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Scenario Reduction Techniques and Solution

Stability for Stochastic Unit Commitment Problems

K. Bruninx, Student Member, IEEE, and E. Delarue, Member, IEEE
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven (University of Leuven)
Celestijnenlaan 300, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Energyville, a joint venture of VITO, IMEC and KU Leuven
Thor Park, Poort Genk 8310, B-3600 Genk, Belgium

AbstractIn power systems rife with uncertainty, stochastic requirements [?] impose a lower limit on the number of sce-
unit commitment (SUC) models may be used to properly size and narios considered in the SUC problem, but large scenario sets
allocate operational reserves, in order to ensure a reliable and may render the optimization problem intractable. However,
cost-efficient operation of the power system. The performance of
SUC-based unit commitment schedules is however fully depen- if one succeeds in capturing the underlying stochasticity in
dent on the scenario sets used to describe the uncertainty at hand. a sufficiently small set of scenarios, resulting in a tractable
Dedicated scenario generation & reduction techniques (SGT & SUC problem with a stable solution, this approach yields the
SRT) have been developed to generate and select scenario sets optimal UC schedule under uncertainty.
that capture the uncertain parameter, e.g. wind power, and yield
a cost-optimal unit commitment (UC) schedule in reasonable
In this paper, we will investigate the performance, i.e. the
computing times. Probability-distance based SRTs are by far tractability of the SUC problem and the cost-efficiency of the
the most used. In an extensive numerical study, we analyze the resulting UC schedule, of probability-distance based SRTs [?].
performance of so-called cost functions used in these SRTs. In Although other methods (for an overview, see [?]) exist, these
addition, we propose a new cost function, which allows selecting are (i) by far the most used and (ii) considered the best-in-
a well-balanced subset of scenarios, resulting in a tractable SUC
model and a cost-optimal UC schedule.
class SRTs [?]. We focus on the so-called cost function used
to characterize and distinguish between different scenarios. In
Index TermsScenario Reduction, Stochastic Unit Commit- addition to the original cost function and the one proposed by
ment, Wind Power. Morales et al. [?], we propose a novel cost function, based on
a one-scenario equivalent deterministic UC formulation.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. First,
we present a SUC model, the SRTs and the case study. Second,

P RESENT-DAY and future power systems are rife with

uncertainty, mainly due to the integration of intermittent
electricity generation from renewable energy sources (RES).
we perform an illustrative solution stability analysis (Section
??). Before formulating a conclusion, we present an extensive
numerical comparison of the aforementioned SRTs.
Some forms of RES-based electricity production, notably
wind and solar PV power, have a stochastic character, i.e.,
they are variable (not or only limitedly dispatchable) and to
some extent unpredictable. In this regard, novel power system Below, we present a stylized version of the SUC formulation
operation methods will be needed to properly size and allocate considering uncertain wind power forecasts [?]. Second, the
operational reserves, in order to ensure a reliable and cost- probability-based SRTs and the associated cost functions are
efficient operation of the power system. introduced. Last, the case study is introduced.
Stochastic formulations [?] of the unit commitment (UC)
problem endogenously account for the stochastic nature of
wind power generation. Typically, these optimization tech- A. Stochastic unit commitment
niques yield more cost-efficient UC schedules than their The objective of all UC formulations is to obtain the least-
deterministic equivalents [?]. However, the quality of the UC cost schedule that allows meeting the demand for electrical
schedule obtained with a stochastic UC (SUC) model fully energy subject to given operational constraints and uncertain
depends on the quality of the scenario generation and reduction wind power production. In a SUC model, the uncertainty is
techniques (SGT & SRT) used to produce a representative represented via a set of scenarios, including their probability of
set of scenarios [?]. A common flaw of these techniques is occurrence. The total operational cost (TOC) of generating the
that wind power generation is assumed to follow a probability demanded electrical energy over the considered time horizon
distribution which does not precisely fit empirical data or an includes the startup costs (si,j, ), the fuel costs (f ci,j, ), the
inability to identify critical scenarios [?]. Solution stability CO2 -emission costs (co2 ci,j, ), the ramping costs (rci,j, ) and
c 2016 IEEE the cost associated with load shedding (j, V OLL). The
objective function of the SUC problem reads
DK (Q, Q0 ) =min c(, 0 ) (, 0 )
min (sci,j, + f ci,j, + co2 ci,j, + rci,j, ) (3)
i j , 0
subject to , 0 : (, 0 ) 0
+ T P j, V OLL (1) (4)
j 0 : (, 0 ) = 0 (5)
The start-up costs, fuel costs, CO2 -emission costs and ramping
costs depend on the UC status and output of power plant i :
(, 0 ) = (6)
(set I) in time step j (set J) in scenario (set ). is 0
the probability of scenario and T P j, the volume of In this formulation c(, 0 ) is referred to as the cost function,
load shedding or energy not served (ENS) j, , valued at i.e. a measure to differentiate between two scenarios, such as
V OLL (the value of lost load). TP is the time period, here 15 a L2-norm. and 0 represent the probability of scenario
minutes or 0.25 hours. For slow generators, the UC schedule , 0 in sets and 0 respectively. (, 0 ) relates to the
is common to all the scenarios. Fast-starting units may have a joint probability distributions defined on the domain 0 .
scenario-dependent UC status. This optimization is subject to The Kantorovich distance is a measure of the probabilistic
a number of constraints. First, the demand and supply in each distance between two scenario sets and can thus be used to
scenario must be balanced: determine the optimal reduced set of scenarios that minimizes
j, : Dj j, = gi,j, +Wj, j, + gr,j, (2) the probabilistic difference between the original and the
i r reduced set of scenarios 0 .
The demand (Dj ) must be met by conventional generation The Kantorovich distance (??) can, for two stage problems
(gi,j, ), wind power (Wj, ), which can be curtailed (j, ) and under mild assumptions [?], be simplified to
and the net output of the pumped hydro energy storage X
PHES DK (Q, Q0 ) = min0 c(, 0 ) (7)
(PHES) units (index r, set R) in the system (gr,j, ). Load
shedding or wind power curtailment may occur if it reduces the
expected operational cost (e.g. by avoiding overly conservative Eq. (??) describes a NP-hard set-covering problem that is
and expensive UC schedules to meet the load in extreme, too large in scale to be practical in many applications [?].
unlikely scenarios) or if it allows meeting other operational Researchers have developed several heuristics to solve this
constraints (e.g. ramping constraints that would be violated problem in reasonable time, of which the fast forward and
by extreme ramps in the wind power output) [?]. Second, backward algorithm developed by Dupacova et al. [?] are
the conventional power plants are subjected to several tech- the best-known. In this paper, we will, similarly as in [?],
nical constraints, such as minimum and maximum loading focus on the fast forward algorithm. Although this heuristic
levels, ramping constraints and minimum up and down times. does not guarantee to select the set of scenarios with the
These constraints differ per fuel and technology. Finally, the lowest possible Kantorovich distance to the original set of
hydraulic constraints of a PHES system r are included via scenarios [?], the literature suggests that the solutions obtained
constraints on its energy content, charge and discharge rates. on reduced sets of scenarios, obtained via the fast forward
Depending on the case studied, the output of the PHES system algorithm, yield satisfactory results [?], [?]. The iterative fast
r might be common to all scenarios or scenario-dependent (see forward algorithm will select a set of scenarios 0 with a
Section ??). predefined cardinality from an original set of scenarios
Large scenario sets render the optimization problem in- in order to minimize the Kantorovich distance KD between
tractable, thus it is of critical importance to ex-ante identify the probability density distributions Q0 and Q of the reduced
and select those scenarios that drive the objective function and original set of scenarios respectively [?], [?]. Starting
and UC decisions of the SUC problem. The challenge here from an empty set, scenarios are selected one-by-one until the
lies in the ex-ante selection of scenarios: one needs to decide predefined number of scenarios or, in some cases, a certain
which scenarios will affect the solution of the problem, before Kantorovich distance is reached.
solving the stochastic problem. In the original SRT proposed by Dupacova et al. [?], the
cost function c(, 0 ) is given by
B. Scenario-reduction methods based on probability metrics c(, 0 ) = max{1, h(||0 ||), h(|| 0 0 ||)}|| 0 || (8)
As shown in [?], the Monge-Kantorovich mass transport with 0 some fixed element in and h a positive, continuous,
problem can be formulated as follows for two sets of discrete non-decreasing function. Typically, the cost function c(, 0 )
scenarios (scenarios ) and 0 (scenarios 0 ) with finite calculation is simplified to [?], [?]1 :
probability distributions Q and Q0 [?], [?]: sX
c(, 0 ) = || 0 ||2 = (Wj, Wj,0 )2 (9)

1 The use of higher order metrics may be considered to ensure the match
of higher order moments of the distributions represented by the reduced and
the original set of scenarios. This option has not been explored in this paper.
This cost function (??) only considers the amplitude of the DUC model considering the expected value of all wind power
wind power forecast to differentiate between the different scenarios, and (ii) N linear programming (LP) economic
scenarios. As illustrated in [?], the original SRT is indifferent dispatch (ED) problems, one for each scenario in the initial
to the variability of the wind power scenario. However, the scenario set . The LP problems can be solved in parallel
variability might have a significant impact on the objective and are not computationally demanding. Solving the MILP
function and optimal UC schedule for the problem at hand. DUC problem requires O(10s) to O(100s), but only needs
For example, the possible absence of highly variable scenarios to be solved once per scenario set. In contrast, the approach
might lead to a UC schedule that is not able to facilitate suggested in this paper would require solving N MILP UC
strongly fluctuating injections of wind power due the ramping problems. Although these may be solved in parallel, the result-
constraints of the scheduled units. In addition, cost function ing computational burden may render the suggested approach
(??) does not account for the impact of a scenario on the impractical. Therefore, we will approximate the operational
first-stage decisions, i.e. the UC schedule. For example, ex- cost of each MILP UC problem via a simplified UC model.
treme, but unlikely scenarios may strongly affect the first- This simplified MILP model considers the effiencies, minimal
stage decisions and the objective function of the stochastic and maximal power output of the power plants, but neglects
program. Although the proposed cost function is generic, thus all other technical constraints. This model can be solved in
widely applicable, it fails to recognize that the SRT cannot be O(1s) to O(10s).
decoupled from the SUC problem at hand.
C. Case study: data & assumptions
We therefore propose a new cost function c(, 0 ), inspired
by [?]. The goal is to capture the effect of the addition of a We study the performance of the discussed SRTs on a model
certain scenario to the reduced set of scenarios on the objective of a power system inspired by the Belgian power system,
function and first-stage decision variables of the SUC problem. as in [?]. We assume a 30% wind energy penetration on an
The proposed cost function c(, 0 ) is given by annual, energy basis. The demand profile and wind power data
were obtained from Elia, the Belgian TSO, for the year 2013.
c(, 0 ) = |z z0 | (10)
The conventional generation fleet consists of 71 power plants
in which z represents the objective value of the deterministic and combined-heat-and-power plants, with a total of 13,920
single-scenario equivalent of the SUC problem at hand, in MW of dispatchable capacity [?]. The nominal efficiency of
which the set of wind power forecast error scenarios is each power plant is based on its type, fuel and age. The
replaced by the realization in scenario . Morales et al. other technical characteristics of the power plants are based on
calculate the cost of the one-scenario equivalent problem with ENTSO-E data [?]. One PHES system has been included, with
fixed first-stage decision variables, i.e. the UC schedule. The a maximum capacity of 1,308 MW, a charge and discharge
value of these first-stage decision variables has been obtained efficiency of 75% and a storage capacity of 3,924 MWh. The
from the expected value problem corresponding to the SUC minimum energy content of the storage facility is set to 10%
problem, i.e. a deterministic UC (DUC) problem in which of its capacity. The maintenance costs of all generation assets,
wind power forecast is replaced by the expected value of including the energy storage facility, are neglected. The CO2 -
the set of wind power forecasts. By definition, this approach price is assumed to be 10 e/ton CO2 . V OLL is set to 10,000
is risk-averse: during the calculation of the operational cost e/MWh. Curtailment of wind power is not penalized. The
of the one-scenario equivalent, failing to meet the demand planning horizon considered in the optimization is 24 hours
will lead to load shedding, which is penalized at a very high and the time step is 15 minutes.
cost (V OLL). The cost function c(, 0 ) is thus governed To ensure a fair comparison between the different UC
by difference in ENS-volumes in the one-scenario equivalent models, each SRT starts from the same set of 500 scenarios
problems, which results in a scenario set with predominantly describing the uncertain wind power forecast. The wind power
lower-than-average wind power output scenarios [?]. forecast scenarios for each day were generated as discussed
In this paper, in contrast to the cost function proposed by in [?], based on a statistical description of the forecast error
Morales et al., the first stage decision variables are not fixed developed in [?]. The Monte-Carlo ED simulations to evaluate
in the one-scenario equivalent DUC problems. Cost function the performance of the UC models are executed on a new set
(??) allows us to capture the possible benefits of different UC of 500 scenarios. During the Monte-Carlo ED simulations,
decisions. Scenarios with a lower-than-average wind power the output of all scheduled units, spinning and non-spinning,
output will be characterized by higher fuel costs and vice and the PHES system is optimized assuming perfect foresight
versa. Moreover, the variability of the wind power output will of each wind power scenario. The ED simulations provide a
affect the resulting operational cost, which allows identifying proxy of the expected reliability and operational system cost
particularly challenging wind power scenarios. of the calculated UC schedule.
Compared to the approach of Dupacova et al., the calcula-
tion of the cost function (??) may become computationally III. R ESULTS & D ISCUSSION
challenging. In the approach proposed by Morales et al., First, we study the performance of the SRTs on the first
solving this one-scenario equivalent problem requires solving day of week 39. On this particular day, the forecasted wind
(i) one mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem, a output ramps up from 1,000 MW to 6,000 MW, capable
Total operational cost (UC) Total expected operational cost (ED) Calculation time (UC)
Total operational cost (Me)

Total operational cost (Me)

Calculation time (h)

Calculation time (h)

4 4
10 10

2 5 2 5

0 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of scenarios () Number of scenarios ()
(a) Random scenario selection (b) Fast-forward SRT by Dupacova et al. [?]

1 1
Total operational cost (Me)

Total operational cost (Me)

Calculation time (h)

Calculation time (h)

4 0.9 4 0.9
10 10

0.8 0.8
28 29 30 5 28 29 30 5
2 2

0 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 5 10 15 20 25 30
Number of scenarios () Number of scenarios ()
(c) Fast-forward SRT by Morales et al. [?] (d) Fast-forward SRT proposed in this paper

Fig. 1: A random, equiprobable subset of scenarios (Fig. ??) outperforms the SRT as proposed by Dupacova et al. [?] (Fig.
??). Although the modification by Morales et al. [?] (Fig. ??) leads to a quick convergence to a stable solution, the risk-averse
character of the SRT leads to an overly conservative UC schedule. The cost function proposed in this paper leads to a stable
solution (Fig. ??). The calculation time (right axis) rises quickly with the number of scenarios considered.

of covering approx. 47% of the demand. For the stability (extreme) scenarios. Consequently, the expected total cost
analysis, we only address the simplest SUC problem: scenario- after Monte-Carlo ED evaluation decreases considerably as the
dependent UC statuses are not allowed (no non-spinning volume of ENS (ED) decreases. A stable, unbiased solution is
reserves) and the output of the PHES system is assumed to reached when both values (i.e. the total operational cost of the
be common to all scenarios. This analysis allows estimating UC optimization and the expected total operational cost after
the minimum number of scenarios required to reach solution Monte-Carlo ED evaluation) are approximately the same and
stability. Second, in a four-week analysis (Section ??), we will do not change considerably with the addition of more scenarios
explore the impact of relaxing these assumptions. Four SRTs in the SUC problem [?]. Randomly selecting scenarios or
are considered. In addition to the SRTs proposed by Dupacova using the SRT proposed by Dupacova et al. does not yield
et al. (from hereon Dupacova) , Morales et al. (Morales) a stable solution. On this particular day, the performance of
and the method proposed in this paper (Bruninx), we also both methods is similar. Only when considering scenario sets
consider a subset of randomly selected, equiprobable scenarios obtained via the approaches suggested by Morales et al. and
(Random) as a benchmark. in this paper, solution stability is reached when considering 30
The model is implemented in GAMS 24.4 and MATLAB scenarios. The risk-averse character of the method proposed
2011b. CPLEX 12.6 is used as solver. Calculations are run on by Morales et al. allows reaching stable solutions with small
the ThinKing HPC cluster of the KU Leuven, using a 2.8 GHz scenario sets (in this case, as of 10 scenarios), but leads to
machine with 20 cores and 64 GB of RAM. The duality gap an overly conservative UC schedule. The total operational
was set at 0.5%. cost is (i) overestimated and (ii) sub-optimal compared to that
obtained with the SRT suggested in this paper (Fig. ??-??).
A. Stability analysis
Figure ?? summarizes the results of the stability analysis. The underlying cause of these differences in performance is
As more scenarios are considered during UC optimization, the visualized in Fig. ??. Figure ?? shows the distribution of the
total operational cost during UC scheduling increases as a UC error according to the original, large scenario set (dashed line)
schedule is calculated that hedges the system against more and the distribution of the error as represented via reduced
Random Dupacova Morales Bruninx 100

100 101

Probability (-)
Probability (-)

101 102
0.6 1 1.4

4,000 2,000 0 2,000 4,000 5 10 15 20
Forecast error  (MW) Total expected operational cost ED (Me)
(a) Distribution of the forecast error based on 30 scenarios, obtained (b) Distribution of the operational cost after Monte Carlo ED
with 4 different SRTs. The dotted line indicates the original distribution. simulation, based on a UC schedule obtained considering 30 scenarios.

Fig. 2: If the reduced scenario set does not capture the tails of the distribution (Fig. ??), the resulting UC schedule is (i)
inadeaquate to prevent load shedding during dispatch (Random, Dupacova - Fig. ??) or (ii) overly conservative, which does
not allow capturing the benefits of positive forecast errors (Morales - Fig. ??).

scenario sets, obtained with the four methods discussed above for all weeks and all SRTs. These highly flexible units and
(solid lines). The scenario sets obtained with the random energy storage systems allow following the demand more
SRT or the approach suggested by Dupacova et al. fail to closely, i.e. with less online capacity. However, this increases
capture the left tail of the forecast error distribution. As a the importance of identifying critical scenarios. Failing to
result, load shedding occurs in some scenarios during dispatch, select critical scenarios effectively leads to scheduling too little
resulting in the peaks in the operational cost distribution at capacity, which results in ENS, thus high expected TOCs,
high operational cost levels (Fig. ??). The scenario set obtained during dispatch, as illustrated in Table ??. Especially in weeks
with the approach proposed by Morales et al. overemphasizes with high wind shares (WS), such as week 39 and 52, this may
the occurance of negative forecast errors and drastically un- drastically increase the expected TOC (ED).
derestimates the probability of positive forecast errors. The Second, large differences are apparent between the results
resulting UC schedule is overly conservative, which leads to (i) obtained with different SRTs. As expected, the random SRT
a very low probability of load shedding (no scenarios with high performs worst: high volumes of load shedding in the Monte
operational costs), but (ii) an inability to profit from increases Carlo ED simulation results indicate that the random SRT
of wind power (low probability of low operational cost). triggered an inadequate UC schedule, over all weeks and
B. Quantitative comparison UC strategies. Although employing the SRT as proposed by
Table ?? compares the results of the Monte-Carlo ED Dupacova et al. results in less ENS, the expected TOC (ED)
evaluations of the UC schedules obtained considering 30 still strongly exceeds that of the UC problem. The results
scenarios, selected from an initial set of 500 scenarios per day obtained on scenario sets selected with the method of Morales
using four different SRTs. Three UC strategies are evaluated. et al. and the method proposed in this paper are, in general,
In the first strategy (SR) only online capacity may be used similar. Both allow selecting a scenario set that triggers an
to meet the demand in all scenarios. The output profile of the adequate UC schedule, resulting in low ENS volumes and low
PHES is common to all scenarios. In the second strategy (SR, expected TOC during dispatch.
PHES), this non-anticipativity constraint on the output of However, more subtle differences between the Morales
the PHES system is dropped. Last, non-spinning reserves are and Bruninx-based results are found in Table ??. The risk-
allowed (SR, PHES, NSR) by allowing a scenario-dependent averse character of the SRT proposed by Morales et al. results
UC status for fast-starting units. Four representative weeks in more scheduled capacity, effectively increasing the expected
were selected based on the residual demand, i.e. the demand TOC during the UC phase. The difference in expected TOC
minus the expected wind power generation. The week with (UC vs. ED) can be as high as 2.2 Me or 8%. This risk-
the residual demand closest to the average weekly demand for averseness does lead to low ENS volumes, which results in
electrical energy (week 30), the week with the lowest residual low expected TOC (ED). Note however that in our case study,
demand (week 52), the week with the highest residual energy one does not incur any cost for not-dispatched, scheduled non-
demand (week 9) and the week with the highest variability in spinning reserves or curtailment, which favors risk-averse UC
the residual load profile (week 39) were selected. schedules. Using the SRT proposed in this paper, the resulting
Several trends can be identified in Table ??. First, the expected TOC obtained from the UC phase is, in eight out of
introduction of more flexibility providers (non-spinning re- twelve cases, closer to the expected TOC of the Monte-Carlo
serves, PHES) results in more cost-effective UC schedules ED evaluation. The risk-neutral scenario set allows correctly
TABLE I: Comparison of the four SRTs during four representative weeks, considering three UC strategies: units scheduled in
all scenarios may be used to meet demand (SR), PHES-based flexibility may be used (PHES) and fast-starting units may
be scheduled with a scenario-dependent UC status (NSR). All values are given per week. TOC is the total operational cost
and ENS the Energy Not Supplied volume. WS is the Share of Wind energy in the total demand for electrical energy.
SRT Random (Risk neutral) Dupacova (Risk neutral) Morales (Risk averse) Bruninx (Risk neutral)
Flexibility providers SR SR SR SR SR SR SR SR SR SR SR SR
W52 (WS 86.3%) W39 (WS 52.3%) W9 (WS 13.5%) W30 (WS 10.6%)

E[TOC UC] [Me] 13.80 13.53 13.26 13.97 13.64 13.18 14.22 14.04 13.51 14.01 13.61 13.10
without ENS 13.77 13.50 13.07 13.91 13.61 13.15 14.21 14.03 13.49 13.86 13.59 13.09
E[ENS UC] [MWh] 2.21 3.21 19.09 6.16 2.95 3.69 1.47 1.32 1.71 15.52 2.26 0.81
E[TOC ED] [Me] 13.72 15.38 15.01 13.71 14.42 13.60 13.69 13.57 13.01 13.65 13.95 13.32
without ENS 13.51 13.33 12.96 13.60 13.38 12.96 13.67 13.53 12.96 13.59 13.39 12.96
E[ENS ED] [MWh] 20.31 204.46 205.27 11.35 103.73 63.68 1.64 4.69 5.44 5.46 55.92 36.01
E[WUF ED] [%] 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
E[TOC UC] [Me] 28.79 28.47 27.72 28.36 28.04 27.29 30.61 28.73 29.17 28.70 28.81 27.47
without ENS 28.77 28.07 27.33 28.25 28.03 27.15 30.36 28.65 28.94 28.69 28.25 27.41
E[ENS UC] [MWh] 1.92 40.20 39.10 11.17 1.14 14.12 24.55 8.02 22.90 1.82 56.13 6.05
E[TOC ED] [Me] 28.43 33.55 31.08 28.49 30.06 28.21 28.43 28.11 27.23 28.26 28.95 27.42
without ENS 28.20 27.58 26.94 27.88 27.66 26.99 28.43 27.94 27.10 28.23 27.85 27.10
E[ENS ED] [MWh] 22.66 596.58 414.03 61.18 240.15 122.12 0.95 16.56 12.77 2.77 109.51 31.48
E[WUF ED] [%] 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
E[TOC UC] [Me] 7.60 6.93 6.06 7.33 7.05 6.01 8.60 8.10 6.74 8.17 7.75 6.44
without ENS 7.55 6.92 6.01 7.31 7.03 5.96 8.42 7.99 6.73 8.05 7.50 6.35
E[ENS UC] [MWh] 5.18 1.56 5.42 1.94 1.71 5.82 18.67 10.89 1.06 12.15 24.92 8.85
E[TOC ED] [Me] 10.06 17.93 17.57 9.90 11.90 12.21 8.12 8.12 6.73 8.10 8.52 6.33
without ENS 7.41 6.83 6.00 7.21 6.96 5.74 7.95 7.58 6.25 7.86 7.36 5.60
E[ENS ED] [MWh] 265.71 1110.45 1156.98 269.66 493.95 646.90 17.67 54.03 48.32 24.19 115.46 73.16
E[WUF ED] [%] 96.8 97.2 98.1 97.4 97.4 98.3 96.0 96.7 98.0 96.6 96.4 97.9
E[TOC UC] [Me] 2.49 4.47 2.20 2.56 2.46 2.12 3.10 2.82 - 2.82 2.75 2.31
without ENS 2.49 4.47 2.19 2.55 2.43 2.10 2.95 2.76 - 2.80 2.72 2.31
E[ENS UC] [MWh] 0.06 0.13 0.70 0.67 3.74 2.07 14.26 6.14 - 1.63 2.50 0.30
E[TOC ED] [Me] 5.63 10.29 10.51 3.92 6.85 7.07 2.95 3.00 - 3.23 4.18 3.11
without ENS 2.47 4.49 2.24 2.53 2.45 2.19 2.72 2.68 - 2.75 2.71 2.28
E[ENS ED] [MWh] 316.02 579.67 827.42 138.71 440.00 488.22 23.06 31.62 - 47.79 146.57 82.58
E[WUF ED] [%] 92.6 94.7 94.7 93.0 94.1 95.5 90.8 95.2 - 93.9 94.8 94.8

evaluating the expected cost of load shedding and the expected was stopped due to the imposed time limit (100,000 seconds).
cost of scheduling additional capacity. Due to the limited In one case, no solution was found (week 52, Morales, SR,
number of scenarios, the probability of load shedding during NSR & PHES). In all other cases, the dual gap was below
ED on some particular days may however be underestimated. 3.8%. SUC problems considering scenario sets obtained with
In seven cases, this leads to an expected TOC during dispatch the SRT proposed by Morales et al. and Dupacova et al. were
that exceeds that obtained with the UC schedule corresponding typically more difficult to solve, but no clear trends could be
to the Morales SRT (see Table ??), typically the result of high identified.
ENS volumes on one day in these weeks. This can however
be resolved by considering more scenarios in the UC phase,
as the expected TOC without the cost of ENS in Table ?? Uncertainty in power systems can be adequately in-
illustrates. Selecting more scenarios will increase the expected corporated in short-term power system scheduling models
TOC of the UC phase and lower the expected volume of ENS, through using stochastic programming-techniques. The re-
hence expected TOC, of the ED phase. This effect is much sulting stochastic unit commitment models employ a direct
stronger for the solutions based on scenario sets obtained with representation of the uncertainty under the form of discrete
the SRT proposed in this paper than for those obtained with scenarios to optimally trade-off (i) the socio-economic cost of
the technique proposed by Morales et al. Indeed, the difference load shedding and curtailment of excess electricity generation
in expected ENS volumes is much smaller for these solutions, from renewable energy sources and (ii) the cost of reserve
indicating a much smaller potential for improvement. provision and deployment. However, the quality of this trade-
off is fully dependent on the considered scenarios. Computa-
C. Computational performance tional tractability requires the set used to be sufficiently small.
The calculation time to solve a SUC model is O(104 s). It is therefore critical to ex-ante define those scenarios that
Considering all SRTs and UC strategies, the median calcula- will trigger the optimal unit commitment schedule, without
tion times is approx. 22,000 seconds. In 75% of all cases an affecting the solution stability.
optimal solution is reached in 51,000 seconds. In approx. 20% Probability distance-based scenario reduction techniques
of all cases, the dual gap is not reached and the optimization (SRTs) are by far the most-used SRTs. Various cost functions,
i.e. metrics to distinguish between two scenarios in these SRTs,
are in use. In an extensive numerical case study, we show that
different cost functions may have a significant impact on the
scenarios selected and the resulting total operational cost. The
cost function proposed by Dupacova et al. is generic, thus
readily applicable in a wide range of problems, but leads to
poor results in a stochastic unit commitment setting. The risk-
averse character of the cost function proposed by Morales et
al. leads to low energy not served volumes and low expected
operational costs, but may be over-conservative. We propose
a risk-neutral cost function, which allows reaching a stable
solution with a scenario set of reasonable size.
This research may be strengthened in the following ways.
First, the numerical analysis presented above may be extended.
For example, the impact of other power system characteristics,
longer time periods, larger scenario sets and other sources
of uncertainty may be tested. Second, the presented research
would greatly benefit from further positioning w.r.t. recently
published SRTs, such as the moment matching-inspired tech-
niques proposed by Papavasiliou et al. [?], [?] and Li et al. [?]
or novel clustering techniques, developed by, a.o., Feng and
Ryan [?], [?], [?].

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