10 Must Do Things in Andaman and Nicobar Islands

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1 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

10 Must Do Things in Andaman and

Nicobar Islands

A Ebook


Surabhi Surendra

Know Andamans


2012 KnowAndamans, All rights reserved

2 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Andaman and Nicobar Islands form the most captivating and entrancing part of
India. It is an ideal location for tourists seeking some tranquillity and peace
away from the hustle-bustle of a polluted, noisy city life. The islands not only
give a fresh breath to visitors but also soothe their mind. The silky, creamy
beaches making contrast with aqua green or marine blue water make this
group of Islands a must visit place for nature lovers. But apart from beaches,
the Islands have a variety of things to boast of most of which are still unknown
to outsiders. At the very moment of reaching the islands, one realizes the
whole new dimension of beauty these islands possess which is beyond the
description of words.

The main objective of this ebook is to bring these lesser known yet exotic sites
to your knowledge so that you do not miss out on them on your visit to
Andamans. The ebook has 24 pages and contains some of the loveliest shots of
the islands.

I have personally picked the locales and the activities and have ranked them in
the order of preference. As a resident of the islands (I live here since 2009), I
have visited many remote and exotic places here and chose the best ones for
this ebook. I am myself an avid nature lover and always prefer a place that has
bounty of natural richness.

I hope you appreciate the honest opinions presented here and make the best
possible use of the knowledge acquired.

For further details please feel free to contact me at info@knowandamans.com

and visit www.knowandamans.com for more information.

3 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Sunset at Radhanagar Beach (above); Radhanagar Beach (below)

4 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Visit Radhanagar Beach, Havelock Island

The first place that is a Must Visit in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is
Radhanagar beach, Havelock Island. It is the place that can boast of bringing at
least half of the tourists to Andaman.

Radhanagar beach has been named as the 7th Best beach of the world and
Asias best beach by Time Magazine. And I assure you it is worth the honour.
Since its listing in the Time magazine, the beach has seen an incredible increase
in the number of tourists. Thankfully, to cater to the same, Havelock Island has
many comfortable, luxurious resorts and many modes of transport that
connect it to Port Blair and other neighbouring islands.

The long, wide, smooth beach gives you a pampering, relaxed walk along side
the coast. The beach is safe and very popular for sea bathing. Also, the beach
gives a very beautiful sun-rise view for the early birds.

Havelock Island is about at a distance of 40 kms from Port Blair and one can fly
by a seaplane or take a Makruzz or better still take a boat ride. The 3-5 hrs long
(depending on the vehicle you take) boat rides are in itself an experience.
Cruising through blue-black water, making way to other ferries on the sea and
watching flying fish, sea birds etc on the route make it quite thrilling. One
should let their hair down, move to the deck of the ship to truly experience the
Indian ocean. If time permits, one can also visit Neil Island nearby that gives an
absolute treat to avid nature lovers.

How to Reach:

Regular boat service connects Havelock with Port Blair. Seaplane and Makruzz
also run on this route. Makruzz is a ferry that is centrally air conditioned and
has two classes of seating arrangement. The ferry takes about 90 mins for one
way journey and also a small snack counter on board.

Makruzz Schedule:

Departure from Port Blair 8:30 am

Departure from Havelock 4:00 pm

Tickets can be booked online.

5 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Seaplane takes off (above); Seaplane lands on water (below)

6 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Take a Seaplane/Helicopter Ride

This automatically becomes a must do as Andaman has to its credit Indias
only seaplane. Yes! Andaman and Nicobar Islands is the only place, as of
2011, to offer Seaplane rides. Please click here to have a detailed
understanding of a seaplane. Another reason of keeping it on the top slot is
that currently tourists can avail a subsidised fare as part of the introductory

Taking a Seaplane or Helicopter offers double advantage. Flying high on

subsidised rate gives goose bumps but more than that it is the landscape on
the ground that makes it so tempting. Flying on a Seaplane/Helicopter lets you
see numerous isolated, small big islands that belong to this pristine locale.
Also wherever you fly to, the ride is a minimum of 30 mins usually ranging from
30mins to 45 mins, giving you ample of time to revel in the picturesque
landscapes of the islands while being in the air.

Having a camera during the ride lets you capture those rare aerial views.
Getting helicopter tickets is extremely difficult as helicopters are the means of
transport for the locals and that is the only mode of fast transport they have
but seaplane has been introduced exclusively to promote tourism and thus
seats and tickets are readily available.

Information Desk:

Currently, Seaplane links Havelock Island, Diglipur and Little Andaman with
Port Blair. It flies from Monday to Saturday and the schedule and timings are
subject to weather conditions. For tickets, you can contact the respective
Controlling officer.

Seaplane Controlling Officer, Port Blair 91-9933280141, Havelock 91-

9531828333, Diglipur 91-9531828444, Little Andaman 91-9531856555

Please check out knowandamans for a detailed schedule of Seaplane.

7 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Active Mud Volcano at Diglipur

8 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

See Mud Volcanoes

It is very difficult for me to keep Mud Volcanoes at slot no. 3 as an active
volcano is no less than a miracle. But I have to make a list!

Apart from worlds best beach and Indias only Seaplane, Andaman and
Nicobar Islands also boast of Indias only and worlds rare active mud
volcanoes. Yes, you read it right. The volcanoes are active and you can actually
see eruption of mud from them. There are two places to watch this rare sight
Diglipur and Baratang. Though I would recommend Diglipur volcanoes as they
are more in number, more active and offcourse, more beautiful!

There are about tens of volcanoes (with varied sizes and intensity) in the
vicinity and all provide a mesmerizing view. Down there, one can even see a
stream of mud that goes down the hill carrying the mud that is erupted from
these volcanoes.

During summers and particularly in noon, one can actually see a huge fountain
of mud erupting from inside the earth, though constant bubbling is a recurring
process here. From Shyam Nagar, Diglipur, it takes a walk of about 20-30 mins
to reach the volcanoes. And this walk amidst dense forests is also a remarkable

How to Reach

The volcanoes fall in the area of Diglipur. Tourists can hire cabs or can board a
State Transport bus. Regular bus service runs from Diglipur bus stand in the
main market to Shyam Nagar (the nearest bus stand). From there one has to
walk for about 20- 30 mins in the forests to reach the volcano spot.

Read more about the volcanoes here.

9 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Ross and Smith Islands (above); Sand bar connecting the twin islands (below)

10 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Visit Ross and Smith Islands

What a bliss it is to visit Ross and Smith Islands and have a bath in the crystal
clear sea water! These twin Islands, located in Diglipur, are the tiara of North
and Middle Andaman. The Islands are uninhabited, to a large extent, and this
makes them even more mystical and fascinating. These islands are about 40
mins boat ride away from Diglipur Jetty. Regular ferries are arranged by the
administration for easy transport to the islands.

A long, white sand bar connects the two islands Ross and Smith. This bar
gets immersed in the sea at times of high tide and gradually appears in low
tide. Taking a bath on the either side of the sandbar relaxes not only the body
but also the mind. Watching an early morning sun rise is an absolute visual
treat giving mesmerising views to the photographers and early bird nature

Take a walk on the bar to indulge in the natures luxury.

How to Reach

Ross and Smith Islands are also in the sub division of Diglipur. To ferry the
passengers from Diglipur to the islands, there are regular boats that do the

Tourists can take the dungi boat from Ariel Bay Jetty or can hire a speed boat
from the same jetty.

Local dungi boats cost around Rs. 100 per head while hiring a speed boat has
variable price depending on the number of travellers and time of the journey.

Read more about Ross and Smith Islands here.

11 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Cellular Jail in Port Blair (above); Gallow House (below)

12 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Visit Cellular Jail

It is a red bricked building that holds the key to Andamans long struggling
history. The jail gave the name Kaala Paani to Andaman and witnessed
slaughter of thousands of prisoners by British and the Japanese.

The jail was built in 1906 to house hundreds of Indian patriots convicted as
deserters and mutineers during the Sepoy Mutiny at that time. This gigantic
building had a unique shape. It was a three storeyed building and had seven
wings, extending from a single, central tower. The building had 696 cubicle
cells and that is how it was named cellular jail.

The light and sound show in the evening is a nerve wrecking show that
narrates the story of the injustice done by the British and the even more cruel
Japanese. Today, only three wings out of the initial seven are present. The
Japanese demolished a part of the building while some were destroyed in an
earthquake. On the top of the building, one can see the three wings of the
building and sea on the other side.

It was declared as a National Memorial in 1979. The building today stands

erect as a testimony of the hundreds of freedom fighters who spent their lives
in the tiny cells under inhumane conditions and even sacrificed their lives for
their country. A cell in an upper corner of one of the wings was occupied by
freedom fighter Vir Savarkar and even today resonates with the chants of
patriotic songs. In memory of these freedom fighters and many more, a
memorial is constructed near by.

This building is a must visit not only for every tourist who comes to Andamans
but also for every Indian who cares to know a bit about the dreadful freedom

Visit Timings

Jail is closed on Monday for visitors. Visiting time on normal days are 9 am
12:30 pm and from 1:30 pm to 5 pm.

Light and Sound show timings: 5pm 6 pm and from 6 pm 7 pm.

13 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Trimmed Parrot Island (above); A normal Mangrove Forest Island (Below)

14 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Visit Parrot Island

True to its name, this island is an island of parrots. It is an amazing, spell
binding sight to see thousands of parrots flocking to this island every evening
and then leaving their abode next morning.

Each evening, a large number of parrots come to this island chirping and bite
the mangrove leaves leaving it perfectly trimmed. Sitting quietly in a boat,
waiting for the parrots to arrive to trim their island and then listening to the
noisy chatter is an experience in itself.

One can remarkably see the difference. There are many small islands nearby
having the same mangrove trees. But one island has perfectly, accurately
trimmed mangrove line but the others have the usual, wildly grown trees.
Come evening and herds of parrots head to this island to give it the shape. As
the sun goes down, the noise level rises making it a spectacular scene.

Interestingly, as soon as the sun starts to descend a group of parrots about five
of them come and simply take an aerial round of the islands. It is said that this
group comes to inspect the island and to see if everything is alright and there is
no danger for them. And within the next 15 minutes, thousands of birds out of
absolutely no where come and sink in the island. As dusk prevails the chirping
gets louder and you have to leave. As the boat goes away from the island, the
noise gets lighter but the mind get busier in thinking why only Parrot Island!

How to Reach

To watch the action of the birds, you must visit the island in the evening right
at the time of the sunset.

Regular tourist boats run from Baratang Jetty to Parrot Island. These are the
private boats and thus the timetable and the fares vary from time to time.

Read more about Parrot Island here.

15 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Ruins at Ross Island

16 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Visit Ross Island

Ross Island used to be the British headquarters in Andaman. The British
reoccupied Andaman and Nicobar Islands in 1958 and chose Ross islands for
their headquarter base. They employed the convicted patriots to clear the
jungle and build the buildings on Ross Island. The island had a church,
Superintendents bungalow, Officers club, Water Treatment plant and even a
market. Remains of all these buildings are still there on the island though only
in ruins. With lack of maintenance, most of the buildings are engulfed by the
thick, strong roots of various trees.

The island, within eyesight from Port Blair, is easily connected by Port Blair
with means of ferries that regularly run through out the day. It is a small island
in triangular shape that can be traversed all around on foot.

The island also has a chamber that showcases photographs of pre-

independence era. The pictures are so live that they actually take you back to
that time. Apart from this, tourists can see lots of deer, ducks and peacocks on
the island which make it a beautiful place to visit. The back side of the island
has a rocky shore giving a beautiful, view of the horizon.

How to Reach

Ross Island is located within the eye sight of Port Blair Marina Park.

Numerous boats do regular rounds of ferrying from Marina Park (Sports

Complex) to Ross Islands and charge about Rs. 75 per person. The same boat
brings the passengers back.

The boats start running from early morning around 7 am to some time in the

Read more about Ross Islands here.

17 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

White Surf Waterfall (above); Sunset at Butler Bay Beach (Below)

18 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Visit Little Andaman

Little Andaman is the southern most island of Andaman archipelago. It is a
beautiful small island with many beaches and picturesque landscape.

Main attractions of Little Andaman are White Surf waterfall and Butler Bay
beach. Butler Bay beach is a lovely beach that stretches for many kilometres in
a curvilinear manner. It is not a very safe beach to have sea bath but its beauty
is only to be experienced by being there. One can also take a boat ride in the
back waters opposite to the beach and can see many water birds, fish, monitor
lizards etc on the way.

One unique tourist spot in Andaman and Nicobar Islands is the White Surf
waterfall. This waterfall is close to the jetty and thus is quite accessible. One
may have to walk for a kilometre or so to reach the fall. The serene
atmosphere of the place makes it an ideal destination for nature lovers and
couples. To reach the waterfall, tourists have to tread the pathway built for the
same purpose. There are few sea water streams on the route that are said to
have crocodiles providing treat to adventurers and wild life enthusiasts.
Though, the number of crocodiles all over Andaman has considerably reduced
and thus they are generally not found anywhere.

Regular boat service connects Little Andaman with Port Blair and recently sea
plane has also been started for easy and comfortable commute.

How to Reach

Hut bay Island or Little Andaman as it is popularly known, is now well

connected with Seaplane service.

There are boats/ships that run from Port Blair on a regular basis that cost
around Rs. 100 per person.

Read more about White Surf Waterfall here.

19 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

An underwater turtle (above); Clown Fish (below)

20 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Scuba Diving at Havelock Island

Havelock Island is a dream spot for nature lovers and adventure lovers as well.

You can have a look at the underwater life by having dives at Havelock Island.
The island provides abundant scope of discovering the calm, marine life that
no other island in Andamans gives.

Apart from the various kinds of corals, coral reefs that one can see, with
deeper dives, one can also get closer to an enormous number of attractive fish
that NatGeo and Animal Planet show off.

Dive India is the main body that carries out the dives in Andamans. The
organization is quite professional in their approach and make the divers feel

You have the liberty to take one dive or go for multiple dives (a divers course)
and the total cost is based on the number of dives you take. One time dive
normally costs you around 4,000 INR.

This is one thing that every visitor must try out while in Andamans. Though
Lakshdweep is mostly known for its beautiful corals but the diving experience
in Andamans makes it the most memorable moment of your life.

The diving takes place in the morning and do not dive on a rainy day. So plan
for it accordingly and it is better to take a prior appointment with Dive India.

Who to Contact

Dive India

You can also contact them at:


Or call them up at:


Since the team is mostly out for diving in the morning, it is better to call them
up later during the day.

21 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Limestone Caves (above); Creek to the Caves (below)

22 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Visit Limestone Caves, Baratang

Andaman is also a geomorphologists delight.

Near Baratang, we have amazing limestone caves that have been formed many
many decades ago. Scientists have not been able to tell the age of these caves.

The caves in Baratang lie in a plane area with limestone rocks. As one moves
forward, they can see the caves that look ordinary sized caves but are very
deep and high inside. The caves are constantly evolving in shape and size. As
you go inside the caves, you can actually see different patterns that are made
by limestone.

More than the caves, you would enjoy the journey to the caves that goes
through the dense creek surrounded by mangrove trees.

The caves are also a bit slippery so it is advisable to wear floaters or bathroom
slippers when you go to visit them. Also, if possible, take a torch along with

Similar to Limestone caves in Baratang, we have Alfred caves in Diglipur that

are more dense, narrow (and difficult-to-access). But they are the kind of caves
that an adventure would fall in love with.

You can read more about the caves here.

How to Reach

Boats from Baratang Jetty

You can reach Baratang from Port Blair by road. STS buses and private cars
very well connect Barantang from Port Blair. From Baratang jetty, you have to
hire a boat that takes on a return trip to the caves. Since the caves are a little
dark inside, it is better to visit them well during the day so that you can cover
Parrot Island in the evening.

23 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

Few Things to Keep In Mind:

If you are travelling to Andaman and Nicobar Islands, it is better to keep few
things in mind.

Boat timings and fare are subject to change. It is better to confirm

before preparing the itinerary.
Weather is typically the same as what we have in Mumbai or Hyderabad.
So be prepared accordingly.
If you have an infant with you travelling, do not forget to carry some
thick clothes for the baby as sea wind can cause allergy and cold.
If you have sea sickness, it is better to avoid spicy or heavy meals before
the journey.
If you plan to buy some souvenirs, head to Sagarika in Port Blair. It closes
by 8 pm so plan accordingly.
It is wise to carry an umbrella as the place can have unpredictable rains.
There are some very good restaurants in Port Blair that offer good
quality sea food. Sea food lovers will have a nice time.
One gets all kind of food here pure vegetarian, non-veg, sea food,
Continental, Chinese etc. So dont worry about your taste buds. Though
these choices are limited to Port Blair.
Neil Island and Wandoor beach (Port Blair) also offer snorkeling.
Local markets start shutting down by 8 pm so plan to shop early in the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands is a very lively place and the people here
are warm. So, come with an open mind and embrace the beauty.

Have a happy journey!

24 10 Must Do Things In Andaman And Nicobar Islands

About the Author

Hi, I am Surabhi Surendra, the author

behind Know Andamans. Married to a
government officer, I have lived in
Andaman and Nicobar Islands since

During my stay of about four years, I

have travelled to and lived in various
places in the islands. I am in complete
awe of the islands and feel that this
group of islands is the most beautiful
place of India.

Having quit my day job in a MNC, I moved to Andamans with my husband and
built Know Andamans as a platform to express the beauty of the islands in
words and also to help people to get more information about the place at one

You can stay connected with my blog on Facebook.

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put in making of this ebook, by clicking on the LIKE button here.

To view the amazing pictures of Andamans, you can follow Know Andamans on
Pinterest by clicking here.

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Hope you enjoyed reading the ebook. Your feedback is highly welcome. Please
feel free to write to me at info at knowandaman dot com.


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