood does not clot ad-
gist. Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2002. Spe- equately. Although incidents of hemophilia are rel-
cialized overview of the topic addressed pri- atively rare, the study of this disease has yielded im-
marily to clinicians. However, the book does portant information about genetic transmission
emphasize applications of recent techniques and the factors involved in blood clotting.
in screening for CHD-associated genes.
Gambaro, G., F. Anglani, and A. DAngelo. As- Key terms
sociation Studies of Genetic Polymorphisms hemophilia A: a blood disease with a defi-
and Complex Disease. The Lancet 355 (Janu- ciency of clotting factor VIII
ary 22, 2000): 308-311. General discussion hemophilia B: a blood disease with a defi-
on methods to correlate genetic markers ciency of clotting factor IX
and disease. The primary example is that of hemostasis: the process by which blood flow is
ACE polymorphisms and CHD. stopped at an injury site
Goldbourt, Uri, Kare Berg, and Ulf de Faire,
eds. Genetic Factors in Coronary Heart Disease. Causes and Symptoms
Boston: Kluwer Academic, 1994. Emphasizes When an injury occurs that involves blood
epidemiologic features of CHD. However, loss, the body responds by a process known as
portions of the book also address genetic hemostasis. Hemostasis involves several steps
factors known at the time. that result in the blood clotting and stopping
Marian, Ali J. Genetics for Cardiologists: The Molec- the bleeding. With hemophilia, an essential
ular Genetic Basis of Cardiovascular Disorders. substance is absent. For blood to clot, a series of
London: ReMEDICA, 2000. Addresses the chemical reactions must occur in a domino ef-
molecular genetic basis of heart disease. fect. The reaction starts with a protein called
Color illustrations. the Hageman factor or factor XII, which cues
Pirisi, Angela. Researchers Find Genetic Clues factor XI, which in turn cues factor X and so on
to Coronary Artery Disease. The Lancet 358 until factor I is activated. Each factor is ex-
(December 1, 2001): 1879. Review of work pressed by a different gene. If one of the genes
on possible roles of thromboplastin variants is defective, the blood will not clot properly.
and CHD. Hemophilia A is the most common type, affect-
Hemophilia 397

be evident until adulthood when prolonged

Alleles and Hemophilia
bleeding is observed after surgery or a major
Fathers Sperm Cells
injury. The symptoms of moderate or severe
hemophilia often appear early in life. These
X Y symptoms may include easy bruising, difficulty
in stopping minor bleeding, bleeding into the
X Normal Girl Normal Boy joints, and internal bleeding without any obvi-
Mothers ous cause (spontaneous bleeding). When bleed-
XXh XhY ing occurs in the joints, the person experiences
Xh Normal Girl Hemophiliac severe pain, swelling, and possible deformity in
(carrier) Boy the affected joint. The weight-bearing joints
such as ankles and knees are usually affected.
Internal bleeding requires immediate hospital-
The daughters produced by the union depicted in this table will ization and could result in death if severe. Peo-
be physically normal, but half will be carriers of hemophilia. ple who experience prolonged or abnormal
Half the sons produced by the union will be hemophiliacs. bleeding are often tested for hemophilia. Test-
ing the specific blood-clotting factors can de-
termine the type and severity of hemophilia.
ing over 80 percent of all hemophiliacs and re- Although a family history of hemophilia may
sulting when clotting factor VIII is deficient. help in the diagnosis, approximately 20 per-
Hemophilia B (also known as Christmas dis- cent of hemophiliacs have no such history of
ease) affects about 15 percent of hemophiliacs the disease.
and results when clotting factor IX is deficient.
Hemophilia affects males almost exclusively Impact and Applications
because it is an X-linked (often called sex- Hemophilia is not curable, although ad-
linked) recessive trait. Although it is possible vances in the treatment of the disease are pro-
for women to have hemophilia, it is extremely longing life and preventing crippling deformi-
rare, because women must have two copies of ties. Symptoms of hemophilia can be reduced
the defective gene to be affected. A female has by replacing the deficient clotting factor. Peo-
two X chromosomes, and a male has an X and Y ple with hemophilia A may receive antihemo-
chromosome. Even though the trait is reces- philic factors to raise their blood-clotting factor
sive, because men have a single X chromo- above normal levels so that the blood clots ap-
some, recessive X-linked genes are expressed as propriately. People with hemophilia B may re-
if they were dominant. Thus, hemophilia in ceive clotting factor IX during bleeding epi-
males is inherited, along with their X chromo- sodes in order to increase the clotting factor
some, from the mother. The daughter of a he- levels. The clotting factors may be taken from
mophiliac father will carry the disease because plasma (the fluid part of blood), although it
she inherits one X chromosome (with the ab- takes a great deal of plasma to produce a small
normal gene) from the father and one from amount of the clotting factors. Risks include in-
the mother. Any son born to a carrier has a 50 fection by the hepatitis virus or human immu-
percent chance of having hemophilia, since nodeficiency virus (HIV), although advanced
she will either pass on the X chromosome with screening procedures have greatly reduced
the normal gene or the one with the abnormal such risks. In 1993 the FDA approved a new re-
gene. In order for a female to have hemophilia, combinant form of factor VIII and in 1997 the
she would have to inherit the abnormal gene FDA approved a new recombinant form of fac-
on the X chromosomes from both her mother tor IX for treating individuals with hemophilia
and her father. A and B, respectively. The advantage of recom-
Hemophilia can be mild, moderate, or se- binant factors is that they are automatically free
vere, depending on the extent of the clotting of plasma-derived viruses, thus reducing one of
factor deficiency. Mild hemophilia may not the primary risks endured by previous hemo-
398 Hemophilia

philiacs. Patients with mild hemophilia may be the use of elastic bandages and ice. Exercise is
treated with a synthetic hormone known as recommended to help strengthen and protect
desmopressin acetate (DDAVP). the joint. Painkillers are used to reduce the
Treatment with the plasma clotting factors chronic pain associated with joint swelling and
has increased longevity and quality of life. In inflammation, although hemophiliacs cannot
addition, many patients are able to treat bleed- use products containing aspirin or antihista-
ing episodes as outpatients with home infu- mines because they prolong bleeding. Patients
sions or self-infusions of the clotting factors. and their families have also benefited from ge-
However, problems do exist with the treatment netic education, counseling, and testing. He-
of hemophilia. Various illnesses, such as HIV, mophilia centers can provide information on
liver disease, or cardiovascular disease, have how the disease is transmitted, potential ge-
resulted from contamination of the clotting netic risks, and whether a person is a carrier.
factors. Several techniques are used to reduce This knowledge provides options for family
the risk of contamination, and most difficul- planning as well as support in coping with the
ties were largely eliminated by the mid-1990s. disease.
Bleeding into the joints is often controlled by Virginia L. Salmon, updated by Bryan Ness

Recombinant Factor VIII

Prior to the development of recombinant factor VIII, The results are encouraging. Previously untreated
patients with hemophilia were treated with coagula- patients with hemophilia who have had severe bleed-
tion factors prepared from the blood of thousands ing episodes have responded well to recombinant
of different donors. While these coagulation factor products. The majority of the bleeds (71-91 percent)
concentrates were highly effective in treating acute in most studies resolved with a single dose. Patients
bleeding episodes, they also proved to be the source rarely have side effects, and those they experience
of infection with hepatitis and human immunodefi- are mild. About one-third of patients developed in-
ciency (HIV) viruses. Many patients with hemophilia hibitors to recombinant factor VIII, but several of
became seriously ill and died from a treatment that these inhibitors disappeared over time. No one has
was designed to save their lives. found evidence of the transmission of infectious
Once the risk of viral infection from these pooled agents in the recombinant factor concentrates.
donations was recognized in the early 1980s, bio- Newer studies show that treatment at home by the
medical manufacturers introduced measures to in- patients themselves, preventive treatment prior to
activate the viruses during the process of preparing necessary surgery, and treatment in previously
the concentrates. The next, even more important, treated patients are effective and safe, with minimal
step in improving hemophilia treatment was the de- adverse effects.
velopment of recombinant factors VIII and IX using In the United States, recombinant factor VIII was
DNA technology. Early studies demonstrated that licensed for use in 1992. These products are now
the recombinant factors were as effective as the used in United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, and
pooled blood concentrates and had few adverse ef- elsewhere. Recombinant factors are considered in
fects. most areas the treatment of choice for the treatment
The first recombinant factor VIII concentrate was of patients with severe hemophilia. Unfortunately,
introduced in 1987. Large-scale multinational stud- these products are not readily available and are ex-
ies of the safety and effectiveness of recombinant fac- tremely costly, meaning that physicians must select
tor VIII began in human subjects in 1989. All of these which patients are most appropriate for using re-
studies are classified as prospective or cohort combinant factor VIII. In general, patients who have
studies where patients are enrolled, treated, and fol- not been treated before and who are not infected
lowed through many years. Since prospective studies with hepatitis or HIV viruses are the candidates most
are considered the most methodologically sound, likely to receive these products until the supplies are
they yield scientific information that is highly re- greater and the costs lower.
spected. Rebecca Lovell Scott
Hereditary Diseases 399

See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil- Web Sites of Interest

lus Sampling; Bacterial Genetics and Cell Struc- Dolan DNA Learning Center, Your Genes Your
ture; Chromosome Mutation; Cloning; Gene Health. http://www.ygyh.org. Sponsored by
Therapy; Gene Therapy: Ethical and Economic the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this site,
Issues; Genetic Counseling; Genetic Engineer- a component of the DNA Interactive Web
ing; Genetic Engineering: Medical Applica- site, offers information on more than a dozen
tions; Genetic Testing; Hereditary Diseases. inherited diseases and syndromes, including
Further Reading National Hemophilia Foundation. http://www
Buzzard, Brenda, and Karen Beeton, eds. Phys- .hemophilia.org. Site that includes informa-
iotherapy Management of Haemophilia. Malden, tion on research and links to related organi-
Mass.: Blackwell, 2000. Examines, among zations.
other topics, principles of assessment and
pain mechanisms; techniques in hydrother-
apy, electrotherapy, exercise, and sport; reha-
bilitation in developing countries; and phys- Hereditary Diseases
iotherapy following orthopedic surgery.
Jones, Peter. Living with Haemophilia. 5th ed. Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Significance: Scientists are discovering the genetic
Provides an understandable discussion of bases of an ever-increasing number of diseases af-
hemophilia and its transmission, symptoms, fecting children and adults. The Human Genome
and management. Illustrated. Project was begun in 1990 with the goal of deter-
Monroe, Dougald M., et al., eds. Hemophilia mining and mapping all human genes by the year
Care in the New Millennium. New York: Kluwer 2005, a task which was largely completed by April,
Academic/Plenum, 2001. Explores the man- 2003. As knowledge about the genetics underlying
agement of hemophilia, providing back- different diseases is gained, opportunities should
ground and resources. Illustrated. increase for the diagnosis, prevention, and treat-
Potts, D. M., and W. T. W. Potts. Queen Victorias ment of these diseases.
Gene: Haemophilia and the Royal Family. Stroud:
Sutton, 1999. Explores the source of hemo- Key terms
philia in the royal families of Europe and the chromosomal defects: defects involving
effect it had on history. Illustrations, plates, changes in the number or structure of chro-
genealogical tables, map. mosomes
Resnik, Susan. Blood Saga: Hemophilia, AIDS, congenital defects: birth defects, which may
and the Survival of a Community. Berkeley: be caused by genetic factors, environmental
University of California Press, 1999. Details factors, or interactions between genes and
the social history of hemophilia in the United environmental agents
States, beginning in the early twentieth cen- hemizygous: characterized by being present
tury, when most hemophilia patients did not only in a single copy, as in the case of genes
live past their teens. Illustrated, extensive on the single X chromosome in males
glossary and bibliography, and statistical Mendelian defects: also called single-gene
data. defects; traits controlled by a single gene pair
Rodriguez-Merchan, E. C., N. J. Goddard, and mitochondrial disorders: disorders caused
C. A. Lee, eds. Musculoskeletal Aspects of Haemo- by mutations in mitochondrial genes
philia. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2000. Topics mode of inheritance: the pattern by which a
include hemostasis, orthopedic surgery, re- trait is passed from one generation to the
habilitation and physiotherapy, gait correc- next
tive devices, burnout syndrome in staff, and multifactorial disorders: disorders deter-
anti-inflammatory drugs from the view of a mined by one or more genes and environ-
rheumatologist. mental factors
400 Hereditary Diseases

Causes and Impact of Hereditary Congenital defects are birth defects and may
Diseases be caused by genetic factors, environmental
Twentieth century medicine was hugely suc- factors (such as trauma, radiation, alcohol, in-
cessful in conquering infectious diseases. Elim- fection, and drugs), or the interaction of genes
ination, control, and treatment of diseases such and environmental agents. Alan Emery and
as smallpox, measles, diphtheria, and plague David Rimoin noted that the proportion of
have greatly decreased infant and adult mortal- childhood deaths attributed to nongenetic
ity. Improved prenatal and postnatal care have causes was estimated to be 83.5 percent in Lon-
also decreased childhood mortality. Shortly af- don in 1914 but had declined to 50 percent in
ter the rediscovery of Mendelism in the early Edinburgh by 1976, whereas childhood deaths
1900s, reports of genetic determination of attributed to genetic causes went from 16.5 per-
human traits began to appear in medical and cent in 1914 to 50 percent in 1976. These
biological literature. For the first half of the changes reflect societys increased ability to
twentieth century, most of these reports were treat environmental causes of disease, resulting
regarded as interesting scientific reports of iso- in a larger proportion of the remaining dis-
lated clinical diseases that were incidental to eases being caused by genetic defects. Rimoin,
the practice of medicine. The field of medical J. Michael Connor, and Reed Pyeritz estimate
genetics is considered to have begun in 1956 that single-gene disorders have a lifetime fre-
with the first description of the correct number quency of 20 in 1000, chromosomal disorders
of chromosomes in humans (forty-six). Between have a frequency of 3.8 in 1000, and multifac-
1900 and 1956, findings were accumulating in torial disorders have a frequency of 646 in
cytogenetics, Mendelian genetics, biochemical 1000. It is evident that hereditary diseases are
genetics, and other fields that began to draw and will be of major concern for some time.
medicine and genetics together.
The causes of hereditary diseases fall into Single-Gene Defects
four major categories: Single-gene defects result from a change or
mutation in a single gene and are referred to as
(1) single-gene defects or Mendelian disorders
Mendelian disorders or inborn errors of me-
(such as cystic fibrosis, Huntingtons dis-
tabolism. In 1865, Gregor Mendel described
ease [Huntingtons chorea], color blind-
the first examples of monohybrid inheritance.
ness, and phenylketonuria)
In a trait governed by a single locus with two al-
(2) chromosomal defects involving changes in
leles, individuals inherit one allele from each
the number or alterations in the structure
parent. If the alleles are identical, the individ-
of chromosomes (such as Down syndrome,
ual is said to be homozygous. If the alleles are
Klinefelter syndrome, and Turner syn-
different, the individual is said to be heterozy-
gous. Single-gene defects are typically reces-
(3) multifactorial disorders, caused by a com-
sive. A single copy of a dominant allele will be
bination of genetic and environmental fac-
expressed the same in homozygous and hetero-
tors (such as congenital hip dislocation,
zygous individuals. A recessive allele, on the
cleft palate, and cardiovascular disease)
other hand, is expressed in homozygous indi-
(4) mitochondrial disorders caused by muta-
viduals (often called homozygotes). In hetero-
tions in mitochondrial genes (such as
zygotes, the dominant allele hides or masks
Leber hereditary optic neuropathy)
the expression of the recessive allele. This helps
These four categories are relatively clear-cut. explain why recessive single-gene defects pre-
It is likely that genetic factors also play a less dominate. Dominant single-gene defects are al-
well-defined role in all human diseases, includ- ways expressed when present and never remain
ing susceptibility to many common diseases hidden. As a result, natural selection quickly
and degenerative disorders. Genetic factors may removes these defects from the population.
affect a persons health from the time before Genes can be found either on sex chromo-
birth to the time of death. somes or non-sex chromosomes (called auto-
Hereditary Diseases 401

Some Genetic Disorders

Disorder Genetic Characteristics Disorder Genetic Characteristics

Achondroplasia Autosomal dominant disorder Hemochroma- Autosomal recessive disorder

Albinism Autosomal recessive disorder
Hemophilia X-linked recessive disorder
Alzheimers dis- Mutations in PS1, PS2
ease, familial Huntingtons Autosomal dominant disorder
early onset disease

Alzheimers dis- Mutations in APOE Hypercholestero- Autosomal dominant disorder

ease, late onset lemia

Angelman Deletion in chromosome 15 Klinefelter syn- Males that are XXY autosomal
syndrome drome dominant disorder

Beta-thalassemia Mutations in or impaired ex- Kuru Prion disease

pression of the gene for beta-
globin Lactose intoler- Autosomal recessive disorder
Breast cancer Mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2,
p53 cause predisposition Marfan syndrome Autosomal dominant disorder

Burkitts Reciprocal translocation involv- Metafemale Females with more than two
lymphoma ing chromosomes 8 and 14 (or (multiple X X chromosomes
occasionally 22 or 2) syndrome)

Cancer Mutations in proto-oncogenes Neurofibromato- Types 1 and 2 both autosomal

and tumor-suppressor genes or sis (NF) dominant disorders
in the control regions of these
genes cause predisposition Phenylketonuria Autosomal recessive disorder
Color blindness Sex-linked recessive disorder
(common form) Polycystic kidney Autosomal dominant disorder
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Prion disease
syndrome Prader-Willi Deletion in chromosome 15
Cystic fibrosis Autosomal recessive disorder
Pseudohermaph- Autosomal recessive disorder
Diabetes, Type I Mutations in the gene for roditism
Sickle-cell disease Autosomal incompletely dominant
Diabetes, Type II Mutations in the gene for disorder (sometimes considered
insulin autosomal recessive)

Down syndrome Trisomy 21 Tay-Sachs disease Autosomal recessive disorder

Down syndrome, Translocation of part of Testicular Form of pseudohermaphroditism,

familial chromosome 21 feminization and also an autosomal recessive
syndrome disorder
Dwarfism (achon- Autosomal dominant disorder
droplasia) Turner syndrome Monosomy

Fragile X X-linked showing imprinting XYY syndrome Males with an extra

syndrome Y chromosome
Bryan Ness
402 Hereditary Diseases

somes). One pair of chromosomes (two chro- leles to express a recessive trait. Additionally, a
mosomes of the 46 in humans) have been male inherits X-linked alleles from his mother,
designated sex chromosomes because the com- because he only gets a Y chromosome from his
bination of these two chromosomes determines father.
the sex of the individual. Human males have
an unlike pair of sex chromosomes, one called Chromosomal Disorders
the X chromosome and a smaller one called Chromosomal disorders are a major cause of
the Y chromosome. Females have two X chro- birth defects, some types of cancer, infertility,
mosomes. Genes on the X or Y chromosomes mental retardation, and other abnormalities.
are considered sex-linked. However, since Y They are also the leading cause of spontane-
chromosomes contain few genes, sex-linked ous abortions. Deviations from the normal
usually refers to genes on the X chromosome; number of forty-six chromosomes, or struc-
when greater precision is required, genes on the tural changes, usually result in abnormalities.
X chromosome are referred to as X-linked. Variations in the number of chromosomes may
Inheritance patterns for X-linked traits are involve just one or a few chromosomes, a condi-
different than for autosomal traits. Because tion called aneuploidy, or complete sets of chro-
males only have one X chromosome, any al- mosomes, called polyploidy. Polyploidy among
lele, whether normally recessive or dominant, live newborns is very rare, and the few poly-
will be expressed. Therefore, recessive X-linked ploid babies who are born usually die within a
traits are typically much more common in men few days of birth as a result of severe malforma-
than in women, who must have two recessive al- tions. The vast majority of embryos and fetuses

Whereas some variations in an individuals genetic code will not affect the protein produced, others will, possibly resulting in disease
or sensitivity to environmental triggers for the disease. (U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program, http://
Hereditary Diseases 403

with polyploidy are spontaneously aborted. Variations in the structure of chromosomes

Aneuploidy typically involves the loss of one include added pieces (duplications), missing
chromosome from a homologous pair, called pieces (deletions), and transfer of a segment to
monosomy, or possession of an extra chromo- a member of a different pair (translocation).
some, called trisomy. Monosomy involving a Most deletions are likely to have severe effects
pair of autosomes usually leads to death dur- on developing embryos, causing spontaneous
ing development. Individuals have survived to abortion. Only those with small deletions are
birth with forty-five chromosomes, but they suf- likely to survive and will have severe abnormali-
fered from multiple, severe defects. Most em- ties. The cri du chat (cry of the cat) syndrome
bryos and fetuses that have autosomal trisomies produces an infant whose cry sounds like a cats
abort early in pregnancy. Invariably, trisomics meow. There is also a form of Down syndrome,
that are born have severe physical and mental called familial Down syndrome, that is caused
abnormalities. The most common trisomy in- by a type of reciprocal translocation between
volves chromosome 21 (Down syndrome), with two chromosomes.
much rarer cases involving chromosome 13
(Patau syndrome) or chromosome 18 (Ed- Multifactorial Traits
wards syndrome). Infants with trisomy 13 or 18 Multifactorial traits (sometimes referred to
have major deformities and invariably die at a as complex traits) result from an interaction
very young age. Down syndrome is the most of one or more genes with one or more envi-
common (about one in seven hundred births) ronmental factors. Sometimes the term poly-
and is the best known of the chromosomal dis- genic is used for traits that are determined by
orders. Individuals with Down syndrome are multiple genes with small effects. Multifactor-
short and have slanting eyes, a nose with a low ial traits do not follow any simple pattern of in-
bridge, and stubby hands and feet; about one- heritance and do not show distinct Mendelian
third suffer severe mental retardation. The risk ratios. Such diseases show an increased recur-
of giving birth to a child with Down syndrome rence risk within families. Recurrence risk re-
increases dramatically for women over thirty- fers to the likelihood of the trait showing up
five years of age. multiple times in a family; in general, the more
Variations in the number of sex chromo- closely related someone is to an affected per-
somes are not as lethal as those involving auto- son, the higher the risk. Recurrence risk is of-
somes. Turner syndrome is the only monosomy ten complicated by factors such as the degree
that survives in any number, although 98 per- of expression of the trait (penetrance), the sex
cent of them are spontaneously aborted. Pa- of the affected individual, and the number of
tients have forty-five chromosomes consisting affected relatives. For example, pyloric steno-
of twenty-two pairs of autosomes and only one sis, a disorder involving an overgrowth of mus-
X chromosome. They are short in stature, ster- cle between the stomach and small intestine, is
ile, and have underdeveloped female charac- the most common cause of surgery among
teristics but normal or near-normal intelli- newborns. It has an incidence of about 0.2 per-
gence. Other diseases caused by variations in cent in the general population. Males are five
the number of sex chromosomes include times more likely to be affected than females.
Klinefelter syndrome, caused by having forty- For an affected male, there is a 5 percent chance
seven chromosomes, including two X and one his first child will be affected, whereas for a fe-
Y chromosome (affected individuals are male male, there is a 16 percent chance her first
with small testes and are likely to have some child will be affected.
female secondary sex characteristics such as It is necessary to develop separate risks of re-
enlarged breasts and sparse body hair) and mul- currence for each multifactorial disorder. Mul-
tiple X syndrome, or metafemale (affected in- tifactorial disorders are thought to account for
dividuals are females whose characteristics are 50 percent of all congenital defects. In addi-
variable; some are sterile or have menstrual ir- tion, they play a significant role in many adult
regularities or both). disorders, including hypertension and other
This poster from the Joint Genome Institute shows the location of genes associated with diseases in three human chromosomes. (U.S.
Department of Energys Joint Genome Institute, Walnut Creek, California, http://www.jgi.doe.gov)
Hereditary Diseases 405

cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, ile X Syndrome; Gender Identity; Heart Disease;
psychosis, dyslexia, epilepsy, and mental retar- Hemophilia; Hermaphrodites; Homosexuality;
dation. In total, multifactorial disorders account Human Genetics; Human Genome Project;
for more genetic diseases than do single-gene Huntingtons Disease; Hypercholesterolemia;
and chromosome disorders combined. Inborn Errors of Metabolism; Infertility; Kline-
felter Syndrome; Lactose Intolerance; Meta-
Impact and Applications females; Mitochondrial Diseases; Monohybrid
In 2003, the Human Genome Project Inheritance; Neural Tube Defects; Phenylke-
achieved its goal of mapping the entire human tonuria (PKU); Prader-Willi and Angelman Syn-
genome. The complete specifications of the ge- dromes; Prion Diseases: Kuru and Creutzfeldt-
netic material on each of the twenty-two auto- Jakob Syndrome; Pseudohermaphrodites;
somes and the X and Y chromosomes will im- Sickle-Cell Disease; Smallpox; Swine Flu; Tay-
prove the understanding of the biological and Sachs Disease; Testicular Feminization Syn-
molecular bases of hereditary diseases. Once drome; Thalidomide and Other Teratogens;
the location of a gene is known, it is possible to Turner Syndrome; XYY Syndrome.
make a better prediction of how that gene is
transmitted within a family and of the probabil- Further Reading
ity that an individual will inherit a specific ge- Dykens, Elisabeth M., Robert M. Hodapp, and
netic disease. Brenda M. Finucane. Genetics and Mental Re-
For many hereditary diseases, the protein tardation Syndromes: A New Look at Behavior
produced by the gene and its relation to the and Interventions. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes,
symptoms of the disease are not known. Lo- 2000. Reviews the genetic and behavioral
cating a gene facilitates this knowledge. It be- characteristics of nine mental retardation
comes possible to develop new diagnostic tests syndromes, giving in-depth information on
and therapies. The number of hereditary disor- genetic causes, prevalence, and physical and
ders that can be tested prenatally and in new- medical features of Down, Williams, fragile
borns will increase dramatically. In the case of X, and Prader-Willi syndromes, as well as five
those single genes that do not produce clinical other less frequently diagnosed syndromes.
symptoms until later in life, many more of these Faraone, Stephen V., Ming T. Tsuang, and
disorders will be diagnosed before symptoms Debby W. Tsuang. Genetics of Mental Disorders:
appear, opening the way for better treatments A Guide for Students, Clinicians, and Researchers.
and even prevention. Possibilities will exist to New York: Guilford Press, 1999. Reviews the
develop the means of using gene therapy to re- complex interplay of genes and environmen-
pair or replace the disease-causing gene. The tal factors involved in the causation and ex-
identification and mapping of single genes and pression of frequently encountered disorders
those identified as having major effects on mul- including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
tifactorial disorders will greatly affect hereditary depression, and Alzheimers disease.
disease treatment and genetic counseling tech- Gilbert, Patricia. Dictionary of Syndromes and In-
niques. It is evident that knowledge of genes, herited Disorders. 3d ed. Chicago: Fitzroy Dear-
both those that cause disease and those that born, 2000. Lists syndromes and inherited
govern normal functions, will begin to raise disorders with notes on alternative names, in-
many questions about legal, ethical, and moral cidence, causes, characteristics, management
issues. implications, and future prospects for indi-
Donald J. Nash, updated by Bryan Ness viduals with these conditions; contact infor-
See also: Albinism; Alcoholism; Alzheimers mation for self-help groups; and a glossary.
Disease; Autoimmune Disorders; Breast Can- Goldstein, Sam, and Cecil R. Reynolds, eds.
cer; Burkitts Lymphoma; Cancer; Color Blind- Handbook of Neurodevelopmental and Genetic
ness; Congenital Defects; Consanguinity and Disorders in Children. New York: Guilford
Genetic Disease; Cystic Fibrosis; Diabetes; Down Press, 1999. Highlights the role of genetics
Syndrome; Dwarfism; Emerging Diseases; Frag- in shaping the development and lives of
406 Heredity and Environment

many children and surveys disorders pri- ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. An au-
marily affecting learning and behavior and thority on heredity of disease and genetic in-
those with broader-spectrum effects, includ- heritance, covering genetic perspectives, ba-
ing attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, sic concepts, how inherited diseases occur,
Tourettes syndrome, and autism. diagnostic approaches, and the effects of
Jorde, Lynn B., et al. Medical Genetics. 2d ed. St. hormones.
Louis, Mo.: Mosby, 1999. Explains basic mo- Wynbrandt, James, and Mark D. Ludman. The
lecular genetics, chromosomal and single- Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders and Birth De-
gene disorders, immunogenetics, cancer ge- fects. 2d ed. New York: Facts On File, 2000.
netics, multifactorial disorders, and fetal Six hundred entries cover the spectrum of
therapy. clinical and research information on heredi-
Lewis, Ricki. Case Workbook in Human Genetics. tary conditions and birth defects in a non-
2d ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Pre- technical manner. Illustrated.
sents problems based on specific diseases, in-
cluding acute leukemia, alcoholism, fragile Web Sites of Interest
X syndrome, gonadal dysgenesis, muscular Centers for Disease Control, Office of Ge-
dystrophy, nephrolithiasis, Tangier disease, nomics and Disease Prevention. http://www
Tay-Sachs disease, and thyroid cancer. .cdc.gov/genomics/default.htm. Offers in-
McKusick, Victor A., comp. Mendelian Inheri- formation on the genetic discoveries and
tance in Man. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uni- prevention of diseases in humans. Includes
versity Press, 1994. Comprehensive catalog links to related resources.
of Mendelian traits in humans. Filled with Dolan DNA Learning Center, Your Genes Your
medical terminology, clinical descriptions, Health. http://www.ygyh.org. Sponsored by
and fascinating accounts of many traits. the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this site,
Pasternak, Jack J. An Introduction to Human Mo- a component of the DNA Interactive Web
lecular Genetics: Mechanisms of Inherited Dis- site, offers information on more than a dozen
eases. Bethesda, Md.: Fitzgerald Science Press, inherited diseases and syndromes.
1999. Discusses treatment advances, funda- Genetic Alliance. http://www.geneticalliance
mental molecular mechanisms that govern .org. An international advocacy group of
human inherited diseases, the interactions those with genetic conditions. This site pro-
of genes and their products, and the conse- vides links to information on the diseases,
quences of these mechanisms on disease public policy, and support organizations for
states in major organ systems such as mus- a broad array of hereditary diseases.
cles, the nervous system, and the eyes. Also Medline Plus. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medline
addresses cancer and mitochondrial disor- plus. Medline, sponsored by the National In-
ders. Illustrations (some color), chapter sum- stitutes of Health, is one of the first stops for
maries, review questions, glossary. any medical question, and it offers informa-
Pierce, Benjamin A. The Family Genetic Source- tion and references on most genetic dis-
book. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990. An eases, birth defects, and disorders.
introduction to the principles of heredity
and a catalog of more than one hundred hu-
man traits. Topics include heredity, inheri-
tance patterns, chromosomes and chromo-
somal abnormalities, genetic risks, genetic
counseling, and family history. Written for
Heredity and Environment
the general reader, with short descriptions, Field of study: Human genetics
and includes suggested readings, appendi- Significance: Heredity and environment is the
ces, glossary, and index. modern incarnation of the age-old debate on the ef-
Scriver, Charles, et al., eds. The Metabolic and fects of nature versus nurture. Research in the field
Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease. 4 vols. 8th has implications ranging from the improvement of
Heredity and Environment 407

crop plants to the understanding of the heritability that behave according to simple and predict-
of behavioral traits in humans. able patterns. Mendel did not use the term
gene to refer to these particles (he called
Key terms them factors), and his pioneering work re-
genotype: the genes that are responsible for mained largely unknown to the scientific com-
physical or biochemical traits in organisms munity for the remainder of the nineteenth
heritability: a measure of the genetic varia- century. Immediately following the rediscov-
tion for a quantitative trait in a population ery of Mendels laws in 1900, the Danish biolo-
phenotype: the physical and biochemical traits gist Wilhelm Johannsen proposed the funda-
of a plant or animal mental distinction between phenotype and
phenotypic plasticity: the ability of a geno- genotype. The phenotype is the ensemble of
type to produce different phenotypes when all physical and biochemical traits of a plant or
exposed to different environments animal. The composite of all the genes of an in-
quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping: a dividual is its genotype. To some extent, the ge-
molecular biology technique used to iden- notype determines the phenotype.
tify genes controlling quantitative traits in
natural populations Reaction Norm: Environments and Genes
reaction norm: the graphic illustration of the Come Together
relationship between environment and phe- It was immediately clear to Johannsen that
notype for a given genotype the appearance of a trait is the combined result
of both the genotype and the environment, but
Nature vs. Nurture and the Origin of to understand how these two factors interact
Genetics took the better part of the twentieth century
Is human behavior controlled by genes or by and is still a preeminent field of research in
environmental influences? The nature vs. nur- ecological genetics. One of the first important
ture controversy has raged throughout hu- discoveries was that genotypes do not always
man history, eventually leading to the modern produce the same phenotype but that this var-
antithesis between hereditarianism and envi- ies with the particular environment to which a
ronmentalism in biological research. These two genotype is exposed. For instance, if geneti-
schools of thought have shaped a dispute that cally identical fruit flies are raised at two tem-
is at once a difficult scientific problem and peratures, there will be clear distinctions in sev-
a thorny ethical dilemma. Many disciplines, eral aspects of their appearance, such as the
chiefly genetics but also the cognitive sciences, size and shape of their wings, even though the
have contributed to the scientific aspect of the genes present in these animals are indistin-
discussion. At the same time, racist and sexist guishable.
overtones have muddled the inquiry and inex- This phenomenon can be visualized in a
tricably linked it to the implementation of so- graph by plotting the observed phenotype on
cial policies. Nevertheless, the relative degree the y-axis versus the environment in which that
of influence of genes and environments in de- phenotype is produced on the x-axis. A curve
termining the characteristics of living organ- describing the relationship between environ-
isms is a legitimate and important scientific ment and phenotype for each genotype is called
question, apart from any social or ethical con- a reaction norm. If the genotype is insensitive
sideration. to environmental conditions, its reaction norm
At the beginning of the twentieth century, will be flat (parallel to the environmental axis);
scientists rediscovered the laws of heredity first most genotypes, however, respond to alterations
formulated by Gregor Mendel in 1865. Mendel in the environment by producing distinct phe-
understood a fundamental concept that under- notypes. When the latter case occurs, that ge-
lies all genetic analyses: Each discrete trait in a notype is said to exhibit phenotypic plasticity.
living organism, such as the color of peas, is in- One can think of plasticity as the degree of re-
fluenced by minute particles inside the body sponsiveness of a given genotype to changes in
408 Heredity and Environment

its environment: The more responsive the ge- Vp = Vg + Ve + Vge

notype is, the more plasticity it displays.
The first biologist to fully appreciate the im- where Vg is the percentage of variation caused
portance of reaction norms and phenotypic by genes, Ve is the percentage attributable to
plasticity was the Russian Ivan Schmalhausen, environmental effects, and Vge is a term ac-
who wrote a book on the topic in 1947. Schmal- counting for the fact that different genotypes
hausen understood that natural selection acts may respond differently to the same set of envi-
on the shape of reaction norms: By molding ronmental circumstances. The power of this
the genotypes response to the environment, approach is in its simplicity: The relative bal-
selection can improve the ability of that geno- ance among the three factors directly yields an
type to survive under the range of environmen- answer to any question related to the nature-
tal conditions it is likely to encounter in nature. nurture conundrum. If Vg is much higher than
For example, some butterflies are character- the other two components, genes play a pri-
ized by the existence of two seasonal forms. mary role in determining the phenotype (na-
One form exists during the winter, when the ture). If Ve prevails, the environment is the ma-
animals activity is low and the main objective jor actor (nurture). However, when Vge is
is to avoid predators. Accordingly, the color- more significant, this suggests that genes and
ation of the body is dull to blend in with the environments interact in a complex fashion so
surroundings. During the summer, however, that any attempt to separate the two is mean-
the butterflies are very active, and camouflage ingless. Anthony Bradshaw pointed out in 1965
would not be an effective strategy against pre- that large values of Vge are indeed observable in
dation. Therefore, the summer generation de- most natural populations of plants and ani-
velops brightly colored eyespots on its wings. mals.
The function of these spots is to attract preda- The quantity Vg is particularly important for
tors attention away from vital organs, thereby the debate because when it is divided by Vp, it
affording the insect a better chance of survival. yields the fundamental variable known as heri-
Developmental geneticist Paul Brakefield dem- tability. Contrary to intuition, heritability does
onstrated, in a series of works published in the not measure the degree of genetic control over
1990s, that the genotype of these butterflies a given trait but only the relative amount of
codes for proteins that sense the season by us- phenotypic variation in that trait that is attrib-
ing environmental cues such as photoperiod utable to genes. In 1974, Richard Lewontin
and temperature. Depending on the perceived pointed out that Vg (and therefore heritability)
environment, the genotype directs the butter- can change dramatically from one population
fly developmental system to produce or not to another, as well as from one environment to
produce the eyespots. another, because Vg depends on the frequen-
cies of the genes that are turned on (active) in
Quantitative Genetics of Heredity and the individuals of a population. Since different
Environment sets of individuals may have different sets of
An important aspect of modern science is genes turned on, every population can have its
the description of natural phenomena in math- own value of Vg for the same trait. Along similar
ematical form. This allows predictions on fu- lines, some genes are turned on or off in re-
ture occurrences of such phenomena. In the sponse to environmental changes; therefore,
1920s, Ronald Fisher developed the field of Vg for the same population can change de-
quantitative genetics, a major component of pending on the environment in which that
which is a powerful statistical technique known population is living. Accordingly, estimates of
as analysis of variance. This allows a researcher heritability cannot be compared between dif-
to gather data on the reaction norms of several ferent populations or species and are only valid
genotypes and then mathematically partition in one particular set of environmental condi-
the observed phenotypic variation (Vp) into its tions.
three fundamental constituents:
Heredity and Environment 409

Molecular Genetics out if and to what extent these genes are vari-
The modern era of the study of nature-nur- able in natural populations. According to neo-
ture interactions relies on the developments Darwinian evolutionary theory, natural selec-
in molecular genetics that characterized the tion is effective only if populations harbor
whole of biology throughout the second half different versions of the same genes, thereby
of the twentieth century. In 1993, Carl Schlich- providing an ample set of possibilities from
ting and Massimo Pigliucci proposed that spe- which the most fit combinations are passed to
cific genetic elements known as plasticity genes the next generation. Thomas Mitchell-Olds pi-
supervise the reaction of organisms to their oneered a combination of statistical and molec-
surroundings. A plasticity gene normally en- ular techniques known as quantitative trait loci
codes a protein that functions as a receptor of (QTL) mapping, which allows researchers to
environmental signals; the receptor gauges the pinpoint the location in the genome of those
state of a relevant environmental variable such genes that are both responsible for phenotypic
as temperature and sends a signal that initiates plasticity and variable in natural populations.
a cascade of effects eventually leading to the These genes are the most likely targets of nat-
production of the appropriate phenotype. For ural selection for the future evolution of the
example, many trees shed their leaves at the on- species.
set of winter in order to save energy and water
that would be wasted by maintaining structures Complex Traits: Behavior and Intelligence
that are not used during the winter months. The most important consequence of nature-
The plants need a reliable cue that winter is in- nurture interactions is their application to the
deed coming to best time the shedding pro- human condition. Humans are compelled to
cess. Deciduous trees use photoperiod as an in- investigate questions related to the degree of
dicator of seasonality. A special set of receptors genetic or environmental determination of
known as phytochromes sense day length, and complex traits such as behavior and intelli-
they initiate the shedding whenever day length gence. Unfortunately, such a quest is a poten-
becomes short enough to signal the onset of tially explosive mixture of science, philosophy,
winter. Phytochromes are, by definition, plas- and politics, with the latter often perverting
ticity genes. the practice of the first. For example, the origi-
Research on plasticity genes is a very active nal intention of intelligence quotient (IQ) test-
field in both evolutionary and molecular ge- ing in schools, introduced by Alfred Binet at
netics. Johanna Schmitts group has demon- the end of the nineteenth century, was simply
strated that the functionality of photoreceptors to identify pupils in need of special attention
in plants has a direct effect on the fitness of the in time for remedial curricula to help them.
organism, thereby implying that natural selec- Soon, however, IQ tests became a widespread
tion can alter the characteristics of plasticity tool to support the supposed scientific dem-
genes. Harry Smith and collaborators have con- onstration of the innate inferiority of some
tributed to the elucidation of the action of races, social classes, or a particular gender
photoreceptors, uncovering an array of other (with the authors of such studies usually fall-
genes that relate the receptors signals to differ- ing into the superior race, social class, or gen-
ent tissues and cells so that the whole organism der). During the 1970s, ethologist Edward Wil-
can appropriately respond to the change in en- son freely extrapolated from behavioral studies
vironmental conditions. Similar research is on- on ant colonies to reach conclusions about hu-
going on an array of other types of receptors man nature; he proposed that genes directly
that respond to nutrient availability, water sup- control many aspects of animal and human be-
ply, temperature, and a host of other environ- havior, thereby establishing the new and con-
mental conditions. troversial discipline of sociobiology.
From an evolutionary point of view, it is The reaction against this trend of manipu-
important not only to uncover which genes lating science to advance a political agenda has,
control a given type of plasticity but also to find in some cases, overshot the mark. Some well-
410 Heredity and Environment

intentioned biologists have gone so far as to im- questions fully, the more compelling argument
ply either that there are no genetic differences that has been made so far is that the actual
among human beings or that they are at least ir- answer should not matter to society, in that
relevant. This goes against everything that is every human being is entitled to the same
known about variation in natural populations rights and privileges of any other one, regard-
of any organism. There is no reason to think less of real and sometimes profound differ-
that humans are exceptions: Since humans can ences in genetic makeup. Even the best science
measure genetically based differences in be- is simply the wrong tool to answer ethical ques-
havior and problem-solving ability in other spe- tions.
cies and relate these differences to fitness, the Massimo Pigliucci
argument that such differences are somehow See also: Aggression; Alcoholism; Altruism;
unimportant in humans is based on social good- Artificial Selection; Behavior; Biological Clocks;
will rather than scientific evidence. Biological Determinism; Criminality; Develop-
The problem with both positions is that they mental Genetics; Eugenics; Gender Identity;
do not fully account for the fact that nature- Genetic Engineering: Medical Applications; Ge-
nurture is not a dichotomy but a complex inter- netic Engineering: Social and Ethical Issues;
action. In reality, genes do not control behav- Genetic Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetic
ior; their only function is to produce a protein, Testing: Ethical and Economic Issues; Heredity
whose only function is to interact with other and Environment; Homosexuality; Human Ge-
proteins at the cellular level. Such interactions netics; Inbreeding and Assortative Mating; In-
do eventually result in what is observed as a telligence; Miscegenation and Antimiscegena-
phenotypeperhaps a phenotype that has a tion Laws; Natural Selection; Sociobiology;
significant impact on a particular behavior Twin Studies; XYY Syndrome.
but this occurs only in a most indirect fashion
and through plenty of environmental influ- Further Reading
ences. On the other hand, plants, animals, and Carson, Ronald A., and Mark A. Rothstein. Be-
even humans are not infinitely pliable by envi- havioral Genetics: The Clash of Culture and Bi-
ronmental occurrences. Some behaviors are ology. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
indeed innate, and others are the complex out- Press, 1999. Experts from a range of disci-
come of a genotype-environment feedback that plinesgenetics, ethics, neurosciences, psy-
occurs throughout the life span of an organ- chiatry, sociology, and lawaddress the cul-
ism. In short, nature-nurture is not a matter of tural, legal, and biological underpinnings of
either/or but a question of how the two relate behavioral genetics.
and influence each other. Cartwright, John. Evolution and Human Behav-
As for humans, it is very likely that the pre- ior: Darwinian Perspectives on Human Nature.
cise extent of the biological basis of behavior Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000. Offers
and intelligence will never be determined be- an overview of the key theoretical principles
cause of insurmountable experimental diffi- of human sociobiology and evolutionary psy-
culties. While it is technically feasible, it cer- chology and shows how they illuminate the
tainly is morally unacceptable to clone humans ways humans think and behave. Argues that
and study their characteristics under controlled humans think, feel, and act in ways that once
conditions, the only route successfully pursued enhanced the reproductive success of our
to experimentally disentangle nature and nur- ancestors.
ture in plants and animals. Studies of human Clark, William R., and Michael Grunstein. Are
twins help little, since even those separated We Hardwired? The Role of Genes in Human Be-
at birth are usually raised in similar societal havior. New York: Oxford University Press,
conditions, with the result that the effects of 2000. Explores the nexus of modern genet-
heredity and environment are hopelessly con- ics and behavioral science, revealing that few
founded from a statistical standpoint. Regard- elements of behavior depend upon a single
less of the failure of science to answer these gene; instead, complexes of genes, often
Hermaphrodites 411

across chromosomes, drive most of human Key terms

heredity-based actions. Asserts that genes genotype: an organisms complete set of genes
and environment are not opposing forces gonad: an organ that produces reproductive
but work in conjunction. cells and sex hormones; termed ovaries in
DeMoss, Robert T. Brain Waves Through Time: females and testes in males
Twelve Principles for Understanding the Evolu- karyotype: a description of the chromosomes
tion of the Human Brain and Mans Behavior. of an individuals cells, including the num-
New York: Plenum Trade, 1999. Provides an ber of chromosomes and a physical descrip-
accessible examination on what makes hu- tion of them (normal female is 46,XX and
mans unique and delineates twelve princi- normal male is 46,XY)
ples that can explain the rise of humankind phenotype: the physical and biochemical char-
and the evolution of human behavior. acteristics of an individual based on the in-
Gould, Stephen Jay. The Mismeasure of Man. Rev. teraction of genotype and environment
ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 1996. A noted
biologist provides a fascinating account of Early Human Sexual Development
the misuse of biology in supporting racial Up to the ninth week of gestation, the exter-
policies. nal genitalia (external sexual organs) are iden-
Plomin, Robert, et al. Behavioral Genetics. 4th tical in appearance in both male and female
ed. New York: Worth, 2001. Introductory human embryos. There is a phallus that will be-
text that explores the basic rules of heredity, come a penis in males and a clitoris in females
its DNA basis, and the methods used to find and labioscrotal swelling that will become a
genetic influence and to identify specific scrotum in males and labial folds in females. A
genes. persons development into a male or female is
Wright, William. Born That Way: Genes, Behavior, governed by his or her sex chromosome consti-
Personality. New York: Knopf, 1998. Uses twin tution (the X and Y chromosomes). An individ-
and adoption studies to trace the evolution ual who has two X chromosomes normally de-
of behavioral genetics and discusses the cor- velops into a female, and one who has one X
roborating research in molecular biology and one Y chromosome normally develops into
that underlines the links between genes and a male. It is the Y chromosome that determines
personality. the development of a male. The Y chromosome
Dawkins, Richard. The Selfish Gene. New York: causes the primitive gonads (the gonads that
Oxford University Press, 1989. Argues that have not developed into either an ovary or a
the world of the selfish gene revolves around testis) to develop into testes and to produce tes-
competition and exploitation and yet acts tosterone (the male sex hormone). It is testos-
of apparent altruism do exist in nature. A terone that acts on the early external genitalia
popular account of sociobiological theories and causes the development of a penis and
that revitalized Darwins natural selection scrotum. If testosterone is not present, regard-
theory. less of the chromosome constitution of the em-
bryo, normal female external genitalia will de-

Hermaphrodites Hermaphrodites are individuals who have
both male and female gonads. At birth, her-
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes maphrodites can have various combinations of
Significance: Hermaphrodites are people born with external genitalia, ranging from completely fe-
both male and female sexual parts. Early identifi- male to completely male genitalia. Most her-
cation and thorough medical evaluation of these maphrodites have external genitalia that are
individuals can help them lead relatively normal ambiguous (genitalia somewhere between nor-
lives. mal male and normal female) and often consist
412 Hermaphrodites

of what appears to be an enlarged clitoris or a Impact and Applications

small penis, hypospadias (urine coming from Hermaphrodites with ambiguous genitalia
the base of the penis instead of the tip), and a are normally recognized at birth. It is essential
vaginal opening. The extent to which the geni- that these individuals have a thorough medical
talia are masculinized depends on how much evaluation, since other causes of ambiguous
testosterone was produced by the testicular genitalia besides hermaphroditism can be life-
portion of the gonads during development. threatening if not recognized and treated
The gonadal structures of a hermaphrodite promptly. Once hermaphroditism is diagnosed
can range from a testis on one side and an ovary in a child, the decision must be made whether
on the other side, to testes and ovaries on each to raise the child as a boy or a girl. This decision
side, to an ovotestis (a single gonad with both is made by the childs parents working with spe-
testicular and ovarian tissue) on one or both cialists in genetics, endocrinology, psychology,
sides. and urology. Typically, the karyotype and ap-
Hermaphroditism has different causes. The pearance of the external genitalia of the child
chromosomal or genotypic sex of a hermaph- are the major factors in deciding the sex of
rodite can be 46,XX (58 percent have this rearing. Previously, most hermaphrodites with
karyotype), 46,XY (12 percent), or 46,XX/ male karyotypes who had either an absent or an
46,XY (14 percent), while the rest have differ- extremely small penis were reared as females.
ent types of mosaicism, such as 46,XX/47,XXY The marked abnormality or absence of the pe-
or 45,X/46,XY. Individuals with a 46,XX/ nis was thought to prevent these individuals
46,XY karyotype are known as chimeras. Chi- from having fulfilling lives as males. This prac-
merism usually occurs through the merger of tice has been challenged by adults who are
two different cell lines (genotypes), such as 46,XY but who were raised as females. Some of
when two separate fertilized eggs fuse together these individuals believe that their conversion
to produce one embryo. This can result in a sin- to a female gender was the wrong choice, and
gle embryo with some cells being 46,XX and they prefer to think of themselves as male. Her-
some being 46,XY. Mosaicism means having maphrodites with a female karyotype and nor-
at least two different cell lines present in the mal or near-normal female external genitalia
same individual, but the different cell lines are are typically reared as females.
caused by losing or gaining a chromosome The debate over what criteria should be
from some cells early in development. An ex- used to decide sex of rearing of a child is ongo-
ample would be an embryo that starts out with ing. An increasingly important part of this de-
all cells having a 47,XXY chromosome constitu- bate is the concept of gender identity, which
tion and then loses a single Y chromosome describes what makes people male or female in
from one of its cells, which then produces a line their own minds rather than according to what
of 46,XX-containing cells. This individual would sex their genitalia are. This is an especially im-
have a karyotype written as 46,XX/47,XXY. In portant issue for those individuals with chi-
a chimera or mosaic individual, the proportion merism or mosaicism who have both a male
of developing gonadal cells with Y chromo- and female karyotype. Currently, the decision
somes determines the appearance of the exter- to raise these individuals as boys or girls is made
nal genitalia. More cells with a Y chromosome primarily on the basis of the degree to which
mean that more testicular cells are formed and their external genitalia are masculinized or
more testosterone is produced. feminized.
The cause of hermaphroditism in the ma- Those hermaphrodites who have normal fe-
jority of affected individuals (approximately 70 male or male genitalia at birth are at risk for de-
percent) is unknown, although it has been pos- veloping abnormal masculinization in the phe-
tulated that those hermaphrodites with normal notypic females or abnormal feminization in
male or female karyotypes may have hidden the phenotypic males at puberty if both testicu-
chromosome mosaicism in just the gonadal lar and ovarian tissue remains present. Thus it
tissue. is usually necessary to remove the gonad that is
High-Yield Crops 413

not specific for the desired sex of the individ- works to create a world free of shame, se-
ual. An additional reason to remove the abnor- crecy, and unwanted surgery for intersex
mal gonad is that the cells of the gonad(s) that people (individuals born with anatomy or
have a 46,XY karyotype are at an increased risk physiology which differs from cultural ideals
of becoming cancerous. of male and female). Includes links to infor-
Patricia G. Wheeler mation on such conditions as clitoromegaly,
See also: Gender Identity; Homosexuality; micropenis, hypospadias, ambiguous geni-
Metafemales; Pseudohermaphrodites; Steroid tals, early genital surgery, adrenal hyperpla-
Hormones; Testicular Feminization Syndrome; sia, Klinefelter syndrome, androgen insensi-
X Chromosome Inactivation; XYY Syndrome. tivity, and testicular feminization.
Johns Hopkins University, Division of Pediat-
Further Reading ric Endocrinology, Syndromes of Abnormal
Dreger, Alice Domurat. Hermaphrodites and the Sex Differentiation. http://www.hopkins
Medical Invention of Sex. Cambridge, Mass.: medicine.org/pediatricendocrinology. Site
Harvard University Press, 1998. Traces the provides a guide to the science and genetics
evolution of what makes a person male or fe- of sex differentiation, including a glossary.
male and shows how the answer has changed Click on patient resources.
historically depending on when and where National Organization for Rare Disorders
the question was asked. (NORD). http://www.rarediseases.org. Of-
Gilbert, Ruth. Early Modern Hermaphrodites: Sex fers information and articles about rare ge-
and Other Stories. New York: Palgrave, 2002. netic conditions and diseases, including true
Examines the conceptions and depictions of hermaphrodism, in several searchable data-
hermaphrodites between the sixteenth and bases.
eighteenth centuries in a range of artistic,
mythological, scientific, and erotic contexts.
Moore, Keith. The Developing Human: Clinically
Oriented Embryology. 7th ed. Amsterdam: High-Yield Crops
Elsevier Science, 2003. Details embryology
from a clinical perspective, providing discus- Field of study: Genetic engineering and
sions of the stages of organs and systems de- biotechnology
velopment, including the genital system. Significance: The health and well-being of the
Zucker, Kenneth J. Intersexuality and Gender worlds large population is primarily dependent
Identity Differentiation. Annual Review of on the ability of the agricultural industry to pro-
Sex Research 10 (1999). An extensive over- duce high-yield food and fiber crops. Advances in
view of intersexuality, gender identity forma- the production of high-yield crops will have to con-
tion, psychosexual differentiation, concerns tinue at a rapid rate to keep pace with the needs of
about pediatric gender reassignment, her- an ever-increasing population.
maphroditism and pseudohermaphrodit-
ism, gender socialization, childrearing, and Key terms
more. Includes a discussion of terminology, cultivar: a subspecies or variety of plant de-
a summary, tables, and a bibliography. veloped through controlled breeding tech-
Web Sites of Interest Green Revolution: the introduction of scien-
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support tifically bred or selected varieties of grain
Group. http://www.medhelp.org/www/ais. (such as rice, wheat, and maize), which, with
A comprehensive educational and informa- high enough inputs of fertilizer and water,
tional site with links to related resources. greatly increased crop yields
Intersex Society of North America. http://www monoculture: the agricultural practice of con-
.isna.org. The society is a public awareness, tinually growing the same cultivar on large
education, and advocacy organization which tracts of land
414 High-Yield Crops

The Historical Development of High- mechanized and highly reliant on agricultural

Yield Crops chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. It
No one knows for certain when the first also requires less human power, and encour-
crops were cultivated, but by six thousand years ages extensive monocropping.
ago, humans had discovered that seeds from
certain plants could be collected, planted, and Methods of Developing High-Yield Crops
later gathered for food. As human populations The major high-yield crops are wheat, corn,
continued to grow, it was necessary to select soybeans, rice, potatoes, and cotton. Each of
and produce higher-yielding crops. The Green these crops originated from a low-yield native
Revolution of the twentieth century helped to plant. The two major ways to improve yield in
make this possible. Agricultural scientists de- agricultural plants is to produce a larger num-
veloped new, higher-yielding varieties, particu- ber of harvestable parts (such as fruits or leaves)
larly grains that supply most of the worlds calo- per plant or to produce plants with larger har-
ries. In addition to greatly increased yields, the vestable parts. For example, to increase yield in
new crop varieties also led to an increased reli- corn, the grower must either produce more
ance on monoculture, the practice of growing ears of corn per plant or produce larger ears on
only one crop over a vast number of acres. Cur- each plant. Numerous agricultural practices
rent production of high-yield crops is extremely are required to produce higher yields, but one

World and Urban Population Growth, 1950-2020

6 6.1
Population in billions

5 5.3
4 4.1
3 3.3
2.6 2.6
1 1.1
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Total world population Urban population

The exponential and ongoing rise in the globes human population makes the need for high-yield, dependable food crops ever more
Source: Data are from U.S. Bureau of the Census International Data Base and John Clarke, Population and the Environment: Com-
plex Interrelationships, in Population and the Environment (Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1995), edited by Bryan
High-Yield Crops 415

of the most important is the selection and

breeding of genetically superior cultivars.
Throughout most of history, any improve-
ment in yield was primarily based on the propa-
gation of genetically favorable mutants. When
a grower observed a plant with a potentially de-
sirable gene mutation that produced a change
that improved some yield characteristic such as
more or bigger fruit, the grower would collect
seeds or take cuttings (if the plant could be
propagated vegetatively) and propagate them.
This selection process is still one of the major
means of improving yields. Sometimes a high- Image not available
yield cultivar is developed which has other un-
desirable traits, such as poor flavor or unde-
sirable appearance. Another closely related
cultivar may have good flavor or desirable ap-
pearance, but low yield. Traditional breeding
techniques can be used to form hybrids be-
tween two such cultivars, in hopes that all the
desirable traits will be combined in a new hy-
brid cultivar.

Genetic Modification
The advent of recombinant DNA technol-
ogy has brought greater precision into the pro-
cess of producing high-yield cultivars and has
made it possible to transfer genetic characteris- Grain crops such as rice, wheat, and (above) corn, grown here
tics between any two plants, regardless of how for research by DeKalb Genetics Corporation, are among those
closely related. The first step generally involves that have been genetically modified to increase yield and nutri-
the insertion of a gene or genes that might in- tional value. (AP/Wide World Photos)
crease yield into a piece of circular DNA called
a plasmid. The plasmid is then inserted into a
bacteria, and the bacteria is then used as a vec- production of high-yield crops will have to con-
tor to transfer the gene into the DNA of an- tinue at a rapid rate to keep pace. New technol-
other plant. This technology has resulted in ge- ogies will have to be developed, and many of
netically modified crops such as golden rice these new technologies will center on advances
(fortified with vitamin A), herbicide-resistant in genetic engineering. It is hoped that such
soybeans, and new strains such as triticale, which advances will lead to the development of new
promise to ameliorate world hunger at the high-yield crop varieties that require less water,
same time that they threaten to reduce biodi- fertilizer, and chemical pesticides.
versity and alter other plants through genetic D. R. Gossett, updated by Bryan Ness
drift. See also: Biofertilizers; Biopesticides; Cell
Culture: Plant Cells; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical
Impact and Applications Issues; Cloning Vectors; Genetic Engineering;
As the human population grows, pressure Genetic Engineering: Agricultural Applica-
on the worlds food supply will increase. Con- tions; Genetic Engineering: Historical Devel-
sequently, researchers are continually seeking opment; Genetic Engineering: Industrial Ap-
better ways to increase food production. In or- plications; Genetic Engineering: Risks; Genetic
der to accomplish this goal, advances in the Engineering: Social and Ethical Issues; Geneti-
416 Homeotic Genes

cally Modified (GM) Foods; Hybridization and agriculture student, which serves as one of
Introgression; Lateral Gene Transfer; Trans- the most valuable sources available on the
genic Organisms. practical aspects of the production of high-
yield crops.
Further Reading
Avery, Dennis T. Saving the Planet with Pesticides Web Site of Interest
and Plastic: The Environmental Triumph of High- Food and Agriculture Organization of the
Yield Farming. 2d ed. Indianapolis, Ind.: Hud- United Nations. Biotechnology in Food and
son Institute, 2000. Argues that high-yield Agriculture. http://www.fao.org. Addresses
agriculture using chemical pesticides, fertil- the role of biotechnology in worldwide food
izers, and biotechnology is the solution to en- production.
vironmental problems, not a cause of them,
as environmental activists have averred.
Bailey, L. H., ed. The Standard Cyclopedia of Horti-
culture. 2d ed. 3 vols. New York: Macmillan, Homeotic Genes
1963. Since the 1920s, a standard reference
that still offers basic information; its original Field of study: Developmental genetics
subtitle reads: a discussion, for the amateur, Significance: Embryonic development and organo-
and the professional and commercial grower, genesis proceed by way of a complex series of cas-
of the kinds, characteristics and methods of caded gene activities, which culminate in the acti-
cultivation of the species of plants grown in vation of the homeotic genes to specify the final
the regions of the United States and Canada identities of body parts and shapes. The discovery
for ornament, for fancy, for fruit and for veg- of homeotic genes has provided the key to under-
etables; with keys to the natural families and standing these patterns of development in multi-
genera, descriptions of the horticultural ca- cellular organisms. Knowledge of homeotic genes
pabilities of the states and provinces and de- not only is helping scientists understand the vari-
pendent islands, and sketches of eminent ety and evolution of body shapes (morphology) but
horticulturists. also is providing new insights into genetic diseases
Chrispeels, Maarten J., and David E. Sadava. and cancer.
Plants, Genes, and Agriculture. Boston: Jones
and Bartlett, 1994. A textbook on the use of Key terms
biotechnology in crop production. Contains promoter: the control switch in genes where
sections related to the use of biotechnology transcription factors bind to activate or re-
to transfer desirable traits from one plant to press the conversion of DNA information
another. into proteins
Janick, Jules. Horticultural Science. 4th ed. New transcription factor: a protein with special-
York: W. H. Freeman, 1986. Contains sec- ized structures that binds specifically to the
tions on horticultural biology, environment, promoters in genes and controls the genes
technology, and industry and covers the fun- activity
damentals associated with the production of
high-yield crops. The Discovery of Homeotic Genes
Lynch, J. M. Soil Biotechnology: Microbiological One of the most powerful tools in genetic re-
Factors in Crop Productivity. Malden, Mass.: search is the application of mutagenic agents
Blackwell, 1983. Contains some excellent in- (such as X rays) that cause base changes in the
formation on the potential for genetically DNA of genes to create mutant organisms.
engineering microorganisms to improve These mutants display altered appearances, or
crop production. phenotypes, giving the geneticist clues about
Metcalfe, D. S., and D. M. Elkins. Crop Produc- how the normal genes function. Few geneti-
tion: Principles and Practices. 4th ed. New York: cists have used this powerful research tool as
Macmillan, 1980. A text for the introductory well as the recipient of the 1995 Nobel Prize in
Homeotic Genes 417

Physiology or Medicine recipient Christiane The Molecular Properties of Homeotic

Nsslein-Volhard (who shared the award with Genes
Edward B. Lewis and Eric Wieschaus). She and With so many mutant embryos and adult
her colleagues, analyzing thousands of mutant flies available, and with precise knowledge
Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies, discovered about the locations of the homeotic genes on
many of the genes that functioned early in the third chromosome, the stage was set for an
embryogenesis. intensive molecular analysis of the genes in
Among the many mutant Drosophila flies each complex. In 1983, William Benders labo-
studied by these and other investigators, two ratory used new, powerful molecular methods
were particularly striking. One mutant had two to isolate and thoroughly characterize the mo-
sets of fully normal wings; the second set of lecular details of Drosophila homeotic genes. He
wings, just behind the first set, displaced the showed that the three bithorax genes consti-
normal halteres (flight balancers). The other tuted only 10 percent of the whole BX-C cluster.
mutant had a pair of legs protruding from its What was the function of the other 90 percent
head in place of its antennae. These mutants if it did not contain genes? Then William Mc-
were termed homeotic because major body Ginnis and J. Weiners laboratories made an-
parts were displaced to other regions. Using other startling discovery: The base sequences
such mutants, Lewis was able to identify a clus- (the order of the nucleotides in the DNA) of
tered set of three genes responsible for the ex- the homeotic genes they examined contained
tra wings and map or locate them on the third nearly the same sequence in the terminal 180
chromosome of Drosophila. He called this gene bases. This conserved 180-base sequence was
cluster the bithorax complex (BX-C). The sec- termed the homeobox. What was the func-
ond mutation was called antennapedia, and its tion of this odd but commonly found DNA
complex, with five genes, was called ANT-C. If sequence? What kind of protein did this
all the BX-C genes were removed, the fly larvae homeobox-containing gene make?
had normal head structures, partially normal Soon it was discovered that homeotic genes
middle or thoracic structures (where wings and and homeoboxes were not confined to Drosoph-
halteres are located), but very abnormal ab- ila: All animals had them, both vertebrates,
dominal structures that appeared to be nothing such as mice and humans, and invertebrates,
more than the last thoracic structure repeated such as worms and even sea sponges. The
several times. From these genetic studies, it was homeobox sequence was not only conserved
concluded that the BX-C genes controlled the within homeotic and other developmental
development of parts of the thorax and all of genes, but it was also conserved throughout the
the abdomen and that the ANT-C genes con- entire animal kingdom. All animals seemed to
trolled the rest of the thorax and most of the possess versions of an ancestral homeobox
head. gene that had duplicated and diverged over
The BX-C and ANT-C genes were called ho- evolutionary time.
meotic selector genes: selector because they New discoveries about homeobox genes
acted as major switch points to select or activate flowed out of laboratories all over the world in
whole groups of other genes for one develop- the late 1980s and early 1990s; it was discov-
mental pathway or another (for example, for- ered that the order of the homeobox genes in
mation of legs, antennae, or wings from small the gene clusters from all animals was roughly
groups of larval cells in special compartments the same as the order of the eight genes found
called imaginal disks). Although geneticists in the original BX-C and ANT-C homeotic clus-
knew that these homeotic selector genes were ters of Drosophila. In more complex animals
arranged tandemly in two clusters on the third such as mice and humans, the two Drosophila-
Drosophila chromosome, they did not know the type clusters were duplicated on four chromo-
molecular details of these genes or understand somes instead of just one. Mice have thirty-two
how these few genes functioned to cause such homeotic genes, plus a few extra not found
massive disruptions in the Drosophila body parts. in Drosophila. Frank Ruddle hypothesized that
418 Homeotic Genes

the more anatomically complex the animal, fectly formed, bilateral limbs. Sometimes mu-
the more homeotic genes it will have in its tations in homeobox genes cause malformed
chromosomes. Experimental evidence from limbs, extra digits on the hands or feet, or fin-
several laboratories has supported Ruddles hy- gers fused together, conditions known as syn-
pothesis. polydactyly; often limb and hand deformities
The questions posed earlier about the func- are accompanied by genital abnormalities. Sev-
tions of extra DNA in the homeotic clusters and eral reports in 1997 provided experimental evi-
the role of the homeobox in gene function dence for mutated homeobox genes in certain
were finally answered. It seems that all homeo- leukemias and cancerous tumors. Beginning in
tic genes code for transcription factors, or pro- 1996, the number of reports describing corre-
teins that control the activity or expression of lations between mutated homeobox genes and
other genes. The homeobox portion codes for specific cancers and other developmental ab-
a section of protein that binds to base sequences normalities increased dramatically. Although
in the promoters of other genes, thus stimulat- no specific gene-based therapies have been
ing those genes to express their proteins. The proposed for treating such diseases, the merger
earlier idea of homeotic genes as selector genes between the accumulated molecular knowledge
makes sense; the protein products of homeotic of homeotic genes and the practical gene ma-
genes bind to the promoter control regions of nipulation technologies spawned by animal
many other genes and activate them to make cloning will likely lead to new treatments for
complex structures such as legs and wings. The limb deformities and certain cancers.
homeotic genes themselves are under the con- Chet S. Fornari
trol of other genes making transcription fac- See also: Developmental Genetics; Evolu-
tors that bind to the extra DNA in the homeotic tionary Biology; Model Organism: Drosophila
clusters. The bound transcription factors con- melanogaster.
trol the differential expression of homeotic
genes in many different cellular environments
throughout the developing embryo, all along Further Reading
its anterior to posterior axis. Embryonic devel- DeRobertis, Eddy. Homeobox Genes and the
opment and organogenesis proceed by way of Vertebrate Body Plan. Scientific American 269
a complex series of cascaded gene activities, (July, 1990). A classic article on homeobox
which culminate in the activation of the home- gene studies.
otic genes to specify the final identities of body Lewin, B. Genes VII. New York: Oxford Univer-
parts and shapes. sity Press, 2001. Provides an integrated ac-
count of the structure and function of genes
Impact and Applications and incorporates all the latest research in
In a 1997 episode of the television series The the field, including topics such as accessory
X-Files, a mad scientist transforms his brother proteins (chaperones), the role of the pro-
into a monster with two heads. Federal Bureau teasome, reverse translocation, and the pro-
of Investigation (FBI) agent Dana Scully pa- cess of X chromosome inactivation. More
tiently explains to her partner Fox Mulder that than eight hundred full-color illustrations.
the scientist altered his brothers homeobox Lodish, Harvey, et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 4th
genes, causing the mutant phenotype. Science ed. New York: W. H. Freeman, 2000. Con-
fiction indeedbut with the successful cloning tains a clear, detailed discussion of homeotic
of Dolly the sheep in 1997, the prospect of ma- genes.
nipulating homeobox genes in embryos is no Raff, Rudolf. The Shape of Life: Genes, Develop-
longer far-fetched. ment, and the Evolution of Animal Form. Chi-
The first concern of scientists is to elucidate cago: University of Chicago Press, 1996. A
more molecular details about the actual pro- detailed but readable account of how genes
cesses by which discrete genes transform an and evolution influence the shape of animal
undifferentiated egg cell into a body with per- bodies.
Homosexuality 419

assessed using twin studies and pedigree analy-

Homosexuality sis. Lesbians are approximately three times as
likely as heterosexual women to have lesbian
Field of study: Human genetics and social sisters and generally have more lesbian rela-
issues tives as well, which suggests that genes as well as
Significance: The debate over whether individuals environmental factors influence homosexuality
choose to whom they are attracted or their orienta- in women. Similarly, among men, concordance
tion is determined primarily by genetic or social in sexual orientation among monozygotic (MZ)
factors is ongoing. Interest persists in part because twins is greater than that for dizygotic (DZ)
individuals sexual orientation appears to extend twins or nontwin brothers. Since MZ twins share
beyond sexuality to influence gender and in part 100 percent of their genes but are not always ei-
because individuals erroneously believe that social ther both straight or both gay, sexual orienta-
acceptance and treatment of homosexuals may dif- tion cannot be 100 percent due to genes.
fer depending upon whether gay and lesbian indi- Heritability of homosexuality has been esti-
viduals are free agents or are responding to biologi- mated at 30-75 percent for men and at 25-76
cal imperatives. percent for women. The different rates of heri-
tability and frequency, with lesbians typically
Key terms representing a smaller proportion of the popu-
concordance: the presence of a trait in both lation than gay men, suggests that mens and
members of a pair of twins womens sexuality may have different origins.
heritability: the proportion of phenotypic The X-linked locus associated with homosexu-
variation that is due to genes rather than the ality in some men (Xq28, according to Hamer
environment et al., 1993) does not appear to be associated
sex-linked traits: Characteristics that are en- with lesbianism (Hu et al., 1995). Further, re-
coded by genes on the X or Y chromosome search suggests that mens orientation is bi-
modal in distribution relative to the Kinsey
Biological vs. Environmental Factors scale of sexual orientation, whereas womens
Sexual orientation is a fundamental aspect orientation is distributed more continuously
of human sexuality that usually results in fe- and is more likely than mens to change through
males mating with males (heterosexuality). Sex- adulthood.
ual orientation may be closely linked to sexual
experience, but many factors (social, religious, Neurohormonal Influences
or logistic) can decrease the correlation. As a Adult homosexuals do not differ from their
result, the frequency of homosexuality (a sex- heterosexual counterparts in terms of circulat-
ual orientation or attraction to persons of the ing levels of sex hormones. Instead, the neuro-
same sex) varies from approximately 2 to 10 per- endocrine theory predicts that prenatal expo-
cent of the population, depending on how ho- sure to high levels of androgens masculinizes
mosexuality is defined and measured. In gen- brain structures and influences sexual orienta-
eral, there appears to be a continuum, from tion. Consistent with this, women with congeni-
exclusive heterosexuality (90-92 percent) to ex- tal adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) who experience
clusive homosexuality (1-4 percent) with many atypically high levels of androgens prenatally
people falling somewhere between. Like most appear to be somewhat more likely to engage
complex behaviors, homosexuality is probably in same-sex sexual fantasies and behavior com-
influenced by both biological and environmen- pared to heterosexual women, whereas XY
tal factors. The exact mechanism may differ for women with complete androgen insensitivity
individuals who appear to exhibit similar be- syndrome (cAIS) do not exhibit increased ex-
havioral patterns. pression of lesbianism. Exposure to the syn-
thetic estrogen DES, which is also thought to
Genetic Influences have a demasculating effect on the brain, also
The genetic basis of homosexuality has been appears to influence womens sexuality mod-
420 Homosexuality

estly and to induce higher levels of homosexu- dividuals are exclusively homosexual and expe-
ality. rience no direct individual fitness (that is, no
Stress hormones generally reduce the pro- offspring are produced), homosexuals can re-
duction of sex hormones. The level and timing duce the reproductive cost by increasing their
of stress experienced by women during preg- inclusive fitness via contributions to relatives
nancy may therefore also affect the amount offspring. Consistent with the latter hypothesis,
of sex hormones experienced prenatally and there is some evidence that gay men exhibit in-
hence the sexual differentiation and organi- creased levels of empathy, an accepted indica-
zational phase of early brain development. tor of altruism.
Studies suggest that some women who experi- Homosexuality is one of the three most com-
ence stress during pregnancy may be more mon expressions of human sexual orientation
likely to have homosexual children, but the and has been observed throughout human his-
data are still preliminary. tory and across religions and cultures. Like
Given that most homosexuals do not have other complex behavioral traits, sexual orien-
one of the aforementioned hormonal condi- tation appears to be influenced by both biologi-
tions and most individuals who do have them cal and environmental factors. There is some
are heterosexual, the neuroendocrine theory evidence that situational or opportunistic ho-
alone does not appear to account for the origin mosexuality may differ from obligatory homo-
of homosexuality. sexuality and that the mechanisms influencing
sexual orientation may be different in gay men
Neuroanatomical Influences and lesbians.
Although stereotypes exist, there is no over- Cathy Schaeff
all lesbian or gay physique. There is some evi- See also: Behavior; Biological Clocks; Gen-
dence that gay mens brains may differ from der Identity; Heredity and Environment; Her-
heterosexual mens in some structures where maphrodites; Human Genetics; Metafemales;
sexual dimorphism also occurs (for example, in- Pseudohermaphrodites; Steroid Hormones;
terstitial nuclei of the anterior hypothalmus 3, Testicular Feminization Syndrome; X Chromo-
suprachiasmatic nucleus in the anterior hypo- some Inactivation; XYY Syndrome.
thalamus and the anterior commissure), pre-
sumably due to the organizational effects of sex Further Reading
hormones. Structure size varies considerably Diamant, L., and R. McAnuity, eds. The Psychol-
both within and between sexes; however, all ogy of Sexual Orientation, Behavior, and Identity:
three structures appear to differ significantly in A Handbook. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood
size for gay versus heterosexual men. It is not Press, 1995. Draws from biological and psy-
yet clear whether these differences cause ho- chological research to provide a compre-
mosexual activity or are caused by it. hensive overview of the major theories about
sexual orientation; to summarize recent de-
Evolutionary Perspective velopments in genetic and neuroanatomic
Evolutionary biologists have suggested that research; to consider the role of social insti-
homosexuality may persist because there is lit- tutions in shaping current beliefs; and to dis-
tle cost associated with the behavior. In situa- cuss the social construction of gender, sexu-
tions in which homosexuality is not exclusive ality, and sexual identity.
(that is, most individuals engage in hetero- Hamer, D. H., S. Hu, et al. A Linkage Between
sexual as well as homosexual liaisons) homo- DNA Markers on the X Chromosome and
sexuals would experience little or no decline in Male Sexual Orientation. Science 261 (1993):
reproductive success. This could occur when 321-327. The first study to identify genetic
marriage is compulsory, where there are strict markers for male sexual orientation.
gender roles and religious requirements, or Haynes, Felicity, and Tarquam McKenna. Un-
when homosexual behavior is situational or op- seen Genders: Beyond the Binaries. New York:
portunistic. Similarly, in situations in which in- Peter Lang, 2001. Explores the effects of bi-
Human Genetics 421

nary stereotypes of sex and gender on trans- dysmorphology: Abnormal physical develop-
sexuals, homosexuals, cross-dressers, and ment resulting from genetic disorder
transgender and intersex people. forensic genetics: the application of genet-
Hu, S., et al. Linkage Between Sexual Orienta- ics, particularly DNA technology, to the anal-
tion and Chromosome Xq28 in Males but ysis of evidence used in civil cases, criminal
Not in Females. Nature Genetics 11 (1995): cases, and paternity testing
248-256. Determined that the DNA marker gene therapy: the use of a viral or other vector
on the X chromosome does not correspond to incorporate new DNA into a persons cells
to lesbianism. with the objective of alleviating or treating
McWhirter, David P., et al. Homosexuality/Hetero- the symptoms of a disease or condition
sexuality: Concepts of Sexual Orientation. New gene transfer: Using a viral or other vector to
York: Oxford University Press, 1990. Dis- incorporate new DNA into a persons cells.
cusses sexual orientation and the current Gene transfer is used in gene therapy
usefulness of the Kinsey Scale. Includes other genetic screening: the use of the techniques
scales proposed by contributors to this work. of genetics research to determine a persons
risk of developing, or his or her status as a
Web Sites of Interest carrier of, a disease or other disorder
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and genetic testing: the process of investigating a
Gays. http://www.pflag.org. Site includes a specific individual or population of people
section on frequently asked questions and to detect the presence of genetic defects
information about local chapters, news, and genomics: the branch of genetics dealing with
public advocacy. the study of the genetic sequences of organ-
Sexuality Information and Education Council isms, including the human being
of the United States. http://www.siecus.org. pharmacogenomics: The branch of human
A vast resource on all aspects of sex and sexu- medical genetics that evaluates how an indi-
ality. Includes links for teenagers, public pol- viduals genetic makeup influences his or
icy issues, school health, a searchable bibli- her response to drugs
ography database, and more. proteomics: the study of how proteins are ex-
pressed in different types of cells, tissues,
and organs
toxicogenomics: evaluating ways in which ge-
Human Genetics nomes respond to chemical and other pol-
lutants in the environment
Fields of study: Human genetics and social
issues Human Genome Project
Significance: Human genetics is concerned with Human genetics is the discipline concerned
the study of the human genome. The study of hu- with identifying and studying the genes carried
man genetics includes identifying and mapping by humans, the control and expression of traits
genes; determining their function, mode of trans- caused by these genes, their transmission from
mission, and inheritance; and detecting mutated generation to generation, and their expression
or nonfunctioning genes. Important aspects of in offspring. Modern human genetics properly
modern human genetics include gene testing or begins with the elucidation of the structure of
genetic screening, gene therapy, and genetic coun- DNA in 1953 by James D. Watson and Francis
seling. H. Crick. This discovery led to very rapid ad-
vances in acquisition of genetic information
Key terms and ultimately spawned the Human Genome
bioinformatics: The science of compiling and Project (HGP), which was initiated in 1986 by
managing genetic and other biology data us- the DOE (Department of Energy). In 1990 the
ing computers, requisite in human genome DOE combined efforts with the National Insti-
research tutes of Health (NIH) and private collaborators,
422 Human Genetics

including the Wellcome Trust of the United Almost all modern human genetics is di-
Kingdom, along with private companies based rectly related to the enormous mass of genetic
in Japan, France, Germany, and China. The ul- data obtained and made available by the HGP.
timate goal of HGP was to determine the pre- Some of the many themes now being explored
cise genetic makeup of humans as well as ex- include medical genetics, genetic bioinfor-
plore human genetic variation and human gene matics, proteomics, toxicogenomics, the inher-
function. The first high-quality draft of the hu- itance and prevention of gene-related cancers
man genetic sequence was completed in April and other diseases, and policy and ethical is-
of 2003, thereby providing a suitable salute to sues related to genetic concerns of humans.
the fiftieth anniversary of the discovery of DNA, The human genome consists of genes lo-
which opened the modern era of human ge- cated in chromosomes, along with a much
netics. smaller gene content, found in mitochondria,
that is called mitochondrial DNA or mtDNA.
About 99.7 percent of the human genome is lo-
cated in the chromosomes, and another 0.3
Human Chromosomes percent consists of the mtDNA genome, which
encodes for a number of enzymes involved in
Normal (pair) cellular respiration. The mtDNA is inherited
almost entirely through the female line, so its
genetic transmission and expression differ from
that of classical Mendelian genetics. Studies of
human mtDNA have revealed a number of
1 2 3 4 5 medical pathologies associated with this unique
mode of inheritance transmission. Studies have
also proven useful in determining significant
trends in the evolutionary development of Homo
sapiens and elucidating relationships with the
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 near-species Homo neanderthalensis (the now ex-
tinct Neanderthals).
The HGP effort decoded the genetic ar-
rangementthe gene sequence of roughly 3
13 14 15 16 17 18 billion nucleotide base pairs of between 25,000
and 45,000 genes that collectively form the hu-
man genome. Many, but not all, of these have
been sequenced and their locations on chromo-
19 20 21 22 X Y somes mapped. Structurally, base-sequencing
studies reveal that human genes showed great
Trisomy (three) variations in size, ranging from several thousand
base pairs to some genes comprising nearly half
a million base pairs. The genetic functions have
13 21 18 been determined for about half of the human
genes that have been identified and sequenced.
HGP provided so much information that a new
Genetic diseases are caused by defects in the number of chromo-
field called bioinformatics was developed to
somes, in their structure, or in the genes on the chromosome
(mutation). Shown here is the human complement of chromo-
handle the enormous amounts of genetic se-
somes (23 pairs) and three errors of chromosome number quencing data for the human genome.
(trisomies) that lead to the genetic disorders Pataus syndrome
(trisomy 13), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18), and the more Bioinformatics
common Down syndrome (trisomy 21). (Hans & Cassidy, The purpose of bioinformatics is to help or-
Inc.) ganize, store, and analyze genetic biological in-
Human Genetics 423

formation in a rapid and precise manner, dic-

A Punnett Square Showing Alleles
tated by the need to be able to access genetic
information quickly. In the United States the for Blood Type
online database that provides access to these
Fathers Sperm Cells
gene sequences is called GenBank, which is un-
der the purview of the National Center for Bio- B O
technology Information and has been made
available on the Internet. In addition to human A
(AB blood) (A blood)
genome sequence records, GenBank provides Egg
genome information about plants, bacteria, Cells BO OO
and other animals. O
(B blood) (O blood)

Bioinformatics provides the basis for all A heterozygous AO mother and a heterozygous BO father can
modern studies of human genetics, including produce children with any of the four blood types.
analysis of genes and gene sequences, deter-
mining gene functions, and detecting faulty
genes. The study of genes and their functions is can be screened with gene testing procedures
called proteomics, which involves the compara- to determine if they carry such genes. Follow-
tive study of protein expression. That is, exactly ing detection of a defective gene, several op-
what is the metabolic and morphological rela- tions may be explored and implemented, in-
tionship between the protein encoded within cluding genetic counseling, gene therapy, and
the genome and how that protein works. Ge- pharmacogenetics.
neticists are now classifying proteins into fami- At least four thousand diseases of humans
lies, superfamilies, and folds according to their are known to have a genetic basis and can be
configuration, enzymatic activity, and sequence. passed from generation to generation. In addi-
Ultimately proteomics will complete the pic- tion to many kinds of human cancers, all of
ture of the genetic structure and functioning of which have a genetic basis, human genetic dis-
all human genes. orders include diabetes, heart disease, and cys-
tic fibrosis. Other diseases and disorders that
Toxicogenomics have been directly linked to human genetic
Another newly developing field that relies anomalies include predispositions for colon
on bioinformatics is the study of toxicogenom- cancer, Alzheimers disease, and breast cancer.
ics, which is concerned with how human genes
respond to toxins. Currently, this field is spe- Gene Testing
cifically concerned with evaluating how envi- In a gene-testing protocol, a sample of blood
ronmental factors negatively interact with mes- or body fluids is examined to detect a genetic
senger RNA (mRNA) translation, resulting in anomaly such as the transposition of part of a
disease or dysfunction. chromosome or an altered sequence of the
bases that comprise a specific gene, either of
Medical Genetics which can lead to a genetically based disorder
Almost all of modern human medical genet- or disease. Currently more than six hundred
ics rests on the identification of human gene se- tests are available to detect malfunctioning or
quences that were provided by the HGP and nonfunctioning genes. Most gene tests have fo-
made accessible through bioinformatics. Hu- cused on various types of human cancers, but
man medical genetics begins with recognition other tests are being developed to detect ge-
of defective genes that are either nonfunction- netic deficiencies that cause or exacerbate in-
ing or malfunctioning and that cause diseases fectious and vascular diseases.
or tissue malformation. Once defective genes The emphasis on the relationship between
have been identified and cataloged, patients genetics and cancer lies in the fact that all hu-
424 Human Genetics

man cancers are genetically triggered by genes impact of a disease or other genetic disorder.
or have a genetic basis. Some cancers are inher- Some examples of somatic cell gene therapy
ited as mutations, but most result from ran- protocols now being tested include ones for ad-
dom genetic mutations that occur in specific enosine deaminase (ADA) deficiency, cystic fi-
cells, often precipitated by viral infections brosis, lung cancer, brain tumors, ovarian can-
or environmental factors not yet well under- cer, and AIDS.
stood. In somatic gene therapy a sample of the pa-
At least four types of genetic problems have tients cells may be removed and treated, and
been identified in human cancers. The nor- then reintegrated into body tissue carrying the
mal function of oncogenes, for example, is to corrected gene. An alternative somatic cell ther-
signal the start of cell division. However, when apy is called gene replacement, which typically
mutations occur or oncogenes are overex- involves insertion of a normally functioning
pressed, the cells keep on dividing, leading to gene. Some experimental delivery methods for
rapid growth of cell masses. The genetic inheri- gene insertion include use of retroviral vectors
tance of certain kinds of breast cancers and and adenovirus vectors. These viral vectors are
ovarian cancers results from the nonfunction- used because they are readily able to insert
ing tumor-suppressor genes that normally stop their genomes into host cells. Hence, adding
cell division. When genetically altered tumor- the needed (or corrective) gene segment to
suppressor genes are unable to stop cell divi- the viral genome guarantees delivery into the
sion, cancer results. Conversely, the genes that cells nuclear interior. Nonviral delivery vec-
cause inheritance of colon cancer result from tors that are being investigated for gene re-
the failure of DNA repair genes to correct mu- placement include liposome fat bodies, human
tations properly. The accumulation of muta- artificial chromosomes, and naked DNA (free
tions in these proofreading genes makes them DNA, or DNA that is not enclosed in a viral par-
inefficient or less efficient, and cells continue ticle or any other package).
to replicate, producing a tumor mass. Another type of somatic gene therapy in-
If a gene screening reveals a genetic prob- volves blocking gene activity, whereby poten-
lem several options may be available, including tially harmful genes such as those that cause
gene therapy and genetic counseling. If the de- Marfan syndrome and Huntingtons disease
tected genetic anomaly results in disease, then are disabled or destroyed. Two types of gene-
pharmacogenomics holds promise of patient- blocking therapies now being investigated in-
specific drug treatment. clude the use of antisense molecules that target
and bind to the messenger RNA (mRNA) pro-
Gene Therapy duced by the gene, thereby preventing its trans-
The science of gene therapy uses recombi- lation, and the use of specially developed ribo-
nant DNA technology to cure diseases or dis- zymes that can target and cleave gene sequences
orders that have a genetic basis. Still in its ex- that contain the unwanted mutation.
perimental stages, gene therapy may include Germ-line therapy is concerned with alter-
procedures to replace a defective gene, repair ing the genetics of male and female reproduc-
a defective gene, or introduce healthy genes tive cells, the gametes, as well as other body
to supplement, complement, or augment the cells. Because germ-line therapy will alter the
function of nonfunctional or malfunctioning individuals genes as well as those of his or her
genes. Several hundred protocols are being offspring, both concepts and protocols are still
used in gene therapy trials, and many more are very controversial. Some aspects of germ-line
under development. Current trials focus on therapy now being explored include human
two major types of gene therapy, somatic gene cloning and genetic enhancement.
therapy and germ-line gene therapy. The next steps in human genetic therapy in-
Somatic gene therapy focuses on altering a volve determining the underlying mechanisms
defective gene or genes in human body cells in by which genes are transcribed, translated, and
an attempt to prevent or lessen the debilitating expressed, which is called proteomics.
Human Genetics 425

Clinical Genetics get specific diseases but also will be tailored to

Clinical genetics is that branch of medical the specific genetics of patients.
genetics involved in the direct clinical care of
people afflicted with diseases caused by ge- Policy and Ethical Concerns and Issues in
netic disorders. Clinical genetics involves diag- Human Genetics
nosis, counseling, management, and support. The new genetics of humans has raised a
Genetic counseling is a part of clinical genetics number of critical concerns that are currently
directly concerned with medical management, being addressed on a number of levels. Some of
risk determination and options, and decisions these concerns are related to the ownership of
regarding reproduction of afflicted individu- genetic information obtained by the Human
als. Support services are an integral feature of Genome Project, privacy issues, and use of ge-
all genetic counseling themes. netic information in risk assessment and deci-
Clinical genetics begins with an accurate di- sion making.
agnosis that recognizes a specific, underlying Privacy issues have focused on psychological
genetic cause of a physical or biochemical de- impact, possible discrimination, and stigmati-
fect following guidelines outlined by the NIH zation associated with identifying personal ge-
Counseling Development Conference. Clini- netic disorders. For example, policy guaran-
cal practice includes several hundred genetic tees must be established to protect the privacy
tests that are able to detect mutations such as of persons with genetic disorders to prevent
those associated with breast and colon cancers, overt or covert societal discrimination against
muscular dystrophies, cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell the affected individual. Another question aris-
disease, and Huntingtons disease. ing from this is exactly who has the right to the
Genetic counseling follows clinical diagno- genetic information of persons.
sis and focuses initially on explaining the risk Use of information obtained by the Human
factors and human problems associated with Genome Project has provided entrepreneurial
the genetic disorder. Both the afflicted individ- opportunities that will undoubtedly prove eco-
ual and family members are involved in all nomically profitable. That is, the limits of com-
counseling procedures. Important components mercialization of products, patents, copyrights,
include a frank discussion of risks, of options trade secrets, and trade agreements have to
such as preventive operations, and of options be determined. If patents of DNA sequences
involved in reproduction. All reproductive op- are permitted, will they limit accessibility and
tions are described along with their potential free scientific interchange among and between
consequences, but genetic counseling is a sup- peoples of the world? This question becomes
port service rather than a directive mode. That critical when it is recognized that the human
is, it does not include recommendations. In- genome is properly the property of all humans.
stead, its ultimate mission is to help both the af-
flicted individuals and their families recognize Noncoding Junk DNA
and cope with the immediate and future impli- Like that of other organisms, the human ge-
cations of the genetic disorder. nome consists of long segments of DNA that
contain noncoding sequences called introns
Pharmacogenomics (intervening sequences). These vary from a
That branch of human medical genetics deal- few hundred to several thousand base pairs in
ing with the correlation of specific drugs to fit length and often consist of repetitive DNA ele-
specific diseases in individuals is called phar- ments with no known function; that is, they do
macogenomics. This field recognizes that dif- not code for proteins. Because they appear
ferent individuals may metabolically respond functionless but take up valuable chromosomal
differentially to therapeutic medicines based space, these noncoding sequences have been
on their genetic makeup. It is anticipated that considered useless and have been termed junk
testing human genome data will greatly speed DNA or selfish DNA. Recent studies, however,
the development of new drugs that not only tar- lend strong support to the possibility that the
426 Human Genetics

seemingly useless repetitive DNA may actually has revealed differences in DNA sequences o
play a number of important genetic roles, from about 0.33 percent, which is considerably less
providing a substrate on which new genes can than seen in other primate species. These mi-
evolve to maintaining chromosome structure nor differences strongly suggest that all mem-
and participating in some sort of genetic con- bers of the human species, Homo sapiens, are far
trol. Consequently, it is now out of fashion more closely related to one another than are
among geneticists to refer to these parts of the members of many other vertebrate species.
genome as junk DNA, but rather as DNA of un- A separate study compared human gene se-
known function. quences among different human populations
across the globe. This study revealed that the
Forensic Genetics highest variations in DNA sequences are found
Law enforcement agencies are increasingly among the modern human populations of Af-
relying on a branch of human genetics called rica. Since populations that exhibit the highest
forensic genetics. The aims of forensic genetics genome variations are thought to be the oldest
typically are to determine the identity or non- populations (because chance mutations have a
identity of suspects in crimes, based on an anal- longer time to accumulate in older populations
ysis of DNA found in hair, blood, and other as opposed to younger populations), these re-
body substances retrieved from the scene of the sults strongly suggest that modern humans orig-
crime in comparison with that of suspects. Pop- inated in Africa and subsequently dispersed
ularly called DNA fingerprinting, forensic ge- into other regions of the world. This out of Af-
netics relies on the fact that the DNA of every rica theory has received compelling support
human carries unique tandem repeats of 20 or from the DNA evidence, and the theory also ex-
more kilobase pairs that can be compared and plains why all other human populations are so
identified using radioactive probes. Thus, com- remarkably similar. Since all other global hu-
parisons can establish identity or nonidentity man populations show minimal DNA sequence
to a very high level of probability. DNA finger- differences, it is hypothesized that a small group
printing is also used in recognizing genetic of humans emigrated from Africa to spread
parentage of children, identifying victims across and eventually colonize the other conti-
sometimes from fragments of bodiesand nents. Tests of gene sequences along Y chro-
identifying relationships of missing children. mosomes show similar patterns, leading to the
proposal that all humans today came from a mi-
Phylogeny and Evolution tochondrial Eve and a Y chromosome Adam
Another rapidly developing field in human who lived between 160,000 and 200,000 years
genetics is the use of human gene sequences ago.
in both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA DNA-based phylogeny studies are also shed-
(mtDNA) to explore questions of human ori- ding light on the relationship between the Ne-
gins, evolution, phylogeny, bioarchaeology, and anderthals (Homo neanderthalensis), a species
past human migration patterns. that disappeared between 30,000 and 60,000
Much of the analytical work has involved years ago, and the modern Cro-Magnon hu-
mtDNA to study relationships. Because it is in- mans (Homo sapiens) that replaced them. Com-
herited strictly through the egg line or female parisons of mtDNA between the two Homo
component, mtDNA is somewhat more useful, species indicate that Neanderthals began di-
but comparisons of DNA sequences along the Y verging from modern humans half a million
chromosome of human populations have also years ago and were significantly different in ge-
yielded valuable information regarding human nomic content to be placed in a separate spe-
origins and evolution. cies. These findings also support the suggestion
One of the more interesting of these studies that Neanderthals were ecologically replaced by
involves comparing mtDNA over a broad spec- modern humans rather than genetically amal-
trum of global human populations. Compari- gamated into present human populations, as
sons of DNA sequencing of these populations was once proposed. Although such arguments
Human Genetics 427

are not universally accepted, many more genet- L. White. Medical Genetics. 2d ed. St. Louis,
icists, paleoanthropologists, and forensic scien- Mo.: Mosby, 2000. Provides both an intro-
tists are now using comparative analysis of DNA duction to the field of human genetics and
sequences among and between human popula- chapters on clinical aspects of human genet-
tions to study questons of human evolutionary ics such as gene therapy, genetic screening,
history. and genetic counseling.
Dwight G. Smith Pasternak, Jack J. An Introduction to Human Mo-
See also: Aggression; Aging; Bioethics; Bio- lecular Genetics: Mechanisms of Inherited Dis-
informatics; Biological Determinism; Criminal- eases. Bethesda, Md.: Fitzgerald Science Press,
ity; DNA Fingerprinting; Eugenics; Eugenics: 1999. Discusses treatment advances, funda-
Nazi Germany; Evolutionary Biology; Forensic mental molecular mechanisms that govern
Genetics; Gender Identity; Gene Therapy; Gene human inherited diseases, the interactions
Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetic of genes and their products, and the conse-
Counseling; Genetic Screening; Genetic Test- quences of these mechanisms on disease
ing; Genetic Testing: Ethical and Economic Is- states in major organ systems such as muscles,
sues; Human Genome Project; Human Growth the nervous system, and the eyes. Also ad-
Hormone; In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo dresses cancer and mitochondrial disorders.
Transfer; Insurance; Intelligence; Miscegena- Rudin, Norah, and Keith Inman. An Introduc-
tion and Antimiscegenation Laws; Patents on tion to Forensic DNA Analysis. Boca Raton,
Life-Forms; Paternity Tests; Prenatal Diagnosis; Fla.: CRC Press, 2002. An overview of many
Race; Sterilization Laws. DNA typing techniques, along with numer-
ous examples and a discussion of legal impli-
Further Reading cations.
Andrews, Lori B. The Clone Age: Adventures in Shostak, Stanley. Becoming Immortal: Combining
the New World of Reproductive Technology. New Cloning and Stem-Cell Therapy. Albany: State
York: Henry Holt, 1999. A lawyer specializ- University of New York Press, 2002. Exam-
ing in reproductive technology, Andrews ex- ines the question of whether human beings
amines the legal ramifications of human are equipped for potential immortality.
cloning, from privacy to property rights. Wilson, Edward O. On Human Nature. Cam-
Baudrillard, Jean. The Vital Illusion. Edited by bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press,
Julia Witwer. New York: Columbia University 1978. A look at the significance of biology
Press, 2000. A sociological perspective on and genetics on how we understand human
what human cloning means to the idea of behaviors, including aggression, sex, and al-
what it means to be human. truism and the institution of religion.
Fridell, Ron. DNA Fingerprinting: The Ultimate
Identity. New York: Scholastic, 2001. The his- Web Sites of Interest
tory of the technique, from its discovery to American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG).
early uses. Aimed at younger readers and http://www.faseb.org/genetics/ashg/ashg
nonspecialists. menu.htm. Founded in 1948, a group of
Hartwell, L. H., L. Hood, M. L. Goldberg, A. E. several thousand physicians, genetic coun-
Reynolds, L. M. Silber, and R. C. Veres. Genet- selors, researchers, publishing the American
ics: From Genes to Genomes. 2d ed. New York: Journal of Human Genetics.
McGraw-Hill, 2004. A comprehensive text- Association of Professors of Human or Medical
book on genetics, including human genetics Genetics (APHMG). http://www.faseb.org/
discussed in a comparative context. genetics/aphmg/aphmg1.htm. This site of
Hekimi, Siegfried, ed. The Molecular Genetics of the North American group of academicians
Aging. New York: Springer, 2000. Part of the in medical and graduate schools features in-
Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation formation on core curricula and workshops.
series. Illustrated. Johns Hopkins University. The Genome Data-
Jorde, L. B., J. C. Carey, M. J. Bamshad, and R. base. http://gdbwww.gdb.org. The official
428 Human Genome Project

central storage center for gene mapping on the experimental data of Rosalind Franklin
data compiled in the Human Genome Initia- and others. It was fitting then, that fifty years
tive, an international effort to decode and later, in April of 2003, the complete sequence
analyze human DNA. Intended for scien- of the human genome was published, marking
tists, the site presents information in three probably one of the greatest achievements not
categories: regions, maps, and variations of only in genetics but in all of science. During the
the human genome. years ahead, thousands of scientists will mine
National Center for Biotechnology Informa- these data for information about the human
tion. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Main- body, how its genes shape development and be-
tains GenBank, a comprehensive, annotated havior, and the role mutations play in diseases.
collection of publicly available DNA se-
quences. Origins of the Human Genome Project
Sanger Centre, Wellcome Trust. http://www The Human Genome Project (HGP) began
.sanger.ac.uk. One of the premier genome as a result of the catastrophic events of World
research centers, focusing on large-scale se- War II: the dropping of atomic bombs on the
quencing projects and analysis. Offers many Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
data resources, software, databases, and in- There were many survivors who had been ex-
formation on career opportunities. posed to high levels of radiation, known to
cause mutations. Such survivors were stigma-
tized by society and were considered poor mar-
riage prospects, because of potential genetic
Human Genome Project damage. The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) estab-
Fields of study: History of genetics; Human lished the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
genetics; Techniques and methodologies in 1947 to assess mutations in such survivors.
Significance: The Human Genome Project will However, there were no suitable methods to
have a profound effect in the twenty-first century, measure these mutations, and it would be many
providing the means to identify disease-causing years before suitable techniques would be de-
mutations (including those involved in cancer), to veloped. Knowing the sequence of the human
design new drugs, to provide human gene therapy, genome would be the greatest tool for identify-
to learn how genes control development, and to un- ing human mutations.
derstand the origins and evolution of the human
race. Advances in Molecular Biology
As in all areas of science, progress in molecu-
Key terms lar biology was limited by available technology.
genome: the entire complement of genetic ma- Many advances in molecular biology made fea-
terial (DNA) in a cell sible the undertaking of the HGP. Starting in
genomics: that branch of genetics dealing with the 1970s, techniques were developed to iso-
the study of genetic sequences late and clone individual genes. By 1977, Wal-
proteomics: that branch of genetics dealing ter Gilbert and Frederick Sanger had inde-
with the expression, function, and structure pendently developed methods for sequencing
of proteins DNA, and in 1977 Sangers group published
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP): the sequence of the first genome, the small bac-
differences at the individual nucleotide level terial virus Phi X174. In 1985, Kary Mullis and
among individuals colleagues developed the method of polymer-
ase chain reaction (PCR), in which extremely
Perspective small amounts of DNA could be amplified bil-
April 25, 2003, was the fiftieth anniversary of lions of times, providing significant amounts
the publication of the double helix model of of specific DNA for analysis. Finally, in 1986,
DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick, based Leroy Hood and Applied Biosystems developed
Human Genome Project 429

Image not available

Craig Venter of Celera Genomics (at the microphone) and Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (right), an-
nounce the initial sequencing of the human genome on June 26, 2000, with President Bill Clinton in attendance. (AP/Wide
World Photos)

an automated DNA sequencer that could se- from the DOE and the National Research Coun-
quence DNA hundreds of times faster than was cil, the Human Genome Project was launched
previously possible. Additional advances in com- in 1990 with James Watson as head. The goal
puter technology now made it possible to se- was completion in 2005 at a cost of $1.00 per
quence the human genome. base pair. In 1992, Watson resigned over a con-
troversy surrounding the patenting of human
The Holy Grail of Molecular Biology sequences. Francis Collins took over as head of
In 1985 a conference of leading scientists the HGP at the National Institutes of Health
was held at the University of California, Santa (NIH). The sequencing of genetic model or-
Cruz, to discuss the feasibility of sequencing ganisms, in addition to the human genome,
the entire human genome. Biologists were look- was one of the goals of the HGP. This included
ing for the equivalent of a Manhattan Project genomes of the bacterium Escherichia coli, yeast,
for biology. The Manhattan Project was the the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the round
concerted effort of physicists to develop atomic worm Caenorhabditis elegans, and other organ-
weapons during World War II and resulted in isms. Moreover, 10 percent of the funding was
huge increases of government funding for phys- to be directed toward studies of the social, ethi-
ics research. Walter Gilbert called the HGP the cal, and legal implications of learning the hu-
Holy Grail of molecular biology. With impetus man genome.
430 Human Genome Project

Competition Between the Public and Corporation formed the biotech company
Private Sectors Celera Genomics to sequence the human ge-
Craig Venter, a former National Institutes of nome privately. Celera had more than three
Health researcher, left the NIH and formed a hundred of the worlds fastest automated se-
private company, The Institute for Genome Re- quencers and a supercomputer to analyze data.
search (TIGR). TIGR, using a different ap- Meanwhile, public funds supported scientists
proach (known as the shotgun method) was in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ja-
able to sequence the 1.8 million-base-pair ge- pan, Canada, Sweden, and fourteen other coun-
nome of the first free-living organism, the bac- tries working on HGP sequencing. The public
terium Haemophilus influenzae, in less than a sector was now in competition with Celera. To
year. In 1998 Venter along with Perkin-Elmer assure free access, each day new sequence data
from the public projects were
made available on the Internet.

The Human Genome Project

Is Completed
In 2001 the first draft of the
human genome was published
in the February 15 issue of Na-
ture and the February 16 issue of
Science. There are many short,
repeated sequences of DNA in
the genome, and certain regions
that were difficult to sequence
needed to be sequenced again
for accuracy. Thus in April, 2003,
the final sequence of the human
genome was achieved. It is re-
markable that a government-
funded project was completed
two and a half years ahead of
schedule and under budget.
April 25, 2003, was designated
National DNA Day.

Findings from the Human

Genome Project
Perhaps the most surprising
finding from the HGP is the rel-
atively low number of human
genes. Scientists had predicted
Although all human beings share the same DNA, slight variations in DNA se- the human genome would con-
quences, including single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), occur commonly tain about 100,000 genes, yet the
across individuals. One individual, for example, might have the base A (adenine)
actual number of protein-coding
where another has the base C (cytosine); several different combinations of these
bases can often code for the same amino acid and hence protein, so the differences
sequences is approximately
often have little or no affect. However, these SNPs can account for variations in 21,000, representing only about
our reactions to pathogens, drugs, and other environmental conditions. Knowing 1 percent of the entire genome.
these variations may help researchers identify the genes associated with complex In comparison, yeast has about
conditions such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. (U.S. Depart- 6,000 genes, the fruit fly about
ment of Energy Human Genome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis.) 13,000, and the Caenorhabditis
Human Genome Project 431

about 18,000. It was surprising that a complex teins derived from their DNA sequence. If a
human had less than twice the number of particular protein is involved in a disease pro-
genes as the lowly roundworm. The human ge- cess, specific drugs to interfere with it may
nome also contains 740 genes that encode sta- be designed. Humanity is just beginning to
ble RNAs. The genome of the mouse, another reap the benefits from the Human Genome
model genetic organism, will provide interest- Project.
ing comparisons to the human genome. Ralph R. Meyer
See also: Behavior; Bioinformatics; Chro-
Whose Genome Is It? mosome Theory of Heredity; Genetic Code,
Although more than 99.99 percent of the Cracking of; Genetic Engineering; Genomic
DNA sequences of all humans are identical, Libraries; Genomics; Hereditary Diseases; Hu-
there are many differences. An important ques- man Genetics; Icelandic Genetic Database; Poly-
tion is, Whose genome is it? Craig Venter has merase Chain Reaction; Proteomics; Race.
acknowledged that Celera has been sequencing
mostly his DNA. However, the final sequence Further Reading
database is an average or consensus ge- Collins, Francis, and Karin G. Jegalian. Deci-
nome. Every human carries many and perhaps phering the Code of Life. Scientific American
even hundreds of mutations. Even before the 281, no. 6 (1999): 86-91. A description in lay
HGP was completed, databases listing single terms of the progress and goals of the HGP.
nucleotide polymorphisms were being estab- Dennis, Carina, and Richard Gallagher. The Hu-
lished. These databases list the types of genetic man Genome. London: Palgrave Macmillan,
variations that occur at individual nucleotides 2002. Written by two editors of the British
in the genome. For example, a cancer gene da- journal Nature, the book gives a description
tabase lists the types of mutations that have of the HGP in lay terms and provides some
been identified in specific cancer-causing genes of the information from the first draft of the
and the frequency of such mutations. Muta- human genome.
tions in genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2 are re- International Human Genome Sequencing
sponsible for breast and ovarian cancers, while Consortium. Initial Sequencing and Analy-
mutations in the tumor-suppressor gene p53 sis of the Human Genome. Nature 409, no.
have been found in the majority of human tu- 6822 (2001): 860-921. The publication of
mors. the first draft of the Human Genome Project.
The whole journal issue contains many other
The Future: Genomics and Proteomics papers considering the structure, function,
The Human Genome Project has given rise and evolution of the human genome.
to two new fields of study. Genomics is the study _______. The Human Genome. Science 291
of genomes. To do so requires databases and (2001): 1145-1434. This special issue pro-
search engines to seek out information from vides data from the first draft of the human
these sequences. Today there are hundreds of genome sequence.
such databases already established. Scientists Sulston, John, and Georgina Ferry. The Com-
can search for complete gene sequences if they mon Thread: A Story of Science, Politics, Ethics,
know only a short segment of a gene. They can and the Human Genome. Washington, D.C.:
look for related sequences within the same ge- Joseph Henry Press, 2002. A chronicle of
nome or among different species. From such the race for the HGP from the perspective of
information one can study the evolution of par- a British Nobel Laureate Sir John Sulston,
ticular genes. head of Sanger Centre, the British research
The next step is to define the human pro- unit involved in the HGP. Describes the ef-
teome, giving rise to the field of proteomics. fort to ensure public access to the genome
Proteomics seeks to determine the expression data.
patterns of genes, the functions of the proteins Wolfsberg, Tyra G., Kris A. Wetterstrand, Mark
produced, and the structure of specific pro- S. Guyer, Francis S. Collins, and Andreas D.
432 Human Growth Hormone

Baxevanis. A Users Guide to the Human

Genome. Nature Genetics Supplement 32 Human Growth Hormone
(2002): 1-79. This supplement nicely illus-
trates how one can search the human ge- Field of study: Human genetics and social
nome database. It is set up as a series of issues; Molecular genetics
questions with step-by-step color Web page Significance: Human growth hormone (HGH) de-
illustrations of such searches. The supple- termines a persons height, and abnormalities in
ment also lists major Web resources and da- the amount of HGH in a persons body may cause
tabases. conditions such as dwarfism, giantism, and acro-
megaly. Genetic research has led to the means to
manufacture enough HGH to correct such prob-
Web Sites of Interest lems and expand the understanding of HGH ac-
Department of Energy. Office of Science. http: tion and endocrinology.
//doegenomes.org. Along with the National
Human Genome Research Institute, con- Key terms
ducted the Human Genome Project. Site in- endocrine gland: a gland that secretes hor-
cludes discussion of the ethical, legal, and mones into the circulatory system
social issues surrounding the project, a ge- hypophysectomy: surgical removal of the pi-
nome glossary, and Genetics 101. tuitary gland
National Center for Biotechnology Informa- pituitary gland: an endocrine gland located
tion. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gene at the base of the brain; also called the hypo-
map99. Starting with a general introduction physis
to the human genome and the process of transgenic protein: a protein produced by
gene mapping, this site provides charts of an organism using a gene that was derived
the known genes on each chromosome, ar- from another organism
ticles about the Genome Project and gene-
related medical research, and links to other Growth Hormones and Disease
genome sites and databases. Symptoms
National Human Genome Research Institute. The pituitary (hypophysis) is an acorn-sized
http://www.genome.gov. One of the major gland located at the base of the brain that
gateways to the Human Genome Project, makes important hormones and disseminates
with a brief but thorough introduction to stored hypothalamic hormones. The hypothal-
the project, fact sheets, multimedia educa- amus controls the activity of the pituitary gland
tion kits for teachers and students, a glos- by sending signals along a network of blood ves-
sary, and links. sels and nerves that connects them. The main
New York University/Bell Atlantic/Center for portion of the pituitary gland, the adenohypo-
Advanced Technology. The Student Genome physis, makes six trophic hormones that control
Project. http://www.cat.nyu.edu/sgp/parent many body processes by causing other endo-
.html. Uses interactive multimedia and three- crine glands to produce hormones. The neuro-
dimensional technology to present tutorials hypophysis, the remainder of the pituitary,
and games related to the human genome stores two hypothalamic hormones for dissemi-
and genetics for middle and high school stu- nation.
dents. Dwarfism is caused by the inability to pro-
The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR). duce growth hormone. When humans lack
http://www.tigr.org. The organization only human growth hormone (HGH), resul-
founded by Craig Venter, focusing on struc- tant dwarfs have normal to superior intelli-
tural, functional, and comparative analysis gence. However, if the pituitary gland is surgi-
of genomes and gene products. Provides da- cally removed (hypophysectomy), the absence
tabases, gene indices, and educational re- of other pituitary hormones causes additional
sources. mental and gender problems. The symptoms
Human Growth Hormone 433

of dwarfism are inability to grow at a normal has been concluded that growth hormone
rate or attain adult size. Many dwarfs are two to acts to cause all body bones to grow until adult
three feet tall. In contrast, some giants have size is reached. It is unclear why animals and
reached heights of more than eight feet. The humans from one family exhibit adult size vari-
advent of gigantism often begins with babies ation. The differences are thought to be ge-
born with pituitary tumors that cause the pro- netic and related to production and coopera-
duction of too much HGH, resulting in contin- tion of HGH, other hormones, and growth
ued excess growth. People who begin overse- factors.
creting HGH as adults (also caused by tumors) Genetic research has produced transgenic
do not grow taller. However, the bones in their HGH in bacteria through the use of genetic en-
feet, hands, skull, and brow ridges overgrow, gineering technology. The gene that codes for
causing disfigurement and pain, a condition HGH is spliced into a special circular piece of
known as acromegaly. DNA called a plasmid expression vector, thus
Dwarfism that is uncomplicated by the ab- producing a recombinant expression vector.
sence of other pituitary hormones is treated This recombinant vector is then put into bacte-
with growth hormone injections. Humans un- rial cells, where the bacteria express the HGH
dergoing such therapy can be treated with gene. These transgenic bacteria can then be
growth hormones from humans or primates. grown on an industrial scale. After bacterial
Growth hormone from all species is a protein growth ends, a huge number of cells are har-
made of approximately two hundred amino ac- vested and HGH is isolated. This method en-
ids strung into a chain of complex shape. How- ables isolation of enough HGH to treat anyone
ever, differences in amino acids and chain ar- who needs it.
rangement in different species cause shape
differences; therefore, growth hormone used Impact and Applications
for treatment must be extracted from a related One use of transgenic HGH is the treatment
species. Treatment for acromegaly and gigan- of acromegaly, dwarfism, and gigantism. The
tism involves the removal of the tumor. In cases availability of large quantities of HGH has also
where it is necessary to remove the entire pitu- led to other biomedical advances in growth
itary gland, other hormones must be given in and endocrinology. For example, growth hor-
addition to HGH. Their replacement is rela- mone does not affect EPCs in tissue culture.
tively simple. Such hormones usually come Ensuing research, first with animal growth hor-
from animals. Until recently, the sole source of mone and later with HGH, uncovered the EPC
HGH was pituitaries donated to science. This stimulant somatomedin. Somatomedin stimu-
provided the ability to treat fewer than one lates growth in other tissues as well and belongs
thousand individuals per year. Molecular ge- to a protein group called insulin-like growth
netics has solved that problem by devising the factors. Many researchers have concluded that
means to manufacture large amounts of trans- the small size of women compared to men is
genic HGH. caused by estrogen-diminished somatomedin
action on EPCs. Estrogen, however, stimulates
Growth Hormone Operation and female reproductive system growth by interact-
Genetics ing with other insulin-like growth factors.
In the mid-1940s, growth hormone was iso- Another interesting experiment involving
lated and used to explain why pituitary extracts HGH and genetic engineering is the produc-
increase growth. One process associated with tion of rat-sized mice. This venture, accom-
HGH action involves cartilage cells at the ends plished by putting the HGH gene into a mouse
of long bones (such as those in arms and chromosome, has important implications for
legs). HGH injection causes these epiphysial understanding such mysteries as the basis for
plate cells (EPCs) to rapidly reproduce and species specificity of growth hormones and max-
stack up. The EPCs then die and leave a layer imum size control for all organisms. Hence, ex-
of protein, which becomes bone. From this it periments with HGH and advancements in ge-
434 Huntingtons Disease

netic engineering technology have led to, and Web Sites of Interest
should continue to lead to, valuable insights ABC News Online, Standing Tall. http://abc
into the study of growth and other aspects of news.go.com/sections/living/goodmorning
life science. america/growthhormone_030619.html. A
Sanford S. Singer June, 2003, news report on children using
See also: Cloning; Dwarfism; Genetic Engi- human growth hormone to increase their
neering: Historical Development; Genetics, stature.
Historical Development of; Prader-Willi and National Institutes of Health, National Library
Angelman Syndromes; Turner Syndrome. of Medicine, Growth Disorders. http://www
.html. Information on all aspects of growth
Further Reading disorders and HGH treatment.
Eiholzer, Urs. Prader-Willi Syndrome: Effects of
Human Growth Hormone Treatment. New York:
Karger, 2001. Discusses the therapeutic use
of somatotropin, among other topics. Huntingtons Disease
Flyvbjerg, Allan, Hans Orskov, and George Al-
berti, eds. Growth Hormone and Insulin-like Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
Growth Factor I in Human and Experimental Significance: Huntingtons disease is an auto-
Diabetes. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1993. somal dominant neurodegenerative disorder. The
Discusses advances regarding the effects of symptoms of this incurable, fatal condition in-
growth hormone and insulin-like growth fac- clude uncontrollable body movements and pro-
tors in relation to metabolism in diabetes gressive dementia. The relevant gene contains a
and the development of complications. domain of repeating triplets composed of the nucle-
Shiverick, Kathleen T., and Arlan L. Rosen- otides cytosine (C), adenine (A), and guanine
bloom, eds. Human Growth Hormone Pharma- (G). Mutation of this gene causes an increase in
cology: Basic and Clinical Aspects. Boca Raton, triplet number, triggering the dysfunction and
Fla.: CRC Press, 1995. Describes the research death of certain neurons in the brain.
on and clinical applicability of the human
growth hormone. Illustrated. Key terms
Smith, Roy G., and Michael O. Thorner, eds. CAG expansion: a mutation-induced increase
Human Growth Hormone: Research and Clinical in the number of consecutive CAG nucleo-
Practice. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 2000. tide triplets in the coding region of a gene
Provides recent findings about regulation of genetic anticipation: progressively earlier
the hormone and its action at the molecular onset of a hereditary disease in successive
level. generations
Thorner, M., and R. Smith. Human Growth Hor- polyglutamine tract: in a protein, an amino
mone: Research and Clinical Practice. Vol. 19. acid sequence consisting exclusively of glu-
Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 1999. Exam- tamine, encoded by repeating CAG triplets
ines the use of human growth hormone
therapies in the treatment of short stature Characteristics
and various diseases. Studying an extended New York family in
Ulijaszek, J. S., M. Preece, and S. J. Ulijaszek. 1872, Dr. George Huntington first documented
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and the heritable malady that bears his name. Hun-
Development Growth Standards. New York: Cam- tingtons disease (HD) was originally known as
bridge University Press, 1998. Broadly dis- Huntingtons chorea because of its hallmark
cusses genetic growth anomalies in relation jerky involuntary movements (the term cho-
to environmental, physiological, social, eco- rea comes from the Greek choros, meaning
nomic, and nutritional influences on hu- dance). Patients also experience marked cog-
man growth. nitive and psychiatric decline. HDs gradual
Huntingtons Disease 435

onset usually begins between ages thirty and The HD Gene and Its Product
forty, although its symptoms can first appear HD is inherited as a dominant mutation of a
within an age range of two to eighty years. The gene located on the short arm of chromosome
disease typically progresses to death within fif- 4. The cloning of the HD gene in 1993 provided
teen or twenty years of diagnosis. HD affects major impetus to understanding its function.
about one in ten thousand people of European The HD gene encodes a 348 kDa cytoplasmic
descent, and fewer than one in one million protein called huntingtin. Normally, the HD
people in African and Japanese populations. gene contains a stretch of repeating nucleo-
In HD, degeneration of neurons in specific tide triplets consisting of C (cytosine), A (ade-
brain regions occurs over time. Hardest hit is a nine), and G (guanine). Healthy HD alleles
particular subset of neurons in the striatum, a contain anywhere from 9 to 35 CAG repeats.
brain structure critical for movement control. The CAG triplet encodes the amino acid gluta-
Also affected is the frontal cortex, which is in- mine; therefore, normal huntingtin contains a
volved in cognitive processes. As the communi- polyglutamine tract. Huntingtin is expressed
cation link between the striatum and cortex is throughout the brain (and indeed, the body);
broken through ongoing neuronal death, un- however, its regular function remains unclear.
controllable chorea as well as intellectual and In neurons, huntingtin is thought to be im-
psychiatric symptoms develop and worsen. portant in counterbalancing programmed cell

The gene for Huntingtons disease is located on chromosome 4. Huntingtons is one of the rare single-gene disorders, clearly detected
genetically. Other genetic disease conditions have been located to chromosome 4, also shown here. (U.S. Department of Energy
Human Genome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis.)
436 Huntingtons Disease

death by promoting the expression of growth may affect the expression of a host of addi-
factors. Huntingtin may therefore help protect tional proteins. In fact, the expression of
striatal neurons throughout life. huntingtin itself (from the remaining normal
HD allele) is significantly reduced. This dimi-
The HD Mutation nution of the availability of normal huntingtin
Mutant HD alleles contain an expansion of may also contribute to neuronal demise. How-
the CAG repeat. The magnitude of this expan- ever, it is still unknown why only certain neu-
sion can range from 36 to more than 60 CAG rons die despite huntingtins ubiquitous ex-
repeats (rarely, as many as 250 repeats have pression.
been observed). There is an inverse relation-
ship between repeat number and age of disease
onset: Higher repeat numbers are usually linked Living with HD
to younger onset. People with 36-39 CAG re- The cloning of the HD gene has enabled di-
peats may never show disease symptoms, rect genetic testing for the HD mutation. With a
whereas people with 40-60 repeats usually de- blood test, at-risk individuals can learn not only
velop HD in mid-adulthood, and those with whether they carry the CAG expansion but also
more than 60 repeats often experience onset at its length. Knowing ones carrier status and
less than twenty years of age. predicted age of onset can eliminate doubt and
Although original HD mutations clearly must assist in making life plans, but the prospect of
occur, they are rare and of unknown cause. developing a fatal disease can be far more stress-
However, HDs inheritance patterns shed light ful than the uncertainty. This may explain why
on the mechanisms of CAG expansion. HD ex- a relatively low percentage of those with a fam-
hibits genetic anticipation: Affected members ily history of HD have opted to be tested. When-
of successive generations may show earlier on- ever testing is performed, it is accompanied by
set, particularly when the pathogenic allele is extensive counseling both before and after the
inherited paternally. It is thought that CAG ex- results are known.
pansion occurs during the repair of DNA strand Current treatments for HD are palliative and
breaks, when CAG loops are retained in the include antidepressants and sedatives. Strat-
nucleotide sequence during gap repair. If this egies now under study are aimed at preventing
happens in reproductive cells (particularly CAG expansion, counteracting the toxic effects
sperm), a larger CAG expansion will be present of mutant huntingtin, and delivering neuro-
in the offspring. protective agents to the brain. Another tactic is
to replace the dying striatal neurons with trans-
Consequences of CAG Expansion planted fetal neurons or stem cells. This ap-
The direct result of CAG expansion within proach has shown some promise: Following
the HD gene is that mutant huntingtin has a striatal grafts, a small number of HD patients
polyglutamine tract of variable but abnormally have experienced improvement in motor and
long length. Misfolding and aggregation of cognitive function.
mutant huntingtin ensues. Cleavage of the mu- Mary A. Nastuk
tant protein occurs, generating a fragment that See also: Behavior; Biological Clocks; Blot-
can enter the nucleus. Visible cytoplasmic and ting: Southern, Northern, and Western; Chro-
nuclear huntingtin aggregates are a key patho- matin Packaging; Chromosome Walking and
logical feature of the striatal neurons destined Jumping; DNA Replication; Gene Therapy: Eth-
to die. This aggregation represents a different ical and Economic Issues; Genetic Counseling;
(albeit toxic) function for huntingtin. The ag- Genetic Testing; Genetic Testing: Ethical and
gregates contain not only mutant huntingtin Economic Issues; Hereditary Diseases; In Vitro
but also several other critical proteins whose Fertilization and Embryo Transfer; Inborn Er-
functions are effectively withheld. Because rors of Metabolism; Insurance; Pedigree Analy-
some of these sequestered proteins are tran- sis; Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndromes; Re-
scription factors, transcriptional dysregulation petitive DNA; Stem Cells.
Hybridization and Introgression 437

Further Reading recombinant DNA have been used to intro-

Cattaneo, Elena, et al. The Enigma of Hun- duce, remove, or modify specific parts of the
tingtons Disease. Scientific American (De- genome of an organism
cember, 2002): 93-97. This article provides hybridization: the process of mating or cross-
an excellent overview of current research ing two genetically different individuals; the
and hypotheses regarding the molecular bi- resultant progeny is called a hybrid
ology of HD. introgression: the transfer of genes from one
Huntingtons Disease Collaborative Research species to another or the movement of genes
Group. A Novel Gene Containing a Tri- between species (or other well-marked ge-
nucleotide Repeat That Is Expanded and netic populations) mediated by backcros-
Unstable on Huntingtons Disease Chromo- sing
somes. Cell 72, no. 6 (1993): 971-983. A transgene: a gene introduced into a cell or or-
benchmark study in which the HD gene was ganism by means other than sexual
isolated and the nature of the mutation iden-
tified. Definitions and Types
Wexler, Alice. Mapping Fate: A Memoir of Family, Hybridization and introgression are natural
Risk, and Genetic Research. Berkeley: Univer- biological processes. Natural hybridization is
sity of California Press, 1996. The authors common among plant and animal species. Hy-
mother had HD, and her sister was part of bridization generally refers to the mating be-
the research group that cloned the HD gene. tween genetically dissimilar individuals; par-
This account is striking for its immediacy, ents may differ in a few or many genes. They
clarity, and accuracy. may come from different populations or races
of the same taxonomic species (interspecific
Web Sites of Interest hybridization) or of different species (interge-
Hereditary Disease Foundation. http://hd neric hybridization). In nature, hybridization
foundation.org. Site devoted mainly to Hun- can occur only if there is no barrier to cross-
tingtons disease. Includes links to research breeding, or when the usual barrier breaks
articles, organizations, and news stories. down. Hybridization produces new genetic
Huntingtons Disease Society of America. http: combinations or genetic variability. Through
//www.hdsa.org. The organization that sup- artificial means (controlled pollination), hy-
ports research for therapies and a cure. This bridization of both cross-pollinated and self-
site offers information, support resources, pollinated plants can be accomplished. Plant
publications, and ways of getting help. breeding encompasses hybridization within a
species as well as hybridization between species
and even genera (wide crosses). The latter are
important for generating genetic variability or
Hybridization and for incorporating a desirable gene not avail-
Introgression able within a species. There are crossing barri-
ers, however, for accomplishing interspecific
Field of study: Population genetics and intergeneric crosses. Josef Gottlieb Kl-
Significance: Hybridization and introgression are reuter (c. 1761) was the first to report on hy-
biological processes that are essential to creating brid vigor (heterosis) in interspecific crosses of
genetic variation, and hence biodiversity, in plant various species of Nicotiana, concluding that
and animal populations. These processes occur cross-fertilization was generally beneficial and
both in natural populations and in human- self-fertilization was not.
directed, controlled breeding programs. Introgression is the introduction of genes
from one species or gene pool into another
Key terms species or gene pool. Introgression follows hy-
genetically modified organisms (GMOs): bridization and occurs when hybrids repro-
plants and animals in which techniques of duce with members of one or both of the pa-
438 Hybridization and Introgression

rental species that produced the hybrids. It Reproductive Isolation Barriers

usually involves transfer of a small amount of Isolation barriers can be divided into two
DNA from one species or genus to another. types: (1) external and (2) internal. External
Both hybridization and introgression can cause barriers to genetic interchange between related
rapid evolution, that is, speciation or extinc- populations prevent pollen of plants in one
tion. When introgression occurs between a com- population from falling on stigmas of plants in
mon species and a rare species, the rare species another. A combination of barriers, such as
is frequently exterminated. geographical and ecological or ecological and
Scientific breakthroughs relative to species- seasonal (flowering time), is more common
specific molecular (DNA) markers allow quan- than individual barriers.
titative assessment of introgression and hy- Internal barriers to genetic interchange be-
bridization in natural populations. A clear tween related populations operate through
distinction among species is a prerequisite to incompatibilities between physiological or
guide efforts to conserve biodiversity. cytological systems of plants from different
populations. They may (1) pre-
vent the production of F1 (first-
generation) zygotes, even if the
pollen from flowers in one popu-
lation falls on stigmas of flowers
in the other; (2) produce F1 hy-
brids that are nonviable, weak, or
sterile; or (3) cause hybrid break-
down in F2 or later generations.
The promotion of natural hy-
bridization and introgression
has, across time, increased the
genetic diversity available to
farmers. Traditional farmers ex-
periment with new varieties and
breed plants purposely to create
new strains. They generally plant
Image not available experimental plots first and in-
tegrate new varieties into their
main crops only when a variety
has proven itself to be of value.
This constant experimentation
and breeding have created the
diversity of crops on which we
now depend.

Transgenic Crops and

Termed gene flow, the move-
ment of genes between closely re-
lated plant species is quite natu-
ral and has been occurring ever
since flowering plants evolved.
Hybrids that are the offspring re-
The worlds second cama, shown here with its mother, is a hybrid of a llama and sulting from the mating of re-
a camel. (AP/Wide World Photos) lated species may then mate
Hybridization and Introgression 439

Image not available

One of the rarest of hybrids is the zebrass, a cross between a zebra and a donkey. (AP/Wide World Photos)

through pollen exchange with the wild-type Hybridization and introgression may intro-
(original) plants. Backcrossing, which is also duce novel adaptive traits. The subjects have
called introgression, increases hybrids biologi- raised controversy, because transgenes intro-
cal fitness. duced into crops have the potential for spread-
The term transgenic or genetically modi- ing into related weeds or wild plants. Scientists
fied organism (GMO) has been applied to have hypothesized that transgenes might move
plants and animals in which techniques of re- from the genetically modified crop plants to
combinant DNA have been used to modify spe- weeds. The possibility of spreading transgenes
cific parts of the genome of an organism. When via introgression and bridging, from geneti-
the procedure is successful, the resulting or- cally modified crops to related weed species, is
ganism may stably express a novel protein, ex- a concern; introduction of herbicide-resistant
press a protein with novel properties, or carry a cultivars into commercial agriculture could lead
change in the regulation of some of its genes. to the creation of superweeds.
Usually, such a change is designed to improve Some researchers believe that if herbicide-
the ability of the organism to grow (for in- resistant genes were to become more common in
stance, by resisting pests or using nutrients weeds as a result of widespread use of herbicide-
more efficiently) or to improve the usefulness resistant crops, farmers who rely on herbicides
of the organism (by improving its nutritive to manage weeds would be forced to use greater
value, using it to manufacture pharmaceuti- amounts and a larger number of herbicides.
cally important molecules, or employing it to To solve problem of horizontal gene trans-
carry out environmentally important processes fer, the producers of transgenic crops naturally
such as digesting environmental toxins). turn to gene technology. They propose to re-
440 Hybridization and Introgression

duce the risk of creating transgenic uncontrol- Putting GMOs in Perspective

lable weeds and volunteer cultivars by linking The prestigious Genetics Society of America
herbicide-resistance genes to other genes that has weighed in on the issue of GMOs. Part of its
are harmless to the crop but damaging to a statement reads:
weed, such as genes that affect seed dormancy
or prevent flowering in the next generation. Every year, thousands of Americans become ill
Thus, if a weed did acquire an herbicide-resis- and die from food contamination. This is not a
tance gene from a transgenic crop, its offspring consequence of using GMOs, but instead reflects
would not survive to spread the herbicide resis- contamination from food-borne bacteria. Natu-
ral food supplements are widely used but are
tance through the weed population. Several of
generally not well-defined, purified, or studied.
the newly patented techniques sterilize seeds Although recent reports of contamination of
so that farmers cannot replant them. In addi- corn meal by GMOs not approved for human
tion, patent protection and intellectual prop- consumption led to several claims of allergic re-
erty rights keep farmers from sharing and stor- sponse, to date, none of those individuals has
ing seeds. Thus, genetic seed sterility could been shown to contain antibodies to the GM pro-
increase seed industry profits; farmers would tein.
need to buy seed every season.
Manjit S. Kang
Maternal Inheritance See also: Artificial Selection; Biodiversity;
Most crops are genetically modified via in- Chromosome Theory of Heredity; Classical
sertion of genes into the nucleus. The genes Transmission Genetics; Dihybrid Inheritance;
can, therefore, spread to other crops or wild Epistasis; Extrachromosomal Inheritance; Ge-
relatives by movement of pollen. By engineer- netic Engineering: Agricultural Applications;
ing tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate into Genetic Engineering: Risks; Genetically Mod-
the tobacco chloroplast genome, however, re- ified (GM) Foods; Hardy-Weinberg Law; High-
searchers not only have obtained high levels of Yield Crops; Inbreeding and Assortative Mating;
transgene expression but also, because chloro- Incomplete Dominance; Lateral Gene Trans-
plasts are inherited maternally in many species, fer; Polyploidy; Population Genetics; Quantita-
have prevented transmission of the gene by tive Inheritance; Repetitive DNA; Transgenic
pollenclosing a potential escape route for Organisms.
transgenes into the environment. Glyphosate
is the most widely used herbicide in the world.
It interferes with 5-enol-pyruvyl shikimate-3- Further Reading
phosphate synthase (EPSPS), an enzyme that is Galun, Esra, and Adina Breiman. Transgenic
encoded by a nuclear gene and catalyzes a step Plants. London: Imperial College Press, 1997.
in the biosynthesis of certain (aromatic) amino This is an excellent book on issues relative to
acids in the chloroplasts. Conventional strate- transgenic crop plants.
gies for producing glyphosate-tolerant plants Kang, Manjit S., ed. Quantitative Genetics, Ge-
are to insert, into the nucleus, an EPSPS gene nomics, and Plant Breeding. Wallingford,
from a plant or a glyphosate-tolerant bacte- Oxon, United Kingdom: CABI, 2002. This is
rium (the bacterial gene is modified so that the a most comprehensive book on the latest is-
enzyme is correctly targeted to the chloro- sues in crop improvement. Introgression of
plasts), or a gene that inactivates the herbicide. alien germ plasm into rice is discussed.
Hybridomas and Monoclonal Antibodies 441

ent times. This variation makes standardiza-

Hybridomas and Monoclonal tion of reagents difficult and means that the
Antibodies amount of characterized and standardized an-
tisera is limited to that available from a particu-
Field of study: Immunogenetics lar sample.
Significance: In 1975, Georges Khler and Cesar The publication of a report by Georges
Milstein reported that fusion of spleen cells from Khler and Cesar Milstein in the journal Nature
an immunized mouse with a cultured plasma- in 1975 describing production of the first mon-
cytoma cell line resulted in the formation of hybrid oclonal antibodies provided a method to pro-
cells called hybridomas that secreted the antibody duce continuous supplies of antibodies against
molecules that the spleen cells had been stimulated specific antigenic determinants. Milsteins lab-
to produce. Clones of hybrid cells producing anti- oratory had been conducting basic research
bodies with a desired specificity are called mono- on the synthesis of immunoglobulin chains in
clonal antibodies and can be used as a reliable and plasma cells, mature B cells that produce large
continuous source of that antibody. These well- amounts of a single type of immunoglobulin.
defined and specific antibody reagents have a wide As a model system, they were using rat and
range of biological uses, including basic research, mouse plasma cell tumors (plasmacytomas).
industrial applications, and medical diagnostics Prior to 1975, Khler and Milstein had com-
and therapeutics. pleted a series of experiments in which they
had fused rat and mouse plasmacytomas and
Key terms determined that the light and heavy chains
antibody: a protein produced by plasma cells from the two species associate randomly to form
(matured B cells) that binds specifically to the various possible combinations. In these ex-
an antigen periments they used mutant plasmacytoma lines
antigen: a foreign molecule or microorgan- that would not grow in selective culture media,
ism that stimulates an immune response in while the hybrid cells complemented each oth-
an animal ers deficiencies and multiplied in culture.
antisera: a complex mixture of heterogeneous After immunizing mice with sheep red blood
antibodies that react with various parts of an cells (SRBC), Khler and Milstein removed the
antigen; each type of antibody protein in the spleen cells from the immunized mice and
mixture is made by a different type (clone) fused them with a mouse plasmacytoma cell
of plasma cell line. Again, the selective media did not allow
plasmacytoma: a plasma cell tumor that can unfused plasmacytomas to grow, and unfused
be grown continuously in a culture spleen cells lasted for only a short time in cul-
ture so that only hybrids between plasmacytoma
A New Way to Make Antibodies cells and spleen cells grew as hybrids. These hy-
Because of their specificity, antisera have brid plasmacytomas have come to be called hy-
long been used as biological reagents to detect bridomas.
or isolate molecules of interest. They have been Shortly after the two types of cells are fused
useful for biological research, industrial separa- by incubation with a fusing agent such as poly-
tion applications, clinical assays, and immuno- ethylene glycol, they are plated out into a se-
therapy. One disadvantage of conventional an- ries of hundreds of small wells so that only a
tisera is that they are heterogeneous collections limited number of hybrids grow out together
of antibodies against a variety of antigenic de- in the same well. Depending on the frequency
terminants present on the antigen that has of hybrids and the number of wells used, it
elicited the antibody response. In an animal is possible to distribute the cells so that each
from which antisera is collected, the mixture hybrid cell grows up in a separate cell culture
of antibodies changes with time so that the well.
types and relative amounts of particular anti- On the basis of the number of spleen cells
bodies are different in samples taken at differ- that would normally be making antibodies
442 Hybridomas and Monoclonal Antibodies

against SRBC after mice have been immunized included in a complex mixture of other biolog-
with them, the investigators expected that one ical molecules such as a cell extract.
well in about 100,000 or more might have a Following the first report of monoclonal anti-
clone of hybrid cells making antibody that re- bodies, biologists began to realize the implica-
acted against this antigen. The supernatants tions of being able to produce a continuous
(liquid overlying settled material) from hun- supply of antibodies with selected and well-
dreds of wells were tested, and the large major- defined reactivity patterns. There was discus-
ity were found to react with the immunizing sion of magic bullets that would react specifi-
antigen. Further work with other antigens con- cally with and carry specific cytotoxic agents to
firmed that a significant fraction of hybrid cells tumor cells without adverse effects on normal
formed with spleen cells of immunized mice cells. Biologists working in various experimen-
produce antibodies reacting with the antigen tal systems realized how specific and reliable
recently injected into the mouse. The produc- sources of antibody reagent might contribute
tion of homogeneous antibodies from clones to their investigations, and entrepreneurs
of hybrid cells thus became a practical way to started several biotechnology companies to de-
obtain reliable supplies of well-defined immu- velop and apply monoclonal antibody methods.
nological reagents. This initial enthusiasm was quickly moderated
The antibodies can be collected from the as some of the technical difficulties involved in
media in which the cells are grown, or the hy- production and use of these antibodies became
bridomas can be injected into mice so that apparent; with time, however, many of the pro-
larger concentrations of monoclonal antibod- jected advantages of these reagents have be-
ies can be collected from fluid that collects in come a reality.
the abdominal cavity of the animals.
Monoclonal Reagents
Specific Antibodies Against Antigen A survey of catalogs of companies selling
Mixtures products used in biological research confirms
One advantage of separating an animals an- that many of the conventional antisera com-
tibody response into individual antibody com- monly used as research reagents have been
ponents by hybridization and separation of cells replaced with monoclonal antibodies. These
derived from each fusion event is that antibod- products are advantageous to the suppliers, be-
ies that react with individual antigenic compo- ing produced in constant supply with standard-
nents can be isolated even when the mouse is ized protocols from hybrid cells, and the users,
immunized with a complex mixture of anti- who receive well-characterized reagents with
gens. For example, human tumor cells injected known specificities free of other antibodies that
into a mouse stimulate the production of many could produce extraneous and unexpected re-
different types of antibodies. A few of these actions when used in some assay conditions.
antibodies may react specifically with tumor Antibodies are available against a wide range of
cells or specific types of human cells, but, in a biomolecules reflecting current trends in re-
conventional antisera, these antibodies would search; examples include antibodies against cy-
be mixed with other antibodies that react with toskeletal proteins, protein kinases, and onco-
any human cell and would not be easily sepa- gene proteins, gene products involved in the
rated from them. If the tumor cells are injected transition of normal cells to cancer cells.
and hybridomas are made and screened to de- Immunologists were among the first to take
tect antibodies that react with tumor cells and advantage of monoclonal antibody technol-
not with most normal cells, it is possible to iso- ogy. They were able to use them to trap the
late antibodies that are useful for detection and spleen cells making antibodies against small,
characterization of specific types of tumor cells. well-defined molecules called haptens and to
Similar procedures can also be used to make then characterize the antibodies produced by
antibodies against a single protein after the the hybridomas. This enabled them to define
mouse has been immunized with this protein classes of antibodies made against specific anti-
Hybridomas and Monoclonal Antibodies 443

genic determinants and to derive information found, there are several antibodies in use for
about the structure of the antibody-binding tumor detection and for experimental forms of
sites and how they are related to the determi- cancer therapy. Monoclonal antibodies that re-
nants they bind. Other investigators produced act selectively with cancer cells but not normal
antibodies that reacted specifically against sub- cells can be used to deliver cytotoxic molecules
sets of lymphocytes playing specific roles in the to the cancer cells. Monoclonal reagents are
immune responses of animals and humans. also used to deliver isotopes that can be used to
These reagents were then used to study the detect the presence of small concentrations of
roles that these subsets of immune cells play in cancer cells that would not normally be found
responses to various types of antigens. until the tumors grew to a larger size.
Antibodies that react with specific types of
immune cells have also been used to modulate Human Monoclonal Antibodies
the immune response. For example, antibodies The majority of monoclonal antibodies made
that react with lymphocytes that would nor- against human antigens were mouse antibod-
mally react with a transplanted tissue or organ ies derived from the spleens of immunized
can be used to deplete these cells from the cir- mice. When administered to humans in clinical
culation and thus reduce their response against settings, the disadvantage of the animal origin
the transplanted tissue. of the antibodies soon became apparent. The
human immune system recognized the mouse
Monoclonal Antibodies as Diagnostic antibodies as foreign proteins and produced
Reagents an immune response against them, limiting
Monoclonal antibodies have been used as their usefulness. Even when the initial response
both in vitro and in vivo diagnostic reagents. By to an antibodys administration was positive,
the 1980s, many clinical diagnostic tests such the immune reaction against the foreign pro-
as assays for hormone or drug levels relied tein quickly limited its effectiveness. In an at-
upon antisera as detecting reagents. Antibod- tempt to avoid this problem, human mono-
ies reacting with specific types of bacteria and clonal antibodies have been developed using
viruses have also been used to classify infec- several methods. The first is the hybridization
tions so that the most effective treatment can of human lymphocytes stimulated to produce
be determined. In the case of production of antibodies against the antigen of interest with
antibodies for typing microorganisms, it has mouse plasmacytomas or later with human
frequently been easier to make type-specific plasmacytoma cell lines. This method has been
monoclonal antibodies than it had been to pro- used successfully, although it is limited by the
duce antisera that could be used to identify the ability to obtain human B cells or plasma cells
same microorganisms. stimulated against specific antigens because it
Companies supplying these diagnostic re- is not possible to give an individual a series of
agents have gradually switched over to the use immunizations and then remove stimulated
of monoclonal antibody products, thus facili- cells from the spleen. Limited success has re-
tating the standardization of the reactions and sulted from the fusion of circulating lympho-
the protocols used for the clinical tests. The cytes from immunized individuals or fusion of
reproducibility of the assays and the reagents lymphocytes that have been stimulated by the
has made it possible to introduce some of these antigen in cell cultures. Investigators have re-
tests that depend upon measurement of con- ported some success in making antitumor mon-
centrations of substances in urine as kits that oclonal antibodies by fusing lymph node cells
can be used by consumers in their own homes. from cancer patients with plasmacytoma cell
Kits have been made available for testing glu- lines and screening for antibodies that react
cose levels of diabetics, for pregnancy, and for with the tumor cells.
the presence of certain drugs. There has also been some success at hu-
Although the much-hoped-for magic bul- manizing mouse antibodies using molecular
let that would eradicate cancer has not been genetic techniques. In this process, the portion
444 Hybridomas and Monoclonal Antibodies

of the genes that make the variable regions of to the antigen can be multiplied and then used
the mouse antibody protein that reacts with a to generate recombinant antibody molecules
particular antigen is spliced in to replace the in culture.
variable region of a human antibody molecule Researchers have also experimented with in-
being produced by a cultured human cell or troducing antibody genes into plants, resulting
human hybridoma. What is produced is a hu- in plants that produce quantities of the specific
man antibody protein that has the binding antibodies. Hybridomas or bacteriophages ex-
specificity of the original mouse monoclonal pressing specific antibodies of interest may be a
antibody. When such antibodies are used for potential source of the antibody gene sequences
human therapy, the reaction against the in- introduced into these plant antibody factories.
jected protein is reduced compared to the ad- Roger H. Kennett
ministration of the whole mouse antibody mol- See also: Allergies; Antibodies; Autoim-
ecules. mune Disorders; Burkitts Lymphoma; Cancer;
Another application of antibody engineer- Genetic Engineering; Genetic Engineering:
ing is the production of bispecific antibodies. Medical Applications; Immunogenetics; Model
This has been accomplished by fusing two hy- Organism: Mus musculus; Oncogenes; Organ
bridomas making antibodies against two differ- Transplants and HLA Genes; Synthetic Anti-
ent antigens. The result is an antibody that con- bodies.
tains two types of binding sites and thus binds
and cross-links two antigens, bringing them Further Reading
into close proximity to each other. Gibbs, W. W. Plantibodies: Human Antibodies
Produced by Field Crops Enter Clinical
Recombinant Antibodies Trials. Scientific American 277 (November,
Advances in molecular genetic techniques 1997). Details experiments in introducing
and in the characterization of the genes for the antibody genes into plants.
variable and constant regions of antibody mol- Hoogenboom, H. R. Designing and Opti-
ecules have made it possible to produce new mizing Library Selection Strategies for Gen-
forms of monoclonal antibodies. The genera- erating High-Affinity Antibodies. Trends in
tion of these recombinant antibodies is not de- Biotechnology 15 (1997). Contains detailed in-
pendent upon the immunizing of animals but formation about laboratory techniques used
on the utilization of combinations of antibody to engineer monoclonal antibodies.
genes generated using the in vitro techniques Kontermann, Roland, and Stefan Dbel, eds.
of genetic engineering. Geneticists discovered Antibody Engineering. New York: Springer,
that genes inserted into the genes for fibers ex- 2001. A detailed look at basic methods, pro-
pressed on the surface of bacterial viruses called tocols for analysis, and recent and develop-
bacteriophages are expressed and detectable ing technologies. Illustrations, bibliography,
as new protein sequences on the surface of the index.
bacteriophage. Investigators working with anti- Mayforth, Ruth D. Designing Antibodies. San
body genes found that they could produce pop- Diego: Academic Press, 1993. Serves as a
ulations of bacteriophage expressing combi- practical introduction to designing antibod-
nations of antibody-variable genes. Molecular ies for use in medicine or science: making
genetic methods have made it possible to gen- monoclonal antibodies, designing them for
erate populations of bacteriophage expressing human therapy, targeting, idiotypes, and
different combinations of antibody-variable catalytic antibodies.
genes with frequencies approaching the num- Stigbrand, T., et al. Twenty Years with Mono-
ber present in an individual mouse or human clonal Antibodies: State of the Art. Acta
immune system. The population of bacterio- Oncologica 35 (1996). Provides an overview of
phage can be screened for binding to an anti- the development of monoclonal antibodies.
gen of interest, and the bacteriophage express- Van de Winkel, J. G., et al. Immunotherapeutic
ing combinations of variable regions binding Potential of Bispecific Antibodies. Immunol-
Hypercholesterolemia 445

ogy Today 18 (December, 1997). Looks at the lates in the bloodstream, which is enough to
potential uses of bispecific antibodies. meet the bodys needs. Cholesterol is present
Wang, Henry Y., and Tadayuki Imanaka, eds. in animal-derived foods, but is also produced
Antibody Expression and Engineering. Washing- by the liver. The liver manufactures and regu-
ton, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 1995. lates the amount of lipoproteins in the body.
Explores monoclonal antibody synthesis and The normal range of total cholesterol is less
reviews research on the expression of anti- than 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) of
body fragments. Illustrated. blood. A total cholesterol level between 200-
240 mg/dl is borderline high, and a total cho-
lesterol level above 240 mg/dl is considered
high. The normal range of LDL cholesterol is
less than 130 mg/dl, and the normal range of
Hypercholesterolemia HDL cholesterol is greater than 35 mg/dl. Hy-
percholesterolemia is diagnosed when the to-
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes tal cholesterol level is higher than the normal
Significance: Hypercholesterolemia represents a range, and the term hypercholesterolemia is
significant risk factor for coronary artery disease often used to refer to familial cholesterolemia
and stroke. Diet as well as genetics influence the de- as well.
velopment of hypercholesterolemia.
Causes of Hypercholesterolemia
Key terms Hypercholesterolemia itself may be asymp-
apolipoprotein B (Apo-B): a protein essential tomatic but can still be damaging to the vascu-
for cholesterol transport lar system. Excess amounts of cholesterol in the
high-density lipoprotein (HDL): a small, blood can build up along the walls of the arter-
denser form of cholesterol, popularly known ies, which results in hardening and narrowing
as the good cholesterol because it can trans- of the arteries, called atherosclerosis. Severe
port cholesterol from tissues to the liver atherosclerosis can lead to a blockage of blood
low-density lipoprotein (LDL): the bad flow. Atherosclerosis in the heart causes cardio-
cholesterol that tends to deposit into the tis- vascular disease (such as heart attacks). The re-
sues, especially in the vessel walls sult of atherosclerosis in the brain can be a
stroke. Atherosclerosis can also occur in the ex-
Cholesterols Role in the Body tremities of the body, such as the legs, causing
Cholesterol is a steroid lipid, a type of fat pain and blood clots.
molecule that is essential for life. It is an impor- Hypercholesterolemia occurs when the body
tant component of cell membranes and is used is unable to use or eliminate excessive amounts
by the body to synthesize various steroid hor- of cholesterol. Several diseases can contribute
mones. When cooled, cholesterol is a waxy sub- to hypercholesterolemia, such as diabetes, thy-
stance, which cannot dissolve in the blood- roid disorders, and liver diseases. However, the
stream. It is transported in the bloodstream in most important cause of hypercholesterolemia
complexes of cholesterol and protein called is a combination of diet and genetic factors.
lipoproteins. Cholesterol naturally exists in animal prod-
There are two different classes of lipopro- ucts, such as meats (particularly fatty meats),
teins in the bloodstream. Low-density lipopro- eggs, milk, cheese, liver, and egg yolks. Large
tein (LDL) cholesterol is the bad cholesterol intakes of these products can certainly increase
that tends to deposit into the tissues, especially ones cholesterol level, not only because they
in the vessel walls. High-density lipoprotein have high concentrations of cholesterol itself
(HDL), a smaller, denser molecule, is the but, more important, because they contain fats
good cholesterol, because it can transport that prompt the body to make cholesterol. The
cholesterol from tissues to the liver. genetic influence on hypercholesterolemia is
About one tablespoon of cholesterol circu- also significant.
446 Hypercholesterolemia

Genetics of Hypercholesterolemia normal elimination of cholesterol in the blood.

It is evident that hypercholesterolemia is It initiates the primary conversion of choles-
more common among certain ethnic groups. terol into bile acids in the liver. Mutations can
Cholesterol levels in northern European coun- cause an accumulation of cholesterol in the
tries are higher than those in southern Europe. liver, as the primary route of converting choles-
Asians have lower cholesterol levels than Cauca- terol to bile acids is blocked. The liver responds
sians. A severe form of hereditary hypercholes- to excessive cholesterol by reducing the num-
terolemia called familial hypercholesterolemia ber of receptors available to take up LDL from
typically does not respond to lifestyle changes. the blood, resulting in an accumulation of LDL
Thus, there is no doubt that genes play an im- in the blood.
portant role in the occurrence of hypercholes-
terolemia. Implications
Hypercholesterolemia is on the increase Although genetics plays an important role,
worldwide. People with hypercholesterolemia hypercholesterolemia is often the result of a
often develop coronary heart disease at a youn- combination of genetics and lifestyle. Consum-
ger age than those in a general population as ing a healthy diet and exercising regularly can
a result of increased LDL cholesterol levels help to maintain an optimal cholesterol level
(about two times higher than normal). In cases and to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
of extreme hypercholesterolemia (exceeding for people with either a good gene or a bad
three or four times normal), high cholesterol gene.
levels can be detected in utero or at birth in Kimberly Y. Z. Forrest
cord blood. Individuals with extreme hyper- See also: Alzheimers Disease; Breast Can-
cholesterolemia usually develop the first car- cer; Cancer; Heart Disease; Hereditary Diseases;
diovascular event in childhood or adolescence Steroid Hormones.
and die by the age of thirty.
Familial hypercholesterolemia is the best Further Reading
understood genetically. It displays autosomal Goldstein, J. L., H. H. Hobbs, and M. S. Brown.
dominant inheritance, which means that ei- Familial Hypercholesterolemia. In The
ther parent with hypercholesterolemia has a Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited
high probability of passing it on. This disorder Disease, edited by C. R. Scriver, A. L. Beauder,
results from defects of the LDL receptor, which W. S. Sly, and D. Valle. 7th ed. New York:
ensures the proper movement of LDLs. Thus, McGraw-Hill, 1995. Describes the epidemi-
dysfunction of this receptor causes increased ology and genetic background of familial hy-
levels of LDL in the blood. The LDL receptor percholesterolemia.
gene, which is located on the short arm of hu- Rantala, M., et al. Apolipoprotien B Gene
man chromosome 19, is prone to a variety of Polymorphisms and Serum Lipids: Meta-
mutations that affect LDL metabolism and analysis and the Role of Genetic Variation in
movement. Responsiveness to Diet. American Journal of
Apolipoprotein B (Apo-B) is a protein essen- Clinical Nutrition 71 (2000): 713-724. De-
tial for cholesterol transport. Apo-B can be af- scribes genetic variables that can cause indi-
fected by both diet and genetics. Individuals viduals to be sensitive to or at greater risk for
with one or more specific genotypes (the ge- hypercholesterolemia from a high-fat diet.
netic constitution of an individual) have much
greater changes in cholesterol levels in re- Web Site of Interest
sponse to diet than do other genotypes. American Heart Association. http://www
The other genetic cause is mutations in the .americanheart.org. Searchable site provides
gene for the enzyme cholesterol 7-alpha hy- information on familial and hypercholester-
droxylase (CYP7A1), which is essential for the olemia.
Icelandic Genetic Database History of the Database
Fields of study: Bioinformatics; Techniques In the mid-1970s, the Icelandic parliament
and methodologies considered collecting these records into a com-
Significance: Iceland is the first country to license puter database. The idea was abandoned be-
the rights of an entire populations genetic code to cause of a lack of funding, concern over pri-
a private company. The potential scientific and vacy, and inadequate technology. While working
health care benefits of the Icelandic Genetic Data- on identifying the gene for multiple sclerosis in
base are considered significant. However, its cre- 1994, Icelander physician and scientist Dr. Kri
ation has led to a worldwide debate concerning ge- Steffnsson realized that Icelands genealogi-
netic research and its role in public health. cal and medical records would greatly aid in
the search for genes involved in complex but
Key terms common diseases such as heart disease and dia-
genetic database: a set of computerized rec- betes. He also believed that since all Icelanders
ords of individuals that contain their genetic can trace their genetic roots to the same few
information and medical histories founders, their genetic backgrounds would be
genetic profile: a description of a persons very similar, making it easier and faster to iden-
genes, including any variations within them tify the mutations causing diseases. He deter-
informed consent: the right for a potential re- mined it was financially and technologically
search subject to be adequately informed of feasible to build a computer database integrat-
the aims, methods, sources of funding, con- ing genealogical, medical, and genetic profiles
flicts of interest, anticipated benefits, poten- for the first time. However, the genetic profiles
tial risks, discomforts involved in a proce- of the Icelandic population had yet to be de-
dure or trial, and the ability to withdraw termined. Because Iceland has a nationalized
consent, which should be in a written, health care system, permission of the Icelandic
signed document parliament was required.
pharmacogenomics: the study of how varia- With private financial backing, Stefnsson
tions in the human genome affect responses founded the company deCODE Genetics in
to medications; can be used to find the most 1996. Two years later, Icelands parliament en-
suitable patients for drug therapy trials or to acted the Act on a Health Sector Database for
match people with similar genetic profiles to an Icelandic Genetic Database, awarding a
the drugs most likely to work for them twelve-year license exclusively to deCODE. The
population database: a database containing database immediately became the subject of in-
information on the individuals in a popula- tense ethical and medical debates. While this
tion, which can be defined by a variety of cri- controversy continued, deCODE Genetics
teria, such as location (a state or country) or computerized the Icelandic genealogical rec-
ethnicity ords, created the genetic profiles of eight thou-
sand Icelandic volunteers, and uploaded their
Why Iceland? genetic, medical, and genealogical records.
Icelanders have always displayed an intense As of 2003, the Icelandic Genetic Database
interest in documenting their genealogical was not officially operating. Only the data for
and medical histories. The complete family his- volunteers could be used until the database
tories for more than 75 percent of all Iceland- passed a government-ordered security test to
ers who have ever lived are known. Although ensure that the database would be accessible
standardized recording of extensive and pre- only to those with appropriate permission and
cise medical records became law in 1915, addi- the data had been encrypted and privatized.
tional records date to the 1600s. These exten-
sive written records of the Icelandic people are Current Uses of the Database
of high quality and unique in the world today. From the very beginning, two different but
448 Icelandic Genetic Database

Image not available

Kri Steffnsson, founder of deCODE Genetics, speaking before the forty-first annual meeting of the American Society of Hematology
in December, 1999. (AP/Wide World Photos)

interrelated objectives for the database were dividuals predisposition to a particular disease
defined: (1) discovering the genes involved in but also to predict diseases within the entire
complex diseases and (2) finding new drugs population of Iceland before they actually oc-
through pharmacogenomics to combat those cur. This new form of medical intervention
same diseases once their genes were identified. could be used to plan public health policies for
Working with volunteers, deCODE launched groups of people. Predicting diseases is a signif-
an initiative to discover genes involved in more icant departure from current public health
than fifty common diseases, such as diabetes practice, which develops treatment regimens
and asthma. Genes involved in all fifty diseases only after a disease appears, not before. What
have been mapped at least to a chromosome. began as a single countrys genetic database
Three genes have been isolated, including one has now grown into the recognition of the po-
for schizophrenia. Based upon this early and tential role of genetics in worldwide public
rapid success, the company has entered into health policy and planning.
new pharmacogenomic partnerships with ad-
ditional companies with the aim to discover Ethical Concerns
drugs that can effectively counter the diseases The Act on a Health Sector Database is silent
that have been genetically mapped. on what data were to be used, how they would
be used, informed consent issues, and the right
Potential Uses to privacy. Heavily encrypting all the informa-
Because the database will contain the infor- tion in the database, removing all personal in-
mation of the entire Icelandic people, it is also formation that could identify patients individu-
considered a population genetic database. Its ally, and security testing the database were a
data could be used not only to determine an in- result of these privacy concerns.
Immunogenetics 449

Informed consent issues have created the Kaiser, Jocelyn. Population Databases Boom:
most serious problems. The act presumes in- From Iceland to the U.S. Science 298 (1995):
formed consent unless an individual opts 1158-1161. Discusses the development of
out, which many feel violates the intent of con- health and genetic information databases in
sent. Icelandic physicians have filed a lawsuit to several countries, including how they are do-
clarify this issue, since Icelandic law requires ing it and what new controversies are arising.
that physicians guarantee full informed con- Palsson, Bernhard, and Snorri Thorgeirsson.
sent. Decoding Developments in Iceland. Na-
A second major concern is the licensing of ture Biotechnology (1999) 17, no. 5: 406. A
Icelands complete genetic profile to a com- short article that covers the early history of
pany. Because Iceland has a nationalized the Icelandic Genetic Database. Lists stable
health plan, medical records have always been URLs for the Icelandic governments Web
considered a national resource. Many feel that site on the Health Sector Database Act, as
Icelandic genetic records are also a national re- well as a site that contains the full text of
source and should remain with the people. Re- most of the articles published about the da-
lated to this issue is concern that granting the tabase.
rights to only a single company will prevent sci- Wilie, Jean E., and Geraldine P. Mineau. Bio-
entific research both in Iceland and elsewhere medical Databases: Protecting Privacy and
on any genes deCODE may identify. Promoting Research. Trends in Biotechnology
Although controversial, the database con- 21, no. 3 (2003): 113-116. Addresses the ten-
tinues to provide guidance and lessons for sion that develops between biomedical re-
other nations in developing new genetic data- search with population databases and the
bases. Ethical, medical, and social issues first need to protect the people whose data re-
raised in Iceland have quickly become issues sides in the databases.
worldwide as population genetic databases pro-
liferate. This, in turn, has resulted in an active Web Sites of Interest
debate on the role of genetic information in Association of Icelanders for Ethics in Science
worldwide public health and whether it should and Medicine. http://www.mannvernd.is.
be permitted to operate in all countries, if at all. Site of an organization opposed to the Ice-
Diane C. Rein landic Genetic Database.
See also: Bioinformatics; Genetic Screen- deCode Genetics. http://www.decode.com.
ing; Genetic Testing: Ethical and Economic Is- Site of the company compiling the Icelandic
sues; Genomic Libraries; Genomics; Human Genetic Database.
Genome Project; Linkage Maps; Pedigree Anal- Mapping the Icelandic Genome. http://sunsite
ysis; Population Genetics. .berkeley.edu/biotech/iceland. Site devoted
to the scientific, political, economic, reli-
Further Reading gious, and ethical issues surrounding the de-
Anna, George J. Rules for Research on Hu- Code Project and its global implications.
man Genetic Variation: Lessons from Ice-
land. The New England Journal of Medicine
342, no. 24 (2000): 1830-1833. Deals with
the major ethical problems that arose from
the creation of the Icelandic Genetic Data-
base and how they could be avoided in the Field of study: Immunogenetics
future. Significance: Immunogenetics is primarily con-
Greely, Henry T. Icelands Plan for Genomics cerned with the major histocompatibility genes that
Research: Facts and Implications. Jurimet- identify self tissues, the genes in B lymphocytes that
rics Journal 40 (2000): 153-191. Covers the direct antibody synthesis, and the genes that direct
history of the database and the ethical and the synthesis of T lymphocyte receptors. This same
medical issues, presented in a legal context. genetic control that directs immune cell embryonic
450 Immunogenetics

development and activation from an antigenic nized that a number of antibodies produced in
challenge also explains the basis of organ trans- the lifetime of a human did not have to have
plant rejection, autoimmunity, allergies, immuno- the equivalent number of physical genes on
deficiency, and potential future therapies. their chromosomes. From his work, it was de-
termined that the genes responsible for anti-
Key terms body synthesis are arranged in tandem seg-
apoptosis: cell death that is programmed as a ments on specific chromosomes relating to
natural consequence of growth and develop- specific parts of antibody structure. The amino
ment through normal cellular pathways or acids that form the two light polypeptide
through signals from neighboring cells chains and the two heavy polypeptide chains
cytokines: soluble intercellular molecules making up the IgG class of antibody are pro-
produced by cells such as lymphocytes that grammed by nucleotide sequences of DNA that
can influence the immune response exist on three different chromosomes. Light-
downstream: describes the left-to-right direc- chain genes are found on chromosomes 2 and
tion of DNA whose nucleotides are arranged 22. The specific nucleotide sequences code for
in sequence with the 5 carbon on the left light polypeptide chains, with half the chain
and the 3 on the right; the direction of RNA having a constant amino acid sequence and the
transcription of a genetic message with the other half having a variable sequence. The
beginning of a gene on the left and the end amino acid sequences of the heavy polypeptide
on the right chains are constant over three-quarters of their
haplotype: a sequential set of genes on a sin- length, with five basic sequences identifying
gle chromosome inherited together from five classes of human immunoglobulins: IgG,
one parent; the other parent provides a IgM, IgD, IgA, and IgE. The other quarter
matching chromosome with a different set length has a variable sequence that, together
of genes with the variable sequence of the light chain,
transposon: a sequence of nucleotides flanked forms the antigen-binding site. The nucleotide
by inverted repeats capable of being removed sequence coding for the heavy chain is part of
or inserted within a genome chromosome 14.
The actual light-chain locus is organized
Genes, B Cells, and Antibodies into sequences of nucleotides designated V, J,
The fundamental question that led to the and C segments. The multiple options for the
development of immunogenetics relates to different V and J segments and mixing the dif-
how scientists are able to make the thousands ferent V and J segments cause the formation of
of specific antibodies that protect people from many different DNA light-chain nucleotide se-
the thousands of organisms with which they quences and the synthesis of different antibod-
come in contact. Macfarlane Burnet proposed ies. The same type of rearrangement occurs be-
the clonal selection theory, which states that an tween a variety of nucleotide sequences related
antigen (that is, anything not self, such as an in- to the V, D, and J segments of the heavy-chain
vading microorganism) selects, from the thou- locus. The recombination of segments appears
sands of different B cells, the receptor on a par- to be genetically regulated by recombination
ticular B cell that fits it like a key fitting a lock. signal sequences downstream from the variable
That cell is activated to make a clone of plasma segments and recombination activating genes
cells, producing millions of soluble antibodies that function during B-cell development. Ge-
with attachment sites identical to the receptor netic recombination is complete with the im-
on that B-cell surface. The problem facing sci- mature B cell committed to producing one
entists who were interested in a genetic expla- kind of antibody. The diversity of antibody mol-
nation for this capability was the need for more ecules is explained by the fact that the mRNA
genes than the number that was believed to transcript coding for either the light polypep-
make up the entire human genome. tide chain or the heavy polypeptide chain is
It was Susumu Tonegawa who first recog- formed containing exons transcribed from re-
Immunogenetics 451

combined gene segments during B-cell differ- ing of the antigen to the specific B cell activates
entiation. The unique antigen receptor-binding its cell division and the formation of a clone of
site is formed when the variable regions of one plasma cells that produce a unique antibody. If
heavy and one light chain come together dur- this circulating B cell does not contact its spe-
ing the formation of the completed antibody cific antigen within a few weeks, it will die by
in the endoplasmic reticulum of the mature apoptosis. During plasma cell formation, the
B cell. The B-cell antigen receptor is an at- class of antibody protein produced normally
tached surface antibody of the IgM class. Bind- switches from IgM to IgG through the forma-

The Response of the Immune System to Bacterial Infection

Bacteria enter through break in skin

Antibody-mediated Nonspecific
immune response defense

Macrophages destroy
B bacteria through
cell phagocytosis

T Information is
cell provided to
Virgin B cells B helper T cells
are sensitized cell

Differentiation Helper T cells stimulate

Plasma B
cell memory the production of
cell sensitized B cells

Antibodies are
released into
the bloodstream

(Hans & Cassidy, Inc.)

452 Immunogenetics

tion of an mRNA transcript containing the , DQ and , and DR and . These genes en-
exon nucleotide sequence made from IgG code for glycoprotein molecules that attach to
heavy-chain C segment rather than the heavy- the cell surface in and pairs. A child will in-
chain C segment for IgM. The intervening nu- herit the six genes as a group or haplotype,
cleotide sequence of the IgM constant segment three and glycoprotein gene pairs from
is deleted from the chromosome as an excised each parent. The child will also have glyco-
circle reminiscent of the transposon or plasmid protein molecules made from combinations
excision process. The result of this switch is the of the maternal and paternal and pairings
formation of an IgG antibody having the same during glycoprotein synthesis.
antigen specificity as the IgM antibody, because The Class II MHC molecules are found on
the variable regions of the light and heavy poly- the membranes of macrophages, B cells, and
peptide chains remain the same. Although the dendritic cells. These specialized cells capture
activation and development of B cells by some antigens and attach antigen peptides to the
antigens may not need T-cell involvement, it is three-dimensional grooves formed by com-
believed that class switching and most B-cell ac- bined and glycoprotein pairs. The antigen
tivity are influenced by T-cell cytokines. attached to the Class II groove is presented to
the T helper cell, with the receptor recognizing
Major Histocompatibility Genes the specific antigen in relation to the self anti-
In humans, the major histocompatibility gen. The specific T helper cell forms a specific
genes encoding self antigens are also called clone of effector cells and memory cells.
the HLA complex and are located on chromo-
some 6. The nucleotides that compose this Genes, T Helper Cells, and T Cytotoxic
DNA complex encode for two sets of cell sur- Cells
face molecules designated MHC Class I and The thousands of specific T-cell receptors
MHC Class II antigens. The Class I region con- (TCR) available to any specific antigen one
tains loci A, B, and C, which encode for MHC might encounter in a lifetime are formed in the
Class I A, B, and C glycoproteins on every nu- human embryonic thymus from progenitor T
cleated cell in the body. Because the A, B, and C cells. The TCR comprises two dissimilar poly-
loci comprise highly variable nucleotide se- peptide chains designated and or and .
quences, numerous kinds of A, B, and C glyco- They are similar in structure to immunoglobu-
proteins characterize humans. All people in- lins and MHC molecules, having regions of
herit MHC Class I A, B, and C genes as a variable amino acid sequences and constant
haplotype from each of their parents. Children amino acid sequences arranged in loops called
will have tissues with half of their Class I A, B, domains. This basic structural configuration
and C antigens like those of their mother and places all three types of molecules in a chemi-
half like those of their father. Siblings could cally similar grouping designated the immu-
have tissue antigens identical or totally dissimi- noglobulin superfamily. The genes of these
lar based on their MHC I glycoproteins. Body molecules are believed to be derived from a
surveillance by T lymphocytes involves T cells primordial supergene that encoded the basic
recognizing self glycoproteins. Cellular inva- domain structure.
sion by a virus or any other parasite results in The exons encoding the and polypep-
the processing of antigen and its display in the tides are designated V, J, and C gene segments
cleft of the MHC Class I glycoprotein. T cyto- in sequence and associate with recombination
toxic lymphocytes with T-cell receptors specific signal sequences similar to the immunoglobu-
for the antigen-MHC I complex will attach to lin light-chain gene. The and polypeptide
the antigen and become activated to clonal se- genes are designated VDJ and C exon segments
lection. Infected host cells are killed when acti- in sequence associating with recombination
vated cytotoxic T cells bind to the surface and signal sequences similar to the immunoglobu-
release perforins, causing apoptosis. lin heavy-chain genes. Just as there are multiple
MHC Class II genes are designated DP and forms for each of the immunoglobulin variable
Immunogenetics 453

Because immunoglobulin structure and T-

The Structure of cell receptor formation are based on a mecha-
Immunoglobulin G nism of chance, problems involving self-recog-
nition may occur. It is currently believed that
N C thymocytes with completed T-cell receptors are
S protected from apoptosis when they demon-
N C strate self-MHC molecule recognition. Alter-
natively, it is believed that thymocytes are also

presented with self-antigens processed by

Fd specialized macrophages bearing MHC Class I
N C and Class II molecules. Thymocytes reacting
S Fc
H chain with high-affinity receptors to processed self-
N C antigens undergo apoptosis. There also ap-
L chain pears to be a negative selection process within
the bone marrow that actively eliminates im-
mature B cells with membrane bound auto-
antibodies that react with self-antigens. In spite
A Y-shaped model of the antibody immunoglobulin G (IgG).
V indicates a region of variability that would permit recogni-
of these selective activities, it is believed that
tion by a wide variety of antigens. autoreactive T cells and B cells can be part of
Source: After John J. Cebras The 1972 Nobel Prize for Physi- circulating surveillance, causing autoimmune
ology or Medicine, Science, 1972. disease of either single organs or multiple tis-
It has long been recognized that autoim-
gene segments, so there are multiple forms for mune diseases occur in families, and there is
the variable TCR gene segments. Thymocytes, growing evidence that an individual with a cer-
T-cell precursors in the thymus, undergo tain HLA haplotype has a greater risk for de-
chance recombinations of gene segments. veloping a particular disease. For example, an-
These genetic recombinations, as well as the kylosing spondylitis develops more often in
chance combination of a completed polypep- individuals with HLA-B27 than in those with an-
tide with a completed polypeptide, provide other HLA-B allele, and rheumatoid arthritis is
thousands of completed specific TCRs ready to associated with DR1 and DR4 alleles. Myasthe-
be chosen by an invading antigen and to form a nia gravis and multiple sclerosis are two neuro-
clone of either T helper cells or T cytotoxic logical diseases caused by auto-antibodies, and
cells. there is evidence that they are related to re-
stricted expression of T-cell variable genes. Ge-
Immunogenetic Disease nomic studies are providing evidence for the
The HLA genes of the major histocompati- possibility that autoimmune induction occurs
bility complex identify every human being as because of molecular mimicry between human
distinct from all other things, including other host proteins and microbial antigens. Among
human beings, because of the MHC Class I and the cross-reacting antigens that have been im-
Class II antigens. Surveillance of self involves plicated are papillomavirus E2 and the insulin
B- and T-cell antigen recognition because of receptor, and poliovirus VP2 and the acetyl
MHC self-recognition. How well individual hu- choline receptor.
man beings recognize self and their response The genetics of immunity also involves the
to antigen in an adaptive immune response are study of defective genes that cause primary im-
determined by MHC haplotypes as well as the munodeficiency infectious disease. The defi-
genes that make immunoglobulins and T-cell ciency can result in a decrease in an adaptive
receptors. These same genes can explain a vari- immune response involving B cells, T cells, or
ety of disease states, such as autoimmunity, al- both, as is the case with severe combined im-
lergy, and immunodeficiency. munodeficiency disorder (SCID). There is evi-
454 In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer

dence that SCID can demonstrate either auto- Further Reading

somal recessive or X-linked inheritance. One Goldsby, Richard A, Thomas J. Kindt, Barbara
such defect has been located on the short arm A. Osborne, and Janis Kuby. Immunology.
of chromosome 11 and involves a mutation of New York: W. H. Freeman, 2003. A very com-
recombination-activating genes that are neces- plete text dealing with the biological basis of
sary for the rearrangement of immunoglobu- immunity, including immunogenetics.
lin gene segments and the T-cell receptor gene Pines, Maya, ed. Arousing the Fury of the Immune
segments. The inability to recombine the VD System. Chevy Chase, Md.: Howard Hughes
and J variable segments prevents the develop- Medical Institute, 1998. Informative, well-
ment of active B cell and T cells with the variety done report relating different immunologi-
of antigen receptors. SCID is essentially incom- cal concepts in an entertaining, readable
patible with life and characterized by severe op- format.
portunistic infections caused by even normally Roitt, Ivan, Jonathan Brostoff, and David Male.
benign organisms. Immunology. New York: Mosby, 2001. Text
Allergies are widely understood to have a ge- and diagrams provide in-depth presentation
netic component, with the understanding that of immunological concepts, including im-
atopy, an abnormal IgE response, is common munogenetics.
to certain families. There is evidence that chil-
dren have a 30 percent chance of developing
an allergic disease if one parent is allergic, Web Sites of Interest
while those children with two allergic parents American Society for Histocompatibility and
have a 50 percent chance. The genetic control Immunogenetics. http://www.ashi-hla.org.
of IgE production can be related to TH2 lym- A nonprofit professional organization for
phocyte cytokine stimulation of class switching immunologists, geneticists, molecular biolo-
from the constant segment of IgG to the con- gists, transplant surgeons, and pathologists,
stant segment of IgE on chromosome 14 in an devoted to advancing the science and ex-
antigen-selected cell undergoing clonal selec- changing information.
tion. ImMunoGeneTics (IMGT) Database. http://
imgt.cines.fr:8104. A database focusing on
Immunogenetics and Treatment immunoglobulins, T-cell receptors, and
Understanding the genetic basis for allergic MHC molecules of all vertebrates, including
reactions is resulting in novel approaches to interactive tools.
protect against disease. Through genetic engi-
neering, monoclonal mouse/human antibod-
ies can be made that are able to react with se-
rum IgE and down-regulate IgE production. In Vitro Fertilization and
Probably the greatest potential for therapy will
parallel the human genome studies that are
Embryo Transfer
further elucidating the genetic relationship to Field of study: Human genetics and social
immune defense, autoimmunity, and allergy. issues
As science continues to identify those genes Significance: The term in vitro designates a liv-
that provide protein receptors and messen- ing process removed from an organism and iso-
gers, the best drug therapies and molecular lated in glass for laboratory study. In vitro fertil-
manipulation will be discovered. ization (IVF) is a process in which harvested eggs
Patrick J. DeLuca and sperm can be brought together artificially to
See also: Allergies; Antibodies; Autoim- form a zygote. The resulting zygote can be grown
mune Disorders; Hybridomas and Monoclonal for a time in vivo, where it can be tested biochemi-
Antibodies; Organ Transplants and HLA Genes; cally and genetically, if desired, after which it can
Synthetic Antibodies. be implanted in the uterus of the egg donor or a
In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer 455

The Process of In Vitro Fertilization

9 to 13 days: The woman

undergoes ultrasound to
monitor ripening of the
eggs in her ovaries.

1 to 8 days: During the first eight

days of menstrual cycle, the woman
is given fertility drugs to stimulate
the ripening of several eggs.

16 to 17 days: Eggs
are examined to see
if they have been 14 to 15 days (immediately
fertilized and have before ovulation): Ripe eggs
started to develop are removed by laparoscopy
into embryos. If so, or by ultrasound-guided needle
several two- or four-cell aspiration through the vagina
embryos are placed or abdomen. Eggs are mixed
in the womans uterus. with sperm in a dish, which is
then incubated.

(Hans & Cassidy, Inc.)

Key terms information needed for a living organism. Fer-

diploid: possessing a full complement of chro- tilization brings together these two sets, thereby
mosome pairs, as in humans, who have 23 producing a diploid zygote that will develop
pairs of chromosomes for a total of 46 into an embryo.
gamete: a germ cell; an egg (ovum or oocyte) Gametes are produced in the gonads (ova-
or a sperm (spermatozoan) ries in females, testes in males) by a special type
haploid: possessing a full complement of one of cell division called meiosis. Instead of pro-
of each type of chromosome; mature hu- ducing diploid daughter cells, as in mitosis,
man gametes are haploid, with 23 chromo- meiosis results in haploid cells. In humans, the
somes natural place for fertilization is in a Fallopian
surrogate: a female that carries an embryo tube of a woman, the channel through which
derived from an egg from another female an ovum travels to the uterus. A normal adult
zygote: the earliest stage in the development woman ovulates each month, releasing a single
of an organism, just after fertilization haploid ovum from one of her two ovaries.
Ovulation is under hormonal control.
Natural Fertilization Sperm from the males testis are deposited
Fertilization, the union of a male gamete in the womans vagina during sexual inter-
(sperm) with a female gamete (ovum), is fun- course. Typically, men release hundreds of mil-
damentally a genetic process. Each of the ga- lions of sperm into the vagina when they ejacu-
metes is haploid, containing half of the genetic late. From the vagina, these sperm travel
456 In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer

through the uterus and into each Fallopian In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer
tube in search of an ovum. During this trip, the Fertilization can also take place artificially in
sperm undergo changes called capacitation. laboratory culture dishes. Gametes are col-
To fuse with the ovum, a sperm must penetrate lected, brought together, and fertilized in a lab-
several surrounding barriers. After fusion of oratory. After the zygote develops into an em-
sperm and egg, the nuclear membranes of the bryo, it can then be transferred to a uterus for
two cells break down so that the paternal and continued development and eventual birth.
maternal chromosomes can congregate in a This procedure can be done for many species,
single nucleus. The resulting zygote divides including humans. The first human conceived
into two new diploid cells, the first cells of a ge- by in vitro fertilization (IVF), Louise Brown,
netically unique new being. was born on July 25, 1978, in England.

Nuclear Transplantation from Donor Eggs

For women who do not produce any viable oocytes DNA. These transcription factors are contributed by
because of permanent failure of the ovaries, options the enucleated, donor egg, and they determine what
for having a child who contains genetic information genes will be active, in what cells, and for how long.
from the mother are limited. Nuclear transfer into Proteins contributed by the donor egg will control
an enucleated donor egg could address this limita- the early embryonic divisions. The donor egg also
tion. Since the 1980s, nuclei from relatively undif- contains RNA molecules that serve as templates to
ferentiated mammalian embryonic cells have been create the proteins needed for events in early em-
successfully transferred to donor eggs. In 1996 re- bryogenesis, essential to the development of the new
searchers at the Roslyn Institute in Scotland ad- organism. These molecules will influence how that
vanced nuclear transfer by taking a nucleus from an organism grows and develops and what genes are ex-
adult somatic cell and successfully transferring it pressed by its cells.
into an enucleated egg. The result of this work was The nucleus is not the only source of DNA in
the birth of the first vertebrate cloned from an adult the animal cell. The donor egg contains organelles
cell, Dolly the sheep. Since Dolly, nuclear transfer called mitochondria that contain their own DNA.
has been successfully performed in cows, pigs, cats, Mitochondria reproduce by a process much like bac-
and mice. teria, copying their own DNA and dividing within the
Adult somatic cells contain essentially the same cell. All of the mitochondria in an organism pro-
genetic information as the single fertilized egg that duced by nuclear transfer into a donor egg will be de-
gave rise to the adult organism. However, unlike the rived from the donor egg, not from the cell that do-
fertilized egg, most adult somatic cells are terminally nated the nucleus. Mitochondria are responsible for
differentiated and have lost the ability to produce cellular metabolism, and some metabolic diseases
any type of cell in the body, as a fertilized egg can. Nu- can be traced directly to mutations within mitochon-
clear transfer takes a nucleus from an adult somatic drial DNA.
cell and places it into an enucleated donor egg. In As might be anticipated, this reproductive tech-
the environment of the egg, the DNA in the trans- nique raises ethical questions, as only one parent
ferred nucleus can dedifferentiate and direct the can contribute a nucleus to the donor egg. More-
production of a new individual. Because this tech- over, it involves a great deal of manipulation in vi-
nique does not involve fertilization, the new individ- tro, and some suggest that developmental problems
ual is considered a clone of the adult organism that can result from such manipulation. Nevertheless, in
contributed the nucleus. 2003, as the first test-tube baby, Louise Brown, cele-
Is the new individual produced really a clone of brated her twenty-fifth birthday, many remarked on
the adult? The enucleated egg contributes the envi- how many children had been similarly brought into
ronment that directs the unfolding of the genetic the world since 1978 and how common the tech-
program that leads to the development of the new in- nique had become as an alternative for infertile cou-
dividual. Proteins called transcription factors con- ples.
trol the expression of individual genes within the Michele Arduengo
In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer 457

In humans IVF is usually used to overcome nancy through elective abortion becomes an
infertility caused by problems such as blocked option. Not only does abortion represent a
Fallopian tubes or low sperm count. IVF is also higher risk to the mother, it is an unacceptable
done in veterinary medicine and for scientific choice for many people because of ethical and
research. IVF also makes genetic diagnoses eas- moral concerns.
ier and could eventually lead to more effective Access to gametes prior to fertilization and
gene therapy. Mature sperm for IVF are easily to embryos prior to implantation also opens
obtained by masturbation. Mature ova are more the possibility of gene therapy. Gene therapy in
difficult to obtain. The female is given gonado- human embryos presents insurmountable eth-
tropin hormones to stimulate her to super- ical issues, at present, and has been banned
ovulate (that is, to produce ten or more mature pending more study. Genetic modification of
eggs rather than just one). Ova are later col- the embryos of other species, especially those
lected by inserting a small suction needle into of commercial interest, carries no such ethical
her pelvic cavity. The ova are inseminated with concerns and is routinely practiced.
laboratory-capacitated sperm. Two to four em- IVF also opens the possibility of genetic clon-
bryos are transferred into the uterus through a ing. Cloning is the process of creating multiple
catheter. Excess embryos can be saved by a individuals with identical genetic characteris-
freezing procedure called cryopreservation. tics. This can be accomplished by dividing an
These may be thawed for later attempts at im- early embryo, allowing each group of cells to
plantation should the first attempt fail or a sec- develop into a separate embryo. A few of these
ond pregnancy be desired. embryos can then be implanted, saving the oth-
ers for future attempts, or all can be implanted,
Impact and Applications using several different females as surrogate
Technology such as the polymerase chain mothers. Through the use of cryopreservation,
reaction (PCR) permits assessment of genetic these pregnancies could occur years apart. It is
information in the nucleus of a single cell, even possible to remove the nucleus from an
whether diploid or haploid. IVF gives physi- isolated cell and replace it with a nucleus taken
cians access to sperm, ova, and very early em- from an adult. The cell with the transplanted
bryos. One or two cells can be removed from an nucleus is able, using special procedures, to de-
eight-cell embryo without damaging the ability velop into an embryo that can be implanted.
of the remaining cells to develop normally fol- The offspring will be genetically identical to
lowing embryo transfer. Thus IVF permits ge- the adult source of the transplanted nucleus.
netic diagnosis at the earliest stages of human Most people recognize cloning technology as
development and even allows the possibility of inappropriate in human medicine, but it has
gene therapy. acceptable applications in agriculture and vet-
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is erinary medicine.
used clinically to help people with significant Armand M. Karow, updated by Bryan Ness
genetic risks to avoid giving birth to an abnor- See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil-
mal child that might die in infancy or early lus Sampling; Cloning; Genetic Counseling;
childhood. If tests show that the embryo is free Genetic Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetic
of genetic defects, it can be transferred to the Testing: Ethical and Economic Issues; Heredi-
uterus for implantation; if found defective it tary Diseases; Infertility; Prenatal Diagnosis;
can be destroyed. PGD is successful in avoiding Stem Cells; Totipotency; Turner Syndrome.
pregnancies with embryos that will develop cys-
tic fibrosis, Huntingtons disease, Lesch-Nyhan Further Reading
disease, Tay-Sachs disease, and other genetic Bonnicksen, Andrea L. In Vitro Fertilization:
abnormalities. Prior to the development of Building Policy from Laboratories to Legislature.
PGD, detection of genetic defects was possible Reprint. New York: Columbia University
only by prenatal diagnosis during pregnancy. If Press, 1991. Examines two facets of IVF: the
a defect is detected, termination of the preg- publics political, legal, and ethical concerns
458 Inborn Errors of Metabolism

surrounding the technique, and the per-

sonal, pragmatic world of the individual pa- Inborn Errors of Metabolism
tients who seek a cure for infertility.
Brinsden, Peter R., ed. A Textbook of In Vitro Fer- Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
tilization and Assisted Reproduction: The Bourn Significance: Inborn errors of metabolism are he-
Hall Guide to Clinical and Laboratory Practice. reditary genetic defects found in varying frequen-
2d ed. New York: Parthenon, 1999. Details cies in human populations. Diagnosis and cure of
the clinical and laboratory protocols used in these genetic diseases is a continuing focus of medi-
assisted reproductive technology and covers cal research.
such topics as therapeutic options for infer-
tile men, superovulation strategies, the new Key terms
gonadotropins, polycystic ovaries, oocyte re- metabolic pathway: enzyme-mediated reac-
covery and embryo transfer techniques for tions that are connected in a series
fertilization, ectopic pregnancy, oocyte and metabolism: the collection of biochemical re-
embryo donation, surrogacy, and ethical as- actions occurring in an organism
Elder, Kay, and Brian Dale. In Vitro Fertilization. Early Observations
2d ed. New York: Cambridge University In 1902, Sir Archibald Garrod, a British phy-
Press, 2000. Surveys advances and protocols sician, presented a classic paper in which he
of IVF technology. Illustrated. summarized his observations and analyses of
Grobstein, Clifford. From Chance to Purpose: An a rather benign condition known as alkapton-
Appraisal of External Human Fertilization. uria. The condition is easily diagnosed because
Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1981. A the major symptom is dark urine caused by the
world-renowned embryologist presents a excretion of homogentisic acid. Since homo-
view of IVF before the advent of PGD. gentisic acid is not normally found in urine and
Seibel, Machelle M., and Susan L. Crockin, eds. is a by-product of certain amino acids with par-
Family Building Through Egg and Sperm Dona- ticular ring structures, Garrod reasoned that
tion. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1996. The individuals with alkaptonuria had a defect in
editors are, respectively, a physician and a the utilization of these amino acids. Garrod
lawyer, and they examine the issue of assisted also noted that the condition is often found in
reproduction from medical, legal, and ethi- two or more siblings and postulated that the oc-
cal perspectives. currence of this condition may be explained by
Trounson, Alan O., and David K. Gardner, eds. the mechanism of inheritance.
Handbook of In Vitro Fertilization. 2d ed. Boca In 1908, in Inborn Errors of Metabolism,
Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 2000. Provides a the- Garrod extended his observations on alkap-
oretical and practical guide to techniques tonuria to other diseases such as albinism and
used in assisted reproduction, with each cystinuria. In each case, he argued that the ab-
chapter containing detailed background in- normal or disease condition was caused by a de-
formation and technical accounts of proce- fect in metabolism that resulted in a block of an
dures employed. Illustrated. important metabolic pathway. He speculated
that when such a pathway is blocked, there
would be an accumulation of products that are
Web Sites of Interest not seen in normal individuals, or important
American Society for Reproductive Medicine. substances would be missing or abnormal.
http://www.asrm.org. Site includes infor- Some of these abnormal metabolic events
mation on infertility and reproduction. might be harmless, such as in alkaptonuria, but
International Council on Infertility Informa- others could lead to serious disease. He traced
tion Dissemination. http://www.inciid.org. the inheritance of these conditions and discov-
Site provides fact sheets on in vitro fertil- ered that they could be passed on from one
ization. generation to the next. He was the first to use
Inborn Errors of Metabolism 459

the term inborn errors of metabolism to de- ter Garrod presented his ideas. In 1952, Von
scribe these conditions. Other investigators Gierkes disease was found to be caused by the
have studied more than three thousand addi- defective enzyme glucose-6 phosphatase. After
tional diseases that can be included in this cate- this discovery, many inborn errors of metabo-
gory. A few of these conditions occur at rela- lism were traced to defects in other enzymes.
tively high frequency in humans. In the U.S. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical
Caucasian population, cystic fibrosis occurs in reactions. They are responsible for increasing
about 1 in 2,000 births. Some conditions, such the rates of reactions that occur in all cells.
as phenylketonuria (PKU), are seen at moder- These reactions are important steps in meta-
ate frequency, about 1 in 10,000. Many of the bolic pathways that are responsible for pro-
inborn errors are rare, with frequencies less cesses such as utilization of nutrients, genera-
than 1 in 100,000. A generally accepted defini- tion of energy, cell division, and biosynthesis
tion of an inborn error of metabolism is any of substances that are needed by organisms.
condition with actual or potential health conse- There are many metabolic pathways that can be
quences that can be inherited in the fashion affected if one of the enzymes in the pathway is
described by Gregor Mendel in the nineteenth missing or malfunctions. In addition to en-
century. zymes, defective proteins with other functions
may also be considered as candidates for in-
Malfunctioning Proteins and Enzymes born errors of metabolism. For example, there
The biochemical causes of the inborn errors are many types of defective hemoglobin, the
of metabolism were discovered many years af- protein responsible for oxygen transport.

Image not available

Nine-year-old Andy Burgy in 2003. He suffers from an incurable inborn metabolic error known as epidermolysis bullosa, which
makes his skin blister at the touch. (AP/Wide World Photos)
460 Inborn Errors of Metabolism

These defective hemoglobins are the causes of Huntingtons disease are manifested as domi-
diseases such as sickle-cell disease and thalas- nant genetic traits. Only one copy of the defec-
semia. tive gene is necessary for manifestations of the
abnormal condition. There are some inborn
Genetic Basis of Inborn Errors errors of metabolism that are sex-linked. Dis-
The cause of these defects in enzymes and eases that involve mutations carried on the X
proteins has been traced to mutations in the chromosome may be severe in males because
genes that code for them. Alterations in the they have only one X chromosome but less se-
structure or nucleotide composition of DNA vere or nonexistent in females because females
can have various consequences for the struc- carry two X chromosomes.
ture of the protein coded for by the DNA. Some
of the genetic alterations affecting metabolism Diagnosis and Treatment
simply represent normal variation within the Significant progress has been made in the di-
population and are asymptomatic. An example agnosis of inborn errors of metabolism. Prior
of such a genetic alteration is the ability of to 1980, much of the diagnosis for metabolic
some individuals to experience a bitter taste af- defects relied on symptoms detected during
ter exposure to chemical derivatives of thio- clinical examination. Biochemical tests are used
urea. Some asymptomatic variations may lead to detect various substances that accumulate or
to complications after environmental condi- are missing when an enzymatic defect is pres-
tions are changed. There are a few inborn er- ent. The commonly used screening for phenyl-
rors that can be induced by certain drugs. An- ketonuria (PKU) relies on detection of phenyl-
other class of alterations may be minor, with the ketones in the blood of newborns. For cases in
resulting protein having some degree of func- which the genetic defect is known, DNA can of-
tion. Individuals with such alterations may live ten be used for the purpose of genetic testing.
long lives but will occasionally experience a Genetic counselors will help parents determine
range of problems associated with their condi- their chances of having a child with a severe de-
tions. Depending on the exact nature of the fect when parents are identified as carriers.
mutation, some of the alterations in the result- Small samples of cells can be used as a source of
ing protein structure can lead to a completely DNA, and such cells may even be obtained
nonfunctional protein or enzyme. Conse- from amniotic fluid by amniocentesis. This al-
quences of this type of mutation can be quite lows diagnosis to be made prenatally. Some par-
severe and may result in death. ents choose abortion when their fetus is diag-
Many of the inborn errors of metabolism are nosed with a lethal or debilitating defect.
inherited as autosomal recessive traits. Individ- Although strides have been made in diagno-
uals are born with two copies of the gene. If one sis, the problem of treatment still remains. For
copy is defective and the second copy is nor- some inborn errors of metabolism such as
mal, enough functioning protein or enzyme phenylketonuria, dietary modification will of-
can be made to prevent the individual from ex- ten prevent the serious symptoms of the disease
hibiting any symptoms of the disease. Such in- condition. Individuals with phenylketonuria
dividuals will be classified as carriers for the de- must limit their intake of the amino acid phe-
fect since they can pass on the defective gene to nylalanine during the critical stages of brain
their offspring. About one in twenty Cauca- development, generally the first eight years of
sians in the U.S. is a carrier for the cystic fibrosis life. Treatment of other inborn errors may in-
gene, and about one in thirty individuals of volve avoidance of certain environmental con-
Eastern Jewish descent carries the gene for the ditions. For example, individuals suffering
lethal Tay-Sachs disease. When an individual from albinism, a lack of pigment production,
inherits two defective copies of the gene, the must avoid the sun. For other inborn errors of
manifestations of the disease can be much metabolism, there are no simple cures on the
more severe. horizon. Since the early 1990s, some medical
Some inborn errors of metabolism such as pioneers have been involved in clinical trials of
Inbreeding and Assortative Mating 461

gene therapy, an attempt to replace a defective Scriver, Charles, et al., eds. The Metabolic and
gene by insertion of a normal, functioning ver- Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease. 8th ed. 4
sion. Although theoretically promising, gene vols. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001. These
therapy has not met with significant success. In authoritative volumes on genetic inheri-
addition, there are many ethical issues raised tance, by some of the biggest names in the
when gene therapy trials are proposed before field, survey all aspects of genetic disease, in-
potential hazards have been completely elimi- cluding metabolic disorders. The eighth edi-
nated. Nevertheless, scientists are looking more tion has been thoroughly updated; more
and more toward genetic cures to genetic prob- than half of the contents are new.
lems such as those manifested as inborn errors
of metabolism. Web Sites of Interest
Barbara Brennessel Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Dis-
See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil- eases (CLIMB). http://www.climb.org.uk. A
lus Sampling; Biochemical Mutations; Com- national British organization supporting
plementation Testing; Cystic Fibrosis; Genetic families and research on a host of inherited
Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetics, Histori- metabolic disorders; includes information
cal Development of; Hereditary Diseases; Hun- and links to sites on specific disorders.
tingtons Disease; Phenylketonuria (PKU); Tay- Society for Inherited Metabolic Disorders.
Sachs Disease. http://www.simd.org. A nonprofit profes-
sional organization promoting worldwide
Further Reading advancement of research and medical treat-
Econs, Michael J., ed. The Genetics of Osteoporosis ment of inherited disorders of metabolism.
and Metabolic Bone Disease. Totowa, N.J.: Includes a searchable database of detailed
Humana Press, 2000. International experts descriptions and diagnoses for specific in-
discuss the genetic and molecular dimen- born errors.
sions of their own research into various as-
pects of the clinical features and pathophysi-
ology of metabolic bone disease.
Lee, Thomas F. The Human Genome Project: Inbreeding and Assortative
Cracking the Genetic Code of Life. New York: Ple- Mating
num Press, 1991. The diagnosis of inborn er-
rors of metabolism, development of molecu- Field of study: Population genetics
lar methods for diagnosis of these genetic Significance: Most population genetic models as-
defects, and prospects for treatment of these sume that individuals mate at random. One com-
conditions by gene therapy are highlighted mon violation of this assumption is inbreeding, in
within the context of the Human Genome which individuals are more likely to mate with rel-
Project. atives, resulting in inbreeding depression, a reduc-
ORahilly, S., and D. B. Dunger, eds. Genetic In- tion in fitness. Another violation of random mat-
sights in Paediatric Endocrinology and Metabo- ing is assortative mating, or mating based on
lism. Bristol, England: BioScientifica, 1999. phenotype. Many traits of organisms, including
Examines endocrine and metabolic diseases pollination systems in plants and dispersal in ani-
among infants, children, and adolescents. Il- mals, can be understood as mechanisms that re-
lustrated. duce the frequency of inbreeding and the cost of in-
Pacifici, O. G. M., Julio Collado-Vides, and Ralf breeding depression.
Hofestadt, eds. Gene Regulation and Metabo-
lism: Postgenomic Computational Approaches. Key terms
Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002. Explores cur- allele: any of a number of possible genetic
rent computational approaches to under- variants of a particular gene locus
standing the complex networks of metabolic assortative mating: mating that occurs when
and gene regulatory capabilities of the cell. individuals make specific mate choices
462 Inbreeding and Assortative Mating

based on the phenotype or appearance of which egg cell combine is expected to be unre-
others lated to the specific allele each gamete is carry-
heterozygote: a diploid genotype that con- ing, so the union is said to be random. In cases
sists of two different alleles in which males and females form pairs and pro-
homozygote: a diploid genotype that consists duce offspring, it is assumed that individuals
of two identical alleles find mates without reference to the particular
inbreeding: mating between genetically re- gene under examination. In humans, people
lated individuals do not choose potential mates at random, but
inbreeding depression: a reduction in the they do mate at random with respect to most
health and vigor of inbred offspring, a com- genetic variation. For instance, since few peo-
mon and widespread phenomenon ple know (or care) about the blood type of po-
random mating: a mating system in which tential partners, people mate at random with
each male gamete (sperm) is equally likely respect to blood-type alleles.
to combine with any female gamete (egg) Inbreeding and assortative mating are viola-
tions of this basic Hardy-Weinberg assumption.
Random Mating and the Hardy- For inbreeding, individuals are more likely to
Weinberg Law mate with relatives than with a randomly drawn
Soon after the rediscovery of Gregor Men- individual (for outbreeding, the reverse is
dels rules of inheritance in 1900, British math- true). Assortative mating occurs when individ-
ematician Godfrey Hardy and German physi- uals make specific mate choices based on the
cian Wilhelm Weinberg published a simple phenotype or appearance of others. Each has
mathematical treatment of the effect of sexual somewhat different genetic consequences.
reproduction on the distribution of genetic When either occurs, the Hardy-Weinberg pre-
variation. Both men published their ideas in dictions are not met, and the relative propor-
1908 and showed that there was a simple rela- tions of homozygotes and heterozygotes are
tionship between allele frequencies and geno- different from what is expected.
typic frequencies in populations. An allele is
simply a genetic variant of a particular gene; for The Genetic Effects of Inbreeding
example, blood type in humans is controlled by When relatives mate to produce offspring,
a single gene with three alleles (A, B, and O). the offspring may inherit an identical allele
Every individual inherits one allele for each from each parent, because related parents
gene from both their mother and father and share many of the same alleles, inherited from
has a two-allele genotype. In the simplest case their common ancestors. The closer the ge-
with only two alleles (for example, A and a), netic relationship, the more alleles two individ-
there are three different genotypes (AA, Aa, uals will share. Inbreeding increases the num-
aa). The Hardy-Weinberg predictions specify ber of homozygotes for a particular gene in a
the frequencies of genotypes (combinations of population because the offspring are more
two alleles) in the population: how many will likely to inherit identical alleles from both par-
have two copies of the same allele (homozy- ents. Inbreeding also increases the number of
gotes such as AA and aa) or copies of two differ- different genes in an individual that are homo-
ent alleles (heterozygotes such as Aa). zygous. In either case, the degree of inbreeding
One important assumption that underlies can be measured by the level of homozygosity
the Hardy-Weinberg predictions is that gametes (the percentage or proportion of homozygotes
(sperm and egg cells) unite at random to form relative to all individuals).
individuals or that individuals pair randomly to Inbreeding is exploited by researchers who
produce offspring. An example of the first case want genetically uniform (completely homozy-
is marine organisms such as oysters that release gous) individuals for experiments: Fruit flies or
sperm and eggs into the water; zygotes (fertil- mice can be made completely homozygous by
ized eggs) are formed when a single sperm repeated brother-sister matings. The increase
finds a single egg. Exactly which sperm cell and in the frequency of homozygotes can be calcu-
Inbreeding and Assortative Mating 463

Image not available

Two children in the Indian state of Bihar in July, 2000. Many children in the area suffer from deformities. Activists blame uranium
mining in the area, whereas government officials blame inbreeding, malnutrition, and unsanitary conditions. (AP/Wide World

lated for different degrees of inbreeding. Self- deleterious recessive alleles. These alleles pro-
fertilization is the most extreme case of in- duce negative consequences for the individual
breeding, followed by sibling mating, and so when homozygous, but when they occur in a
forth. Sewall Wright pioneered computational heterozygote, their negative effects are masked
methods to estimate the degree of inbreed- by the presence of the other allele. Because in-
ing in many different circumstances. For self- breeding increases the relative proportion of
fertilization, the degree of homozygosity in- homozygotes in the population, many of these
creases by 50 percent each generation. For alleles are expressed, yielding reduced health
repeated generation of brother-sister matings, and vigor. In some cases, the effects can be
the homozygosity increases by about 20 per- quite severe. For example, when researchers
cent each generation. wish to create homozygous lines of the fruit fly
Drosophila melanogaster by repeated brother-sis-
Inbreeding Depression ter matings, 90 percent or more of the lines fail
Inbreeding commonly produces inbreeding because of widespread genetic problems.
depression. This is characterized by poor
health, lower growth rates, reduced fertility, Assortative Mating
and increased incidence of genetic diseases. Al- In assortative mating, the probability of par-
though there are several theoretical reasons ticular pairings is affected by the phenotype of
why inbreeding depression might occur, the the individuals. In positive assortative matings,
major effects are produced by uncommon and individuals are more likely to mate with others
464 Inbreeding and Assortative Mating

of the same phenotype, while in negative assor- must often consider inbreeding depression. In
tative mating, individuals are more likely to very small populations such as species main-
mate with others that are dissimilar. In both tained in captivity (zoos) or in isolated natural
cases, the primary effect is to alter the expected populations, inbreeding may be hard to avoid.
genotypic frequencies in the population from Inbreeding has been blamed for a variety of
those expected under the Hardy-Weinberg law. health defects in cheetahs and Florida pan-
Positive assortative mating has much the same thers.
effect as inbreeding and increases the relative Paul R. Cabe
frequency of homozygotes. Negative assorta- See also: Consanguinity and Genetic Dis-
tive mating, as expected, has the opposite ef- ease; Genetic Load; Hardy-Weinberg Law; He-
fect and increases the relative proportion of redity and Environment; Hybridization and In-
heterozygotes. Positive assortative mating has trogression; Lateral Gene Transfer; Mendelian
been demonstrated for a variety of traits in hu- Genetics; Natural Selection; Polyploidy; Popu-
mans, including height and hair color. lation Genetics; Punctuated Equilibrium;
Quantitative Inheritance; Sociobiology; Speci-
Impact and Applications ation.
The widespread, detrimental consequences
of inbreeding are believed to shape many as- Further Reading
pects of the natural history of organisms. Many Avise, John, and James Hamrick, eds. Conserva-
plant species have mechanisms developed tion Genetics: Case Histories from Nature. New
through natural selection to increase outbreed- York: Chapman and Hall, 1996. Examines
ing and avoid inbreeding. The pollen (male ga- case studies of germ plasm resources and
mete) may be released before the ovules (fe- population genetics, focusing in one chap-
male gametes) are receptive, or there may be a ter on inbreeding in cheetahs and panthers.
genetically determined self-incompatibility to Hartl, Daniel. A Primer of Population Genetics.
prevent self-fertilization. In most animals, self- Rev. ed. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associ-
fertilization is not possible, and there are often ates, 2000. Covers genetic variation, the
behavioral traits that further reduce the proba- causes of evolution, molecular population
bility of inbreeding. In birds, males often breed genetics, and the genetic architecture of
near where they were born, while females dis- complex traits.
perse to new areas. In mammals, the reverse is Hedrick, Philip. Genetics of Populations. 2d ed.
generally true, and males disperse more widely. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 2000. For those
Humans appear to be an exception among the with quantitative experience in the field, this
mammals, with a majority of cultures showing text integrates empirical and experimental
greater movement by females. These sex-biased approaches with theory, describing methods
dispersal patterns are best understood as mech- for estimating population genetics parame-
anisms to prevent inbreeding. ters as well as other statistical tools used for
In humans, individuals are unlikely to marry population genetics.
others with whom they were raised. This pre- Krebs, J., and N. Davies. An Introduction to Be-
vents the potentially detrimental consequences havioral Ecology. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell,
of inbreeding in matings with close relatives. 1991. Discusses inbreeding avoidance and
This has also been demonstrated in some birds. kin recognition.
Domestic animals and plants may become in- Laikre, Linda. Genetic Processes in Small Popula-
bred if careful breeding programs are not fol- tions: Conservation and Management Consider-
lowed. Many breeds of dogs exhibit a variety ations with Particular Focus on Inbreeding and
of genetic-based problems (for example, hip Its Effects. Stockholm: Division of Popula-
problems, skull and jaw deformities, and ner- tion Genetics, Stockholm University, 1996.
vous temperament) that are likely caused by Aimed at conservation biologists and ad-
inbreeding. Conservation biologists who man- dresses the management of inbreeding in
age endangered or threatened populations small populations. Illustrated.
Incomplete Dominance 465

Soul, Michael, ed. Conservation Biology: The Sci- Incomplete vs. Complete Dominance
ence of Scarcity and Diversity. Sunderland, Diploid organisms have two copies of each
Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 1986. Good dis- gene locus and thus two alleles at each locus.
cussions of inbreeding in birds and mam- Each locus can have either a homozygous geno-
mals, the effects of inbreeding depression in type (two of the same alleles, such as AA, aa, or
plants and animals, and issues related to the a+a+) or a heterozygous genotype (two different
conservation of natural heritage. alleles, such as Aa or a+a). The phenotype of an
Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen, ed. The Natural His- organism that is homozygous for a particular
tory of Inbreeding and Outbreeding: Theoretical gene is usually easy to predict. If a pea plant has
and Empirical Perspectives. Chicago: Univer- two tall alleles of the height locus, the plant is
sity of Chicago Press, 1993. Researchers from tall; if a plant has two dwarf alleles of the height
several disciplines provide a comprehensive locus, it is small. The phenotype of a heterozy-
review of ideas and observations on natural gous individual may be harder to predict. In
inbreeding and outbreeding, among both most circumstances, one of the alleles (the
wild and captive populations. Illustrated. dominant) is able to mask or cover the other
(the recessive). The phenotype is determined
by the dominant allele, so a heterozygous pea
plant, with one tall and one dwarf allele, will be
tall. When Gregor Mendel delivered the results
Incomplete Dominance of his pea-plant experiments before the Natu-
Field of study: Classical transmission ral Sciences Society in 1865 and published
genetics them in 1866, he reported one dominant and
Significance: In most allele pairs, one allele is dom- one recessive allele for each gene he had stud-
inant and the other recessive; however, other rela- ied. Later researchers, starting with Carl
tionships can occur. In incomplete dominance, one Correns in the early 1900s, discovered alleles
allele can only partly dominate or mask the other. that did not follow this pattern.
Some very important human genes, such as the When a red snapdragon or four-oclock
genes for pigmentation and height, show incom- plant is crossed with a white snapdragon or
plete dominance of alleles. four-oclock, the offspring are neither red nor
white. Instead, the progeny of this cross are
pink. Similarly, when a chinchilla (gray) rabbit
Key terms is crossed with an albino rabbit, the progeny
allele: one of the alternative forms of a gene are neither chinchilla nor albino but an inter-
codominance: the simultaneous expression of mediate shade called light chinchilla. This phe-
two different (heterozygous) alleles for a nomenon is known as incomplete dominance,
trait partial dominance, or semidominance.
complete dominance: expression of an allele If the flower-color locus of peas is compared
for a trait in an individual that is heterozy- with the flower-color locus of snapdragons, the
gous for that trait, determining the pheno- differences and similarities can be seen. The
type of the individual two alleles in peas can be designated W for the
heterozygous: having two different alleles at purple allele and w for the white allele. Peas
a gene locus, often symbolized Aa or a+a that are WW are purple, and peas that are ww
homozygous: having two of the same alleles at are white. Heterozygous peas are Ww and ap-
a gene locus, often symbolized AA, aa, or a+a+ pear purple. In other words, as long as one
phenotype: the expression of a genotype, as dominant allele is present, enough purple pig-
observed in the outward appearance or bio- ment is made to make the plants flower color
chemical characteristics of an organism phenotype purple. In snapdragons, R is the red
recessive trait: a genetically determined trait allele and r is the white allele. Homozygous RR
that is expressed only if an organism receives plants have red flowers and rr plants have white
the gene for the trait from both parents flowers. The heterozygous Rr plants have the
466 Incomplete Dominance

same kind of red pigment as the RR plants but crossing two heterozygous individuals will pro-
not enough to make the color red. Instead, the duce the following results: Ww Ww 1 4WW +
less pigmented red flower is designated as pink. 1 Ww + 1 ww. Since both WW and Ww look the
2 4
Because neither allele shows complete domi- same, the 1 4WW and the 1 2Ww can be added to-
nance, other symbols are sometimes used. The gether to give 3 4 purple. In other words, when
red allele might be called cR or C1, while the two heterozygotes are crossed, the most com-
white allele might be called cW or C2. mon result is to have 3 4 of the progeny look like
the dominant and 1 4 look like the recessive
The Enzymatic Mechanism of Incomplete the standard 3:1 ratio. With incomplete domi-
Dominance nance, each genotype has its own phenotype,
To understand why incomplete dominance so when two heterozygotes are crossed (for ex-
occurs, metabolic pathways and the role of en- ample, Rr Rr), 1 4 of the progeny will be RR and
zymes must be understood. Enzymes are pro- look like the dominant (in this case red), 1 4 will
teins that are able to increase the rate of chemi- be rr and look like the recessive (in this case
cal reactions in cells without the enzymes white), but 1 2 will be Rr and have an intermedi-
themselves being altered. Thus an enzyme can ate appearance (in this case pink)a 1:2:1 ratio.
be used over and over again to speed up a par-
ticular reaction. Each different chemical re- Codominance
action in a cell needs its own enzyme. Each One type of inheritance that can be con-
enzyme is composed of one or more polypep- fused with incomplete dominance is codomi-
tides, each of which is coded by a gene. Look- nance. In codominance, both alleles in a heter-
ing again at flower color in peas, the W allele ozygote are expressed simultaneously. Good
codes for an enzyme in the biochemical path- examples are the A and B alleles of the human
way for production of purple pigment. When- ABO blood system. ABO refers to chemicals, in
ever a W allele is present, this enzyme is also this case short chains of sugars called antigens,
present. The w allele has been changed (mu- that can be found on the surfaces of cells.
tated) in some way so that it no longer codes Blood classified as A has A antigens on the sur-
for a functional enzyme. Thus ww plants have face, B blood has B antigens, and AB blood has
no functional enzyme and cannot produce any both A and B antigens. (O blood has neither A
purple pigment. Since many biochemicals such nor B antigens on the surface.)
as fibrous polysaccharides and proteins found Genetically, individuals that are homozy-
in plants are opaque white, the color of a ww gous for the A allele, I AI A, have A antigens on
flower is white by default. In a Ww plant, there is their cells and are classified as type A. Those
only one copy of the allele for a functional en- homozygous for the B allele, I BI B, have B anti-
zyme. Since enzymes can be used over and over gens and are classified as type B. Heterozygotes
again, one copy of the functional allele pro- for these alleles, I AI B, have both A and B anti-
duces sufficient enzyme to make enough pig- gens and are classified as type AB. This is called
ment for the flower to appear purple. In snap- codominance because both alleles are able to
dragons the R allele, like the W allele, codes produce enzymes that function. When both en-
for a functional enzyme, while the r allele does zymes are present, as in the heterozygous I AI B
not. The difference is in the enzyme coded by individual, both antigens will be formed. The
the R allele. The snapdragon enzyme is not progeny ratios are the same for codominance
very efficient, which leads to a deficiency in the and incomplete dominance, because each ge-
amount of red pigment. Flowers with the re- notype has its own phenotype.
duced amount of red pigment appear pink. Whether an allele is called completely domi-
nant, incompletely dominant, or codominant
Phenotypic Ratios often depends on how the observer looks at the
Phenotypic ratios in the progeny from con- phenotype. Consider two alleles of the hemo-
trolled crosses are also different than for sim- globin gene: H A (which codes for normal he-
ple Mendelian traits. For Mendelian traits, moglobin) and H S (which codes for sickle-cell
Incomplete Dominance 467

hemoglobin). To the casual observer, both AAbbccddee, aaBbccDdee, and other individuals
H AH A homozygotes and H AH S heterozygotes with two incompletely dominant alleles at 20
have normal-appearing blood. Only the H SH S percent above the minimum; all the way up to
homozygote shows the sickling of blood cells AABBCCDDEE individuals that show the maxi-
that is characteristic of the disease. Thus H A is mum (100 percent above the minimum)
dominant to H S. Another observer, however, height. The greater the number of genes with
may note that under conditions of oxygen incompletely dominant alleles that affect a
deprivation, the blood of heterozygotes does phenotype, the more the distribution of phe-
sickle. This looks like incomplete dominance. notypes begins to look like a continuous distri-
The phenotype is intermediate between never bution. Human skin, hair, and eye pigmenta-
sickling, as seen in the normal homozygote, tion phenotypes are also determined by the
and frequently sickling, as seen in the H SH S ho- additive effects of several genes with incom-
mozygote. A third way of observing, however, pletely dominant alleles.
would be to look at the hemoglobin itself. In
normal homozygotes, all hemoglobin is nor- Incomplete Dominance and Sex Linkage
mal. In H SH S homozygotes, all hemoglobin is In many organisms, sex is determined by the
abnormal. In the heterozygote, both normal presence of a particular combination of sex
and abnormal hemoglobin is present; thus, the chromosomes. Human females, for example,
alleles are codominant. have two of the same kind of sex chromosomes,
called X chromosomes, so that all normal hu-
Incomplete Dominance and Polygenes man females have the XX genotype. Human
In humans and many other organisms, sin- males have two different sex chromosomes;
gle characteristics are often under the genetic thus, all normal human males have the XY ge-
control of several genes. Many times these notype. The same situation is also seen in the
genes function in an additive manner so that a fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. When genes
characteristic such as height is not determined with incompletely dominant alleles are located
by a single height gene with just two possible al- on the X chromosome, only the female with
ternatives, as in tall and dwarf peas. There can her two X chromosomes can show incomplete
be any number of these genes that determine dominance. The apricot (w a) and white (w) al-
the expression of a single characteristic, and leles of the eye color gene in D. melanogaster are
very often the alleles of these genes show in- on the X chromosome, and w a is incompletely
complete dominance. dominant to w. Male flies can have either of two
Suppose one gene with an incompletely genotypes, w aY or wY, and appear apricot or
dominant allele determined height. Three ge- white, respectively. Females have three possible
notypes of height could exist: HH, which codes genotypes: w a w a, w a w, and ww. The first is apri-
for the maximum height possible (100 percent cot and the third is white, but the second geno-
above the minimum height), Hh, which codes type, waw, is an intermediate shade often called
for 50 percent above the minimum height, and light apricot.
hh, which codes for the minimum height. If two In birds and other organisms in which the
height genes existed, there would be five possi- male has two of the same kind of sex chromo-
ble heights: AABB (maximum height); AaBB or somes and the female has the two different sex
AABb (75 percent above minimum); AAbb, chromosomes, only the male can show incom-
AaBb, or aaBB (50 percent above minimum); plete dominance. A type of codominance can
Aabb or aaBb (25 percent above minimum); also be seen in genes that are sex linked. In do-
and aabb (minimum). If there were five genes mestic cats, an orange gene exists on the X
involved in height, there would be aabbccddee chromosome. The alleles are orange (XO) and
individuals with minimum height; Aabbccddee, not orange (X+). Male cats can be either black
aaBbccddee, and other individuals having geno- (or any color other than orange, depending on
types with only one of the incompletely domi- other genes that influence coat color) when
nant alleles at 10 percent above the minimum; they are X+Y, or they can be orange (or light or-
468 Infertility

ange) when they are XOY. Females show those

same colors when they are homozygous (X+X+ Common Causes of Male Infertility
or XOXO) but show a tortoiseshell (or calico)
pattern of both orange and not-orange hairs Blockage or abnormality
when they are X+XO. of vas deferens
Richard W. Cheney, Jr., updated by Bryan Ness
See also: Biochemical Mutations; Com- Abnormal
plete Dominance; Dihybrid Inheritance; Epi- ejaculation,
stasis; Mendelian Genetics; Monohybrid Inher- failure to achieve
itance; Multiple Alleles. or maintain erection
Further Reading
Grant, V. Genetics of Flowering Plants. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1975. Thoroughly Varicocele
reviews heredity in plants and covers incom- Epididymitis
plete dominance.
Lewis, Ricki. Human Genetics: Concepts and Ap- Klinefelters
plications. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, syndrome
2003. An introductory text for undergradu-
Low sperm count,
ates with sections on fundamentals, trans- Orchitis abnormal sperm
mission genetics, DNA and chromosomes,
population genetics, immunity and cancer,
and the latest genetic technology. (Hans & Cassidy, Inc.)
Nolte, D. J. The Eye-Pigmentary System of Dro-
sophila. Heredity 13 (1959). Covers Drosophila
eye pigments. sex chromosomes: the chromosomes that de-
Searle, A. G. Comparative Genetics of Coat Color in termine the sex of an individual; females
Mammals (New York: Academic Press, 1968). have two X chromosomes, while males have
Addresses mammalian coat colors. one X and one Y chromosome
Yoshida, A. Biochemical Genetics of the Hu-
man Blood Group ABO System. American A Reproductive Disease
Journal of Genetics 34 (1982). Covers the ge- Infertility is a disease of the reproductive sys-
netics of the ABO system. tem that impairs a couples ability to have chil-
dren. Sometimes infertility has a genetic cause.
The conception of children is a complex pro-
cess that depends upon many factors, includ-
Infertility ing the production of healthy sperm by the
man and healthy eggs by the woman, unblocked
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes Fallopian tubes that allow the sperm to reach
Significance: Infertility is a disease of the reproduc- the egg, the sperms ability to fertilize the egg
tive system that impairs the conception of children. when they meet, the ability of the fertilized egg
About one in six couples in the United States is in- (embryo) to become implanted in the womans
fertile. The risk that a couples infertility may be uterus, and sufficient embryo quality. If the
caused by genetic problems such as abnormal sex pregnancy is to continue to full term, the em-
chromosomes is approximately one in ten. bryo must be healthy, and the womans hor-
monal environment must be adequate for its
Key terms development. Infertility can result when one of
in vitro fertilization (IVF): a process in these factors is impaired. Physicians define in-
which harvested eggs and sperm are brought fertility as the inability to conceive a child after
together artificially to form a zygote one year of trying.
Infertility 469

Genetic Causes of Infertility infertility: the complete inability to produce

The most common male infertility factors in- sperm. This form of infertility can arise from a
clude conditions in which few or no sperm cells deletion in one or more genes in the Y chromo-
are produced. Sometimes sperm cells are mal- some. Fertility problems can pass from father
formed or die before they can reach the egg. A to son, especially in cases in which physicians
genetic disease such as a sex chromosome ab- use a single sperm from an infertile man to in-
normality can also cause infertility in men. A seminate a womans egg.
genetic disorder may be caused by an incorrect Female infertility may be caused by an irreg-
number of chromosomes (having more or ular menstrual cycle, blocked Fallopian tubes,
fewer than the normal forty-six chromosomes). or birth defects in the reproductive system.
Having a wrong arrangement of the chromo- One genetic cause of infertility in females is
somes may also cause infertility. This situation Turner syndrome. Most females with Turner
occurs when part of the genetic material is lost syndrome lack all or part of one of their X chro-
or damaged. One such genetic disease is Kline- mosomes. The disorder may result from an er-
felter syndrome, which is caused by an extra X ror that occurs during division of the parents
chromosome in males. The loss of a tiny piece sex cells. Infertility and short stature are associ-
of the male sex chromosome (the Y chromo- ated with Turner syndrome. Other genetic dis-
some) may cause the most severe form of male orders in females include trisomy X, tetrasomy

Common Causes of Female Infertility

Blockage in Fallopian tubes,

such as tubal kinking from
adhesions, may keep sperm
from reaching egg.

In ovaries, eggs may not

mature or may not be
released, as a result of
tubo-ovarian adhesions
or endometriosis.

Abnormality of uterus, such

as fibroids, may prevent
fertilized egg from being
implanted in uterine wall.

Cervical mucus or cervicitis

may prevent passage of sperm
or damage or destroy sperm.

(Hans & Cassidy, Inc.)

470 Infertility

X, and pentasomy. These syndromes are the fe- tersection of biology, the environment, and
male counterparts of Klinefelter syndrome and culture.
can be associated with mental retardation. Jansen, Robert, and D. Mortimer, eds. Towards
At least 60 percent of miscarriages or preg- Reproductive Certainty: Fertility and Genetics Be-
nancy losses are caused by chromosomal ab- yond 1999. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press,
normalities. Most babies with these abnormali- 1999. Surveys the status of conception in
ties would not survive even if they were born. controlled circumstances outside the body,
Chromosomal problems are more common if including ethical, medical, and psychologi-
the mother is older and has a history of requir- cal considerations.
ing longer than a year to conceive. Men who Lewis, Ricki. Human Genetics: Concepts and Ap-
are older or who have a history of being sub- plications. 5th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill,
fertile can also contribute to genetic abnormal- 2003. An introductory text for undergradu-
ities. After the age of thirty-five, the structure ates with sections on fundamentals, trans-
within a womans eggs is more likely to become mission genetics, DNA and chromosomes,
damaged. Men over the age of forty-five have population genetics, immunity and cancer,
an increased risk of damage to the structure of and the latest genetic technology.
the chromosomes in their sperm. McElreavey, Ken, ed. The Genetic Basis of Male In-
Scientists believe that as their understand- fertility. New York: Springer, 2000. Explores
ing of the genetic basis of infertility problems medical progress in understanding the ge-
increases, new therapies will be developed to netics of spermatogenesis and male infertil-
treat them. Most infertility cases are treated ity. Illustrated.
with drugs or surgery to repair the reproduc- Marrs, Richard, et al. Dr. Richard Marrs Fertility
tive organs. No treatment is available to correct Book. New York: Dell, 1997. Covers advances
sex chromosomal abnormalities such as Turner in reproductive technology, how emotions
syndrome. However, some women with Turner can delay or stop ovulation, male sperm
syndrome can have children. For women who count that is borderline or subnormal, which
cannot conceive, possible procedures include fertility drugs work best and the associated
in vitro fertilization (fertilizing a womans egg side effects, chances of multiple births, and
with sperm outside the body) and embryo trans- when to change doctors or see a specialist.
fer (moving the fertilized egg into a womans Rosenthal, M. Sara. The Fertility Sourcebook: Ev-
uterus). Adoption is another option for infer- erything You Need to Know. 2d ed. Los Angeles:
tile men and women. Lowell House, 1998. Addresses advances in
Fred Buchstein fertility treatments, including issues for same-
See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil- sex partners, ethical considerations, and ba-
lus Sampling; Cloning; Genetic Counseling; sic information about treatment options.
Genetic Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetic
Testing: Ethical and Economic Issues; Heredi- Web Sites of Interest
tary Diseases; In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo American Association of Reproductive Medi-
Transfer; Prenatal Diagnosis; Stem Cells; Steril- cine. http://www.asrm.org. Site includes in-
ization Laws; Totipotency; Turner Syndrome; formation on infertility and reproduction.
X Chromosome Inactivation; XYY Syndrome. International Council on Infertility Informa-
tion Dissemination. http://www.inciid.org.
Further Reading Site provides fact sheets on in vitro fertil-
Bentley, Gillian R., and C. G. Nicholas Mascie- ization.
Taylor. Infertility in the Modern World: Present National Institutes of Health, National Libary
and Future Prospects. New York: Cambridge of Medicine. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/
University Press, 2000. Discusses changes in medlineplus/infertility.html. Provides in-
human reproduction brought on by the in- formation on all aspects of infertility.
Insurance 471

insurance coverage or have been required to

Insurance pay higher premiums.
Similarly, people who suffer from conditions
Field of study: Bioethics; Human genetics such as diabetes or hypertension and who
and social issues change jobs or insurance carriers occasionally
Significance: Many social policy analysts and pub- discover that their new medical insurance will
lic health advocates worry that as genetic screen- not pay for any treatment for medical condi-
ing becomes more widely available, individuals tions that had been diagnosed prior to obtain-
considered high-risk may be denied health and life ing the new insurance. Such preexisting con-
insurance coverage. On the other hand, if such in- ditions are considered ineligible for payment
formation is withheld from insurance companies, of benefits. While some insurance companies
individuals might purchase extra life insurance, will put a time limit on the restrictions for cov-
causing insurance companies to unknowingly erage of preexisting conditions of a few months
carry unacceptably high risks. Some kind of bal- or a year, providing there are no active occur-
ance between appropriate disclosure and privacy rences of the disorder, other insurers may ex-
rights will need to be established. clude making any payments related to a preex-
isting condition for an indefinite period of
Key terms time. A person with a chronic condition such as
Alzheimers disease: a degenerative brain dis- diabetes may discover that while a new insurer
order usually found among the elderly; suf- will pay for conditions unrelated to the diabe-
ferers gradually lose cognitive function and tes, such as a broken leg, the individual will be
become unable to function independently solely responsible for any diabetes-related ex-
chronic illness: an ongoing condition such penses for the remainder of his or her life. Al-
as diabetes or hypertension ternately, the sufferer of a chronic condition
high risk: characterized by being likely to may discover that health insurance is available,
someday suffer from a particular disease or but only at a much higher premium.
disabling condition
preexisting condition: a disease or disorder Insurance and Genetic Screening
that is diagnosed prior to a persons applica- Insurance companies are just beginning to
tion for insurance coverage confront the problems of genetic tests for ge-
netic predisposition to disease. In one court
High-Risk Individuals and Preexisting case, Katskee v. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska
Conditions (1994), the plaintiff had been diagnosed with a
As tests for a steadily increasing number of 50 percent chance of developing breast and/or
genetic defects are perfected, concern has ovarian cancer. Consequently, she was seeking
grown among both health experts and the gen- payment from her insurance company to cover
eral public that negative results could lead to the costs of prophylactic removal of her ova-
the denial of health insurance coverage to ries. Initially, the insurance company approved
these high-risk individuals. The insurance in- the surgery, but later it reversed that decision,
dustry has always been reluctant to insure peo- saying that the plaintiff was not covered be-
ple identified as being at high risk or who suffer cause her condition was not a disease or
from preexisting conditions, a reluctance that bodily disorder. The suit occurred because
has intensified as health care costs have in- the plaintiff proceeded with the surgery any-
creased. For example, people with a family way and then looked to the courts to help her
medical history of coronary artery disease have collect from her insurer. The first ruling was in
long been considered a higher risk than mem- favor of the insurance company but was re-
bers of the general population. As a conse- versed on appeal, the higher court considering
quence, based on information provided a 50 percent predisposition as meeting the defi-
through disclosures of family histories, these nition of a disease.
people occasionally have been denied health Two responses from the insurance industry
472 Insurance

are possible as cases like these become more tions for which no effective preventive treat-
common. They could choose to cover prophy- ment exists. Alzheimers disease provides a par-
lactic treatments as a way to cut long-term costs ticularly poignant example. As of the late
associated with development of the genetic dis- 1990s, the connection between genes identi-
ease, or they could choose to exclude such con- fied as appearing in some early-onset Alzhei-
ditions under a preexisting condition argu- mers disease patients and the disease itself was
ment. So far the trend has been toward trying still unclear. People who underwent genetic
to exclude treatment, by the latter approach, screening to discover if they carried that partic-
including considering the later development ular genetic marker could spend many decades
of the full-blown disease as a preexisting condi- worrying needlessly about their own risk of de-
tion. This is a disturbing trend, as it would tend veloping Alzheimers disease while knowing
to discourage genetic screening, ruining the that there was no way to prevent it. At the same
opportunity for preventive measures. If the time, the identification of the genetic marker
courts decide to require that insurers must would have identified the patient as a high risk
fund prophylactic or preventive treatments, for medical insurance. Huntingtons disease
then another quandary occurs: At what per- represents an even more serious case, in which
centage predisposition will insurers be re- the test is nearly 100 percent predictive. A posi-
quired to cover the costs? A predisposition of tive test is essentially a guaranteed prediction
50 percent seems like a reasonable number, but of early death. Tests like these may provide no
what about 45 percent, also high? Covering any benefit to affected individuals, and may even
level of predisposition would be unreasonable, cause harm if the information is freely available
as it would bankrupt the system, so a line must to insurers.
be drawn, but where? Much more information On the other hand, in some cases the bene-
will be needed before such lines can be drawn fits of genetic screening may outweigh its po-
without being arbitrary. tential costs. For example, certain cancers have
In the case of degenerative disorders such as long been recognized as running in some fami-
Alzheimers disease or Huntingtons disease, lies. Doctors routinely counsel women with a
for which there is no prophylactic treatment family history of breast cancer to have annual
available, patients may live for many years fol- mammograms and even, in cases where the risk
lowing the initial diagnosis of the disease while seems particularly high, to undergo prophylac-
they become progressively more helpless and tic mastectomy or lumpectomy. The discovery
eventually require extended hospitalization or of genetic markers for breast cancer suggests
custodial care. An insurance company that that women who are concerned that they are at
wrote plans to cover nursing-home care could higher-than-average risk for the disease can al-
decide to exclude people identified as carrying lay their fears through genetic screening rather
a gene putting them at risk of developing Alz- than subjecting themselves to disfiguring sur-
heimers disease. The insurance companys rea- gery. Still, the very act of screening could be-
soning would be that because Alzheimers suf- come a double-edged sword. A positive test not
ferers may require many more years of custodial only would confirm a womans worst fears but
care than the average nursing-home resident, it also could result in her being denied high in-
would be unprofitable to insure known future surance coverage. Many patients with a high-
Alzheimers sufferers. Such people would be risk family profile fear that even if the screen-
seen as simply being too high-risk. ing turns out negative, simply requesting the
A number of geneticists and other analysts test will serve as a flag to health insurers, and
have suggested that another inherent difficulty they, too, will be assessed higher premiums or
with genetic screening is that it opens the door denied coverage based on their family histories.
for possible restriction of access to health insur- In a climate of rising medical costs and ef-
ance while not holding out any hope of a treat- forts by both traditional insurance providers
ment or cure for the patient. It is now possible and health maintenance organizations to re-
to detect the genetic markers for many condi- duce expenses, many people feel there is good
Insurance 473

reason to fear that genetic screening will serve sions of hiring and continued employment.
primarily as a tool to restrict access to health However, in an op-ed piece for The Wall Street
insurance. In response to these concerns, a Journal (December 20, 2002), William R.
number of government studies have been un- Brody, president of The Johns Hopkins Univer-
dertaken to assess potential remedies. Some sity, sounded an ominous yet potentially posi-
possible solutions include making the results of tive note. In view of the inevitable discovery
all genetic tests confidential, available to insur- that nearly all disease conditions have some ge-
ers and employers only with permission from netic basis, he predicted that, given the diffi-
the individual; passing laws that prohibit dis- culty private insurers will soon face in discrimi-
crimination of individuals with genetic pre- nating among conditions, they might also be
dispositions by insurers and employers; and facing their own demise as medical insurers:
universal health coverage with clearly defined
guidelines based on extensive research. A num- If legislatures pass laws banning insurers from us-
ber of states have already enacted laws prohibit- ing genetic screening data, those companies will
ing insurance companies from denying cover- protect themselves by continually raising premi-
age to individuals with genetic defects. It is also ums to consumers. Some may even go bankrupt
because purchasers of insurance will be the more
possible that the Americans with Disabilities
knowledgeable in the transaction. Yet if we allow
Act could be cited against genetic discrimina- insurers to use genetic data, many more individ-
tion. uals will be left without coverage because they
will be deemed too high-risk to warrant insur-
Impact of Medical Genomics ance at affordable prices. Given this conun-
With the mapping of the human genome drum, there is only one solution that can pre-
completed in 2003, it suddenly became clear serve the concept of health insurance: universal
that nearly all human diseasefrom complex coverage.
chronic conditions such as cancer, Alzhei-
mers, and diabetes to the predisposition for in- Based on the concept of community rating,
fectious disease and even traumahas some such coverage would spread risk across a large
genetic basis. Although genome sequences are group of individuals (now confined to smaller
essentially the same among all individuals, groups), and hence cost would spread across a
what variation there is accounts for many of the national pool, allowing individual traits and
differences in disease susceptibility and other hence risks to be diluted. Brody predicts that
health-related differences. All of this has made that day is coming sooner than many people
the drive to study human genomics as it affects imagine.
human health a burgeoning new field, medical Nancy Farm Mnnikk and Bryan Ness
genomics, that promises to affect every medi- See also: Aging; Alzheimers Disease; Bio-
cal field. The basis for this discipline will be ethics; Bioinformatics; Breast Cancer; Congen-
data gleaned from large, well-designed and ital Defects; Eugenics; Eugenics: Nazi Ger-
controlled clinical studies that are being devel- many; Forensic Genetics; Gene Therapy; Gene
oped and implemented in several nations to Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues; Genetic
provide information on how genes influence a Counseling; Genetic Screening; Genetic Test-
wide range of traits, from disease states to be- ing; Genetic Testing: Ethical and Economic Is-
havior. sues; Genomic Libraries; Genomics; Hereditary
Given the dangers outlined above, it would Diseases; Human Genetics; Icelandic Genetic
seem that such studies pose an increased con- Database; Prenatal Diagnosis; Race; Sickle-Cell
cern regarding issues of privacy, discrepancies Disease; Sterilization Laws.
in access to health care, and even threats to in-
dividuals jobs, as more and more employers Further Reading
have been forced to self-insureessentially Brody, William R. A Brave New Insurance.
becoming insurers themselves and thus being The Wall Street Journal, December 20, 2002. In
forced to consider employees health in deci- this op-ed article, Brody addresses the im-
474 Intelligence

pact that swift progress and refinement of garding genetic testing and does so in an
genetic screening and testing will have on easy-to-understand way.
the insurance industry in the United States.
Hubbard, Ruth, and Elijah Wald. Exploding the Web Site of Interest
Gene Myth: How Genetic Information Is Produced National Human Genome Research Institute,
and Manipulated by Scientists, Physicians, Em- Health Insurance in the Age of Genetics.
ployers, Insurance Companies, Educators, and http://www.nhgri.nih.gov/news/insurance.
Law Enforcers. Boston: Beacon Press, 1999. Discusses the need for health insurance reg-
Argues against genetic determinism and ulation at the federal level to prevent dis-
biotechnology and attacks scientists who cite crimination against individuals because of
DNA sequences as the presumed basis for a their genetic makeup.
genetic tendency to cancer, high blood pres-
sure, alcoholism and criminal behavior.
Orin, Rhonda D. Making Them Pay: How to Get
the Most from Health Insurance and Managed Intelligence
Care. New York: St. Martins Press, 2001. A
consumer guide to health insurance and Field of study: Human genetics and social
managed care programs that explains how issues
to read and understand a health plan and Significance: The study of the genetic basis of intel-
how to work with insurance companies to ligence is one of the most controversial areas in hu-
get the benefits to which one is entitled. man genetics. Researchers generally agree that
Rifkin, Jeremy. The Biotech Century: Harnessing mental abilities are genetically transmitted to some
the Gene and Remaking the World. New York: extent, but there is disagreement over the relative
Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1998. Discusses roles of genes and environment in the development
a variety of concerns regarding biotechnol- of mental abilities. There is also disagreement over
ogy and shows how genetic screening fits whether different mental abilities are products of a
into a much wider area of debate in modern single ability known as intelligence and disagree-
science. ment over how to measure intelligence.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Health,
Education, Labor, and Pensions. Fulfilling the Key terms
Promise of Genetics Research: Ensuring Nondis- dizygotic organism: an organism developed
crimination in Health Insurance and Employment. from two separate ova; fraternal twins are di-
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Of- zygotic
fice, 2001. Committee formed to explore intelligence quotient (IQ): the most com-
possible connections between genetics re- mon measure of intelligence; it is based on
search and health insurance and job dis- the view that there is a single capacity for
crimination, and to ensure against discrimi- complex mental work and that this capacity
nation in these areas. can be measured by testing
_______. Protecting Against Genetic Discrimina- monozygotic organism: developed from a
tion: The Limits of Existing Laws. Washington, single ovum (egg); identical twins are mono-
D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, zygotic because they originate in the womb
2002. Examines existing laws and proposed from a single fertilized ovum that splits in two
legislation to prevent genetic discrimination psychometrician: one who measures intellec-
in the form of health insurance loss or de- tual abilities or other psychological traits
nial or losing ones job.
Zallen, Doris Teichler. Does It Run in the Family? Evidence for Genetic Links to Intelligence
A Consumers Guide to DNA Testing for Genetic Much of the research into the connection
Disorders. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Uni- between genes and intelligence has focused on
versity Press, 1997. Provides readers with the attempting to determine the relative roles of bi-
knowledge they need to make decisions re- ological inheritance and social influence in de-
Intelligence 475

A genetically engineered smart mouse performs a learning and memory test. Researchers hope to find causes and cures for Alzheimers
disease, and possibly ways to increase human intelligence. (AP/Wide World Photos)

veloping intelligence. Such attempts have usu- they will be in intelligence. Studies have indi-
ally involved a combination of four methods: cated that fraternal twins are only slightly more
associations of parental intelligence with the similar to each other than are nontwin siblings.
intelligence of offspring, associations of the in- Identical twins, developing from a single egg
telligence of siblings (brothers and sisters), with identical genetic material, have even more
comparisons of dizygotic (fraternal) twins and in common. Bouchard and McGue found that
monozygotic (identical) twins, and adoption there was an overlap of about 74 percent in the
studies. intellectual abilities of identical twins and an
To the extent that mental qualities are inher- overlap of about 36 percent in the intellectual
ited, one should expect blood relatives to share abilities of fraternal twins.
these qualities with each other more than with Family members may be similar because
nonrelatives. In an article published in 1981 in they live in similar circumstances, and identical
the journal Science, T. J. Bouchard, Jr., and Matt twins may be similar because they receive
McGue examined studies that looked at statisti- nearly identical treatment. However, studies of
cal relationships of intellectual abilities among adopted children show that the intellectual
family members. These studies did reveal abilities of these children were more closely re-
strong associations between mental capacities lated to those of their biological parents than to
of parents and children and strong associations those of their adoptive parents. Studies of iden-
among the mental capacities of siblings. Fur- tical twins who were adopted and raised apart
ther, if genes are involved in establishing men- from each other indicate that these twins have
tal abilities, one should expect that the more about 62 percent of their intellectual abilities
genes related people share, the more similar in common.
476 Intelligence

Twin studies, in particular, have helped to es- tent to which general intellectual ability may
tablish that heredity is involved in a number of be genetic in character. Intelligence quotient
intellectual traits. Memory, number ability, per- (IQ), the measure of intelligence most com-
ceptual skills, psychomotor skills, fluency in monly used to study genetic links to intellectual
language use, and proficiency in spelling are ability, is based on the view that there is a great
only a few of the traits in which people from deal of overlap among various mental traits. Al-
common genetic backgrounds tend to be simi- though a given individual may be skilled at mu-
lar to each other. However, psychometricians sic or writing and poor at mathematics, on the
have not reached agreement on the extent to average, people who are proficient in one area
which mental abilities are products of genes also tend to be talented in other areas. Propo-
rather than of environmental factors such as nents of IQ measures argue that this overlap ex-
upbringing and opportunity. Some researchers ists because there is a single, underlying, gen-
estimate that only 40 percent of intellectual eral intelligence that affects how people score
ability is genetic; others set the estimate as high on tests of various kinds of mental abilities. The
as 80 percent. opponents of IQ measures counter that even
It is important to keep in mind that even if if one can speak of intelligence rather than
most differences in mental abilities among hu- intelligences, it is too complex to be reduced
man beings were caused by genetics, members to one number.
of families would still show varied abilities. If,
for example, there is a gene for high mathe- Impact and Applications
matical ability (gene A) and a gene for low The passing of mental abilities from parents
mathematical ability (gene a), it is quite possi- to children by genetic inheritance is a politi-
ble that a woman who has inherited each gene cally controversial issue because genetic theo-
(Aa) from her parents will marry a man who ries of intelligence may be used to justify exist-
has inherited each gene (Aa) from his parents. ing social inequalities. Social and economic
In this case, there is a 1 in 4 probability that they inequalities among racial groups, for example,
will have a child who is mathematically gifted have been explained as differences among
(AA) and a 1 in 4 probability that they will have groups in inherited intelligence levels. During
a child who is mathematically slow (aa). This the nineteenth century, defenders of slavery
example, although grossly simplified, gives an claimed that black slaves were by nature less in-
idea of the effect of variation in the genes in- telligent than the white people who held them
herited. in slavery. After World War I, the Princeton
University psychologist C. C. Brigham con-
The Problem of Defining and Measuring cluded from results of army IQ tests that south-
Intelligence ern European immigrants had lower levels of
Debates over genetic links to intelligence inherited intelligence than native-born Ameri-
are complicated by the problem of precisely de- cans and that blacks had even more limited
fining and accurately measuring intelligence. intelligence. White supremacists and segrega-
It may be that abilities to build houses, draw, tionists used Brighams results to justify limit-
play music, or understand complex mathemat- ing the access of blacks to higher education
ical procedures are inherited as well as learned. and other opportunities for advancement. In
Which of these abilities, however, constitute in- 1969, Berkeley psychologist Arthur R. Jensen
telligence? Because of this debate, some people, touched off a storm of debate when he pub-
such as Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner, lished an article that suggested that differences
have argued that there is no single quality of in- between black and white children in educa-
telligence but rather multiple forms of intelli- tional success were caused in part by genetic
gence. variations in mental ability.
If there is no single ability that can be la- Wealth and poverty, even within racial and
beled intelligence, this means that one can- ethnic groups, have been explained as conse-
not measure intelligence or determine the ex- quences of inherited intelligence. Harvard psy-
Intelligence 477

chologist Richard Herrnstein and social critic can social system and a genetically limited
Charles Murray have argued that American so- lower class at the bottom.
ciety has become a competitive, information- Scientific truth cannot be established by ac-
based society in which intellectual ability is the cusing theories of being inconvenient for so-
primary basis of upward mobility. They have cial policies of equal opportunity. Neverthe-
maintained, furthermore, that much of intel- less, it is not clear that genetic differences in
lectual ability is genetic in character and that intelligence are necessarily connected to so-
people tend to marry and reproduce within cial status. Even those who believe that inher-
their own social classes. Therefore, in their ited intelligence affects social position gener-
view, social classes also tend to be intellectual ally recognize that social status is affected by
classes: a cognitive elite at the top of the Ameri- many other factors such as parental wealth, ed-

Genetics and IQ

The genetics of intelligence continues to prompt aration, and divorce have all been shown to influ-
controversy and often emotional debate centering ence the development of intelligence by as much as
on the relative roles of genetics and environment in 40 percent, leading some environmentalists and so-
shaping intelligence and multiple intelligence. The ciologists to claim that culture is the major factor in
dictionary defines intelligence as the capacity to ac- intelligence. It is precisely because of the influence
quire knowledge, process information by reasoning, of such environmental factors in shaping intelli-
and make rational decisions. It follows that some in- gence that performance gains can be increased
dividuals may have a greater facility for acquiring somewhat.
and analyzing information than others. Even the Support for the genetic contribution to intelli-
concept of multiple intelligence implies that some gence comes primarily from studies of identical and
individuals are more intelligent than others. This is fraternal twins, siblings, and family groupings. For
not to say, however, that individuals with a higher example, the correlation of intelligence between
level of intelligence will always be more successful identical twins (monozygotic twins) reared together
while individuals with lower levels of intelligence will is consistently well over 0.8 (1.0 being the highest
always be failures. That is, the abilities conferred by correlation), with highest scores measured at 0.86.
higher levels of inherited intelligence are probabi- Scores of fraternal (dizygotic) twins and siblings are
listic rather than determinate and are shaped by lower but still higher than less closely related kin
many factors other than genetics alone. such as cousins and uncles. Furthermore, intelli-
Out of the enormous amount of debate certain gence measures of adopted siblings show lower cor-
facts have emerged about the inheritance of intelli- relations compared to intelligence correlations be-
gence in humans. First, geneticists, behavioral genet- tween or among natural siblings. Thousands of such
icists, and neurobiologists have consistently demon- data have led most authorities to suggest that be-
strated that there is a significant genetic contribution tween 40 and 80 percent of an individuals intelli-
to intelligence, although the exact genes that code gence is shaped by genetics.
for intelligence have not yet been discovered. Em- The basic genetic mechanisms underlying these
bedded within this inheritance pattern, however, is observations are not, as yet, well understood. Geneti-
the undeniable and at times substantial contribution cists, behavioral geneticists, and neurobiologists ar-
of the social environment in development of intelli- gue that genes code for brain size, number of brain
gence in individuals. cells, and number of connections, all of which proba-
The role of environment in shaping intelligence bly play roles in determining intellectual ability,
has also been consistently demonstrated to be a vital though the relative contributions of each remain
factor in shaping intelligence. This is most clearly unclear. Further evidence for the role of genetics
shown where environmental factors adversely influ- comes from cases of chromosomal deletions, tri-
ence growth and development of the central ner- somy, and other genetic abnormalities.
vous system. Low birth rate, anoxia, malnutrition, Dwight G. Smith
childhood trauma, income, occupation, parent sep-
478 Intelligence

ucational opportunity, and cultural attitudes. Fish, Jefferson M., ed. Race and Intelligence: Sepa-
It seems evident that there are genetic links rating Science from Myth. Mahwah, N.J.: Law-
to mental ability. At the same time, however, rence Erlbaum, 2002. An interdisciplinary
the extent to which genes shape intellectual ca- collection disputing race as a biological cate-
pacities, whether these capacities should be gory and arguing that there is no general or
combined into one dimension called intelli- single intelligence and that cognitive ability
gence, and the validity of measures of intelli- is shaped through education. Bibliography,
gence remain matters of debate. The scientific index.
debate, moreover, is difficult to separate from Fraser, Steven, ed. The Bell Curve Wars: Race,
social and political debates. Intelligence, and the Future of America. New
Carl L. Bankston III York: Basic Books, 1995. Brief, critical re-
See also: Aging; Biological Determinism; sponse to the book by Herrnstein and Mur-
Chromosome Mutation; Congenital Defects; ray by scholars from a variety of disciplines
Criminality; Developmental Genetics; Down and backgrounds. Bibliography.
Syndrome; Eugenics; Eugenics: Nazi Germany; Gardner, Howard. Frames of Mind: The Theory of
Fragile X Syndrome; Genetic Counseling; Ge- Multiple Intelligences. 10th anniversary ed.
netic Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetic Test- New York: Basic Books, 1993. Argues that
ing: Ethical and Economic Issues; Hereditary there is no single mental ability to be inher-
Diseases; Heredity and Environment; Human ited. New introduction, bibliography, index.
Genetics; Human Growth Hormone; Kline- Gould, Stephen Jay. The Mismeasure of Man.
felter Syndrome; Nondisjunction and Aneu- New York: Norton, 1996. An influential criti-
ploidy; Phenylketonuria (PKU); Prader-Willi cism of IQ as a measure of intelligence and
and Angelman Syndromes; Prenatal Diagnosis; of the idea that intellectual abilities are in-
Race; Twin Studies; X Chromosome Inactiva- herited. Bibliography, index.
tion; XYY Syndrome. Herrnstein, Richard J., and Charles Murray.
The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure
Further Reading in America. New York: Free Press, 1994. The
Bock, Gregory R., Jamie A. Goode, and Kate authors maintain that IQ is a valid measure
Webb, eds. The Nature of Intelligence. New of intelligence, that intelligence is largely a
York: John Wiley & Sons, 2001. Presents the product of genetic background, and that dif-
debate between evolutionary psychologists, ferences in intelligence among social classes
who argue against general intelligence and play a major part in shaping American soci-
for an intelligence that develops and evolves ety. Illustrations, bibliography, index.
based on particular, extraspecies domains, Heschl, Adolf. The Intelligent Genome: On the Ori-
and behavior geneticists, who believe gen- gin of the Human Mind by Mutation and Selec-
eral intelligence is fundamental and who fo- tion. Drawings by Herbert Loserl. New York:
cus their work on intraspecies differences. Il- Springer, 2002. Chapters include Learning:
lustrations, bibliography, index. Appearances are Deceptive, The Wonder
Cooper, Colin. Intelligence and Abilities. New of Language, How to Explain Conscious-
York: Routledge, 1999. Discusses the origins ness, and The Cultural Struggle of Genes.
of intelligence and the question of genes ver- Scientific American 9, no. 4 (Winter, 1998). A spe-
sus environment in determining intellectual cial issue on Exploring Intelligence.
abilities. Illustrations, bibliography, index.
Devlin, Bernie, et al. Intelligence, Genes, and Suc- Web Site of Interest
cess: Scientists Respond to The Bell Curve. New Human Genome Project Information, Behav-
York: Springer, 1997. Presents a scientific ioral Genetics. http://www.ornl.gov/tech
and statistical reinterpretation of The Bell resources/human_genome/elsi/behavior
Curves claims about the heritability of intel- .html. Behavioral genetics information that
ligence and about IQ and social success. Bib- includes the study of the genetic basis of in-
liography, index. telligence.
Klinefelter Syndrome male. Sometimes Klinefelter syndrome is the
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes result of mosaicism, with males having both
Significance: Klinefelter syndrome is a sex chromo- normal (XY) karyotypes in some cells and ab-
some disorder in which males have an extra X normal karyotypes (usually with an extra X
chromosome. It accounts for ten out of every one chromosome) in others. Individuals with sex
thousand institutionalized mentally retarded chromosome complements of XXYY, XXXY, or
adults in industrialized nations and is one of the XX can also be diagnosed with Klinefelter syn-
more common chromosomal aberrations. drome. Individuals with Klinefelter syndrome
that have a sex chromosome complement of
Key terms XX are male because although an entire Y
azoospermia: the absence of spermatozoa chromosome is not present, a portion of a Y
from the semen chromosome is often attached to another chro-
cytogenetics: the study of chromosome num- mosome. This condition can sometimes be di-
ber and structure, including identification agnosed by a careful karyotype analysis.
of abnormalities
gynecomastia: a condition characterized by Signs and Symptoms
abnormally large mammary glands in the The classic type of Klinefelter syndrome usu-
male that sometimes secrete milk ally becomes apparent at puberty, when the sec-
hypogonadism: a condition resulting in ondary sex characteristics develop. The testes
smaller than normal testicles in males fail to mature, causing primary hypogonad-
karyotype: a pictorial or verbal description of ism. In this classic type, degenerative testicular
the chromosomes of a single cell changes begin that eventually result in irrevers-
mosaicism: a condition in which an individual ible infertility. Gynecomastia is often present,
has two or more cell populations derived and it is usually associated with learning disabil-
from the same fertilized ovum, or zygote, as ities, mental retardation, and violent, antisocial
in sex chromosome mosaics in which some behavior. Other common symptoms include
cells contain the usual XY chromosome pat- abnormal body proportions (disproportionate
tern and others contain extra X chromo- height relative to arm span), chronic pulmo-
somes nary disease, varicosities of the legs, and diabe-
tes mellitus (which occurs in 8 percent of those
Definition and Diagnosis afflicted with Klinefelters). Another 18 per-
Klinefelter syndrome is a relatively common cent exhibit impaired glucose tolerance. Most
genetic abnormality named after Harry Kline- people affected also have azoospermia (no
felter, Jr., an American physician. The funda- spermatozoa in the semen) and low testoster-
mental chromosomal defect associated with one levels. However, men with the mosaic form
the syndrome is the presence of one or more of Klinefelter syndrome may be fertile.
extra X chromosomes. The normal human Congenital hypogonadism appears as de-
male karyotype (array of chromosomes) con- layed puberty. Men with hypogonadism experi-
sists of twenty-two pairs of chromosomes, called ence decreased libido, erection dysfunction,
autosomes, plus the XY pair, called sex chromo- hot sweats, and depression. Genetic testing and
somes. The female also has twenty-two auto- careful physical examination may reveal Kline-
some pairs but with an XX pair in place of the felter syndrome to be the reason for the primary
XY pair for the sex chromosomes. Klinefelter complaint of infertility. Mental retardation is a
syndrome affects 1 in every 500 to 600 men. frequent symptom of congenital chromosomal
The incidence is relatively high in the mentally aberrations such as Klinefelter syndrome be-
retarded population. cause of probable coincidental defective devel-
Because individuals with Klinefelter syn- opment of the central nervous system. Early
drome have a Y chromosome, they are always spontaneous abortion is a common occurrence.
480 Klinefelter Syndrome

Treatment and Psychosocial Implications with Klinefelter Syndrome. Adolescent Medi-

Depending on the severity of the syndrome, cine 13 (June, 2002). Discusses treatment op-
treatment may include mastectomy to correct tions and guiding the child through the
gynecomastia. Supplementation with testoster- transition to puberty and adolescence.
one may be necessary to induce the secondary Parker, James N., and Phillip M. Parker, eds.
sexual characteristics of puberty, although the The Official Parents Sourcebook on Klinefelter
testicular changes that lead to infertility cannot Syndrome: A Revised and Updated Directory for
be prevented. Any mental retardation present the Internet Age. San Diego: ICON Health,
is irreversible. Psychotherapy with sexual coun- 2002. Discusses topics including the essen-
seling is appropriate when sexual dysfunction tials, seeking guidance, the treatment pro-
causes emotional problems. In people with the cess, and learning more about the syndrome
mosaic form of the syndrome who are fertile, using the Internet. Includes appendices,
genetic counseling is vital because they may glossaries, and an index.
pass on this chromosomal abnormality. Thera- Probasco, Terri, and Gretchen A. Gibbs. Kline-
pists should encourage discussion of feelings felter Syndrome: Personal and Professional Guide.
of confusion and rejection that commonly ac- Richmond, Ind.: Prinit Press, 1999. Covers
company this disorder, and they should attempt diagnosis, characteristics, education, and
to reinforce the victims male identity. Hor- emotional concerns, and provides informa-
monal therapy can provide some benefits, but tion on community resources.
both benefits and side effects of hormonal
therapy should be made clear. Some men with Web Sites of Interest
Klinefelter syndrome are sociopathic; for this American Association for Klinefelter Syn-
population, careful monitoring by probation drome Information and Support (AAKSIS).
officers or jail personnel can assist in identify- http://www.aaksis.org/index.cfm. The na-
ing potential violent offenders, who can be of- tional support organization, with links to in-
fered psychological counseling. formation, publications, support, and other
Lisa Levin Sobczak, updated by Bryan Ness resources.
See also: Hereditary Diseases; Infertility; Intersex Society of North America. http://
Intelligence; Mutation and Mutagenesis; Non- www.isna.org. The society is a public aware-
disjunction and Aneuploidy; X Chromosome ness, education, and advocacy organization
Inactivation; XYY Syndrome. which works to create a world free of shame,
secrecy, and unwanted surgery for intersex
Further Reading people (individuals born with anatomy or
Bock, Robert. Understanding Klinefelter Syn- physiology which differs from cultural ideals
drome: A Guide for XXY Males and Their Fam- of male and female). Includes links to infor-
ilies. Bethesda, Md.: Department of Health mation on such conditions as clitoromegaly,
and Human Services, Public Health Service, micropenis, hypospadias, ambiguous geni-
National Institutes of Health, National In- tals, early genital surgery, adrenal hyperpla-
stitute of Child Health and Human Devel- sia, Klinefelter syndrome, androgen insensi-
opment, 1997. Discusses a range of issues, tivity, and testicular feminization.
including defining the syndrome, causes, National Institute of Child Health and Human
communicating with family and friends, lan- Development. http://nichd.nih.gov. Site in-
guage, education, legal concerns, teaching cludes a link to Understanding Klinefelter
tips, treatment, sexuality, and more. Syndrome: A Guide for XXY Males and
Manning, M. A., and H. E. Hoyme. Diagnosis Their Families, which includes an introduc-
and Management of the Adolescent Boy tion to the syndrome and more.
Knockout Genetics and Knockout Mice 481

were essentially gifts of nature, and their discov-

Knockout Genetics and ery was largely serendipitous. In knockout
Knockout Mice mice, animal models are directly generated, ex-
pediting study of the pathology and treatment
Field of study: Genetic engineering and of inherited diseases.
biotechnology In a knockout mouse, a single gene is se-
Significance: In knockout methodology, a specific lected to be inactivated in such a way that the
gene of an organism is inactivated, or knocked nonfunctional gene is reliably passed to its
out, allowing the consequences of its absence to be progeny. Developed independently by Mario
observed and its function to be deduced. The tech- Capecchi at the University of Utah and Oliver
nique, first and mostly applied to mice, permits the Smithies of the University of North Carolina,
creation of animal models for inherited diseases the process is formally termed targeted gene
and a better understanding of the molecular ba- inactivation, and, although simple in concept,
sis of physiology, immunology, behavior, and de- it is operationally complex and technically de-
velopment. Knockout genetics is the study of the manding. It involves several steps in vitro: inac-
function and inheritance of genes using this tech- tivating and tagging the selected gene, substitut-
nology. ing the nonfunctional gene for the functional
gene in embryonic stem cells, and inserting the
Key terms modified embryonic stem cells into an early
embryonic stem cell: a cell derived from an embryo. The process then requires transfer of
early embryo that can replicate indefinitely that embryo to a surrogate mother, which car-
in vitro and can differentiate into other cells ries the embryo to term, and selection of off-
of the developing embryo spring that are carrying the inactive gene. It
genome: the total complement of genetic ma- may require several generations to verify that
terial for an organism the genetic modification is being dependably
in vitro: a biological or biochemical process transmitted.
occurring outside a living organism, as in a
test tube Usefulness of Knockout Mice
in vivo: a biological or biochemical process oc- Knockout mice are important because they
curring within a living organism permit the function of a specific gene to be es-
tablished, and, since mice and humans share
Knockout Methodology 99 percent of the same genes, the results can of-
Before knockout mice, transgenic animals ten be applied to people. However, knockout
had been generated in which foreign DNA mice are not perfect models in that some genes
was incorporated into their genomes in a are specific to mice or humans, and similar
largely haphazard fashion; such animals genes can be expressed at different levels in the
should more properly be referred to as geneti- two species. Nevertheless, knockout mice are
cally modified. In contrast, knockout technol- vastly superior to spontaneous mutants because
ogy targets a particular gene to be altered. Prior the investigator selects the gene to be modi-
to the creation of transgenic animals, any ge- fied. Mice are predominantly used in this tech-
netic change resulted from spontaneous and nology because of their short generation inter-
largely random mutations. Individual variabil- val and small size; the short generation interval
ity and inherited diseases are the results of this accelerates the breeding program necessary to
natural phenomenonas are, on a longer time establish pure strains, and the small size re-
frame, the evolutionary changes responsible duces the space and food needed to house and
for the variety of living species on the earth. sustain them.
Spontaneously generated animal models of hu- Knockout mice are, first of all, excellent ani-
man inherited diseases have been helpful in mal models for inherited diseases, the study of
understanding mutations and developing which was the initial impetus for their creation.
treatments for them. However, these mutants The Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, a neurological
482 Knockout Genetics and Knockout Mice

disorder, was the focus of much of the early atic examination of the role played by these
work with the knockout technology. The meth- genes. It has also proven useful in understand-
odology has permitted the creation of previ- ing memory, learning, and behavior, as knock-
ously unknown animal models for cystic fibro- out mice with abnormalities in these areas can
sis, Alzheimers disease, and sickle-cell disease, also survive if human intervention can com-
which will stimulate research into new thera- pensate for their deficiencies. Knockout mice
pies for these diseases. Knockout mice have have been created that cannot learn simple lab-
also been developed to study atherosclerosis, oratory tests, cannot remember symbols or
cancer susceptibility, and obesity, as well as im- smells, lack nurturing behavior, or exhibit ex-
munity, memory, learning, behavior, and devel- treme aggression, which have implications for
opmental biology. the fields of education, psychology, and psychi-
Knockout mice are particularly appropriate atry.
for studying the immune system because im- Developmental biology has also benefited
mune-compromised animals can survive if kept from knockout technology. Animals with mi-
isolated from pathogens. More than fifty genes nor developmental abnormalities can be stud-
are responsible for the development and oper- ied with relative ease, whereas those with highly
ation of B and T lymphocytes, the two main deleterious mutations may be maintained in
types of cells that protect the body from infec- the heterozygous state, with homozygotes gen-
tion. Knockout technology permits a system- erated only as needed for study. The genera-
tion of conditional knockouts is facili-
tating study of the genes responsible for
controlling the development of various
tissues (lung, heart, skeleton, and mus-
cle) during embryonic development.
These genes can be explored methodi-
cally with knockout technology.
By 1997, more than one thousand
different knockout mice had been cre-
ated worldwide. A primary repository
for such animals is the nonprofit Jack-
son Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine,
where more than two hundred so-called
induced mutant strains are available to
investigators. Other strains are avail-
able from the scientists who first de-
rived them or commercial entities li-
censed to generate and sell them.

Double Knockouts, Conditional

Knockouts, and Reverse Knockouts
Redundancy is fairly common in gene
function: Often, more than one gene
has responsibility for the same or simi-
lar activity in vivo. Eliminating one re-
dundant gene may have little conse-
quence because another gene can fulfill
its function. This has led to the creation
On the left, a knockout mouse whose gene for growth/differentiation of double knockout mice, in which two
factor 8 (GDF 8) was removed from its genetic code has grown dramati- specific genes are eliminated. Double
cally larger than the normal mouse (right). (AP/Wide World Photos) knockouts are generated by crossing
Knockout Genetics and Knockout Mice 483

two separate single knockout mice to produce One of the originators of the technology de-
double mutant offspring. Consequences of scribes the steps involved and examples of its
both mutations can then be examined simulta- utility.
neously. Crawley, Jacqueline N. Whats Wrong with My
Some single knockout mice are deleteri- Mouse? Behavioral Phenotyping of Transgenic
ously affected during embryonic development and Knockout Mice. New York: Wiley-Liss,
and do not survive to birth. This has led to the 2000. Discusses transgenic technology and
generation of conditional knockout mice, in the mouse genome. Illustrations, bibliogra-
which the gene is functional until a particular phy, index.
stage of life or tissue development triggers its Gilbert, Scott F. Developmental Biology. 6th ed.
inactivation. The approach is to generate ani- Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 2000.
mals with two mutations: The first is the addi- Includes a discussion of the knockout meth-
tion of a new gene that causes a marked seg- odology. Bibliography.
ment of a gene to be deleted in response to a Mak, Tak W., et al., eds. The Gene Knockout Facts-
temporal or tissue signal, and the second is to book. 2 vols. San Diego: Academic Press, 1998.
mark the gene that has been selected to be ex- Covers six hundred gene knockouts, includ-
cised. In these animals, the latter gene remains ing their general descriptions, constructs,
functional until signaled to be removed. and phenotypes. Bibliography, index.
Knockout methodology involves generation Mestel, Rosie. The Mice Without Qualities.
of loss-of-function or null mutations. Its rever- Discover 14 (March, 1993). Briefly reports on
sal would permit the function of an inoperative the creation of knockout mice and their use
gene to be restored. This reversal has been suc- in understanding the role of the missing
cessfully accomplished in mice with the correc- gene.
tion of the Lesch-Nyhan defect. Further ex- Weaver, Robert F., and Philip W. Hedrick. Ge-
perimentation may permit it to be applied to netics. 3d ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997.
humans and other animals. Such targeted res- Explains the technique and various appli-
toration of gene function would be the most di- cations, including understanding tumor-
rect way for gene therapy (the process of intro- suppressor genes. Illustrations, bibliography,
ducing a functional gene into an organisms index.
cells) to cure inherited diseases.
James L. Robinson
See also: Cloning; Developmental Genet- Web Site of Interest
ics; Genetic Engineering; Genetic Engineer- TBASE: The Transgenic/Targeted Mutation
ing: Medical Applications; Genomics; Model Database, Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor,
Organism: Caenorhabditis elegans; Model Organ- Maine. http://tbase.jax.org. Database of
ism: Mus musculus; Model Organisms; Trans- information about transgenic animals gen-
genic Organisms. erated worldwide, searchable by species,
technique, DNA construct, phenotype, lab-
Further Reading oratory. Features the Knockout Model of
Capecchi, Mario. Targeted Gene Replace- the Montha discussion of new animal
ment. Scientific American 270 (March, 1994). modelsand a glossary.
Lactose Intolerance The metabolism (breaking down) of lactose
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes to glucose and galactose takes place via a specific
Significance: Lactose intolerance is a common dis- enzyme called lactase, which is produced by the
order associated with the digestion of milk sugar. It mucosal cells of the small intestine. Because
affects a large portion of the human population lactase activity is rate-limiting for lactose absorp-
and creates unpleasant intestinal effects. Its un- tion, any deficiency in the enzyme is directly re-
derstanding has led to the commercial availability flected in a diminished rate of the sugar absorp-
of alternative products that supplement the lack of tion. This irregularity should not be confused
dairy products in the diet. with intolerance to milk resulting from a sensi-
tivity to milk proteins such as beta-lactoglobulin.
Key terms
congenital deficiency: a deficiency that is at- Consequences of Lactase Deficiency
tributed to inherited genetic causes often There are three types of lactase deficiency:
apparent at birth inherited deficiency, secondary low-lactase ac-
galactosemia: a disease attributed to the ac- tivity, and primary low-lactase activity. In inher-
cumulation of galactose in the blood, caused ited lactase deficiency, the symptoms of intoler-
by a lack of the enzyme that metabolizes ga- ance develop very soon after birth, as indicated
lactose; galactosemia is not related to lactose by the presence of lactose in the urine. Patients
intolerance, which is attributed to the lack of are recommended a lactose-free diet as well as
the lactase enzyme the consumption of live-culture yogurt, which
lactase: an enzyme that breaks down lactose to provides the enzyme beta-galactosidase that at-
the monosaccharides glucose and galactose tacks the small amounts of lactose that may be
in the small intestine during the metabolic in the diet. Beta-galactosidase preparations are
process; its deficiency is responsible for the also commercially available. Secondary low-
ill effects associated with lactose intolerance lactase activity can be a side effect of peptic ul-
lactose: a sugar, also known as milk sugar, that cer surgery or can occur for a variety of reasons.
constitutes 2 to 8 percent of milk content and It may also be present during intestinal dis-
makes up about 40 percent of an infants diet eases such as colitis, gastroenteritis, kwashior-
kor, and sprue. Individuals sometimes develop
The Function of Lactose and Lactase primary low-lactase activity as they get older. A
Milk is the primary source of nutrition for in- large number of adults, estimated at almost
fants. One pint of cows summer milk provides 20 percent, gradually exhibit lactose intoler-
about 90 percent of the calcium, 30 to 40 per- ance, caused by the gradual inability to synthe-
cent of the riboflavin, 25 to 30 percent of the size an active form of lactase. Susceptible indi-
protein, and 10 to 20 percent of the calories viduals may start developing lactose intolerance
needed daily. Lactose, also known as milk as early as four years old.
sugar, exists in the milk of humans, cows, and As a result of lactose intolerance, relatively
other mammals. About 7.5 percent of human large quantities of the unhydrolyzed (unbro-
milk consists of lactose, while cows milk is ken) lactose pass into the large intestine, which
about 4.5 percent lactose. This sugar is also one causes the transfer of water from the interstitial
of the few carbohydrates exclusively associated fluid to the lumen by osmosis. At the same time,
with the animal kingdom; its biosynthesis takes the intestinal bacteria produce organic acids as
place in the mammary tissue. It is produced well as gases such as carbon dioxide, methane,
commercially from whey, which is obtained as a and hydrogen, which lead to nausea and vom-
by-product during the manufacture of cheese. iting. The combined effect also produces
Its so-called alpha form is used as an infant cramps and abdominal pains.
food. Its sweetness is about one-sixth that of su- Definitive diagnosis of the condition is estab-
crose (table sugar). lished by an assay for lactase content in the in-
Lamarckianism 485

testinal mucosa. Such a test requires that the in- Hill, John, et al. Chemistry and Life: An Introduc-
dividuals drink 50 grams of lactose in 200 tion to General, Organic, and Biological Chemis-
milliliters of water. Blood specimens are then try. 6th ed. New York: Prentice Hall, 2000. In-
taken after 30, 60, and 120 minutes for glucose cludes a section on lactose intolerance.
analysis. An increase of blood glucose by 30 mil- Ouellette, Robert J. Organic Chemistry. 4th ed.
ligrams per deciliter is considered normal, New York: Prentice Hall, 1996. Contains a
while an increase of 20 to 30 milligrams per section on lactose metabolism.
deciliter is borderline. A smaller increase indi- Siezen, Roland J., et al., eds. Lactic Acid Bacteria:
cates lactase deficiency. This test, however, may Genetics, Metabolism, and Applications. 7th ed.
still show deficiency results with individuals Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2002. Presents re-
who have a normal lactase activity. search from a conference held every three
Lactase deficiency displays remarkable ge- years. Illustrations (some color).
netic variations. The condition is more preva- Srinivasan, Radhika, and Anil Minocha. When
lent among infants of Middle Eastern, Asian to Suspect Lactose Intolerance. Postgradu-
(especially Chinese and Thai), and African de- ate Medicine 104 (September, 1998). Focuses
scent (such as the Ibo, Yoruba, and other tribes on particular populations in the United
in Nigeria and the Hausa in Sudan). On the States, including Asians, African Americans,
other hand, Europeans (especially northern) and Native Americans. Discusses lactase de-
appear to be statistically less susceptible to the ficiency, symptoms, and treatment.
deficiency. Similarly, the Fula tribe in Sudan Why Does Milk Bother Me? NIH Publication 98-
raises the fulani breed of cattle, and the Eastern 2751 4006187742, DHHS Publication 98-
African Tussi, who own cattle in Rundi, appear 2751 4008061199. Bethesda, Md.: National
to be rarely affected. It is estimated that 10 to Digestive Diseases Information Clearing-
20 percent of American Caucasians and about house, 1998. An illustrated, twelve-page
75 percent of African Americans are affected. pamphlet aimed at those suffering from lac-
The ill effects disappear as long as the diet tose intolerance.
excludes milk altogether. Often people who ex-
hibit partial lactose intolerance can still con- Web Sites of Interest
sume dairy products, including cheese and yo- American Gastroenterological Association.
gurt, if the food is processed or partially http://www.gastro.org. Site provides a guide
hydrolyzed. This may be accomplished by heat- to lactose intolerance, including discussion
ing or partially fermenting milk. Some com- of causes, diagnostics, and treatment, and
mercial products, such as Lactaid, are designed links to related resources.
for lactose-intolerant people because they in- National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive &
clude the active form of the lactase enzyme in Kidney Diseases. http://www.niddk.nih.gov.
either liquid or tablet form. This arm of the National Institutes of Health
Soraya Ghayourmanesh offers resources and links to research on lac-
See also: Aging; Hereditary Diseases; In- tose intolerance.
born Errors of Metabolism.

Further Reading
Auricchio, Salvatore, and G. Semenza, eds.
Common Food Intolerances 2: Milk in Human
Nutrition and Adult-Type Hypolactasia. New Field of study: Evolutionary biology; History
York: Karger, 1993. Discusses the health risks of genetics
associated with not consuming milk. Illustra- Significance: Although some aspects of Lamarck-
tions, bibliography, index. ianism have been discredited, the basic premises of
Buller, H. A., and R. J. Grant. Lactose Intoler- nineteenth century French biologist Jean-Baptiste
ance. Annual Reviews of Medicine 141 (1990). Lamarcks philosophy have become widely accepted
A thorough overview of lactose intolerance. tenets of evolutionary theory. Lamarckianism be-
486 Lamarckianism

came intellectually suspect following fraudulent abuses of his ideas. In the most egregious cases,
claims by the Soviet scientist Trofim Lysenko that researchers in the late nineteenth and early
he could manipulate the heredity of plants by twentieth centuries claimed that deliberate
changing their environment; by the 1990s, how- mutilations of animals could cause changes in
ever, scientists had become more willing to ac- succeeding generationsfor example, they be-
knowledge the influence of Lamarckianism in evo- lieved that if they cut the tails off a population
lutionary biology. of mice, succeeding generations would be born
without tails. During the twentieth century, the
Key terms Soviet agronomist Trofim Lysenko claimed to
acquired characteristic: a change in an or- have achieved similar results in plants. Such
ganism brought about by its interaction with claims have been thoroughly disproved.
its environment
Lysenkoism: a theory of transformation that Who Was Lamarck?
denied the existence of genes Such gross distortions of his natural philoso-
transformist theory of evolution: a nine- phy would probably have appalled Lamarck.
teenth century theory that animals gradu- Essentially an eighteenth century intellectual,
ally changed over time in response to their Lamarck was one of the last scientists who saw
perceived needs himself as a natural philosopher. He was born
August 1, 1744, in Picardy, and as the youngest
Lamarckianism Defined of eleven children was destined originally for
The term Lamarckianism has for many the church. The death of his father in 1759
years been associated with intellectually disrep- freed Lamarck to leave the seminary and enlist
utable ideas in evolutionary biology. Originally in the military, but an injury forced him to re-
formulated by the early nineteenth cen-
tury French scientist Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-
Antoine de Monet, chevalier de Lamarck
(1744-1829), Lamarckianism had two
components that were often misinter-
preted by scholars and scientists. The
first was the transformist theory that ani-
mals gradually changed over time in re-
sponse to their perceived needs. Many
critics interpreted this to mean that spe-
cies could adapt by wanting to change
in other words, that giraffes gradually
evolved to have long necks because they
wanted to reach the leaves higher in the
trees or that pelicans developed pouched
beaks because they wanted to carry more
fish. Where Lamarck had suggested only
that form followed functionfor exam-
ple, that birds that consistently relied on
seeds for food gradually transformed to
have beaks that worked best for eating
seedscritics saw the suggestion of ac-
tive intent or desire.
The second component of Lamarck-
ianism, that changes in one generation
of a species could be passed on to the
next, also led to misinterpretations and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (Library of Congress)
Lamarckianism 487


Although Lamarckian evolutionary theories never in a warm environment sprout and bloom and can
enjoyed wide acceptance, a century after Lamarcks thereby be forced to blossom midwinter if desired.
death a Russian agronomist, Trofim Denisovich Ly- Lysenko claimed that seeds from vernalized wheat
senko (1898-1976), promoted similar theories of would sprout early without undergoing vernaliza-
heritability of acquired characteristics. Lysenko, tion themselves. Several ensuing years of good wheat
born in Ukraine, earned a doctorate in agricultural production seemed to validate Lysenkos claims.
science from the Kiev Agricultural Institute in 1925. Unfortunately for both Soviet science and Soviet
Lysenko claimed that changing the environment agriculture, before it could become evident that
in which plants grew made it possible to alter the Lysenkos seeming successes resulted from good
fruit they bore, and those alterations would be pres- growing conditions rather than from his theories,
ent in the plants grown from their seed. Unlike Lysenko proved more adept at politics than he was at
Lamarck, who posited gradual change over many biology. He and his supporters denounced Darwin-
generations, Lysenko suggested that dramatic alter- ian evolutionary theories as bourgeois, contrary to
ations were possible immediately. One of his more the fundamental principles of Marxism and dialecti-
outlandish claims was that wheat grown under condi- cal materialism as practiced in the Soviet Union. By
tions suited for rye would yield rye seeds, a notion as politicizing science, Lysenko made it impossible for
biologically impossible as the idea that feeding cat other Russian scientists to pursue research that con-
food to a dog would result in its giving birth to kittens tradicted Lysenkos pet theories. As director of the
instead of puppies. Institute of Genetics of the Academy of Sciences
Lysenkos ideas were based on results achieved by from 1940 to 1965, Lysenko wielded tremendous
an uneducated but successful horticulturalist, Ivan power within the Soviet scientific community. Scien-
V. Michurin (1855-1935). Michurin developed hun- tists who challenged his theories not only risked los-
dreds of varieties of berries and fruit trees. He cred- ing their academic positions and research funding
ited his achievements to inheritance of acquired but also could be charged with crimes against the
characteristics rather than to selective breeding. Ly- state. In the 1940s several of Lysenkos critics were
senko believed similar success was possible with ce- found guilty of anti-Soviet activity, resulting in either
real grains, primarily wheat, upon which the Soviet their execution or exile to Siberian prison camps.
Union relied. By the 1950s it was clear that Lysenkos theories
Lysenko used vernalization of wheat as proof that did not work. Wheat production consistently failed
acquired characteristics were heritable. Vernaliza- to achieve promised yields. Agronomists quietly
tion involves forcing seeds into responding to the stopped using Lysenkos methods as Lysenkos influ-
changing of seasons earlier than they would under ence faded, but Lysenko managed to retain his ad-
natural conditions. Bulbs of tulips, for example, ministrative positions for another decade.
when refrigerated for a short time and then placed Nancy Farm Mnnikk

sign his commission in 1768. He sampled a vari- When the garden was reorganized as the Mu-
ety of possible vocations before deciding to seum National dHistoire Naturelle in 1794,
pursue a career in science. twelve professorships were created; Lamarck
His early scientific work was in botany. He became a professor of what would now be
devised a system of classification of plants and called invertebrate zoology.
in 1778 published a guide to French flowers. In Lamarck demonstrated through his lectures
1779, at the age of thirty-five, Lamarck was and published works that he modeled his career
elected to the Acadmie des Sciences. Re- on that of his mentor, Buffon. He frequently
nowned naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc, went beyond the strictly technical aspects of
comte de Buffon, obtained a commission for natural science to discuss philosophical issues,
Lamarck to travel in Europe as a botanist of the and he was not afraid to use empirical data as a
king. In 1789, Lamarck obtained a position at basis for hypothesizing. Thus, he often specu-
the Jardin du Roi as keeper of the herbarium. lated freely on the transformation of species.
488 Lamarckianism

Philosophie Zoologique (Zoological Philosophy), into evolutionary theory and scientific dis-
now considered his major published work, was course. Researchers in microbiology have de-
issued in two volumes in 1809. In it, Lamarck scribed processes that have been openly de-
elaborated upon his theories concerning the scribed as Lamarckian, while other scholars
evolution of species through adaptation to began to recognize that Lamarcks ideas did in-
changes in their environments. An essentially deed serve as an important influence in devel-
philosophical work, Zoological Philosophy is to- oping theories about the influence of environ-
day remembered primarily for Lamarcks two ment on both plants and animals.
laws: Nancy Farm Mnnikk
See also: Central Dogma of Molecular Biol-
First Law: In every animal which has not passed ogy; Chromosome Theory of Heredity; Classi-
the limit of its development, a more frequent cal Transmission Genetics; DNA Structure and
and continuous use of any organ gradually Function; Evolutionary Biology; Genetic Code,
strengthens, develops and enlarges that organ Cracking of; Genetic Engineering: Historical
and gives it a power proportional to the length of Development; Genetics, Historical Develop-
time it has been so used; while the permanent ment of; Genetics in Television and Films;
disuse of any organ imperceptibly weakens and Genomics; Human Genome Project; Mendel-
deteriorates it, and progressively diminishes its
ian Genetics.
functional capacity, until it finally disappears.

Second Law: All the acquisitions or losses

Further Reading
wrought by nature on individuals, through the Burkhardt, Richard W., Jr. The Spirit of System:
influence of the environment in which their race Lamarck and Evolutionary Biology, Now with
has long been placed, and hence through the in- Lamarck in 1995. Cambridge, Mass.: Har-
fluence of the predominant use or disuse of any vard University Press, 1995. Considered by
organ; all these are preserved by reproduction to many historians of science to be the most
the new individuals which arise, provided that comprehensive examination of Lamarck
the acquired modifications are common to both and his time. Illustrated.
sexes, or at least to the individuals which pro- Fine, Paul E. M. Lamarckian Ironies in Con-
duce the young. temporary Biology. Lancet, June 2, 1979.
Discusses how Lamarckianism has crept into
These two tenets constitute the heart of La- modern evolutionary theory even as some
marckianism. biologists continue to deny any Lamarckian
During his lifetime, Lamarcks many books influences.
were widely read and discussed, particularly Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste de Monet de. Zoological
Zoological Philosophy. It is true Lamarcks ideas Philosophy: An Exposition with Regard to the Nat-
on the progression of life from simple forms to ural History of Animals. Translated by Hugh
more complex forms in a great chain of being Eliott. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
met with opposition, but that opposition was 1984. Lamarcks seminal work, particularly
not universal. He was not the only transform- useful to readers curious about the origins of
ist active in early nineteenth century science, Lamarckianism.
and his influence extended beyond Paris. Lanham, Url. Origins of Modern Biology. New
Whether or not Lamarck directly influenced York: Columbia University Press, 1971. Pro-
Charles Darwin is a matter of debate, but it is vides a good general history of biology. Bibli-
known that geologist Charles Lyell read La- ography.
marck, and Lyell in turn influenced Darwin. Persell, Stuart Michael. Neo-Lamarckism and the
Lamarckianisms fall into disrepute follow- Evolution Controversy in France, 1870-1920.
ing Lamarcks death was prompted by social Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1999.
and political factors as well as scientific criteria. Discusses interactions between society, poli-
By the 1970s, after a century and a half of deni- tics, and scientific thought and the rise of
gration, Lamarckianism began creeping back anti-Darwinian ideas in late nineteenth and
Lateral Gene Transfer 489

early twentieth century French evolutionary Frederick Griffith with pneumonia-causing bac-
science. Bibliography, index. teria in the 1920s. Griffith discovered the pro-
Steele, Edward J., Robyn A. Lindley, and Robert cess of bacterial transformation, by which the
V. Blanden. Lamarcks Signature: How Retro- organism acquires genetic material from its en-
genes Are Changing Darwins Natural Selection vironment and expresses the traits contained
Paradigm. Reading, Mass.: Perseus Books, on the DNA in its own cells. Bacteria may also
1998. Argues that some acquired character- acquire foreign genetic material by the process
istics and immunities (environmental influ- of transduction. In transduction a bacterio-
ence), and not just unchanging genetic pre- phage picks up a piece of host DNA from one
dispositions, as widely believed, can be passed cell and delivers it to another cell, where it inte-
on from generation to generation. Illustra- grates into the genome. This material may then
tions, bibliography, index. be expressed in the same manner as any of the
other of the hosts genes. A third mechanism,
conjugation, allows two bacteria that are con-
nected by means of a cytoplasmic bridge to ex-
change genetic information.
Lateral Gene Transfer With the development of molecular biology,
evidence has been accumulated that supports
Field of study: Population genetics the lateral movement of genes between prokar-
Significance: Lateral gene transfer is the movement yotic species. In the case of Escherichia coli, one
of genes between organisms. It is also sometimes of the most heavily researched bacteria on the
called horizontal gene transfer. In contrast, verti- planet, there is evidence that as much as 20 per-
cal gene transfer is the movement of genes between cent of the organisms approximately 4,403
parents and their offspring. Vertical gene transfer genes may have been transferred laterally into
is the basis of the study of transmission genetics, the species from other bacteria. This may ex-
while lateral gene transfer is important in the plain the ability of E. coli, and indeed many
study of evolutionary genetics, as well as having other prokaryotic species, to adapt to new envi-
important implications in the fields of medicine ronments. It may also explain why in a given
and agriculture. bacterial genus some members are pathogenic
while others are not. Rather than evolving
Key terms pathogenic traits, bacteria may have acquired
gene transfer: the movement of fragments of genetic sequences from other organisms and
genetic information, whole genes, or groups then exploited their new abilities.
of genes between organisms It is also now possible to screen the genomes
genetically modified organism (GMO): an of bacteria for similarities in genetic sequences
organism produced by using biotechnology and use this information to reassess previously
to introduce a new gene or genes, or new established phylogenetic relationships. Once
regulatory sequences for genes, into it for again, the majority of this work has been done
the purpose of giving the organism a new in prokaryotic organisms, with the primary fo-
trait, usually to adapt the organism to a new cus being on the relationship between the do-
environment, provide resistance to pest spe- mains Archaea and Bacteria. Several researchers
cies, or enable the production of new prod- have detected evidence of lateral gene transfer
ucts from the organism between thermophilic bacteria and Archaea
transposons: mobile genetic elements that prokaryotes. Although the degree of gene
may be responsible for the movement of ge- transfer between these domains is under con-
netic material between unrelated organisms tention, there is widespread agreement that
the transfer of genes occurred early in their
Gene Transfer in Prokaryotes evolutionary history. The fact that there was lat-
The fact that genes may move between bac- eral gene transfer has complicated accurate de-
teria has been known since the experiments of terminations of divergence time and order.
490 Lateral Gene Transfer

Gene Transfer in Eukaryotes wind-pollinated. Genetically modified corn,

Although not as common as in prokaryotes, containing the microbial insecticide Bt, may
there is evidence of gene transfer in eukaryotic cross-pollinate with unintentional species, re-
organisms as well. A mechanism by which gene ducing the effectiveness of pest management
transfer may be possible is the transposon. strategies. In another case, the movement of
Barbara McClintock first proposed the exis- herbicide resistant genes from a GMO to a
tence of transposons, or mobile genetic ele- weed species may result in the formation of a
ments, in 1948. One of the first examples of a superweed.
transposon moving laterally between species On the beneficial side, lateral gene transfer
was discovered in Drosophila in the 1950s. A may also play a part in medicine as part of gene
form of transposon called a P element was therapy. A number of researchers are examin-
found to have moved from D. willistoni to D. me- ing the possibility of using viruses, transposons,
lanogaster. What is interesting about these stud- and other systems to move genes, or parts of
ies is that the movement of the P element was genes, into target cells in the human body,
enabled by a parasitic mite common to the two where they may be therapeutic in treating dis-
species. This suggests that parasites may play an eases and disorders.
important role in lateral gene transfer, espe- Michael Windelspecht
cially in higher organisms. Furthermore, since See also: Archaea; Bacterial Genetics and
the transposon may move parts of the host ge- Cell Structure; Evolutionary Biology; Gene Reg-
nome during transition, it may play a crucial ulation: Bacteria; Gene Regulation: Eukaryotes;
role in gene transfer. Gene Regulation: Lac Operon; Gene Regula-
The completion of the Human Genome tion: Viruses; Hybridization and Introgression;
Project, and the technological advances in ge- Molecular Genetics; Transposable Elements.
nomic processing that it developed, have al-
lowed researchers to compare the human ge- Further Reading
nome with the genomes of other organisms to Bushman, Frederick. Lateral Gene Transfer: Mech-
look for evidence of lateral transfer. It is esti- anisms and Consequences. Cold Spring Har-
mated that between 113 and 223 human genes bor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
may not be the result of vertical gene transfer Press, 2001. Examines the ability of genes to
but instead might have been introduced later- move between organisms and its implica-
ally from bacteria. tions on the development of antibiotic resis-
tance, cancer, and evolutionary pathways,
Implications including those of humans.
While the concept of lateral gene transfer Rissler, Jane, and Margaret Mellon. The Ecologi-
may initially seem to be a concern only for evo- cal Risks of Engineered Crops. Cambridge, Mass.:
lutionary geneticists in their construction of MIT Press, 1996. Introduces the reader to
phylogenetic trees, in reality the effects of lat- the concept of transgenic crops and then
eral gene transfer pose concerns with regard to discusses the potential environmental risks
both medicine and agriculture, specifically in of gene flow between genetically modified
the case of transgenic plants. organisms and nontarget species of plants.
Currently the biggest concern regarding lat- Suggests mechanisms of regulation to in-
eral gene transfer is the unintentional move- hibit environmental risk.
ment of genes from genetically modified or- Syvanen, Michael, and Clarence Kado. Horizon-
ganisms (GMOs) into other plant species. Such tal Gene Transfer. 2d ed. Burlington, Mass.:
transfer may occur by parasites, as appears to Academic Press, 2002. Examines the process
have occurred with Drosophila in animals, or by of gene transfer from an advanced perspec-
dispersal of pollen grains out of the treated tive. Discusses the relationship between
field. This second possibility holds particular gene transfer and phylogenetic analysis, evo-
significance for corn growers, whose crop is lutionary theory, and taxonomy.
Linkage Maps 491

coding genes was only about 21,000. Human

Linkage Maps beings have forty-six chromosomes in each cell
(twenty-three from the mother and twenty-
Field of study: Techniques and three from the father): twenty-two pairs of
methodologies autosomal chromosomes plus two sex chromo-
Significance: Linkage maps can be used to predict somes (two X chromosomes in females and an
the outcome of genetic crosses involving linked X and a Y chromosome in males). Since hu-
genes and, more important, can be used to find the mans have only twenty-four kinds of chromo-
location of genes that are responsible for specific somes, there must be less than a few thousand
traits or genetic defects. genes on the average human chromosome.
If two loci fail to show independent assort-
Key terms ment, they are said to be linked and are there-
alleles: different forms of the same gene lo- fore near one another on the same chromo-
cus; in diploids there are two alleles at each some. For example, if the alleles A and B are
locus on one chromosome and a and b are on the
crossing over: an event early in meiosis in homologue of that chromosome, then the di-
which homologous chromosomes exchange hybrid (AB/ab) would form gametes with the
homologous regions combinations AB and ab more often than Ab
dihybrid: an organism that is heterozygous for and aB. How much more often? At one ex-
both of two different gene loci treme, if there is no crossover between these
homologous chromosomes: chromosomes two loci on the two homologous chromosomes,
that are structurally the same and contain then 1 2 of the gametes would be AB and 1 2 would
the same loci, although the loci may each be ab. At the other extreme, if the two genes are
have different alleles so far apart on a large chromosome that cross-
locus (pl. loci): The specific region of a chro- over occurs between the loci almost every time
mosome that contains a specific gene meiosis occurs, they would assort indepen-
meiosis: cell division that reduces the chromo- dently, thus behaving like two loci on different
some number from two sets (diploid) to one nonhomologous chromosomes. When two
set (haploid), ultimately resulting in the for- genes are on the same chromosome but show
mation of gametes (eggs or sperm) or spores no linkage, they are said to be syntenic.
In the first stage of meiosis, homologous
Linkage and Crossing Over chromosomes pair tightly with one another
When Gregor Mendel examined inheri- (synapsis). At this stage of meiosis, each homol-
tance of two traits at a time, he found that the ogous chromosome is composed of two chro-
dihybrid parent (Aa or Bb) produced offspring matids called sister chromatids, so there are
with the four possible combinations of these al- four complete DNA molecules (a tetrad) pres-
leles at equal frequencies: 1 4AB, 1 4Ab, 1 4aB, and ent in the paired homologous chromosomes.
1 ab. He called this pattern independent as- A reciprocal exchange of pieces of two paired
sortment. The discovery of meiosis explained homologous chromosomes can produce new
the basis of independent assortment. If the A combinations of alleles between two linked loci
locus and the B locus are on nonhomologous if a crossover occurs in the right region. Chro-
chromosomes, then segregation of the alleles mosomes that display a new arrangement of al-
of one locus (A and a) will be independent of leles due to crossover are called recombinants.
the segregation of the alleles of the other (B For example, a crossover in a dihybrid with AB
and b). on one chromosome and ab on its homologue
Even simple plants, animals, fungi, and could form Ab and aB recombinants. The aver-
protists have thousands of genes. The number age number of crossovers during a meiotic divi-
of human genes is unknown, but with the com- sion differs from species to species and some-
pletion of the human genome in 2003 it ap- times between the sexes of a single species. For
peared that the actual number of protein- example, crossover does not occur in male fruit
492 Linkage Maps

flies (Drosophila melanogas-

ter), and it may occur slightly FATHER MOTHER
less often in human males
than in females. Neverthe- M
less, within a single sex of a Marker M
single species, the number and HD HD
of crossovers during a mei-
otic division is fairly constant
and many crossovers typi- CHILDREN
cally occur along the length
of each pair of chromo- M M M
Constructing the Maps
Marker M Marker M Marker M
If two loci are very close
and HD Only* and HD
together on the same chro-
mosome, crossover between
them will be rare, and thus *Recombinant: Frequency of this event reflects the distance
recombinant gametes will between genes for the marker M and HD.
also be rare. Conversely,
crossover will occur more fre-
As a result of crossing over, traits located on one chromosome may not be inherited to-
quently between two loci that gether. Those traits that tend to be inherited together most often also tend to be those lo-
are farther apart on the same cated near each other on the chromosome. Those traits that are more distant are more
chromosome. This is true be- likely to cross over or recombine during the production of gametes (eggs and sperm) and
cause the location for any therefore to be absent as a result of crossover. Genetic linkage maps can be constructed
particular crossover is ran- based on the frequency of these events. (U.S. Department of Energy Human Ge-
dom. This fact has been used nome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis)
to construct linkage maps
(also called crossover maps
or genetic maps) of the chromosomes of many gene pair cM
species. The distances between loci on linkage
a and b 18
maps are expressed as percent crossover. A
crossover of 1 percent is equal to one centi- a and c 7
Morgan (cM). If two loci are 12 cM apart on
a linkage map, a dihybrid will form approxi-
mately twelve recombinant gametes for every It is clear that the C locus must be between the
eighty-eight nonrecombinant gametes. Link- other two loci on the linkage map. The abso-
age maps are made by combining data from lute order, ACB or BCA, is arbitrarily defined by
many different controlled crosses or matings. the first person who constructs a linkage map
For instance, suppose that a cross between a di- of a species.
hybrid AB/ab individual and a homozygous ab/
ab individual produced 81 AB/ab + 83 ab/ab a c b
progeny (non-crossover types) and 20 Ab/ab + 7 11
16 aB/ab progeny (crossover types). The map
distance between these loci would be 100(20 +
16)/(81 + 83 + 20 + 16) = 18 cM. In this example, the linkage map is exactly ad-
The table shows the frequency of recombi- ditive. In real experiments, linkage map dis-
nant gametes from test crosses of three differ- tances are seldom exactly additive, because the
ent dihybrids, including the one already de- longer the distance between two loci, the
scribed: greater chance there will be for double cross-
Linkage Maps 493

overs to occur. Double crossovers give the same (A, B, and C) that are arranged in that order on
result as no crossover, and are therefore not de- the chromosome. Suppose that the AB distance
tected. Thus, the greater the distance between on the physical map is exactly the same as the
two loci, the more the distance will be under- BC distance. If the crossover frequency be-
estimated. tween A and B is higher than between B and C,
Once a large number of genes on the same then the AB linkage map distance will be larger
chromosome have been mapped, the linkage than the BC linkage map distance. It is com-
map is redrawn with map positions rather than mon to find small discrepancies between link-
map distances. For example, if many other ex- age maps and physical maps all along the chro-
periments provided more information about mosome. Large discrepancies are usually
linked genes, the following linkage map might limited to loci close to centromeres. Crossover
emerge: frequencies are generally very low near centro-
meres, apparently due to the structural charac-
p q a c b r s teristics of centromeres. If two loci are on oppo-
site sides of a centromere, they will appear
0 6 14 21 32 39 49
farther apart on the physical map and much
closer on the linkage map.
The A and C loci are still 7 cM apart (21 14 = James L. Farmer, updated by Bryan Ness
7), and the other distances on the first map are See also: Chromosome Structure; Chromo-
also still the same. some Theory of Heredity; Classical Transmis-
Very detailed linkage maps have been con- sion Genetics; Complete Dominance; Dihybrid
structed for some plants, animals, fungi, and Inheritance; Gene Families; Genomics; Men-
protists that are of particular value to medicine, delian Genetics; Mitosis and Meiosis; Model
agriculture, industry, or scientific research. Organism: Drosophila melanogaster; Model Or-
Among them are Zea mays (maize), Drosophila ganism: Neurospora crassa.
melanogaster (fruit fly), and Saccharomyces cerevis-
iae (bakers yeast). The linkage map of Homo sa-
piens (humans) is not very detailed because it is Further Reading
unethical and socially impossible to arrange all Liu, Ben-Hui. Statistical Genomics: Linkage, Map-
of the desired crosses that would be necessary ping, and QTL Analysis. Boca Raton, Fla.:
to construct one. Other techniques have al- CRC Press, 1998. Covers the quantitative
lowed the construction of very detailed physi- and theoretical aspects of genomics, includ-
cal maps of human chromosomes. ing linkage map construction and merging.
Illustrations, glossary, bibliography, index.
Genetic Linkage Maps and the Structure Ott, Jurg. Analysis of Human Genetic Linkage. 3d
of Chromosomes ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
It should be emphasized that the linkage Press, 1999. Introductory text that presents
map is not a scale model of the physical chro- basic methods for linkage analysis. Illustra-
mosome. It is generally true that the relative or- tions.
der of genes on the linkage map and the physi- Terwilliger, Joseph Douglas, and Jurg Ott.
cal chromosome map are the same. However, Handbook of Human Genetic Linkage. Balti-
the relative distances between genes on the more: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.
linkage map may not be proportionately the Emphasizes computer-based analyses. Illus-
same on the physical map. Consider three loci trations, bibliography, index.
Mendelian Genetics earned just enough from tutoring to get by. At
Field of study: Classical transmission times, however, the pressure became too much
genetics; History of genetics for him. He suffered a breakdown in 1839 and
Significance: Gregor Mendel was a monk and a returned home for several months to recuper-
science teacher in Moravia when he wrote his fa- ate. He was to have several more of these stress-
mous paper about experimental crosses of pea related illnesses, but no precise information is
plants. Little note was taken of it when it was pub- available about their causes and symptoms.
lished in 1866, but it provided concepts and meth- In 1840, Mendel completed Gymnasium, as
ods that catalyzed the growth of modern genetics af- the elite secondary schools were called, and en-
ter 1900 and earned Mendel posthumous renown tered the University of Olomouc for the two-
as the founder of the new science. year program in philosophy that preceded
higher university studies. He had trouble sup-
Key terms porting himself in Olomouc, perhaps because
gametes: reproductive cells that unite during there was less demand for German-speaking tu-
fertilization to form an embryo; in plants, tors, and his Czech was not good enough for
the pollen cells and egg cells are gametes teaching. He suffered another breakdown in
hybrid: a plant form resulting from a cross be- 1841 and retreated to Hyn5ice during spring
tween two distinct varieties exams.
independent assortment: the segregation of That summer, Mendel decided once more
two or more pairs of genes without any ten- against staying and taking over the farm. Since
dency for certain genes to stay together his father could not work, the farm was sold to
segregation: the process of separating a pair his elder sisters husband. Johanns share of the
of Mendelian hereditary elements (genes), proceeds was not enough to see him through
one from each parent, and distributing
them at random into the gametes

Early Life
Born Johann Mendel on July 22, 1822, the
future teacher, monk, abbot, botanist, and me-
teorologist grew up in a village in Moravia, a
province of the Austrian Empire that later be-
came part of Czechoslovakia (1918) and the
Czech Republic (1993). His parents were peas-
ant farmers and belonged to the large, German-
speaking minority in this predominantly Czech
province. Like most places in Moravia, Men-
dels hometown had two names: Hyn5ice in
Czech and Heinzendorf in German.
Johann Mendel was an exceptional pupil,
but no local schooling was available for him be-
yond the age of ten. In 1833, he persuaded his
parents to send him to town to continue his ed-
ucation. They were reluctant to let him go be-
cause they could ill afford to dispense with his
help on the farm or finance his studies. In
1838, Mendels father was partially disabled in
a logging accident, and Johann, then sixteen
and still at school, had to support himself. He Gregor Mendel. (National Library of Medicine)
Mendelian Genetics 495

the Olomouc program, especially since he had These exams were very demanding and nor-
to repeat a year because of the missed exams. mally required more preparation than Men-
However, his twelve-year-old sister sacrificed dels two years at Olomouc. Mendel failed, but
part of her future dowry so that he could con- one examiner advised the abbot to let him try
tinue. (He repaid her years later by putting her again after further study. The abbot took this
three sons through Gymnasium and university.) advice and sent Mendel to study in Vienna for
Upon finishing at Olomouc in 1843, Mendel two years (1851-1853). There he took courses
decided to enter the clergy. The priesthood in biology, physics, and meteorology with some
filled his need for a secure position and held of the best-known scientists of his day, includ-
out possibilities for further learning and teach- ing physicist Christian Doppler and botanist
ing, but Mendel did not seem to be called to it. Franz Unger.
Aided by a professors recommendation, Men- For unknown reasons, Mendel returned to
del was accepted into the Augustinian monas- Moravia to resume substitute teaching and did
tery in Brno, the capital of Moravia, where he not go to Vienna for the exams until 1856. This
took the name Gregor. In 1847, after four years time he was too nervous to finish. After writing
of preparation at the monastery, he was or- one essay, he fell ill and returned to Brno. De-
dained a priest. spite this failure, he was allowed to teach regu-
lar classes until 1868 even though he was tech-
Priesthood and Teaching nically only a substitute.
The Brno monastery was active in the com-
munity and provided highly qualified instruc- Scientific Work
tors for Gymnasia and technical schools During his teaching career, Mendel per-
throughout Moravia. Several monks, including formed his famous experiments on peas in a
the abbot, were interested in science, and they garden at the monastery. He published the re-
had experimental gardens, a herbarium, a min- sults in an 1866 article, which introduced fun-
eralogical collection, and an extensive library. damental concepts and methods of genetics.
Mendel found himself in learned company The first set of experiments involved fourteen
with opportunities for research in his spare varieties of pea plant, each with a single distin-
time. guishing trait. These traits made up seven con-
Unfortunately, Mendels nerves failed him trasting pairs, such as seeds that were either
when he had to minister to the sick and dying. round or wrinkled in outline or seed colors that
Assigned to a local hospital in 1848, he was so were green or yellow. Upon crossing each pair,
upset by it that he was bedridden himself within Mendel obtained hybrids identical to one par-
five months. However, his abbot was sympa- ent variety. For example, the cross of round
thetic and let him switch to teaching. A letter with wrinkled peas yielded only round peas; the
survives in which the abbot explains this deci- cross of green with yellow peas yielded only yel-
sion to the bishop: [Mendel] leads a retiring, low peas. He referred to traits that asserted
modest and virtuous religious life . . . and he de- themselves in the hybrids as dominant. The
votes himself diligently to scholarly pursuits. others were recessive because they receded
For pastoral duties, however, he is less suited, from view. The effect was the same regardless of
because at the sick-bed or at the sight of the sick whether he fertilized the wrinkled variety with
or suffering he is seized by an insurmountable pollen from the round or the round variety
dread, from which he has even fallen danger- with pollen from the wrinkled. This indicated
ously ill. to Mendel that both pollen cells and egg cells
Mendel taught Latin and Greek, German lit- contributed equally to heredity; this was a sig-
erature, math, and science as a substitute at the nificant finding because the details of plant re-
Gymnasium and was found to be very good at production were still unclear.
teaching. Therefore, he was sent to Vienna in Mendel next allowed the seven hybrids to
1850 to take the licensing examinations so that pollinate themselves, and the recessive traits re-
he could be promoted to a regular position. appeared in the second generation. For in-
496 Mendelian Genetics

stance, the round peas, which were hybrids of the pollen a and egg a combination, which ex-
round and wrinkled peas, yielded not only cludes the A element. For similar reasons,
more round peas but also some wrinkled ones. plants with the dominant trait bred true one-
Moreover, the dominant forms outnumbered third of the time, depending on whether they
the recessives three to one. Mendel explained were the pure forms from the pollen A and egg
the 3:1 ratio as follows. He used the symbols A A combination or the hybrids from the pollen
for the dominant form, a for the recessive, and A and egg a or pollen a and egg A combina-
Aa for the hybrid. A hybrid, he argued, could tions.
produce two types of pollen cell, one contain- Mendels hereditary elements sound like
ing some sort of hereditary element corre- the modern geneticists genes or alleles, and
sponding to trait A and the other an element Mendel usually receives credit for introducing
corresponding to trait a. Likewise, it could pro- the gene concept. Like genes, Mendels ele-
duce eggs containing either A or a elements. ments were material entities inherited from
This process of dividing up the hereditary fac- both parents and transmitted to the gametes.
tors among the gametes became known as seg- They also retained their integrity even when re-
regation. cessive in a hybrid. However, it is not clear
The gametes from the Aa hybrids could whether he pictured two copies of each ele-
come together in any of four combinations: ment in every cell, one copy from each parent,
pollen A with egg A, pollen A with egg a, pollen and he certainly did not associate them with
a with egg A, and pollen a with egg a. The first chromosomes.
three of these combinations all grew into plants In a second set of experiments, Mendel
with the dominant trait A; only the fourth pro- tested combinations of traits to see whether
duced the recessive a. Therefore, if all four they would segregate freely or tend to be inher-
combinations were equally common, one could ited together. For example, he crossed round,
expect an average of three plants exhibiting A yellow peas with wrinkled, green ones. That
for every one exhibiting a. cross first yielded only round, yellow peas, as
Allowing self-pollination to continue, Men- could be expected from the dominance rela-
del found that the recessives always bred true. tionships. Then, in the second generation, all
In other words, they only produced more four possible combinations of traits segregated
plants with that same recessive trait; no domi- out: not only the parental round yellow and
nant forms reappeared, not even in subse- wrinkled green peas but also new round green
quent generations. Mendels explanation was and wrinkled yellow ones. Mendel was able to
that the recessives could only have arisen from explain the ratios as before, based on equally

The Results of Mendels Pea-Plant Experiments

Parental characteristics First generation Second generation Second generation ratio

Round wrinkled seeds All round 5,474 round : 1,850 wrinkled 2.96 : 1
Yellow green seeds All yellow 6,022 yellow : 2,001 green 3.01 : 1
Gray white seedcoats All gray 705 gray : 224 white 3.15 : 1
Inflated pinched pods All inflated 882 inflated : 299 pinched 2.95 : 1
Green yellow pods All green 428 green : 152 yellow 2.82 : 1
Axial terminal flowers All axial 651 axial : 207 terminal 3.14 : 1
Long short stems All long 787 long : 277 short 2.84 : 1
Mendelian Genetics 497

likely combinations of hereditary elements

coming together at fertilization. The free re- Mendels Pea Plants
grouping of hereditary traits became known as
independent assortment. In the twentieth cen- Dominant trait Recessive trait
tury, it was found not to occur universally be-
cause some genes are linked together on the
same chromosome. Round Wrinkled
Mendels paper did not reach many readers.
As a Gymnasium teacher and a monk in Moravia
without even a doctoral degree, Mendel could Yellow Green
not command the same attention as a univer-
sity professor in a major city. Also, it was not ob-
vious that the behavior of these seven pea traits
illustrated fundamental principles of heredity.
Mendel wrote to several leading botanists in Purple flower White flower
Germany and Austria about his findings, but
only Carl von Ngeli at the University of Mu-
nich is known to have responded, and even he
was skeptical of Mendels conclusions. Mendel
published only one more paper on heredity (in Inflated pod Constricted pod
1869) and did little else to follow up his experi-
ments or gain wider attention from scientists.
Mendel pursued other scientific interests as
well. He was active in local scientific societies
and was an avid meteorologist. He set up a Green pod Yellow pod
weather station at the monastery and sent re-
ports to the Central Meteorological Institute in
Vienna. He also helped organize a network of
weather stations in Moravia. He envisioned
telegraph connections among the stations and
with Vienna that would make weather forecast-
ing feasible. In his later years, Mendel studied
sunspots and tested the idea that they affected
the weather. He also monitored the water level
in the monastery well in order to test a theory
that changes in the water table were related to Axial flowers Terminal flowers
epidemics. A common thread that ran through
these diverse research interests was that they all
involved counting or measuring, with the goal
of discovering scientific laws behind the nu-
merical patterns. His one great success was in
explaining the pea data with his concepts of
dominance, segregation, and independent as-
Mendel felt pleased and honored to be
elected abbot in 1868, even though he had to
give up teaching and most of his research. He Long stem Short stem
did not have the heart to say good-bye to his pu-
pils. Instead, he asked the school director to an- Mendel evaluated the transmission of seven paired traits in his
nounce his departure and give his last months studies of garden peas. (Electronic Illustrators Group)
498 Mendelian Genetics

salary to the three neediest boys in the class. As

abbot, Mendel had a reputation for generosity Mendels Law of Segregation
to the poor and to scientific and cultural insti-
Round pea parent Wrinkled pea parent
tutions. He was also an efficient manager of the
monastery and its extensive land holdings and AA aa
a fierce defender of the monasterys interests.
From 1874 on, he feuded with imperial author- Hereditary unit (A) Hereditary unit (a)
ities over a new tax on the monastery, which he
refused to pay as long as he lived. Mendels
health failed gradually in the last years of his Aa Aa Aa Aa Round
life. He had kidney problems and an abnor-
mally fast heartbeat, the latter probably from Generation 1
nerves and nicotine. (A doctor recommended
smoking to control his weight, and he devel-
oped a twenty-cigar-a-day habit.) He died Janu- Aa Aa
ary 6, 1884, of heart and kidney failure.

Impact and Applications

Hereditary unit (A or a) Hereditary unit (A or a)

Years after Mendels death, a scientific col-

league remembered him saying, prophetically, AA Aa Aa aa
my time will come. It came in 1900, when pa-
pers by three different botanists reported ex- Round Wrinkled
perimental results that were similar to Men-
dels and endorsed Mendels long-overlooked Generation 2
explanations. This event became known as the
rediscovery of Mendelism. By 1910, Mendels Mendels law of segregation is demonstrated by an initial cross
theory had given rise to a whole new field of re- between true-breeding plants with round peas and plants with
search, which was given the name genetics. wrinkled peas. The round trait is dominant, and the wrinkled
Mendels hereditary elements were described trait is recessive. The second generation consists of round-pea
plants and wrinkled-pea plants produced in a ratio of 3:1.
more precisely as genes and were presumed
to be located on the chromosomes. By the
1920s, the sex chromosomes were identified,
the determination of sex was explained in Men- and how genes exert their influence on cells. In
delian terms, and the arrangements of genes short, all of modern genetics can trace its heri-
on chromosomes could be mapped. tage back to the ideas and experiments of
The study of evolution was also transformed Gregor Mendel.
by Mendelian genetics, as Darwinians and anti- Sander Gliboff
Darwinians alike had to take the new informa- See also: Chloroplast Genes; Chromosome
tion about heredity into account. By 1930, it Structure; Chromosome Theory of Heredity;
had been shown that natural selection could Classical Transmission Genetics; Complete
cause evolutionary change in a population by Dominance; Dihybrid Inheritance; Genetic En-
shifting the proportions of individuals with dif- gineering: Historical Development; Genetics,
ferent genes. This principle of population ge- Historical Development of; Incomplete Domi-
netics became a cornerstone of modern Dar- nance; Linkage Maps; Monohybrid Inheri-
winism. tance; Natural Selection; Quantitative Inheri-
Investigations of the material basis of hered- tance.
ity led to the discovery of the genes DNA struc-
ture in 1953. This breakthrough marked the Further Reading
beginning of molecular genetics, which studies Corcos, A., and F. Monaghan. Mendels Experi-
how genes are copied, how mutations occur, ments on Plant Hybrids: A Guided Study. New
Metafemales 499

Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press,

1993. Covers the seminal work of Gregor Metafemales
Mendel, along with a biography.
Edelson, Edward. Gregor Mendel and the Roots of Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
Genetics. New York: Oxford University Press, Significance: Genetic defects are quite common in
1999. Story of Mendels research into the in- humans. The frequency of females born with XXX
heritance of traits in the garden pea. Illustra- chromosomes, called multiple X or metafemale syn-
tions (including botanical drawings), bibli- drome, generally varies between one in one thou-
ography, index. sand and one in fifteen hundred but may be less in
Henig, Robin Marantz. The Monk in the Garden: some populations. Although most such females
The Lost and Found Genius of Gregor Mendel, the have normal appearance and sexual reproduc-
Father of Genetics. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, tion, this abnormality needs to be better understood
2000. A descriptive look at Mendels life and so that the affected individuals lives are bettered
work for the general reader. Illustrated. medically and socially.
Iltis, Hugo. Life of Mendel. Translated by Eden
Paul and Cedar Paul. 1932. Reprint. New Key terms
York: Hafner, 1966. This first biography of autosomes: all chromosomes other than sex
Gregor Mendel is still among the best. chromosomes in a cell nucleus
Olby, Robert. The Origins of Mendelism. 2d ed. Barr body: named after its discoverer, Murray
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985. L. Barr, a dark-stained sex chromatin body in
Discusses the history of genetics from the nuclei of females, which represents the inac-
1700s through the rediscovery of Mendel. tivated X chromosome; the number of Barr
Orel, Vtezslav. Gregor Mendel: The First Geneti- bodies in any cell is generally one less than
cist. Translated by Stephen Finn. New York: the number of X chromosomes
Oxford University Press, 1996. Biography Lyon hypothesis: proposed by Mary Lyon in
that focuses on how Mendels work was re- 1962, a hypothesis that during development
ceived by his peers and critics, even after his one of the two X chromosomes in normal
death. Illustrations, bibliography, index. mammalian females is inactivated at ran-
Tudge, Colin. In Mendels Footnotes: An Intro- dom; the inactivated X chromosome is a
duction to the Science and Technologies of Genes Barr body
and Genetics from the Nineteenth Century to the meiosis: the process by which gametes (sperm
Twenty-Second. London: Jonathan Cape, 2000. and eggs) are produced in sexually repro-
Investigates the world of biotechnologies, ducing organisms
including cloning, genomics, and genetic nondisjunction: the failure of homologous
engineering. Bibliography, index. chromosomes to disjoin during meiosis I, or
Wood, Roger J., and Vitezslav Orel. Genetic Pre- the failure of sister chromatids to separate
history in Selective Breeding: A Prelude to Mendel. and migrate to opposite poles during meio-
New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. Fo- sis II
cuses on the period from 1700 to 1860, be- sex chromosomes: the homologous pair of
fore Mendel published the results of his ex- chromosomes that determines the sex of an
periments. Illustrated. individual; in humans, XX is female and XY
is male; XX females produce one kind of ga-
Web Site of Interest mete, X (homogametic sex), and XY males
MendelWeb. http://www.mendelweb.org. This produce two kinds of gametes, X and Y
site, designed for teachers and students, re- (heterogametic sex)
volves around Mendels 1865 paper and in-
cludes educational activities, images, inter- History and Symptoms
active learning, and other resources. In 1914, Calvin Blackman Bridges discov-
ered nondisjunction of sex chromosomes in
the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. In 1925,
500 Metafemales

he proposed the genic or sex balance theory, males occurs in the female parent during meio-
which defined the relationship between sex sis I.
chromosomes and autosomes (A) for sex de- Fertilization of an egg carrying two X chro-
termination. According to this theory, the fol- mosomes by an X-bearing (22A + 1X = 23)
lowing ratios of sex chromosomes and number sperm results in an individual with 44A + 3X =
of sets of autosomes determine what sex phe- 47 chromosomes, or a metafemale. The extra
notype will emerge in humans. For example, X chromosome is not usually transmitted to
XX + 2 sets of autosomes (2X:2A ratio = 1.0) = the children. Thus, metafemales can have nor-
normal female; XY + 2 sets of autosomes mal children. Triple X, triplo-X, trisomy X, and
(1X:2A ratio = 0.5) = normal male; and XXX + 47 XXX are also the names given to the meta-
2 sets of autosomes (3X:2A ratio = 1.5) = meta- female phenotype. This genetic condition has
female, or superfemale. also been referred to as extra X aneuploidy
The term metafemale was first applied to or multiple X syndrome.
the XXX (triple X) condition by Curt Stern
around 1959. The frequency of metafemale
phenotype in the general human population is Social Issues
approximately one in one thousand to fifteen The IQ of metafemales is usually low normal
hundred newborn girls. The XXX females are to normal. In some studies, IQ was found to be
characterized by the presence of two Barr bod- lower by 30 points than that of their normal sib-
ies in their cells. They have a total of 47 chro- lings; only a few had an IQ lower than 70. Lan-
mosomes instead of the normal complement guage learning in XXX children is usually de-
of 46. layed. Emotional maturation may also be
Metafemales have variable fertility, ranging delayed. These delays in development are pre-
from normal to sterile. They may be pheno- ventable by providing increased psychological,
typically normal but are often slightly taller social, and motor stimulation both at home
than average, with longer legs. These individu- and at school. Tutoring is often needed at some
als may have widely spaced nipples and a time during development.
webbed neck. Studies have shown that most The 47 XXX condition can put some af-
metafemales lead a normal sexual life and have fected individuals at risk for speech disorders,
normal children. In some cases, menstruation learning disabilities, and neuro-motor deficits,
may begin at an older age, menstrual cycles which ultimately could lead to decreased psy-
may be irregular or temporarily interrupted, chosocial adaptation, especially during ado-
and menopause may begin earlier compared to lescence. One study found young females with
normal XX women. 47 XXX to be less well adapted in both their
teen and adult years; they described their lives
Genetic Cause as more stressful. On average, they experienced
The basic causes of XXX females are best ex- more work, social, and relationship problems
plained through meiosis, the cell division that than their siblings. Metafemales may encoun-
halves the number of chromosomes in ga- ter behavioral problems, including mild de-
metes, and nondisjunction. From a single hu- pression, conduct disorder, immature behav-
man cell (46 chromosomes) designated for ior, and socializing problems. Good parenting
sexual reproduction, meiosis produces four and a supportive home may assure a better so-
cells, each with 23 chromosomes. Thus, normal cial and behavioral development.
human eggs carry one-half (22A + 1X = 23) of Manjit S. Kang
the total number of chromosomes (44A + 2X = See also: Behavior; Biological Clocks; Gen-
46). Occasionally, a mistake occurs during mei- der Identity; Hermaphrodites; Homosexuality;
osis, called nondisjunction. Nondisjunction Human Genetics; Pseudohermaphrodites; Ste-
during meiosis I or meiosis II can produce eggs roid Hormones; Testicular Feminization Syn-
with 2X chromosomes (22A + 2X = 24). Usually drome; X Chromosome Inactivation; XYY Syn-
the nondisjunction that gives rise to XXX fe- drome.
Miscegenation and Antimiscegenation Laws 501

Further Reading Key terms

Bender, B., R. Harmon, M. Linden, B. Bucher- eugenics: the control of individual reproduc-
Bartelson, and A. Robinson. Psychological tive choices to improve the genetic quality of
Competence of Unselected Young Adults the human population
with Sex Chromosome Abnormalities. hybridization: the crossing of two genetically
American Journal of Medical Genetics 88 distinct species, races, or types to produce
(1999): 200-206. This article describes re- mixed offspring
search on the social issues of XXX females. negative eugenics: preventing the reproduc-
Redei, G. P. Genetics Manual. River Edge, N.J.: tion of individuals who have undesirable ge-
World Scientific, 1998. Written by an author- netic traits, as defined by those in control
ity with encyclopedic knowledge of genetics, positive eugenics: selecting individuals to re-
this comprehensive manual provides ge- produce who have desirable genetic traits, as
netic definitions, terms, and concepts, for seen by those in control
the novice and professional. race: in the biological sense, a group of people
Rovet, J., C. Netley, J. Bailey, M. Keenan, and D. who share certain genetically transmitted
Stewart. Intelligence and Achievement in physical characteristics
Children with Extra X Aneuploidy. Ameri-
can Journal of Medical Genetics 60 (1995): 356- What Is a Race?
60. This interesting study, conducted in To- Implicit in most biological definitions of race
ronto between 1967 and 1971, tested 72,000 is the concept of shared physical characteristics
consecutive births. Sixteen females were 47 that have come from a common ancestor. Hu-
XXX, of whom 12 participated in the study. mans have long recognized and attempted to
They were compared to 16 normal girls, 9 of classify and categorize different kinds of peo-
whom were siblings of the affected girls. ple. The father of modern systematics, Carolus
Linnaeus, described, in his system of binomial
Web Site of Interest nomenclature, four races of humans: Africans
Triplo-X Syndrome. http://www.triplo-x.org. (black), Asians (dark), Europeans (white), and
A site that offers social support, a brief intro- Native Americans (red). Skin color in humans
duction to the syndrome, and links to re- has been, without doubt, the primary feature
lated articles. used to classify people, although there is no sin-
gle trait that can be used to do this. Skin color is
used because it makes it very easy to tell groups
of people apart. However, there are thousands
Miscegenation and of human traits. What distinguishes races are
Antimiscegenation Laws differences in gene frequencies for a variety of
traits. The great majority of genetic traits are
Field of study: Bioethics; History of genetics; found in similar frequencies in people of dif-
Human genetics and social issues ferent skin color. There may not be a single ge-
Significance: Miscegenation is the crossing or hy- netic trait that is always associated with people
bridization of different races. As knowledge of the of one skin color while not appearing at all in
nature of human variability has expanded, clearly people of another skin color. It is possible for a
defining race has become increasingly difficult; person to differ more from another person of
the study of genetics reveals that the concept of race the same skin color than from a person of a dif-
is primarily a social construct as opposed to a bio- ferent skin color.
logical reality. Limited understanding of the bio- Many scientists think that the word race is
logical and genetic effects of mating between races, not useful in human biology research. Scien-
as well as racial prejudice, played a major role in tific and social organizations, including the
the development of the eugenics movement and the American Association of Physical Anthropolo-
enactment of antimiscegenation laws in the first gists and the American Anthropological Associ-
half of the twentieth century. ation, have deemed that racial classifications
502 Miscegenation and Antimiscegenation Laws

are limited in their scope and utility and do not Miscegenation

reflect the evolving concepts of human variabil- Sir Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Dar-
ity. It is of interest to note that subjects are fre- win, is often regarded as the father of eugenics.
quently asked to identify their race in studies He asserted that humans could be selectively
and surveys. bred for favorable traits. In his 1869 book He-
It is useful to point out the distinction be- reditary Genius, he set out to prove that favor-
tween an ethnic group and a race. An ethnic able traits were inborn in people and con-
group is a group of people who share a com- cluded that
mon social ancestry. Cultural practices may
lead to a groups genetic isolation from other the average intellectual standard of the Negro
groups with a different cultural identity. Since race is some two grades below our own. That the
members of different ethnicities may tend to average ability of the [ancient] Athenian race is,
marry only within their group, certain genetic on the lowest possible estimate, very nearly two
grades higher than our ownthat is, about as
traits may occur at different frequencies in the
much as our race is above that of the African
group than they do in other ethnic or racial Negro.
groups, or the population at large.
In spite of its scientific inaccuracy by todays
standards, the work of Galton was widely ac-
cepted by political and scientific leaders of
his time. Bertrand Russell even suggested that
the United Kingdom should issue color-coded
procreation tickets issued to individuals
based on their status in society: Those who
dared breed with holders of a different colored
ticket would face a heavy fine. These scien-
tific findings, combined with social and racial
stereotypes, led to the eugenics movement and
its development in many countries, including
England, France, Germany, Sweden, Canada,
and the United States.
Laws were passed to restrict the immigration
of certain ethnic groups into the United States.
Between 1907 and 1940, laws allowing forcible
sterilization were passed in more than thirty
states. Statutes prohibiting and punishing in-
terracial marriages were passed in many states
and, even as late as 1952, more than half the
states still had antimiscegenation laws. The
landmark decision against antimiscegenation
laws occurred in 1967 when the U.S. Supreme
Court declared the Virginia law unconstitu-
The fear of interracial marriage during the 1860s is only too tional. The decision, Loving v. Virginia, led to
clear from the title page to this antimiscegenation tract, pub- the erosion of the legal force of the antimisce-
lished after Emancipation near the end of the Civil War. At the genation laws in the remaining states.
time, Charles Darwin had recently published his theory of nat-
ural selection, which social Darwinists misapplied to justify
antiracial social and business policies. Today geneticists can Impact and Applications
verify that all human beings, despite allelic variations such as In spite of antimiscegenation laws and soci-
skin color, share the same genetic heritage. (Library of Con- etal and cultural taboos, interracial matings
gress) have been a frequent occurrence. Many coun-
Mitochondrial Diseases 503

tries around the world, including the United Yancey, George. An Analysis of Resistance to
States, are now racially heterogeneous societ- Racial Exogamy. Journal of Black Studies 31
ies. Genetic studies indicate that perhaps 20 to (May, 2001). A look at opposition to interra-
30 percent of the genes in most African Ameri- cial marriage and at South Carolinas at-
cans are a result of admixture of white genes tempt in 1998 to legalize interracial mar-
from mixed matings since the introduction of riage through state referendum.
slavery to the Americas more than three hun-
dred years ago. Miscegenation has been wide- Web Site of Interest
spread throughout the world, and there may Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Image Ar-
not even be such a thing as a pure race. No ad- chive on the American Eugenics Movement.
verse biological effects can be attributed to mis- http://www.eugenicsarchive.org/eugenics.
cegenation. Comprehensive and extensively illustrated
Donald J. Nash site that covers the eugenics movement in
See also: Biological Determinism; Eugen- the United States, including miscegenation
ics; Eugenics: Nazi Germany; Evolutionary Bi- and antimiscegenation laws.
ology; Genetic Engineering: Social and Ethical
Issues; Heredity and Environment; Intelli-
gence; Race; Sociobiology; Sterilization Laws.

Further Reading Mitochondrial Diseases

Alonso, Karen. Loving v. Virginia: Interracial
Marriage. Berkeley Heights, N.J.: Enslow, Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
2000. Covers laws against interracial mar- Significance: Mitochondrial genes are few in num-
riage, the road to the Supreme Court, a look ber but are necessary for animal cells to grow and
at race-related laws, the Supreme Courts de- survive. Mutations in these genes can result in
cision, and the impact of the Loving deci- age-related degenerative disorders and serious dis-
sion. Illustrations, bibliography, index. eases of muscles and the central nervous system for
Brah, Avtar, and Annie E. Coombes, eds. Hy- which there is no generally effective treatment. Mi-
bridity and Its Discontents: Politics, Science, Cul- tochondrial diseases are transmitted maternally
ture. New York: Routledge, 2000. Covers ideas and are usually associated with heteroplasmy, a
on miscegenation and racial purity, engi- state in which more than one type of gene arrange-
neering the future, cultural translation, and ment, or genotype, occurs in the same individual.
reconfiguring concepts of nation, commu-
nity, and belonging. Illustrations, bibliogra- Key terms
phy, index. heteroplasmy: a mutation in which more than
Moran, Rachel F. Interracial Intimacy: The Regu- one set of gene products encoded by mito-
lation of Race and Romance. Chicago: Univer- chondrial DNA (mtDNA) can be present in
sity of Chicago Press, 2001. Discusses antimis- an individual organ or tissue type, a single
cegenation laws and the legal maintenance cell, or a single mitochondrion
of racial boundaries; breaking through ra- maternal inheritance: the transmission pat-
cial boundaries; judicial review; race and tern characteristically shown by mitochon-
identity; children, custody, and adoption; drial diseases and mutations in mtDNA,
the new multiracialism; and more. where changes that occur in the mothers
Sollors, Werner, ed. Interracialism: Black-White genetic material are inherited directly by
Intermarriage in American History, Literature, children of both sexes without masking or
and Law. New York: Oxford University Press, interference by the mtDNA of the father
2000. Collection of foundational writings on mitochondria: small structures, or organ-
interracial marriage and its effects on racial elles, enclosed by double membranes found
identity and racial relations. Bibliography, outside the nucleus, in the cytoplasm of all
index. higher cells, that produce chemical power
504 Mitochondrial Diseases

for the cells and harbor their own genetic not. Organs also require different amounts of
material adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cells en-
mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA): genetic ma- ergy source produced in mitochondria. If the
terial found uniquely in mitochondria, lo- population of mutated mitochondria grows to
cated outside the nucleus and therefore sep- outnumber the unmutated forms, most cells in
arate from the nuclear DNA a particular organ may appear diseased. This
replicative segregation: a mechanism by process has been called replicative segregation,
which individual mtDNAs carrying different and a mitochondrial disease is the result. Loss
mutations can come to predominate in any of mtDNA also occurs with increasing age, es-
one mitochondrion pecially in the brain and heart.

Mitochondrial Genetics and Disease Particular Mitochondrial Diseases

The unique arrangement of subunits mak- Mitochondrial diseases show a simple pat-
ing up individual genes is highly mutable, and tern of maternal inheritance. The first mito-
thousands of different arrangements, or geno- chondrial disease identified was Lebers hered-
types, are cataloged in humans. A tiny number itary optic neuropathy (LHON), a condition
of genes in animal cells are strictly inherited associated with the sudden loss of vision when
from the maternal parent and are found in the the optic nerve is damaged, usually occurring
mitochondria, located in the cells cytoplasm, in a persons early twenties. The damage is not
outside the nucleus, where most genetic infor- reversible. Biologists now know that LHON is
mation resides in nuclear DNA. Some variants caused by at least four specific mutations that
in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences alter the mitochondrial proteins ND1, ND4,
can cause severe defects in sight, hearing, skele- and CytB. A second mitochondrial syndrome is
tal muscles, and the central nervous system. myoclonic epilepsy with ragged-red fiber dis-
Symptoms of these diseases often include great ease (MERRF), which affects the brain and
fatigue. The diseases themselves are difficult to muscles throughout the body. This disease,
diagnose accurately, and they are currently im- along with another syndrome called mitochon-
possible to treat effectively. New genetic screen- drial encephalomyopathy, lactic acidosis, and
ing methods based on polymerase chain reac- stroke-like episodes (MELAS), is associated with
tion (PCR) technologies using muscle biopsies particular mutations in mitochondrial transfer
are essential for correct identification of these RNA (tRNA) genes that help produce proteins
diseases. coded for by mtDNA. Finally, deletions and du-
A person normally inherits a single mtDNA plications of mtDNA are associated with Kearn-
type, but families are occasionally found in Sayre disease (affecting the heart, other mus-
which multiple mtDNA sequences are present. cles, and the cerebellum), chronic progressive
This condition, called heteroplasmy, is often as- external ophthalmoplegia (CPEO; paralysis of
sociated with mitochondrial disease. Hetero- the eye muscles), rare cases of diabetes, heart
plasmy occurs in the major noncoding region deficiencies, and certain types of deafness.
of mtDNA without much impact, but if it exists Some of these conditions have been given spe-
in the genes that control the production of cel- cific names, but others have not.
lular energy, severe consequences result. Weak Muscles are often affected by mitochondrial
muscles and multiple organs are involved in diseases because muscle cells are rich in mito-
most mitochondrial diseases, and there can be chondria. New treatments for these diseases
variable expression of a particular syndrome are based on stimulating undamaged mtDNA
within the same family that may either increase in certain muscle precursor cells, called satel-
or decrease with age. It is easiest to understand lite cells, to fuse to damaged muscle cells and
this problem by remembering that each cell regenerate the muscle fibers. Others try to pre-
contains a population of mitochondria, so vent damaged mtDNA genomes from replicat-
there is the possibility that some mtDNAs will ing biochemically in order to increase the num-
carry a particular mutation while others do ber of good mtDNAs in any one cell. This last
Mitochondrial Genes 505

set of experiments has worked on cells in tissue debilitating diseases. Analysis of the mitochon-
culture but has not been used on humans. drial DNA sequence of different human popula-
These approaches aim to alter the competitive tions has also provided information relevant to the
ability of undamaged genes to exist in a cellular understanding of human evolution.
environment that normally favors damaged
genes. Further advances in treatment will also Key terms
require better understanding of the natural adenosine triphosphate (ATP): the mole-
ability of mtDNA to undergo genetic recombi- cule that serves as the major source of en-
nation and DNA repair. ergy for the cell
Rebecca Cann ATP synthase: the enzyme that synthesizes
See also: Aging; Extrachromosomal Inheri- ATP
tance; Hereditary Diseases; Human Genetics; cytochromes: proteins found in the electron
Mitochondrial Genes. transport chain
electron transport chain: a series of pro-
Further Reading tein complexes that pump H+ ions out of the
Jorde, Lynn, et al. Medical Genetics. Rev. 2d ed. mitochondria as a way of storing energy that
St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby, 2000. Presents a sim- is then used by ATP synthase to make ATP
ple discussion of these diseases in the con- mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA): genetic ma-
text of other genetic syndromes that are sex- terial found uniquely in mitochondria, lo-
linked or sex-limited in their inheritance cated outside the nucleus and therefore sep-
patterns. Illustrations, bibliography, index. arate from the nuclear DNA
Lestienne, Patrick, ed. Mitochondrial Diseases: ribosomes: organelles that function in protein
Models and Methods. New York: Springer, 1999. synthesis and are made up of a large and a
Focuses on mitochondrial tRNA structure small subunit composed of proteins and ri-
and its mutations. Illustrated (some color). bosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules
Raven, Peter H., and George B. Johnson. Biol- spacers: long segments of DNA rich in ade-
ogy. 6th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman/Worth, nine-thymine (A-T) base pairs that separate
1999. Helps clarify mitochondria and how exons and introns, although most of the
they interact with a cells nucleus. Illustra- spacer DNA is transcribed but is not trans-
tions, maps, index. lated messenger RNA (mRNA)

Web Site of Interest Mitochondrial Structure and Function

United Mitochondrial Diseases Foundation. Mitochondria are membrane-bound organ-
http://www.umdf.org. A support organiza- elles that exist in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic
tion that promotes research offers support cells. Structurally, they consist of an outer mem-
to affected individuals and families; the site brane and a highly folded inner membrane
explains the genetics of mitochondrial dis- that separate the mitochondria into several
orders and offers interactive medical advice. compartments. Between the two membranes
is the intermembrane space; the innermost
compartment bounded by the inner membrane
is referred to as the matrix. In addition to
Mitochondrial Genes enzymes involved in glucose metabolism, the
matrix contains several copies of the mitochon-
Field of study: Molecular genetics drial chromosome as well as ribosomes, trans-
Significance: Mutations in mitochondrial genes fer RNA (tRNA), and all the other necessary
have been shown to cause several human genetic factors required for protein synthesis. Mito-
diseases associated with a gradual loss of tissue chondrial ribosomes are structurally different
function. Understanding the functions of mito- from the ribosomes located in the cytoplasm of
chondrial genes and their nuclear counterparts the eukaryotic cell and, in fact, more closely re-
may lead to the development of treatments for these semble ribosomes from bacterial cells. This
506 Mitochondrial Genes

Image not available

At Londons Natural History Museum in 1997, anthropologist Chris Stringer displays the nine-thousand-year-old skull of Cheddar
Man (named for the southwestern English town), to whom he traced a modern relative by comparing DNA samples from the skull
with samples from a living, forty-two-year-old schoolteacher. This is possible because mitochondrial DNA is passed unchanged from
generation to generation down the maternal line. (AP/Wide World Photos)

similarity led to the endosymbiont hypothesis order to store energy. Another protein that is
developed by Lynn Margulis, which proposes embedded in the inner mitochondrial mem-
that mitochondria arose from bacteria that took brane is an enzyme called adenosine triphos-
up residence in the cytoplasm of the ancestor phate (ATP) synthase. This enzyme allows the
to eukaryotes. H+ ions to travel back into the matrix. When
Embedded in the inner mitochondrial this happens, energy is released that is then
membrane is a series of protein complexes that used by the synthase enzyme to make ATP. Cells
are known collectively as the electron trans- use ATP to provide energy for all of the biologi-
port chain. These proteins participate in a de- cal work they perform, including movement
fined series of reactions that begin when en- and synthesis of other molecules. The concept
ergy is released from the breakdown of glucose of linking the production of a proton gradient
and end when oxygen combines with 2H+ ions to ATP synthesis was developed by Peter Mitch-
to produce water. The net result of these reac- ell in 1976 and is referred to as the chemios-
tions is the movement of H+ ions (also called motic hypothesis.
protons) from the matrix into the intermem-
brane space. This establishes a proton gradient Mitochondrial Genes
in which the intermembrane space has a more The mitochondrial chromosome is a circu-
positive charge and is more acidic than the ma- lar DNA molecule that varies in size from about
trix. Thus mitochondria act as tiny batteries 16,000 base pairs (bp) in humans to more than
that separate positive and negative charges in 100,000 base pairs in certain species of plants.
Mitochondrial Genes 507

Despite these size differences, mitochondrial bosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins. Genes that
DNA (mtDNA) contains only a few genes that play a role in mitochondrial protein synthesis
tend to be similar over a wide range of organ- include two rRNA genes designated 16S rRNA
isms. This discussion will focus on genes located and 12S rRNA, indicating the RNA for the large
on the human mitochondrial chromosome that and small subunits respectively. Also in this first
has been completely sequenced. These genes category are genes for mitochondrial transfer
fall into two broad categories: those that play a RNA. Transfer RNA (tRNA) is an L-shaped
role in mitochondrial protein synthesis and molecule that contains the RNA anticodon at
those involved in electron transport and ATP one end and an amino acid attached to the
synthesis. other end. The tRNA anticodon pairs with the
Mitochondria have their own set of ribo- codon of the messenger RNA (mRNA) and
somes that consist of a large and a small sub- brings the correct amino acid into position to
unit. Each ribosomal subunit is a complex of ri- be added to the growing protein chain. Thus

The Diversity of mtDNA

The mitochondria of plants, animals, and fungi in- ing sequences between segments consisting of func-
clude their own DNA genomes, mitochondrial DNA tioning genes.
(mtDNA). The mtDNA genome typically consists of Despite the size differences, plant and animal
a bacteria-like circular loop of DNA located in highly mtDNA usually carry the same thirty-seven coding
condensed structures called nucleoids within the mi- genes: twenty-two genes coding for transfer RNA
tochondrial matrix. However, the mtDNA of the molecules, two ribosomal RNA genes, and thirteen
yeast Hansenula, the protozoans Tetrahymena and Par- genes coding for proteins involved in mitochon-
amecium, and the alga Chlamydomonas are chainlike drial respiration. Again, certain organisms differ.
or linear rather than circular, while that of proto- Marchantia mtDNA, for example, includes an addi-
zoan parasites such as Trypanosoma, Leishmania, and tional sixteen genes that code for ribosomal proteins
Crithidia is organized into a network of several hun- and twenty-nine genes that code for proteins of un-
dred maxicircles about 21-31 kilobase pairs (kb) known function.
long, interlocked with several thousand minicircles, Translation of mtDNA is consistent with the uni-
each about 0.5-2.5 kb. versal genetic code, with notable departures. For ex-
The size of each mtDNA varies greatly among or- ample, both AGA and AGG specify the amino acid
ganisms. Most animals have small mtDNA genomes arginine in the universal genetic code but are stop
ranging from about 6 to 20 kb, such as the 6-kb codes in animal mtDNA. In ciliated protozoans the
mtDNA genome of the protozoan parasite Plas- mtDNA code for glutamine is UAA and UAG, which
modium falciparium, which causes malaria, and the specifies stop in the universal genetic code. In yeast
14.3-kb mtDNA of free-living Ascaris roundworms. the mtDNA codes CUU, CUA, CUC, and CUG spec-
The mtDNA genome of humans is about 16.5 kb and ify the amino acid threonine instead of leucine,
comprises about 0.3 percent of the total genome. as specified by the universal genetic code. Presum-
The mtDNA genomes of most plants and fungi are ably, all of these mtDNA coding departures from the
larger: The mtDNA of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevis- universal genetic code result from mutations that oc-
iae is 86 kb, that of the common pea Sativa is 110 kb, curred subsequent to the endosymbiotic incorpora-
that of the liverwort Marchantia is 186 kb, and that of tion of the original mitochondria into early eukary-
the muskmelon Cucumis melo is a gigantic 2,400 kb. otic cells.
Much of the size variation is due to the presence of Inheritance patterns of mtDNA differ for some
long segments of noncoding sequences embedded plants and animals as well. In animals the mtDNA ge-
within the genome, which seem to be especially nome is transmitted primarily through the female
abundant in plants and fungi but not in animal egg to the offspring, but in Chlamydomonas algae and
mtDNA. More than half of the mtDNA of yeasts, for yeasts male and female gametes are nearly equal in
example, is formed by long segments of spacers, size and contribute mtDNA genome to the offspring.
while another quarter consists of introns, interven- Dwight G. Smith
508 Mitochondrial Genes

the tRNA molecule serves as a bridge between tions can be wide-ranging and debilitating, if
the information in the mRNA molecule and not fatal. If the mutation occurs in a gene that
the sequence of amino acids in the protein. Mi- plays a role in mitochondrial protein synthesis,
tochondrial tRNAs are different from those in- the ability of the mitochondria to perform pro-
volved in protein synthesis in the cytoplasm. In tein synthesis is affected. Consequently, pro-
fact, cytoplasmic tRNAs would not be able to teins that are translated on mitochondrial ribo-
function on mitochondrial ribosomes, nor somes such as cytochrome b or the NADH
could mitochondrial tRNAs work with cytoplas- dehydrogenase subunits cannot be made, lead-
mic ribosomes. Thus, mtDNA contains a com- ing to defects in electron transport and ATP
plete set of twenty-two tRNA genes. synthesis. Mutations in mitochondrial tRNA
Genes involved in electron transport fall genes, for example, have been shown to be the
into the second category of mitochondrial cause of several degenerative neuromuscular
genes. The electron transport chain is divided disorders. Genes involved in electron transport
into a series of protein complexes, each of and ATP synthesis have a more directly nega-
which consists of a number of different pro- tive effect when mutated. Douglas C. Wallace
teins, a few of which are encoded by mtDNA. and coworkers identified a mutation within the
The NADH dehydrogenase complex (called NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene, for ex-
complex I) contains about twenty-two different ample, that was the cause of a maternally inher-
proteins. In humans, only six of these proteins ited form of blindness and was one of the first
are encoded by genes located on the mitochon- mitochondrial diseases to be identified.
drial chromosome. Cytochrome c reductase Of further interest is the study of nuclear
(complex III) contains about nine proteins, in- genes that contribute to mitochondrial func-
cluding cytochrome b, which is the only one tion. Included in this list of nuclear genes are
whose gene is located on mtDNA. Cytochrome those encoding proteins involved in mtDNA
oxidase (complex IV) contains seven proteins, replication, repair, and recombination; en-
three of which are encoded by mitochondrial zymes involved in RNA transcription and pro-
genes. About sixteen different proteins com- cessing; and ribosomal proteins and the ac-
bine to make up the mitochondrial ATP cessory factors required for translation. It is
synthase, and only two of these are encoded by presumed that a mutation in any of these genes
mtDNA. could have negative effects upon the ability of
All of the proteins not encoded by mito- the mitochondria to function. Understanding
chondrial genes are encoded by genes located how nuclear genes contribute to mitochon-
on nuclear chromosomes. In fact, more than drial activity is an essential part of the search
90 percent of the proteins found in the mito- for effective treatments for mitochondrial dis-
chondria are encoded by nuclear genes. These eases.
genes must be transcribed into mRNA in the Human evolutionary studies have also been
nucleus, then the mRNA must be translated affected by the understanding of mitochon-
into protein on cytoplasmic ribosomes. Finally, drial genes and their inheritance. Researchers
the proteins are transported into the mito- Allan C. Wilson and Rebecca Cann, knowing
chondria where they function. By contrast, that mitochondria are inherited exclusively
genes located on mtDNA are transcribed in the through the female parent, hypothesized that a
mitochondria and translated on mitochon- comparison of mitochondrial DNA sequences
drial ribosomes. in several human populations would enable
them to trace the origins of the ancestral hu-
Impact and Applications man population. These studies led to the con-
Any mutation occurring in a mitochondrial clusion that a female living in Africa about
gene has the potential to reduce or prevent mi- 200,000 years ago was the common ancestor for
tochondrial ATP synthesis. Because human all modern humans; she is referred to as mito-
cells are dependent upon mitochondria for chondrial Eve.
their energy supply, the effects of these muta- Bonnie L. Seidel-Rogol
Mitosis and Meiosis 509

See also: Aging; Ancient DNA; Extrachro- daughter cells: cells resulting from the divi-
mosomal Inheritance; Hereditary Diseases; sion of a parent cell
Human Genetics; Mitochondrial Diseases; diploid cells: cells containing two sets of ho-
RNA World. mologous chromosomes
haploid cells: cells containing one set of
Further Reading chromosomes; eggs and sperm are haploid
Hartwell, L. H., L. Hood, M. L. Goldberg, A. E. cells
Richards, L. M. Silver, and R. C. Veres. Genet-
ics: From Genes to Genomes. Boston: McGraw- Cellular Reproduction
Hill, 2003. Chapter 15 provides an excellent Organisms must be able to grow and repro-
summary of mitochondrial DNA. duce. Prokaryotes, such as bacteria, duplicate
Pon, Liza, and Eric A. Schon, eds. Mitochondria. DNA and divide by splitting in two, a process
San Diego: Academic Press, 2001. Discusses called binary fission. Cells of eukaryotes, in-
the effects of impaired mitochondrial func- cluding those of animals, plants, fungi, and
tion. protists, divide by one of two methods: mitosis
Scheffler, Immo E. Mitochondria. New York: or meiosis. Mitosis produces two cells, called
John Wiley & Sons, 1999. Comprehensive, daughter cells, with the same number of chro-
concise discussion of mitochondria bio- mosomes as the parent cell, and is used to pro-
chemistry, genetics, and pathology. duce new somatic (body) cells in multicellular
Wallace, Douglas C. Mitochondrial DNA in eukaryotes or new individuals in single-celled
Aging and Disease. Scientific American, Au- eukaryotes. In sexually reproducing organisms,
gust, 1997. Gives a detailed explanation of cells that produce gametes (eggs or sperm) di-
human mitochondrial diseases, aimed at vide by meiosis, producing four cells, each with
nonspecialists. half the number of chromosomes possessed by
Wilson, Allan C., and Rebecca L. Cann. The the parent cell.
Recent African Genesis of Humans. Scien-
tific American, April, 1992. Describes how Chromosome Replication
studies of mitochondrial genes have led to All eukaryotic organisms are composed of
information about human origins. cells containing chromosomes in the nucleus.
Chromosomes are made of DNA and proteins.
Most cells have two complete sets of chromo-
somes, which occur in pairs. The two chromo-
Mitosis and Meiosis somes that make up a pair are homologous,
and contain all the same loci (genes control-
Field of study: Cellular biology ling the production of a specific type of prod-
Significance: Mitosis is the process of cell division uct). These chromosome pairs are usually re-
in multicellular eukaryotic organisms. Meiosis is ferred to as homologous pairs. An individual
the process of cell division that produces haploid chromosome from a homologous pair is some-
gametes in sexually reproducing eukaryotic organ- times called a homolog. For example, typical
isms. lily cells contain twelve pairs of homologous
chromosomes, for a total of twenty-four chro-
Key terms mosomes. Cells that have two homologous chro-
binary fission: reproduction of a cell by divi- mosomes of each type are called diploid. Some
sion into two parts cells, such as eggs and sperm, contain half the
centromere: a region on the chromosome normal number of chromosomes (only one of
where chromatids join each homolog) and are called haploid. Lily egg
chromatid: one-half of a replicated chromo- and sperm cells each contain twelve chromo-
some somes.
cytokinesis: division of the cytoplasm to form DNA must replicate before mitosis or meio-
new cells sis can occur. If daughter cells are to receive a
510 Mitosis and Meiosis

full set of genetic information, a duplicate copy

of DNA must be available. Before DNA repli-
cation occurs, each chromosome consists of a
single long strand of DNA called a chromatid.
Nucleolus After DNA replication, each chromosome con-
sists of two chromatids, called sister chroma-
Nuclear envelope
tids. The original chromatid acts as a template
Chromosome for making the second chromatid; the two are
(1) Early prophase therefore identical. Sister chromatids are at-
tached at a special region of the chromosome
called the centromere. When mitosis or meio-
sis starts, each chromosome in the cell consists
of two sister chromatids.
Mitosis and meiosis produce daughter cells
with different characteristics. When a diploid
cell undergoes mitosis, two identical diploid
(2) Mid-prophase daughter cells are produced. When a diploid
cell undergoes meiosis, four unique haploid
daughter cells are produced. It is important for
Chromatids gametes to be haploid so that when an egg and
sperm fuse, the diploid condition of the ma-
Centromere with
kinetochores ture organism is restored.

(3) Late prophase/

Cellular Life Cycles
prometaphase Mitosis and meiosis occur in the nuclear re-
gion of the cell, where all the cells chromo-
somes are found. Nuclear control mechanisms
begin cell division at the appropriate time.
Some cells in an adult organism rarely divide by
Spindle fiber mitosis in adult organisms, while other cells di-
vide constantly, replacing old cells with new.
Meiosis occurs in the nuclei of cells that pro-
(4) Metaphase duce gametes. These specialized cells occur in
reproductive organs, such as flower parts in
higher plants.
Cells, like organisms, are governed by life cy-
Daughter chromosomes cles. The life cycle of a cell is called the cell cy-
cle. Cells spend most of their time in inter-
phase. Interphase is divided into three stages:
(5) Anaphase first gap (G1), synthesis (S), and second gap
(G2). During G1, the cell performs its normal
Chromosome functions and often grows in size. During the
S stage, DNA replicates in preparation for cell
division. During the G2 stage, the cell makes
Phragmoplast materials needed to produce the mitotic appa-
ratus and for division of the cytoplasmic com-
Nuclear envelope
ponents of the cell. At the end of interphase,
(6) Telophase the cell is ready to divide. Although each chro-
mosome now consists of two sister chromatids,
(Kimberly L. Dawson Kurnizki) this is not apparent when viewed through a mi-
Mitosis and Meiosis 511

croscope; all the chromosomes

are in a highly relaxed state and Meiosis: Selected Phases
simply appear as a diffuse mate-
rial called chromatin.

Mitosis consists of five stages:
prophase, prometaphase, meta-
phase, anaphase, and telophase.
Although certain events identify
each stage, mitosis is a continu-
ous process, and each stage grad-
ually passes into the next. Identi- (1) Early prophase I (2) Prophase I
fication of the precise state is
therefore difficult at times.
During prophase, the chro-
matin becomes more tightly
coiled and condenses into chro-
mosomes that are clearly visible
under a microscope, the nucleo-
lus disappears, and the spindle
apparatus begins to form in the
cytoplasm. In prometaphase the
nuclear envelope breaks down,
(3) Late prophase I (4) Metaphase I
and the spindle apparatus is now
able to invade the nuclear re-
gion. Some of the spindle fibers
attach themselves to a region
near the centromere of each
chromosome called the kineto-
chore. The spindle apparatus is
the most obvious structure of
the mitotic apparatus. The nu-
clear region of the cell has oppo-
site poles, like the North and
South Poles of the earth. Spin- (5) Anaphase I (6) Metaphase II
dle fibers reach from pole to
pole, penetrating the entire nu-
clear region.
During metaphase, the cells
chromosomes align in a region
called the metaphase plate, with
the sister chromatids oriented
toward opposite poles. The met-
aphase plate traverses the cell,
much like the equator passes
through the center of the earth.
Sister chromatids separate dur- (7) Anaphase II (8) Late telophase II
ing anaphase. The sister chro-
matids of each chromosome split (Kimberly L. Dawson Kurnizki)
512 Mitosis and Meiosis

apart, and the spindle fibers pull each sister falls apart, and a nuclear envelope re-forms
chromatid (now a separate chromosome) from around each of the two haploid nuclei. Because
each pair toward opposite poles, much as a the number of chromosomes in each of the
rope-tow pulls a skier up a mountain. Telo- telophase I nucleus is half the number in the
phase begins as sister chromatids reach oppo- parent nucleus, meiosis I is sometimes called
site poles. Once the chromatids have reached the reductional division.
opposite poles, the spindle apparatus falls apart, Meiosis II is essentially the same as mitosis,
and the nuclear membrane re-forms. Mitosis is dividing the two haploid nuclei formed in mei-
complete. osis I. Prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II,
and telophase II are essentially identical to the
Meiosis stages of mitosis. Meiosis II begins with two hap-
Meiosis is a more complex process than mi- loid cells and ends with four haploid daughter
tosis and is divided into two major stages: meio- cells.
sis I and meiosis II. As in mitosis, interphase
precedes meiosis. Meiosis I consists of pro- Nuclear Division and Cytokinesis
phase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telo- Mitosis and meiosis result in the division of
phase I. Meiosis II consists of prophase II, meta- the nucleus. Nuclear division is nearly always
phase II, anaphase II, and telophase II. In some coordinated with division of the cytoplasm.
cells, an interphase II occurs between meiosis I Cleaving of the cytoplasm to form new cells is
and meiosis II, but no DNA replication occurs. called cytokinesis. Cytokinesis begins toward
During prophase I, the chromosomes con- the middle or end of nuclear division and in-
dense, the nuclear envelope falls apart, and the volves not just the division of the cytoplasm but
spindle apparatus begins to form. Homolo- also the organelles. In plants, after nuclear divi-
gous chromosomes come together to form tet- sion ends, a new cell wall must be formed be-
rads (a tetrad consists of four chromatids, two tween the daughter nuclei. The new cell wall
sister chromatids for each chromosome). The begins when vesicles filled with cell wall mate-
arms of the sister chromatids of one homolog rial congregate where the metaphase plate was
touch the arms of sister chromatids of the other located, producing a structure called the cell
homolog, the contact points being called chias- plate. When the cell plate is fully formed, cyto-
mata. Each chiasma represents a place where kinesis is complete. Following cytokinesis, the
the arms have the same loci, so-called homolo- cell returns to interphase. Mitotic daughter
gous regions. During this intimate contact, the cells enlarge, reproduce organelles, and re-
chromosomes undergo crossover, in which the sume regular activities. Following meiosis, ga-
chromosomes break at the chiasmata and swap metes may be modified or transported in the
homologous pieces. This process results in re- reproductive system.
combination (the shuffling of linked alleles,
the different forms of genes, into new combi- Alternation of Generations
nations), which results in increased variability Meiotic daughter cells continue develop-
in the offspring and the appearance of charac- ment only if they fuse during fertilization. Mito-
ter combinations not present in either parent. sis and meiosis alternate during the life cycles
Tetrads align on the metaphase plate dur- of sexually reproducing organisms. The life-
ing metaphase I, and one spindle fiber attaches cycle stage following mitosis is diploid, and the
to the kinetochore of each chromosome. In stage following meiosis is haploid. This process
anaphase I, instead of the sister chromatids is called alternation of generations. In plants,
separating, they remain attached at their cen- the diploid state is referred to as the sporo-
tromeres, and the homologous chromosomes phyte generation, and the haploid stage as the
separate, each homolog from a tetrad moving gametophyte generation. In nonvascular plants,
toward opposite poles. Telophase I begins as the gametophyte generation dominates the life
the homologs reach opposite poles, and similar cycle. In other words, the plants normally seen
to telophase of mitosis, the spindle apparatus on the forest floor are made of haploid cells.
Model Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana 513

The sporophytes, which have diploid cells, are John, Bernard. Meiosis. New York: Cambridge
small and attached to the body of the gameto- University Press, 1990. Review and discus-
phyte. In vascular plants, sporophytes are the sion of meiosis, the antithesis of fertilization.
large, multicellular individuals (such as trees Discusses the scheduling, mechanisms, bio-
and ferns) whereas gametophytes are very small chemistry, and the genetic control of the
and either are embedded in the sporophyte or events in meiosis.
are free-living, as are ferns. The genetic varia- Keeton, William T., and James L. Gould. Biologi-
tion introduced by sexual reproduction has a cal Science. 5th ed. New York: W. W. Norton,
significant impact on the ability of species to 1993. The chapter Cellular Reproduction
survive and adapt to the environment. Alterna- discusses in detail the stages of mitosis and
tion of generations allows sexual reproduction meiosis. Excellent diagrams allow visualiza-
to occur without changing the chromosome tion of cell division.
number characterizing the species.
Joyce A. Corban and Randy Moore
See also: Cell Culture: Animal Cells; Cell
Culture: Plant Cells; Cell Cycle, The; Cell Divi- Model Organism:
sion; Cytokinesis; Gene Regulation: Eukary- Arabidopsis thaliana
otes; Polyploidy; Totipotency.
Field of study: Techniques and
Further Reading methodologies
Alberts, Bruce, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis, Mar- Significance: Arabidopsis thaliana, also known
tin Raff, Keith Roberts, and James D. Wat- as mouse-ear cress, can grow from seed to maturity
son. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th ed. New and back to thousands of seeds again in about six
York: Garland, 2002. The chapter How weeks. Its short reproduction cycle and simple, low-
Cells Are Studied gives extensive informa- cost cultivation allow genetic experiments with
tion regarding study methods in cell biology. tens of thousands of plants and make it a popular
Light and electron microscopy are discussed and convenient organism to use as a model or-
as well as staining techniques and tissue cul- ganism.
Audesirk, Teresa, Gerald Audesirk, and Bruce Key terms
E. Myers. Biology: Life on Earth. 6th ed. Upper Brassicaceae: the mustard family, a large, cos-
Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2001. The mopolitan family of plants with many wild
chapter Cellular Reproduction and the species, some of them common weeds, in-
Life Cycles of Organisms is a brief overview cluding widely cultivated edible plants like
of mitosis, meiosis, and the cell cycle. In- cabbage, cauliflower, radish, rutabaga, tur-
cludes excellent discussion of alternation of nip, and mustard
generations. genetic map: a map showing distances be-
Campbell, Neil A., and Jane B. Reece. Biology. tween genes in terms of recombination fre-
6th ed. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, quency
2002. The chapter Reproduction of Cells
provides extensive information regarding Natural History
mitosis and the cell cycle. The phases of mi- Although common as an introduction into
tosis, the mitotic spindle, cytokinesis, con- America and Australia, Arabidopsis thaliana (of-
trol mechanisms, and abnormal cell division ten referred to simply by its genus name, Arabi-
are discussed in detail. The chapter Meiosis dopsis) is found in the wild throughout Europe,
and Sexual Life Cycles addresses the stages the Mediterranean, the East African highlands,
of meiosis, sexual life cycles, and a compari- and Eastern and Central Asia (which is proba-
son of mitosis and meiosis. This text is in- bly where it originated). Since Arabidopsis is a
tended for use in introductory biology and is low winter annual (standing about 1.5 deci-
very readable and informative. meters), it flowers in disturbed habitats from
514 Model Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana

Image not available

Two specimens of mouse-ear cress, Arabidopsis thaliana. (AP/Wide World Photos)

March through May. Arabidopsis was first de- melanogaster, long a favorite model organism
scribed by Johannes Thal (hence the thaliana among geneticists). Yet in comparison to the
as the specific epithet) in the sixteenth century genome of corn (Zea mays), for example, Arabi-
in Germanys Harz Mountains, but he named it dopsis has a genome that is ten times smaller.
Pilosella siliquosa at the time. Undergoing sys- Furthermore, Arabidopsis is easily transformed
tematic revisions and several name changes, using the standard vector Agrobacterium tumefa-
the little plant was finally called Arabidopsis thal- ciens. There are also a large number of mutant
iana in 1842. lines and genomic resources available for Arabi-
Several characteristics of Arabidopsis make it dopsis at stock centers, and a cooperative multi-
useful as a model organism: First, it has a short national research community of academic, gov-
life cycle; it goes from seed to seed in only about ernment, and industry laboratories exists, all
three months, and each individual plant is pro- working with Arabidopsis.
lific, yielding thousands of seeds. Second, the
plants are small, easy to grow and to manipu- History of Experimental Work with
late, so that many genetic screens can be done Arabidopsis
on petri dishes with a thousand seedlings exam- The earliest report of a mutant probably
ined inside just one dish. Also, the genome of was made in 1873 by A. Braun, and Freidrich
Arabidopsis is relatively small, with 120 million Laibach first compiled the unique characteris-
base pairs (Mbp), 25,000 genes, and five chro- tics of Arabidopsis thaliana as a model organism
mosomes containing all the requisite informa- for genetics in 1943 (publishing the correct
tion to encode an entire plant (similar to the chromosome number of five much earlier, in
functional complexity of the fruit fly Drosophila 1907, later confirmed by other investigators).
Model Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana 515

Erna Reinholz (a student of Laibach) submit- vide an important resource for map-based gene
ted her thesis in 1945, published in 1947, on cloning and genome analysis. The Arabidopsis
the first collection of X-ray-induced mutants. Genome Initiative, an international effort to
Peter Langridge established the usefulness of sequence the complete Arabidopsis genome,
Arabidopsis in the laboratory in the 1950s, as was created in the mid-1990s, and the results of
did George Redei and other researchers, in- this massive undertaking were published on
cluding J. H. van der Veen in the Netherlands, December 14, 2000, in Nature.
J. Veleminsky in Czechoslovakia, and G. Rob-
belen in Germany in the 1960s. Comparative Genomics
Maarten Koorneef and his coworkers pub- With full sequencing of the genome of Arabi-
lished the first detailed genetic map for Arabi- dopsis completed, the first catalog of genes in-
dopsis in 1983. A genetic map allows researchers volved in the life cycle of a typical plant is now
to observe approximate positions of heritable available, and the investigational emphasis has
factors (genes and regulatory elements) on shifted to functional and comparative ge-
chromosomes. The 1980s saw the first steps in nomics. Scientists began looking at when and
analysis of the genome of Arabidopsis. Tagged where specific genes are expressed in order to
mutant collections were developed. Physical learn more about how plants grow and develop
maps, with distances between genes in terms of in general, how they survive in the changing
DNA length, based on restriction fragment environment, and how the gene networks are
length polymorphisms (RFLPs), were also controlled or regulated. Potentially this re-
made in this time period. The physical maps al- search and work can lead to improved crop
low genes to be located and characterized, even plants that are more nutritious, more resistant
if their identities remained unknown. to pests and disease, less vulnerable to crop fail-
The 1990s saw scientists outlining long- ure, and capable of producing higher yields
range plans for Arabidopsis through the Multi- with less damage to the natural environment.
national Coordinated Arabidopsis Genome Re- Since many more people die from malnutri-
search Project, which called for genetic and tion in the world than from diseases, the Arabi-
physiological experimentation necessary to dopsis genome takes on a much more impor-
identify, isolate, sequence, and understand tant consideration than one might think. Of
Arabidopsis genes. In the United States, the Na- course, plants are fundamental to all ecosys-
tional Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Depart- tems, and their energy input into those systems
ment of Energy (DOE), and Agricultural Re- is essential and critical.
search Service (ARS) funded work done at Already the genetic research on Arabidopsis
Albany directed by Athanasios Theologis. NSF has boosted production of staple crops such as
and DOE funds went also to Stanford, Philadel- wheat, tomatoes, and rice. The genetic basis for
phia, and four other U.S. laboratories. World- every economically important trait in plants
wide communication among laboratories and whether pest resistance, vegetable oil produc-
the creation of shared databases (particularly tion, or even wood quality in paper products
in the United States, Europe, and Japan) were is under intense scrutiny in Arabidopsis.
established. Transformation methods have be- Although Arabidopsis is considered a weed
come much more efficient, and a large number throughout its ecological range on the planet,
of Arabidopsis mutant lines, gene libraries, and it is closely related to a number of vegetables,
genomic resources have been made and are including broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts,
now available to the scientific community and cauliflower, which are very important to
through public stock centers. The expression humans nutritionally and economically. For
of multiple genes has been followed, too. example, a mutation observed in Arabidopsis
Teresa Mozo provided the first comprehensive has resulted in its floral structures assuming the
physical map of the Arabidopsis genome, pub- basic shape of a head of cauliflower. This muta-
lished in 1999; she used overlapping fragments tion in Arabidopsis, not surprisingly, is referred
of cloned DNA. These fundamental data pro- to simply as cauliflower and was isolated by
516 Model Organism: Caenorhabditis elegans

Martin Yanofskys laboratory. The analogous See also: Cell Culture: Plant Cells; Extra-
gene from the cauliflower plant was examined, chromosomal Inheritance; Model Organisms.
and it was discovered the cauliflower plant al-
ready had a mutation in this gene. From the Further Reading
study of Arabidopsis, therefore, researchers have Bowman, John L. Arabidopsis: An Atlas of Mor-
uncovered why a head of cauliflower looks the phology and Development. New York: Springer-
way it does. Verlag, 1993. Contains images and descrip-
In plants there is an ethylene-signaling path- tions of normal and mutant Arabidopsis
way (ethylene is a plant hormone) that regu- plants.
lates fruit ripening, plant senescence, and leaf Russell, Peter J. Genetics. San Fransisco, Calif.:
abscission. The genes necessary for the ethyl- Benjamin Cummings, 2002. Good genetic
ene-signaling pathway have been identified in textbook with specific references to genetic
Arabidopsis, including genes coding for the eth- duplications, genome sequences, homeotic
ylene receptors. As expected, a mutation in genes, model organism considerations, and
these ethylene receptors would also cause the the regulation of development in Arabi-
Arabidopsis plant to be unable to sense ethyl- dopsis.
ene. Ethylene receptors have now been uncov- Wilson, Zoe A. Arabidopsis: A Practical Approach.
ered from other plant species from the knowl- New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
edge gained from Arabidopsis. Harry Klees Provides an introduction to techniques re-
laboratory, for example, has found a tomato quired for the use of Arabidopsis as an experi-
mutation in the ethylene receptor, which pre- mental system. Provides strategies for the
vents ripening. When the mutant Arabidopsis identification, mapping, and characteriza-
receptor is expressed in other plants, more- tion of mutants by microscopy, molecular cy-
over, the transformed plants also exhibit this togenetics, and gene expression analysis.
insensitivity to ethylene and the lack of ensu-
ing processes associated with it. Therefore, the Web Site of Interest
mechanism of ethylene perception would seem The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR).
to be conserved in plants, and modifying ethyl- http://www.arabidopsis.org. The gateway to
ene receptors can induce change in a plant. the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI), de-
Advances in evolutionary biology and medi- signed for the scientific community, consists
cine are expected from Arabidopsis research, of a searchable relational database with many
too. Robert Martienssen of Cold Spring Har- different data types that can be viewed, ana-
bor Laboratory has referred to the completion lyzed, and downloaded. Also has pages for
of the Arabidopsis genome sequence as having news, lab protocols, and links.
major impact on human health as well as plant
biology and agriculture. Surprisingly, some of
the newly identified Arabidopsis genes are ex-
tremely similar or even identical to human Model Organism:
genes linked to certain illnesses. No doubt
there are many more mysteries to unravel with
Caenorhabditis elegans
the proteome analysis of Arabidopsis (analysis of Field of study: Techniques and
how proteins function in the plant), and the bi- methodologies
ological role of all the twenty-five thousand Significance: The roundworm Caenorhabditis
genes will keep scientists busy for some time to elegans has helped scientists understand develop-
come. For example, this relatively simple lit- ment of multicellular organisms. For their work
tle plant has surprised workers with its amazing using C. elegans to identify apoptosis, or pro-
genetic duplication where more than 70 per- grammed cell death, three scientists received the
cent of its DNA is copied at least once some- Nobel Prize. The C. elegans genome project has
where else on its genome. enabled scientists to develop much of the technology
F. Christopher Sowers that was used to sequence the human genome. Re-
Model Organism: Caenorhabditis elegans 517

search with this organism has also contributed to hundred fertilized eggs in the first four days of
understanding genetics of the nervous system, ag- adulthood; hermaphrodites that mate with
ing, and even learning. males will continue to lay eggs as long as sperm
are present.
Key terms Caenorhabditis elegans eggs begin develop-
cell differentiation: a process during which ment within the uterus. They hatch as small L1
a cell specifically expresses certain genes, ul- larvae and molt four times as they proceed
timately adopting its final cell fate to become through the easily recognizable larval stages of
a specific type of cell, such as a neuron, or L2, L3, L4, and adult. The adult hermaphro-
undergoing programmed cell death (apop- dite is a little larger than the adult male and can
tosis) be distinguished by the presence of fertilized
model organism: an organism well suited for eggs lined up in the uterus. The smaller males
genetic research because it has a well-known have specialized tails that contain structures for
genetic history, a short life cycle, and genetic mating called copulatory spicules.
variation between individuals in the popula-
tion A Model Organism
Because of its small size and simple diet (bac-
The Organism teria), C. elegans is easily adapted to laboratory
The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. ele- culture conditions. The worms are grown on
gans) has been the subject of intense analysis by small agar-filled petri plates that are seeded
biologists around the world. Nematodes, or with E. coli. The worms live comfortably at
roundworms, are simple metazoan animals room temperature, but elevating or lowering
that have cells specialized to form tissues and the temperature can speed up or slow down de-
organs such as nerve tissue and digestive tissue. velopment, and changes in temperatures can
Analysis of genetic control of the events that even reveal conditional phenotypes of some ge-
lead to the formation of the tissues in C. elegans netic mutations.
has revealed biological mechanisms that also One unmated hermaphrodite will produce
control the differentiation of tissues and or- three hundred progeny over the first four days
gans in more complex organisms such as hu- of adulthood. Additionally, C. elegans has a
mans. short generation time of approximately three
Caenorhabditis elegans is a microscopic, 1-mil- weeks. Obtaining large numbers of progeny al-
limeter-long roundworm that lives in soils and lows thorough statistical analysis of the way a
eats bacteria from decaying materials. It be- mutation is segregated within a population. Be-
longs to the phylum Nematoda (the round- cause researchers can screen large numbers of
worms), which includes many significant plant worms in a short period of time, extremely rare
and animal parasites. Caenorhabditis elegans, mutations are likely to be revealed. Genetically
however, is free-living (nonparasitic) and does pure strains are also quickly produced.
not cause any human diseases. It exists as two Hermaphrodite genetics also provides ad-
sexes, males (containing a single X chromo- vantages. Because hermaphrodites are self-
some) and hermaphrodites (containing two X fertile, getting homozygous mutations is not
chromosomes). Both male and hermaphrodite difficult. A hermaphrodite that is heterozygous
worms have five pairs of autosomal (non-sex) for a given mutation (has one wild-type copy of
chromosomes. The hermaphrodites are self- a gene and one mutated copy of a gene) will
fertile. They produce sperm first, which they produce progeny, one-fourth containing two
store, and later switch gonads to begin pro- mutated copies of the gene (homozygotes).
ducing eggs. These eggs may be fertilized by Additionally, for researchers studying mutations
the hermaphrodites own sperm, or if the her- that affect reproduction or mating behavior,
maphrodite mates with a male, sperm from the having self-fertile hermaphrodites allows them
male will fertilize the eggs. A hermaphrodite to maintain mutations that affect processes such
that is not mated will lay approximately three as sperm production. A hermaphrodite that
518 Model Organism: Caenorhabditis elegans

cannot make its own sperm can be mated to a have 1,021. Because the entire cell lineage for
wild-type male, and the mutation causing the the worm is known and the worm is transpar-
defect can be maintained. This is not possible ent, researchers can use a laser to destroy a sin-
in organisms that are strictly male/female or gle, specific cell and observe how loss of one
that are strictly hermaphroditic. cell affects development of the worm. These
Another strength of C. elegans is that the ge- kinds of studies have contributed to the under-
netic strains can be frozen in liquid nitrogen standing of how neurons find target cells and
and maintained indefinitely. Even fruit flies how one cell can direct the fate of another.
have to be constantly mated or passaged to
maintain the genetic stocks for a laboratory. Embryonic Development: Asymmetric
Caenorhabditis elegans strains are maintained in Divisions
a central location, giving all scientists access to Research on C. elegans has revealed how pro-
the same well-characterized genetic stocks. grammed genetic factors (autonomous devel-
Caenorhabditis elegans is a transparent worm, opment) and cell-cell interactions guide devel-
ideally suited for microscopic analysis. The ori- opment of an organism from egg to adult. The
gin and ultimate fate of every cell in the worm very first division of the fertilized egg (zygote)
(the cell lineage) has been mapped and traced in C. elegans is asymmetric (uneven) and creates
microscopically. Adult hermaphrodites have the first difference in the cells of the organism
959 somatic (non-sex) cell nuclei, and males that is reflected in the adult. This division pro-

Image not available

H. Robert Horvitz points to an image of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Working with this organism, he, Sydney Brenner,
and John E. Sulston won the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering genes regulating organ development and
leading to apoptosis (programmed cell death)discoveries with significant implications for cancer therapies. (AP/Wide World
Model Organism: Caenorhabditis elegans 519

duces two daughter cells called P and AB. AB is thought of as resulting from uncontrolled pro-
a large cell that gives rise to tissues such as mus- liferation of cells, but it can also result when
cle and digestive tract. P is a much smaller cell cells that should die during development fail to
that ultimately produces the cells that become die. Scientists are looking at ways to specifically
the gonads (sex cell-producing tissues). The activate apoptosis in tumor cells in order to kill
difference in P and AB is determined by the tumors. The clues for what genes to target for
segregation of small P granules in the cell. The such treatments come from studies of the apop-
location of these granules and the asymmetry tosis pathway in organisms such as C. elegans.
of this initial division are determined by the
point of entry of the sperm. Until the eight-cell A Molecular Tool
stage, there is no genetic activity by the embryo; The first metazoan genome that was se-
the first few divisions are directed by the mater- quenced was C. elegans. Many of the technol-
nal gene products. This is one example of how ogies (automated machines, chemistries for
maternal gene products can influence the early isolating and preparing DNA) that were devel-
development of an embryo. oped in the course of the C. elegans genome-
sequencing project were directly applied to the
Neural Development human genome sequencing project, and many
One of the areas of later development that is of the scientists involved in sequencing the C.
particularly well understood in C. elegans is the elegans genome contributed expertise to the
development of the nervous system. The ner- Human Genome Project as well.
vous system has been completely reconstructed The green fluorescent protein, which is a
with serial electron micrographs that reveal protein that was first used to trace neurons in C.
precisely how one neuron connects to another. elegans, is now used in experiments with a wide
Some neurons migrate to assume their final variety of organisms or cell cultures to follow
cell fate and function. These migrations are specific cells or specific proteins during devel-
easily studied in the worm because of its trans- opment. RNA interference, a technique that
parency, and a single neuron can be visualized uses RNA specifically to knock out gene expres-
by marking it with green fluorescent protein. sion of a target gene, was first described in
Many genes and their encoded proteins that worms. This technique enables scientists to
have been identified as important for directing knock out gene expression at the RNA level
the growth, connectivity, and migration of C. rather than requiring laborious genetic engi-
elegans neurons are highly conserved in evolu- neering of DNA. This technique promises to be
tion and control axon guidance in the verte- particularly useful for researchers working with
brate spinal cord. human or other mammal cell culture systems.
Caenorhabditis elegans research identified the
Apoptosis: Programmed Cell Death first presenilin, a class of proteins later impli-
The 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medi- cated in Alzheimers disease. Research on the
cine was awarded to Sydney Brenner, H. Robert worm has led to a greater understanding of cer-
Horvitz, and John E. Sulston for identifying ge- tain proteins that are involved in cellular aging.
netically controlled cell death in worms. Cell Studies in C. elegans are even contributing to a
death is an important part of development in better understanding of learning and behavior.
plants and animals. For instance, human em- Most C. elegans scientists are studying the worm
bryos have webbing between fingers and toes. because it provides a tool for answering many
This webbing is composed of cells that die in of the hows and whys of biology that cannot be
the course of normal development before a hu- answered easily in more complex systems. The
man baby is born. The death of these cells oc- answers to seemingly esoteric questions, such
curs because of a genetic program in the cells, as how C. elegans sperm move, will shed light on
apoptosis. The genes that control apoptosis are fundamental biological processes shared by all
highly conserved throughout evolution. Apop- organisms.
tosis also plays a role in cancer. Often cancer is Michele Arduengo
520 Model Organism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

See also: Aging; Antisense RNA; Comple- spond to genes but lack introns that are pres-
mentation Testing; Human Genome Project; ent in the actual genome
Model Organism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; cosmid: a cloning vector, a hybrid of bacterial
Model Organisms; Noncoding RNA Molecules. plasmid and bacteriophage vectors, that re-
lies on bacteriophage capsules to infect bac-
Further Reading teria; these are constructed with selectable
Lewin, Benjamin. Genes VII. New York: Oxford markers from plasmids and two regions of
University Press, 2001. Contains articles lambda phage DNA known as cos (for cohe-
about many of the processes researched in sive end) sites
the worm, including apoptosis. insertional mutagenesis: the generation of
Wood, W. B., et al. The Nematode Caenorhabditis a mutant by inserting several nucleotides
elegans. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold into a genome
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1988. The microarray: a flat surface on which 10,000 to
first worm book contains an excellent 100,000 tiny spots of DNA molecules fixed
overview of worm development and an in- on glass or another solid surface are used for
troductory letter from Nobel laureate Syd- hybridization with a probe of fluoresent
ney Brenner. DNA or RNA
model organism: an organism well suited for
Web Site of Interest genetic research because it has a well-known
Caenorhabditis elegans Web ser ver. http:// genetic history, a short life cycle, and genetic
elegans.swmed.edu. Contains links to major variation between individuals in the popula-
worm labs around the world and to intro- tion
ductory information about the worm. In- transformation: a change in both genotype
cludes access to WormBase, a repository of and phenotype resulting from the uptake of
mapping, sequencing and phenotypic infor- exogenous DNA
The Organism
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is the best-re-
searched member of the green algal genus
Chlamydomonas (Greek chlamys, a cloak, plus
Model Organism: monas, solitary). Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii unicellular with a definite cell wall that con-
sists of glycoproteins rich in the amino acid
Field of study: Techniques and hydroxyproline. A large, solitary chloroplast
methodologies folded into a cup shape dominates most of the
Significance: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a cytoplasm. The presence of this chloroplast al-
unicellular green alga that has been extremely use- lows autotrophic growth, although C. reinhard-
ful as a genetics model organism. It has a simple tii is capable of using acetate as an external car-
life cycle, is easily mutable, and is accessible for mo- bon source. A circular body that is prominent
lecular genetic studies. within the chloroplast is referred to as the
pyrenoid. It is the site of carbohydrate synthe-
Key terms sis during the light-independent reactions of
bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC): a photosynthesis. The chloroplast also contains a
vector used to clone large fragments of DNA red eyespot with a rhodopsin-like pigmented
(up to 500 kb) that can be readily inserted in photoreceptor, called the stigma, that permits
a bacterium, such as Escherichia coli phototaxis. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells dis-
complementary DNA (cDNA): a DNA mole- play positive phototaxis (that is, swimming to-
cule that is synthesized using messenger ward light) in moderate light and negative
RNA (mRNA) as a template and the enzyme phototaxis in intense light.
reverse transcriptase; these molecules corre- The cell nucleus is visible with light micros-
Model Organism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 521

copy and predominates cross-sectional images mating types are placed in a nitrogen-free me-
in electron microscopy, along with the nucleo- dium. The zygote formed from such a mating
lus. Electron microscopy also indicates sixteen can produce four unordered tetrads on appro-
or more chromosomes, which is consistent with priate media. Sometimes an additional mitotic
the seventeen linkage groups defined by cyto- event generates eight haploid products that are
genetic analysis. The cells anterior end con- easy to recover. These features have made C.
sists of two contractile vacuoles, and mitochon- reinhardtii extremely useful as an experimental
dria are dispersed throughout the cytosol. Two organism.
long, whiplike flagella extend from basal bod-
ies, which are also located at the anterior end of Mutagenesis and Transmission Genetics
the cell. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii swims using Research in the 1950s led to the isolation of
a breaststroke motion. Internally the flagella mutants displaying defects in the ability to pho-
consist of a central pair of microtubules sur- tosynthesize. Since then mutants have been de-
rounded by nine doublets. Each doublet con- veloped that affect every structure, function,
sists of arms made of the protein dynein. The and behavior of C. reinhardtii. Ultraviolet or
dynein interacts with adjacent doublets by chemical methods can be used to induce mu-
pressing and sliding against the neighboring tants. One of the first mutants isolated was resis-
microtubule when adenosin triphosphate tant to the antibiotic streptomycin (designated
(ATP) is hydrolyzed. This brings about the sr). These cells are able to grow on media sup-
flagellar beat and allows the organism to swim. plemented with streptomycin as well as media
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii reproduces asexu- free of streptomycin. Wild-type cells (desig-
ally by mitotic divisions. Parental cells can pro- nated ss) are unable to grow on media contain-
duce as many as sixteen progeny cells by succes- ing the antibiotic. Reciprocal crosses with cells
sive divisions within the cell wall. Each progeny of these distinct phenotypes resulted in segre-
cell secretes a cell wall and generates flagella. gation patterns that departed significantly
The new cells escape by secreting autolytic en- from Mendelian expectations. The sr pheno-
zymes that digest the parental cell wall. type was clearly transmitted only through mt+
cells. Further study has shown that resistance
Mating and Laboratory Analysis passed through the mt+ chloroplast. The chlo-
The vegetative form of C. reinhardtii is hap- roplast contains more than fifty copies of a cir-
loid and exists as one of two genetically distinct cular, double-stranded DNA molecule. Unipa-
mating types (mt+) and (mt). When deprived rental inheritance has been demonstrated for
of nitrogen, cells of each mating type differen- the mitochondrial genome, too. This genome
tiate into gametes. Gametes of opposite mating contains fewer genes than the chloroplast, but
types come into contact with each other by way antibiotic resistant mutations have been gener-
of their flagella. The gametes fuse, thereby ated, along with other types. It is interesting to
forming a zygote. The zygote secretes a heavy note that mitochondrial inheritance of antibi-
wall and becomes a zygospore. Zygospores can otic resistance appears to be transmitted by way
remain dormant and viable in soils for several of mt cells.
years. Light and nitrogen can bring about Mutational analysis has elucidated aspects of
zygospore germination. Four biflagellated nuclear inheritance, also. The mating type
cells, known as zoospores, are released. In phenotype segregates in a 1:1 ratio in accor-
some strains, meiosis occurs prior to the release dance with Mendelian principles. With the ad-
of zoospores, followed by a mitotic division. vent of molecular techniques, insertional mu-
The result is the release of eight zoospores tagenesis has resulted in a wide array of
rather than four. mutants, including nonphotosynthetic, non-
Cells of C. reinhardtii are easy to culture. motile, antibiotic resistant, herbicide resistant,
They grow copiously in defined culture media and many more. This type of analysis has re-
under var ying environmental conditions. sulted in mapping nearly two hundred nuclear
Mating can be induced when cells of opposite loci.
522 Model Organism: Drosophila melanogaster

Molecular Analysis Model Organism: Escherichia coli; Model Organ-

Transformation of C. reinhardtii is relatively ism: Mus musculus; Model Organism: Neuro-
easy and can be carried out by mixing with spora crassa; Model Organism: Saccharomyces cer-
DNA-coated glass beads or electroporation, evisiae; Model Organism: Xenopus laevis; Model
that is, using a current to introduce the DNA Organisms.
into a cell. The frequency of transformation
success is highest in wall-less mutants or cells Further Reading
whose walls have been removed prior to trans- Graham, Linda E., and Lee W. Wilcox. Algae.
formation. Both nuclear, mitochondrial, and Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,
chloroplast transformation studies have been 2000. A textbook for students of introduc-
performed, leading to the development of sev- tory phycology that includes a number of
eral molecular constructs that have been used chapters dealing with green algae, including
to study gene expression. Cosmids and BAC li- members of the genus Chlamydomonas.
braries have been created for several markers Harris, Elizabeth H. Chlamydomonas as a
in order to make the current molecular map of Model Organism. Annual Review of Plant
about 240 markers, each having an average Physiology 52 (2001): 363-406. A detailed up-
spacing of 400 to 500 kb. These markers have date of what has been learned since the pub-
been placed on the seventeen linkage groups lication of Harriss book in 1989.
mentioned previously. _______. The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook: A Com-
Thus far, the greatest impact these molecu- prehensive Guide to Biology and Laboratory Use.
lar markers are having is in the study of photo- San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press, 1989. The
synthesis. A chloroplast gene known as Stt7 has ultimate guide to working with Chlamydo-
been characterized using these methods. Stt7 monas species, including a detailed look at
is required for activation of the major light- the organism, a thorough literature review,
harvesting protein and interactions between and several protocols, some for teaching
photosystem I and photosystem II when light purposes.
conditions change. Chloroplast and nuclear
transformations have been used in conjunc- Web Site of Interest
tion with developmental mutants to study chlo- Chlamydomonas Genetics Center. http://www
roplast biogenesis. This has increased research- .biology.duke.edu/chlamy. Sponsored by the
ers understanding of the expression and National Science Foundation, the clearing-
regulation of many chloroplast genes. A cDNA house for data on the genetics of this model
library composed of many unique chloroplast organism, including the genome project
genes is being constructed and their coding re- and the nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochon-
gions sequenced. These cDNAs are called ex- drial genomes.
pressed sequence tags (ESTs) and have proven
extremely useful for identifying protein-coding
genes in other organisms. Thousands of these
cDNAs could be placed on pieces of glass the Model Organism: Drosophila
size of a microscope slide using microarray
technology to monitor changes in gene expres-
sion of virtually the entire genome at the same Field of study: Techniques and
time. Interactions between the nuclear ge- methodologies
nome and the chloroplast genome can be as- Significance: Drosophila melanogaster is the
sessed in this manner as well. scientific name for a species of fruit fly whose study
Stephen S. Daggett led scientists to discover many of the fundamental
See also: cDNA Libraries; Extrachromo- principles of the inheritance of traits. The first ge-
somal Inheritance; Model Organism: Arabidop- netic map that assigned genes to specific chromo-
sis thaliana; Model Organism: Caenorhabditis ele- somes was developed for Drosophila. With ad-
gans; Model Organism: Drosophila melanogaster; vances in molecular technology, continued study
Model Organism: Drosophila melanogaster 523

of Drosophila has led to a greater understand-

ing of genetic control in early embryonic develop-

Key terms
linked genes: genes, and traits they specify,
that are situated on the same chromosome
and tend to be inherited together
model organism: an organism well suited for
genetic research because it has a well-known
genetic history, a short life cycle, and genetic
variation between individuals in the popula-
sex chromosomes: The X and Y chromosomes,
which determine sex in many organisms; in
Drosophila, a female carries two X chromo-
somes and a male carries one X and one Y

Early Studies of Drosophila

By the early 1900s, scientists had discovered
chromosomes inside of cells and knew that
they occurred in pairs, that one partner of each
pair was provided by each parent during re-
production, and that fertilization restored the
paired condition. This behavior of chromo- Thomas Hunt Morgan, one of the most important biologists in
somes paralleled the observations of Austrian classical transmission genetics, established the Fly Room at
botanist Gregor Mendel, first published in Columbia University in 1910, where for the next quarter cen-
1866, which showed that traits in pea plants seg- tury he and his students studied the genetics of the fruit fly.
regated and were assorted independently dur- ( The Nobel Foundation)
ing reproduction. This led geneticists Walter
Sutton, Theodor Boveri, and their colleagues
to propose, in 1902, the chromosome theory particular characteristics), and his laboratory
of inheritance, which postulated that Men- became known as the fly room.
dels traits, or genes, existed on the chromo- After one year of breeding flies and looking
somes. However, this theory was not accepted for inherited variations of traits, Morgan found
by all scientists of the time. a single male fly with white eyes instead of the
Thomas Hunt Morgan was an embryologist usual red, the normal or wild-type color. When
at Columbia University in New York City, and he bred this white-eyed male with a red-eyed fe-
he chose to study the chromosome theory and male, his results were consistent with that ex-
inheritance in the common fruit fly, Drosophila pected for a recessive trait, and all the offspring
melanogaster. This organism was an ideal one for had wild-type eyes. When he mated some of
genetic studies because a single mating could these offspring, he was startled to discover a dif-
produce hundreds of offspring, it developed ferent inheritance pattern than he expected
from egg to adult in only ten days, it was inex- from Mendels experiments. In the case of this
pensively and easily kept in the laboratory, and mating, half of the males and no females had
it had only four pairs of chromosomes that white eyes; Morgan had expected half of all of
were easily distinguished with a simple micro- the males and females to be white-eyed. After
scope. Morgan was the first scientist to keep many more generations of breeding, Morgan
large numbers of fly stocks (organisms with was able to deduce that eye color in a fly was re-
524 Model Organism: Drosophila melanogaster

lated to its sex, and he located the eye-color Linked Genes and Chromosome Maps
gene to the X chromosome of the fruit fly. The Many genes are located on each chromo-
X chromosome is one of the sex chromosomes. some. Genes, and the traits they specify, that
Because a female fly has two X chromosomes are situated on the same chromosome tend to
and a male has one X and one Y chromosome, be inherited together. Such genes are referred
and because the Y chromosome does not carry to as linked genes. Morgan performed a vari-
genes corresponding to those on the X chro- ety of genetic crosses with linked genes and de-
mosome, any gene on the males X chromo- veloped detailed maps of the positions of the
some is expressed as a trait, even if it is normally genes on the chromosomes based on his re-
recessive. This interesting and unusual exam- sults. Morgan did his first experiments with
ple of the first mutant gene in flies was called a linked genes in Drosophila that specified body
sex-linked trait because the trait was located color and wing type. In fruit flies, a brown body
on the X chromosome. is the wild type and a black body is a mutant
This important discovery attracted many type. In wild flies wings are very long, while one
students to Morgans laboratory, and before mutant variant has short, crinkled wings re-
long they found many other unusual inherited ferred to as vestigial wings. When Morgan
traits in flies and determined their inheritance mated wild-type females with black-bodied, ves-
patterns. One of the next major discoveries by tigial-winged males, the next generation con-
members of the fly lab was that of genes exist- sisted of all wild-type flies. When he then mated
ing on the same chromosome, information females from this new generation with black-
that was used to map the genes to individual bodied, vestigial-winged males, most of the
chromosomes. progeny were either brown and normal winged

Thomas Hunt Morgans Experimental Work with Drosophila

A. X X X Y B. X X X Y

Red-eyed Red-eyed
females males

14 Red-eyed females 14 Red-eyed females

14 Red-eyed females 34 Red-eyed 14 White-eyed females

14 Red-eyed males 14 Red-eyed males

14 White-eyed males 14 White-eyed 14 White-eyed males

Morgans experiments discovered such results as the following: A. A red-eyed female is crossed with a white-eyed male. The red-eyed
progeny interbreed to produce offspring in a red to white ratio. All the white-eyed flies are male. B. A white-eyed male is crossed
with its red-eyed daughter, giving red-eyed and white-eyed males and females in equal proportions. (Electronic Illustrators
Model Organism: Drosophila melanogaster 525

or wild-type black and vestigial winged,

in about equal proportions. A few of
the offspring were either just black bod-
ied (with wild-type wings) or vestigial
winged (with wild-type body color), trait
combinations found in neither parent.
Because of the equal distribution of
these mutant traits between males and
females, Morgan knew the genes were
not sex linked. Because the traits for
body color and wing length generally
seemed to be inherited together, he de- Image not available
duced that they existed on the same
As Morgan and his students and col-
leagues continued their experiments
on the inheritance of body color and
wing length, they observed a small but
consistent percentage of offspring with
trait combinations not observed in ei-
ther parent, referred to as nonparen-
tals. After repeating these experiments
with many different linked genes, Mor-
gan discovered that chromosomes ex-
change pieces during egg and sperm
formation. This exchange of chromo- Alfred H. Sturtevant (California Institute of Technology)
some pieces occurs during a process
called meiosis, which occurs in sexually
reproducing organisms and results in the pro- colleagues pursued many different traits that
duction of gametes, generally eggs and sperm. showed genetic recombination. In 1917, one
During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes of Morgans students, Alfred Sturtevant, rea-
pair tightly and may exchange pieces; since the soned that the further apart two genes were on
homologous chromosomes contain genes for a chromosome, the more likely they were to re-
the same trait along their length, this exchange combine and the more progeny with new com-
does not present any genetic problems. The binations of traits would be observed. Over
eggs or sperm produced through meiosis con- many years of work, Sturtevant and his col-
tain one of each pair of chromosomes. leagues were able to collect recombination
In some of Morgans genetic crosses, flies data and cluster all the then-known mutant
carried one chromosome with alleles (alter- genes into four groupings that corresponded
nate forms of a gene at a specific locus) for to the four chromosomes of Drosophila. They
black bodies and vestigial wings. The homolo- generated the first linkage maps that located
gous chromosome carried wild alleles for both genes to chromosomes based on their recombi-
traits. During meiosis, portions of the homolo- nation frequencies.
gous chromosomes exchanged pieces, result- The chromosomes in the salivary glands of
ing in some flies receiving chromosomes carry- the larval stage of the fruit fly are particularly
ing genes for black bodies and normal wings large. Scientists were able to isolate these chro-
or brown bodies and vestigial wings. The ex- mosomes, stain them with dyes, and observe
change of chromosome pieces resulting in new them under microscopes. Each chromosome
combinations of traits in progeny is referred had an identifying size and shape and highly
to as recombination. Morgans students and detailed banding patterns. X rays and chemi-
526 Model Organism: Drosophila melanogaster

cals were used to generate new mutations for gle one will truncate the rest of development,
study in Drosophila, and researchers realized resulting in a severely mutated fly. It was found
that in many cases they could correlate a partic- that conserved regions of DNA outside of the
ular gene with a physical band along a chromo- developmental genes received the signals to
some. Also noted were chromosome abnormal- turn on. Such sequences were found to be
ities, including deletions of pieces, inversions present in all animals studied. These control re-
of chromosome sections, and the translocation gions were termed homeoboxes after the ho-
of a portion of one chromosome onto another meotic genes that control the overall body plan
chromosome. The pioneering techniques of of an organism in early development.
linkage mapping through recombination of Many other aspects of Drosophila were found
traits and physical mapping of genes to chro- to be useful in understanding the structure and
mosome sections provided detailed genetic function of the DNA of all organisms. It was
maps of Drosophila. Similar techniques have found that in Drosophila, large pieces of DNA
been used to construct gene maps of other or- will, under certain circumstances, pop out of
ganisms, including humans. the chromosome and reinsert themselves at an-
other site. One such element, called a P ele-
Control of Genes at the Molecular Level ment, was used by scientists to introduce nonfly
This seminal genetic work on Drosophila was DNA into the fruit fly embryo, thus providing
unparalleled in providing insights into the information on how DNA is expressed in ani-
mechanisms of inheritance. Most of the inheri- mals. This work also provided early clues into
tance patterns discovered in the fruit flies were the successful creation of transgenic animals
found to be applicable to nearly all organisms. commonly used in research to study cancer and
However, the usefulness of Drosophila as a re- other diseases.
search organism did not end with classical
transmission genetics; it was found to provide Impact and Applications
equally valuable insight into the mechanisms of Genetic studies of Drosophila melanogaster
development at the level of DNA. have provided the world with a fundamental
Drosophila were discovered to be ideal organ- understanding of the mechanisms of inheri-
isms to use in the study of early development. tance. In addition to the inheritance modes
During its development in the egg, the Drosoph- shown by Mendels studies of pea plants, fruit
ila embryo orchestrates a cascade of events that fly genetics revealed that some genes are sex
results in the embryo having a polarity (a head linked in sexually reproducing animals. The re-
and a tail), with segments between each end de- search led to the understanding that while
fined to become a particular body part in the many genes are linked to a single chromosome,
adult. For example, the second segment of the the linkage is not necessarily static, and that
thorax will support one pair of wings and one chromosomes can exchange pieces during re-
of the three pairs of legs. By studying many combination. The ease with which mutant fruit
types of mutants that showed bizarre appear- flies could be generated led to the develop-
ances as adults (for example, two sets of wings ment of detailed linkage maps for all the chro-
or legs replacing the normal antennae on the mosomes and ultimately to the localization of
head), scientists were able to elucidate some of genes to specific regions of chromosomes.
the mechanisms that control development in With the advent of molecular techniques, it was
nearly all animals. discovered that Drosophila again provided a
Developmental instructions from the mother wealth of information in terms of mobile ge-
fruit fly are sequestered in the egg. When the netic elements and developmental studies.
egg is fertilized, these instructions begin to Although all of these breakthroughs were sci-
turn on genes within the fertilized eggs that entifically interesting in terms of the flies them-
begin to establish the directionality and seg- selves, many of the breakthroughs helped iden-
ment identity within the embryo. So many genes tify fundamental principles consistent among
are involved in this process that a defect in a sin- all animals. Most of what is known about hu-
Model Organism: Escherichia coli 527

man genetics and genetic diseases has come genesis; Natural Selection; Noncoding RNA
from these pioneering studies with Drosophila. Molecules; Population Genetics.
Because of the sheer numbers of offspring
from any mating of flies, their very short life cy- Further Reading
cle, and large numbers of traits that are easily Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2001 Meeting on
observable, fruit flies have become an ideal sys- Neurobiology of Drosophila. Arranged by Hugo
tem to screen for potential chemical carcino- Bellen and Barbara Taylor. Cold Spring Har-
gens (cancer-causing agents) or mutagens bor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
(agents that cause mutations in DNA) in hu- Press, 2001. Papers focus on Drosophila as a
mans. Flies are exposed to the chemical in model organism in neurobiology.
question and mated; then their offspring are Brookes, Martin. Fly: The Unsung Hero of Twen-
analyzed for any abnormal appearances or be- tieth-Century Science. San Francisco: Harper-
haviors, or for low numbers of offspring. Should Collins, 2001. A whimsical history of the
a test substance cause any variation in the ex- fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, as the star of
pected outcome of a cross, it is then subjected genetic research, from Thomas Hunt Mor-
to more rigorous research in other organisms. gan to DNA sequencing.
The versatile, easy-to-care-for, inexpensive
fruit fly is often a fixture in classrooms around Web Sites of Interest
the world. Indeed, many geneticists have traced Drosophila Virtual Librar y. http://www
their passion to their first classroom encoun- .ceolas.org/VL/fly. Links to databases, labs,
ters with fruit flies and the excitement of dis- and other Web resources of interest to re-
covering the inheritance patterns for them- searchers.
selves. Flies are also routinely used in the study FlyBase. http://flybase.bio.indiana.edu:82. A
of neural pathways, learning patterns, behav- joint venture of the Berkeley and European
ior, and population genetics. Because of the Drosophila Genome Projects. Includes data
ease of study and the volumes of information from the Drosophila genome projects and a
that have been compiled about its genetics, de- vast amount of other informationbibliog-
velopment, and behavior, Drosophila will con- raphies, directories, descriptions of chromo-
tinue to be an important model organism for somal aberrations, lists of Drosophila stocks,
biological study. The completion of the com- genome project data, images, and more.
plete genome sequence of Drosophila should
greatly increase the usefulness of this model
organism, allowing an even more detailed un-
derstanding of its genetics. Model Organism: Escherichia
Karen E. Kalumuck
See also: Aging; Bioinformatics; Biological
Clocks; Chemical Mutagens; Chromosome Mu- Fields of study: Bacterial genetics;
tation; Chromosome Theory of Heredity; Devel- Techniques and methodologies
opmental Genetics; Genetics, Historical Devel- Significance: Through the study of the genetics of
opment of; Homeotic Genes; Human Genome Escherichia coli biologists have come to under-
Project; Inbreeding and Assortative Mating; In- stand the molecular-level regulation of gene expres-
complete Dominance; Lateral Gene Transfer; sion and how genes direct routine activities of liv-
Linkage Maps; Metafemales; Model Organism: ing cells. This understanding of the genetics of this
Arabidopsis thaliana; Model Organism: Caenor- bacterium has led to the extensive use of this organ-
habditis elegans; Model Organism: Chlamydo- ism in biotechnology. Such technology permits the
monas reinhardtii; Model Organism: Escherichia introduction of foreign genes into the organisms
coli; Model Organism: Mus musculus; Model Or- cells, which may result in new bacterial strains ca-
ganism: Neurospora crassa; Model Organism: Sac- pable of solving problems as diverse as environ-
charomyces cerevisiae; Model Organism: Xenopus mental pollution, food and energy shortages, and
laevis; Model Organisms; Mutation and Muta- the spread of diseases.
528 Model Organism: Escherichia coli

Key terms of four million base pairs and carries 2,800

model organism: an organism well suited for genes. These genes constitute 75 percent of the
genetic research because it has a well-known DNA molecule; the remaining DNA consists of
genetic history, a short life cycle, and genetic regions between genes, such as the stretch of
variation between individuals in the popula- DNA acting as the unique origin of replication
tion for the E. coli DNA molecule.
operon: a genetic unit consisting of structural Packaging this DNA into the nucleoid is an
genes coding for amino acid chains; an oper- important concept in E. coli genetics because
ator gene controlling the transcriptional the length of the bacterial chromosome con-
(message encoding) activity of the structural taining the DNA is twelve hundred times that of
genes the E. coli cell. The chromosome, therefore, is
replication: the process of DNA duplication packaged in a highly compact form. This com-
pact DNA consists of one hundred indepen-
A Suitable Experimental Organism dent genetic segments, each having forty thou-
Discovered in 1885 by Theodor Escherich, sand base pairs (bp) of DNA containing extra
Escherichia coli is the most intensely studied bac- twists, with the ends of each genetic segment
terium in genetics. In fact, of the earths living held, presumably, by proteins. The extra-
organisms, this bacterium is one of the better twisted DNA in one genetic segment is unaf-
understood, and its use as a favorite experi- fected by events influencing extra twisting of
mental organism dates to the mid-twentieth DNA in other genetic segments. Such a struc-
century. Even before gaining a rich genetic his- ture forms because the DNA, a negatively
tory, the bacterium was selected for genetic re- charged molecule, associates with positively
search for several reasons: its ease of handling charged structural proteins.
in experiments, its twenty-minute generation About one-third of the 2,800 genes in E. coli
time, its single copy of each gene, and its mea- have been located on the bacteriums chromo-
ger genetic material. Results derived from ge-
netic experiments with E. coli have significantly
influenced the thinking of biologists, and the
genetics of E. coli has provided evidence that ex-
plains mechanisms underlying important pro-
cesses: E. coli chromosome organization; regu-
lation of gene expression; DNA replication,
transcription, and translation; mutation and
DNA repair; biotechnology; and evolution.
The E. coli cell usually contains a single chro-
mosome, although the cells actual number of
chromosomes depends on the bacteriums
growth rate. Fast-growing E. coli have two to Image not available
four chromosome copies per cell, while the
slow-growing counterparts have one to two
copies per cell. These multiple copies, how-
ever, are genetically identical, permitting E. coli
to behave as haploids (cells containing a single
chromosome). This chromosome, a dense cel-
lular structure carrying hereditary informa-
tion from generation to generation, consists of
a single molecule of double-stranded DNA.
The DNA, in a closed-circle form, is located in
the nucleoid, a central region of the E. coli cell.
The DNA of Escherichia coli is probably made up A single E. coli cell. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Model Organism: Escherichia coli 529

some using gene mapping (which determines polymerase from initiating operon transcrip-
the locations of genes along the chromosome) tion.
and recombinant DNA techniques such as In contrast to the lac operon, the trp operon
DNA sequencing (which determines the order is a repressible system, in which the production
of the nucleotides in DNA). Of the located of an enzyme stops with the addition of the end
genes, 260 of them are organized into seventy- product of the enzyme reaction. Transcription
five operons, with the remaining 740 genes of the operons five structural genes, which en-
scattered, perhaps randomly, around the rest code enzymes involved in tryptophan produc-
of the DNA molecule. tion, is repressed in the presence of trypto-
phan. A second regulatory mechanism, called
Regulation of Gene Expression attenuation, also controls the system.
The genetics of E. coli reveals that 26 percent Based on the genetics of E. coli, biologists
of its mapped genes are organized in tran- know that operon function may change if fused
scriptional units (DNA segments containing to a new operator. French molecular biologist
message-encoding start and stop signals) called Franois Jacobs research team showed this for
operons; these work to regulate gene expres- the structural genes of the lac operon. The
sion. Operons, coordinately regulated units, team used DNA fragments carrying parts of the
often contain genes with related functions. lac-pur region, but with an added deletion that
Each regulated unit has a set of adjoining struc- eliminated the lac operator and part of the Z
tural genes, a promoter for enzyme binding, gene. These modified DNA fragments were in-
and an operator for regulatory protein bind- serted into E. coli that were unable to produce
ing. If the genes encode enzymes involved in an the enzymes permease and acetylase. The func-
anabolic pathway (in which chemical reactions tional lac enzymes produced by the modified
form larger molecules from smaller ones), they particles were no longer activated by lactose.
are usually turned off in the presence of the Such enzymes were instead under control of
pathways end product. Alternatively, if the the deactivated purine operator. As a result, ex-
genes encode enzymes involved in a catabolic cessive purine caused repression of galactoside
pathway (in which chemical reactions break permease and acetylase. In E. coli, gene expres-
down large molecules into smaller ones), they sion can be regulated at different levels, but
are often expressed in the presence of the en- transcriptional regulation is the most common.
zymes substrates (molecules whose actions are
increased). DNA Replication, Transcription, and
The genetics of the lactose (lac) and the Translation
tryptophan (trp) operons were unraveled using Early in the study of E. coli, Matthew Mesel-
E. coli. This earned the bacterium a place in his- son and Franklin Stahl determined how DNA
tory for helping to explain the regulation of duplicates itself in the bacterium. They grew
gene expression. The lac operon consists of the organism, across several generations, in
three structural genesZ, Y, and Athat en- culture media containing nucleotides en-
code beta-galactosidase, beta-galactoside riched with nitrogen 15 (a heavier isotope of ni-
permease, and beta-galactoside transacetylase, trogen), which would be incorporated into all
respectively. Other operon components are newly synthesized strands of DNA. Then some
the promoter and the operator adjoining the Z of these cells with nitrogen 15 enriched DNA
gene. The regulator gene has its own promoter were transferred to media containing nucleo-
and adjoins the operon. The lac operon is an tides containing normal nitrogen 14, so that all
example of an inducible system because the newly synthesized strands of DNA would then
operons three structural genes are transcribed contain nitrogen 14 rather than nitrogen 15.
(put into message code) only in the presence of After allowing enough time for the cells to di-
lactose. In the absence of lactose, the lac vide once, they isolated their DNA and then
repressor (a protein product of the regulator used cesium chloride density-gradient centri-
gene) binds to the operator and prevents RNA fugation to characterize their results. Their
530 Model Organism: Escherichia coli

Sequencing the E. coli Genome

As part of the Human Genome Project (begun in in the former and the relative lack of such sequences
1990), several model organisms were selected for se- in the latter. This was borne out by the E. coli se-
quencing. Such direct DNA sequence information quence: The genome analysis indicates that there
could be correlated with the extensive data available are 4,405 genes, including 4,286 protein-coding se-
from classical and molecular genetics. Not only quences, about 50 percent more than originally pre-
would it provide a means for identifying similar dicted. Only about one-third of these represent well-
genes in the human genome; it would also provide a characterized proteins. There are also 7 ribosomal
means for comparative genomics, that is, to identify RNA (rRNA) operons and 86 transfer RNA (tRNA)
similar genes among both model organisms and se- genes.
quence data from related organisms. The latter is While E. coli is a normal inhabitant of the human
useful to explore the evolution of specific genes and gut, the average person associates the name E. coli
evolutionar y relatedness of organisms. Conse- with strain O157:H7, a human pathogen causing in-
quently, the sequencing of the Escherichia coli, the testinal hemorrhaging and resulting in about five
prokaryotic organism most studied genetically, bio- hundred deaths per year in the United States. Strain
chemically, and physiologically, was of high priority. O157:H7 has acquired two toxin genes from a re-
Due to efforts led by Frederick Blattner at the Uni- lated bacterium, Shigella dysenteriae, often found in
versity of Wisconsin, along with colleagues at four cattle. The complete sequenceof O157:H7 was com-
other institutions, the six-year project resulted in the pleted in January, 2001, and provides interesting
complete genomic sequence of E. coli K12 (strain comparisons. Its genome is 5,528,455 base pairs, with
MG1655), published on September 5, 1997, in the 5,416 genes of which 1,387 are not found in E. coli
journal Science; the final corrected sequence was up- MG1655. These new genes include those for viru-
dated in October, 2001. lence factors, alternative metabolic capacities, and
Although there are many different strains of E. new prophages. Moreover, O157:H7 lacks 528 genes
coli, strain MG1655 was chosen because it is a well- found in E. coli MG1655. These marked differences
established, stable laboratory strain. The sequencing lead some to believe that O157:H7 is actually a dif-
of a second laboratory strain, W3110, was completed ferent species, having evolutionarily diverged from
by a consortium of Japanese researchers. The E. coli standard E. coli about 4.5 million years ago. This ex-
MG1655 genome consists of 4,639,221 base pairs, a ample of comparative genomics illustrates its poten-
number slightly higher than estimated from earlier tial as a powerful tool for medical and other applica-
studies. Of these, 87.8 percent are found in protein- tions.
coding genes, 0.8 percent in stable RNA sequences, Sequencing of other strains of E. coli, particularly
0.7 percent in noncoding repeats, and approximately pathogenic strains, is ongoing under the aegis of the
11 percent in regulatory and other sequences. One E. coli Genome Project, based at the University of
difference between eukaryote and prokaryote ge- Wisconsin.
nomes is the large amount of noncoding sequences Ralph R. Meyer

findings, verified through autoradiography sev- tal template (guide) strands. The DNA dupli-
eral years later by John Cairns, showed that in cation process results in two double-stranded
E. coli, DNA duplicates itself semiconservatively. DNA molecules, each having one strand from
This means that in E. coli, the strands of the the parent molecule and one newly produced
DNA double helix separate and form a Y-shaped strand. This semiconservative mechanism en-
replication fork where DNA duplication be- sures the faithful copying of the genetic infor-
gins. Proteins stabilize the unwound helix and mation at each E. coli cell division.
assist in relaxing the coiling tension created During the message-encoding process (tran-
ahead of the duplication activity. A new, com- scription), the genic message (RNA transcript)
plementary strand of DNA, duplicated in E. coli is created step by step, using the DNA template.
at the rate of thirty thousand nucleotides per The template is read in one direction, while
minute, is produced on each of the two paren- RNA is produced in the opposite direction.
Model Organism: Escherichia coli 531

The process includes initiation, elongation, and to other chromosome locations. Insertion ele-
termination phases. The transcription initia- ments, the simplest transposable elements in E.
tion site is signaled by the promoter (a short coli, contain only genes for mobilizing the ele-
nucleotide sequence recognized by an RNA ments and inserting them into chromosomes
polymerase). During elongation, RNA polymer- at new locations.
ase migrates along the DNA molecule, melting In E. coli, as in all other organisms, many
and unwinding the double helix as it moves chemical and physical agents cause structural
and sequentially attaching ribonucleotides to changes in DNA. Consequently, mechanisms
one end of the growing RNA molecule. Base are needed for repairing such damaged DNA.
pairing to the template strand of the gene de- Such repair mechanisms exist in E. coli, al-
termines the identity of the ribonucleotide though they are complicated and require many
added to each position. By a complex signal, different proteins. The three main types of re-
transcription is terminated shortly after the pair mechanisms in E. coli are direct repair (the
ends of genes. As a result of the process, a gene- reversal of a structural change), excision repair
complementary, single-stranded RNA molecule (in which appropriate enzymes recognize and
(messenger RNA, or mRNA) is created. label a damaged nucleotide, excise it, fill in
Like the message-encoding process, the the gap, and seal the strand), and mismatch re-
message-decoding process (translation) con- pair (in which enzymes recognize the mis-
sists of initiation, elongation, and termination. match nucleotide and either label it or repair it
In E. coli, the small subunit of a ribosome (the directly). The parental strand is distinguished
cells interior structure for protein produc- from the newly created daughter strand by tag-
tion) attaches to the ribosome-binding site of ging the parental strand with methyl groups at-
an mRNA, resulting in an initiation complex. tached to adenines occurring within specific
In elongation, the large subunit of the ribo- sequences. Such modified adenines act as la-
some attaches to the initiation complex, creat- bels for the parent strand, enabling the repair
ing two different binding sites for transfer RNA enzymes to recognize which strand should be
(tRNA), the amino acid transporter. Ribo- repaired at a mismatch position.
somes use mRNA-coded information to take
amino acids brought by tRNA and assemble Biotechnology
them, on ribosomes, into protein. To test a genetic hypothesis, the genetic his-
tory of the organism involved must be well
Mutation and DNA Repair known so that the genetic background of the
In the genetics of E. coli, phenotypes result- parents used in the experimental crosses is
ing from changes in the DNA can occur be- known. The genetics of E. coli provides geneti-
cause of either mutation (a change in the nu- cists with such an experimental organism. As a
cleotide sequence of a gene) or recombination result, E. coli is used extensively in biotechnol-
(a process leading to new combinations of ogy. In this industry, a foreign gene inserted
genes on a chromosome). These new combina- into the bacterium may be replicated and
tions can occur following transfer of chromo- sometimes translated in the same manner as
somal genes from one bacterial cell to another the native bacterial DNA, producing a foreign
by transformation (in which a recipient cell ac- gene product. Escherichia coli can accept foreign
quires genes from free DNA in the medium), DNA derived from any organism because the
transduction (in which a virus carries DNA genetic code is nearly universal. As an example,
from donor to recipient cell), or conjugation genetic mapping of a free-living, nitrogen-fix-
(in which two bacterial cells make contact and ing bacterium showed that seventeen genes in-
exchange DNA). Transposon and insertion el- volved in nitrogen fixation are clustered on
ements, both found in E. coli, may also change one portion of the chromosome. Biologists
phenotypes. A transposon is a mobile DNA seg- transferred this gene cluster to a plasmida
ment containing genes for inserting DNA into circular, independently replicating DNA mole-
the chromosome and for moving the element culeand introduced the plasmid into E. coli
532 Model Organism: Escherichia coli

cells, which then produced the enzyme nitro- uted in a revolutionary way to the understand-
genase and fixed nitrogen. ing of significant scientific concepts and to the
A significant breakthrough occurred when a understanding of the genetics of organisms
synthetic gene coding for somatostatin, an more complex than bacteria, such as humans.
antigrowth hormone important in the treat- In addition, recombinant DNA technology
ment of different human growth disorders, was (techniques for constructing, studying, and us-
fused with the start of the lacZ gene contained ing DNA created in a test tube), which uses E.
within a cloning vector (a self-duplicating DNA coli extensively, is used in all areas of basic ge-
molecule containing inserted, foreign DNA). netics research to investigate genetic circum-
Cells of E. coli transformed with this recombi- stances. Many biotechnology companies owe
nant plasmid were able to transcribe the fused their existence to recombinant DNA technol-
gene, recognizing the lac promoter as its bind- ogyand to E. colias they seek to clone and
ing site. The mRNA was then translated by ribo- manipulate genes for the production of com-
somes that recognized the lac ribosome bind- mercial products, the improvement of plant
ing sequence. The resulting fused protein was and animal agriculture, the development of di-
cleaved with cyanogen bromide, which cuts agnostic tools for genetic diseases, and the de-
amino acid chains specifically at methionines, velopment of new or more effective pharma-
resulting in pure-form somatostatin. ceuticals.
Robert Haynes
Implications for Evolution See also: Antibodies; Archaea; Bacterial
The genetics of E. coli provides evidence for Genetics and Cell Structure; Bacterial Resis-
punctuated equilibrium caused by the appear- tance and Super Bacteria; Blotting: Southern,
ance of rare, beneficial mutations. This evi- Northern, and Western; Chromosome Theory
dence involved studies that measured changes of Heredity; Cloning Vectors; DNA Isolation;
in cell size over three thousand generations of DNA Repair; Emerging Diseases; Gene Fam-
bacteria in a constant environment. During the ilies; Gene Regulation: Lac Operon; Gene Reg-
studies, periods of stagnancy were interrupted ulation: Viruses; Genetic Code; Genetic En-
by periods of rapid change. The changes in cell gineering; Genetic Engineering: Historical
size may be the result of direct selection for a Development; Genetic Engineering: Industrial
rare, beneficial mutation that caused increased Applications; Genetic Engineering: Medical Ap-
cell size. This mutation swept through the pop- plications; Genetics, Historical Development
ulation, producing a change in cell size in one of; Human Genome Project; Human Growth
hundred generations or less. Hormone; Model Organisms; Noncoding RNA
Molecules; Plasmids; Proteomics; Restriction
Impact and Applications Enzymes; Shotgun Cloning; Synthetic Genes;
Geneticists use model organisms for their re- Transposable Elements.
search. Their favorite organisms, such as E. coli,
have qualities that make them well suited for Further Reading
genetic experimentationa rich genetic his- Birge, Edward R. Bacterial and Bacteriophage Ge-
tory, a short life cycle, production of large prog- netics. 4th ed. New York: Springer, 2000. A
eny from a mating, ease in handling, and ge- comprehensive yet concise introductory look
netic variation among the individuals in the at bacterial genetics.
population. Added to the much that was al- Blattner, Frederick R., et al. The Complete
ready known about E. coli was the completion of Genome Sequence of Escherichia coli K12.
the complete sequence of the chromosome of Science 277 (1997): 1453-1452. The paper an-
E. coli in 1995. The quantity of genetics involv- nouncing the completion of the E. coli ge-
ing E. coli is a testament to the bacteriums suit- nome sequence.
ability as an experimental organism for testing Brown, Terence A. Genetics: A Molecular Ap-
genetic hypotheses. The hypotheses tested us- proach. 3d ed. New York: Chapman & Hall,
ing this experimental organism have contrib- 1998. A general treatment of the genetics
Model Organism: Mus musculus 533

of bacteria, including E. coli. Bibliography, litter size. It shares many similarities with humans
index. and is useful for modeling complex phenomena
Miller, Jeffrey H. A Short Course in Bacterial Ge- such as cancer and development.
netics: A Laboratory Manual and Handbook for
Escherichia Coli and Related Bacteria. Cold Key terms
Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor embryonic stem cells: cultured cells derived
Laboratory Press, 1999. Summarizes the from an early embryo
genes and proteins of E. coli. genomics: the study of the entire DNA content
Parker, James N., and Philip M. Parker, eds. The of an organism, called its genome
Official Patients Sourcebook on E. Coli. San inbreeding: the process of mating brothers
Diego: ICON Health, 2002. Discusses topics and sisters to create genetically identical off-
including the essentials, seeking guidance, spring
the treatment process, and learning more model organism: an organism well suited for
about E. coli using the Internet. Includes ap- genetic research because it has a well-known
pendices, glossaries, and an index. genetic history, a short life cycle, and genetic
Perna, Nicole T., et al. Genome Sequence of variation between individuals in the popula-
Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157: tion
H7. Nature 409 (2001): 529-533. Announced phenotype: an observable trait
the genome sequence for the virulent O157: transgenics: the technique of modifying an
H7 strain of E. coli. organism by introducing new DNA into its
Riley, Monica, and Margrethe Hauge Serres. chromosomes
Interim Report on Genomics of Escherichia
coli. Annual Review of Microbiology 54 (2000): History of Mice in Genetic Research
341-411. Updates the genome sequence. The use of mice in genetic research had its
origin in the efforts of mouse fanciers, who
Web Sites of Interest raised mice as pets and developed numerous
E. coli Genome Project, University of Wiscon- strains with distinct coat colors. Researchers in
sin. http://www.genome.wisc.edu. The ge- the late 1800s who were trying to determine
nome research center that sequenced the the validity of Gregor Mendels laws of heredity
organisms complete K-12 genome now in animals found the existence of domesticated
maintains and updates that sequence as well mice with distinct coat colors to be an ideal
as those of other strains and other patho- choice for their experiments. Through the
genic Enterobacteriaceae. work of early mouse geneticists such as Lucien
National Institutes of Health, Center for Bio- Cunot and others, Mendels ideas were vali-
technology Information. http://www.ncbi dated and expanded.
.html. For information on E.coli, see acces- Development of Inbred Strains
sion number U00096. As genetic work on mice continued into the
1900s, a number of mouse facilities were cre-
ated, including the Bussey Institute at Harvard
University. One member of the institute, Clar-
Model Organism: Mus ence Little, carried out a set of experiments
musculus that would help establish the utility of mice in
scientific research. Little mated a pair of mice
Field of study: Techniques and and then mated the offspring with each other.
methodologies He continued this process for many genera-
Significance: Model organisms allow geneticists to tions. After a number of generations of in-
investigate how genes affect organismal and cellu- breeding, Littles mice lost all genetic variation
lar function. The mouse is an ideal organism for and became genetically identical. These mice,
genetic research because of its size, life span, and named DBA mice, became the first strain of in-
534 Model Organism: Mus musculus

bred mice and marked an important contribu- human cancers. These mice became some of
tion to mouse research. In an experiment using the first mouse models used to study a human
inbred DBA mice, any difference displayed by disease.
two mice could not be due to genetic variation
and had to be from the result of the experi- Unique Aspects of the Mouse Model
ment. Through inbreeding, genetic variation The ability of mice to acquire cancer illus-
was removed as a variable. Also, through care- trates why the mouse is a unique and valuable
ful crossing and selection of different inbred tool for research. Although mice are not as easy
strains, populations of mice that differed by to maintain as other model organisms, they are
only a few genes could be created. Geneticists vertebrates and thus share a number of physio-
could then examine the effects of these genes logical and developmental similarities with hu-
knowing that all other genes were the same. mans. They can be used to model processes,
The creation of inbred mice allowed geneti- such as those involved in cancer and skeletal
cists to study genes in a carefully controlled way. development, that do not exist in simpler or-
The first use of inbred mice was in the study ganisms. In this capacity, mice represent a bal-
of cancer. As inbred strains of mice were cre- ance between the need for an animal with de-
ated, it was noticed that certain strains had a velopmental complexity and the need for an
tendency to develop cancer at a very high fre- animal with a quick generation time that is eas-
quency. Some of these strains developed tu- ily bred and raised. Other organisms, such as
mors that were very similar to those found in chimpanzees, may more closely resemble hu-

One of the most amazing discoveries in genetics is that very different organisms can have very similar genomes. This figure from the
Human Genome Program, for example, shows the similaries between the genes of mice and those of human beings. Approximately 80
to 90 percent of the genes in humans have a counterpart in the mouse. (U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Pro-
gram, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis)
Model Organism: Mus musculus 535

mans, but their lengthy generation time and to custom design mice to display the genetic de-
small litter size make them difficult to use for fects they desire.
the many and repeated experiments needed In the era of genomics, transgenic mice have
for genetic research. become a powerful tool in the effort to under-
The use of the mouse model has advanced stand the function of human genes. Since the
considerably since the early 1900s. Initially, ge- complete sequences of the mouse and human
neticists relied on the random occurrence of genomes are known, it is possible to compare
natural mutations to generate mice with traits the genes of mice and humans directly. Ap-
that mirrored aspects of human biology and proximately 80 to 90 percent of the genes in hu-
disease. Careful crossbreeding and the use of mans have a counterpart in the mouse. Using
inbred strains allowed the trait to be isolated transgenics to target genes in the mouse that
and maintained. Although this process was are similar to humans can help geneticists un-
slow and tedious, a large number of inbred derstand their functions. However, care must
strains were identified. Later, it was discovered be used in drawing comparisons. There are a
that X rays and other chemicals could increase number of examples of mouse genes that carry
the rate of mutation, leading to an increase in out functions different from their human
the rate at which mice with interesting traits counterparts. Despite this concern, compari-
could be found. However, the discovery of a son of mouse and human genes has provided
mouse strain that modeled a particular human tremendous insight into the function of the hu-
disease was still a matter of chance. man genome.
It was the advent of molecular biology that
removed this element of chance and brought Economic and Ethical Considerations
the mouse to its full prominence as a model The demand for mice in research has re-
organism. Molecular biology provided a mech- sulted in a $100 million industry devoted to the
anistic understanding of gene function and maintenance and development of mouse mod-
offered tools that allowed for the direct manip- els. Companies specializing in mice have devel-
ulation of genes. oped thousands of inbred strains for use in re-
search. The economic impact of mice has led to
Transgenic Mice patents on transgenic mice and has caused con-
The technique of transgenics allows geneti- troversy over who has the right to own a particu-
cists to create mice that carry specific muta- lar mouse strain. Also, the extensive use of mice
tions in specific genes. Using recombinant in research (25 million mice in the year 2000)
DNA technology, a geneticist can construct a has raised concerns by some for the welfare of
piece of DNA containing a mutant form of a mice and questions about the ethics of using
chosen gene, then use the mutated gene to them in research.
modify the existing DNA of mouse embryonic
stem cells. These modified embryonic stem Research Using the Mouse Model
cells can be combined with a normal mouse The study of cancer was the first area of re-
embryo to form a transgenic embryo that can search to benefit from the use of mice. Early
be implanted into the uterus of a female mouse. mouse geneticists were able to learn about the
The transgenic mouse that is born from this genetic and environmental factors that influ-
process carries in every tissue a mixture of nor- enced the development of cancer. Todays can-
mal cells and cells with the specific DNA alter- cer research relies heavily on the mouse model
ation introduced by the researcher. Careful as a way of determining how genes affect the in-
crossing of the transgenic mouse with mice of teraction between cancer and the body. Under-
the same inbred strain can then be done to cre- standing the function of tumor-suppressor
ate a new line of mice that carry the DNA alter- genes such as p53 has come in part from the use
ation in all cells. These mice will then express a of transgenic mice. Mice have also been impor-
phenotype that results directly from the modi- tant in investigating the role of the immune sys-
fied gene. Transgenics has allowed geneticists tem and angiogenesis in tumor progression.
536 Model Organism: Neurospora crassa

Mouse work in cancer also made contribu- standing text that covers the fields of genet-
tions to immunology, which relies heavily on ics and molecular biology. The reference sec-
the mouse as a model of an intact immune sys- tion in the back contains detailed portraits
tem. Inbred strains of mice with defective im- of model organisms, including the mouse.
mune systems have been developed to help ge- Silver, Lee. Mouse Genetics: Concepts and Applica-
neticists understand the role of the immune tions. New York: Oxford University Press,
system in disease progression and transplant 1995. A comprehensive reference providing
rejection. Mice have also been instrumental in a thorough explanation of the history and
studying how genes in pathogenic microorgan- rationale for the use of mice in genetic re-
isms allow the microbes to cause disease. The search. Designed for readers who are new to
mouse model has been used to understand the field of mouse genetics as well as those
how diseases like cholera and anthrax are able with experience.
to infect and cause damage.
The study of many genetic diseases, such as Web Sites of Interest
sickle-cell disease and phenylketonuria (PKU), Mouse Atlas and Gene Expression Database.
has benefited from the existence of mouse http://www3.oup.co.uk/nar/database/
models that mimic the disease. The genetic summary/20. The Medical Research Coun-
components of such complex phenomena as cil and the University of Edinburgh sponsor
heart disease and obesity are also being eluci- the site free on the Web; the data are also
dated using the mouse model. available for a fee on CD-ROM. This ongo-
Developmental biology has relied heavily on ing project is intended to evolve into the pre-
the mouse to determine how gene expression mier source for three-dimensional images
leads to the formation of multicellular organ- on morphology, gene expression, and mu-
isms. Work that has shown the role homeo- tant phenotypes in mouse development.
genes play in determining mammalian body The initial digital embr yo images are
structure and how genes affect development of mounted, accessible through a controlled
organs has been done in mouse models. vocabulary linked to the images. Develop-
The mouse has also proven to be a valuable mental geneticists will be able to synthesize
model in investigating the effects of various information from many sources.
genes on brain development and function. Mouse Genome Informatics, Jackson Labora-
Mouse models have provided insights into the tory, Bar Harbor, Maine. http://www.infor
way the brain develops and functions, as well as matics.jax.org. A center for mutant mouse
genetic contributions to complex behaviors. research, providing access to genetic maps,
Genes have been identified that play roles in phenotypes, gene expression data, and se-
complex behaviors such as raising young and quence information. Includes the Mouse
predisposition toward addiction. Genome Database, the Gene Expression Da-
Douglas H. Brown tabase, and the Mouse Genome Sequence
See also: Altruism; Chromosome Theory of Project.
Heredity; Model Organism: Arabidopsis thali-
ana; Model Organism: Caenorhabditis elegans;
Model Organism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii;
Model Organism: Drosophila melanogaster; Model Organism:
Model Organism: Escherichia coli; Model Organ-
ism: Neurospora crassa; Model Organism: Saccha-
Neurospora crassa
romyces cerevisiae; Model Organism: Xenopus Field of study: Techniques and
laevis; Model Organisms. methodologies
Significance: Neurospora crassa is a bread mold
Further Reading with a relatively small genome, allowing this or-
Hartwell, Leland, et al. Genetics: From Genes to ganism to be studied by causing mutations in its
Genomes. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003. An out- genes and observing the effects of these mutations.
Model Organism: Neurospora crassa 537

Such studies are important to the understanding mechanisms because the four products of mei-
of genetics and genetically related disease, particu- osis (later duplicated by mitosis to produce
larly because N. crassa is eukaryotic and more eight spores) are arranged in the organisms
similar to human DNA than it is to bacteria and saclike ascus in a way that exactly reflects the
viruses. orientation of the four chromatids of each
tetrad at the metaphase plate in the first mei-
Key terms otic division. The products of meiosis line up in
ascomycetes: organisms of the phylum order and therefore are more easily studied in
Ascomycota, a group of fungi known as the sac this organism.
fungi, which are characterized by a saclike
structure, the ascus One Gene, One Enzyme
auxotrophic strain: a mutant strain of an or- In 1941 George Beadle and Edward Tatum
ganism that cannot synthesize a substance published a paper establishing biochemical
required for growth and therefore must genetics as an experimental science. They in-
have the substance supplied in the growth troduced a procedure for isolating an impor-
medium tant class of lethal mutations in an organism,
cytogenetics: the study of normal and mu- namely, those for blocking the synthesis of es-
tated chromosomes and their behavior sential biological substances. These were ex-
diploid cell: a cell that contains two copies of pressed in the organism as new nutritional re-
each chromosome quirements.
haploid cell: a cell that contains one copy of By supplying a variety of compounds in the
each chromosome nutrient medium and seeing which allowed
minimal medium: an environment that con- various mutant strains to grow and which did
tains the simplest set of ingredients that the not, Beadle and Tatum saw that they could de-
microorganism can use to produce all the duce the sequence of biochemical reactions in
substances required for reproduction and cells that make necessary compounds, such as
growth amino acids. They concluded that the function
model organism: an organism well suited for of a gene is to direct the formation of a particu-
genetic research because it has a well-known lar enzyme which regulates a chemical event. A
genetic history, a short life cycle (allowing mutation can alter a gene so that it no longer
the production of several generations in a produces the normal enzyme, resulting in a
short space of time), and genetic variation physical symptom, such as the need for nutri-
between individuals in the population tional supplements. Beadle and Tatum pro-
posed that, in general, each gene directs the
The Beginning of Biochemical Genetics formation of one enzyme.
Neurospora crassa was first used in genetic ex- These mutation studies promoted under-
periments by Carl Lindegren in the 1930s. He standing of the biochemistry of gene expres-
was able to isolate several morphological mu- sion and promoted the use of fungi in genetic
tant strains and create the first linkage maps experiments. In 1958, Beadle and Tatum were
showing where genes are located on chromo- awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medi-
somes. This research determined some of the cine for their discovery that the characteristic
basic principles of crossing over during meio- function of the gene was to control the synthe-
sis. Crossing over is the exchange of genes be- sis of a particular enzyme.
tween homologous chromosome pairs by the
breaking and reunion of the chromosome. The Organism
Lindegren was able to show that crossing over The orange bread mold Neurospora crassa, a
occurs before the separation of the homolo- multicellular lower eukaryote, is the best char-
gous pair, between the second and fourth chro- acterized of the filamentous fungi. Filamen-
matids. Neurospora crassa was used as a model tous fungi are a group of fungi with a micro-
organism in the investigation of crossing-over scopic, stalklike structure called the mycelium.
538 Model Organism: Neurospora crassa

They grow on substances of plant or animal ori- known as repeat-induced point (RIP) muta-
gins and reproduce via spores. This group of tions, the creation of point mutations of a sin-
organisms has importance in agriculture, med- gle base pair in specific genes. RIP detects du-
icine, and the environment because they are plications of gene-sized segments and creates
so abundant and are able to proliferate very repeated point mutations. RIP specifically
quickly. It is therefore easy and cheap to repro- changes a GC (guanine-cytosine) pair to an AT
duce them rapidly. Moreover, the widespread (adenine-thymine) pair. Repeated sequences
availability of Neurospora crassa in nature makes are heavily mutated by RIP in the period be-
genetic population studies more feasible. Be- tween fertilization (the time when the sperm
cause it can be grown in large quantity, experi- comes into contact with the egg) and karyog-
ments are easier to conduct and their results amy (fusion of the haploid cells to form diploid
are more easily analyzed. cells). After the mutation, the altered sequence
Neurospora crassa is a filamentous ascomycete is methylated (a CH3, or methyl, group is at-
that has asci; an ascus is a saclike structure in- tached). The methyl group serves as a tag so
side of which four or eight ascospores develop the mutations can be easily identified. RIP mu-
during reproduction. In the N. crassa asci, one tations usually indicate a crossing over during
round of mitosis usually follows meiosis and meiosis. RIP mutations cause inactivations of
leaves eight nuclei (new daughter cells). These duplicate genes, whose functions are then more
nuclei eventually become eight ascospores easily detected.
(sexual spores produced by ascomycetes). Af-
ter the ascospores are formed within the ascus, Sequencing and Linkage
they are released and germinate to form a new Large-scale sequencing of the N. crassa ge-
haploid mycelium. nome has been initiated for several linkage
groups (genes that are located on the same
A Model Organism chromosomes). Early in the sequencing of the
Geneticists use a variety of organisms in their N. crassa genome, it became apparent that its
research. Because it is haploid (containing half genome contains many unique genes. These
the chromosomal material of the parent cell), genes and others have been sorted into linkage
genotypic changes in N. crassa (mutations in groups. There are many maps available for N.
genes) are directly obser ved through the crassa. The largest group is that at the White-
changes in the phenotype (physical character- head Institute Center for Genome Research
istics), because only one gene determines phys- under the Fungal Genome Initiative. Restric-
ical characteristics. The small size of the ge- tion fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)
nome is a result of a unique feature of N. crassa: maps show the restriction site for a particular
It has very little repeated DNA. The lack of re- restriction endonuclease. Linkage maps show
petitive DNA is also valuable to researchers the distribution and linkage of genes through-
when parts of the genome are amplified or se- out the N. crassa genome. These maps are par-
quenced. ticularly important when a researcher is inter-
Neurospora crassa has been extensively used ested in recombinant DNA research.
for genetic research, resulting in hundreds of Leah C. Nesbitt, James N. Robinson, and
published articles. They include research on Massimo D. Bezoari
gene expression and effects of external factors, See also: Chromosome Theory of Heredity;
metabolic studies, and genomal mapping ex- Complementation Testing; Extrachromosomal
periments. A large number of mutants have Inheritance; Genetics, Historical Development
been characterized, providing the foundation of; Model Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana; Model
for many genetic experiments. Organism: Caenorhabditis elegans; Model Organ-
ism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Model Organ-
Repeat-Induced Point (RIP) Mutations ism: Drosophila melanogaster; Model Organism:
By using recombinant DNA methods, re- Escherichia coli; Model Organism: Mus musculus;
searchers can study N. crassa using a technique Model Organism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Model
Model Organism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae 539

Organism: Xenopus laevis; Model Organisms; ware, and sequencing databases; provides
One Gene-One Enzyme Hypothesis. access to one of the largest collections of
linkage maps for Neurospora under the Fun-
Further Reading gal Genome Initiative.
Beadle, G. W., and E. L. Tatum. Genetic Con-
trol of Biochemical Reactions in Neurospora.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
27 (1941): 499-506. This is the article that Model Organism:
made Neurospora famous. It lays down the Saccharomyces cerevisiae
foundations of the one gene, one enzyme
hypothesis. Field of study: Techniques and
Davis, Rowland H. Neurospora: Contributions of a methodologies
Model Organism. New York: Oxford Univer- Significance: Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a
sity Press, 2000. A full account of the organ- highly tractable yeast organism that was the first
isms history, biology, genome, mitosis, mei- eukaryote to have its DNA completely sequenced.
osis, metabolism, mutations, and more. Yeast genetic research has been at the forefront of
Horowitz, N. H. Fifty Years Ago: The Neuro- scientists efforts to identify the genes and processes
spora Revolution. Genetics 127 (1991): 631- required for cell growth and division and is now
636. This article is a brief history of Neuro- an important tool for nonyeast research to identify
spora and its contributions to genetics and proteins that physically interact with one another
biochemistry. The article outlines Beadles in the cell.
discovery of Neurospora as a model organism.
Kinsey, J. A., P. W. Garrett-Engele, E. B. Cam- Key terms
bareri, and E. U. Selker. The Neurospora ascus: the cellular structure that results from
Transposon Tad Is Sensitive to Repeat- meiosis in yeast, containing four recombi-
Induced Point Mutation (RIP). Genetics 138 nant spores that are fully capable of growing
(1994): 657-664. This paper describes the into haploid yeast cells
RIP mechanisms and the direct effects of budding: the asexual method of duplication
RIP on the transposon Tad. used by yeast to create a clone of the original
Thancker, Paul D. Understanding Fungi cell
Through Their Genomes. Bioscience 53, no. diploid cell: a cell that contains two copies of
1 (January, 2003): 10-15. Useful for students each chromosome
and researchers. haploid cell: a cell that contains one copy of
each chromosome
Web Sites of Interest mating type: one of two types of yeast cell, de-
Neugenesis. http://www.neugenesis.com. Site pending on a soluble factor that each cell se-
of a company that produces commercial cretes
quantities of monoclonal antibodies model organism: an organism well suited for
(MAbs), generates and screens for new gene genetic research because it has a well-known
sequences specifying commercially valuable genetic history, a short life cycle, and genetic
products, assembles combinatorial cellular variation between individuals in the popula-
arrays for screening of multicomponent tion
gene and protein variants, and produces cell
libraries expressing a wide range of recombi- The Organism
nant protein products. Includes a discussion Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae, or
of the repeat-induced point mutation mech- bakers yeast) has been used for millennia to
anism. provide leavening to bread products. Yeast is a
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research. simple, one-celled eukaryote with six thousand
http://www-genome.wi.mit.edu. One of the genes on sixteen chromosomes. It was the first
major gateways to genomics research, soft- eukaryote to have its entire DNA sequenced.
540 Model Organism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Yeast produce offspring using two different and cellular division. Yeast use many of the
methods, a sexual life cycle and an asexual life same genes and proteins to govern the same
cycle. In the asexual life cycle, the yeast cell pro- processes that animal and plant cells use for
duces the next generation by a process called growth and division. Each single cell has to take
budding. All genetic components of the in nutrients, grow, and pass along information
mother cell are duplicated and a small bud to its progeny. In many ways, yeast can be con-
begins to grow from the mother cell. The bud sidered a simplified version of a plant or animal
continues to grow until it is nearly the size of cell, in that it lacks all the genes that provide
the mother cell. The DNA and other dupli- the determinants that are expressed as differ-
cated cellular components are then parti- ences between plants and animals. Another im-
tioned into the new bud. The cells undergo cy- portant reason for using yeast is that yeast is
tokinesis and are now separate entities able to amenable to investigation using both genetic
grow and continue reproducing indepen- and biochemical approaches. This allows for
dently of one another. correlation of findings from both approaches
To produce offspring that are not clones of and a better understanding of a specific pro-
the mother cell, yeast use a sexual life cycle. A cess or activity.
yeast cell exists stably as either a diploid or a Yeast is also ideal for use as a model system
haploid organism, but only the haploid organ- due to at least four well-established techniques
ism is able to mate and exchange genetic infor- and procedures. First, genetics in yeast takes
mation. Haploid yeast contain either the MATa advantage of well-established auxotrophic
or MATalpha gene. These genes produce solu- markers. These markers are usually mutations
ble factors that distinguish them as one of two in biosynthetic pathways that are used to syn-
mating types. An a cell (MATa) and an al- thesize required cellular components such as
pha cell (MATalpha) mate by sequentially fus- amino acids and nucleotides. By using these
ing their cell walls, their cytoplasms, and finally marker genes, researchers can follow genes
their nuclei. This diploid cell now contains two and their associated chromosomes from one
copies of each chromosome that can undergo generation to the next.
recombination during meiosis. When all envi- Second, yeast is readily transformed by plas-
ronmental signals are ideal, the diploid yeast mids that function as artificial chromosomes.
will undergo meiosis, allowing exchange and All that is needed is an auxotrophic marker to
recombination of genetic information brought follow the plasmid through succeeding genera-
to the diploid by both haploid cells. The result tions, a yeast origin of replication to allow repli-
of meiosis is an ascus that contains four recom- cation of the plasmid DNA, and a region into
binant spores that will grow into haploid yeast which the gene of interest can be inserted in
cells when environmental conditions are ideal. the plasmid DNA. This allows the researcher to
move genes easily from yeast strain to yeast
A Model Organism strain and quickly examine the effect of the
Researchers choose yeast as a model organ- gene in combination with many other genes.
ism to study specific areas of interest for many Third, yeast is easily mutated by chemicals
different reasons. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is non- and can be grown in a small space, which allows
pathogenic to humans, allowing manipulation the researcher quickly to identify mutations in
in a laboratory with little or no containment re- genes that result in a specific phenotype. For
quired. At a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius example, to define all the genes in the adenine
(86 degrees Fahrenheit), the yeast population biosynthetic pathway, a researcher would mu-
can double in ninety minutes, allowing many tate a yeast strain with one of many available
experiments to be completed in one day. mutagenic chemicals, resulting in changes
Among the primary reasons for selection of within the DNA. The mutated yeast strains
yeast as a model system is that they offer the would then be checked to see if the strain was
possibility of studying the genes and proteins able to grow on media lacking adenine. All
that are required for basic growth functions of the strains mutant for growth on adenine
Model Organism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae 541

would be collected and could identify a num- serves as a signal that both of the gene products
ber of genes involved in the adenine biosyn- interact in the cell. The yeast strain containing
thetic pathway. Further research could estab- the active reporter gene is then selected and
lish whether each of these mutations in the further examined to determine the unknown
yeast identified one gene or many genes. DNA that resides on the second plasmid by se-
Fourth, yeast is the model system of choice quence analysis.
when examining and identifying proteins that
interact with one another in the cell. This tech- Research and Implications
nique is called the two-hybrid system. The years of work on yeast as a model system
have provided many insights into how genes
Two-Hybrid System and their protein products interact to coordi-
The two-hybrid system takes advantage of nate the many cellular mechanisms that take
scientists understanding of transcription at place in all cells from simple yeast to compli-
the GAL1 gene in yeast. The promoter region cated humans. It is impossible to exhaustively
of GAL1 contains a binding site for the Gal4p list the different areas of research currently be-
transcription factor. When the cell is grown on ing examined or completely list the new under-
the sugar galactose, Gal4p binds to the promot- standings that have come to light through the
er of GAL1 and activates transcription of the use of the S. cerevisiae model system. Every ma-
GAL1 gene. Gal4p can be essentially divided jor area of cellular research has at one time or
into two functional regions: one region that another used yeast to ask some of the more dif-
binds to DNA and another region that activates ficult questions that could not be asked in
transcription. other systems. Work in yeast has aided identifi-
The two-hybrid system uses the GAL1-Gal4p cation of genes and elucidated the mechanism
transcription system to identify previously un- of many different areas of research, including
known proteins that interact with a protein of cell cycle regulation, mechanisms of signal
interest. The system consists of a reporter gene transduction, the process of secretion, replica-
under the control of the GAL1 promoter and tion of DNA, transcription of DNA, translation
two plasmids that produce fusions with the of messenger RNA into proteins, biosynthetic
Gal4p transcription factor. The first plasmid pathways of amino acids and other basic build-
contains a gene of interest fused to a DNA- ing blocks of cells, and regulation and progres-
binding domain. This plasmid expresses a pro- sion of cells through mitosis and meiosis. De-
tein that is able to bind to the DNA-binding site spite all these advances, there is still much to
in the GAL1 promoter of the reporter gene. learn from yeast and it will continue to provide
This plasmid is unable to activate transcription information for years to come.
of the reporter gene, since the Gal4p fragment John R. Geiser
does not contain the information to activate See also: Cloning Vectors; Extrachromo-
transcription. The second plasmid is provided somal Inheritance; Linkage Maps; Model Or-
from a collection of plasmids that consist of un- ganisms; Noncoding RNA Molecules; Plas-
known or random genes fused to the transcrip- mids.
tion activation domain of Gal4p. This plasmid
by itself is unable to bind to the DNA-binding Further Reading
site in the GAL1 promoter and thus is unable to Broach, J., J. Pringle, and E. Jones, eds. The Mo-
activate transcription of the reporter gene. If lecular and Cellular Biology of the Yeast Saccharo-
both plasmids contain genes whose protein myces. 3 vols. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold
products physically interact in the cell, the Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1991-1997.
complex is able to bind to the DNA-binding re- This comprehensive series is dedicated to re-
gion of the GAL1 promoter, and since the acti- viewing the current understanding in many
vation domain of Gal4p is also present in this areas of yeast research. Volume 1 covers ge-
complex, activation of the reporter gene will nome dynamics, protein synthesis, and
occur. The production of the reporter gene energetics; volume 2, gene expression; and
542 Model Organism: Xenopus laevis

volume 3, the cell cycle and cell biology. The southern Africa. Members of this species share
individual reviews contain many references a distinctive habitat and morphology. The or-
to primary literature. ganisms name alone provides insight into its
Fields, S., and O. Song. A Novel Genetic Sys- structure and habitats: The root xeno stems
tem to Detect Protein-Protein Interactions. from Greek for strange, while pus is from the
Nature 340 (1989): 245-246. A seminal article Greek for foot and laevis is Latin for slip-
that describes the first use of the two-hybrid pery. Xenopus laevis is entirely aquatic, a fea-
system. Contains illustrations and descrip- ture that makes it unique among the other
tion of how the two-hybrid system functions. members of the genus, feeding and breeding
under water. It is believed that they evolved
Web Site of Interest from terrestrial anurans, organisms that are
Saccharomyces Genome Database. http://www aquatic as tadpoles but are terrestrial as adults.
.yeastgenome.org. The central site for the Migration across land from pond to pond has
sequencing projects, with links to data, ta- been observed but is limited by distance and
bles, and much more. time of year (occurring during the rainy sea-
son) because out of water the frogs will dry out
and die within a day. In instances of extreme
drought, adult frogs will bury themselves in the
mud and wait until the next rainfall.
Model Organism: Xenopus Xenopus laevis is mottled greenish-brown on
laevis its dorsal surface and yellowish-white on its
ventral surface. In appearance, these frogs are
Field of study: Techniques and flattened dorsoventrally with dorsally oriented
methodologies eyes as adults. The members of the genus are
Significance: Xenopus laevis, the African clawed collectively known as platannas from the word
frog, has been used widely in the field of develop- plathander, meaning flat-handed. Three toes
mental biology. By following the development of of the hind limbs are clawed, and a line of spe-
this unique organism, scientists have identified cialized sensory organs (the lateral line or-
and now understand the role of many genes in frog gans) is found on both the dorsal and ventral
development, providing insight into vertebrate de- surfaces and encircles the eyes. The breeding
velopment. season for X. laevis depends on temperature
and rainfall. The tadpoles are herbivorous,
Key terms feeding on algae, whereas the adults are carniv-
embryology: the study of developing embryos orous, feeding on worms, crustaceans, and
fate map: a map created by following the adult other creatures living in the mud.
fate of embryonic cells
model organism: an organism well suited for A Model Organism
genetic research because it has a well-known A model organism is defined as one that
genetic history, a short life cycle, and genetic breeds quickly, is easily managed in the labora-
variation between individuals in the popula- tory, and has large numbers of offspring or
tion broods. Xenopus laevis meets these require-
transgenic animal: an animal that contains a ments nicely. An interesting feature of this or-
gene not normally expressed in its genome ganism is its responsiveness to human chori-
onic gonadotropin, a hormone secreted by the
The Organism placenta and present in the urine of pregnant
The African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, is women. When exposed to the hormone, fe-
in the class Amphibia, order Anura, suborder male frogs will spawn (lay eggs). As a result of
Opisthocoela, family Pipidae, and genus Xenopus. this phenomenon, X. laevis was once used as an
This genus includes five other species that in- indicator in human pregnancy tests, whereby
habit silt-filled ponds throughout much of the female frogs were injected with human fe-
Model Organism: Xenopus laevis 543

male urine. At present, researchers take advan- create these kinds of maps. One technique in-
tage of this phenomenon to produce large volves destroying single cells during early devel-
numbers of offspring by injecting frogs with opment and following the development of the
the hormone. Another characteristic that embryo to see what tissue is altered. Other
makes X. laevis a good model organism is that methods include transplantation of individual
it is hardy and can survive in captivity for long cells or small groups of cells into a host organ-
periods of time with relatively low mortality ism and following the fate of the transplanted
rates. tissue.
A final requirement for an animal model to
be useful is that research on the animal should Genetic Manipulation in Xenopus
add to the understanding of biological princi- Much of what is known today about the in-
ples in other organisms. Xenopus laevis is widely teractions between cells in developing verte-
used in the field of developmental biology. brate embryos has come from X. laevis. The
For many decades, amphibian embryologists early work of embryologists Hans Spemann
used salamander embryos, such as Triturus, and Pieter Nieuwkoop has been supported
and embryos of the frog Rana species. As men- with molecular techniques, and many genes
tioned above, amphibian embryos have several have been identified that control nearly every
advantages over other organisms: Amphibian aspect of Xenopus development. A few exam-
embryos are large, can be obtained in large ples include the Xenopus Brachury gene (Xbra),
numbers, and can be maintained easily and in- which is involved in the establishment of the
expensively in the laboratory. However, one dorsal-ventral axis; Xenopus ventral (vent1),
disadvantage of traditional amphibian species which aids in the differentiation of ventral
is that they are seasonal breeders. As a result, mesoderm and epidermal structures; and
investigators cannot conduct experiments Xenopus nodal-related 1 (Xnr1), a gene that is re-
throughout the year on most amphibians. Xe- sponsible for the specification of the left-right
nopus laevis is a notable exception, because it axis.
can be induced to breed year-round. Xenopus embryos possess a number of advan-
As the fertilized X. laevis zygote develops, the tages that have allowed investigators to study
yolk-laden cytoplasm, known as the vegetal many aspects of developmental biology. One of
pole, is oriented downward by gravity. The rest the struggles that early researchers faced was
of the cytoplasm, termed the animal pole, ori- the lack of dependable techniques for creating
ents itself upward. The animal pole is the main transgenic embryos to study the functions and
portion of the cell, giving rise to the embryo role of individual genes. One can isolate and
proper. Cell division, or cleavage of cells, in the clone the genes of Xenopus and inject RNA into
animal pole increases the number of cells zygotes. RNA, however, is an unstable molecule
greatly. Movement and migration of these cells, and relatively short-lived. Therefore, the study
under the influences of interactions with of molecular events in the embryo after the
neighboring cells, give rise to a multilaminar period when the embryonic genes are turned
embryo that includes the ectoderm (which on remained problematic. Attempts to inject
gives rise to skin and nervous system), the cloned DNA to be expressed in the embryo
mesoderm (which gives rise to muscle), and were complicated by the fact that it does not in-
the endoderm (which gives rise to many of the tegrate into the frog genomic chromosomes
tubes of the organism, such as the intestines during cleavage. Exogenous DNA is then un-
and the respiratory tract). equally distributed in embryonic cells and,
By following embryos from the very earliest therefore, is always expressed in random pat-
stages, researchers have been able to create terns. In 1996, Kristen L. Kroll and Enrique
fate maps of fertilized eggs, which can be Amaya developed a technique to make stable
used to predict adult derivatives of specific re- transgenic Xenopus embryos. This technique
gions in a developing embryo. Early research- has the potential to boost the utility of Xenopus
ers introduced many different techniques to tremendously. One significant advantage of us-
544 Model Organism: Xenopus laevis

ing transgenic frogs over transgenic mice is Further Reading

that one can produce first-generation trans- Brown, A. L. The African Clawed Toad Xenopus
genics, making it unnecessary to wait until the laevis: A Guide for Laboratory Practical Work.
second generation to examine the effects of London: Butterworths, 1970. A useful, intro-
the exogenous gene on development. ductory-level text describing the anatomy,
The transgenic technique has several steps, behavior, and maintenance of X. laevis. Illus-
and each step is full of problems. Because exog- trations.
enous DNA is not incorporated into the zygotic Gurdon, J. B., C. D. Lane, H. R. Woodland, and
genome, Kroll and Amaya decided to attempt G. Marbaix. Use of Frog Eggs and Oocytes
to introduce them into sperm nuclei. Sperm for the Study of Messenger RNA and Its
nuclei are treated with the enzyme lysolecithin Translation in Living Cells. Nature 233
to remove the plasma membrane prior to incu- (1971): 177-182. Describes early work in the
bation with the linearized DNA plasmid con- field of developmental biology and the func-
taining the exogenous gene. The sperm nuclei tions of messenger RNA in protein transla-
are then incubated with restriction enzyme to tion.
introduce nicks in the nuclear DNA. The nicks Kroll, K. L., and E. Amaya. Transgenic Xenopus
facilitate incorporation of the plasmid DNA. Embryos from Sperm Nuclear Transplanta-
The nuclei are then placed in an interphase tions Reveal FGF Signaling Requirements
egg extract, which causes the nuclei to swell as During Gastrulation. Development 12 (1996):
if they were male pronuclei. This technique has 3173-3183. A seminal research article that
been used in many laboratories to introduce describes the methods of creating transgenic
into the frog genes that are not normally ex- X. laevis embryos.
pressed, allowing the researcher to study the Nieuwkoop, P. D., J. Faber, and M. W. Kirschner.
function of these genes. Normal Table of Xenopus laevis (Daudin): A Sys-
The National Institutes of Health is support- tematical and Chronological Survey of the Devel-
ing the Trans-NIH Xenopus Initiative, specifi- opment from the Fertilized Egg Till the End of
cally developed to support research in the areas Metamorphosis. New York: Garland, 1994. Ex-
of genomics and genetics in Xenopus research. cellent reference on the stages of embryo-
While there is still much to be learned from this logical development in X. laevis. Illustrations.
unique organism, it is clear that the advantages Seidman, S., and H. Soreq. Transgenic Xenopus:
of this animal model far outweigh the disadvan- Microinjection Methods and Developmental
tages. With continued work in laboratories Neurobiology. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press,
around the world, scientists may soon fully un- 1997. Explains basic background and proto-
derstand the genetics involved in vertebrate de- cols for transgenic frog research. Illustra-
velopment. Xenopus laevis is ideally suited to tions.
provide critical breakthroughs in embryonic
body patterning and cell fate determination, Web Sites of Interest
later development and the formation of or- National Institutes of Health. Trans-NIH Xeno-
gans, and cell biological and biochemical pro- pus Initiative. http://www.nih.gov/science/
cesses. models/xenopus. This site keeps research-
Steven D. Wilt ers aware of NIHs plans regarding support
See also: Model Organism: Arabidopsis thali- of the genomic and genetic needs for Xeno-
ana; Model Organism: Caenorhabditis elegans; pus research.
Model Organism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; Xenbase: A Xenopus Web Resource. http://
Model Organism: Drosophila melanogaster; www.xenbase.org. A database of informa-
Model Organism: Escherichia coli; Model Organ- tion pertaining to the cell and developmen-
ism: Mus musculus; Model Organism: Neuro- tal biology of the frog, Xenopus with ge-
spora crassa; Model Organism: Saccharomyces cer- nomic information, directories, methods,
evisiae; Model Organisms; Noncoding RNA links to databases and electronic journals,
Molecules; Totipotency. conference announcements.
Model Organisms 545

in the bacterial cell Escherichia coli are retained

Model Organisms in multicellular, eukaryotic organisms. Thus,
much of what is known about genetic control of
Field of study: Techniques and DNA repair in human cells has been learned by
methodologies studying homologous genes in the relatively
Significance: Due to evolutionary relationships be- simple E. coli. Model organisms provide practi-
tween organisms, different organisms share simi- cal systems in which to ask important genetic
lar, evolutionarily conserved genes and mecha- questions.
nisms of inheritance. This similarity between
different species allows researchers to use model or- Selection of Model Organisms
ganisms to examine general genetic principles that Scientific researchers choose which model
are applicable to a wide variety of living organ- organisms to study based on the presence of
isms, including human beings. Findings from characteristics that make an organism useful
studies on model organisms not only reveal infor- for investigating a particular question. Because
mation about the influence of genetics on basic bi- of the extensive number of questions being
ology but also provide important insights into the asked in biological research, a tremendous
role of genetics in human health and disease. number of species are used as model organ-
isms. However, virtually all model organisms
Key terms fulfill three basic criteria:
homology: similarity resulting from descent
from a common evolutionary ancestor (1) they are relatively easy to grow and main-
model organism: a species used for genetic tain
analysis because of characteristics that make (2) they reproduce rapidly
it desirable as a research organism and be- (3) they are of reasonably small size
cause of similarity to other organisms Geneticists add other criteria to their selection
of model organisms, including the use of spe-
Why Models? cies for which many mutant forms have been
Genetics research seeks to understand how isolated, into which mutations can be easily in-
genetic information is transmitted from one troduced, and for which techniques have been
generation to the next and how this informa- developed that allow for DNA introduction, iso-
tion influences the structure, function, devel- lation, and manipulation. Increasingly, model
opment, and behavior of cells and organisms. organisms are those whose genomes have been
However, the sheer number of different species or will be completely sequenced, allowing for
and even greater diversity of cell types make the easier isolation and characterization of selected
examination of every organism or type of cell genes and subsequent analysis of gene func-
impossible. Instead, researchers choose to in- tion. Finally, the model organism must have
vestigate how genes influence function in a rel- enough similarity to other organisms that it
atively small number of species. They then ap- can be used to ask interesting questions. Many
ply what they learn from these species to other model organisms are used to address questions
organisms. Those species that are most com- that help scientists to better understand hu-
monly studied are called model organisms be- man cellular and genetic activities. Other model
cause they serve as models for researchers organisms are selected because they provide
understanding of gene function in other or- important information about pathogenic or-
ganisms. ganisms, such as bacteria or viruses, or about
Basic activities required for cells to survive economically significant organisms, such as ag-
are retained in virtually all organisms. Genes riculturally important species.
that have a common evolutionary origin and
thus carry out a similar function are said to Some Commonly Used Model Organisms
have homology. For example, many of the same Arguably the first model organism utilized
genes used to repair damaged DNA molecules by a geneticist was the garden pea, used by
546 Model Organisms

Gregor Mendel to elucidate how particular which is the mustard plant Arabidopsis thaliana,
traits are transmitted from generation to gen- whose small genome, rapid generation time,
eration. The patterns of inheritance described and prolific seed production make it useful for
by Mendel for the garden pea are applicable to studying plant inheritance patterns, flower
all diploid, sexually reproducing organisms, generation, genetic responses to stress and
making the pea a model organism for studying pathogen attack, and developmental pattern-
gene transmission. Many other organisms have ing, among other important plant activities.
subsequently been exploited to investigate all Model organisms are also critical for en-
aspects of genetic influence on cell function. hancing our understanding of vertebrate ge-
Prokaryotic cells, particularly the intestinal netics. The African clawed frog Xenopus laevis
bacterium Escherichia coli, have provided im- and zebrafish Danio rerio are used to study basic
portant insights into basic cellular activities, vertebrate developmental patterns and the or-
ranging from DNA synthesis to protein transla- ganization of specific cell types into tissues and
tion to secretion of extracellular material. As organs. The primary model organism for analy-
unicellular eukaryotic cells, the brewers yeast sis of mammalian gene function is the house
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and fission yeast Schizo- mouse, Mus musculus. The generation of thou-
saccharomyces pombe have provided models for sands of mouse mutants, the ability to perform
eukaryotic cell function, including how genes targeted knockouts of specific mouse genes,
regulate cell division, how proteins are tar- and the completion of DNA sequencing of the
geted to particular locations in cells, and how mouse genome have made the mouse a useful
specific genes are turned on and off under spe- model for examining the role of genes in virtu-
cific conditions. ally all aspects of mammalian biology. In addi-
Multicellular model species are used to re- tion, the regions of DNA encoding genes in
veal how genes influence the interactions be- mice and humans are approximately 85 per-
tween cells, as well as the organization and cent identical, making the mouse important
function of the whole organism. The fruit fly not only for studying basic human biology but
Drosophila melanogaster has been used since the also as a model for understanding genetic in-
early twentieth century to investigate the asso- fluences on human health and disease.
ciation of particular traits with specific chromo- Kenneth D. Belanger
somes and was the first organism in which sex- See also: Model Organism: Arabidopsis thali-
linked inheritance was described. Drosophila ana; Model Organism: Caenorhabditis elegans;
has also been used to study developmental and Model Organism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii;
behavioral genetics, providing important in- Model Organism: Drosophila melanogaster;
sights into the role genes play in determining Model Organism: Escherichia coli; Model Organ-
the organizational pattern of developing em- ism: Mus musculus; Model Organism: Neuro-
bryos and in influencing how organisms be- spora crassa; Model Organism: Saccharomyces cer-
have. evisiae; Model Organism: Xenopus laevis.
More recently, genetic examination of the
roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans has provided Further Reading
further insights into the role of genes in gener- Brookes, M. Fly: The Unsung Hero of Twentieth
ating developmental patterns. Some of these Century Science. New York: Ecco Press, 2001.
insights resulted in the awarding of the 2002 A descriptive history and analysis of the use
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Syd- of Drosophila melanogaster to study biological
ney Brenner, H. Robert Horvitz, and John E. principles, from inheritance and develop-
Sulston for their work on apoptosis, or pro- ment to aging and alcohol tolerance.
grammed cell death, in C. elegans and its appli- Malakoff, D. The Rise of the Mouse: Biomedi-
cability to investigations of apoptosis in other cines Model Mammal. Science 288 (2000):
organisms, including humans. 248-253. Describes the use of the mouse in
Genetic analysis of plants is also performed enhancing scientists understanding of hu-
using model organisms, the most important of man biology, including the role of genes in
Molecular Clock Hypothesis 547

disease and the development of new bio- per gene) that must be removed when it is
medical treatments. transcribed into messenger RNA (mRNA);
Moore, J. A. Science as a Way of Knowing: The introns are assumed to have no function and
Foundations of Modern Biology. Cambridge, therefore mutations in them are often con-
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1993. A bi- sidered neutral
ologist describes the history of biological re- neutral mutation: a mutation in a gene
search from Aristotle to modern molecular which is considered to have no effect on the
analysis. Contains several outstanding chap- fitness of the organism
ters on the use of model organisms to under- phylogeny: often called an evolutionary tree,
stand fundamental genetic concepts. the branching patterns that show evolution-
Pennisi, E. Arabidopsis Comes of Age. Science ary relationships, with the taxa on the ends
290 (2000): 32-35. Insightfully reviews the of the branches
role of Arabidopsis thaliana in elucidating taxon (pl. taxa): a general term used by evo-
plant biology. lutionists to refer to a type of organism at any
taxonomic rank in a classification of organ-
Web Site of Interest isms
Genetics Society of America. http://www
.genetics-gsa.org. Click on Model Organ- History
isms for links to Web pages on more than In 1962 mile Zuckerkandl and Linus Pau-
two dozen model organisms. ling published evidence that the rate of amino
acid substitution in proteins is constant over
time. In 1965, after several protein sequences
(cytochrome c, hemoglobin, and fibrinopep-
Molecular Clock Hypothesis tides) seemed to show this pattern, they pro-
posed the molecular clock hypothesis (MCH).
Fields of study: Evolutionary biology; According to their hypothesis, mutations lead-
Molecular genetics ing to changes in the amino acid sequence of a
Significance: The molecular clock hypothesis protein should occur at a constant rate over
(MCH) predicts that amino acid changes in pro- time, rather than per generation, as previously
teins and nucleotide changes in DNA are approxi- assumed. In other words, if the sequence of cy-
mately constant over time. When first proposed, it tochrome c were determined 1,000,000 years
was immediately embraced by many evolutionists ago, 500,000 years ago, and in the present, the
as a way to determine the absolute age of evolution- rate of amino acid substitution would be the
ary lineages. After more protein sequences were an- same between the first two samples as it would
alyzed, however, many examples were inconsistent be between the second and third. To state this
with the MCH. The theory has generated a great more accurately, they considered the rate ap-
deal of controversy among evolutionists, and al- proximately constant, which means that one
though it is now generally accepted that many protein may display some variation, but if the
genes do not change at constant rates, methods are average rates of change for several were consid-
still being developed to determine the ages of lin- ered as a group, they would be constant.
eages based on amino acid and nucleotide substi-
tutions. Importance of the Molecular Clock
Key terms The evolutionary importance of the MCH
codon: a three-letter nucleotide sequence in was almost immediately apparent. Paleontolo-
RNA or DNA that codes for a specific amino gists had long determined the ages of fossils us-
acid; a gene is composed of a long string of ing radioactive dating techniques, but deter-
codons mining the date of a fossil was not the same as
intron: an intervening sequence in a eukary- determining how long ago flowering plants di-
otic gene (generally there are several to many verged (evolved from) the other vascular
548 Molecular Clock Hypothesis

plants, for example. Using the MCH, research- The strength of the neutral theory was that,
ers could compare the amino acid sequences of unlike mutations that affect the amino acid se-
a protein in a flowering plant and another vas- quence, neutral mutations should occur at a
cular plant, and if the substitution rate (that is, constant rate over time. Therefore, Kimura
substitutions per unit of time) was known, they predicted that the MCH would be valid for neu-
could determine how long ago these two plants tral mutations. Most eukaryotic genomes are
diverged. The MCH held great promise for riddled with sequences, like introns or highly
solving many of the questions about when vari- repetitive DNA, that have no apparent function
ous groups of organisms diverged from their and can therefore be assumed to be prone to
common ancestors. To calibrate the clock neutral mutations. Even within the coding re-
that is, to determine the rate of amino acid gions (exons) of expressed genes, the third
substitutionsall that was needed were the se- position of many codons can be changed with-
quences of some taxa and a reliable age for fos- out affecting the amino acid for which it codes.
sils considered to represent the common an- A number of evolutionists expressed skepti-
cestor to the taxa. Once this clock had been cism concerning the neutral theory, arguing
calibrated, other taxa that might not be as well that there is probably no truly neutral muta-
represented in the fossil record could be stud- tion.
ied, and their time of divergence could be de- As DNA sequences poured in, much the
termined as well. same story emerged as for protein sequences.
As more data accumulated through the next Whether or not neutral mutations exist, nucle-
twenty years, it was discovered that amino acid otide substitutions that were assumed to be
substitutions in many proteins were not as neutral turned out to tick no better. In the
clocklike as hoped. Rates over time seemed to 1980s the controversy over the MCH reached
slow down and speed up, and there was no pre- its height, and most evolutionists were forced
dictable pattern to the changes. In fact, the to conclude that very few genes, or neutral se-
same proteins in different evolutionary lin- quences, behaved like a clock. Even those that
eages often ticked at a different rate. did behave like clocks did not tick at the same
rate in all lineages, and even worse, some genes
The Neutral Theory ticked more or less steadily in some lineages
During the time that more and more proteins and very erratically in others. Comparisons
were being sequenced, DNA sequencing grad- among the many amino acid and nucleotide se-
ually began to dominate. One of the theories quences revealed another surprise: Amino acid
about why the MCH did not seem to be working sequences tended, on average, to be more reli-
was that protein sequences were constrained by able than nucleotide sequences.
natural selection. The intensity of natural selec-
tion has always been assumed to vary over time, Beyond the Molecular Clock
and if this is true, then amino acid substitution Since the 1980s, the MCH has fallen into
rates should also increase and decrease as some disfavor among most evolutionists, but at-
kind of function of the pressure exerted by nat- tempts to use amino acid and nucleotide se-
ural selection. DNA sequences were quickly quences to estimate evolutionary ages are still
hailed as the solution to this problem. In 1968, being made. In a few cases, often in closely
Motoo Kimura proposed the neutral theory, in related taxa, the MCH works, but other ap-
which he proposed that any nucleotide substi- proaches are used more often. Many of these
tution in DNA that occurred in a noncoding re- approaches attempt to take into account the
gion, or that did not change the amino acid se- highly variable substitution rates among differ-
quence in the genes product, would be ent lineages and over time. Rather than using a
unaffected by natural selection. He suggested single protein or DNA sequence, as was at-
that because of this, neutral mutations (nucleo- tempted when the MCH was first developed,
tide substitutions) would be free to take place they use several in the same analysis. Data anal-
without being weeded out by selection. ysis relies on complex, and sometimes esoteric,
Molecular Genetics 549

statistical algorithms that often require consid- Key terms

erable computational power. DNA: dexoyribonucleic acid, a long-chain mac-
In some ways, the research community is in romolecule, made of units called nucleo-
disarray when it comes to post-MCH methods. tides and structured as a double helix joined
There are several alternative approaches, and by weak hydrogen bonds, which forms ge-
some that represent blended approaches, and netic material for most organisms
agreement is far from being achieved. It is genome: the assemblage of the genetic infor-
hoped that as more data are collected and ana- mation of an organism or of one of its organ-
lyzed, a coherent approach will be developed. elles
See also: Ancient DNA; DNA Sequencing replication: the process by which one DNA
Technology; Evolutionary Biology; Natural Se- molecule is converted to two DNA mole-
lection; Punctuated Equilibrium; Repetitive cules identical to the first
DNA. RNA: ribonucleic acid, the macromolecule in
Bryan Ness the cell that acts as an intermediary between
the genetic information stored as DNA and
Further Reading the manifestation of that genetic informa-
Ayala, Francisco J. Vagaries of the Molecular tion as proteins
Clock. Proceedings of the National Academy of transcription: the process of forming an
Science USA 94 (1997): 7776-7783. A some- RNA molecule according to instructions
what technical overview of the molecular contained in DNA
clock hypothesis in relation to two specific translation: the process of forming proteins
genes in fruit flies. according to instructions contained in an
Benton, Michael J., and Francisco J. Ayala. RNA molecule
Dating the Tree of Life. Science 300 (2003):
1698-1700. An overview of the current de- Identity and Structure of Genetic
bate on the use of molecular dating tech- Material
niques. Molecular genetics is the branch of genetics
Nei, Masatoshi, and Sudhir Kumar. Molecular that deals with the identity of the molecules of
Evolution and Phylogenetics. New York: Oxford heredity, their structure and organization, how
University Press, 2000. Textbook-type cover- these molecules are copied and transmitted,
age of a variety of topics, with one complete how the information encrypted in them is de-
chapter on the molecular clock hypothesis. coded, and how the information can change
Pagel, Mark. Inferring the Historical Patterns from generation to generation. In the late
of Biological Evolution. Nature 401 (1999): 1940s and early 1950s, scientists realized that
877-884. An overview of phylogenies and the materials of heredity were nucleic acids.
how they are constructed, including a dis- DNA was implicated as the substance extracted
cussion of the molecular clock hypothesis. from a deadly strain of pneumococcal bacteria
that could transform a mild strain into a lethal
one and as the substance injected into bacteria
by viruses as they start an infection. RNA was
Molecular Genetics shown to be the component of a virus that de-
termined what kind of symptoms of infection
Field of study: Molecular genetics appeared on tobacco leaves.
Significance: Molecular genetics is the branch of The nucleic acids are made up of nucleo-
genetics concerned with the central role that mole- tides linked end to end to produce very long
cules, particularly the nucleic acids DNA and molecules. Each nucleotide has sugar and
RNA, play in heredity. The understanding of mo- phosphate parts and a nitrogen-rich part called
lecular genetics is at the heart of biotechnology, a base. Four bases are commonly found in each
which has had a tremendous impact on medicine, DNA and RNA. Three, adenine (A), guanine
agriculture, forensics, and many other fields. (G), and cytosine (C), are found in both DNA
550 Molecular Genetics

and RNA, while thymine (T) is normally found the compact structure of chromosomes. These
only in DNA and uracil (U) only in RNA. In the can be seen with help of a microscope. The
double-helical DNA molecule, two strands are complex of DNA and protein is called chro-
helically intertwined in opposite directions. matin.
The nucleotide strands are held together in The term genome denotes the roster of
part by interactions specific to the bases, which genes and other DNA of an organism. Most eu-
pair perpendicular to the sugar-phosphate karyotes have more than one genome. The
strands. The structure can be envisioned as a principal genome is the genome of the nucleus
ladder. The A and T bases pair with each other, that controls most of the activities of cells. Two
and G and C bases pair with each other, form- organelles, the mitochondria (which produce
ing rungs; the sugar-phosphates, joined end energy by oxidizing chemicals) and the plastids
to end, form the sides of the ladder. The en- (such as chloroplasts, which convert light to
tire molecule twists and bends in on itself to chemical energy in photosynthesis) have their
form a compact whole. An RNA molecule is es- own genomes. The organelle genomes have
sentially half of this ladder, split down the only some of the genes needed for their func-
middle. RNA molecules generally adopt less tioning. The others are present in the nuclear
regular structures but may also require pairing genome. Nuclear genomes have many copies
between bases. of some genes. Some repeated sequences are
DNA and RNA, in various forms, serve as the organized tandemly, one after the other, while
molecules of heredity. RNA is the genetic mate- others are interspersed with unique sequences.
rial that some viruses package in viral particles. Some repeated sequences are genes present in
One or several molecules of RNA may make up many copies, while others are DNAs of un-
the viral information. The genetic material of known function.
most bacteria is a single circle of double-helical
DNA, the circle consisting of from slightly more Copying and Transmission of Genetic
than 500,000 to about 5 million nucleotide Nucleic Acids
pairs. In eukaryotes such as humans, the DNA James Watson and Francis Cricks double-
genetic material is organized into multiple lin- helical structure for DNA suggested to them
ear DNA molecules, each one the essence of a how a faithful copy of a DNA could be made.
morphologically recognizable and genetically The strands would pull apart. One by one, the
identifiable structure called a chromosome. new nucleotide units would then arrange
In each organism, the DNA is closely associ- themselves by pairing with the correct base on
ated with proteins. Proteins are made of one the exposed strands. When zipped together,
or more polypeptides. Polypeptides are linear the new units make a new strand of DNA. The
polymers, like nucleic acids, but the units linked process, called DNA replication, makes two
end to end are amino acids rather than nucleo- double-helical DNAs from one original one.
tides. More than twenty kinds of amino acids Each daughter double-helical DNA has one old
make up polypeptides. Proteins are generally and one new strand. This kind of replication,
smaller than DNA molecules and assume a vari- called semiconservative replication, was con-
ety of shapes. Proteins contribute to the biolog- firmed by an experiment by Matthew Meselson
ical characteristics of an organism in many and Franklin Stahl.
ways: They are major components of structures Enzymes cannot copy DNA of eukaryotic
both inside (membranes and fibers) and out- chromosomes completely to each end of the
side (hair and nails) the cell; as enzymes, they DNA strands. This is not a problem for bacte-
initiate the thousands of chemical reactions ria, whose circular genomes do not have ends.
that cells use to get energy and build new To keep the ends from getting shorter with
cells; and they regulate the activities of cells. each cycle of replication, eukaryotic chromo-
Histone proteins pack eukaryotic nuclear DNA somes have special structures called telomeres
into tight bundles called nucleosomes. Further at their ends that are targets of a special DNA
coiling and looping of nucleosomes results in synthesis enzyme.
Molecular Genetics 551

When a cell divides, each daughter cell must also respond to changes in their environment.
get one and only one complete copy of the The differences among cell types and among
mother cells DNA. In most bacterial chromo- cells in different environmental conditions are
somes, this DNA synthesis starts at only one caused by the synthesis of different proteins.
place, and that starting point is controlled so For the most part, regulation of which proteins
that the number of starts equals the number of are synthesized and which are not occurs by
cell fissions. In eukaryotes, DNA synthesis be- controlling the synthesis of the mRNAs for
gins at multiple sites, and each site, once it has these proteins. Genes can have their transcrip-
begun synthesis, does not begin another round tion switched on or switched off by the binding
until after cell division. When DNA has been of protein factors to a segment of the gene that
completely copied, the chromosomes line up determines whether transcription will start or
for distribution to the daughter cells. Protein not. An important part of this gene segment is
complexes called kinetochores bind to a spe- the promoter. It tells the transcription appara-
cial region of each chromosomes DNA called tus to start RNA synthesis only at a particular
the centromere. Kinetochores attach to point in the gene.
microtubules, fibers that provide the tracks Not all RNAs are ready to function the mo-
along which the chromosomes move during ment their synthesis is over. Many RNA tran-
their segregation into daughter cells. scripts have alternating exon and intron seg-
ments. The intron segments are taken out with
Gene Expression, Transcription, and splicing of the end of one exon to the begin-
Translation ning of the next. Other transcripts are cut at
DNA is often dubbed the blueprint of life. It several specific places so that several functional
is more accurate to describe DNA as the com- RNAs arise from one transcript. Eukaryotic
puter tape of lifes instructions because the mRNAs get poly-A tails (about two hundred nu-
DNA information is a linear, one-dimensional cleotide units in which every base is an A)
series of units rather than a two-dimensional di- added after transcription. A few RNAs are ed-
agram. In the flow of information from the ited after transcription, some extensively by
DNA tape to what is recognized as life, two steps adding or removing U nucleotides in the mid-
require the decoding of nucleotide sequence dle of the RNA, others by changing specific
information. The first step, the copying of the bases.
DNA information into RNA, is called transcrip- Translation occurs on particles called ribo-
tion, an analogy to medieval monks sitting in somes and converts the sequence of nucleotide
their cells copying, letter by letter, old Latin residues in mRNA into the sequence of amino
manuscripts. The letters and words in the new acid residues in a polypeptide. Since protein is
version are the same as in the old but are writ- created as a consequence of translation, the
ten with a different hand and thus have a process is also called protein synthesis. The
slightly different appearance. The second step, mRNA carries the code for the order of inser-
in which amino acids are polymerized in re- tion of amino acids in three nucleotide units
sponse to the RNA information, is called trans- called codons. Failure of the ribosome to read
lation. Here, the monks take the Latin words nucleotides three at a time leads to shifts in the
and find English, German, or French equiva- frame of reading the mRNA message. The
lents. The product is not in the nucleotide lan- frame of reading mRNA is set by starting trans-
guage but in the language of polypeptide se- lation only at a special codon.
quences. The RNAs that direct the order of Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules actually do
amino acids are called messenger RNAs the translating. There is at least one tRNA for
(mRNAs) because they bring instructions from each of the twenty common amino acids. Anti-
the DNA to the ribosome, the site of transla- codon regions of the tRNAs each specifically
tion. pair with only a specific subset of mRNA
Multicellular organisms consist of a variety codons. For each amino acid there is at least
of cells, each with a particular function. Cells one enzyme that attaches the amino acid to the
552 Molecular Genetics

correct tRNA. These enzymes are thus at the of one or more nucleotides. Mutations may be
center of translation, recognizing both amino beneficial, neutral, or harmful. They are the
acid and nucleotide residues. targets of the natural selection that drives evo-
The ribosomes have sites for binding of lution. Since some mutations are harmful, sur-
mRNA, tRNA, and a variety of protein factors. vival of the species requires that they be kept to
Ribosomes also catalyze the joining of amino a low level.
acids to the growing polypeptide chain. The Systems that repair DNA are thus very im-
protein factors, usually loosely bound to ribo- portant for the accurate transmission of the
somes, assist in the proper initiation of poly- DNA information tape. Several kinds of sys-
peptide chains, in the binding of amino acid- tems have evolved to repair damaged DNA be-
bearing tRNA to the ribosome, and in moving fore it can be copied. In one, enzymes directly
the ribosome relative to the mRNA after each reverse the damage to DNA. In a second, the
additional step. Three steps in translation use damaged base is removed, and the nucleotide
biochemical energy: attaching the amino acid chain is split to allow its repair by a limited re-
to the tRNA, binding the amino acyl tRNA to synthesis. In a third, a protein complex recog-
the ribosome-mRNA complex, and moving the nizes the DNA damage, which results in inci-
ribosome relative to the mRNA. sions in the DNA backbone on both sides of the
damage. The segment containing the damage
Protein Processing and DNA Mutation is removed, and the gap is filled by a limited re-
The completed polypeptide chain is pro- synthesis. In still another, mismatched base
cessed in one or more ways before it assumes its pairs, such as those that result from errors in
role as a mature protein. The linear string of replication, are recognized, and an incision is
amino acid units folds into a complex, three- made some distance away from the mismatch.
dimensional structure, sometimes with the The entire stretch from the incision point to
help of other proteins. Signals in some pro- past the mismatch is then resynthesized. Fi-
teins amino acid sequences direct them to nally, the molecular machinery that exchanges
their proper destinations after they leave the ri- DNA segments, the recombination machinery,
bosomes. Some signals are removable, while may be mobilized to repair damage that cannot
others remain part of the protein. Some newly be handled by the other systems.
synthesized proteins are called polyproteins
because they are snipped at specific sites, giving Invasion and Amplification of Genes
several proteins from one translation product. Mutation is only one way that genomes
Finally, individual amino acid units may get change from generation to generation. An-
other groups attached to them or be modified other way is via the invasion of an organisms
in other ways. genome by other genomes or genome seg-
The DNA information can be corrupted by ments. Bacteria have evolved restriction modi-
reaction with certain chemicals, some of which fication systems to protect themselves from such
are naturally occurring while others are pres- invasions. The gene for restriction encodes an
ent in the environment. Ultraviolet and ioniz- enzyme that cleaves DNA whenever a particu-
ing radiation can also damage DNA. In addi- lar short sequence of nucleotides is present. It
tion, the apparatus that replicates DNA will does not recognize that sequence when it has
make a mistake at low frequency and insert the been modified with a methyl group on one of
wrong nucleotide. its bases. The gene for modification encodes
Collectively, these changes in DNA are the enzyme that adds the methyl group. Thus
called DNA damage. When DNA damage goes the bacteriums own DNA is protected. How-
unrepaired before the next round of copying ever, DNA that enters the cell from outside,
of the DNA, mutations (inherited changes in such as by phage infection or by direct DNA up-
nucleotide sequence) result. Mutations may be take, is not so protected and will be targeted for
substitutions, in which one base replaces an- degradation by the restriction enzyme. Despite
other. They may also be insertions or deletions restriction, transfer of genes from one species
Molecular Genetics 553

to another (horizontal, or lateral, gene trans- chains. In most cells in the body, the genes for
fer) has occurred. light chains are in two separated segments, and
As far as is known, restriction modification those for heavy chains are in three. During the
systems are unique to bacteria. Gene transfer maturation of cells that make antibodies, the
from bacteria to plants occurs naturally in dis- genes are rearranged, bringing these segments
eases caused by bacteria of the Agrobacterium ge- together. The joining of segments is not pre-
nus. As part of the infection process, these bac- cise. The imprecision contributes to the diver-
teria transfer a part of their DNA containing sity of possible antibody molecules.
genes, only active in plants, into the plant ge- Cells of bakers or brewers yeast (Saccharo-
nome. Studies with fungi and higher plants myces cerevisiae) have genes specifying their sex,
suggest that eukaryotes cope with gene inva- or mating type, in three locations. The infor-
sion by inactivating the genes (gene silencing) mation at one location, the expression locus, is
or their transcripts (cosuppression). the one that determines the mating type of the
Another way that genomes change is by du- cell. A copy of this information is in one of the
plications of gene-sized DNA segments. When other two sites, while the third has the informa-
the environment is such that the extra copy is tion specifying the opposite mating type. Yeast
advantageous, the cell with the duplication sur- cells switch mating types by replacing the infor-
vives better than one without the duplication. mation at the expression locus with informa-
Thus genes can be amplified under selective tion from a storage locus. Mating-type switching
pressure. In some tissues, such as salivary and antibody gene maturation are only two ex-
glands of dipteran insects and parts of higher amples of programmed gene rearrangements
plant embryos, there is replication of large seg- known to occur in a variety of organisms.
ments of chromosomes without cell division.
Monster chromosomes result. Genetic Recombination
Genomes also change because of movable Recombination occurs when DNA informa-
genetic elements. Inversions of genome seg- tion from one chromosome becomes attached
ments occur in bacteria and eukaryotes. Other to the DNA of another. When participating
segments can move from one location in the chromosomes are equivalent, the recombina-
genome to another. Some of these movements tion is called homologous. Homologous re-
appear to be rare, random events. Others serve combination in bacteria mainly serves a repair
particular functions and are programmed to function for extreme DNA damage. In many
occur under certain conditions. One kind of eukaryotes, recombination is essential for the
mobile element, the retrotransposon, moves segregation of chromosomes into gamete cells
into new locations via an RNA intermediate. during meiosis. Nevertheless, aspects of the
The element encodes an enzyme that makes a process are common between bacteria and eu-
DNA copy of the elements RNA transcript. karyotes. Starting recombination requires a
That copy inserts itself into other genome loca- break in at least one strand of the double-helical
tions. The process is similar to that used by ret- DNA. In the well-studied yeast cells, a double-
roviruses to establish infection in cells. Other strand break is required. Free DNA ends gener-
mobile elements, called transposons or ated by breaks invade the double-helical DNA
transposable elements, encode a transposase of the homologous chromosome. Further inva-
enzyme that inserts the element sequence, or a sion and DNA synthesis result in a structure in
copy of it, into a new location. When that new which the chromosomes are linked to one an-
location is in or near a gene, normal function- other. This structure, called a half-chiasma, is
ing of that gene is disturbed. recognized and resolved by an enzyme system.
The production of genes for antibodies (an Resolution can result in exchange so that one
important part of a humans immune defense end of one chromosome is linked to the other
system) is a biological function that requires end of the other chromosome and vice versa.
gene rearrangements. Antibody molecules con- Resolution can also result in restoration of the
sist of two polypeptides called light and heavy original linkage. In the latter case, the DNA
554 Molecular Genetics

around the exchange point may be that of the and recombinant growth hormone are rou-
other DNA. This is known as gene conversion. tinely given to those whose conditions demand
them. Through molecular genetics, doctors
Impact and Applications have diagnostic kits that can, with greater ra-
Molecular genetics is at the heart of biotech- pidity, greater specificity, and lower cost, deter-
nology, or genetic engineering. Its fundamen- mine whether a pathogen is present. Finally,
tal investigation of biological processes has pro- molecular genetics has been used to identify
vided tools for biotechnologists. Molecular genes responsible for many inherited diseases
cloning and gene manipulation in the test tube of humankind. Someday medicine may correct
rely heavily on restriction enzymes, other nu- some of these diseases by providing a good
cleic-acid-modifying enzymes, and extrachro- copy of the gene, a strategy called gene therapy.
mosomal DNA, all discovered during molecu- Ulrich Melcher
lar genetic investigation. The development of See also: Ancient DNA; Antisense RNA;
nucleic acid hybridization, which allows the Biochemical Mutations; Central Dogma of Mo-
identification of specific molecular clones in a lecular Biology; Chemical Mutagens; Chloro-
pool of others, required an understanding of plast Genes; Chromatin Packaging; DNA Isola-
DNA structure and dynamics. The widely used tion; DNA Repair; DNA Str ucture and
polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which can Function; Gene Families; Genetic Code; Ge-
amplify minute quantities of DNA, would not netic Code, Cracking of; Genome Size;
have been possible without discoveries in DNA Genomics; Molecular Clock Hypothesis; Muta-
replication. Genetic mapping, a prelude to the tion and Mutagenesis; Noncoding RNA Mole-
isolation of many genes, was sped along by mo- cules; Oncogenes; One Gene-One Enzyme Hy-
lecular markers detectable with restriction en- pothesis; Protein Structure; Protein Synthesis;
zymes or the PCR. Transposable elements and Proteomics; Pseudogenes; Repetitive DNA; Re-
the transferred DNA of Agrobacterium, because striction Enzymes; Reverse Transcriptase; RNA
they often inactivate genes when they insert in Isolation; RNA Structure and Function; RNA
them, were used to isolate the genes they inacti- Transcription and mRNA Processing; RNA
vate. The inserted elements served as tags or World; Signal Transduction; Steroid Hor-
handles by which the modified genes were mones; Telomeres; Transposable Elements;
pulled out of a collection of genes. Tumor-Suppressor Genes.
The knowledge of the molecular workings of
genes gained by curious scientists has allowed Further Reading
other scientists to intervene in many disease sit- Brown, Terence A. Genetics: A Molecular Ap-
uations, provide effective therapies, and im- proach. 3d ed. New York: Chapman & Hall,
prove biological production. Late twentieth 1998. Solid text with bibliography, index.
century scientists rapidly developed an under- Carroll, Sean B., Jennifer K. Grenier, and Scott
standing of the infection process of the acquired D. Weatherbee. From DNA to Diversity: Molecu-
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) virus. The lar Genetics and the Evolution of Animal Design.
understanding, built on the skeleton of existing Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2001. Discusses
knowledge, has helped combat this debilitating morphology and its genetic basis, and evolu-
disease. Molecular genetics has also led to the tionary biologys synthesis with genetics and
safe and less expensive production of proteins embryology. Illustrations (some color), fig-
of industrial, agricultural, and pharmacological ures, tables, glossary, bibliography.
importance. The transfer of DNA from Agrobac- Clark, David P., and Lonnie D. Russell. Mo-
terium to plants has been exploited in the cre- lecular Biology Made Simple and Fun. 2d ed.
ation of transgenic plants. These plants offer a Vienna, Ill.: Cache River Press, 2000. A de-
new form of pest protection that provides an al- tailed and entertaining account of molecu-
ternative to objectionable pesticidal sprays and lar genetics. Bibliography, index.
protects against pathogens for which no other Hancock, John T. Molecular Genetics. Boston:
protection is available. Recombinant insulin Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999. Covers the
Monohybrid Inheritance 555

basics of molecular genetics, especially for

advanced high school and beginning-level Monohybrid Inheritance
college students. Illustrations, bibliography,
summaries of key chapter concepts. Field of study: Classical transmission
Hartl, D. L. Genetics: Analysis of Genes and Ge- genetics
nomes. 5th ed. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, Significance: Humans and other organisms show
2001. An excellent introductory genetics a number of different patterns in the inheritance
textbook. and expression of traits. For many inherited char-
Hartwell, L. H., L. Hood, M. L. Goldberg, A. E. acteristics, the pattern of transmission is monohy-
Reynolds, L. M. Silber, and R. C. Veres. Genet- brid inheritance, in which a trait is determined by
ics: From Genes to Genomes. 2d ed. New York: one pair of alleles at a single locus. An under-
McGraw-Hill, 2003. A comprehensive text- standing of monohybrid inheritance is critical for
book on genetics, by the 2001 Nobel laure- understanding the genetics of many medically sig-
ate in physiology or medicine. Available as nificant traits in humans and economically sig-
an e-book. nificant traits in domestic plants and animals.
Lewin, Benjamin. Genes VII. New York: Oxford
University Press, 2001. Covers structure, Key terms
function, and molecular processes of genes. allele: one of the pair of possible alternative
Miesfeld, Roger L. Applied Molecular Genetics. forms of a gene that occurs at a given site or
New York: John Wiley, 1999. Presents an locus on a chromosome
overview of the practical implications of mo- dominant gene: the controlling member of
lecular genetics in modern biotechnology. a pair of alleles that is expressed to the ex-
Illustrations (mostly color), appendices, bib- clusion of the expression of the recessive
liography, Web resources. member
Russell, Peter J. Genetics. San Fransisco, Calif.: recessive gene: an allele that can only be ex-
Benjamin Cummings, 2002. Good genetic pressed when the controlling or dominant
textbook with basic coverage of molecular allele is not present
Strachan, T., and Andrew P. Read. Human Mo- Mendel and Monohybrid Inheritance
lecular Genetics 2. 2d ed. New York: Wiley-Liss, The basic genetic principles first worked out
1999. Introductory discussion of DNA, chro- and described by Gregor Mendel in his classic
mosomes, and the Human Genome Project. experiments on the common garden pea have
Illustrated. been found to apply to many inherited traits in
Watson, James, et al. Molecular Biology of the all sexually reproducing organisms, including
Gene. 5th ed. 2 vols. Menlo Park, Calif.: humans. Until the work of Mendel, plant and
Benjamin Cummings, 2003. A widely used animal breeders tried to formulate laws of in-
textbook by the co-discoverer of DNAs heli- heritance based upon the principle that char-
cal structure. Bibliography, index. acteristics of parents would be blended in their
offspring. Mendels success came about be-
Web Sites of Interest cause he studied the inheritance of contrasting
Human Molecular Genetics. http://hmg.oup or alternative forms of one phenotypic trait at a
journals.org. The Web site for the online time. The phenotype of any organism includes
journal, with abstracts of articles available not only all of its external characteristics but
online and full text available for a fee. also all of its internal structures, extending
Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics. even into all of its chemical and metabolic func-
http://www.molgen.mpg.de. Research insti- tions. Human phenotypes would include char-
tute focuses on molecular mechanisms of acteristics such as eye color, hair color, skin
DNA replication, recombination, protein color, hearing and visual abnormalities, blood
synthesis, and ribosome structure, and of- disorders, susceptibility to various diseases, and
fers educational information and history. muscular and skeletal disorders.
556 Monohybrid Inheritance

Mendel experimented with seven contrast- fect, by doing this, the investigator is working
ing traits in peas: stem height (tall vs. dwarf), with the equivalent of a monohybrid cross. In
seed form (smooth vs. wrinkled), seed color selecting an example, it is best to choose a trait
(yellow vs. green), pod form (inflated vs. con- that does not produce a major health or clini-
stricted), pod color (green vs. yellow), flower cal effect; otherwise, the clear-cut segregation
color (red vs. white), and flower position (axial ratios expected under monohybrid inheri-
vs. terminal). Within each of the seven sets, tance might not be seen in the matings.
there was no overlap between the traits and Consider the trait of albinism, a phenotype
thus no problem in classifying a plant as one or caused by a recessive gene. Albinism is the ab-
the other. For example, although there was sence of pigment in the hair, skin, and eyes.
some variation in height among the tall plants Similar albino genes have been found in many
and some variation among the dwarf plants, animals, including mice, buffalo, bats, frogs,
there was no overlap between the tall and dwarf and rattlesnakes. Since the albino gene is reces-
plants. sive, the gene may be designated with the sym-
Mendels first experiments crossed parents bol c and the gene for normal pigmentation as
that differed in only one trait. Matings of this C. Thus a mating between a homozygous nor-
type are known as monohybrid crosses, and the mal person (CC) and a homozygous albino
rules of inheritance derived from such matings person (cc) would be expected to produce chil-
yield examples of monohybrid inheritance. dren who are heterozygous (Cc) but pheno-
These first experiments provided the evidence typically normal, since the normal gene is dom-
for the principle of segregation and the princi- inant to the albino gene. Only normal genes, C,
ple of dominance. The principle of segregation would be passed on by the normally pigmented
refers to the separation of members of a gene parent, and only albino genes, c, would be
pair from each other during the formation of passed on by the albino parent. If there was a
gametes (the reproductive cells: sperm in mating between two heterozygous people (Cc
males and eggs in females). It was Mendel who and Cc), the law of segregation would predict
first used the terms dominant and reces- that each parent would produce two kinds of
sive. It is of interest to examine his words and gametes: C and c. The resulting progeny would
to realize how appropriate his definitions are be expected to appear at a ratio of 1CC: 2Cc: 1cc.
today: Those characters which are transmitted Since C is dominant to c, 3 4 of the progeny
entire, or almost unchanged by hybridization, would be expected to have normal pigment,
and therefore in themselves constitute the and 1 4 would be expected to be albino. There
characters of the hybrid, are termed the domi- are three genotypes (CC, Cc, and cc) and two
nant and those which become latent in the pro- phenotypes (normal pigmentation and albino).
cess recessive. The terms dominant and reces- By following the law of segregation and taking
sive are used to describe the characteristics of a account of the dominant gene, it is possible to
phenotype, and they may depend on the level determine the types of matings that might oc-
at which a phenotype is described. A gene that cur and to predict the types of children that
acts as a recessive for a particular external trait would be expected (see the table Phenotype
may turn out not to be so when its effect is mea- Predictions: Albino Children).
sured at the biochemical or molecular level. Because of dominance, it is not always possi-
ble to tell what type of mating has occurred. For
An Example of Monohybrid Inheritance example, in matings 1, 2, and 4 in the table, the
The best way of describing monohybrid in- parents are both normal in each case. Yet in
heritance is by working through an example. mating 4, 1 4 of the offspring are expected to be
Although any two people obviously differ in albino. A complication arises when it is realized
many genetic characteristics, it is possible, as that in mating 4 the couple might not produce
Mendel did with his pea plants, to follow one any offspring that are cc; in that case, all off-
trait governed by a single gene pair that is sepa- spring would be normal. Often, because of the
rate and independent of all other traits. In ef- small number of offspring in humans and
Monohybrid Inheritance 557

autosomes or body
Phenotype Predictions: Albino Children
chromosomes. The dif-
Parents Phenotypes Offspring Expected
ference in chromosomes
between the two sexes oc-
1. AA AA Normal Normal All AA (Normal) curs in the remaining two
2. AA Aa Normal Normal AA, Aa (All Normal) chromosomes. The two
chromosomes are known
3. AA aa Normal Albino All Aa (Normal) as the sex chromosomes.
4. Aa Aa Normal Normal AA, Aa, aa ( Normal, Albino) Males have an unlike pair
of sex chromosomes, one
5. Aa aa Normal Albino Aa, aa ( Normal, Albino)
designated the X chro-
6. aa aa Albino Albino All aa (Albino) mosome and the other,
smaller one designated
the Y chromosome. Fe-
males, on the other hand,
other animals, the ratios of offspring expected have a pair of like sex chromosomes, and these
under monohybrid inheritance might not be are similar to the X chromosome of the male.
realized. Looking at the different matings and Although the Y chromosome does not contain
the progeny that are expected, it is easy to see many genes, it is responsible for male develop-
how genetics can help to explain not only why ment. A person without a Y chromosome would
children resemble their parents but also why undergo female development. Since genes are
children do not resemble their parents. located on chromosomes, the pattern of trans-
mission of the genes demonstrates some strik-
Modification of Basic Mendelian ing differences from that of genes located on
Inheritance any of the autosomes. For practical purposes,
After Mendels work was rediscovered early sex linked usually refers to genes found on
in the twentieth century, it soon became appar- the X chromosome since the Y chromosome
ent that there were variations in monohybrid contains few genes. Although X-linked traits do
inheritance that apparently were not known to not follow the simple pattern of transmission
Mendel. Mendel studied seven pairs of con- of simple monohybrid inheritance as first de-
trasting traits, and in each case, one gene was scribed by Mendel, they still conform to his law
dominant and one gene was recessive. For each of segregation. Examination of a specific exam-
trait, there were only two variants of the gene. It ple is useful to understand the principle.
is now known that other possibilities exist. For The red-green color-blind gene is X-linked
example, other types of monohybrid inheri- and recessive, since females must have the gene
tance include codominance (in which both on both X chromosomes in order to exhibit the
genes are expressed in the heterozygote) and trait. For males, the terms recessive and dom-
sex linkage (an association of a trait with a gene inant really do not apply since the male has
on the X chromosome). Nevertheless, the law only one X chromosome (the Y chromosome
of segregation operates in these cases as well, does not contain any corresponding genes)
making it possible to understand inheritance and will express the trait whether the gene is re-
of the traits. cessive or dominant. An important implication
Within a cell, genes are found on chromo- of this is that X-linked traits appear more often
somes in the nucleus. Humans have forty-six in males than in females. In general, the more
chromosomes. Each person receives half of the severe the X-linked recessive trait is from a
chromosomes from each parent, and it is con- health point of view, the greater the proportion
venient to think of the chromosomes in pairs. of affected males to affected females.
Examination of the chromosomes in males and If the color-blind gene is designated cb and
females reveals an interesting difference. Both the normal gene Cb, the types of mating and
sexes have twenty-two pairs of what are termed offspring expected may be set up as they were
558 Monohybrid Inheritance

for the autosomal recessive albino gene. In the port or story in the media involving an example
present situation, the X and Y chromosomes of monohybrid inheritance. Furthermore, ge-
will also be included, remembering that the Cb netic conditions or disorders regularly appear
and cb genes will be found only on the X chro- as the theme of a movie or play. An understand-
mosome and that any genotype with a Y chro- ing of the principles of genetics and monohy-
mosome will result in a male. (See the table brid inheritance provides a greater appreciation
Phenotype Predictions: Color Blindness.) of what is taking place in the world, whether it is
Carrier females are heterozygous females in the application of DNA fingerprinting in the
who have normal vision but are expected to courtroom, the introduction of disease-resistant
pass the gene to half their sons, who would be genes in plants and animals, the use of genetics
color blind. Presumably, the carrier female in paternity cases, or the description of new in-
would have inherited the gene from her father, herited diseases.
who would have been color blind. Thus, in Perhaps it is in the area of genetic diseases
some families the trait has a peculiar pattern of that knowledge of monohybrid inheritance of-
transmission in which the trait appears in a fers the most significant personal applications.
womans father, but not her, and then may ap- Single-gene disorders usually fall into one of
pear again in her sons. the four common modes of inheritance: auto-
somal dominant, autosomal recessive, sex-
Impact and Applications linked dominant, and sex-linked recessive. Ex-
The number of single genes known in hu- amination of individual phenotypes and family
mans has grown dramatically since Victor Mc- histories allows geneticists to determine which
Kusick published the first Mendelian Inheritance mode of inheritance is likely to be present for a
in Man catalog in 1966. In the first catalog, specific disorder. Once the mode of inheri-
there were 1,487 entries representing loci iden- tance has been identified, it becomes possible
tified by Mendelizing phenotypes or by cellular to determine the likelihood or the risk of oc-
and molecular genetic methods. In the 1994 currence of the disorder in the children. Since
catalog, the number of entries had grown to the laws governing the transmission of Mendel-
6,459. Scarcely a day goes by without a news re- ian traits are so well known, it is possible to pre-

Phenotype Predictions: Color Blindness

Parents Phenotypes Offspring Expected

1. XCb XCb XCb Y Normal Normal

normal female
X Y normal male
Cb Cb cb Cb cb
2. X X X Y Normal Color blind X X normal female
X Y normal male
Cb cb Cb Cb Cb Cb cb
3. X X X Y Normal Normal X X X X normal females, carrier females
Cb cb
X Y X Y normal males, color-blind males
Cb cb cb Cb cb cb cb
4. X X X Y Normal Color blind X X X X carrier females, color-blind females
Cb cb
X Y X Y normal males, color-blind males
cb cb Cb Cb cb
5. X X X Y Color blind Normal X X carrier females
X Y color-blind males
cb cb cb cb cb
6. X X X Y Color blind Color blind X X color-blind females
X Y color-blind males
Multiple Alleles 559

dict with great accuracy when a genetic condi-

tion will affect a specific family member. In Multiple Alleles
many cases, testing may be done prenatally or
in individuals before symptoms appear. As Field of study: Classical transmission
knowledge of the human genetic makeup in- genetics
creases, it will become even more essential for Significance: Alleles are alternate forms of genes at
people to have a basic knowledge of how Men- the same locus. When three or more variations of a
delian traits are inherited. gene exist in a population, they are referred to as
Donald J. Nash multiple alleles. The human ABO blood groups
See also: Albinism; Classical Transmission provide an example of multiple alleles.
Genetics; Complete Dominance; Dihybrid In-
heritance; Epistasis; Hereditary Diseases; In- Key terms
complete Dominance; Mendelian Genetics; blood type: one of the several groups into
Multiple Alleles. which blood can be classified based on the
presence or absence of certain molecules
Further Reading called antigens on the red blood cells
Cooke, K. J. Twisting the Ladder of Science: codominant alleles: two contrasting alleles
Pure and Practical Goals in Twentieth-Cen- that are both fully functional and fully ex-
tury Studies of Inheritance. Endeavour 22, pressed when present in an individual
no. 1 (1998). Author argues that genetics is dominant allele: an allele that masks the ex-
powerfully entwined with, and thus affected pression of another allele that is considered
by, social, individual, and commercial factors. recessive to it
Derr, Mark. The Making of a Marathon Mutt. recessive allele: an allele that will be exhib-
Natural History (March, 1966). The princi- ited only if two copies of if are present
ples of Mendelian inheritance are applied to
the world of champion sled dogs. The Discovery of Alleles and Multiple
McKusick, Victor A., comp. Mendelian Inheri- Alleles
tance in Man: A Catalog of Human Genes and Although Gregor Mendel, considered to be
Genetic Disorders. 12th ed. Baltimore: Johns the father of genetics, did not discover multiple
Hopkins University Press, 1998. A compre- alleles, an understanding of his work is neces-
hensive catalog of Mendelian traits in hu- sary to understand their role in genetics. In the
mans. Although it is filled with medical ter- 1860s, Mendel formulated the earliest con-
minology and clinical descriptions, there are cepts of how traits or characteristics are passed
interesting family histories and fascinating from parents to their offspring. His work on
accounts of many of the traits. Bibliography, pea plants led him to propose that there are
index. two factors, since renamed genes, that cause
Pierce, Benjamin A. The Family Genetic Source- each trait that an individual possesses. A partic-
book. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990. An ular form of the gene, called the dominant
introduction to the principles of heredity form, will enable the characteristic to occur
and a catalog of more than one hundred whether the offspring inherits one or two cop-
human traits. Topics include heredity, inher- ies of that allele. The alternate form of the
itance patterns, chromosomes and chromo- gene, or allele, will be exhibited only if two cop-
somal abnormalities, genetic risks, and fam- ies of this allele, called the recessive form, are
ily history. Suggested readings, appendices, present. For example, pea seeds will be yellow
glossary, and index. if two copies of the dominant, yellow-causing
Wexler, Alice. Mapping Fate: A Memoir of Family, gene are present and will be green if two copies
Risk, and Genetic Research. Berkeley: Univer- of the recessive gene are present. However,
sity of California Press, 1996. Intimate story since yellow is dominant to green, an individual
of one familys struggles with the inherit- plant with one copy of each allele will be as yel-
ability of Huntingtons disease. low as a plant possessing two yellow genes. Men-
560 Multiple Alleles

del discovered only two alternate ap-

The Relationship Between Genotype and
pearances, called phenotypes, for
each trait he studied. He found that Blood Type
violet is the allele dominant to white
Genotype Blood Type Comments
in causing flower color, while tall is
the allele dominant to short in creat- AA A These two genotypes produce
ing stem length. AO A identical blood types.
Early in the twentieth century, ex- BB B These two genotypes produce
amples of traits with more than an BO B identical blood types.
either/or phenotype caused by only
AB AB Both dominant alleles are
two possible alleles were found in a va- expressed.
riety of organisms. Coat color in rab-
bits is a well-documented example of OO O With no dominant alleles, the
multiple alleles. Not two but four al- recessive allele is expressed.
ternative forms of the gene for coat
color exist in rabbit populations, with
different letters used to designate
those colors. The gene producing color is la- ries of many individuals) revealed by 1925 that
beled c; thus, c + produces full, dark color, c ch these four blood types were caused by multiple
produces mixed colored and white hairs, c h alleles. The alleles are named I A, I B, and I O, or
produces white on the body but black on the simply A, B, and O. Both A and B are dominant
paws, and c creates a pure white rabbit. It is im- to O. However, A and B are codominant to each
portant to note that although three or more al- other. Thus, if both are present, both are equally
ternative forms can exist in a population, each seen in the individual. A person with two A al-
individual organism can only possess two, ac- leles or an A and an O has type A blood. Some-
quiring only one from each of its parents. What, one with two B alleles or a B and an O has type B.
then, of Mendels principle of one allele being Two O alleles result in type O blood. Because A
dominant to the other? In the rabbit color trait, and B are codominant, the individual with one
c + is dominant to the c ch, which is dominant to of each allele is said to have type AB blood.
c h, with c, the gene for pure white, recessive to To say people are type A means that they
the other three. have an antigen (a glycoprotein or protein-
If mutation can create four possible color al- sugar molecule) of a particular type embedded
leles, is it not also possible that successive muta- in the membrane of all red blood cells. The
tions might cause a much larger number of presence of an A allele causes the production
multiple alleles? Numerous examples exist of of an enzyme that transfers the sugar galactos-
genes with many alleles. For example, sickle- amine to the glycoprotein. The B allele pro-
cell disease, and related diseases called thal- duces an enzyme that attaches a different sugar,
assemias, are all caused by mutations in one of called galactose, and the O allele produces a de-
the two genes that code for the two protein sub- fective enzyme that cannot add any sugar. Be-
units of hemoglobin, the protein that carries cause of codominance, people with type AB
oxygen in the blood. Dozens of different types blood have both antigens on their red blood
of thalassemia exist, all caused by mutations in cells.
the same gene. Transfusion with blood from a donor with a
different blood type than the recipient can
Blood Types cause death, due to the potential presence of A
One of the earliest examples of multiple al- or B antibodies in the recipients blood. Anti-
leles discovered in humans concerns the ABO bodies are chemical molecules in the plasma
blood type system. In 1900, the existence of (the liquid portion of the blood). If, by error,
four blood types (A, B, AB, and O) was discov- type A blood is given to a person with type B
ered. The study of pedigrees (the family histo- blood, the recipient will produce antibodies
Mutation and Mutagenesis 561

against the type A red blood cells, which will at- its cells that will be recognized as foreign and
tach to them, causing them to agglutinate, or destroyed by the recipients antibodies. The
form clumps. By this principle, a person with genes that build these cell-surface antigens,
type O blood can donate it to people with any called human leukocyte antigen (HLA), occur
blood type, because their blood cells have nei- in two main forms. HLA-A has nearly twenty
ther an A nor a B antigen. Thus, people with different alleles, and HLA-B has more than
type O blood are often referred to as universal thirty. Since any individual can only have two of
donors because no antibodies will be formed each type, there are an enormous number of
against type O blood red blood cells. Likewise, possible combinations in the population. Find-
people with type AB blood are often referred to ing donors and recipients with the same or a
as universal recipients because they have both very close combination of HLA alleles is a very
types of antigens and therefore will not pro- difficult task for those arranging successful or-
duce antibodies against any of the blood types. gan transplantation.
Medical personnel must carefully check the Geneticists are coming to suspect that multi-
blood type of both the recipient and the do- ple alleles, once thought to be the exception to
nated blood to avoid agglutination and subse- the rule, may exist for the majority of human
quent death. genes. If this is so, the study of multiple alleles
Blood types have been used to establish pa- for many disease-producing genes should shed
ternity because a childs blood type can be used more light on why the severity of so many ge-
to determine what the parents blood types netic diseases varies so widely from person to
could and could not be. Since a child receives person.
one allele from each parent, certain men can Grace D. Matzen, updated by Bryan Ness
be eliminated as a childs potential father if See also: Complementation Testing; Cystic
the alleles they possess could not produce the Fibrosis; Organ Transplants and HLA Genes;
combination found in the child. However, this Population Genetics.
proves only that a particular person could be
the father, as could millions of others who pos- Further Reading
sess that blood type; it does not prove that a par- Klug, William S. Essentials of Genetics. 3d ed. Up-
ticular man is the father. Modern methods of per Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1999.
analyzing the DNA in many of the individuals Supplies a solid explanation of multiple al-
genes now make the establishment of paternity leles. Bibliography, index.
a more exact science.

Impact and Applications

The topic of multiple alleles has implica- Mutation and Mutagenesis
tions for many human disease conditions. One
of these is cystic fibrosis (CF), the most com- Field of study: Molecular genetics
mon deadly inherited disease afflicting Cauca- Significance: A mutation is a heritable change in
sians. Characterized by a thick mucus buildup the structure or composition of DNA. Depending
in lungs, pancreas, and intestines, it frequently on the function of the altered DNA segment, the ef-
brings about death by age twenty. Soon after fect of a mutation can range from undetectable to
the gene that causes CF was found in 1989, ge- causing major deformities and even death. Muta-
neticists realized there may be as many as one tion is a natural process by which new genetic di-
hundred multiple alleles for this gene. The ex- versity is produced. However, chemical pollutants
tent of the mutation in these alternate genes ap- and radiation can increase mutation rates and
parently causes the great variation in the sever- have a serious effect on health.
ity of symptoms from one patient to another.
The successful transplantation of organs is Key terms
also closely linked to the existence of multiple gene pool: all of the genes carried by all mem-
alleles. A transplanted organ has antigens on bers of a population of organisms; the ge-
562 Mutation and Mutagenesis

netic diversity in the gene pool provides the radiation) therefore also cause cancer.
variation that allows adaptation to new con- Mutation also has an important, beneficial
ditions role in natural populations of all organisms.
germinal mutation: a mutation in gamete- The ability of a species to adapt to changes in its
forming (germinal) tissue, which can be environment, combat new diseases, or respond
passed from a parent to its offspring to new competitors is dependent on genetic di-
mutagen: a chemical or physical agent that versity in the populations gene pool. Without
causes an increased rate of mutation sufficient resources of variability, a species
mutagenesis: the process of a heritable change faced by a serious new stress can become ex-
occurring in a gene, either spontaneously or tinct. The reduced population sizes in rare and
in response to a mutagen endangered species will result in reduced ge-
mutation rate: the probability of a heritable netic diversity and a loss of the capacity to re-
change occurring in the genetic material spond to selection pressures. Zoo breeding
over a given time period, such as a cell divi- programs often take data on genetic diversity
sion cycle or a generation into account when planning the captive breed-
phenotype: the observable effects of a gene; ing of endangered species. The creation of new
phenotypes include physical appearance, agricultural crops or of animal breeds with eco-
biochemical activity, cell function, or any nomically desirable traits also depends on mu-
other measurable factor tations that alter development in a useful way.
somatic mutation: a mutation that occurs in a Therefore, mutation can have both damaging
body cell and produces a group of mutant and beneficial effects.
cells but is not transmitted to the next gener-
ation The Role of Mutations in Cell Activity and
wild type: the normal genetic makeup of an Development
organism, as it occurs in nature (the wild); a The genetic information in a cell is encoded
mutation alters the phenotype of a wild-type in the sequence of subunits, the nucleotides,
trait to produce a mutant phenotype that make up the DNA molecule. A mutation is
a change in the cells genetic makeup, and it
Definitions can range from changing just a single nucleo-
A mutation is any change in the genetic ma- tide in the DNA molecule to altering long
terial that can be inherited by the next genera- pieces of DNA. To appreciate how such changes
tion of cells or progeny. A mutation can occur can affect an organism, it is important to un-
at any time in the life of any cell in the body. If derstand how information is encoded in DNA
a mutation occurs in the reproductive tissue, and how it is translated to produce a specific
the change can be passed to an offspring in the protein. There are four different nucleotides
egg or sperm. That new mutation may then af- in the DNA molecule: adenine (A), guanine
fect the development of the offspring and be (G), thymine (T), and cytosine (C). The DNA
passed on to later generations. However, if the molecule is composed of two strands linked to-
mutation occurs in cells of the skin, muscle, gether by a sequence of base pairs (bp). An ade-
blood, or other body (somatic) tissue, the new nine on one strand pairs with a thymine on the
mutation will only be passed on to other body other (A-T), and a guanine on one strand pairs
cells when that cell divides. This can produce a with a cytosine on the other (G-C). When a
mosaic patch of cells carrying the new genetic gene is activated, one of the two strands is
change. Most of these are undetectable and used as a model, or template, for the synthesis
have no effect on the carrier. An important ex- of a single-stranded molecule called messenger
ception is a somatic mutation that causes the RNA (mRNA). The completed mRNA mole-
affected cell to lose control of the cell cycle cule is then transported out of the nucleus, and
and divide uncontrollably, resulting in cancer. it binds with ribosomes (small structures in the
Many environmental chemicals and agents that cytoplasm of the cell), where a protein is made
cause mutations (such as X rays and ultraviolet using the mRNAs nucleotide sequence as its
Mutation and Mutagenesis 563

coded message. The nucleotides are read on the severity of their effects. Some are undetect-
the ribosome in triplets, with three adjacent able in the carrier, some cause small defects
nucleotides (called a codon) corresponding to or even beneficial changes in the function of
one of the twenty amino acids found in protein. a protein, while others can produce major
Thus the sequence of nucleotides eventually changes in several different developmental
determines the order of amino acids that are processes at the same time.
linked together to form a specific protein. The Gene mutations are sometimes called point
amino acid sequence in turn determines how mutations because their genetic effects are lim-
the protein will work, either as a structural part ited to a single point, or gene, on a chromo-
of a cell or as an enzyme that will catalyze a some that can carry up to several thousand dif-
specific biochemical reaction. A gene is often ferent genes. The simplest kind of point
1,000 bp or longer, so there are many points at mutation is a base substitution, in which one
which a genetic change can occur. If a mutation base pair is replaced by another (for example,
occurs in an important part of the gene, even the replacement of an A-T base pair at one
the change of a single amino acid can cause a point in the DNA molecule by a C-G base pair).
major change in protein function. Sickle-cell This can change a codon triplet so that a differ-
disease is a good example of this. In sickle-cell ent amino acid is placed in the protein at that
disease a base-pair substitution in the DNA point. This often changes the function of the
causes the sixth codon in the mRNA to change protein, at least in minor ways. However, some
from GAG to GUG. When this modified mRNA base substitutions are silent. Since several dif-
is used to create a protein, the amino acid ferent triplets can code for the same amino
valine is substituted for the normal glutamic acid, not all base changes will result in an
acid in the sixth position in a string of 146 amino acid substitution.
amino acids. This small change causes the pro- Another common kind of gene mutation
tein to form crystals and thus deform cells called a frame shift can have a much larger ef-
when the amount of available oxygen is low. fect on protein structure. A frame-shift muta-
Since this protein is one of the parts of the oxy- tion occurs when a nucleotide is added to, or
gen-carrying hemoglobin molecule in red lost from, the DNA strand when it is duplicated
blood cells, this single DNA nucleotide change during cell division. Since translation of the
has potentially severe consequences for an af- mRNA is done by the ribosomes adding one
fected individual. amino acid to the growing protein for every
three adjacent nucleotides, adding or deleting
Types of Mutation one nucleotide will effectively shift that read-
Because they can be so diverse, one way to ing frame so that all following triplets are differ-
organize mutations is to describe the kind of ent. By analogy, one can consider the following
molecular or structural change that has oc- sentence of three-letter words: THE BIG DOG
curred. There are three broad classes of muta- CAN RUN FAR. If a base (for example, a letter
tion. Genomic mutations are changes in the X, in this analogy) is added at the end of the sec-
number of chromosomes in a cell. Inheriting ond triplet, the sentence will still read three
an extra chromosome, as in Down syndrome, is letters at a time during translation and the
an example of a genomic mutation. Chromo- meaning will be completely altered. THE BIX
some mutations are changes in the structure GDO GCA NRU NFA R. In a cell, a nonfunc-
of a chromosome and can include the loss, tional protein is produced unless the frame
gain, or altered order of a series of genes. shift is near the terminal end of the gene.
Gene mutations are genetic changes limited Environmental agents such as ultraviolet
to an individual gene or the adjacent regions (UV) radiation can affect DNA and base pair-
that control its activity during development. ing. Certain UV wavelengths, for example,
Thus, the amount of genetic information af- cause some DNA nucleotides to pair abnor-
fected by a mutation can vary from a single mally. Gene mutations have also been traced to
gene to hundreds of them. Genes also vary in the movement of transposable DNA elements.
564 Mutation and Mutagenesis

Transposable elements were first discovered by chromosomes provide an extra copy of each of
Barbara McClintock while studying chromo- their genes, the amount of each protein they
some breakage and kernel traits in maize. Now code for is unusually high, and this, too, can
they are known from many organisms, includ- create biochemical abnormalities for the or-
ing humans. Transposable elements are small ganism. In humans, an interesting exception is
DNA segments that can become inserted into a changes in chromosome number that involve
chromosome and later excised and change the sex-determining chromosomes, especially
their position. If one becomes inserted in the the X chromosome (the Y is relatively silent in
middle of a gene, it effectively separates the development). Since normal males have one X
gene into two widely spaced fragments. In the and females have two, the cells in females inac-
fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), in which tivate one of the X chromosomes to balance
spontaneous mutations have been studied in gene dosage. This dosage compensation mech-
detail at the DNA level, as many as half of the anism can, therefore, also come into operation
spontaneous mutations in certain genes have when one of the X chromosomes is lost or an
been traced to transposable elements. extra one is inherited because of an error in
There are four major kinds of chromosome cell division. The resulting conditions, such as
mutations. A chromosome deletion or defi- Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome,
ciency is produced when two breaks occur in are much less severe than the developmental
the chromosome but are repaired by leaving problems associated with other changes in
out the middle section. For example, if the chromosome number.
sections of a chromosome are labeled with the
letters ABCDEFGHIJKLMN and chromosome Mutation Rate
breaks occur at F-G and at K-L, the broken A mutation is any heritable change in the ge-
chromosome can be erroneously repaired by netic material, but there are several different
enzymes that link the ABCDEF fragment to the ways one can look at genetic change. For exam-
LMN fragment. The genes in the unattached ple, errors can occur when the DNA molecule
middle segment, GHIJK, will be lost from the is being duplicated during cell division. In sim-
chromosome. Losing these gene copies can af- ple organisms such as bacteria, about one thou-
fect many different developmental processes sand nucleotides are added to the duplicating
and even cause the death of the organism. DNA molecule each second. The speed is not
Chromosome breaks and other processes can as great in plants and animals, but errors still
also cause some genes to be duplicated in the occur when mispairing between A and T or be-
chromosome (for example, ABCDEFGHDEFG tween C and G nucleotides occurs. DNA breaks
HIJKLMN). A third kind of chromosome muta- are also common. These kinds of genetic
tion, an inversion, changes the order of the change can be classified as genetic damage.
genes when the segment between two chromo- Some mutations are spontaneous, caused by
somal breaks is reattached backward (for ex- changes that occur in the process of normal
ample, ABCDJIHGFEKLMN). Finally, chromo- cell biochemistry. Other damage that can be
some segments can be moved from one kind of traced to environmental factors changes bases,
chromosome to another in a structural change causes mispairing, or breaks DNA strands. For-
called a translocation. Some examples of heri- tunately, almost all of this initial genetic dam-
table Down syndrome are caused by this type of age is repaired by enzymes that recognize and
chromosome mutation. correct errors in nucleotide pairing or DNA
Genomic mutations are a large factor in the strand breaks. It is the unrepaired genetic dam-
genetic damage that occurs in humans. Whole age that appears as new mutations. One of the
chromosomes can be lost or gained by errors first geneticists to design experiments to mea-
during cell division. In animals, almost all ex- sure mutation rate was Hermann Mller, who
amples of chromosome loss are so develop- received the Nobel Prize for his work on muta-
mentally severe that the individual cannot sur- genesis, including the discovery that X rays
vive to birth. On the other hand, since extra cause mutations.
Mutation and Mutagenesis 565

eventually passed on to male descendants. If a

Induction of Mutations by X Rays new lethal mutation exists on a specific X chro-
X X X Y mosome, all males that inherit that chromo-
some copy will die during development. Spon-
sc sc sc+ taneous mutation rates measured by this
v v v+ technique average about 1 105 for each gene.
f f f+ In other words, there is a probability of about 1
bb+ bb+ bb
in 100,000 that a mutation will occur in a partic-
Scute, vermillion, forked females Bobbedbristle males ular gene each generation. This is a very low
probability for a specific gene, but when it is
multiplied for all of the genes in an animal or
sc sc+ sc plant, it is likely that a new mutation has oc-
v v+ v curred somewhere on the chromosomes of an

f f+ f organism each generation.

bb+ bb bb+ Spontaneous mutation rates vary to some
Nonmutant females Scute, vermillion, forked males
extent from one gene to another and from one
organism to another, but one major source of
X Y X Y variation in mutation rate comes from external
sc sc+
agents that act on the DNA to increase damage
type type
v v+
or inhibit repair. One of the most widely used
f f+
techniques for measuring the mutagenic activ-
bb+ bb
ity of a chemical was developed in the 1970s by
Bruce Ames. The Ames test uses bacteria that
Scute, vermillion, forked males Bobbedbristle males have a mutation that makes them unable to
produce the amino acid histidine. These bacte-
sc = scute bristles v = vermillion eye
ria cannot survive in culture unless they are
f = forked bristles bb = bobbed bristles
given histidine in the medium. To test whether
+ = nonmutant
a chemical increases the mutation rate, it is
If, for a given fly and its descendants, an induced or spontane-
mixed with a sample of these bacteria, and they
ous lethal mutation occurs in the paternal X chromosome are placed on a medium without histidine. Any
(shaded), no third-generation males of type B will result. If a colonies that survive represent bacteria in
spontaneous lethal mutation occurs in an original maternal which a new mutation has occurred to reverse
X chromosome, then no third-generation males of type A will the original defect (a back-mutation). Since
result. many chemicals that cause mutations also
cause cancer, this quick and inexpensive test is
now used worldwide to screen potential carci-
The experiments by Mller provide a useful nogenic, or cancer-causing, agents.
example of the kind of experimental design Mutation rates in mice are measured by use
that can be used to measure mutation rates. of the specific-locus test. In this test, wild-type
Mller focused on new mutations (lethals) on male mice are mated with females that are ho-
the X chromosome of Drosophila that could mozygous for up to seven visible, recessive mu-
cause the carrier to die. Since a male has only tations that cause changes in coat color, eye
one X chromosome, a lethal mutation on that color, and shape of the ear. If no mutations oc-
chromosome causes death. A living male Dro- cur in any of the seven genes in the germ cells
sophila must, therefore, have no lethal muta- of the male, the male offspring will all be wild
tions on his X chromosome. If a male Drosophila type in appearance. However, a new mutation
is treated with an agent such as X irradiation or in any of the seven genes will yield a progeny
certain chemicals, new lethal mutations can be with a mutant phenotype (for example, a new
detected when he is mated with special genetic coat color). The same cross can also be used to
strains of females. His X chromosomes are identify new mutations in females. Since mice
566 Mutation and Mutagenesis

are mammals, they are a close model system to mutation carrier dies, a geneticist can piece to-
humans. Thus, results from mutation studies in gether a picture of the timing and role of im-
mice have helped identify agents that are likely portant gene functions.
to be mutagenic in humans. Another useful insight comes from muta-
tions with effects that vary. For example, many
The Use of Mutations to Study mutations have phenotypic effects that depend
Development on the conditions, such as temperature, in
Mutations offer geneticists a powerful tool which the individual develops. An interesting
to analyze development. By understanding the example of such temperature sensitivity is the
way development is changed by a mutation, fur color of Siamese cats. The biochemical
one can determine the role the normal gene pathway for pigmentation is active in cool tem-
plays. Although most people tend to think of peratures but is inactivated at warmer body
mutations as causing some easily visible change temperature. For this reason, a Siamese cat will
in the appearance of a plant or animal (such as only be pigmented in the cooler parts such as
wrinkled pea seeds or white mouse fur), most the tips of the ears and tail. Gene interactions
mutations are actually lethal when present in like this allow geneticists to study the condi-
two copies (homozygous). These lethal muta- tions under which the protein coded by a mu-
tions affect some critical aspect of cell structure tant gene works.
or other fundamental aspect of development It would be a mistake, however, to think that
or function. Genes turn on and off at specific all mutations have large phenotypic effects.
times during development, and by studying the Many complex traits are produced by many
abnormalities that begin to show when a lethal genes working together and are affected by

Image not available

The coats of Siamese cats are darker at their extremities as the result of a mutation that is affected by body temperature. (AP/Wide
World Photos)
Mutation and Mutagenesis 567

environmental variables such as temperature. See also: Biochemical Mutations; Cancer;

These are called quantitative traits because they Cell Cycle, The; Central Dogma of Molecular
are measured on some kind of scale, such as Biology; Chemical Mutagens; Chromosome
size, number, or intensity. The mutations that Mutation; Classical Transmission Genetics;
affect quantitative traits are not different, ex- Complementation Testing; Congenital Disor-
cept perhaps in the magnitude of their individ- ders; Consanguinity and Genetic Disease; Cys-
ual effects, from other kinds of gene mutation. tic Fibrosis; Extrachromosomal Inheritance;
Mutations in quantitative traits are a major Genetic Load; Hereditary Diseases; Hunting-
source of heritable variation on which natural tons Disease; Inborn Errors of Metabolism;
and artificial selection can act to change a phe- Mitochondrial Genes; Molecular Genetics; On-
notype. cogenes; Phenylketonuria (PKU); Transposable
Elements; Tumor-Suppressor Genes.
Impact and Applications
It will probably never be possible to elimi- Further Reading
nate all mutation events because many muta- Braman, Jeff, ed. In Vitro Mutagenesis Protocols.
tions are caused by small errors in normal DNA 2d ed. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 2002.
duplication when cells divide. Learning how Presents advanced mutagenesis techniques.
mutations affect cell division and cell function Illustrated.
can help one to understand processes such as Friedberg, Errol C., et al., eds. DNA Repair and
cancer and birth defects that can often be Mutagenesis. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press,
traced to genetic change. Some explanations 1995. An accessible, comprehensive look at
of processes such as aging have focused on mu- how living cells respond to genomic injury
tation in somatic cells. Mutation is also the and alterations, covering mutagenesis and
source of genetic variation in natural popula- other forms of DNA damage tolerance. In-
tions, and the long-term survival of a species cludes illustrations and more than four
depends on its ability to draw on this variation thousand references.
to adapt to new environmental conditions. Radman, Miroslav, and Robert Wagner. The
Two aspects of mutagenesis will continue to High Fidelity of DNA Duplication. Scientific
grow in importance. First, environmental and American 259 (August, 1988). Discusses the
human-made mutagens will continue to be a high degree of accuracy in the process of
source of concern as technological advances DNA duplication.
occur. Many scientists are working to monitor Smith, Paul J., and Christopher J. Jones, eds.
and correct potential mutagenic hazards. Sec- DNA Recombination and Repair. New York: Ox-
ond, geneticists are beginning to use molecular ford University Press, 2000. Addresses the in-
tools, such as transposable elements and the tegrity of genomes for good health and how
techniques of genetic engineering, to produce DNA repair and recombination relates to ill-
preplanned genetic changes. Directed muta- ness, especially cancer. Illustrated.
genesis of DNA offers a way to correct preex- Sobti, R. C., G. Obe, and P. Quillardet, eds.
isting genetic defects or alter phenotypes in Trends in Environmental Mutagenesis. New
planned ways. Mutation is, therefore, both a Delhi: Tausco, 1999. Discusses genetic toxi-
source of problems and a source of promise. cology, environmental mutagenic microbes,
James N. Thompson, Jr. asbestos genotoxicity, and more. Illustra-
R. C. Woodruff tions, bibliography.
Natural Selection
ried by its offspring, which would be better rep-
Fields of study: Evolutionary biology; resented in future generations. In other words,
Population genetics the individuals carrying those traits would be
Significance: Natural selection is the mechanism naturally selected because of the advantages
proposed by Charles Darwin to account for biologi- of the traits. For example, if a small mammal
cal evolutionary change. Using examples of artifi- happened to have a color pattern that made it
cial selection as analogies, he suggested that any more difficult for predators to see, it would
heritable traits that allow an advantage in sur- have a better chance of surviving and repro-
vival or reproduction to an individual organism ducing. The mammals offspring would share
would be naturally selected and increase in fre- the color pattern and the advantage over differ-
quency until the entire population had the trait. ently patterned members of the same species.
Selection, along with other evolutionary forces, in- Over many generations, the proportion of indi-
fluences the changes in genetic and morphological viduals with the selected pattern would in-
variation that characterize biological evolution. crease until it was present in every member of
the species, and the species would be said to
Key terms have evolved the color pattern trait.
adaptation: the evolution of a trait by natural Natural selection is commonly defined as
selection, or a trait that has evolved as a re- survival of the fittest, although this is often
sult of natural selection misinterpreted to mean that individuals who are
artificial selection: selective breeding of somehow better than others will survive while
desirable traits, typically in domesticated or- the others will not. As long as the traits convey
ganisms some advantage in reproduction so that the in-
fitness: an individuals potential for natural dividuals offspring are better represented in
selection as measured by the number of off- the next generation, then natural selection is oc-
spring of that individual relative to those of curring. The advantage may be a better ability to
others survive, or it may be something else, such as the
group selection: selection in which charac- ability to produce more offspring.
teristics of a group not attributable to the in- For natural selection to lead to evolutionary
dividuals making up the group are favored change, the traits under selection must be heri-
table, and there must be some forms of the
Natural Selection and Evolution traits that have advantages over other forms
In 1859, English naturalist Charles Darwin (variation). If the trait is not inherited by off-
published On the Origin of Species by Means of Nat- spring, it cannot persist and become more
ural Selection, in which he made two significant common in later generations. Darwin recog-
contributions to the field of biology: First, he nized this, even though in his time the mecha-
proposed that biological evolution can occur nisms of heredity and the sources of new ge-
by descent with modification, with a succes- netic variation were not understood. After the
sion of minor inherited changes in a lineage rediscovery of Gregor Mendels principles of
leading to significant change over many gener- genetics in the early years of the twentieth cen-
ations; and second, he proposed natural selec- tury, there was not an immediate integration of
tion as the primar y mechanism for such genetics into evolutionary biology. In fact, it
change. (This was also proposed indepen- was suggested that genetic mutation might be
dently by Alfred R. Wallace and was presented the major mechanism of evolution. This belief,
with Darwin in the form of a joint research pa- known as Mendelism, was at odds with Darwin-
per some years earlier.) Darwin reasoned that if ism, in which natural selection was the primary
an individual organism carried traits that al- force of evolution. However, with the modern
lowed it to have some advantage in survival or synthesis of genetics and evolutionary theory
reproduction, then those traits would be car- in the 1940s and 1950s, Mendelian genetics
Natural Selection 569

was shown to be entirely compatible with Dar- type (or, equivalently, one that is incapable of
winian evolution. With this recognition, the reproduction).
role of mutation in evolution was relegated to The simplest models of selection include the
the source of variation in traits upon which nat- assumption that a genotypes fitness does not
ural selection can act. change with time or context and demonstrate
The potential for natural selection of an or- three basic types of selection, defined by how
ganism is measured by its fitness. In practice, selection acts on a distribution of varying forms
the fitness of an individual is some measure of of a trait (where extreme forms are rare and av-
the representation of its own offspring in the erage forms are common). These three types
next generation, often relative to other individ- are directional selection (in which one extreme
uals. If a trait has evolved as a result of natural se- is favored), disruptive selection (in which both
lection, it is said to be an adaptation. The term extremes are favored), and stabilizing selection
adaptation can also refer to the process of nat- (in which average forms are favored). The first
ural selection driving the evolution of such a two types (with the first probably being the
trait. There are several evolutionary forces in ad- most common) can lead to substantial genetic
dition to selection (for example, genetic drift, change and thus evolution, though in the pro-
migration, and mutation) that can influence the cess genetic variation is depleted. The third
evolution of a trait, though the process is called type maintains variation but does not result in
adaptation as long as selection is involved. much genetic change. These results create a
problem: Natural populations generally have
Population Genetics and Natural substantial genetic variation, but most selection
Selection is expected to deplete it. The problem has led
Population geneticists explore the actual population geneticists to explore the role of
and theoretical changes in the genetic compo- other forces working in place of, or in conjunc-
sition of natural or hypothetical populations. tion with, natural selection and to study more
Not surprisingly, a large part of the theoretical complex models of selection. Examples include
and empirical work in the field has concen- models that allow a genotype to be more or less
trated on the action of natural selection on fit if it is more common (frequency-dependent
genetic variation in a population. Ronald A. selection) or that allow many genes to interact
Fisher and J. B. S. Haldane were the primary ar- in determining a genotypes fitness (multilocus
chitects of selection theory beginning in the selection). Despite the role of other forces, se-
1930s, and Theodosius Dobzhansky was a pio- lection is considered an important and per-
neer in the detection of natural selection act- haps complex mechanism of genetic change.
ing on genetic variants in populations of Dro-
sophila melanogaster (fruit flies). Detecting and Measuring Fitness
The most basic mathematical model of genes Although a great amount of theoretical work
in a population led to the Hardy-Weinberg law, on the effects of selection has been done, it
which predicts that there would be no change is also important to relate theoretical results
in the genetic composition of a population in to actual populations. Accordingly, there has
the absence of any evolutionary forces such as been a substantial amount of research on natu-
natural selection. However, models that include ral and laboratory populations to measure the
selection show that it can have specific influ- presence and strength of natural selection. In
ences on a populations genetic variation. In practice, selection must be fairly strong for it to
such models, the fitness of an organisms geno- be distinguished from the small random effects
type is represented by a fitness coefficient (or that are inherent in natural processes.
the related selection coefficient), in which the Ideally, a researcher would measure the total
genotype with the highest fitness is assigned a selection on organisms over their entire life cy-
value of 1, and the remaining genotypes are as- cles, but in some cases this may be too difficult
signed values relative to the highest fitness. A or time-consuming. Also, a researcher may be
fitness coefficient of 0 represents a lethal geno- interested in discovering what specific parts of
570 Natural Selection

the life cycle selection influences. For these the role of bird predation in the selection pro-
reasons, many workers choose to measure com- cess. Nevertheless, selection of some sort is still
ponents of fitness by breaking down the life cy- considered the best explanation for the changes
cle into phases and looking for fitness differ- observed in peppered moth populations, even
ences among individuals at some or all of them. though the selective factor responsible is not
These components can differ with different known.
species but often include fertility selection (dif- Later, a second method of fitness measure-
ferences in the number of gametes produced), ment was applied to the peppered moth using a
fecundity selection (differences in the number mark-recapture experiment. In such an experi-
of offspring produced), viability selection (dif- ment, known quantities of marked genotypes
ferences in the ability to survive to reproduc- are released into nature and collected again
tive age), and mating success (differences in some time later. The change in the proportion
the ability to successfully reproduce). It is often of genotypes in the recaptured sample provides
found in such studies that total lifetime fitness a way to estimate their relative fitnesses. In
is caused primarily by fitness in one of these practice, this method has a number of difficul-
components, but not all. In fact, it may be that ties associated with making accurate and com-
genotypes can have a disadvantage in one com- plete collections of organisms in nature, but
ponent but still be selected with a higher over- the fitness measure of melanic moths by this
all fitness because of greater advantages in method was in general agreement with that of
other components. the first method. A third method of measuring
There are several empirical methods for de- fitness is to measure deviations from the geno-
tection and measurement of fitness. One rela- type proportions expected if a population is
tively simple way is to observe changes in gene in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. This method
or genotype frequencies in a population and fit can be very unreliable if deviations are the re-
the data on the rate of change to a model of sult of something other than selection.
gene-frequency change under selection to
yield an estimate of the fitness of the gene or ge- Units of Selection
notype. The estimate is more accurate if the Darwin envisioned evolution by selection on
rate of mutation of the genes in question is individual organisms, but he also considered
taken into account. In the famous example of the possibility that there could be forms of se-
industrial melanism, it was observed that me- lection that would not favor the survival of the
lanic (dark-colored) individuals of the pep- individual. He noted that in many sexual spe-
pered moth Biston betularia became more com- cies, one sex often has traits that are seemingly
mon in Great Britain in the late nineteenth disadvantageous but may provide some advan-
century, corresponding to the increase in pol- tage in attracting or competing for mates. For
lution that came with the Industrial Revolu- instance, peacocks have a large, elaborately
tion. It was suggested that the melanic moths decorated tail that is energetically costly to
were favored over the lighter moths because grow and maintain and might be a burden
they were camouflaged on tree trunks where when fleeing from predators. However, it
soot had killed the lichen and were therefore seems to be necessary to attract and secure
less conspicuous to bird predators. Although it a mate. Darwin, and later Fisher, described
is now known that the genetics of melanism are how such a trait could evolve by sexual selec-
more complex, early experiments suggested tion if the female evolves a preference for it,
that there was a single locus with a dominant even if natural selection would tend to elimi-
melanic allele and a recessive light allele; the nate it.
data from one hundred years of moth samples Other researchers have suggested that in
were used to infer that light moths have two- some cases selection may act on biological units
thirds the survival ability of melanic moths. other than the individual. Richard Dawkinss
Later studies also showed that peppered moths The Selfish Gene (1976) popularized the idea
do not rest on tree trunks, calling into question that selection may be acting directly on genes
Natural Selection 571

and only indirectly on the organisms that carry traits, they could gradually improve the lin-
them. This distinction is perhaps only a philo- eage. Darwin used numerous examples of arti-
sophical one, but there are specific cases in ficial selection to illustrate biological change
which genes are favored over the organism, and argued that natural selection, while not
such as the segregation distorter allele in Dro- necessarily as strong or directed, would influ-
sophila that is overrepresented in offspring of ence change in much the same way. It is impor-
heterozygotes but lethal in homozygous condi- tant to make a clear distinction between the
tions. two processes: Breeders have clear, long-term
The theory of kin selection was developed to goals in mind in their breeding programs, but
explain the evolution of altruistic behavior there are no such goals in nature. There is only
such as self-sacrifice. In some bird species, for the immediate advantage of the trait to the con-
example, an individual will issue a warning call tinuation of the lineage. The application of se-
against predators and subsequently be targeted lection theory to more recent breeding pro-
by the predator. Such behavior, while bad for grams has benefited human populations in the
the individual, can be favored if those benefit- form of new and better food supplies.
ing from it are close relatives. While the individ- Stephen T. Kilpatrick
ual may perish, relatives that carry the genes See also: Altruism; Ancient DNA; Artificial
for the behavior survive and altruism can evolve. Selection; Classical Transmission Genetics;
Kin selection is a specific type of group selec- Evolutionary Biology; Genetic Code; Genetic
tion in which selection favors attributes of a Code, Cracking of; Genetics, Historical Devel-
group rather than an individual. It is not clear opment of; Hardy-Weinberg Law; Human Ge-
whether group selection is common in evolu- netics; Lamarckianism; Mendelian Genetics;
tion or limited to altruistic behavior. Molecular Clock Hypothesis; Mutation and
Mutagenesis; Population Genetics; Punctuated
Impact and Applications Equilibrium; Repetitive DNA; RNA World;
The development of theories of selection Sociobiology; Speciation; Transposable Ele-
and the experimental investigation of selection ments.
have always been intertwined with the field of
evolutionary biology and have led to a better Further Reading
understanding of the history of biological Dawkins, Richard. Extended Phenotype: The Long
change in nature. More recently, there have Reach of the Gene. Rev. 2d ed. Afterword by
been medical applications of this knowledge, Daniel Dennett. New York: Oxford Univer-
particularly in epidemiology. The specific sity Press, 1999. Argues that the selfish (indi-
mode of action of a disease organism or other vidual) gene extends to making artifacts,
parasite is shaped by the selection pressures of such as birds nests, and to manipulative,
the host it infects. Selection theory can aid in persuasive behavior for survival. Bibliogra-
the understanding of cycles of diseases and the phy, index.
response of parasite populations to antibiotic _______. The Selfish Gene. New York: Oxford
or vaccination programs used to combat them. University Press, 1989. Argues that the world
Although the idea of natural selection as a of the selfish gene revolves around competi-
mechanism of biological change was suggested tion and exploitation and yet acts of appar-
in the nineteenth century, artificial selection in ent altruism do exist in nature. A popular
the form of domestication of plants and ani- account of sociobiological theories that revi-
mals has been practiced by humans for many talized Darwins natural selection theory.
thousands of years. Early plant and animal Dover, Gabriel A. Dear Mr. Darwin: Letters on the
breeders recognized that there was variation in Evolution of Life and Human Nature. Berkeley:
many traits, with some variations being more University of California Press, 2000. A fic-
desirable than others. Without a formal under- tional tale of correspondence with Charles
standing of genetics, they found that by choos- Darwin. Illustrated.
ing and breeding individuals with the desired Fisher, Ronald Aylmer. The Genetical Theory of
572 Neural Tube Defects

Natural Selection: A Complete Variorum Edition. Michod, Richard E. Darwinian Dynamics: Evolu-
Edited with a foreword and notes by J. H. tionary Transitions in Fitness and Individuality.
Bennett. New York: Oxford University Press, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,
1999. Facsimile of the 1930 edition. Illus- 1999. Argues that cooperation instead of
trated. competition and violence accounts for spe-
Gould, Stephen Jay. The Structure of Evolutionary cies survival and fitness, and that evolution
Theory. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univer- occurs through genetic change instead of
sity Press, 2002. Gould considers this book the more common theory of endurance. Il-
on natural selection his major work, a col- lustrations, bibliography, index.
lection of twenty-five years of study explor- Ryan, Frank. Darwins Blind Spot: Evolution Be-
ing the history and future of evolutionary yond Natural Selection. Boston: Houghton
theory. Includes a chapter on punctuated Mifflin, 2002. Argues for a symbiotic instead
equilibrium. Illustrations, bibliography, and of the most widely accepted competitive and
index. survival-based theory of evolution. Bibliog-
Keller, Laurent, ed. Levels of Selection in Evolu- raphy, index.
tion. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Shermer, Michael. In Darwins Shadow: The Life
Press, 1999. Addresses the question of what and Science of Alfred Russel Wallace: A Biograph-
keeps competition between various levels of ical Study on the Psychology of History. New
natural selection from destroying the com- York: Oxford University Press, 2002. The un-
mon interests to be gained from coopera- sung contemporary of Darwin deserves
tion between members of a species. Illus- equal credit for developing early evolution-
trated. ary theory. Illustrated.
Levy, Charles K. Evolutionary Wars: A Three-Bil- Williams, George C. Adaptation and Natural Se-
lion-Year Arms Race: The Battle of Species on lection: A Critique of Some Current Evolutionary
Land, at Sea, and in the Air. Illustrations by Thought. 1966. Reprint. Princeton, N.J.:
Trudy Nicholson. New York: W. H. Freeman, Princeton University Press, 1996. A good in-
1999. Discusses the often violent nature of troduction to adaptation and units of selec-
natural selection and adaptation, including tion. New preface. Bibliography, index.
the survival skills and mechanisms of drag-
onflies, frogs, viruses, poison-filled jellyfish, Web Site of Interest
and beetles, and the tongues of woodpeck- Writings of Charles Dar win. http://pages
ers and anteaters. Ninety-four illustrations, .britishlibrary.net/charles.darwin. Resource
index. for Darwins writings, a bibliography, and
Lynch, John M., ed. Darwins Theory of Natural biographical material. Includes online ver-
Selection: British Responses, 1859-1871. 4 vols. sion of Darwins On the Origin of Species by
Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press, 2002. A Means of Natural Selection (1859).
collection of rare, primary sources by scien-
tists, theologians, and others on Darwins
theory, including the 1867 critical review by
Fleeming Jenkin that Darwin thought best
summarized his work on natural selection.
Bibliography, index.
Neural Tube Defects
Magurran, Anne E., and Robert M. May, eds. Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
Evolution of Biological Diversity: From Popula- Significance: Neural tube defects are a category of
tion Differentiation to Speciation. New York: Ox- birth defects that usually result from the failure of
ford University Press, 1999. Discusses species the neural tube to close properly during gestational
variation as theorized by proponents of nat- development. Many neural tube defects can be pre-
ural selection, ecological, and behavioral vented through folic acid supplementation and
models. Looks at fossil records for empirical avoidance of other risk factors. However, because
data. Illustrations, bibliography, index. the neural tube closes during the first gestational
Neural Tube Defects 573

month, preventive measures must be instituted Formation of the Neural Tube

prior to pregnancy. Therefore, prevention of neu- Neural tube defects represent congenital de-
ral tube defects depends on the planning or expec- fects that have long been prevalent in human
tation of pregnancies while initiating positive life- populations. Documented cases of anenceph-
style changes. alus and spina bifida have been found among
the skeletal remains of the ancient Egyptians
Key terms and prehistoric Native Americans. In the con-
anencephalus: a neural tube defect character- temporary world, spina bifida remains one of
ized by the failure of the cerebral hemi- the most common birth defects. Yet despite
spheres of the brain and the cranium to de- their prevalence and antiquity, some questions
velop normally concerning the causes of neural tube defects
etiology: the cause or causes of a disease or remain unanswered.
disorder Neural tube defects result from a disruption
multifactorial: characterized by a complex in the formation or closure of the neural tube,
interaction of genetic and environmental which, during embryonic development, differ-
factors entiates into the brain and spinal cord. The
neural tube: the embryonic precursor to the neural tube develops first out of the neural
spinal cord and brain that normally closes at plate. The borders of the neural plate are
small openings, or neuropores, by the folded, forming the neural groove. The neural
twenty-eighth day of gestation groove becomes progressively deeper, placing
spina bifida: a neural tube defect that usually the two folds in opposition. Final development
results from the failure of the posterior of the neural tube occurs as the dorsal folds
neuropore to close properly during gesta- fuse along the midline. Closure of this struc-
tion ture begins around the third gestational week,

Types of Spina Bifida

Thin skin at apex Defective skin, allowing
serious infection


Deficient vertebral arches Sac containing Normal cord Cord displaced into sac,
and dura, associated with CSF position associated with serious
minor nerve defects, esp. nervous deficit, esp.
bladder dysfunction in legs, bladder

Occulta Meningocele Meningomyelocele

Spina bifida is among the most common neural tube disorders. (Hans & Cassidy, Inc.)
574 Neural Tube Defects

beginning at its midportion and ending at the protrusion of neural tissue occurs through an
anterior and posterior neuropores around the opening along the midline of the skull. The
twenty-fifth and twenty-seventh gestational prognosis and outcome of infants born with
days, respectively. encephalocele depends upon the size of the le-
sion and the extent to which neural tissues are
Classification of Neural Tube Defects involved.
Disruption in the formation and closure of
the posterior neuropores is associated with Prevalence-at-Birth Rates and Causes
spina bifida. Spina bifida occulta is generally Prevalence-at-birth rates of neural tube de-
unaccompanied by protrusion of the spinal fects show substantial geographic and tempo-
cord or its coverings through the open, un- ral variation. Historically, some of the highest
fused arches of the vertebrae. On the other prevalence-at-birth rates have been docu-
hand, much more severe conditions, catego- mented in the British Isles and range from as
rized as spina bifida cystica, result in the hernia- high as 4.5 in 1,000 births in Belfast, Ireland, to
tion of neural tissues and the formation of cys- as low as 1.5 in 1,000 births in London, En-
tic swelling. One form of spina bifida cystica, gland. In the United States, the highest rates of
meningomyelocele, is marked by the protru- neural tube defects have historically occurred
sion of both the meninges and the spinal cord in northeastern states. Rates of neural tube de-
through the unfused vertebral arch. In the fects are declining in most areas of the world,
most severe cases, portions of the spinal cord although regional outbreaks, marked by higher
and nerve roots are encased in the walls of the birth prevalence rates, have been reported and
sac, damaging and hindering normal neuro- are generally unexplained. Typically, rates in the
logical functioning and development. In such contemporary United States average around 1
instances, the severity of the neurological dys- to 2 in 1,000 births, and the risk of having an in-
function depends on the location of the lesion fant with a neural tube defect increases by
along the vertebral column, as nerves below about 2 percent if a couple has previously had a
the defect are adversely affected. Meningocele, child with such a defect.
a more moderate manifestation of spina bifida Among the most important risk factors are
cystica, is encountered four to five times less those relating to the diet and health status of
frequently than meningomyelocele. Unlike the prospective mothers. Also, there are indica-
latter condition, the cystic sacs of meningoceles tions that excessive elevation of a womans body
are made up solely of meninges and spinal temperature during early pregnancy, through
fluid. This factor, coupled with the lack of in- hot baths or recreational hot tubs, may increase
volvement of the spinal cord, generally affords her chances of having an infant with a neural
a more favorable prognosis, although some sen- tube defect. A number of studies have sug-
sory and motor deficits may persist after surgery. gested that women who give birth to infants
Anencephalus, which results from the dis- with neural tube defects have lower health sta-
ruption of the anterior neuropore, is the most tus and poorer diets than other women. Inade-
devastating and severe of all the neural tube de- quate levels of folate appear to place women
fects. Infants born with this birth defect are at greater risk of having an infant with a neu-
lacking significant areas of their brain and ral tube defect. Doctors now recommend that
skull. The region normally occupied by the ce- women planning a pregnancy supplement their
rebral hemispheres consists of a formless mass diets with folate, although any woman plan-
of highly vascular connective tissue, while most ning to become pregnant should first consult
of the bones of the skull are simply absent. her doctor before taking any supplement. Tests
Many anencephalic infants are stillborn; most for alpha-fetaprotein in the mothers blood
die soon after birth. during the prenatal period can help detect the
Encephalocele, like anencephalus, is be- presence of a neural tube defect in the develop-
lieved to result from defective closure of the an- ing fetus.
terior neuropore. In these conditions, a saclike Mary K. Sandford
Noncoding RNA Molecules 575

See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil- nificance and functions began to be understood.
lus Sampling; Congenital Defects; Develop- The functions of the many ncRNAs so far discov-
mental Genetics; Prenatal Diagnosis. ered include roles in DNA replication, post-
transcriptional control of gene expression, process-
Further Reading ing of other RNAs, and mRNA stability.
Bock, Gregory, and Joan Marsh, eds. Neural
Tube Defects. New York: Wiley, 1994. Discusses Key terms
prenatal screening, before- and after-birth cDNA library: a collection of clones pro-
treatment, and the genetic and environmen- duced from all the RNA molecules in the
tal causes of congenital malformations. Illus- cells of a particular organism, often from a
trations, bibliography, index. single tissue
Evans, Mark I., ed. Metabolic and Genetic clone: a culture of bacteria, usually Escheri-
Screening. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, chia coli, whose cells contain a recombinant
2001. Covers principles of screening, neural plasmid
tube defects, prenatal genetic screening in codon: a three-letter nucleotide sequence in
the Ashkenazi Jewish population, cystic fi- RNA or DNA that codes for a specific amino
brosis, and identifying and managing hered- acid; a gene is composed of a long string of
itary risk of breast and ovarian cancer. codons
Massaro, Edward J., and John M. Rogers, eds. intron: an intervening sequence in a eukary-
Folate and Human Development. Totowa, N.J.: otic gene (generally there are several to
Humana Press, 2002. Focuses on how folate many per gene) which must be removed
could help prevent human developmental when it is transcribed into messenger RNA
disorders, including neural tube defects. Il- (mRNA); introns are assumed to have no
lustrations, bibliography, index. function and therefore mutations in them
are often considered neutral
Web Sites of Interest spliceosome: a complex assemblage of pro-
Medline Plus. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/ teins and RNA in the nucleus of cells that
medlineplus/neuraltubedefects.html. Med- cuts out introns and splices the exons of a
line, sponsored by the National Institutes of maturing mRNA
Health, is one of the first stops for any medi-
cal question; this page provides descriptions Definition
and links to clinical trials and other resources Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) include any
for neural tube defects. RNA that is not messenger RNA (mRNA), ribo-
Spina Bifida Association of America. http:// somal RNA (rRNA), or transfer RNA (tRNA).
www.sbaa.org. Offers information, fact The discovery of the first ncRNAs in the 1960s
sheets, testimonials, a clinic directory, copi- occurred because they were expressed in such
ous links to other resources, and more. high numbers. At the time, RNA was consid-
ered to function only as a means to express a
gene, all three of the main types of RNA being
intimately involved in this process. Many of the
Noncoding RNA Molecules ncRNAs discovered over the next twenty years
were also discovered fortuitously, before any
Field of study: Molecular genetics speculation about their possible functions was
Significance: Although less familiar than mRNA, even considered. Once transcription and pro-
tRNA, and rRNA, noncoding RNA molecules cessing of mRNAs was elucidated, many of the
(ncRNAs) play many rolesincluding some that ncRNAs were considered leftover fragments
have not yet been elucidatedin normal cellular representing the introns that had been cut out
functions. The existence of ncRNAs has been of pre-mRNAs. At the same time it was discov-
known since the 1960s, but it was not until the ered that some of the ncRNAs were involved in
last decade of the twentieth century that their sig- the process of intron removal and exon splic-
576 Noncoding RNA Molecules

ing. Systematic searches for ncRNAs did not be- terrupt the coding sequence of the gene, when
gin until the later 1990s and, once under- an RNA is first transcribed it cannot be trans-
taken, revealed a veritable universe of ncRNAs, lated without being processed. Processing in-
ranging from very short sequences of less than volves removal of the introns and the splicing
100 nucleotides to some around 100,000 nucle- of the remaining fragments, the exons, which
otides, and possibly more. For a system consid- contain the coding sequence of the gene. The
ered so well understood, the entry of so many cellular machine that does this job is the
new players has added a whole new layer of spliceosome. It is a complex assemblage of pro-
complexity to the study of genetics. teins and small RNAs. The proteins and RNAs
are grouped together into several particles
Types of ncRNA and Their Occurrence called small nuclear ribonucleoproteins
Researchers have now identified ncRNAs in (snRNPs, pronounced snurps by geneticists).
essentially all organisms, from bacteria to hu- The RNA component of snRNPs are small nu-
mans. In bacteria they tend to be smaller and in clear RNAs (snRNAs), the best known being
most cases are called small RNA (sRNA). Al- U1 snRNA. Several different snRNAs are now
though the most common name for noncoding known, and they are components of the several
RNAs in other organisms is ncRNA, they also snRNPs that come together to make a func-
have gone by the name small non-messenger tional spliceosome.
RNA (snmRNA). After these general names, Subsequent discoveries revealed that
there is a collection of names for ncRNAs that snRNPs, and thus snRNAs, were involved in
have particular characteristics or functions, other types of RNA processing. Some are in-
and the list of names will probably grow as new volved in polyadenylation, the addition of ade-
ncRNAs are discovered. Some newly discov- nine nucleotides to the 3 end of mRNAs to
ered ncRNAs cannot be assigned a function. make what is called a poly-A tail. Histone pro-
tein mRNAs are known to lack poly-A tails, but
ncRNAs Involved in RNA Processing in Xenopus (the African clawed frog), snRNPs
Because almost all eukaryotic genes contain are still involved in properly finishing the 3
intervening sequences, called introns, that in- end. A final role for some is maturation of
rRNA transcripts, whose spacer RNA se-
quences must be removed. All of these func-
tions verge on being enzyme-like.
Types of ncRNA A complex related to snRNPs was first found
in bacteria and has now been found in all
Type of ncRNA Abbreviation
groups of organisms. It contains proteins and
guide RNA gRN RNA and is called ribonuclease P (RNase P); it
is involved in the processing of tRNA and some
heterogeneous nuclear RNA hnRNA
rRNAs. Experiments have shown that the RNA
micro-RNA miRNA component can catalyze the required reac-
small cytoplasmic RNA scRN tions, even without the protein component,
making it the first clear-cut ribozyme, an RNA
small interfering RNA siRNA
with catalytic properties. Several types of
small non-messenger RNA snmRNA ncRNA are now known to act as ribozymes, and
small nuclear RNA snRNA this ability prompted the evolutionary commu-
nity to propose that early life was RNA-based
small nucleolar RNA snoRNA
rather than protein and DNA-based.
small temporal RNA stRNA
transfer messenger RNA tmRNA ncRNAs Involved in RNA Modification
RNA modification by small nucleolar RNAs
Bryan Ness (snoRNAs) has been best studied in Saccharo-
myces cerevisiae (yeast). Mature rRNAs must
Noncoding RNA Molecules 577

have some of their ribose sugars methylated, A final ncRNA, originally believed to be
and although their exact role in the process found only in the nematode Caenorhabditis ele-
has not yet been completely defined, snoRNAs gans, is small temporal RNA (stRNA). The
are involved. They bind to rRNAs in small re- stRNAs block translation of specific mRNAs af-
gions where they have complementary base ter translation has begun, but apparently they
sequences and somehow direct methylation. do not tag the mRNA for degradation. They are
Other snoRNAs are involved in pseudouridyla- now believed to represent a subset of miRNA
tion (that is, conversion of some of the uracil with slightly different properties. Their size is
nucleotides in rRNA to pseudouracil, a modi- typically between twenty-one and twenty-five
fied nucleotide) of rRNA. The enzyme that ac- nucleotides, and screening of a variety of other
tually performs the pseudouridylation is not organisms suggests that they may be more wide-
known. Many eukaryotes have snoRNAs, and spread than first assumed.
recently snoRNA homologs (a homolog is a
molecule that is similar to another) have been Other Specialized ncRNAs
found in Archaea, but not yet in Bacteria. A variety of other ncRNAs carry out more
Not as well known are guide RNAs (gRNAs), specialized functions, some just beginning to
discovered in some protists. They also modify be understood. Gene silencing is a very impor-
rRNA, by guiding the insertion or deletion of tant component of normal development. As
uracil nucleotides. The details of the process cells become differentiated and specialized,
are not well understood, but the mechanism in- they must express certain genes, and the re-
volves complementary base pairing between maining genes must be silenced. One form of
the rRNA and a gRNA, much like that seen with silencing is called imprinting, whereby certain
snoRNAs. It is possible that, as more studies are alleles from an allele pair are silenced, often
undertaken, gRNAs will be found in other those received from only one sex. A large
types of organisms. ncRNA (a little longer than 100,000 nucleo-
tides) called Air is responsible for silencing the
ncRNAs Affecting mRNA Stability and paternal alleles in a small autosomal gene clus-
Translation ter. How it does this is still being studied.
Another type of ncRNA that has been known In human females, one of the X chromo-
for some time is small interfering RNA somes (females have two) must be inactivated
(siRNA). A type of antisense RNA, siRNAs have so the genes on it will not be expressed. This in-
base sequences complementary to the coding, activation, called Lyonization after the discov-
or sense, region of an mRNA. By binding to erer of the phenomenon, Mary Lyon, occurs
an mRNA, a siRNA is able to block translation, during development on a random basis in each
and there is evidence that it also tags the mRNA cell, so that the X chromosome subjected to de-
for degradation. This type of genetic control is activation is randomly determined. An ncRNA
often called post-transcriptional gene silenc- called Xist plays a central part in this process. It
ing, or RNAi (RNA interference). Another is a large RNA of 16,500 nucleotides and is tran-
ncRNA, micro-RNA (miRNA), also seems to scribed from genes on both X chromosomes. It
target specific mRNAs for degradation. Both of is inherently unstable but somehow becomes
these types represent very small RNA mole- stable and binds all over one of the two X chro-
cules of generally fewer than thirty nucleotides. mosomes. The X chromosome that gets coated
Apparently targeting specific mRNAs for with Xist is then inactivated, and the only gene
degradation in bacteria are sRNAs, the mecha- it transcribes thereafter is the Xist gene. Tran-
nism being somewhat uncertain. Another func- scription of Xist ceases on the active X chromo-
tion of sRNAs in bacteria is activation of certain some.
mRNAs by preventing formation of an inhibi- A type of ncRNA called transfer messenger
tory structure in the mRNA. Another ncRNA, RNA (tmRNA) is involved in resuming transla-
simply called OxyS RNA, represses translation tion at ribosomes that have stalled. When a
by interfering with ribosome binding. stalled ribosome is encountered, a tmRNA first
578 Noncoding RNA Molecules

acts as a tRNA charged with the amino acid gions, many geneticists have become ever more
alanine. The stalled polypeptide is transferred cautious in calling any DNA sequence junk
to the alanine on the tmRNA. Then translation DNA.
continues, but now the tmRNA acts as the Because the field of RNomics is in its infancy
mRNA, instead of the mRNA the ribosome was and the functions of many of the ncRNAs are
initially translating. A termination codon is just barely understood, it may be premature to
soon reached and the amino acids that were predict specific medical applications, but cer-
added based on the tmRNA code act as a tag for tainly the potential is there. The population of
enzymes in the cytoplasm to break it down. ncRNAs in a cell, in some sense, resembles a
This allows those ribosomes that would nor- complex set of switches that turn genes on and
mally remain tied up with an mRNA they can- offbefore they are transcribed, while they are
not complete translating to be recycled for being transcribed, or even once translation has
translating another mRNA. begun. Once these switches are better under-
stood, researchers may be able to exploit the
The Future of ncRNA Research system with artificially produced RNAs. Geneti-
Most of the ncRNAs described above were cists will probably also discover that a number
unknown until the 1980s, and some of them of diseases that appeared to have unexplained
were only discovered in the 1990s. What ap- genetic behavior will find the solutions in
peared to be a relatively simple picture of ge- ncRNA.
netic control in cells has now gained many, pre- Bryan Ness
viously hidden, layers involving all manner of See also: cDNA Libraries; Central Dogma
RNAs, ranging from a mere 20 nucleotides to of Molecular Biology; DNA Structure and
100,000 nucleotides or so in length. Some are Function; RNA Structure and Function; RNA
suggesting that this glimpse is just the tip of Transcription and mRNA Processing.
the iceberg and that continued research will
reap increasingly complex interactions among Further Reading
RNAs and between RNAs and proteins. Ge- Bass, Brenda L. The Short Answer. Nature 411
nomics, the study of the DNA sequence of ge- (2001): 428-429. A look at RNA interference
nomes, has been a hot field for some time, but (RNAi) and the role of ncRNAs.
now it looks as if RNomics is beginning to Gottesman, Susan. Stealth Regulation: Biolog-
steal the show. ical Circuits with Small RNA Switches. Genes
Some strides have already been made in and Development 16 (2002): 2829-2842. A rela-
RNomics with surveys of cDNA libraries for tively comprehensive overview of what is
ncRNA sequences, especially some of the known about ncRNA. Contains some help-
smaller ones that were long thought merely to ful figures showing some of the mechanisms
be leftover scraps from other processes. For ex- of action.
ample, one study in 2001, which included a sur- Grosshans, Helge, and Frank J. Slack. Micro-
vey of a mouse-brain cDNA library, revealed RNAs: Small Is Plentiful. The Journal of Cell
201 potential novel, small ncRNAs. In a 2003 Biology 156, no. 1 (2002): 17-21. Overviews
survey of a cDNA library from Drosophila me- stRNA and miRNA and their functions.
lanogaster (fruit fly), sixty-six potential novel Hentze, Matthias W., Elisa Izaurralde, and
ncRNAs were discovered. Judging by the large Bertrand Sraphin. A New Era for the RNA
numbers of candidate ncRNAs showing up in World. EMBO Reports 1, no. 5 (2000): 394-
what are essentially first-time surveys, many 398. A report on the RNA 2000 Conference,
more may remain to be found. There could po- hosted by the RNA Society. Focuses on cer-
tentially be thousands of ncRNA genes. What is tain ncRNAs, such as those in spliceosomes
surprising is that many of these ncRNA genes and in the brain.
are being found in spacer regions and introns, Lewin, Benjamin. Genes VII. New York: Oxford
places that were once considered useless junk. University Press, 2001. An upper-division
With so much now being found in these re- college textbook that is better than many
Nondisjunction and Aneuploidy 579

other textbooks. Various chapters include is contributed to a new individual by each par-
discussion of ncRNAs. ent in sexual reproduction through the egg
Storz, Gisela. An Expanding Universe of Non- and sperm, which are both haploid. Thus, a fer-
coding RNAs. Science 296 (2002): 1260- tilized egg will contain two sets of chromo-
1263. A fairly complete overview of the vari- somes and will be diploid.
ous kinds of ncRNA, along with as much as is A karyotype is a drawing or picture that dis-
known about many of them. plays the number and physical appearance of
the chromosomes from a single cell. A normal
human karyotype contains twenty-two pairs of
autosomes (chromosomes that are not sex
chromosomes) and one pair of sex chromo-
Nondisjunction and somes. Females normally possess two X chro-
Aneuploidy mosomes in their cells, one inherited from
each parent. Males have a single X chromo-
Fields of study: Cellular biology; Diseases some, inherited from the mother, and a Y chro-
and syndromes mosome, inherited from the father.
Significance: Nondisjunction is the faulty disjoin- The many cells of a multicellular organism
ing of replicated chromosomes during mitosis or are created as the fertilized egg undergoes a se-
meiosis, which causes an alteration in the normal ries of cell divisions. In each cell division cycle,
number of chromosomes (aneuploidy). Nondis- the chromosomes are replicated, and, subse-
junction is a major cause of Down syndrome and quently, one copy of each chromosome is dis-
various sex chromosome anomalies. Understand- tributed to two daughter cells through a pro-
ing the mechanisms associated with cell division cess called mitosis. When gametes (eggs or
may provide new insight into the occurrence of sperm) are produced in a mature organism, a
these aneuploid conditions. different type of nuclear division occurs called
meiosis. Gametes contain one set of chromo-
Key terms somes instead of two. When two gametes join
meiosis: a series of two nuclear divisions that (when a sperm cell fertilizes an egg cell), the
occur in gamete formation in sexually repro- diploid chromosome number for the species is
ducing organisms restored, and, potentially, a new individual will
mitosis: nuclear division of chromosomes, form with repeated cell divisions.
usually accompanied by cytoplasmic divi- When replicated chromosomes are distrib-
sion; two daughter cells are formed with uted to daughter cells during mitosis or meio-
identical genetic material sis, each pair of chromosomes is said to disjoin
from one another (disjunction). Occasionally,
Background this process fails. When faulty disjoining (non-
Each cell in multicellular organisms con- disjunction) of replicated chromosomes oc-
tains all the hereditary information for that in- curs, a daughter cell may result with one or
dividual, in the form of DNA. In eukaryotes, more chromosomes than normal or one or
DNA is packaged in rodlike structures called more fewer than normal. This alteration in the
chromosomes, and any given species has a normal number of chromosomes is called
characteristic chromosome number. There are aneuploidy. One chromosome more than nor-
typically two of each kind of chromosome, mal is referred to as a trisomy. For example,
which is referred to as being diploid. In hu- Down syndrome is caused by trisomy 21 in hu-
mans (Homo sapiens), there are forty-six chro- mans. One chromosome fewer than normal is
mosomes; in corn (Zea mays), there are twenty called monosomy. Turner syndrome in hu-
chromosomes. A haploid cell has half the num- mans is an example of monosomy. Turners in-
ber of chromosomes as a diploid cell of the dividuals are women who have only one X chro-
same species, which constitutes one of each mosome in their cells, whereas human females
kind of chromosome. One set of chromosomes normally have two X chromosomes. When
580 Nondisjunction and Aneuploidy

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 X Y

A karyotype is a picture that displays the number and physical appearance of the chromosomes from a single cell. This karyotype
shows the trisomy at chomosome 21 that results in Down syndrome. (U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program,

nondisjunction occurs in the dividing cells of a may induce nondisjunction include physical
mature organism or a developing organism, a factors such as heat, cold, maternal age, and
portion of the cells of the organism may be ionizing radiation, in addition to a wide variety
aneuploid. If nondisjunction occurs in meiosis of chemical agents.
during gamete formation, then a gamete will In humans, it is well established that in-
not have the correct haploid chromosome creased maternal age is a cause of nondisjunc-
number. If that gamete joins with another, the tion associated with the occurrence of Down
resulting embryo will be aneuploid. Examples syndrome. For mothers who are twenty years of
of human aneuploid conditions occurring in age, the incidence of newborns with Down syn-
live births include Down syndrome (trisomy drome is 0.4 in 1,000 newborns. For mothers
21), Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18), Patau over forty-five years of age, the incidence of
syndrome (trisomy 13), metafemale (more newborns with Down syndrome is 17 in 1,000
than two X chromosomes), Klinefelter syn- newborns. While it is clear that increased ma-
drome (XXY), and Turner syndrome (XO). ternal age is linked to nondisjunction, it is not
Most aneuploid embryos do not survive to known what specific physiological, cellular, or
birth. molecular mechanisms or processes are associ-
ated with this increased nondisjunction. While
Causes of Nondisjunction nondisjunction in maternal meiosis may be the
There are both environmental and genetic major source of trisomy 21 in humans, paternal
factors associated with nondisjunction in nondisjunction in sperm formation does occur
plants and animals. Environmental factors that and may result in aneuploidy.
Nondisjunction and Aneuploidy 581

In a study conducted by Karl Sperling and search into the mechanics of cell division and
colleagues published in the British Medical Jour- the various factors that influence that process
nal (July 16, 1994), low-dose radiation in the will increase the understanding of the conse-
form of radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl quences of nondisjunction and possibly pro-
nuclear accident (April, 1986) was linked to a vide the means to prevent its occurrence.
significant increase in trisomy 21 in West Berlin Jennifer Spies Davis
in January, 1987: twelve births of trisomy 21 See also: Chromosome Theory of Heredity;
compared to the expected two or three births. Down Syndrome; Hereditary Diseases; Kline-
This study suggests that, at least under certain felter Syndrome; Metafemales; Polyploidy;
circumstances, ionizing radiation may affect Turner Syndrome; XYY Syndrome.
the occurrence of nondisjunction. Researchers
have shown that ethanol (the alcohol in alco- Further Reading
holic beverages) causes nondisjunction in Bender, Bruce G., and Robert J. Harmon.
mouse-egg formation, suggesting a similar pos- Psychosocial Adaptation of Thirty Nine Stu-
sibility in humans. Other researchers have dents with Sex Chromosome Abnormal-
found that human cells in tissue culture (cells ities. Pediatrics 96 (August, 1995). Evaluates
growing on nutrient media) had an increased the risks for problems with cognitive skills,
occurrence of nondisjunction if the media learning abilities, and psychosocial adapta-
was deficient in folic acid. This implies that fo- tion in adolescents.
lic acid may be necessary for normal chromo- Berch, Daniel B., and Bruce G. Bender, eds. Sex
some segregation or distribution during cell Chromosome Abnormalities and Human Behav-
division. ior. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1990. Ex-
Scientists know from genetics research that plores the cognitive, emotional, and psycho-
mutations (changes in specific genes) in the social skills of those with sex chromosome
fruit fly result in the occurrence of nondis- abnormalities.
junction. This genetic component of nondis- Cunningham, Cliff. Understanding Down Syn-
junction is further supported by the observa- drome: An Introduction for Parents. 1988. Re-
tion that an occasional family gives birth to print. Cambridge, Mass.: Brookline Books,
more than one child with an aneuploid condi- 1999. Expanded and updated to reflect
tion. In these instances, it is likely that genetic changes in the education and care of chil-
factors are contributing to repeated nondis- dren and adults with Down syndrome. Also
junction. provides in-depth advice and information
for parents, including issues of professional
Impact and Applications guidance, treatment, and prenatal testing.
There are several reasons scientists are de- Massimini, Kathy, ed. Genetic Disorders Source-
voting research efforts to understanding the book: Basic Consumer Information About Heredi-
consequences of nondisjunction and aneu- tary Diseases and Disorders. 2d ed. Detroit,
ploidy. First, at least 15 to 20 percent of all Mich.: Omnigraphics, 2001. Discusses the
recognized human pregnancies end in sponta- ethics of gene testing, the causes of and
neous abortions. Of these aborted fetuses, be- treatments for genetic disorders, and in-
tween 50 and 60 percent are aneuploid. Sec- cludes a section on chromosomal disorders.
ond, of live births, 1 in 700 is an individual with Glossary, resource directory, charts, tables,
Down syndrome. Mental retardation is a major and index.
symptom in individuals with Down syndrome. Orr-Weaver, Terry L., and Robert A. Weinberg.
Thus, nondisjunction is one cause of mental re- A Checkpoint on the Road to Cancer. Na-
tardation. Finally, aneuploidy is common in ture (March 19, 1998). Examines the possi-
cancerous cells. Scientists do not know whether ble role of aneuploidy in tumor progression.
nondisjunction is part of the multistep process Pai, G. Shashidhar, Raymond C. Lewandowski,
of tumor formation or whether aneuploidy is a Digamber S. Borgaonkar. Handbook of Chro-
consequence of tumor growth. Continued re- mosomal Syndromes. New York: John Wiley &
582 Nondisjunction and Aneuploidy

Sons, 2002. Covers two hundred chromo- the history of the syndrome, and associated
somal aneuploidy syndromes, including in- disorders.
formation on diagnosis, behavior, and life Vig, Baldev K., ed. Chromosome Segregation and
expectancy. Illustrated. Aneuploidy. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1993.
Patterson, D. The Causes of Down Syndrome. A comprehensive collection of research into
Scientific American 257 (August, 1987). Dis- the beginning stages of aneuploidy, the mal-
cusses nondisjunction, the ongoing research segregation of chromosomes, and environ-
into what genes occur on chromosome 21 mental mutagenesis. Illustrations, bibliogra-
and how they contribute to Down syndrome, phy, index.
Oncogenes was responsible for the cancer-causing proper-
Fields of study: Molecular genetics; Viral ties of these viruses. The first oncogene discov-
genetics ered was the src gene of the Rous sarcoma virus.
Significance: Oncogenes are a group of genes origi- Subsequently, at least thirty different oncogenes
nally identified in RNA tumor viruses and later were discovered in avian and mammalian RNA
identified in many types of human tumors. The tumor viruses. Each of these oncogenes has a
discovery of oncogenes has revolutionized the un- cellular counterpart that is the presumed ori-
derstanding of cancer genetics and contributed to gin of the viral gene; with the exception of the
the development of a model of cancer as a multi- Rous sarcoma virus, the incorporation of the
stage genetic disorder. The identification of these host-cell gene into the virus, involving a process
abnormally functioning genes in many types of called transduction, results in the loss of viral
human cancer has also provided new molecular genes, generating a defective virus.
targets for therapeutic intervention. In addition to the oncogenes originally iden-
tified in viruses, more than fifty oncogenes have
Key terms been identified in malignant tumors as part of
proto-oncogenes: cellular genes that carry chromosomal rearrangements or the amplifica-
out specific steps in the process of cellular tion or mutations of specific genes. The first ge-
proliferation; as a consequence of mutation netic rearrangement linked to a specific type of
or deregulation, these genes may be con- human malignancy involved the Philadelphia
verted into cancer-causing genes chromosome in patients with chronic myelog-
retrovirus: a virus that converts its RNA ge- enous leukemia (CML). This chromosome rep-
nome into a DNA copy that integrates into resents a shortened version of chromosome 22,
the host chromosome which results from an exchange of genetic mate-
rial between chromosomes 9 and 22 (called a re-
The Discovery of Oncogenes ciprocal translocation). Subsequent molecular
The discovery of oncogenes has been closely analyses showed that the oncogene abl, origi-
linked to the study of the role of a group of nally identified in a mammalian RNA tumor
RNA tumor viruses, retroviruses (Retroviridae), virus, was translocated to chromosome 22 in
in the etiology of many animal cancers. In the CML patients. Additional human malignancies
early part of the twentieth century, Peyton involving translocated oncogenes previously
Rous identified a virus (called Rous sarcoma vi- identified in RNA tumor viruses have been iden-
rus after its discoverer) capable of inducing tu- tified, notably the oncogene myc in patients with
mors called sarcomas in chickens. Many other Burkitts lymphoma, a disease primarily found
RNA tumor viruses capable of causing tumor in parts of Africa.
formation in animals or experimental systems Additional genetic rearrangements repre-
were later discovered, which led to a search for sent amplification of existing oncogenes (seg-
specific viral genes responsible for the cancer- ments of genetic material duplicated many
causing properties of these viruses. times in genetically unstable tumor cells). These
The identification of these cancer-causing gene amplifications may be associated with the
genes (oncogenes) awaited developments in presence of multiple copies of genetic segments
the area of recombinant DNA technology and along a chromosome, designated as homoge-
molecular genetics, which ultimately facili- neously staining regions (HSRs), or may appear
tated the molecular analysis of this group of in the form of minichromosomes containing
genes. These analyses revealed that viral onco- the amplified genes, termed double-minutes
genes were actually cellular genes that were in- (DMs). For example, late-stage neuroblastomas
corporated into the genetic material of the often contain numerous double-minute chro-
RNA tumor virus during the process of infec- mosomes containing amplified copies of the
tion. The acquisition of these host-cell genes N-myc gene.
584 Oncogenes

The Properties of Oncogenes Subsequent analyses of oncogene activities

The first dramatic evidence linking onco- and the structure and function of the cellular
genes with cancer was provided by studies of proto-oncogenes from which they are derived
the sis oncogene of simian sarcoma virus, which have provided strong evidence for this model.
proved to be an altered form of the mamma- Viral and cellular oncogenes with functions af-
lian platelet derived growth factor (PDGF). fecting every step in the control of the cell have
Growth factors are proteins that bind to recep- been identified. In addition to altered growth
tors on target cells to initiate an intracellular factors such as sis, researchers have also iden-
signaling cascade, which results in cellular pro- tified altered growth factor receptors such as
liferation. This seminal discovery led to the de- the epidermal growth factor receptor (erb-b),
velopment of the proto-oncogene model. This elements of the intracellular signal cascade
model states that oncogenes are derived from (src and ras), nuclear transcriptional activa-
normal host genes called proto-oncogenes, tors (myc), cell-cycle regulators called cyclin-
which encode gene products involved in con- dependent kinases (cdks), and cell death inhib-
trolling cell division. If proto-oncogene expres- itors (bc12) in human tumors of diverse tissue
sion is altered by mutation or deregulation, origin. Each of these oncogenic gene products
they may disrupt the normal control of cell divi- represents an altered form of normal cellular
sion, resulting in unregulated cellular prolifer- genes that participate in cell-division pathways.
ation, a hallmark of malignancy. Numerous mutations in proto-oncogenes have

Oncogenic Viruses

(Electronic Illustrators Group)

Oncogenes 585

been identified, including single base changes tion, these dysfunctional gene products rep-
(point mutations), gene truncations, gene am- resent potential targets for therapeutic appli-
plifications, and gene rearrangements result- cations. Research studies have been directed
ing from exchanges between different chromo- toward the design of inhibitors of specific onco-
somes called translocations. genes such as ras and erb-b in order to block
One of the most dramatic discoveries in- the effects of oncogenes in malignant cells.
volved a comparative analysis of the structures Additional molecular targets include overex-
of the normal and oncogene forms of the ras pressed oncogenes that stimulate cellular pro-
proto-oncogene isolated from human bladder liferation or blood vessel formation (angiogen-
carcinomas. Surprisingly, a single-base change esis), processes critical to tumor establishment.
was sufficient to convert a normal cellular gene The advantages of these approaches include
to a cancer-causing gene. The observed muta- better targeting of cancer cells, as well as a
tions were localized to regulatory regions of potential decrease in side effects as compared
the ras gene product, resulting in its perma- to conventional chemotherapy. Structural ab-
nent activation. Molecular analyses of many normalities in oncogene products may be used
other oncogenes have shown that the observed in the development of monoclonal antibod-
mutations fall into several categories: nucleo- ies directed against these dysfunctional pro-
tide base changes that result in gene products teins. Toxins may also be linked to the antibod-
whose functions are not subject to normal in- ies to generate immunotoxins whose cell-killing
hibitory processes, overproduction of gene activities directly target malignant cells. Malig-
products caused by gene amplification or trans- nant melanoma (skin cancer) has been the
location, and loss of regulatory components focus of many of these targeted approaches di-
caused by gene translocation or truncation. rected against specific abnormal gene prod-
The generalized consequence of these muta- ucts. Successful clinical applications will most
tions is to convert normal cellular gene prod- likely combine approaches involving cyto-
ucts important in cell division to dominant, toxic drugs and inhibitors targeting multiple
unregulated gene products that cause the inap- sites of oncogene dysfunction in the cancer
propriate stimulation of cell division. cell.
Interestingly, most tumors analyzed show the Sarah Crawford Martinelli
involvement of multiple oncogenes and tumor- See also: Aging; Blotting: Southern, North-
suppressor genes (another class of otherwise ern, and Western; Breast Cancer; Burkitts
normal genes that are modified in some man- Lymphoma; Cancer; Cell Culture: Animal
ner). Studies of tumor development in human Cells; Cell Cycle, The; Gene Therapy; Genetics,
colorectal carcinomas in which it is possible to Historical Development of; Human Genetics;
identify discrete stages of tumor development Hybridomas and Monoclonal Antibodies; Re-
have indicated a progressive increase in the petitive DNA; RNA Transcription and mRNA
number and types of cellular oncogenes at suc- Processing; Tumor-Suppressor Genes.
cessive stages of tumor development. From
these studies, a model of oncogenesis has Further Reading
emerged in the form of a multistage disorder Angier, Natalie. Natural Obsessions: Striving to
characterized by the successive accumulation Unlock the Deepest Secrets of the Cancer Cell.
of mutations in specific cellular oncogenes and Boston: Mariner Books/Houghton Mifflin,
tumor-suppressor genes, which results in the 1999. Explores mutant-gene research and
inability to regulate cellular proliferation. laboratory work to find the essence of the
human cancer cell.
Impact and Applications Cooper, Geoffrey M. Oncogenes. 2d ed. Boston:
The identification of oncogenes has pro- Jones and Bartlett, 1995. Provides a frame-
vided enormous amounts of information on work for studying oncogenes and tumor-
the cellular mechanisms responsible for the suppressor genes and discusses advances in
loss of growth control in cancer cells. In addi- the field, including knowledge of signal trans-
586 One Gene-One Enzyme Hypothesis

duction pathways, which lead to cell prolifer- dational to understanding the molecular basis of
ation. gene action. Today, with a more detailed under-
Ehrlich, Melanie, ed. DNA Alterations in Cancer: standing of how genes work, geneticists consider
Genetic and Epigenetic Changes. Natick, Mass.: the original hypothesis an oversimplification and
Eaton, 2000. Provides an introduction to have reformulated it as the one gene-one polypep-
cancer genes, tumor-suppressor genes, in- tide hypothesis. Even in its new form, however,
herited mutations, and more. Illustrations, there are exceptions.
bibliography, index.
Hartwell, Leland, et al. Cell Cycle Control and Key terms
Cancer. Science 266 (1994). Provides a clear messenger RNA (mRNA) processing: chemi-
description of the role of oncogenes in cell- cal modifications that alter messenger RNAs,
cycle dysregulation. often resulting in more than one gene prod-
La Thangue, Nicholas B., and Lasantha R. uct formed from the same gene
Bandara, eds. Targets for Cancer Chemotherapy: metabolic pathway: a series of enzyme-cata-
Transcription Factors and Other Nuclear Pro- lyzed reactions leading to the complete
teins. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 2002. Dis- breakdown or synthesis of a particular bio-
cusses research on protein targets for cancer logical molecule
drugs. Illustrations, bibliography, index. polypeptide: a complex molecule encoded by
Mulvihill, John J. Catalog of Human Cancer the genetic code and composed of amino ac-
Genes: McKusicks Mendelian Inheritance in ids; one or more of which compose a protein
Man for Clinical and Research Oncologists. Fore- post-translational modification: chemical
word by Victor A. McKusick. Baltimore: alterations to proteins that alter their prop-
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999. Dis- erties as enzymes
cusses the hereditary traits and genes that
lead to susceptibility or resistance to cancer. Genetics Meets Biochemistry
Includes seven hundred entries grouped ac- In the early part of the twentieth century, ge-
cording to body organ. netics was becoming an established discipline,
Varmus, Harold. The Molecular Genetics of but the relationship between genes and how
Cellular Oncogenes. Annual Review of Genet- they are expressed as phenotypes was not yet un-
ics 18 (1994). Nobel laureate Varmus details derstood. Biochemistry was also in its infancy,
the structure and function of oncogenes. particularly the study of the enzyme-catalyzed
chemical reactions of metabolic pathways. In
Web Sites of Interest 1902, a British medical doctor named Archibald
American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer Garrod brought genetics and biochemistry to-
.org. Site has searchable information on on- gether in the discovery that a human disease
cogenes and tumor suppressor genes. called alkaptonuria, which causes individuals
American Society of Clinical Oncology. http:// with the disease to accumulate a black pigment
www.asco.org. Searchable site on oncogenes in their urinewas inherited as a recessive
and molecular oncology. trait. Equally important, however, was Garrods
observation that alkaptonurics were unable to
metabolize alkapton, the molecule responsible
for the black pigmentation, an intermediate in
One Gene-One Enzyme the degradation of amino acids. Garrods con-
Hypothesis clusion was that people with alkaptonuria lack
the enzyme that normally degrades alkapton.
Field of study: History of Genetics; Because it thus appeared that a defective gene
Molecular genetics led to an enzyme deficiency, Garrod predicted
Significance: The formulation of the one gene-one that genes form enzymes. This statement was
enzyme hypothesis in 1941, which simply states the precursor of what came to be known as the
that each gene gives rise to one enzyme, was foun- one gene-one enzyme hypothesis.
One Gene-One Enzyme Hypothesis 587

took notice, awarding a Nobel Prize in Physiol-

ogy or Medicine to Beadle and Tatum in 1958,
and the hypothesis served as the basis for bio-
chemical genetics for the next several years.

Modifications to the Hypothesis

The one gene-one enzyme hypothesis was
accurate in predicting many of the findings
in biochemical genetics after 1941. It is now
known that DNA genes are often transcribed
into messenger RNAs (mRNAs), which in turn
are translated into polypeptides, many of which
form enzymes. Thus, the basic premise that
genes encode enzymes still holds. On the other
hand, Beadle and Tatum had several of the de-
tails wrong, and today the hypothesis should be
restated as follows: Most genes encode infor-
mation for making one polypeptide.
There are at least three reasons that the orig-
inal one gene-one enzyme hypothesis does not
accurately explain biologists current under-
standing of gene expression. First of all, en-
zymes are often formed from more than one

George Wells Beadle. ( The Nobel Foundation)

Formation of the Hypothesis

Garrods work went largely ignored until
1941, when George Beadle and Edward Tatum,
geneticists at Stanford University, used bread
mold (Neurospora crassa) to test and refine
Garrods theory. Wild-type Neurospora grows
well on minimal media containing only sugar,
ammonia, salts, and biotin, because it can bio-
synthesize all other necessary biochemicals.
Beadle and Tatum generated mutants that did
not grow on minimal media but instead grew
only when some other factor, such as an amino
acid, was included. They surmised that the mu-
tant molds lacked specific enzymes involved in
biosynthesis. With several such mutants, Bea-
dle and Tatum demonstrated that mutations in
single genes often corresponded to disrup-
tions of single enzymatic steps in biosynthetic
metabolic pathways. They concluded that each
enzyme is controlled by one gene, a relation-
ship they called the one gene-one enzyme hy-
pothesis. This time, the scientific community Edward Lawrie Tatum. ( The Nobel Foundation)
588 Organ Transplants and HLA Genes

polypeptide, each of which is the product of a zymatic properties, often essentially making
different gene. For example, the enzyme ATP them into different enzymes. Once insulin is
synthase is composed of at least seven different no longer present, the cell can undo the modi-
polypeptides, all encoded by separate genes. fications, returning the enzymes back to their
Thus, the one-to-one ratio of genes to enzymes original forms.
implied by the hypothesis is clearly incorrect. Stephen Cessna
This fact was recognized early and led to the See also: Complementation Testing; Ge-
theorys reformulation as the one gene-one netics, Historical Development of; Model Or-
polypeptide hypothesis. However, even this ganism: Neurospora crassa; Signal Transduction.
newer version of the hypothesis has since been
shown to be inaccurate. Further Reading
Second, several important genes do not en- Beadle, G. W., and E. L. Tatum. Genetic Con-
code enzymes. For example, some genes en- trol of Biochemical Reactions in Neurospora.
code transfer RNAs (tRNAs), which are re- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
quired for translating mRNAs. Thus, clearly 27 (1941): 499-506. The original research ar-
even the one gene-one polypeptide hypothesis ticle that postulated the one gene-one en-
is insufficient, since tRNAs are not polypep- zyme hypothesis.
tides. Davis, Rowland H. Neurospora: Contributions of a
Finally, further deviation from the original Model Organism. New York: Oxford Univer-
one gene-one enzyme hypothesis is required sity Press, 2000. A full account of the organ-
when one considers that several modifications isms history, biology, genome, mitosis, mei-
to RNAs and polypeptides occur after gene osis, metabolism, mutations, and more.
transcription, and can do so in more than one Science 291 (February, 2001). A special issue on
way. Thus, a single gene can give rise to more the human genome. Articles estimate the
than one mRNA, and potentially to numerous number of genes in the human genome and
different polypeptides with varying properties. guess at the corresponding number of active
Post-transcriptional variation in gene expres- gene products.
sion occurs first during RNA processing, when Weaver, Robert F. Molecular Biology. 2d ed. New
the polypeptide-encoding regions of mRNA York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Gives a modern
are spliced together. It is important to note that overview of gene expression, including dif-
the exact splicing pattern can vary depending ferential mRNA processing, and explains
on the exact needs of the cell. One example of the original work of Beadle and Tatum in de-
a gene that undergoes differential mRNA pro- tail.
cessing leading to two dramatically different
phenotypes is the fruit fly gene sex-lethal (sxl).
A long version of sxl mRNA is generated in de-
veloping male flies and a shorter one in female Organ Transplants and HLA
flies. Because the sxl protein regulates sexual
development, mutant female flies that mistak-
enly splice sxl mRNA display male sexual char- Field of study: Immunogenetics
acteristics. Significance: Organ transplantation has saved
Like differential mRNA processing, post- the lives of countless people. Although the success
translational protein modification varies by cel- rate for organ transplantation continues to im-
lular context, allowing a single gene to gener- prove, many barriers remain, including an inade-
ate more than one kind of enzyme. However, quate supply of donor organs and the phenomenon
unlike mRNA processing, protein modifica- of transplant rejection. Transplant rejection is
tion is often reversible. For example, liver cells caused by an immune response by the recipient to
responding to insulin will chemically modify molecules on the transplanted organs that are
some of their enzymes by way of a process called coded for by the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)
signal transduction, thereby changing their en- gene complex.
Organ Transplants and HLA Genes 589

Key terms the same individual, called autografts, are never

alleles: the two alternate forms of a gene at rejected. Thus the grafting of blood vessels
the same locus on a pair of homologous transplanted from the leg to an individuals
chromosomes heart during bypass operations are never in
antigens: molecules recognized as foreign to danger of being rejected. On the other hand,
the body by the immune system, including organs transplanted between genetically dis-
molecules associated with disease-causing tinct humans tend to undergo clinical rejection
organisms (pathogens) within a few days to a few weeks after the proce-
histocompatibility antigens: molecules ex- dure. During the rejection process, the trans-
pressed on transplanted tissues that are rec- planted tissue is gradually destroyed and loses
ognized as foreign by the immune system, its function. When examined under the micro-
causing rejection of the transplant; the most scope, tissue undergoing rejection is observed
important histocompatibility antigens in to be infiltrated with a variety of cells, causing
vertebrates are coded for by a cluster of its destruction. These infiltrating cells are part
genes called the major histocompatibility of the recipients immune system, which recog-
complex (MHC) nizes molecules on the transplant as foreign to
locus (pl. loci): the location of a gene on a the body and responds to them as they would to
chromosome a disease-causing, pathogenic organism.
polymorphism: the presence of many differ- The human immune response is a complex
ent alleles for a particular locus in individu- system of cells and secreted proteins that has
als of the same species evolved to protect the body from invasion by
pathogens. Immune mechanisms are directed
Transplantation against molecules or parts of molecules called
The replacement of damaged organs by antigens. The ultimate function of the immune
transplantation was one of the great success sto- response is to recognize pathogen-associated
ries of modern medicine in the latter decades antigens as foreign to the body and to eliminate
of the twentieth century. During the 1980s, the and destroy the organism, thus resolving the dis-
success rates for heart and kidney transplants ease. On the other hand, the immune response
showed marked improvement and, most nota- is prevented, under most circumstances, from
bly, the one-year survival for pancreas and liver attacking the antigens expressed on the tissues
transplants rose from 20 percent and 30 per- of the body in which they originate. The ability
cent to 70 percent and 75 percent, respectively. to distinguish between self and foreign antigens
These increases in organ survival were largely is critical to protecting the body from patho-
attributable to improvements in two aspects gens and to the maintenance of good health.
of the transplantation protocol that directly A negative consequence of the ability of the
reduced tissue rejection: the development of immune system to discriminate between self
more accurate methods of tissue typing that al- and foreign antigens is the recognition and de-
lowed better tissue matching of donor and re- struction of transplants. The antigens associ-
cipient, and the discovery of more effective and ated with transplants are recognized as foreign
less toxic antirejection drugs. In fact, these in the same fashion as pathogen-associated anti-
changes helped make transplantation proce- gens, and many of the same immune mecha-
dures so common by the 1990s that the low nisms used to kill pathogens are responsible for
number of donor organs became a major limit- the destruction of the transplant. The mole-
ing factor in the number of lives saved by this cules on the transplanted tissues recognized by
procedure. the immune system are called histocompati-
bility antigens. The term histocompatibility
Rejection and the Immune Response refers to the fact that transplanted organs are
The rejection of transplanted tissues is asso- often not compatible with the body of a geneti-
ciated with genetic differences between the do- cally distinct recipient. All vertebrate animals
nor and recipient. Transplants of tissue within have a cluster of genes that code for the most
590 Organ Transplants and HLA Genes

Image not available

A two-week-old piglet in April, 2002, one of three that were the first to be cloned from both human and pig cells. Normal pigs have been
sources of human replacement parts (such as heart valves) from some time. The hope is that organs from pigs with human genes
will be more easily accepted by the human body after transplantion. (AP/Wide World Photos)

important histocompatibility antigens, called to make an immune response to the virus. The
the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). existence of multiple MHC alleles in a popula-
tion, therefore, ensures that some individuals
MHC Polymorphism, HLA Genes, and will have MHC alleles allowing them to mount
Tissue Typing an immune response against a particular patho-
Each MHC locus is highly polymorphic, gen. If an entire population lacked these al-
meaning that many different alleles exist leles, their inability to respond to certain patho-
within a population (members of a species gens could threaten the very existence of the
sharing a habitat). The explanation for the species. The disadvantage of MHC polymorph-
polymorphism of histocompatibility antigens is ism, however, is the immune response to the
related to the actual function of these mole- donors histocompatibility antigens that causes
cules within the body. Clearly, histocompati- organ rejection.
bility molecules did not evolve to induce the re- The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene
jection of transplants, despite the fact that this complex is located on chromosome 6 in hu-
characteristic led to their discovery and name. mans. Six important histocompatibility anti-
Histocompatibility molecules function by gens are coded for by the HLA complex: the A,
regulating immunity against foreign antigens. B, C, DR, DP, and DQ alleles. Differences in
Each allele codes for a protein that allows the HLA antigens between the donor and recipi-
immune response to recognize a different set ent are determined by tissue typing. For many
of antigens. Many pathogens, including the vi- years, tissue typing was performed using anti-
ruses associated with influenza and acquired bodies specific to different HLA alleles. Anti-
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), undergo bodies are proteins secreted by the cells of the
genetic mutations that lead to changes in their immune system that are used in the laboratory
antigens, making it more difficult for the body to identify specific antigens. As scientists began
Organ Transplants and HLA Genes 591

to clone the genes for the most common HLA sponse to pathogens, their susceptibility to a va-
alleles in the 1980s and 1990s, however, it ap- riety of diseases will be increased. Thus trans-
peared that direct genetic analysis would even- plant recipients must take special precautions
tually replace or at least supplement these pro- to avoid exposure to potential pathogens, espe-
cedures. cially when receiving high doses of the drugs.
Fewer differences in these antigens between James A. Wise
donor organ and recipient mean a better prog- See also: Animal Cloning; Bacterial Genet-
nosis for transplant survival. Therefore, closely ics and Cell Structure; Bioethics; Biological
related individuals who share many of their Weapons; Cancer; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Is-
histocompatibility alleles are usually preferred sues; Diabetes; Gene Therapy: Ethical and Eco-
as donors. When a family member is not avail- nomic Issues; Genetic Engineering: Historical
able, the process of finding a donor is problem- Development; Genetics, Historical Develop-
atic. Worldwide computer databases are used ment of; Heart Disease; Huntingtons Disease;
to match potential donors with recipients, who Hybridomas and Monoclonal Antibodies;
are placed on a waiting list based on the severity Immunogenetics; In Vitro Fertilization and Em-
of their disease. bryo Transfer; Model Organism: Mus musculus;
Model Organism: Xenopus laevis; Multiple Al-
Immunosuppressive Antirejection Drugs leles; Paternity Tests; Polymerase Chain Reac-
Perhaps the most important medical break- tion; Prion Diseases: Kuru and Creutzfeldt-
through responsible for the increased success of Jakob Syndrome; Race; Sickle-Cell Disease;
organ transplantation occurred in the last two Stem Cells; Synthetic Antibodies; Totipotency;
decades of the twentieth century. This break- Transgenic Organisms; Xenotransplants.
through involved the discovery and successful
use of antirejection drugs, most of which act by Further Reading
suppressing the immune response to the trans- Browning, Michael, and Andrew McMichael,
planted tissue. Immunosuppressive drugs are eds. HLA and MHC: Genes, Molecules, and
usually given in high doses for the first few weeks Function. New York: Academic Press, 1999.
after transplantation or during a rejection cri- A review of molecular genetics of MHC,
sis, but the dosage of these drugs is usually re- the structure and function of MHC-encoded
duced thereafter to avoid their toxic effects. molecules, and how they factor in health and
Cyclosporine is by far the most effective of disease. Illustrations, bibliography, index.
these drugs and has largely been responsible Janeway, Charles A., Paul Travers, et al. Immuno-
for the increased efficacy of liver, pancreas, biology: The Immune System in Health and Dis-
lung, and heart transplantation procedures. In ease. 5th rev. ed. Philadelphia: Taylor & Fran-
spite of its successes, cyclosporine has limita- cis, 2001. Provides an excellent review of the
tions in that it can cause kidney damage when HLA complex.
given in high doses. Azathioprine, associated Lechler, Robert I., et al. The Molecular Basis
with bone marrow toxicity, was largely sup- of Alloreactivity. Immunology Today 11
planted by the introduction of the less toxic cy- (March, 1990). Discusses the molecular ba-
closporine. However, azathioprine has been sis of transplantation rejection.
used as part of a combined cyclosporine- Sasaki, Mutsuo, et al., eds. New Directions for Cel-
azathioprine regimen. This practice allows the lular and Organ Transplantation. New York:
reduction of both the cyclosporine and azathio- Elsevier Science, 2000. A collection of con-
prine dosages, reducing the toxicity of both ference papers on organ transplantation
drugs. The search for more effective and less and organ donation. Illustrations, bibliogra-
toxic antirejection drugs continues. Individ- phy, index.
uals receiving immunosuppressive therapy have Scientific American 269 (September, 1993). A
other concerns in addition to the toxicity of the special issue devoted to Life, Death, and
drugs themselves. As these individuals will have the Immune System, providing an excellent
an impaired ability to mount an immune re- overview of the immune system.
Parthenogenesis produce by parthenogenesis; late in the sum-
Field of study: Genetic engineering and mer, however, as the food source is decreasing,
biotechnology sexually reproducing females appear. The same
Significance: Parthenogenesis is the development pattern has been observed in rotifers, in which a
of unfertilized eggs, which produces individuals decrease in the quality of the food supply leads
that are genetically alike and allows rapid expan- to the appearance of females that produce hap-
sion of a population of well-adapted individuals loid eggs by normal meiosis that require fertil-
into a rich environment. This clonal reproduction ization for development. The strategy appears
strategy is used by a number of species for rapid re- to involve the clonal production of large num-
production under very favorable conditions, and bers of genetically identical individuals that are
it appears to offer a selective advantage to individ- well suited to the environment when the condi-
uals living in disturbed habitats. tions are favorable and the production of a vari-
ety of different types, by the recombination that
Key terms occurs during normal meiosis and the mixing of
adaptive advantage: increased fertility in off- alleles from two individuals in sexual reproduc-
spring as a result of passing on favorable ge- tion, when the conditions are less favorable. In
netic information social insects, such as bees, wasps, and ants, par-
diploid: having two sets of homologous chro- thenogenesis is a major factor in sex determina-
mosomes tion, although it may not be the only factor. In
fertilization: the fusion of two cells (egg and these insects, eggs that develop by parthenogen-
sperm) in sexual reproduction esis remain haploid and develop into males,
haploid: having one set of chromosomes while fertilized eggs develop into diploid, sexu-
meiosis: nuclear division that reduces the ally reproducing females.
chromosome number from diploid to hap- In algae and some forms of plants, partheno-
loid in the production of the sperm and the genesis also allows rapid reproduction when
egg conditions are favorable. In citrus, seed devel-
zygote: the product of fertilization in sexually opment by parthenogenesis maintains the fa-
reproducing organisms vorable characteristics of each plant. For this
reason, most commercial citrus plants are
The Nature of Parthenogenesis propagated by asexual means, such as grafting.
Parthenogenesis is derived from two Greek Parthenogenesis has also been induced in or-
words that mean virgin (parthenos) and ori- ganisms that do not show the process in natural
gin (genesis) and describes a form of reproduc- populations. In sea urchins, for example, devel-
tion in which females lay diploid eggs (contain- opment can be induced by mechanical stimula-
ing two sets of chromosomes) that develop into tion of the egg or by changes in the chemistry
new individuals without fertilizationthere is of the medium. Even some vertebrate eggs
no fusion of a sperm nucleus with the egg nu- have shown signs of early development when
cleus to produce the new diploid individual. artificially stimulated, but haploid vertebrate
This is a form of clonal reproduction because all cells lack all of the information required for
of the individuals are genetically identical to the normal development, so such zygotes cease
mother and to each other. The mechanisms of development very early.
parthenogenesis do not show any single pattern
and have evolved independently in different Parthenogenesis in Vertebrates
groups of organisms. In some organisms, such Parthenogenesis has been observed in verte-
as rotifers and aphids, parthenogenesis alter- brates such as fish, frogs, and lizards. In these
nates with normal sexual reproduction. When parthenogenetic populations, all the individu-
there is a rich food source, such as new rose als are females, so reproduction of the clone is
bushes emerging in the early spring, aphids re- restricted to parthenogenesis. Parthenoge-
Parthenogenesis 593

netic fish often occur in populations along with cally identical. Since the parthenogenetic form
sexually reproducing individuals. The parthe- may, at least in vertebrates, be a hybrid, it is het-
nogenetic forms produce diploid eggs that de- erozygous at most of its genetic loci. This pro-
velop without fertilization; in rare cases, how- vides greater variation that may provide the ani-
ever, fertilization of a parthenogenetic egg mal with a greater range of responses to the
gives rise to a triploid individual that has three environment. Maintaining this heterozygous ge-
sets of chromosomes rather than the normal notype may give the animals an advantage in en-
two sets (two from the diploid egg and one vironments where the parental species are not
from the sperm). In some groups, penetration able to reproduce successfully and may be a ma-
of a sperm is necessary to activate development jor reason for the persistence of this form of re-
of the zygote, but the sperm nucleus is not in- production. Many vertebrate parthenogenetic
corporated into the zygote. populations are found in disturbed habitats, so
Evidence indicates that in each of these ver- their unique genetic composition may allow for
tebrate situations, the parthenogenetic pop- adaptation to these unusual conditions.
ulations have resulted from a hybridization
between two different species. The partheno- Mechanisms of Development
genetic forms always occur in regions where The mechanisms of diploid egg develop-
the two parental species overlap in their distri- ment are as diverse as the organisms in which
bution, often an area that is not the most favor- this form of reproduction is found. In normal
able habitat for either species. The hybrid ori- meiosis, the like chromosomes of each pair sep-
gin has been confirmed by the demonstration arate at the first division and the copies of each
that the animals have two different forms of an chromosome separate at the second division
enzyme that have been derived from the two (producing four haploid cells). During the
different species in the region. Genetic identity meiotic process in the egg, three small cells
has also been confirmed using skin graft stud- (the polar bodies), each with one set of chro-
ies. In unrelated organisms, skin grafts are mosomes, are produced, and one set of chro-
quickly rejected because of genetic incompati- mosomes remains as the egg nucleus. In par-
bilities; clonal animals, on the other hand, thenogenetic organisms, some modification of
readily accept grafts from related donors. Par- this process occurs that results in an egg nu-
thenogenetic fish from the same clone accept cleus with two sets of chromosomesthe dip-
grafts that confirm their genetic identity, but loid state. In some forms, the first meiotic divi-
rejection of grafts by other parthenogenetic sion does not occur, so two chromosome sets
forms from different populations shows that remain in the egg following the second divi-
they are different clones and must have a differ- sion. In other forms, one of the polar bodies
ent origin. This makes it possible to better un- fuses back into the cell so that there are two sets
derstand the structure of the populations and of chromosomes in the final egg. In another
helps in the study of the origins of partheno- variation, there is a replication of chromo-
genesis within those populations. Comparisons somes after the first division, but no second di-
using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA also al- vision takes place in the egg, so the chromo-
low the determination of species origin and the some number is again diploid. In all of these
maternal species of the parthenogenetic form mechanisms, the genetic content of the egg is
since the mitochondria are almost exclusively derived from the mothers genetic content,
transmitted through the vertebrate egg. Within and there is no contribution to the genetic con-
the hybrid, a mechanism has originated that tent from male material.
allows the egg to develop without fertilization, The situation may be even more complex,
although, as already noted, penetration by a however, because some hybrid individuals may
sperm may be required to activate develop- retain the chromosomal identity of one species
ment in some of the species. by a selective loss of the chromosomes of the
The advantage of parthenogenesis appears to other species during meiosis. The eggs may
be the production of individuals that are geneti- carry the chromosomes of one species but the
594 Patents on Life-Forms

mitochondria of the other species. The hap- ented under federal law. The case involved
loid eggs must be fertilized, so these individu- Ananda M. Chakrabarty, a scientist who, while
als are not parthenogenetic, but their presence working for General Electric in 1972, had cre-
in the population shows how complex repro- ated a new form of bacteria, Pseudomona
ductive strategies can be and how important originosa, which could break down crude oil,
it is to study the entire population in order to and, therefore, could be used to clean up oil
understand its dynamics fully: A single popula- spills. Chakrabarty filed for a patent, but an ex-
tion may contain individuals of the two sexual aminer for the Patent Office rejected the appli-
species, true parthenogenetic individuals, and cation on the ground that living things are not
triploid individuals resulting from fertilization patentable subject matter under existing pat-
of a diploid egg. ent law. Commissioner of Patents and Trade-
D. B. Benner marks Sidney A. Diamond supported this view.
See also: Totipotency. Federal patent law provided that a patent could
be issued only to a person who invented or dis-
Further Reading covered any new and useful manufacture or
Beatty, Richard Alan. Parthenogenesis and Poly- composition of matter. The U.S. Court of
ploidy in Mammalian Development. Cambridge, Customs and Patent Appeals reversed that deci-
England: Cambridge University Press, 1957. sion in 1979, concluding that the fact that mi-
An early but still useful study. croorganisms are alive has no legal significance.
Kaufman, Matthew H. Early Mammalian Devel- It held that a live, human-made bacterium is a
opment: Parthenogenetic Studies. New York: patentable item since the microorganism was
Cambridge University Press, 1983. By a well- manufactured by crossbreeding four existing
known expert in mouse studies. strains of bacteria and had never existed in na-
Writing for the majority, Chief Justice War-
ren Burger upheld the patent appeals court
Patents on Life-Forms judgment, making a distinction between the
new bacterium and laws of nature, physical
Field of study: Bioethics; Human genetics phenomena and abstract ideas, which are not
and social issues patentable. In the Court majoritys view,
Significance: In 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court Chakrabarty had invented a form of life that
upheld the right to patent a live, genetically altered did not exist in the natural world, so it could
organism. The decision was opposed by many sci- not be considered part of nature. Instead, it was
entists and theologians who believed that such or- a product of human ingenuity and research
ganisms would pose a threat to the future of hu- that deserved patent protection. Items not
manity. Although legally settled, the debate has patentable include new minerals that are dis-
continued, opponents arguing that patenting life- covered in the earth or a new species of plant
forms and DNA sequences imposes too great a cost found in a distant forest. These things occur
and greatly inconveniences genetic research. naturally and are not created by humans. Bur-
ger also stressed that physicist Albert Einstein
Key term could not have patented his formula E = mc 2,
patent: a grant made by the government that since it is a law of nature, nor could Sir Isaac
gives the creator or inventor the sole right to Newton have received a patent for the law of
make, use, or sell that invention for a specific gravity. Discoveries such as these are part of the
period of time, usually seventeen years in the natural world and cannot be owned by a single
United States individual.
Chakrabarty, on the other hand, had not
Patent on Life-Form Upheld found an unknown, natural species, nor had he
On June 16, 1980, the U.S. Supreme Court discovered a law of nature. His new bacterium
voted 5 to 4 that living organisms could be pat- had a distinctive name and was developed in
Patents on Life-Forms 595

the laboratory for a specific purpose. None of or accept them. Such a determination was not
the characteristics of the new organism could the responsibility of the Court, however. Ques-
be found in nature. His discovery, Burger re- tions of the morality of genetic research and
emphasized, was patentable because he had manipulation were better left to Congress
created it. and the political process. How to proceed in
these matters could only be resolved after the
Opposition to the Ruling kind of investigation, examination, and study
The Court majority refused to consider that legislative bodies can provide and courts
arguments made in friend-of-the-court briefs cannot.
filed by opponents of genetic engineering. The Justice William J. Brennan, Jr., presented a
briefs were presented by groups representing brief dissenting opinion. He noted that Con-
scientists, including several Nobel Prize win- gress had twice, in 1930 and 1970, permitted
ners, and religious organizations. One brief new types of plants to be patented. However,
suggested that genetic research posed a dan- those laws made no mention of bacteria. Thus,
gerous and serious threat to the future of hu- Brennan argued, Congress had indicated that
manity and should, therefore, be prohibited. only plants could receive patents and that the
Possible dangers included the spread of pol- legislators had thus clearly indicated that other
lution and disease by newly created bacteria, life-forms were excluded from the patent pro-
none of which would have any natural enemies. cess. The Court majority rejected this view, ar-
Other threats involved the possible loss of ge- guing that Congress had not specifically ex-
netic diversity, if, for instance, only the best cluded other life-forms.
form of laboratory-created plant seeds were
grown. Research into human genetics could Developments Since 1980
lead to newly designed gene material that could Since the patenting of the petroleum-eating
be used to build a master race, thereby deval- bacteria, a variety of other genetically modified
uing other human lives. Justice Burger con- (GM) organisms have been patented, includ-
cluded, however, that humans could be trusted ing pest-resistant crop plants and numerous
not to create such horrible things. Quoting types of knockout mice used by many re-
William Shakespeares Hamlet, the chief justice searchers. The controversy around such pat-
asserted that it is sometimes better to bear ents initially calmed, but more recent develop-
those ills we have than to fly to others that we ments have rekindled the flames. Since the
know not of. People can try to guess what ge- advent of the Human Genome Project, the se-
netic manipulation could lead to, but it would quencing of genomes has accelerated expo-
also be a good idea to expect good things from nentially. Because many sequences might con-
science rather than a gruesome parade of tain valuable genes or markers, companies and
horribles. Besides, he then said, it did not mat- nonprofit organizations began patenting the
ter whether a patent was granted in this case; in sequences.
either case, scientific research would continue After much debate, the patenting of DNA se-
into the nature of genes. quences has been allowed, and although the
The Peoples Business Commission, a non- guidelines are still being fine-tuned, the gen-
profit educational foundation, had argued that eral rule is that any distinctive DNA sequence
granting General Electric and Chakrabarty a can be patented. Those opposed to the patent-
patent would give corporations the right to ing of DNA sequences say that it will impede re-
own the processes of life in the centuries to search and even the development of useful
come through genetic manipulation. Chief medical applications. Ethicists argue that no
Justice Burger wrote that the Court was with- one should have a right to patent DNA se-
out competence to entertain these arguments. quences, which represent the very basis of life.
They did not have enough information avail- Some scientists have pushed for more restric-
able to determine whether to ignore such fears tive rules, such as that a sequence cannot be
as fantasies generated by fear of the unknown patented unless there is clear evidence that the
596 Paternity Tests

sequence codes for a useful product or would Hastings Center Law Report, November/
likely lead to a specific application. December, 1997. Discusses the religious, le-
At present it is too early to predict the final gal, moral, and scientific concerns about
outcome of the push for patenting DNA se- patenting human genetic material, DNA and
quences. There is still debate and there is a patents, and the biotechnology industry.
large backlog of sequences for which patents Vogel, Fredrich, and Reinhard Grunwald, eds.
are still pending. A survey of medical testing Patenting of Human Genes and Living Organ-
laboratories in 2003 found that a number of isms. New York: Springer, 1994. Provides an
labs either no longer used certain tests or did overview of patent acquisition and legal con-
not plan to develop them when licensing fees cerns. Illustrated.
were required for permission to use a relevant
DNA sequence. Overwhelmingly, the labs sur-
veyed saw patenting of DNA sequences as hav-
ing a negative effect on the development of af-
fordable clinical genetic tests. Paternity Tests
Leslie V. Tischauser, updated by Bryan Ness
See also: Genetic Engineering: Historical Field of study: Human genetics and social
Development; Genetic Engineering: Industrial issues
Applications; Genetic Engineering: Social and Significance: Establishing paternity can be impor-
Ethical Issues; Human Genetics; Human Ge- tant for establishing legal responsibility for child
nome Project; Hybridization and Introgres- support, health insurance, veterans and social se-
sion; Model Organism: Mus musculus; Trans- curity benefits, and legal access to medical records.
genic Organisms. It may also affect a childs future as it relates to in-
herited diseases.
Further Reading
Chapman, Audrey R., ed. Perspectives on Genetic Key terms
Patenting: Religion, Science, and Industry in Di- forensic genetics: the use of genetic tests and
alogue. Washington, D.C.: American Associa- principles to resolve legal questions
tion for the Advancement of Science, 1999. human leukocyte antigens (HLA): antigens
Discusses questions such as, Should prod- produced by a cluster of genes that play a
ucts of nature be patentable? Are genes or critical role in the outcome of transplants;
gene fragments discoveries or inventions? because they are made up of a large number
Should patenting of genes, cell lines, or ge- of genes, they are used in individual identifi-
netically modified organisms be equated cation and the matching of parents and off-
with ownership of them? Is the DNA in genes spring
just a complex molecule or is it sacred? Does paternity exclusion: the indication, through
patenting human DNA and tissue demean genetic testing, that a particular man is not
human life and human dignity? the biological father of a particular child
Diamond, Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks
v. Chakrabarty (1980), 447 U.S. 303. The offi- Genetic Principles of Paternity Testing
cial citation of the Supreme Court decision. The basic genetic principles utilized in pa-
Doll, John. Talking Gene Patents. Scientific ternity testing have remained the same from
American, August, 2001. A brief interview the first applications of ABO blood groups to
with the director of biotechnology for the applications of DNA fingerprinting. Available
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office on what tests may positively exclude a man from being a
makes a gene eligible for a chemical com- childs biological father. Evidence supporting
pound patent and the number of genes pat- paternity, however, cannot be considered con-
ented. clusive. Ultimately, a court must decide whether
Hanson, Mark J. Religious Voices in Biotech- a man is determined to be the legal father
nology: The Case of Gene Patenting. based on all lines of evidence.
Paternity Tests 597

The genetic principles can be illustrated with Mating 7 satisfies the condition of a father be-
a very simple example that uses ABO blood ing B and the mother A, but mating 7 cannot
types. The four blood groups (A, B, AB, and O) produce a child being A. The putative father
are controlled by three pairs of genes. In the ex- cannot be the father, and he is excluded.
ample, however, only three of the blood groups
will be used to demonstrate the range of mat- DNA Fingerprinting
ings with the possible children for each of them After the initial use of ABO blood groups in
(see the table headed Blood Types, Genes, paternity testing, it became apparent that there
and Possible Offspring). were many cases in which the ABO phenotypes
did not permit exclusion. Other blood group
Example 1: A man is not excluded.
systems have also been used, including the MN
Mother: A
and Rh groups. As more blood groups are uti-
Child: A
Putative Father: AB
lized, the probability of exclusion (or nonex-
clusion) increases. Paternity tests have not been
It can be seen that the mothers in matings 1 restricted to blood groups alone; tissue types
and 4 satisfy the condition of the mother being and serum enzymes have also been used.
A and possibly having a child being A. Mating 4 The most powerful tool developed has been
satisfies the condition of a father being AB, the DNA testing. DNA fingerprinting was devel-
mother A, and a possible child being A. Results oped in England by Sir Alec Jeffreys. DNA is ex-
indicate that the putative father could be the fa- tracted from white blood cells and broken
ther. He is not excluded. down into fragments by bacterial enzymes (re-
striction endonucleases). The fragments are
Example 2: A man is excluded.
separated by size, and specific fragments are
Mother: A
identified. Each individual has a different DNA
Child: A
Putative Father: B
profile, but the profiles of parents and children
have similarities in greater proportion than
Again, it is seen that the mothers in matings 1, those between unrelated people. Also, frequen-
4, and 7 satisfy the condition of the mother be- cies of different fragments tend to vary among
ing A and possibly having a child being A. ethnic groups. It is possible not only to exclude

Blood Types, Genes, and Possible Offspring

Mating Genes of Parents Blood Type of Parents Possible Children

Father Mother Father Mother Genes Blood Type
2 AA AB A AB AA or AB A or AB
4 AB AA AB A AA or AB A or AB
5 AB AB AB AB AA, AB, or BB A, AB, or B
6 AB BB AB B AB or BB AB or B
8 BB AB B AB AB or BB AB or B
598 Paternity Tests

someone who is not the biological fa-

ther but also to determine actual pa-
ternity with a probability approaching
100 percent.

Impact and Applications

The personal, social, and economic
implications involved in paternity test-
ing have far-reaching consequences.
Blood-group analysis is cheaper but
less consistent than DNA testing. Pa-
Image not available
ternity can often be excluded but
rarely proven with the same degree of
accuracy that DNA testing provides.
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) test-
ing can also be used but suffers from
many of the same problems as blood-
group analysis. The development of
DNA testing after 1984 revolutionized
the field of paternity testing. DNA fin-
gerprinting has made decisions on pa-
ternity assignments virtually 100 per-
cent accurate. The same technique
has also been applied in cases of indi-
vidual identification, and results have At Paternity Testing Corporation in January, 2003, a technician drops a
helped to release people who have specimen into a dish with lysis solution to extract DNA for a paternity test.
been falsely imprisoned as well as con- (AP/Wide World Photos)
vict other people with the analysis of
trace evidence.
Donald J. Nash Office of the Inspector General, Department
See also: DNA Fingerprinting; Forensic Ge- of Health and Human Services. Eight Reports
netics; Repetitive DNA. on Paternity Establishment. 1997-2000 (OEI-
06-98-0054). Report no. 5 covers genetic
Further Reading testing for paternity at the state level.
Anderlik, Mary R., and Mark A. Rothstein. Sonenstein, Freya L., Pamela A. Holcomb, and
DNA-Based Identity Testing and the Future Kristin S. Seefeldt. Promising Approaches to Im-
of the Family: A Research Agenda. American proving Paternity Establishment Rates at the Lo-
Journal of Law and Medicine 28 (2002). Covers cal Level. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute,
DNA-based identity testing, misattributed pa- 1993. Reviews paternity establishment pro-
ternity, legal issues, and more. cedures.
Cohen, Warren. Kid Looks Like the Mailman? Weir, Bruce S. Human Identification: The Use of
Genetic Labs Boom as the Nation Wonders DNA Markers. New York: Kluwer Academic,
Whos Daddy. U.S. News and World Report 1995. Discussion includes the debates over
122 (January 27, 1997). Discusses paternity using DNA profiles to identify paternity. Bib-
testing at genetic laboratories. liography.
Goodman, Christi. Paternity, Marriage, and
DNA. Denver, Colo.: National Conference of Web Sites of Interest
State Legislatures, 2001. A concise discus- Earls Forensic Page. http://members.aol
sion of critical policy issues surrounding pa- .com/EarlNMeyer/DNA.html. Summarizes
ternity, DNA, and marriage. how DNA fingerprinting works and its use in
Pedigree Analysis 599

crime investigations and in determining pa- Overview and Definition

ternity. Pedigree analysis involves the construction
National Newborn Screening and Genetics Re- of family trees that can be used to trace inheri-
source Center. http://genes-r-us.uthscsa tance of a trait over several generations. It is
.edu. Site serves as a resource for informa- a graphical representation of the appearance
tion on genetic screening, including pater- of a particular trait or disease in related indi-
nity testing. viduals along with the nature of the relation-
Standardized symbols are used in pedigree
charts. Males are designated by squares, fe-
males by circles. Symbols for individuals af-
Pedigree Analysis fected by a trait are shaded, while symbols for
Fields of study: Population genetics; unaffected individuals are not. Heterozygous
Techniques and methodologies carriers are indicated by shading of half of
Significance: Charts called pedigrees are used to the symbol, while carriers of X-linked recessive
represent the members of a family and to indicate traits have a dot in the middle of the symbol.
which individuals have particular inherited Matings are indicated by horizontal lines link-
traits. A pedigree is built of shapes connected by ing the mated individuals. The symbols of the
lines. Pedigrees are used by genetic counselors to individuals who are offspring of the mated indi-
help families determine the risk of genetic disease viduals are linked to their parents by a vertical
and are used by research scientists in determining line intersecting with the horizontal mating
how traits are inherited. line.
The classic way to determine the mode of in-
heritance of a trait is to conduct experimental
Key terms matings of large numbers of individuals. Such
alleles: alternate forms of a gene locus, some experimental matings between humans are not
of which may cause disease possible, so it is necessary to infer the mode of
autosomal trait: a trait that typically appears inheritance of traits in humans through the use
just as frequently in either sex because an of pedigrees. Large families with good histori-
autosomal chromosome, rather than a sex cal records are the easiest to analyze. Once a
chromosome, carries the gene pedigree is established, it can be used to deter-
dominant allele: an allele that is expressed mine the likely mode of inheritance of a partic-
even when only one copy (instead of two) is ular trait and, if the mode of inheritance can be
present determined with certainty, to determine the
hemizygous: the human male is considered to risk of the traits appearing in offspring.
be hemizygous for X-linked traits, because
he has only one copy of X-linked genes Typical Pedigrees
heterozygous carriers: individuals who There are four common modes of inheri-
have one copy of a particular recessive allele tance detected using pedigree analysis: auto-
that is expressed only when present in two somal dominant, autosomal recessive, X-linked
copies dominant, and X-linked recessive. Autosomal
homozygote: an organism that has identical traits are governed by genes found on one of
alleles at the same locus the autosomes (chromosomes 1-22), while the
recessive allele: an allele that is expressed genes that cause X-linked traits are found on
only when there are two copies present the X chromosome. Males and females are
X-linked trait: a trait caused by a gene car- equally likely to be affected by autosomal traits,
ried on the X chromosome, which has differ- whereas X-linked traits are never passed on
ent patterns of inheritance in females and from father to son and all affected males in a
males because females have two X chromo- family received the mutant allele from their
somes while males have only one mothers.
600 Pedigree Analysis

Examples of Pedigrees

Family A

1 2

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 2 3 4

Family B Family C
3 4 5 6

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Typical pedigree charts for three families: Roman numerals indicate generations. Squares denote male individuals; circles, female in-
dividuals; white or blank individuals are normal phenotype; black denotes affected phenotype. The charts read like a family tree,
with mother and father at the top and vertical lines denoting offspring; individuals connected only by horizontal lines are mates
that have entered the genetic line from outside (in-laws in the case of humans). Family A provides an example of a sex-linked reces-
sive trait. Families B and C (joined at 12 and 13) give examples of autosomal traits and how they can resemble sex-linked recessive
traits sometimesand hence the reason for using large families when constructing pedigrees. (Bryan Ness)

The pattern of autosomal dominant inheri- rence risk to the unborn sibling of an affected
tance is perhaps the easiest type of Mendelian individual is one in four. The majority of X-
inheritance to recognize in a pedigree. A trait linked traits are recessive. The hallmark of X-
that appears in successive generations, and is linked recessive inheritance is that males are
found only among offspring where at least one much more likely to be affected than females,
of the parents is affected, is normally due to a because males are hemizygous, that is, they pos-
dominant allele. sess only one X chromosome, while females
If neither parent has the characteristic phe- have two X chromosomes. Therefore, a reces-
notype displayed by the child, the trait is reces- sive trait on the X chromosome will be ex-
sive. For recessive traits, on average, the recur- pressed in all males who possess that X chro-
Pedigree Analysis 601

mosome, while females with one affected X penetrance, some individuals who possess the
chromosome will be asymptomatic carriers un- dominant allele may not express the disease
less their other X chromosome also carries the phenotype at all. Some traits have a high recur-
recessive trait. The trait or disease is typically rent mutation rate. An example is achondro-
passed from an affected grandfather through plasia (a type of dwarfism), in which 85 percent
his carrier daughters to half of his grandsons. of cases are due to new mutations, where both
X-linked dominant traits are rare but distinc- parents have a normal phenotype. Traits due to
tive. All daughters of an affected male and a multifactorial inheritance have variable ex-
normal female are affected, while all sons of an pression as a result of interactions of the genes
affected male and a normal female are normal. involved with the environment. Early-acting le-
For matings between affected females and nor- thal alleles can lead to embryonic death and a
mal males, the risk of having an affected child is resulting dearth of expected affected individu-
one in two, regardless of the sex of the child. als. Pleiotropy is the situation in which a single
Males are usually more severely affected than gene controls several functions and therefore
females. The trait may be lethal in males. In the has several effects; it can result in different
general population, females are more likely to symptoms in different affected individuals.
be affected than males, even if the disease is not Finally, one trait can have a different basis of in-
lethal in males. heritance in different families. For example,
mutations in any one of more than four hun-
Usefulness dred different genes can result in hereditary
Pedigrees are important both for helping deafness.
families identify the risk of transmitting an in-
herited disease and as starting points for Modern Applications
searching for the genes responsible for inher- Genetic counseling is one of the key areas in
ited diseases. Mendelian ratios do not apply in which pedigrees are employed. A genetic coun-
individual human families because of the small seling session usually begins with the counselor
size. Pooling of families is possible; in the taking a family history and sketching a pedi-
United States, the Mormons and the Amish gree with paper and pencil, followed by use of a
have kept good records that have aided genetic computer program to create an accurate pedi-
studies. gree. The Human Genome Project has acceler-
However, even using large, carefully con- ated the number of genetic disorders that can
structed records, pedigrees can be difficult to be detected by heterozygote and prenatal
construct and interpret for several reasons. screening. A large part of the genetic coun-
Tracing family relationships can be compli- selors job is to determine for whom specific ge-
cated by adoption, children born out of wed- netic tests are appropriate.
lock, blended families, and assisted reproduc- Although genetic tests for many disorders
tive technologies that result in children who are now available, the genes involved in many
may not be genetically related to their parents. other disorders have yet to be identified. There-
Additionally, people are sometimes hesitant to fore most human gene mapping utilizes molec-
supply information because they are embar- ular DNA markers, which reflect variation at
rassed by genetic conditions that affect behav- noncoding regions of the DNA near the af-
ior or mental stability. fected gene, rather than biochemical, morpho-
Many traits do not follow clear-cut Mendel- logical, or behavioral traits. A DNA marker is a
ian ratios. Extensions and exceptions to Men- piece of DNA of known size, representing a spe-
dels laws that can confound efforts to develop cific locus, that comes in identifiable variations.
a useful pedigree are numerous. In diseases These allelic variations segregate according to
with variable expressivity, some of the symp- Mendels laws, which means it is possible to fol-
toms of the disease are always expressed but low their transmission as one would any genes
may range from very mild to severe. In auto- transmission. If a particular allelic variant of
somal dominant diseases with incomplete the DNA marker is found in individuals with a
602 Penetrance

particular phenotype, the DNA marker can be several case studies and numerous problems.
used to develop a pedigree. The DNA from all Wolff, G., T. F. Wienker, and H. Sander. On the
available family members is examined and the Genetics of Mandibular Prognathism: Anal-
pedigree is constructed using the presence of ysis of Large European Noble Families.
the DNA marker rather than phenotypic cate- Journal of Medical Genetics 30, no. 2 (1993):
gories. This method is particularly useful for 112-116. Good, not overly technical, exam-
late-onset diseases such as Huntingtons dis- ple of the use of human pedigrees to deter-
ease, whose victims may not know they carry mine mode of inheritance.
the deleterious allele until they are in their
forties or fifties, well past reproductive years.
Although using DNA markers is a powerful
method, crossover in the chromosome between Penetrance
the marker and the gene can cause an individ-
ual to be normal but still have the marker that Field of study: Population genetics
suggests presence of the mutant allele. Thus, Significance: Penetrance is a measure of how fre-
for all genetic tests there is a small percentage quently a specific genotype results in the same, pre-
of false positive and false negative results, which dictable phenotype. Such variable expression of the
must be factored into the advice given during same genotype is the result of different genetic back-
genetics counseling. grounds and the effects of variations in the envi-
Lisa M. Sardinia ronment. Geneticists desire 100 percent penetrance
See also: Artificial Selection; Classical for desirable genes that offer disease resistance but
Transmission Genetics; Complete Dominance; reduced penetrance and low expressivity for others
Eugenics; Genetic Counseling; Homosexual- that may contribute to human diseases.
ity; Incomplete Dominance; Multiple Alleles.
Key terms
Further Reading expressivity: the degree to which a pheno-
Bennett, Robin L. The Practical Guide to the Ge- type is expressed, or the extent of expression
netic Family History. New York: Wiley-Liss, of a phenotype
1999. Designed for primary care physicians, phenotype: the physical appearance or bio-
this practical book provides the foundation chemical and physiological characteristics
in human genetics necessary to recognize of an individual, which is determined by
inherited disorders and familial disease sus- both heredity and environment
ceptibility. Shows how to create a family ped-
igree. Gene Expression and Environment
Bennett, Robin L., et al. Recommendations Gene expression results in a chemical prod-
for Standardized Human Pedigree Nomen- uct (protein) with a specific function. The geno-
clature. American Journal of Human Genetics type (genetic makeup, or gene) and environ-
56, no. 3 (1995): 745-752. A report from the mental conditions determine the phenotype of
Pedigree Standardization Task Force that an individual.
addresses current usage, consistency among
symbols, computer compatibility, and the Penetrance and Expressivity
adaptability of symbols to reflect the rapid Gene expression is dependent upon envi-
technical advances in human genetics. ronmental factors and may be modified, en-
Cummings, Michael R. Pedigree Analysis in hanced, silenced, and/or timed by the regula-
Human Genetics. In Human Heredity, edited tory mechanisms of the cell in response to
by Cummings. Pacific Grove, Calif.: Brooks/ internal and external forces. A range of pheno-
Cole, 2003. Textbook designed for an in- types can result from a genotype in response to
troductory human genetics course for non- different environments; the phenomenon is
science majors. This chapter contains many called norms of reaction or phenotypic plas-
useful diagrams and pictures, ending with ticity. Norms of reaction represent the expres-
Penetrance 603

sion of phenotypic variability in individuals of a only 30 percent of those carrying the mutant al-
single genotype. lele exhibit the mutant phenotype, the pene-
The question of which is more important in trance is 30 percent. Sometimes an individual
the formation of an organism, nature (geno- with a certain genotype fails to express the ex-
type) or nurture (environment), has been de- pected phenotype, and then the allele is said to
bated for centuries. The answer is that it de- be nonpenetrant in the individual. If the phe-
pends. The genotype defines phenotypic notype is expressed to any degree, the geno-
potential. The environment works on the plas- type is penetrant.
ticity of expression to produce different phe- Given a particular phenotypic trait and a ge-
notypes from similar genotypes. notype, penetrance can be expressed as the
Penetrance is the proportion of individuals probability of the phenotype given the geno-
with a specific genotype who display a defined type. For example, penetrance can be the prob-
phenotype. Some individuals may not express a ability of round seeds, a phenotype, given the
gene if modifiers, epistatic genes, or suppres- genotype G; it can also be the probability of
sors are also present in the genome. Penetrance wrinkled seeds, another phenotype, given the
is the likelihood, or probability, that a condi- genotype G. One could label the specific phe-
tion or disease phenotype will, in fact, appear notype of interest as Pi (Pi might refer to either
when a given genotype is present. If every per- the round or wrinkled seeds) and the specific
son carrying a gene for a dominantly inherited genotype among many possibilities as G j. The
disorder has the mutant phenotype, then the penetrance would then be the probability of
gene is said to have 100 percent penetrance. If P i given G j. These penetrances can all be ex-

Penetrance vs. Expressivity

Complete Penetrance:

Variable Penetrance:

Variable Expressivity (100% Penetrance):

Variable Penetrance and Expressivity:

604 Phenylketonuria (PKU)

pressed using the mathematical notation of will be affected. In humans, the dominant al-
conditional probabilities as follows: lele P produces polydactylyextra toes and/or
fingers. Matings between two normal appear-
Case 1: Pr(round|G)
Case 2: Pr(wrinkled|G)
ing parents sometimes produce offspring with
Case 3: Pr(Pi|Gj) polydactyly. The parent with the Pp genotype
exhibits reduced penetrance for the P allele.
A 100 percent penetrance means that all in- Manjit S. Kang
dividuals who possess a particular genotype ex- See also: Hereditary Diseases; Pedigree
press the phenotype (common in all homozy- Analysis.
gous lethal genes). Tay-Sachs disease shows
complete, or 100 percent, penetrance, as all Further Reading
homozygotes for this allele develop the disease Fairbanks, Daniel J., and W. Ralph Anderson.
and die. Genetics: The Continuity of Life. New York:
An allele, Fu, in mice causes fusion in the tail Brooks/Cole, 1999. This is one of the rare
in heterozygotes, Fufu, and extremely fused books that contains a good discussion, in
and abnormal tails in the homozygotes, FuFu. Chapter 13, of the concepts of penetrance
From testcross matings of Fufu fufu, 87 fused- and expressivity.
tailed mice and 129 nonfused-tailed mice re- Kang, Manjit S. Using Genotype-by-Environ-
sulted. Genetic analyses of the 129 nonfused- ment Interaction for Crop Cultivar Develop-
tailed mice revealed that 22 were genotypically ment. Advances in Agronomy 62 (November,
Fufu. The number of fused-tailed mice was 87 1997): 199-252. This paper discusses envi-
and the number of mice with the Fufu genotype ronmental influences on heredity.
but nonfused tails was 22. The total number of Kang, Manjit S., and Hugh G. Gauch, Jr. Geno-
fused-tailed mice expected was (87 + 22) = 109. type-by-Environment Interaction. Boca Raton,
Therefore, penetrance was calculated at 87/ Fla.: CRC Press, 1996. For those interested in
109 = 0.798 in-depth treatment of the interactions be-
tween genotypes and environments.
Whereas penetrance describes the frequency
that a genotype is expressed as a specified phe-
notype, expressivity describes the range of vari- Phenylketonuria (PKU)
ation in the phenotype when expression is
observed. Expressivity is variation in allelic ex- Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
pression when the allele is penetrant. Not all Significance: Phenylketonuria is a relatively com-
traits are expressed 100 percent of the time mon genetic disease affecting about one in every
even though the allele is present. Expressivity is ten thousand newborn babies. If the disease is not
the range of variation in a phenotype; it refers detected and treatment is not begun within the first
to the degree of expression of a given trait or few weeks of life, the child will develop various neu-
combination of traits that is associated with a rological symptoms including retardation. If the
gene. Affected individuals may have severe or disease is detected shortly after birth and dietary
mild symptoms; they may have symptoms that treatment is instituted, symptoms characteristic of
show up in one organ or combination of organs the disease usually will not develop.
in one individual but not in the same locations
in other individuals. Key terms
Phenotype may be altered by heterogeneity phenylalanine: an essential amino acid that
of other genes that affect the expression of a accumulates in those affected by PKU; phe-
particular locus in question, or by environmen- nylalanine and tyrosine, another essential
tal influence. Variable expressivity is a common amino acid, can be converted into various
feature of a variety of cancers. The lower the compounds such as melanin, epinephrine,
penetrance, the fewer number of individuals norepinephrine, and dopamine
Phenylketonuria (PKU) 605

phenylalanine hydroxylase: the enzyme mg/dl or more. Since phenylalanine cannot

that converts phenylalanine into tyrosine; in be properly converted into tyrosine, melanin,
those affected by PKU, this enzyme is defec- dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine,
tive or missing there is a deficiency of those important com-
phenylpyruvic acid: a compound derived pounds, which probably contributes to the de-
from phenylalanine that accumulates in velopment of symptoms characteristic of the
those affected by PKU disease. The high levels of phenylalanine may
tyrosine: an essential amino acid that can be also interfere with the transport of other im-
derived from phenylalanine; it can be con- portant amino acids into the brain. Since sev-
verted into various compounds such as mela- eral amino acids use the same transport system
nin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and do- as phenylalanine, phenylalanine is preferen-
pamine tially transported at the expense of the others.
This may also contribute to the development of
Discovery of PKU symptoms characteristic of PKU. Additionally,
Phenylketonuria, or PKU, was discovered in since phenylalanine cannot be metabolized
1934 by Asbjrn Flling in Norway. Flling dis- normally, it is metabolized into abnormal com-
covered that the urine of retarded children pounds such as phenylpyruvic acid, which fur-
turned green when ferric chloride, a chemical ther contributes to the development of PKU
used to detect ketones in the urine of diabetics, symptoms.
was added. The urine of diabetics normally
turns purple or burgundy with the addition of The PKU Gene
ferric chloride. Flling conducted further in- The gene responsible for PKU encodes the
vestigations and discovered that the substance information for the liver enzyme phenylala-
responsible for turning urine green upon addi- nine hydroxylase (PAH), which catalyzes the
tion of ferric chloride was phenylpyruvic acid. conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine. The
Flling discovered that the origin of phenylpy- disease-causing mutant PKU gene is recessive.
ruvic acid was the amino acid phenylalanine. Thus, in order for a person to have PKU he or
she must inherit two copies of the mutant gene.
Symptoms and Effects on Metabolism Approximately one in every fifty people in the
Common characteristics of untreated pa- United States is a heterozygous carrier for the
tients with PKU are mental retardation, light- disease. About one in every ten thousand new-
colored skin, hyperactivity, schizophrenia, born babies has the disease. African Americans
tremors, and eczema. have a much lower incidence of PKU than do
PKU also has major metabolic effects. In peo- Caucasian Americans. In certain other popula-
ple with normal metabolisms, phenylalanine, tions, such as in Ireland, the incidence of the
an essential amino acid, must be consumed in disease is much higher.
the diet. Phenylalanine is either incorporated The PKU gene was isolated in 1992, and
into the bodys proteins or converted by the en- soon afterward it was discovered that there is
zyme phenylalanine hydroxylase into tyrosine, no one type of PKU mutation. Instead, the dis-
another amino acid. Tyrosine is either incor- ease can be caused by a variety of defects affect-
porated into protein or converted into other ing the PKU gene. Many of these defects are
important biological molecules, such as dopa- point mutations resulting in single base-pair
mine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and mel- changes in the DNA which lead to amino acid
anin. Alternatively, tyrosine can be completely substitutions in the PAH gene. Other defects in-
metabolized and eliminated from the body. clude base-pair changes leading to splicing de-
People with PKU cannot metabolize phenyl- fects in PAH messenger RNA (mRNA), dele-
alanine into tyrosine at normal rates. Normally, tions resulting in one or more missing amino
blood phenylalanine concentrations are be- acids in PAH, and insertions resulting in mRNA
tween 2 and 6 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl), reading frame shifts. More than four hundred
but in PKU phenylalanine accumulates to 20 mutations have been found in the PKU gene.
606 Plasmids

The variety of different defects in the PKU See also: Biochemical Mutations; Genetic
gene leads to variability in the activity of PAH Screening; Genetic Testing; Hereditary Dis-
and the severity of the disease. eases; Inborn Errors of Metabolism; Model Or-
ganism: Mus musculus.
PKU Screening
In 1957 Willard Centerwall introduced fer- Further Reading
ric chloride as a screening technique by im- Koch, Jean Holt. Robert Guthrie, the PKU Story: A
pregnating babies diapers with ferric chloride. Crusade Against Mental Retardation. Pasa-
If the babies urine contained phenylpyruvic dena, Calif.: Hope, 1997. A longtime friend
acid, the diaper would turn green. Since the profiles the scientific work and personal life
test was reliable only after the baby was several work of Robert Guthrie.
weeks old and after brain damage may already National PKU News. This newsletter, published
have occurred, a new, more reliable and more in Seattle, Washington, three times per year,
sensitive test was needed. provides the latest information about PKU.
Robert Guthrie developed a more sensitive Parker, James N. The Official Parents Sourcebook
test. In the Guthrie test, bacteria are grown on on Phenylketonuria. San Diego, Calif.: ICON
an agar medium that contains an inhibitor of Health Publications, 2002. This resource,
growth that can be overcome by exogenously created for parents with PKU children, tells
added phenylalanine. If a small piece of filter parents how and where to look for informa-
paper containing blood is placed on the agar tion about PKU.
medium with the bacteria, the phenylalanine
in the blood leaches out of the filter paper and Web Site of Interest
stimulates growth of the bacteria. The extent of National Organization for Rare Disorders.
the growth around the filter paper is directly http://www.rarediseases.org. Searchable
proportional to the amount of phenylalanine site by type of disorder. Includes back-
in the blood. Guthrie published his procedure ground information on PKU, a list of other
in 1961. In 1963 Massachusetts became the first names for the disease, and a list of related or-
state to legislate mandatory PKU screening of ganizations.
all newborns. It is now mandatory in all fifty

Treatment Plasmids
The treatment of choice for PKU is dietary
or nutritional intervention. PKU babies placed Field of study: Molecular genetics
on very low phenylalanine diets show normal Significance: Plasmids are DNA molecules that ex-
cognitive development. The PKU diet elimi- ist separately from the chromosome. Plasmids exist
nates high-protein foods, which are replaced in a commensal relationship with their host and
with low-phenylalanine foods and supple- may provide the host with new abilities. They are
mented with a nutritional formula. In 1954, used in genetic research as vehicles for carrying
Horst Bickel was the first to treat PKU with diet genes. In the wild, they promote the exchange of
therapy. genes and contribute to the problem of antibiotic re-
It is recommended that dietary intervention sistance.
begin as soon as possible after birth and con-
tinue for life. It is especially important that Key terms
pregnant PKU women adhere closely to the commensalism: a relationship in which two or-
diet, or their babies will be mentally retarded. ganisms rely on each other for survival
Studies have shown that if children or adults gene: a region of DNA containing instructions
are taken off the diet, some PKU symptoms for the manufacture of a protein
may develop. transposon: a piece of DNA that can copy it-
Charles L. Vigue self from one location to another
Plasmids 607

Plasmid Structure number can place a significant energy drain on

The structure of plasmids is usually circular, its host cell. In environments where the nutri-
although linear forms do exist. Their size ent supply is low, a plasmid-bearing cell may
ranges from a few thousand base pairs to hun- not be able to compete successfully with other,
dreds of thousands of base pairs. They are non-plasmid-containing cells. Wild plasmids
found primarily in bacteria but have also been often exist at a low copy number, or create a
found in fungi, plants, and even humans. high copy number for only a brief period of
In its commensal relationship with its host, time.
the plasmid can be thought of as a molecular
parasite whose primary function is to maintain
itself within its host and to spread itself as Plasmid Partitioning
widely as possible to other hosts. The majority Because the presence of a plasmid is expen-
of genes that are present on a plasmid will be sive in terms of energy, a cell harboring a plas-
dedicated to this function. Researchers have mid will grow more slowly than a similar cell
discovered that despite the great diversity of with no plasmid. This can cause a problem for a
plasmids, most of them have similar genes, plasmid if it fails to partition properly during its
dedicated to this function. This relative sim- hosts division. If the plasmid does not partition
plicity of plasmids makes them ideal models properly, then one of the hosts daughter cells
of gene function, as well as useful tools for mo- will not contain a plasmid. Since this cell does
lecular biology. Genes of interest can be placed not have to spend energy replicating a plasmid,
on a plasmid, which can easily be moved in it will gain an ability to grow faster, as will all of
and out of cells. Using plasmids isolated from its offspring. In such a situation, the population
the wild, molecular biologists have designed of non-plasmid-containing cells could outgrow
many varieties of artificial plasmids, which the population of plasmid-containing cells and
have greatly facilitated research in molecular use up all the nutrients in the environment. To
biology. avoid this problem, plasmids have evolved strat-
egies to prevent improper partitioning. One
Plasmid Replication strategy is for the plasmid to contain partition-
To survive and propagate, a plasmid must be ing genes. Partitioning genes encode proteins
able to copy itself, or replicate. The genes that that actively partition plasmids into each daugh-
direct this process are known as the replication ter cell during the host cells division. Active
genes. These genes do not carry out all the partitioning greatly reduces the errors in parti-
functions of replication, but instead coopt the tioning that might occur if partitioning were
hosts replication machinery to replicate the left to chance.
plasmid. Replication allows the plasmid to A second strategy that plasmids use to pre-
propagate by creating copies of itself that can vent partitioning errors is the plasmid addition
be passed to each daughter cell when the host system. In this strategy, genes on the plasmid di-
divides. In this manner, the plasmid propagates rect the production of both a toxin and an anti-
along with the host. dote. The antidote protein is very unstable and
A second function of the replication genes degrades quickly, but the toxin is quite stable.
is to control the copy number of the plasmid. As long as the plasmid is present, the cytoplasm
The number of copies of a plasmid that exist in- of the cell will be full of toxin and antidote.
side a host can vary considerably. Plasmids can Should a daughter cell fail to receive a plasmid
exist at a very low copy number (one or two during division, the residual antidote and toxin
copies per cell) or at a higher copy number, present in the cytoplasm from the mother cell
with dozens of copies per cell. Adjusting the will begin to degrade, since there is no longer a
copy number is an important consideration for plasmid present to direct the synthesis of either
a plasmid. Plasmid replication is an expensive toxin or antidote. Since the antidote is very un-
process that consumes energy and resources stable, it will degrade first, leaving only toxin,
of the host cell. A plasmid with a high copy which will kill the cell.
608 Plasmids

Plasmid Transfer Between Cells the ability to survive is the human body. A num-
Propagation of plasmids can occur through ber of pathogenic microorganisms gain their
the spread of plasmids from parent cells to ability to inhabit the human body, and thus
their offspring (referred to as vertical trans- cause disease, from genes contained on plas-
fer), but propagation can also occur between mids. An example of this is Bacillus anthracis,
two different cells (referred to as horizontal the agent that causes anthrax. Many of the
transfer). Many plasmids are able to transfer genes that allow this organism to cause disease
themselves from one host to another through are contained on one of two plasmids, called
the process of conjugation. Conjugal plas- pXO1 and pXO2. Yersinia pestis, the causative
mids contain a collection of genes that direct agent of bubonic plague, also gains its disease-
the host cell that contains them to attach to causing ability from plasmids.
other cells and transfer a copy of the plasmid.
In this manner, the plasmid can spread itself to R Factors
other hosts and is not limited to spreading itself Another example of plasmids conferring on
only to the descendants of the original host their hosts the ability to survive in a hostile en-
cell. vironment is antibiotic resistance. Plasmids
One of the first plasmids to be identified was known as R factors contain genes that make
discovered because of its ability to conjugate. their bacterial hosts resistant to antibiotics.
This plasmid, known as the F plasmid, or F fac- These R factors are usually conjugal plasmids,
tor, is a plasmid found in the bacterium Esche- so they can move easily from cell to cell. Be-
richia coli. Cells harboring the F plasmid are cause the antibiotic resistance genes they carry
designated F+ cells and can transfer their plas- are usually parts of transposons, they can
mid to other E. coli cells that do not contain the readily copy themselves from one piece of DNA
F plasmid (called F cells). to another. Two different R factors that hap-
Conjugal plasmids can be very specific and pened to be together in one cell could ex-
transfer only between closely related members change copies of each others antibiotic resis-
of the same species (such as the F plasmid), or tance genes. A number of R factors exist that
they can be very promiscuous and allow trans- contain multiple antibiotic resistance genes.
fer between unrelated species. An extreme ex- Such plasmids can result in the formation of
ample of cross-species transfer is the Ti plasmid multi-drug resistant (MDR) strains of patho-
of the bacterial species Agrobacterium tumefaciens. genic bacteria, which are difficult to treat.
The Ti plasmid is capable of transferring part There is much evidence to suggest that the
of itself from A. tumefaciens into the cells of widespread use of antibiotics has contrib-
dicotyledonous plants. Plant cells that receive uted to the development of MDR pathogens,
parts of the Ti plasmid are induced to grow and which are emerging as an important health
form a tumorlike structure, called a gall, that concern.
provides a hospitable environment for A. tume-
faciens. Role of Plasmids in Evolution
Through conjugation, plasmids can transfer
Host Benefits from Plasmids genetic information from one species of bacte-
In most commensal relationships, there is an rial cell to another. During its stay in a particu-
exchange of benefits between the two partners. lar host, a plasmid may acquire some of the
The same is true for plasmids and their hosts. chromosomal genes of the host, which it then
In many cases, plasmids provide their host cells carries to a new host by conjugation. These
with a collection of genes that enhance the abil- genes can then be transferred from the plas-
ity of the host cell to survive. Enhancements in- mid to the chromosome of the new host. If the
clude the ability to metabolize a wider range of new host and the old host are different species,
materials for food and the ability to survive in this gene transfer can result in the introduction
hostile environments. One particular hostile of new genes, and thus new traits, into a cell.
environment in which plasmids can provide Bacteria, being asexual, produce daughter cells
Polygenic Inheritance 609

that are genetically identical to their parent.

The existence of conjugal plasmids, which al- Polygenic Inheritance
low for the transfer of genes between bacterial
species, may represent an important mecha- Fields of study: Classical transmission
nism by which bacteria generate diversity and genetics
create new species. Significance: Polygenically inherited traits-
Douglas H. Brown characterized by the amount of some attribute that
See also: Anthrax; Antisense RNA; Archaea; they possess but not by their presence or absence
Bacterial Genetics and Cell Structure; Bacterial are central to plant and animal breeding, medi-
Resistance and Super Bacteria; Biopesticides; cine, and evolutionary biology. Most of the economi-
Biopharmaceuticals; Blotting: Southern, North- cally important traits in plants and animalsfor
ern, and Western; Cloning; Cloning Vectors; example, yield and meat productionare poly-
DNA Sequencing Technology; Emerging Dis- genic in nature. Quantitative genetic principles
eases; Extrachromosomal Inheritance; Gene are applied to improve such traits.
Regulation: Bacteria; Genetic Engineering; Ge-
netic Engineering: Agricultural Applications; Key terms
Genetic Engineering: Historical Development; heritability: the proportion of the total ob-
Genetic Engineering: Industrial Applications; served variation for a trait attributable to he-
Genome Size; Genomics; High-Yield Crops; redity or genes
Human Growth Hormone; Immunogenetics; meristic trait: traits that are counted, such as
Model Organism: Chlamydomonas reinhardtii; number of trichomes or bristles
Model Organism: Escherichia coli; Model Organ- quantitative trait: a trait, such as human
ism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Model Organism: height or weight, that shows continuous vari-
Xenopus laevis; Noncoding RNA Molecules; Poly- ation in a population and can be measured;
merase Chain Reaction; Proteomics; Shotgun also called a metric trait
Cloning; Transgenic Organisms; Transposable quantitative trait loci (QTLs): genomic
Elements. regions that condition a quantitative trait,
generally identified via DNA-based markers
Further Reading threshold traits: characterized by discrete
Levy, Stuart B. The Challenge of Antibiotic Re- classes at an outer scale but exhibiting con-
sistance. Scientific American 278 (1998): 46- tinuous variation at an underlying scale;
53. A discussion on the growing problem of for example, diabetes, schizophrenia, and
antibiotic resistance. Written by one of the cancer
experts in the field.
Summers, David K. The Biology of Plasmids. Discovery of Polygenic Inheritance
Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 1996. A compre- Soon after the rediscovery of Gregor Men-
hensive book on plasmid biology written for dels laws of inheritance in 1900, Herman
college undergraduates. Nilsson-Ehle, a Swedish geneticist, showed in
Thomas, Christopher M. Paradigms of Plas- 1909 how multiple genes with small effects
mid Organization. Molecular Microbiology could collectively affect a continuously varying
37, no. 3 (2000): 485-491. A review that character. He crossed dark, red-grained wheat
clearly discusses the evolution and organiza- with white-grained wheat and found the prog-
tion of plasmid genes. eny with an intermediate shade of red. Upon
crossing the progeny among themselves, he ob-
tained grain colors ranging from dark red to
white. He could classify the grains into five
groups in a symmetric ratio of 1:4:6:4:1, with
the extreme phenotypes being one-sixteenth
dark red and one-sixteenth white. This sug-
gested two-gene segregation. For a two-gene
610 Polygenic Inheritance

(n = 2) model, the number and frequency of Diabetes and cancer are considered to be
phenotypic classes (2n + 1 = 5) can be deter- threshold traits because all individuals can be
mined by expanding the binomial (a + b)4, classified as affected or unaffected (qualita-
where a represents number of favorable alleles tive). They are also continuous traits because
and b represents number of nonfavorable al- severity varies from nearly undetectable to ex-
leles. tremely severe (quantitative). Because it is vir-
Subsequently, Nilsson-Ehle crossed a differ- tually impossible to determine the exact geno-
ent variety of red-grained wheat with white- type for such traits, it is difficult to control
grained wheat. He found that one-sixty-fourth defects with a polygenic mode of inheritance.
of the plants produced dark red kernels and
one-sixty-fourth produced white kernels. Detection of Genes Controlling Polygenic
There were a total of seven phenotypic (color) Traits
classes instead of five. The segregation ratio The detection of genes controlling polygenic
corresponded to three genes: (a + b)6 = 1a6 + traits is challenging and complex because:
6a 5b 1 + 15a 4b 2 + 20a 3b 3 + 15a 2b 4 + 6a 1b 5 + 1b 6.
(1) The expression of genes controlling such
Here, a 6 means that one of sixty-four individu-
traits is modified by fluctuations in envi-
als possessed six favorable alleles, 20a 3b 3 means
ronmental and/or management factors.
that twenty of sixty-four individuals had three
(2) A quantitative trait is usually a composite
favorable and three nonfavorable alleles, and
of many other traits, each influenced by
b 6 means that one individual had six non-
many genes with variable effects.
favorable alleles. An assumption was that each
(3) Effects of allele substitution are small be-
of the alleles had an equal, additive effect.
cause many genes control the trait.
These experiments led to what is known as the
(4) Expression of an individual gene may be
multiple-factor hypothesis, or polygenic inheri-
modified by the expression of other genes
tance (Kenneth Mather coined the terms
and environment.
polygenes and polygenic traits). Around
1920, Ronald Aylmer Fisher, Sewall Green Polygenic traits are best analyzed with statistical
Wright, and John Burdon Sanderson Haldane methods, the simplest of which are estimation
developed methods of quantitative analysis of of arithmetic mean, standard error, variance,
genetic effects. and standard deviation. Two populations can
Polygenic traits are characterized by the have the same mean, but their distribution may
amount of some attribute that they possess but be different. Thus, one needs information on
not by presence or absence, as is the case with variances for describing the two populations
qualitative traits that are controlled by one or more fully. From variances, effects of genes can
two major genes. Environmental factors gener- be ascertained in the aggregate rather than as
ally have little or no effect on the expression of individual genes.
a gene or genes controlling a qualitative trait, The issues in quantitative genetics are not
whereas quantitative traits are highly influenced only how many and which genes control a trait
by the environment and genotype is poorly rep- but also how much of what is observed (pheno-
resented by phenotype. Genes controlling poly- type) is attributable to genes (heritability) and
genic traits are sometimes called minor genes. how much to the environment. The concept of
heritability in the broad sense is useful for
Examples and Characteristics of quantitative traits, but heritability itself does
Polygenic Traits not give any clues to the total number of genes
Quantitative genetics encompasses analyses involved. If heritability is close to 1.0, the vari-
of traits that exhibit continuous variation ance for a trait is attributable entirely to genet-
caused by polygenes and their interactions ics, and when it is close to zero, the popula-
among themselves and with environmental fac- tions phenotype is due entirely to the variation
tors. Such traits include height, weight, and in the underlying environment. Environmen-
some genetic defects. tal effects mask or modify genetic effects.
Polymerase Chain Reaction 611

Distribution or frequency of different classes Key terms

in segregating populationsfor example, F2 DNA polymerase: an enzyme that copies or
may provide an idea about the number of genes, replicates DNA; it uses a single-stranded
particularly if the gene number is small (say, DNA as a template for synthesis of a comple-
three to four). Formulas have been devised to mentary new strand and requires an RNA
estimate the number of genes conditioning a primer or a small section of double-stranded
trait, but these estimates are not highly reliable. DNA to initiate synthesis
Genes controlling quantitative traits can be es- molecular cloning: the process of splicing a
timated via use of chromosomal translocations piece of DNA into a plasmid, virus, or phage
or other cytogenetic procedures. The advent of vector to obtain many identical copies of
molecular markers, such as restriction frag- that DNA
ment length polymorphisms, has made it easier
and more reliable to pinpoint the location of The Development of the Polymerase Chain
genes on chromosomes of a species of interest. Reaction
With much work in a well-characterized organ- The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was
ism, these polygenes can be mapped to chro- developed by Kary B. Mullis in the mid-1980s.
mosomes as quantitative trait loci. The technique revolutionized molecular ge-
Manjit S. Kang netics and the study of genes. One of the diffi-
See also: Congenital Defects; Genetic Engi- culties in studying genes is that a specific gene
neering; Hereditary Diseases; Neural Tube De- can be one of approximately twenty-one thou-
fects; Pedigree Analysis; Plasmids; Quantitative sand genes in a complex genome. To obtain the
Inheritance. number of copies of a specific gene needed for
accurate analysis required the time-consuming
Further Reading techniques of molecular cloning and detection
Kang, Manjit S. Quantitative Genetics, Genomics, of specific DNA sequences. The polymerase
and Plant Breeding. Wallingford, Oxon, En- chain reaction changed the science of molecu-
gland: CABI, 2002. Provides various meth- lar genetics by allowing huge numbers of cop-
ods of studying metric or quantitative traits, ies of a specific DNA sequence to be produced
especially with DNA-based markers. without the use of molecular cloning. The tre-
Lynch, Michael, and Bruce Walsh. Genetics and mendous significance of this discovery was rec-
Analysis of Quantitative Traits. Sunderland, ognized by the awarding of the 1993 Nobel
Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 1998. Gives an Prize in Chemistry to Mullis for the invention
overview of the history of quantitative genet- of the PCR method. (The 1993 prize was also
ics and covers evolutionary genetics. awarded to Michael Smith, for work on
oligonucleotide-based, site-directed mutagen-
esis and its development for protein studies.)

How Polymerase Chain Reaction Works

Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR begins with the creation of a single-
Fields of study: Genetic engineering and stranded DNA template to be copied. This is
biotechnology; Molecular genetics; done by heating double-stranded DNA to tem-
Techniques and methodologies peratures near boiling (about 94 to 99 degrees
Significance: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is Celsius, or about 210 degrees Fahrenheit). This
the in vitro (in the test tube) amplification of spe- is followed by the annealing (binding of a com-
cific nucleic acid sequences. In a few hours, a sin- plementary sequence) of pairs of oligonucleo-
gle piece of DNA can be copied one billion times. tides (short nucleic acid molecules about ten
Because this technique is simple, rapid, and very to twenty nucleotides long) called primers.
sensitive, it is used in a very wide range of applica- Because DNA polymerase requires a double-
tions, including forensics, disease diagnosis, mo- stranded region to prime (initiate) DNA syn-
lecular genetics, and nucleic acid sequencing. thesis, the starting point for DNA synthesis is
612 Polymerase Chain Reaction

specified by the location at which the primer The PCR reaction is made more efficient by
anneals to the template. The primers are cho- the use of heat-stable DNA polymerases, iso-
sen to flank the DNA to be amplified. This an- lated from bacteria that live at very high tem-
nealing is done at a lower temperature (about peratures in hot springs or deep-sea vents, and
30-65 degrees Celsius, or about 86-149 degrees by the use of a programmable water bath
Fahrenheit). The final step is the synthesis by (called a thermal cycler) to change the temper-
DNA polymerase of a new strand of DNA com- atures of samples quickly to each of the temper-
plementary to the template starting from the atures needed in each of the steps of a cycle.
primers. This step is carried out at tempera-
tures about 65-75 degrees Celsius (149-167 de- Impact and Applications
grees Fahrenheit). These three steps are re- PCR is extremely rapid. One billion copies
peated many times (for many cycles) to amplify of a specific DNA can be made in a few hours. It
the template DNA. The time for each of the is also extremely sensitive. It is possible to copy
three steps is typically one to two minutes. If, in a single DNA molecule. Great care must be
each cycle, one copy is made of each of the taken to avoid contamination, however, for
strands of the template, the number of DNA even trace contaminants can readily be ampli-
molecules produced doubles each cycle. Be- fied by this method.
cause of this doubling, more than one million PCR is a useful tool for many different appli-
copies of the template DNA are made at the cations. It is used in basic research to obtain
end of twenty cycles. DNA for sequencing and other analyses. PCR is

Image not available

A technician performs polymerase chain reaction testing of anthrax samples. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Polyploidy 613

used in disease diagnosis, in prenatal diagnosis, major scientific development of the year,
and to match donor and recipient tissues for the polymerase chain reaction, noting that
organ transplants. Because a specific sequence the technique, although introduced earlier,
can be amplified greatly, much less clinical ma- truly burgeoned in 1989.
terial is needed to make a diagnosis. The assay Innis, Michael A., David H. Gelfand, and John
is also rapid, so results are available sooner. J. Sninsky, eds. PCR Applications: Protocols for
PCR is used to detect pathogens, such as the Functional Genomics. San Diego: Academic
causative agents for Lyme disease or for ac- Press, 1999. Discusses gene discovery, ge-
quired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), nomics, and DNA array technology. Entries
that are difficult to culture. PCR can even be on nomenclature, expression, sequence anal-
used to amplify DNA from ancient sources such ysis, structure and function, electrophysiol-
as mummies, bones, and other museum speci- ogy, parmacology, and information retrieval.
mens. PCR is an important tool in forensic in- Illustrations, bibliography, index.
vestigations. Target DNA from trace amounts Kochanowski, Bernd, and Udo Reischl, eds.
of biological material such as semen, blood, Quantitative PCR Protocols. Methods in Mo-
and hair roots can be amplified. There are lecular Medicine 26. Totowa, N.J.: Humana
probes for regions of human DNA that show Press, 1999. Outlines protocols and includes
hypervariability in the population and there- methodological and process notes. Illustra-
fore make good markers to identify the source tions, bibliography, index.
of the DNA. PCR can therefore be used to eval- Lloyd, Ricardo V., ed. Morphology Methods: Cell
uate evidence at the scene of a crime, help and Molecular Biology Techniques. Totowa,
identify missing people, and resolve paternity N.J.: Humana Press, 2001. Includes an over-
cases. view of PCR. Black-and-white and color illus-
Susan J. Karcher trations, bibliography, index.
See also: Ancient DNA; Anthrax; Bioin- McPherson, M. J., and S. G. Mller. PCR Basics.
formatics; Blotting: Southern, Northern, and Oxford, England: BIOS Scientific, 2000.
Western; Central Dogma of Molecular Biology; Provides introductory information about
Cloning Vectors; DNA Fingerprinting; DNA Se- PCR theory, background, and protocols. Il-
quencing Technology; Forensic Genetics; Ge- lustrations, bibliography, index.
netic Engineering: Historical Development; Mullis, Kary B. The Unusual Origin of the
Human Genome Project; In Vitro Fertilization Polymerase Chain Reaction. Scientific Ameri-
and Embryo Transfer; Mitochondrial Diseases; can 262 (April, 1990). Nobel laureate Mullis
Molecular Genetics; Paternity Tests; Repetitive describes the initial development of the
DNA; RFLP Analysis; RNA Isolation; Swine Flu. technique for the general audience.
Watson, James D., et al. Recombinant DNA. New
Further Reading York: Scientific American Books, 1992. Sum-
Budowle, Bruce, et al. DNA Typing Protocols: Mo- marizes polymerase chain reaction and its
lecular Biology and Forensic Analysis. Natick, applications. Full-color illustrations, dia-
Mass.: Eaton, 2000. Discussion includes grams, bibliography, index.
DNA extraction and PCR-based analyses. Il-
lustrations, bibliography, index.
Chen, Bing-Yuan, and Harry W. Janes, eds. PCR
Cloning Protocols. Rev. 2d ed. Totowa, N.J.:
Humana Press, 2002. Presents helpful intro-
ductory chapters with each section and Field of study: Population genetics
guidelines for PCR cloning. Illustrations, Significance: Polyploids have three or more com-
bibliographies, index. plete sets of chromosomes in their nuclei instead of
Guyer, Ruth L., and Daniel E. Koshland, Jr. the two sets found in diploids. Polyploids are espe-
The Molecule of the Year. Science 246 (De- cially common in plants, with some examples also
cember 22, 1989): 1543-1546. Reviews the existing in animals, and have a prominent role in
614 Polyploidy

the evolution of species. Some tissues of diploid or- applied primarily to plants, in which polyploidy
ganisms are polyploid, while the remaining cells in is better studied. Hybrids between two species
the organism are diploid. are often sterile, but occasionally a diploid ga-
mete from one of the species joins with a nor-
Key terms mal haploid gamete from the other species,
allopolyploid: a type of polyploid species which produces a triploid hybrid. Triploids are
that contains genomes from more than one also sterile, for the most part, but do produce a
ancestral species small number of gametes, many of which are
aneuploid: a cell or an organism with one or diploid. This makes the probability that two
more missing or extra chromosomes; the op- diploid gametes will join, to form a tetraploid,
posite is euploid, a cell with the normal much higher. This hypothesis is supported by
chromosome number the discovery of triploid hybrid plants that do
autopolyploid: a type of polyploid species produce a small number of viable gametes.
that contains more than two sets of chromo- This type of polyploid, formed as a result of hy-
somes from the same species bridization between two species, is called an al-
homologous chromosomes: chromosomes lopolyploid. Allopolyploids are typically fertile
that are structurally the same and have the and represent a new species.
same gene loci, although they may have dif- Polyploidy can also occur within a single spe-
ferent alleles (alternative forms of a gene) at cies, without hybridization, in which case it is
many of their shared loci called an autopolyploid. Autopolyploids can
form in the same way as allopolyploids, but they
The Formation of Polyploidy can also occur as the result of a failure in cell di-
Most animals are diploid, meaning that they vision in a bud. If a cell in the meristematic re-
have two homologous sets of chromosomes in gion (a rapidly dividing group of cells at the tip
their cells; and their gametes (eggs and sperm) of a bud) completes mitosis but not cytokinesis,
are haploid, that is, having one set of chromo- it will be a tetraploid cell. All daughter cells
somes. Plants, a variety of single-celled eukary- from this cell will also be tetraploid, so that any
otes, and some insects have individual or parts flowers borne on this branch will produce dip-
of an individuals life cycle when they are hap- loid gametes. If the plant is self-compatible, it
loid. In any case, when there are more than two can then produce tetraploid offspring from
sets of homologous chromosomes, the cell or these flowers. Autopolyploids are often a little
organism is considered polyploid. A triploid or- larger and more robust than the diploids that
ganism has three sets of homologous chromo- produce them, but they are often so similar
somes, a tetraploid has four sets, a dodecaploid they cannot be easily distinguished. An auto-
has twelve sets, and there are organisms known polyploid, when formed, represents a new spe-
to have many more than a dozen sets of homol- cies but is not generally recognized as such un-
ogous chromosomes. less it looks different enough physically from
How polyploids are formed in nature is still diploids.
debated. Regardless of what theory is accepted,
the first step certainly involves a failure during The Genetics of Polyploids
cell division, in either meiosis or mitosis. For A polyploid has more copies of each gene
example, if cytokinesis (division of the cyto- than a diploid. For example, a tetraploid has
plasm) fails at the conclusion of meiosis II, the four alleles at each locus, which means tetra-
daughter cells will be diploid. If, by chance, a ploids can contain much more individual vari-
diploid sperm fertilizes a diploid egg, the re- ability than diploids. This has led some evolu-
sulting zygote will be tetraploid. Although poly- tionists to suggest that polyploids should have
ploidy might occur this way, biologists have pro- higher fitness than the diploids from which
posed an alternative model involving a triploid they came. With more variation, the individual
intermediate stage. would be preadapted to a much wider range of
The triploid intermediate model has been conditions. Because there are so many extra
Polyploidy 615

Image not available

Wheat is one of many important polyploid crops. (AP/Wide World Photos)

copies of genes, a certain amount of gene si- because the chromosomes from the two species
lencing (loss of genes through mutation or are unable to pair properly.
other processes) occurs, with no apparent det-
riment to the plant. Polyploid Plants and Animals
The pairing behavior of chromosomes in In the plant kingdom, it is estimated by some
polyploids is also unique. In a diploid, during that 95 percent of pteridophytes (plants, in-
meiosis, homologous chromosomes associate cluding ferns, that reproduce by spores) and
in pairs. In an autotetraploid there are four perhaps as many as 80 percent of angiosperms
homologous chromosomes of each type which (flowering plants that form seeds inside an
associate together in groups of four. In an ovary) are polyploid, although there is high
allotetraploid, the chromosomes from the two variability in its occurrence among families of
species from which they are derived are com- angiosperms. In contrast, polyploidy is uncom-
monly not completely homologous and do not mon in gymnosperms (plants that have naked
associate together. Consequently, the pairs of seeds that are not within specialized struc-
homologous chromosomes from one parent tures). Extensive polyploidy is observed in
species associate together in pairs, as do the chrysanthemums, in which chromosome num-
chromosomes from the other parent species. bers range from 18 to 198. The basic chromo-
For this reason, sometimes allopolyploids are some number (haploid or gamete number of
referred to as amphidiploids, because their chromosomes) is 9. Polyploids from triploids
pairing behavior looks the same as it does in a (with 27 chromosomes) to 22-ploids (198 chro-
diploid. This is also why an allopolyploid is fer- mosomes) are observed. The stonecrop Sedum
tile (because meiosis occurs normally), but a suaveolens, which has the highest chromosome
hybrid between two diploids commonly is not, number of any angiosperm, is believed to be
616 Polyploidy

about 80-ploid (720 chromosomes). Many im- an allohexaploid and contains chromosome
portant agricultural crops, including wheat, sets that are derived from three different an-
corn, sugarcane, potatoes, coffee, apples, and cient types. Compared to the species from
cotton, are polyploid. which it evolved, T. aestivum is far more produc-
Polyploid animals are less common than tive and produces larger grains of wheat.
polyploid plants but are found among some Triticum aestivum was not developed by humans
groups, including crustaceans, earthworms, but appears to have arisen by a series of chance
flatworms, and insects such as weevils, sawflies, events in the past, humans simply recognizing
and moths. Polyploidy has also been observed the better qualities of T. aestivum. Another for-
in some vertebrates, including tree frogs, liz- tuitous example involves three species of mus-
ards, salamanders, and fish. It has been sug- tard that have given rise to black mustard, tur-
gested that the genetic redundancy observed nips, cabbage, broccoli, and several other
in vertebrates may be caused by ancestral poly- related crops, all of which are allotetraploids.
ploidy. Polyploids may be induced by the use of
drugs such as colchicine, which halts cell divi-
Polyploidy in Tissues sion. Because of the advantages of the natural
Most plants and animals contain particular polyploids used in agriculture, many geneti-
tissues that are polyploid or polytene, while the cists have experimented with artificially pro-
rest of the organism is diploid. Polyploidy is ob- ducing polyploids to improve crop yields. One
served in multinucleate cells and in cells that prime example of this approach is Triticale,
have undergone endomitosis, in which the which represents an allopolyploid produced by
chromosomes condense but the cell does not hybridizing wheat and rye. Producing artificial
undergo nuclear or cellular division. For exam- polyploids often produces a new variety that
ple, in vertebrates, liver cells are binucleate and has unexpected negative characteristics, so that
therefore tetraploid. In addition, in humans, only a few such polyploids have been success-
megakaryocytes can have polyploidy levels of ful. Nevertheless, research on polyploidy con-
up to sixty-four. A megakaryocyte is a giant tinues.
bone-marrow cell with a large, irregularly Susan J. Karcher, updated by Bryan Ness
lobed nucleus that is the precursor to blood See also: Cell Division; Cytokinesis; High-
platelets. A megakaryocyte does not circulate, Yield Crops; Gene Families; Genome Size; He-
but forms platelets by budding. A single mega- reditary Diseases; Nondisjunction and Aneu-
karyocyte can produce three thousand to four ploidy.
thousand platelets. A platelet is an enucleated,
disk-shaped cell in the blood that has a role in Further Reading
blood coagulation. In polytene cells, the repli- Adams, Keith L., Richard Cronn, Ryan Perci-
cated copies of the chromosomal DNA remain field, and Jonathan F. Wendel. Genes Du-
associated to produce giant chromosomes that plicated by Polyploidy Show Unequal Con-
have a continuously visible banding pattern. tributions to the Transcriptome and Organ-
The trophoblast cells of the mammalian pla- Specific Reciprocal Silencing. Proceedings of
centa are polytene. the National Academy of Sciences 100 (April 15,
2003): 4649-4654. This article shows that
Importance of Polyploids to Humans with multiple copies of a gene due to poly-
Most human polyploids die as embryos or fe- poidy, some of the copies are silenced.
tuses. In a few rare cases, a polyploid infant is Hunter, Kimberley L., et al. Investigating Poly-
born that lives for a few days. In fact, polyploidy ploidy: Using Marigold Stomates and Fin-
is not tolerated in most animal systems. Plants, gernail Polish. American Biology Teacher 64
on the other hand, show none of these prob- (May, 2002). A guide to exploring poly-
lems with polyploidy. Some crop plants are ploidy through hands-on learning. Experi-
much more productive because they are poly- ment supports National Science Education
ploid. For example, wheat (Triticum aestivum) is Standards.
Population Genetics 617

Leitch, Illia J., and Michael D. Bennett. Poly- neutral theory of evolution: Motoo
ploidy in Angiosperms. Trends in Plant Sci- Kimuras theory that nucleotide substitu-
ence 2 (December, 1997). Describes the role tions in the DNA often have no effect on fit-
of polyploidy in the evolution of higher ness, and thus changes in allele frequencies
plants. in populations are caused primarily by ge-
Lewis, Ricki. Human Genetics: Concepts and Appli- netic drift
cations. 5th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Gives an overview of polyploidy and aneu- The Hardy-Weinberg Law
ploidy in humans. Color ilustrations, maps, The branch of genetics called population
and CD-ROM with this edition. genetics is based on the application of nine-
teenth century Austrian botanist Gregor Men-
dels principles of inheritance to genes in a
population. (Although, for some species, pop-
Population Genetics ulation can be difficult to define, the term
generally refers to a geographic group of inter-
Field of study: Population genetics breeding individuals of the same species.)
Significance: Population genetics is the study of Mendels principles can be used to predict the
how genes behave in populations. It is concerned expected proportions of offspring in a cross be-
with both theoretical and experimental investiga- tween two individuals of known genotypes,
tions of changes in genetic variation caused by where the genotype describes the genetic con-
various forces; therefore, the field has close ties to tent of an individual for one or more genes. An
evolutionary biology. Population genetics models individual carries two copies of all chromo-
can be used to explore the evolutionary histories of somes (except perhaps for the sex chromo-
species, make predictions about future evolution, somes, as in human males) and therefore has
and predict the behavior of genetic diseases in hu- two copies of each gene. These two copies may
man populations. be identical or somewhat different. Different
forms of the same gene are called alleles. A ge-
Key terms notype in which both alleles are the same is
allele: one of the different forms of a particu- called a homozygote, while one in which the
lar gene (locus) two alleles are different is a heterozygote. Al-
fitness: a measure of the ability of a genotype though a single individual can carry no more
or individual to survive and reproduce com- than two alleles for a particular gene, there may
pared to other genotypes or individuals be many alleles of a gene present in a popula-
gene pool: all of the alleles in all the gametes tion.
of all the individuals in a population It would be essentially impossible to track
genetic drift: random changes in genetic the inheritance patterns of every single mating
variation caused by sampling error in small pair in a population, in essence tracking all the
populations alleles in the gene pool. However, by making
genotype: the pair of alleles carried by an indi- some simplifying assumptions about a popula-
vidual for a specific gene locus tion, it is possible to predict what will happen to
Hardy-Weinberg law: a mathematical model the gene pool over time. Working indepen-
that predicts, under particular conditions, dently in 1908, the British mathematician God-
that allele frequencies will remain constant frey Hardy and the German physiologist Wil-
over time, with genotypes in specific predict- helm Weinberg were the first to formulate a
able proportions simple mathematical model describing the be-
modern synthesis: the merging of the Dar- havior of a gene (locus) with two alleles in a pop-
winian mechanisms for evolution with Men- ulation. In this model, the numbers of each al-
delian genetics to form the modern fields lele and of each genotype are not represented
of population genetics and evolutionary bi- as actual numbers but as proportions (known
ology as allele frequencies and genotype frequencies,
618 Population Genetics

respectively) so that the model can be applied of genetic variation, meaning that for a fairly
to any population regardless of its size. By as- large proportion of genes (loci) that are ana-
suming Mendelian inheritance of alleles, Hardy lyzed, there are multiple alleles, and therefore
and Weinberg showed that allele frequencies multiple genotypes, within populations. For
in a population do not change over time and example, in the common fruit fly Drosophila me-
that genotype frequencies will change to spe- lanogaster (an organism that has been well stud-
cific proportions, determined by the allele fre- ied genetically since the very early 1900s), be-
quencies, within one generation and remain at tween one-third and two-thirds of the genes
those proportions in future generations. This that have been examined by protein electro-
result is known as the Hardy-Weinberg law, and phoresis have been found to be variable. Ge-
the stable genotype proportions predicted by netic variation can be measured as allele fre-
the law are known as Hardy-Weinberg equilib- quencies (allelic variation) or genotype
rium. It was shown in subsequent work by oth- frequencies (genotypic variation). A major task
ers that the Hardy-Weinberg law remains true of population geneticists has been to describe
in more complex models with more than two such variation, to try to explain why it exists,
alleles and more than one locus. and to predict its behavior over time.
In order for the Hardy-Weinberg law to The Hardy-Weinberg law predicts that if ge-
work, certain assumptions about a population netic variation exists in a population, it will re-
must be true: main constant over time, with genotypes in spe-
cific proportions. However, the law cannot
(1) the gene pool must be infinite in size;
begin to explain natural variation, since geno-
(2) mating among individuals (or the fusion
types are not always found in Hardy-Weinberg
of gametes) must be completely random;
proportions, and studies that involve sam-
(3) there must be no new mutations;
pling populations over time often show that
(4) there must be no gene flow (that is, no al-
genetic variation can be changing. The histori-
leles should enter or leave the population;
cal approach to explaining these observations
has been to formulate more complex mathe-
(5) there should be no natural selection.
matical models based on the simple Hardy-
Since real populations cannot meet these con- Weinberg model that violate one or more of
ditions, it may seem that the Hardy-Weinberg the implicit Hardy-Weinberg conditions.
model is too unrealistic to be useful, but, in Beginning in the 1920s and 1930s, a group
fact, it can be useful. First, the conditions of a of population geneticists, working indepen-
natural population may be very close to Hardy- dently, began exploring the effects of violating
Weinberg assumptions, so the Hardy-Weinberg Hardy-Weinberg assumptions on genetic varia-
law may be approximately true for at least some tion in populations. In what has become known
populations. Second, if genotypes in a popula- as the modern synthesis, Ronald A. Fisher,
tion are not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, it J. B. S. Haldane, and Sewall Wright merged
is an indication that one or more of these as- Darwins theory of natural selection with Men-
sumptions is not met. The Hardy-Weinberg dels theory of genetic inheritance to create a
law has been broadly expanded, using sophisti- field of population genetics that allows for ge-
cated mathematical modeling, and with ade- netic change. They applied mathematics to the
quate data can be used to determine why a pop- problem of variation in populations and were
ulations allele and genotype frequencies are eventually able to incorporate what happens
out of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. when each, or combinations, of the Hardy-
Weinberg assumptions are violated.
Genetic Variation and Mathematical
Modeling Assortative Mating and Inbreeding
Sampling and genetic analyses of real popu- One of the implicit conditions of the Hardy-
lations of many different types of organisms re- Weinberg model is that genotypes form mating
veal that there is usually a substantial amount pairs at random. In most cases mates are not se-
Population Genetics 619

lected based on genotype. Unless the gene in Migration and Mutation

question has some direct effect on mate choice, In the theoretical Hardy-Weinberg popula-
mating with respect to that gene is random. tion, there are no sources of new genetic varia-
However, there are conditions in natural popu- tion. In real populations, alleles may enter or
lations in which mating is not random. For ex- leave the population, a process called migra-
ample, if a gene controls fur color and mates tion or gene flow (a more accurate term,
are chosen by appropriate fur color, then the since migration in this context means not only
genotype of an individual with respect to that movement between populations but also suc-
gene will determine mating success. For this cessful reproduction to introduce alleles in the
gene, then, mating is not random but rather new population). Also, new alleles may be in-
assortative. Positive assortative mating means troduced by mutation, the change in the DNA
that individuals tend to choose mates with ge- sequence of an existing allele to create a new
notypes like their own, while negative assorta- one, as a result of errors during DNA replica-
tive mating means that individuals tend to tion or the inexact repair of DNA damage from
choose genotypes different than their own. environmental influences such as radiation or
Variation in a population for a gene subject mutagenic chemicals. Both of these processes
to assortative mating is altered from Hardy- can change both genotype frequencies and al-
Weinberg expectations. Although allele fre- lele frequencies in a population. If the ten-
quencies do not change, genotype frequencies dency to migrate is associated with particular
are altered. With positive assortative mating, genotypes, a long period of continued migra-
the result is higher proportions of homozy- tion tends to push genotype and allele frequen-
gotes and fewer heterozygotes, while the oppo- cies toward higher proportions of one type (in
site is true when assortative mating is negative. general, more homozygotes) so that the overall
Sometimes random mating in a population is effect is to reduce genetic variation. However,
not possible because of the geographic organi- in the short term, migration may enhance ge-
zation of the population or general mating netic variation by allowing new alleles and ge-
habits. Truly random mating would mean that notypes to enter. The importance of migration
any individual can mate with any other, but this depends on the particular population. Some
is nearly impossible because of gender differ- populations may be relatively isolated from
ences and practical limitations. In natural pop- others so that migration is a relatively weak
ulations, it is often the case that mates are force affecting genetic variation, or there may
somewhat related, even closely related, be- be frequent migration among geographic pop-
cause the population is organized into ex- ulations. There are many factors involved, not
tended family groups whose members do not the least of which is the ability of members of
(or cannot, as in plants) disperse to mate with the particular species to move over some dis-
members of other groups. Mating between rel- tance.
atives is called inbreeding. Because related in- Mutation, because it introduces new alleles
dividuals tend to have similar genotypes for into a population, acts to increase genetic varia-
many genes, the effects of inbreeding are much tion. Before the modern synthesis, one school
like those of positive assortative mating for of thought was that mutation might be the driv-
many genes. The proportions of homozygotes ing force of evolution, since genetic change
for many genes tend to increase. Again, this sit- over time coming about from continual intro-
uation has no effect on allelic variation, only duction of new forms of genes seemed possi-
genotypic variation. Clearly, the presence of ble. In fact, it is possible to develop simple
nonrandom mating patterns cannot by them- mathematical models of mutation that show re-
selves explain the majority of patterns of ge- sulting patterns of genetic variation that resem-
netic variation in natural populations but can ble those found in nature. However, to account
contribute to the action of other forces, such as for the rates of evolution that are commonly
natural selection. observed, very high rates of mutation are re-
quired. In general, mutation tends to be quite
620 Population Genetics

rare, making the hypothesis of evolution by domly in the pattern of genetic variation from
mutation alone unsatisfactory. generation to generation. These random
The action of mutation in conjunction with changes in allele and genotype frequencies
other forces, such as selection, may account for are called genetic drift. The situation is analo-
the low-frequency persistence of clearly harm- gous to coin tossing. With a fair coin, the expec-
ful alleles in populations. For example, one tation is that half of the tosses will result in
might expect that alleles that can result in ge- heads and half in tails. On average, this will be
netic diseases (such as cystic fibrosis) would be true, but in practice a small sample will not
quickly eliminated from human populations by show the expectation. For example, if a coin
natural selection. However, low rates of muta- is tossed ten times, it is unlikely that the re-
tion can continually introduce these alleles sult will be exactly five heads and five tails. On
into populations. In this mutation-selection the other hand, with a thousand tosses, the re-
balance, mutation tends to introduce alleles sults will be closer to half and half. This higher
while selection tends to eliminate them, with a deviation from the expected result in small
net result of continuing low frequencies in the samples is called a sampling error. In a small
population. population, there is an expectation of the pat-
tern of genetic variation based on the Hardy-
Genetic Drift Weinberg law, but sampling error during the
Real populations are not, of course, infinite union of sex cells to form offspring genotypes
in size, though some are large enough that this will result in random deviations from that ex-
Hardy-Weinberg condition is a useful approxi- pectation. The effect is that allele frequencies
mation. However, many natural populations increase or decrease randomly, with corre-
are small, and any population with less than sponding changes in genotype frequencies. The
about one thousand individuals will vary ran- smaller the population, the greater the sam-

Genetic Drift

Aa Aa Aa Aa

Females Males
3 progeny
produced carrying
A alleles


a allele is lost from the population

In this small population, the a allele has disappeared as a result of random chance and is lost to future generations.
Population Genetics 621

pling error and the more pronounced genetic genotype has the highest fitness. In the simple
drift will be. one-gene, two-allele model, there are three
Genetic drift has an effect on genetic varia- possible genotypes: two homozygotes and one
tion that is similar to that of other factors. Over heterozygote. If one homozygote has the high-
the long term, allele frequencies will drift until est fitness, it will be favored, and the genetic
all alleles have been eliminated but one, elimi- composition of the population will gradually
nating variation. (For the moment, ignore the shift toward more of that genotype (and its cor-
action of other forces that increase variation.) responding allele). This is called directional
Over a period of dozens of generations, how- selection. If both homozygotes have higher fit-
ever, drift can allow variation to be maintained, ness than the heterozygote (disruptive selec-
especially in larger populations in which drift is tion), one or the other will be favored, depend-
minimal. ing on the starting conditions. Both of these
In the early days of population genetics, the situations will decrease genetic variation in the
possibility of genetic drift was recognized but population, because eventually one allele will
often considered to be a minor consideration, prevail. Although each of these types of selec-
with natural selection as a dominant force. tion (particularly directional) may be found
Fisher in particular dismissed the importance for genes in natural populations, they cannot
of genetic drift, engaging over a number of explain why genetic variation is present, and is
years in a published debate with Wright, who al- perhaps increasing, in nature.
ways felt that drift would be important in small Heterozygote advantage, in which the heter-
populations. Beginning in the 1960s with the ozygote has higher fitness than either homozy-
acquisition of data on DNA-level population gote, is the other possible situation in this
variation, the role of drift in natural popula- model. In this case, because the heterozygote
tions became more recognized. It appears to be carries both alleles, both are expected to be fa-
an especially strong force in cases in which a vored together and therefore maintained. This
small number of individuals leave the popula- is the only condition in this simple model in
tion and migrate to a new area where they es- which genetic variation may be maintained or
tablish a new population. Large changes can increased over time. Although this seems like a
occur, especially if the number of migrants is plausible explanation for the observed levels of
only ten or twenty. This type of situation is now natural variation, studies in which fitness values
referred to as a founder effect. are measured almost never show heterozygote
advantage in genes from natural populations.
Natural Selection As a general explanation for the presence of ge-
Natural selection in a simple model of a netic variation, this simple model of selection is
gene with two alleles in a population can be eas- unsatisfactory.
ily represented by assuming that genotypes dif- Studies of more complex theoretical models
fer in their ability to survive and produce off- of selection (for example, those with many
spring. This ability is called fitness. In applying genes and different forms of selection) have re-
natural selection to a theoretical population, vealed conditions that allow patterns of varia-
each genotype is assigned a fitness value be- tion very similar to those observed in natural
tween zero and one. Typically, the genotype in populations, and in some cases it seems clear
a population that is best able to survive and can, that natural selection is a major factor deter-
on average, produce more offspring than other mining patterns of genetic change. However,
genotypes is assigned a fitness value of one, and in many cases, selection does not seem to be the
genotypes with lower fitness are assigned fit- most important factor or even a factor at all.
nesses with fractional values relative to the high-
fitness genotype. Experimental Population Genetics and the
The study of this simple model of natural se- Neutral Theory
lection has revealed that it can alter genetic Population genetics has always been a field
variation in different ways, depending on which in which the understanding of theory is ahead
622 Population Genetics

of empirical observation and experimental In addition to the scientific value of under-

testing, but these have not been neglected. Al- standing evolutionary history better, there are
though Fisher, Haldane, and Wright were more immediate applications of such work. In
mainly theorists, there were other architects of conservation biology, data about genetic varia-
the modern synthesis who concentrated on tion in a population can help to assess its ability
testing theoretical predictions in natural popu- to survive in the future. Data on genetic similar-
lations. Beginning in the 1940s, for example, ities between populations can aid in decisions
Theodosius Dobzhansky showed in natural about whether they can be considered as the
and experimental populations of Drosophila same species or are unique enough to merit
species that frequency changes and geographic preservation.
patterns of variation in chromosome variants Population genetics has had an influence on
are consistent with the effects of natural selec- medicine, particularly in understanding why
tion. disease genes, while clearly harmful, persist
Natural selection was the dominant hypoth- in human populations. The field has also af-
esis for genetic changes in natural populations fected the planning of vaccination protocols to
for the first several decades of the modern syn- maximize their effectiveness against parasites,
thesis. In the 1960s, new techniques of molecu- since a vaccine-resistant strain is a result of a
lar biology allowed population geneticists to rare allele in the parasite population. In the
examine molecular variation, first in proteins 1990s it began to be recognized that effective
and later, with the use of restriction enzymes in treatments for medical conditions would need
the 1970s and DNA sequencing in the 1980s to take into account genetic variation in hu-
and 1990s, in DNA sequences. These types of man populations, since different individuals
studies only confirmed that there is a large might respond differently to the same treat-
amount of genetic variation in natural popula- ment.
tions, much more than can be attributed only Stephen T. Kilpatrick, updated by Bryan Ness
to natural selection. As a result, Motoo Kimura See also: Artificial Selection; Behavior;
proposed the neutral theory of evolution, the Consanguinity and Genetic Disease; Emerging
idea that most DNA sequence differences do Diseases; Evolutionary Biology; Genetic Load;
not have fitness differences and that popula- Genetics, Historical Development of; Hardy-
tion changes in DNA sequences are governed Weinberg Law; Heredity and Environment; Hy-
mainly by genetic drift, with selection playing a bridization and Introgression; Inbreeding and
minor role. This view, although still debated by Assortative Mating; Lateral Gene Transfer; Nat-
some, was mostly accepted by the 1990s, al- ural Selection; Polyploidy; Punctuated Equilib-
though it was recognized that evolution of pro- rium; Quantitative Inheritance; Sociobiology;
teins and physical traits may be governed by se- Speciation.
lection to a greater extent.
Further Reading
Impact and Applications Christiansen, Freddy B. Population Genetics of
The field of population genetics is a funda- Multiple Loci. New York: Wiley, 2000. Reinter-
mental part of the modern field of evolution- prets classical population genetics to in-
ary biology. One possible definition of evolu- clude the mixture of genes not only from
tion would be genetic change in a population one generation to the next but also within
over time, and population geneticists try to de- existing populations. Illustrations, map, bib-
scribe patterns of genetic variation, document liography, index.
changes in variation, determine their theoreti- Dobzhansky, Theodosius. Genetics and the Origin
cal causes, and predict future patterns. These of Species. 3d ed. New York: Columbia Univer-
types of research have been valuable in study- sity Press, 1951. A classic treatment of popu-
ing the evolutionary histories of organisms for lation genetics and evolution.
which there are living representatives, includ- Gillespie, John H. Population Genetics: A Concise
ing humans. Guide. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndromes 623

Press, 1997. Boils down the basics to less than

two hundred pages. Prader-Willi and Angelman
Hartl, Daniel L. A Primer of Population Genetics.
Rev. 3d ed. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Asso-
ciates, 2000. Sections cover genetic variation, Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
the causes of evolution, molecular popula- Significance: Both Prader-Willi and Angelman
tion genetics, and the genetic architecture syndromes are caused by errors at the same site in
of complex traits. Illustrations, bibliography, the long arm of chromosome 15 (15q11-q13), but
index. the clinical outcomes of these errors are markedly
Hedrick, Philip W. Genetics of Populations. 2d ed. different, because the chromosomes containing the
Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 2000. Quantita- errors come from different parents. Thus, these
tive analysis. Illustrations, bibliography. syndromes offer a striking example of the concept
Landweber, Laura F., and Andrew P. Dobson, known as parental imprinting.
eds. Genetics and the Extinction of Species: DNA
and the Conservation of Biodiversity. Prince-
ton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999. Key terms
Offers theories on and methods for main- deletion: loss of a portion of a chromosome,
taining biodiversity and for preventing spe- which may be very small or very large
cies extinction. Illustratations, bibliography, disomy: a case in which both copies of a chro-
index. mosome come from a single parent, rather
Lewontin, Richard C. The Genetic Basis of Evolu- than (as is usual) one being maternal and
tionary Change. New York: Columbia Univer- one being paternal
sity Press, 1974. Discusses genetic variation fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH):
in populations. Bibliography. an extremely sensitive assay for determining
Papiha, Surinder S., Ranjan Deka, and Ranajit the presence of deletions on chromosomes,
Chakraborty, eds. Genomic Diversity: Applica- which uses a fluorescence-tagged segment of
tions in Human Population Genetics. New York: DNA that binds to the DNA region being
Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 1999. Emphasis studied
is on genetic variation and the application imprinting: marking a chromosome so that
of molecular markers. Illustrations (some there are differences between maternal and
color), bibliography, index. paternal inheritance
Provine, William B. The Origins of Theoretical translocation: the removal of a portion of a
Population Genetics. 2d ed. Chicago: Univer- chromosome which is then attached to the
sity of Chicago Press, 2001. An account of end of another chromosome; may involve
the early history of the field. Illustrated, bib- loss of control for several genes
liography, index.
Slatkin, Montgomery, and Michel Veuille, eds. Symptoms
Modern Developments in Theoretical Population Angelman syndrome (AS) was first de-
Genetics: The Legacy of Gustave Malcot. New scribed in 1965 by Dr. Harry Angelman, who
York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Dis- described three children with a stiff, jerky gait,
cusses the work of the late cofounder of absent speech, excessive laughter, and seizures.
population genetics. Focuses on the theory Newer reports include severe mental retarda-
of coalescents. Illustrations, bibliography, tion and a characteristic face that is small with a
index. large mouth and prominent chin. These char-
acteristics give rise to the alternate name for
the syndrome, that being happy puppet syn-
drome. The syndrome is fairly rare, with an in-
cidence estimated to be between one in fifteen
thousand to one in thirty thousand. It is usually
not recognized at birth or in infancy, since the
624 Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndromes

developmental problems are nonspecific dur- component of a complex protein degradation

ing this period. system termed the ubiquitin-proteasome path-
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS), by compari- way. This pathway is located in the cytoplasm of
son, is characterized by mental retardation, all cells. The pathway involves a small protein
hypotonia (decreased muscle tone), skin pick- molecule (ubiquitin) that can be attached to
ing, short stature, crytorchidism (small or un- proteins, thereby causing them to be degraded.
descended testes), and hyperphagia (overeat- In the normal brain, UBE3A inherited from the
ing leading to severe obesity). Delayed motor father is almost completely inactive, so the ma-
and language development are common, as is ternal copy performs most of the ubiquitin-
intellectual impairment (the average IQ is producing function. Inheritance of a UBE3A
about 70). The syndrome was first described by mutation from the mother causes AS; inheri-
Doctors Andrea Prader, Alexis Labhart, and tance of the mutation from the father has no
Heinrich Willi in 1956. Like Angelman syn- apparent effect on the child. In some families,
drome, PWS has a fairly low incidence, esti- AS caused by a UBE3A mutation can occur in
mated at one in fifteen thousand. Neither con- more than one family member.
dition is race-specific, and neither is considered Another cause of AS (3 percent of cases) is
to be a familial disease. paternal uniparental disomy (UPD). In this
The primary cause of both syndromes ap- case a child inherits both copies of chromo-
pears to be a small deletion on the long arm of some 15 from the father, with no copy inherited
chromosome 15 (del 15q11-q13). The deleted from the mother. Even though there is no dele-
area is estimated to be about 4 million base tion or mutation, the child is still missing the
pairs (bp), small by molecular standards but active UBE3A gene because the paternally de-
large enough to contain several genes. This rived chromosomes only have brain-inactivated
area of chromosome 15 is known to contain sev- UBE3A genes.
eral genes that are activated or inactivated de- A fourth class of AS individuals (3-5 percent)
pending on the chromosomes parent of origin have chromosome 15 copies inherited from
(that is, a gene may be turned on in the chro- both parents, but the copy inherited from the
mosome inherited from the mother but turned mother functions in the same way as a pater-
off in the chromosome inherited from the fa- nally inherited one would. This is referred to as
ther). This parent-specific activation is re- an imprinting defect. Some individuals may
ferred to as genetic imprinting. It is now known have a very small deletion of a region known as
that the deletions causing AS appear in the the imprinting center (IC), which regulates the
chromosome inherited from the mother, while activity of UBE3A from a distant location. The
those causing PWS occur in the chromosome mechanism for this is not yet known.
inherited from the father. Since the genes of While there are several genetic mechanisms
only one chromosome are active at a time, any for AS, all of them lead to the typical clinical
disruption (deletion) in the active chromo- features found in AS individuals, although mi-
some will lead to the effects seen in one of these nor differences in incidence of features may oc-
syndromes. cur between each group.

Genetic Basis of AS Genetic Basis of PWS

In 1997 a gene within the AS deletion region The primary genes involved in PWS are
called UBE3A was found to be mutated in ap- SNRPN, a gene that encodes the small
proximately 5 percent of AS individuals. These ribonucleotide polypeptide SmN that is found
mutations can be as small as a single base pair. in the fetal and adult brain, and ZFN127, a gene
This gene codes for a protein/enzyme called a that encodes a zinc-finger protein of unknown
ubiquitin protein ligase, and UBE3A is believed function. SNRPN is involved in messenger RNA
to be the causative gene in AS. All mechanisms (mRNA) processing, an intermediate step be-
known to cause AS appear to cause inactivation tween DNA transcription and protein forma-
or absence of this gene. UBE3A is an enzymatic tion. A mouse model of PWS has been devel-
Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndromes 625

oped with a large deletion that includes the than 95 percent of cases. For cases caused by
SNRPN region and the PWS imprinting center uniparental disomy, polymerase chain reaction
and shows a phenotype similar to that of infants (PCR) testing can be used.
with PWS.
It is probable that the hypothalamic prob- Relevance to Geneticists
lems (such as overeating) associated with PWS Few examples of known parental imprinting
might result from a loss of SNRPN. The produc- occur in the human, so AS and PWS provide
tion of this protein is found mainly in the hypo- rare opportunities for geneticists and biolo-
thalamic regions of the brain and in the olfac- gists to study this important phenomenon. Ex-
tory cortex. Thus, disruption of hypothalamic amples of nonhuman parental imprinting are
functions such as satiety are a likely result of well known, but the genetic and biochemical
this defect. Prader-Willi syndrome is the most mechanisms have not been established. De-
common genetic cause of obesity. In addition tailing the IC for chromosome 15 will be key to
to its role in satiety, the hypothalamus regulates understanding how imprinting occurs and how
growth, sexual development, metabolism, the effects of AS and PWS are manifested.
body temperature, pigmentation, and mood The suggestion has been made that PWS
all functions that are affected in those with (and therefore disruption of the IC) may also,
PWS. at least in some cases, have an environmental
PWS may also be caused by uniparental di- trigger. A high association of PWS with fathers
somy, as seen in AS. However, in PWS both cop- employed in hydrocarbon-related occupations
ies of chromosome 15 are derived from the (such as factory workers, lumbermen, machin-
mother instead of from the father. ists, chemists, and mechanics) at the time of
As mentioned above, the imprinting center conception has been reported by one investiga-
may be involved in at least some cases of both tive team. This is an area that needs further ex-
syndromes. This chromosome 15 IC is about ploration.
100 kilobase pairs (kb) long and includes exon Kerry L. Cheesman
1 of the SNRPN gene. Mutations in this area See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil-
appear to prevent the paternal-to-maternal im- lus Sampling; Chromosome Structure; Con-
printing switch in the AS families and prevents genital Defects; Down Syndrome; Fragile X
the maternal-to-paternal switch in PWS fami- Syndrome; Hereditar y Diseases; Human
lies. Therefore, it is possible that the IC is Growth Hormone; Huntingtons Disease; In-
needed to regulate alternate RNA splicing in telligence; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Prena-
the SNRPN gene transcripts. tal Diagnosis.

Genetic Diagnosis Further Reading

The usual chromosome studies carried out Cassidy, S. B. Genetics of Prader-Willi Syn-
during prenatal diagnosis are interpreted as drome. In Management of Prader-Willi Syn-
normal in fetuses with AS and PWS syndromes, drome, edited by Louise R. Greenswag and
since the small abnormalities on chromosome Randell C. Alexander. 2d ed. New York:
15 are not detected by this type of study. Like- Springer-Verlag, 1995. An in-depth chapter
wise, fetal ultrasound offers no help in detect- providing details of PWS genetics; written
ing physical abnormalities related to AS or PW, with the assumption that readers under-
since the affected fetus is well formed. Amni- stand the basics of human genetics.
otic fluid volume and alpha-feto protein levels Cassidy, S. B., and S. Schwartz. Prader-Willi
also appear normal. and Angelman Syndromes: Disorders of Ge-
Specialized chromosome 15 FISH studies nomic Imprinting. Medicine (Baltimore) 77
are needed to determine the presence of either (1998): 140-151. A review of these syndromes
syndrome resulting from chromosomal dele- written for health care professionals.
tions. Testing for parent-specific methylation Hall, J. G. Genomic Imprinting: Nature and
imprints at the 15q11-q13 locus detects more Clinical Relevance. Annual Review of Medi-
626 Prenatal Diagnosis

cine 48 (1997): 35-44. A well-documented re-

view that includes discussion of both AS and Prenatal Diagnosis
PWS as examples of human genomic im-
printing. Field of study: Human genetics and social
Lai, L. W., R. P. Erickson, and S. B. Cassidy. issues
Clinical Correlates of Chromosome Fifteen Significance: Tests ranging from ultrasound and
Deletions and Maternal Disomy in Prader- maternal blood tests to testing fetal cells from the
Willi Syndrome. American Journal of Diseases amniotic fluid or placenta are performed to detect
of Children 147 (1993): 1217-1223. Discusses genetic disorders that the fetus may have. Al-
the signs and symptoms of PWS, including though tests may show the absence of specific ge-
those that are needed to make a clinical di- netic defects, the detection of a genetic defect can
agnosis in children. produce an ethical dilemma for the parents and
Lalalande, M. Parental Imprinting and Hu- their physician.
man Disease. Annual Review of Genetics 30
(1997): 173-195. A well-written, well-docu- Key terms
mented review of imprinting and how it re- amniotic fluid: the liquid that surrounds the
lates to both AS and PWS. Good reading for developing fetus
undergraduate students. neural tube: the embryonic structure that be-
Mann, M. R., and M. S. Bartolomei. Towards a comes the brain and spinal cord
Molecular Understanding of Prader-Willi placenta: an organ composed of both fetal
and Angelman Syndromes. Human Molecu- and maternal tissue through which the fetus
lar Genetics 8, no. 10 (1999): 1867-1873. De- is nourished
tails the molecular mechanisms, rather than trisomy: the presence of three copies (instead
the clinical correlates, of AS and PWS; fairly of two) of a particular chromosome in a cell
technical but readable by students
of biology.
Nicholls, R. D. Genomic Imprinting
and Uniparental Disomy in Angel-
man and Prader-Willi Syndromes:
A Review. American Journal of Medi-
cal Genetics 46 (1993): 16-25. Not
as far-reaching as Lalalande, but a
well-written review of the genetic
aspects of both AS and PWS.

Web Sites of Interest

National Organization for Rare Disor- Image not available
ders. http://www.rarediseases.org.
Searchable site by type of disorder.
Includes background information
on Prader-Willi and Angelman syn-
drome, a list of other names for the
disorder, and a list of related orga-
Prader-Willi Syndrome Association.
http://www.pwsausa.org. This site
offers background information on
the syndrome, a research/medical
section, links, and more. An eight-cell human embryo. (AP/Wide World Photos)
Prenatal Diagnosis 627

The Eight-Cell Stage

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) has been While this early form of prenatal diagnosis allows
used since 1988 to screen for genetic disorders. The the elimination of many embryos carrying major ge-
most common type of PGD involves embryo biopsy netic defects prior to implantation, it is still recom-
at the 6-8 cell stage after fertilization has occurred in mended that followup prenatal diagnosis (using
vitro. This early form of prenatal diagnosis is typi- chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis) be done
cally performed on day 3 embryos. One to two on resulting pregnancies. It must be realized that in
blastomeres (cells) are removed from the embryo order to employ preimplantation diagnostic testing,
(either by aspiration or by extrusion) using a fine a couple must undergo in vitro fertilization even if
glass needle. The biopsied embryo is then returned they are fertile. This is an expensive, time-consuming
to culture, where the lost cells are replenished. Ge- process, and generally results in only a 20 percent
netic testing is then carried out on the biopsied cells pregnancy rate per cycle. For couples with fertility
using either a technique known as fluorescent in situ problems, this is an easy path to choose as they try
hybridization (FISH) or a second technique known to ensure implantation of normal, healthy embryos
as fluorescent polymerase chain reaction (PCR). leading to healthy babies.
The FISH technique can be used to determine the This technique has been used increasingly by cou-
presence of chromosomes 13, 16, 18, 21, 22, X, and Y. ples who have a history of genetic disorders. In the
Aneuploidies (abnormal numbers of chromosomes) past, couples who had a history of genetic abnormal-
involving these chromosomes account for the major- ities could decide (1) not to have children, (2) be-
ity of first-trimester miscarriages and for 95 percent come pregnant and knowingly risk and accept ab-
of all postnatal chromosomal abnormalities. PCR in- normalities, or (3) become pregnant and rely on
volves amplification of DNA and allows diagnosis of chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis to diag-
single-gene diseases. nose genetic problems and terminate (abort) prob-
By enabling very early diagnosis of these abnor- lem pregnancies.
malities, PGD allows physicians to determine which To date, PGD has been used to detect cases of cys-
embryos are most likely to be chromosomally nor- tic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease, beta-thalassemia, Hun-
mal prior to placement in the uterus. This increases tingtons disease, myotonic dystrophy, X-linked dis-
the probability of a successful pregnancy and a orders, and aneuploidies such as trisomy 13, 18, or
healthy baby. Genetic testing generally takes only six 21, Turner syndrome, or Klinefelter syndrome. The
to eight hours to complete, so that intrauterine number of detectable genetic defects has greatly in-
transfer of the chromosomally normal embryo can creased since 1988. In that time, hundreds of healthy
take place within one day. If more normal embryos children have been born to parents undergoing pre-
are obtained than one wishes to implant, the extra implantation diagnosis.
embryos may be preserved for future use by cryo- Robin Kamienny Montvilo
preservation. The survival rate of frozen embryos
is thought to be about 50 percent.

Prenatal Testing veals a major developmental problem, such as

Prenatal testing is administered to a large Down syndrome or Tay-Sachs disease. Others
number of women, and the tests are becoming will order testing without any such guarantees,
more informative. Some of the tests are only believing that test results will give the parents
mildly invasive to the mother, but others in- time to prepare themselves for a special-needs
volve obtaining fetal cells. Some are becoming baby. The test results are also used to deter-
routine for all pregnant women; others are of- mine if additional medical teams should be
fered only when an expectant mother meets a present at the delivery to deal with a newborn
certain set of criteria. Some physicians will not who is not normal and healthy. Most often, pre-
offer the testing (especially the more invasive natal testing is offered if the mother is age
procedures) unless the parents have agreed thirty-five or older, if a particular disorder is
that they will abort the fetus if the testing re- present in relatives on one or both sides of the
628 Prenatal Diagnosis

family, or if the parents have already produced lected by amniocentesis can be grown in cul-
one child with a genetic disorder. ture; then the fluid around the cells is collected
and analyzed for enzymes produced by the cells.
Maternal Blood Tests and Ultrasound If an enzyme is missing (as in the case of Tay-
Screening maternal blood for the presence Sachs disease), the fetus may be diagnosed with
of alpha fetoprotein (AFP) is offered to preg- the disorder before it is born. Because disorders
nant women who are about eighteen weeks such as Tay-Sachs disease are untreatable and
into a pregnancy. Although AFP is produced by fatal, a woman who has had one Tay-Sachs child
the fetal liver, some will cross the placenta into may not wish to give birth to another. Early di-
the mothers blood. Elevated levels of AFP can agnosis of a second Tay-Sachs fetus would per-
indicate an open neural tube defect (such as mit her to have a therapeutic abortion.
spina bifida), although it can also indicate twins. Chromosomes in the cells obtained by am-
Unusual AFP findings are usually followed up niocentesis may be stained to produce a karyo-
by ultrasound examination of the fetus. type. In a normal karyotype, the chromosomes
Other tests of maternal blood measure the will be present in pairs. If the fetus has Down
amounts of two substances that are produced syndrome (trisomy 21), there will be three cop-
by the fetal part of the placenta: hCG and UE3. ies of chromosome 21. Other types of chromo-
Lower-than-average levels of AFP and UE3, some abnormalities that also appear in karyo-
combined with a higher-than-average amount types are changes within a single chromosome.
of hCG, increases the risk that the woman is If a chromosome has lost a piece, it is said to
carrying a Down syndrome (trisomy 21) fetus. contain a deletion. Large deletions will be obvi-
For example, a nineteen-year-old woman has a ous when a karyotype is analyzed because the
baseline risk of conceiving a fetus with Down chromosome will appear smaller than normal.
syndrome of 1 in 1,193. When blood-test results Sometimes the deletion is so small that it is not
show low AFP and UE3 along with high hCG, visible on a karyotype.
the probability of Down syndrome rises to 1 in If chromosome analysis is needed early in
145. pregnancy before the volume of amniotic fluid
During an ultrasound examination, harm- is large enough to permit amniocentesis, the
less sound waves are bounced off the fetus from mother and doctor may opt for chorionic villus
an emitter placed on the surface of the sampling (CVS). The embryo produces finger-
mothers abdomen or in her vagina. They are like projections (villi) into the uterine lining.
used to make a picture of the fetus on a televi- Because these projections are produced by the
sion monitor. Measurements on the monitor embryo, their cells will have the same chromo-
can often be used to determine the overall size, some number as the rest of the embryonic
the head size, and the sex of the fetus, and cells. After growing in culture, the cells may be
whether all the arms and legs are formed and karyotyped in the same way as those obtained
of the proper length. Successive ultrasound by amniocentesis. Both amniocentesis and CVS
tests will indicate if the fetus is growing nor- carry risks of infection and miscarriage. Nor-
mally. Certain ultrasound findings, such as mally these procedures are not offered unless
shortened long bones, may indicate an in- the risk of having an affected child is found to
creased probability for a Down syndrome baby. be greater than the risk of complications from
Because Down syndrome is a highly variable the procedures.
condition, normal ultrasound findings do not If the doctor is convinced that the fetus has a
guarantee that the child will be born without tiny chromosomal defect that is not visible on a
Down syndrome. Only a chromosome analysis karyotype, it will then be necessary to probe (or
can determine this for certain. FISH) the fetal chromosomes; the initials
FISH stand for fluorescent in situ hybridiza-
Amniocentesis, Karyotyping, and FISH tion. A chromosome probe is a piece of DNA
Amniocentesis is the process of collecting fe- that is complementary to DNA within a gene.
tal cells from the amniotic fluid. Fetal cells col- Complementary pieces of DNA will stick to-
Prenatal Diagnosis 629

gether (hybridize) when they come in contact. somes to appear as green spots and number 21
The probe also has an attached molecule that chromosomes to appear as red spots. Cells
will glow when viewed under fluorescent light. from a girl with trisomy 21 would have two
A probe for a particular gene will stick to the green spots and two aqua spots, but no red spot
part of the chromosome where the gene is lo- when the first set of probes is used. Some other
cated and make a glowing spot. If the gene is cells from the same girl will show two red spots,
not present because it has been lost, no spot but three green ones, when the second set of
will appear. Probes have been developed for probes is used.
many individual genes that cause developmen- More recently, tests for many more genetic
tal abnormalities when they are deleted from defects using advanced molecular genetics
the chromosomes. tests have been developed. DNA can be isolated
Cells obtained by amniocentesis can be from fetal cells, obtained by one of the meth-
probed in less time than it takes to grow and ods already described, which is then probed for
prepare them for karyotyping. Probes have single gene defects. Hundreds of potential ge-
been developed for the centromeres of the netic defects can be detected in this way, al-
chromosomes that are frequently present in ex- though only a few such tests are generally avail-
tra copies, such as 13, 18, 21, X, and Y. Y chro- able. Another barrier to their use is their high
mosomes that have been probed appear as red cost. Costs will likely drop in the future as the
spots, X chromosomes as green spots, and tests are perfected and are used more widely.
number 18 chromosomes as aqua spots. A sec- These same tests may be performed on the par-
ond set of probes attached to other cells from ents to determine whether they are carriers of
the same fetus will cause number 13 chromo- certain genetic diseases.

Image not available

Yury Verlinsky (right), known for his cutting-edge work in prenatal testing, and Ridvan Seckin Ozen examine human chromosomes
at the Reproductive Genetics Institute in Chicago. (AP/Wide World Photos)
630 Prenatal Diagnosis

Impact and Applications Further Reading

Until the development of prenatal tech- Bianchi, Diana W., Timothy M. Crombleholme,
niques, pregnant women had to wait until de- and Mary E. DAlton. Fetology: Diagnosis and
livery day to find out the sex of their child and Management of the Fetal Patient. New York:
whether or not the baby was normal. Now McGraw-Hill, 2000. A resource for practi-
much more information is available to both the tioners and a guide for parents. Illustrations,
woman and her doctor weeks before the baby is bibliography, index.
due. Even though tests are not available for all Hadley, Andrew G., and Peter Soothill, eds.
possible birth defects, normal blood tests, Alloimmune Disorders of Pregnancy: Anaemia,
karyotypes, or FISH can be very comforting. Thrombocytopenia, and Neutropenia in the Fetus
On the other hand, abnormal test results give and Newborn. New York: Cambridge Univer-
the parents definite information about birth sity Press, 2002. Discusses an often over-
defects, as opposed to the possibilities inherent looked subject. Written especially for practi-
in a statement of risk. The parents must decide tioners and students of pediatrics, obstetrics,
whether to continue the pregnancy. If they do, fetal-maternal medicine, blood banking,
they must then cope with the fact that they are and immunology. Illustrations, bibliogra-
not going to have a normal child. When prop- phy, index.
erly administered, the test results are explained Heyman, Bob, and Mette Henriksen. Risk, Age,
by a genetic counselor who is also equipped to and Pregnancy: A Case Study of Prenatal Genetic
help the parents deal with the strong emotions Screening and Testing. New York: Palgrave,
that bad news can produce. Genetic testing also 2001. Provides a detailed case study of a pre-
has far-reaching implications. If insurance natal genetic screening and testing system in
companies pay for the prenatal testing, they re- a British hospital, giving perspectives of
ceive copies of the results. Information about pregnant women, hospital doctors, and mid-
genetic abnormalities could cause the insur- wives, and elucidating the communication
ance companies to deny claims arising from between women and the hospital doctors
treatment of the newborn or to deny insurance who advise them.
to the individual later in life. McConkey, Edwin H. Human Genetics: The Mo-
Nancy N. Shontz, updated by Bryan Ness lecular Revolution. Boston: Jones & Bartlett,
See also: Albinism; Amniocentesis and Cho- 1993. Contains additional information on
rionic Villus Sampling; Burkitts Lymphoma; FISH. Illustrations, bibliography, index.
Color Blindness; Congenital Defects; Consan- New, Maria I., ed. Diagnosis and Treatment of the
guinity and Genetic Disease; Cystic Fibrosis; Unborn Child. Reddick, Fla.: Idelson-Gnocchi,
Down Syndrome; Dwarfism; Fragile X Syn- 1999. Provides an overview of prenatal test-
drome; Gender Identity; Genetic Counseling; ing and treatment. Illustrations (some color),
Genetic Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetic bibliography.
Testing: Ethical and Economic Issues; Heart Petrikovsky, Boris M., ed. Fetal Disorders: Diagno-
Disease; Hemophilia; Hereditary Diseases; sis and Management. New York: Wiley-Liss,
Hermaphrodites; Human Genetics; Human 1999. Discusses testing and treatment proto-
Genome Project; Huntingtons Disease; In Vi- cols, prognoses, counseling, and more. Illus-
tro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer; Inborn trations (some color), bibliography, index.
Errors of Metabolism; Klinefelter Syndrome; Pilu, Gianluigi, and Kypros H. Nicolaides. Diag-
Metafemales; Monohybrid Inheritance; Neu- nosis of Fetal Abnormalities: The 18-23-Week
ral Tube Defects; Pedigree Analysis; Phenylke- Scan. New York: Parthenon Group, 1999.
tonuria (PKU); Polymerase Chain Reaction; Covers mid-trimester fetal ultrasound. Illus-
Prader-Willi and Angelman Syndromes; Pseu- trations, index.
dohermaphrodites; RFLP Analysis; Sickle-Cell Rodeck, Charles H., and Martin J. Whittle, eds.
Disease; Tay-Sachs Disease; Testicular Feminiza- Fetal Medicine: Basic Science and Clinical Prac-
tion Syndrome; Thalidomide and Other Terato- tice. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1999.
gens; Turner Syndrome; XYY Syndrome. Good general reference for residents and
Prion Diseases: Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome 631

fellows in neonatal and maternal-fetal medi- Key terms

cine. Illustrations (some color), bibliogra- dementia: mental deterioration ranging from
phy, index. forgetfulness and disorientation to com-
Twining, Peter, Josephine M. McHugo, and Da- plete unresponsiveness
vid W. Pilling, eds. Textbook of Fetal Abnormal- prion: short for proteinaceous infectious par-
ities. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2000. ticle, an element consisting mainly of pro-
Covers the safety of ultrasound; the routine tein and generally lacking nucleic acid
fetal anomaly scan; disorders of amniotic (DNA and RNA), which is often the caus-
fluid; cranial, spinal, cardiac, pulmonary, ab- ative agent behind various spongiform
dominal, skeletal, urinary tract, and chro- encephalopathies
mosomal abnormalities; intra-uterine ther-
apy; and counseling. Illustrations (some Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
color), bibliography, index. Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome, de-
Weaver, David D., with the assistance of Ira K. generative diseases of the human central ner-
Brandt. Catalog of Prenatally Diagnosed Condi- vous system, are among a group of diseases that
tions. 3d ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uni- also affect cattle (mad cow disease) and sheep
versity Press, 1999. Covers about eight hun- (scrapie). They have been classified in several
dred conditions and has 1,221 literature ways, including slow-virus infections (because
references. Bibliography, index. of the extremely long incubation period be-
tween contact and illness) and spongiform
Web Sites of Interest encephalopathies (because of the large holes
Association of Womens Health, Obstetric, and seen in the brain after death). However, a virus
Neonatal Nurses. http://www.awhonn.org. that may cause such a disease has never been
Offers pages for education and practice re- found, and the body does not respond to the dis-
sources as well as legal policy. ease as an infection. The only clue to the cause is
March of Dimes. http://www.marchofdimes the accumulation of a transmissible, toxic pro-
.com. This site is searchable by keyword and tein known as a prion; therefore, these disor-
includes information on the basics of amnio- ders are now known simply as prion diseases.
centesis and chorionic villus sampling and Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome is rare: Approx-
articles on how the two procedures relate to imately 250 people die from it yearly in the
genetics. United States. It usually begins in middle age
National Newborn Screening and Genetics Re- with symptoms that include rapidly progress-
source Center. http://genes-r-us.uthscsa.edu. ing dementia, jerking spastic movements, and
Site serves as a resource for information on visual problems. Within one year after the
genetic screening. symptoms begin, the patient is comatose and
paralyzed, and powerful seizures affect the en-
tire body. Death occurs shortly thereafter. The
initial symptom of the illness (rapid mental de-
Prion Diseases: Kuru and terioration) is similar to other disorders; there-
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome fore, diagnosis is difficult. No typical infectious
agent (bacteria or viruses) can be found in the
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes blood or in the fluid that surrounds the brain
Significance: Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob syn- and spinal cord. X rays and other scans are nor-
drome are rare, fatal diseases of the brain and spi- mal. There is no inflammation, fever, or anti-
nal cord. Nerve cell death is caused by the accumu- body production. Brain wave studies are, how-
lation of a protein called a prion that appears to ever, abnormal, and at autopsy, the brain is
be a new infectious agent that interferes with gene found to have large holes and massive protein
expression in nerve cells. Understanding these dis- deposits in it.
eases has far-reaching implications for the study of Kuru is found among the Fore tribe of Papua
other degenerative mental disorders. New Guinea. Until the early 1960s, more than
632 Prion Diseases: Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome

The Discovery of Prions

In 1972, Stanley B. Prusiner, then a resident in neu- hundred nucleotides and would have to be smaller
rology at the University of California School of Medi- than any known virus.
cine at San Francisco, lost a patient to Creutzfeldt- Prusiner and his collaborators subsequently
Jakob disease. He resolved to learn more about the learned that the gene for the prion protein was
condition. He read that it and related diseases, scra- found in chromosomes of hamsters, mice, humans,
pie and kuru, could be transmitted by injecting ex- and all other mammals that have been examined.
tracts from diseased brain into the brains of healthy Furthermore, most of the time these animals make
animals. At the time, the diseases were thought to be the prion protein without getting sicka startling
caused by a slow-acting virus, but it had not been observation. Prusiner and his team subsequently
identified. He was intrigued by a study from the labo- showed that the prion protein existed in two forms,
ratory of Tikvah Alper that suggested that the scrapie one harmless and the other leading to disease. The
agent lacked nucleic acid. When he started his own latter proved to be highly resistant to degradation by
lab in 1974, Prusiner decided to pursue the nature of proteolytic enzymes and accumulated in the brain
the infectious agent. tissue of affected animals and people. In infectious
He and his associates determined to purify the disease, the harmful form of the prions appears to
causative agent in scrapie-infected brains and, by convert the harmless form to the harmful form, al-
1982, had a highly purified preparation. They sub- though the mechanism is not understood. In inher-
jected it to extensive analysis, and all of their results ited disease, mutations in the prion may cause it to
indicated that it indeed lacked DNA or RNA and that adopt the harmful form spontaneously or after some
it consisted mainly, if not exclusively, of protein. The unknown signal, leading eventually to the disease
infectivity was lost when treated with procedures that state. While questions remain, research since the
denatured protein, but not when treated with those 1980s has established the involvement of prions in
detrimental to nucleic acids. He named the agent a various spongiform encephalopathies.
prion, an abbreviation for proteinaceous infec- In 1997, Prusiner was awarded the Nobel Prize in
tious particle. Shortly afterward, he showed that it Physiology or Medicine for his pioneering discovery
consisted of a single protein. This was a highly un- of prions and their role in various neurological dis-
orthodox discovery because all pathogens studied eases. The Nobel Committee also noted his persever-
to date contained nucleic acid. Skeptics were con- ance in pursuing an unorthodox hypothesis in the
vinced that a very small amount of nucleic acid must face of major skepticism.
be contaminating the prions, although the limits on James L. Robinson
detection showed that it contained fewer than one

one thousand Fore died of Kuru each year. An- fear. Thousands of cattle were killed to prevent
thropologists recording their customs de- human consumption of contaminated beef.
scribed their practice of eating the brains of The cows were infected by supplemental feed-
their dead relatives in order to gain the knowl- ings tainted by infected sheep meat. Animal-to-
edge they contained. Clearly, some infectious human transmission of these diseases appears
agent was being transmitted during this ritual. to occur, and research has shown that human-
Such cannibalism has since stopped, and Kuru to-animal infection is possible as well.
has declined markedly. Kuru, like Creutzfeldt- Both Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob syndrome,
Jakob syndrome, shows the same spongiform as well as the animal forms, have no known
changes and protein deposits in the brain after treatment or cure. Because of the long incuba-
death. Similarly, early symptoms include intel- tion period, decades may pass before symp-
lectual deterioration, spastic movements, and toms appear, but once they do, the central ner-
visual problems. Within a year, the patient be- vous system is rapidly destroyed, and death
comes unresponsive and dies. comes quickly. It is likely that many more peo-
The outbreak of mad cow disease in the ple die of these disorders than is known be-
mid-1990s in Great Britain led to widespread cause they are so rarely diagnosed.
Prion Diseases: Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome 633

Properties of Prions Baker, Harry F., ed. Molecular Pathology of the

Most of the research on prion diseases has Prions. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 2001.
focused on scrapie in sheep. It became clear Overview of research on prion diseases. Il-
that the infectious particle had novel proper- lustrated, bibliography, index.
ties: It was not a virus as had been suspected, Ferry, Georgina. Mad Brains and the Prion
nor did the body react to it as an invader. It was Heresy. New Scientist 142, no. 1927 (May 28,
discovered that this transmissible agent was an 1994). Looks at prion as an agent for infec-
abnormal version of a common protein, which tious diseases.
defied medical understanding. This protein is Goldman, Lee, and J. Claude Bennett, eds. Cecil
normally secreted by nerve cells and is found Textbook of Medicine. 21st ed. Philadelphia:
on their outer membranes. Its gene is on chro- W. B. Saunders, 2000. A classic medical ref-
mosome 20 in humans. The transmissible, in- erence text that covers prion diseases. Bibli-
fectious fragment of the prion somehow dis- ography, index.
rupts the nerve cell, causing it to produce the Groschup, Martin H., and Hans A. Kretzschmar,
abnormal fragment instead of the normal pro- eds. Prion Diseases: Diagnosis and Pathogenesis.
tein. This product accumulates to toxic levels New York: Springer, 2000. Comprehensive
in the tissue and fluid of the brain and spinal collection of research on the pathogenesis
cord over many years, finally destroying the of prion diseases in humans and other ani-
central nervous system. mals, pharmacology, epidemiology and diag-
Prion infection appears to occur from expo- nosis, and more. Illustrations (some color),
sure to infected tissues or fluids. Transmission bibliography.
has occurred accidentally through nerve tissue Harris, David A., ed. Prions: Molecular and Cellu-
transplants and neurosurgical instruments. lar Biology. Portland, Oreg.: Horizon Scien-
Prions are not affected by standard sterilization tific Press, 1999. Focuses on the cellular, bio-
techniques; prevention requires careful han- chemical, and genetic aspects of prion
dling of infected materials and extended auto- diseases. Illustrations, bibliography, index.
claving of surgical instruments (for at least one Klitzman, Robert. The Trembling Mountain: A
hour) or thorough rinsing in chlorine bleach. Personal Account of Kuru, Cannibals, and Mad
The agent is not spread by casual contact or air, Cow Disease. New York: Plenum Trade, 1998.
and isolating the patient is not necessary. Autobiographical account of a study of kuru
Other human degenerative nervous system disease in Papua New Guinea. Illustrations,
diseases whose causes remain unclear also index.
show accumulations of proteins to toxic levels. Prusiner, Stanley B. The Prion Diseases. Scien-
Alzheimers disease is the best-studied exam- tific American 272 (January, 1995). Discusses
ple, and it is possible that a process similar to how meat consumption by humans can lead
that in prion diseases is at work. The discovery to prion diseases.
of prions has far-reaching implications for ge- _______, ed. Prion Biology and Diseases. Cold
netic and cellular research. Scientists have al- Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor
ready learned a startling fact: Substances as in- Laboratory Press, 1999. Prusiner, who won
ert as proteins and far smaller than viruses can the 1997 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his dis-
act as agents of infections. covery of prions, and contributors provide
Connie Rizzo an overview of research. Illustrations (some
See also: Alzheimers Disease; Hunting- color), bibliography, index.
tons Disease. Rabenau, Holger F., Jindrich Cinatl, and Hans
Wilhelm Doerr, eds. Prions: A Challenge for
Further Reading Science, Medicine, and Public Health System.
Aguzzi, Adriano. A Brief History of Prions. New York: Karger, 2001. Focuses on the etio-
Nature 389 (October 23, 1997). An overview logical, clinical, and diagnostic aspects of
of the history of research into prions and prion diseases, as well as epidemiology, dis-
prion diseases. ease management, and how prions might
634 Protein Structure

be inactivated. Illustrations, bibliogra-

phy, index.
Ratzan, Scott C., ed. The Mad Cow Crisis:
Health and the Public Good. New York:
New York University Press, 1998. A look
at the disease from scientific, historical,
political, health, preventive, and man-
agement perspectives. Illustrations, bib-
liography, index.

Web Site of Interest

National Organization for Rare Disorders.
http://www.rarediseases.org. Search-
able site by type of disorder. Includes
background information on Creutzfeldt-
Jakob syndrome, a list of other names
for the disorder, and a list of related or-

Protein Structure
Field of study: Molecular genetics
Significance: Proteins have three-dimensional
structures that determine their functions,
and slight changes in overall structure may A three-dimensional image of the ras protein. (U.S. Department
of Energy Human Genome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/
significantly alter their activity. Correlation
of protein structure and function can pro-
vide insights into cellular metabolism and
its many interconnected processes. Because
amino acid that gives each amino acid its
most diseases result from improper protein func-
unique properties
tion, advances in this field could lead to effective
molecular-based disease treatments.
Protein Structure and Function
Proteins consist of strings of individual sub-
Key terms units called amino acids that are chemically
amino acid: the basic subunit of a protein; bonded together with peptide bonds. Once
there are twenty commonly occurring amino acids are bonded, the resulting mole-
amino acids, any of which may join together cule is called a polypeptide. The properties and
by chemical bonds to form a complex pro- arrangement of the amino acids in the poly-
tein molecule peptide cause it to fold into a specific shape or
enzymes: proteins that are able to increase the conformation that is required for proper pro-
rate of chemical reactions in cells without tein function. Proteins have been called the
being altered in the process workhorses of t0he cell because they perform
hydrogen bond: a weak bond that helps stabi- most of the activities encoded in the genes of
lize the folding of a protein the cell. Proteins function by binding to other
polypeptide: a chain of amino acids joined by molecules, frequently to other proteins. The
chemical bonds precise three-dimensional shape of a protein
R group: a functional group that is part of an determines the specific molecules it will be
Protein Structure 635

able to bind to, and for many proteins binding central carbon atom (known as the alpha car-
is specific to just one other specific type of mol- bon, or C) as shown in the following figure:
In 1973, Christian B. Anfinsen performed
experiments that showed that the three-dimen- H O
sional structure of a protein is determined by
the sequence of its amino acids. He used a pro- H2N C C OH
tein called ribonuclease (RNase), an enzyme
that degrades RNA in the cell. The ability of R
ribonuclease to degrade RNA is dependent
upon its ability to fold into its proper three-
dimensional shape. Anfinsen showed that if the The uniqueness of each of the twenty amino ac-
enzyme was completely unfolded by heat and ids is determined by the R group. This group
chemical treatment (at which time it would not may be as simple as a hydrogen atom (in the
function), it formed a linear chain of amino ac- case of the amino acid glycine) or as complex as
ids. Although there were 105 possible confor- a ring-shaped structure (as found in the amino
mations that the enzyme could take upon re- acid phenylalanine). It may be charged, either
folding, it would refold into the single correct positively or negatively, or it may be uncharged.
functional conformation upon removal of heat Cells join amino acids together to form pep-
and chemicals. This established that the amino tides (strings of up to ten amino acids), poly-
acid sequences of proteins, which are specified peptides (strings of ten to one hundred amino
by the genes of the cell, carry all of the informa- acids), or proteins (single or multiple polypep-
tion necessary for proteins to fold into their tides folded and oriented to one another so
proper three-dimensional shapes. they are functional). The amino acids are
To understand protein conformation better, joined together by covalent bonds, called pep-
it is helpful to analyze the underlying levels of tide bonds (in the box in the following figure),
structure that determine the final three-di- between the carbon atom of the carboxyl
mensional shape. The primary structure of a group of one amino acid (COOH) and the
polypeptide is the simplest level of structure nitrogen atom of the amino group (NH2) of
and is, by definition, its amino acid sequence. the next adjacent amino acid:
Because primary structure of polypeptides ulti-
mately determines all succeeding levels of
structure, knowing the primar y structure H O H O
should theoretically allow scientists to predict
the final three-dimensional structure. Building H2N C C N C C OH
on a detailed knowledge of the structure of
many proteins, scientists can now develop com- R H R
puter programs that are able to predict three-
dimensional shape with some degree of accu-
racy, but much more research will be required During the formation of the peptide bond, a
to increase the accuracy of these methods. molecule of water (H2O) is lost (an -OH from
the carboxyl group and an -H from the amino
Primary Protein Structure group), so this reaction is also called a dehy-
There are twenty naturally occurring amino dration synthesis. The result is a dipeptide (a
acids that are commonly found in proteins, peptide made of two amino acids joined by a
and each of these has a common structure con- peptide bond) that has a backbone of nitro-
sisting of a nitrogen-containing amino group gens and carbons (NCCNCC) with
(NH2), a carboxyl group (COOH), a hy- other elements and R groups protruding from
drogen atom (H), and a unique functional the backbone. An amino acid may be joined to
group referred to as an R group, all bonded to a the growing peptide chain by formation of a
636 Protein Structure

peptide bond between the carbon atom of the pleated sheets. An alpha helix is a rigid struc-
free carboxyl group (on the right of the preced- ture shaped very much like a telephone cord; it
ing figure) and the nitrogen atom of the amino spirals around as the oxygen of one amino acid
acid being added. The end of a polypeptide of the chain forms a hydrogen bond with the
with an exposed carboxyl group is called the hydrogen atom of an amino acid five amino ac-
C-terminal end, and the end with an exposed ids away on the protein strand. The rigidity of
amino group is called the N-terminal end. the structure is caused by the large number of
The atoms and R groups that protrude from hydrogen bonds (individually weak but collec-
the backbone are capable of interacting with tively strong) and the compactness of the helix
each other, and these interactions lead to that forms. Many alpha helices are found in
higher-order secondary, tertiary, and quater- proteins that function to maintain cell struc-
nary structures. ture.
Beta sheets are formed by hydrogen bond-
Secondary Structure ing between amino acids in different regions
The next level of structure is secondary (often very far apart on the linear strand) of a
structure, which involves the formation of hy- polypeptide. The shape of a beta-pleated sheet
drogen bonds between the oxygen atoms in may be likened to the bellows of an accordion
carboxyl groups with the hydrogen atoms of or a sheet of paper that has been folded multi-
amino groups from different parts of the poly- ple times to form pleats. Because of the large
peptide. Hydrogen bonds are weak bonds that number of hydrogen bonds in them, beta
form between atoms that have a very strong at- sheets are also strong structures, and they form
traction for electrons (such as oxygen or nitro- planar regions that are often found at the bot-
gen), and a hydrogen atom that is bound to an- tom of pockets inside proteins to which other
other atom with a very strong attraction for molecules attach.
electrons. Secondary structure does not in- In addition to alpha helices or beta-pleated
volve the formation of bonds with R groups or sheets, other regions of the protein may have
atoms that are parts of R groups, but involves no obvious secondary structure; these regions
bonding just between amino and carboxyl are said to have a random coil shape. It is the
groups that are in the peptide bonds making combinations of random coils, alpha helices,
up the backbone of polypeptides. and beta sheets that form the secondary struc-
ture of the protein.

H O H O Tertiary Structure
The final level of protein shape (for a single
H2N C C N C C OH polypeptide or simple protein) is called ter-
tiary structure. Tertiary structure is caused by
R H R the numerous interactions of R groups on the
amino acids and of the protein with its environ-
Hydrogen bond ment, which is usually aqueous (water based).
Various R groups may either be attracted to and
H O H O form bonds with each other, or they may be re-
pelled from each other. For example, if an R
H2N C C N C C OH group has an overall positive electrical charge,
it will be attracted to R groups with a negative
R H R charge but repelled from other positively
charged R groups. For a polypeptide with one
hundred amino acids, if amino acid number 6
These hydrogen bonds between backbone is negatively charged, it could be attracted to a
molecules lead to the formation of two major positively charged amino acid at position 74,
types of structures: alpha helices and beta- thus bringing two ends of the protein that are
Protein Structure 637

linearly distant into close proximity. Many of Impact and Applications

these attractions lead to the formation of hy- The function of a protein may be altered by
drogen, ionic, or covalent bonds. For example, changing its shape, because proper function is
sulfur is contained in the R groups of a few of dependent on proper conformation. Many ge-
the amino acids, and sometimes a disulfide netic defects are detrimental because they rep-
bond (a covalent bond) will be formed be- resent a mutation that results in a change in
tween two of these. It is the arrangement of protein structure. Changes in protein confor-
disulfide bonds in hair proteins that gives hair mation are also an integral part of metabolic
its physical properties of curly versus straight. control in cells. Normal cellular processes are
Hair permanent treatments actually break controlled by turning on and turning off
these disulfide bonds and then reform them proteins at the appropriate time. A proteins ac-
when the hair is arranged as desired. Many tivity may be altered by attaching a molecule or
other R groups in the protein will also be at- ion to that protein that results in a change of
tracted to or repelled from each other, leading shape. Because the shape is caused by R group
to an overall folded shape that is most stable. In interactions, binding of a charged ion such as
addition, because most proteins exist in an calcium to the protein will alter these interac-
aqueous environment in the cell, most proteins tions and thus alter the shape and function of
are folded such that their amino acids with hy- the protein. One molecular on/off switch
drophilic R groups (R groups attracted to that is used frequently within a cell involves the
water) are on the outside, while their amino ac- attachment or removal of a phosphate group to
ids with hydrophobic R groups (R groups re- or from a protein. Attachment of a phosphate
pelled from water) are tucked away in the inte- will significantly alter the shape of the protein
rior of the protein. by repelling negatively charged amino acids
and attracting positively charged amino acids,
which will either activate the protein to per-
Quaternary Structure form its function (turn it on) or deactivate it
Many polypeptides are nonfunctional until (turn it off).
they physically associate with another polypep- Cancer and diseases caused by bacterial or
tide, forming a functional unit made up of two viral infections are often the result of nonfunc-
or more subunits. Proteins of this type are said tional proteins that have been produced with
to have quaternary structure. Quaternary incorrect shapes or that cannot be turned on
structure is caused by interactions between the or off by a molecular switch. The effects may be
R groups of amino acids of two different poly- minor or major, depending upon the protein,
peptides. For example, hemoglobin, the oxy- its function, and the severity of the structural
gen-carrying protein found in red blood cells, deformity. Understanding how a normal pro-
functions as a tetramer, with four polypeptide tein is shaped and how it is altered in the dis-
subunits. ease process allows for the development of
Because secondary, tertiary, and quaternary drugs that may block the disease. This may be
interactions are caused by the R groups of the accomplished by blocking or changing the ef-
specific amino acids, the folding is ultimately fect of the protein of interest or by generating
dictated by the amino acid sequence of the pro- drugs or therapies that mimic the normal func-
tein. Although there may be numerous possible tioning of the protein. Thus, understanding
final conformations that a polypeptide could protein structure is essential for understanding
take, it usually assumes only one of these, and proper protein function and for developing
this is the conformation that leads to proper molecular-based disease treatments.
protein function. Many polypeptides are capa- Sarah Lea McGuire, updated by Bryan Ness
ble of folding into their final conformation See also: Central Dogma of Molecular Biol-
spontaneously. More complex ones may need ogy; DNA Repair; DNA Replication; DNA
the assistance of other proteins, called chaper- Structure and Function; Genetic Code; Ge-
ones, to help in the folding process. netic Code, Cracking of; Molecular Genetics;
638 Protein Synthesis

Protein Synthesis; RNA Structure and Func-

tion; RNA Transcription and mRNA Pro- Protein Synthesis
cessing; RNA World; Synthetic Genes.
Field of study: Molecular genetics
Significance: Cellular proteins can be grouped into
Further Reading two general categories: proteins with a structural
Banaszak, Leonard J. Foundations of Structural function that contribute to the three-dimensional
Biology. San Diego: Academic Press, 2000. Fo- organization of a cell, and proteins with an enzy-
cuses on three-dimensional visualization matic function that catalyze the biochemical reac-
strategies for proteins and DNA segments. Il- tions required for cell growth and function. Under-
lustrations, bibliography, index. standing the process by which proteins are
Brndn, Carl-Ivar, and John Tooze. Introduc- synthesized provides insight into how a cell orga-
tion to Protein Structure. 2d ed. New York: Gar- nizes itself and how defects in this process can lead
land, 1999. Covers research into the struc- to disease.
ture and logic of proteins. Illustrations
(mostly color), bibliography, index. Key terms
Darnell, James, et al. Molecular Cell Biology. 4th amino acid: the basic subunit of a protein;
ed. New York: W. H. Freedman, 2000. Pro- there are twenty commonly occurring amino
vides both summary and detailed accounts acids, any of which may join together by
of protein structure and the chemical bonds chemical bonds to form a complex protein
that lead to the various levels of structure. Il- molecule
lustrations, laser optical disc, bibliography, peptide bond: the chemical bond between
index. amino acids in protein
Johnson, George B. How Scientists Think: polypeptide: a linear molecule composed of
Twenty-one Experiments That Have Shaped Our amino acids joined together by peptide
Understanding of Genetics and Molecular Biol- bonds; all proteins are functional polypep-
ogy. Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown, 1996. tides
Gives an excellent introductory account of RNA: ribonucleic acid, that molecule that acts
Christian Anfinsens experiments leading to as the messenger between genes in DNA and
the determination that primary sequence their protein product, directing the assem-
dictates protein shape. Illustrations, index. bly of proteins; as an integral part of ribo-
McRee, Duncan Everett. Practical Protein Crys- somes, RNA is also involved in protein syn-
tallography. 2d ed. San Diego: Academic thesis
Press, 1999. Introductory protein structure translation: the process of forming proteins
handbook. Illustrations (some color), bibli- according to instructions contained in an
ography, index. RNA molecule
Maddox, Brenda. Rosalind Franklin: The Dark
Lady of DNA. New York: HarperCollins, 2002. The Flow of Information from Stored to
Biography of the foundational but little rec- Active Form
ognized work of the physical chemist, whose The cell can be viewed as a unit that assem-
photographs of DNA were critical in helping bles resources from the environment into bio-
James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice chemically functional molecules and organizes
Wilkins discover the double-helical structure these molecules in three-dimensional space in
of DNA, for which they won the Nobel Prize a way that allows cellular growth and replica-
in 1962. Illustrations, bibliography, index. tion. In order to carry out this organizational
Murphy, Kenneth P. Protein Structure, Stability, process, a cell must have a biosynthetic means
and Folding. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, to assemble resources into useful molecules,
2001. Describe cutting-edge experimental and it must contain the information required
and theoretical methodologies for investi- to produce the biosynthetic and structural ma-
gating these proteins and protein folding. chinery. DNA serves as the stored form of this
Protein Synthesis 639

information, whereas protein is its active form. RNA serves as the intermediate form from
Although there are thousands of different pro- which proteins are synthesized. RNA plays
teins in cells, they either serve a structural role three roles during protein synthesis. Messen-
or are enzymes that catalyze the biosynthetic re- ger RNA (mRNA) contains the information for
actions of a cell. Following the discovery of the the amino acid sequence of a protein. Transfer
structure of DNA in 1953 by James Watson and RNAs (tRNAs) are small RNA molecules that
Francis Crick, scientists began to study the pro- serve as adapters that decipher the coded in-
cess by which the information stored in this formation present within an mRNA and bring
molecule is converted into protein. the appropriate amino acid to the polypeptide
Proteins are linear, functional molecules as it is being synthesized. Ribosomal RNAs
composed of a unique sequence of amino ac- (rRNAs) act as the engine that carries out most
ids. Twenty different amino acids are used as of the steps during protein synthesis. Together
the protein building blocks. Although the in- with a specific set of proteins, rRNAs form ribo-
formation for the amino acid sequence of each somes that bind the mRNA, serve as the plat-
protein is present in DNA, protein is not syn- form for tRNAs to decode an mRNA, and cata-
thesized directly from this source. Instead, lyze the formation of peptide bonds between

The fundamental steps in protein synthesis. (U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/
640 Protein Synthesis

amino acids. Each ribosome is composed of synthesis of an mRNA from its DNA template,
two subunits: a small (or 40s) and a large (or one guanine is added to the 5 end of the
60s) subunit, each of which has its own func- mRNA in an inverted orientation and is the
tion. The s in 40s and 60s is an abbreviation only nucleotide in the entire mRNA present in
for Svedberg units, which are a measure of how a 3 to 5 orientation. It is referred to as the cap.
quickly a large molecule or complex molecular A long stretch of adenosine is added to the 3
structure sediments (or sinks) to the bottom of end of the mRNA to make what is called the
a centrifuge tube while being centrifuged. The poly-A tail.
larger the number, the larger the molecule. Typically, mRNAs have a stretch of nucleo-
Like all RNA, mRNA is composed of just four tide sequence that lies between the cap and the
types of nucleotides: adenine (A), guanine coding region. This is referred to as the leader
(G), cytosine (C), and uracil (U). Therefore, sequence and is not translated. Therefore, a
the information in an mRNA is contained in a signal is necessary to indicate where the coding
linear sequence of nucleotides that is con- region initiates. The codon AUG usually serves
verted into a protein molecule composed of a as this initiation codon; however, other AUG
linear sequence of amino acids. This process is codons may be present in the coding region.
referred to as translation, since it converts Any one of three possible codons (UGA, UAG,
the language of nucleotides that make up an or UAA) can serve as stop codons that signal
mRNA into the language of amino acids that the ribosome to terminate translation. Several
make up a protein. This is achieved by a three- accessory proteins assist ribosomes in binding
letter genetic code in which each amino acid in mRNA and help carry out the required steps
a protein is specified by a three-nucleotide se- during translation.
quence in the mRNA called a codon. The four
possible letters means that there are sixty- The Translation Process: Initiation
four possible three-letter words. As there are Translation occurs in three phases: initia-
only twenty amino acids used to make proteins, tion, elongation, and termination. The func-
most amino acids are encoded by several differ- tion of the 40s ribosomal subunit is to bind to
ent codons. For example, there are six differ- an mRNA and locate the correct AUG as the
ent codons (UCU, UCC, UCA, UCG, AGU, and initiation codon. It does this by binding close to
AGC) that specify the amino acid serine, the cap at the 5 end of the mRNA and scanning
whereas there is only one codon (AUG) that the nucleotide sequence in its 5 to 3 direction
specifies the amino acid methionine. The in search of the initiation codon. Marilyn
mRNA, therefore, is simply a linear array of Kozak identified a certain nucleotide sequence
codons (that is, three-nucleotide words that surrounding the initiator AUG of eukaryotic
are read by tRNAs together with ribosomes). mRNAs that indicates to the ribosome that this
The region within an mRNA containing this se- AUG is the initiation codon. She found that the
quence of codons is called the coding region. presence of an A or G three nucleotides prior
Before translation can occur in eukaryotic to the AUG and a G in the position immediately
cells, mRNAs undergo processing steps at both following the AUG were critical in identifying
ends to add features that will be necessary for the correct AUG as the initiation codon. This is
translation (These processing steps do not oc- referred to as the sequence context of the ini-
cur in prokaryotic cells.) Nucleotides are struc- tiation codon. Therefore, as the 40s ribosomal
tured such that they have two ends, a 5 and a 3 subunit scans the leader sequence of an mRNA
end, that are available to form chemical bonds in a 5 to 3 direction, it searches for the first
with other nucleotides. Each nucleotide pres- AUG in this context and may bypass other
ent in an mRNA has a 5 to 3 orientation that AUGs not in this context.
gives a directionality to the mRNA so that the Nahum Sonenberg demonstrated that the
RNA begins with a 5 end and finishes in a 3 scanning process by the 40s subunit can be im-
end. The ribosome reads the coding region of peded by the presence of stem-loop structures
an mRNA in a 5 to 3 direction. Following the present in the leader sequence. These form
Protein Synthesis 641

Protein Synthesis

mRNA chain


Glyc Va
li End
Serine chain


et codon




Protein chain

Protein synthesis is directed by messenger RNA (mRNA). The order of the amino acids in the protein chain is controlled by the order
of the bases in the mRNA chain. It takes a codon of three bases to specify one amino acid.

from base pairing between complementary nu- Through the combined action of eIF4G and
cleotides present in the leader sequence. Two eIF3, the 40s subunit is bound to the mRNA,
nucleotides are said to be complementary and through the action of eIF4A and eIF4B, the
when they join together by hydrogen bonds. mRNA is prepared for 40s subunit scanning. As
For instance, the nucleotide (or base) A is com- the cellular concentration of eIF4E is very low,
plementary to U, and these two can form what mRNAs must compete for this protein. Those
is called a base pair. Likewise, the nucleotides that do not compete well for eIF4E will not
C and G are complementary. Several accessory be translated efficiently. This represents one
proteins, called eukaryotic initiation factors means by which a cell can regulate protein
(eIFs), aid the binding and scanning of 40s sub- synthesis. One class of mRNA that competes
units. The first of these, eIF4F, is composed of poorly for eIF4E encodes growth-factor pro-
three subunits called eIF4E, eIF4A, and eIF4G. teins. Growth factors are required in small
The protein eIF4E is the subunit responsible amounts to stimulate cellular growth. Sonen-
for recognizing and binding to the cap of the berg has shown that the overproduction of
mRNA. The eIF4A subunit of eIF4F, together eIF4E in animal cells leads to a reduction in the
with another factor called eIF4B, functions to competition for this protein, and mRNAs such
remove the presence of stem-loop structures in as growth-factor mRNAs that were previously
the leader sequence through the disruption of poorly translated when the concentration of
the base pairing between nucleotides in the eIF4E was low are now translated at a higher
stem loop. The protein eIF4G is the large sub- rate when eIF4E is abundant. This in turn re-
unit of eIF4F, and it serves to interact with sev- sults in the overproduction of growth factors,
eral other proteins, one of which is eIF3. It is which leads to uncontrolled growth, a charac-
this latter initiation factor that the 40s subunit teristic typical of cancer cells.
first associates with during its initial binding to A protein that specifically binds to the poly-A
an mRNA. tail at the 3 end of an mRNA is called the poly-
642 Protein Synthesis

A-binding protein (PABP). Discovered in the otic elongation factor 1 (eEF1). A codon is de-
1970s, the only function of this protein was coded by the appropriate tRNA through base
thought to be to protect the mRNA from attack pairing between the three nucleotides that
at its 3 end by enzymes that degrade RNA. Dan- make up the codon in the mRNA and three
iel Gallie demonstrated another function for complementary nucleotides within a specific
PABP by showing that the PABP-poly-A-tail region (called the anticodon) within the tRNA.
complex was required for the function of the The tRNA binding sites in the 80s ribosome are
eIF4F-cap complex during translation initia- located in the 60s subunit. The ribosome moves
tion. The idea that a protein located at the 3 over the coding region one codon at a time, or
end of an mRNA should participate in events in steps of three nucleotides, in a process re-
occurring at the opposite end of an mRNA ferred to as translocation. When the ribo-
seemed strange initially. However, RNA is quite some moves to the next codon to be decoded,
flexible and is rarely present in a straight, linear the tRNA containing the appropriate antico-
form in the cellular environment. Conse- don will bind tightly in the open site in the 60s
quently, the poly-A tail can easily approach the subunit (the A site). The tRNA that bound to
cap at the 5 end. Gallie showed that PABP in- the previous codon is present in a second site in
teracts with eIF4G and eIF4B, two initiation fac- the 60s subunit (the P site). Once a new tRNA
tors that are closely associated with the cap, has bound to the A site, the ribosomal RNA it-
through protein-to-protein contacts. The con- self catalyzes the formation of a peptide bond
sequence of this interaction is that the 3 end of between the growing polypeptide and the new
an mRNA is held in close physical proximity to amino acid. This results in the transfer of the
its cap. The interaction between these proteins polypeptide attached to the tRNA present in
stabilizes their binding to the mRNA, which in the P site to the amino acid on the tRNA pres-
turn promotes protein synthesis. Therefore, ent in the A site. A second elongation factor,
mRNAs can be thought of as adopting a circu- eEF2, catalyzes the movement of the ribosome
lar form during translation that looks similar to to the next codon to be decoded. This process
a snake biting its own tail. This idea is now is repeated one codon at a time until a stop
widely accepted by scientists. codon is reached.
One additional factor, called eIF2, is needed The termination phase of translation begins
to bring the first tRNA to the 40s subunit. when the ribosome reaches one of the three
Along with the initiator tRNA (which decodes termination or stop codons. These are also re-
the AUG codon specifying the amino acid ferred to as nonsense codons as the cell does
methionine), eIF2 aids the 40s subunit in iden- not produce any tRNAs that can decode them.
tifying the AUG initiation. Once the 40s sub- Accessory factors, called release factors, are
unit has located the initiation codon, the 60s also required to assist this stage of translation.
ribosomal subunit joins the 40s subunit to They bind to the empty A site in which the stop
form the intact 80s ribosome. (Svedberg units codon is present, and this triggers the cleavage
are not additive; therefore, a 40s and 60s unit of the bond between the completed protein
joined together do not make a 100s unit.) This from the last tRNA in the P site, thereby re-
marks the end of the initiation phase of trans- leasing the protein. The ribosome then dissoci-
lation. ates into its 40s and 60s subunits, the latter of
which diffuses away from the mRNA. The close
The Translation Process: Elongation and physical proximity of the cap and poly-A tail of
Termination an mRNA maintained by the interaction be-
During the elongation phase, tRNAs bind to tween PABP and the initiation factors (eIF4G
the 80s ribosome as it passes over the codons of and eIF4B) is thought to assist the recycling
the mRNA, and the amino acids attached to the of the 40s subunit back to the 5 end of the
tRNAs are transferred to the growing polypep- mRNA to participate in a subsequent round of
tide. Binding of the tRNAs to the ribosome is translation.
assisted by an accessory protein called eukary-
Proteomics 643

Impact and Applications

The elucidation of the process and control Proteomics
of protein synthesis provides a ready means by
which scientists can manipulate these processes Fields of study: Molecular genetics;
in cells. In addition to infectious diseases, insuf- Techniques and methodologies
ficient dietary protein represents one of the Significance: The study of proteomics and its rela-
greatest challenges to world health. The major- tionship to genomics currently focuses on the vast
ity of people living today are limited to obtain- family of gene-regulating proteins. These polypep-
ing their dietary protein solely through the tides and their functions affect the expression of
consumption of plant matter. Knowledge of various genetically related diseases, such as Alz-
the process of protein synthesis may allow mo- heimers and cancer. By focusing on the interre-
lecular biologists to increase the amount of lated groups of regulator functions, geneticists are
protein in important crop species. Moreover, learning the connections between structure, abun-
most plants contain an imbalance in the amino dance within the cell, and how each protein relates
acids needed in the human diet that can lead to expression.
to disease. For example, protein from corn is
poor in the amino acid lysine, whereas the pro- Key terms
tein from soybeans is poor in methionine and chromatography: a separation technique in-
cysteine. Molecular biologists may be able to volving a mobile solvent and a stationary, ad-
correct this imbalance by changing the codons sorbent phase
present in plant genes, thus improving this mass spectroscopy: a method of analyzing
source of protein for those people who rely on molecular structure in which sample mole-
it for life. cules are ionized and the resulting frag-
Daniel R. Gallie mented particles are passed through electric
See also: Central Dogma of Molecular Biol- and magnetic fields to a detector
ogy; DNA Repair; DNA Replication; DNA peripheral proteins: proteins of the chro-
Structure and Function; Genetic Code; Ge- mosome that do not directly affect transcrip-
netic Code, Cracking of; Molecular Genetics; tion
Protein Structure; RNA Structure and Func- protein folding structure: the three-
tion; RNA Transcription and mRNA Pro- dimensional structure of proteins created by
cessing; RNA World; Synthetic Genes. the folding of linked amino acids upon each
other; this structure is held together by inter-
Further Reading molecular forces, such as hydrogen bonds
Crick, Francis. The Genetic Code III. Scien- and ionic attractions
tific American 215 (October, 1966). The co- protein marker: a sequence of DNA that
discoverer of DNAs helical structure pro- chemically attracts a particular regulatory
vides a good summary of the code specifying protein sequence or structure
the amino acids. regulators: proteins that control the tran-
Lake, James. The Ribosome. Scientific Ameri- scription of a gene
can 245 (August, 1981). Summarizes infor- senile plaques: protein sections that are no
mation about the structure and function of longer functional and clutter the intercellu-
ribosomes. lar space of the brain, disrupting proper pro-
Lewin, Benjamin. Genes VII. New York: Oxford cesses
University Press, 2001. Details the transla- transcription: the process by which mRNA is
tional process. formed using DNA as a template
Rich, Alexander, and Sung Hou Kim. The translation: the process of building a protein
Three Dimensional Structure of Transfer by bonding amino acids according to the
RNA. Scientific American 238 (January, 1978). mRNA marker present
Presents a structural description of tRNA.
644 Proteomics

What Is Proteomics? mid can be injected into Escherichia coli bacteria

Historically, much of the focus in genetic re- and the cells will translate the protein multiple
search has been on genes and completion of times. Alternatively, it must be extracted from
the Human Genome Project. More recently, biological tissues. The desired polypeptide
the focus has shifted to a new and related topic, must then be separated from cells or tissues
the proteome. Proteins are known to perform that may contain thousands of unique proteins.
most of the important functions of cells. There- This can be accomplished by homogenizing
fore, proteomics is, essentially, the study of pro- the tissue, extracting the proteins with solvents
teins in an organism and, most important, their or by centrifugation, and further purifying the
function. There are many aspects to the under- protein by various means, including high-pres-
standing of protein function, including where sure liquid chromatography (HPLC, separa-
a particular protein is located in the cell, what tion by solubility differences) and two-dimen-
modifications occur during its activity, what lig- sional (2-D) gel electrophoresis (separation of
ands may bind to it, and its activity. Researchers molecules by charge and molecular mass).
are seeking to identify all the proteins made in Structural characterization begins with es-
a given cell, tissue, or organism and determine tablishing the order of linked amino acids in
how those proteins interact with metobolites, the protein. This can be accomplished by the
with themselves, and with nucleic acids. By classical techniques of using proteases to frag-
studying proteomics, scientists hope to uncover ment the protein chemically and then analyz-
underlying causes of disease at the cellular ing the fragments by separation and spectro-
level, invent better methods of diagnosis, and scopic analysis. The molecular mass of small
discover new, more efficient medicines for the polypeptides can be investigated by employing
treatment of disease. several techniques involving mass spectrome-
Proteomics has moved to the forefront of try (MS). Sequentially coupled mass spectrom-
molecular research, especially in the area of eters (the tandem MS/MS techniques) are
drug research. Neither the structure nor the being used to analyze the amino acid sequence
function of a gene can be predicted from the and molecular masses of isoloated larger poly-
DNA sequence alone. Although genes code for peptides. These MS/MS analyses are some-
proteins, there is a large difference between times added to a separation method, such as
the number of messenger (mRNA) molecules HPLC, to analyze mixtures of polypeptides.
transcribed from DNA and the number of pro- Historically, Linus Pauling used analytical
teins in a cell. In addition, two hundred known data from X-ray diffraction (or crystallogra-
modifications occur during the stages between phy) to determine the three-dimensional, heli-
transcription and post-translation, including cal structure of proteins. The method is still be-
phosphorylation, glycosylation, proteolytic ing used to investigate the structures of
processing, deamidation, sulfation, and nitra- proteins and ligand-protein complexes. Such
tion. Other factors that affect the expression of studies may lead to significant improvements
proteins include aging, stress, environmental in the design of medicinal drugs. One signifi-
forces, and drugs. In addition, changes to the cant drawback to analyzing protein structure
sequence of amino acids may occur during or by X-ray diffraction, however, is that the
after translation. method requires a significant quantity (ap-
proximately 1 milligram) of the protein. Trans-
Methods of Proteomic Research mission electron microscopy (TEM), which
In order to study the functions of a protein, uses electron beams to produce images and dif-
it must be separated from other proteins or fraction patterns from extremely small samples
contaminants, purified, and structurally char- or regions of a sample, is therefore often
acterized. These are the major tasks facing re- preferrable. The TEM method may involve
searchers in the field. auxiliary techniques to analyze data, including
In order to obtain a sufficient quantity of a enhancement of images by means of computer
particular protein for study, the coding plas- software.
Proteomics 645

Although such methods provide valuable comes almost unrecognizable from the parent
information in analyzing the structure of pro- gene. A lack of protein amplification meth-
teins, they suffer from the loss of spatial infor- odstechniques that would produce more
mation that occurs when tissues are homoge- copies of a protein to aid in studyrequires
nized, when the protein is obtained from a sensitive analysis methods and increasingly
manufactured, bacterial environment, or when strong detectors. Currently new methods are
it is otherwise isolated. Matrix-assisted laser being developed, but the limit of study is as
desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI- large as 1 nanometer.
TOF) mass spectrometry is a complementary
method of analysis that does not yield struc- Disease
tural information but provides protein profiles Proteins often act as markers for disease. As
from intact tissue, allowing comparison of dis- researchers study proteins, they have found
eased versus normal tissue. that disease may be characterized by some pro-
Large databases of mass spectroscopic data teins that are being overproduced, not being
are being assembled to assist in future identifi- produced at all, or being produced at inappro-
cation of know proteins. Further databases of priate times. As the correlation of proteins to
proteome information include particular mo- disease becomes clearer, better diagnostic tests
lecular masses, charges, and, in some cases, and drugs are being explored. For example,
connections to the genes regulated or the par- Alzheimers disease and Down syndrome are
ent gene of the peptide in question. Scientists associated with a common protein fragment as
hope to relate regulators and the complex web the major extracellular protein component of
of peripheral proteins that affect the function senile plaques.
of each gene. Researchers are investigating changes in
protein expression in heart disease and heart
Challenges and Limitations of Current failure, and several hundred cardiac proteins
Methods have already been identified. The study of
The amount of data being obtained by pro- proteomics in immunological diseases has re-
teomics research poses a problem in organiz- vealed that there is a connection between the
ing and processing the information obtained human neutrophil -defensins (HNPs) and
on proteins. The Human Proteome Organiza- human immunodeficiency virus, HIV-1. HNPs
tion (HUPO) and the European Bioinformatics are small, cysteine-rich, cationic antimicrobial
Institute (EBI) are two organizations whose proteins that are stored in the azurophilic gran-
purposes include the management and organi- ules of neutrophils and released during
zation of proteomics information and data- phagocytosis to kill ingested foreign microbes.
bases, and the facilitation of the advancement To date, the three most abundant forms of the
of this scientific endeavor. protein have been implicated in suppressing
Analyzing MS data from proteins and relat- HIV-1 in vivo.
ing the complex array of proteins within a sin- Similarly, cancer is being studied to find a
gle cell to the linear genetic material of DNA roster of proteins that are present in cancerous
present challenges to researchers that they are cells but not in normal cells. A joint effort from
tackling through computer algorithms, pro- the National Cancer Institute and the Food
grams, and databases. The SWISS-PROT data- and Drug Administration is searching for the
base, for example, is an annotated protein- differences between cancerous and normal
sequence database maintained by the Swiss cells, and also for protein markers.
Bioinformatics Institute.
Other obstacles to relating proteins to par- Possible Future Directions
ent genes include the loss of quaternary struc- Although proteomics is a relatively new area
ture during separation and the presence of of genetic research, the importance of the
post-translation processing, which can alter the sugar coatings of proteins and cells is gaining
amino acid sequence to the extent that it be- attention, under the name glycomics. This
646 Pseudogenes

area of study has arisen because of the many

roles of sugar coatings in important cellular Pseudogenes
functions, including the immunological recog-
nition sites, barriers, and sites for attack by Field of study: Molecular genetics
pathogens. Significance: Pseudogenes are DNA sequences de-
Audrey Krumbach, Kayla Williams, and rived from partial copies, mutated complete copies
Massimo D. Bezoari of functional genes, or normal copies of a gene that
See also: Bioinformatics; Genomics; Hu- has lost its control sequences and therefore cannot
man Genetics; Human Genome Project; Pro- be transcribed. They may originate by gene dupli-
tein Structure; Protein Synthesis. cation or retrotransposition. They are apparently
nonfunctional regions of the genome that may
Further Reading evolve at a maximum rate, free from the evolution-
Liebler, David G. Introduction to Proteomics: Tools ary constraints of natural selection.
for the New Biology. Totowa, N.J.: Humana
Press, 2001. Basics of protein and proteome Key terms
analysis, key concepts of proteomics, work- introns: noncoding segments of DNA within a
ings of the analytical instrumentation, over- gene that are removed from pre-messenger
view of software tools, and applications of RNA (pre-mRNA) as a part of the process of
protein and peptide separation techniques, producing a mature mRNA
mass spectrometry, and more. long interspersed sequences (LINES): long
Link, Andrew J., ed. 2-D Proteome Analysis Proto- repeats of DNA sequences scattered through-
cols. Nashville, Tenn.: Vanderbilt University out a genome
Medical Center. Practical proteomics, pre- neutral theory of molecular evolution:
senting techniques with step-by-step instruc- the theory that most DNA sequence evolu-
tions for laboratory researchers. Fifty-five tion is a result of mutations that are neutral
chapters prepared by more than seventy spe- with respect to the fitness of the organism
cialists. retrotransposon (retroposon): a DNA se-
Modern Drug Discovery (October, 2002). The en- quence that is transcribed to RNA and re-
tire issue is devoted to proteomics, with verse transcribed to a DNA copy able to in-
many interesting articles on methods of re- sert itself at another location in the genome
search, Web sites, and computer-assisted reverse transcriptase: an enzyme, isolated
methods of data analysis. from retroviruses, that synthesizes a DNA
strand from an RNA template
Web Sites of Interest short interspersed sequences (SINES):
Cambridge Healthtech Institute. http:// short repeats of DNA sequences scattered
www.genomicglossaries.com/content/ throughout a genome
proteomics.asp. This site provides a useful
glossary of technical terms used in pro- Definition and Origin
teomics, as well as many links to related sites. Pseudogenes are DNA sequences that re-
Human Proteomics Organization. http:// semble genes but are not correctly transcribed
www.hupo.org. HUPO works to consolidate or translated to a functional polypeptide. If a
regional proteome organizations into a functional gene is duplicated so that there are
worldwide group, conduct scientific and ed- two nonhomologous copies of it in the ge-
ucational activities, and disseminate knowl- nome, one of the copies can retain the code for
edge about both the human proteome and the original polypeptide product, while the
model organisms. other is free from such constraints, since one
copy of the gene is sufficient to produce the
protein. Because mutations in one copy do not
destroy the genes function, they may be re-
tained, and the unneeded copy can evolve
Pseudogenes 647

more quickly. It may change to produce a dif- pseudogene. Because the introns of a gene are
ferent, functional polypeptide (and effectively removed from the RNA transcript, processed
become a new gene), or it may remain non- pseudogenes are not exact copies of the origi-
functional as a pseudogene. There are two nal DNA sequence; the introns are missing.
types of pseudogenes, defined by how they Copies of protein-coding genes copied by this
were produced: nonprocessed and processed. mechanism are members of a type of repetitive
DNA called LINES (for long interspersed se-
Nonprocessed Pseudogenes quences) and exist in multiple copies scattered
Nonprocessed (or duplicated) pseudogenes around the genome, each up to several thou-
arise when a portion of the original gene is du- sand base pairs in length. Short processed
plicated, with portions necessary for proper pseudogenes are members of another class of
functioning missing or altered or when the repetitive DNA called SINES (short inter-
complete original gene is duplicated. They can spersed sequences of up to several hundred
be identified by the presence of introns and base pairs in length) and result from the retro-
may have mutations in the promoter that pre- transposon-mediated copying of tRNA or
vent transcription or the correct removal of in- rRNA genes. SINES of this type are sometimes
trons, or they may have other mutations (such very abundant in genomes because they may
as premature stop codons) within exons that have internal promoters, so that they are more
result in translation of a nonfunctional poly- easily transcribed, and therefore transposed.
peptide. A series of tandem duplications of The most prominent of SINES are those that
a gene can result in clustered gene families, are members of the Alu family, which occur an
which can include expressed genes, expressed average of once every six thousand base pairs in
pseudogenes (which are transcribed but pro- the human genome.
duce no functional polypeptide), and nonex-
pressed pseudogenes that are not transcribed. Pseudogenes and Neutral Evolution
The alpha-globulin and beta-globulin clusters In 2003, Japanese researchers reported the
are examples of such gene families. Other ex- discovery of a mouse pseudogene that is in-
amples of nonprocessed pseudogenes include volved in regulating the expression of its re-
members of the immunoglobulin (Ig) and ma- lated functional gene. This discovery sug-
jor histocompatibility complex (MHC) gene gested that at least some pseudogenes may
families. have important functions. Although pseudo-
genes are very commonly found across ge-
Processed Pseudogenes nomes, most do not appear to serve any func-
Processed pseudogenes originate from tran- tion, and until further research uncovers more
scribed RNA copies of genes that are copied functional pseudogenes this assumption ap-
back to DNA by the enzyme reverse transcrip- pears warranted. Their abundance can be
tase. Processed pseudogenes are usually inte- explained by the tendency of duplicated se-
grated into the genome in a different location quences to be further copied. Retrotranspo-
from the original gene. Reverse transcriptase is sition increases the number of copies of pro-
an enzyme produced by retroviruses, which cessed pseudogenes, and gene duplication
have RNA genomes that are reverse tran- leading to unprocessed pseudogenes favors
scribed to DNA when the viruses infect host mechanisms that generate additional copies,
cells. Retrotransposons, which are related to leading to clustered gene families. Natural se-
retroviruses, are DNA sequences that transpose lection does not tend to eliminate these addi-
or duplicate themselves by reverse transcrip- tional copies because their presence does not
tion of a transcribed RNA copy of the se- harm the organism as long as there is at least
quence. one functional copy of the original gene. In
Often, retrotransposons will carry along a other words, pseudogenes are selectively neu-
copy of the surrounding host DNA, resulting in tral.
the duplication of that sequencea processed Because of their selective neutrality, pseudo-
648 Pseudohermaphrodites

genes are especially useful for estimating neu- medical evaluation and appropriate medical in-
tral mutation rates in genomes. The neutral tervention to help ensure a healthy, well-adjusted
theory of evolution predicts that, because of life.
the constraints of selection, functional regions
of the genome (such as the exons, or coding se- Key terms
quences, of genes) will evolve more slowly than ambiguous genitalia: external sexual organs
less critical sequences, such as introns, or non- that are not clearly male or female
functional sequences like pseudogenes. The genotype: the sum total of the genes present
number of nucleotide differences between in an individual
homologous sequences of related species can gonads: organs that produce reproductive
be used to calculate estimates of evolutionary cells and sex hormones, for example, testes
rates, and such estimates support the neutral in males and ovaries in females
theory: the greatest rates of divergence occur karyotype: the number and kind of chromo-
within pseudogenes. Using comparisons from somes present in every cell of the body (nor-
several pseudogenes, researchers can establish mal female karyotype is 46,XX and normal
the baseline neutral mutation rate for a group male karyotype is 46,XY)
of species. phenotype: the physical appearance and phys-
Stephen T. Kilpatrick iological characteristics of an individual,
See also: Gene Families; Repetitive DNA. which depends on the interaction of geno-
type and environment
Further Reading
Graur, Dan, and Wen-Hsiung Li. Fundamentals Normal Fetal Development
of Molecular Evolution. 2d ed. Sunderland, Prior to nine weeks gestational age, a male
Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 1999. A detailed and a female fetus have identical external geni-
review of the topic, including the impor- talia (sexual organs) consisting of a phallus and
tance of pseudogenes in determining ge- labioscrotal folds. The phallus develops into a
nomic rates of neutral evolution. penis in males and a clitoris in females;
Lewin, Benjamin. Genes VII. New York: Oxford labioscrotal folds become the scrotum in males
University Press, 2001. Provides several exam- and the labial folds in females. Early in develop-
ples of clustered gene families that include ment, the gonads can develop into either testes
pseudogenes, and describes the mechanism or ovaries. In a fetus with a normal male
for the origin of processed pseudogenes. karyotype (46,XY), the primitive gonads be-
Li, Wen-Hsiung, Takashi Gojobori, and Masa- come testes, which produce testosterone. Tes-
toshi Nei. Pseudogenes as a Paradigm of tosterone in turn causes enlargement of the
Neutral Evolution. Nature 292, no. 5820 primitive phallus into a penis. It is the presence
(1981): 237-239. Discusses the predictions of of the Y chromosome, and in particular a small,
the neutral theory, how rates of nucleotide sex-determining region of the Y chromosome
substitution may be calculated, and how termed the SRY locus, that drives the forma-
data from pseudogenes support the neutral tion of the testes. The presence of the SRY lo-
theory. cus appears to be essential for development of a
normal male.

Pseudohermaphrodites A true hermaphrodite is born with both
ovarian and testicular tissue. A male pseudo-
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes hermaphrodite has a 46,XY karyotype with ei-
Significance: Pseudohermaphrodites are individu- ther female genitalia or ambiguous genitalia
als born with either ambiguous genitalia or exter- (but only testicular tissue); a female pseudo-
nal genitalia that are the opposite of their chromo- hermaphrodite has a 46,XX karyotype with ei-
somal sex. These individuals need a thorough ther male genitalia or ambiguous genitalia (but
Pseudohermaphrodites 649

only ovarian tissue). Ambiguous genitalia typi- duction of testosterone. These individuals may
cally consist of a small, abnormally shaped, actually develop into nearly normal-appearing
phalluslike structure, often with hypospadias males. Abnormalities of the testosterone recep-
(in which urine comes from the base of the pe- tor can also result in a range of different con-
nis instead of the tip) and abnormal develop- ditions in affected males, from normal female
ment of the labioscrotal folds (not clearly a appearance (a totally defective receptor) to
scrotum or labia). A vaginal opening may be ambiguous genitalia (partially defective recep-
present. tor) in a 46,XY male. These individuals will not
Most cases of pseudohermaphroditism re- masculinize at puberty because no matter how
sult from abnormal exposure to increased or much testosterone or DHT they produce, their
decreased amounts of sex hormones during bodies cannot respond to the hormones.
embryonic development. The most common Both male and female pseudohermaphro-
cause of female pseudohermaphroditism is ex- ditism can result from chromosomal abnor-
posure of a female fetus to increased levels of malities. The absence or dysfunction of the
testosterone during the first half of pregnancy. SRY locus produces an individual with nor-
Maternal use of anabolic steroids can cause this mal female genitalia but a 46,XY karyotype.
condition, but the most common genetic cause Individuals with a 46,XX karyotype who have
of increased testosterone exposure is congeni- the SRY locus transposed to one of their X
tal adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). CAH results chromosomes will have a normal male appear-
from an abnormality in the enzymatic pathways ance.
of the fetus that make both cortisol (a stress
hormone) and the sex steroids (such as testos- Impact and Applications
terone). At several points in these pathways, Some forms of pseudohermaphroditism are
there may be a nonfunctioning enzyme that re- life threatening, and so early diagnosis is im-
sults in too little production of cortisol and too perative. Both males and females with CAH are
much production of the sex steroids. This will at risk for sudden death caused by low cortisol
result in partial masculinization of the external levels and other hormone deficiencies. Early
genitalia of a female embryo. Females with diagnosis is relatively easy in affected females
CAH are usually born with an enlarged clitoris since their genital abnormalities are noticeable
(often mistakenly thought to be a penis) and at birth. Affected males are often not recog-
partial fusion of the labia. Males can also have nized until they have a life-threatening event,
CAH, but the excess testosterone does not af- which usually occurs in the first two weeks of
fect their genital development since a relatively life. Treatment of CAH consists of appropriate
high level of testosterone exposure is a normal hormone supplementation that, if instituted
part of their development. early in life, can help prevent serious problems.
The most common causes of male pseudo- CAH is inherited in an autosomal recessive
hermaphroditism are abnormalities of testos- manner, so parents of an affected individual
terone production or abnormalities in the tes- have a 25 percent chance of having another af-
tosterone receptor at the cellular level. One fected child with each pregnancy.
example is a deficiency in 5-alpha-reductase, The sex of rearing of a child with ambiguous
the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihy- genitalia is usually determined by the childs
drotestosterone (DHT). When there is a defi- type of pseudohermaphroditism. Typically, sex
ciency of this enzyme, there will be a deficiency of rearing will be based on the chromosomal
of DHT, which is the hormone primarily re- sex of the child. These children may need sex
sponsible for masculinization of external geni- hormone supplementation or surgery to assist
talia. A male who lacks DHT will have female- in developing gender-appropriate genitalia.
appearing external genitalia or ambiguous Children with pseudohermaphroditism with
genitalia at birth. Often these individuals are normal-appearing genitalia at birth may not be
reared as females, but at puberty they will recognized until puberty, when abnormal
masculinize because of greatly increased pro- masculinization or feminization may occur.
650 Punctuated Equilibrium

These individuals need medical evaluation and sia, Klinefelter syndrome, androgen insensi-
karyotype determination to guide the proper tivity, and testicular feminization.
medical treatment. Johns Hopkins University, Division of Pediatric
Patricia G. Wheeler Endocrinology, Syndromes of Abnormal
See also: Biological Clocks; Gender Iden- Sex Differentiation. http://www.hopkins
tity; Hermaphrodites; Homosexuality; Human medicine.org/pediatricendocrinology. Site
Genetics; Metafemales; RNA Transcription provides a guide to the science and genetics
and mRNA Processing; Steroid Hormones; of sex differentiation, including a glossary.
Testicular Feminization Syndrome; X Chromo- Click on patient resources.
some Inactivation; XYY Syndrome. National Organization for Rare Disorders
(NORD). http://www.rarediseases.org. Of-
Further Reading fers information and articles about rare ge-
Hunter, R. H. F. Sex Determination, Differentia- netic conditions and diseases, including XYY
tion, and Intersexuality in Placental Mammals. syndrome, in several searchable databases.
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1995.
Discusses the genetic determination of sex
in mammals. Illustrations (some color), bib-
liography, index. Punctuated Equilibrium
Meyer-Bahlburg, Heino. Intersexuality and the
Diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder. Ar- Fields of study: Evolutionary biology;
chives of Sexual Behavior 23 (1994). Addresses Population genetics
gender identity and its relation to pseudo- Significance: Punctuated equilibrium is a model of
hermaphroditism. evolutionary change in which new species origi-
Simpson, J. L. Disorders of the Gonads, Geni- nate abruptly and then exist through a long period
tal Tract, and Genitalia. In Emer y and of stasis. This model is important as an explana-
Rimoins Principles and Practice of Medical Ge- tion of the stepwise pattern of species change seen
netics, edited by David L. Rimoin et al. 3 vols. in the fossil record.
New York: Churchill Livingstone, 2002. A de-
tailed account of male and female pseudo- Key terms
hermaphroditism. Illustrations, bibliogra- allopatric speciation: a theory that suggests
phy, index. that small parts of a population may become
Speiser, Phyllis W., ed. Congenital Adrenal Hyper- genetically isolated and develop differences
plasia. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 2001. that would lead to the development of a new
Contents address prenatal treatment, new- species
born screening, new treatments, surgery, heterochrony: a change in the timing or rate
gender, sexuality, cognitive function, and of development of characters in an organ-
pregnancy outcomes. Illustrated. ism relative to those same events in its evolu-
tionary ancestors
Web Sites of Interest phyletic gradualism: the idea that evolu-
Intersex Society of North America. http:// tionary change proceeds by a progression of
www.isna.org. The society is a public aware- tiny changes, adding up to produce new spe-
ness, education, and advocacy organization cies over immense periods of time
which works to create a world free of shame,
secrecy, and unwanted surgery for intersex Evolutionary Patterns
people (individuals born with anatomy or Nineteenth centur y English naturalist
physiology which differs from cultural ideals Charles Darwin viewed the development of
of male and female). Includes links to infor- new species as occurring slowly by a shift of
mation on such conditions as clitoromegaly, characters within populations, so that a gradual
micropenis, hypospadias, ambiguous geni- transition from one species to another took
tals, early genital surgery, adrenal hyperpla- place. This is now generally referred to as
Punctuated Equilibrium 651

Image not available

Stephen Jay Gould in his office on the Harvard campus in 1997. Together with Niles Eldredge, Gould developed the theory of punc-
tuated equilibrium to explain gaps in the fossil record. (AP/Wide World Photos)

phyletic gradualism. A number of examples sampling of gradual transitions was present,

from the fossil record were put forward to sup- giving the appearance of abrupt change.
port this view, particularly that of the horse, in One hundred years later, the incomplete-
which changes to the feet, jaws, and teeth seem ness of the fossil record no longer seemed
to have progressed in one direction over a long convincing as an explanation. In 1972, Niles
period of time. Peter Sheldon in 1987 docu- Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould published
mented gradual change in eight lineages of their theory of the evolutionary process, called
trilobites over a three-million-year period in by them punctuated equilibrium. This model
the Ordovician period of Wales. Despite these, explains the lack of intermediates by suggest-
and other, examples (some of which have been ing that evolutionary change occurs only in
reinterpreted), it is clear that the fossil record short-lived bursts in which a new species arises
more commonly shows a picture of popula- abruptly from a parent species, often with rela-
tions that are stable through time but are sepa- tively large morphological changes, and there-
rated by abrupt morphological breaks. This after remains more or less stable until its extinc-
pattern was recognized by Darwin but was at- tion.
tributed by him to the sketchy and incomplete
nature of the fossil record. So few animals be- The Process of Punctuated Equilibrium
come fossilized, and conditions for fossiliza- A number of explanations have been put
tion are so rare, that he felt only a fragmentary forward to show how this process might take
652 Punctuated Equilibrium

place. One of these, termed allopatric specia- be affected by a mutation, perhaps resulting in
tion, was first proposed by Ernst Mayr in 1963. the descendant growing for much longer than
He pointed out that a reproductive isolating the ancestral form, thus producing a giant ver-
mechanism is needed to provide a barrier to sion. These changes would be essentially in-
gene flow and that this could be provided by stantaneous and thus would show as abrupt
geographic isolation. Allopatric or geograph- changes of species in the fossil record.
ical isolation could result when the normal
range of a population of organisms is reduced Impact and Applications
or fragmented. Parts of the population become The publication of the idea of punctuated
separated in peripheral isolates, and if the pop- equilibrium ignited a storm of controversy that
ulation is small, it may become modified rap- still persists. It predicts that speciation can be
idly by natural selection or genetic drift, partic- very rapid, but more important, it is consistent
ularly if it is adapting to a new environment. with the prevalence of stasis over long periods
This type of process is commonly called the of time so often observed in the fossil record.
founder effect, because it is the characteris- Species had long been viewed as flexible and
tics of the small group of individuals that will responsive to the environment, but fossil spe-
overwhelmingly determine the possible char- cies showed no change over long periods de-
acteristics of their descendants. As the initial spite a changing environment. Biologists have
members of the peripheral isolate may be few thus had to review their ideas about the con-
in number, it might take only a few genera- cept of species and the processes that operate
tions for the population to have changed on them. Species are now seen as real entities
enough to become reproductively isolated that have characteristics that are more than the
from the parent population. In the fossil re- sum of their component populations. Thus the
cord, this will be seen as a period of stasis repre- tendency of a group to evolve rapidly or slowly
senting the parent population, followed by a may be intrinsic to the group as a whole and not
rapid morphological change as the peripheral dependent on the individuals that compose it.
population is isolated from it and then replaces This debate has helped show that the fossil
it, either competitively or because it has be- record can be important in detecting phenom-
come extinct or has moved to follow a shifting ena that are too large in scale for biologists to
habitat. Because this is thought to take place observe.
rapidly in small populations, fossilization po- David K. Elliott
tential is low, and unequivocal examples are See also: Artificial Selection; Consanguin-
not common in the fossil record. However, ity and Genetic Disease; Evolutionary Biology;
in 1981, Peter Williamson published a well- Genetic Load; Hardy-Weinberg Law; In-
documented example from the Tertiary period breeding and Assortative Mating; Molecular
of Lake Turkana in Kenya, which showed epi- Clock Hypothesis; Natural Selection; Popula-
sodes of stasis and rapid change in populations tion Genetics; Speciation.
of freshwater mollusks. The increases in evolu-
tionary rate were apparently driven by severe Further Reading
environmental change that caused parts of the Eldredge, Niles. Time Frames: The Rethinking of
lake to dry up. Darwinian Evolution and the Theory of Punctu-
Punctuated changes may also have taken ated Equilibria. New York: Simon & Schuster,
place because of heterochrony, which is a 1985. The theorys coauthor explains how
change in the rate of development or timing punctuated equilibria complements Dar-
of appearance of ancestral characters. Paedo- wins thesis. Illustrations, bibliography,
morphosis, for example, would result in the index.
retention of juvenile characters in the adult, Eldredge, Niles, and Stephen Jay Gould. Punc-
while its opposite, peramorphosis, would result tuated Equilibria: An Alternative to Phyletic
in an adult morphologically more advanced Gradualism. In Models in Paleobiology, ed-
than its ancestor. Rates of development could ited by Thomas J. M. Schopf. San Francisco:
Punctuated Equilibrium 653

Freeman, Cooper, 1972. The 1972 paper (1977). A follow-up to the original exposi-
that introduced the theory of punctuated tion of the theory.
equilibrium to the scientific community. Il- Prothero, Donald R. Bringing Fossils to Life:
lustrations, bibliography. An Introduction to Paleobiology. New York:
Gould, Stephen Jay. The Meaning of Punctu- McGraw-Hill, 2003. Includes an introduc-
ated Equilibria and Its Role in Validating a tory discussion of punctuated equilibrium.
Hierarchical Approach to Macroevolution. Bibliography, index.
In Perspectives on Evolution, edited by Roger Somit, Albert, and Steven A. Peterson, eds. The
Milkman. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Asso- Dynamics of Evolution: The Punctuated Equilib-
ciates, 1982. The founder of the theory ex- rium Debate in the Natural and Social Sciences.
pands on its implications for evolution. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1992.
Gould, Stephen Jay, and Niles Eldredge. Punc- Provides an overview of the punctuated
tuated Equilibrium: The Tempo and Mode equilibrium debate, including updates by
of Evolution Reconsidered. Paleobiology 3 Gould and Eldredge. Bibliography, index.
Quantitative Inheritance was described early in the twentieth century
Field of study: Population genetics when Swedish plant breeder Herman Nilsson-
Significance: Quantitative inheritance involves Ehle crossed red and white wheat. The resulting
metric traits. These traits are generally associated progeny were light red in color. When matings
with adaptation, reproduction, yield, form, and were made within the progeny, the resulting
function. They are thus of great importance to evo- kernels of wheat ranged in color from white to
lution, conservation biology, psychology, and espe- red. He was able to categorize the wheat into
cially to the improvement of agricultural organ- five colors: red, intermediate red, light red,
isms. pink, and white. Intermediate colors occurred
with greater frequency than extreme colors.
Key terms Nilsson-Ehle deduced that particulate genetic
genotype: the genetic makeup of an organism factors (now known as alleles) were involved,
at all loci that affect a quantitative trait with red wheat inheriting four red alleles, inter-
heritability: the proportion of phenotypic mediate red inheriting three red alleles, light
differences among individuals that are a re- red inheriting two red alleles, pink inheriting
sult of genetic differences one red allele, and white inheriting no red al-
metric traits: traits controlled by multiple leles. These results were consistent with Men-
genes with small individual effects and con- dels findings, except that two sets of factors
tinuously varying environmental effects, re- (now known as loci) were controlling this trait
sulting in continuous variation in a popula- rather than the single locus observed for the
tion traits considered by Mendel. Further, these re-
phenotype: the observed expression of a ge- sults could be generalized to account for addi-
notype that results from the combined ef- tional inheritance patterns controlled by more
fects of the genotype and the environment than two loci. Quantitative inheritance was
to which the organism has been exposed mathematically described by British statistician
and geneticist Ronald A. Fisher.
The Genetics Underlying Metric Traits Under many circumstances, the environ-
An understanding of the genetics affecting ment also modifies the expression of traits. A
metric traits came with the unification of the combination of many loci with individually
Mendelian and biometrical schools of genetics small effects alone would produce a rough bell-
early in the 1900s. The statistical relationships shaped distribution for a quantitative trait. En-
involved in inheritance of metric traits such as vironmental effects are continuous and are in-
height of humans were well known in the late dependent of genetic effects. Environmental
1800s. Soon after that, Gregor Mendels break- effects blur the boundaries of the genetic cate-
through on particulate inheritance, obtained gories and can make it difficult or impossible to
from work utilizing traits such as colors and identify the effects of individual loci for many
shapes of peas, was rediscovered. However, quantitative traits. The distribution of pheno-
some traits did not follow Mendelian inheri- types, reflecting combined genetic and envi-
tance patterns. As an example, Francis Galton ronmental effects, is typically a smooth, bell-
crossed pea plants having uniformly large shaped curve.
seeds with those having uniformly small seeds. Genetic and environmental effects jointly
The seed size of the progeny was intermediate. influence the value of most metric traits. The
However, when the progeny were mated relative magnitudes of genetic and environ-
among themselves, seed size formed a distribu- mental effects are measured using heritability
tion from small to large with many intermedi- statistics. Although essentially equivalent, heri-
ate sizes. tability has several practical definitions. One
How could particulate genetic factors ex- definition states that heritability is equal to the
plain a continuous distribution? The solution proportion of observed differences among or-
Quantitative Inheritance 655

ganisms for a trait due to genetic differences. regarding incestuous relationships in humans
For example, if one-quarter of the differences and for the dispersal systems for some other
among cows for the amount of milk they pro- species of mammals such as wolves. Physiologi-
duce are caused by differences among their ge- cal barriers have evolved to prevent fertiliza-
notypes, the heritability of milk production is tion between close relatives in many species of
25 percent. The remaining 75 percent of differ- plants. Some mechanisms function as an ana-
ences among the animals are attributed to envi- tomical inhibitor to prevent union of pollen
ronmental effects. An alternative definition is and ova from the same plant; in maize, for ex-
that heritability is equal to the proportion of ample, the male and female flower are widely
differences among sets of parents that are separated on the plant. Indeed, in some spe-
passed on to their progeny. For example, if the cies such as asparagus and holly trees, the sexes
average height of a pair of parents is 8 inches are separated in different individuals; thus all
(20 centimeters) more than the mean of their seeds must consequently result from cross-
population and the heritability of height is 50 pollination. In other systems, cross-pollination
percent, their progeny would be expected to is required for fertile seeds to result. The pol-
average 4 inches (10 centimeters) taller than len must originate from a plant genetically dif-
their peers in the population. ferent from the seed parent. These phenom-
ena are known as self-incompatibility and are
Fundamental Relationships of present in species such as broccoli, radishes,
Quantitative Genetics some clovers, and many fruit trees.
Two relationships are fundamental to the The corollary to inbreeding depression is
understanding and application of quantitative hybrid vigor, a phenomenon of improved fit-
genetics. First, there is a tendency for likeness ness that is often evident in progeny resulting
among related individuals. Although similari- from the mating of individuals less related than
ties of human stature and facial appearance the average in a population. Hybrid vigor has
within families are familiar to most people, sim- been utilized in breeding programs to achieve
ilar relationships hold for such traits in all or- remarkable productivity of hybrid seed corn as
ganisms. Correlation among relatives exists for well as crossbred poultry and livestock. Hybrid
such diverse traits as blood pressure, plant vigor results in increased reproduction and
height, grain yield, and egg production. These efficiency of nutrient utilization. The mule,
correlations are caused by relatives sharing a which results from mating a male donkey to a
portion of genes in common. The more closely female horse, is a well-known example of a hy-
the individuals are related, the greater the pro- brid that has remarkable strength and hardi-
portion of genes that are shared. Identical ness compared to the parent species, but which
twins share all their genes, and full brothers is, unfortunately, sterile.
and sisters or parent and offspring are ex-
pected to share one-half their genes. This rela- Quantitative Traits of Humans
tionship is commonly utilized in the improve- Like other organisms, many traits of humans
ment of agricultural organisms. Individuals are are quantitatively inherited. Psychological
chosen to be parents based on the perfor- characteristics, intelligence quotient (IQ), and
mance of their relatives. For example, bulls of birth weight have been studied extensively. The
dairy breeds are chosen to become widely used heritability of IQ has been reported to be high.
as sires based on the milk-producing ability of Other personality characteristics such as inci-
their sisters and daughters. dence of depression, introversion, and enthusi-
The second fundamental relationship is asm have been reported to be highly heritable.
that, in organisms that do not normally self- Musical ability is another characteristic under
fertilize, vigor is depressed in progeny that some degree of genetic control. These results
result from the mating of closely related indi- have been consistent across replicated studies
viduals. This effect is known as inbreeding de- and are thus expected to be reliable; however,
pression. It may be the basis of the social taboos some caution must be exercised when consid-
656 Quantitative Inheritance

ering the reliability of results from individual access to high-quality grain rations, and protec-
studies. Most studies of heritability in humans tion from extremes of heat and cold, may not
have involved likeness of twins reared together be ideal under conditions in New Zealand in
and apart. The difficulty in obtaining such data which cattle are required to compete with
results in a relatively small sample size, at least herdmates for high-quality pasture forage. Nei-
relative to similar experiments in animals. An ther of these animals may be ideal under tropi-
unfortunate response to studies of quantitative cal conditions where extremely high tempera-
inheritance in humans was the eugenics move- tures, disease, and parasites are common.
ment. Remarkable progress has been made in
Birth weight of humans is of interest because many important food crops. Grain yield has re-
it is both under genetic control and subject to sponded to improvement programs. Develop-
influence by well-known environmental fac- ment of hybrid corn increased yield several-
tors, such as smoking by the mother. Birth fold over the last few decades of the twentieth
weight is subject to stabilizing selection, in century. Development of improved varieties of
which individuals with intermediate values small grains resulted in an increased ability of
have the highest rates of survival. This results in many developing countries to be self-sufficient
genetic pressure to maintain the average birth in food production. Grain breeder Norman
weight at a relatively constant value. Borlaug won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for
his role in developing grain varieties that con-
Quantitative Characters in Agricultural tributed to the Green Revolution.
Improvement Can breeders continue to make improve-
The ability to meet the demand for food by a ments in the genetic potential for crops, live-
growing world population is dependent upon stock, and fish to yield enough food to support
continuously increasing agricultural produc- a growing human population? Tools of bio-
tivity. Reserves of high-quality farmland have technology are expected to increase the rate at
nearly all been brought into production, and a which breeders can make genetic change. Ulti-
sustainable increase in the harvest of fish is mately, the answer depends upon the genetic
likely impossible. Many countries that struggle variation available in the global populations of
to meet the food demands of their populations food-producing organisms and their wild rela-
are too poor to increase agricultural yields tives. The potential for genetic improvement of
through increased inputs of fertilizer and some species has been relatively untapped. Do-
chemicals. Increased food production will, mestication of fish for use in aquaculture and
therefore, largely depend on genetic improve- utilization of potential crop species such as am-
ment of the organisms produced by farmers aranth are possible food reserves. Wheat, corn,
worldwide. and rice provide a large proportion of the calo-
Most characteristics of economic value in ag- ries supporting the world population. The yields
riculturally important organisms are quantita- of these three crop species have already bene-
tively inherited. Traits such as grain yield, bak- fited from many generations of selective breed-
ing quality, milk and meat production, and ing. For continued genetic improvement, it is
efficiency of nutrient utilization are under the critical that variation not be lost through the
influence of many genes as well as the produc- extinction of indigenous strains and wild rela-
tion environment. The task of breeders is not tives of important food-producing organisms.
only to identify organisms with superior ge-
netic characteristics but also to identify those Impact and Applications
breeds and varieties well adapted to the specific Molecular genetics and biotechnology have
environmental conditions in which they will be also added new tools for analyzing the genetics
produced. The type of dairy cattle that most ef- of quantitative traits. In any organism that has
ficiently produces milk under the normal pro- had its genome adequately mapped, genetic
duction circumstances in the United States, markers can be used to determine the number
which includes high health status, unlimited of loci involved in a particular trait. In carefully
Quantitative Inheritance 657

constructed crosses geneticists look for statisti- versy surrounds them, and ethicists continue to
cal correlations between markers and the trait worry that conclusions from such research will
of interest. When a high correlation is found, be used in a new wave of eugenics. In spite of
the marker is said to represent a quantitative the risk of misusing an improved understand-
trait locus (QTL). Often a percentage effect for ing of human quantitative traits, human biol-
each QTL can be determined and because the ogy and medicine stand to benefit.
location of markers is typically known, the po- William R. Lamberson, updated by Bryan Ness
tential location of the gene can also be inferred See also: Artificial Selection; Biofertilizers;
(that is, somewhere near the marker). A good Consanguinity and Genetic Disease; Epistasis;
understanding of the QTLs involved in the ex- Genetic Load; Hardy-Weinberg Law; Hybridi-
pression of a quantitative trait can help deter- zation and Introgression; Inbreeding and Assor-
mine the best way to improve the organism. tative Mating; Mendelian Genetics; Polygenic
Although QTLs are much easier to discover Inheritance; Population Genetics; Speciation;
in organisms where controlled crosses are pos- Twin Studies.
sible, studies have also been carried out in hu-
mans. In humans, geneticists must rely on
whatever matings have happened, and due to Further Reading
ethical limitations, cannot set up specific Falconer, D. S., and Trudy F. MacKay. Introduc-
crosses. Studies in humans have attempted to tion to Quantitative Genetics. 4th ed. Reading,
quantify the number of QTLs responsible for Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1996. The standard
such things as IQ and various physical traits. text on the subject, outlining the genetics of
One study even purported to show that homo- differences in quantitative phenotypes and
sexuality is genetically based. Although there is their applications to animal breeding, plant
some support for such studies, much contro- improvement, and evolution.
4=?A races were chiefly caused by differences in envi-
Field of study: Human genetics and social ronment. Therefore, his scheme sought to show
issues a gradual change in bodily appearance, all devi-
Significance: Humans typically have been catego- ating from an original type. Blumenbach main-
rized into a small number of races based on common tained that the original forms, which he named
traits, ancestry, and geography. Knowledge of hu- Caucasian, were those primarily of European
man genomic diversity has increased awareness of ancestry. His final classification, published in
ambiguities associated with traditional racial 1795 in On the Natural Variety of Mankind, con-
groups. The sociopolitical consequences of using ge- sisted of five races: Caucasian, Malay, Ethio-
netics to devalue certain races are profound, and pian, American, and Mongolian. Two races di-
based on the available data, are completely baseless. rectly radiated from the Caucasians: the Malay
and the American. The Malay (Pacific island-
Key terms ers) then generated the Ethiopian (Africans),
eugenics: a movement concerned with the im- while the American (from the New World) gave
provement of human genetic traits, predom- rise to the Mongolian (East Asians). The fifth
inantly by the regulation of mating race, the Malay, was added to Linnaeuss classi-
Human Genome Diversity Project: an ex- fication to show a step-by-step change from the
tension of the Human Genome Project in original body type.
which DNA of native people around the After Linnaeus and Blumenbach, many vari-
world is collected for study ations of their categories were formulated,
population: a group of geographically local- chiefly by biologists and anthropologists. Clas-
ized, interbreeding individuals sification lumpers combined people into
race: a collection of geographically localized only a few races (for example, black, white, and
populations with well-defined genetic traits Asian). Splitters separated the traditional
groups into many different races. One classifi-
History of Racial Classification cation scheme divided all Europeans into Al-
Efforts to classify humans into a number of pine, Nordic, and Mediterranean races. Others
distinct types date back at least to the ancient split Europeans into ten different races. No
Greeks. Applying scientific principles to sepa- one scheme of racial classification came to be
rate people into races has been a goal for more accepted throughout the scientific community.
than two centuries. In 1758, the founder of bio-
logical classification, Swedish botanist Carolus Genetic Diversity Among Races
Linnaeus, arranged humans into four princi- The genetic components of a population are
pal races: Americanus, Europeus, Asiaticus, and produced by three primary factors: natural se-
Afer. Although geographic location was his pri- lection, nonadaptive genetic change, and mat-
mary organizing factor, Linnaeus also de- ing between neighboring populations. The first
scribed the races according to subjective traits two factors may result in differences between
such as temperament. Despite his use of ar- populations, and reproductive isolation, either
chaic criteria, Linnaeus did not give superior voluntary or because of geographic isolation,
status to any of the races. perpetuates the distinctions. Natural selection
Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, a German refers to the persistence of genetic traits favor-
naturalist and admirer of Linnaeus, developed able in a specific environment. For example, a
a classification with lasting influence. Many widely held assumption concerns skin color,
of his contemporaries believed that different primarily a result of the pigment melanin. Mel-
groups of humans arose separately in several anin offers some shielding from ultraviolet so-
regions of the world. Blumenbach, on the other lar rays. According to this theory, people living
hand, strongly believed in one form of human in regions with concentrated ultraviolet expo-
and believed that physical variations among sure have increased melanin synthesis and,
Race $#'

therefore, dark skin color conferring additional Africa is unequaled with respect to cumulative
protection against skin cancer. Individuals with genetic diversity. If overall genetic distinctness
genes for increased melanin have enhanced is evaluated, numerous races are found in Af-
survival rates and reproductive opportunities. rica, Khoisan Africans of southern Africa being
The reproductive opportunities produce off- the most distinct. According to one theory, the
spring that inherit those same genes for in- remainder of the human species (including
creased melanin. This process results in a higher Asians, Europeans, and aboriginal Australians)
percentage of the population with elevated mel- corresponds to only one other race.
anin production genes. Therefore, genes cod-
ing for melanin production are favorable and Conflicts Concerning Definitions of Race
persist in these environments. Linnaeus developed a scientific system of
The second factor contributing to the ge- classification that is fundamentally still in use.
netic makeup of a population is nonadaptive This approach involves separating all organisms
genetic change. This process involves random first into broad groups based on general charac-
genetic mutations. Mutations are changes re- teristics. These large groups are broken down
sulting in modified forms of the same gene. For further into smaller and smaller groups, each
example, certain genes are responsible for eye subdivision containing individuals with more
color. Individuals contain alternate forms of similarities. For example, humans are found
these genes, or alleles, which result in observed within the large kingdom containing all types of
differences in eye color. Alleles resulting from animals. Animals are separated based on the for-
nonadaptive genetic change may remain in the mation of a backbone. Of those animals con-
population because of their neutral nature. In taining a backbone, humans are placed into a
other words, they are not harmful or beneficial. set with all mammals and then further cataloged
Because these traits are impartial to environ- with other primates. Each succeeding classifica-
mental influences, they may endure from gen- tion unit contains individuals more alike, since
eration to generation. Different populations the characteristics used to define each subdivi-
will spontaneously produce, persist, and delete sion are more specific. Eventually, all organisms
them. Genetic difference between populations are placed into a species category. Humans be-
caused by these random mutations and isola- long in the species Homo sapiens. By definition, a
tion is called genetic drift. sexually reproducing species contains all indi-
The third factor, mating between individuals viduals that can mate and produce fertile off-
from neighboring groups, tends to merge traits spring. Race is analogous to a more specific unit,
from several populations. This genetic mixing the subspecies, a fundamentally distinct sub-
often results in offspring with blended charac- group within one species.
teristics and only moderate variations between For a racial or subspecies classification
adjacent groups. scheme to be objective and biologically mean-
Several studies have compared the overall ingful, researchers must decide carefully which
genetic complement of various human popula- heritable characteristics (passed to future gen-
tions. On average, any two people of the same erations genetically) will define, or separate,
or a different race diverge genetically by a mere the races. Several principles are considered.
0.2 percent. It is estimated that only 0.012 per- First, the discriminating traits must be discrete.
cent contributes to traditional racial variations. In other words, differences among races must
Hence, most of the genetic dissimilarities be- be distinguishable, not continually changing
tween a person of African descent and a person by small degrees between populations. Second,
of European descent are also different between everyone placed within a specific race must
two individuals with the same ancestry. The possess the selected traits defining variant.
genes do not differ. It is the proportion of indi- Features used to describe a race must agree.
viduals expressing a specific allele of a gene This means that all of the selected characteris-
that varies from population to population. tics are found consistently in each member. For
Upon closer examination, it was found that example, if blue eyes and brown hair are cho-
660 Race

sen as defining characteristics, everyone desig- principles of subspecies classification. For ex-
nated as belonging to that race must share both ample, the traits used to define traditional hu-
of those characteristics. Individuals placed in man races are rarely discrete. Skin color, a
other races should not exhibit this particular prominent characteristic employed, is not a
combination. The purpose of using these char- well-defined trait. Approximately five genes in-
acteristics is to distinguish groups. Conse- fluence skin color significantly, but fifty or so
quently, if traits are shared by members of two likely contribute. Pigmentation in humans re-
or more races, their defining value is poor. sults from a complex series of biochemical
Third, individuals of the same race must have pathways regulated by amounts of enzymes
descended from a common ancestor, unique to (molecules that control chemical reactions)
those people. Many shared characteristics pres- and enzyme inhibitors, along with environ-
ent in individuals of a race may be traced to that mental factors. Like most complex traits involv-
ancestor by heredity. Based on the preceding ing many genes, human skin color varies on a
defining criteria (selection of discrete traits, continuous gradation. From lightest to darkest,
agreement of traits, and common ancestry), all intermediate pigmentations are repre-
pure representatives of each racial category sented. Color may vary widely even within the
should be detectable. same family. The boundary between black and
Many researchers maintain that traditional white is an arbitrary, human-made border, not
races do not conform to accepted scientific one imposed by nature.

On average, any two people of the same or a different race diverge genetically by a mere 0.2 percent, and only 0.012 percent contribute
to traditional racial variations. Allelic variations account for most of the superficial differences perceived as race. (U.S. Depart-
ment of Energy Human Genome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis)
Race 661

In addition, traditional defining racial char- drion contains a single, circular DNA molecule
acteristics, such as skin color and facial charac- accounting for approximately 0.048 percent of
teristics, are not found in all members of a race; the entire genetic complement. In 1987, genet-
they are not in agreement. For example, many icist Rebecca L. Cann compared mitochon-
Melanesians, indigenous to Pacific islands, drial DNA from many populations: African,
have pigmentation as dark as any human but Asian, Caucasian, Australian, and New Guinean.
are not classified as black. Another example Agreeing with other mitochondrial and nu-
concerns unclassifiable populations. For exam- clear DNA studies, the results indicated that
ple, many individuals native to India have Africans were the most genetically variable by
Caucasoid facial features and very dark skin, a significant extent. The results suggested to
yet live in Asia. When traditional racial charac- Cann that Africa was the root of all humankind
teristics are examined closely, many groups are and that humans first arose there 100,000 to
left with no conventional race. No pure ge- 200,000 years ago. Several lines of research, in-
netic representatives of any traditional race cluding DNA analysis of humanoid fossils, pro-
exist. vide evidence for this theory.
Common ancestry, or evolutionary relation- Many scientists are using genetic markers to
ships, must also be considered. Genetic studies decipher the migrations that fashioned past
have shown that Africans do not belong to a sin- and present human populations. For example,
gle black heritage. In fact, several lineages are DNA comparisons revealed three Native Amer-
found in Africa. An even greater variance is ican lineages. Some scientists believe one mi-
found in African Americans. Besides a diverse gration crossed the Bering Strait, most likely
African ancestry, it is estimated that, on aver- from Mongolia. Only after further migration
age, 20 to 30 percent of African American heri- throughout the Americas were the three Amer-
tage is European or Native American. Yet all ican Indian lineages formed. Another theory
black Americans are consolidated into one states that three separate Asian migrations oc-
race. curred, each bringing a different lineage. An-
The true diversity found in humans is not other example is the South African Lemba
patterned according to accepted standards of community. DNA analysis gives credence to
the subspecies. Only at extreme geographical their claim as one of the lost tribes of Israel.
distances are notable differences found. How- Considering the cumulative evidence, many
ever, in-between populations have always scientists regard a more correct depiction of
been in existence because of mating, and human populations to be a roughly inverted
therefore gene flow, between neighboring version of Blumenbachs. Asians arose from Af-
groups. Consequently, human populations in ricans, and Europeans are Asian and North Af-
close proximity have more genetic similarities rican hybrids. However, interpretations of
than distant populations. It is the population it- DNA analyses are, almost inevitably, controver-
self that best illustrates the pattern of human sial. Multiple theories abound and are revised
diversity. Well-defined genetic borders be- as additional research is performed.
tween human populations are not observed,
and racial boundaries in classification schemes Sociopolitical Implications
are often formed arbitrarily. Race is often portrayed as a natural, biologi-
cal division, the result of geographic isolation
Theories of Human and Racial Evolution and adaptation to local environment. However,
Advances in DNA technology have greatly confusion between biological and cultural clas-
aided researchers in their quest to reconstruct sification obscures perceptions of race. When
the history of Homo sapiens and its various sub- individuals describe themselves as black,
groups. Analysis of human DNA has been per- white, or Hispanic, for example, they are
formed on both nuclear and mitochondrial usually describing cultural heredity as well as
DNA. Mitochondria are organelles responsible biological similarities. The relative importance
for generating cellular energy. Each mitochon- of perceived cultural affiliations or genetics
662 Race

Image not available

Descendants of Sally Hemings, an African American slave of Thomas Jefferson who is known by DNA evidence to have had children
by him, pose at Jeffersons home, Monticello, during a July, 2003, reunion. (AP/Wide World Photos)

varies depending on the circumstances. Exam- interracial marriage, sterilization programs,

ples illustrating the ambiguities are abundant. and mass murder. Harmful effects include ac-
Nearly all people with African American ances- cusations of deficiencies in intelligence or
try are labeled black, even if they have a white moral character based on traditional racial
parent. In addition, dark skin color designates classification.
one as belonging to the black race, including The frequent use of biology to devalue cer-
Africans and aboriginal Australians, who have tain races and excuse bigotry has profound im-
no common genetic lineage. State laws, some plications for individuals and society. Blumen-
on the books until the late 1960s, required a bach selected Caucasians (who inhabit regions
Negro designation for anyone with one- near the Caucasus Mountains, a Russian and
eighth black heritage (one black great-grand- Georgian mountain range) as the original form
parent). of humans because in his opinion they were the
Unlike biological boundaries, cultural most beautiful. All other races deviated from
boundaries are sharp, repeatedly motivating this ideal and were, therefore, less beautiful.
discrimination, genocide, and war. The fre- Despite Blumenbachs efforts not to demean
quent use of biology to devalue certain races other groups based on intelligence or moral
and excuse bigotry has profound implications character, the act of ranking in any form left an
for individuals and society. In the early and ill-fated legacy.
mid-twentieth century, the eugenics move- Many scientists are attempting to reconcile
ment, advocating the genetic improvement of the negativities associated with racial studies.
the human species, translated into laws against The Human Genome Diversity Project, a global
Race 663

undertaking, has requested that researchers single intelligence and that cognitive ability
collect and store DNA from indigenous popu- is shaped through education. Bibliography,
lations around the world. These samples will be index.
available to all qualified scientists. Results of Fraser, Steven, ed. The Bell Curve Wars: Race,
the studies may include gene therapy treat- Intelligence, and the Future of America. New
ments and greater success with organ trans- York: Basic Books, 1995. Brief, critical re-
plantation. A more thorough understanding of sponse to the book by Herrnstein and
the genetic diversity and unity in the species Murray by scholars from a variety of disci-
Homo sapiens will as a result be possible. plines and backgrounds. Bibliography.
Stacie R. Chismark Gates, E. Nathaniel, ed. The Concept of Race in
See also: Biological Determinism; Eugen- Natural and Social Science. New York: Gar-
ics; Eugenics: Nazi Germany; Evolutionary Bi- land, 1997. Argues that the concept of race,
ology; Genetic Engineering: Social and Ethical as a form of classification based on physical
Issues; Heredity and Environment; Intelligence; characteristics, was arbitrarily conceived dur-
Miscegenation and Antimiscegenation Laws; ing the Enlightenment and is without scien-
Sociobiology; Sterilization Laws. tific merit. Illustrations, map, bibliography.
Gould, Stephen Jay. The Mismeasure of Man. Rev.
Further Reading ed. New York: W. W. Norton, 1996. Presents
Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi L. The Great Human Diaspo- a historical commentary on racial categori-
ras: A History of Diversity and Evolution. Trans- zation and a refutation of theories espousing
lated by Serah Thorne. Reading, Mass.: a single measure of genetically fixed intelli-
Addison-Wesley, 1995. Argues that humans gence. Bibliography, index.
around the world are more similar than dif- Graves, Joseph L., Jr. The Emperors New Clothes:
ferent. Basing his discussion on a study of ge- Biological Theories of Race at the Millennium.
netic data of fifteen populations from five New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University
continents, the author explains how human Press, 2001. Argues for a more scientific ap-
groups colonized the earth 100,000 years proach to debates about race, one that takes
ago. Illustrations, maps, bibliography, index. human genetic diversity into account. Illus-
Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi L., et al. The History and trations, bibliography, index.
Geography of Human Genes. Princeton, N.J.: Herrnstein, Richard J., and Charles Murray.
Princeton University Press, 1996. Often re- The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure
ferred to as a genetic atlas, this volume con- in America. New York: Free Press, 1994. The
tains fifty years of research comparing heri- authors maintain that IQ is a valid measure
table traits, such as blood groups, from more of intelligence, that intelligence is largely a
than one thousand human populations. Il- product of genetic background, and that dif-
lustrations, maps, bibliography, index. ferences in intelligence among social classes
Devlin, Bernie, et al. Intelligence, Genes, and Suc- play a major part in shaping American soci-
cess: Scientists Respond to The Bell Curve. New ety. Illustrations, bibliography, index.
York: Springer, 1997. Presents a scientific Kevles, Daniel J. In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics
and statistical reinterpretation of the argu- and the Uses of Human Heredity. Cambridge,
ments by Richard Herrnstein and Charles Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995. Dis-
Murray, in their book The Bell Curve (see be- cusses genetics both as a science and as a so-
low), about the heritability of intelligence cial and political perspective, and how the
and about IQ and social success. Bibliogra- two often collide to muddy the boundaries
phy, index. of science and opinion.
Fish, Jefferson M., ed. Race and Intelligence: Sepa- Valencia, Richard R., and Lisa A. Suzuki. Intelli-
rating Science from Myth. Mahwah, N.J.: Law- gence Testing and Minority Students: Founda-
rence Erlbaum, 2002. An interdisciplinary tions, Performance Factors, and Assessment Issues.
collection disputing race as a biological cate- Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2000. Histori-
gory and arguing that there is no general or cal and multicultural perspective on intelli-
664 Repetitive DNA

gence and its often assumed relation with so- variable number tandem repeat (VNTR): a
cioeconomic status, home environment, test type of DNA sequence in which a short se-
bias, and heredity. Illustrations, bibliogra- quence is repeated over and over; chromo-
phy, index. somes from different individuals frequently
have different numbers of the basic repeat,
Web Sites of Interest and if many of these variants are known, the
Genetics and Identity Project. http://www.bio sequence is termed a hypervariable
ethics.umn.edu/genetics_and_identity. Proj-
ect looks at the ways genetic research affects
racial, ethnic, and familial identities. Types of Repetitive DNA
Human Genome Project Research Institute, The nuclear genomes of eukaryotes are
Minorities, Race, and Genomics. http://www characterized by repetitive DNA elements con-
.ornl.gov/techresources/human_genome/ sisting of nucleotide sequences that vary in
elsi/minorities.html. Site provides informa- length and base composition and that are local-
tion on race and genetic research, particu- ized to a particular region of the genome or dis-
larly on how that research affects minority persed throughout the genome (for example,
communities. on different chromosomes). Some repetitive
National Academies Press, Evaluating Human DNA elements are found in the genome a few
Genetic Diversity. http://www.nap.edu. A times, whereas others may be repeated millions
free, downloadable book on human genetic or billions of times; thus, the percentage of the
diversity, which includes the chapter Hu- total genome represented by repetitive DNA
man Rights and Human Genetic-Variation varies widely among taxa.
Research. There are two major classes of tandem repet-
itive DNAs (TR-DNAs): those that are localized
to a particular region (or regions) of the ge-
nome and those that are dispersed throughout
Repetitive DNA the genome. TR-DNAs are composed of repeat-
ing units that are oriented in head-to-tail ar-
Field of study: Molecular genetics rays. The repetitive units of an array may in-
Significance: Eukaryotic nuclei contain repetitive clude genes, promoters, and intergenic spacers
DNA elements of different origin, which constitute or repeats of simple nucleotide sequences. For
between 20 and 90 percent of the genome depend- example, in the kangaroo rat the simple se-
ing on the species. The presence and type of repeti- quence AAG is repeated 2.4 billion times.
tive DNA elements have provided insights into Localized TR-DNA is often composed of
gene flow, forensic investigations, biomedicine, members of multigene families. For example,
and genomic mapping. in humans there are 350 copies of the ribo-
somal RNA (rRNA) genes on five different
Key terms chromosomes that occur as tandemly repeated
nucleotide: the basic unit of DNA, consisting arrays. Transfer RNA (tRNA) and immuno-
of a five-carbon sugar, a nitrogen-containing globin genes represent other examples of
base, and a phosphate group multigene families that are tandemly repeated.
polymorphism: the presence of many differ- However, most localized TR-DNA consists of
ent alleles for a particular locus in individu- simple, noncoding repetitive DNA sequences
als of the same species that often, but not always, can be found in
retrotransposition: a subset of the repli- heterochromatic or centromeric regions.
cative transposable elements that transpose Dispersed TR-DNA sequences are scattered
through an RNA intermediate throughout the genome and can be divided
tandem repetitive DNA (TR-DNA): DNA are into two major groups: short interspersed ele-
composed of repeating units that are ori- ments (SINEs) and long interspersed repeats
ented in head-to-tail arrays (LINEs).
Repetitive DNA 665

Origin and Evolution of Dispersed DNA that is typically found in centromeric regions.
Elements Units of between nine and one hundred nucle-
SINEs are nonviral retropseudogenes that otides that are tandemly repeated ten to one
were derived from genes encoding small, un- hundred times and scattered throughout the
translated RNAs (for example, tRNAs). The genome are known as minisatellites. Microsat-
RNA transcript was reverse transcribed into ellites are also dispersed elements composed of
DNA and then was inserted into the genome. short repeats of a basic unit one to six nucleo-
In their current state, although they resemble tides in length that is tandemly repeated ten to
the genes they were from which they derived, one hundred times at each locus. The most
they no longer function properly. SINEs are common microsatellite loci in humans are di-
also examples of transposable elements capa- nucleotide arrays of (CA)N. However, on aver-
ble of jumping from one locus to another via age there is at least one tri- or tetranucleotide
an RNA intermediate. microsatellite locus per 10 kb of human ge-
The best-characterized SINEs in humans are nomic DNA. Finally, the basic unit of dispersed
highly repetitive Alu sequences, so named be- Alu sequences is one to five nucleotides in
cause they are cleaved multiple times by the length, and this unit is repeated ten to forty
endonuclease AluI, derived from the bacte- times per locus.
rium Arthrobacter luteus. Between 500,000 and
1 million Alu copies are scattered across the hu- Polymorphism at Loci Composed of
man genome, each approximately three hun- Simple Tandem Repeats
dred nucleotides in length. Alu sequences may For purposes of convenience, the four
constitute as much as 5 percent of the human groups of simple tandem repeats discussed
genome. above (satellite DNA, minisatellites, microsat-
LINEs are derived from a viral ancestor and ellites, and Alu sequences) are sometimes col-
are also capable of transposition. The most lectively referred to as variable number tandem
common LINE element in humans, constitut- repeats (VNTRs).
ing 5 percent of the human genome, is termed Separate VNTR loci are thought of as alleles;
L1. There are about 200,000 copies of L1 in therefore, in humans each VNTR locus will be
each diploid cell. Full-length, functional (that represented by two alleles, one paternal and
is, transpositionally competent) L1 elements the other maternally inherited. All VNTR loci
are approximately 6 kilobase pairs (kb) in exhibit high rates of mutation. For these rea-
length, but most copies of L1 are truncated at sons, VNTR loci are highly polymorphic, that
the 5 end and incapable of moving. Full-length is, there are a large number of alleles at any
L1 copies contain two protein-coding regions, given locus. This polymorphism can be assayed
or open reading frames (ORFs): ORF-1 and using laboratory techniques such as polymer-
ORF-2. ORF-1 encodes an RNA-binding pro- ase chain reaction (PCR) or Southern blotting
tein, and ORF-2 codes for reverse transcriptase. to examine the differences in the lengths of
the alleles (repetitive elements) at a particular
Classification of Simple Tandem Repeats locus.
Simple sequences that are tandemly re- Length differences at VNTR loci arise as a re-
peated are classified into four major groups sult of mispairing of repeats during replication,
based on three characteristics: the number of mitosis, or meiosis theoretically resulting in the
nucleotides in the repetitive unit, the number loss or gain of one to many of the repeat units.
of times the unit is repeated, and whether or Empirical studies and computer-based model-
not the element is localized or scattered across ing experiments have demonstrated that each
the genome. Satellite DNA is composed of ba- mutation usually increases or decreases the
sic units, ranging from two to hundreds of nu- number of repeated units of an allele in a one-
cleotides in length, that are repeated more step manner. In other words, most mutations
than one thousand times. Satellite DNA repre- result in the loss or gain of only one repeated
sents an example of a localized simple repeat unit.
666 Repetitive DNA

The multiallelic variation that arises through Transposable Elements and Human
variation in repeat copy number provides ge- Disease
netic markers useful for many different appli- Retrotranspositions of LINEs and SINEs
cations. For example, under conditions of ran- into coding or noncoding genomic DNAs rep-
dom mating and because of high mutation resent major insertional mutations. The effects
rates at VNTR loci, most individuals within the of such insertions vary but are usually deleteri-
human population are heterozygous at any se- ous, leading to debilitating human diseases.
lected VNTR locus. This observation directly Among a growing list of diseases known in
led to the origin of DNA fingerprinting (or some cases to be caused by the insertion of
DNA profiling), which is now considered ad- LINEs or SINEs are Duchenne muscular dys-
missible forensic evidence in many judicial sys- trophy, Glanzmann thrombasthenia, hemo-
tems worldwide. Length variation of VNTRs philia, hypercholesterolemia, neurofibromato-
creates a powerful tool for identity analysis (for sis, Sandhoff disease, and Tay-Sachs disease.
example, paternity testing) and is routinely Translocation of repeated sequences has also
used by population geneticists to examine gene been demonstrated to turn on tumorogenic
flow among populations. In the fields of ge- oncogenes (for example, one type of colon
nomics and biomedicine, VNTR loci are use- cancer).
ful genetic landmarks for mapping the loca- Other studies have shown that unstable
tion of other genes of interest, that is, those minisatellite, microsatellite, and Alu loci can
with a particular function or others implicated also cause disease. In short, there seems to be a
in disease. threshold number of repeats of the basic nucle-
otide unit that can be accommodated at a given
locus. When this threshold is exceeded by
Are Interspersed Repeated Elements overamplification of the basic repeated unit,
Junk DNA? serious diseases may arise. Among those dis-
Repeated DNA elements were once believed eases attributed to overamplification of tan-
to be selfish or junk DNA, concerned only dem repeats of simple sequences are fragile X
with their own proliferation within the host syndrome and Huntingtons disease.
cells genome. Recent studies, however, reveal J. Craig Bailey
that repetitive elements interact with the ge- See also: Aging; Anthrax; Chromosome
nome with profound evolutionar y conse- Structure; Chromosome Walking and Jump-
quences. For example, satellite DNA found ing; DNA Fingerprinting; Gene Families; Ge-
near the centromere may play a role in assem- nome Size; Genomics; Human Genetics; Model
bling and fusing chromosomal microtubules Organism: Neurospora crassa; Molecular Clock
during cell division. It is also now clear that Hypothesis; Pseudogenes; RFLP Analysis; Telo-
transposable genetic elements such as SINEs, meres.
LINEs, and Alu sequences may have played a
significant role in the evolution of particular Further Reading
proteins. For example, Alu elements flanking Li, Wen-Hsiung. Molecular Evolution. Sunder-
the primordial human growth hormone gene land, Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 1997. Pro-
are responsible for the evolution of a relatively vides a basic introduction to the different
new member of the gene family, the chorionic types of variable tandem repeats, their uses
somatomammotropin gene. Transposable re- in the biological sciences, and how they af-
peated elements may have contributed sub- fect genome organization.
stantially to the origin of new gene functions by Maichele, A. J., N. J. Farwell, and J. S. Cham-
initiating a copy of an existing gene (which, berlain. A B2 Repeat Insertion Generates
over time, can acquire a different function) or Alternate Structures of the Mouse Muscle
by creating composite genes composed of do- Gamma-phosphorylase Kinase Gene. Ge-
mains from two or more previously unrelated nomics 16, no. 1 (1993): 139-149. An excellent
genes. example of how retrotransposition of repeti-
Restriction Enzymes 667

tive DNA elements may alter the function of, dictable pattern. This nuclease, HindII, was the
or give rise to, new structural proteins. first restriction endonuclease or restriction en-
Maraia, Richard J., ed. The Impact of Short Inter- zyme. Smith was working with the bacterium
spersed Elements (SINEs) on the Host Genome. Haemophilus influenzae (H. influenzae) when he
Austin, Tex.: R. G. Landes, 1995. A compre- discovered this enzyme, which was capable of
hensive treatise on the origin, evolution, and destroying DNA from other bacterial species
functional roles that SINEs play in the biol- but not the DNA of H. influenzae itself. The
ogy of organisms and in biomedicine. term restriction refers to the apparent role
these enzymes play in destroying the DNA of
invading bacteriophages (bacterial viruses),
while leaving the bacterial cells own DNA un-
Restriction Enzymes touched. A bacterium with such an enzyme was
said to restrict the host range of the bacterio-
Fields of study: Genetic engineering and phage.
biotechnology; Molecular genetics As more restriction enzymes from a wide va-
Significance: Restriction enzymes are bacterial en- riety of bacterial species were discovered in the
zymes capable of cutting DNA molecules at specific 1970s, it became increasingly clear that these
nucleotide sequences. Discovery of these enzymes enzymes could be useful for creating and ma-
was a pivotal event in the development of genetic nipulating DNA fragments in unique ways.
engineering technology, and they are routinely and What was not clear, however, was how these en-
widely used in molecular biology. zymes were able to distinguish between bacte-
riophage DNA and the bacterial cells own
Key terms DNA. A chemical comparison between DNA
enzyme: a molecule, usually a protein, that is that could and could not be fragmented re-
used by cells to facilitate and speed up a vealed that the DNA molecules differed slightly
chemical reaction at the restriction sites (the locations the en-
methylation: the process of adding a methyl zyme recognized and cut). Nucleotides at the
chemical group (one carbon atom and three restriction site were found to have methyl (CH3)
hydrogen atoms) to a particular molecule, groups attached to them, giving this phenome-
such as a DNA nucleotide non the name DNA methylation.
nuclease: a type of enzyme that breaks down The conclusion was that the methylation
the sugar-phosphate backbone of nucleic ac- somehow protected the DNA from attack, and
ids such as DNA and RNA this could account for Smiths observation that
nucleotides: the building blocks of nucleic H. influenzae DNA was not destroyed by its own
acids, composed of a sugar, a phosphate restriction enzyme; presumably the enzyme
group, and nitrogen-containing bases recognized a specific methylation pattern on
the DNA molecule and left it alone. Foreign
Discovery and Role of Restriction DNA (from another species, for example)
Enzymes in Bacteria would not have the correct methylation pat-
Nucleases are a broad class of enzymes that tern, or it might not be methylated at all, and
destroy nucleic acids by breaking the sugar- could therefore be fragmented by the restric-
phosphate backbone of the molecule. Until tion enzyme. Hence, restriction enzymes are
1970, the only known nucleases were those that now regarded as part of a simple yet effective
destroyed nucleic acids nonspecificallythat bacterial defense mechanism to guard against
is, in a random fashion. For this reason, these foreign DNA, which can enter bacterial cells
enzymes were of limited usefulness for working with relative ease.
with nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA. In
1970, molecular biologist Hamilton Smith dis- Mechanism of Action
covered a type of nuclease that could fragment To begin the process of cleaving a DNA mol-
DNA molecules in a specific and therefore pre- ecule, a restriction enzyme must first recognize
668 Restriction Enzymes

the appropriate place on the mole-

cule. The recognition site for most The Action of Restriction Enzymes
restriction enzymes involves a short,
usually four- to six-nucleotide, palin- Part of Duplex with Bonds Broken by Chosen RE
dromic sequence. A palindrome is a
word or phrase that reads the same
backward and forward, such as Otto ...xxCTATAGxxxxxCTATAGxxxCTATAG...
or madam; in terms of DNA, a pal- ...xxGATATCxxxxxGATATCxxxGATATC...
indromic sequence is one that reads
the same on each strand of DNA but
in opposite directions. EcoRI (derived RE
from the bacterium Escherichia coli) is RE
an example of an enzyme that has a
recognition site composed of nucleo- ...xxCTATA GxxxxxCTATA GxxxCTATA G...
tides arranged in a palindromic se-
quence: ...xxG ATATCxxxxx GATATCxxx GATATC...

GAATTC DNA Fragments with Sticky Ends

A restriction enzyme (RE) breaks part of a duplex into fragments with
If the top sequence is read from left to sticky ends. Each x denotes an unspecified base in a nucleotide unit.
right or the bottom sequence is read
from right to left, it is always GAATTC.
An additional consideration in the mecha- strand, are called overhangs; however, the
nism of restriction enzyme activity is the type of bases in one overhang are still capable of pair-
cut that is made. When a restriction enzyme ing with the bases in the other overhang as they
cuts DNA, it is actually breaking the back- did before the DNA strands were cut. The ends
bone of the molecule, consisting of a chain of of these fragments will readily stick to each
sugar and phosphate molecules. This break- other if brought close together (hence the
age occurs at a precise spot on each strand of name sticky ends).
the double-stranded DNA molecule. The newly Enzymes that create blunt ends make a flush
created ends of the DNA fragments are then in- cut and do not leave any overhangs, as demon-
formally referred to as sticky ends or blunt strated by the cutting site of the enzyme AluI:
ends. These terms refer to whether single-
stranded regions of DNA are generated by the AGCT

cutting activity of the restriction enzyme. For TCGA TC GA
example, the enzyme EcoRI is a sticky end
cutter; when the cuts are made at the recogni- Because of the lack of overhanging single-
tion site, the result is: strand regions, these two DNA fragments will
not readily rejoin. In practice, either type of re-
GAATTC G AATTC striction enzyme may be used, but enzymes that

CTTAAG CTTAA G produce sticky ends are generally favored over
blunt-end-cutting enzymes because of the ease
The break in the DNA backbone is made just af- with which the resulting fragments can be re-
ter the G in each strand; this helps weaken the joined.
connections between the nucleotides in the
middle of the site, and the DNA molecule splits Impact and Applications
into two fragments. The single-stranded re- It is no exaggeration to say that the entire
gions, where the bases TTAA are not paired field of genetic engineering would have been
with their complements (AATT) on the other impossible without the discovery and wide-
Restriction Enzymes 669

spread use of restriction enzymes. On the most with DNA fragments from other molecules.
basic level, restriction enzymes allow scientists This technology has led to advances such as the
to create recombinant DNA molecules (hybrid production of human insulin by bacterial cells
molecules containing DNA from different such as Escherichia coli.
sources, such as humans and bacteria). No mat- The DNA of most organisms is relatively
ter what the source, DNA molecules can be cut large and complex; it is usually so large, in fact,
with restriction enzymes to produce fragments that it becomes difficult to manipulate and
that can then be rejoined in new combinations study the DNA of some organisms, such as hu-
mans. Restriction enzymes provide a conve-
nient way to cut large DNA molecules very spe-
cifically into smaller fragments that can then be
used more easily in a variety of molecular ge-
netics procedures.
Another area of genetic engineering that is
possible because of restriction enzymes is the
production of restriction maps. A restriction
map is a diagram of a DNA molecule showing
where particular restriction enzymes cut the
molecule and the molecular sizes of fragments
Chromosomal DNA
that are generated. The restriction sites can
digested with EcoRI then be used as markers for further study of the
restriction enzyme DNA molecule and to help geneticists locate
important genetic regions. Use of restriction
enzymes has also revealed other interesting
and useful markers of the human genome,
Cutting site called restriction fragment length polymorph-
isms (RFLP). RFLP refers to changes in the size
of restriction fragments caused by mutations in
the recognition site for a particular restriction
enzyme. More specifically, the recognition site
is mutated so that the restriction enzyme no
Restriction fragments longer cuts there; the result is one long frag-
ment where, before the mutation, there would
have been two shorter fragments. These
changes in fragment length can then be used as
markers for the region of DNA in question. Be-
cause they result from mutations in the DNA se-
quence, they are inherited from one genera-
tion to the next. Thus these mutations have
been a valuable tool for molecular biologists in
producing a map of human DNA and for those
Gel electrophoresis scientists involved in fingerprinting individu-
als by means of their DNA.
Randall K. Harris, updated by Bryan Ness
See also: Bacterial Genetics and Cell Struc-
ture; Bioinformatics; Biopharmaceuticals;
Blotting: Southern, Northern, and Western;
The process of cutting DNA with restriction enzymes. (U.S. Cloning; Cloning Vectors; DNA Finger-
Department of Energy Human Genome Program, printing; Forensic Genetics; Gender Identity;
http://www.ornl .gov/hgmis) Genetic Engineering; Genetic Engineering:
670 Reverse Transcriptase

Historical Development; Genetic Engineering: provide a start point for extension by a DNA
Social and Ethical Issues; Genomic Libraries; polymerase
Model Organism: Xenopus laevis; Molecular Ge- proofreading activity: enzyme activity in
netics; Population Genetics; RFLP Analysis; DNA polymerase that fixes errors made in
Shotgun Cloning; Synthetic Genes. copying templates
retroviruses: viruses that possess RNA ge-
Further Reading nomes with genetic information that flows
Drlica, Karl. Understanding DNA and Gene Clon- from RNA to host DNA via reverse transcrip-
ing: A Guide for the Curious. 4th ed. New York: tases
John Wiley & Sons, 2003. Provides basic in-
formation about restriction enzymes and Genetic Information Flow and
their use in cloning. Illustrations, bibliogra- Retroviruses
phy, index. The central dogma of molecular genetics
Lewin, Benjamin. Genes VII. Oxford, N.Y.: Ox- states that information flow is from DNA to
ford University Press, 2001. Provides a de- RNA to proteins. RNA polymerase transcribes
tailed yet highly readable explanation of RNA using a DNA template. For structural
restriction and methylation in bacteria. Illus- genes, the transcribed RNA is a messenger
trations, bibliography, index. RNA (mRNA), which is used by ribosomes to
Watson, James D., et al. Recombinant DNA. New produce a protein. To maintain and reproduce
York: Scientific American Books, 1992. An its DNA, an organism uses RNA to make DNA,
excellent resource for the general reader via DNA polymerase. It was long believed by ge-
wishing to understand the basics of genetic neticists that there were no exceptions to the
engineering. Full-color illustrations, dia- central dogma.
grams, bibliography, index. Some viruses, retroviruses, possess RNA ge-
nomes with genetic information flow from
RNA to DNA (via reverse transcriptases), and
back, before translation. Retroviruses have
been isolated from cancers and cancer tissue
Reverse Transcriptase cultures from birds, rodents, primates, and hu-
mans, and some retroviruses cause a high inci-
Fields of study: Genetic engineering and dence of certain cancers. Flow of retroviral ge-
biotechnology; Molecular genetics netic information from RNA to DNA was
Significance: Retroviruses infect eukaryotic cells, proposed in 1964 by Howard Temin (1934-
using reverse transcriptases (RTs) to turn their 1994) for Rous sarcoma virus. Temin, along
RNA genomes to DNA that enables their host to use with David Baltimore, jointly received the No-
the DNA to make new virus particles. Retroviral bel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1975 for
DNA, often dormant for years before new virus independently discovering the enzyme reverse
particles are released, can be oncogenic, giving in- transcriptase (RT).
fected cells high incidences of cancer. Purified RTs Rous sarcoma virus causes tumors in birds.
are used to make RNA into DNA for biotechnology. Temins hypothesis was based on effects of nu-
cleic acid synthesis inhibitors on replication of
Key terms the virus. First, the process was inhibited by
deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate actinomycin D, an inhibitor of DNA-dependent
(dNTP): one of four monomers (dATP, RNA synthesis. Furthermore, DNA synthesis in-
dCTP, dGTP, dTTP) incorporated into DNA hibition by cytosine arabinoside, early after in-
DNA polymerase: an enzyme that catalyzes the fection, stopped viral replication. Therefore, a
formation of a DNA strand using a template DNA intermediate seemed involved in viral
DNA or RNA molecule as a guide replication. The expected process was termed
primer: A short piece of single-stranded DNA reverse transcription because RNA becomes
that can hybridize to denatured DNA and DNA instead of DNA becoming RNA.
Reverse Transcriptase 671

An RT converts a retroviral single-stranded

RNA genome to integrated double-stranded
DNA as follows: First a hybrid (DNA-RNA) du-
plex is made from viral RNA, as an antiparallel
DNA strand is produced. The RNA-directed
DNA polymerase activity of RT is primed by
host cell transfer RNA, which binds to the viral
RNA. Then, the viral RNA strand is destroyed
by RNase H, and the first DNA strand now be-
comes the template for synthesis of a second
antiparallel DNA strand. Resultant duplex DNA
is next integrated into a host cell chromosome,
where it is immediately used to make virus par-
ticles or, alternatively, it takes up residence in
the host cells genome, remaining unused
often for yearsuntil it is activated and causes
cancer or production of new viruses.

Importance of Reverse Transcriptases

RTs can use almost any RNA template for
DNA synthesis. Low RT template specificity al-
lows RT to be used to make DNA copies of a

Howard M. Temin. ( The Nobel Foundation)

RT Discovery and Properties

Retrovirus infection begins with injection of
RT and single-stranded RNA into host cells. RT
(an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) causes
biosynthesis of viral DNA using an RNA tem-
plate from the retrovirus HIV (human immu-
nodeficiency virus), the causative agent of ac-
quired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
RTs have been purified from many retrovi-
ruses. Avian, murine, and human RTs have
been studied most. All have ribonuclease H
(RNase H) activity on the same protein as poly-
merase activity. Ribonuclease H degrades RNA
strands of DNA-RNA hybrids. A nuclease that
degrades DNA is later involved in retrovirus
DNA integration into host cell DNA. Most bio-
chemical properties of purified RTs are com-
mon to them and other DNA polymerases. For
example, all require the following for DNA syn-
thesis: a primer on which synthesis begins, a
template which is copied, and a supply of the
four dNTPs. David Baltimore. ( The Nobel Foundation)
672 RFLP Analysis

wide variety of RNAs in vitro. This has been very OConnell, Joe, ed. RT-PCR Protocols. Totowa,
useful in molecular biology, especially in pro- N.J.: Humana Press, 2002. Collects several
duction of exact DNA copies of purified RNAs. papers on the use of reverse transcription
Once the copies are made by RT, they can be polymerase chain reaction in analysis of
cloned into bacterial expression vectors, where mRNA, quantitative methodologies, detec-
mass quantities of the gene product can be pro- tion of RNA viruses, genetic analysis, and im-
duced. It has also been shown that RT activity munology. Tables, charts, index.
takes part in making telomeres (protective chro- Shippen-Lentz, D., and E. H. Blackburn. Func-
mosome ends). Telomere formation and main- tional Evidence for an RNA Template in
tenance are essential cell processes, related to Telomerase. Science 247 (1990): 546-552.
life span and deemed important to understand- Points to the RT activity in telomerases. Illus-
ing cancer. trated.
RTs are also important in treatment of ac- Varmus, Harold. Retroviruses. Science 240
quired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). (1988): 1427-1435. The discoverer of onco-
The drugs most useful for AIDS treatment are genes describes properties of different ret-
RT inhibitors such as zidovudine, didanosine, roviruses, including the mechanism of re-
zalcitabine, and stavudine. RTs are also associ- verse transcription.
ated with the difficulty in maintaining success-
ful long-term AIDS treatment, due to rapid de-
velopment of resistant HIV in individual AIDS
patients. The resistance is postulated to be due RFLP Analysis
to RTs lack of a proofreading component. In-
adequate proofreading in sequential replica- Field of study: Techniques and
tion of HIV viral particles from generation to methodologies
generation is believed to cause the rapid muta- Significance: RFLP analysis was the first simple
tion of the viral genome. method available for distinguishing individuals
Sanford S. Singer based on DNA sequence differences. The concep-
See also: cDNA Libraries; Central Dogma tual basis for this technique is still widely used in
of Molecular Biology; Model Organism: Chla- genetics, although RFLP analysis has been largely
mydomonas reinhardtii; Pseudogenes; Repetitive supplanted by other, faster and more powerful tech-
DNA; RNA Isolation; RNA Structure and Func- niques for the comparison of genetic differences.
tion; RNA World; Shotgun Cloning.
Key terms
Further Reading gel electrophoresis: a method for separat-
Goff, S. P. Retroviral Reverse Transcriptase: ing DNA molecules by size by applying elec-
Synthesis, Structure, and Function. JAIDS 3 tric current to force DNA through a matrix
(1990): 817-831. A solid, well-illustrated of agarose, which inhibits the migration of
paper. larger DNA fragments more than small DNA
Joklik, Wolfgang K., ed. Microbiology: A Cente- fragments
nary Perspective. Washington, D.C.: ASM restriction enzymes: proteins that recognize
Press, 1999. Thoroughly reviews important specific DNA sequences and then cut the
microbiology issues, including reverse tran- DNA, normally at the same sequence recog-
scriptase papers by Howard Temin and Da- nized by the enzymes
vid Baltimore. Southern blotting: a method for transfer-
Litvack, Simon. Retroviral Reverse Transcriptases. ring DNA molecules from an agarose gel to a
Austin, Tex.: R. G. Landes, 1996. Describes nylon membrane; once the DNA is on the
discovery, biosynthesis, structure, inhibitors, membrane, it is incubated with a DNA con-
and action mechanistics of reverse transcrip- taining an identifiable label and is then used
tase. Illustrations and bibliographic refer- to detect similar or identical DNA sequences
ences. on the membrane
RFLP Analysis 673

The Procedure that the location and arrangement of the DNA

Restriction fragment length polymorphism fragments in the gel is maintained on the mem-
(RFLP) analysis is a method for distinguishing brane, but the DNA is now single-stranded
individuals and analyzing relatedness, based (critical for the next step in the process) and
on genetic differences. RFLP analysis relies on much easier to handle.
small DNA sequence differences that lead to The final step in the process is to detect spe-
the loss or gain of restriction enzyme sites in a cific DNA fragments on the membrane. This is
chromosome or to the change in size of a DNA done by using a DNA fragment that is labeled
fragment bracketed by restriction enzyme sites. to act as a probe, to home in on and identify
These sequence differences lead to a different similar DNA sequences on the membrane. Be-
pattern of bands on a gel (reminiscent of a bar fore use, the probe is made single-stranded, so
code) that varies from individual to individual. it can bind to the single-stranded DNA on the
RFLP analysis starts with the isolation of membrane. The probe DNA can be labeled
DNA. Typically, DNA isolation requires the use with radioactivity, in which case it is detected us-
of detergents, protein denaturants, RNA de- ing X-ray film. The probe DNA can also be la-
grading enzymes, and alcohol precipitation to beled with molecules that are bound by pro-
separate the DNA from the other cellular com- teins, and the proteins can then be detected
ponents. This DNA could be isolated from a either directly or indirectly.
blood sample provided by an individual, from In a case in which a restriction enzyme site
evidence left at the scene of a crime, or from has been added or removed, the probe is nor-
other sources of cells or tissues. mally a DNA fragment that is found in only one
The purified DNA is then digested with a location in the genome. In cases in which one is
molecular scissors called a restriction en- looking at the size of fragments bracketed by
zyme. Restriction enzymes recognize and cut restriction enzyme sites, the probe DNA is nor-
precise sequences, typically six base pairs in mally a DNA molecule that is found in several
length. If one base pair is changed in that rec- sites in the genome, and the DNA fragments
ognition sequence, the enzyme will not cut the that are identified in this analysis are ones that
DNA at that point. On the other hand, if a se- tend to vary between individuals. In many
quence that is not recognized by a restriction cases, the probe DNA binds to regions of DNA
enzyme is altered by mutation, so that it now is that consist of variable number tandem re-
recognized, the DNA will be cleaved at that peats (VNTRs). The number of VNTRs tends
point. In other cases, the DNA sequences rec- to vary between different individuals and, con-
ognized by the restriction enzymes themselves sequently, these sequences are useful for iden-
are not changed, but the length of DNA be- tification.
tween two restriction enzyme sites differs be-
tween individuals. These types of mutations oc- Applications
cur with enough regularity that often even two One of the earliest uses of this technique in
closely related individuals will have some de- clinical medicine was in the prenatal diagnosis
tectable differences in the sizes of DNA frag- of sickle-cell disease. Previous work had shown
ments produced from restriction enzyme di- that many individuals with the disease had a
gestion. mutation in their DNA that eliminated a re-
Once the DNA has been digested with a re- striction enzyme site in a gene encoding a he-
striction enzyme, it is separated by size in an moglobin protein. This information was used
agarose gel. At this point, the DNA appears, to to develop a diagnostic RFLP procedure. A sec-
the eye, to be a smear of molecules of all sizes, tion of the hemoglobin gene is used as a probe.
and it is not generally possible to differentiate The size of restriction enzyme fragments iden-
the DNAs from different individuals at this tified is different in individuals who have sickle-
stage. The size-fractioned DNA is next trans- cell disease (and therefore have two mutant
ferred to a nylon membrane in a process called alleles) compared with individuals who carry
Southern blotting. The result of the transfer is either one mutant allele or have two unmutated
674 RNA Isolation

hemoglobin alleles. This method allowed for See also: Blotting: Southern, Northern, and
the identification of affected fetuses using DNA Western; Chromosome Theory of Heredity;
from cells isolated from amniotic fluid (a much DNA Fingerprinting; Gender Identity; Genetic
simpler and safer procedure than the previous Engineering; Genetic Testing; Model Organ-
method of diagnosis, which required isolating ism: Arabidopsis thaliana; Paternity Tests; Poly-
fetal red blood cells). merase Chain Reaction; Prenatal Diagnosis;
Another widely reported use of RFLP analy- Restriction Enzymes.
sis has been in forensic science. RFLP methods
have been critical in helping to identify crimi-
nals, and these methods have also helped exon- Further Reading
erate innocent people. The first application of Chang, J. C., and Y. W. Kan. A Sensitive New
RFLP in forensic analysis was in the case of the Prenatal Test for Sickle-Cell Anemia. New
murders of two young girls in England, in 1983 England Journal of Medicine 307 (1982): 30-
and 1986. Initially, a seventeen-year-old boy 32. A short and readable scientific paper de-
confessed to the murders. RFLP analysis, using scribing one of the first applications of RFLP
DNA from the crime scene, indicated that he analysis to clinical medicine. The same issue
was not the murderer. After extensive investiga- of the journal also has another, somewhat
tion, including RFLP analysis of DNA from more detailed, article on the same topic.
more than forty-five hundred men, a suspect Guilfoile, P. A Photographic Atlas for the Molecular
was identified. Confronted with the evidence, Biology Laboratory. Englewood, Colo.: Mor-
the suspect pleaded guilty to both murders and ton, 2000. An illustrated guide to molecular
was jailed for life. Since then, RFLP analysis has biology techniques, including a substantial
been used in thousands of criminal cases. Other illustrated section on RFLP analysis.
forensic applications of RFLP include its use as Jeffreys, A., V. Wilson, and S. L. Thein. Individ-
evidence in court cases involving paternity de- ual-Specific Fingerprints of Human DNA.
terminations and its role in identifying the bod- Nature 316 (1985): 76-79. A technical article
ies of missing persons who otherwise could not that describes some of the background in-
be identified. formation that led to the use of RFLP analy-
In addition to the clinical and forensic appli- sis in forensic science.
cations described above, RFLP analysis has Orkin, S. H., P. F. Little, H. H. Kazazian, Jr., and
been used in many subdisciplines of biology C. D. Boehm. Improved Detection of the
since the early 1980s. The applications of RFLP Sickle Mutation by DNA Analysis: Applica-
analysis range from the conservation of endan- tion to Prenatal Diagnosis. New England
gered species to the identification of strains of Journal of Medicine 307 (1982): 32-36.
bacteria associated with disease outbreaks to
basic research involving the classification of or-
Although RFLP analysis has been widely used
since its inception, it is increasingly being dis-
RNA Isolation
placed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Field of study: Molecular genetics
methods, which typically are much faster and Significance: All cells in an organism or popula-
require much less DNA. RFLP analysis was, tion of organisms of the same species contain the
however, an important step in the introduction same (or nearly the same) set of genes. Therefore,
of modern DNA analysis into the biology labo- understanding which genes are expressed under
ratory and the courtroom. The guiding prin- different conditions is critical to answering many
ciple behind RFLP analysisidentifying indi- questions in biology, including how cells differen-
viduals, strains, and species, based on DNA tiate into tissues, how cells respond to different en-
sequence differencesis still a part of more re- vironments, and which genes are expressed in tu-
cently developed techniques. mor cells. The starting point for answering those
Patrick G. Guilfoile questions is RNA isolation.
RNA Isolation 675

Key terms Protein Denaturation and Further

cDNA library: a set of copies, or clones, of all Purification
or nearly all mRNA molecules produced by The next step in RNA isolation is to dena-
cells of an organism ture all proteins from the cell, to ensure that
complementary DNA (cDNA): also called RNases will be inactive. In many cases, this is
copy DNA, DNA that copies RNA molecules, done at the same time as cell lysis. RNases are
made using the enzyme reverse transcrip- among the most resilient enzymes known, ca-
tase pable of being boiled or even autoclaved, yet
microarray analysis: a method, requiring retaining the ability to cleave RNA once they
isolated RNA, that allows simultaneous de- cool down. Consequently, the RNA next needs
termination of which of thousands of genes to be separated from RNases and other pro-
are transcribed (expressed) in cells teins to ensure that it will remain intact.
reverse transcriptase polymerase chain The separation of RNA from the rest of the
reaction (RT-PCR): a technique, requiring macromolecules in the cell can be accom-
isolated RNA, for quickly determining if a plished in a number of ways. One of the older
gene or a small set of genes are transcribed methods for purifying RNA uses ultracentrifu-
in a population of cells gation in very dense cesium chloride solutions.
RNA: ribonucleic acid, the macromolecule in During high-speed centrifugation, these solu-
the cell that acts as an intermediary between tions create a gradient, with the greatest density
the genetic information stored as DNA and at the bottom of the tube. RNA is the densest
the manifestation of that genetic informa- macromolecule in the cell, so it forms a pellet in
tion as proteins the bottom of the ultracentrifuge tube. A more
RNases: ribonucleases, or cellular enzymes recently developed technique for RNA purifica-
that catalyze the breakdown of RNA tion involves the use of columns that bind RNA
but not other macromolecules. The columns
arewashed to remove impurities, such as DNA
Cell Lysis and proteins, and then the RNA is eluted from
RNA isolation is a difficult proposition. RNA the column matrix. Another, more recently de-
has a short life span in cells (as short as minutes veloped technique is based on the observation
in bacteria), and it is somewhat chemically un- that, at an appropriate pH (level of acidity),
stable. In addition, enzymes that degrade RNA RNA partitions into the water phase of a water-
(RNases) are widespread in the environment, organic mixture. DNA and proteins either are
further complicating the task of separating in- retained at the boundary of the water-organic
tact RNA from other molecules in the cell. mixture or are dissolved in the organic phase.
The first step in RNA isolation is rapidly Once the RNA is isolated, it needs to be han-
breaking open cells under conditions where dled carefully to ensure that it will not be de-
RNA will not be degraded. One method in- graded. Normally this involves re-suspending
volves freezing cells immediately in liquid ni- the RNA in purified water, adding an alcohol
trogen, then grinding the cells in liquid nitro- solution, and storing it at 70 or 80 degrees
gen in order to prevent any RNA degradation. Celsius (94-112 degrees Fahrenheit). The pu-
Other methods involve lysing cells in the pres- rified RNA can then be used in a variety of tech-
ence of strong protein denaturants so that any niques that help determine which genes are be-
RNases present in the cell or the environment ing transcribed in particular cells or tissues.
will be rapidly inactivated. The difficulty of the These techniques include RT-PCR, northern
cell lysis step depends substantially on the type hybridization, microarray analysis, and the con-
of cell involved. Bacterial and fungal cells are struction of cDNA libraries.
typically much more difficult to break open
than cells from mammals. As a consequence, it Special RNA Isolation Procedures
is often more difficult to isolate intact RNA In some cases, a geneticist wants to isolate
from bacteria and fungi. only RNA from the cytoplasm of the cell, since
676 RNA Structure and Function

RNA from the nucleus may be more heteroge- Farrell, Robert. RNA Methodologies. 2d ed. San
neous. In this case, cells are lysed using a gentle Diego, Calif.: Academic Press, 1998. Proba-
detergent that disrupts the cytoplasmic mem- bly the definitive book on RNA techniques,
brane, without disturbing the nuclear mem- including RNA isolation. Includes a substan-
brane. Centrifugation is used to separate the tial amount of background information as
nuclei from the cytoplasm, and then the cyto- well as detailed protocols.
plasmic RNA is further purified as described OConnell, Joe, ed. RT-PCR Protocols. Totowa,
above. N.J.: Humana Press, 2002. Collects several
For some procedures, such as RT-PCR, the papers on the use of reverse transcription
RNA sometimes needs to be further purified to polymerase chain reaction in analysis of
ensure that no contaminating DNA is present. mRNA, quantitative methodologies, detec-
In this case, the RNA sample may be treated tion of RNA viruses, genetic analysis, and im-
with the enzyme DNase I, which destroys DNA munology. Tables, charts, index.
but leaves RNA intact. Sambrook, J., and D. W. Russel, eds. Molecular
For other procedures, like cDNA library con- Cloning: A Laboratory Manual. 3d ed. Cold
struction, the RNA is often purified to remove Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor
ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), Laboratory Press, 2000. The latest edition of
and other stable RNAs, since the majority of one of the most popular guides to molecular
RNA in the cell (typically more than 90 per- biology protocols. Includes several RNA iso-
cent) is rRNA and tRNA. In this case, the RNA lation procedures.
solution is treated by incubating it with single-
stranded DNA containing a chain of eighteen
to twenty thymine nucleotides, either on a col-
umn or in solution. Messenger RNA (mRNA) RNA Structure and Function
from eukaryotes contains runs of twenty to two
hundred adenine nucleotides that bind to the Field of study: Molecular genetics
single-stranded DNA and allow the mRNA to Significance: Ribonucleic acid (RNA), a molecule
be purified away from the stable RNAs. that plays many roles in the storage and transmis-
Like most techniques in genetics, RNA isola- sion of genetic information, exists in several forms,
tion methods have improved greatly over the each with its own unique function. RNA acts as
years. With advances in methods for studying the messenger between genes in the DNA and their
gene expression such as microarray analysis, protein product, directing the assembly of proteins.
isolating intact RNA is a technique that is more RNA is also an integral part of ribosomes, the site
critical than ever in the modern genetics labo- of protein synthesis, and some RNAs have been
ratory. shown to have catalytic properties. Understanding
Patrick G. Guilfoile the structure and function of RNA is important to
See also: cDNA Libraries; DNA Isolation; a fundamental knowledge of genetics; in addition,
DNA Structure and Function; Polymerase many developing medical therapies will undoubt-
Chain Reaction; Reverse Transcriptase; RNA edly utilize special RNAs to combat genetic dis-
Structure and Function; RNA Transcription eases.
and mRNA Processing.
Key terms
Further Reading messenger RNA: a type of RNA that carries ge-
Ausubel, Fredrick, Roger Brent, Robert King- netic instructions, copied from genes in
ston, David Moore, J. Seidman, and K. Struhl. DNA, to the ribosome to be decoded during
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology. Hobo- translation
ken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons, 1998. A regu- retrovirus: a special type of virus that carries
larly updated compendium that includes its genetic information as RNA and converts
RNA isolation protocols from several differ- it into DNA that integrates into the cells of
ent laboratories. the viruss host organism
RNA Structure and Function 677

ribosomal RNA: a type of RNA that forms a The Folding of RNA Molecules
major part of the structure of the ribosome The function of an RNA molecule is deter-
ribosomes: organelles that function in protein mined by its nucleotide sequence, which repre-
synthesis and are made up of a large and a sents information derived from DNA. This nu-
small subunit composed of proteins and ri- cleotide sequence is called the primar y
bosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules structure of the molecule. Many RNAs also
ribozyme: an RNA molecule that can function have an important secondary structure, a
catalytically as an enzyme three-dimensional shape that is also important
transcription: the synthesis of an RNA mole- for the function of the molecule. The second-
cule directed by RNA polymerase using a ary structure is determined by hydrogen bond-
DNA template ing between parts of the RNA molecule that are
transfer RNA: a form of RNA that acts to de- complementary. Complementary pairing is al-
code genetic information present in mRNA, ways between A and U ribonucleotides and C
carries a particular amino acid, and is vital to and G ribonucleotides. Hydrogen bonding re-
translation sults in double-stranded regions in the second-
translation: the synthesis of a protein mole- ary structure.
cule directed by the ribosome using infor- Since RNA is single-stranded, it was recog-
mation provided by an mRNA nized shortly after the discovery of some of its
major roles that its capacity for folding is great
The Chemical Nature of RNA and that this folding might play an important
Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a complex biolog- part in the functioning of the molecule. Base
ical molecule that is classified along with DNA pairing often represents local interactions, and
as a nucleic acid. Chemically, RNA is a polymer a common structural element is a hairpin
(long chain) consisting of subunits called ribo- loop or stem loop. A hairpin loop is formed
nucleotides linked together by phosphodiester when two complementary regions are sepa-
bonds. Each ribonucleotide consists of three rated by a short stretch of bases so that when
parts: the sugar ribose (a five-carbon simple they fold back and pair, some bases are left un-
sugar), a negatively charged phosphate group, paired, forming the loop. The net sum of these
and a nitrogen-containing base. There are four local interactions is referred to as the RNAs
types of ribonucleotides, and the differences secondary structure and is usually important to
among them lie solely in which of four possible an understanding of how the RNA works. All
bases each contains. The four bases are ade- transfer RNAs (tRNAs), for example, are folded
nine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and uracil into a secondary structure that contains three
(U). stem loops and a fourth stem without a loop, a
The structures of DNA and RNA are very structure resembling a cloverleaf in two dimen-
similar, with the following differences. The sions.
sugar found in the nucleotide subunits of DNA Finally, local structural elements may inter-
is deoxyribose, which differs slightly from the act with other elements in long-range interac-
ribose found in the ribonucleotides of RNA. In tions, causing more complicated folding of the
addition, while DNA nucleotides also contain molecule. The full three-dimensional struc-
four possible bases, there is no uracil in DNA; ture of a tRNA molecule from yeast was finally
instead, DNA nucleotides contain a different confirmed in 1978 by several groups indepen-
base called thymine (T). Finally, while DNA ex- dently, using X-ray diffraction. In this process,
ists as a double-stranded helix in nature, RNA is crystals of a molecule are bombarded with X
almost always single-stranded. Like DNA, a sin- rays, which causes them to scatter; an expert
gle RNA strand has a 5-to-3 polarity. These can tell by the pattern of scattering how the dif-
numbers are based on which carbon atom is ex- ferent atoms in the molecule are oriented with
posed at the end of the polymer, each of the respect to one another. The cloverleaf arrange-
carbon atoms being numbered around the ment of a tRNA undergoes further folding so
sugar molecule. that the entire molecule takes on a roughly L-
678 RNA Structure and Function

shaped appearance in three dimensions. An stability (the rate at which it is degraded). Every
understanding of the three-dimensional shape cell contains several enzymes called ribonu-
of an RNA molecule is crucial to understand- cleases (RNases) whose job it is to cut up RNA
ing its function. By the late 1990s, the three- molecules into their ribonucleotides subunits.
dimensional structures of many tRNAs had Some RNAs last only thirty seconds, while others
been worked out, but it had proven difficult to may last up to a day or two. The signals regulat-
do X-ray diffraction analyses on most other ing RNA degradation are being studied, and al-
RNAs because of technical problems. More though much has been learned, many details re-
advanced computer programs and alternate main unclear. It is important to remember that
structure-determining techniques are enabling both the rates of synthesis (transcription) and
research in this field to proceed. degradation ultimately determine the amount
of functional RNA in a cell at any given time.
Synthesis and Stability of RNA
RNA molecules of all types are continually Three Classes of RNA
being synthesized and degraded in a cell; even While all RNAs are produced by transcrip-
the longest-lasting ones exist for only a day or tion, several classes of RNA are created, and
two. Shortly after the structure of DNA was es- each has a unique function. By the late 1960s,
tablished, it became clear that RNA was synthe- three major classes of RNAs had been identi-
sized using a DNA molecule as a template, and fied, and their respective roles in the process of
the mechanism was worked out shortly thereaf- protein synthesis had been identified. In gen-
ter. The entire process by which an RNA mole- eral, protein synthesis refers to the assembly of
cule is constructed using the information in a protein using information encoded in DNA,
DNA is called transcription. An enzyme called with RNA acting as an intermediary to carry in-
RNA polymerase is responsible for assembling formation and assist in protein building. In
the ribonucleotides of a new RNA complemen- 1956, Francis Crick, one of the scientists who
tary to a specific DNA segment (gene). Only had discovered the double-helical structure of
one strand of the DNA is used as a template DNA, referred to this information flow as the
(the sense strand), and the ribonucleotides are central dogma, a term that continues to be
initially arranged according to the base-pairing used, although exceptions to it are now known.
rules. A DNA sequence called the promoter A messenger RNA (mRNA) carries a com-
is a site RNA polymerase can bind initially and plementary copy of the DNA instructions for
allows the process of RNA synthesis to begin. At building a particular protein. In eukaryotes it
the appropriate starting site, RNA polymerase typically represents the information from a sin-
begins to assemble and connect the nucleo- gle gene and carries the information to a ribo-
tides according to the complementary pairing some, the site of protein synthesis. The infor-
rules, such that for every A nucleotide in the mation must be decoded to make a protein.
DNA, RNA polymerase incorporates a U ribo- Nucleotides are read in groups of three (called
nucleotide into the RNA being assembled. The codons). In addition, mRNAs contain signals
remaining pairing rules stipulate that a T in that tell a ribosome where to start and stop
DNA denotes an A in RNA and that a C in DNA translating.
represents a G in RNA (and vise versa). This Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is part of the struc-
process continues until another sequence, ture of the ribosome. Four different rRNAs in-
called a terminator, is reached. At this point, teract with many proteins to form functional
the RNA polymerase stops transcription, and a ribosomes that direct the events of protein syn-
new RNA molecule is released. thesis. One of the rRNAs interacts with mRNA
Much attention is rightfully focused on tran- to orient it properly so translation can begin at
scription, since it controls the rate of synthesis the correct location. Another rRNA acts to fa-
of each RNA. It has become increasingly clear, cilitate the transfer of the growing polypeptide
however, that the amount of RNA in the cell at a from one tRNA to another (peptidyl transfer-
given time is also strongly dependent on RNA ase activity).
RNA Structure and Function $%'

Transfer RNA (tRNA) serves the vital role of contains several to many introns and is referred
decoding the genetic information. There are at to as immature, or a pre-mRNA. Before it can
least twenty and usually more than forty differ- become mature and functional, three major
ent tRNAs in a cell. On one side, tRNAs contain processing events must occur: splicing, the ad-
an anticodon loop, which can base-pair with dition of a 5 cap, and a tail. The process of
mRNA codons according to their sequence splicing is complex and occurs in the nucleus
and the base-pairing rules. On the other side, with the aid of spliceosomes, large complexes
each contains an amino acid binding site, with of RNAs and proteins that identify intervening
the appropriate amino acid for its anticodon. sequences and cut them out of the pre-mRNA.
In this way, tRNAs recognize the codons and In addition, spliceosomes rejoin the exons to
supply the appropriate amino acids. The pro- produce a complete, functional mRNA. Splic-
cess continues until an entire new polypeptide ing must be extremely specific, since a mistake
has been constructed. causing the removal of even one extra nucleo-
The attachment of the correct amino acids is tide could change the final protein, making it
facilitated by a group of enzymes called tRNA nonfunctional. During splicing, capping and
amino acyl synthetases. Each type of tRNA has a the addition of a poly-A tail take place. A so-
corresponding synthetase that facilitates the at- called cap, which consists of a modified G nu-
tachment of the correct amino acid to the cleotide, is added to the beginning (5 end) of
amino acid binding site. The integrity of this the pre-mRNA by an unconventional linkage.
process is crucial to translation; if only one The cap appears to function by interacting with
tRNA is attached to an incorrect amino acid, the ribosome, helping to orient the mature
the resulting proteins will likely be nonfunc- mRNA so that translation begins at the proper
tional. end. A tail, which consists of many A nucleo-
tides (often two hundred or more), is attached
Split Genes and mRNA Processing in to the 3 end of the pre-mRNA. This so-called
Eukaryotes poly-A tail, which virtually all eukaryotic mRNAs
In bacterial genes, there is a colinearity be- contain, seems to be one factor in determining
tween the segment of a DNA molecule that is the relative stability of an mRNA. These impor-
transcribed and the resulting mRNA. In other tant steps must be performed after transcrip-
words, the mRNA sequence is complementary tion in eukaryotes to produce a functional
to its template and is the same length, as would mRNA.
be expected. In the late 1970s, several groups
of scientists made a seemingly bizarre discovery Other Important Classes of RNA and
regarding mRNAs in eukaryotes (organisms Specialized Functions
whose cells contain a nucleus, including all The traditional roles of RNA in protein syn-
living things that are not bacteria): The se- thesis were originally considered its only roles.
quences of mRNAs isolated from eukaryotes RNA in general, while considered an impor-
were not collinear with the DNA from which tant molecule, was thought of as a helper in
they were transcribed. The coding regions of translation. This all began to change in 1982,
the corresponding DNA were interrupted by when the molecular biologists Thomas Cech
seemingly random sequences that served no and Sidney Altman, working independently
apparent function. These introns, as they and with different systems, reported the exis-
came to be known, were apparently transcribed tence of RNA molecules that had catalytic activ-
along with the coding regions (exons) but were ity. This means that RNA molecules can func-
somehow removed before the mRNA was trans- tion as enzymes; until this time, it was believed
lated. This completely unexpected observation that all enzymes were protein molecules. The
led to further investigations that revealed that importance of these findings cannot be over-
mRNA is extensively processed, or modified, af- stated, and Cech and Altman ultimately shared
ter its transcription in eukaryotes. the 1989 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the dis-
After a eukaryotic mRNA is transcribed, it covery of these RNA enzymes, or ribozymes.
680 RNA Structure and Function

Both of these initial ribozymes catalyzed reac- was working on the autoimmune disease sys-
tions that involved the cleavage of other RNA temic lupus when she began to characterize the
moleculesthat is, they acted as nucleases. snRNAs. There are six different snRNAs, now
Subsequently, many ribozymes have been found called U1-U6 RNAs. These RNAs exist in the
in various organisms, from bacteria to humans. nucleus of eukaryotic cells and play a vital role
Some of them are able to catalyze different in mRNA splicing. They associate with proteins
types of reactions, and there are new ones re- in the spliceosome, forming so-called ribonu-
ported every year. Thus ribozymes are not a cleoprotein complexes (snRNPs, pronounced
mere curiosity but play an integral role in the snurps), and play a prominent role in detect-
molecular machinery of many organisms. Their ing proper splice sites and directing the pro-
discovery also gave rise to the idea that at one tein enzymes to cut and paste at the proper lo-
point in evolutionary history, molecular sys- cations.
tems composed solely of RNA, performing It has been known since the late 1950s that
many roles, existed in an RNA world. many viruses contain RNA, and not DNA, as
At around the same time as these momen- their genetic material. This is another fascinat-
tous discoveries, still other classes of RNAs were ing role for RNA. The viruses that cause influ-
being discovered, each with its own specialized enza, polio, and a host of other diseases are
functions. In 1981, Jun-ichi Tomizawa discov- RNA viruses. Of particular note are a class of
ered RNA interference (RNAi), the first exam- RNA viruses known as retroviruses. Retrovi-
ple of what would become another major class ruses, which include human immunodeficiency
of RNAs, the antisense RNAs or interference virus (HIV), the virus that causes acquired im-
RNAs. The RNAs in this group are comple- munodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans,
mentary to a target molecule (usually an use a special enzyme called reverse transcrip-
mRNA) and can bind to that target via comple- tase to make a DNA copy of their RNA when
mentary base pairing. RNAi binding usually they enter a cell. The DNA copy is inserted into
plays a regulatory role, often acting to prevent the DNA of the host cell, where it is referred to
translation of the relevant mRNA to modulate as a provirus, and never leaves. This discovery
the expression of the protein for which it represents one of the exceptions to the central
codes. Most of these antisense RNAs are en- dogma. In the central dogma, RNA is always
coded by the same gene as their target, but a made from DNA, and retroviruses have reversed
group called the transencoded antisense this flow of information. Clearly, understand-
RNAs actually have their own genes, which are ing the structures and functions of the RNAs as-
separate and distinct from their target mole- sociated with these viruses will be important in
cules gene. This is especially significant be- attempting to create effective treatments for
cause the complementarity between antisense the diseases associated with them.
RNA and the target is often not perfect, result- An additional role of RNA was noted during
ing in interesting interactions with unique the elucidation of the mechanism of DNA rep-
structural features. The prototype of this class lication. It was found that a small piece of RNA,
of RNAs, micF RNA, was discovered in 1983 by called a primer, must be laid down by the en-
Masayori Inouye and subsequently character- zyme primase, an RNA polymerase, before
ized by Nicholas Delihas. An understanding of DNA polymerase can begin. RNA primers are
the binding of this special type of antisense later removed and replaced with DNA. Also, it
RNA to its target will provide insights into RNA- is worth mentioning that the universal energy-
RNA interactions that may be vital for use in ge- storing molecule of all cells, adenosine triphos-
netic therapy. Research on RNAi molecules phate (ATP), is in fact a version of the RNA nu-
continues, and many new insights into genetic cleotide containing adenine (A).
control after transcription have been gained.
Another major class of RNAs, the small nu- Impact and Applications
clear RNAs (snRNAs), was also discovered in The discovery of the many functions of
the early 1980s. Molecular biologist Joan Steitz RNA, especially its catalytic ability, has radically
RNA Transcription and mRNA Processing 681

changed the understanding of the functioning Function; Genetic Code; Genetic Code, Crack-
of genetic and biological systems and has revo- ing of; Molecular Genetics; Noncoding RNA
lutionized the views of the scientific commu- Molecules; One Gene-One Enzyme Hypothe-
nity regarding the origin of life. The key to un- sis; Protein Structure; Protein Synthesis; Repet-
derstanding how RNA can perform all of its itive DNA; RNA Isolation; RNA Transcription
diverse functions lies in elucidating its many and mRNA Processing; RNA World.
structures, since structure and function are in-
separable. Much progress has been made in es- Further Reading
tablishing the structures of hundreds of RNA Eckstein, Fritz, and David M. J. Lilley, eds. Cata-
molecules; several methods, including ad- lytic RNA. New York: Springer, 1996. Offers a
vanced computer programs, are making it eas- comprehensive overview of ribozyme diver-
ier to predict and analyze RNA structure. Three- sity and function. Illustrations (some color),
dimensional modeling is much more difficult, bibliography, index.
and while the three-dimensional structures of Erickson, Robert P., and Jonathan G. Izant, eds.
several RNAs have been worked out, much Gene Regulation: Biology of Antisense RNA and
work remains. DNA. New York: Raven Press, 1992. Provides
In terms of basic research and genetic engi- both a comprehensive overview of natural
neering, the discovery of antisense RNAs and antisense RNA function and prospects for its
ribozymes has facilitated many procedures, uses in gene therapy. Illustrations, bibliogra-
providing insight at the molecular level of ge- phy, index.
netic processes that would have been difficult Murray, James A. H., ed. Antisense RNA and
to obtain without this knowledge and the tools DNA. New York: Wiley-Liss, 1992. Presents
it has made available. Additionally, plants, bac- experimental approaches. Illustrations, bib-
teria, and animals have been genetically engi- liography, index.
neered to alter the expression of some of their Simons, Robert W., and Marianne Grunberg-
genes, in many cases making use of the new Manago, eds. RNA Structure and Function.
RNA technology. An example is the genetically Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Har-
engineered tomato, which does not ripen until bor Laboratory Press, 1997. An advanced
it is treated at the point of sale. This tomato was text that takes a detailed look at the various
created by inserting an antisense RNA gene; structures of RNA, their relationships to
when it is expressed, it inactivates the mRNA function, and the techniques for determin-
that codes for the enzyme involved in produc- ing RNA structure. Illustrations, bibliogra-
tion of the ripening hormone. phy, index.
Although success in human gene therapy Watson, James D., et al. Molecular Biology of the
has been limited, the usage of retroviruses to Gene. 5th ed. Menlo Park, Calif.: Benjamin
introduce ribozymes, antisense RNAs, or a Cummings, 2003. Discusses RNA structures
combination of both into genetically defective and their relationship to function. Illustra-
cells offers great promise for the future in fight- tions, bibliography, index.
ing a wide variety of diseases, from AIDS and
cancer to cystic fibrosis and sickle-cell disease.
One thing is clear: RNA will play an important
role in increasing the understanding of genet- RNA Transcription and mRNA
ics and in the revolution of gene therapy. RNA
is one of the most structurally interesting and
functionally diverse of all the biological mole- Field of study: Molecular genetics
cules. Significance: Translation of messenger RNA mole-
Matthew M. Schmidt, updated by Bryan Ness cules (mRNAs) occurs even while transcription is
See also: Ancient DNA; Antisense RNA; taking place in prokaryotes. In eukaryotes the pro-
Chromosome Structure; DNA Isolation; DNA cess is much more complex, with transcription oc-
Repair; DNA Replication; DNA Structure and curring in the nucleus, followed by multiple pro-
682 RNA Transcription and mRNA Processing

cessing steps before a mature mRNA is ready to be RNAs are involved in translation. RNA poly-
translated. All of these extra steps are required for merase II (pol II) transcribes RNA from struc-
mRNAs to be transported out of the nucleus and tural genes, that is, genes that code for polypep-
for recognition by ribosomes in the cytoplasm. tides. Pol II therefore is the primary RNA
polymerase and the one that will be the focus of
Key terms this article when discussing transcription in eu-
messenger RNA (mRNA): the form of RNA karyotes.
that contains the coding instructions used to
make a polypeptide by ribosomes Transcription in Prokaryotes
RNA polymerase: the enzyme that transcribes The first step in transcription is for RNA
RNA using a strand of DNA as a template polymerase to identify the location of a gene.
transcription: the process that converts DNA In prokaryotes many genes are clustered to-
code into a complementary strand of RNA gether in functional groups called operons.
(mRNA) containing code that can be inter- For example, the lactose (lac) operon contains
preted by ribosomes three genes, each coding for one of the en-
translation: the process, mediated by ribo- zymes needed to metabolize the sugar lactose.
somes, in which the genetic code in an At the beginning of each operon are two con-
mRNA is used to produce a polypeptide, the trol sequences, the operator and the promoter.
ultimate product of structural genes The promoter is where RNA polymerase binds,
in preparation for transcription. The operator
RNA Polymerase is a control region that determines whether
Transcription is the process whereby the di- RNA polymerase will be able to bind to the pro-
rections for making a protein are converted moter. The operator interacts with other pro-
from DNA-based instructions to RNA-based in- teins that determine when the associated
structions. This step is required in the process operon should be expressed. They do this by ei-
of expressing a gene as a polypeptide, because ther preventing RNA polymerase from binding
ribosomes, which assemble polypeptides, can to the promoter or by assisting it to bind.
read only RNA-based messages. Although tran- RNA polymerase recognizes promoters by
scription is complicated and involves dozens of the specific base-pair sequences they contain.
enzymes and proteins, it is much simpler in Assuming all conditions are correct, RNA poly-
prokaryotes than in eukaryotes. Because pro- merase binds to the promoter, along with an-
karyotes lack a nucleus, transcription and other protein called the sigma factor (). The
translation are linked processes both occurring beginning of genes are detected with the aid of
in the cytoplasm. In eukaryotes, transcription . Transcription begins at a leader sequence a
and translation occur as completely separate little before the beginning of the first gene and
processes, transcription occurring in the nu- continues until RNA polymerase reaches a ter-
cleus and translation occurring in the cyto- mination signal. If the operon contains more
plasm. (It is now known that some translation than one gene, all of the genes are transcribed
also occurs in the nucleus, but apparently only into a single long mRNA, each gene separated
a small amount, probably less than 10 percent from its neighbors by a spacer region. The
of the translation occurring in a cell.) mRNA is put together by pairing ribonucleo-
In eukaryotes there are three different types tides with their complementary nucleotides in
of RNA polymerase that transcribe RNA using a the DNA template. In place of thymine (T),
strand of DNA as a template (there is a single RNA uses uracil (U); otherwise the same bases
type of RNA polymerase in prokaryotes). Two are present in RNA and DNA, the others being
of them, called RNA polymerase I (pol I) and adenine (A), guanine (G), and cytosine (C).
RNA polymerase III (pol III), specialize in tran- The pairing relationships are as follows, the
scribing types of RNA that are functional prod- DNA base listed first in each pair: A-U, T-A, G-C,
ucts themselves, such as ribosomal RNA and C-G.
(rRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA). These RNA polymerase catalyzes the joining of
RNA Transcription and mRNA Processing 683

ribonucleotides as they pair with the DNA tem- promoters; (3) transcription occurs in a sepa-
plate. Each mRNA is constructed beginning at rate compartment (the nucleus) from transla-
the 5 end (the phosphate end) and ending tion, most of which occurs in the cytoplasm;
with the 3 end (the hydroxyl end). Even while and (4) initially transcription results in a pre-
transcription is taking place, ribosomes begin messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) molecule that
binding to the mRNA to begin translation. As must be processed before it emerges as a ma-
soon as RNA polymerase has completed tran- ture mRNA ready for translation. Additionally,
scribing the genes of an operon, it releases mRNAs are much longer-lived in eukaryotes.
from the DNA and soon binds to another pro- The first step in transcription is for RNA
moter to begin the process all over again. polymerase to find a gene that needs to be tran-
scribed. Only genes occurring in regions of the
Transcription in Eukaryotes DNA that have been unwound are prepared for
Transcription in eukaryotes differs from the potential transcription. RNA polymerase binds
process in prokaryotes in the following major to an available promoter, which is located just
ways: (1) genes are transcribed individually before a gene and has a region in it called the
instead of in groups; (2) DNA is complexed TATA box (all promoters have the consensus
with many proteins and is highly compacted, sequence TATAAAA in them). RNA polymer-
and therefore must be unwound to expose its ase is unable to bind to the promoter without


Messenger RNA
(mRNA) Amino acids

Growing Transfer RNA

protein chain

mRNA moves
out of nucleus


A depiction of the process of RNA transcription. Messenger RNA (mRNA) moves the DNAs template or instructions for protein syn-
thesis (genetic code, or arrangement of bases) from the cell nucleus out into the cytoplasm, where it binds to a ribosome, the cells pro-
tein factory. Transfer RNA molecules then synthesize amino acids by linking to a codon on the mRNA and transferring the resulting
amino acid to a growing chain of amino acids, the protein molecule. (U.S. Department of Energy Human Genome Program,
$&" RNA Transcription and mRNA Processing

assistance from over a dozen other proteins, in- the intron out and splices the exons that were
cluding a TATA-binding protein, several tran- on each side of the intron to each other. Genes
scription factors, activators, and coactivators. may have just a few introns, or they may have a
There are other DNA sequences further up- dozen or more. Why eukaryotes have introns at
stream than the promoter that control tran- all is still an open question, as introns, in gen-
scription too, thus accounting for the fact that eral, appear to have no function.
some genes are transcribed more readily, and While intron removal and exon splicing are
therefore more often, than others. taking place, both ends of maturing mRNAs
Once RNA polymerase has bound to the must also be modified. At the 5 end (the end
promoter, it begins assembling an RNA mole- with an exposed phosphate) an enzyme adds
cule complementary to the DNA code in the a modified guanosine nucleotide called 7-
gene. It starts by making a short leader se- methylguanosine. This special nucleotide is
quence, then transcribes the gene, and finishes added so that ribosomes in the cytoplasm can
after transcribing a short trailer sequence. recognize the correct end of mRNAs, and it
Transcription ends when RNA polymerase probably also prevents the 5 end of mRNAs
reaches a termination signal in the DNA. The from being degraded.
initial product is a pre-mRNA molecule which At the 3 end of maturing mRNAs another
is much longer than the mature mRNA will be. enzyme, called polyadenylase, adds a string of
adenine nucleotides. Polyadenylase actually
mRNA Processing in Eukaryotes recognizes a special signal in the trailer se-
Pre-mRNAs must be processed before they quence, at which it cuts and then adds the
can leave the nucleus and be translated at a ri- adenines. The result is what is called a poly-A
bosome. Three separate series of reactions play tail. Initially geneticists did not understand the
a part in producing a mature mRNA: (1) intron function of poly-A tails, but now it appears that
removal and exon splicing, (2) 5 capping, and they protect mRNAs from enzymes in the cyto-
(3) addition of a poly-A tail. Not all transcripts plasm that could break them down. Essentially,
require all three modifications, but most do. poly-A tails are the main reason mRNAs in eu-
The reason pre-mRNAs are much longer karyotes survive so much longer than mRNAs
than their respective mature mRNAs has to do in prokaryotes.
with the structure of genes in the DNA. The Once the modifications have been com-
coding sequences of almost all eukaryotic pleted, mRNAs are ready to be exported from
genes are interrupted with noncoding regions. the nucleus and will now travel through nu-
The noncoding regions are called introns, be- clear pores and enter the cytoplasm, where
cause they represent intervening sequences, awaiting ribosomes will translate them, using
and the coding regions are called exons. For an the RNA code to build polypeptides.
mRNA to be mature it must have all the introns
removed and all the exons spliced together Transcription and Disease
into one unbroken message. Special RNA/pro- Ordinarily transcription works like a well-
tein complexes called small nuclear ribonucle- oiled machine, and only the right genes are
oprotein particles, or snRNPs (pronounced as transcribed at the right time so that just the
snurps by geneticists), carry out this pro- right amount of protein product is produced.
cess. The RNAs in the snRNPs are called small Unfortunately, due to the great complexity of
nuclear RNAs or snRNAs. Several snRNPs the system, problems can occur that lead to dis-
grouped together form a functional splicing ease. It has been estimated that about 15 per-
unit called a spliceosome. Spliceosomes are cent of all genetic diseases may be due to im-
able to recognize short signal sequences in pre- proper intron removal and exon splicing in
mRNA molecules that identify the boundaries pre-mRNA molecules. Improper gene expres-
of introns and exons. When a spliceosome has sion accounts for many other diseases, includ-
found an intron, it binds correctly, and through ing many types of cancer.
formation of a lariat-shaped structure, it cuts Beta-thalassemia, a genetic disorder causing
RNA Transcription and mRNA Processing 685

Cooleys anemia, is caused by a point mutation Overexpression can occur when there is a
(a change in a single nucleotide) that changes mutation in one of the control regions up-
a cutting and splicing signal. As a result, the ma- stream from a gene. For example, a mutation in
ture mRNA has an extra piece of intron, mak- the promoter sequence could cause a tran-
ing the mRNA longer and causing a reading scription factor, and thus RNA polymerase, to
frame shift. A reading frame shift causes every- bind more easily, leading to higher transcrip-
thing from the mutation forward to be skewed, tion rates. Other control regions, such as en-
so that the code no longer codes for the correct hancer sequences, often far removed from the
amino acids. Additionally, as in the case of gene itself, may also affect transcription rates.
Cooleys anemia, a reading frame shift often in- Anything that causes the transcription pro-
troduces a premature stop codon. The gene in- cess to go awry will typically have far-reaching
volved codes for the beta chain of hemoglobin, consequences. Geneticists are just beginning
the protein that carries oxygen in the blood, to understand some of the underlying errors
and this mutation results in a shortened poly- behind a host of genetic diseases, and it should
peptide that does not function properly. be no surprise that some of them involve how
A single point mutation in a splicing site can genes are transcribed. Knowing what the prob-
have even more far-reaching consequences. In lem is, unfortunately, does not usually point to
2000, researchers in Italy discovered an individ- workable solutions. When the primary prob-
ual who was genetically male (having one X lem is an excessive rate of transcription, spe-
and one Y chromosome) but was phenotypi- cially designed antisense RNA molecules (RNA
cally female. She had no uterus or ovaries and molecules that are complementary to mRNA
only superficial external female anatomy, mak- molecules) might be designed that will bind to
ing her a pseudohermaphrodite. This condi- the overexpressed mRNAs and disable them.
tion can be caused by defects either in andro- This approach is still being tested. In the case of
gen production or in the androgen receptor. point mutations that derail the cutting and
In this case, the defect was a simple point mu- splicing process, the only solution may be gene
tation in the androgen receptor gene that led therapy, a technique still not considered tech-
to one intron being retained in the mature nically possible and not expected to be feasible
mRNA. Within the intron was a stop codon, for some time to come.
which meant when the mRNA was translated, Bryan Ness
a shorter, nonfunctional polypeptide was See also: Ancient DNA; Antisense RNA;
formed. The subject did show a very small re- Cancer; Chromosome Structure; DNA Isola-
sponse to androgen, so apparently some of the tion; DNA Repair; DNA Replication; DNA
pre-mRNAs were being cut and spliced cor- Structure and Function; Genetic Code; Ge-
rectly, but not enough to produce the normal netic Code, Cracking of; Molecular Genetics;
male phenotype. Noncoding RNA Molecules; One Gene-One
The same kinds of mutations as those dis- Enzyme Hypothesis; Protein Structure; Protein
cussed above can lead to cancer, but muta- Synthesis; Pseudohermaphrodites; Repetitive
tions that change the level of transcription of DNA; RNA Isolation; RNA Structure and Func-
proto-oncogenes can also lead to cancer. Proto- tion; RNA World.
oncogenes are normal genes involved in regu-
lating the cell cycle, and when these genes are Further Reading
overexpressed they become oncogenes (cancer- Hampsey, Michael. Molecular Genetics of the
causing genes). Overexpression of proto- RNA Polymerase II General Transcriptional
oncogenes leads to overexpression of other Machinery. Microbiology and Molecular Biol-
genes, because many proto-oncogenes are ogy Reviews 62, no. 2 (1998): 465-503. Over-
transcription factors, signal proteins that inter- view of the role of RNA polymerase II.
act with molecules controlling intracellular Latchman, David S. Transcription-Factor Mu-
growth and growth factors released by cells to tations and Disease. The New England Jour-
stimulate other cells to divide. nal of Medicine 334 (1996): 28-33. A general
686 RNA World

overview of the kinds of diseases caused by The Central Dogma and the Modern
mutations in transcription factor genes. In- Genetic World
cludes an overview of potential treatments. Soon after the discovery of the double-helical
Macfarlane, W. M. Transcription. Journal of structure of DNA in 1953 by James Watson and
Clinical Pathology: Molecular Pathology 53 Francis Crick, Crick proposed an idea regard-
(2000): 1-7. A general introduction with an ing information flow in cells that he called the
emphasis on transcription factors and their central dogma of molecular biology. Crick
role in transcription. correctly predicted that in all cells, informa-
Ptashne, Mark, and Alexander Gann. Genes and tion flows from DNA to RNA to protein. DNA
Signals. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold was known to be the genetic material, the li-
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2002. A brary of genetic information, and it had been
nice overview of transcription and related clear for some time that the enzymes that actu-
topics, readable by advanced high school ally did the work of facilitating chemical reac-
students and undergraduates. tions were invariably protein molecules. The
Shatkin, Aaron J., and James L. Manley. The discovery of three classes of RNA during the
Ends of the Affair: Capping and Polyade- 1960s seemed to provide the link between the
nylation. Nature Structural Biology 7, no. 10 DNA instructions and the protein products.
(2000): 838-842. In the modern genetic world, cells contain
White, Robert J. Gene Transcription: Mechanisms three classes of RNA that act as helpers in the
and Control. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2001. synthesis of proteins from information stored
An in-depth look at all aspects, including in DNA, a process called translation. A messen-
regulation, of transcription. Aimed mostly at ger RNA (mRNA) is transcribed from a seg-
upper undergraduate students, but begins ment of DNA (a gene) that contains informa-
with the basics. tion about how to build a particular protein
and carries that information to the cellular site
of protein synthesis, the ribosome. Ribosomal
RNAs (rRNAs) interacting with many proteins
RNA World make up the ribosome, whose major job is to
coordinate and facilitate the protein-building
Fields of study: Evolutionary biology; procedure. Transfer RNAs (tRNAs) act as de-
Molecular genetics coding molecules, reading the mRNA informa-
Significance: The RNA world is a theoretical time tion and correlating it with a specific amino
in the early evolution of life, during which RNA acid. As the ribosome integrates the functions
molecules played important genetic and enzymatic of all three types of RNA, polypeptides are built
roles that were later taken over by molecules of DNA one amino acid at a time. These polypeptides,
and proteins. Ideas about RNAs ancient func- either singly or in aggregations, can then func-
tions have led to new concepts of the origin of life tion as enzymes, ultimately determining the ca-
and have important implications in the use of pabilities and properties of the cell in which
gene therapy to treat diseases. they act.
While universally accepted, the central
Key term dogma led many scientists to question how this
ribosomal RNA (rRNA): a type of RNA that complex, integrated system came about. It
forms a major part of the structure of the ri- seemed to be a classic chicken and egg di-
bosome lemma: Proteins could not be built without in-
ribosome: an organelle that functions in pro- structions from DNA, but DNA could not rep-
tein synthesis, composed of a large and a licate and maintain itself without help from
small subunit composed of proteins and ri- protein enzymes. The two seemed mutually de-
bosomal RNA molecules pendent upon each other in an inextricable
ribozyme: an RNA molecule that can function way. An understanding of the origins of the
catalytically as an enzyme modern genetic system seemed far away.
RNA World 687

The Discovery of Ribozymes being identified. While perhaps not as dra-

In 1983, a discovery was made that seemed matic as the ribozymes, antisense RNAs, small
so radical it was initially rejected by most of the nuclear RNAs, and a variety of others further
scientific community. Molecular biologists proved the versatility of RNA. While under-
Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman, working in- standing the roles of ribozymes and other un-
dependently and in different systems, an- conventional RNAs is important to the under-
nounced the discovery of RNA molecules that standing of genetic functioning in present-day
possessed catalytic activity. This meant that organisms, these discoveries were more in-
RNA itself can function as an enzyme, obliterat- triguing to many scientists interested in the ori-
ing the idea that only proteins could function gin and evolution of life. In a sense, the exis-
catalytically. tence of ribozymes was a violation of the central
Cech had been working with the protozoan dogma, which implied that information was ul-
Tetrahymena. In most organisms except bacte- timately utilized solely in the form of proteins.
ria, the coding portions of DNA genes (exons) While the central dogma was not in danger of
are interrupted by noncoding sequences (in- becoming obsolete, a clue had been found that
trons), which are transcribed into mRNA but might possibly allow a resolution, at least in the-
which must be removed before translation. ory, to questions about whether the DNA or the
Protein enzymes called nucleases are usually protein came first. The exciting answer: per-
responsible for cutting out the introns and haps neither.
joining together the exons in a process called
splicing. The molecule with which Cech was The RNA World Theory and the
working was an rRNA that contained introns Origin of Life
but could apparently remove them and rejoin Given that RNA is able to store genetic infor-
the coding regions without any help. It was a mation (as it certainly does when it functions as
self-splicing RNA molecule, which clearly indi- mRNA) and the new discovery that it could
cated its enzymatic capability. Altman was work- function as an enzyme, there was no longer any
ing with the enzyme ribonuclease (RNase) P in need to invoke the presence of either DNA or
bacteria, which is responsible for cutting ma- protein as necessities in the first living system.
ture tRNA molecules out of an immature RNA The first living molecule would have to be able
segment. RNase P thus also acts as a nuclease. It to replicate itself without any help, and just
was known for some time that RNase P contains such an RNA replicase has been proposed as
both a protein and an RNA constituent, but the molecule that eventually led to life as it is
Altman was ultimately able to show that it was now known. Like the self-splicing intron of
the RNA rather than the protein that actually Tetrahymena, this theoretical ribozyme could
catalyzed the reaction. have worked on itself, catalyzing its own repli-
The importance of these findings cannot be cation. This RNA would therefore have func-
overstated, and Cech and Altman ultimately tioned as both the genetic material and the rep-
shared the 1989 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for lication enzyme, allowing it to make copies of
the discovery of these RNA enzymes, or ribo- itself without the need for DNA or proteins. Bi-
zymes (joining the terms ribonucleic acid ologist Walter Gilbert coined the term RNA
and enzymes). Subsequently, many ribo- world for this interesting theoretical period
zymes have been found in various organisms, dominated by RNA. Modern catalytic RNAs
from bacteria to humans. Some of them are can be thought of as molecular fossils that re-
able to catalyze different types of reactions, and main from this period and provide clues about
new ones are periodically reported. Ribozymes its nature.
have thus proven to be more than a mere curi- How might this initial RNA have come into
osity, playing an integral role in the molecular being in the first place? Biologist Aleksandr
machinery of many organisms. Oparin predicted in the late 1930s that if sim-
At around the same time as these important ple gases thought to be present in Earths early
discoveries, still other functions of RNA were atmosphere were subjected to the right condi-
688 RNA World

tions (energy in the form of lightning, for ex- without containing any proteins. As proteins
ample), more complex organic molecules began to be synthesized from the information
would be formed. His theory was first tested in in the template RNAs, they slowly began to as-
1953 and was resoundingly confirmed. A mix- sume some of the RNA roles and probably in-
ture of methane, ammonia, water vapor, and corporated themselves into the ribosome to al-
hydrogen gas was energized with high-voltage low it to function more efficiently.
electricity, and the products were impressive: The transition to the modern world would
several amino acids and aldehydes, among not be complete without the introduction of
other organic molecules. Subsequent experi- DNA as the major form of the genetic material.
ments have been able to produce ribonucleo- RNA, while well suited to diverse roles, is actu-
tide bases. It seems reasonable, then, that nu- ally a much less suitable genetic material than
cleotides could have been present on the early DNA for a complex organism (even one only as
Earth and that their random linkage could lead complex as a bacterium). The reason for this is
to the formation of an RNA chain. that the slight chemical differences between
After a while, RNA molecules would have the sugars contained in the nucleotides of RNA
found a way to synthesize proteins, which are and DNA cause the RNA to be more reactive
able to act as more efficient and diverse en- and much less chemically stable; this is good for
zymes than ribozymes by their very nature. Why a ribozyme but clearly bad if the genetic mate-
are proteins better enzymes than ribozymes? rial is to last for any reasonable amount of time.
Since RNA contains only four bases that are Once DNA initially came into existence, there-
fundamentally similar in their chemical prop- fore, it is likely that the relatively complex or-
erties, the range of different configurations ganisms of the time quickly adopted it as their
and functional capabilities is somewhat limited genetic material; shortly thereafter, it became
as opposed to proteins. Proteins are con- double-stranded, which facilitated its replica-
structed of twenty different amino acids whose tion immensely. This left RNA, the originator
functional groups differ widely in terms of of it all, relegated to the status it enjoys today;
their chemical makeup and potential reactivity. molecular fossils exist that uncover its former
It is logical to suppose, therefore, that proteins glory, but it functions mainly as a helper in pro-
eventually took over most of the roles of RNA tein synthesis.
enzymes because they were simply better suited This still leaves the question of how DNA
to doing so. Several of the original or efficient evolved from RNA. At least two protein en-
ribozymes would have been retained, and zymes were probably necessary to allow this
those are the ones that can be observed today. process to begin. The first, ribonucleoside
How could a world composed strictly of diphosphate reductase, converts RNA nucleo-
RNAs, however, be able to begin protein syn- tides to DNA nucleotides by reducing the hy-
thesis? While it seems like a tall order, scientists droxyl group located on the 2 carbon of
have envisioned an early version of the ribo- ribose. Perhaps more important, the enzyme
some that was composed exclusively of RNA. reverse transcriptase would have been neces-
Biologist Harry Noller reported in the early sary to transcribe RNA genomes into corre-
1990s that the activity of the modern ribosome sponding DNA versions. Examples of both of
that is responsible for catalyzing the formation these enzymes exist in the modern world.
of peptide bonds between amino acids is in fact Some concluding observations are in order
carried out by rRNA. This so-called peptidyl- to summarize the evidence that RNA and not
transferase activity had always been attributed DNA was very likely the first living molecule.
to one of the ribosomal proteins, and rRNA No enzymatic activity has ever been attributed
had been envisioned as playing a primarily to DNA; in fact, the 2 hydroxyl group that RNA
structural role. Nollers discovery that the large possesses and DNA lacks is vital to RNAs ability
ribosomal RNA is actually a ribozyme allows to function as a ribozyme. Furthermore, ribose
scientists to picture a ribosome working in is synthesized much more easily than deoxy-
roughly the same way that modern ones do, ribose under laboratory conditions. All mod-
RNA World 689

ern cells synthesize DNA nucleotides from RNA model, another model is now needed to estab-
precursors, and many other players in the cellu- lish the precursor to the RNA world.
lar machinery are RNA-related. Important ex- Apart from origin-of-life concerns, the dis-
amples include adenosine triphosphate (ATP), coveries that led to the RNA world theory are
the universal cellular energy carrier, and a host beginning to have a more practical impact in
of coenzymes such as nicotinamide adenine the fields of industrial genetic engineering and
dinucleotide (NAD), derived from B vitamins medical gene therapy. The unique ability of ri-
and vital in energy metabolism. bozymes to find particular sequences and initi-
ate cutting and pasting at desired locations
Impact and Applications makes them powerful tools. Impressive uses
The discovery of ribozymes and the other in- have already been found for these tools in theo-
teresting classes of RNAs has dramatically al- retical molecular biology and in the genetic en-
tered the understanding of genetic processes at gineering of plants and bacteria. Most impor-
the molecular level and has provided compel- tant to humans, however, are the implications
ling evidence in support of exciting new theo- for curing or treating genetically related dis-
ries regarding the origin of life and cellular evo- ease using this powerful new RNA-based tech-
lution. The RNA world theory, first advanced as nology.
a radical and unsupported hypothesis in the Gene therapy, in general, is based on the
early 1970s, has gained almost universal accep- idea that any faulty, disease-causing gene can
tance by scientists. It is the solution to the evo- theoretically be replaced by a genetically engi-
lutionary paradox that has plagued scientists neered working replacement. While theoreti-
since the discovery and understanding of the cally a somewhat simple idea, in practice it is
central dogma: Which came first, DNA or pro- technically very challenging. Retroviruses may
teins? Since they are inextricably dependent be used to insert DNA into particular target
upon each other in the modern world, the idea cells, but the results are often not as expected;
of the RNA world proposes that, rather than one the new genes are difficult to control or may
giving rise to the other, they are both descended have adverse side effects. Molecular biologist
from RNA, that most ancient of genetic and Bruce Sullenger pioneered a new approach to
catalytic molecules. Unfortunately, the RNA gene therapy, which seeks to correct the ge-
world model is not without its problems. netic defect at the RNA level. A ribozyme can
In the mid- to late 1990s, several studies on be engineered to seek out and replace dam-
the stability of ribose, the sugar portion of aged sequences before they are translated into
ribonucleotides, showed that it breaks down defective proteins. Sullenger has shown that
relatively easily, even in neutral solutions. A this so-called trans-splicing technique can work
study of the decay rate of ribonucleotides at dif- in nonhuman systems and, in 1996, began trials
ferent temperatures also caused some concern to test his procedure in humans.
for the RNA world theory. Most current scenar- Many human diseases could be corrected us-
ios see life arising in relatively hot conditions, ing gene therapy technology of this kind, from
at least near boiling, and the instability of ribo- inherited defects such as sickle-cell disease to
nucleotides at these temperatures would not al- degenerative genetic problems such as cancer.
low for the development of any significant RNA Even pathogen-induced conditions such as ac-
molecules. Ribonucleotides are much more quired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS),
stable at 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahren- caused by the human immunodeficiency virus
heit), but evidence for a low-temperature envi- (HIV), could be amenable to this approach. It
ronment for the origin of life is limited. Conse- is ironic and gratifying that an understanding
quently, some evolutionists are suggesting that of the ancient RNA world holds promise for
the first biological entities might have relied on helping scientists to solve some of the major
something other than RNA, and that the RNA problems in the modern world of DNA-based
world was a later development. Therefore, al- life.
though the RNA world seems like a plausible Matthew M. Schmidt, updated by Bryan Ness
690 RNA World

See also: Ancient DNA; Antisense RNA; left from this historic biological period. Illus-
Chromosome Structure; DNA Isolation; DNA trated (some color).
Repair; DNA Replication; DNA Structure and Hart, Stephen. RNAs Revising Machinery.
Function; Genetic Code; Genetic Code, Crack- Bioscience 46 (May, 1996). A discussion of the
ing of; Molecular Genetics; Noncoding RNA use of ribozymes in gene therapy.
Molecules; One Gene-One Enzyme Hypothe- Horgan, John. The World According to RNA.
sis; Protein Structure; Protein Synthesis; Repet- Scientific American 189 (January, 1996). Sum-
itive DNA; RNA Isolation; RNA Structure and marizes the accumulated evidence that RNA
Function; RNA Transcription and mRNA Pro- molecules once served both as genetic and
cessing. catalytic agents.
Miller, Stanley L. From the Primitive Atmosphere to
Further Reading the Prebiotic Soup to the Pre-RNA World. NASA
De Duve, Christian. The Beginnings of Life on CR-2076334007116722. Washington, D.C.:
Earth. American Scientist 83 (September/ National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
October, 1995). Discusses several scenarios tion, 1996. Miller discusses his famous 1953
regarding RNAs possible involvement in experiment, whereby he produced organic
lifes origins. amino acids from inorganic materials in lab-
Gesteland, Raymond F., Thomas R. Cech, and oratory, igniting a new understanding of
John F. Atkins, eds. The RNA World: The Na- how RNA and DNA work.
ture of Modern RNA Suggests a Prebiotic RNA. Watson, James D., et al. The Molecular Biology of
2d ed. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold the Gene. 5th ed. Menlo Park, Calif.: Ben-
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1999. An jamin Cummings, 2003. Includes a compre-
advanced, detailed look at the theories be- hensive discussion of all aspects of the RNA
hind the RNA world, the evidence for its ex- world.
istence, and the modern fossils that may be
Shotgun Cloning
other samples. A cloned gene can also be in-
Field of study: Genetic engineering and serted into an expression vector where it will
biotechnology produce the genes protein product.
Significance: Shotgun cloning is the random inser- Shotgun cloning begins with the isolation of
tion of a large number of different DNA fragments DNA from the organism of interest. In separate
into cloning vectors. A large number of different re- test tubes, the DNA to be cloned and the cloning
combinant DNA molecules are generated, which vector DNA are digested (cut) with a restriction
are then introduced into host cells, often bacteria, endonuclease that cuts the vector in just one
and amplified. Because a large number of differ- location and the foreign DNA many times. Many
ent recombinant DNAs are generated, there is a restriction endonucleases create single-
high likelihood one of the clones contains a frag- stranded ends that are complementary, so the
ment of DNA of interest. end of any DNA molecule cut with that endo-
nuclease can join to the end of any other DNA
Key terms cut with the same endonuclease. When the di-
cloning vector: a plasmid or virus into which gested vector and foreign DNA are mixed, they
foreign DNA can be inserted to amplify the join randomly and are then sealed using DNA
number of copies of the foreign DNA ligase, an enzyme that seals the small gap be-
marker: a gene that encodes an easily detected tween two pieces of DNA. This creates recombi-
product that is used to indicate that foreign nant DNA molecules composed of a copy of the
DNA is in an organism vector and a random copy of foreign DNA. The
recombinant DNA: a novel DNA molecule recombinant DNA molecules are then intro-
formed by the joining of DNAs from differ- duced into host cells where the cloning vector
ent sources can replicate each time the cell divides, which is
restriction endonuclease: an enzyme that approximately every twenty minutes in the case
recognizes a specific nucleotide sequence in of Escherichia coli. The resulting collection of
a piece of DNA and causes cleavage of the clones, each containing a potentially different
DNA; often simply called a restriction en- fragment of foreign DNA, called a genomic li-
zyme brary. If a large collection of clones is produced,
it is likely that every part of the genome from
Recombinant DNA Cloning and Shotgun which the DNA came will be represented some-
Cloning where in the genomic library.
Before the development of recombinant The presence of the cloning vector in host
DNA cloning, it was very difficult to study DNA cells is determined by selecting for a marker
sequences. Cloning a DNA fragment allows a gene in the cloning vector. Most vectors have
researcher to obtain large amounts of that spe- two marker genes, and often both are different
cific DNA sequence to analyze without inter- antibiotic resistance genes. A common exam-
ference from the presence of other DNA se- ple is the plasmid pBR322, which has a tetracy-
quences. There are many uses for a cloned cline and an ampicillin resistance gene. A re-
DNA fragment. For example, a DNA fragment striction endonuclease cuts once somewhere
can be sequenced to determine the order of in the tetracycline resistance gene, and if a
its nucleotides. This information can be used foreign DNA fragment becomes incorporated,
to determine the location of a gene and the the resulting recombinant plasmid will have a
amino acid sequence of the genes protein nonfunctional tetracycline resistance gene. A
product. Cloned pieces of DNA are also useful bacterial cell transformed with a recombinant
as DNA probes. Because DNA is made of two plasmid will therefore be resistant to ampicil-
strands that are complementary to each other, lin, but will be sensitive to tetracycline. Many
a cloned piece of DNA can be used to probe for plasmids will not incorporate any foreign DNA
copies of the same or similar DNA sequences in and will be nonrecombinant. Cells that are
692 Sickle-Cell Disease

transformed with a nonrecombinant plasmid See also: cDNA Libraries; Cloning; Cloning
will be resistant to both tetracycline and ampi- Vectors; Genomic Libraries; Genomics; Hu-
cillin. After the bacterial cells have been trans- man Genome Project; Restriction Enzymes.
formed, they are grown on a medium with
ampicillin. The only cells that will survive will Further Reading
be those that have received a plasmid vector. To Glick, Bernard R. Molecular Biotechnology: Princi-
determine which cells have received a recombi- ples and Applications of Recombinant DNA.
nant plasmid, the colonies are carefully trans- Washington, D.C.: ASM Press, 2003. Covers
ferred onto a new medium that has both ampi- the scientific principles of biotechnology
cillin and tetracycline. On this medium, only and gives applications. Color illustrations.
cells with nonrecombinant plasmids will sur- Kreuzer, Helen, and Adrianne Massey. Recombi-
vive. Thus, colonies that grew on the first me- nant DNA and Biotechnology: A Guide for Stu-
dia, but not on the second, contain recombi- dents. 2d ed. Washington, D.C.: ASM Press,
nant plasmids. Cells from these colonies are 2001. For high school level. Gives introduc-
collected and grown, each in a separate tube, tory text and activities to learn the basics of
and these constitute a genomic library. molecular biology and biotechnology.
Once a genomic library has been produced, _______. Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology: A
the DNA fragments contained in it can be Guide for Teachers. 2d ed. Washington, D.C.:
screened and analyzed in various ways. Using ASM Press, 2001. For high school and intro-
the right techniques, specific genes can be ductory college level. Presents a guide to
found, which can then be used in future analy- biotechnolgy with history, applications, sim-
ses and experiments. ple protocols, and exercises.
Micklos, David A, Greg A. Freyer, and David A.
Alternatives to Shotgun Cloning Crotty. DNA Science: A First Course. Cold
In shotgun cloning, many different DNA Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor
fragments from an organism are cloned, and Laboratory Press, 2003. Gives an introduc-
then the specific DNA clone of interest is iden- tion to molecular biology techniques for
tified. The number of clones can be reduced, high school or beginning college students.
making the search easier, if the DNA of interest Includes background text and laboratory
is known to be in a restriction endonuclease procedures.
fragment of a specific size. DNA can be size- Watson, James D., et al. Recombinant DNA. New
selected before cloning using gel electrophore- York: Scientific American Books, 1992. Pro-
sis, in which an electric current carries DNA vides a description of shotgun cloning as
fragments through the pores or openings of well as an overview of many other cloning
an agarose gel. DNA migrates through the gel methods. Full-color illustrations, diagrams,
based on DNA fragment size, with the smaller bibliography, index.
fragments traveling more rapidly than the
larger fragments. DNA of a specific size range
can be isolated from the gel and then used for
cloning. Finally, to clone a piece of DNA known
to code for a protein, scientists can use an
enzyme called reverse transcriptase to make
Sickle-Cell Disease
DNA copies (called a complementary DNA or Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
cDNA) of isolated messenger RNA (mRNA). Significance: Sickle-cell disease is a treatable hered-
The cDNA is then cloned, in a similar manner itary blood disease that occurs mainly among peo-
to that already discussed, to produce what is ple of African, Caribbean, and Mediterranean de-
called a cDNA library. One of the advantages of scent, which has led to concerns, particularly in
this approach is that the number of clones is the United States, that it might be used as a surro-
greatly reduced. gate for discrimination against particular racial
Susan J. Karcher, updated by Bryan Ness groups. It is one of the most well documented exam-
Sickle-Cell Disease 693

ples of an evolutionary process known as

heterozygote advantage, an important
means by which genetic variability is pre-

Key terms
hemoglobin: a molecule made up of
two alpha and two beta amino acid
chains whose precise chemical and
structural properties normally al-
low it to bind with oxygen in the
lungs and transport it to other parts
of the body
heterozygous: having two different Image not available
forms (alleles) of the same gene
(locus), each inherited from a dif-
ferent parent
homozygous: having the same allele
from both parents

Genetics and Early Research

Sickle-cell disease, also known as
sickle-cell anemia, is a hereditary blood
disease found primarily among peo-
ple of African, Caribbean, and Medi-
terranean descent. Studies of the inci-
dence of the disease in families led to
recognition that the illness is mani-
fested only in individuals who receive Linus Pauling (right), with George Beadle, c. 1952. (California Insti-
the sickle-cell allele from both par- tute of Technology)
ents. In most circumstances, individu-
als who inherit the sickle-cell allele
from only one parent display no symptoms of the normal amino acid sequence of hemoglo-
the disease; however, they are carriers of the bin that interferes with its binding properties.
sickle-cell gene and may pass it on to their chil- Three years later, while working with an-
dren. other graduate student, Harvey Itano, Pauling
In 1910, James B. Herrick, a Chicago phy- isolated normal hemoglobin and sickle-cell he-
sician, first described the characteristically moglobin from an individual with anemia us-
sickle or bent appearance of the red blood ing a technique known as electrophoresis.
cells after which the disease is named in blood They conducted this investigation by loading
taken from an anemic patient. In the mid- hemoglobin onto a paper medium and subject-
1930s, Linus Pauling, working with graduate ing it to an electrical current, the presumption
student Charles Coryell, demonstrated that being that if the two molecules differed in over-
hemoglobin undergoes a dramatic structural all electrical charge, one would migrate along
change as it combines and releases oxygen. the path of the current faster than the other. In
Upon learning that red blood cells from sickle- this way, Pauling and Itano established that
cell disease patients only assume their charac- normal and sickle-cell hemoglobins differ in
teristic form in the oxygen-deprived venous their respective electrical charges, and people
blood system, Pauling proposed in 1949 that who are heterozygous for the sickle-cell gene
sickle-cell disease was the result of a change in have hemoglobin of both types.
694 Sickle-Cell Disease

In the mid-1950s, Vernon Ingram ap- Physiological Basis, Symptoms, and

proached the problem using a more sophisti- Treatments
cated version of Paulings procedure. Ingram This substitution of lysine for glutamic acid
first treated hemoglobin of the two types with in the beta chain of the hemoglobin molecule
an enzyme (trypsin) that broke the complex has a profound effect on its biological proper-
hemoglobin molecules into smaller polypep- ties under conditions of oxygen deprivation.
tides and then used electrophoretic techniques Hemoglobin coded for by the sickle-cell gene
on the resulting polypeptides to determine causes the beta chains of the hemoglobin to
precisely where in their respective amino acid stick to one another as long, rigid rods and con-
sequences the two hemoglobins differed from sequently deforms the normally smooth, donut-
one another. Ingram was able to show that nor- shaped appearance of the red blood cell to a
mal and sickle-cell hemoglobin differ by only a characteristic sickle shape that prevents it from
single amino acid out of a total of more than squeezing through tiny blood capillaries.
three hundred: Where the normal hemoglobin Symptoms of the disease appear about six
gene codes for glutamic acid in the sixth posi- months after birth, when the last of fetal hemo-
tion of the beta-globin, the sickle-cell gene sub- globin, a type of hemoglobin that increases
stitutes another amino acid (usually lysine). In- the oxygen supply of blood, leaves the infants
grams work provided proof of Paulings earlier body. The severity of the illness varies widely
proposal, making sickle-cell disease the very among individuals. Some develop severe ane-
first example of a genetic disease being traced mia as deformed red blood cells are removed
to its precise origin at the molecular level. more rapidly from the bloodstream (an aver-
age life of seventeen versus
forty days). They may also expe-
rience periodic bouts of severe
Sickle-Cell Anemia
pain (pain crises), strokes, and
blindness, all thought to be the
direct result of sickled cells clog-
ging blood vessels and thereby
depriving tissues of oxygen. Het-
erozygous carriers of the gene
normally display no symptoms,
although some have been known
to become ill under extreme cir-
cumstances, such as high alti-
A great deal of progress has
been made in the diagnosis and
treatment of sickle-cell disease.
This includes both a variety of
pain management therapies and
the use of antibiotics such as pen-
icillin to prevent infections. Al-
though there is no cure, several
promising experimental thera-
pies for this disease are under in-
vestigation, including the use of
bone marrow transplants (trans-
plants of the mast cells that give
The red blood cells are sickle-shaped rather than round, which causes blockage of rise to red blood cells from peo-
capillaries. (Hans & Cassidy, Inc.) ple not having the disease) and
Sickle-Cell Disease 695

hydroxyurea, a chemical thought to stimulate when the red cells of people who are hetero-
the production of fetal hemoglobin. zygous for the sickle-cell gene are invaded by
Attention to and funding for research on the malarial parasite, the red cells adhere to
sickle-cell disease has increased since World blood vessel walls, become deoxygenated, and
War II, although misinformation about the dis- assume the sickled shape, prompting both
ease persists. Many have raised concerns that their destruction and that of their parasitic
carriers of the disease are discriminated against, invader. This provides the heterozygous car-
both by potential employers and insurance com- rier with a natural resistance to malaria and
panies. Several organizations were established explains the relatively high frequency of the
in the United States in the early 1970s to pro- sickle-cell gene in such environments. Sickle-
mote education, treatment, and research for cell disease thus represents a particularly well-
the disease, including Howard Universitys Cen- documented example of a selective process
ter for Sickle-Cell Disease, founded by Ronald known as heterozygote advantage, in which in-
B. Scott in 1972. Today, forty U.S. states, the dividuals heterozygous for a given gene have a
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Vir- greater probability of surviving or reproducing
gin Islands, were screening newborns for the than either homozygote. This is an important
sickle-cell trait. phenomenon from an evolutionary standpoint
because it provides a mechanism by which ge-
Evolutionary Significance netic diversity in a population may be pre-
In most cases, hereditary diseases with such served.
negative consequences as those associated with David Wijss Rudge
sickle-cell disease are kept at low frequencies in See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil-
populations by natural selection; that is, indi- lus Sampling; Biopharmaceuticals; Genetic En-
viduals who carry genes for hereditary diseases gineering; Genetic Screening; Genetic Testing;
are less likely to survive and reproduce than Hardy-Weinberg Law; Incomplete Dominance;
those who carry the normal form of the gene. Mutation and Mutagenesis; RFLP Analysis;
The continued presence of defective genes in a Shotgun Cloning.
population therefore reflects the action of
chance mutations. Yet the sickle-cell gene is Further Reading
much more common than one would expect if Allison, Anthony. Sickle Cells and Evolution.
its frequency in a population was caused by mu- Scientific American 202 (August, 1956). An
tation alone. early discussion of sickle-cell disease as an
In some areas that are associated with a high evolutionary phenomenon.
incidence of malaria, such as the equatorial Anionwu, Elizabeth N., and Karl Atkin. The Poli-
belt of Africa, some tribes have been found to tics of Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia. Philadel-
have frequencies of the sickle-cell gene as high phia: Open University Press, 2001. Discus-
as 40 percent. This curious correlation be- sion centers on the experiences of patients
tween high frequencies of the sickle-cell gene and their families. Bibliography, index.
and areas where malaria is common led An- Ingram, Vernon M. How Do Genes Act? Scien-
thony C. Alison to suggest, in 1953, that the tific American 204 (January, 1958). Summa-
sickle-cell gene provides an advantage in such rizes authors research on the amino acid
environments. Malaria is a deadly, mosquito- structure of hemoglobin.
borne disease caused by a microscopic para- Serjeant, Graham R., and Beryl E. Serjeant.
site, Plasmodium vivax, which uses human red Sickle Cell Disease. 3d ed. New York: Oxford
blood cells as hosts for part of its life cycle. University Press, 2001. Discusses the biology
People who have normal hemoglobin are vul- of sickle-cell disease and the diseasess man-
nerable to the disease, and people who are ho- agement. Illustrations, maps, bibliography,
mozygous for the sickle-cell gene in malaria- index.
infested regions die quite early in life because Steinberg, Martin H., et al., eds. Disorders of He-
of anemia and other complications. However, moglobin: Genetics, Pathophysiology, and Clini-
696 Signal Transduction

cal Management. Foreword by H. Franklin ing. The protein products of these genes allow cells
Bunn. New York: Cambridge University to communicate with each other in order to coordi-
Press, 2001. Covers the diseases molecular nate their metabolism, movements, and reproduc-
and genetic bases, their epidemiology and tion. Failure of cells to communicate properly can
genetic selection, and their diagnoses and lead to cancer, defects in embryological develop-
treatments. Illustrations (some color), bibli- ment, and many other disorders.
ography, index.
Tapper, Melbourne. In the Blood: Sickle Cell Ane- Key terms
mia and the Politics of Race. Philadelphia: Uni- cell cycle: the orderly sequence of events by
versity of Pennsylvania Press, 1999. Explores which a cell grows, duplicates its chromo-
anthropological, genetic, medical, and po- somal DNA, and partitions the DNA into two
litical texts, and other discourses on race, to new cells
discuss how the disease has come to be cell signaling: communication between cells
known as a black disease since its medical that occurs most commonly when one cell
identification in 1910. Index. releases a specific signaling molecule that
Wailoo, Keith. Dying in the City of the Blues: Sickle is received by another cell
Cell Anemia and the Politics of Race and Health. receptors: molecules in target cells that bind
Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina specifically to a particular signaling mole-
Press, 2001. Examines medical literature, pa- cule
tient accounts, black newspapers, blues lyr- target cell: the cell that receives and re-
ics, and other popular sources, and discusses sponds to a signaling molecule
how individuals made sense of and lived with
the disease, even before its medical and sci- Signal Transduction Pathways
entific recognition. Illustrations, bibliogra- Signal transduction can occur by a number
phy, index. of different, often complex, sequences of mo-
lecular events called signal transduction path-
Web Sites of Interest ways, which result in several kinds of target cell
Dolan DNA Learning Center, Your Genes Your response, including the turning on of genes,
Health. http://www.ygyh.org. Sponsored by the activation of metabolic pathways, and ef-
the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this fects on the cell cycle. Among the signaling
site, a component of the DNA Interactive molecules found in higher organisms are hor-
Web site, offers information on more than a mones, local mediators that produce local
dozen inherited diseases and syndromes, in- physiological effects, growth factors that act lo-
cluding sickle-cell disease. cally to promote growth, and survival factors
Sickle Cell Information Center. http://www that act locally to repress cell suicide (apopto-
.scinfo.org. This site provides news and re- sis). Growth factors and survival factors are par-
search updates, worldwide resource links, ticularly important during embryological de-
and an interactive link for children. velopment, when they orchestrate the changes
in cell types, positions, and numbers that give
rise to the new organism.

Types of Receptors
Signal Transduction Most signal transduction pathways begin
with the binding of signaling molecules to spe-
Field of study: Molecular genetics cific receptors in target cells. Signaling mole-
Significance: Signal transduction consists of all of cules are often referred to as receptor ligands.
the molecular events that occur between the arrival The binding of the ligand to its receptor initi-
of a signaling molecule at a target cell and its re- ates a signal transduction pathway. A cell can
sponse. A significant proportion of the genome in respond to a particular signaling molecule only
animals consists of genes involved in cell signal- if it possesses a receptor for it.
Signal Transduction 697

Receptors are protein molecules. There are not previously producing. The hormone hy-
two categories of them, based on location in drocortisone, for example, triggers the synthe-
the cell: receptors that are intracellular and re- sis of the enzymes aminotransferase and
ceptors that are anchored in the cells surface tryptophan oxygenase. A single hormone such
membrane. The membrane-anchored recep- as hydrocortisone can turn on synthesis of two
tors can be further divided based on the steps or more proteins if each of the genes for the
of the signal transduction pathway that they ini- proteins contains an HRE. In some cases, when
tiate: receptors that bind to and activate GTP- hormone-receptor complexes bind to an HRE,
binding proteins (G proteins), receptors that they suppress transcription rather than pro-
are enzymes, and receptors that are ion chan- mote it.
nels. Receptors that are channels bind neuro-
transmitters or hormones and increase or de- G Protein-Binding Receptors
crease the flow of specific ions into the cell, Many hormones, growth factors, and other
leading to a physiological response by the cell. signaling molecules bind to membrane recep-
These receptors generally do not have a direct tors that can associate with and activate hetero-
effect on gene expression (although changes trimeric G proteins when a signaling mole-
in a cells calcium ion concentrations can influ- cule is bound to the receptor. Heterotrimeric G
ence gene expression). Each of the other re- proteins are a family of proteins that are pres-
ceptor types stands at the head of a signal ent on the cytoplasmic surface of the cell mem-
transduction pathway that is characteristic for brane. Many cell types in the body contain one
each receptor type and can lead to gene expres- or more of these family members, and differ-
sion. In what follows, some of the more com- ent cell types contain different ones. All hetero-
mon transduction pathways that can lead to trimeric G proteins are made up of three sub-
gene expression are described. units: the alpha, beta, and gamma subunits.
The alpha subunit has a binding site for GTP
Intracellular Receptors or GDP (hence the name G proteins) and is
Intracellular receptors include the recep- the principal part of the protein that differs
tors for lipid-soluble hormones such as steroid from one heterotrimeric G protein family
hormones. Some of these receptors are in the member to another. When the receptor is
cells cytoplasm and some are in the nucleus. empty (no signal molecule attached), these G
Hormone molecules enter the cell by first dif- proteins have GDP bound to the alpha sub-
fusing across the membrane and then binding unit and the G protein is not bound to the re-
to the receptor. Before the hormones enter the ceptor.
cell, the receptors are attached to chaperone However, when a signaling molecule binds
proteins, which hold the receptor in a configu- to the receptor, the cytoplasmic domain of the
ration that allows hormone binding but pre- receptors changes shape so that it now binds
vents it from binding to DNA. Hormone mole- to the G protein. In binding to the receptor,
cules displace these chaperone molecules, the G protein also changes shape, causing GDP
enabling the receptor to bind to DNA. If the re- to leave and GTP to bind instead. Simulta-
ceptor is a cytoplasmic receptor, the hormone- neously, the alpha subunit detaches from the
receptor complex is first transported into the beta-gamma subunit and both the alpha sub-
nucleus, where it binds to a specific DNA nucle- unit and the beta-gamma subunit detach from
otide sequence called a hormone response ele- the receptor. The alpha subunit or the beta-
ment (HRE) that is part of the promoter of cer- gamma subunit (depending upon the particu-
tain genes. In most cases the receptors bind as lar G-protein family member involved and the
dimers; that is, two hormone-receptor com- cell type) then activates (or with some G-protein
plexes bind to the same HRE. The receptor- family members, inhibits) one of several en-
hormone complex functions as a transcription zymes, most commonly adenylate cyclase or
factor, promoting transcription of the gene phospholipase C. Alternatively, they can open
and production of a protein that the cell was or close a membrane ion channel, altering the
698 Signal Transduction

electrical properties of the cell; for example, cytoplasm (the cytoplasmic domain) has cata-
potassium ion channels in heart muscle cells lytic capability. Binding of a signaling molecule
can be opened by G proteins in response to the to the external domain of the receptor acti-
neurotransmitter acetylcholine. vates the catalytic activity of the cytoplasmic do-
In cases where adenylate cyclase or phospho- main. There are several kinds of catalytic recep-
lipase C is activated, these enzymes catalyze re- tors based on the type of reaction they catalyze;
actions that produce molecules called second these include receptor tyrosine phosphatases,
messengers, which, through a series of steps, receptor guanylate cyclases, receptor serine/
activate proteins that lead to a physiological re- threonine kinases, and receptor tyrosine ki-
sponse (such as contraction of smooth mus- nases. Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) are
cle), a biochemical response (such as glycogen the most common of these.
synthesis) or a genetic response (such as acti- RTKs are the receptors for many growth fac-
vating a gene). tors and at least one hormone. For example,
Activation of adenylate cyclase causes it to they are the receptors for fibroblast growth
catalyze the conversion of adenosine triphos- factor (FGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF),
phate (ATP) to the second messenger cyclic platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), nerve
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which in growth factor (NGF), and insulin. RTKs play a
turn activates a protein called protein kinase A role in regulating many fundamental pro-
which, in some cells, moves into the nucleus cesses, such as cell metabolism, the cell cycle,
and phosphorylates and activates transcription cell proliferation, cell migration, and embry-
factors such as CREB (CRE-binding protein). onic development. In most cases, when a ligand
CREB binds to a specific DNA sequence in binds to this type of receptor, a conformational
the promoter of certain genes called the CRE (shape) change occurs in the receptor so that
(cAMP-response element), as well as to other it binds to another identical receptor-ligand
transcription factors, to activate transcription complex to produce a double or dimeric recep-
of the gene. In other cells, protein kinase A acti- tor. The dimeric receptor then catalyzes a cyto-
vates enzymes or other proteins involved in plasmic reaction in which several tyrosine
physiological or metabolic responses. amino acids in the cytoplasmic domain of the
Activation of phospholipase C catalyzes the receptor itself are phosphorylated. The phos-
breakdown of a glycolipid component of the phorylated tyrosines then function as docking
cell membrane called phosphatidylinositol sites for several other proteins, each of which
bisphosphate (PIP2) into two second messen- can initiate one of the many branches of the
gers, inositol triphosphate (IP3) and diacyl- RTK signal transduction pathway, leading to
glycerol (DAG). DAG activates a protein called the various cell responses. One of the major
protein kinase C (PK-C), which in turn acti- branches of the RTK pathway that in many
vates other proteins, leading to various cell re- cases results in gene expression begins with the
sponses, including, in certain cells of the im- binding of the G protein ras (ras is not one of
mune system, activation of transcription factors the trimeric G proteins discussed above) to the
which turn on genes involved in the bodys im- activated RTK receptor via adapter proteins.
mune response to infection. IP3 causes the re- Binding of ras to the adapter proteins activates
lease of calcium ions stored in the endoplasmic it by allowing it to bind GTP instead of GDP. Ac-
reticulum. These ions bind and activate the tivated ras then phosphorylates the enzyme
protein calmodulin, which activates a variety of MEK, which phosphorylates and activates an
proteins, leading in most cases to a physiologi- enzyme of the MAP kinase family. In cases
cal response in the cell. where this enzyme is MAP kinase itself, the en-
zyme dimerizes, moves into the nucleus, and
Catalytic Receptors activates genes, usually many genes, by phos-
Catalytic receptors are receptors that func- phorylating and activating their transcription
tion as enzymes, catalyzing specific reactions in factors
the cell. The part of the receptor that is in the
Signal Transduction 699

Signal Transduction and the Cell Cycle example would be if the gene for pRB that
The biochemical machinery that produces binds to and inhibits the cyclin E transcription
the cell cycle consists of several cyclins whose factor were mutated such that the pRB could
concentrations rise and fall throughout the cell never bind to the transcription factor; then the
cycle. Cyclins activate cyclin-dependent kinases cell would divide continuously. Mutations in
(cdks), which activate the proteins that carry both ras and pRB are in fact known to cause
out the events of each stage of the cell cycle. In cancer in humans.
higher organisms, control of the cell cycle is Robert Chandler
carried out primarily by growth factors. In the See also: Burkitts Lymphoma; Cancer; Cell
absence of growth factors, many cells will stop Cycle, The; Cell Division; DNA Replication;
at a point in the cell cycle known as the G1 Gene Regulation: Bacteria; Model Organism:
checkpoint and cease dividing. The cell cycle is Saccharomyces cerevisiae; Oncogenes; One Gene-
started when the cells are exposed to a growth One Enzyme Hypothesis; Steroid Hormones;
factor. For example, some growth factors start Tumor-Suppressor Genes.
cell division by binding to a membrane recep-
tor and initiating the RTK/MAP kinase signal
transduction pathway. The activated transcrip- Further Reading
tion factor that results from this pathway acti- Alberts, Bray, et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell.
vates a gene called myc. The protein that is pro- New York: Garland, 2002. A condensed ver-
duced from this gene is itself a transcription sion of one of the standard textbooks in the
factor, which activates the cyclin D gene, which field of cell biology. One chapter contains es-
produces cyclin D, an important component of sential, basic information about signal trans-
the cell cycle biochemical machinery. Cyclin D duction.
activates cyclin-dependent kinase 4 (cdk4), Cell 103, no. 2 (October 13, 2000): 181-320. A
which drives the cell into the G1 phase of the special issue of the journal Cell devoted en-
cell cycle. cdk4 also causes an inhibiting mole- tirely to the topic of cell signaling. The cited
cule called pRB to be removed from a tran- pages contain three minireviews and
scription factor for the cyclin E gene. Cyclin E is eleven reviews of the relatively recent pri-
then produced and activates cyclin-dependent mary literature. A good entry into the pri-
kinase 2 (cdk2), which drives the cell into the S mary literature.
phase of the cell cycle, during which chromo- Gomperts, Kramer, et al. Signal Transduction.
somal DNA is replicated, leading to cell divi- San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press, 2002. Pro-
sion by mitosis. vides comprehensive yet readable coverage
of signal transduction; contains excellent
Signal Transduction and Cancer illustrations and citations of other litera-
Cancer is caused primarily by uncontrolled ture.
cell proliferation. Since many signal transduc- Hoch, James A., and Thomas J. Silhavy, eds.
tion pathways lead to cell proliferation, it is Two-Component Signal Transduction. Washing-
not surprising that defects in these pathways ton, D.C.: ASM Press, 1995. Written for mi-
can lead to cancer. For example, as described crobiologists working in the areas of gene
above, many growth factors promote cell prolif- expression, pathogenesis, and bacterial me-
eration by activating the RTK/MAP kinase sig- tabolism, covers the molecular and cellular
nal transduction pathway. In that pathway a se- biology of a wide variety of two-component
ries of proteins is activated (ras, MAP kinase, signal transduction systems in bacteria. Illus-
and so on). If a mutation occurred in the gene trated.
for one of these, ras for example, such that the Lodish, Harvey, et al. Molecular Cell Biology. New
mutant ras protein is always activated rather York: W. H. Freeman, 2000. One of the stan-
than being activated only when it binds to the dard textbooks in the field of cell biology.
receptor, then the cell would always be dividing Chapter 20 provides detailed information
and cancerous growth could result. Another on signal transduction.
700 Smallpox

History and Symptoms

Smallpox Historically one of the most devastating and
lethal of all human diseases, smallpox is named
Fields of study: Diseases and syndromes; for the small pustules that occur as a rash over
Viral genetics the skin of the victim. Smallpox symptoms in-
Significance: Smallpox is a poxvirus disease of hu- clude a rash that spreads over the entire body,
mans existing in two forms; the more virulent and high fever, chills, aches and pains, and vomit-
frequently lethal form is Variola major, and a ing. The most lethal form, black or hemor-
milder form is Variola minor. Smallpox is very rhagic smallpox, results in death within two to
contagious, requiring strict quarantine measures six days. The fatality rate varies with health and
and aggressive vaccination programs to contain previous exposure of the local population but
and eradicate outbreaks. Although smallpox was ranges from 30 to 90 percent.
eradicated globally in 1977, at least two research Humans have had a long and unfortunate
stocks exist, and there is concern that clandestine- history of association with smallpox. The dis-
held stocks of the virus may be used as weapons of ease apparently originated in India and spread
bioterrorism. westward into the Middle East and Northern
Africa several thousand years ago. An Egyptian
Key terms mummy of the Twentieth Dynasty shows the
bioterrorism: the use of living organisms as characteristic scarring associated with small-
instruments or weapons of terror, such as pox. Warriors returning from the Crusades
the deliberate introduction of smallpox, an- brought the disease back with them. In the fol-
thrax, or other diseases into civilian popula- lowing centuries smallpox became endemic
tions throughout much of Europe and became a rite
poxvirus: any of the family of viruses that pro- of passage for much of the populationthose
duces pustules on the surface of the skin who contracted smallpox and survived were
transmissibility: the rate at which a disease marked by its scars throughout life. In time, the
spreads from primary to secondary cases population built up a partial immunity to the
disease. Smallpox was carried by Europeans to
Definitions the New World and to Australia during the Age
Smallpox is a member of the Poxviridae fam- of Exploration. It was spread to the immuno-
ily of viruses, which are the largest and most logically defenseless Amerindians of North
complex of all known viruses. Poxviruses are America and Aboriginals of Australia with dev-
named for the characteristic rash or pox le- astating effect and may have contributed to the
sions that occur during most infections. The ease of European settlement following the dec-
poxviruses include a number of familiar dis- imation of tribal peoples in both areas, as it
eases such as smallpox, cowpox, rabbitpox, caused widespread death and devastation
sheeppox, and fowlpox. Two subfamilies of among the indigenous populations and was at
poxviruses are recognized based on their hosts. least partly responsible for the depopulation of
The orthopoxvirus subfamily comprises viruses natives in the newly discovered lands. Before its
that affect vertebrates and includes smallpox; eradication, smallpox was endemic through-
the poxviruses of the subfamily parapoxviruses out the world, with major centers of the disease
infect invertebrates, primarily insects. There in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
are two types of variola, the poxvirus that causes
smallpox: Variola major causes the more viru- Genetics of Smallpox
lent and lethal form of smallpox in humans, The poxviruses are the largest and most
and V. minor causes a milder form of smallpox. complex of all the viruses that have so far been
Both varieties infect only humans and mon- identified in animals. The variola virus that
keys. Other names or synonyms for smallpox causes smallpox has a brick-shaped outer enve-
include alastrim, amaas, Kaffir mil pox, West lope and a dumbbell-shaped core that contains
Indian modified smallpox, and para-smallpox. the smallpox genome. The smallpox genome is
Smallpox 701

composed of linear, double-stranded DNA con- pressed. One of the first steps involves the pro-
taining more than two hundred genes. Chem- duction of enzymes that degrade the proteins
ically, the smallpox virion consists of 90 percent of the viral core, which releases the naked viral
protein, 3 percent DNA, and 5 percent lipid. DNA into the cytoplasm. Additional transcrip-
The DNA genome codes for several hundred tion takes place, initially producing structural
polypeptides, including several transcriptases proteins and enzymes, including DNA poly-
responsible for replication of the virus within merase, which promotes the replication of the
the cells of the host. viral DNA. Finally, the late messenger RNA
Replication of smallpox begins when the vi- (mRNA) is transcribed, producing additional
rus attaches to the surface of a host cell. After structural proteins and assembly enzymes that
binding to receptors on the plasma membrane complete virion construction. During viral rep-
of the host cell, the host cell passes the virus lication, most host-cell protein synthesis is
into the cytoplasm by endocytosis. Once inside blocked, because transport of host-cell mRNA
the cell, the virus becomes trapped in a lyso- molecules though the nuclear envelope into
some vesicle in the cytoplasm. The first step in the cytoplasm is prevented.
removing its viral coat probably occurs at this Newly completed virons exit the host cell
stage, as host cell enzymes dissolve the viral en- through microvilli on the cell surface or fuse
velope. The viral core, containing the DNA, with the cell membrane, after which they exit
then exits the lysosome and enters the cyto- the cell by the process of exocytosis. Once in
plasm, where the viral genome can be ex- the tissue, fluids, and bloodstream, the newly

Image not available

A man with advanced smallpox in 1941. (AP/Wide World Photos)

702 Smallpox

released and highly infectious viral particles rash that begins in the mouth and spreads
can invade and replicate in other host cells. across the face, forearms, trunk, and legs. The
rash is first confined to a reddish or purplish
Transmission swelling of the blood vessels but soon becomes
Smallpox is transmitted from one human to pustular as little round nodules appear on the
another, either by direct contact or via droplets surface of the body. If the patient recovers, the
released into the air during sneezing and pustules crust over and the resultant scabs
coughing fits. The virus does not live long out- eventually split, which causes scarring of the
side the human body and does not reproduce face.
outside the human body. No natural animal Death occurs within a few days following the
carriers of variola other than monkeys, which appearance of the rash, most commonly from
are also susceptible, are known for the small- toxemia caused by variola antigens and various
pox disease. In extremely rare cases smallpox is immune complexes circulating in the blood. In
transmitted by carriers that are themselves im- some cases the disease is followed by encephali-
mune to the disease but can transmit the dis- tis. Smallpox fatalities typically occur because
ease to others. Still, only a few droplets settling of complications such as pneumonia, septice-
on another person are sufficient to transmit mia, and nephritis (kidney failure). Survivors
smallpox. Because of the virulence and mode often suffer from general scarring, ulcers, scar-
of transmission, public health regulations spec- ring of the cornea leading to blindness, and
ify decontamination procedures. Living quar- skin abscesses. Treatment of survivors with che-
ters, bedding, clothes, and other articles of in- motherapy has reduced the severity of many of
fected persons must be thoroughly cleansed by these complications.
heat or with formaldehyde, or destroyed alto- The considerably less virulent form of small-
gether. pox, Variola minor, produces a much less severe
illness characterized by fever, chills, and a
Pathogenesis and Symptoms milder rash. The same conditions are some-
Infection occurs when the variola virus en- times seen in patients who have previously
ters the respiratory mucosa of the nasal or pha- been vaccinated or even as a response to vacci-
ryngeal region of the upper respiratory tract of nations.
humans. Apparently, only a few viral particles
are needed to produce an infection. After a few Treatment and Control
hours or a few days, the virus migrates to and in- Despite decades of research, there is no spe-
vades cells in the lymph nodes of the nasopha- cific treatment for smallpox other than bed rest
ryngeal region, where it enters the cells, follow- and application of antibiotics to prevent sec-
ing which rapid reproduction occurs. After a ondary infections. Therefore, only prevention
few days, it enters the bloodstream, a condition of spread by quarantine of infected persons
called viremia. At this time symptoms of small- prevents epidemics. Immediate recognition of
pox appear. The virus spreads into lymph the disease remains the strongest control mea-
nodes, spleen, and bone marrow, where repro- sure, followed by vaccination of all health care
duction continues rapidly. By the eighth day of personnel and others that may come in contact
infection, the virus is contained in white blood with infected persons.
cells or leukocytes, which transmit it to the Widespread and aggressive inoculation pro-
small blood vessels in the dermis of the skin as grams conducted during the first half of the
well as in the mucosa that lines the mouth and twentieth century eradicated smallpox from
pharynx. most regions of the world, including North
Following an incubation period of about two America, Eurasia, and Oceania, largely as a re-
weeks (the range is between seven and seven- sult of the success of the vaccination process
teen days), symptoms appear, including high originally developed by Edward Jenner. By
fever, headache, nausea, malaise, and often 1967 smallpox was found only in thirty-three
backache. Accompanying these symptoms is a countries and had an annual infection rate of
Smallpox 703

10 million to 15 million cases. In that year the would be classed as an international crime, but
World Health Organization (WHO) initiated a prevention of its use is difficult unless all exist-
campaign to eliminate smallpox completely as ing stocks can be identified and destroyed.
a human disease, concentrating in Africa, In- Smallpox is a potential bioterrorism weapon
dia, and Indonesia. The last case of smallpox in because of its transmissibility, its known lethal-
Asia was reported in Bangladesh in 1975 and ity, and the general lack of immunity of much
the last known smallpox victim was recorded in of the global population. Because of its bioter-
Somalia in October, 1977. Eradication was con- rorism potential, research is now centered on
sidered accomplished by 1979. The cost of the rapid identification methods that enable the
eradication campaign was $150 million. early detection of smallpox as well as aggressive
Most researchers conclude that the effective vaccination programs for individuals most at
eradication of smallpox was made possible for risk, who have been identified as health care
several reasons: (1) smallpox cases could be workers. In addition, smallpox vaccinations
quickly and positively identified, (2) there are were reinstated in 2002 for some U.S. military
no natural carriers that serve as disease reser- personnel and some health care workers, es-
voirs, (3) humans were the only carriers, (4) in- sentially those considered at highest risk. The
dividuals who survived did not continue to har- vaccine is made from live but weakened vac-
bor the virus, and (5) the smallpox vaccine cinia virus that is pricked into the skin. The
proved highly effective. characteristic blister scabs over within three
weeks. During this time it is possible to transmit
Recombinant DNA Technology and the virus to other parts of the body and to other
Vaccinia Viruses people. Reactions to the vaccine range from a
Vaccinia viruses can absorb comparatively mild soreness around the vaccination site to
large amounts of foreign DNA without losing more severe effects that may include brain in-
their ability to replicate, giving rise to the idea flammation and a rare and progressive bacterial
that they may provide a vehicle for providing inflammation called vaccinia that is sometimes
immunity for other viral diseases of humans. fatal. For these reasons, mass vaccinations of
One of several ongoing investigations involves the general public have been discouraged.
insertion of 22-25 kilobase pairs into vaccinia. See also: Anthrax; Bacterial Resistance and
Experiments using this technique have pro- Super Bacteria; Biological Weapons; Emerging
duced vaccinia strains that encode surface pro- Diseases; Gene Regulation: Viruses; Heredi-
teins (antigens) of a number of important vi- tary Diseases; Viral Genetics.
ruses, including influenza, hepatitis B, and Dwight G. Smith
herpesvirus. One possible outcome of these re-
combinant DNA experiments is the produc- Further Reading
tion of vaccinia strains that can serve as vac- Anderson, R. M., and R. M. May. Infectious Dis-
cines for several viral diseases simultaneously. eases of Humans: Dynamics and Control. Ox-
ford, England: Oxford University Press,
Smallpox as a Bioterrorism Weapon 1992. Smallpox and other major diseases of
Since its official eradication in 1979, only humans are described and discussed.
two stocks of smallpox officially remain; one Brooks, G. F., J. S. Butel, and S. A. Morse. Medi-
stock is held at the Centers for Disease Control cal Microbiology. 21st ed. Stamford, Conn.:
in Atlanta, Georgia, and the other is kept at Appleton and Lange, 1998. Includes a sum-
VECTOR, Novosibirsk, in central Russia. How- mary of biological and medical properties of
ever, there remains the possibility that clandes- the virus that causes smallpox.
tine stocks still exist, and these stocks may serve Fenner, F., D. A. Henderson, I. Arita, Z. Jezek,
as potential bioterrorism weapons, either to be and I. D. Ladnyi. Smallpox and Its Eradication.
used against military or civilian populations or Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organi-
to be mounted as international threats. The zation Report, 1988. The detailed story of
use of smallpox as a bioterrorism weapon the eradication of smallpox as a disease of
704 Sociobiology

humans from the global scale. Some of this

report is technical, but the effort to eradi- Sociobiology
cate smallpox is thoroughly described.
Miller, Judith, Stephen Engelberg, and William Fields of study: History of genetics; Human
Broad. Germs: Biological Weapons and Amer- genetics and social issues; Population
icas Secret War. New York: Simon & Schuster, genetics
2001. This book, written by three New York Significance: Sociobiology attempts to explain so-
Times reporters, explores the ideas and ac- cial interactions among members of animal species
tions of scientists and politicians involved in from an evolutionary perspective. The application
the past, present, and future of germ war- of the principles of sociobiology to human social be-
fare. Forty-two pages of notes and a select havior initiated severe criticism and accusations
bibliography. of racism and sexism.
Preston, R. The Demon in the Freezer: A True Story.
New York: Random House. 2002. This book, Key terms
available in both print and audio, explores altruism: the capacity of one individual to
the use of smallpox stocks for research and behave in a way that benefits another indi-
evaluates the potential of genetically engi- vidual of the same species at some cost to the
neered smallpox as a weapon of mass de- actor
struction. eusociality: an extreme form of altruism and
U.S. Department of Defense. Twenty-first Cen- kin selection in which most members of the
tury Bioterrorism and Germ Weapons: U.S. Army society do not reproduce but rather feed
Field Manual for the Treatment of Biological and protect their relatives
Warfare Agent Casualties (Anthrax, Smallpox, kin selection: a special type of altruistic be-
Plague, Viral Fevers, Toxins, Delivery Methods, havior in which the benefactor is related to
Detection, Symptoms, Treatment, Equipment). the actor
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of De- reciprocal altruism: a type of altruism in
fense Manual, 2002. Available to the public, which the benefactor may be expected to re-
this is the standard reference manual for turn the favor of the actor
members of the Armed Forces Medical Ser- society: a group of individuals of the same spe-
vices. cies in which members interact in relatively
World Health Organization. Future Research on complex ways
Smallpox Virus Recommended. Geneva, Swit-
zerland: World Health Organization Press, History
1999. This press release emphasizes the need Sociobiology is best known from the works
for smallpox research in light of its potential of Edward O. Wilson, especially his 1975 book
use as a weapon in the bioterrorism arsenal. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. This work both
synthesized the concepts of the field and initi-
Web Sites of Interest ated the controversy over the application of
National Organization for Rare Disorders. sociobiological ideas to humans. However, the
http://www.rarediseases.org. Searchable concepts and methods of sociobiology did not
site by type of disorder. Includes back- start with Wilson; they can be traced to Charles
ground information on smallpox and a list Darwin and others who studied the influence
of related resources. of genetics and evolution on behavior. Socio-
Centers for Disease Control. http://www.bt biologists attempt to explain the genetics and
.cdc.gov/agent/smallpox/index.asp. The evolution of social activity of all types, ranging
CDCs Web page on smallpox includes infor- from flocking in birds and herd formation in
mation on the disease and posts the latest on mammals to more complex social systems such
smallpox vaccines. as eusociality. The new synthesis attempted to
apply genetics, population biology, and evolu-
tionary theory to the study of social systems.
Sociobiology 705

When sociobiological concepts were applied When a reproductively mature acorn wood-
to human sociality, many scientists, especially pecker stays with its parents to help raise the
social scientists, feared a return to scientific next generation, the woodpecker is bypassing
theories of racial and gender superiority. They its own reproduction for one or more years.
rebelled vigorously against such ideas. Wilson Should it not leave home and attempt to set up
was vilified by many of these scientists, and its own nest and hatch its own young? Eusocial
some observers assert that the term socio- species, such as honeybees and naked mole
biology generated such negative responses that rats, actually have many members who never re-
scientists who studied in the field began using produce; they work their entire lives to support
other names for it. At least one scientific jour- and protect a single queen, several reproduc-
nal dropped the word sociobiology from its tive males, and their offspring. It would seem
title, perhaps in response to its negative conno- that all these altruistic situations should pro-
tations. However, the study of sociobiological duce a decrease in the number of members of
phenomena existed in the social branches of the next generation carrying altruistic genes in
animal behavior and ethology long before the favor of more members with selfish genes.
term was coined. Despite the criticism, research Sociobiologists have reinterpreted some of
has continued under the name sociobiology these apparently altruistic acts as camouflaged
as well as other names, such as behavioral selfishness. The barking prairie dog, for exam-
ecology. ple, may be notifying the hawk that it sees the
predator, that it is close to its burrow and can-
Sociobiology and the Understanding of not be caught; therefore, the hawk would be
Altruism better off hunting someone else. Perhaps the
Sociobiologists have contributed to the un- young acorn woodpecker learns enough from
derstanding of a number of aspects of social be- the years of helping to make its fewer reproduc-
havior, such as altruism. Illogical in the face of tive years more successful than its total repro-
evolutionary theory, apparently altruistic acts ductive success without the training period.
can be observed in humans and other animal It is difficult, however, to explain the worker
groups. Darwinian evolution holds that the or- honeybee this way. The worker bee never gets
ganism that leaves the largest number of ma- an opportunity to reproduce. Sociobiologists
ture offspring will have the greatest influence explain this and other phenomena by invoking
on the characteristics of the next generation. kin selection. Since the worker bees are closely
Under this assumption, altruism should disap- related to the queen (as sisters or daughters),
pear from the population as each individual to reproductive males, and to other workers
seeks to maximize its own offspring produc- they help feed and protect, they share a large
tion. If an individual assists another, it uses en- number of genes with them. If they help raise
ergy, time, and material it might have used for enough brothers and sisters (especially males
its own survival and reproduction and simulta- and queens) to more than make up for the off-
neously contributes energy, time, and material spring they do not produce themselves, they
to the survival and reproductive effort of the re- will actually increase the proportion of individ-
cipient. As a result, more members of the next uals similar to themselves more than if they
generation should be like the assisted organ- selfishly reproduced.
ism than like the altruistic one. Should this The prairie dogs behavior might be ex-
continue generation after generation, altruism plained this way as well. The organisms the
would decrease in the population and selfish- prairie dog is warning are primarily relatives.
ness would increase. Yet biologists have cata- By warning them, the prairie dog helps pre-
loged a number of altruistic behaviors. serve copies of its own genes in its relatives. If
When a prairie dog barks, thus warning the cost of the behavior (an occasional barking
others of the presence of a hawk, the prairie prairie dog being captured by a hawk because
dog draws the hawks attention. Should it not the warning call drew the hawks attention) is
just slip into its burrow, out of the hawks reach? more than compensated for by the number of
706 Sociobiology

Image not available

Edward O. Wilsons studies of insect behavior influenced his controversial theories of sociobiology. (AP/Wide World Photos)

relatives saved from the hawk by the warning, argument over the relative importance of he-
kin selection will preserve the behavior. The redity or environment (nature or nurture) in
helper acorn woodpeckers behavior may be determining individual success had been more
explained in similar ways, not as an altruistic or less decided in favor of the environment, at
act but as a selfish act to favor copies of the least by social scientists. Poor people were not
helpers genes in its relatives. Another explana- poor because they were inherently inferior but
tion of altruism set forth by sociobiologists is because the environment they lived in did not
reciprocity or reciprocal altruism: If the prairie give them an equal chance. Black, Hispanic,
dog is sometimes warned by others and returns and other minority people were not inordi-
the favor by calling out a warning when it sees a nately represented among the poor because
predator, the prairie dog town will be safer for they were genetically inferior but because their
all prairie dogs. environment kept them from using their ge-
netic capabilities.
Opposition to the Application of Sociobiologists entered the fray squarely on
Sociobiology to Humans the side of an appreciable contribution from
Wilsons new synthesis attempted to incor- genetic and evolutionary factors. Few, if any,
porate biology, genetics, population biology, said that the environment was unimportant in
and evolution into the study and explanation the molding of racial, gender, and individual
of social behavior. When the analyses turned to characteristics; rather, sociobiologists claimed
human sociality, critics feared that they would that the genetic and evolutionary history of hu-
lead back to the sexist, racist, and determinist man individuals and groups played an impor-
viewpoints of the early twentieth century. The tant role in determining their capabilities, just
Sociobiology 707

as they do in other animals. Few, if any, claimed University Press, 1999. Argues that human
that this meant that one race, gender, or group behavior and cultural production, such as
was superior to another. However, many (if not habits and the making of songs, ideas, and
all) sociobiologists were accused of promoting objects, are memetic. That is, they replicate
racist, sexist, and determinist ideas with their in the form of memes, as do genes, within
application of sociobiological concepts to hu- and between populations. Also argues that
mans. memes serve as the foundation of culture.
Extremists on both sides of the question Bibliography, index.
have confused the issues. Such extremists range Cartwright, John. Evolution and Human Behav-
from opponents of sociobiological ideas who ior: Darwinian Perspectives on Human Nature.
minimize genetic or evolutionary influence on Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2000. Offers
the human cultural condition to sociobiolo- an overview of the key theoretical principles
gists who minimize the role of environmental of human sociobiology and evolutionary
influences. In at least some minds, extremists psychology and shows how they illuminate
in the sociobiological camp have done as much the ways humans think and behave. Argues
damage to sociobiology as its most ardent op- that humans think, feel, and act in ways that
ponents. Sociobiology (by that or another once enhanced the reproductive success of
name) will continue to contribute to the un- our ancestors.
derstanding of the social systems of animals Cronk, Lee. That Complex Whole: Culture and the
and humans. The biological, genetic, and evo- Evolution of Human Behavior. Boulder, Colo.:
lutionary bases of human social systems must Westview Press, 1999. Discusses the links be-
be studied. The knowledge obtained may prove tween behavioral and social scientists, who
to be as enlightening as has sociobiologys con- do not have a basic understanding of the im-
tribution to the understanding of social sys- port of culture on human behavior, and an-
tems in other animals. thropologists, who in turn lack a complete
Carl W. Hoagstrom understanding of evolutionary biology. Bib-
See also: Aggression; Alcoholism; Altruism; liography, index.
Behavior; Biological Clocks; Biological Deter- Cziko, Gary. The Things We Do: Using the Lessons
minism; Criminality; Developmental Genetics; of Bernard and Darwin to Understand the What,
Eugenics; Gender Identity; Genetic Engi- How, and Why of Our Behavior. Cambridge:
neering: Medical Applications; Genetic Engi- MIT Press, 2000. Contrary to the Newton-
neering: Social and Ethical Issues; Genetic inspired idea that humans react to the envi-
Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetic Testing: ronment, Cziko argues that humans are less
Ethical and Economic Issues; Heredity and En- passive and reactive and more active beings,
vironment; Homosexuality; Human Genetics; acting on their environments in order to
Inbreeding and Assortative Mating; Intelli- shape their perceptions of the world. Illus-
gence; Klinefelter Syndrome; Knockout Genet- trations, bibliography, index.
ics and Knockout Mice; Miscegenation and Segerstrle, Ullica. Defenders of the Truth: The
Antimiscegenation Laws; Natural Selection; Battle for Science in the Sociobiology Debate and
Twin Studies; XYY Syndrome. Beyond. New York: Oxford University Press,
2000. Addresses Wilsons Sociobiology and the
Further Reading ensuing debates on determinism versus free
Alcock, John. The Triumph of Sociobiology. Re- will, nature versus nurture, adaptationism
print. New York: Oxford University Press, versus environmentalism, and others. Bibli-
2003. Reviews the history of the controver- ography, index.
sies and debates surrounding Wilsons ideas Van der Dennen, Johan M. G., David Smillie,
on sociobiology. Illustrations, bibliography, and Daniel R. Wilson, eds. The Darwinian
index. Heritage and Sociobiology. Westport, Conn.:
Blackmore, Susan J. The Meme Machine. Fore- Praeger, 1999. Interdisciplinary approach to
word by Richard Dawkins. New York: Oxford Darwins influence on sociobiology, and dis-
708 Speciation

cussions of sociobiological perspectives on and thus potentially able to mate; popula-

war and other forms of conflict, marital rela- tions are the basic unit of speciation
tions, and utopia. Illustrations, bibliography, reproductive isolating mechanism: a char-
index. acteristic that prevents an individual of one
Wilson, Edward O. The Biological Basis of Mo- species from interbreeding (hybridizing)
rality. Atlantic Monthly, April, 1998. Wilson with a member of another species
argues that ethical and moral reasoning species: a class of organisms with common at-
comes not from outside human nature, as tributes; individuals are usually able to pro-
if God-given, but from human nature itself duce fertile offspring only when mating with
in an ever-changing world. members of their own species
_______. On Human Nature. Cambridge, Mass.: sympatric speciation: the genetic divergence
Harvard University Press, 1978. A look at the of populations that are not separated geo-
significance of biology and genetics on how graphically
we understand human behaviors, including
aggression, sex, and altruism and the institu- Species Concepts
tion of religion. Before the time of Charles Darwin, physical
_______. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Cam- appearance was the only criterion for classify-
bridge, Mass.: Belknap Press of Harvard ing an organism. This typological species con-
University Press, 1975. The text that brings cept was associated with the idea that species
together Wilsons theories on the genetic, never change (fixity of species). This way of de-
biological, and evolutionary basis of social fining a species causes problems when males
systems. and females of the same species look different
(as with peacocks and peahens) or when there
Web Site of Interest are several different color patterns among
The Open Directory Project, Sociobiology. members of a species (as with many insects).
http://dmoz.org/science/biology/socio Variability within species, whether it is a visible
biology. Comprehensive list of sites devoted part of their anatomy, an invisible component
to sociobiology, including links to sites cov- of their biochemistry, or another characteristic
ering the science of sociobiology. such as behavior, is an important element in
understanding how species evolve.
The biological species concept uses repro-
duction to define a species. It states that a spe-
cies is composed of individuals that can mate
Speciation and produce fertile offspring in nature. This
concept cannot be used to classify organisms
Field of study: Population genetics such as bacteria, which do not reproduce sexu-
Significance: Speciation, the biological formation ally. It also cannot be used to classify dead speci-
of new species, has produced the wide variety of liv- mens or fossils. This definition emphasizes the
ing things on earth. Although speciation can be uniqueness of each individual (variability) in
caused by other forces or events, natural selection is sexually reproducing species. For example, in
considered the primary mechanism promoting spe- the human species (Homo sapiens), there are
ciation. variations in body build, hair color and texture,
ability to digest milk sugar (lactose), and many
Key terms other anatomical, biochemical, and behavioral
allopatric speciation: the genetic diver- characteristics. All of these variations are the
gence of populations caused by separation result of genetic mutations, or changes in
from each other by a geographic barrier genes.
such as a mountain range or an ocean According to evolutionary scientist Ernst
population: a group of organisms of the same Mayr, to a population thinker, variation is re-
species in the same place at the same time ality and type is an abstraction or average; to a
Speciation 709

typological thinker, variation is an illusion lected by the environment. More recently, it

and type is the reality. Typological thinking is has been recognized that a very small popula-
similar to typecasting or stereotyping, and it tion, or even a founder individual, may be the
cannot explain the actual variability seen in genetic basis of a new species that evolves more
species, just as stereotyping does not recognize rapidly. This process, called genetic drift, is es-
the variability seen in people. Additional defi- sentially random. For example, which member
nitions, such as the evolutionary species con- of an insect species is blown to an island by a
cept, include the continuity of a species genes storm is not determined by genetic differences
through time or other factors not addressed by from other members of the species but by a ran-
the biological species concept. dom event (in this case, the weather). This indi-
vidual (or small number of individuals) is
Isolation and Divergence of Populations highly unlikely to contain all of the genetic di-
Species are composed of unique individuals versity of the entire species. Thus the new pop-
that are nevertheless similar enough to be able ulation begins with genetic differences that
to mate and produce fertile offspring. How- may be enhanced by its new environment. Spe-
ever, individuals of a species are infrequently in ciation proceeds according to the allopatric
close enough proximity to be able to choose a model, but faster. However, extinction of the
mate from all opposite-sex members of the new population may also occur.
same species. Groups of individuals of the same Plants are able to form new species by hy-
species that are at least potential mates because bridization (crossbreeding) more often than
of proximity are called populations. are animals. When plants hybridize, post-
The basic type of speciation in most sexually mating incompatibility between the chromo-
reproducing organisms is believed to be al- somes of the parents and the offspring may im-
lopatric, in which geographic isolation (sepa- mediately create a new, fertile species rather
ration) of the species into two or more pop- than a sterile hybrid, as in animals such as
ulations is followed by accumulation of the mule. A frequent method of speciation in
differences (divergence) between the popula- plants is polyploidy, in which two or more com-
tions that eventually prevent them from inter- plete sets of chromosomes end up in the off-
breeding. These differences are caused pri- spring. (Usually, one complete set is made up
marily by natural selection of characteristics of half of each parents chromosomes.)
advantageous to populations in different envi- Many species reproduce asexually (without
ronments. If both populations were in identical the exchange of genes between individuals that
environments after geographic isolation, they defines sexual reproduction). These include
would be much less likely to diverge or evolve bacteria and some plants, fish, salamanders, in-
into new species. sects, rotifers, worms, and other animals. In
Another type of speciation is sympatric, in spite of the fact that reproductive isolation has
which populations are not separated geograph- no meaning in these organisms, they are spe-
ically, but reproduction between them cannot cies whose chromosomes and genes differ from
occur (reproductive isolation) for some other those of their close relatives.
reason. For example, one population may
evolve a mutation that makes the fertilized egg Impact and Applications
(zygote) resulting from interbreeding with the Environmentalists and scientists recognize
other population incapable of surviving. An- that the biodiversity created by speciation is es-
other possibility is a mutation that changes sential to the functioning of the earths life-sup-
where or when individuals are active so that port systems for humans as well as other spe-
members of the different populations never cies. Some practical benefits of biodiversity
encounter one another. include medicines, natural air and water purifi-
Darwin thought that divergence, and thus cation, air conditioning, and food.
speciation, occurred gradually by the slow ac- The impact of understanding the genetic ba-
cumulation of many small adaptations se- sis of evolving species cannot be underesti-
710 Stem Cells

mated. Artificial selection (in which humans

decide which individuals of a species survive Stem Cells
and reproduce) of plants has produced better
food crops (for example, modern corn from Fields of study: Cellular biology; Human
teosinte) and alleviated hunger in developing genetics and social issues
nations by creating new varieties of existing Significance: Stem cells, which can be manipu-
species (for example, rice). Hybridization of lated to create unlimited amounts of specialized
animals has resulted in mules and beefaloes for tissue, may be used to treat a variety of diseases
the farm (both of which are sterile hybrids and injuries that have destroyed a patients cells,
rather than species). Artificial selection of do- tissues, or organs. Stem cells could also be used to
mesticated animals has produced the many gain a better understanding of how genetics works
breeds of horses, dogs, and cats (each of which in the early stages of cell development and may play
is still technically one species). Genetic engi- a role in the testing and development of drugs.
neering promises to create crops that resist
pests, withstand frost or drought, and contain Key terms
more nutrients. Finally, understanding the ge- adult stem cell: an undifferentiated cell
netics of the evolving human species has broad found among differentiated cells in a tissue
implications for curing disease and avoiding or organ of an adult organism
birth defects. blastocyst: a preimplantation embryo con-
Barbara J. Abraham sisting of a hollow ball of two layers of cells
See also: Artificial Selection; Evolutionary cell differentiation: the process whereby a
Biology; Hardy-Weinberg Law; Hybridization precursor cell produces progeny that are ca-
and Introgression; Lateral Gene Transfer; Nat- pable of expressing a different set of genes
ural Selection; Polyploidy; Population Genet- embryonic stem cell: an undifferentiated cell
ics; Punctuated Equilibrium. derived from the inner cell mass of a blasto-
Further Reading multipotency: the ability of cells to form
Crow, Tim J., ed. The Speciation of Modern Homo progeny that can differentiate into one of
Sapiens. Oxford, England: Oxford University the different types of cells that form the liv-
Press, 2002. Chapters cover sexual selection, ing organism
the question of whether or not Homo sapiens pluripotency: the ability of a cell to give rise
speciate on the Y chromosome, and what the to all the differentiated cell types in an em-
Y chromosome might reveal about the ori- bryo
gin of humans. Illustrations, bibliography. totipotency: the ability of a single cell to ex-
Giddings, L. V., Kenneth Y. Kaneshiro, and press the full genome in the cells to which it
Wyatt W. Anderson, eds. Speciation, and the gives rise by cell division
Founder Principle. General principles of speci-
ation among both plants and animals, with Types of Stem Cells
emphasis on the founder principle, covered Stem cells are defined by their ability to re-
by seventeen intertionally known geneti- new themselves, their lack of differentiation,
cists. and their ability to diversify into other cell
Mayr, Ernst. One Long Argument: Charles Darwin types. There are three major classes of stem
and the Genesis of Modern Evolutionar y cells: totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent.
Thought. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univer- Totipotent cells can differentiate to become all
sity Press, 1991. Includes a chapter (How of the cells that make up an embryo, all of the
Species Originate) that points out that Dar- extraembryonic tissues, and all of the post-
wins explanation of speciation was limited embryonic tissues and organs. Pluripotent cells
by his lack of understanding of the origin of have the potential to become almost all of the
genetic variation (mutation and recombina- tissues found in an embryo but are not capable
tion). Illustrations, bibliography, index. of giving rise to supporting cells and tissues.
Stem Cells 711

Multipotent cells are specialized stem cells ca- Behavior in Cell Culture
pable of giving rise to one class of cells. During the 1980s researchers first estab-
A fertilized egg, or zygote, is totipotent. The lished in vitro culture conditions that allowed
zygote first divides into two cells about one day embryonic stem cells to divide without differ-
after fertilization and becomes an embryo. The entiating. Embryonic stem cells are relatively
embryonic cells remain totipotent for about easy to grow in culture but appear to be geneti-
four days after fertilization. At that point, the cally unstable; mice cloned from embryonic
embryo consists of about eight cells. As the cells stem cells by nuclear transfer suffered many ge-
of the embryo continue to divide, they form a netic defects as a result of the genetic instability
hollow sphere. The approximately fifty to one of the embryonic stem cells. As embryonic
hundred cells on the inner side of the sphere stem cells divide in culture, they lose the tags
are pluripotent and will continue developing that tell an imprinted gene to be either turned
to form the embryo, while the cells on the on or turned off during development. Re-
outer surface will give rise to the extraembry- searchers have found that even clones made
onic tissues, such as the placenta and the um- from sister stem cells show differences in their
bilical cord. gene expression. However, these genetic
Multipotent stem cells are found in a variety changes, while having defined roles in fetal de-
of tissues in adult mammals and are sometimes velopment, may have little significance in ther-
referred to as adult stem cells. They are special- apeutic uses, because the genes involved do not
ized stem cells that are committed to giving rise serve a critical role in adult differentiated cells.
to cells that have a particular function.
Identities of some multipotent stem
cells have been confirmed. Hemato-
poietic stem cells give rise to all the
types of blood cells. Mesenchymal stem
cells in the bone marrow give rise to a
variety of cell types: bone cells, carti-
lage cells, fat cells, and other kinds of
connective tissue cells such as those in
tendons. Neural stem cells in the brain
give rise to its three major cell types:
nerve cells (neurons) and two catego-
ries of nonneuronal cells, astrocytes
and oligodendrocytes. Skin stem cells
occur in the basal layer of the epider- Image not available
mis and at the base of hair follicles.
The epidermal stem cells give rise to
keratinocytes, which migrate to the
surface of the skin and form a protec-
tive layer. The follicular stem cells can
give rise to both the hair follicle and
the epidermis.
Stem cells in adult mammalian tis-
sues are rare and difficult to isolate.
There is considerable debate concern-
ing the plasticity of stem cells in adults.
Plasticity is the ability of multipotent
cells to exhibit pluripotency, such as
the capacity of hematopoietic stem Embryonic stem cells in laboratory bottles, 2001. (AP/Wide World
cells to differentiate into neurons. Photos)
712 Stem Cells

Image not available

Paraplegic protesters in Washington, D.C., staged this mock hanging in the balance in April, 2002, to dramatize the need for em-
bryonic stem cell research and to urge Congress to allow it. Embryonic stem cell research was subsequently limited to an existing num-
ber of cell lines already being investigated. (AP/Wide World Photos)

Unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells other major research thrust has been for thera-
do not divide prolifically in culture. When these peutic uses. Stem cell therapy has been limited
stem cells do divide in culture, their division is almost exclusively to multipotent stem cells ob-
unlike that of most cells. Generally, when a cell tained from umbilical cord blood, bone mar-
divides in culture, the two daughter cells pro- row, or peripheral blood. These stem cells are
duced are identical in appearance as well as in most commonly used to assist in hematopoietic
patterns of gene expression. However, when (blood) and immune system recovery follow-
stem cells divide in culture, at least one of the ing high-dose chemotherapy or radiation ther-
daughter cells retains its stem cell culture while apy for malignant and nonmalignant diseases
the other daughter cell is frequently a transit such as leukemia and certain immune and ge-
cell destined to produce a terminally differenti- netic disorders. For stem cell transplants to suc-
ated lineage. The genes expressed in a stem ceed, the donated stem cells must repopulate
cell and a transit cell are significantly different. or engraft the recipients bone marrow, where
Therefore a culture of adult stem cells may be- they will provide a new source of essential
come heterogeneous in a short time. blood and immune system cells.
In addition to the uses of stem cells in cancer
Potential Therapeutic Issues treatment, the isolation and characterization of
Although stem cells have significant use as stem cells and in-depth study of their molecular
models for early embryonic development, an- and cellular biology may help scientists under-
Stem Cells 713

stand why cancer cells, which have certain prop- missing or necessary protein is introduced into
erties of stem cells, survive despite very aggres- an organ for a therapeutic effect. One of the
sive treatments. Once the cancer cells ability to most difficult problems in gene therapy studies
renew itself is understood, scientists can develop has been the loss of expression (or insufficient
strategies for circumventing this property. expression) following introduction of the gene
Research efforts are under way to improve into more differentiated cells. Introduction of
and expand the use of stem cells in treating and the gene into stem cells to achieve sufficient
potentially curing human diseases. Possible long-term expression would be a major ad-
therapeutic uses of stem cells include treat- vance. In addition, the stem cell is clearly a
ment of autoimmune diseases such as muscular more versatile target cell for gene therapy,
dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid since it can be manipulated to become theoret-
arthritis; repair of tissues damaged during ically any tissue. A single gene transfer into a
stroke, spinal cord injury, or myocardial infarc- pluripotent stem cell could enable scientists to
tion; treatment of neurodegenerative diseases generate stem cells for blood, skin, liver, or
such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, com- even brain targets.
monly called Lou Gehrigs disease) and numer-
ous neurological conditions such as Parkin- Ethical Issues Concerning Use
sons, Huntingtons, and Alzheimers diseases; Stem cell research, particularly embryonic
and replacement of insulin-secreting cells in di- stem cell research, has unleashed a storm of
abetics. controversy. One primary controversy sur-
Stem cells may also find use in the field of rounding the use of embryonic stem cells is
gene therapy, where a gene that provides a based on the belief by opponents that a fertil-

Image not available

A group of pro-life demonstrators urge a ban on embryonic stem cell research, seeing such investigations as tantamount to baby
killing. (AP/Wide World Photos)
714 Stem Cells

ized egg is fundamentally a human being with A number of states already have laws that ban
rights and interests that need to be protected. human cloning for reproductive purposes,
Those who oppose stem cell research do not while a small number of states forbid cloning of
want fetuses and fertilized eggs used for re- embryos for stem cells as well.
search purposes. Others accept the special sta- Lisa M. Sardinia
tus of an embryo as a potential human being See also: Aging; Alzheimers Disease; Auto-
yet argue that the respect due to the embryo in- immune Disorders; Biochemical Mutations;
creases as it develops and that this respect, in Bioethics; Cancer; Cell Culture: Animal Cells;
the early stages in particular, may properly be Cell Culture: Plant Cells; Cell Cycle, The; Cell
weighed against the potential benefits arising Division; Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues;
from the proposed research. Cloning Vectors; Cystic Fibrosis; Developmen-
Another ethical issue concerns the method tal Genetics; Eugenics; Eugenics: Nazi Ger-
by which embryonic stem cells are obtained. many; Gene Therapy; Gene Therapy: Ethical
Embryonic stem cells are isolated from two and Economic Issues; Genetic Engineering:
sources: surplus embryos produced by in vitro Medical Applications; Huntingtons Disease;
fertilization and embryos produced by somatic In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer; In-
cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), often referred to fertility; Knockout Genetics and Knockout
as therapeutic cloning. In SCNT, genetic mate- Mice; Model Organism: Mus musculus; Organ
rial from a cell in an adults body is fused with Transplants and HLA Genes; Totipotency;
an enucleated egg cell. With the right condi- Transgenic Organisms.
tions, this new cell can then develop into an
embryo from which stem cells could be har- Further Reading
vested. Opponents argue that therapeutic Holland, Suzanne, Karen Lebacqz, and Laurie
cloning is the first step on the slippery slope to Zoloth, eds. The Human Embryonic Stem Cell
reproductive cloning, the use of SCNT to cre- Debate: Science, Ethics, and Public Policy (Basic
ate a new adult organism. Proponents maintain Bioethics). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,
that producing stem cells by SCNT using ge- 2001. A collection of twenty essays organized
netic material from the patient will eliminate into four sections: basic science and history
the possibility of rejection when the resulting of stem cell research, ethics, religious per-
stem cells are returned to the patient. spectives, and public policy.
Kaji, Eugene H., and Jeffrey M. Leiden. Gene
Legal Status and Stem Cell Therapies. Journal of the Amer-
On August 9, 2001, President George W. ican Medical Association 285, no. 5 (2001):
Bush announced that federal funds could be 545-550. An overview of stem cells from a
used to support research using the sixty human clinical viewpoint. Includes discussion of the
embryonic stem cell lines that had been de- feasibility of stem cell therapy, future re-
rived before that date. However, there were no search, and ethical issues.
restrictions placed on the types of research that Kiessling, Ann, and Scott C. Anderson. Human
could be conducted on mouse embryonic stem Embryonic Stem Cells: An Introduction to the Sci-
cell lines and no federal law or policy prohibit- ence and Therapeutic Potential. Boston: Jones
ing the private sector from isolating stem cells and Bartlett, 2003. In the context of the so-
from human embryos. Several states have in- cial debate and public policy of the George
troduced legislation to encourage research on W. Bush administration, addresses the vari-
stem cells taken from human embryos. ous stem cell research from the perspectives
As of March, 2003, neither reproductive of many disciplines, from cell biology, em-
cloning nor therapeutic cloning was forbidden bryology, and endocrinology to transplanta-
by law in the United States. Congress was debat- tion medicine.
ing competing legislation; one bill proposed to Marshak, Daniel R., Richard L. Gardner, and
ban both types of cloning, while an alternative David Gottlieb, eds. Stem Cell Biology. Cold
proposal would ban only reproductive cloning. Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor
Sterilization Laws 715

Laboratory Press, 2002. Contains papers on The Eugenics Movement and

early embryonic development, cell cycle Sterilization Laws
controls, embryonal carcinoma cells as em- The founder of the eugenics movement is
bryonic stem cells, stem cells of human adult considered to be Sir Francis Galton, who car-
bone marrow, intestinal epithelial stem cells, ried out extensive genetic studies of human
and much more, designed for researchers traits. He thought that the human race would
new to the field of stem cell biology. be improved by encouraging humans with de-
Rao, Mahendra S., ed. Stem Cells and CNS Devel- sirable traits (such as intelligence, good charac-
opment. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 2001. ter, and musical ability) to have more children
Collection of papers on neural stem cells, in- than those people with less desirable traits
cluding multipotent cells in both embryos (positive eugenics). With the development of
and adults, transplant therapy, drug and Mendelian genetics shortly after the beginning
gene discovery, and much more. Designed of the twentieth century, research on improv-
for scientists. ing the genetic quality of plants and animals
was in full swing. Success with plants and do-
Web Site of Interest mestic animals made it inevitable that interest
National Institutes of Health, Stem Cell Infor- would develop in applying those principles to
mation. http://stemcells.nih.gov. Govern- the improvement of human beings. As some
ment site covering stem cell basics, the sci- human traits became known to be under the
ence of stem cell research, and links to control of single genes, some geneticists began
related resources. to claim that all sorts of traits (including many
behavioral traits and even social characteristics
and preferences) were under the control of a
single gene with little regard for the possible
impact of environmental factors.
Sterilization Laws The Eugenics Record Office at Cold Springs
Harbor, New York, was set up by Charles Daven-
Field of study: Human genetics and social port to gather and collate information on hu-
issues man traits. The eugenics movement became a
Significance: Forced sterilization for eugenic rea- powerful political force that led to the creation
sons became legal throughout much of the United and implementation of laws restricting immi-
States and many parts of the world during the first gration and regulating reproduction. Some ge-
half of the twentieth century. Though sterilization neticists and politicians reasoned that since
is an ineffective mechanism for changing the ge- mental retardation and other undesirable be-
netic makeup of a population, sterilization laws havioral and physical traits were affected by
remain in effect in many states in the United States genes, society had an obligation and a moral
and other countries throughout the world. right to restrict the reproduction of individuals
with bad genes (negative genetics).
Key terms The state of Indiana passed the first steriliza-
negative eugenics: the effort to improve the tion law in 1907, which permitted the involun-
human species by discouraging or eliminat- tary sterilization of inmates in state institutions.
ing reproduction among those deemed to Inmates included not only imbeciles, idi-
be socially or physically unfit ots, and others with varying degrees of mental
positive eugenics: the effort to encourage retardation (described as feeble-minded)
more prolific breeding among gifted indi- but also people who were committed for behav-
viduals ioral problems such as criminality, swearing,
sterilization: an operation to make repro- and slovenliness. By 1911, similar laws had
duction impossible; in tubal ligation, doc- been passed in six states, and, by the end of the
tors sever the Fallopian tubes so that a 1920s, twenty-four states had similar steriliza-
woman cannot conceive a child tion laws. Although not necessarily strictly en-
716 Sterilization Laws

Image not available

In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court, in its Buck v. Bell decision, supported the eugenic principle that states could use involuntary ster-
ilization to eliminate genetic defects from the population. The result was the sterilization of more than sixty thousand mainly young
people deemed to be weak, feebleminded, or otherwise genetically inferior. Two sterilized residents of Lynchburg, Virginia, where
many such sterilizations occurred, observe a historical marker that commemorates the tragic decision. (AP/Wide World Photos)

forced, twenty-two states currently have steril- generate offspring for crime, or to let them
ization laws on the books. starve for their imbecility, society can prevent
The U.S. Supreme Court, in its 1927 Buck v. those who are manifestly unfit from continuing
Bill decision, supported the eugenic principle their kind. The principle that sustains compul-
sory vaccination is broad enough to cover cut-
that states could use involuntary sterilization to
ting the Fallopian tubes.
eliminate genetic defects from the population.
The vote of the Court was eight to one. The Ironically, the sterilization laws of the United
courts reasoning went as follows: States and Canada served as models for the eu-
genics movement in Nazi Germany in its pro-
We have seen more than once that the public
gram to ensure so-called racial purity and supe-
welfare may call upon the best citizens for their
lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon
those who already sap the strength of the state
for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such Impact and Applications
by those concerned, in order to prevent our be- Two problems associated with eugenics are
ing swamped with incompetence. It is better for the subjective nature of deciding which traits
all the world, if instead of waiting to execute de- are desirable and determining who should de-
Steroid Hormones 717

cide. These concerns aside, the question of and stereotypes they faced from the medical
whether there is a sound scientific basis for the profession, which often deemed steriliza-
desire to manipulate the human gene pool re- tion pathological. Bibliography, index.
mains. Does the sterilization of individuals who Gallagher, Nancy L. Breeding Better Vermonters:
are mentally retarded or who have some other The Eugenics Program in the Green Mountain
mental or physical defect improve the human State. Hanover, N.H.: University Press of New
genetic composition? Involuntary sterilization England, 2000. A biologist looks at the sci-
of affected individuals would quickly reduce ence of eugenics and the social, ethnic, and
the incidence of dominant genetic traits. Indi- religious tensions brought about by the Eu-
viduals who were homozygous for recessive genics Survey of Vermont, an organization
traits would also be eliminated. However, most in existence from 1925 to 1936.
harmful recessive genes are carried by individ- Kevles, Daniel J. In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics
uals who appear normal and, therefore, would and the Uses of Human Heredity. Cambridge,
not be obvious for sterilization purposes. Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1995. A
These normal people would continue to pass comprehensive introduction to the history
the bad gene on to the next generation, and a of the eugenics movement and the develop-
certain number of affected people would again ment of sterilization laws. Discusses genetics
be born. It would take an extraordinary num- both as a science and as a social and political
ber of generations to significantly reduce the perspective, and how the two often collide to
frequency of harmful genes. muddy the boundaries of science and opin-
Although the number of involuntary steril- ion.
izations in the United States is now minimal,
the impact sterilization laws had on the popula- Web Sites of Interest
tion through 1960 was far-reaching, as nearly Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Image Archive
sixty thousand people were sterilized. Other on the American Eugenics Movemement.
countries also had laws that allowed forced ster- http://www.eugenicsarchive.org/eugenics.
ilizations, with many programs continuing into Comprehensive and extensively illustrated
the 1970s. The province of Alberta, Canada, site that covers the eugenics movement in
sterilized three thousand people before its law the United States, including sterilization
was repealed. Another sixty thousand were ster- laws.
ilized in Sweden. The story of sterilization and University of Vermont, Vermont Eugenics: A
euthanasia in Germany needs no retelling. Documentary History. http://www.uvm.edu/
With the ability to decipher the human ge- ~eugenics/sterilizationdl.html. A listing of
nome and implement improved genetic testing original documents related to sterilization
procedures, a danger exists that new programs and eugenics in the United States, including
of eugenics and involuntary sterilization might a statement from the American Eugenics So-
once again emerge. ciety (1926) and related newspaper articles.
Donald J. Nash
See also: Criminality; Eugenics; Eugenics:
Nazi Germany; Hardy-Weinberg Law; Miscege-
nation and Antimiscegenation Laws; Prion Dis-
eases: Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome;
Steroid Hormones
Fields of study: Developmental genetics;
Further Reading Molecular genetics
Campbell, Annily. Childfree and Sterilized: Significance: Steroid hormoneshormones con-
Womens Decisions and Medical Responses. New taining a steroid ring derived from cholesterol
York: Cassell, 1999. Explores the lives of are important for many processes that control sex
twenty-three women who chose sterilization determination, reproduction, behavior, and me-
over bearing children and the prejudices tabolism. Mutations in the genes that produce or
718 Steroid Hormones

regulate the action of specific steroid hormones genes at specific nucleotide sequences termed
may lead to infertility, sterility, sex determination, hormone-responsive elements. The binding of
osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, heart abnor- the hormone-receptor complex to hormone-
malities, and breast, uterine, and prostate cancer. responsive elements causes the increased pro-
duction of transcription and protein produc-
Key terms tion in most cases. In some instances, binding
anabolic steroids: drugs derived from an- to a specific hormone-responsive element will
drogens and used to enhance performance stop the production of proteins that are usually
in sports made in the absence of the hormone.
androgens: steroid hormones that cause mas- There are two types (sex steroid and adrenal
culinization steroid) and five classes of steroid hormones.
estrogens: steroid hormones that produce fe- The sex steroid hormones include the andro-
male characteristics gens, estrogens, and progestins and are pro-
glucocorticoids: steroid hormones that re- duced by the male testes (androgens) and
spond to stress and maintain sugar, salt, and female ovaries. Adrenal steroid hormones in-
body fluid levels clude glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids
hormones: chemical messengers produced by and are produced by the adrenal glands.
endocrine glands and secreted into the
blood Sex Steroid Hormones
mineralocorticoids: a group of steroid hor- Sex steroid hormone genes are responsible
mones important for maintenance of salt for determining the sex and development of
and water balance males and females. Androgens are a group of
progestins: steroid hormones important for steroid hormones that cause masculinization.
pregnancy and breast development The principal androgen is testosterone, which
testosterone: the principal androgen, pro- is produced by the testes and is responsible for
duced by the testes and responsible for male male secondary sexual characteristics (growth
secondary sexual characteristics of facial and pubic hair, deepening of voice,
sperm production). Estrogens are sex steroid
Steroid Hormone Characteristics and hormones produced in the ovaries and cause
Function femininization. In addition, estrogens control
Steroid hormones represent a group of hor- calcium content in the bones, modulate other
mones that all contain a characteristic steroid hormones produced in the ovary, modify sex-
ring structure. This steroid ring is derived from ual behavior, regulate growth of secondary sex
cholesterol, and cholesterol is the starting ma- characteristics (menstrual periods, breast de-
terial for the production of different steroid velopment, pubic hair) and are essential for
hormones. Steroid hormones, like other types pregnancy to occur. The most potent estrogen
of hormones, are secreted by endocrine glands is 17-beta estradiol. Progestins, including pro-
into the bloodstream and travel throughout gesterone, are also sex steroid hormones. Pro-
the body before having an effect. All steroid gesterone is important for proper breast devel-
hormones, although specific for the regulation opment and normal and healthy pregnancies;
of certain genes, function in a similar manner. it functions in the mother to alter endometrial
Because steroid hormones are derived from cells so the embryo can implant. The loss of
cholesterol, they have the unique ability to dif- progesterone at the end of a pregnancy aids in
fuse through a cells outer plasma membrane. the beginning of uterine contractions.
Inside the cell, the steroid hormone binds to Anabolic steroids are drugs derived from the
its specific receptor in the cytoplasm. Upon male steroid hormone testosterone and were
binding, the newly formed hormone-receptor developed in the late 1930s to treat hypogo-
complex relocates to the nucleus. In the nu- nadism in men, a condition that results in insuf-
cleus, the hormone-receptor complex binds to ficient testosterone production by the testes.
the DNA in the promoter region of certain During this same period, scientists discovered
Steroid Hormones 719

that anabolic steroids also increased the muscle have also been linked to bone loss (osteoporo-
mass in animals. These findings led to the use sis) and infertility, whereas excessive levels are
of anabolic steroids by bodybuilders, weight- associated with an increased risk of breast and
lifters, and other athletes to increase muscle uterine cancer. Similarly, genetic mutations in
mass and enhance performance. Anabolic ste- the progesterone production pathway or the
roid use can seriously affect the long-term progesterone receptor are associated with in-
health of an individual and in women results in fertility. In addition, bone loss is one of the
masculinization. most serious results of progesterone deficiency,
made worse by inappropriate diet and lack of
Adrenal Steroid Hormones exercise.
Adrenal steroid hormones are secreted
from the adrenal cortex and are important for Genetic Defects Affecting Adrenal Steroid
many bodily functions, including response to Hormones
stress, maintenance of blood sugar levels, fluid Genetic abnormalities in adrenal steroid
balance, and electrolytes. The glucocorticoids hormone biosynthesis are known to cause hy-
represent one class of adrenal steroid hormone. pertension in some cases of congenital adrenal
The most important, cortisol, performs criti- hyperplasia (CAH). In people with this condi-
cally important functions; it helps to maintain tion, hypertension usually accompanies a char-
blood pressure and can decrease the response acteristic phenotype with abnormal sexual dif-
of the bodys immune system. Cortisol can also ferentiation. CAH is a family of autosomal
elevate blood sugar levels and helps to control recessive disorders of adrenal steroidogenesis.
the amount of water in the body. Elevated corti- Each disorder has a specific pattern of hor-
sol helps the body respond to stress. The gluco- monal abnormalities resulting from a deficiency
corticoids cortisone and hydrocortisone are of one of the enzymes necessary for cortisol
used as anti-inflammatory drugs to control itch- synthesis. The most common form of CAH is
ing, swelling, pain, and other inflammatory 21-hydroxylase deficiency; however, in all forms,
reactions. Prednisone and prednisolone, also cortisol production is impaired, which results
members of the glucocorticoid class of hor- in an increase in adrenocorticotropin and the
mones, are the broadest anti-inflammatory and overproduction of androgen steroids.
immunosuppressive medications available. There are two major forms of 21-hydroxylase
The second class of adrenal steroid hor- deficiency. Classic CAH deficiency results in
mones is the mineralocorticoids, including al- masculinized girls that are born with genital
dosterone, which helps maintain salt and water ambiguity and may possess both female and
balance and increases blood pressure. Aldoste- male genitalia. Nonclassic 21-hydroxylase defi-
rone is crucial for retaining sodium in the kid- ciency does not produce ambiguous genitalia
ney, salivary glands, sweat glands, and colon. in female infants but may result in premature
puberty, short stature, menstrual irregularities
Genetic Defects Affecting Sex Steroid or lack of a menstrual cycle, and infertility. Fa-
Hormones milial glucocorticoid deficiency (FGD) is an ex-
Defects in the genes involved in the produc- tremely rare, genetic autosomal recessive con-
tion of sex steroid hormones can have serious dition in which a part of the adrenal glands are
consequences. Mutations in the androgen re- destroyed. These changes result in very low lev-
ceptor, the receptor for testosterone, result in els of cortisol. Although this disease is easily
testicular feminization syndrome. In this syn- treatable if recognized, when left untreated it
drome, the individual has the genes of a male is often fatal or can lead to severe mental dis-
(XY) but develops, behaves, and appears fe- ability.
male. Other gene defects in androgen biosyn- Recently, the genetic basis of four forms of
thesis often result in sterility. Genetic defects severe hypertension transmitted on an auto-
in estrogen receptors or estradiol biosynthesis somal basis has been determined. All of these
lead to infertility. Reduced levels of estradiol conditions are characterized by salt-sensitive
720 Swine Flu

increases in blood pressure, indicating an in- phorylation, and hormonal and antihor-
creased mineralocorticoid effect. The four dis- monal ligands.
ordersaldosteronism, mineralocorticoid ex- National Institutes of Health. Steroid Abuse and
cess syndrome, activating mutation of the Addiction. NIH 00-3721. Bethesda, Md.: Au-
mineralocorticoid receptor, and Liddle syn- thor, 2000. This pamphlet outines the dan-
dromeare a consequence of either abnormal gers of steroid use for unapproved purposes
biosynthesis, abnormal metabolism, or abnor- such as bodybuilding.
mal action of steroid hormones and the devel- Tilly, J., J. F. Strauss III, and M. Tenniswood,
opment of hypertension. Adrenal insufficiency eds. Cell Death in Reproductive Physiology. New
is known as Addisons disease and causes death York: Springer, 1997. Describes the selective
within two weeks unless treated. Classical Addi- death of steroid-producing tissues.
sons disease results from a loss of both cortisol Wynn, Ralph M., and W. Jollie, eds. Biology of the
and aldosterone secretion as a result of the Uterus. 2d rev. ed. Boston: Kluwer Academic,
near total or total destruction of both adrenal 1989. Reviews the basic biology of pregnancy
glands. and the role of sex steroid hormones in
Thomas L. Brown pregancy.
See also: Aggression; Allergies; Autoim-
mune Disorders; Behavior; Cancer; Gender
Identity; Heart Disease; Hermaphrodites; Hu-
man Genetics; Metafemales; Pseudohermaph- Swine Flu
rodites; Testicular Feminization Syndrome; X
Chromosome Inactivation; XYY Syndrome. Fields of study: Diseases and syndromes;
Viral genetics
Further Reading Significance: The swine flu outbreak of 1918 was
Ethier, Stephen P., ed. Endocrine Oncology. the most lethal worldwide epidemic known to hu-
Humana Press, 2000. Experts provide chap- mankind. Constant genetic changes in the influ-
ters on cancers of the breast, prostate, enza virus that caused the disease keep alive the po-
endometrium, and ovary from cellular and tential for such another pandemic to occur in the
molecular perspectives, including the way future.
that steroid hormones function in both nor-
mal processes and pathogenesis. Key terms
Freedman, Leonard P., and M. Karin, eds. Mo- antigenic drift: minor changes in the H and
lecular Biology of Steroid and Nuclear Hormone N proteins of the influenza virus
Receptors. Boston: Birkhauser, 1999. A molec- antigenic shift: the acquisition by a strain of
ular perspective on steroid functions in both influenza virus of a different H and/or N
normal and cancerous cells. protein
Khan, Sohaib A., and George M. Stancel, eds. hemagluttinin (H): a protein necessary for
Protooncogenes and Growth Factors in Steroid entry of the influenza virus into a host cell
Hormone Induced Growth and Differentiation. neuraminidase (N): a protein necessary for
Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 1994. Experts exit of the influenza virus from an infected
from cancer centers discuss the roles of ste- cell
roid hormones in cancer from the perspec- pandemic: a worldwide outbreak of a particu-
tives of biochemistry, physiology, develop- lar disease
ment, genetics, endocrinology, and other
disciplines. Virus Structure and Replication
Moudgil, V. K., ed. Steroid Hormone Receptors: Ba- Swine flu is a respiratory disease of humans
sic and Clinical Aspects. Boston: Birkhauser, caused by the H1N1 subtype of influenza A vi-
1994. A scientific researcher examines the rus. Various types of influenza A virus can be
structural and functional alterations in ste- found in humans, birds, swine, and other ani-
roid hormone receptors induced by phos- mals. Human disease is spread most commonly
Swine Flu 721

person to person and, rarely, from animal to brane and the RNA is released. Inside the host
person. Although some antiviral drugs are cell viral RNA is replicated and new proteins
available, treatment involves mainly supportive are synthesized. Newly assembled virus parti-
therapy. Vaccination prevents disease, but the cles bud through the host cell membrane to ac-
genetic nature of the virus requires that vacci- quire their envelopes. Neuraminidase keeps
nations must be given annually to be effective. the new virus particles from sticking to the dy-
Advances in genetic technology are helping sci- ing host cell so they are free to infect surround-
entists to understand why the swine flu virus ing cells. The cycle continues until either the
caused such a devastating epidemic in 1918 host is dead or the hosts immune system stops
and to develop treatment and prevention strat- the spread of the virus. The majority of the
egies that will be effective against future poten- hosts immune response to infection is di-
tial epidemics of swine flu. rected against the H and N proteins.
The swine flu virus is composed of eight seg- Type A influenza viruses are continuously
ments of RNA surrounded by a lipid envelope. changing in the amino acid sequence of their
Embedded in the envelope are two proteins es- H and N proteins by a process called antigenic
sential for viral replication, known as hema- drift. These changes occur because mistakes
gluttinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). The in- are made during the replication of the viral
fectious cycle begins when hemagluttinin RNA that codes for these proteins. Changes
binds to the surface of the host cell. Next, the that result in H and N proteins that are no lon-
viral envelope fuses with the host cell mem- ger recognized by the hosts immune system al-

Image not available

Victims of the 1918 influenza pandemic line an emergency hospital facility at Fort Riley, Kansas, near where the virus is thought to
have originated. The pandemic caused at least 20 million deaths worldwide. (AP/Wide World Photos)
722 Swine Flu

low that strain of virus to become prevalent Vaccinations

over the strains of virus that are recognized. Constant genetic changes in influenza vi-
Antigenic drift is the reason that influenza vac- ruses dictate the development of new vaccines
cines are effective only for the year in which every year. The Global Influenza Surveillance
they are made. By the following year, the preva- Network, an arm of the World Health Orga-
lent viruses have changed enough that the pop- nization (WHO), monitors viruses circulating
ulation is no longer immune to them. in humans and identifies new strains, recom-
Type A influenza viruses also change mending annually a vaccine that targets the
abruptly on a more sporadic basis due to anti- three most prevalent strains in circulation. Cur-
genic shift. One type of antigenic shift, called rent research looks for vaccines that would be
reassortment, occurs when two different effective against all strains of influenza, so that
strains of influenza virus infect the same host new vaccines would not need to be developed
cell. Because the genome is segmented, it is each year or at least could be produced more
possible for RNA segments from one virus to quickly in case of a pandemic.
get mixed up with RNA segments from the sec-
ond virus when the new virus particles are Future
made. Thus, a new virus containing genes from Influenza experts agree that another pan-
both viruses can arise. The influenza pandem- demic is likely to happen. If a new strain of flu
ics of so-called Asian flu in 1957 and Hong virus appears after antigenic shift against which
Kong flu in 1968 were a result of reassortment. the human population has no immunity, and
A second type of antigenic shift occurs when an that strain can cause illness and spread easily
animal influenza virus jumps directly into the from person to person, an influenza pandemic
human population as occurred in the 1997 can occur. Continuous global surveillance of
avian flu and the 1999 A(H9N2) outbreaks. influenza outbreaks, accompanied by full ex-
changes of information by national govern-
History ments and their health agencies, is the key to
In 1918, an epidemic of swine flu killed identifying and preventing another pandemic.
more than 500,000 people in the United States Advances in genetic technology will help solve
and between 20 million and 50 million people the mystery of the 1918 swine flu and make im-
worldwidemore that any other disease in provements in vaccines and antiviral drugs that
such a short period of time in the history of could help minimize an epidemic if another
humankind. After the influenza virus was iso- one occurs.
lated in 1933, scientists used blood tests to de- Vicki J. Isola
termine that a type A(H1N1) virus had caused See also: Antibodies; Bacterial Genetics
the pandemic. In 1976, a second outbreak of and Cell Structure; Bacterial Resistance and
A(H1N1) influenza was discovered in the Super Bacteria; Down Syndrome; Emerging
United States in both humans and pigs (hence Diseases; Gene Regulation: Viruses; Human
the name swine flu). The United States mobi- Genome Project; Organ Transplants and HLA
lized a massive vaccination program, but the Genes; Restriction Enzymes; RNA Structure
predicted epidemic never followed. and Function; Smallpox.
Advances in genetic technology have en-
abled scientists to study RNA from the actual vi- Further Reading
rus that caused the 1918 epidemic. Influenza Kolata, Gina B. Flu: The Story of the Great Influ-
genes were recovered from samples of the lung enza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Vi-
tissue of three victims by reverse transcription rus That Caused It. New York: Farrar, Straus
and polymerase chain reaction. A few genes and Giroux, 1999. This story is important in
have been sequenced and compared to known understanding the current strategies in sur-
sequences of viral RNA from more recent out- veillance, prevention, and treatment of in-
breaks of influenza. It is not yet clear, however, fluenza.
what made the 1918 strain of virus so deadly. Laver, W. Graeme, et al. Disarming Flu Vi-
Synthetic Antibodies 723

ruses. Scientific American 280, no. 1 (1999): known as active immunization. Active immuni-
78-87. Describes the viral replication cycle, zation was the first form of antibody therapy to
vaccine strategies, and virulence theories. Il- be developed and is used to prevent diseases
lustrated by helpful diagrams. such as measles and polio.
Taubenberger, J. K., et al. Initial Genetic Char- The oldest method of producing therapeu-
acterization of the 1918 Spanish Influenza tic antibodies outside the human body is
Virus. Science 275 (1997): 1793-1796. De- known as passive immunization. This process
scribes the historic use of genetic technology involves exposing an animal to an antigen so
to sequence the virus from the RNA of a vic- that it develops antibodies to it. The antibodies
tim of the 1918 pandemic. are separated from the animals blood and ad-
ministered to a patient. Passive immunization
Web Site of Interest is used to treat diseases such as rabies and diph-
National Center for Infectious Diseases. http:// theria. A disadvantage of antibodies derived
www.cdc.gov/ncidod/diseases/flu/fluvirus from animal blood is the possibility that the pa-
.htm. This page on influenza provides basic tient may develop an allergic reaction. Because
information on the various forms of the vi- the animals antibodies are foreign substances,
rus, its effects, and treatments. the patients own antibodies may treat them as
antigens, leading to fever, rash, itching, joint
pain, swollen tissues, and other symptoms.
Antibodies derived from human blood are
Synthetic Antibodies much less likely to cause allergic reactions than
antibodies from the blood of other animals.
Field of study: Immunogenetics This led researchers to seek a way to develop
Significance: Synthetic antibodies are artificially synthetic human antibodies.
produced replacements for natural human anti- A major breakthrough in the search for syn-
bodies. They are used to treat a variety of illnesses thetic antibodies was made in 1975 by Cesar
and promise to be an important part of medical Milstein and Georges Khler. They developed
technology in the future. a technique that allowed them to produce a
specific antibody outside the body of a living
Key terms animal. This method involved exposing an ani-
antibody: a protein molecule that binds to a mal to an antigen, causing it to produce anti-
substance in order to remove, destroy, or de- bodies. Instead of obtaining the antibodies
activate it from the animals blood, they obtained B cells
antigen: the substance to which an antibody from the animals spleen. These cells are then
binds combined with abnormal B cells known as
B cells: white blood cells that produce anti- myeloma cells. Unlike normal B cells, myeloma
bodies cells can reproduce identical copies of them-
monoclonal antibodies: identical antibod- selves an unlimited number of times. The nor-
ies produced by identical B cells mal B cells and the myeloma cells fuse to form
cells known as hybridoma cells. Hybridoma
The Development of Antibody Therapy cells are able to reproduce an unlimited num-
Natural antibodies are protein molecules ber of times and are able to produce the same
produced by white blood cells known as B cells antibodies as the B cells. Those hybridoma cells
in response to the presence of foreign sub- that produce the desired antibody are sepa-
stances. A specific antibody binds to a specific rated from the others and allowed to repro-
substance, known as an antigen, in a way that duce. The antibodies produced this way are
renders it harmless or allows it to be removed known as monoclonal antibodies.
from the body or destroyed. A person will pro- Because human B cells do not normally
duce antibodies naturally upon exposure to form stable hybridoma cells with myeloma
harmless versions of an antigen, a process cells, B cells from mice are usually used. Be-
724 Synthetic Antibodies

cause mouse antibodies are

not identical to human anti-
bodies, they may be treated
as antigens by the patients
own antibodies, leading to
allergic reactions. During the
1980s and 1990s, research-
ers began to develop meth-
ods of producing synthetic
antibodies that were similar
or identical to human anti-
bodies. An antibody consists Image not available
of a variable region, which
binds to the antigen, and a
constant region. The risk of
allergic reactions can be re-
duced by combining variable
regions derived from mouse
hybridoma cells with con-
stant regions from human
cells. The risk can be further
reduced by identifying the
exact sites on the mouse vari-
able region that are neces- At Origen Therapeutics in Burlingame, California, a technician injects a chicken em-
sary for binding and integrat- bryo with stem cells of another chicken embryo to which human antibodies have been
ing these sites into human added in order to make additional antibodies for pharmaceutical use. (AP/Wide
variable regions. This method World Photos)
produces synthetic antibod-
ies that are very similar to
human antibodies. lions of different antibodies. The antibodies
Other methods exist to produce synthetic are then tested to detect those that bind to se-
antibodies that are identical to human antibod- lected antigens.
ies. A species of virus known as the Epstein-Barr
virus can be used to change human B cells in Impact and Applications
such a way that they will fuse with myeloma cells Some synthetic antibodies are used to help
to form stable hybridoma cells that produce prevent the rejection of transplanted organs.
human antibodies. Another method involves An antibody that binds to the heart drug
using genetic engineering to produce mice digoxin can be used to treat overdoses of that
with B cells that produce human antibodies drug. Antibodies attached to radioactive iso-
rather than mouse antibodies. One of the most topes are used in certain diagnostic proce-
promising techniques involves creating a li- dures. Synthetic antibodies have also been
brary of synthetic human antibodies. This is used in patients undergoing a heart procedure
done by using the polymerase chain reaction known as a percutaneous transluminal coro-
(PCR) to produce multiple copies of the ge- nary angioplasty (PTCA). The use of a particu-
netic material within B cells. This genetic mate- lar synthetic antibody has been shown to re-
rial contains the information that results in the duce the risk of having one of the blood vessels
production of proteins that come together to that supply blood to the heart shut down dur-
form antibodies. By causing these proteins to ing or after a PTCA. Researchers also hope to
be produced and allowing them to combine at develop synthetic antibodies to treat acquired
random, researchers are able to produce mil- immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and sep-
Synthetic Genes 725

tic shock, a syndrome caused by toxic sub- tion in diseased humans, animals, and plants by
stances released by certain bacteria. replacing defective natural genes with appropri-
The most active area of research involving ately modified synthetic genes.
synthetic antibodies in the 1990s was in the
treatment of cancer. On November 26, 1997, Key terms
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ap- restriction enzyme: an enzyme that cleaves,
proved a synthetic antibody for use in non- or cuts, DNA at specific sites with sequences
Hodgkins lymphoma, a cancer of the white recognized by the enzyme; also called re-
blood cells. It was the first synthetic antibody striction endonucleases
approved for use in cancer therapy. reverse transcription: the synthesis of DNA
Rose Secrest from RNA
See also: Allergies; Anthrax; Antibodies;
Autoimmune Disorders; Biopharmaceuticals; A Brief History
Blotting: Southern, Northern, and Western; In 1871, Swiss physician Johann Friedrich
Burkitts Lymphoma; Cancer; Central Dogma Miescher reported that the chief constituent of
of Molecular Biology; Cloning; Diabetes; Diph- the cell nucleus was nucleoprotein, or nuclein.
theria; Genetic Engineering: Historical De- Later it was established that the nuclei of bacte-
velopment; Genetic Engineering: Industrial ria contained little or no protein, so the heredi-
Applications; Hybridomas and Monoclonal tary material was named nucleic acid. At the
Antibodies; Immunogenetics; Molecular Ge- end of the nineteenth century, German bio-
netics; Multiple Alleles; Oncogenes; Organ chemist Albrecht Kossel identified the four ni-
Transplants and HLA Genes; Prion Diseases: trogenous bases: the purines adenine (A) and
Kuru and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome; Trans- guanine (G) and the pyrimidines cytosine (C)
genic Organisms. and uracil (U). In the 1920s, Phoebus A.
Levene and others indicated the existence of
Further Reading two kinds of nucleic acid: ribonucleic acid
Coghlan, Andy. A Second Chance for Anti- (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA); the
bodies. New Scientist 129 (February 9, 1991). latter contains thymine (T) instead of uracil.
An early discussion of the history and future The chemical identity of genes began to un-
of antibody therapy. fold in 1928, when Frederick Griffith discov-
Kontermann, Roland, and Stefan Dbel, eds. ered the phenomenon of genetic transforma-
Antibody Engineering. New York: Springer, tion. Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn
2001. A detailed look at basic methods, pro- McCarty (in 1944) and Alfred Hershey and
tocols for analysis, and recent and develop- Martha Chase (in 1952) demonstrated that
ing technologies. Illustrations, bibliography, DNA was the hereditary material. Following
index. the elucidation of the structure of DNA in 1953
Mayforth, Ruth D. Designing Antibodies. San by James Watson and Francis Crick, pioneering
Diego: Academic Press, 1993. Methods of efforts by several scientists led to the eventual
synthetic antibody production are described synthesis of a gene. The successful enzymatic
in detail. Illustrations, bibliography, index. synthesis of DNA in vitro (in the test tube) in
1956, by Arthur Kornberg and colleagues, and
that of RNA by Marianne Grunberg-Manago
and Severo Ochoa also contributed to the de-
Synthetic Genes velopment of synthetic genes. In 1961, Marshall
Nirenberg and Heinrich Matthaei synthesized
Field of study: Genetic engineering and polyphenylalanine chains using a synthetic
biotechnology messenger RNA (mRNA). In 1965, Robert W.
Significance: Synthetic genes have been shown to Holley and colleagues determined the com-
function in biological organisms. Scientists hope plete sequence of alanine transfer RNA (tRNA)
that it will prove possible to restore normal func- isolated from yeast. The interpretation of the
726 Synthetic Genes

genetic code by several groups of scientists enzyme used in cheese making) in calves can
throughout the 1960s was also clearly impor- be synthesized from its known nucleotide se-
tant. quence instead of isolating it from calf DNA
In 1970, Har Gobind Khorana, along with using restriction enzymes. Alternatively, chy-
twelve associates, synthesized the first gene: the mosin mRNA can be obtained from calf stom-
gene for an alanine tRNA in yeast. There were ach cells, which can be transformed into DNA
no automatic DNA synthesizers available then. through reverse transcription.
In 1976, Khoranas group synthesized the tyro- New or modified genes may be manufac-
sine suppressor tRNA gene of Escherichia coli (E. tured to obtain a desired product. Gene synthe-
coli). The lac operator gene (twenty-one nucle- sis, coupled with automated rapid sequencing
otides long) was also synthesized, introduced and protein analysis, has yielded remarkable
into E. coli, and demonstrated to be functional. dividends in medicine and agriculture. Ge-
It took ten years to synthesize the first gene; by netic engineers are designing new proteins
the mid-1990s, gene machines could synthe- from scratch to learn more about protein func-
size a gene in hours. tion and architecture. With synthetic genes,
the process of mutagenesis can be explored in
Gene Synthesis greater depth. It is possible to produce various
Protein engineering is possible by making alterations at will in the nucleotide sequence of
targeted changes in a DNA sequence to pro- a gene and observe their effects on protein
duce a different product (protein) polypeptide function. Such studies carry the potential to
with different properties, such as stress toler- unravel many biochemical and genetic path-
ance. The process of targeting a specific change ways that could be the key to a better under-
in the nucleotide sequence (site-directed mu- standing of health and disease.
tagenesis) allows the correlation of gene struc- Manjit S. Kang
ture with protein function. Rapid sequencing See also: Biopharmaceuticals; Cell Culture:
with modern capillary DNA sequencers facili- Plant Cells; Cloning; Cloning Vectors; DNA Se-
tates determination of the order of nucleotides quencing Technology; Gene Therapy; Genetic
that make up a gene in a matter of hours. Engineering; Protein Synthesis; Restriction En-
Once the sequence of a gene is known, it can zymes; Reverse Transcriptase; Synthetic Anti-
be synthesized from nucleotides using gene bodies.
machines. A gene machine is simply a chemical
synthesizer made up of tubes, valves, and Further Reading
pumps that bonds nucleotides together in the Aldridge, Susan. The Thread of Life: The Story of
right order under the direction of a computer. Genes and Genetic Engineering. New York:
An intelligent person with a minimum of train- Cambridge University Press, 1996. Provides
ing can produce synthetic genes. A gene may a guide to DNA and genetic engineering.
be isolated from an organism using restriction Henry, Robert J. Practical Applications of Plant
enzymes (any of the several enzymes found in Molecular Biology. New York: Chapman &
bacteria that serve to chop up the DNA of in- Hall, 1997. Gives protocols for important
vading viruses), or it may be made on a gene plant molecular biology techniques. Illustra-
machine. For example, the chymosin gene (an tions, bibliography, index.
Tay-Sachs Disease ous symptoms appear. The child may show
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes poor head control and an involuntary back-
Significance: Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is a lethal and-forth movement of the eyes. Also distinc-
disease inherited as an autosomal recessive disor- tive of TSD is a cherry red spot on the retina
der. Affected children are normal at birth, and of the eye, first described by Tay, that usually ap-
symptoms are usually noticed by six months of age, pears after one year of age as atrophy of the op-
after which they progressively worsen; the child tic nerve head occurs. The symptoms are pro-
usually dies at or before four years of age. There is gressive, and the child loses all the motor and
no cure for this severe disorder of the nervous sys- mental skills developed to that point. Convul-
tem, but an understanding of the genetic nature of sions, increased motor tone, and blindness de-
the disorder has led to effective population screen- velop as the disease progresses. The buildup of
ing, prenatal diagnosis, and genetic counseling. storage material in the brain causes the head to
enlarge, and brain weight may be 50 percent
Key terms greater than normal at the time of death. There
genetic screening: the testing of individuals is no cure for TSD, and death usually occurs be-
for a disease-causing gene tween two and four years of age, with the most
hexosaminidase A (Hex A): a lysosomal en- common cause of death being pneumonia.
zyme, the absence of which leads to Tay- There are several forms of Tay-Sachs disease
Sachs disease in addition to the classical, or infant, form al-
lysosome: an organelle or structure in the cy- ready described. There is a juvenile form in
toplasm of a cell that contains enzymes in- which similar symptoms appear between two
volved in the breakdown of metabolic prod- and five years of age, with death occurring
ucts around age fifteen. A chronic form of TSD has
prenatal diagnosis: the identification of a symptoms beginning at age five that are far
gene or disease in an embryo or fetus milder than those of the infant and juvenile
forms. Late-onset Tay-Sachs disease (LOTS) is
Symptoms of Tay-Sachs Disease a rare form in which there is some residual Hex
Tay-Sachs disease (TSD) is an inherited A activity so that symptoms appear later in life
birth defect that is named after Warren Tay, an and the disease progresses much more slowly.
English ophthalmologist, and Bernard Sachs,
an American neurologist, who first described Genetics of Tay-Sachs Disease
the disorder. TSD is one of the lysosomal stor- All forms of TSD are inherited as autosomal
age disorders, as are Hurlers syndrome, Hun- recessive disorders. One of the interesting fea-
ters syndrome, Gaucher disease, and Fabry tures of TSD, as is true of some other genetic
disease. Lysosomes are organelles found in the disorders, is its variation across ethnic groups.
cytoplasm of cells and contain many enzymes The Ashkenazi Jewish population, ancestors of
that digest the cells food and waste. TSD is most of the Jewish people in the United States,
caused by the lack of the enzyme hexosamin- is a group of Jews of Eastern European descent.
idase A (Hex A), which facilitates the break- This group has a high incidence of TSD, about
down of fatty substances and gangliosides in 1 in 3,600. Approximately one in thirty Ashke-
the brain and nerve cells. When Hex A is suffi- nazi Jews is a heterozygote (a person who car-
ciently lacking, as in TSD, gangliosides accu- ries one copy of the gene but does not show
mulate in the body and eventually lead to the symptoms), compared to a figure of perhaps
destruction of the nervous system. one in three hundred for the rest of the worlds
Children with TSD appear normal at birth population. It is possible to screen the popula-
and up to six months of age. During this time, tion and identify heterozygous individuals by
they may show an exaggerated startle response means of a blood plasma assay that detects
to sound. Shortly after six months, more obvi- differences in Hex A activity. If two people are
728 Telomeres

carriers of the gene, they have a one-quarter Internet Age. San Diego: Icon Press, 2002.
chance of having a child with TSD. If one or Topics include the essentials on Tay-Sachs
both individuals are not carriers, they can be disease, parents rights, and insurance.
reassured that their child will not have TSD. If Zallen, Doris Teichler. Does It Run in the Family?
both people are carriers, once pregnancy en- A Consumers Guide to DNA Testing for Genetic
sues, prenatal diagnosis can determine whether Disorders. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Uni-
the developing fetus is affected. In cases of a versity Press, 1997. Covers the applications
positive diagnosis, couples can be counseled re- and social implications of testing for genetic
garding therapeutic pregnancy termination. disorders. Bibliography, index.

Impact and Applications Web Site of Interest

Although much has been learned about the Dolan DNA Learning Center, Your Genes Your
genetics of the Tay-Sachs gene and the protein Health. http://www.ygyh.org. Sponsored by
deficiency that causes the disease, there is still the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, this site,
no cure. Nevertheless, TSD provides an excel- a component of the DNA Interactive Web
lent example of how the medical community site, offers information on more than a dozen
can assist a susceptible population in confront- inherited diseases and syndromes, including
ing an incurable genetic disease. The effective Tay-Sachs disease.
screening of populations at risk for TSD and
prenatal detection of fetuses with TSD have
served to dramatically reduce the overall inci-
dence of this terrible disease. Telomeres
Donald J. Nash
See also: Genetic Counseling; Genetic Field of study: Cellular biology
Screening; Genetic Testing; Genetic Testing: Significance: Telomeres, the ends of the arms of
Ethical and Economic Issues; Hereditary Dis- chromosomes of eukaryotes, become shorter as or-
eases; In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Trans- ganisms age. They are thought to act biologically to
fer; Inborn Errors of Metabolism; Penetrance; slow chromosome shortening, which can lead to
Prenatal Diagnosis; Repetitive DNA. cell death caused by the loss of genes and may be re-
lated to aging and diseases such as cancer.
Further Reading
Bach G., J. Tomczak, N. Risch, and J. Ekstein. Key terms
Tay-Sachs Screening in the Jewish Ashke- eukaryote: a unicellular or multicellular or-
nazi Population: DNA Testing Is the Pre- ganism with cells that contain a membrane-
ferred Procedure. American Journal of Medi- bound nucleus, multiple chromosomes, and
cal Genetics 99 (February 15, 2001). Argues membrane-bound organelles
for using DNA testing as the most cost-effec- prokaryote: a unicellular organism with a sin-
tive and efficient way to screen for TSD. gle chromosome and lacking a nucleus or
Desnick, Robert J., and Michael M. Kaback, any other membrane-bound organelles
eds. Tay-Sachs Disease. San Diego: Academic,
2001. Detailed analysis of Tay-Sachs. Illustra- Eukaryotic Chromosomes and Telomeres
tions, bibliography, index. The DNA of bacteria and other related sim-
National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases Associa- ple organisms (prokaryotes) consists of one
tion. A Genetics Primer for Understanding Tay- double-stranded DNA molecule. Structurally
Sachs and the Allied Diseases. Brookline, Mass.: and functionally, the prokaryotic chromosome
Author, 1995. An introductory overview of contains one copy of most genes as well as DNA
Tay-Sachs disease. regions that control expression of these genes.
Parker, James N., and Philip M. Parker, eds. The Prokaryotic gene expression depends primar-
Official Parents Sourcebook on Tay-Sachs Dis- ily upon a cells moment-to-moment needs. An
ease: A Revised and Updated Directory for the entire prokaryotic chromosome, its genome,
Telomeres 729

usually encodes about one thou-

sand genes.
The genomes of eukaryotes are
much more complex and may in-
clude 100,000 or more genes. The
number of chromosomes in dif-
ferent types of eukaryotes can
range from just a few to several
hundred. Each of these huge
DNA molecules is linear rather
than the circular molecule of the
type seen in prokaryotes. In addi-
tion, many individual segments
of the DNA of eukaryotes exist
in multiple copies. For example,
about 10 percent of the DNA of a
eukaryote consists of very highly
repetitive segments (VRSs), Telomeres appear as the lightened tips of the chromosomes shown here. (Robert
units that are less than ten deoxy- Moyzis, University of California, Irvine, CA; U.S. Department of Energy
ribonucleotides long that are re- Human Genome Program, http://www.ornl.gov/hgmis)
peated up to several million times
per cell. DNA segments that are
several hundred deoxyribonucleotide units Telomerase Enzymes
long represent about 20 to 25 percent of the When chromosomes are replicated in prep-
DNA. They are repeated one thousand times or aration for cell division, the internal segments
more per cell. The rest of the eukaryote DNA are replicated by a complex process involving
(from 65 to 70 percent of the total) consists of the enzymes primase and DNA polymerase.
larger segments repeated once or a few times, Primase lays down a small segment of RNA on
the genes, and the DNA regions that control the template strand of DNA, and DNA poly-
the expression of the genes. merase uses the primer to start replication.
Much of the repetitive DNA, called satellite Making the end of a linear chromosome is a
DNA, does not seem to be involved in coding problem, however, because primers cannot con-
for proteins or RNAs involved in making pro- sistently be produced at the very ends of the
teins. Telomeres are part of this DNA and con- chromosomes. Consequently, with each cell di-
sist of pieces of DNA that are several thousand vision a small portion of the ends of newly repli-
deoxyribonucleotide units long, found at both cated chromosomes is single-stranded and is
chromosome ends. They are believed to act to trimmed off by exonucleases. This problem is
stabilize the ends of chromosomes and protect solved by enzymes known as telomerases, which
them from exonuclease enzymes that degrade add telomeres to eukaryote chromosomes.
DNA from the ends. Researchers have con- Each telomerase contains a nucleic acid com-
cluded this for two reasons. First, the enzymes ponent (RNA) about 150 ribonucleotides long.
that make two chromosomes every time a cell This is equivalent to 1.5 copies of the appropri-
reproduces are unable to operate at the chro- ate repeat in the DNA telomere to be made.
mosome ends. Hence, the repeated reproduc- The enzyme uses this piece of RNA to make the
tion of a eukaryote cell and its DNA will lead to desired DNA strand of the telomere. How the
the creation of shorter and shorter chromo- telomerase in any given species identifies the
somes, a process that can cause cell death when correct length of telomere repeat for a specific
essential genes are lost. Second, as organisms chromosome is not clearly understood, nor is
age, the telomeres of their cells become shorter the exact mechanism by which the DNA strand
and shorter. is made.
730 Telomeres

Telomerase activity can be lost in certain higher eukaryotes as well as with other human
strains of simple eukaryotes, such as protozoa. cell types. In contrast, the process of telomere
When this happens to a given cell line, each cell shortening does not happen when germ-cell
division leads to the additional shortening of its lineswhich in the whole organism produce
telomeres. This process continues for a fixed sperm and ovaare grown in tissue culture.
number of cell divisions; it then ends with the This suggests a basis for differences in longevity
death of the telomerase-deficient cell line. of the germ cells and the somatic cells that
A related observation has been made in hu- make up other human tissues.
mans. It has been shown that when human
fibroblasts are grown in tissue culture, telomere Impact and Applications
length is longest when cells are obtained from The discovery and study of telomeres and
young individuals. They are shorter in cells telomerases produced new insights into DNA
taken from the middle-aged, and very short in synthesis, the number of times a cell can repro-
cells taken from the aged. Similar observations duce, and the aging process. The circular DNA
have been made with the fibroblasts from other of bacteria (which are prokaryotes) allows them

Telomere Length in Clones

Dolly the sheep, the first mammal to be cloned from that the type of cell used in the cloning process may
adult cells, was born on July 5, 1996. While Dolly ush- be an important factor. In 2002, Norikazu Miyashita
ered in a new era of mammalian cloning, her tenure and colleagues reported that cows cloned from
as the cloning communitys lovable mascot was, quite mammary gland cells (like Dolly) had shorter-than-
literally, short-lived. Dolly was euthanized on Febru- normal telomeres, clones obtained from skin fibro-
ary 14, 2003, after being diagnosed with a progres- blasts (connective tissue precursors, those used by
sive lung disease; she had already been suffering Lanza) had longer-than-normal telomeres, and
from debilitating arthritis. While Dollys health clones obtained from muscle cells showed no signifi-
problems could have resulted from natural causes, cant differences in telomere length.
both ailments are more characteristic of much older The telomere length of clones may also be species-
sheep. Sheep normally live to an age of about twelve, specific. Teruhiko Wakayama and colleagues cloned
Dolly was only half that. mice sequentially for six generations but saw no dif-
Dollys early demise was actually foreshadowed in ference in telomere length in any of the clones pro-
1999, when the group which cloned her reported duced. Mice, however, are known to have extremely
that Dollys telomeres were shorter than expected long telomeres to begin with; also, unlike the so-
for a sheep of her age. Dollys telomeres were about matic cells of cows or sheep, many of the somatic
the length one would expect if her cells had been six cells of mice are known to express the telomerase en-
years old on the day she was born (Dolly was cloned zyme.
from a six-year-old ewe). Since telomere length acts More research is necessary to understand exactly
as a molecular clock that determines the age of a why certain animal clones are produced with short-
cell, researchers had hoped that this clock would ened telomeres and others are not. Currently, our
somehow be reset upon transfer of an adult nu- lack of knowledge on the subject remains one of the
cleus to a host ovum. more compelling reasons not to attempt to clone a
While clearly not the case for Dolly, this resetting human at this time. A human clone produced with
of telomere length has been demonstrated in cloned unusually short telomeres may, like Dolly, meet with
cows. In 2000, Robert Lanza and colleagues reported an untimely death. In fact, patients with a human ge-
that cloned cows had longer-than-normal telomeres. netic disease called Hutchinson-Gilford progeria
Will these super cows be able to live appreciably have skin fibroblasts with greatly reduced telomere
longer than normal cows? Only time will tell, since lengths; persons affected with this disease live to an
cows have a normal life span of about twenty years. average age of about thirteen years.
What accounts for the difference between Dolly and James S. Godde
these cloned cows? Subsequent research has shown
Testicular Feminization Syndrome 731

to undergo many more cycles of reproduction Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1995.
than the somatic cells of the eukaryotes. The Covers the discovery, synthesis, and poten-
linear eukar yote chromosome may have tial effects of telomeres on normal life, ag-
evolved because such DNA molecules were too ing, neoplasms, and other pathologies. Illus-
large to survive as circular molecules given trations, bibliography, index.
their rigidity and fragility. In addition, the ob- Double, John A., and Michael J. Thompson,
servation of telomere shortening in simple and eds. Telomeres and Telomerase: Methods and Pro-
complex eukaryotes raises the fascinating pos- tocols. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 2002. A
sibility that the life spans of organisms may be laboratory guide for exploring the world of
related to the conservation of telomeres associ- the telomerase. Illustrations, bibliography,
ated with the replication of these structures by index.
telomerases. Kipling, David, ed. The Telomere. New York: Ox-
The role of telomere length in longevity is ford University Press, 1995. Describes telo-
uncertain, but apparently significant. Cells meres, telomerases, relationships to cancer,
grown in cell culture typically divide only a pre- and other aspects of potential telomere ac-
dictable number of times, and once this limit is tion.
reached they can no longer divide. At the same Krupp, Guido, and Reza Parwaresch, eds.
time, telomere length shortens with each divi- Telomerases, Telomeres, and Cancer. New York:
sion. Sometimes cells in culture will go through Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2003. Considers
what is called a crisis, after which they be- the way telomeres function in cancer. Illus-
come immortalized and are able to divide an trations, bibliography, index.
indefinite number of times. Immortal cells also Lewis, Ricki. Telomere Tales. Bioscience 48,
actively express telomerases and maintain con- no. 12 (December, 1998). An overview of
stant telomere lengths. Cancer cells typically some of the molecular research that sup-
exhibit these same characteristics. A better un- ports the telomere shortening model of cel-
derstanding of telomeres and telomerase ex- lular aging.
pression might provide insights into aging and
cancer, leading to a potential cure for cancer
and age-related diseases.
Sanford S. Singer
See also: Aging; Animal Cloning; Chromo- Testicular Feminization
some Mutation; Chromosome Structure; Clon- Syndrome
ing Vectors; DNA Replication; Molecular Ge-
netics; Reverse Transcriptase. Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
Significance: The sex of a baby is usually deter-
Further Reading mined at conception by the sex chromosomes, but
Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2001 Meeting on other genetic events can alter the outcome. One
Telomeres and Telomerase. Arranged by Eliza- such condition is testicular feminization syn-
beth H. Blackburn, Titia De Lange, and Car- drome, which causes a child with male chromo-
ol Grieder. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold somes to be born with feminized genitals. Informa-
Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 2001. Syn- tion gained from the study of this and similar
opses of research and studies on telomeres conditions is being used to challenge the validity of
and telomerase. Bibliography, index. sex-determination tests for athletes.
Blackburn, Elizabeth H. Telomeres, Telomer-
ase, and Cancer. Scientific American, Feb- Key terms
ruary, 1996. Provides background on telo- androgen receptors: molecules in the cyto-
meres, telomerases, and their potential plasm of cells that join with circulating male
importance in carcinogenesis. hormones
Blackburn, Elizabeth H., and Carol W. Greider, androgens: hormones that promote male
eds. Telomeres. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: body characteristics
732 Testicular Feminization Syndrome

differentiation: the process of changing they are part of a male animal. The androgens
from an unspecialized condition to a final produced by the testes are capable of entering
specialized one a cell through the cell membrane. Inside the
phenotype: the expressed characteristics, cell, the androgens attach to specific protein
both physical and physiological, of an indi- receptor molecules (androgen receptors). At-
vidual tachment causes the receptors to move from
sex determination: events that cause an em- the cytoplasm into the nucleus of the cell. Once
bryo to become male or female in the nucleus, the receptor-steroid complexes
bind to DNA near genes that are designed to re-
Development of Testicular Feminization spond to the presence of these hormones. The
Syndrome binding event is part of the process that turns
Introductory biology courses teach that a on specific genesin this case, the genes that
fertilized egg that receives two X chromosomes direct the process of building male genitals
at conception will be a girl, whereas a fertilized from the unisex embryonic structures as well
egg that receives an X and a Y chromosome will as those that suppress the embryonic female
become a boy. However, other factors can also uterus and tubes present in the embryos ab-
affect the development of a persons gender. domen.
Gender development in mammals begins at In cases of testicular feminization, androgen
conception with the establishment of chromo- receptors are missing from male cells. This is
somal sex (the presence of XX or XY chromo- the result of a recessive allele located on the X
somes). Even twelve weeks into development, chromosome. Because normal males have only
male and female embryos have the same exter- one X, the presence of a recessive allele on that
nal appearance. Internal structures for both X will result in no production of the androgen
sexes are also similar. However, the machinery receptor in that individual. The developing
has been set in motion to cause the external embryo is producing androgen in the testes;
genitals to become male or female, with corre- without the receptor molecules, however, the
sponding internal structures of the appropri- cells of the genitals are unable to sense the an-
ate sex. The baby is usually born with the drogen and respond to it. For this reason, the
proper phenotype to match its chromosomal disorder is sometimes known by an alternate
sex. However, development of the sex organs name: androgen-insensitivity syndrome. The
is controlled by several genes. This leaves a cells of the genitals are still capable of respond-
great deal of room for developmental errors to ing to estrogen from the testes. As a result, the
occur. genitals become feminized: labia and clitoris
The primary gene involved in sex determi- instead of a scrotum and penis, and a short,
nation is carried on the Y chromosome. It is re- blind vagina. To the obstetrician and parents,
sponsible for converting the early unisex go- the baby appears to be a perfect little girl. An
nads into testes. Once formed, the testes then internal examination would show the presence
produce the balance of androgen and estrogen of testes rather than ovaries and the lack of a
that pushes development in the direction of uterus and Fallopian tubes, but there would
the male phenotype. In the absence of this normally be no reason for such an examina-
gene, the undetermined gonads become ova- tion.
ries, and the female phenotype emerges.
Therefore, the main cause of sex determina- Impact and Applications
tion is not XX or XY chromosomes, but rather Several events may lead to the diagnosis of
the presence or absence of the gene that pro- this condition. The attempted descent of the
motes testis differentiation. testes into a nonexistent scrotum will cause
In order for the male hormones to have an pain that may be mistaken for the pain of a her-
influence on the development of the internal nia; the presence of testes in the apparent girl
and external reproductive structures, the cells will be discovered when the child undergoes re-
of those structures must receive a signal that pair surgery. In other cases, the child may seek
Thalidomide and Other Teratogens 733

medical help in the mid-teen years because she Time 139 (February 24, 1992). The syndrome
does not menstruate. Exploratory surgery and its relationship to athletes and athletic
would then reveal the presence of testes and performance.
the absence of a uterus. As a general rule, the Mange, Elaine Johansen, and Arthur P. Mange.
testes are left in the abdomen until after pu- Basic Human Genetics. 2d ed. Sunderland,
berty because they are needed as a source of es- Mass.: Sinauer Associates, 1999. Provides a
trogen to promote the secondary sex charac- detailed discussion of testicular feminization
teristics, such as breast development. Without syndrome. Illustrations (some color), maps,
this estrogen, the girl would remain childlike in laser optical disc, bibliography, index.
body form. After puberty, the testes are usually
removed because they have a tendency to be- Web Sites of Interest
come cancerous. Intersex Society of North America. http://www
As a result of its phenotypic sex, an infant .isna.org. The society is a public awareness,
with testicular feminization is normally raised education, and advocacy organization which
as a girl whose only problem is an inability to works to create a world free of shame, se-
bear children. If the girl has athletic ability, crecy, and unwanted surgery for intersex
however, other problems may arise. Since 1966, people (individuals born with anatomy or
female Olympic athletes have had to submit to physiology which differs from cultural ideals
a test for the presence of the correct chromo- of male and female). Includes links to infor-
somal sex. In the past, this has meant micro- mation on such conditions as clitoromegaly,
scopic examination of cheek cells to count X micropenis, hypospadias, ambiguous geni-
chromosomes. In 1992, this technique was re- tals, early genital surgery, adrenal hyperpla-
placed by a test for the Y chromosome. Individ- sia, Klinefelter syndrome, androgen insensi-
uals who fail the sex test, including those with tivity, and testicular feminization.
testicular feminization syndrome, cannot com- Johns Hopkins University, Division of Pediatric
pete against other women. Proponents argue Endocrinology, Syndromes of Abnormal
that androgens aid muscle development, and Sex Differentiation. http://www.hopkins
the extra testosterone produced by the testes of medicine.org/pediatricendocrinology. Site
a normal male would provide an unfair physi- provides a guide to the science and genetics
cal advantage. However, because people with of sex differentiation, including a glossary.
testicular feminization syndrome are lacking Click on patient resources.
androgen receptors, their muscle development
would be unaffected by the extra androgen
produced by the testes, and thus they would not
be any stronger than well-conditioned women. Thalidomide and Other
Nancy N. Shontz Teratogens
See also: Fragile X Syndrome; Gender
Identity; Hereditary Diseases; Hermaphro- Field of study: Diseases and syndromes
dites; Klinefelter Syndrome; Metafemales; Significance: Teratogenesis is the development of
Pseudohermaphrodites; Steroid Hormones; defects in the embryo or fetus caused by exposure to
XYY Syndrome. chemicals, radiation, or other environmental con-
ditions. Thalidomide, a sedative whose ingestion
Further Reading by pregnant women led to the birth of abnormal
Goodall, J. Helping a Child to Understand babies in the late 1950s and early 1960s, is one
Her Own Testicular Feminisation. Lancet of the more publicized examples of a chemical
337 (January 5, 1991). Discusses how com- teratogen.
municating with children in stages about
their testicular feminization helps them Key terms
cope emotionally. congenital defect: a defect or disorder that
Lemonick, Michael. Genetic Tests Under Fire. occurs during prenatal development
734 Thalidomide and Other Teratogens

peromelia: the congenital absence or malfor- Approximately 3 percent of the developmental

mation of the extremities caused by abnor- abnormalities are attributed to drugs. Drugs
mal development of the limb bud from that are taken by the father may be teratogenic
about the fourth to the eighth week after only if they damage the chromosomes of a
conception; the ingestion of thalidomide by spermatozoan that then joins with the egg to
pregnant women can cause this disorder in form a zygote.
fetuses For many centuries, the impression that mal-
formed babies were conceived as a result of the
Teratogenesis and Its Causes intercourse between humans and devils or ani-
Teratogenesis is the development of struc- mals dominated society. Seventeenth century
tural or functional abnormalities in an embryo English physiologist William Harvey attributed
or fetus due to the presence of a toxic chemical teratogenesis to embryonic development. In
or other environmental factor. The term is de- the nineteenth century, the French brothers
rived from the Greek words teras (monster) and tienne and Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire out-
genesis (birth). The phenomenon is usually at- lined a systematic study on the science of
tributed to exposure of the mother to some teratology. In the United States, the impor-
causative agent during the early stages of preg- tance of teratogens was first widely covered dur-
nancy. These may include chemicals, excessive ing the 1940s, when scientists discovered that
radiation exposure, viral infections, or drugs. pregnant women who were affected by Ger-
man measles (rubella) often gave birth to
babies that had one or more birth defects.
In the 1940s and 1950s, the consump-
tion of diethylstilbestrol (DES) before the
ninth week of gestation to prevent miscar-
riage was found to produce cancer in the
developing fetus. Animal studies have also
shown that defective offspring result from
the use of hallucinogens such as lysergic
acid diethylamide (LSD).
A broader definition of teratogenesis
may include other minor birth defects
that are more likely to be genetically
linked, such as clubfoot, cleft lip, and cleft
Image not available palate. These defects can often be treated
in a much more effective way than those
caused by toxic substances. Clubfoot, for
example, which can be detected by the
unusual twisted position of one or both
feet, may be treated with surgery and phys-
ical therapy within the first month after
birth. Brachydactyly (short digits) in rab-
bits has been linked to a recessive gene
that causes a local breakdown of the circu-
lation in the developing bud of the em-
bryo, which is followed by necrosis (tissue
death) and healing. In more extreme
cases of agenesis, such as limb absence, a
This three-year-old girl was born without arms in 1962 to a German fold of amnion (embryonic membrane)
mother who had taken thalidomide during her pregnancy. (AP/ was found to cause strangulation of the
Wide World Photos) limb. Agenesis has been observed with or-
Thalidomide and Other Teratogens 735

gans such as kidneys, bladders, testicles, ovaries, seven thousand births were affected by the in-
thyroids, and lungs. Other genetic teratogenic gestion of thalidomide.
malformations include anencephaly (absence The thalidomide incident made all scientists
of brain at birth), microcephaly (small-size more skeptical about the final approval of any
head), hydrocephaly (large-size head caused by type of medicine, especially those likely to be
accumulation of large amounts of fluids), spina used during pregnancy. The trend intensified
bifida (failure of the spine to close over the spi- the fight against any chemicals that might af-
nal cord), cleft palate (lack of fusion in the ven- fect the fetus during the first trimester, when it
tral laminae), and hermaphrodism (presence is particularly vulnerable to teratogens. Alco-
of both male and female sexual organs). hol and tobacco drew many headlines in the
media in the 1990s. Both have been shown to
Thalidomide and Its Impact create congenital problems in mental develop-
Thalidomide resembles glutethimide in its ment and learning abilities. At the same time,
sedative action. Laboratory studies of the late regulation of new FDA-approved medicine be-
1950s and early 1960s had shown thalidomide came much stricter, and efforts to study the
to be a safe sedative for pregnant women. As long-term effects of various pharmaceuticals
early as 1958, the West German government increased. Surprisingly, thalidomide itself has
made the medicine available without prescrip- been used successfully in leprosy cases and, in
tion. Other Western European countries fol- conjunction with cyclosporine, to treat cases of
lowed, with the medicine available only upon the immune reaction that appears in many
physicians prescription. It took several years bone-marrow transplant patients. There is also
for the human population to provide the evi- a movement to use thalidomide in the treat-
dence that laboratory animals could not. Ger- ment of acquired immunodeficiency syn-
man physician Widukind Lenz established the drome (AIDS).
role of thalidomide in a series of congenital de- In addition to drugs, many other agents can
fects. He proved that administration of the affect fetal development. Essentially, any factor
drug during the first twelve weeks of the with the potential to cause DNA mutations has
mothers pregnancy led to the development a high probability of being teratogenic. Conse-
of phocomelia, a condition characterized by quently, early in pregnancy, women are advised
peromelia (the congenital absence or malfor- to limit their exposure to a variety of potential
mation of the extremities caused by the abnor- teratogens, such as excess radiation, toxic chem-
mal formation and development of the limb icals, tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. Pre-
bud from about the fourth to the eighth week vention might even include work reassignment
after conception), absence or malformation of to limit or eliminate the womans normal expo-
the external ear, fusion defects of the eye, and sure to teratogens. Unfortunately, teratogen-
absence of the normal openings of the gastro- esis can occur early in the pregnancy, before
intestinal system of the body. the woman is even aware that she is pregnant.
The United States escaped the thalidomide Prevention by avoidance is therefore essential.
tragedy to a great extent because of the efforts Soraya Ghayourmanesh, updated by Bryan Ness
of Frances O. Kelsey, M.D., of the U.S. Food See also: Congenital Defects; Prenatal Di-
and Drug Administration (FDA). She had seri- agnosis.
ous doubts about the drugs safety and was in-
strumental in banning the approval of thalido- Further Reading
mide for marketing in the United States. Other Holmes, L. B. Teratogen-Induced Limb De-
scientists such as Helen Brooke Taussig, a pio- fects. American Journal of Medical Genetics 112
neer of pediatric cardiology and one of the (October 15, 2002). Discusses limb defects, a
physicians who outlined the surgery on babies common effect of human teratogens.
with the Fallot (blue baby) syndrome, played a Stephens, Trent D., and Rock Brynner. Dark
key role in preventing the approval of thalido- Remedy: The Impact of Thalidomide and Its Re-
mide by the FDA. It is estimated that about vival as a Vital Medicine. Cambridge, Mass.:
736 Totipotency

Perseus, 2001. Surveys the history of the sion, the cells begin to differentiate. Once dif-
birth defects epidemic from the 1960s ferentiated, these specialized cells still possess
through today, and discusses the search for all the genetic materials inherited from the zy-
an alternative to thalidomide that retains its gote. Differentiated cells express or use some
curative effects. Bibliography, index. of their genes (not all) to produce their own
specific proteins. For example, epidermal cells
Web Site of Interest in human beings produce fibrous proteins
Teratology Society. http://www.teratology.org. called keratin to protect the skin, and red
The Teratology Society is a multidisciplinary blood cells produce hemoglobin to help trans-
scientific society founded in 1960, the mem- port oxygen. Due to the differences in gene ex-
bers of which study the causes and biological pression, differentiated cells have their own
processes leading to abnormal development distinct structures and functions, and some dif-
and birth defects at the fundamental and ferentiated cells are totipotent.
clinical level, and appropriate measures for A whole organism can be asexually repro-
prevention. duced from a single egg without the sperm by a
process called parthenogenesis. This occurs
naturally in some insects, snakes, lizards, and
amphibians, as well as in some plants. In this
Totipotency type of reproduction, the haploid chromo-
somes within an unfertilized egg duplicate, and
Field of study: Cellular biology the embryo develops as if the egg had been fer-
Significance: Totipotency is the ability of a living tilized. The pseudo-fertilized eggs are totipo-
cell to express all of its genes to regenerate a whole tent and generate all female individuals. The
new individual. Totipotent cells from plants have females can reproduce under favorable envi-
been used in tissue-culture techniques to produce ronmental conditions without waiting for a
improved plant materials that are pathogen-free mate. Like in vitro fertilization, parthenogene-
and disease-resistant. Totipotent cells from ani- sis is used as a technique to create an embryo in
mals are now being used to clone mammals, al- the laboratory. Chromosomal duplication is in-
though ethical questions remain over whether clon- duced in the egg cell to reproduce female indi-
ing a human should be done. viduals. However, no parthenogenic mammals
had been developed.
Key terms It may become possible to produce males
multipotent cell: a stem cell capable of through a process called androgenesis. In the
forming multiple differentiated tissues laboratory, the haploid chromosomes from
parthenogenesis: asexual reproduction from one sperm may be induced to duplicate. As in
a single egg without fertilization by sperm animal cloning, the duplicated chromosomes,
pluripotent cell: a stem cell that forms all which are diploid, can be implanted into an
types of differentiated tissues enucleated egg cell (a cell from which the nu-
unipotent cell: a stem cell that forms only cleus has been removed). Although androgen-
one differentiated tissue esis holds some promise, so far it has not pro-
duced normal embryos.
Egg and Sperm Cells
In plants and animals, a whole organism is Cell Differentiation
sexually reproduced from a zygote, a product Cell differentiation is a process whereby ge-
of fusion between egg and sperm. Zygotes are netically identical cells become different or
totipotent. A zygote in the seed of a plant or in specialized for their specific functions. During
the uterus of a mammal divides by mitosis and differentiation, enzymes and other polypep-
has the potential to produce more cells, called tides, including other large molecules, are syn-
embryonic cells, before developing into an thesized. Ribosomes and other cell structures
adult individual. During embryonic cell divi- are assembled. Differentiated cells express only
Totipotency 737

Image not available

DNA is removed by pipette suction from a mammalian egg cell to prepare an enucleated egg cell for androgenesis. (AP/Wide World

some of their genes to make enzymes and other of unspecialized and loosely arranged cells,
proteins. called a callus, is formed. Each cell from the
Tissue differentiation is usually triggered by callus begins to divide and differentiate, form-
mitosis, followed by cytokinesis. Then differen- ing a multicellular embryoid. One test tube can
tiation occurs in the daughter cells. Often the accommodate thousands of cells, and each
two daughter cells have different structures embryoid has the potential to become a com-
and functions, but both retain the same genes. plete plantlet. Plantlets can be transplanted
For example, the epidermal cell mitotically di- into the soil to develop into adult plants.
vides to produce one large and one small cell The phloem tissues from the roots of carrots
on the root surface; the large one maintains (Daucus species) also exhibit totipotency. Cells
the role of epidermal cell as a root covering, in pollen grains of tobacco are totipotent, and
whereas the small one becomes the root hair. they produce haploid plants. Using meristem
tissues of shoot and root tips, the cells regener-
Totipotent Cells in Plant-Tissue Culture ate new plants that are free of viruses, bacteria,
Cuttings of plants and tissue-culture tech- and fungi. Pathogen elimination is possible be-
niques have proven that many plant cells are cause vascular tissues (xylem and phloem), in
totipotent. Tissue culture, however, helps to which viruses move, do not reach the root or
identify what specific type of cell is totipotent, shoot apex. The protoplasts (cells without cell
because the technique uses a very small piece walls) from mesophyll cells of the leaf regener-
of known tissue. For example, if pith tissues ate new plants.
from tobacco (Nicotiana tobaccum), soybean
(Glycine max), and other dicot stems are cut off Plant Hormones
and cultured aseptically on an agar medium Totipotency of plant cells is enhanced by the
with proper nutrients and hormones, a clump presence of hormones, such as auxins and
738 Totipotency

cytokinins, in the culture media. Addition of Cloning of Dolly the sheep (Ovis species)
auxins influences the expression of genes and used the mammary cell of a six-year-old ewe as
causes physiological and morphological the donor cell. It was injected into the enucle-
changes in plants. Addition of cytokinins pro- ated sheeps egg cell. Cloning a mammal re-
motes cell division, cytokinesis, and organ for- quires a surrogate mother. The blastula stage of
mation. If these are present in the proper ratio, embryo was developed in vitro and was im-
callus from many plant species can be made to planted into a surrogate mother. After five
develop into an entire new plant. If the months, a lamb was born. The lamb was geneti-
cytokinin-to-auxin ratio is high, cells in the cal- cally identical to the sheep from which the
lus divide and give rise to the development of mammary cell was taken. Today, cloning has
buds, stems, and leaves. If the cytokinin-to- been done by scientists to produce other ani-
auxin ratio is low, root formation is favored. To- mals, including cattle, pigs, monkeys, cats, and
tipotency of some plant cells is promoted by the dogs. Cloning a human seems possible, but
addition of coconut water to the culture me- there are so many ethical and moral questions
diaan indication that coconut water has the whether it should be done or not.
right proportion of cytokinin and auxin to re-
generate an entire plant. Stem Cells in Animal Cloning
Stem cells exhibit totipotency because they
Importance of Totipotency in Plants can generate new types of tissues. Some sources
Clonal propagation of plants using tissue of stem cells are the blastocyst (the immature
culturing is used commercially to mass-pro- embryo), the fetus, the placenta, bone marrow,
duce numerous ornamentals, vegetables, and blood, skeletal muscle, and brain. Because
forest trees. A major use of pathogen-free there is no proof yet whether a single embry-
plants is for the storage of germ plasm and for onic stem cell has the ability to regenerate into
transport of plant materials into different a complete individual, stem cells are generally
countries. It is also posssible to generate plants only partially totipotent. A unipotent stem cell
with desirable traits, such as resistance to herbi- can form only one differentiated tissue. A
cides and environmental stressors or tolerance multipotent stem cell can form multiple differ-
of soil salinity, soil acidity, and heavy-metal tox- entiated tissues. For example, stem cells from
icity. It is easier to select resistant or tolerant blood can form platelets, white blood cells, or
plants from a thousand cells than from a thou- red blood cells. The stem cells from skeletal
sand plants. muscle can form smooth muscle, cardiac mus-
cle, bone, or cartilage. A pluripotent stem cell
Somatic Cells in Animal Cloning from embryo, brain, or bone marrow has the
Animals are more difficult to reproduce ability to develop all types of differentiated tis-
asexually than plants are. Somatic cells of ani- sues of the body. For example, brain stem cells
mals become totitopotent when used as donor can be turned into all tissue types, including
cells in cloning. The first successful animal brain, muscles, blood cells, and nerves.
cloned was a frog, Xenopus laevis. This cloning Domingo M. Jariel
involved the use of a nucleus from the intesti- See also: Cell Culture: Plant Cells; Stem
nal epithelial cells of a tadpole and an egg cell Cells.
from a mature frog. In the laboratory, the nu-
cleus from the egg cell was removed (enucle- Further Reading
ated) by micropipette. The tadpoles nucleus Prentice, David A. Stem Cells and Cloning. New
(the donor cell) was inserted into the enucle- York: Benjamin Cummings, 2003. Discusses
ated frogs egg cell. The nuclei-injected egg cell partial totipotency and differentiation of
underwent a series of embryonic developmen- stem cells, including illustrations showing
tal stages, including the blastula stage, develop- the sources of stem cells and how embryos
ing into tadpoles that later died before becom- can be developed by cloning techniques.
ing adults. Russell, Peter J. Genetics. San Francisco, Calif.:
Transgenic Organisms 739

Benjamin Cummings, 2002. Discusses toti- In the late 1970s and early 1980s, molecu-
potency of some plants and animals. In- lar biologists learned how to surpass the limita-
cludes illustrations on how cells from plants tions of selective breeding. They invented pro-
are used in tissue-culture techniques and cedures for combining the DNA of species as
how cells from animals are used in animal distantly related as plants and animals. Organ-
cloning. isms produced by such means are termed trans-
Smith, Roberta H. Plant Tissue Culture Tech- genic. This branch of genetic engineering made
niques and Experiments. New York: Academic it possible to design novel organisms for ge-
Press, 2000. Discusses the totipotency of dif- netic and biochemical research and for medi-
ferent types of cells in regenerating new cal, agricultural, and ecological innovations.
plants in vitro using culture growth media. Commercial use of transgenic organisms also
Includes an illustration of explant prepara- created worldwide controversy because of their
tion and discusses media preparation and potential threat to human health and the envi-
transplantation of regenerated plants. ronment.
Transgenesis is much like gene therapy in
that both transform cells for a specific purpose.
However, whereas gene therapy targets only
Transgenic Organisms certain cells in order to cure a defect in them,
transgenesis seeks to produce an entirely modi-
Field of study: Genetic engineering and fied organism by incorporating the transgene
biotechnology into all the cells of the mature organism and
Significance: Implanting genes from one organism changing the genome. This is done by trans-
into the genome of another enables scientists to forming not only the somatic (body) cells of
study basic genetic mechanisms and inherited dis- the host organism but also the germ cells, so
eases and to create plants and animals with traits that when the organism reproduces, the trans-
that are beneficial to humans. gene will pass to the next generation. Trans-
genes perform their alterations by blocking the
Key terms function of a host gene, by replacing the host
genome: the complete genetic material carried gene with one that codes for a variant protein,
by an individual or by introducing an additional gene.
plasmid: a circular piece of bacterial DNA that
is often used as a vector Transgenic Animals
transformation: integration of foreign DNA In 1978, yeast cells were the first to be trans-
into a cell formed by insertion of foreign DNA, followed
transgene: the foreign gene incorporated into by mouse cells in 1979. Mouse embryos were
a cells DNA during transformation transformed in 1980, which later led to the de-
vector: a carrier molecule that introduces for- velopment of a supermouse that grew much
eign genetic materials into a cell larger than ordinary mice because it had re-
ceived the gene for human growth hormone.
Engineering Organisms Most of these transformations came after mi-
Domestication and selective breeding of ani- croinjection of DNA directly into cells. Later,
mals and plants began before recorded history. scientists were able to deliver foreign genes
In fact, historians propose, the shaping of or- into hosts by several other methods: incorpo-
ganisms to fit human needs contributed to the rating them into retroviruses and then infect-
rise of settled, complex culture. Until late in ing target cells; electroinfusion, whereby an
the twentieth century, farmers and scientists electric current passed the foreign DNA
could breed novel strains only from closely re- through the relatively flimsy animal cell wall;
lated species or subspecies because the DNA biolistics, a means of mechanically shooting a
had to be compatible in order to produce off- DNA bullet into cells; and conveying the DNA
spring that in turn were fertile. into an ovum aboard sperm. Two methods, de-
740 Transgenic Organisms

veloped at first for mice, are particularly suc- munodeficiency disorder (SCID). In 2001 the
cessful in growing genetically modified animals first transgenic primate, a rhesus monkey, was
after transformation. The first entails inject- born, potentially supplying a research model
ing transformed embryonic stem cells into a genetically much more similar to humans than
blastocyst (an early spherical form of an em- mice are.
bryo). In the second, the DNA is inserted into Beginning in the late 1990s, transgenic ani-
the pronucleus of a freshly fertilized egg. The mals were developed for production of pro-
blastocyst or egg is then implanted into a foster teins that can be used in pharmaceutical drugs
mother for gestation. to treat human disease. Accordingly, they have
The first complex transgenic animals were become known as pharm animals. Lactating
intended for genetic research. After disabling a transgenic mice make tissue plasminogen acti-
specific gene, scientists could study its effect on vator in their milk. Similarly, transgenic sheep
the appearance, metabolic processes, and supply blood coagulation factor IX and alpha1-
health of the mature animal. By 2003 thou- antitrypsin, transgenic pigs produce human
sands of genes had been tested. Also, research hemoglobin, and transgenic cows make hu-
with mice transformed with human DNA en- man lactoferrin. Scientists have also developed
abled scientists to identify genes associated transgenic pigs that may supply tissue and or-
with breast and prostate cancers, cystic fibrosis, gans for transplantation into humans without
Alzheimers disease, and severe combined im- tissue rejection.

Transgenic Plants
Plant cells present greater difficulties for
transformation because their cells walls are
sturdier than animal cell walls. Microinjection
and biolistics are possible but tricky and slow. A
breakthrough for plant transgenesis came in
1983, when three separate teams of scientists
used plasmids as vectors (carrier molecules) to
infect plants with foreign DNA. The achieve-
ment came about because of research into
plant tumors caused by crown gall disease. The
pathogen, the soil bacterium Agrobacterium
tumefaciens, caused the disease by ferrying bits
of its own DNA into the genome of plants via
Image not available plasmids, circular bits of extranuclear DNA.
Scientists found that they could take the same
plasmid, cut out bits of its DNA with enzymes
and insert transgenes, and then use the altered
plasmids as vectors to transform plants. Subse-
quently, scientists discovered that liposomes
can be vectors. A liposome is a tiny ball of
lipids that binds readily to a cell wall, opens a
passage, and delivers any DNA that has been
put inside it.
A great variety of transgenic plants have
been designed for agriculture to produce ge-
netically modified (GM) foods. The first to be
marketed was a strain of tomato that ripened
These two rhesus monkeys were born from cloned embryos in slowly so that it gained flavor by staying longer
1996. (AP/Wide World Photos) on the vine and remained ripe longer on super-
Transgenic Organisms 741

market shelves. This Flavr Savr tomato was not are concerned with specific dangers that trans-
a commercial success, however. Corn, cotton, genic organism may pose. Many consumers,
soybeans, potatoes, and papayas received a gene most noticeably those in Europe, worry that
from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) GM foods contain hidden health risks. After
that enables them to make a caterpillar-killing transgenes were found to escape from crops
toxin; these are frequently referred to a Bt crops. and become part of wild plants, environmen-
Other crops have been made resistant to herbi- talists proposed that there could be unforeseen
cides so that weeds can be easily killed without and harmful ecological consequences, espe-
harming the food plants. Similarly, some trans- cially in the destruction of natural species and
genic crops tolerate salty or aluminum-rich soil, reduction of biodiversity.
have less impact on the land because they re- Even those who welcome the creation of
quire less water or tillage, or produce a high transgenic animals and plants are concerned
yield. about the legal and social effects. Principally,
Like transgenic animals, some transgenic because biotechnology corporations can pat-
crops promise to deliver pharmaceuticals at ent transgenic organisms, they potentially have
lower costs and more conveniently than fac- great influence on agribusiness, perhaps to the
tory-made drugs. GM bananas and potatoes detriment of small farmers and consumers.
contain vaccines for protection against diar- Roger Smith
rheal diseases, such as cholera, and hepatitis B. See also: Antibodies; Biopesticides; Bio-
In 2000, scientists reported invention of rice pharmaceuticals; Genetic Engineering; Ge-
and wheat strains that produce anti-cancer anti- netic Engineering: Agricultural Applications;
bodies. Golden rice, a transgenic strain that Genetic Engineering: Medical Applications;
contains vitamin A, was developed to ward off Genetic Engineering: Risks; Genetic Engi-
blindness from vitamin A deficiency, which is a neering: Social and Ethical Issues; Genetically
problem in countries that subsist largely on Modified (GM) Foods; Genomics; Human
rice. Another strain has elevated iron levels to Growth Hormone; Hybridization and Intro-
combat anemia. In a bid to reduce the health gression; Knockout Genetics and Knockout
risk from smoking, a tobacco company devel- Mice; Lateral Gene Transfer; Model Organism:
oped a strain free of nicotine. Drosophila melanogaster; Model Organism: Mus
musculus; Model Organism: Xenopus laevis; Mo-
The Debate over Transgenesis lecular Genetics; Viroids and Virusoids.
Transgenic organisms offer great benefits to
humankind: deeper understanding of the ge- Further Reading
netic component in disease and aids in diagno- Brown, Kathryn, Karen Hopkin, and Sasha
sis; new, cheaper, more easily produced drugs; Nemecek. GM Foods: Are They Safe? Scien-
and crops that could help alleviate the growing tific American 284, no. 4 (2001): 52-57. De-
hunger in the world. Yet during the 1990s pro- scribes the risks and benefits in growing
tests against transgenesis began that are as con- genetically modified foods and human con-
tentious as any since the controversy over the sumption of them. Accompanied by graph-
pesticide DDT during the 1960s. ics and tables that summarize and clarify
Some opponents object to the very fact that technical matters.
organisms are modified strictly for human ben- Lurquin, Paul F. The Green Phoenix: A History of
efit. They find such manipulations of lifes es- Genetically Modified Plants. New York: Colum-
sential code blasphemous and arrogant, or at bia University Press, 2001. Written by a pio-
the very least unethical and reckless. Further- neer in the field of transgenic plants, this
more, animal rights groups regard the produc- technically detailed but readable book re-
tion of transgenic pharm and research animals quires a basic familiarity with microbiology
cruel and in violation of the natural rights of and genetics. The author discusses the eco-
other species. logical and ethical controversies with insight
The greater portion of opponents, however, and balance.
742 Transposable Elements

Nicholl, Desmond S. T. An Introduction to Ge- tamc. A professional Web site for researchers
netic Engineering. 2d ed. New York: Cam- seeking a host animal to test transgenes.
bridge University Press, 2002. A thorough, However, it contains much useful general
lucidly structured survey of the techniques information about transgenics (especially
and applications of genetic engineering. transgenic rats), vectors, and laboratory pro-
One chapter is devoted to transgenic plants cedures. With links and a photo gallery.
and animals.
Velander, William, et al. Transgenic Livestock
as Drug Factories. Scientific American 276
(January, 1997). Explains how genetic engi- Transposable Elements
neering methods have resulted in the pro-
duction of pharm animals whose milk con- Fields of study: Bacterial genetics;
tains large amounts of medicinal proteins. Molecular genetics
Winston, Mark L. Travels in the Genetically Mod- Significance: Transposable elements are discrete
ified Zone. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Uni- DNA sequences that have evolved the means to
versity Press, 2002. A popular account of the move (transpose) within the chromosomes. Trans-
agribusiness, government oversight, and sci- position results in mutation and potentially
ence of genetically modified plants and ani- large-scale genome rearrangements. Transposable
mals. The science is explained cursorily for elements contribute to the problem of multiple anti-
general readers. biotic resistance by mobilizing the genes of patho-
genic bacteria for antibiotic resistance.
Web Sites of Interest
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Transgenic Key terms
and Targeted Mutant Animal Database. composite transposon: a transposable ele-
http://www.ornl.gov/TechResources/ ment that contains genes other than those
Trans/hmepg.html. A searchable profes- required for transposition
sional database about lines of genetically resistance plasmid (R plasmid): a small, cir-
modified animals, methods used to create cular DNA molecule that replicates inde-
them and descriptions of the modified DNA, pendently of the bacterial host chromosome
the expression of transgenes, and how trans- and encodes a gene for antibiotic resistance
genes are named. selfish DNA: a DNA sequence that has no ap-
TBASE: The Transgenic/Targeted Mutation parent purpose for the host that spreads by
Database, Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, forming additional copies of itself within the
Maine. http://tbase.jax.org. Database of genome
information about transgenic animals gen- transposase: an enzyme encoded by a
erated worldwide, searchable by species, transposable element that initiates transpo-
technique, DNA construct, phenotype, labo- sition by cutting specifically at the ends of
ratory. Features the Knockout Model of the the element and randomly at the site of in-
Montha discussion of new animal mod- sertion
elsand a glossary.
Transgenic Crops: An Introduction and Re- Jumping Genes
source Guide http://www.colostate.edu/ Transposable elements are DNA sequences
programs/lifesciences/transgeniccrops. that are capable of moving from one chromo-
This richly illustrated site provides informa- somal location to another in the same cell. In
tion about the history of plant breeding, the some senses, transposable elements have been
making of transgenic plants, government likened to intracellular viruses. The first ge-
regulations, and risks and concerns. Also netic evidence for transposable elements was
available in Spanish. described by Barbara McClintock in the 1940s.
University of Michigan. Transgenic Animal She was studying the genetics of the pigmenta-
Model Core. http://www.med.umich.edu/ tion of maize (corn) kernels and realized that
Transposable Elements 743

Barbara McClintock

Though best known for her research on mobile ge- chromosomes to elucidate many aspects of genetic
netic elements (for which she won the first unshared control. Her first major contribution was the identi-
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine awarded to a fication and naming of the maize chromosomes.
woman), Barbara McClintocks contributions to the Shortly after, using cytological markers on the chro-
field of genetics were many. McClintocks career in mosomes, McClintock and graduate student Har-
genetics spanned the development of the field itself. riet Creighton demonstrated the correlation be-
While an undergraduate at Cornell University (from tween patterns of inheritance and chromosomal
which she earned her bachelor of science degree in crossoverthe exchange of material between chro-
1923), she was invited to participate in a graduate mosomes. Breeding experiments focusing on link-
course in genetics, then a fledgling discipline. She age groups allowed McClintock to associate each of
continued at Cornell as a graduate student (earning corns ten chromosomes with the genes they carry.
her Ph.D. in 1927), combining her interests in the At that point, Lewis Stadler, who was studying the
microscopic internal structure of the cell (cytology) mutagenic effects of X rays, sent some irradiated
with the transmission of heritable traits (genetics). corn to McClintock. McClintock demonstrated that
McClintocks keen observational skills and her the resultant broken chromosomes can fuse into a
holistic approach to science allowed her to make sig- ring, and she then hypothesized the existence of the
nificant advancements. It had only recently been es- telomere, a protective stabilizing structure at the end
tablished that the chromosomes (visible under the of the chromosome. At the University of Missouri,
microscope) were the carriers of Gregor Mendels McClintock observed the ability of such broken
factors, or genes. McClintock used information chromosomes to go through a series of breakages
gleaned from characteristics of the corn plant, Zea and fusions (the breakage-fusion-bridge cycle) and
mays (maize), in conjunction with changes in its identified concomitant chromosomal inversions
and deletions. She ultimately discovered that cer-
tain genes could transfer from cell to cell and be-
tween chromosomes, thereby influencing the
color patterns in the leaves and kernels of corn.
In 1941, McClintock moved to Cold Spring Har-
bor, New York, where she would remain. Doing
much of her work before the discovery of the dou-
ble helical structure of DNA, she rejected the sim-
plistic one-way flow from DNA to RNA to protein
outlined in the central dogma of molecular biol-
ogy, seeking instead an explanation for the spatial
and temporal variation in gene expression needed
to link genetics to developmental and evolutionary
change. Her own work showed that both the loca-
tion and direction of genetic material, as well as the
presence of other controlling elements, had im-
portant effects on the expression of the gene.
In addition to this better-known work, McClin-
tock identified the chromosomes of the bread
mold Neurospora and described its meiotic cycle.
She also headed a study aimed at conserving indig-
enous corn varieties in the Americas. In recogni-
tion of her place as one of the most distinguished
scientists of the twentieth century, The Barbara Mc-
Clintock Papers are available through the National
Library of Medicine through its Profiles in Sci-
ence Web site.
Barbara McClintock. ( The Nobel Foundation) Lee Anne Martnez
744 Transposable Elements

the patterns of inheritance were not following sons that transposons are likened to viruses. Vi-
Mendelian laws. Furthermore, she surmised ruses can be thought of as transposons that
that insertion and excision of genetic material gained the genes for a protein coat and thus
were responsible for the genetic patterns she the ability to leave one cell and infect others;
observed. McClintock was recognized for this conversely, transposons can be thought of as
pioneering work with a Nobel Prize in Physiol- intracellular viruses.
ogy or Medicine in 1983. It was not until the
1960s that the jumping genes that McClintock Genetic Change and Selfish DNA
postulated were isolated and characterized. Transposition is a significant cause of muta-
The first transposable elements to be well char- tion for many organisms. When McClintock
acterized were found in the bacteria Escherichia studied the genetic patterns of maize kernel
coli but have subsequently been found in the pigmentation, she saw the results of insertion
cells of many bacteria, plants, and animals. and excision of transposable elements into and
Transposable elements are discrete DNA se- out of the pigment genes. Subsequently, it has
quences that encode a transposase, an enzyme been well established that mutations in many
that catalyzes transposition. Transposition re- organisms are the result of insertion of
fers to the movement within a genome. The transposable elements into and around genes.
borders of the transposable element are de- Transposition sometimes results in deletion
fined by specific DNA sequences; often the se- mutations as well. Occasionally the transposase
quences at either end of the transposable ele- will cut at one end of the transposable element
ment are inverted repeats of one another. The but skip the other end, cutting the DNA further
transposase enzyme cuts the DNA sequences at downstream. This can result in a deletion of the
the ends of the transposable element to initiate DNA between the end of the transposable ele-
transposition and cuts the DNA at the insertion ment and the cut site.
site. The site for insertion of the transposable In addition to these direct results, it is be-
element is not specific. Therefore, transposi- lieved that transposable elements may be re-
tion results in random insertion into chromo- sponsible for large-scale rearrangements of
somes and often results in mutation and ge- chromosomes. Genetic recombination, the ex-
nome rearrangement. In many organisms, change of genetic information resulting in new
transposition accounts for a significant fraction combinations of DNA sequences, depends upon
of all mutation. Although the details of the DNA sequence homology. Normally, recombi-
mechanism may vary, there are two basic mech- nation does not occur between nonhomolo-
anisms of transposition: conser vative and gous chromosomes or between two parts of the
replicative. In conservative transposition, the same chromosome. However, transposition can
transposable element is excised from its origi- create small regions of homology (the trans-
nal site and inserted at another. In replicative posable element itself) spread throughout the
transposition, a copy of the transposable ele- chromosomes. Recombination occurring be-
ment is made and is inserted in a new location. tween homologous transposable elements can
The original transposable element remains at create deletions, inversions, and other large-
its initial site. scale rearrangements of chromosomes.
A subset of the replicative transposable ele- Scientists often take advantage of transpos-
ments includes the retrotransposons. These el- able elements to construct mutant organisms
ements transpose through an RNA intermedi- for study. The random nature of insertion en-
ate. Interestingly, their DNA sequence and sures that many different genes can be mu-
organization are similar to those of retrovi- tated, the relatively large insertion makes it
ruses. It is likely that either retroviruses evolved likely that there will be a complete loss of gene
from retrotransposons by gaining the genes to function, and the site of insertion is easy to lo-
produce the proteins for a viral coat or retro- cate to identify the mutated region.
transposons evolved from retroviruses that lost Biologists often think of natural selection as
the genes for a viral coat. This is one of the rea- working at the level of the organism. DNA se-
Transposable Elements 745

quences that confer a selective advantage to the Resistance to antibiotics is a growing public
organism are increased in number as a result of health problem that threatens to undo much of
the increased reproductive success of the or- the progress that the antibiotic revolution
ganisms that possess those sequences. It has made against infectious disease. Transposition
been said that organisms are simply DNAs of composite transposons is part of the prob-
means of producing more DNA. In 1980, how- lem. Transposition can occur between any two
ever, W. Ford Doolittle, Carmen Sapienza, sites within the same cell, including between
Leslie Orgel, and Francis Crick elaborated on the chromosome and plasmid DNA. Plasmids
another kind of selection that occurs among are small, circular DNA molecules that repli-
DNA sequences within a cell. In this selection, cate independently of the bacterial host chro-
DNA sequences are competing with each other mosome. Resistance plasmids (R plasmids) are
to be replicated. DNA sequences that spread by created when composite transposons carrying
forming additional copies of themselves will in- an antibiotic resistance gene insert into a plas-
crease relative to other DNA sequences. There mid. What makes this particularly serious is
is selection for discrete DNA sequences to that some plasmids encode fertility factors
evolve the means to propagate themselves. (genes that promote the transfer of the plas-
One of the key points is that this selection does mid from one bacteria to another). This pro-
not work at the level of the organisms pheno- vides a mechanism for rapid and widespread
type. There may be no advantage for the organ- antibiotic resistance whenever antibiotics are
ism to have these DNA sequences. In fact, it used. The great selective pressure exerted by
may be that there is a slight disadvantage to hav- antibiotic use results in the spread of R plas-
ing many of these DNA sequences. For this rea- mids throughout the bacterial population.
son, DNA sequences that are selected because This, in turn, increases the opportunities for
of their tendency to make additional copies of composite transposon insertion into R plas-
themselves are referred to as selfish DNA. mids to create multiple drug-resistant R plas-
Transposable elements are often cited as exam- mids. The first report of multiple antibiotic re-
ples of selfish DNA. sistance caused by R plasmids was in Japan in
1957 when strains of Shigella dysenteriae, which
Composite Transposons and Antibiotic causes dysentery, became resistant to four com-
Resistance mon antibiotics all at once. Some R plasmids
Some transposable elements have genes un- encode resistance for up to eight different anti-
related to the transposition process located biotics, which often makes treatment of bacte-
between the inverted, repeat DNA sequences rial infection difficult. Furthermore, some
that define the ends of the element. These plasmids are able to cause genetic transfer be-
are referred to as composite transposons. Very tween bacterial species, limiting the usefulness
frequently, bacterial composite transposons of many antibiotics.
contain a gene that encodes resistance to anti- Craig S. Laufer
biotics. The consequence is that the antibiotic See also: Antisense RNA; Archaea; Bacte-
resistance gene is mobilized: It will jump along rial Resistance and Super Bacteria; Immuno-
with the rest of the transposable element to genetics; Lateral Gene Transfer; Model Or-
new DNA sites. Composite transposons may be ganism: Escherichia coli; Molecular Genetics;
generated when two of the same type of Mutation and Mutagenesis; Plasmids; Repeti-
transposable elements end up near each other tive DNA.
and flanking an antibiotic resistance gene. If
mutations occurred to change the sequences at Further Reading
the inside ends of the transposable elements, Capy, Pierre, et al. Dynamics and Evolution of
the transposase would then only recognize and Transposable Elements. New York: Chapman &
cut at the two outside end sequences to cause Hall, 1998. Addresses the structure of the
everything in between to be part of a new com- transposable elements, heterochromatin,
posite transposon. host phylogenies, the origin and coevolu-
746 Tumor-Suppressor Genes

tion of retroviruses, evolutionary links be- mal form of an oncogene, called a proto-
tween telomeres and transposable elements, oncogene, is involved in regulating the cell
population genetics models of transposable cycle
elements, and more. Illustrations, maps, bib- p53 gene: a tumor-suppressor gene, implicated
liography. in many types of cancer
Keller, Evelyn Fox. A Feeling for the Organism: The
Life and Work of Barbara McClintock. 10th an- Discovery of Tumor-Suppressor Genes
niversary ed. New York: W. H. Freeman, The existence of genes that play critical roles
1993. A now-classic look at McClintock and in cell cycle regulation by inhibiting cell divi-
her pathbreaking work. sion was predicted by several lines of evidence.
McClintock, Barbara. The Discovery and Charac- In vitro studies involving the fusion of normal
terization of Transposable Elements: The Collected and cancer cell lines were often observed to re-
Papers of Barbara McClintock. New York: Gar- sult in suppression of the malignant pheno-
land, 1987. Presents the papers on trans- type, suggesting that normal cells contained in-
posable elements that McClintock wrote hibitors that could reprogram the abnormal
between 1938 and 1984. Illustrations, bibli- growth behavior in the cancer cell lines. In ad-
ography. dition, studies by Alfred Knudsen on inherited
McDonald, John F., ed. Transposable Elements and noninherited forms of retinoblastoma, a
and Genome Evolution. London: Kluwer Aca- childhood cancer associated with tumor for-
demic, 2000. Includes the seminal papers mation in the eye, suggested that the inactiva-
presented in 1992 at the University of Geor- tion of recessive genes as a consequence of mu-
gia during a meeting of molecular, popula- tation could result in the loss of function of
tion, and evolutionary geneticists to discuss inhibitory gene products critical to cell division
the relevance of their research to the role control. With the advent of molecular methods
played by transposable elements in evolu- of genetic analysis, the gene whose inactivation
tion. Illustrations, bibliography, index. is responsible for retinoblastoma was identified
and designated Rb.
Additional tumor-suppressor genes were
identified by studies of DNA tumor viruses
Tumor-Suppressor Genes whose cancer-causing properties were found to
result, in part, from the ability of specific viral
Field of study: Molecular genetics gene products to inactivate host cell inhibitory
Significance: Molecular analysis of tumor-sup- gene products involved in cell cycle regulation.
pressor genes has provided important information By inactivating these host cell proteins, the tu-
on mechanisms of cell cycle regulation and pat- mor virus removes the constraints on viral and
terns of growth control in normal dividing cells cellular proliferation. The most important cel-
and cancer cells. Tumor-suppressor genes repre- lular gene product to be identified in this way is
sent cell cycle control genes that inhibit cell divi- the p53 protein, named after its molecular
sion and initiate cell death processes in abnormal weight. Genetic studies of human malignancies
cells. Mutations in these genes have been identified have implicated mutations in the p53 gene in
in many types of human cancer and play a critical up to 75 percent of tumors of diverse tissue ori-
role in the genetic destabilization and loss of gin, including an inherited disorder called Li-
growth control characteristic of malignancy. Fraumeni syndrome, associated with many
types of cancer. In addition, studies of other
Key terms rare inherited malignancies have led to the
cell cycle: a highly regulated series of events identification of many other recessive genes
critical to the initiation of cell division pro- whose inactivation contributes to oncogenic or
cesses cancer-causing mechanisms. Included in this
oncogenes: a mutated or improperly ex- list are the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in breast
pressed gene that can cause cancer; the nor- cancer, the NF1 gene in neurofibromatosis, the
Tumor-Suppressor Genes 747

p16 gene in melanoma, and the APC gene in cer cells. Taken together, research on the pat-
colorectal carcinoma. Each of these genes has terns of oncogene activation and the loss of tu-
also been implicated in nonhereditary cancers. mor-suppressor gene function in many types of
human malignancy suggest a general model of
The Properties of Tumor-Suppressor oncogenesis. Molecular analyses of many tu-
Genes mors show multiple genetic alterations involv-
Molecular analyses of the genetic and bio- ing both oncogenes and tumor-suppressor
chemical properties of tumor-suppressor genes genes, suggesting that oncogenesis (develop-
have suggested that these gene products play ment of cancer) requires unregulated stimula-
critical but distinct roles in regulating pro- tion of cellular proliferation pathways along
cesses involved in cellular proliferation. The Rb with a loss of inhibitory activities that operate at
gene product represents a prototype tumor- cell cycle checkpoints.
suppressor gene that blocks progression of the With respect to clinical applications, restora-
cell cycle and cell division by binding to tran- tion of p53 tumor-suppressor gene function by
scription factors in its active form. In order for gene therapy appears to result in tumor regres-
cell division to occur in response to growth fac- sion in some experimental systems; however,
tor stimulation, elements of the signal cascade much more work needs to be done in this area
inactivate Rb-mediated inhibition by a mecha- to achieve clinical relevance. More important,
nism involving the addition of phosphate to research on the mechanism of action of stan-
the molecule, a reaction called phosphoryla- dard chemotherapeutic drugs suggests that
tion. Loss of Rb function as a consequence of cytotoxicity may be caused by p53-induced cell
mutation removes the brakes on this form of in- death; the absence of functional p53 in many
hibitory control; the cell division machinery tumors may account for their resistance to che-
proceeds regardless of appropriate initiation motherapy. Promising research suggests that it
by growth factors or other stimuli. may be possible to elicit cell death in tumor
The p53 tumor-suppressor gene product is a cells lacking functional p53 gene product in re-
DNA-binding protein that regulates the ex- sponse to chemotherapy. The clinical signifi-
pression of specific genes in response to ge- cance of activating these p53-independent cell
netic damage or other abnormal events that death mechanisms may be extraordinary.
may occur during cell cycle progression. In re- Sarah Crawford Martinelli
sponse to p53 activation, the cell may arrest the See also: Aging; Breast Cancer; Cancer;
process of cell division (by indirectly blocking Cell Cycle, The; Cell Division; DNA Repair; Hu-
Rb inactivation) to repair genetic damage be- man Genetics; Human Genome Project; Model
fore proceeding further along the cell cycle; al- Organism: Mus musculus; Oncogenes.
ternatively, if the damage is too great, the p53
gene product may initiate a process of cell Further Reading
death called apoptosis. The loss of p53 activity Ehrlich, Melanie, ed. DNA Alterations in Cancer:
in the cell as a consequence of mutation results Genetic and Epigenetic Changes. Natick, Mass.:
in genetic destabilization and the failure of cell Eaton, 2000. A comprehensive overview of
death mechanisms to eliminate damaged cells the numerous and varied genetic alterations
from the body; both events appear to be critical leading to the development and progression
to late-stage oncogenic mechanisms. of cancer. Topics include oncogenes, tumor-
suppressor genes, cancer predisposition,
Impact and Applications DNA repair, and epigenetic alteration such
The discovery of tumor-suppressor genes as methylation.
has revealed the existence of inhibitory mecha- Fisher, David E., ed. Tumor Suppressor Genes in
nisms critical to the regulation of cellular pro- Human Cancer. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press,
liferation. Mutations that destroy the func- 2001. Covers models used in suppressor
tional activities of these gene products cause gene studies, cancer drugs, and gene de-
the loss of growth control characteristic of can- scriptions. Illustrated (some color).
748 Turner Syndrome

Habib, Nagy A. Cancer Gene Therapy: Past Key terms

Achievements and Future Challenges. New York: estrogens: hormones or chemicals that stimu-
Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2000. Reviews late the development of female sexual char-
forty-one preclinical and clinical studies in acteristics and control the female reproduc-
cancer gene therapy, organized into sections tive cycle
on the vectors available to carry genes into growth hormone: a chemical that plays a key
tumors, cell cycle control, apoptosis, tumor- role in promoting growth in body size
suppressor genes, antisense and ribozymes, karyotype: a laboratory analysis that confirms
immunomodulation, suicidal genes, angio- the diagnosis of Turner syndrome by docu-
genesis control, and matrix metallopro- menting the absence or abnormality of one
teinase. of the two X chromosomes normally found
Lattime, Edmund C., and Stanton L. Gerson, in women
eds. Gene Therapy of Cancer: Translational Ap- sex chromosomes: the chromosomes that
proaches from Preclinical Studies to Clinical Im- control sexual determination during the de-
plementation. 2d ed. San Diego: Academic velopment of males and females; females
Press, 2002. Provides a comprehensive re- have two X chromosomes and males have
view of the basis and approaches involved in one X and one Y chromosome
the gene therapy of cancer. syndrome: a set of features or symptoms often
Maruta, Hiroshi, ed. Tumor-Suppressing Viruses, occurring together and believed to stem
Genes, and Drugs: Innovative Cancer Therapy from the same cause
Approaches. San Diego: Academic, 2002. An
international field of experts address poten- Discovery of Turner Syndrome
tial alternative cancer treatments, such as vi- Henry H. Turner, an eminent clinical endo-
ral and drug therapy and gene therapy with crinologist, is credited with first describing
tumor-suppressor genes. Turner syndrome. In 1938, he published an ar-
Oliff, Alan, et al. New Molecular Targets for ticle describing seven patients, ranging in age
Cancer Therapy. Scientific American 275 from fifteen to twenty-three years, who exhib-
(September, 1996). Summarizes novel ge- ited short stature, a lack of sexual develop-
netic approaches to cancer treatment. ment, arms that turned out slightly at the el-
Ruddon, Raymond. Cancer Biology. 3d ed. New bows, webbing of the neck, and low posterior
York: Oxford University Press, 1995. A good hairline. He did not know what caused this con-
general text. dition. In 1959, C. E. Ford discovered that a
chromosomal abnormality involving the sex
chromosomes caused Turner syndrome. He
Web Site of Interest found that most girls with Turner syndrome
American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer did not have all or part of one of their X chro-
.org. Site has searchable information on tu- mosomes and argued that this missing genetic
mor suppressor genes. material accounted for the physical findings as-
sociated with the condition.
Turner syndrome begins at conception. The
disorder results from an error during meiosis
in the production of one of the parents sex
Turner Syndrome cells, although the exact cause remains un-
known. Girls suspected of having Turner syn-
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes drome, usually because of their short stature,
Significance: Turner syndrome is one of the most usually undergo chromosomal analysis. A sim-
common genetic problems in women, affecting 1 ple blood test and laboratory analysis called a
out of every 2,000 to 2,500 women born. Short karyotype are done to document the existence
stature, infertility, and incomplete sexual develop- of an abnormality.
ment are the characteristics of this condition. Shortness is the most common characteris-
Turner Syndrome 749

tic of Turner syndrome. The incidence of short fertilization (fertilizing a womans egg with
stature among women with Turner syndrome is sperm outside the body) and embryo transfer
virtually 100 percent. Women who have this (moving the fertilized egg into a womans
condition are, on average, 4 feet 8 inches (1.4 uterus). Individuals with Turner syndrome can
meters) tall. The cause of the failure to grow is be healthy, happy, and productive members of
unclear. However, growth-promoting therapy society.
with growth hormones has become standard. Nevertheless, because of its relative rarity, a
Most women with the syndrome also experi- woman with Turner syndrome may never meet
ence ovarian failure. Since the ovaries normally another individual with this condition and may
produce estrogen, women with Turner syn- suffer from self-consciousness, embarrass-
drome lack this essential hormone. This deficit ment, and poor self-esteem. The attitudes of
results in infertility and incomplete sexual de- parents, siblings, and relatives are important in
velopment. Cardiovascular disorders are the helping develop a strong sense of identity and
single source of increased mortality in women self-worth. The Turner Syndrome Society of
with this condition. High blood pressure is the United States is a key source of information
common. and support groups. Advances in chromo-
Other physical features often associated with somal analysis have proved helpful in the diag-
Turner syndrome include puffy hands and feet nosis and management of Turner syndrome. In
at birth, a webbed neck, prominent ears, a addition, new developments in hormonal ther-
small jaw, short fingers, a low hairline at the apy for short stature and ovarian failure, com-
back of the neck, and soft fingernails that turn bined with advances in in vitro fertilization,
up at the ends. Some women with Turner syn- have significantly improved the potential for
drome have a tendency to become overweight. growth, sexual development, and fertility for
Many women will exhibit only a few of these dis- afflicted individuals.
tinctive features, and some may not show any of Fred Buchstein
them. This condition does not affect general See also: Amniocentesis and Chorionic Vil-
intelligence. Girls with Turner syndrome fol- lus Sampling; Dwarfism; Hereditary Diseases;
low a typical female developmental pattern Infertility; Klinefelter Syndrome; Mutation
with unambiguous female gender identifica- and Mutagenesis; Nondisjunction and Aneu-
tion. However, another possible symptom is ploidy; X Chromosome Inactivation; XYY Syn-
poor spatial perception abilities. For example, drome.
women with this condition may have difficulty
driving, recognizing subtle social clues, and Further Reading
solving nonverbal mathematics problems; they Albertsson-Wikland, Kerstin, and Michael B.
may also suffer from clumsiness and attention- Ranke, eds. Turner Syndrome in a Life Span Per-
deficit disorder. spective: Research and Clinical Aspects. New
York: Elsevier, 1995. Focuses on molecular
Treatments and Therapies genetic evaluation, prenatal diagnosis,
No treatment is available to correct the chro- growth, medical and psychosocial manage-
mosome abnormality that causes this condi- ment, pediatric and adult care, estrogen sub-
tion. However, injections of human growth stitution therapy, bone mineralization, hear-
hormone can restore most of the growth defi- ing, and more. Illustrations, bibliography,
cit. Unless they undergo hormone replace- index.
ment therapy, girls with Turner syndrome will Broman, Sarah H., and Jordan Grafman, eds.
not menstruate or develop breasts and pubic Atypical Cognitive Deficits in Developmental Dis-
hair. In addition to estrogen replacement ther- orders: Implications for Brain Function.
apy, women with Turner syndrome are often Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994. In-
advised to take calcium and exercise regularly. cludes multidisciplinary research about
Although infertility cannot be altered, preg- Turner syndrome. Illustrations, bibliogra-
nancy may be made possible through in vitro phy, index.
750 Twin Studies

Rieser, Patricia A., and Marsha Davenport. Tur-

ner Syndrome: A Guide for Families. Houston, Twin Studies
Tex.: Turner Syndrome Society, 1992. De-
scribes the syndromes causes and features, Field of study: Techniques and
and how families can help girls with the con- methodologies
dition cope with the physical, social, and Significance: Studies of twins are widely consid-
emotional concerns. ered to be the best way to determine the relative con-
Rosenfeld, Ron G. Turner Syndrome: A Guide for tributions of genetic and environmental factors to
Physicians. 2d ed. Houston, Tex.: Turner Syn- the development of human physical and psycholog-
drome Society, 1992. Definition, etiology, ical characteristics.
and management of Turner syndrome.
Saenger, Paul, and Anna-Maria Pasquino, eds. Key terms
Optimizing Health Care for Turner Patients in the dizygotic: developed from two separate zy-
Twenty-first Century. New York: Elsevier, 2000. gotes; fraternal twins are dizygotic because
Covers the management of health care from they develop from two separate fertilized ova
infancy through the adult years. Discusses (eggs)
molecular genetics, prenatal diagnosis, cog- monozygotic: developed from a single zygote;
nitive function, reproduction, and more. Il- identical twins are monozygotic because
lustrations, index. they develop from a single fertilized ovum
that splits in two
zygosity: the degree to which two individuals
Web Sites of Interest are genetically similar
Intersex Society of North America. http://www zygote: a cell formed from the union of a
.isna.org. The society is a public awareness, sperm and an ovum
education, and advocacy organization which
works to create a world free of shame, se- The Origin of Twin Studies
crecy, and unwanted surgery for intersex Sir Francis Galton, an early pioneer in the
people (individuals born with anatomy or science of genetics and a founder of the theory
physiology which differs from cultural ideals of eugenics, conducted some of the earliest sys-
of male and female). Includes links to infor- tematic studies of human twins in the 1870s.
mation on such conditions as clitoromegaly, Galton recognized the difficulty of identifying
micropenis, hypospadias, ambiguous geni- the extent to which human traits are biologi-
tals, early genital surgery, adrenal hyperpla- cally inherited and the extent to which traits
sia, Klinefelter syndrome, androgen insensi- are produced by diet, upbringing, education,
tivity, and testicular feminization. and other environmental influences. Borrow-
Johns Hopkins University, Division of Pediat- ing a phrase from William Shakespeare, Galton
ric Endocrinology, Syndromes of Abnormal called this the nature vs. nurture problem.
Sex Differentiation. http://www.hopkins Galton reasoned that he could attempt to find
medicine.org/pediatricendocrinology. A an answer to this problem by comparing simi-
guide to the science and genetics of sex dif- larities among people who obviously shared a
ferentiation, including a glossary. Click on great deal of biological inheritance, with simi-
patient resources. larities among people sharing less biological in-
National Institute of Child Health and Human heritance. Twins offered the clearest example
Development. http://turners.nichd.nih.gov. of people who shared common biological back-
Site provides information on the genetic grounds.
and clinical features of the syndrome. Galton contacted all of the twins he knew
The Turner Syndrome Society of the United and asked them to supply him with the names
States. http://www.turner-syndrome-us.org. of other twins. He obtained information on
The main national support organization, of- ninety-four sets of twins. Of these, thirty-five
fering resources and information. sets were very similar, people who would today
Twin Studies 751

be called identical twins. These thirty-five pairs their physical traits to their children by means
reported that people often had difficulty tell- of genes in chromosomes. Each chromosome
ing them apart. Using questionnaires and in- carries two genes (called alleles) for every he-
terviews, Galton compared the thirty-five iden- reditary trait. One allele comes from the father
tical pairs with the other twins. He found that and one comes from the mother. Any set of full
the identical twins were much more similar to brothers and sisters will share many of the same
one another in habits, interests, and personali- alleles, since all of their genes come from the
ties, as well as in appearance. They were even same parents. However, brothers and sisters
much more alike in physical health and suscep- usually also differ substantially; each zygote
tibility to illness. The one area in which all indi- (ovum, or egg, fertilized by a sperm cell) will
viduals seemed to differ markedly was in hand- combine alleles from the father and the
writing. mother in a unique manner, so different zy-
gotes will develop into unique individuals.
Modern Twin Studies Even when two fertilized eggs are present at the
Since Galtons time, researchers have discov- same time, as in the case of dizygotic or frater-
ered how biological inheritance occurs, and nal twins, the two will have different combina-
this has made possible an understanding of tions of genes from the mother and the father.
why twins are similar. It has also enabled re- Identical twins are an exception to the rule
searchers to make more sophisticated use of of unique combinations of genes. Identical
twins in studies that address various aspects of twins develop from a single zygote, a cell cre-
the nature vs. nurture problem. Parents pass ated by one union of egg and sperm. There-

Image not available

In the background, the co-director of the Twins Reared Apart project, Nancy Segal, with twins Mark Newman and Gerald Levey,
separated at birth. (AP/Wide World Photos)
752 Twin Studies

fore, monozygotic twins (from one zygote) will assume that monozygotic twins are biologically
normally have the same genetic makeup. Dif- identical, some critics have claimed that there
ferences between genetic twins, researchers ar- are reasons to question this assumption. Even
gue, must therefore be produced by environ- though these twins tend to show greater unifor-
mental factors following birth. mity than other people, developmental differ-
The ideal way to conduct twin studies is to ences may emerge even in the womb after the
compare monozygotic twins who have been splitting of the zygote.
reared apart from each other in vastly different Twins who show a great physical similarity
types of families or environments. This is rarely may also be subject to environmental similari-
possible, however, because the number of twins ties so that traits believed to be caused by genet-
separated at birth and adopted is relatively ics may, in fact, be a result of upbringing. Some
small. For this reason, researchers in most twin parents, for example, dress twins in matching
studies use fraternal twins as a comparison clothing. Even when twins grow up in separate
group, since the major difference between homes without being in contact with each
monozygotic and dizygotic twins is that the for- other, their appearances and mannerisms may
mer are genetically identical. Statistical similar- evoke the same kinds of responses from others.
ities among monozygotic twins that are not Physical attractiveness, height, and other char-
found among dizygotic twins are therefore be- acteristics often affect how individuals are
lieved to be caused by genetic inheritance. treated by others so that the biologically based
Researchers use several types of data on resemblances of twins can lead to common ex-
twins to estimate the extent to which human periences.
characteristics are the consequence of genet- Finally, critics of twin studies point out that
ics. One of the main sources for twin studies is twins constitute a special group of people and
the Minnesota Twin Registry. In the 1990s, this that it may be difficult to apply findings from
registry consisted of about 10,500 twins in Min- twin studies to the population at large. Some
nesota. They were found in Minnesota birth re- studies have indicated that intelligence quo-
cords from the years 1936 through 1955, and tient (IQ) scores of twins, on average, are about
they were located and recruited by mail be- five points below IQ scores in the general popu-
tween 1985 and 1990. A second major source of lation, and twins may differ from the general
twin studies is the Virginia Twin Registry. This population in other respects. It is conceivable
is a register of twins constructed from a system- that genetics plays a more prominent role in
atic review of public birth records in the Com- twins than in most other people.
monwealth of Virginia. A few other states also
maintain records of twins. Some other organi- Impact and Applications
zations, such as the American Association of Twin studies have provided evidence that a
Retired Persons (AARP), keep records of twins substantial amount of human character and
who volunteer to participate and make these behavior may be genetically determined. In
records available to researchers. 1976, psychologists John C. Loehlin and Rob-
Zygosity, or degree of genetic similarity be- ert C. Nichols published their analyses of the
tween twins, is usually measured by survey ques- backgrounds and performances of 850 sets of
tions about physical similarity and by how often twins who took the 1962 National Merit Schol-
other people mistake one twin for the other. In arship test. Results showed that identical twins
some cases, zygosity may be determined more showed greater similarities than fraternal twins
rigorously through analysis of DNA samples. in abilities, personalities, opinions, and ambi-
tions. A careful examination of backgrounds
Problems with Twin Studies indicated that these similarities could not be
Although twin studies are one of the best explained by the similar treatment received by
available means for studying genetic influences identical twins during upbringing.
in human beings, there are a number of prob- Later twin studies continued to provide evi-
lems with this approach. Although twin studies dence that genes shape many areas of human
Twin Studies 753

life. Monozygotic twins tend to resemble each Press, 1976. One of the most influential
other in probabilities of developing mental ill- books on modern twin studies. Graphs, bib-
nesses, such as schizophrenia and depression, liography, index.
suggesting that these psychological problems Piontelli, Alessandra. Twins: From Fetus to Child.
are partly genetic in origin. A 1996 study pub- New York: Routledge, 2002. A longitudinal
lished in the Journal of Personality and Social Psy- study of the everyday lives of thirty pairs of
chology used a sample from the Minnesota Twin twins, from life in the womb to age three. Il-
Registry to establish that identical twins are lustrations, bibliography, index.
similar in probabilities of divorce. A 1997 study Spector, Tim D., Harold Snieder, and Alex J.
in the American Journal of Psychiatry indicated MacGregor, eds. Advances in Twin and Sib-
that there is even a great resemblance between Pair Analysis. New York: Oxford University
twins in intensity of religious faith. Twin studies Press, 2000. Discusses background and con-
have offered evidence that homosexual or het- text of twin and sib-pairs analysis, and epide-
erosexual orientation may be partly a genetic miological and biostatistical perspectives on
matter, although researcher Scott L. Hersh- the study of complex diseases. Illustrations,
berger has found that the genetic inheritance bibliography, index.
of sexual orientation may be greater among Steen, R. Grant. DNA and Destiny: Nurture and
women than among men. Nature in Human Behavior. New York: Plenum,
Carl L. Bankston III 1996. A medical researcher and popular sci-
See also: Aging; Animal Cloning; Behavior; ence writer summarizes evidence regarding
Cloning: Ethical Issues; Diabetes; DNA Finger- the relative contributions of genetics and en-
printing; Gender Identity; Genetic Testing; Ge- vironment in shaping human personalities.
netics in Television and Films; Heredity and Bibliography, index.
Environment; Homosexuality; Intelligence; Wright, Lawrence. Twins: And What They Tell Us
Prenatal Diagnosis; Quantitative Inheritance. About Who We Are. New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1997. An overview of the use of twin
Further Reading studies in behavioral genetics, written for
Hershberger, Scott L. A Twin Registry Study of general readers. Bibliography, index.
Male and Female Sexual Orientation. Jour-
nal of Sex Research 34, no. 2 (1997). Discusses Web Site of Interest
the results of a Minnesota study of twins, ho- Minnesota Twin Family Study. http://www
mosexual orientation, sibling environment, .psych.umn.edu/psylabs/mtfs. Site of an on-
and the genetic influence on sexuality. going research study into the genetic and
Loehlin, John C., and Robert C. Nichols. Hered- environmental factors of psychological de-
ity, Environment, and Personality: A Study of velopment. Includes the discussion, Whats
850 Sets of Twins. Austin: University of Texas Special About Twins to Science?
Viral Genetics themselves do not grow or undergo division.
Field of study: Viral genetics Virus particles are produced from the assem-
Significance: The composition and structures of vi- bling of pre-formed components, whereas
rus genomes are more varied than any identified other agents actually grow from an increase in
in the entire bacterial, botanical, or animal king- the integrated sum of their components and re-
doms. Unlike the genomes of all other cells, which produce by division. The reason is that viruses
are composed of DNA, virus genomes may contain lack the genetic information that encodes the
their genetic information encoded in either DNA or apparatus necessary for the generation of met-
RNA. Viruses cannot replicate on their own but abolic energy or for protein synthesis (ribo-
must instead use the reproductive machinery of somes). The most critical interaction between a
host cells to reproduce themselves. virus and a host cell is the need of the virus for
the hosts cellular apparatus for nucleic acid
Key terms and for the synthesis of proteins. No known vi-
capsid: the protective protein coating of a vi- rus has the biochemical or genetic potential to
rus particle generate the energy necessary for producing
ribosome: a cytoplasmic organelle that serves all biological processes. Viruses depend totally
as the site for amino acid incorporation dur- on a host cell for this function.
ing the synthesis of protein Viruses are therefore not living in the tradi-
virions: mature infectious virus particles tional sense, but they nevertheless function as
living things; they do replicate their own genes.
What Is a Virus? Inside a host cell, viruses are alive, whereas
Viruses are submicroscopic, obligate intra- outside the host they are merely a complex as-
cellular parasites. This definition differentiates semblage of metabolically inert chemicals
viruses from all other groups of living organ- basically a protein shell. Therefore, while vi-
isms. There exists more biological diversity ruses have no inner metabolism and cannot re-
within viruses than in all other known life- produce on their own, they carry with them the
forms combined. This is the result of viruses means necessary to get into other cells and
successfully parasitizing all known groups of liv- then use those cells own reproductive machin-
ing organisms. Viruses have evolved in parallel ery to make copies of themselves. Viruses thrive
with other species by capturing and using genes at the host cells expense.
from infected host cells for functions that they
require to produce their progeny, to enhance Replication
their escape for their hosts cells and immune The sole goal of a virus is to replicate its ge-
system, and to survive the intracellular and netic information. The type of host cell in-
extracellular environment. At the molecular fected by a virus has a direct effect on the pro-
level, the composition and structures of virus cess of replication. For viruses of prokaryotes
genomes are more varied than any others iden- (bacteria, primarily), reproduction reflects the
tified in the entire bacterial, botanical, or ani- physical simplicity of the host cell. For viruses
mal kingdoms. Unlike the genomes of all other with eukaryotic host cells (plants and animals),
cells composed of DNA, virus genomes may reproduction is more complex. The coding ca-
contain their genetic information encoded in pacity of the genome forces the virus to choose
either DNA or RNA. The nucleic acid compris- a reproductive strategy. The strategy might in-
ing a virus genome may be single-stranded or volve near-total reliance on the host cell, result-
double-stranded and may occur in a linear, cir- ing in a compact genome encoded for only a
cular, or segmented configuration. few essential proteins (+), or could involve a
large, complex virus genome encoded with
The Need for a Host nearly all the information necessary for repli-
It must be understood that virus particles cation, relying on the host cell only for energy
Viral Genetics 755

and ribosomes. Those viruses with an RNA ge- plete or partial removal of the virus capsid and
nome plus messenger RNAs (mRNAs) have no the exposure of the virus genome as a nucleo-
need to enter the nucleus of their host cell, protein complex. This protein complex can be
although during replication many often do. a simple RNA genome or can be highly com-
DNA genome viruses mostly replicate in the plex, as in the case of a retrovirus containing a
host cells nucleus, where host DNA is repli- diploid RNA genome responsible for convert-
cated and the biochemical apparatus required ing a virus RNA genome into a DNA provirus.
for this process is located. Some DNA viruses How a virus replicates and the resulting ex-
(poxviruses) have evolved to contain the bio- pression of its genes depends on the nature of
chemical capacity to replicate in their hosts cy- its genetic materials. Control of gene expres-
toplasm, with a minimal need for the host cells sion is a vital element of virus replication. Vi-
other functions. ruses use the biochemical apparatus of their
Virus replication involves
several stages carried out by all
types of viruses, including the
Virus Replication
onset of infection, replication,
and release of mature virions
from an infected host cell. The
stages can be defined in eight A. Attachment and penetration:
basic steps: attachment, pene- The virus punctures the
tration, uncoating, replica- bacteriums cell wall and
tion, gene expression, assem- injects its DNA.
bly, maturation, and release.
The first stage, attachment,
occurs when a virus interacts
with a host cell and attaches it- B. Uncoating: Removal of the
selfbinds with a virus-attach- virus capsid and exposure
ment protein (anitreceptor) of the viral genome.
to a cellular receptor molecule
in the cell membrane. The re-
ceptor may be a protein or a
carbohydrate residue. Some
complex viruses, such as her-
pesviruses, use more than one C. Replication and assembly.
receptor and therefore have al-
ternate routes of cellular inva-
Shortly after attachment the
target cell is penetrated. Cell
penetration is usually an energy- D. Release: The cell wall bursts,
dependent process, and the and new copies of the virus
cell must be metabolically ac- are released.
tive for penetration to occur.
The virus bound to the cellular
receptor molecule is translo-
cated across the cell membrane
by the receptor and is engulfed
by the cells cytoplasm.
Uncoating occurs after pen-
etration and results in the com- (Electronic Illustrators Group)
756 Viroids and Virusoids

infected host cells to express their genetic in- Domingo, Esteban, Robert Webster, and John
formation as proteins and do this by using Holland, eds. Origin and Evolution of Viruses.
the appropriate biochemical language recog- New York: Academic Press, 1999. An inter-
nized by the host cell. Viruses include double- disciplinary reference book consisting of
stranded DNA viruses such as papoviruses, pox- chapters authored by leading researchers in
viruses, and herpesviruses; single-stranded the fields of RNA and DNA viruses; deals
sense DNA viruses such as parvoviruses; double- with the simplest, as well as the most com-
stranded RNA reoviruses; single-stranded sense plex, viral genomes known.
RNA viruses such as flaviviruses, togaviruses, Holland, J. J., ed. Current Topics in Microbiology
and claiciviruses; single-stranded antisense RNA and Immunology: Genetic Diversity of RNA Vi-
such as filoviruses and bunyaviruses; single- ruses. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1992. De-
stranded sense RNA with DNA intermediate tailed collection of papers concerning the
retroviruses; and double-stranded DNA with genetic and biological variabilities of RNA
RNA intermediate-like hepadnaviruses. viruses, replicase error frequencies, the
During assembly, the basic structure of the role of environmental selection pressures in
virus particle is formed. Virus proteins anchor the evolution of RNA populations, and
themselves to the cellular membrane, and, as the emergence of drug resistant virus ge-
virus proteins and genome molecules reach a nomes.
critical concentration, assembly begins. The re- Zimmer, Carl. Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre
sult is that a genome is stuffed into a completed World of Natures Most Dangerous Creatures.
protein shell. The process of maturation pre- New York: Free Press, 2000. A fascinating,
pares the virus particle for infecting subse- general publication on parasites and their
quent cells and usually involves the cleavage of effects on their host organisms, with many
proteins to form matured products or confor- references to the historical ramifications of
mational structural changes. viruses on biological evolution and the de-
For most viruses, release is a simple matter of velopment of human culture.
breaking open the infected cell and exiting.
The breakage normally occurs through a physi-
cal interaction of proteins against the inner
surface of the host cell membrane. A virus may
also exit a cell by budding. Budding involves Viroids and Virusoids
the creation of a lipoprotein envelope around
the virion prior to the virions being extruded Field of study: Viral genetics
out through the cell membrane. Significance: Viroids are naked strands of RNA,
Randall L. Milstein 270 to 380 nucleotides long, that are circular and
See also: DNA Structure and Function; do not code for any proteins. However, some viroids
Gene Regulation: Viruses; Genetic Engi- are catalytic RNAs (ribozymes), able to cleave and
neering; Hybridomas and Monoclonal Anti- ligate themselves. In spite of their simplicity, they
bodies; Oncogenes; Organ Transplants and are able to cause disease in susceptible plants,
HLA Genes; RNA Structure and Function; Vir- many of them economically important. Virusoids
oids and Virusoids. are similar to viroids, except that they require a
helper virus to infect a plant and reproduce.
Further Reading
Becker, Yechiel, and Gholamreza Darai, eds. Key terms
Molecular Evolution of Viruses: Past and Present. RNA polymerase: an enzyme that catalyzes the
Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2000. Detailed joining of ribonucleotides to make RNA us-
research of the evolution of viruses by ac- ing DNA or another RNA strand as a tem-
quisition of cellular RNA and DNA, and plate
how virus genes evade the host immune re- RNase: an enzyme that catalyzes the cutting of
sponses. an RNA molecule
Viroids and Virusoids 757

General Characteristics of Viroids and fold dilutions of the filtrate retain the ability to
Virusoids cause infection, suggesting that it is being repli-
Viroids, and some virusoids, are circular, cated. RNase destroys infectivity, suggesting that
single-stranded RNA molecules, which nor- the genetic material (RNA) is exposed to the
mally appear as rods but when denatured by medium, unlike viruses, which have a protec-
heating appear as closed circles. The rod- tive protein coat. When isolated from other cell
shaped structure is formed by extensive base components, an absorbance spectrum shows
pairing within the RNA molecule, and the sec- that viroids are pure nucleic acid, lacking a pro-
ondary structure is divided into five structural tein coat.
domains. One domain is called the pathoge- Although viroids are structurally simple and
nicity (P) domain, because differences among do not code for any proteins, they still cause dis-
variant strains of the same species of viroid ease. Although the molecular mechanisms of
seem to correlate with differences in pathoge- viroid pathogenesis are unknown, it is clear
nicity. Virusoids may also comprise linear RNA that the pathogenesis domain (P domain) is
or, rarely, double-stranded circular RNA. primarily responsible.
The difference between viroids and virusoids Changes in the sequence of nucleotides in
is in their mode of transmission. Viroids have the P domain have been correlated with patho-
no protective covering of any kind and are no genicity. Some research suggests that the patho-
more than the RNA that makes up their genetic genicity of a viroid strain is related to the resis-
material. They depend on breaks in a plants tance of the P domain to heat denaturation,
epidermis or can travel with pollen or ovules to with stability of this region being inversely re-
gain entry. Virusoids, also known as satellite lated to severity. However, some evidence sug-
RNAs, are packaged in the protein coat of gests that this may not be entirely true. In a se-
other plant viruses, referred to as helpers, and ries of nucleotide substitutions introduced by
are therefore dependent on the other virus. researchers into the P region of an intermedi-
Viroids are typically divided into two groups ate strain (that is, intermediate in pathogenic-
based on the nature of their RNA molecule. ity) of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd),
Group A is the smallest group, and their RNA four showed viroid infectivity and pathoge-
has the ability to self-cleave. These include the nicity that were the same as those of a pre-
avocado sunblotch and peach latent mosaic vi- viously reported severe strain of PSTVd. Al-
roids. Group B contains all the other viroids, together, eight different mutant strains were
and their RNA is not capable of self-cleavage. analyzed, and resistance to denaturation and
Species in group B include the potato spindle PSTVd pathogenicity were not correlated in all
tuber, coconut cadang, tomato plant macho, cases.
and citrus bent leaf viroids. Research is under way to understand how
Virusoids are less well studied than viroids viroids move from cell to cell and traverse the
and, although more diverse, are most similar to cytoplasm to the nucleus, where many viroids
group B viroids in that they cannot self-cleave. replicate. There is evidence that a possible in-
Examples include the tomato black ring virus teraction might involve viroid RNA activating
viroid, the peanut stunt virus viroid, and the to- an RNA-activated protein kinase in response to
bacco ringspot virus viroid. Because so little is a nucleotide sequence similar to that of the
known about virusoids, the remainder of this normal RNA activator. Protein kinases are inte-
article will focus on viroids. gral to intracellular signaling pathways that
control many aspects of cell metabolism. Once
Viroid Pathogenesis researchers understand the signals that viroids
If infected leaves are homogenized in a use to get around, it may be possible to devise
blender and passed through an ultrafilter treatments against them. A better understand-
fine enough to exclude bacteria, the infection ing of the process may also shed light on nor-
is easily transmitted to another plant by paint- mal biochemical communication pathways in
ing some of the filtrate on a leaf. Even billion- plant cells.
758 Viroids and Virusoids

Viroid Replication possible to harness the benefits of viroid infec-

Viroids replicate by a rolling circle mecha- tion for certain agricultural applications, such
nism, a method also used by some viruses. The as dwarfing citrus trees. Considerably more will
original strand is referred to as the + strand, need to be learned about viroids before they
and complementary copies of it are called can be adequately controlled or used for hu-
strands. Type A and B viroids replicate slightly man benefit.
differently. In type A viroids, the circular + Bryan Ness
strand is replicated by RNA-dependent RNA See also: DNA Structure and Function;
polymerase to form several linear copies of the Gene Regulation: Viruses; Genetic Engineer-
RNA strand connected end to end. Site-spe- ing; Hybridomas and Monoclonal Antibodies;
cific self-cleavage produces individual strands Oncogenes; Organ Transplants and HLA
later circularized by a host RNA ligase. Each Genes; RNA Structure and Function; Viral Ge-
strand is finally copied by the RNA polymerase netics.
to make several linear copies of + strand RNA.
Cleavage of this last strand makes individual Further Reading
RNA + strands, which are then circularized. Diener, T. O., R. A. Owens, and R. W. Ham-
Self-cleavage in viroids represents one of the mond. Viroids, the Smallest and Simplest
cases in which RNA acts as an enzyme. The Agents of Infectious Disease: How Do They
RNA forms a hammerhead structure that en- Make Plants Sick? Intervirology 35 (1993):
zymatically cleaves the longer RNAs at just the 186-195. A review of the process whereby vir-
right sites. oids cause pathology in plants.
Replication of type B viroids is apparently Hammond, R. W. Analysis of the Virulence
mediated by normal host DNA-dependent Modulating Region of Potato Spindle Tuber
RNA polymerase, which mistakes the viroid Viroid (PSTVd) by Site-Directed Mutagene-
RNA for DNA. The overall process is similar to sis. Virology 187 (1992): 654-662. Report of
what happens with type A viroids, except that experiemental results on the potato spindle
the strand is not cleaved but instead is copied tuber viroid.
directly, yielding a + strand that is cleaved by Lee, R. F., R. H. Brlansky, and L. W. Timmer.
host RNase to form individual copies that are li- Florida Citrus Pest Management Guide: Exocortis,
gated to become circular. Cachexia, and Other Viroids. Gainesville: Plant
Pathology Department; Citrus REC, Lake Al-
Economic Impact of Viroids fred, Florida; Cooperative Extension Service,
Genetically engineered plants in the future Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences,
might make proteins that would essentially con- University of Florida, 2003. A technical re-
fer immunity by preventing viroids from enter- view of viroids as a cause of citrus disease.
ing the nucleus. With no access to the nucleus, Owens, R. A., W. Chen, Y Hu, and Y-H. Hsu.
a viroid would be incapable of replicating, ef- Suppression of Potato Spindle Tuber Vi-
fectively preventing the damage normally asso- roid Replication and Symptom Expression
ciated with viroid infection. Currently, no such by Mutations, Which Stabilize the Pathoge-
transgenic plants exist, and viroids can reduce nicity Domain. Virology 208, no. 2 (1995):
agricultural productivity if outbreaks are not 554-564. Aimed at researchers.
checked quickly. The typical treatment is sim- Wassenegger, M., S. Heimes, L. Reidel, and H.
ply to destroy the affected plants, as there is no L. Sanger. RNA-Directed De Novo Methyla-
cure. tion of Genomic Sequences in Plants. Cell
Although predominantly negative, viroids 76 (1994): 567-576. Report on an experi-
may have some potentially positive benefits. ment involving viroids that demonstrated
They have already been used in unique ways to the possibility that a mechanism of de novo
study plant genetics, and they may provide in- methylation of genes might exist that can be
sights into how plant proteins and nucleic acids targeted in a sequence-specific manner by
move in and out of cell nuclei. It may also be their own mRNA.
X Chromosome Inactivation approximately one-half of the paternal X chro-
Field of study: Developmental genetics mosomes and one-half of the maternal X chro-
Significance: Normal females have two X chromo- mosomes are inactivated. Thus, females display
somes, and normal males have one X chromosome. a mosaic condition since half of their cells ex-
In order to compensate for the potential problem of press the X chromosome genes inherited from
doubling of gene products in females, one X chro- the father and half of their cells express the X
mosome is randomly inactivated in each cell. chromosome genes inherited from the mother.
In fact, this situation can be seen in individuals
Key terms who inherit an allele for a different form of a
Barr body: a highly condensed and inacti- protein from each parent: Some cells express
vated X chromosome visible in female cells one parents protein form, while other cells ex-
as a darkly staining spot in a prepared micro- press the other parents protein form.
scope slide Prior to Lyons hypothesis, it was known that a
dosage compensation: an equalization of densely staining material could be seen in cells
gene products that can occur whenever from females that was absent in cells from males.
there are more or fewer genes for specific This material was termed a Barr body, after
traits than normal Murray Barr. Later, it was shown that Barr bodies
mosaic: an individual possessing cells with were synonymous with the inactivated X chro-
more than one type of genetic constitution mosome. Other observations led scientists to
sex chromosomes: the X and Y chromosomes; understand that the number of Barr bodies in a
females possess two X chromosomes, while cell always represented one less than the num-
males possess one X and one Y chromosome ber of X chromosomes in the cell. For example,
one Barr body indicated the presence of two X
The History of X Chromosome chromosomes, and two Barr bodies indicated
Inactivation the presence of three X chromosomes.
In 1961, Mary Lyon hypothesized that gene
products were found in equal amounts in Clinical Significance
males and females because one of the X chro- The significance of Barr bodies became ap-
mosomes in females became inactivated early parent with the observation that females lacking
in development. This hypothesis became one Barr body or possessing more than one Barr
known as the Lyon hypothesis, and the process body developed an abnormal appearance. Par-
became known as Lyonization, or X chromo- ticularly intriguing were females with Turner
some inactivation. Prior to this explanation, it syndrome. These females possess only one X
was recognized that females had two X chro- chromosome per cell, a condition that is not
mosomes and males had only one X chromo- analogous to normal females, who possess only
some, yet the proteins encoded by genes on the one functional X chromosome per cell as a re-
X chromosomes were found in equal amounts sult of inactivation. The difference in the devel-
in females and males because of dosage com- opment of a Turner syndrome female and a
pensation. normal female lies in the fact that both X chro-
The principles of inheritance dictate that in- mosomes are active in normal females during
dividuals receive half of their chromosomes the first few days of development. After this pe-
from their fathers and the other half from their riod, inactivation occurs randomly in each cell,
mothers at conception. Therefore, a female as hypothesized by Lyon. In cases in which in-
possesses two different X chromosomes (one activation is not random, individuals may have
from each parent). In addition to hypothesiz- a variety of developmental problems. There-
ing the inactivation of one X chromosome in fore, there is apparently a critical need for both
each cell, the Lyon hypothesis also implies that X chromosomes to be active in females in early
the event occurs randomly. In any individual, development for normal development to occur.
760 X Chromosome Inactivation

It is equally important that there not be known as the Barr body. However, the process
more than two X chromosomes present during of methylation alone cannot entirely account
this early development. Females possessing for inactivation.
three X chromosomes, and therefore two Barr A region on the X chromosome called the X
bodies, are sometimes called superfemales or inactivation center (XIC) is considered the
metafemales because of a tendency to be taller control center for X inactivation. In this region
than average. These females are also two to ten is a gene called the X inactivation specific tran-
times more likely to suffer from mild to moder- scripts (XIST) gene. At the time of its discov-
ate mental retardation. ery, this gene was the only gene known to be
The same phenomenon has been observed functional in an inactivated chromosome. It
in males who possess Barr bodies. Barr bodies produces an RNA that remains inside the nu-
are not normally present in males because they cleus.
have only one X chromosome. The presence Evidence in humans supports the hypothesis
of Barr bodies indicates the existence of an ex- that the XIST gene is turned on and begins to
tra X chromosome that has become inactive. make its RNA when the egg is fertilized. Studies
Just as in females, extra X chromosomes are with mice have shown that RNA is produced, at
also expressed in early development, and ab- first, in low levels and from both X chromo-
normal amounts of gene products result in somes. It has been shown in mice, but not hu-
abnormal physical characteristics and mental mans, that prior to inactivation, Xist (lower-
retardation. Males with Klinefelter syndrome cased when referring to mouse genes) RNA is
have two X chromosomes and a Y chromo- localized at the XIC site only, thus suggesting a
some. In cases in which males have more than potential role prior to actual inactivation of the
two X chromosomes, the effects are even more chromosome. At this point, one X chromo-
remarkable. some will begin to increase its production of
XIST RNA; shortly thereafter, XIST RNA tran-
Mechanism of X Inactivation scription from the other X chromosome
While it has been apparent since the 1960s ceases. It is not clear how XIST RNA initiates
that X inactivation is required for normal fe- the process of inactivation and condensing of
male development, the mechanism has been the inactive chromosome, but XIST RNA binds
elusive. Only with the development of tech- along the entire length of the inactive X chro-
niques to study the molecular events of the cell mosome in females. These results suggest that
and its chromosomes has progress been made inactivation spreads from the XIC region to-
in understanding the process of inactivation. ward the end of the chromosome and that
One process involved in turning off a gene XIST RNA is required to maintain an inactive
(thus shutting down the process of transcrip- state. If a mouses Xist gene is mutated and can-
tion) is the alteration of one of the molecules of not produce its RNA, inactivation of that X
DNA known as cytosine. By adding a methyl chromosome is blocked. Other studies have
group to the cytosine, the gene cannot pro- suggested that a product from a nonsex chro-
duce the RNA necessary to make a protein. It is mosome may interact with the XIC region,
thought that this methyl group blocks the pro- causing it to remain active. As expected, but
teins that normally bind to the DNA so that not explained, the XIST gene is repressed, or
transcription cannot occur. When methyl expresses XIST RNA at only very low levels, in
groups are removed from cytosines, the block is males with only one X chromosome.
removed and transcription begins. This is a No difference has been detected between
common means of regulating transcription of maternally and paternally expressed XIST
genes. Methylation is significantly higher in the genes in humans. This has led scientists to sus-
inactivated X chromosome than in the acti- pect that XIST gene RNA may not be responsi-
vated X chromosome. As the genes on the ble for determining which X chromosome be-
chromosome become inactive, the chromo- comes inactivated. It is also not clear how the
some condenses into the tightly packed mass cell knows how many X chromosomes are pres-
Xenotransplants 761

ent. The search for other candidates for these

roles is under way. Finally, there are a few genes Xenotransplants
besides the XIST gene that are also active on the
inactive X chromosome. How they escape the Field of study: Genetic engineering and
inactivation process and why this is necessary biotechnology
are also questions that must be resolved. Significance: Xenotransplants are transplants of
Linda R. Adkison organs or cellular tissue between different species of
See also: Fragile X Syndrome; Gender animals, such as between pigs and humans. Al-
Identity; Hermaphrodites; Infertility; Klinefel- though initial research in xenotransplantation fo-
ter Syndrome; Metafemales; Pseudohermaph- cused primarily on transplanting organs such as
rodites; Testicular Feminization Syndrome; hearts and kidneys, molecular biologists have also
Turner Syndrome; XYY Syndrome. become interested in transplanting small amounts
of cellular tissue or genetic material as part of ther-
apeutic treatments. In addition, molecular biolo-
Further Reading gists believe it may be possible to manipulate the
Erbe, Richard W. Single-Active-X Principle. DNA of animals in such a way to make their or-
Scientific American Medicine 2, section 9:IV gans less prone to rejection if used in humans.
(1995). Reviews the significance of gene dos-
age compensation in humans. Key terms
Latham, Keith E. X Chromosome Imprinting anti-rejection medication: drugs devel-
and Inactivation in the Early Mammalian oped to counteract the natural immune sys-
Embryo. Trends in Genetics, April, 1996. Dis- tems reaction to transplanted organs
cussion of observations on embryos with sex rejection: refusal of a patients body to accept
chromosomes from only one parent. a transplanted organ
X in a Cage. Discover 15 (March, 1994). Sum-
marizes a mechanism for X chromosome in- History
activation. The idea of xenotransplants is actually quite
old. During the eighteenth century, for ex-
ample, transfusions of sheeps blood were be-
Web Sites of Interest lieved to be therapeutic for certain human ill-
Intersex Society of North America. http://www nesses. Scientists also speculated about using
.isna.org. The society is a public awareness, animal organs to replace failing human ones.
education, and advocacy organization which Until the mid-twentieth century, however, the
works to create a world free of shame, se- human bodys immune system prevented any
crecy, and unwanted surgery for intersex successful xenotransplants from taking place.
people (individuals born with anatomy or As the science of organ transplants between hu-
physiology which differs from cultural ideals mans progressed, researchers became increas-
of male and female). Includes links to infor- ingly interested in experimenting with using
mation on such conditions as clitoromegaly, animals as donors. Organ transplantation be-
micropenis, hypospadias, ambiguous geni- came an accepted medical treatment in hu-
tals, early genital surgery, adrenal hyperpla- mans, but there would never be enough donor
sia, Klinefelter syndrome, androgen insensi- organs available to treat every patient who
tivity, and testicular feminization. could benefit from the procedure: As the de-
Johns Hopkins University, Division of Pediatric mand for transplant surgery grew, the pool of
Endocrinology, Syndromes of Abnormal available donor organs shrank in relation. As a
Sex Differentiation. http://www.hopkins result, one of the ethical dilemmas inherent in
medicine.org/pediatricendocrinology. Site human organ transplant is that, almost always,
provides a guide to the science and genetics in order for one person to receive a transplant,
of sex differentiation, including a glossary. another person must die. Bone marrow and
Click on patient resources. kidney transplants are among the few excep-
762 Xenotransplants

Image not available

A human ear grows on the body of a mouse, engineered in Shanghai, China, in 1997. Human cells were used to grow the ear and
then were inserted into the mouse body. (AP/Wide World Photos)

tions; the donor usually can donate bone mar- boon heart into a newborn human infant who
row or one kidney and still survive. Neverthe- otherwise had no chance for survival. The in-
less, for most organs the dilemma remains. fant survived for several days before succumb-
Researchers then suggested that organs ing to complications. Researchers quickly
could be harvested from compatible animals, learned that primates were not ideal candi-
eliminating both the need to wait for a compat- dates for organ donation; their organs were
ible human donor and the shortage of usable small in comparison to those of humans. Chim-
organs. This is one form of xenotransplant, panzee kidneys, for example, are too small to
and it could eliminate the shortage of donor perform adequately in an adult human.
organs. Researchers then turned their attention to
Early research focused on potential donor pigs as possible donors. Swine make ideal do-
animals that were similar to humans, that is, nor candidates because they are physically
primates such as baboons and chimpanzees. large enough to have organs that can sustain
Perhaps the most publicized example of such a humans, have a short gestation cycle, produce
xenotransplant was the 1984 Baby Fay case, in large litters of offspring, and, because they are
which doctors in California transplanted a ba- routinely raised for meat production, are
Xenotransplants 763

viewed as expendable by the general public. By sult from using organs or other tissue from ei-
using a combination of selective breeding and ther swine or primates. While many researchers
genetic manipulation, researchers hope to de- are confident that careful screening of donor
velop swine whose organs will be less suscepti- animals would eliminate or minimize such risks,
ble to rejection by the human body. Pig heart critics remain convinced that it is possible a vi-
valves are already routinely used in humans, rus could lie dormant and undetected in ani-
with an estimated sixty thousand implanted an- mals, causing problems only after the trans-
nually. The use of larger organs has been less plants occurred. Baboons, for example, carry a
successful; transplant recipients experienced virus that has the potential to cause cancer in
hyper-acute rejection. That is, their bodies im- humans.
mediately reacted to the foreign tissue by shut- In addition to the medical issues raised, many
ting off the flow of blood to it. bioethicists question the morality of using ani-
mals as a source of spare parts for humans.
Ethical and Medical Concerns They are particularly troubled by the idea of
Xenotransplantation presents a number of possibly genetically altering a species such as
ethical and medical dilemmas. One major con- swine in order to make their organs more com-
cern is the possibility that a virus, harmless to patible with human hosts. Proponents of xeno-
the donor animal, is transmitted to the human transplants counter these arguments by noting
host and then proves fatal. Scientists worry that that humans have selectively bred animals for
a potentially deadly disease epidemic could re- various purposes for thousands of years to elim-
inate certain characteristics while en-
hancing others. In addition, animals such
as swine are already routinely slaughtered
for human consumption.
Finally, there is the problem of human
perceptions. While many people support
the idea of xenotransplants on the ge-
netic or cellular level, they are less enthu-
siastic about possible organ transplants.
That is, while a majority of people sur-
veyed said they would have no problem
accepting a xenotransplant if it were part
of gene therapy, far fewer were interested
in possibly receiving a pigs heart if the
Image not available need arose. If researchers do achieve suc-
cessful xenotransplants using such or-
gans, however, public perceptions could
change. It is easy to question a medical
procedure when it is still theoretical; it be-
comes much more difficult to do so after
it becomes a reality.
Nancy Farm Mnnikk
See also: Animal Cloning; Cancer;
Cloning; Cloning: Ethical Issues; Gene
Therapy: Ethical and Economic Issues;
Genetic Engineering: Historical Develop-
ment; Heart Disease; Immunogenetics;
Animal rights advocates and other activists protest the use of animals In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Trans-
as spare parts factories for human organs in this demonstration in fer; Model Organism: Mus musculus; Model
Munich, Germany, in November, 2000. (AP/Wide World Photos) Organism: Xenopus laevis; Organ Trans-
764 XYY Syndrome

plants and HLA Genes; Stem Cells; Synthetic Key terms

Antibodies; Totipotency; Transgenic Organisms aneuploidy: possession of one or a few more
or less than the normal number of chromo-
Further Reading somes
Bassett, Pamela. Emerging Markets in Tissue Engi- genetic screening: a medical technique that
neering: Angiogenesis, Soft and Hard Tissue Re- uses either fetal or adult cells to directly view
generation, Xenotransplant, Wound Healing, the chromosomes of an individual to detect
Biomaterials, and Cell Therapy. Southborough, abnormalities in number or structure
Mass.: D & MD Reports, 1999. Looks at xeno- meiosis: cell division that produces sperm and
transplants from an economic perspective egg cells having half the original number of
and discusses the potential for growth for chromosomes
biomedical firms entering the field. nondisjunction: abnormal separation of
Bloom, E. T., et al. Xenotransplantation: The chromosome pairs or duplicates during cell
Potential and the Challenges. Critical Care division, resulting in one daughter cell re-
Nurse 19 (April 1999): 76-83. Looks at the po- ceiving an extra chromosome (or chromo-
tential impact of xenotransplantation on pa- somes) and the other daughter cell receiving
tient care as well as the effects it might have a complementary number, less than normal
on nursing responsibilities. sex chromosomes: the X and Y chromosomes,
Cruz, J., et al. Ethical Challenges of Xeno- which determine the gender of an indi-
transplantation. Transplant Proceedings 32 vidual
(December, 2000): 2687. Members of a med-
ical transplant team discuss questions about Causes and Effects of XY Y Syndrome
potential moral contradictions in using ani- All normal human cells contain forty-six
mal organs in human patients. chromosomes consisting of twenty-three pairs;
Daar, A. S. Xenotransplants: Proceed with one member of each pair is contributed by the
Caution. Nature 392 (March 5, 1998): 11. female parent and one by the male. Of these
Sounds a warning about some of the poten- forty-six chromosomes, two chromosomes, des-
tial risks involved in xenotransplants. ignated X and Y, are known as the sex chromo-
Persson, M. D., et al. Xenotransplantation some pair. Individuals with an XX pair are fe-
Public Perceptions: Rather Cells than Or- male, while those with an XY pair are male.
gans. Xenotransplantation 10 (2003): 72-79. Unlike the other twenty-two chromosome pairs,
Describes a public opinion survey done to the X and Y chromosomes are strikingly differ-
gauge the publics willingness to support xe- ent from each other in both size and function.
notransplant research and implementation. While the Y chromosome is primarily con-
U.S. Decides Close Tabs Must Be Kept on Xe- cerned with maleness, the X chromosome con-
notransplants. Nature 405 (June 8, 2000): tains information important to both genders.
606-607. Discussion of federal regulations During formation of sperm and eggs in the
regarding xenotransplant research. testes and ovaries, respectively, a unique form
of nuclear division, known as meiosis (or
reductional division), occurs during cell divi-
sion that halves the chromosome number from
XYY Syndrome forty-six to twenty-three. Sperm and eggs are
thus carrying only one member of each pair of
Field of study: Diseases and syndromes chromosomes, and the original number will be
Significance: XYY syndrome occurs at fertilization restored during fertilization. Because females
and represents one of several human sex chromo- only have the XX pair, their eggs can only have
some abnormalities. The resulting XYY male bears an X chromosome, while the male, having the
an extra Y chromosome that is associated with tall XY pair, produces sperm bearing an X or a Y
stature and possible intelligence and behavioral chromosome.
problems. A common genetic error during sperm or
XYY Syndrome 765

egg production is known as nondisjunction, those with sex chromosomal abnormalities. Be-
which is the improper division of chromosomes cause the parents of XYY boys were told of their
between the daughter cells. Nondisjunction in childrens genetic makeup and the possibility
the production of either gamete can result, at of lower intelligence and bad behavior, critics
fertilization, in embryos without the normal claimed that the researchers had biased the
forty-six chromosomes. XYY syndrome is one of parents against their sons, causing the parents
several of these aneuploid conditions that in- to treat the children differently. The environ-
volve the sex chromosome pair. While Klinefel- ment would thus play a greater role than genet-
ter syndrome (an XXY male) and Turner syn- ics in their behavior. Subsequent research has
drome (an X female) are more widely studied shown that the original hypothesis is at least
and recognized genetic diseases, the XYY male partially accurate. There is a disproportion-
occurs with a frequency of 1 in 1,000 male ately large number of XYY males in prison pop-
births in the United States. Caused by a YY- ulations, and they are usually of subaverage in-
bearing sperm fertilizing a normal X-bearing telligence compared to other prisoners. It must
egg, the XYY embryo develops along a seem- be emphasized, however, that the majority of
ingly normal route and, unlike most other sex XYY males show neither low intelligence nor
chromosome diseases, is not apparent at birth. criminal behavior.
In fact, identification of this disorder requires Scientists, doctors, geneticists, and psychol-
genetic testing or screening and is often discov- ogists now agree that the extra Y chromosome
ered accidentally as a consequence of results does cause above normal height, reading and
from another genetic test. The only physical math difficulties, and, in some cases, severe
clue is unusually tall stature; otherwise, an af- acne, but the explanation of the high preva-
fected male will be normal in appearance. The lence of XYY men in prison populations has
XYY male is also fertile, unlike those with aneu- changed its focus from genes to environment.
ploidies involving other combinations of sex Large body size during childhood, adoles-
chromosomes, which usually result in sterility. cence, and early adulthood will no doubt cause
people to treat these individuals differently,
Behavioral and Research Implications and they may in turn have learned to use their
Interest in the association between aggres- size defensively. Aggressive behavior, coupled
sion and the Y chromosome began in the years with academic difficulties, may lead to further
following World War II. Both psychologists and problems. Clearly, however, the majority of XYY
geneticists began intensive scrutiny of the genes males do well. The issue would be much easier
that were located on the male sex chromo- to resolve if a YY or Y male existed, but because
some. Men with multiple copies of the Y chro- lack of an X chromosome results in spontane-
mosome thus became the subjects of much of ous miscarriage, no YY or Y male embryo could
this research. Genetic links to violent, aggres- ever survive.
sive, and even criminal behavior were found, al- Connie Rizzo
though many argued that below-average intelli- See also: Aggression; Behavior; Criminal-
gence played a greater role. Many males with ity; Intelligence; Klinefelter Syndrome; Metafe-
XYY syndrome do perform lower than average males; Nondisjunction and Aneuploidy; Steroid
on standard intelligence tests and have a greater Hormones; Testicular Feminization Syndrome;
incidence of behavioral problems. The major- X Chromosome Inactivation.
ity, however, lead normal lives and are indistin-
guishable from XY males. Further Reading
The controversy surrounding this research Mader, Sylvia S. Human Reproductive Biology. 3d
began with a study at Harvard University that ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000. Provides
began in the early 1960s and ended in 1973 be- an excellent introduction to cell division, ge-
cause of pressure from both public and scien- netics, and sex from fertilization through
tific communities. The researchers screened birth. Illustrations, bibliography, index.
all boys born at a Boston hospital, identifying Tamarin, Robert H. Principles of Genetics. Bos-
766 XYY Syndrome

ton: McGraw-Hill, 2002. A well-written refer- physiology which differs from cultural ideals
ence text on genetics with complete discus- of male and female). Includes links to infor-
sions on aneuploidy, the sex chromosomes, mation on such conditions as clitoromegaly,
genes, and abnormalities; it also includes a micropenis, hypospadias, ambiguous geni-
thorough reading list. Illustrations, maps tals, early genital surgery, adrenal hyperpla-
(some color), bibliography, index. sia, Klinefelter syndrome, androgen insensi-
tivity, and testicular feminization.
Web Sites of Interest Johns Hopkins University, Division of Pediatric
Intersex Society of North America. http://www Endocrinology, Syndromes of Abnormal
.isna.org. The society is a public awareness, Sex Differentiation. http://www.hopkins
education, and advocacy organization which medicine.org/pediatricendocrinology. Site
works to create a world free of shame, se- provides a guide to the science and genetics
crecy, and unwanted surgery for intersex of sex differentiation, including a glossary.
people (individuals born with anatomy or Click on patient resources.
Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists

Altman, Sidney (1939- ): Won the 1989 No- monia in the elderly. In 1944, he reported
bel Prize in Chemistry, with Thomas R. that the genetic information in these bacte-
Cech. Working independently Altman and ria is DNA.
Cech discovered that RNA, like proteins, can Bailey, Catherine (1921- ): By applying
act as a catalyst; moreover, they found that methods of selective breeding, developed
when ribosomal RNA participates in transla- new varieties of fruits.
tion of messenger RNA (mRNA) and the Baltimore, David (1938- ): Along with
synthesis of polypeptides, it acts as a catalyst Howard Temin, Baltimore isolated the en-
in some steps. zyme RNA-directed DNA polymerase (re-
Anfinsen, Christian B. (1916-1995): Won the verse transcriptase), demonstrating the
1972 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Anfinsen, mechanism by which RNA tumor viruses can
studying the three-dimensional structure of integrate their genetic material into the cell
the enzyme ribonuclease, proved that its chromosome. Baltimore was awarded the
conformation was determined by the se- 1975 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
quence of its amino acids and that to con- Barr, Murray Llewellyn (1908-1995): Canadian
struct a complete enzyme molecule no sepa- geneticist who discovered the existence of
rate structural information was passed on the Barr (Barrs) body, an inactive X chro-
from the DNA in the cells nucleus. mosome found in cells from a female. The
Arber, Werner (1929- ): First to isolate en- existence or absence of the body has been
zymes that modify DNA and enzymes that used in determining the sex of the individ-
cut DNA at specific sites. Such restriction en- ual from whom the cell originated.
zymes were critical in the developing field Bateson, William (1861-1926): Plant and ani-
of molecular biology. Arber was awarded mal geneticist who popularized the earlier
the 1978 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medi- work of Gregor Mendel. In his classic Men-
cine. dels Principles of Heredity (1909), Bateson in-
Aristotle (384-322 b.c.e.): Greek philosopher troduced much of the modern terminology
and scientist. Aristotles De Generatione was used in the field of genetics. Bateson sug-
devoted in part to his theories on heredity. gested the term genetics (from the Greek
Aristotle believed the semen of the male word meaning descent) to apply to the
contributes a form-giving principle (eidos), field of the study of heredity.
while the menstrual blood of the female is Beadle, George Wells (1903-1989): Beadles
shaped by the eidos. The philosophy implied studies of the bread mold Neurospora demon-
it was the father only who supplied form to strated that the function of a gene is to en-
the offspring. code an enzyme. Beadle and Edward Tatum
Auerbach, Charlotte (1899-1994): German- were awarded the 1958 Nobel Prize in Physi-
born geneticist who fled to England follow- ology or Medicine for their one gene-one
ing the rise of the Nazi Party. Demonstrated enzyme hypothesis.
that the mutations produced by mustard Beckwith, Jonathan R. (1935- ): Deter-
gases and other chemicals in Drosophila mined role of specific genes in regulating
(fruit flies) were similar to those induced by bacterial cell division. During the 1960s, he
X rays, suggesting a common mechanism. was among the first to isolate a specific gene.
Avery, Oswald Theodore (1877-1955): Immu- Beckwith is also known as a social activist in
nologist and biologist who determined DNA his arguments for the use of science for im-
to be the genetic material of cells. Averys provement of society.
early work involved classification of the Bell, Julia (1879-1979): British geneticist who
pneumococci, the common cause of pneu- applied statistical analysis in understanding
768 Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists

hereditary medical disorders of the nervous of a linkage map involving human genes
system and limbs. contributed to the progress of the Human
Benacerraf, Baruj (1920- ): Won the 1980 Genome Project.
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, with Boyer, Herbert W. (1936- ): His isolation of
Jean Dausset and George D. Snell. Bena- restriction enzymes that produced a stag-
cerraf, Dausset, and Snell each explained gered cut on the DNA allowed for creation
the genetic components of the major histo- of so-called sticky ends, which allowed
compatibility complex (MHC), the key to a DNA from different sources or species to be
persons immune system, and how the sys- spliced together.
tem produces antibodies to such a wide vari- Brenner, Sydney (1927- ): Molecular ge-
ety of foreign molecules and pathogens, neticist whose observations of mutations in
such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria. nematodes (long, unsegmented worms)
Berg, Paul (1926- ): Developed DNA re- helped in understanding the design of the
combination techniques for insertion of nervous system. Brenner was among the first
genes in chromosomes. The techniques be- to clone specific genes. He was awarded the
came an important procedure in under- Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in
standing gene function and for the field of 2002.
genetic engineering. Berg was awarded the Brown, Michael S. (1941- ): By studying the
1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. role of cell receptors in uptake of lipids from
Bishop, John Michael (1936- ): Deter- the blood, Brown discovered the genetic de-
mined that oncogenes, genetic information fect in humans associated with abnormally
initially isolated from RNA tumor viruses, ac- high levels of cholesterol. He was awarded
tually originate in normal host cells. Bishop the 1985 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medi-
was awarded the 1989 Nobel Prize in Physiol- cine.
ogy or Medicine for his discovery. Burnet, Frank Macfarlane (1899-1985): Pro-
Bluhm, Agnes (1862-1943): German physician posed a theory of clonal selection to explain
whose controversial theories on improve- regulation of the immune response. Burnet
ment of the Race through eugenics and was awarded the 1960 Nobel Prize in Physiol-
fertility selection provided a basis for Nazi ogy or Medicine.
race theories. Among other aspects of her Cairns, Hugh John (1922- ): British virolo-
theory was the use of enforced sterilization. gist whose investigations of rates and mecha-
Boring, Alice Middleton (1883-1955): Con- nisms of DNA replication helped to lay the
firmed existing theories of the chromo- groundwork in studying the replication pro-
somal basis of heredity. Her professional ca- cess.
reer consisted primarily in serving as a Carroll, Christiane Mendrez (1937-1978):
biology teacher to students in China be- French geneticist and paleontologist, most
tween the world wars. noted for her taxonomic interpretations of
Borlaug, Norman (1914- ): Won the 1970 early reptiles.
Nobel Prize in Peace. Borlaug was a key fig- Cech, Thomas R. (1947- ): Won the 1989
ure in the Green Revolution in agriculture. Nobel Prize in Chemistr y, with Sidney
Working as a geneticist and plant physiolo- Altman. Working independently, Cech and
gist in a joint Mexican-American program, Altman discovered that RNA, like proteins,
he developed strains of high-yield, short- can act as a catalyst; moreover, Cech found
strawed, disease-resistant wheat. His goal was that when ribosomal RNA participates in
to increase crop production and alleviate translation of mRNA and the synthesis of
world hunger. polypeptides, it acts as a catalyst in some
Botstein, David (1942- ): Developed meth- steps.
ods of localized mutagenesis for understand- Chargaff, Erwin (1905-2002): Determined that
ing the relationship between the structure the DNA composition in a cell is characteris-
and function of proteins. His development tic of that particular organism. His discovery
Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists 769

of base ratios, in which the concentration of oped by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. Darwin was
adenine is equal to that of thymine, and gua- the grandfather of both Charles Darwin and
nine to that of cytosine, provided an impor- Francis Galton.
tant clue to the structure of DNA. Dausset, Jean (1916- ): Won the 1980 No-
Cohen, Stanley N. (1935- ): Developed the bel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, with
techniques for transfer of DNA between spe- Baruj Benacerraf and George D. Snell.
cies, a major factor in the process of genetic Dausset, Benacerraf, and Snell each ex-
engineering. plained the genetic components of the ma-
Collins, Francis Sellers (1950- ): In 1989, jor histocompatibility complex (MHC), the
Collins identified the gene that, when mu- key to a persons immune system, and how
tated, results in the genetic disease cystic fi- the system produces antibodies to such a
brosis. Collins was instrumental in the iden- wide variety of foreign molecules and patho-
tification of a number of genes associated gens, such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria.
with genetic diseases. Delbrck, Max (1906-1981): A leading figure in
Correns, Carl Erich (1864-1935): German bota- the application of genetics to bacteriophage
nist who confirmed Gregor Mendels laws research, and later, with Phycomyces, a fungal
through his own work on the garden pea. organism. His bacteriophage course, taught
Correns was one of several geneticists who re- for decades at Cold Spring Harbor, New
discovered Mendels work in the early 1900s. York, provided training for a generation of
Crick, Francis Harry Compton (1916- ): biologists. He was awarded the 1969 Nobel
Along with James Watson, Crick determined Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
the double-helix structure of DNA. Crick Demerec, Milislav (1895-1966): Croatian-born
was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology geneticist who was among the scientists who
or Medicine in 1962. brought the United States to the forefront of
Darlington, Cyril (1903-1981): British geneti- genetics research. Demerecs experiments,
cist who demonstrated changes in chromo- based on the genetics of corn, addressed the
somal patterns which occur during meiosis, question of what a gene represents. His work
leading to an understanding of chromo- with bacteria included the determination of
somal distribution during the process. He mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, as well
also described a role played by crossing over, as the existence of operons, closely linked
or genetic exchange, in changes of patterns. genes which are coordinately regulated.
Darwin, Charles Robert (1809-1882): Natural- Demerec was director of the biological labo-
ist whose theory of evolution established ratories in Cold Spring Harbor, New York,
natural selection as the basis for descent with for many years among the most important
modification, more commonly referred to sites of genetic research.
as evolution. His classic work on the subject, De Vries, Hugo (1848-1935): Dutch botanist
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Se- whose hypothesis of intracellular pangen-
lection (1859), based on his five-year voyage esis postulated the existence of pangenes,
during the 1830s on the British ship HMS factors which determined characteristics of
Beagle, summarized the studies and observa- a species. De Vries established the concept of
tions that initially led to the theory. Darwins mutation as a basis for variation in plants. In
pangenesis theory, first noted in The Varia- 1900, de Vries was one of several scientists
tion of Animals and Plants Under Domestication who rediscovered Mendels work.
(1868), later became the basis for the con- Dobzhansky, Theodosius (1900-1975): Rus-
cept of the gene. sian-born American geneticist who estab-
Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802): British physi- lished evolutionary genetics as a viable disci-
cian, inventor, and writer. In his classic pline. His book Genetics and the Origin of
Zoonomia, he advanced a theory of the role of Species (1937) represented the first applica-
the environment on genetic changes in or- tion of Mendelian theory to Darwinian evo-
ganisms. A similar theory was later devel- lution.
770 Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists

Dulbecco, Renato (1914- ): Among the man plant biologist and geneticist. Though
first to study the genetics of tumor viruses. Gartner did not generalize as to the signifi-
Dulbecco was awarded the 1975 Nobel Prize cance of his work, his results provided the ex-
in Physiology or Medicine. perimental basis for questions later devel-
Ferguson, Margaret Clay (1863-1951): Plant ge- oped by Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin.
neticist whose use of Petunia as a model Giblett, Eloise (1921- ): Discoverer of nu-
helped explain life cycles of various plants. merous genetic markers useful in defining
Also noted for her description of the life cy- blood groups and serum proteins. In the
cle of pine trees. 1970s, Giblett discovered that certain im-
Fink, Gerald R. (1940- ): Isolation of spe- munodeficiency diseases result from the ab-
cific mutants in yeast allowed the use of ge- sence of certain enzymes necessary for im-
netics in understanding biochemical mech- mune cell development.
anisms in that organism. Gilbert, Walter (1932- ): Developed
Fisher, Ronald Aylmer (1890-1962): British bi- method of sequencing DNA. With Paul Berg
ologist whose application of statistics pro- and Frederick Sanger, awarded the 1980 No-
vided a means by which use of small sam- bel Prize in Chemistry.
pling size could be applied to larger Gilman, Alfred G. (1941- ): Discovered the
interpretations. Fishers breeding of small role of G proteins in regulating signal
animals led to an understanding of genetic transduction in eukaryotic cells. With Mar-
dominance. He later applied his work to the tin Rodbell, won the Nobel Prize in Physiol-
study of inheritance of blood types in hu- ogy or Medicine for 1994.
mans. Goldschmidt, Richard B. (1878-1958): German-
Franklin, Rosalind Elsie (1920-1958): British born geneticist who proposed that the chemi-
crystallographer whose X-ray diffraction cal makeup of the chromosome determines
studies helped confirm the double-helix na- heredity rather than the quantity of genes.
ture of DNA. Franklins work, along with He theorized that large mutations, or ge-
that of Maurice Wilkins, was instrumental in netic monsters, were important in genera-
confirming the structure of DNA as pro- tion of new species.
posed by James Watson and Francis Crick. Goldstein, Joseph L. (1940- ): Won the
Franklins early death precluded her receiv- 1985 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine,
ing a Nobel Prize for her research. with Michael S. Brown. Brown and Goldstein
Galton, Francis (1822-1911): British scientist conducted extensive research in the regula-
who was an advocate of eugenics, the belief tion of cholesterol in humans. They showed
that human populations could be improved that in families with a history of high choles-
through breeding of desired traits. Galton terol, individuals who carry two copies of a
was also the first to observe that fingerprints mutant gene (homozygotes) have choles-
were unique to the individual. terol levels several times higher than normal
Garnjobst, Laura Flora (1895-1977): Following and those who have one mutant gene (heter-
her training under Nobel laureate Edward ozygotes) have levels about double normal.
Tatum at both Stanford and Yale, Garnjobst Their discoveries proved invaluable in man-
spent her career in the study of genetics of aging heart disease and other cholesterol-
the mold Neurospora. related ailments.
Garrod, Archibald Edward (1857-1936): Ap- Griffith, Frederick (1877-1941): British micro-
plying his work on alkaptonuria, Garrod biologist who in 1928 reported the existence
proposed that some human diseases result of a transforming principle, an unknown
from a lack of specific enzymes. His theory of substance that could change the genetic
inborn errors of metabolism, published in properties of bacteria. In 1944, Oswald
1908, established the genetic basis for cer- Avery determined the substance to be DNA,
tain hereditary diseases. three years after Griffith was killed during
Gartner, Carl Friedrich von (1772-1850): Ger- the German bombing of London.
Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists 771

Gruhn, Ruth (1907-1988): German geneticist standing the replication and genetic struc-
who applied mathematical principles in the ture of viruses. His experiments with Martha
breeding of poultry and pigs. Chase confirmed that DNA carried the ge-
Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich (1834-1919): German netic information in some viruses. Hershey
zoologist whose writings were instrumental was awarded the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physiol-
in the dissemination of Charles Darwins ogy or Medicine.
theories. Haeckels biogenetic law, since Herskowitz, Ira (1946-2003): His studies of
discarded, stated that ontogeny repeats gene conversion pathways in yeast led to an
phylogeny, suggesting that embryonic de- understanding of gene switching in control
velopment mirrors the evolutionary rela- of mating types.
tionship of organisms. Hertwig, Paula (1889-1983): German embryol-
Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson (1892-1964): ogist who studied the effects of radiation on
British physiologist and geneticist who pro- embryonic development of fish and ani-
posed that natural selection, and not muta- mals.
tion per se, was the driving force of evolu- Hippocrates (c. 460-377 b.c.e.): Greek physi-
tion. Haldane was the first to determine an cian who proposed the earliest theory of in-
accurate rate of mutation for human genes, heritance. Hippocrates believed that seed
and he later demonstrated the genetic link- material was carried by body humors to the
age of hemophilia and color blindness. reproductive organs.
Hanafusa, Hidesaburo (1929- ): Japanese- Hogness, David S. (1925- ): One of the first
born scientist who played a key role in eluci- to clone a gene from Drosophila (fruit flies).
dating the role of oncogenes found among His technique of chromosomal walking al-
the RNA tumor viruses in transforming mam- lowed for the isolation of any known gene
malian cells. based on its ability to mutate. Also involved
Hanawalt, Philip C. (1931- ): In 1963, dis- in identification of homeotic genes, genes
covered the existence of a repair mechanism which regulate development of body parts.
associated with DNA replication in bacteria. Holley, Robert William (1922-1993): Deter-
He later found a similar mechanism in eu- mined the sequence of nucleotide bases in
karyotic cells. Hanawalts later work in- transfer RNA (tRNA), the molecule that car-
cluded development of the technique of site ries amino acids to ribosomes for protein
mutagenesis in gene mapping. synthesis. Holleys work provided a means
Hardy, Godfrey Harold (1877-1947): British for demonstrating the reading of the genetic
mathematician who, along with Wilhelm code. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in
Weinberg, developed the Hardy-Weinberg Physiology or Medicine in 1968.
law of population genetics. In a 1908 letter Horvitz, H. Robert (1947- ): Har vard
to the journal Science, Hardy used algebraic neurobiologist whose study of cell regula-
principles to confirm Mendels theories as tion in the nematode Caenorhabditis led to
applied to populations, an issue then cur- the discovery of genes that regulate cell
rently in dispute. death during embryonic development. With
Hartwell, Leland H. (1939- ): Discovered Sydney Brenner and John Sulston, he was
genes that regulate the movement of eukary- awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and
otic cells through the cell cycle. With Tim Medicine in 2002.
Hunt and Sir Paul Nurse, won the Nobel Hunt, R. Timothy (1943- ): Discovered the
Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2001. existence and role of proteins called cyclins,
Haynes, Robert Hall (1931-1998): Canadian which regulate the cell cycle in eukaryotic
molecular biologist who carried out much of cells. With Leland Hartwell and Sir Paul
the early work in the understanding of DNA Nurse, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or
repair mechanisms. Medicine in 2001.
Hershey, Alfred Day (1908-1997): Molecular Jacob, Franois (1920- ): French geneticist
biologist who played a key role in under- and molecular biologist who, along with
772 Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists

Jacques Monod, elucidated a mechanism of structure of transfer RNA (tRNA), which has
gene and enzyme regulation in bacteria. a shape similar to that of a bent hair pin.
The Jacob-Monod theory of gene regulation Knight, Thomas Andrew (1759-1853): Plant bi-
became the basis for understanding a wide ologist who first recognized the usefulness of
range of genetic processes; they were the garden pea for genetic studies because
awarded the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physiology of its distinctive traits. Knight was the first to
or Medicine. characterize dominant and recessive traits in
Jeffreys, Sir Alec (1950- ): British biochem- the pea, though, unlike Gregor Mendel, he
ist who discovered the existence of introns in never determined the mathematical rela-
mammalian genes. His study of the pattern tionships among his crosses.
of repeat sequences in DNA was shown to be Klreuter, Josef Gottlieb (1733-1806): A fore-
characteristic of individuals, and became runner of Gregor Mendel, Klreuter dem-
the theoretical basis for DNA fingerprinting onstrated the sexual nature of plant fertiliza-
and DNA profiles. tion, in which characteristics were derived
Johannsen, Wilhelm L. (1857-1927): Danish from each member of the parental genera-
botanist who introduced the term genes, tion in equivalent amounts.
derived from pangenes, factors suggested Kornberg, Arthur (1918- ): Carried out the
by Hugo de Vries to determine hereditary first purification of DNA polymerase, the
characteristics in plants. Johannsen also in- enzyme that replicates DNA. His work on
troduced the concepts of phenotype and ge- the synthesis of biologically active DNA in a
notype to distinguish between physical and test tube culminated with his being awarded
hereditary traits. the 1959 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medi-
Kenyon, Cynthia J. (1976- ): Discovered cine.
the role of specific genes in regulation of cell Kossel, Albrecht (1853-1927): Won the 1910
migration and the aging process in the nem- Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Iso-
atode Caenorhabditis, helping to clarify simi- lated and described molecular constituents
lar processes in more highly evolved eukary- of the cells nucleus, notably cytosine, thy-
otic organisms. mine, and uracil. These molecules later
Khorana, Har Gobind (1922- ): Developed proved to be constituents of the codons in
methods for investigating the structure of DNA and RNA. Thus, Kossels research pre-
DNA and deciphering the genetic code. pared the way for understanding the bio-
Khorana synthesized the first artificial gene chemistry of genetics.
in the 1960s. He was awarded the Nobel Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste (1744-1829): French
Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1968. botanist and evolutionist who introduced
King, Helen Dean (1869-1955): By selective many of the earliest concepts of inheritance.
breeding of rodents, developed a method Lamarck proposed that hereditary changes
for production of inbred strains of animals occur as a result of an organisms needs; his
for laboratory studies. The methodology was theory of inherited characteristics, since dis-
later applied to development of more desir- credited, postulated that organisms trans-
able breeds of horses. mit acquired characteristics to their off-
Klug, Aaron (1759-1853): Won the 1982 Nobel spring.
Prize in Chemistry. Klug used X-ray crystal- Leder, Philip (1934- ): Along with Marshal
lography to investigate biochemical struc- Nirenberg, identified the genetic code
tures, especially that of viruses. He was able words for amino acids. His later work has in-
to link the assembly of viral protein subunits volved the transplantation of human onco-
with specific sites on viral RNA, which genes into mice, for the purpose of studying
helped in fighting viruses that cause disease the effects of such genes in development of
in plants and, more basically, in understand- cancer.
ing the mechanism of RNA transfer of ge- Lederberg, Joshua (1925- ): Established
netic information. He also determined the the occurrence of sexual reproduction in
Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists 773

bacteria. Lederberg demonstrated that ge- geneticist who proposed what became known
netic manipulation of the DNA during bac- as the Lyon hypothesis, that only a single X
terial conjugation could be used to map bac- chromosome is active in a cell. Any other X
terial genes. He was awarded the 1958 Nobel chromosomes are observed as Barr bodies.
Prize in Physiology or Medicine. McClintock, Barbara (1902-1992): Demon-
Levene, Phoebus Aaron (1869-1940): Ameri- strated the existence in plants of transpos-
can biochemist who determined the compo- able elements, or transposons, genes that
nents found in DNA and RNA. Levene de- jump from one place on a chromosome
scribed the presence of ribose sugar in RNA to another. The process was discovered to
and of 2-deoxyribose in DNA, thereby dif- be widespread in nature. McClintock was
ferentiating the two molecules. He also iden- awarded the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology
tified the nitrogen bases found in nucleic or Medicine.
acid, though he was never able to determine Macklin, Madge Thurlow (1893-1962): De-
the acids molecular structure. veloped a method to apply statistical analysis
Lewis, Edward B. (1918- ): Through the to understanding congenital diseases in hu-
use of X-ray-induced mutations in Drosophila man families. Her arguments were used to
(fruit flies), Lewis was able to discover and introduce genetics as a component of the
map genes that regulate embryonic develop- curriculum in medical schools. Her support
ment. Among Lewiss discoveries was the ex- of eugenics for improvement of humans
istence of homeotic genes, genes that regu- later made her views controversial.
late development of body parts. Along with McKusick, Victor A. (1921- ): Cataloged
Christiane Nsslein-Volhard and Eric Wie- and indexed many of the genes responsible
schaus, awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiol- for disorders that are passed in Mendelian
ogy or Medicine in 1995. fashion.
Linnaeus, Carolus (1707-1778): Swedish natu- Margulis, Lynn (1938- ): Developed the
ralist and botanist most noted for establish- endosymbiont theory, which suggests that
ing the modern method for classification of internal eukaryotic organelles, such as mito-
plants and animals. In his Philosophia chondria and chloroplasts, originated as
Botanica (1751; The Elements of Botany, 1775), free-living prokaryotic ancestors. She pro-
Linnaeus proposed that variations in plants posed that free-living bacteria became incor-
or animals are induced by environments porated in a larger, membrane-bound struc-
such as soil. ture and developed a symbiotic relationship
Luria, Salvador E. (1912-1991): A pioneer in within the larger cell.
understanding replication and genetic Mendel, Johann Gregor (1822-1884): The fa-
structure in viruses. The Luria-Delbrck ther of genetics, Mendel was an Austrian
fluctuation test, developed by Luria and Max monk whose studies on the transmission of
Delbrck, demonstrated that genetic muta- traits in the garden pea established the
tions precede environmental selection. mathematical basis of inheritance. Mendels
Luria was awarded the 1969 Nobel Prize in pioneering theories, including such funda-
Physiology or Medicine. mental genetic principles as the law of segre-
Lwoff, Andr (1902-1994): French biochemist gation and the law of independent assort-
and protozoologist. Lwoffs early work dem- ment, were published in 1866 but received
onstrated that vitamins function as compo- scant attention until the beginning of the
nents of living organisms. He is best known twentieth century.
for demonstrating that the genetic material Meselson, Matthew Stanley (1930- ): Dem-
of bacteriophage can become part of the onstrated the nature of DNA replication, in
host bacteriums DNA, a process known as ly- which the two parental DNA strands are sep-
sogeny. Lwoff was awarded the 1965 Nobel arated, each passing into one of the two
Prize in Physiology or Medicine. daughter molecules. Also noted as a social
Lyon, Mary Frances (1925- ): British cyto- activist.
%%" Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists

Meyerowitz, Elliot M. (1951- ): Discovered of artificially introducing mutations into an

roles played by specific genes in differentia- organism. Won the 1946 Nobel Prize in Phys-
tion of the plant Arabidopsis, as well as genes iology or Medicine.
which regulate flowering in plants. Mullis, Kary Banks (1944- ): Devised the
Miescher, Johann Friedrich (1844-1895): In polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a method
1869, Miescher discovered and purified DNA for duplicating small quantities of DNA. The
from cell-free nuclei obtained from white PCR procedure became a major tool in re-
blood cells and gave the name nuclein to search in the fields of genetics and molecu-
the extract. The substance was later known lar biology. Mullis was awarded the 1993 No-
as nucleic acid. bel Prize in Chemistry.
Mintz, Beatrice (1921- ): Noted for studies Nathans, Daniel (1928-1999): Applied the use
of the role of gene control in differentiation of restriction enzymes to the study of genet-
of cells and disease in humans. Developed a ics. Nathans developed the first genetic map
mouse model for the understanding of mel- of SV40, among the first DNA viruses shown
anoma development in humans. to transform normal cells into cancer.
Monod, Jacques Lucien (1910-1976): French Nathans was awarded the 1978 Nobel Prize
geneticist and molecular biologist who with in Physiology or Medicine.
Franois Jacob demonstrated a method of Neel, James Van Gundia (1915-2000): Con-
gene regulation in bacteria that came to be sidered to be the father of human genetics.
known as the Jacob-Monod model. Jacob Among his discoveries was the recognition
and Monod were jointly awarded the 1965 of the genetic basis of sickle-cell disease. He
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. was also noted for his study of the afteref-
Moore, Stanford (1913-1982): Won the 1972 fects of radiation on survivors of the atomic
Nobel Prize in Chemistry, with William H. attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World
Stein. Moore and Stein supplemented War II. He was the first to propose what was
Alfinsens research by identifying the se- referred to as the thrifty-gene hypothesis,
quence of amino acids in ribonuclease, a the idea that potentially lethal genes may
clue to the structure of the gene responsible have been beneficial to the human popula-
for it. tion earlier in evolution.
Morgan, Lilian Vaughan (1870-1952): Dis- Nelson, Oliver Evans, Jr. (1920-2001): During
covered the attached X and ring X chromo- the 1950s, carried out the first structural
somes in Drosophila (fruit flies). Later con- analysis of a gene in higher plants (corn), at
tributed to studying the effects of polio the same time confirming the existence of
vaccines in primates. Married to Thomas transposable elements. His later work dem-
Hunt Morgan. onstrated the genetic significance of enzy-
Morgan, Thomas Hunt (1866-1945): Con- matic defects in maize.
sidered the father of modern genetics, an Neufeld, Elizabeth F. (1928- ): French-born
embryologist whose studies of fruit flies biochemist who found that many mucopoly-
(Drosophila melanogaster) established the ex- saccharide storage diseases resulted from
istence of genes on chromosomes. Through the absence of certain metabolic enzymes.
his selective breeding of flies, Morgan also Her work opened the way for prenatal diag-
established concepts such as gene linkage, nosis of such diseases.
sex-linked characteristics, and genetic re- Nirenberg, Marshall Warren (1927- ): Mo-
combination. Won the 1933 Nobel Prize in lecular biologist who was among the first to
Physiology or Medicine. decipher the genetic code. He later demon-
Mller, Hermann Joseph (1890-1967): Geneti- strated the process of ribosome binding in
cist and colleague of Thomas Hunt Morgan. protein synthesis and carried out the first
Mullers experimental work with fruit flies cell-free synthesis of protein. Nirenberg was
established the gene as the site of mutation. awarded the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physiology
His work with X rays demonstrated a means or Medicine.
Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists 775

Nurse, Sir Paul M. (1949- ): British scientist ruses are often discontinuous, with interven-
who discovered the role of chemical modifi- ing sequences between segments of genetic
cation (phosphorylation) in regulation of material. With Philip Sharp, Roberts re-
the cell cycle. With Tim Hunt and Leland ceived the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Med-
Hartwell, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in icine in 1993.
Physiology or Medicine in 2001. Rodbell, Martin (1925-1998): Discovered the
Nsslein-Volhard, Christiane (1942- ): Ger- role of membrane-bound G proteins in
man biologist whose genetic studies in Dro- regulation of signal transduction in eukary-
sophila (fruit flies) led to the discovery of otic cells. With Alfred Gilman, awarded the
genes that regulate body segmentation in Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in
the embryo. Along with Edward Lewis and 1994.
Eric Wieschaus, won the Nobel Prize in Phys- Rowley, Janet (1925- ): Cytogeneticist who
iology or Medicine in 1995. developed the staining techniques for ob-
Ochoa, Severo (1905-1993): Won the 1959 No- servation of cell structures. She demon-
bel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, with Ar- strated the role of chromosomal transloca-
thur Kornberg. Ochoa and Kornberg iso- tion as the basis for chronic myeloid
lated enzymes involved in the synthesis of leukemia, the first example of translocation
DNA and RNA, representing the first steps as a cause of cancer.
in decoding the biochemical instructions Rubin, Gerald M. (1950- ): Major figure in
preserved in the structure of genes. developing a structure/functional relation-
Olson, Maynard V. (1943- ): Studied base- ship of genes in Drosophila (fruit flies)
pair polymorphisms in the human genome through the use of insertion mutagenesis to
and their significance to evolution. In 1987, inactivate specific genes.
with David Burke, Olson developed a new Russell, Elizabeth Shull (1913-2001): Contrib-
type of cloning vector, artificial chromo- uted to the understanding of the role played
somes, that filled the need created by the by specific genes in creating coat variations
Human Genome Project to clone very large in animals. Her later work involved the iden-
insert DNAs (hundreds of thousands to mil- tification of genetic defects in the aging pro-
lions of base pairs in length). cess and in the development of diseases such
Pauling, Linus (1901-1994): American chemist as muscular dystrophy.
who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry Russell, William (1910-2003): A pioneer in the
in 1954 for his work on the nature of the genetic effects of radiation at Oak Ridge Na-
chemical bond and the 1962 Nobel Peace tional Laboratory whose testing of mice led
Prize for his antinuclear activism. His 1950s to standards for acceptable levels of human
investigations of protein structure contrib- exposure to radiation. Winner of the 1976
uted to the determination of the structure of Fermi Award.
DNA. Sager, Ruth (1918-1997): During the 1950s,
Punnett, Reginald C. (1875-1967): English biol- demonstrated the existence of nonchromo-
ogist who collaborated with William Bateson somal heredity, also known as cytoplasmic
in a series of important breeding experi- inheritence, and hence the role of cytoplas-
ments that confirmed the principles of Men- mic genes in organelle development. Later
delian inheritance. Punnett also introduced involved in study of tumor suppressor and
the Punnett square, the standard graphical breast cancer genes.
method of depicting hybrid crosses. Sageret, Augustin (1763-1851): French botanist
Rhabar, Shemooil (1929- ): Iranian direc- who discovered the ability of different traits
tor at the University of Tehran, who became to segregate independently in plants.
known as the most important immunologist Sanger, Frederick (1918- ): Determined
in the Muslim world. the method for sequencing DNA. His
Roberts, Richard J. (1943- ): Discovered method separated the strands of DNA and
that genes in eukaryotic cells and animal vi- then rebuilt them in stages that allowed the
776 Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists

terminal nucleotides to be identified. This mice, led to the later discovery of the equiva-
made it possible to sequence the entire ge- lent HLA complex in humans. Awarded the
nomes of organisms. With Paul Berg and Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in
Walter Gilbert, Sanger received the 1980 No- 1980.
bel Prize in Chemistry. Sonneborn, Tracy Morton (1905-1981): Dis-
Sharp, Phillip A. (1944- ): Discovered that covered crossbreeding and mating types in
genes in eukaryotic cells or animal viruses paramecia, integrating the genetic princi-
are discontinuous, with segments divided by ples as applied to multicellular organisms
sections separated by intervening sequences with single-celled organisms such as pro-
of genetic material. With Richard Roberts, tozoa.
received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Spemann, Hans (1869-1941): Won the 1935
Medicine in 1993. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. By
Simpson, George Gaylord (1902-1984): Ameri- transplanting bits of one embryo into a sec-
can paleontologist who applied population ond, viable embryo, Spemann compiled evi-
genetics to the study of the evolution of ani- dence that an organizer center directs the
mals. Simpson was instrumental in establish- development of an embryo and that differ-
ing a neo-Darwinian theory of evolution ent parts of the organizer governed distinct
(the rejection of Lamarcks inheritance of portions of the embryo. His experiments
acquired characteristics) during the early provided clues to the genetic control of
twentieth century. growth from the earliest stages of an or-
Singer, Maxine (1931- ): Applied the use ganism.
of the newly discovered restriction enzymes Spencer, Herbert (1820-1903): English philos-
in formation of recombinant DNA. Singer opher influenced by the work of Charles
is most noted as a voice of calm in the Darwin. Spencer proposed the first general
debate over genetic research, emphasizing theory of inheritance, postulating the exis-
the application of such research, and the tence of self-replicating units within the indi-
self-policing of scientists carrying out such vidual which determine the traits. Spencer is
work. more popularly known as the source of the
Smith, Hamilton Othanel (1931- ): Pio- notion of survival of the fittest as applied
neered the purification of restriction en- to natural selection.
zymes, winning the 1978 Nobel Prize in Phys- Stanley, Wendell Meredith (1904-1971): Ameri-
iology or Medicine, with Werner Arber and can biochemist who was the first to crystal-
Daniel Nathans. Arber and the team of lize a virus (tobacco mosaic virus), demon-
Nathans and Smith separately described the strating its protein nature. Stanley was later a
restriction-modification system by studying member of the team that determined the
bacteria and bacteriophages; the system in- amino acid sequence of the TMV protein.
volves the action of site-specific endonucle- Stanley spent the last years of his long ca-
ase and other enzymes that cleave DNA into reer studying the relationship of viruses and
segments. cancer.
Smith, Michael (1932- ): Won the 1995 No- Stein, William H. (1911-1980): Won the 1972
bel Prize in Chemistry. Smith developed site- Nobel Prize in Chemistry, with Stanford
directed mutagenesis, a means for recon- Moore. Stein and Moore supplemented
figuring genes in order to create altered Alfinsens research by identifying the se-
proteins with distinct properties. Smiths ge- quence of amino acids in ribonuclease, a
netic engineering tool made it possible to clue to the structure of the gene responsible
treat genetic disease and cancer and to cre- for it.
ate novel plant strains. Stevens, Nettie Maria (1861-1912): Discovered
Snell, George D. (1903-1996): Snells discovery the existence of the specific chromosomes
of the H-2 histocompatibility complex, that determine sex, now known as the X and
which regulates the immune response in Y chromosomes. Described the existence of
Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists 777

chromosomes as paired structures within with George Beadle, Tatum demonstrated

the cell. that the function of a gene is to encode an
Strobell, Ella Church (1862-1920): Developed enzyme. Beadle and Tatum were awarded
the technique of photomicroscopy for analy- the 1958 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medi-
sis of chromosomal theory. cine for their one gene-one enzyme hypoth-
Sturtevant, Alfred Henry (1891-1970): Col- esis.
league of Thomas Hunt Morgan and among Temin, Howard Martin (1934-1994): Proposed
the pioneers in application of the fruit fly that RNA tumor viruses replicate by means
(Drosophila) in the study of genetics. In 1913, of a DNA intermediate. Temins theory, ini-
Sturtevant constructed the first genetic map tially discounted, became instrumental in
of a fruit fly chromosome. His work became revealing the process of infection and repli-
a major factor in chromosome theory. In the cation by such viruses. He later isolated the
1930s, his work with George Beadle led to replicating enzyme, the RNA-directed DNA
important observations of meiosis. polymerase (reverse transcriptase). He was
Sulston, John E. (1942- ): Developed first awarded the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physiology
map of cell lineages in the model nematode or Medicine, along with David Baltimore,
Caenorhabditis, leading to the discovery of for this work.
the first gene associated with programmed Todd, Alexander Robertus (1907-1997): Won
cell death. Sulston was also part of the team the 1957 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. As part of
that sequenced the worms genome. With wide-ranging research in organic chemistry,
Sydney Brenner and H. Robert Horvitz, he Todd revealed how ribose and deoxyribose
was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology bond to the nitrogenous bases on one side of
or Medicine in 2002. a nucleotide unit and to the phosphate
Sutton, Walter Stanborough (1877-1916): Biol- group on the other side. These discoveries
ogist and geneticist who demonstrated the provided necessary background for work by
role of chromosomes during meiosis in ga- others that explained the structure of the
metes, and demonstrated their relationship DNA molecule.
to Mendels laws. Sutton observed that chro- Tonegawa, Susumu (1939- ): Discovered
mosomes form homologous pairs during the role of genetic rearrangement of DNA
meiosis, with one member of each pair ap- in lymphocytes, which plays a key role in
pearing in gametes. The particular member generation of antibody diversity. In 1987,
of each pair was subject to Mendels law of in- awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or
dependent assortment. Medicine.
Tammes, Jantine (1871-1947): Dutch geneticist Varmus, Harold Elliot (1939- ): Elucidated
who demonstrated that the inheritance of the molecular mechanisms by which retrovi-
continuous characters, traits that have a ruses (RNA tumor viruses) transform cells.
range of expression, could be explained in a Varmus was awarded the 1989 Nobel Prize in
Mendelian fashion. She developed a multi- Physiology or Medicine.
ple allele hypothesis that helped explain Waelsch, Salome Gluecksohn (1907- ):
some of the data. Studied the role genes play in abnormal cell
Tan Jiazhen (C. C. Tan; 1909- ): Con- differentiation and congenital abnormali-
sidered the father of Chinese genetics. In a ties. Born in Germany, she fled to the United
career spanning more than seven decades, States from the Nazis in 1933. Her 1938 pub-
Tan studied genetic structure and variation lication of the role of genes in the T (tailless)
in a wide range of organisms. His most im- phenotype in mice is considered a genetic
portant work involved the study of evolution classic.
of genetic structures in Drosophila (fruit Waterston, Robert (1943- ): Identified
flies), as well as the concept of mosaic domi- many of the genes that regulate muscle de-
nance in the beetle. velopment in the nematode Caenorhabditis,
Tatum, Edward Lawrie (1909-1975): Along as well as contributing to the sequence of the
778 Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists

genome. His sequencing work was also ap- flies) led to the discovery of genes that regu-
plied in the Human Genome Project led by late cell patterns and shape in the embryo.
Francis Collins. Along with Edward Lewis and Christiane
Watson, James Dewey (1928- ): Along with Nsslein-Volhard, he was awarded the Nobel
Francis Crick, determined the double-helix Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1995.
structure of DNA. Together with Crick and Wilkins, Maurice Hugh Frederick (1916- ):
Maurice Wilkins, Watson was awarded the Studies on the X-ray diffraction patterns ex-
1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine hibited by DNA confirmed the double-helix
for their work in determining the structure structure of the molecule. Wilkins was a col-
of DNA. league of Rosalind Franklin, and it was their
Weinberg, Robert Allan (1942- ): Molecu- work that confirmed the nature of DNA as
lar biologist who isolated the first human on- proposed by Watson and Crick. Wilkins was
cogene, the ras gene, associated with a vari- awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology and
ety of cancers, including those of the colon Medicine in 1962, along with Watson and
and brain. Weinberg later isolated the first Crick.
tumor suppressor gene, the retinoblastoma Wilmut, Ian (1944- ): Scottish embryolo-
gene. Weinberg is considered among the gist and leader of a research team at the
leading researchers in understanding the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh. In 1996,
role played by oncogenes in development of Wilmut and his colleagues succeeded in
cancer. cloning an adult sheep, Dolly, the first adult
Weinberg, Wilhelm (1862-1937): German ob- mammal to be successfully produced by
stetrician who demonstrated that hereditary cloning.
characteristics of humans such as multiple Wilson, Edmund Beecher (1856-1939): His
births and genetic diseases were subject to study of chromosomes in collaboration with
Mendels laws of heredity. The mathemati- Nettie Stevens led to the discovery of the X
cal application of such characteristics, pub- and Y chromosomes, playing a key role in the
lished simultaneously (and independently) foundation of modern genetics. His later
by Godfrey Hardy, became known as the work involved the study of development and
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The equation differentiation of the fertilized egg.
demonstrates that dominant genes do not Witkin, Evelyn Maisel (1921- ): Through
replace recessive genes in a population; her studies of induced or spontaneous muta-
gene frequencies would not change from tions in bacterial DNA, discovered processes
one generation to the next if certain criteria of enzymatic repair of DNA.
such as random mating and lack of natural Woese, Carl R. (1928- ): Based on his
selection were met. studies of ribosomal RNA differences in pro-
Weismann, August (1834-1914): German zoolo- karyotes and eukaryotes, proposed that all
gist noted for his chromosome theory of he- life-forms exist in one of three domains:
redity. Weismann proposed that the source Bacteria, Archaea (ancient bacteria), and
of heredity is in the nucleus only and that in- Eukarya (eukaryotic organisms, from micro-
heritance is based on transmission of a chem- scopic plants to large animals). Woese ex-
ical or molecular substance from one gener- panded his theory in arguing that the Ar-
ation to the next. Weismanns theory, which chaea represent the earliest form of life on
rejected the inheritance of acquired charac- Earth, and that they later formed a branch
teristics, came to be called neo-Darwinism. which became the eukaryotes.
Though portions of Weismanns theory were Wright, Sewall (1889-1988): Discovered genetic
later disproved, the nature of the chromo- drift of genetic traits. The Sewall Wright ef-
some was subsequently demonstrated by fect, the random drift of characters in small
Thomas Hunt Morgan and his colleagues. populations, was explained by the random
Wieschaus, Eric F. (1947- ): Wieschauss loss of genes, even in the absence of natural
studies of genetic control in Drosophila (fruit selection.
Biographical Dictionary of Important Geneticists 779

Yanofsky, Charles (1925- ): Confirmed Zinder, Norton (1928- ): With Joshua

that the genetic code involved groups of Lederberg, discovered the role of bacterio-
three bases by demonstrating colinearity of phage in transduction, the movement of
the bases and amino acid sequences. He ap- genes from one host to another by means of
plied this work in demonstrating similar viruses. Zinder was also noted for his discov-
colinearity of mutations in the tryptophan ery of RNA bacteriophage and his work on
operon and changes in amino acid se- the molecular genetics of such agents.
quences. Richard Adler
Nobel Prizes for Discoveries in Genetics

Physiology or Medicine
1910 Albrecht Kossel (German) isolated and described molecular constituents of the cells
nucleus, notably cytosine, thymine, and uracil. These molecules later proved to be
constituents of the codons in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid
(RNA). Thus, Kossels research prepared the way for understanding the biochemis-
try of genetics.
1933 Thomas Hunt Morgan (American). Experimenting with the fruit fly Drosophila melano-
gaster, Morgan discovered that the mechanism for the Mendelian laws of heredity lies
in the chromosomes inside the nucleus of cells and that specific genes on the chro-
mosomes govern specific somatic traits in the flies. Morgan confirmed the accuracy
of Mendels laws and ended a controversy over their physiological source.
1935 Hans Spemann (German). By transplanting bits of one embryo into a second, viable em-
bryo, Spemann compiled evidence that an organizer center directs the develop-
ment of an embryo and that different parts of the organizer governed distinct por-
tions of the embryo. His experiments provided clues to the genetic control of growth
from the earliest stages of an organism.
1946 Hermann J. Muller (American). Muller proved that X rays damage genes by altering
their structure: radiation-induced mutation. Consequently, X rays also modify the
structure of chromosomes. The mutations most often produce recessive and harmful
traits in the irradiated organism.
1958 George Beadle and Edward Tatum (both American). In research on the fungus Neuro-
spora crassa, Beadle and Tatum found that biotin was essential to cultivating certain
mutant strains of the fungus; this fact demonstrated that genes regulate the synthesis
of specific cellular chemicals, one or more of these genes being mutated in the biotin-
dependent strain.
1958 Joshua Lederberg (American). Lederberg showed that the bacterium Escherichia coli, al-
though not able to reproduce sexually, is capable of genetic recombination between
chromosomes from different cells through a process called conjugation.
1959 Severo Ochoa (Spanish) and Arthur Kornberg (American). Ochoa and Kornberg iso-
lated enzymes involved in the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonu-
cleic acid (RNA), representing the first steps in decoding the biochemical instruc-
tions preserved in the structure of genes.
1962 Francis Crick (British), James Watson (American), and Maurice Wilkins (British). Using
X-ray diffraction analysis and molecular modeling, Wilkins, Crick, and Watson found
that deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is structured in a double helix. They were able to
identify the specific three-dimensional structure that is the basis for the ability of
DNA to be replicated and transcribed.
1965 Franois Jacob and Jacques Monod (both French). Studying enzyme action, Jacob and
Monod proved that messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) carries instructions from
the nucleus to ribosomes, where molecules are assembled for use in the body, and
they distinguished structural genes from regulatory genes.
1965 Andr Lwoff (French). Lwoff proposed that viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) can be-
come active after invading cells and cause the cells to divide out of control, producing
cancerous tumors.
1968 Robert W. Holley (American), Har Gobind Khorana (Indian), and Marshall W. Niren-
berg (American). Working separately, Holley, Khorana, and Nirenberg deciphered
Nobel Prizes for Discoveries in Genetics 781

the genetic code in ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Their
work anticipated DNA sequencing and genetic engineering.
1969 Max Delbrck (German), Alfred D. Hershey (American), and Salvador E. Luria (Ital-
ian). In joint studies of bacteriophages and their bacterial hosts, Delbrck, Hershey,
and Luria described the conformation of bacteriophage deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA), showed that different strains exchange genetic information, and proved that
bacterial DNA mutated to confer protection from attack, demonstrating that bacte-
rial heredity is based on genetic exchange. The discovery explained why bacteria
gradually become resistant to pharmaceuticals.
1975 David Baltimore and Howard M. Temin (both American). Working separately, Balti-
more and Temin discovered reverse transcriptase, the enzyme that inserts viral deoxy-
ribonucleic acid (DNA) into cellular DNA, which can cause cancer, They also identi-
fied retroviruses, a class of virus that includes the human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV) that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).
1975 Renato Dulbecco (Italian). Dulbecco described how tumor viruses cause cellular trans-
formation in somatic cells by suppressing the regulatory system that controls division;
the cells then divide out of control.
1978 Werner Arber (Swiss), Daniel Nathans (American), and Hamilton O. Smith (American).
Arber and the team of Nathans and Smith separately described the restriction-modifi-
cation system by studying bacteria and bacteriophages; the system involves the action
of site-specific endonuclease and other enzymes that cleave deoxyribonucleic acid
(DNA) into segments.
1980 Baruj Benacerraf (Venezuelan), Jean Dausset (French), and George D. Snell (Ameri-
can). Benacerraf, Dausset, and Snell each explained the genetic components of the
major histocompatibility complex (MHC), the key to a persons immune system, and
how the system produces antibodies to such a wide variety of foreign molecules and
pathogens, such as viruses, fungi, and bacteria.
1983 Barbara McClintock (American) investigated the genetics of maize (corn) and discov-
ered a new mechanism of gene modification: Some jumping genes (now called
transposable elements or transposons) move to new sites on chromosomes and either
suppress nearby structural genes or inactivate suppressor genes. The discovery was a
major breakthrough in understanding novel, non-Mendelian types of genetic varia-
1985 Michael S. Brown and Joseph L. Goldstein (both American). Brown and Goldstein con-
ducted extensive research in the regulation of cholesterol in humans. They showed
that in families with a history of high cholesterol, individuals who carry two copies of a
mutant gene (homozygotes) have cholesterol levels several times higher than normal
and those who have one mutant gene (heterozygotes) have levels about double nor-
mal. Their discoveries proved invaluable in managing heart disease and other choles-
terol-related ailments.
1987 Susumu Tonegawa (Japanese) explained the diversity of antibodies by showing that the
antigen-sensitive part of each antibody is created by segments of three genes; since
the segments from each gene can vary in length, the possible combinations from
three genes can produce billions of distinct antibodies.
1989 J. Michael Bishop and Harold E. Varmus (both American). Bishop and Varmus discov-
ered that oncogenes (genes that play a role in initiating cancer) originate in normal
cells and control cellular growth and are not solely derived from retroviruses, as previ-
ously thought. Their work greatly influenced subsequent studies of tumor develop-
782 Nobel Prizes for Discoveries in Genetics

1993 Richard J. Roberts (British) and Phillip A. Sharp (American). Roberts and Sharp sepa-
rately studied the relationship between deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonu-
cleic acid (RNA). They discovered that portions of a human gene can be divided
among several DNA segments, called introns, separated by noncoding segments
called exons. This discovery became important to genetic engineering and to under-
standing the mechanism for hereditary diseases.
1995 Edward B. Lewis (American). Lewis found that an array of master genes governs embryo
1995 Christiane Nsslein-Volhard (German) and Eric F. Wieschaus (American). Nsslein-
Volhard and Wieschaus worked together to extend Lewiss investigations into the ge-
netic control of embryo development through studies of fruit flies. They isolated
more than five thousand participating genes and distinguished four types of master
control genes: gap, pair-rule, segment polarity, and even-skipped.
2001 Leland H. Hartwell (American), R. Timothy Hunt (British), and Paul M. Nurse (British).
Hartwell, Hunt, and Nurse conducted research on the regulation of cell cycles. Hart-
well identified a class of genes that controls the cycle, including a gene that initiates it.
Nurse cloned and described the genetic model of a key regulator, cyclin dependent
kinase, while Hunt discovered cyclins, a class of regulatory proteins.
2002 Sydney Brenner (American) used the transparent nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to es-
tablish a simple model organism for studying how genes control the development of
2002 John E. Sulston (British) studied cell division and cell lineages in Caenorhabditis elegans
following Brenners methods. He demonstrated that genetic control of specific lin-
eages includes programmed cell death, called apoptosis, as part of the regulatory
process, and he isolated the protein that degrades the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
of dead cells.
2002 H. Robert Horvitz (American). Using Brenners Caenorhabditis elegans model, Horvitz
discovered the first two death genes which instigate cell death. He further found
that another gene helps protect cells from cell death.

1957 Alexander Robertus Todd (British). As part of wide-ranging research in organic chemis-
try, Todd revealed how ribose and deoxyribose bond to the nitrogenous bases on one
side of a nucleotide unit and to the phosphate group on the other side. These discov-
eries provided necessary background for work by others that explained the structure
of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule.
1972 Christian B. Anfinsen (American). Anfinsen, studying the three-dimensional structure
of the enzyme ribonuclease, proved that its conformation was determined by the se-
quence of its amino acids and that to construct a complete enzyme molecule no sepa-
rate structural information was passed on from the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in
the cells nucleus.
1972 Stanford Moore and William H. Stein (both American). Moore and Stein supplemented
Alfinsens research by identifying the sequence of amino acids in ribonuclease, a clue
to the structure of the gene responsible for it.
1980 Paul Berg (American). Berg invented procedures for removing a gene from a chromo-
some of one species and inserting it into the chromosome of an entirely different spe-
cies, enabling him to study how the genetic information of the contributing organism
interacts with hosts deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The recombinant DNA technol-
ogy, sometimes called gene splicing, became fundamental to the genetic engineering
of transgenic species.
Nobel Prizes for Discoveries in Genetics 783

1980 Walter Gilbert (American) and Frederick Sanger (British). Gilbert and Sanger indepen-
dently developed methods for determining the sequence of nucleic acids in DNA,
thus decoding the genetic information. Gilberts method cuts DNA into small units
that reveals their structure when exposed to specific chemicals; Sangers method sep-
arates the strands of DNA and then rebuilds them in stages that allow the terminal nu-
cleotides to be identified. Their methods later made it possible to sequence the entire
genomes of organisms.
1982 Aaron Klug (British). Klug used X-ray crystallography to investigate biochemical struc-
tures, especially that of viruses. He was able to link the assembly of viral protein
subunits with specific sites on viral ribonucleic acid (RNA), which helped in fighting
viruses that cause disease in plants and, more basically, in understanding the mecha-
nism of RNA transfer of genetic information. He also determined the structure of
transfer RNA (tRNA), which has a shape similar to that of a bent hair pin.
1989 Sidney Altman (Canadian) and Thomas R. Cech (American). Working independently
Altman and Cech discovered that ribonucleic acid (RNA), like proteins, can act as a
catalyst; moreover, Cech found that when ribosomal RNA participates in translation
of mRNA and the synthesis of polypeptides, it acts as a catalyst in some steps.
1995 Kary B. Mullis (American). Mullis invented polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a method
for swiftly making millions of copies of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). PCR soon be-
came an important tool in genetic engineering, DNA fingerprinting, and medicine.
1995 Michael Smith (British). Smith developed site-directed mutagenesis, a means for
reconfiguring genes in order to create altered proteins with distinct properties.
Smiths genetic engineering tool made it possible to treat genetic disease and cancer
and to create novel plant strains.

1970 Norman Borlaug (American). Borlaug was a key figure in the green revolution of agri-
culture. Working as a geneticist and plant physiologist in a joint Mexican-American
program, he developed strains of high-yield, short-strawed, disease-resistant wheat.
His goal was to increase crop production and alleviate world hunger.

Roger Smith
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics

12,000 b.c.e. Humans begin domesticating plants and animals, the earliest form of artificial selec-
tion. Domestication involves selective breeding for certain traits. This form of ge-
netic engineering allows for transition from hunter-gatherer societies to agrarian

c. 323 b.c.e. Aristotle theorizes about the nature of species, reproduction, and hybrids.

1651 William Harvey publishes Exercitationes de generatione animalium (Anatomical Exercita-

tions, Concerning the Generation of Living Creatures, 1653), in which he suggests that all
living things must originate in an egg.

1677 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek describes sperm and eggs and collects evidence that helps
disprove the theory of spontaneous generation.

1691-1694 German botanist Rudolph Jacob Camerarius establishes the existence of sex in

1759 Kaspar Friedrich Wolff publishes his epigenesis hypothesis, which states that the
complex structures of chickens develop from initially homogeneous, structureless
areas of the embryo. Many questions remain before this new hypothesis can be vali-
dated; other researchers focus their efforts on the sea squirt, a simpler organism
with fewer differentiated tissues.

1760 Josef Gottlieb Klreuter conducts studies on fertilization and hybridization, discov-
ering the principle of incomplete dominance and laying the groundwork for later

1798 Thomas Robert Malthus publishes An Essay on the Principle of Population, in which he
analyzes population growth and relates it to the struggle for existence, setting the
stage for evolutionary theory.

1798 Edward Jenner develops vaccination. Jenner used the cowpox virus as a vaccine to
induce immunity against the genetically and structurally similar, but lethal, virus
that causes smallpox in humans.

1809 Jean-Baptiste Lamarck publishes Philosophie zoologique (Zoological Philosophy, 1914),

in which he sets forth his laws of evolution, particularly his law of acquired character-
istics. Although his notion that acquired traits are individually passed to the next
generation was later disproved in favor of natural selection, Lamarcks book makes
the link between evolution and inherited traits that lays a foundation for later evolu-
tionary theory.

1838 G. J. Mulder precipitates a fibrous material from cells. He calls this material pro-
tein and believes it is the most important of the known components of living
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics 785

1850 Theodore Schwann, Matthias Jakob Schleiden, and Rudolph Virchow recognize
that tissues are made up of cells. The cell theory contradicts the prevailing view of
vitalism, which states that no single part of an organism is alive (it was thought
properties of living matter were somehow shared by the whole organism). The new
theory considers the cell to be the basic and most fundamental unit of life.

1855 Alfred Russel Wallace publishes On the Law Which Has Regulated the Introduction of New
Species; later, in 1858, he sends Charles Darwin a manuscript, On the Tendency of
Varieties to Depart Indefinitely from the Original Type. Today Wallace is recog-
nized as having developed the theory of natural selection along with Darwin.

1857 Louis Pasteur begins research into fermentation. His pasteurization process is
originally proposed as a means of preserving beer and wines. Through his work, Pas-
teur makes the important discovery that life must be derived from life.

1859 Charles Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, in which
he sets forth his theory of natural selection. The actual mechanism of evolution is
not understood at the time. Once genetics was studied as a discipline, it became
clear that genetics and evolution are intimately associated. Genetic theories would
later explain and prove the theory of evolution.

1862 The Organic Act establishes the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). As one of
its functions, the USDA is responsible for the collection of new and valuable seeds
and plants and the distribution of them to agriculturists. The preservation and dis-
semination of agriculturally important plants was a necessity for maintaining and in-
creasing the worlds food supply.

1866 Ernst Haeckel develops the hypothesis that hereditary information is transmitted by
the cell nucleus.

1866 Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, publishes a paper titled Experiments in Plant
Hybridization. Working with garden peas, Mendel used a systematic approach to
study heredity, forming the theories of segregation and independent assortment.
Although his work lies unnoticed for more than thirty years, it will eventually be re-
discovered and become the foundation for the discipline of genetics.

1869 Francis Galton publishes Hereditary Genius, on the heredity of intelligence, which
lays the foundation for the eugenics movement.

1869 Friedrich Miescher isolates nuclein from the nuclei of white blood cells. This sub-
stance is later found to be the nucleic acids DNA and RNA.

1875 Oskar Hertwig, a student of Ernst Haeckel, demonstrates the fertilization of an

ovum in a sea urchin, thus establishing one of the basic principles of sexual repro-
duction: the union of egg and sperm cells.

1880 Walter Fleming first describes mitosis, one of the two major processes of cell division
in higher organisms (the other being meiosis). This discovery is key to the under-
standing of inheritance, since microscopic observations of dividing cells helped
early researchers connect Mendelian genetics with cellular biology.
786 Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics

1883 Galton founds the field of eugenics with the publication of Inquiries into Human Fac-
ulty and Its Development. The notion that the human species can be improved by selec-
tive breeding helps perpetuate racism and provides a scientific rationale for subse-
quent ethnic cleansing programs such as those of the Nazi Party fifty years later.

1883 Wilhelm Roux theorizes that mitosis must result in equal sharing of all chromo-
somal particles by the daughter cells and describes the process, but his work is gen-
erally ignored.

1883 E. van Beneden studies the processes of meiosis and fertilization in the parasitic
worm Ascaris. Van Beneden was the first to observe that the chromosome number in
somatic, or body, cells is twice the number that exist in gametes, or sex cells. He also
realized that when fertilization occurs (the combination of two gametes, the egg
from the female and the sperm from the male), the chromosome number of so-
matic cells is established.

1883 The first absolutely pure yeast culture (yeast propagated from a single cell) is intro-
duced at Denmarks Carlsberg Brewery. The ability to propagate and maintain pure
strains of organismsgenetically identical strains, or cloneswill prove pivotal to
future genetic research.

1886 August Weismann publishes The Germ-Plasm: A Theory of Heredity, in which he main-
tains that only the germ cells (eggs and sperm), not somatic cells, can transmit he-
reditary information and changes from one generation to the next; he disproved
the Larmarckian notion of acquired characteristics.

1887-1890 Theodor Boveri investigates and describes chromosomes and their behavior, noting
that they are preserved through the process of cell division and that sperm and egg
contribute equal numbers of chromosomes.

1888-1889 mile Maupas describes the relationship of conjugation (genetic recombination)

and senescence.

1889 Richard Altmann renames nuclein (isolated by Miescher in 1869) nucleic acid.

1896 Edmund B. Wilson publishes The Cell in Development and Heredity, in which he dis-
cusses the role of cells and chromosomes in inherited traits.

1897 Eduard Buchner shows that organic chemical transformations can be performed by
cell extracts. He discovers that yeast extracts can convert glucose to ethyl alcohol.
Buchners was one of the first in vitro experiments. Performing such experiments
outside the body allowed researchers to control conditions and to observe the ef-
fects of individual variables.

1899 The Royal Horticultural Society holds a meeting in Chiswick, London, in which Wil-
liam Bateson calls for research on discontinuous variations. The meeting later is re-
named the First International Congress of Genetics, still held annually as of 2003.

1900 Hugo de Vries, Erich Tschermak von Seysenegg, and Carl Correns independently
rediscover and reproduce Mendels work. Mendels theories provided a framework
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics 787

for other researchers. Studies in cytology, cellular biology, plant hybridization, and
biochemistry support Mendels assertions.

1900 Karl Landsteiner discovers human blood groups.

1901 Clarence McClung describes the role of the X chromosome in determining sex.

1902 Lucien Cunot, William Bateson, and others begin to confirm Mendelian inheri-
tance in animals.

1902 Austrian botanist Gottlieb Haberlandt completes the cell theory with his idea of toti-
potency: Cells must contain all of the genetic information necessary to create an en-
tire, multicellular organism. Therefore, every plant cell is capable of developing
into an entire plant.

1902 William Ernest Castle, director of the Bussey Institute at Harvard University, and his
students begin research into mouse genetics. His laboratory produces some of the
most influential mammalian geneticists of the twentieth century, including L. C.
Dunn, Clarence Little, Sewall Wright, and George Snell.

1902 Theodor Boveri recognizes the correlation between Mendels laws of inheritance
and current studies of cellular biology; he deduces the haploid nature of sperm
and egg cells (that each had equal amounts of hereditary information) and deter-
mines, by experimenting with sea urchin sperm and egg cells, that each must con-
tribute half the total number of chromosomes to offspring for their normal devel-

1903 Working independently of Boveri, Walter Sutton comes to similar conclusions using
grasshoppers. Both Boveri and Sutton have formed the chromosomal theory of he-
redity. Mendels notions of segregation and independent assortment coincided
with Suttons observations of how chromosomes segregated during cell division.
This provided a cellular explanation for Mendels observations.

1903 P. A. T. Levene establishes the distinction between DNA and RNA, showing that the
thymine in DNA is replaced by uracil in RNA.

1905 William Bateson, E. R. Saunders, and R. C. Punnett discover the phenomenon of

gene linkage when they observe a violation of the Mendelian rule of independent
assortment, noting two traits that do not assort independently. Instead, these genes
are carried, or linked, on the same chromosome. Bateson also coins the term ge-
netics to describe the science of heredity.

1905 Nettie Stevens and Edmund Wilson independently describe the behavior of sex
chromosomes. Their observations provide the first direct evidence to support the
chromosomal theory of heredity.

1905-1933 The eugenics movement grows in popularity. It influences social policies and immi-
gration and sterilization laws in the United States and other countries. The idea that
human traits, notably behavior, are governed by simple genetic rules was used to dis-
criminate against the mentally deficient, immigrants from specific countries, and
788 Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics

even the poor and homeless. The U.S. eugenics movement effectively ended after
the theory became associated with the policies of Nazi Germany.

1908 Sir Archibald Garrod proposes that some human diseases are inborn errors of me-
tabolism. By studying the inheritance of human disorders, Garrod provides the
first evidence of a specific relationship between genes and enzymes.

1908 George Shull self-pollinates plants for many generations to produce pure-breeding
lines. Donald Jones performs similar experiments to increase productivity. These
two researchers develop the scientific basis of modern agricultural genetics.

1908 Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg discover mathematical relationships be-
tween genotypic and phenotypic frequencies in populations. Known as the Hardy-
Weinberg law, the rules governing these mathematical relationships help research-
ers understand the dynamics of population genetics and the evolution of species.

1909 Wilhelm Johannsen, working on the statistical analysis of continuous variation, ex-
pands the modern genetic vocabulary, coining the terms gene, genotype, and

1909 Hermann Nilsson-Ehle describes another violation of Mendelian inheritance. His

studies with kernel color in wheat indicate this is a polygenic trait. This was one of
the first demonstrations that many genes could influence a single trait. Depending
on the alleles, each gene contributes to the trait in an additive fashion. Other exam-
ples of polygenic inheritance include skin color and height in humans.

1909 Carl Correns discovers another class of exceptions to Mendelian inheritance, one of
the first examples of extranuclear inheritance. The notion that other cellular
organelles besides the nucleus carry DNA was not recognized for decades. However,
Correnss experiments in the plant Mirabilis jalapa showed inheritance of leaf color
via the DNA in the chloroplasts.

1910-1928 Thomas Hunt Morgan clearly establishes the chromosomal theory of heredity after
investigating a white-eyed fruit fly and finding that the trait does not segregate ex-
actly according to Mendelian principles, but rather is influenced by the sex of the
fly. This fly experiment becomes the cornerstone upon which theories of Mendel-
ian, chromosomal, and sexual inheritance are built into a cohesive whole. Morgan
also establishes the Fly Room at Columbia University, where he and his students
will conduct groundbreaking experiments using Drosophila for the next quarter cen-
tury. He will win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1933.

1910 Albrecht Kossel wins the 1910 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for earlier
work isolating and describing molecular constituents of the cells nucleus, notably
cytosine, thymine, and uracil.

1911 Peyton Rous produces cell-free extracts from chicken tumors that, when injected,
can induce tumors in other chickens. The tumor-producing agent in the extract is
later found to be a virus. Thus, Rous has discovered a link between cancer and vi-
ruses. He wins the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1966.
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics 789

1913 Alfred H. Sturtevant, a student of Morgan, constructs the first gene maps of chromo-
somes. Maps indicate the order of genes as they exist physically on the chromosome.
Knowledge of gene locations on chromosomes provided insights into inheritance,
genetic diseases, and the function and regulation of DNA. In addition, isolation of
specific genes often required knowledge of their chromosomal location.

1913 Eleanor Carothers reports her discovery of the chromosomal basis of independent
assortment. By examining grasshopper chromosomes, Carothers observed the be-
havior of the X chromosome, responsible for sex determination, during cell divi-
sion. These observations corresponded with Mendels principle of independent as-

1914 Calvin Blackman Bridges uses the phenomenon of primary nondisjunction (a fault
in cell division resulting in the failure of chromosomes to separate during meta-
phase I) to prove that genes are carried on chromomsomes.

1915 The Mechanism of Mendelian Heredity, by Morgan, Sturtevant, Muller, and Bridges, is
published, establishing Drosophila as a model organism for genetics research and de-
scribing fundamentals of gene mapping.

1916 Research on the major histocompatibility complex begins with Clarence Little and
E. E. Tyzzers experiments transplanting tumors between mice.

1917 Flix dHerelle discovers bacteriophages, viruses that infect bacteria. Bacterio-
phages played an important role in early genetics research, including confirmation
that DNA is the hereditary material. Bacteriophages also became important in re-
combinant DNA applications.

1917 O. Winge publishes The Chromosomes: Their Number and General Importance,
which for the first time describes the relationship between chromosome doubling
and allopolyploidy in plants.

1922-1932 In what would become known as the modern synthesis, Ronald A. Fisher, J. B. S.
Haldane, Sewall Wright, and S. S. Chetverikov independently publish papers on
evolution, Mendelian inheritance, and natural selection, merging Darwins the-
ory of natural selection with Mendels theory of genetic inheritance to create a field
of population genetics that allows for genetic change through genetic drift. Hal-
dane develops quantitative methods of studying the effects of selection, identify-
ing the number of generations needed to alter gene frequencies for recessive and
dominant traits, autosomal and sex-linked genes, and haploid and diploid organ-

1925-1926 A. H. Sturtevant describes the position effect: An inversion may place a gene in an-
other location in the chromosome, removing the gene from its regulatory elements
and altering its expression. He also provides genetic proof of inversion.

1927 Hermann J. Muller, another student of Morgan, uses X rays to induce mutations in
organisms. The ability to mutate DNA was a powerful tool to determine the function
of specific genes. Muller receives the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1946.
790 Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics

1928 Frederick Griffith uses the bacterium that causes pneumonia to initiate his investi-
gations into the transforming principle, or transformation. The hereditary mate-
rial has not yet been identified, but Griffiths experiments indicate that the trans-
forming principle is DNA. Although not absolute proof, his experiment contributes
significantly to the field and sparks ideas in other researchers.

1929 Clarence Little helps found the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, which
will become one of the most influential genetics research institutions in North
America, particularly in mouse (mammalian) genetics.

1931 Barbara McClintock and Harriet Creighton discover physical exchange between
chromosomes in corn, a process known as crossing over. Curt Stern uses a similar
approach in the study of the X chromosome in Drosophila. Crossing over, or recom-
bination, will be vital to mapping genes on chromosomes and to understanding in-
heritance involving linkage.

1932 Sewall Wright describes the relationship of genetic drift and evolution.

1933 Theophilus Painter discovers polytene chromosomes in Drosophila salivary glands.

These special chromosomes, resulting from numerous rounds of DNA replications
without separation, are large, with distinct banding patterns. They are used exten-
sively in mapping genes to specific regions of the chromosome.

1933 Less than 1 percent of all the agricultural land in the Corn Belt has hybrid corn
growing on it. However, by 1943, hybrids cover more than 78 percent of the same
land. Techniques used to produce crops with desired properties rely heavily on an
understanding of genetics. Through the process of producing hybrids, researchers
attempt to breed the best traits of several varieties into one. This time-consuming
and inexact process is to be superseded by the techniques of recombinant DNA

1934 John Desmond Bernal examines protein structure by using X-ray crystallography.

1935 Ronald Aylmer publishes statistical analyses of Mendels work. He finds errors in
Mendels interpretation of his data for a series of experiments. Aylmer does not dis-
pute Mendels theories but instead implies that an assistant was ultimately responsi-
ble for the error.

1935 Hans Spemann wins the 1935 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. By transplant-
ing bits of one embryo into a second, viable embryo, Spemann compiled evidence
that an organizer center directs the development of an embryo and that different
parts of the organizer governed distinct portions of the embryo. His experiments
provided clues to the genetic control of growth from the earliest stages of an or-

1937 Theodosius Dobzhansky publishes Genetics and the Origin of Species. He shows that, in
natural and experimental populations of Drosophila species, frequency changes and
geographic patterns of variation in chromosome variants are consistent with the ef-
fects of natural selection.
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics 791

1939 R. J. Gautheret demonstrates the first successful culture of isolated plant tissues as a
continuously dividing callus tissue.

1940 Karl Landsteiner and A. S. Wiener describe the Rh blood groups.

1941 George Wells Beadle and Edward Tatum, working with a bread mold, Neurospora,
publish results indicating that genes mediate cellular chemistry through the pro-
duction of specific enzymes: the one gene-one enzyme experiment. This estab-
lishes the use of simple organisms as model systems to study genetics. Beadle and
Tatum will receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1958.

1943 The Rockefeller Foundation, in collaboration with the Mexican government, initi-
ates the Mexican Agricultural Program, the first use of plant breeding in foreign aid.

1944 Oswald T. Avery, Colin MacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty purify DNA and identify it as
the transforming principle of Frederick Griffiths work. Although this experiment
provides solid evidence that DNA is the hereditary material, most scientists still do
not accept the notion.

1945 R. D. Owen conducts studies with two sets of cattle twins which demonstrate that
their blood antigens could have come only from the opposite sires. These findings
suggest the reciprocal passage of ancestral red blood cells. Owens work has signifi-
cant implications for immunology.

1945 Max Delbrck, Salvador Luria, and Alfred Hershey work on bacteriophage as a
model system to study the mechanism of heredity. Delbrck organizes a course at
Cold Spring Harbor, New York, to introduce researchers to the methods of working
with bacteriophage. His course will be taught for twenty-six years, helping countless
researchers to understand the use of model organisms in genetic investigations.
Delbrck, Luria, and Hershey later share the 1969 Nobel Prize in Physiology or

1946 Joshua Lederberg and Edward Tatum discover genetic recombination (conjuga-
tion) in bacteria, leading them to believe that bacteria, like eukaryotes, have a sex-
ual reproductive cycle. This discovery forces researchers to realize that bacteria are
genetic organisms, similar to the eukaryotes studied at the time. Lederberg wins the
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1958; Tatum and George Beadle will also
share in the 1958 prize, for their work with cellular chemistry, enzymes, and ge-

1949 Linus Pauling proposes that sickle-cell disease is the result of a change in the normal
amino acid sequence of hemoglobin that interferes with its binding properties. His
later investigations into protein structure help determine the structure of DNA. He
receives the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954.

1950 Barbara McClintock first describes the theory that DNA is mobile and that certain of
its elements can insert into different regions on the chromosome. The technical
name for this phenomenon is transposition, and the genes affected are casually
dubbed jumping genes and, more properly, transposable elements or trans-
posons. McClintocks ideas were far ahead of her time. While most scientists were
792 Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics

still trying to determine just how DNA works, McClintock is turning the field upside
down. Her work will not be accepted until more evidence of transposons surfaces
decades later. She will win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1983.

1950 Erwin Chargaff discovers consistent one-to-one ratios of adenine to thymine and of
guanine to cytosine in DNA. These four chemicals are the basic building blocks of
DNA. Chargaffs observations become an important clue in determining the exact
structure of DNA.

1951 Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin obtain X-ray diffraction photographs of
DNA. These data indicate the exact shape of the DNA molecule; joined with
Chargaffs data, these photographs begin to bring DNA into focus.

1952 Joshua and Esther Lederberg and Norton Zinder discover transduction, the trans-
fer of genetic information by viruses. Using Escherichia coli and a bacteriophage
called P1, the Lederbergs and Zinder are able to show that transduction can be used
to map genes to the bacterial chromosome.

1952 Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase use bacteriophage and a blender to identify the
transforming principle as DNA. They are able to show that DNA, and not protein, is
responsible for transforming organisms. This experiment forms the conclusive
piece of evidence confirming that DNA is the hereditary material.

1952 Investigations into bacteriophage by Salvador Luria and M. L. Human, and inde-
pendently J. J. Weigle, lay the groundwork for the discovery of restriction endo-

1953 The three-dimensional structure of DNA is outlined by James Watson and Francis
Crick in a 900-word manuscript published in Nature, Molecular Structure of Nu-
cleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. This elegant and concise pa-
per describes the structure of DNA and provides insight into its function. Watson
and Crick, along with Maurice Wilkins, will win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or
Medicine in 1962. Rosalind Franklin, who with Wilkins delineated the shape of
DNA, did not share in the prize, having died several years earlier of cancer, almost
certainly caused by her work with X rays.

1954 The first whole plant is regenerated, or cloned, from a single adult plant cell by
W. H. Muir and colleagues.

1956 J. H. Tjio and A. Levan determine the chromosome number in humans to be forty-
six. Until that time, the chromosome number was thought to be forty-eight. The
advances that Tjio and Levan pioneered were instrumental in obtaining good
chromosome preparations, allowing for significant advances in the field of cytogen-

1956-1958 Arthur Kornberg purifies the enzyme DNA polymerase from Escherichia coli. This is
the enzyme responsible for DNA replication, making it possible to synthesize DNA.
Kornberg, along with Severo Ochoa, wins the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
in 1959.
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics 793

1957 Heinz Fraenkel-Conrat and B. Singer show that tobacco mosaic virus contains
RNAthe first concrete evidence that RNA, in addition to DNA, serves as the ge-
netic material.

1957 In a landmark address to the British Society of Experimental Biology titled On Pro-
tein Synthesis, Francis Crick articulates both the sequence hypothesis (the order of
bases on a section of DNA codes for an amino acid sequence on a protein) and the
central dogma of molecular genetics (genetic information moves from DNA to
RNA to proteins, but not from proteins back to DNA).

1957 Alexander Robertus Todd wins the 1957 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. As part of wide-
ranging research in organic chemistry, Todd revealed how ribose and deoxyribose
bond to the nitrogenous bases on one side of a nucleotide unit and to the phosphate
group on the other side. These discoveries provide a foundation for work by others
that explains the structure of the DNA molecule.

1958 Matthew Meselson and Frank Stahl determine that DNA replicates in a semi-
conservative manner: Each strand of the molecule serves as a template for the syn-
thesis of a new, complementary strand.

1959 Jrme Lejeune discovers that Down syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra
chromosome. This was the first evidence that genetic disorders could be the result
of changes in chromosome number, as opposed to changes in individual genes in-
herited in a Mendelian fashion.

1960s Mitochondriaextranuclear organelles that are the site for ATP synthesisare dis-
covered to have their own DNA that is passed down maternally. In 1967, Lynn
Margulis, resurrecting a theory proposed by Ivan Wallin in the 1920s, proposes that
mitochondria in eukaryotic cells may have evolved from a symbiotic relationship be-
tween bacteria (prokaryotes) and ancient eukarotes.

1961 Sol Spiegelman and Benjamin Hall discover that single-stranded DNA will hydro-
gen bond to its complementary RNA. The discovery of the ability of DNA and RNA
to form an association contributed greatly to the study of genes and their organiza-

1961 Working initially with Johann Matthaei, biochemist Marshall Nirenberg discovers
the first sequence of three bases of DNA that codes for an amino acid and cracks
the genetic code. H. Gobind Khorana and Robert W. Holley extend the work and
elucidate how the sequence of amino acids in a protein is encoded by the sequence
of nucleic acids in a gene. Nirenberg, Khorana, and Holley receive the Nobel Prize
in Physiology or Medicine in 1968.

1961 Jacques Monod, Franois Jacob, Sydney Brenner, and Francis Crick discover mes-
senger RNA, reporting that it is the mechanism that carries the information from
DNA to create proteins. This missing link between the genetic material of DNA and
proteins was critical to the understanding of protein synthesis and hence gene ex-
pression. Monod and Jacob win the 1965 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for
this work.
794 Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics

1962 Mary Lyon hypothesizes that during development, one of the two X chromosomes
in normal mammalian females is inactivated at random. The inactivated X chromo-
some is called a Barr body, and her hypothesis is known as the Lyon hypothesis.

1962 Werner Arber finds bacteria that are resistant to infection by bacteriophage. It ap-
pears that some cellular enzymes destroy phage DNA, while others modify the bac-
terial DNA to prevent self-destruction. Several years later, Arber, Stuart Linn, Mat-
thew Meselson, and Robert Yuan isolate the first restriction endonuclease and
identify the modification of bacterial DNA as methylation. By this time, scientists are
looking at how DNA regulates, and is regulated by, cellular activities in a new
disciplne, molecular genetics. Arber wins the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
in 1978.

1964 Robin Holliday proposes a model for the recombination of DNA. Although recom-
bination, or crossing over, is not a new idea, the molecular mechanism behind the
exchange of genetic information between DNA strands was not known. Hollidays
model, widely accepted, explains the phenomenon.

1964 John Gurden transfers nuclei from adult toad cells into toad eggs. F. C. Steward
grows single adult cells from a carrot into fully formed, normal plants. These experi-
ments produced viable organisms, ushering in the era of cloning.

1964 The International Rice Research Institute introduces new strains of rice that double
the yield of previous strains. This marks the beginning of the Green Revolution,
which sought to enable all nations to grow sufficient quantities of food to sustain
their own populations. The father of this movement, Norman Borlaug, will win
the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for his role in developing high-yield grain varieties.

1965 Sydney Brenner and colleagues discover stop codons.

1965 Andr Lwoff shares the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Monod and Ja-
cob. Lwoff earlier demonstrated that the genetic material of bacteriophage can be-
come part of the host bacteriums DNA, a process known as lysogeny.

1966 Victor McKusick publishes the first catalog of single genes responsible for traits,
Mendelian Inheritance in Man, which will appear in many subsequent editions.

1967 Mary Weiss and Howard Green improve the process of gene mapping by using so-
matic cell hybridization.

1967 DNA ligase, the enzyme that joins DNA molecules, is discovered.

1968 Reiji Okazaki reports the discovery of short fragments of RNA later known as
Okazaki fragments, showing the discontinuous synthesis of the lagging DNA strand.

1970 M. Mandel and A. Higa discover a method to increase the efficiency of bacterial
transformation. They make the cells competent to take up DNA by treating bacte-
ria with calcium chloride and then heat-shocking the cells. Introducing foreign
DNA into cells was a key to the success of recombinant DNA methods.
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics 795

1970 H. Gobind Khorana and twelve associates synthesize the first gene: the gene for an
alanine transfer RNA in yeast.

1970 David Baltimore and Howard Temin independently discover reverse transcriptase,
an enzyme used by viruses to convert their RNA into DNA. The reverse transcriptase
enzyme becomes a key tool in genetic engineering, for which Baltimore and Temin
will win the 1975 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

1970 Hamilton O. Smith isolates the first restriction endonuclease that cuts at a specific
DNA sequencethe first site-specific restriction enzyme. Daniel Nathans uses this
enzyme to create a restriction map of the virus SV40. The use of restriction enzymes,
those that cut DNA, allowed for the detailed mapping and analysis of genes. It also
was pivotal for recombinant DNA techniques, including the production of trans-
genic organisms. Nathans and Smith win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
in 1978 for their work on restriction enzymes.

1972 Paul Berg is the first to create a recombinant DNA molecule. He shows that restric-
tion enzymes can be used to cut DNA in a predictable manner and that these DNA
fragments can be joined together with fragments from different organisms. He is
awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1980.

1972 Stanford Moore and William H. Stein win the 1972 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for ear-
lier work identifying the sequence of amino acids in ribonuclease, a clue to the
structure of the gene responsible for it.

1973 Joseph Sambrook and other researchers at Cold Spring Harbor improve the
method of separating DNA fragments based on size, a technique called agarose gel
electrophoresis. This method makes it possible to acheive an accurate interpreta-
tion of the information in DNA.

1973 Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer develop recombinant DNA technology by pro-
ducing the first recombinant plasmid in bacteria. Plasmidssmall, circular pieces
of DNAoccur naturally in bacteria. Using the newly discovered tools of molecular
biology, Cohen and Boyer inserted a new, or foreign, piece of DNA into an existing
plasmid and had it propagate in a bacterial cell.

Feb., 1975 The Asilomar Conference is held in response to increasing concerns over safety and
ethics of genetic engineering. Convening in Pacific Grove, California, under the
auspices of the National Institutes of Health, 140 prominent international research-
ers and academicians, including Nobel laureate Phillip A. Sharp, air their opinions
about recombinant DNA experimentation and advocate adoption of ethical guide-
lines. NIH later issues guidelines for recombinant DNA research to minimize poten-
tial hazards if genetically altered bacteria were released into the environment. The
guidelines will be relaxed by 1981.

1975 Mary-Claire King and Allan Wilson report, based on results of a survey of pro-
tein and nucleic acid studies, that the average human protein is more than 99 per-
cent identical to that of chimpanzees, which is confirmed by later research. The
question of why two species that are so different can be as genetically similar as
sibling species of other organisms remains open but is assumed to be a function of
796 Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics

gene regulation as well as those relatively few mutations that make human DNA dif-

1975 Edward Southern develops a method for transferring DNA from an agarose gel to a
solid membrane. This technique, known as Southern blotting, becomes one of the
most important methods used to identify cloned genes.

1975 Renato Dulbecco, David Baltimore, and Howard Temin receive the Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine for their work on the interaction between tumor viruses and
the genetic material of the cell. Dulbecco applied phage genetic techniques to the
study of animal viruses.

1976 Herbert Boyer and Robert Swanson form Genentech, a company devoted to the
development and promotion of biotechnology and applications of genetical engi-

1976 Susumu Tonegawa discovers the genetic principles for generation of antibody diver-
sity. Tonegawa identified a novel mode of regulation of the genetic material. The ge-
nomic DNA of immune cells is actually cut and rejoined in different combinations.
This explains how millions of different antibodies can be produced from a very
small number of genes. Tonegawa wins the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in

1977 Allan Maxam and Walter Gilbert develop a method to determine the sequence of a
piece of DNA. At the same time, Frederick Sanger develops a different method, the
chain termination (dideoxy) sequencing method. It becomes possible, and rela-
tively simple, to determine the exact sequence of adenine, guanine, thymine, and
cytosine in any DNA molecule. Although both the Gilbert-Maxam and the Sanger
methods are effective, the Sanger method becomes the dominant technique be-
cause it does not involve toxic chemicals. Gilbert and Sanger both receive the Nobel
Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1980.

1977 James Alwine develops the Northern blotting technique, which expands the basic
blotting technique introduced by Southern to allow analysis of RNA and proteins.

1977 The U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals rules that an inventor can patent
new forms of microorganisms. The first patent granted for a recombinant organ-
ism, an oil-eating bacterium, is awarded in 1980. The legality and ethics of patenting
recombinant organisms and other biological systems are highly controversial.

1977 Herbert Boyer synthesizes the human hormone somatostatin in Escherichia colithe
first successful use of recombinant DNA to produce a substance from the gene of a
higher organism. Before, the first isolation of mammalian somatostatin required a
half million sheep brains to produce 5 milligrams of the hormone. Now, with the use
of recombinant DNA, only two gallons of bacterial culture are required to produce
the same amount.

1977 Phillip A. Sharp and Richard Roberts discover that portions of a human gene can be
divided among several DNA segments, called introns, separated by noncoding seg-
ments called exons. This discovery becomes important to genetic engineering and
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics 797

to understanding the mechanism for hereditary diseases. Sharp and Roberts win
the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

1978 Herbert Boyer discovers a synthetic version of the human insulin gene and inserts it
into Escherichia coli bacteria. The bacteria serve as cloning vectors to maintain and
replicate large amounts of human insulin. This application of recombinant DNA
technology to produce human insulin for diabetics becomes the foundation for fu-
ture industrial and medical applications of genetic engineering.

1978 P. C. Steptoe and R. G. Edwards successfully use in vitro fertilization and artificial im-
plantation in humans. Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby, is born July 25. The
process gives hope to many childless couples who, prior to this development, have
been unable to conceive. It also raises concerns from ethicists and others over the
potential effects on both the individual childs long-term health and social implica-

1980 A team headed by David Botstein measures restriction fragments and finds that
the length of such fragments often varies in individuals. Such variation, or restric-
tion fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), is used to allow rapid discovery of the
location of many human genes and genetic differences among individuals.

1980 The first transgenic mouse is created by J. W. Gordon.

June 16, 1980 The U.S. Supreme Court votes 5-4 that living organisms can be patented under fed-
eral law, and Ananda M. Chakrabarty receives the first patent for a genetically engi-
neered organism, a form of bacteria, Pseudomona originosa, that can decompose
crude oil for use in cleaning up oil spills.

1980 George Snell, Baruj Benacerraf, and Jean Dausset win the Nobel Prize in Physiology
or Medicine for their discovery of and work on the major histocompatibility com-
plex (MHC), the key to a persons immune system, and how the system produces
antibodies to such a wide variety of foreign molecules and pathogens, such as vi-
ruses, fungi, and bacteria.

1981 J. Michael Bishop and Harold Varmus discover that oncogenes (genes that play a
role in initiating cancer) originate in normal cells as genes that control cellular
growth and are not solely derived from retroviruses, as previously thought. Their
work greatly influences subsequent studies of tumor development. Varmus and
Bishop win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1989.

1982 The first genetically engineered product, human insulin, dubbed Humulin, is ap-
proved for sale by the U.S. government. The production of pharmaceuticals
through recombinant DNA technology is becoming a driving force behind both the
drug industry and agriculture.

1982 Aaron Klug wins a 1982 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Klug used X-ray crystallography
to investigate biochemical structures, especially that of viruses. He was able to link
the assembly of viral protein subunits with specific sites on viral RNA, which helped
in fighting viruses that cause disease in plants and, more basically, in understand-
ing the mechanism of RNA transfer of genetic information. He also determined
798 Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics

the structure of transfer RNA (tRNA), which has a shape similar to that of a bent

1983 Nancy Wexler, Michael Conneally, and James Gusella determine the chromosomal
location of the gene for Huntingtons disease. Although close, they are unable to lo-
cate the gene itself; it will be discovered ten years later.

1983 Thomas Cech and Sidney Altman independently discover catalytic RNA. The idea
that RNA can have an enzymatic function changes researchers views on the role of
this molecule, leading to important new theories about the evolution of life. Cech
and Altman win the 1989 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

1983 Bruce Cattanach provides evidence of genomic imprinting in mice. The phenome-
non of imprinting is the modification of genes in male and female gametes. This
leads to differential expression of these genes in the embryo after fertilization. Im-
printing represents another exception to the rules of Mendelian inheritance.

1983 John Sulston, Sydney Brenner, and H. Robert Horvitz describe the cell lineage of
the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The fixed developmental pattern of this small
worm provides researchers with insights into how cells determine their own fates
and how they influence the fates of neighboring cells. Sulston, Brenner, and Horvitz
win the 2002 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

1983-1984 William Benders laboratory isolates and characterizes the molecular details of Dro-
sophila homeotic genes. William McGinnis and J. Weiner discover that the base se-
quences of the homeotic genes they examined contain nearly the same sequence in
the terminal 180 bases. They term the conserved 180-base sequence a homeobox.
These regulatory genes direct the development of body parts during gestation of
most animals.

1983-1985 Kary B. Mullis invents the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This revolutionary
method of copying DNA from extremely small amounts of material changes the way
molecular research is done in only a few short years. It also becomes important in
medical diagnostics and forensic analysis. Mullis wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
in 1995.

1984 The Plant Gene Expression Center, a collaborative effort between academia and the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, is established to research plant molecular biology,
sequence plant genomes, and develop genetically modified plants.

1984 Alec Jeffreys is the first to use DNA in identifying individuals. This technique, popu-
larly known as DNA fingerprinting, makes identification of individuals and con-
struction of genetic relationships virtually indisputable.

1984 More than twenty-five scientists collaborate to isolate the gene that causes cystic fi-
brosis. As a result of technological advances, the identification, isolation, and se-
quencing of genes is becoming commonplace. Among the notable discoveries are
genes implicated in Alzheimers disease, diabetes, and even complex conditions
such as cancer and heart disease.
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics 799

1985 Michael S. Brown and Joseph L. Goldstein win the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Med-
icine for their work on the regulation of cholesterol in humans. They showed that in
families with a history of high cholesterol, individuals who carry two copies of a mu-
tant gene (homozygotes) have cholesterol levels several times higher than normal,
and those who have one mutant gene (heterozygotes) have levels about double

1985-1987 Robert Sinsheimer, Renato Dulbecco, and Charles DeLisi begin investigating the
possibility of sequencing the entire human genome. DeLisi, head of the Depart-
ment of Energys Office of Health and Environmental Research, seeks federal fund-
ing. After the invention of automated sequencing (see below), the National Re-
search Council and later the Office of Technology Assessment support the idea.

1986 Leroy Hood, a biologist at the California Institute of Technology, invents the auto-
mated sequencer, the most important advance in DNA sequencing technology since
Gilbert and Sanger developed their sequencing methods in the 1970s. Automated
sequencing replaces the use of dangerous radioactive labels for identifying the four
DNA bases with colored fluorescent dyes. Each of the four DNA bases is coded with a
different dye color to eliminate the need to run several reactions. Laser and com-
puter technology are integrated at the end stage to gather data. The result is safer,
more accurate, and much faster sequencing.

1986 The first release of a genetically modified crop, genetically engineered tobacco
plants, is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency.

1987 Frostban, a genetically engineered bacterium designed to prevent freezing, is tested

on strawberries in California. These bacteria are freely released outdoors, where it is
hoped they will grow on the strawberries and prevent the fruit from being destroyed
by frost late in the growing season. The environmental release of recombinant or-
ganisms is an important and controversial step in the application of genetic engi-

1987 Calgene receives a patent for a DNA sequence that extends the shelf life of toma-

1987 Carol Greider and Elizabeth Blackburn, using the model organism Tetrahymena (a
protozoan), report evidence that telomeres are regenerated through an enzyme
with an RNA component. Based on the action of DNA polymerase, telomeres (lo-
cated at the tips of chromosomes) should become shorter during each round of cell
division. Another enzyme, called telomerase, is found to be necessary to maintain
the telomeres. Research in this field sparks interest in the possibility that declining
levels of telomerase may contribute to aging and that the inappropriate expression
of this enzyme in cells may be a factor in cancer.

1988 The Human Genome Organization (HUGO) is founded to coordinate and collect
data from international efforts to sequence the human genome.

1988 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves the sale of recombinant TPA
(tissue plasminogen activator) as a treatment for blood clots. TPA shows promise in
helping victims recovering from heart attack and stroke.
800 Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics

1989 Francis Collins, Lap-Chee Tsui, and researchers at Torontos Hospital for Sick
Children discover the CF gene, which codes the cystic fibrosis transmembrane con-
ductance regulator (CFTR) protein.

1990 Gene therapy for severe combined immunodefiency disorder (SCID) is tested in
clinical trials, with promising if not completely successful results.

1990 The Human Genome Project begins, initially headed by James Watson, under the
auspices of the National Institues of Health, National Center for Human Genome
Research. The project is to be completed by the year 2005. The ambitious project is
designed to sequence the entire human genome in order to identify genes involved
in biochemical processes such as disease pathology. Also included as part of the Hu-
man Genome Project is the sequencing of many model organisms.

1990 At the Plant Gene Expression Center, biologist Michael Fromm announces the use
of a high-speed gene gun to transform corn. Gene guns are used to inject genetic
material directly into cells via DNA-coated microparticles.

1990 The first human undergoes gene therapy. The patient is a four-year-old girl who was
born without a functioning immune system as a result of a faulty gene that makes an
enzyme called ADA (adenosine deaminase).

1991 J. Craig Venter of the National Institutes of Health demonstrates the use of auto-
mated sequencing and expressed sequence tags (ESTs)cloned sequences of com-
plementary DNA (cDNA) molecules stored in librariesto identify genes and
their functions rapidly and accurately.

1992 One of the first major accomplishments of the Human Genome Project is to publish
a low-resolution linkage map of the entire human genome.

1993 The mutation that causes Huntingtons disease is found, ten years after its chromo-
somal location was first identified. Fifty-eight scientists collaborated on the project.

1993 Gene therapy cures a mouse of cystic fibrosis.

1994 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves the bovine hormone known as
BST or BGH. The hormone is made from recombinant bacteria containing the bo-
vine gene for BST. When injected into cows, the hormone increases milk produc-
tion by up to 20 percent. Many supermarkets and manufacturers of dairy products
refuse to carry or use milk from BST-injected cows, uncertain of what long-term ef-
fects this recombinant drug might have on the food chain.

1994 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gives approval for the marketing of the
Flavr Savr tomato. This genetically altered tomato can be ripened on the vine before
being picked and transported. Because the ripening process takes longer, the toma-
toes do not rot on their way to the market.

1994 Alfred G. Gilman and Martin Rodbell receive the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medi-
cine for discovering the role of G proteins in regulating signal transduction in eu-
karyotic cells.
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics 801

1995 A mutation in the gene BRCA1, found by Mark Skolnick and others, is implicated in
breast cancer. More than any other gene previously identified, this discovery has
wide potential for assessing cancer risk.

1995 J. Craig Venter of The Institute for Genome Research (TIGR) announces comple-
tion of the first DNA sequence of a nonviral, self-replicating, free-living organism,
the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae, using whole-genome random sequencing,
nicknamed shotgun sequencing. This method, which precludes the need for a
preliminary physical map of the genome, speeds the sequencing of other organisms

1995 Completion of the sequence of the smallest known bacterium, Mycoplasma geni-
talium, identifies the minimum number of genes required for independent life.

1995 Edward B. Lewis, Christiane Nsslein-Volhard, and Eric Wieschaus win the Nobel
Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work on the genetic control of early devel-
opment in Drosophila. These researchers took the fruit fly, a model organism from
the age of classical genetics, into the age of molecular biology and discovered how
genetics controls development. The same developmental mechanisms appear to be
at work in other organisms, including humans.

1995 Nsslein-Volhard completes a genetic mutation project involving zebra fish. Re-
peating her earlier work with Drosophila, Nsslein-Volhard used similar techniques
to begin an intensive study of development in a vertebrate system. This involved
screening thousand of mutants to determine if any had developmental defects.

1995 Michael Smith wins the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing site-directed
mutagenesis, a means of reconfiguring genes in order to create altered proteins
with distinct properties. Smiths technique makes it possible to treat genetic disease
and cancer and to create novel plant strains.

1996 Kristen L. Kroll and Enrique Amaya create a technique to make stable transgenic
Xenopus (frog) embryos.

1996 A group of more than six hundred researchers sequences the DNA of the yeast Sac-
charomyces cereviseae, the first eukaryotic organism to be sequenced.

1997 Ian Wilmut at the Roslin Institute in Scotland announces the successful cloning of a
sheep. The clone is named Dolly, the first vertebrate cloned from the cell of an adult
vertebrate. It is hoped that successful cloning of a mammal will allow for easier and
cheaper development and propagation of transgenic animals.

1997 The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
adopts the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights.

1997 The genomic sequence of the bacterium Escherichia coli is reported by Frederick
Blattner and colleagues. Although E. coli is not the first complete bacterial sequence
reported, because of the importance of E. coli, the event represents a critical step
802 Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics

1998 The genome of the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis is sequenced.

1998 Celera Genomics is founded by former National Institutes of Health researcher

J. Craig Venter. Its mission is to sequence the human genome in the private sector,
using fast-working automated sequencers.

1998 The genome of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is the first genome of a multicel-
lular organism to be completely sequenced.

1999 Laboratory tests suggest that the pollen of corn bioengineered to release the pesti-
cide Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) endangers monarch butterfly caterpillars. Although
later evidence calls the finding into question, it prompts controversy over the safety
of transgenic plants.

Sept., 1999 The first human death attributable to gene therapy during clinical trial is reported
when an eighteen-year-old participant in a trial on gene therapy for hereditary orni-
thine transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency dies of multiorgan failure caused by a se-
vere immunological reaction to the disarmed adenovirus vector used in the trial.

Sept., 1999 Celera Genomics sequences the full genome of Drosophila and reports the results the
following year in the May 24 issue of Science. Of the flys 13,601 genes, many are
shown to be closely related to human genes.

Dec. 1, 1999 The first human chromosome, chromosome 22, is completely sequenced.

Jan. 28, 2000 At a meeting in Montreal, Canada, the United Nations Convention on Biological Di-
versity approves the Cartegena Protocol on Biosafety, which sets the criterion inter-
nationally for patenting genetically modified organisms, including agricultural

2000 Chromosome 21, the smallest human chromosome, is completely sequenced; it is

the second human chromosome to be completed.

2000 It is estimated that more than two-thirds of the processed foods in U.S. markets con-
tain genetically modified ingredients, primarily soybeans or corn.

2000 The environmental organization Friends of the Earth reveals that StarLink, a genet-
ically engineered corn variety meant only for animal fodder, has contaminated the
human food supply. The news ignites public debate over the use of genetically modi-
fied food crops.

Dec. 13, 2000 At a press conference, a team of more than three hundred scientists from through-
out the world announce that they have sequenced the genome of a plant for the first
time. The plant is the model organism Arabidopsis thaliana.

2001 The third and fourth human chromosomes, chromosomes 20 and 14, are com-
pletely sequenced.

Feb., 2001 The first working drafts of the human genome sequence are published in Science
(which reports the results from the private company Celera Genomics, headed by
Time Line of Major Developments in Genetics 803

J. Craig Venter) and in Nature (reporting the results from the publicly funded Hu-
man Genome Project). The relatively low number of human genes, estimated to be
about 30,000, makes it necessary to revise the one gene-one enzyme hypothesis,
since it appears that a single gene can encode more than one protein. The principle
is therefore renamed the one gene-one polypeptide hypothesis. The paper pub-
lished in Science notes that the DNA of all human beings is 99.9 percent the same,
which redefines the notion of human races as primarily a social, rather than a bio-
logical, construct.

2001 Researchers complete the genomic sequence for rice, Oryza sativa.

Nov., 2001 Scientists report that genetic material from transgenic corn has mysteriously turned
up in the genome of native corn species near Oaxaca, Mexico. Mexico banned
transgenic crops three years earlier, and the closest known crop was located beyond
the range of windborne pollen. The report raises concerns about the unintended
ecological consequences of transgenic-wild hybrids, which could create problems
such as superweeds.

2001 Leland H. Hartwell, R. Timothy Hunt, and Paul M. Nurse win the 2001 Nobel Prize
in Physiology or Medicine for their research on the regulation of cell cycles. Hart-
well identified a class of genes that controls the cycle, including a gene that initiates
it. Nurse cloned and described the genetic model of a key regulator, cyclin depen-
dent kinase (cdk), and Hunt discovered cyclins, a class of regulatory proteins.

Dec., 2002 The mouse genome sequence is completed, using the shotgun method; it is com-
pared with the draft of the human genome and found to be very similar; both organ-
isms have about 30,000 genes and about 2,000 non-gene, or junk DNA, regions.

Jan., 2003 A company called Clonaid announces the births of several babies they claim are the
result of human cloning but later fails to produce any scientific evidence that the ba-
bies are clones. The apparent hoax, initially a media event, energizes the public de-
bate over human cloning and its ramifications.

Feb., 2003 Dolly, the first vertebrate cloned from an adult cell, is euthanized after suffering ad-
vanced arthritis and lung disease. Researchers speculate about whether clones age
prematurely as a result of the shortened telomere length of the chromosomes in the
adult cells from which they are cloned.

Feb. 27, 2003 The U.S. House of Representatives passes the Human Prohibition Cloning Act of
2003, banning the cloning of human beings; the bill goes to the Senate.

April, 2003 The Human Genome Project completes its mission two years ahead of schedule:
The entire human genome has now been sequenced.

Nancy Morvillo, updated by Christina J. Moose


A: the abbreviation for adenine, a purine ni- of Ti plasmids, into plant cells; modified Ti
trogenous base found in the structure of plasmids can be used to produce transgenic
both DNA and RNA. plants.
acentric chromosome: a chromosome that albinism: the absence of pigment such as mela-
does not have a centromere and that is un- nin in eyes, skin, hair, scales, or feathers or of
able to participate properly in cell division; chlorophyll in plant leaves and stems.
often the result of a chromosomal mutation albino: a genetic condition in which an individ-
during recombination. ual does not produce the pigment melanin
acquired characteristic: a change in an individ- in the skin; other manifestations of the trait
ual organism brought about by its interac- may be seen in the pigmentation of the hair
tion with its environment. or eyes; albino individuals occur in many
acrocentric chromosome: a chromosome with animals and plants and are due to the ab-
its centromere near one end. See also meta- sence of a variety of different pigments.
centric chromosome and telocentric chro- alcoholism: a medical diagnosis given when
mosome. there is repeated use of alcohol over the
activator: a protein that binds to DNA, thus in- course of at least a year, despite the presence
creasing the expression of a nearby gene. of negative consequences; tolerance, with-
active site: the region of an enzyme that inter- drawal, uncontrolled use, unsuccessful ef-
acts with a substrate molecule; any alteration forts to quit, considerable time spent getting
in the three-dimensional shape of the active or using the drug, and a decrease in other
site usually has an adverse effect on the en- important activities because of the use are
zymes activity. part of this condition.
adaptation: the evolution of a trait by natural algorithm: a mathematical rule or procedure
selection, or a trait that has evolved as a re- for solving a specific problem.
sult of natural selection. alkaptonuria: a genetic disorder, first charac-
adaptive advantage: increased reproductive terized by geneticist Archibald Garrod, in
potential in offspring as a result of passing which a compound called homogentisic
on favorable genetic information. acid accumulates in the cartilage and is ex-
adenine (A): a purine nitrogenous base found creted in the urine of affected individuals,
in the structure of both DNA and RNA. turning both of these black (the name of the
adenosine triphosphate (ATP): the major en- disorder literally means black urine); the
ergy molecule of cells, produced either specific genetic defect involves an inability
through the process of cellular respiration to process by-products of phenylalanine and
or fermentation; it is also a component of tyrosine metabolism.
DNA and RNA. allele: a form of a gene at a locus; each locus in
adult stem cell: an undifferentiated cell found an individuals chromosomes has two alleles,
among differentiated cells in a tissue or or- which may be the same or different.
gan of an adult organism. allele frequency: the proportion of all the ge-
agarose: a chemical substance derived from al- netic variants at a locus within a population
gae and used to create gels for the electro- of organisms.
phoresis of nucleic acids. allergy: an abnormal immune response to a
aggression: behavior directed toward causing substance that does not normally provoke
harm to others. an immune response or that is not inher-
Agrobacterium tumefaciens: a species of bacteria ently dangerous to the body (such as plant
that causes disease in some plants and is able pollens, dust, or animal dander).
to transfer genetic information, in the form allopatric speciation: a model of speciation in
Glossary 805

which parts of a population may become geo- amyloid plaques: protein deposits in the brain
graphically isolated, effectively preventing formed by fragments from amyloid precur-
interbreeding, and over time may develop sor proteins; amyloid plaques are character-
differences that lead to reproductive isola- istic of Alzheimers disease.
tion and the development of a new species. anabolic steroids: drugs derived from andro-
allopolyploid: a type of polyploid species that gens and inappropriately used to enhance
contains genomes from more than one an- performance in sports.
cestral species. anabolism: the part of the cells metabolism
altruism: behavior that benefits others at the concerned with synthesis of complex mole-
evolutionary (reproductive) cost of the al- cules and cell structures.
truist. anaphase: the third phase in the process of mi-
Alu sequence: a repetitive DNA sequence of un- tosis; in anaphase, sister chromatids sepa-
known function, approximately three hun- rate at the centromere and migrate toward
dred nucleotides long, scattered through- the poles of the cell.
out the genome of primates; the name anaphylaxis: a severe, sometimes fatal allergic
comes from the presence of recognition reaction often characterized by swelling of
sites for the restriction endonuclease Alu I in the air passages, leading to inability to
these sequences. breathe.
Alzheimers disease: a degenerative brain dis- ancient DNA: DNA isolated from archaeologi-
order, usually found among the elderly, cal artifacts or fossils; it is typically exten-
characterized by brain lesions leading to loss sively degraded.
of memory, personality changes, and deteri- androgen receptors: molecules in the cyto-
oration of higher mental functions. plasm of cells that join with circulating male
amber codon: a stop codon (UAG) found in hormones.
messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules that sig- androgens: steroid hormones that cause
nals termination of translation. masculinization.
ambiguous genitalia: external sexual organs anencephalus: a neural tube defect character-
that are not clearly male or female. ized by the failure of the cerebral hemi-
Ames test: a test devised by molecular biologist spheres of the brain and the cranium to de-
Bruce Ames for determining the mutagenic velop normally.
or carcinogenic properties of various com- aneuploid: a cell or individual with one or a few
pounds based on their ability to affect the missing or extra chromosomes.
nutritional characteristics of the bacterium angstrom: a unit of measurement equal to one
Salmonella typhimurium. ten-millionth of a millimeter; a DNA mole-
amino acid: a nitrogen-containing compound cule is 20 angstroms wide.
used as the building block of proteins (poly- animal cloning: animal cloning is the process of
peptides); in nature, there are twenty amino generating a genetic duplicate of an animal
acids that can be used to build proteins. starting with one of its differentiated cells.
aminoacyl tRNA: a transfer RNA (tRNA) mole- annealing: the process by which two single-
cule with an appropriate amino acid mol- stranded nucleic acid molecules are con-
ecule attached; in this form, the tRNA mole- verted into a double-stranded molecule
cule is ready to participate in translation. through hydrogen bonding between com-
amniocentesis: a procedure in which a small plementary base pairs.
amount of amniotic fluid containing fetal anthrax: an acute bacterial disease caused by
cells is withdrawn from the amniotic sac sur- Bacillus anthracis that affects animals and hu-
rounding a fetus; fetal cells, found in the mans and that is especially deadly in its pul-
fluid, are then tested for the presence of ge- monary form.
netic abnormalities. antibiotic: any substance produced naturally by
amniotic fluid: the fluid in which the fetus is a microorganism that inhibits the growth of
immersed during pregnancy. other microorganisms; antibiotics are im-
806 Glossary

portant in the treatment of bacterial infec- apoptosis: cell suicide occurring after a cell is
tions. too old to function properly, as a response to
antibody: an immune protein (immunoglobu- irreparable genetic damage, or as a function
lin) that specifically recognizes an antigen; of genetic programming; apoptosis prevents
produced by B cells of the immune system. cells from developing into a cancerous state
anticodon: the portion of a transfer RNA and is a natural event during many parts of
(tRNA) molecule that is complementary in organismal development.
sequence to a codon in a messenger RNA Archaea: the domain of life that includes di-
(mRNA) molecule; because of this comple- verse prokaryotic organisms distinct from
mentarity, the tRNA molecule can bind the historically familiar Bacteria and which
briefly to mRNA during translation and di- often require severe conditions for growth,
rect the placement of amino acids in a poly- such as high temperatures, high salinity, or
peptide chain. lack of oxygen.
antigen: any molecule that is capable of being artificial selection: selective breeding of desir-
recognized by an antibody molecule or of able traits, typically in domesticated organ-
provoking an immune response. isms.
antigenic drift or shift: minor changes in the H ascomycetes: organisms of the phylum Asco-
and N proteins of the influenza virus that en- mycota, a group of fungi known as the sac
able the virus to evade the immune system of fungi, which are characterized by a saclike
a potential host. structure, the ascus.
antioxidant: a molecule that preferentially re- ascospore: a haploid spore produced by meio-
acts with free radicals, thus keeping them sis in ascomycete fungi.
from reacting with other molecules and ascus: a reproductive structure, found in asco-
causing cellular damage. mycete fungi, that contains ascospores.
antiparallel: a characteristic of the Watson- asexual reproduction: reproduction of cells or
Crick double-helix model of DNA, in which organisms without the transfer or reassort-
the two strands of the molecule can be visual- ment of genetic material; results in offspring
ized as oriented in opposite directions; this that are genetically identical to the parent.
characteristic is based on the orientation of assortative mating: mating that occurs when in-
the deoxyribose molecules in the sugar- dividuals make specific mate choices based
phosphate backbone of the double helix. on the phenotype or appearance of others.
antirejection medication: drugs developed to ATP: See adenosine triphosphate.
counteract the human bodys natural im- ATP synthase: the enzyme that synthesizes ATP.
mune systems reaction to transplanted or- autoimmune disorders: chronic diseases that
gans. arise from a breakdown of the immune sys-
antisense: a term referring to any strand of tems ability to distinguish between the
DNA or RNA that is complementary to a bodys own cells (self) and foreign sub-
coding or regulatory sequence, for example, stances, leading to an individuals immune
the strand opposite the coding strand (the system attacking the bodys own organs or
sense strand) in DNA is called the antisense tissues.
strand. autoimmune response: an immune response of
antisense RNA: an small RNA molecule that is an organism against its own cells.
complementary to the coding region of a automated fluorescent sequencing: a modifica-
messenger RNA (mRNA) and when bound tion of dideoxy termination sequencing
to the mRNA prevents it from being trans- which uses fluorescent markers to identify
lated. the terminal nucleotides, allowing the auto-
antitoxin: a vaccine containing antibodies mation of sequencing.
against a specific toxin. autopolyploid: a type of polyploid species that
Apo-B: a protein essential for cholesterol trans- contains more than two sets of chromo-
port. somes from the same species.
Glossary 807

autosomal dominant allele: an allele of a gene active X chromosome; used as a demonstra-

(locus) on one of the nonsex chromosomes tion of the Lyon hypothesis.
that is always expressed, regardless of the base: a chemical subunit of DNA or RNA that
form of the other allele at the same locus. encodes genetic information; in DNA, the
autosomal recessive allele: an allele of a gene bases are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine
(locus) that will be expressed only if there (G), and thymine (T); in RNA, thymine is re-
are two identical copies at the same locus. placed by uracil (U).
autosomal trait: a trait that typically appears base pair (bp): often used as a measure of the
just as frequently in either sex because an size of a DNA fragment or the distance along
autosomal chromosome, rather than a sex a DNA molecule between markers; both the
chromosome, carries the gene. singular and plural are abbreviated bp.
autosomes: non-sex chromosomes; humans base pairing: the process by which bases link up
have forty-four autosomes. by hydrogen bonding to form double-
auxotrophic strain: a mutant strain of an organ- stranded molecules of DNA or loops in RNA;
ism that cannot synthesize a substance re- in DNA, adenine (A) always pairs with thy-
quired for growth and therefore must have mine (T), and cytosine (C) pairs with gua-
the substance supplied in the growth me- nine (G); in RNA, uracil (U) replaces thy-
dium. mine.
azoospermia: the absence of spermatozoa in beta-amyloid peptide: the main constituent of
the semen. the neuritic plaques in the brains of Alzhei-
mers patients.
B cells: a class of white blood cells (lympho- bidirectional replication: a characteristic of
cytes) derived from bone marrow and re- DNA replication involving synthesis of DNA
sponsible for antibody-directed immunity. in both directions away from an origin of
B-DNA: the predominant form of DNA in solu- replication.
tion and in the cell; a right-handed double binary fission: cell division in prokaryotes in
helix most similar to the Watson-Crick which the plasma membrane and cell wall
model. See also Z-DNA. grow inward and divide the cell in two.
B lymphocytes: See B cells. biochemical pathway: the steps in the produc-
B memory cells: descendants of activated B tion or breakdown of biological chemicals in
cells that are long-lived and that synthesize cells; each step usually requires a specific en-
large amounts of antibodies in response to a zyme.
subsequent exposure to the antigen, thus bioethics: the study of human actions and goals
playing an important role in secondary im- in a framework of moral standards relating
munity. to use and abuse of biological systems.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt): a species of bacteria bioinformatics: the application of information
that produces a toxin deadly to caterpillars, technology to the management of biological
moths, beetles, and certain flies. information to organize data and extract
backcross: a cross involving offspring crossed meaning; a hybrid discipline that combines
with one of the parents. See also cross. elements of computer science, information
bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs): clon- technology, mathematics, statistics, and mo-
ing vectors used to clone large DNA frag- lecular genetics.
ments (up to 500 kb) that can be readily in- biological clocks: genetically and biochemi-
serted in a bacterium, such as Escherichia coli. cally based systems that regulate the timing
bacteriophage: a virus that infects bacterial and/or duration of biological events in an
cells; often simply called a phage. organism; examples of processes controlled
baculovirus: a type of virus that is capable of by biological clocks include circadian
causing disease in a variety of insects. rhythms, cell cycles, and migratory restless-
Barr body: a darkly staining structure primarily ness.
present in female cells, believed to be an in- biological determinism: the concept that all
808 Glossary

characteristics of organisms, including be- in the number of consecutive CAG nucleo-

havior, are determined by the genes the or- tide triplets in the coding region of a gene.
ganism possesses; it is now generally accepted callus: a group of undifferentiated plant cells
that the characteristics of organisms are de- growing in a clump.
termined both by genes and environment. cAMP: See cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
biological weapon (BW): a delivery system or cancer: a disease in which there is unrestrained
weaponization of such pathological organ- growth and reproduction of cells, loss of
isms as bacteria and viruses to cause disease contact inhibition, and, eventually, metasta-
and death in people, animals, or plants. sis (the wandering of cancer cells from a pri-
biometry: the measurement of biological and mary tumor to other parts of the body); inva-
psychological variables. sion of various tissues and organs by cancer
biopesticides: chemicals or other agents de- cells typically leads to death.
rived from or involving living organisms that capsid: the protective protein coating of a virus
can be used to control the population of a particle.
pest species. carcinogen: any physical or chemical cancer-
bioremediation: biologic treatment methods causing agent.
to clean up contaminated water and soils. carrier: a healthy individual who has one nor-
biotechnology: the use of biological molecules mal allele and one defective allele for a re-
or organisms in industrial or commercial cessive genetic disease.
products and techniques. catabolism: the part of the cells metabolism
bioterrorism: use of organisms as instruments concerned with the breakdown of complex
or weapons of terror; for example, deliber- molecules, usually as an energy-generating
ate introduction of smallpox, anthrax, or mechanism.
other diseases in civilian populations. catabolite repression: a mechanism of operon
blastocyst: a preimplantation embryo consist- regulation involving an enzyme reactions
ing of a hollow ball of two layers of cells. product used as a regulatory molecule for
blood type: one of the several groups into the operon that encodes the enzyme; a kind
which blood can be classified based on the of feedback inhibition.
presence or absence of certain molecules cDNA: See complementary DNA.
called antigens on the red blood cells. cDNA library: a collection of clones produced
blotting: the transfer of nucleic acids or pro- from all the RNA molecules in the cells of a
teins separated by gel electrophoresis onto a particular organism, often from a single tis-
filter paper, which allows access by mole- sue. See also complementary DNA.
cules that will interact with only one specific cell culture: growth and maintenance of cells
sequence or molecule. or tissues in laboratory vessels containing a
BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes: the best known ex- precise mixture of nutrients and hormones.
amples of genes associated with inherited cell cycle: the various growth phases of a cell,
breast cancers. which include (in order) G1 (gap phase 1), S
Bt toxin: a toxic compound naturally synthe- (DNA synthesis), G2 (gap phase 2), and M
sized by bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, (mitosis).
which kills insects. cell differentiation: a process during which a
cell becomes specialized as a specific type of
C: the abbreviation for cytosine, a pyrimidine cell, such as a neuron, or undergoes pro-
nitrogenous base found in the structure of grammed cell death (apoptosis).
both DNA and RNA. cell line: a cell culture maintained for an inde-
C terminus: the end of a polypeptide with an terminate time.
amino acid that has a free carboxyl group. cell signaling: communication between cells
C-value: the characteristic genome size for a that occurs most commonly when one cell
species. releases a specific signaling molecule that
CAG expansion: a mutation-induced increase is received and recognized by another cell.
Glossary 809

centiMorgan (cM): a unit of genetic distance chorionic villus sampling: a procedure in

between genes on the same chromosome, which fetal cells are obtained from an em-
equal to a recombination frequency of 1 per- bryonic structure called the chorion and an-
cent; also called a map unit, since these dis- alyzed for the presence of genetic abnormal-
tances can be used to construct genetic ities in the fetus.
maps of chromosomes. chromatid: one half of a chromosome that has
central dogma: a foundational concept in mod- been duplicated in preparation for mitosis
ern genetics stating that genetic informa- or meiosis; each chromatid is connected to
tion present in the form of DNA can be con- its sister chromatid by a centromere.
verted to the form of messenger RNA (or chromatin: the form chromosomes take when
other types of RNA) through transcription not undergoing cell division; a complex of fi-
and that the information in the form of bers composed of DNA, histone proteins,
mRNA can be converted into the form of a and nonhistone proteins.
protein through translation. chromatography: a separation technique in-
centriole: a eukaryotic cell structure involved volving a mobile solvent and a stationary, ad-
in cell division, possibly with the assembly or sorbent phase.
disassembly of the spindle apparatus during chromosome: the form in which genetic mate-
mitosis and meiosis; another name for this rial is found in the nucleus of a cell; com-
organelle is the microtubule organizing cen- posed of a single DNA molecule that is ex-
ter (MTOC). tremely tightly coiled, usually visible only
centromere: a central region where a pair of during the processes of mitosis and meiosis.
chromatids are joined before being sepa- chromosome jumping: similar to chromosome
rated during anaphase of mitosis or meiosis; walking, but involving larger fragments of
also, the region of the chromatids where the DNA and thus resulting in faster analysis of
microtubules of the spindle apparatus at- longer regions of DNA. See also chromosome
tach. walking.
checkpoint: the time in the cell cycle when mo- chromosome map: a diagram showing the loca-
lecular signals control entry to the next tions of genes on a particular chromosome;
phase. generated through analysis of linkage exper-
chemical mutagens: chemicals that can directly iments involving those genes.
or indirectly create mutations in DNA. chromosome mutation: a change in chromo-
chiasma (pl. chiasmata): the point at which two some structure caused by chromosome
homologous chromosomes exchange ge- breakage followed by improper rejoining;
netic material during the process of recom- examples include deletions, insertions, in-
bination; the word literally means crosses, versions, and translocations.
which refers to the appearance of these chromosome puff: an extremely unwound or
structures when viewed with a microscope. uncoiled region of a chromosome indicative
chi-square analysis: a nonparametric statistical of a transcriptionally active region of the
analysis of data from an experiment to deter- chromosome.
mine how well the observed data correlate chromosome theory of inheritance: a concept,
with the expected data. first proposed by geneticists Walter Sutton
chloroplast: the cellular organelle in plants re- and Theodor Boveri, that genes are located
sponsible for photosynthesis. on chromosomes and that the inheritance
chloroplast DNA (cpDNA): circular DNA mole- and movement of chromosomes during mei-
cules found in multiple copies in chloro- osis explain Mendelian principles on the cel-
plasts; they contain some of the genes re- lular level.
quired for chloroplast functions. chromosome walking: a molecular genetics
cholera: an intestinal disease caused by the bac- technique used for analysis of long DNA
teria Vibrio cholerae which is often spread by fragments; the name comes from the tech-
water contaminated with human waste. nique of using previously cloned and charac-
810 Glossary

terized fragments of DNA to walk into notype to determine whether or not the mu-
uncharacterized regions of the chromo- tations occur within the same gene.
some that overlap with these fragments. See composite transposon: a transposable element
also chromosome jumping. that contains genes other than those re-
circadian rhythm: a cycle of behavior, approxi- quired for transposition.
mately twenty-four hours long, that is ex- concerted evolution: a process in which the
pressed independent of environmental members of a gene family evolve together.
changes. concordance: the presence of a trait in both
cirrhosis: a disease of the liver, marked by the members of a pair of twins.
development of scar tissue that interferes cones: the light-sensitive structures in the ret-
with organ function, that can result from ina that are the basis for color vision.
chronic alcohol consumption. congenital defect: a defect or disorder that oc-
cistron: a unit of DNA that is equivalent to a curs during prenatal development.
gene; it encodes a single polypeptide. conjugation: a form of genetic transfer among
clinical trial: an experimental research study bacterial cells involving the F pilus.
used to determine the safety and effective- consanguine: of the same blood or origin; in ge-
ness of a medical treatment or drug. netics, the term implies the sharing of ge-
clone: a molecule, cell, or organism that is a netic traits or characteristics from the same
perfect genetic copy of another. ancestors (as cousins, for example).
cloning: the technique of making a perfect ge- consensus sequence: a sequence with no or
netic copy of an item such as a DNA mole- only slight differences commonly found in
cule, a cell, or an entire organism. DNA molecules from various sources, imply-
cloning vector: a DNA molecule that can be ing that the sequence has been actively con-
used to transport genes of interest into cells, served and plays an important role in some
where these genes can then be copied. genetic process.
codominance: a genetic condition involving cosmid: a cloning vector partially derived from
two alleles at a locus in a heterozygous or- genetic sequences of lambda, a bacterio-
ganism; each of these alleles is fully ex- phage; cosmids are useful in cloning rela-
pressed in the phenotype of the organism. tively large fragments of DNA.
codon: a group of three nucleotides in messen- cross: the mating of individuals to produce off-
ger RNA (mRNA) that represent a single spring by sexual reproduction.
amino acid in the genetic code; this is medi- crossing over: the exchange of genetic material
ated through binding of a transfer RNA between two homologous chromosomes
(tRNA) anticodon to the codon during during prophase I of meiosis, providing an
translation. important source of genetic variation; also
color blindness: an inherited condition in peo- called recombination or crossover.
ple whose eyes lack one or more of the three cultivar: a variety of plant developed through
color receptors. controlled breeding techniques.
complementary base pairing: hydrogen bond cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP): an
formation in DNA and RNA that occurs important cellular molecule involved in cell
only between cytosine and guanine (in both signaling and regulation pathways.
DNA and RNA) or between adenine and thy- cyclins: a group of eukaryotic proteins with
mine (in DNA) or adenine and uracil (in characteristic patterns of synthesis and deg-
RNA). radation during the cell cycle; part of an
complementary DNA (cDNA): a DNA mole- elaborate mechanism of cell cycle regulation,
cule that is synthesized using messenger and a key to the understanding of cancer.
RNA (mRNA) as a template and which is cat- cystic fibrosis: the most common recessive le-
alyzed by the enzyme reverse transcriptase. thal inherited disease among Caucasians in
complementation testing: performing a cross the United States and the United Kingdom.
between two individuals with the same phe- cytogenetics: the study of chromosome num-
Glossary 811

ber and structure, including identification diakinesis: a subphase of prophase I in meiosis

of abnormalities. in which chromosomes are completely con-
cytokines: soluble intercellular molecules pro- densed and position themselves in prepara-
duced by cells such as lymphocytes that can tion for metaphase.
influence the immune response. dicentric chromosome: a chromosome with
cytokinesis: the division of the cytoplasm, typi- two centromeres, usually resulting from an
cally occurring in concert with nuclear divi- error of recombination.
sion (mitosis or meiosis). dideoxy termination sequencing: See Sanger se-
cytoplasmic inheritance: See extranuclear in- quencing.
heritance. differentiation: the series of changes necessary
cytosine (C): a pyrimidine nitrogenous base to convert an embryonic cell into its final
found in the structure of both DNA and adult form, usually with highly specialized
RNA. structures and functions.
cytoskeleton: the structure, composed of dihybrid: an organism that is hybrid for each of
microtubules and microfilaments, that gives two genesfor example, AaBb; when two di-
shape to a eukaryotic cell, enables some cells hybrid organisms are mated, the offspring
to move, and assists in such processes as cell will appear in a 9:3:3:1 ratio with respect to
division. the traits controlled by the two genes.
diphtheria: an acute bacterial disease caused
dalton: a unit of molecular weight equal to the by Corynebacterium diphtheriae; symptoms are
mass of a hydrogen atom; cellular molecules primarily the result of a toxin released by the
such as proteins are often measured in terms bacteria.
of a kilodalton, equal to 1,000 daltons. diploid: a cell or organism with two complete
daughter cells: cells that result from cell divi- sets of chromosomes, usually represented as
sion. 2N, where N stands for one set of chromo-
deamination: the removal of an amino group somes; for example, humans have two sets of
from an organic molecule. twenty-three chromosomes in their somatic
degenerate: refers to a property of the genetic cells, making them diploid.
code via which two or more codons can code diplotene: a subphase of prophase I in meiosis
for the same amino acid. in which synapsed chromosomes begin to
deletion: a type of chromosomal mutation in move apart and the chiasmata are clearly vis-
which a genetic sequence is lost from a chro- ible.
mosome, usually through an error in recom- discontinuous replication: replication on the
bination. lagging strand of a DNA molecule, resulting
denaturation: changes in the physical shape of in the formation of Okazaki fragments. See
a molecule caused by changes in the imme- also Okazaki fragments.
diate environment, such as temperature or discontinuous variation: refers to a set of re-
pH level; denaturation usually involves the lated phenotypes that are distinct from one
alteration or breaking of various bonds another, with no overlapping.
within the molecule and is important in disjunction: the normal division of chromo-
DNA and protein molecules. somes that occurs during meiosis or mitosis;
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): the genetic ma- the related term nondisjunction refers to
terial found in all cells; DNA consists of ni- problems with this process.
trogenous bases (adenine, guanine, cyto- disomy: a case in which both copies of a chro-
sine, and thymine), sugar (deoxyribose), mosome come from a single parent, rather
and phosphate. than (as is usual) one being maternal and
deoxyribose: a five-carbon sugar used in the one being paternal.
structure of DNA. dizygotic: developed from two separate zygotes;
diabetes: a syndrome in which the body cannot fraternal twins are dizygotic because they de-
metabolize glucose appropriately. velop from two separate fertilized ova (eggs).
812 Glossary

DNA: See deoxyribonucleic acid. more or fewer genes for specific traits than
DNA fingerprinting: a DNA test used by foren- normal.
sic scientists to aid in the identification of double helix: a model of DNA structure pro-
criminals or to resolve paternity disputes posed by molecular biologists James Watson
which involves looking at known, highly vari- and Francis Crick; the major features of this
able DNA sequences; more correctly called model are two strands of DNA wound
DNA genotyping. around each other and connected by hydro-
DNA footprinting: a molecular biology tech- gen bonds between complementary base
nique involving DNA-binding proteins that pairs.
are allowed to bind to DNA; the DNA is down-regulation: generally used in reference
then degraded by DNases, and the binding to gene expression and refers to reducing
sites of the proteins are revealed by the nu- the amount that a gene is transcribed and/
cleotide sequences protected from degrada- or translated; up-regulation is the opposite.
tion. Down syndrome: a genetic defect caused by
DNA gyrase: a bacterial enzyme that reduces possession of an extra copy of chromosome
tension in DNA molecules that are being un- 21; symptoms include mental retardation,
wound during replication; a type of cellular mongoloid facial features, and premature
enzyme called a topoisomerase. aging.
DNA library: a collection of cloned DNA frag- downstream: in relation to the left-to-right di-
ments from a single source, such as a ge- rection of DNA whose nucleotides are ar-
nome, chromosome, or set of messenger ranged in sequence with the 5 carbon on
RNA (mRNA) molecules; most common ex- the left and the 3 on the right, downstream
amples are genomic and cDNA libraries. is to the right.
DNA ligase: a cellular enzyme used to connect drug resistance: a phenomenon in which
pieces of DNA together; important in ge- pathogens no longer respond to drug thera-
netic engineering procedures. pies that once controlled them; resistance
DNA polymerase: the cellular enzyme respon- can arise by recombination, by mutation, or
sible for making new copies of DNA mole- by several methods of gene transfer, and is
cules through replication of single-stranded made worse by misuse of existing drugs.
DNA template molecules or, more rarely, us- duplication: a type of chromosomal mutation
ing an RNA template molecule as in the case in which a chromosome region is duplicated
of RNA-dependent DNA polymerase or re- because of an error in recombination dur-
verse transcriptase. ing prophase I of meiosis; thought to play an
DNA replication: synthesis of new DNA strands important role in gene evolution.
complementary to template strands result- dwarfism: the condition of adults of short stat-
ing in new double-stranded DNA molecules ure who are less than 50 inches in height,
comprising the old template and the newly which can be caused by genetic factors,
synthesized strand joined by hydrogen endocrine malfunction, acquired condi-
bonds; described as a semiconservative pro- tions, or growth hormone deficiency; many
cess in that half (one strand) of the original dwarfs prefer to be called little people.
template is retained and passed on.
DNase: refers to a class of enzymes, deoxyribo- E. coli: See Escherichia coli.
nucleases, which specifically degrade DNA electron transport chain: a series of protein
molecules. complexes that use high-energy electrons
domain: the highest-level division of life, some- to do work such as pumping H+ ions out
times called a superkingdom. of the mitochondrial matrix into the inter-
dominant: an allele or a trait that will mask the membrane space as a way of storing energy
presence of a recessive allele or trait. that is then used by ATP synthase to make
dosage compensation: an equalization of gene ATP.
products that can occur whenever there are electrophoresis: See gel electrophoresis.
Glossary 813

embryo: the term for a complex organism (par- types remains the same although sister chro-
ticularly humans) during its earliest period matids are separated from one another; af-
of development, the stage of development ter equational division occurs, functional
that begins at fertilization and ends with the haploid gametes are present.
eighth week of development, after which the Escherichia coli: a bacterium widely studied in
embryo is called a fetus. genetics research and extensively used in
embryology: the study of developing embryos. biotechnological applications.
embryonic stem cell: a cell derived from an estrogens: steroid hormones or chemicals that
early embryo that can replicate indefinitely stimulate the development of female sexual
in vitro and can differentiate into other cells characteristics and control the female repro-
of the developing embryo. ductive cycle.
emerging disease: a disease whose incidence in ethidium bromide: a chemical substance that
humans or other target organisms has in- inserts itself (intercalates) into the DNA
creased. double helix; when exposed to ultraviolet
endemic: prevalent and recurring in a particu- light, ethidium bromide fluoresces, making
lar geographic region; for example, an or- it useful for the visualization of DNA mole-
ganism that is specific to a particular region cules in molecular biology techniques.
is characterized as endemic to that region. etiology: the cause or causes of a disease or dis-
endocrine gland: a gland that secretes hor- order.
mones into the circulatory system. euchromatin: chromatin that is loosely coiled
endonuclease: an enzyme that degrades a nu- during interphase; thought to contain
cleic acid molecule by breaking phosphodi- transcriptionally active genes.
ester bonds within the molecule. eugenics: a largely discredited field of genetics
endosymbiotic hypothesis: a hypothesis stating that seeks to improve humankind by selec-
that mitochondria and chloroplasts were tive breeding; can be positive eugenics, in
once free-living bacteria that entered into a which individuals with desirable traits are
symbiotic relationship with early pre-eukary- encouraged or forced to breed, or negative
otic cells; structural and genetic similarities eugenics, in which individuals with undesir-
between these organelles and bacteria pro- able traits are discouraged or prevented
vide support for this hypothesis. from breeding.
enhancer: a region of a DNA molecule that fa- eukaryote: a cell with a nuclear membrane
cilitates the transcription of a gene, usually surrounding its genetic material (a charac-
by stimulating the interaction of RNA poly- teristic of a true nucleus) and a variety of
merase with the genes promoter. subcellular, membrane-bound organelles;
enzyme: a protein that acts as a catalyst to speed eukaryotic organisms include all known or-
up or facilitate a specific biochemical reac- ganisms except bacteria, which are prokary-
tion in a cell. otic. See also prokaryote.
epigenesis: the formation of differentiated cell euploid: the normal number of chromosomes
types and specialized organs from a single, for a cell or organism.
homogeneous fertilized egg cell without any eusociality: an extreme form of altruism and
preexisting structural elements. kin selection in which most members of the
epistasis: a genetic phenomenon in which a society do not reproduce but rather feed
gene at one locus influences the expression and protect their relatives; bees, for exam-
of a second gene at another locus, usually by ple, are eusocial.
masking the effect of the second gene; how- euthanasia: the killing of suffering individuals;
ever, only one trait is being controlled by sometimes referred to as mercy killing.
these two genes, so epistasis is characterized exogenous gene: a gene produced or originat-
by modified dihybrid ratios. ing from outside an organism.
equational division: refers to meiosis II, in exon: a protein-coding sequence in eukaryotic
which the basic number of chromosome genes, usually flanked by introns.
814 Glossary

exonuclease: an enzyme that degrades a nu- foreign DNA: DNA taken from a source other
cleic acid molecule by breaking phosphodi- than the host cell that is joined to the DNA of
ester bonds at either end of the molecule. the cloning vector; also known as insert
expressed sequence tags (EST): an STS (se- DNA.
quence tagged site) that has been derived forensic genetics: the use of genetic tests and
from a cDNA library. principles to resolve legal questions.
expression vector: a DNA cloning vector de- formylmethionine (fMet): the amino acid used
signed to allow genetic expression of in- to start all bacterial proteins; it is attached
serted genes via promoters engineered into to the initiator transfer RNA (tRNA) mole-
the vector sequence. cule.
expressivity: the degree to which a genotype is frameshift mutation: a DNA mutation involv-
expressed as a phenotype. ing the insertion or deletion of one of sev-
extranuclear inheritance: inheritance involv- eral nucleotides that are not in multiples of
ing genetic material located in the mito- three, resulting in a shift of the codon read-
chondria or chloroplasts of a eukaryotic cell; ing frame; usually produces nonfunctional
also known as maternal inheritance (be- proteins. See also open reading frame; read-
cause these organelles are generally inher- ing frame.
ited from the mother) and cytoplasmic in- fraternal twins: twins that develop and are born
heritance (because the organelles are found simultaneously but are genetically unique,
in the cells cytoplasm rather than its nu- being produced from the fertilization of two
cleus). separate eggs; a synonymous term is dizy-
extreme halophiles: microorganisms that re- gotic twins.
quire extremely high salt concentrations for free radical: See oxygen free radical.
optimal growth.
G: the abbreviation for guanine, a purine ni-
F pilus: also called the fertility pilus; a repro- trogenous base found in the structure of
ductive structure found on the surface of both DNA and RNA.
some bacterial cells that allows the cells to G0: a point in the cell cycle at which a cell is no
exchange plasmids or other DNA during the longer progressing toward cell division; can
process of conjugation. be considered a resting stage.
F1 generation: first filial generation; offspring G1 checkpoint: a point in the cell cycle at which
produced from a mating of P (parental) gen- a cell commits either to progressing toward
eration individuals. cell division (by replicating its DNA and
F2 generation: second filial generation; off- eventually engaging in mitosis) or to enter-
spring produced from a mating of F1 genera- ing the G0 phase, thereby withdrawing from
tion individuals. the cell cycle either temporarily or perma-
fate map: a description of the adult fate of em- nently.
bryonic cells. gamete: a sex cell, either sperm or egg, contain-
fertilization: the fusion of two cells (egg and ing half the genetic material of a normal
sperm) in sexual reproduction. cell.
fitness: a measure of the ability of a genotype or gel electrophoresis: a technique of molecular
individual to survive and reproduce; when biology in which biological molecules are
fitness is compared to other genotypes or in- placed into a gel-like matrix (such as agarose
dividuals it is called relative fitness. or polyacrylamide) and then subjected to an
fluorescent in situ hibridization (FISH): an ex- electric current; using this technique, re-
tremely sensitive assay for determining the searchers can separate molecules of varying
presence of deletions on chromosomes, sizes and properties.
which uses a fluorescence-tagged segment of GenBank: a comprehensive, annotated collec-
DNA that binds to the DNA region being tion of publicly available DNA sequences
studied. maintained by the National Center for
Glossary 815

Biotechnology Information and available particular genetic defect within a given fam-
through its Web site. ily, including the determination of the risk
gene: a portion of a DNA molecule containing associated with the presence of the genetic
the genetic information necessary to pro- defect in future generations and options for
duce a molecule of messenger RNA (via the treatment of existing genetic defects.
process of transcription) that can then be genetic drift: chance fluctuations in allele fre-
used to produce a protein (via the process of quencies within a population, resulting
translation); also includes regions of DNA from random variation in the number and
that are transcribed to RNA that does not get genotypes of offspring produced by differ-
translated, but carries out other roles in the ent individuals.
cell. genetic engineering: a term encompassing a
gene expression: the combined biochemical wide variety of molecular biology tech-
processes, called transcription and trans- niques, all concerned with the modification
lation, that convert the linearly encoded in- of genetic characteristics of cells or organ-
formation in the bases of DNA into the isms to accomplish a desired effect.
three-dimensional structures of proteins. genetic load: the average number of the reces-
gene families: multiple copies of the same or sive deleterious (lethal or sublethal) alleles
similar genes in the same genome; the cop- in individuals in a population.
ies can be identical and tandemly repeated, genetic map: a map showing distances be-
or they may differ slightly and be scattered tween genes in terms of recombination fre-
on the same or different chromosomes. quency; using DNA sequence data a physical
gene flow: movement of alleles from one popu- map with distance in base pairs can also be
lation to another by the movement of indi- produced.
viduals or gametes. genetic marker: a distinctive DNA sequence
gene frequency: the occurrence of a particular that shows variation in the population and
allele present in a population, expressed as a can therefore potentially be used for identi-
percentage of the total number of alleles fication of individuals and for discovery of
present for the locus. disease genes.
gene pool: the complete assortment of genes genetic screening: the testing of individuals for
present in the gametes of the members of a disease-causing genes or genetic disease.
population that are eligible to reproduce. genetic testing: the use of the techniques of ge-
gene silencing: any form of genetic regulation netics research to determine a persons risk
in which the expression of a gene is com- of developing, or status as a carrier of, a dis-
pletely repressed, either by preventing tran- ease or other disorder.
scription (pre-transcriptional gene silenc- genetically modified (GM) foods: foods pro-
ing) or after a messenger RNA (mRNA) has duced through the application of recombi-
been transcribed (post-transcriptional gene nant DNA technology, whereby genes from
silencing). the same or different species are transferred
gene therapy: any procedure to alleviate or and expressed in crops that do not naturally
treat the symptoms of a disease or condition harbor those genes.
by genetically altering the cells of the patient. genetically modified organism (GMO): an or-
gene transfer: the movement of fragments of ganism produced by using biotechnology to
genetic information, whole genes, or groups introduce a new gene or genes, or new regu-
of genes between organisms. latory sequences for genes, into it for the
genetic code: the correspondence between the purpose of giving the organism a new trait,
sequence of nucleotides in DNA or messen- usually to adapt the organism to a new envi-
ger RNA (mRNA) molecules and the amino ronment, provide resistance to pest species,
acids in the polypeptide a gene codes for. or enable the production of new products
genetic counseling: a discipline concerned from the organism. See also transgenic or-
with analyzing the inheritance patterns of a ganism.
816 Glossary

genetics: an area of biology involving the scien- standing for the diploid number of chromo-
tific study of heredity. somes.
genome: all of the DNA in the nucleus or in one haplotype: a sequential set of genes on a single
of the organelles, such as a chloroplast or chromosome inherited together from one
mitochondrion. parent; the other parent provides a match-
genomic imprinting: a genetic phenomenon in ing chromosome with a different set of
which the phenotype associated with a par- genes.
ticular allele depends on which parent do- Hardy-Weinberg law: a concept in population
nated the allele. genetics stating that, given an infinitely large
genomic library: a collection of clones that in- population that experiences random mat-
cludes the entire genome of a single species ing without mutation or any other such af-
as fragments ligated to vector DNA. fecting factor, the frequency of particular al-
genomics: that branch of genetics dealing with leles will reach a state of equilibrium, after
the study of genetic sequences, including which their frequency will not change from
their structure and arrangement. one generation to the next.
genotype: the genetic characteristics of a cell or HeLa cells: the first human tumor cells shown
organism, expressed as a set of symbols rep- to form a continuous cell line; they were de-
resenting the alleles present at one or more rived from a cervical cancer tumor removed
loci. from a woman known as Henrietta Lacks.
germ cells: reproductive cells such as eggs and helicase: a cellular enzyme that breaks hydro-
sperm. gen bonds between the strands of the DNA
germ-line gene therapy: a genetic modification double helix, thus unwinding the helix and
in gametes or fertilized ova so all cells in the facilitating DNA replication.
organism will have the change which poten- helper T cells: a class of white blood cells (lym-
tially can be passed on to offspring. phocytes) derived from bone marrow that
germ-line mutation: a heritable change in the prompts the production of antibodies by B
genes of an individuals reproductive cells, cells in the presence of an antigen.
often linked to hereditary diseases. hemizygous: characterized by having a gene
gonad: an organ that produces reproductive present in a single copy, such as any gene on
cells and sex hormones; termed ovaries in the X chromosome in a human male.
females and testes in males. hemoglobin: a molecule made up of two alpha
Green Revolution: the introduction of scientif- and two beta amino acid chains whose pre-
ically bred or selected varieties of grain cise chemical and structural properties nor-
(such as rice, wheat, and maize) that, with mally allow it to bind with oxygen in the
high enough inputs of fertilizer and water, lungs and transport it to other parts of the
can greatly increase crop yields. body.
guanine (G): a purine nitrogenous base found hemophilia: an X-linked recessive disorder in
in the structure of both DNA and RNA. which an individuals blood does not clot
properly because of a lack of blood-clotting
H substance: a carbohydrate molecule on the factors; as in all X-linked recessive traits, the
surface of red blood cells; when modified by disease is most common in males, the allele
certain monosaccharides, this molecule pro- for the disease being passed from mother to
vides the basis of the ABO blood groups. son.
haplodiploidy: a system of sex determination heredity: the overall mechanism by which char-
in which males are haploid (developing acteristics or traits are passed from one gen-
from unfertilized eggs) and females are dip- eration of organisms to the next; genetics is
loid. the scientific study of heredity.
haploid: refers to a cell or an organism with one heritability: a proportional measure of the ex-
set of chromosomes; usually represented as tent to which differences among organisms
the N number of chromosomes, with 2N within a population for a particular charac-
Glossary 817

ter result from genetic rather than environ- body plan early in development; the prod-
mental causes (a measure of nature versus ucts of homeotic genes are transcription fac-
nurture). tors that control the expression of other
hermaphrodite: an individual who has both genes.
male and female sex organs. homogametic sex: the particular sex of an or-
heterochromatin: a highly condensed form of ganism that produces gametes containing
chromatin, usually transcriptionally inac- only one type of sex chromosome; in hu-
tive. mans, females are the homogametic sex,
heterochrony: a change in the timing or rate of producing eggs with X chromosomes.
development of characters in an organism homologous: refers to chromosomes that are
relative to those same events in its evolution- identical in terms of types of genes present
ary ancestors. and the location of the centromere; because
heteroduplex: a double-stranded molecule of of their high degree of similarity, homolo-
nucleic acid with each strand from a differ- gous chromosomes can synapse and recom-
ent source, formed either through natural bine during prophase I of meiosis.
means such as recombination or through ar- homology: similarity resulting from descent
tificial means in the laboratory. from a common evolutionary ancestor.
heterogametic sex: the particular sex of an or- homozygote: an individual with two identical
ganism that produces gametes containing alleles at a gene locus.
two types of sex chromosome; in humans, homozygous: characterized by a genotype com-
males are the heterogametic sex, producing posed of two alleles at the same locus that are
sperm that can carry either an X chromo- the same, for example AA or aa; synonymous
some or a Y chromosome. with purebred.
heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA): an as- Human Genome Project: a multi-year genetic
sortment of RNA molecules of various types research endeavor to sequence the entire
found in the nucleus of the cell and in vari- human genome, as well as the genomes of
ous stages of processing prior to their export related organisms; the human genome se-
to the cytoplasm. quence was officially completed in 2003.
heterozygote: an individual with two different human leukocyte antigens (HLA): molecules
alleles at a gene locus. found on the surface of cells that allow the
heterozygous: composed of two alleles that are immune system to differentiate between for-
different, for example Aa; synonymous with eign, invading cells and the bodys own cells.
hybrid. hybrid: any cell or organism with genetic mate-
histones: specialized proteins in eukaryotic rial from two different sources, through ei-
cells that bind to DNA molecules and cause ther natural processes such as sexual repro-
them to become more compact; thought to duction or more artificial processes such as
be involved in regulation of gene expression genetic engineering.
as well. hybridization: a process of base pairing involv-
HLA: See human leukocyte antigens. ing two single-stranded nucleic acid mole-
hnRNA: See heterogeneous nuclear RNA. cules with complementary sequences; the
holandric: refers to a trait passed from father to extent to which two unrelated nucleic acid
son via a sex chromosome such as the Y chro- molecules will hybridize is often used as a
mosome in human males. way to determine the amount of similarity
homeobox: a DNA sequence encoding a highly between the sequences of the two molecules.
basic protein known as a homeodomain; a hybridoma: a type of hybrid cancer cell created
homeodomain functions as a transcription by artificially joining a cancer cell with an an-
factor and is thought to help regulate major tibody-producing cell; hybridomas have use-
events in the embryonic development of ful applications in immunological research.
higher organisms. hydrogen bond: a bond formed between mole-
homeotic gene: a gene that helps determine cules containing hydrogen atoms with posi-
818 Glossary

tive charges and molecules containing at- standard Mendelian genetics referring to
oms such as nitrogen or oxygen that can the random assortment or shuffling of al-
possess a negative charge; a relatively weak leles and chromosomes that occurs during
but important bond in nature that, among meiosis I; independent assortment is re-
other things, connects water molecules, al- sponsible for the offspring ratios observed
lows DNA strands to base-pair, and contrib- in Mendelian genetics.
utes to the three-dimensional shape of pro- inducer: a molecule that activates some bacte-
teins. rial operons, usually by interacting with reg-
ulatory proteins bound to the operator re-
identical twins: a pair of genetically identical gion.
offspring that develop from a single fertil- induction: a process in which a cell or group of
ized egg; also known as monozygotic twins. cells signals an adjacent cell or group of cells
immune system: the system in the body that to pursue a different developmental path-
normally responds to foreign agents by pro- way and so become differentiated from
ducing antibodies and stimulating antigen- neighboring cells.
specific lymphocytes, leading to destruction informed consent: the right of patients to know
of these agents. the risks of medical treatment and to deter-
in vitro: literally, in glass; an event occurring mine what is done to their bodies, including
in an artificial setting such as in a test tube, as the right to accept or refuse treatment based
opposed to inside a living organism. on this information.
in vivo: literally, in the living; an event occur- initiation codon: also called the start codon, a
ring in a living organism, as opposed to an codon, composed of the nucleotides AUG,
artificial setting. that signals the beginning of a protein-cod-
inborn error of metabolism: a genetic defect in ing sequence in a messenger RNA (mRNA)
one of a cells metabolic pathways, usually at molecule; in the genetic code, AUG always
the level of an enzyme, that causes the path- represents the amino acid methionine.
way to malfunction; results in phenotypic al- insert DNA: See foreign DNA.
terations at the cellular or organismal level. insertion sequence: a small, independently
inbreeding: mating between genetically related transposable genetic element.
individuals. intelligence quotient (IQ): the most common
inbreeding depression: a reduction in the measure of intelligence; it is based on the
health and vigor of offspring from closely re- view that there is a single capacity for com-
lated individuals, a common and widespread plex mental work and that this capacity can
phenomenon among nonhuman organ- be measured by testing.
isms. intercalary deletion: a type of chromosome de-
inclusive fitness: an individuals total genetic letion in which DNA has been lost from
contribution to future generations, compris- within the chromosome (as opposed to a ter-
ing both direct fitness, which results from in- minal deletion involving a region of DNA
dividual reproduction, and indirect fitness, lost from the end of the chromosome).
which results from the reproduction of close interference: in genetic linkage, a mathemati-
relatives. cal expression that represents the difference
incomplete dominance: a phenomenon involv- between the expected and the observed
ing two alleles, neither of which masks the number of double recombinant offspring;
expression of the other; instead, the combi- this can be a clue to the physical location of
nation of the alleles in the heterozygous linked genes on the chromosome.
state produces a new phenotype that is usu- interphase: the period of the cell cycle in which
ally intermediate to the phenotypes pro- the cell is preparing to divide, consisting of
duced by either allele alone in the homozy- two distinct growth phases (G1 and G2) sepa-
gous state. rated by a period of DNA replication (S
independent assortment: a characteristic of phase).
Glossary 819

introgression: the transfer of genes from one knockout: the inactivation of a specific gene
species to another or the movement of genes within a cell (or whole organism, as in the
between species (or other well-marked ge- case of knockout mice) to determine the ef-
netic populations) mediated by backcros- fects of loss of function of that gene.
intron: an intervening sequence within eukary- lactose: a disaccharide that is an important part
otic DNA, transcribed as part of a messenger of the metabolism of many bacterial species;
RNA (mRNA) precursor but then removed lactose metabolism in these species is geneti-
by splicing before the mRNA molecule is cally regulated via the lac operon.
translated; introns are thought to play an im- lagging strand: in DNA replication, the strand
portant role in the evolution of genes. of DNA being synthesized in a direction op-
inversion: a chromosomal abnormality result- posite to that of replication fork movement;
ing in a region of the chromosome where this strand is synthesized in a discontinuous
the normal order of genes is reversed. fashion as a series of Okazaki fragments later
isotope: an alternative form of an element with joined together. See also Okazaki fragments.
a variant number of neutrons in its atomic Lamarckianism: the theory, originally pro-
nucleus; isotopes are frequently radioactive posed by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, that traits
and are important tools for numerous mo- acquired by an organism during its lifetime
lecular biology techniques. can be passed on to offspring.
lambda () phage: a bacteriophage that infects
jumping: See chromosome jumping bacteria and then makes multiple copies of
junk DNA: a disparaging (and now known to be itself by taking over the infected bacterias
inaccurate) characterization of the noncod- cellular machinery.
ing DNA content of a genome. lateral gene transfer: the movement of genes
between organisms; also called horizontal
karyokinesis: division of a cells nuclear con- gene transfer.
tents, as opposed to cytokinesis (division of leading strand: in DNA replication, the strand
the cytoplasm). See also cytokinesis. of DNA being synthesized in the same direc-
karyotype: the complete set of chromosomes tion as the movement of the replication fork;
possessed by an individual, usually isolated this strand is synthesized in a continuous
during metaphase and arranged by size and fashion.
type as a method of detecting chromosomal leptotene: a subphase of prophase I of meiosis
abnormalities. in which chromosomes begin to condense
kilobase (kb): a unit of measurement for nu- and become visible.
cleic acid molecules, equal to 1,000 bases or lethal allele: an allele capable of causing the
nucleotides. death of an organism; a lethal allele can be
kinase: an enzyme that catalyzes phosphate ad- recessive (two copies of the allele are re-
dition to molecules. quired before death results) or dominant
kinetochore: a chromosome structure found (one copy of the allele produces death).
in the region of the centromere and used leucine zipper: an amino acid sequence, found
as an attachment point for the microtu- in some DNA-binding proteins, character-
bules of the spindle apparatus during cell di- ized by leucine residues separated by sets of
vision. seven amino acids; two molecules of this
Klinefelter syndrome: a human genetic disor- amino acid sequence can combine via the
der in males who possess an extra X chromo- leucine residues and zip together, creating
some; Klinefelter males have forty-seven a structure that can then bind to a specific
chromosomes instead of the normal forty- DNA sequence.
six and suffer from abnormalities such as ste- linkage: a genetic phenomenon involving two
rility, body feminization, and mental retar- or more genes inherited together because
dation. they are physically located on the same chro-
820 Glossary

mosome; Gregor Mendels principle of in- melting: a term sometimes used to describe the
dependent assortment does not apply to denaturation of a DNA molecule as it is
linked genes, but genotypic and phenotypic heated in solution; as the temperature rises,
variation is possible through crossing over. hydrogen bonds between the DNA strands
linkage mapping: a form of genetic mapping are broken until the double-strand molecule
that uses recombination frequencies to esti- has been completely converted into two sin-
mate the relative distances between linked gle-strand molecules.
genes. Mendelian genetics: the genetics of traits that
locus (pl. loci): the specific location of a partic- show simple inheritance patterns; based on
ular gene on a chromosome. the work of Gregor Mendel, a nineteenth
lymphocytes: sensitized cells of the immune century monk who studied the genetics of
system that recognize and destroy harmful pea plants.
agents via antibody and cell-mediated re- messenger RNA (mRNA): a type of RNA mole-
sponses that include B lymphocytes from the cule containing the genetic information
bone marrow and T lymphocytes from the necessary to produce a protein through the
thymus. process of translation; produced from the
Lyon hypothesis: a hypothesis stating that one DNA sequence of a gene in the process of
X chromosome of the pair found in all fe- transcription.
male cells must be inactivated in order for metabolic pathway: a series of enzyme-cata-
those cells to be normal; the inactivated X lyzed reactions leading to the breakdown or
chromosome is visible by light microscopy synthesis of a particular biological molecule.
and stains as a Barr body. metabolism: the collection of biochemical re-
lysis: the breaking open of a cell. actions occurring in an organism.
lysogeny: a viral process involving repression metacentric chromsome: a chromosome with
and integration of the viral genome into the the centromere located at or near the mid-
genome of the host bacterial cell. dle of the chromosome. See also acrocentric
chromosome; telocentric chromosome.
major histocompatibility complex (MHC): a metafemale: a term used to describe Drosophila
group of molecules found on the surface of (fruit fly) females that have more X chromo-
cells, allowing the immune system to differ- somes than sets of autosomes (for example,
entiate between foreign, invading cells and a female that has two sets of autosomes and
the bodys own cells; in humans, this group three X chromosomes); also used in refer-
of molecules is called HLA (human leuko- ence to human females with more than two
cyte antigens). See also human leukocyte anti- X chromosomes.
gens. metaphase: the second phase in the process of
map unit: See centiMorgan. mitosis, involving chromosomes lined up in
maternal inheritance: See extranuclear inheri- the middle of the cell on a line known as the
tance. equator.
Maxam-Gilbert sequencing: a method of base- methylation: the process of adding a methyl
specific chemical degradation to determine chemical group (one carbon atom and three
DNA sequence; this method has largely hydrogen atoms) to a particular molecule,
been supplanted by the Sanger method. See such as to the base portion of a nucleotide in
also Sanger sequencing. a DNA nucleotide.
meiosis: a process of cell division in which the metric trait: See quantitative trait.
cells genetic material is reduced by half and microarray: a flat surface on which 10,000 to
sex cells called gametes are produced; im- 100,000 tiny spots of short DNA molecules
portant as the basis of sexual reproduction. (oligonucleotides) are fixed and are used to
melanism: the opposite of albinism, a condi- detect the presence of DNA or RNA mole-
tion that leads to the overproduction of mel- cules that are homologous to the oligonu-
anin. cleotides.
Glossary 821

microsatellite DNA: a type of variable number model organism: an organism well suited for
tandem repeat (VNTR) in which the re- genetic research because it has a well-known
peated motif is 1 to 6 base pairs; also called a genetic history, a short life cycle, and genetic
simple sequence repeat (SSR) or a short tan- variation between individuals in the popula-
dem repeat (STR). tion.
microtubule: a cell structure involved in the modern synthesis: the merging of the Dar-
movement and division of chromosomes winian mechanisms for evolution with Men-
during mitosis and meiosis; part of the cells delian genetics to form the modern fields
cytoskeleton, microtubules can be rapidly of population genetics and evolutionary bi-
assembled and disassembled. ology; also called the neo-Darwinian syn-
microtubule organizing center (MTOC): See thesis.
centriole. molecular clock hypothesis: a hypothesis that
minimal media: an environment that contains predicts that amino acid changes in proteins
the simplest set of ingredients that a micro- and nucleotide changes in DNA are approxi-
organism can use to produce all the sub- mately constant over time.
stances required for reproduction and molecular cloning: the process of splicing a
growth. piece of DNA into a plasmid, virus, or phage
minisatellite DNA: a type of variable number vector to obtain many identical copies of
tandem repeat (VNTR) in which the re- that DNA.
peated motif is 12 to 500 base pairs in length. molecular genetics: the branch of genetics con-
miscegenation: sexual activity or marriage be- cerned with the central role that molecules,
tween members of two different human particularly the nucleic acids DNA and RNA,
races. play in heredity.
mismatch repair: a cellular DNA repair process monoclonal antibodies: identical antibodies
in which improperly base-paired nucleo- (having specificity for the same antigen)
tides are enzymatically removed and re- produced by a single type of antibody-pro-
placed with the proper nucleotides. ducing cell, either a B cell or a hybridoma
missense mutation: a DNA mutation that cell line; important in various types of immu-
changes an existing amino acid codon in a nology research techniques.
gene to some other amino acid codon; de- monoculture: the agricultural practice of grow-
pending on the nature of the change, this ing the same cultivar on large tracts of land.
can be a harmless or a serious mutation (for monohybrid: an organism that is hybrid with
example, sickle-cell disease in humans is the respect to a single gene (for example, Aa);
result of a missense mutation). when two monohybrid organisms are
mitochondrial genome (mtDNA): DNA found mated, the offspring will generally appear in
in mitochondria, which contains some of a 3:1 ratio involving the trait controlled by
the genes that code for proteins involved in the gene in question.
energy metabolism; it is a circular molecule monosomy: a genetic condition in which one
similar in structure to the genome of bac- chromosome from a homologous chromo-
teria. some pair is missing, producing a 2n1 ge-
mitochondrion: the organelle responsible for notype; usually causes significant problems
production of ATP through the process of in the phenotype of the organism.
cellular respiration in a eukaryotic cell; monozygotic: developed from a single zygote;
sometimes referred to as the powerhouse of identical twins are monozygotic because
the cell. they develop from a single fertilized ovum
mitosis: a process of cell division in which a that splits in two.
cells duplicated genetic material is evenly morphogen: a protein or other molecule made
divided between two daughter cells, so that by cells in an egg that creates a concentra-
each daughter cell is genetically identical to tion gradient affecting the developmental
the original parent cell. fate of surrounding cells by altering their
822 Glossary

gene expression or their ability to respond neurotransmitter: a chemical that carries mes-
to other morphogens. sages between nerve cells.
morphogenesis: the induction and formation neutral mutation: a mutation in a gene, or
of organized body parts or organs. some other portion of the genome, that is
mosaicism: a condition in which an individual considered to have no effect on the fitness of
has two or more cell populations derived the organism.
from the same fertilized ovum, or zygote, as neutral theory of evolution: Motoo Kimuras
in sex chromosome mosaics, in which some theory that nucleotide substitutions in the
cells contain the usual XY chromosome pat- DNA often have no effect on fitness, and
tern and others contain extra X chromo- thus changes in allele frequencies in popula-
somes. tions are caused primarily by genetic drift.
mRNA: See messenger RNA. nondisjunction: refers to the improper division
mtDNA: See mitochondrial genome. of chromosomes during anaphase of mitosis
MTOC: See centriole. or meiosis, resulting in cells with abnormal
multifactorial: characterized by a complex in- numbers of chromosomes and sometimes
teraction of genetic and environmental fac- seriously altered phenotypes.
tors. nonhistone proteins: a heterogeneous group of
multiple alleles: a genetic phenomenon in acidic or neutral proteins found in chroma-
which a particular gene locus is represented tin that may be involved with chromosome
by more than two alleles in a population; the structure, chromatin packaging, or the con-
greater the number of alleles, the greater trol of gene expression.
the genetic diversity. nonsense codon: another term for a termina-
mutagen: any chemical or physical substance tion or stop codon (UAA, UAG, or UGA).
capable of increasing mutations in a DNA se- nonsense mutation: a DNA mutation that
quence. changes an existing amino acid codon in a
mutant: a trait or organism different from the message to one of the three termination,
normal, or wild-type, trait or organism seen or stop, codons; this results in an abnor-
commonly in nature; mutants can arise ei- mally short protein that is usually nonfunc-
ther through expression of particular alleles tional.
in the organism or through spontaneous or Northern blot: a molecular biology procedure
intentional mutations in the genome. in which a labeled single-stranded DNA
mutation: a change in the genetic sequence of probe is exposed to cellular RNA immobi-
an organism, usually leading to an altered lized on a filter; under the proper condi-
phenotype. tions, the DNA probe will seek out and bind
to its complementary sequence in the RNA
N terminus: the end of a polypeptide with an molecules if such a sequence is present.
amino acid that has a free amino group. nuclease: an enzyme that degrades nucleic ac-
natural selection: a process involving genetic ids by breaking the phosphodiester bond
variation on the genotypic and phenotypic that connects nucleosides.
levels that contributes to the success or failure nucleic acid: the genetic material of cells,
of various species in reproduction; thought found in two forms: deoxyribonucleic acid
to be the primary force behind evolution. (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA); com-
negative eugenics: improving human stocks posed of repeating subunits called nucleo-
through the restriction of reproduction by tides.
individuals with inferior traits or who are nucleocapsid: a viral structure including the
known to carry alleles for inferior traits. capsid, or outer protein coat, and the nu-
neural tube: the embryonic precursor to the cleic acid of the virus.
spinal cord and brain, which normally closes nucleoid: a region of a prokaryotic cell contain-
at small openings, or neuropores, by the ing the cells genetic material.
twenty-eighth day of gestation in humans. nucleolus: a eukaryotic organelle located in
Glossary 823

the nucleus of the cell; the site of ribosomal open reading frame (ORF): a putative protein-
RNA (rRNA) synthesis. coding DNA sequence, marked by a start
nucleoside: a building block of nucleic acids, codon at one end and a stop codon at the
composed of a sugar (deoxyribose or ribose) other end.
and one of the nitrogenous bases: adenine operator: a region of a bacterial operon serving
(A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), thymine as a control point for transcription of the
(T), or uracil (U). operon; a regulatory protein of some type
nucleosome: the basic unit molecule of chro- usually binds to the operator.
matin, composed of a segment of a DNA operon: a genetic structure found only in bac-
molecule that is bound to and wound teria, whereby a set of genes are controlled
around histone molecules; DNA with together by the same control elements; usu-
nucleosomes appears as beads on a string ally these genes have a common function,
when viewed by electron microscopy. such as the genes of the lactose operon in Es-
nucleotide: a building block of nucleic acids, cherichia coli for the metabolism of lactose.
composed of a sugar (deoxyribose or oxygen free radical: a highly reactive form of
ribose), one of the nitrogenous bases (ade- oxygen in which a single oxygen atom has a
nine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, or uracil) free, unpaired electron; free radicals are
and one or more phosphate groups. common by-products of chemical reactions.
nucleus: the control center of eukaryotic
cells, where the genetic material is separated P generation: parental generation; the original
from the rest of the cell by a membrane; site individuals mated in a genetic cross.
of DNA replication and transcription. pachytene: a subphase of prophase I in meiosis
nullisomy: a genetic condition in which both in which tetrads become visible.
members of a homologous chromosome palindrome: in general, a word that reads the
pair are absent; usually, embryos with this same forwards and backwards (such as the
type of genetic defect are not viable. words noon and racecar); in genetics, a
DNA sequence that reads the same on each
ochre codon: a stop codon (UAA) found in strand of the DNA molecule, although in op-
messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules that sig- posite directions because of the antiparallel
nals termination of translation. nature of the double helix; most DNA palin-
Okazaki fragments: short DNA fragments, ap- dromes serve as recognition sites for restric-
proximately two thousand or fewer bases in tion endonucleases.
length, produced during discontinuous rep- pandemic: a worldwide outbreak of a disease.
lication of the lagging strand of a DNA paracentric inversion: an inversion of a chro-
molecule. mosomes sequence that does not involve
oligonucleotide: a short molecule of DNA, gen- the centromere, taking place on a single arm
erally fewer than twenty bases long and usu- of the chromosome.
ally synthesized artificially; an important parthenogenesis: production of an organism
tool for numerous molecular biology proce- from an unfertilized egg.
dures, including site-directed mutagenesis. paternal: coming from the father.
oncogene: any gene capable of stimulating cell pedigree: a diagram of a particular family,
division, thereby being a potential cause of showing the relationships between all mem-
cancer if unregulated; found in all cells and bers of the family and the inheritance pat-
in many cancer-causing viruses. tern of a particular trait or genetic defect; es-
oogenesis: the process of producing eggs in a pecially useful for research into human traits
sexually mature female organism; another that may otherwise be difficult to study.
term for meiosis in females. penetrance: a quantitative term referring to
opal codon: a stop codon (UGA) found in mes- the percentage of individuals with a certain
senger RNA (mRNA) molecules; signals ter- genotype that also exhibit the associated
mination of translation. phenotype.
824 Glossary

peptide bond: a bond found in proteins; occurs pluripotency: the ability of a cell to give rise
between the carboxyl group of one amino to all the differentiated cell types in an em-
acid and the amino group of the next, link- bryo.
ing them together. point mutation: a DNA mutation involving a
pericentric inversion: an inversion of a chro- single nucleotide.
mosomes sequence involving the centro- polar body: a by-product of oogenesis used to
mere. dispose of extra, unnecessary chromosomes
pharmacogenomics: the branch of human while preserving the cytoplasm of the devel-
medical genetics that evaluates how an indi- oping ovum.
viduals genetic makeup influences his or polycistronic: characterizing messenger RNA
her response to drugs. (mRNA) molecules that contain coding se-
phenotype: the physical appearance or bio- quences for more than one protein, com-
chemical and physiological characteristics mon in prokaryotic cells.
of an individual, which is determined by polygenic inheritance: expression of a trait de-
both heredity and environment. pending on the cumulative effect of multi-
phenotypic plasticity: the ability of a genotype ple genes; human traits such as skin color,
to produce different phenotypes when ex- obesity, and intelligence are thought to be
posed to different environments. examples of polygenic inheritance.
phosphodiester bond: in DNA, the phosphate polymerase: a cellular enzyme capable of creat-
group connecting one nucleoside to the ing a phosphodiester bond between two nu-
next in the polynucleotide chain. cleotides, producing a polynucleotide chain
photoreactivation repair: a cellular enzyme sys- complementary to a single-stranded nucleic
tem responsible for repairing DNA damage acid template; the enzyme DNA polymerase
caused by ultraviolet light; the system is acti- is important for DNA replication, and the
vated by light. enzyme RNA polymerase is involved in tran-
phylogeny: often called an evolutionary tree, scription.
the branching patterns that show evolution- polymerase chain reaction (PCR): a technique
ary relationships, with the taxa on the ends of molecular biology in which millions of
of the branches. copies of a single DNA sequence can be arti-
pilus: a hairlike reproductive structure pos- ficially produced in a relatively short period
sessed by some species of bacterial cells that of time; important for a wide variety of appli-
allows them to engage in a transfer of ge- cations when the source of DNA to be cop-
netic material known as conjugation. ied is either scarce or impure.
plasmid: a small, circular DNA molecule com- polymorphism: the presence of many different
monly found in bacteria and responsible for alleles for a particular locus in individuals of
carrying various genes, such as antibiotic re- the same species.
sistance genes; important as a cloning vector polypeptide: a single chain of amino acids con-
for genetic engineering. nected to one another by peptide bonds; all
pleiotropy: a genetic phenomenon in which a proteins are polypeptides, but a protein may
single gene has an effect on two or more comprise one or more polypeptide mole-
traits. cules.
-ploid, -ploidy: a suffix that refers to a chromo- polyploid: a cell or organism that possesses
some set; humans have two sets of chromo- multiple sets of chromosomes, usually more
somes and are referred to as being diploid, than two.
whereas some plants may have four sets, polysome: a group of ribosomes attached to
called tetraploid. Other terms include the same messenger RNA (mRNA) mole-
autoploidy and polyploidy. See also allo- cule and producing the same protein prod-
polyploid; aneuploid; autopolyploid; dip- uct in varying stages of completion.
loid; euploid; haplodiploidy; haploid; poly- population: a group of organisms of the same
ploid; triploid. species in the same place at the same time
Glossary 825

and thus potentially able to mate; popula- gins to form, and chromatin takes on the
tions are the basic unit of speciation. form of chromosomes by becoming shorter
population genetics: the study of how genes be- and thicker.
have in populations; often a highly mathe- propositus: the individual in a human pedigree
matical branch of genetics in which evolu- who is the focus of the pedigree, usually by
tionary processes are modeled. being the first person who came to the atten-
positive eugenics: selecting individuals to re- tion of the geneticist.
produce who have desirable genetic traits, as protein: a biological molecule composed of
seen by those in control. amino acids linked together by peptide
post-translational modification: chemical alter- bonds; used as structural components of the
ations to proteins after they have been pro- cell or as enzymes; the term protein can re-
duced at a ribosome that alters their proper- fer to a single chain of amino acids or to
ties. multiple chains of amino acids functioning
prenatal testing: testing that is done during in a concerted way, as in the molecule hemo-
pregnancy to examine the chromosomes or globin.
genes of a fetus to detect the presence or ab- proteomics: the study of which proteins are ex-
sence of a genetic disorder. pressed in different types of cells, tissues,
primer: a short nucleic acid molecule used as a and organs during normal and abnormal
beginning point for the enzyme DNA poly- conditions.
merase as it replicates a single-stranded tem- proto-oncogene: a gene, found in eukaryotic
plate. cells, that stimulates cell division; ordinarily,
prion: an infectious agent composed solely of expression of this type of gene is tightly con-
protein; thought to be the cause of various trolled by the cell, but in cancer cells, proto-
human and animal diseases characterized by oncogenes have been converted into onco-
neurological degeneration, including scra- genes through alteration or elimination of
pie in sheep, mad cow disease in cattle, and controlled gene expression.
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. pseudodominance: a genetic phenomenon in-
probe: in genetics research, typically a single- volving a recessive allele on one chromo-
stranded nucleic acid molecule or antibody some that is automatically expressed be-
that has been labeled in some way, either cause of the deletion of its corresponding
with radioactive isotopes or fluorescent dyes; dominant allele on the other chromosome
this molecule is then used to seek out its of the homologous pair.
complementary nucleic acid molecule or pseudogenes: DNA sequences derived from
protein target in a variety of molecular biol- partial copies, mutated complete copies, or
ogy techniques such as Southern, Northern, normal copies of functional genes that have
or Western blotting. lost their control sequences and therefore
product rule: a rule of probability stating that cannot be transcribed; may originate by
the probability associated with two simulta- gene duplication or retrotransposition and
neous yet independent events is the product are apparently nonfunctional regions of the
of the events individual probabilities. genome that may evolve at a maximum rate,
prokaryote: a cell that lacks a nuclear mem- free from the evolutionary constraints of
brane (and therefore has no true nucleus) natural selection.
and membrane-bound organelles; bacteria pseudohermaphrodite: individual born with
are the only known prokaryotic organisms. either ambiguous genitalia or external geni-
promoter: a region of a gene that controls tran- talia that are the opposite of the chromo-
scription of that gene; a physical binding site somal sex.
for RNA polymerase. punctuated equilibrium: a model of evolution-
prophase: the first phase in the process of mito- ary change in which new species originate
sis or meiosis, in which the nuclear mem- abruptly and then exist through a long peri-
brane disappears, the spindle apparatus be- od of stasis; important as an explanation of
826 Glossary

the stepwise pattern of species change seen recombination: an exchange of genetic mate-
in the fossil record. rial, usually between two homologous chro-
purine: either of the nitrogenous bases ade- mosomes; provides one of the foundations
nine or guanine; used in the structure of nu- for the genetic reassortment observed dur-
cleic acids. ing sexual reproduction.
pyrimidine: any of the nitrogenous bases cyto- reductional division: refers to meiosis I, in
sine, thymine, or uracil; used in the struc- which the amount of genetic material in the
ture of nucleic acids. cell is reduced by half through nuclear divi-
sion; it is at this stage that the diploid cell is
quantitative trait: a trait, such as human height converted to an essentially haploid state.
or weight, that shows continuous variation in reductionism: the explanation of a complex
a population and can be measured; also system or phenomenon as merely the sum of
called a metric trait. its parts.
quantitative trait loci (QTLs): genomic regions replication: the process by which a DNA or
that affect a quantitative trait, generally RNA molecule is enzymatically copied.
identified via DNA-based markers. replicon: a region of a chromosome under con-
trol of a single origin of replication.
reaction norm: the relationship between envi- replisome: a multiprotein complex that func-
ronment and phenotype for a given geno- tions at the replication fork during DNA rep-
type. lication; it contains all the enzymes and
reading frame: refers to the manner in which a other proteins necessary for replication, in-
messenger RNA (mRNA) sequence is inter- cluding DNA polymerase.
preted as a series of amino acid codons by repressor: a protein molecule capable of pre-
the ribosome; because of the triplet nature of venting transcription of a gene, usually by
the genetic code, a typical messenger RNA binding to a regulatory region close to the
(mRNA) molecule has three possible reading gene.
frames, although usually only one of these resistance plasmid (R plasmid): a small, circu-
will actually code for a functional protein. lar DNA molecule that replicates indepen-
receptors: molecules to which signaling mole- dently of the bacterial host chromosome
cules bind in target cells. and encodes a gene for antibiotic resistance.
recessive: a term referring to an allele or trait restriction endonuclease: a bacterial enzyme
that will only be expressed if another, domi- that cuts DNA molecules at specific sites;
nant, trait or allele is not also present. part of a bacterial cells built-in protection
reciprocal cross: a mating that is the reverse of against infection by viruses; an important
another with respect to the sex of the organ- tool of genetic engineering.
isms that possess certain traits; for example, restriction enzyme: See restriction endonu-
if a particular cross were tall male short fe- clease.
male, then the reciprocal cross would be restriction fragment length polymorphism
short male tall female. (RFLP): a genetic marker, consisting of vari-
reciprocal translocation: a two-way exchange of ations in the length of restriction fragments
genetic material between two nonhomolo- in DNA from individuals being tested, al-
gous chromosomes, resulting in a wide vari- lowing researchers to compare genetic se-
ety of genetic problems depending on which quences from various sources; used in a vari-
chromosomes are involved in the transloca- ety of fields, including forensics and the
tion. Human Genome Project.
recombinant DNA: DNA molecules that are the retrotransposon (retroposon): a DNA se-
products of artificial recombination be- quence that is transcribed to RNA and re-
tween DNA molecules from two different verse transcribed to a DNA copy able to in-
sources; important as a foundation of ge- sert itself at another location in the genome.
netic engineering. retrovirus: a virus that carries reverse transcrip-
Glossary 827

tase that converts its RNA genome into a RNA polymerase: the cellular enzyme required
DNA copy that integrates into the host chro- for making an RNA copy of genetic informa-
mosome. tion contained in a gene; an integral part of
reverse transcriptase: a form of DNA polymer- transcription.
ase, discovered in retroviruses, that uses an RNase: refers to a group of enzymes, ribonu-
RNA template to produce a DNA molecule; cleases, capable of specifically degrading
the name indicates that this process is the re- RNA molecules.
verse of the transcription process occurring rRNA: See ribosomal RNA.
naturally in the cell.
reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reac- Sanger sequencing: also known as dideoxy ter-
tion (RT-PCR): a technique, requiring iso- mination sequencing, a method using nu-
lated RNA, for quickly determining if a gene cleotides that are missing the 3 hydroxyl
or a small set of genes are transcribed in a group in order to terminate the polymeriza-
population of cells. tion of new DNA at a specific nucleotide; the
RFLP analysis: See restriction fragment length most common sequencing method, used al-
polymorphism. most exclusively.
Rh factor: a human red-blood-cell antigen, first segregation: a characteristic of Mendelian ge-
characterized in rhesus monkeys, that con- netics, resulting in the division of homolo-
tributes to blood typing; individuals can be gous chromosomes into separate gametes
either Rh positive (possessing the antigen during the process of meiosis.
on their red blood cells) or Rh negative semiconservative replication: a characteristic
(lacking the antigen). of DNA replication, in which every new DNA
ribonucleic acid (RNA): a form of nucleic acid molecule is actually a hybrid molecule, be-
in the cell used primarily for genetic expres- ing composed of a parental, preexisting
sion through transcription and translation; strand and a newly synthesized strand.
in structure, it is virtually identical to DNA, sex chromosome: a chromosome carrying
except that ribose is used as the sugar in each genes responsible for determination of an
nucleotide and the nitrogenous base thy- organisms sex; in humans, the sex chromo-
mine is replaced by uracil; present in three somes are designated X and Y.
major forms in the cell: messenger RNA sex-influenced inheritance: inheritance in
(mRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), and ribo- which the expression of autosomal traits is
somal RNA (rRNA). influenced or altered relative to the sex of
ribose: a five-carbon sugar used in the structure the individual possessing the trait; pattern
of ribonucleic acid (RNA). baldness is an example of this type of inheri-
ribosomal RNA (rRNA): a type of ribonucleic tance in humans.
acid in the cell that constitutes some of the sex-limited inheritance: inheritance of traits
structure of the ribosome and participates in expressed in only one sex, although these
the process of translation. traits are usually produced by non-sex-
ribosome: a cellular structure, composed of ri- linked genes (that is, they are genes located
bosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins, that is on autosomes instead of sex chromosomes).
the site of translation. sexual reproduction: reproduction of cells or
ribozyme: an RNA molecule that can function organisms involving the transfer and
catalytically as an enzyme. reassortment of genetic information, result-
RNA: See ribonucleic acid. ing in offspring that can be phenotypically
RNA interference (RNAi): an artificial tech- and genotypically distinct from either of the
nique using small, interfering RNAs that parents; mediated by the fusion of gametes
cause gene silencing by binding to the part produced during meiosis.
of a messenger RNA (mRNA) to which they Shine-Dalgarno sequence: a short sequence in
are complementary, thus blocking transla- prokaryotic messenger RNA (mRNA) mole-
tion. cules complementary to a sequence in the
828 Glossary

prokaryotic ribosome; important for proper immobilized on a filter; under the proper
positioning of the start codon of the mRNA conditions, the DNA probe will seek out and
relative to the P site of the ribosome. bind to its complementary sequence among
short interspersed sequences (SINES): short the cellular DNA molecules, if such a se-
repeats of DNA sequences scattered through- quence is present.
out a genome. speciation: the process of evolutionary change
shotgun cloning: a technique by which random that leads to the formation of new species.
DNA fragments from an organisms genome species: a group of organisms that can inter-
are inserted into a collection of vectors to breed with one another but not with organ-
produce a library of clones, which can then isms outside the group; generally, members
be used in a variety of molecular biology pro- of a particular species share the same gene
cedures. pool; defining a species is still controversial
sigma factor: a molecule that is part of RNA and remains a debated concept.
polymerase molecules in bacterial cells; al- spermatogenesis: the process of producing
lows RNA polymerase to select the genes sperm in a sexually mature male organism;
that will be transcribed. another term for meiosis in males.
signal transduction: all of the molecular events spindle apparatus: a structure, composed of
that occur between the arrival of a signaling microtubules and microfilaments, impor-
molecule at a target cell and its response; tant for the proper orientation and move-
typically involves a cascading series of reac- ment of chromosomes during mitosis and
tions that can eventually determine expres- meiosis; appears during prophase and be-
sion of many dozens of genes. gins to disappear during anaphase.
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP): differ- spliceosome: a complex of nuclear RNA and
ences at the individual nucleotide level protein molecules responsible for the exci-
among individuals. sion of introns from messenger RNA
site-directed mutagenesis: a molecular genet- (mRNA) precursors before they are trans-
ics procedure in which synthetic oligonu- lated.
cleotide molecules are used to induce care- SRY: the sex-determining region of the Y chro-
fully planned mutations in a cloned DNA mosome; a gene encoding a protein product
molecule. called testis determining factor (TDF), re-
small nuclear RNA (snRNA): small, numerous sponsible for conversion of a female embryo
RNA molecules found in the nuclei of eu- to a male embryo through the development
karyotic cells and involved in splicing of of the testes.
messenger RNA (mRNA) precursors to pre- stem cell: an undifferentiated cell that retains
pare them for translation. the ability to give rise to other, more special-
snRNA: See small nuclear RNA. ized cells.
snRNP: See small nuclear ribonucleoprotein. sum rule: a rule of probability theory stating
sociobiology: the study of social structures, or- that the probability of either of two mutually
ganizations, and actions in terms of underly- exclusive events occurring is the sum of the
ing biological principles. events individual probabilities.
solenoid: a complex, highly compacted DNA supercoil: a complex DNA structure in which
structure consisting of many nucleosomes the DNA double helix is itself coiled into a
packed together in a bundle. helix; usually observed in circular DNA mol-
somatic mutation: a mutation occurring in a so- ecules such as bacterial plasmids.
matic, or nonsex, cell; because of this, so- sympatric speciation: the genetic divergence of
matic mutations cannot be passed to the populations, not separated geographically,
next generation. that eventually results in formation of new
Southern blot: a molecular biology technique species.
in which a labeled single-stranded DNA synapsis: the close association of homologous
probe is exposed to denatured cellular DNA chromosomes occurring during early pro-
Glossary 829

phase I of meiosis; during synapsis, recom- unit known as a tetranucleotide (composed,

bination between these chromosomes can in turn, of equal amounts of the bases ade-
occur. nine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine).
thermal cycler: a machine that can rapidly heat
T: the abbreviation for thymine, a pyrimidine and cool reaction tubes; used for perform-
nitrogenous base found in the structure of ing PCR reactions.
DNA; in RNA, thymine is replaced by uracil. theta structure: an intermediate structure in
Taq polymerase: DNA polymerase from the the bidirectional replication of a circular
bacterium Thermus aquaticus; an integral DNA molecule; the name comes from the re-
component of polymerase chain reaction. semblance of this structure to the Greek let-
tautomerization: a spontaneous internal rear- ter theta.
rangement of atoms in a complex biologi- thymine (T): a pyrimidine nitrogenous base
cal molecule that often causes the molecule found in the structure of DNA; in RNA, thy-
to change its shape or its chemical proper- mine is replaced by uracil.
ties. thymine dimer: a pair of thymine bases in a
taxon (pl. taxa): a general term used by evolu- DNA molecule connected by an abnormal
tionists to refer to a type of organism at any chemical bond induced by ultraviolet light;
level in a classification of organisms. prevents DNA replication in the cell unless it
telocentric chromosome: a chromosome with a is removed by specialized enzymes.
centromere at the end. See also acrocentric topoisomerases: cellular enzymes that relieve
chromosome; metacentric chromosome. tension in replicating DNA molecules by
telomere: the end of a eukaryotic chromo- introducing single- or double-stranded
some, protected and replaced by the cellular breaks into the DNA molecule; without
enzyme telomerase. these enzymes, replicating DNA becomes
telophase: the final phase in the process of mi- progressively more supercoiled until it can
tosis or meiosis, in which division of the cells no longer unwind, and DNA replication is
nuclear contents has been completed and halted.
division of the cell itself occurs. totipotent: the ability of a cell to produce an en-
template: a single-stranded DNA molecule (or tire adult organism through successive cell
RNA molecule) used to create a comple- divisions and development; as cells become
mentary strand of nucleic acid through the progressively differentiated, they lose this
activity of a polymerase. characteristic.
teratogen: any chemical or physical substance, trait: a phenotypic characteristic that is heri-
such as thalidomide, that creates birth de- table.
fects in offspring. transcription: the cellular process by which ge-
testcross: a mating involving an organism with netic information in the form of a gene in a
a recessive genotype for desired traits DNA molecule is converted into the form of
crossed with an organism that has an incom- a messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule; de-
pletely determined genotype; the types and pendent on the enzyme RNA polymerase.
ratio of offspring produced allow geneticists transcription factor: a protein that is involved
to determine the genotype of the second or- in initiation of transcription but is not part
ganism. of the RNA polymerase.
tetrad: a group of four chromosomes formed transduction: DNA transfer between cells, with
as a result of the synapsis of homologous a virus serving as the genetic vector.
chromosomes that takes place early in mei- transfer RNA (tRNA): a type of RNA molecule
osis. necessary for translation to occur properly;
tetranucleotide hypothesis: a disproven hy- provides the basis of the genetic code, in
pothesis, formulated by geneticist P. A. which codons in a messenger RNA (mRNA)
Levene, stating that DNA is a structurally molecule are used to direct the sequence of
simple molecule composed of a repeating amino acids in a polypeptide; contains a
830 Glossary

binding site for a particular amino acid and pair that has been duplicated in some way,
a region complementary to a messenger giving rise to a 2N + 1 genotype and causing
RNA (mRNA) codon (an anticodon). serious phenotypic abnormalities; a well-
transformation: the process by which a normal known example is trisomy 21, or Down syn-
cell is converted into a cancer cell; also refers drome, in which the individual possesses
to the change in phenotype accompanying three copies of chromosome 21 instead of
entry of foreign DNA into a cell, such as in the normal two copies.
bacterial cells being used in recombinant tRNA: See transfer RNA.
DNA procedures. tumor-suppressor genes: any of a number of
transgenic organism: an organism possessing genes that limit or halt cell division under
one or more genes from another organism, certain circumstances, thereby preventing
such as mice that possess human genes; im- the formation of tumors in an organism; two
portant for the study of genes in a living or- well-studied examples are the retinoblas-
ganism, especially in the study of mutations toma gene and the p53 gene; mutations in
within these genes. See also genetically modi- tumor suppressor genes can lead to cancer.
fied organism (GMO). Turner syndrome: a human genetic defect in
transition mutation: a DNA mutation in which which an individual has only forty-five chro-
one pyrimidine (cytosine or thymine) takes mosomes, lacking one sex chromosome;
the place of another, or a purine (adenine or the sex chromosome present is an X chro-
guanine) takes the place of another. mosome, making these individuals pheno-
translation: the cellular process by which ge- typically female, although with serious ab-
netic information in the form of a messen- normalities such as sterility and anatomical
ger RNA (mRNA) molecule is converted defects.
into the amino acid sequence of a protein,
using ribosomes and RNA molecules as ac- uracil (U): a pyrimidine nitrogenous base
cessory molecules. found in the structure of RNA; in DNA, ura-
translocation: the movement of a chromosome cil is replaced by thymine.
segment to a nonhomologous chromosome
as a result of an error in recombination; also variable number tandem repeat (VNTR): a re-
refers to the movement of a messenger RNA petitive DNA sequence of approximately
(mRNA) codon from the A site of the ribo- fifty to one hundred nucleotides; important
some to the P site during translation. in the process of forensic identification
transposable element: See transposon. known as DNA fingerprinting.
transposon: a DNA sequence capable of mov- vector: a DNA molecule, such as a bacterial
ing to various places in a chromosome, dis- plasmid, into which foreign DNA can be in-
covered by geneticist Barbara McClintock; serted and then transported into a cell for
transposons are thought to be important as further manipulation; important in a wide
mediators of genetic variability in both pro- variety of recombinant DNA techniques.
karyotes and eukaryotes. virions: mature infectious virus particles.
transversion: a DNA mutation in which a py- viroids: naked strands of RNA, 270 to 380 nu-
rimidine (cytosine or thymine) takes the cleotides long, that are circular and do not
place of a purine (adenine or guanine), or code for any proteins that are able to cause
vice versa. disease in susceptible plants, many of them
triploid: possessing three complete sets of economically important. See also virusoid.
chromosomes, or 3N; important in the de- virus: a microscopic infectious particle com-
velopment of desirable characteristics in the posed primarily of protein and nucleic acid;
flowers or fruit of some plants; triploids are bacterial viruses, or bacteriophages, have
often sterile. been important tools of study in the history
trisomy: a genetic condition involving one of molecular genetics.
chromosome of a homologous chromosome virusoids: similar to viroids, microscopic infec-
Glossary 831

tious particles composed primarily of protein xenotransplants: transplants of organs or cellu-

and nucleic acid; unlike viroids, virusoids lar tissue between different species of ani-
are packaged in the protein coat of other mals, such as between pigs and humans.
plant viruses, referred to as helpers, and are
therefore dependent Y linkage: a genetic phenomenon involving a
on the other virus. See also viroid. gene located on the Y chromosome; as a re-
VNTR: See variable number tandem repeats. sult, such a condition can be passed only
from father to son.
walking: See chromosome walking. yeast artificial chromosome (YAC): a cloning
Western blot: a molecular biology technique vector that has been engineered with all of
involving labeled antibodies exposed to cel- the major genetic characteristics of a eukary-
lular proteins immobilized on a filter; un- otic chromosome so that it will behave as
der the proper conditions, the antibodies such during cell division; YACs are used to
will seek out and bind to the proteins for clone extremely large DNA fragments from
which they are specific, if such proteins are eukaryotic cells and are an integral part of
present. the Human Genome Project.
wild-type: a trait common in nature; usually
contrasted with variants of the trait, which Z-DNA: a zigzag form of DNA in which the
are known as mutants. strands form a left-handed helix instead of
wobble hypothesis: a concept stating that the the normal right-handed helix of B-DNA; Z-
anticodon of a transfer RNA (tRNA) mole- DNA is known to be present in cells and is
cule is capable of interacting with more than thought to be involved in genetic regulation.
one messenger RNA (mRNA) codon by vir- See also B-DNA.
tue of the inherent flexibility present in the zinc finger: an amino acid sequence, found in
third base of the anticodon; first proposed some DNA-binding proteins, that com-
by molecular biologist Francis Crick. plexes with zinc ions to create polypeptide
fingers that can then wrap around a spe-
X linkage: a genetic phenomenon involving a cific portion of a DNA molecule.
gene located on the X chromosome; the typ- zygote: a diploid cell produced by the union of
ical pattern of X linkage involves recessive al- a male gamete (sperm) with a female ga-
leles, such as that for hemophilia, which ex- mete (egg); through successive cell divi-
ert their effects when passed from mother to sions, the zygote will eventually give rise to
son and are more likely to be exhibited by the adult form of the organism.
males than females. zygotene: a subphase of prophase I of meiosis
X-ray diffraction: a method for determining involving synapsis between homologous
the structure of molecules which infers chromosomes.
structure by the way crystals of molecules
scatter X rays as they pass through. Randall K. Harris, updated by Bryan Ness

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Real, Leslie A., ed. Ecological Genetics. Prince- Jansen, Robert, and D. Mortimer, eds. Towards
ton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1994. Reproductive Certainty: Fertility and Genetics Be-
Ruse, M. Sociobiology: Sense or Nonsense? Boston: yond 1999. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press,
D. Riedel, 1979. 1999.
Schonewald-Cox, Christine M., et al., eds. Genet- McElreavey, Ken, ed. The Genetic Basis of Male In-
ics and Conservation: A Reference for Managing fertility. New York: Springer, 2000.
Wild Animal and Plant Populations. Menlo McGee, Glenn. The Perfect Baby: A Pragmatic Ap-
Park, Calif.: Benjamin/Cummings, 1983. proach to Genetics. Lanham, Md.: Rowman &
Slatkin, Montgomery, and Michel Veuille, eds. Littlefield, 1997.
Modern Developments in Theoretical Population Mader, Sylvia S. Human Reproductive Biology. 3d
Genetics: The Legacy of Gustave Malcot. New ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000.
York: Oxford University Press, 2002. Marrs, Richard, et al. Dr. Richard Marrs Fertility
Syvanen, Michael, and Clarence Kado. Horizon- Book. New York: Dell, 1997.
tal Gene Transfer. 2d ed. Burlington, Mass.: Parry, Vivienne. Antenatal Testing Handbook: The
Academic Press, 2002. Complete Guide to Testing in Pregnancy.
Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen, ed. The Natural His- Collingdale, Pa.: DIANE, 1998.
tory of Inbreeding and Outbreeding: Theoretical Rapp, Rayna. Testing Women, Testing the Fetus:
and Empirical Perspectives. Chicago: Univer- The Social Impact of Amniocentesis in America.
sity of Chicago Press, 1993. New York: Routledge, 1999.
Wilson, E. O. Sociobiology: The New Synthesis. Rosenthal, M. Sara. The Fertility Sourcebook: Ev-
Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1975. erything You Need to Know. 2d ed. Los Angeles:
Lowell House, 1998.
REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY Rothman, Barbara Katz. The Tentative Preg-
Andrews, Lori B. The Clone Age: Adventures in the nancy: How Amniocentesis Changes the Experi-
New World of Reproductive Technology. New ence of Motherhood. Rev. ed. New York:
York: Henry Holt, 1999. Norton, 1993.
Bentley, Gillian R., and C. G. Nicholas Mascie- Seibel, Machelle M., and Susan L. Crockin, eds.
Taylor. Infertility in the Modern World: Present Family Building Through Egg and Sperm Dona-
and Future Prospects. New York: Cambridge tion. Boston: Jones and Bartlett, 1996.
University Press, 2000. Trounson, Alan O., and David K. Gardner, eds.
Bonnicksen, Andrea L. In Vitro Fertilization: Handbook of In Vitro Fertilization. 2d ed. Boca
Building Policy from Laboratories to Legislature. Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 2000.
Reprint. New York: Columbia University
Brinsden, Peter R., ed. A Textbook of In Vitro Fer- See also Bioinformatics
tilization and Assisted Reproduction: The Bourn Adolph, Kenneth W., ed. Gene and Chromosome
Hall Guide to Clinical and Laboratory Practice. Analysis. San Diego: Academic Press, 1993.
2d ed. New York: Parthenon, 1999. Braman, Jeff, ed. In Vitro Mutagenesis Proto-
Campbell, Annily. Childfree and Sterilized: cols. 2d ed. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press,
Womens Decisions and Medical Responses. New 2002.
York: Cassell, 1999. Budowle, Bruce, et al. DNA Typing Protocols: Mo-
Elder, Kay, and Brian Dale. In Vitro Fertilization. lecular Biology and Forensic Analysis. Natick,
2d ed. New York: Cambridge University Mass.: Eaton, 2000.
Press, 2000. Chen, Bing-Yuan, and Harry W. Janes, eds. PCR
Ettore, Elizabeth. Reproductive Genetics, Gender, Cloning Protocols. Rev. 2d ed. Totowa, N.J.:
and the Body. New York: Routledge, 2002. Humana Press, 2002.
Heyman, Bob, and Mette Henriksen. Risk, Age, Crawley, Jacqueline N. Whats Wrong with My
and Pregnancy: Case Study of Prenatal Genetic Mouse? Behavioral Phenotyping of Transgenic
Screening and Testing. New York: Palgrave, and Knockout Mice. New York: Wiley-Liss,
2001. 2000.
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Davis, Rowland H. Neurospora: Contributions of a OConnell, Joe, ed. RT-PCR Protocols. Totowa,
Model Organism. New York: Oxford Univer- N.J.: Humana Press, 2002.
sity Press, 2000. Pacifici, O. G. M., Julio Collado-Vides, and Ralf
Double, John A., and Michael J. Thompson, Hofestadt, eds. Gene Regulation and Metabo-
eds. Telomeres and Telomerase: Methods and Pro- lism: Postgenomic Computational Approaches.
tocols. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press, 2002. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002.
Farrell, Robert. RNA Methodologies. 2d ed. San Sandor, Suhai, ed. Theoretical and Computational
Diego, Calif.: Academic Press, 1998. Methods in Genome Research. New York: Ple-
Gjerde, Douglas T., Christopher P. Hanna, and num Press, 1997.
David Hornby. DNA Chromatography. Wein- Silver, Lee. Mouse Genetics: Concepts and Applica-
heim, Germany: Wiley-VCH, 2002. tions. New York: Oxford University Press,
Grange, J. M., et al., eds. Genetic Manipulation: 1995.
Techniques and Applications. Boston: Black- Suzuki, D. T., et al. An Introduction to Genetic
well Scientific, 1991. Analysis. 7th ed. New York: W. H. Freeman,
Guilfoile, P. A Photographic Atlas for the Molecular 2000.
Biology Laboratory. Englewood, Colo.: Mor- Wilson, Zoe A. Arabidopsis: A Practical Approach.
ton, 2000. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Hames, B. D., and D. Rickwood, eds. Gel Electro-
phoresis of Nucleic Acids: A Practical Approach. VIRAL GENETICS
2d ed. New York: Oxford University Press, Becker, Yechiel, and Gholamreza Darai, eds.
1990. Molecular Evolution of Viruses: Past and Present.
Harlow, Ed, and David Lane, eds. Using Antibod- Boston: Kluwer Academic, 2000.
ies: A Laborator y Manual. Rev. ed. Cold Cann, Alan J. DNA Virus Replication. New York:
Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring Harbor Oxford University Press, 2000.
Laboratory Press, 1999. Carlberg, David M. Essentials of Bacterial and Vi-
Jackson, J. F., H. F. Linskens, and R. B. Inman, ral Genetics. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C
eds. Testing for Genetic Manipulation in Plants. Thomas, 1976.
New York: Springer, 2002. Domingo, Esteban, Robert Webster, and John
Kochanowski, Bernd, and Udo Reischl, eds. Holland, eds. Origin and Evolution of Viruses.
Quantitative PCR Protocols. Methods in Mo- New York: Academic Press, 1999.
lecular Medicine 26. Totowa, N.J.: Humana Gallo, Robert C., and Flossie Wong-Staal, eds.
Press, 1999. Retrovirus Biology and Human Disease. New
Lai, Eric, and Bruce W. Birren, eds. Electrophore- York: Marcel Dekker, 1990.
sis of Large DNA Molecules: Theory and Applica- Holland, J. J., ed. Current Topics in Microbiology
tions. Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.: Cold Spring and Immunology: Genetic Diversity of RNA Vi-
Harbor Laboratory, 1990. ruses. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1992.
Lloyd, Ricardo V., ed. Morphology Methods: Cell Kolata, Gina. The Story of the Great Influenza Pan-
and Molecular Biology Techniques. Totowa, demic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That
N.J.: Humana Press, 2001. Caused It. New York: Simon and Schuster,
McPherson, M. J., and S. G. Mller. PCR Basics. 2001.
Oxford, England: BIOS Scientific, 2000. World Health Organization. Future Research on
McRee, Duncan Everett. Practical Protein Crys- Smallpox Virus Recommended. Geneva, Swit-
tallography. 2d ed. San Diego: Academic zerland: World Health Organization Press,
Press, 1999. 1999.
Web Sites

The sites listed below were visited by the editors of Salem Press in May of 2003. Because URLs
frequently change or are moved, their accuracy cannot be guaranteed; however, long-standing
sitessuch as those of university departments, national organizations, and government agencies
generally maintain links when sites move or otherwise may upgrade their offerings and hence re-
main useful. Sites with an N/A affiliation are, to our knowledge, unallied, mounted by an individ-
ual, or uncredited. Roger Smith

General Genetics A collection of clear, well-illustrated expla-

BioMedNet nations of topics in biology by university profes-
Genetics Gateway sor John W. Kimball, including all aspects of ge-
http://reviews.bmn.com/?subject=Genetics netics and biotechnology, with news updates. A
A repository of research articles for scien- reliable place to start for those new to genetics.
tists, links to databases, and news and feature
articles written for general readers on all as- MedBioWorld
pects of genetics. Users must register, for which Genetics, Genomics & Biotechnology
there is no charge, although access to the full http://www.medbioworld.com
text of articles and databases requires a fee in A list of links to the major journals in genet-
some cases. ics, many of which allow free access to abstracts,
some articles, and news postings. A fast search
Dolan DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring vehicle for the most recent information about a
Harbor Laboratory topic in genetics.
Gene Almanac
http://www.dnalc.org National Public Radio
An online science center devoted to public The DNA Files
education in genetics at high school and col- http://www.dnafiles.org/home.html
lege levels, this is the best entry point to the The text from an award-winning public ra-
Web for newcomers to genetics. It provides in- dio series, including programs about the hu-
formation on DNA science, genetics and medi- man genome, genetics and ecology, genetics
cine, and biotechnology through interactive and medicine, biotechnology, and the genetics
features, animated tutorials, and downloads. of identity. Lucid, in-depth treatments for the
With an extensive list of links. nonscientist.

Genetics Society of America Nature Publishing Group

Home Page genetics@nature.com
http://www.genetics-gsa.org http://www.nature.com/genetics
Although dedicated to subscribers who are Part of the Web site for Nature, Britains pre-
professional geneticists, the societys Web site mier science journal. Written for educated
supports genetics education for all ages and of- general readers, the sections offer news and re-
fers a history of the organization and short po- cently published articles, commentary, and an
sition statements on evolution and genetically encyclopedia of life sciences. There are links to
modified organisms. There are also links to da- specialty journals concerning topics in genetics
tabases and related Web sites. and biotechnology. Some articles are accessible
by the general public, but full use of the site re-
N/A quires a subscription.
Kimballs Biology Pages
860 Web Sites

Netspace Bioinformatics
MendelWeb Bioinformatics.org
http://www.mendelweb.org Home Page
An educational site for teachers and stu- http://bioinformatics.org
dents concerning the origins of classical genet- The site belongs to an international organi-
ics and elementary plant science. It reproduces zation dedicated to the exchange of genetic in-
early publications by such pioneers as Gregor formation and includes online databases and
Mendel and William Bateson, accompanied by analysis tools, software, explanations of fre-
commentaries and reference resources. quently asked questions about bioinformatics,
and news postings.
Rutgers University
Morgan N/A
http://morgan.rutgers.edu/ Earls Forensic Page
MorganWebFrames/How_to_use/ http://members.aol.com/EarlNMeyer/
HTU_intro.html DNA.html
A multimedia tutorial for advanced high With a variety of illustrations, Earl Meyer
school students or beginning college students. summarizes how genetic fingerprinting works
Its six levels review basic principles in genetics and its use in crime investigations and in deter-
with particular attention to molecular interac- mining paternity.
European Bioinformatics Institute
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science The Path to Knowledge
Virtual Library on Genetics http://www.ebi.ac.uk
http://www.ornl.gov/TechResources/ A research center, this institute maintains
Human_Genome/genetics.html databases concerning nucleic acids, protein se-
A comprehensive catalog of Web site links, quences, and macromolecular structures. Also
arranged by subject, pertaining to the Human posts news, events, and descriptions of ongoing
Genome Project. The links lead to gene and scientific projects.
chromosome databases and specific informa-
tion on genetics, bioinformatics, and genetic Technical University of Denmark
disorders. Center for Biological Sequencing Analysis
University of Massachusetts The Center conducts basic research in bioin-
DNA Structure formatics and here offers its sequencing analy-
http://molvis.sdsc.edu/dna/index.htm sis databases, genome atlases, analysis tools,
An interactive, animated tutorial on the mo- and news. Primarily meant for researchers and
lecular composition and structure of DNA for university students.
high school students and college freshmen. It
can be downloaded and is available in Spanish,
German, and Portuguese.
Educating the Bio-Link Workforce
University of Utah
Genetic Science Learning Center
Intended for technicians, this site offers in-
formation and instruction covering recent ad-
Designed for students, this site posts essays
vances in biotechnology, as well as a virtual lab-
on the basics of DNA, genetic disorders, clon-
oratory and library, news postings, and details
ing, stem cells, and genetic testing. It also de-
about regional education centers.
scribes simple experiments, such as how to ex-
tract DNA material.
Web Sites 861

Carolina A professional database of information on

Biotechnology and Genetics approximately six thousand rat genes, their po-
http://www.carolina.com/biotech sitions on chromosomes, pertinent nomencla-
A rich resource designed for teachers and ture, and gene functions.
students. It offers a newsletter, workshops, arti-
cles, classroom activities, and videos, all focus- Johns Hopkins University
ing on the use of biotechnology and laboratory The Genome Database
techniques. http://gdbwww.gdb.org
The official central storage center for gene-
Dow AgroSciences mapping data compiled in the Human Ge-
Plant Genetics and Biotechnology nome Initiative, an international effort to de-
http://www.dowagro.com/homepage/ code and analyze human DNA. Intended for
index.htm scientists, the site presents information in
This corporate Web site concerns the mar- three categories: regions, maps, and variations
keting of its agricultural biotechnology. Given of the human genome.
that bias, it contains news releases, descriptions
of products, data sheets, articles and position Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
statements, and a media kit of interest to gen- Human Genome Sequencing Department
eral readers. http://www-hgc.lbl.gov
The department is part of the Joint Genome
The Hastings Center Institute, which includes genome laboratories
Home Page at Lawrence Livermore and Los Alamos. The
http://www.thehastingscenter.org site describes its directed sequencing method,
The Hastings Center, an independent non- explains its work on sequencing the human ge-
profit organization, specializes in bioethics, par- nome and the genome of the fruit fly Drosoph-
ticularly in health care and biotechnology. Its ila, and provides access to sequencing archives.
site contains news postings, articles on bioethics
and different aspects of genetics science, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology
announcements of events and publications. Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
National Institutes of Health The institutes home page affords access to
National Center for Biotechnology news of genomics research, software, and se-
Information quencing databases, all intended for scientists
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov and university students. However, its informa-
This Web site for the main health agency of tion about the Human Genome Project has
the United States contains links to the various general background articles, photos, and a
specialized institutes under its umbrella as well video that will be of interest to nonspecialists.
as public databases in genomics and sequenc-
ing, articles and handbooks on a wide range of National Center for Biotechnology
biotechnology topics, and more than a dozen Information
types of free software for analyzing genetic GeneMap 99
data. Primarily intended for researchers, but http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genemap99
with the public in mindthe site includes a sci- Starting with a general introduction to the
ence primer and other resources for educators, human genome and the process of gene map-
students, and other nonspecialists. ping, this site provides charts of the known
genes on each chromosome, articles about the
Genomics Human Genome Project and gene-related
Gteborg University, Sweden medical research, and links to other genome
RatMap, the Rat Genome Database sites and databases.
862 Web Sites

National Human Genome Research Institute Designed for physicians, this site also con-
Home Page tains information for patients about treat-
http://www.genome.gov ments, research, standards for gene therapy,
In addition to information for researchers, and health, along with news articles and links to
this site contains a comprehensive introduc- related sites.
tion to the Human Genome Project, a glossary
of genetic terms, fact sheets, multimedia edu- Genethon
cation kits, and links to online education re- Gene Therapies Research and Applications
sources, all for the general public. Center
New York University/Bell Atlantic/Center for Supported by the French Muscular Dystro-
Advanced Technology phy Association, Genethon sponsors research
The Student Genome Project in genetic and cellular therapies for rare dis-
http://www.cat.nyu.edu/sgp/parent.html eases. This site discusses research methods, the
Uses interactive multimedia and three- organizations services, and, in a section ac-
dimensional technology to present tutorials companied by computer graphics, the theory
and games related to the human genome and of gene therapy.
genetics for middle school and high school
students. Also provides news about New York- National Center for Biotechnology
based science events and links. Information
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Omim
Home Page The Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
http://www.sanger.ac.uk (OMIM) is a catalog of human genes and ge-
This research institute is dedicated to netic disorders for scientists. The site also of-
genomics. Accordingly, the site offers news up- fers maps of genes and diseases, statistical sum-
dates, a searchable database, explanations of maries, and links to similar sites devoted to
gene sequencing and computer software aids, medical literature and biotechnology.
and descriptions of genomics research proj-
ects. All information is intended for scientists. National Fragile X Foundation
Xtraordinary Accomplishments
U.S. Department of Energy Biological and http://www.nfxf.org
Environmental Research Program Provides extensive general information
Human Genome Research about fragile X syndrome, a cause of inherited
http://www.er.doe.gov/production/ober/ mental impairments, and advises care-givers on
hug_top.html testing, medical treatment, education, and life-
This site describes the Department of En- planning.
ergys contribution to the Human Genome
Project with pages containing a history, a time National Organization for Rare Disorders
line, project information, an essay on the sci- (NORD).
ence of genetics, and abstracts of recent re- Home Page
search. There is also a section of links designed http://www.rarediseases.org.
for young students and science teachers, as well Offers a very useful and long list of geneti-
as information about fellowships and research cally related disorders and diseases, each of
opportunities. which links to a fact sheet that ends with a list of
organizations for additional information. Also
Medicine and Genetics posts articles about rare genetic conditions and
American College of Medical Genetics diseases, accessible through searchable data-
Home Page bases.
Web Sites 863

National Society of Genetic Counselors http://www.nap.edu/html/transgenic/

Society Home Page An online, downloadable pamphlet pub-
http://www.nsgc.org lished in July, 2000, by a consortium of leading
Although much of this site is devoted to soci- research societies around the world. It assesses
ety members, it has a search engine for locating the need to modify crops genetically in order to
genetic counselors in the United States and a feed the increasing world population and then
newsroom with press releases and fact sheets discusses examples of the technology, its safety,
about the counseling services. effects on the environment, funding sources,
and intellectual property issues.
The University of Nottingham
OMNI Oak Ridge National Laboratory
http://omni.ac.uk/subject-listing/QH426.html Transgenic and Targeted Mutant Animal
This gateway to information about biomedi- Database
cine has links to sites devoted to the science, ap- http://www.ornl.gov/TechResources/Trans/
plications, and ethics of medical genetics. hmepg.html
A searchable professional database about
Transgenics lines of genetically modified animals, methods
Center for Life Sciences, Colorado State used to create them, and descriptions of the
University modified DNA, the expression of transgenes,
Transgenic Crops: An Introduction and and how transgenes are named.
Resource Guide
http://www.colostate.edu/programs/ University of Michigan
lifesciences/TransgenicCrops/ Transgenic Animal Model Core
The purpose of this site is to provide bal- http://www.med.umich.edu/tamc
anced information about the technology and A professional Web site for researchers seek-
safety issues involved in genetically modified ing a host animal to test transgenes. However,
food crops. Compiled by genetics researchers. it contains much useful general information
With links, a history of plant breeding, and about transgenics (especially transgenic rats),
glossary. Also in Spanish. vectors, and laboratory procedures. With links
and a photo gallery.
National Academy of Sciences
Transgenic Plants and World Agriculture Roger Smith
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